littlenekosfan · 3 years
i had a thought... a very sad one, i vaguely mentioned it in one of my previous posts, but i think making a post alone emphasize better the point i wanna talk about.. jugram’s lack of empathy
jugram and bazz had known each other for 6 months when bazz looses his home, this is clearly enough for 2 people to get to know each other right...? not quite, its not easy given their background and situation and i think the scene with the fire proves it that it wasnt
i estimate their age here around 12, so they are still kids but socializing isnt awkward like very young kids who cant properly communicate or teenagers who often already have a personality and circle established, around their age they often like to find a new friend to befriend and they often pick people who they relate to or have similar interest, in this case, their personality dont click, but do have that desire to find someone, find a friend, since they both cant find one for different reasons
these are assumptions ofc, but i think bazz doesnt have friends because of his personality and maybe even his status, i dont think people wants to be friend with him, he’s not a “normal” kid, he’s a genius and arrogant, what’s the charm to that? as for jugram, i think its not only how him and his uncle are very isolated from the village, but also jugram not even acknowledging the concept of friendship, having a friends
and for that, they will have different reasons to why they befriended the other, bazz initially just wanted to tease jugram for fun, but seeing his actual weakness and hopelessness to his situation (with abuse), he couldnt bear the idea of leaving him, he does believe the weaker should be helped by the stronger, and i cant blame him for thinking like that, he’s after all, still a kid, and for jugram, he wasnt aware of the concept of making friends but it doesnt mean he didnt need it, he was very reluctant of the idea at first, but seeing the care and love bazz gave in that small exchange, made him realize his feelings matters too, he wanted to keep that and being friend with bazz would give him that new flame in his empty heart
all that to say, despite hanging together occasionally during 6 months (because, they still had their normal life on their side, bazz had a home, parents, jugram needed to hunt if he wanted to eat and his uncle is demanding) it wasnt enough to make them close, and this is not bc of the time or frequency they would see each other but their own background, jugram never felt empathy, not even sympathy, the only true glimpse he got from it was from bazz from the few times they hanged and ofc that’s clearly not enough to undo years of trauma and mistreating
so when i see the jugram from when he was a kid to a teenager, the gap is huge, its very impressive and i would even say comforting
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here when bazz looses his home, he’s so devastated that he collapse onto his knees and even cry (deducing from the panel) but jugram isnt even fazed by that, and i mean, not about his uncle, but his own friend’s grief, its not that he couldnt relate to the loss of parents or dear people, he simply cant, since he never experienced love and even less empathy, so for jugram, comforting bazz isnt even something natural because nobody comforted him before, jugram lacks a lot of socialization and understanding human emotions because nobody told him crying is okay, nobody gave him a hug, nobody taught him how to love, because he was never loved
this is why when i see jugram as a teen, i see someone who recovered so much from trauma and living not with a mask bc he never had one back then, he was just broken, he lives as a self who is loved and cared better than the kid he used to be
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its small like that, but his closeness, physically, and his emotions being very openly worrisome... it just gets me, i just *heart shatters* THEIR PERSONAL SPACE IS JUST, NOT THERE BC THEY ARE THAT CLOSE I- *CRIES*
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ahem, there is this panel...... oh my god, he actually touched him....... i honesly cant recall all their physical contact, but to be so little, this is not only important but also very normal
its now normal for jugram to worry, to care, to have empathy toward someone because you care about them, he started to understand being physical and getting a hold of people you care about is something natural, and this is such a big growth in his character...
from a child who was broken from birth (not referring to his quincy heritage, but his environment, where/who he grew up with) who couldnt understand the feelings to care and sympathize with someone to a teenager who empathizes and care about the people he loves....
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maybe-your-left · 3 years
you know what i want from you....
double wide & a teddy.... that’s all i’ve been wanted... taste this and tell me it isn’t salmon
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FIRST OF ALL how dare you. 
second, yes DOUBLE WIDE CANOE. 
“Darlin’,” Clyde called from the garage, “Have y’ seen my fishin’ pole? Ren n I are goin’ out tomorrow. I need t’ have this all done before he comes by n’ messes with my system.” 
You shook your head, finishing up a batch of fudge brownies. Carefully packing them for the kids to take some to school, and the rest would be stuffed in Clyde’s ‘food’ cooler for tomorrow. You had also made a helping of lunch options for both boys, since Clyde only eats bologna sandwiches when fishing... or whenever he can. However, Kylo is not a bologna man. 
He nearly fainted when he ate it accidentally when Clyde abused him at his work, apparently he took Clyde’s ‘lunch briefcase’ by accident. Don’t ask for details, Kylo was very upset. 
So, you improvised with other foods you knew he had come to like with being around your family. Stuffing the cooler to the brim with beer, Irish whiskey, and plenty of snacks for your Big Bear. 
And his angry sidekick. 
Clyde slid into bed early, kissing behind your ear as he whispered how much he loved you. Wrapping a heavy paw around your waist as the two of you drifted off to sleep. You were torn from a lovely dream about being childless and running around in a field by your husband jumping out of bed. Mumbling to himself, quietly shouting to himself, where he left his things. This was followed by a second set of long legs joining you in your bedroom. 
Hands set on either side of your head, “Am I going to have to eat bologna on this deathtrap?” 
“Kylo?” you mumbled, squinting up into the dark. Only to be met with long hair brushing your face and an angry snarl on your second favorite person's lips. 
“No-no,” you yawned, rolling away from him to cuddle into Clyde’s pillow, “I made you some other stuff-it’s just packed away.” 
A grunt, “Thank you,” followed by an aggressive kiss to the forehead before Kylo stomped away. Clyde sat down next to you, holding your cheek in his palm, stroking it with his thumb, “Can you please be careful? I don’t want to fish you out of a river later today.” 
“Clyde this boat isn’t big enough for both of us.” 
“Sure it is!” 
Kylo glared at him, they had driven for an hour since leaving the Logans and now Clyde was packing up this sorry excuse of a boat for them to ‘fish along the riverside’. 
“Is one of them, double-wide canoes.” 
Kylo held his face in his hands, considering for a moment how easy it would be to get away with murder. He watched enough True Crime, he could do it, just needed to have an alibi so after he drowns Clyde he could go back and swoop you away from the hell that is having 6 children. 
“Let’s go, buddy!” Clyde threw a pole at Kylo, “We only have enough snacks t’ last us about four hours.” 
“And then what?” 
Clyde looked at Kylo with a somber look, “Then it’s survival of the fittest my friend.” 
All the girls were sprawled out in the living room, watching some random movie they found on Netflix. Junior was bouncing away in his little chair, babbling nonsense to his sisters. You peaked in for a little, wondering when Clyde and Kylo would be back... 
“Dad just texted me, apparently Clyde dropped his phone in the river,” Violent mumbled to the group. A collective groan sounded, Chloe piped up as she stared at Violent, “Did your dad try and kill him?” 
Violent snorted, “He wouldn’t have to try.” 
“Okay girls,” you needed to stop that before it got out of hand. Violent was nice to only one of your daughters and that was Laramie. She merely tolerated the others because of her best friend, and honestly, she's made even you cry before. 
“They’re here,” Lilly and Lola spoke from the window. 
“Oh thank god,” you muttered, pushing past them to look for yourself. It looked okay, no one was missing, Clyde was muddy and still in his waders, Kylo looked like he was dunked in the river. Both of them unloaded in the garage, bursting in one by one. Clyde greeted you first, “Darlin’ you won’ believe it!” 
“This guy can’t fuckin’ swim!” 
“We were out on the water, jus’ in the canoe-” 
“It's not a canoe.” 
“An I see a huge fish,” Clyde spread his arms wide, “So I shoot it, wasn’ gonna try and catch it normal. And it flopped up right by him, and he fell in!” 
“Kylo,” you questioned, “Is that-” 
He held up his palm, “Clyde I’m going to roll around in your bed. Since you love mud and fish guts so much, you’ll feel right at home when you fall asleep tonight.” 
TAGGING: @finn-ray-nal-beads @onlykyloscenes @candycanes19 @historyandfandoms50 @caelum-phyriina-vermillon @ghoulian13 @mrs-kylo-ren @millenialcatlady @emeraldsiren20 @relationshipwithmybed @dancingmicrobes @wayward-rose  @contesa-lui-alucard @daydreamsofren @insufferablelust @ohdamnadamm @mariesackler @caillea @safarigirlsp @jalexunderthestars @shesakillerkween @glassythoughts @zimmermansbrat @not-the-teen-witch @jynzandtonic @roanniom
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crystalirises · 3 years
Unwanted Ascension
Hello! So rip Fundy here and rip Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo.
Anyway, in the original prompt there was the possibility of Dream and Fundy having to get married, but I do not like arranged marriages, so have them being slight friends here. Maybe. Dream still kinda let Fundy's family die so ya know. It's not exactly FWT since they're teens and they just met XD, but if you want to think they go on to have a good friendship afterwards then okay fair enough.
TW: Kidnapping
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28886223/chapters/78940798
He groaned, hands digging into the blackstone beneath him while he crawled towards the stairs. There was blood on his cheek, on his hair, on his crayon pastel uniform. The bodies had long since despawned, leaving him to the mercy of the enemies. George had knocked him down. He wasn’t sure why he didn’t just get it over with. One stab of the sword wasn’t that hard to do…
There was a hand on his head now, scratching behind his ears in a way that should have made him melt into the touch, but all he could do was scream. He unsheathed his claws, reaching up to scratch at the traitor who had led them all to their demise. Eret backed away before his claws could catch against their skin. He growled, curling up into himself. Out of everyone in the room, he hated Eret the most. They sighed, leaving him to sulk at the bottom of the stairs while they turned to talk to the demon that had haunted his and his dad’s nightmares. That porcelain white mask tilted to the side, beady black eyes seemingly staring into his soul before Dream’s attention snapped back to Eret. They were talking in whispers, ones that didn’t reach his ears. He could feel the others’ stares on him too, they were tense, poised to chase after him if he tried to run up the stairs. He sniffled, wiping at his tears with the edge of his blood-stained uniform sleeve.
Another hand clamped down on his arm, pulling his sleeve away. He glanced up, baring his teeth before a white handkerchief appeared in front of him. George had moved to stand next to him, his face impassive while he tried to wipe away Fundy’s tears. He whined, trying to push the man away but George continued to wipe at his tears. He was trying to shush him, whispering words that Fundy didn’t care to listen to. He kept crying, letting the tears roll past his cheeks. He heard someone sit down beside him, a hand rubbing gentle circles at his back. He kept crying. He didn’t like these people. He wanted to be with his dad, in their van, in L’Manburg. He buried his face in arms, refusing to let George anywhere near his face. He wanted his dad. He wanted his uncles. He wanted to go home. They continued to console him, promising that he was safe.
“Dad… Dad… Dad, please save me… I want to go home. I want my dad.”
“You’ll be alright, Fundy.” A new voice broke through the mumbling, he looked up, whimpering when Eret kneeled down in front of him. He trusted them once. He pulled his knees closer to his chest, tail wrapping around his waist while his ears pressed back against his head. Eret tried to reach for him, hesitating before finally withdrawing their hand. George and Punz had left his side the moment Eret approached, but he could still feel their stares. Eret shrugged off his blue coat, and Fundy couldn’t help but feel bitter. Eret didn’t deserve to wear L’Manburg’s uniform. They were a traitor. They let his dad and uncles die. They probably wanted him dead too. Eret held onto their coat, attention turning towards Fundy’s own coat. “Wear my coat instead. It’s cleaner.”
He hesitated. He wanted nothing from Eret, but he could feel the blood on his clothes. His dad’s blood. He trembled, slowly shrugging off the coat before reaching for Eret’s. They snatched it away from Eret’s hands, tossing them a harsh glare before draping the coat over his shoulders. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend it was his dad’s coat. If he didn’t breathe too deeply, he could pretend that it wasn’t Eret’s scent that he was smelling. “What are you going to do to me?”
“Nothing. You’re safe, Fundy. They won’t hurt you… I won’t hurt you.” Eret tried to reach for him, but Fundy growled. They sighed, taking a single step away from him, raising both their hands in an attempt to placate him. Fundy buried his face in their coat, willing himself to think it was his dad’s. He heard someone move towards them, he spared a glance up, freezing once he realized it was Dream. The mask had been moved, enough that Fundy could see the smug grin on the man’s face. He let out a low growl, darting away from the stairs so he could hide behind Eret. He didn’t trust them, but they were more terrified of Dream. Eret let him cling to their arm, claws digging into the cloth and pressing into skin. “This is difficult to process, I know. But I want you to understand that I did this for your sake too. You won’t have to fight anymore.”
“Why?” His voice sounded small to his ears. It made him feel helpless. He looked over at the stairs, wishing that his dad and uncles would come back to save him. Eret shifted, turning to look Fundy directly in the eyes. He hugged the coat closer to himself, biting the inside of his cheek. He didn’t know what Eret wanted from him. He had nothing to offer. Maybe he was leverage? Leverage against L’Manburg and his dad? He shook his head, eyebrows furrowing in thought. “I won’t help you! I don’t want to help you! I’m not a traitor! I won’t help! I won’t一”
“Shhh, no, that’s not what I meant. You won’t have to fight anymore because there’s no need to. The war will soon be over and the Essempy does not actually need any child soldiers.” Fundy raised a brow, backing off from Eret. His back pressed against the wall, there was nowhere for him to go. Dream had remained where he was - standing right in front of the stairs, and Eret was right in front of Fundy. “The deal I made with Dream was that I would be the Essempy’s spy. Any vital information shared with me was to be immediately reported back to the Essempy. This room was created in the case that L’Manburg were desperate enough for supplies, in the case that they were finally losing. In exchange for my help and for intel, I was offered the high position of King of the Essempy and, as was my own request, for your life to be spared in the final attack.”
“I didn’t ask for you to spare me!” He snapped, baring his teeth in the hope that Eret would at least flinch. They didn’t. He felt tears run down his cheeks again. “I just want to be with dad!”
“I know. But I couldn’t stand by and let you die.”
Fundy sniffled, pulling the coat closer around himself.
“I am now the King of the Essempy, and you… you are now the prince.”
Eret sighed, pressing a hand against his shoulder.
“This will be a better life for you, Fundy. I promise.”
“Fundy?” He heard Eret’s voice echo through the hallway, footsteps muffled by the carpet. He held his breath, hoping that the sunlight didn’t give away his position. Fundy had found a nice alcove to hide in for the day, far away from the prying eyes of the public, from the servants who kept fussing over his hair and clothes, and from Eret who was supposed to be his new parent. He buried himself deeper into the pillows, hoping that they would be enough to hide him. He heard Eret’s footsteps pass by, the king calling out for him even while their voice faded off into the distance. He held his breath, waiting until he could no longer hear them. This could be a ruse of sorts, a ploy to get him out of hiding. He didn’t want to leave the small haven he had found, it was his and nobody should ruin it for him. He didn’t drag all those pillows over for nothing!
He huffed, burying himself underneath one of the large fluffy blankets that one of the servants had given him. The alcove he had found was next to a really large window, one that overlooked the castle gardens. Eret had planted a few tulips on the grounds. They had asked if Fundy wanted to help them but he had refused to talk to them ever since Eret had dragged him back to the Essempy castle. He wanted nothing to do with them. He wanted to go home to his dad and his uncles. He wanted to go back to the camarvan. He wanted to play with Tommy and Tubbo again. He wanted to hear his dad sing. He wanted to hear his dad call him ‘his little champion’ again.
Fundy sniffled, eyes turning to look over at the distant lands. He could see L’Manburg’s flag waving against the clear blue sky. He smiled to himself. At least they were free. He sighed. He wondered if his dad thought about him still, or if he’d moved on in favor of his beloved nation. Fundy wasn’t sure which outcome he preferred. He was content to fall asleep there - let the castle fall into panic for a few hours once they realized the young prince was sort-of missing - but then he heard the curtains rustle behind him. He jumped, eyes turning to see a familiar porcelain mask staring down at him. He shivered, pulling the blankets closer to himself while Dream sat on the space beside him. The man did nothing but stare out the window, attention turning towards the L’Manburgian flag for one moment before turning back to look at Fundy. He tried not to scream for Eret. He could handle this on his own. Dream wouldn’t… he wouldn’t hurt him… right?
“I used to spend my days here, when I was younger.” Dream nodded his head a little, and Fundy was unsure if he was actually talking to him or if Dream was talking to himself. Fundy’s ears perked up at the chance of a story though. No one knew who Dream was, except maybe George and Sapnap, but Fundy would like to know who the man behind the mask was. Dream leaned against the stone wall, a hand reaching up to fully adjust his mask. One leg was pulled up to rest against the edge of the mattress, the other was planted against the floor. “It was a good way to escape my responsibilities, even if it was just for an afternoon. My mother expected a lot from me as the crown heir, but some days you just need a moment to yourself. A moment to be alone.”
Fundy didn’t dare to respond. He didn’t really trust Dream enough to actually respond. The mask turned towards him, but he didn’t feel like Dream was glaring at him. It almost felt like Dream was looking for a reaction from him. He tried to stay impassive, but he knew his eyes showed his curiosity. “The servants could never find me. I can see why you’re hiding, they’re alway so—”
“Fussy.” He couldn’t help but say it. Fundy pulled his knees closer to his chest. It was a small alcove and he wanted to stay away from Dream. The man nodded in understanding, a sharp kettle noise appearing from somewhere. Fundy wondered if a servant had just passed by, and if they were carrying a boiling kettle with them. It was a low annoying sound that grated against his ears. Fundy shook his head, leaning his forehead against the glass before biting the inside of his cheek. Guess this alcove wasn’t even his. It had been Dream’s. “How old are you, anyway?”
“I’m sixteen.” He nearly fell off the mattress. One of his hands reached up, grasping the edge of the wall to steady himself from stumbling to the floor. He blinks up at Dream, mouth agape. He sputtered, mind racing with the thought of how that was even possible. Dream tilted his head at him, that same kettle noise breaking through the silence. Seriously, who the hell was carrying boiling kettles nearby? Fundy kept staring at Dream, waiting for an explanation, but the man - no, the boy - wasn’t even saying anything to help soothe Fundy’s thought process. He leaned against the wall, pulling the blanket closer to himself before rolling it into a large fluffy ball. He hugged it close to himself, claws digging into the cloth. Dream was the same age as his uncles. Dream was one year older than him. The tyrant - the demon - who haunted his nightmares was literally a sixteen-year-old. “Surprised? Most people are. They usually expect me to be older.”
“There’s no way you're sixteen!” Despite his fear and the possibility of Dream bringing out a sword and killing him, Fundy moved a bit closer, glaring up at him in disdain. There was no way Dream was sixteen. He was tall, too tall. Fundy raised a hand, placing it on top of his head before measuring his height against Dream. He barely reached past Dream’s shoulder! “Stop lying! There’s no way you're sixteen! You’re too tall, taller than me and taller than Tommy or Tubbo!”
“I’m not that tall. You three are just short.” He sputtered, puffing out his cheeks a bit. He was not that short! … It’s not his fault that he got his mother’s height! Dream was shaking his head, a hand against the mask. Fundy huffed, leaning away from him. He glanced out the window, taking in the view for a moment before forcing himself to look back at Dream. He blinked, surprised to find that Dream had stood up. He looked like he was about to leave. Fundy frowned. He hadn’t had a decent conversation with anyone ever since he got dragged to the castle. He wasn;t allowed to go outside without Eret or without a guard. He wasn’t even allowed to visit L’Manburg. It was nice being able to talk to someone, even if it was Dream. “I know it’s difficult being a prince.”
“I didn’t ask to be a stupid prince.” He stuck out his tongue. The food at the castle was great, but he just wanted to be with his dad and uncles again. “How did you… how did you get through it?”
He heard Dream sigh, saw him reach inside his inventory.
Fundy frowned, watching while Dream pulled out a disdainfully familiar crown.
Dream turned back to look at him, raising his mask to show Fundy a small frown.
He felt Dream place the crown on top of his head.
“You act like a prince. It gets better then.”
Clarification: Eret does not know Dream is sixteen. George and Sapnap know but they let Dream fight cause Dream wants to and he used to be the sort-of ruler of the Essempy before he gave Eret the crown.
Also Eret might be biased cause they only bargained for Fundy's life, which is very OOC so ya know.
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Moments: Part 2 (Supernatural x Teen Wolf)
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Summary: After living a hunter life all these years with her parents, Y/N decided to settle down and take on the normal life. Things change when she gets one phone call from an old friend.
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader, Dean Winchester x reader
Word Count: 1375 words
Warning: swearing, angst
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It was hard trying to get over Stiles, at the time I knew he was the love of my life. After being with Dean and Sam, I’ve realized that my life was too complicated for us to even be back together.
Even if Stiles and I couldn’t be together anymore, he was someone that I would always cherish in my heart. He gave me life while I was down, he was someone I dearly loved and I would never forget that.
Time has passed and I’ve moved on to a new chapter in my life. After I’ve finally decided and opened my heart to find someone new, oddly enough Dean was the one.
Nothing was planned nor I’ve even thought of him as more than a friend growing up but something about him just drew me in. Whatever we had after the random kiss one night led us to something more special and I was grateful that our paths crossed again. 
Dean kissed me passionately as he laid on top of me with his left hand on my side and he leaned on the other. I giggled between kisses, cupping his cheeks.
‘What’s so funny?’ Dean pulled away and smiled.
'I don’t know, I just thought about the time when we first met.’
He smirked and caressed my cheek, 'Who would of thought we’d end up together?’
'Definitely not me. I always had a crush on Sam when I was a kid.’
'Wow, Y/N. Sammy and not me?’
I giggled, 'You were so mean to me and to your brother. Sam was so kind, gentle, sweet-’
'Yeah, yeah yeah. I did suspect you two had something going on. Dad used to tease you two about being married someday.’
'And look where we are now.’ I smiled and poked his nose.
The door to the motel room swung open as Sam popped in with Chinese take-out in his hand. He quickly closed his eyes, 'Guys really? You knew I was coming right back.’
Dean rolled his eyes and got off the bed. 'Shut up, we’re not even naked.’
'I’m glad because if you two were, my eyes would fall off.’ Sam joked, putting the food down on the table.
Hopping off the bed, I took the stack of papers that was on the shelf. 'Here’s all the research I did for tonight’s case.’
'Surprise you did any after seeing you two being busy in the bed.’ Sam sassed as he took the papers from my hand. 'You know for sure he’s going to show up tonight?’
