#tagging just to be sure bc the mentions are very non-graphical
viaetor · 2 years
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#𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄: an essay on cosmic solitude, divine duty, ancient lullabies about never-ending mysteries and universe horrors wonders. inspired by the poem “𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐖” by 𝘩. 𝑝. 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑓𝑡, as follows: “the house was old, with tangled wings outthrown, / of which no one could ever half keep track, / and in a small room somewhat near the back / was an odd window sealed with ancient stone. / there, in a dream-plagued childhood, quite alone / i used to go, where night reigned vague and black; / parting the cobwebs with a curious lack / of fear, and with a wonder each time grown. // one later day i brought the masons there / to find what view my dim forbears had shunned, / but as they pierced the stone, a rush of air / burst from the alien voids that yawned beyond. / they fled – but i peered through and found unrolled / all the wild worlds of which my dreams had told.”
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ㅤㅤonce upon a time, if time could flow for cosmic beings the same way as verses of the folk in bards’ mouths do, they were two in one. lai’methir, the magnum opus of the constellations; caelings, travellers, guardians. sword and shield, she and he. always together, never one without the other—almost as if they knew not how to exist separately. perhaps they truly didn’t, perhaps they certainly could yet they chose not to learn. regardless, such were things, and neither of them seemed discontent with being stuck to their hips—twins not because they came to be from the same stellar bosom, but due to the fact they were born in the exact planes of dimension, time-space-similarity. from their infancy as proto-stars to their most adventurous years, they’d waltz closely, reconnoitring the cosmos from tip to tip, always flying at the same pace, hands held, even if their eyes looked for different things.
ㅤㅤon the surface, they were very much one in the same, radiating absoluteness and power, carrying themselves with the same posture. but it’d only take a look deep into their shining eyes to know that they were not painted with the same hues of gold. that, however, was a secret they kept close to themselves, daring not to utter a word about it even amongst their kin. aether, the golden comet, would look for planets that held long histories to patiently unfold, fascinated even by the most broken ones. lumine, the silvery bloom, would observe the astros that were yet to be born or to wither, awed by the certainties of the laws of the universe. a crippling sense of dependency ran in their black-matter blood, inciting goosebumps on the rare occasions they lost each other during a fight. if one came to die, would so the other or would one of them get stronger by their loss? they’d rather not know. they didn't need to know. so together they always were.
ㅤㅤuntil things started to change.
ㅤㅤyou see, dear listener, the balance of the cosmos is a delicate one, meant not to be tainted by the hands of boorish gods and goddesses and their wavering greed. no. it asks for fortitude, tenacity, that is, it needs a celestial nature. therefore, for such a noble role, the universe tasks itself with giving birth to divine creatures of their own making—order-keepers, special caelings created by the astros to help enforce the heavenly principles of all worlds. that is what our dearest travellers of yore were meant to be, order-keepers caelings; executors of every command the ethereal forces whispered in their ears, saviours of cries that echoed through the vast blackness, devotees of the absolute holiness of glittering lights. from a powerful constellation they whence came, thus they were expected great things from, just as renowned soldiers are by ruthless generals.
ㅤㅤbut travelling through worlds, exploring and adventuring the complexity of life—that is a dangerous thing to do. you begin to learn, to wonder, to feel, to think, to question. and suddenly, the hand holding dimension-shattering sword prefers to touch the softness of a rose petal, to turn pages of a romantic book, to gently twirl a mortal’s strand of hair. that is, you begin to care. and that is a path you cannot easily walk away from.
ㅤㅤafter a few cycles on a void-forsaken planet, they had concluded little changes ought to be made to its ecosystem according to what the stars told them from the horizon. they never interfered with living beings’ spans directly on their volition, you see, it mattered if they spoke, barked or simply photosynthesized; it was not their direct jurisdiction unless the balance depended on it. more often than not, they’d simply alter mountains, and a planet’s core, and burn forbidden artefacts after immortalising them in their memories—simple order-keepers’ duties.
ㅤㅤalthough, this time, they were commanded to do something different—to shatter the planet’s core and kill a specific person. a youngling who would grow up to learn how to solve their homeland issues. it was an easy kill. they were far more used on slaying maddened beasts or cutting throats of far too arrogant deities. this was certainly... an odd change of pace, they thought. but they bore no complaints. how could they? they were each other’s witnesses, bearers of murderous weapons, cleaning each other of any filth that got stuck on their clothing. whatever grave sin that youngster was about to commit would be no more.
ㅤㅤwhile they finished wiping the world of any clues of their interference, aether found a brilliant gemstone in the youngling’s pocket. right next to it, was a paper with inking on top; a primitive representation of what he supposed was the tyke’s family. he crouched down, tilting his head as the mortal remains burned hot still on his cheek, taking the yellowish prism into his hand.
ㅤㅤgently rotating it, he could see all the colours of the universe through such a gem—the mixture of green and blue, just like the nebulae trails and clusters he and his sister would rest upon, the orange sounds that the stars made when they whispered them lullabies, the whitened pinks of their favourite quasars to play with, back when they were just a few hundred years old. he could see it all that he had lived, and all that he would still live. right there, on his palm. such a realisation was a strange one to him, poetics were never meant to be a part of his functionalities, after all. he found himself questioning if such a youngling had ever seen all those colours, if they, in their limited mortal eyes, could comprehend colours that didn’t yet exist in popular vocabulary. if they had lived them. and if yes, which ones? which didn’t they get a chance to experience? how about his family, the others of his kind? had they lived through such colours, the same ones he has? would they miss any tints of existence now that one of their own was gone? it was hard to say and it wasn’t as if he could get any answers from the remains on the floor. all that was left for him was to deduce using logic, but that was never his forte. he was still only a couple of thousand years old, after all, and all he needed to know was written by the stars.
ㅤㅤlumine never spoke a word during his reflections, even when she had her wings spread open, ready to depart back to the heaven above. she waited behind him, silently, like she always did. they never talked unless it was in extreme cases, their voices being strangers to each other’s senses for many years. aether didn’t need to look back to know what expression she was making—stoic, sovereign, sublime. just like always. nevertheless, he eventually did turn to face her, firmly holding the gemstone up as if that chunk was a revolutionary thing to be brought to the cosmos.
ㅤㅤhow many minutes, hours or days passed before she broke the silence, you ask? he does not remember, but eventually, she did, and that’s one of the reasons why we have this story. “i see nothing,” stated her dryly. much like him, she knew not how to wonder out loud, a warrior of the stars to her marrow, but what she truly wanted to state was an inquiry: why are you holding that?
ㅤㅤ“look closer. we can see ourselves.”
ㅤㅤ“‘tis not a mirror.”
ㅤㅤaether tilted his head, even if his face remained as expressionless as his companion. she was right. but couldn’t she see what he was seeing? then… turning the gemstone three degrees to the left so it would beam a gentle sandy glow, much like her blond hair and eyes, he continued: “‘tis you.”
ㅤㅤthis time, it was lumine who tilted her head, curious, even if she hadn’t unsummoned her weapon yet. she waited for something more, but nothing came. “a gemstone.” stated her, but this time, her tone lingered for a few more octaves than needed, a hint of hesitation with her own response.
ㅤㅤ“no, you.”
ㅤㅤ “it holds no weapon, it cannot be me.”
ㅤㅤif he knew what emotions are, he’d have furrowed his brow and called himself frustrated. but he didn’t. he remained silent and still for a while, until she spoke again:
ㅤㅤ“we’re done, then. let us fly back.”
ㅤㅤmore conscious eyes stared back at the infant they had just killed, resting there. the picture of their family that was previously next to the gemstone made him even more puzzled. was that gemstone a mere currency in this world, like coins were to some, or was it a personal treasure to that child just like that frivolous portrait? why else would they carry it in the same pocket? could people be treasures? he supposed, knowing how mortals and deities knew no bounds to their arrogance and cruelty sometimes. ah... could it be that they were different things, but equally as important? the gemstone ought to be a currency in this dried out planet, but perhaps the photo had a sentimental value. what was it that the mortals called? right, home. homes were meant to be important. home was a concept that he heard about over and over again. a place you always returned to, somewhere you belonged, a warm haven—whatever those things meant. according to many, every being had one.
ㅤㅤ“brother.” he remembers to this day, she didn’t call him by his name back then. not until they had…  well, that’s a story for another time.
ㅤㅤbut, just as freshly, he remembers this was his first question in his entire immortal life: “are we going home, to the astros?” heavy sandy eyelashes blinked far more than what a stoic face would allow, unsure of how to process. so he continued as he raised himself from the ground, gemstone still beaming through his gloves. “do we have a home?”
ㅤㅤshe looked down, pupils focused nowhere in particular. she wasn’t made for this; neither of them was. not this kind of wondering, at least. they were meant to do things as expressly told by the stars, like the obedient children that they were raised to be. but she closed her eyes, almost as if she hoped to not be perceived by the stars above—if she understood emotions, she’d say she was afraid of being judged and punished. but she didn’t understand anything of the sort, so she most certainly wasn’t.
ㅤㅤand so, she spoke again, at long last, while dissipating her galactic weapon and offering her bloody hand instead: “you have me.”
ㅤㅤand that was enough. to change their entire lives, to change the course of the universe. when their eyes met again, they weren’t the same. they knew the language of the stars, the idioms spoken by hundreds of galaxies and scriptures lost to time, but they were yet too young to know how to express the relief found in that question, in that answer. what mattered, however, was that their soon-to-be hearts knew. suddenly, the cosmos felt a bit less empty, a lot warmer, and they weren’t just one in separate bodies, but two individuals.
ㅤㅤso nothing came out of his mouth as a response to her statement, for it wasn’t necessary. joint by their hips since birth, they needed only to breathe to comprehend each other’s intentions and this fortunately was no exception. so instead of speaking, he took the gemstone with him in one hand, and his sister’s in his other, spreading his wings alongside hers. he promised wordlessly that he would take that jewel with him and show all the colours of the universe that that kid couldn’t experience —almost as an apology. to what, exactly, he’d still discover.
ㅤㅤbut within the cryptic depths of the universe, some of the elder stars knew that their obedient order-keepers would be blind followers no more. to wonder and wander by themselves was their first sin, their first break of the contract with the heavenly principles. and oh, how they would pay for it. it’d take a few eons for their transgression to burden them, but it would. for now, only the galaxies would bleed.
ㅤㅤas they flew together to nowhere in specific, thinking to themselves they’d simply wait for the next set of instructions and that nothing much had changed, aether felt something clutching in his stellar core, telling him to not look back to the planet they had just left.
ㅤㅤunfortunately, he did. he did. and oh, what a terrible mistake that was.
ㅤㅤhe learned that order-keepers are not there to follow an always righteous balance but to follow the whims of the oldest astros. for how else could he explain the monstrous black hole that blossomed from the pits of a nearby star, its abyssal tentacles embracing everything around it as the civilizations screamed loud enough for them to hear? he watched, horrified for the first time in his existence, how destructive the cosmos could be. what he could be. he knew now why the newly-born stars only whispered or shyly sung—they were ghosts too afraid of having their spirits burned again in the afterlife, for they dared to shine too bright when they weren’t meant to.
