#take your pick. they're all angsty lol
little-cereal-draws · 9 months
Chess Husbands Demon/Guardian Angel au
This is based off the joke they made in the finale abt Julian being a demon and this post abt Robin effectively serving as the guardian angel of Button House by @imdefyingmavity
At this point, Robin knows that he's supposed to be the protector of the House and its residents but he doesn't take his duties that seriously. Of course he does if it's an actual emergency like the burglary or if he particularly likes one of the ppl that live there like Sophie but generally he goes abt his own business running through the woods and looking at mouse babies and not really paying that much attention to what the living people are doing. However when Julian shows up, things change. He's the only other ghost who can interact with the living world in a physical way. He's not the best person though and is very cheeky but Robin thinks he's great and they bond quickly. He overlooks all the warning signs; Julian turning on the radio bc he wants to hear the music too, Julian pushing cups off tables so they break because it's funny, Julian poking living people bc a man has needs, alright? He even doesn't think anything much of Julian using his powers to try to murder Alison; she hadn't been there that long and was going to mess everything up. (Again, Robin's not always the best at his job lol)
Now here's where it could go a number of different ways. I can't pick.
Ending 1: (This one's my favorite) It's a similar process becoming a demon or a guardian angel. It's grueling and essentially breaks your brain down and restructures it to better fit your new role. Robin did it thousands of years ago during one of the times when he was the only person at the House but he managed to keep his sanity in the isolation and become an angel. (Also his want to be part of a big tribe and to redeem himself for failing his tribe when he was alive helped with that outcome.) Julian, on the other hand, isn't doing as well. It's been thousands of years since Alison lived there, the House is completely different, friends have come and gone, and he's cracking. Robin tries to help him, talking to him, trying to engage him in activities like they used to do, but there's not much he can do to stop it. It's painful, watching the only friend he still had agonizingly losing his mind. It's only after it's all done, that they start fighting each other with epic ghost magic like you would expect from a demon and angel. The relatively harmless mischief Julian used to get up to has now been replaced with genuinely life threatening and destructive tendencies and it's a full-time job trying to keep the people on the property safe. Robin doesn't want to fight though; his heart breaks time every time he looks at him. Julian might still physically be there but Robin's lost another friend.
Ending 2A: Sometime between the Coopers leaving and the end scene where Alison comes back as an old woman, Robin finally moves on. Ofc all the ghosts are happy for him but it's still heartbreaking. Julian especially is lonely/upset and every time he tries to bring up how he feels abt it (bc yes, he talks abt his feelings now; blame Alison), the other ghosts just brush him off saying Robin's probably happier now, they knew this is what he wanted, etc. Julian's frustrated, angry, sad, lonely, and doesn't know what to do with himself. He isn't particularly close to any of the ghosts left so he spends a lot more time by himself. He releases his negative emotions by messing with the hotel guests. He smashes their stuff, locks their doors, rips up their clothes, and basically vents by destroying anything else he can get his hands on. His powers get stronger but so do his negative emotions (they feed into each other) until he's completely consumed by them. All the other ghosts are kinda scared of him at this point so they bring it up to Alison one year when she comes. She tells Julian off but quickly realizes he's just acting out because he feels like no one's listening to him and he feels alone now. She comforts him and they talk about Robin and he feels better. He still has very sinister tendencies now, there's no going back on that, but he can be relatively easily persuaded to not do the SUPER bad things.
Ending 2B: (This is the one I'm least sure abt) It starts out the same where Robin moves on in the hotel, Julain's upset and starts terrorizing the hotel guests to express that, and the other ghosts tell Alison about what's happening. She tries to tell him off but he's too far gone and he kills her. (Bonus points if he gets set off because he misinterprets what she's saying and thinks he's in trouble because he's still upset over Robin.) It's the first time he's killed someone and solidifies the fact that there's absolutely no coming back for him. This makes everyone (ghosts and humans) terrified and avoid him even more. Alison's death is a violent unsolvable mystery and the hotel eventually is forced to close. Over the years, many paranormal investigators and exorcists come to the house correctly convinced that Alison's murder was supernatural but he kills them all too before they can get very far. The people he kills don't stay as ghosts nor do they move on, they just seem to stop existing. The remaining ghosts have a theory that he's somehow taking their energy since he seems to get stronger after each one but they have no way to prove it. Even though he almost always ignores them, the ghosts spend the rest of eternity living in fear and hiding on the outskirts of the property.
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
Maybe a dancer reader with your ocs, like they want to still be on stage and fight about it with your oc because they sacrificed a lot to get there and don’t want to waste it. Like how would they react would they let the darling dance on stage with limited audience or?
Hmm, here's how I think it'll go:
He wouldnt ever stop you from enjoying life, and he loves watching you dance. Its so graceful, the way your body moves, the emotions youre expressing, its all- so impressive. Eros 100% ditches his duty at the hospital, dresses up super nice to go to the theatre where you're performing, and of course he has the best seat near the stage so you could see your no.1 hype man cheering you on. He is so proudly telling anyone and everyone that "thats my girl!" "I'm dating her! Gosh, I'm lucked out!"
Probably has a theatre/stage built in his mansion for you to perform in, and the audience will be him and his men. They're all there to clap and cheer you on, but in a very careful way so as to not make Dimitri think they're attracted to you, just admiring your dance.
Its kinda weird watching all these buffed up, tattooed criminals getting front seat to your little hobby and they're all looking at you in complete awe, giving you 7 minute standing ovation, hooting as their boss gets on stage and spins you in his arms before dipping you as he gives you a passionate kiss. Ah yes, Dimitri is also a skilled dancer, though you'll now have to waltz with him for the world.
Guess who brings the entire cult to the show? Its crazy lover boy Magnus! You didnt want to dance, but Magnus knew about your secret hobby and he insisted that you dance for him. You turned him down, of course because you hate him, but then a little threat from the cult to pull your intestines out to hang dry, you were all game <3
At the end of your dance, he's on his knees, along with his cult, and is praising the Lord for giving him such a perfect partner.
You're probably still in the dark about Theo being a spy/assassin, so you dont know that the reason the entire theatre is empty except for him is because Theo used his spy agency to book out the theatre completely for "mission purposes", and you just think that nobody else showed up :( You also dont know that Theo has some guys stationed outside the theatre to knock out/shoot anyone who tries to come in.
But hey, at least your deaf bf is all supportive as he claps and gives you nods of approval at the end of your performance, as well as a big bouquet and teddy bear.
Halim Mehmat Shah:
My man, my himbo bf, he brings his entire family and his bestie Mahir to the show because um of course, this will also be your family soon when you two get married (you're not even dating him atm) so why wouldnt they come to support you????
He's cheering, he's clapping, his family has these proud beaming smiles and they all join you backstage to tell you how amazing you are and you just feel a little weird at how Halim's family, especially his parents are looking at you with such pride- your own family has never looked at you so fondly. Of course, the parents made you take pictures with Halim (and Mahir was also dragged into these photos because he's their angsty adoptive son lol).
Later, you find out that almost all the people who attended the show were connected to the Shah family somehow, and they bought tickets for everyone.
Mahir Jahangir:
He'll look up from his pile of papers, silent as you whine about wanting to dance at the theatre downtown. Mahir knows that you're an exceptionally good dancer, but he doesnt know how to explain to you that he'd much rather burn the world to the ground than let any man look at you like that.
And since he doesnt wanna sound like an insane, jealous s/o, he agrees, giving you a nod to go ahead before picking up his phone to tell his secretary to cater to your requests.
When the day of the show comes, the curtains open and all you see is Mahir and his mom sitting in the front row. They're the only audience, and Mahir's mom is ever so cheerful throughout your performance while Mahir has a soft smile, pride and awe shining in his eyes. Of course, only at the end of the show does Mahir finally clap, giving you a standing ovation as he does so. All his moves, his claps, his praise, they're all calculated, no filler words or actions that dont hold significance are used.
His mother is going on and on about how much she enjoyed the performance, while Mahir is silently waiting for his moment to tell you that he just bought the theatre and is gifting it to you <3
No.1 cheerleader, has the ballroom booked for you. You'd think he'd have the ballroom empty so that he could get a private show, but no. He has his court in there, praising and clapping at how well you dance, except they're all wearing blindfolds because again- Baldwin doesnt want them to see how well his "angel" dances.