'Oh yeah. The perv only shows up to nightclubs and the one we’re going tonight it’s the only one he hasn’t been in town.’
Dean pumped his fist up, 'Party time baby!’
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
'Can you guys stop dancing together?’ Sam fussed. 'We need to find the shapeshifter.’
'Come on, man. Lighten up.’ Dean tapped his brother’s arm. 'We’re just keeping an eye out and besides, we need to have fun sometime.’
I smiled and took my hand out, 'Aw. He just probably wants someone to dance with. Just dance with me.’
Sam’s cheek turned slightly pink, even in the dark club it was obvious. 'No, I didn’t mean it like that I was ju-’
'It’s okay.’ I held his hand. 'We’ll be right back, Dean.
'You could’ve just found a girl to dance with, why did you have to take mine?’ Dean huffed. 'I need a shot.’
Watching Dean walk away to the bar, I smiled at Sam. 'Show me what you got.’
'Y/N, you know I don’t dance.’
'To be honest, I just got Dean to go for a while so you didn’t have to third wheel.’ I giggled, 'Sorry I always cockblock you and your brother.’
Sam laughed, 'I don’t care about that. I’m glad that Dean found someone that can make him happy.’
'Y/N?’ I heard a voice that sounded familiar but couldn’t quite grasp who it was. I felt a light tug on the back of my shirt.
I turned around and saw a face that I haven’t seen in over three years. 'Stiles?’
'Oh my-’ Stiles smiled widely, reaching out for a hug.
As I hugged him back, all the old memories flooded back. It felt as if I was going to cry, but I did my best to keep the tears in. 'Wow, it’s been forever since I’ve seen you.’
He nodded and then noticed I was with a guy. 'Uhm, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.’
'No, no. This is Sam, a friend of mine.’
Sam waved his hand at him, greeting him for the first time.
'I’m Stiles, an old friend from college.’
'Nice to meet you.’ Sam smiled, 'I’m going to go look for Dean. You two can catch up.’
Stiles paused, waiting for Sam to walk away. 'How long have you been back in California?’
'We’re just passing by. We’re actually in a middle of a hunt right now.’
'So I’m guessing you’re with him now? Figure you’d give me a call or something when you’re in town.’ Stiles said nervously.
Scratching my head, I bit my lip shyly. 'I’m not with Sam. Actually I’m with his brother, Dean.’
'I’m sorry, Stiles.’ Seeing disappointment in his eyes made my heart hurt, I didn’t know what to do. 'I’ve held on to you for a long time, I really did but I couldn’t do it anymore. I had to move on.’
He nodded, 'I’m not mad or upset at you Y/N. I’m upset at myself for not trying harder. I should’ve left a call, wrote a letter or something.’
'It’s not your fault. Don’t blame yourself, it wouldn’t worked out either way.’
'Guess we weren’t meant to be, huh.’
I shook my head, 'I guess not.’
'At least you’re happy now, right?’
'Dean is a great guy. He treats me special and he makes me really happy, Stiles.’
Stiles smiled, I could tell he was faking it. 'I’m glad Y/N.’
'Uhm, I should get going. The boys will get mad if I’m off task.’
'Yeah, I understand. I’ll see you around.’
'Good luck with everything.’ I waved goodbye as I saw Stiles walking away into the large crowd.
Hoping that Sam and Dean at least identified the shapeshifter, I went to the bar where I last saw them.
Sam was nowhere to be found but Dean was sitting in the stool, taking shots by himself. I approached him from behind, 'Hey babe.’
Without a word, he acknowledged me by nodding. 'One more shot please.’
'How many is that?’
'Why do you care?’ Dean asked sternly.
'Because we’re in the middle of the hunt.’
He huffed, 'You were busy with your ex but I can’t get a few drinks? Sounds hypocritical.’
That moment was when I realized that Dean was upset because he was jealous. Knowing him since I was a little kid, it was typical Winchester move.
'Stiles and I broke up three years ago, Dean. You know that.’
'Do we have to talk about this?’ Dean looked down his glass as he played with it.
'You don’t have to, but I will.’ I sat down on the stool next to him. 'I loved him back when I was in college but it’s different now. I would’ve never started dating you if I knew I wasn’t ready.’
Dean murmured, 'Or you could’ve started dating me because you were bored.’
'Do you see me as that kind of person? I’ll never do anything to hurt someone intentionally, ever.’
'People change.’
'If I still loved him, I would’ve followed him into the crowd. Instead, I came looking for you because I love you, Dean.’ I placed my hand on his as I reassured him. 'I chose to be with you, not him.’
Dean finally raised his head and made eye contact with me. 'You really mean it?’
'I’ll never lie, especially to you. I love you.’
He smiled and then kissed me, 'Thank you and I love you too.’
With a cheeky grin, Sam popped in between us. ‘Usually, I hate when you two are gushy but this is cute.’ 
Dean laughed, ‘You want a kiss too Sammy?’ 
‘Ugh, no!’ Sam pushed his brother’s face away as Dean made a kissy face.
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
taglist; @greenarrowhead​
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Trick and Treating
In which Laughing Jack finds a boy crying while taking his daughters trick or treating. He decides to try and cheer the kid up and make his Halloween a little better. wdym its november 3rd halloween lasts two months because i said so
Word Count: 2869
"C'mon pops!" 
"Awrigh', awrigh'! Slow down!"
"C'mon Slendra! This next neighborhood is always really good!" 
The two girls, Slendra and Sally, a pair of sisters, ran as quick as they could around the block. Though it was dark out, the night was full of life and laughter. Kids, younger and older than them, made their way from house to house, picking up candy from strangers. Everyone around them was dressed in a costume of some kind. Super heroes, spiders, skeletons, you name it. Of course, the girls were dressed in costumes too. Slendra, the taller but younger of the two, was dressed as a witch. She wore a long black dress with a purple band tied around her waist, fastened with a silver buckle. Her hat was much the same, and it sat atop her head of blonde hair. Sally, on the other hand, was dressed as her favorite cartoon character. The skintaker. Her face was covered in makeup to make her look like a skeleton, and she wore a long robe that was quilted together with different coloured patches. She had a hat that was the same pattern as her robe. Both of them had been handmade by her other dad, and she adored it. 
‘’C’mere ye li’le rascal!’’
‘’EEK-!’’ Slendra was grabbed by the back of her dress and yanked back into big, soft arms that hugged her tight. She shrieked and giggled, thrashing in the hug. ‘’Pops! Lemme go!’’
Of course, the girls weren’t alone on Halloween. No, they had their pops with them. Laughing Jack. Looking at him, you’d assume he’d managed to find the coolest scary clown costume one could hope for, with sharp bony hands, wispy black hair, jagged teeth and bandages wrapped around his torso, but no. He looked like that year round. In fact, Jack hadn’t even bothered with a costume. The only thing he had added to himself tonight was a white bird mask strapped to his face. It obscured the top part of his face, which really just made him scarier. 
He laughed a bit and squeezed his daughter in his arms. ‘’Stop runnin’ off on me! If ye ge’ lost yer da will kill me.’’ he replied with a grin. Slendra giggled again and looked up to see her sister Sally. However, instead of standing in front of them waiting for Jack to release her sister, Sally was sitting on the sidewalk a little further up, talking to someone. ‘’Eh?’’ Jack withdrew his arms and stood up. He and Slendra walked over to Sally and stopped next to her.
She was sitting next to a young boy, dressed in a blue ripped jacket, a black and white striped shirt and black pants. The green face paint on his face was smudged, especially around his eyes. Sally pat his back and frowned. ‘’Hey, it’s okay.’’ she said gently. ‘’What’s wrong?’’
The boy sniffled and let out a breathy sob. ‘’I-I was chasing these b-boys that stole my ca-candy a-and now I’m l-lost-’’ he inhaled sharply before breaking into tears again. Sally frowned and hugged the boy. Jack crouched down beside him and pat his head. 
‘’Calm down kiddo…’’ he murmured. The boy looked up and stared at him in surprise. ‘’Some’ne stole yer candy?’’
The boy nodded. ‘’I was with my friends b-but they went to another neighborhood and I wasn’t allowed go with them s-so I started walking home but then these boys on bikes came by and took my bag,’’ the boy whimpered and wiped at his eyes. He seemed to be calming down significantly, thanks to Sally. ‘’I chased them but...now I’m lost.’’ he curled up, hugging his knees. Jack looked horrified that someone would do something like that, and to a small kid no less. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a packet of tissues.
‘’Ere, kiddo,’’ he took out a tissue and gave it to the boy. He sniffled and wiped at his face. ‘’Ye’re lost?’’
‘’Mhm.’’ the boy looked around. ‘’I don’t know how to get home…’’
Jack looked from the boy to his two girls. He looked back at the boy and gave him a reassuring smile. ‘’We’ll take ye ‘ome, kiddo.’’ he said, reaching into his sleeve. He pulled out some candy and held it out to the surprised looking boy. ‘’Ere, i’s no’ a lo’, bu’ i’ should make up a bi’ fer th’ stuff ye lost.’’
The boy looked at Jack’s outstretched hand and broke into a grin. He took the candies, shyly unwrapping one of them and tossing it into his mouth. ‘’Thank you.’’ he murmured. Jack smiled and grabbed the boy, lifting him up and putting him on his shoulders. The boy blinked in surprise. 
‘’Can ye see okay up there, lad?’’ Jack asked. The boy grinned.
‘’Uh-huh!’’ he glanced around. ‘’You’re real tall, mister.’’
‘’Jus’ call me Jackie, kiddo.’’
As the four of them walked the boy talked with them more. Jack learned that his name was Jeremy, and he lived with just his mother. He hadn’t gone trick or treating last year, or the year before. He’d been sick the past couple of years, and still wasn’t fully recovered, so trick or treating was a big thing for him. Which just made it worse when you considered what had happened to him. Jack knew he had to do something about it- he wasn’t going to let this poor boy have his halloween ruined for him.
‘’There’s the place!’’
‘’Ah!’’ Jack looked up to where the boy on his shoulders was pointing. The neighborhood they were in didn’t have many decorated houses. The one Jeremy was pointing to, however, was covered in decorations and bright lights. Jack smiled a bit as he walked up the garden path after Slendra and Sally. The girls knocked on the door as Jack put Jeremy down. The door was pulled open, and they were greeted by an older lady with brown hair that was starting to grey at the roots. She wore a long black dress, a big collar around her neck, and a pair of fake fangs. In her hands she held a large, flowery bowl that was filled with candy. She smiled sweetly at the girls for a moment before surprise crossed her face. Then she broke into a wider smile.
‘’Jeremy! Oh there you are, I was starting to get worried!’’ she put the bowl down on a table inside the hall as her son stepped forward and hugged her legs. She pat his head lovingly. ‘’Did you have fun?’’
She frowned and looked up, finally noticing Jack. He waved a tiny bit. ‘’Heya, I’m Jack,’’ he murmured. ‘’We found ‘im a couple a blocks away...some older kids stole ‘is bag.’’
Jeremy’s mother looked horrified. ‘’They did...?’’ she asked. Jack nodded. ‘’Oh that’s terrible-!’’ she looked down at her son. ‘’Oh pet- are you okay?’’ 
‘’I’m okay…’’ Jeremy murmured. He pointed up at Jack. ‘’Jackie brought me home, and he gave me some candy.’’ he smiled a bit. Jack tilted his head.
‘’I was wond’rin’, miss, if maybe I could take yer lad wiv us fer th’ nigh’. ‘E can ge’ sum more candy an’ stick aroun’ wiv sum kids ‘is own age.’’
‘’Oh?’’ Jeremy’s mother looked surprised for a moment. She looked down at her son, a little worried. ‘’I don’t know…’’ 
‘’Please?’’ Jeremy asked. He stared up at his mother hopefully. ‘’Jackie is real nice! And he already has kids with him so we should be okay!’’
She looked up at Jack for a moment, then sighed. ‘’...okay. But don’t take him too far away from home! And I want him back before nine.’’
Jack gave a nod. ‘’Absolu’ely.’’
After cleaning and fixing up Jeremy’s makeup, Jack, Sally and Slendra wasted no time raiding every house in the surrounding neighborhood. Jeremy quickly learned that these three took Halloween very seriously. Constantly on the move, trying to get the best candy possible, they talked about what house they’d target next like it was some kind of big important mission. It was actually exhausting, especially for him, but the girls excited energy was contagious. It didn’t take long at all for Jeremy to fill up the bag LJ had given him. Then a second one. Then a third. He walked slowly, dragging the heavy bags with him as the girls ran ahead of him and LJ. 
‘’Ey kiddo?’’ LJ asked above him. Jeremy looked up. ‘’Ye want me ta take yer bags fer ya? They look ‘eavy.’’ Jeremy stopped and nodded, giving LJ two of his bags. He took them, holding them like they weighed nothing. It was weird- Sally and Slendra both had five bags each yet they didn’t seem to struggle at all! Maybe Jeremy was just weaker than he thought- 
‘’Pops!’’ Sally called ahead of them. Jack looked up at the girl, who was pointing ahead. In the distance, they could see a large fire. She grinned. ‘’There’s a bonfire! Can we go see it?’’ 
Jack smiled a bit. ‘’Sure kiddo.’’ he replied. The girls ran forward, with Jack and Jeremy sauntering calmly after them. The bonfire was surrounded by tons of teenagers who were yelling, hollering, dancing and drinking. Jeremy stuck close to Jack’s leg. Bigger kids had always scared him, and these ones looked like they were what his mother would call ‘hooligans’. 
‘’Hey! Jack!’’ someone called from a bit further away from the bonfire. Jeremy looked up and over at where the voice came from. He saw Slendra and Sally run off away from the fire.
‘’Shoulda known…’’ Jack murmured above him. He turned and started walking off after the girls. Jeremy followed quickly, not wanting to be left alone around so many older kids. Jack stopped in front of a small group of kids. Four boys and one girl. They all looked to be in their mid to late teens, and were sitting in a circle with a bag of candy in between each of their legs. In the centre of the circle was a box filled with cans of beer. ‘’Evenin’, kids.’’ Jack greeted.
‘’Hey guys!’’ one of the boys, who had blonde hair and was dressed in a Luigi costume chirped. His eyes were a bright, shiny blue that looked almost like lights. 
‘’Hi Ben!’’ Slendra greeted, bouncing on her heels. Sally abruptly dropped her bags and looked at the group, her hands on her hips.
‘’You guys can have anything you want from these bags in exchange for your butterfingers. Except the m&ms, sour patch kids and twixes. Those are mine.’’ she said, sounding more like a bossy older sister than a ten year old girl dressed as a cartoon character. The group all rolled their eyes and began digging through their bags. 
‘’Evury year…’’ another of the boys muttered. He had ginger hair that hung over one of his eyes, and was pretty skinny. He was dressed in a Mario costume that matched the other boy’s. He also sounded like he was drunk. Or maybe it was an accent. 
The boy sitting across from Ben, the boy in the Luigi costume, took a swig from his can of beer and looked at Jeremy for a long moment. He was intimidating. His skin was pure white, probably makeup, with big scars on either side of his face. His eyes were deep and sunken, but stared straight into little Jeremy. He was wearing a vampire costume, with a big collar and everything. His scary eyes flicked up to LJ. ‘’You’re stealing kids again?’’
‘’I’m no’ stealin’ ‘im, ‘is ma wuz givin’ ‘im away wiv th’ candy!’’ Jack retorted. The boy cracked a smile and barked a laugh. He looked at Jeremy and smiled. 
‘’Nice costume kid.’’ he said. Jeremy blinked in surprise.
‘’Y-you too,’’ he murmured. ‘’Your makeup is great...you’re really scary.’’
The teen smile. ‘’Aw, thanks!’’ he grinned. ‘’I’m Jeff, by the way. Uhhh-’’ he turned to his friends. ‘’That’s Ben, that’s Bryce,’’ he gestured to the boys in the Mario and Luigi costumes. ‘’That’s Emily,’’ he pointed to the girl, who was dressed as Princess Peach, complete with blonde wig and everything. ‘’And that’s Ethan.’’ he pointed to the last boy. He wore a white hoodie, black shorts, and a backwards baseball cap. His skin was green, and looked rotten. His purple hair hung over one of his crimson eyes. He must’ve had contacts in or something.
Jack frowned. ‘’Wha’s yer costume supposeta be, Ethan?’’
‘’A dead teenager.’’
"It's nice to meet you all." Jeremy murmured. Jeff looked back at him and smiled. He held out his hand.
"You too kid." The two shook hands. When Jeremy pulled his hand away, he realised Jeff had managed to slip a small piece of candy into it. Oh! Wow- these older kids were...nice. 
"So wha're you's all doin'?" Jack asked as he watched Sally raid the other kid's bags for butterfingers and reese's cups. 
"Oh, the usual," Ben replied as Slendra traded him a small box of smarties for a bag of jellybeans. "A bit of trick or treating, hanging out by a bonfire, doing a little drinking…"
"A lot of drinking in Bryce's case." Ethan added as he dug through his own bag of candy. He pulled out a bag of peanuts and sighed defeatedly before reluctantly opening it.
"And after," Jeff continued with a wide smile. He reached over and grabbed a black duffel bag from beside him. "We're gonna cause a little chaos. Some tricking with our treating, if you will." He added with a wink. 
Jeremy's eyes widened. Oh- he should've expected that from them honestly, but still. Trouble-making teens were something his mother always told him to avoid. Jack pursed his lips. "You's be'er be careful. You's don't 'ave fireworks, do ya?"
"Nah, nah." Ben shook his head. "just harmless stuff. Eggs, toilet paper, spray paint-"
"We go' fiirecrrackerrrsss." Bryce slurred out. Ben shot him a glare. Jack sighed.
"Be careful, awrigh'?" He murmured. The teens all nodded. Sally turned and walked back over to her bags. She deposited the results of her trading into a couple of them and gave a satisfied 'hmph!'. Jack looked down at her. "Ye finished, girlies?"
"Yep!" Slendra and Sally both chirped. Jack chuckled a bit. The teens got to their feet, slinging their candy bags over their shoulders. Jeff picked up his duffel bag and caught Jeremy's anxious stare. He smiled and winked at the boy reassuringly.
"We'd better head out," he said. "It's getting late." Jeff gestured to Jeremy. "I think you should be heading home kid. All the teens will be hitting the streets soon too. Don't want you getting hurt or picked on."
Jeremy gave a slight nod. He still wasn't sure if this older boy was nice or a troublemaker. Slendra turned and looked at the bonfire. She smirked, then pulled her hands up. She clapped them together loudly, and with a louder 'fwoosh!' the massive bonfire suddenly extinguished itself. There was a chorus of shocked gasps and general confusion from the teens that had been enjoying the fire's warmth moments prior. Jack whirled around and stared. 
"Slendra!" He hissed, looking down at the girl. "Don't do tha'! No' 'ere!" 
Jeremy stared at the blonde girl. "How did you do that?!" He gasped. She turned to him and gave him a wide smile.
"I'm a witch." She replied with a sly wink. Jeremy's eyes widened. He thought it was just a costume! Jack sighed above him and looked around at the group.
"Nobody tell Slender abou' this." He said, pointing a boney black finger at nobody in particular. 
"We won't as long as you don't tell him we were drinking and playing with firecrackers."
"Deal." Jack replied. He reached down and picked Jeremy up, putting the boy on his shoulders again. "Now make yerselves scarce, ya 'ear me?"
The teens smiled and nodded. As they began to walk away Jeff turned back one last time and gave the four of them a wave before turning around and jogging over to catch up with the others. Jack looked down at his two girls. 
"C'mon you's two. I fink we've done good t'nigh', eh?" 
"Awwwe- but it's only eight thirty!" Sally protested. Jack shook his head.
"Sorry lass, bu' ye know we go'a ge' our friend back b'fore nine. And if ye come 'ome wiv more'n five bags yer da will flip 'is lid." He replied. Sally sighed defeatedly. "C'mon." Jack turned and began walking off. Jeremy looked down at him.
"Hey Jackie?" He asked softly.
"Yeh, kiddo?"
"...are you guys monsters?" He asked. "Real ones? That come out on Halloween, like in the movies?" 
Jack looked up at him for a long moment. He smiled a bit. "...ye're a smar' one, ain'tcha?" He said softly. "Yeh, we are. We usually 'ide away from you's 'umans. 'Alloween is th' nigh' we stop 'idin'." He smiled up at the boy. "You won't tell any'ne, righ'?"
Jeremy nodded. "I won't." He murmured. He rested his head in Jack's soft black hair and smiled tiredly. "Thanks for letting me spend Halloween with you."
"Anyfin' fer you, kiddo." Jack replied softly. "I'm glad ye 'ad fun."
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ellewritesathing · 5 years
So Close - S.S. XVIII
Summary: The universe has a funny way of putting the things you want right in front of you, but just out of reach. Stiles and Y/N have been best friends ever since Scott brought him home, but when Stiles realizes that he might want to be something other than best friends, she leaves to go to some fancy private school up North. Now that she’s back though … maybe he’s got a shot? A Teen Wolf AU in which the reader has always been so close to Stiles and yet so far.
Prologue - S2E1 Part 1 - S2E2 + S2E3 Part 2 - S2E4 + S2E5 + S2E6 Part 3 -  S2E7 +S2E8 Part 4 - S2E9 + S2E10 Part 5 - S2E11 + S2E12 Part 6 Part 7 - S3AE1 Part 8 - S3AE2 + S3AE3 Part 9 - S3AE4 Part 10 - S3AE5 + S3AE6 Part 11 - S3AE7 + S3AE8 Part 12 - S3AE9 + S3AE10 + S3AE11 Part 13 - S3AE11 + S3AE12 Part 14 Part 15 - S3BE1 + S3BE2 Part 16 - S3BE3 + S3BE4 Part 17 - S3BE5 + S3BE6 Part 18 - S3BE7 + S3BE8 + S3BE9
Word-count: 4.2k+
A/N: anyone in the mood for angst? me too.
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“Y/N.” You could barely make out the person’s voice. It was low. They were shaking you. “Y/N, are you okay?” 
You blinked at the harsh light shining in your eyes, squinting to make out whoever was with you. It couldn’t be Stiles. You pushed off whoever it was, but that just made them tighten their grip when they found you again.
“Y/N, it’s me. It’s Scott. You’re okay.” 
Your heart rate slowed and you started processing what was going on around you. “Scotty, my head hurts. And-” why did it hurt so much? “And something’s wrong with Stiles.” 
