#thank you again! 🐝🩷
confetticlues · 5 months
You just got a question! 💌 I wonder who it’s from? (Me, Bee!)
What’s your favorite part about Steve, and what’s his favorite part about you? 🩷
oh i love this question so much, it’s so sweet!! thank you so much for this ask, bee!! i love the blue’s clues reference too aaaa!! 🎀🍭💝
my favorite thing about steve is his enthusiasm over things both big and small! i love getting to watch his smile absolutely light up his face as he talks about the things he’s excited about! it makes my heart sparkle with adoration and joy hehe. i also love how complimentary he is towards others, as he easily praises people for their efforts and talents!
steve’s favorite thing about me is my positive outlook on life! he loves how i find the silver linings in negative situations, & how i never get pessimistic over his forgetful nature. he appreciates that while i give him a safe space to feel upset, i still remain optimistic over the situation as a whole. he also loves my creativity and enjoys watching and/or helping me make art of all kinds!
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lvlyghost · 1 year
I LOVE YOUR WRITINGS SO MUCH 😩❤️😍 the way you characterize ghost is so good I can't 😭❤️ I wanted to ask if you could maybe write something for me since your writing style is sooo good frfr
How about ghost and reader have an argument that was started by ghost and he goes a bit too far breaking the reader and making them cry and be just a shell of themselves how would he feel when he sees the readers state and how would he fix it with a happy end please
Broken Wings
Pairings: Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader
Summary: After a night out, things seem to take a turn in your relationship with Ghost.
Word Count: 2.1k
Tw: angst, hurt/comfort, self doubt, jealousy, probably ooc!simon, curse words. lots of grammar mistakes, poorly edited you know the drill🐝
A/N: i loved this request sooo much, though i did have a lot of trouble when writing it since i wasn't feeling too inspired. also had two different stories but ended up deciding to post this one i might post the other one idk, hope you like this anon! I did try my best🫶🏻🤍🩷✨corrections are appreciated; remember english isn't my native language 🐸
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"I like you." You said with big bright eyes.
"But no one can know about this. Just you and I. That's enough." He answered, hand tracing the side of your face.
You blink rapidly. You have always been daydreamer. It caused you tons of problems although you tried to do your best when you were out on missions. Ghost is walking ahead of you, boots sinking in the sand beneath your feet. The waves crashing on the shore is something you like listening to and seeing too but under different circumstances. Both of your gear clink with every step you take, it's the only sound as well as the sea that swallows the tense silence that falls between the two.
Things have been rather... strange since two days ago and you've tried to talk to him about it. It wasn't weird for Ghost to push you back every now and then, he was a complicated person and you couldn't be more different from one another.
You were the sun and he was the darkness that came at night or so he had said one night at the common room back at the compound. He was stoic, grumpy and hardly found himself enjoying somebody's company. You on the other hand, even though you wouldn't consider yourself the most outgoing person like Johnny, still you liked talking unlike him. You loved going out with the task force. And most importantly you loved when Ghost joined because you loved him, you loved having him around, despite his gruff responses or annoyed looks.
You jog though your legs shake and tiredness sets in your body.
"How much farther until we get there?" You ask, ignoring the fact that his frame goes rigid when you speak . He doesn't acknowledge you at first. All you hear is a small sigh leaving his lips. You kind of wish he wasn't wearing the damn sunglasses so you could see his eyes.
They always said a lot.
"Thirty minutes. Give or take." The answer is short and cold, breaking your heart a little more than before. Still, you decide to try again.
"Sir, is something bothering you?" Before he can stop it he scoffs, shaking his head. "What?" Brows furrowing on your features. "Simon..."
He stops all of the sudden, turning to face you with a tense stance.
"First of all don't bloody use my name out here. Secondly it's your own fault we've been walking for hours. So don't go asking if something's bothering me, Sergeant."
Taking a step back you open your mouth.
"My fault? I was doing my job!"
"Didn't know your job was to get your fucking head blown off!!" He seethes. "Fucking hell you can't be this reckless and expect me to clap at your poor acting on the field." Your heart begins to race, he had never said such things to you. Taking a small step back your grit your teeth, you hated that his words were making your eyes blurry. This was the Simon you never wanted to see. And yet there he was. "Now we lost the damn intel thanks to you." He spits. But something isn't adding up.
"It's not just that. You've been acting strange for a few days now, Ghost. Don't come and tell me it's just because I did what I was supposed to do!" He stiffs yet again. Jaw clenching so hard you fear he might break it. "Not missing the way you avoid me ever since..." you close your mouth shut. "The pub..." he shifts his weight from one foot to another. The waves are increasing and now reach your feet, dampening your boots. And then you remember him storming off the local pub before he even finished his own drink. Everyone had heard the hard slap to John's arm when he had tried to calm him down. God why didn't you pay more attention to that moment? Because you both had agreed to keep your distances? And going after him was out of discussion? Then the next day you'd barely seen him, just for a short moment during debriefs and that was it. The moment you had gotten up from your seat he was gone. And today you were supposed to go to a special op that had soon become a problem that eventually led to the two of you in the middle of a beach, it was a cloudy day and if it weren't for the heavy layers you wore you're certain you'd be shaking. Sometimes –and you were ashamed of it– you were oblivious to many things and it seemed that Ghost's anger toward you was one of them this time. "What happened?"
