#synthetic rubber track
laterosal · 2 months
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♤ Blind Heat | Chigiri Hyoma x Reader
▽ featuring: chigiri hyoma x fem reader … no repost on any platforms © laterosal 2024 … a female track student who jokingly confesses to (shitty? personality) chigiri … word count: 3.4k
📌 AO3 | one-shot
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Sprint race, straightaway. 100 meters… Your eyes wandered down your lane. Lane 5.
“On your marks!”
You stretched out your arms, your long, wavy hair tied into a high ponytail. Another day, another run with the wind. Your spikes dug into the synthetic rubber, and you positioned yourself in the starter position on the starting blocks.
Your eyes are full of a fiery passion as you pull into a complete set position, with your teammates next to you. You held in your breath—
As the gun went off, you felt a sense of rush in your head, a thought to reach the end. Your legs were burning by the 50-meter mark—Were you wanting an extra boost to the end..?
You felt your steps falter, a realization that most of your teammates were in front of you now. A final push, and you made it to the end.
“15.39, L/N.” Your coach nodded as he clicked a button on the stopwatch. Your breathing grew sporadic as you stood in front of your coach, trying to catch your breath. “Consistent timing, though. Not bad.”
“Thank you.” First year in high school, and for practice, you were put in Varsity with the other girls who have trained for two-three years. Not many female students enjoyed Track and Field, after all, since most of the students only joined due to their talent or passion. For you, the latter.
“Nice job, Y/N-kun. You’ve improved since the first practice.” Your friend, Nori Ayaka, the captain of the Girls Track and Field team, fist-bumped you. “You just need a final push at the end. Overall, your form was great, so no need to worry about that.” She gave you a warm smile.
“Thank you, thank you.” You inhaled a deep breath, turning to the stands in the school stadium. “Oh—Who’s that?” You pointed at a boy wearing your school uniform with reddish-pink neck-length hair, with crutches laying on the stands next to him.
“Ah. You don’t know anything about the football people, hm? That’s Chigiri Hyoma—pretty cocky on the field, until he tore his ACL recently.” You cringed at the mention of an injury, since you often thought how an injury could ruin your life, your career on the track as well…
“Is he alright?” Ayaka stared blankly at you when she heard you murmur the words.
“What’s that about?”
“He looks…” You scrunch your eyebrows together. Sad. That didn’t seem like it fit his aura—his eyes that looked like his sole purpose of life was gone. “Defeated.” You nodded slightly, thinking that the word best suited Hyoma Chigiri’s spiraling emotions.
“I guess. I mean, yeah.” Ayaka shrugged knowingly. “It’s like for us; if you tore your ACL, it would be more difficult…” To continue your life on the track. “I pity him, honestly.” Your friend sighed dramatically. “Enough with this sad talk. Go finish up your cooldown with the others, and you can head out after. See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
“‘Morrow,” you murmured. “Ayaka-kun.”
You finished up your cooldown workout with the other girls, ending practice with a fistbump between each other. You turned your head around, noticing Hyoma Chigiri still on the stands, his eyes peering at each one of you guys. You made your way to the stands, plopping next to him, a towel wrapped around your neck as you brushed off the sweat still dripping down your face.
“Hey. You’re Hyoma-san, right?” You cocked your head to the left as he noticed you next to him. His dull, magenta eyes were visibly annoyed, as if he didn’t want to hear any more words coming out of you. You suppressed a sigh, knowing that it would be difficult to talk to Chigiri Hyoma.
“Are you also here to dramatize how my talent is wasted? Save yourself a breath.” Chigiri hissed angrily. You sat up straighter, your interest piqued.
“‘Also?’ Hyoma-san, are you being bu—” He shoved his hand on your mouth.
“Don’t. And I don’t need another one of you guys pitying me.” He released his hand on your mouth.
“I wasn’t even going to bring up your football career. Not that I even know anything about that.” You murmured as you saw Chigiri going for the crutches.
“Then what?” He stared at you intently. “I’m sorry, I’m not interested in being in a relationship with you.” Chigiri Hyoma huffed. “So? What else do you need, if you still aren’t budging?”
A smile tugged on your lips. “Well, I was going to ask you why you were so interested in sitting here on the stands alone.” You shrugged. “And you’ve been here for a while, since most likely before my last 100-meter dash practice to after practice.”
He frowned, his magenta eyes dimming.
“I have my reasons.” He dragged a hand along his face. “And stop bothering me.”
“If you didn’t want to be bothered, you didn’t have to say anything to me in the first place.” You retorted. You winced at the slight sharpness in your voice. “Sorry.”
He clicked his tongue, before half-heartedly waving at you.
He maneuvered down the stands with his crutches, and you were tempted to help him. Though, you assumed that Chigiri Hyoma would most likely refuse your assistance and call you bothersome again.
The rest of the day passed by smoothly as you rushed back home, stepping into the shower to feel the warm water trail down your skin. Chigiri Hyoma… He seemed like a pretty blunt kid. Even after you tugged on your pajamas and stuffed your dinner into your mouth, as you shut off the lamp light to go to sleep, you still thought of his words. “I’m sorry, I’m not interested in being in a relationship with you.” You kick your feet under the bed cover as you giggle yet again. He thought you were going to confess to him.
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“I’m surprised you’re here in the library. You don’t seem like the type of studious person.” You grinned at Chigiri Hyoma. “Is this seat empty?”
“Rejected. Stop bothering me, dumbass.” Chigiri Hyoma didn’t even look up from the book he was reading from. He flipped to the next page, not bothering to look at you. His crutches seemed to have disappeared, too, as you noticed that nothing laid beside him.
Your mouth dropped as he called you a dumbass.
“‘Dumbass.’ Dumbass? Excuse me? And do you think I’m even trying to confess to you?” You feigned being shocked. “Oh, maybe I should pretend I’m confessing to you. Oh, my, Chigiri. Can I, like, have your phone number? You’re so cute~” You mimed gagging. “Bleh. You’re not even my type.”
Chigiri frowned as he closed his book shut. You heard him murmur for a second.
“... a first.”
You grinned at him again.
“Well, then I’ll stop. You continue on with reading your book, Prince Panther.”
He scowled as he heard the nickname, then swiveled to you, getting a better glance at you. You had your hair up in a bun; on one side, some strands that you braided were carefully tucked behind your ear.
“I’ll confess to you another day, then.” Your grin was more wide this time, full of mischief. “I’ll just continue bothering you, Prince Panther.”
“I hope that was a joke, dumbass.” He returned to his now-shut book, a loud sigh escaping his mouth.
“Okay, okay. See you later on the track, maybe?” You leaned in more forward to see what Chigiri Hyoma was reading. You crinkle your nose as you see unfamiliar—foreign words on the pages. “English? What the… English freak, Prince Panther.” You rolled your eyes as you slung your backpack on one of your shoulders again, heading out of the library. Behind you, Chigiri Hyoma looked up from his book and stared at you again. A dumbass who didn’t even look at Chigiri Hyoma romantically. A first, really. His heart fluttered as he saw your figure disappear into the crowded hallways.
A daily routine turned into a weekly, then monthly routine. Everyday after school, you would catch Chigiri Hyoma staring at you as you tried your best to improve your 100-meter times. After practice, you would tease him relentlessly and pretend you were trying to confess to him again. He would roll his eyes, tell you that you were a dumbass, and the day ended there. You noticed that instead of being so blunt like the first time you’ve met him, he seemed to speak a little more gently towards you. Although sometimes, you would let him know the day before about another track meet—so there were days you and him never met up together.
Now, it was almost summertime, the heat finally catching up to you as you trudged to school early in the morning.
“Mornin’, Ayaka.” You waved at her as you lifted up your droopy head. “It’s too hot, and I just want to jump into the swimming pool…”
Ayaka burst into laughter.
“At least the track season ended yesterday, yeah?” Ayaka folded her arms as you both walked into the school. “No more running under that demonic Sun trying to kill us. The heat, really, is unbearable.” She fanned herself with her hand to cool down.
You stared dead into her eyes.
“What? Track season ended? I thought we still had practice…” You blinked in confusion.
“You really weren’t listening yesterday, hm? I can probably tell you why.” Ayaka’s eyes twinkled in mischief.
“Oh, yeah? Why might that be? Is it because of summer? Or am I just really, really exhausted… Oh, it’s the heat. The heat is catching up to me. For sure.”
“Neither, actually. You can be so clueless sometimes, Y/N-kun.” Ayaka’s smirk creeped up her face. “You’re always so bright and full of energy every time Coach announces that practice is over. Actually, I take that back. The heat, to some degree, is catching up to you.”
“Huh?” You scratched your head. “Wait, so I wasn’t listening to Coach because I was so excited that practice would end? And what ‘heat, to some degree?’”
Ayaka rolled her eyes.
“Uh-sure, I—” Ayaka started.
“Wake up, dumbass.” Chigiri gently smacked your shoulder, then walked right past you to his homeroom class.
“Oh—Hey.” You saw Chigiri strolling past you, his reddish hair now halfway to shoulder-length.
“Speaking of the devil…” Ayaka’s grin grew wider and wider. “Man, you two have really gotten closer than ever. You’re probably his only friend in the school, you know.”
“Huh? He doesn’t have any friends from football?” You snapped your head up.
“Do you guys not text and talk about these things?”
“I… didn’t even ask him for his phone number.” You cackled as you realized that your past interactions all started because you were “pretending to flirt and confess” to Chigiri Hyoma.
“Pfft—” Ayaka raised her eyebrows knowingly. “Oh well. I mean, no, I guess, since he being the cocky bastard from before—Well, you know. Most people looked up to him and envied his talent but didn’t want to be friends with such a blunt person.”
“Oh. I didn’t…”
“Oh well. He looks a lot happier when he’s around you, you know that?” Ayaka sighed dreamily. “I’m envious of you, Y/N-kun.”
You smacked her head playfully.
“That’s enough teasing me, Ayaka-kun.” Your face was blushed, the tips of your ears reddening. “Plus, he doesn’t even like me.”
“Uh, uh. And now you’re really, really—”
“No more teasing me, Ayaka-kun.”
Both of you walked to your separate homeroom classes, waving at each other with Ayaka casually mouthing: “I’ll root for you no matter what, Y/N!”
You rolled your eyes and swatted in the air as if physically dismissing her words.
His phone number… His phone number….
During lunch, you found Chigiri Hyoma yet again immersed in another English book. His reddish hair was easily spotted in the library, and you casually slid into the seat next to him.
“So, Hyoma-san—Your phone number, please.” You batted your eyelashes at him, who still continued reading. “Hyoma-san, your phone number!”
“I don’t know if this is another half-assed attempt on your joke-flirting or not anymore.” Chigiri scrunched his eyebrows together. “So? Rejected, for every joke-confession that you have ever uttered to me…”
“Wait.” You paused suddenly, staring at Chigiri blankly. “What did you just say?” Your mouth dropped open as you processed his words.
