#thank u for talking this out with me j i’m going to go jump off the roof now
newoozi · 5 months
B YOU MADE IT SO MUCH WORSE FOR ME??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN. WHAT DO YOU MEANNNNN HIM SHOWING UP UNANNOUNCED AT YOUR PLACE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY BECAUSE HE WANTED TO SEE YOU?????? and he’s all out of breath cause not only did he cycle to you but he ran up the stairs??? because it was IMPORTANT that he sees you IMMEDIATELY???? but as soon as he looks at you he forgets what he wanted to say so with his flat helmet-hair and pink cheeks and wide eyes he just stands there looking at you. probably doesn’t say anything until you ask him if he’s okay and then he just. “i’m better now. you’ve been driving me crazy.”
why would you put me through this my beloved it is not even 8:30am. WHAT is your PROBLEMMMMM (i adore u so much u don’t understand. no one underSTANDS) (thank u again for the good mf food<3)
the voices are getting stronger (the voices being j feeding me in my ask box). DONT EVEN MAKE ME THINK ABOUT FLUSTERED HELMET HAIR VERNON WITH POUTY LIPS SO ANXIOUS TO KISS YOU PLEAAASSSEEEE! i’m at work about to eat my FIST.
i also think about maybe one of those days he has the usual hour long call with his mom and she’s disappointed to hear the date didn’t go as she anticipated but he brings you up unprompted, completely out of the blue, and she recognizes from the tone in his voice and how she can practically hear his smile that you’re different and he’s definitely feeling some type of way about you. she subtly tells him to do something about it. and she’s not disappointed about that date anymore.
i don’t have anything else to add to this. it’s perfect. no notes you’re the best i’m obsessed with your brain i need to kiss it!!!
(also my problem is vernon chwe;!:fhddj)
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youngerdrgrey · 11 months
all the pieces aren't even in the box // the morning show, bradley/laura (chapter one)
about: The first panic is right after Bradley's mom dies. Laura all but forces Bradley to take the week off from TMS, and Twitter fucking loses it once Laura starts the show alone. By the time they cut to the first real break, Gordon speaks up in Laura’s ear. “You’re trending. The lesbians are freaking out.” or, the last few months in Montana and how the world reacts along the way (and maybe how they find their way back to each other)
notes: this started as a QT on Twitter but quickly became a fic. twitter user @/falicesushi said, “hold on people found out [Laura and Bradley] were together but did they find out they broke up?” So welcome back to summer 2020, and the first time people think UBAs two moms are breaking up. (read chapter one on AO3)
J U L Y (2020)
The first wave is right after Bradley's mom dies. Laura all but forces Bradley to take the week off from TMS, and Twitter fucking loses it once Laura starts the show alone.
Weekend anchor Alison co-hosts virtually from the TMS studio. Laura thanks Alison for joining her on a weekday. It’s a natural handoff, but Bradley’s name trends within ten minutes of being on air.
By the time they cut to the first real break, Gordon speaks up in Laura’s ear. “You’re trending. The lesbians are freaking out.”
Laura’s eyebrows pinch together. “I know it’s a nice blazer, but—“
“Laura.” Gordon’s serious voice stops her. “They think you broke up, or Bradley’s dying.”
Laura’s chest feels tight. Her voice sounds clipped as she asks, “Which one’s winning?”
He sighs. “You don’t have to address it right now, but we do need to tell them something. They’re worried about you two.”
Laura nods before she has a real response. Bradley already said she doesn’t want to make a big statement out of her mother’s death. Only a few months into this pandemic, Laura can’t allude to Bradley feeling sick without adding to the panic. Something light.
She eyes her silenced phone on the small stool that’s out of frame. Bradley’s probably still asleep, but they could game plan together. She flips her phone over, and there’s only one notification. Do Not Disturb only shows Bradley’s on her Lock Screen.
Bradley - 7:17 AM: You can tell them. They’re losing their shit that I’m not there. Just don’t mention a funeral.
Laura softens as she reads. She should’ve expected that Bradley wouldn’t actually stay asleep. Their bodies are so attuned to the early hours.
Laura - 7:30 AM: Will do. Did you get any sleep after I left?
Three dots pop up too soon after Laura’s text.
Bradley - 7:30 AM: A little. Bradley - 7:31 AM: Part of me wishes I was just doing the show, but the rest of me can’t even get up to go to the bathroom Bradley - 7:31 AM: I’m fine, Laura. Stop worrying. Have a good show. We’ll talk after x
Laura frowns, but Gordon pops back up in her ear before she can start her reply.
“Your break’s almost done. What’d the missus say?”
Laura’s given up on correcting him at this point. He’s been calling Bradley different spousal variations ever since she touched down in Montana. It’s sweet, and it’d only sent Bradley into one panic spiral about whether they were moving too quickly.
Laura hearts Bradley’s text and flips her phone back over onto the soft stool.
Laura clears her throat before talking to Gordon. She says, “Bradley gave her blessing. I can mention it once we jump in, and then we can get back to the prompter.”
“Do you need copy or?”
Laura shakes her head. Once Gordon cues her in, Laura pulls a somber grin onto her face. It feels false at first. Until she remembers that Bradley will probably watch this too. Laura’s face softens immediately. Eyes warm and comforting.
“Some of you have noticed that Bradley is out this morning. Don’t fret. She is physically healthy. Unfortunately, her mother, Sandy Jackson, passed away from coronavirus complications. Our thoughts at UBA are with Bradley as she processes a loss that far too many of us have experienced this year. Her thanks again to Alison for filling in while she mourns.”
Alison nods back in the studio. “Of course. My heart goes out to Bradley.”
Laura knows they’ll lose their shit over this too, but she breaks eye contact with the camera to glance towards the rest of their home. “Mine too.”
Bradley’s still in bed when Laura comes up to their room. Her face is pink in that freshly washed way. Bags under her eyes darker than usual, but at least they’re not puffy. She’s even sitting up.
Laura wastes no time in untucking her blouse. The blazer hadn’t made it out of the studio.
Bradley’s eyes light up. “You putting on another show?”
Laura gives a sarcastic laugh. “Ha ha, one show before noon is enough for me.” The only upside of working in the mornings is having their evenings to themselves. Watching the sunset through the windows of their bedroom. Wine by the fireplace that doesn’t have a camera pointed its way.
“Well, you did great,” Bradley tells her. She scoots forward with her hands out. Laura walks around to her side of the bed so Bradley can unbutton her top. Laura doesn’t need the help, but Bradley needs something to do. Somewhere to focus her restlessness.
“Did you see the copy for today?” Laura rolls her eyes before looking down at her girlfriend. Bradley quirks a brow, so Laura goes on. “A whole segment on how Disney World’s set to reopen, but we only got one line to talk about the Columbus statue.”
Bradley huffs. She drops the shirt for a moment. “Imagine opening with that.” She pulls on her UBA anchor voice. “‘Set down your sparklers, and pick up your crowbars. It was a very happy Fourth of July in Baltimore this weekend.’”
Laura picks right up, slipping into the cadence. “‘Three-hundred protestors celebrated our Independence by toppling a statue of Christopher Columbus. As our national unrest grows, we have to remember the true nature of protest.’”
“‘To fuck something up,’” Bradley declares with a laugh.
“‘To be heard,’” Laura adds. She glances back down at Bradley, but this time, Bradley’s already looking up. 
The distraction doesn’t seem to be working. Any other day, Bradley would be two minutes deep into a rant about the coded language that passes for objective journalism. How Black Lives Matter protests get branded as riots before their feet even touch the ground. How the monuments to colonialism are treasured more than the American lives lost in overzealous, outsourced policing. How… how the people who die from a global pandemic are collateral damage to a nation unwilling to sacrifice its so-called freedoms.
Bradley drops her eyes back to Laura’s shirt. She starts at the bottom rather than the top this time. Fingers worrying the button before slipping it loose.
“Thanks for telling everybody,” Bradley says. The anchor voice is gone, but there’s still something performative about the steadiness. It’s not taut. Not strained. Just… unnaturally level. “I didn’t want to be the one to say it. It’s not like I owe them anything, but my life is theirs now so.” Bradley shrugs.
Laura’s face pinches. “Your life is yours, Bradley. You don’t have to worry about them right now.”
Bradley scoffs. “I’d much rather see what the gays are saying online than talk funeral arrangements with Hal.”
Ah, yes, the other person taking too much from Bradley. It’s been four months since Hal burst back into Bradley’s life. Four months since Laura reminded Bradley that her life was her own, not his. Not anyone else’s. Yet here Laura is repeating herself. How long will it take for Bradley to hear her?
She blinks it down. Tries to sound positive and conversational. “That bad, huh?”
Bradley groans from deep within her chest. Her fingers move faster along Laura’s buttons. Brushing cold against Laura’s stomach as she goes.
“He keeps fighting with me. ‘Mom would’ve wanted this. Mom would’ve hated that.’ But she told me what she wanted.”
Laura’s eyebrows shoot up. “Recently?” Was Sandy actually preparing? It hadn’t sounded like they were in contact.
Bradley scoffs again. Something spiteful and ragged. She kept unbuttoning. “When I was ten, my dad was on some bender, and Hal was…. He wasn’t an easy kid. He needed a lot of attention. And I snapped at her that she needed to give him some. He was fallin’ apart. And she — she looked me dead in the eye and said, ��You want to raise him? The two of you—‘ meaning me and Hal ‘—you’re killin’ me, you know that? Just go ahead and take over. Don’t bother with a fancy box. No cushions. Never had an easy life. Why should death be any better?’”
Laura watches quietly as Bradley seems almost possessed by her mother’s memory. The slight slurred lilt of Sandy’s voice drags out Bradley’s dormant Southern accent. But Bradley’s still in there. Haunted eyes swell as she fights back against the energy.
Bradley pops the last button on Laura’s shirt. Then swipes her cheeks for tears that haven’t fallen. She scoots back just enough to really talk to Laura instead of at her.
Says, “And you know, years later, she said not to invite anybody from Daddy’s side of the family. They’d spit on her grave, and she didn’t want to crawl her way up to fight ‘em. Of course each time I tell Hal that, he says she didn’t mean it. But how was I s’posed to know that? You tell a kid enough times what to do when you die; they’re gonna remember.”
Of course she’d remember. An even smaller Bradley Jackson, big blue eyes taking up half her face, hair too long and pulled back under baseball caps to keep the sun from her face. Head of a household before she could even reach the cabinets.
Laura’s fingers twitch to hold her. But when Bradley gets like this, she has to work it off. If Laura reaches too soon, she’ll wind up swatted away. So she hovers. Steps forward so her knees press into the edge of the mattress.
Bradley had been mostly seated before, but she pushes up onto her knees to be level with Laura. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I said that. It’s too… ugh.”
That’s the in that Laura needs. She reaches her hand for Bradley’s, and her heart swells when Bradley takes it immediately.
“There’s nothing ugh about it,” Laura tells her. “I mean, it’s not great. Some might even call it emotionally manipulative.” Some absolutely meaning Laura. “But it’s a part of your life, and I don’t want you to hide that from me.”
“You say that now,” Bradley warns playfully. Her eyes plead with Laura’s though. Don’t leave me. Don’t let go.
Laura knows it’s too soon to talk about forever. Too soon to make promises that extend beyond their pod life together. But she has no interest in going anywhere else. In knowing anyone but the grieving woman in front of her.
She presses her lips to Bradley’s to keep the sentiment back. A taste of forever. A touch that lingers even as Laura stands back up to her full height. Bradley’s grip on Laura’s hand tightens. To think, Twitter was worried about them when this is what’s waiting outside the studio. That thought helps Laura go for levity.
Laura checks, “She really said she’d claw her way up?”
Bradley barely contains a smile. “It’s not funny.”
A snort. “It’s not! It’s awful!” Bradley cackles anyway. Buries her face in the space where Laura’s skin pokes through the unbuttoned shirt. “Don’t make me laugh.”
“I didn’t. That was all Sandy.”
Bradley’s soft sigh warms Laura’s chest. “It was, wasn’t it?”
May the gates be firmly shut behind Sandy Jackson. May Bradley’s pain ease before it leaves. May Laura and Bradley make it through united. That’s not asking for too much, is it? That a couple with four months under their belts survive all this. What’s a global pandemic to a U-haul and a ranch?
They’ll be fine. They will.
(A tweet from that morning reads, her mom died?? No way they’re staying together after that. I give it two months. The top quote tweet reads, so generous lmao. I give it a week. Place your bets #bradleylaura #UBAsTwoMoms Bradley herself later votes, 'they’re fine. You’re being assholes.' But that choice only has 37%. Everybody else is against them. Everybody else knows the inevitable — that Bradley’s gonna fuck it up like she does everything else. They’re waiting for it. She can’t let them be right. She can do this. She can hold herself together. Big smile. Back to work. Everything’s fine. It is. In July at least.)
read chapter two
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3terna15unshin3 · 1 year
heyyyy bffs i feel like none of u know anything about me so here’s a little introduction post 🥰 open if u dare
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To begin here is a Dreadful Face Reveal. Will probably end up deleting these after a bit just so the real ones can know me and then i can go back into hiding😌
the other pics are just ones i found in my camera roll of my room and things i like and that i feel like are the most me!
Okay now random facts
★ I’m Marcey J, 22, and use she/they pronouns :)))
★ Currently in college 👎 my major is Mathematics (ew)
★ I’m from the US but have constantly moved around my whole life, lots of my family is up in Canada so i spent a ton of time this summer there! but right now i’m in Minnesota. go Vikings (jk i am Gay and don’t want sports)!
★ speaking of gay i am very much queer/bi and have been out to my friends for a long time. but i’ve only just recently come out to my family because I am seeing a girl 😌
★ i’m very new to Tumblr and only made this blog in may i think? just to upload TBSG and find more fics since i used to only read and upload on AO3
★ before that, maybe since like 2018, stan twitter has been my home which I still frequent but i feel like that meme of the guy talking at a brick wall on there😭😭 which is why i love it so much here bc y’all are so nice and welcoming and interactive
★ I first found The 1975 back in 2013 when R5 did a cover of Girls… LOL. was a huge fan all through iliwys and the very beginning of abiior but then fell off.. So i missed the whole MFC era but pretty much still consistently listened to self titled and iliwys while they happened. Then being funny came out and i got sucked back in and HAD to catch up on everything!!
★ This is truly the strongest obsession i’ve had in so long like it was 0-100 i could not bear to listen to anything else😭 Fr i just checked and they jumped from my 29th most listened to artist up to #1 in less than two months back in 2022 .. god i need help
★ fav album is Notes
★ fav 75 songs atm are Be My Mistake, Happiness, Pressure, Frail State Of Mind, She’s American, Then Because She Goes (obviously), Pressure, The Birthday Party, You, and She Lays Down
★ my other favourite musicians are Hozier, HAIM, Taylor, beabadoobee, MUNA, Charli XCX, FIZZ, Lizzy McAlpine, boygenius, 5SOS, and Caroline Polachek
★ I’m also a very big bookworm! i work at a bookstore which is why i wrote TBSG it’s my fantasy…
★ Some recent fav reads are Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin, God Is Dead by Nietzsche, Sirens & Muses by Antonia Angress, Body Grammar by Jules Ohman, and The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion :))
★ i collect vinyl! it’s so fun! i only have 52 in my collection rn since it is a sickness that eats up all of my money
Anyway that’s it, thank u for reading i hope it wasn’t a complete bore! Please pls pls send me a message if u ever wanna chat i love meeting new ppl and am always down to get to know u better!!!!!!
