#tanker hire
matetaylor · 6 months
The Dual Role of Waste Tanker Services for Commercial and Household Needs
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In the realm of waste management, efficiency and sustainability are paramount concerns for both commercial enterprises and households alike. From industrial facilities to residential areas, the proper handling and disposal of waste materials are crucial for environmental protection and public health. In this blog, we'll discuss how waste tanker services play a dual role in addressing the unique food waste removal challenges faced by both the commercial and household sectors.
Commercial Waste Management:
For commercial enterprises, effective waste management is essential for regulatory compliance, operational efficiency, and environmental responsibility. Industries such as manufacturing, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture produce significant quantities of liquid waste that require specialised handling and disposal. Waste tanker services offer tailored solutions for the safe transportation and disposal of these waste streams, ensuring compliance with regulations and minimising environmental impact.
Industries often require tanker hire services for specific projects or ongoing waste management needs. Whether it's transporting wastewater from industrial processes, managing hazardous materials, or facilitating food waste removal from commercial kitchens, waste removal services provide versatile and adaptable solutions to meet the diverse needs of businesses.
Household Waste Management:
In residential areas, waste management poses unique challenges, particularly regarding the disposal of liquid waste such as sewage and wastewater. Septic tank maintenance, grease trap cleaning, and drainage system maintenance are essential tasks for homeowners to ensure the proper functioning of their waste systems and prevent environmental contamination.
Tanker services play a crucial role in household waste management by providing services such as septic tank pumping, grease trap cleaning, and drainage system maintenance. These services help homeowners maintain a clean and hygienic living environment while ensuring the safe and responsible disposal of liquid waste.
Environmental Protection and Sustainability:
Whether in commercial or household settings, tanker services for waste removal prioritise environmental protection and sustainability. By employing advanced technologies and best practices, waste tanker companies strive to minimise the environmental footprint of waste transportation and disposal activities.
Additionally, tanker services actively promote recycling and waste reduction initiatives to minimise the amount of waste sent to landfills or incineration facilities. By collaborating with local authorities and community organisations, waste tanker companies contribute to the development of sustainable waste management practices that benefit both the environment and society as a whole.
Disaster Response and Emergency Situations:
In addition to their routine waste management activities, waste tankers also play a crucial role in disaster response and emergency situations. During natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes, or earthquakes, traditional waste management systems may become overwhelmed or disrupted. Waste tankers are instrumental in swiftly removing contaminated water, sewage, and other hazardous waste from affected areas, helping to mitigate the spread of diseases and environmental damage.
Moreover, waste tanker companies are often called upon to assist in the cleanup of hazardous material spills, such as oil or chemical leaks. Trained professionals equipped with specialised tanker trucks are dispatched to contain and remove the spilled materials, preventing further environmental contamination and protecting public health.
Innovation and Technological Advancements:
Waste tanker companies continually invest in research and development to innovate new technologies and methodologies for waste management. These advancements may include improved waste treatment processes, enhanced recycling capabilities, and more eco-friendly disposal methods. By staying at the forefront of technological innovation, tanker services continuously strive to improve their efficiency, reduce their environmental impact, and meet the evolving needs of their clients and communities.
Waste tanker services play a dual role in enhancing waste management efficiency for both commercial enterprises and households. By providing specialised solutions for the safe transportation and disposal of liquid waste, waste tanker companies like Ashwaste Environmental Ltd. help businesses comply with regulations, improve operational efficiency, and minimise environmental impact.
At the same time, we also offer essential services to homeowners, ensuring the proper maintenance of septic systems, grease traps, and drainage systems. By prioritising environmental protection and sustainability, we contribute to the development of more resilient and sustainable waste management systems for communities worldwide.
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jjackfrost · 11 months
trying sooo hard to be optimistic about this job. maybe it wont suck
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tankersuk · 6 months
Compton Tankers
Fuel tankers for sale and hire in the UK and Ireland. Compton Tankers specialise in buying, hiring and selling road tankers, trailers and tractor units. At Compton Tankers, we stock all road tankers, including fuel, aviation, bitumen, bulk powder, gas, chemical grade and food grade, catering to all industry sectors. So if you're looking to buy a commercial road tanker or interested in hiring one of our tankers or tanker trailers on a short or long term lease, talk to us at Compton Tankers.
As well as selling and hiring tankers, we can also part exchange your used tanker for one of our new road tankers. We can even arrange exporting tankers anywhere in the world. So whatever you need, wherever in the world, talk to Compton Tankers today.
Website: https://tankers-r-us.com/
Address: Compton Tankers Ltd, Grovebury Rd, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 4TS, United Kingdom
Phone Number: 01525 371 707
Business Hours: Monday - Friday : 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM Saturday - Sunday : Closed
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liquipvic · 7 months
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Right now we are in the midst of building our rental fleet and have a number of tankers on the production line.  Now is the perfect time to get in touch with us to secure one of these upcoming tankers or discuss with us your needs for future rentals, allowing us to plan ahead with your ideas in mind.
Contact Details:- 476 Boundary Road Derrimut Victoria 3026 T: 1800 431 022 | +61 406 746 872 E: [email protected] Office Opening Hours: Monday-Friday: 8am-4pm Saturday: By appointment
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jinjeriffic · 1 month
Dan Phantom vs. the Justice League
Most DCxDP fanworks gloss over how Dark Danny/Phantom kills the JL, or argue that TUE wouldn't play out the same way in the DC universe, since there are tons of superheroes and some would have a way of beating Dan. So let us dig into this with a shovel!
I would like to point out that we have seen plenty of apocalyptic/dark futures in DC. Even without Dan, that superhero multiverse is constantly teetering on the knife's edge of catastrophe! It feels like every couple of months someone has to stop the end of the world. Dan is just one more possible future to avert.
Dan is not a mindless monster, he is capable of planning, subterfuge and working with/coercing others to work with him (i.e. Fright Knight). He has both Danny and Vlad's memories, so in a crossover setting there is no way he wouldn't know about the public superheroes and villains at least.
Speaking of, DC is obviously crawling with supervillains and world destroying entities. Nobody said Dan had to conquer the world alone! I can totally see him working with and manipulating other villains to achieve his goals, only to stab them in the back later (ho-ho).
