#thank you sm for these! sorry i'm behind on asks babes
1, 11 and 14 I love your unpopular opinions bangers truly
Thankkk you bestie I simply have opinions and I was never taught to shut up as a child.
Favorite moment?
This one is hard because there are so many great ones! For Avatar (2009), I love that scene where Jake and Neytiri are describing the way they were both flying to each other. It's just such a cute little moment to me, and as someone who only recently became hyperfixed on this series and saw both movies in a chill and non-invested way first, that scene was such a pleasant surprise on rewatch.
For Way of Water, I have a cute one and a not so cute one. I love that one shot of Tuk, Spider, Kiri, and Lo'ak crossing the Hallelujah Mountains to get to the forest before their kidnapping. I love how comfortable and playful they all are, just fucking around that high and on their way to a warzone sksksk. I just love the fuckery it implies they get up to on the regular, I want a feature length film of their shenanigans.
The not so fun scene is the stand off with Quaritch versus Neytiri on the sinking ship at the end. Ugh, it's just such a great idea on the writers part. It's so shocking but yet, so expected at the same time. Avatar is not known for it's storytelling, and I think that scene and those characters are just top notch for them. It puts your heart in your throat right away, and the kids pleading for each other never fails to get me. I love good complex writing and tbh it's not this series' strong suit, so this scene will always be my favorite.
11. An Unpopular opinion?
I'm already blocked by some creators in this fandom, so I try to stay spicy lol. I like to live rent free with you all. Hmm, I guess if you've been on my blog for a while this one might not be surprising but I do not believe that Quaritch (or any of the recoms) should be redeemed. Colonialism, racism, and genocide shouldn't be normalized that way. I just do not understand the fascination for redeeming villains who have done inexplicably evil actions without properly addressing them. For me the bar is fairly simple: Genocide, abuse, racism, rape, and just general war crimes are just like a nah. And people who say that a character has past trauma and that is why; well, duh bestie. That is an explanation, not an excuse. Many people who live with abuse and trauma actually don't become abusers and war criminals themselves; look at our main characters. We want to promote breaking the cycle guys, not perpetuating it. This is something I'm very passionate about. Expect better, from your characters and from your writers. If they can't adequately tackle what it takes to atone for such actions, they shouldn't try.
I also do not understand this argument for Quaritch, he does not have any past trauma for you guys to excuse him with?? We don't know his backstory. Don't project, read and watch critically.
But, here's a bonus unpopular take because you've all heard this one from me before: I don't understand the Rotxo hype, or the Rotxo and Kiri hype. My man Rotxo, while a cute little guy, is a budget Spider guys, without any of the character. Shipping him with Kiri is just for hating Spider and the complexities of him. Rotxo is literally the "stray cat" of Tonowari's family, where are his parents, it's never explained why he is there at any point. He's there at the final battle at Three Brother's Rocks and Lo'ak never even tells Jake he's there skskskks. Love him but him over Spider confuses the fuck outta me.
14. Hopes for Avatar 3?
I answered this perviously, but I will add another thing: I want more Mo'at content I am obsessed with her. Check out my Mo'at tag for me obsessing over Mo'at.
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hi Mae!! I keep rereading the overprotective poly marauders fic I love it sm 🫶 can I please request another one it can tie into casual dominance marauders if you want I don’t mind I just can’t get them off my mind. Thanks babe!!
Hi lovely!! So this went a bit off the rails, I had different intentions for it at first but then somehow it became very serious and the boys not so much overprotective as reasonably upset....all in all, I'm not super happy with it but I didn't want to throw it out, I'd be happy to write another overprotective one for you if you'd like!
cw: sexual assault
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You walk out of your office feeling odd and off-kilter. Your mind seems addled, unable to complete one thought before jumping to the next, and something prickles just underneath your skin that feels like anger and shame and also like panic. 
Your boyfriends are waiting for you, idling at the curb. You’re supposed to go straight from here to the cinema, and you tell yourself you’ll feel better afterwards. Even if not, you have until Monday before you have to deal with this, if you deal with it at all. You may not. You’re not sure. You can’t think straight. 
“Hey, angel,” James says as you get in, and it’s immediately obvious your upset has already been noticed. Probably as soon as you walked outside, your boyfriends observing you through the car windows. Remus, in the driver’s seat, and Sirius, sitting beside you in the back, are both charily silent. “How was work?” 
“It was fine,” you reply. Your voice sounds off even to your own ears, but no one comments as Remus puts the car in drive. 
“Ready for the weekend?” James imbues his voice with a light sort of commiseration. You try to smile for him. 
No one is more surprised than you when a sob chokes you instead. You hide your face in your hands, tears already leaking out from between your lashes. 
“God, sorry.” 
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sirius asks, unbuckling his seatbelt and reaching for you.
Remus pulls into a parking spot just by the exit and shuts off the engine, turning around in his seat.
“Baby.” Sirius wraps his arm around your shaking shoulders, squeezing tight. He sounds anxious. “Did something happen?” 
The worst of your crying passes like a summer storm, over as quickly as it started. Your emotions gone haywire. You lean into Sirius, and he clicks the buckle on your seatbelt for you, pulling you the rest of the way. 
“You’re scaring me,” he murmurs, pressing a quick kiss to your hairline. “Tell us why you’re upset, angel, please.” 
“I think,” you mumble, face and eyes burning, “my boss grabbed my butt.” 
You say it quieter than a whisper, but you know they’ve all heard. The silence that follows is so complete you could hear a pin drop. 
“What?” James asks. His throat sounds dry. 
You hear Remus sigh. “Oh, sweetheart.” The vinyl of his seat squeaks as he shifts. “When did this happen?” 
“Just now,” you answer. 
“Right.” Sirius’ arms had gone tense around you, but now they fall away completely. He moves for his door. “I’ll be back.” 
“Don’t,” you plead. You worry he will anyway, but Remus locks the doors from the front seat. 
Sirius cuts a glare his way, truly scary with the way wrath seems to gleam in his gray irises. He unlocks his door manually, and Remus locks it again. 
“We can’t be rash,” he says, his own tone sharper than you think is intended for anyone in the car. “We have to think this through.” 
