raekensarcher · 1 year
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All About Control CH. 19
“Okay. Well, I feel great about our odds. How about you?”
He gets a resounding “No.” from all parties involved. Regardless, he puts the truck in reverse, and starts back towards the road, glancing at the rearview. The robin’s blue jeep stays still for a few seconds, as though Stiles was waiting for him to be an idiot and double-checking he wouldn’t be, or more likely the thing refused to start up again. 
Hold on, Theo. Just a little longer.  If he’s a little heavy on the accelerator when he shifts the truck back into drive, no one complains.
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negativepeanuthoarder · 3 months
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I'll Protect You, Because I Love You
(Chapter Eleven)
DNF, but Sapnap centric, and QPR-adjacent DNN
46.8k words (as of right now, because it's a multichapter work! :D)
Teen And Up Audiences
No archive warnings apply :) (Yet?)
Sapnap looks at the ground. Where exactly is he going to go from here? He looks up at the walls and the ceilings and the bed in his little room - he can't stay here, Ponk needs the space for other patients, but he obviously can't go back to staying in Dream's room on a cot to protect him.
He's in limbo, not sure where to go or what step to take next.
Fortunately before he can start worrying about it all, George appears in the doorway, smiling at him. "Come on," He grins mischievously. "I wanna show you something."
Reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated even if you don't read the fic! :D
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dearly-somber · 1 year
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flowerandblood · 10 months
New The Prince and The Fox Chapter today!!!! 🦊🦊🦊
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berylgrace · 1 year
i'm so not ready for our last summer to end and we're so close...
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dreamer213 · 2 years
Broken Machines: Lights the Dark
Chapter 30: Farewell To My Love
Penny slept most of that day, mind and heart exhausted from the non-stop whirlwind her daily life had been for so long. The next day she spent enjoying her hobbies for the first time in a while. She updated her scrapbook with the tickets and invitations she picked up from her mission, polished her blades and boots gingerly until they sparkled, and read some of her favorite fables on the couch downstairs. She’s reading on her stomach while Pietro makes them dinner but keeps flipping through passages seemingly at random. There was nothing wrong with the stories she kept skipping, but each had a prince as the main character. This was common in fairy tales, especially ones with romantic themes, but at the moment, those tales felt bitter for Penny as she’d be losing contact with her own prince very soon. Each time she read of a fantasy couple’s happy ending, it only reminded her that she would never have that joyous ending with her love, much less have the opportunity to confess her feelings. She sighs aloud in frustration, marking her place with her chrysanthemum bookmaker, and closes her book before flopping down on the seat cushion.
Penny: What am I going to do? With my mission complete, once the closing meeting is over, I won't be able to see Whitley again. I won’t have a reason to return to the manor, and I don't know if I’ll even be allowed to contact him after this, either.
She laments to herself, heart heavy with feelings she desperately wants to convey. From the beginning, Penny knew their time together would be limited, but it had been so fun, and she’d become so attached to the staff at the manor and had fallen so deeply in love with Whitley that she didn't want it to end. And knowing how vulnerable and damaged Whitley really was, being cut off from him like this only made her feel worse. She feared what his father might do now that there was no visitor coming in every weekday and spending extended time with him. That and the chance Whitley might feel abandoned by her once she left absolutely terrified her. She couldn’t stand the thought of being yet another woman that left him to suffer alone, just like his female family members, but there was nothing she could do.
Penny: I don’t want to say goodbye.
She says herself, pulling her head back up as she tries to think of a way to handle her current situation. For a moment, she thought about calling Neon, but her brand of bold declarations was definitely not going to help her here. She considers asking the rest of Team FNKI, but she doesn't have their numbers, and if she asked Neon for them, it would enviably lead to her digging for information until she knew all the details. With no one else to turn to, Penny sits up and calls out to her dad.
Penny: Hey, Dad.
Pietro: Yes, sweetie?
Penny: What do you do when you’re about to lose contact with someone you’ve grown close to?
Pietro looks up from the dish he’d cooking and over to his child. He could see the sadness in her eyes and knew exactly who she was talking about. He thinks for a moment, trying to find any answer that would help her but not embarrass the poor thing. He thinks back to his younger years back in college when an idea hits him.
Pietro: Well, back in college, when I finished my last lecture with my favorite professor, I gave him a farewell gift before I left.
Penny: A farewell gift?
Pietro: Yeah, it’s like a thank-you gift, but one you give when you know you won’t see them again. So they have something to remember you by. I even heard of people giving them a chance to confess to their crush before they leave and lose touch with each other.
Penny: Really? Hmmm.
Penny thinks for a moment. A gift could have many meanings; Whitley himself had taught her that, and if she did give him one, she could use it as a pretense to talk to him alone. It wouldn’t stop the end from happening, but at least she could be honest with him about she felt. Nodding to herself, Penny perks up, gets off the couch, and walks up to Pietro. She’s standing right behind him when he catches her shadow over him and turns to look at her. Her eyes are full of mild curiosity and pure willpower as she asks a question.
Penny: Dad?
Pietro: Yeah?
Penny: Can we go gift shopping tomorrow?
Pietro stifles a chuckle before turning around in his chair and carrying the hot pan of stir fry to the table. With a smile, he replies with a simple phrase many fathers say.
Pietro: Sure thing, Sweetheart!
He chimes before setting up the table for them to eat dinner. The following day Penny woke up excited, determined to find the perfect gift for her confession! Looking out her window as she gets dressed, Penny sees snow falling to the ground outside. This was common in Atlas year-round, but this time was more than the usual light snow they got every few days. It wasn’t a storm, but it wasn’t a soft snow either and was sticking to the ground, well-forming decent size mounds on the streets and sidewalks. It was a playful snow one Penny enjoyed very much as it meant people would play snow games all across the city. Those were the nicer days as people, young and old, would channel their inner child and play in the snow without a care in the world. The joy in the air meant less violence and less Grimm for the local authorities to deal with. But what Penny loved most of all was seeing the people happy in the snow with fear burdening them. Their happiness from them was almost infectious as she watched them play during her patrol. Yes, today was a good day to find her gift.
After a warm breakfast, Penny and Pietro get ready to head to the stores; she helps her dad put on his coat before grabbing her own cold-weather apparel. Even though Penny could regulate her template, her dad still told her to wear it often if it got too cold to save her energy. So she dawned her cold gear, a long fluffy forest green winter cape with black faux fur lining and little black pom poms on the end of the string tying the front. Next, a pair of dark brown and matching gloves; then, in place of her usual bow, Penny puts on a black beret with a big pink on the front. As Pietro wraps his long wool scarf around his neck, Penny inquires about how they’d be going about this errand.
Penny: So, where are we going first?
Pietro: The bank.
Penny: The bank?
Pietro: Yep, gotta take care of business, then we can go shopping.
Penny: Okay.
