#teenage social media use
robpegoraro · 6 months
Weekly output: teen social-media use, Google Maps Timeline privacy, journalism as a career, spam texts, Google Groups to dump Usenet
The last more-or-less full work week of the year is about to start, and I know I’ll be working the week after that to meet the last deadlines I have in 2023. 12/11/2023: Teens Are Online ‘Almost Constantly,’ Usually on These Apps, PCMag I got an advance look at this Pew Research Center study on teenage social-media use and found it enlightening–including the part where the teenagers in the study…
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babygirl-of-sadness · 27 days
Girlbosses are destinated to be lonely
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
replaying Life Is Strange, and hoo boy, I was not prepared for the emotional impact of seeing what it was like to be a teenager/young adult in the early 10s
I remember it all too well
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wiki-howell · 25 days
guess who managed to mention dnp in his a level media exam 🔥🔥
#okay it was relevant i promise#basically okay the question was about to what extent is it vital for media products to identify and address a target audience to be#successful and we study 2 radio products#one is newsbeat which is by the bbc it's like a news radio show that's meant to target age 15-29#but the average listener is 30#so . it is Not effectively targeting its audience#it gives . how do you do fellow kids#like it tries really really hard to appeal to young adults/teenagers but it's . painful to listen to sometimes#the bbc have been trying to target this age bracket coz it's the one they don't have a secure audience in#I SAID that they used to have a slightly bigger younger audience in the early 2010s#bcos they had the dan and phil show on radio 1 which was very popular and attracted their mainly teenage/young adult presold audience#they used the popularity of the internet to their advantage by having dnp run a show#but now they've lost a lot of their younger audience To social media platforms#as now what are called digital natives in media (people who have grown up with the internet/don't really remember a time before it)#for the most part prefer to get their news off social media rather than radio#a lot of this is general i know not Every young person Hates radio#but in general it's losing popularity esp amongst younger target audiences#media 🔥🔥🔥🔥#that was only like . a mention in one paragraph tho#coz unfortunately we don't study dnps radio show we study Newsbeat 😔#anyway the exam was overall good for the most part#yay :3#joeyposting
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gertritude-art · 2 years
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it probably helps that i am only 23 and look back upon my teen years with agony!
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musicalgifs · 4 months
will you guys hate me if i say i don't think the mean girls movie was that bad
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wandaxpietro · 7 months
everything goes so slow for pietro i am 100% convinced he's incredibly terminally online to get his dopamine hits. he's so active on twitter people are worried about him. he keeps getting suspended bcuz he keeps sending people death threats and doxxing them and then has to call tony up so he can pay to get his accound back. he shows up in front of houses of people he beefs with. he fights with teenagers online all day. the official avengers twitter account has him blocked.
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kelprot-old · 1 year
there's something to be said about the idea of headcanons, and of plastering bits you resonate with onto pre-written characters, in an effort to "see yourself" in them. it's not malicious at all, but sometimes I wonder what the whole purpose of it is.
if it's for some kind of representation, to see certain ideas or traits manifest in a story you like, i would understand but also tell you to just like....go read something else. instead of ordering a hawaiian pizza minus the pineapple, just order a ham and cheese pizza. if that makes sense. lots of people on here love to post all about their favorite stories with queer headcanons, but refuse to take the step outside their realm of comfort and read something that has those queer themes actually interwoven into the story.
other times, people claim to do it just to see themselves reflected more in their favorite characters. which feels equally as flimsy to me. if you can't emphasize or even find enjoyment in a story if the characters dont resemble you (or an idealized you) in some way, then. idk. maybe work on that or something
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cvntkisser · 3 months
My goal as a tumblr user is to eventually get a post screenshoted and uploaded to pinterest so the teenage girls whose parents heavily restrict their internet access but still didn't manage to prevent them from turning into gay gremlins with Tumblr Humor notice me and think i'm funny.
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whywoulditho · 1 year
booktok is really funny because it's just a random corner of internet where people are trying (and failing) to talk about whole ass books that are like over 500 pages in one-minute long videos and their followers try to elaborate in the comments with a 150-character limit
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likeabxrdinflight · 9 months
working for a neuropsychologist for the past two months has been a powerful reminder that social media brand autism is not, in fact, representative of real world autism and the conversations being had on social media about neurodiversity do not, in fact, represent the entire scope of the neurodiverse experience.
in fact, I think it's rather telling who is often left out of those conversations.