XO Marcey 🌟🌟💖💖💖💖
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
hey lovely, i just got around to reading the chapter rn and let me just say i am in so much awe. the way that you portrayed what dorcas and marlene are dealing with rn and love tangled into all of that made me absolutely crazy. it’s so so so soooo interesting and honestly so real and raw.
i’m going particularly crazy about the situation dorcas is in bc essentially by trying to keep marlene safe she’s pushing her away and in multiple ways too. there’s the fact that she just isn’t telling her all that’s going on with voldemort, which obviously we saw doesn’t feel good on marlene’s end and just breeds more mistrust, but there’s also the fact that she sort of took matters into her own hand and did that deal with dumbledore about keeping marlene out of danger, which listen i get but it doesn’t end well for either dorcas OR marlene and they both just end up more hurt and honestly knowing how this all ends is just very fucking heartbreaking bc we as readers know that it doesn’t matter in the end. there were multiple lines that literally had me like absolutely stunned just bc of how well they portrayed the situation and the emotion and just in general the toll that it’s having on both of them.
“She thinks it is killing the part of her that knew how to love, maybe. Her kisses all feel like wounds these days.” this mf line. i had to put my phone down for a bit i swear. fuck i love love looooove characters with depth and dorcas in this fic>>> she loves marlene so much that she’s doing all these things to protect her that are chipping away little parts of her that know how to give that love.
“You’re acting fucking insane,” she hisses, because she knows it will hurt Marlene—and that’s love, isn’t it? Dorcas wants to crack open her ribcage and crawl inside, she wants to chew the meat of her heart like a bloody steak, tender and soft and melting off the bone. Isn’t that love.” this is another fucking one. u deserve jail for this one. no no. it plays with my emotions and it makes me FEEL things. ur not understanding the brainrot i’m having rn. i finished and chapter and immediately reread bc that’s how much i loved it. idk but genuinely i think this has been my favorite chapter so far. i usually get so frustrated seeing situations like these, esp bc of the whole miscommunication aspect of it bc like we know the whole picture so it’s easier for us to understand where the characters and coming from and why they do certain things, so it’s frustrating that the characters in the story can’t but like no u just did it in a whole other way.
all the metaphors that u used to express love in this chapter. all the fighting and like anger and emotions and LOVE.
i’m obsessed with ur portrayal of it.
another quote:
“It is impossible to imagine what she feels for Dorcas could ever be anything but destructive; loving her is like trying to keep warm with a forest fire, like trying to quench thirst by swallowing an ocean.” no bc this quote. i FUCKING LOOOOVE the way you described love here especially considering marlene’s circumstances and didkwkdkd fuck i j wanna ramble and ramble but it’s lowkey super late here and i need sleep and idek if this made ANY sense and i SO MUCH MORE to say but first i’m horrible at articulating my thoughts i hate it and second like i said i need sleep so like sry sry if this was a waste of time ajd made no sense but yk. yeah just know i love ur brain and ur writing and u. just in lcoe ekth this fic. 10000/10 goshhh u are amazing. i’ll shut up now. maybe in the morning i’ll try to coherently word my thoughts but who knows.
ahhhh jumping up and down and clapping my hands thank u for taking the time to send such a long message!! i'm so glad you liked the chapter it was definitely more of an intense one lol
and YES the situation with dorcas exactly like it is just. i talked about why exactly she's not being honest with marlene in this post but yeah essentially it's just one of those situations where everything is coming from a place of love and a desire to protect marlene and keep her safe but that's not what marlene wants but dorcas doesn't care because she'd rather love marlene wrong than risk losing her and i just!!!!!! look i know i wrote it but i wrote it bc that dynamic specifically makes me go insane so i'm right there with u lol
ahhh the kisses feel like wounds YES i'm so glad u liked that line the whole question of like how far do we go for love what horrible things are we willing to do for love what pieces of ourselves are we willing to carve up for love....yes yes yes
and the love paragraph ahh that's another one of my favorites i am literally thrilled to hear that it gave u brainrot i am planting mold spores in ur brain and watching them grow >:) and yes the frustration of knowing why characters can't communicate and seeing those walls between them and wishing they could see them too...again i know i wrote it but it gets me every time!!! like they don't want to hurt each other they each just want to leave a mark on the other that no one can take away and they're living in an environment where the only marks left on anyone that can't be erased are from violence and just....yeah. yeah <3
and love as destruction!!! love as a forest fire!!! love as an ocean!!! i am simply obsessed with portrayals of love that contradict the idea that love is a happy ending or something that fixes everything like i love examining love as something dark and violent and dangerous THANK U for rambling to me abt the ch i loved the rambling!!! please feel free to ramble in my inbox anytime i know i'm responding to this a little late so i hope u got some good sleep lol <3
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mailboxmerchant · 3 years
tldr:naib is mfin horny after a match wit u bae n ur both in love with esch other and equally needy but dont knoe‼️
character: Naib Subedar - mercenary
fandom: identity V
warnings: SEX!!! who could have guessed, also rough/dom naib, swearing, power bottom(lmao)/fem reader, perhaps some masochistic type a stuff but not crazy, less goooooooo
(this is like. just horny. no thoughts. only horny)
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As sweat beaded down his forehead, you watched Naib angrily smash the keys of a decoding machine. Something was up, but your teammate just never seemed to let on when something had gone wrong. This match was going fine, you had three more ciphers to go, and everyone was still up and going, only two of your teammates being injured. The hunter was struggling to find any of you, and with each of you teamed up with another to decode, you were all feeling confident in a victory to the survivors. So why was Naib so stressed?
“Hey, Naib?”
 “What, y/n?” 
His tone was sharp, and he snapped back instantly. Someone was clearly cranky. What did you even do?
“Are you...feeling okay? You seem...tense.” You kept your tone neutral, preventing there to be any negativity for him to react to. Before he snapped back, he missed a calibration and alerted the hunter of our position. Still not talking, Naib wrapped a braced arm around your waist and made a dive into a pile of cardboard boxes and other various recyclables. “Shut it, y/n. Hunter’s comin’.” 
You went quiet, but still, his commanding attitude could be done without.  You squirmed in Naib’s grip, at which he grunted, and tightened his hold on you. 
He was started to really make you worry. Naib was usually a calm, collected rescuer, who often would be more reassuring when you were being hunted. You promised you’d figure all this out, just maybe after the match ended. 
The danger passed, quite literally, as Hell Ember jaunted around the trash pile you were hiding in. Naib’s grip got even tighter around you as the hunter loomed closer.  “N-Naib, I can’t-” Naib didn’t seem to give a damn for what you had to say as he slapped a hand over your mouth. “I said, quiet.” His tone was worsening, he was really pissed, huh?
You couldn’t deny yourself though, hearing him sound so stern and having him grab at you so suddenly really threw you off. Your ever-so-secret crush on Naib was keeping you from feeling angry about any of this, in fact, you were almost happy to be so close, even if he was being rude. 
Finally though, you decided that you needed to get back to the matter at hand. Leo was gone, and Naib had to let go of you sometime. You made more of an effort to move, and Naib finally dropped you. Quickly, you jumped back on the machine as the Merc slowly crept from the box pile to return to his typing position. “You know, you could have been caught if it weren’t for me.” He sputtered, quieter than before. “Th-thank you...? God, Naib, what’s your issue today?” You spoke more questioningly than upset, hoping he wouldn’t hear the annoyed undertone in your speech. “It’s nothing you’d understand.” 
Alright, you were giving up for the remainder of decoding time.
Silently, you both finished the machine, and you made a break for the opposite direction of Naib. You figured you could have some alone time to just decode, calm down, and prep for the ending leap where you’d have to play a guessing game for which gate Hell Ember would be waiting for you at. 
Taking a break from running, your steps grew light as you began to pace yourself. “y/n!” As you looked through the fog, you discovered that Edgar was awaiting you with a half done machine. “Edgar! You’re here!” You made a quick greeting to the painter before getting back to business. Small talk wasn’t necessary between the two of you, as the ability to decode calmly was leaving both of your skillsets as your heartbeats became slowly more audible. 
“Come on, y/n, we can finish this, just don’t look away from the calibrations. Stay focused.” Edgar gave you a light tap of the palm to your head as he smacked the sides of the cipher. Your pace increased, as did Edgar’s as you had merely a percentage left. Someone else’s machine popped off, and yours a second later. 
Determined and brave, you made off like a bullet towards the southward exit gate. Sneaking around a broken pillar, you sighed at the sight of a clear gate.  Edgar clearly didn’t share the idea that this was the correct gate, so you could only hope he was hiding and waiting it out to escape. Actually, it seemed like everyone picked the wrong-
A large hand suddenly slapped down on the decoding pad next to yours, frightening the hell out of you. You prepared to meet your doom when you turned around, but instead met a glaring Naib. “N-Naib! Jesus, you scared the shit out of me!” “Where’d you run off to earlier!? We were supposed to be decoding together.” 
His tone from earlier was still present, so....clearly he was still peeved about something you did. “W-well I just thought-” “You thought nothin’, y/n. Just keep decoding.” Your crush wasn’t protecting him any more. Letting out an anxious and angry grunt, you turned back around to the coding pad, slamming the rubbery keys down as you decoded. 
So that’s how it was, then, huh? Fine.
“Naib, you’re a real asshole.” You huffed as you finished the gate, and stormed out, not evening looking back to see if he OR Hell Ember were following. 
Once back in the manor, you rushed back to your room, the embarrassment and guilt from your actions following you quickly after. 
Keeping up the angry façade, you slammed your door behind you before running to flop on your bed. Holding your pillow close to your face, you yelled into it, hoping it was enough to choke the sound. 
“Damn it, Naib...”  You closed your eyes, hoping to wake up with a renewed confidence that way you wouldn’t have to deal with the consequences of your words.
The sound of three loud, harsh knocks on your door awoke you from your rage nap. 
Naib? Again? Now what...
You begrudgingly sauntered to your door, cracking it open to peek out. Only, Naib pushed right through your defenses, pushing both you and the door back. “Hey!”
Naib was more forceful than before, walking quickly in your direction, and even quicker, cornering you against your bed. You fell onto your behind as Naib gave you a harsh push. “What is all this?! You’ve been acting weird since we started decoding together in that match, and you’re totally out of line! I didn’t even...do anything...” Your words lost their force as you trailed your eyes downward. So that’s why he was all pent up.
An obvious tent in Naib’s pants was what your eyes met with, and even though your cheeks began to blush furiously, you averted your gaze and tried to pretend that you saw nothing. “J-just get out of my room.” You grumbled, no longer able to keep eye contact. 
“I just came to talk, y/n, don’t throw me out.” Naib shifted his body, effectively pinning you to the plush mattress, a hand on either side of your head. You ‘hmphed’, and curtly turned your face away from him. 
“D-don’t act all pissy,” he grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him, “you’re making it so much worse!” Your eyes still just couldn’t meet his, the heat between the both of you running down between your legs.  Sliding a knee between your thighs, Naib leaned down to speak gruffly into your ear. 
“This is all your fault, you know.” 
“N-Naib! I-” but your words were quickly vanquished by a pair of warm, slightly chapped lips slamming down on your own. A slight graze of his teeth on your bottom lip gave you more excitement than you’d ever felt in any match, and you immediately parted your lips to feel Naib’s wet tongue slick into your mouth. 
You let out a quiet noise, enough for him to notice. After what felt like an eternity (seconds) of making out, Naib pulled away to hold your face in one hand, squishing your cheeks harshly between his fingers. “So...that’s how you feel, huh?” 
You were flustered, but it wasn’t going to take away what your nap earned you. “You were being so awful in that match, but I still...love you, Naib. I didn’t know when or where to tell you, but if you’re gonna do it first, then by all means...” You gestured to Naib with a smirk. 
Hungrily, Naib practically shredded your clothes off, each of his hands attaching themselves to your chest as he kneaded your soft breasts between his fingers. Your quiet pants were driving him absolutely insane. He loved every little exhale that escaped your mouth, settling to nip and suck at your neck, whispering sweet nothings in your ear. Telling you how much he needed this, how long he was waiting for this, how he wanted you.
An abrupt end to the sensations in your chest were replaced by a hand sliding underneath each of your thighs. Lifting them up to his shoulders, Naib quickly unfastened his belt, a look of giddiness flashing across his smug face. 
Diving his head down to meet his forehead to yours, Naib snatched your panties off in seconds, aligning himself painfully slow. As he slid his length slowly into your entrance, you dug your fingers into his hair, which was messily tied into his usual ponytail. Hissing at the feeling of you tugging his hair, Naib pushed all the way inside of you, earning a mewl of both pain and pleasure from you. 
"Ah, but wait..."
You winced as Naib suddenly pulled his length out of your entrance, the emptiness being too much to bear. "I'm an asshole, aren't I?"
He was going to make you eat your words.
Almost literally.
"Get up." His harsh tone was back, but it only served to make you feel hotter than before. Giving a shy nod, you got to your knees as Naib stood at the edge of the bed.
Nervously eying him, you gaped at his length, wishing you didn't say those words before so he could drive you insane with pleasure with it.
Stupid y/n...
"Well?" Tired of waiting, Naib took his hand to the back of your head, pushing you closer to his body, your head colliding with his chest. The sudden wholesome warmth was quickly replaced as he pushed you downwards near his manhood.
You began to comply as you opened your mouth, feeling as he gave a slow first grind into your throat. You choked immediately, but didn't pull away. Not yet.
Breathing quickly through your nose, you began to suck aggressively with no warning, pulling a gasp from the previously snarky Merc.
"Ga-hah! y-y/n...." Pulling off with a 'pop', you went back down to give small kitten licks to the tip of his cock, earning little shifts of position and pants from Naib.
"Stop....stop teasin' me...." was all he could huff out. You slid the entirety of his length in and out for a quick throat fuck a few times, feeling the tears prick at your eyes. In your own way, you were making him pay for being so snide earlier.  “Screw you, y/n. Have it your way.”
Your torture paid off! 
Naib firmly pushed you back down on your stomach, grasping your hips and pulling you close to his own hips. Letting out a satisfied hum, you felt as Naib quickly align himself with your entrance once more.
Giving you no time to readjust again, he fully sheathed himself inside of you, your insides stretching once again to fit him inside. “Hah....shit, Naib.....” You cursed, grasping tightly onto Naib as he pushed you both down, beginning to thrust wildly in and out of you. Every pounding slammed harder against the entrance of your womb, the suction of your warm, wet insides also providing intense pleasure for Naib. 
“Oh fuck, y/n, you’re...so tight...” Naib panted loudly into your ear. Neither of you were even remotely worried about the other manor residents hearing either of your moans racketing off the walls of the creaky residence.
“G-god...I c-can’t...hold on...” You whimpered pathetically as your dug your fingers into Naib’s scalp a second time. As your begging for more became louder, you felt the knot in your stomach grow larger, tighter, and more overwhelming than you’d ever felt before. You could feel Naib’s hard and precise thrusts growing sloppy, and you knew you were both getting close to climax.
  “y/n....y/n....I’m gonna...” Before his sentence could even be finished, Naib’s thick cock twitched harshly inside you as you felt his hot seed pour into you. The spreading warmth was enough to send you over the edge, your juice quickly spilling out to mix with his own. 