ㅤㅤand he? he was created to be one of their reapers. what a fancy name for a guardian.
ㅤㅤhe squeezed lumine’s hand tighter.
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n0v4t33z · 7 months
The Piece of Eight - Assimilate and Assault
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Pairings: Capt. Hongjoong X Female Reader , Crewmate San x Female Reader (Overall not chapter specific)
Genre: Pirate AU, Romance, historical-ish (not really), Action, Angst, Non-Idol AU
Word Count: 5.1k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions of blood and gore, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: Some suggestive conversations?, straight up violence for some of it (HERE'S YOUR WARNING IF YOU DON'T LIKE GRAPHIC VIOLENCE), enemy says vulgar shit to y/n, lots of blood, y/n's PTSD makes a small appearence, Mingi being a little weird (let me know if there's anything else)
Spotify Playlist ⚓ | Masterlist 🏴‍☠️
Author's Note 💌: Hi I finally had some time to edit and post this lol it's very short but it gives you a peek into MC's first day with the teezers. Also I had to change the color scheme bc Tumblr wanted to be mean and remove the yellow text option so I chose orange bc ateez. Tbh I've been so tired from work I've been procrastinating editing this and i've just been working on the most recent chapter of the story which is easy writing but I decided I need to at least post something so I hope you enjoy this chapter and please look forward to the next one! - N 🌙
A few hours later I wake up and it’s dark. Eledonia was also now gone from the horizon and as I look around at the endless dark sea I realize a blanket is wrapped around me.
It was most likely Seonghwa since Hongjoong did say he’d be coming by later to show me to my room. I keep my gaze fixed in the direction of Eledonia and now is when it sinks in that I will not be seeing my family in awhile. I sit there welling up in my own thoughts until a gentle tap on my shoulder disturbs them, it was Seonghwa. 
He gives me a soft smile and says “Hey, you’re awake now. Let me show you to your room so you can sleep comfortably.”
 I get up and he helps me with my bag while I silently follow behind him with the blanket still wrapped around me since It was quite chilly. We walk down to the crew’s quarters which is located towards the front of the ship. I walk down and I notice nothing was separated, everyone was sleeping in the same room.
 I could see six figures fast asleep in their own beds then Seonghwa leans over and whispers “Go ahead and sleep on my bed, I’ll be keeping watch tonight up in the crow’s nest so I won’t be using my bed. Don’t mind everyone else, sleep well okay?” 
He sets down my things next to his bed and gives me a smile and a nod goodbye. After I’ve quietly settled down on Seonghwa’s bed I notice it’s quite comfortable, more than mine back at home. Which led to me falling asleep pretty quickly.
 In the morning I’m woken up with voices, all of them belonged to the six figures on the beds last night which obviously belong to my crew mates. Since I have a habit of sleeping with a blanket over my head I lay perfectly still and pretend to be asleep then I hear someone say “That’s not Seonghwa. Is that y/n? The Captain’s new protector?”
 For some reason I’m terrified now that I’ve made my existence known. Someone then answers “Nah I don’t think it’s her, why would she be sleeping in here? I’m sure that’s probably Seonghwa being lazy.” 
Suddenly, something presumably a pillow is thrown at me followed by “Get up Seonghwa or you’re not getting any breakfast!” Followed by someone pulling the blanket from over my head harshly then complete silence. 
I open my eyes and and realize 6 men standing around the bed I’m laying on with some of them with their mouths agape. Then someone says “What the fuck? She’s sleeping in Seonghwa’s bed?” 
Slightly irritated from how embarrassed I was I sit there in silence glaring at them. Followed by Mingi chuckling then reaching over to grab my arm  “Hey let’s g-” Before he’s even able to finish his sentence I grab his wrist and twist it “Don’t touch me.”
 Immediately he pulls his hand away and massages his wrist and says “She’s feisty.” The man with puppy like features looks over at the blue haired male “Mingi stop..” 
I throw the pillow at Mingi who gets bonked in the head then manages to catch it “Look, just- can you understand how I was woken up? Like that was such an aggressive and rude way to wake up it was so uncalled for so, can you blame me? Especially your so called superior, you’re really going to disrespect him like that?”
San looks over at Mingi says “I agree with her, that was rude. Especially towards someone who’s not used to the way we play around” 
Mingi playfully punches San in the arm “Loosen up San, it was a joke.” San turns and looks over at Mingi with a glare. 
Wooyoung raises his eyebrow “Wait, so are you really the Captain’s protector?” I bite the inside of my cheek “Yeah, otherwise what else would I be doing here.” Mingi responds “Our-” Yunho immediately covers his mouth “No, stop. Quiet, no”
 Everyone else erupts in laughter. I roll my eyes then I get up and grab my backpack “If you’ll excuse me I need to change.” Wooyoung smiles “Sure.” Someone in the distance then says “You pissed her off, she was so nice the last time we saw her..”
 I walk out of the crew quarters and It just so happened that Seonghwa was walking in that direction and I’m stopped in the middle of the hallway leading to the stairs to go back upstairs.
 “Hey, I was just about to go wake you and introduce you to your other crew members.” I stay silent for a few seconds then I respond in a low voice “No thanks.”
 Seonghwa grabs my arm “Wait, why not? What happened?” I shake my head and pull my arm away from his grasp “I’m going to change..”
 I walk upstairs towards the deck to look around and head towards the room the Captain walked into last night. Surely he must be in there right?
I knock on the door and carefully enter the candle lit room “Captain?” 
 He glances over at me and removes his glasses “y/n? Good morning, I didn’t think you’d come here so early. I heard you stayed up pretty late.”
 “I did, but I’m a light sleeper so I woke up pretty easily.” I sit on the leather chair in front of his desk softly squeaking from my weight.
“That reminds me, can I tell you something? I don’t want to be worrisome on my first day here but this just kind of bothers me.” Hongjoong nods giving me a concerned look “Did something happen?”
“Yeah kind of. Your crewmates are assholes, they threw a pillow at me thinking I was Seonghwa, is that really how they treat your first mate?”
 Hongjoong lets out a small laugh “Well, yes but the respect is there don’t worry that’s just how they get along. As for the way you were woken up..” he trails off and lets out a sigh “I’m sorry about that, if you want you have my permission to scold them if they get on your nerves as they tend to have their moments of not being the most pleasant to be around.” 
What? No way he’s letting me scold them?! Is that how much he trusts me? I mean it’s a given the man trusts me with his life, why wouldn’t he when it comes to just standing up for myself and straightening out a couple of grown brats…
”Oh, um. Thank you for that.” Hongjoong’s eyebrow slightly raises “Anything else?” I awkwardly stipple my fingers for a few moments “Um, do you have food? I’m kind of starving” 
Hongjoong smiles “Yeah, second floor below deck. Breakfast should be going on right now. I’ll walk you there.” I look over at his desk and notice he’s writing something immediately feeling guilty for making him stand “oh, uh. No captain, it’s okay. I should learn my way around the ship by myself.” 
Hongjoong hums and I continue “Besides, you’re busy doing Captain things..I really don’t want to bother you.” Hongjoong puts his black polished index finger on his lips and hushes me “I promise you’re not bothering me darling, I’m more than happy to show you around. I’ve got plenty of time.”
I stand up and smile “It’s okay Captain, I think it’s best for me to learn things on my own. You are the Captain after all, I’m sure you’re quite busy erm…Being a Captain.” 
Hongjoong smirks then looks at me fondly “Alright, but in case you need someone to guide you Seonghwa and I are here. Don’t forget that.” I quietly nod then he continues “Once you’re done with breakfast go ahead and head over to the crow’s nest and keep watch. I’ll put you in charge of that. If you spot anything let Seonghwa know immediately. ”
 Hongjoong reaches into the side drawer of his desk and hands me a golden spyglass “Thank you Captain, I will.”
  I glance down at it then back up at him where he then motions for me to leave “Alright, go. If you need anything Seonghwa will be there to assist.” 
I bow, slightly intimidated by him not because he's scary but more or so because of how well he carries himself. 
When I exit the captain’s quarters I carefully examine the spyglass. Must be brass or something judging from the nice weight to it. 
Regardless it was so beautiful It had an engraving on it, the same one as the one on Hongjoong’s arm band. I guess this means it’s his, that’s cool. He trusts me even with his personal items.
 While I walk across the deck my stomach growls then I sigh. If I remember correctly Hongjoong said the kitchen was on the second floor? 
I head downstairs and as soon as I enter the mess hall it becomes dead silent. I knew it, I knew it was going to be this awkward. At least Hongjoong isn’t here it would have been much more embarrassing. 
San pats the seat next to his and gives me dimpled smile “y/n, sit here. I saved this seat for you.” 
This man is making me want to smack him. Pretending to be nice. Why is he so flirty? I can only imagine how cringe he was with the girls back in Eledonia. They probably ate that shit up too. Ugh.
 I sit on the seat next to San on the other side to my right was Wooyoung who immediately stands up. To my recollection he's the cook, he was the one wearing an apron while cooking back in Eledonia and the one who gave me the delicious peach tart.
 Seonghwa then brings everyone’s attention over to me“Evreyone, you weren’t properly introduced but this is the Captain’s protector Her name is y/n.” 
The tall one with blue hair and glasses which was Mingi if I remember correctly says “Ah yes, the cute doll back in Eledonia.” Wow, he must have a thing with dolls but honestly I'm not mad at it. 
“You’re cute, I know why Hongjoong chose you now. I think Hongjoong likes cute girls. Cute..” Everyone silently stares at him then Yunho looks over at Mingi in disgust. “Maybe you should stay quiet you’ve used the word cute one too many times for my liking.”
 Yunho looks over at me and gives me a concerned look “He’s weird please don’t listen to him. Anyway, hello y/n It’s nice to see you've decided to join us.” I slightly raise my hand from the table to acknowledge his greeting and take a bite of a piece of bread from a basket. 
From the corner of my eye I notice the guy with Jongho back in Eledonia, Yeosang if i'm not wrong. Looking at him closer now I notice he's got very gorgeous features, one of them being a cool looking birth mark on his left eye (which I didn't notice) , his face being almost too perfect to be real with soft brown hair that compliments him very well giving him a very princely and delicate appearance. 
He stares at me without saying anything which is intimidating noting how gorgeous the man is. The stare wasn’t out of hate, it was more or so out of curiosity until he finally speaks “Who trained you?” 
Slightly taken aback I almost choke on my bread but manage to play it off. He speaks Eledonian, like Hongjoong only much more fluent. “My grandfather, an Eledonian veteran. Why?”
 He gives me a small smile and shakes his head “I was just asking, I’m Yeosang. My apologies for not introducing myself when we first met.” I shake my head “It’s okay, no worries. I appreciate you introducing yourself..” 
San furrows his eyebrows “Hey Yeo, you speak Eledonian? I didn’t know that.” Yeosang glances at San while resting both elbows on the table and his hands laced together “Who do you think taught Hongjoong?” 
