#terzo fic
copias-juicebox · 10 months
A taste of your own Poison
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Pairing: Terzo x fem! Reader Words: 7324 Genre: one shot (or maybe two in the future?) Warnings: starts off innocent and turns into a little spicy rubbing up and down.. no actual smut though Notes: it's here. I wrote this to get Terzo out of my system. It didn't work. anyway here you go. Summaray: Terzo is an asshole, usinghis status too much. He has grown far too cocky for his own good. He sleeps around the ministry, breaking hearts until he meets you. You are not easily swayed. A worthy opponent for him.
Also on AO3
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You‘d been walking around the ministry for about 30 minutes now. It was your day off and you decided to explore the huge building and its grounds a little more. You were a relatively new member of the clergy and so you were curious what this old, massive place had to offer. Maybe you could find any hidden places, secret passages or even just a small, calm spot should you ever be in need of solitude. You had no plan where you were going, your feet carrying you down a long hallway at one end of the building. You passed many great halls and pretty doors on the way. It was a friday afternoon and most of the clergy members had decided to spend the rest of their days outside since it was a mild, spring evening.
As you walked along the corridor you noticed a big oak door, with intricate patterns drawn on it in the corner to the left. You were not sure what it was but the door itself intrigued you and before you realized your feet came to a halt in front of it. You decided to see what lay behind it. You pushed the heavy door open and peeked inside.
The room that stood before you appeared to be an office with high ceilings, through the huge windows light flooded the area around the desk and you could see dust particles fly through the air. On either side of the windows stood a shelf with loads of books. The dark heavy curtains were pulled to the side and neatly held together by a clip.
„Saluti Sorella. What brings you here?“ a voice from the other side of the room startled you. You turned to the source of the voice and saw Papa Emeritus the third, standing there, to the left side behind the door. In the area, that was slightly hidden from the direct view of the door, stood two armchairs and a coffee table. Papa stood there awaiting your answer and smiling at you. His papal makeup impeccable, just his hair slightly hanging over his eyes.
„O..oh hello Papa.“ you bowed down to show respect. „I uh I was just wandering around actually. Not really intentionally coming here. I didn‘t think I would cross paths with anyone to be honest.“ you answered him a little blushing because you just wandered into Papa Terzos office without even knocking first. What a terrible way to introduce yourself to the beloved Papa. You reprimanded yourself.
Terzo stepped a little closer and smiled sheepishly at you. „I appreciate the bow, bella. I assume you know who I am then?“ he stood there, hands clasped together in a very collected manner.
„Of course I do Papa. Everyone in the Clergy knows you.“ you smile at him, hoping not to say anything wrong and fuck up the first impression he has of you, well not more than you already ruined it for coming in here without knocking.
„You flatter me Sister, but unfortunately I can‘t say I have seen you around, no?“ he cocked his head to the side, a frown forming on his handsome face.
„Ah yeah that is because I am a relatively new member of the Clergy.“ you told him, fidgeting in your spot.
„Hmm. And your name bella?“ he held out his hand which you looked at a little embarrassed and gave him your name and your hand, expecting him to shake it, when instead he bend down, one hand behind his back, the other one lifting your hand to his lips and kissing it. He kept his eyes trained on you and your slight gasp that escaped your lips was something he took pride in as a small smirk crept upon his face. „A pleasure to meet you Sorella.“ He let go of your hand and came back to stand in front of you. „And how exactly did you find my office?“ He looked from right to left as if he was seeing his Office for the first time.
„Well like I said I was just walking around a little, getting to know the place since I am still fairly new you see?“
„New to the ministry, huh?“ Terzo chuckled. Well you have found your way into Papa Emeritus‘ Office bella. I apologize for the mess here.“ he looked around the relatively clean space, just a few papers lying around and an empty cup of coffee stood on the desk.
Your eyes widened realizing you just ran into Papas Office. „Oh no it‘s not messy at all. Actually I have to apologize. I didn't mean to intrude like that you see I was just walking around and I saw this beautifully adorned door here and I wanted to see...“ you started rambling.
„It is quite alright sorella, I don‘t mind having you here.“ He interrupted you lifting his hands up and down again to calm you down. „This is actually my great grandfather's old office. He was also Papa Emeritus but the clergy was much smaller at that time.“ he said, gesturing to an old painting of another Papa above the fireplace. You inspected it and when your eyes dropped to Terzo he was overlooking a stack of papers laying atop of his desk.
„Uh I am not interrupting your work am I Papa? I can leave..“ Before you could finish he once again stopped you.
„My work for today is finished.“ he shook his head. „Besides you are my guest now. I need to show you some hospitality, sí.“ he grinned.
„I just don‘t want you to feel like you have to. I am fine leaving if you are busy and want to be left alone. I know you are a busy man after all.“ you tell him smiling softly.
„I appreciate the gesture, bella but it‘s not necessary.“ he put his hands on his desk leaning against it. „But I am not that busy.“ A moment of silence passed over you. You admired the room and the ambience the light created. „You look nice by the way.“ His sudden compliment pulled you from your momentary daze and you blushed slightly, not visible but you felt the heat creeping up your neck. Here we go. Not even a week in the ministry and he already is living up to his reputation you thought.
„Ah thank you Papa.“
„Of course. It‘s true.“ He chuckled „But you know, I bet you‘re even cuter when you‘re flustered.“ he began to saunter in your direction, around his desk.
You took a step back, regaining confidence „Papa.. don‘t even start please. I know what you are doing and I won‘t fall for it ok.“ you countered his obvious flirtations.
„Oh what am I doing Sorella?“ By now he stood in front of you. Not too close yet but you could see his face and eyes close up. „I am not flirting, Sorella, just stating the obvious, yes. You are cute and easy to embarrass.. And I think I‘ll try to make that happen.“ he smirked.
His words made you want to fight his charm. How dare he think he can just lull anyone into his arms. You might look like an easy target, easy prey for him to pounce on but you knew your way around men like him. He wouldn‘t be the first one to try and sweet talk you to lure you into his bed, just to kick you out when morning comes. No you were not going to give this man what he thought was so easy to achieve. If he thought he could play a game he was going to go against a worthy opponent. He triggered something in you. Something you had buried deep down. A sad and hurtful memory that you cherished but also wished you had forgotten.
„Well you try all you want. I am not going to get flustered by your attempts because I know your reputation Papa.“ you smiled at him sweetly, acting up.
„Oh yeah? My uh.. reputation you say? What exactly is my reputation sister?“ He stepped closer to you, his voice an octave lower now. „And are you sure? I bet I can get you so adorably flustered before the hour ends.“ he said teasingly.
With every word he said and the cockiness of how he said these words you felt yourself getting more and more competitive to show him how wrong he was. Obviously this man was not used to anyone denying him and you were going to do exactly that, you decided. You were about to teach this man a lesson.
„Oh I dare you. Try me. But don‘t cry when I don‘t give in“ you said confidently, raising one eyebrow at him. „And about your reputation you know.. the usual I don‘t think I‘ll have to explain.“ you shrugged.
„Oh, the usual yes?“ he stepped even closer making you take two more steps backwards now only a few centimeters away from the wall. „Well what are you going to do if I do this?“ he closed the gap between you, pushing you into the wall and caging you there with one hand against the wall. He tilted his head to the side inspecting your cheeks. „Now is that a slight, adorable shade of pink I see?“ he said cockily with a smirk.
Boldly you counter by holding eye contact with his mismatched eyes. „I am telling you Papa I will not give in to your attempts. I know what you are.“
He hums deeply „Oh and what am I then, bella?“ he chuckled, moving his face closer to yours. „Am I a flirt?“ he guessed. You could feel his hot breath on your skin and it made you slightly tremble.
„Not just that, no.“ You put your hand on his chest and pushed him away gently. „You‘re way worse than that. You‘re a womanizer.“
He laughed and his smile grew bigger as your hand hit his chest. „Alright you might be right. I will admit that. I mean come on I can never deny a beautiful Sorella. Satan did not give me all this..“ he looked down on his body. „..to hide myself away from the ladies.“ he smiled devilishly. „But what if I am? Are you going to stop me Sorella?“ he kept his cocky tone, teasing you.
„No. you may do whatever you want. You‘re Papa. But don‘t be mad if it‘s going to hurt your feelings.“
„Oh don‘t worry about that. I won‘t expect anything. Even though I can‘t say that I believe you would be able to resist me. I imagine many in the ministry have fallen for me.“ he smirked.
You wanted to wipe that smirk from his face. That absolute arrogant bastard. But he was right. He did have many admirers. Now that you were thinking about it you were sure there was not one Sister or Brother for that matter who wouldn‘t let Terzo do them however he wanted. You were sure that many of them would actually kill to be in your position right now.
It was well known that Papa was a very eager lover. He knew about his charms and he knew how to talk to women and men. Oddly enough his reputation of being a player hardly seemed to repel the other Brothers and Sisters. Maybe it was just a little different for most of them, being more open with their desires and sexuality but to you it was nothing you wanted. You had heard many stories, many nightly encounters between Sisters and Papa. They always ended the same way. They’d spend a night full of pleasure together and that was it. He would invite them again but if any of them had any romantic expectations they would always get rejected. It never stopped the other Sisters to try and shoot their shot. Some of them might be happy just to spend one passionate night with their Papa, others were hopeful to be the one for Papa, the one he falls for. Whatever their motives were you knew you wanted more than just a one night stand. You wanted, no you needed someone that was there for you, someone to rely on and someone you could trust. Someone that belonged to you and you alone. Someone you could share your most intimate moments with. And you were willing to wait patiently until the right one comes into your life. This man on the other hand was the total opposite of that. He runs around lusting and seeking pleasure in a different bed every night.
