#tenth squad
alexiethymia · 2 years
summary: [Post-TYBW] There's news over at the tenth.
[read on ao3]
notes: all references to individual squad members are credited to @rays-of-fire-and-ice, unless otherwise stated. (I hope it’s ok if I borrow your babies for this fic. ;-;)
part 1
The sun was shining brightly and the sky was a calm blue with hardly a cloud in the sky. The weather was mild with soft winds drifting lazily past. There were no unexpected explosions, invasions, mayhem, or general chaos. In other words, it was the perfect atmosphere for sleeping. Heck, even Zaraki was probably taking a day off with how peaceful it was.  
So why, Shinji thought while yawning loudly as he lounged against a tree, were two squads crammed together in a courtyard on such a fine day such as this one? Perhaps that wasn’t such a generous assessment. The tenth squad’s courtyard was certainly big enough to host all the members of the two squads. At least, Shinji thinks wryly, it was certainly bigger than the fifth’s own compound. And anyway if they held this little assembly over at theirs there was no doubt footprints would be tracked all over the flowers they had painstakingly and carefully raised over the years.
Shinji wasn’t really the gardening type at first, but Momo could be really persuasive when she wanted to be, and she did have a point that it was a great bonding activity for the whole squad. In exchange, there was always someone who’d accompany him fishing, with Momo being the most frequent victim—er, volunteer. And now he was as protective as anyone from the fifth over their little garden so he’d definitely be annoyed if anyone stepped on his snapdragons and lilies-of-the-valley.
It was a moot point as the tenth readily offered their facilities considering at least half of the responsibility in calling this meeting fell on them.
Not even trying to stifle his yawn he observed the members of the tenth from under the shade. Everyone was in perfect formation, backs stiff and posture straight, with not a hint of confusion or annoyance at being called out on a beautiful day better served for lazing about. Shinji sighed with feeling. The tenth took after their captain too well. Surely, you could see the years of impeccable discipline instilled in them by their commander from their demeanor alone. He sighed again. How boring.
Shifting his eyes to the side, he observed his own company. They weren’t as stiff as the squad opposite them, with a few engaging in conversation and wondering why they were called out. Still, each one of his men and women was in perfect position and not breaking ranks. Shinji almost felt disappointed. Clearly, his influence was still not enough and he needed to do more to teach those under him the value of spontaneity. He wouldn’t have them be all boring like the tenth so long as he was captain. A few did shoot him questioning glances which he waved away with a hand. They were probably wondering why he wasn’t up there at the front since this was supposed to be a joint announcement from the fifth and the tenth squad leaders.
This joint assembly may have been organized by the two squads but he certainly had nothing to do with it. Sure, he’d given his permission for it, counter-signing the memo the tenth had sent over, but that was only because of who had asked.  
The very same person whose influence was apparent on those who followed her, the same one who was probably the reason why everyone had woken up bright and early just to gather here with no prior information whatsoever. Shinji grumbled internally. Hardly anyone woke up on time whenever he invited them to go fishing. Thank goodness at least for sweet-natured lieutenants.
Speaking of lieutenants, he spies the tenth’s very own bounding over towards him. Raising a hand in a lazy wave of acknowledgment, he just waits until she draws near.
“Hirako-taichou! Glad you could make it.”
“Rangiku-chan,” he greets, “As if I could miss it. Ya have anythin’ ta do with this ‘surprise’ announcement?”
“Fufufu,” Eyes sparkling, Rangiku leans over, as always careful not to let her generous bounty spill, and confides to the fifth division captain, “It’s so cute when he relies on me, you know? I told him as long as he followed my advice, he was guaranteed one hundred percent success. And I was right!” She looked like she was about to do a little dance, and Shinji really couldn’t blame her. No doubt she was overjoyed for her two close friends. “With a favor like this, I’m sure I can get away with no paperwork for a year, no, make that five years!” Or that, she was probably overjoyed because of that.
“Kidding aside though,” Rangiku’s eyes softened as she adopted a slightly wistful look, “I’m truly and honestly happy for them.” Shinji stayed quiet. There was a history there he wasn’t privy to and had only observed from the sidelines. “But,” she turns suddenly to him, as if wanting to shake off the memories, “You don’t sound surprised at all. Taichou wouldn’t have told anyone, and she told me to keep it a secret.”
“Eh,” he shrugs. “When ya get ta my age, you just know things.” He grins at her in what he thinks is a rakish manner, but from the blonde’s skeptical look probably didn’t have the desired effect.
To be honest, there was no way he wouldn’t have picked up on it with how often his lieutenant’s head was up in the clouds these days. She would often look at the flowers outside in a daze while smiling dreamily. It wasn’t to the point that she’d forget to remind him to do his work, but once she started giggling and blushing as she cupped her cheeks in her palms, he was sorely tempted to ask if she needed to visit the fourth for a while. The moment he received that memo and then the subsequent hell butterfly inviting all the members of the fifth and tenth squads to the tenth squad courtyard one early morning, he finally got it.
Some of his own company members were looking over at the both of them probably wondering about the subject of their conversation. In contrast, the tenth squad members were resolutely facing the front as they waited for their captain. He was about to ask Matsumoto if all her squad members took after their captain in that they all had sticks up their—when the fusuma of the tenth captain’s private quarters finally opened and out stepped their leader.
No one was surprised to see him accompanied by the fifth squad’s lieutenant as they both went down to meet their squads. Nowadays it wasn’t uncommon to find the two together. Rather, the collective sentiment around Soul Society was that it was about damn time.
On one of his drinking sessions with Lisa and the tenth squad lieutenant, the latter had sworn him to secrecy upon pain of death, no something much worse, upon threat of shaving him bald, that he would never ever tell anyone what she was about to tell him.
The fact that she was threatening a captain meant she was absolutely plastered by that point and alcohol had always made for loose lips. But what the heck, he never said he was above gossip. As he waited for her big revelation while Lisa calmly sipped at her sake cup and pretended not to listen, Rangiku whisper-shouted that she thought the only reason her captain hadn’t yet confessed to his vice-captain was that he was waiting until he could be taller than her once again.
As he processed the stray thought that the much shorter captain was actually once taller than Momo, the rest of the statement eventually caught up with him and he was reduced to holding his stomach and banging his hand on the table as he laughed without abandon. Lisa remained cool-faced but Shinji could spot the twitch of her cheek from a mile away. Rangiku-chan was right to threaten him since should this observation ever get out, the tenth squad captain would never live it down and probably wring his lieutenant’s neck in the process.
Hitsugaya Toshiro was normally known for his patience. Shinji guesses you’d have to be with a lieutenant like Matsumoto. ‘Normally’ that is if you didn’t count people-who-must-not-be-named and threats to his precious childhood friend. Sure enough, he waited, at the very least until he was half an inch taller than Momo. Everyone sighed a collective sigh of relief when a picture of Momo kissing the normally stoic captain on the cheek surfaced on the front page of the Sereitei Bulletin. Strangely, the normally cool and composed captain was blushing red to his ears in the photo.
It could be surmised from the casual clothes they were wearing that they were about to visit their hometown. The two of them had been in an area with no people although you could see part of Jidanbo’s leg in the corner. The most devout of fans of the (strangely, in his candid opinion) popular captain could easily pass it off as two childhood friends being exceedingly affectionate with one another. It was probably no coincidence that those same fans were also the ones who were likely to be the most in denial. Yes, they usually could pass it off if not for the fact that also caught in the picture were the two holding hands with fingers tightly intertwined. Also strange was the fact that Hisagi Shuuhei could not be found for an entire month after that.
Shinji snickered to himself. As soon as he’d accomplished his goal, the captain likely could not help himself. It looks like the same pattern was repeating once again as not even three years later there was now this announcement. He doesn’t blame either of them. They had both been waiting for far too long after all. Yes, Hitsugaya Toshiro was normally known to be patient – except for one person.
Shinji observed the two carefully. The captain had grown a few more inches taller than his long-time companion since then, a fact which no doubt pleased him (those naps did eventually come in handy). He kept his hands hidden away from view inside the sleeves of his shihakusho - to look more formal in the company of his men perhaps? Or more likely to prevent himself from instinctually grabbing hold of the brunette’s hands. Shinji snorts, wanting to tell him that whatever façade he wanted to present to his men was a lost cause. There was no hiding that tender look in his eyes that encompassed only one person or that infinitely soft smile on his face. He knew Hyourinmaru was a powerful weather-type zanpakuto, but was it also a coincidence that the weather today perfectly reflected the state of contentment his master felt?
Momo for her part was probably eager to reciprocate. That blush seemed content to permanently make its home on her cheeks. Shinji notes how her hands fidget as they clasp together in front of her, and her eyes as she gazes up at her young captain, shine like stars.
In a while, both companies settle down and wait with bated breath. Shinji leans back against his perch once more while Rangiku grins with a hand to her waist as they wait for the announcement.
Momo lifts her hands as if in prayer and speaks softly, but her voice is clear as it rings across the entire courtyard. Hitsugaya-taichou stands behind her as he waits for her to finish.
A second stretches by too long that it seems like an eternity, so much so that Shinji wonders if he activated Sakanade by accident. But then, finally, a reaction.
Shinji can honestly say he’s not surprised so he doesn’t act shocked after Momo finishes sharing her wonderful news.
He is, however, surprised at how everyone else is acting.
Not even a second later and half of the courtyard is unrecognizable from the well-ordered and disciplined unit which was standing there just now. There are hoots and hollers and excited jumping. The peaceful air is broken by shrieks and an assorted number of materials – coins, accessories, and even an entire shihakusho – being thrown up in the air. He sees some members even kneeling on the ground with arms outstretched to the heavens. They hardly resemble a respected squad of the Gotei 13, more like drunken party-goers. In short, there was utter chaos.
Ah, Shinji thinks, he almost forgot that this was Matsumoto’s squad too. The woman in question would not be beaten in her enthusiasm as she cried into her scarf that she was so touched her little taichou had finally grown up.
The tenth squad captain is incredulous, and dare Shinji say, even embarrassed, as he looks at the unbecoming (for him) behavior his squad is displaying, and in the presence of another squad too.
Shinji looks to his own squad and doesn’t realize he’s mirroring Hitsugaya’s flabbergasted expression. In contrast to the tenth squad, the fifth squad was the complete opposite. Most of the unseated officers were crying, while the seated officers had doomsday expressions on their faces. He noticed Tomoko-chan comforting a new recruit, Higuchi narrowing his eyes at the tenth division captain in a way that would nearly get him reprimanded if he was a different sort of captain, and even the usually optimistic Isawa looking worried. In other words, it was as if the end of the world had come for his squad.
What in the world?
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first masterlist
this masterlist has hit the link limit. please see SECOND MASTERLIST for more works
masterlist masterpost
fandoms are in alphabetical order
Cale Erendreich x Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
It's The Dominance Of The Thing - (Cale Erendreich x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Cale wants you to ride his boot.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Your Devil - (Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader)
You want Cale to get a little dressed up for the trick or treaters on Halloween. Cale is less than impressed.
Names A Plenty - (Cale Erendreich x GN!Reader)
Cale wants to know why you have a book of baby names.
Alec Hardy x Reader
Alec taking fem!readers virginity HCS 18+ ONLY
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Confessional Feelings - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
You find your feelings for Alec exposed after running into him after his date.
Unconditional Support - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
It takes a while for you to get used to receiving love and affection, but this time it was just a little too much.
Starving - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Alec discovers you fantasise about his tongue. A lot.
Rough Around the Edges - (Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You and Alec have been working on expanding yourselves in the bedroom. Today Alec wants to try something new
Mortified - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader fem anatomy) 18+ ONLY
Being in the office so late usually meant that you had complete privacy- though that doesn't account for people leaving things behind, does it?
Crimes of Essex Proportions - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Alec's stuck on his case. You just so happen to know exactly what he needs to know.
Tomorrow Problem - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Sometimes all you need for a little fun is, like, twelve drinks and a good laugh.
Deep, Deep Down - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Your menstrual cycle was always the worst, but Alec does his best to make it better.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Alec Hardy Drabble - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Alec doesn't know how to deal with the fact that you think he's a DILF
Your DILF - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Alec decides to own the fact that he's a DILF
Interested - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Alec's interested in receiving some attention from behind, if you know what I mean.
Enticing - (Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Alec comes home and ruins your anniversary surprise for himself.
Missed - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
Alec's been away for a while. It's safe to say he missed you.
Out In The Sticks - (Alec Hardy x GN!Reader)
It's high time you forced Alec to take a vacation.
Bullshite Doctors - (Alec Hardy x Fem!Reader)
Alec is shocked by the type of care females get at the doctors.
Tenth Doctor x Reader
Blowjob HCS 18+ ONLY
Relationship HCS 18+ ONLY
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Running Towards Something - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor is in need of some comfort after a nightmare.
Nightmares No More - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
It's no surprise that your nightmares pick up again since beginning travelling with the Doctor, but the Doctor has just the fix.
Almost Too Far Gone - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
It's when the Doctor starts messing with things he shouldn't that you realise that you're growing afraid of him. Is it time to slip away unnoticed?
Riled Up - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
The Doctor grows tired of you trying to work him up.
In It For The Long Haul - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
Almost dying repeatedly will wear anyone down eventually, and you're not sure how much more of this you can take.
Could Have Been On A Picnic - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
You're pretty sure the Doctor cooks things like this up specifically to irk you. After all, you could have been on a picnic today.
Best of Friends With A Little Extra - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “People who’re just friends don’t do shit like this, and you know it.”
Nothing At All- (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
Your feelings for the Doctor are outed, and you're pretty sure he doesn't feel the same way. Thank God you're wrong, eh?
Cocktails and Confessions - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
You don't mean to confess your love, but in your defence, you are about three and a half whiskies deep.