He inhales deeply.
"It's over. That's what happened."
Your heart sinks and you swallow hard. Your whole body loses color when he mutters those two words. Out of all the things, all the possibilities you thought he'd say to you, he decided to end everything. Shaking your head you try to touch his hand but he doesn't let you.
"Ghost where is all of this coming from I don't understand!" You choke out. "We were fine..."
"No. You were fine. If I wasn't enough you should've just said so."
"Stop... you... what the hell are you talking about???"
"Nothing that matters anymore. Keep walking and don't say another word. That's an order."
He turns and keeps walking as if nothing just happened. As if he didn't just completely broke your heart.
'You were fine'.
What was that supposed to mean? You think, walking a few meters behind him, scared to even say anything else; to even try to grab him by the arm and force him to talk. It would only make things worse right now.
By the time you reach the safe house it's started to rain the silence between the two is deafening and tense. Ghost's cold demeanor and hurtful words have left a scar. Never in a million years would you think you'd be here, with a broken, shattered heart and no explanation from his part.
Words that pierced through your soul.
That day something died inside you. And he was the reason.
Two weeks, three days and seven hours.
That's the time that's passed since that day at the beach. Two weeks since Simon broke you and gave you no reasons.
You're a disaster.
You barely eat or get any sleep. There's dark circles under your eyes and you're sure you've lost some weight too. Ghost has been gone on a mission alone with Johnny for a week now, which left you with a lot of spare time to think about the two of you.
More tears stream down your face when you remember that day. Had you missed something important? Was Ghost's mind somewhere dark? Somewhere it shouldn't be? God knows he was... difficult to say the least. But every single time you tried, tried to be there for him. Did those late nights at your home meant nothing? Had he not seen the way you looked at him? Had you not shown him enough of your affection? Everything you'd do for him if he simply asked?
Getting up from your bed you get ready for another day. Not bothering to lace your boots just shoving them inside your shoes you walk down the hallways until you get to the training room. Gaz is talking to John in the far corner, the Captain's arms are crossed over his chest while Kyle frowns and shakes his head. You don't to even go and salute them as you normally would do, instead you put your earphones on and hit the treadmill.
It doesn't last long though; after one minute someone stops it by pressing down the off button. Your brows knitted together as you stop, turning to look up at Gaz who smiles politely.
"Sorry for that, sweetheart. You okay?" You nod, but say nothing more. "Come here." He pats your shoulder and helps you down from the treadmill. If you could smile now you would. But no even the faintest, softest grin leaves your lips. Gaz takes a quick glimpse at your face and rubs the back of his neck. "You know, Soap and Ghost just got back. Heard Lt. was asking about you."
"Oh." You murmur. "Okay." You don't move nor dare to meet his eyes. "I'll just head back to my room."
"Uhmm. I- what I meant is he's looking for you..." Shaking your head you walk away, not having the energy to face Simon right now. And why did he need to see you? Made pretty clear that you two were done, therefore was no need to see each other unless it was work related.
"You really do like it here don't you." Your body goes rigid. This was supposed to be your safe place. The roof of the armory was rarely visited by anyone at this hour. Simon's voice seems softer than ever before but you don't answer. Not even turn to acknowledge him. You hear muttered words and then he crouches down to your level. "Price said you're not eating. Do we have to send you to the military counselor now?" How dare he? After all he caused this. You know he doesn't mean it in bad way, somehow he cares for you deep down. Your hands ball into fists, fighting the urge to snap at him, to push him down and just break him the way he broke you. But you don't because you still love him, and could never bring yourself to hurt him. Simon is staring intently at you, waiting, hoping for any sign. He knows he shouldn't be here. Bloody hell he knows you shouldn't even look his way never again. He deserves it. Every bit of it. "Talk to me, love. Please." It's a low whisper. A plea.
"What do you want Ghost?" You ask softly. Simon leans closer, sitting down with his legs propped up against his chest and arms resting on his knees. It's a funny look for someone his size.
"Jus' wanted to see you." You scoff playing with your hands, refusing to lock eyes with him because if you did you'd be done. "Wanted to explain..."
"Then just do it!" You sob. Your lower lip trembles. "And then leave."
"Fine." He agrees. "But I'm not leaving. I- I made a mistake, and took it out on you okay? I was scared."
"Scared?" Your head snaps to where he is sitting. It's painful just to look at him. "Why would you be scared Ghost?" You retaliate
He grumbles, never fancied when you called him that when you were alone. Quite the contradiction given the fact that he told you not to call him his name that day at the beach.