“What’s there to think about?” Sirius snaps. James reaches behind his seat, taking your hand and rubbing comfortingly. “He’s just inside!” 
“You think I don’t want to go in there too?” Remus gives him a look that’s a short fall from incredulous. “But if we have to call the police, it won’t help if you’ve already had a go at him.” 
Your head spins. You hadn’t even thought of calling the police. You hadn’t really gotten past going to the cinema. 
“What do you mean, you think he grabbed you, sweetheart?” James' voice is pointedly kinder than the others. Remus takes a deep breath, calming himself. 
“I don’t know. I just—I feel like I can’t be sure—” 
“That’s alright.” Remus' voice is slower now. Soothing. “Why don’t you tell us how it happened?” 
“I, um.” You swallow. James strokes the back of your hand with his thumb. “I was looking at something on his computer, because he said he wasn’t getting my emails and I thought they might be going to his spam. He was sitting behind me in his chair, and we were talking and his hand, like, squeezed—” you shudder, your brain trying to shake off the memory “—and then he just kept talking like nothing happened. It was so fast I’m not sure it even did—” 
You don’t realize you’re tripping over your words until Sirius’ voice cuts through them. You look at him, and his eyes are already on yours, fierce but solid. 
“Did you feel him touch you?” he asks. 
You rub your lips together. “Yeah,” you murmur. 
Your boyfriend’s expression pinches, but his gaze is steady. “Then he did. Trust yourself. You know what happened.” 
This provokes another wave of tears, less tempestuous than the first but somehow more painful. You wouldn't have expected any one of your boyfriends to blame you, not if you’d thought about it, but you haven’t had time to think yet and the relief that they’re so wholly on your side makes your heart feel cracked open. 
“Dove, I’m so sorry,” Remus says. He’s frowning, a well-worn line etched between his brows. You hate to put it there. “What do you want to do? Do you know if you can contact HR?” 
“I don’t know,” you admit, pliable to Sirius’ ministrations as he tucks you securely under one arm and uses the other to thumb at your salty cheeks. “I feel a bit silly. It was a small thing, I don’t think it’s worth a bunch of fuss.” 
“It’s not a small thing,” says James, uncharacteristically severe. “It’s a big thing—a really fucked up thing, that he did—and it’s worth a lot of fuss. A lot.” He leans around his seatback, pressing a firm kiss to your hand. “It’s just a matter of how much fuss you’re willing to go through with, sweetheart. It’s up to you. We can go through HR, we can go to the police. There’s still the option of just going in there and roughing him up to be sure it doesn’t happen again.” He smiles wryly. It looks like it takes effort. “I’m very game for that option. We know Sirius is ready.” 
Sirius makes an affirming humph sound against the side of your head. You try to smile back at James. 
“I think maybe…HR?” Your voice is tentative. “I have a friend, Marcella, who I think would be nice about it.” You realize as it comes out of your mouth what a low bar that is, but that’s the reality of your situation. 
“Do you know if she’s still here?” Remus asks. 
You feel your brow wrinkle. “I think so…” 
Remus unlocks the doors, and James gets out. You barely manage to squeak out a “Wait” before the door shuts behind him. 
You turn to Remus. “Where’s he going?” 
“To find Marcella,” he says. “It’s better that they know when it’s just happened, dovey, but you don’t have to deal with it right now. That’s why James is going instead.” 
You nod. It makes sense, even if the reality of it all makes tears press at your throat again. 
“My sweet girl.” Sirius holds you tight, mashing a kiss into the side of your head. “I’m so sorry this happened, baby. I’m sorry we weren’t there to protect you.” 
“Don’t be sorry,” you murmur, turning in his arms to hug him properly. He seems pleased with this development, and squeezes you ferociously. “You can’t always be with me. And it’s not your responsibility.” 
“Careful what you say.” Sirius seems to muster up some humor, a teasing edge to his tone. “I’ll get us one of those big shirts so the four of us can fit in it together, and then you’ll never be rid of us.” 
“It’s our job to look after you,” says Remus, firm but kind. “It’s true we can’t be with you all of the time, but I’m glad you felt comfortable telling us this. Thank you, sweetheart.” 
You’re about to dismiss his thanks when James gets back in the car, this time in the back seat instead of the front. 
“Did you see him?” Sirius asks immediately, scooching the both of you over to make room. 
“No, he must’ve left right after her.” James looks unhappy, but his touch is gentle as always as he takes your waist in both hands, easing you off of Sirius’ lap and into the seat between them. Sirius sighs but doesn’t complain, likely knowing he’s had more than his fair share of your comfort. 
“Marcella was nice, though,” James says. “She arranged for you to have the morning off on Monday, and she’ll call you then to hear from you what happened. We can be with you, if you like.” 
“Monday.” You blow out a slow breath, though it doesn’t do much to keep your throat from contracting in panic. “Okay, that sounds good. Thank you.” 
“No worries, angel.” James rubs your thigh, watching you carefully. “You doing okay?” 
“Yeah, sorry.” Your voice squeaks, and you cover your eyes with a hand. Sirius whines and kisses your shoulder. You try to laugh, but it comes out wet. “I think this might just keep happening for a while.” 
“Oh, honey, it’s okay,” Remus coos, reaching out a hand to set on the top of your head. He scratches at your scalp with his fingernails the way he knows you like. “It makes sense to be upset. We’ll get you through this, alright? Let us look after you for a bit.” 
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nahoney22 · 9 months
Hello darling!
I’d love if you wrote a NSFW fic with Tech or Wrecker.
Maybe you’d be coming home from a bad day at work and a bad fight with your parents and he comforts you and makes you forget your troubles with some soft sex. Lots of praise and pleasure. Maybe some overstimulation??
Only if you have the time of course!! If you’ve already written something like this, I’ll scour the master list
Many thanks lovely!!
