#thank you Gabrielle Union for backing this
In your post about how Gabe was being pushed aside for Jack in Genesis I wanted to ask why you thought Blizzard hated Reyes? Is it more than just how bad Code of Violence was?
I never really engaged with overwatch content back in the day until Overwatch 2 came out and all the controversy got me interested in the characters, so I wasn't around for most of the ride.
Thank you for asking! This is going to be a long one so buckle up
So before we proceed I want to clarify that part of “Blizzard really does hate Reaper” is a bit of a joke, a good old ribbing in Blizz’s direction just because of the lack of Reaper lore that we get and the lack of quality, it really does seem like Gabe gets the short end of the stick
And I’ve said this before but also me being critical of Gabriel’s story line and making these jokes that Blizzard hates Gabe and Blizzard doesn’t know it’s own lore isn’t me trying to attack any of the writers individually or as a group. Ongoing stories are prone to complications and change, that’s to be expected, Jeff Kaplan famously could not keep track of any of the lore and constantly said things that Michael Chu had to later come out and correct. A lot a lot of work goes into making Overwatch, mistakes often come from things being rushed or unable to be double checked (the video game industry should unionize) they have to deal with incoming demands from execs, they’re having to create new lore for new maps and new heroes, it is not an easy balancing act at all and these people are pouring their passion into something they care about and that is not to be dismissed
With all of that out of the way
Does Blizzard Hate Gabriel Reyes?
I have talked extensively about Gabriel Reyes on this blog, famously I have a giant actual 3000 word dissertation on my main critiques of how blizzard has handled Gabriel from his characterization to his lore.
To get specifically to your question tho, I don’t think inherently Genesis itself sidelining Gabriel is Blizzard hating Gabe, but more of what my anticipations for not only Genesis pt 3 as well as the hero mission will continue to handle him.
Genesis is an in universe documentary of the Omni crisis and the forming of Overwatch’s original strike team. Gabriel was the original strike commander however in the post I believe you’re talking about Gabrie does not seem to be the focus once the documentary timeline shifts to discussing the forming of Overwatch, something that would be weird (at least in my opinion) again given that again Gabriel is supposed to be strike commander at this point.
I did not mean to infer that the documentary itself was proof that blizzard hates Gabriel, I was merely making an observation that “wow Gabe sure is being pushed aside, almost like he’s not the strike commander lol”. I apologize if that’s what you took from it. I did talk a little about if the documentary is an in universe propaganda piece for Jack (thus justifying why Gabriel isn’t focused on) as Jack actually seems to be the one at the forefront of the strike team, he’s the one who shakes hands with Mina and his uniform is the very same as his strike commander skin. So the post was trying to say “I wonder if there was purposeful thought behind this decision or if blizzard straight up forgot that Gabriel’s actually supposed to be strike commander, wouldn’t be surprised because blizzard hates Gabriel lol”
The reason why I say “Blizzard hates Gabe” is a combination of things. I’ve already said they just can’t seem to keep his lore straight but that’s a more general problem. Gabriel just doesn’t get a lot of lore attention especially given the fact that he’s one of the key players in the story. One of my biggest problems is what seems to be the overexplaining of Jack’s narrative with the underexplaining of Gabriel’s narrative
“For whatever reason Blizzard feels the obsessive need to explain and justify Jack’s character. He has an origin story (which by the way doesn’t mention Gabriel’s tenure as Strike Commander making Jack infer that he lead Overwatch through the omnic crisis, I’m just saying), his animated Hero short, the Bastet short story where he shares a perspective with Ana, the Old Soldiers comic, and the Uprising comic. All there to show Jack beleaguered as he might be, still a good person trying to do the right thing because don’t worry he’s still a good guy. Gabriel gets no origin story, no dedicated short to himself, just the comic Retribution alongside the archives event, and finally in 2022 6 years after the game release the short story Code of Violence which turns Gabriel into the Punisher. Sure Gabriel is involved in a lot of stories, but we don’t much get his perspective on events and for someone who’s apparently the linchpin in the whole Overwatch story (being what really happened between him and Jack at Zurich), I kind of think there’s a discrepancy in point of views provided.” - my dissertation
Furthermore I have this whole thing where still to this day blizzard hasn’t given any good reason as to why Gabriel is in cahoots with Talon. There seems to be this giant double standard with how Blizzard frames Jack and how they frame Gabriel. I consider them two sides of the same coin, former military who have become disillusioned with the system seeking justice for the wrongs done upon them except Jack is a vigilante and Gabriel is… a terrorist again for no explainable reason (to keep me from making this tangent any longer I cannot impart how poorly blizzard has explained how Gabriel went from assassinating former the former Talon leader to working directly with/for Talon)
This has been an ongoing problem from the beginning, Code of Violence just made a lot of things worse as it is in general a bad take (and poorly received) as well as making the timeline more impossible
I hope this explained at least a little bit for you, again apologies for how long the post is (as you can see I’m a little neurotic about the whole thing)
If you have any more questions I am more than happy to chat (you can ask or dm me)
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luxurybrownbarbie · 1 year
Hi! i have a therapy session coming along soon and i am going to confront my therapist regarding some things she has said...one of them being mentioning's of infidelity, she made comments which i feel like minimised cheating by saying 'sometimes good people do bad things..' and 'most people cheat bc they are insecure' etc
what are your thoughts on this and how would you go about confronting someone (i am not the best at it)
thank you x
This is way late, but I hope you managed to speak your piece and have managed to find a therapist who fits you better! 💛
Answering the last part of your message first: I cannot relate to disliking confrontation, but I generally think it’s best to remember that confrontation comes from care! Someone you care about being willing to bring something to you that made them sad/hurt/uncomfortable means they 1) care enough about you to bring it forward, 2) trust enough in your reaction that they will put themselves into a vulnerable space, and 3) actually value you what you say, including your thoughts and opinions. Confrontation gives clarity and helps build trust. And you can confront something without being cruel or combative. Confrontation can be as simple as saying, “Okay girl, what’s going on? Last Friday you were not acting like yourself.”
Now, onto the first part of your message. Infidelity is a sore spot for a lot of people, and I have very nebulous thoughts on it as a whole. I generally forgive women who cheat, I don’t think I’ve ever forgiven a man who has cheated. But in all honesty for me (just me!), there are far worse things that can happen in a relationship.
Especially because 95% of the time, infidelity is very cut and dry. When it happens, you know exactly what your partner thinks of you and you know exactly how much they value you and the relationship. It’s very rare in relationships to have that level of clarity on how the other person views you.
I don’t particularly care about it. If it ever happens, I’m going to pack their stuff and leave it on the front porch. Prenups have infidelity clauses for this exact reason. I’d be more offended if my partner cheated and then asked me to work through it, like, am I a doormat to you? Please be serious. And the girlies who take their cheating partners back and then spend the rest of their days giving themselves high blood pressure due to their elevated cortisol levels stress me out. Just *leave*! Risking a stroke for what reason?
This might be controversial to say, but I don’t think cheating is as strong of a dealbreaker to people as they think it is. If it were, we wouldn’t have so many advice columns, posts, subreddits, and therapists who all spend their time helping couples “move past” infidelity. People would just go. And truly, by staying, people are punishing themselves more than they’re punishing the person who cheated. That man got to have a no strings fling, come back and grovel for a bit, and still keep his family. That’s crazy.
I love her, but every five business days Gabrielle Union tells us how she’s never forgiven her husband or the outside child he had, but she’s still there. Who do you think is actually suffering more in this scenario?