Slowly pulling out, your precious mercenary promptly collapsed on top of you, his head coincidentally landing in between your tits. You sighed hazily, riding off your previous high as you wrapped your arms around his head, and slowly letting your eyes close in exhaustion.
a/n: so sorry if theres any typos/grammar-spellin mistakes. i rushed the end bc i had this cued for FOREVER, enjoy babes <3 
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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wizkiddx · 3 years
Congratulations on 500 followers!! Could you do nr 2 with Tom please <3
thankyou <33 im very in my feels abt friends to lover atm, so ik this is a completely unoriginal concept but here we are
warning: nothing much- maybe homesickness? (+ the fact tom has poor choice in popcorn )
^^^ sorry I couldn't not put this on here and I will reuse it lots n lots
“Right I got two options annnnddddd there is only one correct answer.” Tom hummed up at you, pulling his tired gaze away from the phone screen and up towards the kitchen where you were standing triumphantly - having just raided his cupboards. From behind your back you whipped out a bag of popcorn in each hand.
“Sweet…. or salty?” Sighing with a small chuckle Tom shook his head at your playfulness. He didn’t know how you did it but you always always made his smile.
“I’m not a psychopath…” You huffed in relief, already turning around to throw the salty back in the cupboard where it belonged. “So salty of course.”
You were trapped in a house with an absolute psychopath.
You scowled at him, for having such poor taste, expecting some sort of argument to start. That wasn’t the case though, instead he just stared at you expectantly.
He must really really be unhappy.
You’d sensed it on set that morning - it wasn’t hard to miss. Not when it was your best friend, who for the past two months you’d been spending at least 6 hours a day with whilst shooting. Even when you were supposed to have a day off, when Tom had some solo shots or vice versa, you’d still come to keep the other company. It didn’t make sense but you both just sort of liked it that way.
This wasn’t your first rodeo working together either. Your first joint project had been almost four years ago, when both of you were barely adults, still figuring everything out. Ever since it had been bumping into each other every so often, always with an easy and effortless relationship.
Your current director had noted your chemistry at an awards show (the man never switched off) and decided in that moment he HAD to cast you together for a project. And a year later, here you both were, shooting in Australia for what was set to be a record breaking new release.
And it had been going great - better than great even. But as soon as Tom had shown up to makeup this morning, you’d known something was up. It was fair to assume it was something from home, maybe even just a bit of homesickness, or perhaps something more severe. Either way, the situation was probably exacerbated by the fact he didn’t have his brother or bestfriend or manager or normal syltist with him right now. Tom was pretty renowned within the industry for always having a massive entourage - which was normally made up with his family and friends. This time though he was going it solo.
Today had been long and you’d had to do press at stupid oclock in the morning last night for your current release - which meant your plan had always been to leave promptly and collapse into bed as soon as physically possible.
But Tom needed your company. So you hadn’t. Instead, you’d somewhat subtly invited yourself to his rented house for a movie night - blaming it on your director wanting you both to study the relationship dynamics in ‘out of sight’ (a J Lo and Clooney romance movie).
“You think you know a person and then they loose all your respect… just like that.” You sigh jokingly, gesturing to the bag of ‘foul’ popcorn your costar seemed to like.
“Well we’ve come to a crossroads.”
“It’s been nice knowing you but this…” you scoffed and dramatically rolled your eyes “… I see no way out.”
“Isn’t it better if we have a bag each? Then I might manage to actually get some before you scoff them all.”
You yelped in protest, though really you were just grateful he was still up for a bit of a laugh. He had been much less jokey the whole day, though was seeming to warm up a bit.
Once you had poured the two bags of popcorn into two separate bowels and prepared the film on TV; you plopped yourself onto Tom’s sofa, so your back was against the corner and your feet were over his lap (it wasn’t weird, just normal for the two of you). Instinctively, Tom lightly grabbed your ankles, repositioning you on his thigh slightly before leaning across the pull the blanket over the both of you. Whilst he smoothed out the crinkles in the fluffy navy fabric you took the opportunity to poke your toe into his side - garnering his attention.
“I take it you don’t wanna talk about it?” After he froze, Tom then nodded jerkily. “But if you change your mind, you know I’m here right?” His demeanour changed at your second statement as his body literally sagged into the cushions, with a grateful if small smile.
He respond by mouthing an ‘I know’ and that was enough for you. Shuffling down the side a bit you pressed play, settling in for the evening. Tom still had a hand resting on your ankles, occasionally rubbing his thumb up and down the bony bit.
Honestly you didn’t really see what your director was going on about when he raved about their on screen chemistry and it seemed that neither did Tom. It wasn’t a scathing commentary that gave it away, instead it was his silence. Which you quickly realised was the he had drifted off, his head lolling a little so he was facing you, palms now completely lax on your legs. It was whilst you were just taking in the sight before you, that a buzzing cut through the otherwise soft noise from the TV - which you had turned down for Tom’s sake.
It wasn’t your phone but you instinctively still reached for it from the coffee table and seeing that the name just read “Harry H” you thought it’d be fine to answer.
“Harry?” You whispered into the receiver, slightly cupping your hand round your mouth just to make sure you weren’t too loud for Tom.
“Harry it’s me”
“Who?” You’d met Harry countless times, though given the fact Tom had been alone all shoot - you shouldn’t of expected the kid to be able to recognise your voice.
“Oh sorry Y/n um Y/n L/n”
“Oh no my fault sorry Y/n. How are you?” The conversation was jilted, you could practically feel the awkward energy radiating all the way from the otherside of the world.
“I’m alright thanks, how about you.”
“Yeh not bad I uhm… I - is my brother there?” Oooh. How to answer that question.
“Um sort of, we er… we were having a movie night and he’s fallen asleep. It’s why I’m whispering like a weirdo.” Harry laughed at that and you continued. “Is everything okay? You need me to wake him?”
“No no, mum just said he was having a rough time so was going to cheer him up with my exquisite sense of humour but if you’ve bored him to death then no need.”
“What can I say I’m just talented. Anyway I should be heading back to mine anyway so um I’ll let you go?”
“Oh yeh no worries, and uhm thanks-um thanks for keeping an eye on him.”
“Someone has to” You chuckled softly back, before bidding a final farewell to Harry.
Having hung up the phone, you leaned over to gently place it back on the coffee table but making a mental note to put it on charge before you left. Your next job was to manoeuvre your legs away from him without disturbing him but before you could even start planning the movement, you noticed his weary eyes blinked over at you. Freezing, your mouth made a little ‘o’ shape as you winced at yourself for disrupting his peace - today really wasn’t the day for that. There was a silence as Tom swallowed thickly, attempting to shake off the heavy lull of rest before he spoke. “Will you stay with me… please.”
Undoubtedly, your body didn’t play it as cool as you wanted it to. Thinking you’d heard him wrong, your chin protruded forward and his eyes widened. “ Sorry not like-not like that just um-just on the sofa… theres-theres spare blankets and I can-“
“-course T, no worries…Oh and um your brother just phoned if you-“
“I know.” He spoke softly and with a nod, but didn’t move at all, apparently no interest in calling his brother back.
With a stammered nod, you stood up, finally removing your legs from his touch in order to nip to the loo. You splashed your face with water, ate some toothpaste ( better than not brushing your teeth at all) before going to collect Tom’s quilt off his bed. By the time you re-entered the living room, Tom hadn’t appeared to have moved at all. The hood of his purple jumped was still up, the blanket still only half covering him, the excess lying cold were you had been sitting. He laughed lightly at you trying to wrangle with the king size duvet and get it in without tripping over yourself or knocking anything over.
“You sure you don’t mind? I’m just being stupid and-“
“Honestly I’m too tired to walk back to mine so this is perfect.”
“You live across the road.”
“Thats like 50 steps too far.” You deadpanned back, as he raised his eyebrows and locked you direct eye contact - which you very stubbornly returned.
The both of you sat like that for a minute, Tom eventually gave up with a sigh as he motioned for you to lie back.
There wasn’t an issue at all with space. A listers rental homes were never lacking in space - the grey sofa was a U shape, with ample space for the both of you to lie down. Each of you took a respective corner, your legs meeting in the middle and gently brushing against each others.
“Thanks for babysitting me today by the way.”
“I wasn-“ You were about to deny it, except one look and Tom saw straight through you.
“Thankyou Y/n/n” Seeing there was no way out of receiving his thanks, you instead opted to just shut him up. Nudging his leg with yours and leaving it touching you murmured you last words of the evening - eyes already closed.
“Fuck off Holland, ‘m tryna sleep.”
~~~~ let me know if you have any feedback or anything (but pls not too mean this isn't proof read so blame that) <33 ~~~~~~
tagging : @thefernandasantana @lovehollandy12 @hallecarey1 @crossyourpeter @hollandfanficlove @msmimimerton @thegirlwiththeimpala
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looooooooomis · 4 years
F I N A L  G I R L  |  T H R E E
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You were his final girl.  And there was no chance in hell that anyone or anything was going to mess that up.
p a r t   t h r e e  |  j e a l o u s y
masterlist here
pairing: Billy Loomis x f!reader word count: 4.3k warnings: angst tbh. and not the healthiest relationship but ya know what it’s billy so we persevere, unwanted advances, more angst x
I had a request for a jealous billy, so I hope you like my take on it x
That was the third time in the last thirty minutes that Steve Shit-For-Brains Orth touched you. Three fucking times. The first two times he was willing to look past but the third? Fuck no. The asshole, who was sitting with his clunky arm on the back of your chair, had not-so-casually rubbed his thumb along your spine, inciting a rather surprised look from you and a rather murderous one from Billy.
Of course, Steve couldn’t see the rage practically oozing from Billy, but boy was it there. Especially when you went out of your way to lean further into your desk as though to avoid his grabby little hands.
But that didn’t stop Steve.
Billy could see the frustration on your face as you fought to keep your cool in front of your classmates as his hand dipped beneath the desk to give your thigh a firm squeeze.
The same thighs that Billy’s face had been buried in just this morning.
All Billy saw was red as you pushed Steve’s hand away, muttering something to him under your breath before raising your hand to excuse yourself. With an anger so palpable radiating from his every pore, Billy watched you leave the classroom and thought of the various ways he could kill that fucker before you returned.
“Billy,” the girl, Sam, he’d been paired up with groused, “are you even paying attention?”
“No,” he simply said, barely hearing her above the sound of his own blood coursing to his ears. “Sorry.”
He wasn’t sorry, of course, only irate. The vein in his neck pulsed against his skin as his blood pressure skyrocketed. This was the type of thing that drove him to the brink of insanity when it came to having to keep the two of you a secret for the sake of his plan. It was bad enough that he couldn’t parade you around like he wanted to, even worse that he knew, deep down, that your little arrangement hurt you beyond belief – but this? Watching you get pawed by these dickheads all the while he was forced to take a backseat?
He couldn’t stomach it.
His knuckles were white from the grip he had on his pencil but even as he felt it splinter off into his palm, his grip never waned. Not for a second. It was either that or kill Steve Orth and, while that sounded great, he couldn’t. Not yet, at least.
Just as the pressure of the pencil in his hand got to be too much, you waltzed back into the room with your head held high, seemingly unfazed by the naked eye – but Billy saw right through it. He knew you, more than either of you would like to admit, and he could see the irritation as clear as day in those gorgeous eyes of yours as Steve smirked playfully up at you from where he sat.
Subtly, you gave Billy a gentle nod, silently talking him down from doing anything stupid in the middle of the classroom, before taking your seat yet again.
Thankfully, Steve managed to keep his hands off of you for the remainder of the class but, unbeknownst to both you and Steve, that assholes fate had been sealed. Billy might not have been able to do anything to him yet, but he would. And he was going to enjoy every second of it.
The bell eventually rang out and Billy, wasting no time at all, pushed himself off of his desk and walked up beside you. “You okay?” He asked, but his eyes were trained on Steve who was much too busy high-fiving one of his friends to notice Billy’s murderous stare.
“I’m fine, Billy,” you laughed, “he’s an idiot, but he’s a harmless idiot.”
“Harmless?” Billy’s voice was low and impressively tame considering the fact that beneath it all, his blood was boiling. “He has no right to touch you.”
Glancing over your shoulder you smiled at one of the other cheerleaders before looking back at Billy. “I appreciate the concern, Billy, but I’m fine.”
That casual tone of yours just about killed him every single time. It was a punch to the gut compared the woman he had all to himself behind closed doors. This version of you, this censored version, was just a part of the charade, he knew that much, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.
The rest of your classmates slowly filtered out of the room, eventually leaving you and Billy alone as you tossed your notebook into your bag. That weighty stare of his was ever present, but you pretended not to notice in fear of someone walking in. Billy Loomis was a lot of things, but subtle, he was not.
At least where you were concerned.
“That’s bullshit,” he seethed, “someone ought to show that fucker he can’t just go around touching what isn’t his. He—”
“What isn’t his?” A bitter laugh tumbled out of your lips. “I’m not a piece of fucking meat, Billy. I’m not his, sure, but I’m not yours, either.”
You watched the muscle in Billy’s jaw clench and that vein in his neck that always seemed to swell whilst he was under pressure visibly strained and pulsed before your very eyes. “I didn’t say you were,” he muttered, “I just meant that he needs to learn some respect.”
“He does,” you agreed, “but that’s not your job to teach him.”
Leaning against the desk, he ran a hand through his hair and glowered across at you. “I could tell it bothered you, so why the hell are you defending him?”
You rolled your eyes and swung your bag over your shoulder. “I’m not defending him, Billy. Steve’s an asshole, we all know this, but I don’t want you to get in shit thinking it’s your job to defend me. I can look after myself, Billy. I promise.” With another futile glance towards the door, you reached forward and gently ran your thumbnail against his bottom lip. “Besides, you’re too cute for a fistfight.”
Upon dropping your hand back down at your side, Billy caught it and gave it a squeeze. “I can’t help it if I get heated about all these assholes. Look at you.”
“You can help it, actually,” you laughed. “Don’t engage, first off. And, secondly,” you leaned in a little closer so that your lips were dangerously close to his ear, “try to remember who it is I’m fucking at the end of the day, hmm?” You pulled away and offered him a quick wink before walking out of the classroom. “See you at lunch, Loomis.”
“All I’m saying is that if he didn’t want me giving sage advice to those renting a fucking movie, then why hire me in the first place?” Randy asked with a casual shrug of his shoulders.
You, Tatum, Sid and Randy were all outside eating at the fountain whilst waiting for the other two idiots to join. Pushing your sunglasses further up your nose you smirked across at Randy. “Randy, you told the guy not to rent the movie. Your job is to make people want to watch these movies.” You popped a carrot into your mouth. “How you’re still employed is truly a mystery.”
“That’s the thing,” he laughed, “he fired me!”
“Shocking,” Sid chuckled, “what did you say when he fired you?”
Randy stole a celery stick out of your Tupperware container and bit down. “Nothing, I kept working. Fire me? Not on my watch. No thanks.”
With a shake of your head, you stretched out your legs on the concrete slab of the fountain and found Stu bounding towards you with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Did you guys hear?” He asked, swooping down to kiss Tatum’s cheek. “Our man, Billy, snapped.”
You froze mid-bite and immediately looked at Sid who had sat up looking concerned as ever. “What?” She asked in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“Billy and Steve, man,” Stu laughed and snatched a carrot stick from your stash. “The two of them got into it during one coach’s drills and Billy just,” he bawled his hand into a fist and slapped it against his other hand. A resounding smack echoed out around you. “Clobbered him, man. It was awesome!”
With your appetite long gone, you slowly swung your legs back onto the ground and pinched your brow. You were raging. Not only had the idiot ignored you by engaging with Steve, but he’d gone ahead and fought him, too.
“What?” Sidney croaked. “W-Why would he do that? He’s never been the type to just fight someone like that. Did Steve do something to provoke him?”
You chewed on your lip and stared ahead as Stu merely shrugged. “Don’t think so,” he stole another carrot and grinned at something in the distance. “Ask him yourself, here he comes.”
