#tbh i’ll probably fall asleep after i post this
gyuworm · 1 year
hello everyone. i finally decided that i will no longer post my writing here anymore and delete this account. will make a new one fresh. i’m sorry but first of all why are you still reading this? are you ok? do you like me? do you want to slam me against the wall and kiss me?
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pixelatedraindrops · 3 months
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“I’ll keep you safe and warm on the lonesome and cold nights that you can’t find any comfort.”
Further Rambling below
Yeah it recently occurred to me that I have not ever drawn a sick Makoto getting comforted by Yuma before (shocking)
Tbh, I think part of me was afraid to, thinking Makoto being clingy or afraid was out of character. (and yet I wrote a 25k long fanfic about that exact premise, but to be fair I was super nervous about that too when I released it to the public 💦)
But I also see Makoto as a very lonely person. So when he feels genuine warmth and comfort for the first time in his life, he probably eats that up and is likely very touch starved. Add a fever and delirium into that mix and he is SUPER clingy and needy.
I also hc that he sees his mask as a comfort item. Similar to kids having security blankets or adults finding comfort in a familiar object. So when feeling anxious, he’s either already wearing it, or he clings to it like a child would a comfort plushie. (so I drew it here lol)
The short story is that Yuma came to visit and look after Makoto on a day that he was not doing well. (overworked and stressed with a 38 degree c fever) Makoto is his normal sarcastic and playful self the whole day despite this, and he and Yuma bicker and argue a lot while Yuma takes care of him. Until the time comes for the two to sleep, which they do in the same bed. While asleep in the middle of the night, Makoto has an awful nightmare (likely of his UG lab experiences as a test subject) causing his fever to spike. He shivers in the dark whimpering, eyes shut and clinging his mask thinking he’s still in the dream. As Yuma wakes up hearing the noise, he notices his clone beside him in such a pitiful state and he assumes he’s merely shaking from his illness getting worse. Yuma decides the ideal solution is to aid him by warming him up with his own body heat. So he gently pulls Makoto’s shivering body into his own. While Yuma tries to go back to sleep still holding onto Makoto, the homunculus unconsciously snuggles deeper into his original’s frame. Finding even just a little bit of comfort and security in Yuma’s warm embrace as he tries to fall to slumber once again. He was in a safe place…for now.
I essentially got inspired by my own fanfic for this, it’s not the same, but it is similar. Also this is my first (or second?) time seriously drawing Post Game Yuma. I tried to make him look calm despite the situation. (unlike my fic where I made him super emotional lol) I really love the idea of Yuma being Makoto’s comfort and security person on the days he’s unwell or going through too much.
Featuring the stupid little pjs I gave them in my other art lol I’m not very creative, but these grown (4’11 foot tall) men look good in graphic patterned pjs x’D
This took me a few days to get done. Not the best but its okay x’D Cuddle poses are always tricky x-x
Well regardless, hope you enjoy the fluffy comfort 💜💙
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n0v4t33z · 7 months
The Piece of Eight - Assimilate and Assault
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Pairings: Capt. Hongjoong X Female Reader , Crewmate San x Female Reader (Overall not chapter specific)
Genre: Pirate AU, Romance, historical-ish (not really), Action, Angst, Non-Idol AU
Word Count: 5.1k
Tags/Warnings: For Mature Audiences, Violence, Language, mentions of blood and gore, Highly Suggestive at times (This is a warning for the whole story overall)
Chapter specific: Some suggestive conversations?, straight up violence for some of it (HERE'S YOUR WARNING IF YOU DON'T LIKE GRAPHIC VIOLENCE), enemy says vulgar shit to y/n, lots of blood, y/n's PTSD makes a small appearence, Mingi being a little weird (let me know if there's anything else)
Spotify Playlist ⚓ | Masterlist 🏴‍☠️
Author's Note 💌: Hi I finally had some time to edit and post this lol it's very short but it gives you a peek into MC's first day with the teezers. Also I had to change the color scheme bc Tumblr wanted to be mean and remove the yellow text option so I chose orange bc ateez. Tbh I've been so tired from work I've been procrastinating editing this and i've just been working on the most recent chapter of the story which is easy writing but I decided I need to at least post something so I hope you enjoy this chapter and please look forward to the next one! - N 🌙
A few hours later I wake up and it’s dark. Eledonia was also now gone from the horizon and as I look around at the endless dark sea I realize a blanket is wrapped around me.
It was most likely Seonghwa since Hongjoong did say he’d be coming by later to show me to my room. I keep my gaze fixed in the direction of Eledonia and now is when it sinks in that I will not be seeing my family in awhile. I sit there welling up in my own thoughts until a gentle tap on my shoulder disturbs them, it was Seonghwa. 
He gives me a soft smile and says “Hey, you’re awake now. Let me show you to your room so you can sleep comfortably.”
 I get up and he helps me with my bag while I silently follow behind him with the blanket still wrapped around me since It was quite chilly. We walk down to the crew’s quarters which is located towards the front of the ship. I walk down and I notice nothing was separated, everyone was sleeping in the same room.
 I could see six figures fast asleep in their own beds then Seonghwa leans over and whispers “Go ahead and sleep on my bed, I’ll be keeping watch tonight up in the crow’s nest so I won’t be using my bed. Don’t mind everyone else, sleep well okay?” 
He sets down my things next to his bed and gives me a smile and a nod goodbye. After I’ve quietly settled down on Seonghwa’s bed I notice it’s quite comfortable, more than mine back at home. Which led to me falling asleep pretty quickly.
 In the morning I’m woken up with voices, all of them belonged to the six figures on the beds last night which obviously belong to my crew mates. Since I have a habit of sleeping with a blanket over my head I lay perfectly still and pretend to be asleep then I hear someone say “That’s not Seonghwa. Is that y/n? The Captain’s new protector?”
 For some reason I’m terrified now that I’ve made my existence known. Someone then answers “Nah I don’t think it’s her, why would she be sleeping in here? I’m sure that’s probably Seonghwa being lazy.” 
Suddenly, something presumably a pillow is thrown at me followed by “Get up Seonghwa or you’re not getting any breakfast!” Followed by someone pulling the blanket from over my head harshly then complete silence. 
I open my eyes and and realize 6 men standing around the bed I’m laying on with some of them with their mouths agape. Then someone says “What the fuck? She’s sleeping in Seonghwa’s bed?” 
Slightly irritated from how embarrassed I was I sit there in silence glaring at them. Followed by Mingi chuckling then reaching over to grab my arm  “Hey let’s g-” Before he’s even able to finish his sentence I grab his wrist and twist it “Don’t touch me.”
 Immediately he pulls his hand away and massages his wrist and says “She’s feisty.” The man with puppy like features looks over at the blue haired male “Mingi stop..” 
I throw the pillow at Mingi who gets bonked in the head then manages to catch it “Look, just- can you understand how I was woken up? Like that was such an aggressive and rude way to wake up it was so uncalled for so, can you blame me? Especially your so called superior, you’re really going to disrespect him like that?”
San looks over at Mingi says “I agree with her, that was rude. Especially towards someone who’s not used to the way we play around” 
Mingi playfully punches San in the arm “Loosen up San, it was a joke.” San turns and looks over at Mingi with a glare. 
Wooyoung raises his eyebrow “Wait, so are you really the Captain’s protector?” I bite the inside of my cheek “Yeah, otherwise what else would I be doing here.” Mingi responds “Our-” Yunho immediately covers his mouth “No, stop. Quiet, no”
 Everyone else erupts in laughter. I roll my eyes then I get up and grab my backpack “If you’ll excuse me I need to change.” Wooyoung smiles “Sure.” Someone in the distance then says “You pissed her off, she was so nice the last time we saw her..”
 I walk out of the crew quarters and It just so happened that Seonghwa was walking in that direction and I’m stopped in the middle of the hallway leading to the stairs to go back upstairs.
 “Hey, I was just about to go wake you and introduce you to your other crew members.” I stay silent for a few seconds then I respond in a low voice “No thanks.”
 Seonghwa grabs my arm “Wait, why not? What happened?” I shake my head and pull my arm away from his grasp “I’m going to change..”
 I walk upstairs towards the deck to look around and head towards the room the Captain walked into last night. Surely he must be in there right?
I knock on the door and carefully enter the candle lit room “Captain?” 
 He glances over at me and removes his glasses “y/n? Good morning, I didn’t think you’d come here so early. I heard you stayed up pretty late.”
 “I did, but I’m a light sleeper so I woke up pretty easily.” I sit on the leather chair in front of his desk softly squeaking from my weight.
“That reminds me, can I tell you something? I don’t want to be worrisome on my first day here but this just kind of bothers me.” Hongjoong nods giving me a concerned look “Did something happen?”
“Yeah kind of. Your crewmates are assholes, they threw a pillow at me thinking I was Seonghwa, is that really how they treat your first mate?”
 Hongjoong lets out a small laugh “Well, yes but the respect is there don’t worry that’s just how they get along. As for the way you were woken up..” he trails off and lets out a sigh “I’m sorry about that, if you want you have my permission to scold them if they get on your nerves as they tend to have their moments of not being the most pleasant to be around.” 
What? No way he’s letting me scold them?! Is that how much he trusts me? I mean it’s a given the man trusts me with his life, why wouldn’t he when it comes to just standing up for myself and straightening out a couple of grown brats…
”Oh, um. Thank you for that.” Hongjoong’s eyebrow slightly raises “Anything else?” I awkwardly stipple my fingers for a few moments “Um, do you have food? I’m kind of starving” 
Hongjoong smiles “Yeah, second floor below deck. Breakfast should be going on right now. I’ll walk you there.” I look over at his desk and notice he’s writing something immediately feeling guilty for making him stand “oh, uh. No captain, it’s okay. I should learn my way around the ship by myself.” 
Hongjoong hums and I continue “Besides, you’re busy doing Captain things..I really don’t want to bother you.” Hongjoong puts his black polished index finger on his lips and hushes me “I promise you’re not bothering me darling, I’m more than happy to show you around. I’ve got plenty of time.”
I stand up and smile “It’s okay Captain, I think it’s best for me to learn things on my own. You are the Captain after all, I’m sure you’re quite busy erm…Being a Captain.” 
Hongjoong smirks then looks at me fondly “Alright, but in case you need someone to guide you Seonghwa and I are here. Don’t forget that.” I quietly nod then he continues “Once you’re done with breakfast go ahead and head over to the crow’s nest and keep watch. I’ll put you in charge of that. If you spot anything let Seonghwa know immediately. ”
 Hongjoong reaches into the side drawer of his desk and hands me a golden spyglass “Thank you Captain, I will.”
  I glance down at it then back up at him where he then motions for me to leave “Alright, go. If you need anything Seonghwa will be there to assist.” 
I bow, slightly intimidated by him not because he's scary but more or so because of how well he carries himself. 
When I exit the captain’s quarters I carefully examine the spyglass. Must be brass or something judging from the nice weight to it. 
Regardless it was so beautiful It had an engraving on it, the same one as the one on Hongjoong’s arm band. I guess this means it’s his, that’s cool. He trusts me even with his personal items.
 While I walk across the deck my stomach growls then I sigh. If I remember correctly Hongjoong said the kitchen was on the second floor? 
I head downstairs and as soon as I enter the mess hall it becomes dead silent. I knew it, I knew it was going to be this awkward. At least Hongjoong isn’t here it would have been much more embarrassing. 
San pats the seat next to his and gives me dimpled smile “y/n, sit here. I saved this seat for you.” 
This man is making me want to smack him. Pretending to be nice. Why is he so flirty? I can only imagine how cringe he was with the girls back in Eledonia. They probably ate that shit up too. Ugh.
 I sit on the seat next to San on the other side to my right was Wooyoung who immediately stands up. To my recollection he's the cook, he was the one wearing an apron while cooking back in Eledonia and the one who gave me the delicious peach tart.
 Seonghwa then brings everyone’s attention over to me“Evreyone, you weren’t properly introduced but this is the Captain’s protector Her name is y/n.” 
The tall one with blue hair and glasses which was Mingi if I remember correctly says “Ah yes, the cute doll back in Eledonia.” Wow, he must have a thing with dolls but honestly I'm not mad at it. 
