#thank you comfort TP I appreciate you
harpsicalbiobug · 2 years
Ok, so! Normally my nightmares are pretty convoluted and arise out of the mishmosh of daily stressors, and they aren’t very plot driven. They’re usually a little gory and existentially awful and there’s not much to learn from them, but yesterday while reading at the marshy state park campsite we were staying at, I looked up from my book and made direct eye contact with a cow moose and her cinnamon perfect baby calf who were ambling straight towards me and were, at that point, less than 15 feet away.
“Oh, fuck, what?” I said intelligently. Dimly, I thought how moose are my least favorite species to encounter on the trail and much louder my brain asked what one does when pleistocene megafauna enter your campsite and calmly flick an ear in your general direction while you and your squishy primate body are within trampling range. Strangely, I felt less fear than indecision, as my stupid brain took in the fact that the 900 lb calf defender was currently calm, so of course she’d remain calm, obviously, that’s how wildlife work (it is not).
Then my partner yelled at me to get in the car and I bolted. The moose and calf ignored me. The cow delicately sniffed an open can of Wild Basin Hard Seltzer™ (Yumberry flavor, it tastes ok) and the baby peed in the beautiful sunset grass, while my partner set off the car alarm on purpose and I alternated yelling, “MAMAM PLEASE LEAVE,” and barking (? I think I was reaching for a scary non-human noise?) at her to try to startle her away. No startles were achieved. Eventually the pair walked off into the brush, but it was with the reluctance of animals that are far far too habituated to humans Later we learned from other campers that these moose had been eating trash off other people’s campsites (this is why you don’t leave out food or food smelling items folks, Leave No Trace, a Fed Bear Moose Is A Dead Bear Moose, etc) and then even later on it it was the middle of the goddamn night and I had to use the bathroom. Except the moose came by, cracking sticks under hooves, and looming in and out the dark shapes that I struggled to differentiate between waving foliage and wandering moose. I kept my headlamp off and opted to let my partner sleep through another close encounter of the cervid kind. The pair did leave eventually but I needed to get to the pit toilet down the road and I had no idea how far off they had gone. This will be fine! I lied to myself. I will be on the road in a populated campsite, which will of course dissuade the human acclimated trash eaters. I’ll walk real loud! I thought, as I put sandals over my socks and flipped on the headlamp. Headlamps always throw weird shadows. The foreground of your vision ends up looking like a photo where you’ve left on the flash, while the background is full of shadows that jitter with your head movement. It’s great for avoiding tripping when out at night. It’s not great for a pattern sensitive visual primate who is now jumpy about deer of unusual size. I did walk loud. I walked scritchy scrapping my sandals across the gravel road, kicking up puffs of dust that wavered in the headlamp light. It’s only eight campsites up, I thought. The shadows bounced among the living and beetle killed lodgepole pines with each step, and the LED light bounced back from parked cars at each campsite.  The baby moose calf moved like a cinnamon teddy bear on spider legs. I saw it unfold in a second and lurch into the trees. I made a sound that was more groan than scream and sprint stumbled into the ditch in the opposite direction. I did not turn but listened for cracking branches, the animal movement of the mother charging, as I stared into the dry dead trees hoping I could climb or at least shelter in any of them. There was no crash of maternal protection. It was quiet, and the calf was gone, and the stars were still overhead. I stood in the muddy ditch, ruining a little freshwater habitat with my feet. My socks are soaked through, I finally registered. I still need to get to the pit toilet, I thought. The return trip was nerve wracking but uneventful. My shoes dried outside the tent. I watched the shadows outside the tent until I fell asleep. So! It turns out I can have plot driven and specific nightmares! The rest of the night I did not have gory, byzantine dread filled nightmares. Instead, I dreamt of one thing: a cow moose, pursuing me at all costs. Up concrete stairs, charging after high speed cars, lunging out of the woods, hooves slipping on linoleum as she emerged from elevators, head lowered and ears tucked in threat, rushing at me.
She was relentless. My brain made her relentless. These few moments of alarm and environmental context mixed with my risk assessment and subconscious made me dream a terminator moose to re-enforce that I Should Avoid Moose. A lesson I had already fully learned, but that some part of me decided needed a little reinforcement, given barrage of moose encounters I was clearly not avoiding. Avoid Moose. Thanks brain.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
hey! i just broke up w my bf of almost two years today and have been really sad.
I wanted to thank you for your works bc there helping me get through this. your hotch x reader works are keeping me sane
idk if your interested but maybe a request of reader breaking up with their partner and is very sad was bc they were so busy w the bau and life so they think its best and hotch is there for her and comforts them. he has feelings for them but doesnt want to make a move bc yk newly single. but he does little things to make her feel better bc he likes to see her smile :)
this is completely self service so you dont have to write but i love you works i think ur my fav writer on here :) i hope all is well love 💜
hi lovey! first off, i'm so sorry that you're going through a breakup. I hope that this can help even just a little bit, please take care of yourself and eat something yummy <333
Today holds new experiences for both you and Aaron. For example, you've never seen him in sweatpants before, and he's never seen you with 4 hours worth of tear-induced eye bags.
As luck would have it, when you turn into the tissue aisle, the metal bars of another cart smash into your own. They weren't going fast, but you were, hellbent on getting what you need and getting out again, so the screeching of metal on metal only makes your headache worse.
"Sorry," You rush, keeping your eyes averted as you yank your cart away from the other. You keep conversation short, but the voice that comes from the person you'd just rammed into makes you stiffen instinctually.
It's Hotch.
It's your boss, the man who you try extra hard to be nothing but professional around. The man who's seen you only in perfectly dry cleaned pantsuits and neat hair is seeing you in pajama pants and crocs with a nose so swollen it looks like you've been stung by a bee.
"Hotch," You cringe, nodding politely as you try maneuvering your cart around his, "Sorry for bumping into you. I was in a hurry."
"I can see that," He grabs onto the bars of your cart to stop you from pushing it anywhere, and you chance a cautious look up at his face; his brow is knit in concern, and his eyes are shining with the same look. But your glance upwards reveals that his son is with him, a boy no more than four years old sitting in the cart and looking at you with a tiny hint of terror on his little face, something that probably stems from your no-makeup zombie look. He's mid-chew on a tiny handful of popcorn that he'd probably begged his dad for at the front.
"What happened?" Aaron asks, pulling your attention back to him, and you're slightly relieved he doesn't go for 'Are you alright?'. Clearly, you're not.
"Uh," You sniffle, chuckling dryly, "Bad breakup. Just- getting some tissues, that's all."
"Oh." He hums, hand loosening on your cart, "I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Um," You glance around the store, knowing not many people are there, but it would still be weird to open up a therapy session in the TP aisle, "No, it's okay. Thank you, though. Really, I appreciate it."
"Okay," Aaron nods, though none of the concern has left his expression, "But if you'd like to some other time, please remember I'm here if you need me. Even if it's late, if you need help I'll give it to you."
His sincerity brings a fresh wave of tears to your eyes that he smiles sadly at, and you smear a hand over your eyes to get rid of them, "Thanks, Hotch."
"Mhm," He hums, looking ready to let you go until his son hooks a chubby fist into his shirt.
"Hm?" Aaron looks down, and leans his head next to Jack's when the little boy tugs him closer.
They huddle for a moment, Jack whispering into Aaron's ear, and the man's hand tightens around your cart once more. Just when you thought you'd escaped.
"I think you should." Aaron nods, straightening up, glancing over, and nodding his head towards you, "Go ahead, buddy."
Jack looks up at you with that same hint of apprehension you'd seen earlier, but he digs a fist into his popcorn bucket and extends the hand to you. You actually feel your heart melting, the organ liquifying and dripping through your ribcage to pool like goo in your stomach.
"Uh- maybe," Aaron reaches for the bucket, intent on giving you a handful that hasn't touched sticky toddler hands, but you take Jack's offering without hesitation.
"Thank you, honey," You croon, and he drops the kernels into your open palm, "That does help, popcorn makes me much less sad."
"Daddy makes it for movie night." Jack's voice is soft and sweet, and you smile, sniffling weakly once more.
"Really? That sounds fun, what movies do you watch?"
"We're watching Monsters University tonight," Aaron informs you, then his posture straightens as an idea blooms in his brain, "Y'know, if popcorn makes you less sad, I think you should come and have some with us."
"Oh," Your eyes widen slightly, and you shake your head on impulse, "No, that's okay. I couldn't-"
"I'm asking you to." It's the firm voice Aaron uses whenever he's giving someone orders around the office; you suppose he can't separate his work life and home life completely.
"I don't like the thought of you being alone," Aaron admits, eyeing the ice cream already in your cart, "How about we pick up another pint and head to checkout?"
"I'll be okay," You reach for a package of tissues, extra large, "Don't worry about it, Aaron."
You don't see it, but Aaron pinches Jack's side lightly, spurring the boy into action.
"Please come over tonight," Jack begs, and you swear he's making his eyes shiny on purpose, "Mike Wazowski is funny, and you can't be sad if you're watching something funny."
Aaron raises his eyebrows at you, and you see the faint hint of a smirk playing at his lips; got you.
You take a deep breath in, speaking on the exhale, "Alright. Um, can I bring anything else?"
"Pajamas, maybe." Aaron hums, "Movie nights are always better in pajamas."
You glance disdainfully down at your outfit, ragged pajama pants and a sweatshirt, "Check."
"Perfect," Aaron chuckles, finally letting go of your cart and turning it towards the ice cream aisle, "Let's go, buddy, if Y/N's coming over tonight, you need a bath. She doesn't wanna sit with a stinky boy."
"I'm not stinky!" Jack insists, looking like he's never been more offended in his life.
Aaron leans in, theatrically sniffing at the space near Jack's shoulder. He bugs his eyes out, turning his head to the side and fake-coughing, "Woah."
Jack roars with laughter at his dad's dramatics, feet kicking at his Aaron's stomach, and the sound of his giggles make the popcorn you're munching on taste a little bit sweeter.
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minuiko · 11 months
I just wanted to say: your art always makes me want to reread whichever tamora pierce series you draw from, literally any of them, every time, which I do not have time to do.
Your art is just like THE tamora pierce art idk man it's amazing and feels JUST like the series. I love the way you breathe extra life into the characters and scenes. Thank you for dedicating your incredible skill talent and time to your fan art you just add so much. Thank you
Thank you so much! I love TP's universes so much, and no matter how many series and stories I get into, Tortall and Emelan will always be where I go for comfort. I don't have a lot of time lately for backgrounds or more polished pieces, but what I always try to do is capture the essence of the characters - their personalities and expressions and body language. I'm so glad you find appreciation for that as well. Much love xx
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funkymbtifiction · 1 year
Hello! I'm the INTP / ENTP confused person, possible 5w4 or 5w6 or some other permutation and I wanted to ask for your perspective on something. I've experienced that often I don't - notice people are treating me badly; or if I do I just ignore it because they're smart and have great conversation; or I can see through them and it amuses me that I can. A lot of the time my focus is on what I can learn, how they can challenge me to know more or feed into my idea of myself...
TP types have trouble giving any weight to their feelings, and NTPs are somewhat inclined to ignore emotional abuse and/or to downplay it, in favor of focusing on what they are “gaining” from an animated conversation. In other words, NTPs can put up with less than decent situations and people just for the thrill of a good conversation. They will sacrifice their emotions for a spirited discussion. And many of them do not know how to draw good boundaries, or even think that they need them, because NTPs can be a little naïve about the validity of their own emotional experience. As high Ti types, they are already used to ignoring their feelings (which seem awkward or “childish” if they flare up, and can be a source of anxiety, frustration, or embarrassment). Ne makes them inclined to focus on the good in others, or on the conversation and brain stimulation they provide. And low Fe isn’t always sure what is emotionally appropriate or what crosses boundaries.
One way to figure out whether something is okay is to consider it objectively from a distance. If someone said this to a character you really liked in a movie, would you be okay with it? Or would you see, through that character’s expression and feelings, that it’s inappropriate or mean? Another is to learn to sit with your feelings more and allow yourself to have them, rather than dismissing them. Did what they say offend you? Hurt your feelings? Make you feel inferior? How does the thought of being around them make you feel? If you can’t locate those feelings in your mind, how does your body react to the thought of them? Is there a pit in the bottom of your stomach? Did your hand just clench up? When you can’t find your feelings, your body knows… so learn to ask your body and listen to it. Think about what was said and done to you, and let your body answer for you.
Something I have noticed about NPs and sometimes head types in general is their lack of directness. They can feel ashamed of drawing attention to their feelings and talk around it, rather than naming their feelings themselves. Like, ask a hypothetical question hoping that a random insight will lead them to find the answer themselves, but without letting other people know what has happened to them. In these instances, even though it’s hard, it’s better to be direct, and if you are in doubt, ask another person (who isn’t emotionally involved and can be objective) – this happened, is this okay? Often it’s not. Since your sister seems incapable of understanding how your process your feelings (“leading to a meltdown”), someone else might be a better person to ask. OR… your directness would put things on the table for her, in a way that she would see your feelings more and not assume downplaying them is the way to go.
Thank you! and as a final note, I wanted to really appreciate you for your openness and generosity in answering asks. It has helped me learn a lot about people's behaviour, and my own. I wish you joy and comfort this Christmas season.
I appreciate that. Thanks for saying it. Merry Christmas!
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ithinkabouttzu · 1 year
Hi darling! I'm here for the TP ship <3 I've sent my description privately. Thank you so much.
No thank you sweetie 💛 I’m sorry this took so long to get to you but I hope you love it! Also, thank you for requesting again and I loved making this for you <33
I ship you with…
R.V. Burgin!!
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- Okay let me start off by saying how CUTE you guys would be ~ like omg
- He would find you so pretty and would just think to himself like, “she’s sooo my type”
- And I feel like if you guys started talking to each other y’all wouldn’t be able to stop. Like the bar would almost be at closing time and you guys would STILL be talking
- Along with talking, I feel like y’all’s conversations in general can be so deep and intense, you both are just so attentive with each other and what the other is saying like omg
- I feel like he is very comfortable and feels safe with you and finds it easy to communicate his feelings or his worries with you and i feel like that motivates you to do the same!
- I feel like he also really likes reading, and y’all would just share books with eachother and then talk about them when y’all are both done with the same book
- Always tries to help you when you bake, (which ends up in you having to kick him out of the kitchen because he kept eating the cookie dough and throwing flour 😭)
- Also forgot to mention how if you start playing music in the kitchen while you’re baking, he will INSIST on you dancing with him, even if that means the cookies burn
- You guys also LOVE just going on long walks together while just enjoying the sunset (that’s where the best convos happen tbh)
- Y’all’s biggest cause of arguments is that he just leaves stuff around the house and doesn’t pick it up.
- Like he doesn’t mean to and he’s not lazy it’s just that he usually has a lot going on in his head at the moment and forgets. (can you blame him tho? 😭)
- He is sooo sweet with you, loves spoiling you with kisses, hugs, and just telling you how much he loves you, with that being said I feel eventually he would bring out this sweet and silly side of you that ONLY he can see
- He loves when you take care of him and show him a safe space, it makes him feel so appreciated and loved 🥹
- You guys might have more of a nuclear/traditional family but don’t let that fool anyone because your guys’ home is probably going to be the most welcoming/supportive on the block
- And just like the BoB ship I think y’all would also be amazing parents (Ik you’d be the best mom ofc 💞)
- I feel like he is VERY loyal and would never do something to break your trust or to hurt you in Any way
- (also i feel like you guys are very protective over each other, not in a toxic way but if somebody hurts one or the other? Oh boy pray for them bc the other one is gonna come for them)
- Y’all are just both so happy and supportive of each other like, you got a promotion? Celebration. Having a bad day? Cuddles and reassurance.
- But y’all would just be such a sweet and adorable couple omggg
I hope you love this honey and I hate that I couldn’t get the google docs open :(( And thank you so much for liking the BoB Ship from earlier it means so much!! 🫶🏻💗
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Asher & Caelum? ^_^ 💙
Ty for the ask and thank you for creating such a fun game!
If anyone else wants to send in some, feel free!
Asher: Favourite Video Game?
My favourite video game is definitely Twilight Princess! I've played it four times. My favourite franchise is The Legend of Zelda (I even named my husky Zelda after the version of her in TP specifically cause there's a wolf lol), and a close second in the series is Skyward Sword.
Other than that, I really love Mario Kart, especially with a group of people.
UNDERRATED PC GAMES: the nancy drew games. I love them. my cousin got me hooked on them when we were kids. we still play from time to time when I go to her house cause she has the good ones downloaded. I've only ever finished two of them, but I've gotten really close to the end in like... 5 or 6 of them?
I also watch a lot of gameplays on YouTube, so some comfort games I like to watch are mostly horror ones (don't ask me why I find horror gameplays comforting?? I don't even know??) like markiplier's fnaf series, or his at dead of night series.
Caelum: Do you have a comfort item?
HMMM this is a good one, I had to think about it. It's one of those things that should come easy to me, but I have a lot of different items that I'm super attached to and I'd be upset if I lost them... I'll give a short list of items in my room that are vital to me:
My purple pillow that I use everyday- putting it on my bed is part of my routine now and everything feels off if I don't have that pillow on my bed during the day.