Shortly after being gone Wooyoung comes back with a bowl and a cup of tea and gently sets it in front of me. “I hope you like it, it may be a little spicy depending on your spice tolerance but it should still be good.. ” 
I silently nod and take a sip of my tea then Seonghwa says “So y/n, how’d you sleep? You didn’t get seasick?” I pick up my eating utensil and mix my food.
“Well, besides being woken up in the rudest most uncalled for way ever. It was actually pretty comfortable, more than my old bed so I fell asleep almost instantly.” The whole table stays quiet with exception of a few of them clearing their throats and awkwardly adjusting themselves in their seats.
 Seonghwa looks over at the rest of the guys and forces a smile when he looks back at me “Well at least you slept well up until that point.” I shove a spoonful of food in my mouth and nod, San remorsefully speaks “So um, about this morning. Sorry we thought you were Seonghwa and we kind of ambushed you without your permisson.”
 I shrug taking another sip of my drink “What’s done is done, it’s fine.” Jongho, the very well built dark haired male with a very friendly face says in an apologetic tone “We should have honestly checked before we pulled something like that. I’m sure that’s the reason you’re being so cold towards all of us which we understand.” 
Woah this guy hit the nail on the head with that one. “You’re right, you guys were assholes but now with the Captain’s full permission if you ever cross the line with me again I have his personal blessing to kick your asses.”
Mingi says under his breath “Ah, that’s so hot..” San looks over at Mingi like he just insulted him and flatly says “No..” 
Seonghwa glares at both males, something told that pissing him off wasn’t a good idea. As it is he’s already intimidating. “How about you both calm down and behave. You both act like you didn’t just meet up with women back in Eledonia” 
Wooyoung giggles looking in San’s direction playfully nudging my arm so that I could watch the whole ordeal go on. “Seonghwa’s right, weren’t you two the ones who were flirting away and getting back rubs from Eledonian women later in the evening?”
 San crosses his arms in front of his chest “They were just back rubs!” Everyone looks in his direction then Wooyoung fires back “You and I both know you’re lying about that, that's not the only thing that was getting rubbed”
 I roll my eyes at how utterly embarrassing this whole conversation was getting and continue to eat my food completely tuning out the conversation happening. Everyone explodes in laughter while San sits there festering in annoyance and Mingi awkwardly laughs it off with the others.
 Once they settle down a bit Jongho says “That’s true one of them didn’t come back until midday the next day so that says alot about what actually happened.” I eat the last of my food and drink the remaining tea from my cup and I get up not caring we were all in mid conversation.
“I’m done eating. Wooyoung, the food was delicious.” I give Wooyoung a smile and in return he blinks “Oh, you ate fast.. Do you want seconds?” I shake my head and get up “No thank you, I’m full.” 
San turns to me and looks at me a bit sad “You’re leaving already?” I nod dusting my lap off from the leftover bread crumbs “Yep, see you around.” 
Before anyone has a chance of saying anything else I excuse myself from the clearly very private conversation going on in the background. I guess I'm going to have to get used to conversations like this, men are so… Weird.
After that chaotic breakfast I find my way back to the crow’s nest, it was a nice change of environment. I wonder if this is the only thing I’ll be doing while we’re at sea, then again there is no one I need to protect Hongjoong from anyway so I guess it makes sense I’m in charge of keeping an eye. 
After a few uneventful days of me keeping watch, which were either cargo ships or just other ships in general who weren’t of intrest. I basically lived up at the crow’s nest and only really came down to shower or use the bathroom since Wooyoung would usually bring up my food while on duty. 
Today was a different story, on the horizon I could make out a ship in the distance then I look into the spyglass and notice a ship with a peculiar flag. Unlike our flag, theirs was red with a skull on it except this skull had two spears crossing behind it then my stomach sinks. 
I quickly climb down then I run over to Seonghwa who was talking to Mingi and in between breaths I say “I don’t know who they are but we have company from the north east.”
Seonghwa quickly puts down the book in his hand and runs outside onto the deck then pulls out his spyglass, and stares at the ship for what felt like forever “The Scarlet Sailors… The Captain needs to see this.” He turns to me “Prepare for battle these pirates are quite tough, ring the bell.” 
It’s like a switch instantly lit up I run over to the bell and ring it as loud as I can while Seonghwa runs into the captain’s quarters to alert the Captain. My first looting with the crew and I’m not going to lie but I’m scared. What if I die not even three seconds after stepping foot on that boat.
 Meanwhile the whole ship goes hectic to prepare everything and a few minutes later Hongjoong steps out and looks through Seonghwa’s spyglass with a big smile on his features “Evreyone, looks like we hit the jackpot. We will strip them from everything.” 
He hands Seonghwa his spyglass back then looks over at me and gives me a bright smile “Use this time to practice, don’t worry if you kill them. The government doesn’t care, so neither should we. Also, unless I call for you do your thing I’m not useless.” I hum and touch the gun on my holster then I smile. Here’s my chance to show off.
 As the ship gets closer Jongho aims the canon at the ship and shoots directly hitting the ship in the front of the ship he then signals San and Yeosang to do the same permanently disabling the ship due to Jongho’s successfully being able to break the main mast of the ship. 
Right as Yunho and Mingi begin to set up the plank a few people of the enemy begins to shoot at us causing us to hide. 
Seonghwa gently squeezes my shoulder “Good luck, and please protect our Captain.” I turn and give him a smile for the first time in a while “No problem.” once the plank is clear I notice the captain of the ship immediately heads over towards Hongjoong.
 He’s not useless he can fight, I just need to clear these people out then I can help him. I shoot my gun at any of the crew mates running towards me until I have no ammo left after that I pick up a sword from one of the bodies on the ground then I climb up one of the shrouds of the ship. 
Before jumping I take a deep breath and jump down onto a crew mate who was about to shoot Yeosang in the back so I proceed to stab him in the back of the neck with the blade exiting through the other side of the man’s throat.
 When I pull it out of the man’s neck the sound alone of the man choking on his own blood causes Yeosang to turn and notices the man on the floor then he looks back at me and smirks.
I pick up the man’s gun and shoot the man behind Yeosang and I smile. I notice a scary looking man about to gang up on Wooyoung who was already busy with a sword fight so I give Yeosang a two finger salute and while running to Woooyung’s aid I shoot the man on the side of the head causing him to fall to the ground limply.
 While I look around to see if I could assist anyone I feel a hand pull me back by the hair and begins to crush my throat with the other then I put the barrel of the gun under the bearded man’s chin and I pull the trigger causing him to fall back. In the midst of me running away I see another huge scary bald man with a cigar in his mouth begin to walk towards me with evrey intention to kill.
 “You can’t go around killing people like this little lady, you’ve been a bad girl.” I smirk then I pull the trigger of the gun only for it to be empty then I let out a frustrated groan so I grab the sword again then he lets out a laugh. 
"You wanna fight with swords? Alright, I'll do you a favor before I kill you then although I can't guarantee I won't fuck you up pretty girl." He grabs a sword from the nearest body And does a few practice swings. 
I run towards the man and swing to aim at his midsection but he successfully blocks my sword and knocks it out of my hand. The man lets out a laugh and grabs me by the wrist and pulls me towards him then he rests his blade on my neck, pressing just enough for me to acknowledge the blade on my throat drawing some blood.
 The smoke from his cigar hitting me in the face while I lay completely still “What a shame I have to kill you I really wanted to fuck that pretty little face of yours-”
 Feeling complete disgust by the vulgarities this man was saying I pull out a dagger hiding under my belt and stab the man once in the midsection then another right in the eye causing him to drop his cigar to the floor and scream in agonizing pain.
 “You fucking bitch! I’ll kill you!” I pick up the sword I dropped and motion the angry man to attack "Come and get me you ugly troll.." 
The man leans in and swings his sword in my direction grazing my arm only managing to rip the fabric of my sleeve. I parry the angry man and unfortunately for the man his anger combined with only having one eye grants me an opening to lunge and slash followed by a stab right on his stomach causing him to fall on his knees and drop the sword on the ground.
 I pick up the cigar he dropped from the floor and push the end of the lit cigar into the wound in his eye.
The man screams in pain and clutches onto his face squirming on the floor until I pick up the shot gun off of a body and shoot the man dead. It's over, finally. 
I slowly close my eyes and let out a soft sigh, when I open my eyes I look at the state of the situation and see the captain of the Scarlet Sailors had been defeated or more so shot in the face. 
The rest of his crew only a handful were left alive and were are all tied up while San kept watch the rest of the guys were quickly hauling alot of supplies and money onto the ship.
 A few minutes go by of me being confused and not really knowing what to do si I decide to help San keep watch on the rival crew mates. From a distance I hear a whistling noise only to realize it was Hongjoong, who was looking in my direction and motions me back onto the ship.
 Both San and I walk back to the ship, leaving the rival crew on the boat. It still hadn’t dawned on me how brutal this whole situation is in reality. How my first encounter with true violence would be the one to light a fire in me that won’t be put out which will put a crack on my moral compass.
Once we get on the ship I begin walking towards the bathroom before Yeosang stops me “Hey, are you okay? That slice on your neck is bleeding.” I gingerly touch my neck then look down at my hand to see it coated with blood.
 Of course internally i’m panicking but I can’t let anyone know that the captain’s protector is a wimp, so I hum quietly while looking down at the blood. “The bleeding will stop, I’ll be fine.”
 Yeosang shakes his head “You have to go get that cleaned or else it’ll get infected.” I smile and wipe the blood with my finger on my inner wrist.“I’m going to shower so no worries the wound will get cleaned, thanks for your concern though.”
I give Yeosang a soft smile and before I even see his reactiom I walk over to the bathroom and close the door behind me and I begin to undress.
While I’m undressing I notice my hands are shaky, it must be the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. Growing slightly irritated because of how flimsily it made my hands feel I clench both my hands together and sigh. 
Slowly a small smile forces itself onto my features “I did a great job today, for my first day. I can’t be entirely disappointed.” I stand in the warm water staring at the ground with the slight sting on my neck from my wound. 
Suddenly I get flashes of all the people I’ve killed today and I will admit I do feel remorse for what i did as I’m only human but what Hongjoong told me keeps repeating itself in my head “The government doesn’t care, and neither should we.”
 Which means technically they aren’t the government since pirates are anti government but they did begin to head straight towards us and willing to attack us so we were in full right to attack them back.
This wasn’t wrong was it? Am I just overthinking everything right now because of the amount of people I just killed? I don’t know honestly, all I know is my body is reacting to it.
I start to feel slightly dizzy and a bit light headed so I sit under the water to rest a little bit. How can I be so weak I’m reacting like this, what happened to my grandfather’s training? No wait, his training didn’t include how to cope with killing people. 
After a long maybe 5 or 10 minutes of me feeling weird I eventually finish showering and tightly wrap the bathrobe around my figure and step back out onto the deck. It’s as if Yunho was waiting for me outside of the bathroom he hurriedly walks towards me “Yeosang told me about your wound.” 