“You’re cute, I know why Hongjoong chose you now. I think Hongjoong likes cute girls. Cute..” Everyone silently stares at him then Yunho looks over at Mingi in disgust. “Maybe you should stay quiet you’ve used the word cute one too many times for my liking.”
 Yunho looks over at me and gives me a concerned look “He’s weird please don’t listen to him. Anyway, hello y/n It’s nice to see you've decided to join us.” I slightly raise my hand from the table to acknowledge his greeting and take a bite of a piece of bread from a basket. 
From the corner of my eye I notice the guy with Jongho back in Eledonia, Yeosang if i'm not wrong. Looking at him closer now I notice he's got very gorgeous features, one of them being a cool looking birth mark on his left eye (which I didn't notice) , his face being almost too perfect to be real with soft brown hair that compliments him very well giving him a very princely and delicate appearance. 
He stares at me without saying anything which is intimidating noting how gorgeous the man is. The stare wasn’t out of hate, it was more or so out of curiosity until he finally speaks “Who trained you?” 
Slightly taken aback I almost choke on my bread but manage to play it off. He speaks Eledonian, like Hongjoong only much more fluent. “My grandfather, an Eledonian veteran. Why?”
 He gives me a small smile and shakes his head “I was just asking, I’m Yeosang. My apologies for not introducing myself when we first met.” I shake my head “It’s okay, no worries. I appreciate you introducing yourself..” 
San furrows his eyebrows “Hey Yeo, you speak Eledonian? I didn’t know that.” Yeosang glances at San while resting both elbows on the table and his hands laced together “Who do you think taught Hongjoong?” 
Shortly after being gone Wooyoung comes back with a bowl and a cup of tea and gently sets it in front of me. “I hope you like it, it may be a little spicy depending on your spice tolerance but it should still be good.. ” 
I silently nod and take a sip of my tea then Seonghwa says “So y/n, how’d you sleep? You didn’t get seasick?” I pick up my eating utensil and mix my food.
“Well, besides being woken up in the rudest most uncalled for way ever. It was actually pretty comfortable, more than my old bed so I fell asleep almost instantly.” The whole table stays quiet with exception of a few of them clearing their throats and awkwardly adjusting themselves in their seats.
 Seonghwa looks over at the rest of the guys and forces a smile when he looks back at me “Well at least you slept well up until that point.” I shove a spoonful of food in my mouth and nod, San remorsefully speaks “So um, about this morning. Sorry we thought you were Seonghwa and we kind of ambushed you without your permisson.”
 I shrug taking another sip of my drink “What’s done is done, it’s fine.” Jongho, the very well built dark haired male with a very friendly face says in an apologetic tone “We should have honestly checked before we pulled something like that. I’m sure that’s the reason you’re being so cold towards all of us which we understand.” 
Woah this guy hit the nail on the head with that one. “You’re right, you guys were assholes but now with the Captain’s full permission if you ever cross the line with me again I have his personal blessing to kick your asses.”
Mingi says under his breath “Ah, that’s so hot..” San looks over at Mingi like he just insulted him and flatly says “No..” 
Seonghwa glares at both males, something told that pissing him off wasn’t a good idea. As it is he’s already intimidating. “How about you both calm down and behave. You both act like you didn’t just meet up with women back in Eledonia” 
Wooyoung giggles looking in San’s direction playfully nudging my arm so that I could watch the whole ordeal go on. “Seonghwa’s right, weren’t you two the ones who were flirting away and getting back rubs from Eledonian women later in the evening?”
 San crosses his arms in front of his chest “They were just back rubs!” Everyone looks in his direction then Wooyoung fires back “You and I both know you’re lying about that, that's not the only thing that was getting rubbed”
 I roll my eyes at how utterly embarrassing this whole conversation was getting and continue to eat my food completely tuning out the conversation happening. Everyone explodes in laughter while San sits there festering in annoyance and Mingi awkwardly laughs it off with the others.
 Once they settle down a bit Jongho says “That’s true one of them didn’t come back until midday the next day so that says alot about what actually happened.” I eat the last of my food and drink the remaining tea from my cup and I get up not caring we were all in mid conversation.
“I’m done eating. Wooyoung, the food was delicious.” I give Wooyoung a smile and in return he blinks “Oh, you ate fast.. Do you want seconds?” I shake my head and get up “No thank you, I’m full.” 
San turns to me and looks at me a bit sad “You’re leaving already?” I nod dusting my lap off from the leftover bread crumbs “Yep, see you around.” 
Before anyone has a chance of saying anything else I excuse myself from the clearly very private conversation going on in the background. I guess I'm going to have to get used to conversations like this, men are so… Weird.
After that chaotic breakfast I find my way back to the crow’s nest, it was a nice change of environment. I wonder if this is the only thing I’ll be doing while we’re at sea, then again there is no one I need to protect Hongjoong from anyway so I guess it makes sense I’m in charge of keeping an eye. 
After a few uneventful days of me keeping watch, which were either cargo ships or just other ships in general who weren’t of intrest. I basically lived up at the crow’s nest and only really came down to shower or use the bathroom since Wooyoung would usually bring up my food while on duty. 
Today was a different story, on the horizon I could make out a ship in the distance then I look into the spyglass and notice a ship with a peculiar flag. Unlike our flag, theirs was red with a skull on it except this skull had two spears crossing behind it then my stomach sinks. 
I quickly climb down then I run over to Seonghwa who was talking to Mingi and in between breaths I say “I don’t know who they are but we have company from the north east.”
Seonghwa quickly puts down the book in his hand and runs outside onto the deck then pulls out his spyglass, and stares at the ship for what felt like forever “The Scarlet Sailors… The Captain needs to see this.” He turns to me “Prepare for battle these pirates are quite tough, ring the bell.” 
It’s like a switch instantly lit up I run over to the bell and ring it as loud as I can while Seonghwa runs into the captain’s quarters to alert the Captain. My first looting with the crew and I’m not going to lie but I’m scared. What if I die not even three seconds after stepping foot on that boat.
 Meanwhile the whole ship goes hectic to prepare everything and a few minutes later Hongjoong steps out and looks through Seonghwa’s spyglass with a big smile on his features “Evreyone, looks like we hit the jackpot. We will strip them from everything.” 
He hands Seonghwa his spyglass back then looks over at me and gives me a bright smile “Use this time to practice, don’t worry if you kill them. The government doesn’t care, so neither should we. Also, unless I call for you do your thing I’m not useless.” I hum and touch the gun on my holster then I smile. Here’s my chance to show off.
 As the ship gets closer Jongho aims the canon at the ship and shoots directly hitting the ship in the front of the ship he then signals San and Yeosang to do the same permanently disabling the ship due to Jongho’s successfully being able to break the main mast of the ship. 
Right as Yunho and Mingi begin to set up the plank a few people of the enemy begins to shoot at us causing us to hide. 
Seonghwa gently squeezes my shoulder “Good luck, and please protect our Captain.” I turn and give him a smile for the first time in a while “No problem.” once the plank is clear I notice the captain of the ship immediately heads over towards Hongjoong.
 He’s not useless he can fight, I just need to clear these people out then I can help him. I shoot my gun at any of the crew mates running towards me until I have no ammo left after that I pick up a sword from one of the bodies on the ground then I climb up one of the shrouds of the ship. 
Before jumping I take a deep breath and jump down onto a crew mate who was about to shoot Yeosang in the back so I proceed to stab him in the back of the neck with the blade exiting through the other side of the man’s throat.
 When I pull it out of the man’s neck the sound alone of the man choking on his own blood causes Yeosang to turn and notices the man on the floor then he looks back at me and smirks.
I pick up the man’s gun and shoot the man behind Yeosang and I smile. I notice a scary looking man about to gang up on Wooyoung who was already busy with a sword fight so I give Yeosang a two finger salute and while running to Woooyung’s aid I shoot the man on the side of the head causing him to fall to the ground limply.
 While I look around to see if I could assist anyone I feel a hand pull me back by the hair and begins to crush my throat with the other then I put the barrel of the gun under the bearded man’s chin and I pull the trigger causing him to fall back. In the midst of me running away I see another huge scary bald man with a cigar in his mouth begin to walk towards me with evrey intention to kill.
 “You can’t go around killing people like this little lady, you’ve been a bad girl.” I smirk then I pull the trigger of the gun only for it to be empty then I let out a frustrated groan so I grab the sword again then he lets out a laugh. 
"You wanna fight with swords? Alright, I'll do you a favor before I kill you then although I can't guarantee I won't fuck you up pretty girl." He grabs a sword from the nearest body And does a few practice swings. 
I run towards the man and swing to aim at his midsection but he successfully blocks my sword and knocks it out of my hand. The man lets out a laugh and grabs me by the wrist and pulls me towards him then he rests his blade on my neck, pressing just enough for me to acknowledge the blade on my throat drawing some blood.
 The smoke from his cigar hitting me in the face while I lay completely still “What a shame I have to kill you I really wanted to fuck that pretty little face of yours-”
 Feeling complete disgust by the vulgarities this man was saying I pull out a dagger hiding under my belt and stab the man once in the midsection then another right in the eye causing him to drop his cigar to the floor and scream in agonizing pain.
 “You fucking bitch! I’ll kill you!” I pick up the sword I dropped and motion the angry man to attack "Come and get me you ugly troll.." 
The man leans in and swings his sword in my direction grazing my arm only managing to rip the fabric of my sleeve. I parry the angry man and unfortunately for the man his anger combined with only having one eye grants me an opening to lunge and slash followed by a stab right on his stomach causing him to fall on his knees and drop the sword on the ground.
 I pick up the cigar he dropped from the floor and push the end of the lit cigar into the wound in his eye.
The man screams in pain and clutches onto his face squirming on the floor until I pick up the shot gun off of a body and shoot the man dead. It's over, finally. 
I slowly close my eyes and let out a soft sigh, when I open my eyes I look at the state of the situation and see the captain of the Scarlet Sailors had been defeated or more so shot in the face. 
The rest of his crew only a handful were left alive and were are all tied up while San kept watch the rest of the guys were quickly hauling alot of supplies and money onto the ship.
 A few minutes go by of me being confused and not really knowing what to do si I decide to help San keep watch on the rival crew mates. From a distance I hear a whistling noise only to realize it was Hongjoong, who was looking in my direction and motions me back onto the ship.
 Both San and I walk back to the ship, leaving the rival crew on the boat. It still hadn’t dawned on me how brutal this whole situation is in reality. How my first encounter with true violence would be the one to light a fire in me that won’t be put out which will put a crack on my moral compass.
Once we get on the ship I begin walking towards the bathroom before Yeosang stops me “Hey, are you okay? That slice on your neck is bleeding.” I gingerly touch my neck then look down at my hand to see it coated with blood.
 Of course internally i’m panicking but I can’t let anyone know that the captain’s protector is a wimp, so I hum quietly while looking down at the blood. “The bleeding will stop, I’ll be fine.”
 Yeosang shakes his head “You have to go get that cleaned or else it’ll get infected.” I smile and wipe the blood with my finger on my inner wrist.“I’m going to shower so no worries the wound will get cleaned, thanks for your concern though.”
I give Yeosang a soft smile and before I even see his reactiom I walk over to the bathroom and close the door behind me and I begin to undress.
While I’m undressing I notice my hands are shaky, it must be the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. Growing slightly irritated because of how flimsily it made my hands feel I clench both my hands together and sigh. 
Slowly a small smile forces itself onto my features “I did a great job today, for my first day. I can’t be entirely disappointed.” I stand in the warm water staring at the ground with the slight sting on my neck from my wound. 
Suddenly I get flashes of all the people I’ve killed today and I will admit I do feel remorse for what i did as I’m only human but what Hongjoong told me keeps repeating itself in my head “The government doesn’t care, and neither should we.”
 Which means technically they aren’t the government since pirates are anti government but they did begin to head straight towards us and willing to attack us so we were in full right to attack them back.
This wasn’t wrong was it? Am I just overthinking everything right now because of the amount of people I just killed? I don’t know honestly, all I know is my body is reacting to it.
I start to feel slightly dizzy and a bit light headed so I sit under the water to rest a little bit. How can I be so weak I’m reacting like this, what happened to my grandfather’s training? No wait, his training didn’t include how to cope with killing people. 