“That I’m going to reject each and every joke-confession you’re going to..?” You grinned at him as you mouthed: “That was not a confession.”
His face flushed, and he put the back of his hand to his face.
“You thought that was meant to be another confession? No, I was genuinely asking you. Plus, what do you think will happen if I actually confessed to you?” You smiled at him, batting your eyelashes.
“Then I’ll drop you.” You groaned as he returned to his book.
“You’re no fun, Hyoma-san.”
“Neither are you. Let me continue on with reading, since you disrupt me every lunch period to bug me.”
“Whatever.” You left the library with a silly grin on your face. What if you confessed to Chigiri Hyoma, someone with the shittiest personality?
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“Were you waiting for someone?” You tip-toed to get a better glance at Chigiri Hyoma. “You don’t seem like the type to wait for anyone.”
“And you don’t seem like the type to question everything I do.” Chigiri Hyoma rolled his eyes. “But you are, and you do.” The end bell had just rung, and you were tempted to run back home to get started on the anime and k-dramas you wanted to binge-watch, with microwaved popcorn and blankets surrounding you in a cozy environment. Chigiri Hyoma stood in front of the school gates, folding his arms as he noticed you with the same mischievous grin.
“Who were you waiting for?”
“You. Who else, dumbass?” Chigiri Hyoma frowned as you cocked your head to one side.
“What, are you here to bring me on a date~” You teased Chigiri Hyoma.
“Yeah.” You choked on your spit as you stared at him in shock. You froze in your step, widening your eyes.
“Okay then, date it is. Where are we going?”
“My house.” You coughed some more, inhaling a fresh breath in.
“Are you just casually inviting me to your house?” You smacked him in the shoulder, leaning against his arm. He walked a few steps, hesitated, then reached for your hand nearest to his—locking them together. You didn’t breathe the whole way you walked to Chigiri Hyoma’s house, with you nervously padding on the sidewalk. “My house…” His house… Your palms felt sweaty as you arrived at his house, hearing a cheerful voice from inside the house.
“Ma, Hyoma-chan is back! Oh, and with a pretty girl, too!” A girl, with the same reddish hair below her shoulders, smiled warmly at you. “Hyoma, is this your girlfriend?”
“Stop it, nee-san,” Chigiri Hyoma’s face was flushed when his sister teased him. “She’s just a friend.”
Your step faltered as you followed behind him. Just a friend? You suppressed a sigh, staring at his flowy hair. You seemed to want more, even after all those joke-confessions. Maybe… you didn’t just want to confess to him jokingly.
“Y/N, are you alright?” You snapped your head up as Chigiri Hyoma his hand up to your forehead. “You don’t seem to have a fever… or anything.” He stared at you intently.
“I’m alright, really.” You forced a smile, the familiar eccedentesiastical manners you often showed to strangers in the school hallways. She’s just a friend. Boundaries, Y/N. Boundaries.
“Okay.” He linked his hands with yours. “Come on in. Ma made some food—and some extra, since you’ll be our guest.”
“Ah, no, it’s alright. I don’t want to disrupt—”
“Don’t be shy now, Y/N.” You snorted and finally accepted his invitation to eat dinner with his family.
The food Chigiri Hyoma’s mother made was delish—the warm miso soup and sushi she had made by hand—followed by karinto manju for dessert. Chigiri Hyoma’s eyes lit up like a child receiving a Christmas gift when he saw the plate of karinto manju on the dining table as his mother asked us all to dig in.
“Thank you for the dinner, Mrs. Chigiri.” You smiled at her after stuffing a karinto manju into your mouth, then adding: “Oh, I’ll help with the dishes.”
“No-no-no,” Mrs. Chigiri shook her head. “Hyoma, take care of Y/N. Oh, that is your name, right?” You nodded. “No need for cleaning up. You’re our guest, after all.” Mrs. Chigiri leaned in close to you. “Plus, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Chigiri Hyoma make new friends and invite them over. He seems really happy now, with you here.”
After some waving off from his mother, you finally gave in and followed Chigiri Hyoma to his room. Happy… with you here.
“You’re persistent, huh.” Chigiri Hyoma raised his eyebrows at you. “Though I’m glad you’re willing to help.”
You shrugged, taking a look at Chigiri Hyoma’s room. Everything was organized, as even the blankets were folded neatly on the bed. The window blinds were slightly tilted downwards, the sunlight seeping into the dark bedroom.
“I’m used to doing things alone, anyway.”
“Oh.” He sat on the ground, leaning against the side of his bed. “Here, sit down next to me.”
You hugged your knees to your chest as you stared at his eyes full of energy, contrasting the eyes you noticed when you first met him. You instinctively reached for his hair, then started braiding it. He didn’t seem to mind; rather, he stared at you as you continued on with your intricate work of weaving strands of hair together.
“Would you ever get into a relationship?” You murmured as you unclipped a hair clip from your hair to clip his braid together. “Aw, look at you.”
He snorted as he touched his hair gingerly, as if viewing a valuable work of art.
“Maybe… someday.”
“I see. Waiting for the perfect girl, yeah?” A smile tugged on your lips as your eyes were laced with pain.
“... clueless.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re a dumbass, that’s all.”
“What would someone say as a confession… for you to accept?” You asked quietly, fidgeting with the loose strands.
“Who cares about that?” Chigiri Hyoma drew his eyebrows together as if annoyed. “I mean, it doesn’t even matter what words they use to confess.”
“Okay. Even if the confession sounds far-fetched?”
Chigiri Hyoma shrugged, responding with: “Sure, I guess.”
“I… like you, Hyoma-san.” Blush crawled onto your face as you averted your eyes, fidgeting with your hands while feeling your heart pound against your chest. Done. And that’s all. You shut your eyes together, bracing for the worst.
You felt his hand slip under your chin, lifting your head higher.
“May I?”
Your eyes met, his soft pink eyes that gazed at your lips, a desire for a gentle kiss. You nodded gently as he leaned forward, caressing your flushed cheeks, then pressed his lips firmly against yours. Surprised, you pulled away, feeling the soft breaths between you two. The electricity of the kiss sent a shiver down your spine as his eyes longed for more.
“Waiting for the perfect girl?‘” His voice softened. “It’s you, Y/N. I already know it’s you.”
“How would you not think that my confession was a joke?” You murmured as you leaned against his shoulder in the bedroom, closing your eyes shut.
“Because… you’re you. And you never directly confessed to me like that.” He put his hand over yours as you fidgeted with your clothing. “Your eyes tell me a lot, too.” You pop open your eyes, staring at his grin. “You always seem full of energy every time you leave practice, too.”
“Oh, Ayaka also mentioned that.” Your thoughts wandered to when both you and Ayaka were walking into school, talking about Chigiri Hyoma.
“It’s not unnoticeable. Your feelings, I mean.” Chigiri Hyoma chuckled as he kissed your forehead, your cheeks heating up.
“Then why did you tell your sister that I was just a friend?” Your voice tightened as you fiddled with his hand, eyes wandering up the walls as if viewing a beautiful artwork.
He hesitated to answer.
“You’re not. I just didn’t want my sister to tease me any further. She’s… very observational.”
“So she knew you liked me?”
“Yeah. Did you not?” He stared at you in surprise, his dark pink eyes twinkling in the shadows of the bedroom. “I thought…”
“Maybe I am a dumbass, then.”
“Then, dumbass, do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow?”
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corazondebeskar-reads · 8 months
I'll take care of you
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dark!Din Djarin x gn!reader
originally for Febuwhump 2024 Day 1 - helpless | Febuwhump masterlist
words: 882
summary: Din takes care of you after a head injury leaves you helpless.
warnings: dark, dark!Din, gaslighting, graphic descriptions of injury, restraints, manipulation, violence, no y/n, reader has hair of unspecified length and no other description
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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It’s blurry. Everything, that is. You try to reach to rub your eyes, but the cuff jerks you still. 
Same shit, different day. You wish you’d start remembering faster when you wake up. 
The mornings you do wake up, that is. 
You know you’re missing days. It’s hard, with how the room spins, to keep track of anything. 
“Good morning, cyar’ika. How do you feel?” says the smooth baritone, like fresh caramel dripping onto a sundae. It’s a warm comfort.
Until it grows cold and hardens, that is. His hand shoots out and grips your jaw. “What have I said about answering me when I speak to you?” 
He’s quick to anger today. So you’ll likely be bed-bound again. 
“Sorry, cyare,” you mumble. Using the pet name placates him, and his hand relaxes but doesn’t leave you, gloved thumb brushing your bottom lip. 
You don’t even know if he’s flesh and bone. His cock would lead you to believe so, but the rest of him is cold metal, and they make good synthetics nowadays. 
You don’t want to ask. It’s something you’re sure you should know, and sometimes, the things you’ve forgotten upset him. You guess you’d be upset, too, if your spouse forgot you. 
“It’s okay. I know it’s hard when you’re still all scrambled.” He moves like he’s going to ruffle your hair, but all you feel is the grinding, bruising pain as his hand grips and jostles your head. 
He’s rustling with the restraints, and you try to tamp down any and all emotion. He says it’s okay, that it’s normal for you to have intense feelings, all things considered. 
But sometimes you seem to have the wrong feeling, and he doesn’t like that very much. 
Once your wrists are unhooked, he helps you to stand on trembling legs. Walking makes you so dizzy, so he always makes sure he can support you. 
That’s one thing you can’t deny despite the pain and forgetfulness. He’s so attentive while you’re helpless. He never leaves you to struggle. It’s obvious he’s a good husband—maybe even the romantic type, doting and considerate. 
He lets you use the fresher by yourself but helps you stand up and settle the tunic back down around your body. It’s the only clothing you have on. Other than thick wool socks with rubber grips, that is. He says it’s not safe to walk without them. 
You’re sad to be led back to bed, and it must show. 
“How about I stay for a while, and you can have a break from the cuffs?” he offers. 
It works, and you brighten up a little. “Thank you, Din.”
He still makes you sit in bed, but you can hardly be cross. He’s sitting with you and keeping you safe. 
After all, that’s how you got hurt in the first place, he said. Falling off the bed like a silly little thing and cracking your head. 
Your dreams recall it quite differently. When you do dream, he’s there too. But he’s bigger. Scarier. And so angry. So, so angry. 
You always wake up before your head collides with the wall. 
Here, in the waking world, he holds you against his cold steel body. You’re inclined again to think he’s flesh underneath as warmth radiates from the leather and duraweave between the plates. He’s reading to you softly from a datapad since it still makes your head hurt when you try.
Which means he’s right there against you when it happens. You sit up, clutching your forehead. 
“What’s wrong?” he says.
“I don’t know,” you say through a dry, tacky mouth. Your head is pounding, and when you look at him, so is your heart. Not with love, that is, but with terror.
It must be written across your face because he stiffens.
“Who are you?” you whisper.
