#ted poor
jt1674 · 1 year
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radiofauxshow · 4 months
Song of the Day: May 26, 2024
Andrew Bird, Alan Hampton, & Ted Poor: Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise Softly, As In A Morning Sunrise on Amazon Prime Music Sunday is jazz day, and a wonderful new collection jazz standards has just been released by Andrew Bird. Indie-rock icon Bird provides vocals and violin, and is joined by Ted Poor on drums and Alan Hampton on bass, as well as occasional guitar from Jeff Parker and Larry…
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that feeling when you accidentally hit on the mother of the reincarnated guardian moon princess who you've sworn to protect until the next silver millennium
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manicgoblin · 1 year
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hilacopter · 5 months
fuck it I made these when I was bored
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donospl · 2 years
Cuong Vu Trio "Cuong Vu Trio Meets Pat Metheny"
Cuong Vu Trio “Cuong Vu Trio Meets Pat Metheny”
Nonesuch Records, 2016 Noneusch Records wydało na początku maja dwa tytuły z udziałem Pata Metheny’ego. Jednym z nich jest płyta tria Cuonga Vu, wieloletniego współpracownika gitarzysty To materiał całkowicie premierowy, a znakomity gitarzysta nominalnie jest tu tylko gościem pochodzącego z Wietnamu trębacza. Skład zespołu uzupełniają basista Stomu Takeishi oraz perkusista Ted Poor. Autorem…
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second-hand-heaven · 1 year
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three tickets to barbie please
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eirianerisdar · 4 months
Ted just said with his full chest that he "hopes the Imola cat is okay, I haven't seen him all weekend."
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tennessoui · 4 months
wait lol au where post-war, the jedi order does a date auction a la every cliche ever where they auction off a date night with one of their jedi generals. it's supposed to raise credits for various post-war charities as well as stoke good feelings about the order (the smear campaign was pretty effective, even if sidious died before the genocide bit)
obviously both the hero with no fear and the negotiator are put on the metaphorical chopping block. anakin is a Good Husband™️ so he clears this with Padmé first, and she laughs and agrees and wishes him luck in surviving the hoards of fans that desire him carnally. she says as a senator, she will be expected to attend and maybe even bid. they both agree that it would be way too obvious for their super secret marriage if she bids on anakin, and anakin asks her to bid on obi-wan in a spur of the moment thing.
it's just. obi-wan was really hurt aboard the invisible hand and then he was hurt again when fighting with grievous. and is anyone vetting these random people who will get to go on a date with the jedi? anyone could win!! a disgruntled separatist could win obi-wan's attention for a night and then take him on a date and then kill him!!!! under anakin's very nose!!!
anakin actually gets like. super concerned about this possibility. like super concerned. he gets padmé to promise that she will bid however much it takes to win obi-wan's hand (she is after all generationally wealthy) and she agrees because she loves him and then also follows through because she's a woman of her word.
anakin gets bid on by several people, one woman wins, it's whatever, anakin doesn't care. what anakin cares about is making sure he and this person can go to the same restaurant as obi-wan and padmé. just like. to make sure obi-wan is alright. he was looking quite flushed during the bidding? anakin is Concerned.
and anakin's poor date, who paid millions of credits for his attention, has to deal with an anakin who is obsessed with what's happening a table over and why are they laughing and are their knees touching beneath the table and maybe anakin should go over and like? break it up? his master is obviously a bit uncomfortable in all this candlelight. he looks beautiful, obviously, but he's clearly uncomfortable and he would feel better if anakin were there. obviously.
and anakin's poor date ALSO has to deal with meeting obi-wan kenobi after/during dinner because anakin can't keep in his lane, and general kenobi is downright hostile and cold to her because he's feeling incredibly overprotective at the thought of anakin having to spend time with some woman who bought him. as if he were a slave again.
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bsdtual · 5 months
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This chapter drove me insane wtf
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elloras · 11 months
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manicgoblin · 1 year
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F—k Tex-ass Republicans!
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itsstilltru · 1 month
I honestly want to see what non slug Ted looks like in your art style! :D
Now that you mention it I wondered the same thing so here we are! :D He has no idea the horrors he’s about to witness.
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While I was drawing this lovely guy I had a thought… What if, years later, AM turned him back into a human?
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what then?
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[part 2]
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bookshelf-in-progress · 2 months
Now that I know more about writing, I'm upset at all the writing advice that urged new writers to find the one best way to write stories, when they should be telling us to play with writing techniques like toys.
Don't tell us to avoid certain points of view! Don't box us into the one currently popular prose style! Let us play and see what effects different techniques achieve, so we can learn the best ways to make use of them! Give us a whole ton of possibility instead of one cookie-cutter template!
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aludraslytherin · 9 months
Why the fuck, when the Fidelius Charm was cast, did they not think to make a goddamn unbreakable vow !? Like, it's so obious ???
And Sirius ? They can literally take a memory into a pensine something and watch it, they have legilimency for crying out loud !! They have veritaserum ! So whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ??? It's so stupid!
And Dumbledore ! oh this sorry excuse of a human being !
He knew that Peter was the secret keeper ! So WHY IN THE EVERLY MOTHERLY FLIBBIDY FUCK didn't he said so ???
It makes me so fucking crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
And everyone that is like 'ThE BoY WhO LiVeD' 'hE DefEtEd tHe DaRk lOrD' erh, NO ?! It was thanks to LILY ?? He was just an INFANT who had the chance to be under a protecting spell created by LILY when she SACRIFIED HERSELF for her son ? Why is everybody forgeting about her ??
Oh, and don't start me about Snape !
'hE wAs BulLiEd bY JaMeS, HiS WoRsE MeMoRy iS HiM BeinG BuLliEd' Yeah, because he called Lily a slur
'hE WaS jUsT MiSuNdErStoOd' No, he was a death eater, fully believing in Voldy's BS,he only changed side because the girl he was obsessed with was in danger... Because of HIM ! People tend to forget that he was the one searching and giving the prophecy to the dArK LoRd, resulting in Lily's death.
And, 'JaMeS WaS jUsT A BulLy' We only sees him throught Snape's pov, aka, when he got 'bullies'c after he called Lily a mudblood.
And if James is a bully, doesn't that mean the Snape is one too ? No because :
-He made fun of Hermione for her teeth
-He bullies his students
-he exposed Remus when he had no reason for, since he is the one brewing the wolfsbane potion
-he hates and bullies the son of 'the love of his life' because Harry had the infortune of looking like his father, that Snape resents
-he was a death eater
-he is a racist
-he is a blood supremacis
-he is Neville worst fear, the boy who literally had his parents torturedby Bellatrix. Shouldn't she be his boggart ?? But noooo, it's our 'wonderful and misunderstood' Snape
-when he hugged Lily's body, while her son was crying his eyes out, being hurt, seeing his mother die, having blood on his forehead, and then leaving the house without even comforting or taking Harry to Saint-Mungos !!
-blamed James for bullying him, when he created Sectum Sempra, and was into dark magic !
-trying to make Harry expelled
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