#teach her well yusuke~~~~~~~~
deus-ex-mona · 7 months
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nature is ✨healing✨
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milaisreading · 7 months
CD!YN does that accidental rizz all the time to the boys. They trip and she catches them. Stray football flying towards them? She blocks it. They twist their ankle? She carries them princess style to the infirmary.
🌱🩷: Here it goes! Hope you like the fic and thanks for the request!
Warning: Reader uses she/her, but since she is crossdressing the boys use he/him. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Isagi. Rin. Stop arguing, you two. We are not going anywhere with this and we still have to practice." (Y/n) called out as her, Aryu, and Tokimitsu watched the two bicker about God knows what now.
"He started it! If he stopped being in my way I wouldn't be arguing!" Rin said as Isagi pouted.
"In your way?! We are practicing together here!"
'They act like kids.' (Y/n) looked at them in disbelief as they continued arguing like nothing happened.
'Ok. That's it. This is worse than when I had to teach Reo and Nagi.' She thought as she walked to one of the abandoned balls and kicked them in their direction.
"Watch out!" Tokimitsu yelled as Aryu looked at (Y/n) in surprise. Luckily, Isagi and Rin noticed the football and moved away, so the ball just flew between them and into the wall.
"Huh..." Isagi gulped as he looked back at (Y/n) while Rin silently backed away as she gave them a tight smile.
"You two... What did I say about arguing for no reason?" She asked cheerfully, walking closer to them.
"To... to not do it." Isagi said back.
"And what did you two do?"
"Argue for no reason." Now it was Rin's turn.
"Exactly. 20 laps around the training grounds. Now."
"What?! Since when do you have a say in this?" Rin asked as he shook a little in fear.
"So 30, then?"
"40?" She interrupted Isagi, causing the two to quickly shake their heads.
"We will run! We will run!" They said as (Y/n) nodded her head, unaware of Tokimitsu's awestruck look and Aryu's swooning.
'Amazing! He is so brave for that!!' Tokimitsu thought while blushing.
'What grace and dashing confidence! I like that!' Aryu thought in return as (Y/n) looked back at the two.
'Do they have a fever?' She wondered in worry when she noticed their red faces.
Now, (Y/n) wasn't familiar with friendships and their bonds. Her whole life she mostly spent her time playing football, studying, or going to some random gatherings with her family. The most she got of the experience of friendships was from Reo and Nagi back in Hakuho, and even that wasn't much. But, if there was one thing she knew, it is that you shouldn't ignore someone in distress. Especially when it was someone she could consider her friend. That's how she found herself walking up to Niko when she noticed him walking back and forth one night after it was already past everyone's bedtime.
"Are you ok, Niko? Why are you up so late?" She asked in worry as the youngest contestant looked at her in surprise.
"Oh... I am fine. I just couldn't sleep." The boy admitted, causing (Y/n) to rise an eyebrow.
"And why is that? Today's exercises would have made anyone fall asleep." (Y/n) argued back as the boy quietly looked down.
"You know, you can tell me if something bothers you. I don't mind listening." She offered, her tone softening a little as she leaned her back against the wall, something Niko copied soon after.
"Well... I just don't know if I want to be here anymore." Niko admitted, surprising the girl.
"And why is that? You are holding up very well, and your skills are great, too."
"It's just, I remembered something. It's all." The boy said, not ready to confess that the words of his high school bullies were haunting him. (Y/n) kept on looking at the boy, wondering what to do or say.
'I always felt at peace when my nanny or mom would pet my head. Maybe that works here as well?' She thought, slowly moving her hand on top of Niko's hair.
'It's so soft!' She thought, mot noticing the boy tense up or his face turn red.
"Whatever is bothering you is normal. We all have our doubts here, but don't let them control your life." She said softly.
"A-alright." Niko stuttered out. Noticing his nervousness, (Y/n) panicked a little and tried to move her hand a way.
"Sorry about that! It's something my mom used to do-"
"It's ok! I like it!" Niko quickly said and grabbed her hand, moving it back on his hair.
"Chigiri? Are you doing alright? You seem quite out of breath." (Y/n) asked in worry as the redhead looked back at her, quickly nodding his head.
"I am fine! Don't worry! I can still stand! My leg is alright!"
"I never asked about your leg." (Y/n)'s words caused Chigiri to flinch and he looked down on the ground as (Y/n) walked closer to him.
"Your ankle hurts, I am guessing." She said, not getting an answer in return, which pretty much confirmed her suspicions.
"Look, I am fine. I can handle this, let's just continue on with our practice." Chigiri argued, a little bit embarrassed by the whole thing. (Y/n), being more stubborn here than he was just sighed and walked up to Chigiri, quickly picking him up.
"Huh?!" The redhead let out surprised, looking back at (Y/n) with a red face.
"What... What are you doing?!"
"Taking you to the infirmary, and then you will rest. You already did enough for the day." (Y/n) answered simply as the boy started protesting.
"But we need to practice-"
"Your well being comes first, Chigiri. Please don't argue with me over this." (Y/n) warned as she continued to carry Chigiri down the hallway. The boy could feel his heartbeat quickening as he looked back at (Y/n), not saying anything for a minute or two.
"Why do you care so much?" (Y/n) looked back at Chigiri in confusion.
"I just do. I don't like seeing you hurt... or anyone else on that matter." (Y/n) stated.
'He cares for me that much?!' Chigiri thought happily as his face got redder.
'Another fever?!' (Y/n() thought in worry as she noticed that.
"Food! Finally! Its been so long since I ate!" (Y/n) exclaimed as Karasu, Otoya, and Yukimiya looked at her in amusement.
"You say that like you are getting starved here or something." Karasu teased, poking (Y/n)'s cheek. Yukimiya chuckled and put and arm around the excited girl's shoulder.
"Leave him alone. It's kinda cute when you get like this, you know." Yukimiya said while winking earning an eyeroll from Otoya and Karasu.
"Huh? Like what? Also, what do you all think we will get for desserts today? It is a Saturday, after all." She wondered, oblivious to Yukimiya's words, which caused Otoya to laugh a little.
"Your flirting skills are so mid, Yukki."
"Whatever." Yukimiya sent Otoya a side-glare, but still kept his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders.
"Let's just get him some food." Karasu argued, pinching (Y/n)'s cheek as she protested at that behavior.
Once they were in the dining hall, the group walked to an empty table with their meals in hand.
'Delicious!' (Y/n) thought while munching on her food, too lost in her thoughts to notice the trio looking at her while blushing.
'So cute!' Yukimiya sighed.
'I bet it would be even better to pinch his cheeks now...' Karasu blushed while fighting back the urge to grab the other player's cheeks.
'So adorable! I can die happily knowing I witnessed this!' Otoya thought as he put some of his food in front of (Y/n).
"Take some of my food as well." Otoya said, surprising the girl.
"But, it's yours-"
"No! Take mine! The grilled chicken us way better!" Yukimiya argued, pushing Otoya's food away.
"No! Here! These veggies are way better." Karasu argued as the trio glared at each other.
"Ahh... I am fine with the food I have." But her words were ignored.
It was one of the rare few days when the Blue Lock team could go home and relax for a bit. And on this day in particular (Y/n) had agreed to meet up with Isagi to watch a movie that recently came out.
"Isagi!! There you are! Sorry, I had to get ready and I didn't notice how late I was." The blue-eyed boy looked away from his phone and towards (Y/n), freezing up for a moment before slowly shaking his head.
"I-it's alright. I arrived here a few minutes ago as well..." The boy said back as his face slowly turned red the more he looked at (Y/n).
"Oh, thank God. Sorry, I had to figure out how this eyeliner worked, it's my first time putting it on."  The girl explained taking in a few breathes and looked back at Isagi. The girl and boy kept looking at each other in silence for a few minutes, which caused her to grow self-conscious.
"I... It looks ridiculous, doesn't it?" She gulped nervously as she looked down at her dress. Isagi quickly shook his head quickly and started speaking with a red face.
"You look great! You look great! The dress suits you. And the make-up as well!" (Y/n)'s face turned dark red for a moment and she slowly nodded her head.
"O-oh... You think?"
"Yep! Beautiful." Isagi said quickly.
"Th-thanks. I am glad. You look nice as well." She said back as they stared at each other in silence for a moment.
"S-so... should we go?"
"Yeah! Absolutely, we should go and get our snacks as well."
'So pretty!' Isagi thought as they walked towards the cinema, glancing at the girl a few times.
"Bachira, no."
"Bachira, yes."
'What am I even looking at?' (Y/n) thought as she looked between Reo and Bachira, who were arguing over something stupid, probably.
"What are they arguing about now?" She asked Nagi, who shrugged his shoulders and leaned against her shoulder.
"Bachira had an idea for a new trick him and Reo could perform during the U-20 match and, well, Reo isn't all too happy with the idea." Nagi explained, resting his head on her shoulders.
'He smells really nice.' Nagi thought with a small blush, which the girl ignored.
"Arguing won't get us anywhere now." She rolled her eyes and walked over to the duo, to which Nagi pouted and followed right after.
"You two, we need to practice. You can argue after we are done with the match." (Y/n) said, catching the attention of the two.
"But, my plan is fool-proof! Tell Reo to listen to me!" Bachira pouted as Reo chimed in.
"It's stupid as hell! I am not taking part in it!"
"What did you just call me?!"
(Y/n) looked between the two while Nagi silently leaned against her again.
'What to do... what to do... Maybe bribing will work?!' (Y/n) thought as she cleared her throat, catching the arguing duo's attention.
"Ah! I will give you two my lunch if you stop arguing!" This statement caused Reo and Bachira to stop arguing and blinked at her for a while.
"You will give us..."
"...your food?" Bachira and Reo said at the same time, seemingly in a daze at first, but quickly got out of it as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Sounds like a plan!"
The two cheered as Nagi tugged on the hem of her shirt.
"I want food from you as well."
"Uh? Ok." (Y/n) said in confusion, unaware of the satisfied smiles on Bachira and Reo.
"I know this isn't much fun, but I hope you like it here." Gagamaru said quietly as (Y/n) looked away from her grilled fish and at him.
"What do you mean?" She asked as she took a bite from her food.
"Well, you probably didn't want to spend your weekend camping when you agreed for a hang out."
"Huh? I don't care about that. Besides, it's nice to get out of the city once in a while."
"Hmmm...." Gagamaru nodded his head slowly, unsure if he should believe her or not. The noticed it and silently ate her fish, trying to think of a way to cheer him up. The quietness stayed like that for a few minutes until she patted his back and spoke up.
"You are fun to hang out with, Gagamaru. And I am enjoying my time in the forest with you. Don't think too much about that." The boy tensed up and looked back at her.
"Really. Don't cut yourself short." She smiled over at Gagamaru, who slowly nodded his head as his face heated up.
"Th-thanks!" Gagamaru nodded his head as he quickly ate his food again.
'Is he sick now as well?!' She thought in worry.
"Can I have some of that?" Kunigami wondered, pointing at (Y/n)'s stake. The girl stopped eating and looked at the orange-haired boy, who was giving her puppy eyes.
"Oh, sure-"
"Get your own food, hero. That's (Y/n)'s." Barou interrupted before she could finish, which caused Kunigami to roll his eyes at him.
"I just wanted one bite-"
"I don't care it's kot your food." Barou said again as (Y/n) tried to interrupt their arguing.
"It's ok. I don't mind-"
"You should really learn to mind your business, Barou."
"Right back at you. Why are you even sitting with us here?"
The girl felt a headache come up and she cut up two smaller slices of her stake. One she fed to Barou and the other to Kunigami.
"There. You can leave the argument behind now." She said, going back to eating as the two stared at her with red faces.
'He really fed me his food! Take that, Chigiri!' Kunigami thought as Barou stared at her in a daze.
"Kaiser, I swear to God, if you don't shut up I will kick a football in your face."
"What was that, princess? Was that you saying you are finally devoting your skills to me?" Kaiser smirked at the agitated girl. The duo continued arguing as Kurona and Hiori stared at them with confused and amused looks.
"I am happy (Y/n) is feeling better today. That fever yesterday scared me a lot." Hiori said as Kurona nodded along.
"I am, too. If only Kaiser would stop provoking him now." The rehead said as Hiori silently agreed. They were both pretty much agitated by Kaiser stealing her attention from them.
'Arrogant asshole.'
'Loud mouth.' Hiori and Kurona thought, completely forgetting that some players were practicing behind them. Sadly, they only remembered after they heard Gesner yell at them to.move away. Hiori and Kurona turned around, only to notice a football flying fast their way. Closing their eyes, the boys stayed still, waiting for the football to hit them, only for it to never come.
"Huh?" Hiori muttered, slowly opening his eyes.
"What happened?" Kurona wondered as he opened his eyes as well, only for the both of them to see (Y/n) panting and holding the football in her hands.
"Are you both alright?" She asked, looking at the duo in worry, the two slowly realizing what had happened.
"I am fine." Hiori swooned and nodded his head.
