#tenshi no ki
rubylace · 5 months
[ BOOKSHELF of 2023 ]
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ˡⁱˢᵗˢ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵒˡᵈᵉˢᵗ ᵗᵒ ⁿᵉʷᵉˢᵗ
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➤ going picnic
➤ youre being bullied
➤ delirious in a sweetdream
➤ decorating trees ~christmas
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a/n : wc space isn't counted (without space)
➤ 24/7 - sunoo !2,7k
➤ pampered shopping - jay !2,5k
➤ latenigh drives - jake !4,2k
➤ birthday surprise - heeseung !2,8k
➤ guitar rhapsody - jay !4k
➤ taekwondo date - jungwon !3,7k
➤ fireworks - heeseung !5,2k ~newyear
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➤ mending hearts (onesh) - ni-ki !16,6k
➤ neighborly evolution (onesh) - ni-ki !10,3k
➤ melody star (onesh) - heeseung !1,8k
➤ the appearance of tenshi (onesh) - heeseung !8,7k
➤ behind perfection (onesh) - jake !7,4k
➤ managing enhypen (series) - ot7
➤ first time at eve's (onesh) - jay !6,6k ~nsfw
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2023 . sept to dec
do not copy works to any platfrom - © all rights reserved
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purplealmonds · 2 months
🌊 So what's the deal with Mizorogi Hokuto and the Omizu-sama religion?
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"Does the water taste delicious?"
Based on my theory that the names in Mononoke Karakasa have metaphorical meanings which may predict their respective plotlines and motivations, Let's break down his Mizorogi's full name character by character.
⭐️北斗(Hokuto) - The Big Dipper
In Japanese culture, the Big Dipper, a.k.a. Ursa Major has two major deities:
妙見 (Myōken) - A Buddhist deity and guardian of horses. Heals eyes diseased. Considered by many to be a bodhisattva because of his compassion, yet is depicted as a sword-bearing warrior.
天之御中主 (Ame-no-Minakanushi) - A Shinto deity. The first, or one of the first deities that manifested when heaven and earth came into existence.
The lore drop of the hexagram paradigm introduces the medicine seller headquarters –Jyu-Shoku– existing between the human realm (earth) and Shuuga –the collected/search for self– which exists both everywhere and nowhere (heavens). So I'm pretty sure Shinto deity is the namesake of this water priest character.
🚰溝 (Mizo) - Ditch/Gutter/Trench
Interesting - so the theme of controlling the flow of water is already embedded into his name.
📣呂(Ro) - Bass Range of Japanese Instruments
This is a bit of a stretch, but would the sound of rainfall forming ripples upon the surface of water be considered musical? Or perhaps the interpretation here is that water ripples when a bass note rumbles through it. Basically, the baritone sound of his sermons controlling the women's desires, symbolized by water.
🪣木(Gi/Ki) - Wood
According to 五行 (Go-Gyo), the relationship between the five primordial elements, wood is nourished by water. Another interpretation: wood depletes water. Coincidentally, the buckets that draw water from the well, as well as the laquered triangular bowls which the women drink the well water from, are made of wood.
🧩Putting it all together, I believe Hokuto Mizorogi of the Omizu-sama religion is driven to do the following:
🌧️ Control the women of the ooku, whose "impure" desires are symbolized by natural rainfall
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☔️ Shield the women from their "impure" desires with umbrellas (The waterproof repelling qualities are worn off with repeated usage, creating perfect breeding grounds for the Karakasa)
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🚰 Diverting the women's desires (gutters/trenches) into the stone well.
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📣 Reciting his sermons (bass tone of his voice manipulating water into artificially rippling) to manipulate the women's desires to align with the ooku's needs.
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🪣 Having the women drink the purified well water regimented by buckets and cups (wood).
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⭐️And this is all in service to a star-touched deity that was firstborn at the manifestation of the heavens and earth - who Tenshi, the shogun, represents.
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Stay tuned for my thoughts on his Mizorogi's twin daughters!
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idle-muses · 30 days
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Hoard of information for Reiwa for a single layout.
With longer explanation of his Narrative + Soft Canon AU below the cut cause it's alot, but charts and things above are an easy glance!
NAME: (Master) Reiwa 励和 [encourage / inspire + harmony] AGE/APPARENT AGE: 67 / Looks about 27 as that's his current halfbreed maturity HEIGHT: 6’6 SPECIES/RACE: Half Human (Japanese/Mediterranean) + Half Demon 天使 (Tenshi) Classification PRONOUNS: He/Him ORIENTATION: Bisexual / Demiromantic BIRTHDAY: Jul 1st, 1939 HAIR/EYE/SKIN COLOR: Pink/Sakura/Carnation hair, curled/wavy like his mother's - (With Glasses On - eyes are Chestnut)/(Without Glasses you’ll notice they’re a sharp Red) - Naturally Tanned/ light-brownish closer to his father's complexion Favorite things: Cooking / Gardening / Tai Chi / Being around people / Sparring or Physical exercise / Animals / Laying in the sun and napping / Giraffes Least Favorite things: Drinking / Fighting (Having Actual Violent Intent) / Anything that takes his sense of control from him (Without his consent) / Having his ears touched without warning (They’re sensitive due to the charms) / Doesn’t like overly violent movies Original Lore Information: Reiwa is from a version of Yu Yu Hakusho known as The Bittersweet AU. Explained below the cut in full; Those bulletpoints are very tame and lax compared to the scale of violence that was present in his series. [Short explanation OG Series is like 13+, Bittersweet is 18+ for more dangerous content/violence/consequence due to Healing Abilities.]
Personality and things used for icebreakers: Reiwa as a character is a bit of a strange one, as on the surface he is easily mistaken for a very ‘happy and bright’ personality and very polite in conversation with respectful honorifics or terms at all times. He’ll usually be trying to be chipper or funny, and make sure everyone around him is okay. Usually though, his internal thoughts can be pretty dour or self isolating;; he wasn’t always like this and he’s just putting on a face to be ‘normal’ as he was before. The Gauntlet events fucked up his emotional health to a drastic degree. His mother can pin those thoughts down without issue and will usually pry it outta him; without her it became more difficult to manage who to burden those thoughts with. When push comes to shove however, his personality can swap easily into a much more serious demeanour - something more focused and responsible than his usual joking would assume. He’s very very good in dangerous situations for this reason, and hardly ever panics when things are happening. ((If it relates to him however and his structure of control, there will be some internal panic))
For icebreakers, you can just generally say ‘Hello!’ to him and he’ll find something to talk about. He likes to get to know people, but it does take a good deal of trust to see his more serious side of conversation for how he really is. -- also the spoken version of Rei is a joke for the pun of 霊 (Rei; Spirit) but his name is spelled with 励 (Encourage/Inspire)
Any additional information!: Part of him is able to naturally ‘pacify’ emotions (Not take them away, but to feel comfortable around him) as his overbearing Ki (That is mostly locked behind 4 Ofuda Charm Earrings, two the shell of each ear, with normal accessory on the earlobe) naturally has some calming effect on most people. This is his influence of his desire to ‘help’ or ‘protect’ someone. If he were to lose these Earrings, his control on his abilities would start to go a bit haywire and his own mental state would probably have a hard time of it as well (depending how many are lost) as he quite literally cannot contain the amount of energy that he has and that is the problem. If he were to lose all 4 then he would be put into his full ‘demon’ state and it would take the most self-control he can muster to keep from being a danger to those around him. Reiwa has a human heart, and if that is taken from him [as it has been in The Gauntlet] He will lose all rational ability and become a True/Full Demon. (This in essence will turn his personality into cold, selfish, and revels in the joy of violence and power; just like his father had been corrupted by his own Demon Wish.)
Though he is not a fighter, but he is trained in combat by his mother. His skills lie in Reiki Healing, and Youki Healing. This is his primary role through the series, oftentimes working alongside Yukina - Or instead being in situations in place of her where she would not be safe otherwise (Non-Canon Content). Smaller tidbits of these abilities are used within his healing, mending, and defensive skills.
The two clasps on the shells of his ears are Limiters for all forms of his Energy. He never takes them off, and some of them are sealed with the help of his mother’s incantations. With all limiters removed, he is above S+ Class Demon. (Given the non-canon classification of Tenshi 天使 )
His ‘Demon From’ (Which has very little sense of moral control and is actively detrimental to himself and those around him) is more aptly described as ‘An Entity that warps perception’. Being as overpowering as his spirit energy is in the human world, he quite literally cannot be allowed to do that there. This version of him is what Genkai has tried to lock away.
Below is Yu Yu Hakusho Specific information; if you don't know the series then this won't make sense to you sorry \o/
-The AU is called Bittersweet; For all intent and purpose imagine the ‘’Film Rating’’ to be 16 or 18+ for Extreme cases of violence, gore, dark themes (Such as Death/Dismemberment / mental scarring / trauma and traumatic breaks / imprisonment / forced combat to name a few) - There is no Sexual Content. (Similar in function to the YYH Live Action)
-Canon events from start to finish remain unchanged and character arcs are untouched. (Or in some cases further developed/expanded on) →‘’Villains’’ are still defeated by their original victor. Example of above; Despite Reiwa’s inclusion in the Dark Tournament the events are unchanged of who fights who and why - Kuwabara still ‘plays dead’ and Yusuke still defeats Toguro. → Changes are small and simply expand on events and character interactions/development are added.
-Additional Arcs are included between others [Or in Addition too] to provide breathing room and levity to the change in ‘rating’ quality. Hence the name Bittersweet.
Reiwa as a character is not introduced into the narrative until just before Yusuke goes to see Genkai for the first time.
They come across each other during the testing, and He’s introduced as Genkai’s groundskeeper. He does not interfere with events. Botan 100% already knows what’s up but says nothing. They’re dorky friends who >:3c at everyone.
Reiwa at this time is just over 50 in human years, but due to demon genetics he would be closer placed towards 17. Similar notes toward Hiei if that helps (Who is similar in age being about 48-50 as well, but racially 15-16) -> It is also noted that the cast ages have been adjusted to start at 17 ending at early 20s, as opposed to being 14 as is canon.
Within the story Reiwa serves as a sort of ‘chill mentor’ towards both Ivy and Yusuke - and 100% the wingman for relationships offering advice from his many [Offscreen] relationships before the series starts. This won’t be expanded in the short summary.
Additional Arcs are created for Training for the cast; usually with Genkai passing the gang off on ‘easy training’ with Reiwa. It’s not. He’s almost as bad as she is. Even with limited power he, at that point, still outclasses most of them. (He is unable to structure this power into proper fighting use without testing his control over it. He does not often participate in combat.) His training is for patience, self healing, and spiritual control.
More soft arcs and characterization between the cast, good happy things, balances out the violence of minor Spirit Detective Arcs against rogue Demons.
Events remain relatively unchanged until the Dark Tournament. The structure of how and why they go there is unchanged. Reiwa accompanies as part of the Team Urameshi Medical Unit.
Up to this point Reiwa has not known directly who his father is, it is only on meeting Toguro in the halls that his father recognizes him as Genkai’s child (It’s hard to ignore.) They do not know they’re parent and son.
The Dark Tournament takes place over a longer span of time with more smaller matches and fights. These include sub fights for the cast, as well as sub brackets other Canon Characters who are not on the team. More relationships are given time to develop. (Example being Jin and Touya given more screen time and development on fights of their own vs other teams.)