My Avocado squishmallow thing that I won at Wonderland over the summer- his name is Larry. (I just looked it up to see if he actually is a squishmallow and APPARENTLY HIS NAME HAS BEEN AUSTIN THIS WHOLE TIME??? idc he'll always be larry to me.)
A crocheted cardigan with fun sleeves that my mom made for me (and gifted to me as a birthday surprise after months of begging her to let me keep it when she finished it)- I don't wear it that often. I'm scared to ruin it now because it was pretty much the last birthday present I ever got from her, so I treasure it, but I love looking at it folded on my dresser and appreciating it. Similarly, another item is her robe. it still smells like her, even after 10 months.
My haikyuu jersey hoodies- I have four hoodies, one for each of my comfort characters from that show and it makes me insanely happy to know that I have them I can't explain why, they're not even that comfortable :').
And finally: My bookshelf. This might be cheating cause I have a ton of stuff on there but looking at my shelf and how I have my books arranged makes me happy.
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flutterlight-speaks · 6 months
Episode 1: Tips
Good morning, Canterlot! This is Flutterlight speaking and today’s episode is tips on staying and working at hotels! We will cover what t do and what not to do.
First things first: Checking in. When checking in please have your ID and card ready. Also, your name must be on the reservation somewhere for us to let you check-in. If someone else has made it for you, we need their permission to check you in, and they must verify who is checking in before we can proceed. Upon checking in, you must have a card that goes through. Most hotels are not able to take cash on check-in. And a lot, if not every, hotel has incidentals whether it be per night or combined. For my hotel, it is $20 a night added to the taxed price. When checking in we will not give you the full price you’re paying unless you ask. Regulars know what they’re paying and are ok with it. Many ponies do not like paying the price they pay but I cannot do anything about it without talking to my managers and on my shift, I am the only pony here.
Second: Treating the workers. PLEASE, treat us with respect. We are ponies, too. Just because you have a bad day/night doesn't give you a right to treat us badly. Your age also has nothing to do with it. Status with the hotel doesn’t mean much to us unless you’re getting an upgraded room. We treat everypony the same. Please do not treat us like animals, slaves, maids, etc. I understand that older ponies tend to think certain ways, and treat service workers differently, but we are not different from you. We have lives outside of work and problems just like you. Please treat us respectfully.
Third: Housekeeping. When you are leaving after your stay, please do not make the beds. The sheets get stripped and stuff anyways so if you really want to help out, strip your sheets, pillow cases, gather towels, and separate the comforter from the rest of the linen. It greatly helps out the housekeepers. Only do it if the bed was actually slept on (i.e. if you got a twin bed room and only used one bed, don’t strip the other bed). Housekeeping is here mainly in the morning so if you need anything, let them know. Especially if it’s TP or towels. Treat them respectfully and use please and thank you. They appreciate it and have it hard enough as is. I started off as a housekeeping pony and can assure you their job is not easy.
Fourthly: Room service and stayovers. If you are staying for 2 or more nights, let the front desk know if you are going to need housekeeping at any point during your stay. There’s a certain time to let us know by: either the night before or the day of before 8 am. For my hotel, housekeeping ponies do not get here until 9-9:30 am. At my hotel specifically, we tell ponies that housekeeping services are opt-in now instead of automatic and if they would like any before they go to their room(s). If you are a stayover, PLEASE let us know before 12 pm, otherwise, you will be checked out automatically by the head housepony.
Fifth: Workers. New worker ponies! No matter how long you’ve been working at a hotel, always ask your manager or higher-ups if you have any questions. They are happy to help and will help you. They won’t do your job for you, but they’ll point you in the right direction. Be respectful and professional with guests, but be open to conversations and be friendly with them as well. Watch what you say and do not give too much information. Be sure to sign up for benefits when open enrollment is available. Get as many hours as you can but do not burn yourself out to the point of physical illness.
I will be happily taking questions! If you do have any questions submit them with the Contact Us form. I will answer any questions in an episode dedicated to them! Thank you!
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niphredil-14 · 3 years
Leonardo With an S/o on Their Period
@queengiuliettafirstlady asked:
Hi there thank you for answering me :) i was thinkingof something on the line of leonardo taking care of his s/o who has a cold/bad period cramp how do it sounds? i hope you like it otheriwsie I can change that nor ush to write it only plese tag me when you publish so I can check it out and review it right away Thank you Have a nice day :)
Of course, I hope you enjoy it!!
Gods, this man is perfect for period comfort. Not only i he understanding and not grossed out by the blood, but due to his study of anatomy, he knows pretty well how tp help. Not to mention how damn warm is hands are, and they're pretty big too, so he pretty much becomes your personal hot water bottle. Also, he's pretty lazy most of the time, so if you want him to just lay down with you for a while with his hands on your abdomen, rubbing slow, soft circles, he has absolutely no qualms with that.
Now, if you're okay with it, he would be more than happy to indulge you in period sex, especially since it's said that sex can relieve the pain of period cramps. (I'm pretty sure @venulus has written a fic about this, it's really good and if you're interested in period sex fics, then I 100% recommend it!) He would especially appreciate if you would let him eat you out while you're on your period, as it would allow him to get a taste of your blood, without having to bite and turn you.
If you have any weird cravings, he is more than happy to either run to town to get you some, or to have it made either by himself or Sebastian.
For the most part, I think he would prefer you to not work around the mansion while you're bleeding, not that he doesn't trust the other residents, but mostly because it's better tp be safe than sorry. And although he doesn't like to admit it, Jean and Isaac being around you while it's that time of the month does worry him, mainly because Jean never drinks rouge, and Isaac already has issues with his aberrancy.
Overall 9/10, but he only loses a point because he will still tease you, even if it's not as heavily.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
Hey there lovely, congrats on 200! I wish you many more milestones!!
I've been in a "and there was only one bed!" Trope mode these last few days, so I wanna request a 🌪, a blurb with Draco and Reader in a only one bed situation please, if that's possible!
Thank you so much!!
Ahhhhhh thank you so much dear, i love this request, the one bed trope always lives in my mind rent free!!
Midnight Mistakes
↪︎ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
Summary: reader returns to her dorm after a party and finds someone that shouldn't be there.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 996
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You were tired, very tired. You were so tired you could have fallen asleep right then and there but you deemed it best to just go to your dorm.
You waved off your friends and got up the first stairs you could find, leaving the still going party. You opened the door to your dorm and got inside, not even bothering to turn on the lights, instead opting to just fall on the bed, utterly exhausted.
The bed felt like heaven and you smiled to yourself, happy to be able to finally close your eyes.
"What are you doing here?!"
A voice made you reluctantly open your eyes but the sudden light that pervaded the room closed them immediately.
"Get out of my dorm, i'm trying to sleep here!" you said, voice slightly muffled by the sheets underneath you.
"This is my dorm, you have to get out!"
You forced yourself to sit up on the bed and with your eyes tightly narrowed you recognized the figure standing against the closed door of your dorm, your housemate Draco Malfoy.
"I think i'd know if this wasn't my dorm, don't you think so?" you turned your head around, taking in the environment and realizing that the room was, in fact, not your dorm, "Wait, this isn't my dorm."
"You don't say." Draco was eyeing you with a displeased look on his face as you stood up from the bed, smoothing your dress.
"Guess i was wrong." you just shrugged your shoulders and started to make your way towards the door, but Draco stood firmly in front of it, blocking it. "Well, didn't you want me to get out?"
"You can't, not now." he said calmly.
You eyed him suspiciously and grasped the handle but he didn't budge.
"I'm flattered, really, but i need to sleep approximately for the next four days so if you could be so kind to move, i'd really appreciate it."
"You can't, there are still people downstairs and it would be... compromising if they saw you arriving from here."
"So what should i do? Stay here until those idiots decide to go to bed?!"
"Yes, pretty much." you were looking at him with wide eyes now before bringing your hand to your face to pinch your nose in annoyance.
"Well, i need to sleep so i'm going to sleep." you stated, inching towards the bed again.
"You can't sleep here!"
"You can wake me up when they are gone or you can sleep too, the only thing that's not changing is me shutting my eyes right now, so suit yourself, blondie."
His displeased expression turned into a deep frown.
"We'll have to establish some rules. First off, no touching."
"Oh no, that was my deepest desire..." he narrowed his eyes at you and you simply smiled.
"No snoring."
"That's not something i can control!"
"Well, try." his insolence was really frustrating tp you but you were too tired to retort.
"Fine, i need something to sleep in."
"Can't you sleep in that?"
"This?" you motioned to your tight dress. "Do you really think i can sleep in this?"
He sighed, loudly, and opened one of his drawers, pulling out one of his shirts and a pair or sweatpants. He threw them at you and you scowled at him, earning a big smug smirk from him.
You waited there with the clothes in your hands, staring at him.
"Well, turn around."
"Yeah, seriously!"
He turned around, sighing even more heavily than before and crossed his arms in front of him.
You changed, the clothes feeling incredibly comfortable against your skin, the smell of mint and honey invading your nose. His smell.
He eventually turned around and started to get changed too.
You forced yourself not to stare but it wasn't easy: there was no denying Draco Malfoy was attractive, but when he got his shirt off, oh Merlin.
"Like what you're seeing?" he had his back facing you but you didn't notice the big mirror that allowed him to see you blatantly eating him with your eyes.
"You wish." you tried keeping your cool despite the room getting suddenly hotter and hotter and the realization that he probably used the mirror to watch you change setting in.
He reached the bed and untucked the covers.
"You are going to sleep like that?!" he was still bare-chested, the only difference was that he was now wearing a pair of pants similar to the ones he gave you.
"What? Think you'd be unable to resist me like this?"
You got yourself under the covers and rolled your eyes before turning yourself opposite him. He chuckled again and did the same, drifting off to sleep.
The heavy drowsiness that was once weighing down on you was now gone, unholy thoughts taking its place. You were in a bed with one of the most handsome people you had ever met. And you had to ignore him.
You felt him shuffle in the bed, but didn't dare turn around.
You were starting to calm down when you felt an arm snake around your waist, tugging you closer to him. Your eyes went wider than ever and you remained frozen as he nuzzled his chin on your shoulder. You also heard him lightly snore and mentally cursed him for his hypocrisy after telling you not to.
He was sleeping, obviously, but he had just broken his own rule and you didn't know what to do.
If you moved he could have woken up and he would have probably freaked out, something you were trying to avoid. Besides, you weren't too inclined to move. You felt incredibly safe in his arms and decided to move just a little closer to him, putting your own hand on his own.
You finally felt peaceful, his smell engulfing you completely and his deep breaths caressing your skin.
"Maybe next time we could do something more in here, huh?"
He wasn't sleeping.
I got too carried away, i just love this trope!! Hope you like it lovely!
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The Art of Inversion
Neil x Reader
Chapter 16 - An Absolution
Masterlist; Chapter 15
Summary: You and Neil go on your little night out in Oslo after the Freeport mission. As the night unfolds, you get closer than ever.
Warnings: 18+ (stuff happens you know); swearing.
Author’s Notes: Okay so I’m terrified but I had to give you this one already because I’m proud done before the schedule deadline. I loved writing some parts so hope you will enjoy! Feedback is a life-saver so please leave me some? Anyways, enjoy! (and I go hide or sth)
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The moment you opened your eyes, you knew that it was going to be a tough day. That ever so helpful, sabotaging voice was back. And it was pissed off at you for being reckless, stupid, and naïve, among other things. In short, you had regrets about everything that happened. Once again, it all boiled down to your deeply ingrained fear of losing people important to you. Because now that Neil undoubtedly noticed how responsive you were to everything he did, there was no pretending that you were not interested. Another step was admitting the feelings you had. And the next one after that was him leaving you for someone better, right? Well, your brain was sure about that.
You groaned and contemplated staying in bed for the rest of the day, avoiding everyone and everything when your phone rang. Interesting. You sat up and picked it up, frowning at the name on the screen. The only person who you both did not want to speak to and also missed already. Sighing, you pressed the green button:
“Morning” Neil sounded like he just woke up as well.
“Hi” you mumbled, anxiously picking on the skin around your fingernails “We’ve never done this before… morning phone calls, I mean,” you noticed.
“I know, but I wanted to check if you’re alright… after everything” tense and nervous Neil was still new to you.
“Yeah, is all fine” you hated lying, but then maybe this time truth would not do you any good.
But, of course, he caught it.
“Pardon me, but I’m not convinced”
You fell back onto the pillows. Caught in the act.
“Okay, you got me” admitting felt like another lost battle.
“I know you a bit better than you’re giving me credit for” he got that right, for sure “So? You know I won’t let it go until you tell me”
Damn him and that selfless heart. You took a deep breath:
“I was thinking... maybe it’s best we don’t mention what happened ever again” you finished the sentence and desperately wished you had this conversation face to face.
He took a little longer to respond, only fueling those wishes.
“Why?” the confusion was almost as bad as the regrets spilling from your heart.
“I don’t know,” you sighed heavily, feeling worse with every sentence “Suppose I’m worried it will fuck everything up, and I don’t want that. I want this… us… to work somehow”
That was not exactly what you wanted to say. Another failure.
“If that’s what you want, then sure” you could tell that he only agreed to placate you.
And maybe because he too was surprised by your unexpected admission.
“I just want you to know that for me, it wasn’t a mistake. I did what I wanted to do” he added, making your heart stumble wildly as it always did.
“Okay... but for the sake of keeping tonight less awkward... let’s not mention it. Please?”
“Your wish is my command” despite yourself, you smiled at that comment, “I’ll pick you up around 6?”
“Sounds good” you glanced at the bedside clock; still ages left for you to panic “Thank you, Neil. You’re too good for me” 
“Well, there’s reasons for that so…” it was that nervous half-smile, you could bet on it “Just don’t stand me up tonight”
The ridiculous idea made you laugh, feeling some tension ease.
“Could never”
*** You managed to get as far as getting up, dressing up, and having instant coffee from the little complimentary set in the hotel room, before you heard a knock on the door. Intrigued, you opened it to reveal Mahir stood on the doorstep, with two coffee cups in hands. A blessing.
“Thought we could have a little chat since I’m leaving later” he explained when you let him in.
“Sounds good. And thank you for that coffee, the shit here isn’t drinkable” to prove the point, you flushed the remains of the brown liquid down the bathroom sink.
“Cheers, my treat” jokingly, you raised a toast with the paper cups and settled onto the armchairs “So, what’s your plan?” he asked after a short comfortable silence.
“I’ll be going back to London tomorrow afternoon. And after that, we’ll see” you shrugged “Hopefully I’ll get some heads up about the upcoming events”
You mentioned the texts from TP to Mahir to explain how you were in the possession of the plans and blueprints in advance of the actual news. He took it without any further questions for which you were grateful.
“What you did last night at the airport…” he met your gaze seriously, and you frowned “That was incredibly brave but also hellishly stupid” his sheepish grin made you laugh.
“Oh, I know. I just thought it had to work out somehow… and if not…” you shrugged, hoping he will understand all that you are not saying.
It was enough that you thought about it. For a split second then, and for hours over the night. That same question: what if you jumped too late? For some reason, an image of those concerned blue eyes was tied to it.
“It’s good to be a little reckless in this business. Just try to stay alive though” Mahir reached out to tap you on the shoulder “I quite like you. And I know that there are people who would suffer if anything happened to you” you did not like the knowing look in his eyes.
“Thanks. I’ll do my best”
Then you steered onto more casual topics concerning your past and experience. He was especially curious about how you got to have such a good eye for guns. Later, you expected he was trying to distract you before he was about to drop the real question of the conversation. You were finishing the lukewarm coffee when he asked:
“So… you and Neil?” the casual tone made you choke on the last drop.
You coughed frantically for a whole minute, with Mahir watching, amused. When you could breathe again, you managed to choke out:
“Whatever do you mean?” you placed the cup back on the table and pretended to be perplexed.
It was not working.
“Oh, come on. You might be a spy, but you’re a shit liar. And all that I’ve seen these few days have been rather obvious” he was enjoying your startled expression “Don’t give me that deer stuck in the headlights stare, hun” at the nickname, you nearly choked on your own saliva.
“Hun?” everything was better than answering the question.
“You’re missing the point” Mahir leaned back, watching you coolly.
You have lost.
“What gave it away?”
“Let me think…” he tapped his temple “Those longing looks? The bloody dancing when you both looked like the happiest people alive? Or last night, when I’m pretty sure something happened in that bathroom” he narrowed his eyes, studying you intensely.
Without a single doubt, the crimson shade on your cheeks was the answer he was looking for.
“You’re perceptive,” you noticed, staring at the carpet.
“It pays to be in our profession,” Mahir noticed your increasing discomfort, and he added, „Don’t worry, I won’t snitch on you to TP”
“How gracious” you raised your head then and gave him a weary smile.
“Have fun tonight. And stay safe,” he winked, making you speechless again.
“Why do I feel like you’re insinuating something there…” you arched one eyebrow, feigning indifference.
“It’s quite easy to piece together. You’re both staying in Oslo for one more free night… and the rest is-”
“Silence. I know,” you cut him off sharply and glared.
Mahir only laughed in response.