Wrecker X F!Reader
word count: 1.6k
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After visiting your parents, you brain is fried with their words and demands of wanting you to have a different path in life. So when you return to your boyfriend, Wrecker, you crave some much needed TLC.
warnings: NSFW, 18+ only. Explicit sexual content and language. Soft smut, cunnilingis, praises, overstimulation, established relationship, aftercare and female reader. A little bit angsty, mentions of arguing with parents.
authors note: I chose to do Wrecker because I’ve not wrote for him in a hot minute and I feel like this is Wrecker coded. Sorry for the wait @originalcollectionartistry ✨🤍
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With a raspy throat and misty eyes, you approach the Marauder following what was meant to be a pleasant reunion with your parents, only to unravel into a heated debate about your life choices. Are you old enough? Mature enough? In their eyes, the exhilaration of navigating the galaxy with a band of rogue Clones was an unacceptable life for their daughter. They envisioned a different path—one confined to a desolate planet, toiling behind a counter in a dreary little shop.
You yearned for their support, but some convictions remain unaltered. It had been this way for many years and each time you see them, you think they would change their minds.
Outside the Marauder, you collect yourself, wiping away tears and clearing your throat before boarding.
However, the usual clamor had subsided this evening, leaving you in solitude momentarily. Yet, a yearning for your boyfriend lingers.
Thinking you've found respite, you settle into the cockpit, allowing tears to cascade. With your head in your hands and fingers entwined in your hair in frustration, your sobs echo in the silence. Unbeknownst to you, the familiar and resounding footsteps approach, shattering the quiet.
"I thought I heard ya—hey, what's wrong, babe?" Wrecker swiftly joins you, crouching beside you and tenderly placing a hand on your thigh.
Peering at him through your hands, you manage a smile amid the tears and emit a soft sniffle. "I'm fine, just parents."
A frown creases Wrecker's brow. "I thought you were looking forward to seeing them?" he asks.
"Yeah, until they started bombarding me about what they think I should be doing with my life," you groan, swiping away your tears once more and straightening up. "Just annoyed."
Wrecker offers a sympathetic smile, planting a gentle kiss on your cheek. "Did they, um, mention anythin’ about me?" His hand grazes the back of your neck, prompting a playful eye-roll from you.
Fortunately, your parents did inquire about Wrecker. Your relationship with him wasn't exactly a secret after their initial meeting, which left a favorable impression. That much you were thankful for.
"They just asked about how you were and all," you mention, crossing your arms and leaning back against the chair's headrest. "But... they still disapprove of me traveling with you all. They want me to stay home and work for them."
Wrecker tilts his head, his brow knitting together. "Is that what ya want?"
"Absolutely not, Wreck," you declare. "I just wish they could understand that this is the path I've chosen."
Wrecker stands tall and concerned above you. “Well I’m glad you're still here,” he says, a gentle smile tugging at your lips in response. Yet, he's not entirely convinced. “Is there anything I can do?”
Initially stumped, you gaze up at him, taking in his towering presence, his striking features, and suddenly, a longing for something, anything, wells up within you. "Honestly?"
"Yeah, anything!" His smile widens, noticing a glimmer of light returning to your eyes.
As you stand before Wrecker, your voice carries a hint of vulnerability. "I want you to love me."
Confusion knits Wrecker's brow. "But you know I already do? Don't you?"
You let out a soft, tender laugh at his innocent bewilderment. Your hands trail up his sturdy arms, tracing the contours of his broad chest before delicately cradling his cheeks. Your fingertips brush over the rough, scarred tissue, as you gaze deeply into his eyes. "Yes, but I want you to love me," you express, your voice filled with longing and an unspoken yearning for more.
He’s silent now, but he understands what you mean as his eyes spark with interest.
With such a gentleness, he took your hands away from his face, starting to trail soft kisses up your arms until he seals his lips over yours, drawing you in.
You let him take the lead, keening into his touch as his hands begin to pull the clothes away from your body, his large hands gently kneading at your soft, nude flesh as his tongue dances with yours.
It’s not long until he has you wrapped around his waist, carrying you through the ship until he lays you down on his bunk, warm breath waltzing against your skin.
Soft moans begin to part your lips as Wrecker kneels at the foot of the bunk, your legs spread and balancing over his shoulders as he slips a finger between your folds. Your increasing arousal helps Wrecker to move his digit up and down before he gathers your slick on his fingers, using it as lubricant to rub at your swelling clit.
You choke on a groan, knees subconsciously closing around his head but Wrecker doesn’t mind, infact, it spurs him on as you start to gently roll your hips to his touch. He encourages you, keeping a steady pace as he places kisses to the inside of your thighs as he works at your clit with intent, yet gentle.
Your legs start to tremble, chewing on your lower lip as Wrecker lets out a satisfied growl of pleasure as you grind down on his hand, slipping a finger inside you and curling it as he gently thrusts. “That’s it pretty girl, take what ya need.”
“S-So good Wrecker… you’re so good to me.” You whine, toes curling as he maintains a steady momentum.
“Of course I am, I always will be,” he rasps, eyes fixated on your glistening pussy, “let it go, cum for me. I’ve got ya.”
Your eyes are seeing stars, stars more beautiful than those through space as your body becomes rigid and your breathing becomes heavy. Then, you cry out his name, your orgasm shooting through you as you ride out the pleasure against his hand. “That’s it, you did so well.” He cooes. “That was a lot.”
A happy sigh parts your lips but Wrecker didn’t stop there. “Do you think you can cum again sweetie? I think you can.” He cooed as he placed soft kisses to your thighs before his warm breath fans over your tingling pussy.
Naturally your hips bucked as his tongue glides over your folds, licking up the residue of before and melts as he whines softly at the taste of you. You squirm, getting a bit too overstimulated but a part of you wanted more, you wanted to fight against it and let Wrecker continue to have a taste of you.
“Don’t worry,” he purrs, sensing the struggle between wanting another orgasm and for him to stop teasing at your pulsating cunt, “I will take extra good care of you if you are a good girl and cum on my tongue.”
Your blood runs hot, his praises alone almost making you hit your high. Softly, you hold onto the back of his head, grinding your hips on his tongue as he delves his tongue against your stimulated clit, the burn now desirable.