„Papa half of the clergy fell for you. And you know that so don‘t pretend you‘re oblivious.“ you retorted.
„So uh you‘re saying I am a heartthrob?“ he asked, still wearing that goddamn smirk. „Well if you think I‘m so irresistible then you won‘t be immune to my charm, will you?“ he said. „Maybe I should try to make you fall for me now?“ he joked.
You scoffed. This man. You were nearly speechless. „Good luck trying Papa. The knowledge alone that you are doing this to anyone in the clergy without any meaning is enough for me to never fall for your games.“ you shot at him.
„Wouldn‘t that just make me a better lover, armore?“ he quipped brashly. „I would call myself quite experienced. I understand how the female body works. You just have to let me take care of you.“ he purred in your ear.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, not believing what you heard. He backed off a little. „Very well then I respect your decision. But just to make sure…“ he moved in closer to you again „since you are so unaffected by me, you don‘t mind if I do this?“ he leaned in his lips mere centimeters from your own, his eyes observing your expression. He lingered there for a long moment waiting for your reaction.
You pushed yourself further into the wall. „Nope. Doesn‘t affect me.“ you answered, slowly feeling your self control slipping away. No you could not give him the satisfaction of winning this.
„Are you sure Sorella?“ he whispered. „even if I were to do this?“ he started to move in closer and for a moment you panicked thinking he was going to try to kiss you. Before he could do so you managed to swerve to the left, which resulted in him nearly kissing the wall.
„Oh no no you don‘t get to kiss me Papa.“ you shook your head.
He smirked blushing himself under his papal makeup. „Very well. You win. For now.“ he backed off. „But I can‘t promise I won‘t try again. I am a man of commitment after all.“ he stated, arms spread in front of him.
„You are a player, that's what you are. I don‘t want no player, no short lived night of love, no.“ you snorted.
„You don’t want one night of utter bliss and pleasure, no? We could do it more than once then.“ He snickered. You didn‘t react to his stupid remark and he continued. „Ok ok. I don‘t blame you. But let me warn you. I am terrible at rejection.“ he frowned and chuckled at the same time. He cleared his throat and added „You know this is nice. Just.. talking to a pretty sister like you.
„You call that talking, huh?“ you laughed out loud, throwing your head back.
„Well you didn‘t run away or slap me. That is something. And I have other topics of conversation if you‘d prefer. But I do have one more question?“
You frowned. „I have a hard time believing anyone here would have the balls to slap you. And you‘re papa, if anything they would love any attention you gave them. They are all going crazy over you.“
„Well if you knew how I flirt with some sisters you‘d understand my fear of getting slapped.“ he added sheepishly, earning a questioning look from you. „But you didn‘t answer my question. May I ask you one thing?“
„Ah yeah sorry. Sure, go ahead.“ you encouraged him.
He took a moment to form the sentence and you waited patiently now that he gave you some distance you could breathe again.
„Have you.. ever been in love before?“ Terzo asked, tilting his head. It sure was a strange question. One you had not expected him to ask you now all of a sudden. He remembered that one woman. He was still young then. How he tried to woo her, in his odd ways, he had even written her a poem. Unfortunately it didn‘t work. She dumped him and moved on. She found someone else. He hadn‘t forgotten her. He would never forget her.
Your expression softened. He was seriously asking you an honest question. „Well if i‘m being honest with you I don‘t think so, no. I‘ve had a few crushes yes but never once I would call any of them love. Why?“ You were curious why he was suddenly interested in that?
Terzo nodded. „I was wondering..“ He frowned „You see sorella, I have been in love before.“ He stepped closer again „I tried so hard to impress her. To please her, but.. I wasn‘t enough. She left and found someone else.“ his voice was distant now, as if he was lost in his own thoughts. He himself didn‘t know why all of a sudden he told you this. But something about you reminded him of her.
Hearing Papa share this intimate story with you surprised you. Suddenly you felt bad for him. You even pitied him when you saw his sad eyes staring into the distance. „I am sorry to hear that Papa. It was not supposed to be then. I am sure you will find someone else.“ you tried to lift his mood.
„I hope so.“ he sighed softly, looking up at the ceiling, exhaling. „But I fear she was my one true love. I doubt I‘ll ever be able to love someone like that again.“ he mumbled. „Do.. Do you know what it‘s like to have your heart broken?“ his eyes found yours again.
You shook your head „No.. No, I don‘t think I do. Since I have never loved anyone. I did feel some sort of thing for the guys I dated and they sure as hell hurt me but I don't think that feeling comes close to having a broken heart.“ You stood for a moment in silence. Terzo contemplating your words. „But do you want to hear my opinion Papa?“
„Hmm“ he looked up at you „Sure yes tell me what are your thoughts?.“
„I don‘t think that there is just one true love in this world. If you give yourself and someone else a chance, you can find the one that actually is for you. Just because you believe she was the only right one doesn‘t mean she was. If she rejected you i‘d even say she probably wasn‘t the right one yeah?“
Terzo blinked, his mind blown at her perspective.
"Hmm... I... You... You're right," he nodded, "That's quite some wise advice for someone like you." He chuckled, "Where did you learn that?"
You chuckled. „I don‘t know I just kinda have a „gift“ of seeing more than just one perspective on things. There is always a bright side to look up to. And most people don‘t see them when they are down. And I like to remind them because I want to help them.
"Well, you're good at it. I wish I could have that outlook on things." He looked down to the ground, head hanging low.
„Anyway“ he clapped his hands together and smirked moving on and changing the topic suddenly, "Do you enjoy your time here in the Ministry? I understand it can be boring, which is why I try to make my office as inviting as I can. So my, ah, „guests“ don't get too... bored." He teased. You noticed the very odd looking objects he had stuffed into cupboards or on shelves. Many of them surely occult, some more normal for an office space. Paper stacks, pens, organizers and envelopes and a magnifying glass lay on the desk, some decorative items such as a small statue of Baphomet and a small accompanying dagger with the sigil of Baphomet lay on the edge of his desk. In the other corner of the room on a podest lay a very expensive looking Satanic Bible. Next to the podest stood very high candleholders with halfway burned down black and crimson candles.
„Well thank you. I quite like it here. This place is to my liking.“ you replied „You managed to archive that with your office since i was intrigued enough to come in here.“
Terzo took a moment and looked at you before speaking up again. "Hmm, do you know that you're rather pretty, Sorella?" Terzo asked with a smirk, "I could stare into those eyes all day."
Papa was trying to get her riled up again, to see if he could get her to blush. But at the same time, he genuinely meant what he said.
Oh no he is back again now. I know what he is trying to do. He does not actually mean it that fucker. „There he goes again.“ you muttered to yourself. „It won‘t work man. But keep trying. You‘ll eventually have to accept your defeat.“ you responded.
"Oh, but that's because you haven't seen me really try. Maybe if I tried this...?" Terzo smirked, closing the distance between you again.
He put a hand under your chin and tilted your face to meet his gaze. He stared into your pretty eyes for a long moment, his own mismatched eyes full of fire.
"There's nothing I could do to get you to fall for me? Even this?" He asked. You smirked at him and visibly gulped. „If it was anyone but you Papa I might get weak. But you? No, I could never give you a chance.“ you explained to him.
"Oho, that's what you think." Terzo took a few breaths, steadying himself as he pushed her back into the wall. „Are you flirting with me Sorella? "You said anyone but me but I think if I really did try, you'd start to feel... something. Or maybe.. you already do?" Terzo smirked in return, still holding your chin with his gloved hand, "Let's try one more time, eh? What's the point of giving up so soon? He once again leaned in closing the distance more.
You stare into his eyes, face inches apart. „Papa I am honest with you. There is nothing you could do that would make me change my mind here. I don‘t want a guy to just play me and drop me when he gets what he wants. My self respect is too high for that.“
"And who says that's what I'm doing?" Terzo asked, tilting his head.
His other hand gently caressed the side of your cheek now, slowly moving back and forth on your soft skin.
"How do you know that I'm just a flirt? That I would just drop you like that?" He asked quietly. „You don‘t deserve to be treated that shitty, no.“
As much as you wanted to fight it, his words had an effect on you. You started to understand why everyone around you was so enthralled with him. He was a truly charming man. You knew that the moment he kissed the back of your hand in that smooth manner but you could not let him get to you.
„It’s very obvious papa. You‘re just trying to prove your point here. If I were to give in, the worst you would do is laugh at me and rub it in my face how you knew I couldn‘t resist the glorious and irresistible Papa Terzo. And at best you would seduce me into your bed for one night and the next morning forget about me. Don‘t think I don't know that kind of man! I may have never truly loved anyone but I had my fair share of partners over the years. They are all the same and I swore never to fall for someone like that anymore.“
"Oho, you say all that? And yet..." Terzo smirked, moving his hand away from your chin, only to begin caressing your collarbone instead before he spoke again. "You seem to be attracted to me? You may deny it, but you are, aren’t you?" He teased with his deep husky voice.