She replies before grabbing her backpack and opening the front door for them. Soon they're on the street, but instead of walking like Penny usually does, they take public transit to their next location. They take two buses to get to the military bank Pietro uses, and Penny stands in front of Pietro as he parks his chair in the handicapped area. She’s holding onto the handle of the bar above her when she feels eyes staring at her. She looks over and sees a child a few rows away looking at her in wonder. She had seen this child before, among many others; during the weekdays, she’d help walk them across the street to school sometimes. Looks like he was going somewhere else today and had been shocked to see Penny in another setting. Flattered, Penny smiles and waves to the child cheerfully, and he waves back with all the enthusiasm of a little kid meeting their hero up close would. His mother notices and tries to tell him to quiet down while giving Penny an apologetic look which Penny just giggles at. Moments like these were what made her job so precious, seeing the security and safety she gave others even in casual situations.
When they finally reach their stop and get off, Penny and Pietro walk another block to the bank. Penny was going to wait outside, but Pietro insisted she comes in with him. When they get inside, they get in line for the teller and wait for a bit. It’s not long, as there are not many people in line, but when they do get their turn, instead of asking about his account Pietro directs the teller’s attention to Penny. The teller asks a surprised Penny for her ID, and she cautiously hands it over. The teller takes it and then checks a few things on his computer before speaking to her.
Teller: Okay, looks like you’re all set. Here’s your card.
He says while sliding Penny a fresh debit card. Penny picks it up, then looks confused and back at the teller.
Penny: Excuse me, but what is this for?
Teller: Your account, now what would you like your PIN number to be?
Penny: Huh?
Now Penny is perplexed. She looks to her dad for help, but he just tells her to answer the man’s question. Penny thinks for a moment, still unsure of what’s happening, but eventually decides on an easy PIN code.
Penny: 0619
Teller: Okay.
The teller starts typing again before handing her a few pieces of paper. Penny looks at the documents and realizes their information for a bank account in her name! There was already money in it and some transactions scheduled for the next month. With this info in hand, Penny and Pietro set out of line for the next customer. They sit down in the seating area, and Pietro explains what just happened.
Pietro: Seeing how you handled your last mission, I realize you’ve matured a lot since Bacon. So I set up a debit account so you can manage your money for yourself instead of coming to me for it.
Penny: My money, but what am I being paid for? I was built to be a soldier; it’s not just a job it’s my life!
Pietro: True, but you’ve put in more work being a good soldier than most ever do since you were born. And in the eyes of our boss that work’s you’ve earned good pay. So take your cut and use it however you want!
Penny: However…I want?
Penny looked down at her new card. She had a good understanding of money and financial literacy but had never used this knowledge because she’d be limited to the lab for most of her life and would only ask for money if it was necessary. Sure, her dad did give her money here and there for doing chores or just because, but never had she had so much at her disposal. And it was all hers; her hard work had earned these funds for her. Just looking at the card made her feel oddly proud. She never hoped to be compensated for what she did, but seeing her effort in money made Penny’s self-worth rise as it dawned on her that she was worth more to her kingdom than whatever they paid to create her. She had earned her place just like any average person would. With a small on her face, Penny puts the card in her wallet and the papers in her backpack before standing up. They say it’s the thought and effort that counts when it comes to gift-giving, and right now, Penny has the means to make this gift as memorable as possible!
Penny: Okay, then, time to go gift shopping!
She cheers, pumping her fist in the air with youthful vigor, to which her dad smile. They head back out onto the street toward the nears shopping areas.
Meanwhile in Altas Whitley dawns his long royal blue and white winter coat before walking down to the front doors of the Schnee manor. Today was a rare day where his father was in a good mood as with the completion of Penny’s investigation Jacques had secured Ironwood as an ally for his campaign in the upcoming council election. Knowing how influential the general was Jacques was on cloud nine, completely certain that his future campaign would end in a blowout victory. Because of this, the arrogant aristocrat decided to treat himself to new clothes and some “gifts” for some of the colleagues he knew would sponsor his campaign when he went public with it.
With his attention focused solely on his political career Whitley was being fast-tracked into taking over most of his father’s workload from this day forth. But since Jacques was in a good mood Whitley’s tasks for the day were simple and easy. First, manage the packing up and movement of all the clothes that were bought for Penny to the Altas Military Academy for collection. Second, find a suitable parting gift to give to the aforementioned girl at the closing meeting as a sign of goodwill between the two forces. Whitley had already ordered the clothing to be boxed up and prepared for shipping the day before and now he was going to follow his father around the locate shopping district as he splurged on himself while Whitley worked with a budget to buy Penny’s gift.
As he descends the stairs and walks to the front door, Whitley can’t help but feel a little depressed. He knew the moment those six were taken from the party along Penny that her work in high society would soon be over. And when Ironwood arrived to get her things he knew it was already over. This meeting would be their last and there was nothing he could do to change that. As he walks to the front door he sees Julia waiting for him patiently. He had asked her to accompany him on this errand due to her stylist abilities and understanding of Penny’s aesthetic. She got into the service car with security while Whitley sat in the family white limousine waiting for his father. He sits in silence as he contemplates what he should give Penny at the meeting.
Whitley: It can’t be too big or it’ll be impractical but it can’t be too pale or she’ll think I just picked up the first thing I saw. A new set of weapons could work but then again she might have issued more than enough already. Ugh.
He internally grumbles as he struggles to land on an idea of what to look for, so lost in the thought he almost misses his father approaching the limo. Straightening up when he hears the car door open, Whitley greets his father per usual and soon they ride off into the city. As they ride Whitley’s thoughts never leave the task at hand wondering just what he could possibly give to the person who’d given him so much joy before she left him.
Down in Mantle Penny was also struggling to find anything that would work as Whitley’s farewell gift. Clothing was practically out of the question because he had plenty more fashionable and costly options at home. Technology was also off the table as he had plenty of the last gadgets for work. And most of the other things she thought could suit him seemed like simple trinkets that wouldn’t have the effect she needs to move forward with her confession. Taking a break for lunch, Penny and Pietro stop at a street cart with steamed sweet potatoes. Buying one for her dad and herself Penny takes the wrapped hot food to a nearby bench and they sit down to eat. Pulling back the foil of f the yam a hot cloud of steam hits Penny’s face, the smell of the light-seasoned root vegetable rushing into the air. Peeling back the skin from the slit root and the steam of the sweet potato practically melts the snow falling towards it before it can even make contact. After some waiting and blowing on it, Penny takes a quick bite to check the taste despite the heat still coming off it. As except it’s too hot and Penny huff and puffs trying to cool it in her mouth but can’t bring herself to spit it out. It has a mildly sweet taste brightened by the cinnamon and brown sugar with a little kick in the aftertaste from a hint of paprika. Once the first bites down Penny blows on the sweet potato even harder, trying to cool it off as fast as possible. And through most hasty bites and blowing Penny finishes her yam first while Pietro has barely touched his. Satiated and happy Penny goes to find a trash can to toss her garbage and give her dad some time to eat at his own pace. It takes a while for her to find one that’s not already filled to the brim, city-wide trash day was tomorrow morning so things had pulled up, especially with people out playing in the snow. But when she finally finds one Penny notices an odd shop nearby. It looked to be an antique store one that had probably been there just as long as the city itself. Penny had never been inside be the wares she could see from the window had a worn but cultured charm to them. A charm she was sure someone like Whitley would appreciate!
