#also look at my magic girlies I love them
mistrezzofmagic · 9 months
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Zatanna, Raven, & the Scarlet Witch + Tarot Cards
(insp) (template)
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kachikirby · 2 months
If you’re willing, uhh, ♟️🐛🌙🦋🥀 or Kurabe and/or Fetty (and/or anyone else)?
I'll do whatever I haven't answered for them and probably add... hmm... maybe Mikuto? Yeah, I'll do Mikuto too. I have fun writing these answers out for him!
Putting these under a cut.
Does your OC get possessed easily, or do they have the willpower to fight back against any possible attempts? Have they been possessed before?
Kurabe: Generally, she does have the willpower to fight back against possession. There will be a time where she gets possessed in GranEssex Chronicles, but that will be when she's already mentally weakened due to certain events.
Fettuccine: She has the willpower against mental possession, but if it's more physical, she might struggle more. She's in the middle when it comes to her strength as a Limet because she's a non-combatant and most of her fighting ability is for self-defense. Thankfully she's never been possessed before.
Mikuto: In the past, he might have been easily possessed, but after he meets Kurabe, he wouldn't be so easily possessed. Basically he'll at least put up a good fight against the possessor if he does get possessed.
What are your OC’s greatest fears, and why? How do they act or react when they’re afraid?
Kurabe: Other than the usual "losing people she cares about, and she couldn't do anything about it", her most interesting greatest fear imo is that she's afraid of the dark. While it might seem silly for a powerful warrior like her to be afraid of the dark, it makes sense in context. Kurabe was originally an orphan born on Nightfall, a planet covered in eternal darkness that was full of terrifying monsters who lived in the darkness. One day, the lights in the city that kept the monsters away went out and they descended on the citizens. Kurabe was one of the few who survived thanks to her mentor and father figure saving her, but it resulted in her developing an intense fear of the dark.
Normally, if Kurabe is afraid, she won't show it due to needing to not show fear as a commander, but you'd be able to tell she is a lot more on-edge than she normally is. Of course, this is unless you put her in a completely dark room. In complete darkness, she has a panic attack where she hallucinates being surrounded by the monsters of Nightfall.
Fettuccine: Her two fears are pretty simple actually. Losing the people she cares about and being haunted by the ghosts of those who were led to death by her interrogations.
When she's afraid, she does her best to hide it, but you might be able to see her hand trembling slightly or small signs like that. She's the chief interrogation officer of Task Force Zetta, she kind of has to be good at hiding emotions. However, she will discuss it to someone she trusts like Risotto, Pandoro, Meta, or Raita in private if she needs to.
Mikuto: His greatest fear is losing friends because of his innate Crash Ability. In my AU, it's extremely rare for a puffball to just naturally have the Crash Ability without needing to inhale something, and Mikuto is one of those rare people. Unfortunately, it means that it can activate if he gets particularly angry, so that's why he's so laid back.
If he gets frightened, he does slightly jump and cringe, but he then calms down quickly.
Is your OC a particularly light or heavy sleeper? Somewhere in-between? Do they take naps?
Kurabe: Kurabe is in-between because sometimes she has to wake up ASAP due to missions or meetings. Though I will say an interesting fact is that she can sleep just about anywhere due to her training. She only really takes naps if she's been awake for a long time or just feels tired due to stress.
Fettuccine: Fetty is also in between. Like Kurabe, she's observant enough to notice if something is wrong when she's sleeping, but she also can quickly fall back asleep if needed. Similarly to Kurabe, if she's particularly tired, she'll take a nap. (She does it a lot more after Sieg and Freya are born, actually)
Mikuto: HEAVY sleeper. He also tends to take naps a lot because of how laid back he is. The funniest part is he's actually really observant of his surroundings even when he's asleep, so he can sometimes respond to questions while he's sleeping or drag Kurabe back into bed if he senses she's still tired when she wakes up.
Does your OC ‘fear the reaper’, so to speak? If they fused with Morpho Knight, what sort of form would they take on?
Kurabe: As a soldier in the Organization, Kurabe is not afraid of the reaper and knows that it is simply part of her job that he will come for her someday. Just not any time soon even if she should be dead because she has survived insane odds, leading to her being called "the Unkillable".
As for what form she would take if fused with Morpho, I imagine something similar to Galacta Knight, maybe with a more transparent veil running down her back that could transition to being butterfly wings. Lots of Ice and ESP based attacks too.
Fettuccine: Fettuccine is the same as Kurabe. She understands that death is part of her life as a soldier, but that doesn't mean she's not afraid of it. Though this fear has lessened in later years, especially as she's started to do many of the things she's dreamed of (i.e. retiring and settling down with Meta) and she's not as afraid now.
As for what form a fusion would take: there is two options. If it's her humanoid form, I'm imagining something akin to a fairy knight. Maybe most of the attacks are psychology-based because Fetty isn't exactly a fighter.
The second option is if it's blob mode. Just imagine a metal blob with Morpho's mask and butterfly wings and that's it. Probably one of the worst forms for Morpho to be stuck in if they want to do anything.
Mikuto: He just doesn't think about it too much if I'm being honest. He understands that death is inevitable, but he doesn't make a big deal about it.
I think for MIkuto's fusion with Morpho, there would be a lot more nature-based attacks due to Mikuto's affinity with the Leaf Ability. Overall, design will likely be the same as normal Morpho.
Do they have a Soul form? What would it look and act like? How much control over themselves do they have? Is it still possible to save them, or are they too far gone?
Kurabe: She doesn't have a Soul form, and it's the case of why would you want to make her more powerful than she already is!? /j
Her Soul Form would likely be more armored, and she would throw out Crimson Shadow Spike like it's nothing because I feel like if she did gain one, it would be for the purpose of defeating an enemy. even stronger than her.
I feel like the amount of control she would have would vary. Just have Mikuto with her for best control.
Fettuccine: She does not have a Soul form and I think the closest I can think of hers looking like if she did have one is something like one of the Ashen/META ships from Azur Lane.
I feel like it depends on how she gains a Soul Form, but I think that the most guaranteed way to save her is to have Meta talk to her.
Mikuto: He doesn't have one either and I think it would be another case of "too horrifying to think about" because he could potentially spam the Crash Ability if he has one.
Thought I think he has the easiest solution of "just have Kurabe freeze him".
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rubiehart · 2 months
congratulations on 1k babes!! you deserve all of that and so much more 🫶🫶 ur writing is always so good and you always eat it up! 💗
🏵️; 𝐬𝐨𝐥 𝐝𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫 - send in any prompt from this list and a character and i’ll write a short blurb based around the prompt!
morning sex with jj maybank 🤭
thankyou soooo much!! it means the world to me you’re really the sweetest🫶 also this was kinda long i got carried away 🙈
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you’re cuddled up to his warm chest, cheek smushed against his pec as you squint as the sun peeking through a crack in the blinds. stretching your fingers that had been laying against his toned stomach, mindlessly drawing swirls against the muscle as you get used to the light.
you’ve got one leg thrown over his, his warm thigh sandwiched between yours and pressing deliciously against your aching heat, no doubt still wet from last night. you sigh quietly, rocking your hips gently so the crotch of your panties catch against your clit, your toes curling at the sensation.
jj starts to stir next to you, nose twitching a little as he stretches the arm you’re not laying on above his head, a groan leaving his mouth as he looks over to you, a cheeky smile playing on his lips as you slow your movements, not completely stopping as you look him in the eye.