Dan's powers of invisibility, intangibility, duplication, overshadowing etc. make him an ideal candidate for infiltration, espionage and sabotage. Unless a person or location is specifically shielded against ghosts with tech or magic, he can get in and out without anybody noticing. Sure, someone like Batman probably had his home proofed against supernatural attacks, but surely not most of them! I envision him taking down Earth's heroes by extensively spying on them first.
Consider: Dan causes a major disaster that requires superhero intervention (runaway train, high-rise fire, sinking oil tanker etc.) and waits for someone to show up. When they do, Dan uses his duplicates to follow the hero(es) home/to work etc. Learn their identity, their weaknesses, their loved ones etc.
Dan could strategically leak hero identities to villains with a grudge who have no problem going after their civilian lives. This could also act as a smoke screen so the heroes don't immediately realize someone is targeting all of them.
Overshadow a loved one and use them to kill the hero - "Oh, Hero X got in an argument with their SO and their SO shot them in a fit of passion? Their SO claims having blacked out just before they picked up the gun? Trauma will do that."
Use intangibility to plant bombs, nerve gas, radioactive materials, etc. in the homes of various heroes and set them off in a coordinated strike.
Probably the biggest threat to Dan would be magic based heroes or supernatural entities (Captain Marvel, Doctor Fate, the JLD, etc.). They would also be the most likely to have countermeasures in place against ghosts, or a way to detect him. But they're also mostly suited for fighting the supernatural. I admittedly don't know enough about a lot of these characters - would say, Zatanna think to have a shield in place against sudden sniper attacks? Dan could steal some money and hire Deathstroke/Deadshot etc to blow their head off when they're out in the open.
Have I mentioned what a nightmare Dan would be in terms of security? I can totally see him say, breaking into the CDC and unleashing smallpox, ebola and any number of virulent diseases on the world. Cause some nuclear meltdowns. Knock down a dam. Steal some highly radioactive isotopes! Would the magic heroes be protected against something that can give you a lethal dose of radiation within minutes?
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What I'm saying is, a clever and ruthless villain like Dan could unleash enough chaos with his OP powerset to overwhelm the heroes and then pick a lot of them off. He's pretty much the definition of someone who just wants to see the world burn!
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apas-95 · 1 month
In most city builders the unofficial (sometimes, explicit) goal is to grow your city - get a large amount of money, a large population and large tax income, unlock cool buildings, etc - and, while you can play it that way, the real unofficial goal of Workers & Resources is self-sufficiency.
While in the early game you're necessarily reliant on foreign trade to purchase raw materials, even hire foreign skilled labourers, and depend on exports to make up your currency deficit, the excitement of the game comes about once you fully control all steps of a given production process. You go from importing electricity - to mining, transporting, and refining coal for your own domestic power plants. And that applies to every single resource chain in the game, from bread, to concrete, to railway carriages.
What really sells me on the whole thing is this - in 'realistic' mode, the ability to construct buildings purely from money is removed. You can still import materials and labour, but you need to actually get them there. The process for starting out your city goes like this:
Set up mud tracks (the only free road type) from a border customs office. Build the free versions (which is to say, designated dirt lots) of a construction office, a fuel depot, and a road logistics office. From the border, buy vehicles with cash - cement mixers, dump trucks, asphalt pavers and steamrollers, a bus to bring foreign workers to your construction site, and don't forget a fuel tanker to supply your fuel depot. At this point you have a muddy construction site with some cars parked on it. Start construction on worker housing, the electrical substation for the housing, a water pump and water treatment plant (or, just a water tower to import water into), a small store to feed them - and hopefully it's not cold enough that you need a central heating block. Congrats, now get your construction offices carrying out each individual stage of construction in turn, requiring different resources and vehicles at each part, until, over dozens and dozens of workdays, you've finally built a single worker accomodation. Take in some workers, who are probably a bit annoyed that there aren't any bars or sports complexes around, and you've finally, after months of construction works, got your first residents. Now they need an actual workplace - and, luckily, you've now got a local workforce to construct it. Give it time, and this remote patch of dirt will be constructing nuclear power stations.
I feel like, in the way games like Banished (or, more topically, Manor Lords, I think? I've never played it) turn city-building into a survival game, by just semi-accurately portraying the precarity of a peasant economy, Workers & Resources definitely makes you feel like a stressed planner fighting against production itself, rather than your own citizens, like in Cities Skylines or the like.
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August 28th, 2024
A couple days ago a fire started on the ridge above the big grove of eucalypts (picture number 4). Thankfully it was spotted quickly, a mild wind was blowing in the opposite direction, it had recently rained, and wildfire response resources were not deployed elsewhere; I watched the water tankers hovering over the spot for a while, grateful for everything, but especially for the fact that fire prefers to go up hill rather than down, and that this fire started in the ridge rather than the canyon. Eucalypts are not native to my area, and greatly increase the risk of out-of-control wildfires. They drop a ton of highly-flammable litter – tannin rich leaves that also leave an acidic, nutrient-poor soil few other plants can survive. So most of what's down in that grove is (also highly flammable) poison oak. Worse, if fire reaches the overstory, the whole thing can go up in what is basically one big explosion.
What you can see peeking through the afternoon fog in the first picture is over a century of cow-forward fire suppression; non-native grasses on (what is now public) land grazed by privately owned cows (damaging the watershed and increasing the risk of catastrophic fire in the long run). What you see in the bottom photo is an example of a more modern form of fire suppression: fire goats raised a couple counties away are hired to graze this field and clear small growth (mostly poison oak, since that's the most opportunistic plant around) annually in mid-summer, and it's mowed somewhat regularly. There have been attempts to thin or remove the eucalypts in the canyon entirely, but they are stubborn resprouters and starting from scratch poses its own dangers.
I think it's unlikely there won't be a catastrophic fire here in the next 50 years. There's just too much fuel. We just need an unseasonable lightning storm, a bad fire season with first responders deployed elsewhere, reckless smokers in the gully at night with the winds blowing west. Every year I prepare myself for this possibility. We've had wet winters and hot, dry summers, and that's probably only going to get worse. Why would I stay here?
