#tess ward
verakonas · 7 days
happiest of birthdays to ella purnell!!!
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victoriadallonfan · 1 year
I’m tired of lying to myself.
Tired of going along with the crowd just because it seemed like the right thing to do
I am TIRED of having to smile and nod whenever people bring it up.
I’m sorry if this causes people on tumblr to block me, but I need to say it.
We lied to ourselves because we want that Virtual Cyber Reptile Waifu.
But she’s lacking
If you’re tired of lying and being lied to, stand with me Tumblr. Stand with me!
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lexkent · 23 days
Why Lionel Luthor is the True Villain of Smallville:
Threatened to expose Clark's fake adoption records unless Jonathan Kent persuaded Pete Ross’s family to sell their factory to him.
Kidnapped Clark and put him in a vat of kryptonite solution to be studied in an attempt to discover his secrets.
Kept Clark trapped in a cage made of kryptonite in a separate incident.
Impregnated his dying wife's nurse while he was in a position of power over her as her boss, denied he was responsible, and had her locked away in a psychiatric ward for 7 years after taking her baby away from her. Lionel insured the child, Lucas, remained in poverty in the foster care system and prevented him from ever being adopted.
Forced the second woman he impregnated while married to Lillian, while in a position of power over her as her boss, to give their child to an orphanage where she was tortured. He soon found another home for Tess where she grew up in poverty and extreme physical abuse.
Forced his wife to have another baby despite her objections and was then dismissive of her postpartum depression. "I told you I didn't want any more children. I see how you treat Alexander, chipping away at his spirit."
Found a child, Davis Bloome, in a cornfield and believing him to be The Traveler, ran experiments on the boy until he realized he wasn't who he wanted and proceeded to dump him off alone on a dark Metropolis street.
Created a clone from a dead little girl, Emily Dinsmore, and locked her away in a lab, refusing to let her father ever see her again. "You can't take her away from me. She's my daughter." "She's the property of Luthorcorp."
Was such a terrible father to Lex that Lillian Luthor killed her infant son to spare him from the cruel and twisted parenting Lex endured from Lionel. Was such a horrible husband to Lillan that Lex took the blame for his baby brother's death knowing Lionel would have murdered her in retaliation.
Lied and told Lex that Lucas died in infancy, like Julian, knowing how much it would hurt Lex to hear.
Paid someone to kill Lucas once he became a potential threat to his power. Clark stopped the bullets, and Lionel had the shooter killed in police custody before he could talk.
Forced Lex's mother figure, Pamela Jenkins, out of Lex's life following the death of Lex's mother because he didn't want her to make Lex soft. Convinced Lex that Pamela never loved him and was only ever interested in their money. 
Blew up Chloe and Gabe Sullivan's safehouse in an attempt to kill them and prevent her from testifying against him at his murder trial. Hired a mutant hitman to kidnap and kill Chloe after she escaped the explosion.
Had Oliver Queen's parents killed in a plane crash leaving him orphaned at the age of 5.
Ordered the murder of Andrea Rojas’s mother who was an activist who worked for an organization that fought back against gangs, dealers, and large business corporations. In addition to losing her mother, Andrea was stabbed in the heart during the attack.
Resurrected a teenager, Adam Knight, to get close to Lana Lang and spy on Clark Kent. When Adam failed to retrieve useful information, Lionel refused to give him any more of the serum he required to stay live. As a result, Adam suffered immensely before dying of organ failure.
Resurrected Vince Davis who lived for a short, painful period of time before his body deteriorated without access to Lionel's serum.
Poisoned Lex with a lethal dosage that would've killed 99.9% of people.
Told Lex he loved him in prison only to persuade him into accepting his hand so he could use a Kryptonian stone to body swap them, leaving Lex to rot and die in prison in his place while Lionel escaped with Lex's body. Instead, Clark intervened and Lionel escaped inside of Clark's body, leaving Clark trapped to die in prison. Shortly after the bodyswap occured, Lionel looked down the front inside of his(Clark's) waistband while smiling to himself. While in Clark Kent's body, Lionel initiated a hug with Martha Kent where he was turned on to the point of shooting heat vision from his eyes. Lionel-in-Clark's body flirted with Chloe, a teenager, and was centimeters away from kissing her. And when Lionel-in-Clark's body encountered Lana, a teenager, he said to her, "A man would travel around the world to pluck your succulent fruit," and forced a kiss onto her, smiling to himself after she slapped him and ran away. Lionel proceeded to attack Lex, choking him, slamming his head against a desk, and demanding 57 million dollars using Clark's super strength. He then went to the Kent Farm and threw Jonathan across the room into the kitchen cabinets. Lionel told Clark he would murder Lex if he didn't cooperate with his demands.
Pretended to be blind. "Playing the handicapped card is low, even for you." "But I was able to see more clearly than ever. It's amazing what people try and get away with right in front of your eyes when they think you can't see."
Fired 2,500 Smallville citizens to force his son back under his control. When Lex attempted to organize an employee buyout of the factory, Lionel bought the Smallville Savings and Loan and threatened to foreclose on every employee's mortgage. When Lex continued to organize and fight to save everyone's jobs, Lionel threatened, "I'll bury you and everyone in Smallville who takes your side."
Blackmailed Smallville sheriff Ethan Millar into digging up dirt on every Lexcorp shareholder(Smallville factory workers), so Lionel could blackmail each one into selling their shares to him in order to take over Lex's fledgling company. In addition, Lionel threatened to expose the sheriff if he didn't do him various favors.
Once again tried blackmailing Jonathan Kent leading to a physical altercation between the two. Lionel fled the scene as Jonathan suffered a fatal heart attack.
Installed hidden cameras and microphones throughout Lex's office, so he could sabotage him and steal his business deals.
Took over Lex's company, which Lex had invested everything he had into, leaving him with nothing and immediately kicking him out of his home.
Insisted an ill-advised, life-threatening surgery be performed on Lex after he had been shot and wasn't stable enough for further surgery, making it clear he'd prefer a dead son over a physically disabled one.
Set Lex up for the murders of Dr. Teng and her entire team at Metron Labs after Lex refused to work for him.
Had sex with Lex's lover, Victoria Hardwick, while they were still sleeping together. 
Hired Dr. Helen Bryce to seduce and spy on Lex for him. Helen later attempted to murder Lex on their honeymoon.
Gave Martha Kent a watch engraved, "To Martha, with deep affection. L.L." while she was his employee and happily married to Jonathan Kent.
Refused to come clean about his past sexual involvement with Rachel Dunleavy and the existence of their son, Lucas, despite Lex being held hostage and his survival depending on Lionel telling the truth.
Refused to come clean about Level 3 when it would have saved the lives of a group of teenagers and his own son. 
Ignored and denied any care to his employee, Earl Jenkins, who was poisoned by kryptonite on the job which led to uncontrollable, dangerous seizures.
Created a deadly fear toxin for the military that leaked into Smallville.
Drugged, gaslit, attacked, and framed his son, orchestrating a scenario where everyone would believe Lex to be crazy after Lex discovered Lionel had his parents murdered for insurance money. Lionel had Lex committed to Belle Reve Sanitarium where he had Lex further drugged and put through electroshock therapy, forcing 600 volts of electricity through Lex's brain. When the doctor insisted they pause the procedure for Lex's safety, Lionel ignored the warning and demanded they continue. This brain frying could have easily destroyed Lex's mind, as it did for others who endured it, and ultimately wiped away months of Lex's memories, allowing Lionel to be off the hook for his parent's murders. Everyone involved in Lionel's plot, all loose ends, met untimely deaths.
Threatened, manipulated, controlled, hyper criticized, denied affection, and lied to Lex constantly. Lionel mentally, emotionally, and physically abused his child throughout his entire life, raising him to become a monster and then denying any accountability for what Lex became in the end.
This list is far from complete, so feel free to add more!
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murmiss · 6 months
Living with a monster guy.
(inspired by the anime 'Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou')
Pairing: TF141/you, maybe Kortac/you.
Warning: Possible mistakes in words,OOC,This is all purely my personal vision of the characters.I will not say that this is a full-fledged fanfiction, more a sketch of the idea.
summary:Hybrids and humans began to live in peace and harmoniously. You're just a girl with a damn lonely and boring life, but your friend, the head of the interspecies exchange department, decided to add a little tin to your life..
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A few years ago, a great secret was revealed to the world: the existence of hybrid creatures is real. Lamias, Harpies, and even fairy, mermaids were no longer myths and legends, but became common creatures for mankind. Now, going to the store, you can meet not only the neighbor's grandmother or a former classmate, but also a beautiful fairy choosing a herbaceous tincture with the aroma of roses, or maybe a centaur occupying the grocery department, with a grocery basket in her hands. So, hybrids have tightly integrated into our ordinary life, have become friends, colleagues, and even defenders. Defenders? You may ask. That's right, hybrids have obvious advantages over humans:speed, high jump, flight, fire breathing-and these and many other abilities were used in the army, the police, even in volunteering! Werewolves are good at finding people under rubble, they are strong and have an amazing nose that can smell the target they need for several kilometers.
There were also special groups created from hybrids with exceptional outstanding combat skills. One of them was the Task force 141, the most famous group in narrow circles.It will be discussed.
-Tess, you have no idea how lonely it can be, Girly...- you mumbled to the blonde sitting next to you. Tess Oskott is one of the employees of the interspecies exchange organization. This organization is responsible for ensuring that some types of hybrids (and, concurrently, almost all) have at least one owner who would monitor the well-being of his ward and ensure compliance with all the rules.
-And what about Cullen?-Tess asked with a chuckle, leaning back on the bar stool.
- Cullen? I've never seen worse assholes in my life!- you hiccuped, complaining in a genuinely indignant voice about your recent beau.- He talks for fifty minutes about his wonderful work, then made me pay the entire bill and asked me more "Let's go to you or to me?"