"We can feel how well you dance, your Majesty!" They say to you, but you know by now that they're all just crazy.
What you dont expect is Baldwin to get up and join you mid performance, pulling you close by the waist as he leads your body, waltzing through the entire ballroom with such finesse.
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crepesuzette2023 · 10 months
I know this is a broad question, but if you had to pick, what is the most angsty Mclennon fic you’ve read so far ? You have some amazing recommendations and I’m looking to hurt my own feelings lol
Hi st-john!
Thank you for the ask! This made me think about some of my angsty forever-faves in general, sorted from subtle to savage. (Under the cut.)
If you want to skip straight (do we use this word around here?!) to the fics I personally find the most angsty: they're at the bottom of this post. I also included some dark/angsty stories here, but I didn't want to repeat any recommendations.
Your ask helped me understand what it is I find the most angst-filled in mclennon, so thank you for that. I was surprised to see so many canon-adjacent stories on my list, and I think it shows that, to me, the most potent angst doesn't come from outside threat but from their minds, as evidenced by events that actually happened. The two of them being scared of (and turned on by) the big fat x they mark on their shared psychosexual map is one of the most attractive aspects of mclennon for me—followed by the two of them taking x for granted, and being permanently damaged once they realize they lost it forever. I also like stories that show their mutual resentment, even as they're into each other (sometimes literally). Anyway, under the cut are some of my favorite angsty fics in three handy categories:
1.) Carry That Weight/Love is Strange: Their relationship is deep and doomed and addictive. These stories are all set during the Beatle-years. I'M GONNA HAUNT YOU (sexysadie): 1968. John and Paul talk about women, but really, they talk about each other. A brief story about longing in the absence of hope. WALKING CLOSE AT HAND (harmonising): John and Paul as pair of broken mirrors, haunted by death in all things. Their love as beautiful magic-turned-curse. LET ME ROLL IT (@downtothe-lastdrop): The 1968 NYC Apple Launch Divorcemoon from Paul's POV. Lively and detailed, and drenched in what it must feel like to drown in unspoken words. I THINK OF THINGS WE DID (J_deandra_j): 1965. John and Paul fuck in Austria during the filming of Help! There is something intangibly upsetting about this story: anger and frustration; lust and sex with little room for softness—but it's so good and real and raw while it lasts. This one is impossible to forget! John POV. HOW YOU WERE DIVERTED (candle_beck): Paul handles John. This is about sex as one of the things that is "just them"—an urgent and rough emergency intervention. 2.) Tributes to the Canonical Breakup. To me, the break-up is an angst-filled nightmare. Not to mention the looming day of John's murder. I love stories that explore the break-up and its aftermath with compassion. And, as painful as it is, I especially love stories that make me feel that the love was there, always (even though it wasn't enough). THROW THE WINE (@savageandwise). This one is such a classic I imagine everyone must have read it, but I can't not mention it. It was one of the first fics I read—arrow through me, and such. The more painful it gets, the more it slows down. That takes courage. YOU'RE A DREAM LOVER (@dailyhowl). John and Paul share dreams and love each other in their dreams—gloriously so—but in the end, the dream is over. The most brutal aspect of this one is seeing Paul in the end, alone. I STILL MISS SOMEONE & CLOSE THE DOOR LIGHTLY WHEN YOU GO (RosalindBeatrice). Paul and John become lovers in the 70's, but their encounters are few and far between—and in the end, darkness falls. But there's also the mercy of honesty, tears, and, yes: sex. Beautifully melancholy story about the vast distance between bright stars. ONE NIGHT IN BANGKOK (@backbenttulips). Apologies to the writer in case my "angsty" reading of this one misses the mark! Above all, this is a hot hot hot story about John and Paul hooking up in Bangkok and fucking every which way, remembering the past and seizing the present. But it's also a story about a relationship that no longer exists: their musical partnership. They destroyed the one place where their love had a home. Now, faraway hotel rooms will have to do—and there are no goodbyes or plans for a next time. (I must repeat how hot this is though.)
3.) "A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day."—Except it's exactly this day. Deep pain and sadness: the break-up is final; no one was saved. [Writers mentioned here: this is meant as a compliment. All of these stories are so good. It's not for nothing that I was never able to forget some lines from these stories, even though I read them very early on.]
HEAR ME, MY LOVER by @savageandwise. (Unfinished, but feels finished.) At the time the Beatles break up, Paul attempts to kill himself. He lives, but much else is destroyed. No one is wrong or right—their love and fracturing cut all possible ways. I read this as a literal translation of what the loss of the band (and John) meant for Paul, for a while.
FOUR LAST SONGS by @celebratorypenguin. This AU (four parts) explores what would have happened to the Beatles if John hadn't been the one to die first. Sentences from this one still live in my brain. The story is both sweeping and deep, and covers the POV of all four Beatles. Its truly an alternate history of the band, and it's very sad. But so, so beautiful, too.
Bonus Materials: John and Paul never became John&Paul. Everyone comes at this differently, but to me, the idea of them meeting, and falling in love, and turning away from it, is as angst-filled as the worst of the the break-up. That's why I think these two are among the best, most courageous, but also most angst-filled, of all mclennon fics: ALL THE BOYS ARE SINGING LOVE SONGS. (@dailyhowl): Paul settles down with Dot and they start a family. He and John meet again, and the spark is still there, but after a night together, the fear of starting over is greater. This magnificently written story fucked me up, and I've yet to pick up the courage to read it a second time. To quote the writer: this is a story about "the angst of living in the prison of society-approved masculinity." Yes. "Happy ending seekers need not apply." That is fair. As a happy ending seeker, I comfort my tender shipper's heart with the exhilarating fact that the real John and Paul did, in fact, become lovers become famous with the Beatles and formed a close musical partnership. THERE ARE ALWAYS FLOWERS (tarenas). This is a story I mentioned in my overall favorites post, and it's not, strictly speaking, all angst (to quote the writer: "this is about being sad and middle-aged, but it's also about being so happy and middle-aged!") It's not even J/P: it's mostly Paul/George, and their relationship is beautiful and real. Still, as a reader I was aching for the other life that could have been, and that is woven through the events of this story with incredible artistry: the Beatles, which everyone misses without knowing why. The great love between John and Paul that ended when John chose someone else. This is the magic of RPF: reality is the shadow event included for free. (Unfinished, with have all four n on-Beatles POV's. So far: George and Ringo.)
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edwardallenpoe · 5 months
hey, I saw your take on soft Bilbo and wanted to know which Bagginshield fics you'd recommend? My best friend got me into The Hobbit, and I need their romance!
one of us! One of us!
I'd be glad to give you my recommendations! I've only read a couple so far, but honestly they're awesome first reads! Esp if you also struggle with remembering the company members names as much as me:') all of these are on Ao3 and post-BOFTA (everyone lives in these fics)
The first one I recommend is "Green-Handed" by @lotus0kid ! It was the first fanfic I read and it absolutely blew me away! It's about Bilbo's hobbit powers coming in for "no reason" and way too strong, it's sweet sweet slowburn as well, if you're into that:)
I've also learned I'm a huge sucker for cultural misunderstandings, it's probably something I picked up from Spirk lmao, but here's a couple that I loved:
•The Color Of Possibility - northern trash
•You Got Me - drunkonwriting
•To Feel You Like A Knife - queerofdagger (this one is super angsty but so so good)
And a couple that are specifically about hair! Hair, is super important in dwarvish culture so ofc I love the trope that Bilbo does a heinous act on his hair without realizing lol (tho, they do imply and talk about s/h, if you'r not comfortable with that, that's okay.)
•Splitting Hairs - orphan_account
•A Hairy Misunderstanding - amethystviolist
and one I'm reading right now is "An Unexpected Addition" by Karategal. It's about Bilbo going back to the Shire after taking back Erebor to sort out his affairs before officially moving, and he pickes up and adopts Frodo along the way. I'm not usually into fics that talk about lotr or Frodo because I haven't watched it yet and don't want to be spoiled, but this one is absolutely adorable so far, but be fairly warned- lots of gore, for some reason.