Perhaps It's Time - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You think you're finally ready to have your cherry popped.
Love Drunk - (Tenth Doctor x Masc!Reader) 18+ ONLY
The Doctor jerks you off. That's it, that's the fic.
Accountability - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
You're gone, and it's the Doctor's fault. How is he supposed to live with himself now?
Trans Pride - (Tenth Doctor x Masc!Reader)
You can't believe the Doctor didn't know you were trans.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Mild angst/fluff Ten Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
"The world needs more people like you / "Do it or die trying!"
DW Prompt Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
"I'm here to save your sad little ass." / "Hey! My ass isn't little. It's.... average size."
DW Prompt Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
"What did you do?" / "Nothing you can't get me out of jail for!" / "Not again!"
DW Prompt Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
"You know, this reminds me of the time I met the president."
DW Prompt Drabble - (Tenth Reader x GN!Reader)
Prompt: “I’m about to say ‘shut up’ and if you respond with a ridiculously flirtatious ‘make me’ I will slap you.”
DW Drabble - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor comes into contact with some (non-sexual) stimulants
Touchy (Drabble) - Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader)
The Doctor asks about your touchy nature.
For Research Purposes - (Tenth Doctor x Masc!Reader)
In order to save the universe, you're pretty sure you need to kiss the Doctor again. There's no harm in trying...
Marks - (Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
The Doctor really enjoys seeing his marks on your skin.
Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader
How They'd Deal With Anger Issue!Reader
How They'd Take Care of You HCS
Full Length Fics (600 words plus)
Angel's Blood - (Aziraphale x GN!Vampire!Reader + a hint of Crowley) 18+ ONLY
It's entirely an accident when you discover Angel's blood is an aphrodisiac for Vampires.
Demon's Blood - (Aziraphale x Crowley x Fem!Vampire!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Part two to 'Angel's Blood.' You've tried, Aziraphale. It's high time you tried Crowley, too.
A Fair Few Questions - (Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader)
In which the Reader finds out Aziraphale and Crowley are Supernatural entities and has a fair few questions for them.
Snack Foods - (Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader)
You're originally from the US and are feeling homesick. Your partners somehow just always know what to do to make you feel better.
Crotch-Punching Distance - (Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader)
Jim, short for James, James short for Gabriel- or was it James, long for Jim and short for Gabriel? Is really getting on your nerves.
Follow on drabble post
Birth One, Get One Free - (Aziraphale x Crowley x Fem!Reader)
You're the birth mother of The Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Prince of this World and Lord of Darkness and you find you need Crowley's help with making sure you get to keep your little Antichrist.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Movie Magic - (Crowley x Aziraphale x Reader)
Aziraphale and Crowley comfort the reader after a bad day.
Five More Minutes (Drabble) - (Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader)
Your partners catch you singing under your breath.
Sleepy Things (Drabble) - (Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader)
Aziraphale and Crowley sleep much, but they love to cuddle you to sleep when the opportunity arises.
Warming Up (Drabble) - (Aziraphale x Crowley x GN!Reader)
You're cold. Aziraphale and Crowley can't have that, can they?
Show To Catch - (Aziraphale x (fem!presenting!)Crowley x GN!Reader)
Prompt: "Everything would be a lot easier if you fucking sat still."
Little Moaner - (Crowley x GN!Reader + smidge of Zira)
Crowley has the shits with you and he's being petty about it.
Bear It All - (Aziraphale x Crowley + GN!Reader)
You reflect on the fact that you love Crowley and he doesn't love you back quite the way you want him to.
Aziraphale x Reader
Full Length Fics (600 words plus)
Much Better - (Aziraphale x GN!Reader)
You've had a long day, but that's okay. Aziraphale always knows just what to do.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
What Would They Think? - (Aziraphale x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “What would they think if they could see you now, hm?” 
Crowley x Reader
Angel!Crowley HCs for Shy!Singer!Reader
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Paper Boat - (Crowley x Reader)
Crowley needs a little comfort but has trouble asking for it.
Going Steady? - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
Reader comes out to Crowley as gay, and it comes to light that Crowley was rather interested too.
No Pity for the Wicked - (Crowley x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Crowley fucks the reader in the Bentley (post-S2)
Flushed (Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Reader doesn't expect Aziraphale to be at the Bookshop when they show up in nothing but a trench coat. Crowley teasing Reader ensues.
Untitled - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
The Reader has had a Day(tm) and comes to Crowley for comfort.
Helping Hand - (Crowley x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Crowley catches you reading a NSFW novel and gives you a helping hand.
Not Just Friends, Then? - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
FWB!Reader accidentally tells Crowley they love him.
Last Meal - (Crowley x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Crowley really, really, likes to eat you out.
Better Hurry - (Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “if i have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for a week.”
Bentley Shenanigans - (Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Crowley needs to relieve some frustrations after that shitshow of a birthday party.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
"I'm Inside Your Walls" - (Crowley x GN!Reader)
Reader visits Crowley's flat for the first time.
Good Toys - (Fem!Presenting!Crowley x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “I am going to fuck every last thought out of this pretty head.”
Little Minx - (Fem!Presenting!Crowley x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
It's nice to lay in and snuggle.
Connor Temple x Reader
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Wolverine or Spider-Man? - (Connor Temple x GN!Reader)
You meet Connor at the bar. He's pleasantly surprised by the topic of conversation.
Martin Whitly x Reader
Martin Whitley HCS X X
Soft!Dom Martin HCS
Full-Length Fics (600 words plus)
Science Behind the Madness - (Martin Whitly x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You're lucky to have a sexual partner so versed in the science behind the female orgasm.
Study Materials - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
Martin loves your singing voice. How convenient that it helps you study.
A Collared Occasion - (Martin Whitly x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Martin gets you a collar.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Martin Whitly Drabble - Martin Whitly x GN!Reader 18+ ONLY
Prompt: “you look so pretty when you’re cumming for me.” (but not smutty)
Cute As A Button (Drabble) - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
Martin will do anything to make you smile.
Kisses - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
You really want to cover Martin in kisses. What a shame his guard is distracted.
No Crowds, Thanks - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader)
You're not a fan of crowds, but Martin always keeps you safe.
Just A Trim? - (Martin Whitly x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Martin asks if he should get a haircut. You don't think he should.
Brendan Block x Reader
Brendan charm HCs
Negan x Reader
Full-Legnth Fics (600 words plus)
Negan x GN!Virgin!Reader HCs
Distraction - (Negan x Reader) 18+ ONLY
Negan consoles the reader by offering them a distraction from their recent break-up.
Binders and Bonding - (Negan x GN!Reader)
Negan catches the Reader trying on a binder.
That Smile - (Negan x TransMale!Reader)
Negan offers some very Negan-esque support when he discovers that the Reader has had to deal with some transphobic issues at the Sanctuary.
Dirty Girl - (Negan x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Negan fucks the reader up against a fence.
Acquired Tastes - (Negan x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Negan likes to see just what it takes to wake you up sometimes.
Drabbles (600 words or less)
Suds (Drabble) - (Negan x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You invite Negan to come shower with you.
Not Little Red - (Negan x GN!Reader) 18+ ONLY
You really shouldn't enjoy egging Negan on as much as you do.
Against the Rules - (Negan x Fem!Reader) 18+ ONLY
Negan returns to encourage the Reader to be bad for him. He just needs to let off some steam.
412 notes · View notes
aq2003 · 7 months
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ten x rose love loses moodboard - space girl by frances forever // doctor who (2005) 2x03 doomsday // why losing rose was so devastating on doctor who, according to david tennant // twitter user arojotaro // tumblr user heartless-aro // against the kitchen floor by will wood // doctor who (2005) 4x13 journey's end // julie gardner in the journey's end dw confidential // a screenshot of my discord messages
112 notes · View notes
helloescapist · 1 year
Pumpkin Spice Amanatto | Toshiro Hitsugaya
Word Count: 1598
Setting: Toshiro Hitsugaya x gn!reader [reader is Katakura High School student],
Content Warnings: SFW, fluff
Summary: the assignment to Katakura town is treating everyone differently, and for Hitsugaya, he's becoming frustrated at how quick his subordinates are adjusting to life as students. A chance encounter to retrieve your homework awaits.
[Image is not mine!]
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The fanit light of day slipped between the windows, illuminated the empty classroom. The day’s classes had long since had ended, only the small traces of life remaining on school grounds. The occasional toss of balls outside of the window, sport clubs seizing the cooler weather that the fall semester had greeted.
The occasional shuffle of uwabaki against the tile floors betrayed the lagging cleaning crew of the day, likely distracted from their duties—amused to play swords with brooms, and chase after skirts.  The slow breeze of autumn faintly carried the growing warmth of the season through the open window, languidly teased papers that had been tacked to the front of the classroom. Unsettled the remains of chalk, the battle that had ensued upon cleaning them had torn the assigned boys from completion. Papers revealing upcoming events for the Katakura High School. Not that it mattered much to Hitsugaya, his temporary assignment should be long fulfilled by then, and he saw little reason to dwell on the activities he would not be present for. Though he had certainly heard the series of complaints elicited from his companions. Third seat, Madarame Ichikaku had openly expressed his annoyance upon hearing the kendo club’s upcoming matches against another school, having slipped from his own duties to seize the opportunity to humiliate the students. The path of destruction the swordsman had weaved in his tantrum drawing Ayasegawa Yumichika’s amusement. Only temporarily however, spirited away upon overhearing female students excited over a limited-edition beauty routine release, his own lieutenant having fallen victim to the promise of shopping… Toshiro was growing concerned over how quickly his subordinates had acclimated to the human realm. Their growing interest upon arrival had only grown, as time went on, and while he reasoned it mattered little. They were after all, dealing with hollows as quickly as they rose, the nagging feeling of melancholy had begun to settle at the pit of his stomach.
                The tug of his school assigned tie felt stifling, Hitsugaya had been quick to surmise that the uniform was suffocating. Stiff, and offered limited mobility, the fabric alone enough to make him feel itchy and irritated. The tease of his white hair caught against the light breeze as his green eyes gazed out the window, unable to place the growing frustration in the pit of his stomach.  The outdoor antics of students drawing his brow, the small part of him beginning to wonder why it was that being in this realm bothered him so. The giggling of boys who chased after girls, the touch of competition born out of playful challenges. In some ways, it was all reminiscent of his life in the Soul Society—there always those who dabbled in gossip and dodged responsibilities. The occasional spouts and competitions that could range from inner squad squabbles, to bets placed between the Gotei. It’s not as though the lay-about that had accompanied him on this assignment were unlike themselves—Rengoku was renowned for her adherence to work. Perhaps it was that in this world, she was able to seize the unfamiliar terrain, and dodge his presence far easier than in the Soul Society. No, no for the most part, her spiritual pressure could be sniffed out if given a bit of time, as well as the others. He could feel the way his eyebrows arched; the scowl etched into his young features. The way his fingers gripped the window panels, the nagging feeling drawing further annoyance.
The slide of the classroom door rattled upon the hinges, drawing the surprise of his wide green eyes. The awkward forced smile evident upon your face, as startled to happen upon him as he was to be discover brooding. The new transferred student, Hitsugaya’s petite form was cast at the window. His back exposed to the entrance. Caught in his own thoughts, whatever they may be, the glance over his shoulder that froze you to your place. His meadow green eyes that had only regarded distant lands upon his first day, now appear to be a tundra etched out of ice. The glower upon his brow evident, and betraying any patience that he had forced in classes. Unsettled under his intense gaze, the awkward neck tie that suddenly felt as though it could suffocate you. Considered retreating immediately, slam the door on its track, flee. Homework be damned. The realization that he had little right to remain after school hours as you had, forced the awkward smile despite the small dip of sweat that revealed your anxiety. “I-I forgot my books,” you admitted sheepishly. Allowing your hand to graze the back of your head. The squint of his eyes doing little to quell your interference. “P-pardon me.” The tremble of averted eyes, Toshiro had acknowledged he had left you unsettled, an unfair trait he had always had, but in this case, he felt a little guilty. It was not as though you had intentionally snuck up on him, his own annoyance masked embarrassment. The rustle of your school uniform as you fumbled for your supplies. Shuffling them into your bag before freezing. A curious wiggle of your brow before peeking at him. “Are you okay?”
                “I’m fine.” The procission of his rejection cold and calculated, far more threatened than he attented… He really, didn’t like being here. Unsettled in unfamiliar scenes, unfamiliar people. Frustrated at his lack of mobility, and adaptability.
                Nodding despite the chill of his tone. The small smile that graced your lips as you drew a breath in. Frosty in demeanor, you couldn’t hush the distant gaze he had captivated out the window. The petite boy had held such attention to whatever it was that was happening outside, that he had barely registered he was no longer alone in the room. The slip of his guarded behaviors, now etched like a furrowed cat. Displaced, and ashamed to admit that it wanted to be soothed. Having gathered your items, a knowing glance out the window revealing students from another classed. Grandiose in their playful antics, teasing in familiar discussions, and enjoying the blossoms of youth, unlike the brood of a boy who stood from the window, left only to gaze upon the unfamiliar scene. “It’s okay to be nervous in a new place,” you assured. The cut of his green eyes far more deadly than any practice kendo blade. You could practically imagine the hiss between his lips, the arch of his back, and the tuff of white kitten soft ears peek from the ends of his spiky hair.
                “Are you lecturing me?”
                Gently shaking your head, soothing as you ruffled through your bag, “not at all.” Your fingers flipped past books, and notes, touched cute motifs of cartoon characters upon your pens—better not let him see that. You’d lose all credibility. “I-I just... I know how it feels, and it’s okay. Give yourself time, and don’t rush. There are so many wonderful things about Katakrua town—I know you’ll find something you’ll like. There’s no need to force it,” found it. The light from the windows casting the soft glow of a halo across the strands of your hair, the warm smile that captivated your lips. Soothed the agitation from the pit of his stomach, comforted him as the package crossed between your fingers, pressed into his own. The small wave you offered, parting your farewells. Homework secured, and slipped from the classroom as though a figment of his imagination.