'He really ran all the way so I won't get hurt~'
"I am fine as well. Thank you." Kurona said as his cheeks turned a soft shade of pink.
'He is the best! I love him.'
"Nothing to thank me for." (Y/n) quickly answered and put away the football.
"Here." (Y/n) said as she pushed a piece of cake in Rin's direction. The sulking boy stopped whatever he was thinking and looked at the piece of cake and then at (Y/n), who was sending him a smile.
"What is this for?" Rin asked with raised eyebrow as the girl shrugged her shoulders.
"It's for you. You looked a little troubled and a little bit of cake always helps people out. Don't you think so?" She said playfully. Rin was dumbfounded as he stared at her and slowly nodded his head, still trying to understand what she just did for him.
"Great! Enjoy the cake and don't go too late to bed." (Y/n) said as she waved at Rin while leaving the dining hall.
"Of...of course." Rin said as he waved back numbly, his own face turning redder and redder.
'He gave me some cake... (Y/n) gave ME some cake...' He kept on thinking while slowly eating the piece.
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bumblinv · 1 year
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--- 𝙙𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 !
daily life as a part of the phantom thieves
contents akira, ann, yusuke, makoto, futaba x gn!reader
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forgetting to bring an umbrella in a rainy day means arriving home soaked, cause you and ryuji both ran through the rain. his blazer he used to shield you both barely keeping any of you dry
imagine teaching makoto how to gossip cause missgirl doesn't understand the fun of it
thinking of bonding with futaba by beating minecraft together. you two got the ender dragon down after just 10 hours of gameplay, with full on enchanted diamond armors and swords. she had done this countless time you dont have to worry about a damn thing
yusuke takes modern art seriously, like he would shot ryuji an offended look if he laugh or talk about how ridiculous any of it looks
at some point of time, after they got back from the nastiest, stinkiest, most shitty smelling part of mementos, akira would bathe morgana despite his protests. he doesn't want any of that on his bed
yusuke lets his brushes marinate in a jar of water for months
window shopping with ann... imagine going through the entire mall for hours without actually buying anything and ending the day at her favourite crepe place
ryuji loosing banks cause everyone keeps beating his ass at mario kart 😭😭
try encouraging makoto to open up more. despite her being the best listener, she never really got anyone to share her thoughts and stories to
i know futaba is that one person ordering nuggets and fries when the rest are having boiled seafood
despite people viewing him badly cause he got a criminal record, akira still attracts many chicks at school and he knows
ryuji was the famous class clown, but everything went downhill for him after the track team incident
i can see makoto being the mother of the group, making sure everyone is well fed and will heal everyone's injuries when infiltrating palaces. her scolding would rip through the air everytime someone does something reckless
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yyh4ever · 1 year
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A funny scene from the 1994 "Yu Yu Hakusho Gaiden" game for mega drive, an original story that takes place two days before the Dark Tournament.
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Demons are popping up all over town, so Koenma sends the guys off to investigate and get to the root of the problem. Reminded me of Maji Battle a little bit.
My favorite part of the game intro is when Botan is looking for the guys to inform that Koenma wants to have a word with them. Hiei's line, "who's disturbing my nap", is the best 😂
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The first part of the game is divided into 4 chapters: Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei and Kurama. Each one takes to the streets to investigate, and eliminate demons.
Yusuke's Chapter
Yusuke is so upset about Toguro being so much stronger than him that he forgets about the mission. He asks this seemingly strong old guy, who saved Keiko from a gang, to teach him his technique. But ... he's trouble.
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Gladly, Master Genkai comes to his aid.
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Kuwabara's Chapter
All delinquents in town are acting strange. They have suddenly become just and been refusing to fight (isn't that a good thing? lol).
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Apparently, they are all attending this strange place called the "Touzai Seminar". Kuwabara sneaks in to investigate, and fights a pumpkin-demon.
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The power of love is invincible XD
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Guess everything went back to normal.
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Hiei's Chapter
Hiei comes across this little girl, but he doesn't have time to play with kids. It's cute that she calls Hiei "onii-chan". Hiei also mentions he's not good dealing with children XD.
Later, she goes missing.
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He senses a nostalgic youki in town, and suspects the mastermind behind it is Kuroneko (dark cat), a cat demon who was Hiei's partner during his bandit days.
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Kurama's Chapter
It's basically a story about Kurama's mother being kidnapped. Kurama fights some demons and rescues his mother in the museum.
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I like this illustration included in the game manual. Kurama is in the museum fighting the dinosaur fossil youkai.
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That blue-haired girl is also interesting, looks like Botan a little. She's looking for her dog, Pochi, but Kurama didn't see it. Then, she re-appears as a youma, and Kurama defeats it.
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My Red Rose Prince ♡
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After investigating and eliminating random demons, they gather at Yusuke's place. They found out that the source of the problem is in a place called Gokumon Island. It's time to go to the Demon World.
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After you clear the first part, the familiar eye-catch from the anime shows up.
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The second part of the game is on Gokumon Island - Makai.
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The imaginary illustration of the island is beautiful (taken from the manual). I think it was inspired by the Maze Castle in Demon City.
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Well, Gokumon Chapter is kinda boring. They basically walk around the island, fight demons, help human souls, and defeat the final boss in his tower, a youkai called Choujou (超嬲).
The manual illustration of the final boss castle with Kurama and Yusuke is more exciting.
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Btw, even though she's not the real Keiko, it's a cute scene ❤
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After defeating the final boss, Gokumon Island disappears. Mission complete! Now, it's time to go to the Dark Tournament.
But, before that, Yusuke meets the real Keiko boss XD. The game ends with the classic boob scene. Yusuke wants to check her reaction, because he was deceived by a fake Keiko last time.
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In the end, the guys lose the shuffle boat to Hanging Neck Island (Dark Tournament) 😂
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Poor Hiei and Kurama...
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The credits show monochrome images of the Dark Tournament. I like that Atsuko Urameshi appears with the girls instead of Jorge Saotome. Just like the manga!
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Sorry for the lame summary, I just shared my fav parts 😅
You can find full walkthroughs of this game on YouTube.
Lastly, some love for my boy Kuwabara ♥ (illustration from the game manual)
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 months
This duck is out of her funk and ready to rock and roll
Pls forgive if the events aren’t chronological; I have not been in this arc for literally 50 episodes 😭
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Wake Up Call
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Ships: None! Kurama and Yusuke
Warnings: Tickles, small amount of foot tks, LIGHT SPOILERS FOR DARK TOURNAMENT ARC! Episodes 26-30 ish.
Prompt: The team gets scarce time to rest, so Yusuke has a bad habit of falling asleep in places he really shouldn’t…
Tags: @giggly-squiggily the queen herself for helping me out of a slump! @mystwrites My fellow YYH fan🛐 @chrimsss bc I tag you in everything :)) (ily)
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Ever since Yusuke woke up, he wished with every step that he could go back to sleep. Sure, he was totally spent and straight-up passed out because of overusing his energy—hell, he STILL didn’t know how to control himself—but nothing beat the sweet dreams that followed him into that wonderful “nap” he was able to have.
Now? Hah, as if.
Every single day, it was “Fight these two teams back-to-back today!” or “Oh, Urameshi, I’ll take the tough one!” (As if he’d let his friend put his life on the line like that when he could do so himself!) or “Foolish humans, of course I know how to play cards.”
As if not sleeping till well into the early morning wasn’t enough, the boy was on a strict morning routine—courtesy of Genkai. He was to wake at five A.M. and go for a run, (which he didn’t much mind; he was “born on a treadmill,” as he claimed.) Then, it was endurance, power, and dodge training. Shortly after, he would have a quick breakfast with his friends, and then the fights began promptly at 8:00 on the dot.
To be honest, Yusuke was absolutely dog-tired, and there was no way he would survive the evening before “bedtime.”
It was a rare night for Team Urameshi to have downtime. Having just defeated Team Mashou, the four were having a wonderfully solemn evening. Kuwabara was very determined to teach Hiei to play Daifugo, Kurama and Botan were telling stories to Keiko and Shizuru, and Yusuke was on the couch spectating “the card game.”
In reality, the only thing that Yusuke was spectating was the inside of his eyelids.
The spirit detective blinked in and out of reality as his teammates’ voices began to warble in his ears. Despite Kuwabara’s incessant yelling, Kurama’s gentle tone was just enough to help drown out the cacophony behind him.
Trying his best to sound fully alert, Yusuke slurred out a sentence. “Yanno, ‘Rama, youshuld stard a pogcazt. You hav a ni’ voice.” (You know, Kurama, you should start a podcast. You have a nice voice.)
The redhead’s attention was beheld at the mention of his name, and he quickly turned towards the couch. “A podcast you say?” Excusing himself, the youkai stepped toward his team members, finding Yusuke curled up on the couch, blinking slowly.
Lifting the boy’s ankles momentarily so to not disturb him, Kurama opted to sit next to Yusuke, placing them atop of his lap. “So, what’s happening with them?”
“Ku-‘bara teachin’ Hiei *yawn* Daif’go.” (Kuwabara is teaching Hiei Daifugo.)
“I see,” Kurama hummed, absentmindedly stroking one of the spirit detective’s ankles with his thumb. “How do you think it’s going?”
There was a silence.
Well, as silent as it could be with Hiei and Kuwabara bickering.
When the youkai turned to his right, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. The boy was absolutely passed out on the couch, seemingly fallen asleep from the comforting touch. His hair was slightly disheveled, his shirt had ridden up to reveal his stomach a bit as well.
“Yusuke, you shouldn’t fall asleep here; you’ll wake up sore tomorrow,” Kurama hummed, patting the top of the boy’s socked foot. “Wake up, child.”
Another silent response from the teenager elicited a sigh from the redhead. His attention was grabbed by a yelp from Kuwabara, having just been jabbed in the stomach by a disgruntled Hiei.
That’s it! But was Yusuke even-?
Only one way to find out…
With a bout of curiosity, Kurama scooted his hand from the spirit detective’s ankle down to his foot. He used two fingers to lightly swipe downward, eyes never leaving the sleeping figure on the other end of the couch. “Yusuke, wake up.”
Kurama was met with a light jerk backwards and a curl of the boy’s toes. ‘How precious’ he thought as he repeated the action. ‘So he is ticklish…’
“Come on now, it’s time to go to sleep in your bed,” the youkai murmured, using all five fingers to go in with more fervor. “Come on…”
Yusuke sighed out a groan, turning over onto his stomach atop of Kurama’s lap. “S’eepy,” he mumbled. He snuggled into the pillow, slumping downward as he exhaled comfortably.
‘It’s almost as if he wants me to tickle him. He’s just flipped himself completely defenseless.’
“Honestly, Yusuke, you cannot expect me to simply leave you alone now. I swear you’ve much to learn,” the redhead reported as he once again started to spider his fingers on the boy’s feet.
Giggly exhales escaped the spirit detective while both of his legs shot upward in the air out of defense. Kurama chuckled and stood up. “Thank you for setting me free from my prison. Now then, up with you now.”
A small groan answered his request, eliciting an eyeroll from the youkai. The boy put his legs back on the couch and snuggled in deeper. The fox demon sighed deeply, kneeling down toward Yusuke’s head.
“Yusuke…” he hummed in annoyance. Kurama’s hand gently brushed the hairs away from the spirit detective’s forehead. His hand came to rest on the boy’s cheek, his thumb gently stroking it. “Come on now… you don’t really want to sleep on this couch, do you? It doesn’t even have seats with fabric. Do you know just how filthy leather can get?”
Kurama was merely met with a relaxed sigh and a smile of comfort—which he should’ve expected after giving such soothing touches to his face.
“Alright, fine. You wish to do things the hard way, then I shall do them the hard way. I am giving you one last chance to stand up and sleep, then I will resort to drastic measures.”
The youkai relaxed a bit when he saw Yusuke open his eyes. With bleary, heavy eyes, the boy glared at the redhead while he stuck his tongue out. Afterward, he immediately shut his eyes and hid his face in the pillow once more.
“Alright, fine,” Kurama said impatiently, “if you’re going to be so difficult, then I shall too be difficult.” And with that, the fox demon shifted downward and began to trace ticklish shapes into the boy’s back and shoulders. “If you don’t wake up, then I shall make you.”
The gentlest giggling broke Kuwabara and Hiei from their argument, turning their attention toward the couch.
“Come on, Yusuke, surely you can just listen and avoid losing your dignity,” Kurama reported.
“Nohohoho,” Yusuke whined as he squirmed.
“Oh! He speaks; good morning! Are you going to listen to me now?”
Hiei and Kuwabara—for the first time that either can recall—looked menacingly at one another, excited to view the endeavor. They watched their friend frantically shake his head “no.” Whether it was in response to Kurama’s question or his ticklish touch, neither knew the answer for sure.
“Kurahahamahahaha,” Yusuke whined, scrunching up a bit as the tickling fingers were dangerously close to his neck. “Nohohoho. Nohohoho tihihihickles!”
