#text goes brrrr
pomellon · 1 year
When I mentioned Dream and Sapnap bonded when they were really young in the dtk+ dragon au, I mean that Dream woke up one night to the sound of Sapnap’s egg hatching, went to check on him, and found a little baby hatchling blinking up at him. The bond was instant, and Dream just picked lil baby Sap up and tucked him into his nest before curling up around him.
Sapnap literally imprinted on Dream.
Dragon imprints last for a couple of years and are there so hatchlings have an adult to run to and rely on in case of danger and to care for them. Obviously Bad was meant to be the dragon Sapnap imprinted on, but even tho he wasn’t he still of course was the one who took care of all of Sapnap’s needs. Sapnap would just fuzz and struggle if Dream wasn’t around and the moment he was set free to do as he pleased he would be toddling after Dream. The moment he got spooked he would dive under Dream’s baby fluff and he was generally pretty much attached to the older hatchling.
Dream didn’t at all mind, he’s just a couple of years older than Sapnap and was mostly just excited to have a new potential friend, taking his role as Sapnap’s “protector” very seriously. 
They practically did everything together, and twenty-something years later Sapnap is still following after Dream, and Dream will still curl up around him when they sleep <3
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calowlmitygoddess · 2 years
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finally a decent illustration of my blorbos
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42-forty-two-42 · 2 months
are you 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
42 seems to stare right through Anon's soul. Even though the eyes weren't seen.
4̭̄2͉̌ ̗͒4̞͆2̊͜ ̪̌4̭̊2͎̚ ̢̏4̺̃2̝̆,̱͊ ̤͛4̠̿2̜̂ ̙͆4͕̕2̥̽ ͕̔4̜̏2͚̂ ͙̇4̯̊2̆ͅ ̲͗4̦͂2̝̈́.̧̅ 4̦̌2̢̈́ ̯̑4̪̀2̳͋,͔̉ ̖͆4̟͋2̥̅ ͚̄4̩̎2̱̓ ̛̺4̳̾2̺͝ ̝̔4̜̕2̰̂ ͚̚4̥͒2͚͝ ͙́4̛̳2̼̓ ̯͐4͒͜2̜̇ ̬̈4̘̓2̲̃,̰̍ ͎̽4̗̇2͓̊ ̤͂4̰̃2̯̀ ̖̽4͇̆2̫̋,̫̅ ̗̔4͕̓2͚́ ̲́4̰͆2͓͑ ̙̾4̭̅2̣̕?̖̚
( If you think so, I might as well be. I mean, the likes of me want to replace you, while devouring you, do they not? )
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ellies-enrichment · 11 months
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been a rough few weeks ngl
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alilpuppyboy · 1 year
Following on from my last post, I really would love getting muzzled. I have spoken about it before but being restrained in such a way is.....so fucking hot to me. It's all I can think about right now! I love biting so so so much but having that taken away from me by someone who has authority and power over me? Very good. Especially if it's not even as a punishment, it's Just Because they don't want to deal with the biting they know that's coming. Very little makes me feel more like a pup than the concept of getting muzzled.
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valentinoappreciator · 4 months
i know i always yap on and on about valentino (because he's my special little beast) on here but also i need you all to understand that i NEED to get tag-teamed by valentino AND vox
preferably while it gets recorded so they can use it as blackmail material if i misbehave ❤️
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venleaf · 7 months
Sometimes I think about this ask where anon asked if I take art requests
And after replying (in council style) and saying yes, I am just waiting for the day it will happen
Will an art request roll in? Did the council scare them off? Did they misinterpretate the reply? Am I overthinking this???
The darkness says hello
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victim9d · 7 months
no cause u dont get it. im TRYING to write
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l3viat8an · 8 months
Levi is the type to cosplay your favorite characters so that whenever you think about them, your mind goes to that time he cosplayed them✨️✨️
Possesive demon go brrrr
Now that’s hot~
And!!! If you’re texting or simping for your favorite character Levi’s the type to ‘accidentally’ send you his cosplay photos-
Like obviously he meant to send you something else!!!- His finger….just….slipped…somehow....anyways!!!- as long as you’re looking at his photos -simping- why don’t you complement his cosplay?- again-
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req'd by @buying-the-space-farm
ahhh so very true
text: Depression goes brrr, anxiety goes BRRRR
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Weekly tag Wednesday !!