"Because I saw you." He points out. "That night. Everything you're missing for being with someone like me. Can't even show proper affection because it's not me... and you deserve more than that. More than me."
"No. Lemme finish, love." He swallows. It's always amusing how controlled he seems. "I lost it, yeah? You looked so happy. How on earth do I deserve you, on what universe do I deserve ya'?"
Sucking in a sharp breath you recall the moments that preceded the events. The sound of music blasting through the speakers, when you joined the rest of the soldiers on the other side of the pub. Private Miller had slung his arm over your shoulders in a friendly manner. You laughed and drank too much that night, it was joyful. Everyone was there, your team. You never thought he felt that way about it.
"Oh my... Simon." You cover your mouth and cry silently. He hesitated for a moment before pulling you close and into his lap. "Should've known something was wrong. Forgive me... I should've stayed with you, follow you after you left." You cry out.
You were scared too, for very different reasons. That he'd get tired of you eventually, that if you weren't cautious enough your secret would be known. Both would get suspended thus separated and discharged.
"No, love. You shouldn't have to go running after me. I should be running after you. Now forgive me, say you will. Or else I might just lose myself for good." You cradle his face in your hands lifting the balaclava just above the bridge of his nose. Thumb tracing his lower lip. Your tears have dried.
"I've missed you so much, Simon. All you gotta do is talk to me, always." He tightens his grip around you. "You think Price would let us go home tonight and not ask questions?"
His chuckle is short and soft.
"Yeah. I think he's known for a while now."
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bravo4iscool · 6 months
What's up bestieeeee <3
I saw your call for request and ideas and I SHALL PROVIDE.
How would the TF141 react to getting a pet (feel free to choose what kind of pet, depending what pet person you think they are!)
And how would they behave as a pet parent? 👀
If you don't write for all of them, just do the ones you feel like!!
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Have a lovely night 🩷
~ Fi 🐝
AHHH THANKS FOR THIS REQUEST!!! i love it very much🤭
i hope you like the kind of animals i gave them hahah (i’m sorry it’s so short)
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simon “ghost” riley
“come on boy,” simon urged and patted the spot beside him on the couch. “c’mere.” riley raised his head and looked at his owner. he tilted his head and blinked.
“d’nt look a’me that way,” simon laughed and shook his head. “c’mere boy.” he patted the spot on the couch again and this time the shepherd dog complied and raised to his feet.
he jumped onto the couch and set his head on simon’s lap. “atta boy,” the man mumbled and started crawling him behind his ears. “you as lazy as i’m, huh?” simon smirked as he fumbled with the tv remote to put the game on.
once the tv was on and the game running simon laid his head back and sighed. this morning he woke up—petless—and now he had a furball on his couch, more precisely, half on his lap and life couldn’t be better.
he wasn’t alone anymore, he had company—one who didn’t annoy the shit outta him like johnny—and he had someone to talk to, even if riley wasn’t human. it definitely felt better to talk to a dog than to a wall.
johnny “soap” mactavish
“y’pissin’ with me ri’now johnny, aren’t ya?” simon blinked, staring at the animal in front of him.
“absolutely not, me frend,” soap grinned, proudly standing beside his parrot. “meet ghoapie. he’s me parrot.”
simon massaged his temple a took a deep breath. “a parrot? with the name ghoapie?” the brit stared at his best friend, not knowing what the hell to think right now. he knew johnny was…weird but not this weird.
“yea.” pride was clear in soap’s voice and his grin stayed on his face even tho simon looked like he wanted to jump through a window and get himself killed.
“imma kill y’johnny. i’m actually gon’ kill ya.”
soap faked a hurt look and grabbed his chest in a dramatic manner. “why’d ye do that?”
simon’s eyes widen and he pointed at the bird. “because ya got yourself a fuckin’ parrot! how d’ya think this gon’ work out?”
soap frowned and crossed his arms in front of his chest. “ye have a dog. why can’t i have a parrot?”
simon opened his mouth to answer but then the parrot interrupted. “ye why,” he croaked, gaining an annoyed look from simon.
kyle “gaz” garrick
“oh won’t you look at yourself,” gaz cooed as he crawled the little kittens chin, keeping her close to his chest. “oh you’re just the cutest.”
gaz sat down on his couch and carefully sat the kitten down beside him. then he looked at him. “well, what am i gonna name you, huh?”
he started crawling the kitten again, smiling when it started to purr. it looked up at gaz, its eyes fixated on the dog tags around his neck.
then, with a leap it jumped upon his chest and its claws started to toy with said dog tags around gaz’s neck. he laughed and gently grabbed it to pull it away. “i know they‘re called dog tags but they‘re not real dogs, y‘know?“ he looked at the little kitten and tilted his head. “maybe that‘s what i should call ya. you wanna be called tags?“
the name sounded stupid, it really did but it also had a certain ring to it, gaz thought. but the kitten started reaching out for his dog tags again and another laugh escaped him. “that‘s a final thing then! welcome home tags!“ gaz set tags down and reached for the real dog tags around his neck.
