#tbh. trying too hard. just say you care less what actually happens and more about the language used
sergle · 8 months
I know that, for me, when some guy yells "show me your tits!!" out the window of his car, and the girl he yelled at pipes back "fuck off and die!" I RUN up to the girl and I'm like WHOA THAT WAS FUCKED UP, and when she goes "I know. assholes" I'm like no, the thing YOU said!! That is NOT appropriate language. What if one of those guys was sad! He might drive off a cliff now!
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Nicknames/petnames op characters like to call you PART TWO
Also suggestive warning for Ace, Marco, Izou
I don't care if law's is ooc btw he deserves to be sickly cute sometimes and yk we kinda saw how he can be when he loves something with that whole sora thing in wano so yeah I'm saying he can be affectionate as a treat.
Anyways here's like all the faves who are not strawhats:
Baby, sweetheart, pretty thing. Always says them in either the most flirty tone imaginable or the softest. Also he's like flirting with you 24/7 it's so bad but he jist can't turn it off around you like he's so down bad. 100% says heinous filthy shit but tacks on a cute nickname at the end to try and make it sound less intense. It does not work.
OBSESSED with you calling him love or my man and finds it ridiculously attractive. The first time it happened he set his bed on fire by accident and you both got lectured by pops :(. But seriously he just loves any and all verbal affirmation so naturally he adores nicknames. Doesn't get shy at all though, if anything reciprocating his chaotic behaviour makes it 10x worse.
Love/my love. Sweet and simple and he likes how clear it is to other people. He uses it a ridiculous amount though to be honest like you hear it more than your own name, it's to the point where if he says your name people on the ship don't know who he's talking about😭. Oh and he uses baby when he wants to tease you, like he drops his voice real low, leans really close into your space and speaks right next to your ear. Bit of a bastard tbh.
He blushes easily but doesn't shy away, in fact being called a nickname in return really makes him feel confident and puts him in the mood for affection. Though sometimes the nicknames make him feel...too affectionate. One time you called him pretty bird as a joke and he just sorta sat there, face getting gradually redder until you leaned towards him out of concern, at which point he promptly yanked you onto his lap and started what was one of your most intense make outs to date. Yk, casual things.
Cutie, sweet thing, pretty thing. So so gentle with you and it reflects in how he speaks to you as well, even if he's upset or angry he still calls you the sweetest things because you're so precious to him. Though he's also a menace, if he finds out you like a specific petname then he starts discretely whispering it in your ear whenever he passes you to wind you up. Literally he doesn't care if you're having a serious conversation, he'll just slide in behind you and drop his voice to sound like a nice gravelly tone and purposefully make sure to exhale on the back of your ear to make you shiver.
Oh but he can't handle if you do it back, no this man folds like a lawn chair the second you start calling him anything other than his name.
Darling, dear, lovely, blossom. So casually smooth its unbelievable, also he starts calling you them before you get together. Like after a certain point of friendship and flirting, he just starts doing and saying the most romantic shit(Definitely thinks you're together before you actually are) and the crew are very confused and you're very confused but as if you're gonna complain yk.
This man gets so flustered when you use nicknames with him because it's not behaviour he's used to. Obviously he's been a pirate for a long time but he's actually very reserved and rarely dates so having someone who genuinely cares about him calling something sweet makes him blush so hard and you use that to your fully advantage. He gets revenge later though don't worry.
Love, lovely, pretty, honey, every flowery pet name you can think of. He's so soft with you. He can't help how sickly affectionate he feels around you and it results in him just calling you all sorts of sweet words. He won't do it in public if he thinks you'll be put in danger or if he doesn't feel comfortable but like in front of the crew and strawhats and stuff he doesn't give a fuck. He'll just come up behind you while you're in the middle of a conversation, hand sliding down your lower back, and say sumthin like "are you okay my love?"
Blushes to high heaven if you call him something cute back, he just melts like butter. If he's in a bad mood or like in an argument or something you only have to come up and say hi love and he's all :///))
Babe to the public. My love, gorgeous, pretty baby when you're alone. It's not really that he doesn't want to call you those things in public, he just doesn't want enemies to understand how important you are to him but also he doesn't want to keep your relationship a secret because he's obsessed with you and wants to brag about being yours.
Makes him really cocky if you use petnames with him. Like he'll flush but get so overconfident the second you say love or baby or anything of the sort. He doesn't care where you are either, he's just hauling you into his space immediately so he kiss the fuck out of you.
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wifegideonnav · 2 months
should i read homestuck. like i feel it would be interesting so i could see what yall are talking about in regards to tlt but is homestuck actually good
"is homestuck good" - the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 8129 pages of heated debate,
no but seriously, it highkey depends on 1. your definition of good and 2. your tolerance for stupid bullshit. as someone who read tlt and then hs, i'd say that being a fan of the chaotic aspect of tlt is a good predictor of being able to hang in with homestuck.
readmore because this. um. got long. the tl;dr is: i like homestuck a lot and i am glad i read it. i can't tell you if you should read it bc idk your tastes, but there is a lot to like and enjoy about it.
the official pitch for homestuck is something like "4 kids play a game and then a bunch of other shit happens." here's my pitch based on what the core of the story is to me:
several groups of characters across time, space, and reality are brought together in order to succeed at creating a new universe after their own are destroyed. this takes the form of a game, which is called sburb (by the humans) and sgrub (by the trolls). the characters must contend with an eternal battle against good and evil in which they are the deciding factor, and level up while following personalized quests. at its heart, homestuck is about relationships of every sort and how they shape us, growing up and the associated grief and loss, coming into ones identity and choosing who to be, predestination and fate, and stories themselves. it gets very meta at times, and the characters are semi to fully aware that they're characters, and attempt to subvert or escape that. it's got hordes of fleshed out, compelling characters, one of which will almost certainly glom onto you for the rest of your life, real emotion, extremely funny jokes, smart and exciting plotting, and some very cool moments. it more or less invented an entire new genre/medium, and plays with medium in a very cool way.
it is also clunky, hard to get into, and way too convoluted. you will never fully understand what's happening. there are tons of characters whose stories you will follow whom you simply do not care about. there are too many characters. it was written by an edgelord in 2009 so there's some unsavory humor and character writing. it's so fucking long. the ending kinda sucks because the fandom was so toxic that hussie simply wanted it over with. the fandom still kinda sucks tbh. so many people have wrong opinions about it. it requires a very specific lens to approach and understand it. i still dont understand what happened with that fucking puppet someone explain it to me.
overall, i'd say that if you think you want to read it, give it a shot. i have a complicated relationship with it but at the end of the day, i genuinely love the story and the characters and i know they will be with me forever. it certainly enhanced my understanding of tlt, and getting to read more of tamsyn's writing was such a bonus (even though her taste in pairings is. not the same as my own). and like honestly. it's just fun. even when you're going "wait what the fuck just happened" you're having fun. it's really goddamn funny too. it WILL change the way you speak and also think about romance forever.
the best way to read it is to have an experienced reader guide you, but if you or other people don't know anyone like that, here are my basic tips:
i think most people know this already, but download the unofficial homestuck collection. just do it. it's like 4 gigs and it's infinitely better than trying to read on the broken website, and it's even ad free. it can also be modded - for instance ik there's a slur replacer mod (lmao) if you don't want to read those
act 1 sucks to read. you're like what the fuck is this, THIS is homestuck?? the beginning is radically different from how it ends up, so just hang in there. for me, it really picked up somewhere in act 3. just focus on the silly fun the characters are having and you'll be good
things you should actually try to follow in the early acts: the concept of a sylladex existing (the various fetch modi are only there for jokes and eventually just kinda stop being a thing), where all the copies of the game are, what each kid's relationship with their guardian is like, the mechanics of the game and the lore behind it, including classpects and quests
things you do not have to waste brain space on: anything about how the totems work, what the various machines are, what the levels are, basically any of the jokes that would be funny to hussie's original intended audience of software engineers and rpg gamers. oh and the intermission with the midnight crew and the felt, just know that those are guys that exist and you'll be good.
and the biggest tip i have is just. go with it. suspend your disbelief. a lot of the worldbuilding doesn't really make sense, but it would be a worse story if it did. when the time shit and ectobiology come into play, literally just go ok got it and keep going, don't think too hard.
so yeah i don't even know if any of this is useful but i hope it helps you decide. and if you or anyone else have follow up questions send em!