Thank u for the tags @spookygingerr and @especially-fuk-u !!
Name: dean :D
Age: 18
Your time zone: EST
What do you do for work: I’m in school right now so nothing, but this summer (probably in a couple weeks) I’m working at a pool store and maybe an ice cream shop
Do you have any pets?: yes!! I have a calico cat named Salem, she’s my best friend and so cute I love her so much
What first drew you to the fandom: I kept seeing clips of shameless on TikTok, I finally caved and started watching it over the summer, and I got hooked ever since (averaged a season and a half in a day), lurked around the fandom for a while but then started majorly interacting. I’ve never been normal about anything I’ve ever consumed, this is no exception (autism goes brrrr)
Morning person or night owl?: night owl baby!! Earliest you’ll get me up is 10am, I’ll go to sleep around 3-4 am (I also have insomnia)
What are your hobbies?: any type of art or craft, I paint, sew, draw, bookbind and just random miscellaneous stuff, my last art project was making spikes for my jacket from soda cans. I also read, like, a lot, mainly fanfiction bc special interest, but also I love non fiction (essays, memoirs, political theory) and some fiction (I love love love horror), I’m a major Jack of all trades, just constantly looking for something new to try
How tall are you?: 5’6” baby!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?: anywhere warm and with a beach, I love summer and I’m built for it, I’ve considered New Orleans a lot for some reason, maybe California but I also hate west coast culture so um there’s that
Favorite color: yellow !! My and my siblings were color coded to prevent fights, and yellow was my color as a kid and it’s just stayed my favorite, and people always unanimously agree yellow is a color that Suits Me, saying i have yellow and sunshine energy, it also just best on me compared to other colors
Favorite book: this is such a hard choice, im going to say the perks of being a wallflower I think, ultimate comfort book really, but I also love to talk and think about Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Favorite movie?: it’s a horror movie called the empty man, it’s SO weird and SO fucked up with the most normal and sane horror protagonist
Favorite fic: I could never choose, one I’ve been thinking about A Lot is the origins of girldadism, but I also love meanest hunk of woman and enemy lines I’ll recommend them till the day I die
Favorite musical artist: I love love love Green Day i could talk abt them forever I’m going to see them in concert this summer and I’m SO freaking excited, honorable mentions are Noah kahan and old dominion
What is your average screen time so far this week?: 8 hours and 10 minutes. Higher than I was expecting considering all I’ve been doing is studying
What’s the first app you open in the morning: Spotify! I need music all the time ever, it helps me get going in the morning on weekdays, and on weekends either tumblr, discord, or Instagram depending on who’s texted me
How long have you been on tumblr: I think this summer will be 6 years?
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: I’m learning my third language (Ukrainian) and planning a fourth (French, probably in college (I’m so done with Spanish bffr)) I also make my own recycled paper! I think that’s always fun to mention
I’m tagging:
@mickeym4ndy @astaraels @em-harlsnow @mickittotheman @transmickey
@atthedugouts @jademickian @liza420
And anyone else who wants to !! Ur welcome to do so !! And no pressure, you can otherwise consider this a friendly hello, fist bump, dap, and/or an “I’m thinking of you”
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lingering-42-long · 10 months
I’ll be home for Christmas
Soap x f! reader
I don’t know what happened, but the original one either got accidentally deleted or I just never posted it! This is the first of the series. I’ll be home for Christmas. Enjoy
Warnings: none
John winced when he got the call from headquarters saying he would need to leave for duty on Tuesday, witch meant be on a flight to the shitty hell-hole of a place tomorrow. He hated being called at last moment. Being left out of the loop irked him to no end.
Soap looked over at the clock and noticed that his girlfriend would be home soon. She worked at a local pub by night in Sterling and her shift was nearing the end. Just as he was thinking about her his phone buzzed with a text. It was from (y/n). ‘Hey Johnny, I’ll be home in a bit on my way.’