*** It turned out that settling on an outfit for the ‘not-quite date’ was a difficult task. It took you embarrassingly long, and you only decided because it was already a little late. A simple buttoned shirt and skirt had to do. It was a question of an eternal internal battle between: ‘it’s just Neil; who cares’ and ‘it’s Neil; it matters a lot’. The final choice, therefore, was as close to balance between those two states as you could manage. You nearly tripped on the stairs down to the lobby when you spotted him. He was casually waiting, with his back against the wall, dressed in the usual suit trousers and a striped shirt. The new addition was a dark grey coat instead of a suit jacket. And that damned green scarf loosely wrapped around his neck. The whole outfit was so Neil that your heart stumbled upon the sight. When he looked up and met your wandering gaze, he smiled, somewhat nervously. So, it was not just you…
“Evening,” he tipped his head in a greeting when you joined him.
“Hey,” you eyed him again, “Shall we…?”
“After you, miss,” he extended his hand chivalrously, and you rolled your eyes.
He surprised you by offering his arm once you stepped outside. After a small moment of hesitation, you took it, letting yourself snuggle closer to him. You quite liked the coat already.
“How was your day?” he was the one to break the silence.
“Boring, to be honest,” you frowned “Just chatted with Mahir for a little bit and then explored the centre. You?” looking up at him, you took a moment to admire his profile.
Rather pathetic.
“Talked to TP for a while. He’s more open with me now, and I got to admit it makes everything easier” you appreciated the honesty “And then went out to get us a place for tonight” he added, smiling at your brightly.
“What did you tell TP?” you asked, curiosity not letting you let go.
“That I’m about to have some fun in town” Neil shrugged.
He was leading you with a purpose and yet matching the long strides to yours, so you did not have to rush. It was thoughtfulness like this that made it hard not to fall for him.
“Fun?” you raised one eyebrow, intrigued by his choice of words.
“You’re that no matter what we do” his grin widened, and he leaned in to kiss you on the temple quickly.
It took that additional brain cell not to walk into the next person on your path.
“So… you’re about to have me?” you were not sure where that thought came from.
But seeing the way his eyes widened for a split second was definitely worth it.
“I really did not think through that sentence, did I?” he shook his head slightly, making you laugh at the cute image “Though I won’t complain if I end up having you” he added and met your gaze purposefully.
Oh, right. You did expect that, without a doubt. And yet, his openness took you by surprise.
“Smooth save there”
Neil only smiled and inhaled a large haul of the chilly air. His cheeks and tips of the ears were slightly reddened, making for an incredibly adorable sight. You observed him for a second longer before turning to check where you were heading. It looked like he went for a place near the harbour where most places were bustling with activity. Somehow you knew that he would choose well and somewhere that would allow you to talk a little more. You would be lying if you did not admit that you went over some questions concerning his past that you wanted to ask. Because if not when you nearly gave him everything, then when?
Distracting the thoughts, you gave him a once-over and noticed:
“Look at you, all dressed up to the nines. You even smoothed your hair I’m shocked” you smiled when he looked at you.
The happy sparks in his eyes were good enough to excuse anything.
“Well, I decided that you can be the one to ruffle it however you want” to test his statement, you gently brushed one stray lock from his forehead “As for the rest... I had to somehow remind you what you can have” he adjusted the scarf, making you see the dark mark on the side of his neck.
There we go. You swallowed hard, blocking the flood of images and feelings. When you were undressing for a shower before going out, you noticed what he did to you. All those bruises marking the space between your neck and shoulder. Conveniently enough to be hidden by clothes, and yet there to haunt you whenever you looked in the mirror. You had a feeling that was intentional.
“Then it is this kind of a night...” you mused aloud.
In response, Neil made sure to slide down the arm he offered you and intertwine your fingers. It seemed like you could not be walking any closer to each other without putting on straight-up PDA.
“That will depend on us. However, after yesterday... I wouldn’t be surprised” he looked down at you with a smirk and playfulness in his eyes.
Even though you expected him to mention it, despite your pleas, it felt like a light punch in the gut. That is if a punch could make one slightly aroused.
“Thought we agreed not to talk about it” you ignored the feeling, chiding him.
That was about to bite you in the ass, so to speak.
“And we’re not. Unless we went onto the topic of our dreams from last night or something”
It was a mistake to meet his gaze then. With slightly darkened pupils, a self-satisfied smile, and clenched jaw, you knew that he was not joking. You blushed, suddenly relieved that you forgot any dreams you might have had.
“Neil...” you aimed for a warning, but it came out rather like a weak protest.
“Yes, darling?” the innocent expression was back to haunt you.
“Do you want that slap I promised earlier?”
He stopped, and you were forced to stare up at him with the sternest glare you could manage. Neil bit his lip, undoubtedly preparing to drop a bombshell like no other. You braced yourself, tightening the grip on his hand.
“Maybe save it for later. I quite like a little bit of spice like that when it comes to the real deal” the combination of the sly grin and predatory look in his eyes perfected the delivery.
And then he pointed at the building you stopped in front of as though nothing happened.
“This is it” he announced and turned to you.
From the way he looked at you, you knew that the expression on your face must have been quite a sight. You blinked once, shaking off the thoughts and ideas. Not the time.
“Brilliant” smiling dryly, you let him lead you through the door.
You stopped at the concierge desk and let Neil do the talking.
“How can I help you, sir?” the smiley clerk eyed you both quickly.
You did wonder what she saw.
“I’ve got a reservation under James Farrow” your eyes widened at the identity he used.
It was as though the New York mission was important to him if he was keen enough to reference it like that. Now that was an intriguing thought.
“Mr. Farrow and wife, yes?” the lady looked up, happily and expectantly.
It felt as though the ground has moved under your feet, and you were about to fall if it was not for the steady hand gripping yours. Wife?! He was surely getting slapped for that.
“Yes,” Neil completely ignored your wild gaze.
Only once you have been sat at the table in the corner of the cosy yet posh establishment you could give voice to the mess of thoughts in your head:
“Seriously?” that was all you could manage, but he understood.
And, in response, smiled as though it was nothing. Like you should have expected it. You wondered if he is ever going to stop surprising you.
“It was easier that way” he dragged a hand through his hair, shrugging “And, I mean... would it be so bad to be my wife?” the way his eyes sparkled hopefully was enough to give you heart palpitations.
“Allow me not to answer this yet” you gave him a stern look and softened it with a smirk.
It was too easy to be with him like this.
“I’ll wait patiently then. Now, what would my lovely wife want to drink?” he opened the wine menu with a flourish.
And then was forced to order something for the table as you were too busy dying of laughter for the next ten minutes. You calmed down enough to comment on his food choice for the evening – Norwegian mountain trout with fennel cream, petit pois, and hollandaise sauce.
“Are you always this… posh?” you scrunched up your nose, observing him intently.
He grinned at the sight and raised his hands in defence.
“I wouldn’t say I’m posh… More like a man of refined taste,” you watched as he undid another button on his shirt, “Which anyone can see once they look at you” the punchline came with the addition of a hand covering yours on the table.
You blushed and met his soft gaze, using the opportunity to show him how comments like that made you feel. You could tell that the sudden outpouring of affection he saw in your eyes was a shock because his hold on your hand tightened, and his cheeks turned crimson, just slightly. You would have missed it; have you not been staring at him shamelessly. Neil composed himself after a short moment and asked:
“So… what do you want to talk about?” he kept on gently running his thumb over your knuckles.
Might as well keep up the married couple act.
This is how you started the conversation regarding your childhoods, families, and what you were like growing up. You did not expect to learn that Neil grew up in a most normal middle-class house in Richmond Park, but then again, you did not know what else you would consider believable. Growing up, his main source of joy were books and Labrador Retriever named Charlie (“Charlie? That’s a bit too boring, even for you” “What would you prefer? Theodore or Archibald?”). You could both relate to the pains of a boring childhood, filled with dreams of doing something crucial for the world but then not knowing what that could be. Only, where Neil decided to study Physics (despite the wishes of his mundane parents who would rather he did something more palpable like architecture or law; you snickered at that), you went for a more abstract route of international relations and civil safety. Another revelation was the fact that despite your assumptions he was never the popular kid or a leader of any sort as he was much more comfortable in the background of things. Always thinking, listening, analysing but taking his time to voice any opinions and solutions he came to. You realized that this was perhaps the reason why he understood you so well. Overall, the conversation was both enlightening and reassuring, and, by the end of it, you felt like somehow you loved him even more. Or maybe that was due to the bottle of wine you had.
*** Once you were done with dinner, Neil suggested moving to a nearby bar for drinks. It was more than tempting, and so, not long after, you found yourself sat on the bar stools, each with a drink, deep in conversation. As the night progressed, you got more open, either drifting onto the flirty territory or breaching candid topics you would otherwise never consider.
You did not know when exactly you sat that close to each other without looking too cosy. Or when his hand landed on your knee, just under the hem of your knee socks, and why it somehow felt good. The more time passed, you only got more certain that this was, in fact, a date. And you were surprisingly fine with it. Using the natural break in your conversation, you took a longer sip of the drink and asked:
“So, is this how it usually goes?” you met his gaze with disinterest “Invite them for a drink, let your hands wander a little…” you glanced at his hand, just when he purposefully moved it upwards onto your bare thigh below the skirt’s edge.
Bloody hell. You were not sure that lightheaded feeling could be all blamed on the alcohol. Swallowing, you continued the assumption. If anything, the intense look in those blue eyes was encouraging.
“And then back to the hotel room for more?” you bit your lip and swirled the straw in vodka coke.
The warm touch felt rather nice. You glanced around, wondering if such behaviour would not be deemed ‘indecent’. But all you saw was a knowing smirk from the man sat at the nearby table. Right… Neil’s voice and his thumb running over your skin in a soothing motion brought you back to the present moment.
“It’s been a while since anything like that happened,” he noticed, looking at you thoughtfully.
You wanted to trust him on that, but…
“I don’t believe you,” you stared at him, using the opportunity to admire.
With the slightly dimmed lights, his features stood out more. All the sharp angles in his face made him resemble a classical sculpture. The hair almost looked golden. Nothing but beauty. You could tell that others noticed that too, curiously watching you both from time to time. You had no illusions that it was you they were drawn to. And yet, he was staring at you as though you were the most important person in his universe. It was one of those feelings that always took your breath away. Distractedly, you brushed your hand over his hair again, using the privileges he gave you. Tugging on one strand, you enjoyed the passing darkness in his eyes. That hair thing he clearly had going ought to be explored later, you mused.
“Why? Because I’m so irresistible?” he smirked smugly and straightened his back.
Despite the annoyance, you grinned. The charm was undoubtedly working. As always.
“Because I see the way almost everyone looks at you. Like they wanted to stake their claim right here and now” you looked around pointedly, drawing his attention to the small audience.
Catching the eye of one nosey woman, who was clearly eavesdropping on your conversation, you winked. You saw her ogle Neil earlier, and it was more than annoying. Surely, a little jealousy never hurt anyone.
“Are you speaking from experience there?” the grin got wider as he took in your irked expression „Think you’re forgetting the other important factor, which is my own desire for anything like that” he arched one eyebrow and picked up the drink.
“And there’s been none recently?”
That was a risky question, and yet one that you had to ask. Especially remembering the way he was looking at you the previous night. Was it what you hoped it was…?
“You were there last night, so you know best...” he dropped his voice to add, “But I’m still working on getting anywhere with that” to prove a point, he slid his hand higher up your thigh.
You shivered in response, earning a little raspy laugh from him. To put things simply, you were slowly feeling the effects of his actions and words. And it was rather bothering.
“Is it worth it?” shaking off the moment, you reached for more alcohol.
“Absolutely” with his free hand, Neil tucked the hair behind your ear, brushing your cheek gently.
Sometimes you marvelled at how he could be so gentle and yet so seductive at the same time. It was like that during your little bathroom incident, as you came to call it. And that made you wonder whether he would be like that with you if you went even further? Neil eyed you curiously as you realized you were staring. Again.
“Any good thoughts there?” he tapped your temple with a pointer finger.
You blushed a deep crimson. Ever so observant. The way his eyes lit up knowingly made you think he could even read your mind at this point.
“Ah, I see,” he grinned smugly “Well, if you ever want to share... I’m here”
You just stared, unable to express anything you felt. His hand rested on your midthigh with fingers absentmindedly stroking the skin. The look in his eyes made your mind wander. Feeling overwhelmed with Neil, you looked for help in the wood pores on the bar counter. But he wanted to lead that strange conversation to its end. One that he must have intended.
“Usually, I’d start with a date. Maybe some touching here and there to let them know I’m interested” you could feel his analytical gaze “I’m not a brute. First, I’d seduce you before I could have you” the invasive hand retraced back to your knee.
Later, you wondered whether it was the alcohol, his touch, or something else entirely that made you blurt out the truth that he was not supposed to know. Yet or ever.
“You already do”
Realising what you just said, you snapped your head up, meeting Neil’s perplexed gaze. He was not expecting that. Neither were you.
“What?” his jaw fell slack, making for a sight that would be adorable if not for your panic.
“What?” parroting him you hid your face in your hands.
He took a long pause, composing himself because the next time he spoke, the confusion was gone.
“I can’t blame that on the drink, can I?” you took a deep breath and looked at him again.
The darkness and dawning realization in his blue eyes took you by surprise.
“I’d rather you didn’t” that was the serious Neil you did not know too well.
You watched as he finished the drink, his second one, in one go and faced you again. Your unexpected confession was hanging over you, threatening with awkwardness. But, perhaps most remarkably of all, you were saved by the music streaming from the overhead speaker. At first, you did not catch it, the gentle melody escaping your panicking mind. Neil, though, naturally recognized it. His eyes lit up, and he started humming, all the while looking at you pointedly. Before you knew, he began singing:
‘She's taken my heart
But she doesn't know what she's done’
The determined gaze and his beautiful voice made your heart stumble. Fucking hell. Who knew that of all things, Neil pretending to be Patrick Swayze was going to be the one to finally break you? He was, indeed, relentless.
‘Just a fool to believe I have anything she needs She's like the wind’
He got louder near the end of the chorus, causing many heads to turn in your direction. You watched in horror as he opened his mouth to pick up the next stanza. Using the only power you knew you had, you closed the gap and covered his lips with yours in a small kiss. The surprised sound he made assured you that was the right decision. You let him kiss you back gently and then leaned back, taking in his dazed expression.
“What was that for?” he licked his lips unconsciously, and you blushed despite yourself.
“Just wanted you to shut up and stop embarrassing me” you shrugged, ignoring the fact that even more people were looking at you now.
“Fair enough,” he grinned, taking one of your hands in his.
You wondered when did hand holding become such an essential thing between you. Suddenly you wanted nothing but to be with him alone somewhere. Without the intrigued audience, judging your every move and looking at Neil as though he was the most spectacular sight they ever saw.
“Anyways... should we get going? It’s late, and…” you gestured vaguely, hoping he will give in.
But it seemed like he was on top of his game.
“Is that your way of getting me to come back with you? Because, honestly, you just have to ask, and I’ll do anything” he raised your hand, kissing it in the gentlemanly fashion.
Only you were pretty sure gentlemen did not look at you like that normally. Slowly showing you with gaze alone what going back together meant. You shuddered.
“I’ll note that for future reference. Now come on” you stood up, taking a moment to get used to the effects of those two drinks.
“You’re quite eager,” he noticed but stood up anyway, straightening the long legs that always caught your attention.
“Have you seen yourself?” you retorted, eyes roaming over his body and stopping on his face.
“Blimey... never thought I’d see the day” Neil smirked, but you knew that he was surprised by the honesty “Last night I must’ve hit all the right spots for you” he tried to mask it by distracting you with the best weapon.
But even his hand suddenly wrapping around your waist was not enough to stop the response you prepared for this very moment.
“You definitely did...try” you shot back, taking pleasure in the affronted expression “Shall we? Maybe tonight you’ll do better” tugging on your joined hands, you took a step towards the exit.
The challenging grin was a good enough indicator of his thoughts on the matter.
*** You were not sure how he managed to convince you to come back to his hotel. Somehow, at that moment, with the maelstrom of feelings and emotions in your head, it did not matter that TP was right next door. Or that going back together was a clear signal concerning the ending of the date, something you did not know you were ready for. But once Neil opened his hotel room door and led you inside, nothing much mattered anymore. You had what you wanted: him yours alone without any spectators.
You laughed when he started taking off your coat as a doorman does in all those period dramas:
“Maybe it’s time to drop that gentlemanly act?” you suggested when he succeeded and went to hang both of your coats on the hooks.
“Why?” Neil came back still wearing that scarf that you could not get out of your head “Would you rather I jumped you the moment we came in?”
Following the instincts, you closed the gap to him and started unwrapping the green material from around his neck, all the while making sure you maintained eye contact. He swallowed hard at your proximity. Good sign.
“I don’t know… But I do hope you’ve got a plan” once you have taken off his scarf, you threw it to the side “Now that you’ve lured me in here” searching his eyes, you placed your hand on his shoulder, caressing the newly exposed neck.