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decolonize-the-left · 3 months
I think that a lot of the adult "immaturity" is result of being abused by the family structure and capitalism so growing up into some agency allowing certaint comforts. Then having to challenge some comfortable established belief, aspect, themself or lifestyle poses a struggle they aren't willing to engage in if at possible as it frequently seemingly has no reward outside of their current comfort.
I think when youths are liberated the concept of "immaturity" will be largely replace by a more accurate term because we have adults less "mature" than children because of the absurdity of it. It's like lazyness it's not a thing but a situation. Idk this a ramble now, but appreciated you broaching the topic of adult "immaturity'" publicly
1000% I agree & I don't like the terms I'm using, but they're what we've got. Someone else sent an ask about what "child traits" are for the same exact reason.
Also no it's okay ramble, that's all I do, watch this.
I think the way we discuss minors/kids/YA/maturity entirely needs to change tbh, but not in a child wife way, before someone says that.
They're robbed of a ton of autonomy, are raised to be workers, and then are thrust into adulthood with no teaching about the Real, actual world. They're treated like 2nd class citizens and are the only people I can think of who you can still legally assault. We belittle everything they do as less important and then wonder why everyone needs therapy as adults.
I was more critical thinker than my parents by 8 and more capable than both parents by 12. This isn't a flex because I was too smart. At all. My parents should have had more skill than I did. They were capable of it, I assure you. By their own circumstances they just weren't able to access it.
But this goes back to capitalism and broader mental health and family resources because they also weren't raised with Google and didn't have gentle parenting TikTok or free zoom classes to join. I don't think we even had healthcare growing up so it's not like they had access to a lot of methods to improve themselves outside traditional reading BUT both parents worked too and they were already too fucked up and in their ways to even be interested in a self help book lol so like?? Realistically and in reality that didn't happen. They were thrown out as teens as had to work to support Me very quickly. Then had 2 more.
Like you said; lifestyle and having no reward. They didn't seek out being better people cuz it doesn't pay the bills.
And I know that isn't entirely their fault, but they are Still responsible for how they handled the hand they were dealt. Me and my siblings deserved better regardless of their background ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But I can be compassionate and understanding too in that I know if they had the Actual opportunity to heal and resources to be good parents then at least at the very least they could have been.
And like I said, as a person who does try for my daughter I get it's hard and it is unfair that I can't catch a break, but that's the way it is. And yeah it is harder for me than it would be for a lot of other people and it's not especially easy to begin with. BUT I also don't work cuz I'm disabled so I have a lot of time to do it that others don't.
You're right. I don't know if immature is the best word to use for this but idk what is.
What's the word for state sanctioned generational trauma?
Cuz not providing more resources given the world is much more than just ableism or not caring enough about families. It's like they're creating people like this on purpose which is I think is more fucked up. But hey, who else would they hire for as cheap as prison labor if everyone was making good choices amirite? 🤧
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missielynne · 3 months
I agree with you and your anons about it being a problem how Sam resorts to manipulation to get her way on even really petty issues, and how it's especially annoying because she happens to have the most accommodating husband on the planet, so why not just TALK to him lol?! So this is not an excuse, but an explanation - I think Sam's Mom (the episode and the person, haha) showed us so much about why Sam is so desperate to get her way and ultimately prove herself. She comes from a very achievement-oriented family who made Sam feel like she was never good enough. Even when things are going well, her mom criticizes her for not being even better. So Sam is always striving, always trying too hard and caring about crap that doesn't even matter because she's so eager for wins---any wins! It's how her mom measured Sam's worth and therefore how Sam now measures herself. As many of us know, in some ways you never outgrow seeking approval and validation from your parents even (sometimes especially) if those parents are no longer alive!
She was also taught to please people and get along with others, so she's loath to confront even someone as receptive as Jay about a lot of issues and directly ask for what she wants. Instead, she resorts to a certain amount of deceit and manipulation. She doesn't outright state she doesn't want to play D and D with Jay, for example, because that might hurt his feelings and/or lead to conflict, so instead she lies about it and tries to take the easy way out. I'm not defending Sam, but I do almost always understand her motivations even when she's at her worst.
I also feel like it's important to point out that Sam is a really kind, compassionate and giving person overall! When it comes down to it, Sam almost always sacrifices her own 'wins', plans, hopes etc for the ghosts' happiness. (Tbh, she seems more considerate of their needs than her own husband's a lot of the time, but Jay is a heck of a lot sweeter and more accommodating than most of the ghosts, so he's less apt to freak out when he doesn't get his way!) Anyway, Sam IS a really good person--she's just a neurotic, achievement-oriented people pleaser, which are flaws that can be annoying but are pretty relatable imo :)
Oh for sure! I have a lot of Sam's traits (especially the neurotic, overachieving, people pleasing part) so I really relate to her, and I think that a lot of the things that she does, I would do, at least once, even if I did have a husband like Jay (or maybe *because* I had a nice husband like Jay and didn't want to be a disappointment).
Good point about her mom's judgment too. Even though Sheryl pushed with the intent of wanting good for her daughter, you know, she didn't actually listen to what Sam wanted. She didn't she didn't accept Sam saying "I'm at an okay spot in my life and I'm happy doing this thing." So Sam felt she had to lie to make her mom happy.
Now, we all know that Jay is not Sheryl at all, but I can still understand, if you add her into the neurotic Sam puzzle, why Sam feels she can't even talk to the nicest guy in the world who is her husband: because there's still the risk of disappointment. There's still the risk of making Jay unhappy. She's so worried about that that the fact that him finding out she wants a change could lead to compromise for them both doesn't even cross her mind.
But I really think she needs to start taking risks when it comes to possibly making Jay unhappy if she wants something different than him, so they can both try and compromise, because this sneaking behind his back to get her own way and being all passive aggressive and stuff (especially when she and Jay are such naturally nice people) makes things worse more than it makes them better.
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Another part of the yandere soulmate au.
MC and Mammon make their pact, levi stirs the pot, MC doesn't feel the bond because they are human.
Side note: in this au the boys are going to be a bit more rude due to the whole soul mate thing! But this is yandere so that was probably expected anyways tbh.
You do not like Leviathan.
You tried to like him, really, you did, but he's just so rude. Of course, it's not in blatantly confrontational way. You actually sort of doubt the envy demon has the confidence for that. In fact, most of his actions are just petty, often coming off as demeaning and belittling. You're well aware that this is not enough to be consider hostile, however, it doesn't make you want to interact with him. Especially since it's hard to tell if that attitude is on purpose or not.