I hope you like these recs, my friend!! I really enjoyed reading these and they've endeared me further into these characters!
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
This could be smut or not, but could you do one where the reader is just having one of those days where they just don’t like their body like stretch marks on their thighs and Rhys notices and praises and spoils them?
I accidentally read to many angsty fics and I’m in need of a pick me up lol😅
Rhysand x reader
A/n: I went with fluff and left it a little suggestive at the end. I hope this makes you feel a little better.
Warnings: mental health struggles and body image issues
Standing in front of the mirror you hold your dress up to your body. Frowning, you place the sparkly, black garment on your vanity stool. You turn from side to side taking in your body, only dressed in your bra and underwear.
Lately, you haven't been loving the way you look. More stretch marks have appeared on your thighs and butt. You feel like your stomach is a little pudgy and the bags under your eyes stick out like a sore thumb. For the past week, you haven't been very happy with your appearance. You feel like your clothes haven't been fitting right and you've been consumed with negative thoughts about yourself.
This hasn't gone unnoticed by Rhys. Usually, you talk to him about this stuff but you hadn't yet, and he was growing more and more concerned every day. Rhys strides out of the walk-in closet buttoning his shirt when he saw you frowning at yourself in the mirror.
He walks up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling you flush to his chest. You lean into his soft embrace as he plants a kiss on the top of your head. “What's wrong love? Talk to me.”
You let out a deep sigh through your mouth. “I'm just in one of those moods again where I hate everything about myself.” You meet his violet eyes in the mirror, they're full of sadness. “What do you hate about yourself? Tell me and I'll tell you what I love about it.”
He spins you to face him and you look down. He hooks his finger under your chin so you're looking up at him. Rhys gives you a pleading smile. You know he just wants to make you feel better and be there for you, so you oblige his request. “I have more stretch marks on my thighs and butt.”
Rhys drops to his knees, caressing your thighs, kissing the marks. “I think these are beautiful. They're like like tiger stripes, it means you're fierce.” He says with a mischievous grin. He continues kissing your thighs, giving equal love and attention to both legs. “What else love?”
“I feel like my tummy looks pudgier.” He rises a little, still on his knees. Rhys moves his hands up your legs to trace over your stomach and places them on your hips. He kisses and nips at your tummy making you giggle. “I think your tummy is perfect.” Rhys grabs at you gently, kissing you again. “And even if it is getting ‘pudgier’,” he scoffs, “then that just means there's more of you to love.”
You run your hand through his soft, raven hair as he kisses you a few more times. “Anything else bothering you darling?” You nod, “The bags under my eyes are so bad Rhys. I feel like my whole face just looks wrong.” Tears line your eyes. Rhys stands holding your face in his hands. His face solemn, “Your face is absolutely beautiful. So what if you have bags? I have them too.” You smile at each other.
“Your nose is cute as a button, your cheeks are so pinchable and kissable, gods I just love them. And your eyes.” He stares into your eyes intently. “I get lost in those beautiful eyes all the damn time. I love the way they look at me. Full of love and lust. They're kind and perfect.” You let your tears fall and pull Rhys into a tight hug.
“I love you, Rhys. So, so much baby. Thank you.” He hugs you tighter, nuzzling your neck. “I love you too y/n, darling.” You pull away and he brushes your tears away with his thumbs. “How about we skip Rita’s tonight? And I can show you just how much I love you.” He smirks, leaning in so your noses touch. “I'd like that.” your breath catching, arousal taking over your body. Closing the distance Rhys connects his soft lips with yours.
tags: @nyotamalfoy @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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xo-urban · 2 years
soo, request for ghost x male reader? :D
probably this one may be a little sad, but let's say reader also uses a mask like ghost so no one actually knows his face, not even ghost. he has been working on his team for years now gets along with ghost (they're in love but in denial lol) bc both use masks and the team finds it funny.
one day one mission goes wrong and his mask gets snatched, ghost sees and they act like nothing happened the rest of the mission but ghost clearly sees that the soldier is affected by this.
later, ghost takes him to a more private place where they adress the situation and the soldier let's ghost take off his mask basically showing his face again more carefully, seeing this big ass scar that covers a lot of his face and that's mostly why he used the mask in the first place. they already have a lot of trust in eachother so simon let's the soldier see his face and then they kiss.
kinda dramatic, but that's my thing lol bye bye!
I loved this sm 🫶
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Good Things Come in Damaged Packages
Pairing: Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x Male Reader
Summary: A mission went a little south and Ghost supports you all the way when you show him your biggest insecurity.
Warnings: Typical mission violence, angsty themes, fluff and Ghost support, no beta read cause I’m lazy 😭
Word count: 883
Despite how much time had actually passed serving with Task Force 141, you have never shown your face, not to a single person. You despised your looks and cherished your privacy. You were okay with it, knowing there was another person who also his his face made you feel a little bit more welcomed when you first came.
You and Ghost never asked about taking off the masks, keeping to yourselves was the normal. You liked him for being wary of your boundaries as you are of his own.
The reason for your mask was this nasty burn scar that made you heavily insecure, to you, it was hideous, your only option was to hide it so you wouldn’t be so heavily judged. It took up almost half your face, like someone tried to erase you but couldn’t quite get the job done. You’d never thought about anyone loving you to this day, it was completely hopeless to you.
Over the years, you and Ghost became closer, you would trust the man with your life, but you’ve still never shown your face to him. You’ve seen him lift his mask to take a drink, and you can’t lie when you were caught staring for a few moments.
Tonight you two had a mission to retrieve some intel for your operations. It was dark out when the two of you approached the building which said to have held the information you needed. The place was littered with enemies.
You stayed dead silent when you lead Ghost into the building. Whenever an enemy appeared, you aimed and pulled your trigger. You had no silencer which alerted the whole building. Footsteps ran to your position as Ghost had your back, firing clean shots at your enemies, savoring his ammunition as you tread forward, clearing a path.
You took a step forward, only to get pulled into a dark room. “Fuck!” You yelled, capturing Ghost’s attention. The enemy yanked your mask off before you threw yourself at him, sending the two of you tumbling to the ground. When Ghost turned into the room, he froze, shocked as he saw your angered face, it was the worst yet possible time to have seen it. You gritted your teeth when his fist connected with your jaw, cursing as you pulled out your pistol and shoved it into his chest, firing multiple shots into your enemy. You stood silently, picking your mask off from the ground and putting it on. You huffed turning to leave, only to see Ghost with his eyes on you.
He saw.
He saw your face.
The face that you found hideous, you cursed to yourself as you shoved past him, this wasn’t the time to deal with your anxiety. The mission continued without further problems, happening to be too easy for you and Ghost. You grabbed the files and left quickly, not wanting to say a word.
When the two of you hopped in the car to head back to base, it was so uncomfortably suffocating but silent for the most part. The tension was there and you hated it. When you arrived at base you were in a hurry to leave, gripping onto the files to hand to Price later. You heard Ghost call for you but you ignored him, he probably found you disgusting and you hated it, you hated yourself for it.
You dropped off the files before quickly walking to your room with your head slightly down. That's when you were pulled into a room you found so much comfort in. You looked up to find Ghost staring at you with soft eyes, “What do you want..?” You spoke softly, afraid of what he’ll say after seeing your face.
“You don’t have to run away from me.. Scars can still be beautiful and shouldn’t define you at all..” Ghost spoke softly, cupping your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb over your cheek. “You’re beautiful y’know? You don’t need to hide from me.. Not any more” Ghost spoke softly, slowly lifting up your mask to reveal your teary eyes, you never fought him, letting him remove your sense of security.
“You’re so perfect.. I love you so much..” Ghost whispered, watching with soft eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks. You hiccuped, pulling Ghost close to you as you cried into him. You felt accepted after hiding for so long.
But most importantly, you felt loved.
Ghost hushed you, cupping your cheek to get you to look up to him through teary eyes, his mask was off and you couldn’t help but sob out of pure happiness.
Ghost pulled you into a kiss, hushing you softly as you leaned against him, he rubbed your back with a free hand while the other rubbed away your crystal tears.
“I love you so much, ever since the day we met, just knew you were the one. You’re so perfect darling.. Wouldn’t trade your handsome face for the world… never. I love you.”