I brush out my hair with my fingers “Oh, I’m fine.” He rolls his eyes and puts both his hands on my shoulders and turns me in the direction of the crew’s quarters “Yeah, I’m not taking any risks then you die on us and the Captain will get mad at me for not doing my job which is attend all the injuries our crew gets.” 
I sigh slightly rolling my eyes but not enough where Yunho notices “Yeah, okay then.” When we go down to the quarters he sits me down on the first bed entering the place.
 “Sit, I’ll be right back.” He walks over to a small cabinet in the room and pulls up a chair next to me. He gives me an awkward smile and points at my robe.
"Can you um, pull it down a little bit?” I nod and grab the soft fabric of the bathrobe and gently pull it down exposing my neck but still covering my chest. 
He clears his throat and silently begins to clean my wound up until he probably get tired of how painfully awkward it was so he breaks the ice and says “So, I saw you fighting and you’re pretty good. I now understand why the Captain was so hellbent on you joining us.”
 I awkwardly smile at Yunho “Yeah.” He chuckles and awkwardly smiles back  “You looked like a cat on top of those shrouds, weren’t you scared?” 
Stiffly I nod trying not to disturb what Yunho was doing “A little but when you’re set to kill you just kind of forget evreything around you and you just focus on your task.” Yunho hums “I see, just remember to be careful. You’re meant to protect the Captain and if you get hurt you’re neglecting your purpose.” 
Well that’s a bit.. Outright. What a strange way to tell me to be careful. “Okay, i’ll be careful. I'll try my best not to worry the Captain.” 
After a few more minutes of awkward small talk and him cleaning my wound he finally finishes and dresses my wound then puts away his first aid kit. I pull my bathrobe back up and I head over towards the door.
 I really wanted to say thank you but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to say anything until I finally manage to say in a very low almost indistinguishable mumble “Thank you.” Yunho turns back to me and says “Did you say something?”
 Great, he didn’t hear me. I look so dumb right now. Immediately I shake my head and walk out without another word. I stand by the railing looking out onto the sea, unfortunately It hasn’t even been a month yet and I’m already kind of sick of seeing nothing but water.
 I might as well learn to get along with everyone even if that means I have to fake my personality. They can all be afraid of me but if I keep this up and keep being so quiet and unaproachable I’ll not only get bored but I’ll be miserable. I also can’t latch onto Seonghwa and the Captain the whole time I’m here I need to make friends even if these guys are a bit…Weird.
 I hear steps approaching me from behind and a familiar voice emerges behind me “I’ve brought you some clean clothes. I don’t know if they’re your style but Hongjoong chose them. I’m sorry we didn’t give these to you earlier and you had to go into battle with your personal attire. I am sorry your old ones got ruined.” 
I turn and it was Seonghwa, skin with a slight sheen of sweat on his exposed skin which was just his neck and face with a small cut under his eye and a busted lip. “Ah, It’s fine. I’ll keep those clothes as a memento of my first battle with The Piece of Eight.” I shake my head and see his slightly worried expression shift to a small smile.
“Good job out there by the way. Yeosang told me you saved him twice and you helped out Wooyoung. I also heard you took out the juggernaut first mate of the Scarlet Sailors.” I nervously laugh “Thank you, I was only fulfilling my duty.” 
He hands me my clothes and smiles “This might have been your first battle but it certainly won’t be your last.” I look down at the clothes and I couldn’t tell first glance if I was going to like them. It wasn’t until I actually tried them on I saw and could definitely tell Hongjoong chose them. 
Very high fashion, it’s a very nice blend of their style just a bit more feminine. I like it. It was a black blazer with a beautiful pin on it the shape of an hourglass with silver detailing and a top that was a black fitted vest and some black pants , boots and.. A wide brim fedora. 
Kind of an odd choice, I thought pirates wore those weird looking hats? Not Hongjoong though, I can tell this man goes against what everyone expects of him. He forges his own path even with the smallest of things as simple as clothing. Something tells me I'm working for right man, the right cause.
Please Reblog if you liked 🔁
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Taglist: @thanxx1117
If I catch anyone plaigerizing my work just be warned I don't play with that kind of stuff so don't try me.
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milktyama · 3 years
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reg navi pinned
this idea has been marinating in my mind for a while and im pretty sure no one has done this yet (hopefully). i feel pretty excited for this so i hope this doesn't flop ^^; at first i wanted this to be a milestone event but then i decided against just bc uh, it's not very inclusive. ANYWAYS without further ado;;
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prompt/idea: simply, the aftermath of the shibuya incident. the emotions, the healing process, the unfortunate surprises, and all of the sort.
this is an open collab!! so anyone is welcome to join, big or small blog. you dont have to be following me though it might be good idea if i have updates for the collab
if you so wish to participate, leave an ask in my inbox with your character (1) of choice. there will be no "last day" to join as long as you join before the due date
repeated characters are allowed!! though im limiting it to 4 times per character meaning up to four people can ask to write for the same character; this number is subject to change
minimum of 500 words, it can be a written fic and/or headcanons, no maximum
any genre is welcome and encouraged: fluff, angst, fluff to angst, non x reader, etc.
you can disregard the coming arc (the culling game arc) but you are also welcome to acknowledge it
obviously, there's going to be manga spoilers. please tag your work with either #jjk spoilers or #jjk manga spoilers. i will be checking for proper tags, warnings, word count, and pairings (if needed)
soft due date is july 31st, 2021
once i add your name to the masterlist, please reblog this post :D
please use the tag #after.shibuya.collab when posting so i can find it and add it to the masterlist
if i dont add your work within a week of posting you might've used the wrong tag, please double check your tags or tag me so i get a direct notif for it
if you have any questions please drop them in my inbox and i will answer them shortly
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— students
itadori yuji | @milktyama
fushiguro megumi | @oikadori
okkotsu yuta | @aliteama
skyglow | okkotsu yuta — @sungie
warnings: jjk manga spoilers! angst, one mention of scrapes/scars, loneliness, one mention of alcohol
catharis | inumaki toge — @0risha
tags :: major jjk manga spoilers, graphic mentions of an injury, mentions of blood, slight angst, hurt to comfort, reader is a part of an unnamed clan.
to all the unspoken goodbyes | zenin maki — @indom-itus
Warning: mentions of manga spoilers, death, injury, and blood
— adults
nanami kento | @kohi-zeri
gojo satoru | @catzula
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— 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙠 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 ♥︎
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Running Through My Dreams - A duet (l.h)
Pairing: Luke Hemmings x Fem! Reader
Summary: based on Remembering Sunday by All Time Low. A conversation with flashes of the past
Warnings: Angst. Language. Mentions of death (non graphic) Mentions of Alcohol. Some grammatical errors (English is not my first language and I did not proof read this, I’m sorry)
Word count: 2k
Author’s Note: Just experimenting with sad topics and a new form of writing. Hope everyone can understand bc formatting this was a nightmare. Remember that Reblogs, Feedback, Comments and Likes are very important! You have no idea how much they help 💕 Hope you like it and Happy Reading 🦋🌻✨
My Materialist // wanna be part of my taglist?
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How to read: Bold: Luke; Italics: Reader. Together
This might work better on mobile.
I woke up alone again in the middle of the night, it’s the third time this week.
I’ve been leaving the bed early
hoping you’ll get used to it.
I stay long enough, always leaving
after 2AM
The pillow doesn’t smell like her anymore. It hasn’t for a long time. She thinks I don’t notice
I knew you would.
But everyday I feel her pull farther away from me.
It wasn’t always like this
But I knew it would come to
I needed to move on
What time is it? It can‘t be too late, it’s only past 2 AM and my head is killing me. What did I do?
The bottle near the bed should
serve as an answer
Where is she?
Sunday seemed so far away, but it’s only been a couple of days. You’ve been staying at his place, claiming that your apartment needed some fixing that the landlord promised to do, but that you needed to go back every morning just to make sure everything was in place.
You just never told him how early you’d be there. Making him wake up to an empty bed.
You woke up with the smell of bacon, cursing at yourself for letting sleep take over you last night. You didn’t mean to stay but what’s done is done.
Luke was standing in the kitchen, chest bare as he cooked the eggs the way you liked them.
You always knew me more
than I knew myself
“Good morning, love” He said when he saw you standing, almost hiding behind the door to the kitchen.
He smiled, and god you wished you could hate it.
“Morning,” You mumbled, clearly not in a good mood. Morning always did that to you. But Luke didn’t mind, he still smiled and placed a kiss on your cheek as you took a seat on one of the chairs.
“Do you need to go today?” He asked, placing your breakfast in front of you.
I always hated when she had to leave
You would’ve hated me more
if I stayed, even if I wanted to
Maybe it was the look in his eyes that made you weak. Those baby blues haunted you from the very start and you found yourself unable to say no to them. That’s why it was easier to leave when he slept.
“I can stay if you want”
She could’ve stayed forever.
He smiled bigger than before, pulling your chair closer to him as he kissed you softly. You melted against him as the sirens in your head went off. You couldn’t let this happen.
I could’ve told her that I loved her, I knew I did.
Do you even know what love is?
She never believed in it. She was afraid to get close, but I knew she felt it, too. How could she not?
There was something there.
Something I didn’t know was
Something I felt all along.
But it’s late, or early and she hasn’t responded. Maybe
I got it all wrong
She must be there, somewhere. She might be alone. And I’m here.
You are where I want you to be
Where did she go? The girl I fell in love?
You laugh bounced through the walls as he chased you down.
“Luke!” You half cried, half laughed “Stop!”
But he only got closer, tickling your sides every time he could catch you on a corner.
It was just a game, just a moment for the two of you where you could just be yourselves. You didn’t get much of that before.
Luke smiled at the sound of your giggles, feeling as if the melody of them could very much be the soundtrack of his own happiness. He felt a bolt of electricity with every light touch, gracing his fingers carefully upon your skin to make sure he’s not hurting you. The last thing he wanted was to hurt you.
But did I ever? Maybe without knowing.
Your skin was on fire wherever he touched, leaving a scorching trail as his movements slowed down. The tickles now became caresses as you let your body rest against a wall, sighing softly when you felt his fingers trail up your sides.
The goosebumps started to appear the moment you felt his breath near your lips. His head hung low, letting his forehead rest against yours as you looked into his eyes.
He didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to. You knew by just a look where this was going and you’d be a liar if you said you didn’t want to let it happen.
Your hands flew to the back of his head as you pulled him into you, letting your lips capture his in a needed kiss.
You parted your lips when you felt his grip tighten on your waist, letting him deepen the kiss as he deem fit and making his tongue tangle with yours as he swallowed your moans into his mouth.
His body was against yours, pressing it to the wall and making you feel all of him as he covered your body completely. Never once letting your lips go until you gasped for air.
The look in both your eyes was clear as lust consumed your bodies. You pulled on his hand, smiling as you led him into the bedroom.