Well, at least, it was hard to tell. For the first few days you had tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Tried to say that Levi was just shy and anxious and had terrible social skills. He didn't mean to be so dismissive and judgemental. Perhaps this rationalizations was just your way of trying to cope with this new land, but whatever one may call it, the conclusion it brought you to was utterly wrong.
Levi didn't want to be your friend, and as you stand here now, looking at the golden marking that's shown up on your palm, you can admit to yourself that he still doesn't want to be your friend. All he wanted was to get his money back from Mammon. He didn't care about you, or you interests, or even your attempts to become closer to him. No, he just wanted to use you to force Mammon to pay back his debts.
It makes you feel gross. The trust you gave to the demon seems like it was just thrown back at you with little regard to your efforts. And you guess it sort of was. Levi didn't really need you, nor did he want you, and with that came the manipulative attitude that nearly had you in a puddle of your own tears.
You suppose it also doesn't help that he had talked you into doing something you weren't familiar with. Obviously making a pact with a demon isn't something one does everyday. Doing so with such an outwardly bratty demon is probably even less common. Despite these statistics, you try not to question these two factors, because there really isn't any changing them now. Mammon and you have made a pact. You have to live with whatever that means.
Levi didn't explain much about it, just gave what you might consider to be a very basic rundown. He told you, with delight, that you could order Mammon around. Of couse, this was basically the whole reasoning for him asking you to make the pact in the first place. Despite knowing this, you agreed, still hoping to gain some sort of friend in this unfamiliar place.
Plus, you did also want to put the greed demon in his place, if only for your own petty reasons. He hadn't been exactly the nicest to you when you arrived. So this felt like a two birds, one stone situation. At least, it did, until you realized that you don't exactly understand the commitment Levi is asking you to make. Which was unfortunately something you only thought about after it happened.
"So that's it?" You question as soon as the golden glow begins to die down, turning into something that resembles more of a tattoo then a magical demon marking. The space feels a little weird. Not bad, but not exactly good either. Just warm and unnaturally reactive to your touch.
"Yeah," Levi replies, his tone reflecting his inner feelings. Its clear that he's obviously excited, most certaintly at the prospect of getting his money back, "Now tell him to give me my money back!"
His enthusiasm is admittedly a little much. You're actually expecting some sort of reply from Mammon just because of it. Perhaps anger, or even just a petty jab as an expression of his frustrations. However, nothing comes.
No, upon looking over, you realize Mammon seems a little too shocked to do much of anything.
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alitgblog · 2 months
ok thoughts for volume IV bc I actually enjoyed it a lot lol
also I'm currently on a Jin route (i might switch to claudia i have not decided) so that's important context lol
I Spy was an interesting concept for a game but if i can nitpick here, it felt much more like a firepit game than a challenge and that would be nice to have some variety since last week was the Heartbreaker thing and next week we have Excess Baggage.
For whatever reason I can't remember the format of the show rn but I think if the game is gonna continue with doing about a day more or less per volume, it should be like the show where there is at least one or two major events being either dates (where couples are either all in the same area, one couple goes out of the villa, or there's bombshells involved), challenges (where they go out onto the stage and do some physical challenge), or parties (which can include games). And right now I feel like we're getting three challenges in a row and I'd rather we change it up. But that's besides the point
anyway i believed Jack when he said his secret wasn't supposed to cause drama but I did not believe Theo at all and the fact that we got to tell him that later? Great choice. (and also so in character for MC to tell him off and him to just continue pretending like she didn't say that)
Also very flirty moments with Claudia is what is making this Jin route so hard. she's very forward and the fact that you can pursue her so soon is great actually. I thought maybe she and theo would share a slow burn route but it seems like it might be just Theo (or that you can't officially couple up with her later but apparently you can kiss her and go to the hideaway and stuff so that's cool).
I'm always hoping for non MC centered drama and we got it (but also there WAS MC centered drama too so that's even better)
I love to have a character to hate/dislike, so thank you so much Sophie and Jack. I can't imagine what it would be like with Luna and Jin though because they seem way more chill whereas I can see Sophie (a PERFORMER) doing all that and Jack (self proclaimed romantic) also just doing stuff to fit with Sophie.
And honestly still having residual feelings from the previous episode works. Like, yes to the Jack and Emel kiss (at least from Jack's POV about being insecure about Sophie,,, I'm not so sure about Emel but as someone who played it flirting with Oakley up until the end of Vol II and knowing Emel wants a romantic guy like Jack, I will let it slide). I kinda wish it implied more that Jin rejected Sophie so that's why she didn't pick him at the last recoupling so she's still hurt and still antagonizing MC and Jin for that reason. Otherwise it's just like, why are they still mad though?
Emel and Oakley are so cute. I also kept wishing after S5 and S6 that we got more strong couples in the game and I'm very glad they seem happy and if anything happens to them I'm gonna be so upset.
And tbh Jack and Sophie making it work is so nice too. Even though I think they're gonna keep having a lot of drama, it's entertaining and it's also great to have a couple that's probably gonna get dumped or split up at some point (and you know they're not gonna make it on the outside).
I don't care for Brad and Christy at all but why is that option 29 gems?? Like even asking for drama about the Islanders currently in the Villa is 17 gems (which I still don't think should be behind a pay wall but it feels like that one might be more relevant).
I do like that Jack is trying to be sweet to Sophie because even though he has also been an asshole to MC and her couple, he's still a possible route for if you replay, so that's nice they're not making the other LI's unappealing like in S6 (...yet???? im not giving fusebox the all clear yet)
I hate that Jack called his apology thing a game, I wish he just gathered everyone at the firepit and did the same thing but not called it a compliment game.
in the same vein, why did he invent the chemistry game because that feels like they should've gotten a text about that and then the next text about voting for the couple with the strongest chemistry to go into the hideaway would make more sense.
regardless, I really liked Jack's compliment to MC because that's how I've been playing this character and the fact he pointed it out, I feel like she'd love that. Also everyone else's compliments were fun too except maybe Sophie's which is funny.
And then he tried to make a joke at the end which was bold, but then I found out it might have been Jin's fault which is far more in character but again I don't know how well that would play out if I was playing a different route.
Also you can cheekily ask Oakley how he felt about Jack's joke about Emel being the best kisser in front of everyone and you best believe I did that
Then everything seems fine until the chemistry game and then suddenly Sophie, Jack, Emel, and Oakley are doing fine and everyone else is not and I love that turn in drama. Again, can't speak for a Theo route but the way suddenly Claudia is in between Jin and MC is crazy and Jin has a somewhat reasonable response (considering that fusebox wanted to give you space to go to the hideaway with Claudia). he probably forgave MC too fast imo but that's on me for playing the messy route.
Also Claudia's response after hearing Jin and MC are going to the hideaway together instead of her and MC is so good. Like she does convey she's disappointed but understands, and MC says there's still time for them, and Claudia's response is like it would blow your mind like we gotta give Jin a fighting chance, and I love that. also bc I'm indecisive so I'm glad her routes not closed yet.
as much as I like the drama, Tyler did not make a big splash so it does feel like we just got drama four volumes in a row, so I'm kind of hoping we get a bombshell mid challenge. Unfortunately, it's the excess baggage challenge, which I do like and I think we're due for this challenge to show up, but a bombshell showing up mid excess baggage challenge is literally what happens in S3 so I don't think I'm right.