It was all you’ve ever wanted, to be an accepted human again.
You cried in Ghost’s comfort, sobbing as you told him you loved him so much, over and over as if Ghost was too stubborn to get it in his head.
“You’re perfect, just the way the world built you.”
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johnslittlespoon · 5 months
i have been dealing with the brainrot of twink college student john and biker gale but then the other half of the post jumped me in a dark alley and all i can think about is john's friend who is used to their friends having crushes on their dad but it's whatever. weird, but whatever, as long as they don't get vocal about it they can just use it as something to tease them about at the worse. john looking up at gale with big doe eyes isn't the first time they've seen a friend do that, they've seen other people who are considered more age appropriate do worse when faced with the gale cleven effect. only it never occurs to them gale feels like he can't breathe right and like is organs are too big for chest whenever he looks at john and feels like he's something too soft than he should allow himself to be but around john it doesn't feel bad, maybe it's a good thing he can unapologetically be soft for someone.
cue the ladies who thought they might be able to win over the quiet, intimating and rugged dilf biker seeing that his heart was stolen by none other than john clarence egan, the son of mr and mrs egan who everyone is sure are moments away from a heart attack.
the au post | GOD same it has notttt left my mind. and you GET ITTT you captured the vibe i was picturing for that version perfectly ugh.
literally 1k+ words of brainrot below the cut... deeply sorry. any excuse to talk about them and i'm spinning in my chair apparently LOL <3
like john takes one look at gale and knows he's not the only one who swoons over him, spends an ungodly amount of time pining from day one. but any fantasies are only fantasies, because he knows (thinks he knows) he doesn't stand a chance, both for the fact that he's his son's friend, and that gale probably thinks he's too immature, and that he's, y'know, not a girl.
but gale is gone too from their first meeting, he's just a lot better at hiding it (and finds it so endearing how bad john is at hiding it despite how well john thinks he's doing lol.) once he and john start tentatively feeling things out, and even before that really, the way he feels when he looks at the doe–eyed boy scares him– a vulnerable softness and urge to protect that he's been just fine with not feeling.
of course there's the conflict when he tries to shove down these feelings at first, because he knows how mad his son (who i headcanon as ken because he and leaving!john would be precious dorky besties) would be if he were to ever indulge in them, regardless of how much john wants it. and there's the guilt of feeling like john would be happier with someone his age, but john is the most persistent, stubborn person he's ever met, and the way he folds so quickly for him is terrifying.
and yet he falls for the attentive softhearted absolute puppy dog of a boy that john is, finds himself as fond of his moments of angsty bite and bristle as he is when he's docile at his side, melting under gale's gaze. there's no proper confirmation ever made to others about their status, no reason to need one, because they're attached at the hip and people learn quickly not to so much as look at john the wrong way, because gale's never far behind him.
and the angsttt of john's parent's disapproval– yeah, he's an adult and he's independent and is off doing college and all, but his parents aren't chill with "that gay shit" and he gets the classic "so long as you're living under our roof, you're not to see that man" talk, and what's an angsty rebellious lovesick john to do but get better at sneaking out of his window and jogging down the street to meet gale at his motorcycle so his parents don't hear it pull up?
i'm sure eventually it would come to a head because they'd find out he's been going behind their back when they catch him sneaking back inside late one night, and he's given the good old "stop seeing him or pack your bags" ultimatum. it takes gale a wild amount of self control to not storm into the house and chew out john's parents when he picks up the phone to a sniffling terrified john at two in the morning less than an hour after he'd dropped him off down the street.
it takes even more self control when he sees the angry red of a handprint on john's cheek when he pulls up and finds him sat on the curb with a hastily stuffed backpack, and his heart shatters when john starts apologizing, as if he'd ever be upset with him. but then, cue domesticity (and a different kind of sneaking around) as john temporarily moves in with him and ken. all ken is told is that john's parents kicked him out and he knows how badly they treat him so he doesn't ask many questions, so shitty circumstances aside, he's over the moon at getting to have his best friend stay with him.
john promises to find someplace to rent a room in as soon as he can because he feels awful for intruding, but gale finds that he really likes having john around, insists he stays with the two of them at least till he's done with his semester so he doesn't have to worry about paying rent. lots of nuance to sort out there but you get the gist. <3
also. john wearing gale's leather jacket sighhh. finding any excuse he can to steal it, face going all pink when gale drapes it over his shoulders when they're out on dates, beaming when gale lets him wear it home with the promise that he'll return it the next day, falling asleep with his face pressed to it, drowning in the smell of gale's aftershave and cigarettes and diesel.
+ slight tangent but the things that could come about from the sneaking around?? minor spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen callum's show 'leaving' that his character in this au is loosely based off of, but there's a scene where he and his milf not–gf are fooling around in his room and his parents get home early.
i have this scene in my head where john thinks he's meant to have the house to himself for the night, invites gale over, they end up in the shower and they hear the front door slam mid–fuck. there's a moment of panic, both of them freezing, john whispers that "dad's probably forgot his wallet or something," assumes gale will stay unmoving until they hear the door slam again.
only gale suddenly rolls his hips forward, and john chokes on a moan, gale's hand coming up to quickly cover his mouth, his other hand squeezing john's hip as he kisses his shoulder and murmurs "you can be quiet, can't you, sweetheart?"
anyway. yeah, this au has me in a chokehold so hard still, i'm 100% still planning on writing it post–dog fic <3 i do love this whole cliche best friend's dad route of this au, but i'm also not sure i feel like tackling the conflict of john having his friend find out about the two of them, and i feel like that would be kinda inevitable to have to write about if i took that route for the fic lol </3 so i think that version of the au will be limited to brainrot like this and when i write the actual fic it'll just be the college student x bikerider vibe, but honestly there's so much overlap with the two concepts anyway that it won't make too much of a difference!
thx for unintentionally encouraging my yapping i love this version of these two so much and i am apologizing in advance for the person i will become when i see the bikeriders in theatres xoxo
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ravenloop · 2 years
Hi, I'm kinda new to Tumblr and I really want a Thor and Kratos reacting to a powerful yet apathetic reader who doesn't really care if they get hurt or die in the end, because whenever they get in a fight they somehow always end up winning.
You don't really have to do this request if you don't want to :)
Headcanons: Thor and Kratos w/ a powerful, apathetic S/O
AN: Made this a lot more angsty than I intended lol Hope you enjoy and that it was what you wanted <33
Thor is a rowdy person.
He's someone who always tells himself not to think. That it's a waste of time.
So when you fight and don't care about strategy or how things might turn out, he doesn't think much of it. He actually likes it, some people think too much in a fight and that's just boring in his eyes.
There is no reason for him to tell you to stop, not when you're both stepping over and crushing your enemies like they're nothing but dirt.
Sometimes though, you take it a little too far in a fight. Too far to where you could have been killed. And that's when he realises that you need to be more careful.
"You know, those things can still kill you," Thor says, as he brings down Mjolnir on an enemy one last time - ending them. You turn to him, with a bored look on your face, and shrug, "I'm still alive."
He turns to you, "I'm just saying you should be more careful. Just because you're powerful doesn't mean you're unkillable." It was a strange thing to tell your partner that they could be killed, but Thor was just making sure you kept safe. He didn't want your head too high in the clouds.
You licked your teeth, sighing, "So far I haven't been killed." "That's not my point-" He walked closer, "You shouldn't be so reckless." Your brow raised, "Thor - I don't think you should be telling me this. You're no different."
If there was one thing he despised, it was arguing with you - arguing with the one person he loved. "I know, but you take it too far sometimes and just expect everything to be fine. I just don't want you to be injured... Or dead."
It was the way you stared at him that caused him to worry more, your gaze was blank.
Turning around and glancing over your shoulder at Thor, you said, "Thank you for worrying, Thor. But I'll just stick to what I'm doing and plus... I always win." Then you walked off.
Thor wanted to say something, but what? It was like you lacked any emotion and care for yourself, and he hated it. He didn't want to lose you, but you clearly didn't care if you lost yourself. With a sigh, he hooked Mjolnir on his belt and followed you.
Kratos is someone who tries to be a better person. His past haunts his every step, and because of that, he tries to change. To forget.