“Oh yes, if I must. I must “tickles” if it means it’ll get you to bed sooner. Maybe I need a new spot, hmm?” With these teasing words, the youkai’s hands shot down to Yusuke’s sides and begun to squeeze.
Feet kick rapidly as a very high-octaved squeak escaped the boy “shihihihit!” He whined. “Kurahahamahaha! Nohohohoho!”
The redhead simply smiled innocently at him. The commotion had gained the attention of Botan, Keiko, and Shizuru, who all had stopped to listen in on the event unfolding.
“Do you concede?”
“Nehehehev-hehehahahaha! Plehehehehease!” the spirit detective whined.
“Hmm. I must get creative it seems…” the youkai mused, quickly shooting his hands up to worm under Yusuke’s arms. He had been hugging the pillow for a while, leaving himself totally vulnerable. “How about here?”
An extremely manly yelp escaped his lips as the spirit detective clamped his arms down. He managed to trap Kurama’s assaulting fingers! Just… much lower… between his underarms and ribs… oh no…
“Dahahahammihihihit! Nohohoho! Kura-ahahaha! Shihihit- agh! Nohohohohoho! Nonononohohohoho!”
Yusuke’s feet rapidly kicked up and down as his laughter grew in volume. As if he didn’t get everyone’s attention before, he was destined to now.
“Well?” Kurama asked, completely unfazed by the boy’s reaction.
“Kurahaha- Kurahahahama! Nohohoho! Lehehet mehehe sleheheheep!”
“I suppose you leave me with no choice now, child. My apologies for exploiting your weaknesses in this way.”
What the hell was that stupid fox talking about? Why wasn’t he going to just let him sleep on the couch? What was so wrong with it anyways? Sure, there’s probably piss and blood and all sorts of fun things on the seats but-
Yusuke’s chain of thought completely halted when he felt forefingers and thumbs pinching at his hipbones. Eyes squeezing shut, the boy squealed into the pillow, shaking his head frantically. “NONONONO PLEHEHEHEHEASE! KURAHAH- FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOU! NOHOHOHO! SHITSHITSHIT YOHOHOHOU BIHIHIHITCH! PFFFAHAHAHA!”
“Quite the mouth on you, Yusuke. If my morals serve me right, I do believe that a punishment is in order,” the redhead hummed with a close-eyed smile, squeezing with more fervor.
The spirit detective’s voice escaped him, and only squeaky responses came as he squirmed relentlessly. “NOHOHOHO! KURAHAHAHAMAHAHA! IHIHIM- HEHEHEHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHIM SOHOHOHORRY! IHIHILL- *snort* OHOHOHO MY GOHOHOHOD- FUHUHUHUCK OHOHOHOFF!”
“What was that?”
With a small grunt of admiration, the youkai ceased his “torturous” attack, allowing the boy to catch his breath. Finally looking up at the room, he blinked a few times when he noticed the rest of their friends staring at the two of them with dopey grins—minus Hiei—on their faces. “Oh my… it seems you’ve gained quite an audience, Yusuke.”
A high-pitched sound of disapproval left him as the spirit detective yawned. Flipping back over onto his back, Yusuke huffed and sunk into the couch. It wasn’t long before his eyes were fluttered closed once more.
The fox demon sighed when he looked back down at the boy. “Perhaps it’d be best to take the path of least resistance,” he murmured as he carefully slid his arms underneath Yusuke’s neck and knees, quickly placing him into a secure hold. “I shall be taking this one to bed, and hopefully I will be back within a few minutes. In the event I do not return, I shall see you all in the morning.”
After nodding to everyone to bid them adieu, Kurama trudged out of the room, looking down fondly at the teenager in his arms—who had absentmindedly turned toward the fox demon’s body and cuddled up. The redhead sighed with a warm smile, whispering:
“Atop of everything else, must I now be your mother too, Yusuke?”
Kurama helped Yusuke down onto the bed, carefully pulling his socks off and removing his jacket. He placed the two items neatly on the nightstand before kneeling by the boy’s bedside to brush the hair away from his eyes once more. “I suppose I should get back out there… hm?”
Expecting no response, Kurama blinked harshly in shock over a drowsy message. “You don’t have to… go back… you can *yawn* you can stay… in here.”
Another fond smile found its way to the fox demon’s lips. “Alright, move over,” he hummed as he slid his shoes off, taking a book out of his pocket. He sat down on the bed next to Yusuke, and opened up to where he had left off. Every so often, he felt the boy shifting next to him.
“You may rest against me; I don’t mind one bit.”
The sleepy spirit detective smiled as he scooched closer to the youkai, placing his head on Kurama’s lap. The redhead reached down to gently run his fingers against Yusuke’s head and through his hair, grinning tenderly at how differently he acted behind closed doors.
“After all you’ve endured, you’re still just a child… aren’t you…?”
Yusuke could only hum sleepily as the youkai covered him with a blanket.
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 5 months
Thing that I feel like I need to bring up here about Persona 5: most of the girls are competent cooks.
This isn't headcanon, this is fully canon. They cook together pretty often during Strikers and have pretty good results.
This isn't just because they're being helped by the protagonist either by the way, Ann, Haru, and Makoto cook with Yusuke some pretty good curry of their own that Joker only helps with at the last minute, and Haru teaches Zenkichi how to cook to make better meals for his daughter since he's not a good one like at all.
The only one we don't see cooking among the thieves during the game is literally Futaba who is considered their resident taste tester. Futaba, however, is seen baking in the actual P5/R if you romance her, so she probably knows how to follow a recipe well.
I just need more people to know this because I know there's a side of the fandom that keeps making the girls (specifically Futaba, Ann, and even Haru sometimes) as horrible cooks coming from jokes from previous Persona games. I know it's a funny haha joke but it's a little iffy to try to push this idea about the girls just because of previous installments.
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ayoharuko · 2 years
How about how the yyh guys work deal/react to you being hurt
Yay first request for yyh! Tysm Anon-chan :)
This is gonna be headcanons only, because it’ll get too long if I do it in scenarios that it’ll pass the character limit T-T 
I hope you all (and anon-chan) enjoy this! Reader here is Gender Neutral (they/them)
REMINDER: These characters dont belong to me to Yoshihiro Togashi. This is also fictional work so please try not to take this too seriously :)
~Yusuke Urameshi~
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- First of all, this man is protective, but not too much that his babysitting you.
- He hates seeing you get hurt tho...your one of the most precious people to him so if he sees you getting hurt...he’ll actually go berserk. Especially if you're human and have no abilities whatsoever.
- Since he has a lot of enemies, they will use you against him, and when they do, trust me they’ll get spirit gun-ed outside of existence lol
- If your injury is a minor one, then he isn’t really all that worried! He just lets you deal with it since he knows you can take care of it yourself.
- But if its a serious one...expect him to get really mad, he’ll start asking you questions like ‘Who did this to you?’ or ‘Give me their name!’ basically like an angry Bakugo.
- Once you give him a name, he’ll go and teach that person or demon a lesson. Don’t worry about him, his not the one getting hurt after all :)
- When his done, he’ll ask Genkai (Because you were brought to her) how your doing, and ones he knows your gonna be fine. He’ll rest easy and go to you and scold you.
- In reality, he really is worried about you...I mean you've stuck yourself to him this far, and he knows how insufferable he is sometimes.
- So don’t leave him early...alright?
‘’Dumbass...I told you not to involve yourself and now look at you...thanks for sticking with me I guess...’’
~Kazuma Kuwabara~
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- His an absolute sweetheart, the first thing he’ll do when your hurt is to make you smile<3
- For him if your happy his happy, but it doesn't mean that he isn't mad at whoever hurt you. He will stick his spirit sword up their ass you bet yea he will.
- If its a minor injury, he’ll just kiss the pain away! he saids, which earned him a bonk from Shizuru lol
- He also lets you pet and cuddle his cat. Eikichi, yea he’ll get jealous because he wants to cuddle with you but he’ll tolerate it, because you both are so cute :3
- If its serious...you best believe he’ll start panicking, he’ll calm down once your fine but...his still worried and also sad that he couldn't protect you...
- Like his supposed to be your knight in shining amor! The best boyfriend to you! So his actually really sad. Once you noticed that his upset, please comfort him :(
- But all in all, he’ll try and make you smile and happy because to him, he doesn't wanna see you sad or hurting. No....thats not what a man does!
‘’Do you need anything more honey!? Ah you want Eikichi? Alright I'll get her right away! Don’t worry you're knight in shining amor is here to serve you!’’
~Yoko Kurama~ (Shuichi Minamino)
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- Lets just say the person who hurt you won’t be alive for that long. No, their not gonna get a beating, oh no, their actually gonna face the wrath of Yoko Kurama. No one touches what's his.
- Now since we have Yoko and Shuichi, Shuichi would most likely have a chat with that person first and then see what he wants to do, but Yoko on the other hand, would want to kill that said person.
- But the thing is, he can’t do that, or otherwise the spirit world will be on his ass about it...so a little torturing wouldn't hurt....right?
- Also if this was a demon obviously that said demon who hurt you is gonna die a slow death, like Elder Toguro for example :)
- If its a human...well I guess scaring that human to death is more then appropriate~
- If its a minor injury that was caused by you, his fine with that! He’ll just ask you to be careful next time :)
- But if someone causes it...well their getting a way to calm smile from him :>
- After his dealt with everything, he goes back to check up on you, if your fine then he’ll smile lovingly at you, only you get to see that smile by the way ;3
- He’ll whisper sweet words to you, cuddle you, comfort you, words of promises, and basically be the best (fox) boyfriend you can ask for!
‘’My love, are you sure your alright? Would you like some cuddles? My love...please do know that no matter what, I’ll protect you..’’
~Hiei Jaganshi~
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- Looks like he doesn't care but actually cares, when his informed of you getting  hurt minor or serious, he isn't exactly gonna be by your side in an instant. More like just watching you from afar.
- His a silent protector by all means, his like Xiao (from genshin) a protector who would rather follow you and look after you from afar (isn't that stalking?)
- If its a human then he can’t really kill that human...because of that damn spirit world so he’ll...just give them a warning.
- If its a demon, then that demon is gonna be burned to a crisp aka ashes. Thats all.
- When he finally decided to visit you, he’ll call you an idiot for putting yourself in danger like that, but on the inside (he just won't admit it) he does care. He just doesn't know how to show it.
- If you ask him to stay by your side while you rest, he’ll complain yet he’ll actually stay by your side until you're healed.
- Hiei will show that he cares through small actions, such as, carrying you wherever you wanna go (With a complain) and actually cuddling you :0
- Hiei loves you, he just doesn't know how to show it but he does, and trust me. Anyone who hurts you, will be burned to ashes.
‘’Hmph..your an idiot if you thought that you could take on a demon like that, what? now you want me to carry you around? Hmph.....your lucky...’’
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DONE! thank you so much for that request Anon-chan! I enjoyed writing it as my first ever Yu Yu Hakusho post :)
Sorry for all the references btw lol
Now since I love this idea a lot, maybe I'll make a part 2 with other guys from yyh! Hehehehe this is gonna be fun~
Reblogs and Feedback/Comments are always appreciate! :3
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honoviadakai · 9 months
Team Urameshi as parents/babysitters
So for starters, I feel like this guy would like a few little rugrats running around once he’s married
3 tops
He grew up an only child and he remembers what it’s like to be lonely when his mom wasn’t home and Keiko was to busy/not around to play with him
Having more than one makes it more difficult for them to feel lonely
But multiple kids, that have Yusuke’s genetics, means a rowdy household
RIP his poor wife OTL
Yusuke is not big on rules or authority
What makes you think he’s gonna enforce a lot of rules on his kids???
The only “rules” he has is the following:
Always listen to mom and respect her
Never start a fight, you can absolutely finish them though
Don’t waste food
Yeeeeeah….not very many rules…
FEAR NOT! They can be expanded upon! ÒvÓ~✨
The first rule is something he made on purpose because he knew he wasn’t gonna enforce more than 3 rules tops
This rule guarantees that his kids not only listen to his rules, but his partner’s rules as well
And he takes it seriously
If his partner told the kiddos no cake before dinner, though tiddy, no cake till after dinner
He personally doesn’t care if people eat cake before or after dinner, but wifey said no and no means no guys 😤
Again, these are Yusuke’s kids…at least one of them is gonna inherit his attitude AND is natural fighting skills
Hence the second rule
He doesn’t want them living his life where everyone was too afraid to even give him a chance
He wants his kids to have as many close friends as possible
So he absolutely doesn’t want them to lean way too hard into the delinquent persona like he did in his youth
That being said
He’s showing them how to fight early in life
Ain’t no one gonna mess with his kids! (ง •̀_•́ )ง
But he also teaches them to pick their battles smarter than he does
And if they do get into a fight, as long as they didn’t start the fight, he will not punish them because it was not their fault, they were defending themselves
The ONLY exception he has for the “don’t start a fight” rule is if they were helping someone out
Like let’s say one of his kids sees one of their friends getting beat on and they step in to defend them
They technically threw the first fight but they also technically didn’t and it was for a good reason
Now onto the last rule
It’s a no-brainer
Don’t waste the damn food
If you’re at a guest’s house and you don’t like the food, choke it down fast, someone went out their way to feed you damn it
If you eat out and there’s half or more of it left, leftovers, don’t throw it out
Part of this comes from the fact that when Yusuke was a kid, food wasn’t always available or even of good quality
So whenever he did have it, he’d eat every bite even if he didn’t like it because he didn’t know when his next full meal was coming
The other part is him now owning his own Ramen stand
Food waste in restaurants is atrocious
Yusuke tries his best not to waste food at the stand and even chews customers out if they do
It’s actually pretty common that he’ll bring food from work home or feed, feed stray animals the food that’s safe for them, bring his friends leftovers or he’ll even feed some homeless people or ppl who just didn’t have money on them but were really hungry
From that last point, it’s obvious that Yusuke, while laid back in parenting style, is a very kind parent to his kids
He will not let them go hungry
He will not let them go without basic necessities like clothes
He will not parent them with fear or anger
He will not neglect them
And above all else
He will not let them ever believe he does not love and cherish them
Honestly he has more rules for himself if you think about it
He grew up on the opposite end of the spectrum of parental care so he has an idea of what bad parenting looks like
So he’s gonna do everything in his power to not be like his mom pre him getting hit by a car
Wait, did you think he’d have a different in care because it’s someone else’s kid???