“Yeah, yeah, we know,” he said. He tried to help you stand but you stumbled into him as he did. “How bad does it hurt?” 
“I can find him,” you said, not answering his question. You moved to look around the room and when you turned back to Scott, he was looking at you with those big eyes of his. “What? I know I can find him.” 
“No it’s not that,” he said quietly. “Your neck … it’s all bruised.” He moved to touch it and you pulled back. His hand fell to his side. “You need to stay here and- and I’ll get Mom to come take look at you.” 
“No!” The word came out too loud and you winced again. “I just mean … Scott, she can’t know about this. If she knows how much danger I get in when I’m helping you, she … she won’t let me help anymore.” 
“Then maybe you shouldn’t,” he said gently. 
You felt about ready to cry. It felt like there was a bullet rattling around in your skull and it took so much effort just to stand up, and now Scott was saying that he didn’t want you around anymore. It hurt. Your throat felt like it was closing up with all the emotions you felt. 
“There’s one more thing-” He clenched his hand as he looked for something to say. “Stiles, or whatever’s inside him, cut one of the power lines. A lot of people are hurt. Including Isaac.” 
“Isaac’s hurt and you didn’t start with that?” Your yell was scratchy and faded out towards the end. You started stomping past him to go find Isaac but your legs gave out almost as soon as you moved. 
Scott caught you and lay you down on the bed. “Stay here, okay? I’m getting Mom.” 
“Scotty, please,” you begged. You felt the tears pool in your eyes. 
“Stay here.” 
He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead before running out to find your mom or anyone else that could give you a check-up. 
Now that you were alone, you let the tears stream down your face. How could you have not seen it? Felt it? Just known that it wasn’t Stiles? You knew he was acting differently and you knew he was scared but you didn’t do a single thing about it. You turned to cry into the pillow and found that it still smelled like him. You cried harder. 
They’d been keeping Isaac in almost the exact same room that they kept Stiles for two days now. Although the nurses all knew you as Melissa’s daughter, they still wouldn’t let you see him because you weren’t family. They wouldn’t let Cora in either, despite all her arguing. 
So the two of you had curled up on the bench outside his room, waiting for someone to let you see him. You must have fallen asleep because you felt Scott’s hand on your shoulder, trying to wake you up as gently as he could. 
“Have you been here all night?” he asked. 
“I’ve been here since they cleared me,” you said between a yawn and some stretching. “She’s been here since he got his own room.” 
Cora mustered up a smile that faded quickly before speaking, “They won’t let us see him because we’re not family. I tried to explain that he lives with us because he doesn’t have any family but …” She shook her head. 
“Well, he’s got us,” Melissa said. It made you smile, despite your still aching head and broken heart. “And I’ve got a key card.”
Your mom let the three of you in and you sucked in a breath as Cora reached for your hand. He looked nearly dead, lying there hooked up to the machines. It scared you, and judging by the faces around you, you weren’t the only one. 
Cora walked over and pushed some hair out of his face. She kissed his forehead. 
“Shouldn’t he be healing by now?” you asked quietly. 
“He almost died,” Cora said. Her voice was harsh but you know she didn’t mean it to be. “The other people that were in that water did die.” 
Scott reached out for his burnt arm. “He’s in a lot of pain. I can take some … it won’t help him heal but-” 
“Thank you,” Cora said, softening her voice. 
He nodded at her before taking Isaac’s hand. You watched as the veins in his hand turned dark and the darkness crept up his arm. When you looked over at Cora, the black was snaking up her arm too. You felt useless.
Isaac took a deep breath in as the two of them pulled away sharply. Cora took out a tissue to wipe her nose; it was bleeding. 
“We should get to school,” you said after a few seconds. 
“I’m not leaving him,” Cora said. “He’s vulnerable when he’s alone.” 
“Cora, I really think you should come to school with us,” you said. “If you push too hard now, you won’t be able to protect him when it matters. Right now, I think you just need a distraction.” 
Cora didn’t say anything, but she let you walk her out of the room and take her to school. 
As soon as the whistle blew, Cora took off way in front of you - apparently not as concerned about showcasing her superspeed as blowing off some steam. You couldn’t really blame her. But you picked up your pace when you heard her scream in the woods.
The only reason you stopped was to talk to Scott and Kira - and that was just to tell them that Cora was hurt - but when you saw Stiles running up with Coach, you had no idea what to do. You were so angry with him, or whatever was inside of him. Scott caught your arm to stop you from doing something you might regret. 
“Stop! Stop! Everybody stop!” Stiles yelled. He had his hands out to keep everyone still. He bent down and picked up the end of a chain and kept pulling and pulling … until he picked up the other end. 
“Congratulations, Stilinski. You found a length of chain,” Coach clapped slowly as he spoke. “Can somebody now please tell me what the hell is going on?” 
You saw the movement before you registered what it was. You were going to jump in front but Scott pulled you back. You turned to yell at him and instead found Coach lying on the ground with an arrow in his chest. 
You all rushed to help, but he was thrashing on the ground, trying to pull the arrow out and yelling for someone to take it out. Aiden was telling him to keep still but he refuses to listen. 
“Alright, everyone stand back!” you yelled at the group of runners that were getting closer and closer. You stood up and started shooing them away. 
To your surprise, Ethan was actually helping you. He gave you a smile over his shoulder and you walked closer to him. 
“What the hell are you guys doing with Stiles?” you asked quietly. 
“Nothing, I swear,” he said. He seemed frustrated about being accused again. 
“No, you don’t get it,” you said. “Where did he come from? Are we sure it’s him?” 
Ethan blinked at you for a second, seemingly shocked that you trusted him more than Stiles. “I don’t know. Scott trusts him.” 
“Scott trusts everyone,” you huffed. You ran a hand through your hair. “Okay, look. Cora’s out there somewhere and she’s hurt.” 
“I heard the howl,” he said. 
“I need you to find her,” you told him. Again, he looked surprised. “You’re faster than me and you can smell her. Go.”
He ran off after a second and you told the crowd to start heading back to the main road, but to watch out for the ambulance. They didn’t seem too happy about it but they started moving. 
You turned around again after the last of the stragglers started walking away. Scott looked drained. He must have taken some of Coach’s pain to get him to be quiet. You didn’t like the way Stiles was looking at him. 
When you got back to the main road with everyone else, you started going through the Jeep with Aiden. As touching as Stiles’ reunion with his dad was, you weren’t in the mood to be a part of it. 
“Scott, you should look at this.” Aiden held out the tube of wrapping paper you found to him. 
“That’s the same wrapping paper we used for Coach’s birthday present,” he said, taking the tube in his hands. 
“Yeah, and that was Barrow’s thing,” you said. “He made his bomb out of nails and bolts and wrapped it up like birthday presents. Then he blew up a school bus.”
“You guys are saying that Stiles is gonna blow up a school bus?”
“No,” Aiden argued. “We’re saying whatever put an arrow through Coach’s chest is gonna blow up a school bus.” 
Ethan found Cora and pried one of the animal traps off her ankle. He met you in the parking lot and loaded her into her car. You thanked him and drove her to the animal clinic so Deaton could check on it. She insisted she was fine but she seemed tense when Deaton wasn’t there. 
You worked off the memory of Deaton treating Isaac to clean Cora’s leg. You washed away all the dried blood and disinfected the wound before wrapping it up. 
“Well, you were right about one thing,” she said. “It took my mind off Isaac.” 
You gave a shallow laugh before pulling her into a hug. Cora could be a lot to handle at times, but you knew that she meant well. She was just scared to losses anymore of her family.
“I’m going to head back to the loft.” She pulled away slowly and tried to stand on her own. “You need a ride home?” 
“I think I’m gonna stick around here for now,” you said. “I think this might be the only place in the county that I won’t run into Scott and Stiles today.” 
“What happened between you two, anyway?” Cora asked, she didn’t mention it but you knew what she was looking for. After a few days, you had to admit that your bruises were looking pretty rough. “The last I heard was him getting an MRI and then Isaac was in the hospital.” 
“He, uh-” you looked down. You pulled your sweater up to cover your neck. “He went for the MRI but he found me before it was done. That’s why I’ve got these bruises and a headache that won’t go away.” 
“I’ll kill him,” Cora said without hesitation. It made you laugh, and that made her soften slightly.
“It wasn’t him. I- I still don’t know if it is,” you said. You shook your head and sighed before continuing, “Go home, killer. I’m fine here.”
Cora left and you had maybe half an hour of silence to spend with yourself before someone barreled through the back entrance. You picked up a scalpel and waited.
Not even a second later you heard someone yell, “Hey, Kira!” It was Stiles. “Kira, get inside!” 
He closed the door and laughed for a second. He didn’t know you were there. 
You tightened your grip on the scalpel and set your jaw. You threw it at Stiles’ back, aiming for the spot right between his shoulder blades, but he spun around and caught it before it made its mark. 
“Uh, uh, uh,” he hummed. “What’s that saying? Fool me once, shame on me. Stab me twice …” 
“Shame on you.” You made another move for something sharp, but he was too quick. 
He’d picked up something off one of the shelves and was forcing whatever was inside down your throat. You gagged and tried to push him off, but you couldn’t control your muscles. Your body was going numb.
“Jackson really is the gift that keeps on giving,” he laughed, grip hard enough to make new bruises on your arms as he lay you down on the ground. “If only he was here now. That- well, that would be fun.” 
You tried to bite him as he pulled apart some surgical tape to put over your mouth, but he hit you before you could. He dragged you to a corner and moved some of your hair out of your face when he was finished. He pressed another awfully rough kiss to the tape covering your mouth before running out to feign panic to your brother.
You watched him and Kira carry Scott inside - he had one of the oni’s katanas in his stomach - and tried to scream. They couldn’t hear you. Kira started pulling the blade out, but Stiles caught her wrist. He pulled it away and slammed her head into a table. You tried your best to do something before he could do anything to Scott, but it didn’t work. 
His fingers danced around the handle of the katana. “You okay?” he asked. 
“Please don’t.” Scott’s voice was so quiet, so tired. He was afraid. “Stop.”
“It’s okay,” Stiles smiled at him. Almost a real smile. Almost. Then he put his hand on Scott’s shoulder and grabbed the handle. He started twisting and Scott started groaning. 
You screamed and Scott finally saw you but he was in far too much pain to do anything. He didn’t want to hurt the thing that looked like his best friend.
“Does it hurt?” he asked. “You should’ve done your reading, Scott.” Another twist. “See, a nogitsune feeds off of chaos, strife, and pain. This morning you took it from Isaac. Then from Coach. And then from a dying deputy. All that pain … you took it all. Now give it to me.” 
The veins in Scott’s face and neck started turning black again, except this time the darkness snaked up Stiles’ fingers, through his wrist and arm, and to his heart. Or what was left of it. 
“Oh, you’ve really gotta learn, Scott,” he said. “You’ve gotta learn never to trust a fox. You know, because they’re tricksters. They’ll fool you. They’ll fool everyone.” His head tilted slightly in your direction. “Well, maybe not everyone. But everyone that matters.”
“Is that so?” 
You’d been so caught up in watching Stiles that you didn’t see Deaton come in. He injected something into Stiles’ neck and he started gasping for air, struggling to stay up. He collapsed in front of you and you screamed again. 
“What was that?” Scott asked. Deaton pulled the katana out when Stiles fell. “Was that a cure? Is he okay?” 
“The fox is poisoned, but it’s not dead,” Deaton said. He came over to take the tape off your mouth. “Not yet.” 
“My father said all of the Katashi evidence is being moved to a federal lockup by armored car tonight,” Allison said as she opened the door. “Probably within the next few hours.”
You walked in after Scott but before the twins. You’d been picking at your nails again, almost always fiddling with something since Stiles institutionalized himself after Deaton poisoned him.
“We’re going to rob an armored car?” Aiden asked. 
“Well,” Lydia drew out her answer. “We’re gonna try.”
You followed the two of them into Chris’ study and you all found a place to sit before talking about the plan. The scroll with instructions about how to destroy the nogitsune inside of Stiles was in Katashi’s silver finger, so the twins were supposed to distract the car so the others could break in and steal the finger without anyone noticing. 
“This is a really bad plan,” Scott said. 
“It’s not that bad,” Lydia said. 
“It’s not that good,” Aiden disagreed. 
“None of us knows the route they’re going to take,” Lydia continued, ignoring him. “If Allison can get one of her dad’s GPS trackers on the armored car, then we can follow it.”
“So when it gets here-” 
“We attack them?” Ethan asked. 
“No,” Lydia said. “Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident. And when the driver gets out to help-” 
“Then we attack them?” Aiden asked. 
“No!” everyone snapped. 
“I still don’t think they should do it by themselves,” you said, pushing yourself off the couch and ignoring the looks Ethan and Aiden were giving you. “They can’t act and they’ll attack anything that moves.” 
“Fine,” Lydia said. “You three distract them, and Scott will break open the back door.”
“I hope,” Scott added. 
“And you will get Katashi’s finger,” Lydia finished. 
“It’s not like his actual finger, is it?” Aiden asked, scrunching up his face.
“Oh, my god,” you mumbled. “I’ve done a lot of things, but I’ve never been arrested before. You two better not get me arrested.” 
“Why aren’t we just going to Stilinski for help?” Aiden asked, ignoring you. 
“Because if he gets caught, then it’s the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence,” Scott answered. 
“Guys, this is going to work,” Allison said before anyone could doubt the plan again. “We can do this. We’re losing Stiles. My dad’s in jail for murder. We need to do this.”
“Okay, I’m just gonna say it. They should’ve been here by now,” Aiden said, pushing himself off his bike. 
“Yeah, I’m getting worried too,” you said as you checked your phone. “Scott should have texted by now.” 
“Okay, so we’re agreed? We’re going against the plan and finding them?” Ethan asked. 
“I-” you bit your lip. “Yeah. Let’s circle back.” 
You climbed on the back of Ethan’s bike and held on tight. He didn’t drive nearly as carefully as Scott did, and you already hated being on these things with him. The twins cut corners and took shortcuts to get back to the station, and you felt about ready to throw up when they stopped. 
“You guys go ahead,” you said. “You’re faster than me and they need help.” 
Ethan nodded and the two of them disappeared around the corner. You caught your breath and got your throwing knives out of your bag before making your way to where they kept the armored cars. 
When you got there, the twins were beating the crap out of Kincaid. You raced down the steps to find Scott. You helped him up while he yelled at the twins to stop. Kincaid rolled to a stop at your feet and you stepped over him to get between them. 
“You want him to come after us?” Ethan asked. 
“Scott,” Aiden started, “We’ve seen guys like this. Trust us. He’s dangerous.”
“So are we,” Scott said. Kincaid was getting up, wiping the blood off his face. “And he looks smart enough to remember that.” He reached out and took the silver finger from Kincaid’s jacket. He smiled when the scroll fell out. “We’re here to save a life. Not end one.” 
The twins exchanged a look before taking a step back. Kincaid pushed past them to walk away. He didn’t say anything as he left, but he did look back over his shoulder at Scott. And Scott didn’t look away.
You’d been going out of your mind the past few days. You got the scroll back, but it was barely helpful. ‘Change the body of the host,’ how were you supposed to do that? Stiles never wanted to be a werewolf. Isaac was still in the hospital. Cora was putting up walls again without him or Derek around. Scott was always off somewhere with Kira, not really telling you the full story about anything. 
So you were doing chores. You finished all your homework, scrubbed every available surface in the house, and did laundry. That’s why you were heading to the Stilinski’s house, you told yourself, to return the lacrosse jersey that Stiles lent you months ago. Definitely not to find an excuse to be in Stiles’ room. 
You used your spare key to get in, but you heard voices upstairs. You made your way to Stiles’ room, holding onto the dagger you hid up your sleeve. When you got there, you saw Allison, Chris, Noah, and Derek huddled around Stiles’ chessboard. It still had the sticky tabs from when he tried to explain the supernatural to Noah on it. 
“What are you guys doing?” you asked, disengaging the dagger. 
They turned to look at you, but Derek was the only one that wasn’t surprised by your entrance. “Looking at a message that the nogitsune left,” he answered. 
“That Stiles may have left,” Allison corrected. “What are you doing?” 
“Returning a jersey. Let me see that,” you said, making your way over to the board. “Why is Derek the king?”
“We were just discussing that,” Noah sighed. “He’s one move away from being in checkmate.” 
“Then that’s not a message from Stiles,” you said, folding your arms over your chest. Stiles didn’t leave messages like that. “That’s a threat.”
“He’s at the loft. That’s what he’s trying to tell us,” Allison said. 
“And he wants us to go there,” Chris said. 
“Night’s falling,” Derek said. 
“This couldn’t sound more like a trap,” Chris said, his tone was hard like he’d been arguing for hours already. 
“I don’t think it is,” Noah argued. 
“I think your opinion might be slightly biased, Sheriff,” Chris said. 
“Look-” you put your hands up. “If this is a message, he’s telling us to protect Derek. If it’s a threat, then it’s about killing Derek. Regardless, it’s happening at the loft once the sun sets. We shouldn’t be there when it does.” 
“Just hear me out,” Noah begged. You nodded. “What we’re dealing with here is basically someone who lacks motive. No rhyme, no reason, right?” 
“Meaning what?” 
“Our enemy’s not a killer,” Noah said. “It’s a trickster. The killing is just a by-product.” 
“If you’re trying to say it won’t kill us, I’m not feeling too confident about that,” Derek said.
“It won’t. It wants irony,” Noah explained. “It wants to play a trick. It wants a joke. All we need to do is come up with a new punchline.” 
“Stilinski, look at her neck,” Derek said. You’d taken the brunt of the physical damage that the nogitsune had caused the pack because your wounds didn’t heal like theirs, even if they were starting to fade. “Does that look like a joke to you? The bomb set off in your office, is that another one? This thing might be trickster but it’s not just playing some game anymore.” 
When Noah didn’t respond, all eyes were still on you. You hated it. You were thankful when Chris finally broke the silence. “The sun is setting, Sheriff,” he said. “What did you have in mind?”
You heard the handcuffs clink in Noah’s hands and the sound of a defensive and scared Stiles. It was convincing, and it made your heart ache. Until you heard the metal snap and the cuffs fall to the ground. 
You walked in with Derek, Chris, and Allison, and watched as Allison aimed her stun gun at his chest and pulled the trigger. Stiles caught it and started pulling on the wire, ripping it out of her hands and sending it flying to the ground. 
Next was Derek’s attack, full of his werewolf glory. Stiles grabbed his arm and slammed him into the table before sending him flying into a wall. You winced.
In the silence that followed, the click of Chris’ gun was deafening. Stiles turned to him, seeming amused, and Noah started talking Chris down. You didn’t know what to do. The situation got worse when Noah pulled out his gun and pointed it at Chris. Stiles tilted his head.
“You’re not gonna shoot my son,” Noah said. 
“You said it yourself, Sheriff: that’s not your son,” Chris said. 
“Dad, he’s going to shoot me,” Stiles said. He had tears in his eyes. “He’s going to kill me, Dad.” 
Chris didn’t lower his gun. Noah was yelling at him to put it down. And Stiles was yelling at Chris to shoot him. 
“Enough!” you yelled. As much as you didn’t want to get close to the thing that looked like your childhood crush, you stepped into the middle to separate him from the others. “Noah, this isn’t Stiles. But, Chris, I swear to god if you shoot him, I will end you.” 
“Ah, see?” Stiles asked, leaning forward to get your attention. “We knew you’d come around.” 
“And, you-” you turned to glare at him, pointing a very sharp knife at him. “Shut. Up.”
“Can’t you see this is exactly what he wants?” Allison asked. She was still looking at you. 
“Not exactly,” Stiles said. “I was kinda hoping Scott would be here. But I’m glad you all have your weapons out … because you’re not here to kill me; you’re here to protect me.”
123 notes · View notes
awhitehead17 · 5 years
A Different Perspective
TimKon, BillyTeddy, Crossover, Humour, Fluff, Tim’s in denial, Pining, Getting Together.
Summary: Tim is seriously put off by the couple of teenagers that claim they're from another universe, what makes matters worse is that apparently in their universe Tim and his family are all comic book characters.
A/N: This was done for 'Crossover Fic' on my Batfam Bingo card.
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
“Things like this never mean something good.”
“I don’t know, sometimes they can turn out to be good things.”
“Dude, when has an anomaly that’s randomly appeared in the centre of Gotham ever turned out to be a good thing?”
Tim goes silent for a moment before reluctantly admitting, “Yeah, okay. You may have a point.”
Kon lets out a laugh, “Of course I do.” 
Tim doesn’t give him an answer after that. He simply focuses on swinging and landing safely on the rooftops he’s traveling over while Kon flies next to him. They’re traveling to the centre of Gotham to where Oracle had picked up a spike of abnormal readings, being the closet to the location both Tim and Kon were sent on their way.
They arrive moments later, stopping on top of a rooftop above the alley where the readings where coming from. Kon lands beside him and together they make their way down the building to stand at the alley entrance hidden from sight.
“This is it,” Tim mutters quietly to the meta hovering over his shoulder.
“Any idea on what it could be?”
“None. Oracle’s tech apparently couldn’t pick anything up so this will be fun. Prepare for anything.”
As they get ready to move a couple of voices then could be heard, both heroes freeze at hearing them. Tim makes out two male voices, young, maybe teens, American and they’re apparently arguing.
“What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“Well you clearly did something Billy! This is not the lair.”
“Well I don’t know. You know that my powers are currently going crazy T! I didn’t mean for us to end up ….. wherever we are. I didn’t mean to!”
The one called ‘Billy’ sounds like he’s on the verge of crying. The other one, ‘T’, lets out a long sigh like he’s used this kind of thing and his voice is soft when he next speaks.
“Hey it’s okay. I know you’re still learning and that it’s not easy, but right now this is not a good thing. We need to work out where we are, you need to get your strength back and then we can try and get home.”
“I’m really tired T.”
“I know, that’s why you’re going to rest and then we’ll work this mess out.”
The guys continue to mutter, ‘Billy’ carries on blaming himself for something while ‘T’ tries and consoles him. Tim looks over his shoulder at Kon who looks back at him with raised eyebrows and a shrug. Tim frowns, the names don’t ring a bell and what they’ve said doesn’t give a lot of indication to what they’re up to or what the anomaly readings were all about, though he has a feeling that ‘Billy’s’ so called powers may have something to do with that.