                To think I would be lectured by one so young, the exasperation. The sigh pressed between his lips as his long eyelashes casted down, appraising the gift you had forced upon him without being deferred. Bold writing, and colorful motifs, so unlike the soul society. Expressive and aggressive, so like the person who had gifted it to him. The small glimpse of a smile and wiggle of his brow. Curiousity teasing the shy grin upon his face. “What is pumpkin spice?” he whispered. The amanatto tossed upon sugars. The sweet glistened upon the fading of day. The treat familiar in appearance, amber sweets beckoning him to open the package. The limited edition flavoring. The small part of him, urging him to reject the offer. To simply leave it at the window. Ah, no, that would be rude, and if Rengoku ever found out, the older woman would not hesitate to lecture him for his callous behaviors. Knew her romance novels would utter shameless notions of rejections—wait. H-had this? No, no he told himself. Shuffling the package to the side. Embarrassed at the whispered thought, Rengoku and Yumichika had expressed sentiments of an after-class confession. Had practically made a bucket list item of it, before morphing it into some bizarre competition. Rengoku was racking up the count so far. There’s no need to force it, how innocently you had pressed the snack into his hands. Urged him to accept it regardless of how “limited edition”. The warm smile and farewell, his eyes glancing to the package once again before allowing himself to succumb to the crinkle of plastic. Gentle to open the packaging, a little shy at the loud way it tore open. Quick to glance around his shoulder, the warm scents that tinged upon him. Captivating the hues of shops, of venders. Nostalgic despite its unfamiliarity, sweetened candy beckoning touches of nutmeg and cinnamon, and heat of allspice. Warm to his nose, comforting to his heart, as gentle as the smile that had bid him farewell graced upon a grin that found his own.
                Maybe... there was something to like in this world.
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mishy-mashy · 9 months
WELP got a new BNHA fic idea about the Resistance and an entrepreneurial OC, including:
Kudo is pretty sure the university barista isn't as polite and proper as she seems. Bruce doesn't believe him
"Are you sure you want to be working on Valentine's, Shiki-san?" Bruce looked up at the red streamers hung around. "Don't you have someone to go out with? It'll be really busy with all the couples."
She gave a closed-eye smile, which set off an alarm in their heads as this was very much not her usual one. It was a familiar sensation, being why they stiffened—the instinctive fear of scary women.
"What are you talking about, Bruce? Other than the fact that I have no time for romance..."
Her back turned, fist clenched as fire erupted in her eyes and around her. The aura she let off darkened her surroundings to a noxious blue, and Kudo could swear he saw GOGOGOGO~ characters shrouding her.
"Coffee dates are a classic. I can't turn down this chance to turn a profit......"
Bruce and Kudo sweatdropped.
Kudo likes facial masks
"Are those things really essential?" Bruce deadpanned, watching her stash mask packets away.
"If I ever need a self-care day to relax for a bit," she said.
Kudo put a finger on his cheek, touching the results of the deluxe face mask he stole from her.
"Totally understandable. Shit feels great. I'm smoother than a baby's ass."
"Kudo," Bruce warned, not wanting him to swear in front of her.
"That's why I was saving it. Jerk."
"Jerk who saved your life."
Being asked out by All For One while undercover with a fake identity
Her brain stalled.
"Fumi Haruka. Be my woman."
"..... I'm sorry, but we barely know each other. So, a relationship like that is..."
Yoichi didn't want to be here. He really did not want to watch his brother do this right now.
... Oh boy.
Yoichi doesn't understand Resistance codenames
"What's your name, dear?"
"Yoichi," he mumbled.
"What would you like to be called?"
"...... Alright." She didn't falter, tone as chipper as when she first asked. Similarly, Leader and Bruce didn't even blink as she introduced herself with a codename.
Writing their own domestic fanfiction in a canon-divergent void out of boredom
"I think we should adopt," Yoichi said thoughtfully. "I'd love to give children another chance at family."
"Oh, boy, 'children' plural." She did not miss that little big fact. "What's the limit of children? I don't want more than three."
"I want six," Yoichi hummed.
"More than one," Kudo decided so firmly that he definitely already had a number in mind.
"Only one, because just one is going to drive our house crazy," Bruce remarked as the sole voice of reason. "I wouldn't mind another one when the first is old enough."
"Well, we definitely aren't in agreement."
Going through their theater kid arc while waiting for the other vestiges
"She's the most beautiful girl in the whole town. That makes her the best."
"Damn, Kudo, didn't know that was your motivation," Bruce muttered not-quietly-at-all.
Yoichi still learning his memes
"Are we all cowabunga on this?" Yoichi asked the other holders.
None answered him. Finally, Shiki sighed and spared them all the discomfort of answering. "Yeah. We're cowabunga."
"God, I hope the road works ahead," Kudo muttered under his breath.
"This is fine." Bruce held up a thumbs-up.
En crinkled his nose, keeping quiet. They were his senpais, but, They're so outdated.
The first four holders being old
"Do you think we should call them Quirks now?" Yoichi asked Shiki, turning his head. "It's been long enough. No one calls them Meta Abilities anymore."
"Eh..." She looked away, not partial to the idea.
"We should keep up with the times," Yoichi decided for them.
".. If you think we should," she relented. Yet again, she fell victim to it: no one could say no to Yoichi. "Quirks," she tried it out. "Quirks. We have Quirks."
"No offense, Shiki-tan, but it sounds weird coming from you."
"Bruce, please."
Bruce basically having aneurysms whenever his attention is brought to All Might and Midoriya's health
[*Midoriya using One For All for the first time]
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We did it. We made it to ten posts purely about Abner Krill and characters gifs. This is the peak of my Tumblr career. I've been sat here for over an hour. This is my happy place.
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Precious baby
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Words cannot describe how much I love this trail 💗
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The thing was, it had gotten so easy to use. Just a picture in my head was all it took to inspire someone. I started counting backward from a hundred by sevens.
I'm sorry but all I can think about is tokyo ghoul and 1000-7 😭
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macrolit · 2 months
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The 100 Best Books of the 21st Century.
As voted on by 503 novelists, nonfiction writers, poets, critics and other book lovers — with a little help from the staff of The New York Times Book Review.
NYT Article.
Q: How many of the 100 have you read? Q: Which ones did you love/hate? Q: What's missing?
Here's the full list.
100. Tree of Smoke, Denis Johnson 99. How to Be Both, Ali Smith 98. Bel Canto, Ann Patchett 97. Men We Reaped, Jesmyn Ward 96. Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments, Saidiya Hartman 95. Bring Up the Bodies, Hilary Mantel 94. On Beauty, Zadie Smith 93. Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel 92. The Days of Abandonment, Elena Ferrante 91. The Human Stain, Philip Roth 90. The Sympathizer, Viet Thanh Nguyen 89. The Return, Hisham Matar 88. The Collected Stories of Lydia Davis 87. Detransition, Baby, Torrey Peters 86. Frederick Douglass, David W. Blight 85. Pastoralia, George Saunders 84. The Emperor of All Maladies, Siddhartha Mukherjee 83. When We Cease to Understand the World, Benjamin Labutat 82. Hurricane Season, Fernanda Melchor 81. Pulphead, John Jeremiah Sullivan 80. The Story of the Lost Child, Elena Ferrante 79. A Manual for Cleaning Women, Lucia Berlin 78. Septology, Jon Fosse 77. An American Marriage, Tayari Jones 76. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, Gabrielle Zevin 75. Exit West, Mohsin Hamid 74. Olive Kitteridge, Elizabeth Strout 73. The Passage of Power, Robert Caro 72. Secondhand Time, Svetlana Alexievich 71. The Copenhagen Trilogy, Tove Ditlevsen 70. All Aunt Hagar's Children, Edward P. Jones 69. The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander 68. The Friend, Sigrid Nunez 67. Far From the Tree, Andrew Solomon 66. We the Animals, Justin Torres 65. The Plot Against America, Philip Roth 64. The Great Believers, Rebecca Makkai 63. Veronica, Mary Gaitskill 62. 10:04, Ben Lerner 61. Demon Copperhead, Barbara Kingsolver 60. Heavy, Kiese Laymon 59. Middlesex, Jeffrey Eugenides 58. Stay True, Hua Hsu 57. Nickel and Dimed, Barbara Ehrenreich 56. The Flamethrowers, Rachel Kushner 55. The Looming Tower, Lawrence Wright 54. Tenth of December, George Saunders 53. Runaway, Alice Munro 52. Train Dreams, Denis Johnson 51. Life After Life, Kate Atkinson 50. Trust, Hernan Diaz 49. The Vegetarian, Han Kang 48. Persepolis, Marjane Satrapi 47. A Mercy, Toni Morrison 46. The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt 45. The Argonauts, Maggie Nelson 44. The Fifth Season, N.K. Jemisin 43. Postwar, Tony Judt 42. A Brief History of Seven Killings, Marlon James 41. Small Things Like These, Claire Keegan 40. H Is for Hawk, Helen Macdonald 39. A Visit from the Goon Squad, Jennifer Egan 38. The Savage Detectives, Roberto Balano 37. The Years, Annie Ernaux 36. Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates 35. Fun Home, Alison Bechdel 34. Citizen, Claudia Rankine 33. Salvage the Bones, Jesmyn Ward 32. The Lines of Beauty, Alan Hollinghurst 31. White Teeth, Zadie Smith 30. Sing, Unburied, Sing, Jesmyn Ward 29. The Last Samurai, Helen DeWitt 28. Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell 27. Americanah, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie 26. Atonement, Ian McEwan 25. Random Family, Adrian Nicole LeBlanc 24. The Overstory, Richard Powers 23. Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage, Alice Munro 22. Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Katherine Boo 21. Evicted, Matthew Desmond 20. Erasure, Percival Everett 19. Say Nothing, Patrick Radden Keefe 18. Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders 17. The Sellout, Paul Beatty 16. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Michael Chabon 15. Pachinko, Min Jin Lee 14. Outline, Rachel Cusk 13. The Road, Cormac McCarthy 12. The Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion 11. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, Junot Diaz 10. Gilead, Marilynne Robinson 9. Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro 8. Austerlitz, W.G. Sebald 7. The Underground Railroad, Colson Whitehead 6. 2666, Roberto Bolano 5. The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen 4. The Known World, Edward P. Jones 3. Wolf Hall, Hilary Mantel 2. The Warmth of Other Suns, Isabel Wilkerson 1. My Brilliant Friend, Elena Ferrante
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0097linersb · 4 months
No Control (m)
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Pairings: Wooyoung x Reader
Genre: Smut ( pwp)
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Exhibitionism with a non-participating person, beware.
Follow me on twitter for updates, previews, spoilers: wooyosgfreal <3
“Isn´t it a bit too cold in here?” You asked the boy next to you after ignoring the shivers running up your arms for the past 15 minutes for the sake of not moving.  
“Don´t think so,” Wooyoung shrugged, not even looking up from his phone which he had been lazily staring at for the past few hours.  
You rolled your eyes and decided to look around for the air conditioner´s control yourself, to at least get the air blowing in a different direction instead of right on top of you. After fumbling around the pillows with no success, your frustrated eyes met what you were looking for: across the room, on the table, inches away from San´s busy hand, there it was, the solution to all your problems in all its shining white glory. 
“San,” You tried calling but the man did nothing indicating that he had heard you. You tried again, louder this time, “Choi San!” 
“He won´t hear you. Noise-canceling headphones,” Wooyoung informed and got a groan in response. “You can always stand up and get it, you know.” 
“No,” You groaned, with a pout on your face. 
Your friend rolled his eyes and reached his right hand under the bed, you heard the sound of a drawer being opened and suddenly a heavy blanket was being thrown on top of you, “Here, princess.” 
You happily unfolded the fabric, tucking yourself under it and humming in content.  
“Leave some for me,” He scolded you, grabbing the corner of the heavy blanket and pulling it towards himself. 
“You just said you weren´t cold!” 
“I was lying ´cause I didn´t wanna move, just shut up and let me watch my TikToks.”  
You rolled your eyes for the tenth time that day. Teenage movies and fanfictions have lied to you that being friends with men was all flowers and rainbows, that they would protect you and do anything for you like you were a helpless beautiful little princess. The only things you´ve ever gotten from San and Wooyoung were purple bruises and poorly mixed drinks. Well, they did fix your computer every time something stopped working but that was only because they needed you to play to complete the squad and you were way better than Yeosang. 
After 20 more minutes of doing nothing, a loud groan filled the room – Coming from you. Wooyoung jumped in the bed next to you and San as expected, didn´t hear it. 
“What the hell was that?” 
“My phone died,” You whined, burying your head deep in the pillow to express your frustration. 
“Just charge it?” 
“My charger is in my bag in the kitchen.” 
“Then just take a nap.” 
“Nooooo, entertain me.” 
“Do I look like a clown to you?” 
“Pretty much, yeah.” 
“Ok, I just set myself up for that one.” 
“You absolutely did. Hand me the remote,” You extended your hand waiting for said device. 
Wooyoung´s free hand fumbled around the bed for a minute before exclaiming in success, placing the TV´s remote on your palm before going back to his phone. You turned on the TV and put on one of the shows you were currently watching, volume not too loud so it wouldn´t interfere with the audio on San´s Discord call since the TV was right next to his chair.  
You quickly got distracted by the show, even with Wooyoung´s videos playing loudly right next to your ear and San´s occasional screams at Yunho and Mingi through his microphone. It did help that you had absolutely nothing else to do and there was an incredibly attractive man on the screen in front of you. 