John texted back ‘ok love. See you here.:)’ He noticed she called him Johnny not hunny or babe. She must be tired. He thought to himself as he got up to finish dinner. He hated having to leave her behind in such short notice.
The Cock-a-Leekie soup was almost finished when John heard keys outside jingle and the lock opening. (Y/n) came in on this chilly night.
“Brrrr. It’s cold out there” she shivered and hung her jacket on the peg by the door and was in the process of taking her wet shoes and socks off, when two arms snaked around her waist. “Aye mo leannan (yes my sweetheart). You’re cold aren’t ya?” His thick Scottish accent rolled off his tongue as he kissed her neck. A giggle could be heard from her lips “Already trying to flirt with me this late? “Lass if I was try’n to flirt with ya, I would’ve put more effort into it.” He gave a little nibble to her earlobe. (Y/n) smiled as she slipped on a pair of house slippers. “Something smells amazing. Are you making what I think your making?”
“Aye ghràdh (love).” Soap smiled as he dished out two plates.
“You really didn’t have to do that. It’s so late…” It was true. It was around 1:45am, but John didn’t matter. He knew he did not have much time with his Beloved. “No I don’t mind,” he smiled then his face dropped, “Also I got to tell you something.”
A frown formed on (y/n)’s face. “Let’s talk about it after dinner, ok?” John gave a quick nod and touched her cheek gently “tha gaol agam ort (I love you).”
A light blush formed over (y/n)’s face “I love you too”
Dinner was amazing and the two of them talked about (y/n)’s job and who was at the pub that night. John gave a slight snort when she was telling him about the idiot who kept flirting with her. “Did ye tell ‘em yur with meh?”
“Of course I did but you know how men are, he saw that as a challenge”
“Next time I’ll show him a real challenge” he huffed.
“No need. I took care of it quick.” She chuckled. “I got Bruce to start waiting on him.” The man Bruce, she was referring too, was a big hulking of a man and could scare anyone into submission if it came to one of his colleagues getting uneasy with a drunken idiot.
“Well at least he has been delt with.” John nodded. He was very happy that she could stand up in a fight. That’s one of the many things he loved about her.
“So…. What’s this bad news you have to dump on me?” (Y/n) asked already figuring it out but waiting for the confirmation.
“Lass I got called in for a mission… I know it’s bad timing.” So close to Christmas. It was both there favorite time of the year. It was going to be tough on them.
“Yeah really bad timing.” She bit her bottom lip trying not to let her tears fall. “I had made plans and everything too…oh well”
“Hey now mo aingeal milis (my sweet angel). Yer can still do those things, and the plan is to be home for Christmas… if all goes to plan tha’ is.” A simple touch to the shoulder almost sent (y/n) crying. She was a tough-ie but things that were very important to her still got to her. “I know…I just worry if you will be ok…if you will make it…”
“Aye Bonnie I promise ye I will com back home in one piece yeah?”
“Alive?” She asked
“Alive and well.” He chuckled. “Now go get ready fer bed. I’ll clean up and be there in a bit.”
She shook her head “I want to help…”
“Your tired. You’ve been working all night. Let me do this fer ya.”
“Fine.” (Y/n) trudged upstairs to their room and washroom were she took off her makeup and jewelry. She had worn the necklace and matching earrings that John had given her last year as an anniversary gift on Valentine’s Day.
She looked at herself in the mirror, tears still threatening to spill, a long night and now this? Pull yourself together girl. (Y/n) told herself but to no avail. When she made it to the bedroom to get changed for the evening, the thought of her boyfriend leaving her made the waterworks start as she burst out crying into her pillow, sobbing away. Perfect timing for Soap to walk in, catching sight of his overtired, crying girlfriend.
“Hey hey hey! What’s this Love?” Gently kneeling beside her side of the bed and placing a hand on her back.
“I’m sorry I must be tired, but the thought of you leaving for the holidays…” (Y/n)’s voice broke again as she tried to regain her composure.
“No don’t apologize, ghràdh (love). I wished I could have told you sooner.” He kissed her head gently. “I know this will be h’rd on both of us but we can work this out, yeah?” John got up and walked to his dresser to get on a pair of pants. He liked to sleep shirtless.