Tim makes a gesture with his hand and Kon nods in understanding. Together they move into the alley way, however they stop short at the sight that greets them. Tucked to the side of the alley, against the wall, there were two figures. One large one that was mostly green and had blonde hair, the other was smaller and looked more human. The green figure was curled around the smaller one protectively.
Tim grabs out his bo staff and stands defensively while Kon tenses up next to him.
“Who are you?” Tim speaks out loud and clear, successfully gaining their attentions.
Normally if it was criminals fighting, they’d be able to simply drop down in the middle of the fight and beat the shit out of them, but with this it’s different. They have no idea what these two are capable of or where they even come from.
The two figures jump at the sound of his voice. They freeze on the spot and watch him and Kon with wide eyes as they slowly approach. Now he’s got a clearer view of them. They’re wearing costumes, not the store brought kind, but proper, professionally made looking costumes, Tim figures they must be vigilantes of sorts, but whether they’re heroes or villains remain unanswered. He hasn’t seen either of these two before, it’s nerve-wracking and putting him on edge.
The large green figure speaks first, though it was a more of a shocked gasp. “Oh my god.”
Tim shoots Kon a baffled look, his best friend simply mimics the look.
The green figure turns back to his smaller companion, (it doesn’t go unnoticed on how the smaller one is clutching the green’s one shirt and how the green one has his large hands on his friend’s shoulder’s) “Are you seeing what I’m seeing right now?”
The smaller one was looking at them with his mouth open agape like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “If you’re currently on about how Red Robin and Superboy are walking towards us, looking like they’re about to kill us, then yes I can see that.”
Tim and Kon continue forward until they’re a few feet away from the duo. Both of their stances are defensive and they’re ready for anything. The two other were still crouched on the floor looking at them with wide, shocked eyes.
At the mention of their names however Tim raises an unexpected eyebrow. How do these two know who they are while they don’t know them? It’s frustrating and Tim hates being at a disadvantage.
“I’m going to ask you again.” Tim forces out. “Who are you?”
Much to his annoyance they ignore him.
The green one starts yelling at his companion. “What have you done? You’ve brought comic book characters to life now?!”
The smaller one immediately gets defensive. “I don’t know! I don’t think so. Hey, you know how my powers have been going whacky lately, give me a break!”
Now hearing them properly again, Tim recognises the voices of them. He puts together that the green figure was ‘T’ and the smaller one was ‘Billy’. Though that information wasn’t a lot of help to work out who they really were or what they were doing.
“Comic book characters?” Kon questions from next to him. “What the hell you on about?”
‘T’ seems startled at that. He looks at Billy before looking at them again. Even though his facial structure was different to a human’s the look of shock and dread were easy to make out. “Wait, where are we?”
Tim has a bad feeling about this now. He answers T sceptically, “Gotham City.”
The dread deepens further on T’s face. He turns back to billy, “So you didn’t make them come to life. Instead, you actually transported us to their universe! How?”
Billy practically whimpers, “I don’t know! Give me five minutes and I can try and get us home okay. I’m exhausted right now T.”
T’s face softens up, “Sorry, I know, I’m sorry. It’s just…” He turns back to Tim and Kon with a sigh. “You’re not going to maim us are you?”
Tim instinctively tightens his grip on his bo, “Not unless we have to…”
He isn’t fooled. These two may be attempting to lure them into a false sense of security. Tim wasn’t falling for that trap.
T lets out a nod and a sigh in relief. He’s then moving away from Billy and standing up to his full height, he towers over both him and Kon, maybe looking around Jason’s and Bruce’s height really, possibly even taller. That doesn’t matter though, they’ve faced bigger in battle before if it comes down to that. T raises his hands in front of him in a placating gesture.
“Please don’t freak out.”
He says it in a condescending tone that Tim finds slightly offensive. Before he could retort however, T’s whole form was shifting. Simultaneously his green skin was fading away and his whole body structure was getting smaller up until there was an average looking human in front of them.
The large green figure was now a blonde teenage boy, no more built than Kon and was the same height. Shape shifter then.
Tim doesn’t loosen his hold on his bo. “Who are you?” He asks for a third time.
T takes a deep breath and looks down at Billy who gives a jerky nod, as if permission. T looks back at them, with his hands still out in front of him, and says, “Look this is going to be hard to believe but we’re from another universe.”
20 minutes later, after some rough and slightly confusing explanations, Tim and Kon were tucked away in the corner talking privately while the other two were chatting between themselves also.
“Do you believe them?” Kon asks looking doubtful.
Tim thinks for a moment. Everything they’ve said sounds believable, the way they’re acting is correlating with the situation, however Tim’s usual level of distrust is playing a part and making it hard for him to easily believe the two apparent dimension travellers.
“Partly.” He answers in the end.
“What do you want to do?”
“I’m not too sure yet. I want to leave them be, especially if Billy can get them home, but I don’t want to leave them alone in case something happens.”
“But apparently Billy isn’t up for making another spell yet despite what he says. Would it be worth taking them somewhere?”
“Like where? The Tower? The Cave?”
“Could do! They already know us dude. They said that. We’re comic book characters in their universe?”
“Could be a coincidence.” Kon gives him a deadpan look at that comment. It was his best friend’s ‘you’re being an over-paranoid bat freak again’ look. Tim pouts at him. “I’m just being cautious! I guess when you mention that, we should take them with us. They could spill out valuable information that needs to be kept private. We’ll take them to the cave and work something out from there.”
Kon nods like he approves of the plan.
They walk back over to their current guests, T (whose name they learned was Teddy) now had Billy up on his feet but had a hand on his waist and an arm over his shoulders in support.
“I want to take you to the cave. You’ll be safe there and then we can try and work out a way for you to get home that doesn’t involve exhausting Billy here further.”
Both of them light up at the news. “Really! You’re taking us to the Batcave? That’s awesome!”
Tim shoots them an odd look before informing that he’s going to contact Oracle. That response just had Teddy getting more excited instead.
Minutes later, after answering very few questions about what was going on, he lets them all know that a car is coming to pick them up and will arrive in about 20 minutes. That instantly gets excitement from Billy.
“Wait is that the Batmobile? We’re going to get to ride in the Batmobile?”
Instead of supplying that question with an answer he asks his own, “Just how much stuff about us do you know? You’ve told us we’re comic book characters in your universe and how you pretty much know our entire lives but how much is that exactly? How is that even possible?”
Teddy shrugs, “I don’t know. To be honest at this point I try to not ask any more. I still can’t get over the fact that you two are standing right in front of us alive and breathing.”
Tim takes a deep breath and pinches the bridge of his nose. That wasn’t the answer he was looking for. “I get that. Trust me I do, but how much of our lives do you know? How much is documented in those comics of yours. Where in are we currently in your time line, do we have to worry about any future spoilers?”
Tim was getting stressed, every question he asked came out more aggressive than the last. This was important information, if someone was to come from that universe and come to theirs they could easily spill all of his family’s secrets (along with other heroes identities). It could be catastrophic.
A hand on his shoulder draws his attention away from the two dimension travellers. He turns to find Kon glowering at him. Tim glares back. Kon simply puts harder pressure on his shoulder, “Rob, I know you want answers but perhaps the interrogation can wait until we’re at the cave away from any potential listeners yeah?”
Kon’s currently giving him that ‘don’t be stupid’ look. Tim studies his friend for a moment, trying to work out when did he become mature and actually started to use his brain for once. Right now Kon’s blue eyes were staring at him, clearly trying to get his message across to Tim, it was his eyes that made Tim relent and give in. There’s just something about them that speak a lot of words without actually doing so.
There was also that pressure on his shoulder, warm, reassuring and even restraining. It was the support he needed.
“No way…” a gasp came from behind them and they both turn around to find the two teens staring at them wide eyed.
Tim sharpens his gaze on them. “What?”
“Wait, are you two-” Teddy started to speak but Billy unsubtly elbows him.
That raises an alert inside of Tim. “What is it?” He asks. He glances at Kon before looking at them again. “Us two what?”
“It doesn’t matter!” Billy quickly replies back, too quickly. Now Tim knows that their hiding something and it’s going to get on his nerves until he knows what it is.
“You know, your cowl looks way more different in real life than what I thought it would.” Teddy comments looking at him judgingly.
Tim scowls at that, next to him Kon laughs. “I think he looks stupid.”
Teddy raises an eyebrow, smiling as he does so. “Because t-shirt and jeans are so much better?”
This time Tim snickers and elbows Kon’s side playfully. “I’ve been saying that you need to get an actual costume. Clearly they agree.”
Kon shoves him slightly and Tim pushes back. Before they could get into any fighting, a loud rumble of an engine could be heard. They break apart and Tim watches as both Billy and Teddy’s faces light up with anticipation and excitement as the batmobile comes into view.
It is mind blowing when seeing the vehicle for the first time, especially up close so he understands their fan-boying (Tim used to be like it to until he got his Red Bird) so he lets them off. Kon whistles appreciatively.
Tim smirks as it stops in front of them and heads for the driver’s side. He looks at the others, “Come on, get in,” before getting in himself.
“Oh my god Teddy look at it. Look at it! It’s so much cooler than I ever thought it was going to be!”
“This is freaking insane!”
Tim sends Kon, who climbs into shotgun, a knowing smirk. Once everyone was in Tim starts it up and puts it on auto pilot for the cave. Behind him in the back seats Billy and Teddy were still freaking out over it. Tim ignores them until they say something that makes him freeze.
“This is crazy, I wouldn’t even know what button to touch. Why did you let Bart drive this thing back in your Young Justice days?”
His mouth opens in shock as he spins around to stare at Billy who asked the question. Teddy was also looking curious for the answer. Kon, the unhelpful bastard that he is, just simply crosses his arms and says, “You know, I’ve always wandered the same thing.”
Tim scowls at him before giving their guests a hopeless look and shrug, “I don’t know! I just thought it was a good idea at the time okay. Trust me, it’ll never happen again.”
“Only because Batman won’t let it happen again.” Teddy retorts.
Tim wants to argue that point but he really can’t because it was true. Instead he stays silent, ignoring Kon’s snickers, and watches the scenery go by as they get to the cave.
Somehow, Billy and Teddy’s fanboying quadruples when they get to the cave. The two of them look around in awe and start pointing everything out like they’re at a museum. It would be amusing to watch if it wasn’t so concerning on how much they already knew.
“No way, that’s the dinosaur!”
“They actually do have the giant penny!”
“Is that, no way, they’re the original costumes! God they look so weird in person.”
“I can’t believe both Dick and Jason wore that costume as Robin, their legs must have been freezing!”
“Thank god for Tim bringing pants to the Robin costume.”
Tim shoots them a look at that. It really was unsettling on how much they knew. Just how detailed were those so called comics in their universe?
“Boy Wonder number three, care to explain what’s going on?”
Tim looks up at the next level of the cave where the computers where based to see Babs looking down at them. He pushes his cowl back tiredly and starts trudging up the stairs to get to her, Kon follows close behind him while their guests continue to freak out about things around the cave.
“Yeah those anomaly’s you picked up, turned out to be two dimensional traveling teenagers. I don’t think your tech picked them up fully because of Billy’s magical powers.”
She raises an unamused eyebrow, completely unsurprised by that information. “Huh, that’s strange. And Billy is…”
Gesturing down below, Tim comments, “Currently fan-boying about the cave.”
“Apparently we’re all comic book characters in their universe,” Kon pipes up, “They know everything about you guys and the cave, even Young Justice.”
Babs leans back in her chair, a look of curiosity crossing her features. “Well that’s not entirely unexpected but it is different. How much do they know?”
Tim shrugs, “I tried asking but they wouldn’t give a straight answer. They’re currently freaking out in their own way. From what I can gather, them being here was an accident on Billy’s part.”
“Why’s that.”
“He has magical, reality warping powers I believe, again they didn’t really tell us anything. Teddy on the other hand is a shape shifter.”
“Okay, well I’ll make some notes on this, will this Billy be able to get them back home or no?”
Tim shrugs, “I think he needs to recharge or something, he was complaining he was tired earlier.”
“I don’t see why they can’t stay here for now, ask Alfred if he’s willing to prepare rooms for them. How many others know that they’re even here?”
“No one else as far as I know.”
“Okay, well we’ll let them rest here for tonight, I’ll make a call to Zatanna to see if she can help tomorrow. How does that sound?”
Tim nods, “That’s good. Sounds like a plan, if Bruce has a problem with it then tough.”
Babs returns back to the computer and Tim starts to go towards the changing rooms, he glances over his shoulder at his best friend, “Hey you still going to stay? I know this weekend was supposed to be just us hanging out but we can wait until these two go home if you want.”
Kon quickens his pace and then chucks an arm over his shoulder. Tim tries incredibly hard to not melt into the embrace his friend provides he can’t let Kon know how good and comforting that really feels.
“I’ll stay dude, just because we have some guests doesn’t mean I don’t want to hang out with you. This might even be interesting.”
They get down to the second floor, both Billy and Teddy were still freaking out over a variety of things. “Hey!” He calls out to them. They jump like they’ve just been caught stealing candy. “Let’s go and get changed, you’ll be sleeping here tonight and then we’ll look at sending you back home tomorrow.”
They both rapidly nod in agreement and start making their way over to Tim and Kon. It’s only now that Tim is realising what their costumes are like. Billy’s is all spandex, black with grey sides, a red cape that’s heavy on one side and what appears to have is a hood. Teddy was in a black and brown vest with black pants. It was the same clothing he was wearing when he was big and green.
“We need to get you into some normal clothes,” Tim comments, “Follow me to the changing rooms!”
Teddy and Billy continue their fan-boying the entire time they were getting changed. Billy borrowed some of Tim’s clothes while Teddy borrowed some of Dick’s. Their excitement made Tim wonder how they haven’t passed out yet, from either being overwhelmed or from tiredness.
He starts getting his answer as they make their way up the stairs to the Manor. They become progressively quieter and when Tim looks behind him he sees Billy nearly asleep on Teddy and Teddy himself starting to move sluggishly. Tim figures it’s probably best to get them to a bedroom first and then make a plan in the morning when they wake up.
He voices this to them and they tiredly agree, both not really with it anymore. With Kon’s help, they set up one of the spare rooms they have which was close to Tim’s own. They offered them separate rooms but apparently the teenagers were happy sharing. They bid their goodnights and close off for the night.
Tim and Kon head back to his own, both of them lowly talking about their new guests.
“Do you think they’re together?” Tim questions shutting the door.
Kon goes over the bed and flops down onto it face first for a moment before rolling over onto his side so he was looking at Tim. The meta shrugs, “I think so yeah, but then again they could just be really close bros.”
“I suppose so yeah, not the vibe I get from them though.”
“Then again Tim, if you’re in another world and only had one person you knew, you would stick by them too wouldn’t you? They’re probably still getting their heads wrapped around what’s happened. Give them a break.”
Tim slumps on the bed next to his best friend, finally feeling the day and night catch up to him. “True.”
Next to him Kon grins, “Also, the same could be said for us. We’re close, people probably have presumed that we’re together.”
Tim tries really hard to ignore how his heart jumps at hearing that and how much he’s thought about that being a real thing. “Yeah I guess…” he says slowly. He can’t let Kon know of his crush. Before they could get any further on the topic Tim changes the subject. “You staying the night or heading off now?”
Next to him Kon yawns and rubs a hand over his face, “What time is it?”
Tim looks at his digital clock on his bedside table, “It’s nearly 4am. You’re welcome to stay, I’ll deal with Bruce in the morning.” He knows Kon knows this but it doesn’t hurt to remind his friend.
“If that’s cool man, I mean I said I’d stay anyway, plus I can’t be bothered to fly back now.”
Tim nods in understanding. After a moment he forces himself up from the bed to get himself ready for bed, when he comes back Kon is passed out on the bed, his back facing Tim. Tim rolls his eyes but smiles, in an attempt to not wake his best friend he climbs into the empty space and allows himself to fall asleep.
When Tim wakes up in the morning, he’s extremely comfortable, warm and really tempted to just stay in bed. It was when last night’s events repeat in his mind that he knows he needs to get out of bed. He needs to work out what he’s going to be doing with Billy and Teddy that day while they wait to hear back from Zatanna.
As he begins to wake up fully he starts to notice more things, like how his head isn’t resting on his pillow but is on something relatively soft or how there’s something pressed up against his back which he knows is definitely not the wall.
He shifts and looks over his shoulder to find Kon pressed right up against him, his best friend’s head was pressed against his shoulder, Tim’s head was actually resting against his bicep while the other hand is wrapped around his waist in a loose embrace while he slept.
Tim’s breathing catches in his throat. He’s suddenly more awake than before and tenses up. Shit, shit, shit, not good! When had they gotten into this position? Why did it have to be so comfortable? Tim determines the best way to get out of this situation without waking Kon, which was difficult because the meta felt warm and pleasant behind him but Tim didn’t really want to be dealing with any morning wood at that moment.
He gently removes the arm from around his waist before slowly rolling himself away. He’s grateful that he easily slips out of bed without getting snagged by Kon’s TTK (which has happened before). He shakes himself off, watches with amusement as Kon pouts at the loss of heat and as he turns back over to continue sleeping.
Getting himself ready for the day, he plans on getting a cup of coffee, maybe some breakfast and then working out how to help their current guests and their predicament. He was walking out of his room when he spots Teddy coming out into the hallway. Shutting the door behind him he greets the other teenager.
“Morning. How did you sleep?”
Teddy lets out an awkward laugh and walks up to him, he rubs a hand against his neck and looks around in awe. “Still can’t get over the fact that this wasn’t a dream. I barely remember getting into bed last night but I certainly do remember yesterday’s events. I slept well considering though. Billy’s still asleep, probably will be for a while, he normally sleeps like a good half of the day when his powers go wild.”
“That’s fine,” Tim tells him earnestly, “We have no plans for today and to help the two of you we have called one our magicians to come and help you out if they’re not busy.”
Teddy raises his eyebrows, “Who? And are you sure? Once Billy’s awake he’ll be fine to get us back.”
Tim doesn’t miss the quietly added ‘hopefully’ at the end of that sentence. He lets it go and waves a hand around, “Nah it’s fine. And Zatanna if you want to know.”
Together they start walking to the kitchen. Tim watches Teddy with amusement as he takes everything in. It still concerns him about how much they know about their lives, but there’s not a lot he can do about it so he sucks it up and tries to ignore that particular fact.
As they near the kitchen they hear multiple voices and Tim groans. He didn’t want to be dealing with his family this morning. Especially with both his dimension travelling guests and Kon here. Next to him Teddy gasps.
“Is that your family? Am I about to meet the Bat family?”
Tim shoots him an odd look, “Uh yeah, unfortunately. They do live here after all.”
“Oh my god!”
Tim shakes his head in disbelief before leading them into the kitchen. He still needs his coffee despite the situation. The blonde teenager follows him and abruptly stops in the door way at the sight of his family gathered around the table having breakfast.
Bruce was sat there, a paper in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. Dick was munching on some cereal beside him. Alfred was at the stove. Okay, it wasn’t as bad as Tim thought, thank god Damian or Jason wasn’t there.
Noticing that Teddy had frozen at the doorway he goes back, grabs his wrist and drags him into the kitchen, “Guys, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.” All of their heads turn their way and he immediately feels Teddy tense up.
Bruce was the first to react, before Tim couldn’t even introduce was Teddy was. His adoptive father stands up and heads towards them, his bulking frame looming over them almost in a menacing way.
“So this is our guest, or one of them. Theodore I assume?”
Teddy swallows and jerkily nods, “Uh yeah – yes sir. Though Teddy is fine.”
Bruce, “Okay, nice to meet you Teddy, I would introduce myself but I hear that you already know who I am don’t you?”
Tim rolls his eyes, he can’t believe Bruce is interrogating him. Poor kid. Then again he did the same thing didn’t he?
“Uh yes sir, you’re Bruce Wayne and you’re a lot bigger than I imagined you would be in real life.”
That gets Teddy some odd looks. To save him from any more embarrassment Tim jumps in and explains, “Teddy is from a different world, in his world we’re all comic book characters. He knows everything Bruce.”
It goes silent for a moment as everyone digests that information. Bruce looks stoic, clearly working out all of the implications of that means. Dick and Alfred both simply look interested.
“Huh, that’s new.” Dick comments from the table. His brother gets up and walks over to them, pushing Bruce to the side as he does so. He sticks a hand out to Teddy. “It’s nice to meet you Teddy.”
It was amusing to watch the almost scared look from Teddy’s face melt away into awe and disbelief. It takes him a moment but eventually he shakes Dick’s hand. “It’s an honour.”
“So if you’re from a different world, how did you end up in ours? Is that what the anomaly was yesterday?”
“Perhaps the young man would like some food first, then he can go about answering your questions Master Dick.” Alfred pipes up from the stove.
Dick has the decency to look a little bit guilty. “Sorry Alf, what do you want for breakfast Teddy?”
Teddy looks put out by the question, “Uh… cereal will be fine if that’s okay.”
“That’s fine!”
They get settled at the table, Teddy with a bowl of cereal and Tim with his coffee and French toast. Kon joins them about 10 minutes later and Alfred sets him up with a bacon sandwich. Tim very pointedly ignores the look Dick shoots him when Kon sits down next to him.
After they’ve all finished eating they get talking. Or it’s more like an interrogation, Tim feels really bad for Teddy but the other teen seems to be taking it in stride now he’s gotten over his bewilderment that the man who is Batman was there in front of his eyes for real.
“Billy’s powers can be temperamental. He’s still learning how to control them, while he’s a lot better than what he was a year or two back when they first manifested, there’s still a few bumps. It’s not the first time we’ve travelled to another world but it is the first time we’ve travelled to one where it’s a comic book in our world.”
“Last night Kon and I found them in the alley where the anomaly was located.” Tim inputs. “With the knowledge they have of us, and with Billy’s powers being a bit temperamental, we thought it was best to bring them here where it’s safe and where they can get the right help.”
He looks at both Bruce and Dick, expecting them to say something, or at least he’s expecting Bruce too. The man surprises him and stays quiet for a moment, clearly taking it all in and trying to decide what the next move will be. His brother stays quiet, but Tim doesn’t miss the way he keeps on glancing between him and Kon. Damn him for knowing his secret, for him getting Tim so drunk to the point where a filter was non-existent.
“Where’s Billy now?” Bruce finally speaks up.
“He’s, uh, he’s still sleeping. Sometimes using his powers really exhaust him.”
“And he’s the one that brought the both of you here?”
