#task: 058
imachaoticghost · 5 months
Book of Karma : Prologue
Word count : 1, 058 words
Pairings : none, gender fluid! AFAB! gn! reader
TW: Canon typical violence, may be OOC, canon divergence, reader is referred by their "persona" Athena, reader is referred twice as a girl, no beta we die like men, gun mention
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The steady stream of people flowed, some walking quietly, some hurrying, some standing, and all going about their day, oblivious to anything else. Oblivious to the sniper watching them, to the rifle pointed at their heads. It made me chuckle, how unaware they were of their surroundings. With a sigh I stood and put the rifle in its case, opening the roof door and sliding down the stairs’ railing. After all I was bound to be nothing but a child they said. In my previous 17 years of life I had never had fun; it was my time to catch up on that. I was set on making the most of my new found freedom. I wasn’t about to let anyone tell me what to do.
But once I reached the end of the spiral stairs my giddiness faded to be replaced by a simple stern expression. I pulled my hood over my face and fixed my long wig underneath it, thinking about how I would soon have to move again. I was always either running from The Program or the authorities. I found it to be such a shame; Amsterdam was quite the beautiful city.
I was walking calmly when something, or rather someone, caught my eye. A tall blonde man had just walked past me. To anyone else it would’ve seemed completely normal, nothing about him stood out to people. But to me he was a nightmare, a tall, handsome, dangerous nightmare. To me he meant that the Program had already caught up to me, a lot sooner than I thought. I may not be good at remembering people, but I had made sure to never forget their faces.
The gears started turning in my head as I started making a plan, if I ran now I would look suspicious. I hoped he hadn’t actually noticed me, but mostly that he was here for another mission than catching me. So I kept walking towards my current safe house.
On my rush home I ended up hitting what I thought was a wall in the middle of the street but ended up being just a muscular man. When I looked up to apologize I noticed the bucket hat and the kind smile, but also the dog tags hanging from his neck. And when I looked back down I noticed the gun on his hip and military stance, confirming my suspicions. I quickly marked him as a threat in my mind: Bucket hat man: Level two threat.
After finally apologizing I looked back at my feet and kept walking towards the safe house. I finally reached it and slammed the door open, throwing my rifle and bag on the floor and taking a deep breath. I then rushed to open my laptop and buy a ticket to Berlin, picking one of my fake ID’s. If I wanted to move, I had to move quickly. I grabbed my bag and threw my clothes and food in it.
Once the ticket was downloaded I snapped my laptop closed, took another deep breath, slid one of my guns in the inside of my waistband, put my laptop in my bad, grabbed it all and left silently, leaving an empty house in which, seemingly, no one ever lived in.
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The team sat in front of Laswell, all with different levels of attention but at least some. “Your mission is to retrieve The Reaper alive before-” She checked the file and grimaced, a gender fluid shape shifting (AN: we all know we’re shape shifters) target was the last thing they needed, with them already being an elite spy it made the task more difficult. “…they…fall on enemy hands, in this case Russian. Our Intel says they’ve been spotted in a plane to Berlin; let’s hope they’re planning on staying there. It also says that they move every four days, so you need to be quick. As far as we’re aware they have stayed always in European and Asian continent.”
She threw the file on the table, sliding it towards the Captain. “Name: Unknown, presumed: Athena Noctet, Age: Unknown, Gender: Fluid, Sex: Female, She’s an administrative ghost. The only thing we have about them is a presumed name, but even that changes every now and then. They’re a headache, and you have the honour of trying to catch them. Alive.” She insisted on that point. They needed the Reaper alive no matter what.
When he opened the file he was amused by the amount of emptiness in it. There was no image and a hell lot of unknowns. He was also amused by the amount of censure on the translated Russian document. They talked about birth and modifications but any detail on it was blacked out. He flipped more papers on random information until he noticed an envelope of pictures. He emptied it on the table for his team to see and immediately recognized the face of the girl he bumped with in Amsterdam, when he was following the blonde Huntsman.
“They look young” He noticed.
“Don’t let their appearance fool you. They might be young but I can assure you their mind is well beyond their age.” She warned.
He continued flipping through the pictures, they were mostly security footage or drone pictures and their face was generally covered. Apart from a signature amused smile always plastered in their expression. In one they were sitting in a café in Paris, a cap over their eyes. In another one, still in the same place, they were raising their drink towards the camera in a sort of mocking greeting.
Two other pictures caught his eye. One where they were at a party, luxurious and revealing dress on and hands all over an older man’s body .One of her hands was deep in the man’s pocket and in the next image they stood proudly, waving the wallet they had taken to the camera. The second one was the only one where they were dressed in an expensive suit, hair cut short, makeup accentuating their masculine features but still the same sharp cat eyeliner. If Price didn’t know better he would think that this picture had no reason to be there with the others, but the glint in their eyes and the smile they wore only belonged to them. Their fluidity was bound to be a problem.  
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empresskadia · 3 months
May I request 2 with Linda-058?
2. "There are a lot of things that I didn't think were possible before you."
The click on the rifle echoed around the semi-quiet space, it was the only sign that Linda was still paying attention to you between practice targets. Her gaze remained steadfast, fixed ahead, yet the occasional glint of green in her eyes betrayed that she was listening intently. “Life’s strange, isn’t it? The things that are possible, and the ones that aren’t,” the words slipped from your mouth without much thought.
Life was indeed strange.
Especially for the Spartan IIs. Abducted at a tender age to become super soldiers, Linda had rarely spoken about her past, and it always surprised Kelly-089 when you brought up things that Linda had shared during a quiet night together.
She adjusted her stance slightly, the rifle snug against her shoulder, but didn't respond. Instead, she fired another shot, the crack of the bullet echoing off the walls. The target downrange took a direct hit, a perfect bullseye. You watched her in silence for a moment, trying to get a read on her thoughts.
Everyone had assured you that this was an impossible task, much like the idea of asking the loner Spartan out. And yet, here you were, partners in life.
"Kelly's always surprised when I tell her the things you share with me," you said softly, trying to bridge the gap of silence. "It's like she can't believe you've opened up to anyone."
Another shot rang out, another bullseye. Linda’s focus didn’t waver, and you half-expected her to keep shooting, but instead, she leaned back and turned her head in your direction. There was a softness in her eyes when they met yours. 
Her partner. 
Her chosen. 
The thought almost made her smile; Kelly would surely tease her if she knew. "There are a lot of things that I didn't think were possible before you.” She admitted, deftly ejecting the spent round from the rifle and sliding a fresh one into place.
You felt a warmth spread through you, despite the chill of the training room. "Same here," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Life's full of surprises."
Linda nodded, a faint smile gracing her own lips before she turned back to the targets ahead. Yes, life was indeed full of surprises. Perhaps John was considered the luckiest of the Spartan IIs, but in the world of relationships and personal emotions, realms they were never trained for, Linda-058 considered herself lucky to have you as her guide. What a delightful snag she never expected. 
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curio-queries · 5 months
Run BTS: 058 | BTS Chef part 2
Original Air Date: 08 JAN 2019 Episode Length: 33:17 Total Parts: 2 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Idol
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Synopsis: Continuation of the previous part. The guys are now cooking their assigned dishes.
Production: This episode honestly feels too chaotic for me. The coverage is cramped and there are a lot of shots where the audience isn't really directed where to focus their eyes even with the audio cues. This is an easy one for the casual watcher to get lost in purely due to the production and not because of a complex concept.