After a long maybe 5 or 10 minutes of me feeling weird I eventually finish showering and tightly wrap the bathrobe around my figure and step back out onto the deck. It’s as if Yunho was waiting for me outside of the bathroom he hurriedly walks towards me “Yeosang told me about your wound.” 
I brush out my hair with my fingers “Oh, I’m fine.” He rolls his eyes and puts both his hands on my shoulders and turns me in the direction of the crew’s quarters “Yeah, I’m not taking any risks then you die on us and the Captain will get mad at me for not doing my job which is attend all the injuries our crew gets.” 
I sigh slightly rolling my eyes but not enough where Yunho notices “Yeah, okay then.” When we go down to the quarters he sits me down on the first bed entering the place.
 “Sit, I’ll be right back.” He walks over to a small cabinet in the room and pulls up a chair next to me. He gives me an awkward smile and points at my robe.
"Can you um, pull it down a little bit?” I nod and grab the soft fabric of the bathrobe and gently pull it down exposing my neck but still covering my chest. 
He clears his throat and silently begins to clean my wound up until he probably get tired of how painfully awkward it was so he breaks the ice and says “So, I saw you fighting and you’re pretty good. I now understand why the Captain was so hellbent on you joining us.”
 I awkwardly smile at Yunho “Yeah.” He chuckles and awkwardly smiles back  “You looked like a cat on top of those shrouds, weren’t you scared?” 
Stiffly I nod trying not to disturb what Yunho was doing “A little but when you’re set to kill you just kind of forget evreything around you and you just focus on your task.” Yunho hums “I see, just remember to be careful. You’re meant to protect the Captain and if you get hurt you’re neglecting your purpose.” 
Well that’s a bit.. Outright. What a strange way to tell me to be careful. “Okay, i’ll be careful. I'll try my best not to worry the Captain.” 
After a few more minutes of awkward small talk and him cleaning my wound he finally finishes and dresses my wound then puts away his first aid kit. I pull my bathrobe back up and I head over towards the door.
 I really wanted to say thank you but for some reason I couldn’t bring myself to say anything until I finally manage to say in a very low almost indistinguishable mumble “Thank you.” Yunho turns back to me and says “Did you say something?”
 Great, he didn’t hear me. I look so dumb right now. Immediately I shake my head and walk out without another word. I stand by the railing looking out onto the sea, unfortunately It hasn’t even been a month yet and I’m already kind of sick of seeing nothing but water.
 I might as well learn to get along with everyone even if that means I have to fake my personality. They can all be afraid of me but if I keep this up and keep being so quiet and unaproachable I’ll not only get bored but I’ll be miserable. I also can’t latch onto Seonghwa and the Captain the whole time I’m here I need to make friends even if these guys are a bit…Weird.
 I hear steps approaching me from behind and a familiar voice emerges behind me “I’ve brought you some clean clothes. I don’t know if they’re your style but Hongjoong chose them. I’m sorry we didn’t give these to you earlier and you had to go into battle with your personal attire. I am sorry your old ones got ruined.” 
I turn and it was Seonghwa, skin with a slight sheen of sweat on his exposed skin which was just his neck and face with a small cut under his eye and a busted lip. “Ah, It’s fine. I’ll keep those clothes as a memento of my first battle with The Piece of Eight.” I shake my head and see his slightly worried expression shift to a small smile.
“Good job out there by the way. Yeosang told me you saved him twice and you helped out Wooyoung. I also heard you took out the juggernaut first mate of the Scarlet Sailors.” I nervously laugh “Thank you, I was only fulfilling my duty.” 
He hands me my clothes and smiles “This might have been your first battle but it certainly won’t be your last.” I look down at the clothes and I couldn’t tell first glance if I was going to like them. It wasn’t until I actually tried them on I saw and could definitely tell Hongjoong chose them. 
Very high fashion, it’s a very nice blend of their style just a bit more feminine. I like it. It was a black blazer with a beautiful pin on it the shape of an hourglass with silver detailing and a top that was a black fitted vest and some black pants , boots and.. A wide brim fedora. 
Kind of an odd choice, I thought pirates wore those weird looking hats? Not Hongjoong though, I can tell this man goes against what everyone expects of him. He forges his own path even with the smallest of things as simple as clothing. Something tells me I'm working for right man, the right cause.
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thewritingginger · 2 years
;) Alphabet - Manjiro “Mikey” Sano pt.2
Happy Sunday! Have some spicy Mikey HCs to end your week with :3
[Part 1]
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Letters: B, H, L, Y, Z Warnings: 18+, Talks of sex 
Enjoy ~
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B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Favorite part of his partner:
Your thighs!
He’s a thigh man and you can’t tell me any differently
He likes to lay on them
Kiss them
Bite them, even fuck them
It’s his favorite part of you to squeeze and spank when the occasion arises
Also loves when you squish his head between them when he goes down on you
Favorite part of himself:
His legs! I guess he is just a leg lover to me? idk
He knows he’s strong overall but his legs are the strongest part of him
Not only does he use them to land groundbreaking kicks
But he can use them to hold you up when he fucks you
They allow him to fuck up into you when you ride him for long periods of time
And loves when you claw/ dig into his thighs when you blow him/ he face fucks you oop
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Trimmed well --if that’s what his partner prefers
Straight, black hairs
Has the slightest trail of hair leading to his navel, other than that he is generally hairless/ sparse
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He prefers to have sex in places that would lead to minimal interruptions, if any at all
Your bedroom is always a go-to or even the couch
But if he’s feeling particularly needy or devious he’ll lock his office door and plow into you right on his desk —that's probably the most “public” place he’d do it tbh
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Not very high for the most part
He may have streaks when he needs you everyday/ multiple times even
But that is usually if he’s really stressed and need a good release
On average you’d have sex 2-3 times a week —tho he is not apposed to more if his partner needs some extra TLC 😉
But for him that is usually enough for him
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s a sleepy boi
There has been many times where he’s dozed off on top while still inside you, he just likes the closeness —especially after sex
But he can stay awake, especially if you’ve done it outside of your bedroom
Though he will be a bit sleepy for the next half hour or so
If he doesn’t fall asleep after he’ll usually become very clingy and cuddly for the next while; having you sit on his lap with his chin on your shoulder or laying on your chest as you brush his hair/ stroke his back
Basically he can turn into a baby after sex if given the right environment and mood :3
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Hope you liked that! I just used a letter randomizer to pick which ones to do lol
Feedback & Interaction is always appreciated!
Also check out my Christmas Event list [HERE] where I’ll have a whole week full of spicy holiday posts :3
💛 ~
~ Blog Masterlist ~
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notmagicalstudents · 5 days
Alright, I’ll bite (especially since it’s been a couple years since it was posted):
During the Octavinelle arc with Dolphina, I have been dying to know WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED WITH THE CREW THAT STAYED WITH HEARTSLABYUL.
Ever since that dang chapter, I have been so freaking curious. I remember reading it as the chapters were getting updated, and being like HUH???? HUH???? Cuz I HAD noticed the hints between the two of them. And (because of my own love for Ace) you have no idea how much I WISHED Yuu had actually stayed with Heartslabyul during that period. And now it’s the year 2024 and I still think about the way the girlies split themselves up for Dolphina’s arc.
It can be a little “nothing happened tbh” or even a small “They got closer :3”. I just need SOMETHINg to satisfy my curiosity that’s been rolling around for basically almost 2-3 YEARS NOWWWW
Please. And thank you lol. Hope this wasn’t rude ^^;
First, I have to say thank you so much for not just reading my story, but I'm also so sorry for this being a huge mystery for you! This question actually brought a smile to my face; not because this part of the story has been on your mind for so long (so so soooo SORRY again), but I never thought that people would be thinking about my story a few years later. A little sad, I know, but thank you for getting invested in the story!
Now, for the girls splitting up, I sort of had a little headcanon in my head what Dove, Alex, Ambrosia, and Stella were doing in Heartslabyul. I'll start with the sleeping arrangements. In the game and in the side card stories, there are four boys in each room (at least for the freshmen, maybe?), so my idea was the first night they decided to let the Ramshackle crew have two beds. So divided up would be Ace and Deuce in one bed, the other two roommates in the other, Ambrosia and Stella in one, and Dove and Alex share one.
But I think Ace would be a little more jealous (since it was his idea to want her-them there), so I think the next night, after everything was done for the day, they would play cards with the group until bedtime. While everyone else is getting ready, Ace goes to Dove and is like, "Come on, one more game. You and me. Loser helps with breakfast tomorrow" or something like that. She ends up following that (because she wants to also) and they play cards, quietly as they can to not wake the others or get in trouble with Riddle.
They just end up falling asleep on the floor after that. Everyone knows the game, even Deuce, who teases Ace about "being honest with your motives" or something along those lines. Then, for the last night, somehow they'll end up crashing out on the same bed, probably falling asleep after watching a movie on his phone.
I like to think they got a bit closer, though not realizing they have a crush on each other quite yet. I hope that helps even a little bit and wasn't too long or confusing ☺️
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vinmauro · 1 year
make me write: 5k edition
it's that time again!! the 5k went well last time so this time i'd like to keep it going before i bump it up to 10k. i probably won't bump it up until i finish tied me to you tbh. anyway thank you so much for voting!!
acey’s poll breakdown
this poll is to determine which of my wips will be worked on for 1 week for a goal of 5k
in case of a tie, i’ll split 2.5k between both
the writing won’t start until tuesday 12 am and will end the following wednesday 12 am (est)
you may (and it’s highly encouraged!!) periodically message me for snippets of which won
you may reblog and random people may vote idc
if you’d like to do this, may i point you to the original poll post that i’m basing this off. but also feel free to do what you want bc, after all, this is for fun!!
the wips
another life
pairing: eddie munson x nancy wheeler prompt: things you said when we were on top of the world plot: musician!nancy wheeler & actor!eddie munson are getting a divorce! read all about it on page six. in an era of social media and high expectations, two people fell in love with versions of themselves they no longer know or recognize.
city lights
pairing: eddie munson x nancy wheeler prompt: things you said when you thought i was asleep plot: affectionately called bartender au where nancy is a bartender, currently lost and trying to find herself in the new city she’s been living in for the past year. eddie is a musician in this but not terribly successful, playing small clubs here and there. there’s a past.
tied pt 3
pairing: steve harrington x chrissy cunningham prompt: things you said when you thought i was asleep (pt 4 will also be this one) plot: the third part of tied me to you where there’s a funky little time jump and it’ll cover fall and new years eve of 1990. steve’s point of view. this is where the when harry met sally vibes come in.
secret 4th thing (liminal space prompt)
pairing: unknown prompt: #93. graffiti'd train car (prompt list) plot: if you vote for this you should also tell me who you'd like to see for this.
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dhampir-omu-rot · 9 months
HEY it’s @shrimpychipz on anon here to give you my latest brain rot also sorry for posting that and then immediately falling asleep I cannot escape the eepyness…..
ANYWAYS I don’t know how you feel about diapered Mista but I feel quite unnormal about it recently (my brain has been running nonstop thinking about it)
I’ll list some hcs:
I feel like he probably started wearing them sometime after he joined passione
half because he had a littlespace and half because he literally needed them
not cause he’s incontinent or anything because he just goes to the bathroom so often and now that he’s in the mafia he can’t afford to waste that kind of time
did I mention fugo was his CG. And that they switch . and fugo has a littlespace too . and Mista is his CG
wait back to Mista before I forget
anyways they totally have like such a teasing attitude towards each other. Like enough of ‘CGs who are their littles corresponding partners and are super soft and delicate and treat their littles like their made of glass’ which is a good trope but we don’t get enough ‘CGs who accept and are just willing to help out their friends who happen to be littles (and also lovingly tease them relentlessly about it)’
fugo will totally tease the life out of mista I bet he was the one who accidentally found out Mista wears diaps and they were like
“Oh. It’s ok I get it”
then it wasn’t until fugo explained he had a littlespace too that Mista understood
vice versa for fugo when he’s in littlespace too btw he will not hear the end of it from mista
OK I think I spouted enough garbage (I have more but this is starting to get a lot tbh 😨)
You read my mind cus I was thinking abt padded Mista !
