#thank u saints i never get sick of talking about them…
carniferous · 5 months
i need the dil bartylus thesis NOOOOWWW
bartylus is the failmarriage of ALL time to me i’ve spoken about this before but to me they contrast jegulus in that jegulus is a relationship with clear beginnings and ends. its tumultuous for sure but its tumultuous in a very defined way. jegulus cant be a failmarriage bc they’d get divorced. they’re too obsessed with defining what they are to each other bc they want it to be real and meaningful and it can’t be anything less than that
bartylus on the other hand…. they couldn’t define what they are to each other if they tried. they’re like the definition of settling for less but ‘less’ in this case is someone who understands you on a very a deep and fundamental level. perhaps better than anyone in the world. perhaps better than you understand yourself!! i wouldn’t say they’re ‘recognition of self in the other’ bc barty and regulus aren’t even other to each other…. they are each others homes and i mean in this context that both of these characters have the most fraught relationship with their respective homes imaginable. they want each other the way they want to go home (not at all — but also desperately). their relationship is inextricable from childhood. they hate to be reminded of their childhoods
and yet they’re not…. toxic per se! they’re obviously not healthy but they love each other in a way that’s very earnest (childlike). barty dreams of running away with regulus. he is the white knight rescuing the princess from the tower (he’s exactly like james in this respect). but unlike james barty doesn’t see running away as leading to a potentially better life for them….. he has no desire for freedom or salvation. barty just wants to do what he thinks will make regulus happier. and bc of this they will NEVER run away together bc regulus does want freedom. he does want salvation. he will never leave everything he knows unless he has the promise of something better, and barty can’t give that to him (and barty would see dishonesty about that as the greatest betrayal imaginable). so they never leave! they’re trapped together forever! stagnation! rotting! being seen this clearly is love but it’s also unbearable! there’s no mystery there’s no intrigue there’s just the cold acceptance of their fate and the comfort that at least they’ll bear it together except it’s no comfort at all because they COULD have escaped. just not with each other
and don’t even get me STARTED on brotherhusband barty…. there are like some obvioussss barty/sirius parallels and we’d be fools to think regulus doesn’t see them. to think regulus doesn’t want barty explicitly because “this person is like my brother if my brother wanted me” ?? regulus is someone who has lived his entire life wanting to be wanted come on…. he fucks barty because barty is like if regulus could somehow make sirius stay. and barty thinks this is sooooo sweet he indulges it he’s like “yeah reggie why would i ever leave you we’ve known each other since we were toddlers… we’re practically bro—” and then 5 minutes later regulus is sucking his dick and he’s like. wow look at regulus self-soothing! i’m such a good friend :)
in a modern setting they’re a category 5 situationship of unprecedented magnitude. like the picture you paint of regulus crying in his car after their 34th screaming-match breakup of the MONTH (how does this even happen. months only have 31 days max. were they timing it by the hour) is so perfect. ppl tell reg to see a therapist and he graciously does and after explaining it the therapist is like “do you think this might have anything to do with your childhood?” and regulus like “no?” and then proceeds to ghost said therapist bc on the way home from the appointment barty called and apologized and invited regulus over. regulus was like “okay but we’re not going to fuck” and barty is like “ofc not do you think i’m some kind of freak that i would be horny right now—“ cut to barty with regulus’s calves on his shoulders
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luvsavos · 11 months
answer for whomever you please: lightning, poison, parachute, and hobby
as always thank u for the ask char<3 going to do Several ocs bc haunted house so i have time to kill LMAO
oc ask meme!
lightning: who's the most impulsive character? and who is their impulse control?
oh man. probably thor or vugel? thor has No impulse control (very bad for everyone around him), vugel's impulse control is his mate, my friend ( @wolfoflyngvi )'s teostra oc, asmodeus.... though that's only Sometimes because vugel do as vugel please (unless asmo disapproves because vugel is the definition of a simp (would get very offended and launch into immediate Denial if you called him that) LMAO)
poison: vices/bad habits? what are they? how do they affect your OC?
for uriel: pretty soon after he came to stillwater, uriel took up the habit of smoking; being an angel, it doesn't TECHNICALLY affect him? but it does still make him more prone to agitation when he goes without smoking, even if it doesn't technically have any ill affect on his overall health
vul: stress-eating; due to her food anxiety, she has a tendency to eat when stressed, occasionally over-eating and making herself sick, and often indulging in mortal foods that don't actually have much (if any) nutritional value to her.
parachute: who does your OC(s) trust the most? who makes them feel safe? who would they do absolutely anything for?
uriel again bc brainrot lmao: with absolutely no contest, johnny gat; he would literally subject himself to the depths of hell (ironic innit?) for gat. johnny was the first mortal that uriel ever became close to and genuinely fond of, and through him he slowly learned to value SOME mortal life, and grew closer to other members of the saints as well---though johnny remains the one he's by far the closest to.
shang: oh man here's an oc i NEVER talk about LMFAO, my very first mh oc<3 shang is a surly, ill-tempered man who seldom trusts people, vastly preferring the company of monsters thanks to having been raised by one; the ONE person who makes him feel the most safe, that he trusts in absolute and would do anything for, is his fiancé, rhost, the admiral. despite his natural mistrust towards and aversion of hunters, he and rhost operate on nearly the same (extremely poor decision making) wavelength, with a fierce loyalty to and understanding of each other that few other people (monster or otherwise) could ever hope to have for either of them.
hobby: what do they love? what captivates them? what are their passions?
lokzii: lokzii adores gardening, cooking and making tea; though he typically assumes his mortal guise to purchase food ingredients from markets, he grows almost all of the herbal ingredients for his tea himself in a quaint, peaceful garden, nestled in a ruined courtyard that is bathed in the sapphire star's light every night. he also tends to various flowers and a few fruit-bearing plants as well.
the alatreon: here's an oc i haven't talked about here before! the alatreon's favourite hobby is... experimentation. given how it views most other beings as inferior to itself, it finds enjoyment in "experimenting" on them; this can range from simply intentionally setting up some sort of situation for one to fall into so to observe how it plays out, to testing what would happen if it injected raw dragon element directly into another being's bloodstream.
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sojutrait · 2 years
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warning this is a long one lmao
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i tried once and failed spectacularly and never tried again 😭😭😭
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ive just been letting the toddlers run wild bc i imagine two werewolves wouldnt be helicopter parents and its honestly sm less stressful 😭😭 like yeah go splash in the toilet and have fun
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hmm like sims aesthetic? idk really its kinda all over the place djfkf id just say nondescript cartoon-yness lmao. and most of my inspo is from real life!
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ty! like i dont want it to seem like im a saint and totally exempt from fucking up but i would hope it would be clear that id never intentionally whitewash a sim, thats quite counterintuitive of literally everything i preach
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thats what its giving atp 😭😭
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PREMONITIONS youre right, i shouldve forced my mom to birth me early so i could properly do my research for ts2 😩😩
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honestly!! ive tried to play both ts2 and ts3 since joining simblr but i literally Can Not, plus the millions of fixes that go in to ensuring they both work properly, it shouldnt come as a surprise to people that the majority of current simmers are only familiar with ts4
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dkjfkfd thats the consensus everyone is coming to but i dont remember last summer being this bad 😭😭 it fully couldve been tho that was before i ever left my simblr bubble lmao
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thank you sm!! ily2 🥺🥺💖💖
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thank you!! like i am not an ea employee plz cut me some slack 😭😭 and im glad u like my dina🥺🥺 just gonna tweak her a bit to make her more like her previous iterations !
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thank you!! and omg that is so exciting, good luck on ur legacy challenge! 💖💖
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i am autistic so i rlly dont know wtf theyre talking about in regards to my tone, i just think im speaking normally lmao. and i wholeheartedly agree with what u said about black simmers, ive def seen other black simmers get the same hate and vitriol over their tone and its sick, and then everyone wonders why ppl leave and simblr “dies”, like its bc yall make it inhospitable
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i love both of those things so ty sm! 🥺💖💖
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thank you!! i’m doing okay, ty for checking in 🥺💖💖
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DJKDFK ty! i honestly didnt think id get so attached to the dog people either 😭😭
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NO SAME i forget im not like 16 anymore 😭😭 i recently came to the realization that its techinally legal for weird older men to hit on me and i havent known peace since ���
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i actually considered that! or adding that werewolf girl i made in cas a couple days ago bc im so attached to all of them sjddk the thing is id have to human-ify them bc the halabis are set in the boring real world 
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TYY shes my fave townie of all time so ofc i had to do my girl justice 😌😌
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thank u 🤧🤧❤❤❤
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ACTUALLY when i was playing in that save i literally thought damn now i wanna play with ulrike and dina 😭😭 so maybe so 👁
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this is so sweet omfg thank you sm 😭😭❤❤ im so glad ollie brings you comfort, shes one of my fave sims of all time for that same reason so its good to hear other ppl connect with her the same 🥺🥺 and omg sometimes i forget she has the klepto trait until she tries to steal shit 😭😭
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alinastracker · 3 years
I MADE SOME BREAKFAST IF YOURE HUNGRY for my beloveds pls if u so wish
Better Late Than Never
Mal had been half-watching a replay of the England-Scotland game, half falling asleep the previous night when his phone sent him jolting awake.
Beep-beep, is that my bestie in a Tessie? Fresh blow out, skin on tan, ooh, she ready Bitch, you look goodt, with a T at the end I'ma hype her every time, that my motherfuckin' friend
He knew from the ringtone alone who was calling, so where normally he might pause before taking a call — he'd go mental talking to one more damn scammer — Mal answered instantly, fumbling to bring the phone up to his ear.
"'Ello," he answered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He quickly checked the time on his phone and frowned. 12:30 AM. His roommate slash best friend slash unrequited love of his life never called this late. She was either already home, sitting beside him on the couch watching a bad movie, or settled in her destination for the night. Genya's. Inej's. That asshole she'd been hooking up with.
"Mal?" Alina said, her voice shaky. It sounded like she was crying.
He was up in an instance, already moving to the door, stuffing his feet into slides and grabbing his keys, any thought of sleep long forgotten.
"Send me your location."
By the time she did, he was already in the car, flooring it out of the building's parking garage. Alina was sniffling, trying to hide just how upset she was. But he knew, he always knew.
"Did he hurt you, 'Lina?"
"I swear, I'll kick his ass. I can call Nikolai for backup, but I'm sure I can take him on my own."
"Can you stop being a stereotypical man for five seconds, please."
He sighed. "Right, 'course. Sorry." Mal glanced at the GPS on his phone. Thank the saints she was close. "I'm five minutes away. Do you want me to stay on with you?"
"No," Alina said, followed by another sniffle that only made him drive faster. "Just hurry. And can we get chips?"
Twenty minutes later, they were back at the flat, Alina with a McDonald's bag and chocolate milkshake in her hands. Her makeup was smeared all over her face, a mess of black smudges. How dare her, he thought, still look so fucking beautiful.
Mal had tried asking her what happened, but she'd only shaken her head.
"I don't want to talk about it," she had said, her voice so delicate that he nearly turned the car around and let toxic masculinity win this round.
Instead he took her to get her food, then drove them home. Let her lock herself in her room, and by the sounds of it, cry some more.
It was morning now and Mal was standing in nothing but his old plaid jim-jams, fixing up breakfast for the two of them. Crepes, because he knew she loved her sweets, and hash browns, just in case she still had a hankering for potatoes. He got out their old wooden serving tray they only ever used when one of them — or more often, both of them — were sick and wanted soup in bed. Mal stacked up the crepes, piled on the hash browns, bringing all the sugary syrup and wicked hot sauce she liked for the respective items, and knocked on her bedroom door.
Alina appeared a few moments later. She was still wearing last night's clothes, her hair up in a clip yet still all over the place, some of the makeup still holding out on her face. She looked tired, and he wondered how much she had actually slept.
"What's this?" she asked, the hint of a smile on her face.
Mal shrugged. "Err, I made some breakfast, if you're hungry?"
"Crepes and hash?"
He nodded.
She smiled a real smile then — the smile he liked to think she saved for him alone, but he knew better. Alina motioned for him to follow her in, and they settled on her bed together.
"This is all for me?" she asked, holding up the single fork he'd brought along. When he nodded, she laughed. "Mal, this is enough food for an army. Go get a fork, you dork." She backed up the statement by poking his side, and Mal blushed.
A moment later, he was back with a fork, and for a while, the two of them ate in silence.
When they had reached the point of only picking at the remaining food, he asked, "Do you want to talk about last night?"
Alina sighed. "I do suppose I owe you an explanation."
"You don't owe me anything," Mal said. "I just want to make sure you're okay."
She looked down, fiddling with the end of her dress. The fabric had started to bunch up, exposing so much of her thigh and — no, nope, this is not the moment, Malyen.
Blowing out a breath, she said, "I went there for a hook up. You probably guessed that. But, I don't know. When it came to actually . . . hooking up, something in me just didn't want it." She was still looking anywhere but his face. "And I told him that, and he stopped. He didn't try — it wasn't like that. But he got really, really angry. Said I had no right coming over and drinking his alcohol and dressing the way I did just to hold out. And then I started crying and he got even angrier."
Mal couldn't help it. He pushed the breakfast tray away and wrapped his arms around her. Alina relaxed against him, tucking her head under his chin. She always had been tiny like that.
"I was just really scared. So I ran out and I called you. That's it, that's all that happened. It was my fault—"
"Don't you dare," he whispered into her hair. "It's not remotely your fault, Alina. I don't care what you drank or how you dressed. You should know that more than anyone, miss self proclaimed raging feminist."
Alina laughed, and it was better than any song he'd ever heard. Just hearing her laugh after last night, after hearing how upset she had been. He hadn't really relaxed, he realized, until that exact moment, with her safe and laughing in his arms.
"I'm sorry, Mal," she said softly, taking him by surprise.
"Sorry for what?"
"For doing this to you, every time. Any mess that I get myself into, I always call you, and you're always there. Every time."
"Of course, 'Lina. You don't have to apologize." Mal swallowed the lump in his throat and hoped she hadn't noticed. "That's what best mates do, huh?"
"Right," she muttered. "Best mates."
"You don't sound very pleased with that," he teased, disguising the sting in his chest.
The room was dark for a Sunday morning, storm clouds ruining any chance for sunlight. But he could still see the look on Alina's face as she pulled back, the same look she got when she was doing something new, whether it be riding his skateboard for the first time or asking out a stranger, nervous but determined.
"You're right," she said, softly, firmly. "I'm not pleased with that."
Time was moving too fast. In a blink, Alina was closer than ever, pressing her lips to his. And like an idiot, he froze.
She pulled back when he failed to respond, disappointed but not defeated. "Sorry," she said. "There's a reason none of my hook ups have been working lately, and I just had to try."
Mal shook his head, trying and failing to form words. So he forced time to slow and kissed her instead. Softly, firmly. An exploration he had imagined so many times, and none of them held a light to the real thing.
Alina curled her arms around his neck, pressing herself closer. She was so soft, from her lips to where his hand rested on the small of her back. When she ran her tongue along his lower lip, Mal opened for her, and they moaned into each other. She tasted sweet from the syrup with the occasional lick of heat from the hot sauce. Though there was plenty of the latter between them already.
Neither of them said anything for a long moment when they finally pulled away, sucking air into their lungs. But their eyes were locked, and after all these years, they never needed words.
Alina was on him again in moments, their kiss no longer soft and sweet, but hard and desperate. Mal bit down on her lower lip, she felt her way across his bare chest, left scratches down his back when he started kissing her neck.
He's not sure which one of them kicks the breakfast tray off the bed. Maybe they both had a role. But at the sound of crashing dishes, they broke apart once more.
"Oops," Alina mumbled.
"Shit," Mal breathed. "We should probably clean that."
"Yeah, 'suppose. Ants or whatever."
A moment of silence stretched between them as neither made a move toward the mess on the floor.
"I mean, the ants won't move too fast," Mal reasoned.
"Not at all. We're on the third floor, anyway."
One look, and Mal reached for her again. Alina giggled as his mouth found her neck once more, her hand taking hold in his hair, directing him. Meanwhile, he was positive he currently had the most throbbing erection of his life. As if sensing this, Alina rolled her hips against his, and when she gasped, he knew she had felt it.
"Saints, Mal. You're . . . wow."
He was blushing again. "I'm sorry."
"Sorry? Why the hell are you sorry?"
"Because you were just talking about that twat pressuring you for sex! Not exactly time for the erection from hell!"
Alina laughed. "Mal, I didn't want fuck him. But I've wanted to fuck you for five years."
"Well now you tell me."
They both laughed then, and Alina pulled him into another kiss.
"Better late than never?"
Mal groaned as she rolled her hips again. "Definitely."
That morning, after living in their flat for three years, Mal and Alina got their first noise complaint.
Two Months Later
Mal was half-asleep, half-watching some shitty horror movie on a lazy Sunday afternoon, when the sound of his phone had him jolting awake.
Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my Lover
He didn't have to check before answering. Mal knew exactly who was calling.