Genkai and Toguro have a short conversation in the halls where he puts two and two together that Reiwa is his son. There’s a monster’s pride in his smile.
-> It is noted that Toguro as a character has been more drastically altered by his 'Wish' to become a powerful Demon. His active humanity has atrophied due to this, and it is only in very specific moments that it shows through again [Such as his death]. It is only once he is no longer tainted by his ‘wish’ that he changes or understands properly what he’s done.
Kurama was near this conversation and knows, and discusses it with Genkai, wondering why she hadn’t told him. “How would you react if you learned the fantasy of a father your mother created was nothing more than heartless lies?” She had hoped to see some of that humanity still within the man she had loved. At this point, it was no longer there.
Events continue as expected; It is on the death of Genkai by Toguro’s hand that both Yusuke and Reiwa learn of their familial connection. Despite Reiwa’s ability to heal her, his mother denies it - not for a desire to die, but for a parental need to protect her child. As just from the small sparks of his spirit energy, his father is made instantly aware of the unimaginable scale of power his son could reach.
Toguro does not hold back in fighting his pacifist son alongside Yusuke, trying to force Reiwa to fight, and only earning disappointment at how 'weak' his supposed Child is.
“I expected better from you. Genkai was a fool to seal away your powers. - Don’t look at me with her eyes. My son is a coward and a waste of potential.”
Genkai dies watching Toguro beat their son to death, with Yusuke trying - and failing - to stop him.
Reiwa lives wholly on the fact that Yusuke takes one of the seals off after Toguro is gone purely in desperation and hope; it’s a secondary wave of agony and unknown pain from the breaking of one of the Ofuda charms. But he heals. He’s alive. He also remembers everything that happened; the damage his father did is why his hair is cut the way it is, as the scarring (from Ki) made it grow patchy with scars on his skull, so he changed his hairstyle accordingly
Events continue as normal from there forward with a higher rating of violence.
Afterwards, one Toguro is defeated, everyone is (as Okay as they can be) but physically well enough to go home. Reiwa is very not okay by all events, but spent a great deal of time with no communication to anyone at all. By the end of recovery he’s trying to push it aside and pretend to be his happy self as they leave for the harbor - but instantly breaks down when he sees Genkai is alive again.
Short Summary for Minor Arcs (Comfy Filler and Therapy)
General daily things together and conversations about feelings after the events of DT - Reiwa is not good at this, but helps the others over himself. He’s mixed up about how to feel about Toguro, about his Mother, about himself and what he is. - Yukina is the one who gets him to open up again.
An entire summer arc about everyone pretending to be camp counsellors to find a demon artifact. Many hijinks ensue. Lots of fluff. Kuwabara and Reiwa bond and Reiwa is ‘Oh NO’ about it. (No heavy violence; Hiei is Ride or Die for the kids by the end of it,)
Very small interpersonal arcs for each of the characters and their families and family matters. (Including but not limited to Kurama spending the day with his mother and they have a very good time - Hiei and Yukina bond but just in ‘yup we’re just allies totally’ way - Yusuke checks in on his mother with Keiko and gets dragged out for normal mundane tasks) Sorry short summary right LOL. lots of family time w everyone. It overlaps into hijinks.
That leads into The Gauntlet Arc.
The Gauntlet Arc in premise is a midpoint between ‘Save my family and friends’ (Dark Tournament) and ‘Save the world’ (Sensui/Three Kings) Stakes for the series.
A case is handed to Koenma’s desk and on the understanding of it being a small venture, sends the cast to investigate. Premise being ‘Demons are being trafficked into the human world through small smuggling rings. > Oh turns out that is MUCH BIGGER than we thought.’
Beneath the earth and hidden away in soundless caverns, imagine a dome of a room - within it a large carved across the floor X that has sealed cages on each point, and one within the center. This is The Gauntlet.
Within additional hallways beyond the dome [within walled holding cells] are demons - of any shape and size. Children and mothers are included. They are not fed and are almost expected to devour each other if they do not get taken to The Gauntlet first.
In The Gauntlet’s Cages all manner of demons are being made to fight to the death, but this is not a bloodsport like the DT - this is not a normal demon show, there are no announcers, this is wholly a human audience who are capturing demons from all over in order to force them to fight against their will using the music that is playing through the echochamber. There are no scores, there is only one winner; and then that winner is ‘put down.’
When someone dies in The Gauntlet, their soul is unable to be taken to the afterlife due to an enchantment and object created and gifted by The Coven. (See my wife's character Ivy for more Information) and is ‘suppressed’ in a gruesome way.
By the time the reality of the situation is known each member of the team is systematically separated and sectioned off in their own fights. It is a large roster and it is instantly understood they will have to kill to try and make it out. Some don’t have a problem with this, others do. (Remember, demons of all kinds are present.)
Only those with Demon Blood/Soul are affected by the music; They are still in full mental awareness and knowledge of what they’re doing. Their choices are their own and it is haunting.
Kurama is one of them as well despite his body as his soul is ancient. Very much not a good time with bloodlust and panic. Hiei has the hardest time resisting it. The most easily violent. Reiwa is brought to the Gauntlet cages against his will, the handlers using a variation of 'cattle rods' to control the demons, which have enough power in them to leave deep electrical scars on Reiwa's back.
This arc is the point where Kraven (An Eikyo Demon-Parasite bonded to her human body) in Ivy’s narrative becomes reality. any demon that is put into the cage with her recognises what she is, and they kill themselves in fear. She watches each and every time, covered in gore by the final round.
That final round is with Reiwa (Who had to fight Yusuke prior and it was not a good time for either of them), who this whole time has been forced to fight on his own - reminded each time of the strength his father gave him, of how easy the bloodshed comes to him. (His Spirit is unstable due to the way Yusuke revived him, and the Ofuda charms are not in balance anymore with only 3.) His abilities are starting to be outside of his control, reacting on that bloodthirsty instinct he relates to his father. His own body is healing far beyond normal capability.
Kraven is fully aware of the danger Reiwa poses and finally takes control of Ivy's body - and the two fight in untold violence - both able to take seemingly endless wounds with their healing. Kraven gets desperate as Reiwa’s Demon traits take over - turning the fight in his favor just by Ivy's mortal limitations. Kraven removes Reiwa’s still human heart and crushes it before their eyes in order to actually kill him.
Kuwabara is the one who saves the day (As he is unaffected by the charm.) with the assistance of other human allies present. Botan is reviving everyone of the cast and it is at the last moment that they come beaten and bloodied to see the end result.
Kraven returns control to Ivy, leaving her holding the gore of her friend and teacher as the charm-of-violence wears off too late. There is no measure of agony for her screaming at what she’s done seeing him kneeling before her.
Without his human heart, a demon core slowly takes root, and Reiwa’s existence is beyond control while within the human realm. Air bends from the pressure, metal rots, sounds quiver.
No one knows what to do about the shadow of their friend. Yusuke tries to do the same thing he did before, but Botan stops him and properly explains why the seals were there. Yusuke understands that he was part of the cause of this by imbalancing him. - Kuwabara pushes everyone aside and does everything he can with his own without hesitation to jump into the fray of spiritual fire; - his human spirit energy and conviction proving a match for the building pressure. That same desperation not to lose someone. It’s with the attempt of them all - with what little they have left - that Reiwa's overbearing soul can be brought under control and a new human heart is made.
When Reiwa opens his eyes and sees his friends, he cries.
The humans who ran the ring are ousted by both the SPD and the human side that work with them. They cannot promise that it won’t happen again, as they would have never caught this on their own.
Past this point there is a LOT of Character interactions and Arc Time dedication to dealing with all the Trauma of everything that is happening. Canon Events continue as per usual from this point with not enough changes to mention here at this time.
Genkai Notes Bulletpoints (As this relationship is important!)
Genkai is the most treasured person to Reiwa no matter what, she's been the one stable thing in his entire life when he literally was unable to make human friends due to how he was growing up - when people began to question him as she grew older with 'isn't he too young to be your son?' she would always defend him and never hide how much she was proud of him.
She worked very hard to help him learn to be a good man and treat others with respect at all times, and how to not be an idiot - but he's still basically an idiot.
Genkai would only tell him the good things about his father growing up (Even in her unique way of 'he was the most stubborn and idiotic man I had ever known. Loyal too.' ) which is why meeting Toguro as he did was such a traumatic shock. Genkai never thought they would meet.
Reiwa, like most kids, will always think of his mom the way he knew her growing up; young and kind, strong and beautiful. There is no degree of age that he doesn't see the woman who raised him.
When Genkai dies of old age, she doesn't make a fuss about it, but spends the weeks before it making sure everyone is okay in her own special way. She makes sure that Reiwa will be okay without her and that he has the support he needs to live his life without her. He says goodnight to her like any other day, she tells him that she loves him and he's made her more proud than he could ever know. She dies in her sleep peacefully.
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kakuzatos · 2 years
the wonderfully crafted names of chainsaw man
!! spoilers for chainsaw man !!
chainsaw man has a variety of characters with odd names so, while i was studying a bit of kanji, i got curious about how fujimoto named them. so, this is a list of possible explanations behind the names of some major characters. starting with:
1. makima 
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according to this article, fujimoto stated that makima was a play on words:
 “ By the way, isn't a chainsaw originally a tool to cut wood? If you cut the 'ki’ out of 'Makima' you get 'mama.' Denji has always been pursuing maternal things." 
another thing about makima’s name is it’s similarity to “makita”, a company that sells chainsaws. 
2. pochita 
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most of the chainsaw man’s names are all in katakana, so it’s harder to pinpoint what the actual meaning is. pochita is no different, but, in this post, there’s a comment that points out that ‘pochi’ is a pretty common name for dogs in japan. the ‘ta’ is just added as a reference to the makita brand too. 
3. denji (+power, angel, dominion, seraphim, beam, gaugari, prinz and verche)
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denji’s name is interesting. in this article, it says that denji’s name is based on ‘tenshi,’ which is the japanese word for ‘angel’. since, angel fights demons or devils, fujimoto thought it was a great name for his protagonist. aside from that, it’s also based on ‘denchi,’ which means ‘battery’. since fujimoto thought that when denji transforms into a chainsaw is battery-ish, he mixed ‘tenshi’ and ‘denchi’ together, creating ‘denji.’ 
it’s also speculated that ‘kudo denji’-- a character from the manga, abara, might be an inspiration too. 
but the most amazing thing is that it denji’s name perfectly fits the narrative and the biblical references sprinkled in. in this post, it reveals that power, angel, dominion, seraphim, beam, gaugari, prinz and verche’s names were from the nine orders of angels in medieval angelology. (how fucking cool is that?!) but if you look at it, there are only eight mentioned that are clear. the unnamed is “archangels.” since denji is in the frame, the archangel might be denji himself, considering his name origin. 
4. kobeni 
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kobeni’s name when split into parts has ‘small’ from ‘ko’ and ‘red’ from ‘beni.’ i think it’s very fitting for her since she’s... well, tiny. 
5. aki 
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aki’s name is also spelled in katakana, and according to this article, fujimoto revealed that aki’s name was derived from the ak47 gun. (what the actual fuck.) he only modified the name to make it sound like ‘aki.’
however, aki, in usual japanese, means autumn, bright or ancestor. it’s a feminine name of japanese origin. another source says it means ‘love’ and ‘clear’. while this only applies to names with kanji, aki’s name does fit with ‘autumn’ and ‘love.’ 