Every once in a while, Wooyoung would show you a stupid video he was laughing at and San got up one time to go to the bathroom, but besides that, everything remained the same for the next hour or so. That´s it until you felt Wooyoung´s hand wrapping around your thigh.  
Your friend was a touchy person so it didn´t immediately register as something out of the ordinary to you necessarily - although normally when he touched your legs, it was usually never too far up from your knees and not right in the middle of your thigh like at the moment, but you excused that because his hands and your body were under the covers so he couldn´t really see what he was doing.  
Even when his thumb started to draw soft circles against your skin, you didn´t think much of it.  
Your body did go into alert when he started to move the tips of his fingers up and down your thigh, though. You looked over at him, lying in bed next to you but his eyes were glued to his phone like nothing was happening – which made you think maybe nothing was and you were just overthinking.  
Jung Wooyoung, your friend of almost 3 years. 
Yeah, your friend. 
His fingers continued to trace your skin innocently enough and you enjoyed the display of affection for a while, goose bumps naturally erupting down your body from the touch, even internally laughing at yourself for having your mind in the gutter. 
In 2 years of friendship, Wooyoung never tried anything with you or gave any signs that he would be anywhere near interested, quite the opposite actually - You literally saw the man not taking a shower for over 3 days once during summer break. Also, San was right there in the room. You didn´t know where those crazy thoughts of yours were coming from. 
But oh well, turns out you should trust your instincts more.  
After a few minutes of mindless petting,  Wooyoung apparently had banged his head on the floor earlier, because his fingers started suddenly traveling to your inner thighs and every time his touches went up your knee, they inched down deeper between your bent legs when coming back down. You were too in shock to do anything immediately, eyes wide as you looked at the man once again, who was still laughing at a video on TikTok.  
He was so good at pretending he was doing nothing, you almost considered you were hallucinating.  
That´s it until his fingers inched so deep down your legs, the tip of his fingers touched the bottom of your shorts, a breath away from actually touching your core. Your body jumped in surprise, eyes finding the same scene as before when you tried looking to your side.
What surprised you the most though, was the way your walls sort of clenched around nothing at the touch.  
While you were trying to process what was going on, he continued his ministrations, his fingers tracing softly the inside of your thighs up and down, ghost touches that had you holding back a squirm with all you had. 
Eventually, what you figured was his middle finger, traced over your slit on top of your shorts and you couldn´t hold back the little spasm in reaction. That´s when you decided to stop that madness, looking at Wooyoung, who this time was already giving you a sheepish smile. 
“What do you think you´re doing?” You whispered like San could hear it. 
“Didn´t you ask me to entertain you?” 
“Yeah, with like a gossip, not with whatever this is,” You exasperated, his finger pressing down right on your clit over your clothes, and you had to bite onto the inside of your cheek to hold back any reactions. 
“And what exactly do you think this is?” He raised an eyebrow, his conniving smile still plastered across his face. 
“One of your stupid little games.” 
“Oh really?” Wooyoung asked, his hand trailing up to your abdomen where he played with the waistband of your shorts. “´Cause I kind of just wanted my fingers inside you.” 
It was sad the way you felt yourself pulsing between your legs at his words. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Your brain was short-circuiting, and his fingers were inching down, now toying with the elastic band of your panties. 
“You´re the one asking questions.” 
“You´re the one with their hand down my shorts.” 
“Was bored,” He stated with a shrug, looking up at you as his middle finger found their way inside your panties and dipping it down your slit, “And apparently someone was enjoying it.” 
He pressed a finger slowly inside of you just to prove his point, smirk growing bigger at the way it slid in with so much ease. All the thoughts of it being just him trying to prank you flew right out of the window. 
“San is literally right there,” You breathed, heart almost coming out of your mouth. 
“It´s not like he would see anything,” Wooyoung argued.  
“Wooyoung,” You warned once he started pumping his finger deeper, you could feel the way he curled it because of how slow he was going. He was just teasing you and it was already driving you insane. 
“I will stop if you want me to, if not just shut up and go back to watching your movie.” 
He gave you no time to answer, looking once again at his phone, waiting for your verdict. You were sitting down, your knees were bent close to your chest, forming a tent around your legs, which meant no movements could be seen from Wooyoung´s hand in between there. He was half lying down half sitting up, his shoulders supported by two thick pillows and one of his hands was out from under the covers to hold his phone. The position didn´t seem suspicious at all and he never once stopped slowly pumping his middle finger inside you while you were having your little mental debate, and exactly because of that, your rational line of thought was getting further and further away by the second.  
You could deal with the consequences later, or Wooyoung could since he´s the one who started this mess out of literal nowhere. 
With no words you looked back towards the TV, noticing the smirk opening up once again on Wooyoung´s face from the corner of your eyes. His Tiktoks started playing loudly once again and he used his now more than coated middle finger to draw circles on your clit, your whole-body shuddering at the first contact.  
You wanted to keep an eye out for San, to stop everything if he happened to turn around, but it was physically impossible to keep your eyes open with the way Wooyoung knew how to use his stupid fucking finger. Your breath was already so shaky and you had to harshly bite down onto your lip to stop any sounds from coming out. 
Wooyoung was not even in a rush, his movements languid like he was just having his fun and had all the time in the world, which was honestly annoying because 1. you were already close and it was humiliating and 2. you couldn´t whine about it.  
You sensed he somehow knew you were close to the edge because he soon stopped circling your clit to now let two fingers inside of you, carefully looking for your sensitive spot – which he found abnormally fast considering most times you couldn´t even find it yourself. 
“If you keep trying to be quiet I´ll stop,” He warned, browsing through Tiktok like he wasn´t literally about to make you cum under the covers, not even batting an eye in your direction.  
You took a nervous look in San´s direction to check if he didn´t listen to Wooyoung´s words, but his fingers were still angrily pressing his keyboard. You could even listen to Yunho raging on his headphones. 
“He´s not going to listen, look” He rolled his eyes before raising his voice: “Hey San, you need to turn around and see how pretty Y/N looks with my fingers so deep inside of her-” 
“Wooyoung,” You slapped his shoulder in shock, eyes wide as you looked once again in San´s direction from any signs he had heart Wooyoung´s almost yell. He didn´t seem to have. 
“Oh,” Wooyoung smirked at you. “Interesting.” 
“Hey San, you wouldn´t believe this. Guess who´s clenching around my fingers every time I mention that you´re in the room with us.” 
Wooyoung let out a genuinely amused laugh and you would punch him if he wasn´t right, you didn't know why and it was an unconscious reaction, but a shiver went up your body when Wooyoung teasingly called San and a whine literally slipped out the second time he did it. Maybe you had an exhibitionist part of you that was never uncovered before. 
“So you like that San´s here, huh?” Wooyoung teased, “Kinky.” 
You were doing your very best to keep any noises inside but the closer you got, the harder it became. Wooyoung seemed to appreciate it because he would speed up slightly after each sound you let slip from your mouth, which meant you were about to lose this battle very soon.  
“I wonder, do you want us to get caught or the thrill is just in the fact that he´s here unaware of the mess you are from just my fingers?” 
“Wooyoung, I´m close,” You breathed out. 
Why oh why did you have to open your godamn mouth? The second you finished the warning, Wooyoung completely stopped what he was doing, fingers going still inside of you. 
“Now that´s no fun, is it? I´m enjoying playing with you so much.” 
“Wooyoung for fuck´s sake-” 
“Do you guys want to order something to eat?” San´s voice suddenly surprised you, making you almost jump out the bed as you now watched him taking his headphones off. “I´m getting kind of hungry.” 
Your breathing was even more erratic from the scare, but San was just innocently staring at the two of you, completely clueless to the way Wooyoung´s fingers were still inside of you and your walls were spasming so much around them you could almost cum with no stimulation.  
“Yeah, me too,” Wooyoung agreed, his eyes once again so naturally glued to his phone.  
“Do you want me to order it or will you do it?” San asked. 
Fucking Jung Wooyoung decided that was the perfect time to start moving his fingers once again instead of taking them out like any normal person would once their best friend was literally looking at the two of you.  
You were already so sensitive from being edged before, you had to dig your nails deep into the fabric of the covers to not moan out loud.  
“I can order,” Wooyoung answered and his voice didn´t even shake. “What do you feel like eating?” 
“See if any of the restaurants we like are opened,” San suggested.  
This can´t be really happening.  
You saw Wooyoung opening the food delivery app, scrolling down the options with one hand while the other pumped into you teasingly. 
“There´s that italian place on sunset, the shawarma one, Mc Donald´s, the chinese one we had with Seonghwa, pizza, mexican -” 
You stopped listening halfway through the list when the man next to you started to once again circle your clit. You wanted to physically stop Wooyoung´s hand but there was no way of putting your hands under the covers to hold his pulse without making what was going on completely obvious to San. 
“What do you think, Y/N?” San directed his attention to you.  
“Whatever is fine,” Your voice was really shaky and you couldn´t even look at San´s face for any reactions because not only were you too embarrassed, it was also taking every single fiber of your body to not moan out loud.  
You were so fucking close but you were not about to cum with San watching. 
Would it be too obvious if you elbowed Wooyoung super hard? 
“You can´t say that because every time we order something that isn´t exactly what you feel like eating you whine the whole night,” San lectured you.  
“Pi- Pizza then.” 
Could San see you were shaking? 
“Nice, what toppings?”  
You were so so close, you were in fact about to cum in front of your friends no matter how much you didn´t want to. Wooyoung has been teasing and edging you all night but the one time you truly wanted him to stop, he was giving no signs that he would save you. 
“I feel like pepperoni,” Wooyoung offered. 
“Hm, I kind of wanted cheese.” 
“Oh my god, just literally order whatever,” You groaned, or maybe moaned, you don´t even know anymore. 
Just please turn the fuck around. 
“Damn, -” 
“Sannie, could you do me a huge favor first? Can you bring me some antacid? My stomach is killing me,” Wooyoung frowned in fake pain. 
He was not even a little bit ashamed. 
“Sure man, be right back.” 
The second San was out of the room, Wooyoung threw the blanket to the side and practically jumped in between your legs, moving so fast you barely processed it until he was laying down with his head between your thighs. 
“You gotta be fast love,” He smirked up at you. 
“Oh, that won´t be a problem- Oh fuck.” 
You had not even finished the sentence and Wooyoung had already grabbed the bottom of your shorts and panties and pulled it to the side, his mouth immediately meeting your clit – and your thighs his ears consequently.  
Wooyoung´s free hand snaked between you two and he pushed two fingers inside of you while his tongue worked circles on your clit, you could even feel his soft plumpy lips against your skin and it was driving you insane enough to bite onto the back of your hand so you wouldn´t moan loudly.  
While before he was teasing you and moving slowly, now he was eating you out like a man starved and it took about less than a minute to get you shaking under him and grabbing his hair.  
Wooyoung looked up at you clearly pleased with himself, face looking like a mess as he placed your clothes back in place. You barely saw as he rolled back to his previous place and used the hem of his shirt to clean his chin, your brain was way too dead to think about anything at the moment other than catching your breath.  
“Dude, you´re so lucky. It was literally the last o- Oh,” It was comical the way San suddenly stopped, frozen in place. You followed his eyesight to nothing other than Wooyoung´s sweatpants, where a very apparent hard-on - that he either didn´t get the time to hide or just didn´t care - stood tall. “Bro, have some fucking manners, there´s a lady present.” 
You choked around air and held back your laughter. 
“You´re right. I´m sorry for tainting your innocence with this sight, Y/N. I´ll be in the bathroom for around 10 to 15 minutes correcting my mistake.”  
And with that, Wooyoung climbed on top of you to get out of the bed and leave the room. San took upon him to give you one last apology and explain some biology to you. 
“Sometimes boners are involuntary, we can´t control it. Sorry you had to see that, Wooyoung was raised by animals.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 month
Cloud's small hand wrapped around his mother's finger as he babbled. Claudia laughed, burying her nose in his soft blond hair and nuzzling him gently. "Happy first birthday," she whispered.
Cloud’s second birthday was marked by excited squeals when he saw the brightly colored toy train his mother presented him. “Tain!” he exclaimed as Claudia set it in his lap, laughing as she pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. “Happy birthday, my darling.”
“Cloud!” Claudia laughed on the afternoon of Cloud's third birthday, watching the excited toddler dig his fist into his chocolate birthday cake and happily grab the candle between his messy fingers. “You're not supposed to do that!”
“Why is it raining today?” four-year-old Cloud huffed, upset as he sat by the window and watched the early August rain hammer against the glass. “I wanna go outside!”
“Think of the rain as a birthday gift!” his mother called back from the kitchen. “Now you can go out and play in the mud!”
Cloud grinned, lighting up as he leapt off the chair and bolted outside. It was going to be a good birthday indeed.
Claudia gifted him a small, blue backpack for his fifth birthday, perfect for his first day at the schoolhouse the following week. “I like it!” Cloud declared, slipping the backpack on.
“Woah!” Cloud mused as he ran into the kitchen on the morning of his sixth birthday. There, a wooden sword with a red bow tied around its hilt sat waiting for him. “It's exactly like a SOLDIER’s, right mom?”
Cloud's seventh birthday was somber as he sat alone with a small cake his mother made. None of the village kids showed up for his party.
“I wonder what Sephiroth did on his eighth birthday,” Cloud wondered aloud as he hung the poster his mother had gifted him on his bedroom wall.
“Hey!” Tifa waved to him as he was going back into the house after playing. Cloud blushed, self-consciously wiping away the dirt from his clothes. “H-Hey!” he called back.
Tifa smiled. “Happy birthday!” she said. “Nine is a big age!” And then she dipped back into her own house. Cloud sighed. Not big enough to join SOLDIER.