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kkoongiee · 4 years
txt scenarios — txt comforting an overwhelmed s/o ‹𝟹
prompt, :00 txt + comforting a vv stressed s/o who hasnt eaten in a while because they were busy with school?? thank u sm ^^
## angst % gn!reader % wc: 1426 [ cursing, anxiety, depression, mental health discussion, ]
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yeonjun will be worried the whole week before he comes by with a SHITTON of snacks because u deserve them??? ur still hunched over ur laptop and he goes to u and ur eyes are bloodshot .. hes like baby this won’t do .. 🧍 yeonjun will take over proof-reading for u while u get something to eat n go freshen up!!! he tells u to get into those jammies and he will be waiting for u to come back so he can finish up with u laying down next to him :((( he’ll prolly give u little pats on the head while he clicks away at keys to finish it up, if u can’t sleep then junnie will want u to talk to him about good things 🥺 he’ll listen to u talk about ur day and talk about what u r gonna do, then he’ll give u a gentle reminder that he loves u and that he wants u to take better care of urself!! yeonjun doesn’t want u to be hurting urself and neglecting urself because of school, he’ll be snuggling into u and tells u that he’ll be up to make u breakfast in the morning .. this boy is a saint!!! he will do anything and everything to make u feel good & keep u happy, he wants to see u and hear u always be lively 🥺 yeonjun does not mind picking up the slack around ur place, he just wants u to be healthy rly that’s all
soobin will ask u like .. can we go on a date?? later?? :] baby hasn’t seen u for the past week so he rllyyy wants to see u, but ofc he receives a no bc ur too busy?? so he’s like oh ok, i can just come over??? and ur like, no i’m busy i don’t want anyone over rn so soobin won’t accept that and ur room is dark asf, as well as the fact the house is a literal mess and not clean at all?? ur skimming thru ur books quickly, as if ur life depended on it which he presumed u thought that .. he’ll talk softly to u, hand on ur shoulder and presses a kiss to ur head :( ‘dont u think u should relax bub? 🥺 cmere’ ur kinda upset but u rllyyyy missed soobin and u just didn’t want to work anymore, so u supposed u could just take a moment to be with him?? ‘this is why u couldn’t come out with me?’ and u just nod softly ughh his heart would just hurt so bad 😭 rly it would, but to just hear u say u haven’t done like anything?? these past few days, cleaning, eating, laundry, or just going outside — this is not okay with him!!! he’ll order something for u & let u go take a shower/bath while he puts some of ur things in the laundry,, soobin wants u to relax and when u finish eating and close ur eyes to sleep,, he will begin on cleaning the place up 😣 he wants to take rly good care of u, the thought of u unhappy or sick and whatnot it literally hurts him to think of that, especially bc of school??? soobin hates school more than ever now
beomgyu will be coming over for his twice a week meet-up and he’s used to ur half clean half dirty place, but ur apartment is spotless?? there’s nothing in the sink, no food wrappers nada, no stray clothes on the ground so he’s like 🤨 something is wrong. then he remembers it’s time for exams and such + the added on school work and extra time spent studying??? like wtf??? beomgyu will find u on the bed, ur eyes are so tired and he can’t act like he hasn’t seen u like this before .. he’s seen this a few times - u disappear and u hole urself at ur place, beomgyu needing to talk u down and get u to come and rest. it pains him to see u so upset over being the perfect student, he could not care if u were as dumb as dirt (he appreciate the smarts too) but he thinks ur a pretty great student!!! gyu will pull u away from the screen and give u the tightest hug, which will probably lead to tears on ur part and he’ll pull u back on the bed. he already presumed u hadn’t ate or done anything for the week, so he already came prepared??? duh?? beomgyu know he can’t feel what you’re feeling or like help u thru all the rough patches, but u bet ur ass he will try his hardest to help u feel better or at least get u out of bed!!! he’ll talk for awhile, listen for the most part, and then gyu puts away everything so he can lay down on the bed without the stray papers and books poking him 🧍
taehyun is kinda used to it, he just seems like he wants to hear allll about u, the good and the bad and he is always checking up on you. he’ll know before hand about school and after a few days (he doesn’t wanna bother u he knows u like ur space sometimes and the last thing he would wanna do is interrupt ur zen mode during school cause he’d hate it if someone did that to him too) taehyun knows it’s time for him to go over to your house. u live in dorms with a friend, but it’s pretty empty most of the time and the house is cluttered but it’s usually like that,, however ur room is just .. a mess. he has to stop himself from thinking like wow this is bad, taehyun would never want to think bad of you — just sometimes he ponders on these small thoughts. he doesn’t interrupt u, he gives ur head a few pats before sitting on ur bed and watching u. he gets the feeling u haven’t been taking care of urself whatsoever, so he heads off to the kitchen for a water and an apple, very simple which taehyun doesn’t think you would refuse. when he deems its time to rest only five minutes later, there’s the whines because u don’t want to but taehyun insists. u can always finish tomorrow, or in a few hours if u be quiet .. u might cry or just stay silent, whatever it is — he’ll lay there quietly with you and he’ll just toy with your baby hairs before his hand rests on ur cheek, giving you a kiss that makes really anything feel better .. it’s all temporary because taehyun knows there definitely will be more tests and stress in the future, but he always has time in order to help u out.
huening kai 😭 well for starters, idk i feel like he’d be just a smidge sad that u didn’t tell him about these things .. but nonetheless he is over in a heart beat upon your phone call!! well he actually stays on the line the whole time for u, mostly because hyuka knows how nervous u are and he just wants u to not be alone :(( he has been there for a few anxiety attacks + he knows the feelings of stress from school all too well, so he wants to go out of his way to do these things for you. he’ll be so quick to come to u inside, asking silenty if u want to be touched or just left alone :( at that point ur heaving and huening kai is kind of petrified to leave u alone, so he just gets water and turns on the fan before coming back and sits there before easing into a hug, he can quite literally feeling ur heart nearly beating out of ur chest, but ur arms weakly wrap around him and huening kai is just like 🥺 because yes u r very cute but he feels awful for u!!! he’ll share a few words, mumbling to u and rubbing ur back because obviously u won’t go bounce back immediately but he treats u like u hung the moon!!!!!!! as for the fact he knows u haven’t done anything, the first evidence being yes your oily hair, hyuka is more comfortable with staying there until u fall asleep & then he’ll sneak off to make u something in the kitchen to make u something and then come to wake u up, it might be very simple like ramen 😭 but he puts all the effort and knowledge he has to make u happy
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snitches-at-dawn · 4 years
small talk || f.w.
request- hii! i wanna request a fred fic (its up to u if u want to put smuts in it or not) where fem!reader is with draco but she is fred’s ‘best mate’one night draco n fem!reader decided to go to a party then they had an angsty argument which leaves them hanging n frustrated. so fem!reader ditched draco n danced with the crowd until fred joins her. she then agreed w fred to make malfoy jealous by making out w him n kinda ends up w fred😋🥄🧁
i had sm fun writing this also i’m sorry it took me this long to get around to it, i had m a j o r writer’s block but now the juices are flowing again and i’m not the greatest w smut so i trIED but i failed
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you and draco didn’t really have the healthiest relationship as fred never failed to point out. it was annoying because you knew he was right. the both of you had been together since the yule ball in your sixth year, bonding as saint potter tried not to die.
the both of you had started fighting alot in the last couple months- you wondered if it was a coincidence that your arguments and the amount of time draco spent with astoria greengrass both increased as your graduation date rolled around. at the end of the day, you were a halfblood from ravenclaw and he was a pureblood from slytherin- he’d probably end up with one of the greengrass sisters anyways.
didn’t matter. you leaned on fred.
your best friend from your second year at hogwarts when you knocked his twin off his broom in your first ravenclaw vs gryffindor match.
with a well aimed bludger, george fell to the ground and you were rewarded with a toothy smile from your captain, but your guilt ridden self trudged down to the hospital wing to apologise to george. before you could identify him however, a red blur marched upto you, “oi! where d’you get off on knocking george off his broom?” 
your brain took a minute to slot in the pre-existing information that george had a twin. you blinked and rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, “yeah i’m sorry i was just nervous.”
the twin broke into a grin, “why would you be? he’s alright and that shot was amazing. i’m fred,” and he stuck his hand out at you.
you smiled too, “hi i’m y/n.”
george’s voice piped up from the back, “oi! i’m still injured!”
and with that bludger shot, a duo became a trio. you covered the boys’ asses when they were in trouble and they took you along on all their pranks- three masterminds were better than two.
“ms y/l/n! where are mr. weasley and mr. weasley?” sprout demanded of you in your third year after the pair of them had set off a dungbomb in greenhouse 2.
“erm i think they went that way,” you responded, pointed in opposing directions.
“which way did they go?” she demanded.
“who went which way?” you asked confused.
“the weasley twins!”
“where did they go?”
your class erupted in peals of laughter as you confused the small old professor. you saw the twins peeking around the wall as they watched the mayhem they created that you added to unfold and grin at you. you threw them a wink and turned back to your work.
over the years as george got more caught up in katie bell, you and fred spent more and more time together to the point where when the time rolled around for the yule ball in your sixth year(LOOK AT THE A/N THANKS), you and fred were peeking around the corner of a wall as george stutteringly asked katie bell out. as she smiled against his lips in assent, you turned to fred proudly.
“well that’s one of you sorted. now for you. who are you taking?”
fred just stared at you with a soft smile as he leaned one shoulder against the wall.
“what?” you asked blankly staring back.
“go with me,” he replied.
“go with me to the ball! it’s perfect! we already know everything about each other. it’s more convenience that anything- we won’t even have any awkward small talk!”
you snorted derisively, “that’s romantic,” and you crossed your arms over your chest.
“you want romance? down on a knee and everything?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“no- don’t- no. i have a date anyways,” you replied nervously.
“what? who? why haven’t you told me this already?”
“well because… it’s malfoy,” you said somewhat defensively.
fred laughed, “yeah okay.” you sighed, “no fred, it really is malfoy.”
“what?” his face morphed into one of anger, “you’re going with malfoy?”
“yeah. we’re partners in potions and we get along well enough so he asked me out to hogsmeade for that trip when you and george were fooling around in zonko’s.”
“are you going steady with him now?” he spat.
“no! we’re just… seeing how we like each other right now.”
“how many dates have you been on with him?”
“erm,” you replied, “maybe three or four?”
after a few moments of painful silence, “fred?”
“are you mad?”
he looked at you sharply to which you continued, “i don’t know why you’d be mad- he’s never done anything to you but you seem mad.”
fred sighed, “no, i just... don’t get it. but i trust you so...”
you grinned, “alright so for you. how’s angelina johnson?”
the months flew in a blur of stolen kisses with draco in the safety of shadows and laughs with fred intermixed with charms essays, dada practice and triwizard tasks. suddenly you were standing in front of your mirror nervously adjusting your dress until your younger sister who was previously wistfully watching you get ready whining about how she wanted to come popped her head round the corner, “he’s here, y/n!”
you smirked at yourself in the mirror- you looked amazing even if you did say so yourself- and walked out of the entrance of the common room where you bumped into someone who steadied you before you could fall and ruin your hair.
“careful there, darling,” a smooth low voice came in your ear.
your eyes lit up as you linked your hands behind your boyfriend’s neck and played with the baby hairs at his nape, “hi, draco. you look good.”
“you’re saying that? i tripped into you as soon as i saw you.”
you laughed, “why’re you here? we said we’d meet at the great hall.”
he shrugged and bent down so he could murmur against your lips, “didn’t wanna wait any longer to meet you,” but before his lips could properly meet yours you heard a voice to your right.
you sighed before you turned to face the voice. this wasn’t going to be fun for you. 
“hi, freddie.”
“malfoy,” he said curtly with a nod, “thought you were going to meet her at the entrance.”
draco put one hand in his pocket and the other around your waist, “decided to meet her here instead. problem?”
“why would i have a problem?” fred asked innocently.
“you just seem awfully interested in mine and y/n’s picking-dropping arrangements.”
“draco,” you cut in warningly.
“we had decided to walk down together and i didn’t know there was a change in plans.”
“fred,” you said equally firmly.
“why aren’t you walking with your date anyways?” draco sneered.
“she and her friends wanted to walk down together,” fred replied, getting dangerously close to draco now, his stance threatening.
you stepped away from draco and gripped fred’s forearm, “fred, calm down. i’ll meet you in the hall.”
he wrenched his arm out of your grip and walked away whistling.
unfortunately, this wasn’t the last of the fred vs. draco matches you had to referee. a year later, draco seemed to be fed up with fred and refused to be in the same room with him, expecting you to leave with him. unfortunately, fred felt the same. 
at some point then, draco just... backed off. his attention was slowly diverting to astoria greengrass. again, the both of you knew you’d never have a long term future together owing to your blood status’ but you never expected him to behave the way he was.
so you began to back off too and focused on your friendship with fred which these days was erm well, it wasn’t really a friendship anymore as much as it was a l o t of flirting. casually intentional brushes in charms and lingering eyes with a few more winks than were necessary. you were overthinking it like crazy but you were with draco- technically.
after yet another venomous hushed reparté in the corner of a party, you rolled your eyes at draco at the you-and-fred insinuation you were far too familiar with, shouted something at him, and marched to the alcohol section of the party. shooting down the punch reeking of giggle water, you winced and shook your head at the after taste. fred linked his arms around your waist from behind you- you’d recognise his scent anywhere- and you closed your eyes, leaning your head on his chest as he dropped a kiss to your head and murmured, “another fight?”
you sighed and turned to face him, “yeah. i’m so sick of fighting with him. i really did love him but i’m so tired of the accusations of you and i- i just can’t take it anymore.”
“did love him? past tense?” 
you shook your head, “i broke up with him.”
"for real?”
you put your head in your hands, “yeah. fuck it, let’s go dance. i’ll be nice and drunk in a few more minutes and i don’t want a bt.”
you lead fred to the dance floor, holding his hand and just... just lost yourself in the music so it was just you and the music. until suddenly, there was nothing but you and the music and fred.
fred’s hand landing on your waist.
moving to your torso.
holding your arms just below your shoulders.
your hands on his chest, your foreheads touching and breaths mingling.
time slowing as he put his hand on your neck and yours moved to his shoulder, the touches mixing with the alcohol making you heady.
“will you regret this tomorrow?” he asked you, stopping his lips a centimeter way from yours.
“will you?”
“definitely not,” he laughed, “but will you?”
“i don’t know, but i know this has been a long time coming.”
fred let out a low, rattling breath, “i’m so whipped for you, y/n, i’ll take my chances with that.”
you couldn’t even hear the music anymore, happily oblivious to the draco’s glare, george’s whoop, katie’s smirk and everyone else’s gasps. you lost yourself in fred’s arms.
when you finally leaned away, eyes still closed, breathing heaving and satisfied you heard his soft laugh.
“nothing. you just look so zonked.”
“that happens when your best friend kisses you.”
“oi! you kissed me as much as i kissed you,” fred exclaimed, arms still linked around your waist.
“mmhm, doesn’t matter.”
“okay now will you finally go on a date with me?” he asked.
“well alright.”
“‘well alright’? are you joking?”
you smirked at him, repeating his exact words to you from over a year ago, “it’s more convenience that anything- we won’t even have any awkward small talk.”
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prettyboy-parker · 4 years
favorite fics of 2020 (and a goodbye)
hi all!
first, i wanted to say this is inspired by one of my closest friends my bitch @honeybunstarker . thank u for that 
secondly, i wanted to say a final goodbye. i know that i nearly left a few months ago, but i was still on the fence about writing for marvel then. now, ive lost all interest. thank you all for fueling my love for writing, and making these past two (??? i actually don’t know) years full of excitement and encouragement! from the ups (the blocklist, secret santa) to the downs (my favorite blogs and friends deactivating without a word), ive had the greatest time in this fandom. 
in case you were worried, i am NOT deactivating. my fics will be available for you to read whenever you want.
but, i will not be writing for marvel anymore, nor will i be posting on this blog.
now that the sad part is done, i didn't want to leave you guys without anything to entertain yourselves with. so, here are my favorite fics, including some non-marvel, from this year! 
(all descriptions are from the work itself)
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my top fic from this year, which is also one of my favorite fics of all time, is a dog named sunshine.
“Bucky Barnes has issues. Mental health issues, and a whole lot of them, to be precise. Bucky is fucked up, and he knows that. His apartment looks like a dumping ground on most days, he can’t sleep through the night, sometimes he doesn’t shower for six days and doesn’t leave the house except to see his therapist once a week. Mostly, Bucky has no idea how the whole “talking about your problems” thing is supposed to help him, but sometimes his therapist has some really great ideas. Like getting a dog. Which is how Bucky meets Steve. Steve has blond hair and shoulders as broad as Bucky’s future if he wouldn’t suffer from depression and multiple mental disorders, and a waist as small as Bucky’s self-esteem. Steve also has a yellowish dog with floppy ears called Sunshine. And sunshine makes its way into Bucky’s life with a bounce in its step.”
a modern stucky fic which portrays depression in the best way i have seen in a fic so far. unfortunately, it has been orphaned before being finished :(
hey baby, slip between my beta-pleats and get to know my alpha-helix? By @starkerforlife6969​ and @darker-soft-starker​
“Even though Tony can't tell the difference between Manolo Blahnik and Jimmy Choo, Peter really has no other choice.
