#thank you Lily for the idea
doctorsiren · 4 months
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Used a single textured canvas for this one because I loved the effect for this style, so here’s Gregory and Eleanor but based on some old photo poses I found on Pinterest 😁
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craske · 4 months
yapfest incoming
the interactions are very uh. complicated. as you can probably imagine. considering thats the fucking Beast that not only was tormenting Pure Vanilla and White Lily but also killed Elder Fairy and devastated the Faerie kingdom. so things are a little, itty bitty slightly tense between him and literally everyone
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if they could theyd leave him there for dead but thatd be really irresponsible so what else was there to do than to apprehend the still big (literally) threat. for quite a while tho he is just trying to adjust to not being this all powerful force (meaning hes being a miserable wet thing with a very bad migraine) (dont worry it doesnt stop him from brewing plots)
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bc a very large portion of his powers is gone, he isnt really that dangerous anymore (but also he isnt neutralized). and since all of this is a speculation because we currently have No Idea what will happen in the future of the Beast Yeast arc, i like to believe the beast yeast expeditions retreated back to Crispia and Shadow Milk is being held as a prisoner. under constant supervision of couse, cant have the clown start doing his clownery again
since im a biiig sucker for antagonists turned begrudging ally (or an actual ally as time goes on), he turns out to be a good source of intel, plus provides some surprisingly important insight. yeah they all hate eachother and hold massive grudges (esp in case of the two doomed lovebirds) but they have a common enemy. and shadow milk wants his powers back.
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but.... wouldnt it be funny if the lack of overwhelming almost limitless power had an effect on his (and by that extent, other beasts) mind? if that force didnt push and pull and mold and break down and put it back together? and maybe something started to change, or in fact revert?
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well who knows! imagine that happening lol
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sunflowerxthoughts · 1 year
what about remus dating the it girl of the school
Contrary to James, Remus is smug about it in a really not so subtle way. Sure he is still reserved but it isn’t until Sirius points it out that anyone really notices just how possesive he is.
“Here he goes again.” Sirius mumbles as he points ahead, Remus and you talking about something he can’t quite make out. “He always does this!”
“Huh?” Marlene asks, not really getting it.
“See, it’s simple. Look at the lad over there eyeing Y/N.” They look as Remus makes eye contact. “Now look at the girl making eyes at her.” Remus makes eye contact with them, raises his eyebrows and soon enough his hand is over your ass making you squeal.
“That cheeky little bastard!” James is astounded.
“He didn’t even need words, holy shit.” Peter is still trying to pick his jaw off the floor. “So much for the kid who thought he didn’t deserve friends huh?”
“Well it’s different with Y/N.” Lily states as everyone turns to look at her. “It’s not even about being popular. He knows he has someone by his side who has shown from minute 0 that she wants to be with him no matter what. We have told him so much to protect his peace that he is doing just that. Protecting what gives him most peace.”
“Makes sense.”
“That is awfully touchy from Rem though!” Points out Dorcas.
“Must be the Wolfy thingy.” Jokes James as Lily smacks his arm.
“Please, are we going to stand here and pretend dear old Moony isn’t the brain to most of our pranks? A man of few words and very bright ideas.”
Meanwhile, you and Remus are talking about some book and he is just looking at you with absolute pure adoration.
He looks at every little detail of your face and feels proud because he knows, no matter what, you are there.
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swag696942069 · 6 months
Marauders AU where the Black family are trained assassins and the cousins (Regulus, Sirius, Narcissa, Andromeda, Bellatrix) were trained like how Black Widows are trained (like the Marvel characters, not the bug, if that wasn't already clear enough)
What if, Sirius and Andromeda were the only ones to ever get out, and they're now living, simi, normal lives.
Until Sirius gets a message from his baby brother, asking for his help to destroy the "family business" because Narcissa is pregnant and they don't want the next generation to go through what they went through
I'm talking Black brother angst! I'm talking minor/background ships! I'm talking Regulus not understanding very many social cues cause he was literally only taught how to unalive people. I'm talking James/whoever you ship Reg with, going fearl when they see him fight so effortlessly! I'm talkin Sirius having a hard time letting Regulus do what he does best, assassin, cause in his mind, he still sees Reg as the little boy who was afraid of thunder and would crawl into his bed at night. I'm talking angst with a happy ending! I'm taling Walburga/Orion bashing! I'm talking freedom!
Please someone write this
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yurislilygarden · 6 months
Oh boy, you've done it now. You've hit me with ✨️inspiration✨️ so now I must write, you've been warned.