“Maybe everyone's just late,” his mother, ever the optimist, suggested on the evening of his tenth birthday. It was nine. Everyone was supposed to be there at six. Cloud shook his head, ripping off his party hat and looking at the cake his mother had baked with a mix of guilt and nausea.
“No, mom. They're just not coming.”
Cloud started his eleventh birthday by measuring himself on the door frame. “Aw, man” he groaned, stepping back to see that his height had not changed from the previous year.
Cloud spent the evening of his twelfth birthday on the water tower, looking up at the stars, wondering what it would be like to touch them, hearing the soft sounds of the piano drifting from Tifa’s room. It was the birthday he decided to stop trying to make birthdays special.
On his thirteenth birthday, Cloud's mother gave him a suitcase. “Woah,” Cloud mused, impressed as he picked it up, weighing it for size. “Mom, are you serious?”
Claudia smiled softly. "For the journey ahead," she said, pulling him into a hug.
Fourteen was the age Cloud stopped wishing for material possessions for his birthdays. He wanted only three things: to finally join SOLDIER, a friend, and to take care of his mother.
Cloud's fifteenth birthday gift was given to him early that morning, with chaos and laughter giving way into the moment his squad mates woke him up. They grabbed him out of his bed and dragged him into a cold shower. He pretended to laugh, to enjoy the seemingly harmless prank, but inside he was mortified. And now very cold.
On his sixteenth birthday, Zack handed Cloud a cupcake with a single, flickering candle. Cloud hadn't been expecting it, but he should've figured something was up the minute Zack walked up to him with his arms behind his back, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
"What did you wish for?" Zack asked the minute Cloud blew out the flame.
Cloud huffed. “As if I'd tell you.”
“Hey!” Zack laughed, punching him playfully. “Don't forget, you can't talk to me like that anymore. I'm the adult here—eighteen trumps your sixteen!”
Cloud laughed with him, staring down at his cupcake. He wished all birthdays would be like this.
Cloud wasn't awake for his seventeenth birthday. Hojo's calculating gaze scrutinized him through the glass of the mako tank.
Eighteen came with a metaphorical slap to the face. "Subject approximately eighteen,” Hojo muttered, observing Cloud in his cell. Cloud's sense of time was warped. Zack was eighteen too, wasn't he?
Cloud was strapped to a table on his nineteenth birthday. The lab was filled with the sound of his screams.
On his twentieth birthday, Cloud watched through the mako tank as Zack was subjected to a torment familiar to him—strapped to the table, enduring agony under a knife, his screams piercing the air. Cloud couldn't do anything.
Cloud's twenty-first birthday passed in a haze as he lay comatose. But Zack was determined. He pulled him closer in the back of the truck they had hitched a ride in. "Happy birthday, buddy,” Zack whispered, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
On his twenty-second birthday, Cloud stood motionless as Tifa hugged him tightly. "Happy birthday!” she said, holding enough excitement within her to last him a lifetime. Twenty-two, he kept repeating in his mind. Was he really twenty-two already?
Cloud spent the early hours of the morning on his twenty-third birthday staring into a bathroom mirror. He traced his fingers over his face, looking at every line, every scar, his hair, his nose, everything. It was so strange. This was the age Zack was when he died.
On his twenty-fourth birthday, Cloud sat beside the Buster Sword, tears streaming down his face. "I'm sorry," he sobbed quietly. He was now older than Zack would ever be.
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lucy90712 · 2 months
Olympics headcannon
- Gavi was with you when you heard whether you made the Spanish gymnastics squad for this Olympics
- you didn't think you would make it as you hadn't been selected for any major competitions before including the last world championships but Gavi believed in you and he was confident that this time would be your time to shine 
- He was right late in the afternoon you got the call and you were speechless and Gavi picked you up to throw you in the air which made it all feel more real he also promised that no matter what he would be there to see you compete 
- the qualifications go better than you expected and you make the all around final with the 5th best score which you are really proud of 
- before the final you are so incredibly nervous as you feel like you can't compete with the well known gymnasts especially the American ones but luckily Gavi is allowed to see you before you go to warm up and he makes you feel so much better he tells you that no matter how you do you've already done yourself proud and that makes you feel so much better 
- while he talks to you he seems to confident but as soon as the competition starts he's so incredibly nervous for you he almost doesn't want to watch but he can't keep his eyes off you as you perform on all the apparatus and as it turns out he doesn't need to be worried as you leave it all out there performing the best he's ever seen you do 
- in the end it all comes down to the last piece of apparatus which for you is beam the piece that Pablo hates watching the most as he's seen you fall countless times he literally holds his breath for the whole of your routine but you completely nail it 
- the scores come in and somehow you've managed to secure gold by just a few tenths but the difference doesn't matter you've done it and that's enough to make you and Gavi cry he's just so proud of you he can't stop himself letting out a few tears especially as he knows how hard you've worked and how hard the competition is in women's gymnastics 
- as soon as you are allowed he is going to see you and hugging you tightly even though you are still slightly covered in chalk he doesn't care at all he just wants to congratulate you on such an amazing achievement 
- he turns into a fan girl after you get your medal as he reposts almost every picture of you performing or with your medal and of course he has to post on his account just to show how proud he is 
- It was almost no question that you'd be selected for the Olympics at least in Pedri's mind as he thinks you are the best diver there has ever been 
- of course it wasn't that easy but you did get selected and of course Pedri was so happy for you to the point that he promised to be your biggest fan in the crowd at the actual games and in all of your practice sessions which you tell him isn't necessary but he's already decided that he's doing it 
- when it comes to the qualifications it was hard but you did well and made it through Pedri was so relieved when it was over as he gets really nervous watching you dive especially one of your dives as he's seen you mess it up in practice so now it always scared him 
- if he thought he was nervous in the qualifications he's nearly dying before the final he made the mistake of watching videos from past Olympics of other competitions of your competitors and that makes him really scared for you 
- he also saw a lot of diving fails which has him even more scared as he doesn't want to see anyone hurt themself especially you as he only ever wants to see you dive perfectly but he knows there is always a risk 
- a few people go before you and some do really well while others mess up a bit but you dive as well as Pedri has ever seen you dive but it is one of your simpler dives 
- as the difficulty increases Pedri finds it harder and harder to watch he thinks you are amazing at what you do but that doesn't make it any easier to watch you throw yourself off a 10m high platform while doing all sorts of twists and flips 
- it gets to the last round and you are very much in contention for gold so you need to do well if you want to get gold or a medal at all but you absolutely nail it the dive is near perfect and Pedri has to stop himself from cheering too loud and drawing too much attention to himself 
- after your dive you have to wait for the scores of a few others to see if you win gold but your chances are pretty good when the final score comes in it confirms your gold and you jump up and down while tears fill your eyes 
- Pedri is shocked but also so proud of you he didn't even watch the last dive he just watched you as he wanted to see your reaction which warms his heart so much as he knows how hard you have worked and how much you deserve this medal 
- after you have your medal and you are allowed to see Pedri he doesn't stop taking pictures of you with your medal and with your family and he makes one of them his phone background straight away as he wants everyone to know how proud he is of your achievement 
- your qualification for the British swimming team wasn't really in doubt as you set the British record in your discipline just before the meet to determine who would make the squad but it was still a really exciting moment when you found out you made it 
- the expectations were really high the media had touted you to be the next best thing for British swimming which you try to ignore but it does get to you and makes you feel the need to perform your best and live up to the expectations 
- in the heats you don't do as well as expected and that gets to you but Jude is right there to help you not feel the pressure as much as he's experienced that before and he knows how it feels so anything he can do to help you he will 
- in the semi finals you do better but still not your best which you are a bit upset about even though it was good enough to make the final so Jude tries to lift your spirits and make you realise that you've got another chance to show everyone what you are capable of 
- before the final you want to train really hard but the coaches stop you doing too much but Jude watches you as you practice again and again and he can't even being to imagine how tired you are but you just keep going so you can perfect everything before the final
- when it comes time for the final you walk out looking really calm with your headphones on waving to the crowd but not listening to them at all meanwhile Jude feels sick with nerves just watching you he feels worse than he did before the champions league and euros final
- in the first half of the race you are sitting in around 4th but in the second half you start to move forward overtaking your competitors while Jude is leaning forward in his seat as if it will make you swim faster which of course it won't but he can't stop himself 
- you end up touching the side just before the person in second which you didn't realise until you see the screen with the result but when you do you can't help but cry out of pure relief and happiness 
- Jude somehow manages to contain his own tears but he is definitely cheering the loudest in the crowd and he doesn't care if that means people look at him weirdly he's proud of you and he wants everyone to know how amazing his girlfriend is
- once he gets to see you he is throwing you in the air and he gives you some flowers that he ran out and got in between the medal ceremony and you being able to see him which really makes you smile 
- once you made the Olympics it was a tough decision whether or not to go as a lot of other have pulled out to focus on the us open but you can't pass up the opportunity to represent Portugal in the Olympics 
- as much as some people have pulled out there is still a lot of top players in the draw so you didn't expect to do amazing as you've never made a grand slam final before so you don't expect the Olympics to be any different 
- Joao knows realistically that you can't win the whole thing but his gut is telling him you can especially because clay is your best surface and you've always played your best tennis at Roland Garros which Joao thinks is a sign that you can do it 
- he is there for every single one of your matches from the first against someone who isn't on the usual tennis tour who you beat easily to the second which is a bit more of a fight but you come through in straight sets then to the quarter final which again is quite easy for you 
- the semi final should be a harder match for you as you are playing a high seed so you are nervous but Joao has full confidence in you which is contagious so you go out feeling good about your chances wanting to win for yourself and your country but also Joao to show him that he is right to be so confident on you
- you are on fire from the first point and win just like Joao knew you would but he knows you have to play Iga Swiatek in the final which makes him slightly more nervous for you as you've never beaten her before in the few times you've met at tournaments 
- before the final you are so nervous to the point that no one knows where you are as you are sat in a corner silently letting your nerves take over so Joao finds you and sits with you as he's an athlete he knows exactly how you are feeling so he offers you some advice but also just tells you that it's normal to be nervous but you have to use the nerves to your advantage 
- usually your coach is the last one to talk to you before you go out on court but this time you want Joao to be the last person you talk to you so he gives you some encouraging words but he also just lets you hug him until the very last second as you just need to feel the calm energy that he brings you 
- the match is long and gruelling probably the toughest match of your life Joao is exhausted just watching so he can't imagine how you feel but you finally make it to a final set tie breaker which is so intense but somehow you get a break at just the right time and win the match 
- Joao caught the moment on camera he films the whole thing but also watched as you drop to the floor out of exhaustion and shock and thats when it all hits you and you realise you won and you get a surge of adrenaline so you jump up to celebrate
- you run into the stands to hug your couch and then pretty much jump into Joao's arms thanking him for helping you stay calm enough to win but he doesn't want to take any credit as he did what you always do for him and you never take any of the credit he's just so proud of you and he wants you to realise you did this with your own abilities not because of anyone else 
- the athletics doesn't start right at the beginning of the Olympics so for the first week you get to enjoy watching your friends compete in their events and you get to go around Paris with Ruben which weirdly really helps to get you ready as you get to relax a bit before you have to lock in 
- once the track events start you start focusing on training more and Ruben comes to watch every time no matter when you train whether it's early morning or late at night as he just loves to watch you do what you are so amazing at 
- he has trained with you before and you beat him so easily every time and you've even beat any of his teammates that dare to challenge you so he knows you are and incredible runner and he knows that you are going to do well at your first Olympics 
- you are a bit nervous as just before the last Olympics you got injured and you didn't want that to happen again but this time you are more physically prepared and your coach and Ruben tell you that there is no reason that you will miss these games 
- the heats are easy for you as you are grouped with other who have never been to the Olympics but you have a lot more experience in general so it's an easy win for you and you don't have to expend too much energy as your semi final is a bit later and you want to save yourself for it
- finals day comes around and no one has really spoken to you as you have been in your own world all day and thats how you like it to be before a race but once you reach the stadium that holds all the track events you start to feel really nervous so you go to find Ruben and he's happy to sit with you and help keep you calm while you do your own thing as he'd do anything for you 
- when your final is up they start the race but someone has a false start so you have to go again which has Ruben really nervous as he doesn't know if that is going to mess with your head but really it does the opposite it helps you get out the nerves 
- for the real start you are so ready and you just give it your all and run as fast as you can which turns out to be quick enough to not only win the race but also break the world record which has the crowd going crazy meanwhile Ruben is in complete shock he believed in you but he didn't think you'd break the world record 
- once you get your breath back you collect a flag from the organisers and run off with it celebrating with the crowd before reaching your family and Ruben who are so happy to see you and hug you 
- Ruben lets you celebrate with your family first but as soon as he can he wraps his arms around you and can't stop telling you how proud he is and how amazing you were out there which makes you tear up a bit as it all sinks in that you've achieved such an amazing thing 
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thesilmarillionblog · 4 months
𓏲 𓂃 L o s i n g Y o u
Part: 6
Click here to read the first part.
Summary: Everything was good as a member of Payback and Soldier Boy's secret girlfriend until the team and your relationship with him began to fall apart due to a new member and her developing relationship with Ben right in front of your eyes.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: heavy angst, hurt, language, PTSD, violence, mention of drugs, mention of torture, mentally unstable Soldier Boy, anger issues
Word Count: 3127
A/N: English is not my first language.
* This story is inspired by the song "Losing You" by Dream Evil.
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For the previous three days, Soldier Boy, Butcher, and Hughie had been searching for you and researching research from several decades ago. Ben wasn't doing well since he was becoming more and more impatient every day and was preoccupied with what he had done to you. The most difficult part was that you might still be tortured while he is free, in spite of his failings. He was struggling not to punch the two idiots who said they could help him find you, but the fact was that he felt guilty for not finding you quicker.
