#obey me polyamory
Another part of the yandere soulmate au.
MC and Mammon make their pact, levi stirs the pot, MC doesn't feel the bond because they are human.
Side note: in this au the boys are going to be a bit more rude due to the whole soul mate thing! But this is yandere so that was probably expected anyways tbh.
You do not like Leviathan.
You tried to like him, really, you did, but he's just so rude. Of course, it's not in blatantly confrontational way. You actually sort of doubt the envy demon has the confidence for that. In fact, most of his actions are just petty, often coming off as demeaning and belittling. You're well aware that this is not enough to be consider hostile, however, it doesn't make you want to interact with him. Especially since it's hard to tell if that attitude is on purpose or not.
Well, at least, it was hard to tell. For the first few days you had tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Tried to say that Levi was just shy and anxious and had terrible social skills. He didn't mean to be so dismissive and judgemental. Perhaps this rationalizations was just your way of trying to cope with this new land, but whatever one may call it, the conclusion it brought you to was utterly wrong.
Levi didn't want to be your friend, and as you stand here now, looking at the golden marking that's shown up on your palm, you can admit to yourself that he still doesn't want to be your friend. All he wanted was to get his money back from Mammon. He didn't care about you, or you interests, or even your attempts to become closer to him. No, he just wanted to use you to force Mammon to pay back his debts.
It makes you feel gross. The trust you gave to the demon seems like it was just thrown back at you with little regard to your efforts. And you guess it sort of was. Levi didn't really need you, nor did he want you, and with that came the manipulative attitude that nearly had you in a puddle of your own tears.
You suppose it also doesn't help that he had talked you into doing something you weren't familiar with. Obviously making a pact with a demon isn't something one does everyday. Doing so with such an outwardly bratty demon is probably even less common. Despite these statistics, you try not to question these two factors, because there really isn't any changing them now. Mammon and you have made a pact. You have to live with whatever that means.
Levi didn't explain much about it, just gave what you might consider to be a very basic rundown. He told you, with delight, that you could order Mammon around. Of couse, this was basically the whole reasoning for him asking you to make the pact in the first place. Despite knowing this, you agreed, still hoping to gain some sort of friend in this unfamiliar place.
Plus, you did also want to put the greed demon in his place, if only for your own petty reasons. He hadn't been exactly the nicest to you when you arrived. So this felt like a two birds, one stone situation. At least, it did, until you realized that you don't exactly understand the commitment Levi is asking you to make. Which was unfortunately something you only thought about after it happened.
"So that's it?" You question as soon as the golden glow begins to die down, turning into something that resembles more of a tattoo then a magical demon marking. The space feels a little weird. Not bad, but not exactly good either. Just warm and unnaturally reactive to your touch.
"Yeah," Levi replies, his tone reflecting his inner feelings. Its clear that he's obviously excited, most certaintly at the prospect of getting his money back, "Now tell him to give me my money back!"
His enthusiasm is admittedly a little much. You're actually expecting some sort of reply from Mammon just because of it. Perhaps anger, or even just a petty jab as an expression of his frustrations. However, nothing comes.
No, upon looking over, you realize Mammon seems a little too shocked to do much of anything.
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meowsgirldrawing · 6 months
Mornings, y'know? (Obey me X Poly! MC)
7 boyfriends = 7 different styles of waking up
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And yes, I imagine MC is almost always wearing something of their boys' in the mornings lol
Side note- I always imagine MC being about the same height as Asmo, so his clothes are the ones that fit the most
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Has anyone else noticed the utterly adorable sprite that floats by in the background of the newest guest visit space background? Of little fluffy MC, Sheep-chan, clinging to a little rainbow trailing after a falling star? Well I certainly noticed it, and thought it was totally and completely precious. And perfect for a pride symbol too! So here I have made sprites of Sheep-chan clinging to pride flags as they trail after falling stars! I'll be posting them to my Redbubble shop later, but for now, I just wanted to share these little cuties! I hope you find them as adorable as I do!
These designs are available in my Redbubble shop for anyone who might be interested!
If I've missed a flag you'd like to see, please feel free to let me know, I just did a bunch that I could think of!
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elaemae · 4 months
The premium version of human is here to wreak house, mfs.
Twst x Obey me!AFAB!reader
(Reader is Ob's MC)
•Reader is referred to as "you" or they/them and even "he/him" because NRC boys refer to any living humanoid in the school as a male by default.
•It's my first time writing a fanfiction, pls tell me if I should continue writing this.
(Random pic go brr—)
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What will happen when a perpetually hungry-for-cuddles and tired-of-this-shit hooman gets kidnapped by a motherfucking horse and decides (kinda? Yeah nope. This wasn't by choice.) to enroll in a school full of problematic kids and their irresponsible af headmage?
Chaos. Pure and utter chaos with a lot of high-end simping in the mix (Along with the slightly unhinged urge to commit arson and burn a bitch to crisp)
So read as [y/n] tries to run away from the school-life while trying to just get back to their goddamn harem family (God saw this thought and decided that giving y/n more harem members is the appropriate course of action), all while juggling the harsh responsibilities of being a guardian, babysitter, therapist, healer, protector, local crush and celebrity for poor Yuu and the entirety of NRC.
("Pls send help" — y/n)
• • • • •
Disclaimer: You may have been kidnapped to a whole 'nother world and you may be on the verge of a mental breakdown, but you're sure as hell gonna look hot and serve cunt while you go through all your problems.
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Prologue: 1
IMPORTANT: Mc will be referred to as they/them in this story, but in these beginning chapters a lot of people will refer to mc as a dude because y'know; NRC is an ALL BOYS school and nrc students came to expect that those in the school are all boys.(this'll change dw)
In order to avoid confusion, every time that the MC is addressed by others as he/him or more; I will color it blue. why blue? I find it easier to read.
Sample; 'He turned to them.'
The "He" in this passage is referring to MC because the character referring to them thinks that they're a guy.
REMINDER: This is Fanfiction! Not everything will be the same as canon because of this thing called the 'butterfly effect'.
• • • •
The Dorm Leaders + lilia were just about to call this Opening Ceremony over.
So close to getting out of this hall and finally being able to go on their merry ways to escort the new students back to their respective dorms before the hectic-ness of preparing for hours starts to catch up to them.
Though, things are never quite that easy in NRC.
A commotion with the students quite far from them leaves the majority of them annoyed/disgruntled. (Kalim is just confused and curious)
The headmaster rushes to check what was wrong only for a student to point out that there is an unopened coffin floating in a shadowy part of the hall.