Meanwhile Mackenzie Scott read the most embarrassing series of adulterous sexts in history and immediately retained her lawyer and got a tidy 64 billion dollars. Imagine if Jeff got to say “Sorry, I guess?” and stay with her. Imagine that.
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juanabaloo · 1 year
Whats your favorite Eliza film?
Hello @blazinwolve, thank you for the ask! Here's a long response! (I'm super close to having seen everything she has done, so the timing of your ask is great.) All answers are spoiler free!
It's a cliche for a reason:
Bring It On! (2000)
The movie is solid, and way better than the description sounds. It has also aged decently. To me she is the star of the movie, more than Torrance (Kirsten Dunst). Also Isis (Gabrielle Union) is excellent. She and The Clovers should have been in the movie more. This is currently free on TUBI in the USA. Various Bring It On gifs via Eliza Dushku Daily. (I like it even though I don't like her hair.) I mean...
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Since that's not the most interesting answer, I'll give a few more. (Also bc I can't shutup about Eliza.) Bring It On is part of Eliza's BTVS to Tru Calling era. She made a slew of movies: Bring It On, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Soul Survivors, The New Guy, City by the Sea, Wrong Turn, and The Kiss.
Eliza's best horror / scary movie:
Wrong Turn (2003)
I like horror / scary movies and she's done several. This one is her best IMO, not just of this era, but of all time. This movie came out 10 days after the BTVS Series Finale (7x22 Chosen) aired May 20th, 2003!! Jessie is a born leader. Various Wrong Turn gifs via Eliza Dushku Daily.
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Eliza's most under-rated movie of this era:
City by the Sea (2002)
Her character Gina is super interesting but sadly she doesn't get enough screen time or lines. She is super believable as a struggling single mom. She holds her own with DeNiro (who plays her baby's grandfather) in a great scene. The downside is the movie has James Franco and focuses WAY too much on him (and DeNiro) but if you're an Eliza fan check it out! Not much but check out City by the Sea via Eliza Dushku Daily.
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(via IMDB)
(ranking Eliza Dushku movies and shows)
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creoterative · 1 year
Hello! Can I ask you do a headcannon for how each commander possibly reacts to various ships involving them or the comments they game in game? I always find it amusing when the comment section is more simp than real strategy lol
Wohooo, a request! ^^
Whew, I haven't been involved in Dislyte for a while now, but that's my chance now to get back into the game, just the same with Pokémon xD
Alright, this is gonna be fun, although I'm not quite familiar with any of the commanders or ships that involve the, BUT I'm gonna do my research and play the game a little bit again, so I can answer this with as much input as possible *thumbs up*
One question though, with commanders you only mean the... commanders commanders, Falken, Lin Xiao, Donar and Gabrielle, right? Because that's no problem at all, I'm gonna 'educate' myself on them again, refresh the info I already got and then I'll come up with a looot of stuff xD
Just wanna make sure you don't use commanders as a term for everyone working at the Union, because I've seen some people do that (including myself to be honest... sometimes... it's easier...).
Also, thank you so much for the request, I'll make sure to get to work as soon as possible!
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ngkiscool · 2 years
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This week - even more genders! The rating varies, please check the tags and CW before deciding if you wish to read a certain story.
Next weeks will be about the holidays - please send recs for stories that focus on supporting characters (as in, Aziraphale and  Crowley are not the main ones). Self recs are encouraged!
and they knew rage and joy by freyjawriter24 - 1.5K, rated G, focusing on The Them and Pepper’s mum. Summary: It takes a little while after the Apocalypse doesn't happen, but eventually Pepper realises that some of her anger is due to unexplored gender feelings, and they decide to use gender-neutral words for themself too. Now they just need to come out to their friends… and their mum.
Peace Is Our Profession. by Lanna Michaels (lannamichaels) - 3.9K, rated G. Focusing on Warlock, Pepper and Adam Young. Summary: Warlock goes back to Tadfield when she's twenty-four.
About Soulmates by Ashery24 - 682 words, rated G. Focusing on Warlock and The Them. Summary: In a world where each person has a different way of knowing their soulmates, The Them searches for the fifth missing person in their union.
No Pressure by Zab43 - 2.4K, rated T. Focusing on Hastur and Ligur. Summary: Demonic relationships are difficult, especially for a demon like Hastur. If only one thing didn't have to lead to another...
Let Me Count The Ways by CaspianTheGeek (DemonicGeek) - 1K, rated T. Focusing on Anathema and Newt. Summary: Newt has explained that he's asexual to Anathema, but like any relationship that doesn't mean that there are not still things to work out. This is a small piece of life glimpse at their conversation as they discuss Newt's asexuality.
firsts at the end of the world by orphan_account - 405 words, rated T. Focusing on Anathema and Newt. cw - mentions of transphobia. Summary: The world is ending, and Newt has never been touched before.
Reach Oute One to Anothere by freyjawriter24 - 2K, rated T. Focusing on Anathema and Newt. Summary: A week after the world didn’t end, Anathema decides to come out to Newt.
A Sense of Belonging by DreamsOfAlexandria - 1.5K, rated M. Focusing on Deirdre Young and OC. Summary: Thoughts like this kept running through her head. Finally, after a few more days she gave up, opened a browser in privacy mode and typed “Am I bi?” into the search bar. She found a website with some quizzes and took them for fun, but the results were pretty ambiguous. But when had an online quiz ever held the answers to the universe? When Deirdre Young meets a new neighbour, she starts to question some deep rooted assumptions about herself.
Love, reign o'er me by sandacz- 4.4K, rated E. Focusing on Beelzebub and Gabriel. cw - Eating Disorders, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Identity Issues. Summary: Gabriel wants to explore his sexuality. Bee wants to fight creator's block. This story is basically a fusion of "My Fair Lady" and "Fifty Shades of Grey", sorry not sorry.
Warm Leatherette by mx_vertiginous - 1K, rated E. Focusing on Famine and Pollution. cw - Car Accidents. Summary: The Good Omens horsemen x Crash fic that no one ever asked for.
Bonus - master list with all past recommendations!    
Authors - if you wish that your Tumblr account will be tagged, instead of the AO3, please comment or DM me the handle. Thanks :)
Thanks for reading, and remember - sharing is caring!
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mariacallous · 2 years
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s narrow victory over incumbent Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil’s runoff presidential election last month has been widely hailed as historic. Not only did the 77-year-old former union leader and two-term president achieve a comeback for the ages, fighting back from prison on a now-overturned corruption conviction to defeat arguably the most significant global imitator of former U.S. President Donald Trump’s brand of brash nativism and post-truth rhetoric, but Lula’s triumph is also being seen as sealing the second coming of the “pink tide,” the surge of left-wing leaders who first came to dominate Latin America in the early 2000s.
Lula’s prodigal return follows a string of other regional leftist presidential triumphs, including those of Colombia’s Gustavo Petro this year, Chile’s Gabriel Boric and Peru’s Pedro Castillo last year, Argentina’s Alberto Fernández in 2019, and Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador in 2018. If you were to look at a map of Latin America, with the countries with leftist—or supposedly leftist—governments shaded pink, only Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Paraguay, and Uruguay would stand out against the otherwise rosy hue. On the face of it, Latin America is strongly trending left once again.
Yet that reading is a significant misinterpretation of the moment. It overestimates the popularity, durability, and likely effectiveness of this new cohort of leftist leaders, as well as their ability to work together on the international stage, whether in United Nations climate negotiations or managing China’s rapidly expanding footprint in the region.