-Oh, it sucks -a friend laughed in response, smiling significantly, looking in your direction.
- I know how to help you, dear-Tess's self-confident smile did not mean anything good, for sure not for you.
- No zombie hybrids!- you moaned, getting to your feet and not taking your eyes off this cunning fox. Tess was up to something, but fatigue weighed on your shoulders, forcing you to run away as quickly as possible.After a short chat, you and Tess parted, she went to the office, and you went home.
Opening the door of your small house, you stumbled inside and kicked off your heels at the entrance, staggered up the stairs, opening the first door and casually throwing off your bag by the bed, plopped into the arms of soft and much-desired furniture.Sleep enveloped you almost instantly, taking you somewhere on a fabulous journey through the beautiful open spaces. You're riding a horse across wide fields, the wind is in your hair, and the horse is neighing and saying, "Pretty girl, wake up." You smile weakly, but at the same second it dawned on you: is the horse talking??! And as if at the behest of that bad man, you open your eyes, wanting to look into the eyes of this shameless intruder of your sweet dream. Next to the bed, Tess was leaning over, dressed in her strict black suit, holding a folder of documents in her hands. Workers walked nearby and dragged some furniture into the house. You jump to your feet and let out a cry of incomprehension.
-What the fuck, Tess!?
-calmly, sleeping beauty, I fulfill your wish, then you'll thank me again -the woman winked and immediately turned on the boss mode, rushed towards one of the rooms, saying in a growling bass voice, "I said the bathroom needs to be expanded! We are also expanding the doorways"
- What?? Do you mean to expand the bathroom?- you rush towards your cozy shower room and see a completely dismantled room. A disappointed groan escapes from your lips when you say "Fuck" in a smacky and disappointed way
Before you know it, workers are turning your house upside down, spoiling all the comfort...
"So, miss, you are participating in the 'hybrid exchange' program, your house has been improved in order to create more favorable living conditions for hybrids."
-What the fuck is so official, Tess? In the sense of hydrides?
"Shh, listen further. You have been honored to become the host for an elite group of handsome men, that is, hybrids.".
-What do you mean?-You asked, raising one eyebrow, but the creatures that suddenly appeared in front of you threw away all questions.
A man of large build, tall, with particularly strong-looking hands came into the house. With your eyes, you unconsciously traced every curve of his muscles hidden under his T-shirt, almost drooling. A black T-shirt with a print of some kind of rocker band, gray skinny jeans and sneakers - a simple image that fit him wonderfully.. Oh, a face with rough features, a scar above the left eye, gray eyes with a blue tint, stubble, thick eyebrows, a mohawk, and that self-confident smile! Tess definitely wants you dead, because this man was definitely hot.A light dreamy sigh escapes from your lips as you shamelessly examine the man in front of you. Tess nudges you in the side, whispering in your ear with a smile.
-Wait, it's too early to melt into a puddle, that's not all
When you hear a quiet hiss, you abruptly turn your gaze to the front door, quietly buncha crawled into the house. Stop.. Crawled in? Oh no.. You see Lamia crawling into your house, cursing at the narrow passages and the cold floor along the way, squinting in your direction in disbelief. Following the Lamia came, or rather, flew, a Harpy- a man with dark skin, a charming smile and the purest plumage. Well, in the end, with a slight alarm, a man with dragon wings came in, he turned from side to side, trying to get comfortable, and accidentally flicking a flower vase with his wings.. Your favorite one! You let out a plaintive moan, but while doing the inhale-exhale-inhale exercise, you managed to squeeze out a smile.
-Umm... oh.. uh.. Hi?- you say uncertainly, greeting them. The man with the wolf ears and tail smiled again, showing his sharp teeth and confidently saying, "Oh shit, Gas, I won. Our hostess is charming."
Charming? Damn, after the bar, you didn't even bother to wipe off your makeup, let alone change your clothes, and this dude is telling you that you're "cute"? It all looks like a dream or a violent comedy, and the director of photography here is Tess. The woman, noticing your bewilderment, patted you on the shoulder and threw something simple like "we'll call you later", busily left the house.
So you were left alone with four hybrids, not knowing what to do.
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Breaking Up Slowly: Chapter One
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pairing: joel miller x f!reader
rating: M (breakups, angst, mentions of death/loss, love triangle sort of (tess is dead in this but still), closed off!joel)
word count: 2.8k
series masterlist
Relationships are hard.
Breakups are harder.
Especially in an apocalypse.
Especially when you’re still traveling with your ex-boyfriend and his newfound teenage ward.
You and Joel had been through hell and back together in Boston over the last five or so years, and you credited yourself for getting him out of the hunter life and into the less violent, though nowhere near wholesome, life of smuggling.
You spent five years beside him, a couple of them as a distant acquaintance, one of them as a good friend, but the last two were spent in a far more complicated relationship.
Everyone in the quarantine zone knew that you and Joel had something going on, however vaguely defined it was. He was yours and you were his, and for a while that was all that mattered. But over time, his ever-growing closeness to Tess had started to get to you. Both of them swore that nothing had gone down between them, but no one could deny their unspoken connection, including you.
Not wanting to lose him and not wanting to be betrayed by him, you offered him the freedom and space to pursue her, secretly praying that he would decline your offer and finally tell you those three words that you had practically been begging to hear from him for the last year, but to your shock and horror, he agreed to the break.
So, here you found yourself a couple months later, caught up in Joel and Tess’s mess, smuggling an allegedly immune fourteen-year old out of the city with your ex-boyfriend mourning the very recent loss of the woman he left you for.
Sound like a good time, right?
“It’s dead ‘round here. Might as well sleep here tonight,” Joel announced artlessly as the three of you entered an abandoned motel on the side of the highway.
The three of you carefully inspected the tiny motel for infected or spores, most of the rooms too destroyed to sleep soundly in, but no trace of anything dangerous.
“Alright, kid,” Joel pointed at the inside of the casino themed room he’d just cleared. “You can stay there tonight. Looks like you might even have some pillows and blankets.”
“Hell yeah.” She smiled as she ran past you and into the room, her approval loud enough to hear from outside in the parking lot where you stood kicking rocks.
“Hey.” Joel’s voice was both a balm and a dagger to your heart.
“Yeah?” You turned your head to look at him. His head was tilted, brows creased with concern, thumbs tucked into his backpack straps, looking at you as though he was disappointed. “What, Joel?”
“I just…just wanted to check on ya,” his eyes dropped to the pavement beneath his feet, a clear tell of his deceit. “Make sure you’re okay.”
“Joel,” you sighed, your entire body filled with an emotion that felt closest to hatred, though you longed for him too much to hate him. “We don’t have to be friends. It doesn’t…take away from whatever it was we used to be.” He lifted his eyes to meet yours, the crease between his brows deepening. “It’s not about us anymore, it’s about Ellie. So…let’s just do what we have to do to keep her safe and not worry about whatever—“
“You keep sayin’ that damn word. Whatever. Nothin’ you and I have been through has been whatever.” You were shocked by his outrage and your face didn’t shy away from showing it. You weren’t sure you’d ever seen him visibly emote this way before—that had also been a major point of contention on your relationship.
“Okay…I’m just saying we don’t have to try and force this—“
“Right, you wanna talk about forcin’ people into things…that’s rich.” You narrowed your eyes at his scoff, wondering what on earth he was talking about. “You’re right. I won’t force you to talk to me anymore. You do what you want.”
Leaving you stunned, Joel walked off into his own room, slamming the door behind him. You had no idea what had gotten into him to make him act this way. He’d always been so level headed in your relationship, rarely giving into the little fights you liked to pick, but here he was throwing a tantrum because you didn’t want to talk to him?
Whatever was going on with him didn’t matter to you any longer. He’d made his choice the day he agreed to end your relationship so that he could pursue one with someone else.
Walking into the only half-decent room left, you let out a chuckle at the sheer irony of landing on the motel’s honeymoon suite.
The bed was shaped into a heart, the red satin sheets now tattered and dusty but still in decent enough condition to look like a paradise compared to what you’d been sleeping on before. Setting your bag down by the door, you kept your pistol in hand as you double and then triple checked the room for any signs of spores, the room clean as far as your thorough eyes could tell. Allowing yourself a moment to catch your breath, you laid down on the dusty mattress and let out a sigh.
It had been a hasty decision, deciding to join Joel and Tess’s mission. You’d bumped into them on accident while trying to find Robert for yourself, the man having owed you a hefty amount of supplies. It was an awkward meeting, your eyes unable to meet either of theirs knowing that everything you ever wanted was right in front of you but you couldn’t have him because he wanted someone else more.
Getting roped into their business was a complete misstep by you, the allure of some of their guns and ammo in return for your help too good to pass up. It wasn’t until the three of you discovered Ellie’s secret that you really started to panic, the stakes now higher than you could’ve ever prepared yourself for. But then everything at the capitol happened, and as much as you didn’t want to stay here with the man you loved who didn’t love you back, you felt an obligation to both the little girl he was tasked with protecting and the woman that gave her life for Ellie’s cause.
“Hey,” the fourteen year old interrupted your thinking, knocking on your door. “We’re heating up some beans if you want any.”
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, sitting up and rubbing your palms over your face in an attempt to rid yourself of the stress brought on by that beautiful man a few doors down. “I’ll be right out.”
With one last moment to sulk over the yearning in your heart mixed with the resentment you held for the choice he had made, you stood up and tucked your pistol into the back of your jeans, rolling your neck before opening your door.
Ellie was leaning up against the outside of the motel, spooning a can of warmed up pinto beans into her mouth while Joel sat on a curb, hunched over an open flame heating up another can. You swallowed your feelings and approached him, sitting down on the opposite side of the fire.