I already posted my little joke about the Hideaway scene but yeah it's so much better than it's been recently. And like it looks like there's a few more options to change up the scene/dialogue so that's good they put effort into small stuff like that
and I'm not advocating for them hiding scenes behind a pay wall (like I rather them put these expensive gem choices behind drama I don't care about, that's fine) but like if there was ever a time to have a pay to win part of the game I would've made it this and not the kissing challenge. HEAR ME OUT: so it's like an early in the game hideaway first of all, technically you've known each other for like four days and if it comes up again for free, i wouldnt even miss it. Second, it kinda dismisses the drama that JUST happened. Like, either Theo or Claudia have just blown up their strong couple to pursue MC and their LI doesn't do anything? And the other couples vote for them anyway? Like get rid of the gem choice early on for MC and Jin to prove their chemistry and have them stumble anyway. Then after the Claudia/Theo confession, the gem choice is MC announces she wants another shot and because Sophie, Jack, and Emel like her for solving their drama they agree. And then MC can choose her second try with Theo, Claudia, or her LI. And then still has the chat later with her LI and then you win with whoever you pick (or I guess if you pick Theo then you don't bc I guess it's the slow burn route. Maybe you get a chat with him on the daybeds or SOMETHING lol). And third, Jack did this whole campaign to get him and Sophie to a stronger place so like there was a perfect backup couple right there.
and also some non volume specific thoughts:
I'm kind of excited to replay and like couple with Jack or Oakley at this point because I'm curious if the dialogue is much different. I really like Jin's dialogue and it fits his character, so I'm wondering how much of it is copy paste (but most people here are also on a Jin route so I can't cross reference damn).
also I would've reordered the past couple of episodes so that like Luna and Tyler would stay for longer and have a bigger impact but I don't need to make this long post even longer so maybe I'll post it some other time
still don't know why it's called tempting fate but if we're returning to the non themed seasons I'm not complaining
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
Haah, funny thing... I was just seeing another post on Tumblr calling you out (struck-thru vowels and everything) for "propagating racism" on AO3. I think it was some years old, but it did drop something interesting. Apparently, the "real" mass-exodus to AO3 happened because too many writers on LJ were getting into fights over racism-in-writing?
Oh, I'm sure there are many. People often make me the posterchild, which I suppose is somewhat justified now that my tumblr is so much more popular than before but was pretty dumb in the past when I was no longer working for OTW and not yet popular with randos. (TBH, I sometimes wonder if people spreading my name around pointlessly and advertising me is what made me popular. If so, congratulations, I guess?)
I've been criticized by at the very least Rukmini Pande for not talking more about Racefail. She's an academic who talks about racism in fandom but who mega sucks on the topic of Asian media and who conflates a lot of things I don't, including ye olde SF book fandom and fanfic fandom.
It's true that Racefail was a huge deal on LJ, but it was "fandom" in the 1960s sense where the word sans modifier means WorldCon type SF book spaces. When I say "fandom", I don't mean that community because, like most fanfiction fans today, I was never in it.
I don't even come from K/S fandom, actually. I come from X-Files fandom (one of the first "digital native" fandoms that made up its own rules) and (US, English-speaking) anime fandom. Those are my actual cultural forebears, and I haven't wasted my time on the racist, sexist, homophobic oldschool SF book publishing world since I was like 13. I do consume sff canons, but they're TV or movies or manga or self-published m/m novels that are also sff.
Why would I waste my time on trying to fix that community that isn't even mine?
Anyway, when people try to tell you that fandom left LJ over something to do with race, they're talking about a massive wankfest called "Racefail" or "Racefail 2009", which enveloped all of SF fandom on LJ and inevitably spilled into lots of more fanficcy spaces because we were all adjacent and overlapping. It largely consisted of clueless white liberals going "But I'm one of the good ones!!!" and being shocked and appalled that anyone could find them racist. People spent a lot of time "defending" their friends in unproductive ways. There was a lot of self-righteous stupidity on all sides, but it was the culmination of years of completely justified anger at the SF establishment being hella fucking racist. (So the two sides were most certainly not equal. A lot of the racist stuff being pointed out was indeed extremely racist.)
Racefail was deeply unpleasant, like any wank that rips through supposed ~civil communities of friends~. In reality, of course, a lot of the people who were pissed had been pissed about micro and not-so-microaggressions for years. It was something like one of those plays or movies about suburban morality where all of the simmering tensions boil up towards the end, destroying the façade of middle class propriety. It's deeply traumatic for people who did not realize the tensions existed, but it's hard to have much sympathy for their feelings if you've been the one suffering all that time.
It is not, however, the reason people moved to AO3. AO3 had already been in the works for a couple of years by the time Racefail was everywhere in 2009 and 2010, and AO3 was not popular at that point and continued to not be popular.
What popularized AO3 was FFN fucking up in 2012.
You know why LJ fic writers moved to AO3 in 2009? Because that's the first time it opened to users.
Moreover, while Racefail certainly affected many individual fans who like fanfic, it was primarily about oldschool US SFF publishing, a thing that 99% of AO3 users could not care less about. A far higher percentage of old LJ users care, of course, but even there, it's a mistake to think fandom=fandom.
"Fandom" in the supposedly-unmarked "book SF" sense and "fandom" in the also supposedly-unmarked "fanfic fandom" sense have never been the same thing. In the early days of Star Trek fic zines, they largely overlapped, sure, but by the early 90s, they had heavily diverged, and by 2009, they were completely distinct.
The reason they keep being conflated is that some of the loudest meta writers are in both and care deeply about that SF-->K/S zines-->AO3 history.
It's fine that they do, but it is not my history, and I see no reason to pretend it is.
The people who spread this lie about AO3's origins have an agenda, and it is not to educate the current tumblr masses about Racefail.
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ofmermaidstories · 1 year
hello, darling mermsy!! i’m back, yet again, with another brainrot proposal for you — but this time for our blasty boy!
we’ve heard of dekules, but are we ready for bakushang? shangkugo? (basically just katsuki as li shang, i’m realising only now that there’s no easy way to merge their names together <//3) they’re both tall, dark, brooding, but are soft and caring if you get through to them deep enough. our courageous, troublemaking Y/N and the newly appointed captain of the emperor’s army, bakugo katsuki! what a perfect match!!
i believe this isn’t by any means an original idea!! i know andy has a fic about this (it’s absolutely incredible, melted my brain just three chapters in) if u haven’t already read it!!! just wanted to get your take on this if u haven’t already done one yet, bc i recently rewatched the 1998 mulan and had the lightbulb to word vomit about this to you!!!
hansy!!! my love!!! i’m sorry, i meant to slip into your inbox to wish you well/ask how your exams went—are you free from the perils of schoolwork, yet??? you’re so clever, i bet you did well. 🥺🍀
but okay let’s play, LOL. War Paint was one of the very first BNHA x Reader fics I ever read so I will always be fiercely loyal to it!!! Saying that, and I mean this with nothing but absolute love Andy, DONT @ ME, but reading War Paint gave me less Mulan vibes and more Song of the Lionness ones.
(Simplifying it—really simplifying it—a girl pretends to be her twin brother so she can train as a knight! There’s lots of magic and even some romance and Tamora Pierce has been one of my favourite authors since I was a kid!)
I think it has to do with the fact that War Paint is focused on barrack/training/castle life and the subplot with the thief—whereas when I think of Mulan, I think of war.
Mulan is one of my favourite 🅱️isney movies!!! I first saw it when my primary school had a fundraiser—they set up a projector and screened Mulan and I very distinctly remember being overwhelmingly excited as the opening credits started (I nearly choked on my red twists/twizzlers) and my Dad telling me I had to be quiet LOL. If I had to make a graphic showcasing all the fundamental pieces of media to both my personality and who I became as a person, Mulan would be centre of it. 🥹
(PSA: true to your heart is a bop and has been in my liked songs on spotty ever since i’ve had an account!)