the kitten started reaching for it again and jumped around when gaz started to play with the tags. he held them in his hand, swinging them around in the air until the little kitten was able to catch them.
captain john price
“finished,“ the captain mumbled as he took a step back. the aquarium was all set up and now only the inhabitant was missing. he turned around and grabbed the small box which stood on his desk. “time to give ya a new home little fella.“ he opened the box and carefully lowered it into the aquarium to set the fish inside free.
then suddenly his door busted open and soap stalked in. „ye know i thought ghost was pissin‘ with me when he told me ye got a goldfish—“ his eyes feel onto the aquarium. “—but i guess he was right…“
“hello to you too soap,“ price grumbled and pulled his hand back. he wiped it dry on his shirt and set the box down on his desk again. “and yes, i did get a goldfish.“
soap blinked at his captain, then at the goldfish happily swimming around in his new home. “i always thought ye was a dog person. a goldfish is…a weird choice.“
price huffed, “says the one who got a parrot.“ soap wanted to shoot something back but then simon walked in and crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“i told ya i was right. y‘know my ears may not be t‘best anymore but my eyes work j‘st fine.“ there was a hint of offence in his voice as he looked at soap, raising one eyebrow.
soap rolled his eyes and mumbled, “ye were right.“
simon grinned under his mask, “thanks.“
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 3 months
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Thank you all so so so so so much, I know I say it every time, but I truly mean it.
The support has been overwhelming and so appreciated from the bottom of my heart 🩷
I WILL do something special this time (because let's be honest I was lacking the celebration at every other milestone and y'all deserve better than that!!)
I'm working on it right now, and I'll post something about the event as soon as I'm done preparing!!!!!!!
Again, Thank you so much 🫶🏻🩷
~ Fi 🐝
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whatwouldmickeydo · 1 year
✨ Joy List ✨
Le sigh I love joy lists, thank you for the tag my sweet bumblebees @metalheadmickey @energievie @creepkinginc @gallawitchxx 🐝✨🩷
The eucalyptus next to my bed that scents my room every so often even when I think it’s long since died 🌿
Unhinged feral convos with my silly silly friends
The smell of the air out the window in the early morning
Banana bread 🍞
My giant green shirt dress 👗
Coming home and climbing right into bed
Holding hands
Peppermint coffee creamer
Additionally, mixing coffee cream and coffee just right so it’s not too much creamer or too much coffee ☕️
When the writing juices are flowing and feeling particularly proud of how certain things turn out, like my brain and my hands and my thoughts are all working together for once
Wildflowers 🌸
Wandering around farmers markets 🧺
Finding fun lil drinkies to try 🥤
My Pinterest style board 👚
Perfect Caesar salads 🥗
Tiny animal figurines 🦔
The time warp that happens when talking to and being with my favorite people and how literal hours will go by before realizing how much time has passed
The way my fiancé recently got a promotion and how he karate chopped his way into our bedroom to tell me
The anticipation of it being cold enough to wear my big color block winter coat again
Elote 🌽
Fionna and Cake
My kitty wanting to lay in my lap but not knowing how to get there so allowing me to drag her onto my lap and showing her how to sit so she’s comfy
Upcoming weekend adventures 🧚🏽‍♀️🧙🏼‍♀️🧝🏽‍♂️
Tagging a bunch of cute-cumbers 🥒
@heymrspatel @gardenerian @sluttymickey @howlinchickhowl @rereadanon @whatthebodygraspsnot @thisdivorce @crossmydna @self-absorbed-pretty-boy @nicksobotka @abundanceofnots @sleepyfacetoughguy @y0itsbri @too-schoolforcool @xninetiestrendx @squidyyy23 @tidalrace and any other lil fruities and veggies out there that have joy they’d like to share 🩷✨
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paintedperiwinkle · 7 months
plant dashboard simulator part 2
🧃candied-app1e Follow
red apples are just so much better in every way idk i don’t make the rules
🍏 greenfiend176 Following
bold statement from someone who hasn’t even begun to flower or bear fruit yet but ok
#you are literally a sapling get off tumblr and go do your homework #this website really needs to be more serious with its age restrictions
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🌶️ redhoticecold Follow
she venus on my fly til i trap
🌶️ redhoticecold Follow
easy website
#hall of fame #25k #50k #100k #150k #200k
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🫑 pepper-bella09 Follow
why is it that humans only use fruit to make juices and smoothies but not vegetables?? when are we gonna get shown some appreciation?
🍌 fruitsalad Follow
because no one wants to drink a carrot rutabaga smoothie??