The truth is that, rather than turning left, Latin Americans remain pragmatically centrist. A 2021 study by Latinobarómetro, a leading regional pollster, found that most voters in the region adopt what are seen as left-wing postures when it comes to inequality but ones that are seen as right-wing when it comes to public safety. In other words, they want problem-solvers who can respond to their real-world needs, from tackling rampant graft to creating jobs and addressing violent crime. The left, of course, does not have a monopoly on providing these kinds of policy solutions.
More than anything, what Latin Americans have been doing is rejecting incumbents, most of whom happened to be on the right; Lula’s victory was the 15th-straight opposition victory in Latin American presidential elections. Across the region, sitting governments have struggled in febrile anti-establishment political environments, empowered by social media and turbocharged by the COVID-19 pandemic—which hit Latin America hard and triggered despair as well as visceral anger at the failures of decrepit health care systems and the elected officials overseeing them.
Many of the supposed new pink tide’s victories have been by narrow margins: 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent in the case of Lula’s runoff victory, despite Bolsonaro’s deadly COVID-19 negligence; 50.1 percent to 49.9 percent for Castillo against a widely reviled opponent facing jail on corruption charges; and 50.4 percent to 47.4 percent for Petro against a candidate with a pending graft trial who had threatened to shoot business partners.
Now (or soon to be) in power, these leaders are precariously positioned and lack the leverage of their predecessors. Several victors, including Lula, either face opposition-dominated legislatures or have fragmented legislative majorities being tested by political forces that threaten to pull their fragile alliances apart. Castillo is now the target of multiple criminal investigations and has already survived two impeachment attempts, with more on the way. Chileans recently voted to reject a new progressive constitution, a flagship reform heavily backed by Boric.
Thanks to inflation and a cocktail of local factors, from Chile’s violent crime wave to projected inflation of 100 percent in Argentina, several of the new leftist leaders, after just scraping into power, have experienced shortened political honeymoons, with approval ratings falling dramatically. Boric’s approval rating is around 27 percent, Castillo’s is in the 20s, and Petro’s is in the mid-40s and dropping rapidly, despite him only taking office in August; meanwhile, Fernández’s disapproval rating is now in the mid-70s. The one exception is López Obrador, whose approval rating hovers around 60 percent.
Talk of a new pink tide also ignores the yawning differences among the new wave of leftists on issues including gender rights, the environment, and democracy itself. Latin America’s current crop of left-wing leaders range from smokestack socialists, whose thinking on economics and energy has not evolved since the Cold War, to millennials preoccupied with identity politics and the climate crisis. All advocate addressing stark economic inequality and prioritizing anti-poverty measures, but that may be all they have in common. Several leaders hold positions that many European or U.S. progressives would regard as profoundly reactionary and unacceptable.
At one end of the spectrum is Boric, a 36-year-old former student activist who cares about LGBTQ rights and has introduced a bill to legalize abortion but who has also admitted he is “angered” by other leftists’ failure to condemn the socialist dictatorships in Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. At the other end is 69-year-old López Obrador, who accuses feminists demanding abortion rights and an end to gender-based violence of being “conservative” political operatives, launches authoritarian broadsides against critical journalists in a society where killing media workers is now commonplace, and is dismantling the National Electoral Institute, Mexico’s respected electoral agency.
Then there is Peru, which appears rudderless as Castillo’s presidency descends into self-inflicted chaos while ushering in socially conservative counterreforms, such as undermining bilingual education for Indigenous children. A rural schoolteacher who ran on a Marxist-Leninist ticket, Castillo opposes abortion and same-sex marriage, while his prime minister, Aníbal Torres, has eulogized Adolf Hitler and launched misogynistic attacks on female journalists. Castillo’s incompetence—he has had seven interior ministers in just 15 months in power—is proving to be a disaster for the very constituency he claimed to represent: Peru’s poor. Half of Peruvians now experience food insecurity, double the pre-pandemic level—an issue that Castillo’s government has repeatedly failed to address. Castillo also failed to attend the last two U.N. climate change conferences, despite Peru having one of the largest stretches of tropical rainforest on Earth.
Meanwhile, Lula, whose return to power was propelled in part by his promise to save the Amazon from Bolsonaro’s push to open the world’s largest tropical rainforest to ranching and extractive industries, finds his newfound green credentials at odds with his own track record. During his first two terms as president, from 2003 to 2010, his tendency to view conservation as intrinsically opposed to his top priority—reducing poverty—left environmentalists deeply frustrated. It remains to be seen whether Brazil’s president-elect has the political will to live up to his campaign pledge of net-zero deforestation in the Amazon.
Any sense of triumphalism on the global left over the victories of Lula et al. should be heavily tempered by the grim economic realities confronting Latin American governments. In a region heavily reliant on raw materials, which make up roughly one-third of Latin American exports, the first pink tide benefited from surging prices as China’s rapidly expanding economy hoovered up its commodities, permitting leftist governments to embark on social spending programs that made a lasting dent in poverty and inequality levels. But now, economists expect inflation, the phasing out of pandemic-era stimulus packages, and strong international headwinds—including a likely recession in Europe and a possible one in the United States, along with China’s continued zero-COVID lockdowns—to undermine Latin America’s brief post-pandemic growth spurt.
Meanwhile, Venezuela, whose petrodollar-fueled growth—along with former President Hugo Chávez’s largesse toward ideological soulmates from Bolivia to Cuba—provided a model for the region a decade and a half ago, has now turned into such an unmitigated economic and humanitarian disaster that no Latin American politician in their right mind, however much they might defend the Nicolás Maduro regime on the international stage, would suggest attempting to emulate Venezuela’s policies.
This all means that Latin America’s left-wing leaders are going to find it harder and harder to fulfill expensive campaign pledges. Yes, the overwhelming majority of Latin Americans are, once again, governed by leftist administrations. But the economic good times of the early 2000s are now history. In a region where the tragic sight of Venezuelan refugees begging in the streets is now commonplace from Mexico to Argentina, the significance of the new pink tide should not be overinterpreted—including its popularity, durability, or capacity for enacting structural reforms.