Armed with the desire to get this shit over with and to avoid embarrassment from missing a coffin when he was going around opening them and also, with Yuu waiting near the mirror, the headmaster opens the coffin to wake the new student inside.
The dorm leaders walked closer to be able to quickly usher the new student to the dark mirror only to notice that the headmaster froze up.
"...Headmaster? Are you alright?" Azul "Boutta-do-sumthin-devious" Ashengrotto asked with faux concern.
"Ah– Ah yes! I'm alright Mr. Ashengrotto."
Crowley the bitch cleared his throat and reached inside the coffin to wake the student up.
The dorm leaders subconsciously or not, peaked inside the coffin before getting gobsmacked by the sleeping student.
Sure, the student looked quite cute ("New potential apple locked in" — Vil.) even with half of his face obstructed but what really drew their attention were the jewelries that he was wearing.
Three luxurious looking earrings on each of his ears, all unique from each other, all with a respective color and design except for that one earring with two gemstones engraved in it, orange and indigo. Seven gems, six earrings
An ornament on his forehead that looks to be a combination of a circlet and a Ferronnière made from gold, with intricate black bat-like wings surrounding the red gemstone in the middle.
And that's just the jewelry on his head.
There's also the sleek black choker with a golden sheen on his neck with a teal gemstone surrounded by small diamonds hanging in the middle.
They don't know if this guy has anymore but the jewels they can see for now is more than enough for them to make the deduction that this student has some alot of money on his hands.
No wonder the Headmaster froze up.
Azul subconsciously starts fixing up his appearance when he starts to wake up, wanting to make a good impression on a potential, rich victim client.
• • • •
"Mmh... What the hell.. Why is the bed so hard.."
You mumbled as you stirred, feeling someone lightly shaking you awake.
You opened your eyes, expecting maybe the brothers, solomon, dia, barbs, simeon or luke but you were instead met with a face obscured by a dark bird mask.
"You have two seconds to unhand me before you lose your hands." or your life. Depends on who I can summon first.
You made your voice as cold and unwelcoming as possible as the man with the bird mask squawked and backed away a bit in shock.
"H– How rude..! I'll have you know that I was only–"
"Where am I?"
You cut off the weird looking bird-man as you scanned your surroundings and moved to come out of the coffin why were you in a coffin? you were in, in fear of it closing and locking you inside.
You glance warily to the bird-man while keeping an eye on the huge number of robed individuals that you can see. are you in a cult? Damnit, did one of the Brothers' crazy cults decide to kidnap you out of jealousy again??
Especially the seven (reminder that lilia is there with the Housewardens) closest to you and bird-dude.
Some solomon-kinnie motherfucker is currently eyeing you down like he's about to sell your kidneys to the black market or something.. Hmm... Your fight or flight instincts are telling you to sell HIS kidneys instead.
Burd-dude cleared his throat and addresses you.
"It seems that the teleportation magic has left you disoriented... No matter, I can forgive your offense of trying to threaten me for I am gracious!"
He then looked weirdly like a combination of preening peacock and a proud chicken.
"I repeat. Where in the unholy trinity of the three realms, am I?"
Now that raised a few eyebrows.
You feel for the necklace under your clothes that Thirteen gave you, filing the question of why you're also wearing the same robe as these people away, in your head.
While the guy that you now dub-thee as "bird-bitch" started gawking at you and going on a tangent of being disrespectful, you scan the big hall/room you're in looking for ways to escape.
• • • •
Hmm... This new student seems to be a knowledgeable individual.
Lilia kept his gaze on the student, studying how he took on a defensive stance the moment he got out of the coffin.
They need to calm this student quickly before something happens.
The student seems to be confused on why he's here and is looking for a way to get out.
If the way his eyes moved around the room in quick succession is any indicator.
Not the first time that something like this happens but add in the magicless student's appearance, he gets the feeling that something strange will happen once again.
Seeing him take out and grasp the palm-sized gemstone of a whole 'nother necklace hidden under his robe how many trinkets does this boy have??, Lilia got ready to jump in the fray should something happen.
There's a possibility that the student can use that necklace as a weapon if that was what he chose to hold in this situation and not his other shiny ornaments.
Lilia was proven right when the necklace and the gemstone glowed and formed into a fancy-looking staff that the student quickly pointed towards Crowley.
He looked at the dorm leaders around him to see if any of them will do something.
yeah no. If anything, they look like they're watching an amusing show. Especially Schoenheit and Kingscholar..
Though it seems more like Riddle is still assessing the situation before he brings out his infamous collar.
Haahh.. Youngsters these days..
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Elae: Sorry if my grammar is off, English isn't my first language.
Btw, Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed it😊
Srry if my format is also off, I've only been using tumblr for a few days now...
MOST IMPORTANTLY; Should I continue reading this fanfic? I wanna know if people still read Obey mexTwst stories here...
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Kinktober day 4: Body modification: Barbatos + Diavolo
Diavolo tackled you and Barbatos onto the bed. “I want to see!” He excitedly shouted. “I want to see your piercings!” He quickly undid Barbatos’ shirt before staring blankly at Barbatos’ chest. “Where…? I thought we both got piercings?”
You nudged Diavolo aside, undoing Barbatos’ pants. “Yes, you both got piercings, just in different places!” You pulled Barbatos’ cock out of his pants, catching Diavolo’s attention. Barbatos groaned as you strummed your fingers against his jacob’s ladder. “See?”
Barbatos’ cock visibly started to stiffen under your ministrations. You can’t help but grin seeing Diavolo’s amusement as the piercings made a beautiful symmetrical pattern up his cock. Diavolo carefully started feeling them up, tracing the edges of them.
“Careful, they are sensitive.” You warned Diavolo, who was far more focused on Barbatos. He lightly twisted one of them earning a strangled moan from him.
“They look so cool! It’s like you have little gems on your-“ Barbatos interrupted him, clearly flustered and just nodded with a quiet ‘thank you’ and avoided his gaze.
“My Lord, please, can we focus on something else?” He can’t help the whine in his tone. You lower yourself, dragging your tongue over the nubs. Barbatos bucked under you two, Diavolo had to hold his butlers hips still as you drag your tongue up and down his shaft.
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polymc · 2 months
I have a question!!!
Lovebrush chronicles.... Does it have a "Pick your love interest" ending or is it like obey me where there is no picking?