Tbh, I’d never seriously tackle a Mulan-inspired fic just out of respect for Andie Trousers Multipled by Several, but if I did, I would absolutely play hard into the war angle LOL. Maybe even indulge in some war crimes!!! You know that scene where they finally make it to the village in the pass and it’s been burnt to the ground? Yeah. Yeah. 😌 I think we can ramp that up. Have our Reader and Captain Bakugou & Co engage in some Revenge War Crimes. People are bastards in wars already, without feeling justified about it. I was literally just watching a documentary the other week about some Aussie soldier who’s facing trial (has faced trial?) for being an absolute cunt—one of his lighter cruelties involved him shooting a family’s tied-up dog as he searched their home, so take that, take the power people feel like they have when you give them a weapon and a uniform, and then put them in front of a massacred village and see what happens next. 🔪
And idk id guess there’d be a romance in there somewhere too. 💀💀💀💀 tbh im more interested in the war tho LOL. (BECAUSE!!!! LISTEN!!! i like a challenge!!!!!!!! And I think trying to fic-ify an AU that dovetails closely to the (🅱️isney) Mulan tale brings up a lot of interesting questions when it comes to world-building, and like what you need to avoid/honour, especially if you’re borrowing from an actual, real world culture for it. The Mulan legend is Chinese, for starters—and My Hero has a Japanese cast written by a Japanese man. So, okay, maybe to simplify things for ourselves we Fantasy-AU it—but then do we eurocentric the world around them, to play it safe? Is that less playing it safe and more whitewashing? My Hero being Japanese informs the canon characters, which are traits that spill over into our fanon. Traits that we love! So is it a disservice to them to strip them of it, just so we can play War? Does this stripping make it worse when we bring in atrocities like slain villagers, and revenge acts? Do we honour canon by letting them keep their Quirks? How badly does that ramp up things then???? Like, idk, I could literally bang on about this for hours (and have, in the group chat LMAO im sorry besties 😭))
This is literally too much overthinking for your ask, Hansy, I’m sorry. 😭 ITS IMPORTANT THO. Because the world around them informs our characters!!!! So pretending we sort all that out, now we have our upstart, hot-as-shit Captain Bakugou, who has idolised General Toshinori for years now—and he’s out to prove he can train the best of them!!! Except he’s working with like, farm boys! Gutter-rats, given the choice of this or execution! Maybe there’s a cohort of like, genuine scrappers, but Captain Baku here has deliberately been given the bottom of the conscript list: this is a test. And I!! Personally!!! Think that should make him an utter bastard when dealing with our Reader!!! I think in canon, Bakugou is like, learning that people need more than to be told “u suck, do better” so I like to believe Captain Bakugou would try—maybe he and his lil friends learnt hard in a trial by fire when they were kids, during the First War—so he’s earnt this leadership role. But he’s used to fighting with peers! Peers that knew what they were doing! And now he has to oversee the training of like, the most inept civilians he’s ever witnessed! I think we could justify him losing his cool—specifically with our Reader. 😌
A Reader who doesn’t take it!!! I’ve always liked that in 🅱️isney’s Mulan, she does it for her father. So I’d give that same motivation to our Reader—a tomboy who’s always been better at giving the village boys a run for their money in their little games, who’s always wanted to go and play with them when they roughhouse. Maybe to make things more interesting, we introduce a fiancé—one of those same village boys! They grow up together, have an arranged match. Maybe he’s genuinely kind, in love with Reader whereas Reader’s just kinda like, ho-hum—but then the War pt. 2 rolls in, and he’s swept off in the first round of conscription (so that there’s no one left to volunteer in Reader’s place for her dad, in the next round!).
Oh. You know what? We could ramp up that massacred village scene by making his platoon or whatever they’re called the ones that were stationed there—so Reader finds fiancé’s helmet!!!!! And then she’s all like, omg, 😧. And then she could tie it to her saddlebags and eventually bring it home to his folks. 🥺
(Reader and Bakugou could prop themselves up in their grief, maybe? Because I know in the film the stationed army is overseen by Li Shang’s father, right? So maybe in this version it’s like, idk, Jeanist or Edgeshot or something. Maybe Endeavour? Less because I think Bakugou would be cut up about it, and more because that means we could throw Todoroki in there as well, like, presumed dead (and then he’s NOT because I know Andy would have my head if I killed off her Special Angel Man in a fic!!!), but then that means in the meantime that Bakugou can mourn one of his besties (and they are besties!!!)).
I don’t want a dumbass Bakugou, either, so I think we’d have to follow Andy’s lead and have our Captain clue in early-on that Reader has been lying about their identity. And Bakugou just admires tenacity so he’s less like omg my gendernorms are being called into question and more like FUCK why won’t this useless extra get better at FIGHTING??? That could also maybe make any romantic moments kinda interesting—Reader could have this whole internal thing of, oh my God, he doesn’t know the truth, I’m terrible, is he going to be embarrassed when he finds out??? And then you have the actual reveal—someone else making the discovery, and wanting Reader executed for it, and then Bakugou’s refusal to do so is less a begrudging “you saved my life, and now my debt is paid” and more a silent confession of his feelings!!!!
I just—there’s so much you could do!! There’s so much you could do with all of that!!! Urk!!!! I wanna rip into it with my TEETH. I just—aJFDLKSFJLKSDFJLdmfhfskdmhj.
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
Ciara! Please, if you feel like....I'd love to hear about what your galaxy brain might think about buck defining Eddie his best friend in 3x03 and not anymore after, and Eddie never defining their relationship apart from partners, working together.
Love you.
alksdjf i can certainly try!!! 
i think it’s fascinating that as buck and eddie have grown closer, what they are to each other has just gotten murkier and murkier. take the, “You said it, brother,” line from 2x10 - it legitimately sounds preposterous now to hear buck say that because the notion of them being “brothers” is so far removed from how they see each other
(and it’s funny because they could’ve gone down that ‘brothers in arms’ route very easily by altering some of the dialogue in s3/s4 scenes just slightly to allow them to acknowledge the relationship in that way)
buck’s line in 3x03 is...accurate and probably appropriate for how they see each other at that point. they are best friends - now and back then - and there’s no denying that. but this definition almost feels too small when you get to the end of the episode and “there’s no one in this world that i trust with my son more than you” and, as we all know, that episode/arc is huge in term’s of their trajectory and setting up their development for the rest of the season (and the seasons that come after it)
because, truthfully, the unspoken element of buck and eddie’s relationship has just gotten louder and louder since 3x03. the more intertwined in each other’s lives they’ve become the less any of this is actually discussed. we know they hang out a lot, we know buck is close to christopher, we know they’re partners at work, we know the other characters see them as a pair (’maddie invites buck, buck invites eddie...’) but they never say any of this with actual words!!!!!
in 3x15 we don’t get “cap, that’s my best friend down there. i should be the one to go down.” instead we get, “cap, i should be the one to go down.” “why, so we can have two cut lines?”
in 4x14 we don’t get “you’re my best friend. i trust you, chris trusts you. so i want you to be the one to take care of him if the worst happens.” instead we get, “no one will ever fight for my son as hard as you. that’s what i want for him.”
and it’s just- such a contrast to hen and chim’s dynamic where they so freely and openly talk about how much they mean to each other and so easily call each other ‘best friend’. i genuinely think buck and eddie don’t have the words to define their relationship at this point because how could they???
what could they even call it??? 
i wrote about it before in relation to the buck-eddie-chris dynamic but tbh i don’t think they’ll be able to define it until they’re both willing to legit take a microscope to their feelings and examine exactly in what way they matter to each other and how deeply that runs
tl;dr an italicised oh moment would be very much appreciated any time soon!!!!