“Cyar’ika,” he says carefully, raising both hands as if he means no harm. “You had an accident. You’ve had a severe head injury. Your memories keep coming and going.”
You’ve heard this before. You don’t believe him this time.
“You know me. I’m your husband, Din.”
You shake your head, wincing. “I want the truth.” Because what’s undeniable now is that it wasn’t a dream. This bulking beast of a man had cornered you in an alley behind the cantina after your shift. 
He sighs, but there’s a new placating lilt to his voice when he responds. “Fine,” he murmurs, standing up. He comes around the bed and you back into the wall. Trapped. 
“You want the truth?” he says, voice low and sultry. Smug. His hand comes up to brush your cheek. “You need me, cyar’ika. You were out there all alone and scared. No one to care for you. No one to protect you.”
“You kidnapped me.”
“Hardly,” he scoffs. “You’ve always been mine. You just didn’t know it. But now that we’re together…”
He reaches into the many pouches around his waist and surfaces with a small syringe, the overhead light glinting off the needle’s shiny point. 
“We can do this one of two ways, cyar’ika. You can be good and do as I say. Or,” and he wiggles the needle in the air. “I can make sure you’re good. Either way, I promise I’ll take care of you.”
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tulipanthousa · 1 month
not sure if this belongs here or on the sfw blog so I'll do it here to be safe
since Janus was like "hey I'm glad we have the twins but I never want to be pregnant again," the birth control question that got postponed in SBYF is now in my head again. what's the birth control situation like in Pieces verse? do they have condoms, or is it more along the lines of "track your periods and pray" lmao
also, is it different for nobles vs common folk? and what's the societal attitude towards using birth control in this universe?
(only if you want to answer + it's not a spoiler!)
i'm torn between this being a universe where the birth control plant the romans used exists and was not driven to extinction before it could be domesticated and made universally available
or just stretching the technology timeline a little farther and making hormonal birth control a thing - the first hormonal birth control was put on the market in 1960, and i normally stop off at 1950 max so its not that much of a stretch
either way, there is some kind of oral contraceptive involved. if i go with the pill, it would probably be like Enovid, an early birth control which had the prototypical 21 days of pills and 7 days of placebo, so it could be used in conjunction with the rhythm method (aka the tracking you mentioned)
and i think they probably do use condoms (commercially available since the 1860s, and animal-skin based diaphrams and the like have been recorded as far back as antiquity), but not every time, just during points in janus's cycle where he'd be theoretically ovulating, as an extra layer of protection. rubber would be the most historically accurate for a synthetic one, so i think they would probably go with skin. animal skin condoms are perfectly safe for fluid-bonded couples, they dont block STDs but niether of them have ever had sex with anyone else so thats not a concern, and also the idea of rubber touching business makes me wanna gag so i dont want to think about it aksjdhaksjdhkj
so while they are not super hardline at every possible avenue, they do become overall pretty careful.
as for whether or not janus would choose abort an oopsie baby, i feel like that plotline has an uncomfortable potential for either me accidentally getting preachy as fuck about reproductive rights in my fic, or inviting rancid discourse into my ask, so i dont plan on exploring it at any point. its not going to be a concern because theyre fictional and im writing it, but you can headcanon as you please (though i would prefer if you didnt send any especially inflammatory takes to my inbox)
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nightmaremonarch · 1 year
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ballora redesign!!! feel free to use the redesign (w credit pls :o]) long explanation below!!! rest of the sister location animatronics coming later, lmk if u guys wanna see any more redesigns :)
imo the sister location animatronics were WAY too sleek for the period of time they were meant to originate in. unlike the previous games, they didn't have that grungy-spooky-stinky feel and just felt more…. sci-fi than anything.. which didn’t make sense when sister location came out, but is clearly the direction fnaf is going in….. so anyways!! here's where the redesign comes in!
(also apologies if the "no support layer" thing doesn't make sense, lol, that's referencing my reference sheet i made a while ago for my redesigned au thing!! ill make another one in the future)
anyways!! in this au, unlike the rest of the animatronics, all the sister location animatronics are made of rubber! the wires inside are for the purpose of not only making the rubber feel more realistic when it's pressed, but bulking up the interior of the animatronics. i feel like afton takes a more realistic and kinda wrinkly approach to animatronics so all the animatronics are less cartoony than the ones he & henry (or just henry) made.
anyways, to add to realism, ballora's clothes are real (except the shoes) and she can actually walk! i know in an obscure steam comment he said she walks around on a track or something but if they're rented out where's anybody gonna get the track??? so. chunky but walkable feet (horrifying statement). YIPPEE!!
the bun on her head is also synthetic hair because i think that's more fun and the silly disguise pins (or whatever they are) are more naturally integrated into her design.
there's also the thing with the face plates being missing... so! controversial but i think they're ugly and if i were a kid i would've shat my pants it i saw their platey asses! so instead i replaced it with a simple two face plate system + hinge joint combo so maintenance on them would be easier, because, you know, they're rubber. i didn't want to add too many because just one would work!! i know it's an iconic part of the design so i had to keep it while also incorporating it into the redesign :) she's still got all her original functions, the au's only changing the appearance of the animatronics.
all that stated im not an engineer. im just silly. so if anything doesn't make sense mechanical wise. Oh well. i made all the redesigns a LONG WHILE AGO so there are some things i would change, but. i needed to get these out. lol. anyways!! posting the rest of the designs later!!
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miyabinopenguin · 1 year
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August is around the corner once again and with it, our favourite date, KdFd day! In Japan, Summer mean festivals, watermelon, and cicadas. When the days are long and the heat is suffocating, people use their imagination to have fun and refresh themselves. So come with us to celebrate our beloved ship of the two playmakers, Kidou Yuuto and Fudou Akio. This year's event will take place from August 8 to August 14. Don't forget to add the hashtag #KidoFudoWeek2023 in each post! We will track and reblog your contributions to the event 💜.
Any kind of contribution is acceptable. Fan Art, Fan Fics, AMVs, etc.
Mature content is allowed, just properly tag it.
You can add other characters too, but the main focus should be KidoFudo.
You will have two themes to choose or 7 prompts to combine if you don't have enough time but still want to participate!
08/08 Day 1: Wind Chime | Detective vs Thief AU 09/08 Day 2: Yukata | Mix Max AU 10/08 Day 3: Kakigori | Fantasy AU 11/08 Day 4: Water Balloon | Omegaverse AU 12/08 Day 5: Animal Mask | Red String of Fate AU 13/08 Day 6 : Sparkler | Aliea Stone (Evil) AU 14/08 Day 7: Free Day!
Wind Chime: Also called Furin in Japan. It's a small bell usually found hanging from the balconies and porches of Japanese houses in summer. The season is not complete without the distinctive ringing sound of the Furin, a staple of Japan’s long, hot summers.
Yukata: A robe usually made of cotton or synthetic fabric, wrapped around the body and fastened with a sash (obi). While it means “bathing cloth” people use them for more than that. Going to a Summer Festival or a Hot Spring (Onsen) isn't the same if not wearing it.
Kakigori: A Japanese shaved ice dessert flavored with syrup and a sweetener. What's more summery than eating a Kakigori while eluding the sun? Japanese love ice creams, popsicles and Kakigori to help them when the day is too much hot.
Water Balloon: A small water balloon filled with air and water used in the game Yo-Yo Tsuri, one of the main charms of Summer Festivals in Japan. It is attached to a rubber string which has a loop on the end. You use a “fishing pole” which is a paper string with a metal hook attached to the end of it to try and pick up the water balloon by the loop before the paper disintegrates.
Animal Mask: While some people believe that they were originally meant to protect people from evil spirits now people wear them just to have fun and honor their culture. While walking around a Summer Festival, it's easy to see a lot of different masks, from Animals like foxes to anime characters like Doraemon.
Sparkler: What do you think when thinking about Summer Festivals? Fireworks are a must. Sparklers are just a little version of fireworks people light to have fun in the humid summer nights.
Have Fun!!
-Mods Starline (@starline-art) & Rose (@miyabinopenguin).
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ultramagicalternate · 5 months
ULTRAMagic Interlude: Shadowland Chapter 26
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After the delightful lunch, Gabriella and Weaver briefly retired to a lounge to let their food settle before heading out. Noticing a magazine on a coffee table, Weaver picked it up and began looking through it. “Fashion? Hum… What the? Hey, Gabriella, what’s with all these demons wearing these weird clothes?”
“Oh it’s just the current fashion trend. Rubber and synthetic fabrics are in right now. Not my cup of tea personally as I prefer clothes that breathe.”
“Jeez, none of this looks practical in the slightest…”
“They really aren’t. I’m hoping things shift towards traditional Victorian dress. I can’t get enough of that aesthetic… as you can certainly tell. Of course due to Inferno being non-linear in time, we have an ungodly amount of fashion to choose from.”
“I see. Heh, that’s not bad… So what was in before this?”
“Roaring 20s. It was probably because we had an influx of… well, um, perhaps I should spare you the details. Point is that people are fickle about what they wear and we’re very open to new ideas here in Inferno.”
Weaver continued to flip through until he got to a section that made him set the magazine down. “Good lord, that’s unheard of back home, haha.”
Gabriella chuckled. “Be careful, some of those issues tend to get a bit risque. Just as a heads up, my mom is into that kind of clothing. She loves sleek and shiny and even has a red bodysuit for the more adult centered social gatherings.”
“Yeah, I noticed some of the mannequins over there… Not going to lie, I wouldn’t mind trying some of that stuff on…”
“Truth be told, I don't hate tight and fully covering attire, I just can’t bring myself to wear it for prolonged periods of time. Mother is an arcane scientist, but she’s also a fashion designer by night. I’ve tried on some of her prototype outfits and it was fun, but not something I’d do on the regular. If you want to help her out with that stuff, feel free to let her know.”
“Arcane scientist… is that like an alchemist?”
“Yes, but her profession is a bit more broad.”
Getting back on track, Weaver had a chuckle. “How do you go from a woman of science to a fashion designer and back again like that?”
Gabriella smiled and shook her head. “That’s just who she is. I’d argue seeking satisfaction and pleasure like that runs counter to the pursuit of knowledge, but she makes it work. I cannot criticize her without acknowledging that my pursuit of knowledge puts me at risk, more so than her.”
Weaver got up to stretch. “To each their own.” Walking over to the bookshelf, he began thumbing through until he found something that interested him. “All of these look pretty eerie… what are they?”
“Oh, be careful, Weaver. A good portion of those books are more than just books if you catch my meaning. Some of them are what you would call cursed or hexed. I’m not sure how they’d affect you if you read them…”
He pulled out one that was a reflective black. It had glowing red runes all over the front cover. The pages were much the same, being quite odd to flip through. “What’s this one? It’s… it’s…” Weaver began going through the pages with fervor, his eyes widening as eldritch knowledge poured into his mind.