His heat is around the corner, so even though he loathes the party-going, booze drinking, smug playboy know-it-all that is Tony Stark-
He'll just have to do.”
if you asked me what my favorite starker fic of all time is, i’d tell you it’s this one
raising hybrid puppies by jaypendragon
“A non-powered Tony/Peter coffee shop AU with billionaire Tony and working-class, teenage Peter. Also, Toomes has a bakery and somehow Last Week Tonight is a genuine plot point.”
underage, slowburn, happy ending 
even though it’s one of the most notorious fics for the ship, i never read it until the summer. 
waiting for marriage by tuesday 
“In which Tony gets married and kidnapped in that order.
Tony Stark went to Vegas to cause a scandal.”
just super fun!
push you out (pull you back in) by @lovelystarker​
“So basically, Peter's kind of fucked. And not in the way that he wants to be-preferably by his mother's hot new boyfriend who has beautiful brown eyes and a disposition that's more than put-together. It wouldn't be so hard to ignore the crush, really it wouldn't, but Mr. Stark has practically moved in, so Peter can't avoid him if he wants to, and unlike his mom's past boyfriends, this one actually likes to spend time with him. So yeah, Peter's kind of fucked.”
just,,, wow. important to note that it is unfinished.
you go to my head by alby_mangroves and brideofquiet
“Why would you do that for a man you don’t know?” Bucky asks.
Steve raises one slow eyebrow at him, then the other, till his expression turns from skepticism to disbelief. His forefinger and thumb reach into his shirt’s front pocket and draw out a wrinkled dollar bill.
Steve looks him in the eye when he says, very patiently, “For money, Bucky.”
40′s stucky is my favorite stucky
that boy is a problem by 2best friends
“In which a twinky little goth punk named Bucky puts a leash around Steve's dick and he's really into it.
(The leash is a metaphor. For now.)”
just porn
all the angels and the saints by speranza 
“In which Steve Rogers loses God and finds God and loses God, and also: Bucky.”
if it makes you cry, it’s probably good!
sugar sweet by colorcoated 
“College Student Bucky finds himself immediately attracted to Steve. He knows that Steve's a bit older than him, and that Steve himself is put off by the age difference. . . But that doesn't stop Bucky from wanting to climb him like a tree.”
the only slowburn i have tolerated 
my bucky by cleo4u2 and xantissa 
“Bucky finds a feral Alpha in the woods. Rather, the Alpha finds him. Bucky is sure it’s the end of his life as an independant Omega. It turns out to be the beginning of the strangest romance Bucky’s ever known.”
(i want you to see) the darkest side of me by ann2who
“In Monte Carlo, Steve meets the wealthy widower Anthony Stark. It’s love at first sight—at least for Steve—and he can’t believe his luck when Tony asks him to live at Stark Mansion, his large estate in Malibu. Never in his life had Steve thought something like this was possible… never had he been this happy. However, soon Steve realizes that Tony is still deeply troubled by the death of his first wife and haunted by the many ghosts she left behind. The longer Steve lives in her shadow, the more he understands that… He can never be what Tony’s wife had once been for him. And Tony might never truly love him.”
total mindfuck.
let it be by lucifersfavoritechild
“While dealing with his son's car accident and a rapidly-dissolving marriage, Tony is drawn to Peter's surgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange.”
where severus snape is hot, not a stalker, and somehow gets the girl by utopiste
“Or: Peter Parker is sick and wants to cut his Neuroscience class. Tony just wants to help (and maybe date his son's hot teacher). Stephen Strange just wants to give his lecture in peace.”
geraskier: who needs plans anyways by NTK
“All witchers are alphas or betas by nature, since no omega has ever survived the Trial of the Grasses. Gerald has never had any problems with satisfying his needs on the occasional rut, for the whores from Poviss to Nilfgard were eager to be of service to a sturdy hunk like him. On the other hand, a certain omega/ bard/ occasional witcher tagalong has always made certain to acquire enough suppressants from local healers before setting out on a new adventure. That is, until the travels with his favourite White Wolf led the unlike pair into uncharted territory for longer than expected… life ensues”
philtriss: bound by sapphiresmoke
“Leashing involves a pupil being bound to their master in body, mind, and magic,” Philippa explained, folding her hands on the desk in front of her. “It is not something to undertake lightly, but if you accept, I will be able to share my magic with you, and instruct you in ways that would be otherwise be impossible if I were to only rely on verbal communication. It is intimate, it is at times invasive, but if you consent to this, Triss, it will make you vastlymore powerful, and from the look in your eyes, that seems to be exactly what you are looking for.”
vandermatthews: one more night like this would put me six feet under by jukeboxgraduate
“To be alongside the same person week after week, to share honesty and trust with someone day after day, is a rare treasure in a life that hinges on dishonesty. Hosea holds it close to his heart.”
din/cobb: every wave is a tidal if you hang around by wolfhalls 
“Din comes to Mos Pelgo, and finds a lot more than he was looking for.”
and finally, rough day by @no-droids​, because we all need to be a little indulgent sometimes.
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Lmao, that anon is so full of shit.
Jim was bitter? If you had spent months helping care for your husband who was dying of AIDS, only to be pushed aside and forced to watch someone else take the credit for his care and get labelled as the "love of his life" by the homophobic media and his fans after his death, you'd be fucking "bitter" as well. Especially when said person did numerous shitty things that everyone completely dismisses/overlooks/justifies and didn't get called out for it. "He just wanted to get back at Mary!" Or maybe he was finally telling the truth about Saint Austin who was/is constantly put on a pedestal. He had every right to speak up about her and thank God he did.
Jim didn't misrepresent anything. He described it exactly how it happened; that they were given three months to leave Garden Lodge and they were moved into The Mews until that happened. Phoebe tried to claim that Jim made it sound like they were thrown into the streets immediately, but Jim never said that and frankly, Phoebe is an asshole for making up such a thing. People always take Phoebe's word as gospel but the man is constantly contradicting himself; in all his earlier books, he was always on Jim's side, backing him up, then suddenly after Jim dies he does a U-turn and tries to make out that Jim was "overreacting" to being thrown out of his own fucking house. Three months may have been enough time for Phoebe to move out, but he wasn't Freddie's husband. Jim had every right to feel the way he did and the fact people like anon dismiss that as being "bitter" makes me sick. You try losing a loved one, then be told you have three months to leave the home you shared with them, and you're not allowed to take photographs and other personal possessions you shared with them, and see how you feel.
Jim was materialistic? Are we talking about the same guy who refused to move to Germany with his millionaire boyfriend unless he had a job? Who felt guilty when said boyfriend spoiled him with presents? Who got into arguments with the same boyfriend because of his "bloody independence"? Give me an extract from the book where Jim is materialistic. Please give me an example. I'm dying to see it.
You know what's worse than Mary stans? People who pretend they're neutral but then spew the exact same bullshit Mary stans do.
Ding ding ding. You said it all. I don’t have much to add. It’s just like, “Hm, Jim reacted negatively to the bad way he was treated? Smh must be bitter because he’s criticizing Saint Mary.” You’re right, it really irks me when people act like they’re neutral and truth-seekers but parrot everything the average Mary stan says. It’s quite transparent.
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aphrodite1288 · 4 years
Hi aphrodite, firstly, happy new year! We're getting closer and closer to Kyungsoo's discharge, so I'm excited. But, what I want to ask is not related to kaisoo. What do you think of Chanyeol's scandal? It seems obvious to me that it's fake, but I don't understand that why Chanyeol doesn't say anything about it. It saddens me a little and makes me scared. And Korean fans also seem to believe in this scandal? They literally hate him, in pann. That's why I'm a little worried. I want him to defend himself but he disappeared. Thanks ur answer.
I'm so sick of this question so I'm gonna speak. He is giving the stupid koreans the cold shoulder they fucking deserve, he finds it that they don't deserve any explanation, cuz if he outed to explain ppl would still trash on him and call him scared for his reputation and making excuses and that he is a golddigger , so what's best to make a scandal subside? Is by not talking abt it at all. Also SM has a hand in that. He was so shocked koreans believed that scandal so he gave them a taste of their own poison. He was saddened cuz he made a promise with ExoL and asked them in 2016 not to trust media and only trust his words and that if he has a serious relationship he would come and tell us first HIMSELF. And he made a promise about it when his dating rumors came around in late 2015/2016 Remember. But they forgot about the promise and he was sad they immediately believed so he is ignoring their asses.
He didn't do a thing he is innocent and one of the sweetest ppl alive (him and Jongdae). It's all a lie. He is fine don't worry. But just disappointed, watch him change like how Sehun and Kyungsoo changed years ago cuz of stupid fans' behavior.
Believe in him that's all I gotta say. And please don't listen to those sasaengs who say that the scandal is 70% true and that what that bitch said abt him is true. Nothing's true. He is innocent I've seen many many Sasaengs trashing on him and Exol believing in them and that made me so sad so how would chanyeol feel? Ofc disappointed.
And I don't want any bitch in here to be calling me a soft Exol and that I make innocent narratives about my faves cuz I'm a soft fan who only believes in Soft "innocent flower boys Exo" and that my faves are some nasty ass boys who fuck around and mess with girls' feelings cuz they rich. That's not true. Yes they have a dating history and they're not saints, they date they drink they have sex like duh? Don't y'all do this too? the youngest of them is 26 for fuck's sake. But all I want to say is that Yes They have good hearts and they're so nice. And they've never hurt their ex-girlfriends or played with their feelings. The Exo u see onstage is 97% the exo u don't see off stage. Not much difference. Just some 3% they hide and that's "their private life", they have the right duh.
Baekhyun, CHANYEOL or Sehun have a lot of sasaengs calling them "Badboys" just cuz they talk back to sasaengs and face them and call them out loud and clear in front of many fans, they even caused them problems and arresting many times, so ofc sasaengs will syay shit abt them, and spread fake rumors, they aren't playboys as claimed. They're just unlucky in their relationships that it never worked they had to split not that they're fucking around. But most likely they're always hurt cuz most korean girls are golddiggers and they sell their info with them to sasaengs sometimes they lie and say bad shit to sasaengs for money, yes their Ex-Gfs but some were so nice just they were unlucky somehow. It's hard for exo to trust girls mostly all idols females and males. They're most likely disappointed in them bitches just wanting a piece of their shit. It's hard when ur famous, u have predators everywhere.
Get it from urself, how many relationships u failed? For me I can say 40? But am I a hoe? No. I'm just looking for the best person and I'm being unlucky cuz my ass only drags me problematic assholes.
And for bitches who would come at me, I have a proof. So don't dare talk shit.
Happy New Year.
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ladyanput · 5 years
Seeing Green Ch.15 {End}
Warning: light gore.
Once they landed back in Paris, Marinette felt a sense of finally being home, but it wasn't as overwhelming as it used to be. Part of her yearned to go back to Gotham, to be with Damian and the others, there was a sense of belonging there, now that Paris was once again safe.
Oddly, no one once mentioned anything about Marinette being Ladybug. In fact, when she talked to them, playfully suggesting about Ladybug's identity, they all began saying their thoughts, but not once mentioned her. Odd, but she didn't push her luck. Maybe the Miraculous Cure had been extremely generous and wiped their minds? One less thing for her to stress about.
Once she got back to school, her, Miss Bustier, Lila, and Marinette's parents were immediately summoned to the principal's office. Mr. Arquette did not look the least bit pleased, his hands folded neatly as they all shuffled into his office and took a seat.
"I received many disturbing reports while you all were in Gotham, reports that I should have known would happen since I left those children in your care." Arquette spoke, his voice firm and cold as he glared hard at Miss Bustier. "You abandoned a student in the middle of a dangerous city, you left your students roam as they pleased with no supervision, one student stole the money from another, a student was kidnapped and you never once reported it to myself or her parents, much less the police. You even had the audacity to say that her kidnapper did nothing wrong. Caline, you've been on thin ice for quite some time now, but this gross negligence is the final straw. One of the students was even assaulted at the Wayne event and you did nothing to break it up and just stood back and watched. I don't believe we have a place for you here at Saint Louis anymore, not after your behaviour."
"Please, you don't understand, it's all a misunderstanding! Marinette manipulated Adrien and-" Lila began, looking tearful.
"And you," Arquette turned his steely gaze on Lila, cutting her off before she can try and spin another flimsy web of lies. ", You have crossed many lines. Lying about medical records, of how to contact your mother, long series of absences, and I heard much about your deeds in Gotham. Your mother is almost here, Miss Rossi."
"What?! No, she can't-" Lila was on her feet within seconds, her body trembling. Caline, herself, looked quite shaken as well, as if she were about to be sick.
"Miss Dupain-Cheng, I am greatly sorry for what you've had to endure all of these years. I should have taken a more firm stance on things, I should have gotten someone else to attend the trip with your class." Arquette turned to Marinette, his expression turning to one of regret. He stood, then rounded his desk, kneeling next to her chair. "I take full responsibility for what happened to you in Gotham."
"No, Mr. Arquette, please. No one thought I would be kidnapped, and luckily Batman saved me." Marinette put in quickly, feeling a sense of relief, now that Miss Bustier would no longer be around. That pressure of being the perfect example was finally lifted from her shoulders. "You're a great principal, you couldn't have known. But I appreciate your actions now, you're more than making up for this."
His shoulders seemed to relax and he nodded before returning to his desk. It wasn't long before Lila's mother showed up, and then the show truly began. 
"You've been lying to me? Me?! Your own mother?!" Mrs. Rossi screamed at her pale faced daughter, before pulling a few brown envelopes out of her bag and holding them up. "Do you know what these are?! These are court orders! Court orders from Jagged Stone, Clara Nightingale, and the Waynes! What were you thinking, having your friend slander their names all over her blog?! You basically accused Jagged of being a pedophile by saying he wrote a song especially for you, that you're his muse!"
"She is also saying she's the personal muse to Gabriel Agreste, ever since she became his model." Marinette put in helpfully, and sat back as she watched Mrs. Rossi got red in the face and continued to berate her daughter.
"And now you'll be going to live with your aunt back in Italy, if these lawsuits don't bankrupt me! I'm only a secretary, Lila, what made you think we could travel like that?!"
Marinette merely watched as Lila was reduced to tears, and expelled from the school. Mrs. Rossi dragged her daughter out and Caline Bustier was promptly dismissed to go and collect her things.
"What will happen to my class?" Marinette asked the principal once she and her parents were about to leave.
"Well, they will get a new teacher, it might be a bit difficult with only a few months left before you all graduate." Mr. Arquette admitted, looking thoughtful.  At the tense silence, he cleared his throat. "Miss Césaire will be thoroughly punished for her actions as well, in Gotham. Assaulting another classmate is completely u acceptable. I was told by her parents she is already being punished as we speak."
Marinette left that school, her parents figuring that she needed a day off after all that had happened. So she silently went up to her room and collapsed onto her bed, finally processing it all.
She was finally free of Lila. Hawkmoth was defeated, and she had both Nooroo and Duusu back, after having fixed the Peacock Miraculous. 
When she heard her phone buzz, she picked it up and smiled to herself.
{Damian} I miss you, Angel, I hope your flight landed safely.
{Damian} I miss you already Angel. And Plagg's taste in cheese is the smelliest ever. Alfred is threatening to throw him out.
The smile on her face didn't drop for the rest of the evening, as she spent the entire evening messaging Damian.
Ladybug stood firm at the podium, her teammates standing with her as they faced the flashing of cameras with stoic expressions, press members shouting out questions. She merely stared at them, waiting for them all to quiet down. The crowd quickly got the clue and did such.
"Today, I am here to announce that Hawkmoth has finally been defeated. The terror he reigned over Paris for so long is finally over." Ladybug announced, and this only caused the crowd to go into a bewildered frenzy once again. Ladybug waited, and the media was quick to quiet again, realizing they had to be polite with this one. "Gabriel Agreste, formerly known as Hawkmoth, has been arrested and placed into the custody of the French authorities."
"What about his son, Adrien Agreste? Was he in cahoots with his father?" A reporter blurted out, and it took everything in Ladybug not to flinch at that name.
"Adrien Agreste was not in league with Hawkmoth, he and his mother are innocent." Well, as innocent as one could be. Adrien had been arrested, but anyone could see the boy needed mental help due to all of the mental abuse and grooming that had been forced upon him by his father. So Adrien and his mother, who had indeed woken up, had moved out of the country, where Adrien was getting good care in a good facility, not that he'd ever leave it, not after all he had done.
"What happens now?" A young reporter asked. Ladybug recognized her from her school, Estelle Desrosiers, a sweet girl who always sought out the truth, but was respectable about things. So Ladybug gave her a gracious smile.
"Well, Miss Desrosiers, the Miraculous will be retired and I shall be leaving the city. There are dangerous villains in the world and the world needs the help of the Miraculous to stop it. They're here to keep the darkness from taking over." She spoke firmly, and everyone could see the hero they had all grown to love and admire. There was much outcry at her stating she was leaving, but she stopped the noise and set a hand over her heart. "I love Paris, I love France. This is my home more than anything, but I cannot stay, cannot sit by as the rest of the world suffers. So thank you, Paris, and embrace your newfound freedom. And here's my final Bugout!"
With that, she and the rest of her team took off, followed by the cheers.
Back in her family apartment, Alya was seething as she sat between her parents on the couch, watching the live broadcast. That should be her up there, basking in the glory of defeating Hawkmoth with Ladybug, if Ladybug had actually used her head and gave her back her Fox Miraculous! No one was better suited to be a hero than Rena Rouge! Or it should at least be her at the front of that media stand, asking all of the important questions, getting the big scoop. But her parents had made her delete her blog. She had lost every single electronic she'd had, due to her actions in Gotham and her recent attitudes towards everyone. She had even screamed at her little sisters to the point she had made them cry.