His large arms wrap under your thighs, bringing you even closer to his face than before, chuckling into your pussy as you let out a wanton cry of pleasure. Your hands move to the sheets on the bunk, gripping as if for dear life as he laps eagerly at you, sucking and flicking his tongue expertly against your sweet sex. “Oh f-fuck! Wreck..!”
“Say my name again sweetie, let me know how much I’m pleasing ya.”
You were blessed to be laying down because if you were standing there was no way you would’ve been able to hold yourself up. “Wrecker, you’re so good at this.”
Again, he chuckles, sending vibrations through you that have your toes curling as your cunt becomes numb. As your moans become louder, you knew you were close again. Wrecker groans as he slips his tongue into your pussy, feeling you clench around his tongue that has you soaring into the galaxy.
“Your moans are so perfect, baby. You’ve done so, so good for me.” He pulls away, catching his breath and you almost sob at the sight of your juices around his grinning mouth before he moves his hand back to your core and lets his fingers strum rapidly against your clit.
It’s too much and somewhat not enough either. His name runs past your lips like a mantra all the while he ushers words of praise. “That’s it, good girl. Cum again.”
One part of your brain makes you squirm away from his touch, finding it unbearable but the other half craves for the intensity of another orgasm. “It’s too sensitive Wrecker,” you moan, knuckles turning white as you grip onto the sheets.
“I know baby but I know you can do it. Let it go, you’ll feel so much better.” For someone so loud his words were so quiet and soft yet laced with pure filth. You’re hot, the stimulation relentless and it’s not until his mouth is back on your clit when your climax finally hits.
“O-o-oh stars!” you whimper as your orgasm rakes through you and onto his mouth and chin, your whole body tingling now. He continues to lick your pussy, collecting every ounce of your high before he stands, wipes his mouth and chin and pulls you into his arms as he sits on the edge of the bunk with you.
“That’s how it’s done, sweetie. Well done.” He cooed, stroking a hand through your sweat covered hair, “was that enough?”
You give him a dazed, dopey grin and nod. “It was perfect.” You sigh happily, resting your forehead into his chest as he cradles your nude body. “Thank you for this.”
“Like I said, I’d do anything.”
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Ko-fi if you wanna buy me a coffee ☕️
More Wrecker Works
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i love emily im sorry soo much,, do you think u could please write an ellie x reader based on the song night shift by lucy dacus?? i think is a good song to make a fic <3
night shift - (ellie williams x reader)
hi anon! thank you sm for the compliment! And yes it's literally is an amazing song for a angst fic! I hope you enjoy:)
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This story is based off the song Night shift by Lucy Dacus, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading:)
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
Requests are always open feel free to leave one or just send me a song and I'll take it from there:)
Warnings: sadness and cheating
Summary: In which you were the other women
wc: 1.8k + the lyrics
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The first time I tasted somebody else's spit, I had a coughing fit
I mistakenly called them by your name
I was let down, it wasn't the same
I'm doing fine, trying to derail my one-track mind
Regaining my self-worth in record time
But I can't help but think of your other in the bed that was mine
The day Ellie Williams asked you out was truly the best day of your life.
It all started with small smiles, gentle touches and loving gazes. You knew from the first day you laid eyes on Ellie, that you wanted to be with her. And never in a million dreams did you think that you stood a chance with someone as beautiful such as Ellie.
You didn't regret asking her for her number. You didn't regret saying yes when she asked you on a date that day. But the more you think about it, the more realized maybe you should’ve said no.
"Hi I'm Ellie’s girlfriend, is she here today?" The girl asked with a smile on her face.
Ellie was never mentioned anything about a girlfriend to you.
"Oh hey Cat" you heard Ellie’s voice from behind you. You turned around and you and the autumn brown haired girl made eye contact.
Ellie’s eyes widened when she saw you were talking to Cat, but her shock was soon replaced by her signature smirk.
"Hi babe" Cat greeted Ellie cheerfully "can we talk?" She asked. Ellie gave her a quick nod as she walked out from behind the counter. As Ellie and cat walked away she reached down to grab the girls hand and if felt like you've been stabbed.
You quickly excused yourself and you ran down the hall in the storage room where you and Ellie would always meet each other.
Holy shit.
She had a girlfriend? What? You thought she liked you?
You and Ellie were never official, but you went on dates. You held hands. You kissed her for fucks sake. You were the other women. Ellie didn't care for you as much as you thought. She was using you.
You heard the door handle of the storage room rattle. You looked up and you quickly wiped away your tears: "Ellie?" You questioned, with a hopeful voice.
"No it's me!" You heard Dina’s voice yelled back. "Ellie went home with her girlfriend so you'll have to take her shift"
You let out a sigh as you felt the tears flow freely once again.
 You were supposed to be mad at her. You were supposed to hate her. But you called out for her? You would never admit it out loud but you were actually waiting for her. You were waiting for Ellie to come and apologize and to say that this was all a misunderstanding.  You silently sat there crying.
 You were the other women.
Am I a masochist, resisting urges to punch you in the teeth?
Call you a bitch and leave?
Why did I come here? To sit and watch you stare at your feet?
What was the plan? Absolve your guilt and shake hands?
If you truly hated Ellie like you claimed you did, you wouldn't have opened your apartment door that night.
That one faithful evening in September, when you heard a knock on your door.
“Who the fuck could that be?” you muttered to yourself as you got up from bed rubbing your eyes.
You look over to your phone if see it's 1:00am. You yawned as you walked to the front door. You opened it and your eyes were met with the girl who broke your heart all those months ago.
 The girl you thought you would be spending the rest of your life with.
She looked at you, her normally neat hair was a messy, dark circles under her eyes.
god you thought you looked bad.
"What are you doing here Ellie?" You asked.
She could've come to you a long time ago and suddenly she shows up? What does she want? Does she want to get back together? Is she here to beg for forgiveness?
 "Jesse told me that you were serious when you said you wanted to work the night shift" she spoke, as she brought her right hand up to awkwardly scratch the back of her neck.
 You didn’t know if you wanted to punch her or kiss her.
 Ellie’s gaze fell down to her feet and the two of you were surrounded by silence.
Since when is it so quite at 1 in the morning?
"Why are you here?" You finally asked again.