But your lack of empathy and care, he hated to say it, but it reminded him of who he was.
You fought like nothing mattered. Like life itself was nothing but an object that could easily be remade or replaced - it wasn't.
He watched how you would tear through your enemies, like they were Nothing. Like they couldn't kill you. Like you were untouchable.
Even if you were untouchable, he didn't see that as a reason for you to act like it. Strategy in a fight was always better than rash behaviour.
"You fight recklessly." Kratos approached you as you flicked a piece of your enemies' remains off your clothing. "And?" You looked up at him, "I still came out the victor."
"What if you didn't?" His gravely voice became louder when he stopped in front of you. Deepening your frown, you replied, "I always come out alive. No one is a match for me." "Do not act like you are invulnerable," He continued talking even as you turned to pick up your weapon, "Fighting and abandoning all care and worry is not how a real, powerful person would fight."
Turning on your heel, you asked, "Are you saying I'm not powerful? That I'm not a real fighter?" "I'm saying that you should learn to care about yourself!" Roughly his hands landed on your shoulders, "I do not want to lose you."
That was the first time you heard Kratos' voice so low - so quiet and gentle. It was a surprise indeed.
You were silent as you stared into your lover's eyes. You shrugged his hands off, "I will care... when I'm dead."
No. No, he couldn't let you think like that. Like how he used to think.
"You are choosing a dangerous way." You chuckled, it was cold and not heartfelt in the slightest, "Yeah, well... It's my way." Turning around, you started walking, "And it's kept me alive so far."
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yujeong · 5 months
Favourite Underrated Ship? Simple answer: Every single Pete rarepair! -> PorschePete? Iconic! Brilliant! Phenomenal! Most people love "best friends who kiss", I love "secret third thing". However one enjoys them, though, they're delicious to consume😌 (You might think it's not an underrated ship, but I'd like to inform you that it has, in fact, less than 100 fics on Ao3, so it very much is in my book. I'm happy to have contributed to it by posting two of them, but I'd love it if there were more. Hopefully, I'll get inspired anew one day.) -> KinnPete? Oh please, the power dynamics make me giggle like a 10 year old girl playing with Barbie dolls. Such glorious toxicity, such perfect ways Kinn could use and abuse Pete to his benefit, either with or without knowing he's doing it. You can do so much with them, either pre, during or post canon and I get so excited thinking about it. (This one has less than 50(!) fics posted, so I'm super thankful to the few authors who have gifted me some amazing works. Sharing my personal favourite because it deserves to be cherished 🥹) -> ArmPete? Do I even need to sell this one? It can do fluff, it can do angst, it can do smut, it can do it all. My personal favourite flavour of it is Arm having unrequited feelings for Pete because it's just so deliciously angsty 😇 I love me some pain, I can't help it. (This one doesn't have any fics to its name, besides one in Chinese. I'm devastated. I did personally have an idea for a multi-chaptered fic with 3k words already written, but if I manage to focus on it properly one day, it'll end up being a simple one-shot.) -> KimPete? Oh, you mean the ship I got so obsessed over I wrote 25k words of them platonically bonding, while having Kim think to himself more than once how pretty Pete is? You mean the ship that shares so many similarities with VegasPete, while still having its own identity based on the differences between Kim and Vegas? You mean the love of my life? (Again, fics for this one are almost non-existent, which is a shame, but understandable. One day, I'll manage to enrich the tag. One day.) -> TankhunPete? Take KinnPete's fucked up power imbalance and twist it in a more peculiar direction. What you get is this ship, which makes me so uncomfortable but so, so intrigued. (Incredibly underrated with how few fics it has, but a special thanks to this one for altering my brain chemistry when I first read it.) -> BigPete? Rivals who might engage in hate sex from time to time? Pals who share the same fate and understand it and bond over it? Pick your poison and roll with it, because it's delicious either way. I'm personally team "They hate each other" because it's more fun that way 😉 (Almost nothing here again, which is a shame, but again understandable. I had forgotten they shared 2 lines of dialogue together in the show, I deadass thought they never talked to each other, which was great for me lol. Here's one fic written by the same person who wrote the KinnPete one, in case you'd like something cool to read.) -> TayPete? This one's for pure aesthetic reasons because have you seen Tay, have you seen Tay at the auction, have you imagined Pete and Tay fucking at the auction, because I surely have 🙂 It's such a gorgeous image, I lose focus for a hot minute when it comes to me. (This one's tricky, because most people write Vegas/Pete/Tay, which is a glorious choice and I support it, and my talented friend is writing a very good VPT fic, but I'd love it if there were more fics that focus on these two only. They're too powerful, I can't get enough.) I think those are all the ones I'm personally obsessed with. All I have to say is, Pete deserves all the beautiful men and what they'd like to do with him ❤️
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powerful-niya · 6 months
Out of Context WIPs
Omg! While I was on my break, I was tagged into this game by @sessakag @dayseternal-blog @chloelapomme @opttagoyeo and I'm just now doing it. Sorry!! I have NOT forgotten, haha!
I appreciate you all tagging me! It's heartwarming to know that you all consistently keep me in mind, and include me in these fun little activities. It means the world to me! 💕💕
Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
The wips I'm listing are the few remaining one-shots I still plan to write for the past Nhmonth event: Nhmonth23. I've also included some prompts from the Nhmonth22 event that I still intend to write as well.
I've done my best to infuse humor into these snippets, though I must admit, most lean toward the smutty, angsty, or dark side, haha. The "out of context wips" could go either way—terribly bad, good, or downright goofy. Who knows? 🤷🏽‍♀️ You all are the judge!
These are just sooo stupid, lol. 😂🤭 I can't explain it, but these random snippets just popped into my head, and so, I didn't think anything further on them and just wrote them all down here. It was fun though!
Here's who I'm tagging (no pressure) @brwnsugcr @wickermayne @tjtheanimelover @opal-chan @inayasurya @naeverse 💕💕
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axolotlsupremacyowo · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks @oceangirl24 for the tag! I love you, bestie!
Now, on to the questions!
❣️How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 86 fics! I write all kinds of things! Case fics, angst, fluff, smut, and all that jazz. I like to think that I have a diverse range of stuff on AO3, which I find I'm really proud of :3
❣️What is your total AO3 word count?
613,383....Yes, I write too much.
❣️What fandoms do you write for?
Most of my fics are Ace Attorney, but I have other fandoms like Stardew Valley! I also write in fandoms that are gifts for friends.
❣️What are your top five fics by kudos?
Say My Name (233 kudoes)
Operation Helios (178 kudoes)
Apollo is a Crazy Cat Attorney™ (166 kudoes)
Ace Attorney: Maya Fey (166 kudoes)
Turnabout Birch Meadows (151 kudoes)
Nice! Most of them are Klapollo XD
❣️Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments! I get to ramble, and I want each and every commenter to know that I appreciate them <3. Sometimes I take a long time, so sorry about that!!!! But I'll get to the comment eventualy!!
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Things Left Unsaid, that fic is SUPER angsty with a really sad ending. It's non canon Major Character Death, so of course it's angsty lol.
❣️What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'm...not sure? A lot of my fics end in happy endings. But if I had to pick the happy ending that made me the most emotional, I'd have to choose Blossoming in the Rain.
❣️Do you get hate on your fic?
Surprisingly, no. I've only gotten support for my fics. Which I am VERY much thankful for. To all of my followers, readers, and supporters...thank you SO much for making my fandom experience so lovely <3
❣️Do you write smut?
Definitely lol. I used to be terrified of writing smut...and then I met a certain someone *cough cough* @mikaharuka *cough cough* and now I've written a lot of smut. This is all YOUR FAULT BESTIE.
❣️Do you write crossovers?
Nope lol. I like to keep my fandoms separate.
❣️Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I...don't think so? But if someone has stolen my fics, please be sure to tell me! I'm not exactly keen on the idea of my fics being plagiarized or stolen.
❣️Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, I have no idea. I don't think it has since nobody has approached me before, so to my knowledge it's a no.
❣️Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes!!! I've co written SO many things with my bestiest of besties @tsunderesalty and I love every fic I've co written with him. He's just the greatest and he's an amazing writer. Check him out!