Endearment: The guys themselves seem a bit affected by the chaos. They either don't get great screentime because they're focusing on the task at hand or it's hammed up (I'm looking at you RM and Hobi!)
Winner: RM, YG, JH
Loser: JM, V
Best Cheater: I'm so tempted to list RM and Hobi for getting EVERYONE to help them with their only assingment, but I think I'll actually choose Jimin and V for the salt in Suga's drink. Our wonderful little slytherin.
Member Moments:
RM: RM and Hobi starting off hot with thinking a salad spinner is a blender. bless their hearts
JN: Jin, thank goodness you were babysitting the 94z and stopped them from using the other team's pasta as garlic!
YG: Again, my favorite aspect of Yoongi's personality: his quiet confidence. he just does what he needs to and isn't bothered by the chaos around him.
JH: Hobi literally getting Jin to help them strip the basil leaves 🤣😂😆
JM: Jimin is absolutely demonstrating his competence this episode as well.
V: Ah, V waiting most of the episode for the water to boil.
JK: JK, ever the helpful maknae
Bonus Content: Great moments, explains quite a bit of what we only got hints of in the episode.
CQ Rank: 3
(CQ Eval Date: 26 MAR 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 057
Next Episode: 059
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Indira Varma, born 1973, Indian, Swiss, Italian Genoese similar faces: Rodrigo Santoro note: avatars for @taskweekly’s TASK 007: ASIAN FACECLAIMS, TASK 016:  AGE DIVERSITY, TASK 058: INDIA
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helix-enterprises117 · 8 months
Halo Reloaded: Fancy
Under the opulent chandeliers of one of Earth's most exclusive dining establisments, members of Blue-Team and Silver-Team gathered at a high-end restaurant, one that catered to the elite. Yet tonight, it played host to Earth's mightiest defenders. John-117, having secured their reservation, was no stranger to the perks of his status within the UNSC. His commendations and heroic deeds had not only earned him respect but also a considerable amount of wealth, which he seldom flaunted but tonight decided to share with his comrades. The dining table was a battleground of culinary delights, yet the approach to the feast laid bare the contrasts among Earth's finest. The Spartan men, including John, Vannak-134, and Fred-104, dissected their meals with the same precision they applied to enemy fortifications. Each bite was calculated, a nod to their ingrained discipline, their plates curated to fuel their bodies with exacting efficiency.Opposite this display of restraint, the Spartan women—Kelly-087, Linda-058, and Kai-125—embarked on a culinary offensive that would leave the chefs in awe and the cutlery trembling. Their plates were heaped with delicacies, each morsel disappearing as if into the void of slip-space, only to be replaced by more.Kelly, with a glint of mischief in her eyes, glanced at John. "You weren't kidding about this place," she said, her voice a vibrant echo in the hush of luxury. "The food's fantastic. Who knew the hero of humanity had such a taste for the finer things?" Her plate, a once orderly arrangement of haute cuisine, now resembled a battlefield post-assault.John, maintaining the composure of a seasoned commander, even in the face of Kelly's teasing, simply nodded, allowing himself the shadow of a smile. "Hey, just because we can survive on MREs doesn't mean we have to," he quipped, his tone light, a rare indulgence in the levity of the moment. Linda's contribution was less verbal, her focus primarily on the art of vanquishing her steak, a task she undertook with sniper-like precision. Yet, her occasional, amused glances towards Kai—who was practically inhaling a dish that had been described with at least three French adjectives—spoke volumes of her dry wit. Kai, for her part, paused just long enough to cast a challenging look around the table, her expression daring anyone to comment. When no one did, she dove back into her meal with renewed vigor, a whirlwind of culinary devastation that defied the serene elegance of their surroundings. Vannak-134 watched the scene unfold with an expression of bemused admiration. "I'm startin' to think there's some competition here," he observed, his voice a low murmur intended for Fred's ears alone. Fred chuckled softly. "If there is, I'm content to concede victory to them. This ain't a fight we're able to win." His gaze lingered on the women, his amusement tinged with a hint of pride. Their conversation meandered through tales of past exploits and shared challenges, the camaraderie palpable in the air around them. For a brief interlude, they were not the galaxy's guardians but simply friends, reveling in the joy of each other's company. As the evening drew to a close, John's gaze swept over his team, a sense of contentment settling over him. Rising from their seats, they stepped back into the night, the memory of the evening a light against the darkness of their relentless crusade. But for those few hours, they had been unconquerable in a different arena, champions of camaraderie and the simple, profound joy of breaking bread together.
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yournightowl · 2 months
Your Nightowl #058
i'm gonna go ahead and assume we're all on the same page here: ( ̄ε ̄@) We know our countries are at war with each other; they just do it through proxies and secondaries and guerrillas and spies instead of tanks and riflemen. It's hellish, accepting that people are going to fight and die for causes they don't believe in, directed by people who don't care about them, and all of its not even going to get a proper label in the history books.
But that's where we're at.(ง ื▿ ื)ว
What's less clear is where the divide lies between nations playing checkers with smaller nations as the pieces and Corporations playing chess with superpowers as their pawns.
The State is powerful, powerful enough to hide whatever it wants from whoever it cares to But the State is also big, and still analog in a lot of places. There are paper trails for every unsavory task they've ever ordered, even if they'll probably remain buried under the sands of filing cabinets until the sun goes cold.
Megs are different- Younger. Not quite as all-powerful (y'know, in terms of stockpiled bombs), but also not as restricted. So when they want to go to war with one another, they don't have to sing songs about peacekeeping or stability
They just send in the Consultants.▓▒░(°◡°)░▒▓
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That's what they're called, apparently. Dryworkers or Dockworkers are also code for it, according to my research, but those terms might be falling out of use. It's dumb,(╬ Ò﹏Ó) having to use codenames on your business cards, but i guess you can't just put "corporate espionage" on your resume either.
Which probably looks something like
-2 years destabilizing foreign governments -1 year derailing non-foreign government opposition -2.5 years misting peoples heads in the jungles around the equator -proficient in pitching
i wonder, of the two, who gets the nicer bronze umbrella? Who's more fun at parties? Government spies can at least say they "serve their country" Corporate spies just have to count on people being able to read between the lines
┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌i imagine that which path you choose depends what you're more afraid of: A court martial and jail time or breaking NDA and getting sued into oblivion
You end up in the same place, if you really do go bankrupt.(O.O) Attempting to scratch tally marks in a fairly comfortable prison cell wall made of an alloy you can't pronounce Glad that you're not homeless But missing home (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥)
Maybe i'm being too soft. Lots of people enlist in order to get a start on their career But to go straight into Consulting
You'd have to be pretty goddamn coldblooded.
loafing off in the crows' nest, your nightowl
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shinxeysartgallery · 1 year
Made some new Murder Drones OCs because I felt like it. lol Gonna drop lore about them beneath the cut a bit later in this post so you don't have to scroll through the entire thing if you don't care.
Anyway, here's my boy Topaz and his "pet" Sentinel that he named Ella.
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And now for the information cut. :)
Topaz (otherwise known as #058): One of many drones being experimented on in the labs and subsequently abandoned after the core collapse. He scavenged pieces of the drone corpses littering the labs and fashioned them into various tools and weapons, which he then used to escape. After escaping, he was met with a Sentinel patrolling the waters outside the camp, which then broke through the ice to attack him. After damaging the beast's sensors, he learned that it was confusing him as its master and took advantage of that, officially "taming" it. He set up a hideout a ways away from the camp where he began to hoard "treasures" and he uses his new pet both as transportation and to guard his hideout from intruders. Unironically thinks he's a pirate. A bit paranoid and unstable of a person and very protective of his possessions. Very resourceful and likes to create/build things.