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nsfwhiphop · 2 months
Incoming Text for @zoesaldana and @rosariodawson: Can you tell @itsgabrielleu that I ignore her on purpose? Hey Zoe & Rosario! Can you tell @itsgabrielleu that I ignore her on purpose? Thanks. I have immense respect for Gabrielle Union, and I don't want to bring trouble into her life. She is a good woman, and she is black, so you know they will try to hurt her. That's why I never write to her; I ghost her and act like she doesn't even exist on this earth. Can you tell her that I watched the movie "Breaking In" (2018)? That movie was so dope. I enjoyed every minute of it. You know, the way she kicks ass and protects her family from intruders—dope film. I've always been fond of Gabrielle Union. She is one of the coolest black actresses in Hollywood. I've seen so many of her movies. Dwayne is a lucky man. If she wasn't married to him, trust me, I would have been in her DMs a long time ago. But I respect Dwayne, and I would never do anything to break up their happy home, so there goes another ebony baddie down the drain. Gabrielle is the type of black woman that will have you afraid of looking into her eyes like a teenager. That's how she makes me feel. I feel like a kid. I always have my head down when I try to speak to Gabrielle because she scares me. She is like that old aunt in every black family that scares the kids because she is so strict. Gabrielle be like: "Did you do your homework?" Angelo: "No, ma'am! I was planning to right after I finish watching the Cartoon Network." Gabrielle be like: "Are you still hanging out with them stupid good-for-nothing boys?" Angelo: "Yes, ma'am! But they're my friends, don't insult them. I like them; they protect me from bullies in school." Gabrielle be like: "Okay, I won't insult them. You can bring them over this weekend; I'm making lasagna, your favorite food." Angelo: "Ooh, lasagna, I love it. I'll tell them they can come hang out this weekend. Thanks, Aunty Gabrielle." The end of this comedy skit. This is how Gabrielle makes me feel. I don't think of her like a romantic partner; she is more like that strict aunty in every black family. If ever I see Gabrielle, she will always wonder why I have my head down and I don't dare to look her in the eyes. Gabrielle will say: "What's wrong with Angelo? Why does he always have his head down when I'm around? He refuses to look me in the eyes. Do you think I scare him?" It's how I express myself. It's the way I see Gabrielle. She is a cool chick, but she scares me because she is a fighter. I think it's her 2018 movie "Breaking In" that changed my entire perception of Gabrielle. I see her differently now because she kicked so much ass in that film. She was dangerous. Tell Gabrielle that I will always have her back, and I'm her brother. She doesn't have to worry about my loyalty. I care about Gabrielle. That's all. The end. Your virtual friend, Angelo.
P.S.: Watch this: Breaking In trailer:
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mortemhq · 3 months
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MERLIN’S BEARD, ANGELINA JOHNSON-WEASLEY (GABRIELLE UNION), IS THAT YOU?  it’s been so long – i thought you might’ve been dead! i mean, you never know in times like these. well, it’s good to have you back in the fight. come on now, there’s no time to waste – we need you to re-enter the fray within the next 48 hours, or else i fear all might be lost. don’t let us down – the world is counting on you.
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[ she/her, cis woman ] greetings to all of our listeners! we start today’s potterwatch with a long-awaited update on angelina johnson-weasley who was finally spotted alive just last night, wandering the streets of london. for those of you who haven’t tuned in before, they are a fifty three year old pureblood witch who is oddly reminiscent of the raw instinct to survive, too much coffee with too little sleep, wondering what could have been, a soft yet commanding voice and the guilt of not being able to do more which makes sense considering their compassionate, protective, resilient, short-tempered, arrogant, and reckless nature. you might know of them as the biological child of erica and carter johnson, and we’re sure that their family will be relieved to hear they’re safe and sound — or at least as much as you can be, in times like this. to all our listeners, if you catch a glimpse of someone who looks a bit like that muggle gabrielle union, that’s them. before approaching, please be aware that they’re rumored to be affiliated with the order of the phoenix, so best proceed with caution. these are dangerous times we’re living in. well, thanks for tuning in, folks. we’ll play ourselves out with pompeii by bastille. [it's hunter, thank you for your patience!]
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lunarcovehq · 4 months
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Connection: Rival Coven Member
Suggested Name: UTP
Age Range: UTP
Species: Witch
Suggested FCs: Any POC FC, but some suggestions are Coco Jones, Kendrick Sampson, Nathalie Kelley, DJ Cotrona, Danielle Brooks, David Castaneda, Gabrielle Union, Jesse Williams, Jordan Rodrigues, & Michael Trevino.
Connection Description:
Your character would be a coven member who has been wary about Jasmine since she first joined the coven. They know that she used to/have seen her perform dark magic and have been concerned about what her presence in the Coven could mean, especially if she ever were to perform dark magic again.
Your character would be a light witch who is dedicated to the Coven. They could have grown up in it or found their way to Lunar Cove later in life. But, they would have been in town on July 4th of 2023 when their supreme, Poppy Reed, died and was brought back to life by her sister, Jasmine.
While your character would have voted to bring Poppy back at the time and, still love and feel thankful that their supreme is alive, they weren't aware at the time of the spell that their own life may have been on the line.
The consequence for bringing a life back from the dead is that death will come and claim and life in return. Everyone at the time assumed, from what Jas alluded to, that death would come and claim the life of someone close to Jas for bringing Poppy back. But, what they didn't know is that the rules for witches within a coven are different. Because Jasmine was a coven member at the time of the spell, the life death came to claim was within the coven.
After the loss of Poppy's mother's life for Poppy to live, you decided that dark magic within the coven should never be used again. While you respect Poppy decisions as your supreme, you secretly view her half-sister to be a huge liability and are counting down the days until she gets kicked out.
Please be sure to contact the player before applying:
Becca is available for DMs on @cantfightmoonlight!
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ninjago13 · 1 year
Chapter 8: The wedding.
           Three months later
It was a nice day in Autumn. The trees already had red and yellow and orange leaves, but there were a few clouds. Which made it a bit cold, but hey, no one was going to complain on that day. Today it was like all of nature wanted to celebrate the union of two very special people. There were a handful of people at the open spot in the forest. And for this special occasion there even were a few souls, brought from Heaven. 
Two women with blond hair, one with dark brown hair and a young woman who was around twenty-four years old. And one man with dark hair who held the hand of one of the other souls. Everyone was well-dressed and looked beautiful, but none of them looked as dashing as the two soon-to-be-married. 
Dean wore a dark-blue suit, with a dark-blue tie. Cas on the other hand was completely in white and beige. He obviously had his beige trench coat on, and white jeans. It made a good contrast with his wings. For this time and this time only he let the others see his wings. They were black as the night and Dean found them beautiful. Dean first wanted to wear his FBI suit, but thankfully Cas and Sam had protested against that. The two brothers went to a clothing shop and bought two new suits. A dark-blue for Dean and a light-blue for Sam. Sam had first wanted to buy a white one, but that gave Dean flashbacks to that alternate reality where Zachariah had zapped him a few years ago. Lucifer, who was possessing Sam, had worn a white suit, so they had agreed that they would both wear blue. 
Cas had been basically dragged to one of those shops by Balthazar and Gabriel. A month before, they had found out that Gabe was still alive and when the archangel had heard of the wedding, he just had to go with them. Plus that he and Balthazar were probably the only angels with a sense of style around there. They had bought a pair of white shoes for him and white jeans. But Gabriel and Balthazar couldn’t convince Cas to leave his trench coat out of the outfit. Later that evening another surprise awaited the angel. 
When Cas, Balthazar and Gabriel were talking in their motel room (Gabriel and Balthazar had said that they had a special surprise for Cas, so that’s why they had booked a motel room for one night.) Gabriel suddenly said: ‘Come here.’ Cas gave him a confused look. ‘Why do you want me to come here ?’ ‘Because,’ the archangel said with a grin. ‘Me and Balthazar have something for you.’ ‘Alright.’ Gabe gestured to him to sit on the floor with his back to them. Cas sat on the ground with his knees drawn up. ‘Alright, now fold out your wings.’ Even if it was a strange request, Cas didn’t let them know. 
Gabriel and Balthazar gave his wings a good look and then looked at each other. They both nodded. Those wings could use some repair. It was the reason that Cas almost couldn’t teleport anymore. That last trip to Heaven had made it practically impossible for him to fly or to teleport. ‘Cas, this is gonna hurt a bit, but it won’t take long,’ Balthazar said. ‘What are you going to do ?’ Neither of them answered. Both Balthazar and Gabriel touched Cas’s wings and let their grace flow to all of the broken and missing parts. Cas groaned a bit, but after a few minutes they both stopped. The angels looked at his wings and felt a sudden wave of satisfaction. Cas’ wings were entirely repared. They looked just as good as when he was a few centuries younger. Cas must have felt something, because he turned his head in a bit of an uncomfortable position and gave his wings a good look. 