Soldier Boy was constantly smoking weed, and Hughie was staring at the screen of the device he had in his lap, which he called his "laptop." Soldier Boy was taken aback to discover that the device's internet genuinely knew everything. He studied everything fascinating about the modern world during the night so that when he found you, he could teach you such things.
“According to an official statement, Y/N betrayed the company by selling specific highly confidential information to Russia. This had to have happened after you were captured and taken to Russia. Am I correct?” Hughie questioned, showing Soldier Boy the date.
Ben became outraged and said with rage, “Yes,” taking a tenth sniff at the drugs that were on the table. “She didn't rebel against the government; screw that. Selling information to Russia? She wouldn't even offer her flowers for sale.” He truly wanted to prevent himself from punching Hughie or the internet. “Fucking snakes.”
Hughie and Butcher exchanged a look as Soldier Boy went on to swear and praise your innocence. Hughie got a bit anxious when he heard his heater's alarm go off.
With a swift “Okay, okay,” Hughie calmed Soldier Boy. “You can't always rely on the Internet. Everyone knows that already.”
With a suspicious voice, Butcher asked Soldier Boy, glancing at the TV from Hughie's other side, “Why did she leave them though? There has to have been something that happened.”
Soldier Boy was making a lot of effort to move past these painful recollections in order to start over, but those guys were a little too inquisitive and were doing everything in their power to make him feel uncomfortable. He lied, not knowing what to say, saying, “I don't know.” He could feel the heat rising in his chest every second as a result of their pointless questions.
Soldier Boy inhaled deeply and paused for a moment, ruminating on the day he fired you from the team in a very jackass way. If he had seen the previous version himself, he would have suffered a major head injury. You wouldn't have had to go through such things if only he had listened to you once. He caused you to be hurt in every manner possible.
“She didn't do anything wrong, yet I dismissed her from the squad. Noir is the reason everything happened. What a fucking  traitor!” In an attempt to hide his errors by placing the blame elsewhere, Soldier Boy said it aggressively.
Butcher's eyebrows rose up, and he turned to face Hughie, who had been trying to figure out what Soldier Boy was saying.
“What action did Black Noir take? I take it that he didn't fuck her or something during the time you developed feelings for her.” Butcher questioned him in a humorous way.
Ben growled, “Watch your fucking language, or I'm going to make you gargle my hairy balls in that garrulous mouth of yours,” while Butcher gave him a frightened little look to Hughie, who was about to pee in his trousers since the alarm of the heater was freaking him out with his every word. They wouldn't do well if Butcher continued to annoy Soldier Boy in that way.
“You don't need to know the fucking details; just find her,” Soldier Boy continued, cutting Butcher off before he could say anything else.
This states that she would be imprisoned in America for the rest of her life due to her betrayal and that her body would be studied in the future. It appears they covered up your situation but not hers. Hughie continued to scam every headline about you, saying, “There is no more recent news.”
When Hughie said your body would be examined by the best scientists and doctors, Soldier Boy cursed again. Despite being the strongest superhuman in the world, they had tried to kill him by torturing him severely for years. Even to him, they were all downright painful and disgusting. He didn't want to think about how much pain you endured for decades because of his mistakes. When he saved you from the lab, he would make sure everyone who had harmed you died there, and you could start over.
“Actually, we have a very good friend from Vought. She is also conducting extensive searches by herself. It won't be long until we locate your teammate for you.” Hughie said as he picked up his phone as soon as it began to ring.
Despite the fact that it has been a week and the explosion he created is still being shown on TV every night, Soldier Boy cautiously listened to every phone call in the hopes of learning something about you. However, there was still no single sign. He was sure they were plotting new plans to capture him once again. All of them were fucking cowards.
Butcher offered Soldier Boy a glass of whiskey while Hughie was on the phone with Annie in the kitchen.
“Is he fucking a supe woman?” Soldier Boy asked in disbelief. That guy, Hughie, was full of surprises, though his face was screaming that he was a bottom.
“Never judge the book by its cover,” Butcher smirked.
“So the whole thing was a lie, huh?” As if Ben hadn't repeated the same thing a hundred times, Butcher inquired again. “She must have done something really bad to find herself in a situation like yours.”
Butcher was interested in hearing the story because he wanted to know what was ahead. Dealing with Soldier Boy was dangerous enough, but it would become even more problematic if you shared his anger management issues. For a week, Butcher watched your films and interviews, but he was aware that the media was the least reliable source on earth, particularly when it came to superheroes.
With a menacing glance at Butcher, Soldier Boy merely stated, “She didn't do anything wrong. All she wanted to do was get herself free from the team. It seems that they decided not to respect her decision to leave.”
“What do you think she’ll do when she’s free?” Butcher asked with curiosity and added, “Will she team up with you again despite all?”
For days and hours, Soldier Boy had considered saving you, but he dismissed your feelings upon seeing him again. Thinking about it was not something he wished to do. Even though he was well-known for his confidence, he had been secretly experiencing some insecurity lately, even if he didn't want to acknowledge it. It wasn't that he didn't look nicer; in fact, he was in better form than before, but he was anxious that your opinion might change about him. He was aware that your rescue was more essential than those things, though. Later on, he would be considering the relationship between you.
“I don’t know, but of course she’ll team up with me,” he said trying to sound confident and sure of himself.
Soldier Boy instantly got up from the couch when Butcher's lips parted to ask another question. He focused on the woman Hughie was speaking to on the phone. She was talking about a supe expert physician who had been assigned to study the bodies of the captive supe for scientific purposes for decades, someplace in America.
With great excitement, Hughie hung up the phone and turned to face Butcher and Soldier Boy. He said, “Annie found something. Searches conducted by the government on supe bodies appear to have begun decades ago with Soldier Boy and Y/N. They recruited the world's brightest physicians and scientists to work strictly with Vought.”
Soldier Boy impatiently urged him, saying, “Go on” and tell all the shit already.
“All right. There is a single scientist in charge who watches over all supe captives for his scientific studies. He is required to report to Vought twice in a span of three months, in great detail. It has continued for many years. He is retired last year, but he most likely has knowledge of the location of Y/N.”
Soldier Boy thought, Fuck. At last, he located you. As Hughie spoke about the significant possibility of somebody knowing your whereabouts, his heart raced with excitement.
Butcher said, “Starlight did a really good job there, huh,” with a meaninful grin at Hughie's bashful but proud smile.
After a little period of time spent lost in thought, Soldier Boy eventually grabbed his shield from the corner, straightened his suit, and exclaimed, “Let's fucking give a visit this son of a bitch.”
Soldier Boy ignored Butcher and Hughie's warnings and used a forceful move to smash through the old man's door after spending hours on the road and thinking about you. Soldier Boy cast a glance in the direction of the elderly man and thought, ‘They could go fuck themselves.’ Because of his alleged scientific accomplishments about the supes, he was obviously living in luxury. As Soldier Boy cautiously made his way inside the doctor's huge home, his heart was filled with immense fury. He considered the number of times this old cunt had tormented you in order to send Vought a disgusting report.
The doctor was sitting on his couch, watching the news on TV, when he noticed Soldier Boy standing right in front of him. As the strongest supe and two other men entered his home as if they intended to kill him, he was in disbelief and did not know what to do.
After cleaning his spectacles, the doctor said in a shaky, scared voice, “What's happening? Why are all of you in my house?”
Butcher replied, “This is not very welcoming of you, old man,” and he turned off the TV before sitting down on the closest chair. Hughie swiftly but gently took the phone from the old man's hands when Butcher noticed him reaching for it. Hughie made the doctor sit down again with the same gentleness.
Soldier Boy gripped his shield more firmly, as though he were about to engage in combat with his greatest enemy. He gazed at the elderly man in front of him who was in fear and worry, and he loathed him. Still, he had good reason to be frightened. After all, that would be his last day.
“You live in a nice, big house, huh?” Soldier Boy spoke as he moved slowly in the direction of the doctor. “It appears that you made a good living off of the supes you tortured.”
As Soldier Boy approached with menacing steps and a look like a bloodthirsty murderer, the doctor gulped down nervously. “It's not what you think. I don't know how you escaped from Russia, but you need to stay calm and listen to me,” the elderly guy remarked, raising his hand in protest. “My actions were crucial for both the ongoing wellness of the world and the study of supe.”
"Why the fuck would I listen to your bullshit at all?" Standing by the elderly doctor, Soldier Boy remarked fiercely. “You tortured and used supes for money, you fucking old shit.”
The doctor raised his eyebrows slightly and replied, “Not for money. My work throughout the years has contributed to a better understanding of superhero bodies, which has made it easier to bring your kind to the pinnacle of perfection.”
Before Soldier Boy, Butcher growled, “Perfection? Fuck that. You just made the government's weapons better, served their evil shit for years. Nothing more.”
Soldier Boy battled to contain the heat rising from his chest. Instead of apologizing and beg for his life, the doctor didn't acknowledge that what he had done was wicked and immoral and continued to defend himself which made Soldier Boy even more angrier.
“I saw the explosion in New York from the TV,” the doctor said, adjusting his eyeglasses and looking at Soldier Boy carefully. “You cannot deny that what you experienced in Russia made you stronger and better.”
“I killed people there, you sick old fuck.” Soldier Boy grunted and looked at the doctor with disgust. “Have you fucking lost your humanity by examining the supes for years?”
Without letting the doctor  talk any further, Soldier Boy asked angrily, “Where is Y/N? Don’t tell me you don’t know a shit, because I fucking know you sent some reports about her to Vought.”
Butcher and Hughie worriedly watched Soldier Boy, his hand clenched into a fist, as if he may blow at any moment. Soldier Boy grew angrier the longer the old bitch talked. 
The doctor honestly said, “Yes. I spent decades working on her. I can't dispute that she's a bit of a rebel, or somewhat resistant. But because of the research we were able to conduct on her body, we were able to perfect Comp-V, which undoubtedly contributed to Queen Maeve's current status as the strongest female supe in history. And without a doubt, your body assisted Homelander in becoming the strongest supe ever.”
Hughie muttered, "Holy fucking shit," at witnessing the ascending smoke rising from Soldier Boy's chest.
“Where is she now?” Soldier Boy repeated, trying to maintain composure and control over his body while ignoring what the doctor said. “Where on earth are you keeping her concealed?”
“Calm down. I'll tell you where she is,” stated the doctor. “It appears that there will be no stopping what is about to come about, which will ultimately bring the two of you face to face with the Seven. When you get back to where you belong, you'll both realize how weak and worthless they are; you'll see they are the upgraded versions of yourselves.”
Hughie and Butcher quickly left the house after realizing that Soldier Boy would soon blow up the entire place. The doctor didn’t feel anymore as he realized it was his end. He knew such thing would happen sooner or later. He had already a good life after all.
It's fine, he thought, if it was a challenge. If needed, he could simply kill those seven whores. Soldier Boy was willing to remind them all how fucking stupid it was to fuck with him. If this fucking old dick believed he had made the new supes better than him and the rest of the world agreed with his bullshit, Soldier Boy would show them how wrong they all were.
“Where is she?” Soldier Boy growled again as he was getting closer to blow up.
“She’s in Ohio,” the doctor said, giving the full address just before Soldier Boy exploded the whole place into ashes.
This time, unlike the second explosion he had in New York, he did not pass out. He was relieved and at ease at the same time because it appeared that he was becoming more adept at using his new powers. Luckily, he was also able to locate you at last. He got in the car and gave the address he was given to Butcher, who had been looking into the damage Soldier Boy had done after leaving the burned-out house. Hughie's eyes widened in fear as he crouched where he was seated. 
After several hours, Butcher drove them to a massive, desolate structure that resembled the one in Russia. Soldier Boy was more nervous and angry than ever as he recalled unpleasant experiences, but his need to see you overcame these emotions. His gaze was fixated on the building as they all got out of the car. So that's where you were imprisoned there for years, apart from him and all alone.
Soldier Boy led the way without speaking a word, and when five guys came up to stop him from entering inside, he threw them hard against the wall. It was funny because some of them started shooting at him, like they could hurt him or something. Soldier Boy killed some of the men with his shield, cutting off their heads, and killed some of them with his bare hands, making sure not a single one remained alive.
Butcher followed behind Soldier Boy, providing his assistance with his own firearm while blasting at men who were making desperate attempts to stop them.
As Soldier Boy massacred everyone there and killed those who were wailing in agony, the place fell silent. After all, each and every one of them had a hand in hurting you.
Soldier Boy and Butcher looked everywhere for you. He knew you were in the lab when he walked into a massive, frigid room. Your soothing scent and presence were sensed throughout his entire body despite it was weak. He swiftly ripped off the metal door and killed the last person standing behind it, ripping her heart from her chest in one motion and ignoring her cries.
He found you in a similar-looking metal box to his, with an item covering your face and putting you to endless sleep. Soldier Boy approached your capsule while laying his shield on the ground and with a heavy heart.
“I kept my promise,” Butcher stated, hoping Soldier Boy wouldn’t betray their deal and thankfully, he gave him a promising nod.
“Here's my sleeping beauty,” Soldier Boy murmered, unable to contain his smile as his heart warmed upon seeing your peaceful face, before he violently tore off the metal door to free you.