6. asa and yoru
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asa means ‘morning’ in japanese. yoru means ‘evening’ in japanese. since they are, frankly, the opposite of each other, this is pretty clever. also, the japanese were known for being proficient in night warfare, so the war devil being named after ‘evening’ or ‘night’ makes sense.
feel free to add more characters! these are the only characters where i can get definite answers from the internet. 
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lovelyyfluff · 1 month
Leo Tsukinaga
"Melodiler yaratan şarkıcı şövalye"
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U-chuu~☆ New Dimension'dan Leo Tsukinaga'yım ben! Knights grubunun üyesiyim! Grubun bestecisi gibi bir şeyim galiba? Wahaha! Yurtdışında da besteci olarak çalışıyorum, yani ara sıra Japonya'dan ayrıldığım oluyor. Ama hey, bu devirde gezmeyen grup mu kalmış? Prenseslerimiz nereden olursa olsun, hepsinin yüzüne bir gülümseme getireceğim! Heey, millet! Hepinizi çok seviyorum~!
- Leo
Yurtdışında oldukça ilgi gören bir besteci. Leo, doğal ve aklına geleni yapan birisi, ama aynı zamanda etrafındakilere değer verir ve fazla saf olabilir. Oyun oynarmışcasına çıkan neşeli sesiyle, özgüven dolu performanslar sergiler.
Leo, New Dimension'ın altında çalışan Knights'ın bir üyesidir.
Karakterin tanıtımını kendi ağzından dinlemek için idol hikayesini okuyabilirsiniz.
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Yaş: 18-19
Mezun olduğu okul: Yumenosaki Özel Lisesi
Boy: 169 cm
Kilo: 53 kg
Doğum günü: 5 Mayıs
Hoşlandığı şey: Küçük kız kardeşinin yazdığı şarkı sözleri
Hoşlanmadığı şey: Hayallerini gerçekleştirmesine engel olan şeyler
Sevdiği yiyecek: Kahve
Hobi: Şarkı bestelemek
Uzmanlık alanı: Doğaçlama dans etmek
Aile: Ebeveynleri, Ruka Tsukinaga (küçük kız kardeşi)*
* ç.n. Ruka Tsukinaga normalde "Ensemble Girls!" oyunundaki bir karakterdir.
Diğer bazı bilgiler:
Nerede olursa olsun ilham geldiği an etrafa müzik notaları yazmaya başlar. Kağıt bulamadığı zaman duvara bile yazabilir. Bu konuda Keito'dan azar işitmiştir.
Bazen bestelemeye o kadar dalıyor ki kendi ismini unutuyor
Uzaylılara inanıyor ve onlar tarafından kaçırılıp, hafızasının silindiğini iddia ediyor.
Geçmişte Eichi ile hastanede tanışıp arkadaş oldular. Dostlukları her ne kadar zarar görse de Leo, Eichi'yi affetmiştir.
Eichi'ye "Melek" takma adıyla seslenir. Bu takma isim Eichi'nin soyadından geliyor. (Tenshouin -> Tenshi -> Melek)
0 notes
dumuzithemessiah · 5 months
The True Actual Story of The Creation
The one who created the Kosmos in the first original Universe was me, Dumuzi, hence why my name means life, because I am the first living thing to exist.
But before the Kosmos and Universe existed I was in the Obyss - a black ocean filled with black water with no surface.
I came into existence via willpower and when I formed I looked different then I do now as I was a dark purple energy in the shape of my now current form. Shortly afterwards I split my soul into three other parts - Kosmin, Lumuzi, from my light in my soul separating my light from me, and Geshtinonna from my female part - as you know every soul while they do have a gender has a male and female part but one obviously dominates the soul. I am a male god. Gods and goddesses have reverse gender standards than humans.
The four of us then looked at each other all wanting something, the very thing to be with others - so out of loneliness we all had - I created the Kosmos causing what humans call the big bang.
Then afterwards upon now being in space I then created the first planet - Nibiru for our home and the base of what Nibiru was like back then. We then upon landing gained form becoming what we were shaped like - anthropomorphic felines with wings on our back and a Y shapes tail.
We then thought more life needed to be made and thus I and Kosmin bred to make more of our kind and eventually also the creation of our companions - demons as demon means deity’s companion. And lower members of our species called tenshi and creatures who would evolve to become Nibimon but weren’t as magical at first. When language was created I received my name along with my siblings.
Eventually over time Nibiru grew shape and villages and towns came about. Landscapes were forms very fantasy like and surreal and seasons were created with I, Dumuzi being Winter, Kosmin being Spring, Lumuzi being Summer, and Geshtinonna being Autumn.
Other planets with life also came about in time ones with different life then in today’s Universe.
It was all peaceful, in order, and happy until evil came….
A female entity called The Great Evil came into existence, unknown how, but she tried to attack Nibiru but I caught on quickly to the danger and fought her and then cast a spell which others warned me not too but there was no other way and I cast it causing The Great Evil to be destroyed but at a cost - I shattered as well creating the Multiverse unintentionally and Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna went into a strange sleep waiting my return.
The word Messiah became well known describing me what meant in translation as: The Rainbow Hero
And several Kosmos regenerations passed. Now the 8th Universe[[8th means after seven regenerations happened]] and over half a million years ago from today - I was finally put back together being reborn with Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna as the eldest children of Enkai and Ninsun two male yazata[[yazata is our gender neutral word for our species]] that were the sons of two other male yazata King Anu and Queen Ki.
We were on Earth and I was reborn when my new male mother was in a cave as yazata like to birth in natural environments! We were in Mesopotamia in what is now known as Iraq.
But the city of Ehdenia is nowadays as part of the Lumarian Sky Islands. Ia means city so “Wilderness City” is what Ehdenia means. Ehden means wilderness in Ancient Nibirian and is pronounced eh-den.
Enkai would be the god who accidentally created the elves both good and bad. Ninsun is albino thus I, Dumuzi, Kosmin, Lumuzi, and Geshtinonna - now had red pupils due to how albinism works in my kind as being half albino is a thing on Nibiru.
Unfortunately The Great Evil was reborn as well as one of Enkai and Ninsun’s children now known as Ishtayr.
What Ishtayr did to me out of vengeance is something I would hope even humanity would be disgusted by…. One day she used a spell to make me agree to marry her - when I already loved Marduk that way no one else as only Marduk was a immune to my nightmare aura - a scary thing I do to make all afraid of me but he wasn’t afraid which made me realise he was my destined future husband - Ishtayr also tortured, did the grape without the g as if the whole same sex breeding didn’t hint to females able to shape shift a you know what out - hurt my kids I had later with Marduk, and hurt father, hurt mother, as Enkai and Ninsun are the only parent like figures in my life even though they’re my descendants, and spread lies about the past on Earth[[Earth is named after Enkai, as his other name is Ea, Ea’s Kingdom]] and misgendered many deities in order to force homophobia, and when I got out it was only cause I didn’t know she was The Great Evil and at time saw her as my younger sister, and waited on her throne as I didn’t know why she did those horrible things….
When she came back she got me thrown into Kohora - the Underworld - but at the cost of me telling others what she did to me which greatly disgusted and horrified Ereshkigal who passed on the message to the other deities warning them of her treason. Deities can go back and forth into Kohora as we are immortal beings. We cannot truly die.
Ereshkigal must have known more about me then I did at the time and must’ve then confirmed who Ishtayr was as no deity would ever commit such crimes! Ishtayr was kicked off of all territories and made a wanted criminal wanted for treason and more. I only came out of Kohora in my what I call now my Dazzling Dumuzi form but at time was called Sin form as Sin was not an actual deity but a disguise of mine! Ereshkigal made me work in Kohora as like what a human would call a Grim Reaper as I collected souls after that but also got turned into a Super God by later Enkai who later on became King Enkai and my male mother via rebirth Queen Ninsun and several other yazata/deities became so as well!
That's all for now as parts of the past like Aetherian demons, the elves, etc, need to be told in other parts of the past! Messiah means “The Rainbow Hero” and only refers to me and only me! Not the hateful full of toxic hate and demand for murder for various reasons mostly for being different and not being a part of their hateful faith man made religion called Christianity and their fake hateful false god whose name comes from an evil elf named Yahweh Yehovah[[He’s Earl and Aeva’s kid and they later changed their surname to Jehovah]] who manipulated others into killing innocent elf children and never had a actual kid cause he was killed by me when I found proof he was behind such crimes or his fake “son” as Yahweh had no son as he was young when he died AND humanity’s book of hate called the bible which who stole words from my kind’s language! No true god or goddess acts like any man made deity!
The fact the bible was written around less then 2000 years ago shows how little credit it should be given as like I said I was put back together half a million years ago and the so called bible aka wicked book of lies said the Earth was only 6000 years! So dumb!
Nothing I ever said was against evolution as that all happened too as who said the existence of gods and goddesses disproved evolution? Fact that I am here says yeah my kind exists so tough shit if you don’t like the real deities as real deities would never side with humanity’s hate!
The fact that they letter J is only 500 years old shows how foolish Christards are and their religion has caused nothing but hate, war, lies, murder, and genocide even today!
Considering the actual Yahweh which was an evil elf brat who manipulated others into killing innocent elf children as no modern humans were around really how evil Christians are for worshipping a complete criminal as their false god! And given what he did you cannot blame me as I was only protecting all those innocent the children who were in danger with this evil elf around!
Dumuzi means Life
Ehden means Wilderness
Sin actually means Wisdom not crime as that is a human lie.
Luma means Moon
Lum means Light
Messiah means Rainbow Hero as Messi means Rainbow and ah means Hero.
Kohora means Below+World as Koho means Below and Ra means world.
Yumera means Dream+World as Yume means Dream and Ra means world
I will also say this: Some things evolved while others were created. Do not mix up the real truth that I have stated with humanity’s bible lies! The truth is very much different from what humanity lied about!