Neil’s eyes darkened, and pupils dilated. He placed both of his hands on your waist and leaned in to whisper:
“I was hoping this will happen, so of course… I’ve got some ideas” his lips brushed over your throat.
You could not tell what was stronger, the alcohol intoxication or overwhelming infatuation that you felt.
“Feel free to show me what you’ve got in mind” getting to the end of that sentence was a challenge.
Especially with the fact that Neil started kissing your neck and throat, slowly guiding you with his hands on your hips. Before you knew, the backs of your legs hit the edge of the bed, and he pushed you onto the mattress. He took a moment to take in the image before slowly lowering himself down to hover over you, leaning on his forearms, pinning you down. His nose brushed against yours, breaths mingling as you inhaled, calming down your racing heart. Despite being this close to him many times before, this one felt different. Maybe because you knew where it is likely to lead you…
“For starters, I’d really like to kiss you right now” Neil broke the silence and leaned in.
As much as it was tempting, you didn’t want to give in just yet. The confidence you found during the course of the night was a welcomed help in moments like this. You turned your head sideways, making him kiss you on the cheek. The little offended sound he made woke up the butterflies in your stomach.
“Don’t you think that’s a bit forward? For a first date?” you grinned upon his slightly confused expression.
Letting out a long breath, you reached out to comb a hand through his hair. Bringing him closer again so that you could drag your tongue along his lower lip. It worked if his slurred speech was anything to go by.
“This really isn’t our first date,” he groaned when you tugged on the strands with more force.
Being in power was definitely exhilarating.
“It, kind of, is” you smirked, enjoying his unfocused eyes that roamed across your face.
“Then I, kind of, want to kiss you”
He leaned in, and this time you let him capture your lips in a hungry kiss. It was always too easy to get lost in Neil in those moments. Your hands alternated between tugging on his hair and touching the back of his neck just to feel his bare skin. You wanted to get him out of that shirt as soon as possible. It was a matter of urgency for reasons unknown.
When you broke the contact, both gasping for breath, you used the hand tangled in his hair to pull him down so that he was lying on top of you. Neil glanced up at you with a surprised smile.
“Pretty sure there are better ways of making me sleep with you,” he noticed, showing that offensive tongue poking from between the pink, slightly swollen lips.
Now that was torture.
“Who said anything about that” you crashed your lips against his just because he was there using a break in the sentence for that very purpose “I just wanted to have you at my mercy for once”
How about that. You enjoyed the slight surprise in his eyes, feeling a surge of inspiration. Quickly, you hooked one of your legs over his hip, using it as leverage to switch, making him become the one pinned underneath. The shock on his face was palpable. You took in the parted lips, frown visible on the forehead and perplexed gaze. It only took him approximately 30 seconds to shake it off. Grinning devilishly, he ran his hands alongside your sides, using the new freedom of movement. When he tugged your shirt from the waistband of your skirt and slipped his hand underneath the material, you wondered whether it was not a mistake on your side.
“Trust me I’m always at your mercy. Even if it doesn’t seem so” his eyes glimmered darkly, adding weight to the sentence and making breath hitch in your throat.
From this position, you could see every little detail on his face. The long eyelashes framing dark blue eyes. The adorable cleft underneath his lower lip. The nose that you always wanted to kiss the tip of. Your Neil. Leaning on one side, you traced your finger on the outline of the sharp jaw and cheekbones. His eyes were focused on your face, enthralled with how focused you were on him.
“You’re good at hiding it then,” you noticed, enjoying the way he exhaled when you brushed your thumb along his lips.
“So are you” he smiled knowingly, his hands exploring your upper body just like the previous night.
You shivered when he cupped one of your breasts through the material of the bra. One by one, the doubts were disappearing. Looking down at him, with hair ruffled beyond compare, cheeks flushed, and eyes darker than you have ever seen them before, you felt lightheaded with love. He really could be yours. Feeling like at any moment, you were likely to tell him something that could destroy the careless moment, you leaned in and began the meticulous exploration of his throat and neck. You peppered the skin with kisses and bites, sucking on the sharp edges of his jaw, making him gasp and curse. Every sound he made was like a confirmation of your inmost hopes and desires. And the way he was reacting to everything you did began to build up the heat in your lower belly again. This time the feeling was rather expected. You felt like the further you get, the harder it will be to be ignored.
As though Neil knew exactly what was going on in your mind, he spread his legs and lifted you so that you were straddling his lap before he sat up, facing you. Taking in the effects of your exploration, you blushed. You have more than likely ruined his neck with bruises and marks there were beginning to show up on the skin. You could only hope he would not mind.
“I don’t think anyone’s ever given me so much attention” Neil met your gaze with admiration “I can’t help but wonder if that’s just a promise of how other things would look like with you” his hands retracted from underneath your shirt and started toying with the buttons.
You knew that it was his way of checking if you wanted to progress further. Feeling the pulse between your legs grow stronger, you knew the answer. Everything was too easy with him. You undid the two buttons on his shirt and replied:
“Maybe you’ll be able to test this theory tonight...” trailing off, you met his gaze purposefully, giving him time to catch the implication.
It did not take long. His hands stopped any movement, and he just stared. Then his brow furrowed again, and he cupped your cheek gently.
“Are you... do you want to? Because you don’t need to force yourself with me” the genuine concern and fondness in his gaze made your heart stumble.
You did not deserve him.
“I know, but I think I might actually... be ready” you whispered, giving in to the sudden tender moment and smiled lightly.
“What changed?” Neil brushed the hair away from your eyes.
You could tell that he really wanted to know. And while it was hard to pinpoint an exact reason, you gave him a piece of your mind. He already had everything else.
“Last night you... the way you looked at me, the way we touched... it’s never been like this with anyone” you stumbled over the sentence “And I want to know if... maybe it’s how...” you gave up, but he nodded anyway.
He always understood.
“Kiss me again” it was the only response you really needed, gladly accepting the request.
Straddling his lap, kissing to the point of breathlessness, you already felt as though you were nearing that point when relief was necessary. But before you could think about seeking it out, you had to get rid of that disrespectful shirt of his. Hurriedly you undid the buttons one by one, ignoring the wanting in his eyes. You only stopped when Neil started kissing your neck, making you gasp with the perfectly chosen spots. He knew you too well, expertly using all the tricks that were bound to work. Alternating between kissing, biting, and licking your skin, you knew that it was his way of giving back the pleasure. Despite that distraction, you nearly succeeded when he spoke again:
“Nice of you to wear a button-up” his long fingers went back to toying with the material.
“Why?” you gave out a triumphant sound when that final button was dealt with.
“Because I like being able to return the favour”
The amusement in his eyes was another reason to slide down the article down his arms and then throw it to the side. You have seen him like this before, and yet your jaw fell slack. His arms and chest were as close to perfection as you could imagine. Suddenly, you were overcome with shyness as you ran your fingers over his chest and stomach, feeling the muscles and various scars. Including a very familiar one on his side. It was almost unreal to think that someone like him could be this interested in you. And yet… Feeling him watch your exploration, you met his gaze:
“Do you like what you see?” with how close you were, you felt like you were drowning in his eyes with every prolonged contact.
“You’re beautiful” admitting it felt like a relief.
He finished undoing the buttons on your shirt, and you let him take it off.
“No one’s ever called me that” Neil watched you curiously with a gentle smile.
“Then they all must be blind”
You embraced him tightly, relishing the feel of skin on skin contact you craved so badly. Your warm bodies fit perfectly as you rested your head in the crook of his neck, hands exploring the skin of his back. It was as close as you could get, but it was not enough. You needed him closer. Ideally becoming a part of you in every way possible. The thought made you remember about the need you tried to put aside for the moment. But it was still there. The pulse between your thighs and the ache deep within your core were the main reminders of its existence. Giving in to the feeling, you ground your hips down onto his thigh, but it was not enough. It could never be enough given how much you wanted him. Neil noticed what you were trying to do. He leaned back and met your gaze. You knew that he was likely to see the unmeasurable longing there. You were unable to hide it anymore. Tentatively, his hands unzipped the skirt, and you shifted so that it could be dropped onto the floor as well. You blushed when you realized what position you found yourself in, sat on Neil’s lap in only your underwear. More than likely soaking through your panties just because of how he was making you feel. But, as usual, Neil had an answer to those panicked thoughts…
“It’s okay” meeting your wild gaze, he tilted your chin “You’re perfect, don’t let your brain tell you otherwise” he kissed you gently.
His hands splayed over your back, brushing the skin carefully. His touching putting everything ablaze. You never felt fire like that burn through every cell in your body. For a moment, you wondered whether this was meant to happen. That maybe you were destined to be together. Because how else could it be this perfect?
“You’re being too generous, I think” you breathed.
In response, Neil only smirked. His hands traveled down your sides onto your parted thighs. Rubbing the skin and getting ever so close to where you needed him most. You could not stop the gasp that escaped your throat when he touched your panties. Instantly he knew exactly what to do. Meeting your gaze with determination, he traced the hem of the undergarment.
“Let me take care of this” it was not exactly a question, but you knew that he would wait for consent.
You wanted it more than you could express, and yet that voice in your head was rebelling. Because it meant letting the most important person in your life see you vulnerable. More than ever.
“Neil, I…” you huffed, frustrated with yourself.
“It’s okay, love. It’s the least I can do for you” his fingers scratched the skin just above the line of underwear as though to remind you of what you could get. It was probably both the undeniable need you felt combined with the way he was looking at you that made you nod then.
He kissed you on the forehead and let his fingers slip underneath the material. The moment you felt him touch you, any thoughts you might have had disappeared. If he was surprised by how ready you were, he did not show it, instead focusing on making you feel better. Your hands searched for a steady grip and settled on his arms. He let you get used to the sensation before his thumb circled your clit, making your head fall against his shoulder. The fire in your veins only got worse. You moaned quietly, and Neil chuckled in response, clearly satisfied with the response. When you felt his fingers inside, building up a rhythm that was undoubtedly going to be the end of you, you bit down on his shoulder harshly. As a reaction, he only picked up the tempo. You knew that it was not going to take long. He hit the perfect spot then, and you were unable to hold off any longer. He was the centre of your attention, both the cause and the solution to everything you felt.
“Fuck… Neil…” gasping for breath, your fingernails dug into his biceps, bruising the skin.
He must have felt that you were close, for he raised your chin again, preventing your instinct to hide from him. Your walls clenched around his fingers. You shuddered, prepared for the release. When you came undone the next moment, you could not stop yourself from crying out:
“Neil…” it was a plea but also an act of devotion “I…” love you.
Later you realised how close you got to telling him. And he must have understood it too for he captured your lips in a kiss, letting you ride out the high he brought you to. You passed the confession from your lips to his. You felt faint and yet so full of things you could not begin to understand that his lips against yours were like an anchor. Pulling you in and keeping you grounded. He brought you to the edge, and what awaited beyond surpassed any expectations. The world exploded for you, and the only thing left was Neil, his lips on yours, taking everything you were willing to give him, and his body steady beneath your shaking hands. He only ended the kiss when he knew that you were done and withdrew his hand, wiping it on the bedsheets.
“Are you alright?” his voice was raspy, and yet the look in his eyes could not be softer.
You rested your forehead against his, recovering. It never felt so good before. And it was just him bringing you the necessary release after weeks and months of ignoring and denying it. Suddenly you wanted nothing but to know what it would be like to feel him inside you. It was as though once you allowed yourself this much, you only wanted more. Death surely could not be sweeter…
“Yeah, I…” you did not know what you actually wanted to tell him “I want…” frustrated at lack of coherence, you met his gaze hopelessly.
The depth of love, desire, and understanding you saw there took your breath away. He really was quite something.
“What do you want?”
For once, the answer could not be simpler.
“You. I want you”
The genuine smile you got for the confession was worth any future regrets.
“Then we’re even” Neil cupped your cheek while his other hand reached to the clasp on your back “Are you sure?”
But it was the way he bucked his hips into yours then that made you realise. Feeling his hardness, you swallowed. But at the same time, you knew you were ready for more.
“Yes. Shut up and just…” you brushed your crotch against his, unexpectedly not caring about the fact that he just took off your bra.
Impatiently, you undid the buckle on his belt. The want you saw in his eyes was enough to assure you that he understood.
“Got you” his husky voice sent a shiver through your body.
His hand cupped your breast, stimulating the nipples as though you needed more. You kissed him on the neck, making one of the marks even darker. It was almost too simple. Unzipping his trousers, you returned the earlier favour and ran your hand over his crotch. The gasp you got in response was enough to set the fire. You met his lips in a fervent kiss, getting ready to get past the point of no return for you both.
A knock on the door was like a slap to the face, piercing the silence and ripping apart the moment you both build up.
“Neil?” TP’s voice coming through the door only intensified the feeling.
You both stilted the movement, lips brushing, tongues intertwined.
“Are you there?” at the question, Neil broke the contact.
“Yes. Just give me a moment” he called out with that breathless voice that made you realise how close it really was.
“Okay,” the slightly suspicious tone in the boss’s voice was pushed you over the edge.
Fucking hell. You started laughing hysterically, collapsing against Neil, fighting for breath. He sighed heavily and embraced you, taking time to soak in the last few seconds of the moment.
“Holy fuck” the curse only made you laugh harder.
“Indeed” you choked out and met his gaze.
It took him 5 seconds to join in with your mad laugh.
162 notes · View notes
bunnys-babies · 2 years
Elle’s Commissions - Haikyuu Matchup!! SFW
wc: 4k+
a/n: Hi angel!! Firstly, let me just thank you for sending in a commission!! It means the world to me you had even considered doing so, and I hope I did this matchup justice for you!!! Second, thank you for your immense patience for this to be finished!!! It definitely took me much longer than I wanted, but I hope it will be worth the wait. I love you with all my heart and am sending you much love and appreciation <3
For Haikyuu!!, I match you with…
Yamaguchi Tadashi!!
Relationship HC’s:
You two have the sort of relationship that just makes my heart swell at the thought :(((
When I tell you he is one of, if not the most, patient person one could ever ask for! No matter the situation or reason, he will never bore of taking your hand in his and staying by your side with you. The definition of “through thick or thin”
He’s especially patient and understanding when it comes to any sort of insecurity you express (or don’t express - he has a lot of practice with reading people who have a hard time communicating their feelings or needs sometimes!)
He will never become frustrated or tired of telling you how much he loves you or how beautiful you are to him! Not that you’d need to ask him to remind you too often - he’s very good at communicating how special you are to him :)!
Not only that, but he’d be as patient as you needed for you to open up tp him! He’s in it for the long haul, no matter how long it takes.
I think his personality would blend so so well with yours!! He’s definitely more on the introverted side, but he’s extroverted enough to be able to take the lead in any social situations if needed - and I’d think he’d be able to healthily push your boundaries and pull you out of your shell here and there. But, he’d never push or pull too far, and it’s mostly incidental.
Also, your MBTI’s go together so well. What I see most from those is the ability to communicate feelings in a safe space - which is something that would be very valuable to both of you!
He can get in his own head sometimes too, and having someone who would be able to understand that and comfort him is more than he could ever ask for
He would be so conscious of your feelings always, he’s very perceptive and knows how and when you would need to be pushed to talk about your feelings or some much needed support!
Most importantly, he’d never take advantage of your extreme kindness and selflessness.
Not only does that just not align with him as a person, but as a selfless and caring person himself!
You can be assured that he will always only have good intentions and would never take advantage of your good nature.
He loves your hobbies! And when he gets you to talk about them, he could listen with a genuine smile on his face for hours.
And your way of flirting? Talk about making his heart melt! Nothing gives him butterflies more than seeing you smile and dote on him in any way, shape, or form.
All in all, you’re a dime piece and Yamaguchi would call himself the luckiest man alive to get to be able to call himself yours :).
Now, time for your story:
How you meet…
It was only supposed to be a thoughtful visit, dropping by his best friend's job on his day off with a pair of lunches in hand for the two of them to share. What he wasn’t expecting was for you to be there, gazing at the different exhibits with an inquisitive look in your eye, matching his own as he stared shamelessly with a deep scarlet dusting his cheeks. In a brash moment of self taught confidence, he took a few fateful steps in your direction.
The wind whips harshly across his face, his ears a painful pink, and the scarf that’s wrapped tightly around his neck isn’t doing much to protect him from the cold breeze sending chills down his body either. Tsukishima better consider himself a lucky man with Yamaguchi taking the time out of his day (which was previously spent inside his cozy apartment) to trek into the cold and bring him a warm bento. Of course, it’s only in his nature to not actually expect Tsuki to voice his gratitude - he did it in his classic selfless fashion.
He knew how hard Tsuki worked and how often he overlooked his lunch break as a result, really, it was the least Yamaguchi could do to bring him a homemade lunch every once in a while.
The heavy weight of the doors sent a gust of wind back in his face before he stepped into the heated lobby, not bothering to check in with the front desk as he made his way through the entrance. He’d been here plenty of times now that the staff knew who he was and no longer bothered to charge him for entrance, especially when he flashed them that charming smile and welcoming wave.
“Hello, sir! Can I offer you a pamphlet discussing the details of our newest exhibit? There’s also a directory on the back that you may find useful!” A shaky hand jutted forward, a little too close to his face, as they smiled forcefully.