❣️What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm! For Ace Attorney, it's a tough choice between Klapollo and Franmaya. For Stardew, my top ship is my farmer and Sebastian (Sebakonnie)
❣️What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My flufftober series. I started it in 2022...and it's currently 2024. I just kinda lost steam for that fic. I am very proud of all the fics I've written for it, though. Maybe I should revisit it...
❣️What are your writing strengths?
Ahem, knowing how my dearest besties would respond to that...I guess my flexibility with writing styles? I talked about this with my friends before, but I have multiple writing styles, five to be specific. I can switch between them pretty easily, and I like to think they're all distinct from each other but still being undeniably me. God, I really don't wanna sound like I'm bragging XD.
❣️What are your writing weaknesses?
NOT KNOWING WHEN TO SHUT THE FUCK UP. I literally cannot shut up for the life of me. It is a curse. My fics would be SO much shorter if I just shut up lol.
❣️Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Oh!!! Actually, so about this! For reference, I'm Filipino, born and raised in the Philippines. I can speak Filipino and Tagalog pretty well, and I can understand Bisaya (Cebuano is its official name, but everyone in the Philippines calls it Bisaya) well, but I can speak it only a little bit. Anyway, I've always wanted to incorporate Filipino and Bisaya into my fics but didn't know how...and then I thought of Filipino Phoenix! Happy to say that I'm planning on writing that soon :3
So yeah, happy to include languages other than English! Especially my native language. Otherwise, for languages I don't know. I use Deepl, it's a very useful tool!
I'm all for using different languages in my fics, and when I get something wrong, I'm quick to correct it!
❣️First fandom you wrote for?
Ace Attorney. I have had Ace Attorney brainrot for SO long.
❣️Favorite fic you've ever written?
Would it be cheating to choose a series? XD
But yeah! My Defense Attorney Maya Fey series contains my favorite fics of all! The top ones of my list being Ace Attorney: Maya Fey and Yours Truly, Franziska von Karma. I just...love these fics so much...I especially love Ace Attorney: Maya Fey. That bitch has been my baby since like...2021?
Now! Who to tag...that would be my besties @mikaharuka, @aislinnstanaka, @udaberriwrites, @kayedium-writes, @justanotherpersonwhowrites, @mikaharuka @fattybattysblog
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
Okay but, thinking about Copia copying (lol) your hobbies, what about someone who wants to learn more about his? For any of the Papa's, really, but I would listen Copia to tell me about old video games for hours - Nick
Papas when their s/o wants to learn more about their hobbies
He's gonna be really happy when you say you'd like to learn how to garden!
He assigns a little plot in the Ministry gardens to you and picks out a few plants that are easy to take care of so you have an easy start.
He's a naturally good teacher, so you learn really quickly.
He's very proud of you, lots of praises and kisses. He's an affectionate old man.
Over time he lets you help out with more plants.
He supervises you and gives you tips.
You end up being the one to take over the garden after his death because it's the place that holds so many precious memories of him.
(Kay's gonna yell at me for this angsty bit)
Secondo may not be an expert, but he enjoys to paint. He loves art in general.
So when you come to him and say you want to paint with him, he organized that for you.
Soon enough you would both spend your free time painting.
You're a bit clumsy with it and while he's no Bob Ross, he doesn't get mad at you and helps you cover up anything you're not happy with.
He tells you it's fine, but if you still feel bad for not being too good at it, he's gonna take one for the team and mess up his work "accidentally". Your giggle is worth it, no matter how good the painting was.
He would love for you both to paint something together!
No matter how messy or silly it might be, he's gonna hang it above his bed and that's final. Don't even argue with him.
Oh, so you wish to learn about the Kazoo of Destiny™?
Terzo's hobbies are literally just the weirdest instruments known to man.
They don't even have to be actual instruments.
You know those obnoxiously loud rubber chickens?
Yeah. That's the kind of instruments he plays.
He's made a secret album of Ghost songs played with just the Kazoo of Destiny™ and the chickens.
He's delighted to teach you.
You end up having a headache, but it was worth it to see him so giddy.
Genuinely shocked. Cue a compilation of Copia noises.
He's just?? So happy?? You've asked??
He mumbles and stims a lot, our excited baby.
He talks all about his favorite games, and you notice they're all really old.
Which isn't surprising, he's got a really old console.
You get start collecting money and buy him a Nintendo Switch for his birthday.
He's just so excited and insists you play together when he realizes that's an option.
Falls in love with you all over again.
Old Nihil
Aside from simping, the only hobby he seems to have is thinking about how great he was as a performer.
Indulge him. Let him talk about his time on the stage.
Just try not to cringe when he talks about hooking up with fans. He's clueless.
Let him try to perform again!
Let him play his sick saxophone solos!
Let him sing!
Let him boogie!
He's gonna be thrilled to perform again!
Just... Make sure you're the only person in the audience. Just in case.
Young Nihil
This bitch will keep his hobbies hidden as long as possible.
Claims his only passion is passionate sex with you.
Keep pressing him and he reveals he's learning mixology.
And so you wanna learn with him!
He's not a pro, but he's showing you what he knows and teaching you a few tricks you picked up.
If you keep pressing even more, he might finally cave in and say he enjoys movies.
Wouldn't say it before because he thought you'd think he's... Whatever the 1960s equivalent of cringe was.
Watch movies with him! He's gonna love it, even if he refuses to admit it.
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fieldsofview · 6 months
20 Questions (for fanfic writers)
I got tagged by the absolutely lovely @sarah-sandwich Thank you!!
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
17 :)
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
157,867 (2/3 of that is SMH hahaha)
3. what fandoms do you write for?
atm all my WIPs and upcoming fic ideas are Spidey related, but I used to write a lot for MLB and OL:BA (and A:TLA back on ffn in hs but we don't talk about the dark ages hahaha)
4. top five fics by kudos:
Under The Moonlight - OL:BA smutty oneshot of what should have happened after the charity ball scene 😳
Crushtomer - MLB coffee shop AU one-shot with Barista!Adrien and Overworked Uni Student!Marinette (heavily inspired by my barista days in College, when I was writing this) ☕
King Agreste - a MLB AU oneshot inspired by the Grimm fairy tale Allerleirauh "all-kinds-of-fur" 🏰
You Said You Loved Me - an MLB kwami swap identity reveal wip i never finished and probably never will sorry 😬
Spider-Man: Homesickness - My take on what the MCU Spidey's life could be like 5 years post: No Way Home and his journey into letting people back into his life and not being so alone (My CURRENT BABY and WIP that I'm ALMOST DONE WITH - it's so fucking long alskdhasasjdkhksdjhfkfh my hope is that it ends up in the no. 1 spot someday when it's complete) 🕸️
5. do you respond to comments?
So I didn't always, but nowadays I try really hard to respond to every comment thread at least, even if I don't always have the last comment on the thread. I really REALLY appreciate each and every comment and I actually often re-read them when I'm feeling insecure in my writing (is that cringe? maybe lol but it's true)
6. what is the fic your wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely The Beauty of Green. 268-word OL: BA drabble that smacks you out of nowhere in the last two sentences. I never write things that short anymore but it just worked
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my one-shots back when I was writing for MLB like 5 years ago have happy endings. I prefer more *complicated* endings now, but a genuinely happy ending can be nice too. May I present Drops in a Pond for consideration though? Not traditionally fluffy or sweet, but I like to think it's a soft and hopeful kind of ending.
8. do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet. I think I'm too small of a creator to get hate lol
9. do you write smut?
I've posted one smut fic before, Under the Moonlight, listed above. It's my top-rated fic so I guess I know a little of what I'm doing. OH and my side-wip I'm working on when SMH is too angsty for me is all fluff and kinky Parkner smut and I'm so excited to post that someday when SMH is fully out and done.
10. craziest crossover:
I haven't written any crossovers, unless you count pulling from marvel canon across different adaptations to make SMH (it's got Gwen and Harry and Miles even though they're not in the MCU 19999 as of now). But I used to write a lot of aus
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be so honored if someone did! I once had a full conversation in the comments with someone in another language by using Google Translate and that was fun!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
I think my writing process would be a little too unconventional to co-write with someone unless we were trading chapters and perspectives. I go back and edit my drafts a lot as I move forward and I would be too tempted to edit their writing too, which feels mean...