🍅 tom-mat0 Follow
bro hasn’t heard of V8 juice & green smoothies 💀
🍑 peachykeen22 Following
guys i know we all think this post is hilarious bc i keep seeing it circulate on my dash but can we pls stop reblogging it because op is a vegetable supremacist
#can someone who’s NOT a vegsup remake this post instead #discourse
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🪴 homegrown Follow
some of you were NOT grown in south facing windows and it shows…
🌷 pinkandpretty Following
um this is not it op… some houseplants don’t have access to south facing windows…
🌱 sproutaloud Follow
can we not bring this discourse back to the tl like it’s 2016 please
#we don’t need to relive this
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🍁 nevergreen Following
i can not believe i have to fucking say this but if you support controlled fires fuck you for real. those are living trees you fucking idiot
#controlled fire supporters dni #discourse
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🌹 positivity-rose02 Following
flowering plants/trees who are reaching mature age and have not flowered yet don’t be so hard on yourself!! everyone flowers at their own rate and your time will come 💚
🌼 daisy-dew Follow
reblogging for anyone else who needs to hear this because i did <3
#thank you :) #positivity #encouraging #self love
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👩🏽‍🌾 greenthumbs46 Follow
does anyone know how to get rid of aphids?
#gardening #gardeners
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🍑 peachykeen22 Following
if you guys put pepper-bella09 on my dash one more time it’s gonna be a hard block. i’m so fucking serious.
#cause i’ve said COUNTLESS times how problematic they are and i’m tired #this applies to moots too btw #mutuals tag
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🐝 bees-knees19 Follow
just pollinated my first flower!! :33
🦋 magicalmariposa Following
that’s incredible i’m so proud of you!
🌻 de-flowered Follow
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🥥 tropical-chill Follow
reminder to please help tropical fruits feel welcomed this season!! it’s a new and scary place to a lot of us and we could really use the support!!!🩷
🍍 f1ne-apple Following
please! we really appreciate it!!^^
🍌 fruitsalad Follow
maybe don’t come here if it’s so scary for you then??
🥥 tropical-chill Follow
um.. anyway…
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#not the ‘local produce supremacist’ opening their mouth again… #stay off my posts you fucking freak
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🥥 tropical-chill Follow
would like to take a moment to congratulate user fruitsalad for being the stupidest fucking plant on this app for 2 years in a row
🍇 leavesfromthevine Following
🥥 tropical-chill Follow
#anyway. using this as a reminder to you all to please block them
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🐛 veryhungry Follow
these leaves are so fuckign good
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🌱 sproutaloud Follow
hey uh not so friendly reminder that if youre a plant who is not endangered by lawn mowers/weed whackers/hedge clippers etc then it’s not ok for you to joke about them and it’s extremely problematic if you do. thanks 👍
#making this post bc i keep seeing certain Plants™️ make jokes when they should not be #like girl you’re a house grown monstera you don’t need to be making jokes about lawn mowers
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☘️ 3littleguys Following
4leafers aren’t gonna like this but the way you treat us 3leafers is very telling. we know what you think of us
🥦 greens-n-beans Follow
you all love to repackage the same “discourse” about “oppressed” plants and give it a new name every 3-6 months. this week it’s clovers. no one cares
☘️ 3littleguys Following
are you a clover? no? then shut the fuck up
#like fuck off actually #SO sick of being dismissed on this app #nonclovers dni #3leafer safe
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 3 months
Do the emojis that are things you could conceivably keep in a wallet
sure I can try that^^
🐰 cannot fit the bnnyu -- X
💌 folded up love note should probably fit... -- diary or journal?
journal, a diary is like casual and conversation themed, and while I could put elements of that in a journal it could never escape the air of faux-professionalism and flawed attempts at accuracy I would instill in it; not that I have the diligence to commit to either
✨ stars might be just a teensy bit too big, even if they look a little bit like the Revstar ones I see no hairclip attached to them -- X
💕 hearts are too big for wallets in all circumstances -- X
💋 lipstick mark can fit sure, just put it on paper or kiss the wallet directly -- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
both are good, the former I do somewhat regularly so the latter is more exciting probably^^
🐝 I am so sorry Bee-chan this is gonna hurt and might be deadly but Em is forcing me to do it, goodbye ;_; -- describe your aesthetic in emojis
already answered but I can copy them I think: 💜❤️🦊🍵🦈🦊🌕🌗🌑🌦🌊👖🦊🚋💻🩷💜💙
🍼 baby bottle too big -- X
🌸 flower getting squished but maybe it will be fine -- what is your favorite flower?
hydrangeas, snowdrops, lilies and spider lilies^^
💖 you see, they simply cannot fit, for a cute girls heart is vaster than the sea -- X
🍰 caki.. the wallet would be so ruined if I tried that, nope -- X
🍯 a whole pot could not possibly fit, but I shall make an exception and say it's just honey in general so Bee-chan has some food in there if she's still alive, spoonful goes in-- describe your favorite smell
it's a cute girl smell I have absolute no idea how to describe it whatsoever in other terms
🎂 yet more caki, this time with added fire hazard, nope -- X
🍪 I can squeeze a cookie into the part for the coins, sure -- cookie dough or cookies?