It looks hella cute and I want to play it... BUT I CAN'T PICK JUST ONE PERSON PLEASEEEE
I wish poly was just normal along with picking 1 person-
All we ask is to have multiple husbands, wives, and partners!!! Is that SO MUCH TO ASK IF I WANT 72 HUSBANDS?!?! TT O TT
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alexeeeeeeeeeee · 3 months
Obey Me! Masterpost
Welcome to all the Obey Me! fans, this is the masterpost of this universe ^^! Within these lines, you'll be able to find my main headcanon storyline of the game plot (and events), as well as analysis evolving around my OC and his relationship with the other characters, and world building posts about chronology of events and timeline/history.
For the storyline, I'm starting from the very bottom (aka season 1 of the OG) and I follow the order of publication of the next seasons → OG seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, then Nightbringer seasons 1 and 2
Events will published in order of parution as well, but in a separated section from the main story.
Analysis will pop up now and then according to my mood or questions on a specific subject concerning my MC.
Chronology is a following in real time of now adventures
Timeline is my own interpretation of the OM past important world developments through the ages until the beginning of the exchange program.
If you enjoy what you read, don't hesitate to go check my other works! Have fun in the OM universe ^^!
Book One ⤷ Lesson One | Welcome to Devildom! ⤷ Coming soon...
Book One ⤷ Coming soon...
Of Book One (main story) ⤷ Chronology I Of Book One (events) ⤷ Chronology I.I
Of Book One ⤷ Coming soon...
⤷ The meaning of Goh ⤷ ...
For any questions or analysis requests, don't hesitate to ask via my questions section!
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2af-afterdark · 2 years
Going Away Gift
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Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor, Main Character
Additional Tags: afab!mc (she/her), breeding kink, polyamory, yandere, baby trapping(?), vaginal fingering,
A/N: I am so bad with fics involving a lot of characters. I tried…
Word Count: 1962
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These were her final days in the Devildom. Diavolo had made it more than clear that she would be going back home at the end of the exchange program and nothing the brothers said could convince him otherwise; she had to return to the Human Realm and continue her life. None of them were keen on that version of reality. After everything they'd been through together, how could they be expected to just give her up? They couldn't. Never.
The plan had started as a stray thought. Several bottles of Demonus in, a few angry and sad complaints between them, and then Mammon of all demons said something that set off a spark around the family.
They wouldn't be losing their human any time soon if they had a say in the matter.
Beel's large hands gripped tightly onto her waist, pulling her into his lap with the kind of ease that would be terrifying if she didn't trust him so implicitly. His head rested in the crook of her neck, warm lips and hot breath brushing across her skin as he trailed kisses all along her shoulder. Something big was poking between her legs, pressing the fabric of her underwear against her slowly heating core.
Before she could look down to confirm her suspicions about what was happening, Leviathan claimed her mouth with hungry kisses that left her breathless in seconds. His nervous hands wandered under the hem of her shirt, tickling a path up her stomach as he moved to cup her breasts and flick his thumbs across the pebbled nubs he found.
Sickeningly sweet moans dripped from her lips like the most beautiful of melodies; a siren song to every demon that may hear her. And hear her they most certainly did; all seven of them that couldn't wait for their turn to indulge in her.
Asmodeus placed a gentle hand on her cheek to guide her attention away from Levi and toward himself, "Don't forget about me, Darling." Then he stole his own kiss with his cherry-flavored lips.
"Sorry," she huffed as he pulled away from her, trying to collect herself as her body was ground down against the bulge in Beel's pants, biting her lip and crooning all the while.
There were so many of them and only one of her. She knew she had agreed to this as a final goodbye with them, but she could only focus on so much at a single time. All that focus was drawn in another direction once again as a hand slipped past the band of her underwear and cool fingers massaged her slit.
"You're so wet already," Belphegor whispered as her slick began to coat his fingers.
She wanted to tell him not to say that, but Asmo was refusing to let her pull away long enough to protest. He was having far too much fun turning her brain into mush with hot, unyielding kisses that could barely contain his passion. It only got worse as he shoved his tongue into her mouth, swallowing up each rogue groan before it could escape and tasting just how wonderfully sweet she was inside and out.
Beel was still holding onto her tightly, growling low in his throat as she began to wiggle her hips against him. He could smell the arousal pooling between her legs as they all worked away at her, along with the sudden spike in the scent as her eyes rolled back in her head.
"Did you cum?"
With a smirk across his face, Belphie pulled back his fingers, letting them glisten in the light from above before catching the precious substance on his tongue, "She did."
Asmo laughed, giving her another quick kiss before giving her space, "Such a good girl. Our good girl."
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Mammon dismissed them, "Ya got what ya wanted, now hand 'er over."
"Maybe we don't want to," Asmo teased as he leaned in to kiss her again, "She seems pretty happy where she is."
Levi had moved to lap at her breasts, his tongue teasing her nipples and making her cry out for more as she began to buck against the tent in Beel's pants. Her brain was short-circuiting from being unable to figure out what it should have been focusing on.
Mammon's eye twitched in anger, "Get yer hands off'a her."
Beel, despite how much he wanted to keep her in his lap, brushed away the others, "We all agreed…"
"Ya! We did!" Mammon yanked on her arm, pulling her against his chest as he looked down at her with eyes caught somewhere between love and possession. The others stared in annoyance at losing their precious human when she clearly would have allowed them to do more to her, "Don'cha worry. I'm gonna have ya stuffed soon." As he spoke, he was already freeing himself from the tight fit of his pants.
His other hand grabbed at her panties, ripping them to shreds and leaving them in tatters on the ground. She was already too far gone to care about her ruined clothing, only sighing briefly at the feeling of open-air brushing against her needy heat.
He gripped the base of his shaft, lining it up with her dripping core and rubbing his tip against her entrance without pushing in.
What little resolve he had not to flip her over and pin her to the ground while he fucked into her as hard and fast as he could started to crumble as she looked up at him with large eyes and pleaded, "Please, Mams…"
The taste of blood flooded his mouth as he bit into his bottom lip, desperately trying not to give in to his urges, "What ya want, Treasure?"
Her hands came to rest against his shoulders, nails digging lightly into his back as she ground herself down onto the head of his cock just enough to feel it begin to push past her folds, "Want you inside me."
"I ain't stoppin' ya."
He had to admit there was a twisted pleasure in watching her sink onto him with his name on her lips while the others could only watch with envy; a pleasure that only grew as he bottomed out inside of her and she paused to adjust to his size. Her little moans and whines made him twitch inside of her, swallowing hard as he focused on anything besides the heat of her walls clenching down on him.
"Ya gotta move if ya want me to cum in ya."
"Mammon…" she whimpered and he had to stop himself from flooding her insides right then and there.
"C'mon, Treasure, show me how ya want it."
