#tarot research
sylvrndoodles · 4 months
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repulsivethoughts · 22 days
added the few more cards I wanted and slightly modified the first ones so they could match better :3
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hellofriendhawke · 6 months
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The World represents successfully coming through adversity, and having endless possibilities open before you.
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auraofrose · 20 days
im in my research era (it never ends)
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an-internet-introvert · 6 months
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For the dnp Tarot Deck I present:
Death 🖤
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gbirrd · 1 month
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7/9 - Duke Thomas tarot card designs for Complete Candor by @vexfulfolly as part of the @batfam-big-bang
Read the fic here!
Other cards:
1-Babs 2-Cass 3-Bruce 4-Tim 5-Damian 6-Jason 7-Duke 8-Steph 9-Dick
Image IDs
Image 1:
A design of "The Moon" tarot card. It has the texture of recycled paper and reads "THE MOON". A symbol of a person turning to fog is visible behind the numeral "XVIII".
Duke Thomas faces forwards filling the frame in his Robin uniform. His left eye is open wide and is white and pupil-less. A blue starburst surrounds it and glows a pale blue. A large crescent moon glows brightly from behind him.
Image 2:
A design of "The Sun" tarot card. It has the texture of recycled paper and reads "THE SUN" upside down. A symbol of a black hole is visible behind the numeral "XIX".
Duke Thomas faces forwards, filling the frame in his Signal uniform. His right eye is wide open and is white and pupil-less. A large yellow starburst, white at the center, surrounds it, with sparks coming off in all directions. A sun is directly behind his head with long sunbeams coming from it. The bat symbol on his chest glows white, and black shadows slightly coat the edge of the frame. The entire card is upside-down.
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paradimeart · 7 months
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UPRIGHT: Sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening
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aesethewitch · 1 month
No infinite nuance option. If you draw more than four, tag this with how many you draw and perhaps why, because I'm so curious.
NOTE: If you often draw multiple clarifying cards for individual cards within a reading, choose the number you draw for each card. For example, if you do a reading of five cards and draw one clarifier for each card, choose ONE as your answer. The reasoning being, you're drawing one clarifier for that particular card.
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sstarlostt · 4 months
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disruptivevoib · 5 months
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I cannot make promises.
But this is to gauge interest on shirts like the above as a possibility.
Also feel free to suggest pieces you'd think would be nice on a shirt. Or whichever one is your favorite of the four I slapped on a shirt above. No promises on the shirt color itself lol
Or shirts in general.
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Astrology Beauty Observations #1
I've already made a post mentioning the Moon, ASC, Sun signs, or nakshatras that celebrities who look alike might share in here, but I've been meaning to continue doing this with other individuals who have been famous or are known to the public for other reasons.
Today, I’d like to analyze Jodi Ann Arias. She was convicted in 2013 of first-degree murder for killing her ex-boyfriend in 2008. She gained and still has quite a massive cult and following due to her case, but also due to her appearance.
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The planets I pay attention to are the Moon, Sun, and ASC. Not always in this particular order since it depends on the birth chart information available.
Her Moon in Taurus (Rohini) explains her soft and feminine appearance given by the ruler of this nakshatra, the Moon.
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Her Sun in Gemini (Pushya) tends to give natives a strong square shape to the nose and full lips as well.
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Her online chart says she’s an Aries (Bharani) ASC which tends to give sharp nose bridges, upturned eyes, and according to Claire Nakti’s description of this type of beauty, an elven or fairy like beauty.
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She also had a blonde phase, which many women who fit into this nakshatra usually do at some point as well. Overall, it seems like the innocent allure of the Moon mixed with Saturn's sharp features, and Venus harmonious + graceful beauty.
Also, very random observation but I'll put it here because it goes along with the research I was doing on Jodi, but model Adriana Hughes has a HUGE similarity to her. So it makes me think that she might also be Bharani ASC as well. Her birth time is unconfirmed, but Jodi is AA (Accurate Accurate) in astro.com
Aside from that, they only have Virgo as a common sign. Adrianna on her Sun, and Jodi on her Mars.
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Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed!
FYI: Images 2, 3, and 4 are NOT mine. They were created by Claire Nakti. I’m just using them as reference.
I was informed by a follower that Jodi has her D9 (Navamsa) chart ASC in Chitra, meaning that it matches Adriana’s D1 (Natal) Sun perfectly. What an amazing alignment, it seems that D9 keeps on proving how well it can match someone’s appearance. Usually D9 is used for planetary strength, life path/purpose, marriage, and spouse, but it seems like it also plays an important role in appearance and beauty as well. I’ll be taking this into consideration for my upcoming beauty posts 🤓.
If you’d like to know further information/details on your type of beauty, fashion style, or any other type of consultation feel free to book a reading with me! Click here or take a look at my bio 🦋✨
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hipstersoulgushers · 1 year
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Knight of Swords: Ambition to a fault, Cleverness and Cunning. This card represents productive conflict and the risk it takes to achieve your goals. Reversed it represents an Impulsive and Aimless struggle to solve conflict and the Burn Out that follows.