His touches and voice was slowly breaking down your walls, but you laughed it off, masking your growing attraction to his very essence. „You wish papa, you wish. I am just trying to be respectful because you are Papa. And I couldn't exactly slap you can I?“
At this point Terzo had to admit he was starting to doubt his impact on her. He simply wasn‘t used to any of the sisters denying him. In fact they all nearly fought to spend the night with him and this Sister here was testing his patience. It only made him desire her more.
Terzo let his hand slowly slip over your chest area, testing the waters of your comfort zone.
"Oh, you could slap me if you wanted to." He smiled, "I doubt you would, though. I think you like me." He moved his face an inch closer to your ear, whispering seductively. "I think you want me to do... this..." he breathed out.
He suddenly kissed your neck and as fast as he had leaned in he pulled back, the same smirk still glued to his face.
Your eyes widened and your heartbeat quickened when you felt Papa kiss your neck. It stunned you and for the short moment you got lost in the feeling before you could shake yourself out of it and regain your senses. You slowly pushed papa off of you. “Nope no. Don‘t do that. I never gave you permission to do that.“ you warned with a shaky voice, not sounding as nearly as convincing as you wanted to.
Terzo chuckled darkly, his eyes glancing upward as he let his right eyebrow twitch, "Hmmm... But I did it regardless."
He moved close to you again, smirking down at you. "It seems you lost all your composure, eh? And I thought I wouldn't make you squirm..“ the last part he mostly mumbled to himself.
You eventually wiggled yourself around between his arms and managed to get a little bit of distance between you. „You are the worst Terzo. You belong to horny jail. Really are you down that bad? I could give you a list of Sisters that would gladly spend the night with you.“ you nearly hissed, trying to get him off of you by luring him with another Sister.
„Ha so I‘m the worst? But you‘re getting all worked up over me bella.“ he smirked, his nose almost touching yours. „So, what? You‘re offering me someone else? Do you want me to take my attention off of you?“ a smug smile on his face.
God he is so full of himself you thought.
You pointed your finger at him. „Yes! Yes you are. You are enjoying this. You are even having fun doing this, you‘re insufferable.“ After you took a moment to compose yourself you continued. „And yes I could give you a list if you‘d like. If that gets you off of me that is.“
„Oh is that so?“ Terzo asked interested.
„Yes I know one Sister who would be perfect for you actually. She keeps talking about you nonstop. Terzo here.. Terzo there.. she literally never shuts up.“
„Now who is that Sister you are talking about, mh?“ he wanted to know. Of course he wants to know. That horny motherfucker. „What is she saying about me? Does she think of me often, yes? Does she think of me in bed?“ At this point he was probably creating scenarios in his own head, You assumed.
„Oh look at that. Someone interested, huh?“ You teased him.
He looked back at you. „Give me her name bella. Let me talk to this lovely sister. Perhaps she can be my little plaything for the night?“
The scowl on your face was instant. „Are you fucking serious right now? All you‘re going to do now is use the poor girl and then throw her away?“
„She‘s not a poor girl if she wants me.“ He lifted a finger. „Now tell me what‘s her name?“ Papa leaned in his mouth close to your ear now, whispering „what is her name bella?“, nibbling on your earlobe. He was messing with you and you knew it but it actually felt so good you had to pinch yourself to shake him off of you.
„If I am going to give you her name you promise me to be honest with her and make your intentions clear? She will not get hurt by you?“
„Of course bella. I am not that cruel. “ Terzo grinned wickedly. „I promise you this yes? No tricks and no deception on my part.“
You contemplated for a moment and ultimately decided it was not your responsibility and both were adults who clearly would enjoy each others company so you gave him the name.
„Sister Emma. It‘s sister Emma. She has the biggest crush on you.“ you sighed
Instead of backing away from you as you expected him to, he kept you between his arms.
„Hm Sister Emma you say?“ Terzo smirked. „What has she been saying about me?“ His Hand slowly, carefully moved towards your face, his gaze wandering to your lips. He couldn‘t hold back his now mischievous smile.
„Satan please Papa, you should ask her yourself don‘t you think? And stop touching me! While you ask her you can touch her all you want or all she wants yeah? So you can keep your hands to yourself right now.“ you tell him, lightly struggling against him. You were not really trying to get out of his grasp. You didn‘t feel threatened by him but you were adamant of telling him off and you wanted him to be the one realizing his defeat, which he apparently couldn't or wouldn‘t anytime soon.
„Hm but what if I don‘t want to stop touching you? You are attractive, after all.“ Terzo smirked, pressing his body further into yours. His gaze shifted to your lips and he reached his hand behind your head to move it closer to his own. You realized what he was about to do and your eyes widened. This time he was about to lock his lips on to yours and you quickly pulled your hand up and put it in front of your face so his mouth connected with your hand.
„I am not your little plaything Papa!“
„Hmm you‘re so close.. yet so far“ he mumbled against your skin. “You want me but you‘re denying it. Why Sorella? Why do you not let me pleasure you?“ his hand wraps around your hand now holding it in place as he starts softly kissing your wrist now.
„Tell me Sorella, does this hurt or does it…“ he paused nibbling on your sensitive skin. „Or does it feel good?“ You could not deny that man knew what he was doing. His mouth felt amazing against your skin but you would not let him toy with you. No, in fact you had an idea.
You were shocked he was being so gentle. „Lord please, you are insane really. How do you even come up with this on the spot? You wiggled around, purposely rubbing against him, pretending to try to get out of his grasp. „Papa, if anyone sees us like that they will get the wrong impression.“ you tried, sounding disgustingly cute, even to your own ears.
"Hmm? What's the problem with that?" Terzo smirked, moving closer to your neck. His voice was gentle yet still full of his playful charm.
He moved his face slightly so he was close to kissing the crook of your neck, "Does this... Make you uncomfortable?" He whispered, slowly moving his lips up on your skin.
You wiggled around more, his hot breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of your neck, making goosebumps run up your spine. „Papa please..“ you pleaded, sounding desperate and lost.
He groaned „Mhm, that only makes me want you more.“ he chuckled and started nibbling on your skin.
You gasped, it wasn‘t like you were not expecting this. You knew he was going to do it but the prickling feeling on your skin, everytime his lips connected to your skin was not something you got used to easily. Terzo moved down to your collarbone, leaving soft kisses and nibbles there.
„You‘re enjoying this Sorella..“ he mumbled against your skin, with a playful yet dangerous tone in his voice. „Say you like it..“ he whispered.
At this point you were sure he was doing this mostly to prove a point, not to you no but to himself. He was obsessed with you agreeing. He needed you to say it, to give in and you knew he would not stop if you didn‘t. But you were not finished with your plan yet. You needed him to get frustrated before you could get to step number two.
„No.. no I don‘t.“ you whispered back.
"Yes you do, bella... I can tell.." Terzo replied, nibbling at your collarbone again.
He moved his lips to your neck and kissed it. "Tell me you enjoy this..." He kissed your neck again. "Tell me you enjoy the way I touch you..."
Terzo smiled down at you, his gaze still fixated on your neck. Lord he was obsessed with your neck. He looked like a predator, like he was getting closer to his prize.
Your eyes fell shut and your arms came to rest on Terzos shoulders. Just a little more. You thought. „No please just let me go. I promise I will send Sister Emma to you right away.“ you fake whined, your breath hitching towards the end of the sentence. You were nailing this.
Terzo chuckled quietly, his lips still attached to your skin. He was moving to the other side now, repeating the same actions. „Do you really want me to stop?“ His face lingered against your skin, caressing it with his lips and tongue. „Say you want me to continue.“
„N.. no please stop.“ you stammered. Now was the time. You started to move against him, rolling your hips forward directly into his, the movement painfully slow.
Terzo groaned and his body froze for a split second. You had him where you wanted him.
Terzo ran up his hands over your hips, his voice becoming more and more seductive as he whispered to you, "Do you feel that?" He started nibbling your neck again, "Do you feel... how you want more? How you crave my lips against your neck?"
Terzo breathed softly against your ear, "You want me..." He moved his lips to your face, his words full of confidence and lust.
You pulled him closer to you, so his body was now pressed flush against yours. He took that as a sign and hummed, pushing your legs open with his knee, moving impossibly closer.
You waited patiently for the right moment to strike, craning your neck for him to get better access. He welcomed your action by attacking your skin, trailing hot kissed up and down until he reached the spot right under your earlobe. For a moment you relished in the feeling, but eventually you had to make your move. You suddenly grabbed his shoulders and spun him around, switching your positions, his back colliding with the wall. You pinned him down, grabbing his wrists so he wouldn‘t get out of your grasp too easily. „Okay Papa, enough of your teasing.“ You stared at him, face just a few centimeters away, waiting for his reaction.
Terzo gasped. „Oho Sorella..“ his deep voice echoed in the room as he grinned up at you, his pupils dilating, full of desire and lust. You had just triggered something in him. His eyes dipped down to your lips and he couldn‘t stop thinking how beautiful and lush they looked from up close.
„Well I‘m impressed.. I didn‘t think you would do such a bold move on me.“ He looked to your arms, pinning his wrists to the wall.
You mustered up your most seductive gaze and looked him straight in the eyes, mumbling to yourself. „Now where were we..“ your eyes wandered down on his body, pressing yours further into his as your face came closer to his neck this time. You started breathing heavily into his ear and your started grazing his skin with your lips and teeth softly, moaning quietly as you pressed soft, lingering kisses onto his flesh.