(and padded richter )
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itsravenbitch · 2 years
my void success story💞🦋
(1st void story)
it’s 7:30 pm right now and i got into the void last night and i’ve been processing everything ALL DAYY… chilleeee it’s overwhelmingly exciting!
so in this post i’ll tell y’all HOW i got into the void and WHAT i manifested. but yall the way i woke up is my favoritee thing ever🥰
***long post ahead***
nowww how did i get into the void
i got in at night but anytime works as y’all know
1. i did a meditation [for the 1st time] a little bit before going to bed just because .. that shits super relaxing 10/10 recommend
2. anyway i set an alarm for 5 hours cause i read it somewhere that when you do, you get sleep paralysis so mmhm that’s what i did
3. i went to sleep with the intention of the void being easy to get into and yeah. it was a cool lil 5 hours.
4. thennnn my loud ass alexa alarm went off i told her to shut up and i just lied there.. they key is when the alarm goes off you don’t open your eyes and don’t move too much. this will get your body into SP. then your mind is awake and your body is dead asleep.
*in case it wasn’t obvious already make sure you’re not falling asleep again after waking up*
6. igh so boom… here we are now in SP . at this point i just repeated a few void affirmations. and i started getting THEE floating feeling, i was elevating the WHOLE time til i stopped.. then i got this falling feeling. i literally fell all the way from where i was and then i slowed down. right after i felt this shift .. AND BOOM BITCH I WAS IN THE VOIDD!!!! it was pitch black and the rest of the other stuff you experience when you’re in the void . moving on .
all i said was “gimme the life i’ve been deserving of” and i was out that ho. 🏎
tbh i wasn’t even scared cause i was ready for any of the symptoms .
so now what you probably wanna know. what did i manifesttt ???
so overall, i basically got my dream life so here’s kinda what that looks like
🦋my physical appearance: i got my desired face and body, as well as going from itty bitty 5’2 to big mf heavy stepper 5’8 mmmhmm. i reduced my titties and shii 😂 i had really ugly finger nails but they look really well kept now: and my toenails. they look like girl toes now. my skinnnn.. i can’t stop touching it.. it’s so soft 😌
🦋a lil boo thang or whatever: ooouu i’m not gon say teww much butttt.. yall i’m allll about black love so y’all already knoww… darkskin, muscular, gives THE best hugs ANDDD he’s from brooklyn, ny. and he got the accent and his voice is deep and a lil 🤏🏽 raspy ughhh ifykyk
🦋 tesla model y and my driver’s license: so i’m 17 and i didn’t get my license at 16 like most do. i actually didn’t even go to drivers ed fr. but that all changed of courseee. and to go with it i got a tesla. i got a black exterior , white interior , model y . i got in the car and knew exactly what to do lmao i was mind blown and overwhelmed with excitement.
🦋 my parents allowing me and my sisters to smoke: ok, i would like to start with the fact that my parents are african ok? and ifykyk! so me and my older sister like to smoke a lil weed and obviously my parent weren’t cool w that but they are now and it’s so weirddd.. like me and her go to the backyard and smoke and they just ignore it.. my dad yell at the fact that we smoke in MY SISTERS car tho and i’m like bro it NOT YOUR CARRR. he need to relax, he need some weed fr.
🦋desired friend group: i live in a predominantly white area and please don’t get me wrong but i just feel like i connect with my sistas better. but again where i live limits that so y’all already know wtf i did. i manifested 3 close friends and they really make my life so much better 💞
🦋moneyyy ofc: nothing much to say but i definitely won’t be worrying about money
🦋a fun life: i go out w friends , my bf takes me on fancy dates , i have a car now, so i take my little sister shopping and i love spoiling her . school is so easy so i don’t worry about it, my days are productive but fun, i have a great social life. and i’m traveling next weeekk.
🦋school goes by fast: even though i have late arrival bc ima senior i be tryna gtfo
🦋i got a cat: vivi is my munchkin kitten she’s so so tiny and i love her but i swear she love my man more than she love me bro.. ion know i might have to get on her ass.
🦋instant manifestation forever and perfect self concept: i would say my sc before the void was decent but now it’s perfect and that was the goal. and my manifestations are instant. seconds…
that about wraps this post right tf up. uhh like i said i’ve been adjusting to my new life , experiencing new things , just enjoying my life with no job , all the money i need and my only priority being school .
if y’all want the story about how i woke up from the void lemme know and i might make a post on it .
have a great morning , afternoon , evening , or night
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writer-komaru · 2 years
*insert fanfair here*
Two new pieces of news for you all!
First, Im currently starting a new fic! Wooo! I haven’t wrote something for myself in a while, so I want to make this one as good and long as I can! ^^ it will be about a curtain someone~ that I feel would enjoy being “pushed around” a little bit. Heheh!~
And two! While rummaging through my old docs, I found all of old, dusty, prompts I was planning on writing for my either 50 or 100 follower celebration, so I’ll just post them here as a sorry for not being able to finish my old one and the other one I tried to do. I’m so sorry, I’m just really bad a completing big things like that </3 so this is a way for me to show that I’m sincerely sorry for not being about to do that.
Love you guys!!!~ enjoy!!
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❀ Chiaki ❀ ~
❀ fav thing about you
You make her feel like she has the ability to not only become more, but just straight up be more than her ultimate, but also to become mroe social. She feels so happy around you, even if she wears her usual neutral expression. You make her realize how much she cares about others. I think that with your support, she would probably actually try to vioenteer herself as class president (or something like that, I forgot what it was called) while in school, and persuade her to make more friends again after the whole despair ordeal.
❀ a way they are adorable
Whenever she plays games next to you, it’s so adorable to see her fighting back against her body’s affords to fall asleep. Her eyes will be focused on the game in front of her, like a predator stalking their prey, and then they will fall heavier and heavier until they are almost closed, and they they snap back open and return to normal. If she can’t control it anymore, she will just flip against your shoulder and take a mini nap.
❀ fav way to spend time w/ u
Playing games, of course. But, spending time with you in a general sense is also her fav. Most of the time when you hang out together, you are usually playing games. But when it’s class time, she may or not put them away, depending on if Chisa is lenient or not. If so, you and her will spend your class time playing all sorts of games she had on her hand held. Also, you get to pick what you play. Since she has already played all of them, she doesn’t really have a preference. Just as long as it’s with you.
❀ way of showing affection
Quality time. Absolutely. She’s not very good with words, so not words of affection, plus spending time with you playing her games makes her feel connected to you even more. She may feel like she is only her talent, but there is something about doing her talent with you that makes it more… she doesn’t quite know how to describe it.
❀ nicknames
She doesn’t really use nicknames and would rather use your real name. And the way she says it is even better than a nickname, let me tell ya ;)
❀ How do they cuddle?
Starts with her leaning against you. She never really initiates anything head on and normally finds it easier to do things to hunt that she wants to cuddle (ie leaning against you, putting her legs on your lap, etc) when you both do start cuddling, she pretty much acts like an affection cat, nuzzling into you, humming gently, gentle breathing. It’s adorable tbh.
❀ Scenario
“Hey Chiaki, want to play this new game I got for us?”
You showed her the box and she nodded, a bright, excited expression on her still face.
“Heheh, I’ll start it up now.”
After a few hours both of you were very tired, limps sprawled out over each others’, barely able to keep up with the game. Chiaki yawned and shifted over to lay next to you. She wrapped her arms around your body, pressing her face into your shoulder. Your eyes widened at her display of affection.
“Do you… wanna go to bed now?”
She nodded sleepily, but didn’t move at all to get up. You chuckled. Maybe it would be okay to just take a nap here.
“Okay. Are you sure you don’t want to get ready for bed or anything?”
You waited for a response, but you were only met with soft breathing. She had already fallen asleep. You smiled at her, giving her a light kiss on the forehead.
“I hope you rest well, I know you really need it.”
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❀ Nagito ❀ ~
❀ fav thing about you
As stated before [;)] everything. Anything and everything. Even the parts you apparently don’t like about yourself. The way you bring hope to others and himself, the way you constantly strive to improve your ultimate, the way you act so kind to scum like him. All so perfect in his eyes. Everything about you is perfect.
❀ a way they are adorable
His. Fucking. Expressions! If you literally just hold his hand, give him and short hug, or compliment him on something he did, he will break out into a wild bush and smile, trying to play it off as nothing, as if it was just an accident. But, for god's sake, you gave him a kiss, he would truly combust. He would look like he was on cloud nine, like he is under the influence or something, all just from you doing something so mundane. He is truly an enigma.
❀ fav way to spend time w/ u
Doesn’t have a preference. Anything you want to do is his favorite! He is very easygoing. But, if you truly want to know, it’s doing everyday things with you. For example, when you two are cleaning the classroom, or studying, or even showing him how to cook, he really loves it. When you aren’t looking he will gaze at you with a love sick expression. And it’s just his luck if you accidentally get a glimpse of his face when he does. He will turn bright red and apologize, probably degrading himself as well.
❀ way of showing affection
Acts of service, definitely, even if he slightly thinks that the things he does for you are just a waste of your time. He will make you lunch just in case you forgot it, help you with your homework, give you back something you dropped with walking in the halls of in class, or even fucking carry you to school if you want! Hehe! He would honestly do pretty much anything for you tbh.
❀ nicknames
Doesn’t think he deserves to use nicknames, or even your name for that matter. He doesn’t want to dirty it. But with persistence, time, and reassurance, he will come around eventually. He likes calling you his hope (because you literally are his hope. Without you, he feels like a shell of a person), and his Angel. Or, if he is feeling poetic, he will call you his Angel of hope or his divinity or just beacon of hope.
❀ How do they cuddle?
Here’s the thing. We all know he is a very clingy guy, but he never wants to actually initiate anything unless it is further into the relationship and knows he can open up around you. So it can go two ways. One, the relationship is fairly new and it’s been around maybe half a year. He would only use your last name to be as polite as possible. If you started callin g his nicknames of even just his first name, he would get so
❀ Scenario
On one lazy Saturday while you were off from school, you decided you wanted to surprise your boyfriend, Nagito. He was unsuspectingly cleaning around your house, which is something he just does without being told to do so, and you were leaking out of a room. He had his back facing you, peacefully dusting the tables. You snickered under your breath and slowly approached him. Once you were close enough, it was time to strike!
You wrapped your arms around his waist tightly, triggering Nagito freeze response. His head whipped around to face you, expecting it to be some sort of killer. But as soon as he saw it was his S/O, a blush and a dazed smile appeared on his face.
“Awww someone’s happy, hm? Just from me hugging you?”
His breathing was a bit uneven as he hummed in response.
“Y-you.. you’re so hopeful, even when I clearly don’t deserve it. I’m such an awful person-“
“Shut it with that. You absolutely deserve it, you deserve everything, you know. You’re so kind to me, so nice to others, heck, you even do my homework when I leave to use the bathroom! That doesn’t sound like a awful person to me.”
Is he thought you were giving him more hope then he could handle before, he definitely did now. He let out a couple soft but deranged laughs, his eyes swirling into spirals, face completely flushed. You realized if you said anymore, he would probably faint or something.
“Why not we both relax on the couch and watch a movie? Does that sound good?”
“Yes! Anything you want to do! I’ll do anything for you!”
(I wanna say he dropped on his knees and looked up at you with a depraved look but I don’t want this to be too long so-)
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❀ Fuyuhiko ❀ ~
❀ fav thing about you
Your determination. He loves a person with as much determination or presence as himself, it makes him feel as though you are on the same level of him and not some person to be bossed around. He admires that. He doesn’t like someone just based on their looks. He’s not that kind of guy. So if you have a personally similar to himself, know how to hold your own, and are very strong willed, he will low key start to get a crush on you, against his greater judgment of course.
❀ a way they are adorable
Well, let’s let’s just say if you, I don’t know, totally sweep him off his feet, or even, for the sake of argument, look at him with a pricing look, he may or may not look away out of embarrassment. But yes, he will be a little annoyed he feels this way. A lot annoye,
actually. He will turn into a total tsundere of you play your cards right. You should really try it, it’s totally worth it. ;) And you better know he is literally the most adorable tsundere, some may say even cuter than Mr.Himbo.