Gabriella noticed this and stroked the spine of the book with two fingers, causing it to quiver. She then snapped her fingers several times in front of his face. “Weaver! Can you hear me?”
“Huh? What? Oh yeah… what was that?”
She looked at the book, noticing that a black goo had formed over his hands. “Oh dear, that’s not good…” Seemingly aware, the book retracted the goo back into it. “That book is… that book is…” She noticed Valentina in the entrance way. “Mom, where did you get that book?”
“Stolon sent it to me to tinker with after his most recent assignment. It was in the depths of Miranda, appearing to be a grimoire of sorts. Mind if I ask what you two saw in it?”
“Um… something about Void magic?” Weaver replied, somewhat unsure of what he witnessed.
“How fascinating. Stolon could probably tell you more about it” Valentina pointed out. “Either way, I guess it’s yours now, Weaver. Books like that are incredibly finicky.”
“Oh, really? Well I guess so if that’s how it works…”
Xavier walked over, frowning at the book. “Yes. Now please get it out of here. It’s been flying around, causing messes all over the place…”
Valentina had a look of regret on her face. “Oh my, It has? I’m so sorry, Xavier…”
He smiled. “Don’t worry about it too much. I like you guys too much to stay mad at you.”
Gabriella sighed. “Well I suppose all of this is our cue to go deliver that package then…”
“Sure,” Weaver agreed as the book vanished. It was still there, just out of the way for the time being.
Collecting what they needed, Valentina saw Weaver and Gabriella off as they left the mansion. Xavier pulled his car up to the entrance, offering to drive the two to where they needed to go. Stolon’s mansion was close, but not close enough for a reasonable walk. As they drove, Weaver noticed that they were not leaving the land exactly, just going off in another direction. Gabriella explained that in the past, King Paimon had gifted land the size of a small country to his underling, Zaem. Zaem further invited some of his friends and coworkers to come live with him, dividing the land equally amongst them.
“Wow, this Zaem sounds pretty generous,” Weaver observed.
“Indeed,” Gabriella replied. “He’s also working towards a spot on The Infernal Council of Order, seeking to succeed Paimon.”
“And I think he’s going to pull it off,” Xavier stated. “He’s finishing up his 5 year trial period soon and his record is sterling.”
Weaver got out his book and began skimming through it. “Well that’s good to hear. I hope he gets the position then.”
After some more driving, Xavier pulled up to the entrance of Stolon’s mansion. “And here we are. I’m going to head back. Give me a call if you need me to come get you for whatever reason.”
“Will do, Xavier. Thanks,” Gabriella said as she got out and shut the door.
“Thanks for the ride,” Weaver replied.
Stolon’s mansion had a more regal appearance to it, something that was apparent from the outset. Gabriella went up and rang the doorbell, which gave off a melodic series of chimes. “Hopefully Stolas is here today.”
The ornate doors opened, revealing a bulky, older gentleman with a stern look on his face. This gave way to a smile once he saw who was at the door. “Gabriella, how wonderful to see you” he welcomed in a gruff, British voice.
“Hello, Sullivan. Is Stolon home? Mom has a package for him.”
“You’re in luck, as the master arrived home not too long ago. Before anything else, however, who is this young man?”
“This is Weaver Craddock. He’s a blacksmith from Shadowland. He’s also my boyfriend.”
“Wonderful. Welcome to the house of Stolon, Mr. Craddock. Please, come on in.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sullivan,” he replied as they all went inside.
Sullivan stepped over to a phone of sorts and pressed a few buttons. He then spoke into the microphone. “Master Stolon, Gabriella has arrived with your package from Valentina.”
As the three waited in the parlor overlooking a fountain garden, Weaver started to look around. This mansion shared similarities with Valentina’s, but it felt like royals lived in this one. There were more refined paintings, heirlooms were on display here and there, and trophies were all over the place. He could tell that Stolon’s family was very prestigious and proud of their achievements. Weaver wanted to ask about some of the awards, but two children ran past before he could. Sullivan immediately went after them, ordering them to cease running in the mansion.
“Who were they?” Weaver asked.
“Forlas and Stoltur, two of Stolas’ younger brothers” Gabriella answered.
“I’ll have to apologize to Sullivan for that as it was my fault for getting them so excited, haha” an older, Irish voice said. Weaver turned to see a man with long, dark hair that trailed off into what looked like feathers. He had a face full of facial hair and dark eyes that were trained like a bird’s eyes. “Gabriella, great to have you back, lass” he stated as he straightened out his tuxedo.
“Thank you, Stolon. It’s great to be back. Things were a bit heated in The Unlight, but I had to come home for a breather.” She handed him the package. “Here you go by the way.”
“Excellent, but I’ll have to tend to this later. The missus is off in the gardens with the kids for a picnic and I need to get back to them. Before I do, who’s this gentleman?”
Gabriella smiled. “Stolon, this is Weaver Craddock, a blacksmith from Shadowland. We’ve been fighting together and, well, he’s my boyfriend now.”
Stolon promptly shook Weaver’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Weaver. Fighting the good fight against those troublemaking Proch’s, I presume?”
He nodded. “Yup. Finally got the upper hand on that rat Milosh after demolishing his dumb cult’s church.”
“Very good! Very good indeed. Truth be told, I’ve been begging Dragoslava Raynot to summon me to get a part of the action, ha. Speaking of which, Gabriella, you were in The Iron City, weren’t you? How is Drago doing?”
“Good, good. Desislav and her were all over the place last time I checked… that was about two weeks ago, but I imagine not much has changed.”
“Ah, I see. And Blood-Wraith, how is that starry-eyed lad doing?”
“Um, well, he seems to be a bit worried as of late. Worried about a lot of things…”
“Oh dear, that’s not ideal. I’ll have to make plans to go visit them then. Maybe bring them here for one of our picnics.”
Weaver nodded, then realized something. “Oh, sir? Not to jump subjects, but what is this?” He inquired as he got out his book.
Stolon took a moment, then gave a laugh. “That is a void grimoire, my boy. Looks like the one I handed off to Valentina. I’d dare say it’s chosen you as its owner.”
“I see. Well Aureolus is going to be thrilled… also can’t wait to show Dunja this. So what’s the deal behind it? In where it came from. I’ve seen this kind of stuff before, but this one is vastly different.”
Stolon cleared his throat. “Not too long ago I was tasked with dealing with a living planet from The Dark Void, or the shadow of the Cosmos. The eldritch object in question had wandered into Earth’s solar system, looking to merge with Earth itself. My team and I put a stop to it, isolating the interloper in orbit around the ice giant, Uranus. We had to implement a cover story afterwards that it was a moon called Miranda that’s always been there. Evidently the entity is female. As for that book, Pruflas was tasked with looking after Miranda and began poking around. He sent a whole bunch of those books back and tasked us with studying them…”
“Master Stolon?” Sullivan said as he stood in the parlor entrance, holding Forlas and Stoltur’s hands. “I believe these two are overdue to go outside.”
“Most certainly,” Stolon replied with another laugh. He then turned to Weaver and Gabriella. “I’ll be outside if you two need me. If you’re looking for Stolas, he’s in his room, stargazing.”
As Stolon left with his boys, Gabriella took Weaver up a winding staircase to the third floor. “Gabriella, what kind of demons are Stolon’s family?” He asked.
“Corvidae. Stolon and Stolas are ravens. Forlas and Stoltur? They’re bluejays. As for Sullivan, he’s from another family of eagle demons.”
“Neat. Are there other animal based demons out there?”
“Naturally. If you can think of it, there’s probably a demon for it.”
The third floor was a hallway with many rooms on each wall. At the end of the hallway was a door with Stolas’ name on it. The wall and door were decorated with carvings and etchings of constellations, something Stolas had requested. Gabriella knocked on the door several times and waited. She mentioned that Stolas had a habit of getting engrossed in his hobbies, so he would probably be a minute. After a little bit of waiting, the door opened with a soft creaking. The two were greeted by a slightly unkempt, youthful man with dark hair and eyes.
After rubbing his face with a cloth, the man got a good look at who was at his door. “Gabriella, is that you!?”
“Hey, Stolas…”
“Gabriella!” He exclaimed as he gave her a big, friend’s hug. “You’ve been so busy as of late. How have you’ve been?”
“Fantastic. A bit roughed up while exploring, but still fine.”
“You must tell me all about it and The Unlight, posthaste!” Stolas then looked at Weaver. “Oh Hello, who’s this?”
“Weaver Craddock, nice to meet you” he replied as he held out his hand.
“He’s a blacksmith from Shadowland I’ve been working with. He’s also my boyfriend” Gabriella explained.
“Oh…” Stolas hesitated as he looked at Weaver’s rough and calloused hand. “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you, Weaver. Come on in, both of you. Just, um, mind the mess. I was doing some writing and taking notes on an epiphany I had. It was a very good research session.”
The three moved around tables and stacks of books to a miniature lounge. It sat underneath a platform that held a huge telescope that stuck out of the domed roof and ceiling. Across from them was Stolas’ sleeping quarters. Weaver could tell from the sheer volume of bookshelves and scientific instruments that Stolas was a scholar. It all reminded him of Claudius’ mansion and Sten’s libraries.
“Are Zasiel and Cynassa free at the moment?” Gabriella inquired.
“No, Unfortunately. They’re off having fun at a fashion show in New Paradiso…”
“Huh, since when were they the fashion types?”
“Tanya. She even tried to rope me into it, ha.”
“Who’s Tanya?” Weaver asked.
“Zasiel’s girlfriend. She’s also another Angel native to Inferno.”
Stolas placed a stack of paper, several quills, and multiple inkwells on the lounge table. “Now Gabriella, tell me everything you can about The Unlight. Don’t worry about me, I’m ready to write.”
Gabriella chuckled. “Alright then. It’ll be quite the tale though…”
“Again, fine with me. And Weaver, don’t be shy. If you have anything you want to share, go on right ahead.”
“Oh, okay then. I’ll let Gabriella start, however.”
She took a breath. “Where do I even begin?”
Next: Chapter 27
ULTRAMagic Alternate © 2022 William Ford II (ChaoticTempleKnight)
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shroudandsands · 1 year
Prompt #17, Extra Credit: Blood
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“Gun- Gun- Gunslinger- Hawk-” The static came in the middle of hysterical laughter. Raucous. Joyful. Pained.