He didn't have to tell her again for her to get the message and start rolling her hips against him. She was in full control of how deeply his cock burrowed into her, grinding down onto him so his tip pressed against her favorite spot as everyone watched her take whatever pleasure she wanted.
Some of them looked at her while palming themselves through their pants, others watched her with admiration and waited impatiently for their turns.
“Please please please please,” she muttered and chanted each time she slammed back down onto him, “Feels so good. Need more.”
"It’s not ‘please’ now is it?" Lucifer tsk'd, "Everyone is here to ensure you get the going away gift you so dearly deserve. Don't you think it's only right to thank them?"
She nodded, "Thank you for making me a mommy," she practically howled as Mammon hit something deep inside of her and emptied every single thought out of her head.
There was a mixture of laughter and jealous murmurs from every brother looking on. It was hard to fight their instincts and not push Mammon away so they could sweep her up and bounce her on their cocks instead. The thought of her round and fat with their child was enough to drive each of them mad.
Mammon grabbed her hips tightly, guiding her to quicken her pace and slam onto him as his cock began to twitch inside of her and his balls tightened up. She practically screamed in time with his groans as he held her hips flush against him so he could shoot his cum deep into her.
Once everything was emptied into her, he wrapped his arms around her boneless body and lavished kisses across her face, "G'job, Babe. Ya did so good ridin' me."
"So good," Asmo complimented her, "Now let her go so the rest of us can have our turns. Having to wait is awful when she smells so good.” Like lust and desire beyond his wildest imagination.
"Shut it. Can't ya see we're havin' a moment?"
"The moment is over." Belphie complained, "Hurry up and move aside."
Mammon growled low in his throat as he slipped out of her warmth, clearly displeased with having to share. He laid her down carefully, making sure to admire the sight of her pussy lips drenched in a mixture of her slick and his cum before it was ruined by someone else thinking they could satisfy her the way he did.
Hands grabbed at his shoulders from behind, pulling him back and holding him in place even as he protested. Beel wasn't being harsh with him, but the younger brother believed in the fairness of their current situation being upheld.
"It's Levi's turn…" Beel said.
"You're only rushing me 'cause your turn's after Levi's."
"We all agreed…" Although it did help that he knew his turn was coming up. He wanted to feel her wrapped around his cock rather than just watching.
While they were arguing, Levi slid up to her hesitantly. He wasn't sure he wanted everyone watching him, but that was the deal. It was to ensure that everyone followed the rules they agreed on without trying to manipulate her.
Levi grabbed her knees, spread her open, and looked down at her limp body, quickly growing jealous of the hearts in her eyes, the trembling of her legs, and the stream of cum leaking out of her and down her slit. She looked so tired and spent. Enough so that he almost felt bad as he swiped the head of his cock through the cum seeping out of her before pushing it and himself inside. It was only almost because his guilt was drowned out by the sound of her screaming in ecstasy as he bottomed out inside of her.
"Sorry," he apologized as he began to slam his hips against her own, "You have to keep everything inside, okay?"
She nodded mindlessly, "I will. I promise. So everyone should put lots and lots inside me."
"Careful, Kitten," Satan warned with a devilish purr in his voice, "Ask like that and none of us will be able to wait our turn, and we'd hate to break you so quickly." In this way at least. There were much more fun ways to break a human, especially their most beloved one.
"Don't -nggh- care. Just want your cu- hmm." Her toes curled as she came again, so dangerously sensitive from everything so far. How did they expect her to last long enough to take all seven of them?
It was easy to forget with them, but they were demons; evil, cruel, loving demons that refused to lose their favorite human for any reason. She was theirs, after all; forever and always.
Prince Diavolo could order her return to the Human Realm if he wanted, but they knew he'd never force her back if it meant breaking up a family. All she needed was a little hellspawn of her own to tie her to the Devildom, and they were all more than happy to try and play father.
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Scenario time! Everyone in the HOL is chilling when suddenly Barbato’s pops up asking for MC and giving a letter to them saying it’s from their older sister, and they brothers are lowkey shook like “MC You didn’t tell us you had a sister!” But then MC gets super mad like “I don’t have an obligation to tell you anything.” Then rips up the letter and goes straight up to their room. It’s clear that MC doesn’t have the best relationship with their sister and takes a long time to get the information as to why out of them but eventually they spill the beans and tell them that their sister basically bullied them for their whole life and that she’s been trying to get in contact with them to apologize but MC doesn’t want to hear it. Headcaons on how they would handle it? Would they try to help MC’s sister to build a relationship with them again? When they keep MC’s sister out of their life?
Let me preface this by saying that no one has the right to be a toxic presence in your life, blood relations or not. Toxic relationships are draining, none more so than those with family.
That being said, let's get on with the headcannons, shall we?
'Do you wish to see her?' Asked Lucifer.
'No.' MC replied, wringing their fingers together, curled up small in the corner of their bed. The eldest had cornered them after their little episode, worried that he'd let contact happen when MC didn't want it to.
'Would you like me to keep her away?'
'Yes, please.'
The eldest nodded, sinking down on the bed beside them, placing his gloved hand on their shoulder. 'That's all you needed to say.'
'You're not going to tell me that I should at least hear her out?'
'No, you don't owe anyone forgiveness, no matter how nicely they asked. That decision is yours, and I won't let anyone take it away from you.'
Mammon chewed his lower lip worriedly, wanting nothing more than to set that letter on fire and wipe the memory of it ever existing from MC's mind, anything to stop his human from pacing like this.
It's all he can do to watch the human pace the width of the lounge, periodically circling sofas, winding themselves up more and more the longer they pace.
He can't take it anymore, and catches them by the shoulders, holding them at arm's length.
"She doesn't get to make you feel like this. You wanna hear what she has to say, I'm comin' with ya, but no one gets to make you look so damn sad!"
Leviathan sheltered you in his room, provided all the games and snacks and anime you could ever want to distract you. Anything to put a smile back on your face, or at the very least bring you back out of whatever dark place you'd taken yourself too.
'You don't have to talk about it. Just please, don't keep her around if she makes you cry.'
You snuggled down into his side, hiding your face in his oversized hoodie as he gamed, smiling as he turned red.
'Want me to hack her accounts and post embarrassing shit?'
'That's petty...let's do it.'
Satan understands, perhaps better than anyone, but he doesn't stick his oar in. He stands back, a silent comfort simply for being around. If you need to speak, he'll listen, if you want comfort, his arms are open for you.
'You are not weak for being willing to listen to her.' He whispered, dragging his fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp until you melted into him. 'You would not be cruel for wishing to cut her off, either. This is your life, your decision and time you did what's best for yourself. Whatever that is, I'm here.'