With a new target in sight, Penny throws away her used wrapping and rushes back to the bench where Pietro is waiting. He’d only just finished his food when his sweet daughter calls out to him while she runs towards him, face full of excitement.
Penny: Dad!
She cries stopping just beside the bench with a bit of a wobble as her body studies itself from her feet’s quick planting to the ground. She smiles cheerfully as she informs her dad of her new discovery.
Penny: I found another store I wanna go into! It’s over there!
Penny points energetically at the way she just came from eager to head back as soon as possible. Pietro smiles and softly sighs before stuffing his trash in his side bag and turning his chair to her.
Pietro: Alright, lead the way.
And with that, they’re off to the little antique shop! It takes a bit longer with Pietro but soon they reach the shop doors. The glass is slightly fogged from age but impeccably clean, and once they entered they found that despite the shop's aged appearance it was clean and well cared for. The items both large and small were organized in an orderly fashion and looked recently cleaned. As they look around Penny sees a few things she thinks might be a good gift but nothing feels right enough for her to settle for. She’s looking at a row of small wall clocks when she hears someone behind them. Turning around Penny and Pietro come face to face with the shopkeeper who just came out from the backroom. He’s a short man, no younger then 40, was bald on top up of his head but still had some light brown hair on the sides and was dressed in dark brown pants and a white dress shirt with a black apron overtop it. His eyes go wide and flash from lavender in color to light blue when he sees that he’s got customers. But he quickly calms and his eyes relax into a light brown as his pupils return to normal size.
Pietro feels perplexed by the display while Penny looks at the little man with joy, amazed by his odd ability! She’d never seen a semblance that could change someone's eye color in rapid succession like that and wondered what else this power could do as ones like it usually came with high physical abilities, like Ruby’s big sister Yang whose eyes glow red when her semblance was active. Feeling a bit self concussion with their gazes on him, the shopkeeper’s eyes turn pink and his voice heightens a bit as he shyly introduces himself.
Klein: Good afternoon, Sir and Miss, and w-welcome to my shop, Little Cave Antiques. I’m the shop’s keeper Klein. A-so sorry for the sudden appearance I didn’t hear you come in.
Pietro: It’s fine, it’s our own fault really.
Penny: Yeah, we should’ve asked a staff member first before looking around.
Klein: No, no I was the one who left the door open, and the open sign up before I went to tidy up the back. I should’ve stayed out here to greet my customers properly.
He says with a bit of a pout to which the father-daughter pair look with sympathy. But just as quickly as his mood went down, Klein perks back, eye returning to light brown and voice back to its normal octave as he stands up tall.
Klein: Anywho, how many I help you?
Penny: I’m looking for a present for someone dear to me but I’m having trouble finding something that suits him.
Klein: I see. Why don’t you tell me a bit about this person and maybe I can think of something, hmm?
Penny: Okay. He’s my age, very cultured, intelligent, kind, and very good-looking.
Klein: My, what a catch! Tell me what’s his sense of fashion like? Any colors that suit him particularly well?
Penny: He mostly dresses in business casual wear and most colors suit him because of his appearance. He’s very well-structured and his hair and eye color can fit terrifically with most color palettes.
Klein: Really now? What color are his hair and eyes?
Penny: His hair is snow white and his eyes are a very vivid shade of blue.
Klein’s eyes go wide with for a moment and blink yellow for a second. He pauses to put his thoughts together.
Klein: Don’t tell me…it couldn’t be could it?
He thinks before he asks Penny a very important question.
Klein: I see…One more question, dear. What’s this boy’s name?
Penny: Well I probably shouldn’t tell you his last name but his first name is Whitley.
Klein: I see. How…Wonderful!!!
With that confirmation, the little shopkeeper’s eyes turn a warm yellow as he smiles wide as he spins around and rushes towards a display case by the counter, voice high and cheerful as he beckons Penny to follow.
Klein: This way Miss! Quickly quickly, I have just the thing you're looking for!
He cheers, Penny follows him excitedly with Pietro trailing cautiously behind. At the display case, Klein presents them with a selection of small vintage men’s accessories such as wristwatches, small brooches, rings, and the like.
Klein: Nicely sized, vintage, and economical, perfect for any classy young gent! Please take your pick of the lot!
He says swiping a hand over the glass of the case and guiding their gazes through it. Penny looks around the glass case hoping to find something that speaks to her until a pocket watch on the far side catches her attention. It’s a dusty silver with gold trimming and a lily of the valley engraved on the front. Penny puts her finger directly above the glass and points to it.
Penny: May I have a closer look at this one?
Klein raises an eyebrow before noticing what she’s pointing at and his smile seems to grow brighter at the sight of it. He opens the door to the case and gently pulls the watch out by its chain then hands it off to Penny.
Klein: Exactly choice, simple but elegant with a slight bit of practicality!
He says followed by a hearty chuckle as Penny opens the watch to get a better look at it. When it springs open she’s greeted by a lovely illustration of a field of lilies of the valley behind the clock hands. Protected by the glass the picture is still in great condition but the hands remain stuck at the 4 o’clock position. Surprised Penny turns the watch around so the two men can see what she’s found.
Penny: Look at this.
Both men turn to see and are just as pleasantly surprised as Penny was.
Pietro: Oh that’s a nice one Penny. I’m sure your little friend would love that.
Penny: You really think so?
Klein: Of course and with the illustration in it, I’d say it’d be quite the poetic gift!
Penny: It will? Why?
Penny looks at him confused but Klein just laughs again before explaining.
Klein: You see, Little Miss, the name Whitley is from an olden language and translated to ours, it means meadow or flower field. And since the young man has white and the picture is a field of snow lilies you’d be gifting him a snow meadow in a pocket watch.
Penny: It would? Wow.
Penny looks down at the watch in amazement, she did recall learning about lilies from Whitley but never thought they’d become a significant factor in her gift. But thinking back on it now some of their meanings held true at this moment. She could wish him luck as they parted ways but still convey the mourning she felt at leaving him behind.
Penny: If only some of them were red.
She thought sorrowfully. If there were red then at least he would know that she’d never stop loving him even if they were apart every time he looked at it. But she couldn’t have everything she wanted else there would be no need for this.
Penny: But I can still give him something of his name’s sake.
She mused, before turning her attention back to Klein.
Penny: I think I’ll buy this one.
Klein: Wonderful! Let’s just go to the cash register and-
Penny: But it’s broken. The hands have stopped moving completely.
Klein: Oh.
The poor old gent deflates and his eyes go mint green. How clumsy he’d forgotten to check that one before putting it on display! Now his young master’s perfect gift had been ruined before he ever received it!
Klein: Forgive me, Young Master. My carelessness has cost you a such beautiful moment!
He thinks sadly, Klein feels on the verge of tears but snaps into confusion as Penny hands the watch to Pietro.