Emily: I don't see why there couldn't be another God. Maybe the Lord created them! Gave himself a brother, or sister? It sounds pretty lonely being the only one of your kind...
Adam *stops sipping on his drink*: Like a pantheon? Nah. Can't see G doing that.
Sera: Emily, I know you are young and it might seem hard to understand have great our Lords powers are, even now, I too can find it almost impossible to believe too.
Sera *behind Readers view butterfly, cupping here hands gently around the wings as much as possible*: A piece of our Lord has returned to us, he has come to observe us and it isn't our place to question his motives or judge the form he takes.
Emily: But-
Adam: Listen Em, the big G does this kinda stuff some time. He just checks in through a beam of light, or on a divine chariot or appears as a burning bush, says hi and then checks out again, used to do it all the time. And yeah, sure, they don't sound like how he normally does but like, this is God we're talking about, can change his voice at will.
Emily: BUT-
Sera *gently petting Emily's head: See Emily? Our Lord may work in ways we may never understand, he may have bestowed on us knowledge and awareness that may seem too vast to comprehended, but I assure you that he is doing it all for our own well-being.
Emily: ... Okay.
Emily: Hey, Adam was built in the Lords image, right?
Adam: That's right, Em! I'm might not look exactly like the big G but he got all the important parts right atleast. *nudges Emily with his elbow before going back to sipping his drink*
Emily: Then... Whose image was Lillith built in?
*A few seconds of silence passed*
Sera *putting a hand over her mouth*: ...
Adam *dropping his drink in shock*: Oh. Fuck.
Anon can I just say... YOU'RE A FUCKING GENIUS I LOVE YOU /P
I have been blessed with a beautiful idea that I shall use in the future😌
This has actually genuinely saved me as I didn't have any real idea of how would I make them think that reader could be God's sibling where it also would make sense. The idea of Emily introducing the idea to these two is so real actually. Although I do think it would take a little bit more to convince Sera, in particular, to be 100% on the idea, she would be on board with Emily's idea soon after😭
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bimoonphases · 6 months
@wolfstarmicrofic March 28 – prompt 28: Langlock – word count 549
Langlock - Causes the target’s tongue to stick to the roof of his mouth
It was well past midnight in the dorm, and it was the fourth time Sirius had tried to sneak into Remus’s bed. Peter knew that, of course. He had known since the first times Remus had kept reading the same page of a book over and over again because he kept looking at Sirius. He had known since Sirius had started looking back, blush and babble some nonsense. He had known since that Gryffindor party when he had turned around and seen them way too close and with their cheeks way too red for a chat between two friends. He had known since the number of times he had found the door to the dorm locked or had heard Sirius’s feet quietly paddle to Remus’s bed in the middle of the night. He knew, and it was fine. They would tell them officially when they were ready. James, on the other hand, didn’t know and didn’t seem to notice anything. What James did know now was just that Sirius wasn’t asleep and he had taken that as an opportunity to talk to him across the dorm.
Sirius’s feet shuffled once again across the floor.
“Pads?” James’s voice came from behind the curtains around his bed.
Sirius’s feet quickly shuffled back to his own bed.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“Do you think I should get Lily flowers for Valentine’s?”
“Didn’t you try and get her flowers for her birthday and didn’t she smack them in your face?”
“Oh. Right. Thanks.”
There was a moment of silence before Sirius’s feet padded across the room.
Sirius’s feet padded immediately back.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“Do you think I should move on from her? Find someone else?”
“I mean, it could do you good.”
“But I love her.”
“That might make it hard to move on, mate.”
“Right. Thank you Pads.”
“You’re welcome.”
Another moment of silence, longer this time. Then Peter heard Sirius’s feet across the floor once more.
Sirius’s feet made a hasty retreat.
“Yes, Prongs?”
“I love Lily, but it doesn’t mean I can’t find other people attractive.”
“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”
“Your brother is ridiculously attractive, Pads.”
“Merlin’s beard Prongs, if I had known kissing you as a dare would end up with you being attracted to Regulus I would never have done it!”
“Shut up, you loved it.”
“Go to sleep, Prongs.”
Another silence, and Sirius’s feet now gliding across the floor. Peter shook his head and took his wand from his bedside table, being careful to be quiet. He didn’t want Sirius to glide back to his own bed because of him. A slight shuffle from the other bed indicated that James was about to speak again.