“By accident.” Teddy snaps defensively.
Bruce wasn’t fazed by the attitude, he turns to Tim, calling his name to get his attention. “Tim, what’s your plan with dealing with this?”
After glaring at Dick, Tim moves his attention to Bruce. “Well I was speaking with Babs last night, she’s calling Zatanna for us, hopefully she’ll be able to come by soon and help get these two back to where they came from. While Billy could send them back himself, it’s probably best if we get someone with more… control to do it this time.”
He glances at Teddy to see if he’d accidently set the other teen off but the blonde seems fine now, just a little tense. It’s obvious he cares deeply about Billy and will fight whoever says anything bad about him.
“Okay, you seem to have a good handle on the situation so you can deal with this. I’ll be at WE all day today. If you need me, just call.”
With that Bruce gets up from the table, finishes his drink in one, and disappears. Tim blinks at his retreating form, trying to work out if that just happened. He turns to Kon to see that his best friend is just as confused, “You saw and heard what I did right?”
He nods, “Uh huh. That’s weird.”
Opposite them Dick snorts, “He trusts ya Timmy, take it while you can.” He gets up from the table also, he does a couple of stretches before heading for the door, “Catch you guys later!”
Once his brother had disappeared, Tim turns to Teddy to see him staring ahead. “You okay Teddy?”
The blonde snaps too and sends him a smile, “Yeah, it’s just a lot to take in I guess. Dick Grayson is way more handsome than I’d ever thought he would be, Bruce Wayne is a lot larger than I thought, Alfred seems to be just as awesome as I assumed, this whole place is beyond mind blowing.”
“A lot to take in huh?” Kon sympathises with him. Teddy nods silently.
“Anyway,” Tim starts, “I was thinking that you and Billy can spend the day here, we all could go out and eat if you wanted just until I hear back from Babs about Zatanna.”
“Sounds good, could we wait a couple hours though, just so Billy can have some more rest?”
Tim nods, “Yeah, that’s no problem.”
It was mid-afternoon when the four of them all head out. The few hours since Breakfast Tim had filled the time up by doing some paperwork and a light workout routine. Kon had popped back to the farm to do some chores and had come back in civilian clothing, Tim had tried very hard to not stare at the way the plaid shirt stretches nicely across Kon’s broad back.
Teddy had spent the time in his and Billy’s room. Once Billy had woken up, got himself orientated with what’s going on, they had come to Tim’s room and then the four of them decided to go out taking one of the less flashy cars in Bruce’s collection.
Tim was taking them into the city for a late lunch. He still hadn’t heard from Babs about Zatanna yet, also this seemed like a good idea into getting to know the two dimension travellers and trying to see how much they knew about their world.
He pulls up to one of his and Kon’s favourite places to eat. Kon grins at him knowingly and Tim smiles back. Once he’s parked, they head inside and the familiar waitress sits them down at his and Kon’s normal table, it was near the back out of the way from everyone, the best place for privacy.
Tim and Kon sit on one side while Billy and Teddy take the other. They spend the time looking at what to order, or at least Billy and Teddy do, Tim and Kon already know what they’re having. They have the same every time they come here. After the waitress takes their orders they get talking.
“Would it be unfair to ask about how detailed those comics of yours are?” Tim asks, he may as well get straight to the point.
Both guests laugh, “Most likely? Probably something to do with a time line continuum somewhere? Plus we wouldn’t want to spoil anything for you guys.” Teddy answers lightly.
Kon leans forward looking at him, “Like?”
Teddy gives him a deadpan look, “Well I’m obviously not going to tell you know am I? That’s the whole point of a spoiler.”
Kon pouts, which Tim finds cute, “Fine.”
Billy laughs, “I still can’t believe you guys are real! This whole world is real! I didn’t mean for us to come here but recently my powers have been all over the place this is certainly a new level though. Tommy keeps having a go at me for it.”
“Who’s tommy?” Tim questions.
“His twin brother,” Teddy supplies, “He’s a speedster.”
“Oh right cool, what about you Teddy, any relatives?”
“No, I haven’t got any, but our team’s practically family so that counts I guess.”
Tim watches as Billy reaches over and takes his hand, they lace their fingers together. They share a look and smile between them. That definitely confirms that they’re together. At the actions he glances at Kon beside him to see the meta looking directly back at him, he offers a small smile before quickly looking away suddenly feeling hot.
Thankfully to save anything else from happening their food arrives and the four of them all tuck in.
Kon is instantly groaning around a mouth full of food, “Oh my god, this is so good!”
Tim rolls his eyes and smacks him on the arm, “Don’t talk with our mouth full!”
Kon narrows his eyes at Tim and starts obscenely chewing his food. Tim hits him again but can’t keep the smile off of his face at the childish display. “Conner!”
Conner eventually stops and goes back to eating like a normal human being once again. When Tim turns back he finds Billy and Teddy wearing matching amused expressions. Feeling slightly put off, Tim tries to ignore them and dives into his own meal.
“So how long have you guys been together?” Kon asks, this time his mouth free of any food.
Teddy and Billy shrug at the same time, “Couple years now.”
“Too long if you ask me.” Teddy says with a wink. Billy pouts and pinches him in retaliation.
“Were you together when you started heroics or got together afterwards? You mentioned a team, who does that consist of?” Tim questions curiously. He wonders how different their team is too his own.  
“No, we were together before we started. We started dating around the time Billy’s powers started showing up.” Teddy answers.
Billy laughs, “God knows how long we spent in my room with those goddamn self-help books. Teddy played a real big part in helping me get some of the control I have over them.”
Tim opens his mouth to ask about their team again but Kon gets in there first and asks, “So if we’re all comic book characters, who’s your favourite.”
Tim rolls his eyes in exasperation, “Of course you would want to know that.” He turns to the others, “Please don’t say it’s him. He doesn’t need his ego boosted any more than what it already is.”
He gets a couple of chuckles and a protest at that. Teddy and Billy go silent for a while as if thinking it over.
“It’s hard to say. There are favourites for different things. Do you mean like who’s our favourite looking? Who has our favourite power? Who’s our favourite villain or hero?”
Kon shrugs, “Any? All of them? Just give us something!”
“Well you guys are more relatable, teen heroes trying to fight the bad, being part of a team and going through teenage problems.”
“But Batman’s pretty awesome.”
“See I don’t know, Superman is up there. No wait Wonder Woman! Gotta love the badassness there!”
The two of them then get engrossed about what heroes are cool and who they prefer. They seem to forget that Kon and Tim were sat there. Tim leans over to Kon, “Look at what you’ve done now.”
Kon gives him a look, “Well sorry! How was I supposed to know they’d go off on one, excitedly talking about those we work with.”
Tim tunes back in Teddy and Billy’s conversation but has no idea on who they’re now talking about.
“They just need to admit their feelings! They’ve been pining for one another for years!”
“You tell me that like I don’t know. We can’t tell them that they like one another now can we?”
“I just want to see them together! The comics won’t do it so we have to!”
“How do you expect us to do that then? We can’t force them together, they’ve got to get together naturally.”
“This is them we’re talking about Teddy, they don’t do anything naturally.”
“Very true, what about-”
“What on earth are you guys on about?” Tim interjects having had enough of completely being lost.
The two of them look like deer’s caught in headlights and they instantly blush.
“Nothing!” Billy quickly says
Because that was discrete. Tim raises an unamused eyebrow. “Who were you on about? What two people have been pining over one another and that aren’t together in your comic books? They actually might be a couple here, the timeline may be off.”
Both teenagers give him a look like he’s stupid. It makes him feel like he’s missing something really obvious but he can’t tell what it is. He glances at Kon who had a look of concentration on his face, his eyebrows were drawn in together and his lips were pressed tightly together. He looked good. When Kon looks like that it reminds him of how much the meta has matured and grown over the recent years. It’s such a change from when he was his bratty, cocky younger self.
“What do you guys-” He starts asking them but was cut off by a beeping sound coming from his pocket. He grits his teeth and digs out his phone, glancing at the screen which shows him a message sent from Babs.
Zatanna will pop by the cave before patrol, make sure you’re ready for her.
He shoots here a quick text back confirming it before turning to the two dimension travellers. “Well, looks like your time in our universe will be a short one. Zatanna will be by tonight and hopefully will be able to send you home.”
A mixture of emotions cross each boys face, happiness, sadness, shock and relief but the main one seemed to excitement, especially from Billy.
“We’re going to meet Zatanna! Oh my god!”
Teddy laughs at his boyfriend, “Calm down B.”
Billy turns in his seat and plants his hands on the blonde’s shoulder’s, “Don’t tell me to calm down! We’re going to be meeting the most powerful magician in the DC universe Ted! I can’t believe it.”
“What’s DC Universe mean?” Kon asks next to him. Predictably he’s ignored by Billy fanboying and Teddy watching him with amused, love filled eyes.
Kon leans over to him, close enough that Tim could feel his breath against his cheek, “Now look at what you’ve done.”
Tim turns to him and smacks him. Kon, the jerk, just laughs. Tim leaves the three of them there at the table as he goes and hunts down the waitress to pay their bill. It doesn’t go unnoticed as the waitress glances at his group before looking at him with a smile. “I hope you all had fun on your double date. It’s nice to see boys out together in this day and age.
Tim freezes in his spot, feeling his whole face go hot in embarrassment and ends up stuttering, “Uh… we’re not… it’s not…” In the end he gives up, he gives her a tight smile and heads back to his table. As he approaches Kon looks at him funny.
“You okay dude, seem kinda flushed.”
“Fine.” Tim snaps at him. “Ready to go?”
The three of them all get up and together they head for the door, Tim makes sure to stay as far away from Kon as he can while they leave the café fully aware of the waitress watching them go by.
They climb into the car and have an easy journey back to the Manor. As they ascend up the stairs Kon announces that he needs to get back to the farm as Ma had texted him. Tim deflates at hearing that but gives his best friend an easy smile, he knows what it’s like.
Kon turns to Billy and Teddy, he gives them each a hand shake, “It was nice meeting you guys. Take care of yourselves and get back safe.”
The two guests smile and return the comment. Kon lets them go and wanders over to Tim, flinging his arm around his shoulders in a hug, “And Tim, dude, I’ll see you later on okay. Or whenever really.”
Tim gives him a quick hug back before letting go as Kon jumps into the air. He gives them all a mock salute and then like that he was gone. Tim hadn’t realised he was staring out into the open until a throat gets cleared behind him. He turns to find Billy and Teddy giving him that look again.
Having had enough he crosses his arms over his chest and glares at them. “What? Why do you guys keep looking at me like that? You’ve been doing it since we met last night!”
They glance at each other, having a silent conversation between them before they turn back to Tim. “Because you guys are so obvious yet you’re both completely oblivious.” Teddy states.
“Obvious about what? Oblivious about what?” With Kon gone Tim now kind of has an idea what they’re on about but he’s not willing to acknowledge it, yet.
“Tim, come on. Anyone can see it.” Billy says sounding exasperated.
Tim turns away from them, heading for the doors, “I don’t know what you’re on about.”
They follow behind him as they enter the Manor and head for his room. “You’re in denial Tim. You always have been, you’re scared of what’ll happen to your friendship with him.”
They get to his bedroom and once that door shuts Tim spins at them and snaps. “Yes I am scared! Yes I am in denial! How the fuck am I supposed to admit my feelings for my best friend? We have years of friendship behind us, if I let him know it’ll ruin all of that. Once my feelings are out there, it’ll ruin whatever we have now.”
To his annoyance both Billy and Teddy look sympathetic and understanding. “We understand that Tim, but you’re so wrapped up in yourself that you don’t realise or see that Kon feels the same way about you. I guarantee that he has the same worries as you do. You need to tell him, you need to talk to him.”
Tim feels the brief anger seep out of him and he slumps down onto his bed, suddenly feeling exhausted. He rubs a hand across his face, “I can’t do it. I can’t lose him again.”
He feels one of them sit next to him, a hand appears on his shoulder and squeezes reassuringly. “It’ll be okay. You just have to be honest and trusting.”
Tim snorts disbelievingly and then they lap into silence. Tim thinks it all through, he can’t tell Kon, he can’t. His best friend will look at him with such disgust and sudden hatred that Tim has no idea what he’d do after Kon walks away from him.
“Are we together in your comics? Is that what you’ve been hiding since arriving? It was us you were talking about in the café wasn’t it?” He asks them, hoping for an answer. What answer he doesn’t know, just something.
“No, you’re not, but you should be. Most people agree as well. We certainly think you should be. You make one another happy, you care about him in more ways than one. You almost gave your soul for him Tim when he died and you tried to clone him back. It’s just so obvious about how much you guys should be together.”
Tim cringes at the reminder of that dark time. He feels embarrassed and ashamed at hearing someone else say that, it’s worse that it’s come from someone from another dimension.
He shakes his head in refusal, “I can’t do it. Sorry guys but it’s not happening.”
The hand on his shoulder squeezes once more before it lets go, “Well just think about it.”
Tim nods, despite fully knowing he wouldn’t.
After that they move away from the topic of Kon and get into talking movies and video games, they get into comparing what film similarities there between their worlds and how ridiculous some of the old movies were. It was light-hearted and fun, it took Tim’s mind off of everything else.
They keep at it until Alfred calls them down for dinner where they join the rest of the family to eat. It wasn’t exactly awkward but it wasn’t really comfortable either. Dick kept up his usual chatter, Jason occasional added his own comments in, Bruce just eyed Billy and Teddy critically the entire time and Damian wasn’t interested. As they were doing that, Billy and Teddy just sat there mostly gawking at them all and occasionally answering the questions being fired their way.
That evening they were all down in the cave when Zatanna arrives. It was as weird as it was amusing watching Billy freak out over meeting Zatanna, Teddy was just as excited but unlike his partner he managed to contain it.
Zatanna allowed a few minutes of Billy being an excitable fanboy before getting down to business, she asks them a few questions on their origins and about Billy’s powers. It seems straightforward enough because 5 minutes later the magician announces she’d be able to send them home. 10 minutes later she had the spell ready to be casted.
That’s when they say their goodbyes. Tim smiles as both Billy and Teddy freak out when Dick and Alfred gives them a hug each and as Jason gives them a handshake, he laughs when they awkwardly wave bye to Bruce and Damian.
Finally it was his turn, he gives them a hug before pulling away. “Take care of yourselves.” He tells them, it was weird because he felt sad to see them go despite hardly knowing them.
Billy grins, “We will, or well as best as we can. No promises though.”
Tim huffs out a laugh and rolls his eyes, “Well that’s something so I’ll take it.”
“Thanks for having us,” Teddy says smiling, “We really appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem, it’s been fun.” Tim replies back.
“Boys you ready?” A voice behind them calls. Nodding their conformation they start to head over to where Zatanna was waiting.
Just before she casts the spell the two teenagers make eye contact with him one more time. “Just remember to talk to him! Be honest!”
Tim rolls his eyes, “Maybe! Maybe not!” He shouts just as they disappear from view. Where they were is now just an empty space once again, it was like Billy and Teddy never even existed. Zatanna soon disappears and they all start filtering out of the cave or start to get ready for patrol, however before he could make his own escape Dick appears next to him.
“What did they mean? Who do you have to speak to?”
Tim shrugs him off, heading for the changing rooms, “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it. It’s just them suggesting things about their own comics from their universe.” He makes it quick to disappear so Dick couldn’t ask any more questions.
The thought of Kon bugged him the entire night he was on patrol. He couldn’t get what Billy and Teddy had said to him out of his head and he couldn’t get rid of the variety of images he had of Kon in his mind. It was frustrating. Thankfully he had plenty of petty criminals to take his anger and frustrations out on but it didn’t do much to get rid of those thoughts once he was back at the cave.
It turns out that he didn’t need to think about it much longer because a little bit later, once he was in his room climbing into bed, Kon was there at his window tapping lightly on the glass. Tim gets out of bed and lets his best friend in, though he did debate whether that was a good idea or not for a minute.
Kon floats in and smiles brightly at him as he closes the window. “Hey.”
“So how was patrol?”
Tim waves his hand around uselessly and heads for his bed, “Oh you know, same old same old.” He plonks himself down on the mattress and watches as Kon sits down opposite him. “We sent Billy and Teddy back earlier by the way. Zatanna did it so they’re now back in their own universe.”
“That’s good to hear. They were different weren’t they? Makes you wonder what kind of world they live in.”
Tim shrugs, having not really thought about it. “I guess? I just can’t believe that there’s a world where we’re comic book characters.”
“Ha! That is pretty bizarre.”
They fall into silence and Tim flops down on his back, throwing his arm over his face to cover his eyes. It was late and he was tired. “Anyway Kon, what’s up? Why’d you fly all the way here?”
He feels Kon shift on the bed, “Nothing’s wrong man, I kinda just left pretty abruptly you know. I felt bad so I thought I’d come back over and tell ya that. Though I didn’t think about how late it was dude, sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Tim mumbles. If it’s Kon it’ll always be okay.
“I don’t know if you noticed, but did you ever work out what they were hiding at all? They acted so secretive sometimes that it was suspicious. I get they couldn’t tell us everything but I feel like that there’s something more to it.”
Tim tenses up at hearing that. He’d forgotten how perceptive Kon has gotten recently. He swallows thickly, grateful that most of his face was covered to hide the blush that’s made it’s way onto his cheeks.
Be honest. Talk to him. Be trusting. Be honest. Honesty.
The words float around in his head right there in the front of his mind. He was so busy thinking about what the dimension travellers had said to him that he realises to late at what he had said out loud.
“I like you.”
The room falls into silence at that. Not a comfortable, relaxing silence but one with tension and heaviness in it.
Tim curses himself. Stupid. Stupid idiot. You dumbass stupid moron of an idiot-
“I like you.” He repeats. “I mean I like, like, you. They were hiding the fact that it was apparently so blatantly obvious.”
“Really…” Kon had gone quiet which makes Tim peek from underneath his arm in curiosity. Kon was staring back at him with intense eyes and Tim feels himself heat up at the attention.
Kon licks his lips, “And what if I said that I like you back?”
Tim blinks disbelievingly, his mouth drops in shock, “Wha-”
That’s when Kon was leaning over, grabbing his arm and yanking him up into a sitting position so they were face to face. Tim couldn’t help but look down at his lips and back up to his blue eyes. Kon’s own eyes flicker down before they bounce back up.
He’s not sure who made the first move but they were then kissing. Lips pressing lightly against one another as they both seem hesitant but when Tim opens his mouth just slightly Kon presses against him little harder and they fall into an easy rhythm. As Kon presses against him, Tim brings his hands up and runs them over Kon’s hair and across his shoulders, he feels Kon’s own hands pet his sides and his back.
When they pull apart after what seems like forever they’re both panting slightly. Kon grins and rests his forehead against Tim’s.
“So?” Tim repeats smiling.
“I like you too dude.”
“I got that.”
He gets a pinch in retaliation for that. “Hey Tim.”
“Yeah Kon?”
“Be my boyfriend?”
In reply Tim kisses him even harder than before and drags him down with him on the bed. Kon takes that as his answer and goes with his movements, not once breaking contact as they adjust to the new position. Turns out Billy and Teddy were right after all, though why did it take them meeting some other teenagers from a different universe to get together? Not that Tim was complaining of course, it was just strange that’s all.
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a-marlene-s · 5 years
La Red: Part 12
If anyone is interested or want to support my writing feel to drop by.  https://ko-fi.com/a_marlene_s 
This is a bit of a flashback, enjoy
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Nino what he is planning on doing could either make or break his relationship with Alya forever. He knew that if he cannot convince his girlfriend that Lila is bad news, it is the end of their relationship. Of course, the teen had tried to warn his girlfriend time and time again, but no matter how much he tried, Alya would wave him off.
There was so much more than that too. Nino knew with Alya’s method of gathering information for the Ladyblog could be seen as unethical, more so with showing videos of very private moments of the heroes. Things that should have been discussed beforehand before they were published. Did he warn her? Yes, yes he did. Did Alya listen? No. No, she did not listen.
Did Nino warn Alya about the Lila video’s? Against his better judgment, he did not try hard enough to talk her into talking to Ladybug herself about the information. During that time, there was little voice in the back of his head that told him he needed to double check Lila’s words. The voice telling him that what Alya is doing is going to get her in trouble in the long run… but Alya had a way to convince him otherwise.
This would become a cycle between them, with Nino trying to convince Alya that she needed to check her work and her convincing him that her information is legitimate. There was nothing wrong with her work and he’s overthinking everything. Everything Lila is saying is the truth.
Everything Lila is saying is the truth. Emphasize on period.
Ever since Lila came into the picture, she became Alya’s whole world and in turn, his as well. Whatever to keep his girlfriend happy and that only resulted with so much stress add to their relationship.
Lila this-
Lila that-
Lila said this-
Lila told me-
Alya’s ever need to clung onto every word that slips out of Lila’s mouth has caused friction between the couple. Nino was pulled into every conversation, forced to take on opinions that were not of his own. It got to the point where he suspects Lila has been talking crap behind his back to Alya whenever he did anything that displeased the liar.
Nino wanted to ignore it. He really did. More so with how Adrien took everything in with stride with that megawatt smile of his, but that should have been the first red flag. Adrien only smiles like that when he has something to hide, it’s too rehearsed for his own good.
The metaphorical cheery to this cake? Marinette.
Nino should have trusted her word against Lila, but did not. He could still remember how Alya would tighten her hold him whenever he wanted to say anything and he kept quiet. Not this time.
After a long day of reevaluating everything that has been happening since Lila came to their school, it has been increasingly evident that she has targeted Marinette for one reason or another. After talking to Ladybug… it’s clear that Nino should have listened to that little voice in his head. 
Nino hopes that after this, he could still be considered Marinette’s friend. A title he shouldn’t have taken for granted.
“Lila told me that Ladybug-”
“Then she told me that-”
“Marinette shouldn’t be such a bi-”
“What? I’m just giving you a recap on what I’ve been talking to Lila before you got here?” Alya questioned Nino, giving him a skeptical look as she leads him through her home. Her expression changed when she realized that Nino did not move beyond entryway of her home. “Nino?”
“Are you parents’ home? Your sisters?” Nino asked, taking a look around the apartment.
“My parents are out on a date and Nora took the twins out.” Alya asked, becoming annoyed. “Come on, let’s go to my room and I’ll tell you what happened.”