❀ fav way to spend time w/ u
Dates at nice places. Since you are his partner, he wants to treat you the way he feels you should be treated. This means that even though you both are in High School, he will not hesitate to take you to fancy dinners on Friday nights, non-alcoholic drinks, of course. He might even give you some nice jewelers or clothes, too, depending on his mood and if he has warmed up to you yet.
❀ way of showing affection
Quality time and gifts. Since he is the leader of the yakuza, saying he is rich would be an understatement. He could get you anything you could ever want. (just like Nagito lol) So expect many, many dates and many, many gifts.
❀ nicknames
Doesn’t use them that much. He’ll call you baby, darling, sweetie.
❀ How do they cuddle?
Okay, okay, you might think I’m going to say he wants to be held, or he is the little spoon, or that kinda stuff, huh? Well, yes and no. Deep inside he knows he likes being the big spoon. Protecting you from the world makes him feel like even more of a strong man. (Lol) but, something else, maybe his heart, tells him that he does really like being held. Maybe it’s the fact he was brought up in a fairly unsafe environment. Even when he had Peko to protect him, he never truly felt safe. So when you swaddle him in your warmth, even though he doesn’t like being treated like a kid, he can’t deny how comfortable it is.
❀ Scenario
“Hey Fuyu! I have something for you!”
He gives you a confused look as he walked over to you.
“Here! I made it myself! I… wanted to give you something nice since you always spoil me.. I mean, it’s not as nice as-“
“Don’t say that kind of shit. I bet it’s beautiful since you were the one who made it.”
He takes the small box from your hands and opens it. His eyes widen as he takes out a small bracelet with black beads on it. A metal plate attached to it had the words ‘Fuyu’ engraved on it.
“You…. You made this for me?”
You nodded with a smile, anxiously anticipating what reaction he would have. You slightly gasp as you see tears prick at his eyes.
“Aww, are you crying?”
“N-no! I’m not fucking crying.. it’s just…”
He carefully puts the bracelet on, feeling his heart beat rapidly.
“You’re… you’re just too damn perfect sometimes… come here.”
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❀ Akane ❀ ~
❀ fav thing about you
Your determination and drive!!! She admires people who have the ability to push themselves out of their comfort zones sometimes. Since she never had the perfect life growing up, but has overcome the life and troubles she used to have, she wants to see others achieve the same thing! So if you are down in the dumps, expect a very passionate Akane to be knocking at your door so you, her, and Nekomaru can train together. And it truly does pay off, you feel a lot stronger than before, But unfortunately… it has its downsides. She may try to wake you up at the crack of dawn so you can work out to be ready for the day. So if you aren’t a morning person… good luck
❀ a way they are adorable
Her enthusiasm is truly something to marvel at! The way she acts like an excited puppy when she sees something she likes is so adorable! Her eyes will light up with joy and if she had a tail, it would definitely be wagging.
❀ fav way to spend time w/ u
Training, of course! She wants to see you and herself improve, So expect many gym dates and work out sessions together. Watching you grow fills her with even more determination!!
❀ way of showing affection
Quality time, of course! Time spent with you, even when it’s not working out, is never a waste in her book.
❀ nicknames
Honey, babe, pumpkin. All that cute stuff :)
❀ How do they cuddle?
With lots and lots of passion! And movement. She can never sit still long enough to straigh up cuddle, she always ends up either carrying you around or bench pressing you. But when she is tired she will be a lot more clingy.
❀ Scenario
“Hey Akane, are you okay?”
Akane only murmured sleepily, rubbing her eyes as she both entered your house. She had just gotten back from a whole day spent training with Nekomaru and she was thoroughly exhausted. She wasn’t really hungry for once since she ate before coming back home, so all she felt was an insane amount of tiredness.
Before she could stop herself, she gently grabbed your hand and lead you to the couch, flopping down on top of you. She nuzzled her head in your neck, her body relaxing into yours.
“Ack! Akane?! Huh? Oh, are you tired?”
She slowly nodded in response.
“Want to sleep on the couch tonight or do you want to go to my bed?”
“…. Here…”
“Hehe, okay. Goodnight, sweetie. You did great today.”
Her face grew warmer at your words.
“Mmm… thank you, I love you so much.”
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❀ Sonia ❀ ~
❀ fav thing about you
It’s a mixture of things, but overall, she just loves you for you! You’re a new experience, to put it bluntly, for her and as someone who has never really had any of those, she cherishes you so so so much! She loves how unique you are and she especially loves it if you are a bit of a daredevil. She was always sheltered as a kid and she always day dreamed about that kind of stuff!
❀ a way they are adorable
This is more on the funny side, but the way she says and does things. Like, for example, when she gushes about horror movies and true crime with a face of someone who got a puppy for Christmas or the way she will use the most bland and basic curse words and apologize profusely right after. It cracks you up! But, kinda like Akane, she gets this fluffy smile whenever she talks about something she likes. You can tell she is extremely happy when she gets to. So let her talk about her interests more often!!!!
❀ fav way to spend time w/ u
She loves to watch horror movies with you at midnight, eat lunch and study together, or even go on adventures to all kinds of different places! To be honest, touring the world is one of the things on her bucket list. Oh, btw she has a bucket list of things she wants to do before she becomes queen and can’t do it because she would be too busy.
❀ way of showing affection
Quality time! But, she likes to spend it most of the time in private. It’s not because she is shy or something (ahem Hinata-) but she just likes it more when it’s just you and no one else.
❀ nicknames
Darling, sweetheart, maybe even Cutie pie! Sometimes flower names as well!
❀ How do they cuddle?
Her cuddles are very soft and snuggly! She will let you sit on her lap and hold you close to her. Maybe she will even hum to you if you want her too!
❀ Scenario
“Her Sonia! Look at these pretty flowers!”
You ran over to a large bed of all kinds of flowers in all kinds of colors.
“Ooo!~ they’re gorgeous, aren’t they? They were planted here very recently by the gardeners.”
You bent over and held one of the flowers close to your nose, soaking in the scent.
“Mmmm~ they smell so good!”
As you stood back up and looked over at Sonia, you realized she was holding a red camellia in her hand.
“My mother always said flowers were like a special kind of language. Some mean loyalty, some mean purity, and some mean love.”
With a careful hand, she placed the flower in your hair.
“This one means love. I want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter where life takes us, I will always love you.”
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❀ Twogami ❀ ~
❀ fav thing about you
Tbh he can’t really pick a favorite. If he ever asks you, he will just say the last thing you were complaining about yourself. For example, if you said your face looked weird, he would say his favorite thing was the shape of your face, or if you said you said you were too clingy, he would say his favorite thing was your willingness to rely on others. But If you kept complaining, he would go on a whole long lecture about how you are literally the most perfect person to him. Don’t tempt him, he truly will.
❀ a way they are adorable
The way he tries to protect you, even in situations where he doesn’t have to. For example of you and him were walking to school together and some on the streets were giving you a weird look, he would move you so he was in between the both of you. And god forbid if they started following the two of you, he wouldn’t hesitate to use his ultimate to trick the person into running away as fast as they could.
❀ fav way to spend time w/ u
Just your everyday things are perfect for him. Eating lunch together, sitting next to you in class, spending time at a restaurant together.
❀ way of showing affection
Acts of service. He wants to make sure you are okay at all times, so if that means protecting you from others, making you some food, or just cuddling you, he would do it all.
❀ nicknames
Doesn’t use them much, he normally uses names, but sometimes if you are lucky he will call you Dear.
❀ How do they cuddle?
Warmly! He is very comfortable when it comes to hugs and snuggling. Though, it does make him a tad nervous, but he will never admit it. As long as you are content, he is as well.
❀ Scenario
(I can’t think of anything I’m sorry T T just know he loves you a lot! He is very devoted to you! Maybe he will even tell you about his ultimate… maybe!)
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❀ Mahiru ❀ ~
❀ fav thing about you
Your willingness to stand up for yourself! She really admires that in people. She will absolutely fall in love if she ever sees you standing up for others. Something about that just makes her heart flutter! She will compliment you with a smile as she approaches you.
❀ a way they are adorable
The way she pouts sometimes. Whenever she finishes an argument with someone, her face is always stuck in a pout. But please, don’t tease her for it or else she won’t hesitate to have an argument with you as well. Just try and cheer her up, she will thank you after.
❀ fav way to spend time w/ u
Making memories! All kinds of memories! A reason she takes pictures of others is so you all can have something to cherish, something that doesn’t fade like a memory. So if you say you want to do all kinds of things with her for the purpose of making memories, she would be overjoyed!!
❀ way of showing affection
Quality time! As said before, she greatly values making memories with others. But also… something cute she does is sometimes in the morning when you sit down at your desk, you might just see a picture of you and Mahiru spending time together after school the previous day. It’s honestly really sweet. <3
❀ nicknames
Doesn’t really use them that much since it makes her a tad shy, but she’ll call you sweetie or baby.
❀ How do they cuddle?
Her cuddles are filled with love for you and only you! She hopes that every time she gives you a hug you can feel just as happy as you make her!
❀ Scenario
“Ah, I’m so glad we finally have some time to relax after class!”
“Yeah, I agree. Class can really stretch on for longer than it needs to thanks to… everyone. Ugh, I mean they are great friends, but sometimes they get needlessly crazy.”
As you and Mahiru chatted while sitting next to the daytime, you felt droplets of water on your legs and shoulders. At first, you thought it was just the water from the fountain, but it gradually started to get heavier.
“Ah, I think it’s starting to rain! Should we go inside?”
“Yeah, we shouldn’t be out here for too long or we will catch a cold.”
Just as the two of you were beginning to walk back inside, something caught your eye. You turned around to see a huge rainbow stretching over the sky. You put a hand on Mahiru's shoulder to stop her.
“Huh? Something wrong?”
“Look! It’s a rainbow! It’s so beautiful!”
She turned around to see the same sight you were. Her eyes lit up, mind reeling with the possibilities of pictures.
“Hey, can you pose in front of it?”
“Heheh… what happened to going inside?”
“Come on, please? Eheh! It will be really pretty!”
“Okay, if you want me to!”
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kitsunecharm · 3 years
Could I request comforting Xiao or Diluc on a bad day?
absolutely!! they both make me want to protect them so bad even though they’re supposed to be the protectors,, they deserve it tbh i’d give them the world
i’m also planning to write something with xiao but this ended up a lot longer than i thought it would, so that will be a separate post, hopefully soon
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the day is dark and miserable, the monotonous pattering of rain against the roof only occasionally broken up by rolling thunder. rain isn’t uncommon this time of year, but it isn’t appreciated, either. you’d much rather be outside walking through the vineyards and watching the fluttering crystalflies than watching raindrops race down the windows.
diluc isn’t far away; he’s seated by the barren fireplace, book opened in his lap. his eyes are on the book, though not following the words; he hasn’t flipped the page in a while. his brows furrow a little, the tiniest bit, where he’s lost in thought. he hasn’t spoken in a long time.
“diluc,” you call, softly. he blinks, and while normally the awareness in his gaze would return, it doesn’t, this time. you slip off the windowsill. “what’s wrong?”
he opens his mouth, no doubt to tell you that it’s nothing, but then shuts it just as quickly. you lean over the back of the chair, arms over his shoulders, hands coming to play with the buttons of his heavy coat, cheek against his soft hair.
he doesn’t speak for a moment, but when he does, it’s tiny, hesitant. “it shouldn’t be anything.”
his head turns, just enough that those cherry red eyes can watch for your reaction. you nudge your nose into his hair. it’s soft, smelling faintly of wine and smoke. “just feel sad?”
you feel his tiny nod more than see it, a quick jerk of his head. you rock from foot to foot slowly, dragging diluc with you as you do. he doesn’t seem to mind, because he doesn’t nudge you to stop. “do you want to talk about it?”
a little shake; his hand comes up and lays atop yours. his palms are rough with callouses and scars, warm as a fire against your skin.