Next Chapter
A/N: Thank you for your comments for the previous chapter! They made me really happy. Comments and reblogs are very appreciated. -`♡´-
Taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @xmariakx @spnfamily-j2 @suspicious-stain-in-spain @atomicsoulcollecto  @yvonneeeee @starryperson  @mfnqueen1 @chaand-sitara @boywivlove @stilinskisthings @brynanna @delaynew @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @yoyoanaria @n-o-p-e-never @ghostslillady @certifiedhaters
Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series! -`♡´-
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perseephoneee · 5 months
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↳ masterlist  ↳ ship exchange ↳ taglist ↳ 1k celebration
last updated: 04/15/2024
↳ as a writer, i'm always consuming things about my favs, and i thought it was time to share some of my favorites. every story here has likely been reread by moi a million times. also-- my psyche can be easily viewed by how many stories are under one individuals *cries*
every headcanon from @via-l0ve
her boys @octoberclidan. (tfw)
dances with team free will @octoberclidan
cruel summer (18+) @waynes-multiverse
ladies with experience (18+) @hintsofhoney
dean reads you wrong @zepskies
she's my siren (18+) @fatecantstopme
smoke eater (series) @zepskies
a taste of summer @impala-dreamer
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ CASTIEL
dreaming (18+) @impala-dreamer
beautiful to me @impala-dreamer
angel alpha (18+) @crashdevlin
i'll watch over you @octoberclidan
if you will have me, i'm yours (18+) @gilverrwrites
neckties @supernaturalfreewill
love, by any other name @zepskies
peculiar @supernaturalfreewill
because of books @supernaturalfreewill
last night on earth (18+) @hollybell51
don't bet on it (18+) @hollybell51
his charge (18+) @impala-dreamer
sharing is caring (III) @zepskies
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ ISAAC LAHEY
sick reader @smellslikemultifandomimagines
aftercare @smellslikemultifandomimagines
hidden with isaac @scoopsahoy
mutual losing (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
facesitting (18+) @smellslikemultifandomimagines
cruel summer @hotdogwillex
come back to me @hotdogwillex
cold feet, warm bodies (18+) @scoopsahoy
i'm gonna kiss you now @sourwulf
drunken confessions @teenwolffan-with-nolife
dream @rogershoe
fratboy!isaac (18+) (all time fav) @mermaidenisaacs
teaches you to kiss (18+) @mermaidenisaacs
prove me wrong (18+) @twjournals
dating the mikaelsons @wholoveseggs
hold (18+) @wholoveseggs
extra-extraordinary (18+) @wholoveseggs
blood bath (18+) @wholoveseggs
warmth (18+) @wholoveseggs
the result of naps @fitzs-trained-monkey
she knew better (18+) @klausysworld
distracted @theeoriginals
you bring me home @theeoriginals
sharp (18+) @theeoriginals
christmas khaos @wholoveseggs
goodnight kisses @kmikaelsonimagines
frustrations (18+) @madhatterbri
thigh socks (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
proposal @kmikaelsonimagines
Christmas in dixie @fitzs-trained-monkey
bruised and battered @fitzs-trained-monkey
shots @so-long-soldier-writes
little favors @fitzs-trained-monkey
of ice skates and sugar cookies @fitzs-trained-monkey
ten minute blood stain removal @fitzs-trained-monkey
like a box of chocolates @fitzs-trained-monkey
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ KAI PARKER
for my valentine (18+) @babeydollx
lace (18+) @geminioriginalsimagines
game on (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
kisses @socio-kai-path1972
why? @socio-kai-path1972
affinity romance (18+) @socio-kai-path1972
is it hot in here? (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
party crasher (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
sex tea (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
say it again (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the red means (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
the price of hatred (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
spoiled (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
birthday girl (18+) @oneirataxiahiraeth
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JIM KIRK/BONES
a well documented debacle @mybullshitsensesaretingling
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ PAVEL CHEKOV
sweatpants @youre-on-a-starship
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ LOKI
reformed villain squad @give-me-a-moose
overtime (18+) @cleo-fox
loki's happy ending @gingerwritess
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ BUCKY BARNES
graveyard @wkemeup
red flags (18+) @astroboots
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ FINNICK O'DAIR
oral headcanon (18+) @lucilleslore
darling and the virgin (18+) @wife-of-all-dilfs
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ JAMIE TARTT
chilly cheeks @veryberryjelly
about you @buckychristwrites
saved you a seat @benedictscanvas
operation: tartt's heart @theowritesstuff
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ TENTH DOCTOR
family christmas @writerlyhabits
gestures and evasion @doctenwho
before you go @doctorslove
falling in love again @doctorslove
꒰ ࿁ ˙ ˖ ໑ SPENCER REID
virgin!spence (18+) @fortheloveofwonderland
i'd bottle the feelings you gave me @spencersfunkysocks
all the women he's loved before @fortheloveofwonderland
a helping hand (18+) @sinfulspencer
second date @samuel-de-champagne-problems
preciously pure (18+) @foxy-eva
two ships passing in the night @hairringtonsteve
186 notes · View notes
russos-one · 10 months
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Kyra Cooney-Cross X !FemReader
Summary- Growing up with Kyra
Word count- 4,675
Warnings- Swear words, way to much backstory but its fine i think, Fingering !Kyra receiving if you want to skip the smut ** signifies when it starts and stops, oral, fluff
Author's note- Towards the end of the fic you can tell I gave up and just cut it short lmao but we don't talk about that this is a long-ass fic so it is fine.
I would lie and say its proof read but its not lol
[Childhood buddies]
Kyra is cheeky alone but she’s even cheekier with her other half, Y/n. You will never find Kyra without Y/n and Y/n without Kyra. Those two are always together like two peas in a pod. One goes to Arsenal the other goes to Arsenal, one assists the goals one scores them.
The two have been friends since they were 6 and 7 years old having met at school after a football match and the two of them being the only girls. After the game they talked and instantly clicked, having more in common then just football, the both of them grew up in Queensland and both played for the same club. Kyra and Y/n’s family often weren’t surprised when one was at the other's house. The two of them often had sleepovers together. The duo went up in the ranks together and both had their debut for the Matilda’s together, Y/n scoring a goal and Kyra assisting it and they won them game five to one, it was a dream debut for the duo.
Two years later on the month before the World Cup the teams were selected. The duo being at home together awaiting for the call that would decide if they went to the world cup together or not. First came Kyra’s call and she answered excitedly, Tony gave her the news that she’s in the World Cup 2023 squad and the two instantly had smiles on their faces. After that call had ended it was now Y/n’s turn, the room was tense. 12 minutes after Kyra received her call, Y/n’s phone had began to ring, she checked the phone number and it was Tony, she answered immediately and as soon as Tony broke the news that she would be going to the World Cup with her best friend by her side and the two of them sprung of the couch with two large smiles excited that they can experience this together after composing herself Y/n thanked Tony appreciatively and the called ended. The two celebrated with a movie marathon in their apartment with way too much candy and popcorn.
A month later it's time for the world cup, the first game of the tournament came with the aussies winning against Republic of Ireland one to zero with their captain Steph Catley scoring a beautiful penalty. Not long after the game against the Nigerians came, they started of strong, with a goal from Emily Van Egmond in the first minute of stoppage time but not long after the Nigerians score making it one to one at the end of halftime, as the second half begins the matildas can't seem to get a goal no matter how hard the push they concede in the sixty-fifth minute and again in the seventy-second minute. 
The Aussies are struggling but they managed to score a goal in the tenth minute of stoppage time a bit before the full-time whistle is blown with the result being the Nigerian side win against the Aussies three to two. All they have to do is top their group and they qualify for the round of sixteen. The next game the matildas play is against Canada with Canada being in favour of winning but never doubt the Aussies, in the ninth minute Hayley Raso receives
a beauty of a ball from Steph Catley and scores at the edge of the box, bringing the aussies with a goal lead in the early minutes of the game. In the thirty-sixth minute of the game Mary Fowler scores a goal but it unfortunately is not counted due to being offside but, not long after in the thirty-ninth minute the matildas are awarded a corner kick with Kyra taking it, she lifts up one of her hands signifying what type of kick it's going to be, she kicks it and it lands at the head of Y/n and she headers it in, Kyra running to Y/n straight away celebrating with her best friend. The aussie side gets another goal in the fifty-eighth minute with the goal scorer being none other than Mary Fowler with Caitlin Foord getting the assist credit but they don't stop there, in the fourth minute of stoppage time Australia are awarded with a penalty, Steph takes it and she scores giving the Australian side a four goal lead in the ninety-fourth minute. The game ended a few minutes later with the Australian side extremely happy with their performances in the past games and finishing top of their group. It's time for the round of sixteen.
The first game they play in the round of sixteen is against Denmark, in the beginning its a rough game for the defenders on each side but in the twenty-eighth minute the aussies get the ball moving, it starts with Mary interfering with the danish sides pass and running the ball towards the halfway mark with Y/n making a run forward Mary sends a cross to her and Y/n finishes it wonderfully. In the seventieth minute Australia managed to score again with the finisher being Hayley who had received a ball from Van Egmond making it two to zero. After a couple chances for both sides, the game finally finishes with the Australian team winning once again.
The Aussies make it into the quarter-finals and it is against their toughest challenge yet, France. Before the game their captain Steph gives a speech to the team after her Sam and Tony all give words of motivation to the team before the game and discuss tactics. The game is about to start with both Kyra and Y/n starting for every game so far nothing is different now, the two have had an amazing tournament so far, especially for their first World Cup ever. The two do the same thing before every game no matter what and that is hugging each other for a good minute and whispering words of affirmation to each other, the two complete their before-match routine and go to the lineup, Y/n lining up behind Caitlin and Kyra lining up behind Y/n. The game starts and it is high-paced and intense straight away with both sides having early chances and wonderful saves from the goalkeepers but no matter how hard both sides push they just can't seem to score. The halftime whistle is blown. Both Tony and Steph give words of encouragement to the team and discuss tactics for the second half. The second half begins and in the fifty-fifth minute Emily is subbed off for Sam who gets her first appearance in this World Cup due to unfortunately sustaining a calf injury but she's back now. In the second half, nothing changed. The two sides still couldn't score a goal no matter what, so it went to extra time after ninety minutes. It's been one hundred minutes since the game started and both sides are beginning to get tired after running nonstop for 50 minutes straight. Still after the 1o minutes of extra time, the two sides can't score a goal so it's time for some substitutions, in the one hundred and fourth minute Hayley is subbed off for Cortnee. But still, both sides are relentless and not letting in any goals and six minutes later there's another break. The game begins again and in the one hundred and sixteenth minute Kyra is subbed off for Tameka. But even after all the subs the two sides still can't score and it goes to penalties.
France are first to kick and they miss, it's now Australia's turn and it's Catlin, and she scores! After her the French sides go again, Kadidiatou Diani goes up and she unfortunately scores making it even. It's now Stephs turn, she goes up and kicks the ball towards the goal but it is saved by the french goalkeeper. It's the French again and Wendie Renard goes up and she scores making it two-one France, once again it's the Aussies turn and Sam goes up and scores making it two-two. It's now time for the French to go again, Le Sommer goes up and scores. It's now the tillies go again and Mary scores making it even four-four. Mackenzie misses but so does Eve, Giyora goes and scores it's not Katrina's go and if she misses the Matildas are out of the world cup, she shoots and scores. Its now Karchaouies goes and she scores then teka goes but she also scores so it's even again at five-five. Lakrar goes and scores then Ellie and she also scores making it six-six, now it's Dali’s turn and she misses but so does Clare so it's now up to the deciding penalty, Becho misses and Cortnee scores! The matildas are through to the semi finals for the first time ever in all of Australia's history, but it only gets harder from here.
It's the semifinal game against England and the Aussies lose three-one and they can no longer win the world cup but they can go home with at least some sort of medal. It's Australia vs Sweden for the bronze medal, Australia try their hardest but they just can't seem to win it, they go home with no medals.
After the world cup Kyra and Y/n received a massive amount of support and fame, the new fans that had discovered some old photos of the two very close and that's where the dating rumours started, it didn't really bother the two being used to it and often being mistaken as a couple with being how close they were.
Kyra received a call from her manager saying that Arsenal wanted her and she had some time to think about it. Only a few hours after Kyra’s manager called her Y/n received a call from her manager saying that Arsenal also wanted her. Y/n calling Kyra instantly telling her to come over to tell her the news. Y/n tells Kyra the news and Kyra instantly has a smile on her face and tells Y/n how she also received a call from her manager telling her that Arsenal wants her but she wasn't going to take it if Y/n wasn't with her. The two called both their managers and accepted Arsenal's offer. On the sixteenth of September, twenty-twenty-three Arsenal announced the signing of Cooney-Cross and only a day later on the seventeenth, they announced Y/ln’s signing. Ian Wright wanted Arsenal to recruit Cooney-Cross and Y/ln after their impressive performance in the World Cup 2023. He asked Steph Catley, Cooney-Cross's and Y/ln’s fellow Matilda and Arsenal player, to convince Jonas to offer them a spot in the club and after doing some research he instantly agreed after seeing their chemistry on the pitch together. The Ausenal went crazy over this not only are there 2 more Aussies in the squad but it's the dynamic duo that everyone loves Kyra and Y/n who doesn't love them at this point. 
The two had their debut for Arsenal together On the 1st of October 2023 on the opening day of the 2023-24 season, in a 0-1 loss to Liverpool. Even though they did lose on their debut they still had a great time at Arsenal, often hiding their teammates' things and covering Katie's locker with a bunch of green things and an Ireland flag. The duo often got in trouble by the older girls with the two often acting as the annoying younger sisters of the squad always somehow getting into trouble. The two moved in with Steph and her fiance Dean seeing as she has the biggest house and acted as a mother figure towards the two. Soon after
they moved into the house they caused a ruckus constantly pranking the couple and at one point the two switched out Stephs shampoo with blue hair dye.
“Y/N  Y/M/N  Y/L/N AND KYRA LILEE COONEY CROSS CAN ONE OF YOU EXPLAIN WHY MY HAIR IS BLUE” the two looked at each other and then looked at Dean who was sitting on the couch next to them eating a ham sandwich he chuckled and then said
“The two of you better run before she chucks a shoe at your heads”
The two young adults ran as fast as they could to their room with Calvin on their tail and jumping on Kyra’s bed and as soon as Calvins in they closed the door and locked it.