The angel couldn’t believe his eyes. His wings were fully repaired!! He moved them a bit and immediately felt the difference. ‘Thank you,’ he said. And he meant it with all of his heart. ‘Consider it a wedding gift,’ Gabriel replied. Cas’s wings were as black as the night and they were now restored in their full glory. 
Now Dean was looking at those beautiful wings and Cas and thought that he couldn’t ever be happier than now.  ‘Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God.’ They had doubted at first if they would do a Christian marriage, but they found it appropriate because Cas was an angel. That was what made it a bit weird, but it was also hilarious at the same time. Sam was, of course, Dean’s best man and Gabriel was Cas’. They had requested to marry in the forest. And Gabriel and Balthazar had arranged that a few souls could leave Heaven just for one day. After all, your family should at least attend your wedding. John and Mary Winchester were there. Also Ellen and Jo. And Rufus and Ash were also there. Gabriel and Balthazar had to swear that after today they would all go back to Heaven. Along with the living were Jody, Bobby and a few others.
And now they all stood there as Cas and Dean were getting married. ‘Dean.’ He woke up from his thoughts. ‘What ?’ ‘You may kiss,’ the priest said again. And that they did. It was a gentle kiss, but they put all their love and passion in it. Cas felt Dean’s soft, warm lips gently brushing against his. And at that moment the sun broke through and the birds flew up and it was like all of nature wanted to celebrate the union between those two special people. Who would have thought at the beginning of the Apocalypse that an angel and a human would fall in love. 
Chuck watched from a distance. He was happy that one of his children had found happiness in their long lives. He hadn’t always been there, but he just had to come to the wedding of Castiel, one of his children, and Dean Winchester, the Righteous man. He did a quick miracle and then disappeared. 
Everyone was dancing. The newly-weds, the two best men and all of the other guests. Dean rested his head on Cas’ shoulder and chuckled. ‘What ?’ ‘Who would’ve guessed that it would end like this ? Back when we first met.’ ‘I did,’ Cas replied. They danced until late in the evening and when it became dark, they both had a big smile on their faces. Cas’ smile however turned into a mischievous grin when he saw Sam and Gabriel walking together. ‘Maybe we have to organize another wedding soon,’ he said to Dean. Dean didn’t respond. Cas looked at him and saw that he had fallen asleep. The angel looked up to the sky. He had never felt so peaceful.
                                      The End.
It was really fun to write this and I really hope you enjoyed it !! It is my first destiel fanfic and my first spn fanfic I've actually finished. But back when I made it, I was on season 6, so yeah... Dean and Cas are a little bit easier with admitting their feelings, because I thought it would be a lot easier for them, but apparently it wasn't. And it was really fun to just casually throw in a wedding. Thank you if you've read this !! Have a great day everyone !
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Shimada coffee? No the boss is out, said something about a business dealing?? If Starbucks is trying to buy us out again I think someone will be losing a kneecap ~Bambi
Jack: *sitting in his home office at 3am, staring at documents and his speech he’s been writing and re-writing to try and explain and justify to the UN why his agents deserve their holiday bonuses* what am I going to do?…
Sojiro: *sets a cup of tea down for him* you could try coming to bed?
Jack: *jumps a little* Jesus- I-I didn’t hear you come in pumpkin… thank you I-I’ll be in in a minute…
Sojiro: what’s wrong darling?… *leans over his shoulder looking at the documents. Pay cuts?…
Jack: the UN wants to cut funds to the agents below Gabe and I… All of them. They don’t care they have families or that they’re literally throwing their lives on the line every day… *sighs* I’m going at this alone after they bought out the former union leader too… spineless bastard…
Sojiro: *steps around him and sits in his lap* well firstly this is all going to need to be re-written, you’re more so begging them to give you what you want then telling them what they have to give you and why they’re assholes for denying the rights to your employees.
Jack: *bright pink, shyly hugs him around the waist* I don’t have time to re-write it the meeting is tomorrow and-
Sojiro: done. *hands him the re-written document, perfectly formatted at an inhuman speed*
Jack: I-I-
Sojiro: if Ana is alright watching the kids tomorrow too I’ll be standing in as the union representative to assist you, or simply be moral support if you need me. *gets up*
Jack: I? Baby you don’t have to do this- *reaches out to take his hand only for Sojiro to gently stroke his face*
Sojiro: …
Jack: …
Sojiro: don’t forget to shave. You’ll need to look your best tomorrow. *kisses his cheek and slowly walks off to bed*
Jack: … *looks back at the document* … *quickly gets up and runs after him*
*The next morning*
Jack: *nervously seated at the meeting next to Gabriel waiting for everyone to file in* I hope this works…
Gabe: it will, you have an ace up your sleeve now.
Jack: Sojiro? Gabe he’s barely recovered from his collapse and he’s fragile after starting therapy. He gets anxiety just being in public I don’t think he-
Sojiro: *dressed in a black suit and button down, hair neatly styled, eyes sharp, cold, and calculated, walking with a presence and power neither jack or Gabe have seen before* sorry I’m late, I had a few statements I needed to collect. (Translation: my toddler was crying because he couldn’t take his socks off with his shoes on and my infant has a rash)
Jack: *nearly smashes his coffee mug in shock* wh-who is that?? What happened to our boyfriend?!
Gabe: I don’t know but I like it~
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lady-charinette · 3 years
Got inspired by the one and only @ghostlyhamburger  , who just went "I have this amazing dark idea but it's too dark for me" and I was foaming at the mouth to tackle it. So, whenever anyone has too dark/angsty ideas, send them my way :3 
Also, go read her fics, you won't regret it at all. They're all absolutely amazing!
Credit to: @ghostlyhamburger
Warnings: Angst, verbal abuse, horrible parenting (hello, it's Gabriel), Senti!Adrien.
Forever Hold Your Peace 
Gabriel knew it was a matter of time before his son entered his office with a request on his lips.
A request, unlike many, Gabriel was powerless to reject.
“Father, I wanted to tell you something.”
Hands clasped together with his brows furrowed in concern, Gabriel asked, “What is it, Adrien?”
He wished he could turn back time and never have his son utter the following words.
“I wanted to tell you to approve of my upcoming marriage to Marinette.” 
With his throat running dry and his hand fiddling with his ring, Gabriel gestured towards the chair. “Sit down, Adrien.”
It had been three hours since Adrien Agreste had entered his father’s office, Nathalie had been keeping the young Ms. Dupain-Cheng company in the living area, both cautiously sipping from their warm tea in the otherwise icy atmosphere. Gorilla stood guard at the doors, Marinette wasn’t sure if he stood there to guard her from Gabriel Agreste’s upcoming rage or to guard the man from hers.
She knew this conversation wouldn’t be an easy one, knew that his father wouldn’t approve. She was determined to fight for her love after taking so long to realize it, she was willing to continue the fight even if her opponent was Gabriel Agreste himself.
“Your dress will wrinkle if you hold it for too long, Miss Dupain-Cheng.” Nathalie’s pointed remark made Marinette immediately loosen her death grip on the fabric. She knew it would wrinkle all too easily, she designed it herself.
“Sorry,” was all that managed to leave Marinette’s mouth, before she placed the teacup closer to her parched lips. “It’s been…a while since he left.”