“Ah, um, thank you! I’d hate to get lost, have a nice day. Stay warm!” With the pair of them giving the other an awkward nod, he resumed his path to find Tsukishima. Did he need a directory in case he got lost? Of course not, there wasn’t a nook or cranny he wasn’t familiar with at this museum by now. But, he was sure that the poor employee had heard plenty of “no thank you”s today, and it doesn’t hurt to be considerate.
Turning the next corner sharply, he shoved the pamphlet into his jacket pocket with a crinkle that echoed against the walls of the empty exhibit he was passing through - scratch that, nearly empty.
His footsteps came to an embarrassingly quick halt as his eyes laid on the silhouette pulling him in from a distance; the silhouette of you. He’s unsure of what possessed him, but his feet began drawing him closer to you before he could stop himself. The intrigue of you greater than anything the exhibit had to offer.
You stood only feet away from him now, the dim orange-ish hue of the lights casting shadows around you; an invisible barrier daring him to cross it and make himself known, to introduce himself, an opportunity to say something witty, to say anything.
He’s been here too many times to count, often enough to see familiar faces of patrons who often frequent their favorite exhibits (sometimes it seems they just want an excuse to talk to other unknowing patrons and boast their extensive knowledge, but it's endearing to a fault.). But you, you’re new.
He racks his brain for even the slightest twinge of a memory of your face before as he finishes the last few steps to be standing silently at your side, although not uncomfortably close, but nothing comes up.
Gulping (a little dramatically), he glances at you from the side to get a better look at your face. His heart feels like it’s beating out of his chest at the sight of you up close. His eyes scan your features as the blush from his earlier walk comes back to paint his cheeks (oh god what if you notice? Maybe he can blame it on the weather…).
A small, bashful smile spreads across your face as you keep your eyes hyper-focused on the display in front of you. How long was this guy going to keep staring at you before he said something, what does he want? Should you speak up first?
Hmm, might as well. It’s now or never.
“So, are you-”
“Ya know, I haven’t-”
Your voices start and stop in sync as they bump over one another, an even deeper scarlet encompassing all of his face and ears.
Taking a deep breath, you turn your face to look up at his, kindly gesturing towards him.
“Sorry, go right ahead.”
If his eyes had the capability to sparkle, they’d be brighter than the lights in Sendai city right now. A crooked smile spread across his face as he took you in, forgetting to speak as he was overtaken in an overwhelming feeling of adoration. How lucky was he to have decided to bring Tsuki lunch today?
“Oh, uh, or I can go first.” You laugh awkwardly and turn your eyes to look at the ground, nibbling nervously on the inside of your cheek.
Of course he had to be cute.
“Oh! I was just going to say, um, I don’t recognize you. I’m here pretty often and, uh, I’m pretty good with faces, too. So, yeah.” His mouth suddenly felt dry as he offered you his best smile, and at the feeling of the corners of his mouth begin to shake, his body goes hot and his hands begin to get clammy.
“Oh, I see. Is it a problem that you don’t recognize me?” Slightly bewildered from his exclamation, you stare back with innocently furrowed brows - only for them to shoot up in surprise at his response.
“Yes, it is a problem that I don’t know you properly, actually.” Clearing his throat, he holds up a bag next to his face, “Maybe we can fix that by getting to know each other over some lunch? I brought enough for two.”
Sorry, Tsuki.
Just this once, maybe being a little selfish would be worth it. The universe owes him this one, right? He’s almost only ever selfless, he can have this one thing, can’t he?
“I guess I have no choice but to help you out then, do I?” Fiddling with your hands, you look up at him to meet his eyes once more. And he swears he can see them sparkling under the lights, but maybe he’s just imagining it.
Regardless, he thanks the universe for this chance as the two of you walk together to find a spot to sit and chat. And secretly, he thanks the universe for you, too.
Your first date…
Yamaguchi doesn’t know if perfect dates are a thing to actually exist. But what he does know is that with the way you look, your quiet laughs, and gentle - even if accidental - touches, he thinks this could go down in history as the most perfect first date known to man.
To Yamaguchi, the lunch you two shared at the museum wasn’t a date - not a proper one, at least. For it to count as a date, one needs to be formally asked, expectations of romance need to be in place, so of course he asked before you parted last week. And now, it was the fateful day.
He thought that maybe a week would be long enough for him to prepare himself, for him to calm his nerves and relax his breathing the next time he saw you, but that proved to be incorrect as he watched you walk through the doors of the bookshop and head in his direction. He could’ve sworn he was under cardiac arrest when you gave him that smile and gentle wave. God, the things you do to him.
“You look lovely, wow.” He was a little embarrassed at the sound of his own voice and the quickness with which he spoke. He sounded slightly out of breath and it was laced with a desperation he hoped had gone missed by you, not to mention he completely cut you off - for the second time now.
“Ah, sorry I keep doing that, what were you gonna say?” He followed you as you smiled and began sifting through the aisles of books.
“Don’t worry, I was just saying hello, nothing too important. Um, thank you by the way. I was actually feeling a little unsure so it’s good to know I made the right decision with my outfit today.” You hoped your own nervousness didn’t shine through too much. You liked him, really liked him, and it’d be a shame to do something to screw it up.
Although it’s been only a week since you’ve first seen each other, you’ve spent it texting each other back and forth. He’d even called you once on his lunch break while you were in between classes. You found him kind, soft but not shy enough to leave room in the conversation for awkward pauses. He was marvelous, and you could only hope he felt the same.
If only you knew just how shy you really made him feel. How he was losing sleep over the butterflies in his stomach at the mere thought of getting to see you again, the way his eyes lit up at the sound of his ringtone, and the way he fidgeted with his hair in the reflection of the window until he saw you walk by; you made him feel like he was in high school all over again.
“Well, I’m sure your other option looked just as lovely. How’s your day been?”
The two of you talked as you continued to browse, the conversation never falling victim to a lull or misplaced joke. It was going so well, you hadn’t even noticed the time.
A creak in the wooden floor to your right, followed by the friendly face of the shop owner, let you know instead - as well as startling you as you yelped and stumbled back into the chest of your date.
“Oh goodness, my apologies! I just wanted to let you two know the store will be closing in about 10 minutes. But no rush, just let me know when you’re ready to check out.” With a quick nod of their head, they turned on their heels and made a quick exit towards the front of the store (presumably where the register will be).
You were so busy clutching your chest and catching your breath, it took you a moment to notice the warmth against your back. It wasn’t until a pair of equally warm hands gently rested on your shoulders and a quiet laugh vibrated against your spine that you realized you’d stumbled into Yamaguchi.
“You okay? I didn’t know you were so jumpy.” His voice is low and soft as he whispers in your ear, his hair tickling your neck from the way he’s leaning down to speak.
“Y-yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you.” You kept your eyes trained onto the grain of the wood beneath your feet, embarrassed enough to make your face go hot but apparently not enough to move quickly out of his grasp. He was warm, and inviting, and he’s yet to move himself or you. Should you step away or -
Before you have time to make a decision, he makes one for you.
Standing back up to his full height, he steps to the side of you and drags his hands along your shoulders, and down your arm, until one is resting at the bend of your wrist.
Warm, calloused fingers tentatively dance along the palm of your hand until they’re intertwined with your own, pulling you gently in the direction of the store owner.
“C’mon, we should probably check out.”
Swallowing your nerves, and doing your best to hide the giddy smile across your face, you follow.
Some “thank you”’s, “have a nice day”’s, and “goodbye”’s later, you now stand outside the closed bookshop - hand still comfortably in his grasp.
“I had a-”
“Thank you-”
Rather than apologize this time, Yamaguchi lets an airy chuckle fall past his lips with his eyes crinkled close.
“Alright, alright, you go first this time.” With a couple of squeezes to your hand, he waits for you to go on.
“I was just going to say thank you, for coming out with me tonight. I had a really lovely time.” He can almost barely hear you, but his heart flutters all the same when you squeeze his hand back.
“I had an amazing time, too. If you’re willing, I’d really enjoy seeing you again sometime.” It’s his turn to speak softly as he eagerly awaits your response.
Fiddling with his fingers instead of your own, you nod your head and let a smile form for the upteenth time that night - your cheeks were starting to hurt.
You can tell that might be a problem for you in the future, and you find yourself only hoping that will be the case. Lucky for you, Yamaguchi is thinking the same thing.
Your first kiss…
First kisses are tough, awkward most times, although hopefully endearing. Yearning for a perfect kiss is nothing to be ashamed of, and neither is waiting, something Yamaguchi could do good learning. But when his lips interlock with yours, and you feel the way you do, who cares about how it happened - it felt better than he could’ve dreamed of.
A month, almost two months to be exact, since Yamaguchi’s asked you to be his, and he’s yet to ask you for a kiss. It’s not that he’s waiting this long on purpose, he just wants it to be perfect, and to him there hasn’t been a perfect moment yet. Or if he thinks it might be the right time, he takes one look at you and can’t be helped to become full of insecurity. What if you’re not ready yet? What if you think he’s a bad kisser? And by the time he’s shunned the thoughts away, the moment’s passed. And here he is, coming up against the same problem again.
You’re sat in his living room, on his couch, with your legs in his lap as he rubs your calves soothingly and he feels a bit of pride swell in his chest at the sight of you. His girlfriend, and here he is - your boyfriend.
His hands transition from lovingly squeezing to running his fingers along your skin, hearts in his eyes as you laugh at the television.
Now, he should do it now.
No, not now. You’re watching TV, and clearly enjoying it, how rude of him… right?
Beginning to get frustrated, he sighs to himself and turns his attention back to the show playing in front of you both, his hands coming to a full stop as he pouts not-so-discreetly (unbeknownst to him).
Why can’t he just do it?
You’re so… kissable, and yet he can’t do it? How pa-
“Tadashi? Are you okay?” Your soft voice and tender touch to his arm pulls him out of his own self deprecating thoughts.
“Hm? Yeah! Just thinkin’.” Reaching over to squeeze the hand rubbing up and down his bicep he gives you the sincerest smile he can muster, however knowing the difference between a true Yamaguchi smile and a fake one is definitely one of your skill sets.
With a frown and small sigh of your own, you flip the television off and pull your legs out of his lap to sit up next to him.
His breath hitches in his throat as your hands lift to cup the sides of his face, your thumbs rubbing gingerly back and forth. His freckles become more prominent under your touch, and his breath begins to intermingle with yours as you bring your face closer to his.
“You can talk to me, or tell me whatever you need, but something’s clearly upsetting you. Let me make it better, please?” With a hopeful lilt in your voice, you flicker your eyes across his face to read anything from his expression, but you draw a blank as he stares back without a response.
“Do you want a hug?”
You come to a stop and stare at him with furrowed brows at his sudden intensity.
Bigger, warm hands come up to cover your own before sliding off your wrists, coming back up to cup your own cheeks. He leans in closer, lips brushing against yours as he speaks, making you shudder.
“Kiss me instead?” His voice is barely above a whisper, but you wouldn't need to hear his words to know what he’s asking.
Unable to speak yourself, you simply nod your head with a lick of your lips.
Hesitantly, he closes the gap that's left between you both with a feather like peck, lasting only a few seconds. The soft click of your lips as he pulls away sends goosebumps down his body and lights a fire in his stomach. Leaning in again, he kisses you once more. It’s longer, more confident, and he can’t help but smile when you sigh against his lips.
Fine, this is definitely perfect.
The moment he knew you were the one…
It was simple, sweet, something he never knew he needed until you took his hands into yours and showed him all the different ways love could be beautiful. The reason love is so cherished. And that was the moment he knew nobody else would be the one to take his heart, it was yours to keep. You, his one and only.
Some days are tougher than others, that’s what he tells himself as he walks past your front door. And sometimes, tough days can turn into tough weeks. But he doesn’t know why. What is this rut he’s stuck in? It seems that every thought he has from dusk until dawn this past week has been nothing but negative.
You should be working harder, Yamaguchi. You should be pushing yourself harder. You’re lucky they haven’t fired you. Don’t be surprised when you don’t get that promotion you’ve been working for, you don’t deserve it. You aren’t working hard enough for it.
One thought sparks another and they spiral and spiral until he’s on the verge of tears, but he doesn’t know why this feeling hasn’t gone away yet. Sure, he struggles with negative self talk here and there, most people do. But this week has been unprecedented, even for him.
He knows it’s probably because of the interview he has tomorrow for that promotion he’s been working so hard for. Headaches have been all too common for him these past couple days and he just needs a break.
Thankfully for him, he has you by his side. You, who can sometimes see his limits before himself.
He’s thankful for you inviting him over for dinner again, no mind the short notice. And it’s almost like magic, the way being in your home for a matter of mere minutes has his lungs taking deeper breaths and the tension already beginning to dissipate from his shoulders and that spot in the back of his neck.
“Hey, you.”
Your voice, soft and welcoming, washes over him in a warmth as he turns around to find you standing with open arms. Taking two large steps in your direction, he lets you wrap your arms around his torso, his head leaning down to rest on top of yours as you hum and breath into his chest.
A groan of distaste almost slips past his lips as you pull yourself away from him, toned arms doing their best to keep against him, but you stay, sliding your arms up his chest until they’ve made their way to his tie. He’s not sure why, but the action has tears forming on his lash line, hot globs of them threatening to spill down the apples of his cheeks.
It’s so tender, so full of love, the way you silently loosen the fabric until you can pull it off completely. Wiping the tears he hadn’t known he’d shed away from his jaw, you pull him down for a soft and quick kiss.
His breath shudders as he pulls away, resting his forehead against your own.
You are everything, the only thing he thinks he’d ever need in his life to be happy. He thinks it might sound a little obsessive, but you never fail to catch him at his lowest and remind him he is loved, and he can only hope he makes you feel the same.
“I love you.”
Here you go angel!! I hope you enjoyed it and it was everything you were looking for - I love you! @sweetbambi
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Can I please request Todoroki and Iida who has an S/O who gets really uncomfortable with the amount of stuff the two buy for them? Like, they be strolling in the mall and if their S/O look at something for more than a second they buy it for them? They don’t want to come off as materialistic by getting all these gifts but also ungrateful by rejecting them? And Todoroki’s and Iida’s reaction to finding out this about their S/O? Thanks!
a/n: of course!! i need to write more for iida, maybe i’ll do a lil fic for him soon. thank you for the request hun!!
headcanon: them with an s/o who feels uncomfortable receiving gifts
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
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shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Todoroki enjoys buying you gifts. It’s a little way of him expressing his love for you.
And a way to get back at his father, because let's be honest, those credit cards have got quite the limit-
But you start to feel sort of bad when Todoroki showers you will all these gifts.
It’s not like you hate Todoroki, you just begin to feel materialistic. Your boyfriend is giving you gift after gift, and you feel sort of bad not getting him anything back.
And you feel even worse when you have to sort of reject the gifts.
Does he think you’re ungrateful now?
You can barely walk through a mall without Todoroki asking if you want to buy the cool shirt you just looked at or the giant stuffed animal that looks ever so cozy to lay on.
It’s not like you hate the gesture, it’s nice of him to offer, but you feel so spoiled. 
And it’s not a bad thing either, to be spoiled. But just being with Tododoroki is more than enough for you. 
You finally decide to confront him and tell you how you’ve been feeling.
It’s getting late at the dorms, everyone is preparing for class tomorrow, Bakugou’s already in bed and Kirishima is warning Kaminari not to wake the beast from his beauty slumber or they’ll all be in trouble.
You’re dressed in some sleep clothes when you decide to pull Todoroki away from the evening chatter.
“Hey Sho, could we talk for a minute?” You ask, fidgeting with your thumbs.
“Sure.” Todoroki follows you up to your room, where the two of you enter and sit quietly on your bed.
“I don’t really know the best way to say this, so just bear with me.” You start.
Todoroki begins to prepare for some sort of breakup speech, but he’s surprised.
“I really like you, and I love everything you do for me. But sometimes I feel really spoiled. Too spoiled. I love your presence and being around you, but when you get me all these gifts I feel bad, and then I feel like I’m being ungrateful for not appreciating the things you get for me, even though I love them.”
Todoroki feels somewhat calm knowing you weren’t ending things. But now he needs to comfort you.
“So you don’t like it when I buy you things?” He asks, making sure he’s grasped wha you told him.
“I do, I just feel like you buy me too many things, and I don’t want to seem greedy or materialistic.” You explain a bit more. Todoroki nods and pulls you into a hug.
“I’ll try to ease up some. But if you want something, don’t be afraid to ask.” Todoroki’s words are genuine, and you know he means well.
“Thank you. I’m sorry if this sounded weird-”
“Don’t apologize. I want you to feel valid, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Todoroki pulls away and cups your cheek, urging you to get closer as he pulled your face toward his.
“Y-yeah.” You stuttered, smiling as Todoroki pressed a kiss to your lips, kissing you gently.
»»————- ★ ————-««
tenya iida
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Iida enjoys buying you gifts because he probably feels a bit insecure about how he loves.
But oh do you know that he is amazing. His tender and sweet touch, like when he hugs you in the mornings after you wake up and walk downstairs, groggy after your alarm wakes you from a nice sleep.
He’s a great guy, and you know that first hand.