Forget about worrying, Asmodeus is going to make your concerns melt, one way or another. If you remain resistant to physical comfort, he'll sit and listen to your words.
If you have something to say, he's always eager to hang off every word, always ready with tissues and a shoulder to cry on.
There's nothing for you to be ashamed of with Asmo, he supports you no matter how emotional or torn apart you get.
'You're to so strong, sweetheart. I admire you so much. Don't be scared, tell me more.
Beelzebub and Belphegor sandwich you between them, one understanding the want to forgive, the other defending the need to stay away.
They try their best not to influence any decision, it's your family and your life. They do, however, bury you un blankets, cuddled into Belphegor like a body pillow while Beel presses into your other side, supplying heat like a hot water bottle while hand-feeding you snacks.
It's the ultimate comfort brigade, nothing to do but be cuddled into oblivion until your mind calms down and you can actually thing.
"Family is important, but you're easily more important."
"Especially to us."
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lonely soul.
Reworking my yandere soulmate headcannons into mini stories and drabbles 💖. This is the beginning so it's more mc focused!!
I did change some of the rules so I'm sorry if you liked that short version better. It's just easier for me to understand this. 😭
The first few nights in the Devildom are starting off hellish, to say the least.
Admittedly some of it is your fault. You have pushed a lot of buttons. Ran too many red lights and crossed too many lines because you can't help from acting on your emotions. You think just about every single demon in the house has a bone to pick with you now because of it, but you believe only half of that is really caused by anything you've done.
And only half of that is intentional.
For the most part, you believe it's very obvious that none of the brothers had a good impression of you to start off with. You were just some human to win their suprise lottery and represent humanity. Their expectations were low for you due to their own predetermined beliefs and you could say the same for yourself in regards to them. Admittedly the stress of the situation did not help either. Tales of terrifying demons mixing with actually witnessing demons being terrifying didn't make anything seem welcoming. Then again, they probably think the same of weak, emotional humans when they see you.
With that being said, part of you believes that if it was only this, maybe the seven of you could have survived this year without issue. You could have been cordial to one another. Been nice and sweet and passed through the the days with all the ease of essentially being an international student. However, you learned demons don't exactly do cordial. The avatars of sin especially don't. They're snide and rude and live up to exactly what their sin claims to be. It's nearly impossible to get them to leave even the smallest, petty remarks out of conversation, which just sends your blood pressure skyrocketing during the majority of your interactions.
Of course, they aren't the first people to get under your skin in such away. It's just something about them bothers you so much. Like every word against you brings an ache to your heart, and you have no idea why.
You've tossed around some ideas trying to explain it. Asked yourself over and over again why they specifically have this hold on you, to no avail. Hell, you're even now questioning if this had something to do with your soulbond, wondering if you'd become extra sensitive because you departed the actual realm your supposed other half existed in.
Which, is a lot harder to prove than your originally thought. You've never really felt anything missing before. Never had any issues or worries about the supposed emptiness most people desire to fill. If anything, all you've ever felt before is yourself, and you've been perfectly fine with that. So fine, in fact, that most of your doctors went to the extent of believing your soulmate had most likely died.
You can't confirm or deny that. You haven't met your theological other half, but you're aware of the fact that most people know when they have one. According to a friend, it just feels like something is supposed to be there. Like you're waiting for someone you've never met to join you on your couch, often times feeling bits and pieces of their emotions as your only form of communication. That's not something you think you've experienced. No, your seat is a chair, and your company is your own.
At least, you think it is.
You're trying not to though. There's a lot to be done. Your time can't be wasted worrying over exaggerated thoughts, especially not when you might finally be getting your revenge on a certain greed demon tonight.
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gumsnail682 · 2 years
(Ok so I had this idea and decided to write it out. Lucifer is a bit out of character so sorry about that.
This is my first time writing anything for Obey Me! Also I didn't have anyone beta read this for me since I was to nervous to ask any of my friends so sorry for any mistakes. Enjoy!)
Diavalo loved you, from the moment he laid eyes on you he knew you were the one for him and over time that feeling only grew. Every smile sent his way made him feel weak in the knees, you could relieve his stress by just holding his hand and you were always there for him. 
Diavolo loved you so very much but he also loved Lucifer. He considered Lucifer his closest friend alongside you and it was difficult to love you both so much. 
One of the reasons being he knew Lucifer loved you as well. You made Lucifer genuinely smile and sometimes even laugh. Lucifer always seemed so much more relaxed with you around and he seemed.. happier.
Diavolo knew that Lucifer wouldn't ever pursue you if he knew Diavolo loved you. Lucifer would never want to take you from him. But Diavolo didn't want Lucifer to give up his own happiness, he would never forgive himself. 
The biggest problem was that Lucifer suspended it, he'd always keep more of a distance from you whenever Diavolo was around. It hurt Diavolo to see his best friend put his own happiness aside for him. 
Diavolo planned to talk this over with Lucifer. Even if It meant losing you, seeing Lucifer finally focus on his own happiness would be worth the pain. "If you really love someone you'll want to see them happy even if you're not in the picture." That's a thought that helped him come to this decision.
"Diavolo, you wished to speak with me?" Lucifer entered the room, Diavolo was seated on the couch, his hands folded in his lap. "Ah, Lucifer. Please sit down, no need to be so tense." Lucifer took a seat on the chair across from the sofa. "Look, Lucifer, I know you like MC. And I know you know I like her too." Lucifer seemed to tense even more than he already was, he looked as if he was about to speak but Diavolo continued, "Listen, I don't want you to push your own happiness aside for me. If you like her, pursue her, make her yours. I'll be rooting for you the whole time!" It felt wrong to say but it also felt right to be there for Lucifer. 
"Diavolo.. I couldn't never. Not knowing-" "No! Lucifer you're always putting me before yourself and as your friend I want that to stop! You matter too, I want you to be happy." Diavolos voice was stern and Lucifer was almost stunned. "Dia.." Lucifer almost never called him by that nickname, it made the young prince blush, just slightly. "Thank you, I appreciate this more than you think but.. I'm still conflicted. Dia if I'm being completely honest with you MC isn't the only one I.. fancy." Lucifer took a deep breath, keeping direct eye contact with the prince. "Really? Who-" Diavolo stopped when he saw the way Lucifer's cheeks were tinted a light shade of pink, how Lucifer fidgeted with his shirt and avoided looking at Diavolos face. 
It clicked.