Ellie looked up at you once again. She hesitated. She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times. The words weren't coming out.
‘she's so fucking pathetic’ you thought to yourself.
 "Are you here to apologize? To make yourself feel better?", you spoke again.
Ellie looked taken aback, her facial expression morphed into a face of confusion? Hurt? You couldn't tell.
"I love you-" Ellie started, you let out a laugh even before she could finish.
"If you loved me, why was I the other women?" You questioned.
Ellie fell silent. She stared at you. She was at a loss for words. How could you say such a thing? You knew nothing about her situation. You didn't know that she can Cat had been in a loveless relationship for years. You didn't know how much she loved you. You didn't know how alive you made her feel.
Ellie was brought back to reality when you spoke: "You can't even fucking speak to me".
You let out a sigh as you took a step back to close the door. Ellie’s large hand reached out to try and stop it, but you were too quick. You closed the door in her face. Ellie put her forehead against your front door as tears streamed down her cheeks. She heard your voice from behind the door:
"You are such a fucking bitch Williams"
Ellie turned away from your door, her hand gripping her shirt as she started sobbing.
Loud sounds of crying filled the quite streets of Jackson as Ellie stood at your door realizing that she lost you.
I feel no need to forgive, but I might as well
But let me kiss your lips, so I know how it felt
Pay for my coffee and leave before the sun goes down
Walk for hours in the dark, feeling all hell
"I think I should start working the night shift" you told Jesse one morning.
"dude I thought you hated it"
You went quite for a moment. You did hate it. But you couldn't stand working another shift looking at Ellie. Even being in her presence made your heart yearn for her. If feels like you've been starved for years without Ellie’s touch. And you fear that even if your finger just lightly touched her you'd lose your mind.
 You already felt guilty enough when you found out Ellie had a girlfriend, you didn't want to make a fool out of yourself by confessing your undying love to her.
You walked out of Jesse's office and into the locker room. Ellie was in there. You walked right past her, going to your locker you quickly pulled out your bag.
"Wait our shifts are starting right now, where are you going?" She questioned.
"I'm working the night shift from now on" you replied as you made your way to the door. You felt so cold hand grab your wrist and when you turned around and you were met with Ellie’s pleading eyes.
"If you work night shift I won't be able to see you" she spoke softly.
You forcefully removed your arm from Ellie’s grip.
"go see your fucking girlfriend"
You turned away from Ellie, walking to the door and you stopped. It was as if your feet were glued to the floor. You slowly turned around to face Ellie once again.
"I'll never be able to forgive you" you muttered softly and you looked at the girl you had so much love for.
"Please try" Ellie begged.
"I'll leave her" Ellie quickly reasoned with you, to make you stay.
You shook your head as you dropped your bag onto the floor. You made your way towards Ellie as you once again muttered “I can't fucking forgive you" as you wrapped your arms her neck, her lips soon crashed into yours.
The kiss was intense. You've been starved from Ellie, and this was your first taste in months.
Teeth crashing into each other, heavy breathes filled the room, and hands were roaming.
You pulled away and you looked at Ellie for the last time.
Her eyes blown wide, her lips swollen her chest rapidly rising.
 You once again moved from her grip as you picked up your bag.
You stood the door once more. Before you walked out the door you turned to Ellie one last time, giving her a small "I love you" was the last words she ever spoke to you.
Don't hold your breath, forget you ever saw me at my best
You don't deserve what you don't respect
Don't deserve what you say you love and then neglect
Now bite your tongue, it's too dangerous to fall so young
Take back what you said
Can't lose what you never had
You don't even know why you're upset. Why were you so fucking depressed over a relationship that never even happened?
All you do is fantasize over a relationship that wasn't even real.
What you could've been. And you know you were being delusional when you thought you had a chance with her, and yet you still fell for her.
But we all learn the hard way don't we?
You can't be sad over something that wasn't even yours to being with.
All you had to do was suck it up and get to work. You'd eventually get over Ellie. And you'd be happy again, right?
As much as you try to convince yourself, you aren't so sure you can see a happy life without Ellie.
The girl you thought was your soulmate.
You got a 9-to-5, so I'll take the night shift
And I'll never see you again, if I can help it
In five years, I hope the songs feel like covers
Dedicated to new lovers
"Are you sure you want to take the night shift?" Jesse asked you one last time.
"I'm sure" you replied
Even though you hated the night shift it got you away from Ellie. You didn't have to see her at your workplace. You don't have to constantly be reminded about what the two of you could've been.
"Remember Ellie will come in at 9 tomorrow" Jesse yelled as he walked out the front door of the Café. He gave you a small wave, as the bell chimed when the door finally closed.
"yeah I know" you yelled back.
You hoped that one day you'd stop working the night shift.
 And maybe, just maybe you'd be able to move on from Ellie.
But till then you'd rather torture yourself than to be in the same room as Ellie fucking Williams.
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Authors note: guess who disappeared and whos suddenly back again? obviously me.... remember you are loved and to always be kind, my requests are always open
yours truly,
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talesoftheesun · 2 months
Oof I just saw your post so HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY 🥳
If you're still accepting requests, I'd like one with "I'm really sorry" + Jude litg x fem reader
I know we'll have like few more days but I need to see him begging for forgiveness asap 🧍🏻‍♀️
thank u sm! 🥹 sorry this is a bit late and if the pacing seems off, the heat has been beating my ass
I wrote this as a main villa li x mc, as opposed to specifically jude x mc, since fusebox writes like that themselves lol. but it's also so that everyone can read this while imagining it's their li I guess?? I hope you don't mind and that you enjoy it!
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all stars main li (chen/henri/jude/lyle) x female!reader
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You’re nervous. You’re about to enter the main villa again after being in casa amor for a few days. Realistically you know you have nothing to worry about. The two of you were the strongest couple before casa. Not that that’s a great accomplishment given the state of the other couples, but the strongest couple nonetheless. Aside from the pool mishap, which you explained in the letter you wrote him before you were whisked away to casa amor. So why are you so nervous?