“okay.” you stand up straight again, but not before leaning to press a kiss to his cheek. his head tilts back to follow you; he looks cute from this angle, red locks falling across his face from how it’s tilted. “come help me make dinner. you get to pick what we’re eating.”
he’s silent as he trails along behind you, like a big puppy. the kitchen is empty, thankfully; adelinde isn’t here to shoo the both of you out. diluc looks awkward, eyes flitting from you to the oven to you to the stove and then back. you’re sure he knows how to cook, but by the way he’s staring at the oven, it’s probably only over a fire.
“can we have pile ‘em ups?” his voice is so small, and you’re sure if he wasn’t already gripping the edges of his coat he would be wringing his hands. he must feel horrible, then.
“of course. do you want to help me or just watch?” you ask.
“i’ll help,” he says, but makes no effort to move from where he’s been standing. he blinks at you when you let out a light laugh, then shuffles off to go get the ingredients.
diluc is, expectedly, mostly silent as you cook, only occasionally answering a question you answer with a short yes or no or the occasional hum. he hovers just behind you, only coming to hold onto you when you lean back against him; then, he wraps his arms around you and buries his face in the crook of your neck.
he looks marginally more alive once you sit him down with a plate in front of him, but he still picks at his food, eating slowly. he manages to eat most of the plate, though, which is good enough considering he doesn’t seem to be hungry at all. you take the plate when you’re sure he’s done, whisking off to go clean them and return them to the cabinets. diluc joins you after a moment, again resting his head atop your shoulder.
he tolerates a bath, leans into your touch as you massage sweet-smelling soap into his hair. he looks almost like he might fall asleep right there; you tap his nose a few times to wake him up, and he looks equally confused each time as he looks to you. adorable.
he seems to feel better afterwards. he curls around you in bed, tucks you close to his chest. his hands are rough when they come to hold yours, fingers lacing together, but they’re gentle. “feel better?”
“yeah,” his voice is little more than a rumble. “thank you.”
he falls asleep only a few minutes later, your hands still in his, his breaths deep and even, warm against you. he looks peaceful when he’s asleep, and you hope he wakes up that way, too.
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bellesowl · 4 years
kiss and make up
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- multiple characters 
⤷ atsumu, sakusa
genre: (an attempt at) angst to fluff ; established relationship, timeskip 
synopsis: in which you have an almost relationship-ending argument
word count: 2.1k total - about 1k each
warnings: fighting (obv), being called a burden, the boys are kinda mean but they make up for it i swear
- a/n: tbh i was kinda getting sick of writing just fluff so i wanted to spice it up a lil! if this sucks i’m probably going to stick to fluff fics but i think it should be fine? this one also only has 2 characs cause idk how i would be at writing angst LMAO if this does well enough i’ll post the one i have written w kuroo and iwa <3 but i feel like this kinda sucks so oh well
- thank u @kybabi for beta-ing <3
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- miya atsumu
you n atsumu have been together since high school which is why you’ve always been inseparable
you went to the same college & moved in together right after, but once he got his job with the jackals, he insisted that you didn’t work and focused on getting your master’s degree
you reluctantly agreed, if only to be able finish & earn your phd soon after
because atsumu is always busy, it’s kinda become commonplace for you to do the chores around the house- like doing the laundry or washing the dishes or cooking dinner for him
but it’s gotten to the point where he expects it
atsumu sighs, unlocking the door to your shared apartment. today’s practice was rough, it was a day of hard conditioning and bad sets and he wanted nothing more than a good meal and to cuddle. the first thing he noticed when he walked in was the mess. instant ramen bowls were scattered everywhere, empty coke cans and dirty napkins were all over the floor, and there you were, in the eye of the hurricane. the second thing he noticed was that there was no homecooked meal.
surprised, he walks into the dining room to see you, furiously typing away at your laptop with four different books surrounding you. you hear his footsteps and look up.
“hey baby! how was practice?” you ask with a smile
atsumu grunts in reply and gestures toward the kitchen, “so.. what’s for dinner babe?”
your eyes widen, “oh shoot! i’m sorry, i was so busy studying for this final that i forgot to cook. do you mind-“ you stop when you see him roll his eyes and head out.
“um, where are you going? you just got home?” you ask, following him.
“out. i have to get food somehow” he replies, “especially because my useless s/o can’t cook a goddamn meal for me” he mutters under his breath
you stop in shock because did he really just say that?
“i’m sorry, i don’t think i heard you right.” you start but he interrupts you
“i said, i have to go get food because someone is too busy to cook a goddamn meal. what do you even do anyways- well, besides spend my money? the least you can do is cook for me, god.” he finally turns to look at you but he feels his heart stop at the look on your face.
not wanting to escalate the situation any further, you try to calm him down, “tsum, hey, i’m sorry i forgot to cook okay? this is my last final before the year ends and i just can’t afford to fail it, so i’ve been studying all day. if you come back to the kitchen, i’ll make you something, okay?”
“i don’t want to eat your half assed attempt at a meal, y/n. the whole point is that you couldn’t get off your ass for an hour to cook when i make the money, i paid for the apartment, hell, i’m even paying for your school! is it really too much to ask for you to stop being such a burden and cook and clean everyday?” he fumed.
you gape at him, shocked that he would even say that. to hell with not escalating things
“at least i want to do something more with my life than hit balls around and retire at 35” you hiss, “and i do everything in this house! i do the laundry, i clean the bathroom, i cook - i do all the things you refuse to. and do i complain? no. i offered to get a job but you refused.”
you turn around to grab your laptop and your textbooks, “just- just do whatever the hell you want to, atsumu.” and with that you walk out the door.
atsumu’s heart drops when he realizes that you actually left. sure, you’ve had arguments here and there, but you’ve never left. he pulls out his phone to call you when he sees you’ve left yours on the counter. knowing there’s nothing to do but wait at this point, he begins to clean up and calls osamu over.
it’s already 3 am when you walk back into your apartment, and you blink multiple times when you open the door. it’s ... clean? you’re sure it was a mess when you left, so how would it be clean? you sigh, too tired to think about it more and walk into the kitchen. your eyes widen at the sight. not only is your favorite food on the stove, but there your boyfriend is, asleep on the dining table. you smile slightly, well that explains things.
“ ‘’mu, hey, wake up babe.” you kiss him lightly and shake him.
he grunts and sits up, “baby! i’m so so sorry for what i said. you are in no way, shape, or form a burden, i have no clue why i said that. today’s practice was just really tiring, but i know i shouldn’t have taken it out on you. just please-” he sighs, “just please don’t leave me again.”
your heart breaks your teary eyed boyfriend. “shh, of course baby. i’ll never leave you again okay?” you say, tugging on his arm, “cmon babe, let’s go to bed, okay?”
“mm okay my love.” he replies and practically pulls you into bed. “i love you, okay?”
“i love you too baby.” you reply
“to the moon and back?” he asks
“yeah, and to infinity and beyond.” you reply, your lack of sleep hitting you hard
“oh, i didn’t know i was dating buzz lightyear”
you let out a loud laugh and just like that you both fall into the same routine, love radiating off both of you in waves.
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- sakusa kiyoomi
dating sakusa was,, challenging
it definitely took him a while to get comfortable with you
so you guys have been dating for a couple years now, and at this point he’s def clingy
however there still moments when he reverts to his old self
this just happened to be one of those times
the stadium is silent before the ejp cheering section erupts in cheers. you stay silent, watching your team below. you watch as sakusa stills, still in disbelief. you make your way down, practically sprinting to your boyfriend.
he sees you on the sideline and makes his way over to you. you put on your biggest smile and attempt to make him feel better.
“you did great, kiyo! you’ll get them next time, yeah?” you beam, knowing how hard he’s been training to beat his cousin
he eyes you warily, not knowing what to say.
usually, sakusa gets pretty clingy after games, so you you move to give him a hug.
“don’t touch me” he barked, jerking away from you. “if you hadn’t been distracting me, we would’ve won.”
you stare at him, refusing to let the tears flow. you both turn when you hear a certain setter yelling at the opposing middle and you sigh.
“um, okay then. i’ll see you at home, yeah?” you ask
sakusa merely nods and makes his way over to his teammates. you look around to see if anyone saw what just happened and you lock eyes with your boyfriend’s cousin, who walks over.
“congrats on the win komori! you guys did so well!” you cheered
“thanks, y/n! and i’m sorry about kiyoomi. i’m sure you know he gets that way sometimes.” he explains
you smile and shake your head, saying that you’re used to it and you both bid your farewells. as you walk out of the stadium, you think back to how your boyfriend, the one person you loved with everything you had in you, utterly embarrassed you in front of his whole team. before you know it, silent tears start streaming down your face. 
you enter your home and immediately rush to the bathroom. you draw yourself a bath and make some dinner while waiting. you assume that kiyoomi wouldn’t be home to have dinner with you anyways- and now that you think about it, you can’t remember the last time you had dinner together. after you finish your bath and eat your dinner, you decide to wait up for boyfriend and watch a couple episodes of your favorite show to pass the time. 
kiyoomi walks into his apartment at around 1 am, completely and utterly exhausted. he kicks his shoes off and drops his bag on the floor. The rustling rouses you from sleep and you sit up.
“hey kiyo” you say with a yawn, “where’ve you been all night?” 
sakusa ignores you in favor of getting ready for bed and you frown when he brushes past you. 
“kiyo, babe, what’s wrong? you’ve been ignoring me all night and i-” you start but he interrupts you before you can finish. 
“god, just shut up, y/n. can’t you tell i don’t want to talk to you right now? i’ve already had the worst day, i don’t need you making it any worse.” he snaps
"kiyoomi, look, i understand you’re upset but you shouldn’t take it out on me.” you reason, reaching out towards him, “listen, i’m here if you wanna-” 
“i said, do not touch me.” he seethes. “you are so fucking clingy y/n, lord, let me breathe a little.”
with those words, you explode. “you know what, sakusa,” he flinches when he hears his last name come out of your mouth, “i think i have the right to want to spend some time with my boyfriend! i haven’t seen you in god knows how long- you leave before i wake up and i fall asleep in an empty bed. i’ve been working my ass off to get some time off to watch your stupid volleyball game and what do you do? you embarrass me in front of your whole team!”
you sigh, wiping away the tears that continue that continue to fall. “listen, i don’t want to fight right now. i’m going to go stay at a friend’s house for the night, alright? i’ll see you tomorrow” you say, grabbing your purse. “if you’re even home tomorrow,” you add under your breath.
sakusa is in shock. the moment he saw your tears start to spill, he felt an undeniable and unrelenting ache in his chest that only seemed to grow with every work that came out of your mouth. and when the door shut? sakusa fell on his knees, his heart dropping. he truly couldn’t believe he said that to you. now all he had to do was wait till you got home.
2:38 pm - you check the time on your phone before pulling out your keys. you hope you made the right move, choosing to come back home while kiyoomi was still at practice. you open the door and the sight causes your eyes to widen.
there, on the couch with your favorite flowers in hand, is your boyfriend. he hears the door open and stands up abruptly.
“y/n, my love, i am so sorry. i truly cannot express how horrible i feel, and i cannot begin to understand how you feel.” he takes a deep breath, seemingly holding back tears. “i- i do love you. i love you more than i’ve ever loved anyone in my entire life. i know i’m not the best at expressing it, but you mean the world to me- no, you are my world. without you, i don’t know what i would do. so please-” his voice cracks, “just, please give me another chance?”
you run towards your boyfriend, practically tackling him. “kiyo, baby, of course. i love you too, you know? you just can’t do that anymore, yeah? you shouldn’t feel like you have the right to embarrass me just because you had a bad day. and please, don’t call me clingy? i know i do stick to you like glue sometimes, but that’s just because i never see you anymore.” you reply.
“that will all change, darling.” he answers sincerely, “i’ll make more time for you, i swear. in fact, i’ll take the week off, how does that sound?” at the sight of your smile, he relaxes.
“that sounds wonderful, yoomi.” you answer
sakusa feels the weight that’s been dragging him down lift and he realizes the effect you have on him- you’re his breath of fresh air. he also realizes how utterly idiotic it was to push away the one person who could make him feel better.
it’s fine, he reasons, he’ll just never make that mistake again. he swears it.