“Y/n, this was a horrible idea shes going to fucking kill us”
“It's not like it's permanent, it will only last for a wee- Wait! Why are you blaming me, this was your idea”
“Yeah, but you encouraged me!”
“Okay, relax, calm down. It's not like she is going to kill u-” 
Out of nowhere the two hear a quite aggressive knock on the door.
“If the two of you don't unlock this door right now i won't hesitate to take away your phones”
Kyra walks over to the door and unlocks it, cracking it open just a bit and poking her head through to see an angry blue haired Steph.
“Eheh. Hey Steph, I love your hair, did you do something to it?”
Y/n then pokes her head through and laughs immediately and then Calvin pokes his head through. Steph stares into Y/n’s eyes rather intensely.
“Do you think this is funny?”
“Yeah I kind of do”
Y/n receives a slap on the arm from Kyra who then says
“She didn't mean that”
“No i did”
“That's my name!”
“Okay! Enough, the two of you are banned from seeing eachother again unless its for games”
After hearing that Kyra opens the door fully.
“Wait, you're joking right?”
“No! I am not joking, all the two of you do is cause trouble when you are together so until the both of you prove yourselves that you will stop these pranks you two aren't seeing each other anymore”
“No! Wait Steph, we are sorry! We haven't been away for each other for more than 4 days, we will literally die if you seperate us”
“No. No more excuses. So who's moving and who's staying?”
Y/n goes on her knees.
“PUHLEASE I AM-” she pulls Kyra to her knees and then Calvin sits besides the two
“No, the two of you have had enough chances. Im calling Caitlin im sure she would be delighted to have one of you”
After a few hours of the two being depressed together and crying about how much they are going to miss each other acting like they aren't going to see eachother 5 days a week for Arsenal training. The two of them quite literally got banned from seeing and talking to each other unless it was for the games. But one night when Y/n was feeling lonely without her other half she left Caitlins apartment at 2:48am and called an uber to Stephs house, she made her was to the side of the house where Kyra's room was, she could faintly see a light coming from her room and she prayed that Kyra was awake and climbed up to her window, she looking through the window to see Kyra writing in her notebook on her desk with her back to the window. Y/n knocks on the window about 17 times and Kyra still doesn't even notice after a while she notices the window is unlocked and opens the window. Y/n walks over to Kyra slowly and quickly places her hands on Kyras shoulders while saying boo.
Kyra instantly turns around and after realising who it is she hugs her immediately and shoves her face into Y/n's neck and releases a sigh.
“I've missed you so much”
“I've missed you more, but did you really have to scare me? And wait- how did you even get in here?” 
The two finally separate and look into eachothers eyes.
“Well after knocking on your window about a million times I finally realised it was open and now here we are”
“I'm so glad you're here”
“Anyways what are you doing awake at this time?”
The two finally sit on Kyras bed together while facing each other with the only light being the nightlight in the corner of the room, Y/n chuckles to herself remembering all the times when they were kids and Kyra forced Y/n to check the room for monsters when they had sleepovers.
Y/n counters the question “What are you doing up at this time?”
“I asked first”
Y/n sighs “Fine, i couldn't sleep, i couldn't stop thinking about something- well more so someone” Y/n starts to fiddle with the ring(s) on her finger(s), Kyra notices and grabs Y/n’s hands and looks into her eyes.
“What- who were you thinking about” Y/n looks up from her hands and looks into Kyras eyes.
The both of them lean into each other and their lips touch clash. The kiss is intense and passionate, it's filled with emotions built up over several years, the duo separate and look into each other's eyes.
“I've been wanting to do that since i was 17”
“I've been wanting to do that since i was 16”
“That was amazing”
“I agree, want to do it again?”
The two lean into each other once again, Y/n taking control of the kiss while Kyra leans back onto her bed, Y/n is now hovering over Kyra, your faces just inches away from each other.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Y/n says while searching Kyras eyes for any discomfort.
With the affirmation that Kyra really wants to do this Y/n leans in for another kiss, taking control in a flash, the kiss is intense, both fighting for dominance but Y/n wins. The two separate from the kiss and Kyra releases a whine. Y/n chuckles
“So needy already?” While trailing her hand down to the bottom of Kyras shirt, lifting it up over her hand to see Kyra was wearing no bra, Y/n chuckled and Kyra instantly turned red.
“No bra?”
“I was about to go to sleep! I wasn't really expecting this to happen!”
“Hey, I'm not complaining!”
Out of nowhere Y/n leans down to Kyras left breast while kneading the other one with her right hand. She sucks and bites on her boob while Kyra lets out a plethora of moans while grasping Y/n’s hair and pushing her further down her body. Y/n grabs at the waistband of Kyras shorts and pulls them down painfully slowly. Kyra whines.
“Patience is key baby”
Y/n places kisses on Kyras stomach. Kyra bucks her hips.
Finally Y/n places her hand on Kyras clothed pussy, Kyra releases another whine while Y/n just chuckles.
“So wet already?”
“Please- just- please”
“Please what, baby?”
“Please- just fuck me, im begging you”
“Whatever you want my love”
Y/n finally pulls down Kyras underwear and teases her lips, Kyra whimpers while bucking her hips towards Y/n’s hand. Finally Y/n shoves two fingers into Kyras pussy and she lets out a loud moan.
“Shhh, we don't want anyone else hearing do we?”
Y/n starts moving her fingers inside Kyras pussy and finds that spongy spot inside her and Kyra lets out a loud moan which is quickly muffled by Y/n shoving the two fingers that were previously in her pussy into her mouth.
“Taste yourself my love”
Kyra moans around Y/n’s fingers and as Y/n takes them out there's a string of saliva, Y/n then sucks on her fingers tasting a mix of Kyra's arousal and spit. Y/n then gets Kyra's panties that she previously placed on the bed and shoves them in Kyra's mouth.
“Will you be quiet now?”
Kyra nods.
Y/n goes back down to Kyras pussy and shoves two fingers inside again, her fingers filling her. Y/n pumped in and out of Kyras pussy intensely. She could tell she was getting close by the way she kept trying to close her legs. Y/n took her fingers out and instead used her hands to hold Kyra's legs apart and instead used you mouth to get Kyra of, she sucked on her clit and Kyra let out a loud muffled whine, she then shoved her tongue into her pussy and used her thumb to rub Kyras clit. Kyras hand went to Y/n's hair and the other one was going to grasp at the duvet of the bed.
Kyra cums, harder than she's ever come in her life. Y/n licks it all up, moaning while doing so. She then makes her way up Kyras body and removes the panties from Kyras mouth and kisses her roughly, Kyra moaning at the taste of her cum mixed with your saliva.
“Are you okay, my love?”
“Better than ever”
Y/n pecks her forehead.
“Good. I'll be back my love”
Y/n gets out of the bedroom and goes to the bathroom connected to the bedroom and grabs a rag and wets it with warm water and on her way back she goes to Kyra's closet to grab a fresh pair of underwear for her. She makes her way over to Kyra and cleans up her with the rag. She then puts Kyras fresh pair of underwear on and puts her shorts and shirt back on.
Kyra says nothing in response and just shoves her head into Y/n's neck and places a kiss on her jaw.
“Im assuming thats a yes”
“Goodnight, my love”
“Goodnight Y/n”
And the two fall asleep together.
It is 8am and Steph receives a call from Caitlin, she answers and Caitlin immediately says.
“Steph! I lost Y/n”
“What do you mean lost? How do you lose a 20 year old?”
“Right- so I woke up as one does and I went into Y/n's room because we were going to go to a cafe to have some breakfast and I went into her room and she's not there!”
“One sec let me ask Kyra '' Steph walks up the stairs to Kyra's room and knocks twice, she doesn't get a response and assumes she's asleep so she opens the door and finds a peacefully sleeping Kyra cuddling into a sleeping Y/n. Steph puts the phone back up to her ear and says
“I've found Y/n”
“What! Where is she?”
“Sleeping- sleeping where?”
“With Kyra”
“I knew they would get together eventually, those two have been in love since they first met i swear”
“Aww wait they actually look so cut- wait you didn't even know them when they first met”
“I know but I wouldn't doubt it if they have been in love with each other since they first met. Now send a photo to the gc”
Steph quickly snaps a few photos of the two then leaves the room and sends the photo to the matilda group chat minus the kids and ends the call with Caitlin.
The originals
Members- Sammy (Sam Kerr), Em (Emily Van Egmond), Katies gf (Caitlin Foord), Tim Tams  (Tameka Yallop), Mini (Katrina Gorry), Lyds (Lydia Williams), Macca (Mackenzie Arnold), Mother Steph (Steph Catley), Lani (Alanna Kennedy), Polks (Clare Polkinghorn)
*Insert a picture of Y/n and Kyra cuddling*
Mother Steph- Look who finally got together
Mini- That is so cute omg
Sammy- I wish i could say i'm surprised, but im not lol
Macca- Stop- they look like cute little babies
Lani- I dibs being Kyras one of bridesmaids!
Katies gf- Their wedding is going to be so cute
Lyds- Cuties!
Polks- Aww
Tim Tams- I ship!
Macca- LMAO i agree with tim tams i also ship
Sammy- Steph it's time to give them the birds and the bees talk
Mother Steph- How the fuck do you expect me to do that??
Sammy- Idfk
Katies gf- Steph you need to wake them up we have training in like 20 minutes
Mother Steph- How am i supposed to wake them up?
Katies gf- Idk but it's your problem now!
*End of chat*
The little children
Members- Tom Holland's look-alike (Lotte Wubben-Moy), Winnie the Pooh (Laura Wienroither), Pot of Gold (Teyah Goldie), Fridos (Frida Maanum), Pavlova (Victoria Pelova), Annoying little sister (Kyra Cooney-Cross),  Furry (Y/n Y/l/n), Penalties (Lina Hurtig), Geo (Gio Queiroz), Lessi (Alessia Russo)
Pavlova- @Annoying little sister @Furry get your asses to training before Kim and Leah kill you both
Fridos- You guys need to wake the fuck up
Tom holland look alike- Stop swearing
Tom Holland looks alike- The two of you need to wake up now, Kim is going to make you guys run laps.
Geo- I bet they are finally fucking
*End chat*
“Turn it off oh my fucking god my ears a bleeding” Kyra groaned
“Uhm, Kyra?”
“We are uhm- a bit like for training” Kyra sat up
“What do you mean?”
Y/n showed her the time.
“We are so dead.”
Caitlin saw Steph walk into training and walks up to her 
“Where the fuck are they?”
“I didn't know what to do so i just left, i ran”
“I don't blame you i don't even know what i would do in that situation”
“Oh- hey Kim”
“Where are your children?”
“Uhm they ar-”
Steph got cut off by an out of breath Kyra running into the training facility and shortly followed by Y/n.
“I'm here!”
“Oh! Look Y/n’s here too, Hi Y/n!”
“Oh! Fancy seeing you here Kyra!” “Let's get changed, shall we?”
“Mhmm, meet you there!”
Kim looked back to Caitlin and Steph as the two of them ran off to the changing rooms.
“They are right here!”
“They are also 30 minutes late, and so are you Steph, why's that?”
“Then why were you late?”
Steph looked defeated and then came up with an idea
“Kyras fish died so she was depressed so Y/n came over for a funeral and that's why we are all late”
“Kyra has a fish?”
“Yes- well she had a fish, the fish is dead now”
“What was the fish's name?”
“Michael Jackson” Caitlin fell to the ground laughing.
“Michael Jackson? Okay then I am sorry for your loss. Now get changed”
Steph ran to the changing rooms.
“I know you to are fucking. Kyra you have a fish named michael jackson but he died this morning so that why you and Y/n were late”
“I have a fish?”
“No! Just get changed i will tell you later” 
The three of the got changed in record time and went to the field to warm. The three of them separate, Steph going to caitlin, Vic going to Kyra and Alessia going to Y/n
“So, what happened “
“Me and Kyra fucked and now i dont know what to do”
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otdiaftg · 5 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Seventeen (19)
Day: Friday, April 26th / 27th* Time: 6:48 PM EST
At Neil's side, Kevin is untouchable. Neil doesn't know what the last straw was to break Kevin's chain, but apparently last night's spectacle wasn't born of drunken grandeur. Kevin has committed; there is no going back. He faces Castle Evermore now like it is just another worthless stop on his way to glory. Neil doesn't know if that determination is genuine or pure force of will, just as he doesn't know how much of that disdain is a front for the press to pick up on. Neil has a feeling Kevin's defiance is at least nine tenths truth, and that is enough to keep Neil's nerves at bay. Two women collect the Vixen squad. Four security guards escort the Foxes from the bus to the stadium while another six stand guard along the short route. It is a little excessive, perhaps, but Edgar Allan's board isn't taking any chances. Cameras flash as the Foxes go by, and it is only a matter of time before someone realizes Kevin's ink has changed. An incredulous shout gets all attention on Kevin's face, and suddenly ten guards seem entirely insufficient. There is a chorus of boos on all sides as the news sweeps through the crowd, but breaking through that vicious disapproval are a few scattered shouts of "Queen!" Kevin endures all of it with a haughty expression locked in place.
Art used with permission by Masslowart. Thank you @masslowart!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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ultrameganicolaokay · 6 months
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Catwoman #66 by Tini Howard and Carmine Di Giandomenico. Variant covers by (1) W. Scott Forbes, (2) Pablo Villalobos, (3) Otto Schmidt and (4) Rachta Lin. Main cover (5) by David Nakayama. Out in June.
"'Nine Lives' nears its lethal conclusion! Catwoman has escaped everything from the Suicide Squad to the clutches of death itself, but along the way, she’s made more than a few enemies—and their vengeance is rapidly approaching! Not even a tenth life could save Selina from what’s coming, but could an old friend help this cat land on her feet?"
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