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ajdrawshq · 5 months
Is there any non-spoilery way you could talk about how isat isn't just about timeloops? because like I do want to check the game out eventually for sure if only because indie fun times but I'm busy for a while before I get the time and tbh I'm just not as curious because I don't know how it's gonna break that formula (also ngl no colors makes me lose 50% interest because I like. looking at colors. lots.)
UHM OK WELL UM. hm. how DO i do this without spoiling anything. im very not good at describing things especially things i Really enjoy so how do i put this . hold on i might need to look at some reviews so i know how to words. ok
as a disclaimer i havent fully interacted with a lot of (if any??) media that has timeloops so i cant say for certain what it does differently from similar media that makes it stand out from others. at the same time ive never seen something that is so directly About Timeloops in this way even if i consider stuff ive heard about in passing but i could be wrong (madoka n utena come to mind ?). ill try to think abt the things that arent Just timeloop related plus the stuff u mentioned and hope that helps it feel more interesting and less generic?
i think one of the main things i can say is that it Really makes you feel what the protagonist is feeling. more than anything ive ever watched or played or whatever . and thats saying a LOT given how much i empathize with protags in games. and its not even just an empathy thing here. both the story progression and the gameplay work in such a way that you experience pretty much everything the same way they do, while still having their own personal stuff u can learn about of course
on that note tho. that is actually something to be careful of for a few reasons. i know ur generally pretty good with darker content so i doubt thatll be a problem for u here (its not that bad tbh but there is IS a warning when u open the game/look at the steam page and it aint lying) but. due to the nature of timeloops. it CAN get tiring and this is very much intended. and this helps a lot w the story and themes in a way that its. like. think how kh days does repetition on purpose. its a lot like that (although i had way easier of a time getting thru isat than days? i cant remember how u feel abt days' gameplay but i think it was positive ? either way getting thru isat was way more bearable than days imo). it does do a good job at balancing this with a couple mechanics that mean u dont have to repeat everything all the time (i had like. Very few actual full loops by the time i finished) and theres ALWAYS new things happening, even if ur super thorough with everything. its pretty easy to do things at whatever pace u feel like and if u wanna focus on the main story only to make it easier it wouldnt take too much away from the experience (tho i do encourage talking to the npcs at least a few times), and theres always a goal to work towards. also dialogue skipping and the banana peel are ur best friends
sort of adding onto that. it really, really helps that u are sharing the experience with the protagonist. not only does that help u relate to them (even if u dont share as many traits w them as i do akvdjsn) but theyre probably the most beloved character in the game and for good reason!! its really fun to see their interactions with the rest of the main cast and the npcs, and watch them all develop in different ways throughout the game. and my goodness all of the characters are beautifully written - at first ur kinda thinking ok its a ragtag group of sillies in an rpg whats new. but their personalities and relationships and hobbies and problems and everything about them is just so well done.. they feel so natural. human even. every conversation feels real to me. one of the main themes of the game is the concept of change, and each of them represent and approach it differently, both positively and negatively. its hard not to fall in love with them as individuals and as a group because they just have so much going on, even the ones i didnt expect to like at all!!
the worldbuilding is also a fun spin on fantasy rpg worlds. it mostly revolves around the area u play in bc well. of course it does. but its vv interesting to learn about all the different cultures within the world and how they interact with and build on the themes of the game. theres all sorts of queer stuff going on and its all handled like a love letter to people who relate, and i can feel it even with what i dont relate to at all!! the way "magic" works and the ways people use it in battle and everyday life is super cool too, makes the whole thing feel a lot more believable and realistic :3 i dont wanna talk abt any specifics bc its more fun to learn abt this stuff ingame
OH AND THE TEXT.. EFFECTS?.. idk what to call that but the way dialogue (both internal and external) is written and programmed is funky as hell (affectionate). it was weird at first bc oftentimes (mostly for humor) its like. almost the way i type actually?? which feels strange in a legit game but it Works. it works so well and adds tone and vibes and a Voice in a way u usually cant get in a game without any voice acting. deltarune is also good at that but this one does it differently enough for me to consider it unique
HAVE I MENTIONED THE ART STYLE i love the art style . its so charming and expressive especially all the talking sprites n battle portraits. simultaneously silly n adorable while fully capable of being serious. and creepy. anyway look at the sillies i love them n their designs dearly (especially Siffrin (1st on the left) and Mirabelle (2nd on the left))
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also on that note, the lack of colors....... i both totally understand being put off by that (i also love looking at colors n this part made me feel weird abt it when i was thinking abt getting it at first) and personally enjoy it? without saying anything spoilery (bc its really not), its just another part of the worldbuilding and themes that i now find really fun :3 should be noted that i usually have an anti blue light filter so it mightve been easier to look at w the yellowish tint going on. maybe it even looks better that way ? kinda reminded me of old films now that i think abt it.. neat!!
as a last thing i couldnt quite insert somewhere else. it is equal parts a comedy and a tragedy, and it is so, so effective at accomplishing this. the humor is fantastic and adds to the games' and characters' personality, every tragic moment is . for lack of a better word or phrase. absolutely fucking delicious. and i adore how well it can shift from one to the other gradually or in an instant, or just be both at once!!!! yippee!!!!!!!
aaand thats all i can say. i have no idea if that cleared anything up BUT i encourage u to give it a try bc i do think youd like it in the end. u probably wouldnt finish it as fast as i did but that might be a good thing jfbskndj but yeah!!!! in stars and time!!!!!! its good and i love it!!!!!!!!
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tuiyla · 2 years
I finally found someone who shares my views 🙌. You honestly have no idea how hard it is to find someone like that in glee fandom I’m not even joking. I was wondering if you could help me I’m trying to see about protagonist centred morality and how narrative lets them get away with shit and I was wondering do you have a top 5 moments of bad things finn, schue and puck did? They are the only 3 who seems to get away with everything on the show
Okay wow, I don't know how a month went by since you sent this but here we are. Hi Anon. I'm not sure which views in particular you're referring to lol but IIRC it was the anti Finn and general anti Glee's shitty framing posts, right? Well, in any case happy to be someone people can relate to.
I'd love to hear more about whatever project it is you have going on because it's a fascinating topic. Sorry I couldn't be of help earlier but I'm hoping you'll reach out if/when you see this. Anyway, to start off the actual reply I'll just say that I'm not sure I'd lump Puck together with those two. For me, Finn and Will exist on a very unique level where they show seems wholly unaware of or unwilling to discuss their bad behaviour. Puck, while he does do yucky things and sometimes without repercussions, is overall considered to be a bully from the beginning and has themes of people expecting the worst from him and him doubling down on that. So I wouldn't say he gets away with everything. What he does get away with is pretty heinous, though.
So if we're specifically talking weird narrative framing and a disconnect between what Glee portrayed and how it treated that behaviour, we'd best start off with just that. This isn't an ordered list so rearrange into a top 5 as you see fit.
Puck gets Quinn pregnant: Even my own wording here is much more diplomatic than the actual scene deserves. I've gone into detail before and I can dig up those posts if you'd like but bottom line is that Glee views this as a consensual act between two foolish kids that has serious consequences. The narrative blames them equally, though tbh Quinn a little more because misogyny. But what Glee shows the viewer in 1x22 is an extremely dubious situation with Quinn verbally hesitating and Puck pushing more alcohol on her, not to mention the reveal that he lied about protection thus committing an act of assault in and of itself. Because this was 2010 and written by three men, they saw nothing wrong with this. To modern audiences, it's hard not to view Beth's conception as very questionable, at best.