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after-witch · 2 years
i love how feitan is okay with kidnapping and hurting darling, but never crossed into intimacy and sex😩😂 like that was the like he drew in the sand. i’ll ruin ur life but show u that i like you?? never. can you imagine how insane that is? being kidnapped and not ever even being sure why exactly your kidnapper is keeping you around? what are his motives? what does he want from me? why is he so mean? and all that compiled with the new mess reader is in post-feitan-sex-debacle. like wow the new aspects to the relationship would probably keep reader spinning mentally. i wonder how feitan adjusts to it all after as well, since it seemed like he was hesitant at first too, likely about reader rejecting them or coming to their senses. it’ll definitely be interesting exploring their relationship post-story. is he nicer now? do they sleep in the same room? is reader sinking further into stockholm syndrome? is he even more possessive and open with his feelings? soooo many thoughts, i’ll be thinking about them all as i daydream until i fall asleep💓 ty for giving me something to have on my mind and reread for the next month!!!!
Yandere Feitan in a nutshell tbh: "i’ll ruin ur life but show u that i like you?? never."
I think this is why yandere Feitan is just... terrible all around. At least with Chrollo, you know that he wants you romantically, you can gauge that he wants a "relationship" with you, wants to act like you're a couple and all the indulgences that come with that, etc.
With Feitan it's so confusing. He can even got hostile if you act positively with him, depending on the scenario. You're walking on eggshells to an extreme degree.
Re: relationship post-story.
I don't think he'd be nicer in general. If anything he might be a little taken aback by his actions and if reader (for whatever reason) wanted to initiate affection again in a casual way, like smiling at him or sitting next to him on the sofa, he'd feel almost offended in a way. A sort of "how dare you assume he wants that vulnerability with you" type of situation.
At the same time, he would expect reader to know his mood and see when he does want affection versus when he'd rather be left alone. How is reader supposed to know? Well, who fucking knows, but they'd better find out.
I do think he'd start thinking about having reader sleep in his bed when he's home though. Like hmm... damn it did feel nice to hold them and kiss them and leave bruises all over from his mouth and his hands, which he got to see bloom deeper the next morning.
Thank you for the nice message!! I'm really flattered that you'll be thinking about it and rereading!
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lengthofropes · 3 years
Hi guys!
Thank you for all the messages, my inbox is so full! And so is my heart with love for you! ❤️❤️❤️ you are the best!
I’ll reply to all in the evening, cause now I gonna take some sleeping pills, or I will fckin collapse 😆 I’m up for 48 hours and looks like I’m sick (not COVID, just a cold probably!)) Now skies are clear, so I can’t miss the opportunity to sleep in bed!))
This night was tough, spent mostly in the basement. (Well, same as previous one, tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️ ) they fired a rocket at an oil depot near us. the whole sky was red at night. my brother was on guard, and even saw from the window how the rocker flew. this is so fucked up, Jesus Christ… so yeah, couldn’t fall asleep after that.
But the news are good! Reading everything and it makes me smile so wide! Counties sending weapons, SWIFT updates, and most of all - our army kicks ass hell yeah!! 💛💙✊🏻
Once again, if you want to help, please share my latest post. And donate, if you have such opportunity! My colleagues, who are currently in Poland, organize supplies transfer to Ukraine (mostly meds), they are people I’m working with every day, THIS IS MY TEAM!!! and I’m proud of them so much!❤️
Love you all!!
Anz ❤️
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shotorozu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬’ 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮
𝟰𝟬𝟬 & 𝟱𝟬𝟬 𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹
character(s) : haikyuu!! - multiple characters
legend : [Y/N = your name] f!reader with they/them pronouns. fluff to the mildest of spice, not nsfw. timeskip 
note(s) : so like.. the bnha one did very well, so i wanted to do a haikyuu version of it. im obviously not doing all the boys sadly. (will probably do 3-5 boys per team idk), but i’ll just do as many as i can until my idea train dies. i would add more tags but 30 is the limit so.. sorry. very long overdue because this was in my drafts for the longest time
read more will be added later along with the link to part one.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
hinata shoyo
↮ a legs lover. there’s something about them he’s really enamored by. a bonus if you’re shorter than him, and an even bigger bonus if you’re taller than him (if you’re much taller than him since he’s 5′7 in the timeskip, I think) then he’ll pass tf out) he LOVES it when you wear stockings or fishnets, and he loves the way the material contours the shape of your legs. he’ll stare at them a lot, and he will be embarrassed if you catch him, and even more so when the team catches him. please reassure him that it’s fine.
kageyama tobio
↮ loves your chest, regardless of size (but if you must insist, he leans towards bigger sets) is it a thing connecting to milk? he doesn’t really know to be honest. kageyama really loves taking naps on your chest, because he falls asleep pretty fast when he takes naps on your chest. he won’t touch them because he’s a lil hesitant, but he’ll just.. rest his hand on there, and admire the softness. (will suckle on them if you’ll let him. is it a milk thing? again, we don’t know)
kōshi sugawara
↮ your lower back is his favorite. it’s not so common as “breasts” or “ass” but, he has good reasoning behind his favorite! in general, he loves his face, but he loves just laying his hand on your lower back. there’s just something about looking at you from behind that makes his heart pound 10x faster. oh and, he really loves putting kisses on there, because every time your back will be towards him in your shared room, he’ll catch a glimpse of those little bite marks. he’s smug, and he’s very proud of them, especially because you can only see them.
tsukishima kei
↮ he’s stuck between hands, tiddies and neck, but for the sake of this post- we’ll settle for hands. they’re so much smaller than his?? like.. he wonders how that’s possible, and he’ll probably tease you about it. (uh.. how can someone’s hands be that long? tf tsuki) it’s canon that he fiddles with his fingers when nervous, so when he’s with you- he’ll fiddle with your fingers instead. he also finds himself playing with your fingers, memorizing all of the details of your fingers. if you offer to put on bandages on his fingers whenever he gets hurt or something similar, he’ll get very bashful. but please do that!! he loves that a lot. with tiddies, his preference is definitely on the smaller side ngl
kozume kenma
↮ collarbones to him are  ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ “mwah.” so elegant, so beautiful. how did this happen? well- he was doing work one day (like the rich man he is) and you sit on his lap per usual- but !! your collarbones were all up in his face. he’ll get very red, and lose focus, so give him a heads up. wear shirts that show off your collarbones, and he’ll stare hard. so yeah. he loves resting his face on them, and he’ll occasionally give you kisses, ranging from cute lil ones, to the wet open mouth kisses. 
yaku morisuke
↮ yaku likes short hair, i repeat- he likes short hair. therefore!! his favorite part would be your upperback/neck. it really depends if you’re taller than him or shorter than him. tbh idk how tall that man is in the timeskip (but he sexy af) but he always loves resting his hand on your upperback, regardless if you have long hair or short hair. if you’re shorter than him, he’ll pull you in for a hug with a hand on your upperback, and if you’re taller— he’ll rest his head on your shoulder, hand loosely hung around your back.
lev haiba
↮ this man screams legs man. like.. i also don’t really have much evidence to back this up, but this man has this weird attraction to your legs. he’ll probably make you walks in front of him so he can take a good stare at your legs. doesn’t matter if they’re long, skinny legs— or short ones! he just adores legs. lev is really tall so.. please put your legs on him, he’ll be in heaven. his preference definitely leans on long legs though.. he just really likes them :)
oikawa tōru
↮ uh ok.. i had a difficult time with deciding with this one tbh, but this man loves your waist. at first, i thought he was a tiddies man, which.. i feel like he is? but not that much of a tiddies man compared to being a waist man. his favorite way to greet you is to hug you from behind, hands resting on your waist as he inhales your scent. he’ll probably bite the soft skin on your waist as a way to tease you, that is.. if you allow him lol
iwaizumi hajime
↮ man is a collarbone man, change my mind. again, i partially feel like he also loves thighs and ass but look!! collarbones. he loves seeing them when you wear baggy clothes, unintentionally showing off your collarbones to him. his mind goes haywire at the sight. loves putting kisses on your collarbones, occasionally putting hickies there— but he also doesn’t wanna inflict pain on your collarbones so.. hickies are not a common thing. but don’t worry! he has a lot of ways to show you his love for collarbones.
akaashi keiji
↮ definitely a collarbone/hands type of guy. he has a strong affixiation towards them, it came to the point that even bokuto noticed that he had some sort of attachment to them. he just loves admiring collarbones, especially if they’re adorn with shiny necklaces, or just anything that’ll make them look amazing. as for hands, he loves playing with the tip of your fingers— tracing from your wrists, to the back of your hands, to your fingertips.
bokuto koutarou
↮ thighs :)) his preference is “the bigger, the better” and it’s literally canon too. he doesn’t mind smaller thighs, but he’s such a sucker of huge thighs. i guess it’s because he has thick thighs himself so that’s why bigger girls gravitate towards him. there’s always a hand on your thigh if you sit on his lap, and before games, he finds himself patting your thighs for good luck (he’ll never smack them because man’s highkey gonna leave marks on you)
ushijima wakatoshi
↮ thighs. thighs. thighs. man absolutely loves them, more so if they’re a little bit on the thicker side, but obviously— if this man loves you, he’ll love all of you. head really empty, and it’s just him gripping on your thighs while he drives the car, practically having a vice grip on your poor thighs— but it’s okay, because he’ll rub the irritated spot with a gentle touch, his baritone voice apologizing to you. not really big on words, but.. he’ll stare at your thighs a lot.
tendou satori
↮ has a thing for your hips. hm tbh, i was stuck between him having a thing for your neck and thighs— but he absolutely loves hips, just as any other intellectual. he loves squishing the plump flesh between his skinny fingers, and he also loves tapping on them while you stand infront of him doing.. with small hips, he still likes holding on then. okay but,, he also really loves hip dips. even he can’t explain it, he’ll just repeat him— telling you he loves hip dips. he really loves the silhoutte of them. so yeah, if you’re insecure, he’ll punt your insecurities until they rot :)
semi eita
↮ he admires your hands, it’s just that.. they feel so much softer than his, and the size difference between your hand and his hand makes his mind go haywire, his heart pounding against his chest. his hands are still in top shape, but over the years— they definitely roughened a bit due to practicing guitar and other instruments for his band, so his heart will definitely swoon if you put lotion on them. he’s also the type that would kiss the back of your hand before gigs for good luck, only to kiss them after his shows, saying he did well because of you :)
rintarou suna
↮ a thighs man for sure. the bigger thighs the better, it’s just his preference. not saying he hates small thighs though— thighs will be thighs. however!! his preference just loves squishy thighs. if you were to squeeze them around his head— he’d surely die a happy man. doesn’t care where y’all are and who you guys are with, he’s 100% going to put his hand on your thigh. if you decide to wear clothes revealing your thighs, or just.. tight fitted jeans or leggings, expect him to squeeze the soft flesh that’s there. he’ll definitely make a remark about how your thighs expand like crazy when you sit down, but he doesn’t mean it in a insulting way. he actually really loves it.
kita shinsuke
↮ he loves everything about you, so it really takes him a while to actually settle on something. one day— he’ll be touching your thighs, another day he’ll be holding your waist, then another day, he has his hand gliding over your collarbones. eventually, he settles on favoriting your hands, because he can hold them regardless of the setting. he can kiss them, hold them, and intertwin his fingers all he likes.
the miya twins
↮ OSAMU LOVES TIDDIES, AND ATSUMU LOVES ASS :) i don’t make the rules.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading! (can y’all tell i got a little exhausted with writing the miya twins lol)
i do not own haikyuu!!/hq!! and it’s characters. haikyuu belongs to haruichi furudate, i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
edit : just realized y’all like haikyuu so.. please submit haikyuu headcanon ideas
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lilchibi-chan · 3 years
Kenma x Black Fem! Reader Pt 2
Pt 1 (this part does contain NSFW so 18+ please)
Genre: Fluff
Content: cuddles, video game fun, flirty/cute Kenma
It’s the next morning and you wake up at Kenma’s. You and him ended up having a sleep over last night after the events.
You decide to make some breakfast and you take out ingredients to make waffles. You look in Kenma’s fridge to see if there’s any fruit and he just so happens to have strawberries.
You take the strawberries out and clean them in the sink. You cut them up and then place them in a bowl. Once finished, you put them back in the fridge and get started on mixing your waffle ingredients.
You plug in the waffle iron, so that it can heat up while you mix the ingredients together.