Penny: Can you take a look at it, Dad?
Pietro: Sure thing, Sweetie.
Pietro takes the watch and pops up the thumbnail opening to the inner workings. He adjusts his glasses as he looks closely at the parts inside before pulling out a small tool from his back and picking around in the gears and cogs. Soon enough he finds the issue, a small bit of stone that was stuck deep, fixes it then sets it to the right time before starting it. They all watch as the pocket watch tics back to life, Penny applause her dad’s work as he close to back and hands it to Klein.
Pietro: There you go, easy a pie.
Klein: My word! Thank you, good sir! Now let me rig you up.
He says joyfully, eyes yellow and voice just bouncy as before walking towards the cash register. Once everything settled up Klein gives Penny the total for the pocket watch.
Klein: That’ll be 4000 lien, please.
Penny: Only 4000? Are you sure?
Penny stared at him surprised by the cheap price of the little antique. Though it was quite old it was still made of silver and gold and in great condition for its age. Surely it was worth more than a slightly fancy lunch for two people. Before Klein meets her concern with gratitude as he explains the pricing.
Klein: Well since it was technically broken goods I can’t steal it for more than scrap.
Penny: But it’s fixed now.
Klein: Because of you and your father here, yes. But that’s a failing on my part so I can’t in good conscience sell you this for even anymore! It’d be highway robbery to even try!
Klein states with a huff eyes red with playful indignation causing Penny to laugh as she fishes her wallet out of her backpack. She pays and waves him goodbye as she and Pietro leave, holding the watch close to her chest as they head back onto the streets. Klein waves back and is still smiling as he resumes his cleaning overjoyed to have gotten the chance to meet her.
Klein: You’ve encountered quite the intriguing little lady, haven’t you Young Master?
He thought with a sense of comfort and contentment as he continues to clean. However, said Young Master was currently in quite the predicament. They had been to ten clothing stores and fix jewelers already and while Jacques had practically bought himself a new wardrobe Whitley had yet to find anything thing to give to Penny. Julia had offered countless suggestions but nothing ever suited Penny well enough for Whitley to accept it. Even though nothing she showed him was truly ill-fitting they just didn’t have the right feel to them. Scarfs, rings, earrings, necklaces, and hats of all kinds in colors she would most definitely love but for some reason, Whitley could bring himself to get any. It was all too impersonal, simple trinkets that would only be worn on certain occasions while collecting dust the rest of the time.
Whitley: It needs to be something beautiful but simple. Something she can wear every day if she wanted.
He mused to himself as he glances through yet another case of fine jewelry while his father tried on another set of watches. It’s among the row of brooches that he finds a small gold crown-shaped brooch resting a top of the black velvet lining. Its design is of a queen’s crown with small flower details giving the regal shape a slightly softened looked. The centerpiece of the brooch is the large heart-shaped diamond in the center. Elegant but youthful was the best way to describe it and in terms of size or was only a touch bigger them the brooch Penny wore on her collar every day. As he peers at the small piece of jewelry Julia notices his strong gaze and turns her attention to the brooch as well. Feeling her presence Whitley glances at her for second before starting to converse with Julia as they stare at the item.
Whitley: Thoughts?
Julia: It’s nice, a little small, and the overall design isn’t anything too special. But-
Whitley: But?
Julia: With a little added fluffy it could work nicely.
Whitley: I thought so. Let’s see what we can do about this.
He states before taking a step back from the case and scanning the store for an unoccupied employee. Eventually, he spots a young female worker polishing some of the displays. Whitley points her out to Julia and she goes to retrieve her, walking up to her Julia asks her politely to come to assist her young master with a product. The employee agrees nonchalantly and follows her to Whitley only to go near ghost white at the sight of him. Looking over toward Jacques, as if to check that this was really happening, and sees the man himself surrounded by her co-workers presenting him with their best pieces by the dozens.
Yup, this was happening. The rich man in the kingdom was in her store and his son was asking her for help. Terrified but unable to turn down the chance of a big fat commission, the young saleswoman takes a deep breath and greets her customer.
Saleswomen: G-good afternoon, Mr. Schnee. My name is Doe and Welcome to Castle Rouge. How may I-I help you?
Unfazed by her clear nervousness, Whitley keeps his tone even and calm as he speaks to her.
Whitley: I’d like to take a look at this brooch here.
He states pointing to the crown brooch through the glass.
Doe: Yes, of course!
She says too quick to even stutter as she runs to the door of the case and unlocks it. As Doe picks up the brooch her heart sinks a little but she tries not to show it as she hands the piece off to Whitley who inspects it carefully. It’s nicer up close but still simple enough that she could wear it often and the design was certainly something she’d looked at in wonder every time she saw it.
Whitley: Just needs a little personal touch.
He thought before handing the brooch to Doe, still not fully set on buy.
Whitley: Are there any embellishments that can be added to this, say a ribbon?
Doe:..Yes but unfortunately this piece is no longer in stock in this color and the floor piece cannot be sold. So sorry for that.
Doe apologizes while holding back tears, she was so close to having enough to finally pay back her student loans and focus on her embroidery business but if this sale fell through she’d be put on hold yet again. Lucky for her Whitley wasn’t the average easily upset elite who throw a fit over a minor inconvenience instead he ask for alternatives.
Whitley: Alright, then show me what you do have.
He says nonchalantly, Doe’s eyes soften in relief, and runs to the back to get the pieces they had in stock. While she’s gone Whitley looks over at the wall of ribbons that the jeweled brooch pieces could be set in. He looks for some tied similar to Penny’s usual hairbow and notes one in a familiar color that would fit her nicely. When Doe returns she looks even more nervous than before holding a singular velvet small box. She holds it out and opens it for Whitley and Julia to see as she tries to explain herself.
Doe: I’m so sorry but this is the one of this styling we have left. And until the embargo is lifted we won’t have any more in stock.
The maid and young master gaze deeply at the jewelry, Julia is slightly disappointed as she thought their search was over until she looks over and sees a warm gleam in Whitley. Taken aback, Julia looks at the brooch then back at Whitley in confusion for a moment but soon it dawns on her what’s sparked in him. She smiles before inquiring about the turn of events.
Julia: What do think Young Master, will this do?
She asks almost playfully but Whitley doesn’t reply to her instead turning his attention to Doe.
Whitley: Can you make custom embroidery and engraving for pieces this size?
Doe blinks then nods yes enthusiastically, her artist element and struggle greatly peeked. The rest of their time there is spent taking details, Doe promising to have the piece set not later than two days, and they leave once both Schnee men pay for their purchases.
That night before bed Penny polishes up the pocket watch until it shines before putting it back in the gift box, she picked up on the way home. She puts it on her nightstand then pulls up and stares at it as she drifts off to sleep, her heart full of excitement and nervousness for the meeting to come. Similarly, Whitley is still up working on his new schedule while contemplating whether he’d pick the right gift or not. Eventually, he settled on his decision and heads to sleep knowing his gift will be one Penny never forgets.