14. all time favorite ship?
I LITERALLY CAN NOT PICK DO NOT DO THIS TO ME!!!!! I will be a multi-shipper until the day I die, in basically every fandom.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have an idea for a series of long fics making an MCU HS AU inspired by Degrassi, but I think it would be just too many hours and too many words that I won't ever commit to. I love a good HS AU every now and again, but I feel like a lot of people (across fandoms with hs aus tbh) write the characters as if they already have a lot of the canon quirks the characters have as adults. I would want to write them truly as their HS selves, acting like real teenagers and all the dumb shit teens do, as the reader follows along on the journey of their growing up.
16. what are your writing strengths?
I think I really like detail and trying to portray a level of reality with the characters, even in more fantastical settings. I want the character's choices and motivations to be both complex and clear to the reader, even when they're making choices that the reader disagrees with. I also think this is a skill that is more and more prevalent in my recent writing, so my earlier MLB stuff doesn't have as much of it. My OLBA stuff and now my Spidey stuff though? Yeah.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Staying motivated to finish WIPS. (This is something I've improved a lot on though and at this point, barring some kind of life-or-death calamity in my life, I will absolutely be finishing SMH. I'm literally 120k of a predicted 150k words deep and going strong sooo).
OH ALSO comedy! I'm so bad at writing funny characters and making them actually say things that are both funny and make sense. Sucks when writing Spidey cause he can be such a little shit with his sarcastic comments and each dialogue point takes me 3-5 business weeks to come up with.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I do it very rarely and only when it feels 100% necessary. I had a small bit in Spanish in ch 6 of SMH because Jeff and Rio were literally talking about Peter right in front of him and he could hear the words they were saying, even if he didn't understand them. But it was very brief.
I did it because the POV character literally didn't understand it, so it made sense to have it written out. In fics where the POV character understands what's being said, I prefer it all be written in the fic's primary language, for reader ease.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
A:TLA, like I said. That was back in the dark ages of my Junior Year of HS on my old ffn account that will never see the light of day again hahaha
20. favorite fic you've written?
Every current WIP has always been my favorite because that is what I'm thinking about. So SMH is definitely my current fave. It's my baby and I've put literally hundreds of hours into it (I keep a spreadsheet lol, it's nearly 150 hours of sheer writing, not including the early days of brainstorming and outlining.)
HOWEVER, back in the day, I was really proud of writing Answer Me and it's literally my lowest-rated fic, but I was such a fan of the genre and the Night Circus inspiration. Plus, I love Alya as a character and it was really fun to write from her perspective.
OH, and I'm still proud of Under the Moonlight because it taught me that my acespec ass can write smut and is also good at it, lol. I just have to write smut that's rooted in ~*~feelings~*~ and also has an element of humanism and imperfection. Which is the type of vibe I'm putting into my side-wip rn.
Thanks for tagging me, Sarah!
no pressure tagging: @seek--rest, @abcd-em, @missamyshay, @pbpsbff
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wifiwuxians · 11 months
20 questions writer meme.
tagged by @heyholmesletsgo THANK YOUUU
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
not counting things i'd rather remained anonymous, 21!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
513,621 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mdzs, vaguely tgcf, hotline miami (though mostly past tense) and we'll see about the future
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wei Wuxian's Super Special Super Secret Book Club still reigns supreme with 1229 kudos, and will most likely be my legacy despite it being the second fic i ever wrote for the fandom (i think?)
If You're Reading This, It's Too Late with 513, one would think i'd still be messing around with this AU but i'm happy to leave it where it is and just keep messing around with the crackship
Dawn Chorus, my most precious baby, at 251 by some miracle despite being oc/canon. you guys spoiled me with the love for this one tbh. none of my other xue yang centric works got anywhere near this close and i'm at peace with that because he's bonking my oc in this one and they have a kid.
The Book Club Extras at 232, which is hilarious when compared to the original but at least new readers will see there's more and maybe in the year 2055 i will publish them for fun
Frozen Pond with 156 at the end of the list, written for my friend @petitjams and taking place in a silly AU we made together (wen chao stays winning on here which is very funny)
i'm attributing the popularity of the first two to mostly being centered around super popular characters, because my later stuff is naturally better yet struggling haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always unless they're like just emoji, because i like conversation! though i may also reply with a little heart hehe
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i wouldn't call it angstiest ending, it's bittersweet, but the threads that bind us is my top pick. and it also needs more readers so go read it. your hands and mine has a bit of an 'angsty' ending but only for song lan. xue yang had it coming :p 💖
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
excluding the two above, so far they all have a happy ending, or at least neutral??? i'd say Book Club, though, because that's the massive 'everybody lives!!' silly fixit fic
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nope. i hope i didn't just jinx it. i get hate on art and through anon though! woo! (not anymore on here tho thank god)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do and i feel like it sucks so i almost always end up fading to black LMAO my actual explicit stuff remains private... it's like too embarrassing for me. i got judged for it as an 18 year old and 10 years later haven't gotten over it. i like bondage and bdsm though and that seems to crop up in private 😏
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i do on occasion! i love roleplaying them, but the only one i have out there is The Way To His Heart Is Through His Stomach (Oh God Please Don't Eat Me), which mixes mdzs and tgcf characters in a unique setting :3
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but i've had art stolen plenty so i wouldn't even be surprised
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, a few have been translated into russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
all time? jeez. somebody tell me why i always freeze up and go blank when asked these simple questions? it's like i forget who the fuck i am. i feel like i should also say songxiao? but they're relatively new so it doesn't seem correct. fuck it. my all time favorite ship is [DATA MISSING OR CORRUPTED-- PLEASE PROCEED TO NEXT QUESTION]
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
haha... (looks at my abandoned hlm fic with the seventh chapter halfway written) haha...
16. What are your writing strengths?
i'd definitely say dialog. it makes sense, since the stuff i'm most used to doing is drawing silly comics. i also like to ping-pong emotions around and feel like i'm pretty good at that too
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
using the same words over and over and feeling like i never write Enough, like everything is always light and never in depth. i don't like making scenes too heavy with padding but i also feel like i need to find a balance
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'll do it only if it's a language i speak!!! this doesn't apply to peppering words like gege and stuff just for funsies. i think the best way to go about it is to just tell the audience what language they're speaking in that moment
19. First fandom you wrote for?
we're gonna have to go back to when i was 10 years old here lol... i think it was tokyo mew mew in terms of stuff i put online (oh god)
20. Favorite fic you've written?
it's hard to pick favorites, but i once again must say the threads that bind us in terms of work i'm most proud of.
i tag whoever sees it, plus @sugarapplebaby because ily
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longeyelashedtragedy · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
i was faux-tagged by @prosopopeya ! it was fun reading your answers!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now i only write "Men's Football RPF," but occasionally i have the desire to write in my previous fandom, and then never do.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
these are all a song of ice and fire/game of thrones fics from way back in the day
drabbles of ice and fire (does what it says on the tin)
captivated (arya/jaqen AU)
ends and beginnings (arya/jaqen university AU)
egg baby (arya/jaqen, au)
arya saves the day (arya/jaqen, the same university AU)
...as you might have guessed, i was THEE arya/jaqen BNF back then, lol. (if you have familiarity with the characters please note these are all AUs because arya is aged up in order to ship her)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try, i really do! comments just get my executive function so snarled up and i wind up forgetting.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
that's most of them. how am i meant to choose? it's hard for me to get through the end of "i tore off the golden branch" without crying even to this day. "like a song on repeat, nothing has to end" has some nice sad transfer window angst, and as i've said, the ending to "visited upon the sons" really slaps. is it cheating to say mare liberum?--that ending only exists on my notes app, and it's more "tragic" than angsty i guess.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
oh, hmmm. i wanna say... "5.VII." poor dejan, always fearing he'll somehow be alone and unwanted, not good enough, and in that moment at the end of the fic those worries leave him.