I don't know. I can walk down into the canyon and the eucalypts, unaware of their own malignancy, yawn and groan as they bend to touch one another in the wind. I get to watch coyotes hunting for wild plums in the evening; the plums aren't native but I'd guess the coyotes don't know that, either. My neighbors plant gardens you couldn't grow somewhere without this much warmth and sea fog. Crows harass red-tailed hawks in the few redwoods planted here to evoke a recent, unreachable past. I know where the nearest great horned owl lives. I know what the arrival and departure of naked ladies means, which oaks are which and which I love most, when thimbleberries might arrive, how to scare a mountain lion, where to go to find cool elders and willows when I'm feeling hot and low, how to tell toyon from everyone impersonating toyon, when the newts migrate. One one side of the ridge I can hear the train screeching unmistakably, but if I hop over into the next watershed it's gone, replaced by bickering scrub jays, happy dogs, children playing near the creek far below me. Would you know how to leave?
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tacticaldiary · 1 year
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Little could throw Leon off, especially when he’s laser-focused on his objective, but the moment he hears that cry of pain all thoughts of acting rationally are out the window. 
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He’s a steady man. 
Everything Leon does is meaningful. The way he moves, striding with purpose, the way he talks, to the point, those remarks rolling off his tongue naturally, the steady motions of his fingers as he smoothly reloads his gun with one hand, tossing a grenade with the other. 
Deployed to investigate an outbreak in the middle of the ruins of a city, Leon hadn’t liked being paired with her at first. 
Love and duty didn’t mix after all. 
“Watch your six.” She yells out, ducking to parry an incoming knife from the particularly agile species of zombies they found themselves in the middle of. Leon turns just in time to dodge a zombie lunging for his neck. A bullet through the head sends it down. 
Together the both of them move as a deadly, well-oiled machine. Wordless communication glances that silently request support or warn, a punch there, a chamber of bullets lost here.
“There’s too many of them, we’re overpowered!” He calls out, holding his position. 
“Retreat back to base for now!” She yells back, yanking her knife back out of a creature’s head with a sickening squelch. She scowls as the blade comes out half broken, tosses it aside, and extracts another one. “We’ll regroup and come up with any strategy. Charging forwards isn’t working-”
A creak cuts through the air, halting all conversation. Even the mangled corpses go quiet. 
“Move!” She shouts and before Leon knows it, he’s shoved roughly away as an old oil tanker collapses mere inches from where he stood. The massive barrel explodes on contact with the ground, engulfing the world in flames, bright red and hot. She lets out a strangled yelp as it burns right through her shoulder and chars her skin. A surface burn but still stinging and painful. 
“Are you alright?” Comes a yell from the other side of the wall of flames. “Shit, are you hurt?” He sounds...panicked? No, that wasn’t right. Leon Kennedy didn’t panic. He fought, thought, and charged his way through any problem. 
“I’m fine!” She tries to find a way to him, but the wall of flames produces so much heat it makes her eyes burn from the smoke. Pulling the collar of her shirt to cover her mouth and nose, she gives up finding a path back to their original position. 
She curses under her breath, “I’ll meet you there! Go back to base, I’ll find another way!” His protests come through, but she ignores his demands for her to stop and find another way. If she stayed she’d be charred to toast. The fire spreads onto the old creaky building, columns of flames mounting higher and hire. The creatures at least seem to have just as strong a dislike for the heat as she does because they’re nowhere to be seen. 
“Go!” She yells one last time before taking off into the nearest alley, clutching her burning arm. 
Getting separated was never ideal, but it couldn’t be helped. She knows he’ll be alright. Leon was anything but stupid. He was deadly, he’d be fine she tried to convince herself. 
As she starts to think she might have gotten her bearings back, a crack sounds from above her. She whirls around, gun aimed to the ceiling of the wooden beams she’s passing under, thinking it’s a zombie. 
It’s not. 
The beam creaks under the weight of the fire eating away at it, and before she can dive out of the way, it cracks and falls straight into her, trapping her in rubble and splinters, pinned to the ground. 
She screams, hot wood pressing against her skin as the fire around her seems to close it. “Fuck,” she gasps in a breath, trying to think. Prying the beams off of her does little but burn and embed splinters into her palms. 
Shit, Leon. She had to meet Leon back at the base, had to let him know she was alright, had to know that he was alright. 
 After a couple of minutes of struggling, it dawns on her that she’s not going anywhere. Her lower half and left arm are trapped. There’s no way she can lift the beam on her own, not with her injured shoulder at least. 
Was this it? She squeezes her eyes shut, chasing the thoughts away as she sweats and burns. Was this how she was going to go out? Smoke threatens to choke her, acrid and bitter in her throat, in her lungs. 
She imagined she’d go down protecting someone, maybe even her boyfriend, or that she’d be torn apart by some sort of bioweapon, but no.
She’d burn and suffocate under a goddamn beam. 
Feeling tears prick her eyes at the thought, her head feels too heavy to keep lifted, her forehead dropping to press against the dirty pavement below.
Leon...God, she hoped he wouldn’t blame her too much. 
They’d just started to make a life together. Years of dancing around, subtle flirting, and lingering glances finally led to them dating a year ago. She loved him. She really did love him and now she was never going to see him again. 
Two beady eyes glare at her from the far end of the alley.
Cold and dead. 
A zombie staggers towards her, snarling unfazed by the fire around them. It stumbles and drags itself closer and closer.
A dry sob rips itself out of her throat, the heat unbearable, panic clawing at her. Breathing short and shallowly, she wishes she could reach for something to end her pain a little quicker, but she can’t reach any of her for any of her weapons. 
Helplessness threatens to drag her under until her eyes catch on a sharp splinter of wood the size of her palm just within reach. With a shaking arm, she reaches towards it, crying out when her movements put more of the wood’s pressure on her. The splinter of about the size of her palm, is wickedly sharp. 
Glancing up again is almost too much effort to handle in between her hacking coughs. It’s halfway down the alley already.
She’d rather kill herself than end up like them.
Trembling, she presses the sharp point of the wood right onto her jugular, swallowing nausea and hesitation. 
She couldn’t let herself turn. What if she was the one who found Leon? What if she hurt him? No, she couldn’t bear it. 
Another sob wracks her body as the living corpse staggers closer. Steeling herself, she closes her eyes and tries to think about anything else. 