The future was not a bright one for Alya Césaire.
Graduation had quickly arrived and when Marinette left her class, she didn't once look back. Sure, they had all apologized, save for Alya who had been expelled and needed to repeat her senior year, but they had thrown her aside so easily for a complete stranger. The kind of trust she had had with them was never going to exist again.
As she arrived back at her place to pack her bags, she saw Luka, Kagami, and Chloé in her room, waiting for her. They each gave her a grateful smile, before they began giving the Guardian back their Miraculous.
"I'm going to miss you." Chloé whispered as she nuzzled Pollen, then handed the hair clip over to Marinette, who tucked it safely into the Miraculous box. "And we'll miss you too, Marinette."
Marinette smiled and opened her arms, Luka, Chloé, and Kagami moving in for a group hug. The four of them held onto each other tight, before finally letting go.
"Have fun in Gotham." Luka whispered, ruffling her hair gently before he kissed her temple. "Keep in touch."
"I will." Marinette tucked the Miraculous box into the hidden compartment in her suitcase, then made her way downstairs, embracing her parents tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. She was finally leaving the nest, leaving the home that was full of such love and happy memories. But she still felt something deep inside of her calling for her to go back to Gotham, her new home.
Once she got in the taxi, she settled back and glanced down at her phone buzzed, biting her lower lip to hold back a giggle.
{Damian} Once you land in Gotham, go to the Wayne Botanical Gardens. I have a surprise for you, Angel.
"I'll be home soon, mon prince.."
Marinette stepped into the greenhouse and grinned at the sight of Damian standing there, next to a checkered blanket and a picnic basket. She dropped her purse and ran towards him, hugging him tightly as he lifted her up and spun her.
"I missed you, Angel." Damian whispered into her ear as he set his giggling girlfriend back onto the ground, then motioned towards the picnic. "I thought I'd surprise you, to welcome you back home."
"And here I thought you and your brothers were gonna throw me a party." Marinette grinned, taking a seat beside him. When he began setting out the food, she felt her smile only widen. "You really spoil me."
"Well hopefully I don't spoil your appetite too much. Jason decided to go into the kitchen today and bake you a 'welcome back' cake. Pretend to like the inedible mess." Damian gave her a wry smile as he poured them both a cup of sparkling juice, before holding his up as a toast. "Welcome home, Angel."
"Glad to be home, mon prince." She tapped her plastic cup against his and took a long drink, unable to wipe the smile from her face. The hour passed with them joking and eating the food Damian had brought, Marinette glanced at the time and sighed. "We should get back. I really want to see everyone, I've missed them."
Marinette stood and stretched her body, groaning softly as she managed to loosen a few tense muscles, then took a step towards the exit.
She turned towards Damian. Damian met her gaze, then raised his gun. A shot rang out and Marinette stumbled back a few steps, clutching at her chest as a bewildered look on her face.
"D- Damian..?" She dropped to her knees, then was jolted onto her back when he shot her again.
"I thank you, Marinette. The Miraculous are much more powerful than I would have ever thought." He smiled thinly as he made his way over and knelt down next to Marinette, who was choking on her own blood.
Marinette stared up at the boy she thought she was so deeply in love with, tears beginning to slide down her cheeks as she tried to reach up for him.
"I'm glad you were at least useful. You really are a ditz, aren't you?" He stood and ground his foot into the gunshot wounds, making her let out a choked scream.
Marinette's mind was in a whirl, struggling to breathe as her world began to dim.
So she had just been a pawn…? Been used to get the Miraculous…?
He had lied to her?
How could she have been so stupid?
As the light left her eyes, the only thoughts were on betrayal, and the fears of what would happen to the Kwami, to Tikki.
When her body went limp, Heretic grinned.
Damian rushed his entire way to the Botanical Gardens, silently cursing Mr. Freeze with every inch of his being. Because of the bastard, he was two hours late in meeting Marinette. He knew she'd understand, but still, no one deserves that. He feared she was angry because she wasn't answering her phone.
He rushed through the roof doors, when a strong coppery smell hit him, a smell he was very familiar with. His body instantly tensed as he reached down the small knife in his pocket, carefully making his way into the greenhouse as his eyes darted this way and that.
And what he saw made his heart stop.
Marinette was sprawled out on the floor, staring skyward, with two gunshot wounds in her chest, a puddle of blood beginning to congele around her. Hovering over her was a loudly weeping Tikki.
"Tikki,what happened?!" Plagg burst from Damian's coat pocket and rushed towards her, hugging her close as his dearest friend broke apart in his arms.
"I- I don't know! I was asleep, I was so tired because I- I'm still trying to help Nooroo through his trauma, and I just woke up! What happened to her, Plagg? She can't be dead, she just can't be! I can't lose her, please, tell me she's not dead!" Tikki wailed.
"Marinette…?" Damian knelt next to the body, cupping her face ever so gently. He felt tears burn his eyes as he rested his forehead against hers, desperately wishing for the reality to not be true. She was gone, he had lost her and he hadn't been here to protect her. The tears began to flow as he let out a sob and hugged the body close. "No, please, Angel, please don't go.."
He sat there and rocked as he sobbed. Eventually, he got the will to call his brothers. They'd have a horrible call to her parents.
Tom and Sabine wept as their little girl, their only child, was lowered into the ground. Damian felt numb, like nothing was really worth it anymore. But beneath that numbness was an angry ready to burst forth and cause the death of whoever caused this. The police hadn't found anything, no DNA, no fingerprints, nothing except for Marinette's. Why couldn't they do their goddamned job and find the murdering bastard?!
"Diana, what are you doing here?" Bruce's surprised tone brought Damian's attention, and he watched as Diana Prince approached them, looking grim.
"I am here to honour a brave and dutiful Ladybug. My mother had wished to attend as well, but we did not want to cause much ruckus." Diana admitted, looking down at the casket being slowly covered in dirt. She let out a long, defeated sigh. "But one so young… No one should ever die so young."
"Why would your mother care about this?" Damian snipped, but Diana took no offense, seeing how torn up the boy was. Many people lashed out in their grief.
"She was a previous Ladybug." Diana admitted, noticing Plagg peeking out from Damian's coat pocket. She smiled down at the Kwami and knelt, pretending as if to tie her shoe. "Hello Plagg."
"Hello there, Princess, you've certainly grown." Plagg said rather sadly, before looking away. "Tikki.. She's not doing so good."
"I have no doubt." Diana nodded and stood once again, turning towards Bruce. "What will happen with the Miraculous now?"
"They need to ensure somewhere safe. You said that your mother was once a Ladybug, yes? Perhaps you can take the body back home? I know it would be greatly protected there." Bruce glanced over at his son, who was staring at his ring. "But the Black Cat Miraculous…"
"It can stay here." Diana assured him softly. "You never separate a Black Cat from their Chosen." 
"It was the last thing Marinette gave to me." Damian murmured and Diana felt her heart break at how defeated he looked.
"Keep the ring safe, Damian. And Plagg, help Damian as well." Diana reached down and stroked Plagg's head gently once she was sure no one was watching. "I shall take the box home to Themiscyra."
"Thank you, Diana." Bruce turned his gaze back to the grave, his hands curling ever so slightly into fists. "I know Marinette would appreciate it while we hunt down whoever is responsible for this."
"Once you do find out who it was, make them suffer." Diana hissed, a dangerous threat in her eyes. "Or I shall."
That night, Diana took the Miraculous box, sans the Black Cat ring, and returned to Themiscyra.
That night, in a graveyard in Paris, several people approached the grave of Marinette Dupain-Cheng and began to dig.
Marinette felt as if she were floating, the entire body full of warmth and strength.
She opened her eyes and realized she was seeing nothing but green.
Then something took hold, something indescribable. She burst forth from the green water, letting out a scream of rage as memories began flooding back, memories of her murder. Eyes almost blind to anything around her, she charged towards a faint figure in front of her and body slammed them. When another person came forward, she flipped them over her head. She broke another man's arm and leg.
"Hold her down!" A feminine voice snapped out, and quickly Marinette found herself being restrained on a cold floor, snarling and snapping, screaming out for Damian's blood.
But eventually, that madness faded and she found herself staring at a beautiful woman who knelt over her.
"Who… Who are you?" Marinette croaked out, her entire body still shivering, tears beginning to flow from her eyes.
"Oh Marinette, do not weep. My name is Talia." The woman stroked the hair from the young girl's face, smiling kindly down upon her. "Do not fret, I shall take care of you from now on. You are in safe hands."
{To Be Continued in the sequel}
Taglist: @realrandomposts @interobanginyourmom @ladybug-182 @ladylb @zalladane @mochinek0 @persephonebutkore @urbanpineapplefarmer @vixen-uchiha @angelofmusickaterinapetrova @thewheezingbubbledragon @northernbluetongue @thequestionablyhuman @ginamarie1512 @maude-zarella @2sunchild2 @saphiraazure2708 @ayuchan07 @virgil-is-a-cutie @thepeacetea @miraculous786 @enchanted-nerd @ficsforthestars @emo-elaine13 @caffeinetheory
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border-spam · 4 years
Leech Lord prompts: Hatred
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He cannot fucking stand the makeup and costume team.
He sits quietly with so much rage boiling in his abdomen as they scurry around him that he's started needing to remove the prosthetic for most pre-stream prep sessions
He told them it's so they could maneuverer easier, that he was sick of them catching on the sharp edges and jostling him as he'd wait in silence for an hour while they worked his face and body, but it's really because of how many times he's splintered an armrest or come far too close to just grabbing one of them when they won't.. shut.. up.
He hates himself for it more than anything because he knows damn well they aren't actually doing anything wrong. He used to do all his own makeup, all his own costume prep, but as years passed and his attention and time had to be stretched further across more responsibilities and daily tasks, Tyreen insisted they give up on running their own prep sessions and leave it to a group with more skill and far more efficiency than a man with one arm..
She was right. There is no argument, she was right, but God he wishes he'd never have to fucking see any of these people again instead of having to endure them daily, controlling his breathing while they swarm about like insects, applying accessories and fixing problems with how he looks.
They have to talk to each other, of course they do, how else can they do this job, but what they talk about? He hates it.
"No, go up a shade, his undereye is darker than yesterday."
"Need a green tone to cover the bruising, A-410m, no *dab* it on, don't smear, his skin's not great today"
"These need to come in another inch they're barely staying up, call in tailoring."
"Define the bridge harsher, yeah, makes him actually look masculine, stops the eyes looking as sunken too."
"This isn't working - it's just drawing attention to how flat this pec is, do we have any contouring shades we can lift the definition with? He's not balanced, right side’s smaller."
He loathes them, and they have no idea how close they come every day to finding out exactly how much.
There are exceptionally few in Tyreen's sphere of influence who can say no to her. Her followers absolutely do not. The sponsors, the business people, the grovelling off-planet mayors and politicians who travel to the Holy City to beg for her ear certainly don't either. Troy? Rarely, and she can usually muddle him enough afterwards with crocodile tears and gestures of care to get what she wants even when he denies her at first, but his Saints?
Some of his Saints... she wants to eat alive.
Ur-Aurum is the worst by far. He's impenetrable. Has been for near a decade, ever since they handed over their first $5k to him in his citrus scented dust-free luxury office on Promethea. She's not sure she's ever seen the little man look intimidated yet alone act it. A stony-faced, immaculately dressed and groomed business mogul who sacrificed any spark of joy he was born with for hard logic a long time ago, and who has no problem telling God Queen Calypso, Holy Mother of the Vault... no.
He's told her no more than any living person has, including her father. Threats don't work and never have, he's never so much raised an eyebrow at what she does to people in his presence. Manipulation doesn't work because for all her skill, he is so much smarter than she will ever be and he damn well knows it. He's untouchable, Solomon runs all of finance at her stupid fucking brother's decision, and reports to him, not her. He has no family, he has no friends, he's a self-contained fortress of a man she can only scream frustrations at when she's denied, when he shoots down a request for budgeting or vetos a new project she wants to push.
She's disarmed around him, powerless because of this horrible little gremlin, this weakling half her size and weight, and she hates him for it. Loathes him for being so strong without needing to hurt anyone, so dominating without saying a word. Solomon commands respect without a gun or threat or nightmarish cosmic power..
He's stronger than her. She hates him.
-- Ur-Machina:// - Mechanica Dept - Internal Com --
U-M : Update immediately - why was 100Ur0B-na blocked with your sign off? That shipment was cleared through lead meetings, it was meant to touch dock 3 hours ago and we're only finding out it was cancelled now. No comms?-
U-C : No need for comms, Saint permission levels are equal, we don't need to send your side updates for every decision made here, remember? Calm down, from what I hear things are stressy enough down in your waste pit without you embarrassing yourself in front of your poor crew by throwing one of your little tantrums.-
U-M : Xan that's very interesting, really. So you without any warning whatsoever cancelled a high-security order that's going to end up causing a major project disruption, and you did this with who's authority? You need to go through Sol to redirect funding and you've left a hell of a messy paper trail here, very easy to follow... did he ok the budget for this new marketing venture?-
U-C : None of your concern, junker. The Holy Father clearly doesn't keep a tight enough grip on your kind's leashes if you don't know your place yet. Necessary channels and processes were followed. We're airtight, you can stop wringing your greasy hands together and put them to some use for once, do some actual work that doesn't involve spreading your legs for a change.-
U-M : Sorry Xan, some of that com text was garbled or something, shame! You should have your techs check out the connection on Marketing's side. Pinged Sol by the way! He's surprised, never heard of this request? I'd expect a call shortly. Honestly, considering who's shipment that was, I'm pretty shocked myself. Maybe I could send you some of my crew over some time, give your team a hand with double-checking data before you dig your own grave in the future!-
//File attached: 100Ur0B-na: Sec code GKT -Personal order- High prio
U-C : We'll have this resolved shortly, thank you for your time.-
U-M : Always got time for you, hun.-
Asks are Open!
(Amazing art from Sick Mick in source)
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my boyfriend never texts first
Remus just wants to not be the first one to send a message every once in a while. That’s not too much to ask, right?
relationship: romantic remrom, background remy and emile (also romantic)
warnings: major character death, extended mourning (secondary warnings- brief discussion of religious holidays, brief underage drinking mention, a lot of all-caps) notes: unrelated, human, hs/college au. virgil, emile, and remy are here too. If you need anything in the secondary warnings (or one of those latter three characters) edited out, please let me know and I can put that up for you!
Remus always texted him first. Always. It didn’t matter the situation, didn’t matter the time date place name face. Who what when where why. It first started when he texted hi roman :) when they first got phones; for whatever reason, Roman just never texted first. Either he’d call or they’d talk in person.
No matter. Remus could cope.
May 1:
8:37 PM tody i saw you by my locker 8:39 PM *today 8:42 PM why didnt you say hi?
May 2:
9:30 PM a teacher talked to me today 9:30 PM wanted to talk about how i’m doing after 9:52 PM well you know. he’s a sick bastard
Really, it wasn’t too much to ask for, was it? He just wanted to see him text first once in a while! May 7:
3:32 PM: by the way idk if you got this last time 3:36 PM: my class ring size is the medium 3:44 PM: hopefully you order it by the deadline :P 4:03 PM: no idea when the deadline is 4:20 PM: bLAZE IT 4:24 PM: sorry i have like 0 money so i got it from the consignment shop 4:31 PM: i hope you like synthetic rubies!! leaving them with ur dad 10:40 PM: update. i cried for four hours with your dad.
June 2:
7:30 AM: gRaDuAtIoN dAy!!! 7:32 AM: there’s cookies in the reception menu 7:35 AM: snickerdoodles your favorite [eyes] 10:02 AM: i’m getting some for u 10:05 AM: [kissy face] 7:40 PM: the announcement was Weird 7:43 PM: anyways i have the snickerdoodles (Remus couldn’t go over to where Roman was staying, so he left them in the living room. He knew Roman would appreciate them. Hopefully he’d come over (wait, probably not, given...))
Well, actually, he could understand why he never texted first. June 11:
12:14 PM: roMAN 12:16 PM: [Attachment: Remus_Picani-Kleitman_Acceptance_Letter.pdf] 12:18 PM: YEAHHHH 12:24 PM: I’m sure you got in too SEND ME YOURS WHEN YOU GET IT 12:32 PM: WE MIGHT SHARE A ROOM YEA 12:35 PM: [Attachment: celebration.jpg]
Everyone was probably saying that he ought to just move on, but to be honest, he couldn’t... Actually, to be honest, no-one had told him to move on to his face yet. In fact, everyone was surprised he was doing so well, given how bad the circumstances were! The situation was stressing him out so much, even his dads were gently advising him to rethink things. (Well, that was part of the territory with one of them being a therapist and the other being a barista.)
“I got y’all some kouign-amann from the cafe,” said Dad, putting it down on the counter. His shirt had SLEEP scrawled on it with a Sharpie; it was the one that Remus had made for him as a joke. He still wore it. Huh.
“Sweetie, what’s a queen amahn?” asked Papa.
“It’s a... er, it’s like a... this is kinda like a croissant that had dreams of a muffin tin and salted caramel. One for you, babe.... then one for Doodlebug-”
“Can I leave some for Roman?” asked Remus.