You’re the last girl to walk out. You’d asked the others to wish you luck, to which they all said you wouldn’t need it. But as you're walking down the steps towards the firepit, you don’t miss the looks of pity in their eyes as you join them. You can feel your stomach starting to churn, everything in you is telling you to turn around and just walk away, save yourself the heartache of what you’re about to witness. 
But you don’t. You force yourself to keep your head up high and your back straight. You look him right in the eye. 
And that’s when you see it. 
“No. Fucking. Way.” Your eyes are locked in on his hand clasped in hers. 
Somehow, he seems just as surprised as you. He starts making his way over to you but he doesn’t get very far with her deathgrip pulling him back, “Babe, I’m—”
“Don’t.” You start walking away, “You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
“Wait!” He wrenches his hand from hers, “Please let me explain!”
You stop so abruptly he bumps into you. “I actually can’t believe you,” Taking a step back, you cross your arms. “When I was accused of cracking on behind your back you believed them, even though I have only had eyes for you from the moment we met. When the PDA awards happened you wouldn’t even let me explain. I wrote you a letter to tell you what really happened, I told you I’d stay loyal to you and I did, I slept on the fucking daybeds for you. I refused to participate in kissing challenges and lost raunchy races because of it, for you! I refused to rekindle things with Stefan even though we have unfinished business, because I wanted to be with you!”
You hold up your hand and scoff, “You just couldn’t wait to get rid of me huh? I wasn’t even gone for 24 hours and you’d already jumped into bed with the next pretty face.”
“What? No!” If you weren’t so angry right now you’d laugh at how his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Please, just let me explain. Please.” 
His begging tone makes your anger falter. You nod wordlessly and allow him to pull you towards the swing seat. The two of you sit in awkward silence for a while. You can’t take it anymore, “Well go on then, you were so keen to explain.”
“Right,” He clears his throat, “I guess that did make me sound kinda guilty, didn’t it? Well… I only twisted because Uma told me you told her you were twisting, with Stefan. But as soon as I saw him walk out with Nat I knew she’d lied.”
“So… Once again, you believed what other people said about me, over me. Did I get that right?” 
“No! That’s not wha—god I’ve really been putting my feet in it, haven’t I?” He runs his hand through his hair in frustration and takes a deep breath. “When Uma came back from your date she pulled me aside. She said she had important information that would make me think twice about my decision. She already knew I was gonna stick with you. Looking back now I realise she obviously played me.” 
He looks at you, looking for sympathy maybe. You can’t find it in you to give him any right now. 
He takes another deep breath and continues, “She told me she could barely get a word in during the date, that the moment you two sat down you started gushing about the fact that Stefan, your ex Stefan, was in casa with you. That you hadn’t realised how much you missed him until you saw him again after all those years. That you and Stefan decided to rekindle your relationship again. That—” His voice breaks, “That you told her to tell me to move on.”
“I should’ve known she’d lie. I remember her first season. Logically I knew it too, I read your letter every morning right after I woke up and every night before I’d fall asleep.  Even though I knew you’d stay loyal to me, hearing her say what you’d supposedly told her just shook me up so bad. Because I knew you and Stefan didn’t end on bad terms. I knew people constantly bringing him up must’ve messed with your head. And then he actually showed up in casa amor… Honestly I would’ve understood if you had twisted with him. And that’s why I twisted with Uma. That way we’d at least still both be in the villa, ya know, we could’ve worked through our issues and found our way back to each other. But that’s obviously not what happened…”
With your arms crossed you softly mumble, “Obviously…” You sigh before going on, “Uma told me the casa girls were interested in you, and that you seemed to enjoy the attention. But ultimately stayed loyal. In fact, I never told her any of what she told you. The only thing I told her was that Stefan was one of the casa boys, I couldn’t even get a word in because she was talking the whole time.” You scoff, “Seems like this was her plan along huh, get me to stick while making you twist so I’d get eliminated.”
He looks even more ashamed now that he knows the whole truth. “I know I’ve been a shit partner to you lately. I did believe you when you said you hadn’t done anything with Finn, I swear. I was just hurt because you missed my surprise while he was hogging your attention. And then seeing it on the big screen with that cliffhanger… I didn’t know what to think. You’ve never given me a reason to doubt you, so I should’ve trusted you. I really don’t have an excuse for it. All I can do is promise to be better moving forward, if you’ll still have me.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“Well,” You start, “Since Uma played us both, and you twisted and left me single, we both know what’s about to happen. If you care about me as much as you claim you do and you’re actually sorry, you know what to do.” You leave to pack your suitcase, leaving him with his thoughts. 
‘Should I stay or should I leave with her?’
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silvercap · 10 months
leon and drugged for the ask game? :3 love your drabbles sm
Thank you so much!! Sorry this took me a minute, I had some trouble figuring it out haha but I hope you like it!!
2. Drugged
"So? What do you say, big guy?" the man says, nudging his way into Chris's personal space despite Chris's usually intimidating bulk. He lifts his pair of drinks higher, the lights of the crowded bar flickering over the smooth glass.
"I told you, I'm taken," Chris says for the second time, raising his hands as he tries and fails to back up into a group of women pressing up against the counter behind him. "You'll have to find someone else."
"C'mon. At least let me show you what you're missing, huh? Don't you wanna---"
"He doesn't," Leon says darkly, swiping one of the glasses and downing it like a shot. "He's already with me. Take a hint, buddy."
Leon's body is warm at Chris's side, lips slightly damp with liquor when he plants a kiss on Chris's cheek. A scowl flickers over the pushy man's face, but his expression smooths a moment later into an admonishing, unhappy smile. He sets his own drink down with a clatter.
"Yeah, whatever. To each their own, I suppose." He disappears into the crowd with a shake of his head, and Leon scoffs, leaning his elbow on the edge of the bar.
"I go to the bathroom for two seconds and the entire bar is already trying to steal my date. What the hell was his problem?"
"No sense of personal space." Chris shrugs, wrapping an arm across Leon's shoulders. His mouth is already waiting when Chris leans down to kiss him, clever hands knotting easily behind Chris's neck. They stay like that for a moment, the taste of Leon's favorite whiskey sweet on Chris's tongue before he pulls away to grin lazily down at his boyfriend. "I'm sure he's jealous, now, though."