Don’t be too mad at me, Leon, she thinks to herself, before-
The sharp bang of a gunshot startles her, her hand jerking and digging painfully into her throat. Before she can blink away the blurriness in her eyes, her wrist is yanked away from her neck forcefully, the grip on it like iron as the wood is ripped out of her hands. 
“Not yet, baby.” She could cry at the voice, low and determined. “You’re not done yet.” 
“Le-Leon.” She coughs, “You won’t- the fire.“ A gasp rips out of her when he tries to tug her free. “Stop!” She cries out. “Can’t-you can’t. I’m stuck. Go before it’s too late.” Is all she manages to choke out. 
The look Leon gives her is one that she might have laughed at if she were in the laughing mood. 
“Like hell.” He says roughly, “We’re staying together.” She knows that tone of voice, the one that’s immovable and molded out of iron. Too tired to argue, she nods. He moves out of her field of vision behind her. 
“I’m going to lift the beam.” He says calmly but quickly. “I need you to drag yourself out from under when I do. Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”
When she doesn’t respond, he calls out her name, repeating himself more urgently. 
The most she can offer him is a weak nod. Her throat feels like it’s on fire.
Suddenly the crushing weight is gone, and all she wants to do is sob in relief and curl up right there and then, but Leon’s voice filters in and out of her mind. With the meagre remaining strength she has left, she claws her way out of the rubble, collapsing a bit away onto her stomach. 
Leon doesn’t waste any time asking questions when he runs over to her and picks her up, ducking through a gap in the brick wall a couple of feet away. 
“You’re going to be okay.” He says aloud, glancing down at her as he moves. Steady. Always so steady and calm. She takes comfort in it, but it’s only when she sinks farther into his grip that she notices. 
The tremor in his hands. 
The slight shake of his voice.
The poorly hidden panic in his eyes whenever he glances down at her. 
He’s panicking. Leon Kennedy is panicking. 
“Shit, don’t close your eyes.” He urges, squeezing her closer to his chest. “Stay awake. Stay awake for me, okay?” He talks, getting increasingly shaky when she can’t find the will to respond to any of it. 
In and out of darkness she drifts. Every time she feels herself swim too deep, his voice always pulls her back, like an anchor she couldn’t lose even if she tried.
When she comes back to this time, clinging onto his voice to drag her back she finds they’re back in the bunker they’d chosen as their temporary base for the mission. She’s laying on her bedroll, Leon’s roll draped over her to keep her warm. 
The man in question is wrapping her shoulder with a bandage. The numb coolness suggests he’s treated the worst of her burns
Trying to speak, nothing but a hoarse noise comes out. 
“Don’t talk.” He instructs, immediately reaching for his canteen. Gently he props her up in his arms and brings the vessel to her lips, guiding her to drink. “That’s it, sweetheart.” He praises her as she drinks. “Slowly.” 
Swallowing a few times, she tries again. “Are you...are we?” 
“You’re alright.” He assures her. “I got you out in time.” Still, in his arms, he feels her physically relax at the assurance. 
It’s not enough. Seeing her accept her demise, laying there half-trapped with a weapon to her jugular ready to end it all before his eyes...
He feels sick thinking about what would have happened if he’d been a mere second late. Seeing her slit her throat in front of him...he may have just pulled the trigger on himself there and then. 
The thought washes over him, overwhelming. He can’t stop himself from clutching her tighter, drawing her into his chest and tucking his chin over her head. “Thought I lose you for a second.” He admits hoarsely.
“I...I thought I did too.” She whispers, feeling him draw his arms around her tighter. “Thank you.” 
“I wasn’t going to leave you there.” 
“How did you know?” She asks, shifting to meet his eyes, taking solace in the deep blue. 
“I heard you scream.” 
It had stopped him in his tracks, all thoughts of anything regarding his own safety and the mission dissipating with the single sound. The only thing on his mind was to find her, to help her, to make sure she was alive and that she never made such a sound ever again while he was alive. 
“I’m glad I did, then.” It’s a weak joke that doesn’t pull a smile or a chuckle out of either of them. 
“Scream or stay silent, I’ll always find you, sweetheart.” He mutters into her hair. The trembling in his body seems to have subsided now that they were out of the fire. 
Her heart warms at his words, and even as their world is quite literally burning down outside their little safe haven, she finds that there wasn’t a place she’d rather be right now than in his arms like this, comfortable and safe. 
“Rest. I’ll take watch.” He presses his lips to her forehead, lingering there for a couple of seconds. 
Her last mumbled thanks barely makes it past her lips before she’s out cold, trusting him to keep her safe while she recovers. 
Requests Are Open!
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Wangxian mermay 2023
Day IV: Shipwreck
The last thing Wei Ying expected to happen to him, was pinned to the floor of the shipwreck he’d been hired to evaluate by a man with gold eyes.
His hand, thick with…callouses, didn’t cut off airflow, but the implication was there. His other hand was large enough to pin both of Wei Ying’s hands to the floor.
Which was doing things for him.
Bad time to learn he had kink.
This is not the time to get aroused.
Wei Ying cleared his throat, and prayed his face wasn’t red.
“Um, hi. Did…I disturb you?”
What a thing to ask!
In Wei Ying’s field of environmental science he learned there were only a handful of people that willingly walked into ten-year-old oil tankers washed up during hurricanes.
The first group, his group, were the people hired to figure out what threat it posed to the environment.
The second group, dumb teenagers.
And the third group, people looking for a ghost story, or the curious.
This man, with his sharp angled features, beautiful golden eyes, and large hands, belonged to neither of those categories.
“I mean, yes. Clearly I did because people don’t tend to react violently when they’re expecting people to come wandering around the corner. And you’re not living here, you’re too pretty for that. Not that that’s a judgment on the houseless, anyone can be-”
Wei Ying snapped his mouth shut, frowning. The man’s voice trembled. He noticed both of his hands were shaking, his breaths were ragged and short.
“Oh shit, do you…need help?”
The man glared at him harder, his hand on Wei Ying’s throat twitched like he couldn’t decide to squeeze or release.
Wei Ying shut down the part of his brain that wanted him to squeeze just a bit harder.
“Close your eyes,”
Wei Ying obeyed, closing his eyes and going limp, trying to poise as little threat as possible. The hands fell away from him, as the weight moved off.
“Get out.” The voice came back, shaking and pained.
Wei Ying sat up, turning his head to the direction the voice came from, keeping his eyes firmly closed.