Well you’re wrong!
Sorta ( ̄ω ̄)
Lemme explain
He still follows the same philosophy of “no kid will feel unloved/neglected in my care”
That is always a constant for him because he’s rather let Genkai sucker punch his ribs 47 times in a row than let a kid starve when he knows damn well he can feed them
The difference is he drops rule one ☝️
The Kiddo’s parents left him in charge soooo…fuck the rules!
Kid wants cake for breakfast? What flavor? He’s buying
Kid wants to play video games instead of do homework? He calls second controller
Kid wants to watch a really scary R rated movie? Cool 👍 He’s gonna make popcorn
That being said, he’s much more mature but the time his first kid comes into his life
So while he absolutely would let the kids he’s babysitting do what they want, he’s still make sure they get their shit done
It helps that he’s basically a big kid at heart so he can easily level with them
For example ☝️
“Ok kid, we played 15 rounds of Super Smash Bros. Time to do that algebra homework”
“What?! But that’s boring! 😫”
“Yeah but it’s either do the homework or face your parents’ wrath. Which do you wanna deal with?”
“…you right, imma grab my books”
“I’ll get the calculator”
He knows they don’t wanna do chores or homework but he also knows being lectured is more of a pain in the ass than actually doing the task you don’t wanna do
And tbh, he’ll help them out so they don’t gotta do it alone
He’s not the ideal candidate for someone you’d trust as a babysitter
But your kids will be well taken care of!
Yusuke’s just gonna let them eat junk food all day 😅
Oh my god
This man
This man right here
He’d be such a phenomenal dad
He’d like a big family
4 tops but he won’t complain if more enter his life
He’s a gentle giant who’s a bit loud and kids seem to love that
It’s pretty common to see him being climbed on by his young children like he’s their personal jungle gym
Any games they wanna play, he’ll take part in if he can(he’s too big for the swing set he’s built them so the most he can do is push them)
He’s also very patient with them
If they’re struggling with homework, he’ll help them and let them know it’s ok if they don’t fully understand the subject they’re studying
He is a bit strict with his kids grades btw, but like nothing crazy
Like if his kid were to get a C+ on an exam and he knows that they studied their ass off, he’s not gonna reprimand them, he’s gonna celebrate their success
He does push them to do better, but he does it in a way that lets them know he believes in their potential and that they haven’t fully realized it yet but he 1000% sees it
Like he’s really good at motivating his kids!
He’s their biggest cheerleader and he does everything he can to support his kids in their own endeavors
It could be something as small as making them their favorite snacks or something as big as buying the expensive tools and materials needed to work for their dream
He does have a few rules for the household but they’re all very standard and never feel like he’s demanding a lot from his kids
He does divide some of the rules in terms of “these rules apply the the older kids and these apply to the younger ones”
He understands that teenagers need different rules from the younger ones because developmentally, they’re dealing with different things and have different mindsets
But again it’s always fair like “no smoking till you’re 18” or “if we let you go to a party, please text us every now and then so we know your ok 👌 “
He also divides chores fairly amongst his family
Him and his partner will do the bigger more complicated stuff, the older kids do their own laundry, dishes and keep their individual living spaces clean and the younger kids help by picking up and putting away things like toys and books and they learn from a young age to separate the laundry so it’s just easier and quicker to do
He’ll teach all his kids how to fight early in life but he absolutely does not expect them to be combative people
He remembers fighting alongside his demon friends and while he absolutely could hold his own, he remembers the pain of being fought with killing intent
He’d rather not have his kids deal with ever feeling like they have to fight someone like Toguro or Sensui
But he also understands that if one of his kids wants to be a fighter, he’s not gonna be able to sway them
They’re his kid after all
One of the best babysitters you will ever hire
Worth every penny!
Your kids have a 9pm curfew? They’re in bed by 8:50pm
You made them brussle sprouts as part of their dinner and the kiddo doesn’t wanna eat it? Sorry bud, uncle Kuwabara ain’t gonna let you leave the table till you’ve eaten at least half your greens
He also believes in positive reinforcement so something he does with all kids is once they do their chores, homework or eat their veggies, he’ll give them a treat
It’s not always a literal treat. Sometimes it’s him allowing them to play video games with them till they’re sleepy
Sometimes they fall asleep a tad past their bedtime…but what their parents know won’t kill them, or him
He’s a very interesting father to have
Like not necessarily in a bad way
It’s just…interesting…
Let’s back up and establish he’d like 2 kids maximum
He kinda likes having a step brother so he’d want his kids to have a sibling they can bond with
Remember, he grew up an only child so he was probably a bit lonely
Well he was probably lonely for other reasons…
Well get to that
Now for standard parenting stuff
He’s strict about school but he’s also fair
If his kid’s best on an economics exam was a C- and he sees they really REALLY tried as hard as they could, he’s gonna be understanding and let it slide
He expects some progress from his kids
Like he’s not expecting them to go from getting a C- to and A+
But like they should at least get a C+ next time
He’s not unreasonable, he knows some things don’t come naturally to some people, but he does believe in steady growth
No literally
Kids are like plants to him
You could give 2 plants the same amount of water, sunlight and care and one might still grow faster than the other despite being grown at the same time
The slower growing one just needs extra help to grow and ya just gotta be patient
Same with kids
Weirdly though…he does have a strange line when it comes to plants and kids he doesn’t cross often…
He just…doesn’t baby talk his kids when they’re little…but he will with his plants…
It’s not that he hates his kids, he loves them just as much as he loves his plants
But in his mind, his children are learning language, not his plants
He can speak gibberish to his plants and not worry about they’re lexicon because even the plants that do have mouths usually don’t speaks they just nom
His kids though? They’re gonna learn how to speak and he’d prefer they learn to speak properly
A weird dichotomy but ok
He’ll also teach them how to be responsible for themselves from an early age
Like they learn quickly that they need to keep their living space clean because mom and dad won’t always be around to do it for them
He also teaches him to cook at a young age
Not because he wants them to be hyper independent, far from it
He just has a lot of good memories with his mother where she taught him new recipes as he grew older
He wants to bond with his kids and have similar experiences with them and he cherishes all those moments with his entire being
Now let’s address the elephant in the room…
Kurama is living in the human world and probably even married a human
But he’s still a demon…
So his kids are at the very least, half demon
This is where things might get difficult for him
If he didn’t tell his partner about his background, this might cause issues in his marriage tbh…
He might end up being a single father if it’s that big of an issue for his partner
On the flip side
If he decides to be upfront with his partner, knowing he wanted to marry and have kids with them, it’s still gonna be difficult but at least they’re both prepared
I’d like to think he’s so the latter but I think it really depends on how he’s doing mentally around the time he starts dating his partner
For the sake of this argument, it’s the latter
He’s still gonna have the issue of having fox demon children that can control plants though
He’s gonna teach them how to control their powers as early as he can
He’s smart so he prepared to get a remote job so it’s easier to keep an eye on his children during their infancy
Can’t exactly hire a random human babysitter and just drop a “btw, my kids might accidentally make the fern in the living room grow crazy fast, don’t worry about it, that’s normal at their age.”
Once they’re older, they will have much better control over their abilities so he’s not too worried about them
But where he does start to worry is when they start attending school…
He trusts his kids but he doesn’t trust other people’s kids not to push his kids buttons
Or at least try to…
Yeah, he’s gonna teach them how to mess with people’s heads…
He doesn’t want to…but he wants them to be able to get out of conflict without having to resort to violence first
Especially because losing control of their emotions might blow their cover
That being said, he will teach the to fight
He’d prefer if it was used only for self defense…but he knows his kids are their own person and while he doesn’t want them to get hurt, he knows he can’t force them to not fight if that’s what they really wanna do
I can see them learning about Yoko Kurama from other demons they come across and that’s gonna lead to some questions
As much as he’d like to not discuss it, he knows he has to
He’s gonna be honest about what he was like back in the day, but he’s also gonna let them know that he’s not going back to that life
He loves his family and they’re worth more to him than any treasure he’s ever come across
Tbh it might make his kids respect him a lot when he says that
They do think is legend is badass but to hear he’s given it up to be their dad???
Wow…he really does, undoubtedly, love his family
He really does love his family and he’s gonna do his best to keep them safe from a world that hasn’t fully accepted demons yet
He’s like Kuwabara when it comes to babysitting
If the parents who left him in charge have some rules, then the rules will be followed
Where they differ is that he’s not gonna reward them that much for following the rules beyond a head pat and a “Good job!”
He might let them have a sweet treat if he knows it was a big deal to them, but over all of the kid grew up with those rules, he expects them to know the rules well enough not to purposely try to break them just cuz he’s not their parent
He’s also the one you wanna piss off the least….
If the kid is being bratty…first warning is a terrifying glare…
No one ever tries their luck after the glare…
They all subconsciously know that pushing him beyond that will not end well…
His kids learned early in life not to fuck with Kurama…and so will other people’s children…
But as. Long as they don’t puss him off, he’s a very nice babysitter
He even reads bedtime stories if the kid asks nicely!
Honestly a model babysitter 😌
Buckle up for this one…
It might get a little sad
Honestly…I don’t think he’d want kids
He doesn’t believe he’s a good brother, what makes you think he believes he’d be a good father?
And to be fair
His own father wasn’t in his life and the “father” he did have was a bandit that tried to steal from him when he was fished out of a river, taught him violence and power was everything and abandoned him without hesitation
He doesn’t exactly know what a “good father” looks like…she he doesn’t think he could ever be a good father
IF he were to have children, it would have to be well after he’s been in an established relationship
He’d have to be in a good place mentally, emotionally and personally to even consider bringing life, life he didn’t think he was capable of creating, into the world
He’s also probably only want one
He might have more later, but in the beginning he’s got a very strict “one and done” mentality
Also I feel like he would take a human as mate
I don’t think he’s against taking a demon as a mate by any means, humans are just…warmer, in his eyes.
He wants someone with a warm, compassionate heart and humans tend to have that in spades more than demons do
He’s honestly not a terrible father to his child…he’s just…
He’s never taken care of children before
The closest one he’s had to raise in the past is himself and honestly…it’s debatable even to him how well he did on that front
He’s very scared to hold his kid because they’re so…little…
The last thing he wants to do is cause them any sort of harm so in his mind, if he doesn’t hold his kid, he can’t accidentally drop them
He will get over that hurdle eventually, he just needs to get comfortable with holding his kid so be patient
Once he’s comfortable around his kid, he’s actually a pretty good dad!
…by demon standards
By human standards…he needs work…
For example, he’ll think it’s completely acceptable to gift a toddler a sword for their birthday
He learned how to use a sword by the time he was 3 so surely it’s not a problem to teach his child how to wield a sword too
…in his defense…his kid also has demon blood so his logic isn’t wrong but…he needs to be stopped
This is also gonna be a repeating trend btw
Like his friends, he’s gonna teach his child how to fight
The difference is that to him, fighting is the same as walking
His kid NEEDS to learn because fighting is as normal as walking and talking to him so it should be more or less the same for his kid right?
It’s such a norm for him that when his kid gets older, he’s not gonna punish them for getting into fights with other kids at school
He’d encourage it!
Here’s an example of how an interaction between him and his kid would go down
“Why are you coverd in bruises?”
“This kid in my class was talking mad shit so me and my friend fought him and his friends after school =3=”
“….did you win????”
“Obviously 😤”
“Very good, that should teach that fool a lesson… Now clean up before your mother sees you and has a heart attack.”
“Ok dad. ^v^~”
His poor partner is gonna worry themself to death…
But they allow it because while it’s weird…it’s how he bonds with his kid
He’s actually happy during all the training sessions they have together
Cuz his kid is learning and improving and he’s just so proud of them!