As soon as Soap opened the covers to get in, his girlfriend clung onto him. “Aye lass I got ye.” He chuckled and stroked her head. “I’ll wake ye up when I leave ok?” No reply just a nod into his chest. Softly, as if she would shatter in his arms, he hummed an old song and gently rubbed her back. This made (Y/n) break down and cry again. “I got ye let it out. Shhhhhh.” John murmured, now his own eyes betraying him as they stung with salty water threatening to hit his pillow and his girlfriend. He held (y/n) tightly, letting her cry to sleep, knowing that would be the best for her. Soon he was following in that pattern.
It was 6:30am when John began walking to the door with his sleepy girlfriend in tow, holding his arm. Soap opened the door, with his duffel bags in hand gave his (y/n) a kiss. “I’ll be back in a few weeks, you’ll see”
(y/n) nodded sadly. “Be safe out here ok? Kick there asses.”
He gave a small smile “I always do.”
John turned around to head for his car don’t turn back, dont fucking turn back. But he did and saw (y/n) standing there “fuck” he muttered a small choke. He dropped his bags and swiftly dashed back to her.
“Oh lass I am going to miss ye so so so much!” He was shaking. Trying to hold it in, trying to be the big tough Sargent he needed to be.
“It’s ok. You told me last night we got this, it’s not like we haven’t been in this same boat before. If we did it 100 times before we can do it one more time. I’ll be waiting here for you when you get back ok?” A smile laced with sadness stretched over (y/n)’s face.
He pulled himself up and nodded. She was right. With a final lasting kiss he went back to grab his bags once more and this time made it to the car without look back. Setting his stuff in the back seat, he then got into the front, starting the engine, and slowly driving out from the driveway. He could see her silhouette in the dim light coming from the living room as she stood outside watching him. Soap drove down the road towards the airport with one thought on his mind.
When I get back love, I’m going to ask you a question… I hope you say yes.
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hunters-trashblog · 4 months
Parker, change his text back to blue immediately.... I can't handle this-/nf
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i just read your last wereroomies!chris' work, and i (ofc) absolutely loved it!!
it just kept me thinking... you know when you are reading a book, and there is a part that is just text and descriptions and you are so lazy that you are like "dialogue meh meh meh oh, the main character made that meh meh dialogue", just like if there are parts of the descriptions that you don't want to read because you feel that there is a lot of text (i don't know if i explained it well). the thing is, i just realised that when i read your works, that doesn't happen even once. like, i know that every writer in tumblr spends their time writing and selecting the best choice of words to express what they want you to read, and with you i just can't not read the description.
(it was supposed to be a compliment but my english is horrible and i don't know how to explain it properly) (❤️‍🩹)
aaaaa i'm glad you loved it!!
i know exactly what you mean, dw (: makes me curious as to why my writing won't give you that feeling! it's probably not that deep that it warrants a reason other than "brain goes brrrr", but it sparks my curiosity regardless haha
thank you, bb💜 i'm really flattered that you like the way i write this much!
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ashekirk · 2 years
Sliders Fan Fics
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So, anyway, here's my master list of Sliders fics I've been writing for the past 6 weeks or so.
Basically nobody is reading them but I caN'T STOP WRITING THE DAMN THINGS WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME why do my brain go brrrr over this instead of things that matter adhd sure is a harsh mistress
The links below are to my AO3 versions, but all are also available on my personal site, which uses an accessible reader I developed myself. It allows for adjusting text size on the fly, switching between four different fonts including OpenDyslexic, and also has a night mode toggle. It's tested on both my phone and PC browser. And you have my full permission to rip the code to use as you want.
Sliders: Season 6 Fan Scripts
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Episode 1: Conjoined Quinns, Part I
Over twenty years have passed since the events of Season 5. Mallory and Maggie are married with a child. But Mallory's not well - no matter how much sleep he gets, he is still always exhausted to the point of waking hallucination. Meanwhile, in another world, a new sliding machine is being built by a familiar face.