“You’re hurt.”
A snort, what sounded like a snake across the metal plates,
“You cannot help me.”
Wei Ying frowned, “You don’t know that. What’s wrong?”
“I cannot tell you. You cannot help me.”
Wei Ying took a breath, slowly breathing out. “I can’t just leave you here. Please…let me do something. Call someone you can-wait, no that won’t work Yuan-er broke my phone last week. Mianmian has a phone I can borrow.”
A long beat of silence followed that. Either the man had gone, or he was staring at Wei Ying, trying to figure out how he tied his shoes in the morning with a brain that moved that fast.
(He didn’t! He had velcro laces and boots so he didn’t have to worry about if he tied them or not)
“I…was going to see my brother. I do not have his number. There…is no one else.”
No one that beautiful should sound that heartbroken. Wei Ying wanted to hold his hand, to comfort him in some meaningful way.
“Then let me help…please.”
The tension this time was different, he knew the man was waffling, willing to give in, he could taste his anxiety and reluctance in the confined room.
“You…may open your eyes.”
It took a moment for them to adjust to the sunlight streaming through the broken plates of the tanker, scattered across the tossed cabin. Glinting off silver and white scales smeared with blood from a long fin impaled by three rebar.
“Shit.” Wei Ying scuttled over to the tail, he pressed down gently around the wounds, issuing an apology when a hiss of pain and a hand grabbed his elbow. “Fuck, fuck, this…this is bad. Ho-how long have you been like this?”
“Thirteen days.”
The man’s brow twitched forward, his mouth wasn’t unhappy, more…curious, his eyes darting between Wei Ying and his tail.
He probably should have had more of a reaction to a mermaid in the shipwreck (great name for a band) but as stated by friends and the few people that loosely considered him family, he was bad at faking being human.
An explanation would have to wait. The man was dehydrated, and had lost a considerable amount of blood, The tanker was upside down, so the high tide would have brought in water and fish, but still he needed fresh water, his first aid kit, and the atargatian from his jeep.
Turning he saw his gray and white bag on the floor, grabbing it he pulled out his lunch, and a bottle of human medication Wen Qing cleared for him to use.
He passed both over to the man, along with a sweater he kept because fuck these northern estimations and recoveries, they were always cold.
“I have to go back to my car and get some things. I have some atargatian that will help heal your wounds, but I’m going to have to get them out of you first. Are they welded to the floor? Do you know?”
The man blinked, a creamy cardigan with ink stains around the cuffs draped about bis shoulders, and his hands full of Wei Ying’s startlingly red lunch looked…adorable.
Wei Ying barely restrained himself from cooing aloud.
“No. I sought refuge from the storm in here, the waves drove them in when the ship washed on land.”
Wei Ying nodded, “Good, good, that’s very good. I’ll be right back, I promise.”
He pulled his gloves back on so he could pull himself out of the wreck faster without worrying about cuts and scrapes and legged it up the beach to the parking lot.
With flirting and a lot of fluttering eyes he got Mianmian to text Wen Ning to pick Yuan-er up from pre-school, only promising to tell her the entire store later, She was a Koi Jin, she would understand.
He was out of breath when he got back, the mermaid had put the cardigan on and was staring at the food with the kind of determination a man before the gallows does.
“You don’t have to eat it.” Wei Ying turned over a metal box, using it as a makeshift table where he unloaded the three bottles of atargatian, handing one over, he got out the rest of the supplies.
“I..do not think that I can.” His voice was quiet, he peered at Wei Ying through his lashes, “I do not wish to be rude.”
“Dude. You’ve been pinned by rebar for thirteen days, and you let me go after just a few seconds of incredibly kinky restraint. You’ve been the perfect gentleman given the circumstances.”
He kneeled beside the rebar closest to him, this one was going to be the easiest to get out.
“I should really have asked Wen Qing to come out, but I forgot before I left if you would have been comfortable with someone else. She’s a Wen Taimen in case you were worried I’d call a human to help you out. What should I call you anyway?”
Wei Ying pressed a thick gauze pad to the top of the wound, grabbed the rebar.
“Wangji.” He said staring at Wei Ying,
“On three.” Wei Ying offered his elbow “You can hold on to if it you need too.”
He slid one hand around his elbow, fingers shaking slightly.
“Okay,” Fresh blood seeped out of the wound, “One, two-” He pulled up and out, covering the wound with the gauze before fumbling for the first bottle of atargatian, he popped the glass cork, dumping the dark blue brew into the wound.
He made quick work of the other two pieces of rebar before wrapping the bottom half of the tail with enough gauze to make Wen Qing have a coronary when she finds out how much was missing from his kit.
Wangji was breathing hard, his skin was pale and sweaty, his fingers were digging into Wei Wuxian’s arm so hard he knew he was going to have bruises the next day.
“Okay.” Wei Ying moved to his side, holding up his hands, after he pulled the gloves off, “Do you want me to touch you?”
Wangji nodded once, a tight, controlled action.
Wei Ying took one of Wangji’s hands, placing it on his own chest, over his heart where Wangji could feel his heart through the thin t-shirt.
“Breath with me. In and out with me. Good, good, that’s very good. Slowly.” He took deep breaths, letting them out slowly.
“You did good. Such a good job. I know it hurts right now. I’m sorry. You’re doing gre-”
Wangji buried his head in Wei Ying’s chest, his arms wrapped tightly around Wei Ying’s waist, hands gripping his shirt so hard he might have felt a few stitches pop.
Wei Ying settled down beside him. Stroking his hair and back, rubbing his arms. He hummed softly, like he did when Yuan-er had bad dreams, something soothing from Wen-popo to help soothe him.
Cold water slapped him in the face.
Sputtering Wei Ying jerk up, blinking at the rapidly encroaching water and the dusty sunset.
He scrambled backwards, looking around. The mermaid was gone, along with the empty atargatian bottles, his lunch, and sweater.
No surprise really, he hadn’t expected for an injured mermaid to stick around. Being injured was bad enough, having to rely on someone who may or may not have been human, especially given their track record was worse. Wei Ying could have brought Wangji to his family, washed his tail, and adorned him with pearls while kneeling and it wouldn't have mattered. Acts of service did not trust make.