Finn is the hero in Santana's coming out: I don't wish to dwell too much on this because frankly I've done so enough and it's self-explanatory. Also it makes my blood boil lol. It's mindboggling how they actively retcon Mash Off in IKAG and pretend Finn just really cares about her, actually. Disgusting.
Will's treatment of the kids Mercedes in Booty Camp: And really all of season 3 because he acted like his life depended on them winning Nationals Will's almost always framed as this benevolent father figure and the narrative has the nerve to blame Mercedes for deserting. His behaviour towards her was unacceptable and his double standard was glaring. And yet, we needed antagonists for ND and so the Troubletones was chosen to be in opposition. And for that to happen we needed Mercedes to leave. There are a lot of Will moments but I think the framing might be most glaring here.
Finn tells the Fabrays about the baby: All of this could just be Finn's greatest hits and I shall make him take the last two spots because as shitty as Will is, he's less obvious with most of his bs. So this is another thing I keep coming back to because I simply cannot comprehend how and why the show allowed this to be Finn's decision and his only and how it never once considered judging him for it. Regardless of the baby mess and how Quinn treated him, Finn had zero right to announce Quinn's pregnancy and the callousness with which Quinn getting kicked out of her home is treated is appalling. The show doesn't stop for a second to consider that this might not have been for the best, actually.
Finn beats up Brody: Another shitty Finn moment, another opportunity for me to wonder what the writers were smoking. This isn't one I've talked all that much about before but oh boy. How could Glee turn Finn's violent and frankly psychotic moment into something heroic? Something romantic? He beats up a guy for being a sex worker and we're supposed to find it romantic. Even though they're not together with Rachel and all Brody did was lie. Which was an issue but Glee never deals with that, no, it judges sex work wholesale and has our hero violently attack another guy. Only for Rachel to swoon at the knowledge that Finn would do that for her. Girl, get a restraining order.
So yeah, I hope that was along the lines of what you were looking for. Obviously there's a lot to be said about each and I really focused on kicking Finn while he was down (funny how people do that, huh) but Will's framing is constant throughout the series. Like I said, I disagree about Puck but he does have this one big one and some smaller instances.
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scribbling-dragon · 2 years
what is UP my friend (internet stranger) you (i) came to the right place (your askbox) as i have in fact watched half of the empires s1 series and am making my way through the other half atm! here's v brief analysis off the top of my head from those i Did see:
- gem! WANTS to do good. find it easier to just keep things peaceful around herself and her allies (mainly fwhip and sausage, and also pearl but that's less so i would say). peaceful.. meaning that there's no active fights.. except against xornoth that one time. beyond her relationships with other kingdoms (mostly positive, as she's friends with almost everyone), she has ambitions to grow her own magic and create a school to teach it to others. overall a very "i care about everyone but mostly my allies" character who genuinely tries to do good when she can. side notes: she is twin sister of s1!fwhip, this has canon confirmation iirc; she is good friends with scott despite a few more dramatic s1 events that normally would turn another character against him
- joel. hey man he does not do lore. he mainly builds and it's pretty epic. marries lizzie, can't actually see or hear xornoth mostly so pretends/insists he doesn't exist but in a "you guys are crazy there's no demon" way. honestly that's about it i can't lie .. he's good allies with jimmy but is always making fun of him
- pearl.. i love her. she's literally a girlboss tbh. genuinely so cracked at pvp, 1v1ed a player who was oped for a Long time, v v v cool buildings too. she is very connected to her land and farms, pretty much to the point her soul is bound to it. her strongest relationship is with sausage, and even when he gets corrupted she sticks by him when she can and tries to keep him from Evil evil. kinda sticks to herself a little bit tho, which might be her fatal flaw imo. there's sausage and then there's her kingdom... it's all she has
- jimmy OH my god is SO fun to watch. he's like a bit of a loser but i mean that so affectionately and he has this really fun lore with his cod head?? anyway this guy is just trying to rule his kingdom but he goes so far in gestures that he forgets the meaning of the place i think. he wants to do his best tho despite some people (cough cough fwhip and sausage) antagonising him a lot. lizzie is his sister and joel's his best friend, and tbh things just Happen to this bewildered man. bit silly. big fan.
- katherine!!!!! v soft style lotsa flowers, she collects heads and many find this ominous. in reality she just has a lot of friends and allies. hard worker, tries to keep life alive and fulfill her role, petty when she needs to be but can justify everything she does tbh. cool af imo
- joey ayy this guyyy.. loveeed his pov he just wants to kill people tbh. had an altercation with lizzie and another with katherine and another with the whole damn server. hints of friendship with shrub i think.. she wants him to be better. he was always this evil. he's mostly isolated in terms of allies (besides i Think gem?? a little) but is always Interacting with people yknow? social but in a "not this guy agai- AH FUCK" way. one sided romance with xornoth but if you ask me he always wanted to kill the others so.
okay that's where i am up to hope this helpssss also -> wither rose alliance (fwhip gem sausage) are the best frfr. source: trust me
ty ty! character analysis <333
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With V’s route MC in mind, then do you think Ray’s route MC is very naive and trusting? Always giving Ray the benefit of doubt because despite how sketchy he and this cult is, MC can’t shake the feeling he’s a gently person?
Or are they just really REALLY naive? 😭 I wonder if GE worries about that, since they’re so kind, understanding and trusting.
I don't think the Another Story MC is naive. There's no right or wrong way to go about explaining this because Otome MCs are generally, in most cases, written to be empathetic people who give everyone the benefit of the doubt and fight their hardest to ensure that people are aware of their worth. They love their chosen route's character but the circumstance and how they act can deviate to fit the vibe of that one they're chasing, but some of the the overall characteristics are more or less similar. It's a rough base that you can use to insert yourself as most people want to love and help the characters.
You kind of have to be someone who does that to be an MC that will wind up going to dangerous places or doing seemingly dumb things that most people wouldn't. Most people aren't going to go to another location because they know better, be it to a cult in the mountains in which you're going to face despair or an apartment you've never been to in a hallway that holds danger you don't even see. For the sake of a game that allows you to explore these themes, you have to go out of your way to do dangerous things.
MCs are like that to allow you to explore a full range of things without feeling like the MC is their own character. It's just like [Y/N] stories on the internet. It's not an entirely blank character, but it gives you just a bit of spice so you can insert yourself in there without feeling like the characters love the MC model instead of you. Since that's one of the things that can disconnect certain Otome players. That's why you've got Otome with faceless MC that allow you to be yourself and Otome with actual MCs who you're just playing as to romance them.
Personally, I try to look at it like this: If someone offered me a place with free room and board, I'd be dumb enough to take that. That's a product of living in a society where I can't afford to take care of my needs. That's how cults get people, tbh. They will chase those who are on the fringe of society and manipulate them with things that they're not able to get help with. There's other ways cults get to the people they want, but that's a common theme.
Sometimes, I wonder if the AS!MC is homeless or struggling with a lot, and that happens to be why Ray found them. Yes, he was trying to find someone who fit his dream, but if they happened to be the kind of person that is in need of some kind of help? He could use that to his advantage. It's hard to say if that's the case because of how it seems as though via the Fried Chicken Prologue Ending and the Assistant Ending since the MC seems to be living just fine in those.