It was beautiful at the start
At the start we didn’t know
I should go to her, tell her I love her and that I’m sorry for anything I might’ve done.
You always took the blame
where there wasn’t one.
With the memories still playing inside his head, Luke got up from his place on the bed, instantly falling to the floor with his knees scraping against the carpet.
He didn’t know why his legs failed him when he tried to reach you, understanding that you were far away from where you were supposed to be.
She should be here. I need her here.
Luke got dressed as soon as he could. He knew he was too intoxicated to drive, he didn’t want to put anyone in danger; so he decided to walk.
He took his phone with him, smiling slightly when he noticed a missed call from you.
Why aren’t you picking up? Don’t you want to see me?
You were the only one who
could see me
I’m coming. I’ll find you. I know it’s not
It is
Too late
Your apartment building was just a few miles away, but Luke’s thoughts ran faster than he could. In his head he knew what to say once he saw you, once he made sure you were okay.
He had to tell you that he loved you, that he wouldn’t run away. He will give you all the time you need but, please.
Come back to me
The buttons all seemed the same to him, the names on the tags were too faded to even try and read them. But he knew your place by heart.
The second button to the left, just under the one who got a spot of red paint on it. It was the only apartment you could afford when you moved, but you loved it nonetheless.
He called, and called, and called, and called.
But the more he pressed the button, the more hopeless he felt.
Are you there? Can you hear me? I’m here. I’m here and I’m not leaving, not unless you want me to.
I don’t want to, but you will
Desperate, he starts pressing the buttons of your neighbors, hoping maybe one of them would let him in.
“I will call the police” Your upstairs neighbor said.
“Please,” Luke begged “I just need to speak with Y/N”
The man hung up. Luke tried another button.
“Anne?” A lady spoke.
Luke sighed “No, but I need to get into the building. My girlfriend needs me and it’s starting to rain, could you let me in, please?”
“Oh, sure, honey” The sweet lady said, opening the door for him.
Luke thanked the careless woman as he entered the building just before the few droplets of water fell upon his jacket.
He got up the stairs, skipping two steps as he tried to reach you as soon as possible. To hell with his dizzy head just as long as you were safe.
“Y/N?” He called, banging on your door loud enough to wake you up, but not too loud to disturb your neighbors.
I know you’re there
I know you’re here
“Y/N! Please let me in!”
He kept on banging, each one louder than the last one. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as his concern grew with every second you were not answering the door.
It’s been days since he’s seen you. Days since you left after Sunday. Days since he’s been sober because you ignored him after telling him it was over, without any explanation as to why.
I’m not going to
Give up
I’m not going to answer
I have to tell her that I love her.
I wish I could tell you why
She’s my dream
A nightmare, perhaps
I don’t want to
You have to
Wake up
“Is there anything I can help you with?” A couple dressed in robes stood outside their door.
Luke stared at your neighbors for a while before he could respond. He dried the tears off his face before saying.
“My girlfriend, she hasn’t been answering her phone-“ He didn’t care that his voice sounded broken when his whole spirit was shattered “I- I mean, I just want to make sure that she’s okay because I need to talk to her. Have you seen her?”
The couple looked at each other, the man sighed.
“Are you sure you got the right door, son?” He asked.
Luke furrowed his brows, checking the number placed at the door one more before nodding.
“Oh, dear” The woman said emphatically “The lady that lived there moved”
“She's been moving her stuff for days now, but I think tonight she made the big move and took off. She even left us the key for the landlord when he came” The woman signaled her husband and he disappeared into their home for a few seconds before appearing again with the key in hands “I’m so sorry, darling”
Luke shook his head. This was not possible, you couldn’t be….
“Do you want to check for yourself?” The man asked, handing Luke the key to your apartment.
He thanked the couple and apologized for the disturbance.
This can’t be true.
But what if it is?
She would’ve told me
I never told you how I felt
And now it’s
It can't be
Too late
Luke opened the door to your apartment, holding back a breath as he realized it was completely bare.
All your stuff were not there anymore. Not a picture or furniture that could prove your existence, not even a ghost that could testify that someone lived there once. A someone that he had loved.
He walked to the middle of your small living room, letting his eyes scan for anything that you might’ve left behind. Something that he could hold on to so he knows you’ll be back, or at least something that could tell him where you went.
The rain fell against the bare window, letting the shadows of the droplets racing through the glass plaster against the wooden floor, mirroring Luke’s tears as he realized that
I’m not coming back
Not like you expect me to
Why did she leave?
I thought it was for the best
But I regretted it the
moment I stepped into the
She could’ve come to me
I was coming back to you
I called and you didn’t
answer. So I tried again.
I swear i didn’t see that truck
coming my way.
It all happened so fast
I’m not coming back
I was terrified. But then
I was
I want to be
With you
I can’t understand
I did something so terrible
Could you…
Forgive me
I tried to find home when
home is where you are.
Now I’m in the clouds
I just need to know that you’re
I’ll be with you
But you won’t see me
I wished I could tell you how much I loved you
You already did
The blonde man jumped at the sound of Ashton’s voice. He was standing in the middle of the field, letting the rain tower over him as he woke up from his nightmare.
It’s been three days since he stood in your apartment. Three days since he got the call from the hospital. Three days of unstoppable rain and grey clouds that seemed to be following him since the day he lost you.
Now, he stood in a black suit, letting his eyes wander over the carved letters of your name once again.
“Are you okay? Is there something you want to do? Something we can do?”
He stood still.
“I really thought I would marry her”
His band mates stood right by his side this whole time, never letting him out of sight. Letting their hearts break with him.
Calum placed a hand on his shoulder.
“She loved you, Luke. She would’ve want you to keep going”
Luke smiled sadly, “I always loved her more”
After a few minutes, Luke asked them to leave him alone with you to say goodbye.
He kneeled in front of the marble that laid on the ground, completely damped from all the rain, and smiled softly.
“I might never understand why you did it, why you ran, why they took you away from me far too soon when your car was headed back here… But, I know you were scared and I don’t blame you for that, you were always braver than me, even when you were afraid. You’ll have a lot to explain when we meet again, love, and I promise I won’t let you go when that happens. But until then, I’ll see you Sunday”
I’ll be here.
I love you
Tags: @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @mystic-232 @talksoprettyjjx @theshyspy @hoodhoran @flaneurcth @matchacal @bubblegum18 @irwin-fletcher-ash @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @1980holland @wiiildflowerrr @hoplessromantic727 @fivesecondsofonedirection @another-lonely-heart @aabc5sauce @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @major5sosstan @myloverboyash @nicebasscalum @calumspupils @secretsicanthideanymore @the-ghost-of-ash @alltimesos @girlwhosimps @wontlastimokwiththat @ttinahood @kingxnichole @givebuckyhisplumsnow @hufflehemm @wildflower98
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we-are-inevitable · 3 years
toxic relationship hcs you say?? 😈 i adore this au so much jac
- sometimes they’ll just. argue about nothing into the early hours of the morning, then have hate sex and go to bed angry. jack’s favourite non-apology is to come home with a baggie of coke or something and be like “would this make you feel better babe?”,, whereas davey is probably more likely to actually say he’s sorry, even if he wasn’t really in the wrong in the first place
- davey gets so possessive and jealous when it comes to jack, even when it’s just with his friends that he’s not remotely romantic or sexual with. he knows he’s being irrational, but sometimes he finds himself guilt-tripping jack about it anyways :/
- ok on a slightly different note. not sure how hard of drugs they do in this au,, but some good angst fuel could be one of them ending up in a k hole and the other having absolutely no fucking clue what to do about it. like jack’s completely dissociated and confused and hallucinating so bad that he can’t even move, and davey is pretty high himself and he’s never seen someone get like this before, so he’s freaking out. maybe he even ends up calling one of jack’s friends to help, even though he knows they don’t really like him
kath i hope u know that i am actually in love with you holy SHIT
also just in case, but:
TW: drugs, alcohol, discussion of sexual topics, toxic relationships
okay so right off the bat: jack using drugs to make make davey Not Pissed Off is something that can be so personal,
i feel like i should also establish- for anyone reading this- that jack and david are absolutely horrible people in this au, by the way. i'll get into more on that later.
but yeah, jack knows davey, and jack knows that davey is happier when high, so when davey is high, davey is happy, and davey tends to get high after they fight. it's a constant cycle of anger and drugs and numbness and "i love you" and it's almost disorienting, but they're both too far gone to care at that point.
so, when davey is angry at jack, jack will let him take the first hits from a blunt, or splurge and bring home the "good" coke, or offer to help him shoot up in the bathroom.
BUT when jack is mad at DAVEY, jack tends to be a bit more selfish with his shit. davey's "apologies" are basically him just apologizing so jack will get high with him again, or fuck him again, or smoke with him on the balcony again.
all in all, jack pacifies davey and davey tells jack what he wants to hear. neither are actually sorry.
davey getting possessive over jack is ABSOLUTELY something that happens. because, well, davey... doesn't really have anyone else?
he went low contact with his family for jack. he rarely stays at his own dorm when they're first starting their relationship- he's always at jack's- so he doesn't really get along with his roommate anymore. he doesn't talk to people in his classes and lectures. he spends every moment he has with jack, because jack is the only person giving him the attention he needs.
it gets worse when they actually move in together, once they can move out of the dorms.
he gets upset when jack goes to a party without him. he gets upset when jack spends a lot of time with his friends. on the rare occasions that jack's friends want to get high (on weed; they don't do harder shit like jack), david is LIVID when jack comes home smelling like weed- because david wasn't there.
david has a lot of codependence issues.
alright so full disclosure: i DID have to look this up on urban dictionary.
i imagine that ketamine isn't something that they get their hands on often, but they probably do it a few times; just when jack feels like changing things up a bit.
as for a bad experience: YES
and it would be an interesting role reversal, too, bc jack is usually the one to take care of davey while davey's high. jack is just naturally more experienced; hes been playing with fire since he was fifteen, and davey is still relatively new to this, so more often than not, it's davey who pushes a little too far bc he doesn't know his limits yet.
but thinking about davey having to help jack through a bad trip... GOD kath your MIND
and if davey DOES end up calling one of jack's friends, it's basically futile. they'd insist on getting jack checked out, or taking him to a hospital, or trying to talk jack into getting clean and going to rehab (again), and as bad as it sounds... davey doesn't want that.
jack is his gateway into everything. sex, drugs, alcohol, parties. his entire new lifestyle. davey is, quite literally, addicted to jack.
this is going to sound cliche but
jack is his drug, and david isn't ready to get clean.
also, i'm going to go into some more NSFW stuff down below the cut, so just be warned! (the actual fic isn't going to be sexually explicit, but there are some scenes that are very heavily implied and will be tagged as such.)
so, as you said, the hate-sex is very common.
also okay so like. in this au, davey isn't exactly a virgin when they meet but jack absolutely brings a new side of sex to the table- a side that david has never experienced before.
i'm not going to go into specifics, but jack is just a lot more possessive and aggressive than anything david is used to.
and this isn't just in sexual situations! it's very much applicable to their relationship as a whole.