Lucifer couldn't believe he said that, it was a pure impulsive decision that he immediately regretted. "Luci.." The nickname caused Lucifer to inhale deeply, he felt so flustered. "I guess you could say we're in the same spot." Diavolo chuckled nervously. Lucifer looked back at Diavolo with wide eyes. "You-.." Lucifer trailed off, "Yes, I feel the same." The two of them stood up, "Then.. how about we bring this up with MC. I'm sure we could work something out." Diavolo grinned at the suggestion, "That sounds like a great idea!" Diavolo held out his hand for Lucifer to take and Lucifer took it almost hesitantly. "Hey Luci, just know that whatever the outcome of this conversation is, I'll always be with you." 
You buried your face in the pillow and screamed into it. "That's it, just let it out." Asmo patt you gently on the shoulder. You recently told him of your growing feeling for the Eldest brother and the demon prince, to say the least Asmo was ecstatic. He LIVED for this type of drama. "Why dose my stupid heart have to do this to me!? It's not fair!" You cried, "I know, I know." Asmo was your only source of comfort in this, you didn't have the courage to tell anyone else. You only told Asmo because you were tipsy and it just slipped out. 
"And how could I possibly choose between them!? They probably don't feel the same but what if! How could I choose!?" You rambled. "Ok darling how about I make you a nice hot bath so you can relax. You're thinking too hard about this, you need to relax." You knew Asmo was right so you hummed in approval and allowed Asmo to drag you to the bathroom. 
Asmo was your best friend here in the Devildom, he always took care of you and never once had he done something without your permission. You felt completely and totally safe with him.
Asmo removed the pillow from your grasp and set it on a stool before getting the water running. He poured some potions into the water once it was the right temperature, "These should help you relax and calm your mind. While you're here I'll find you some comfortable pajamas and I'll make snacks!" You nodded, then Asmo left you to your bath. 
You stripped off all your clothes and got into the water. Immediately you felt calmer and more relaxed, you closed your eyes and tried to think more about the situation without breaking down. If it came down to it, if you HAD to choose.. you don't think you could do it. If having one of them ment hurting the other.. you couldn't bear the thought.
If there was a way to keep them both happy you'd do it in a heartbeat. 
Meanwhile, while Asmo was looking through the spare clothes you kept in his room he got a text. 
Lucifer: "Asmodeus, is MC with you?"
Asmodeus: "Why yes they are! Do you need something?" 
It took a minute but finally there was a response.
Lucifer: "Me and Diavalo need to speak with them. Could you let them know we're coming over, we'd like to meet in MCs room."
Asmo almost squealed, was this it!? The confession he was waiting for? He had to regain his composure before texting back.
Asmodeus: "They're in the bath right now but I'll let them know when they're done!" 
You finally came to a decision, if you had to choose one over the other then you wouldn't choose either. You'd tell them you couldn't choose and you just wanted to stay friends. That was a good plan right? 
You got out of the bath and drained the water, drying yourself with one of Asmos fluffy towels. "MC darling are you finished?" Asmo called from the otherside of the door. "Yeah!" Asmo came into the bathroom and began drying your hair for you. "You won't believe who just texted me!" Asmo seemed excited. "Was it Solomon? Did he finally ask you out?" You asked with an amused smile. "Sadly no.. BUT Lucifer texted me, he said he and Diavalo wanted to talk to you in your room!" Your heart almost stopped.
"WHAT!? No no nonono! This is too soon!" You began to panic, "Relax! I'm sure everything is going to be fine." Asmo soothed you, "R-right. It might not even be about.. this. It could just be about some school stuff." You tried to comfort yourself. "Only one way to know. Now let's get you ready, I found the perfect dress!" Asmo finished drying your hair and gave you the dress he was talking about.  "Is this really necessary?" You asked, a soft blush on your cheeks. "Of course! Now go, you wouldn't want to keep them waiting!"
You nervously walked to your room. Your hand rested on the doorknob for a few seconds before opening it. Lucifer was sat on your bed while Diavolo was standing beside him. You took a deep breath before walking in and closing the door. "You.. needed to speak with me?" You asked, your voice small. 
The two warmly smiled at you, making you feel a little better. "MC, we have something to confess." Lucifer stood up and you immediately felt nervous again. "MC, we.. we both like- no we both love you MC. More than anything." Diavolo said, You froze, this was happening too fast! Were they gonna ask you to choose between them?! You weren't ready for this yet!
"MC." Diavolo had stepped forward and took your hand in his. "We know it would be wrong of us to ask you to choose between us so.. would you willing to be ours?" You were stunned, "What?" Surely you were hearing things, there's no way this was happening. "We.. understand if you don't want that. Polyamory isn't for everyone but we think it would work for us. Me and.. Dia, we also.. like each other and we like you too." Lucifer continued, you felt your eyes water as you smiled. 
"Why are you crying!? Did we upset you?" Diavolo wiped your eyes and you shook your head. "No, I'm just.. really happy. I love you both too!" The two men were shocked, this is what they wanted but not what they expected. Diavolo quickly pulled you both into a hug, smiling ear to ear. You both returned his affection, "I love you both.. so much." You smiled into Diavolos' chest, melting in his touch. You reached for Lucifer's hand and he intertwined your fingers. 
"This is too good to be true." You almost couldn't believe this. "Would you both.. stay with me tonight?" You asked shyly. "Anything for you my Dear." Lucifer said, the three of you moved to your bed, Diavolo laying closest to the wall and you in between the two demons. 
Diavolo held your waist from behind while you wrapped your arms around Lucifer's torso, resting your face in his chest. Lucifer played with your hair gently, holding you close to him. "I love you both." You muttered before falling asleep. 
The two demons gazed down at you lovingly before looking at each other. "Love you Luci." Diavolo said before closing his eyes, resting his face on the back of your neck. "Heh, I love you too, Dia. Sleep well you two." 
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-___- I am thoroughly unamused at, even for a 'script,' having the boys literally fight for MC, & then when you propose poly, have it said that it won't work out. Poly is a perfectly valid & reasonable type of relationship, cut this shit out Solmare, it ain't cute
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elaemae · 3 months
The premium version of human is here to wreak house, mfs.
[Twst x Obeyme!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 1.1: The start of the Blood Rose Tyrant.
Thank you, my amazing readers, for all the likes, comments, and reblogs🥹 It makes so happy, like– almost nothing can top the joy of seeing y'all liked my work :)
Btw, If you have any questions about my tagging and/or literally anything you wanna ask me bout the fic, just reach out to me and I'll try my best to answer you.😊
CW: Cursing, Idk what else... There's also the pronoun schtick I've been yapping about since pr. 1. (i.e MC will get mistaken for a pretty guy a lot -Mc is AFAB referred to as they/them- because the NRC cast have come to expect only boys to be in the school. Excluding the paintings ofc.)