Fits Felix to a T I think. (I will be making more <3)
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mistrezzofmagic · 1 year
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Zatanna, Raven, & the Scarlet Witch + Tarot Cards
(insp) (template)
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hellofriendhawke · 5 months
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"A major change is coming your way. Life as you know it will irrevocably change. You will find yourself in situations you find uncomfortable, but if you allow your self to change a universe of possibilities will open up before you." Murderbot stared at the pop-up that somehow got passed it's adblock. It was a tarot card reading advert with a free three card reading included. Murderbot rolled it's eyes and exited out of the ad, thinking nothing of it as it went back to watching episodes of Sanctuary Moon. It's current contract was almost done, and soon it would be sent on a new contract; a survey group this time. Hopefully, it would be an easier job than making sure miners don't fall into incinerator shafts.
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the-sixxth-sinner · 11 months
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Mötley crüe tarots for the 40th anniversary of shout at the devil
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ask-elland-n-will · 7 days
You two have been diligently working on your homework on a day warm enough that it made you take off your jackets. Distracted by your studies, you don’t notice a curious black bird that lands behind you. It tilts its head as it regards something shiny on one of the jackets. With a loud CAW it jumps forwards, makes quick work of its pray, and takes off onto the nearest tree, proudly sporting a prefect badge in its beak.
After a minute of observing your reactions from behind the tree, a hooded figure of a Ravenclaw shows itself, a deck of cards in their hands.
“Now that my friend got your attention,” the figure begins somewhat smugly, “Tell me, oh, the Prefect who knows everything and the Puff who happens to know the base. What court cards represent you?”
Will stands there, mouth opening and closing, unsure if he wants to be offended at this obvious raven trap (is there a single pet in this castle that doesn't want to steal his badge?) or if he wants to stay a moment in "the Prefect who knows everything" reality. Who do they think they are anyway, using such cheap tricks and distracting both him and his dear Hufflepuff from important business!
Elland, who was considering either using Accio or a Disarming Charm on the bird, lowers his wand. A court card? That's a small price to pay for Will's peace. As for himself, Elland has already been considering taking a break for the past 10 minutes. The Ravenclaw taking Will's badge hostage was a great excuse to stretch his legs. What a smart bird, doing its Mastress' bidding.
"Good afternoon," Elland begins and gives first the Ravenclaw and then the bird a light bow of his head. William beside him huffs, ready to skip the formalities, but Elland doesn't let him. "My brother used to say that I have to be one of the Knights or at least have a card with the suit of Cups. But since you're asking for the court cards specifically, I'll have to remember what meant what."
Will is torn between listening to Elland and focusing on the bird, eyeing it suspiciously. The moment the raven shifts on the branch, Will interjects, facing the hooded figure:
"I request that you give me my badge back before you get any answers. I wouldn't want to take points away from your house, but it is up to you. This is extortion!"
"Will, you are overreacting. You've never taken points from Sebastian because of Nosy, right?" Elland points out. After a pregnant pause, Will reluctantly agrees, letting Elland go on. "And besides, you look like a King of Cups to me."
"What?" squacks Will. "No way, you are the King of Cups sort, being so therapeutic and compassionate."
"You think so?"
"Where are you taking those interpretations from, anyway?"
"From the art on the cards?"
"Images?! Elland!"
"Here we go again. You know this is all subjective anyway, right?"
"No, no, stay here, both of y—" Will begins and then squints at the bird, remembering about its presence. "All three of you, stay right here! I'll go get the book. Pictures, Merlin, Elland, are you five? Have you attended a single Divination class? Nobody leaves until I get my badge! I mean, the book! No, Both!"
Will storms off, and Elland chuckles.
"Sorry about him, his badge was a low blow. I imagine he wants to see himself as some card of Swords, being logical and good at planning, adept at communicating, wishing to know more — either the King or the Page. I imagine he'd go with the King, of course. But apart from Swords, I believe the other suits hold just as much importance."
Elland points to where he was sitting with Will prior, inviting the Ravenclaw to sit down.
"There are some Pentacles in him, with all his hard work. Yes, he is a noble, and I imagine in many ways he won't ever have to grow from the bottom up, but trust me, he is one of the most hardworking people I've ever met. The King might be the only one from this suit fitting enough. For Wands, he is either the Knight or the Queen. As for Cups… Do I even have to tell? You seem to know all about Tarot. Will is emotion. Will is passion. Will is the heart. I'm sure he'll give you the answer when he's back."
Elland pours the Ravenclaw some tea and, after a moment of thinking, charms another empty cup with water, for the raven.
"Sorry, I am rambling, I really don't know Tarot too well, but my younger brother has been obsessed with it before even coming to Hogwarts. Cyrus eventually settled on the King of Cups for me, I think. Take that however you wish."
Elland pauses. Huh, didn't Will just name the same card before he left?
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