They exchanged a glance.
“Of course you can,” said Papa with a smile. “Your candle’s on the table. Also, I got the news about being accepted into university? Good job, kiddo. You know, that was your father’s alma mater.”
“Are you sure you want to go to school right away after...? No problem taking a gap year.”
Papa glared at Dad. “Be nice.”
“I’m sorry, Remus, it’s just...” Dad put down his coffee. “If you’re not ready, if you need more time-”
"I’m sure,” said Remus with a grin, trying to get rid of what he just remembered. “Trust me.”
“Please find a good way to put away the snickerdoodles, they’ve been there since last week!” shouted Papa.
June 12:
12:12 AM: its twelve twelve make a wish 12:15 AM: hey when does your phone bill go out? 12:20 AM: im just saying that would Explain some things 12:22 AM: i know your dad pays Everything like a year in advance 12:34 AM: tell him i say hi 12:34 AM: 12:34 MAKE A WISH
July 12:
3:30 PM: guess who’s a double major in bio and theatre!! 3:32 PM: marine biology babey 3:53 PM: it’s good for the SOUL 4:04 PM: this cute octopus reminded me of you by the way 4:10 PM: [Attachment: for_roman]
August 14:
6:24 PM: moving in is the Worst 6:32 PM: by the way i got a single 6:35 PM: no roommates 6:41 PM: still have the bunk tho 6:44 PM: also got ur favorite pillo
August 30:
2:12 AM: roman it is like two o’clock in the morning what the Heck are you doing here, 2:15 AM: if u see me wave Hi 2:32 AM: ok >:c 2:42 AM: dont mind Me just studyin on top of the planetarium 3:15 AM: tbh i didn’t even know we go to the same campus? haven’t seen you around or anything 3:17 AM: shit phones gonna di
September 28:
2:20 PM: i failed my test 2:22 PM: idk what to d 2:24 PM: *do
September 29: 7:30 PM: remember that octopus you gave me that eats negative emotions? 7:32 PM: it works!!
October 3:
1:10 PM:  You’d like the theatre program, really 1:15 PM: just so u know they’ve listed your name as an ‘honorary member of the class of’ 1:19 PM: that’s really nice of them. idk if your dad knows
October 23:
9:45 AM: i had to explain one of our inside jokes 8( 9:52 AM: i can’t Explain the deodorant thing that was One Time 9:55 AM: also why i’m called The Duke 9:56 AM: its bc you said it. not my fault 9:58 AM: its still cute pls call me that still 9:59 AM: pancake brunch pancake brunch pancake brunch October 31: 6:12 PM: sun’s down! joyous samhain 6:15 PM: i remember when you sewed me that octopus btw, the one that eats ucky feelings 6:19 PM: how long did it take you to get the laurel sachet into it?? 6:34 PM: also thank you thank you thank you for helping me find a friendly church to celebrate all saints day 6:47 PM: that year was a NIGHTMARE because you forgot to get your white candles and carnelian, and i forgot my holy water, so we were driving around town like Madmen 6:59 PM: it was worth it though 7:03 PM: i left you a script, i think you’ll like it.
November 9:
11:19 PM: i miss you so so much.
November 10:
12:20 AM: ignor this i drank like 12:24 AM: a lot 1:15 AM: i’m sorry i should’ve been with you 1:22 AM: i shouldve been there With You. 1:45 AM: but i wasn’t 2:20 AM: i didn’t know thered be a 4:11 PM: shit i just saw these. Sorry to bother you December 2:
10:10 AM: hey roman, been a bit. yea sorry about last time. too much of the Alcohol 10:13 AM: gonna go over to my parents’ house 1:00 PM: if you wanna come over, you can. dad’s making snickerdoodles and papa’s gonna watch atla (yes i still have that dvd you got me do not @ me it’s with your candles on your table just like everything else) 1:03 PM: that was on the dot, i’m happy.
December 21
8:34 AM: hey, it’s snowing 9:13 AM: couldn’t help leaving you some hot cocoa. and snickerdoodles of course 10:12 AM: i love you Remus went to go help his dads with making breakfast, but by the time everyone was done cleaning and they had finished watching some shitty Hallmark movie, he remembered that he had left his phone upstairs. Going upstairs and looking at it, he felt something in him break.
[2 Unread: Roman <3, bf’s dad]
10:22 AM, Roman <3: Why are you texting this number? 11:15 AM, bf’s dad: Remus, disregard that last, I’m so sorry. I just found his phone and I saw only the recent message first
The phone started ringing. Remus answered it as quickly as he could.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Sanders I didn’t know that someone was actually getting these messages I thought the line was out,” he said within a few seconds before the person on the other side sighed.
“No, it’s quite all right. And Virgil’s all right, by the way, if you prefer. I... I was just looking through his things for the first time. You know, it being a holiday and all... Memories, things like that.”
“Yeah, I understand.”
“I just turned the phone back on, I’m getting a lot of messages.”
“Oh.” Remus stared at the wall, trying to come to terms with everything. “Well, I--”
“I’m not going to stop paying for his phone. I’m sorry, I just... I still have his voicemails on it, and I can’t stand the thought of it going offline either.”
“Right, I... I listen to it too.”
“I happened upon the last one he sent to you.”
“You looked at the messages?”
“I only looked over when I stopped getting new ones, but I saw the last question he sent you. For your ring size.”
“Yeah? He asked my ring size so that he could--”
“There’s no easy way to say this, but.. I found something of his. Can you come over?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t, but can you please tell me what it was? Please?”
“I really think I should tell you this in person.”
“Please, Mr. Sanders. Please, I... I can’t manage that.”
He sighed. “All right, Remus. I found an early acceptance letter to SJAU, and... and a ringbox.”
Remus felt his grasp on the phone grow weak. It fell onto the bed, Mr. Sanders’ voice still clear.
“I think he was going to ask for you to....”
“No, we... We were just out of high school, I-- that doesn’t make sense.”
“He always was one for those romantic gestures. There’s some poems here, too. A life-plan. I’m not sure exactly what malacology is, but--”
“Mollusks. Like octopi and squids.. Sorry for cutting you off, what was that?”
“Some of it’s in your handwriting, but one of the entries is ‘ask him’, for the day after... you know.”
God, he could hear his sad smile through the phone. He knew exactly how Mr. Sanders looked right now just talking to him, probably wearing that hoodie that was too big on him, in a dusty room full of things that used to belong to the most vibrant person that Remus had ever met.
But then Roman had died.
He was the most wonderful person, and he had just died.
“I’ll come over to deliver the ring to you. Is that okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s... that’s fine. Uh, call my dads first, though. They’re still not convinced I’m doing okay.”
“I understand. I’ll talk to you later, Remus.”
“Thank you, Mr. Sanders.”
The line went dead in his hands.
Remus held himself and wept.
December 28:
12:30 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: Mr. Sanders, would you like to come over for our New Year’s party? 12:34 PM, Remus Picani-Kleitman: It’s a tradition we had. You don’t have to if you’d rather not. 12:45 PM, Virgil Sanders: I’d love to go.
January 1:
12:00 AM: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 12:05 AM: [Attachment: :)] 12:07 AM: we are all smiling in this photo and for that i think we deserve a hug. 12:10 AM: this rings the most beuatifl thing i’ve ever fuckign seen. thank you,, 12:14 AM: never gonna get rid of it <3 12:16 AM: it looks Good on my finger 12:30 AM: jsyk your dad’s asking my dads for the kouign amann recipe 12:32 AM: thats a pastry, i left those for u a while back 12:39 AM: okay i’m crying a bit but honestly, i love u 12:44 AM: I love you so so so much, Roman
Somewhere out there, whether it was from some wonderful paradise or beyond the veil or even only in wishful thoughts, Remus knew that someone was saying I love you too.
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faresramettas · 5 years
share the love con panels
thought i’d write down some interesting answers from the cast (there were many more, but i have a bad memory and i took only a few notes)
first of all, before the panels even started the staff told us not to ask questions about season four, we know they are filming it, but they can’t talk about it. so yeah, our hopes and dreams of an announcement or besse making a surprise appearance (🤡) didn’t come true. they never talked about it, when you mentioned it to them they raised their hands or zipped their mouths or were like “idk what u’re talking about 👀😇😬” so obviously they contractually have to keep their mouths shut. but it’s happening y’all!
the only one who slipped, at the very last panel, was rocco and i was the culprit lol. i asked them if they’d imagined the fandom would support them and fight so hard during the cancellation months and bea said no, seeing our hashtags trending almost every day and receiving so much love was touching and incredible. she made rocco talk (mentioned how “he became saint rocco”) and rocco also said he couldn’t imagine the amount of support, and that “the power is all in your hands, and it was worth it-“ and then realized he spoke too much dhshdhfvk the others side-eyed him and he was like “ops” but we all laughed and moved on.
pietro had a lgbtq+ themed panel with an italian youtuber called shanti. they talked a lot about representation, how it changed for the better in the last 20 years or so, how for example right now there’s attention being given to trans* storylines too, and pietro made some really good points about how a show like skam italia should give hope and a positive representation to a young audience, without unnecessary violence or struggles inserted just for tragedy’s sake. how it may seem that martino lives an “easy” and relatively painless experience coming out and being gay, at least in his season, but young queer people should hope and know that that’s possible for them too. he said that he and filippo are different, and it’s good and precious that they are. we don’t know if filippo is an activist, like pietro is, but sometimes sharing one’s personal experience is enough to help. even if filo is not shown as an activist, he is so aware of his identity, he shares his own experience and point of view with marti and it gives marti courage. and that’s enough. finally, i asked what his favorite lgbtq+ tv shows are and he said queer as folk (he realized he was gay thanks to qaf), he absolutely loved euphoria, and thinks sense8 is a masterpiece (but he didn’t finish it smh). he said elite is just cute (😤) and he also told another fan he finished and loved fleabag!!
i also asked pietro what he, besse, rocco and fede were doing in the carrefour parking lot that night in august and he said that supermarket is open 24h and close to his house and he had to go buy groceries so he caught two birds with one stone, called them up and they drank and ate tramezzini (cold sandwiches, besse got a burrito he said) in the parking lot... and yes, they were organizing the revolution.
fede said what he likes the most about martino is his devotion to the people he loves. what he doesn’t like is how sometimes he shuts out the rest of the world, but it’s a problem he has learned to solve.
rocco said he’s thankful that skam italia has given him more awareness on some topics he used to treat superficially. he also talked about how much he relied on ludo and his research to portray bpd respectfully, and he’s glad that people found themselves represented in nico and that he could help them. it’s the greatest compliment. his eyes shine when he talks about nico, he loves his character so much.
a fan asked what was their favorite line to say. rocco’s is “non è figo il mio tipo?”, greta’s is “gli dei sono immortali”, nicholas’s is “sei frocio?”, pietro’s is “l’acqua solo se mi prende fuoco camera” from season 3, fede said “does it have to be my line? cause i like no zì sbagliato” but for his own it’s “minuto per minuto”. i can’t remember bea’s 😭
greta said the girls tend to stick to the script a lot more than the boys, she said ludovico tersigni literally never says a line how it’s written. nicholas confirmed that the boys (contrabbandieri) tend to improvise more and use the script sort of as a base, and that they piss besse off because he says it looks like they go on set just to goof around and gossip and not to do their jobs lol
i asked nicholas if they ate luchino’s pizza crusts. he said he had like 7 kilos of them because they had to retake that scene many many times, cause they wouldn’t stop laughing, as we can see in the bloopers (he also said it was the most fun scene to shoot) and bessegato would just keep adding mustard, ketchup and mayo on them. he felt sick the day after and “tasted mustard for a week”. fyi, nicholas and luchino are literally the same person. there’s no line between the character and the person, i love him so much. he also said he was having the time of his life in bracciano, with the light summer breeze, while the others were dying in their clothes and blankets.
marti’s spirit animal is the fox, fede’s is a golden retriever (debatable but okay). i think rocco said a cat, greta said besse once told her silvia is a goldfish, bea feels like a tiger but thinks sana is an eagle and i didn’t get the rest cause it was all very confusing lol
federico’s panel on sunday was actually very interesting, he is actually quite eloquent and deep when he wants to. he talked about how he really took the “minuto per minuto” philosophy to heart. how he doesn’t set long-term goals for himself, because he wants the freedom to change. how he chose to study medicine because after high school he knew he wanted to keep studying, and a bit like acting, there’s a fundamental human aspect to it that he’s always been interested in.
a fan reminded him it was marti and nico’s anniversary and he said “how are they celebrating? patatine e marmellata or sushi? in nicco’s new house? have our heroes moved there?” and we were all like Bitch u tell us... ofc he didn’t. but he said he imagines marti and nico celebrating their anniversary at a sushi restaurant in porto fluviale, in ostiense (rome). also, fede says their anniversary is bracciano (dec 1st) and rocco says it’s nel mio letto (nov 1st), i’m afraid we have to go with fede on this one.
i think the best question out of every panel was about marti’s interest in gio: was it real, or was it just a fixation? he said it was real interest, that stayed over the summer too. he and ludo had to find a way to show the shift in martino, and it was hard because they switched seasons and so there was no time for it to be gradually shown. however, where they imagined that shift to happen, is in ep1 when gio sleeps in marti’s bed. marti feels uneasy because of his feelings for him, but at the same time, he is uneasy because of the guilt. when he talks with eva on the phone and sees how giovanni reacts to that, how he’s still so clearly into her, he decides he has to move on from him, and gives up any hope or idea to have a relationship with him.
at rocco and fede’s sunday panel, rocco said he admires federico’s dedication to his work and his professionalism. fede and him bantered and bickered a lot, it was adorable, especially when rocco said some nonsense metaphor and fede was like “basta!” and fede kept asking for more compliments. but the question was about what marti and nico liked the most about each other, and federico said “it’s the kind of love where you like someone so much and you don’t even know why” as in, because you like everything about them, so that was beautiful.
a fan asked if there was any embarrassment between them, they said of course initially there was a lil bit of awkwardness, but they warmed up to each other immediately. one of the very first scenes they shot was an intimate one, rocco said the first kiss they shot was nel mio letto and they’d never rehearsed kissing before. amazing.
fede’s favorite color is blue (nicholas’ too).
rocco and nicholas sat in the crowd at the end of fede’s panel and rocco was like “tell us the story of bambi” and fede called him “er lucertola” and said it all started because of a tossico (junkie/drunk), i love them. nicholas made fun of him for his role in “i cesaroni” but fede said he’s only jealous cause they auditioned for the same role but fede got it, and nicholas has him saved as “andy dei cesaroni” in his phone. 
some anecdotes from other moments (m&g, dinners) i found on twitter: federico said when they shot la grotta, there was this whole solemn atmosphere, and then he broke it cause when they finished shooting he realized he had rocco’s snot on his face and he was like “MA CHE CAZZO È, CHE SCHIFO (what the fuck, gross)” and said rocco was always crying on him (i guess referring to the martino e niccolò clip) and rocco was like yes there was a significant exchange of bodily fluids. okay rocchì.
apparently fede likes his beard so much he said he doesn’t recognize himself without it. 
some fans adopted two giraffes in the bioparco di roma in their name as a gift!
rocco cried on the phone with bessegato when skam italia was cancelled. we been knew but it hurts to get the confirmation.
maxence and lukas are two rays of sunshine. not an anecdote, but i felt like saying it.
last but not least, rocco, nicholas and fede went absolutely batshit over @crazybee‘s “alt er besse” shirt. their reactions were priceless. rocco and nicholas took pics of them, nicholas was the one who sent them to besse and he reposted it on ig. forever blessed.
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hyucksong · 5 years
delights.| zhong chenle
summary: as the new royal baker, it’s your job to make the most delicious sweets for the royals for whenever they need it, including the prince. while the prince does catch your attention, you’re there to bake, not fall in love. too bad he falls in love with you the second your specialty cookies touch his lips.
warning: none...just the cutest shit to ever exist...so get ready for that!
word count: 8.6k
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  The Royal baker was the biggest honor any pastry chef could ever have. It was like being the Royal Chef -- but for sweets. The tradition was for the existing Royal Baker to travel the lands right before retiring to choose the next person to take their place. And the current Royal Baker’s travels had led to you -- an eighteen year old pastry prodigy. 
   When you were a kid, you had already acquired a knack for baking, simple things like cookies at first, and then slowly you’d go to more and more advanced things. You had never thought anything about it, but your parents had always told you how good of a baker you were, which increased your ego. Enough so, that you brought your mastered version of your chocolate chip cookies to class. From there, it was a legend around the school that anyone who had a bite of your sweets would have luck for the next week from how utterly good they were. This convinced you to open a small bakery, it was right next to your house and every morning you’d go in early to start baking, since all your pastries were always freshly made the morning of. 
   You had grown a rather impressive reputation around your town, and then that slowly spread further and further out of the city. Then, out of the country. Within a year of your shop opening, it had become an internationally renowned bakery. One would expect that after becoming so popular, you’d hire more workers. But you refused, only employing yourself to stay true to your loved recipes. So every day, buy three in the afternoon, all your sweets would be sold out, since you could only make so many at once. No matter how busy you got, you never hated your job, you loved it more and more everyday. 
   You treated every customer the same, no one was more special than the other. So when rumor had it that the god that was the Royal Baker was going to visit your bakery, you didn’t really care. In fact, it escaped your mind. You had forgotten it by Sunday.