Your blood was boiling beneath your skin as you watched Billy casually waltz over to your group as though he wasn’t wielding one hell of a fucking bruise on his cheek, accentuated perfectly with a small, clean slice along his cheekbone that would almost surely scar. The fucking moron.
“Billy!” Sid gasped, jumping up to tend to her boyfriend’s injuries.
You, on the other hand, forever the other woman, remained dutifully planted on the edge of the fountain. Not that you would have tended to him in any way, shape, or form in that instance. In fact, you weren’t sure you could trust yourself not to add to the mess on his face.  
“I’m fine,” he muttered, giving her hand a quick kiss as she gently observed his cheek. “Things just got heated on the field, is all.”
“You should see the other guy,” Stu beamed, “I hear Steve lost a tooth!”
Your anger swelled, momentarily blinding you as the rest of your friends laughed and asked for a play-by-play of events. Not quite trusting yourself, you pushed yourself up from the edge of the fountain wall and grabbed your bag. “I’ll see you guys later,” you hummed, not looking up at the bruised idiot in fear or snarling at him.
“You don’t want to stay for story time?” Stu asked, looking between you and Billy in amusement.
“Can’t.” Smacking on what you only hoped was a convincing smile, you shook your head and gestured to the school. “Forgot I had a meeting with Miss Wills about getting my biology grade up.”
Just before you turned on your heel to head back into the school, you just managed to catch Billy’s eye as he dutifully sat beside Sidney. She was leaning into him, gently prodding the scar along his cheek with a concerned frown marring her pretty face. He, on the other hand, was staring evocatively across at you with a small frown of his own.
Clearing your throat, you waved them off rather quickly before heading back inside of the school. You were too angry to care about how you felt the weight of his stare all over you before finally disappearing from sight.
You locked your bedroom door that night and closed your curtains to avoid rolling over and seeing the idiot that was currently plaguing your every thought staring back at you from the second story of your house. In fact, that was what you did for the next three nights all the while managing to avoid Billy Loomis as much as humanly possible whilst at school.
So far, he had tried on four separate occurrences to get you alone. Whether it was subtly nodding towards an empty classroom with the gang around or lingering by your desk after English in hopes of pinning you down for a chat, it was obvious that Billy was desperate to talk with you. To smooth things over. To move on from this rather ugly display of jealousy.
But you weren’t. And, honestly, you weren’t sure if you were going to be any time soon, if at all.
A small dose of jealousy was only normal every once in a while. Not healthy, by any means, but a normal part of any relationship. Only this relationship you and Billy had was anything but normal. He had a girlfriend. A lovely, kind girlfriend who would have given him the world three times over if he asked. So just how Billy was the one with the audacity to be jealous made no sense.
Whenever you thought about it, you got mad. The injustice of it all was truly something you couldn’t wrap your head around. Just how Billy Loomis, the one with a girlfriend, could get jealous of a guy you were barely even acquaintances with really threw you for a loop. And yet you, the asshole who had somehow fallen in love with him, had to quietly take a seat and watch him dote over another girl in public.
Dote over your best friend.
Oh, the irony was delicious.
Tossing the book you’d been reading aside, you let out a quiet groan and closed your eyes as you heard the familiar jiggle of your window. It, like it had been for days, was still locked, thankfully, and your curtains still drawn in fear of seeing him.
The commotion tonight, was brief. He only tried for a second or two before you heard him meander his way back down to ground level. With an annoyed sigh, you reached for your book only to stop dead in your tracks when your doorbell rang out through your whole house.
Shooting up from your bed, you immediately lunged for the door and held your ear to it as your mother quietly complained about just who it could possibly be at this hour of the night.
Please be anyone else, please be anyone else, please be—”
“Oh, Billy,” your mother gushed. She’d always liked Billy. The traitor. “It’s awful late, is everything okay?”
Furling your brow, you pressed your ear further into your door and heard Billy’s deep voice say something – something probably charming – before your mother’s voice called up to you.
“Y/N, sweetie,” she beckoned, “Billy Loomis is here.”
You opened and shut your mouth several times over as you thought of your next few words. Somehow swearing at him from where you stood didn’t seem like the best idea with your parents in the house so, instead, you opted for the next best option.
You said nothing.
Holding your breath, you stood at the head of your room in nothing more than your flannel sleep shorts and tank top while hoping beyond hope that Billy would be ushered out of your house.
“I’m afraid she might be sleeping, dear,” your mother sympathetically cooed, “was there something you needed?”
Pressing your ear tighter to the wood, you barely made out the words ‘book’ and ‘homework’ before another sympathetic cluck escaped your mom’s lips. “And it’s due tomorrow?”
You panicked. His ploy was obviously to come up here and search for a book that didn’t exist all the while your parents carried on with their regular scheduled programming downstairs – but your parents weren’t dumb, nor were they naïve. Surely, your mother would offer to come up and root around for whatever it was he lied and said you had before she would inevitably have to wake you up in order to deliver the goods to the lying Loomis.
Your anger pulsed as realization dawned on you.
You had to go downstairs.
“Did you say something?” You asked, feigning innocence as you pushed your door open and made your way down, barely glancing at Billy who still stood in your entryway. “What are you doing here?”
Billy licked his lips. “I, uh, wanted to swing by and pick up the book for our English assignment. I think you must have grabbed mine, too, when you were putting your stuff away.”
“Nope,” you shrugged, “I don’t have it.”
Billy awkwardly smiled across at your parents before looking back at you. “You sure?”
“Positive,” you replied coolly. “Maybe you left it at Sid’s house?”
His shoulders briefly fell at your tone and, for a split second, you felt your heart fall into your stomach. You knew you were hurting him with the callousness of your words, but you had to stick to your guns this time around for your own sanity.
“Guess I must have misplaced it,” he wryly admitted. “Sorry for the intrusion, Mrs. Y/L/N.” His eyes flickered to you. “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
You nodded, prepared to watch him leave, but before he could get a foot out of the door, your mother stopped him.
“Wait, Billy,” she ran out of the living room and into the kitchen, leaving you and Billy alone for all of three seconds before she shuffled back in. “Here,” she held out a dish packed to the brim with Shepard’s Pie. “I know your dad’s been working a lot of late nights so dinner’s might not be the most well-balanced, but a growing boy has to eat.”
Feeding the enemy. Typical.
“Y/N made it,” she bragged, unwittingly fanning the flames of annoyance in your chest. “It’s delicious, too.”
Touched, Billy grabbed the Tupperware container from your mom before glancing at you. He knew you could cook, you’d cooked for him several times in the span of your friendship – long before the two of you began…doing whatever it was you were doing – but as he accepted the container, there was an emotion there that was much too raw and real for you to try and decompress.
You realized, slowly, that your mother’s offering of Shepard’s Pie was probably the first time a maternal figure had paid him any mind since his own mother had walked out on him all those months back.
Your stomach dropped at the thought.
“Y/N is a great cook,” he agreed. This time, his voice was much quieter. “And thank you again, Mrs. Y/L/N.”
Once again, you watched him turn on his heel to leave the house but, with that niggling feeling of guilt twisting inside of your belly, you opened your mouth before you could so much as think to stop yourself.
“I’ll walk you out,” you muttered, flashing your mother a fleeting smile. “Be right back.”
Slipping on some shoes, you ignored Billy’s obviously surprised face as he lingered in the doorway before finally looking across at him. “Let’s go.”
The night was brisk as the two of you strolled towards his car in silence. You shivered absentmindedly as your pajamas offered no real sense of protection from the chill before glancing at Billy. Naturally, his eyes were already on you.
“Do you think your mother’s watching us right now?”
“Knowing her?” You shrugged. “Probably.”
He swallowed hard. “We should talk about what happened.”
“No,” you shook your head, “I know what happened. You saw Steve touch me and got irrationally jealous over it and, rather than deal with it like a grown man, you punched him and he lost his fucking tooth.”
A flicker of anger crossed over his handsome features. “It’s not that simple, Y/N, he—”
“That is probably the only simple thing about our little situation, Billy,” you acknowledged quietly. “You got jealous and you punched a guy. Doesn’t get simpler than that.”
“He deserved it,” he argued. “He’s a moron and shouldn’t have touched you. Do you know how hard it is to see that and not defend you the way I wanted to while it was happening?”
“Defend me?” You sneered. “Or stake your claim on me? No offence, Billy, but the entire male population of our school could ask me on a date tomorrow, and you’d have no fucking say in the matter. Whether they touch me or ask me out or anything, because you and I aren’t a thing.”
Billy chewed on his bottom lip as his grip on the Tupperware tightened considerably. “Yes, we are.” His voice was eerily calm despite the panic surging through his chest. “I love you, I told you that at the cornfield and I meant it. I fucking love you, Y/N.”
“You did,” you said, “and my feelings haven’t changed but you can’t be blind to the fact that this isn’t working, Billy. You getting jealous over me getting unwanted attention from a guy all the while expecting me to sit there and watch you and Sid flaunt your shit all over town?” You could feel your eyes begin to water as your emotions got the better of you, but you wouldn’t cry in front of him. You wouldn’t dare. “I’m supposed to sit there and trust what you’re telling me. That you will break up with Sid, that you do love me, that, if things were different, it would be me you’d be with and only me. But one guy squeezes my thigh and you lose your shit? Where’s the fucking sense in that?”
“I fucked up,” Billy admitted, his bravado long gone. “I see that now, I fucked up. But --”
“But,” you scoffed. “See, there it is. An excuse. I don’t want your excuses anymore, Billy. I want you and while I thought that was enough, I’m seeing it’s not that easy anymore. Not if you get to act like this unhinged asshole whenever I get a sliver of attention.”
You watched Billy’s eyes search your face as his hands trembled. He wanted to reach out and cradle your face, you could tell that much, but – tale as old as time – with an audience, even if it was just a possibility that it was your mother, he remained still. “Don’t do this to me, Y/N,” he pleaded, his voice shaky. “Please. I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sosorry.”
“I just think we need to take some time away from each other,” you muttered. “For our own sanity.”
“No,” Billy argued, stepping towards you in desperation. “No, Y/N, I need you. Please don’t do this.”
“I think you need to either make a decision with Sid or be more open with me about what the fuck is going on inside of that head of yours. You can’t go around punching people because you get jealous, Billy. And, until you figure your shit out, I think we should stop this. Whatever this is between us.”
“It’s a relationship,” Billy’s brows furrowed in outrage. “Two people who fucking love each other is a relationship, Y/N.”
A sad smile broke out across your face as you stared up at the starry sky above you. “Two people who love each other but can’t show it. Who have to hide whenever people are around in fear or being seen as anything more than good pals.” You shook your head and met his frenzied stare. “That’s not a relationship, Billy. That’s fucked up. We’re fucked up.” You sniffed and gestured down to the Tupperware in his hands. “Enjoy your food. I’m going back inside now, and I meant what I said. We need some time apart so, please, don’t come around here anymore. At least not until…” you let the sentence hang in the air, unsure of your next few words.
“Until what?” He was clinging to your every word but there was an anger so palpable radiating off of him that made you take a small step back. “Until you decide that you don’t want me anymore? Walk away and leave me like my mother did?”
You cocked your head to the side and hoped like hell the hurt you felt at that accusation didn’t directly show on your face. “If you truly think I would do that, Billy, then we’re even more fucked up than I thought.” You sniffed and began to turn back to your house. “I have a lot of faith in you, Billy, and a whole hell of a lot of trust. It’s about time you showed me that same consideration.”
The raw emotion on his face was jarring and almost made you hang back long enough to console him like you would any other time, but you couldn’t. If he couldn’t trust you, what the hell hope did either of you have at this becoming a real thing? Walking back to your house, your heart broke and any emotion you fought so desperately to keep down began to bubble to the surface. But you wouldn’t break down though, at least not yet.
You always had your cards on the table when it came to Billy Loomis and it was about time that he started showing his, as well.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
hello lovie how u doing? sorry for bugging again but I was thinking.. how about reader lil jelly of the DEAs new secretary hitting on Javi but he's not giving a shh and reader go to the office for a visit with cinnie and kisses javi like out of nowhere and he gets ?????? and she's suddenly shy
Covetous (Javier Peña x f!Reader)
Summary: see above
W/C: 2.1k
Warnings: jealousy, flirtation, language and innuendos
A/N: HI I hope this was what you’re looking for!! I hope it’s clear enough that reader is insecure and not demonizing Javier or Luisa... you’ll see. Enjoy!
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Javier naturally attracts attention. You’re not quite sure what it is about him that does- or rather there are so many things about him that you don’t know which one it is. Is it the tight shirts that show off his broad shoulders and thick arms? His commanding aura? The sex appeal he radiates like humidity on a hot Colombian morning?
You love him more than anything. How can you not? He gives you all of his love, and expects nothing in return from you. His love is a passionate and all-consuming one; Javier fears commitment, but once he’s in, he’s all in. He’s the strong and silent type, but he melts with you, allows himself to be soft and gentle.
You know Javier would never do anything to hurt you. He can, has, and will go out of his way to protect you, especially with the danger of being the DEA agent’s girlfriend. That doesn’t lessen your anxiety, the fear that some poor judgement lapse on his part will lead to a broken heart. You know the man’s past. You’d be lying to say you weren’t a little scared.
When he started mentioning Luisa, you’d brushed it off and frowned. Javier is an adult. He can be friends with whoever he likes. Plus, she works with him. He can’t exactly ignore her. You didn’t know much about the woman other than the fact that she was young and pretty, as Murphy had told you. She was intelligent, a skilled worker as their receptionist. The only reason you had to dislike her was the little demon inside your head named Jealousy. Hell, you’d never even met her.
Javier mentions her in passing, just something she did at work or something funny she said. Never anything to be suspicious, and you know deep down that your Javi would never do something like that. He’s a good man, he loves you. You know it’s irrational, that you have no reasoning at all, but you can’t help but feel insecure when he talks about her.
Javier works ridiculous hours. He doesn’t have time to do much other than work and work and come home to you and do more work on the couch. He loves you for that more than anything: you understand it. You understand the busy hours and that he doesn’t often have the energy to do much when he gets home. You just sit next to him and quietly rub his shoulders, pressing kisses to his skin while he grinds out some paperwork. You don’t always understand what he’s doing at work, but your outside perspective often offers valuable ideas. You’re not just a girlfriend to Javier, but more of his partner. You are his other half, his comfort and relief and love in his hectic life.
If he’s being honest, Luisa bugs the shit out of him. She’s a smart girl, really, but her job is not as an agent. She likes to think she is, but she doesn’t have the training or knowledge to do so. She’s a go-getter, and Javi admires that, but it’s just another problem on his endless pile of them.
The most annoying thing is her flirting. Javier is no stranger to flirtation, obviously, and in any other situation he’d love to play along; she’s pretty and funny and a good conversationalist, but Javier, of course, only has eyes for you. He’s given her signs to back off, clearly, but she hasn’t picked them up. He’s tried to be more blunt, but nothing works. She is dead set on Agent Peña, and she’s a determined little thing.
You don’t visit Javier at work often. It’s rare that you get the chance, since you’re busy yourself. Usually, you’ll coordinate a day with Connie to bring lunch for the boys and sit with them for a while. They obviously both enjoy it, other than the mockery they receive from the other men when you leave. You love doing it, preening under the attention of your boyfriend and laughing at his annoyance with the other men. You’ve been there enough to know some of the other agents, and you know plenty about them from Javier’s annoyance at them at the end of the day.
Planning a day to surprise Javier at the office is fun. You usually do it when you know he’s extra stressed, when he could use the diversion and a little break in his day. That’s why you decided on it last night. Connie has the day off, and she insisted she’ll help you cook something to bring into work; Steve has been a mess lately too. They need it. She was right.