Yeah his kid comes come covered in bruises and is absolutely sore af
But they’re so happy to be training with their dad!
And that just melts Hiei’s black little heart so much
It’s one of the rare times he’ll have a genuine, big smile 😊
He does still commute back and forth from the demon and human world but he makes it a point to not be gone for longer than a month and he’s always home for events like birthdays
He might also take his kid to demon world but he’s VERY protective of them during that time
Not that he’s not protective of them in the human world, he very much is
The difference is that humans don’t typically have giant claws and teeth to worry about
If anyone tries to mess with his family, at best he’ll horribly main them, at worst he’s gonna scorch them so bad that not even their ashes will remain
Once he builds up a family, he’ll lay his life in the line to keep it safe
He’s a bit of a nervous and insecure father, but once he’s found his groove, he’s a surprisingly loving father
Ok you know how protective and nervous Hiei is with his family?
Yeeeeah throw that all out the window if it’s someone else’s spawn
Not his kid, not his priority
Honestly just find a different babysitter
Don’t get me wrong
If you do manage to get him to babysit, he’ll at least make sure they live
But like…hes gonna let them get hurt if he sees them doing something stupid
Like if he sees them climbing up a wardrobe, he’s not even gonna give them a warning to get down
He’s just gonna watch
If they fall at hurt themselves, he’s gonna asses the damage and then have one of 2 reaction
If it’s not that bad, he’ll just kinda roll his eyes and say something along the lines “it’s not even that bad, you’ll be fine so don’t you start crying…” and then he’ll just walk away
If the kid’s bleeding then he’ll be sure to dress their wound, lightly smack them upside the head before saying something like “that’s what happens to fools who don’t think things through.” And then he’ll walk away
He will feed them but it’s better if the parents prepare something he can just microwave and serve
Don’t let him cook…he thinks raw meat is acceptable for human children to eat…
If the kids don’t wanna eat what’s available he won’t make them eat it
He’s just gonna look at them and say “ok, I’m not making anything else so if you wanna starve, that’s your prerogative.”
He is over to younger children tbh
They’re cuter, honest and less argumentative if you blatantly tell them what you what from them and why
So if one of the toddlers he’s babysitting wants him to participate in a tea party or something, he will
Older kids and teens get on his nerves quicker
Teens especially are too moody for his liking but they also respect him more because of how blunt he is
But It’s because you f that respect that he first of all, actually punishes teens, secondly, punishes them harshly
I don’t mean he gets physical, he understands that he’s probably accidentally kill them if he threw a punch even if he’s holding back
I mean he’s gonna make them learn a lesson psychologically
For example, here’s what’ll happen if the teenager he’s babysitting is caught smoking 🚬
“Are you smoking a cigarette?”
“!?!? N-No!”
“Don’t lie to me…I can smell the tobacco…”
“…ok yeah, I’m smoking…what do you care though!? You’re not my dad!”
“I’m aware…I don’t care if you do smoke, I’m only left in charge of you for the day….”
“??? So I can smoke?”
“Yes…in fact…how many cigarettes are left…?”
“10, why???”
“You’re going to smoke them all, plus all the packs you have hidden in your room…right now…and you will not leave this spot until you’ve finished every last cigarette…”
“You heard me…now shut up and smoke them all…if you try to run I’ll break your legs so just hurry up and do as I say…”
The kid’s gonna do it and probably need a doctor but hey! They’re not gonna ever wanna smoke again!
Yeah sure, the smell of tobacco makes them gag now…but they learned their lesson! Thats good right???
Please for the love of all that is good and pure in this world, get a different babysitter
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symphonic-scream · 9 months
It's me the fool back again with another au this time it's
Actual Criminals Au for P5
Where. They're real criminals.
The metaverse isn't real, and all of them grew up with qualms about how some people get away with everything. And, eventually, they all get the push they need to stop being a bystander and become Phantom Thieves
They all live in the same building, and have a secret lair under it. They pose as normal people with jobs and lives and then at night they're plastering evidence of assaulters all over Shibuya, or leaking videos of insider trading or what's on someone's hardrive
Sometimes they do normal crime like stealing from the rich to fund their bigger operations. Just for fun
Okay let's go down the list
Akira works as a bartender in a fancy hotel bar, and goes home to his "wife", Haru, each night. That's how it appears, at least. As a fresh graduate from secondary school, he ended up coming together with some friends to expose a shitty pervert for who he was, and thus began their lives as the Phantom Thieves. Joker is the ringleader, and known publicly to always be listening from the shadows
Then there's Ryuji, a middle school phys Ed teacher, married to Makoto. It's perceived to be a functioning marriage. He was a founding Thief, and is their Rough'em'up guy. Between Skull and Queen, they get their answers when they want them
Ann is next, wed to Yusuke, working as a model. Mysteriously, the guest room at their place seems to always be occupied by former top athlete Shiho. Ann's love for her best friend was one of the main flames behind the beginning of the Thieves, and Panther is key at tricking their enemies into drinking a spiked drink or spilling secrets for a moment with the attractive blonde
Okay now, Yusuke, he came later. Yeah married to Ann blah blah. He's an artist, paints in a studio all day. His former mentor drove him to the brink, but luckily the Thieves found him there, and gave him the power to drag himself back to his feet. Fox is very feared, as his harsh words and quick moves remind his enemies of an old samurai
Makoto was once looking like she would be another young officer on the streets, doomed to being beat down by the system. Now, she owns a gym a block from where she lives with her husband Ryuji, and moonlights as the fast driving, hard hitting Thief Queen. The only thing that burns brighter than her rage at the failing society around her is her homosexuality.
Software engineer Futaba lives alone, and she likes it that way, supposedly. She's gotten her act together, again, supposedly, and is no longer hacking. Yeah right. After taking down the false shepherd Medjed, Oracle does the computer work for the Thieves, keeping them in the know during missions
The final standard member of the Thieves, Haru, didn't exist until recently. Well, under the name Haru. She used to live as the sole son of the CEO of Okumura Foods, and has found a life that suits her much better. As Haru, she runs a bakery just outside the entrance of her apartment building, and lives with her husband, Akira. As Noir, she's more than willing to show that actions have consequences, though she's often aware enough to keep her act to just frightening rather than deadly
Then it's the half members, Goro and Sumire. They're legally married. One is a top tier detective, the other teaches youth gymnastics. Crow and Violet appear maybe once every other month at most, filling the roles the teams those nights need
Okay so this is a Polythieves au, so the married couples above are mostly for cover. Below is a simplified web of the poly workings of the group
Akira -> Goro, Sumire, Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Shiho, Haru
Ryuji -> Akira, Ann, Yusuke, Haru
Ann -> Shiho, Akira, Ryuji, Yusuke, Makoto, Haru
Yusuke -> Akira, Goro, Ryuji, Ann
Makoto -> Haru, Ann, Shiho
Futaba -> Sumire
Haru -> Makoto, Akira, Ryuji, Ann, Shiho
Goro -> Akira, Yusuke, Sumire
Sumire -> Akira, Futaba, Goro
I have lots more for this but this is just the like outline post. SEND ME ASKS IF YOU WANNA KNOW ANYTHINF OR HAVE QUESTIONS
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fatexbound · 4 months
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@thuganomxcs said: It was a nice little sparring session between Chie and Yusuke, though he'd won there was soo much heart in chie's posture and attacks. "You're definitely the toughest girl in Inaba. You've definitely got a few good lookin' kicks in your arsenal. Mind teachin' me how t' do 'em? I'll teach you something cool in exchange."
Unprompted | Always accepting
Ending her final move with a striking pose matching the one she saw last night on TV, she grinned, proud of herself for once. Her training had paid off quite well against a fighter like Yusuke - one she had never faced before until now because her kicks were too powerful for anyone except Narukami. He was a good and capable sparring partner too.
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"Weeell... honestly, I just watch a lotta action movies and copy their style-- especially Bruce Lee! He's my idol, you know!" She beamed, cheeks going a tint of red. "I come up with my own moves too, of course! Whenever the inspiration strikes. You... don't think it's lame, do ya?"
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thatsadbietch · 1 year
Critical Hit
Tickletober Day 4: Weak Spots
Yes, I am severely late. No, I will not be taking comments on it at this time. I would rather post something I'm satisfied with late than something half-assed on time. You all and I both deserve the best <3
Ryuji is tasked with leading the next Phantom Thieves' training session. Leave it to him to work in time to pick on his favorite Joker and teach something worthwhile!
Warning: Of course, tickles, and some curses.
“Joker, watch out!” Skull cried, deflecting an oncoming attack toward his leader, who had been occupied with another enemy.  The attack was directed back toward the Shadow that cast it, defeating it instantly.
“Nice job, Skull,” Joker praised, finishing off his own target. The Phantom Thieves were surrounded, but not critically so; a group of lower-level Shadows had managed to get the jump on the gang.  Even so, this was far from the Thieves’ first rodeo, having made several trips to Mementos, both in search of their favorite non-feline’s past and to help the citizens of Tokyo whose Shadows have become too strong.
“Truly art in motion,” Yusuke, aka Fox, commented. He, Skull, and Joker have been tasked to search a section of Mementos while Panther, Queen, and Mona search another section, having Oracle be the go-between for communications.
“Skull, your form and approach have quite changed for the better.  Perhaps I can attend your and Joker’s next training session? Surely there’s much I can learn,” he asked sincerely.  Skull snickered, throwing a knowing glare at his leader.
“I’m cool with you tagging along, but it’s up to the mighty leader over here.  Not sure if he could handle both of us.” Joker rolled his eyes as his friend hinted at the mischief that unfolded last time.
“Yes, Fox, I think that’s a good call. And since Skull is so eager for you to join he shouldn’t mind planning our next training session.”  That wiped Ryuji’s grin away.
“Yeah, you did really well last time.  And it would be beneficial for someone else to be able to lead training sessions, just in case.”  Ryuji thought for a minute before nodding slowly.
“...Yeah, I can do it, no worries.”  Ren smiled.
“Good, can’t wait to see what you come up with.”
“Nor can I,” Fox chimed in, “I’m looking forward to it.”
They agreed on meeting in a week’s time, when the field and track would be free and clear again. It seemed like the dialogue in Ryuji’s head went from “I’ve got a week, no big deal” to “CRAP, I have to have this ready in a few hours!” in the blink of an eye, and he still had no idea on how to lead a training session.  He sat alone in the library, which was a rare sight in itself, but he knew he needed to step up.
“Come on,” he mentally prompted, “just plan training time.  An hour, maybe ninety minutes.  You can do this.”
“Ryuji?” The electric blonde jumped out of his skin with a shrill noise of surprise, earning him a “Shh!” from the other students. He turned quickly and saw his student council president and Queen to Mementos.  Makoto sat across from him.
“I’m surprised to see you here.  You looked like you were struggling, though.  Anything I can help with?”
“Uh… Yeah, actually.  But I really can’t talk about it here. It’s about practice,” Ryuji emphasized and gave her a look, hoping she’d take the hint.  She stood, as if to say “received,” but actually said, “Of course.  We can use the student council room.  Our meeting just ended, so no one’s in there right now.”
They walked to the now empty classroom where student council meetings are held, and Ryuji explained the situation to Makoto.  She listened intently, already forming several solutions but not wanting to miss any details.
“He just sprung it on me.  And in front of Fox, how could I say “no”?”  Her strategizing mind realized he was venting now, and she smiled at him.
“He trusts you, Ryuji.  And he wouldn’t have asked you if he didn’t think you could handle it.”
“...you think so?”
“Absolutely! You’re his best friend, you don’t need me to tell you that.” Ryuji reflected on it and smiled, but in an instant grew panicked again.
“Wait! Aren’t you and Ann going too?!”
“Shhh! Ren and I already discussed that,” she started, keeping her voice low despite the privacy of the classroom, “it might be best to keep up appearances as much as possible.  Meaning getting together in a big group all of a sudden might seem suspicious. She and I have separate training days until we figure out something else.”
“Oh… yeah, that makes sense.  That’s why he’s the Leader, I guess.” Ryuji couldn’t help but be relieved; he enjoyed having Ann and Makoto on the team, but the less people at his first led training session, the better.
“So, as for your session,” Makoto started, “Always start any physical training with a warm up.  It’ll help keep you from getting sore, and will help with performance during the training.” Ryuji was scribbling madly in his notebook, as if she were sharing answers to a final exam.
“Next, you need to pick the focus of your session.  What did Ren do during your last session?” Ryuji shrugged.
“Ran and sparred, mostly.” Makoto looked blankly for a moment, and as if on cue Ryuji added, “Oh! He went over “observing and adapting,” saying stuff like how just charging at Shadows wasn’t always going to work.  Which I still don’t know if I buy it, but his way worked, too.” Makoto sighed at his impulsivity, but continued.
“So he focused on refining a skill.  You can do that. Or, you can try teaching something that you specialize in.”
“Well…” Ryuji thought, “I am pretty good at knocking down some Shadows with one hit.”