But Iida feels a bit insecure about how he loves. What if he’s too formal? what if he’s too uptight and strict? Do you even like him?
His solution? Buy you gifts on top of gifts on tp of gifts.
It’s never his intention to make you uncomfortable, but you can’t help but feel a little materialistic when he shows up almost every day with something new for you. 
And you feel even worse when you don’t appreciate the gifts. Does he think you’re ungrateful for not show your excitement? 
It’s a whirlwind of emotions. But eventually, you have to sit him down.
You can’t even walk through a store without Iida snatching something to buy you as a gift.
It’s after class, when everyone’s planning on doing homework, or at least Iida is.
“Hey, Tenya? Can we talk?” You ask quietly, glancing down at the ground as your boyfriend casually approaches you. 
“Yes!” He’s straight to the point like usual. He follows you to your room and hesitates before closing the door behind him.
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you about this for a while, but I’m struggling to find the best way to tell you.” You began, already making Iida worry a bit.
“I will listen before I say anything. It is best to understand how you feel before I give any input.” Iida states before giving you his undivided attention.
“Being with you is amazing, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But I feel really bad when you buy me all these things. I feel greedy and spoiled but at the same time I feel like you think I’m ungrateful for the gifts you always give me whenever I don’t seem happy about them.” You blurt out.
Iida is completely thrown off. He was ready for the breakup, but he quickly re-focuses on you.
“I love everything you get for me, don’t get me wrong, but I enjoy just being with you even more. You don’t have to spoil me with all these things. Iida, I need you more than I need dozens of little trinkets.” You smile, trying your best to lighten the mood.
“I see. You would feel better if I stopped buying you gifts?” Iida asks to make sure he’s on the mark.
“Yes. They’re nice, but I don’t need them all the time.” You grabbed his hands, holding them in your own.
“I understand. I want to make you happy, but are you sure? I know I can be-”
“Iida the way you are is more than enough for me.” You tugged his hands and pulled him into a hug, the conversation ending up in some dual comforting session.
You hugged Iida, just resting in his arms. It was a loving embrace. Iida placed a sweet kiss on your cheek before pulling away and smiling at you.
“Thank you for telling me how you feel. I’m glad we can be honest with one another.”
“Me too.” You lean up and kiss his lips quickly, pecking them just to see a blush spread across his cheeks.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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Smoke & Mirrors - part 5
Neil x Reader
Chapter 5: Blue blood
(see chapter 4, 3, 2, 1)
summary: everything should be easier from now on, right?
warnings:  language, alcohol mention, 18+
author’s note: I know part 5 was supposed to be a finale. 
It’s not.
This is just where the story took me, and I think splitting it this way is going to pay out in the end.
song for this chapter: Laurel - Blue Blood
Anyway, enjoy! And let me know what you think, please?
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You stared at your boss, trying to wrap your mind around everything you’d just heard.
“Does that technically make me--?
“An assistant squad leader, yes,” said The Protagonist. “At least for the time being.“
He didn’t need to say anything else - you were well aware he meant it could go both ways from now on.
You nodded, glancing to your left at Neil.
“As long as it’s not an assistant to the squad leader...” you said and shrugged, trying to keep a straight face while Neil snorted loudly at your comment. You exchanged quick looks and you finally allowed a small smile to appear on your lips. It felt good to catch him off guard for once, and him getting a reference was a nice surprise as well.
“What’s so funny?” the boss asked, eyeing you warily.
Just as you opened your mouth to apologize, Neil collected himself enough to let out a long musing sigh.
“Ah, one could dream.”
You let out an exasperated huff and kicked him in the ankle, stifling a giggle. Fucking hell, you didn’t know what had gotten into you. Or him, for that matter, almost choking with laughter at your reaction.
TP must have been thinking the same because his eyes darted between both of you from under a raised brow. He cleared his throat.
“Are you two done?” he asked, and something in his tone made you straighten in your seats instantly as if you were two misbehaving kids in the principal’s office. “I need the first drafts from you by tomorrow noon.”
“Of course. Thank you, sir,” you said, internally cursing at yourself for losing your cool.
Your boss shook his head slowly and you could swear his usual polite expression cracked for a split second, revealing a glimpse of a smug smile hiding in a corner of his lips.
“Now go, before I change my mind.”
You grabbed the documents from the desk and mumbled a quick goodbye on your way out.
Neil followed you closely, his sparkling eyes showing no remorse for what had just happened.
“Would be easier if you still despised me, wouldn’t it,” he teased as he closed the door behind you.
You groaned and smacked his arm with the papers.
“What makes you think that I don’t?”
“Oh please,” he let out a throaty chuckle and sent you a roguish smile. The way he seemed to be almost obnoxiously confident in how this combo worked on you drove you mad every time. Not that he was wrong, it simply didn’t help the case he was trying to make. “Meet me at my place later?”
You gaped at him. “Can’t we use the conference room?” you asked and started walking down the empty corridor, hoping that being on the move would help your clearly malfunctioning mind.
Neil matched your pace. “It’s gonna take hours and the chairs there are far from comfortable.”
“Who would’ve thought you have such a sensitive ass,” you snickered and narrowed your eyes. “Admit it, you’re just looking for an excuse to lure me to bed.”
You stopped by the elevators. Neil hummed as he reached out to press a button to call one to your floor.
He leaned your way slightly and lowered his voice. “I think we’ve already established that we don’t really need a bed for that.”
...fair point. 
You swallowed with effort, turning his way. He was looking at you with an amused expression on his face, but you saw the way his gaze darkened under your stare. You could be annoyed with him being inappropriate all you wanted, but you had to admit - it was kind of reassuring how some things stayed the same after the recent events.
“Promise to behave?”
Neil raised a brow and a corner of his lips twitched.
“Only if you do.”
“Deal,” you said and walked into the elevator, nodding in a greeting to a couple of agents inside.
As the door closed with a small hiss, you caught a playful twinkle in the blue eyes.
“And only till we finish preparing that draft.”
His voice could be the prime example of corporate professionalism, and that one out-of-context line was obviously not enough to send an elbow to his ribs without raising suspicious looks from your colleagues.
...but you did it anyway.
The time in Neil’s apartment could be counted by the emptied cups of coffee, the amount of scratched ideas, or the number of times you caught each other glancing at one another. And when you finally got close to cracking the case of planning that temporal pincer movement, it was already late in the evening, and you were glad you’d spent the last couple of hours on a comfy sofa instead of one of those god awful chairs in the conference room.
Neil kept his promise and was surprisingly easy to work with. His take on things, not yet tainted by years in the field, provided many fresh ideas, while your experience allowed you to catch and assess any potential risks on the fly. The way he paid attention to your words and cared about your feedback made you feel heard and appreciated, and that was something you weren’t quite used to. You didn’t have too much time to muse over it though, because there were still some parts of the plan you had to go through and the exhaustion was slowly catching up to you, making you less and less productive with every passing minute.
You crumbled a piece of paper in your fist and groaned, tossing it on top of a small pile of paper balls on the floor. As you moved your hand to your face to pinch the bridge of your nose, you noticed red and blue smudges from permanent markers covering your palm. Fucking hell. Choosing to rest your forehead on your knuckles instead, you closed your eyes and exhaled slowly, gathering your thoughts. You heard Neil standing up and moving to the kitchen. Seems like he needed a break as well.
A moment of silence was abruptly interrupted by the clanking of glassware. You raised your head and stretched your arms, only then realizing how stiff you felt after so many hours curled in one spot. Just as you got up, Neil came back with two glasses of what seemed to be a whiskey.
“Drinks?” you asked, puzzled. Anything with caffeine would be more fitting with your current state, especially since you were not done with the work yet.
Neil smiled as he handed you the glass.
“Thought we could take five minutes off to celebrate.” Seeing your perplexed face, he beamed a bit wider. “...your promotion?”
You laughed at your own confusion. Right. Shrugging lightly, you stirred your glass.
“Oh, it only means I got stuck with you, and I don’t know if it’s a thing to celebrate,” you said, holding back a mischievous grin.
Neil rolled his eyes and let out an amused sigh. “Drown your sorrows then.”
“That I can do,” you arched a brow and chuckled. “Cheers!”
The glasses clinked and you met Neil’s glance with something new shining from under the usual playfulness. He noticed the curiosity in your stare and smirked as he took a sip of his drink, sitting down on a sofa.
“You know what else we could use those five minutes for?” he asked casually, leaning back on the pillows with a roguish smile you knew too well.
You looked him up and down slowly, hoping the whiskey would help with the sudden dryness inside your mouth. That slightly unbuttoned navy shirt with rolled-up sleeves and the way he spread his legs made you weak. You mustered all the self control your tired brain could scramble before speaking again, the lit-up eyes being any indication of the effect he had on you.
“It’s closer to four now, I’m afraid.”
Neil put down his glass on a coffee table and knitted his brows together, pretending to run a short calculation in his mind.
You downed your drink and teased, “Is it now?” as you placed the empty glass next to his.
“We’ll figure something out,” he said and reached out for your hand, pulling you to him before you could say anything else. As you fell on him with a quiet yelp, Neil wrapped one arm around your waist, securing you on his lap.
A faint protest about the draft not being finished got stuck in your throat. Captivated by the look in his eyes, it dawned on you that it was the first time you were so close, now without the rage boiling in your veins, without the danger of someone walking in on you; just you and him, focused on each other, too awestruck to make the next move.
You brushed a wild strand from his forehead and your fingers traveled further through his hair. Neil’s forehead creased, his jaw went slack and he searched your gaze, trying to figure out your intentions. As your eyes wandered around his features, your fingertips followed them unhurriedly. Grazing lightly against the eyebrows, gliding over the cheekbones, trailing along the sharp jawline till his breath hitched and his lips parted ever so slightly. You noticed how longing his stare became and you smiled softly. Was he always so gorgeous?
Leaning in and cupping his face in your hands, you could feel him tense for a split second, but as soon as you pressed your forehead to his, the arm wrapped around your waist pulled you closer to him and Neil exhaled slowly. He lifted his hand from your lap and his long fingers combed your hair and slid down, rubbing your neck gently.
You closed your eyes and let out a small sigh, relaxing under his touch, under the heat of his body. Breathing in the scent of his cologne, both arousing and grounding at the same time. Tilting your head, you nuzzled his nose and you could feel his brows furrowing as he followed your motion, stroking your nose up and down slowly. Tenderly. Brushing his lips with your fingertips, you lost yourself in this moment. In the warmth spreading through you. In the way your breaths intertwined.
Your hands traced back to his jaw and you felt it clenching in response.
Neil’s hand left your neck and you opened your eyes, only to notice his conflicted expression. And a glimpse of sadness tainting the blue irises. Seeing the confused look on your face, he palmed over your hand on his cheek, pulling it away hesitantly.
“We should get back to work,” he said, avoiding your gaze, his voice raspy and hollow.
The heart sank in your chest as you sprung from his lap. Of course.
“Yeah, right, sure,” you mumbled, suddenly feeling lightheaded, with the cold sweat slowly drenching the back of your shirt and the pulse pounding heavily in your ears.
You were such an idiot. Should have known better. You were never gonna learn, huh?
Gritting your teeth, you grabbed the markers and a fresh stack of papers and sat down on the floor at the far end of the coffee table, trying to ignore the enigmatic stare being sent your way.
Neil let out a deep sigh and reached out for his unfinished drink. As he put down the empty glass, he shook his head, looking somewhat defeated.
You cleared your throat and resumed where you'd left off, determined to get over the last details of the operation as soon as possible. Luckily, focusing on the work numbed down the crippling embarrassment. At least for the time being.
And although the initial flow was nowhere to be found, the plan was ready and bulletproof in a little over an hour. The presentation was finished. And so were you. Or at least that’s how you felt, collecting various blueprints and schematics covering most of the flat areas within your reach. 
You looked around, checking one last time if everything was ready to submit.
“Guess that’s it,” you said and started gathering your things, getting ready to leave. 
Neil followed you to the hall and watched as you put on the coat.
“Listen, I...” 
Holding your breath, you turned his way. Waiting for his next words.
Meanwhile, he struggled to find them, and a frustrated frown clouded his features.
“...let me at least call you a cab?”
The void in your chest grew an inch. Right.
“I’ll take a walk.” Your mouth contorted in a weak attempt to smile. “See you tomorrow, blondie,” you said dryly and walked out of the apartment, nauseous and desperate to get some fresh air.
How silly of you to think that it could be about anything other than sex. 
That’s what you get for being willing to open up.
Yet another painful reminder that you weren’t a relationship material. 
You exhaled shakily as your legs carried you to the only place able to stop your mind from spiraling.
Aim and pull the trigger. 
(next chapter->)
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lovee-infected · 3 years
I'm about to start my own (twst) writing blog and I'm going around writers that I follow for some advice q*q could you give me any wisdom on what I should do when starting a writing blog? thank you!! I love your works and you're one of the writers that inspire me
Aa thank you baby I'm so happy to hear that I inspire you!! First off, good luck with the new writing blog! I'm glad that more authors are joining the fandom and wish you all the best with your works! 💞💖💞 Other than trying to keep your blog organized by creating a proper masterlist, choosing a suitable aesthetic, having a set of rules and making sure to tag all of the warnings and necessary mentions (gender of reader, n/sfw or trigger warning), I tried to come up with some useful advises that might help!
1) Keep up the great confidence!
First and the most important thing about a writing blog, is to be confident and strong. Look, you shouldn't be afraid of posting your works and sharing with the redt of the fandom, even as they're not as perfect as you want them to be. The more you write, the more you learn! And you'd grow to be better and better as you continue to share your works! Not even the greatest authors had been any perfect on their first days!
2) If you're accepting requests, try to set a limit
Being overwhelmed with asks is never pleasant, if you just open your inbox to face 500 requests you'd be to be terrified and confused and even lose your passion to work on any of them because of the stress and not knowing where to begin from. Try to set a limit based on your personal limits, how many requests do you think you can have at the time without stressing out because of how much they are? 10? 20? 50? 100? 200? Doesn't matter! If you feel like you're fine with huge numbers like 200 and 150, it's totally fine! If not, remember that setting a character limit would not only reduce the possible chance of stressing out and overwhelming anxiety but it'll also help you manage your inbox better and easier! You can start taking requests again just as soon as your inbox in cleared!
3) Try to treat yourself every once in a while!
Working on requests can be tiring and sometimes, boring. It's great if you enjoy working on requests no matter what they are but remember to write for your own pleasure every once in a while too!
Even if you have like 100 requests laying in your inbox, feel free to write self indulgent fics or something that you'd like to write even if it's super odd an irrelevant to your normal writings! Remember that you deserve to read something you enjoy just as much as the others do, so don't forget to bless yourself with that beautiful writing of yours ;) Remember that it's your blog, you are free to do everything that makes you happy or anything that you simply enjoy doing ^^
4) Remember that no matter what, toxicity always exists and it's not your fault
Look toxicity is very common to be found social medias, especially platforms like tumblr in which anonymous function exists. Even celebrities and world-famous artists might get attacked over pretty silly stuff every once in a while so it's something usual to happen! I wish you never receive any potentially harmful or rude asks or messages but if you ever do, best would be to block or simply ignore them! People in this platform can be ridiculous sometimes lol, there are people who DM creators just to spam hate and block the creator whom they spammed after wards lol, so don't even bother t waste your time with such people!
If anyone comes to your inbox/DMs/comments to say something harsh or leave a sharp critique, best would be to ignore them. Even if you like to answer or respond to reply to them tey to be chill and not take them seriously. Remember, even if they didn't like your content they could've just scrolled down without bothering to read your work, so if they had the guts to come and spam you with nonsense just because they didn't like your work, it's their fault! They didn't have to read, and it doesn't even matter if they liked your work or not! It's their problem and all, so remember not to let these kind of people get to you at all!
5) Take it easy with writing
Don't push yourself too hard, remember that not everything you write is supposed to be *perfect. This is even more serious when it comes to requests, thousands of unexpected ideas might pop up in your inbox and it makes it quite confusing to choose what to write or do!
First off, don't be any shy or anxious about rejecting the requests which don't follow your rules or come when you aren't accepting requests. Those who violate your rules aren't worthy of your time and work!
Secondly, keep this is mind that you aren't expected to be able to write everything! Sometimes the requests are hard to write, the idea seems odd or hard to understand, or sometimes you just don't feel comfortable or don't want to write it all, which is okay!
You always have the right to take/drop whichever of your requests and you don't owe anyone anything for this, it's your own blog, your work, and your content. Don't ever force yourself to write something which you don't like to write!
6) Your health is always the top priority
Remember that no matter how popular you are, how many followers you have, how many requests are left in your inbox or how much people are wishing to get more of your content, you're free to stop writing and put this wrong at a temporarily (or even permanent) hiatus.
Sometimes you just don't feel like writing, then don't write. If you feel like you're being too busy with work/family/school and anything please don't force yourself to write! Remember that your real life matters always come first!