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(My pic)
Fun fact: While all of your ornaments act as containers to very *nom*-able amounts of magic, such a thing can be dangerous as it may give away your location if you need to hide or run away from someone.
Therefore, all of them were cast with a special spell developed by Solomon that makes it so that people can't sense that magic unless they're really close to you physically.
(Not to mention, only exceptional mages can actually have the hope of picking up on that magic as your all jewelry were also cast with a heavy magical concealment blessing from both Micheal and Luke.)
• • •
'What the hell is this?'
You think as you fiddled with the fancy pouch in your hands.
You had opened the gift box to find the pouch containing some basic skincare products and just went; ( •_•)..?
Like– What the hell? Who does that?? Are they saying that you're ugly and needed to start taking care of your face?! Well excuse you, I'll have you know –whomever you are– that this face was approved by Asmodeus himself you rude lil' shi—
So like any sane person is supposed to do in that situation, you checked if the products were cursed or charmed and then pocketed it to maybe sell it in the future for some cash. (Lovely gift but you were taught never to use/ingest things given to you by strangers.)
Leaving the infirmary, you venture into the botanical garden, hoping you'd find some edible plants that you and Yuu can nibble on until you can procure other food options and some all important moneh. (Ugh, if only that damn crow didn't escape and hide away from you, you would've extorted his cowardly-ass and bought some food instead of needing to resort to this bs.)
'Trying to find a stone in a long abandoned mine is simply a fools errand.'
You thought as you absent-mindedly skipped past a certain tall, dark, and handsome man with horns, unknowing of the look of pure curiosity pointed at your back as you continued your musings.
'But oh well, they wanted to try so they might as well be those fools.'
You're not gonna stop them if they wanna try to fix things even though you've mostly stabilized the situation. (Not that they know.)
Damn, you also need to go to the library later so that you can learn what changes you'd need to do in order to adapt and know the problems you'd likely experience in this world.
Knowing yourself and your history for being a magnet of chaos, It'd probably involve almost dying more times than you have fingers and unearthing some deeply-buried soul-crushing trauma in which the only thing you'll get in return are the friends you've made along the way.
Aside from that though, you'd need to gain yourself a foothold in this society.
Preferably, there would be a lot of rich and influential people in this school to suck up to, but if those aren't enough then maybe you can venture into industries where you can kiss-ass in peace.
As much as you'd love to be optimistic, Crowley is the almost literal embodiment of a dead-beat dad barely pays child-support and your own search for a way home may take years before coming to fruition.
Tsk. You can feel your stress levels transcending the mortal plane of existence again as you can already envision the figurative mountain-range you'd need to climb just to achieve stability in this place.
$°\•m°n.. p/€∆$3.. H€\₱ m£...
Times like these just make you wanna curl up onto the floor in a fetal position and let the earth consume you whole.
Oh! And you also need to obtain a stronger blackmail material against Crowley to make sure he won't try anything remotely against you.
'Hmm... But maybe...'
You think as you took a quick and discreet glance to a security camera that had been "coincidentally" pointed at you.
Well, not really a coincidence.
If the mf behind these creepy-ass cameras —that have been watching you since your arrival here, mind you—, can lend you a hand then that would be the optimal outcome. There are a lot of security cameras after all...
Though there's also a large possibility that the fucker wanted you dead because of either boredom, simple bloodlust, money, vengeance (for some reason), your organs or all of the above.
You sighed as you entered the botanical garden, telling yourself to just worry about that later and focus on finding food.
If you get in trouble for taking plants here, you'll just throw Crowley under the bus. (figuratively and literally if he decides to be a bitch about it.)
• • • •
Yuu, Grim, Ace, and Deuce stumbled out of the mirror, finally away from the creepy forest and back into the college.
They all flinched and turned their heads back when they heard a dramatic 'Tsktsktsk–' from behind them.
"Well well well~ Look who finally decided to show up at–"
*checks imaginary wrist watch*
"46 minutes past midnight.. Huh.. If you all got any curfew for your dorms then you're both toast. Can't believe y'all spent more than five hours looking for a single rock..."
You said, referring to the two first years who flinched under your words and judgemental eyes.
"You all look like shit by the way."
Yuu awkwardly scratched their head.
"You're welcome, bbg."
"Just hurry up and give that rock to the fuckin crow already so that you all can spare the world from having to witness anymore of your gross, sweaty, homeless-lookin selves."
Deuce shrunk even further behind Yuu. (funny because Yuu was at least half-a-head shorter.)
Ace meanwhile, has too much ego to not say anything back.
"We wouldn't be looking like this if you at least helped!" He snarked.
"Why should I?"
You Dwayne-the-rock-Johnson raised your eyebrow at him.
"I don't owe any of you a smidgen of literally anything so why should I help?"
It wasn't a question, but a statement. Because why should you help? They should be grateful you even talked Crowley out of expelling them immediately. Not that they know but still...
But of course, audacity is gonna audacity. Because, Ace really had the nerve to look offended by your words, as if you weren't saying something as truthful as the sky being blue, the grass being green, and your ass being a literal masterpiece from god.
"Don't even try to pass off the blame, Weasley-wannabe. I know it, you know it, your mom knows it, your dad if you have one, your entire bloodline and your non-existent cow knows it, there's literally no point."
Ace literally almost snarled at you like a damn dog, pft– That's what he gets from pissing you off by existing earlier.
"Oh shut up!"
He then looked like he was about to start a rant of how unfair his life was and how he totally didn't deserve any of this and blahblahblahblahblah–
You swear on Diavolo and Luci's fruity man-boobs, you'll hang this bitch upside down like a bat if you had to hear another complaint about things being unfair for him.
What about you? or Yuu? Isn't life more cruel and unfair to you two? Taking you both away from loved ones and shoving you into a world where you two need to fight for a temporary sanctuary as you both try to go home with no real proof you'll actually be able to make it back?
Isn't life more unfair to you? Right when you almost finally achieved the start of your happy ending.. You were taken away from the people that you fought tooth and nail to be with.. And now, they're all too far away for you to reach... again.
Deuce elbowed Ace, thankfully making the jab to the ribs painful for the annoying ginger.
You dramatically sighed again, turning to Yuu and Deuce.
"Remember kids, don't copy Ace's attitude okay? Lest you want to end up single and with no bitches for the rest of your life."
Ace's right eye twitched erratically, shouting at you to shut up and to stop messing with him.