I have never been in a situation where there was a cookie dough in eating distance where the idea of eating it seemed appealing, maybe I haven't been near the right ones?
☕ coffee cup does not fit nope, no exceptions for such a bleh liquid, maybe if it was tea I would consider it... -- X
🍃 a leaf fits for sure -- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
those are both incredibly excellent, how am I supposed to choose... hmmm mermaid option let's me accompany my girl for sea serpent searching so maybe that
🍂 and even more leaf... - what’s your middle name?
that's a secret because I am not doxxing myself that hard lol
💫 I can fit a shooting star no problem, just gotta wait until it's down here and cool enough to pick up-- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
I googled this and the first calculator that came up gave me the creeps, no thank you, here you can have your shooting star back
🌧️ raincloud way way too big -- X
🍭 lollipop can fit if it's a small one -- how tall are you?
167cm^^, average central europe girl size, hehe^^
💒 even if I was willing to try fitting in that playmobile looking church the hearts could never fit -- X
🎄 christmas tree way too big -- X
🍦 whole icecream cone too big --X
🎶 *girl awkwardly sings into her wallet while being incredibly bad at it*-- favorite song right now?
this season has way too much music for that, have 4 of them (also cries in Sasakoi music still not having released u_u):
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💘 again, you cannot fit something larger than an ocean -- X
🍩 round tube caki also too big -- X
❄️ this is gonna melt real quick, but it should definitely fit -- what is your favorite season?
💍 gods I would buy my girl a ring that looks so much better than this, this trash may go into the wallet -- your current relationship status?
happily girlfriends with @collectivenothingness, though we would not necessarily be opposed to get a third
📷 my camera is significantly bigger than my wallet -- X
💅🏻 better hope that that fresh nail polish smell keeps Bee-chan from stinging me... -- do you like being spoiled?
hehe, of course I do, getting cuddles and scritches is the best^^
🕊️ dove with olive branch too big --X
🦄 unicorn head too big as well --X
🦋 butterfly-chan too??!? sure bee-chan seems fine in there rn, but a butterfly would definitely die, those wings are way too fragile for that, no no and no -- X
🌈 rainbow vast and in the sky -- X
🍓 yet more food for my bee i guess --one secret about yourself
I think I've mentioned my imaginary ex-girlfriend called Emily from when I was a teen a bunch before, but I never described what she looked like, so she's a ~20 cm tall girl with silver hair and rainbow colored fairy wings, and she usually wears a plain white dress, and she's an outwardly super optimistic genki girl who secretly thinks she's never good enough^^
🍒 a feast of fruit for one lonely bee-- how do you act when you have a crush?
I deny it, I imagine what could be while cuddled up in bed, I deny it some more, I like their posts on tumblr and never say anything until they do; or at least that's how it's been the last time, it's been a while
💔 even if you split an ocean in half like some kind of heartbreaking girl moses, it still will not fit in a wallet -- X
💬 *awkwardly mumbles apologies to Bee-chan into the wallet, asking her if she's okay and whatnot*-- what your last text message says?
"gonna shake it a bit more often too maybe" <- this is about air fryer fries, they turned out pretty good with one extra shake
🎥 film camera also too big -- X
⛅ the cloud is too big and the sun is even bigger I heard -- X
💗 another heart, another sea -- X
🥀 maybe another flower to sit on in there will make her forgive me... -- last time you cried?
hmmm.. it's been a short while, was just the usual neet depression feels iirc
🎁 present package big --X
🔪 that would ruin the wallet if I tried --X
💤 the concept of a girl's sleep is at least mountain-sized -- X
🎀 a small bow fits probably, but this does not provide a question, I shall have to make one up uhh -- can you please let that bee out of your wallet?
sure ^^ 🐝 〜☆
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moonjxsung · 9 months
Hey, I heard what happened and wanted to check in; but if you're tired of talking about your assault, you can simply delete this message without replying. I won't expect a reply, and you can do this without guilt. You don't even have to finish reading this, if you don't want to. I wanted to say that I'm so sorry that happened to you; it's incredibly scary that it's even a thing that CAN happen. No one deserves it, but especially not someone who radiates so much kindness. I say this fully aware of how serious and terrifying it is: Please do not allow that vile creature to take away any of your beautiful spirit, or stake any claim on your future happiness or sense of freedom. You win this battle by living. Finally, from a practical standpoint; where I'm from, pepper spray and self-defense weapons are illegal. A ballpoint pen is not. Stabbing a pen into someone's ear will rupture their eardrum; the pain is so intense that they'll temporarily lose vision. If you can comfortably carry a pen on your person when going on runs, I recommend it. - 🐝
:( I really really really needed to hear this. Thank you so so much, from the bottom of my heart. I’ve been crying about it in between meetings all day and the scary part is that the further away I get from the day it happened I feel like I’m just not allowed to be sad about it anymore. I keep replaying it in my head and wondering how things could have gone differently or if I should have prevented it somehow and I can’t come to terms with the fact that it was even an assault. I just feel this heavy veil of ickiness over me all week and I can’t talk to any of my irls properly without it playing in my mind again and dampening the mood. But I’m trying to be gentler with myself and I’m trying to live my life so I don’t let him win this. Thank you so much (and to all of my anons who have messaged me or reached out) for letting me talk about it. It helps me a lot.