Also, you might even need a break from writing without necessarily being really busy or sad, sometimes you just need to take a break from everything, and it's totally fine to do! Take as much time as you need and stay healthy during your breaks. It'd be even better if you don't even think of any new ideas/Aus while you're taking a break from writing so you can fully set your mind off stuff! Doesn't even matter if followers/readers are going to appreciate this or not, it's not about them, it's about you. Remember that your good readers/follwers who understand that authors are normal humans and not writing machines would surely understand if you need to take a break too!
7)Keep yourself motivated!
There might be days when you can and have the time to write, but something's holding you back. You feel like procrastinating over and over at some point lose the motivation to write. First off, that's a really normal matter to see as many of us have to struggle with laziness sometimes lol, but there are some useful tips to keep yourself Motamedi and hyped while you're planning to write! A bit of challenge would not only make it a lot more fun, but is also a good way to keep yourself motivated and inspired!
First, try prompt lists! They've always got plenty of useful ideas and inspirational quotes to use and are absolutely amazing to give you new ideas for a writing!
Second, try to challenge yourself by simple stuff like setting yourself word limits, trying to see how much you can write in an hour, use some suggested words in your stories (ex: Banana, train, knife, turkey) as a small challenge! You can also try small events (like milestone or holiday events) to celebrate on your blog with stuff like: Prompt list requests, CYOAs, character interaction and other new stuff that gives you a better motivation tp write instead of just having to work on the same, usual writing requests over and over.
Also, I suggest putting an specific hour for writing/ checking on your blog in your daily schedule as this is also a way of avoiding procrastination, instead of writing 10 requests a day and not writing anything for two weeks, try to set an schedule like writing 1-2 writings everyday! Remember to put your real life activities in the schedule too so you won't have to go through any trouble to find a balance between your real life and running a writing blog!
8) Remember the crediting/copyrights
I'm just adding this here because I can see quite a few of writers using uncredited art for their stories and it's been much and less of an issue lately ^^;
First off, the arts/headers used in your writing. Make sure not to use any uncredited card or anyone else's edit without their permission, otherwise it's nothing different from stealing the work from the original artst!
If you're going to leave a link to the artist, make sure to check on them and check if they allow reposts with credit or not. If they don't, don't use their art. If they do, make sure to give them a proper credit with a link to them! (:
Editors too on the other hand spend a very long time making their edits and and aesthetics, so not copying their work is just as important as not stealing art from the artsits!
Pinterest is filled with uncredited art and if there's a pinterest art who is not linked to the original artist, putting the empty pinterest pin link would be useless and steal counted as stealing art.
9) Stick with your own writing style!
Writing style is like signature, everyone's got their very own and unique writing style. From the way you portray characters to what elements you use as the story develops, you're totally different from each and every of other authors in this fandom!
You may sometimes wonder if your writing style is any good at all while you look at other creators writings and feel the difference, and I gotta say: It doesn't even matter what others are doing! All that is important, is you.
Don't try to change your style to become close another writer's style, your own style is great as it already is! Even if you aren't yet that experienced with writing and feel like your writing could be better, remember that your writing skills will indeed improve as you continue to write and read newer and newer stuff, so don't worry about it!
Each and every writing style has got its own beauty, not everyone may totally enjoy your style at first but and as you continue to write, you'd get to learn what makes people enjoy your writing even more or how you can attract new readers with your writings, your style will change for the better as you write!
Though it's totally fine if you feel like there are writers who inspire and motivate you, remember that you won't have to be them in order to improve! You don't need to be just like them to be great! Even if you do have some issues like being a non-native speaker which can make it quite hard for you to write, you'd automatically learn and have most of your errors fixed as the time passes. I made LOTS of mistakes in my first writings but I hardly ever make any mistakes now because I'm used to it! Though it was a bit late I finally recognized my mistakes and corrected them! And I'd continue to correct more of my mistakes as I continue to write!
10) It's very good to have different writer mutuals
This one is rather optional, just a small recommendation! Though there are many writers who might recommend this as a rather important factor for running a writing blog, I'd say that this isn't necessary as there are still well-known tumblr authors and even twst authors who gained attention to themselves on their own and not with the help and support of any mutuals or writer friends, so it isn't impossible to be successful even without having any mutuals!
The thing with having mutuals is that it makes everything easier. A totally new twst blog can gain around 100 followers on its first without even posting anything more than a writing and a list of rules only because of being supported and boosted by well-known blogs while a for normal blog without any support or boosting, it may take up to 2-3 weeks or even an entire month to gain that 100!
Also, getting to talk with different authors (especially those who are more experienced than you) is motivational and heartwarming, you can feel like you have a team to belong to. You can discuss different writing ideas/issues/blog chores with them and see what they may think. You can even have their support with new ideas if you feel stuck/unmotivated while writing a piece!
I didn't have any mutuals on my first days either and I admit that this made things a bit hard, but it didn't hold me back from continuing to write! Yet I admit that it's surely very useful to have a couple of writer friends around you whom you can share your ideas with! Mutuals support each other, reblog each other's works and give each other a better chance of having their works read by more users, which is quite amazing and helpful!
11) Go for it and don't give up!
Remember that no one, not even the greatest writing blogs have been perfect on their first days. They weren't well-known back then either! And they wouldn't have been any successful today without being hard-working and strong. Leaving up to the previous 10 rules is the hardest part of having a blog, and it's all about not giving up!
Do not try to judge your writing and talents based on the amount of notes your posts get or how many followers you have, because these aren't ever going to show your true worth and talents! But I assure you, if you continue to write even through your hard days, your unmotivated days and your sad days no matter how hard it's supposed to be, everything will change. The more you write, the higher the chance of having new people find and read your works would be! Keeping up the hard work and believing in yourself is the key to achieving anything you may wish for, even having a successful writing blog!
As you continue to write, you'll get more readers, more notes on your posts, more followers and more people who enjoy your content!
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Hope that these are helpful, wish you all the greatest and good luck with your writing blog!!💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕💞
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prettyyoungandbored · 3 years
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Eight
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Warning: None
Taglist: dragonballluver, disgraceful-marvel-trash, barikawho (Let me know if you want to be tagged in this!)
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Demetria laid in the hospital bed, toying with the thin, white waffle blanket the nurse had given her an hour ago.
The doctors concluded she’d had a severe panic attack, stemming from the trauma caused by The Joker’s attack. They gave her some medicine to put her at ease and stitched up her arm.
Alfred sat in the chair beside her. He rode in the ambulance with her and stayed with her throughout her stay.
While his company was deeply appreciated, the disappointment of Bruce’s absence sunk into her. How could he have left her? Where was he?
Just then, Harvey rushed in hurriedly.
“Dem, oh my god,” he said taking her hand. “Are you alright?”
“I’m alive,” she sighed. “How are you? What happened to you?” 
“I’m not entirely sure. I was talking with Rachel and the next thing I knew I was dragged into some kind of safe room. Next thing I know, the cops let me out and told me what happened.” 
“How’s Rachel doing?”
“She’s fine. No injuries or anything. I don’t know how she survived falling that far without a scratch, but I guess I have Batman to thank.” His eyes shifted to Alfred, his brows furrowing. “Where the hell is Bruce?”
“That’s the million dollar question tonight,” Demetria responded.
“Was he there when you were attacked?”
She shook her head. Harvey pursed her his lip, head shaking.
“He better have gotten locked in a room or I’m gonna kill him,” 
“He should be here with you.” He eyed Alfred. “Where the hell is he?! Where was he?!”
“Enough!” Demetria spat. “First of all, you need to calm down. Second, the reason I’m ok and here is because of Alfred so don’t attack him.”
Harvey sighed and eyed Alfred. “Thank you for helping her. I’m sorry.”
“Understandable, Mr. Dent,” Alfred responded with a nod. “It’s been quite the night for all of us.”
“Go be with Rachel, ok?” Demetria said, taking Harvey’s hand. “She needs you right now. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
Harvey nodded and kissed the top of Demetria’s head. “Call me tomorrow.”
He left the room and Demetria turned to Alfred. “I’m sorry Alfred.” 
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he reassured with a smile before returning to his newspaper. 
Demetria pursed her lips back. “Alfred?” 
He glanced up from his paper. “Yes, Miss Gallagher?” 
“Thank you, for being there.” Her lips curved into a small, grateful smile. “And for staying by my side.”  He gave her a small nod, smiling. “My pleasure.” 
She sat up a bit. “Are you doing ok?” 
He chuckled. “I’ve seen a lot of things in my life, Miss Gallagher. What happened tonight doesn’t compare to some of the other things I have witnessed.” 
Before Demetria could question what exactly Alfred had seen in his life, a female nurse with sandy blonde hair pulled into a low ponytail entered the room.
“You holding up alright?” the nurse asked, setting down the clipboard on the nightstand beside the bed.
Demetria sighed, leaning her head back on the pillow. “I’ve had better nights.” 
“I don’t doubt that,” she laughed kindly. She reached into the pocket of her scrubs and pulled out some makeup wipes from her pocket.
“We keep it for all the nurses, but I figured you could use it,” she said.
Demetria gave the nurse a kind smile as she took wipe. “Thank you. I knew I should’ve stuck with waterproof makeup.” She wiped her eyes and face before tossing it into the trash beside her. “Hopefully my face isn't as bad as it was before.” 
“For what it’s worth, I think you’re beautiful, even with smudged makeup.”
She snorted. “You’re very kind.” 
Demetria eyes then shifted tp the nurses standing around the desk area looking at her, whispering among themselves. The nurse turned to them, shooting a dirty look at them.
“They don’t mean any harm,” the nurse chuckled. “Just curious, that’s all.”
“I can appreciate that. 
“My daughter suffers from them too,” the nurse went on. “Panic attacks, I mean.”
“How old is she?”
“16. Diagnosed just two years ago.”
“It’s hard when you’re young,” Demetria acknowledged. “I was 18 when I started getting them.”
“She’s doing better at managing them. Some days are harder than others.”
Demetria hummed, remembering what the first few years of her panic attacks were like - how she spent time and money trying to find the right medicine for her, how they would come up during lectures in college and she wondered if she was going to drop dead in the middle of class. At times they reduced her to tears, consuming her mentality.  
“What’s her name?” she asked.
“That’s a pretty name.” 
The doctor, a male with silver hair and friendly eyes, entered, giving Demetria a warm smile. “How’s everything?”
“Alright for the most part,” she nodded. “The medicine has definitely kicked in.” 
It was then Bruce rushed into the room. “I’m so sorry, honey. One of the clown’s men locked me in the bedroom. As soon as the officers got me out and told me what happened, I booked it over here.”
He took her hand, kissing the top of her head. “Are you ok?” 
“She has stitches in her forearm,” the doctor explained. “She also suffered a pretty big panic attack so we gave her some medicine to calm her down.”
A sigh of relief escaped Bruce’s lips. “Thank you for taking care of her.”
“Make sure she takes it easy the next couple of days. Give us a couple minutes and we’ll get you home.” 
Demetria nodded, the doctor and nurse leaving. Bruce kissed the top of Demetria’s head.
“I am so sorry,” he said. “I was grabbing stuff for us to leave and the next thing I knew-.” 
She waved her hand. “It’s fine. As long as they didn’t hurt you.” 
Her tone, while relaxed, wasn’t completely reassuring. His eyes met Alfred’s, who glared at him from the newspaper. He gave the old man a nod before returning to Demetria. “We’re going to get you home safe and sound.” 
While he meant what he said, it was easier said than done. Outside of the hospital was a swarm of photographers and reporters. Demetria held onto Bruce’s hand, keeping her head low as he led her through the roaring crowd. 
“Demetria, how are you feeling?” 
“Was The Joker telling the truth? Is there something going on between you and Harvey?” 
“Did you see the Batman come in to the party?” 
“Show us the wound!!”
Bruce helped her into the passenger side of car before going to the driver’s side. He turned to the press. “My fiancé is fine. Thanks.”
Glittering flashes of light stood before Demetria, as she tried to keep her head low. The flashes died down as the car pulled away.
The silence in the car was deafening. Bruce kept his eye on the road while Alfred sat in the back of the car. In the passenger seat, Demetria pressed her head against the window, staring at the nightlife that passed by. 
Exhaustion from the medicine and the trauma wrapped around her like a blanket. Still, in the back of her mind, something felt off about Bruce’s alibi.If he was trapped in the bedroom, wouldn’t he and Harvey have gotten out at the same time? Wouldn’t Harvey had heard him or seen him? 
Also, what did Bruce need to tell her?
When they arrived back at the penthouse, Alfred went straight to the kitchen and grabbed the kettle. Demetria followed soon after with Bruce right behind her. 
She went into their room first, Bruce watching her grab some sweatpants and a shirt before walking back out. 
She turned to him, her eyes watering again. 
“I’m...uh...gonna stay in the guest room tonight,” she said, letting out a sniffle.
“I want to be alone, ok?”
He nodded understandingly and watched her go into the guest bedroom. The second the door was closed, he eyed Alfred. 
“I messed up,” he admitted. “I should’ve grabbed her first. I wasn’t sure how much time I had and I knew he wanted Harvey-.” 
“The issue, Master Wayne, goes beyond you not saving her first,” Alfred cut him off, turning to him. 
“What was I supposed to do, Alfred?” 
“You already know.” 
Bruce scratched the back of his head. “Rachel...after she found out, said she couldn’t be with me because of him. Suppose Demetria does the same thing.” 
“Demetria is not Rachel, Master Wayne. Demetria has put up with the playboy facade you’ve created. She risked her sanity and comfort to deal with the people you both hate tonight. She’s given up the quiet life she loved to be with you. She’s made her sacrifices. It’s time you’ve made yours.” 
Demetria curled up in bed, the medicine beginning to wear off. She clutched onto the pillow, staring out into the dark room. 
Waves of exhaustion crashed over her body, but yet she couldn’t bring herself to fall asleep.
She cursed herself for pushing Bruce away, knowing deep down she didn’t actually want to be alone. She wanted to be in his arms, to hear him reassure her that everything would be ok. 
Still, she couldn’t shake how he treated her at the party, as well as his excuse as to what happened to him at the party. As much as she desperately wanted to believe him, she couldn’t.
She got up from thr bed and made her way to her and Bruce’s room. She opened the door to find he wasn’t there. She sighed, closing the door.
He must’ve gone to the gym, she thought.
“Looking for someone?”
She turned to see Bruce sitting in the chair. He was out of his part attire, instead donning a brown polo shirt and black pants. 
“I thought you would be at the gym,” she said, taking a seat on the coffee table that faced him.
“Took the night off.”
“You looked like your dressed to be somewhere.” 
He flashed a tiny smile. “I’ve got nowhere to be.”
She wiped her sweatpants with the palm of her hands, exhaling. Bruce straightened his posture, sensing she was fighting herself to speak up.
She bit the inside of her cheek, her eyes stinging as tears began to fill her eyes. “Tonight was just...”
She let out a defeated chuckle, shrugging. “I don’t know where to begin. I don’t. There are a million different things that I want to say but...” 
Bruce waited on bated breath, his heart sinking at the site of her crumbling down in each second that passed. Still, he was patient. 
Her eyes finally met his. “I felt like an animal in a cage for people to stare at. Like I had no purpose other than to be talked down to or ridiculed. And the one person I needed the most....” She exhaled. “I really needed you there.” 
He leaned in toward her. “I know. I know, and I’m sorry.” 
He took her hand in his. “There’s something I need to show you. Go grab a jacket.” 
“Where are you taking me?” 
“I’ll explain in the car.” His thumb grazed her chin. “I need you to trust me.” 
His pleading tone managed to win her over somehow. She excused herself to grab a jacket from their room. 
As Bruce waited, he could feel his heart race. The ambiguity of what would happen with their relationship after he would tell her broke him down. 
Demetria returned wearing her green utility jacket over her shirt and sweatpants and her paid of white Keds.
“Let’s go,” he told her, grabbing her hand. 
They went into the elevator down into the garage. The silence between them was deafening, both lost in their own thoughts. When the door opened, Demetria followed Bruce into his dark grey Lamborghini Murciélago LP640. 
The second the car left the garage, Bruce broke the silence. 
“Do you remember I told you I spent time traveling the world for a few years?” he spoke up. Demetria nodded. “Before I traveled, I tried to kill the man who killed the my parents. An assassin who worked for a mobster named Carmine Falcone beat me to it. So I visited Falcone who told me real power comes from being feared. So, I decided to spend some time studying the criminal underworld. I trained in combat under this group, the League of Shadows. I later found out they had plans to destroy Gotham, so I burnt down their temple.” 
Demetria stared at Bruce, wide-eyed and mouth gaped open. Although she knew of the trauma and grief Bruce had carried from witnessing his parent’s murder, never in a million years did she think he was capable of murdering the guy. It was one thing to wish death on the guy who killed you parents, but to go out and kill him was a whole other thing. 
She wasn’t sure how to respond, let alone process it, and judging by the deer-in-the headlights expression on her face, Bruce could tell. 
“I came back to Gotham because I felt like the city needed protection,” he continued. 
He pulled the car into an abandoned lot with a broken down warehouse bunker. He stopped the car and despite her hesitation, Demetria got out and followed Bruce. 
Her silence terrified him, but he knew what he had to do. He opened the door, letting her in first before closing it. 
Demetria’s stomach went weak, anticipation running through her. She followed Bruce into the dimly lit hallway before he stopped her. 