Ella (also known by her SN: 3745-009): A model of Sentinel tasked with guarding the waters around the camp in the event that drones escaped from the labs. Went dormant after the core collapse due to the thick layer of ice over the water. Topaz accidentally woke her up during his escape and she attacked him, though wound up injured in the process. Her sensors were damaged during the fight and now she thinks he's her master so she follows him around. He gave her a few slight modifications to her body using parts from the drone corpses to make travel easier for her. Her personality is much like that of a puppy and she enjoys being told she's done a good job. She dutifully guards Topaz's hideout and transports him places on her back. Very protective of Topaz. She also has one of Topaz's swords embedded in the middle of her head to keep her "Medusa lights" (the flash that causes the bootloop) from re-activating (the sword strike damaged it to where it was unusable). Her eyes are usually green, but turn red when in attack mode.
And then for funsies, here's a rough size comparison between the two!
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She beez a BEEG gorl.
Though Topaz is also a bit on the smaller side lole
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rotanawrites · 2 years
Click the source link to find a downloadable gif pack of #30 gifs of Indian actress Alaya Furniturewalla  (1997) better known as Alaya F. She’s Parsi Indian / Punjabi Indian, Haryanvi Indian, and Bengali Indian  so cast her repsectfully!
If you find these useful, consider buying me a coffee here, but these are available regardless.
These fit @tasksweekly​ tasks:  #003: Gifs, #058: India, #288: Parsis
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ovpwebnetwork · 11 months
Lulu Restaurant Group Recalls Chicken Products Due to Misbranding and Undeclared Allergens
FSIS Announcement
WASHINGTON, Nov. 10, 2023 – Lulu Restaurant Group, a Maryland Heights, Mo. establishment, is recalling approximately 621 pounds of fully-cooked chicken product due to misbranding and undeclared allergens, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. The product contains sesame oil, a known allergen, which is not declared on the product label.
The fully-cooked chicken product was produced on various dates between Oct. 27 and Nov. 8, 2023. The following product is subject to recall [view labels]:
16-oz. plastic trays containing “SISTER SISTER GENERAL TSO’S CHICKEN with FRIED RICE” and lot codes 11/07/23, 11/11/23, 11/17/23, 11/18/23, or 11/19/23 represented on the label.
The products subject to recall bear establishment number “P-754” inside the USDA mark of inspection. These items were shipped to retail locations in Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
The problem was discovered by FSIS inspection personnel during a verification task where they discovered that sesame oil was not included on the label.
There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to consumption of these products. Anyone concerned about an injury or illness should contact a healthcare provider.
FSIS is concerned that some product may be in consumers’ refrigerators or freezers. Consumers who have purchased these products are urged not to consume them. These products should be thrown away or returned to the place of purchase.
FSIS routinely conducts recall effectiveness checks to verify recalling firms notify their customers of the recall and that steps are taken to make certain that the product is no longer available to consumers.
Consumers and members of the media with questions about the recall can contact Jenny Li, Lulu Restaurant Group, at [email protected].
Consumers with food safety questions can call the toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 888-MPHotline (888-674-6854) or send a question via email to [email protected]. For consumers that need to report a problem with a meat, poultry, or egg product, the online Electronic Consumer Complaint Monitoring System can be accessed 24 hours a day at https://foodcomplaint.fsis.usda.gov/eCCF/.
Product Images
Company Information
Fully Cooked - Not Shelf Stable
Company Contact Information
Lulu Restaurant Group
Jenny Li
FSIS Contact Information
Congressional and Public Affairs
Buck McKay
Last Updated: Nov 10, 2023
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alainasrph · 6 years
Under the cut you will find (#27) small (250x140) gifs of vlogger/Youtuber/Queen of Pettiness Lilly Singh / iiSuperwomanii (b. 1988) from her video “Trying to Be Friends With Your Ex”! Lilly is ethnically Punjabi Indian so be sure to take this into account. All gifs were made by me. Like or rb if using. Feel free to edit or crop as necessary but do not claim as your own. For @tasksweekly #058: India. (food, drink/alcohol cw)
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tasksweekly · 7 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 650+ Indian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Gopi Shankar Madurai (?) Indian - activist - Genderqueer.
Fox Fisher (?) “I am also mixed race. My mum was born in India and I’m proud of my heritage.” - writer and YouTuber - non-binary Trans.
Bindu (76) Indian - actress.
Beena Banerjee (74) Indian - actress.
Shakuntala Barua (70) Indian - actress.
Bharathi Vishnuvardhan (67) Indian - actress.
Nadira Babbar (69) Indian - actress.
Zeenat Aman (65) Indian - actress and model.
Deepti Naval (65) Indian - actress and artist.
Anandavally (65) Indian - actress and dubbing artist.
Chetana Das (62) Indian - actress.
Nafisa Ali (60) Indian - actress.  
Tina Ambani (60) Indian - actress.
Dimple Kapadia (60) Indian - actress.
Shoma Anand (59) Indian - actress.
Bharati Achrekar (59) Indian - actress.
Neelima Azeem (57) Indian - actress.
Poornima Bhagyaraj (57) Indian - actress.
Supriya Pathak! (56) Gujarati Indian - actress.
Rati Agnihotri (56) Indian - actress.
Tanvi Azmi (56) Indian - actress.
Ambika (55) Indian - actress.
Sakina Jaffrey (55) Punjabi Indian and Kayastha Indian - actress.
Sridevi Kapoor (54) Temil and Telugu Indian - actress.
Deepa Sahi (54) Indian - actress and producer.
Bhagyalakshmi (54) Indian - actress.
Anuradha (53) Indian - actress.
Ponnamma Babu (53) Indian - actress.
Chithra (52) Indian - actress.
Deepika Chikhalia (52) Indian - actress.
Sarita Choudhury (51) Bengali Indian / English - actress.
Madhuri Dixit (50) Indian - actress.
Bhanu Priya (50) Indian - actress.
Shagufta Ali (50) Indian - actress.  
Deepti Bhatnagar (49) Indian - actress.
mala Akkineni (48) Indian - actress.
Anu Aggarwal (48) Indian - actress and model.
Bhagyashree (48) Marathi Indian - actress.
Gretchen Barretto (47) Filipino (including Tagalog), some Portuguese, remote Maratha  Indian - actress.
Pooja Bedi (47) Indian - actress and host.
Sheeba Akashdeep (47) Indian - actress and model.
Gabrielle Anwar (47) Indian, Ashkenazi Jewish / English - actress.
Rozonda Ocelean Thomas also known as Chilli (46) Middle Eastern, East Indian, African American, possibly Native American - dancer, singer and actress.
Padma Lakshmi (46) Tamil Indian - actress and model.
Aishwarya (46) Indian - actress.
Madhu Sapre (46) Indian - model.
Ramya Krishnan (46) Telugu and Tamil Indian - actress.
Rozonda Thomas (46) Middle Eastern, East Indian, African American, possibly Native American - dancer, singer-songwriter, actress, and television personality.
Catarina Furtado (45) Portuguese, 1/8 Goan Indian - actress.