By Wednesday Penny gets her new schedule with allotted vacation days and weekends off along with the closing meeting date, that Friday. For the next two days Penny, still off duty til Monday, would practice what she’d say in her confession. Most of the time itself was spent trying to find the right words to say, writing down her thoughts, looking at poems for inspiration, or just spitting out whatever romantic thoughts she had to see what sticks until she finally decided a simple speech would work. The rest was her rehearing her words of love to herself in the mirror until she could say them without stuttering over getting overwhelmingly nervous. By Friday Penny felt ready to face the issue head-on! She takes her time getting ready and texts Neon her plan as she puts the gift into her bag. By the time she’s putting her brown mary janes on Neon’s sent her a flood of good luck texts to which she replies with a thumbs-up emoji before leaving. Meeting up with Ironwood at the military transport site they head up and ride the rest of the way to the manor in a truck. Penny holds her backpack to her chest and looks somewhere between nervous and excited. Ironwood notices this but doesn’t say anything only smiles at her focused expression as they continue towards the manor. When they arrive they are greeted by multiple members of staff waiting for them at the door. Mary, Sue, Hannah, Olga, Yuko, Niles, Julia, and Alexander was all standing in wait, the two butlers holding the doors open for them.
Penny felt a little overwhelmed by the presentation but Ironwood pats her on the shoulder and guides her inside. Mary and Alexander escort them to the meeting room where Jacques and Whitley are waiting. The moment they enter Whitley’s face lights up for a second at the sight of Penny but quickly deflates back to normal before his father can notice. However, Ironwood does notice and raises an eyebrow when Penny shyly waves to the boy. Jacques stands up and greets them cheerfully.
Jacques: Good day General, Ms. Polendina, please come take a seat.
He states gesturing to the couch across from the one he and Whitley were sitting at. They oblige, Ironwood sitting directly across from Jacques and Penny across from Whitley, and the two men start to converse.
Ironwood: Thank you, Schnee. Now let’s get this started.
Jacques: Yes, let's. As per our agreement myself, my son, and my staff have provided you and your soldier with the background support needed to complete your investigation.
Ironwood: Affirmative and that support did aid us in successfully completing our mission and arresting the perpetrators.
Jacques: Splendid. And per that agreement, you will offer your support to my campaign during the upcoming council election.
Ironwood: I will speak to the council members personally and extend what aid I can during the election.
While the two men clarify the terms of their agreement both teens steal glances at each other, both have so much to say but had no way to communicate at the moment. Ironwood senses the tension between them and redirects the conversation to include them.
Ironwood: I’d also like to thank Whitley for instructing Penny as well as he did. From what I’ve heard he’s been a stellar teacher and emotional support throughout the whole process. Isn’t that right Penny?
He quips putting Penny on the spot. Shocked out of her gazing Penny stammers a bit trying to respond.
Penny: Huh-Oh a-Yes! Yes, Whitley has been an amazing teacher and has taught me so many things! Besides etiquette, I’ve learned so much about art, culture, music, and many other subjects I never thought I’d have a chance to learn about in depth. I’ve had a great time learning with him here and I’m grateful for every lesson we had together. And that’s why-
She pauses before going through her backpack and pulling out her farewell gift. Placing it on the would mahogany coffee table the small blue present box with a white ribbon tying it closed looked a little shabby compared to its surroundings. Penny tries not to worry about this as she continues.
Penny: I bought you this as a token of my appreciation.
She slides the box over to him and Whitley picks it up cautiously. After pulling off the ribbon and opening the box, Whitley holds in a gasp as he lifts the pocket watch out. He traces his fingers over the snow lily engraved on the front and almost cries when he sees the illustration inside. For the first time in his life, Whitley had received a gift meant solely for him to love. Not exchange for good behavior, not a bribe, not a cruel joke to test his resolve but an actual gift bought with him in mind, his name literally embodied in it. Whitley can’t hold back his smile, he’s keeping tears at bay as he gazes at the watch one more time before putting it back down and into his breast pocket.
Whitley: Thank you so much. This is… incredible. I’m grateful to have had such a thoughtful and like-minded student.
Penny and Ironwood look mildly confused when Whitley puts a jewelry box on the table. It's a black velvet box with the Castle Rouge logo printed on it. Whitley pushes the box over to Penny who looks at him for confirmation and when he nods in the affirmative she picks it up. Holding it gingerly Penny opens the box and gasps, throwing a hand over her mouth in surprise. It was a lovely crow-shaped brooch set on a baby pink ribbon with gold embroidery and angel lace trim, a thin green ribbon wrapped around the middle of the bow horizontally. But the biggest charm of the brooch was the stones, the smooth lapis lazuli gems against the gold frame was stunning but what really strike Penny was the color. The beautiful vibrant blue was an almost perfect match to Whitley’s eyes and the big heart-shaped one on the middle filled Penny with so much love and hope she could barely process it all. She couldn’t help shedding a few tears as she pulled the brooch close to her chest. Holding it right above her vital pump, aka her very heart, as it beat loudly at the loving gesture. Whitley couldn’t stop himself from smiling at her, this was exactly the reaction he wanted. Now she’d always have something to remember him by, every time she’d look at that brooch she think of him and their time together. If he were destined to be just a memory in her life Whitley could only settle for being one she thinks about every day.
Penny: I…love it. I really love it! Thank you so much for this beautiful gift!
Whitley: You're welcome, please wear it with pride.
Penny: I will! I’ll wear it as much as I can!
She states happily before taking off her normal brooch, places it in her bag and replacing it with her new one. It looks so nice and bright, the colors match her so well! But the blue, it sticks out like unmealting ice in a spring field. A small but undeniable tether between them that no one could break. As they round out the gift exchange Ironwood finally speaks up again.
Ironwood: You know Schnee I was thinking about how you could start up your campaign. What would you say to a guided campaign tour around Mantle? Penny can lead your security detail through the city and you could hold a few charity nights and rallies safely. That way you can get face-to-face time with the highest voting population alongside a well-liked member of their community. It could give you a strong head start and maybe quail some of those less the nice rumors about you by showing the public the Schnees value the opinions of the city most of their workers come from. Maybe even give your kid some hands-on experience dealing with the mines?
Ironwood stated gracefully, and both teens lit up at the suggestion. It would be a perfect solution, Jacques could have a leg up on his campaign, and Penny and Whitley won't have to be a part. Whitley could feel his heart raising, hope burning in him as the prospect of not losing Penny and their connection overpowered his unusual cynicism about his father. At that moment he’d say anything, agree to any workload, and do anything he asked of him if it meant Jacques would agree to this plan. Jacques looks at Whitley for split second then at Ironwood before replying.
Jacques: I appreciate the suggestion but I already have my campaign plan already sorted out. And didn’t include visiting Mantle.
He states cold enough to freeze hell over. And with one sentence all of Whitley’s hope dies a quick painful death. Penny’s face also drops at the seemingly unfair dismissal. Why would he refuse the chance to rally voters in the highest population of the kingdom? Rationally or emotionally it just doesn’t make sense to not do this especially if he was aiming for a seat in the council! She couldn’t understand how anyone could turn this down so easily without a second thought! Just who was this man and what did he think he was going to accomplish with this type of thinking? Meanwhile, Ironwood looks unsurprised and lets out a soft grunt before speaking again.