The man in front of you shivered, a mix of pleasure and anticipation building up in him. His eyes fluttered closed as he took a deep breath. „Ohh.. my.. Sorella..“ Terzo stammered out as your lips connected to his neck.
You worked your way down his neck until he bucked his hips forward. You smirked against his skin and started to lick that spot, softly nibbling and sucking on it.
He hissed „Uh yess..“ You looked up at him with your mouth still attached to his neck and he looked slightly vulnerable. It surprised you and deep inside of you something was coming undone. You sucked on the spot even harder making him slouch back into the wall. His breathing became labored and you knew you had to keep going.
„My neck.. is so sensitive..“ he muttered. „And you‘re so gentle sorella…“
Your hands started to roam over his slender body, while your mouth moved up to his jawline, kissing him gently. You made your way to his ear and whispered „Papa you‘re so kissable.. and so tasty.. I wonder how you really taste.“ you continued to nibble on his earlobe which earned you a throaty moan and a whispered „Cazzo“. You chuckled „Are you enjoying this Papa?“ you asked seductively, lifting his shirt up to feel the bare skin of his stomach. Your fingertips softly, ghosting over his soft flesh.
The man under your fingertips shivered as he answered you. „Oh yesss sorella..“ his voice trembled and his eyes were still closed. His breathing became more ragged and rapid with each passing second that you worked on him. „This is..“ he sounded completely lost in the moment right now. „..incredible Sorella… I want you. You‘re so good with your mouth.“ he moaned.
You nibbed on his skin more. „I am just returning the favor, Papa.“ you stated with a sultry voice.
Terzo bit his lip, stifling a moan as his breathing became more shallow. „You are going to be the death of me..“ he said, finally looking back at you and capturing your chin with his hand and pulling you closer to his face. In his eyes were blazing flames now you could see them burning hot for you. „Let me taste you Sorella..“ he nearly begged?? You were not sure if you heard correctly but he sounded quite desperate. Your plan was working out better than you expected.
You raised one eyebrow at him. „Papa I haven’t even started yet. You replied cockily. „Let me take care of you, yes? You deserve this. You deserve to feel good, ok Papa?“
To accentuate the point of your words you rolled your hips into his, you continued to rub up and against him with sensual moves as your lips latched back onto his neck. Terzo couldn‘t even answer he threw his head back against the wall with a thump and moaned out loud this time. You began to move faster against him and you could clearly feel his hard erection against your thigh now. You angled your body differently and rubbed the head of his cock against your throbbing core, a jolt of pleasure running through you and you couldn‘t hold back your own needy moan that escaped your own lips.
Your underwear was now drenched, you were certain and you yearned for more friction. Thank Satan that beside being worked up yourself you could still control yourself. It was all going to be worth it just to see his face after this.
Terzo apparently was doing much worse than you. He was completely lost in the feeling, his hands started to run down your body, every curve and bump he was grazing, until they found their way to your ass. He grabbed it and pressed you harder into his own hard cock, guiding your movements against him.
„Ahh Sorella.. what are you doing to me.. please don‘t stop.“ he moaned. You kept rubbing into him, feeling your own arousal leaking down your legs.
„Keep going…“ Terzo groaned, eyes never leaving yours. He couldn‘t believe how much pleasure he was experiencing with that many clothes still attached to your bodies. In fact he never experienced anything like this. It turned him on. A lot. For the first time ever he began to get worried he might come in his pants if you kept going like that.
„Tell me Sorella..“ he was breathing hard. „Do you want me?“, as the words left his lips, a small moan escaped him again.
You didn‘t answer him, just hummed against the crook of his neck. „I want many things Papa.“ you successfully evaded his question. „And I do need to get laid some time soon.“ you told him honestly. „But I don‘t know if you‘ll be the one for me.“ you still teased him.
„Tch..“ he sighed and ran his fingers through your hair. „Why do you have to be so cruel to me amore?“ „Sweet Satanas you're turning me on so much..“ his voice became more desperate. „Why won‘t you let me take care of you, mh? You can take care of your Papa after that?“ he suggested.
Your eyes found his mismatched ones. „Do you…“ you looked away shyly.. „Do you want to make me moan Papa?“ Your gaze coming back to his own. „Do you want me to moan for you? Do you want me to scream out your name?“ You rubbed your leg against the bulge between his legs, acting all innocent and cute for him.
He quivered under your touch, breathing in again. „Yess.. I.. I want to make you moan and scream. I want you to call for me as you come undone for me.“ he wrapped his loose arm around, his hand coming to rest on the small of your back, while the other continued kneading your ass. „I.. I want this, I want us.. I want you…Please…“ he pleaded breathlessly, in his eyes now a mixture between vulnerability and desire. An odd combination for someone as cocky and overconfident as he was.
You distanced yourself from him, laughing out loud, head rolling back. „Now look who is at my mercy now.“ Terzo whimpered at the loss and stared at you with big puppy dog eyes.
„Now you got a taste of your own medicine Papa. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. It will never happen again.“ you exclaimed proudly, smiling down at him. Terzo stood there dumbfounded, back still leaning against the wall, slightly slouched down. It was a sight to behold. You could tell he was lost. Lost for words and certainly lost for what to do now. Not even a frown was forming on his features.
„Now if you‘ll excuse me. I have work to finish. Have a good day Papa.“ as you started to walk away you suddenly remembered something and turned around. „Oh and uh should I send Sister Emma over? You know she might help you with your uh.. condition.“ you gestured to the very visible tent in his pants, winking.
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casualghostfan · 10 months
Poison, chapter 5
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A/N: Reyna, half ghoul and half human, has always stuck out like a sore thumb. But not to cardinal Terzo. But what changes when the cardinal is to become Papa? (Largely inspired by Poison by Alice Cooper)
Warnings: friends to enemies to lovers, fuff, angst, hurt/comfort, not beta-read (this is my first fic so feel free to suggest other warnings)
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Her mind was a fuzzy ball of tangled thoughts. The adrenaline rush gave way to exhaustion long before Terzo finished bandaging her up, but the distant sting of terror remained ingrained in her brain. When Reyna broke into the infirmary, she didn't expect anyone to discover her here, but as she felt two strong arms cradling her body, one of them slowly caressing her hair, she felt grateful. Even if it was Terzo, her sworn enemy.
Oh, how quickly she fell into her old habits. It was so simple, to be held like this by him, to be so close she could feel his warm breath on her skin. He still smelled of incense, just like he used to. If it wasn't for the events of this evening, she would have pulled back immediately. But right now, she couldn't muster a reason to do so. Not when she felt so safe there.
She felt his voice vibrating in his chest as he spoke. “Cara, are you sleeping?” She answered with a little shake of her head, though sleep was surely trying to take over her. She felt his warm fingers, now ungloved, softly trying to lift her chin up. A groan escaped her lips as she looked up at him, eyes half-closed already.
“You cannot stay here.” Reyna frowned. Was he trying to get rid of her? Was he annoyed? Maybe she reached the limit of his pity. She pulled back, feeling stung by his words.
“I'm sorry. I will go as soon as I clean this mess up,” she half-whispered with a raspy voice. Terzo just waved his hand as if trying to swat her words away.
“I will send someone to clean this up.” When he saw the worry in her eyes, he added: “Someone discreet.”
She sighed and tried to pull herself to stand. Her legs weren't exactly cooperating with her. They shook with exhaustion that settled itself deep in her very bones. Maybe crawling to bed would be better, since she felt like her knees would buckle any moment now. Terzo tutted disapprovingly.
“Do you truly think I would let you walk back to the den?”
“But you said-”
“I said you cannot stay here. But the den is out of question now. I didn't spend all this time bandaging you up just so you could get killed in your sleep.” The left corner of his lips tugged upwards.
“I don't want to sleep here in the infirmary, so the den- '' Reyna didn't get to finish her sentence as two warm hands found their way to her cheeks. Terzo lowered his face to her level, his eyes dark with something she couldn't quite put her finger on.
“Satanas, woman, I found you all bloody and frightened. Let me rephrase my previous question. Do you think I will let you out of my sight just like that?” he growled. Despite the anger in his voice, his hands remained soft. His thumb caressed her cheek lightly. “You are sleeping in my quarters tonight.”
She scrunched her eyebrows in an expression of refusal as she faintly recalled she should be upset at the man before her. “Absolutely not.”
“I wasn't asking.”
She tried to fish some argument out of her fuzzy brain, but before she could even say something, the floor was swept from under her feet as Terzo swiftly but carefully picked her up in his arms. Squirming a little, she demanded to be put down, but her request wasn’t met with any kind of answer. Terzo just kicked the infirmary door open as he began the walk to his quarters, the weed he was trying to steal from his brother long forgotten.
“I can walk, you know.”
“Dolcezza, I won't let you take even a single step. I was surprised you could even stay upright.”
She didn't have much to say to that as it was a surprise for her, too. They both remained quiet, his footsteps being the only thing heard in the silence of the dark hallway. The rhythmic sound and slight swaying motion of his arms as he took one step after another was beginning to lull her to sleep. She fought the urge for a moment, determined not to spend the night in the papal quarters, but the need to close her eyes was just too strong. 
“You are so demanding.”