“I can make my own,” you offered, hoping that the gesture would be seen as one of kindness, but the scowl on his face as he looked at you proved otherwise.
“Don’t wanna talk, don’t want me to cook your damn food…” He mumbled to himself, your eyes rolling at the sound of his gruff tone—the same one that used to part your legs and make you drip with need.
“Joel,” you sighed, rubbing your temples. “I was just trying to be polite.”
“Polite?” He snapped, as though it was the most offensive thing in the world.
“Yes! Polite. Something you could strive to be every now and again.” You snapped back, instantly transported to your relationship, the constant bickering and back and forth. You suddenly felt dizzy, your mind and body split into two different moments in time and leaving you nauseous. Standing up, you decided you’d starve before continuing to put yourself through this sort of cruelty, his mere existence too much for your fragile heart to handle.
“Damn it, hold on now,” Joel stood up and left the fire, following you into your room before you had the chance to tell him to fuck off. “Why are you bein’ like this?”
“Why am I being like this? Are you kidding me?” You turned around and shouted, the door wide open with Ellie right outside listening in on the drama. “Joel, why do you think I’m being like this? I was in love with you and you left me for someone else!”
“You told me to leave!” He shouted back, his voice booming. “You were so goddamned convinced that I didn’t want you. You never even gave me the choice to stay, not when you were already pushin’ me away.”
“You…you didn’t love Tess?” You asked, your voice closer to a whisper. Joel rolled his eyes and sighed at your question.
“What the hell does that matter?” You scoffed, waving your hand at him. You could understand his loving two people at the same time, but his refusal to admit that Tess meant a lot to him was insulting to not only her, but you too.
Would he be so cavalier if you were to die in front of him? Would he struggle to admit that he loved you like he struggles to admit he loved her?
“Joel, it’s late. We’ve been running all fucking day. Can we please just try and get some rest?” You pled, knowing the chance of sleep coming easily to you tonight was slim but needing a bit of reprieve from his presence.
“Sure. Whatever you want. Always whatever you want.” He huffed, waving his hand at you as he turned to walk out of your room, Ellie not subtle in her eavesdropping. “Come on, Ellie. Go get some rest. The queen demands it.”
You rolled your eyes and shut the door, not that it offered an insane amount of privacy given the shattered windows, but still, you needed a fucking moment. Just one.
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One moment of necessary seclusion turned into a few hours of good rest, your body and mind more exhausted than you realized.
You woke up in the middle of the heart shaped bed, the moon high in the sky, the night peaceful until a soft rustle outside forced your body into fight or flight, your heart racing as you reached for your pistol. You cocked the gun, holding it out as you pressed your back against the wall by the broken window, carefully turning your head to scan the dark scene around you.
Seeing nothing but a lit campfire and your ex sitting down in front of it, you allowed yourself to breathe out your panic, the safety of your pistol being switched back on before you tucked it into the back of your jeans. You took in a slow inhale as you debated whether or not to go back to bed or to join him, the quietness of the night promising a less hostile interaction. With a bit of necessary courage, you opened your door and watched as his head whipped over in the direction of the scraping sound, his hand gripping his shotgun instinctively until he locked his eyes on yours.
“Didn’t know you were awake,” he mumbled, his eyes returning to the burning orange of the fire. You said nothing as you approached it, sitting down beside him, giving the two of you a foot of space between your bodies.
A few minutes of silence washed over the two of you, the only sounds being the crackling of the fire and some faint cricket chirping in the distance. It almost felt peaceful, but one glance over to Joel’s profile reminded you that things couldn’t be further from.
You wanted to reach out, stroke his jaw like you used to, maybe rest your head on his shoulder and ask him to distract you with a song, but he wasn’t that man anymore—not to you, at least. This man…this body of ice and chill and anger…you didn’t know him. You had no right to act as though you did.
“You were the first person I ever let myself forget myself with,” he confessed as though he could read your mind. Your lips parted as you watched him clench his jaw, his head shaking and eyes pointed at the flames as though they were his enemy. “Let myself forget too much about this world when I was with you.”
“That was the part I liked best,” you added, voice small like a child. Joel turned his pointed glare to you, his eyes softening as he took in the way the shadows played upon your face.
“I did love Tess. Wanted to love her more than I loved you. She…didn’t want me soft. It was easier.” You felt your eyes welling with tears as he continued looking deep into them, as though he was trying to speak directly to your soul. “You needed me to be the kind of soft that gets people killed out here. And for a while, I let it happen. I guess I started pullin’ away because I knew how it would all end. I’ve seen it a thousand times over. People get comfortable and people die. But sometimes I think…if I could do it all over again…I think I woulda never left you. Woulda fought for you, woulda…woulda been soft like you needed me to be. Because losing Tess…that hurt ain’t nothin’ compared to sittin’ here havin’ you look at me like I’m a stranger.”
“I only look at you like that because I don’t recognize…the way you look at me. I don’t recognize it.” You gestured to him. “I was used to something so much…more tender, I guess.”
“I know,” he sighed and nodded his head, finally taking his eyes off you. “I don’t…don’t feel any different about you than I used to, but…it ain’t smart to do this all over again. Especially now that we got Ellie to look out for. I can’t—I won’t risk all our lives over me and you.”
“You’ve always been better at shutting off your feelings than me,” you let out a breathy chuckle, not amused in the slightest but needing to hide the fact that you actually wanted to sob until you couldn’t breathe anymore.
With a sharp inhale and a sigh, you stood up, swallowing the lump in your throat at you mumbled a “good night”. Before you could leave the warmth surrounding the fire, Joel stood up and grabbed your wrist with just enough force to stop you, your eyes locked on the contact before slowly lifting to his. You could see the need in them, the desire to fuck his feelings away, but it only made you sadder.
“Joel, I can’t…” Your strong exterior crumbled a bit under his dark, needy gaze. “You may be able to separate everything…to shut your feelings off, but I…” You choked on your emotions, your throat swelling so much that your voice grew deeper, raspier. “I love you.”
He froze for a moment, his hazel eyes studying the sincerity in yours until it became to much for him to take.
“Alright,” he pulled his hand away swiftly, his eyes dropping to the gravel beneath your feet. “I’ll, uh, see you in the mornin’.”
Your chest ached with the desire to have him fight for you, to rewire his brain into loving you the way you needed him to.
“Just…you don’t have to say it, you don’t need to become soft for me and risk your fucking survival, Joel, but just, please…I need to know that I’m not crazy. That I didn’t fucking make this all up in my head. I need to know that you loved me.” You pled in a broken whisper, tears streaming down your face regardless of how hard you tried to will them not to. Joel lifted his eyes back up to yours, taking a moment before parting his lips.
You could see the old Joel somewhere in the soft green of his irises, the affection he used to freely pour over you distant, but not absent. You allowed yourself to imagine things from his perspective, to lose so much so long ago, for survival to be the only thing he’s known, to have someone come along and threaten to disrupt that. For a split second, not even long enough to be considered a moment in time, you no longer ached. You understood him, understood why he couldn’t love you like you wanted him to—like you needed him to. You didn’t hate him anymore, you weren’t jealous or yearning, you simply understood.
“Course I loved you,” he finally confessed, almost angry with you. “I love you everyday. I love you…right now. But…love will only get us killed out here.”
Joel walked back to his fire after that, not bothering to offer something soft to help cushion the blow of his harsh truths. You bit your quivering lip and nodded, your eyes flickering up to the moon hanging up in the sky.
You almost felt embarrassed that it had to witness your rejection, but something about that white ball in the sky looking down at you offered you a comfort nothing else in this world could. You wished it a goodnight instead of Joel out of spite before retiring to your room, determined to get at least a few more hours of rest before the sun rose and you had to face reality again, this time in brutal daylight.
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taglist: @uselsshuman @joelmillerscoffee @wildemaven @axshadows @sherala007 @browneyes-issac @kimm4710 @stxrrylunatic @sara-alonso @paulalikestuff @chxpsi @auberosier @mashomasho @harriedandharassed @trickstersp8 @trinkets01 @jlmaddinson @laureliciousdefinition @oh-no-a-whovian @buoyfriend @chorraich @extraneous-trip @oliviajdjarin @wumpsquill @love-affair-with-fandoms @graciexmarvel @amb11 @t0fudaddy @reigndropss @wondeerfull @multifand0m-gal0re @bfences @hypnoash @chronic-aly @wheresarizona @pedropascalsx @xocalliexo @myswficlist @untitledarea @lexloon @bbyanarchist @alwayslurkinginthebackground @rocketrhap3000 @fishingforpike (sorry if your tag isn’t working! and let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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quinnsallow · 7 months
Quintessa Jade Berner
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Goes by Quinn or Tess, but prefers Quinn.
House: Slytherin
Birthday: February 17, 1875 (Aquarius)
Blood Status: Pure-blood
Wand: Alder wood, Dragon heartstring, 11 1/2", Slightly springy
Special Abilities: Ancient Magic & Occlumency (self-taught herself Occlumency having an older sister as a Legilimens)
Pets: Black cat (Shadow) and Tawny Owl (Trinkett)
Favourite Subjects: Potions, DAtDA, & Astronomy
Amortentia: Mixed berries, hints of vanilla, and sage
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Enjoys: Long walks, stars and astronomy, music, singing, reading, writing, white tea, flowers, and savoury foods
Dislikes: Prof Binns' class, spiders, and arguments
Traits: Shy, introverted, friendly, adventurous, charming, willing to try new things
Appearance: Long wavy black hair (either worn in a high ponytail or down), brown eyes, pale complexion, 5'4" in height, slim and small stature, loves wearing her dresses and skirts matched with brown or black boots and a long sleeve and cardigan
Favorite Colors: Purple and black
Patronus: White Mare
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You can find her in the music room where she loves to sing and write songs. Some of her favourite instruments being the violin and piano.