“‘y havin’ fun there girly?” he says lowly, in that grumbly morning voice you love, you resist the urge to squeeze your thighs together over his, deciding to smush your face into his armpit instead of facing his knowing face. “a little.” you mumble into the flesh, a little smirk playing on your lips.
he nods his head slowly, smirk still adorning his lips “yeah?” he breathes out, you feel his breath tickle your neck and you laugh quietly, lifting your head. “mhm. would be more fun if you’d help me out though.” you smirk and he lets the grin settle on his face, canines showing as he flips you over, strong arms caging you in.
“whats’a magic word?” he smirks and you furrow your eyebrows in mock concentration. “abracadabra?” you giggle and he shakes his head with a smile, blonde mop shaking with the movement.
“hmmm.. please…?” you whisper, leaning up to whisper in his ear and you swear you hear him growl, low and deep in his throat before reaching one hand down to the waistband of your panties, eyeing you suspiciously when you whimper, even from the small touch.
he peels off your panties, throwing them to the side and immediately leaning down for a heated kiss, your tongues wrapping around each other, swallowing eachother’s moans, pulling away momentarily to drag his boxers down his thighs, his pretty length popping out and hitting stomach, little drops of pre-cum already dripping down his shaft.
“open sesame.” he whispers, as you widen your legs for him, barely even registering his words as he admires your cunt, soaking for him. your arousal dripping down your thighs by now, he was so done for. “yeah, that’s definitely my magic word.” you giggle as he stares, wide eyed and you cock an eyebrow at him, finding his antics cute.
“you’re actin’ like you haven’t seen my pussy before.” you state and he snaps back to reality, “oh- huh? oh yeah ‘s just…” he trails off, smirk returning as more arousal dribbles out of your pulsing hole. “please just fuck me jayj.” you plead, reaching up to grip his muscly shoulders, sliding your hands around to cup the back of his neck and bring him down into another passionate kiss.
“right.” he smirks, holding himself up with one arm, one hand gripping his cock as he lines himself up, you lean up on your elbows to watch where you connect as he slowly pushes himself inside, groaning loudly as he watches, completely enamoured by the way you swallow him whole, head dropped back against the pillows as you mewl at the all too familiar stretch, you’d never quite get used to it.
he drops his forehead against yours with a groan when he’s in to the hilt, sweaty blonde hair shadowing his forehead as you look into eachother’s eyes. “you doin’ okay baby?” he whispers, and you nod, genuine smile on your lips as you grip his tanned biceps.
“yeah.” he takes that as his sign to start, rocking his hips slowly in and out of you as you let out breathy little moans, right next to his ear, he swears he could live like this for the rest of his life. peering down to watch how your little cunt takes him so well, deciding against the idea quickly because he might just bust right now, he wants this to last, so he focuses on your eyes, the way they struggle to focus on him when he nudges that squidgy spot that makes you let out the prettiest moans he’d ever heard.
when you both finish, he cleans you up with his tongue, licking up everything he’d spilt inside of you, focusing on your clit and making you cum another three times until you were thrashing against the bedsheets, screaming “oh jayj!” grabbing on his hair and begging him to stop as he traces ‘jj’ over and over against your abused clit until he has you squirting all over his face. he could live in your pussy and be the happiest man alive.
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ash-says · 2 months
Things to be aware of as a Hopeless Romantic:
We all have been there daydreaming about the perfect man, the perfect life, the perfect whatever,etc. Still life is not full of roses and thorns are inevitable.
So here are some aspects to look out for according to me so that you won't fall in the delulu is the only solulu trap.
Remember if you follow me, we don't do regrets here. We accept, take accountability and move on. We don't soak ourselves in problems. We solve them effectively.
1) Drop those rose-colored glasses. Crush them under your feet and now look at the world again. Learn to accept reality. It is what it is. Not what you make it out to be. Learn to become an observer of your life from time to time. It will give you the real picture.
2) Potential is useless if you are not leveraging it. It's a trap both for yourself and others. You see potential in him of changing and being a good guy?? Girl, he *IS* not a good guy. It's not your job to raise a man. It's embarrassing. Stop babysitting grown men.
3) Standards are important but ensure they are not rooted in fantasy. Let's be honest finding a man who is rich, dark, tall, sexy and talks in the way you read in your romance novels is difficult. I am not saying it's impossible but don't be too rigid. All I will say is make sure you are also on the level where if you come across such a man he should be ready to date you.
4) Men view sex differently than us women. I know many of you will get triggered after reading this but the majority of men really view women as sex dolls. Blame the porn industry maybe. Good men exist but not every other man who talks sweetly is good.
5) A person in your life treats you nicely. Always talk sweetly, tells you that you matter to them but their actions don't match it. Chances are you are being breadcrumbed. Plans being cancelled? Messages being unseen? But when confronted all you get is,"Sorry love, I was busy. I was going to do it. You matter a lot,etc etc." Breadcrumbing. Be smart it can happen even in friendships too. I understand people get busier with time and things do happen. Use your discernment to see who really is busy and who is faking to be busy.
6) That uncle was so kind to me. He talked to me sweetly and always tried to help me out. Now, that's really sweet of him. Next he calls you home to help out with the household chores and he is alone at home because his wife is out of town for some work. Would you go and help? Yes. Will you go alone? No. That's unsafe.
No matter how much a gentleman a man appears to be you are not allowed to be in a situation where he could potentially take advantage of you. You always bring along a friend or deny it. I know it's wrong to not help someone but at your own risk. No. Never. It's common knowledge in our society.
7) Dreaming of a Prince Charming to whisk you away from all your troubles??? Dream on. The idea that a soulmate or one person will magically solve all our issues is dumb. We as human beings add to each other's happiness rather than becoming the core of it.
8) One of the biggest mistakes I have seen girls around me make is of being fully invested in a relationship to the point one small fight makes them depressed. That's codependency. It's unhealthy.
9) Never make your relationship your identity. You should always have a separate identity out of it. Stop curating yourself for your partners. Morphing yourself according to their likes and dislikes. That's one way ticket to an identity crisis after breakup. Compromises are essential but changing your core self??? Crazy shit.
10) Your relationship should not be the reason for your downfall. It happens especially with my intense girlies we invest so much of ourselves in the relationship to the point it becomes our focal point and when it faces upheavals we are devastated. The mental distress starts flowing in other areas of your life and suddenly your grades are falling, your career seems unstable, etc. Develop the emotional strength to compartmentalize your emotions and not allow them to overflow in other areas and affect them.
Imagination is fertile but being delusional is being stuck in a swamp.
That's all for today's show on ash-says. Stay tuned for more illegal tricks and explosive opinions.
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nrdmssgs · 1 year
Little things, they do (Alex, Soap, König) (headcannons)
Part 2 (Price, Ghost, Gaz) here
Ok, guys, first of all, thank you all for giving this little sketch THAT much love. Honestly, I'mm shocked. I'm blaming mister Riley here, but boy, thank you so-so-so much for 100 beautiful followers. I`ve actually had something for this milestone, but I was sure, it would be hit somewhere in the end of the summer. Hope, you like it!