Nathalie nodded, sharp eyes glancing towards the closed door where her colleague stood guard. A knowing glance was all they shared before the secretary returned her attention to the young woman before her. “Mr. Agreste has never been one to rush important business.”
Marinette lowered her head, a small smile playing on her lips, “Business’, huh…” her previously nervous countenance changed.
Nathalie noticed her mistake, “Miss Dupain-Cheng, I-“
“I know,” when Marinette lifted her head to look at Nathalie, those blue eyes didn’t belong to the young lovestruck girl that stumbled her way into the home of the boy she crushed on anymore, they reminded her of Ladybug’s gaze when the heroine took charge in protecting the city against her enemies, “I’m aware Nathalie, I just wish it didn’t have to be this way.”
The teacup in the older woman’s hands trembled slightly before slender fingers gripped it tighter, knuckles turning white from the force applied on the delicate porcelain. Quietly, Nathalie whispered. “I wish that too.”
No sooner after the quiet confession did the doors to Gabriel’s office slam open.
Some would say Adrien Agreste was an open book to his friends and the public, but Marinette knew better when she saw the calm expression on her fiancé’s face.
And the practiced model smile on his lips.
The weather was sunny, setting the scene for an outdoor wedding perfectly.
The decorations were of the bride’s and groom’s own choosing; pure white calla lilies blended with the soft colors of green and blue, red rose petals were scattered across the aisle on the red carpet. 
Sweet strains of classical music drifted through the crowd, Kitty Section outdoing themselves with bewitching their audience and charming their hearts. Luka’s violin playing, Juleka’s soothing guitar chords and Rose’s pleasantly soft vocals made the wedding deceptively harmonious. 
Adrien Agreste was nothing short of perfection, dressed sharply in the most expensive suit he dared accept from his father, not a hair out of place as he waited for his bride. His father sat at the front row, eyes trained elsewhere while Nino nudged Adrien’s side to calm the groom’s nerves.
The music stopped, and all heads turned to face the far end of the walk. The opening to the bridal chorus started to play. Down the aisle she came.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Soon to be Agreste.
As the guests stood from their seats to welcome the bride and her father as they walked down the aisle, Gabriel Agreste was the only one whose expression didn’t match the joyous occasion.
His mind replayed the moments where he knew his son’s fate was sealed.
‘I will not allow you to marry Miss Dupain-Cheng!’
‘I didn’t come here to ask for your permission, father. I came to inform you of my decision.’
‘Don’t be smart with me, boy! I’ve granted you too much freedom since you went to school, you lack discipline.’
‘I’m no longer a child, father!’
‘You’re no longer a child of mine.’
‘Was that something you’ve always felt about me but never dared to say out loud for fear of me running away?”
‘I’ll not be disrespected in my own home, Adrien!’
‘This was never a real home to begin with.’
‘Insolent-! I will never bless this union, if all those years ago I had successfully changed your mother’s mind, you would’ve never been born.’
Closing his eyes, Gabriel took a deep, shuddering breath, fingers playing with the silver ring on his hand.
The guests were eerily silent, awaiting the vows with anticipation.
Gabriel watched the young bride be given to the son he disowned, watched the genuinely elated expressions on their faces with growing contempt. 
As the marriage officiant began speaking and encouraging the couple to read their vows, all eyes were suddenly on the groom.
Marinette gazed at her fiancé in concern, eyes wide in surprise. “Adrien?”
Gabriel’s silver ring lay in shattered pieces on the floor, surrounded by rose petals on the blood red carpet and a single white feather resting peacefully between.
And with it a shattered future.
Thanks for reading! :3 I wonder...could this have the potential for a happy ending?
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a prompt: cinderella au, the two of them nerding out over something together! maybe from once they’re already together if you wanna get crazy with it ;) or would be cute with them pining im just a sucker for established relationship.
Hi, Anon! Thanks for the prompt! You get a fluffy drabble of these two nerds 😁 Please enjoy!
Submit your prompt by end of tonight! (See: Prompt-drive post)
As a wedding present, King Gabriel had commissioned angelic craftspeople to enlarge the quarters of the North Tower. A large ring-shaped “deck” now encircled the top of the stone tower. The deck was constructed of wood and metal, and it was secured into place about the circumference of the North Tower through a complex network of trusses and suspension beams. The deck was then encased by a lean-to fashioned out of many glass-paned windows – a luxury, even within the Heavenly Realm. The effect of the glass lean-to was that standing on the deck provided Adam with an uninhibited view of the sky and the surrounding Lebanon countryside. Since it would get chilly on the deck, the floors were covered in ceramic tile. Sunlight crossing through the glass windows warmed the ceramic tiles during the day, which slowly released that heat back into the room throughout the night. As a result, the deck and its rooms were kept at a pleasantly comfortable temperature all year round. 
With the additional rooms provided by the deck expansion, the North Tower was converted from a suite for an emissary into a suite for married royalty. While the stone interior of the tower landing still contained its antechamber for receiving guests, servant chambers for Karael, and bed-chamber (now shared by Adam and Mykol), the deck expansion provided the newlyweds with a music room where Adam could practice his harpsichord, a study where Mykol and Adam could amass their large private library of books, a solarium where Mykol grew a vibrant collection of potted plants, and a private sitting room. Additionally, there were servant chambers for Jason, Adam’s valet de chambre, and a large outdoor balcony for receiving angelic visitors. The quarters of the North Tower were truly fit for married royalty.
After the construction of the deck expansion was completed, Adam and Mykol had received wedding presents from Kansain and Angelic nobility alike to furnish the new space. There were gifts of intricately woven rugs and tapestries, sumptuous wooden and upholstered furniture, objets d’art, and even a gilded mantle clock. Their quarters were now lavishly appointed, and Adam found himself often bemused by the eclectic collection of gifts they’d received. (Adam and Mykol’s union represented an unbreakable declaration of peace between the once-combatant kingdoms, and the nobles of both countries were keen to encourage that peace. So much so that even now, almost two years after their marriage, Adam and Mykol were still receiving wedding presents.)
“That’s a symbiote?” Adam verified, considering the strange plant sheltered within the footed glass terrarium.
The terrarium, the gift from a visiting angelic dignitary, had been presented to Prince Adam of the Kansais Kingdom and Prince Mykol of the Heavenly Realm in celebration of their nuptials, at the dignitary’s arrival. (Mykol’s affection for horticulture was now well-known among both kingdoms, and the wide collection of plants Mykol cultivated within the solarium – many of which were rare or precious specimens – attested to the angel’s interests. Although the angelic prince had purchased many of the hundreds of plants adorning the solarium, other plants Mykol had received as gifts.)
“Yes, it is a symbiote,” Mykol assured, standing before the terrarium. Mykol’s pale blue face was expressionless even as his Celestial blue eyes flashed with excitement. “It is a wood-ear orchid, and-” Mykol leaned forward to better examine the terrarium “-verily, an impressive specimen.”
Safely protected within the humid environment of the glass terrarium, the orchard was almost three feet (0.9 meters) tall. The plant was firmly rooted into a dried tree stump. Long, graceful leaves accompanied long graceful stems that ended in vibrant lime-green flowers.
Mykol’s wings were twitching in poorly restrained excitement. Eagerly, the angel considered the plant. “Notice the flowers,” Mykol directed Adam.
“Okay?” Adam peered closely, as indicated by his husband.
“These contain petals with serrated edges.”
“I see that,” Adam observed.
“This is because this is the carnivorous wood-ear plant and not the wood-ear orchid.”