“Langlock,” Peter whispered, pointing his wand at his friend’s shape through the curtains.
No one spoke, and Sirius’s feet finally glided across to Remus’s bed, where the curtains opened and closed in record time. Peter waited a couple of seconds then cast a sleeping spell on James. He didn’t want him to jump out of bed, panicked because he couldn’t speak, and interrupt Remus and Sirius once again. With a yawn, Peter put his wand down and settled back under the covers. One day he would tell his friends this story. Probably as part of a speech at their wedding.
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misclogarts · 7 months
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flowers bloom in secret - a harumiyu playlist
alt versions under cut
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shallowseeker · 12 days
btw i know you said asks off so i wont be offended if you refuse to answer but im always thinking about how touched cas must feel when dean comes storming in during the diner scene in lily sunder... his friends care about him!!!!! :)
Oh. Hehe. I guess when I turned it off, I only turned off anon asks. :-)
No, no. Not offended at all. I just turned off the anon asks cause I was getting a lot of bizarre messages, some of them really out of line. (I think mostly due to me posting a Rowena-pegs-Sam joke on a poll that was apparently more high-stakes to some folks than I ancitpated.).
You know, I wonder! I think he was touched, but he was feeling some mixed emotions, too. Namely, irritation and eventually horror.
I'm not the best Cas understander out there, so maybe a Cas-pert can weight in but... here we go.
At the beginning of the episode, we find Dean and Cas in a Cold War, both irritable with one another for...simply put, being heroes. Neither wants the other to "be a hero" and get hurt. The feeling is mutual.
Cas wanted to protect Dean from his stupid deal, and then Mary stepped in to take on the burden of the stupid deal, and then Cas stepped in to override Mary and got Cursed (TM).
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OMG Look at Dean's FACE when Cas says, "I have to go."
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And yes, it appears you're right. He wanted their support!
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I wonder how heavily Cas's need for appreciation is weighted into this?
I'm thinking particularly of this line: "...and appreciative, too!"
He wants Dean to appreciate his heroics.
We see this desire repeated in the 12x19 Future script, with the mental picture of a strong, shirtless Cas and the hyperfocused closeup of Dean saying, "Thank you..."
And Dean is grateful.
From Sam's words, it sounds like Dean is the one who started the Cold War. The end of this episode will bookend with Dean trying to put to words why he's so pissy.
(He's worried.)
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Looking at the diner scene today...
I honestly think annoyance might be winning for Cas overall. :D
He needed to talk the soldier talk, and he does: complimenting his fellow soldiers' dominations of their vessels and "keeping them" all these years.
Yikes, I'm not sure he'd engage in that kind of "angel bro talk" with Sam and Dean present. It's like they're talking about their cars.
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Cas is here with one goal in mind, to get intel. He resolves to be cool-headed.
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And Cas resolves to put up with it. For the sake of strategy and intel.
But then Dean charges in, and this is the face of an angel "losing face" and alllllll his negotiation power:
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Sam and Dean have unwittingly taken away his ability for locker-room talk.
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And then, things go to Hell. Ishim gets mad.
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With a lap-full of Dean, Cas tries to salvage what little trust he had: "I only brought Sam and Dean."
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And Dean, in Ishim's eyes, starts "mouthing off" and "getting cute." He hates it.
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(I think Ishim reads them, and he's jealous about it, to be honest. Cas was everything Ishim wanted to be as a soldier, and Cas's humans truly love him.)
And Ishim continues his insults, which has the effect of successfully drawing Dean AND Sam into an argument as they defend Cas.
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Cas tries to give Sam a BIG hint.
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And then... Cas loses the discussion. Ishim closes up and decides NOT to play ball. Ishim redirects, "I have a safe house nearby."
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This is a face of, "fuck you guys. Look what you did. You've made him shut down AND he's demanding I move the conversation to a 'safe place.'"
And a safe place like that is safer for ISHIM but not for Cas. It's not the outcome Cas wanted. He wanted to get to the meat of things: intel.
And he wanted to do it in a public place with backup.
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Now that I look, I think... I think yes, he's certainly touched to have their support, but in the moment, his annoyance is winning out.
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This has the vibes of, "Don't make things needlessly complicated, as you humans tend to do."
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Later, of course, there's the fight.
And Ishim wipes the floor with them.
This and what happens with Ramiel in Stuck in the Middle with You are two of Cas's worst moments. I think they're huge parts of what triggers his lone wolfism at the end of this season.