“I know, dolcezza, but the devil doesn't bargain and neither do I.”
Reyna’s chest was rhythmically rising and falling as sleep overtook her. Terzo tried to step softly so he would not wake her, but also quickly so no one could see them together. The last thing he wanted was to try to explain why he was carrying the ghoulette into his quarters in the middle of the night. He wouldn't be able to lie his way out of this.
As he approached the door leading to his rooms, a shadowy figure stepped into the light. He recognized the person as one of his ghouls, Omega.
“I need you to clean up the infirmary. You will find a ghoulette mask - bring it to me.” Omega nodded and took a step, but Terzo stopped him. “Omega, you have seen nothing,” he warned. The ghoul’s eyes filled with understanding as he nodded and went on his way.
Terzo fumbled with the door, trying to get it open. Finally, he succeeded, but Reyna stirred in his arms and clung to him with her hand, her eyebrows furrowed with the disturbance. He kicked the door shut softly and made his way to his large bed. The ghoulette whimpered as he carefully placed her on the soft mattress. He caressed her cheek in an attempt to wake her from her deep slumber, but to no effect.
“Reyna, mia cara, we have to get you out of these dirty clothes,” he spoke softly, but she remained asleep. Terzo cursed under his breath. She would hate him in the morning for what he was about to do, but he couldn't let her sleep like this.
He began delicately trying to undress the woman, but given how skilled he usually was in this matter, he felt anxious. How will he manage to get her into something clean without waking you up? Thankfully, as he slipped down her pants, she seemed to rouse a bit. He decided to take advantage of the moment and quickly produced a clean shirt from his dresser.
“Dolcezza, do you think you could sit up a little? Just for a moment.”
She did so, though her mind and body remained hungry for more slumber. Terzo quickly pulled a clean shirt over her head as he supported her back with one hand. As soon as he was done, she fell into the pillows, wincing in her sleep as her injured shoulder met with the resistance.
Terzo sighed. He didn't let his thoughts wander where they pulled him. To scenarios where she would not escape her attacker. Where he would not find her. No, she was here and she was safe. And he would keep it that way.
He pulled a blanket over her, tucking her in. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. The urge to caress her, to kiss her was too strong, but he only allowed himself a kiss on her forehead. It didn't rouse her even a little bit. Swiftly, he pulled his own clothing off except for his underwear. He was too tired to try to find his pyjamas. As he grabbed a spare blanket and turned off the light, he made his way to the sofa. But as he settled into the pillows, a soft voice whispered across the room.
“Sì, cara?”
“I don't want to be alone.”
“You're not alone. I'm right here, dolcezza.”
“Can you… come here?”
He didn't say anything as he pondered. Maybe for a moment too long.
“I'm sorry. Good night.” Reyna said. Her voice quivered a bit. Was she crying?
If he wasn't already keen to accept her request, this made him decide. He stood up and the sound of his steps was the only thing disturbing the quiet darkness. The mattress bent under his weight as he laid down beside the ghoulette.
“You will hate me for this. And yourself, probably.”
“I know. But that is a problem for the morning.”
Terzo let out a sigh. “Vieni qui. I'll keep the nightmares at bay.”
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Okay, in the name of honesty, I’m sick with anxiety about it but I DID IT! I wrote chapter one of the fanfic that has been living in my head since I jumped on the Ghost train. Allow me to present to you:
EL TANGO DE DIABLO CHAPTER ONE: Fairies Wear Sneakers and You’ve Got to Believe Me
Length: 3,300 words // 7 pages
A large part of him demanded that he give up this entire chase, to remind himself that he could think like a rational person… but there was a small, whispering part of him that believed that if he returned him, he would be murdered. For what reason, he wasn’t sure, but something that he knew with absolutely certainty was that the whisper should not have existed. That if there wasn’t some air of truth to what the letter had detailed, he wouldn’t have felt so inclined to run off the way he had. There was something within him, within this situation that demanded him to listen to his instinctual nature that he often laid to the wayside as nothing more than abject paranoia. However, standing there in the wake of his cold-sweat realizations, he knew that he only had one option that resulted in a future with breath in his tired lungs. 
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
I'd give the last bits of my soul for more Terzo as a dad...
Any more snippets planned?
Hey there Anon!
I absolutely have some Terzo fics coming up!
I have been asked to complete my Monstrance Clock is Ticking one lol 😅 {let me know if that's something you guys are interested in}
I have some non-breeding/dad stuff for Terzo for a commission that is up coming....
But I think I can throw some more Terzo trying to make some babies stuff together...
(PM me if you have something specific in mind 😎)
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dontyoufeelitangel · 5 days
Hello Ghesties, Ghouls & Ghoulettes! Welcome to Angels run-down show-down, where I (Angel) do a run down of the Ghovie for all you lovely folk!!
Didn’t get the chance to see the Ghovie aka Rite Here Rite Now? Fear not for I am here! This post will contain a run-down of what happened during the Ghovie.
So this is your warning:
I will be breaking this down into separate parts:
Lore: contains all lore that was mentioned
Songs: songs that were played
And Theatrics: stage play and other attributes that happened.
Another fair warning: there is a possibility that not everything that happened in the movie is noted here, I may have forgotten some things!! But I will do my best to include everything🤍
Additional notes: many fans including me were worried that this project would be incredibly low quality due to the fact it’s a movie operated by a band. More so worried that the movie would be the same quality as the YouTube episodes. I can confirm that the camera quality for this movie is amazing. You can compare the filmography to Taylor swifts era tour movie. Each shot for rite here rite now is shot with a high-to-low speed motion camera. The audio quality is above and beyond, even nihils ghost is very detailed and realistic. Every film shot is synchronized with the songs and instruments (example: camera changes for each beat/camera focuses on certain ghouls for their assigned solo)
Story: the plot of the ghovie is a showcase of their Kia forum concert mixed with short lore scenes. Between every 2-3 songs there would be a scene of Copia running behind stage and talking with imperator and nihil OR getting dressed and ready for his next performance.
When he talked with imperator and nihil, he mostly talked to them about what would happen after the concert. Nihil and imperator told him numerous times that he was “focusing to much on the past and future instead of living in the moment, living right here, right now.”
Copia realizes this before he does his encore, so he goes out and does a great encore assuming he’ll soon die. After the encore and when the concert is finished, unfortunately imperator dies and gives a note to Copia.
The note states that he will not die, but rather be gifted a new higher status in the clergy. In which he’ll further be known as Frater (Latin for brother, which makes sense if we think about the title for sister imperator). And because there is no head for the ghost project they will bring in a new front man. The movie ends before the front man is revealed and we are left on a cliffhanger.
The lore for the ghovie is very similar and the same to what we already know! Not to much was revealed but here were the key points of what was mentioned:
⭐️the other brothers were not directly mentioned or shown on camera. The only references to the other emeritus brothers was the backdrop for the stage (stained glass windows portraying the previous brothers & nihil)
⭐️it was confirmed that Nihil was copias father and that during the kiss the go-goat music video sister imperator was pregnant with Copia.
⭐️Copia even acknowledges nihil as his dad, in one scene where he says “thanks dad”
⭐️sister imperator ends up passing at the end of the movie but becomes a spirit and is seen with the rest of the spirits (nihil and the twins, yes, the twins seem in the YouTube episodes apparently have died)
⭐️the ghouls were not to involved with the lore except for the fact they all surrounded imperators dead body when she passed. (Idk if this counts as lore but) the ghouls also talked in the movie, only for a small scene though. Bass ghoul (Rain) is the ghoul that talked.
⭐️nihil says that he produced three songs. The third song is the one we see during the credits. Song is : the future is a foreign land, as shown here:
The songs that played were the ones that were played at the Kia forum shows. Songs that where played included:
⚡️imperium (pre - opener)
⚡️Kaisarion (opener/curtain pull) (also if I remember correctly there was a short clip of a harp but I’m not sure if it was being played or not during that song.)
⚡️Cirice (he ciriced the camera making it look like he Ciriced us)
⚡️call me little sunshine
⚡️con clavi con dio
⚡️ watcher in the sky
⚡️ if you have ghosts (acoustic version with two cellos, violin & harp ghoulettes. As well as a background vocalist ghoulette who did absolutely amazing! Also papa gives a speech about how “everyone is important and that their presence at that concert was inspiring”)
⚡️ Twenties (body painted skeleton dancers came out and performed on stage, they did cartwheels, threw eachother around and even picked up cardi)
⚡️year zero
⚡️he is (I cried)
⚡️miasma (nihil told Copia that he didn’t want to die, but even when he did he was still happy because he got to perform and bring joy to people temporarily when they revived him. Nihil also told Copia to focus on the good in life)
⚡️Mary on a cross (animated in a scooby-doo style, where nihil chases around imperator as she fights him and runs away)
⚡️ mummy dust
⚡️respite on the spitalfields
⚡️ kiss the go-goat
⚡️dance macabre (skeleton dancers come out for a second time with silk fans)
⚡️square hammer
Some silly theatrics that happened include:
💙Copia huffing the gas from a whip-cream can before performing.
💙jumped in a storage transfer crate and had a whole convo with nihil.
💙has a the tour manager (Ashley) come out on stage and change his shoes for him.
💙only Copia can see the spirits of his family, so when he would talk to nihil or imperator, spectators around him would think he’s crazy and talking to himself.