Archie Panjabi (45) Sindhi Indian - actress.
Mandira Bedi (45) Indian - actress and fashion designer.
Georgianna Robertson (45) African, East Indian and Scottish Jamaican - model and actress.
Lisa Ray (45) Bengali Indian and Polish - actress.
Beena Antony(45) Indian - actress.
Delnaaz Irani (44) Indian - actress.
Diana Hayden (44) Anglo-Indian- actress.
Indira Varma (43) Indian / Swiss, Italian Genoese - actress.
Aishwarya Rai (43) Tuluva Indian - actress and model.
Rachel Roy (43) Bengali Indian / Frisian, Dutch - fashion designer.
Marjorie Barretto (43) Filipino (including Tagalog), some Portuguese, remote Maratha Indian - actress.
Aamani (43) Indian - actress.
Karisma Kapoor (43) Indian - actress.
Devayani (43) Indian - actress.
Kajol Devgan (43) Indian - actress.
Malaika Arora (43) Malayali / Punjabi - actress, dancer and model.
Jesse Randhawa(42) Indian - model and actress.
Anjali Jay (42) Indian - actress and dancer.
Sarayu Rao (42) Telugu Indian - actress.
Sonali Bendre (42) Indian - actress and model.
Preity Zinta (42) Rajput Indian - actress.
Parminder Nagra (41) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Monica Bedi (41) Indian - actress and presenter.
Sushmita Sen (41) Bengali Indian - actress and model.
Rhona Mitra (41) Bengali Indian, English / Irish - actress, model and singer.
Chippy (41) Indian - actress.
Pooja Kumar (40) Indian - actress, producer and model
Zuleikha Robinson (40) Indian, English, possibly Iranian and Scottish - actress and singer.
Shelley Conn (40) Portuguese, Burmese and Indian - actress.
Saloni Aswani (40) Indian - actress and model.
Navi Rawat (40) Rajput Indian / German - actress.
Pooja Batra (40) Indian - actress and model.
Charmila (40) Indian - actress.
Chitrangada Singh (40) Indian - actress.
Ayesha Dharker (39) Indian / Pakistani - actress.
Lara Dutta (39) Punjabi Indian, Scottish, Swedish, German, English - actress and model.
Bhumika Chawla (38) Indian - actress.
Debelah Morgan (39) Indian / African-American - singer.
Rani Mukerji (39) Bengali Indian - actress.
Emma Heming (39) Indo-Guyanese / possibly English - model and actress.
Reshma Shetty (39) Tulu Indian - actress.
Ujjwala Raut (39) Indian - model.
Chitra Shaji Kailas (39) Indian - actress.
Anu Joseph (39) Indian - actress.
Anju Aravind (39) Indian - actress.
Divya Dutta (39) Indian - actress and model.
Disha Vakani (39) Gujarati Indian - actress.
Juhi Babbar (38) Indian - actress.
Mukta Barve (38) Indian - actress.
Carol Gracias (38) Indian - model.
Bipasha Basu (38) Bengali Indian - actress and model.
Norah Jones (38) Bengali Indian / English, possibly other - singer and actress.
Karen David (38) Khasi / Indian Jewish - actress and singer.
Tatyana Ali (38) Afro-Panamanian, Indo-Trinidadian - model and singer.
Mindy Kaling (38) Tamil Indian, Bengali Indian - actress.
Cindy Burbridge (38) English, Thai, Indian - model.
Claudine Barretto (38) Filipino (including Tagalog), some Portuguese, remote Maratha Indian - actress.
Vidya Balan (38) Tamil Indian - actress.
Dipannita Sharma (37) Indian - actress and model.
Nargis Fakhri (37) Indian - actress and model.
Barkha Bisht Sengupta (37) Indian - actress.
Hannah Simone (37) Indian / Italian, Greek Cypriot, German - actress and model.
Kareena Kapoor (36) Punjabi Indian / Sindhi Indian, British - actress.
Janina Gavankar (36) 75% Indian 25% Dutch - actress.
Amrita Rao (36) Indian - actress and model.
Amrita Arora( 36) Malayali / Punjabi - actress and model.
Angel Coulby (36) Afro-Guyanese, possibly East Indian / English - actress.
Abhirami (36) Indian - actress and host.
Olivia Theresa Longott (36) Indian, Jamaican, Cuban, Native American - singer.
Vashtie Kola (36) Indo-Trinidadian, Afro-Trinidadian - director and artist.
Sameera Reddy (36) Telugu Indian - actress.
Chaya Singh (36) Indian - actress.
Anusha Dandekar (35) Indian - actress.
Sonia Agarwal (35) Indian - actress.
Celina Jaitly (35 Indian - actress and model.
Asha Aravind (35) Indian - actress and model.
Esha Deol (35) Tamil Indian - actress and model.
Tiya Sircar (35) Bengali Indian - actress.
Lesley-Ann Brandt (35) Cape Coloured (English, East Indian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Khoisan, Ashkenazi Jewish) - actress.
Dia Mirza (35) Indian - actress.  
Anjulie (34) Indo-Guyanese - singer.
Shilpa Anand (34) Indian - actress and model.
Aditi Sharma(34) indian - actress.
Katrina Kaif (34) Kahmiri Indian / British - actress and model.
Che’Nelle (34) Indian, Dutch / Chinese - singer.
Melanie Fiona (34) Guyanese (including African, Indian, and Portuguese) - R&B recording artist.
Nazneen Contractor (34) Parsi - actress.
Daisy Bopanna (34) Indian - actress.
Lekha Washington (33) Punjabi-Indian, Burmese, Maharashtrian, Italian - actress and product designer
Neetu Chandra (33) Indian - actress, producer and theatre artist
Surveen Chawla (33) Indian - actress and dancer
Noureen DeWulf (33) Marathi Indian - actress.
Roma Asrani (33) Indian - actress.
Geeta Basra (33) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Aarthi also credited as Harathi (33) Indian - actress and host.
Aaradhna Jayantilal Patel (33) Samoan and Gujarati Indian - singer.
Sayali Bhagat (33) indian - actress.
Barsha Priyadarshini (33) Odia Indian - actress.
Daisy Shah (33) Indian - actress, model, and dancer.
Kajal Aggarwal (32) Indian - actress and model.
Divyanka Tripathi (32) Indian - actress.
Jessica Clark (32) Indian, Nigerian, English, Irish - actress.
Snigdha Akolkar (32) Indian - actress and model.
Sonam Kapoor (32) Indian - actress.
Shweta Tripathi (32) Indian - actress.
Freida Pinto (32) Konkani (Mangalorean) Indian - actress.
Diana Penty (32) Indian - model and actress.
Sandra Amy (32) Indian - actress and video jockey.
Nushrat Bharucha (32) Indian - actress.
Prarthana Behere (32) Indian - actress.
Jennifer Winget (32) Indian - actress.
Isabelle Kaif (31) Kashmiri India/English - actress.
Esha Gupta (31) Indian - actress and model.
Bhairavi Goswami (32) Indian - actress and host.
Andrea Jeremiah (31) Anglo-Indian - actress, musician, dancer and singer
Karthika Menon (31) Indian - actress.
Dilshad Vadsaria (31) Indian, Pakistani, Portuguese - actress.
Jameela Jamil (31) Indian / English - actress and model.
Srinda Arhaan (31) Indian - actress.
Deepika Padukone (31) Konkani Indian - actress.