He may want support, but he doesn't want them to protect him.
That's unacceptable / devastating / frightening!
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(Cas, afraid he's going to have to watch Dean die.)
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Dean lowers his hand, and we don't GET Cas's reaction when he does, but I can imagine it was one of the most devastating moments of his life.
Aside/// Someone smarter than me... Is that even a proper banishing sigil? It doesn't have the usual triangle that I've seen the boys use. I know Samuel used some different ones...
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And Ishim, who already "read" Dean in the dinner, is now wanting to punish Castiel for having THE THING HE HIMSELF wanted...
...and so of course he calls his bluff: "That's what I thought."
I rate it MIXED. I think Cas is having majorly mixed feelings about all this! I think he wants his family's support, but when he finally gets it, it's the WORST feeling. It's maybe the worst thing that's ever happened to him.
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gothsuguru · 4 days
i’m here to ask you more about ‘out of my league’ (university au my belovedddd as you already know hehe :3 ) and ‘my love builds coffins’ because they both sound soooooo tasty!!!!
i’m so intrigued by your geto brainrot because you always come up with the most delicious and unique pairings and aus!! <33
much love,
Lily xo @storiesoflilies
THE FACT THAT I KNEW YOU WOULD ASK ABOUT UNI CRUSH!SUKUNA NDNFNFNDNDNF i know you and your love for your husband (sukie) so well 🤭 AND OMFG I’M SO HAPPY YOU ASKED ABOUT HARPIST!GETO THAT ONE JUST RECENTLY MADE ME VERY FERAL :3 putting in the wip ask game here so i don’t forget hehe
ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! you saying that i come up w unique pairings/au’s is literally the sweetest thing in the world i’m tucking that comment 2 my chest <3 hehe
my love builds coffins:
AHHHHHHH YOU DON’T KNOW HOW ECSTATIC I AM THAT YOU ASKED FOR THIS ONE HEHE IT’S A RECENT WIP AND IT’S MAKING ME INSANE!!!!! the title of the song is actually “my boy builds coffins” by florence + the machine but i wanted reader to be the coffin builder so i changed it up :3
okay so BASICALLY the gist that i have set up rn is that suguru is a harp player and ofc it’s such an angelic instrument that brings ethereal joy to others… but two of his friends (haibara & riko) passed away in a tragic car accident on their way to his show… i think suguru genuinely almost loses his way and can’t even look at his harp anymore but his best friend satoru wants him to find his way again — so suguru finds a cottage to stay at while also trying to process his grief.
there he meets a coffin maker who he gets to know a bit and they try and help him through his grief (this reader i think will be very beloved to me in the future… they’re not like my normal brash loud silly readers… they’re a bit more subdued & have an air of calm & mystique that intrigues and entrances suguru!) this fic i think will be about two people bonding over grief and trying to overcome it the best way they can together… i’m actually really excited to write this fic and get more ideas about it so thank you so much lily for asking about it :’) i think this fic will be very near and dear to me and a lot more softer/bittersweet/morose yet hopefully filled w fondness & longing! i’ll try and get ideas to write abt this soon :’)
out my of league:
ok this was actually originally a frat boy!geto fic but as i was writing it i found myself way more drawn to sukuna who is reader’s best friend! i started looking at their dialogue & the way they interact and i just fell in love with the idea of him as the campus crush but reader being the ONLY one he can tolerate! it’s a uni au and also best friend to lovers <333 sukie is so funny to me bc he doesn’t realize he’s in love until it hits him like a freight train & is like damn i like this bitch 😑😒
this snippet is what started it all for me 😭
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secretly-larry-daley · 4 months
hi! i just stumbled upon your lily daley art and i LOVE her! i also had a transfem HC for our night guard so i went “!!!” when i saw your post! /pos
AAAA OMG!! I didn’t realize more people had trans fem HCs for her!! Well welcome, I’m so glad that you like Lily! She is the love of my life and I’m glad I can share her to the world! And hey, if you ever want to share HCs, my inbox is always open!
Speaking of which, I think I should draw her rn
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cargopantsprentiss · 1 year
🧡 I finally reached 500 followers 🧡
Thank you so much - I’m so grateful for all of you.
To celebrate, I thought I’d do a lil something something. If this flops… we’ll forget it happened.
Fic writers: reply to this post (or send an ask) with an extract of fic you’d love a drawing based on.
If you don’t write fic but want to join in, write a short description of something you’d like to see a drawing of.