Little things, they do, that get you every time. Silly, warm, heart-melting, wholesome things.
Alex Keller
Almost unconsciously lowers his head to stay on your eye-level whenever you two are sitting at a table and chatting.
If you are cooking and even insisting on doing it solo (maybe it's just your thing, maybe you like to have more room in the kitchen), he is never leaving you. He will just sit there and keep you company, or tell you some stories, or maybe find a youtube video for you both to listen to, while you're doing your magic.
Talking about your cooking, he never turns down anything, you've made. Never. “Alex, don't take that bun, I burnt it!” Eats it anyway, because it's your effort that counts and makes anything you cook so special to him.
If you are dating, and he needs to go early in the morning, he covers your eyes with the corner of his blanket (very carefully so as not to wake you up!). That way, he can turn on the light and collect his clothes without waking you up.
Def pulls you closer in his sleep. Buries his face in your hair, mumbles some sweet nonsense, places a soft kiss on the top of your head. (by gods I need more headcanons on this man sleeping)
Sometimes just stops whatever he is doing to say “I love you” and give you a kiss. The fridge is still open, his sweater is halfway off him, his hands still wet and water runs on uncleaned dishes? Doesn't matter, the kiss is what important to him.
Johnny Soap MacTavish
Once Price saw how you two interact and commented it like “Looks like our Tweedledum finally found his Tweedledee…” And while other pairs could get offended, you two weren't bothered at all (you're two chaotic crows, nothing can stop you!). In fact, from that moment anything he buys or makes for you, comes with a small handwritten note, saying, “to: my Dee. from: your Dum.”
Once he cooked an absolutely amazing pie. You were practicaly moaning, while savouring it and he just sat there all bright with pride. In a few years you saw the same kind of pie in a menu in the pub, where you were supposed to meet Johnny and others from the 141. Once you pointed it out to Johnny, others flinched and looked at each other. In response to your uncomprehending look, one of them admits that Soap was so worried that you would not like his cooking that he practiced at the base for several weeks. Because of it, their diet consisted only of Johnnys` pies for these weeks.
Has no concept of “too girly stuff”. Will gladly go shopping with you, paint your nails, help you dye your hair at home, if you feel like it. Will sneak your eye patches, because they smell so nice, and he feels so fresh after using them!
During his deployments, sends you tons of the most random photos just to calm you down and cheer you up (because every time you are too scared, this could be his last mission). “Ok, bonnie, this time I present you the collection of random rocks, I've met on work.” For the next week, you keep getting… exactly that. Photos of rocks with short comments like “Here's wee one.”
You don't know why the last photo he sent you that week was a photo of some guy in a creepy mask. You also don't have a single idea, why Johnny then goes radio silent for two days and why he has a brand-new phone, when he's back.
You have a stiff back? He will gladly take you by the hands and lift you up so that your spine is extended. "König! No, no, wait, don't, OH!... Oh… Sweet mother of jesus, I actually feel better..."
Even if you are just friends, and you are staying over at his place - he presents you with a shampoo, shower gel, conditioner and body lotion of EXACTLY the same brands as you're using at home. He just notes these small things and wants you to feel relaxed and taken care of when you're around him. 
You can call him anytime on any occasion and if his phone is on, he will answer in SECONDS. You had a bad dream, and it's 4 am, and he lives on the other end of the town? In another town even? No problems, he answers almost immediately and comes to you as soon as he can. Even if It's just to hold you for 15-20 minutes, while you slowly drift to sleep, and then to drive back to his place for another good hour. 
Thanks you for everything, and not only verbally! Writes small notes and leaves them on your bag or just straight gives them to you. He doesn't take anything for granted. Every your intention is a gift for him.
And that goes not only for the time, when you two have just met each other. You are his wife or husband since 10 years, you already have 2-3 beautiful kids? He still writes you notes, thanking you for the most incredible goodnight kiss, you gave him yesterday (every your goodnight kiss is the most incredible to him).
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thatgirlie-diaries · 6 months
How I have improved my routines and consistency
Hello girlies! This first week of my vacations period I have been using it as a test for my ideal routines and schedule, identifying what goes right and wrong and what changes do I need to do to be consistent and have an efficient systmem. What you'll be reading next are all the things I have done and learned to apply to have a calm, healthy, fun and fulfillling routines and daily schedule, overrall improving my lifetyle.
Energy levels: Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you identify when do you have the most energy and when it goes down? What would be my ideal time to sleep and wake up?
What negative habits do I have? And why do I have them? With what habits I can switch them?
Why do I procrastinate? In which ways I procrastinate and distract myself?
How I want my lifestyle to look like? What habits, routines, hobbies and activities are included in my daily life? How do I act on a daily basis?
Creating my schedule and routines
Set a sleeping schedule that fits you based on your energy levels.
Create a morning, night and pampering routines that you enjoy doing, that you are comfortable with and makes you feel fulfilled.
Create (if neccesary) other routines that you need:There are probably other things you want to do that you need a routine for! For example, I have a mini manifesting routine and a weekly spiritual healing routine. I also want to create a language sudy routine too.
Include non-negotiable healthy habits: this habits are the ones that keep you healthy in body, work with your mind and give you peace. For example, some of mine are: eating 3 healthy meals, tidying up my space for 30 minutes, listening to a podcast, don't use my phone for more than three hours, etc. Also, include fun habits to help you romanticize the day and feel good.
Have time to do things I love: I have noticed that if I don't do the things I love after long period of time, meaning productive only days, I get burned out and more prone to procastinate and get distracted when I get the chance. Make sure you have time to yourself, either be it hobbies or fun activities, you will keep your mind, heart, body (if it's physical) and soul healthy!
Have time to rest and be still: We need to understand that we need rests, so we have to respect it and let us be. Also we need some minutes in silence to connect with ourselves, body and creativity out of all the noise and stimuli.
Maintaining consistency
Plan my day: I plan my daily tasks and my daily schedule, this to not procrastinate overthinking "what I'm going to do?"
Add a place and hour: For any routine, habit or activity decide "Where am I going to do it? At what time or after what habit?"
Habit stacking or multitasking: If I have a "listening habit" (podcast, subliminal, listening to high vibe music) with a "not-thinking alot habit" (tidyin up my space, do the dishes, cooking) habit I do them both at the same time. If I need to do a habit that needs my full attention then it will be done that way.
Include timers (if needed): This helps me know how much time do I need to do my habits and to know if it's taking me more or less time to complete them. I use an app where I have my routines (morning, night, weekly reset, mini manifestation and spiritual healing activities) with each habit having a timer.
Have a habit tracker: In here I write a daily log that includes filling boxes of my daily non negotiable habits and extra habits (that romanticize my life or keep me healthy). Also includes two questions: "What progress did I made today with my goals? Is there something I need tom improve or change in my system?'.
Romanticize! Your habits and activities, routine sets, daily schedule, romanticize your days your way! It's different for everyone, so find out how to add magic into your life.
Wasted day? It's never too late to do something useful. Keep going or journal about what went wrong. I like to remind myself my motivations and ideal lifestyle to mantain myself going forward.