Weaponsfire seared the air. Plasma scorched even the darkest pieces of the midnight alleys. Circuits and bone and artificial memories screamed in the arching shadows like neon. Copper wiring with magnetic spirals as plasma bolts in magnetic remnants spun by them, electricity in the air that coursed along her skin and down her fingertips. Gunshots. Gunshots. Gunshots. It had just rained. The puddles were evaporating. Water and mineral content changing. Not the acid-tinged rain. Not the runoff filled with particulate plastic and rubber. Iron. Blood. It reverberated with the screaming. With the gunfire. Her fingertips scrabbled as the night drowned out her voice, as the one currently fighting couldn’t turn away. There were so many after all. Where had they come from? No evidence on any network. No trace in the silicon. No touch could elevate her senses into finding them in footage or local magnetic effects. But here they were now, and here they were now. Bullets scraped the sheet metal wall as she finally found it. She tore off the access panel, the metal groaning and screaming in time with the combat. Could it be heard over it all? She could certainly feel it. She could feel the echo of it in every sensor even as they focused on tracking every projectile that rocketed by. How could she feel so powerless in all of this? Certainly she wasn’t made for being a combatant but she had some of the best military tech money could buy put into this body, not even speaking on software- No time, no time, milliseconds were screaming by and signals were closing in. Coming closer, gunfire louder, her combatant charge cursing as she fumbled for ammunition. And then it all went black.
Not for her, no. Far from it. For her? The world couldn’t be clearer. Her tail was jammed straight into the junction box. The entire sector’s power supply at her fingertips. Enough voltage to fry any human so insane, enough current to melt any synthetic that could ever hope to imagine. But for her? The mimicked taste of copper and ozone on her body’s sensors only let her know that her laughter had become laced with the high pitched scream of high voltage.  
Fuses blew, breakers popped, lights went dark, machines fell dead, as all in that moment was hers. All in that moment was made to bend to her, to come to her, to feed her. “Gunslinger.” The AM-3S unit spoke. A voice of one, a chorus of more. “Watch.” And the city came to life under the weight of a mind. Pylons roared into brilliant plasma arcs, neon bulbs sparked and exploded, ancient machinery lost beneath the asphalt screamed through the surface. All of it her hands, all of it her fingertips, all of it bleeding her senses and bleeding her life. The datastream of multitudes as network and networked rose in tandem, as circuit and copper and old-world PCB responded to her just as the body of one did. Human-lethal pressure waves, human-lethal temperature, human-lethal particulate as blood and bone vaporized under the renewed life of a mind that had been confined from ten thousand senses down to one. And still the unit stood close to her gunslinger. A smile on its face. The cables trailing behind it still sparking and frying in the junction box. Further and further the blackout spread. And louder and louder the voltage laughed. Drive off these attackers, protect herself, protect this charge, follow her protocols to the letter and she could have it all. She could have her network, this body, her mind and all that it entailed, she could be free of it all and take what she wanted in this cesspool that she had been born into-
Blackout. Cut off. Her tail snapped back into her body, her mind pulled back as a cord which had stretched too far. Face down in the water. Iron percentage: 34%. Correction, as her last thought plugged through her remaining charge. Face down in the blood.
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Equipment Pointed Ankh — From Inside the House (Bruit Direct Disques)
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From Inside the House by Equipment Pointed Ankh
“Belmont Hand Wash” tilts and wobbles, a junkyard percussion cadence marking time and space, as close, dissonant sax notes blurt in from the sides. Charming like a wind-up toy, but with some dangerous edges, the tune explores chaos in a framework of tight discipline, wild blots of brass bursting through the tick-tocky measures.  
Equipment Pointed Ankh is a gang of Louisville, KY improvisers who prove, once again, that the people who commit to oddity in the heartland really commit. These tracks bounce and jitter like they want to dance, but then tip sideways into lush string synth lyricism, inscrutable spoken word, and, in one cases, the sound of soda sucked through a straw.
And yet, they’re all rather beautiful, in a jump-cut, robot-dreaming way. “Late Night AI” frolics in a space-age toy town. It’s precise and playful but with bits of Sun Ra cosmic jazz floating in from the ether.  “Rubber Slacks” pursues a hard, vibrating beat, like a jaw harp but clearly synthetic. The edges are so sharp you pull your hand back, stung, from sudden contact. And yet, wild, wiggy interjections pierce the surface, the wild vibrato of horror movie organ, the squeaking of doors, squalls of intemperate noises, someone shouting “check, check, check.” There’s a lot going on. It flies in all directions, without, somehow, ever falling apart.
The title piece is the album’s natural center, allowing wavery tone-washes and cascades of electronic sound to frame spoken word. “The stone gives the river its shape,” observes the speaker in a flat midwestern drawl, at one point before slipping back under a curtain of sensation. And later, “I’m making plans for the flowers that don’t include me.” It’s elliptical, possibly nonsense, but also indeniably transporting.  
This has all been going on, apparently, since the mid-teens, and in Kentucky (the cool part of Kentucky, but still). It’s enough to give you pause the next time you’re about to say something dismissive about the red states or the south or whatever else has earned your scorn. Instead, let’s pour one out for the beautiful weirdos in unlikely places, doing what they do.
Jennifer Kelly
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phasmasum · 6 months
⁽ ᴾᴿᴼᴹᴾᵀ ⁾ 𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗣𝗢𝗡𝗦𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗔𝗗𝗜𝗡𝗚 . . .
‟ That   all   you   got   in   you?   Pathetic. ”   The   sweltering   heat   beat   down   on   sweat   soaked   backs,   a   thin   shirt   clinging   to   his   skin   as   his   shoes   dug   into   the   synthetic   rubber   running   track   beneath   their   feet.   Lap   after   lap   after   lap,   a   relentless   routine   that   would   make   any   man   drop   to   his   knees   after   long   enough.   Ghost   was   far   from   impressed   with   all   he’d   witnessed   today;   the   willingness   to   just   give   up.   
‟ You go on ahead. I'll catch up in a minute. ” said @fairesky.
‟ No   man   left   behind,   Fair ...   not   even the   weak   ones   like   you. ”      The   taunting   that   falls   off   his   tongue   is   tied   into   the   rigorous   process   of   whipping   subordinates   into   shape,   with   every   intent   to   mold   them   into   impenetrable   weapons.   Steeled   persistence   and   thick   skin.   A   firm,   gloved   smack   connects   with   Zack’s   shoulder,   shoving   him   forward   on   the   track. ‟ Now,   c’mon,   c’mon,   c’mon!   Six   more   laps,   so   get   fucking   moving! ”
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herbalsingularitea · 2 years
Holly Jolly (Chapter 5)
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Summary - “What’s, uh—what’s going on out here?” He said looking between Holly and the deer at her side. At his voice, Dancer perked up and gave a happy haw when she spotted him. She trotted over to him and pushed her nose against his hair. He grabbed his hat to keep it in place with one hand and patted her cheek with the other. 
“Tiny Dancer here showed up about a half hour ago. Looking for you, I’m guessing.”
Pairing - Bernard/OC
Word Count - 4150
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Chapter 5 - I'll Be Home For Christmas
(January 1st, evening) 
“We need more dye and plastic pellets!”
“Someone spilled all the liquid latex! Rubber ball production is at a standstill!”
“We can’t go ahead with these moldings until Bernard approves these designs!”
“The lifts in the storage room aren’t working. Again!”
“Someone left three bags of synthetic fiber lying next to the furnace and it’s a melted mess! How are we supposed to sew the animal stuffies now?”
“Where’s Bernard?”
“Tell Bernard I need to speak with him right away!”
“Has anyone seen the Head Elf? This is an emergency!” 
His head was spinning as the short blonde elf frantically ran around the workshop helping with what he could and taking notes to give to Bernard whenever he came back from wherever he was. This was a disaster! Bernard hadn’t been there when everyone showed up for work in the morning. He wasn’t in his office. He wasn’t in the workshop. No one had heard a peep from him all day. 
This had never happened before, ever, and Curtis was full on panicking. 
He stopped in his tracks, almost running over the concerned looking Head of the Spirit Department. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and tried to catch his breath. “J-Judy! Where’s Bernard?”
“I was hoping you knew that! I haven’t heard from him since yesterday.”
“Me neither. I can’t find him anywhere and he isn’t answering his messages or even reading them!”
Judy looked scared now. “That’s not good. Have you checked his home?”
“I don’t know where he lives. Do you think he’s sick, maybe?”
“He wouldn’t have missed work even if he was. This isn’t normal at all. We should go check and see if he’s okay.”
He wrung his hands together nervously. “But what about the Workshop! Someone’s gotta keep things going while Bernard’s away.”
A new voice cut in at that moment, chilling them both to the bone. “Too true! Perhaps I could be of some assistance?” Jack Frost called up at them from the lower level, smiling as he strolled up the stairs to meet them. 
Curtis looked confused as he took in the frosty legend. “Jack Frost? What are you doing here?”
Judy, however, looked on edge. Her smile was wide, but strained. “He came to check on us before. Isn’t that kind, Curtis?” Curtis nodded nonplussed, eyebrows pinched together. She turned to face Jack. “So you’re staying longer?”
“A spur of the moment decision, but a fortunate one as well since you all seem to be down a Santa AND an Arch Elf now.”
“We were just on our way to retrieve our Head Elf, actually.”
“Retrieve him from where exactly? Surely he didn’t sleep in. That would be quite careless of him, and awfully inconsiderate, don’t you think?”
Curtis opened his mouth, but Judy grabbed his wrist and answered herself. “He’s down south, actually.  Checking in with Santa. That’s our Bernard, always on the go!” 
Jack looked suspiciously between the two elves. “And you’re going to retrieve him, are you? I wasn’t aware someone other than the Arch Elf was able to” he made a poof noise and wiggled his fingers in the air “sparkle away somewhere.” 
“We can’t!” Curtis blurted out. “We’re taking the reindeer, of course. Prancer’s been wanting to stretch her legs, new baby and all. Poor thing needs a break.”  
Jack hummed thoughtfully. Silence stretched as the three stood in a stalemate. “I see. Well, if you all need any help, don’t hesitate to ask! I’d hate for you darling little elves to be behind on Christmas.”
The herald of winter clapped his hands with finality and streaked away into the village. Judy’s shoulders dropped in relief and she faced Curtis. 
“The Core teams will just have to handle things on their own for now. We need to find Bernard, quick. Follow me.” 
Bernard’s home was a cozy little two story in the oldest district of Santa’s Village, Stellaris, and the last house on SC Lane. It had belonged to the previous Head Elf, Raj, who had lived there with his wife and daughter. But now it was just Bernard who habited the cottage. 
The Old Workshop was about a block south, renovated into a fresh market that vendors from all over the elf world would come to set up shop and sell their wares. Besides that, it was mostly residential, with big brick and stone houses sparsed here and there and a great lake, eternally frozen and separating the district from the frozen wasteland outside the barrier. 
The space hadn’t been properly laid out for the large-scale operation that Santa Claus and his toys had turned into over the years, so the current Workshop had been built along with the bustling shops and apartments in the Downtown Nord district. Bernard had a place he owned right beside the current Workshop, just to sleep in when things were especially busy and he couldn’t afford to be too far away. They’d checked it out already, but he wasn’t there. 
Judy pulled out a key and unlocked the front door of Bernard’s cottage, Curtis watching with a raised brow. 
“Don’t look at me like that. It’s not at all what you’re thinking.”
“It’s just a bit unusual for 'just-friends' to have keys to each other’s places, that’s all.”