Meaghan Rath (31) Goan Indian / Ashkenazi Jewish - actress.
Radhika Apte (31) Indian - actress.
Bindu Madhavi (31) Indian - actress.
Lisa Haydon (31) Indian - model, fashion designer, and actress.
Tanya Abrol (31) Indian - actress.
Anjena Kirti (31) Indian - actress and model.
Pinky Sawika Chaiyadech (31) Tamil Indian and Thai - actress, model, and singer.
Dipika Kakar (31) Indian - actress.
Asin Thottumkal (31) Indian - actress.
Huma Qureshi (31) Indian - acress and model.
Neha Bansal (31) Indian - actress and model.
Ramya Barna (31) Indian - actress.
Evelyn Sharma (31) Punjabi Indian / German - actress and model.
Bruna Abdullah (30) - Lebanese/Indian - actress
Kainaat Arora (30) Indian - model and actress
Adah Sharma (30) Indian - actress
Anjali (30) Indian - actress and model.
Charmy Kaur (30) Indian - actress.
Cassie Ventura (30) Filipino / Mexican, African-American, Afro-Caribbean (West Indian) - recording artist, dancer, actress and model.
Shraddha Das (30) Indian - actress.
Zarine Khan(30) Indian - actress and model.
Priya Bapat (30) Indian - actress.
Richa Chadda (30) Indian - actress.
Pearl Mackie (30) West Indian / English - actress, dancer, and singer.
Sonakshi Sinha (30) Kayastha Indian - actress.
Kristina Akheeva (30) Tajikistani-Russian / Russian - actress and model.
India de Beaufort (30) Indian, English, Irish, French - actress and singer.
Kangana Ranaut (30) Rajput Indian - actress.
Aditi Agarwal (30) Indian - actress.
Kainaat Arora (30) Pahari-Punjabi - actress.
Tina Desai (30) Gujarati Indian / Telugu Indian - actress and model.
Ayilya Nair (30) Indian - actress.
Taapsee Pannu (30) Indian - actress and model.
Anchal Joseph (30) Indian - model and actress.
Shraddha Kapoor (30) Indian - actress and singer.
Kainaz Motivala (30) Indian - actress.
Sonia Mann (29) Punjabi-Indian - actress and model
Surbhi Jyoti (29) Punjabi-Indian - actress
Manjari Phadins (29) Idnian - actress
Gayatri Patel (29) Indian - actress and dancer.
Tara Alisha Berry (29) indian - actress.
Pallavi Sharda (29) Indian - actress and dancer.
Anushree (29) Indian - actress and presenter.
Rekitha Rajendra Kurup (29) Indian - actress.
Mandana Karimi (29) Indian, Iranian - actress.
Neha Sharma (29) Indian - actress and model.
Ileana D'Cruz (29) half Konkani Indian - actress.
Ann Augustine (29) Indian - actress.
Parvathy (29) Indian - actress.
Anisha Ambrose (29) Indian - actress and model.
Venus Raj (29) Filipino (Bicolano), Indian - actress and model.
Joan Smalls (29) Puerto Rican [Spanish, Taino, Indian] / African, Irish - model.
Shraddha Arya (29) Indian - actress.
Summer Bishil (29) East Indian/Saudi Arabian, German, English, distant Dutch, Mexican - actress.
Anumol (29) Indian - actress.
Abhinayashree (29) Indian - actress.
Riya Bamniyal (29) Indian - actress.
Anushka Sharma (29) Indian - actress and model.
Suruchi Adarkar (29) Indian - actress.
Hina Khan (29) Indian - actress.
Rachmi Guatam (28) Indian - actress
Deepika Singh (28) Indian - actress.
Adaa Khan (28) Indian - actress and model
Yami Gautam (28) Indian - actress and model.
Regina Cassandra (28) Indian - actress.
Raai Laxmi (28) Indian - actress and model.
Pallavi Batra (28) Indian - actress.
Parineeti Chopra (28) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Lilly Singh (28) Punjabi Indian - YouTuber.
Varsha Ashwathi (28) Indian - actress.
Elle Varner (28) Cape Verdean, French, African American, Indian, Dutch, Irish - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Annet Mahendru (28) Indian, Russian - actress.
Prachi Desai (28) Indian - actress.
Tina Ahuja (28) Indian - actress.
Tia Bajpai (28) Indian - actress.
Kriti Kharbanda (28) Indian - actress.
Nia Sharma (27) Indian - actress
Dimple Jhangiani (27) Indian - actress.
Deeksha Seth (27) Indian - actress and model.
Chitrashi Rawat (27) indian - hockey player, actress, and host.
Nandita Shwetha (27) Indian - actress and model
Monical Gill (27) Indian-American - model
Catherine Tresa (27) indian - actress and model.
Nathalia Kaur (27) Half-Indian - model, actress
Dharti Bhatt (27) Indian - actress.
Mansha Bahl (27) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Sonia Dara (27) Indian - model.
Tamannaah Bhatia (27) Indian - actress.
Kriti Sanon (27) Indian - actress.
Anusree Nair (27) Indian - actress.
Sakshi Agarwal (27) Indian - actress.
Ashika Pratt (27) stated as being “of Indian descent“ - model.
Anjli Mohindra (27) Punjabi Indian - actress.
Semmalar Annam (27) Indian - actress.
Deepa Sannidhi (27) Indian - actress.
Sakshi Choudhary (26) Indian - actress and model
Srabanti Chatterjee (26) Indian - actress
Pragya Jaiswal (26) Indian - actress
Rashi Khanna (26) Indian - actress
Rakul Preet Singh (26) Indian - actress and model
Ciara Renée (26) African-American, European, Indian, Native American - actress and musician.
Pooja Hegde (26) Indian - model and actress.
Karthika Adaikalam (26) Indian - actress.
Sandhja Kuivalainen (26) Indo-Guyanese / Finnish - singer.
Hansika Motwani (26) Indian - actress.
Sonali Raut (26) Indian - model and actress.
Mandeep Dhillon (26) Punjabi Indian - actress
Poonam Pnadley (25) Indian - model.
Bidita Bag (25) Indian - actress and model.
Bala Hijam (25) Indian - actress.
Saiya,i Kher (25) Indian - actress and model
Mannara (25) Bihari Indian - actress and model
Abhinaya (25) Indian - actress and model.
Nora Fatehi (25) Indian, Moroccan - model.
Ena Saha (25) Indian - actress.
Sheena Bajaj (25) Indian - actress.
Charli XCX (25) Ugandan Indian / Scottish - singer.
Kiara Advani (25) Sindhi / Scottish, Irish, Portuguese, Spanish - actress.
Disha Patani (25) Indian - actress and model.
Aksha Pardasany (25) Indian - actress.
Melinda Shankar (25) Indo-Guyanese - actress.
Michelle Khare (25) Indian and Unspecified White - YouTuber.
Safiya Nygaard (26) Indian / Danish - YouTuber.
Aparnaa Bajpai (26) Indian - actress.
Piaa Bajpai (25) Indian - actress and model.  
Richa Panai (24) Indian - actress
Deeksha Panth (24) Indian - actress
Erica Fernandes (24) Indian - actress, model and youtuber
Navneet Kaur Dhillon (24) Indian - actress and model
Sonarika Bhadoria (24) Indian - actress, model, dancer, singer, and social activist
Kiara Advani (24) Indian - actress
Seerat Kapoor (24) Indian - actress and choreographer
Naomi Scott (24) Gujarati Indian / Scottish - actress.