With a fresh tray of cookies out of the oven, you sigh and climb onto the couch to knock on the ceiling. You rap three times; moments later, two come back in response from Connie. It’s easier than using the phone, Connie suggested one night while you and Javier steadily got the Murphys drunker and drunker. It was funny to you at the time, but she was right. You smile remembering it as you put some cookies into a container and walk out of the front of the apartment building.
Connie is in a cheerful mood today. It’s probably because she has the day off; normally, she’d be asleep at this hour, thanks to long night shifts. She chats with you as the two of you drive to the embassy together, humming along to a song on the radio. She tells you all about Steve, the latest recipe she found, her new favorite grocery store. You smile and nod, mind elsewhere. Her blonde head bobs along to the rhythm as she finds a spot and parks.
You are irrational, you remind yourself as you walk in. You know and trust and love Javier. Luisa is nothing to worry about. Then why do you have a painfully tight grip on your container of cookies? “Hey, you’re gonna crack that,” Connie chides and swats your hand. “You okay, babe?”
You shake your head and smile it off. “It’s nothing. Guess I’m just excited,” you chuckle and loosen your grip on the cookies, though your spine is rigid as a board.
There’s a desk and at the front sits a woman, slightly younger than you, writing something in a book. She looks up when she hears the two of you enter through the lobby deeper into the building. “Hola. Soy Luisa, bienvenidos. Necesitá-“
That’s Luisa? She’s sweet, you frown. You’ve been all worked up over this? She’s cut off when Steve walks past. “Woah, hey ladies,” he chuckles as he sees the two of you. He wraps an arm around his wife and kisses her forehead. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
Connie shrugs, beaming up at her husband. “We just thought we’d bring you lunch.”
“I made cookies,” you offer weakly, holding up the tupperware. You’re surprised it isn’t shattered into plastic shards on the ground by now.
“Hell yeah,” Steve smiles and snatches the cookies from your hands. “Luisa, this is my wife, Connie.”
She nods. “I could tell,” she chuckles, gesturing to the blonde hair and blue eyes. Who else would she be around here? “And you are?” She asks, turning to you.
“Ah, that’s Peña’s girl, remember?” Steve says for you, which makes you breathe a sigh of relief.
Her smile becomes tight-lipped and passive-aggressive. “Ah, yes. Wonderful to meet you,” she tells you, turning back to her books immediately. “Steve, you will show the women back then?”
He nods. “Thanks, kid.” He steals a candy from the jar she keeps on her desk and leads you back into the bullpen. He and Connie talk about their days, and you trail behind, nervously tapping your fingers against your sides. Now that you don’t have the Tupperware to clutch, you fidget until your heart warms at the sight of Javier. He’s hunched over his desk, shoulders straining against his tight shirt. He’s rapidly banging out a report on a typewriter, and your smile becomes a little bittersweet with how hard you know he’s working.
He’s a jumpy man, but scaring him is your favorite thing in the world. You hold a finger to your lips to the Murphys, telling them to be quiet, and they nod in agreement. Silently padding up behind him, you cover his hands with your eyes. “Boo,” you squeal.
“What the fuck?” Javier jumps, rapidly pulling the hands off his eyes and spinning in his chair. His hand hovers over his weapon, but his anxiety fades when he sees it’s you. “Hijo de puta… cariño,” he smiles softly, laughing a little. “What are you doing here?” He asks as he stands, pulling you into a hug.
His face is all the reassurance you need, his smile and his arms squeezing you making you grin. “We brought you lunch. Wanted to surprise you,” you tell him as you break away, adjusting the collar of his shirt. “Got a spare minute?”
He sighs and sits back down at his desk. “Can you give me five? I need to finish this report then I’m all yours.”
“Fine,” you sigh teasingly and kiss him on the head. While he types, you and Connie set up the desks, arranging chairs and plates on top of piles of cluttered papers. Javier’s handwriting is messy, you notice as you look at a folder of information, but legible. Hurried but still nice, looping and arcing.
“Hey,” Javi booms playfully and startles you, snatching the folder from your hands. “That’s classified.”
“That’s about as classified as your dick is to the Colombian population of women,” Steve snorts.
“Stephen!” Connie gasps and scolds, smacking his arm.
It doesn’t matter. You and Javi are laughing, falling onto each other and giggling at the joke. Steve sniggers under his breath, trying to avoid Connie’s wrath from the rude joke.
Straightening up, you take a sip of your water and try to collect yourself, though you’re still chuckling softly. “Does this mean you’re done?” You ask him hopefully.
Javier sighs and signs the bottom of the paper. His signature is beautiful and classy: J. Peña. “Now I am,” he smiles at you and tucks the file away in a desk drawer. “What did you bring us to eat, hm?”
The four of you converse over the meal, waving forks around aimlessly to make your points. The Murphys talk on their own, chatting about plans for the night. The meal is clearly finished and Javier cracks open the container of cookies, winking at you. You know he loves them, adores the little fluffy things. You smile and snag one from the tupperware before he can. He frowns. “I wanted that one.”
“Poor baby,” you tease and cup his face, taking a bite from it.
There’s the clacking of heels on tile approaching before you hear it: “Agente Peña!” a feminine voice sings. You roll your eyes, completely missing the way Javier rolls his too. “Javi?” She asks as she gets closer, about to round the corner.
God, you can’t stand that she calls him that. He’s only Javi to you and the Murphys, to those who love him. Your rational brain is far out of the window, possessed by jealousy as you do the only thing you can to, what, stake your claim? It doesn’t matter. Javier won’t be mad with the tiniest bit of affection. Your other hand cups Javier’s face too and you kiss him.
He’s used to kissing you. The two of you do it all the damn time. He’s just not a big PDA man; never has been. He prefers to keep his passion in private. But he doesn’t care, and cares even less when he knows Luisa is watching. He kisses back, rolling your chair closer to his and cupping your face too.
Luisa huffs at the sight. “Guess you’re busy,” she scoffs in English.
You break away only to find her walking away, and you can’t help but smirk. At least now she knows that Javier is truly committed to you, if she even caught a glimpse of the way he kissed you back. “What was that for?” Javier asks.
“Because I love you?” You chuckle and kiss him one more time, soft and quick.
He knows exactly why you did it. He doesn’t ask again. “I love you too, cariño,” he chuckles and rests his hand on your thigh.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @starless-eyes-remain @tacticalsparkles
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redheadedpineapple · 3 years
Reader with talented HQ boyfies
reader ‘scolding’ haikyuu boys for being too talented <3 Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Atsumu, Akaashi Keiji GN!Reader fluff , pre established relationship
──────〔Bokuto Koutarou〕──────
you’re helping him practice for the millionth time
you didn’t think it’d be anything new but as always, he surprises you
you’re giving him the best tosses you can, although most of them are pretty inaccurate and shaky
but when you royally fuck a toss and it goes rogue, way away from the net and boundaries, bokuto has no trouble adjusting
he backs up a bit then jumps a bit higher than usual to spike down the ball, quick and powerful just within the boundaries
You let out a gasp of surprise as the ball is smashed into the ground with a loud smack. Bokuto is grinning wide, proud of his spike, and turns around to you once he lands. His eyes glittered with joy as you looked at him wide eyed and jaw slacked. 
“Bokuto! What the hell, why are you so amazing? You’re too talented for this world, it’s unnatural!” you exclaim, faux anger masking your admiration. 
His hands are on his hips as he puffs his chest out pridefully. 
And with that, how can you not jump on him to tackle him? Of course, it doesn’t work, and he holds you up against him. Your legs are wrapped around his torso and you’re able to look down at his pretty face. 
You flick him on his forehead, then peck him just where you’d fatally injured him. 
He giggles and attacks you with kisses all along your neck and cheeks, thanking you endlessly for supporting him. 
“Stupid pretty boy, of course I’d support you. I love you, dorkhead.”
──────〔Miya Atsumu〕──────
you already think tsumu is great for what he does as a setter
when he tries to teach you how for fun, you end up giving up, laughing and talking on the park bench
the next time you’re watching him at one of his practice games, you’re extra amazed at how he’s able to get the ball to the spiker’s hand with such speed and accuracy
when he’s done, you run up to him and congratulate him
he’s a bit confused, it was just a practice game after all
but you just hand him a washcloth and water bottle and go off
he’ll giggle at you but it makes him giddy how loving and supporting you are
“What the heckle! It’s so weird how good you are at setting, like what? You’re practically invincible on the court, you beast.”
“Thanks ya sweetie, I was pretty great out there, huh?”
“Yeah! Greatly insane, how do you even do that? God, you’re too good at volleyball.”
He teases you a bit, “What, you’ve fallen for me all over again? I can’t say I’m surprised.” 
When you roll your eyes and playfully nudge him, he mocks you.
Giving an exaggerated eye roll himself, he takes a deep breath. “Well, I just love Miya Atsumu so much because he’s my handsome boy who I just love so much, mwah-mwah-mwah.”
“Yes, I love you, we’ve been dating for like a year now. And no mwah-mwahs for you if you keep this up.” 
Atsumu whines and attaches himself to your arm before his coach calls him over to review the game, to which you snicker at his reluctance and pouting face. 
But now you like to trace lines along his hands and fingers, and if you kiss along his knuckles he swoons.
──────〔Akaashi Keiji〕──────
he doesn’t really mind if you outwardly support him a lot or a little in volleyball
he simply enjoys it, but if you congratulate him and support him, he always feels special and like his heart is floating
once, he left you to deal with bokuto for a bit while he goes to the school library to get a book
he was ,,, a handful
when you asked him about how 2 deal with energy like that he explained a long winded method
while you knew he was perceptive and a bit of an overthinker, listening to his thought process made you realise just how much he thought about everything in just a few seconds
it was kind of scary,,, what kind of genius were you dating---
watching him in a practice match, you could just imagine all the cogs turning in his brain
Even as he only had a couple seconds to think as the ball fell to his hands, it was clear just how much his brain was working behind those pretty, sea green eyes. When the final point is scored and the boys cheer and go to coach for a recap, he catches your gaze. You smile at him and nod, a silent good job!
Once he’s excused, he first approaches you.
“Thanks for coming and watching, darling.”
“Of course! You’re… amazing. It’s kind of scary. Like, people aren’t supposed to be that calculated and physically talented. Are you okay? Are you a reptilian?”
He laughs at the ridiculousness, despite your very serious face, eyebrows furrowed and lips pushed to one side in a little pout. 
“Yeah, and I’m here to take humanity out, from the inside. Be afraid.” He moves his arms up, lazily hooking his fingers into bear arms. 
“Oh no! Whatever shall I do? Without any sweetheart to protect me either!”
He ‘attacks’ you, wrapping you in a hug. PDA with Akaashi is rare, but you fake gag at his sweat covered skin.
“Yuck! Sweaty lizard man… How could you entrap me like this,” you cry out, yet wrapping your arms around him too. 
Yah know, Akaashi’s pretty cute for a lizard dude.
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nakamoto-aesthetics · 4 years
[ 11:37 pm ] ❝anyways, good night. i’m gonna go indulge in my unrealistic romantic fantasies until i fall asleep.❞
“are any of us included in them?” haechan cocks an eyebrow.
“that’s confidential” you cock your eyebrow right back at him. he clicks his tongue and looks away.
“so that’s a yes” doyoung concludes and you snap your neck over to him.
“not at all”
“you can lie to us all you want y/n, we’re gonna figure it out” taeil smirks.
“but you’re not though” you smile.
“I know who it is” yuta says, instantly grabbing everybody’s attention.
“who is it?” haechans eyes widen.
you widen your eyes. yuta was the only one you‘ve told your fantasies to and who they were about. there was no way you were gonna let him expose you.
“no, no, no!” you sprint and jump on him. you landed on his lap and covered his mouth with your hands. he throws his head back laughing loudly, his laughs being muffled by your hands.
“no, say it yuta” doyoung says. “I have to hear this”
“no” you shake your head. “you better not mr. nakamoto or I will bury you alive I promise” you threaten him once his laughter comes down.
“don’t worry, I won’t, I just want to have a bit of fun with the boys” he whispers in your ear. his hand slides down to your hip mindlessly but you didn’t care to move it, nor did you care to move from your place on his lap. you shifted your legs a little so you were straddling now him.
“it begins with a j” yuta smirks at the guys and this causes an uproar between them. you didn’t care though because you knew his name didn’t start with a j.
“wait, wait, there are three j’s so which one is it?” the guys look at yuta and he shrugs.
“figure it out” and the guys do just that, evaluating everything.
“thank you” you whisper and lay your head on yutas shoulder. he hums and rubs your back watching the chaos.
“I think i’m just gonna tell them so then maybe my fantasies will become a reality”
“you sure?” he asks surprised by your words. you nod and release a sharp breath.
“we think we know who it is,” doyoung says, grabbing both you and yutas attention.
“well?” yuta asks them.
“it’s jaehyun”
you instantly burst out into laughter, sitting up and throwing your head back. they all awkwardly chuckle, with furrowed eyebrows. you fall off of yutas lap before he could catch you and now your on the floor, rolling around in laughter. they all watched you with a visibly confused look on their face. you feel a few tears slip down your cheeks out of laughter. that’s how hard you were laughing.
“what’s going on?” a voice sounds through the living room and someone walks into the living room. his eyes are initially met with the boys sitting on the couch until his feet take him further and he sees you on the ground rolling with laughter. his hands drop at his sides loosely and he smiles and laughs at you.
this caught your attention and you opened your eyes seeing a pair of legs standing a little bit away from you. your body was still shaking with laughter and that’s when you look up and see the face of the guy who played the main character in your fantasies.
“taeyong” you breathily say and your laughter stops.
“hey” he smiles. “don’t stop because i’m here, I actually wanna join in. what’s so funny?” taeyong walks over to an empty seat on the couch.
“u-uh…” you look at yuta with fear in your eyes and he senses this.
“nothing, y/n just started laughing out of nowhere” yuta speaks up trying to cover for you.
“well if it’s not jaehyun then who would it be?” haechan blurts out of nowhere. he desperately had to know who it was.
“what do you mean not jaehyun?” taeyong asks looking at haechan.
“we’re trying to guess who y/n’s fantasies are about, would you perhaps know anything about that?” haechan directs the question to taeyong.
taeyong looks at you with soft knitted eyebrows, with hurt filling his eyes for a second before going away in the blink of an eye. “no I wouldn’t” taeyong says in a slight cold tone to haechan. you stared at taeyong trying to decipher whether or whether not that was a hurt look or something else. you looked up at yuta and furrow your eyebrows. his eyes shift to yours and he tilts his head in question.
you were gonna mouth it to him but instead, you get up and position yourself on yuta as you were before; and he lays his hand on your hips like it was before.
“I don’t know if i’m crazy but when taeyong looked at me he had some kind of hurt look in his eyes. do you think that means something?” you whispered in his ear and your head was laid on his shoulder.
“yes” he bluntly says.
“how can you be so sure?”
“well, your boyfriend is staring at us right now with the same look your describing” yutas glances at taeyong and then looks away trying not to make it too obvious that he was talking about him.
“you think he likes me?” you start to get a little giddy inside.
“from the looks of it, yes” with that, your lips instantly curve up into a smile. your stomach blooms with butterflies and your heart starts to beat faster, rushing with adrenaline.
“wait let me try something, don’t get scared” yuta whispers to your ear. his hand glide over your hips and down to your ass, squeezing it. taeyong catches movement in the corner of his eyes and he looks over at you and yuta. immediately, he’s clenching his jaw and looking away faster than you can say his whole name.