Also noted on the pen thing. I think pepper spray is a gray area thing where I’m from, allowed in some areas and not others and it’s just harder overall, but I will absolutely carry a pen wherever I go from now on. Thank you for your help and thank you for your kind words, sending you all my love always. 🫶🩷🌙
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diddybok · 9 months
I'm so sorry you're feel so helpless. But please don't think you have to fake anything or "push through" whatever it is you're feeling for us. What you're feeling is valid. The world is so harsh right now. Take a break when you need it, cry when you feel you need to, talk to us (or someone you trust) when you need to because you're never a burden, your feelings are never a burden and we appreciate you so much. You've created such a comforting place for a lot of people, so let us be that for you too 🩷 I wish I could give you a hug, but I'll send you an energetic one and some strength! It might be hard but make sure to stay hydrated, eat a comfort food - you deserve it!!! And rest up! And come here to talk or rant if you need to! It's not a burden or a let down to us. xoxo !!!!! - 🐝
hello my dearest,
another message that i burst into uncontrollable sobs when i read it! your words meant and still mean so much to me. i am so so thankful and grateful for your support. i wanted to reply when i was a little more stable, which i am now. and though i’ve still got a long way to go and i might fall into that state again, i’m just happy that i am able to feel loved and accepted through the words of you all.
thank you so so so much <33
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 2 months
ooooo i didn’t know about that, thanks for letting me know.
maybe rank us on who is most likely to survive an apocalypse? —🦈
🫡 -Surviving
👹-Surviving (we need you for medical purposes)
🐭-Dying (sorry)
😇-Surviving (again medical purposes)
🦝-Surviving (scrappy)
🫧 -Dying
🌟 -Dying
🐇 -Dying
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 6 months
Hey how're you? Make sure you're drinking water regularly!
After you've finished a tall glass of water and a nice healthy meal, allow me to make a request? How would TF141 deal with a fem!reader that has kleptomania? If you don't know what that is, kleptomania is a mental health disorder/compulsive control disorder. Someone with kleptomania might have a very difficult time resisting repeated urges to steal from the people around them. Generally random items they don't actually need. For me, I can describe the urge as a sort of anxiety attack that will not go away till you've got the stolen items in your hand. Kind of feels like... Like you're drowning, and once you've stolen something you can swim up to the surface. Of course this is just random, ignore this if not!!
Hello, love!!
First of all, thank you for checking in, that's very sweet of you!!
I hope you're taking care of yourself, too <3
Now, this is a very interesting and intriguing prompt,
However (the dreaded however, I'm sorry :(()
I don't feel confident in my abilities to execute this accurately and truthfully.
I have no knowledge or experience with this disorder and I have the tendency to interpret a lot of things which just wouldn't be good in a situation like this!
I gather this is obviously very personal to you, and I'm sorry I can't bring you a little thing to read but I don't want to accidentally paint this disorder in a light that it isn't in, you know?
I don't want to get anything wrong or mess it up.
I wouldn't even know where to start writing because I have no experience with this, so I hope you can understand that :)
I'm incredibly sorry to disappoint you, but you're still very welcome in my inbox to make another request once they're open again.
I take things like this very seriously because I have a plethora of disorders myself and misrepresentation sucks :(
Thank you for requesting 🩷
Again, I'm very sorry!!!