(i want to clarify- when i say aggressive i don't mean in a Yikes! way, but you should also know that, even though this situation is shitty, david knows his limits. david knows what he wants to accept, and he's very willingly accepting the aggression that jack carries with him. again, not to be graphic, but david is into it. just to clarify!)
but yeah the rough sex is like. their normal
and they're only soft and slow when one of them specifies that it's what they need in that moment- which does happen a few times! particularly when one of them is just,, having a sad day. that's sad sex to them
i am going to stop this here bc i don't want to get too explicit with this answer, but you mentioned hate-sex and i just. have feelings about the sexual side of their relationship (which the fic will get into), and i guess we can use this as a warning for some of the content to come when i actually start posting the fic ?? idk
thank u so much for this ask !! i'm sure this is way longer than u wanted !! but i had so many thoughts !!!!! also feel free to ALWAYS talk to me abt this au because WOW i love it
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Ok the whole thing w/ clogging up ao3 tags is stupid for multiple reasons, like how it fucks with screen readers for one, but the MAJOR issue is that having too many tags isn’t actually a problem w/ ao3
Like seriously guys? There is a lot to criticize. And I say this as someone who heavily relied on fandom spaces to get me through some really really hard times and still loves ao3. I can say I love what it does for fandom while also acknowledging there’s some seriously fucked up shit going on both behind the scenes and with ppl who use the site. It’s literally like saying “I love tumblr but I acknowledge there are literal nazis on here and as a Jew/human with a working brain I hate them and that they’ve been here so long”
Like. I get u think ur sticking it to the man or whatever. And idk I partially agree bc. There’s so much nasty shit and some technically illegal shit that I don’t want to even mention! But ur not even wasting the moderators time or anything ur just being obnoxious and then everyone starts discoursing on tumblr and I’m legitimately tired of it. I don’t wanna see ppl defending gross stuff and I’m tired of talking about the ppl who do defend gross stuff bc I don’t wanna remember that they exist bc I have shit to do irl and not enough space in my brain for them
So. Idk ima propose at least a temporary solution before I have to hear one more argument for or against censorship bc y’all seriously don’t understand how to have a nuanced conversation
How about instead of asking AO3 to take down gross fics (which may or may not be morally correct but will 100% reopen a very over done conversation) instead we ask for some specific plausible things
1) when you use ao3 explicit and unrated fics are automatically filtered out. They do this on ff.net. Yes it may be like 2 extra clicks for ppl who wanna read explicit stuff but ppl who don’t are going to do that anyway, and it protects the people who don’t know to do that and don’t want to read graphic tags. Most importantly it requires consent to browse explicit fics. Yeah you need to give consent to read explicit stuff, but you can look through the incredibly graphic tags/summaries without consenting to anything. It’s literally the default. Which is both upsetting to ppl who don’t wanna see that and also maybe a bit of a legal loophole they should close up
2) a “suggest tags” feature. This would be moderated by authors not ao3 staff. Basically ppl can like..... idk entire a series of tags and you can choose if you want to add them or not. The person submitting them has an option to be anonymous or not. Obviously the author doesn’t have to add every random tag and it might be annoying but it would help with making sure triggers got tagged. It would be helpful if it didn’t let you suggest tags that were already suggested/on the fic but I’m not too picky. Like I said the point of this is to make sure ppl can block stuff properly, and it honestly might also help authors with visibility bc like. Obviously you know the tags you use but you don’t know what tags other ppl look for. Again maybe it may be obnoxious with ppl having a lot of tags but people already have a lot of tags
3) a dispute rating button. Now before someone bitches at me that the ao3 moderators don’t have time to go through disputes- I know I already took that into consideration. Basically the idea is when you dispute the rating the site will ask you what rating you think it should be and anonymously log it. So if someone rated something M but you think it should be an E the site will log that and send a message to the author. The author has a choice if they actually want to listen to ppl and change the rating or not. They don’t actually have to listen to the ppl disputing the rating. Unless they get a certain amount of disputes. I was thinking maybe like 50 or so?* So if 50 ppl say “hey this really needs to have a different rating” then and only then would the moderators take a look at the fic. And the moderators would then figure out what the rating should be.
(*idk if 50 is the right #. I was thinking it should maybe work on like a percentage of your hits in the fic?)
3.5) have a sexual content marker. This is marked as 3.5 bc i feel like this idea if implemented would be misused. But yeah in theory you could just have a sexual content marker that could be clicked by the OP and then automatically filtered. Again you could use the system from #3 but again I feel like ppl would missuse it.
Anyway yeah. I wanted to give some viable solutions ppl on both sides might actually agree with. Like I get not wanting to make concessions with gross ppl, but it’s a lot faster so I’m ok with doing it for now while the rest of y’all continue to debate or w/e
Final note- please for the love of g-d learn how ratings work. Ask someone else’s opinion if you have too. I have seen so many explicit fics marked as mature or teen it’s a legitimate problem. I’ll give a quick rundown of what each rating means but pls guys
General- g- basically go by what you’d see in a Disney cartoon
Teen- pg/pg 13 - there are swears there’s violence, sex may be mentioned, you might call someone sexy or smthn idc, but no one is shown having sex or or discussing/thinking about it in detail
Mature- R - injuries/gore may be described with more detail. Uhh there could be some heavy making out and the characters might talk about sex or feeling sexually attracted to someone. But actual sex is not shown!! If you have to mention or refer to someone’s genetalia in any sexual way you should probably move it up to an E. Even if ur characters are fully clothed the entire time. Also If you’re talking about kinks outside of a quick joke or reference you should probably move it up to an E.
Explicit- NC 17- sexually explicit content. (You can put non-sexual violent stuff under here but most ppl leave it under mature)
TLDR/oversimplification(for the ratings) -
General: nothing sexual
Teen: implied sex
Mature: refrenced sex
Explicit: shown sex
General tldr:
Some criticisms of Ao3 are valid and needed, and some are just stupid and infuriating (specifically talking about the tag thing stop it’s annoying and ableist). There is constant arguments and drama surrounding those criticisms, and I decided to offer some solutions that actually have a chance at getting implemented, even if I would prefer a different option.
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tiktaalic · 3 years
Hi, I know you've mentioned a few times about running prompt weeks and have been involved in setting some up yourself and I was just kinda curious about what the 'stages' of this would be? Or whether you could direct me to anywhere that has an overview of how to set up any kind of prompt or gift exchange without it instantly crashing and burning? Thank you!
I don't know anything about exchanges, sorry! I assume the timeline would be similar but there's more communication involved (with participants/discord/etc). I've set up 3 different prompt weeks and I like to get things outlined about two months out. By outlined I mean
-mod recruiting
-barebones planning discord
-picking a week
-setting up a blog with graphics and a faq page
-setting up prompts
-setting up ao3 collection
-setting up pinned post links (usually i put the ao3 collection, faq, prompts, and intro post)
usually what I'll do is snag a url, leave the placeholder stuff in there, then write out the faq. Once the faq is done i set up the ao3 collection. In the mod discord, I have a channel open for dropping prompt suggestions and I'll kinda prod it a few times for a few days as well as looking up different writing challenges/other event weeks i've seen. before i was into supernatural i was into bnha so i did a lot of scrolling thru bnhafandomevents on their week tag . i personally lean towards 2 prompts a day bc when i did interest surveys someone raised concerns about how when there's one prompt it can be pretty hard for them as a writer, so when making a prompts list i actively try to have a more visual prompt and a more abstract prompt. once we're all solid on them, i go ahead and start fiddling with the blog making pages for the prompts and faq and typing things in. after that is spiffying the place up (making header / icon / intro post graphics).
re: prompts, i try to go the extra mile and include suggestions on how broadly they can be interpreted either in the prompts page on the blog or in some of the promo posts made pre event. when i did feedback a non negligible amount of people said they just didn't know what to do with prompts that i felt were really broad, so i just make sure to somewhere have stuff thats like. its ok to get wild with it. with hypothetical examples.
once everything's set up, ideally me + other mods will type up and queue 3 posts a week for #promo (i usually tried to space them m/w/then a weekend day, and to vary the time they posted as well for timezone reasons), but usually this ended up being more like one a week because i really hated typing them up ansdfjdjfsdf. i was very very grateful for jo (unsure what their new url is, previously casjpg) when womenweek rolled around bc they went above and beyond by creating gifs once a week for our promo posts!
at that point its just like. rolling the dice and hoping someone picks up one of the promo posts and gets it rolling. i've seen other events do taglists in the post to #boost it but i never did that bc. idk. i just didn't.
when questions about the event came in, i was comfortable answering technical aspects off the top of my head (do we have to participate every day? do we have to use both prompts in our work? is there a minimum wc? etc etc) but thornier stuff i would drop in the mod server and ask what our take on it was. like for womenweek someone asked if trans woman sam was fair game and we talked about it and decided since the point of the event was to kind of get the content mill grinding for characters who usually fall by the wayside, transfem headcanons for men on the show weren't what we were going for, but of course transfem claire / jody / eileen / rowena / billie / etc was more than fair game. if you're doing an event for a known freak zone you HAVE to get very explicit about this not being an event for freaks. i felt like the faqs for pocweek and womenweek were very clear about no incest but still got... 4? 5? asks doing whataboutism for how wincest should be allowed. so.
about 2 days before the event itself i made a google excel sheet and made it editable for mods with asheet for every day of the event.this is how we kept track of submissions and what had already been reblogged.
Tumblr media
this was also our tagging system. im not going to do it now but if i was to redo an event i would change how i entered urls on the spreadsheet and pop in the url for the post that the event reblogged (spnwomenweek/whateverpost) instead of from op because so many people deactivate or url hop.
if you have any specific questions feel free to message me!
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blficarchive · 7 years
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‘Til I Tasted You by kiwikero
Additional Tags: #Famous Harry, #Non-Famous Louis, #Alternate Universe - College/UniversityMutual, #Pining, #Masturbation, #Strangers to Lovers, #Fluff
Summary: Louis is Harry Styles’ biggest fan. It doesn’t matter that Harry is famous for being a food blogger and Louis can’t cook to save his life.
At least, until Harry offers to give Louis a cooking lesson. Then it matters just a teensy bit.
You Strike A Match by togetherwecouldbealright
Additional Tags: #Alternate Universe - College/University, #Secret AdmirerFluff
Summary: I can’t remember the other 21 letters of the alphabet. All I know is U R A QT.
Louis stares at the note taped to the door of his dorm for a few seconds, uncomprehending. Either he’s seeing things or there’s actually a tiny piece of paper, addressed To: Louis with a terrible pick-up line on it.
OR the one where Louis receives a note from his secret admirer for every letter of the alphabet.
once upon a dream by thedeathchamber
Additional Tags: #Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, #Angst, #Slow Burn, #Enemies to Lovers, #Hurt/Comfort, #Emotional Hurt/Comfort, #Mental Health Issues, #Anal Sex, #Bottom Louis, #Blow Jobs, #Alternate Universe - Law Enforcement
Summary: Louis is psychic and gets caught in the middle of a murder investigation led by FBI Special Agent Harry Styles.aka. the Medium/Criminal Minds-inspired AU no one ever asked for.