I’ll pick my favourite three and draw something based off them. Any fictional character, ship, fandom etc. Nothing NSFW (fic itself can be, but not the extract).
Only additional rule is that you must follow me :)
Enter before Monday 12th June 💖
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doctorsiren · 3 months
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Some silly happenings :3 (monster AU by @cupofchemicalchatter and I…we have still yet to come up with a name for it OOPS)
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maidstew · 4 months
Hi, Lily! Seeing the other anon who gave you the ships made me want to share my ideas with you as well, haha!
This is about to be very long, I'm sorry!
I'm also a Felix and Clemmie shipper myself, actually! In my headcanons, they have one daughter (I keep seeing people headcanon that Felix would have a daughter if he was alive, and I can totally see him as a girl dad!), who's named after Clemensia's older sister who passed in the war (Aelia, in my hcs), and as well as Felix's older sister (Faustina, in my hcs). So, their daughter's name is Aelia Faustina Ravinstill.
my hcs about the ravinstills:
Aelia looks like this: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/29/92/f4/2992f406a697190b04fb2c72d162070f.jpg
They live in a big mansion with black and gold as the main colors.
Aelia is a huge daddy's girl and a mommy's twin.
They have two dobermans.
Their garden is filled with orange blossoms and clementines.
Felix and Clemensia are total love-birds who had a gorgeous and magical beach wedding.
Everytime Felix & Clemmie go to events, Aelia would always ask them, "Do you really have to go?" with a pouty face before they go.
Next ship! I am a huge Arachne x Livia fan, so the anon saying they have a kid named Achilles and definitely a few pomeranions too made me add that to my hcs! Achilles' full name in my hcs is 'Achilles Seneca Crane-Cardew'.
my hcs:
Arachne and Livia are just the BEST moms in the world.
Their pomeranions are named after Brandy and Facet.
Whenever some kid tries to brag about how wealthy and how their parents got them this and that, Achilles would just say, "Oh yeah? Well, I have two moms!"
Arachne and Livia definitely had a huge, extravagant wedding.
Achilles definitely has Arachne's wit.
And Livia's adorable smile.
Their mansion's main color is pink. Definitely.
Arachne, Achilles, and Livia have a late night cuddle session together.
Now, onto Festus and Persephone, my loves. I can totally see that they have a daughter named Athena. (I saw it somewhere, so thank you to that person who said it first!) Athena Flavia Creed just sounds so Festus-and-Persie-kid coded. And of course, they have another baby son named Flavius Mizzen Creed. (named after mizzen<3)
my hcs:
I imagine Summer Fontana as Athena.
Both Athena and Flavius got Persephone's dimples and Festus' ginger hair.
Festus and Persephone had a beautiful garden wedding!
Their mansion's main colors are blue and gold.
When Flavius gets older, he looks a lot like Festus.
They have brown toy poodles.
Athena is a huge daddy's girl and Flavius is a huge mommy's boy.
Festus does anything Persephone tells him to do.
Festus definitely tells dad jokes.
Only Persephone laughs.
Persephone and Festus are huge lovebirds. Even in front of their children.
Additional hcs:
Athena, Aelia, and Achilles are a trio.
Plutarch Heavensbee, Hilarius and Vipsania's son (stole it from @felixravinstills) has a thing for Aelia, but doesn't show it.
Flavius definitely brags to other kids about how much people spoil him.
Achilles and Athena end up together later in the future.
When Coriolanus and Lucy Gray's daughter, Mary Topaz, was born, Achilles, Aelia, and Athena were already four, whilst Flavius was three.
Felix, Hilarius, Coriolanus, and Festus are a friend group, and they meet up at the club occasionally before they married and had kids.
Now they just play poker together at Coryo's house.
Whenever their husbands (then boyfriends), went to the club, Vipsania, Clemensia, Persephone, and Lucy Gray would have girl's night outs just shopping and gossiping. Arachne and Livia are invited, obvi. They still do it whenever their husbands play poker.
The ten of them have occasional dinners with no kids.
please tell me your opinions on these, and continue them (give more ideas) if you'd like! I hope this interested you!
hello anon!!! i’m so excited you’ve come to share your ideas with me!! never apologize for the length- i want everyone’s thoughts on everything all the time!
felix & clemmie
i just can’t personally picture him with anyone but festus but your ideas are so delightful that i love it anyway!
you’re totally right- felix is 100% a girl dad (and aelia is so cute!)
her asking them if they really have to go- i just know felix melts every single time 🥺
seriously, this is all so cute! i would 100% read this if you ever deciding to write it up!
arachne & livia
i’m just adoring this idea of arachne & livia together! they really would be the best moms. i think arachne would be so overprotective of any child they have.