Gathering his things, he gave the slowly encroaching ocean one more look before making his way out of the ship.
He thought that was the end of it.
He really did.
He helped someone out that needed it and went on with his life. Told Wen Qing of the events before she discovered the missing gauze and atargatian before she could, and got replacements a week later and a lecture about falling asleep with a stranger.
Which, he deserved.
Until today.
“Have you…done anything recently?” Mianmian had asked an hour ago, perching against his desk.
Wei Ying looked up from his oil tanker report draft,
“Not…that I’m aware of. Why?”
“Lan Xichan called, he wants to see you at the corporate office in Gusu.”
Wei Ying stared at her for a minute longer before looking at the clock on his computer, “It’s nearly midday, Gusu is a three-hour train ride, or two hours by bus, I gotta get Yuan-er in forty minutes and-”
“You’re not cooking tonight.” Mianmian stole one of his mints from the bowl, “I am. I don’t want to die. Lan Xichen’s sending a car for you.”
“It wasn’t that spicy, Yuan-er?”
Mianmian shrugged, “I’ll grab him, Good luck, put on a tie.”
She pushed off his desk, returning to her own.
Wei Ying flipped her off before digging out the only tie he had.
The car ride was only an hour, but it felt like an eternity. He’d met Lan Xichen when Cloud Recesses Disaster Recovery had been brought in for an oil spill off the coast of Seattle, in which Wei Ying was both an anti-capitalist protester and volunteer. He was pretty sure Lan Xichen forgave him for nearly setting him on fire. In his defense he hadn’t known he’d been there at the time. Companies didn’t like talking to Volunteers, and Volunteers had decided on in situ burning to prevent the build up of oil near a turtle nesting ground.
He hadn’t lit anything on fire recently, so it couldn’t have been for that.
The Corporate offices were high in the mountains that forced corporations that ruined the environment to climb up the stairs, while employees got the trolley ride up the back.
He was greeted upon arrival, and taken straight to Lan Xichen’s office.
“Lan Xichen I-”
He was met with bright gold eyes staring at him from the otherside of the room.
This one went places. Were those good places?
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Earlier this month, a train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, triggering a massive fire and forcing everyone within a 1-mile radius of the crash to evacuate. To avoid a potential explosion, officials conducted a controlled detonation of five tankers three days later, sending carcinogenic vinyl chloride into the air. Two days later, residents of the 4,500-person village were told they could safely return home. Many questioned the safety of the air and water supply.
Since then, reporting has made clear that this environmental disaster was less a freak accident than a predictable outcome of lax safety measures and capitalist greed. Here’s what you need to know about the Norfolk Southern rail company.
A report in The Lever notes that the train that crashed in East Palestine was not equipped with Electronically Controlled Pneumatic brakes—fully electric brakes that experts say could have reduced the severity of the crash. Although Norfolk Southern once touted its use of ECP brakes, it lobbied against requiring them on trains carrying hazardous materials. An Obama-era rule required that HHFTs have ECP brakes, but the Trump administration overturned this rule.
Remember when the Senate voted to avert a rail strike and deny workers sick leave? Norfolk Southern workers were among those affected. When investors encouraged Norfolk Southern to offer paid sick leave, the company said, OK, we won’t furlough people as often. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT.) has since demanded that rail companies offer workers at least seven days of paid sick leave.
Unions say that the rail industry’s use of furloughs to reduce the workforce stretches staff too thin. As Timothy Noah wrote in the New Republic, the 141-car train that crashed in East Palestine carried just two crew members and one trainee:
"On February 10, Anya Litvak of The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported that security camera footage 20 miles short of where the derailment occurred showed a rail car axle that appeared to be on fire. Why this information was not transmitted quickly to the train crew remains unknown, but it seems likely that the answer has something to do with the number of people who were in a position to sound the alarm."
Norfolk Southern made $4.8 billion in operating profit in 2022, More Perfect Union reported, and paid shareholders $4.7 billion in stock buybacks and dividends.
As my colleague Hannah Levintova explained last year:
"A buyback is when companies purchase shares of their own company from investors, driving up the value of the remaining stock because there are fewer shares circulating. Buybacks are taxed at the lower capital gains rate, which maxes out at 20% for the wealthiest households. But for those investors who don’t sell their shares back to the company, there’s no tax—even though the value of their holdings has increased. Until that investor sells the asset, their wealth will grow tax-free. And thanks in part to a tax code loophole that enables the wealthy to pass shares on to their heirs, who can then skip paying capital gains taxes on them altogether, buybacks play a role in building untaxed generational wealth."
Thanks to pressure from industry lobbyists, the “high-hazard flammable train” categorization applies only to trains carrying a narrow set of materials, like crude oil, The Lever also reported. That designation would have required that the train follow specific speed and braking restrictions.
Norfolk Southern managed to scrape together $25,000 for the town that’s been doused in toxic chemicals. People who fled their homes under fear of death can claim $1,000 per person per household. Since then, the company has announced increases in charity.
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rjzimmerman · 26 days
Note that the studies that were released by companies affiliated with polluters happened in 2019, during the trump administration.
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Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
On a Southern California spring morning in 1973, a tanker truck driver jackknifed his rig and dumped the agricultural fumigant he was transporting onto a city street. A Los Angeles Fire Department emergency response team spent four hours cleaning up the chemical, 1,3-dichloropropene, or 1,3-D, a fumigant sold as Telone that farmers use to kill nematodes and other soil-dwelling organisms before planting.
Seven years after the spill, two emergency responders developed the same rare, aggressive blood cancer—histiocytic lymphoma—and died within two months of each other. In 1975, a farmer who’d accidentally exposed himself to 1,3-D repeatedly through a broken hose was diagnosed with another blood cancer, leukemia, and died the next year.
Within a decade of the men’s deaths, described as case studies in JAMA Internal Medicine, the National Toxicology Program, or NTP, reported “clear evidence” that 1,3-D causes cancer in both rats and mice. The finding led the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to classify the chemical as “likely to be carcinogenic to humans” the same year, 1985. So it wasn’t a surprise when researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles reported in 2003 that Californians who’d lived at least two decades in areas with the highest applications of 1,3-D faced a heightened risk of dying from pancreatic cancer. 