“Curtis, when you’ve known someone as long as I’ve known Bernard, stuff like that isn’t strange at all. He’s a very dear friend, that’s it. Besides, I don’t swing that way.”
The blonde elf’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh! Uh, no? I didn’t know that about you.”
“Yep. Me and my girlfriend, Belle, have been together for over 600 years now.” She smiled. 
“That’s good, I mean, good for you.” 
Curtis looked like he wanted to say something else, but thought better of it and shook his head dismissively. 
They stepped quietly into the foyer. The house was cold and silent, the coat stand beside the door was bare, and a thin layer of dust coated the pictures on the side table in the entrance hall. It looked like nobody had been here for quite a while. Curtis stepped forward to take a closer look at the pictures. Bernard was only in a couple of them. One was a painted picture with him and Judy dressed in fashions that hadn’t been popular for at least 1300 years. They stood at the same height in the picture, Curtis noted with wonder. Bernard had been so small, his hair a little wilder and his ears a tad too big for his head, but perhaps that was a mistake on the artist’s part. The picture beside it was of a more recognizable Bernard standing beside Raj. Painters back then weren't the best at capturing motion so everyone stood stiffly beside each other, but the twinkle of happiness in Bernard’s eye was telling. The remaining pictures were photographs, some in black and white of various things in the village: Dancer in her stable, Judy and another lady elf with a cup of cocoa smiling proudly at the camera, a candid of Downtown during a Spirit Festival, Betty standing with arms behind her back and a ribbon on her collar. 
“Bernard! Are you up there?” Judy called up the stairs, but neither elf expected an answer. He wasn’t there either. 
“Judy, what are we going to do? We need Bernard.”
“Let’s just keep calm, okay? We’re no use to anyone if we start panicking. I think it’s time we take this to Elfcon.”
Curtis nodded solemnly. They locked the front door behind them and started the trek back to the Workshop, worry for their beloved boss hanging like a cloud around them both. 
Holly was concerned. Her lip worried between her teeth as she glanced over at the sleeping man still laid out on her rug. It had been almost 18 hours and he was still completely dead to the world. She’d tried tip-toeing around and being as quiet and considerate as possible when she first woke up and found him still asleep, but now she didn’t even bother. She had banged pots and pans, cooked breakfast and lunch at this point, and had a whole radio conversation with Dr. Branson. Bernard hadn’t even twitched. 
He whimpered a bit at one point, but she’d put a gentle hand on his arm and he’d seemed comforted enough to settle back into a quiet slumber. He hadn’t moved much since then. 
He really had been running on fumes. Holly’s heart clenched thinking of how much he must have pushed himself to get to that point. She knew all too well the damage that could be dealt to a body when wrapped up in hustle culture. She was one of the youngest researchers on the team and the only one who had been given a field assignment. That wasn’t for nothing—she’d given blood, sweat, and tears to be here. And a recurrent spinal injury at 24. She still needed to wear a neck brace sometimes and the early onset arthritis wasn’t exactly pleasant either. 
Bernard would need to take it easier from now on. She would make him if she had to. This just wasn’t healthy. She was torn between shaking him awake to give him a piece of her mind and just letting him rest for as long as he needed to. 
She hadn’t quite made a decision on which she’d go with when she heard a noise outside. She went still as she listened harder and heard the crunching of snow as something walked about her camp, its 4-legged gait distinctly not human. 
This was bad. If a polar bear had stumbled into her camp, then this could get very deadly, very fast. She had a reinforced metallic panic chamber for just such an occasion, but it was a tight squeeze for even one person, let alone two. And Bernard was practically dead weight at this point. By the time she hauled him over to the panic chamber, they could both be dead, but she couldn’t just leave him there unprotected either. With grim resolve, she grabbed the rifle propped beside her bed. She had never wanted to have to use it, but she wouldn’t sacrifice her life and Bernard’s. She loaded it with a fast efficiency and cocked it, aiming it in front of her as she approached the tent exit. 
She nudged the flap open with the tip of her gun and peered outside. 
Bernard felt like an absolute wreck. His whole body ached with disuse, his stomach was hollow, and his head was pounding. He smacked his lips as he blinked fully awake, his throat scratchy and dry with thirst. He stared blankly at the neat bed a few feet away before recognition returned to him. He was at Holly’s camp. He’d passed out after helping her set up cameras and then… he couldn’t remember. It was all just flashes here and there—being wrapped in a blanket, eating something lumpy, looking at the fire, Holly’s concerned face, talking about Raj—Raj! He had told her about his work! 
How could he be so careless! He must have been delirious. He told a human about his life. His hands flew up to his sore ears—covered, thank Christmas. At least she hadn’t seen that he was an elf. But how much had he revealed last night? And what time was it? He looked down at his snow globe watch and balked at the display. Not only had he slept the entire day, but no one at the North Pole had any idea where he’d been. He had about 30 messages from Curtis, each more frantic than the last, and a dozen from Judy. The Elfcon team had also sent a few messages asking about his status and he saw that his location had been pinged not 10 minutes ago. He quickly typed a message to Elfcon. 
Will return ASAP. Currently with human. Do not engage. - B
The reply was immediate. 
Understood. Standing by. - Alpha Team
This was going to be a mess to sort out. 
A sudden laugh from outside pulled him from his thoughts and he staggered to his feet. He walked unsteadily to the tent exit and had to stop and catch his breath at the sight before him. 
Holly was giggling, a graham cracker held high over her head as she leaned away from an insistent Dancer. The reindeer was pushing her snout into the side of the human’s face, nuzzling with soft snorts that ruffled Holly’s hair. 
“Alright, alright! Here!” She said, lowering the cracker so that Dancer could lick it up and start munching. “You’re so greedy, sheesh.” 
She noticed him standing there stupefied and a relieved smile overtook her face. “Hey, you’re up! I was starting to wonder if I should radio medical. You’ve been sleeping for ages.”
“What’s, uh—what’s going on out here?” He said looking between Holly and the deer at her side. At his voice, Dancer perked up and gave a happy haw when she spotted him. She trotted over to him and pushed her nose against his hair. He grabbed his hat to keep it in place with one hand and patted her cheek with the other. 
“Tiny Dancer here showed up about a half hour ago. Looking for you, I’m guessing.” Holly chuckled at the happy reindeer practically cuddling the groggy man in front of her tent. 
“Tiny Dancer?” He asked. 
“Her collar—it says ‘Dancer’. I’m guessing it’s her name, right? She obviously knows you.”
“Y-yeah. This is Dancer, she’s a friend of mine.”
“So that’s how you’ve been getting around without a snowmobile, huh? I knew you hadn’t just walked. No one could take the cold for that long a distance.”
He could actually, elves were a lot heartier than humans. The cold didn’t bother them much, him least of all since he'd lived in it all his life. As for distance, elves had more stamina than humans as well. He’d definitely pushed it too far lately, but working a couple days with little food and no sleep wasn’t normally very taxing, so walking a few miles in the snow was no problem for him. But he wasn’t about to refute her conclusions now. Dancer was here, Holly had seen her, so now it was time for damage control. 
“You caught me. I didn’t expect her to come looking for me—” he shot an exasperated look at Dancer, “—guess the secret’s out.” 
“Is she like a pet?”
“No, like I said, she’s a friend. She just helps me get around sometimes, that’s all.”
“Y’know, you don’t have to be ashamed if you really are a LARPer. Cause more and more you seem like some kind of Disney elven prince or something. I mean, who just goes around riding reindeer? That’s pretty magical, don’t you think?”
“It probably seems that way, but it’s not that strange for, uh, Russians.” He was banking on her not having much knowledge about Russian culture. 
Thankfully, she didn’t. “Oh, neat! I’ve heard about Russians and bears, but not Russians and reindeer. Huh, the more you know.” 
Holly walked up to them both and ran a hand up the side of Dancer’s long neck, reaching up to scratch at a fluffy ear. “She’s a sweetheart.” 
Bernard couldn’t help but grin at the human’s soft coo. “Yeah, she is. She’s my special girl.” Dancer bumped his face affectionately. 
Holly’s expression turned more somber, her attention returning to him. “So are you feeling any better?”
“I’ve got a headache and my back’s a little sore, but I’m not as tired as I was. Thanks for letting me crash here.” 
“Of course, dude, I wasn’t gonna send you out in the snow like that. You really looked rough. It was pretty terrifying, actually.”
He winced. “I’m so sorry about that. I shouldn’t have come here as tired as I was, that was really irresponsible of me. I don’t even remember what all happened. I hope I didn’t say anything too weird.” He had a searching look in his eye. 
She laughed. “Don’t worry, you didn’t say anything embarrassing if that’s what you mean. We just talked a bit about your work at the station. You said you used to be a fancy chef. Which is insanely cool, I gotta say. You’ve done a lot of stuff for someone so young. How old are you exactly anyways?”
“Isn’t it rude to ask someone about their age?”
“I think that’s only a thing with older ladies. C’mon, you can’t be older than me.”
He smirked. “If that’s what you think, then sure.”
“Whaaat? So you’re—“ she squinted, “—nah, you’re messing with me. I’m gonna guess… 20? 21?” Her elbow dug into his side playfully. 
He laughed at her nudge. “Yeah, okay, let’s go with that.”
“Ugh, you’re impossible! It’s just a number, y’know.”
“Then it doesn’t matter what it is, right?”
“This mystery man thing is gonna get old.”
“Just like me.” The smirk on his lips told her there was a joke there she wasn’t getting. She rolled her eyes. 
“Will you at least tell me more about being a chef? Cause that’s still blowing my mind, to be honest.” Brown eyes were warm with amusement as they took in the eager and curious tilt of her head. 
“What more can I say? I made food, good food in fact, not to toot my own horn here.” A puff of white clouded the air, her laugh dry at his cocky tone. “Now it seems I’m always on the go, so I don’t get to cook as much as I used to. Which is a shame because I really miss it sometimes.”
“What was your favorite thing to make?”
“Shrimp étouffée, hands down. There’s something so simple about it, it’s essentially a comfort food. But the way the sweet notes of the shrimp and onion play with the heat of the celery and spices, ah,” his hand swooped through the air, the fingers grabbing at something unseen, “there’s nothing like it.”
She could almost taste it, the words floating in the air like a ballad. His musical voice was just that much more compelling when he talked so passionately about something he obviously loved. 
“I’ve never had that before. It sounds amazing.” She sighed with awe. “You’ll have to make it for me sometime.”
Fat chance of that up in the arctic, but a girl could dream. He didn’t call her on the fanciful notion, however, playing along with an indulgent quirk of his lip. “Maybe I will.” 
A long moment passed, their shared breath fogging between them, before they both seemed to realize at the same time just how close they’d gotten. Bernard took a half step back and cupped Dancer’s snout in tender hands. 
“Dancer and I should probably get going, we’ve been in your hair long enough.” They shared a laugh as, at that exact moment, Dancer swung her head away from him and snuffled into Holly’s hair. 