“So...that means...these things...These things we do together...” Dejan waits impatiently.  No, he’ll be honest with himself.  He’s waiting nervously.  “We’re just going to have to keep doing them forever, right, brate?”  Dejan lets go of the breath he’s been holding and as he does, he feels those wings again, stretching out from his shoulder blades and shaking themselves out and giving him an incredible lightness. He could float away right now with Šime in his arms. They could float away together.   “Yes. I guess we will.”
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really, i think they're so poorly written or strange that they just don't get much notice. i did see some "piquira" people back in the day talk about how my fic "soy loca con mi tigre," where shakira pegs piqué (RIP) with sergio watching them on video chat, was "weird." god, it must be painful to be that boring
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
unfortunately yes. i think it's usually pretty straightforward, but maybe not blunt enough to be grimy-hot. i don't like anything flowery. i wish i could write some m/f from time to time, but i have too many gender issues to feel comfortable writing about an AFAB body in a sexual sense most of the time. i am trying to channel this discomfort into writing a fic where jamie jamie jamie takes franko out clubbing to drown his sorrows and they pick up some Girls it is what it is!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i used to with my ex, we had an amazing AU where we crossed over a million different punk/metal/alternative musicians with some other rpf type people. oh, and not to forget--my first ever footyfics were crossovers, lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i sure have! it was shameless as fuck. however, justice was served because my version got more kudos and comments, so i didn't even bother to start shit. as they say, she thought she ate!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, into russian, chinese, and persian. i have enough fics translated into russian on ficbook to have my own Author Page on there--a point of pride, because i love ficbook :)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, many with said ex! i would love to do a collab again--anyone? hit me up
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
idk? rakidrić, šejan, movren, xhakarteta RIP, JAVEY from AFI, cersei/jaime, aged up!arya/jaqen. am i missing anything?
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
maybe my really long 'ivan rakitić coming of age' fic, where the running plot is "what is he doing to keep himself at barça even tho he's out of favor?" as you can see, it would be very outdated, plus it was never intended for a wide audience
16. What are your writing strengths?
not sure :/ characters' emotions, good use of repetition and parallelism (i like to think !) and good use of rhythm. i also think i write a good ending. my bff said "the way you describe love and loss is unlike anyone else" which i thought was nice!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
plot, pacing. good porn, being unfiltered (like--my writing feels too repressed lol)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
it has to make sense so it doesn't feel like tokenization or fetishization and can't be cheesy. the only time i think i was going to include actual multiple lines of dialogue in anther language (spanish), i then changed it so the fic didn't have it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the first like, true established fandom i wrote for was a song of ice and fire/game of thrones. before that i wrote a lot of bandfic, but mostly for bands and artists who didn't really have any fic or canons. like, 98% of it was private for just me and my ex, but a few of the pieces still exist online here and there.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
i cannot pick favorites. there's so many reasons why something would be a favorite. and i have 147 fics on ao3! plus many things that aren't. plus my unpublished bandfic was some of my best writing. i don't know!
i almost wonder if it's "his return: a story of ghosts" which...i initially wrote as a fic but then changed it up. it was a "magical realism" au based on my undergrad senior thesis, lol. (the most common remark about it in my advanced creative writing seminar was "uh, it sounds like you know what you're talking about.") it's so imperfect, but writing it was SO much fun, and i had a whole soundtrack i listened to as i wrote, and then a few years ago i did a massive edit of it which was even more fun and it's still very imperfect and can't figure out why. i also don't like daniel's name but i named him after 2 ppl i knew at the time and now i can't change it, lol.
OH AND ALSO: granit's first flashback chapter in dangerous AU!
if you write fic, you are tagged, but i definitely tag: @new-berry @protect-daniel-james @fanficburner @purefractals @colorsofmyseason @bsaka7 @arsenalgbt AND ANYONE ELSE I FORGOT please do it if you see it!!!
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extraordinarilyextreme · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers!
tagged by @bbcphile~ thank you my dear 🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
30 right now~ what a nice number!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
so many, lol. right now, i'm actively writing for LHL and YRZX (and a bit LZTJ), but i previously wrote a lot for QYJ, CHSSN, and DMBJ.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
may we tie our hearts together again ⚫️⚪️ QingYa
9k, red string AU, canon + post-canon
NOTICE: Seeking Marriage Partner 💙💚 PingXie
5k, post-canon
青山仍在 | as long as the green hills remain 🪷🐕 HuaFang
7k, post-canon fix-it
but ask for no regrets 💙💚 PingXie
5k, canon-compliant N+1 things
a ghost walks into a soldier's house 💙🤍 SuiTang | 🖤💚 WeiLan
16k, crossover + crack treated seriously
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try my best to, but for various reasons comments will accumulate in my inbox and i might not respond to them until even a year later. but please believe me, i do read every single one.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i write a lot of HEs... perhaps only an echo, since the entire premise of that (unfinished) series is an AU where Wu Xie isn't there to fulfill his ten-year promise with Xiaoge. rather than angsty endings, i write more angsty stories? in which case, the angstiest might be 千里自同风 | no distance too great as a canon-compliant post-canon fic that follows Fang Duobing's journey of grief. (but i don't think the ending of that is sad, tbh.) alternatively, 飞蛾扑火 | for you, i'll gladly burn is another contender given Shen Yi's big reveal in the last chapter (but also don't think the ending is sad). 红尘似水,万事入歌 | the world becomes song is pretty sad too if only because we the readers know the characters' fates in canon.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
honestly, i think most of my fics are HEs. or if not "happy," comforting for sure. most of my fics end with a promise to be together, to spend an ordinary life together, to have the chance to be in the moment together. it might not be super, like, grand or dramatic or anything - but i genuinely think all my fics have peaceful endings. so take your pick, peruse my works~
8. Do you get hate on fics?
rarely, and the few times that i have, i've simply deleted them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope. i don't know how to, LOL
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i have a guilty pleasure of writing crossovers, lol. i think they're all kinda wild:
a ghost walks into a soldier's house
镇魂 Guardian & 成化十四年 The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
do not speak as loud as my heart
盗墓笔记 The Grave Robbers' Chronicles & 镇魂 Guardian
红尘似水,万事入歌 | the world becomes song
鬓边不是海棠红 Winter Begonia & 老九门 Mystic Nine
懷月夢 | on the summit, sun and snow
三生三世枕上书 Eternal Love of Dream & 封神演义 The Investiture of The Gods
照猫画狐 | tracing a cat to draw a fox
猎罪图鉴 Under the Skin & 无眠之境 Desire Catcher
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of. don't steal my fics.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! 此生如梦 | this life, a dream was tl'ed into Russian~
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes~ @naiwong-bao and i somehow churned out the 111k monster that was 懷月夢 | on the summit, sun and snow. to this day, i have no idea how we did that, LOL
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
impossible for me to choose~ recency bias will suggest 🦊🐼 青也, 🪷🐕 花方, and 🎨🔍 城心城翊 though~
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
my 往前走 莫回呀头 | go forward and don't look back series 🥹 i had two more parts planned originally after Xiuxiu's POV... one was Liu Sang, the other was Xiaoge. (there was an undetermined Bai Haotian POV fic too.) i also definitely won't be finishing the sound of snowfall (and don't want to LOL)
16. What are your writing strengths?
atmosphere and rhythm, i think. maybe because i used to write a lot of poetry? i also have faith in my world-building (bc i do a LOT of research) and dialogue. in terms of tropes, it must undoubtedly be hurt/comfort.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i'm not good at writing fight/action scenes (probably another reason why i literally cannot write smut). i also don't think i'm super great at description, but i think i've been improving.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
this is an interesting question because i actually write all my dialogue in Chinese first and then tl it to English since i pretty exclusively write for c-media now 😆 i like that a lot bc i think it helps me to more accurately characterize these ppl - but also it sucks tremendously when English is just the ugliest-sounding language in the world, LOL. (i always think my original Chinese dialogue is prettier and has more depth~)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the first fandom i posted fic on AO3 for was Good Omens: i love(d) you. but in my life, it was probably like... Warriors (yes, the cats) or Shugo Chara..? idk, or maybe Case Closed (still love that series despite how insufferably long it's gotten).
20. Favorite fic you've written?
only children need to choose; adults can have everything~
tagging: @rongzhi, @elenothar, @difeisheng, @asterdust, @willowcatkinblossom, @starlitwishforu, @tunnelofdusk
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