Yet EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs’ Cancer Assessment Review Committee, or CARC, concluded in 2019 that 1,3-D—originally embraced by tobacco companies for its unparalleled ability to kill anything in soil that might harm their plants—isn’t likely to cause cancer after all.
In doing so, EPA, whose mission is to protect human health and the environment, rejected the human evidence, calling the UCLA study “low quality.” It also dismissed the authoritative NTP study and studies in lab animals that documented 1,3-D’s ability to damage DNA, a quintessential hallmark of cancer.
Instead, EPA’s CARC relied on studies provided by Dow AgroSciences (now called Corteva), the primary manufacturer of 1,3-D, and proposed a review of evidence linking the fumigant to cancer by SciPinion, a consulting firm hired by Dow, as an external peer review of its work. The decision to entrust external review to a Dow contractor has drawn repeated criticism, including from the agency’s watchdog, the Office of Inspector General, or OIG.
“During EPA’s search of the open literature, a comprehensive third-party peer review of the cancer weight-of-evidence assessment that considered toxicokinetics, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity data for 1,3-D was conducted and published in 2020 by SciPinion,” said agency spokesperson Timothy Carroll. EPA argued that the SciPinion review satisfied the criteria for an external review, Carroll said, and that another panel would have arrived at the same conclusion, given the specialized expertise required.
The OIG had recommended EPA conduct an external peer review of its 1,3-D cancer risk assessment in a 2022 report that outlined several problems with the agency’s process. An external review, the OIG said, requires “independence from the regulated business,” again noting the deficiency in a new report released in early August. 
The scientists who run SciPinion have long consulted for manufacturers of harmful products, often publishing studies that deploy computer models to question the need for more protective health standards.
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matetaylor · 7 months
Maximise Efficiency with Expert Tanker Hire Services for Your Business
Explore top-notch tanker hire solutions with Ashwaste Environmental Ltd. Our fleet of specialised tankers is ready to meet your liquid waste transport needs efficiently and reliably. Trust in our expertise for environmentally friendly and cost-effective solutions. Contact us today for premium tanker hire services tailored to your requirements. You can opt for our services anywhere in Chelmsford, Colchester, Epping, and Essex, UK.
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klbwriting · 2 years
The Jason Todd Anomaly
Chapter 1: A Dumbass Playing Vigilante
Fandom: Jason Todd, Bat Family
Warnings: This involves Gotham so I mean, its a shitshow
Summary: Gotham is in pieces, run in sections by different crime syndicates.   Batman is dead and his children are trying to pick up the pieces.  The only one of them who has established himself in this new hierarchy is Jason Todd who has a whole section of Gotham run by Red Hood, feared, respected, and loved.  He is slowly taking the city back when another vigilante comes to play.  Anomaly isn't something new in the realm of pretend heroes but she is something new for Jason.
Notes: Once again I am rising from the dead with another fic about a character who deserves love.  I’m going to be using GIFs of Red Hood/Jason Todd from all over the place so sorry if he looks different every time or hell, maybe I’ll just use my fan cast of him (Lewis Tan), ya we’ll go with him for now
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Gotham had been languishing in the gutter for years.  The Batman had apparently died, or disappeared, either way, he wasn't around anymore and the Robins were just not able to control all the criminals in the city.  It had been carved up, leaving only a few blocks around the police headquarters safe, the area protected by the few just officers, led by Commissioner Gordan, and the Robins.  Dick was trying to lead the four Batman apprentices, but they were all vastly different people.  He was the original, the one who was most like Bruce had been, dead parents and all that, Tim was the optimist, the kindest of them all, Damian was the smart one, all brains and ruthless logic, and Jason was well, Jason.  He had his own section of Gotham, next to the safe zone where you could pay his toll and he would keep you safe, him and the small band on goons he had hired to patrol his area.  It drove the other Robins crazy but they didn't see many options, they had to work with him and his band of mercenaries to keep safe as many people as they could.
So they put up with it.
And so did everyone in Gotham's Central Safe Zone, including one young woman named Y/N.  She put up with it.  Put up with the tolls to go from the Safe Zone to the Hood Compound, put up with hiding as much as she could to visit and help those stuck in the criminals sections of the city, put up with everything.  But that wasn't going to happen anymore.  She was done putting up with everything.   She had been training for a few years now, finding all the teachers she could, studying science and strategy as much as she studied weapons and hand to hand combat, doing everything she could to get ready for what she needed to do.  Now she was prepared.
She had been following Penguin for days now, watching his movements, tracking shipments into and out of his territory.  His territory was right next to the Safe Zone and if she could take him in then they would finally have access to the school and the hotel, offering some accommodations and comfort for the ever increasing population near the police station.  So here she was, waiting in the rafters for Penguin and his loyal attendants to appear, face covered by a halloween mask.  She watched silently as the SUV drove into the warehouse, meeting the waiting tanker truck carrying gas.  The driver stayed in the tanker, not daring to move as the Penguin oversaw his cronies syphoning their share of the gas.  He stood on a box, trying to make his stature seem as towering as he imagined himself to be, rubbing his protruding stomach and giggling as his men worked.  He sure was excited about this tanker.
Y/N waited for her moment, when the guys had gotten the gas and were carrying it towards the SUV, their hands occupied and unable to quickly get their weapons.  She dropped from her hiding spot, landing just behind the goons, unleashing her smoke canisters.  While the smoke hid her figure she kicked back, knocking the Penguin off his box, before moving forward and landing a solid right hook into the nose of the nearest henchman.  She was moving on to the next one when someone else moved past her, taking down one of the other guys.  She frowned and found herself in a headlock from the Penguin himself.  She growled as she threw him over her shoulder, hearing him oomph as he landed hard on his back.
"What the fuck!" she said, voice modulator making her voice come out deep, as she was shoved aside by the other guy.  Red Hood.  He went for Penguin but the slippery bird was being yanked away by his cronies, who now all had their weapons aimed at them.  Y/N didn't have bulletproof clothing so she ran and dove behind a stack of boxes as Red Hood used a grappling hook and ascended to the roof, disappearing.  Y/N heard the SUV squealing as it drove out of the warehouse and she vowed to find Red Hood and demolish him as soon as she could.