AHHH achilles being like ‘i have TWO moms’ to anyone bragging. the ultimate checkmate.
god, a child that’s a mix of arachne and livia- terrifying and absolutely able to take over the world.
festus & persephone
i adore the idea of them having a daughter named athena (it’s like a cute little nod to athena strates, plus it fits so well!) and then naming a child after mizzen 🥺 i just know mizzen is bragging to coral in the afterlife about that!
prayer circle for pippa everyone! she’s in a house full of gingers and i just know they’re all as mischievous as festus.
their wedding was definitely a beautiful but small outdoor wedding! and festus cried when he first saw pippa in her dress.
god, i would love to hear/read more about the adventures of athena, aelia, and achilles! i just know they get into some wild stuff.
i just love how happy these ideas are!! it’s so sweet 💛 i’m still not over them naming a child after mizzen like. ugh. my heart.
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wafflinglumos · 9 months
GUYS later today I’m going to post an either Lily or Petunia Evans character analysis, might even be both of them, most likely will flop but it’s in the works
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liroyalty · 3 months
Anyone who is dating a Sue: Getting dressed for a meeting
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demaparbat-hp · 1 year
Are you writing Cutthroat? I’m curious about more. Are you making a fandom wiki or family trees?
I am currently working on refining some aspects of Cutthroat before beginning to write the actual beast. To be honest, I hadn't thought of making a Fandom wiki for it. The blood relations between some of the characters are quite complicated, and building Family Trees might help me out a lot, so thanks for the suggestion!
I'll include a summary of the AU under the cut, so you can get a general idea of what it's about.
Cutthroat AU:
Harrison Silas Sayre doesn't hate Wool's Orphanage—that is Tom's, his brother's, job. Tom Marvolo Riddle hates Wool's as much as he hates his dead mother, which is saying a lot. Unfortunately for them, they seem to gravitate around the Orphanage. Though that might have something to do with the ritual they performed there fifty years ago.
Exactly seven months after Tom Riddle's birth, a baby arrived at Wool's Orphanage with a single letter stating his full name and date of birth: Harrison Silas Sayre, July 31st, 1927. The two boys were different from other children—special, as Tom often said, so it was no wonder they found solace in each other while growing up as brothers.
The Wizarding World had no idea what it signed up for the day the twins' Hogwarts letters arrived.
During their seven years at Hogwarts, they became close with the Black sisters: Dorea, a Slytherin like Tom, and Cassiopeia, who was in Ravenclaw with Harry, though in different years.
Cassiopeia was creepy. She worshipped Tom, though that might have something to do with the rumors about her weird Visions... Tom was a natural, charismatic leader, though he only had a meaningful relationship with his brother. Harry, instead, formed a close friendship with Dorea right from the start. They were always seen with each other, much in the same way Cassiopeia could always be found trailing Tom.
I could say a lot of things about them, but I think the most important event is the ritual Tom performed at 18—a ritual Harry was forced to participate in. Ideally, the ritual would allow them to live forever, an anchor of one another, until the end of times... But vital blood was needed.
Fifty years later, Lily Evans' and Regulus Black's research took them to a set of Caves near an abandoned Orphanage. They had spent years after James' death looking for any clue about the mysterious dark lord who was steadily taking hold of the Wizarding World from behind the stage. Only few were aware of his existence, except for his followers (Peter and the Mark in his scalp was a somber reminder of that fact), but nobody knew a single thing about the actual person.
In the Caves, behind a blood protection that Lily was surprisingly able to pass through, there was a black crystal coffin. Within, a sleeping young man had a snake resting on his chest. The snake watched as Lily and Regulus got close and, slowly, began to eat its own tail.
Ouroboros, they recognised, and the boy woke up.
His green eyes were exactly like Lily's, and there was a gruesome scar decorating his throat, as if it was sliced open once upon a time...
Like I said before, I could talk about Cutthroat all evening. It's very, very extensive and writing a summary for it is a difficult task for me. You can, however, ask questions, in case you're curious about something specific. Or if you want to know more about some characters, or their family trees or the plot...
Anyways, hope this was not too boring to read, and not too long of an answer. Thank you for asking! Knowing there's someone interested in this AU makes me motivated to do my best and keep working on it. Hope you have a good day!
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