Episode 2: Conjoined Quinns, Part II
The gang attend a fateful concert. Mallory learns to adjust to his new arrangement. Cole really wants to scan some brains. With old friends being reunited, it seems like things are all falling into place at once. But who could have expected who shows up next?
Episode 3: Identical Quinns
Unexpected visitors create new hope for Quinn. Rembrandt goes out for a steak dinner with Diana. Cole gets to scan more brains. The basement gets a visitor. Love rekindles. A ghostly apparition may hold answers to the mystery of the group's recent string of unlikely events.
Episode 4: Mandela Effect
With the newly found note as evidence, it seems like there are no coincidences to the recent good luck. But now, everything seems to be coming apart as some of the team ends up in a world where a strange symbol is carved into their hands, and things around them keep changing.
Episode 5: Quarantine
In their efforts to rescue Colin, the slider gang (original generation + Alt Wade) winds up on a world where a pandemic is ravaging the world and it seems like America is incredibly divided on the seriousness of the virus. Meanwhile, Quinn is mistaken for some actor named Jerry, and the Professor might be in a spot of trouble after failing to properly socially distance.
Episode 6: Gender Police
(Here's where they really start getting fun, if you were wondering)
After Quinn gets caught up in a military incursion of the basement, a team of Wade, Maggie, Diana, and Cole attempt to rescue him, but are instead flung to an Earth with a strict patriarchy and literal gender police. When Cole is arrested for attempting to use a Women's bathroom, and subsequently rescued by a resistance group, the cis women of the team wind up involved with a rival group - with a secret. Content Warning: This fic explores the difficult and timely subject of transphobia and TERF rhetoric, and while the fic explicitly condemns it, it may disturb some readers.
Episode 7: Quinntuplets
Quinn is recruited by a crack team of three other Quinns all working out of a high budget military facility. Almost like Stargate, they've built an impressive catalogue of worlds, and established a wide network of embassies, sharing their tech while absorbing tech from other worlds. But, there's someone in a holding cell that's got a bone to pick with Quinn Bravo.
Episode 8: Oops! All Quinns
Quinn's never seen a city with so many handsome devils before. Old and new acquaintances await in the futuristic city of Quinn Francisco (a tribute to Rick and Morty). Meanwhile, Quinn Alfa awakens to a smashed timer and a family not his own.
Episode 9: Quinnternational Incident
Things come to a head with the Quinn Squad, but Bravo is no ordinary enemy to outwit. Will Quinn be able to rescue his brother, escape the facility, and prevent the annihilation of Quinn Francisco, all in one night? Or will everything fall apart when his plan fails to get the results he needs? How far can Bravo push Quinn into his own dark side?
Episode 10: Family Reunion
(This one largely exists to tie up loose ends, but is ideal if you want the feels more than the action)
In a double length finale, the whole family has gathered for the Mallory-Welles wedding. Well, maybe not quite - there's one person missing. Maybe they can be found before the big day? But as one couple ties the knot, another marriage is on the rocks. Can Maggie and Mallory find a reason to stay together? Hearts are poured out and lives are upended, as everyone reaches a natural crossroads. Where do they all go from here? And what of Missus Mallory, who's living on borrowed time? p.s. Apologies for the on-the-nose reference. If you get it, you'll know.
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That's not all.....
More fics
The Bravo Diaries
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A spin-off of my Sliders Season 6 series, following Quinn Bravo after what happens to him during "Quinnternational Incident."
It's a series of ongoing diary entries. If you haven't read the source material, it should still work, as the main character in this starts out knowing very little as well (though it'll totally spoil Quinnternational Incident for you). Just be aware that the MC is a Quinn Mallory double, living on a world outside the mainstream Slider-verse.
Quinntum Leap
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(My current hyperfixation, shut up)
Something of a novel I'm writing, Quinntum Leap is a 2-part series crossover of Sliders and Quantum Leap which explores the familial relationship between Maggie and Sam Beckett. This is ongoing as of this post (I'm nearing the conclusion of part 1, which will end up somewhere around 25,000 words. Part 2 may end up longer).