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Became a trio with Sebastian Sallow and Ominis Gaunt during her fifth year at Hogwarts. Later forming a romantic relationship with Sebastian after catching feelings for one another during summer after fifth year.
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Family: Father (cursebreaker), mother (healer). Single-father household (mother was sick and died two years before Quinn got her letter to Hogwarts); Olivia Berner, older sister (3 1/2 years older who attended Hogwarts herself and is an active Legilimens. Moved away to Paris to study her occult practice and to be with her fiancé.); Aunt Carol (Quinn resides with her outside London while father works away from home, which is often); Aron Berner, older cousin (1 year older, acts as an older brother and mentor to Quinn, teaches her incantations that Sebastian approves of and admires.)
Future Career: Auror later turned Healer in the children's ward
Spouse: Sebastian Sallow (married at 21)
Children: Elara Anne Sallow (oldest) and Ethan Theodore Sallow (youngest)
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roseofhybrids · 1 year
Silly idea: The Disassembly Drones act as overprotective caretakers to Human Uzi and want to make sure that she is safe and sound until she gets extracted from the planet. Unfortunately the only place she can survive on it is the bunker where the worker drones live, and since they can’t murder them since Uzi would then refuse to cooperate they have to settle to an uneasy coexistence.
Would fit perfectly with N's personality. Like when your dog or cat decides to follow you to the kitchen or bathroom even though you'll be coming right back to the living room in just a minute. Can even keep the "quite saving me" line in.
As for V, while she is hostile in the original, how she'd act around human Uzi is up for interpretation of her character. We can see she has a habit of round about protection with N, trying to keep him from remembering what happened back at the manor and digging too deep into the solver. And we start to get a glimpse of her being protective over original series Uzi in episode 6 now that she's warmed up to her. So I could see her being overprotective, probably creating conflict be over reacting to anything a worker drone does around Uzi.
Then there's J. There are two ways to go with her, either she sticks around to oversee this new protection mission, or you kill her off again to send her to Tessa like in the original. If she stuck around, I feel she'd act like a cross between a helicopter parent and bodyguard, much to Uzi's annoyance. J's strict, all business personality could easily lead to treating her more like a prisoner than as a ward. Personally, I lean slightly more towards killing her off. I would be fascinating to play with the idea of her as Uzi's unwanted protector. But if she's killed off, it could make for an interesting encounter with Tessa. If killed off, J could give Tessa a very biased explanation to Tess about the situation. And if you really want to go crazy with it, you could have Nori be involved in killing her, meaning J could tell Tessa that Nori is infected with the Absolute Solver. Creating a similar situation to what's happening between Tess and Uzi in episode 6.
Speaking of Nori. This opens up a gold mine of potential dynamics to explore between the disassembly drones and Uzi's parents. How would Khan and Nori react to some sky demons becoming overly protective of their daughter? We know Khan to be a big ol coward in the show, but now that his wife hasn't been killed by them. How would that change his reaction to them? Then we have Nori. These are the monsters she's been making prophetic drawings of, and convinced her husband to construct giant doors to keep at bay. Now they're hanging out in her living room watching her daughter like hawks.
I think the dynamic between Nori and V would be especially interesting. We saw how V reacted to learning Uzi has the solver in the original. Now she's meeting a solver drone that actually knows about what the Absolute Solver is and what she's doing. Depending on how you want to interpret what we've seen of Nori. She may also know about CYN from when she was taken over at the labs. She could also know a lot more about the disassemblers right off the bat. Not that's she'd be too open to sharing that info. She'd have good reason to keep the solver at bay to protect her daughter.
Which creates both a hostility between Nori and V but also a shared goal of keeping as much about the Absolute Solver from N and Uzi as they can.
And then there's Nori and Tessa. That scenario is absolutely rich with possibilities.
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foxes-that-run · 10 months
2017 Haylor Timeline
Timeline Tag, or years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.
3 January - Taylor "based in London" (end of Cornelia St period)
5 January - date of Harry’s leak “lately” recorded. Anniversary of clear blue water/rain on window posts which may be their last break up anniversary. He was pictured in London
8 January - Taylor and Zayn film I don't wanna live forever music video in London
13 January - Taylor was in LA papped at the the gym in LA. The scenario she told secret session fans she wrote  DWOHT
21 January - Harry goes to LA
22 January Joe in Paris
28 January - Harry in LA
1 February - Harry's Rose Ring maybe at his birthday in Malibu 1 February 2017. Taylor posts a video of her and Gigi singing along to "I Don't wanna live forever" for the first time on the radio, which ‘happens’ to be on Harry's birthday.
4 February - Taylors only performance of 2017 in Houston. Super Saturday Night, rep coded.
14 February - Tom Hiddleston GQ article where he sounds traumatised, it is bad press for Taylor and later indirectly referred to in the Joe dating announcement.
7 - 19 February - Fans spot Taylor in London, once in a brown wig
24 February - Little Big Town perform, say Taylor is on London
March - Stalker arrested for breaking into Taylors NY apartment
5 March - Rose Ring seen clearly at Studio in London.
7 March - Ed Sheeran seen at Taylors NYC Apartment, he said they would collab again and March 2 said she was working on new music. (End Game)
8 March - Harry at Cottons Rhum Shack London
15 March - Harry arriving NYC with head down
23 March - E New story: "Where in the World is Taylor Swift?" that she had not posted candids since Thanksgiving.
Late March. Behind Album performances likely recorded at Abbey Road, they appear in the documentary in May and Harry was holding Ben’s daughter who looks about 3-4 months. Harry’s hair is also shorter than it was 5 March, a similar cut April 21.
4 April- Taylor recording Rep in Nashville 'to avoid paparazzi'‘. Joe in London. Harry shot Sign of the Times in Scotland. Mirror headline "Harry Styles goes all Peter Pan in his gloriously magical new video for Sign Of The Times"
7 April - Sign of the Times released
10, 16 April - Harry in NYC
18 April - Harry’s rolling stone interview where he leaves the table over her name and tips his hat and ex because it’s all for them. Harry possibly shades Matty Healy:
There’s nothing worse than an inauthentic tortured person. ‘They took my allowance away, so I did heroin.’ It’s like – that’s not how it works. I don’t even remember what the question was.”
21 April - Harry on Graham Norton, performs sign of the times and writes Spanish girl that later leaks backstage.
26 April - Harry in Paris for nrj
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29 April - Harry is papped wearing the same St Laurent shirt Calvin copied for the Ole music video, on the date Taylor later identified in High Infidelity.
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1 May - Taylor filmed LWYMMD Video, Harry London 2 & 7
7 May - harry driving in London using phone behind wheel wearing packers hat with Tess ward
8 May - Harry in Williamsburg
9 May - Harry today show with the pink suit when he performs Stockholm. Xander and Jeff there. Harry dating Tess Ward. left NY
11 May Tess ward posts a photo of Harry’s kitchen with his cap in and is never seen again
12 May - Harry styles debut released, behind the album released just after. Cute Nick Grimshaw interview with 2 ghosts question
15 May - Harry behind the album released, includes parts of performances. Taylor paped in Nashville and flys to London in Charter (not her plane)
16 May - The Sun reports a source that Joe and Taylor dating 'for several months.' "after what happened with Tom Hiddleston", reminding me of the Tom GQ article from February. Having not been seen at all with Taylor previously Joe will now be seen 20 times for the rest of the year. The way this changed from completely unknown to very public (but saying it wasn't??) is .... sure they were totally together before this. Harry went on Carpool Karaoke wearing Haylor ring
17 May - Tess ward wore a shirt Harry wore in an interview
18 May - TMZ pap photos of Taylor in Nashville
19 May - Harry at troubadour ONO. James, Jeff and Xander there carpool karaoke, Harry sang IKYWT in broadcast not you tube. Stevie Nicks comes, Harry emotional on stage in Landslide with Stevie Nicks. The music business people there were impressive, including the then head of the recording academy and Grammy voting member Savan Kotecha, who wrote WMYB, had fell out with 1D and some members but remained close with Harry.
20 May - Harry lists LA house, reported on the 22nd, sold in 2019.
1 June - Joe and Taylor papped together
5 June - Joe mention in blinds and seen having coffee
9 June - Taylor returns her music to Apple Music on the same day Katy Perry releases Witness.
11 June - Joe and Taylor and her plane
18 June - Joe and taylor spend fathers day in London with his dad
15 June - Harry follows Camille on IG, fans abuse her.
17 June - Harry attends Pixie Geldof's wedding in Mallorca, Louis rumoured to be there but no photos of Louis. Daisy Lowe is a bridesmaid.
20 June - HS stepdad passed away :( H Tess BUA
21 June - Mirror: "Taylor Swift "hosted Father's day for boyfriend Joe Alwyn and his parents - who served up a classic Sunday roast"" also referring to Joe as a 'new boyfriend'
24 June - Joe and Taylor at gym together
July - Harry NY in bar with Xander
4 July - Karlie Kloss posts a photo with Kendall in Paris, the internet realises KK is not in the squad. Taylors inflatable slide seen being inflated - but no 4th July party for Taylor. Blind item that Taylor skipped the party because Joe would not do a photo shoot.
13 July - Taylors last post before her socials wiped was to promote Selena's album. Reputation promo planning underway, Joe was announced a month before.
14 July - End Game written. Kendall came to Harry's show.
21 July - Harry and Camille seen together, Nick mentions her and she is in the background of a fan photo.
19 July - Dunkirk released
24 July - Joe and Taylor walking NYC
27 July - Joe and Taylor with umbrellas this time
29 July - Harry in NY
7 August - two ghosts release date
14 August - Taylors sexual assault trail v David Mueller, from his hand allegedly under her skirt in 2013 is settled and Taylor wins damages of $1.