“what are you doing?” you whisper and inhale a sharp breath.
“making taeyong jealous and I think it’s working. yeah, he likes you” yuta takes his hand off and places them on your back.
“was that really to make him jealous or was it just an excuse to touch my ass?” you look up at him from his shoulder.
“mm… both but mostly to make taeyong jealous” yuta looks down at you, catching your eyes for a split second before looking at the others. you ignore it and shake your head.
“so who is it y/n? who is the fantasy guy?” doyoung asks and everyone gets quiet, looking at you and yuta.
“watch it be yuta,” taeil says.
“it is not yuta” you shoot up and say defensively.
“what’s wrong with it being yuta?” yuta says, teasing you.
“nothing… it’s just not you” you look at him and cock an eyebrow.
“sure it isn’t” taeyong whispers in a cold tone, raising his eyebrows and looking down. he expected nobody to hear this but of course you and yuta did.
“see” yuta mouths at you and you nod slightly. yuta then gestures you to say something and you decide to do just that. you turn you head to the rest of the guys, glancing at taeyong from time to time.
you inhale a deep breath.
“taeyong” you softly say with hurt behind your voice. his head comes up from his lap and looks back at you with cold eyes.
“taeyong, it’s… taeyong” your heart beats rapidly as your eyes look over at him, watching as his eyes promptly soften at your words.
the boys cause an uproar once again but you don’t care about that, you were way too focused on the guy in front of you. his lips were parted in surprise and his eyes were lit up with happiness. he didn’t care anymore that yuta touched you, he was only focused on the fact that you fantasized about him.
“well now that we know who it is are you gonna go to your man or stay on yuta?” taeil smirks. you don’t say anything and continue to stare at taeyong. you guys were holding strong eye contact that was unbreakable and so intoxicating.
“oh for gods sake” yuta clicks his tongue. he gets up, holding you tight against him as he walks over to taeyong and drops you right in taeyongs lap. you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and look down.
“hey” taeyong lifts your chin with his index finger so then your looking into his eyes.
“hi” you breathily whisper. wow was he breathtaking up close. you’ve only watched him from distances so seeing him up close was different for you. every feature on his face was perfect and he thought the same about you.
“so you fantasize about me” he cheekily smiles, teasing you. your cheeks heat up so much that you have to cover them with your hands.
“um… yes” you wanted despite to look down but his finger under your chin was the only thing stopping you from doing that.
“how often?” he asks you abruptly, catching you off guard.
“…a great amount of times a day but every day, really” you nod your head trying to recall today and the days before that.
“hm… do you wanna go somewhere private to talk?” taeyong asks with soft eyes, catching you off guard once again.
“to talk or to fuck?” the words roll off your tongue before you could stop them.
“to talk” he smiles. “and maybe do a little bit of kissing but we don’t have to go there yet… unless you want to” he pulls his lip between his teeth, slightly tugging on it and you definitely did not miss that.
“how about we talk first and then we’ll see what happens” you look up from his lips and to his eyes.
“okay,” he grins as he picks you up and walks to his room.
“all that for that?” haechan blinks multiple times. “that was 40 minutes of my life i’ll never get back” he scoffs as he rolls his eyes, getting up and walking away. the guys all look at each other and shrug going off to do their own thing.
a/n: this was so random but i hope you all liked it nonetheless :)
NCT Masterlist
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newkyus-void · 3 years
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Neither his, nor mine.
◡̈ 영훈 // 김 영훈
⁂ smut, angst
⁂ warnings: friends with benefits relationship, jealousy, one-sided love, bondage, edging, oral (m. Receiving), choking, unprotected sex, cumming inside, aftercare
⁂ sub! Fwb! Younghoon x dom! Fwb! Fem. Reader
⁂ wc.: 1.1k
A/N: thank you so much @nanadreamies! It means a lot to me. 🥺 of course it's not a problem, dear. Hope this turned out good. :D
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You laugh at something Hyunjae says, hand flying up to cover your mouth and eyes crinkling cutely. The man chuckles along and softly nudges you. "Was it really that funny?" 
"Well obviously! Otherwise I wouldn't be laughing!" You shoot back, still snickering. Your heart was beating out of your chest with the close proximity of him, your crush, and joking around. 
Hyunjae laughs along and playfully rolls his eyes before they land on a clock. "Oh shit, I gotta go! It was nice talking to you again y/n! See you next week!" He waves and jogs away. 
A disappointed sigh escapes you, eyes following his retreating figure until he's out of sight. "Can't wait…" 
"What was that all about?" Younghoon's voice suddenly appears beside you, startling you and making you jump. 
"Fucking Hell! Do you always have to scare me like that?!" You hiss and hit him in the chest. "Why do you ask?" 
He frowns and plays with the sleeve of your shirt. 
"Hoonie, you gotta talk to me, you know? I can't read your mind" You joke and turn around to fully face him now. 
His bottom lip slightly juts out and he gives you his famous puppy eyes. Of course you guessed he got jealous, but also needy? 
"Aw, are you needy baby?" You tease him. "Come on, I'll take care of that" 
Younghoon blushes, but obediently follows you back into your apartment. To say he's nervous would be an understatement, but he tries not to let it show. 
"I want you on my bed in just underwear in five minutes, you hear me?" You tell him and he quickly nods before scurrying off into said room. 
In the meantime, you go and grab two pairs of handcuffs and make your way into your bedroom, finding him sitting on your bed just like you told him to. 
"Good boy" You praise him with a satisfied smile and make your way over to him. "Back against the headboard, hands to the bedposts" 
He gulps but does as he's told and watches as you cuff him to the bed, pulling on the cuffs to test them out. "D- Did I do something to upset you?" He asks softly and looks at you with big eyes. 
You chuckle and cup his face in your hands. "Oh no baby, I just want to have some fun with you… and teach you your place" 
Younghoon feels his heart skip a beat, breath hitching. "W- What do you mean?" His voice audibly trembles. 
"Oh please, do you really think I wouldn't notice it when you're jealous?" You taunt and run a finger down his chest to the band of his underwear. "What was the reason, hm? Tell me, baby" 
He shivers under your touch and words, trying to find the right words. "I- I just… Just don't like to think of- of having to share you…" 
You coo and move to situate yourself on his lap, your right hand moving to grip his hair and the left to hold yourself up on his chest. "Aw my poor, poor baby… let's forget about it and let me make you feel good, how's that sound?" 
Younghoon nods with pleading eyes, although it's all he can think about. After all, he knows you have a crush on Hyunjae and only stay with him because the sex is good. But to him, you're more than just someone he sleeps with. 
He gets pulled out of his thoughts when he feels you slide down his underwear and toss it on top of the pile of clothes on the floor. His erection stands proud and you look into Younghoon's eyes when you move to lick a stripe up his shaft. 
A deep moan rips through his throat and you hum against his dick before taking him into your mouth. He squeezes his eyes shut at the feeling and tries to keep his hips still, resisting the urge to buck up. 
You concentrate solely on riling him up, sucking him off skillfully and hollowing out your cheeks. "F- Fuck! I'm gonna-" 
And then you pull off. "Nuh-uh, baby. Not yet" 
A distasteful scowl overtakes his soft featured face and you snicker. "Don't pull such a face, Hoonie. You'll get to cum soon enough" 
He sighs and obliges, now just looking forward to what you had in store for him. He watches you strip, your clothes joining his on the floor and soon enough you're naked too. 
You place kisses onto his neck, feeling him squirm underneath you when you suck a mark into his sweet spot. "Baby you're so sensitive" 
Younghoon whines and looks up at you with teary eyes. "P- Please" 
"Please what? C'mon Hoonie, use your words" you tease him and yourself by positioning your cunt right on top of his dick, slowly moving forward and backwards on it. "If you won't tell me what you want, I'll just keep doing this" 
He whimpers and tugs on his restraints. "Please- Please fuck me properly!" 
"Good boy" You smirk and lift yourself up a little to align his dick with your entrance, slowly sliding down on it, both of you moaning at the feeling. 
When he's fully sheathed inside of you, you start to slowly grind down on him. Both of your breaths are ragged and you're covered by a sheen of sweat, but none of you care. 
"F- Feels so good!" Younghoon cries, hips moving along with yours. "I- Won't last long!" 
You exhale heavily and pick up your pace a little, slowly but surely working both of you towards your high. "Are you gonna cum, baby? Gonna make a mess out of my pussy?" 
His moans go higher in pitch and you know he's close, but so are you. "Y- Yes! Gonna- Gonna cum!" He replies and thrusts his hips up roughly, making you moan loudly and also trigger your orgasm. 
You cum at the same time, both of you shaking at the feeling and you flop down on his chest for a second to catch your breath with him still inside of you. 
First you remove his handcuffs and rub over his wrists gently. "You okay?" You ask him while stroking his tear stained cheeks. 
Younghoon sleepily nods against your palms with a small, content smile. "Was good.." 
"Okay baby, I'll get you cleaned up a bit yeah?" You reply and peck his nose before moving off of him, both of you hissing when his dick slips out of you. 
You wipe both of you down with a wet washcloth, cover the two of you under the blanket and pull him against your chest. "Sleep well, Hoonie" 
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Don't Shake Your Head (Big Windup!)
Summary: Mihashi is acting jumpier than usual, and Abe is having trouble figuring out why. When he finally learns the truth, he confronts his pitcher about it.
A/N: Please I LOVE this anime and these boys so much! I loved writing for them again! Abe and Mihashi's friendship is so wonderful - I just can't get enough of it! I'm really happy with how this turned out and I hope you enjoy it, too! ^^
Word Count: 1,908
Abe wasn’t blind. He could see Mihashi staring at him in the dugout all the time nowadays. He just couldn’t put together why he was staring so much.
At first he thought it was his general jumpy, anxious nature. Mihashi was always on edge, always waiting for someone – usually Abe, admittedly – to yell at him about something. But when it started to feel like more than that, the catcher paid more attention to their surroundings each time Mihashi got all fidgety.
The first time was during a game. Now that the summer tournament was over for them, they mostly played practice or exhibition games to occupy their time, if they were lucky enough to even have those. They were in the middle of one of these exhibition games when the guys in the dugout all started messing around, and Mihashi kept glancing nervously at Abe.
Is he worried I’ll get upset with them for losing focus? Abe frowned, watching their horseplay and shrugging it off. Nah. I don’t care. As long as they pay attention when they get out on the field, what they do in here doesn’t matter much to me.
The second time was at practice, again when the guys were messing around. Mihashi backed away from them all, trying to stay out of it, watching Abe like he were a wolf about to pounce on a rabbit. Again, Abe watched the situation and couldn’t come up with any feasible reason for his pitcher to be all jumpy like that. It’s not like he’s rough-housing with them and risking an injury. Why would I be mad at him about that? Actually, is he worried I’d be mad? I can’t tell.
It kept happening like that, over and over. The rest of the team would start goofing off, and Mihashi would look to Abe like he were expecting him to blow up. The more Abe thought about it, the more confused he became. What possible reason could he have for getting all freaked out like that every time the others are screwing around?
Then, finally, after several instances of this happening, it clicked with him.
Wait. He watched the guys. They weren’t just messing around. They were doing their new “instant relaxation” technique. They were tickling each other. And every time they started in on it, Mihashi would get all jumpy and look at him.
That’s what it is! Abe mentally praised himself for finally getting it. I told him I thought it was stupid. He must think I’ll like him less if he participates, even though I told him otherwise. I’ve got to set the record straight so he can have fun again.
So the next time it happened at the end of practice one evening, Abe watched for the moment Mihashi would skitter away from the action and look at him. There it is. And he walked right up to him, trying to keep his face as neutral as possible. “Mihashi.”
As expected, the pitcher flinched and moved back a step, barely keeping eye contact under his cap. “Y-Y-Yeah, Abe?”
“I told you I didn’t care if you liked it,” Abe said plainly, gesturing to where Hanai and Izumi had Tajima pinned down, tickling the crap out of him. The cleanup hitter’s laughter floated over to them, making the mood at once lighter and more awkward. “You can join in if you want. Just be sure you don’t get hurt or anything. That’s all I care about.”
Mihashi blinked at him a few times, looked between the tickling and the catcher, and finally nodded a little, stammering out, “Y-Yeah. O-Okay…um, t-thanks, Abe…”
But he didn’t move to join them, and Abe didn’t feel right just walking away from him after that, so they stood in a blatantly awkward silence, watching the guys wreck Tajima enough to ensure he’d probably sleep through his alarm the next morning.
What the heck? Abe thought as they packed up their gym bags to go home for the night. I thought for sure that’s what was stopping him from joining in. Why didn’t he jump at the chance as soon as I told him I didn’t mind? Why does it even matter if I mind? It’s tickling, for god’s sake!
“Hey, Abe.”
The catcher turned, surprised. “Hey, Tajima.”
“You know what’s happening with Mihashi, right?” The cleanup hitter was just as blunt as Abe was, which the catcher had to appreciate.
“Of course. He likes all that tickling stuff you guys do and wants to be part of it, but a while ago I told him I thought it was stupid, so he stopped doing it. Today I tried to tell him I don’t care, but…”
Tajima tilted his head. “Do you think it’s stupid?”
“Not really. I just said that because…” Wait, the rest of them didn’t see Mihashi tickling me. No way am I telling Tajima about that. “Well, I wasn’t thinking straight. I tried to fix it, but he wouldn’t go for it.”
“Yeah, cause that’s not what he’s after.” Tajima put a hand on his hip. “You really don’t get Mihashi at all, do you?”
“Of course not!” Abe snapped. “I don’t know how you can so easily, but I’m glad at least one of us can understand that guy. What’s the deal? What does he want?”
“He wants you to tickle him. Obviously.”
There was absolute silence.
Abe blinked. “He…what?”
“Haven’t you noticed the way he looks at you when we start in on it with each other?”
“Yeah, but…but he’s just afraid I’ll yell at him, right? He’s always afraid of that.” Rightfully so, I suppose, but still…
Tajima sighed, shaking his head. “Mihashi had a lot of fun when you tickled him a few weeks ago, and he’s wanted you to do it again ever since. He keeps looking at you because he’s waiting for you to come get him.” The cleanup hitter groaned. “Seriously, dude, you two gotta work on your communication.”
“Why…” Abe trailed off, feeling like crap all of a sudden. “Why do you know that?”
“We’ve talked about it.”
“He…he talked about it with you, and not me?” That just made him feel worse. He looked away. “I…I didn’t know.”
Tajima punched his arm, hard. “Well, now you do, so go out there and make our pitcher happy, Abe!”
Abe’s eyes darted to the field entrance, where Mihashi was just leaving with Sakaeguchi. Without thinking, his feet moved, and his mouth formed his teammate’s name into a shout. “Mihashi, wait!”
Mihashi froze in his tracks, wincing, looking back at Abe with wide eyes. Abe slowed his sprint to a light jog so the poor guy wouldn’t think he was about to be tackled or something.
Abe looked at Sakaeguchi. “Hey, uh…could we have a minute? I need to talk to him.”
Sakaeguchi looked surprised, but he nodded. “Yeah, sure. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mihashi.”
“U-Um…o-o-okay…” Mihashi stammered just as Tajima caught up to and passed Abe. “Bye, Tajima.”
“Later, Mihashi,” Tajima replied, grinning wide and sneaking a quick wink at Abe before he joined up with Sakaeguchi and they left the field.
Now it was just the pitcher and the catcher, again in absolute silence.
Crap, Abe thought. Now what? How do I do this without freaking him out even more? “Look, Mihashi, I…I need to know something. I want you to be honest, okay?”