To understand everything in the Universe and Multiverse you need to understand what magic aka majic[[Nibirian] is as it is an energy that comes from aether which comes from the Kosmos. You also need to understand true spirituality[[understanding actual spirits]], science[[King Enkai and many deities are scientists, and his name not Enki but Enkai!]], souls which are ❤️ shaped like the Kosmos 🩵, multidimensional beings aka magical beings, dreams, nightmares, Yumera, Kohora, the multiverse, psychic abilities which also come from aether btw, evolution, cyber beings[[Nibirian species called navis are programs with soul]], robots[[robots do exist on Nibiru and like navis they have souls]], space, cosmic energies, and many other things…
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carsinoska · 2 years
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Album: ASTRO=FILMS Artist: Absolute Castaway
Sirius no Yuuen -Hacka-
yoru wa koko ni aru kagayaki wo masu hodo ni kage wa hirogatte mi mo yaki kogasu Shiriusu
naniyori mo kagayaite kedakaku tsuyoku kotae motomerarete   itsushika dare ni mo furerarenai kodoku to natta
watashi to onaji kizuato tonari ni ite ageru itai nara   nadete ageru dakedo kidzukanai dareka watashi wo mite
sora wo tayutaeba kazoe kirenai hodo no hoshi monogatari ga umarete iku no ga mieru
nani hitotsu sawarazu ni Shiriusu no you ni itsuka moetsukite shimau nara saigo ni hitotsu dake negai ga aru
watashi wo mitsukete hoshii karappo no utsuwa ga sore dake wo motometeiru dakara koko ni kite dareka koe wo kite
dareka watashi ni kokoro wo oshiete
Spica no Yakusoku
mayonaka no hakaba de deatta futari no purima ga kawashita yakusoku wa
mune wazuratta otome no na wa Jizeru hatsukoi ni mi wo kogasu   odori ga suki na mura musume
budou minoru aki   kekkon wo chikatta no ni koibito ni uragirare   shinzou wa tomatte shimatta
higeki-teki na saigo   kyouran suru hitobito konna tsumori de wa nakatta to   bouzento tachitsukusu otoko
riaru ni   yori riaru ni jizenru ni natte odoru no yorokobi   kanashimi sae kankyaku ni todokeru no
riaru ni   yori riaru ni purima ni natte miseru wa tooi yume nanka de owarasenai'n dakara ne
tatoe ima no kankyaku ga   yozora no Supika dake da to shite mo akirametari shinai wa akiramenai
watashi no ketsui wo   saigo made kiite kureta purima wa nakikuzureta
'anata to atta yoru ni hontou wa shinde shimaou to omotte ita no. demo……'
shiroi ishou no otome no na wa Wiri kekkon wo suru mae ni shinda musume no nare no hate
yoru no hakaba ni yattekita otoko wo   odorasete kuruwasete saigo ni wa koroshite shimau
Jizeru wa Wiri ni natta 'itoshii kara nikui no' 'koroshite shimae' to sasayaki ga soredemo otoko wo mamotta
roman wo   higenjitsu wo butai no ue ni hirogatte awaremi   kandou sase   sou   namida wo nagasaseru
roman wo   higenjitsu wo hyougen dekiru naraba osoreru mono nado nai wa   doryoku suru dake yo
watashi-tachi wa bochi de kataratta toki ni wa kibishiku mo yasashiku   himitsu no tokkun wa tsudzuita purima no shinzou ga tomaru made
'watashi no tatte ita butai ni itsuka tadoritsuite choudai anata nara kitto dekiru kara Supika ni natte mimamotteru wa'
riaru ni   yori riaru ni purima ni natte miseru wa tooi yume nanka de owarasenai'n dakara ne
roman wo   higenjitsu wo hyougen dekiru naraba osoreru mono nado nai wa   doryoku suru dake yo
tatoe ima no kankyaku ga   yozora no Supika dake dato shite mo akirametari shinai wa akiramenai
datte kore wa mou watashi dake no yume janai zettai ni kanaete miseru wa
Kiffa no Kyoukai
nee, shitteru? hito wa, umare motta honnou wa kaerarenai mono nano yo nee, shitteru? watashi ga dore dake gaman shite iru no ka egao no ura de ki ga kurui sou heibon ni umorete inakereba naranai nante, mou
agamete   tataete soushitara…… saikou no egao de okutte ageru!
'tengoku ga anata wo matteiru kara yami wo osorenaide ikinasai' hohoemu seijo
hora, kidzuite watashi wa, hito to chigau tokubetsu na ikimono nandatte koto ni hora, kidzuite hokori ni mamirete usuyogorete ite mo hito me de wakaru hoshii mono wa netsuai wo sasayaku ouji-sama nanka ja nai no motto agamete   tataete soushitara…… saikou no egao de okutte ageru!
'raise de wa shiawase ni nareru kara kami wo osorenaide ikinasai' usotsuki seijo
hitobito wa kokoro wo hikarete kono ranse no jidai ni oritatta tsubasa no nai tenshi da to sukui wo aa, motome agamete   tataeta kanojo ga senran no hidane wo maiteiru koto mo shirazu
uragiri seijo
watashi koso ga sora no seiza ni narabu no ga fusawashii wa kiyoraka de yasashikute utsukushii kami yo subete wo ataeta mouta
orokana kami yo
Shaula no Bara
ai wo oshiete kureta anata e no omoi wo ima dare yori fukaku chikau mune ni kakushita Shaura no bara
iro no kieta daichi wa karehate chi wo nagashite mo itami mo kanjinai
anata ga mamotta sekai kowaseru hazu ga nai yo
ai wo utai tsudzukeyou anata made todoku naraba koe wo nakushite mo ii anata ni mada aeru nara doro ni mamirete mo nando fumi tsubusarete mo darenimo taorarenai hokori takaki chuusei no bara
oto no kieta jikan wa tomatte mezamenai mama kokoro wa kooritsuku
anata wo misuteta sekai yuruseru hazu ga nai yo
ai wa yasashii no da to shinjite ita hi wa tooku anata wo nakushite kara kore dake tada no darou namae mo yonde mo omokage wo oikakete mo kuuhaku wa umaranai kizu darake no itsuwari no bara
nukenai tokei  ga kono mi wo saite chikara tsukite mo kienai chikai
ai wo idaki tsudzukeyou anata wo torimodosu made omoi wa tsurugi to nari anata dake no tate to naru doro ni mamirete mo nando fumi tsubusarete mo darenimo taorarenai ima sakihokoru Shaura no bara
Altarf no Ginmaku
youkoso, irasshaimashita! soko no kimi   kifujin mo shinshi no kata mo mina, shigeki wo motomete kita no nara [atsuatsu!] tokubetsu ni dekitate wo
ichiya nomi no jouei wo [mou ikkai wa damedame] jinsei wa ichido kiri   ruuru junshu de! toki wa maki modoshi fukanou nandesu. owakari?
dakara koso yukai tsuukai [soukai de kikikaikai de] soredemo mitai to [yokubari nan dakara] ossharu nara shikatanai [himitsu de★] firumu   karari karari   mawashimashou (hajimaru yo!)
kono yo wa higeki ka kigeki nano ka   o-nayami no anata-sama e sagari no koukaku agete agete   kuchiakete dasu oto wa 'hahaha!' tsurai toki koso warainasai   warai tobashite shimaeba hara fushigi! higeki mo nanimokamo ga kigeki ni kawarimashou
utsukushii houseki datte [maboroshi no bishu mo kichou na bunken mo] sou, jinsei ni wa kanaimasumai [kanbi de] nanimono ni mo kaerarenai
nidome wa nai jouei wo [otanoshimi kudasai] kimi wa mou monogatari no naka no hitori kono watashi mo dareka no monogatari da. owakari?
purima donna no butai wa [go-souzou ni omakase shimasu] seijo no saigo wa [katararenai mama de] bara no kishi no yukue wa [shiranai] firumu   karari karari   mawaru dake (junbi OK!)
ano yo wa fukou ka koufuku nano ka   o-nayami no anata-sama e nayande mo wakaranai   sonna toki wa ittan wasurete shimai nasai kurushii nara shin kokyuushite   kokyuu wa wasurecha dame sa hora fushigi! shikai ga hiraketekite, sora no hoshi mo kirei☆
nakibeso no kimi mo [akogare no hiiroo] tsuitenai kimi datte [hiroin] daremo ga mina, shuyaku! [shuyaku!] shujinkou!
dakara, nani yori shuuaku dakedo mo saikou ni utsukushii sonna kao shinaide   saijoukyuu no home kotoba nandesu kara……
saa, kono yo wa higeki ka kigeki ka   o-nayami no anata-sama e osagari no koukaku   agete agete   koe wo dashite 'hahaha!' tsurai toki koso waratte   warai tobashite shimaeba hora fushigi! higeki mo nanimokamo ga kigeki ni kawatte mina, waratte mina, daidan’en nano sa
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asnowperson · 3 years
Koufuku no Hato
In my quest to find more Kazeki content, it has come to my attention that Kazeki had a sequel manga, Koufuku no Hato (幸福の鳩), but as a filthy pirate, all I could find was dead scan links and a translation. Where was it?
This 49-page sequel was first published in Takemiya Keiko's Umi no Tenshi (海の天使/Chérubin de la mer) art book in 1991. It was also included in the later editions of Kazeki. The digital edition has this sequel one shot too, so if you are looking for it, your best bet is to get volume 16 from a Japanese e-book seller like this or this one. Seriously, don't be cheap and buy it if you love Kazeki.
I prefer making life harder for myself, so I got the art book and tried scanning Koufuku no Hato for the fandom's pleasure. I highly suggest that you get the e-book to have a better reading experience. I don't know how to scan things and the gutter shadow ruins every page (but come on, don't expect me to rip my beautiful Takemiya art book apart to scan this), but you can get it here.
Have this hilarious Rosemariné/Jules moment. Enjoy all the fanservice Takemiya gave you until you see the no homo ending.
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If anyone wants to do an actual scanlation of this, I can help with the missing SFXs or provide Japanese support to the best of my abilities. Just write to me. And get the e-book if you're going to do it, it will save an editor's life.