27 August - LAWYMMD video, Karlie not on junior jewels shirt, Kendall tea time reenactment, Katy car crash and she eats a lobster in a cage.
28 August - Taylor deletes instagram
31 August HS releases two ghosts recording from Behind the album performances
3 September - Taylor at Abigail's wedding Martha's vineyard. Ready for it...? released after Saturday football preview.
7 September - Joe and Taylor NYC
9 September - Joe and Taylor in NY at Cornelia St
Sept 2017 – 14 July 2018 - Harry Styles Live on Tour
19 September - Harry points at himself on ‘I’m a fool for you’ in JALBOYH
25 September - Watermelon Sugar written
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20 September - Harry LA, Greek Theater, wears same custom Gucci suit as Kiwi Music Video, with roses. Shania Twain comes and posts a photo of them together. Plays 'Still the One' on Kazoo in Grammy Museum interview. Taylor at Cara's London for month
27 September - Harry released Two Ghosts and Girl Crush as a Spotify Single recorded in Metropolis London, and photos of him recording it. Two days before he performed it in Nashville
28 September - Harry wears red in the Radio City music hall, NY plays Story of My Life in full and has an aborted heart kiss.
29 September - Taylor releases Spotify playlist of 70 songs. Anniversary of Harry’s “we don’t need no piece of paper tweet” and Harry’s another man mixtape. Song 7 is Boys, 20 is Liam Gallagher "for what's worth", followed by "miss you". 27 is We don't deserve love, Niall Horan is at 37 "Too much to ask", it also features Ariana Grande, Kesha, Kings of Leon, Bon Iver, 57 is Perfect by Ed Sheeran, the same name as the 1D song. It ends with #70 'She's casual' about a guy falling in love with a fling.
11 October - Taylor in London with Joe's family
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14 October - Phoenix - Harry cries during Meet me in the Hallway (1:39). After “I walked the streets all day” before “running with the thieves”. This was Harry's last US show
16 October - Taylor films End Game music video in London
October - Liam said he saw Harry at the Bowery Hotel “I bumped into him in The Bowery Hotel. He’s been through a rough time recently. God bless him, he was really happy to see me. The funniest thing was we didn’t really talk business. Dunkirk was out and all this was happening, and we just gave each other a big hug.”
20 October - Taylor reportedly likes a post "I’m here to drop some tea listen up and listen good!! Any love song Taylor writes now is about Joe and only Joe. She is so happy and this is about them. And only them. This is confirmed. It's a rule. Joe love songs from here on out, this goes for all of Reputation. No speculating if it is about Taylor’s ex from a million years ago because I promise you it’s not. Joe and Taylor. Happy. The tea has been served."
25 October - Harry performs in Paris, he cries on 'even my phone misses your call' twice in FTDT (1:53 and again 3:30). Taylor was in Nashville for Rep Secret Sessions.
2 November - Call it what you want - Taylor posts home movies that are in the CIWYW lyric video.
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8 November - kiwi video released with Taylor looking kid
11 November - Taylor in NYC
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10 November - Reputation released end game radio single on 14th
13 November - blind item that This Is What You Came For was about Harry
17 November - the HS behind the album performances released, first seen in BTA
28 November - Harry performs VS Show, Taylor cancels. New Years Day released as a single 27 November.
29 November - Derek Blasberg (fashion journalist reportedly the person KK had in TS apartment that ended friendship) posts a photo of KK sipping tea and asks for captions then comments "I knew brew were trouble when I met you"
4 December - Harry Haneda Airport
8 December - Joe and Taylor papped holding hands NYC
10 December - Taylor performs then watches Ed's show with Joe at Jingle Bell Ball London
12 December - Taylor and Joe in NYC
13 December - Reputation Stadium Tour tickets go on sale
31 December - Joe and Taylor NYE (Toe Twitter timeline)
Continue in 2018
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cometsandstardust · 1 year
I’m rewatching Agents of Shield and here is list of things I genuinely forgot happened:
(also fun little things that i enjoyed)
season five:
- “the one thing we haven’t done yet” mack after learning they were in space
- mack got mad at coulson for just having his regular hand and “not coming prepared”
- and then mentioned boy scouts
- deke held a knife to may’s neck immediately after meeting her (also hi deke)
- they found out about earth’s destruction in the first episode
- simmons’ inability to hear wasn’t because of some chip, but from a worm-like-creature crawling into her head (via kasius)
- daisy slapped deke
- “so what universe did that just happen in? mine or yours?”
- did not remember that ciara bravo guest starred as an inhuman (abby)
- simmons was required to help abby with her powers
- fitz counted the days in his cells by drawing monkeys
- hunter used a british? accent when playing fitz’s attorney
- fitz told hunter about robbie
- “that’s the strangest thing i’ve ever heard, well except for the sexy robot you made…”
- enoch’s walls were covered with robin’s drawings and kree writing
- hunter said he and bobbi would look after robin and her mom after fitz and enoch left
- fitz proposed when simmons couldn’t hear him
- “what the hell kind of future is this?” mack in response to finding out flint didn’t know what tacos are
- kasius allowed his servant (i can’t remember her name rn) to fight against daisy to the death
- tess was murdered, and her body was displayed publicly as a warning to hand over flint
- “it may be time for a career change” enoch to may
- y’know what simmons says when her and fitz go up the chute using deke’s belt buckle? allons-y. i love her
- enoch is canonically non-binary
- “chronicoms do not have gender”
- tess came back to life
- yo-yo saw herself in the future, after she had been brought back to life for the umpteenth time
- future yo-yo told past her to let coulson die, and accidentally revealed her losing her arms
- deke shot a kree to save enoch
the fact that they’re not even back to their time yet, and this is already this long is astounding
- mack watched kasius slit future yo-yo’s throat
- creel worked with hale
- mike peterson showed up when coulson went to close the rift
- told coulson that he never made it off the table
- part of coulson’s mission for deke was to bring former agents and allies of shield back to the lighthouse (including davis and the real mike peterson)
- y’know how in agent carter, the red room had facilities meant to forcibly educate and train children so they’d grow up to obey them (ie dottie)? hydra did the same thing
- whitehall was a guest speaker
- von strucker & hale were both students
- their “rite of passage” was killing their dog (parallel to ward season one??)
- hale was chosen to be artificially inseminated to birth the future leader of hydra
- the facility where hale & von strucker (& ruby) we’re taught is where talbot was “transferred to” after getting shot
- “i still outrank you” - talbot to a box of cap’n crunch
- creel was hearing voices after making contact with the gravitonium
- “he’s gonna die” - robin to may about coulson
- coulson’s heart stopped when they were escaping and creel brought him back
- ruby’s a little fruity. just a bit. (for context: the first thing she says to daisy is “you’re much prettier in person”)
- talbot got the hydra brainwashing treatment while in their custody
- ruby unintentionally crushed von strucker’s skull
- yo-yo slit ruby’s throat
- daisy dug up her mother’s grave
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dgct2 · 1 year
Fanfic Recs
Welcome to my fanfic recommendation list. Thank you to all the amazing tumblr writers out there.
Stories below feature either Pedro Pascal or Chris Evans characters. Most stories are sm*t with something extra so if you are under 18 please DO NOT read. There are a couple that are just fluff or adventure. Please follow the warnings or legend below. A lot of stories are also multi-chapter.
⭐️ = Personal Favourite
🔥 = Spicy times ( please note number for how spicy )
⚔️ = Adventure
🥺 = Angst
💗 = Fluff
📚 = Multi chapter
⭐️ Special shoutout to @wheresarizona @softlyspector @psychedelic-ink @finnsbubblegum and @blueeyesatnight who have all written my favourite stories so far.
Jack Daniels 
🔥 Afternoon Sun - psychedelic-ink - After a night of passion Jack takes care of his significant other. Soft, attentive, and so damn sexy. 
Frankie Morales 
🔥🔥🔥 Box Set - frannyzooey - Quite a few stories with Frankie. All are worth reading. 
Pero Tovar
⭐️ 📌 🔥🔥⚔️⚔️💗💗💗📚 - The Cross - blueeyesatnight - I inhaled this story in one night. It is so good! Fans of Outlander and Doctor Who will love this. While on sabbatical in China. you're asked to do research on a mysterious box with weird engravings of monsters on the outside. You're not one for monsters. The museum questions what Spanish bronze would be doing in China? You agree to do research for them. You've heard tales of two mercenaries that were there over 1,000 years ago. You follow the last known trade route, but get lost in the mountains. No big deal. The fresh air is clearing your head. You pull out the box and look at it closer. It is a puzzle box! You push the mechanism and it opens.... transporting you to the past. Where are you? Or more importantly when? The answer becomes clear as two riders approach you. A timeless adventure that is less about logic and more about love.
📌 ⭐️ NEW 🔥🔥💗💗💗📚🎄 - Stranger At My Gate - leslie lyman - Magic and Christmas. Your a food blogger who has returned home for Christmas. You need inspiration for a new book which is due soon. There is a knock at the door and inspiration arrives in the form of a man. A man who is apparently out of time.
Joel Miller
🥺💗📚 To Do The Right Thing - pedgeittopascal - Reader is part of Joel and Tess's smuggling group. She and Joel are together when she becomes pregnant. They figure out what to do because the QZ is not a life for a newborn. A beautiful story of love and sacrifice. There is also a second part to this story being written. 
⭐️ 🔥🔥🥺📚 Adjustments - softlyspector - The 1st Joel fanfic that I read so it has a special place in my heart. Jackson era. Joel and neighbour become close. Neighbour is dealing with stuff and Joel is attentive and protective because she’s part of his tribe. Soft, fluffy, and so beautifully written.
⭐️ 🔥🔥🔥💗🥺📚 September - wheresarizona - My favourite story. I’ve read it a few times. Joel and the reader Doc were building a life in Austin. They were separated on Outbreak day. 20 years later she finds him. The rest of the story is how they reconnect. 