Mihashi nodded a little too fast, but Abe shrugged it off. That was normal. This was normal.
“Do you want me to tickle you again?”
“Eep!” The pitcher squeaked, taking a step back. “I-I-I d-don’t know w-what you’re t-talking a-a-about…”
“Is that why you keep staring at me all the time?”
“N-N-No! It’s l-like you said!” Mihashi was rushing through his reply in the way he always did when he was lying. Even Abe could see that much. “I j-just thought you h-hated it, and I didn’t want you to hate me, so I stopped—”
“I don’t hate you, you idiot.” Abe said it without thinking, but once the words were out he realized they were true. Both of them blinked at each other in surprise. “You drive me crazy sometimes, but I don’t hate you. None of us hate you. You’ve got to stop thinking that.”
Mihashi was silent, but it was clear he was either uncomfortable, nervous, disbelieving, or all of the above.
Abe crossed his arms. “Do you want me to tickle you again?”
The pitcher pressed his lips together and shook his head, slowly.
“Don’t shake your head at me unless you mean it,” Abe snapped. “You idiot, it’s just tickling! Why are you so nervous about it? If you want me to tickle you, just ask!”
Mihashi looked like he was going to pass out from his nerves, but he pulled himself together and took a deep breath. “I w-w-w-want you t-to,” he managed in barely a whisper. He wasn’t looking at Abe anymore. “I do. But I…you said it was s-stupid, so I didn’t want to ask. N-Not that I could, anyway…”
Abe had had just about enough of this. He grabbed Mihashi’s ribs and dug in, too frustrated to enjoy the shrieking giggles he got for his efforts until after he’d gotten in the last word in. “I told you, I don’t care if you like it. There’s nothing wrong with liking it.” Then he smirked, carefully guiding the pitcher to the ground when Mihashi’s knees gave out from under him.
“W-Wahahahahahait! Abe!” Mihashi squealed, reaching for his wrists. “Ehehehehehehehe!”
“Wait? Haven’t you waited long enough?” Abe chuckled, squeezing his sides, waist, thighs. “Are you happy now? Isn’t this what you wanted?”
“Nohohohohohohoho!” Mihashi protested, giggling nonstop and writhing on the ground, dirtying his uniform even more. “N-Nohohohohohot if y-yohohohohohou thihihihihihink it’s stuhuhupid!”
Abe frowned, feeling like crap all over again. “I don’t think it’s stupid, Mihashi. Stop worrying about that.”
“Thehehehehehen why dihihihihihid you say thahahahahahat it was?”
How was communication easier for them this way? “Because you were tickling me and I wasn’t thinking straight, obviously! Jeez, dude, you’ve got to stop taking everything so seriously.”
“No buts,” Abe insisted, reaching a hand up to scribble in Mihashi’s underarm, grinning at the loud screech he got. He quickly straddled the pitcher and went for it, sensing an opportunity to get him to let go of his anxieties, even if only for a moment.
Mihashi threw his head back and laughed harder than Abe had ever heard before.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” Mihashi squealed, his arms shoved down to his sides, upper body twisting uselessly, legs kicking. His laughter was surprisingly bright and sweet for someone who was usually so reserved. It was like a waterfall of happy sounds.
“Stop? Seriously? But I just started.” Abe kept it up for a few more moments, then slowed down, deciding it best to check in. “You okay? Do you really want me to stop?”
“N-No!” Mihashi cried, loud and clear for once. “N-No, don’t stop, I like it, you can keep – AHAHAHAHAHA GOHOHOHOHOHOING!!”
Abe couldn’t help but smile, feeling slightly better for getting his pitcher to be honest about what he wanted – maybe even needed – for once. “Then I will keep going. Because this isn’t stupid. It’s…” The catcher hesitated. “It’s actually kind of fun.”
“IHIHIHIT IS?!” Mihashi squealed, surprise evident through his hysterics.
“Yeah.” Abe bit his lip to keep from smiling any bigger. “It is.”
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1tsnoya · 4 years
・゚:* 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐚 *:📸・
a nishinoya x fem!reader smau
↳ part 14 - the walk to the market
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pls read authors note !!
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it was finally friday. you had woken up before your alarm because of your nerves. chills would not stop running through you. who would’ve thought you’d hit it off with some youtubers you had been watching for years, since almost the very beginning of their channel. jeez you had even managed to hit it off a little too well with one of the members.
whatever, that was a thought for later on right? it wasn’t even a crush, no way. yuu nishinoya loved to flirt with everyone, platonically. even his best friends. he did you a favor and was just being kind. there was no reason to be nervous for a video for the group’s sneaky side channel.
you closed your eyes and took a breath, “please don’t let today go terribly” you thought.
your phone buzzed in your hand with a text from the groupchat with your new friends, “3 mins away!!”
you slipped on your shoes and started walking outside. in all honesty, ur brain was barely processing what you were doing. you were more nervous than the first time you had met the OBCG, it felt kind of dumb.
you finally stepped outside and your phone buzzed again, “here!!” and when you looked up, a car was dropping off hinata, tanaka, and nishinoya.
“boo!!” shoyo laughed, “nice to see u again!!”
“yo!” tanaka and nishinoya had both high fived you, something they both loved doing with new friends. the duo didn’t seem nervous at all, lively as ever.
after sho told you his “epic plan” the four of you began walking to the market. the group was very awake and already jumping into a conversation with you. it was crazy to you how easy it was for them to get along with... anyone.
you all started talking about your favorite desserts and foods, still not positive about what it was that you were gonna cook. and then... sho and ryu started going back and forth about what the best type of ramen was.
and while that went down, noya tapped ur shoulder and signaled that you two walk a bit ahead, “so... nervous?” he asked with a smile.
“psh.. no way. what gives u that idea?”
“hmm” he hummed, “maybe it’s the way you keep fidgeting with your ring?”
it kind of surprised you that yuu noticed because... sheesh even you hadn’t noticed. his bright and hyper personality made you think that he wouldn’t pick up on it.
snapping back into reality, you let out a nervous laugh, “maybe i am.. i just didn’t think i’d get to see you again”
he softly exhaled with a smile, “i didn’t either!” his face turned towards yours, “i’m glad though. sho really likes you.”
“is that so?” you looked back at him.
and with that flashy smile of his, he said, “yup! and maybe i do too.”
the walk to the market wasn’t as bad as you anticipated it would be.
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𝐀/𝐍: hey!! long time no see. i felt really lost with this part and just wanted to write a bit. (sorry if it’s short lol - i wanna get back into our regular format) the world has been crazy and i feel like it’s taken a toll on everyone (including me) i love writing and i’m hoping school and just... life in general passes so i can get back into doing what i love. thank u guys for sticking around after... yk not updating in so long lol. i luv y’all <3
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: being asked to join the most popular group on youtube is an offer of a lifetime, you’re practically living out your dream. however a deal like this comes with rules...the most important one being that you can’t date any other members of the group.
⚡️𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝: @tiawrites @multifangirl-sebastianstantho @writingsbycrackhead @veggytaled @renmazing @aurumskyy @where-are-the-avacadoss @wthyuta @iixyia @kaoyuuuuu @bananayogurtbitch @jasprosecore @bo0bieholder @krxstynnn @buzzybeebee @curiouslilbeast @afuckingunicornn @burntcilantro @i-bitch-you-bitch @om-ly @kingkags @bamzsmile @ursleeparalisysdemon @extriella @galacticskys @chao01248 @abonshit @kingkagss @tanakax123 @feelingw00zi @90s-belladonna @daisukekanbesslut @j-brielmalfoy @achoohq @wondewdrop @bellinha-68 @itsanimecrack @ochabby @callums-keith @pooofthechicken @thechaosoflonging @rione-x @cornchipsanddip @jiminscarmex @8zmingi @bishops-patrick @kaithehero @bokutoscake04 @deerixiie @marifujioka @momo-has-a-gun @tremendousglitterthing @anything-and-everything-here69 @bubblyace @spriteandnicotine
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kookiesjoonies · 4 years
come home | myg.
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another collab w/ my platonic soulmate, @ppersonna​, abt bad hookups and how members of bts fix it n make you feel good. it took me awhile to get my part up, so i want to thank lindy for the millionth time for being so patient. i hope u all enjoy. read her part of this collab w/ jin here!
main pairing: min yoongi x reader (exes to lovers)
fic type: one shot
word count: 3.2k
genre: smut
warnings: language, mentions of smoking/nicotine, mentions of penetrative sex, dry humping, light dirty talk, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), multiple orgasms, angst if you squint?, tiny amount of fluff (if i forgot any warnings, i apologize! i have been working on this over the course of a week or longer. if i missed anything major, let me know pls! xo)
summary: you just want to feel good. and seeing as how no one has been successful in making that happen for you, you go to the one person who never fails to get you off. who just so happens to be your ex boyfriend.
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The last person in the world that Yoongi expected to be knocking on his door at eight o’ clock at night was you. You’d been broken up for over a year now, and sure, the two of you were on good terms. Hell, you even considered yourselves friends, but rarely ever did the two of you hang out or speak more than a few times a week through text messages.
So naturally, his first thought was that something was wrong. He was standing in the doorway, staring straight ahead at you, trying to read your face for any indication as to why you’d shown up at his house unannounced. Your expression was stoic, though, almost bored. Your hair was shorter though, he’d noticed. Had you gained weight? He couldn’t have been sure, but your thighs definitely appeared to be thicker, and your bra fuller than he remembered.
You caught him eyeing your cleavage and you rolled your eyes. Same old Yoongi, same old habits.
“Are you going to invite me inside?” You asked, arms crossed over your chest and effectively pushing your breasts up.
Yoongi was sure he would be drooling any moment now, and he hadn’t even heard a word you’d said. Fuck, he’d missed staring at you like this.
“Yoongi,” you reached a hand forward, pressing a freshly manicured finger underneath his chin and pointing it up toward your face, “my eyes are up here.”
Now it was his turn to roll his eyes, “And?”
You tilted your head to the side, eyebrows pushing together in annoyance, “Would you just move so I can come inside?”
He obliged, stepping away from the door frame and gesturing you, albeit dramatically, inside.
His house hadn’t changed much, but it definitely wasn’t as well kept as it was when you lived with him. The coffee table was cluttered with assorted take out boxes and half empty water bottles, and you never understood why he didn’t drink the entire bottle of water. It annoyed the piss out of you, and you were still convinced that was the only reason he did it.
Blankets and coats littered the sofa, throw pillows pushed off of the couch and onto the floor. You always hated when he did that. He claimed the pillows made the couch uncomfortable and hard to sit on, and you’d called him insane, telling him that the entire purpose of the pillows were to make it comfortable.
You were curious to see what his bedroom looked like. Well, you were mostly curious, and a tad bit frightened at the thought. Yoongi wasn’t a messy person, but he didn’t mind clutter. You, on the other hand, despised it.
Yoongi took note of the way your eyes danced around the room, taking everything surrounding you in.
“Yeah, it’s messy, I know.” His tone of voice shifted to one of nervousness. He was suddenly very aware that you we’re here, in the house the two of you used to share, for the first time in what felt like forever.
You sensed his awkwardness and turned your attention from the living room and into him, placing a hand gently around his bicep. He instantly relaxed under your touch. You always did know exactly what he needed and when he needed it. He still didn’t know how the fuck you managed to do that.
“I don’t care if it’s messy, Yoongi. I don’t live here anymore.”
“No, you don’t. Which brings me to ask, why are you here?”
“Actually,” you began, leaning against the back of his sofa as you slowly raked your eyes up and down his small frame, “I was wondering if you wanted to fuck.”
Your question clearly caught him off guard, his face immediately contorting into one of utter confusion. Eyes slightly widened, mouth agape.
“Hold on,” he shook his head, a poor attempt at collecting his thoughts as he tried to make sense of what you’d just proposed, “are you high?”
Was he serious? You rolled your eyes at him yet again, convinced they were going to get stuck in the back of your head.
“No, Yoongi. I am not high. I’m just horny, and want to fuck. Simple as that.”
He carded his long fingers through his hair, eyes focusing on yours and fully taking in your serious expression.
“You couldn’t find someone on tinder? I mean, not that I’m not flattered that you came all the way here, but. I’m just a bit confused.”
“I could’ve, yeah,” you nodded, “and I have, in the past. But I’m sick of bad hookups, I have to fake it half the time anyway. Nobody knows my body like you do. I just want to feel good, but if you don’t want to, or if it’s too weird then I can leave. No hard feelings.”
Yoongi took a minute to weigh out the pros and cons in his head. On one hand, he’d kill to be inside of you again. He’d had hookups of his own, sure, but none of them even came close to what you felt like. But on the other hand, you’d broken up for a reason. And this could complicate things.
Who was he to deny you, though? He never could, not when you were together, and he wasn’t about to start now. If all you wanted was to feel good, then goddammit, he was going to make sure that you did.
“Yeah, okay. Let’s do it.”
Your eyes grew wider than quarters, and you stared at him in disbelief, “Really?”
“Were you expecting me to say no?”
“I don’t..” you paused, “I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was hoping you’d say yes.”
“Well,” he took a single step forward, hands easily falling down and onto your hips, “I did.”
All it took was the feeling of his hands on you to make your breath catch in your throat. It’d been over a year since he’d last touched you, his hands felt like they were burning your skin through your shirt. You stared up at him, eyes fixated on his as his mouth slowly crept down and onto yours.
It felt like sparks of electricity were coursing through your veins. Your body instantly reacted, legs jumping up and off of the ground to wrap around his waist. He was quick to catch you, hands cupping your ass to hold you up and pressed against him. His lips moved against yours easily, his tongue gliding into your mouth and wrapping around yours perfectly. Kissing you was muscle memory, he knew every crevice of your mouth, which moves of his tongue would have you wrecked.
He took advantage of that, lapping and twirling his tongue against yours in a way that had you moaning into the kiss. The vibrations going straight from his lips and down to his dick, and you could feel him hardening against your thigh. Your hands found their way into the dark hair at the nape of his neck and you twirled it around your fingers, all the while giving a quick swivel of your hips that had Yoongi groaning into your mouth.
He carried you away from the couch and down the hallway into his master bedroom, kicking the door closed with his foot once inside. He had your back pressed up against it instantaneously, grinding his hips up and into yours at a steady pace. You were holding onto his neck for dear life, letting out a whine as he hit your clit perfectly.
“Y-yoongi! Right there, oh my God, do that again.” You pleaded, and he happily obliged by thrusting his hips in the exact same way, causing you to cry out and bite down on your lower lip. If he kept this shit up, you’d be cumming in your pants.
His lips were attached to your neck now, attacking the skin there with sloppy kisses and occasional suction. You knew there would be bruises, but you couldn’t be bothered to give a single fuck. Your body was elated, you felt like you were floating. And all of it was from a fucking make out session and dry humping. You couldn’t even begin to imagine how you were going to feel once he was finally inside of you. The thought of it alone had you soaking wet, and you could feel how damp your panties had gotten, sure that your jeans were soon to follow suit.
His hips never slowed, in fact, they only sped up. You were bouncing against him now, attempting to gather even more friction than what he was giving you. His fingers curled and squeezed your ass, holding you still as he ruthlessly humped against your core.
“Gonna cum for me, huh? Right here? With your clothes still on?” He was nipping at your jawline now, and the sounds you were making sounded like you were trying to speak, but nothing you were saying was coherent.
“What was that?” he rolled his hips hard against your aching cunt, and you immediately saw black, “Words, baby. Or I’ll stop right now.”
You panicked, trying to muster up any sort of response that you could manage, even if you did sound completely fucking pitiful.