   That Sunday was the busiest you had in months -- you were scrambling around trying to get everything made and handled. The line wasn’t getting any shorter, so as you ran to the front desk and to the kitchen in the back to get your last batch of sweets for the day, the faces blurred together, no one sticking out.
   You paid no mind when the short old woman wearing a cute scarf popped her head above the counter, asking for a slice of your Saint Honoré cake, you simply gave her a slice and took her money, thanking her for coming and rushing off to take the macaroons out the oven before their delicate shells collapsed in on themselves. 
   However, the lady didn’t just leave after eating that heavenly cake. Obviously not, because if she did, you wouldn’t be standing in front of the Royal Zhong family castle, your luggage by your side, your grip tightening with each second you stared at the magnificent building. As soon as she had picked you to be the next Royal Baker, she had moved out of the castle, only leaving you a booklet of each of the family and staff members and what pastries they liked, and some details about their personality and what they did. 
   But you sucked up your fear of the possibilities, and inhaled one strong and determined breath, before opening the heavy spruce door to the castle. 
   ...only to be met with a sharp spear to the face. 
   As soon as you opened the door, the sharp metal tip of a spear was pointed straight at the middle of your forehead. To say you screamed would be an understatement. However, the attractive knight that was threatening you didn’t even flinch, their stale dead eyes trained on you and your movements. You shakily waved at them, stuttering your next words.
   “U-Uh, I’m the n-new Royal Baker...” The words sat in the air for a moment, before the guard laughed, their eyes suddenly turning into crescent moons, leaving you very confused. “Oh, sorry. I forgot you were coming today.” He was laughing as if he didn’t just hold a spear to your face and nearly end your life.
   Another guard joined him, putting his arm around the knight with the spear. “Jeno, she’s literally shaking right now. You almost killed her.” However, the new guards laugh showed how he found the moment rather amusing too. The cresent-moon-eyed knight, Jeno, rolled his eyes playfully. “Puh-lease, Jaemin, I didn’t almost kill them.” 
   “Yes, you did. I saw it with my own two eyes.” A voice from the side mused. A person dressed in a butler uniform came out of a hallway, another taller butler trailing behind him. He stopped in front of you, his arms behind his back politely. “Hello, I’m Renjun. I am the family’s Head Butler. This kid behind me is the Prince’s personal butler, Jisung.” The taller boy behind Renjun smiled awkwardly and gave a wave that seemed less formal than Renjun’s stiff words.
   You nodded, the room lapsing into silence as no one made a move to converse more. That was, until another obnoxious laugh broke out. “Renjun, why are you acting like that, bro.” Said a tan boy dressed in chef’s robes. Renjun glared at the said boy, and huffed, his face turning red. “Shut up, Haechan. Why aren’t you in the kitchen, anyway.” 
   Haechan shrugged, gesturing to the top of the grand staircase, which you only just seemed to notice. The golden accents in the rug on the staircase stood out against the dark wood; the handles of the staircase curled at the end, your eyes trailing down the beautiful shape. “The Prince is sick again today, so I’m going to take up my specialty -- Haechan’s Chicken Soup.” The chef joked, posing with the bowl of steaming soup in his hands. You giggled, the guy seemed like he was sweet enough.
   However when the posing boy’s eyes landed on you, they narrowed. His posture suddenly turned more stiff, his back going stick straight, his whole demeanor changed from a friendly chef to an intimidating competitor. You looked down, trying to see what he was staring at, but the only thing you were wearing was a baker uniform. 
   “Oh, I see you’re the new Royal Baker, eh? Well, nice to meet you, I’m the Royal Chef, Lee Donghyuck.” The difference in the way he talked to you compared to the other staff made you frown, but you hid that feeling and instead gave a shy smile to him, extending out your hand for him to shake, though it was shaking all on its own anyway. 
   He stared at it, and scoffed. “Yeah, like that’ll happen. I’m going to the Prince’s quarters.” He looked at you in the eyes one more time, and you recognized the challenging look. “See you in the kitchen,” His dark eyes flicked to the name tag that was encrypted in gold, as it was for the Royal Baker and Chef, “Y/n.” 
   His figure disappeared up the stairs, leaving you looking like a fawn without its mother, scared and confused. “What was that?” You asked, looking at the sighing head butler, Renjun. “He’s the Royal Chef, and he tends to not like other cooks or bakers until they can prove themselves, so,” He put his gloved hand on your shoulder in an attempt to be comforting, but all it did was make you more nervous at his sympathetic look. “Be ready for some heckling. I promise he means well, he doesn’t like half-ass chefs -- or bakers for that matter.” 
   “Most of the other culinary staff are afraid of him. You see how nice he is right now, but that’s only because we’ve known each other for years. His parents were the previous Royal Gardeners so he grew up in the castle, and we all lived in this castle from a young age. He’s tough in the kitchen.” Jeno further explained, leaning on the hilt of his spear with a lazy look in his eyes.
   “Yeah, good luck.” Jaemin laughed, throwing an armored arm around an unsuspecting Jeno’s shoulders. You gulped, and clenched the handle of your suitcase tighter than before, your knuckles turning white. Everyone seemed rather uncaring, save for Renjun who gave you reassuring smiles, and Jisung who cringed when he saw Haechan’s change in persona. 
   Suddenly, another person wearing a cook uniform walked out from the same hallway the butlers had originally appeared from, looking around as if searching for someone. When their eyes landed on you, they smiled, rushing up to you. The person was rather beautiful, their eyes shining and a beautiful smile hitting you in the face. You managed to catch their name that was encrypted in a silver plating, Nayeon. 
   “Hello! Oh my god -- I’m so excited to meet you, I’m your assistant baker for now until you get used to the place! We’re going to room together, I’m so excited! I already picked out a cute outfit for later tonight for the big dinner welcoming you to the Royal family! Of course not the royal family, the royal family staff -- but still!” And she went on and on, talking your ear off, albeit in a rather endearing way that made you smile. You saw the other staff you had met disperse, the guards standing back in their spots next to the door with their weapons in hand, the head butler going back into the side hallway, and the shyer butler heading up the stairs.
   You forgot all about Haechan and the Prince as your new roommate tugged you along with a bright smile, insisting on showing you the place before you got ready. There was a feeling in your stomach that you may have bitten off a bigger bite than what you could chew when you accepted the job as Royal Baker. 
   The wooden comb went through your hair roughly, snagging on tangles and knots that made you wince in pain. Despite the pain, the payout was worth it. This was the best you had ever looked -- most times you were dressed in your baker uniform, covered in flour and stains. But with your hair done up in a beautiful bun with golden embellishments, you felt like a princess. 
   A princess with fawn legs, that is. No matter how beautiful you looked sitting idle, the sheer awkward aura you radiated as you stumbled across the room to get your lipstick in the four inch heels provided by Nayeon took away all the positive attention. 
   “Nayeon, I really don’t think I should wear these.” You sighed, sitting back down on the love seat as your twisted the cap off your lipstick. She laughed and rolled her eyes, assuring you that the heels wouldn’t be the main concern, anyway. “What’s important is if you make a good first impression on the King and Queen. They’re really nice and all but if you have a sucky attitude, you can kiss that golden name-tag goodbye.” 
   You applied the creamy pink peach stick to your lips, smacking them together after you put the lid on it. It closed with a ‘click’ and you set it down, turning around to look Nayeon in the eyes. “I could care less about a golden name tag, Nayeon. I love baking, regardless of whatever title is thrown at me. Nothing can change that. Being a Royal baker means nothing more to me than being a baker back at home.” At this, Nayeon smiled, sitting down next to you on the bench. She fixed some of your wild baby hairs, her hand landing on your slumped shoulder afterwards. “And that’s the great thing about you. I’m sure the Royalty will see that.” 
   You shrugged and stood up, mustering all the strength and balance you had to make sure you didn’t fall over and embarrass yourself like you expected. “Well,” You started, giving yourself one last glance in the mirror. “We don’t want to keep them waiting, do we?” You grinned lopsidedly at her, making your way out the room. 
   To say the dinner was extravagant would be an understatement. The dining room was massive, bigger than a gym with a long and wide hickory wood table with dishes upon dishes scattered throughout. The chairs had tall backings, the white cushion material crawling its way all the way to the top. Golden accents were placed on the handles, which also had rare jewels like Emeralds and Diamonds arranged on them. The sight you beheld as you walked bast the heavy doors astounded you; it was all for you. 
   The back doors opened and closed rapidly, cooks and bakers regularly filing out to put more and more food on the table. You figured the meal was for the whole staff, and that was why there was so much food, but either way it was fascinating to watch dishes you never even knew existed were being put on the table. As soon as your presence became known in the room, everyone stopped and waved at you, briefly greeting you with wide smiles. It made you excited to work with these people, who seemed to love their job as much as you did.
   Suddenly, a tan hand popped out of nowhere and pushed you towards a chair that was next to where the Royals’ would be siting, two chairs at the head of the table and one next to them, which was currently an empty space. “This is where you need to sit, please use your manners and don’t be messy.” You could recognize the condescending voice at this point, despite only hearing it once before. 
   “Thanks, Haechan.” A sassy ‘mhm’ left his throat as he eyed the seat next to you. “And, by the way, Prince Chenle won’t be here tonight. He’s been sick for the past couple of days, he has a cold. So no one will be sitting next to you. Not that that’s abnormal.” You smiled and nodded at him, ignoring his snarky remark. You knew that he was just teasing and sizing your patience up, at least you hoped he was.
   At the mention of Prince Chenle’s name, your mind wandered. You had heard that the young boy was a phenomenal humanitarian, and that he often volunteered and helped people in need. However you also heard that he was bratty, isolated, and greedy. The opposite words you received confused you, but you knew better than to judge someone without knowing them. If anything, it just made you more excited to meet him and make your own judgments about him. 
   In your own mind, you imagined him to be handsome and regal, untouchable even. A good ruler like his parents, as well as a social butterfly because of his volunteering. You personally doubted that he was greedy, possibly more ambitious and impatient more than anything. People easily mixed them up, ambition and greed. 
   You realized you were staring off into space as Haechan nudged you harshly, jutting you out of your peaceful world. “Hey, the King and Queen are entering. Bow.” He quietly commanded, his head already level with his hips. You quickly followed suit, your head hitting the table as you mindlessly copied him. People around you snickered and snorted, but you were much more focused on the diamond-studded heels and the refined posture of the feet in front of yours, which were presumably the Queen’s. 
   “Raise your head, please.” Her voice was solid from years of ruling, yet they brushed you gently like a consoling hand. Your head stuttered up, almost afraid to make a wrong move. But the Queen’s compassionate smile made the anxiety flow off your back like water. 
   “Did you hurt you head?” She laughed, her soft hand coming up to touch you. You flushed, looking to the side in embarrassment. “I-I’m fine.” 
   “Well, just in case you aren’t, the Royal Healer is on the third floor, it’s the first door when you get off the stairs. You can go after dinner so Jaehyun can check you.” A much deeper voice sounded, though it wasn’t harsh. It felt like a dad’s voice. It was...nice. 
   “Thank you, your Highness, but I’m fine.” You bowed again, this time moving a little away from the table as to not hit it again. The Queen laughed at the small movement. “You’re very charming, aren’t you.” She walked away, sitting at the head of table next to her husband. 
   “Oh, and I’m sorry to say; but the Prince won’t be dining with us tonight. He’s sick again.” She added on, apologizing. You shook your head, denying the apology. It was just one less person to embarrass yourself around, so you weren’t complaining. 
   “Anyway, let’s get on with the dinner, shall we?” The King smiled, clapping his hands together, the joy seeping through his voice. It made you smile that a serious King could become so happy with food. 
   The dinner is two hours long, everyone is talking, mainly with questions directed at you. ‘How old are you?’, ‘How long have you been baking?’, ’What’s your favorite dish?’, ‘Do you have a boyfriend?’. 
   The last question made you blush, and you shook your head. “You don’t have to react like that, I was just curious.” Jaemin snickered, his teasing eyes probing at you. Jeno elbowed him, also laughing. “Don’t tease them, Nana. Even if they are easily flustered.” 
   “You’re not helping.” You narrowed your eyes at him, playfully stabbing the steak with your fork. 
   “No, but seriously, have you ever dated anyone?” 
   “No...I’ve never really cared about that stuff.” You answered shyly, ignoring the laugh from Haechan. “Seriously?” He snorted. You nudged him, annoyed. 
   “Well, let’s stop that topic shall we?” The Renjun intercepted, coming up behind you. You looked at him in question. “It’s time for you to do some baking.” He smiled at you, pulling your chair out so you could get up. A surprised ‘Oh!’ left your mouth, forgetting for a moment that you were a Royal Baker. 
   Nayeon got up too, taking your arm to guide you into the kitchen. You felt a familiar feeling start through your veins, the smell of raw batter and dough filling your senses and memories. A smile made its home on your face as you rolled up your sleeves, ready to turn the kitchen into your playground.
   An hour and a half later, you’re covered in powdered sugar, buttermilk frosting, chocolate batter and the smell of baked dough. Your hair was white on the ends from your messy baking and your hands were drying out from the dry ingredient and constant kneading of raw dough. But the final products, were worth it. You wouldn’t even hesitate to say the sweets were some of your best work. They needed to be, you were serving them to royalty. 
   As you walked out of the kitchen into the dining room, your expensive dress covered in different colored powder and splotches of random ingredients, the Queen gasped. But she quickly hid it with a strained smile, and crossed her hands in her lap, the King laughing and placing a reassuring hand on her forearm, calming her. 
   “Wow, you look great.” Haechan snickered, lying his chin in his hand. You rolled your eyes, setting two plates of different desserts in from of the King and Queen, then Haechan and the rest of the royal staff. With a huff, you sat down in your seat, nothing in front of you. When you realized that no one was moving, but looking at you, you smiled, “Please, dig in!”
   And with that, started the gasps and moans. The forks hitting the plates with surprise and sometimes even whole desserts being eaten in one bite; you took all forms of compliment in stride. You let the smirk poking at you come to surface level as you peered over at the Royal Chef, who was staring at his plate in shock.
   With a prideful air around you, you stood up, walking into the kitchen, knowing that the plates would be licked clean. ‘My job here is done.’ 
   It was later on in the night, and or early morning, where you sat in the kitchen alone. It was twelve in the morning, but you couldn’t sleep due to the excitement that still rushed through your veins. Instead, you walked around the cooking area, realizing that it was bigger than three of the houses on your block combined. You simply walked around, checking out the ingredients and plates, trying to get used to your new kingdom.
   “Um, excuse me?” A mellow voice called out, surprising you. You swiveled around, the sound of someone’s voice so late into the night causing your eyes to flash open. There, at the doorway, was a tall boy dressed in what looked like pajamas standing awkwardly with his hands interlaced together. “Uh, yes?” You stepped forward, flattening your hair against your head in an attempt to calm your nerves. He gave a lopsided smile, obviously uncomfortable.
   “Uh, I’m the butler from earlier --”
   “Prince Chenle’s personal bulter?” You cut him off, leaning against the counter of the kitchen, waiting for his response. He nodded, not saying anything else. Your lips formed a tight line, and you were about to turn away due to his lack of words, but he spoke up before you could. “Um, I’m sorry for bothering you so late, but Prince Chenle has requested some chocolate chip cookies...since, you know, we didn’t save anything for him.” Your eyebrows popped up in realization, and you nodded, accepting his request.
   “I mean, it’s not really a request if it’s from the Prince, is it? It’s more like an order, right?” You laughed, aiming the words at Jisung as you took out pans and the dry and wet ingredients from the pantry and fridge. You meant it as a joke, but Jisung waved his hands frantically, not catching it. “N-No! It really was a request, Chenle --uh, Prince Chenle isn’t like that...” His words were stuttered, making you feel bad for him and his awkwardness, though you personally weren’t far off. 
   “So, this Prince Chenle guy,” you start, beginning to get tired from the young butlers silence. “Seems to be pretty close to you, you know, since you’re calling him by his first name with no honorifics.” You quickly glance at Jisung to gauge his reaction, and he bashfully nods, this time without the same awkward stiffness he’d been showing so far. “Yeah, all the staff is close with the royal family, but he and I are best friends.” 
   “Oh? You and Prince Chenle? What about the other young boys, the same?” 
   “We’re all friends from childhood. Jaemin and Jeno both grew up in the caslte because their parents were royal guards. Renjun’s parents were head butlers before he was born, so he grew up in the castle, and Haechan’s parents were the royal gardeners, which, and don’t tell him I told you this,” He looked around before leaning a bit closer to you and whispering, “he can’t garden at all, he sucks.” He giggled before straightening up. “That’s why he started cooking. And, he’s pretty good at that. My parents were servants so I grew up in the castle too.” After he explained all that, he sighed, leaning back on his arms.
   “That’s nice.” You muttered, taking the cookie batter and putting it onto a cooking sheet. He side-eyed you. “What is?” You shrugged, sitting next to him on the metal counter-tops after you put the cookies in the oven. “I don’t know. I had friends growing up, but I was usually at home baking or running the store. So I didn’t have any close friends like you guys. Chenle must be one happy kid.” Jisung nodded, before chuckling. “Kid? Chenle and you are the same age, you know.” At this a surprised sound left you mouth. “What? I thought he was like a teenager? Like an angst-filled fifteen year old?” 