Let's be healthy and organized together! 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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its-your-mind · 10 months
This is a call to action for all the PJO girlies (gender neutral) that I know are sleeper agents on this webbed site
Go read Trials of Apollo. Go do it. Do it right now.
I know what you’re thinking. “Tbh I didn’t love Rick’s writing towards the end of Heroes of Olympus” “There’s no Percy so why bother” “All of the Argo II crew are kinda OOC” and listen my friends. You are so valid to have those opinions. I felt the same way after Blood of Olympus. But listen to me. Look at me.
Now that you have had some time away, you must give these books another try. For me. For Uncle Rick. For the demon baby grain spirit who is only able to say his own name (Peaches).
Do not worry friends, I do not expect you to read just based on my say-so - I also provide:
A list of reasons why you (yes you) should go read the Trials of Apollo series right now gogogo:
(Spoiler warning - all broad plot things that you learn early on, but I know some people (including me) avoid that shit at all costs)
All the chapters are titled in bad haiku. Ya know that one scene in Titan’s Curse where Apollo just starts reciting apropos of nothing? That’s every chapter title. They’re all so bad it’s amazing.
Apollo is so up his own ass about everything, and it’s so cool to experience the same world through the eyes of someone who is not used to being in amongst the chaos
Oh yeah the plot. That’s a reason to read it.
Okay so
Basically Zeus continues his streak of being a shitty shit parent and decides to blame like… every bad thing that has happened on Apollo, and punish him by turning him mortal and enslaving him to a demigod girl named Meg who is a garbage gremlin with a little demon baby guard named Peaches (see above)
And like the A plot is they gotta save the oracles from shitty old Romans who wanna take over the world (stop me if you’ve heard this one before)
But like the B plot is about what it means to discover that you’ve fucked up, you’ve made mistakes, you’ve hurt people, and you gotta fucking own up to that shit
But also
You do not deserve to be punished for every horrible thing that has ever happened because of you, or even around you, and when a parental or authority figure in your life tells you that, they are an abuser and they are wrong
And yet
It can be so hard to fully separate yourself from them. Because for so long, they were all you had.
But that’s okay, because when you start to learn that the people who were supposed to care for you and love you were not actually doing that, there are people around you who will love you, who will support you, who will pick you up and hold you close and make sure you know that you are okay
And they can’t fix you
But they can give you the safe space to fix yourself
hmm that was an essay about themes and metaphors BUT THATS WHY YOU SHOULD READ IT
also there’s a wikipedia arrow who only speaks in Elizabethan prose (in all caps)
OH ALSO ALSO you get to see Will and Nico being a CUTE AS FUCK couple in the first book. Nico smiles. Also makes skeletons grow out of the ground when people annoy him. Fuck I love this little gay death boy so much.
AND. You get to see so MANY of your old friends. And they still! Get! Plot! And! Character! Development!! Even though they are only there for a little bit
OH OH OH there are two old lesbians who run a halfway house for people who are tangled up in magic shit with nowhere else to go
Did I mention Peaches? I did. He’s my favorite.
OH ALSO. This is “unreliable narrator” executed SO FUCKING WELL. Like, all narrators are unreliable. But Apollo used to be a FUCKING GOD. He has not had to deal with the reality of death all that much. He’s used to people praising his name and bowing down at his feet. But that ain’t happening!! And he is Unhappy about that!! But it also lets there be such a clear juxtaposition between what Apollo believes about himself and about the world and what is really true, which is such a wonderful way to write about recovery from trauma.
Anyway it’s just real good Uncle Rick continues to knock it out of the park but he just did something different and we (at least I) needed some space from OG PJO fan brain before I could appreciate how fucking awesome this series is.
OH OH OH and if you like audiobooks Robbie Daymond (hello CR mutuals - yes, this is the one who is our beloved Blue Boi who we (Orym) so desperately need returned) is the audiobook narrator and he is. So fucking good. Absolutely NAILS the dramatic-ass-inner-monologue of this dramatic ass ex-deity. Also nails all the other voices as well. 15/10 audiobook narration I’m lichrally gonna go listen to other books JUST cuz he reads them.
okay why the fuck are you still here. GO. GET THESE BOOKS. If your public library does Libby you can absolutely get them on there. GO FORTH.
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wriothesleybear · 10 months
Some more headcanons about Wrio:
● He's a hopeless romantic. He wants it all: wife, kids, house, but because of his job he doesn't believe he will have them which leads to believe that he is doomed in that department.
● He's not picky about who he's dating/ what you look like but if you're good w kids, he considers this a plus.
● He 100% believes everyone is scared of him which leads him to be somewhat reluctant to go talk to you but he will muster the courage to nevertheless. Expect him to stutter a bit (and he will be blushing A LOT).
● During the courting period, he will go ALL the way. He wants to impress you but he doesn't know what you like and dislike so expect extravagant dates. He's a Duke after all.
● If you tell him you don't like all the expensive stuff, expect more lowkey dates from now on.
● When he realized he's actually in love in you...oh boy. He's a complete mess. He doesn't know how to act anymore. Will fall in 💞 with you so hard that it feels like a tsunami just randomly crashed into him. NO, it feels like Cupid just dropped an atomic bomb on him instead of firing an arrow. He never felt like this before. Seeing how weird their boss is acting, his boys will ask him if he's okay XD.
● When he finally says the three magic words, his face will be a complete red tomato.
Some NSFW hcs 🤭:
○ He usually gets very horny at night.
○ His mind is sooo filled with you. It's driving him insane. Will masturbate while imagining you sitting on his desk naked with your legs open.
○ His "ice cream" is very long and thick with a beautiful rosy tip and veins all over. He's proud of it.
○ He has two mode in bed: one where he acts as your gentle lover and the other one where he acts like the most vile horny person you've ever met...as if a wild wolf possesses him. He becomes a horny whore with his tongue leaking 😏.
○ He plays it safe. He wears a condom but if you tell him to ditch it, he'll do it in a heartbeat.
○ LOVES raw sex but he loves anal sex more.
○ Has a lot of fetishes.
○ He DEFINITELY has a pregnancy kink. He wants to stuff your pretty pussy like a stuffy bunny.
○ He can go multiple rounds. That man has the stamina of a beast.
○ Will f*ck you anywhere and everywhere: in the bedroom, in the bathroom, in a public bathroom, at a restaurant, in a closet, on his desk, in the bushes, at your parent's house...you name it.
○ At the end of your sessions, he always gives you a tender kiss on the lips.
-girlie anon
AHHHHH GIRLIE ANON YOU'RE SPOILING US !!🥹🥰❤️i love these ! they're so cute and wholesome but also spicy and hot 🔥😉😈
i'd let him raw dog it every night. i'm also not much for having kids but for wolf daddy, i don't mind👀 i am yours wrio my love🥺
i completely agree with the idea that he can get embarrassed and blushy. ugh i love me some 'big, scary looking but is actually really sweet and kind' characters.
i feel so fed. thank you girlie anon! ily and i hope you have a wonderful day/night🥹🥰❤️
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faiirybread · 7 months
applause ︴aa23
🎤 in which.. a well known kpop idol meets a formula 1 driver
yourusernameofficial just posted!