Apples Always Fall (As I Do For You) by rainbowsandgucci (petzawentz)
Additional Tags: #Background Relationships, #Fluff, #Angst, #Miscommunication, #Falling In Love, #Slow Burn, #Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, #Alternate Universe - Orchard, #Orchard AU, #apple orchard, #Daddy Kink, #References to Drugs, #Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, #Harry calls Louis princess a lot but like, #theres no like feminization or anything, #Oh also there is no cheating, #It might seem like there would be, #Bc of Harry/ZaynBut there is 0 cheating nope nope nope
Summary: ”Due to unforeseen circumstances, help is needed here at the orchard for the impending apple season. Looking for someone able to start within the next week or two at the most, is willing to do whatever miscellaneous tasks are needed, such as picking & packing apples, running the cash register, and other handywork that may need to be done. Must be good with customers, and able to lift up to 50lbs. Help will be needed until at the least the end of October. Please contact the number found on this page, or come out to the orchard and ask for Harry. All the love xx”
Louis is staying at his Aunt’s farm in a small town in Minnesota for four months. To deal with the boredom that sets in a week into his stay, he starts working at the local apple orchard, owned by twenty six year old Harry Styles.
Louis quickly finds himself falling in love with the orchard, and he finds a family in Harry’s friends Niall, Liam, and Zayn.
He also starts to fall in love with Harry.
Falling in love with him turns out to be the easy part.
Tell Me What You Want by stylinsoncity
Additional Tags: #Alternate Universe - College/University, #Beards (Relationships), #Pining, #Nudism
Summary: Based on the following prompt:
“Harry is looking for a new roommate after Liam moves in with his girlfriend. After a few bad dates he’s done with men for the moment and wants to concentrate on school. That’s why he’s looking for a female or a straight male roomie. When Niall tells Louis about the free room he leaves that little detail out. Louis, desperately looking for a room, pretends to be straight, thinking it would be easy, until he discovers that Harry likes to be naked at home. His best female friend posing as his girlfriend doesn’t work very well either.”
Sea Salt and Chocolate by cupcakeL
Additional Tags: #Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, #Baker Harry, #Strangers to Lovers, #Friends to Lovers, #Cheating, #but like the ex was cheating, #This is a fluff piece, #Singer Louis, #Pining Harry
Summary: “How can I help you?” He looked at the customer and wow, Harry was pretty sure this guy had the bluest eyes he had ever seen. When the guy opened his mouth Harry could almost feel the venom in his voice. “Do you have some kind of truffle that passive aggressively says ‘fuck you’?”Or Harry owns a confectionary/café and Louis is an aspiring musician who needs to break up with his boyfriend via truffles.
another hazy may by deLILAh
Additional Tags: #harry shoots guns better than he shoots footie, #and louis writes in the third person, #also starring niall’s snapback as the crown jewels, #zayn’s kardashian poster as the foundation of a friendship, #and liam payne as batman
Summary: louis is a terrible poet and harry lives in the now and they have six weeks to fall in love but, really, it only takes six seconds. bookshop meets military meets summer romance au ft. marlboros, the backstreet boys, and underrated literary devices.
Written In The Stars by alex4968
Additional Tags: #Slow Build, #Vampires, #Blood, #Mild Gore, #Human Louis, #Vampire Zayn, #Vampire Liam, #Vampire Harry, #Human Niall, #inequality within society, #Vampire AU, #Eventual Smut, #Top!Harry, #bottom!Louis,#Harry is kind of an asshole at first, #but I promise he gets better, #he’s just confused, #He was raised differently than Zayn was, #Dark Plot, #Explicit Sexual Content, #Spanking, #Rimming, #Hand Jobs, #harry has some… daddy vibes, #rape mention (doesn’t happen but tagging just in case)
Summary: It was so different - the complete opposite of everything Louis had ever expected about finally being placed into the real world. Zayn defied every single thing he’d ever been told about vampires, about how he was supposed to be treated. This was nothing like what he’d expected.[or: Zayn’s the third oldest vampire in the world and found himself searching out the company of a human, so he took Louis as his keep. His maker Harry doesn’t approve.]
Worth Dying For by Anonymous
Additional Tags: #Explicit Sexual Content, #Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, #Alternate Universe - Royalty, #Bodyguard, #kidnapping, #violence at the end
Summary: “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Louis says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. In the center of the table, a set of three glossy photos stares up at him, mocking him.“A security detail is non-negotiable, Louis, you know this,” his mum reminds him, tapping the middle photo with two fingers.Louis doesn’t look back down at the pictures, gesturing towards them wildly, over-dramatically. “This is not a security detail!” he protests. “This is a lanky college student. In what world do you hire someone like this kid to protect me?”
The Fragmented Veil by missberrycake
Additional Tags: #Alternate Universe - Vampire, #Non-Graphic Violence, #vampire!Harry, #Vampire!Zayn, #vampire!niall, #Minor Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, #vampire!Louis, #Minor Character Death
Summary: In which Louis gets attacked one night in the dark. It changes his life, just not in the way he expected.
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freedom-of-fanfic · 7 years
What advice do you have about tagging? Cause I feel like that courtesy is starting to turn into another Holy War too and I don't like it. (Ie: if you didn't choose to warn for every aspect of the content you created, it's now Open Season on you and your fic. It's okay for Antis to come for you bc you were a Mean Evil Person who didn't Use Enough Tags.) What happened to Choose Not To Warn as a valid warning??
This is an interesting topic tbh, and it’s getting more heated because on tumblr, post tags also function as community spaces. (I’m not really going to address the ‘do you tag the ship if it’s a negative depiction’ debate here, but I have other asks about that.)
let’s be real: anti-shippers have absolutely noticed that non-antis advocate heavily for fic warnings. They personally would rather that content that needs warnings not exist at all, but because many people who don’t agree with antis do agree with warnings, they will exploit that. two easy ways to antis exploit warning systems:
going into a warning tag and harassing the creators of works in the tag, ie going into the ‘noncon’ tag and messaging the creators to tell them their work contains and normalizes rape.
going after creators for not using the 'right’ warnings, ie: two characters have sex while drunk & no regrets. The creator tags it 'dubcon’ to be safe, but someone starts a dogpile because the warning should have been for 'noncon’.
It’s very much a 'damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ situation. You can never win with antis: they will only be satisfied if your content ceases to exist entirely. (don’t bother to try to make them happy.)
What happened to Choose Not To Warn as a valid warning??
so for those who don’t use AO3: Archive of our Own has one mandatory tag and several options for it. we’re only concerned with the last two:
Major Character Death: one of the main characters of this story dies.
Underage: underage characters doing nsfw things.
Rape/Noncon: sexual acts are committed with someone whose consent is questionable, not given, or denied. (imho, this is a warning I would also use on dubcon. your mileage may vary.)
Graphic Depictions of Violence: graphic depictions of physical violence may make for distrubing imagery.
No Archive Warnings Apply: if your fic doesn’t contain a main character death, underage characters engaging in sexual acts, rape/noncon/dubcon, or graphic depictions of violence, you can indicate it by checking this tag.
Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings: this fic may contain character death, underage sex, noncon, or graphic violence, or it may not. the creator has elected to not warn for this content, so the reader proceeds at their own risk.
If you click on a fic with 'no archive warnings apply’, you can be sure the fic won’t have character death, underage sex, rape, or severe violence. if you click on a fic with 'choose not to warn’, you can’t be sure the fic won’t have any of the above potentially upsetting content.  
Unfortunately, many people either don’t realize there’s a difference or choose to ignore it.
'why even have the option to not warn, though?’ because there are some reasons why a writer might want you to proceed with caution but not want to give specifics:
a warning would give away a major plot point of the story/they don’t want to spoil any part of the fic with a warning
they would rather the fic not appear in the warning tags
they would prefer to warn in their own words in the author’s note or summary
they’re not sure if archive warnings apply but want to be on the safe side
they just don’t want to warn
(fun fact corner~!: tagging fics with content warnings more specific than 'contains slash’ or '18+ only’ is more or less a post-internet fandom expectation. It wasn’t until 1999-ish that readers seemed to expect warnings for upsetting content and we’ve been wanking about them ever since. (for funsies, here’s a timeline of fandom meta about warnings; the earliest content is from an alt.tv usenet archive, posted in 1997.) tagging/warning is a fairly ubiquitous practice now, and I am of the opinion it’s better to warn than not, but warnings are still optional and AO3 honors that.)
That said: I personally think that 'choosing not to warn’ on tumblr is rude and/or potentially dangerous because tumblr doesn’t function well as a content archive. Unlike AO3, tumblr is terrible at content filtering. tumblr mobile doesn’t honor readmores (except in reblogs) and you can only search one tag at a time under most circumstances: therefore, things that are likely to be upsetting to a percentage of people should be warned for so that blacklists can catch it.
if you would prefer to not warn for content on tumblr, I’d recommend some of the following as possible workarounds:
flag the post as 'adult’ if appropriate, even if you choose to not include a warning.
explicitly mention that the work may have violence/abuse/noncon/etc but you’re choosing to not specify either way.
if possible, host the content off-site and provide a link.
alternatively, post your unwarned work to a blog that you’ve flagged as unsearchable, and therefore won’t show up in the 'search’ function.
another long post (should I give up on trying for brevity?), but here’s the short version:
tl;dr 1: antis often act in bad faith and it’s impossible to please them. tagging is just another excuse for coming after works they don’t like. tag at your own discretion and weigh negative feedback on its merits, not its emotion.
and tl;dr 2: choosing to not warn is still a valid option but people forget it’s a thing and get burned by it, so it’s best to be really clear about it (and if you’re a consumer, pay attention if someone says they’re abstaining from warnings!)
final note: please enjoy this 2006 LJ post explaining that fiction doesn’t have to be moral, depiction does not condone real behavior, nobody is harmed in the making of a fanwork and censorship is not the answer. 11 years of the same wank! some of the participants in today’s discourse were literally still in diapers.
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Hi so i have a few requests if thats okay. 1. Evil! Tony where he has secretly been working with loki or something like that. 2. teen AU theres still the avengers and all but they are teens, and lokis good. 3. avengers meeting lokis kids with frostiron. Sorry if thats too much I'm just having trouble finding these things. Thank you
Me when I first got this ask: this is totally not too much, you are fine, this gives me more opportunities to readMe now: This! Took! So! Fucking! Long! I’m! So! Sorry!
*cracks knuckles* alright friend, ive got at least a couple recs on here with that first request- dark tony working with loki in this rec list, particularly 3, 6, 7, and 9.