"No kidding." Leon makes a face as he pulls away, cheeks flushed. "Ugh, whatever he likes to drink is awful, though. Way too sweet."
"Let's go find somewhere to sit. Did you see where Claire and Jill went?"
Leon hasn't, so they find a table, the leather seat dipping under Chris's weight as he slides into the booth across from Leon. They stay that way for a while; Leon sipping a glass of water and Chris admiring the sheen of his glossy hair under the multicolored lighting, a warm current of alcohol buzzing in his veins. It's nice, and Chris loses himself in the crowd, searching for his sister's red hair---until Leon groans oddly, hands clutching his temples when Chris turns to look.
"Chris," he slurs, swaying in place with his eyes squeezed shut. " 'm dizzy."
Chris's good mood dissolves in an instant, and he leaps to his feet, rounding the table to Leon's side. They've only had two drinks each so far---not nearly enough for Leon to be drunk, let alone dealing with the spins---and cold dread begins to form in his gut.
"Talk to me, babe," he orders, reaching out to rub the curve of Leon's spine. "Do you feel anything else?"
Leon groans again in lieu of a response, a sluggish hand colliding with his glass of water as he tries to lift it. Chris is quick to help him, bringing the cup to Leon's lips so he can sip from it, a trail of water trickling from the side of his parted lips when Chris sets it back down. He frowns. Leon is oddly pliant as Chris reaches out to swipe it away, staring up at him dazedly when Chris cups his jaw and lifts his head to make eye contact. His eyes are glassy, and Chris swallows down a wave of fear.
"Leon? What's going on?"
"I'm---it's loud in here---" Leon mumbles, blinking slowly. "What time 's it?"
He lifts a hand to grab Chris's wrist in a loose hold, missing on his first try. By the time he finally manages, his eyes are half-lidded like he's falling asleep, body slumped forward on the seat. Chris snakes an arm around Leon's back without hesitation. He needs to get outside, maybe to a hospital---someone must have slipped him something, for him to be this out of it, and Chris curses himself internally when he remembers the drink Leon had downed from the pushy man near the bar. If he sees that asshole again, he's not going to be eating solid foods for a very long time.
"Hang in there," Chris says over the music, Leon a warm, limp weight as he stumbles along in Chris's wake. "I'm going to get you out of here."
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markzari · 2 years
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PAIRING | Idol au! mark x reader
SYNOPSIS | Mark tries to make it up to you since he was late <3
WC | 952
WARNINGS | fluff only
A.N | New post ya'll
- I keep my eyes on my phone as I hear the front door open. "Hey, babe! I wasn't sure about what chips you wanted so I got these!" 
I slowly looked up and saw him hold up a bag full of snacks. wearing a plain white tee and jeans. I held back my smile as I looked at the clock.
"Look at what time it is. You said you'll be back three hours ago! We have to get ready for our four year anniversary! " I groaned out looking at him with my arms crossed. he held in his laugh looking like he was going to burst.
"Dude, what's funny?!" I said forcing a angry face
He failed and exploded with laughter.
"It's so funny seeing you trying to be mean and angry!"
When he saw that I rolled my eyes, he cleared his throat.
He tossed the bags on the chair as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry, I had got caught up with the guys and work. Listen, I'm gonna take you somewhere tomorrow, okay?" 
I stared at his eyes as I saw that he had guilt I hugged him back. "Okay! Only if you buy me strawberry's." 
He nodded his head " I will! I promise." He held up his pinky finger as I laughed 
"Okay, promise!" 
The next morning came by fast. I woke up to the smell of strawberry's. I hopped out of bed as I peaked out the door. I saw my boyfriend trying to make strawberry waffles. 
I snuck behind him as I back hugged him. "Don't put the house on fire!" He flinched as he turned around "It was suppose to be a surprise.." He whined "I'm sorry, I heard chaos in the kitchen and I smelled it." 
I pat him on the back as I kissed him.
He put the food on the table as I licked my lips. "You did really good! Oh my god!"
He smiled as we both ate.
Once we were finish eating I thanked him and kissed him again as I ran away back into the room and closed the door. I went to the bathroom as I turned the shower on.
I heard the door open as mark came in. "I need to take a shower too.." I stared at him "Okay... You can wait." I squished his cheeks as he groaned. "We can just take one together.." I laughed as I turned to him "Are you okay? Do you need water?" I said crossing my arms. He shook his head "i'm fine. Please!? I won't ask again, I'll wash your back for you!" 
He gave me doe eyes and I groaned. "Fine!"
We got out of the shower as he took the towel and I took the robe. We brushed our teeth and washed our face. 
As he was shaving his face I went to find a outfit to wear. I Put on a mini skirt with the belt and underwear band line in view, a spaghetti strap crop top and marks leather jacket. I grab some of his necklaces and put my jordans and and skipped out of the closet.
"Yo, How do I look?" Mark peaked from the bathroom "My jacket AND necklaces. Maybe we should shop for you. Pull up the skirt, I can see that you are wearing Calvin Klein."
I scoffed "I have stuff. Yours is just better and smell like you. The skirt is meant to be like this!"
I could hear his laugh from the bathroom as he dried his face.
He put the towel over his shoulder as he went into the closet. I ran behind him.
He was wearing all gray/green (Nct dream 'hot sauce' concept photos/outfit on header;border) And he made me put on jeans.
"let's go" We hopped in the car as I turned on my rnb playlist. "Alright, Can you close your eyes while we are going there?"
I nodded my head as I yawn "I'm tired anyway, Wake me up when we are there."
I felt a tap on my shoulder as I woke up. I rubbed my eyes and saw a amusement park.
"OH MY GOSH DID YOU RENT AN AMUSEMENT PARK?" I yelled in shock. He kissed me as he nodded with a laugh "HOW?! I MEAN, WHY? FOR ME!?" I yelled again as I unbuckle my seat belt 
"I felt bad for yesterday so I asked sm and the guys to help to do this for you. we've been together for 4 years and I wanted to make it fun!" I grabbed him a kissed him 1,000 times as I hopped out the car.