🔥📚 Mr. Miller's Birthday Gift - jksprincess10 - DBF! Joel and reader start a secret relationship. They celebrate her birthday and then his. The relationship doesn’t stay secret for long. 
⭐️ 💗💗💗📚 Where It All Starts - finnsbubblegum - Single Dad Joel and neighbour become friends when she helps takes care of Sarah who is still a baby. Enjoy the fluffiness of this sweet story.
🔥🔥🔥🥺📚 A Future Together - kteague - Joel and Reader had a life in Austin with Sarah. Outbreak day happens. They do not get separated this time. It is now 20 years later and they are still together working as smugglers in the QZ. They are tasked with bringing Ellie to the Fireflies. Retelling of the game. 
🔥 Pistol - cosmictheo - Reader is a ward for Bill and Frank. Frank is fun dad. Bill is grumpy dad. One day Joel and Tess show up just as a storm approaches. Joel and Tess are partners nothing more. Sparks between Joel and reader. He tries to do the right thing but can’t fight that feeling.
🥺💗 Call My Name - toxic-seduction - Set in 1x06. After Joel is stabbed you and Ellie bring him to an abandoned house to take care of the wound. Joel calls out name while on death's door. It isn't yours. Later he tries to explain what happened.
📌 NEW 🥺🥺🔥🔥 Trying Not To Love You - supernaturalgirl20 - You accidentally slip that you've fallen for Joel. He gives you the cold shoulder. When you go missing on a patrol he searches for you. He admits the idea of loving you scares him. Perfect mix of heat and angst.
📌 NEW 💗💗💗🥺📚 Looking For The Light - cowgurrl - A series of stories set within Jackson era. Joel and you are smugglers bringing Ellie to the fireflies. You both have lost a child during the Outbreak. Is it worth taking the risk again? Family fic. Joel being a girl dad. Mostly fluff with a pinch of angst.
📌 NEW 🥺🥺💗💗 - Put On A Brave Face - toxic-seduction - Reader is shot while on patrol with Joel. He's sorry he wasn't more aware. She's sorry that she put him though the angst. Comfort each other in the end.
📌 NEW 🔥🔥🔥 One Thing I'm Missing - joelscruff - Retelling of TLOU from 1x08 forward. Joel and Reader become a lot closer. Ellie makes sure that they have time together. It is hot and really cute at times.
📌 🌟 NEW 🔥🔥🔥📚🥺 Five Days - morallyinept - Set during Jackson Era. It has been 30 years and reader meets Joel again. 5 Days together at an Outpost as all hell breaks loose in the world again. Can the two of you rediscover love again? I inhaled this story. It is so worth reading.
Javier Peña 
🔥🔥🔥 Carry out - soullumii - Javi and secretary are late working at the Embassy. She’s bratty towards him because she missed a date. He makes it up to her in a big way. 
⭐️ 🔥🥺📚 Infections Of Another Kind - psychadelic-ink - Set after KC. Javi is part of the TLOU verse as a former FEDRA officer. Reader is a former Firefly who is disenchanted. The two of you meet and despite your differences make a life together. What happens though when the real world comes calling again? This story is brilliant. The crossover I never knew I needed. 
⭐️ 🔥🔥🔥💗📚 Learning To Live - wheresarizona - Javi has returned to Texas after Columbia. He meets his love Cielito aka you at the supermarket. Sparks fly as you two build a life together. Simply put Javi deserves to have a happy life after all the shit he went through.
📌 NEW 🔥🔥🔥 Sin Without Limits - steviesgoldfish - Set during Los Pepes. You are Javier's other partner besides Steve. You're still new to the team. You quickly figure out that Javi is working both sides to help take down Escobar. You agree to work a heated UC mission to get the info needed to find La Quiqa.
📌 NEW 🔥🔥🔥 Let Me Love You - thetriumphantpanda - Javier Peña has been the bane of your existence since you arrived to work for the ambassador. When you find yourself at a loose end following an altercation in the street on your way home, Javier is the only person you could turn to which turns your evening into something you'd never dreamed of.
📌 NEW 🥺🥺🔥💗💗📚 Paperwork - blueeyesatnight - A series of one shots set during S2 and S3 of Narcos. Javi and the new secretary for Ambassador Noonan butt heads when she first arrives. Over time she comes to realize that he's one of the good guys.  
Marcus Pike 
🔥💗 Spring Fling - whataperfectwasteoftime - DILF! Marcus is in Washington when his estranged college age daughter Emma and you come to visit on vacation. Immediate sparks between you and Marcus. What happens though when you have to return back to Texas in a week? P.S. This writer has a lot of Marcus fanfics that are worth checking out. 
📌 NEW 🔥🔥💗💗📚 Accidental Husband - supernaturalgirl20 - I'm a diehard Jisbon fan but I also love Marcus. This is post Teresa. Marcus gets his happy ending. Reader and Marcus had a few dates but broke up. The team conspires so they have to drive to her sister's wedding together. What happens when divine intervention and tequila are added to the mix? It is a match made in heaven.
Marcus Acacius
📌 ⭐️ NEW 🔥🔥🔥🥺🥺🥺⚔️📚 Against The Wind - studioghibell - You're the daughter of the Emperor himself. You've fallen in love with his most trusted General, Marcus Acacius. Your father refuses to let the relationship continue.
📌 NEW 🔥🔥🔥 Till Death - morallyinept - Marcus has a favourite slave girl who works in the baths. With an impending battle he lets himself feel everything this time as they become lovers. He vows to return to her.
Ari Levinson
🔥🔥🔥 Don’t Get Sad, Get Even - writing-for-marvel - You catch your boyfriend cheating at a party. You decide to get even with his roommate Ari. You discover that Ari is definitely the better catch. 
🔥🔥🔥 After Hours - flordmatista - CEO!Ari and assistant go on what appears to be a business trip. Turns out Ari has other plans. P.S. All of her Ari fanfics are worth reading.
Andy Barber
🔥🔥🔥 A Butterfly will Fly - flordmatista - Dark!Andy and a ballet dancer. Slight bondage. Spicy and sweet. 
🔥🔥🔥 Discipline Me - flordmatista - DILF! Andy. You’re staying overnight. End up meeting Andy in the kitchen. He teaches you how to stay quiet while he drives you wild. 
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victoriadallonfan · 2 years
Would Dragon find it ironically funny if she made tinker tech clones of her creator…
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twopoppies · 9 months
who is tess ward? Did she and Harry have anything?
She was connected to Harry for about five minutes before Camille. She was seen with him once. Posted a photo from his kitchen. Made some fatphobic comments on her social media and dipped when fandom canceled her.
You can scroll through my tag for that pairing: HESS
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starrrling · 5 months
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REECE STARLING ( RACHEL SENNOTT ) is a TWENTY-SIX year-old GUITAR TEACHER in STATEN ISLAND. They were brought under Richard’s care when they were only ELEVEN years old. They are known as THE MISCHIEVOUS because they are MIRTHFUL but also IRREVERENT.
tw: substance abuse/addiction, parental neglect/custody loss, death, domestic abuse
Full Name: Theresa Rebecca Starling
Nickname(s): Reece 
Date of Birth: December 7, 1979
Age: twenty-five
Occupation: guitar teacher & restaurant hostess 
Current Residence: Staten Island
Hair: brown, curly
Eyes: gray
Height: 5’2
Notable Features: Reece is rocking up to Richard’s funeral with a strip band-aid over her nose and a bruised eye :/
Strengths: amiable, outgoing, witty
Weaknesses: flippant, addictive, impulsive
Quirks: talks with her hands like a true italian, constantly fidgets with her jewelry
Vices: aside from her smoking habit—weed and cigarettes—Reece needs Monster Energy in an IV to make it through the day
Interests: astrology, music production, tabloid gossip, the 2005 music industry as a whole, the brad x angelina x jennifer love triangle, survivor, grey’s anatomy, gwen stefani 
Hobbies: stand-up at the local open mics, songwriting, music mixing, bird-watching, parkour
Special Skills/Talents: music theory & a handful of instruments (mostly guitar)
Reece’s grandmother, Estie, was an old friend of Richard’s wife, Adelia, who she met in school; once they were all married—Adelia to Richard, of course, and Estie to her own husband, Charlie—I imagine they were “couple friends,” with double dates and so on.  Estie got pregnant with Reece’s mom, Tess, a little less than a year before Adelia got pregnant with Winifred; the women probably talked about how they’d raise their daughters together. When Adelia passed in childbirth, though, Estie was heartbroken; Estie and her husband remained in contact with Richard, trying to be there for him and Winnifred if they needed anything. Winnifred and Tess spent their early years as friends.  Shortly before Winnifred disappeared, Estie’s husband died of a heart attack; Estie and Richard came to lean on each other in this time—a widower trying to raise her daughter alone, and a man who had lost everything. They found comfort in each other. It wasn’t some torrid affair—they were just the only two people left living who could understand one another. They both felt guilty, as though they’d betrayed Adelia and Charlie, and the two grew apart.  Tess, who never fully recovered from the sudden loss of her father and close friend in childhood, dropped out of high school later on, and developed a drinking problem which progressed to a drug addiction as she got older. At 24, Tess got pregnant with Reece; when Reece’s father, a fling at best, didn’t want anything to do with it, Tess moved to Chicago for a fresh start. Tess tried to raise Reece and get her life under control, but without proper help, Tess was never able to stay sober for long. When Reece was five, CPS got involved after Tess overdosed, and Reece was taken into the foster care system for a few months.  Tess was able to get sober and get Reece back; the two moved back to Staten Island, where Estie was, and when Tess fell off the wagon again a year later, Reece moved in with Estie, who raised her for the next five years. This took place in the late eighties, when I imagine Estie and Richard would have caught up after all of that time had passed—perhaps Richard would have even met Reece once or twice at some gathering or another that he invited Estie to attend, although Reece and Richard didn’t know each other especially well until Estie, aged 63, died in a car accident in 1990, when Reece was only eleven. Aware that Reece had been in the sole care of his old friend, Richard stepped in to prevent Reece from having to enter the foster care system again.