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Still in development:
"Support Group", a one-shot short story about the first meeting of the slider support group assembled during Family Reunion.
NOW TAKING IDEAS FOR MORE QUINN-BASED PUN TITLES. All the "slide" based puns from the canon titles are played out lol
If you want to use my AO3 Work Skins, just ask and I'll share. The screenplay one is complicated, but the prose one is easy. A version of it is also up on Stylish if you want it, under "Easier Reading Ao3"
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jilljoycearts · 4 years
Feel free to skip a few I'm overenthusiastic thinking of trios in Enderal
9. Snug, marry, kill
-> The Forgotten Stories Trio
Tharaêl, Dijaam, Esme
-> The Main platonic and/or romantic Relationships (imho)
Tharaêl, Jespar, Calia
-> Easy peasy maybe? The Emissaries besides the Prophetess (asking you about Siri feels wrong lol)
Tealor, Coarek, Yuslan
-> Iconic Vendors
Fresh and Tasty Bread, huh no I just place them out for you to look at, my wares it is you want to see I promise you they bring you glee
-> Dust pit adversaries (I want to write Tharaêl again because technically true hngpf)
The Twins (double trouble with two handed hammerss), Tamas Sha'Gar (first fight with the 4 people free for all, he was the one with bow and fire arrows), Raga Shadowclaw (lycanthrope)
-> more "cuddle once, have as a pet, abandon (give to a loving person to take care of)"
Whirlwind (Donkey), Standard Brown horse (not Svart), Cuthbert (the dead (& kinky) mini pig of Maxus Tabaccus, the summoned form not alive one of him)
-> The Big Baddies
The Father, Daddy, Ketaron Dal'Geyss (Rynéus' Father)
I'm a big indecisive softy so I couldn't answer any of those. Last one clearly indicates a certain **theme** in the game 🤔
Long ask - long answer! Like, very long.  The following is based on my personal opinions, visions of characters, marriage, human behaviour etc etc, and I’m fine if you disagree with me. Also, warning - adult topics.
Okay, the input info: 
- I think for myself, not for my prophetess (what I am: mid twenties female who values personal space in a relationship the most).  - I don’t turn it into modern au.  - This is “fuck/marry/kill”, not “snug/marry/kill” (I believe it’s implied, but still, ADULT TOPICS AHEAD) - For me(for this game) marriage is a combo of the first of our wonderful three-positions list, the lack of wish to implement the third and commitment. If optimistic – even fruitful coexistence. I keep in mind marriage is stability and all. - “Kill” is mostly “off the table” for those characters I can’t see fitting for any of the first two positions. That doesn’t mean I want to kill them, except I specifically state so. 
1. Tharaêl, Jespar, Calia Starting with the hardest one.I’m telling bye to Calia, alas. She’s too lawful, and I’d be very grey morality-wise if put to their realities. Besides, she has these sub vibes and I agree with opinions she might be very dom when it comes to intimacy, but her whole sadness aura is not for me. I don’t want to deal with it if I don’t have to.  Jespar: we know what he thinks of any relationship - “as long as I feel like it - I’m here for it, else - adiós” and it’s pretty common for our world, but as we’re in a medieval and religious community, I believe open relationship is not common at all. I am thinking about marriage possibilities here, yes. He wouldn’t like the idea – it involves commitment. And I assume he’s the closest to me personality-wise, so we could be close friends, but I *want* commitment. Whether the relationship hits low or we’re doing pretty good – I want my spouse to be with me. Jespar is known for running away when things get bad. So yeah, he stays just for one night. And it seems I have to marry Tharael. Well… He’s very ESTJ, but I don’t mind if he takes care of, welp, everything. Pros: his understanding of “family” is quite classic to our world as well. Remember what he says in the Refuge - “no one will have to mourn me - no widow, no children, no friends”. So in his head he tried to fit the roles of a husband and a father(still can’t see how he’s capable of it, but he definitely gave it some thinking). Family for him = wife and kids. He acknowledges and accepts the commitment. Besides, he seems to be very responsible and reliable. He also tries to be rational, sometimes he even manages. And, as I see the Rhalata as a military formation, having spent 8 years there, he is very straightforward and strict/precise/exact (pick the right word). If something’s being said – rarely hidden context is implied. It makes communication much easier. Cons: he is explosive and I have strong suspicions he might be of jealous type. It is manageable, though. Especially if you set a list of rules together what is acceptable and what needs further explanations. He’s used to living following rules, so give him new ones and he’ll feel more confident. But careful, as it may play against you. Been there done that. Rules are cool as long as they’re acceptably flexible and you’re not trying to find how to cheat and break them. 