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‘cold shoulder’ out in 24 hours. Enjoy, my blossoms🌷
tagged: smtown
liked by user1, alex_albon, and 9,238,012 others
user2 MOTHER
user8 we love you yn!!💗💗💗
user9 forever proud to be a blossom 💐
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alex_albon just posted!
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Singa-poor luck luck.. Had some fun though! 🇸🇬👋
liked by albon_pets and 158,407 others
user1 youll bounce back in japan albono!
user2 why is fernando looking at me like that..
user3 we love fernando shoe model
user5 itll be better next race 💙
yourusernameofficial just posted!
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First stage of Could You, Would You, and you guys were magical!! I love hearing your fanchants and cheers, thank you to everyone who watched! 💗 🌷
liked by alex_albon, user1, and 8,261,864 others
user2 love from france!
user3 you never fail to impress!!
user4 is it just me or did she seem really tired??
user5 its just you babes
user6 get off her mfking page if your gonna bring her down.. stupid hater
user4 im not hating, im a long time stan but im just worried about her.. going from a year and a half tour right back into a new album promotions is tough..
user6 😍😍😍
user9 who the hell is that..
user8 hes a formula 1 driver!
user9 he needs to get the hell away from yn.. she doesnt need someone like him dragging her down
user10 girl what the hell are you on, all he did was like her post??
user9 i just want the best for her and he is clearly not it 😒
alex_albon just posted a story!
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yourusernameofficial Thank you so much for coming, I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
alex_albon I loved it! You are a master at performing 😆
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yourusernameofficial just posted!
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tagged: smtown
liked by alex_albon, user1, and 8,638,273
comments have been limited
kymillman just posted!
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YN YLN spotted at the paddock today! She seemed to be very confused as to where to go, but was pointed in the right direction by some of our drivers.
liked by user1, user2, and 56,823 others
user1 YN AT A RACE?
user2 i thought she was on a hiatus..
user3 shes on a hiatus from music, but she’ll still be out and around 😊
user3 her fashion sense is soo pretty!
user4 right?? i NEED her to meet lewis and zhou!
user3 sorry im not much of a f1 fan, who are they?
user4 lewis is lewis hamilton, a 7-time world champion and an icon in the sport, he has really cool outfits every week and drives for mercedes, and zhou is zhou guanyu, a driver for alpha romeo, and also has really cool outfits, he’s in his second year!
user3 awesome!! ill watch them and alex albon!
user5 so she cancels promos for cold shoulder then goes to a race??
user6 thats what im saying! i dont think that alex albon guy is a good influence on her..
user4 bro be so fr, alex albon did not tell her to go on a hiatus. her logical brain did after she was STALKED AND HARASSED BY HER “FANS”
user6 why is fans in quotes? they wanted to meet her, and shes not easy to meet so they did what they could, whats wrong with that?
user5 dude wtf are you on about, thats stalking and she has a right to be upset, im just wondering why she went to such a highly-publicized event after trying to get out of the public
user7 she looks so tired, i hope shes taking care of herself 😕
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anime-fan-05 · 4 months
love your writing. youre awesome. you don't have to but if if you could could you make yuyu hakusho characters x reader who's into cute dresses, make up, skin and haircare routines, stuffed animals collections and girly things. would they be accepting of her, find her annoying, join her or what do you think? plz
Yu Yu Hakusho ~With a very feminine reader~
Manga/anime: Yu Yu Hakusho
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
Thank you very much for the compliment! I personally didn't know which characters you meant exactly, so I created the headcanon with the main 4 and Koenma. If you also want someone else, write to me privately and I'll include them.
U. Yusuke
He thinks you're very adorable, but he'll never join you in hair and skin care
However, he really enjoys putting on your makeup, even if he often messes up your face
When you come back from the hairdresser with your hair cut or from the beautician with your nails done, he's always playing dumb that doesn't notice anything; however, after seeing you were offended, he compliments you ("I noticed it, (Y/N). You look great.")
Whenever he can, he buys you cute stuffed animals or accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets or rubber bands and hair clips
He also gives you nice clothes if he can buy them for you, and, if you wear them, he'll blush deeply and turn his head away so you can't see his huge blush
K. Kazuma
He's probably the person who accepts you the most
Are you wearing a nice outfit? "You're so cute, (Y/N)!" Have you groomed or cut your hair? "You look great, darling!" Did you wear makeup? "You're so gorgeous! You look great without makeup, but you're beautiful even like that!"
He goes to the game room a lot of times to win stuffed animals for you; when he wins nothing, he sulks all day ("Sorry, I won nothing..." "Kazuma, you don't have to give me a stuffed animal a day, don't worry!")
You two often do skin care together, but don't tell Yusuke this or he'll make fun of Kazuma for life
To give you gifts, he often asks Keiko for advice, as he considers his sister to be one of the least feminine women in existence (Shizuru always gets angry when he points this out to her)
He finds it very cute you always get dressed up, but he often tells you you're beautiful, even without accessories or luxurious clothes
He always, always notices when you do something different to your hair, nails or face ("Have you done anything to your hair/nails/face? You're very beautiful, (Y/N).")
Probably, you two do hair care together: you're the only person wh's allowed to care for his hair
When you wear cute clothes, he blushes slightly and looks at you affectionately and meanwhile Youko stirs inside him
He sometimes lets you find cute stuffed animals or accessories on your bed, and then he pretends he didn't put them there ("That? No, I didn't give it to you.")
He doesn't understand you: he can't understand why you care yourself so much, and he refuses to join you if you ask him this
Despite this, one day, after seeing his sister getting her hair done by Kazuma (Hiei wanted to kill him), he decided he would do the same to you: so, he combs your hair every morning
For a while, he never gave you accessories or stuffed animals, since he thought they were useless; however, everything changed when, one day, he gave you a hair clip he had found during a mission, and he saw your happiness born from that small gesture
"I found it lying around and I thought only a person like you could wear that horror."
This is what he says every time he gives you something to wear, but it's clear he does it because he loves seeing you smile and seeing you with what he steals buys
Like Kazuma, he also compliments you when you change your appearance, changing your hairstyle or wearing different and nice clothes every time
You two do skin treatment together: he always claims your hands have the power to make his skin soft ("Only (Y/N) can touch my face! Only she has magic hands!")
He gives you everything you want: have you seen a nice hairpin? You'll find it in your room. Have you expressed your desire for a dress? It'll be yours immediately
He forces his subordinates to have their hair or make-up done whenever you want poor Jorge
When he can (once a day), he gives you a stuffed animal
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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doubleca5t · 2 years
Bored tumblr radfem here to take the bait- What kind of gender feelings were you having? Magical ineffable girly feelings about wanting to wear spinny dresses and play with dolls? You know what gender feelings I was having as a young woman- Feeling afraid of the men sexually assaulting me. Wanting to be seen as a whole human being with interests and ambitions. Alienation as a gnc lesbian which made me want to chop my tits off. Those are the gender feelings I had. Very curious to hear about yours
Ok to answer your question, the gender feelings I was getting from since I was a little kid were along the lines of:
"I wish I could have been born a girl, I don't really like being a boy that much"
"women's clothes are so much better than than men's clothes, I wish I was a girl so I could wear them"
"My female friends kind of act like I'm 'one of the girls' but my male friends never treat me like I'm 'one of the guys'. I like this arrangement. I don't want to fit in with the boys."