Anandhi (24) Indian - actress.  
Pranitha Subhash (24) Indian - actress and model.
Seerat Kapoor (24) Indian - actress.
Anju Kurian (24) Indian - actress.
Sanskruti Balgude (24) Indian - actress.
Alia Bhatt (24) Gujarati Indian / Kashmiri Indian, German - actress and singer.  
Avantika Hundal (24) Indian - actress.
Wamiqa Gabbi (23) Indian - actress.
Amulya (23) Indian - actress.
Urvashi Rautela (23) Indian - actress and model.
Zoya Afroz (22) Indian - actress and model
Kelly Gale (22) Indian / English - model.
Anu Sithara (22) Indian - actress.
Neelam Gill (22) Sikh Indian - model.
Nazriya Nazim (22) Indian - actress.
Normani Kordei (21) African-American, Indian, French - singer.
Liza Koshy (21) Malayali Indian / Swiss-German, German, some English  - actress.
Lakshmi Menon (21) Malayali Indian - actress and singer.
Niveda Thomas (21) Indian - actress.
Aparna Balamurali (21) Indian - actress and playback singer.
Cymphonique Miller (21) Black, Filipino, French, Indian, Hawaiian, Spanish, and Chinese - singer and actress.
Avika Gor (20) Indian - actress.
Namitha Pramod (20) Indian - actress.
Ulka Gupta (20) Indian - actress.
Julia Barretto (20) Filipino (including Tagalog), some Portuguese, remote Indian (Maratha) - actress.
Surangana Bandyopadhyay (19) Indian - actress.
Soma Bhatia (19) Indian - actress.
Rubina Ali (18) Indian - actress.
Ahsaas Channa (18) Indian - actress.
Eisha Singh (18) Indian - actress.
Grace Martine Tandon also known as Daya (18) Indian, German - singer.
Aryana Engineer (16) Parsi Indian / Scottish - actress.
Roshni Walia (15) Indian - actress.
Arisha Razi (born in 2002) Indian - actress and host.
Aarathi (born in 1956) Indian - actress.
Abir Abrar (born in 1985) Indian - actress.
B. V. Radha (born in 1948) Indian - actress.
Rani Agrawal (born in 1994) Indian - actress.
Leema Babu (born in 1994) Indian - actress.
Nikita Anand (born in 1983) Indian - actress and model.
Agam Darshi (born 1980) Indian - actress.
Kamma Ranawat (?) Indian - actress
Shilpa Reddy (?) Indian - fashion designer and producer
Rekha Sharma (?) Indian - actress.
Aluna Francis (?) Indian, Tanzanian / Afro-Jamaican - vocalist.
Ninja Singh (?) Indian - model.  
Aysha Kala (?) Indian - actress.
Aashritha (?) Indian - actress.
Abitha (?) Indian - actress.
Kirti Adarkar (?) Indian - actress.
Aditi Ravi (?) Indian - actress.
Nisha Agarwal (?) Indian - actress.
Reena Aggarwal (?) Indian - actress.
Shruti Agarwal (?) Indian - actress.
Shubhi Ahuja (?) Indian - actress.
Sasha Agha (?) Indian - actress and singer.
Dolly Ahluwalia (?) Indian - actress and costume designer.
Shubra Aiyappa (?) Indian - actress.
Deepika Amin (?) Indian - actress.
Maya Alagh (?) Indian - actress.
Rekha Shankar (?) Indian - actress.
Saadhika Randhawa (?) Indian - actress.
Dana Jeffrey (?) Ojibwe, Thai, Indo Guyanese, Afro Guyanese, Mexican, and English - actress.
Priya Anand (?) Tamil / Telugu, Marathi - actress and model.
Sabitha Anand (?) Indian - actress.
Anjali Aneesh (?) Indian - actress.
Athmiya (?) Indian - actress.
Alice T. (?) Indian and Chinese - YouTuber.
Lin Laishram (?) Manipuri Indian - actress and model.
Kanchan Awasthi (?) Indian - model and actress.
Nilambur Ayisha (?) Indian - actress.
Saba Azad (?) Indian - actress and musician.
Meera Rohit Kumbhani (?) Indian - actress.
Kiran Deol (?) Indian - actress.
Amrapali Ambegaokar (?) Indian - actress.
Bhumika Arora (?) Indian - model.
Nishi Munshi (?) Indian - actress.
Barsha Rani Bishaya (?) Indian - actress.
Bhavana Rao (?) Indian - actress.
Bhavana (?) Indian - actress.
Trans Ladies:
Ravina Jagtap (35) Indian - musician.
Chandni Suvarnakar (34) Indian - musician.
Bhavika Patil (27) Indian - musician.
Fida Khan (24) Indian - musician.
Asha Jagtap (24) Indian - musician.
Komal Jagtap (22) Indian - musician.
Bobby Darling (?) Indian - musician.
Karpaga (?) Indian - musician.
Kalki Subramaniam (?) Indian - musician.
Rose Venkatesan (?) Indian - musician. .
Amelia Maltepe (?) Indian - musician.
Grace Banu (?) Indian - activist.
Dilip Kumar (94) Indian - actor.
Prem Chopra (81) Indian - actor.
Zubin Mehta (81) Parsi Indian - classical music conductor.
Dharmendra (81) Indian - actor.
Shashi Kapoor (79) Indian - actor.
K. J. Yesudas (77) Indian - singer. Neeraj Kabi
Jeetendra (75) Indian - actor.  
Amitabh Bachchan (74) Indian - actor.
Sir Ben Kingsley (73) Gujarati Indian, English, possibly Ashkenazi Jewish - actor.
Amol Palekar (72) Indian - actor, director and producer.
Randhir Kapoor (70) Indian - actor.
Danny Denzongpa (69) Indian. Bhutia - actor, singer and director
Naseeruddin Shah (67) Indian - actor.
Rakesh Roshan (67) Indian - actor and producer.
Rajinikanth (66) Indian - actor.
Sarath Babu (66) Indian - actor.
Nana Patekar (66) Marathi Indian - actor.
Erick Avari (65) Parsi Indian - actor.
Rishi Kapoor (64) Indian - actor.
Tinnu Anand (64) Indain - actor.
Rangaraj Subbaiah also known as Sathyaraj (62) Indian - actor.
Anupam Kher (62) Indian - actor.
Kamal Haasan (62) Indian - actor and singer.
Annu Kapoor (61) Indian/Asian - actor
Gulshan Grover (61) Indian/Asian - actor
Chiranjeevi (61) Indian - actor.
Johnny Lever (60) Indian - actor and comedian.
Sunny Deol (60) Indian - actor.
Jackie Shroff (60) Indo-Aryan - actor
Anil Kapoor (60) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Mukesh Khanna (59) Indian/Asian - actor
Sanjay Dutt (58) Indian - actor.
Mohnish Bahl (58) Indian - actor.
Shakti Kapoor (58) Indian - actor.
Rajit Kapoor (57) Indian - actor and director
Kumar Gaurav (57) Indian - actor.
Puneet Issar(57) Indaitn - actor.
Boman Irani (57) Indian - actor, voice actor and photographer.
Nagarajuna Akkiner (57) Indian - actor, producer and dancer.
Jaz Coleman (57) Kashmiri Indian, English / English - singer and musician.
Mohanlal Viswanathan Nair (57) Indian - actor.  