“Yes! Oh my god, yes.” You mewled, and one final jolt of his hips had you coming undone.
Your thighs contracted around him, shaking and attempting to pull him closer and keep him trapped between your legs. Your hands were tugging on his hair, burning his scalp and causing him to groan at the sensation. Cries of his name and a slew of fucked out curses made their way past your lips as you came, head knocking back against the wooden door.
Yoongi had pulled away from your neck so that he could watch you, his eyes darkening with want as he witnessed you lose yourself from just grinding alone. He thought you’d never looked sexier than you did right now. And all he could think about was how badly he wanted to clean up the mess he’d just made in between your legs.
“Let me eat you out.” His voice was rough, raspy, and hot. How could you say no to that?
You hadn’t even completely come down from your high yet, stars still circling above your head as you blinked rapidly in an attempt to get them to go away. But still, you nodded.
He was quick to drop to his knees after setting your feet and shaky legs back down onto the ground. Your fingers threaded through his hair, hips pushing forward and toward his mouth. You’d never wanted— no, needed his tongue against you so badly before. But you couldn’t help the breathy laugh that pushed out of your throat.
“What’s so funny?” Yoongi prompted, mumbling against the skin of your lower abdomen as he pressed wet kisses there.
You lightly twirled his hair around your index finger, a small sigh making its way through your lips as you felt him begin to undo the button a zipper on your pants.
The whole situation was fucking hilarious to you. You ever imagined you’d be here again, with Yoongi in general, let alone with his head between your legs. But that was too heavy of a conversation to have at the moment. You knew that if you said such things, he’d want to have a deep, touchy feely talk and all you were interested right now was him making you cum for the second time today.
So, you decided to play your laughter off, sounding as nonchalant as possible.
“Just find it funny that our bed is two feet away from us, yet you’re still going to eat me out while you’re on the floor.”
Yoongi had taken to ridding you of those god forsaken jeans, kissing from your knee up to the tops of your thigh. His actions coming to a still in the middle of your sentence.
“Our? bed?” He cocked an eyebrow, deep irises flickering up to look straight at you.
“Just habit, I guess.” you shrugged it off, but internally, you were kicking your own ass for making such a slip up, “Are you going to go down on me, or not?”
Yoongi couldn’t stop the roll of his eyes. This was so fucking like you, brushing off your true emotions and covering them up with something sexual. Had you forgotten he knew you better than anyone else in the world?
Still, you’d come to him for a reason. You wanted to feel good. He was determined to follow through with your wishes, but made a mental note to get you to tell him how you were feeling afterwards.
“You’re so fucking bossy.” He spat out the words, though they weren’t laced with any real venom. It was too playful, too Yoongi.
You were going to offer him a smart ass remark, a witty comeback on the very tip of your lips. However, the feel of his tongue dragging through your folds had you moaning instead.
His arms linked around the backs of your thighs to hold you in place, keeping your cunt pressed firmly against his face as he nudged your clit with his tongue. A small, barely there flick that had you whining in a high pitched fashion. Your eyes had screwed shut, hand tangled in his hair and pulling it from the root.
One of his hands moved from your legs so that he could hover his index finger over your entrance, circling around it and gathering up your wetness. He groaned at the feeling, at how absolutely fucking soaked you were for him. It was something he never, ever got tired of. And it was definitely something he’d grown to miss.
All at once, he was pulling your clit into his mouth. Teeth lightly grazing it before he took his time suckling on the bud, quick, exasperated whimpers coming out of your lips as he did so.
You offered him fucked out praises, telling him how good it felt, how badly you wanted more. His finger pushed into you, and your walls immediately squeezed around it. Once you’d loosened back up, he added his middle finger and slowly began to fuck into you.
Your mouth was left agape at the feeling, his tongue now swirling at a steady pace against your bundle of nerves. Your nails dug into his scalp, and you’d begun to shamelessly ride his face. He was loving every minute of it, every wanton noise that came out of your mouth.
“I—I need—,” you stuttered, unsure of exactly what it was that you needed from him, “God, Yoongi, please—”
Even when you didn’t know, he always seemed to. His long fingers curled inside of you, arching and pressing against that glorious spot that had you screaming out a line of curses.
He quickened the pace of his tongue up, the speed of it ruthless against your clit now. Your eyes were beginning to well up, and you were sure you’d never felt pleasure like this before. Not even from him. There was something about this time that made it feel like you were floating on cloud nine. And you never, ever wanted to come down. You wanted his head buried between your thighs for an eternity.
One more push of his fingers and lick of his tongue had you bucking your hips against his face, and you weren’t sure how he was managing to breathe. Your lower stomach was knotting, heat spreading from your core throughout your entire body as your orgasm washed over you. Both of your hands were in his hair now, gripping onto the soft strands of it with all of your might. You were squirming, trying to get closer to him, and away from him all at the same time.
Black dots were all that you could see, your head spinning and making you feel like you were floating off of the ground. Your chest was rising and falling rapidly as you attempted to catch your breath and regain your composure.
You groaned at the empty feeling as you felt Yoongi pull his fingers out of you, glancing down at him just in time to watch him insert the digits into his mouth and swallow your release. Your eyes rolled back at the sight, a huff leaving your lips.
“You’re going to be the death of me.” You joked, and he rewarded you with a chuckle as he stood up and pressed his lips to yours, pushing his tongue into your mouth with ease.
You could taste yourself on him, and that alone had you aroused again and ready for orgasm number three. And hopefully four and five. You could feel yourself growing wet again, and took the opportunity to grab one of his hands and bring it down and onto your soaked pussy.
He groaned into the kiss, tongue moving with more fervor, more hunger.
You were pulling back, and he was chasing your lips with his. You giggled at his actions, your fingers toying with the fine strands of his hair.
Without giving it a second thought, he was lifting you off of the ground again and taking quick strides toward the bed.
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It seemed like the two of you had spent the better part of the night fucking. But by your fifth orgasm, you were too fucked out, and way too sensitive to do it again. You could barely walk, your legs the equivalent of Jell-O. Yoongi insisted over and over that you just spent the night with him, offering to take the couch if that would make you more comfortable.
“I just spent the last two hours with your dick buried inside of me,” you pointed out, “I think we can share a bed.”
He laughed as he laid beside of you, still completely naked and on full display for you.
“I need a cigarette, but I can’t even walk to get them out of my jeans.” You groaned as you stared at your pants lying in front of the door, and you could hear Yoongi sighing beside of you.
“What?” You cocked an eyebrow, rolling onto your side so that you could face him.
“You know how I feel about you smoking. I wish you’d quit that shit.”
“Well,” you started, “at least you don’t have to smell it on a daily basis anymore. You know, since I don’t live here.”
“Eh,” he shrugged, turning over on his side to match your position, “kind of miss it.”
Your eyes slightly widened, and you were left speechless. Because what were you supposed to say to that?
Yoongi sighed, giving you a quick roll of his eyes.
“Come on, Y/n. What are we doing?”
“I don’t know what you mean.” You lied.
“You mean to tell me you don’t feel comfortable right now? Like we never stopped this in the first place? Never stopped.. us?” He studied your face as he waited for your answer, fingers instinctively reaching out to trail along the curve of your bare hip.
“Yoongi..” You sighed, unsure of what else to say. Because he was right. This felt normal. It felt right.
“Just come home.” His voice was sincere, his eyes soft and pleading as he looked at you.
Usually, this was the kind of big decision you’d have to think about, outweigh all of the pros and cons. But this time, you didn’t hesitate to respond. Because this was Yoongi, and he was home.
“Yeah,” you nodded, gently rubbing your thumb along the top of his cheek as you offered him a gentle smile, “okay.”
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
S/O that thirsts over anime/game guys
reposted bc wasn’t showing up in the tags + I want to keep nsfw under the cut
@nononononojustno asked: Okay so could you write a headcanon where 2 random boys (can you pick then? I love all of boys from hq) and Ushi-kun where they walk on their gfs fangirling or thirsting over another anime/game character?And she was talking how hot he is? How they would react?👀😂 have a great day/night and dont forget to eat and get rest, love you💕
A/N: hahahahaha i laughed while writing this. FYI these are all based on legit crushes i had on anime/game characters at some point in my life - see if you’ve watched the shows i’ve watched :) ILY I PROMISE I’M DOING MY BEST TO EAT THREE MEALS A DAY AND GET ADEQUATE SLEEP MWAH. also i went overboard and added an extra boy bc why not. These are a little shorter since there were 4 characters but I hope you enjoy!
Content warning: implied nsfw for Atsumu + slight nsfw hcs for Matsukawa (both are under the cut)
PS: If anyone wants a spicy sequel/one shot for matsukawa i’m open to the idea 👀👀 let me know in my inbox!
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Ushijima definitely knows you’re into anime + games
Having visited your dorm room on multiple occasions he’s seen your extensive collection of manga, anime posters and you always seem to be playing on your switch whenever you have free time
Of course, he notices a significant portion of your collection is centered on male characters
And you’ve definitely mentioned a few games to him - Ikemen Sengoku, Code:Realize, Hakuouki (wow i’m really out here exposing myself) etc.
He doesn’t really mind though? Like - at the end of the day these are 2D men, whereas he is a very real boyfriend
At least he thinks he doesn’t mind
Recently, he notices that you seem to be on your phone a lot, and you seem to be texting the same group chat very often
He asks why and you laugh - it’s not actual text messages you’re just trying out a new otome/simulation game called Mystic Messenger. He finds the name silly but he just brushes it off he’s definitely J E A L O U S
Until one day he walks into your room while you’re calling one of your friends to freak out about that specific game
He’s like who TF is Jumin and immediately bursts into your room looking pissed off
Poor babie is all like “you’re married?” and “if you had someone else you were interested in you should have told me.” “Who is this Jumin Han???” 🧐
Oh my god you start cackling, but you manage to tell him that NO you are not married and that Jumin Han is a fictional character from the game you’re playing
Ushijima looks confused after you explain - why would you find fictional men attractive when you’re already dating him?
Tendou almost dies laughing the next day when Ushijima tells him about what happened
Oikawa Tooru
Since practice finishes pretty late he usually goes to see you at your house at night, but tonight things wrapped up earlier - he’s excited to spend more time with you
You’ve finished up most of your homework so you’ve just been rewatching Attack on Titan since you’re super excited for the new season
You’re kinda distracted/have headphones on so you don’t hear your boyfriend knock on the front door. Your mom answers it and lets him in and he climbs the stairs
He can hear your fangirling (freaking out) over something as he walks towards your room
You jump in surprise when he opens the door, because you thought he would be a bit later but immediately release your pent up excitement
“Tooru just LOOK at him he’s such a bad ass like oh my gosh he literally has swords and he’s still running around slaying the MPs who have guns. God whenever he gets angry he looks so hot,” etc. etc.
You’re shoving your laptop in his face, showing him gifs and video of attack on titan, specifically the captain of the survey corps that you are obsessed with
Tooru gets it - for him its space, shitty alien films and astronomy. For you it’s video games and anime - or more specifically, handsome characters from said franchises
Even though he understand that it’s something you’re passionate about he still makes a whole show about whining how you’re in love with Levi Ackerman (lmao i still thirst over our favorite captain) instead of him
“y/n i’m taller than him! And more handsome! He has blood on him all the time! And he’s super annoying because he’s obsessed with cleaning.” *cue pouty Tooru*
You probably shouldn’t tell him that you are an avid follower of the levi x reader tag on tumblr
Tooru still somehow finds out you’re also reading reader insert fanfic and goes BERSERK with his pouting and whining - literally everyone and their mothers have heard his sob story about how “his darling y/n is leaving me for a short germaphobic asshole”
The rest of the team finds it hilarious - the end up pranking him by posting pictures of Levi in his school locker or texting them in the volleyball groupchat (Oikawa is Suffering™)
Makki and Mattsun get him a Levi keychain for his birthday and cackle when he chucks it violently into the nearest trash can
Miya Atsumu
Doesn’t really know you’re into anime/gaming at first
I don’t think that’s on purpose - Atsumu just has such a one track mind when it comes to volleyball and he’s always busy with practice
so he just kinda doesn’t really give all the anime merch in your room a second glance even though it’s a dead giveaway
I bet Atsumu secretly watches some superhero anime - probably shounen stuff like My Hero Academia, one punch man etc.
He probably starts to notice you’re into anime/games because you’ll play games on your phone/gaming device all the time
One day he notices you’re giggling + blushing while looking at your screen. He’s curious to he heads over to you when coach says they can have a break
Peeks over your shoulder because he wants to know what you’re playing - but instead he’s greeted by some 2D samurai guy called Harada Sanosuke asking you to marry him
“Huh, I didn’t know you were into this kinda stuff y/n” tries to sound playful but internally he is screaming / ?????? WOT I DIDN’T KNOW MY S/O WAS INTO OTOME GAMES
Atsumus pretty chill about it at first, he probably teases you a lot about playing the game but isn’t really bugged about it
“Maybe you should thirst over your boyfriend instead of a fictional character babe~”
I mean - he knows he’s attractive and why be jealous? You only really play the game when he’s busy and you don’t really let the game play seep into your dates/hangouts
But one time he walks in on you reading some ~spicy~ hakuouki x reader fanfic and he’s like are u serious
Like you were lowkey quiet screaming to yourself and muttering “omg omg omg” when he walked in and you definitely tried to close your laptop so he couldn’t see what was open in your browser
Too bad Atsumu has mad reflexes and manages to prevent you from making your computer go to sleep
Briefly skims whatever it was that you were reading and smirks at you
“Hey, if you really want something like this, why don’t you let your real boyfriend deliver” before kissing you
Matsukawa Issei
Look, Issei just wants a chill movie/tv show night where the two of you can bundle up on the couch and binge whatever anime you feel like
Has everything set up - this man is ready to go: snacks? he has all of your favorites, couch? filled with soft pillows + multiple pillows. Attire? Comfy sweatpants shirtless 🥵
Last time he chose the series for your binge sleepover so he let you choose what the two of you were gonna watch this time
Turns out you decided to watch Psycho-Pass - it seemed like a pretty cool show, he was down with the whole dystopia/psychological concept
Starts out pretty normal, is appreciating the action + mystery elements and is glad that you chose that show
About halfway through the anime you two decide to take a break - he goes to the kitchen to refill your snacks, leaving to stretch you back.
When he comes back with more food, he notices that you’re hunched over your phone, typing something
He sneaks up behind you after he puts the food down, “Whatcha reading there babe?” You squeak and try to hide your phone, but not before he sees the words kougami x reader typed into your tumblr search bar
Lit-rally exCuSE me what - he’s not mad (more amused than anything else) but he also kind wants to tease you (bc Mattsun is a little shit)
“Is that the reason you wanted to watch this show?” he asks playfully. “He’s pretty hot tho, I kinda agree with you there babe.”
Now that he’s released the floodgate, he can’t stop your occasional comments like “omg how does he look so GOOD when he’s punching someone” or “he could shoot me with his dominator and i’d still say thank you”
The thirst comments are kinda getting to him, so he decides to take things in a different direction
“Let me what I can show you with my dominator~” L M A O I’M SORRY THIS EXISTS
Suddenly you’re being pulled onto his lap, and pressed against his bare chest, Issei barely gives you time to adjust before he’s kissing you roughly, tongue plunging into your mouth
His hands wrap around your hips pressing your core closer to his own, and you can feel his hard-on pressing into your stomach
He’ll be sure to suck a dark hickey onto the side of your neck and his hands travel under your shirt, just to remind you who your real boyfriend is
Needless to say, you won’t remember a single thing about the second half of the show after the night is over couch sex? Couch sex 😏
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