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calicocatcorner · 3 years
Shoujo Manga with Physical English releases List
The Manga series english title (The japanese title - the author (firstname lastname) /artist) extra info
13th Boy   (SangEun Lee ) out of print? Has digital release as well
@ Full Moon   (Sanami Matoh)
 A Condition Called Love (Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai - Megumi Morino)
A Devil and Her Love Song   (Akuma to Love Song - Miyoshi Toumori)
A Drunken Dream and Other Short Stories   (Various)
A Sign of Affection   (Yubisaki to Renren - suu Morishita)
Absolute Boyfriend   (Zettai Kareshi - Yuu Watase)
Aishiteruze Baby ★★ (Youko Maki)
Alice 19th   (Yuu Watase)
Alice in Murderland   (Kakei no Alice - Kaori Yuki)
Alice in the Country of Hearts   (Heart no kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World   (Author Quinrose art Soumei Hoshino)
Angel Sanctuary (Tenshi Kinryouku - Kaori Yuki)
Ani-Imo   (Ani ga Imouto ga Ani de - Haruko Kurumatani)
Anonymous Noise   (Fukumenkei Noise - Ryoco Fukuyama)
Antique Bakery   (Seiyou Kottou Yougashiten - Fumi Yoshinaga)
Ao Haru Ride   (Io Sakisaka)
Arisa   (Natsumi Ando)
Aron’s Absurd Armada   (Aronui Mujeokhamdae - MiSun Kim)
Ascendance of a Bookworm   (Honzuki no Gekokujou - Author Miya Kazuki Artist Suzuka)
Baby & Me   (Akachan to Boku - Marimo Ragawa)
Banana Fish   (Akimi Yoshida)
Basara   (Yumi Tamura) out of print/available  digitally
Beast Master   ( Kyousuke Motomi)
Beasts of Abigaile   (Abigaile no Kemono-tachi - Ringo Naki)
Beauty Pop   (Kiyoko Aria) out of print / available digitally
Beauty and the Beast of Paradise Lost   (Kaori Yuki)
Beauty is the Beast   (Bijo ga Yajuu - Tomo Matsumoto)
Black Bird   (Kanoko Sakurakouji)
Black Rose Alice   (Kuro Bara Alice - Setona Mizushiro) out of print/no digital release
Bloody Kiss (Kazuko Furumiya) out of print/no digital release
Bloody†Mary   (Akaza Samamiya)
Bride of the Water God   (Mi-Kyung Yoon) Out of print/not available digitally
Cardcaptor Sakura + Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card   (CLAMP)
Ceres: Celestial Legend   (Ayashi no Ceres - Yuu Watase)
Cheeky Brat   (Namaikizakari - Mitsubachi Miyuki)
Children of the Whales   (Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau - Abi Umeda)
Claudine   (Riyoko Ikeda)
Clover   (CLAMP)
Cowboy Bebop   (Authors Shinichiro Watanabe/Hajime Yatate Art yutaka Nanten)
Crimson Hero   (Beniiro Hero -Mitsuba Takanashi) out of print /never completed series/ no digital
Cross-Dressing Villainess Cecillia Sylvie   (Akuyaku Reijou, Cecilia Sylvie wa Shinitakunai node Dansou suru Koto ni Shita - Athor Hiroro Akizakura Art Shino Akiyama) Originally a LN / also licenced
Cutie and the Beast   (Pujo to Yajuu: JK ga Akuyaku Wrestler ni Koi Shita Hanashi - Yuhi Azumi)
D.N Angel (Yukiru Sugisaki) Out of print but can get series digitally
Daily Report About My Witch Senpai   (Maka Mochida)
Dawn of the Arcana   (Reimei no Arcana - Rei Touma)
Daytime Shooting Star   (Hirunaka no Ryuusei - Mika Yamamori
Demon From Afar   (liki no Ki - Kaori Yuki)
Demon Love Spell   (Ayakashi Koi Emaki - Mayu Shinjou)
Dengeki Daisy   (Kyousuke Motom)
Descendants of Darkness   (Yami no Matsuei - Yoko Matsushita)
Disney manga series  (quite a few are shoujo)
Doubt!!   (Kaneyoshi Izumi)
Dragon★Girl   (Toru Fujieda)
Dreamin’ Sun   (Yumemiru Taiyou - Ichigo Takano)
Fairy Cube   (Kaori Yuki)
Fiance of the Wizard   (Mahoutsukai no Konyakusha - Author Syuri Nakamura  Artist Masaki Kazuka / Keiko Sakano)
Flower in a Storm   (Hana ni Arashi - Shigeyoshi Takagi)
Flower of Life   (Fumi Yoshinaga)
Fluffy Fluffy  Cinnamoroll   (Fuwa♥Fuwa Cinnamon Yumi Tsukirino)
Fragments of Horror (Ma no Kakera - Junji Itou)
Fruits basket + Fruits basket Another   (Natsuki Takaya)
Full Moon wo Sagashite   (Arina Tanemura)
Fushigi Yuugi   (Yuu Watase)
Gaba Kawa   (Rie Takada)
Gakuen Alice (Tachibana Higuchi) Out of print /unfinished/no digital release
Ghost Hunt   (Story/Art Shiho Inada  Story Fuyumi Ono) Out of print/no digital release
God Child   (Kaori Yuki)
Golden Japanesque: A Splendid Yokohama Romance   (Kiniro Japanesque - Kaho Miyasaki)
Goong (So Hee Park) /out of print? Has digital copies
Grand Guignol Orchestra   (Guignol Kyuutei Gakudan - Kaori Yuki)
Hana-Kimi   (Hanazakari no Kimitachi e - Hisaya Nakajo)
Hatsu*Haru   (Shizuki Fujisawa)
Heaven’s Will   (Satoru Takamiya)
High School Debut   (Koukou Debut - Kazune Kawahara)
Himeyuka & Rozione’s Story   (Natsukashi Machi no Rozione - Sumomo Yumeka)
Honey Hunt   (Miki Aihara)
Honey So Sweet   (Amu Meguro)
Hot Gimmick   (Miki Aihara)
I Am Here   (Koko ni lru yo! - Ema Toyama)
I Was Reincarnated as the Villainess in an OtomeGame but the Boys Love me Anyway!   (Akuyaku Reijou desu ga Kouryaku Taishou no Yousu ga Ijousugiru - Ataki / Sou Inaida)
I.O.N   (Ariana Tanemura)
Idol Dreams   (31☆Idreams - Arina Tanemura)
Ima Koi Now I am in Love   (Ayuko Hatta)
I’m the Villainess, So I’m Taming the Final Boss   (Akuyaku Reijou nanodo Last Boss wo Kattemimashita - Author Sarasa Nagase Art Anko Yuzu) originally LN; also translated
Immortal Rain (Meteor Methuselah - Kaori Ozaki)
Kageki Shojo!!   (Kumiko Saiki)
Kaiju Girl Caramelise   (Otome Kaijū Carameliser - Spica Aoki)
Kamikaze Girls   (Shimotsuma Monogatari - Novala Takemoto/Yukio Kanesada)
Kamisama Kiss   (Karisama Hajimemashita - Julietta Suzuki)
Karakuri Odette   (Julietta Suzuki) Out of print? / no digital release
Kare Kano his and her circumstances   (Masami Tsuda) out of print/no digital release
Karneval   (Kaanibbaru - TouyaMikanagi)
Kase-san series   (Hiromi Takashima)
Kigurumi Guardians   (Lily Hoshino)
Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You   (Karuho Shiina)
Kiss Him, Not me   (Watashi ga Motete Dousunda - Junko)
Kiss Me At the Stroke of Midnight   (Gozen 0-ji, Kiss shi ni Kite yo - Rin Mikimoto)
Kiss of the Rose Princess   (Barajou no Kiss - Aya Shouoto)
Kitchen Princess   (Kitchen no Ohimesama - atsumi Ando; Story by Miyuki Kobayashi)
Kodocha: Sana's Stage   (Kodomo no Omocha - Miho Obana )Out of print/ No digital release
Komomo Confiserie   (Maki Minami)
Last Game (Shinobu Amano)
Laughing Under the Clouds   (Donten ni Warau - KarakaraKemuri)
Lets Dance a Waltz   (Waltz no Ojikan - Natsumi Ando)
Let’s Kiss in Secret Tomorrow   (Ashita, Naisho no Kiss Shiyou - Uri Sugata)
Like a Butterfly (Hibi Chouchou - Suu Morishita
Liselotte & the Witch’s Forest   (Liselotte to Majo no Mori - Natsuki Takaya) Story discontinued by Author
Living-room Matsunaga-san   (Living no Matsunaga-san - Keiko Iwashita)
Love In Focus   (Renzu-sou no Sankaku - Youko Nogiri)
Love me, Love me not   (Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare - Io Sakisaka)
Love of Kill   (Koroshi Ai - Fe)
Lovely★Complex   (Aya Nakahara)
Lovesick Ellie   (Koiwasurai no Ellie - Fujimomo)
L♥DK   (Ayu Watanabe)
Magical Knight Rayearth   (CLAMP)
Maid-sama   (Kaichou wa Maid-sama! - Hiro Fujiwara)
Manga Dogs   (GDGD-DOGS - Ema Toyama)
Manhwa Novella Collection
Marmalade Boy   (Wataru Yoshizumi) Out of print/not digitally available
Mermaid Boys   ( Sarachiyomi )
MeruPuri: Märchen☆Prince   (Merupuri Matsuri hino)
Meteor Prince   (Otome to Meteor Meca Tanaka)
Mint Chocolate   (Mami Orikasa)
Missions of Love   (Watashi ni xx Shinasai! - Ema Toyama)
Mistress Fortune   (Zettai Kakusei Tenshi Mistress☆Fortune - Ariana Tanemura)
Moon Child   (Tsuki no Ko - Reiko Shimizu) Out of print/not available digitally
My Girlfriend’s a Geek   (Fijoshi Kanajo - By (author) Pentabu, By (artist) Rize Shinba)   /originally a novel
My Girlfriend’s Child (Ano Ko no Kodomo - Mamoru Aoi)
My Little Monster   (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun - Robico)
My Love Mix-Up!   (Kieta Hatsukoi - Author Wataru Hinekure Art Aruko)
My Love Story   (Ore Monogatari!! - Author Kazune Kawahara Artist Aruko)
My Special One (Kimi ga Tokubetsu - Momoko Koda)
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!    (Hamefura - Author Satoru Yamaguchi Artist Nami Hidaka) Originally a LN / also licenced
NG Life   (Mizuho Kusanagi) Out of print/ no digital release
Nana   (Ai Yazawa)
Natsume’s Book of Friends   (Natsume Yuujinchou - Yuki Midorikawa)
Nightmare Inspector: Yumekui Kenbun   (Yumekui Kenbun - Shin Mashiba)
No. 6   (Story by Atsuko Asano, Art by Hinoki Kino )
No Longer Heroine (Heroine Shikkaku - Momoko Koda)
Not Your Idol   (Sayonara Miniskirt - Aoi Makino)
Of the Red, the Light and the Ayakashi   (Aka ya Akashi ya Ayakashi no - Author HaccaWorks* Artist Nanao)
Orange   (Ichigo Takano)
Oresama Teacher   (Izumi Tsubaki)
Otherworld Barbara   (Barbara Ikai - Moto Hagio)
Otomen   (Aya Kanno)
Ouran Highschool Host Club   (Ouran Koukou Host Club - Bisco Hatori)
Penguin Revolution   (Sakura Tsukuba) Out of print/ no digital release
Phantom Dream   (Genei Musou -Natsuki Takaya) Out of print/ no digital release
Phantom Thief Jeanne   (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne - Ariana Tanemura)
Pig Bride   (KookHwa Huh/SuJin Kim) out of print?