Ironwood: Well, the offer’s still on the table if you change your mind.
Jacques: I won’t. Now I think we’ve cleared everything up here. Whitley!
He calls out to his son pointedly causing Whitley to tremble for a split second before shaping back up and responding.
Whitley: Yes, Father?
Jacques: See our guest out the doors would you?
Whitley:...Yes, Father.
He says with a heavy heart. He stands up and walks to the door, holding it open for Ironwood and Penny to leave through. Both military officers get up, Penny with some hesitation, and they leave the room. Before Whitley is fully out of the room Jacques calls out to him again as he pours himself a drink from a globe bar.
Jacques: Oh, and don’t forget to throw out that poor excuse for a gift that dog gave you once they’re gone.
For a second Whitley feels a white-hot ball of rage deep in his chest. How dare he, how FUCKING DARE HE SAY THAT ABOUT HER! HE HAD ALREADY TAKEN SO MUCH FROM HIM ALL HIS LIFE BUT STILL, HE COULDN’T SPARE HIM THIS ONE LITTLE BIT OF HAPPINESS COULD HE?! Whitley wanted to shout, to scream in his father’s face for ruining yet another joy in his life! But he knew that would only end in him suffering for speaking out of turn. So he left defeated, while Jacques reveled in his risen chance of victory and successfully stomped out a possible rebellious strike in his son.
On the walk to the door, Penny feels a burning pain in her chest. This wasn't how this was supposed to end, she hadn’t had the chance to say what she needed to say yet! And with her last chance cruelly shot down there was no more time left. The pain gets worse and worse as they get closer to the doors and as Ironwood steps outside onto the front steps Whitley reaches out and taps Penny’s shoulder. She turns around and the pain worsens tenfold he says his goodbyes.
Whitley: Thank you for coming and…and for everything. This has been an amazing experience and I’m-
He pauses, choking on his words as the finality of his next statement creeps into his heart. He didn’t want this but he couldn’t do anything to stop it, besides, she’d given him so many happy memories. He’d received much more than he could’ve asked for no need to be greedy about this.
Whitley: I’m glad I got to meet you. I’m going to miss you.. a lot. Farewell Penny Polendina, I wish you all the best.
His voice is so somber even the staff passing by can feel a chill of depression wafting off him. Penny can feel the tears beginning to leak out but doesn’t let them fall, not until she said what she needed to say.
Penny: I-I’m glad I met you too. I’ve had so much fun with you over these last few months and I-I really don’t want it to end. You’ve made me feel things I’ve never had before, things I could never have dreamed of and I can’t-I won’t forget that! I will never forget our time together and I will never forget you, Whitley Schnee! Because I…I-
Penny closes her eyes and tries to say the words, three simple words to convey her feelings while her chest burns in agony. But sadly as her lips move her voice doesn’t follow, the sound doesn’t come out even though she’s practically screaming it. She opens her eyes and looks a Whitley, his face is a medley of emotions so complex she can’t understand his expression. Sure that she’d blown her last chance, Penny gives him one final hug, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and resting her head in the crack of his neck.
Penny: Goodbye.
She say her voice barely a whisper, pulling back she plants a single chased kiss on his cheek before running to the truck. She gets in and stares at his dumbfounded face from the passenger window as they pull off onto the road. Once he’s out of view Penny leans back in her seat and tries not to whimper from the pain, Ironwood reaches over and pats her shoulder.
Ironwood: Sorry Penny. I tried to give you two a chance but I had a feeling he wouldn’t let that happen.
Hurting and confused Penny takes a second to understand what he’s trying to say until she finally realizes just how much that pitch for the Mantle tour was more for her benefit than for Jacques’s. She shakes her head right to left, humiliation mixing with her pain as the truth only puts more weight on her soul.
Penny: How long have you known?
Penny questions wanting confirmation on just how obvious her feelings had been to him.
Ironwood: I had suspicions for a while but today confirmed it.
Penny: Oh my God.
Ironwood: To be fair I thought you two could make a pretty cute couple. Sorry, it didn't work out that way.
Penny signs deeply, from the top of her neck to the bottom of her torso aching so much that it hurt to breathe.
Penny: Uncle James?
Ironwood: Yes?
Penny: Is it..is it supposed to hurt like this?
She asks voice dripping with sorrow and pain, Ironwood can feel a ball forming in he’s throat but answers her honestly.
Ironwood: Yes, heartbreak tends to be pretty… painful the first time.
Penny: Like your chest is burning and being crushed from inside to the point you want to scream. And your heart stings so much it feels like it might pop. Is that how a broken heart supposed to feel?
Ironwood doesn’t respond instead leaning Penny’s head onto his shoulder as the continue toward the huntsmen academy. When they arrived Ironwood tells Penny there’s something important she needs to get from for him her usual training. With her spirit so dampened doesn’t even question it and head to the training room. But once inside she notices the lights are off and there’s movement in the darkness, before she can activate her heat seeking vision the light flash and people pop out from the behind columns and obstacles with confetti and party banner in hand!
They all cheer. Penny’s perplexed and confused but gets more confused when she notices who’s in the room. Winter, Team FNKI, and even some of the guards from security detail she recused before her mission started! They were all here to celebrate…her apparently.
Penny: What the-why are you all-
Ironwood: They’re here for your surprise employe of the month party.
Ironwood chirps right behind her alongside a cafeteria worker with a large cart of food. The worker wheels past them and goes to stock the party tables while Penny and Ironwood converse.
Penny: General, what’s going on here? Why are all these people here?
Ironwood: Like I said for your employe of the month party.
Penny: What? When was that decided?
Ironwood: Well after you spent months working the shipment theft case, and protecting your fellow soldiers when the thieves got hostile alongside all your other work there wasn’t much of a choice to make. But to be fair I also sent out an email to ask for any nominations and almost everyone here nominated you.
Penny: Really?
Penny looks around at the people in the room, there all happy to be there, and all had been helped by her in some way. This lightened the pain in Penny’s chest a little, knowing that those she helped valued her enough to ask that she be recognized for it. Even though all those acts of kindness were just second nature to her it was still something worth appreciation. Soon Neon pulls a trunk with a mini DJ set inside and sets up to play. Once everything’s set up Neon gets behind her turn tables and is ready to jam.
She shouts before dropping a hot best, kicking the party off with a bang. Swiped up in music and needing a distraction Penny goes along with the party. She thanked everyone for coming, has some food, took a picture to good up over the academy and other military facilities, and just generally enjoyed the party. Though she does find it hard to look at Winter throughout, her appearance being so close to Whitley’s flares up the burning pain every time she looks over at her. Eventually, Penny takes a seat on the ground at the edge of the room to get some space. This doesn’t last long as Neon notices her off on her own and turns on a pre-saved track before rolling up to her. She kneels down to her level, tail swinging in the air and a smile on her face as she greets her sad-faced friend.