But, still, I wonder if the implication is meant to be that MC is willing to go because they've got hardship in their life and this seems like a useful experience they can use to move forward. It can always be that the MC is just too nice for their own good and wants to help Ray as they can, but... they're too self-aware about things when it comes to Ray, Suit Saeran, V, and Rika in the route. They're not lacking any sort of ability to see danger.
So, hey, while it's interesting to imagine why the MC is written the way they are that makes sense contextually in universe, the answer that's real is more boring since it's just to allow you to project what you want onto them. It's why the MC for the RFA members is able to enter the apartment without anything to mention their background. It's all for your benefit to insert yourself.
GE Saeran and Saeyoung both affirm to the player in the game that they shouldn't be so naive to trust people they speak to on the phone without knowing who they are. Now, it's up to you to decide if that's because you trust too much in the people around you despite being able to see danger, or if it's because you don't see a threat from the people around you at all because it never clicked.
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To brighten things up for your boys, what would be their IDEAL happiest day in the world? What would be the day they look back on to feel warm and soft any time they need comfort? :D (yes even Anti even though his will definitely be fucked up lol)
ooo i really like this question!! but im not sure how to answer because i feel like good days aren't planned, they just sorta happen! so heres a quick list of days that the boys have had that were special:
jackie went to a carnival with his parents as a teen, before his father passed and before the schizophrenia really set in. he played laser tag with his dad and scared the shit out of his mom by rocking the cart on the ferris wheel haha. tbh it wasnt fancy or big, but its something jackie looks back on fondly, especially when he wants to think of better times
marvin's first performance! they were still kinda an awkward kid who didnt know who they were or who they wanted to be, but after their mentor trained them on how to properly use their magic, they ended up becoming a performer with a big theater and they did a magic show! it was very nerve-wracking but everyone was raving at how cool their stunts were, and they got a huge burst of pride and confidence from that day
this is gonna sound lame, but probably when henrik got married :') at the time and for years to come, his wife was really the light of his life; she was so smart and witty and never ceased to fascinate him. it really was a perfect day where nothing really went wrong, just the two of them professing their love and eating way too much cake and drinking way too much wine and spending time with family and friends :)
the day anti met jameson was literally the best day of that parasites entire miserable life. like, he had nothing. no one to love him or care for him, no home, no stability, not even the courage to take jack's body. but then jack made him a present, something he's never received, and it was the best thing that was ever given to him. the moment anti laid eyes on jameson, he was in love and he finally had something to hold onto.
its hard to say for chase, he's had a rough life. but theres so many little moments from when he met jackie and henrik, moments where he was shown care and love despite feeling like a complete fuckup. i guess a good day would be the day he decided to quit drinking. he was getting to a point where he didnt want to hurt his family anymore, and even though it was really hard, he wanted to try, for people who actually not only gave a shit about him, but loved him to bits and pieces. that day set off a chain reaction of progress and healing for chase, and even to this day jackie tells chase how proud of him he is for taking that step
its hard to say for jameson as well. i think in the past, he would look to the days when he and anti were in their honeymoon phase, where anti was kind and loving and charming and wouldn't dream of hurting jameson. he loves that version of anti more than anything and looks back on those times when hes suffering and wants to excuse what anti does to him. i think nowadays however, he thinks less and less about anti and more and more about the new friends he's made. the dumb game nights, the late night bonfires, the movies they argue over watching, the hugs and i love you's they share. not to be too corny, but i think if jameson had to pic a singe day, it would be when he let his heart go soft once again and told henrik he loved him, and they kissed in the snow and jameson wasnt afraid.
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risingsouls · 2 years
🦎 + and for fun, what are you most loathed headcanons throughout the DBZ fandom ( bonus points for LoZ, too! )
🦎 for a Ramble || Always Accepting!
[I'll try to think of one for both. The trick is finding something that isn't the dumb shit canon did and are actually headcanons the fandom seems to have latched on to.
It's bad because all my brain can come up with is that I disagree with the pervasive narrative that Vegeta is a sub/bottom, mostly because some art i would rather never see again was suggested to me. 🤣🤣 I guess I struggle with this because most of my frustrations come from canon and fans touting every canon decision as absolute top tier greatness when it's garbagio at best. I also don't actually interact with a lot of fan made stuff tbh. The most I get is face.book's obsession with suggesting DB fan pages with their absolute trash takes. And I'm finding this is even harder with DB because the writers are so into fan pandering and taking shit the fandom has latched onto and pushing it in canon. So hm...
Alright. I'm going to channel @unboundpower here for a second and go with this (and she probably influenced it if I'm real because I never really considered it before interacting with her), but I hate how it seems a lot of people assume and write the fusions as just like...Vegeta's/Goku's replacement and with very cut and dry personality traits from both. Like yes, to a degree, you have to. They're a fusion of these two characters. But that's bland and boring. I like a more nuanced approach that treats them like their own being with their own personalities--influenced by their creators than just cut and pasting them exactly might be a way to put it--ambtions, and lives rather than just being a Goku and/or Vegeta clone. If that makes sense. Like this one is probably very fine line and hard to explain, but if you want a better idea, hit up Nebula's blog and you'll understand what I mean. She does soooo good with the boys and it's fantastic.
On that note, I'll add that, when it comes to the fusions, most of the fan content I see puts them into a relationship with Bulma after they fused permanently. Like not only is it fucked up because ChiChi was basically widowed as well, but it also goes back to what I was talking about in the fusions shouldn't just be Goku or Vegeta's replacement, and I like it WAY better when they're treated as their own beings in every facet, including their personal lives and dealing with how their existence effects those Goku and Vegeta had in their lives. It's makes for a more interesting narrative than, "oh well of course he just got back with Bulma and continued his (read Vegeta's) life."
Now for Zelda. Let's seeeee. It's been a hot minute since I've really interacted with that fandom or fan made content so gotta THINK.
Alright. We're gonna get controversial. And this is probably less headcanon than just like...how fans treat things, but I cannot stand when fans ride the black and white, good vs evil thing with the stories of LoZ, especially when it comes to Ganondorf. And, disclaimer, I do contend that I understand why it happens because the story itself does really push that with some probably too subtle wiggle room to play with that. But to be more specific, I LOATHE the idea that Hyrule is blameless for what happens to it. It's not something outright rampant in the fandom, but I know I had a few run ins back in the day that reeked of this sort of "blameless Hyrule" vibe when it's suggested that the shit they've done help cause the strife they go through (also note: this is me barring Demise's curse; I don't care what anyone says, I don't accept it. It's a cop out at best and cheapens the story).
Ganondorf is probably the greatest example of this. The shit he pulls is a result of how Hyrule treats his people. Yes, he definitely takes it too far and loses sight of that goal and is a horrible person for what he did. This isn't Ganondorf apologist hours by any means. But it's not Hyrule apologist hours either, and I hate how it often feels a lot of fans don't grapple with the other side of the coin, ESPECIALLY after WW comes out.
Which brings up another point: WW suggests Hyrule literally just prayed to the gods and waited around for the hero to return rather than trying to deal with Ganondorf's return themselves. Like there was PROBABALY a better fight than that but I don't know. The way Hyrule as a whole is written, it's VERY dependent on its heroes and the monarchy in a lot of games. But where are people calling that out HMMMMM???
Honestly, what that one comes down to is I just like it more when fans engage with the narrative on a deeper level than what's presented. There are arguments to be made that Hyrule isn't the guiltless, helpless victim that often portrayed, and there is often more eto the villains than gets looked into (and the writing doesn't help *side eyes Skyward Sword for that damn curse*).]
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