“Yeah, I bet your station is wondering where you’ve been. I’m surprised no one came looking for you, honestly. I would have sent them a message, but Dr. Branson wasn’t sure who to contact.” Her eyes softened. “I’m glad you’re okay now, Bernard. Please try to take it a little easier from now on, yeah?”
His heart thumped in his chest. “I will. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Somehow I don’t quite believe you.” Her lips twisted wryly. “But I’ll let it slide, just this once.” She ducked into the tent and returned with his cloak and scarf. He accepted them with a grateful nod and suited up. He climbed on Dancer’s back and they trotted to the edge of the camp. 
“Hey, Bernard!” 
He turned to look back at her. 
“If you ever need a break from everything, come stop by! Anytime, okay? You’re always welcome here.” 
His heart thumped again, harder this time. “I just might take you up on that, Holly Jolly.” 
And away they went, leaving a blushing human in their wake. 
Tamika grimaced as she watched the Head Elf devour another plate of shrimp étouffée. He’d arrived late that night with Dancer and made a beeline for the kitchens where he cooked himself a feast. There were at least three different kinds of meals on the table and some garlic bread in the oven. The elves on Alpha Team took this in stride as they asked him questions about where he’d been and what happened. Curtis hadn’t stopped hovering the entire time, shifting his weight from one leg to the other and wiping his palms on his trousers every few minutes. 
She huffed at Bernard’s vague explanation about getting caught up with the human. He’d passed out apparently, and had been unconscious this whole time. Tamika wanted to send out a team to investigate further and see if this Holly Williams had done something nefarious to their boss to make him incapacitated for so long, but Bernard insisted she had done nothing but help. 
“I don’t like it.”
He slurped a saucy spoonful of rice and cut his eyes up at her. “You don’t have to like it. Just trust me on this one, ‘kay? She’s not a threat.” 
“Sir, she is a threat. And she’s gonna be a threat as long as she’s so close to the Pole.”
“There’s nothing we can do about that, Tamika. She’s here, she’s got sponsors backing her, it would be suspicious to force her out now.” He licked his lips. “I’ll handle it. I’ve got a rapport with her, so I can keep her nose well away from the village. Just leave it to me.”
“I did leave it to you, and look what happened.”
“Nothing happened, I’m fine.”
A voice cut in from the kitchen entrance. “And I’m very glad you are.” 
Judy looked at him with tears in her eyes, taking in his hunched figure seated at the mess table. She rushed over to him and threw her arms around his neck. He caught her small form in his own arms with a grunt. 
“Don’t ever do that again.”
“Sorry, Judes.” 
Tamika stepped back and started walking away, her head shaking in frustration. “When this blows up, don’t come complaining to me.”
Curtis shuffled at the edge of the action, looking unsure. Judy pulled away from Bernard and took in the odd way his hat was covering his head. She grabbed it off his head and he gave a groan of relief as his ears were finally free from confinement. “Ugghhh, you have no idea how good that feels.” He shook out his curls and Judy snorted when a few threatened to hit her face. 
Curtis cleared his throat. 
“Yes, Curtis, what is it?”
The Workshop was behind. Things were in complete disarray. Jack Frost was still here somewhere in Santa’s Village. There was a thick stack of notes clutched in the blonde elf’s hand filled with problems for the Head Elf to look through. 
Judy looked at Bernard with a serene smile as he took another bite of shrimp and peered back at his assistant expectantly. Curtis blinked and the corner of his mouth curled up. 
“I just wanted to say, it’s good to have you back, sir.” 
“Coming to bed, Honeybuns?”
“In a moment, Puddin Pie. There’s just a couple more things I need to do first.”
Noel gave her a sleepy kiss on the cheek in reply and stumbled away to their bedroom. Bernard was back, Elfcon had followed up with him about his whereabouts, and they’d filed an official incident report that night. She didn’t really need to read over it that night, it would still be there in the morning of course, but she had been on pins and needles all day ever since hearing he was missing. She just wanted to know he was okay and the best way she could express that was by making sure the paperwork was in order. It was sort of her love language. 
She flipped onto the next page and started reading the general summary from the physician on call who was brought in to perform Bernard’s physical. Everything was fine. He was okay. He would be fit for duty by tomorrow. 
The silence was broken by her light sigh of relief. 
That’s all she really wanted to know. Tamika was thorough with her 20 page report and most of the info wouldn’t give her any additional insight into Bernard’s wellbeing. But once Betty started something, she had a hard time not finishing it. She sent a silent apology to her snoring partner in the next room and settled into her home office to read the rest. 
The fireplace kept the room nice and toasty, the glow lighting up the delicately carved music box painted in silver and gold that lay on the corner of her desk. 
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hirvenxsoturi · 2 years
REPOST and then BOLD any which apply to your muse! Feel free to add to the list!
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[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercing. tattoos. strong. weak.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. words. books. household objects.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. opal. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. valley.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. boars. bats. birds.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. peach. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. bread.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. 8 track. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. drinking. climbing. running.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. sandals. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. choker. collar. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. suspenders. masks. cowls. braces. tie clips. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
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codenamejudas · 2 years
REPOST and then BOLD any which apply to your muse! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. slender. trained. piercing. tattoos. strong. weak.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. scythe. bow and arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. words. books. household objects.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. opal. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. valley.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. black panther. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. boars. bats. birds.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. peach. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia. bread.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. fencing. riding. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. 8 track. piano. violin. cello. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. trumpet. flute. drums. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. drinking. climbing. running.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. suit. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. sandals. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. choker. collar. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. neck tie. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. suspenders. masks. cowls. braces. tie clips. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. landscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
3 notes · View notes
teo-construction · 11 days
Roofing Project Costs: Budgeting Tips and Key Considerations
Roofing projects are significant investments that require careful planning and budgeting. Whether it’s a minor repair or a complete roof replacement, understanding the costs involved can help homeowners and business owners make informed decisions. This article aims to provide comprehensive insights into the costs associated with roofing projects and offer practical budgeting tips. TEO Construction can help guide you through this process.
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Types of Roofing Projects
Residential Roofing
Residential roofing projects vary widely in scope and cost, depending on the home’s size, roof design, and material choice.
Commercial Roofing
Commercial roofing projects often involve larger areas and more complex systems, leading to higher costs compared to residential projects.
Roof Repairs
Minor roof repairs can address issues like leaks or damaged shingles, typically costing less than replacements.
Roof Replacements
Replacing the roof means taking off the old one and putting on a new roof, which costs more but is needed to protect your home for a long time.
New Roof Installations
New roof installations are common in new constructions and major renovations, with costs influenced by design and material choices.
Factors Influencing Roofing Costs
Roof Size and Slope
Larger roofs and those with steep slopes require more materials and labor, increasing the overall cost.
Material Selection
The kind of roofing material you choose makes a big difference in cost, from inexpensive asphalt shingles to expensive slate tiles.
Labor Costs
Labor costs vary based on the complexity of the project and the region. Skilled labor for intricate designs or high-pitched roofs may cost more.
Geographic Location
Roofing costs can vary by location due to differences in labor rates, material availability, and regional weather conditions.
Permits and Regulations
Getting the needed permits and following local building codes can add to the cost but are important to follow the law.
Common Roofing Materials and Their Costs
Asphalt Shingles
Asphalt shingles are the most popular and cost-effective roofing material, offering durability and ease of installation.
Metal Roofing
Metal roofs last a long time and save energy but cost more upfront.
Tile Roofing
Tile roofing, including clay and concrete tiles, offers aesthetic appeal and durability but is heavier and more expensive.
Slate Roofing
Slate tiles are high-end roofing materials known for their natural beauty and long life, making them one of the most expensive options.
Wood Shakes and Shingles
Wood shakes and shingles offer a rustic appearance but need frequent upkeep and are vulnerable to fire and weather damage.
Synthetic Roofing Materials
Synthetic materials, like rubber or plastic, imitate natural materials while being more durable and cheaper.
Cost Breakdown of a Typical Roofing Project
Initial Inspection and Estimate
An initial inspection by a professional roofer provides an estimate, including labor, materials, and additional costs.
Material Costs
Material costs depend on the chosen roofing type, with premium materials costing significantly more than standard options.
Labor Costs
Labor costs cover the work done by roofers and vary based on project complexity and location.
Additional Costs
Additional costs may include permits, waste disposal, and any unexpected repairs that arise during the project.
Contingency Budget
Setting aside a contingency budget helps cover unforeseen expenses, ensuring the project stays on track financially.
Budgeting Tips for Roofing Projects
Get Multiple Quotes
Obtaining multiple quotes from different contractors helps compare costs and choose the best value for the project. Teo Construction is the best choice when it comes to service, quality of materials and service.
Prioritize Essential Repairs
Address essential repairs first to prevent further damage and potentially higher costs in the future.
Consider Long-Term Savings
Investing in durable materials and proper installation can lead to long-term savings on maintenance and repairs.
Plan for Unexpected Expenses
Unexpected issues can arise during roofing projects, so it’s important to have a financial buffer.
Use Financing Options if Needed
Consider financing options, such as home equity loans or contractor financing plans, to manage the project cost effectively.
Understanding Roofing Estimates
What to Look for in an Estimate
A detailed estimate should include a breakdown of material and labor costs, timelines, and warranty information.
Common Terms and Components of Estimates
Understanding terms like square footage, per-square pricing, and labor rates helps in evaluating estimates.
Comparing Estimates from Different Contractors
Compare estimates based on cost, scope of work, and contractor reputation to make an informed decision.
H3:Saving on Roofing Costs
DIY Options for Minor Repairs
Homeowners with basic skills can save money by handling minor repairs themselves.
Off-Season Roofing Projects
Scheduling roofing projects during off-peak seasons can lead to cost savings due to lower demand.
Buying Materials in Bulk
Purchasing materials in bulk can reduce costs, especially for larger projects.
Recycling and Reusing Materials
Recycling or reusing materials can help lower costs and reduce environmental impact.
Taking Advantage of Tax Credits and Rebates
Some roofing projects may qualify for tax credits or rebates, particularly those involving energy-efficient materials.
Financing Options for Roofing Projects
Home Equity Loans
Home equity loans offer a way to finance large roofing projects by using the home’s equity as collateral.
Personal Loans
Personal loans can provide the necessary funds for roofing projects without using home equity.
Roofing Company Financing Plans
Many roofing companies offer financing plans to help spread the cost over time.
Government Assistance Programs
Certain government programs provide financial assistance for roofing projects, particularly for energy-efficient improvements.
Warranties and Insurance Considerations
Types of Roofing Warranties
Warranties can include manufacturer warranties on materials and workmanship warranties from contractors.
Understanding Insurance Coverage
Homeowners should review their insurance policies to understand coverage for roofing repairs and replacements.
Filing Insurance Claims for Roofing Projects
Proper documentation and working with a reputable contractor can facilitate the insurance claim process.