Please Save My Earth   (Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte - Saki Hiwatari)
Primitive Boyfriend   (Genshijin Kareshi - Yoshineko Kitafuku)
Prince Freya   (Itsuwari no Freja - Keiko Ishihara)
Princess Ai   (Princess Ai Monogatari - Author Courtny Love Art Misaho Kujiradou)
Princess Knight the Twin Knights   (Futago no Kishi - Osamu Tezuka)
QQ Sweeper / / Queen’s Quality   (Kyousuke Motomi)
Rainbow Days   (Nijiiro Days - Minami Mizuno)
Real Girl (Mao Nanami)
Red River   (Sora wa Akai Kawa no Hotori - Chie Shinohara) Out of Print/ has digital release
Requiem of the Rose King   (Baraou no Souretsu - Aya Kanno)
Revolutionary Girl Utena    (Shoujo Kakumei Utena - Be-Papas// Chiho Saitou)
Rose of Versailles   (Versailles no Bara - Riyoko Ikeda)
Rosen Blood   (Rosen Blood: Haitoku no Meikan - Kachiru Ishizue)
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts   (Niehime to Kemono no Ou -Yu Tomofuji)
Sailor moon + Codename Sailor V   (Naoko Takeuchi)
Saint Tail   (Kaitou Saint Tail - Megum Tachikawa) Out of print/no digital release
Sakura Hime: The Legend of Princess Sakura   (Sakura-hime Kaden - Ariana Tanemura)
Sand Chronicles   (Sunadokei - Hinako Ashihara)
Say I Love You   (Suki tte li na yo - Kanae Hazuki)
Shinobi life   (Shoko Konami) /out of print; also has digital
Short Cake Cake   (Suu Morishita)
Short-Tempered Melancholic and Other Stories   (Kanshakudama no Yuutsu - Ariana
Shugo Chara!   (PeachPit)
Shuriken and Pleats   (Shuriken to Pleats - Matsuri Hino)
Skip Beat   (Yoshiki Nakamura)
Skull-faced Bookseller Honda-san   (Gaikotsu Shotenin Holda-san - * Honda)
Snow White with the Red Hair   (Akagami no Shirayuki-hime - Sorata Akizuki)
So Cute It Hurts!!   (Kobayashi ga Kawai sugite Tsurai!! - Go Ikeyamada)
Special A   (Maki Minami)
St.♥Dragon Girl   (Sei♥Dragon Girl - Natsumi Matsumoto)
Star⇄Crossed   (Wota⇄Doru: Oshi ga Watashi de Watashi ga Oshi de - Junko)
Stepping on Roses   (Hadashi de Bara wo Fume - Rinko Ueda)
Strobe Edge   (Io Sakisaka)
Stupid Love Comedy   (Love Comedy no Baka - ShuShuShu Sakurai) (has more vol.s digitally tho)
Sugar Princess: Skating to win   (Hisiya Nakamura)
Sweet Rein   (Yoroshiku Master - Sakura Tsukuba)
Tail of the Moon   (Tsuki no Shippo - Rinko Ueda)
Takane & Hana   (Yuki Shiwasu)
That Wolf-Boy Is Mine!   (Watashi no Ookami-kun - Yoko Nogiri)
The Alchemist Who Survived Now Dreams of a Quiet City Life   (Usata Nonohara, Guru Mizoguchi, ox )
The Betrayal Know My Name   (Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo SHitteiru - Hotaru Odagiri)
The Cain Series   (Hakushaku Cain Series - Kaori Yuka)
The Dark History of the Reincarnated Villainess   (Tensei Akujo no Kuro Rekishi - Akiharu Touka)
The Demon Prince of Momochi House   (Momochi-san Chi no Ayakashi Ouji - Aya Shouoto)
The Devil Does Exist   (Akuma de sourou - Mitsuba Takanashi) out of print / no digital
The Earl and The Fairy   (Hakushaku to Yousei - Author Mizue Tani Art Ayuko) Originally a LN series (which is not licenced)
The Gentlemen's Alliance Cross   (Shinshi Doumei Cross - Ariana Tanemura)
The Heiress and the Chauffeur   (Ojousama no Untenshu - Keiko Ishihara)
The Poe Clan   (Poe no Ichizoku - Moto Hagio)
The Prince and His Dark Days   (Ouji-sama to Haiiro no Hibi - Hico Yamanaka)
The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent   ( Seijo no Maryoku wa Bannou Desu - Author Yuka Tachibana Artist Fujiazuki) Originally a LN / also licenced
The Savior’s Book Cafe Story in Another World   (Author Kyouka Izumi / Oumiya Artist Reiko Sakurada) Originally a LN / also licenced
The Secret Sakura Shares   (Sakura no Himegoto - Akira Hagio)
The Vampire and His Pleasant Companions   (Kyuuketsuki to Yukai na Nakama-tachi - Author Narise Konohara Artist Marimo Ragawa)
The Wallflower   (Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge♥ - Tomoko Hayakawa)
The Water Dragon’s Bride   (Suijin no Hanayome - Rei Touma)
The White Cat's Revenge as Plotted from the Dragon King's Lap (Fukushuu wo chikatta shironeko wa ryuuou no hiza no jou de damin wo musaboru - Author Aki /Kureha Artist Yamigo) Originally a LN / also licenced
The Wind Shines   (Kaze Hikaru - Taeko Watanabe)
They were 11   (11-nin Iru! - Moto Hagio)
Those Not-So-Sweet Boys   (Amakunai no Nichijou wa - Yoko Nogiri)
Those Summer Days   (Ano Natsu - Chika)
Time Stranger Kyoko   (Ariana Tanemura)
Tokyo Babylon (CLAMP)
Tokyo Boys & Girls   (Miki Aihara)
Tokyo Mew Mew & Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode (Story by Reiko Yoshida; Art by Mia Ikumi)
Tomie   (Junji Ito)
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet   (Mika Yamamori)
Twinkle Stars   (Hoshi wa Utau - Natsuki Takaya)
Usotoki Rhetoric (Ritsu Miyako)
V.B Rose   (Banri Hidaka) Publisher became Defunct
Vampire Dormitory   (Ema Toyama)
Vampire Knight   (Matsuri Hino)
Voice Over!: Seiyu Academy   (Seiyuu Ka! - Maki Minami)
Waiting for spring   (Harumatsu Bokura - ANASHIN)
Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty   (Ohayou, Ibarahime - Megumi Morino)
Wanted   (Matsuri Hino)
We Were There   (Bokura ga Ita - Yuuki Obata)
Wolf Girl and Black Prince (Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - Ayuko Hatta)
Yakuza Lover   (Koi to Dangan - Nozomi Mino)
Yona of the Dawn   (Akatsuki no Yona - Mizuho Kusanagi)
Yukarism   (Chika Shiomi)
Yuzu the Pet Vet   (Mingo Ito)
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sb-sratss-obsession · 2 years
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Label: VAP
Record number: VPCG-80401
Released: Sept 21, 1990
Title tracks:
01. Sono Mame no Kimi de Ite (Kidō Keisatsu Patlabor) [そのままの君でいて「機動警察パトレイバー」“Stay the way you are (Mobile Police Patlabor)”] [3:34]
02. Ru Ru Ru Russian Roulette (Dirty Pair) [ロ・ロ・ロ・ロシアン・ルーレット「ダーティペア」] [3:45]
03. DON’T LOOK BACK (Chōon senshi Borgman) [DON’T LOOK BACK「超音戦士ボーグマン」“DON’T LOOK BACK (Sonic Soldier Borgman)”] [3:58]
04. Pure Stone (Akai Kōdan Zillion) [ピュアストーン「赤い光弾ジリオン」“Pure Stone (Red Photon Zillion)”] [3:58]
05. Melos no You ni -LONELY WAY- (Aoki Ryūsei SPT Layzner) [メロスのように-LONELY WAY-「蒼き流星SPTレイズナー」“Like Melos -LONELY WAY- (Blue Comet SPT Layzner)”] [4:14]
06. Fushigi CALL ME (Seijūshi Bismark) [不思議 CALL ME「星銃士ビスマルク」“Mystery CALL ME (Star Warrior Bismark)”] [4:16]
07. Uchū no ōja! God Mars (Roku Shin gattai God Mars) [宇宙の王者!ゴッドマーズ「六神合体ゴッドマーズ」“King of the Universe! God Mars (Six God Combination God Mars)”] [3:30]
08. Delicate ni Suki Shite (Mahō no tenshi Creamy Mami) [デリケートに好きして「魔法の天使クリィミーマミ」“Love me delicately (Magical Angel Creamy Mami)”] [3:25]
09. Mishiranu kuni no Tripper (Mahō no yōsei Persia) [見知らぬ国のトリッパー「魔法の妖精ペルシャ」“Tripper in a strange country (Magical Fairy Persia)”] [4:49]
10. Fushigi-iro Happiness (Mahō no star Magical Emi) [不思議色ハピネス「魔法のスターマジカルエミ」“Mysterious Color Happiness (Magical Star Magical Emi)”] [3:10]
11. Kin no Ribbon de Rock Shite (Mahō no Idol Pastel Yumi) [金のリボンでROCKして「魔法のアイドルパステルユーミ」“ROCK with a gold ribbon (Magical Idol Pastel Yumi)”] [3:23]
12. Dreamy Dreamer (Moeru! Onīsan) [ドリーミー・ドリーマー「燃える!お兄さん」“Dreamy Dreamer (Burn! Brother)”] [4:11]
13. Dang Dang Ki ni Naru (Oishinbo) [Dang Dang気になる「美味しんぼ」“Dang Dang I’m curious (The Gourmet)”] [3:46]
14. NIGHT OF SUMMER SIDE (Kimagure Orange Road) [NIGHT OF SUMMER SIDE「きまぐれオレンジロード」“NIGHT OF SUMMER SIDE (Capricious Orange Road)”] [4:13]
15.CAT’S EYE 「CAT’S EYE」[3:19]
This cd is a collection of popular themes from anime that were on air in the '80. Among its songs it has “Seijūshi Bismark” opening.
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kazetokinouta-a · 4 years
Informations about “The Dove of Hapiness”/ Kazeki short sequel
Recently, I have discovered that “Kaze to Ki no Uta” has a short sequel besides Agnus Dei.
  Koufuku no Hato ( 幸福の鳩 )or The Dove of Hapiness is a a short sequel which was published seven years later after Kazeki was written (1991). this story doesn't have a manga of its own, It was published in the Umi no Tenshi Artbook, here is the cover:
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The Dove of Hapiness was published in  Nov 30, 1991; with just one chapter.
 The main characters of this story are Jules and Rosemariné. Serge, Patricia and others appear as secondary characters. Everything happens in 1886, three years after Gilbert’s death, and tells what happened to the other characters (like Carl and Pascal) and about the past of Rosemariné and Jules.
This little story clarifies some information that was not revealed in the main series. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the Japanese scans of this manga, and all the websites I searched for it had a download link, but the link was disabled.
 I only found out the dialogue’s translation without the images,  but it is possible to understand the story only through dialogues.
Here is the link to read the translation: https://clockworkwings.livejournal.com/225189.html
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As far as I could understand, Jules narrates most of the events, but some thoughts and Rosemariné's point of view are shown. It is worth reading, especially if you want to know more about what happened to the secondary characters and get interested in the strange and affectionate relationship between Rosemariné and Jules.
Just letting you know that this story contains spoilers, so I recommend you finish reading Kazeki before you start reading The Dove of Hapiness.
I hope this post helped to spread the information, since even I did not know the existence of this story. The links of the sites that I found the information will be at the end of the post.
Spoiler alert ~ if you haven't read the story yet, skip to the end of the post
My short analysis of the history:
I found it interesting that Takemiya-San wrote another sequel to the main series, perhaps she acknowledged the fact that the secondary characters gained as much recognition as the main ones.
Again, she used the same technique of breaking the reader's expectations at the end of the story, frustrating those who hoped that Rosemariné and Jules would reveal their feelings for each other. It is sad to know that the two left after they graduated, and that Serge and the other boys are also not as close as before.
The cruelest fact of the story is that Auguste's redemption arc did not happen, he simply stopped supporting the school financially, just helping Jules until he graduated from college.
Perhaps the phrase that most summarizes Kazeki is: no matter how much you want, sometimes there are no happy endings.
One thing caught my attention, Rosemariné's thoughts suggest that he has feelings for Jules, but he just doesn't reveal it and remains as cold as he always is. We are used to seeing Jules feeling admiration and other things for Arion, but not vice versa, I found that interesting.
It is beautiful to see that since they were children, the two were inseparable and always took care of each other, even if they did not show it explicitly. Jules used to say that he was close to Rosemariné because of his financial support, but this story proves the opposite, especially when he thinks about how his future bride looks like Arion.
It was like Serge marrying Irene because she looks like Gilbert, it seems that it is a characteristic of Takemiya to make her characters marry female versions of the people they really love.
And in the end, when we finally believe that they can be together or at least reconnect, our expectations are shattered and we remember the tragic end of most characters. Apparently, none of them reached true happiness, some just ended up less worse.
Thanks to everyone who read, if anyone has any more information, such as a link to download the manga or any curiosity, you can comment or send a message.
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nihosenpai · 3 years
Tenshi ni fureta yo - H.T.T
nee omoide no KAKERA ni
namae wo tsukete hozon suru nara
"Takaramono" ga pittari da ne
ねえ(nee) - right!!, isn't it right!!