Venkatesh Daggubati (56) Indian - actor
Suniel Shetty (56) Indian - actor.
Kim Thayil (56) Indian - guitarist.
Rajendranath Zutshi (56) Indian  - actor.
Deepak Tijori (55) Indian - actor, director and producer
Danny Huston (55) English, Indian / English, Scottish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, distant German, remote Portuguese - actor and writer.
Ashish Vidyarthi (54) Bengali/Malayali - actor
Chunky Pandey (54) Indian - actor
Raju Srivastava (54) India - comedian.
Vijay Raaz (54) Indian - actor and director
Sanjeev Bhaskar (53) Indian - comedian and actor.
Govinda (53) Indian - actor.
Javed Jaffrey(53) Indian - actor, dancer and comedian.
Aamir Khan (52) Indian - actor.
Atul Kulkarni (51) Indian/Asian - actor
Manoj Joshi (51) Indian - actor and comedian
Shah Rukh Khan (51) Indian/Pathan - actor and producer
Ronit Roy (51) Bengali Indian - actor.
Kennedy John Victor (51) Indian - actor.  
Shah Rukh Khan (51) Pashtun Indian - actor.
Milind Soman (51) Marathi Indian - actor and model.
Salman Khan (51) Bengali Indian - actor.
Aasif Mandvi (51) Indian - actor and comedian.
Irrfan Khan (50) Pathan Indian - actor.
Arbaaz Khan (50) Indian - actor.
Vinay Pathak (49) Indian/Asian - actor and producer
Arshad Warsi (49) Indian - actor.
Akshay Kumar (49) Indian - actor and martial artist.
Dilip Joshi (49) Indian - actor.
Rahul Roy(49) Indian - actor and former model.
Naveen Andrews (48)  Indian - actor.
Ajay Devgan (48) Indian - actor.
Manoj Bajpai (48) Indian - actor.
Ajay Devgn (48) Indian - actor.
Vivek Mushran (48) Indian - actor.
Manoj Bajpayee (48) Indian - actor.
M. Night Shyamalan (47) Malayali and Tamil Indian - director, producer, actor.
Saif Ali Khan (47) Indian - actor.
R. Madhavan (47) Indian - actor and writer.
Sohail Khan (47) Indian - actor.
Mukul Dev (46) Indian/Asian - actor
Rajpal Yadav (46) Indian - actor
Sanjay Suri (46) Indian - actor.
Russell Peters (46) Anglo-Indian (Indian, English) - comedian.
Jimmy Shergill (46) Indian - actor.
Rupert Penry-Jones (46) English, Welsh, and distant Indian ancestry - actor.
Ajith Kumar (46) Indian - actor.
Xavier Naidoo (45) German, Indian / Egyptian - singer and actor.
Jay Manuel (45) Malaysian-Indian, Dutch / Italian, Czech - model and host.
Dileep Rao (44) Kannada Indian - actor.
Sonu Sood (44) Indian - actor.
Manu Narayan (44) Indian - actor and singer.
Shiney Ahuja (44) indian - actor.
Arjun Rampal (44) Indian - actor.
John Abraham (44) Malayali / Zoroastrian - actor and model.
Sonu Nigam (44) Indian - singer.
Priyanshu Chatterjee (44) Indian - actor and model.
Uday Chopra (44) Indian - actor.
Sudhanshu Pandey (43) Indian - model and actor.
Fardeen Khan (43) Indian - actor.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui (43) Indiant - actor.
Maulik Pancholy (43) Gujarati Indian - actor.
Hrithik Roshan (43) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Farhan Akhtar (43) Indian - actor and singer.
Sendhil Ramamurthy (43) Kannada Indian / Tamil Indian - actor.
Paul Marazzi (42) Italian, Indian / English - musician.
Raza Jaffrey (42) Indian / English - actor and singer.
Mahesh Babu (42) Indian - actor.
Abbas (42) Indian - actor and model.
Randeep Hooda (41) Indian - actor.
Shreyas Talpade (41) Indian - actor.
Abhishek Bachan (41) Indian - actor and singer.
Dino Morea (41) Indian - actor.
Abhishek Bachchan (41) Indian - actor and singer.
Abhay Deol (41) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Anand Jon (40) Indian - fashion designer.
Niketan Madhok (40) Indian - model.
Vivek Oberoi (40) Indian - actor.
Tusshar Kapoor (40) Idian - actor.
Jisshu Sengupta (40) Indian - actor and ex-cricketer.
Kal Penn (40) Gujarati Indian - actor and civil servant.
Rahul Singh (40) Indian - actor.
Manish Paul (39) Punjabi Indian - host.
Tarun Arora (38) Indian - actor and model.
Emraan Hashmi (38) Indian - actor.
Prabhas (38) Indian - actor
Riteish Deshmukh (38) Indian - actor and producer.
Jamie Cullum (38) English, Ashkenazi Jewish / Indian, Burmese, possibly some Spanish - musician.
Raqesh Vashisth (38) Indian - actor and model.
Danny Pudi (38) Indian / Polish - actor and comedian.
Jeetendra Madnani (38) Indian - actor and presenter.
Jay Sean (38) Punjabi Indian - singer.
Sharman Joshi (38) indian - actor.
Vivan Bhatena (38) Indian - actor and model.
Kunal Kapoor (38) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Arjan Bajwa (37) Indian - actor.
Kunal Nayyar (36) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Vidyut Jamwal (36) Indian - actor.
Vaibhav Talwar (36) Indian - actor.
Harman Baweja (36) Indian - actor.
Vidyut Jammwal (36) Indian - actor.
Kapil Sharma (36) Indian - actor and comedian.
Shahid Kapoor (36) Indian - actor.
Upen Patel (35) Indian - actor and model.
Neil Nitin Mukesh (35) Indian - actor.
Karan Singh Grover (35) Indian - actor and model.
Manish Dayal (34) Gujarati Indian - actor.
Deepak Adhikari (34) Indian - actor and singer.
Pravesh Rana (34) Indian - model.  
Arunoday Singh (34) Indian - actor.
Kunal Khemu (34) Indian - actor.
Adhir Kalyan (34) Indian - actor.
Amit Sadh (34) Indian - actor.
Elyes Gabel (34) English, Algerian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Anglo-Indian, Irish, Portuguese - actor.
Arjun Bijlani (34) Indian - actor.
Hirdesh Singh (34) Indian - actor and rapper.
Ranbir Kapoor (34) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Imran Khan (34) Indian - actor.
Riz Ahmed (34) Pakistani / Indian - actor and rapper.
Aziz Ansari (34) Tamil Indian - actor and comedian.
Allu Arjun (34) Indian - actor.
Mahesh Jadu (34) Mauritian and Kashmiri Indian - actor.
Pulkit Samrat (33) Indian - actor and model.
Diljit Dosanjh (33) Indian - actor and internet celebrity.
Kostja Ullmann (33) German, English, Indian / English, Portuguese - actor.
Satya Bhabha (33) Parsi Indian / Ashkenazi Jewish - actor.
Amit Sebastian Paul (33) Bengali Indian / Swedish - singer.
Utkarsh Ambudkar (33) Indian - actor.
Muzammil Ibrahim (33) Indian - actor and model.
Ranveer Singh (32) Indian - actor.
Karan Kundra (32) Indian - actor.
Jackky Bhagnani (32) Sindhi Indian - actor.
Arjun Kapoor (32) Indian - actor.
Rana Daggubati (32) Indian - actor.