   “No, he’s eighteen, your age.” You sat next to Jisung, slack jawed. “Wow, must be hard.” 
   “Yeah, but Chenle is really awesome. It’s almost like he isn’t worried about being the next King, at all.” 
   “He seems nice, I’ve never met him, though.” You looked off in wonder, “What’s he like?”
   And that’s how you spent the remaining half hour talking about the Prince. Talking about his love for comedy and unhealthy food that Haechan would always yell at him for, and how he would always invite the boys into the back garden and just hang out -- everything that Jisung told you about the mysterious boy just made you more eager to meet him and discover new things for yourself. 
   “...Prince Chenle seems really kind.” You mused, taking the finished cookies and plating them nicely. Jisung hummed, taking the plate from you with a smile on his lips. “Yeah, you should really meet him sometime. I think he’d really like you.” You scoff, nudging Jisung with your elbow. “Really? Why would he like and want to talk to me when he’s got the world’s best-est friends surrounding him?” 
   “You’re really down to earth, for one. Not only that, but you seem really passionate about baking. Chenle likes passionate people.” And with that, Jisung left your kitchen grounds, taking the pretty plate of chocolate chip delights to the Prince. 
   You stood there, for some reason more eager to meet the Prince than ever before, and if you were lucky, maybe he’d let you call him Chenle, like the others.
   “Chenle, you awake? I brought the cookies.” Jisung sounded, lazily knocking at the grand door of Chenle’s room before opening it, not giving the elder boy any time to respond. 
   A groan was the only response Jisung got, making him roll his eyes playfully. “If you don’t get up than you’re not getting these cookies.” And with that, Prince Chenle was up. His hair was a messy mop of brown waves, and his face was swollen from sleep. “They better be good.” The tired boy grumbled, sitting up on his bed properly, his legs pulled up against his shivering torso.
   “Trust me,” Jisung started, taking his shoes off before sitting in the bed next to Chenle, getting under the covers with him. “They are, some of the best ones I've ever tasted.”
   “Yeah, sure they are. They’re chocolate chip cookies, how good can they be?” He sassed, picking up one cookie and bringing it up to his mouth. Chenle nonchalantly took a bite, expecting a mediocre cookie, a delicious one at best. It’s not that he thought the Royal Baker sucked, but how good can a cookie really be? 
   The answer was, really good. 
   The second the chocolate sweet broke off in his mouth, Chenle was paralyzed. The dark brown sugar and the unsalted butter, the eggs, the hint of kosher salt he tasted -- wow. He shoved the cookie down his mouth, then the next, and the next -- only leaving Jisung with the first cookie he picked up. A teasing smirk broke out on Jisung’s face, laughing at the boy.
   “’How good can they be’” The younger one mocked, taking a bite of his own cookie and closing his eyes in happiness. Chenle didn’t even respond, instead just eating the cookies, no time for mere words to be spoken.
   “Oh man, I’ve got to meet this lady.” He sighed, leaning back on his headboard, wondering what the baker was like. He presumed them to be an old woman, maybe a legend in her town she came from. The boy next to him snickered, stretching out his arms before getting up from the warm bed. “If you mean young teenager by ‘lady’, then yeah, you’re right.” 
   “What? She’s 14?” Chenle asked, exasperated. A soft sigh left Jisung’s mouth. “No, she’s your age. Eighteen. She’s nice, kind of a mix between a down to earth teenager and a nervous wreck.” He looked up in thought. “She’s really hard-working, and passionate about what she does.” He gave Chenle a last knowing glance before making his way out of the room. “You should get to know her.” And with that, he was gone.
   ‘Damn,’ Chenle thought, ‘When did Jisung get so smooth?’
   He looked at the empty plate in wonder, before getting an idea to thank you, but when he looked at the clock, he realized that it was a little too late to go to you, so he settled for writing a cute ‘Thank You’ note on the plate, and setting it on the kitchen counter tops.
   “The cookies are heavenly - princely boy” He wrote on a little slip of white paper, before lying it on the plate, his feet softly padding on the castle wooden floors, small pats being heard resonate in the large and empty hallways. 
   Chenle slept like a baby that night, the warmth of the cookies sitting in stomach nicely. As did you, your mind occupied with thoughts of what the Prince might be like.
   You woke up early that morning, the excitement of working in a castle bubbling in your stomach. In record time, you took a shower and washed up, walking in to the kitchen by six in the morning. No one else was up yet, the vacant-ness making you feel small. You sighed, quickly putting on an apron over your baker’s outfit. As you got eggs out to make macaroons for the afternoon, you noticed a plate in the middle of the metal counters. An annoyed sound left your mouth as you grabbed it quickly, only stopping when a little piece of paper floated off the white plate and onto the metal surface.
   “Huh?” A confused sound left your lips, and you picked up the note, curious. You read the message, a shy smile breaking over your face like an egg into a pan. “So this is what Prince Chenle is like, huh?” You snickered, happy.
   “Prince Chenle what?” You whipped your head towards the direction of the voice, noticing Chef Haechan putting on an apron of his own. 
   “Nothing.” You muttered, shoving the note into your pocket. Haechan rolled his eyes, going about his business. “What’re you doing down here so early, anyway? Bakers don’t need to be up until eight. If you haven’t noticed, it’s six.” 
   “I woke up early.” You shrugged. “Well, now you’re going to help me with making the Royal’s food.” You quirked a brow. “I am?”
   “Yes, you are. Royal Chefs have to make the King and Queen’s breakfast, and I’d appreciate it if you made Chen-- Uh, Prince Chenle some porridge. I don’t have time --” 
   “Don’t you need to prove if I’m worthy?” You teased, leaning against the fridge. “Yeah well, those desserts were really good.” He admitted, smiling at you.
   “I know.” You smirked, turning around as you opened the fridge to get the necessary ingredients for Chenle’s porridge. “Hey, If I remember correctly, you smashed your head into the table in front of the King and Queen.”
   “That was an accident!” You defended, beginning to chop up the fruits for the decoration on top of the porridge. As you both prepared your dishes, you bickered, like a pair of siblings. The rest of the workers flooded in, beginning their own tasks and projects for a complex dinner and lunch, the baker’s making some sweets to stock up the royal bakery store. 
   “Where is Chenle’s room?” You walked next to Haechan as you and him traversed up the grand staircase, making your way to where the Royals were resting. “It’s the furthest room to the left, it has Chenle written on it, you can’t miss it unless you’re actually stupid.” He chuckled, separating from you down to a different hallway. 
   You ignored the last bit of his comment, focusing on getting to where you needed to go. You walked down to exactly where Haechan told you...yet you didn’t see any sign with Chenle on it. 
   A sigh escaped your mouth, your back slumping in failure. Maybe you really were stupid. It continued for a little while, you aimlessly wandering down hallways and finding dead ends, having to turn back. It wasn’t until it happened for the third time, when you stopped and groaned rather loudly.
   “Ahhhhh, why can’t I find the room...” You whined, hoping you found the room before the porridge got any colder. A door opened with a soft creak, and you flinched. You were hoping that you didn’t wake anyone up, getting in trouble the first day would be a bad impression.
   Instead, you saw a groggy figure with brown wavy hair, which was sticking up in all ways from what you suspected was sleep, and their fine silk clothes wrinkled. You watched as the person peered from behind their door, their eyes scanning the area before they landed on you and went wide.
   “W-Who��re you!” It squeaked, the door closing loudly. You cringed at the echoing, but managed to get out a few words. “Sorry! I’m supposed to bring Prince Chenle his porridge!” Your desperate tone must’ve been apparent, because the door opened once again, more of their body poking out. “Isn’t Haechannie supposed to bring me breakfast...” The boy wearily asked, narrowing the tired eyes at you. You nodded, fixing your posture and scratching the back of your neck. “W-Well, yes, but -- wait, ‘me’. you’re Prince Chenle?” You gasped, shocked. 
   This time, the door opened fully, revealing the full body of a beautiful boy, who’s silk pajamas sat atop his skin like calm water, ripples whenever he moved to rub the tired out of his eyes. He was cute. Very cute.
   “Yes, shouldn’t the staff know that?” Prince Chenle’s voice was grainy from sleep, and he seemed to be waking up a little bit, as he stood up straight and brushed his hair back with his hands. His gaze the whole time wasn’t really focused on you, more so your silhouette. But as he stretched and consciousness returned to his mind -- he could finally see you. 
   Your disheveled hair and flushed cheeks added to your frantic looking character, even the tips of your ears were turning red, Chenle recalled that the nurse on the third floor’s ears also did that. But overall, as he looked down at you, he thought you were rather cute. He tried to remember your name, but he was sure his mind wouldn’t forget the name of a girl as cute as you. 
   “Who-- Who’re you?” He asked, his hand holding the knob to his room. “Uh, I’m the new Royal Baker. Y/n.” You smiled at him, transferring the cooling porridge from one hand to the other so you could extend one out for him to shake. 
   When Chenle heard your title, he could’ve swore that you saw his face erupt into bright red flames. The only things going through his mind the tiny, minuscule, crush he got on your cookies and the fact that he probably looked like trash.
   “O-Oh! You-- Your cookies were amazing! Thank you for baking them for me last night, I felt kind of bad far asking so late, so thank you so much for taking time out of your first night to make me something, I really am sorry --” You cut him off with a laugh, which entered his thoughts like a bullet. 
   You shook your head, covering your mouth with your free hand. “You’re cute, Prince Chenle. You’re welcome. Anyway, here’s your porridge.” With a giggle still in your voice, you handed him the food. His body stuttered to grab it, his mind focusing way too much on the feeling of your skin brushing his. 
   You walked away, or more so jogged away, muttering words of worry under your breath for taking so long to deliver the Prince’s food. Chenle only started to breathe again when the scent of sugar and chocolate left his nostrils. As soon as the smell went away, he found himself pouting, wanting to smell it again. It was like his heart began to ache as soon as you were away from his presence, his want to be near you growing every second. He thought he must be really dumb to feel such a way when he only knew you for a few minutes, max.
   Ever since the, Chenle would find himself loitering around the first floor, mainly near the kitchen, trying to catch glances of you. He felt his heart beat speed up every time his eyes caught sight of your familiar hair and figure, the want to talk to you again becoming every more apparent. After his cold went away, he ventured into the kitchen to watch you more closely, but every time he would be inches away from tapping you on your soft shoulder, Haechan would tell him to leave the vicinity, or Jeno and Jaemin would call for him and escort him to the throne room, or Renjun and Jisung would find him for his princely lessons. It didn’t take long for him to experience the symptoms of withdrawl.
   “I wanna go downstairs!” He groaned, sitting back in his seat as Renjun rubbed his temples in annoyance. “I already told you, no! Why are you being so difficult lately...” Renjun stressed, sighing into his hands. After a few more seconds of no progress and Chenle whining, he had finally had enough. He needed a break.
   “Do you want to take a break? I’ll call up one of the bakers to bring something up.” At this, the fidgeting boy stopped, turning red. “It has to be the Royal Baker.” He exclaimed, sitting still. Renjun’s brow quirked up, “Why? She’s just like the others.” At this, the Prince shook his head defiantly. “No! She’s better! Way better! And prettier...” He mumbled the last part under his breath, hoping Renjun didn’t catch it. 
   But, he did. “Oh, “ His voice came out teasingly, “So you want the Royal Baker because she’s pretty?” Chenle didn’t deny the accusation, only averting his gaze elsewhere. “She’s really nice, too...”
   “And she’s as dense as a pound cake.” Renjun added, laughing. Chenle rolled his eyes and started to whine again. “Are you going to tease me or call the Royal Baker?” The head butler shook his head and sighed, getting up to go to the phone to contact the cooking department, but a hand darted out to stop him. Renjun looked back with an unimpressed face, waiting for the Prince to explain himself. 
   “U-Uh, I can go down and tell her.” 
   You huffed as you kneaded the dough quickly, your arms tiring after kneading so many batches. A bit of sweet smelling sweat dripped off of your face onto the rolled-up sleeve of your baker’s uniform, causing your attention to divert for a second. The labor of being the Royal Baker was intense and demanding, often calling for you to get up at awkward hours in the night to make something for the Royalty, but it was satisfying. You weren’t particularly ambitious, but the respect your position received in the castle gave your life a little more meaning than before. The blood, sweat, and tears that came with the job became normal for you.
   Even Haechan’s annoying teasing became the norm for you, his passing snarky comments becoming more endearing than anything else. You didn’t have any siblings, so he served as a teasing brother, and it added a little spice to your day. 
   “Hey kiddo, did you finish the dough for the lemon custard pie crust?” Your eyes snapped over to the aforementioned boy, and you scoffed. “Didn’t know you were the Royal Baker, Hyuck.” He sneered at your comment, “Hey, I’m just trying to help.”
   “Well, I’ve got it. Thanks. I know the deserts I’ve planned out for today.” 
   “I know, I’m just --” You sighed, giving the controlling chef a pointed look. His hands rose in surrender, before backing up and retreating to the other side of the kitchen. You giggled at his retreating back, finding his brotherly worry rather amusing.
   You turned back to working the dough, falling back into the rhythm, that was, before the large metal doors slammed open, causing everyone’s attention to whip towards the loud noise, including yours. 
   You were expecting a panicked Renjun requesting some dish for the Queen, but instead all you got was a red-flushed Prince Chenle. His chest was heaving up and down gently, his eyes scanning the room, looking for someone. His warm dark chocolate brown eyes landed on you, and your heart-rate all of a sudden peaked. 
   “Y-You!” He yelled, making his way to where you were standing, ignoring the stares the rest of the staff were giving him. You faced him and opened your mouth to speak, your words stuttering. “Y-Yes, Prince Chenle?” At the sound of your voice, his body seemed to shrink back, and he shyly waved everyone’s gazes away, happy when they followed his orders. After a few seconds more of silence, he looked back at you, his hand rubbing his forearm nervously.
   “Um, I was wondering if you could bake something?” You crinkled you nose at him, giving him a skeptical look under your lashes. “You want me to bake something?” You looked down at the finished dough, switching your gazes from the cute blushing prince back to your crust. “That is what I’m doing.” From the gasps of shock around you, and the mortified look on the adjacent boy’s face, you guessed that probably wasn’t the best thing to say.  
   “O-Oh, U-Uh--” 
   “He want you to bake something for him.” Haechan added, walking past you to put something in the oven, picking up your custard lemon pie crust from in front of you and throwing it into the bottom oven. You ‘ohed’, and smiled, looking at Chenle apologetically.
   “Oh, sorry, Chenle.” As soon as his name casually passed your lips, you gasped, covering your mouth hurriedly. No one else reacted to your words, but the Prince’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped open, causing you to sweat. “O-Oh, I’m sorry. I mean Prince Chenle. I shouldn’t call you Chenle--”
   “I really like the way you say my name.” He whispered, his gaze still boring into yours. You felt yourself shy away at his words that seemed to escape his mouth without him really knowing. You looked down at the ground, choosing to not say anything in response to the comment. 
   Chenle’s heart was racing. The blood in his veins must’ve been a thousand degrees Celsius from how fast it was travelling in his body, from his heart to his fingertips. The way his named flowed off your lips enchanted his ears the way classical music did, your soft voice reminded him of the music of The Greats; Chopin, Mozart, Liszt, Rachmaninoff, Debussy -- yet still, none of them could compare to the soft pink of your cheeks and lips.
   You were similar to him, the way the tips of his ears were slightly red, the softest pink on the head of his nose (from his recent cold), the part of his plush (and chapped) lips, the twinkle in his eyes -- it all sent a weird and unfamiliar fluttering feeling to your gut. From all the time you’ve spent pondering his personality and remembering his cute sleepy face, you can’t recall a time where he was anywhere near as cute as now.
   The silence between you two was cute by a loud whistle, that you traced back to a prying Haechan. You sent an embarrassed glare his way before focusing on Chenle again, gently raising your voice to ask him, “What did you want me to make?” He snapped out of his daze, giggling cutely. “Oh yeah, almost forgot about that.”
   And that’s how you spent the next hour and a half baking chocolate chip cookies with the Prince’s “princely supervision”. 
   You giggled as the rest of the staff cleared out of the kitchen, their break time starting, Even Haechan left, but not before giving you a knowing look at how you giggled closely with Chenle. 
   “You should really bake with me next time, Chenle.” He scrunched his nose, shaking his head, before hopping onto the counters to sit on them, “I’m not that good at baking. I don’t want to set your kitchen on fire.” You shook you head and pushed his shoulder gently with your hand, “No one is good at something if they don’t try, plus if you bake with me, then you’ll be a master in no time.” You joked, taking the cookies out the oven and placing them on the metal counter tops to cool faster. 
   You were too preoccupied with checking the cookies to see Chenle’s hand cover the area you touched him, his fingers lingering over your gentle touch. His mind was reeling in joy, the fire that started where you pushed him spreading to his heart. Even Chenle wasn’t dumb enough to ignore his obvious feelings for you; love.
   But as Renjun had stated earlier in the day; “she’s as dense as a poundcake.”.
   “S-So, how’re the cookies?” Chenle asked, slipping off of the counter to stand next to you, his head peering over your shoulder. You nodded happily, turning your head to give the good news back to Chenle, but you realized that your two faces were much closer together than previously thought.