Jason threw his helmet onto the couch as he entered his penthouse, dark hair falling over his dark eyes.  He slammed the door, setting the security code and flipping on the cameras.  Who the hell was that random idiot trying to play with the Penguin?  What were they thinking? He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and drenched his sweating face, shaking his hair out, not caring about the mess he was leaving.  A shower, he needed a shower and to call those other assholes, see if they had been having problems with some dumbass playing vigilante.
In the shower Jason considered his options.  He would call the other Robins, have them meet him somewhere in his territory, give them a free pass for the day.  Even though several criminals were suspicious of who the Robins were it wasn't like they all needed to meet in Red Hood's home base, might as well put a neon sign over his head saying 'Hi I'm Jason Todd and I'm Red Hood'.  No, might as well have them meet him at the diner near the border, no one would really care about 4 'friends' getting together, especially considering they were all 'Bruce Wayne's sons'.  What a crock of shit.  He turned off the water, wrapping a towel around his waist and asking his system to call Dick and the others.
"What is it Jason?" Dick asked, sounding worried.  It made sense, Jason never called, something had to be wrong.
"Let's wait til the others answer," he said, sitting on his couch and grabbing his mask.  The other two Robins picked up, greeting them with equal amounts of annoyance.  Some family, none of them liked each other.
"What do you want?" Damian asked, voice shrill like the snotrag he was.
"Any of you guys have an annoying amateur show up at any of your jobs?" Jason asked, getting right to the point.  There was silence on the other end.
"What the fuck are you on about?" Damian asked.  Jason gritted his teeth, if only Damian was here so he could put a bullet in his head so he could never hear that voice again.
"I went to steal some gas from Penguin tonight..."
"You know we're supposed to be jailing them not..." Tim started to interject.
"Shut the fuck up and let me talk," Jason snapped.  "I was robbing Penguin, but when I arrived someone had already started smoking the place out.  I thought it was one of you idiots until I got into the mix.  It was some rando, ski mask on, decent skills, but they fucked everything up and Penguin and the gas got away."
"Well I've never had someone else show up on missions before," Dick said.  The others agreed.
"Meet tomorrow at the diner on the border of the safe zone, 9AM.  We need to talk about this interloper," Jason said.
"We'll see if I'm we're not busy," Damian said.  Jason pursed his lips and hung up, no reason for goodbyes and pleasantries.  He stood up and brought up security footage of the warehouse, trying to figure out where this girl came from.  It would be well into the early morning before he went to bed still trying to figure out who she was.
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Brazil floods: Water supply in Porto Alegre back to 100 percent
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More than a month after the start of the floods that devastated the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, state capital Porto Alegre finally has all six of its water treatment plants working again. 
With a pause in rainfall and the Guaíba River receding (after reaching five meters high in Porto Alegre), the local government was able to recover the last of the five stations that were inoperative, on Ilha da Pintada.
The stations were flooded and suffered from a lack of electricity, leaving 85 percent of the city’s population without water. Mayor Sebastião Melo decreed rationing at the beginning of May, and hired water trucks to supply strategic points in the city.
Emergency measures had to be taken, with bottled water distributors also affected by the floods. Tankers, for example, had to take water from hydrants in order to supply hospitals.
Continue reading.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Russia reactivates Beriev Be-12 seaplanes from the Cold War era to detect Ukrainian naval drones
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/10/2023 - 23:10in Military, War Zones
In a twist that could come directly from a spy novel, Russia is deepening its Cold War manual to combat the cutting-edge technology of Ukraine's maritime drones.
Believe it or not, the Russian Navy is using its 1960s amphibious Beriev Be-12 plane to face the modern dilemma of Ukrainian naval drones. These drones have become a stone in the shoe of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, and Moscow bets that its updated but aged Beriev Be-12 may rise to the challenge.
According to Business Insider India, in the last two months, Ukraine has intensified its operations against the Russian Black Sea Fleet, despite not having a traditional navy. The Ukrainian military has unleashed cruise missile attacks against vital shipyards and fleet headquarters, while mobilizing unmanned surface ships, or naval drones, against Russian naval means. These economic drones, loaded with explosives, have emerged as a significant challenge for Russia.
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Ukraine is ambitiously developing what it describes as "the world's first naval fleet of drones". These maritime drones have already inflicted damage on Russian ships, including the Olenegorsky Gornyak and the merchant oil tanker Sig. Although the Russian Ministry of Defense has contested these allegations, it continues to seek effective countermeasures against these maritime threats.
The Beriev Be-12 Chayka ("Seagull", NATO report name: Mail), which made its maiden flight in 1960, is not an ordinary aircraft. Designed with a V-shaped arched wing for takeoffs in the water and a lower fuselage similar to a ship for landings in the water, even in stormy conditions, the Be-12 is a relic with remarkable capabilities. It is powered by turboprop engines from the Soviet era, adding a layer of nostalgia to its modernized capabilities. The aircraft can fly at speeds above 500 km/h and has a fuel reserve that allows missions with an extension of more than 4,000 km or a duration of several hours. The aircraft is armed with a series of mines, torpedoes and bombs.
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In 2018, the Russian Navy decided to give new life to these old aircraft. The modernization equipped the Be-12 with a completely new aiming system and modern weaponry. Despite being the oldest aircraft still in operation in the Russian armed forces, the updated Be-12 are expected to radically improve Russia's reconnaissance capabilities against enemy submarines through hydroacoustic, radar and magnetic detection systems. The aircraft will also be armed with modern anti-submarine torpedoes and depth bombs.
The Beriev Be-12 are currently stationed at Kacha Air Base in Crimea. The Russian high command seems to believe that these modernized aircraft could be a game changer in the fight against the Ukrainian naval threat in the Black Sea.
Tags: Military AviationBerievRussiaWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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bookaddict24-7 · 1 year
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Float Plan by Trish Doller
"Since the loss of her fiancé, Anna has spent the last year foundering on land, shipwrecked by her grief and inability to move on. But when a reminder goes off about a trip they were supposed to take, she impulsively sets off in their sailboat, intending to complete the planned voyage around the Caribbean that Ben had mapped out for them.
But after a treacherous night's sail and a brush with an ocean tanker, she decides she can’t do it alone, and hires a professional sailor to help her get to Puerto Rico. Much like her, Keane is struggling with a very different future than the one he had planned, and he can’t refuse her offer. Together they find a way to rebuild their lives and the possibility of new love."
Check out my Review here.
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