Sangram Singh (32) Indian - actor and wrestler.
Rajkummar Rao (32) Indian - actor.
Sidharth Malhotra (32) Punjabi Indian - actor and model.
Ayushmann Khurrana (32) Punjabi Indian - actor and singer.
Rahul Kohli (31) Indian - actor.
Aditya Roy Kapur (31) Indian / Indian Jewish - actor.
Sushant Singh Rajput (31) Indian - actor.
Dulquer Salmaan (31) Indian - actor.
Karan Wahi (31) Punjabi Indian - actor, model, and former cricketer.
Max Minghella (31) Italian, Chinese, Sephardi Jewish, Parsi Indian, English, Irish, Swedish - actor.
Ali Fazal (30) Indian - actor.
Varun Dhawan (30) Indian - actor.
Vin Rana (30) Indian - actor and model.
Prateik Babbar (30) Indian - actor.
Parys Sylver (30) African American, Native American, Filipino, Irish, Portuguese, Egyptian, Indian - actor.
Arijit Singh (30) Indian - musician.
Suraj Gowda (29) Indian - actor.
Prateik Jain (29) Indian - actor and model.
Nishant Malkani (29) Indian - model and actor.
Harshad Arora (29) Indian - model and actor.
Sahil Salathia (29) Indian - actor and model.
Ritesh Rajan (28) Indian - actor.
Sidhant Gupta (28) Indian - actor.
Rohit Khandelwal (28) Indian - model and actor.
Raja Fenske (28) Indian / White - actor.
Jesse Rath (28) Goan Indian / Ashkenazi Jewish - actor.
Suyyash Rai (28) Indian - actor and singer.
Nitin Chauhan (28) Indian - model and actor.
Dev Patel (27) Gujarati Indian - actor.
Sanjaya Malakar (27) Bengali Indian / Italian, Dutch, Irish, English - singer.
Abhi Sinha (27) Indian - actor.
Jasmeet Singh (27) Indian - comedian.
Tiger Shroff (27) Indian - actor.
Vivaan Shah (27) Indian - actor.
Raymond Ablack (27) Indo-Guyanese - actor and comedian.
Varun Sharma (27) Indian - actor.
Harshvardhan Kapoor (26) Indian - actor.
Prathamesh Maulingkar (26) Indian - footballer.
Samridh Bawa (26) Indian - model and actor.
Kartik Aaryan (26) Indian - actor.
Parth Samthaan (26) Indian - actor.
Avan Jogia (25) Gujarati Indian / English, Welsh, some German - actor.
Arjit Taneja (24) Indian - actor.
Sebastian de Souza (24) Portuguese Indian - actor.
Nikhil Anand (23) Indian - beauty pageant entrepreneur.
Derrick Monasterio (22) Italian, Jamaican (East Indian and Scottish), Lebanese, Sephardi Jewish, Filipino (Tagalog), Spanish (Castilian) - actor.
Kishen Tanna (21) Indian - actor.
Darsheel Safary (20) Indian - actor.
Harris J (20) Indian, Irish - singer.
Suraj Partha (20) Indian - actor.  
Karan Brar (18) Punjabi Indian - actor.
Aramis Knight (17) Pakistani, Indian / English, Irish, German - actor.
Rohan Chand (17) Indian - actor.
Amir Bageria (16) Indian - actor.
Neel Sethi (13) Indian - actor.
Arjun Gupta (born in 1987) Indian - actor.
Kay Kay Menon (born in 1966) Indian - actor.
Vishal Malik (born 1989) Indian - actor
Sean T. Krishnan (?) Indian - actor.
Nikesh Patel (?) Indian - actor.
Arpit Ranka (?) Indian - model and actor.
Nik Dodani (?) Indian - actor and comedian.
Ajay Mehta (?) Indian - actor.
Shawn Parikh (?) Indian - actor.
Paull Walia (?) Indian - actor.
Dante Scott (?) Indian - actor.
Vik Sahay (?) Indian - actor.
Neil Amin-Smith (?) Indian, White - violinist.
Jas Arora (?) Indian - model and actor.
Vivian Fernandes (?) Indian - rapper.
Manu Bora (?) Indian - model.
Mudit Malhotra (?) Indian - model.
Prabh Uppal (?) Indian - model.
Sahil Shroff (?) Indian - model and actor.
Akshit Brar (?) Indian - model.
Himanshu Bhati (?) Indian - model.
Abhimanyu Singh (?) Indian - actor.
Akshaye Khanna (?) Indian - actor.
Aparshakti Khurana (?) Indian - actor.
Bobby Deol (?) Indian - actor.
Pankaj Tripathi (?) Indian - actor.
Sanjay Kapoor (?) Indian - actor.
Sanjay Mishra (?) Indian - actor.
Subham ku Naik (?) Indian - actor.
Don’t want to be rp’d:
Justine Skye
Priyanka Chopra - https://www.scoopwhoop.com/inothernews/bollywood-mary-kom-priyanka/
Nicki Minaj - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3379421/Nicki-Minaj-posts-selfie-brother-Jelani-paying-100K-bail-following-child-rape-arrest.html
Suraj Sharma- http://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/82116326.html
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gamelpar · 4 years
John-117: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Kelly-087: ...your what?
John-117: My friends.
Fred-104: Are they saying “friends”?
Linda-058: I think they're being sarcastic.
Kelly-087: No no no, wait I get it. This is delirium; they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey John! All of your friends are in this room.
John-117: I have other friends! Hood asked me to make new friends, so I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
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Riz Ahmed, born 1982, Pakistani / Indian [Muhajir Bhojpuri] note: avatars for @taskweekly’s TASK 007: ASIAN FACECLAIMS, TASK 016:  AGE DIVERSITY, TASK 030: PAKISTAN, TASK 058: INDIA
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darklandsresources · 5 years
at this link HERE you’ll find 124 100x100 base icons of puerto rican supermodel of african virgin islander, irish / puerto rican ( spanish, taino, indian ) descent joan smalls ( 1988 ). they’re free to edit, like/reblog if you use them. do NOT claim as your own. made for @tasksweekly​‘s task #043, task #058 & task #015.
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darklandsicons · 5 years
under the cut you’ll find 110 100x100 base icons of indian actor, producer and model john abraham ( 1972 ).  they’re free to edit, like/reblog if you use them. do NOT claim as your own. made for @tasksweekly​‘s task #058, #019 & #016.
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amberedits-blog · 6 years
     By following the link below you’ll find 38 gif icons of artist, writer, and educator Alok Vaid-Menon from StyleLikeU’s YouTube video The Pain & Empowerment of Choosing Your Own Gender. These gifs were made by me from my original screen recordings. They are sized at 250x140 and have not been edited in any way. These gifs may be edited for personal use only (i.e. do not post edited gifs for the purpose of distribution), but please remember to credit me when using them even if you have edited them. They can be used as RP gifs or in RP posts, but please do not include them in non-roleplay posts, gif hunts, or masterlists.
     Notes: Alok is Indian American and grew up in Texas. Alok uses they/them pronouns and is gender nonconforming and transfeminine. They were raised Hindu. Their birthday is July 1, 1991 and they are currently 27 years old. These gifs were suggested by @dear-indies, and they also fit into tasks #006 (LGBTQIA+), #046 (non-binary), and #058 (India) by @tasksweekly. 
     Dropbox link
     and if you like what I do, consider buying me a coffee!
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