Neon: Hey there, Miss Employee Of the Month!
Penny: Hey.
Neon: Whatcha doing over here all alone?
Penny: Just sitting and thinking, a lot has happened today and I’m still processing it all.
Neon: For real? Like what-Hey where’d you get that?
Neon points to the brooch and caught off guard Penny looks down at it. She hadn’t realized she was still wearing it and caresses it gently when she looks at it, her chest pinging with pain as the jewelry brings her thoughts back to Whitley as she explains.
Penny: It was a gift from my teacher.
Neon: Oh, really who- Oooohhh. So Atlas boy gave you that, huh? (mischievous chuckles)
Neon flashes her a sly grin and gets a little closer, her crafty curiosity out in full swing.
Neon: Does that mean you told him how you feel? Or did he just ask you out first?! Oh, Oh, Oh, Did you get the green light to date him already or are you still waiting to ask Ironwood for permission?!
She presses, playing shaking Penny’s shoulder while practical begging for details of her confession. Those questions despite being well-meaning strike a nerve with Penny and she tears up. Of course, Neon would ask about this she was one of the only people who knew just how much she loves Whitley and had been her cheerleader since the beginning. And now she was going to have to hear that their hard work failed completely.
Penny: No, I…I didn’t. I tried to tell him how I feel but the words just wouldn’t come out. And because of his father I likely won’t-I might never-I might never get to see him again!!!
She breaks down into sobs, the reality of her lost chance at love finally becoming too much to bear. Neon’s shocked by this revelation and squats down to hold her while she sobs. Eventually, her cries catches the other partygoers’ attention and the party ends early as the guest of honor is too grief-stricken to continue. It takes hours for Penny to stop crying, comfort food and her favorite root beer barely helps to ease the pain. It’s Pietro who finally calms her down enough that she can explain why she’s so upset. He comforts her but ultimately Penny decides to go to sleep early that night, wanting to feel as far away from this pain as possible but as she takes off the brooch when she’s changing another wave of agony hit her as she looks closer and sees her initials inscribed in the back. If she could trade it for another day, even just another hour with Whitley she would! Even if it was selfish Penny almost wished the investigation had lasted longer just so she could’ve had the opportunity to find a way to stay in his life. But it just wasn’t meant to be, they couldn’t be together no matter how much she wanted to and that fact made Penny cry herself to sleep that night, hurting from her first heartbreak.
Up in the floating city, Whitley has finished the last of his work for the day and leaves it on his father’s desk for review. As he makes the long walk to his room he can feel some of the staff give him sympathetic looks. What happened early that day had made its way around the manor, and Whitley hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since. The cheek Penny had kissed still stung with a pleasurable burn, he could still smell the shampoo off her hair, and hear her soft broken voice saying goodbye to him. Her memory suffocates his senses, surrendering him like a deep fog of much-needed affection and missed chances.
Once he’s finally back in his room Whitley goes to shower, the memory of the last thing Penny said to him keeps replaying in his head. The desperation in her eyes and the way her mouth moved to say the three little words that hold so much weight even though her voice won’t come out was burned into his mind with the focus of a branding iron, the image so vivid and clear it makes him grit his teeth. He tries to stay calm as he finishes his bedtime routine but before he goes to sleep, Whitley has to check something first. Looking underneath his bed frame Whitley retrieves the pocket watch, he couldn’t bring himself to throw it away like he was ordered to. Looking at the watch memories of his time with Penny flood through his mind and Whitley flops down onto his bed on his back. He stares at it with empty eyes but suddenly he laughs. Whitley starts laughing, his voice growing louder and louder by the second but it’s not a joyous sound. The laugh is strained and sounds almost deranged as Whitley’s eyes fill with a crazed light.
Whitley: What a joke. What a cruel f-FUCKING JOKE!! AS IF FATE HASN’T PLAYED ENOUGH ON ME ALREADY!!!
He cries out as tears run down his cheeks and his laugh turns into sobs. He wails in pure agony and frustration as his carefully maintained emotional walls crash down around him. Yes, it was quite a cruel joke that the first time a person had told him they loved him and meant in so long l had ended like this. And that was the first person he had fallen in love with would be taken away so viciously. They say it’s better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all and any other time Whitley would call such idealism pointless and naive. But now he understood, even if it felt like his heart was being taken asunder and his innards set ablaze Whitley couldn’t help but be thankful to have had the chance to feel and give genuine love. Even if it made him weep until he had no more tears to cry. Collapsing into his bed, watch clutched to his chest as he falls into a dreamless sleep, an already battered and scarred heart shattered yet again.
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successionmanga · 1 year
Chapter 47
Lord Orbus is eating food, thinking that everyone is heading to Neue Favrille. Belca is working on the cure so, in a sociopathic sense, The Plague was a blessing in disguise. Also, Orcelito is in his grasp so he has a perfect story to form: Kiliko tried to take the throne and Orcelito helped him by killing Prince Hector. A messenger comes into his room and Orbus asks if he has any news from Neue Favrille. Eco's song about Belca is still popular so Orbus orders for Eco to found so he can be put to better use...
At Neue Favrille itself, the King's Sword are defending the nuns who escaped chapters ago. Eco is mad that a particular knight is kissing up to them...but forget him, Musca and Paige are talking. They sent the letter but Musca is worried that Orcelito will be unhappy with her, considering that she very much isn't in Shez. Paige assures that since bad things are happening, traveling is unsafe so they should stay put. Plus, the King's Sword is here so they should be fine. She is very much still afraid of the Hokulea being at the castle though but it turns out Musca has been talking to one of them (Shamrock) and, through empirical evidence, has figured out that they are not scary sinful monsters but actual people. There's is a good chance that people have been lying to her her entire life about them...
At Regia Solaris, Tenrou runs out of the bath because he isn't into beefy guys. Belca stops him and asks where Shingetsu is and Tenrou answers that she's looking for the knight with sun hair. This pisses him off because the Hokulea and the King's Sword are supposed to be mortal enemies but she's just treating them like people! Belca wants to search too but Linna forbids it, saying it's too dangerous. Belca asks what he can do then and Linna says they have to ask Tenko and Lord Lagen to see what can be done. But first, tea and custard buns for the grumpy prince!
Kiliko confers with his council that he has received a direct order that Belca is to be made the Crown Prince, straight from Orcelito. In his letter, Orcelito apologizes for getting Belca and Musca wrapped up in his problems and that while Kiliko was a dick to Belca, he asks him to forgive him because Kiliko isn't that bad. More importantly, he's useful so he asks that he uses him as a subordinate. Oh, and don't tell Musca about The Plague. Belca, being in the room, says he wants to find Orcelito to confirm this but Kiliko says he's missing. Belca wants to look for him but Lord Lagen's men are looking for Belca to kill him so that's out. Lord Lagen's men may also try to cure Orcelito but for all the wrong reasons...this confuses Belca because Lord Lagen is supposed to be dead, right?