思い出(omoide) - memories
カケラ;欠片(KAKERA) - fragments
名前(namae) - name
(つ)付ける(Tsukeru) - to attach,join;つけて(tsukete) - connective form
保存(hozon) - conservation, preservation
宝物(takaramono) - treasure, valuable
ぴったり(pitari) - tightly
sou KOKORO no youryou ga
そう ココロの容量が
ippai ni naru kurai ni
sugoshita ne tokimeki iro no mainichi
過ごしたね ときめき色の毎日
そう(sou) - right!!
ココロ;心(kokoro) - heart, spirit
容量(youryou) - capacity, volume
いっぱい(Ippai) - full
なる(naru) - to become
くらい(kurai) - approximately
過ごす(sugosu) - to pass(time),to spend;過ごした(sugoshita) - past form
ときめい(tokimeki) - beating(heart)
色(iro) - colour
毎日(mainichi) - everyday
najinda seifuku to uwabaki
HOWAITOBOODO no rakugaki
ashita no iriguchi ni
oite kanakucha ikenai no kana
おいてかなくちゃ いけないのかな
なじむ(najimu) - to become familiar with;なじんだ(najinda) - past form
制服(seifuku) - uniform
上履き(uwabaki) - indoor shoes
ホワイトボード(HOWAITOBOODO) - white board
落書き(rakugaki) - doodle, graffiti
明日(ashita) - tomorrow
入り口(iriguchi) - entrance, entry gate
おく(oku) - to put, place;おいて(oite) - connective form
かな(kana) - (I)wonder
demo ne, aeta yo! suteki na tenshi ni
sotsugyou wa owari ja nai
kore kara mo nakama dakara
issho no shashintachi
itsumademo kagayaiteru
zutto sono egao arigatou
ずっと その笑顔 ありがとう
でも(demo) - but
会える(aeru) - to meet,会えた(aeta) - past form
すてき(suteki) - lovely, wonderful
天使(tenshi) - Angel
卒業(sotsugyou) - graduation
終わり(owari) - the end
これから(korekara) - from now on
仲間(nakama) - companion
だから(dakara) - because
一緒(issho) - together (with)
写真(shashin) - photograph
たち(tachi) - (our)group
おそろ(osoro) - same, matching
キーホルダー(KIIHORUDAA) - key holder
いつまでも(itsumademo) - forever
輝いてる(kagayaiteru) - shining
ずっと(zutto) - always
笑顔(egao) - smile
ありがとう(arigatou) - thank you
nee sakura no ki mo chotto
setake ga nobita mitai
mienai yukkuri na SUPIIDO demo
桜(sakura) - cherry tree
木(ki) - tree
ちょっと(chotto) - a little
背丈(setake) - stature, height
伸びる(nobiru) - to grow,extand;伸びた(nobita) - past form
みたい(mitai) - seems like!!
見える(mieru) - be able to see;見えない(mienai) - negative form
ゆっくり(yukkuri) - unhurriedly
スピード(SUPIIDO) - speed
kitto ano sora wa miteta ne
nando mo tsumazuita koto
soredemo saigo made aruketa koto
きっと(kitto) - undoubtedly
あの,それ(ano,sore) - that,the
空(sora) - sky, Haven
何度(nando) - how many times
つまずく(tsumazuku) - to stumble;つまずいた(tsumazuita) - Past form
こと(koto) - thing, matter
最後(saigo) - conclusion
まで(made) - until
歩く(aruku) - to walk;歩けた(aruketa) - past form
fuwari houkago no rouka ni
koboreta onpu no hane
fuka fuka tsumoru made
kono mama de iretara ii no ni na
ふわり(fuwari) - softly, gently
放課後(houkago) - after school
廊下(rouka) - corridor
こぼれる(koboreru) - to overflow;こぼれた(koboreta) - past form
音符(onpu) - musical note
羽根(hane) - feather(wing)
ふかふか(fukafuka) - soft(and fluffy)
積もる(tsumoru) - to pile up
この(kono) - this
まま(mama) - as it is
いい(ii) - good(positive)
demo ne, fureta yo! ai subeki tenshi ni
tadaima tte itaku naru
kono basho wa kawaranai yo
MEERU no jushinbako
tobikiri no yume to deai kureta
ongaku ni arigatou
ふれる(fureru) - to touch(feel);ふれた(fureta) - past form
愛(ai) - love
すべき(subeki) - ought to do
ただいま(tadaima) - I'm home
言いたく(iitaku) - I want to say
場所(basho) - place
変わる(kawaru) - to change;変わらない(kawaranai) - negative form
メール(MEERU) - mail
受信箱(jushinbako) - in-box (eg.for received emails)
マル(MARU) - circle
した(shita) - done
カレンダー(KARENDAA) - calendar
とびきり(tobikiri) - best
夢(yume) - dream
出会い(deai) - meeting, rendezvous
くれた(kureta) - gave
音楽(ongaku) - music
eki no HOOMU kawara no michi
hanaretete mo onaji sora miagete
YUNIZON de utaou!
駅(eki) - station
ホーム(HOOMU) - platform
河原(kawara) - dry river bed
道(michi) - road
離れる(hanareru) - to be separated;離れて(hanarete) - connective form
同じ(onaji) - same
見上げる(miageru) - to look up at,見上げて(miagete) - connective form
ユニゾン(YUNIZON) - unison
歌おう(utaou) - to sing
demo ne, aeta yo! suteki na tenshi ni
sotsugyou wa owari ja nai
kore kara mo nakama dakara
daisuki tte iu nara
daidaisuki tte kaesu yo
wasuremono mou nai yo ne
zutto eien ni issho da yo
大好き(daisuki) - like(very much)
言う(iu) - to say
返す(kaesu) - to return (something)
忘れ物(wasuremono) - forgotten stuff
永遠(eien) - eternity
English translation:
Hey, if we could put our names
On a piece of our memories and preserve it
Wouldn't that be the perfect "treasure"?
Right, these excitement-colored days
That have passed have filled our hearts
To their full capacity
The familiar uniforms and indoor shoes
The doodles on our whiteboard
I guess we have to leave them behind
At the entrance to tomorrow
But hey, we met one! A wonderful angel
Graduation isn't the end
We're buddies from here on out!
Pictures of us together
Our matching keychains
Will shine on forever
And always, we thank you for your smile
Hey, the cherry trees
Seem like they've grown a bit too
Though its too slow for you see
I'm sure, the sky above us saw it all
All the times we tripped
But also all the times we walked on till the end
The wings of the notes we played
Overflowing gently into the hallway
Until it piles up to be cuddly
It'd be fine if it stays the way it is now
But hey, we were touched! By a lovely angel
This place will never change
You could almost say, "I'm home!"
Our email inboxes
Circled dates on our calendars
We were able to encounter an extraordinary dream
So we say thank you to music
The platform at the station, the path by the riverside
Even if we're apart, we can look up at the same sky
And sing in unison!
But hey, we met one! A wonderful angel
Graduation isn't the end
We're buddies from here on out!
If you say you really love us
We'll answer that we really, really love you!
There's nothing else we've forgotten
We'll be together forever and ever!
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addictedtomanga · 4 years
Shoujo manga recommendations - sad(ish)/tragedy
So, some of these manga actually have a happy ending (I’m not saying which, cause spoilers) and a few of these are generally happy with some tragic events among the story, so. 
And they range from “ok, it’s sad, I guess” to “oh my god, why??”
Also, most of them touch the supernatural theme (either with vampires, ghosts etc)
1.      100% Gokuama Kareshi
A collection of one shots. 
! The third chapter fits the sad/tragedy theme.
2.      Babel no Tegami
Even after all these years, you’re still the only one I think of… I’ll put all of my feelings into this letter for you.
3.      Black Bird
The world is full of mysterious "things," but life keeps on going peacefully because no one can see them--except Misao. Harada Misao has the special power to see these "things," but she doesn't tell anybody and tries to continue leading a happy high school life. Though she's jealous of her friends who have boyfriends, she's just like a normal teenage girl as she keeps having dreams about a boy she met when she was younger who has the same power as she does.
Her mundane life suddenly changes when goblins try to eat her, and her old friend Kyo comes back to protect her from them. Then, she finds out that she is personally being sought out as goblin food and that Kyo is a goblin, too. Will she still marry him like they promised when they were children, based on her faith in him that he has no bad intentions towards her? Will she even be safe at school now that Kyo has become her new homeroom teacher? Her exciting teenage life is just about to begin. 
4.      Boku no Hitsugi de Bansan o
A collection of one shots.
5.      Datte, Kimi wa Warau kara
Let’s get into a time machine and return to that time.
Where it was always fun and you were always laughing, to that time... "I only have three more months to live" Yui who just transferred to a new school in the countryside becomes Ryo’s classmate. Yui who is suffering from an illness has a "wish" that she can’t tell anyone, but Ryo wants to grant her that wish but… After death, reality hits Ryo and Yui.
6.      Gunjou - Ai ga Shizunda Umi no Iro
Even though they played together innocently since they were young, somewhere along the way, the seeds of “love“ started to grow. Growing up on an outlying island from Okinawa, Kazuya, Ryoko and Daisuke were brought up like a family. They wanted to be together forever, but the three of them have different desires. One wants to stay, one wants to go, and one of them wants to go, but can’t. When Daisuke is lured away from the island, Ryoko decides to stay on the island with Kazuya. However, the three of them will experience a cruel fate...!
! The first and second chapters fits the sad/tragedy theme.
7.      Kanojo ga Tonda Hi 
Drawn from the heart, a collection of sketches about the problems of our time. “Recruiting those who want to finish it and die, but feel sad doing it alone…” Fed up with everything, Mie posted a notice on an Internet Bulletin Board and found suicide-partners. Four boys and girls were gathered together because of their ties to death. And then…?!
!!! Trigger warning
8.      Kao no Nai Otoko
Two lovers got separated by war. Now the try to find each other. But when the girl finds him, he isn't the same as before...
9.      Kigi no Yukue
Juri has always been saying to herself that she has done everything that she wanted to do, and has lived to her own satisfaction. Plus, she's always been skipping class and coming in late in the mornings, only to be confronted by her class rep, Yoh. Aware of her own situation, she knows that she shouldn't leave any remaining desires and feelings behind...
10.  Kyou no Kira-kun
In 360 days, there were bright days and disappointment while I was staring at you. Though they were neighbors, Nino and Kira had never talked to each other...
But when Nino found out about Kira's secret, her life changes and everyday became more interesting!!
11.  Kobayashi ga Kawai Sugite Tsurai
The comedy starts when the cross-dressing begins! The Kobayashi twins, Mego and Mitsuru, were named after historical figures, but only Mego has grown up with a taste for history. So when Mitsuru is in danger of losing his weekends to extra history classes, he convinces his sister to swap clothes with him and ace his tests! After all, how hard can it be for them to play each other? But Mego can’t rely on just her book smarts in Mitsuru’s all-boys, delinquents’ paradise of a high school. And Mitsuru finds life as a high school girl to be much more complicated than he expected!
12.  Koi Kyokusei
An overly touching love story of a miracle... “One’s “thought“ is subject to change. A change in a human can change the world. Since we’re not alone, we have to be brave.“ Toda Erika’s shining star is rising... It’s a miracle of love. Sakura is willing to do anything like wishing on a star because she wishes to grant her beloved Hirose’s dream. This small deed is what attracts Sakura and Hirose to each other. 