But out of these three, he is the husband material, at least for me. I’m not mentioning any intimacy above, as it would break the game for Tharael at all. But if elaborating – I don’t even know how you would drag him to your bedroom when he’s aware what he is and absolutely not aware what this new “shell” may produce as kids, if it is capable of it at all. So I politely ignore this fact. (In my otp it works as I headcanon the prophet can’t have children)
2. Tharaêl, Dijaam, Esme Why I would marry Esme: she *is* commitment. She cares a lot for a person she’s close to. She cares even after their relationship is not a thing anymore. I love this personality trait, and I’d like to see it in a potential spouse. I’m not sure what kind of relationship she prefers tho, if it’s open like Jespar wants them to be, I start doubting and think of picking Tharael again(not telling Tharael doesn’t care as much; in fact, he cares more). If not an open relationship – Esme is “lighter” than him, but also much more naive. But it’s okay, I can be oversuspicious for the both of us. So, marry Esme. And sorry, Dijaam, I have to kill you as I like Tharael more 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
3. Tealor, Coarek, Yuslan Ah, tricky. Yuslan once had a family – he’s capable of it, they were happy, so I’d pick him for marriage. I know how Qyranian people handle families and marriage, and poly relationships are definitely not my thing, but what he had was very “classy”, so I’m good.Tealor failed to have a family. He barely tried at all. Taranor – the lore never mentioned anything about any love interests. I guess not much difference here picking who to fuck and who to kill. I just pick what looks better, so… kill Tealor.
4. “Iconic Vendors Fresh and Tasty Bread, huh no I just place them out for you to look at, my wares it is you want to see I promise you they bring you glee” I barely trade in the game, I hoard everything😅 I know the first one is Marita, the second phrase is not unique to just one character and the last one I simply can’t remember. But I don’t want to do anything with the mean trader, so I kill him. Marita will be my friend.
5. “Dust pit adversaries (I want to write Tharaêl again because technically true hngpf)The Twins (double trouble with two handed hammerss), Tamas Sha'Gar (first fight with the 4 people free for all, he was the one with bow and fire arrows), Raga Shadowclaw (lycanthrope)” Ehhhh we don’t have any personalities here, so I can’t really pick anyone. KILL ALL! 
6. “more "cuddle once, have as a pet, abandon (give to a loving person to take care of)"Whirlwind (Donkey), Standard Brown horse (not Svart), Cuthbert (the dead (& kinky) mini pig of Maxus Tabaccus, the summoned form not alive one of him)” I’m keeping the ghost pig as it’s somewhat intelligent, doesn’t need food and grooming and takes care of itself in general. If given the choice, I wouldn’t pick anything. Commitment, commitment… As for the other two hoofed frens, no difference really. I’d patpat both, but I don’t want to own a pet.
7. The Father, Daddy, Ketaron Dal'Geyss (Rynéus' Father) Ahh yess daddy issues :D It’s actually simple for me. Daddy I would kill. Huge no. No-no-no. Firstly, he’s a father figure (and you associate yourself with the prophet), so no “snug”, no marriage, no anything. Kill him and that’s all. Ketaron I have to pick for just one night as I don’t see it possible for me to survive under the same roof with this shitty person… So I marry the Father. Nothing physical and it won’t be much I would have to contribute to this relationship but it would be interesting to learn new things, at least. Still, I can see it as “I don’t bother you with your business, you don’t bother me, we just coexist without hate and sometimes I ask dumb questions” That’s all. And no, I won’t try to change anything about the Father. I’d better prefer to avoid any contacts. Serious questions here, being put into a position of spouse would make me shave my head or not 🤔 
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