You pour the batter onto the iron and wait for it to cook. You decide to turn on the tv and watch some Netflix while you wait for the waffles that are currently cooking.
As your back is turned to take the waffles off the iron, you feel arms wrap around your waist.
“Good morning beautiful,” he says in a soft, low voice
“Good morning,” you say in response
Kenma kisses you on the cheek and rests his head on your shoulders, snuggling into the crook of your neck.
“You’re very cuddly this morning,” you say
“I missed waking up to you this morning, so now I’m getting all the cuddles I missed this morning,” he says
You let out a small laugh and softly scratch his head
“I’ll let you finish up in here,” he says, then goes to sit in the living room
You finally finish making the waffles and take the strawberries out of the fridge, along with some whip cream. You head to the pantry and take out some syrup.
“Breakfast is ready,” you say in a beckoning tone
Kenma gets up from the couch and joins you in the kitchen. He helps you set the table and pulls your chair out for you to sit.
He takes his and serves you your waffles before taking his.
“What do you wanna do today, kitten,” he asks you, mouth slightly full
“I don’t know….I kinda wanted to play some Genshin impact today and maybe we can watch some anime as well,” you say
“Sounds like a plan. After breakfast, we can do whatever you want to,” he says
“Ken, you’re so sweet,” you say, gushing over his words
“I just want to give you my undivided attention today,” he says, taking your hand into his and caressing your knuckles
After you finished, Kenma cleared the table and did the dishes.
You went to sit in the living room, on the couch and brought a blanket with you just in case you got cold.
Kenma turned on his PS4 and handed you the remote, then joined you on the couch.
You decide to lay down in his lap and he starts caressing your forehead.
You look up at him, giving him a content smile.
“Beautiful,” he says, giving you a small smile
He leans down and kisses you on the lips.
You turn your attention back towards the tv and wait the game to load up.
Kenma starts massaging your scalp, causing you to feel super relaxed as you play.
It’s a couple of hours later and you feel yourself start to drift off to sleep.
“Kenma,” you say sleepily
“Yes, kitten,” he says, still massaging your scalp
“Let’s go take a nap,” you say, causing a small laugh to escape from him
“Of course,” he says
You sit up, allowing him to get up from the couch.
You stand on the couch and tell Kenma to carry you to his room.
He gladly obliges an carries you down the hall, to his room.
He lays you down in bed and goes over to his side to lay down with you.
You both get comfortable, Kenma cuddling you as he always does when you sleep together.
“Thank you Kenma,” you say
“For what, baby,” he asks inquisitively
“Just for being a great boyfriend. You’re the best and I don’t feel like I tell you enough. I appreciate you so much,” you say, before yawning
“Kitten, you don’t have to thank me. I’m happy to have you in my life. You make me so happy and the least I can do is give you the same feeling in return,” he says honestly
You turn to face him and kiss him passionately.
He pulls you close and rests his head on top of yours.
His heart beat, combined with his body heat and the warmth of the blanket, caused you to fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
“I love you, y/n,” he whispers, as your light breaths fill the room
Tumblr media
Art by Arca_Vyn on Twitter
I have been working in this part two for a while! I hope y’all enjoyed it and I can’t wait to upload my next post!! I’m deciding between a Bakugou and Dabi post, but I’m not sure. I’ll probably whichever I finish first tbh 😂
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t-lostinworlds · 4 years
So for the youtube thing if you want to you can do a calling him Daddy for 24 hours prank thing? Or maybe just write a small blurb, please? I have seen videos like these on youtube and honestly would find it hilarious if Tom was featured on it and where he doesn't have a daddy kink so he gets embarrassed. Just a little blurb will be okay too!
Ps. I love the YouTube Channel series! And your writing!!❤
Stay happy and stay safe!💫
TH’s YouTube Extras: Calling Him Daddy Prank
a/n: i’m sorry that this is a bit late again hun but gosh you’re too sweet, thank you lovely! you stay safe too hun ❤ this was written quickly too, was going to post this an hour ago but i fell asleep while proofreading so i’m sure there’s typos still ahaha. hope you enjoy!.
☰ youtube channel | recent video
"I'll go sit first. Give it a few minutes so he won't get suspicious," Harry whispered, grin mischievous as he clicked record on the camera he had on hand before treading towards the dining area.
Pranks have never been your thing, well, aside from the simple jump scares. When it's something you have to plan out or have to act thoroughly in, then it's always a pass. But as you got lost in YouTube, you stumbled upon a video of a woman calling her man "daddy" to see his reaction. You thought it would be hilarious to do it with Tom, especially when you already know he doesn't like to be called that, at all.
You're purely doing this for the laughs, to see that cute blush of embarrassment—or that pointed grimace of annoyance—that coats his face whenever he hears the word.
"Morning, Harry," you hummed as you walked in minutes later with a fake yawn.
"Morning, Y/N."
Tom was sitting at the head of the table, eyes on his phone while he sipped on his morning tea. He gave you a brief glance and a tender smile before his eyes were back on his device, probably reading an important email that had him and his mind properly preoccupied. You stood behind your man once you reached him, leaning down to wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, giving him a light squeeze as you hummed,
"Good morning, daddy."
Tom choked on his tea.
You bit the insides of your cheeks to stop your laugh from escaping. He set the mug down with coughs to clear his throat, turning his head to gawk up at you with his brows deeply furrowed, skin already dusting pink. You only smiled innocently in return, placing a swift peck on his cheek before pulling away completely and disappearing to the kitchen, not giving him any chance to confront you about it.
Tom looked at his brother across the table with a frown set on his lips. "Did you hear what she just said?" he asked, to make sure if he heard you right or if his brain was playing games with him.
Harry tore his gaze from his phone, seeming clueless when he shook his head no.
"Hear what?"
You were now sitting in between Tom's legs, your back against his toned chest as you're both sprawled on the grass outside, all of you lounging under the afternoon sun.
"I need a snack," Tom announced, tapping your shoulder so he could stand up, dusting his sweatpants once he did so. "Want something love?"
You gave Harry a discreet glance, checking if he was recording before saying, "Just water, please daddy?"
Tuwaine and Harrison's eyes widened, Harry hurriedly shooting them a discreet look, silently telling them to stay quiet as he gestured towards the camera. The two boys got the drift real quick as they acted like they hadn't heard anything.
Tom visibly shivered, looking down at you with a scrunch of his nose as the crease between his brows deepened, skin turning red from the tips of his ears to the apple of his cheeks.
"Thank you, bubba." You beamed at him innocently, throwing in his favorite pet name to reel it back before he gets suspicious.
You looked too sweet and adorable that Tom could do nothing but roll his eyes. "No worries, darling," he sighed, head shaking as he retreated back inside the house to get you your water without another word.
Camera unnoticeably set up on the coffee table, you sat down on the living room couch and waited. As expected Tom came in soon after, never being able to be far from you for more than five minutes.
He sat himself closely beside you, a lazy smile on his lips as he wrapped his arms around your form. You were quick to catch on that he was in a mood, brown eyes slightly hooded, his touch hot as he gave your waist a squeeze. He was about to dip his head to litter your neck with kisses but with the camera right across you, it wasn't exactly ideal to allow it. So, you said the word you know would put him off.
"Daddy, no."
Tom physically cringed as he swiftly pulled away, arms falling limp with his face twisted in a proper grimace. "Stop that," he said firmly, voice laced with annoyance.
"Stop what?"
"You know exactly what," he growled lowly, raising a brow at you in pure warning.
"I don't think I do, Tom," you said naively, flashing him an adorable pout and a tilt of your head to match.
Tom was about to say something when Harrison suddenly walked in.
"Mate, can you help me with my table for a sec? It's wobbling and I can't figure out why."
"Yeah, sure," Tom muttered, narrowing his eyes at you before getting off the couch and following his best friend.
Once he was out of sight, you dropped on the couch with a hand over your mouth, unable to hold your laughs anymore as you shook your head in utter amusement. You sat back up with a loud sigh, shooting the camera a thumbs-up before reaching over and turning it off.
Harry had set up a GoPro in the kitchen when Tom suggested he was going to cook dinner tonight. You left him alone with his task for roughly about ten minutes, just to make sure his mind was clear from you calling him daddy for the past couple of times.
He was peeling some potatoes when you emerged in the kitchen, your hand landing on the small of his back as you rested your chin on his shoulder.
"What're you cooking daddy?"
Tom flinched, eyes screwing shut as he blew air out his nose, your cue to step away slightly.
"Okay, that's it," he hissed, dropping the metal peeler on the marble with a clang as he turned to face you fully, arms crossed over his chest with his hip resting on the edge of the kitchen island. "What are you doing?"
"What?" You furrowed your brows at him with a small frown, feign innocence crossing your features. Tom shook his head at you with a dark chuckle, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth.
"Don't act all innocent on me now, Y/N," he scolded, and with the glow in his eyes—as if him calling you by your name isn't enough—you know he was getting annoyed. "You've been calling me that since this morning, even in front of the boys and I've had enough of it. You know how I don't like that word in that context."
You pursed your lip to stop your smile. "What word?" you asked.
"The D word," he grumbled, shooting you a sharp look.
When you said he didn't like it, you were truly serious about it. Tom being unable to say it himself just goes to prove that point.
You tilted your head at him, a teasing smile erupting on your lips as you purred, "Daddy?"
Tom ran a hand over his reddened face as he growled, "Y/N, I swear—"
You burst out in a hearty laugh, Tom's demeanor changing from annoyance to downright confusion.
"Say hi to the camera Tom," you giggled, pointing towards the corner where you can make out the red blinking light. Tom whipped his head around, eyes landing on the small black box, one he didn't notice given that he was a bit busy.
Tom's whole body slumped when he turned back to you, slowly leaning forward until he was able to wrap both his arms around your waist, forehead landing on your shoulder so he could hide his face.
"I hate you," he groaned dejectedly. "I knew it had to be some kind of prank since we've already talked about that word."
"I couldn’t resist. Your reaction is just priceless whenever you hear me call you that word," you teased, Tom pulling away with a pout.
Escaping his grasp gently, you went over to the GoPro, holding it up so both of you were in shot. "Ha, got him! Until next time guys!" You waved with a bright smile, Tom doing the same but with less energy and a roll of his eyes. You turned the camera off and placed it on the counter before walking back to your man.
"But you do know how I liked to be called, right sweetheart?" Tom hummed, eyes darker, voice lowering a few octaves as he wrapped his arms around your waist firmly, moving you back until you were trapped between him and the kitchen island.
"Yes, I do," you breathed out, hands resting on his shoulders as you felt your body tingle from head to toe. Your bottom lip got caught between your teeth when Tom raised a knowing brow at you.
"Yes, what?" he prodded with a husky growl, eyes holding yours with that certain intensity, a familiar glimmer, one that always makes you submit so easily.
"Yes, sir."
"Good girl."
like, reblog & leave a comment if you enjoyed! tell me your thoughts! <3
♛ Overall/Everything Taglist: @theunwantedomega @badreputatiom @fallinfortom @disneysamara @avengersficwriter @musicalkeys @apatheticanvas67482 @camimndess @tom-hlover @jjandreidsgirl @blossomparkers @thenoddingbunny-blog @sarcasticallywitty15 @call-me-baby-gir1 @miraclesoflove @tanakaslastbraincell @itstaskeen ♛ Tom H. Taglist: @hollandfanficlove​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @2018shawn​ @darlingspidey​ @namoreno​ @spacebitch2 @hollanddolanfangirl​ @keepingupwiththehollands​ @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh​ @unbelievableholland​ @kittenruby​ @sunkisseddreamer​ @worldoftom​ @quaksonhehe​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @clara-licht​ @dummiesshort​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @sonofabitchstyles​ @perspectiveparker​ @geminiparkers​ @parker-hollandx @arivera-30 @rebekkah4766 @particularnarry @iwannabekilledtwice @prettyintopeerpressure @fancyxparker @givebuckyhisplumsnow @asoftie4bucky @dandelionxgal @peterspideysstuff @zspideyy @lmaotshollandd @sluttytears ♛ Tom’s YT Shenanigans Taglist: @greatpizzascissorstaco @rosiesimone819 @shawnscxlvins
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