“So you’re good at finding their weakest points, and using them to your advantage?” Makoto asked.  Ryuji’s eyes started to light up.
“Yeah… I can show them how I do that! Thank you, Makoto!” He suddenly stood and hugged her, running out of the classroom and not stopping until he reached the track field.
“I wonder how he’s going to teach that.”
“How the heck am I supposed to teach this?!” Ryuji exclaimed in his head, pacing the track while waiting on his two trainees.  He didn’t have to wait long though, as he could see Ren leading Yusuke in his direction, both changed in athletic wear and ready to start.
“Hello, leader-for-today,” Ren started, “I’ve been wondering what you’ve come up with.”
“As have I,” Yusuke chimed in, “I hope to be better equipped to handle Shadows, and to gain some artistic inspiration.  Seeing Joker take the lead is inspiring in itself, but you surely will offer a unique perspective,”  Though Yusuke’s intentions were pure, Ryuji took this as “the pressure’s on,” and became a bit more visibly nervous.
“Uh… Yeah… totally… WARM UP!” he shouted, suddenly remembering Makoto’s advice and recognizing a way to dodge the inevitable for at least a few more minutes.
“Right! We can’t train well without a warm up! Let’s jog a few laps and stretch!”  The two looked a bit confused, but did as they were told while Ryuji led the jog and stretches.
“Ryuji, are we ready to get started on the lesson?” Ren asked gently, starting to realize the task had given his second-in-command much more stress than he thought.  Ryuji finally sighed.
“Okay, I wanted to show you guys how I land critical hits on Shadows, but we aren’t in Mementos and I know we don’t usually go without the others just in case something happens and I couldn’t think of anything else to do and-”
“Ryuji,” Ren put a hand on his shoulder, and it worked as if it functioned as a “pause” button.
“That’s a great skill to learn! And we don’t have to be in Mementos; I’ll be the Shadow so Yusuke can observe.”
“O-Oh, okay… Yeah! Thanks, dude!” Ryuji regained every bit of his energy and excitement, causing Ren to chuckle fondly and Yusuke to wonder how Ryuji functions so well against enemies while his train of thought was all over the place.
“I suppose that’s what I’m here to learn” he thought, watching Ryuiji and Ren take opposing stances.
“Okay, um… Ren?” his ravenette friend smiled at him.
“Just do what comes naturally when you’re fighting.  Try to narrate it.”
“So,” Ryuji started, “There’s a Shadow in front of you, Yusuke. What do you notice about his stance?”
“Well, he’s grounded.  And he has one arm toward his face, and the other at his torso.”
“Right.  And that’s pretty normal for us: to protect our faces and middles, where our organs are,” Ryuji explained.  Ren and Yusuke were shocked at Ryuji’s knowledge on the subject, and how well he was teaching it.  Ryuji was even surprising himself, although he was only doing as Ren said, narrating his instincts.
“Every Shadow is going to have different areas they want to protect.  They don’t have organs and some might not even have faces, who knows.  But they’re weak somewhere, and their defensive stance will usually tell you where.”
“What about our Personas?” Yusuke asked, “They seem to have abilities that work well against certain Shadows, and not with others.”  Ryuji blanked, he hadn’t really thought about that part.
“Excellent question, but let’s focus on the basics for now,” Ren saved, “Queen and I were actually discussing this earlier, and are working with Oracle on compiling a list of Shadow’s we’ve faced and what their strengths and weaknesses are.” Though it appeared to just be the three here, Ren wanted to remain vigilant in keeping the other members’ identities safe.
“I see, thank you. My apologies, Ryuji, please continue.”
“Yeah dude, totally ask questions!” He faced Ren again.  “Now, come at me like you’re going to attack.  Slow-mo, though.” Ren nodded, seeing where Ryuji was taking this part.  He motioned a running start, and a punch with his right hand, the one originally blocking his torso.
“Stop,” Ryuji instructed.  Ren froze in his position, right arm extended in a mock blow to Ryuji’s jaw.
“Now, I can do three things. Since I was in my own defensive stance, I can block with this arm,” motioning his left, protecting his face, “I can take his wrist and fling him behind me using his own force,” again, the both of them demonstrating what that would look like,  “or, what I’m showing you guys, I can take this as an opportunity.  Yusuke, what’s changed about his position?”
“Well, in order to make an attack, he was forced to uncover a weak point he was previously protecting.”  Ryuji beamed.
“Exactly! You can’t do both. See,” Ryuji demonstrated, taking his pointer finger and tracing from Ren’s ribs to his hip bones. “His weak points are wide open now.” Ren inhaled sharply and winced. Ryuji looked to him, suddenly smug.
“And I do mean his weak points.” As a leader, he was proud that Ryuji picked up on small cues that could give him an edge.  However, he wasn’t the acting leader right now, so as his friend he’d hoped it would go unnoticed.  Yusuke hadn’t paid the brief interaction any mind, as he was more focused on the lesson at hand.  Ryuji returned to his original position, to the moment just before he would have been struck by his opponent.
“So,” he continued nonchalantly, “since we decided to attack, I see him coming toward me with this opening, I’m going to dodge, and strike.” Ryuji swerved his body under Ren’s extended arm, and instead of a mock strike, latched onto Ren’s side and squeezed.  Yusuke would have had to be blind and deaf to miss Ren’s reaction this time, as he squealed and recoiled from the surprise attack.
“AH! Ryuhohoji!”
“...What’s going on?” Yusuke asked, as much confused as he was amused.
“Just a demonstration,” Ryuji replied with a snicker before releasing Ren.  “I think you should give it a try.  Ren, you’re the Shadow again.”
“Greheat,” he replied as Ryuji and Yusuke switched places.  Yusuke had a gleam in his eyes too similar to Ryuji’s to be considered “comfortable” to the Joker.
“All right, Ren, slowly.  Yusuke, get ready.” Ryuji prompted. Ren exhaled, moving slowly for Yusuke’s sake.  It was his job, after all, to teach his team. And surely Yusuke is serious about his training, as to not be tempted by such juvenile tactics-
“BWAH! Hehehehey! YUSUKEHEHEHE!”  Yusuke did appear very serious in his training; so much so he adopted two strategies.  As Joker came with his slow swing, Yusuke grabbed his wrist with his right hand.  With his left, Yusuke latched onto the Joker’s ribs, noticing a much stronger reaction to his grip than Ryuji’s.
“Lehehehet go, Yusuke! Yohohou got me!” However, the artist chuckled and held firm to his “opponent’s” wrist.
“Have I done it correctly, Ryuji?” The blonde couldn’t believe what he was witnessing, and in the best way.  He cackled wickedly.
“I couldn’t have done better myself.  But he doesn’t look totally defeated.” Ren, still giggling against Yusuke’s ticklish grip, noticed Ryuji approaching.
“Stahahahay awahehey, Ryuji!” Ren threatened, trying with more desperation to break himself free from Yusuke.  However, in response Ryuji snatched his other wrist.  His giggles were already becoming more frantic, knowing how screwed he was with both of them playing this game.
“I’ve never seen you like this, Ren,” Yusuke noted, “It’s like witnessing a whole other part of you.”
“You are, dude.  This, you see, is “nearly defeated” Ren.” Ryuji explained as if we were now the expert in Ren’s weaknesses.  Which, in the context of which tickle spots can get Ren to buckle, he just might be the expert, Sojiro being a close second.
“I see. Are you telling me he has weaker points?” Yusuke said, still sounding like a student but adopted the smug smirk and mischievous gleam of a tormentor.
“Juuhuhust get ohohon with it!” Ren pleaded.  Why were they taking so long? And talking about him like he wasn’t even there?
“Quiet, you, I’m teaching, just like you asked,” With that, Ryuji swiped his fingers along Ren’s collarbone and neck with his free hand.  The raven-haired boy scrunched his shoulders up and sweet giggles bubbled forward.  Yusuke would not have believed this boy, adorable in his mirthful state, was in charge of the vengeful Phantom Thieves, if he were not there in the flesh to see for himself.
“Such a sweet sound, and a precious expression to accompany it.  I had not expected to find such inspiration from mere child’s play.”
Ren didn’t really have a response; he didn’t think he would serve as inspiration in this state either. Other than inspiration for Ryuji to continue leading him to his ticklish demise.
“Yeah yeah, he’s cute, we get it,” Ryuji said, and blushed himself a bit at the remark.  “Here, give me that.”  He took Ren’s other wrist from Yusuke and pinned both over his head.
“Now see, you’ve found your target’s weaker areas.  Deliver a critical hit.” His instructions came out malicious, and Yusuke’s look of adoration turned back to sinister.
“Y-Yusuke! You don’t have to do it! You already got me, and you picked it up really quick!”
“Yusuke, you remember when we fight Shadows how they sometimes beg to be spared?” Ryuji intervened, “Well, this is one of those times.  Since Ren’s right and you did get it on the first try, it’s your call. Mercy, or finish him?”  Yusuke looked at his now pitiful leader, and almost felt bad for him.  However, he realized this was an effect Ren tended to have on people.  He comes off pretty innocent or unassuming, but Yusuke has seen first hand what he’s actually capable of.
“How will I know if he’s “defeated”?
“Yusuke!” “Oho, trust me, he’ll tell you!” Ryuji said.  Ren felt his grip tighten on his wrists as he helplessly watched Yusuke approach him, claws formed with his hands.
“Y-Yusukehehe, nohoho, dohohon’t-NAHAHAHA!” Ren begged, but it fell on deaf ears as Yusuke descended his claw-like fingers into the hollows of Ren’s underarms, skittering up and down his tricep.  Ren tried vehemently, but failed to bring his arms down and out of Ryuji’s grip, who he could hear snickering under his own cackling.
“RYUJIHEHEHE you JERK!” he spat. 
“You know, we don’t take crap from Shadows, do we, Yusuke?”
“Definitely not.  This heathen needs to learn his manners.” Ryuji was absolutely ecstatic that Yusuke was seamlessly playing along as he shifted gears, drumming on Ren’s ribs like he would a piano.
“Do you know how many ribs you have, Joker?”
“How many?”
“PFFT!” He might have been trying to say twenty-four, if not for Ryuji throwing in a raspberry to the crook of the Joker’s neck.  He could (barely) handle Yusuke prodding at his ribs or Ryuji’s raspberries to the neck, but both?
“Well, if you don’t know, I’ll have to show you.” Yusuke stated simply, starting with his bottom two.
Ryuji laughed wickedly at his best friend’s expense, unknowing beforehand that Yusuke could be so cruel.  He wasn’t sure if Yusuke could tell, but amongst the loud belly laughter and rib-counting, Ren was starting to buckle the farther up his ribs Yusuke’s wiggling fingers traveled.
“Hey, Yusuke,” Ryuji said.  He almost had to raise his voice to be heard over the ravenette’s boisterous laughter.  He halted immediately, and Ren took the gracious opportunity to catch his breath.
“Be ready when you get to twenty-three and twenty-four. That’s our Joker’s weakest spot.”
“I started to believe he himself was a weak spot.”
“Screhehew you bohohoth,” Ren replied, bracing himself.
“Is that really any way to talk to your pupils?” Yusuke asked, catching Ren off-guard by kneading into his belly.  It was firm from consistent training, but still was quaking from all the giggle fits it helped produce.  Ren threw his head back onto Ryuji’s shoulder in a surprised guffaw, nearly head-butting his nose.
“H-hey, easy dude!”
“I-ihihi’m sorrihehehe!” Ren cried, putting in more effort to hold himself up.
“Here, Yusuke, follow me,” Ryuji instructed.  They led Ren to the ground, Ryuji still holding his wrists but allowing his head to rest in his lap rather than the ground.  Yusuke straddled his waist.
“I suppose this Shadow’s had quite the battle,” Yusuke observed, noticing the streaks of mirthful tears on his leader’s pink face. “I’ll waste no more time then!”
“Any last words, Shadow?” Ryuji teased.  Ren offered one more futile tug to his wrists and took a deep breath.
“Do your worst.  Because you two are dead.” 
“Tch, as if,” Ryuji played off, ignoring the slight chill down his spine.
“Bold words in the face of your demise,” Yusuke noted, also feeling a tinge of nervousness, but wasted no more time and drilled his thumbs in the topmost ribs on either side.  The same leader daring enough to make such a claim in his position positively howled as his most ticklish spot was exploited.
“YUSUKEHEHEHE!” Ren bucked and kicked at the space behind them, but to no avail as far as stopping the maddening sensations playing at his ribs.
“This Shadow’s done for!” Ryuji exclaimed, then laughing along as if Ren’s giggles were truly contagious.
“It’s almost as if, once you know how to deliver a critical hit, the Shadow is not as menacing,” Yusuke teased, switching from drilling to vibrating his fingertips along the length of ribs twenty-three and twenty four.
“JUHUHUHUST YOHOU WAIHIHIT! BWAHAHAHA!” Joker cackled, somehow still delivering threats.  His booming laughter soon grew silent, and he became too weak to struggle.