"I wish my face was more androgynous and I wasn't as tall, that way I could dress up as a girl and everyone would be totally convinced"
"I can't stand romance stories. Unless it's a romance between two girls. Those rule. Really wish there were more of them 😔"
"I love women but I don't really relate to how cishet men talk about women. For some reason I *really* relate to how lesbians and bisexual women talk about women though."
I think you get the idea.
With that out of the way, there's kind of a second question underlying your initial question which is "what the fuck do you think is so fun about being a woman? being a woman is fucking terrible." And I think that question is worth answering as well since it's probably something a lot of people are legitimately curious about.
The short answer is that, in my experience, "womanhood" as a concept is broad and varried enough that different people are going to get different things out of it, and while all women are oppressed and traumatized by patriarchy, the way they process that trauma is VERY far from uniform.
I know lots of cis women who've been through similar things to what this anon has described, but they haven't come out of it with nearly the same perspective. They recognize that just because *they* can never be comfortable with the role that society prescribed to them, that doesn't mean that no one else can or should be comfortable with that role. They recognize that you can take joy in the aesthetics and performance of a lot of things that are stereotypically feminine while still asserting your value as a person and refusing to put up with patriarchal bullshit. And perhaps most importantly, they recognize that the notion that someone can choose their gender is not contradictory to the idea that people should not be forced into a rigidly defined gender role. There are a lot of trans men who want to look like femboys or dress like flamboyant glam-rockers. There are a lot of trans women who don't give a shit about fashion or makeup and just want to be comfortable, or aspire to look like a capital d Dyke.
And like.... Idk isn't there something freeing about that? The idea that you can be whatever gender you want in whatever way you want, patriarchy be damned. That seems like the kind of world I want to live in.
So yeah anon, I understand why you view womanhood the way you do. For someone with your experiences, it makes a lot of sense. But I don't think your perspective has to be mutually exclusive to mine. I want to live in a world where women aren't forced to present a certain way from birth, don't live in constant fear of abuse and assault by men, and aren't belittled and marginalized at every turn. I just happen to also think that the idea of biologically determined gender is just as much bullshit as the idea of systemically enforced gender roles.
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tibbythetiger · 7 months
Hello friendsssss! We have an official tag on AO3, we’ve all grown so much in just a few days. Amazing work all around! 
I’m just dishing out some general HCs today! Hopefully, I can actually get the time to turn my main DreamTheory meeting as coworkers at Sparky’s into a real fic soon! 
Both of them enjoy their height difference greatly. Mike usually hates feeling smaller or shorter than people, but he’s never met someone as genuine and nice as Ness so it doesn’t bother him, and makes him feel kinda safe. Ness just loves his pocket-sized boyfriend. 
I know someone else has already said this, but Ness with freckles!!!! Ness with freckles is so very important to me. I think they’re super light during most of the winter, but once it gets warmer and the sun comes out they’re fairly noticeable. Mike likes to kiss each one he can find, it always makes Ness laugh. 
I know we all agree that Ness is Conspiracy Boyfriend, and I agree! I think he particularly loves those paranormal ghost-hunting shows that were super popular back in 00’s, and he’s a HUGE Unsolved Mysteries fan. When he’s looking to get the same thrill but looking for more fictional media, he loves the Twilight Zone. 
Mike makes a mean grilled cheese and tomato soup, this is in part because it’s Abby’s favorite food and he decided if he had to make anything really well it would be this. Ness actually doesn’t like grilled cheese, but Abby talked it up so much he gave it a try and he ended up really liking it. It is one of Mike’s proudest moments. 
I think Ness is really good with kids, he seems to me the type that was the oldest cousin at parties. (This is just projection), so he’s used to having younger kids following him around and having to keep them entertained. While he’s used to it, he’s really genuine and loves doing it. He’s always overjoyed to hang out with Abby, and she adores him because of it. 
Ness and Mike cannot draw to save their lives! They are horrible at it, Abby likes to hold “drawing classes” where she tries to show them how she makes her masterpieces. Ness always tries hard, but it’s just not his strong suit. 
They are the couple that slow dances in the kitchen or living room. Mike is always reluctant about it, he’s fairly paranoid at romantic gestures, and he’s always scared someone will see them, but he always enjoys it when Ness convinces him it’s okay. Abby thinks it’s the most magical thing, so she draws the two of them as princes when they dance during a Disney movie night.  
Ness absolutely tells Mike and Abby stories to help them sleep. They both think he has the most soothing voice, Ness just loves being able to help them, sometimes he’ll even sing to them, but he’s still really shy about it. 
I think Ness really loves listening to musical soundtracks, but he’s also a pop girly through and through, like, he loves Kelly Clarkson, Paris Hilton, and Brittany Spears. Meanwhile, Mike doesn’t listen to music super often, he usually lets Abby or Ness pick. Otherwise, I feel like he’s really into grunge or early rock. He listens to Nirvana sure, but also Radio Head. (I also think he’s a very big Weezer fan) 
I think Mike is a big writer, he started journaling to help him take note of his dreams/memories of Garrett, then really leaned into it once his parents were out of the picture since he didn’t really have anyone else to turn to to vent. Sometimes he can be a little poetic, and he’ll write lil notes to Ness and leave them in his apron or pockets for him to find later. 
Ness thinks this is simply the cutest thing he’s ever seen actually, and attempts to do the same thing. He’s a little cheesier, and are usually filled with lil hearts and things doodled around them, but he sticks them on the mirror or on Mike’s alarm clock. Mike saves everyone he finds and slowly they start to cover the walls in his bedroom. 
The three of them cannot have board game nights. They are all waaaay too competitive, and the last time they played Uno and Ness won, Mike pouted so much and Abby locked herself in her room. They settle for movie nights or puzzles when they’re doing things the three of them. 
When Abby first starts dabbling in painting her nails, she practices on Ness and Mike. Eventually Ness and Abby usually just have matching nails, Ness doesn’t let the looks he gets bother him any. 
Abby absolutely knows they’re dating, Mike tries not to keep secrets from her, especially after the debacle of Freddy’s, and what happened with the Aunt. She’s too young, so she doesn’t get why people are weird about it, but she understands enough that she can’t tell anyone that Mike and Ness are dating. When she does talk about them, most people assume Ness is a girl, just because of his name. Abby just stops correcting people, the only person outside of them who knows is Abby’s therapist(?), but she supports Mike so it’s not really an issue. 
Ness loves stealing Mike’s sweaters and coats, they’re so much bulkier than the ones that Ness buys himself, so they’re so comfortable. In the winter, he’ll steal them and wear them to work or around the house. Mike grumbles and pretends he cares, but he thinks Ness looks cute in them. 
Ness has the worst road rage, Mike is both horribly amused and terrified of this when it occurs. Ness always apologizes afterward usually followed up by an “If people could just learn how to drive, I swear to GOD”  
Mike and Abby will go into Sparky’s when Ness is working just to get desert and to see him. Most of the employees at Sparky’s know there’s something going on between Ness and Mike, but they all let it remain unspoken. It seems like everyone is taking good care of each other, so no one decides to interfere.  