 !!! Trigger warning (2nd chapter)
13.  Kon no ki Konoha
Only in autumn when the dead leaves flutter about can Akino meet the mysterious boy who lives inside the deep blue tree.
14.  Mademoiselle Butterfly
Our heroine is a girl who lives as a geisha in Japan. She has a male childhood friend who's always been kind to her and is her favorite. He's a painter, only he paints on human body parts and she loves it when he paints beautiful butterflies on her arms. She goes to visit him one day and finds a naked woman lying in his room. Immediately after, she gets a customer who's rich and very interested in her. The thought of being away from her friend pains her, but is everything really too late?
15.  Maigo no Obakeyashiki
A girl is bored of her unchanging peaceful life, and goes to a house that is considered haunted. She meets a boy there instead of ghosts.
16.  Michishirube
Wakako has been in love with her childhood friend, who is 2 years older than her, Chii-nii. The thing is, he went away and she’s been sad ever since. 3 years later, she sees him at her gate. Finally she can say “i like you“ but it isn’t easy as it seems. Will she be able to do it?
17.  Natsu no Kakera
A collection of one shots.
! The first chapter fits the sad/tragedy theme.
18.  Onaji Sora wo Miteiru
Rin is always sending messages with her phone and doesn’t speak to anyone. Even though she’s like that, Taka got interested in her and keeps on following her. But why doesn’t she want to look at him...? And who is this mysterious person with whom she always exchanges messages with...?
19.  Orange
One day, Takamiya Naho receives a letter written to herself from ten years in the future. As Naho reads on, the letter recites the exact events of the day, including the transfer of a new student into her class named Naruse Kakeru. The Naho from ten years later repeatedly states that she has many regrets, and she wants to fix these by making sure the Naho from the past can make the right decisions—especially regarding Kakeru. What’s more shocking is that she discovers that ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Future Naho asks her to watch over him closely.
20.  To the Earth-Born You
A tsunami that caught everyone off guard washed away homes and broke up families. At this moment, why bother remembering the past that can't be changed? Other than adding on to the survivors' sorrow, it also bring up those heart-tearing pasts...
21.  Tsuki no Waltz
A collection of one shots.
22.  Usotsuki Tenshi To Ama No Jaku
In front of Marika that lost ability to smile suddenly appeared mysterious boy calling himself "angel"...!?
23.  Usurai ni Saku
Two kids become friends, even though he has an incurable illness. One winter, he was told he wouldn't be able to live to the next spring and she...
24.  Winter Flowers
A cute and sad story about childhood friends. Yuudai's father is a fireworks maker and ever since he was a kid he has wanted to take over for his father once he turns 18. He made a promise to his childhood friend Hana when they were kids that she could see his first ever created fireworks... However, something isn't right...
25.  Yume Kurai
Whenever Akane falls asleep, she always dreams of talking to a boy. This boy says that he “eats“ her dreams. Who is this boy?
26.  Yurusarete Inai Watashitachi 
A collection of one shots. 
! The second and third chapters fits the sad/tragedy theme
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 3 years
36 and 37? ouo
36. A song you are still not over!!
Daikirai na hazudatta... And watashi no tenshi... And the day I knew love(HANON'S VERSION IS SO GOOD IS SOOOO GOOD) and hana ki akai ito! I love them, they are beautiful. I have realized that they have the same vibes hhh i love these
37. A song you wish had an mv!!
Erande kurete arigato!!!! PLEASE I'M BEGGING i miss kotarou wah wah
I kinda want to see all lipxlip unreleased songs too! Specially judge, it's a cool song
And i would like proper mvs por yellow and seika pls
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rivalcobalt · 4 years
Full Works List: Devilman Genealogy Hand
Due to a certain shitpost of mine getting some attention on twitter, I figured I’d transcribe the names of the series from the hand of Devilman works + works influenced by it that was released during crybaby (found here):
Tumblr media
Full series list (with English names) under the cut!
Note: some of the names are connected by solid red lines, and I’m not sure if they mean anything, but just in case I put them together with their connected series seperated by ‘—’s at the end of each finger. All names before the first ‘—’ are free-floating.
This doesn’t even actually include all works influenced by Devilman; notable examples undoubtedly influenced but not on this hand are Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Yu Gi Oh, and Kaze to Ki no Uta.
Credit to @waaty​ here on tumblr for the common themes of each finger [post].
Wrist (roots of Devilman):
69 サイボーグ009天使編 Cyborg 009 Tenshi Hen
69 サイボーグ009神々との闘い編 Cyborg 009 Kamigami to no Tatakai Hen
70 鬼 Oni [I think this is 鬼-2889年の反乱 Oni 2889 Nen no Hanran]
71 魔王ダンテ Maou Dante
72 デビルマン Devilman
73 バイオレンスジャック Violence Jack
76 手天童子 Shutendouji
78 黒の獅士 Black Lion
Thumb (spinoffs & sequels):
79 新デビルマン Shin Devilman
79 凄ノ王 Susano Oh
97 デビルマンレディー Devilman Lady
99 ネオデビルマン Neo Devilman
00 アモンデビルマン黙示録 Amon: the Apocalypse of Devilman
04 DEVILMAN (live action)
15 デビルマンサーガ Devilman Saga
Index finger (influence on fantasy worlds):
75 勇者ライディーン Brave Raideen
77 最終戦争 Armageddon: Saishuu Sensou
83 聖戦士ダンバイン Aura Battled Dunbin
90 幽☆遊☆白書 Yu Yu Hakusho
93 アゼル聖鬼伝 Azel Seimaden
95 少年魔法士 Shounen Mahoushi/The Young Magician
99 吸血鬼伝説ヴァンピール Vampire: Kyuuketsuki Densetsu
00 Gantz
02 彼岸島 Higanjima
04 銀魂 Gintama
04 吟遊黙示録マイネリーベ Meine Liebe
06 コードギアス反逆のルルージュ Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
06 ハーベストマーチ Harvest March
06 黒執事 Black Butler
08 テイルズ オブ ヴェスぺリア Tales of Vesperia
12 世界鬼 Sekai Oni
13 幼女戦記 The Saga of Tanya the Evil
13 聖獣鬼伝ビースト&ブレード Seijuu Maden Beasts & Blades
78 うる星やつら Urusei Yatsura
84 人魚[伝説] Mermaid Legend
96 犬夜叉 Inuyasha
88 Bastard!!
89 ベルセルク Berserk
01 Claymore
09 進撃の巨人 Attack on Titan
Middle finger (influence regarding mysterious powers that bend reality):
75 狼少女ラン Wolf Girl Ran [seems to be 紅い牙ブルーソネット Akai Kiba: Blue Sonnet]
82 魔界都市人新宿 Demon City Shinjuku
84 バオー来訪者 Baoh
87 ジョウジョウの奇妙な冒険 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
90 うしおととら Ushio and Tora
92 セーラームーン Sailor Moon
93 地獄先生ぬ〜べ〜 Hell Teacher Nube
93 無限の住人 Blade of the Immortal
96 バイオハザード Biohazard
97 Arms
05 化物語 Bakemonogatari
05 魔人探偵 脳噛ネウロ Neuro: Supernatural Detective
07 Darker Than Black
09 血界戦線 Kekkai Sensen/Blood Blockade Battlefront
10 The Penisman
10 ハカイジュウ Hakaijuu
11 テラフォーマーズ Terra Formers
12 亜人 Ajin
13 デビルズライン Devils' Line
13 バイオーグ•トリニティ Biorg Trinity
14 キリングバイツ Killing Bites
15 プラチナエンド Platinum End
85 強殖装甲ガイバー Bio Booster Armor Guyver
86 メタルK Metal K
99 最終兵器彼女 Saishuu Heiki Kanojo/She, The Ultimate Weapon
04 All You Need Is Kill
05 喰霊 Ga-rei
88 寄生獣 Parasyte
02 Zetman
11 東京喰種 Tokyo Ghoul
Ring finger (influence on biblical/mythological/apocalyptic motifs):
76 超神ビビューン Choujin Bibyun
85 孔雀王 Spirit Warrior
86 デジタル•デビル•ストーリー Digital Devil Story
87 ゴッドサイダー God Sider
93 鬼神童子ゼンキ Zenki
96 ペルソナ Persona
98 Hellsing
01 仮面ライダーアギト Kamen Rider Agito
03 デーモン聖典 Demon Sacred
04 D.Gray-man
05 創聖のアクエリオン Genesis of Aquarion
06 聖おにいさん Saint Young Men
09 青の 祓魔師 Blue Exorcist
12 終わりのセラフ Seraph of the End
75 アクマイザー3 Akumaizer 3
92 Spawn
95 新世紀エヴァンゲリオン Neon Genesis Evangelion
Pinky (works by Ken Ishikawa, previous assistant of Nagai):
73 ウルトラマンタロウ Ultraman Tarou
74 ゲッターロボ Getter Robo
75 魔獣戦線 Majuu Sensen
76 聖魔伝 Seimaden
99 虚無戦記 Kyomu Senki
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kimonobeat · 4 years
Takeuchi Mariya Lyrics: Manhattan Kiss (マンハッタン・キッス)
English translation and romanization below the cut.
Don’t disturb Behind closed doors Is the only place I can be myself Here there’s nothing false about the kindness You show me. But why does it make me feel so sad? Whenever dawn’s footsteps approach You put your shirt on like absolutely nothing happened between us I gaze lovingly at your back Truth is, there’s someone even lonelier than I am Out there waiting for you to come home We walk past each other, and she sees right through what I have deep down inside
I don’t feel like waving out the window Of the room where you’ve left me all alone On the far side of the hazy skyscrapers, an angel peers in at you and I with misty eyes How come loving is never satisfying enough on its own? It’s almost sad how freeing it would be Wasting one entire, long day wandering around I’m sure you’ll feel it too When the city lights begin to come on in the dark: The lingering, bittersweet notes of the kisses we shared yesterday
Why you of all people? Plenty of people have called out to me If possible, I’d love to go to back to who I used to be before we got to know each other And find the dreams I set aside You think there’ll ever be a time When we can laugh over this as a distant memory When you and I live our lives fumbling to even find tomorrow? Till I hear you say you love me Don’t disturb
Don’t disturb tozasareta doa no naka dake ga watashi ni nareru basho koko de anata ga miseru yasashisa ni itsuwari wa nai kedo doushite konna ni sabishii yoake no ashioto chikazuite kuru to nanimokamo marude nakatta you ni shatsu wo kirru itoshii senaka nagameru no watashi yori hontou wa motto kodoku na dareka ga anata no kaeri matte’ru wa surechigau kokoro no oku misukashinagara
hitori nokosareta heya no mado no soto te wo furu ki mo nakute kasumu matenrou no kanata tenshi ga namida de nozoki-komu doushtie ai shite’ru dake ja mitasarenaku naru ai sareru made wa naga-sugiru ichinichi wo moteamashi samayoeba kanashii kurai jiyuu nano machi no akari ga yuuyami ni tomori-hajimeru koro ni anata mo kitte kanjite’ru horonigai kinou no kisu no sono yoin wo
doushite anata janakya dame koe kakeru hito wa takusan iru noni dekiru nara shiri-au mae no watashi modotte oite kita yume sagashitai itsunohika tooi omoide da to warai-aeru sonna toki ga kuru no kashira ashita sae tesaguri de ikiru futari ni mo Till I hear you say you love me Don’t disturb
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