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Kiliko confesses his father is alive and that Orcelito specifically asked for Belca to not be handed over to him.
Thinking about this at tea time, Belca is still besides himself. He doesn't know why Kiliko is suddenly acting like a good vassal and he doesn't get why his brother is acting like this. They've known each other their entire lives and he still barely gets him. Linna says that's impossible because both have the king's blood but considering Reitz's history...oh wait, doesn't Belca have Rovisco's blood in him? It looks like he'll have to talk to Kiliko, as much as the thought annoys him.
Under the chapel, Orcelito is listening in on the guards and learning the senator's plans. Somebody in the cult's clothes comes and tries to kill him but he acts crazy to throw them off, believing it be a kind of test. The assassin leave, revealing herself to be Lilia who's disappointed at Orcelito's apparent insanity if still suspicious.
Sparrow Hawk shows up on the roof to greet Kiliko. Sparrow Hawk tells him to keep searching for Orcelito while leaving Belca's case to them. Kiliko plays dumb when he's asked where Belca is but Sparrow sees right through it, saying that his father is pissed enough.
Eco is eating lunch at the place we found him at the beginning of the manga before chatting with the waitress about carriages coming in and out of town. Meanwhile, Kiliko is making sure the people of the kingdom are accommodated (with help from Tenko) before Tenko brings him some tea when he's back in his room. He assures him it's totally not poisoned before Kiliko drinks it. Then Tenko asks him about the details on Hector's death, saying the official story is it was from The Plague. He thinks it was due to some medicine...but Kiliko's silence and Tenko continued questioning makes it clear who he thinks is really behind it.
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Kiliko doesn't deny his final accusation that he was involved so Tenko draws his sword and pins him to the table. He doesn't kill him though; no, when Orcelito is found and The Plague is cured, then Kiliko's time will be up. Kiliko himself agrees. Then a guard walks in and sees them. Belca and Linna, serendipitously walking outside, overhear the commotion and rush over to see Tenko having knocked down the guard to defend himself. Kiliko says he and Tenko were just playing around and the guard (Crow!) is relieved, if injured. Belca blames himself for letting Tenko do too much so he asks to speak to Kiliko. First on the agenda: did he kill Hector? Kiliko says yes. But Belca says he's only hearing half the story and orders Kiliko to spit it out. Kiliko says he had hoped to become friends with Hector or at least control him but Hector was having none of his shit. The poison that Hector got actually came from one of Orbus' men. It's supposed to erode someone of their free will but with some people, it just kills them. Belca already knows why Hector was targeted: he wanted to reveal Rovisco's records. Belca tells Kiliko about what the Stone Capital's tre history is and Kiliko surprises him by revealing that he already knows. Belca asks if Kiliko wants revenge but Kiliko says he just wants to be free. He understands if Belca doesn't trust him but Belca says he does...because Orcelito does.
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Belca tells Tenko that he shouldn't be aiming his vengeance boner at this guy...then gets up and forcibly fist bumps Kiliko, saying that he still owes him an ass-whupping for Linna and the Hokulea's sake. The chapter ends on that note.
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
hey is chapter 5 going to be the last part of Sins ?
Hi Anon
Chapter 6 is the final chapter, and will have a time jump. So 5 will be the lead up to that. Chapter 5 will pick up where 4 left off. 😁
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slamongflobo · 5 months
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playing yakuza 3 !
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buttercupshands · 4 months
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rewatched Kurogiri's holiday story from ultra impact (not related to sketch at all)
(but it did inspire me)
on another note
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#fanart#sketch#my art#bnha#shigaraki tomura#tenko shimura#kurogiri#I cried a bit while playing it I missed the classic LoV I missed Kurogiri WITH the LoV it's been so long :(#and it feels like last chapter (423 atm) broke the seal of sketching them as anything but something static#it took me two or so days to just understand that Kurogiri is... yeah#I can't believe it took Horikoshi so long to bring him back but as I said and will say it again I glad it happened at all#after some thought I just want to sit with the chapters#anyway getting the preordered book was so much fun#it was full of LoV from Toga and Dabi talking about her house to Tenko being upset over being told that he doesn't have friends#and everything in-between basically only Compress left to join in the next volume#I think????#I actually want to get another one already they're so goodddd#and the translation sounds pretty good but I checked some pages not the whole book it'll be boring#it's actually so weird to think that I started a goal of reading the whole series ad it was now officially coming out like this back in 201#and now it's 2024 and the translation is pretty much ahead of anime and maybe it'll be faster than viz volumes too#since it's 2 in 1 basically - I think it's really great since I save some money but get LoV chapters every time#because they appear every 2 books at the start of the series and back then it was hard for me to get them#but I felt content seeing all the books that I bought when I was visiting family for holidays this month because there are so many of them#and I don't need any wi-fi or internet in general to read them back to back now with an addictional volume#they have some mistakes but I don't mind them it feels good to just hold all of them (and a bit heavy after like 8 books) and now it's 18
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isbergillustration · 4 months
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Something something becoming a city
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sygneth · 5 months
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"...I received a telegram from my friend imploring me to return to Donnithorpe, and saying that he was in great need of my advice and assistance. Of course I dropped everything and set out for the North once more"
Holmes College Adventures Masterpost Chapter 2: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6 - part 7 - part 8 AO3
Now, Holmes mentions that he "went up to his London rooms". He also mentions (MUSG) that "when he first came to London he had rooms in Montague Street". Now I see several possibilities here: 1. Holmes moved to study in London, had the Montague rooms for his two years of college and stayed there for a couple years more, until he moved to Baker Street. 2. Holmes was studying elsewhere and moved to London after he dropped out of university, and the "London rooms" he mentions in GLOR were some other rooms he rented for vacation (?) 3. He moved to London after he dropped out, and the rooms meant he stayed at Mycroft's place, but he didn't think this detail nessecary enough to mention.
There is no particular reason to choose the third one, but hey, I wanted to draw Mycroft.
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ying-doodles · 2 months
drifting closer
a comic based off @lloydfrontera's post about touch averse javier slowly becoming clingy to lloyd after the end of the novel! :> although the touch averse part didn't make it in lol,,
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etchy-a-sketchy · 9 months
He’s home!!!! o7
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Y’all I spent so long on this piece but I drew it before I wrote the chapter and now it doesn’t work quite right ;w; I put too much into it to change it and I’m hella proud so I left it as is- even tho this is more so how it should look-
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rbtlvr · 1 year
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oh god they absolutely are. i was originally gonna just do angst about how cmh leo has Not Been Hugged In Over A Year but then i remembered that also means his family has not hugged (a) leo in over a year soooo
that said...
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(+ individual hugs under read more just because)
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otomehonyaku · 21 days
Diabolik Lovers More,Blood ☽ Possessive Ruki and voyeuristic Yui (Heaven 02)
this is genuinely one of my favourite scenes in Ruki's route in MB... the cooing! the possessiveness! the horniness! once again props to @karleksmumskladdkaka because now I have a (long) list of scenes that I post videos of ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
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