💙many of the behind the scenes crew of the band were included in the movie such as : Ashley(tour manager), and many of the security guards & jesus( you know who lol)
💙remember when everyone was freaking out about the fact there’d be a blowjob reference? Yeah well there was no actual blow job scene, the warning for the blow job was for when Kyle aka Jesus came out and blew away the confetti.
💙there is also a scene at the end in which Copia is flying away from the concert (I guess that’s his preferred way of transportation lol??) he is flying in the hot air balloon we see in the cover for rite here rite now. He flies into space before falling, ouch!
💙during his flight there’s a montage of sister imperator being pregnant with him, during this montage we see twins. Twin babies, twin children. We are unsure if this is a reference to Tobias’s twins or if Copia has a twin.
If I forgot to add anything or got info wrong please feel free to leave a comment and I will correct myself as fast as possible!!
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Don’t you feel it Angel? I do⚡️
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novaiisk · 1 year
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🔆Terzo is safe in Omegas arms🔆
Everybody makes Terzo all depressed all the time so IM LETTING HIM BE HAPPY FOR ONCE ‼️‼️
[[ PRINT ]] [ part 2 ]
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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prob should've posted this with the last drawing but oh well. anyways SLIGHTLY SPICY BUT INTIMATE TERZOMEGA LETS GOOOOO!
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mardyart · 1 year
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papas are teaching italian to ghouls
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copias-juicebox · 10 months
yeah so what am i doing instead of writing on it‘s a sin i am 3000 words into a terzo one shot to get this penguin man out of my system. 💅🏻🫡
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casualghostfan · 11 months
Poison, chapter 1
This is my first fic on tumblr, so be patient with me, please. Also this is my first fiction after a long writer's block, so if you could hype me up a little, that would be very appreciated ♥ 
A/N: Reyna, half ghoul and half human, has always stuck out like a sore thumb. But not to cardinal Terzo. But what changes when the cardinal is to become Papa? (Largely inspired by Poison by Alice Cooper)
Warnings: friends to enemies to lovers, fuff, angst, hurt/no comfort, not beta-read (this is my first fic so feel free to suggest other warnings)
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The sun had barely begun to shine through the thick foliage behind her window, but Reyna was already up with a pen in her hand and a sketchbook in the other. She needed more time, she needed it to be perfect. There were only a couple of days left until the ascension and by that time, the facepaint for the new Papa had to be chosen. So she relentlessly dragged the pen on the paper, over and over again. Thank Satanas for her half-ghoul eyes. If she were human, it would still be too dark for her to see. Still, she had to squint a little bit. Her eyesight could not match that of a pureblood ghoul.
Reyna gave out a quiet sigh. Not good enough. Her eyesight or the sketch? Maybe both. Being a hybrid between a human and a ghoul, neither side had claimed her to be one of them. She herself was torn in between, not knowing if it would be better to fully accept her ghoulish side or to try to snuff it out completely. Deep down, she wanted it. To be completely human. Her eyes would be blue or green or brown, not unnaturally yellow and cat-like. Her canines wouldn't protrude so much, giving her a toothy smile resembling a shark. Her ears would be round and pretty, not slightly pointy. Her skin would have a pale greyish tint but it could be pink or brown or black, maybe she could even tan a little and would have to worry about the sun scorching her skin and covering it with blisters if she were not careful enough. At least she didn't have a tail. That way, she could at least pretend she had more in common with humans. And maybe that way she could stand by Terzo’s side without shame.
But she knew Terzo didn't mind her cat eyes or sharp teeth. Hell, he would even compliment her on them, saying how much he liked them. Piccola gattina, he would call her. Reyna pretended to hate the nickname, though it made her blush. No, cardinal Terzo didn't mind that his best friend was a half-ghoul. But it won't be long until he ascends. What about then? Cardinal Terzo didn't mind, but would Papa Emeritus Terzo be the same? Reyna could only hope so. But alas, he never gave her a reason not to trust him. So she bit her lip and concentrated once more on the paper in front of her, pouring all her love and faith for Terzo into the sketch.
When he asked her to design his papal paint, she couldn't believe it. “Terzo, I am no artist. What if it gets rejected? Don't you want a professional to do it?” she panicked a little bit, but the cardinal smiled and caressed her shoulder reassuringly. 
“Cara, there is no one better for the task than mia piccola gattina. You have been by my side since we were children. I want to bear the strokes of your hand on my face for the rest of my life. A constant reminder of someone I hold so dearly in my heart,” he pressed a chaste kiss on the back of her hand, which made her blush. Terzo was always a little flirty with everyone and it made more than one sibling of sin fawn over the young man, but lately he toned it down a lot. A rumour was spreading about the cardinal finally choosing a partner. But it was only a rumour, right?
So there she was, sketching day and night. She designed a few facepaints, not sure which one would Terzo like. Her room was filled with silent sounds of pen scratching against the paper, occasional huffs and puffs of frustration and very faint rustling of leaves in the wind outside the window. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. The sound tore right through the quiet room and left a faint ringing in Reyna’s ears. 
“Gattina, it’s me. I haven’t seen you at breakfast, so I brought you some.” 
Her lips stretched into a wide smile. Of course it was him. He would always take care of her. She shot out of her chair, stretching her limbs a little on her way to the door. Behind it stood Terzo, hair neatly slicked back as always, dressed in his black cassock with an inverted cross hanging from his neck. He would look very serious, if it wasn't for the huge grin on his lips. In his hand he held something that looked like some kind of a sweet pastry. She only hoped so as she snatched it from the cardinal’s hand.
“So, how is the designing process going? Did you make some progress?” Terzo asked as he plopped down on her still unmade bed. 
“Yes, quite a lot actually. I have a few suggestions for you.”
“Cara, I asked for one sketch. You didn't have to trouble yourself and make more.”
“Oh, don't worry, I only made a few,” she waved her hand dismissively and threw him the sketchbook. He caught it mid-air and began browsing through the pages. 
His eyes widened. “A few? This is almost full!” he exclaimed, but Reyna only shrugged her shoulders. He let out a sigh. “You know what? You show me your favourite. What do you think would best suit your soon-to-be Papa?”
Reyna thought very long and hard about it as she flicked through the pages. She didn't realise she was biting her lip until Terzo touched it. It was featherlight, only a brush of leather against her skin. 
“Don't do that, cara,” Terzo said in a voice so quiet it was but a whisper. His eyes shone with something Reyna couldn't quite put her finger on. Something dangerous, maybe. Something fun. But then, as if realising how close he got to her, he cleared his throat and pulled back his gloved hand. 
“So? What's your suggestion? You've been staring into that sketchbook for quite a while now.”
Reyna had to shake her head as if it could help with her scattered thoughts. Her lip still burned with the sudden touch of Terzo’s hand, but she tried not to think about it. She turned the pages a little more until she found what she was looking for.
“This one. I think this one would suit you the most.”
“This one? Isn't it a little bit scary, gattina?”
“Maybe a little bit, but it's also quite sexy, if you ask me.”
He hummed a little. “Sexy, you say? Don't you think I'm sexy enough?” 
She laughed. “Well, you know, you could always use a little help. Satanas knows those papal robes don't really add to the sexappeal.” 
“Oh, but you haven't even seen them, cara. I look spectacular. A true sight to sin.”
“Of course you do,” she rolled her eyes with a smile as she tore the page out of the sketchbook and pressed it into Terzo’s hand. “But still, I think this one is the best.”
“We’ll see what the Clergy thinks about it. I bet Sister Imperator already has a few ideas, but I promise I will try to convince her about it.” With a wink he stretched his hand for the sweet pastry still untouched in Reyna’s hand. She pulled back with a hiss which showed her pointy teeth.
“Don't you try to steal my food!”
“You didn't even touch it yet! Don't you think I deserve a treat for bringing you breakfast to bed?”
“Should have brought your own.” she growled and started to shove the pastry down her throat so quickly she almost choked on it. Terzo lunged at her, bringing her down onto the bed with him. But by that time, she had already stuffed all of the pastry into her mouth with only a piece sticking out of her lips. Terzo hovered above her, his chest suddenly rising and falling rapidly. Reyna could almost feel his heart beating like that of a race horse. His eyes shot down to her lips, then back up to her eyes.
“I think I should at least get a taste,” he whispered and lowered himself. His lips skimmed hers shortly as he took a bite. With closed eyes he moaned silently and she was glad he couldn't see her. Her greyish skin did nothing to hide her red cheeks.
He opened his eyes. “Strawberry jam? No wonder you didn't want to share.” He licked his lips slowly. “I would have absolutely devoured it.”
Could she be any more red? Reyna didn't think so. Terzo chuckled and the vibrating sound sent shivers down her spine. Suddenly, he pulled away and Reyna immediately found herself missing the heat of his body.
Terzo stood up and straightened his cassock. He looked once more at the sketch, then neatly folded it and stuffed it into his pocket. As he turned to leave, he looked over his shoulder.
“You're right, cara. Dangerous and sexy. That suits me the best.”
Reyna couldn't help it. She replayed the events of this morning in her head over and over again until her smile couldn't get any wider. She even left her canines poking out of her mouth a little, something she meticulously tried to always hide when she was in public. Today, she had been assigned to work in the garden, something she truly despised and not only because of the sun nipping at her nape constantly. But right now, the garden work didn't seem that bad.