I hope you have a lovely day/night 🐝🩷
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thaleleah · 4 months
awe yeah your mom was vulnerable and stepshit took advantage of that 😭 dw tal, your person will come at the right time 🩷
ikrrr his dick needs to be snipped 😂 man is almost 80 years old, it's nastyyy
my stepmom is a literal child, she actually throws tantrums it's actually so fucking embarrassing. a literal slipper 😂 now i'm worried cause are you gonna hit your 2 year old like that if he acts up or doesn't listen to you? LOL tal ilyyy for not liking my dad either cause he doesn't deserve it! too little too late
omg you write for avatar too? 👀 look at you go girl! what's the avatar fandom like? it seems like it's chill and drama free. the reason i starting watching avatar was because of jack 😂 i'm a huge scream fan so i needed to see what else this man has been in and was so surprised he was in avatar 2, i actually didn't recognize him because of the hair but he still looked so fine! i need to rewatch avatar 1 and 2 because i actually really enjoyed it! and the cgi is amazinggg (much better than marvel) - and yes ghostface is so fucking hot, especially in the new one, i think cause it was more serious and the mask was like decayed. ughh i have a predator/prey kink too it's just so so hot! getting chased and hunted by those two was soooo ughhh! can you tell i only have a thing for villains? the heros barely capture my heart 😂 look and you and both simping for tom and jack; we have amazing taste in men 🩷
i'm so glad you got some writing done and it didn't feel forced, never force yourself, tal 🥰 you got this babe 🩷
Babes, the way I tried to respond to your ask TWICE with a rant about how my stepdad must want me to hit him with my car because of how he treated my mom this weekend on her birthday weekend, and Tumblr closed out on me both times without saving my long af rant. SOOOOO maybe that's the universe trying to tell me to let that shit go. Which, like, okay. But . . . OOOOO THAT SHIT MADE ME SO MAD. So, anyway - thanks for listening to me tell you about a rant I would have made you read had Tumblr not told me no twice lmaooo
I feel so sorry for the two year old. Hopefully your stepmom will refrain from being a vile evil bitch to him. At least I hope. And yes, nothing your dad does could ever make me like him. Fuck that man lol
I doooooo write for Avatar! Avatar is the only fandom that I've consistently been in for nearly my whole life and I can't ever see it going away. I have such huge respect for James Cameron cause the world that he's created is just so amazing and beautiful and the detail and meaning of it all has me in constant awe. I could literally watch the movies over and over again and never get tired of them. December 2025 can't come soon enough for A3, I'm practically vibratingggggg. The fandom is def not chill and drama free though, especially on the smuttier side. It's actually been super toxic recently which is really disappointing cause I feel like Avatar is one of the fandoms that should be the least problematic but...here we are. My mutuals get tons of anon hate messages daily and sometimes there's even drama between accounts. Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with as much bullshit as they have since I'm a smaller blog, but I have gotten my fair share too. I know it really doesn't matter what fandom you're in, all fandoms have haters and most writers or artists get nasty messages, but it still sucks. All my mutuals are great though and they remind me of why I started being active in the fandom in the first place when things get a little too rough. Some people write some good Spider fics since you're a Jack Champion fan 👀
Love youuuuu 🥰
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nar-nia · 7 months
Aaaaaa so cute
I wanna be wrapped up and snuggling in bed rn
That would be so perfect 😭🙏
This is so cute tho 🥺
Happy valentine's day <3
~M 🐝
i guess i will lend you heeseung then... 😔 i hope it helps 😔😔
no but THANK YOUUU 🩷 finally something happy again, huh 😶 i suddenly was in the mood for something really cute and i hope i delivered. happy valentine's day 🩷🩷🩷
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thaleleah · 4 months
first off… godless part 1 was amazinggg - that TALENT ✨ literally true perfection omg omg i’m going so feral over it rn i can’t wait for part 2 cause that’s where the real fun begins 😈
it's like I love them but i also hate them because of their own selfish choices that they made, that fucked up my sisters and i’s lives. the lesson i take in all of this is how to be a good mother to my future kids
…he actually did fuck the maid when he was married to my mom 😂
omg tal the threesome with austin and tom had me foaming at the mouth 👀 like… yes, please 🥰
i’ve actually been doing really good, how are you doing? i missed you soooo much 🩷
- 🍯🐝
Babes! Hiiiiiiiiii 🧡 I missed you too!
Thank you so much! What a compliment! Idk about "perfection" but I do my best 👀 😘
Yes, exactly! I have an entire list of things I will and won't do as a parent based solely on my own childhood experiences and even the shit I've seen my friends go through. As far as raising me and being a good mother, my momma did a pretty damn good job imo. She's my best friend. She never did the bullshit "because i said so" shit, when I got in trouble she talked with me afterwards and made sure i understood why i got in trouble, she always put me first and took my feelings into consideration . . . EXCEPT when it came to my stepdad. He's the only thing she fucked up on and it was a big fuck up. Like...yikes. Which makes it all the more worse cause if she was a bad mom then I could just drop her and never have to deal with my stepdad again. But I can't 😭 I guess my main lesson I take from everything is what I want and don't want in a partner. And how to spot red flags a mile away 🙄 If someone can make it through my trust issues and prove themselves worthy, I'll marry them on the spot.
HE FUCKED THE MAID TOO 😭😭😭 I can't with your dad. I really can't. Someone take his horn-dog card away from him. He doesn't need it anymoreeeeeee
Praying to God I have the threesome dream tonight. Like....I know I've been bad and I'm literally writing a fic about Billy the Kid fucking a nun and making her have the moral/religious dilemma of her life but....please? 🙏🏻
Good! I'm glad you've been having some good days! You deserve it! I've been okay. Going through writer's block like I have been can be really hard sometimes cause writing is my happy space and when I can't do it, I get really depressed. But I wrote a little yesteday and I'm hoping to write more tonight sooooo fingers crossed
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