“All right, all right, I think he’s had enough,” Ryuji warned.  As cruel of a tickler as he was (which Ryuji made a mental note of), Yusuke stopped within the same second he was asked to do so, not wanting to abuse the trust he’d been given. Ryuji released Ren’s wrists, though his arms remained limp above his head while he caught his breath, which occasionally hitched in leftover chuckles.
“Are you all right, Ren?” Yusuke asked, now concerned.  But Ren chuckled, of his own accord this time.
“Yeah, heh, I’m okay.” Ren looked up at Ryuji, since his head was still in his lap.
“If this is how you plan on leading training sessions, you’re fired.”
“What?! No! At least, not every time,” he grinned, still full of mischief, “Gotta keep you on your toes, Joker.”
“And I yours. Yours too, Yusuke.  You won’t know when, you won’t know where-”
“Yeah, yeah, we get it, fearful leader, so scary,” Ryuji brushed off.
“...Let’s instead get some water and continue training? Actually training this time?” Yusuke suggested, as he and his eccentric blonde partner in crime helped their leader up.  While the rest of the training went as planned with no more antics, Yusuke and Ryuji couldn’t help the nagging feeling their Joker was not about to forget this any time soon.
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
Hello Queen 😃 Can I please request headcanons for Team Urameshi having a female S/O who’s a talented Olympic gymnast? Kinda like Simone Biles 😁
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Hello fellow queen and of course! I don't get to write for Yuyu Hakusho since I never get ideas. Thanks for your patience, sorry this took a bit longer than expected.
Team Uremeshi x Female Olympic gymnast Reader
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Yusuke Uremeshi
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He wouldn't ever think he'd end up with a gymnast for a girlfriend but he'd think he is lucky upon becoming your boyfriend. He would be very impressed
Yusuke isn't flexible nor does he have the training to do gymnastics which is why he is so impressed.
He is so competitive he'd try asking you to teach him how to do some moves so he can try and out do you
He wants bragging rights but I doubt he can reach your level even if he's a demon, you've made it into the Olympics for a reason
He's extra supportive when you're out being a gymnast. He is loud and proud. He's constantly cheering. He'll go as far as getting a custom made shirt to show he is your number one fan.
Sometimes he’ll surprise you with homemade posters bragging how you’re his girlfriend and you’re the best
Kazuma Kuwabara
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He's so shocked you agreed to be his girlfriend. He is forever grateful to be at your side.
He’s very devoted and supportive. He’s definitely your number 1 fan and he’ll prove it
Kuwabara thinks you’ve got major talent and he is sure to tell you so
He feels lucky to be your bf but he’s feeling on top of the world since he’s dating someone in the Olympics
When you’re out being a gymnast he’s the type of guy in the crowd to be wearing his pink kimono and headband of love, chanting about his girlfriend. He goes all out: posters, flags, t-shirts, you name it.
He likes the outfits you choose. The blue and pinks are his favorite but I assure you he enjoys all your wardrobe choices.
He'll make the funniest expressions across
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You must be pretty impressive to have caught Hiei's eye. He doesn't like humans but he somehow has feelings for you.
He's never paid any mind to the Olympics nor gymnasts but when he see's you out there doing gymnastics so well he'll think it's impressive since it requires a lot of training for a human to do all the flips and what not
He'd be a great help to you, he'd be an excellent teacher. He loves training especially with you.
He also likes helping you out with your strict diet as an athlete. He'll bring you healthy meals he snatched from stores and restaurants using his remarkable speed.
Hiei is very quiet in the crowd when you’re out being a gymnast. He will smile when you get good scores. He likes to bring you random flowers he picked up on the way.
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He is honored to be your boyfriend. He thinks you being in the Olympics is absolutely impressive
Kurama is very knowledgeable about gymnastics therefore he knows the work it goes into being a gymnast. He's impressed with your work. Getting into the Olympics is hard, he understands this very well
Kurama is constantly complimenting you or giving you praise
Kurama is another one in the group to offer you help with training. He is a good teacher and knows what he is doing. He is as good at gymnastics as you are.
He too is supportive in the crowd. He applauds and brings you roses every time he is there to support you.
He likes surprising you with your favorite drinks sometimes
His mother is overjoyed he finally has a girlfriend, she too will go support you alongside her son. Since his mom is so supportive she'll have Shuichi bring you healthy meals she made herself.
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lazysublimeengineer · 6 months
the viscount who loves his princess - I
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Summary: “A new romance has bloomed in one enchanting night? Princess Senju and Viscount Mikey share a special night together under the radiant garden of the Palace.” Takeomi read loudly on the first page of broadside that morning.
Senju could only heave a deep breath before sipping the cup of Earl Grey slowly to her lips.
“You’ve been seeing Viscount Mikey without any chaperone? Lady Whistledown is having a field day with your scandals.” Haruchiyo snorted as he prepared a cup of coffee for himself.
“You know how Lady Whistledown is. So, stop believing her stories for a moment. It’s quite exaggerated sometimes. Besides, I am not going out with that fool! Hell freezes over that happens!” She exclaimed indignantly.
A chance encounter between the Viscount and the Princess which caused a rumor mill circulating in their town.
(A/N: This was supposed to be a sequel from that Doramitsu regency fic I’ve written a long time ago. But plot bunnies came out of me and decided that “oh hey wait a second. Why don’t we make a multichaptered crossover regency period fic series between Tokyo Revengers and Blue Lock in the world Bridgerton?” And here you go. This is the second part of this series with Maisenju as the main pairing. Takes place after the events of the first series of this fic, “sweet liaisons.” I don’t own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga and Julia Quinn for this romantic book and series.)
“Senju! Are you done yet? You’re going to be late for the special occasion arranged by the Queen herself. It’s not a good image for a lady to be tardy.” Her older brother, Takeomi,   admonished her from downstairs while Senju struggled adjusting the straps of her corset inside her room.
“Give me a few minutes! This dress is bollocks! Why do I even have to wear this ridiculous thing in the first place?!” Senju exclaimed indignantly as she finally laced the straps successfully around her torso but not before holding her damn breath for a few minutes.
Jesus Christ.
Why do women like her must suffer from these societal expectations in the first place?
“It’s not that hard to put on the corset if you listen carefully to what the teacher has been teaching to you before!” Takeomi replied in exasperation. “Also, Haru get the carriage ready so that we won’t be late this evening!” He added.
“I’m on it!” Haruchiyo’s voice rang from the background.
Senju tuned them out and focused on putting the gown next to her body.
“If you’re not down here yet within a minute, I’ll go up there to see what’s the problem!” Takeomi’s annoying voice rang out again.
“Hold your horses! I’m done already!” Senju yelled back in exasperation.
With a one, last inspection on her frame and face in the mirror, she quickly went out and closed the door behind her and walked downstairs.
“Finally!” Takeomi exclaimed before he inspected her critically from head to toe.
“Not bad. Although next time try it with your hair down in curls. That seemed to be the thing these days.” He commented.
Senju rolled her eyes. “Oh hush. I tried my best in making a French braid for this occasion. The least you can do is take notice of them naturally.” She replied in a grumpy voice as she walked diligently inside the carriage.
They finally reached the palace wherein several guests and royal families were already present and going inside.
Senju grew nervous.
Even if she was naturally born confident and used to be under the scrutiny of other people, this was still different because she was facing the Queen at this event.
Her Majesty will choose tonight who will be crowned as the Diamond girl this year.
Senju had no patience for events like this. She’d rather go to the forest and hunt some wild boars or practice fencing while she’s at it.
But alas, if there were advantages in being born in an upper-class, royal family there were disadvantages as well.
Especially if she’s the only female sibling of the Akashi family and a princess, nonetheless.
The responsibility fell on her to carry their name in the social class and mingle herself with the ladies in the same social stratum and earn herself a status befitting of a princess and marry off an earl or duke for that matter.
Just the mere thought of those weighted responsibilities solely put upon her made her want to throw a fit and leave this place. But she kept her composure and calm.
‘This is just for tonight. Tomorrow you can do whatever you like.’ She chanted at herself as she took a deep breath and got ready.
“Okay remember what we’ve taught and practice beforehand.” Takeomi reminded her when he helped her in getting out of the carriage.
“Yes, my dear brother. You have reminded me of these several times already that I’ve lost count.” She deadpanned.
“This is for your own good and so that you won’t be making any mistakes.” The muffled voice of her other sibling, Haruchiyo said from behind her.
“Oh please. You’re the last person I should hear of this from you.” Senju groused.
“Stop with these childish acts you two.” Takeomi admonished them and Senju kept her mouth shut but not without a small pout gracing her features.
Nevertheless, upon arriving inside the palace, she quickly schooled her features into a pleasant smile and moved with a ladylike grace even though she felt her muscles stiffened at the strict movements of her body.
“Oh my. Princess Senju fancy seeing you here. You look lovely as always.” The light and feminine voice of Hina caught her attention and she beamed at her.
“You look breathtakingly beautiful as well, Lady Hina.” Senju complimented her in a sincere manner. It’s true that Hina was one of the loveliest ladies in their town. And one of the most graceful and dignified as well.
With her alabaster skin, slender frame, beautiful ginger locks and a beatific smile, who wouldn’t fall for her beauty and charms? It’s probably a normal day for her tending to her suitors who visited her abode every day.
Moreover, she wouldn’t be surprised if she earned the Diamond girl status from Her Majesty tonight.
“Oh, shush you... You still got a silver tongue beneath your mischievous nature.” Hina chuckled softly under her breath.
As she was about to respond, another familiar voice caught her attention and turned around to see the smiling face of Emma waving simply and approaching them.
“Princess Senju. Lady Hina. What a pleasant night it is to see you both here.”
“Same here Lady Emma. You’re looking lovely as always.” Senju replied smilingly. Unlike her brother, Mikey, Emma is a pleasant woman to be around and not infuriating. Senju wondered how she could tolerate her brother's impertinence daily.
“Why thank you. I do hope that my brother hasn’t been a nuisance to you lately.” Emma replied jokingly.
“Tell me about it. There hasn’t been a day when he wasn’t bothering me every time when we crossed paths around the city.” Senju replied with a small pout on her face as she took some glass of punch from the waiter who was circling around and giving them.
Emma chuckled softly under her breath. “Forgive my brother. It seems that he has a habit being like that with you.”
“Well, I would appreciate it if you can inform him that he needn’t to do that everyday.” Senju replied as she took a sip from the glass of punch.
Her eyes darted around when she heard some announcement in the middle of the stage.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It’s our pleasure to have you here on this occasion for the annual event of Her Majesty choosing our precious Diamond for this year. As you may know we have gathered some reputable candidates to be crowned for tonight.” A male announcer said and the Queen finally appeared and was sitting down on her throne.
“Oh! It’s finally starting.” Senju uttered to herself and hastily put the glass of punch from the side of the table to make her way towards the direction wherein several female candidates were lined up from the corner.
The next few moments passed in a blur with the ladies performing one by one in front of the Queen with their practiced grace and dignity in front of her.
Senju watched in awe as the ladies before her performed a graceful dance and curtsied in front of the Queen. Hina and Emma’s performance were outstanding in her eyes and they moved as if it they were born for the role itself.
Her heart pounded and her anxiety spiked as her part will be coming soon.
She finally took a deep breath when it was her turn and tried to calm down her frayed nerves.
‘You got this Senju! Your brothers are watching so you need to get it together!’ Her mind tried to cheer for her.
As soon as it was her turn, her mind and body focus on the present situation beforehand and her movements, remembering on what was taught to her by her governess. Her movements were fluid and clear as she danced elegantly to the tune of a minuet which was a stately ballroom performed under the courts.
The audience watched her in rapt attention and captivation as she moved in a slow yet elegant manner against her assigned partner.
It was already nearing perfect when she accidentally stepped on her gown and stumbled down on the ground.
‘Oh bollocks! Why did it have to be now!’ Senju’s mind raced at her mistake before she quickly stood up as if nothing happened and resumed dancing the few remaining steps and tune of the piece.
She quickly bowed when she was finished and went to the side.
“You were great out there.” Emma whispered sincerely beside her.
“I’m glad that you think so even if I may have ruined it in the end.” Senju whispered back with a wry smile on her.
“Oh hush. Everyone makes a mistake. At the very least you’re still graceful at the end.”
Senju was about to reply when the announcer’s voice chimed in at the stage once again.
“Tonight we’ve seen these wonderful ladies with their immense talents of course. But only one can prevail. And for tonight’s Diamond coronation, Her Majesty is bestowing the crown to Lady Emma Sano of the Sano family.”
Emma’s eyes grew wide for a moment before a surprise yet victorious smile broke out from her lips.
Senju quickly hugged her before she let go. “Congratulations Lady Emma! You certainly deserved it. Now go get your crown up there.”
Emma hugged her back before she pulled away. “Thank you, Princess Senju.” She murmured before she made her way up the stage and accepted the crown bestowed by the Queen on her head.
Senju gave a round of applause amongst the crowd. There was no ill-feeling of envy or regret in her bones as she knew that there were other outstanding and well deserving ladies who much deserved it rather than her.