The siblings of sin gathered before Primo. Once the chatter settled, he started giving out tasks, reading the names from a paper in his hand.
“Reyna - weeding.”
She nodded. Primo waited for her usual eyeroll or a deep sigh, but it never came. He thought it strange, but did not comment on it.
The weeding did dampen her mood a little bit. Reyna hated how messy it was, how the gloves felt against her hand, but going gloveless meant dirt behind her nails that she would then later have to scrub out. So she stuck with the gloves. The sun didn't have much strength to its rays given it was only the middle of spring, but Reyna was glad for her long sleeved shirt and the sunhat she decided to wear. Direct sunlight was always a pain for her.
She finished weeding one large flower bed and stood up, stretching a little. Maybe it was time for a little break? Sure, she must have been working for hours by now. She decided to seek shelter under the large willow tree. Her and Terzo always favoured that place and frequently hung out there. But as she was about to turn the corner, she heard voices. One, she was very familiar with. The other, however, she was not.
The male voice sounded flirtatious, as always. The female one giggled. Then there was a suspicious silence. Reyna decided to take a peek. But right as she did, she suddenly wished she would have just left, that she wouldn't be so stupid and nosy and just found another place to rest. Because underneath that willow tree she spotted Terzo with another sister of sin. She was sprawled across his lap, kissing him and he… Oh, Satanas, he was kissing her back.
Reyna’s whole world began to spin fast. Nausea overcame her. She stumbled and it must have made a sound, because the kissing couple suddenly turned their attention to her.
“I'm sorry. I- I'll just go,” she mumbled and turned around. Her feet began walking fast through the weaving paths of the garden. Everything around her was a blur. Maybe because of the spinning sensation that still lingered, but Reyna suspected it had something to do with the tears that stung her eyes.
She felt a large hand on her shoulder halting her escape. “Reyna,” pleaded the voice. “Turn around.”
She shook her head. Reyna. Not cara, not gattina, just Reyna. 
“Please. I feel like we need to talk.”
“What is there to talk about?” she uttered through gritted teeth, but still didn't turn around. If she would have, the dam would release all of the stinging tears it held right now.
“I have heard that you have a partner now. I just thought… Well, you could have at least told me!”
“Her? Oh no, she's not my partner. No. Why would you think that?”
She turned around with anger overcoming her. “I have a better question. Why would you give me false hope? Why would you behave like that around me, getting under my skin, only to throw it away with the nearest sibling of sin who lifts their habit to you?” she hissed, canines ready to tear through his neck.
“False hope? Reyna, there was never any hope at all. Don't you get it?” His face contorted into an expression of disgust. “You're a ghoul.”
The way he said the last word felt like her heart shattering into millions of pieces. Reyna could feel them scratching at her chest cavity. She was sure that if she looked down on her shirt, there would be bloodstains there.
“I thought you didn't mind. You never did,” she whispered.
Terzo ran a hand through his hair, ruffling it a little bit. Reyna always liked it that way, but right now, she couldn't even look at him. Not when her heart, no, her whole world was shattering into pieces.
“Reyna, you do not belong. You never did. Not with ghouls and certainly not with people. How could you think for one second that you were fitting to be by Papa’s side?”
There was static ringing in her ears as the dam spilled all of the tears it was holding back. “But… The paint… I don't understand,” she whispered in a broken voice.
“A goodbye. Sort of.” Terzo shrugged his shoulders. It seemed like this wasn't a big deal for him. Of course. He would be Papa in a few days. Being seen in public with a ghoul, even as friends, would be scandalous. It could stain his whole career.
Reyna couldn't look at him anymore. “You don't mean that, Terzo. I know you don't,” she wept.
He lifted her chin with his thumb, but it wasn't that gentle caressing touch she was used to. This was harsh and hurt a bit, as he dug his fingers into her skin. “Yes. I do. Every. Single. Word.”
Reyna’s heart could take it anymore. She turned around and ran, running fast and far. Her lungs burned with tears and lack of oxygen, but it was nothing compared to the pain she felt in her heart. To the shame. He was right. How could she think there was ever anything between them?
Five days later, the ministry was buzzing with preparations. Today, the cardinal would become the Papa. Everything needed to be perfect. And it would be, sister Imperator would take care of it.
Reyna didn't go to the ceremony. She fell very sick with some stomach bug and she didn't want anyone to catch it, too. At least that's what she told everyone. But there was one person that knew the truth.
Terzo stepped out to the platform in his papal robes, face still unpainted. His mismatched eyes searched the crowd beneath him, but did not find what they were looking for.
“Cardinal?” uttered sister Imperator through gritted teeth. He didn't even realise she finished with her speech. He cleared his throat and recited the verse he was supposed to, swearing himself to the eternal service of the One bellow. And as two sisters of sin approached him with black and white paint, he closed his eyes and pretended that different fingers were painting his face. 
That night, neither Reyna, nor Terzo slept. They were both thinking.
She had heard he wore the paint she designed. Good. It suited him. He was dangerous.
He had heard she fell ill, but he also knew that was a lie. It pained him, but it was for the best. That way, she was out of Clergy’s watchful eyes. That way, she was safe.
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This is my promise to me that I'm finally going to start writing this fic I've been planning... especially now that I no longer feel like I'm dying. It's been living in my head rent free and it either needs to pay up or get out 🥰 (Melancholy Addams, 2022)
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anamelessfool · 4 months
How about little Terzo showing off a really cool rock he found??
I went a LIL overboard with this one but I'm feeling pretty good today. Check out my relevant fics under each comic!
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I have no idea why these are blurry but oh well FREE ART ON DEMAND take it or leave it
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My fic "Maestro" with 16 year old BOY WIZARD Secondo & 11 Year old FREE RANGE CHILD Terzo (Ao3 Link, Gen)
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My fic Ribbons & Ties Domestic Fluff(ish) Terzo x Omega (AO3, T)
I have seen everyone's requests and I will go thru them as I can. Also, I have the right to not do what I don't want to do.
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angellayercake · 3 months
How about a spicy prompt?? Terzo realizing the reader really likes his hands (tends to stare at them a little too long as he does random tasks, things like that). Take this in whatever direction you see fit. Thanks!
Oh you did it anon! You finally got me to write something about THE GLOVES!!! They make me crazy insane and I probably think about them far more than what is normal but there we go 🙃
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Terzo x GN Reader | NSFW | 1200 words
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
You twitch every time a sharp nail comes in contact with the desk. It’s not even the noise that is driving you to distraction. It is those damn gloves. And, well the hands that are wearing them. And by default the infuriating man to whom they belong. 
Why it was decided he needed to wear his full vestments for this particular meeting you do not know but in your mind at least you violently curse the person who insisted on it. It would be a lie to say that you didn't find him distracting on the best of days being so well acquainted with the capabilities of his dexterous fingers but there really is something about those particular gloves that melts your brain among other less appropriate parts of your anatomy. 
Usually it is manageable. Rarely does he wear them and even then you are only cursed with a glimpse from a distance, barely catching the sharp glint of nails and certainly not able to hear the quiet creak of the leather every time he gestures. Which damn his dramatic Italian ass is everytime he speaks.
 At Mass you fight to keep your thoughts on his words as much as you can. Rituals are so full of spectacle and performance it's easy to break your fixation. And official events are usually so stressful you don't have a thought to spare.
But today you are not so lucky. To call this meeting tedious would be under selling the situation greatly. You can't even remember what is about now, which is especially bad for you considering you are supposed to be note-taking. The visiting Cardinals had insisted on meeting with all the Higher Clergy to tell them something they deemed very important but that was proving very dull for almost everyone else. 
Sister Imperator has the appearance of listening attentively but you can see the glaze over her eyes, probably thinking of all the other actually important things she could be doing with this time. To her right Cardinal Copia sits in a similar position to you, notebook and pen in hand, yet every minute or so his grip loosens as his eyelids droop and it's only the dropping of his chin or the pen about to fall from his hand that jolts him back to wakefulness. To her left, Papa Nihil has given up all pretence of paying attention, slouching back in his chair and snoring quietly. 
And then there was Papa. Your Papa. Initially he had tried to engage the visitors with his usual charm but even he had not proved a match for their dreary topics of conversation. So he had taken to torturing you instead. Ever the attentive man he had cottoned on quickly to the way your gaze was drawn to his hands with every flick of his wrist and now seemed to be doing his damnedest to keep them centre of your attention. Which was hardly a challenge. 
Every time he flexes his fingers you watch the leather strain to accommodate the movement of his impatient tapping. They are so tight they fit like, well, a glove, but more indecent somehow. The skin tight leather and the glinting pointed tips elongating his fingers perversely until all you can think about is the way they would feel against your skin. The cool sharp scratch followed by the soothing soft warmth. He likes to tease, to push you to your limits and then further still until all you can think about is him so you can easily imagine how he would start. Seemingly innocuous touches as he slowly peeled away your clothes only to reveal how much the barest touches of his gloved fingers had ruined you.
Suddenly he flattens his hands on his desk in irritation, interrupting the drone of a Cardinal with an angry interjection but after a moment's shock you drown out their bickering taking the opportunity to admire the gloves openly displayed as they are. Careful lines of stitches fan from his wrist, the deliberate placement helping achieve the perfectly tight fit. You had watched him pull them on once, easing them over his hands and struggling to slide down the zip which follows the curve of his thumb and keeps them in place. Clearly still incensed by whatever they are discussing he gestures towards one of them palms up so you can follow the seam across his palm allowing for the movement of his thumbs. 