Reece arrived at the Woodrow House as a grieving eleven-year-old who had no idea how to deal with her pain aside from joking about it. The times she spent in her mom's care as a kid were often turbulent, and she'd kind of adapted to the unpredictability of her mom's moods by learning to be an entertainer—nobody can yell at you if they're too busy laughing, right? So, reece developed a real knack for levity and lifting spirits that she carried with her when her grandmother got custody while reece was 5, and again when her grandmother passed and she moved into Richard's care at age 11. Reece has never been good at dealing with the deep stuff, so it's always been hard to get her to be serious about anything. Growing up, I guess you could say she was kind of a troublemaker, but it all came from a kind of impulsive hedonism on Reece's part. it was less true rebellion for the sake of rebelling, and more a desire to do whatever would be the funnest/funniest, no matter the consequences. She has some trouble knowing when a joke has gone too far sometimes, because in her mind, the Joke—whatever that joke may be in the moment—is praxis. Reece more or less invented committing to the bit! She probably spent plenty of time trying to get the other wards to go along with her dumb bits or reckless schemes, too, and she's never been able to stand anyone who takes themselves too seriously. So, that's Reece: an eternal class clown, because laughter takes some of the sting out of the truth. Even the wards that are closest to Reece probably haven't had a lot of truly deep, serious conversations with Reece—at least ones that she participated in voluntarily. Reece spent a long time in and out of alcoholism treatment programs because she couldn't really take her own addiction seriously and see it for what it was; she started drinking young, probably around 13, and she immediately understood what her mother saw in it as an all-day activity. It didn't take long for Richard to recognize Reece's drinking as problematic—after all, thirteen is young to even be experimenting with alcohol, especially given Reece's family history—but it took years of short-lasting sober stints and casual backslides for Reece to understand that she wasn't just being young and dumb, and everyone was right to be worried: it's an illness, and it's not something that went away when she turned twenty-one, which is what she'd been hoping. an instance of alcohol poisoning on her 21st birthday, though, led to Reece getting placed in a more serious addiction rehabilitation program, and she had to drop out of school, but she did get sober at 21, at least for the time being.
vintage rings, snarled curls, smudged makeup, menthol marlboros, crushed energy drink cans in the bottom of a beat up purple vw bug, scrawled-on sheet music
Reece's wardrobe pretty much gives y2k laundry day. even though her outfits are usually pretty low-effort, she sort of always comes off as though she's wearing a costume. She oscilates drastically between slutty hi-femme clothes and absolute androgyny, and sometimes she blends the two at once. She wears rings, and her hair is almost always tied back.
Reece absolutely wanted to be a private school girl, but not for any academic reason. She probably just thought it would be like the movies. Reece wasn’t especially focused when it came to her education, but she did well enough to get accepted to college, which she saw, on-and-off, as a place to party, mostly. She ended up dropping out in her junior year because her alcoholism had gotten out of control, and she needed to go to rehab; she never ended up getting her music degree. 
Always inclined towards music, Reece cycled through a number of instruments growing up—piano was her first and longest instrument, encouraged by Richard, but Reece’s favorite was guitar (something she picked up at around 14), which she still plays today. She took singing lessons for a while when she first started taking piano, and she also learned some percussion. She probably learned a little saxophone and clarinet, too, so that she’d have experience with band instruments. When it was clear that music was a real passion of Reece’s, Richard set her up with someone who could teach her music theory, and her tutor helped her learn to write music of her own, which became Reece’s major focus during her high school years. For the first couple of years she was at the estate, I also think she probably took some acting lessons and did some local theater acting, since it was probably pretty obvious that Reece really liked being the center of attention and needed some outlet for that.
As stated before, Reece enrolled at NYU to get a degree in music—I'm thinking something related to digital music production, although Reece doesn't have the equipment to do much of that anymore—and she was sober on-and-off over the first few years, not really taking seriously the fact that she needed to stop drinking, but keeping it under wraps enough that things didn't come to a head until her 21st birthday. After being hospitalized with alcohol poisoning, Reece dropped out, got sober, got settled, and moved back to her hometown of Staten Island, where she job hopped for a while before becoming a guitar teacher. Nine months ago, Reece relapsed; she'd had a conversation with her mom, something she hadn't done since her mother lost custody, and it reopened a lot of old wounds Reece didn't know how to deal with; she felt really alone in Staten Island, and she didn't want to reach out to anybody, so she started drinking again, something she kept a secret for as long as she could. Of course, Richard eventually caught on, and he helped Reece to get sober again; the other wards will probably be vaugely aware that Reece is set to collect her 7-month chip in a couple of weeks. Another thing Reece kept a secret, albeit successfully, this time: she started dating a guy she met at an open mic night she preformed at (aspiring comic in new york lets goooo) five months ago, even though recently recovered addicts are generally supposed to hold off on dating anyone until they've been sober for at least a year, for the sake of stability in sobriety. The relationship was turbulent to start—he negged her comedy routine–but it was combative in a way that Reece found kind of... comfortable, maybe? It was passionate, kind of hot and heavy, and Reece moved in with him right away; however, the relationship very recently came to a head—what had always been a fiery relationship eventually progressed into Jack manipulating & mistreating Reece, including a few instances of physical abuse. So, Reece will be rocking up to the Woodrow House for the funeral with a black eye and a bandaged nose, less than a week off of a break-up, and in need of somewhere to live (she'd been planning on couch-surfing during the process of trying to get her old apartment back </3).
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niamflopped · 1 year
Leave Taylor Russell Alone, You Racist Creeps
By Kayleigh Donaldson | Celebrity | October 3, 2023 |
This past weekend, actress Taylor Russell, star of Waves and Bones and All, appeared at Paris Fashion Week. Wearing a stunning metal coat sculpture by Loewe, for whom she is an ambassador, she sat front row by Josh O’Connor and Anna Wintour, giving her one of the most sought-after placements of the season.
Russell is a daring fashion figure as well as a celebrated actress currently receiving rave reviews for her West End theatre debut in Lucy Prebble’s The Effect. There’s a lot to be excited about with Russell, from her fascinating sartorial choices to her work with the likes of Luca Guadagnino to her impeccable charm in interviews. Oh, and she’s also possibly dating Harry Styles.
As you can imagine, that last part has become probably the defining part of her current public image. Styles is wildly famous and his love life has been obsessed over since he was a teenager. Every woman who has ever been even remotely connected to him has been subjected to a barrage of misogyny and hate from a vocal subset of his fandom.
Olivia Wilde, who he dated after working with her on Don’t Worry Darling, was labelled a groomer hag for being in a relationship with a man who was pushing 30. Tess Ward, a food blogger who was merely rumoured to have dated Styles, saw her cookbook review bombed on Amazon and faced intense hate on social media, as did model Camille Rowe, who Styles apparently had a year-long relationship with.
So, alas, it’s not surprising in the least that Russell, a beautiful Black award-winning actress with a famous boyfriend, has become the subject of such attacks.
It doesn’t take long to find the hatred online, whether it’s sad creeps on Twitter claiming she’s an ugly social climber, TikTok conspiracists insisting she’s the latest PR beard keeping Styles away from his true love Louis Tomlinson, or Reddit pages spinning dramatic tales of her sultry wiles that will devastate poor millionaire Harry.
The cycle of being the girlfriend, confirmed or otherwise, of an internet boyfriend begins anew. Same as it ever was.
With Russell, there is also the horrendous typhoon of racism on top of the misogyny. She’s a Black actress dating a white man who is more famous than she is, and therefore she is somehow the enemy to the white women who cannot let go of their inflated fantasies of Styles.
All the screeds about her ugliness (which are so astonishingly and objectively false that it boggles the mind) are thinly veiled insults regarding her race. Her career achievements are invalid in the eyes of those who view any woman connected to Styles as a fame-hungry vulture using his spotless image to inflate their own egos. They love to claim that nobody knew who Taylor Russell, an award-winning actress and muse of a luxury fashion house, was until she met Styles. Then again, they said the same thing about Olivia Wilde, too. Facts don’t matter. These insults don’t even need to seem true. They’re just the same old insults used over and over again, to be recycled with every woman who dares to approach their beloved.
I doubt many of these so-called fans actually care about the person they spend so much time devouring. At the very least, they’re so wholly consumed by their conspiracies that they’ve grown more attached to a delusion of utmost misery than a true desire for happiness for their favourites.
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jomiddlemarch · 1 year
The Duchess and the Diamond
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The ballroom was grand, lit with a vast quantity of candles so that it shone bright as a summer’s noon, but the two women spoke as if they were concealed by a moonless midnight’s shadows.
“Has Lady Maria lost all sense of decorum?” Lady Fletcher positively hissed behind her gently fluttering ivory fan.
“I don’t know what you mean, Agnes,” Lady Shepherd replied. She had an inkling, of course, but it was always better to draw Agnes out as she made the most diverting remarks when she was either indignant or patronizing, and by her tone and the incline of her head, her en tremblant hair combs trembling quite noticeably, the current situation was a perfect confluence. “Lady Maria might be said to be somewhat eccentric, everyone would agree—there is not one lobster patty in sight and she hasn’t served ratafia for the past year and her taste in lace, well—”
“You know very well what I mean, Lydia. I mean that, that man—”
Here Lady Fletcher gestured almost boldly in the direction of the man in question, the object of much attention, curiosity and no little degree of scorn from the high sticklers. 
“You mean Lord Miller?” 