Well, that’s all I have for now! I’m really loving seeing everything everyone is putting out, and getting to read everyone’s work and see their art is amazing!
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starsnsparkles · 1 month
i was so excited for the new winx reboot sneak peak i kind of forgot to write down my initial thoughts so here it is (i’m so curious on how this opinion of mine will hold up once the show comes out!!)
first impressions - i actually really like it!
look, i love 2d animation just as the next guy, but i don’t think we’re ever getting back the s1-s4 animation (2d animation from s5-onwards was SO stiff and jarring looking, huge no thank you), and if that’s the case, i think the 3d style that they went for in the reboot is one of the better solutions for it.
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it’s vibrant! it’s colourful! it’s giving “magical girls”! it just looks aesthetically pleasing! also i’m OBSESSED with the way they animate their hair, especially bloom’s, it’s giving “bratz series” level of eyegasm hair animation for me. so getting this after the moody, edgy, dramatic “fate: the winx saga” tone set in, i am so relieved we are going back to our roots babeey!! (now here’s to hoping that animation doesn’t tank as the series goes on like how miraculous ladybug is animated by like, 2 different studios and then one episode feels amazing and the other is “hm”)
now for bloom:
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her iconic bangs are back baby!! i love how they translated them into 3d without them being too uncanny. the outfit is very cute, but can we PLEASE stop putting bloom in pink?? one of her major appeals as a main character in a girly show was that she wasn’t a pink lead! and blue works so well with her colour palette of red hair & blue/turquoise eyes it’s just aaaaah! replace the pink parts with blue and she’s perfect. (tbh these are still wip, so it could change!)
i’m still warming up to the idea of denim leg warmers though, they look weird to me now (will probably get used to them) but they kind of go with her character, because it looks likeee our bloom s1-s3 personality is back!!!!!! I’M SO HAPPYYY like YES!!! i missed her for a DECADE
next up is mitzi!
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they nailed her design imo. she looks like original mitzi, but she also feels like a proper, “updated” version of her look. modern, but not too modern so she’s stuck in the era, but also retains the character of og mitzi. overall, no complaints on my part, only praises!
and then we have the new logo!
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IT’S JUST DOING THINGS TO ME IDK it feels so pleasing to the eye?? the purple to orange gradient is just right, the pink is sprinkled in just right and the blues are there to accent it, it’s just. SO AESTHETICALLY PLEASING to me it truly does feel like a natural update on the og winx logo. it’s amazing!!
and if their transformation is the one originally leaked in 2021?? i think it’s on a very good path to being a great reboot! now i’m still really trying to keep my hopes as low as possible, because rarely do i watch a reboot of a beloved series and think it’s on par or better than the og (actually, only shera really comes to mind…), but! i am liking what i’m seeing! i choose to trust mister straffi on this one!!
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day Six
Paul and Linda: walk in. Me: Panics in bisexual
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He’s so weird. He’s been carrying her purse, gives it back, then tries to change his mind again and the look she gives him. ‘You’re very cute, but I can carry my shit.’ 
But the “Linda’s a cameraman.” Rare Paul feminism moment. Slow clap.
And then instantly, “I’d better go and put in some piano practice.” You fucking addict. Linda, what are you getting yourself into, girly?
“Actually, we’re going on a farm in Scotland.” “I’d love to find a . . . a farm.” I wonder at what point he showed it to her. So far, they’ve done the dirty weekend in LA, Christmas in Liverpool and Portugal, a stay in New York, and now London. Have they done the Mull of Kintyre at this point? Oh, boy. Today might be the Paul and Linda show for me, folks :/
Why does she look like a loving mom watching her daughter’s dance audition? 
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Paul taking Mal’s advice on “Standing” VS “Waiting” 
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“I feel the most relaxed around Ring.” Linda/Paul/Ringo threesome fic when?
Ringo again with the EXCELLENT taste in jackets. That blue is So pretty. With the black velvet collar. Immaculate. 
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“There’s enough obstacles without putting them in the song” is the most Paul quote ever. It’s like his artistic mission statement. The surface read of Paul’s songs is that they’re just these weightless, meaningless, pretty nothings. But the real read (part of) is that they’re meant as comforters, bolsterers, flashlights, and silver linings. 
He does love a good pair of hands, doesn’t he?
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He really is showing off for her, though, here. When Linda hasn’t been here, has Paul ever just sat down at the piano and run through all his new songs? Not even close. And it’s so immature and so lovely.
“It was like a comedy, when I heard it.” Proceeds to sing some of the most heavy, blue lyrics. The above comment on Paul’s music notwithstanding, I must admit there are also extreme levels of emotional repression going on. 
“Castle of the King of the Birds”!!!!!!! First of all, who is the "king of the birds" if not Paul McCartney? It’s so extremely beautiful. Achingly so. When I fist heard it, I was like “where have I heard that before?” and when Peter Jackson pointed out that it’s the Top Gun theme? How many songs out there are actually Paul McCartney’s illegitimate children? Like, be Lennon/McCartney with me, for a minute here, and translate this sexual metaphor into musical terms. Paul just jerks it a bit, and before he can even finish, about ten people are pregnant from a drop of his precum and ten magical star children are born who he has no idea of. Does that make any kind of sense at all to anyone?
Honestly love the political version of get back. And clearly so does Yoko. That’s the most I’ve seen her get into a song they’ve written, like, ever. Hey, guys. I have an idea. Maybe you should ask the actual immigrant for ideas on your pro-immigration song. Just a thought. 
 When you’re trying to flirt with your new GF but your ex keeps making you giggle
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A vignette of Lennon/McCartney’s writing process. Paul: trying to make up some lyrics. John: makes a joke lyric. Paul: puts it in and it works better than what he had. John: 
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John: I’ll be taking me shirt off. Paul: definitely not picturing it at all
Okay but my hot take is that the first two verses at least of “Came in through the bathroom window” are a diss track at Jane. Seriously though, it’s got to be one of my many underrated favs to come out of these sessions. Also, they’re so in love doing this one, my heart can’t take it. 
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“This isn’t daddy’s tea, is it?” And Yoko just, without skipping a beat, says, “No.” Girl, I know he’s the one calling you mommy in bed, don’t lie. 
It’s the mutual caring of it all, you know? How he’s sitting in her lap while playing with her hair. How he makes her laugh and she buries her face in his tummy. Gosh, she’s gonna love that tummy for almost thirty years. And while the breakup is heartbreaking, isn’t that lovely to think about? 
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George, you should’ve made a Bob Dylan cover album. He sounds sooo pretty. 
Ah, yes. The “Just Let it Be, love. He’s not going to leave you.” Dream Song. Which John does not look enthusiastic about. And then it becomes “Well, you said he wouldn’t leave me, mama. But, you know, he went and did it.”
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Peter Jackson, WHERE is that Linda/Yoko dish session audio, you absolute monster! Those are Not small-talk faces. Would I rather listen to what they’ve got to say than hear one of the twentieth century’s greatest masterpieces come to be? Yes. Yes, I would.