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scribbyizback · 2 months
ok well now I'm fucking pissed
#tw vent#in the tags#its never#its never the child thats the problem#its the grown ass adult that thinks she can force a child to do whatever she wants her to do#but when look at the situation and think#huh#you are simply not right and this childs feelings are valid#maybe screaming and shouting at someone younger than ten and bringing physical violence isnt right#i mean seriously#maybe that simply is not right#and maybe i want to have the chance to fucking say that#maybe i wont stay silent when a sister is turning the house into her rage room#idgaf what your age is#its js proving how fucking immature you are#im just so#im fucking pissed#im not spoiling a child by giving her the ability to not be screamed at by you#you arent a fucking high and mighty princess that can control us#and we're not shittheads for being unnaccepting of that#i have had a shitty week#i am losing my fucking voice because of this fucking sinus thing and it hurts so fucking bad#ivs just been upset period#my family wont pay attention to the fact that i can struggle without telling them#and of course theyre not gonna know im hyperfixating#they wont let me have social media liek every. single. teenager(btw#if a modern day adolescent doesnt have social media they are missing so much bullshit its not even funny)#so how tf are they gonna know i fixate on THE ONE HORROR GAME THEY HATE WITH A PASSION????#they never fucking asked#and i have to scream to be heard by this bitch ass of a sister that cant handle a child existing and doing the same shit she still does
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mysticcrownwolf · 4 months
I know with the state of the world right now everybody wants action for people to see, to hear, to act. But let me tell you all something it’s okay not engage with everything bad happening in the world it might even be better for you if you don’t. It the internet’s job to bring forward the worst that is happening in the world because putting it out there means their is a higher chance people will actually know about it and actual steps will be taken to change that but if all day everyday I open my social media a place of escapism for me because of how stressful my actual life is and then keep getting bombarded by how bad everything else is going on in this world it’s creates this nasty sense of existential dread for me that keeps me up at night. Now it’s ok if you want to help other people but this borderline threat about how anyone who ignore this issue is a horribly insensitive person isn’t the type of social justice I can get behind.
Taking the example of the Palestine genocide I can’t bring myself to even read all the atrocities done to them because I know the guilt of not being able to help these innocent people will eat me alive especially since the most I can do for them is repost news and information about Palestine on my blog and boycott most brands that support the genocide. I can’t even help them financially. Most I can do is live my normal life while always knowing in the back of my mind there is nothing I can do to help those less fortunate than me and that makes me feel awful. But what’s even worse is seeing those post about how if you aren’t watching and taking in all the suffering happening in gaza you are desensitising yourself to the genocide happening around you and what if I am what if I physically can’t function knowing innocent children are dying everyday what if I am just a teenager who have already seen the worst this world has to offer and can’t mentally or emotionally take anymore of it.
Another thing is the Tumblr war against transfem and as a She/They lesbian I should be at the forefront of the movement right. But I can’t my heart hurt so much for the atrocities committed against the transfem creator whose name I can’t even put in this post or it will just get removed but every fourth post on my feed was about how much transfems are mistreated in tumblr and I can’t bear seeing that anymore because I know I will just end up deleting my tumblr and the community I am starting build for myself if I start looking more into it because I already know that most of our world is controlled by selfish narcissistic who are the physical embodiment of evil but if I let that fact dictate my life I will doom myself to a hopeless existence.
There is a reason ignorance is considered bliss and sometimes it’s ok to look at all the evil going on in the world and just say no I don’t want to fight against every single bad thing going on in this world matter of fact I don’t even want to know about it because at the end of the day there will always be something bad happening around the world, always someone facing injustice and if you wish to help them fight against that it’s great but so is curating your feed to show the more positive and hopeful side of the world trust me you shouldn’t feel like our planet is doomed every time you check your socials, that is not you turning a blind eye to other peoples suffering its you acknowledging and accepting that you are human and you deserve to have a place of relaxation and happiness.
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miodiodavinci · 1 year
you know i'm thinking about it again and i'm wondering if i ought to eventually private my main twitter and turn it into an archive purely because i've had that since 2015 and only opened my actual private in like. 2017 so there is All Sorts of dumb personal vent things in the depths of it that i'd rather not have scrolled through by anyone professional with the determination to do so skfdjhglkj
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Not gonna lie to you guys I think making fun of people for being afraid of sex in the world that we live in is cruel. Like it’s just cruel and mean
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tiarnanabhfainni · 1 year
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