As precisely as it is sewn you can only imagine how it might catch your pebbled nipple if he were to palm at the curve of your chest as he explored you. Your skin could be left a criss cross of scratch marks as his large hands covered the planes of your body varying the pressure as a threat of something more, the possibility of him breaking your skin ever present. Perhaps they aren’t so sharp as that but a part of you wishes they were as you allow yourself to think about them sliding between your legs.
His finger tips would trace you meticulously, one wrong move and he could damage you severely, but isn’t that a large part of the reason you find yourself so drawn to them. The anticipation tinged with dread of the sharp sting of his claws only building the warm pleasure you feel. And for him, hopefully the power you would allow him to hold over you would only make him want you more, making the necessity of his slow, precise movements even more frustrating for the two of you. 
You realise somewhat detachedly that your pleasure would likely ruin his beautiful gloves. They are such an important part of his image, his costume that marks him as the dark and powerful leader but even then you think you would have no regrets. Not when you would feel the metallic nails grow warm against you or the leather slipping smooth with barely there friction due to your arousal. Perhaps they would survive, stained with the evidence of their effect on you, the scent of you lingering on his fingertips as a reminder of your sweet lustful sin.      
Sister Imperator stands, and everyone else follows her lead, signalling the end of this meeting and breaking your reverie. You risk a glance at Papa, daring to catch his eyes and he knows, he always knows when your thoughts have strayed to the sinful. It is impossible to look away from his smug expression even as his gaze drops down your body knowingly. Slowly, deliberately returning his eyes to yours he beckons you towards him. One long finger curling deliberately pulling you towards him, as inevitable as gravity. Until Cardinal Copia interrupts your line of sight and prevents you from stepping into his orbit. You are needed, urgently for some other pointless duty, the realisation that your fantasy is no longer about to come to fruition dousing your lust as if cold water was cascading down your body.    
Papa’s displeasure flits over his face before his expression shutters and he is back to business even as you are steered out of the room by the Cardinal. You spare him one last look and you can only hope the flash in his eyes and the quirk of his lips are a promise that if not now you will be his again as soon as he can get his hands on you. 
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leezlelatch · 11 months
What I Was Made For
Terzo x F! Reader - Comfort, skin to skin, love confessions. Sometimes you just need your Papa.
Terzo’s chasuble falls off his body in a rush of satin, pooling at his feet. His gloves come off in equal measure, tossed to the floor carelessly. He removes each layer of clothing with hurried hands, stopping only when he’s standing before you in nothing but his underwear. He slides into the seat next to you, his arms wrapping around your waist in a firm grip as he drags you across the leather couch. You don’t say anything as his hands lift your shirt and usher you out of your leggings, joining them in a heap on the floor next to his papal vestments. 
“Terzo,” you finally break, your voice small, and he shushes you. A long finger slides beneath your chin, tilting your head up to meet his gaze. His eyes are warm, even the white one like liquid as he regards you with a concerned and adoring smile. 
“I am here, piccolina,” he whispers, bringing your hands flat against the expanse of his chest to feel his heart beat steadily against your palms. “Do you feel me? I am here. I am here with you.” He continues to murmur this as he pulls you into a more comfortable position, cradling your head lovingly into the juncture of his neck as he reclines on the couch. “Feel my skin against yours. And breathe, mio dolce amore.”
You close your eyes and take a deep breath. He smells like caramel. He smells like your favorite candle. He smells like a warm pie baked in the chill of fall. He smells like home. You turn your nose into his skin and nuzzle against it, and Terzo almost coos, a sweet noise leaving his lips followed by a small chuckle. A chuckle of near disbelief as he pulls you closer. 
“Ah, what you do to me, eh? Make your Papa such a mess! I thought that was my job,” he squeezes you to him for a moment. “I will have to try harder, si?” He’s smiling, a contentment to his voice that you don’t think you have ever heard before. 
“You fluster me,” you murmur into his skin.
“Hmm? What was that?” He teases. “Speak up. Your Papa has a hard time hearing over his bravado, you see.” That makes you laugh, your body shaking on top of his. Terzo laughs with you, deep and joyful, and relieved. “There you are. Come along now, dolce.”
“I said, ‘you fluster me’,” you say a little louder, turning to hide your burning cheeks in the crook of his neck. You feel the brush of his lips upon your forehead and you grow quiet, sucking in a short and shaky breath. 
“Thank Satan,” he whispers, lips fluttering against your skin. “I was worried you were falling too close to the edge, and I could not catch you. My only choice, you see, is to fall with you.”
“I don’t want you to fall, Terzo,” your voice is quiet, sad. Your fingers draw through his chest hair, expression thoughtful as you rest skin to skin against him. His fingers copy your movements through your hair, his right hand sliding down to glide a gentle thumb across your cheek. 
“But that is the beauty of our love, is it not? We are clumsy together. We fall. And then we kiss each other’s bruises. They hurt a little less each day. Turn from black to yellow. And then they’re gone. Perhaps we shall look back on them, but they won’t hurt anymore. We will just remember the kiss,” his accented voice, melodic and warm, washes over you like a blanket. 
You start to sit up, Terzo following you, his fingers grasping at your skin. He is nearly desperate for you to understand. To help you through whatever melancholy is stuck to your precious heart. There are many things Terzo would admit to failing at in his lifetime. This would not be one of them. 
“Let me kiss them, amore. Please,” he begs softly, hands at your waist, massaging the soft skin there. “With you is where I am safest. Let me be safe for you.” 
The face of the former antipope in front of you is bare of makeup, his brow furrowed, the divot between his brows deepening every day. Crow's feet stretch from the outer corner of his eyes, marking a path of laughter across his face. Silver cuts through dyed black hair. He is the most beautiful man that you have ever seen. 
“I love you,” you tell him. Honest and hopeful and raw.
Terzo hands are on you, pulling you firmly back into his lap, wrapping arms and legs around you until any outside viewer wouldn’t know where you ended and he began. He’s heaving great breaths, bordering on a sob as he holds you so tightly against his flesh. 
“I love you. I love you. Satana, grazie per questa benedizione. Grazie, grazie,” he whispers fervently, pressing kiss after kiss against your temple, your cheeks, any inch of you he can reach. It has you giggling, and then he laughs too, and you’re both smiling so hard your cheeks hurt. 
“I don’t even remember what I was sad about,” you finally say, looking into his eyes, your lips mere inches of his. Terzo smiles, softer now, sweeter. 
“Exactly,” he whispers.
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kabukiaku · 1 year
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Commission for @anamelessfool of a scene with Nihil and his boys for their upcoming fic!! Thank you so much for commissioning me, I love your writing so much <3!!
bonus terzo sketches just for you. ;)
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your headcanon on the infernal eye--OOOh man so GOOD.
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Dream Come True
Terzo x Reader
Just some late night inappropriate pillow talk between Terzo and his latest partner.
I've been really enjoying doing these drabbles when they pop in my head! It's something I've never really done before, and it fills in the spaces between bigger fics.
CW: pillow talk, mentions of anal, implications of threesome, somehow kinda fluffy kinda steamy
Word Count: 400
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"I swear that woman is constantly up my ass," Terzo groans, complaining once again about Sister Imperator, "and not in the good way..." He smirks jokingly.
You'd only been seeing him for a little while, surely just one in a long line of partners. "Papa..." you giggle, hiding your face in your hands.
"What is it, Sorella?" He can't help but grin as he wraps his arm lazily around your waist, your smile is too infectious.
"I just..." you raise your eyebrows, looking between him and the sheets you lay on, "I didn't know you liked that." Another fit of giggles, nervous this time.
"You didn't know I liked what?" His chuckle rumbles right next to your ear as he presses a few sloppy kisses to your neck.
"You know..." you go silent as his eyes fall on yours once again. He simply quirks an eyebrow, curious of your response. It comes out practically in a whisper, "Receiving."
He huffs a laugh out of his nose, "Receiving, eh?" He has that playful glint in his eye, "Does this mean you are doing the giving?"
You flush a deep red, hiding your face against his bare chest.
"Tell me, dolcezza..." he starts in a dramatic tone, "Do you think of your Papa all spread out, face down in the mattress?"
He's just saying anything to affect you at this point, you can't help the fit of laughter coming out of you. Finally when you calm down, he has one more question to ask, "Do you want to give it to me?" His voice murmurs low, like sweet nothings between lovers should: half serious, but light-hearted.
"Well," you break eye contact again, "Not exactly."
His confused expression brings another smile to your face. "Then why bring this up, Sorella, if you do not intend to... follow through?"
"Because I think it would be sexy to 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩."
𝘖𝘩. It dawns on him.
"I did not know you were a voyeur, amante mia! How very spicy of you," he nuzzles into your neck again, planting smooches across your skin.
"I'm not! I mean-" you push him lightly to get a little space between your bodies, "I can't just sit by and watch. I would still wanna touch you." Terzo raises his eyebrows. You lean up to his ear to continue, "I might even want you to fuck me while it's happening."
"𝘖𝘩, 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦... What a dream come true. What other ideas will that brilliant mind of yours come up with?" He kisses you on the forehead, "In fact, I know the perfect ghoul to help make our dreams a reality..."
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