“Even his name speaks to his common origins,” Lady Fletcher said, sniffing in rapturous condescension. “Miller? How might anyone purport to be a member of the Ton with such a surname? What’s next, Lord Cook? Viscount Clerk?”
“Prinny is likely to say his royal favor is enough,” Lady Shepherd replied. “And then, the man is prodigiously wealthy, captured a half-dozen ships and has three battlefield promotions. Though I grant you, he does not quite look the part—”
They both glanced at where Lord Miller stood, a solemn and solitary figure flanked only by a potted palm. While there could be no complaint made as to the cut of his coat and pristine knot of his cravat, there was no denying a certain raw power, a rough-hewn quality to his features, his complexion bronzed, his stance one of a ship’s captain, his gaze accustomed to searching for the North Star and any enemy on the horizon. He was the furthest thing from a dandy one could imagine, whether he wore a properly powdered wig or not.
“No, he does not,” Lady Fletcher said. “To think someone of his stature was granted the wardship of Lady Elinor Ramsay—a Duke’s granddaughter!”
“Impoverished, though,” Lady Shepherd pointed out. “Lord Miller’s evidently declared he’ll dower her well from his own coffers, there’s not the least hint of any impropriety, save what she causes herself. She’s quite a hoyden, she’s been through three governesses in the past six weeks according to my lady’s maid. Miss Mischief, she’s called among his staff, though I cannot say they fully disapprove of her.”
“She hasn’t a chance of making a good marriage with only Lord Miller to sponsor her, no matter how well he dowers her and how many teas and balls he can convince Lady Maria to organize on her behalf,” Lady Fletcher said. 
“You cannot have heard then?” Lady Shepherd said, leaning in slightly. Lady Fletcher would not care for being the one who must admit ignorance, but the prospect of gossip about Lord Miller was too tempting to refuse. 
“Do go on, Lydia, it’s quite rude of you to tease.”
“Lord Miller is determined to marry this Season and marry well enough that his new bride might provide entrée for Lady Elinor. He had hopes of Lady Carmichael, as he served with her brother, but then she was compromised by that horrid viscount, Cord or Gordon or somesuch, the one who looks most terrifyingly like a mushroom, and Lord Miller had to step aside, as he could not rescue Lady Carmichael and ensure his ward’s acceptance in good society,” Lady Shepherd explained.
“Poor Tess,” Lady Fletcher remarked with what sounded like genuine sympathy. “The viscount is known to have a rather weak constitution—she may retreat to her Scottish holdings and hope a harsh winter carries off the scoundrel or whatever is passing for cuisine among the Highlanders. She would have been wasted on Lord Miller though—”
“They had some affinity, but it’s irrelevant, as she’s due to marry in a fortnight,” Lady Shepherd said.
“I suppose Lady Maria and the Duke of Wesley are determined to help Lord Miller secure a wife,” Lady Fletcher said. “The Duke considers him a brother, after all.”
“As much as they may, I’ve heard. Lord Miller is very proud and brusque. But the Duke’s valet found a man for Lord Miller, so that he might appear well-turned out in company. My maid says when he’s at home, he goes about in his shirtsleeves and a scuffed pair of Hessians,” Lady Shepherd said. 
“He hasn’t the hands for a quizzing-glass, that’s most evident,” Lady Fletcher tittered. 
“He holds the ribbons of his curricle light enough,” Lady Shepherd replied.
“Shall that attract him a charming and wellborn bride? I shouldn’t think so,” Lady Fletcher said. 
“It may attract her brother or father. He’s a fine stable of horses,” Lady Shepherd said.
“It almost sounds as if you’d entertain a suit for your Flora,” Lady Fletcher said, an eyebrow raised in skeptical inquiry.
“Her father might. I shouldn’t risk it. Flora’s a dear but she’s rather timid and it would be like pairing a canary with a falcon,” Lady Fletcher said. “Besides, if we did, think of the disappointment of the Ton—everyone is so looking forward to seeing Lord Miller run amok on the marriage mart. We may even learn if he’s capable of waltzing—”
“I assure you he’s entirely, eminently capable,” Lady Maria said, having approached the party from the rear, a military maneuver she’d learned from her great-aunt, a woman renowned for her stratagems, her cutting tongue, and her collection of bejeweled turbans which she’d taken to at age thirty and had worn despite any variance in fashion for the remainder of her life. To be so confronted by their hostess was an indication that they’d grown too engrossed with their conversation or too comfortable with their positions, forgetting that even the hint of a scandal could topple the most sterling reputation unless one was an original or a Duchess. As neither lady fulfilled either category, they both pursed their lips in the apologetic simper that was required to show their pretense at remorse.
“One might expect it of a sea-captain,” Lady Shepherd hazarded. “I believe they must be quite nimble on board. There is an excessive quantity of rope and one hardly ever sees a senior Naval man missing a lower limb. They do speak of sailors dancing jigs and whatever a hornpipe is, surely a commander must master the steps as well.”
“Lord Miller would be glad of your confidence,” Lady Maria replied in such a tone and with such a glance as to ensure both of her listeners understood she meant the opposite. “He is indeed everything accomplished, however stern he may appear, and any wise young lady would be fortunate to receive his offer.”
“But that assumes the young ladies this Season are wise, when I do believe I have never seen a sillier, giddier collection of misses presented to the Queen,” Lady Fletcher said, meaning to pounce upon Lady Maria’s remark and regain some superiority. Lady Maria was unperturbed, her gloves unwrinkled, her hem kissing the polished floor with the greatest elegance possible.
“If Lord Miller intended to consider only those young ladies making their debut, that might perhaps be a dilemma. As it stands, he has imposed no such restriction, only seeking a wife worthy of his hand and well-suited to the guidance of his ward,” Lady Maria said. “He is quite devoted to Lady Elinor, for all that she taxes his patience; one cannot resist her liveliness and she shows every sign of being deemed her year’s diamond.”
“Lady Elinor? A diamond of the first water?” Lady Fletcher exclaimed. “You would make such a prediction?”
“I would make such a wager,” Lady Maria said. It was widely known Lady Fletcher regularly overspent her pin money and would likely have gambled away her family estate; she would not be able to decline Lady Maria’s proposition and Lady Shepherd would not keep the exchange to herself. It would be the choicest gossip of the night’s ball, unless there was an impromptu betrothal between crusty, long-time bachelor Earl Nicholas and the sprightly Honorable Frances Bartlett, an event so unlikely they would not even record it in the betting book at White’s.
“What stakes?” Lady Fletcher asked.
“I know they say ladies must never offer anything of great value, confining ourselves to flower cuttings or ices at Gunter’s, but when I gamble, I prefer for it to be worth my while. As I far outrank you, I shall stake a favor, to be called in at the time of your choosing. On your part, I think it is only fitting you stake your diamond parure—”
“The Fletcher diamonds?” Lady Shepherd exclaimed. Lady Fletcher had turned a peculiar color that resembled old whey and emphasized the somewhat heavy hand that had rouged her cheeks.
“Diamonds for a diamond, what could be more poetic? More apt?” Lady Maria said.
“I don’t think—” Lady Fletcher began.
“Naturally, if you are not sanguine about the wager, you needn’t make it, though I’d expect you to offer your vocal support to Lady Elinor and Lord Miller,” Lady Maria said.
“I’m confident the chit won’t be anything like the Season’s diamond. Nor even an original,” Lady Fletcher said. “I’d go a step further and say I wager Lord Miller cannot become engaged to a member of the Ton before Lady Elinor’s presentation to the Queen.”
“What an intriguing elaboration,” Lady Maria said. Lady Shepherd thought that Lady Fletcher ought to blanch at their hostess’s tone, but arrogance had restored her complexion. The diamonds at her throat and earrings sparkled and Lady Shepherd wondered how they might look on Lord Miller’s ward.
“I take it you accept?” Lady Fletcher said.
“Gladly,” Lady Maria said. “What a very delightful Season this promises to be!”
This fic is for @tessa-quayle who deserves to be having a better day!
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ettawritesnstudies · 7 days
happy storyteller saturday! what are your characters' favourite kinds of weather? do they associate any memories or activities with their favourite season? how do they handle the heat / the cold?
Happy STS! Thanks for the ask!
At the beginning of Runaways, Hannah and Cecelia have this exchange during a thunderstorm:
Hannah gives her a satisfied smile; then, as drumming rain rolls over the roof, she clicks off the flashlight to watch the lightning that follows. Gasping, Cecelia claws the flashlight from her hands with urgent ferocity. Hannah flinches as her sister’s fingernails rake her skin. The beam flickers on again beneath Cecelia’s face, pointed upward. She gives her older sister a fearsome scowl. The light catches the curves of her features and turns her childish pout into a mask of anger. “What are you doing?” Hannah asks, rubbing the marks on the back of her palm. “You always want to watch the storms. Last week I had to pull you back from the windowsill before you fell ‘cause you said you wanted to pet the wind.” Cecelia shakes her head. “The wind spirit isn’t a friend tonight.” Hannah lets silence fall between them as thunder rattles the windowpanes. Cecelia’s always believed in faeries and ghosts and other such nonsense, but she’s never feared them before. She narrows her eyes at her sister, but lets the matter drop
So yeah! Cecelia loves thunderstorms except on this particular night before Halloween 👀
Hannah enjoys the summer most where she can run around barefoot and spend long hours outside. The girls are homeschooled so their school schedule is less restrictive than a public school calendar but they still more-or-less follow the school year curriculum and have to get work done the same as every other kid. She likes the days best after a thunderstorm where it's sunny and everything is refreshed, growing and alive.
The Taken grew up in the Unseelie Court where everything is bleak and dismal on the best of days, and she mostly lived in harsh underground prison-type lodgings that the Piper kept the wards in. When she returns to the human world as Tess, she loves rainy days because they're familiar, but she can stay inside where she's warm and comfortable.
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