Adam’s mouth fell ajar before he was excitedly repeating, “The carnivorous wood-ear plant?!?”
Mykol’s wings twitched again, readily pleased that Adam’s enthusiasm matched the angel’s own. “Yes. The carnivorous wood-ear plant grows symbiotically with the wood-ear orchid.”
“Goddess be blessed! I've never seen a carnivorous plant before.” Unable to pull his gaze from considering the symbiotic wood-ear orchid and carnivorous wood-ear plant, Adam nodded his head, encouraging Michael to continue with his explanation.
Readily, Mykol did.
“The wood-ear orchid produces a strong fragrance to attract pollinating insects,” Adam’s husband explained. As the angel spoke, his voice remained toneless as ever. “However, in the tropical forests that the orchid grows, this fragrance also attracts louse flies that will feast on the orchid flower petals – destroying the orchid flower before it can be pollinated. Fortunately, the carnivorous wood-ear plant feeds off louse flies. The plant grows alongside the orchid in symbiosis, and its carnivorous flowers highly resemble the orchid flower. When a louse fly lands within the carnivorous flower, the flower clamps shut to entrap the fly, and the plant will then digest the insect.”
“Does the carnivorous flower ever entrap the pollinating insects?” Adam wondered.
“No, only will the plant clamp shut when its petals are oscillated – that is, only when a louse fly attempts to eat the petals. The pollinators would not find pollen within the center of the carnivorous plant and will, therefore, fly away.”
"Okay. Okay." Adam was grinning widely. Then, he bit his lip, thoughtfully. “Mayhap, must you regularly feed the symbiote in this terrarium a steady diet of louse flies?” he surmised.
“Yes.” Mykol’s Celestial blue eyes flashed, invigorated by Adam’s keen perception. “In addition to the terrarium, this gift includes a six-year supply of louse flies, bespelled to remain in stasis indefinitely. Only do we need to expose the sleeping louse fly to moisture to awaken it. This can be done by placing the bespelled louse fly within the terrarium and exposing it to the humidity within.”
“Moon and stars! How clever!”
Rumpling his wings shyly, Mykol regarded Adam. “Adam, readily could I provide you with reference materials on the symbiotic relationship between the wood-ear orchid and carnivorous wood-ear plant,” the angel suggested. His wings rumpled again. “If you so desired?”
Adam smiled fondly at his husband and impulsively grabbed the angel’s six-fingered hand.
“Verily, you know my answer to that question, dearest.”
“I do.” Mykol’s wings tilted in loving affection. “I will retrieve them. However, not yet; I know that only you would desire to study these reference volumes after I have demonstrated the proper care of the orchid and feeding of the carnivorous plant.”
“You are correct, good sir,” Adam returned cheerfully. "I am quite interested in observing the carnivorous plant feed upon a louse fly!" Then, still clasping his husband’s hand, Adam squeezed. He smiled dotingly upon his angel. “Goddess be blessed, you make me happy, Prince Mykol of the Heavenly Realm.”
And although Mykol’s face remained impassive, Adam knew his angel was internally returning Adam’s smile ever as broadly, ever as dotingly.
“Verily, you make me happy, as well, Prince Adam of the Kingdom of Kansais,” Mykol replied tonelessly.
Like a Prince in a fairy tale, Adam was living his happily ever after. He squeezed his husband's hand once more before releasing it.
“Now, onto the feeding!”
Read more: Link to previous drabble
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dislyteacolyte · 2 years
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Helena: Donar, can I take next week off? Helena: I’ll return to Nielheim and spend all my vacation days there. Donar: Hm? What happened? Do you need the Union’s help?
Helena smiled brightly and waved the phone in her hand.
Helena: The Union can’t deal with this. A relative of mine has just given birth to a child-- I have a niece now! Donar: Wow. Congratulations! Don’t forget to submit a request and get back here on time. Helena: Yes. I’ll definitely be back on time! Donar: What? You are going to Nielheim? Helena: Yes! Back home. Donar: Well… I have a favor to ask…
Looking at Donar’s sudden coy expression, Helena raised her eyebrows in confusion.
Helena: What do you mean by a “favor”?
Donar turned his gaze upwards, and scratched his beard.
Donar: …Can you do me a favor and bring back some vegetables? Helena: Vegetables?! Donar: The town’s renowned for its healthy vegetable produce throughout the fitness community due to the fact that they’re low calorie, very tasty, and remain fresh for a long time. Helena: …Fine. You’ll have to write a list of the vegetables you need.
Donar laughed and patted Helena’s shoulder.
Donar: Thank you so much! They’ll definitely be green with envy! Donar: You know what? It’s sooo hard to find someone who buys goods from Nielheim and brings them back. Helena: No worries, I’ll bring you vegetables of the best quality!
Gabrielle: Hey, Helena! I heard that you are going back home for a celebration?
Helena: Agreed… So do you want me bring* some gifts from Nielheim?
*actual text
Helena: Ah, and all of you, Chang Pu and Drew. Helena: Whatever you want, just name it! I’ll show you the hospitality of Nielheim people!*
*actual text
Chang Pu: Anything we want…? Drew: Miss Helena, I hesitate to bother you like this. Helena: Hehe, my family hasn’t had a joyful event like this in a long time, so consider it as a celebration with me. Helena: Hey, have you decided yet? This is a truly rare chance to get some awesome gifts from Nielheim!
Everyone exchanged looks.
Gabrielle: Then of course! How about some dried vegetables? My fitness instructor told me to take in more vitamins and plant fibers! Chang Pu: Could you bring me some seeds which can only be found in Nielheim? Chang Pu: Those in our greenhouse would be happy to meet some new friends from far away… Drew: They say Nielheim has a unique way of earthenware firing. I want to get a handmade clay tea set for my collection. Drew: But… would it really not be too much trouble for you? Helena: S-slow down! I can’t write everything down if you all speak at the same time-- Chang Pu: Are we making too many requests? Helena, you don’t have to agree to everything we ask for… Helena: It’s… It’s all right! I’ve promised you, so I’ll definitely deliver the gifts! Helena: I’m the almighty Helena of Nielheim, there’s nothing I can’t do!
After the crowd cleared.
Looking at the notes, Helena scratched her head in distress.
Helena: 1, 2, 3, 4… When did I promise to bring gifts for so many people? I can never bring these many things back by myself. Helena: B-But I promised them… No, Helena, you need to fulfill your promises! Helena: There’s only one thing I can try…
Several hours later
Helena’s mother receives her daughter’s call in Nielheim.
Helena: Hello? Mom. Ahaha, I’ll be going back soon. And I’m calling to ask for your help… Helena: That’s right… Seeds, tea set, specialty and dried vegetables. Ship them to the Union and put my name on the package. Helena: Why am I buying so much stuff? Cause I have many friends! Y’know, I must show them how hospitable us Nielhem people are… Helena: …No, no! Mom! What are you talking about! I’m a proper Union Ops Chief in Gyrate, not some souvenir merchant! Helena: Mom! I’m not lying! I have a serious job, listen--!
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icefire149 · 4 years
Is there a reason these two should not wed?
Unlike Dean and Cas' wedding a month ago, there wasn't any high alert for potential problems, and yet the moment that rolled around the air shifted. Cas noticed the movement of angel wings across the crowded room moments before the mischievous grin spread across Gabriel's face.
Just as Gabriel went to stand, Cas telekinetically slammed him back into his chair. Cas was already bracing himself for whatever was going to happen next. He glanced at Sam and Eileen. They were so absorbed in each other and their moment.