Now! teen/hs aus w/ the avengers. those are gonna be a bit harder lol. All of these don’t necessarily have the Avengers, but then I would have virtually no fics for this part of the rec ajkdhlfa
And Everyone Knew Except Them- miaao3, G or T, No Warnings. It started as a stupid joke; Tony smacked a kiss on Loki to freak out a homophobe, except everything went belly up as soon as Loki started kissing back. I loved this?? So Much???? I’m so sad mia isn’t writing anymore :(
What? Wait… What?- msMynx, Mature, No Warnings. Loki is entirely too busy to even think about prom. Prom is what other people did, not him.Hilarious, honestly. Totally something that could happen in canon, imo.
I’m Your Guy- STARSdidathing, G, No Warnings. “You might be gay, but he likes girls, Loki.”Thor is a bad bro sometimes, and Tony is awesome.
It Just Sort Of Happened- Potrix, T, No Warnings Apply (Mentions of drug abuse, mentions of attempted suicide, mentions of overdosing)Sometimes, Loki learns, getting in trouble is just the first step of something new and wonderful.Buddy,,,, this was,,,,,,,,,  angsty and wonderful
This one was difficult and annoying, bc I found Loki’s kids meeting Avengers with frostiron, but it was badly written, or gross, or some kind of shit imo. Then I found meeting Loki’s kids with frostiron! But barely any Avengers, SO, Buddy, I Tried. Honestly, this was the section that took the longest alsdkjf. (A note, I didnt go as in depth for this tag as i have for others bc i thought i spent enough time on it, but here is the link to the search terms i used. Therefore, a lot of the fics on this sec are pretty new, and im sure there are plenty of other good ones in the tag, i simply kinda didnt feel like reading them)
Loki’s Brood (series)- Raven_Ehtar, T, (Past) Rape/Non-con, (Flashback) Graphic Violence (IMO violence is not that bad, and to me the non-con was glossed over)After the trial in Asgard for his various crimes, Loki Laufeyson walks away estranged from his people and burdened with tasks to amend his past wrongs. In so doing he also walks away with his three children - Fenrir, Hela and Jörmungandr - taking them out of the hands of the Æsir. He entrusts them to Tony Stark, much to everyone’s surprise, and what could have been a disaster turns out to work out remarkably well for everyone involved. At least most of the time.This entire series was amazing, I loved it, I want more right now, thank you very much. (This one has the most kids+avengers)
Crossing the Line (series)- pristineungift, M, No Warnings/Graphic Violence.Tony Stark may not know it, but he is Loki’s.Not in a creepy way tho! Imo, at least lkasdf. I really loved this series honestly. Also, Angst :’> (More... adult ‘kids’, and mostly avengers tbh)
Hel is Other People- Moosepelheim, M, Graphic Violence.“So what if I ate the cheeseburger?” Tony shouts, throwing a wrench at Loki’s head. The bastard dodges it easily as he stalks closer. “That doesn’t mean I belong to you!”“Oh, not to me,” Loki says lowly, a smile like honey slowly spreading its way across his face. “But with me? Surely you’ve heard of Persephone.”“A cheeseburger isn’t some fucking mystical pomegranate, you smirking lunatic.” It isn’t, it just isn’t. Not even close. "You aren't even Greek!" he adds, throwing another wrench which is dodged just as easily.Loki spreads his hands wide, posing like the showman he is. “I think you’ll find that a pomegranate symbolizes the fruit of the dead. Your cheeseburger, made of dead flesh, was topped with fruit. It’s close enough for the symbolism to bind.”“Ah-hah! There’s no fucking fruit on a cheeseburger,” Tony says triumphantly, finger pointing accusingly at Loki. “I fucking win, no going back to crazy town with you. I stay here in my workshop, and you fucking leave before I call the Avengers.”“Oh Stark,” Loki murmurs, almost affectionately. “A tomato is a berry, you ignorant fool.”I’m fucking counting this bc this is one of my faves and Im justifying it by the fact that Loki’s kids are in it, albeit as adults, and more towards the end than anything else.
These last three are pretty much Loki+kids+Tony, no Avengers. But they’re all lovely nonetheless, and I would love more of these kinds of fics
Hidden Within- Lynds (Incomplete, updating regularly), T, Chose No Warnings.Tony's on the verge of giving up when he stumbles into Lucas and his large brood of troubled children. He knows they're on the run, but frankly, he's not going to live very much longer, so he doesn't care. He just wants to hang out with the hot guy with stunning green eyes and crazy kids, and maybe fall in love with all of them. Just a little.When Loki finds out he isn't Odin's son, he washes his hands of the lot of them. He steals his children back from their prison and takes them on the run, hiding their true nature and magic in a mortal form. But then Tony comes to their aid one day, and he has to choose between keeping his children safe and hidden, and releasing his magic to save the life of a man he might be falling for.This is the best of the ones I read, no lie, and even tho its super new it deserves to be on this list.
Late Again- andquitefrankly, G, No Warnings.Single dad’s Tony and Loki always bring their kids late to school. And those kids see something that they don’t: love.Def Loki’s kids, and... kinda an oc for Tony’s kid? However, this was delightful, and light, and fluffy. Exactly what I needed after some of the other angst heavy ones on this list.
Forming a Family- siver_drip, T, No Warnings.Odin cast Loki’s children through space and time. Tony finds Hela.Seeing dad!Tony was amazing, I loved it, and Hela was a wonderful little hellion, whom I adore. More pre-slash than anything during the story
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raviposting · 8 years
most hated fandom?
HA. HAAAAAA. HAAAAAAAAAAAA. Okay, this is going to be me salting quite a lot because there are about three that are tied because I hate them…so…damn..much - but, ofc, everything will be slashed so no one can come at me bc I’m staying in my damn lane. Cool? Cool. 
And of course, this is not meant to shade every single person in these fandoms. Saying this includes every single person in fandom is a ridiculous assumption to make. I follow people from each, and they’re lovely wonderful people. When I say fandom, I’m talking about the community, not every individual in that community. I’m going by my personal experience, with the fandom that I have seen.
Edit: WOW this got too long for only 3 fandoms so it’s under a read more sorry if you’re on mobile bud (and, uh, if you love any of these fandoms). 
The Cl/exa fandom. It remains the first fandom that I’ve actively hated without being a part of fandom or ever watching the show. I followed a lot of The 1.00 people, and fandom seemed really sweet at the time, but sometime around season 2 I noticed a lot of my Cl/exa followers being horribly racist, biphobic, or just overall shitty (about three kept saying B/ellamy had white male privilege and I really had to double check because I was sure he was a POC and ofc, the actor is, so that was fun). There were also people hating on Desi fans who pointed out how L/exa’s brownface + bindi (and yes, yes, the “helm of awe” thing I get it but that paired with her brownface doesn’t exactly pair well) or considered it “just her having dirt on her face!!!” or “she’s just tan!” really bothered me (esp when one of those same people reblogged an AU where she’s the child of D/rogo & D/any where - Drogo is a POC man so which is it?? Is she a white woman in brown face or not because bud you can’t have both.) The full on moment I hated fandom, though, was when L/exa died. I was sympathetic up until every single wlw ship I followed was filled with L/exa dying. I really don’t need that, especially with the constant “LESBIAN KILLED BY A BULLET” trope being applied to D/elphine who 1. Showed up later on in the season perfectly fine and 2. Is B I S E X U A L. There was constant bi-erasure (one post in particular called K/orrasami lesbians and when it was pointed out that they were both bi the response was that they knew but meant lesbian as in wlw like???? What?????). And that, that was the exact moment when I finally went through my dash and unfollowed a shit load of awful Cl/exa fans and now I only have about 3-5 that I follow because they’re nice, point out problematic aspects, and/or are just generally non-shitty people. 
The DC.TV fandom, specifically the Error & Supe/rgirl fandom. The Sup/ergirl fandom was fine the first season, but it’s especially broken down the second season. Constant erasure of James from the white femslash fandom like!!! How fun!!! And, of course, there’s the Error fandom - they were extra fun. I ship Ol*icity and somehow the fandom managed to lessen my love for them with their misogynistic hatred of La/urel!! Not to mention their real life hatred of KC and shipping Stem*ly together and trying to say that they’re having an affair in real life because that’s not gross at all!!!! And honestly, while I shit on the Ol*city fandom a lot, the entire fandom is gross - I’ve seen the L/aurel fandom slut shame Fel*city and I understand not liking her character, but I don’t like the slut shaming, and I especially hate when people want her to die graphically, because she is a Jewish character and people really need to think about the implications that they give off when they write posts about wanting her to die or make posts with Feli/city dolls where the head is chopped off or she’s bloody af like please criticize the character but don’t be shitty and forget that she’s a Jewish character too, and please don’t be misogynistic.
And I didn’t really get on about them but honestly??? Fl/ash fandom can be shitty too, esp with the ones who have their White Faves, and the Sn*wbarry vs West*llen nonsense. Sn*wbarry fandom can be transparently racist at times, and it’s ridiculous, esp when they’re called out on excluding I.ris or Ci.sco from posts. Ship what you want - I’m not gonna rag on anyone for shipping Sn*wbarry - but please don’t try to pretend like this ship wasn’t founded in racism, like the second CP was cast for I.ris fandom didn’t go “oh….you know what…..Dan/ielle’s character looks…more suitable for B.arry….”. That doesn’t mean that YOU’RE racist, but that’s where the ship came from, and I dislike the fact that people act like that didn’t happen. And - I am part of the We/stallen fandom (kind of) and I like it, but I do have to admit the fandom can be too aggressive at times, and goes overboard on people who multiship or don’t ship We/stallen. I understand there are racist issues with most of the people fandom has had to deal with on the tag, but I’ll see people attacking people who want to get along or congratulated us, or simply immediately accusing them of being racist and like, fam, wyd? Don’t do that, be better than that. 
WHILE WE’RE HERE I feel like most of the annoying parts of the LOT fandom comes from F/larrow but they’re still a part of L.OT and the biphobia that comes from there (esp from the C.aptain C.anary fandom - which, I still ship the ship, but come on fandom be less annoying). 
The majority of the S/ansa fandom. I love S/ansa. She’s my favorite female character ever. However, a large part of her active fandom irritates me. What are Sa/nsa (who is 11-16 depending on the timelines) biggest ships? Her with P/etyr (middle aged man), with T/yrion (middle aged man, who she was forced into a marriage with), with J/on (her adopted brother and biological cousin), and with Sa/ndor (a middle aged man who she’s terrified of). People try to pass it off like they were shipping these with no problem because of Sophie being legal, but these ships were very large when Sophie was starting out as S/ansa - aka when she was 13. And, the ship was incredibly popular in the book fandom, meaning that fans read about an 11 year old girl interacting with middle aged men and thought, “yes, let’s ship her with them”. People try to excuse them and say it’s because “it’s how it works in GOT” but honestly I think that’s an excuse to just ship their pedophile ships - and when they ship J*onsa, it completely ignores Jo.n’s place as a S/tark and acts as if him being adopted does not make him S/ansa’s true brother, which real-life adopted fans have seen from the J*onsa fandom and have found hurtful. It’s so shitty and normalizes abusive ships or relationships with a power-imbalance, and it’s horrible that people see this character, call themselves fans, and yet still ship her in the most unhealthy relationships.
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