“I rather talk here.” Nino said, not budging from his spot. He stared at Alya, seeing that her eyes were still red from her crying earlier but he has to push that away from his mind. “I talked to Ladybug and what she said has me thinking over a lot that has been happening to us, Marinette and Lila.”
Alya’s expression shifted into fury at the mention of Marinette. “I thought you went to talk to Ladybug and not her.”
“I did speak with Ladybug and what she said is very telling.” Nino said, his gaze hardened when he saw Alya walked down the stairs to walk up to him. More so when Alya started to talk about how he’s now taking Marinette’s side, same as Ladybug. “Are you accusing Ladybug is being manipulated by Marinette?”
“What else? Lila told me that Ladybug has been talking to Marinette a lot and she suspects she’s manipulating her.” Alya stated, with the upmost certainty. “The bitch has been brainwashing Ladybug against Lila!”
“Is that it? You’re going to take Lila’s words for granted?” Nino accused. “That’s all you have been saying and doing since Lila came into the picture. Lila this- Lila that- Lila said this- Lila told you- LILA! The main reason we never have time to ourselves is because of her. The reason Marinette has started to avoid everyone is because of her. You what’s the most fuck up thing about this, you’re so hung up on Lila’s words that you refuse to see what exactly is going on around you.”
“Don’t talk like that about Lila! She’s my friend, just as much as she is yours.” Alya defended, her eyes now show a fury. “Lila has been helping me with the Ladyblog and so much more! More so than anyone else by the looks of it.”
Nino’s features turn stony at Alya’s words. “Did you ever bother to ask Ladybug herself if she’s friends with Lila?”
At that, Alya rolled her eyes. “Lila to-”
“Did you ever ask Ladybug herself if she’s friends with her?”
“No, but-”
Nino slowly raised his hands into the hair and placed them on his head, gripping his hat in an attempt to hold back his dismay. He did not bother to hear Alya’s excuse. He’s heard it time and after time again. “That means you did not verify your sources. You didn’t verify with Ladybug herself on what Lila is saying about her.”
“Please, Lila told me that Ladybug will deny know her for her own protection. What you’re just saying is that you got from Marinette!” Alya accused.
“For the last time, I did not talk to her, I talked to Ladybug herself!”
“Marinette is just manipulating Ladybug and now she’s trying to manipulate you too!”
“A decent report always verifies her sources. You never once bother to ask her if Lila’s words are true.”
Nino blinked a couple of times, he slowly looked over at Alya’s raised hand and the look of shock that spread across her face. He slowly lowered his hand to his now throbbing cheek. One thing rang through his mind, there was no way their relationship could be salvaged at this point. “Marinette nearly got akumatized because of Lila… three times. All you could care about is your blog. Lila has been tormenting your supposed best friend and all you want to do is demean her by saying she’s jealous and manipulating everyone?”
Shock gone replaced back with her fury. “Maybe if she jus-”
“I’m warning you Alya, Lila’s words will be your fall and at some point and like a house of cards, you will be dragged down by them if you don’t open your eyes. As for me… I’m done.” Nino turned around to head towards the door to leave. He tugged had one hand on the door and the other on his shirt when he felt Alya had gotten a grasp on it. “…Ladybug told me she could no longer trust you for the fact you were unable to separate your hero life and with your civilian life. She could no longer ignore your behavior and to be frank… I’m ashamed for how we have been treating Marinette for something so… stupid.”
“Is that because you still have feelings for her? Is that it! Lila told me-”
“I’m done.” Nino tugged his shoulders out of his now ex-girlfriend’s grasps and walked out. He ignored Alya’s cried for him to return before the sound of her slamming the door shut reverberated the silent street. When he got to the end of the street, he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Taking in a deep breath he dialed a familiar number and hoping they could pick up.
“Hello…? Nino?”
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fill out & repost ♥  This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is: canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO (Though he’s only in a few panels, I think he ends up being many people’s first fave?)
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom? YES / NO 
Is your character considered strong in the fandom? YES / NO
Are they underrated? YES / NO (I think he’s very nicely rated, but also parts of him need more attention)
Were they relevant for the main story? YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO
How’s their reputation? GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL 
How strictly do you follow canon?
I try to follow what is known at the moment. I’ve done math to figure out when people would be joining his crew, and I try to stick as close to canon as I can. However, we don’t know a lot about him or his crew honestly, so I end up supplementing a lot of my own things. I do have an intense, crippling fear of being wrong so I try to only make safe headcanon guesses even though I know most people won’t care. Also, I'm not a huge fan of no women seen so far on his ship so I just... adjust some things and stick my OCs there. I have a feeling I know part of why there aren’t any women, and I don’t like it even if it fits in with sailor and pirate lore, so I’m just gonna fix that bit. Shanks is so decent otherwise. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.
Shanks has a lot of different parts to him. He’s great because he can get along with most everyone for an evening of drinking. He doesn’t care who you are, and he’s really hard to upset but he can definitely troll other characters very well. He’s kind and will rescue your character from certain death if need be, but he’s also strong and will challenge them if they threaten those he loves. He can be a really fun character to ship with as he loves very hard and people mean a lot to him. So if someone writes with him he is guaranteed to have strong thoughts on yours and will be more than likely to call them a friend by the end of the day. He’s also very attractive and good with kids, so that’s nice. He’s very much a pirate too, so if you want a pirate for your story but you don’t want the kind that will strike you down, he’s a great option. He’s forgiving too so you can screw him over and he’ll find a way to forgive you. Maybe. Depends on the kind of screw up. He’s also got a long range in terms of moments to play in his life, some really dramatic canon moments and some headcanoned ones. So it’s very possible to write with kid, teen, young adult, and adult Shanks. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?
It can be a bit difficult to create conflict with Shanks. Although it lets him pull off some great crack moments and have some great fun chaos, it also means that even powerful antagonists are hesitant to challenge him or fight him. Or even bring harm to him as canonically it means starting a fight with the Red Hair Pirates - which it’s also canon that not many are eager to do. This means a lot of the threads end up being talking or verbal threats as the opponent may make threats or Shanks will threaten but he doesn’t feel action is warranted unless action is done against him or a friend (if that makes sense). And even then circumstances mean a lot. I’d love to be able to play more physical rps and put him in more harrowing positions, but it’s difficult with how powerful he is and his reputation. 
What inspired you to rp your muse?
I actually really, really like pirates. I have some books on pirates and I’m really drawn to stories about pirates. A long, long, long time ago I had just read a cheesy romance novel called To Catch a Pirate and I really wanted another book where the pirates weren’t necessarily the bad guys. I was volunteering my summers at the library at the time and they had the first volume of One Piece. I set my sights on Shanks and never looked back. He’s just everything I crave in a pirate story. The dashing rogue with a heart of gold, you know. So I was sold. 
What keeps your inspiration going?
I think just the character and the new interactions that we get to come up with. Also, he’s a really unique character to rp culture as well. He’s insanely powerful, which is something that is more frowned upon with creating OCs for better or worse. Also, because he really won’t abuse this power except for like, something silly, I get to really play with him. I feel I also get to help people play with versions of their characters they haven’t been able to play before. Characters who are used to strong-arming and violence to get their way suddenly can’t do that, because Shanks is too powerful. So they have to come up with another way to express themselves and seeing these muns work with their characters to figure that out is really fun. 
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you do your character justice? YES / NO
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO
Do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO
Are you confident in your writing? YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person? YES / NO
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?
I’m going to be honest. I really need to steel myself for criticism. I’m a perfectionist to the point where it’s really, really bad sometimes and I have walked away from a character because one person said they didn’t like how I played them. I try to go back to that character but I just can’t really. RP is fun for me, and I want this world to be a place where I can feel free to do what I want. So I prefer no feedback here. 
In before someone says “but criticism is how you grow” - okay. I get that. I really do. I’m a graduate student so I’ve had feedback from teachers. I have a few writing groups where I get feedback on my creative work. I get feedback on things that are meant for a larger audience and I get the feedback often. It hurts a bit but I am getting tougher. A few weeks ago, my group ripped apart (in the nicest way possible) a comedy sketch I was proud of. It took a bit to get over but now it’s better than before. 
So here I might not open things up for critique. I don’t really want to hear it (I accept positivity because I’m a jackass like that). If you don’t like how I write Shanks, that’s fine. Please don’t tell me and leave me be and let me do this my way. If you want to critique something of mine, let me know and I’ll give you a short story, some character notes for a book, one of my sketches, my sitcom pilot script, or my full-length movie treatment, hell I have a 2500-3500 word reflection essay for my grad program due next week so read that. Those- feedback, yes please. I need them to be stellar. This? No. Shanks is my toy and I’m here for fun not to worry and stress and get anxious about posting.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?
I accept questions! I also accept questions asking about my decisions. Those I don’t view as criticism and working through my thought process can be helpful. Some answers might not be as complete as others but I definitely do accept them!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?
Not really. I don’t even want to know they disagree unless it’s a huge problem. I had a disagreement over a headcanon once get super out of control and the person got angry with me so... I really don’t want to know. Unless it’s something significant I guess? But I can’t think of anything that would be of that magnitude. I just want to have a good time. Please just let me have fun my way and if you really hate it, just write Shanks yourself and let me be. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?
I don’t want to know. This is the theme here. Just don’t tell me. I don’t see the point in telling me you don’t like how I write. I am very sensitive sometimes and I’m working hard through therapy and my own work to not be so sensitive, but I’m just not prepared for that sort of feedback here. In my writing groups, yes - definitely prepared for disagreement and push back on decisions. Here? No. Please no. If you hate my version of the character that much, please just block me. Or just vanish into the abyss. Don’t tell me. I will try to avoid being sad about it but I will not be successful. I know it’s not great and I really don’t want people to try and tell me to get over things like this because I know I need to and I’m working on it but gyah. Now I’m upsetting myself, haha. i cry easily guys. 
Some people: i don’t care if the truth hurts. I’d choose the truth over a lie any day. 
Me: no just fucking lie to me if you have to tell me something. let me be ignorant here.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?
I’m sure some people hate Shanks. And that’s different from hating my portrayal. He’s not my character, so whatever you want to do go ahead and hate. I don’t like a bunch of other characters in the world. Just remember whenever shitting on a character, and this is something I learned while interning at Marvel this last year: every character is someone’s favorite. So in Marvel that meant you had to treat every character with respect. Even if it’s like, Electro in Spider-Man - he’s someone’s favorite character so treat him with respect. That doesn’t mean let him get his way, just don’t treat him like junk or a filler. 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?
See above with “trouble making mistakes.” Also, but why?
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?
Wow, this whole thing makes me look difficult - doesn’t it? I’m really just here for fun and to enjoy myself and have a good time writing. I do think I’m pretty laid back about things, I don’t have triggers and I’m really forgiving about mistakes. If someone needs to talk to me about something technical that’s fine and I love hearing ideas. I just also want to keep this as a place for fun, you know? I want to make sure I’m not afraid to come on here and write some things, so I just try to make it a space for me to be comfortable. 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
➸  Tagger: @godlivesonthemoon and @seraphiixa ((thank you guys so much!!))
➸ Tagging: u and ur face
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
Love in the Morning
From: @ivecarvedawoodenheart
To: @amessnamedwidogast
Rating: Teen & Up
Word Count: 2461
I hope you like it!! I had a really good time with this :) Happy Valentine’s Day!!
“Don’t you dare, you had better not, I’ll call your dad and the press, I’ll tell ‘em—” “I think ‘Jack Zimmermann helps out teammate with checking drills’ would be a good headline, actually. I give you my blessing.” “Not when you’re threatening to pour water all over me you big ole—” “‘Big ole’ what, exactly?” ___________________________
Zimbits, from Bitty’s POV. Focusing primarily on waking up in the morning.
Someone throws a pillow at his face. Bitty jolts upright, looking around wildly, almost falling out of bed. It better not be — oh Lord, he’s gonna murder him —
“Bon matin, Bittle.”
Bitty check his watch and screams internally.
“Jack, were you dropped as a child? Is that why you feel the need to force me out of bed at four in the morning?”
He thinks Jack raises his eyebrows. It’s hard to be sure when it’s so dark in here, but the vaguely Jack-sized blob in the doorway gives off a distinctly amused vibe.
“My uncle Wayne did, actually,” Jack says. “My parents forbade him from holding me until I could do backwards crossovers.”
“Mmph.” Bitty closes his eyes and pulls his blankets up under his chin. “Go bother Shitty, Mr. I’m-Friends-With-NHL-All-Stars. I have a test today.”
Jack says, “That was yesterday, Bittle.”
“I could have another one today, Zimmermann.”
“You, having a test and not tweeting about it? Impossible.”
Bitty cracks open an eye at that. “It’s too early for you to be chirpin’ this much,” he says, but he swings his legs out of bed and lets Jack bundle him off to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wake up somewhat. They’re on their way to the rink, Bitty in an oversized Pens sweatshirt because he couldn’t find one of his in the dark, before he realizes that means Jack reads his tweets.
“I’m asleep, my eyes are closed, go away Jack, can’t you see I’m sleeping—”
“You’d be much more convincing if you weren’t talking, Bittle. You’ll have time after to take a nap, let’s get at it—”
“Oh my god . ‘Let’s get at it’? Are you actually eighty years old—”
“Yes, okay, Old Man Zimmermann, ha ha, that hasn’t been played out. If you really want to make fun of me you’ll get your butt to the rink, that’ll really show me.”
Bitty scowls at him when they get to the locker room. Jack laughs, just once, and it’s so surprised and quick a sound that Bitty almost misses it. He wants to hear it again.
Midnight, and there’s a knock at his door. Bitty presses Señor Bun tighter to his chest and wipes his eyes hastily, catching his French book before it slides to the floor. “Yeah?”
“Can I … can I come in?”
The door makes it difficult to hear, but he thinks it’s Jack. He squeezes his eyes shut, biting his lip. Then he forces himself to perk up as best he can.
“Of course! Why’re you up? It’s so late.”
Jack eases the door open and shut behind him. Bitty watches him scan the room, taking in the flashcards strewn across his bedspread and his laptop. He wishes he hadn’t left it open on Google Translate.
Jack rubs the back of his neck. A little sliver of his shirt rides up, and Bitty knows this shouldn’t be anything — they’ve all seen too much of each other in the locker room — but it’s almost too much on top of everything. His hair sticks up in all directions. Bitty holds Señor Bun tighter to keep from crossing the room and making his hair even wilder.
“Your light’s still on,” Jack says. He looks so unsure of himself here. Bitty’s not sure he’s ever been in his room outside of waking him at godforsaken times in the morning. “I wanted to, euh. Make sure everything’s okay.”
“I’m fine,” Bitty says quickly. Jack shoots him an unimpressed look, first nodding to Bitty’s flashcards, then raising his eyebrows at the clock. “Well. Not quite okay, but. I will be fine, which is what matters.”
Jack still doesn’t look like he believes him, but when he crosses the room to sit on the bed, his face softens. He picks up a flashcard with le fromage written on it. “You’re learning food words?”
“Oui,” Bitty says. Even that has such a pronounced twang to it. He sighs. “I’ll be honest, it’s not going great.”
He’s fiddling with the card now, flipping it back and forth, playing with the corners. Bitty watches him gather the rest of the flashcards in a neat stack and shuffle them.
Jack says, “I can quiz you,” and Bitty’s about to cry again.
He wipes his eyes. “You don’t have to.”
It must catch in his voice, because Jack looks up then. His eyebrows crease. “I mean — I don’t want to overstep, but. I do speak French, so.”
“Oh do you?” Bitty asks, and Jack rolls his eyes. He tosses a card at him and le jus hits him in the Adam’s apple. Bitty swallows reflexively.
He doesn’t think he imagines how Jack watches him.
Jack bumps their knees together. “If you want,” Jack says softly. “I don’t mind.”
“Okay,” Bitty whispers. He clears his throat. “If you’re fine with how badly I’m going to pronounce these words, that is.”
“I’ll live,” Jack says.
Bitty smacks him with his pillow, and he laughs quietly. A little thrill runs through Bitty at the sound.
“Okay, Bittle,” Jack says. “Let’s do this.”
In the morning, Jack yawns loudly in the faint morning light and says, “Up and at ‘em, let’s go—”
“You can’t be serious,” Bitty says, grumpy. “We were up the whole night doing flashcards and you took up the whole bed, I didn’t get to sleep for a second.”
“That’s a lie, you snored the whole time, I didn’t—”
“You and your big ass stole all the blankets, I couldn’t’ve snored because I have to be asleep for that—”
“Couldn’t’ve? Are you joking—”
Jack goes on a rant about how difficult it is to understand him, and then how hard it must be to understand either of them, and then segues into a scheme to confuse everyone next time they come back from a break and their accents are stronger. Bitty chimes in now and then. Mostly, though, he drinks in how this feels: Jack in his bed, flashcards still everywhere — there’s one stuck to Jack’s cheek now, he thinks it’s les fraises — and his eyes still sleep heavy.
Bitty wants this so badly he outright gasps in the middle of Jack’s sentence.
“You okay, Bitty?”
“Fine,” he says, trying to push the feeling aside. “You’re kidding though, right? About checking practice today?”
Jack holds out a hand in a may I? gesture that Bitty doesn’t understand until he pouts, glancing at Señor Bun. Bitty hands him over tentatively. Jack tucks Señor Bun neatly under his chin, cuddling him with his eyes closed, and this all but knocks the air out of Bitty.
“‘M joking,” Jack says. Beneath the covers, Bitty feels him gently nudge his side with an elbow. “‘M tired. Bonne nuit.”
“No French when I’m trying to sleep, Mr. Zimmermann,” he says softly. Jack nudges him again.
He drifts off. In his dreams, he sees Jack holding Señor Bun like he’s something precious.
Bitty has Canadian bacon on the stove when Jack stumbles downstairs. He quietly pours himself some orange juice, then Bitty feels rather than sees him join him at the stove.
“There’re some eggs in the fridge,” Bitty says, “if you wanna do somethin’ with them.”
He bumps his shoulder against Jack’s chest just to touch him and prove to himself that they’re standing here, together. Jack’s golden in the dewy morning sun.
“Your checks are getting better,” he says then, and Bitty says, “Oh, shush, you.”
Jack scrambles some eggs and fries some, and it’s peaceful between them.
“Don’t you dare, you had better not, I’ll call your dad and the press, I’ll tell ‘em—”
“I think ‘Jack Zimmermann helps out teammate with checking drills’ would be a good headline, actually. I give you my blessing.”
“Not when you’re threatening to pour water all over me you big ole—”
“‘Big ole’ what, exactly?”
“I — it’s early, okay? My mouth hasn’t woken up yet.”
“Seems like it has to me.”
Bitty crawls out of his blankets at that, cheeks burning. “You tryin’ to tell me I talk too much?”
Jack takes a sip of water. “No, I’m trying to tell you to get your ass out of bed so we can go to Faber before the early skate. Do you think I enjoy being up at four?”
“Well.” He tilts his head to the side. “Look, it’s prime running time—”
Bitty narrows his eyes. “Jack Laurent Zimmermann, you could get mugged—”
“—not if I’m running faster than my mugger, which is what I was about to say when I was so rudely interrupted, and how else am I to outrun a mugger than to practice running?”
He looks so pleased with his logic. Bitty says, “People like you are what’s wrong with this country,” and he grins broadly.
“I’m Canadian, remember?”
Bitty beats him for the first time in their end of practice race.
Bitty’s alarm wakes him for the first time in ages, which of course means Jack died or something because no way in hell would he miss an opportunity to push him into the boards for an hour and a half.
Lord. He wouldn’t mind being pushed against the boards.
He’s had enough dreams that end up against the boards, for various reasons, and … he shouldn’t be thinking this, now, but.
He checks the weather and his school email and then, shivering, pads across the hall.
“Jack?” An answering mmph gives him the okay to open the door, so he does. He blinks to adjust to the darkness. Jack peeks blearily out from his blankets. “They’ve called classes for the day, it’s too cold out.”
Jack says, “Mmph,” and Bitty connects the dots. “You knew that already, I’m sorry! I’ll just—”
Bitty stops midway to the door.
Jack jerks his head toward the bed, peeling back his blankets. “It’s cold,” he mumbles, “c’mon.”
Bitty’s heart about stops. His mouth moves wordlessly for a few seconds before his mind catches up from where it stopped on Jack’s asking me to get in bed with him .
“Are you sure?” he asks, and Jack nods.
“No point losing more body heat,” he says sleepily. “Besides. My bed’s bigger than yours, we’ll fit fine.”
“Chirp chirp.”
So Bitty does. He climbs into his bed carefully, trying not to jostle Jack too much. Jack clumsily tucks the blankets around them and when Bitty tugs on the covers himself, their hands brush. Jack squeezes his briefly, then lets go. Bitty shivers again, but not from the cold.
“Oh — here —” Jack shifts his pillow and then presses a balled up sweatshirt into Bitty’s hands. “If you want.”
It’s the Pens sweatshirt he’d borrowed months ago. It still smells like him. The fact of Jack, sleeping with this so close to his face, breaks so sweetly in Bitty’s chest. He pulls it on.
“Thanks,” he whispers.
Jack says, “Mmph,” but Bitty can see him smiling slightly.
Bitty wakes up after graduation to two texts. They’re timestamped 4:02 AM.
They say,
I’m sorry if it’s too early to say this , but I’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile now
I think I fell in love with you in the morning
He touches his lips with his fingertips and wonders when it was he got so stupid lucky.
A pillow lands on his face, yanking him out of a stress dream about playoffs.
Something in their bedroom smells delicious. He opens his eyes and blinks to be sure he isn’t dreaming.
Jack’s filled their nightstands with plates and plates of food. There’s a heap of pancakes stacked high and half buried under blueberries and strawberries and what smells like 100% Canadian syrup on one of them, and toast shining beautifully with butter stacked next to eggs cooked every which way of the other. Jack himself is sitting at Bitty’s feet, wearing the Schooners shirt Bitty had gotten as a signing perk two years back. It still looks so, so good on him. Bitty’s never gotten over the thrill at seeing Jack in a shirt with his last name on it.
“Oh sweetheart,” Bitty says, yawning. “How did you—”
“I have my ways,” Jack says, handing him a plate and Bitty smiles.
“It all smells so good.”
“That’s only because you missed about an hour of me burning everything on the stove.”
Bitty throws up his hands in mock exasperation. “This boy.”
Jack crawls next to him and leans against the headboard. He rests his arm around Bitty, pulling him gently against his side, and presses a kiss to the side of his head. “Your boy, you mean,” he says, and Bitty about melts.