• • • • •
Talking with the crow is an annoying affair as expected. At least now, Yuu is finally an official learner of the school. Even if they're just half-a-student with the loud talking cat. (That kinda reminds you of Mammon, now that you think of it. Also very funny because the cat's name is grim of all things..)
Oh, and you're a prefect now. You're definitely going to make that everyone's problem. Hehehehehe~
"So the abandoned dorm we were supposed to live in is fixed now? How? Hasn't it only been like– a day?"
You ominously beamed at the question, releasing a sinister little giggle that caused Ace, Deuce, and the now wide-awake Grim to subconsciously shiver while Yuu refrained from asking further questions and just wisely snickered instead.
Unseen by everyone, you sent a quick devious little smile to a wall where a certain electrical device was mounted, biting down a snort when you saw the security camera suddenly snap into another direction, as if it was a person embarrassed that they got caught by someone they were staring at.
You then had to hold back a cackle as you remembered how easily this newly made stalker friend of yours snitched on the headmaster, like– you literally didn't even do anything, the flustered boy just gave you the blackmail material that you needed. Well, maybe you did corner him a little bit by using his own electronics against him but you're pretty sure he enjoyed it for some reason if the way he literally blurted out 'mommy-' at you was anything to go by—
Haha, the benefits of having a hacker as a fren :3
• • • •
Kicking away the two idiots and telling them to go back to their dorms already, you dragged Yuu inside the now newly fixed dorm.
The two of you needed to talk about a few things and arrangements..
• • • •
Quickly opening the door in hopes that the fucker that was banging on it gets mash-dabbed face-first, you saw nothing but disappointment as the bastard — Ace — had actually moved away from the door in an impressive display of intuition and spidey-sense before you had even wretched the door open.
"What the fuck do you want, you ugly punyeta?"
It hasn't even been a few hours since this mf parted ways with you and Yuu, so what could be the problem now?
. .. . . . . ..
"No, you're sleeping on the couch."
"What?! But why?!! There are perfectly good rooms here!"
"All the other rooms besides the one we're using are still unfurnished. The beds in them are yet to be assembled and the floors are dusty because of the quick renovations." Yuu stated, rubbing the bridge of their nose.
"Ughhhhh! Just let me squeeze in, I promise I won't take up too much space!"
"Nice try but no."
"Tch, You're all so stingy and inhospitable.."
"Yuu, Do you hear that?" You said, theatrically cupping your ear with a hand.
"Yes, It seems that a forever virgin is talking." Yuu answered with a smirk.
"Sorry, you oompa-loompa lookin ass— we unfortunately can't understand the language of people who can't pull."
"You guys are the worst."
"Thanks bbg." you and Yuu paused.
"Oh dear~ It seems you're starting to take after me."
"Indeed it seems." Yuu replied, even subconsciously copying the fancy accent you used.
"Oh no, you're multiplying. :0"
"Haha, we're still dragging you to apologize to your Housewarden later."
"Aww shucks.."
← Pr.7 | Chapter List | Chp. 1.2 →
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Thanks for reading this far, my amazing readers \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
Pls don't forget to reblog and like, it really helps me so much <3
@f0uerleafedcl0ver @a-traveling-void-human @leviathans-tail-scales @nimko @solarixstar @sugarrush-blush @im-in-love-with-fairytales @irisxiel @meigalaxy @nightw-izhu @refridgeratorplus @moonieper @certified-twst-simp @immakittybear @iris-arcadia @caprinaesprout @mc-glare-is-king
Pls if I forgot to tag someone, pls tell me..
Tumblr is fuckin with me again.
Reminder; Just tell me if y'all wanna be added to the permanent taglist.
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ss3890 · 2 years
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Birds Of A Feather - Peacock, Starling, and Crow
BETWEEN THE REALMS II:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/37560616/chapters/93751684
Heya - Posting this in celebration of the completion of S2 in Between the Realms! Huge thank you to all the readers who have encouraged and engaged with me along the way. I'd like to say I'm well on the way through S3, but that's not the case.
The hang up is this: I only had the hard mode chapters unlocked up to this point, so now I have to level cards and slog through lessons in order to get a more full understanding of the story. This is tedious and I'm not great at sticking with it for long periods of time - but it's getting done little by little.
So, there may be some down time between the next installment. I'm also 7 months preggo, will be due early November, and have no idea what my life is going to look like after that.
In spite of all these things, working on this project has brought me a lot of joy and I don't plan on giving it up. Even if it ends up being just for me in the end - it's still worth doing in my book. Everyone should devote energy to things they find self-indulgent and fulfilling, whether an audience is involved or not.
Thank you for your time. Take care of yourselves, and best wishes to you!
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chris-continues · 2 years
I have not posted in awhile but I assure you the long ass Midorima fic is in progress while I write it day by day
Oh! And- I’m rewriting my Satan confession fic. I’ll have to work around how the storyline is going for my obey me Oc, so here’s a mini outline
-Asmo and Chris are good friends, Chris befriends Levi, Asmo and Chris have tension, tension builds, they start dating
-Levi and Chris become better friends, Asmo and Chris try to communicate well and they chill out
-Satan and Chris end up chatting more since he walked in on chris watching a history vid in his free time
-Satan confession during hangout w chris
-chris starts to question if his attraction (before confession and after confession) is “bad” and hesitates to communicate that to asmodeus
-Asmo and Chris talk and she’s like “Satan’s one of my bsf’s dude that’s chill” and they all get along, Asmo and Satan grow a stronger friendship
-Levi’s low key envious over time but he’s super oblivious and chris has to sort out feelings lol
-Levi and Chris hangout more often cause chris is finding time for VN’s and streaming (Levi lets Chris use his setup and Chris admires it sm and Levi gets shy)
-oh yea and Chris starts to catch feelings and this time communicates it to his partners (they ask who) then Asmo’s like “LMAO I know- he’s always helping u stream or wtv” and Satan is like “Hm.”
-they’re chill if he pursues a romantic relationship with leviathan, but they’re both kinda nervous for Chris not having time with them (Asmo especially, ever since Satan joined lowkey).. they communicate this and comfort ensues
-they’re in love ur honor
-comfort and finding time and cute dates n stuff etc
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polymc · 2 months
I'm starting to get into "Tears of themis" and I was looking at the art.... THIS GAME SCREAMS POLYAMORY TO ME
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You're tell me this at first glance doesn't look like domestic poly? I'm still learning about it/gonna play it soon but THIS LOOKS SO FUCKING CUTE!!! And the guys? Some hot 2D men >:3
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