Nevertheless, there might be a lecture waiting for her back in the household from her older brother again of not trying her best.
Oh well.
Best of luck next time.
“Ah, finally. Some peace and quiet.” Senju sighed in contentment as she sat on the grassy field filled with small flowers. She took a quick detour and a needed break from the bustling crowd inside the palace.
Her eyes gazed upwards to the sky which was filled with countless stars that made up for the brilliant darkness tonight.
“I’m getting sleepy. Hopefully, the occasion will be over soon.” Senju mumbled to herself.
“It’s a good thing that the household princess doesn’t trip or bumped into someone with that tall heel of yours.” The familiar, idle voice sang from the background which made Senju ground her teeth and faced him with an exasperated smile on her face.
“If it isn’t the infamous viscount or should I say the manchild of the Sano household.” She quipped back, looking at him from head to toe with an unimpressed look on her face.
Although she inwardly admitted that Mikey looked dashing in a velvet crimson robe which had a circular cut, a pair of shiny, coal hued boots and a nice woolen white cloth inside his robes which leant him a regal, sophisticated aura despite his miniature height and youthful, vibrant face. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t admit that outwardly to him. His ego was huge enough like an inflated balloon and she didn’t want him to get the idea that she was disgustingly smitten towards him like of those other women who was besotted and would probably throw themselves at his feet if given a chance.
Senju was better than that and had more acquired tastes thank you very much.
“And you’re the infamous princess who moves like a man and curses like a sailor.” Mikey replied playfully.
“Have you ever heard of the word assertive and adventurous? I guess not when you’re used to women who threw themselves at you.” Senju snorted. “And what brings you here by the way?”
“Me? I’m just the dignified chaperone of my sister tonight considering that Ken has already resume his duties as a duke and travelled to another land away from here. And maybe I’m the good luck charm seeing that she won tonight!” Mikey replied with an impish grin on his face.
“Oh please. Don’t think highly of yourself. Lady Emma won because of her grace and efforts and not because of you or someone else.” She scoffed lightly.
“What can I say? Being successful and victorious runs in our blood.”
“God, I’m just speechless at your conceited nature.”
It made Mikey laugh in amusement while Senju rolled her eyes and looked away.
After a while, Mikey refrained from laughing until it was quiet between the two of them but only for a moment.
“Even if you didn’t get the coveted Diamond status from the royal family tonight, you’re still great on your own.” He said quietly.
His words made Senju turn around to face him before looking away, feeling the tips of her ears growing hot.
She needed to leave this place and away from this viscount who’s making her feel strange inside.
Senju tried to get up, but it proved to be a struggle due to the weight of her gown.
Her actions were noticed by Mikey who looked at her curiously.
“Where are you going?”
“Away from you.” She retorted. “It’s a lovely and peaceful night here before your presence has ruined it.” She added with a scoff before she tried to stand up again, but it was futile.
“Need some help?” He asked with a hint of amusement.
Senju glared at him before a deep sigh left her lips.
“Yes please.” She muttered as she accepted his offered hand and tried to stand up again but not before she lost her balance and toppled down.
Together they tumbled down on the grassy field with Senju laying on top of him while Mikey laid beneath her.
They looked at each other with wide eyes before Senju struggled to pull herself away from him, her cheeks burning in mortification.
And that’s how one of the maids from the palace found them in the garden under a compromising position.
‘Couldn’t this night get any better?’ She thought sardonically to herself.
The next day at the Akashi household...
“A new romance has bloomed in one enchanting night? Princess Senju and Viscount Mikey share a special night together under the radiant garden of the Palace.” Takeomi read loudly at the first page of broadside that morning.
Senju could only heaved a deep breath before sipping the cup of Earl Grey slowly to her lips.
“You’ve been seeing Viscount Mikey without any chaperone? Lady Whistledown is having a field day with your scandals.” Haruchiyo snorted as he prepared a cup of coffee for himself.
“You know how Lady Whistledown is. So stop believing her stories for a moment. It’s quite exaggerated sometimes. Besides, I am not going out with that fool! Hell freezes over that happens!” She exclaimed indignantly.
“Language.” Takeomi warned her.
“But it was an accident! I just stumbled upon him and—.” Senju stopped midway before getting up. “It’s no use. Just don’t pay attention to those bollocks.” She grumbled as she began walking out of the house.
“Where are you going young lady?” Takeomi asked.
“Just at the market. I may need to buy something to ease my growing vexation towards this nonsense. Don’t worry I’ll be back in a moment.” Senju didn’t wait for Takeomi’s response and took her hat, putting it on and leaving the house.
“Just let her go for now big brother. Senju is growing up and she’ll grow out of that phase.” Haru said casually.
“I can’t believe I’m dealing with you two.” Takeomi replied in resignation before shaking his head and focusing back on reading the next page of his broadside.
“Oh no I’m late! I need to deliver these parcels soon to Mrs. Springfield and—.” Takemichi’s hasty murmurs to himself and running across the street were cut off when he suddenly bumped into someone, resulting in his parcels falling to the ground and him stumbling on his feet.
“Can’t you see where you’re going you fool?” An exasperated voice caught his attention, and he was met by a young man who was dressed majestically and possessed an aura that screamed of royalty and wealth.
‘Is he a member of the royal family? If he is, then I should’ve known him! But it’s the first time I’ve seen his face around here.’ Takemichi’s thoughts raced inside his head as he tried to get up and bowed respectfully at him.
“My deepest apologies Sir! It’s not my intention to ruin your day in this city. I am just in a hurry to deliver these important parcels!” There was a tinge of regret and apology in his tone, but he still didn’t raise his head for fear of disrespecting him again.
“Do you know my name boy?” The man asked haughtily.
“N-no...” Takemichi stammered. Was he supposed to know him?
The man looked at him with a cruel amusement on his eyes and a complacent smile on his lips.
“Raise your head boy.” He ordered.
Takemichi quickly complied and stared into his eyes which were startingly deep blue. He possessed an aristocratic nose and a small yet perfectly shaped pair of lips. He tried not to be distracted by the arresting features of the man and tried to focus on the present situation at hand.
“I am an Earl. An Earl you foolishly bumped into. And for me to be able to forgive you, kneel before me and kiss my shoes.” The man remarked casually as he inspected his nails in a disinterested manner.
“P-pardon sir...?” Takemichi paled as he blinked at him owlishly.
“You heard me, right? Or your line of hearing has a defect too and I must need to repeat myself?” The man replied sardonically.
Before Takemichi could reply, a familiar, casual yet firm voice rang behind him which made him turn around and met the displeased expression of Chifuyu in front of him.
“Takemichi? Is this fellow bothering you?”
“Prince Chifuyu!” Takemichi gave a quick, respectful bow before standing up straight. “This is nothing that you should be worried about—.”
“Oh? Who is this interesting lad beside you hmm? It seems that she’s gotten up at the wrong side of the bed.” Kaiser cut him off silkily and asked in his usual airy voice.
“It’s Prince Chifuyu to you.” The blond glared at him and for his impertinent words.
“Oh, my bad. My name is Earl Michael Kaiser. But you can address me as Michael if you want.” Kaiser remarked with a playful wink thrown over his direction.
“I believed it is not appropriate to address you so casually when were not even acquiantances.” Chifuyu huffed. “Also, I would appreciate it if you stop harassing my friend and let him do whatever errands he needs to do today.” He added stonily.
Kaiser raised his hands placatingly. “I seek no trouble Prince Chifuyu. In fact, I’m getting acquianted with the citizens here seeing that I may stay here for awhile.”
Chifuyu was about to retort when the rushing footsteps from the background caught his attention and saw a young man with dark blue hair and dressed in a formal whiteshirt and light brown pants.
“My Lord! Where have you been? Your Grace has been looking for you!” He exclaimed when his eyes landed on the familiar figure of the royal prince which made him bow immediately.
“Good day Prince Chifuyu! Please forgive me for not being able to greet you first when I came here.” He said in an apologetic voice.
“Calm down Yoichi. I’m sure that my absence for a few minutes will not merit any hindrance or trouble to the events at all.” Kaiser remarked idly.
“Good day to you too Sir Yoichi. Are you with the Earl Kaiser?” He asked.
“Yes. I’m one of his advisors. And we’re here because we’ve been invited by the Queen for an event in this place.” Isagi replied when his eyes landed on the familiar figure of Takemichi whose eyes lit up in recognition but both kept their silence for the meantime.
“I see. It seems that the Earl has taking into a liking of this place seeing that he was already going for a stroll around the streets.” Chifuyu remarked.
“Indeed Prince Chifuyu. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we must be going on our way now.” Isagi replied in an apologetic voice.
“Of course. Don’t let us hold you both back.” Chifuyu replied in a congenial voice before he narrowed his gaze at Kaiser to which the other male smirked at him.
“We’ll be on our way then.” Isagi gave a quick respectful bow and shot a meaningful glance at Takemichi before he pulled the Earl away going back to their carriage and left them behind.
“That Earl is something else entirely.” Chifuyu said with a frown on his face. “He didn’t hurt you or anything Takemichi?”
Takemichi shook his head. “Not really. ‘Sides it’s quite my fault for bumping into him earlier. But I do appreciate your good timing. Now, I really need to go and deliver these items to Mrs. Springfield. See you later!” He quickly bid goodbye and ran off to the other side of the street.
Chifuyu watched him go, shaking his head a little before heading back to his own carriage and going back to the castle.
(A/N: Well, that’s wrap for the first chapter. The next and last chapter may take a while to be uploaded as I’m on a hectic schedule now with work. Hopefully, you’ll be patient enough to wait as it is. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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brokenhardies · 2 months
Another, for the OTP ask game! :D #8, 14, 20, 31, 42, 49 annndd 50 for Madoka/Yusuke/Haru (because there's three of them lol)
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
Madoka needs to be babied. Haru and Yusuke straight up will ignore the fact that they're sick and just power through everything until Madoka sits either of them down with tea and soup. Yusuke's pretty awful with that - mostly due to Madarame - but Madoka and Haru are teaching him to be better!
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
The trio are all very... eccentric. However, Madoka's down-to-earth 'too cool' nature tends to clash with Yusuke's more eccentric and fantastical outward appearances, as well as Haru's deeply caring personality. Haru's sadism also drives a wrench between the trio :')
20. Choose one song that perfectly describes their relationship.
Golden by Harry Styles (im pretty sure my old ship tag for them was 'i know that you're scared (because hearts get broken)')
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
Yusuke is very sensitive to touch and Madoka's a bit more standoffish. Haru on the other hand... Yeah, she can't do that. Yusuke and Madoka are fine and there's Haru, with one hand on Yusuke's knee and another on Madoka's arm :')
42. What’s their favorite type of weather to enjoy together? (getting snowed in together, watching thunderstorms, etc.)
Thunderstorms. Oh god, Yusuke loves drawing them and it's a great conversation starter between the three of them. They just sit there and watch the clouds get darker as Yusuke pulls out his sketch book and it's just great quality time!
49. Does either of them have a hard time being away from the other?
Yusuke's an introvert, so he's fine with spending time alone or with just one of his partners. Madoka's an extrovert and much more clingy when it comes to Yusuke and Haru - when Haru was at uni studying business, Madoka basically would spend hours checking her phone for texts from Haru :'). Haru's much more in the middle - she's not as clingy as Madoka but not as distant as Yusuke, so she acts as a neat happy medium!
50. who’s more likely to do something out of spite?
Everyone thinks it's Madoka or Haru, but Yusuke is more likely. If Sugimura comes back into Haru's life, Yusuke is the most likely to try to scare him away. It's a miracle that he can't summon Goemon/Kamu Susano-o/Gorokichi outside the metaverse, bc Sugimura would be an ice statue.
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yusuke-of-valla · 9 months
Yusuke: I learned this art trick from Chidori, but she doesn't remember teaching me it because she died and then forgot everything when she came back to life.
Yusuke: She also held me hostage one time but that's not really relevant
Makoto: How is it not relevant?
Yusuke: Well you see, my legal guardian's grandfather experimented on her as a child so she joined a death cult that was trying to stop my siblings from stopping the end of the world
Sumire: please don't bring up Mina-nii and Hamu-nee like that
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erinatactica · 10 months
Hiiii! I'm still pretty early on in the game (like the all PT *just* got un-brainwashed early), but I LOVE Erina and the amazing voicework you've done for her 🤩
I'm really curious...if Sojiro got pulled into the Kingdom with the rest of the PT, how do you think his and Erina's interactions would be like?
congrats on un-brainwashing the crew!!! and thank you!
i think erina would love sojiro!!! 1) she loves food 2) silly old man <3.
and.. despite erina's.... bombastic presence, i think her heart would charm sojiro... so I think they'd get along well! that concept of her and yusuke downing curry..... like i can see them just hounding sojiro for plate after plate. maybe he'd give her some lessons? help teach her recipes to feed the troops? banquet night at leblanc!
i also think, similar to the vein of his relationship to makoto, sojiro would be impressed by her maturity! he'd probably think she's a good influence,... to an extent!
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