Then, a snap echoed in his ears. Cas glanced back to where Gabriel was sitting, but he was gone.
He scanned the room, but no one seemed to have noticed that anything happened at all. All eyes were on the couple. All eyes except....Adam, no. Michael.
It was Michael who was watching him. He nodded.
Shortly after the ceremony, Cas made his way over to Michael. "Thank you."
He studied Cas a moment like he was carefully choosing his words. "It was nothing. Tell Sam he can consider it a wedding present from us."
"I will." Cas nodded, not wanting to push for clarification on 'us'. "Where did you send him?"
"The middle of the Atlantic Ocean."
They both turned to see a soaked and dripping Gabriel standing next to them. Michael rolled his eyes and walked away.
"You didn't have to be so dramatic!" Gabriel called. "I only had a tiny speech prepared. Ending with my blessing over their union. Not a big deal or anything."
Michael kept walking and Gabriel struggled out of his suit jacket. It clung to him.
Cas couldn't keep it together anymore, and he burst into laughter. He only stopped when the drenched jacket slapped into his head.
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katsuflossy · 4 years
(anon who requested the sleepover hc) i wanted it to be separate. i forgot to clarify when i asked, i’m sorry. 😭💕
Sleepover hc with their S/o
Original ask: hey boo! can you please do a sleepover hc with bakugou, shoto & shinsou? thank you so much! 💕
Pairings: Bakugo Katsuki x reader, Todoroki Shoto x reader, Hitoshi Shinso x reader
TW: obscenities, a lil drug talkin
A/n: Heyyy~~ I really had fun making this hc so thank you for giving me this ask💖 hope ya like it!
Taglist: @sunset-novice-writer @goatsenpaiultimate
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💥 Expect gourmet snacks
💥 Tf Bakugo looks like eating those high-calorie, sugar filled shits with msg.
💥 He made Oreos...that are better than the actual Oreos.
💥 But you’re not gonna eat them all in one sitting because he’s watching you like a hawk.
💥 “That’s it! I’m hiding the snacks because you ate 6 Oreos in under fifteen minutes!”
💥 “But Bakugo they taste so good~”
💥 Allowed you to eat more because you kept complimenting on how his creations were amazing.
💥 Sometimes stroking the ego gives you privileges.
💥 Y’all watching a movie? It ain’t no chick flick...except Mean Girls or Bring It On!
💥 Only the two with Gabrielle Union and Solange tho.
💥 You had to force him to sit down because he was getting mad at the whole racism and shit.
💥”Did she just call the squad pathetic?! They’re insects, why don’t they squash them!”
💥 “Because unlike you, you can get arrested for hitting someone, Bakugo.”
💥 Gauges your reaction every time, he wants to see your laughs, smiles and anger because he believes you can’t make an ugly face.
💥 He’s just obsessed with you man.
💥 Just don’t incite a pillow fight with him.
💥 You throw a pillow at him he’ll boomerang it right back with force x2.
💥 Your vision will go back and all you’ll hear is a thud on the ground then Bakugo’s ugly ass laugh. And he will not apologise.
💥 However, he’ll rub your sore tailbone as he wraps his arms around your figure, pressing your body to him as close as possible.
💥 The best part of the night is not Bakugo’s overly cuddly nature but the interactions of a spying Mitsuki and her son.
💥 At times she’ll walk in, first using the “Did you forget a blanket?” excuse to the “helping clean up” excuse.
💥 She knocks on the door, about to ask you if you need anything before Bakugo shouts “Shitty woman! She doesn’t want anything from you, go brush your shitty dentures!”
💥”You little shit, I wasn’t talking to you!”
💥 Masaru simply comes into the door frame, under his wife’s arm begging. “Dear, please just come to bed.”
💥 The rest of the night was you and Bakugo just enjoying the movies as he rubbed whatever flesh on your body he could find.
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🧊 We’re making this clear; there’s no sleepover at the Todoroki's residency. He gonna be one shady, miserable mf because of everyone interrupting y’all time. From the sweet Fuyumi asking if you’d like some food to Enji busting the door open, inappropriately asking who you are and what are your affiliations with his son.
🧊 At your house the sleepover turns into a mukbang, you have Todoroki trying out every childhood snack and new snacks that are quite popular too. Thanks to you he’s obsessed with ring pops.
🧊 Mukbang + trying out tiktok dances and transitions
🧊 Shoto’s got some rhythm, the rest needs extra hard fine-tuning.
🧊 “No Shoto, do it like this. It’s like crossing your two arms in your face and then reversing it as you hit the middle.” You demonstrated for the umpteenth time doing the woah so you can carry on with the rest of the dance.
🧊 “So like this?” His right arm horizontally aligned, making an actual cross, before they returned back to their original position. You took the biggest inhale to avoid groaning out loud.
🧊 “...We’ll just work with it.”
🧊 (Introduce him to alt tiktok...I’ve said this before just do it please)
🧊 The rest of the night consisted of watching reruns of old Disney shows like That’s So Raven, eating more nostalgic food and ignoring the big burly fire man’s calls.
🧊 Shoto wants to turn off his phone but how could he when he wants to take a bunch of horrible beautiful pictures of you and posts them to Snapchat.
🧊 He’s touch starved so every pic is close up and his hand or leg can be seen draped over apart of your body. Plus, he can’t take a good picture for shit.
🧊 You both catch the Itis and fall asleep with you curled in his chest, leg crossed on his stomach and his hand caressing your thigh.
🧊 He says “I love you” however you were far too sleepy to even register the confession.
🧊 You better say it back in the morning, bitch.
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🔮 Party at his house woohoo~.
🔮 Denki will try to crash your sleepover but was tricked by Shinsou to walk his ass back home.
🔮Thus your night begins
🔮 The best host even though he’s embarrassed by the compliment.
🔮 Got a bunch of snacks you like, a couple new movies he bought to watch.
🔮He made a pillow fort 👀.
🔮If you don’t like horror movies then you’ll watch some action.
🔮May even put on Little Rocky Horror Picture Show because he’s into old horror, comedy and musicals.
🔮 He will laugh a little at you if you scream at the little jumpscares.
🔮 Just when the shadow popped up on the screen then disappears, he sees you in the corner of his eye twitch away from the screen. He chuckles at your reaction causing you to face him.
🔮 “You thought that was funny?” He raises a thin eyebrow at your confrontation.
🔮 “No, I thought it was hilarious.”
🔮 “I wished I had your quirk so I could’ve made you dunk your head in the popcorn.” The smirk on his face stretches wider as he wraps in arms around your frame and draws your frame closer to his chest. You could hear heart beating faster than normal.
🔮 “Don’t worry, it scared me a little too.”
🔮He would really like to wind down and be chill so if you allow it, he’ll smoke that banyan. But if you don’t like it, he’ll just take it easy.
🔮 Regardless, if you start a pillow fight, he’s going ham.
🔮 Turns into a fortnight battle and the throw pillows are used as ammunition.
🔮 He wins because HE CHEATED you somehow knocked down your fort and claimed defeat.
🔮 The night ends with you guys climbing on the roof, admiring the stars and trying to find different constellations and planets.
🔮 His head lays in your lap as you stroke his purple strands. His consciousness losing control by your soft movements, ready to fall asleep on the roof then and there.
🔮 You persuade his sleepy body back inside where he could actually get decent rest in the warmth of your lap.
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