“For half a second there I thought you were wakin’ me up for checking practice again,” Bitty tells him, after they’ve kissed a little.
Jack says, “I still could,” and Bitty kisses him some more to distract him. From the way he huffs a laugh, he knows Jack knows what he’s doing. “Though you don’t really need it now.”
“Yeah, I had a really good, really strict captain for that.”
They’re quiet a moment while they eat. Bitty sneaks peeks at Jack now and then, liking the way the sun still loves him. Jack catches him a few times and chirps him softly.
“I don’t think I ever told you,” Bitty says, when they’ve stacked all their dishes out of the way. “It was when you said you read my tweets, for me. Or with Señor Bun that first night in my bed, when you looked at him like he was a new bucket of pucks.”
“When…” Jack starts, frowning a little. Bitty waits for him to puzzle it out, leaning fully against him now. He sees the realization before Jack says it. “Oh,” Jack says. “When you…”
“When I fell in love with you,” Bitty says simply. “That was when.”
Jack tips his chin up with two fingers and Bitty savors this kiss more than any other they’ve had, except for the one after that one, and the one after that.
“I love you,” Jack says afterward. He presses their foreheads together.
Bitty says, “I love you no matter how many eggs you burn,” and Jack laughs another quick, surprised laugh. Hearing now is even better than the first time.
Jack helps him out of bed and they wash the dishes together, stopping now and then to bump into each other and kiss softly and be at home here, together in their kitchen with the sun just coming up. Even after all this time, this feels like the start of something.
Bitty takes Jack’s hand as the radio plays. They stay like this, dancing their way through cleaning up, well past when the sun rises fully in the sky.
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kpopandangel · 5 years
Summary: With a bout of homesickness hitting Angel full force, her kangaroo sticks by her side throughout her episode like the champ he is
Warnings: Possible depressive trigger? Bits of sadness and touches on a lost loved one
Word Count: 1737
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    Chan watched in complete despair as the eldest of the group sat in her bedroom crying her eyes out as if the most important person in her life broke her heart. He leaned against her door frame and frowned, arms crossed over his chest while his right leg rested over her left. The sobbing from the redhead was so painful he could feel tears sting at his eyes for a moment before he pushed them to the side. Wiping his eyes he slowly and quietly made his way into her room to sit beside her.     As soon as she felt the bed dip, Angel dropped her head down onto his shoulder and nuzzled her nose into the crook of his neck, sobs wracking her body. “I c-can’t do this anymore! It’s ju-just t-too hard! I mi-iss them so much.” She whimpered against his neck.     He sighed gently and wrapped his arms around her shaking body, pulling her close to him. Lucky for them the rest of the group left for the day to have a relax and recharge day, so it was just the two of them in the dorm room. It still hurt that she was feeling this way though, and he couldn’t help but berate himself for not seeing it sooner. “I know Babe.....I know.” He whispered soothingly, one hand moving to her head to gently stroke down her hair.     She sobbed for a few more minutes until the tears just dried up, and all she could do was hiccup against his neck. “I want to see them again...” She told him quietly, through a hoarse sounding voice still cracking from her wails and sobs.     He stroked her hair some more so she was able to calm down some more and then slowly pulled away from her, looking into her tear-filled eyes. “If that’s what you want, I think we can do something for you. Maybe we can convince them to give you a few days off to see them? Maybe bring one of us with you.” He suggested, seeing the smallest of sparks enter her eyes again.     She wiped at her eyes a little to get the tears and gave him a tiny smile in appreciation before going back to her sad look and resting her head back on his shoulder. “There’s only one person you can’t take me to....I miss her the most.” She whispered, barely loud enough for her best friend to hear.     He held onto her as tight as he could and kissed the top of her head, hoping to sooth her. “I know, and I’m sorry. She loved you so much though. You have to remember that.” He whispered back against her hair.     She sniffled and nodded her head, arms loosely wrapping around his middle as she buried her face into his shoulder. “Will you go with me? Please?” She asked finally, not bothering to look at him since she was so scared of his reaction.     His eyes widened a little after her question and he stared at the wall across from them for a moment as he let the question sink in. Her and him, together, on a plane alone, to visit her family? He bit his lip in thought and gnawed on it a while before sighing. He could feel her tensing as he was about to answer her. Finally he smiled and hugged her tight again. “Yeah I’ll go with you. How could I say no to you?” He replied, feeling her instantly relax into his hold.     He could feel her smiling into his shoulder and gave a small smile himself. “There’s my smile.” He whispered, feeling her starting to squirm in his grasp.     She sighed softly and closed her eyes, shaking her head against his shoulder. “Can we go ask JYP now? I really wanna go see them...” She muttered softly, fighting the urge to yawn suddenly.     Chan smiled and fell back on the bed, moving the both of them up to the pillows on her bed. He pushed her to lay her head on her pillow instead of him and rolled himself onto his side, looking into her face as she closed her eyes like she was going to fall asleep. He brushed hair out of her face and frowned just a little bit when he saw her furrow her brows. “Angel?” He asked quietly, getting a small whine from the redhead.     She curled up into a ball and moved her hands up to her face before trying to roll onto her other side, as if to hide from him. Luckily he’d seen something similar to this happen before and managed to act quickly. Putting her on her back, he sat up and watched her for a moment as she thrashed suddenly, wondering how she could have already been so deep asleep unless she was half asleep while talking to him. He thought about it, and somehow it kind of made sense to him, except for the fact her eyes were completely open as she spoke full sentences to him.     He rubbed her stomach a moment and laid himself on top of her, hoping that would be enough to get her to stop. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on the top of her chest, staring into her face as she slowly stopped moving around. When she finally had rested her hands on his arms did he drop his head down to rest his temple on her chest. “I’m sorry you’re still going through these nightmares, but I promise we’ll see your family soon. Maybe seeing them will help you feel better here” He muttered more to himself than to her.     He felt her jump at the sound of the door suddenly slamming shut and looked towards the doorway as the boys’ loud voices rang through the air. She gasped awake and tried getting up off her bed, only to realize that Chan was on top of her. “Oi, when did you get in my room?” She asked him, tilting her head in confusion.     He stared at her in surprise and frowned a little. “Don’t you remember? I came in because you were crying. Something about missing your family and mom?” He replied, seeing her face suddenly take on a darker look as she processed his words.     She closed her eyes and turned her head to her window. “Oh....right. It’s that time already.” She muttered, opening her eyes to look at the window.     He sighed and sat up, bringing her with him so he could hug her again. “When was it?” He asked her quietly.     Resting her head on his shoulder she wrapped her arms around him. “Today. 6 years ago today.” She whispered, feeling the tears fighting to escape from her eyes.     Chan sighed again and slowly got up off the bed with her, dragging her out into the livingroom where the boys were still goofing off. “Oi! One volunteer to go on a trip with Angel and I. Who’s down for it?” He asked, immediately seeing his aussie comrade’s hand shoot up before anyone else’s.      Felix ran at the two and wrapped his arms around the two. “Me me me me me me! Take me!” He repeated almost for a minute straight.     Angel couldn’t help but giggle and nod her head, bringing the teen into a hug with her and Chan. “Fine you win. You can come too.” She sighed out, kissing the top of his head as he jumped for joy and pumped a fist into the air.     The rest of the boys all pouted at her. “We wanna go too!” Minho shouted from the couch with a pout, crossing his arms like a child.     Chan tightened his hold on the redhead and glared halfheartedly at the younger boy. “Nuh-uh! She’s mine. Back off!” He yelled, hiding her from Minho’s sight with his own body.     Angel arched an eyebrow at him and smirked a little. “So jealous.” She said simply, rolling her eyes when he whined at her.     He then released her and went over to the fridge to write himself a note, making sure to make it big enough to read so anyone could remind him. “TALK TO JYP ABOUT VISITING THE STATES.” He wrote out.     She walked up behind him and rested her chin on his shoulder, reading the symbols on the fridge with a frown. “I still have no idea what that says.” She told him seriously.     He turned to face her and poked her nose. “Good. Then it can be a surprise where we’re going.”  He told her with a wink, laughing a little when she whined and crossed her arms childishly.     She turned around to Woojin and pouted at him, earning his full attention. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He asked quickly, rushing over to her and Chan.     She pointed to the fridge. “What’s it say? I still can’t read Hangul!” She whined to him, getting him to look to the leader in confusion.     Chan shook his head and mouthed for it to be a surprise, getting Woojin to agree to the plan as he pretended to sigh exasperatedly and shake his head. “Well I can’t help you with that. Whatever happened to the studying you and Felix were doing together?” He asked, pointedly looking at her and the teen.     Felix pretended to ignore the conversation and focus hard on the screen in front of him that he said up with Changbin. “Oi stop killing me Mate!” He cried out in his Australian accent, earning a laugh from the redhead as she also pretended to ignore Woojin’s question.      She flopped onto the couch on top of Mino and watched the two on the floor play the game intently. “Who’s winning?” She asked, hoping to ignore Woojin’s glare for as long as possible.     Chan patted Woojin’s shoulder and shook his head. “It’s not worth it. They’re lost to the world of gaming.” He told him, walking over to the group.     Minho had managed to wrap an arm around the eldest and looked up at his leader with a smug smile as if to say she was his at the moment, before getting hit in the stomach with an elbow. “Stop giving him that look Lee Minho. Don’t think I don’t see it.” She said in a deadly serious voice.     Minho rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Yes Ma’am.” He replied quickly.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 5 years
This is my son
So in honor of YJ: Outsiders and the fact that we have an onscreen view of Amistad. Here is a little fic I did ages ago of how Rocket may have introduced her son to the Team. Lots of info was taken from the comics since the show doesn’t explore Raquel’s past a lot. Hope you enjoy. 
Raquel sighed as she settled a fussy Amistad for bedtime. She had to read him three books by Dr. Seuss and sing to him before his eyes even started to droop. He was a stubborn little boy, sorta like her. She gently rocked his blue cradle before turning off the lights to his room. 
She padded downstairs and glanced at the old Colonial grandfather clock. 11 pm. It was that late, maybe if she tried to really hard, she could write her economics proposal now, half of her History essay and then finish it in the morning along with her trigonometry homework. 
She shook her head as she thought over the coming morning, she'd have to do both essays right now especially if Amistad won't eat his food right away. It's a literal battle to feed him, and then get him out of the house to daycare. She hated the thought of dealing with him when he gets older. 
She settled on the living room couch spend out the books she needed and her laptop on her lap with a tray of coffee cups. 
She had crunched through the history essay. It was defiantly not her best but it would have to do, she'd settle for a C at the least. 
Then Augustus Freeman aka the superhero alien known as Icon came in. 
"Raquel you're still up?"
"No, I'm sleep-walking. Yes I'm still awake" Raquel snapped back sarcastically. 
"You do know that you have training with the Team tomorrow afternoon right?" Raquel groaned. 
The life of a teenage superhero. She recently joined a Team of teenage superheroes who no longer wanted to be treated as sidekicks. Batman (yes that freakin Batman!) was the one who assigned them black ops missions as they saved the world. 
Unlike some of the sidekicks like Robin or Aqualad, she had only become a superhero two years ago when she and her ex-boyfriend, Noble (the irony) had tried to steal some stuff from this old Colonial house that had been standing since the Civil War. 
While Noble looked for things to loot, she had been fascinated by the immense library the house had. She always loved to read and dreamed of becoming a writer, so that room was like a personal heaven for her. She wanted to just curl up on the old couch and look at the gleaming hardcover volumes. 
Then they saw the alien technology. 
Unfortunately they hadn't counted for the house to be occupied by a superhero. Augustus Freeman, lawyer by day but in reality a three thousand year old alien, the last of his kind as all aliens that crash land to Earth seem to be, who fought for justice. 
Though they had ran away that day, Raquel had returned to the house. 
She had been the one to convince Augustus to become a superhero. He was Batman. She was his Robin. Icon had initially refused, but she kept needling him until he had decided to give it a go. 
The city sure needed them as heroes. Dakota City may not be a Gotham in terms of danger, but there was plenty of violence and injustice that needed to be righted.  
It had been a tense first months since Icon was so damn conservative and analytical while she was more impulsive, liberal and action-oriented. But they eventually made their partnership turn into a smooth in sync team. 
Back back to her impulsive habits.
Something she wished she reined her impulsivity earlier. That same impulsiveness led her to agree to having sex with Noble. Their relationshop didn't last, him being an asshole had a major part to do with it. What did last was the fact that she had gotten pregnant. 
Raquel never felt so miserable in her life. The taunts and the whispers and the same old comment, "Oh she's from Paris Island what did you expect?" 
Abortion had been an option, Augustus highly advised it, and Noble even gave her the money to do it when he found out the news. But she quite obviously didn't get an abortion. 
She asked and asked around for opinions and the answer was always "Yes, get one" but she had felt disappointed by that. She finally realized that disappointed was that she had wanted someone to say "No, keep the baby" because she, she wanted to see this through and have a baby. Not the smartest decision in the world, but it was her's nonetheless. 
Despite his disapproval, Augustus had been very helpful when she had been pregnant. He dealt with her food cravings and mood swings, and buying baby stuff, reading parenting books and eventually with the labor. Amisted's middle name was Augustus in honor of her mentor, and she had asked him to be the godfather. 
Her friend, Denise even stood in as Rocket for her while her baby bump started to show. Make that ex-friend. The girl ran off with Noble awhile later, insisting "He changed." So what? You don't date the ex that got your friend pregnant, it is a common friendship rule! She hoped they gave each other syphilis.
Eventually she settled into a routine of taking care of Amisted in the mornings, drop him off at daycare, go to school, take care of him until he fell asleep and then do homework at whatever hour at night. In the weekends it had been easier since she could spend the whole doing Mommy and Me stuff with Amistad and more leisure time while he napped. 
Then she joined the Team, and things started to go a bit downhill. Besides the missions, they had required training sessions with Black Canary, and strategic planning with Captain Atom. And then, Miss Martian, such a sweetheart, always had plans for Team bonding time. It was a bit stressful with work and such, not that the team members didn't get that, they went to regular school too. But... She hadn't told them she had a son. 
It's been four months now, and they had no clue. Just as she wanted. It had been a struggle, with the lies on why she was so tired, her refusals to join Team bonding (on account of being needed at home), her worry during overnight missions (IT WAS OVERNIGHT, WHO KNOWS WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN TO AMISTAD WHEN SHE'S GONE!!). She'd saying that she was babysitting her baby brother, but Robin was starting to question why she was always babysitting when her parents could do that. 
There was one embarrassing incident, that she had fallen asleep next to Wally, when she heard the alarm, mistaken it for the baby monitor and started rocking Wally's head like how she usually rocked Amsted when he was crying. That involved a very interesting yet lame explanation about her Rosemary's Baby inspired dream.  
It's just she always swore to herself that she wouldn't be the kind of teen mom that let all things go. That she failed at school, hardly cared for her child and did whatever she wanted. She did want to get straights As and be a good mother. She loved Amistad more than she loved anyone else in the whole world and the thought of someone trying to harm him made her want to kill. But it was all so stressful. 
"You know, Raquel I'm sure they would understand.." Augustus started to say, 
"Don't finish that sentence" Raquel scowled. 
They had been having this argument ever since she joined the Team. "Just tell them you have a son, they'll be understanding." Augustus insisted. 
Oh, no they wouldn’t. They're teenagers. No offense to her own kind but teens are very critical. And she did't want to further the stereotype that girls from the 'hood' were sluts that had babies and nothing else to show for the life.
Okay, yes she was from the hood and yes, she had a baby but that was where the parallels stopped!
Besides she wanted so badly to impress the Team with her maturity and bravery and just general heroics. The whole having a son thing would kind of ruin it. 
Oh and ruin any possible love life. 
Most boys at her school avoided her like a plague and those who didn't. Well they thought she was so easy because she had a child. Perverts. 
She hated school for all the people and the Team was the only place she wasn't judged. Sure, she wasn't spending so much time hanging out with them as she would like too but she still appreciated hanging out with them. They were chill, and mature and they understood all the grey in life. 
Grey like death, cloning, discriminations, things out of their control. They couldn't be blamed for being a White Martian, or raised by villains or having to kill people.  
But grey situations like teen pregnancy hadn’t been out of her control. It had been her own stupid decision and there wasn't anyone to blame but herself. 
"Raquel, they've been through a lot. They won't judge you so harshly." 
"Yes they will" Raquel muttered bitterly. 
"Raquel please think about it. It would be a lot easier on yourself. You could take Amistad to the Cave, and I'm sure Red Tornado could take care of him while you're on missions, I'll help of course. Please consider it." 
Raquel didn't know why, but she was tired of hearing the same explanation of why she should tell. Augustus didn’t understand. It wasn’t like he went to work where people stared at him as if he were trash. He didn’t have to deal with the mothers gossiping about him when he picked Amistad up from daycare. He didn't have to explain to Amistad, why no one wanted to go on playdates with him. 
"No, I cannot tell the Team, I just can't! Once I tell them, they’ll think I'm just another idiot that sleeps around. I have been trying so hard to go to school, and take care of Amistad, and live a normal life. But I can't! Sometimes I just wish he hadn't been born. Then I feel like a horrible mother because I do love him, I love him, he's he's my baby boy but it's it's... 
I mean yeah, I always talk about how the Team is so mature and how they’ve been through stuff, but they wouldn't understand this. They're still teenagers. They’re gonna be like the kids at my school, offering me condoms and sending notes on HOW TO USE a condom. 
You’ve got to believe me I did use one. I just didn't know how put it on okay. No one teaches you how to do that. They just say use it and you'll be safe. Well that didn’t worked did it? 
The team cannot accept me. They won't. I'll spell it out for you. My own parents didn't accept me. They took me to the hospital, confirmed I was pregnant, and left me. They left me in the hospital and drove away. I spent three days in that hospital with nurses pitying me or scolding me on how I could have done this to myself and how I ruined my life!" Raquel shouted.
After those three days in the hospital, she had gone to Augustus’ house in tears and explained what happened. He had offered for her to live in the third floor of the old mansion and that's where she had stayed. 
Eventually, months later, with a lot of prodding from Augustus she decided it was time to face her parents and confront them for what they did to her.  She told him that they had refused to see her, but it didn't exactly go that way. 
"And that time I told you I would face my parents after what they did to me. I lied. I didn't see them at all. I mean I was going to, but they weren't home. My sister, Denise was. And she was so surprised and happy. Know why? 
Because my parents told him I was dead."
Augustus stared at her in horror which only made her talk faster to get the whole awful explanation over with. 
"They said that on that day they drove me to the hospital. They collided with a car and it burst into flames. They couldn't have my funeral because they didn't know which ashes were mine.
They went through so much trouble pretending to grieve and needing their privacy and lied to my sister about it. 
How could I face them after hearing that! 
My own parents would want me dead then have to admit to having a teen mom.
My own parents who were suppose to love me unconditionally, left me! That's why I can't tell the Team. I mean if my own parents who cared for me for 13 years want me dead then how can people I know for less than 7 months ever understand." Raquel slammed her laptop shut and stomped up to her room where she fell onto her bed, crying. 
It had felt good to let it out in the open. The whole thing with parents had bothered her. 
She agonized over it for days afterward as. And for a short period, she acted extra nice to Augustus, in case he ever decided it was stupid to keep taking care of her. Until she realized he would never do that. Sure, he could be critical of her choices but he wasn't heartless. 
They developed a respect for one another. He had became her grandfather figure. Plus she was pretty sure if he hadn't ran for the hills after she gave birth to Amisted, he wasn't going to leave any time soon. 
Agustus entered her room a few minutes later, cautiously knocking on the door before he sat at the edge of her bed. 
"Raquel, I'm sorry about your parents." He whispered softly. 
"S'okay. I've gotten over it." Raquel mumbled to her pillow. 
"I promise I won't badger you to talk to the Team about Amistad." He told her.  
"Thank you" Raquel sighed, turning over to face him. He looked so grim and forbidding in the moonlight. It was so unlike him to her. She was used to seeing  the soft smile that she had seen wear when he played with her son. To her, he was far too compassionate and mellow to be intimidating. 
He let out a deep exhale, his large hand ruffling her cropped hair affectionately. "You must know, not everyone is going to leave you for your mistakes. You are a very smart lady, and you have been a better mother to Amistad starting at 14 than many have been starting at 30. I think we've both learned a lot life lessons from taking care of him. He brings a certain liveliness to the house, and I'm never been prouder to be called Uncle Auggy." 
Raquel gave a thin smile, "And what about my parents?”  
"I can't condone what they did, Raquel. But I promise I will not do that to you. I'll even fight Batman myself if he or the Team thinks less of you for this. You are more than your mistakes. It’s what you have done to fix them and improve yourself that makes you a good person. You haven't lost your drive, your integrity or your spirit, and you are willing to make sacrifices for your child. If the Team can't see that. You should feel that they are less than you instead of the other way around." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------—————The next afternoon at training, Raquel kept glancing nervously at the door. 
After her talk with Augustus yesterday and a long restless night, no thanks to Amistad’s latest nightmares about It. She and come to the decision that she would finally tell the team. She agreed with Augustus that she should stop pinning shame onto herself and she should judge the Team for their reaction. 
Also she knew what harm secrets had done to the Team, and it was unfair that she knew so much of their struggles and they didn't know hers.
Besides she remembered his other points, it would make life a whole lot easier for her if the other members took turns to take care of him. It wasn’t like everyone was going to react like her parents. 
Worse case scenario would be that she got kicked out of the Team. Augustus leaves the League. Then they both would be banned from ever super-heroing again.
Okay that was probably an exaggeration. 
But then again, Batman could do anything. Especially if he got angry that she lied to him.
With those doubts swirling in her head, Raquel didn't feel like a good idea any more, and was trying to think of a way to contact Augustus before he entered the Cave. 
I should leave. I'll stop them before they even enter. This is stupid. I'm right. What kind of person WOULDN'T judge a teen mom. They're all gonna think I'm a slut! Why would that want to work with a slutty superhero? I'm going to get kicked out for sure.
She glanced at the zeta-beams, wondering if she could make her escape before anyone would notice. 
Just then the computer announced,  "Entering Icon A-14. Entering Unknown Person" 
Raquel let out a silent moan. Here comes the judgement day.
The whole Team, and Back Canary looked questioningly at the two entering. 
"Awww Rocket, is this your baby brother?" Zatanna asked.
Icon pried a nervous Amisted clinging from his leg, handing him to her told and and went to talk to Black Canary about the situation. 