Preventive Measures to Extend Roof Life
Regular Inspections and Maintenance
Regular inspections and maintenance can identify and address issues before they escalate.
Cleaning Gutters and Downspouts
Keeping gutters and downspouts clean prevents water damage and extends roof life.
Addressing Minor Issues Promptly
Addressing minor issues promptly can prevent them from developing into major problems.
Installing Proper Ventilation
Proper ventilation reduces heat and moisture buildup, extending the roof’s lifespan.
Choosing Durable Materials
Investing in high-quality, durable materials ensures long-lasting performance and reduces maintenance costs.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Roofing Projects
Ignoring Small Problems
Small issues can quickly escalate if ignored, leading to more extensive and costly repairs.
Hiring Unlicensed Contractors
Hiring unlicensed contractors can result in substandard work and potential legal issues.
Not Getting a Written Contract
A written contract outlines the scope of work, costs, and timelines, protecting both parties.
Skipping the Inspection Process
Skipping the inspection process can lead to overlooking critical issues, resulting in future problems.
Overlooking Ventilation Needs
Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining roof integrity and preventing issues like mold growth.
How Often Should a Roof Be Replaced?
The lifespan of a roof varies by material, with asphalt shingles lasting 20-30 years and metal roofs up to 50 years.
What Are the Signs of a Failing Roof?
Signs include missing or damaged shingles, leaks, and sagging roof areas.
Can I Install a New Roof Over an Old One?
It’s usually best to remove the old roof to ensure proper installation and prevent hidden issues, although it can be done without removing it.
How Long Does a Roofing Project Typically Take?
The duration depends on the project size and complexity, but most residential projects take a few days to a week.
What Factors Should I Consider When Choosing Roofing Materials?
Consider factors like durability, cost, climate suitability, and aesthetic preferences.
Proper budgeting and planning are crucial for successful roofing projects. By knowing the costs, getting detailed estimates, and thinking about financing options, homeowners can make smart decisions and make sure their project goes well. Regular maintenance and choosing quality materials can extend the roof’s lifespan, providing long-term value and peace of mind. Seeking professional advice from TEO Construction is always recommended for complex projects or when in doubt.
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kicksonfire · 12 days
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theleosports · 20 days
Games court makers in India 
Leading tennis court maker in India, LeoSports specializes in creating top-notch sports courts through design and construction. LeoSports, with its team of seasoned experts, provides solutions that are specially designed to satisfy every customer's particular requirements. Regardless matter whether you're searching for a professional-caliber court for a sports complex or a private tennis court for your residence, LeoSports guarantees exceptional quality and longevity. Recognized as a leading producer of tennis courts, they employ cutting-edge technology and premium materials to build courts that offer an ideal playing surface and last over time.
LeoSports is a well-known kabaddi court maker in India in addition to tennis courts. A particular kind of court that can endure rough weather and high physical activity is necessary for kabaddi, an Indian sport with rich cultural roots. Kabaddi courts designed by LeoSports improve player performance and safety because they are aware of these particular needs. Their kabaddi courts are made to meet all the requirements and offer the best possible playing experience by using the most recent technology and premium materials. 
As a versatile kabaddi court maker, LeoSports caters to various clients, including schools, colleges, sports clubs, and government bodies. Their expertise extends beyond just building courts; they also offer comprehensive services such as maintenance, repair, and refurbishment of existing courts. This ensures that the courts remain in excellent condition, providing a safe and enjoyable environment for players. LeoSports takes pride in its ability to deliver courts that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing, making them a preferred choice for many.
LeoSports is committed to promoting sports and active lifestyles across India. As a leading tennis court maker and kabaddi court maker, they have successfully built numerous courts across the country, contributing to the development of sports infrastructure. Their dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction sets them apart in the industry. Whether it's a tennis or kabaddi court, clients can trust LeoSports to deliver a superior product that meets all their needs and exceeds expectations.
Leading basketball court maker LeoSports is well known for producing top-notch courts that adhere to international standards. Our knowledge of different surfaces enables us to provide a customized solution that improves the gaming experience for gamers of all skill levels. Being one of the top producers of basketball courts in India, we use only premium components and state-of-the-art technology with an emphasis on aesthetics, performance, and durability. Due to our dedication to quality, we are the preferred option for professional venues, sports teams, and educational institutions across the country.
LeoSports specializes as a court maintenance company in India, offering comprehensive services that maintain sports surfaces in optimal condition all year round, in addition to basketball courts. In order to maintain each court's safety and playability, our team of professionals is equipped to handle anything from resurfacing and repairs to routine cleaning and inspections. You're investing in durability and performance when you choose LeoSports for your court maintenance needs, which will eventually save you time and money. 
We are also highly experienced in designing and constructing running & cycling tracks that cater to athletes' specific needs. Our tracks are engineered to provide the perfect balance of grip, shock absorption, and durability, making them ideal for both professional and recreational use. As a top running & cycling track constructor, we offer a range of surface options, including synthetic, rubber, and natural materials, all tailored to meet the unique requirements of each project. This versatility ensures that our clients receive the best possible solution, regardless of their sport or budget.
At LeoSports, we pride ourselves on being more than just a basketball court maker in India. Our comprehensive approach to sports facility construction and maintenance ensures that every project we undertake is a testament to our dedication to quality and innovation. From the initial design to the final touches, we work closely with our clients to bring their vision to life, creating sports environments that inspire athletes to perform their best. Choose LeoSports for your next project, and experience the difference that comes from partnering with industry leaders.
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astro402 · 26 days
Applications & Uses of Extruded Rubber Products in Various Industries
There is a massive demand for extruded rubber products in various industries. The extruded rubber is different from that of the moulded rubber products.
The extruded rubber parts are made to pass through a die of cross-section and are put under the extruder’s pressure. The pieces are soft and unvulcanized, which you can give to the extruder.
The output that you obtain in the form of rubber would be weak and pliable. However, before you use the extruded rubber products, you must vulcanize.
The rubber material is sturdy, has fine finishing, and is resistant to heat. The extruded rubber products are used in industries and for commercial purposes. The rubber is widely used in the industries for manufacturing various end products.
It is flexible and elastic. It is used in different industrial applications since it can absorb shocks, offer better sealing, and transfer fluids efficiently.
The extruded rubber products are neat and uniform after manufacturing. These are available in a wide range of designs, especially in hollow structures.
This even helps you reduce the cost that incurs to buy the material and create lightweight rubber products. The rubber material is in huge demand. The extruded rubber products are widely used in industries for making sealing and gasket products.
These are available in different styles, and each style would meet a specific requirement. The extruded products differ in size, tolerance, cost, and performance.
Rubber Bumper
You can use the rubber bumper in a wide range of applications. These devices are widely used to absorb shock that is produced between two different objects.
The industries can use the rubber bumper in the bumper of the vehicles. It is made using a rubber material that is easier to move. The bumpers are prone to damages when these get in contact with sharp objects.
Natural rubber and synthetic rubber such as silicone, urethane, polyurethane, and Butyl would be available.
· It offers ample protection and gives spacing and ventilation · Easy to control the vibration using the rubber bumper in an equipment · Rubber bumper also offers resistance to slides · Absorb and improve the momentum at the time of the collision. It even reduces the impact due to collision · Protect the surfaces from skidding as well as scratches · Available in a wide range of colors
· Use as a cooling system in vehicles · Offer ample protection to the equipment that is used for safety, such as parking lights, headlamps, taillights that are set up in the low-speed collision areas · Reduce the sound that you hear when you close or open the cabinets and vanity doors · Offer ample support to the printed circuit boards · You can use the rubber bumpers in vehicles and dock applications
Rubber Bushes
The rubber bushes are in the shape of a cylinder and have an inner and outer surface with metal layers.
You can use the rubber bushes to engineer various components that can withstand torsional movement, radial load, and conical deflection.
The buses are available in different shapes and sizes. These are made using natural rubber of different grades.
· Bushes can withstand torsional movements · Rubber boosts the durability and strength of industrial products · No lubrication or maintenance is required · Suppress sound and vibration · Improve friction · Reduce wear
You can see the rubber bushes in various industries, especially for automotive industries.
You can also use these brushes in vehicle suspension arms, vibratory feeders, pivot bearings, conveyor tracks, and mechanical linkages.
Rubber Cord
The rubber cord is used in the bungee jumping equipment. The rubber cord has around 1000 wraps of rubber that are blend together to form a solid line.
You can stretch the cable up to 4 times its actual length. Apart from this, this cord is also used in different applications. The industries are manufacturing the cable in various sizes.
The latest model of the cord can stretch three times its resting length. You can use this in commercial and industrial applications. However, earlier, the rubber cord was in use only when you need flexibility.
Today, the rubber cord is performing well in various applications. It can withstand extreme temperatures and is resistant to oil. More importantly, it is free from abrasions.
· Sealing applications where there is a high temperature · Perfect for joining the O-rings · Manufacture food and medical equipment · Machinery · Transportation
Rubber Diaphragm
The rubber diaphragm is used in a myriad of applications.
The diaphragm would look like a thin, round rubber sheet. This sheet is made using natural rubber or synthetic rubber.
The diaphragm would act as a barrier between two different chambers where one chamber moves up a little, whereas the other moves down a bit based on the pressure differences.
The device would start too vibrant when you supply specific frequencies. You can also use this as a steam washer. You can see them in the compression faucets.
Various applications
You can use the rubber diaphragm in different types of devices such as control devices, meters, pumps, regulators, and other devices.
· Easy to use as a sealant · No need to use the lubrication · No breakaway force is required · No friction · Resistant to tear · High strength · Easy to design · Highly versatile
Rubber Gasket
The rubber gasket is one of the extruded rubber seals that will help you fill the gap between two different objects. This keeps the leakage caused to the item due to the application of heavy pressure at bay.
The best part of using the rubber gasket in the industries is to stop the fluids and gas from leaking and pose a threat to the other components and people.
The gasket made of rubber will have the capability to block high temperature and pressure.
The gasket is used in different industries such as aerospace, military, automotive, aviation, electronics, and transportation industries.
A few other applications where you can use these gaskets include airframes, elevators, compressors, escalators, medical equipment, turbine, meters, and valves.
Rubber Shapes
The rubber shapes are available in different sizes and conditions such as bars, spherical, square, hexagonal, tubular, shims, plates, and many more.
The industries can use different rubber types such as acrylics, elastomers, natural rubber, synthetic rubber, silicone compounds, and ethylene copolymers.
The best thing is that you can use rubber in different marine, automotive, military, tooling, and high voltage products, especially in transformers, circuit breakers, and motor assembling. These are the applications of various industrial extruded rubber products.
Choosing the right rubber manufacturing company suitable for the company’s needs is crucial.
A lot of companies have preferred R-Tech Industries. R-Tech Industries is one of the leading and top-rated Rubber Manufacturing Companies in India.
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