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tikvin · 2 months
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Durge girlies infodump ✨
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Bard+vengeance paladin (I call it "got her powers out of sheer hate". Also dialogs of those classes are most fitting for her. She's also not classic Bard tho, doesn't have instrument either)
Is one of the most uncanny looking durges, but you only notice if you look at her for more than a moment and think about it more than a minute. The more you look at her the more strange things you start to notice. The streaks on corners of her mouth with time will reveal to be a wide mouth, unhinging jaw. Hair color and eyes that are not natural for drow. Slightly longer limbs, all that.
However she's a very charismatic person and averts the attention from the details easily enough. She's cunning, knows when to observe silently and when to speak. She's not a prying type, but very perceptive of emotions of others.
Eshra is in romance w/ Astarion, and Eshra detected his lies very soon, but kept quiet about it, playing along and waiting to see where it goes.
Eshra doesn't have anything against killing, however the real joy she gets is from killing those who think they are the shit. Bringing down prideful and strong chars to pathetic death (favourably in most dishonouroful way) is quite the delight of her life. She tries to avert her urges from the unreasonable (to anyone sane) targets to someone strong. She's also smart enough to dig for reasons to kill, Kahga being the best example. Eshra had an urge to just watch the little girl die.Fotr the fist time such urge concerned her, the itch of the urge would not stop if she just ignores it, so she redirects it to someone "bad" in the room, that being Kahga. She digs for reasons to kill and does so, without even trying to make Kahga change her mind.
Eshra also at first "saved" Lae'zel only to wait and dig for a reason to kill her. Eshra attacks Minthara almost instantly, because Minthara is smart and quickly notices something isn't right with her, and Eshra feels thretened by Minthara's prying. She would prefer her to stay silent, silent for eternity.
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Wild magic sorcerer
I headcanon her to be a very masterful before the amnesia and losing the control after, requiring help of Gale to try and control it (and that's how they get married lmao). She actually might have turned a bit dumber after amnesia.
Jericho is the most determined to stop the urges and most disgusted by her deeds among my durges. She's also a bit cowardly when it comes to her past, so she doesn't pry too much into it, afraid of what she might find. She also the one to believe Emperor. She's a bit wary, but doesn't see Orpheus helping them (the mountain pass was skipped on account of lore reasons, absence of Lae'zel, cuz after reading the discs of Orpheus there's just no reason keep Emperor alive. I will be playing again with Lae'Zel present, so Jericho would free Orpheus, cuz she'd trust Lae'Zel. Which one is canon I will decide after)
After the game events she recognizes her cowardice, and now feeling much more secure in loving and peaceful environment, she does her best to research bhaalspawn and everything about it to help prevent tragedies. Also the only girlie who is a bit bummed that she must avoid having biological children, but she's dutiful enough to recognize that responsibility.
Also the softest among durges, maybe because she got hit in the head the hardest lol, the one who truly starts a completely new and different life after the incident.
Oh, and she's 100% sure Tara doesn't like her, if not hate her
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Assasin rogue+fighter.
Very much not a real githyanki and avoids actual githyanki, while simultaneously pretending to be one when it's convenient. With her I'm planning multiple play throughs btw, current one is without Lae'Zel, other will be with her and another with her being Tav.
She's also not concerned much with her urges, or her memories ("eh, I'm a rogue, I doubt I had much to care about anyway"). Obnoxiously smart mouthed, nonchalant, sometimes unintentionally rude. "Heh, yea, I'm a swamp elf". She hides her face usually, pretending to be whatever other race people might mistake her for.
Much like Eshra, Thalissa enjoys killing those who are oh so full of themselves
But she also actually enjoys being around "goodie two shoes" characters, because she likes to poke fun and make them just a bit annoyed, also secretly hoping their "goodiness" will rub off on her a bit, to quiet down the bloodlust.
Thalissa as a Tav is still the "chill and easy going gith". A githyanki who escaped strict military life and lives in material plane, because she enjoys it way more, even if often faced with prejudice.
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Very temperamental, openly rude, but not in an elegant way like drows are usually, more barbarian like actually. She might have a bit of a anger issues and it's relatively easy to set her off.
Not the smartest one, not book wise at least.
Not very concerned for cultural things either. "Blah blah blah, balance, rules, boooring, are we fighting or what?"
She is also the one who gets concerned only when her urges start targeting children, but brush them off to kid being annoying and the urge being an intrusive thought. She genuinely tries to be "the friendly drow", but the moment she hears something rude with "you're a drow" reasoning she just can't keep her tongue back, which then doesn't help her making her case lol. You get approximately 3 sentences to make her like you, cus that how long it takes for her to decide (however, in certain cases she might get mad that you don't like her and make it her mission to make you her friend)
She's also not too concerned about memory loss, she undermines her "condition" until it takes grave turn, then she's scared, but too prideful to admit it, until, yet again, it gets in dangerous area (act 2)
That would be it for now, just a bit of general info about the girlies. If you have your favorite, feel free to ask about them, I'd love to answer, I've been keeping the lore for a long time
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marumarielle · 2 months
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐃𝐑 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 (𝟎𝟎𝟏)
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๋࣭ ⭑⚝ regarding this post of mine, I really just made a compilation for funsies. Also. this is not proofread. I'm just rambling here. Most of these details are things I scripted in and I'm excited to experience them tw: none, just messy grammar here and there
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my mcu aesthetic
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-I actually don't live in the Avenger's Compound/Tower (depending on the era) -Your girlie here lives in the Sanctum Sanctorum -Wong and Dr Strange are my mentors -I can look at the eclipse directly because I can't get blinded by it -Being in Kamar-Taj isn't actually hot, it's pretty breezy to cold depending on the season. But. it also depends on how thick your clothes are. -ALSO, since Kamar-Taj is in Nepal, YOU JUST KNOWWWW I eat a whole lot of Panipuri and Momo (Wong would buy some for me if he's in a good mood) -I made Mordo plus Nightmare the villian instead of Wanda (HIS VILLAIN ARC WAS ROBBED FROM US GRRR) -DR STRANGE FIOEFCWGIUHVJDOIS -Lolol Cloak loves me -I scripted in a whole new school into the MCU because I'm rich (i'm tired of being broke....) -I created my own superhero clothes (Like, actually handmade. No machines or anything.) -I don't go out to fight crime a lot (NYC has a freakton of heroes already, they can do it themselves LMAO) -My room in Kamar-Taj (yes i have a room despite living in the Sanctum) has a window that overlooks the city because yes. -No kidding, the training it takes to be a full fledged sorcerer is like training to be a Navy Seal but with magic because WHAT THE HELL THESE SPELLS ARE DIFFICULT. AND I GOTTA LEARN COMBAT TOO???? -Ofc I gotta be friends with Peter Parker. Oh! And Aunt May loves me -And ofc I'm overpowered -Dr Strange as a mentor is pretty nerve wracking at times -He hates people who are late (ahem.... me) -But he is patient. Just strict. -He'd do his rounds around Kamar-Taj to make sure there aren't lingering or loitering students -Someone give this man a break, he's out there in the multiverse doing the most -Idk where tf this guy places his bluetooth or if it's magic because wherever you are in the Sanctum you could hear his playlist (it can go to those 80s rock to classical music. But, I'm trying to get him to like Laufey---)
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Dear God, I did all of this in one sitting.... BUT I WANNA DO IT AGAINN!
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