“Stay here,” he told her. 
Suddenly, the floor began to lower down into an underground room. Demetria’s heart rate picked up as she looked down. 
 The next thing she knew, she was in a brightly lit, spacious room with two, black military-esque Lamborghinis. 
“What the fuck is this?” she said, eyeing the whole room. 
This was it. No turning back. 
“Demetria...I’m Batman.” 
She whipped her head to Bruce, her mouth hung open. Her blood ran cold, her entire being knocked out by three words. 
“You...you’re....you...” Her words failed her. 
He motioned for her to follow him. He grabbed a remote from off the desk and pointed it at the wall across from him. A section on of the floor rose, revealing a glass case where sure enough, hanging perfectly inside was Batman’s costume. 
Demetria eyes went back and fourth between the costume and Bruce, trying to make sense of what was happening. Bruce watched her, waiting for her to say something, anything. As far as he was concerned, he was watching what would be the end of their relationship. 
“I....I don’t...I...I...” She shook her head. “I don’t know...what...what the fuck? Seriously, what the fuck? You’re Batman? You? Bruce Wayne?” 
She stepped back. “How the hell am I supposed to believe this? How do I know that’s not a just a really good replica of his costume?” 
“You told me on the rooftop that it was scary to have people take photos of you and that you feel like an animal in a zoo enclosure.”
She nodded her head, pressing her fingers to her temple. “Oh my fucking god.” 
“I wanted so many times to tell you,” he said, taking a step forward. “I promised myself to keep you away from Batman because I didn’t want you to get mixed up in it.” 
“But the balcony...”
“I didn’t want you out alone at night, even if it was on my balcony.” 
Then it hit her. The party. 
“If the suits in here, how did you have it for the party?” she asked. 
“I keep a spare in a private room.” 
She threw her hands. “How the fuck do you have so many private rooms? I know it’s a penthouse, but come on!”  
She started pacing back and fourth. “So instead of training for extreme hiking or whatever, you’ve been doing this?” 
“That’s correct.” 
She ran her hand through her hair. “I don’t know what to say. I mean, first you tell me you tried to kill the guy who killed your parents and then you tell me you’re Batman.” She threw her hands up. “I feel like....I mean...when the hell were you going to tell me any of this? Before or after the wedding?” 
He shoved his hands in his pant pockets. “ I was going to tell you when I was done.” 
“What do you mean when you were done?”
“Done with Batman. Gotham doesn’t need me anymore. It has Harvey.” 
Her eyes went wide. “That’s why you threw him the fundraiser.”
“He’s what this city needs and what it deserves.” 
Then it dawned on her. Her speech from earlier. “You’re one of the reasons Gotham has a brighter future.”
“You were upset with my speech,” she figured out. “That’s why you went outside.” 
He shook his head. “I wasn’t upset, it’s just that I’ve been at this for so long, Demetria. While I’m ready to give up Batman, on the other hand it’s easier said than done.” 
“Bruce, I said he was one of the reasons, not the reason.” She took a step toward him. “Don’t get me wrong, what Harvey’s doing is great, but it’s nothing compared to what you’ve done. Batman is the reason this city’s getting better.” 
“But he’s also the reason you got attacked,” he pointed out. “I went into our room to grab some stuff so we could leave and I saw on the security camera that The Joker was coming. I knew he was after Harvey so I rescued him first. By the time I came back for you, it was too late. When I came back as Batman, he’d already gotten to you.” He shook his head. “I should’ve saved you first.”
Demetria put a hand on his arm comfortingly. “I wasn’t the target. Harvey was.”  
“Bruce,” her voice was gentle, but stern. “Stop, alright? You did what was right.” 
His hands cradled her cheeks. “You’re my home, Demetria. I just wanted to keep you safe.”
Safe. The word felt damning to him now.
He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “If you want to leave, I understand.” 
She cocked her head back. “Bruce...” 
“It’s ok.” 
“Bruce, I’m not going anywhere,” she told him, a light chuckle in her voice. “I mean, yeah, I feel like I’ve been thrown off, but none of this changes the fact that I’m completely, stupidly in love with you.”
A small, amused smile formed on his lips. “Stupidly?”
She rolled her eyes at her own word being said back to her. “Stupidly.”
His hands fell down to her waist. “I’m stupidly in love with you too.”
They leaned in, their lips pressing together in a perfect synchronization. Both melted into each other’s touch, Bruce pulling her closer to him.
When she pulled her lips back, she ran her hands through his dark hair.
“Promise me no more secrets, ok? No more hiding from me.” She paused, realizing her own hypocrisy. “That goes for me too, ok? I need to stop hiding my panic attack and anxieties and other shit from you.”
“No more hiding” Bruce repeated in agreement. He cradled her cheek with his hand. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” 
“I’m sorry too.” She ran her hands through her hair. “We used to be so much better at communicating each other. What the hell happened?” 
“We got caught up in other things and forgot what mattered.” He kissed her forehead. “It’s just something we’ll have to work on being better at.” 
She threw her arms around his neck, when her eyes lit up. “Oh, and one more thing. The next time you decide to throw a party with those people and abandon it, take me with you.”
“How about no more parties with them, period?” he countered playfully.
“That is the sexiest thing you’ve said to me.”
He chuckled. “You’re joking me.” 
She shook her head patting his chest when it hit her. “Before I forget, there’s something else I need to tell you. You remember The Joker’s video from today? I know that location.”
“I know,” he said, shoving his hands in his pant pockets. “I found the letter in your drawer.”
“Oh?” She inquired, crossing her arms against her chest. “What were you doing in there?”
“I was packing us a bag and wanted to make sure I packed your anxiety medications. When I saw it wasn’t in the cabinet, despite having told you to put it in there, I grabbed it from the nightstand drawer.”
She put her hands on her hips. “Fair enough, I guess. Did it at least help?”
“I went to check it out after Rachel and I’s fall. Nothing was there except some traces of dried blood.”
“Could it have been that guy’s?”
“It’s possible.” 
He opened a desk drawer, revealing a piece of the brick with dried blood on it. “I was going to check it out tomorrow morning.” 
“Mind if I join you?” 
His hands met her hips. “I would love that.” 
She gave him a quick kiss, when the corners of her mouth curved mischievously. “Can I drive the batcar home?”
“Can I sit in it?”
“Can I sit on your lap while we both sit in it?”
“It’s not big enough.”
Her mouth hung open. “Bruce!”
“I meant it’s not big enough for two people.”
“Hmmm, sure.” She pat his chest. “C’mon, let’s go home.” 
She went to walk away when he grabbed her hand and pulled it back, bringing her face to his as his lips crashed onto hers. Both of them were too lost to realize their bodies had found themselves on the floor. 
Needless to say, they didn’t make it home. 
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emy-loves-you · 3 years
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays (Chapter 7)
Happy Halloween!
Warning: Minor burns
Chapter 6 | Masterlist | Chapter 8
V- (8:04 AM) Happy first day of Halloween!
L- (8:05 AM) Virgil, it’s October 1st. Halloween isn’t for another 30 days.
V- (8:05 AM) We must be celebrating different holidays. Halloween lasts from October 1st to October 31st. For the entire month, you watch cheesy Halloween movies and decorate your home in black, purple, and orange. Spiders and bats become your daily esthetic. There are no exceptions to this rule.
P- (8:06 AM) I have arachnophobia and most of our decorations are green. Is that alright, Kiddo?
V- (8:06 AM) … There is one exception.
L- (8:07 AM) This is preposterous.
R- (8:07 AM) Calm down, Specs. Let our Dark and Stormy Knight have his holiday. We don’t want another incident of Pi Day, do we?
V- (8:08 AM) What happened on Pi Day?
P- (8:08 AM) Logan wanted to spend the day memorizing as many digits of Pi as possible. Roman told him that Pi day was only for baking pies. Logan decided to etch as many digits of pi as he could fit into the crust of a pie before baking it. Sadly, baking isn’t Lolo’s exPIEtise.
R- (8:09 AM) He almost burnt the house down. It was hilarious.
L- (8:09 AM) I will back down from this argument, if only to preserve my dignity. Since you decided to text us at 8 AM, I assume that you have plans to celebrate your “first day of Halloween?”
V- (8:10 AM) Yep. I’ve got my Scooby-Doo VHS tapes, an entire gallon of iced coffee, and enough decorations to cover every square inch of my house. Life is good.
R- (8:11 AM) Wait which tapes?
V- (8:11 AM) Zombie Island, Witch’s Ghost, Alien Invaders, and Cyber Chase. The 4 best Scooby-Doo movies to ever exist.
R- (8:12 AM) Now I REALLY wanna watch Scooby-Doo
V- (8:12 AM) What’s stopping you?
L- (8:12 AM) The desire to have a stable income
R- (8:13 AM) I’m starring as Van Helsing for our theatre’s production of Dracula. I’ve got rehearsals and performances almost every night.
V- (8:13 AM) Sorry. I’ll watch it in your stead.
R- (8:14 AM) Gee, how thoughtful of you
(October 8th)
L- (2:32 PM) Virgil, did you seriously buy MORE chocolates?
V- (2:32 PM) Do you like them?
L- (2:32 PM) That’s not the point.
L- (2:33 PM) This is the 7th set of sweets you’ve sent us in the past 8 weeks. First of all, this is extremely unhealthy. Second of all, how much money have you spent on these? Third of all, you tend to send chocolates specifically when you’re planning something that we disapprove of. So what, pray tell, are you planning this time?
V- (2:34 PM) Wow, I didn’t realize you were keeping track of that.
L- (2:34 PM) I keep track of everything. Quit ignoring the questions.
V- (2:35 PM) Okay. First of all, if they make you happy it doesn’t matter. Second of all, if it makes you happy it doesn’t matter. Third of all, if it makes you happy it doesn’t matter :)
L- (2:35 PM) …
V- (2:35 PM) Besides, you wouldn’t want me to STOP sending you sweets, would you?
L- (2:36 PM) … Curse you and your knowledge of my sweets addiction.
V- (2:36 PM) :)
(October 15th)
L- (5:47 PM) VIRGIL!
V- (5:48 PM) Hm?
V- (5:49 PM) You have no proof
L- (5:50 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of a door. There is a square of TP taped to the door, the words “VIRGIL WAS TOTALLY NOT HERE” written in sharpie]
V- (5:50 PM) See? I was totally not there.
V- (5:51 PM) And I sent you pre-apology chocolates, so you can’t get mad!
R- (5:55 PM) I don’t know WHAT you did, but Logan called me, screeched your name, and hung up. Keep up the good work, storm cloud ;)
(October 22nd)
V- (3:42 PM) Hey Pat?
P- (3:42 PM) What’s up, Kiddo?
V- (3:42 PM) You bake, right?
P- (3:43 PM) It would be very hard to run a bakery if I couldn’t, Kiddo!
V- (3:43 PM) True
V- (3:43 PM) So what do you do if your cookies catch on fire?
P- (3:43 PM) WHAT
V- (3:44 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of an oven. The door is open, and inside is a tray of Pillsbury ghost sugar cookies. They are all on fire]
P- (3:44 PM) PUT IT OUT
V- (3:44 PM) HOW
V- (3:46 PM) [*Photo attachment*]
[The photo is of the same oven. The door is still open, yet the entire inside of the oven is covered in foam]
V- (3:46 PM) Now what?
P- (3:46 PM) First of all, turn off the oven.
V- (3:47 PM) Done
L- (3:48 PM) Are you alright, Virgil? Did you sustain any burns or other injuries?
V- (3:49 PM) I’m fine. I burned my wrist but it’s not that bad.
L- (3:49 PM) Will you please send a picture of your injury?
V- (3:49 PM) [*Photo attachment*]
[The photo is of a left hand. The hand is long, slender, and pale. The nails are long and painted black with cat noses and whiskers. The person’s wrist has a minor burn wound, around the size of a golf ball]
L- (3:50 PM) You are correct, Virgil. It appears to be a minor burn, no need to contact the hospital. However, I would greatly appreciate it if you tend to your burn at your earliest convenience.
P- (3:50 PM) Go wrap up that burn, kiddo! Make sure you add burn cream, too!
P- (3:51 PM) AND OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOUR NAILS! They’re PAWsitively PURRfect!
L- (3:51 PM) Please stop
P- (3:52 PM) Alright. Wouldn’t wanna have a CATastrophe, would we?
L- (3:52 PM) Please. I beg of you.
V- (3:53 PM) Okay, all patched up. What do I do about my cookies?
L- (3:53 PM) Make sure your oven has fully cooled down before attempting to clean it.
P- (3:54 PM) You nearly gave me a heart attack!
V- (3:55 PM) Sorry, won’t happen again.
L- (3:55 PM) I assume that this means you will be buying post-apology sweets? I assure you that it is unnecessary, Virgil. Your health and safety are more important than confectionaries.
L- (3:57 PM) Virgil?
L- (3:57 PM) Please refrain from buying more sweets.
L- (3:58 PM) I’ve already gained 3.4 pounds alone from these “Gifts”
V- (3:58 PM) Too late, already bought them
P- (3:58 PM) You don’t have to, Kiddo!
P- (3:59 PM) And Lolo, don’t blame V on your weight gain. I know Ro’s not the only one sneaking whole jars of jelly from the cabinets at night.
L- (3:59 PM) Virgil, how much are you spending on these sweets?
V- (4:00 PM) Would it help if I said that I get a discount since I purchase chocolates almost weekly?
L- (4:00 PM) VIRGIL
V- (4:01 PM) :)
R- (6:58 PM) Why does all the interesting stuff happen while I’m at work?
V- (6:59 PM) Get wrecked Princey
R- (6:59 PM) :(
V- (7:00 PM) Don’t worry I got you sweets too
R- (7:00 PM) :)
(October 24th)
L- (2:32 PM) VIRGIL!
V- (2:33 PM) Did you get your sweets? Send me a pick! I didn’t get to see the end result
P- (2:33 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo is of three vases, each of different colors. The light blue vase is filled with tulips made of white chocolate. There are also chocolate-covered straberry and a giant chocolate lollipop with the words “I appreciate you a chocoLOT!” The red vase is filled with milk chocolate roses and another chocolate lollipop that says “Good luck slaying Vampires!” The navy blue vase is the most elaborate (probably just to mess with Logan). It’s filled with dark chocolate tulips AND roses, with a whole jar of crofters nestled into the middle of the bouquet. It’s lollipop reads “Weight and Cost are just #s!”]
P- (2:34 PM) These are ADORABLE, Virgil!
L- (2:34 PM) How much did you spend on this, Virgil?
V- (2:34 PM) Did you not read your lollipop?
V- (2:35 PM) Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t buy the chocolates if I couldn’t afford them :)
L- (2:35 PM) My digestive system can’t afford them.
V- (2:36 PM) Well I couldn’t give you pre-apology chocolates so I had to give you epic post-apology chocolates.
P- (2:37 PM) Well, I cannot wait to eat these! Seriously, I’ve already eaten half a tulip. And these vases will look so pretty holding ACTUAL flowers! Thank you so much, V! But remember, you don’t have to do this. We don’t need apology sweets!
V- (2:38 PM) I know, but it’s comforting to know that there’s at least ONE way I can interact with you guys beyond texting. I’m sorry that I’m still not comfortable talking face-to-face yet.
P- (2:38 PM) That’s completely fine, Kiddo! Take all the time you need. We’ll be here when you’re ready.
L- (2:39 PM) I agree.Though I still do not see the purpose of excessive spending on our behalf.
R- (2:39 PM) Well I find it extremely thoughtful, storm cloud. I would type an entire ballad of how caring and kind you are, but I must get back to work. I shall speak with you tonight, fair raven.
V- (2:40 PM) Thanks, guys. It means a lot to me.
(October 31st)
L- (10:17 AM) How are you feeling about your “final day of Halloween,” Virgil?
V- (10:18 AM) Incredibly depressed
P- (10:18 AM) Aww. Why’s that, Kiddo?
V- (10:19 AM) You guys know how I travel around with my friends, right?
V- (10:19 AM) Well apparently we have to travel out today. We won’t be back until tomorrow afternoon.
R- (10:20 AM) I’m deeply sorry, my precious stormcloud. If I may ask, why do you have to travel tonight?
V- (10:20 AM) My friends like to go to parties out of town, and I go to make sure they don’t get themselves killed.
P- (10:21 AM) I’m sorry you have to miss Halloween, Kiddo. I know how much you were looking forward to it.
V- (10:22 AM) I’m still gonna wear my costume. Just because I can’t celebrate at home doesn’t mean I can’t celebrate at all.
L- (10:22 AM) What costume have you decided to wear?
V- (10:23 AM) [*Photo attachment*]
[Photo is the bottom half of someone’s face. They’re smiling, with black lipstick and fake Vampire teeth. There’s red liquid running down their chin.]
P- (10:23 AM) That looks FANGtastic, Virgil!
L- (10:23 AM) I hope you have an amenable experience at the party, Virgil.
R- (10:24 AM) I agree! You look amazing and I hope you enjoy the party, storm cloud. Do not worry, I will watch The Nightmare Before Christmas in your stead!
V- (10:25 AM) Wow I feel so grateful
R- (10:25 AM) :)
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst
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