Raquel bit back an instinctive aww as Amistad tried hiding his face into her shoulder. He was just so adorable! 
"He's so cute!" Miss Martian squealed. 
"I guess he's cute" Superboy grunted. 
Raquel took a deep, shuddery breath "Uh well...That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I haven't been entirely honest with you about my home life and the exact way we are related. You see, Amistad isn’t my brother. 
They stared at her questioningly. 
"He's my son," They stared at her in silence with confused looks on Miss Martian and Superboy's faces. The others gave embarrassed glances at her. 
"I don't get it. Aren't you only 16?" Miss Martian asked innocently, Raquel nodded reluctantly. 
More staring. This was as awkward as she feared. They were never going to treat her the same way again. Forget getting kicked out, she might have to quit. She wouldn't be able to deal with this kind of silence and pitying stares aimed her. 
Since it seemed like her announcement had stunned them into muteness she decided to make an exit. "So, yeah. That’s my big..secret. I should be going." 
She turned to leave when Wally zoomed in front of her. "Can I hold him?" 
Raquel was so surprised that she almost dropped Amistad. Hold him? No one ever held him, but her and Icon. 
Yet she saw the sincerity in Wally's eyes, and the encouraging smile, nodding at her to say yes. No one had ever looked at her that way after they realized her teen mom status. No one ever looked so eager to hold her son. 
"Yeah, um here you go.” She placed Amistad in his arms, and corrected the way to hold him. 
"Hey Amistad, it's your Uncle Wall-man. We are gonna have a blast when you get older" Wally said holding out a finger for Amistad to grab. 
"Wall-e?" Amistad asked, wonder and amazement streaking across his face, making him look even more adorable in Raquel’s eyes. 
"No, no not the robot. I'm the greatest speedster of all time. Superhero of this Earth. I save the day with charm, and wit and the amazing power of science!" Wally gestured exaggeratedly.
Raquel smiled at him. She never been so grateful for the hungry speedster in her life. 
"Thank you" she mouthed to him, and he mouthed back "No problem," as he continued detailing his amazing exploits to the boy who was clearly going to idolize him when he got older. 
Slowly the others gathered around them.
"Is he gonna be visiting more often? I have the perfect bat light he'll love." Robin said. 
"We can be like his honorary aunts and uncles," Zatanna chimed in, cooing at him.  "That would be great, that would be really great.” Raquel smiled, feeling like she was starting to truly become apart of the Team’s ragtag family at last. 
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godess-of-the-void · 6 years
Numinetale Chapter 4
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They group got the call from Mettaton that everything was ready at New Home Square. And before the Monsters blinked they were already there. Sans looked at VI who was still wearing her red punk outfit.
How much power does she have? I can't bring that many people through a 'shortcut', barely two others besides me! Yet she can bring this large group through one without breaking a sweat!
"Darlings! Over here!" Mettaton wheeled himself over to the group. "The stage is ready when you are! And may I say, love the puck rock look."
"Thank you Mettaton for your help. This will do quite nicely with braking the Barrier... The second time around." VI let out a sigh.
Mettaton patted the woman's shoulder, "Yes Everyone in New Home noticed that the Barrier was back. So how are we going to break it with a concert?"
"Mettaton! Mettaton!" VI wrapped her arm around the rectangular robot. "This is no ordinary concert. This is also a rematch between you and... Frisk!"
Frisk eyes lit up. They took out a pair of sunglasses out of their inventory and did a dramatic pose. They then snapped their fingers and asked for some MTT brand foods from Mettaton. You know, for ratings. Mettaton was happy to give the ambassador a Starfait and a Glamburger.
Toriel had a thoughtful look to her face. "This have something to do with SOULS growth, does it not?"
The woman giggled as she looked away from the young teen and gave the Monster Boss her full attention. "RUNE is also a video camera and will show live footage to the Surface while we are doing the show. Mettaton. We will do a warm-up with Blooky and me doing a instrumental duet." At the mentioned of his name, Napstablook appeared. "I have practice playing 'Spooktunes' with my guitar, if that's ok with you." Napstablook gave a sad looking wink and disappeared. "Then I'll sing a solo to heal and humans SOULS that is fractured to increase our chances of getting SOUL PARTICLES. Then the dance off. I will be playing my guitar during the rematch to set mood and to gather the Particles to the Underground. Any questions?"
"What are SOUL PARTICLES?" Mettaton asked.
"Napstablook! Are you set? I want to play with you before the concert to do sound check." Napstablook waved at VI from the stage. The strange woman joined the Ghost Monster. They started playing one of DJ's songs for the sound check.
Damn, they sound good! Even if it was a sound check with just a DJ turntable and a guitar, they were killing it.
Mettaton looked at his cousin with pride. But it was short lived when he remembered that no one answered his question. "What the hell are SOUL PARTICLES!?!"
Napstablook and VI finished their part and the plan seem to work. While VI didn't out staged the Ghost, in fact quite the opposite actually. She have the whole stage to the DJ and played mainly back up. But it was enough for some SOULS, both Monster and a few Humans, appeared over the stage.
They joined the others, "Hey, Mettaton. How's the ratings?"
The robot was ecstatic! "This little RUNE sweetheart is the best! I must have Alphys make a replica. If only we had him three years ago. Our ratings just started but a good amount of them are from the Surface!"
VI smiled and lifted her guitar, "Cleft Sharp. Lime Light. Activate." Red Electric changed to a green pop singer costume with cat ears and tail. Her guitar changed to a microphone. She returned to the stage. Her voice was strong and beautiful.
Her song was sad and uplifting. Even though it didn't seem to make sense why the song have a happy tune, there was saddness to it. The lyrics had a rhythm and flow of enthusiasms.
Muster up your courage, child
And gather your determination
You've still got a fight to win
Your journey isn't over yet
Someday I'll forget the pain of
Living in eternal darkness
Hopes and dreams will save the world
And you will be the one to do it!
VI kept singing. SOULS of the Surface and Underground was being healed. They even glowed with brighten light.
Just know, baby, I'm sorry
To put an end to our story
I know someday you'll find a way back home.
So dry your eyes, no time to cry,
Just go and save the world!
Everyone in the Underground and on the Surface felt their SOULS grew.
Muster up your courage, child
And gather your determination
You've still got a fight to win,
Your journey isn't over yet.
Though I hate to say goodbye,
I'm glad I learned to love again
I'll be gone, but you'll live on,
Just say you will.
As VI wrapped up the song not a single eye was dry. She stepped down from the stage and winked at Frisk and Mettaton. "You guys are ready?" Frisk gave a thumbs up after wiping a tear from their face. VI changed back to her Red Electric form. Mettaton also changed to his other form.
VI was the first to the stage and started to play 'Death by Glamour.' Frisk was next waving at the crowd and the RUNES followed by Mettaton Ex. The two friends struck a dramatic pose and smiled. For every heel turn they struts their stuff.
The dance was epic. And everytime the ratings dipped Frisk did an impressive pose while taking a bit out of the Glamburger or Starfait. The two swirled, dipped, and sway in extraordinary timeing and grace. But Frisk was wearing out. So the brought out of their inventory a MTT Facesteack. The ratings where off the grid and the air above the stage was filled with cartoon heart shaped SOULS of many colors and white.
VI looked above her to count the number of SOULS there and was pleased to see that she now have more than enough for bringing back the dead and breaking the Barrier.
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Mettaton and Napstablook was playing music and dancing on stage while VI was collecting SOUL backstage. VI was contently giggling to herself, "One of each color and a Boss SOUL for the Barrier. And another one of each color with a Boss Mon-"
"You idiot! Stop! Right! Now!" VI looked at the flower with a questioning nit on her brow. "And stop looking at me like that!"
VI giggled, "Flowery, why don't you want a SOUL?"
Flowery's face puffed up, "It's not that I don't want a SOUL. It's that I don't want to give everyone false hope. Besides even if you do brought Asriel back there is the issue with Chara!"
VI scratched Flowery behind one of his petals, "I think being around so many SOULS have made a SOULESS plant have empathy." VI got up at walked back to gather more SOULS.
Color formed under Flowery's eyes, "Hey! Get back here! Idiot! You aren't even listening to me are you?" Frisk joined Flowery and asked if he was alright. "No! I am not alright! I don't want to give everyone's hopes and dreams to shatter... AGAIN!"
Flowery felt a weight of someone sitting next to him, "i can relate, bud. the unknown can be scary. losing hope is terrible. but sometimes you just have to be there, doing all that you can. sometimes you have to believe that everything is going to be alright, petals."
Flowery faced the short skeleton. He knew what he was saying. Even though Sans himself was in a dark place, he still stand tall for his loved ones. Even if it was pretend, Flowery knew. The souless plant wrapped Sans with his vines. Sans'body tensed up but only for a moment before he realised that Flowery was hugging him.
This will work. It has to work! Flowery was right to be concerned about Chara. This is a dangerous game I am playing.
VI was a giggling mess. All the Monster SOULS in the Underground equals to on human SOUL. Not only should the Barrier break from seven SOULS and a Boss Monster Soul, but that rule should apply also to Asriel. Easy Pesy. But what Flowery said about Chara hit her hard. And she can't stop her annoying giggling!
"VOID HUMAN! WHAT IS WRONG! YOU SEEM TO BE NERVOUS!" The taller skeleton was behind her with Undyne and Alphys.
VI smiled at the trio of friends in front of her, "Nervous, nonsense!"
"Y-you ju-just giggled..." Alphys looked at the woman. "Y-you gi-giggle when y-you are ner-nervous."
"And don't even try to deny it! I have be with my bae for to long to not notice a nervous tick!" Undyne glared at VI, "Now spill your guts, Punk!"
Alphys waved her arms at her girlfriend nervously, "U-UNDYNE! Y-you ca-can't be forceful. B-but she is r-right ab-bout your ne-nervous tick."
Sans probably noticed as well, but have more tack not to say even a pun about it...
"Guys. I think Sans is more important than my tick right now." Papyrus looked at VI with curiosity, "Papyrus, when was the last time Sans made a pun?"
Papyrus' eyes bulged out and he started to run to where he saw Sans last. Everyone followed him. The Dreemers saw them rushing somewhere and decided to go with the group. They found Sans, wrapped in vines and a teenager's arms. All three of them with tear stains on their faces.
VI sat behind the skeleton. "Well, I am truly not helping your PTSD." Sans made a noise with his non-existent throat.
"Wh-what do you m-mean PTSD? As in po-post tr-traumatic s-stress disorder?" Alphys looks at Sans with worry and guilt in her eyes. "S-sans, wh-why you didn't t-tell a-anyone?"
VI groaned, "Sorry, Sans. I take it you didn't tell them everything about the Resets."
"tibia honest, I didn't thought it was such a bonehead of a move to keep some of the Resets a secret." Sans winked.
"You don't fool me, I see right through you!" VI elbowed Sans' ribs. "You're just a boney phoney with no guts to tell anyone anything. Now everyone has a bone to pick with you."
"you really know how to get under my skin, don't you." Toriel and Frisk tried to hold back their laughter while everyone else was groaning but smiling. Sans and VI did a little staring contest before Sans got up, "fine! but only if the kid and flower helps me tell them about the Genocide Runs."
Flowery unwrap his vines from Sans body, "Deal!" Frisk not only agreed but shook Sans hand. The three told their friends everything.
"I-I d-don't like it! N-not one bit!" Alphys was cross about the dangers of ripping a demonic spirit of a human's body.
Toriel was deviated. One of her children is a SOULESS plant, another is a vengeful ghost, and the other possessed by said vengeful ghost. And all three are murderers. Papyrus was crestfallen that his brother was still keeping things from him. Algore felt the story was very ironic that his children killed, but felt their actions were more justified then his.
Undyne, who always seem to headbutt her way through any problem was the first to asked, "Now what?"
VI got off the ground and dusted herself off, "Time to bring back the dead!" She activated another form, this time she looks like a cross from a mad scientist and a phantom of the Opera. Behind her was a pipe organ. "This form is called Purple Keys. This can formulate or make concentrations of Souls. For example mixing one of each color of human SOULS and one Boss SOUL can either break the Barrier or change Flowery back to Asriel."
VI put the gathered SOULS in the little drawers attached to the pipes. "Or combining seven SOULS of DETERMINATION with a Boss SOUL can, in theory, will drive Chara out of Frisk's body. They will absorb the concentrated SOUL and the will to live will be so strong it will form a new human body."
She moved Flowery to a spot in front of the organ, "Don't worry Flowery. If Chara goes all Genocide, Sans will Karmic Retribution their ass."
"Most likely their be a Hyper Goner." Smirked the flower. Frisk just asked Flowery if that was a pun. "Yes, yes it was."
VI started to play on the keys. The Boss Monster SOUL glowed brightly as it was absorbing the human SOULS. Flowery still in position looked at the Boss SOUL with DETERMINATION. The Boss SOUL now filled out by the human SOULS started to move to the spot the flower was rooted. With tears in his eyes, he claimed the new SOUL.
A bright flash of light filled the area. A little goat child stands where the flower used to be. Asriel looked at his parents and hugged them with all his might. Frisk and the skeleton brothers joined in when Asriel waved them over. A defening roar of cheers appeared out of nowhere!
"Darlings! I am so sorry, but I had to use RUNE to broadcast what you all was up to." The robot explained with RUNE hovering over him.
VI marched over to Mettaton, "How dare you use my RUNE to broadcast a touching moment!" VI grabbed the metal star by the neck and whispered, "How much did you broadcast? How is the ratings? How could I have forgotten RUNE! I am so proud of you!"
A glint appeared in the robot's eyes as he whispered back, "The ratings are sky high! Everyone from here to the Surface was watching, is watching! And I started broadcasting long before Sans, the flower, and Ambassador Frisk confessed to the Genocide Runs."
VI returned to her companions, "We are not out of the woods yet! We still have Chara to bring back! In case they are planning to go Genocide on us, we better brace ourselves!"
Frisk stand at the same spot as Flowery stood. VI placed seven SOULS of DETERMINATION and the Boss SOUL in the drawers in the pipes. VI gave everyone a thumbs up. The Boss Monsters conjured their weapons and magic. Even Asriel conjured his Chaos Blades, preparing for the worse. VI played on the pipe organ. Again the Boss SOUL absorb the human SOULS, but this time the Monster SOUL have changed to a human SOUL.
The red SOUL became bright flash and a red haired child in a green and yellow sweater stepped out of the light. "Hey, Partner." They looked at the Monsters that are ready for battle. "I am not going to do anything. Don't get me wrong, I still hate humans. But, Partner, you did what Ariel and I never could. You freed the Monsters and lived in peace with the humans for three whole years." Chara hugged Frisk, "Thank you for bringing my family back."
My daughter is doing well I think. But there will be problems. I will make sure of that. Let's bring in more friends into the mix.
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When The Sun Met The Moon: part 2
A/N: Okay so I got a pretty positive response to the first little part of this that I did and decided to do another part because I kind of fell in love with my characters and wanna see where I can take them! Anyway please let me know if you guys like this! Enjoy! <3
“Niall Horan....”
And just like that I fell back into the fandom.
“You must be Olivia, yer sister mentioned tha you like our music, is that right?” Niall asked bending over a little so he could be on my sister’s level.
“UH HUH THATS RIGHT! I LOVE ONE DIRECTION SO MUCH! Harmony doesn’t like you guys anymore though!”
Oh shit
“What?! It’s true!”
I was so embarrassed and caught up in arguing with Olivia that it wasn’t until Niall’s laugh cut through our conversation that I realized how ridiculous we must’ve looked.
“ Haha! Harmony? Right?”
“Yes... Mr. Horan?”
“Ah please, just Niall! Its okay, not everyone is a fan. It’s no big deal really!” 
“I am a fan! I mean I was before! I drifted away once you guys went on break and all that mess happened! Ugh it’s complicated...”
“Well listen, if that’s true then I’m terribly sorry and I hope you’ll give me an the lads a chonce to make it up to yeh tonight but we should probably get moving because yeh weren’t kiddin when you said it was freezin out here!”
And with that he started to lead us towards the buses to meet the rest of the band. Meanwhile in the back of my mind I’m trying to make sure I remember to breathe and that I’ll survive this night.
Olivia was doing phenomenal compared to me.
Before we went in I decided it would probably be best to give my little sister a small pep talk for her sake aswell as the boys’ sake. I could never forgive myself if my sister got banned from concerts forever for being a little hooligan!
“Olives listen to me real quick okay? I know how much you adore these boys but remember they are people just like you and me alright? So remember when I would show you those videos and tell you how some fans dont respect personal space?”
“Yeah I remember Harmony! You said we gotta use our manners!”
“Exactly! Good! So dont forget to use your manners and give the boys some space okay?”
“Got it! I’m gonna be the best fan ever!”
“You already are babe! Go in and say hi, I’m gonna try to catch my breath really quick okay? I wont be long at all!”
“Okay sissy! Hurry though!”
While she went in I stood on the side of the bus for a second. I felt terrible. How could I have just gave up on them so easily? I know I had a lot going on but I completely forgot that these boys were some of the nicest people until now. Niall had just made tonight a night my sister (and honestly myself) would never forget.
“Hey Harmony, you okay?” he sounded worried and yet gorgeous all the same
“Niall, hey, yeah I was just thinking.” I replied honestly
“Oh? Wanna talk about it? I’ve been told that I’m an amazin listener!” 
Imangine me telling my small problems to Niall Horan! How many girls would kill to be me right now? But I opted to keep the conversation light, I wouldn’t want to weird him out off the bat.
“I’m sure you are but its okay really! Nothing important at all anyway!” I gave him a small smile
“Yeh sure? I mean it, if there’s anything at all I can try to help,,,”
“Nah, I’m fine really! Maybe next time I’ll let you pick my brain about it!”
Did I really just say next time? Who was I kidding other than myself?
“Alright, I’m gonna hold yeh to that! Come on inside, yer sister is ravin about you and how yer the best sister ever so all the guys are dyin to meet ya!” he said with a nudge.
I felt like I was dreaming! One Direction wants to meet me? On what planet is that reality? Oh, this one, this is real. I decided to suck it up and head on the bus as bravely as I could.
Oh. My. God.
“H-Hello-Hi... I’m Harmony” my inner teen was crying but I was pretty composed so that was good! 
“Hello Harmony, your sister here has told us so much about you! It’s great to meet you!” Harry said giving me his hand to shake
“Yeah apparently you’re the best sister in the world” Liam continued also shaking my hand
“Well I like her already! She’s got a wicked name and she managed to convince her mum to name her sister after one of our songs which takes balls and dedication. Let’s have a hug then luv” Louis blurted out before yanking me into hug
“Wait am I dreaming?! I just hugged Louis Tomlinson and shook Harry Styles’ and Liam Payne’s hands!” I squeaked out
“Haha! Harmony I thought you said that we needed to treat the boys like they are normal just like me and you?” Olivia reminded me giggling and doing some funny dance with Louis
“I know Liv I’m trying, thank you though.” I said sheepishly grinning
“Ah no need to be shy love!” Liam said attempting to be helpful
“Right, we’re just hanging out. Just relax, come sit on the couch with me” Harry said patting the seat next to him
“No funny business Styles, you’ll give ‘er a heart attack if yeh do something weird!” Niall shouted from near the door
“Oi! I don’t do weird things ever! We’re just sitting and having a conversation...” Harry replied “Soooooo Harmony.... I just have one question for you”
“Of course Harry! Anything! What do you wanna know?” I said a little more eager than I would have liked
“Your sister also mentioned...”
“HARRY STOP! We decided we wouldn’t!” Liam cut him off
“What’s he goin on about now?” Louis chimed in
“I NEVER AGREED TO ANYTHING! I Simply said I wouldn’t make her uncomfortable, she looks comfy on the couch does she not?”
“JUST ASK ME HAROLD!” I yelled above the bickering
They all looked at me
“Well... why don’t yeh like us?” Harry said 
Uh oh
“But I do” I replied quickly
“Nuh uh Harmony! Don’t lie! Momma says its a sin!” Thank you Olivia
“I like you all as people!” I defended
“But you don’t like our music?” Liam asked
“Ugh Olivia I should beat you with a stick!” I sighed “Listen, I used to love your music and I still have very special and fond memories with your music but I thought you guys had really broken up when you went on your hiatus okay? And when you came back it just wasn’t the same! I can’t handle this pressure! I’m just gonna go back outside, Liv I’ll peep my head in when they have to go onstage.” 
I tried my hardest not to just bolt as soon as I got off that bus, the only thing keeping me glued was the fact that I was with my 9 year old sister who would never let me live peacefully if I decided that we needed to leave.
They sounded like they were having a great time probably joking around and being silly. I on the other hand was miserable again and freezing.... again. 
Suddenly I heard the bus door open and shut and saw Harry coming over to where I was standing. Great. Time to get chewed out.
“No Harmony, just listen for a second.” 
I nodded allowing him to go on
“I’m so sorry...”
“I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like tha’ an’ I feel terrible. We knew when we decided to take a break that some of our fans might leave us and I dunno why it still hurts but I’m sure you have your reasons and either way tha’s not what matters. You’re here and I’ve been really rude”
“Harry you’ve been wonderful! I feel horrible. I shouldn’t have come! I wouldn’t have come! I’m sorry. After tonight you won’t ever have to see me or hear from me again, I promise.” I have no clue how I was holding my tears for this long but I was proud of myself for doing so.
“Ah no no no love don’t say that...” he said wiping a runaway tear from my face “I’ve quite enjoyed getting to know you! ‘M glad yeh came! Please come back on the bus? The rest of the lads feel pretty gutted and I think Liam has developed a bit of a crush on yeh” he winked
I couldn’t help but laugh. Harry was far too charming for his own good.
“Alright Styles but only because I can only imagine what sort of influence you boys will have on my sister if I leave you all alone too long!” I said nudging his tummy
“Hey before you guys leave she’s gonna be a master prankster is Louis has his way!” He said holding the door open for me but grabbing my wrist before I walked on
“Yeah Harry?”
“I jus wanted to say thank you for bein honest. Its refreshing and I meant what I said about bein glad yeh came with Olivia. I really want to be friends okay?”
“I’m glad I came too Harry, I would love to be friends. Its been a memorable night.” 
And as I said that my night became even more memorable when THE Harry Styles kissed my cheek before climbing on the bus. 
I had no idea how I was supposed to think straight after that but I did have an idea of how much of a long night this was gonna be.
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