   You smile slipped off your face as you continued to stare at his perfect complexion and his imp-like smile. You figured that he didn’t catch your staring, because instead a loud shriek-like laughter filled your ears as he saw the cookies. “Wow! They look perfect!” You stepped away from him, awkwardly laughing. “Well, they better be, with how long I took making them.”
   He quirked his head in confusion, “Doesn’t it usually take you this long to make cookies?” You shook your head and started to plate the cookies, “No, I took longer on them for you.” Those words probably shouldn’t have affected the poor boy as much as they did, the heat traveling up to his neck and ears. “O-Oh, well thank you.”
   You gave him a toothy smile, “Anytime.” You put your attention on decorating the plate, making it look pretty for Chenle to take up to his room, or where ever he was going. His gaze followed your slender hands as they touched the cookies gently, he looked at your messy hair and your enchanting profile, how could someone be so beautiful?
   He didn’t realize his body was moving on it’s own before it was too late, his arms were already wrapped around your waist, his nose buried in your nape, inhaling your sweet scent. His skinship made you both freeze, Chenle apologizing profusely as he slid his arms from around you, but was surprised as you caught him and kept his arms in place.
   “I like it, it’s fine.” 
   “Y-You like it?” He stammered, his head tilting to see your facial expression better. You hummed in response, before turning around in his grasp to face him, your hands pressed gently against his chest, his arms around your back. The few inches between your faces spoke for themselves, but it still didn’t explain the playful and loving air hanging around you both.
   “Chenle, I really like --”
   “Chenle? Chenle? Earth to Prince Chenle?” You waved your hand in front of his face, laughing at the way his eyes were trained on the cookies with the tiniest bit of drool slipping from his mouth, his mind obviously somewhere else. He was knocked out of his daydream with a snort, his eyes darted around the room until he realized it was just you two.
   “Sorry! I was...”
   “Daydreaming?” You giggled.
   “Uh,” his gaze shifted to the ground, awkwardly, “...yeah. Daydreaming.” You nodded with a raised eyebrow. “Seemed like it was a pretty intense daydream, you were muttering my name.” A horrified look crossed the Prince’s face, causing you to shake in laughter. “Wait, really?!”
   “No, No. I’m just pulling your tail.” Chenle huffed, crossing his arms and blowing out his cheeks. “Not funny, Y/n.” You patted his shoulder, leaving your hand to rest there for a second. “No, it was absolutely hilarious.” 
   You didn’t expect his hand to clasp over yours, his eyes meeting yours in a determined stare. You shifted back, “w-what?” 
   “Would you, Y/n L/n, uh --” He cut himself off, letting go of your hand and dropping the topic, when he saw you shift away from his touch, seemingly losing the confidence to say what he wanted. Instead, he took a cookie from the plate, munching on it sadly. “Never mind.”
   You nudged him with your elbow softly, trying to coax his statement out of him. “Hey, come on, Chenle. What’s up?” Your soft voice rang through his ears, but he still didn’t make a move to say anything. So, instead, you mustered all the courage you’ ever have in the rest of your life, and you took hold of his hand, trying to be brave. “Tell me, Chenle. What’s up?”
   His wide eyes lingered on your hand in his for a few seconds before smiling and lacing your fingers together. “I was wondering if, maybe -- only if you really want to, of course -- uh, go out sometime? Like...on a date?” The last part of his sentence came out in something you couldn’t even consider a whisper. 
   “Huh?” You went slack-jawed, your shoulders falling limp. Were you hearing him correctly? Did he just ask you out? Prince Chenle? The next ruler of the kingdom? The cutest boy to ever exist? The only boy to ever exist? The so-called boy was patiently awaiting your answer with a shy smile on his face, his eyes tracing your features so lovingly it caused a shiver to go through your body.
   “I-I mean,” you muttered, “yeah -- of course. I’d love to.” Prince Chenle laughed out loud happily, taking both of your arms and dancing around in a quick little jig. After a few seconds of celebration, Chenle stopped, turning towards the iron door expectantly. Footsteps came from down the hall, before opening the door with a tired look in their face. Renjun was looking at Chenle with an unamused expression, one that you felt he probably gave Chenle a lot,  “Chenle, you were supposed to be back half an hour ago. Let’s go, come on. Take your cookies.” The Prince waved him off lazily, groaning. “Yeah, yeah.”
   He turned back to you with a cheeky grin, and leaned down, placing a quick kiss on your cheek. His hand reached for the plate of cookies behind you, giving your hand one last squeeze before parting and following behind a scoffing Head Butler Renjun. 
   “See you later at eight, okay? We can go into town, or something!” He yelled behind him, practically skipping off to continue his lessons. And you stood there, unmoving and red as a perfectly ripe tomato, one that Haechan would gladly use for his soups.
   The bakers and chefs started to file back into the room, Haechan being on of the first back into the kitchen. He passed by you and took the things in the oven, a smirk on his face. 
   “Have fun in here with Prince Chenle, Mrs. future queen Zhong?” You crinkled you nose and hit the teasing boy with a near-by rag, ignoring his squeal. But even if you didn’t want to say it, you must admit; 
   You really did like the sound of Zhong Y/n. 
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vamprnce · 4 years
6 thru 10, 15, and 19 for both Christian and Moni !! :-)
THANK U!!! I'm honestly really bad at wording and describing ppls voices so I hope it makes sense?? 😅
6. What is your oc’s vocabulary like? Does it match the way they talk? How would you describe their speech?
Chris: it's a bit limited I guess?? he's not a person who uses over complicated words. yes it does.
Moni: hers is more average and littlebit sophisticated?? (I think that's the word), and yes sometimes!
7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
Chris: a bit deep and rough?? very sexy to listen to tbh. he has a slight Spanish accent and I base off his voice with the male boss 3 in sr2!
Moni: her's is so pretty and smooth and light. she doesn't have an accent but I base hers off female boss 1 voice in sr3 and 4
8. Is your oc more likely to follow instructions exactly, throw them out and figure it out on their own, or make it all up? What are the results like?
Chris: throw them out, figure it out on his own and make them up especially after they become boss. pretty shitty if he doesn't have another person who makes a backup plan, but he still gets by and things work out somehow
Moni: follow instructions exactly if she's w a group but on her own make it up. she more good at strategy and planning so thing usually go her way unless another person fucks up along the way.
9. Is your oc afraid of touch or do they actively seek it out? Is there a reason for this? What are the exceptions?
Chris: he's not really "afraid" of touch more so selective when it comes to others touching. if you're a stranger and not close (like Johnny and other lieutenants) to him then yeah that's the main reason, he really hates being touched by strangers. like I said his bf and the lieutenants are the only exceptions.
Moni: I think she actively seeks it?? but she has her limits like Chris and doesn't want to be touch under certain circumstances. not really a reason just bc of personal space lmao the exceptions are like Chris, her gf and ppl see knows.
10. How is your oc about medical care? Do they avoid any form of healthcare that they can, do they seek it out over every little scrape? Do they treat their injuries/illness all by themselves?
Chris: I think he's fair w it, he won't go to the hospital unless he's dying on the floor lol he does get sick easily but he'd rather stay home then go see someone. nah, he got a certain man to treat him! 👀
Moni: fair as well, but if its nothing too serious and life threatening then yeah she wont go see a medical professional tho she does go more frequently than Chris. she honestly does try to treat it if she can, if it bad she'll let other treat it.
15. If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
Chris: cherubs! he's my dumb baby angel bitch, and his whole aesthetic is just saints/holy/churches/religion
Moni: I'd say the beaches/ocean/waves. mainly bc she lived and was born on the west coast and always surfed, she loves the water! :)
19. If someone was describing your oc to someone who had never met them, what distinguishing features would they mention? How would one identify your oc in a crowd?
Chris: lots of tattoos, scars and piercings, mohawk and dyed hair, punk aesthetic, strong eyebrows and cheekbones. "the tall gay dude wearing too much black and leather."
Moni: short hair, freckles, round face, hooped earrings, the go-go boots, 90's fashion, winged eyeliner. "pretty woman who looks like she'd stab you, also omg those beautiful looks."
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seasinkarnadine · 5 years
Do you think u can write about how bow and glimmer reacted to adora being pregnant with the kitras and Them being like "BUT HOW?" btw I kitras are adorable :)
warning: the following contains graphic details of pregnancy and mentions of child abuse.
It takes a while before anyone realizes what’s going on.“Where’s adora?” Glimmer asks one morning. They’re supposed to be having a meeting regarding supply lines to the front in Thaymor.“Puking her guts out.” Catra responds, sliding into her seat.“And you’re not helping her?”“She wouldn’t open the door.” Catra shrugs. Glimmer won’t claim to understand their dynamic, but she loves Adora enough to tolerate the surly cat woman. Just barely.“She says we should get started without her.” “…fine.”
–It’s near midnight.“Hey…is everything alright?” She’s taken to knocking on the door instead of teleporting directly in after catching the two in flagrante delicto …more than once.“She’s sick.” Catra replies through the crack in the door. Her eyes are remarkably alert considering it’s the dead of night.“Again?” Glimmer asks, trying to see past Catra into their room. She can’t see Adora. But she can certainly hear her.Catra shrugs. “Guess it’s a bug or something.” “Is there anything I can do…?“The sound of renewed retching reaches their ears and they both wince.“No, thanks. I’ll take care of her.” With that Catra closes the door.
Catra takes off for a few weeks to help Scorpia out with some bandit problems in the crimson waste. Adora is something of a mess without her.Adora still behaves like she has a cold. Perfuma gives her a powder to mix with her drink to help with the nausea.
“Ugh. I’m crashing. I gotta take a nap.”
“Again?” Glimmer reaches over to place a hand on Adora’s elbow.
 "You’ve been taking a lot of naps.“
"yeah. I don’t know. it’s nice to be able to, though. Naps weren’t exactly allowed in the Horde.” Glimmer reaches up to feel Adora’s forehead. 
“Why are you doing that…?”
“To see if you have a fever… hm. you’re not warm.”
“You can tell just by touching?” Adora reaches up to touch her own forehead in awe. 
“Well, yeah…how do you know in the Horde?”
“They don’t check unless you’re really, really bad. And when they do they put this stick in your mouth called a thermometer." 
"You’ve been sick for like, three or four weeks now, haven’t you?”
“Yeah.” Adora blushes. She has this thing about getting sick. Catra, too. Like it’s some indication of personal weakness.
“Maybe we should ask Perfuma about it?”
“No, no! I’m sure it’s fine. she’s already done more than enough for me.” Glimmer narrows her eyes but decides not to push further
Catra is still absent. Glimmer and Adora are visiting Mystacor for a celebration that Castaspella INSISTED they attend. Adora tried to wear the same one she had for the Princess Prom but just couldn’t fit into it.
“Weird. normally when I get sick I LOSE weight.” She gripes, turning around in the mirror. 
“You have been sleeping a lot. Maybe it’s a different way for your body to fight off whatever it is?” Glimmer suggests, eyeing Adora’s waist as she turns. They couldn’t get the dress over her hips or belly.
“Yeah. Maybe.” 
They find something that fits. Adora stands near a pillar and watches the other guests as they mingle.
“Here you are milady,” Glimmer chirps as she hands off a drink to Adora.
“You’re a saint.” She downs the fizzy drink in one go. 
“Do…they have any more?”Glimmer can’t help but laugh.
“Adora you’re gonna clear them out of house and home.”
“They’re sorcerers,” she reponds somewhat defensively, “they can make more, right?”
“You don’t have to be a sorcerer to make juice, Adora.”
“But it helps, right?”
“Well…there are probably juice sorcerers out there somewhere in the world.”Speaking of, one of the sorcerers (a woman in an elegant blue dress) approaches them.
“Hello, Mistress Glimmer, Mistress She-Ra. Please excuse my interruption. I wanted to stop by to offer a thousand congratulations to you and your partner. Your children will surely grow to be as beautiful and strong as their mother.”
Adora looks behind her and Glimmer nearly does, too. 
“I–I’m sorry, ma’am, I believe that you’re mistaken,” Glimmer says hurriedly. 
“Adora–She Ra, isn’t pregnant.”
“Oh!” The woman holds a hand against her chest as if the words have caused her heart to jump. “How embarrassing! I am ever so sorry! Please accept my most sincere apologies.” She sketches a half bow and then beats a hasty retreat.
“Uhh.” Adora look to Glimmer. 
“What was all of that about?”
“No idea. She probably had too much wine is all.” But the way that she said it with such confidence…
She forgets about it.
Until the middle of the night when she wakes to the sound of Adora hurling her half digested dinner into the toilet. 
“Oh, Adora.” She says softly, kneeling down beside her on the tile to pull back her hair.
“No–no, Glimmer, I–” She gets cut off as another wave of nausea forces her head back towards the porcelain bowl. 
“Where is Catra?” Adora murmurs when she next resurfaces. “I–I want Catra.” Her voice is so small. Broken. 
“Oh hun, I’m sorry, she’s not here.” Glimmer reaches over to brush sweaty strands of hair out of Adora’s face. 
“Do you want me to go?” She doesn’t understand Adora’s thing with wanting to hide when she’s sick, but she will respect it.
“I…” Eventually she shakes her head ‘no’.
“Okay. How about we get you into some clean pajamas, huh?” Her current ones are absolutely drenched in sweat.
 “Yeah.” Adora nods. It’s not easy, but with her help Glimmer manages to peel off the soft sleep shirt she was wearing (it’s one of Catra’s. Across the front in huge letters it says ‘ANARCHY’). She isn’t wearing anything underneath. It’s strange. Adora loathes to be seen while she is sick or injured, but has absolutely no problem stripping out of her clothes. And Catra’s more likely to kill Glimmer for having the audacity to hold Adora’s hair back for her than for seeing her topless now.Unlike in the Rebellion, where it’s kinda awkward. But Adora is Glimmer’s friend and right now she needs her. So she determinedly looks anywhere BUT Adora’s chest as she runs a wash cloth over her heated skin. And…there’s definitely a bit of a bump around Adora’s stomach. She noticed it before, when they were trying on dresses, but had attributed it to the weight gain. But now… They manage to get her into a clean shirt (it’s another one of Catra’s, this one just a plain red but covered in little orange strands of fur). Adora guzzles down a glass of water.
“Hey Adora?”She wipes her mouth with the back of her hand.“Yeah?”“Have you…ever had sex with anyone besides Catra?”
Adora starts coughing immediately, and for a moment Glimmer’s worried she’s choking. Finally she manages a strangled,“WHAT?”
“Have you ever…had sex with a man?”
“No!”“And…you’re sure?”
“I think I would remember if I had!” She doesn’t sound angry at Glimmer, more…perplexed.
 “Okay, I believe you…only ever with Catra, right? And Catra…doesn’t have …a dick.”
“I’ve only ever been with Catra. And no she does not have a dick.” Adora looks just as confused as ever.
“Okay.” Glimmer breathes deeply to steel herself. “You remember the woman from earlier? The one who thought you were pregnant?”
“Well…I am starting to think…maybe she was right.”
“How could she have been right? I thought–YOU told me that the only way a woman could get pregnant was sex with someone who has a dick. And I have not done that.”
“That’s what I thought, too. But let’s face it–all of your symptoms are remarkably similar to a pregnancy.”
“They are?” 
Right. Horde sexual education was pretty much nonexistent. Of course Adora wouldn’t know.
“Yeah. And…you say you’re gaining weight? That…could be a baby.”
“A…baby.” Adora’s face is blank.
“Yeah. Uh…when was the last time you had your monthly blood?”
“My period? Gosh. It’s been a while. Three months ago?”
“What? Why? What?”
“That’s–That’s not normal!”
“I mean it’s happened before?”
“Yeah! There was one time in the Horde when Catra and I were in huge trouble and as punishment we had to fast–”
“Yes?? I? I mean it was only supposed to be a really serious punishment but–”
“How old were you?
“Okay now you’re starting to hurt my ears.”
“Sorry. Sorry. Okay.”
“They forced us to fast and my period stopped for two months. Which I guess…I’m eating MORE, not less, so that doesn’t really make sense, but what else could it possibly be? I’m just sick.”
“Hun, I do not think you’re sick. How long ago did all of this start? The nausea and food cravings?”
“Uh…th…three months…ago?”This is bizarre.
“And you’ve only ever had sex with Catra. Do Magicats have some sort of…weird anatomy…that could…I don’t know. Result in her getting you pregnant?”
“No. Nothing weird.” Adora pulls her legs up to her chest and hugs them. “I’ve never…I don’t…” her eyes go wide. “Could someone have …have done something to me, and then wiped my mind?” 
Oh. Right. That’s a thing that Shadow Weaver can do, isn’t it? Shit.
“I– I mean. You’ve been at Bright Moon castle. Shadow Weaver’s on Beast Island. I don’t think it’s likely…” but not outside the realm of possibility, is what she doesn’t say.
“I want Catra to come home.” Adora says in a small voice and Glimmer feels her heart ache. 
“How about…how about we go to sleep for now. In the morning we can talk to Casta, maybe she can connect us with the sorceress who thought you were pregnant and we can find out more details. She can also help us send a message to the Crimson Waste to get Catra over here. How’s that sound?”Adora closes her eyes and nods her head slowly.
“Okay.” They turn off the lights in the bathroom and climb into their respective beds.
“Thanks.”She smiles.
“Don’t mention it.”
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