I ran to the gate as they guards stopped me "You can't come in ma'am." 
mark ran up to the gate and showed them the badge. "Sorry, my apologies. You may enter." he grabbed my hand as we went through the gate.
"Let's have some fun!"
Here I was griping the bars on a roller coaster waiting for the drop. "Please get me off of here, mark! I told you that we both couldn't do this!" I turn and see him with his head down griping the other bar. 
we both screamed as the drop came and I felt the need to faint. "HELP ME!" I yelled as we went on the loop.
the ride ended shortly after and I went quiet. They unstrapped us, I held on the wall as support but failed.
I fell down and sat there. "I'm tired." I said holding my heart. I felt tears in my eye thinking about it again.
I grabbed marks hand and went to the food court. I got a hotdog and he got pizza. we shared a drink as I grabbed his hand.
"I'm never letting you take me anywhere again."  We both laughed at our pain.
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ayakamiyuiii · 2 years
"I'm Sorry." P2 of "Okay."
"I'm sorry," You heard from the other end of the line, It was Osamu - Did he know this was going on? confusion strikes across your face as you fail to make something of this. "So .. You knew?" You lowly muttered, To yourself but he heard anyways. "No i- i was coming over to drop off some of Tsumu's belongings- he'd left behind- And i- i heard a women, i- it wasn't you tho, Sure didn't look like ya either." He sounded so out of breath, You couldn't help it you start sobbing all over Again "I dunno what i did osamu.." You get out through a string of sobs, "Hey hey don't- cry, Where are you ( y / n ) ? let me come to ya yeah? .." he whisper - talks, " 'kay.." you say trying not to sob more than you already have, after letting him know where you were you bring your knees up to your chest, truly wondering what went wrong, Was he really that tired of you he needed to find another women without telling you? before you could indulge more into your saddened thoughts you heard a knock on your car Window, It was Osamu - He really drove all the way here to comfort you? Opening the car door only to be greeted with a flood of apologies and reddened eyes from the other Miya himself. At this point it seemed you were both a sobbing mess " 'M so sorry ( y / n) .. 'm so sorry" he says caressing your back while you sob into his shoulder, asking him everything not even he would know the answer too, "Am i just not good enough 'samu?" You choke between the messy sobs literally and i mean literally flooding your face. Holding you by the shoulder you look into his widened eyes, "Of course 'yer good enough.. can't believe he would even wanna loose someone like ya." he says pulling you back into a comforting hug. He's sorry, he's truly sorry - He can't believe someone of his own blood would do something like that, it was out of question for Atsumu to do something like this, Yet he decides to blow up something the both of you's had worked on since high school, Pretty fucked up if yer askin' me. Lost in his own thoughts of why his stupid brother, Thought any of what he did was a good idea not realizing how hard he was hugging you " 'samu, to tight to tight" you gasp out - Finally realizing how tight he's been holding you he lets go. "What're yer gonna do now?" he questions looking into the sky, Then right back at you who seemed to be looking right at the ground, thinking to yourself where you would go and what you would do after this - Knowing how oblivious atsumu would be, He may think you don't know anything at all. "Did he say anything to you when you went to go drop off his things 'Samu?" you ask looking up from the ground, "nothin' much .. he tried lyin' his way outta this one." That hurt, He really tried lying about it? god what a dick. "Yer can stay at mine if yer wanna .. Me and Rin don't mind." You sure? .. god i don't even have my tooth brush or anything Osamu- and this is all in short notice- are you guys really going to be fi-" He cuts you off "Yer gonna be fine Me and Rin can supply you with what ya need, Yer don't gotta go through this alone, i can't let ya knowing it was ma own brother who's putting ya through this.. Please accept ma offer?" He pleads looking into your eyes. LMFAOOO HASUHADHJ ..OKAY GUYS GUYS IT'S NOT THE END, I CAN WRITE MORE OKAY!!!?! PART 3 IF U GUYS WANT YKYK?? This 'bouta turn into a poly lov story uwu You n' Osamu n' rin ...?? IDK IF U GUYS WANT THAT THO UHHHHHHHH uh lol cliffhanger 😘 Um .. so like idk how to im just uwu @darthferbert n' @multi-fandom-fanfic ... i think thats how it works and thank u sm babes uwu uh ...I PROMISE IT'S NOT THE END UNLESS MY WRITERS BLOCC COMS BCK.. 😍😍😍 also lmk what u think of polyam idk i need mental help 🤷‍♀️
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ahoodgirl · 3 months
a job well done - S. Scola × C. Hart (OC)
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▪︎ Stuart is an fbi agent & his oc girlfriend Caroline is an nypd sergeant
▪︎ smut, fluff & a hint of angst
▪︎ let me know what you think. also; to the one who wanted it the most, sorry it took so long for me to post. life happens.
Another body means another case. But this one's different. I may just be a NYPD Sargeant but i know this case belongs to the FBI, and boy do i know someone...
I type in the memorized number and press call. I bring the phone up to my ear as it rings once, then twice before he answers. "hey Caroline, what's up?" "got a case for fbi. it's serious." i'm sure he can hear the tension in my voice as i talk. "okay, i'll tell my boss." "my team is available to use if needed." "thanks." we talk about the dead boby thats currently in front of me for a bit then get ready to go 26 Fed.
We team up and work things out on this guy: who he is, who his friends are, where he works, where he lives, etc., and end up arresting a few of his buddies — who made us run — and scared them into giving us a location on where he is which leads us to where we are now: on an undercover stint.
Me and Scola are in plain clothes but the difference; scola has his gun hidden on his back and i have it on my hip with my badge. He's waiting on the guy to show — they never do — and catch them in the act in order to be able to arrest him.
A late revelation reveals that he was a no-show because he got a call from someone that this was set up — idiots — so we head back to 26 fed and regroup.
Now that they know we're cops, there's no need to hide in plain clothes.
After a few triangulations, we find out where he's planning to set the bomb so we strap up and get ready.
He's in FBI gear and i'm in NYPD gear, which is khaki pants, a back shirt over a bullet proof vest and an nypd jacket, brandishing my badge and holstered gun on my side.
We get to the location and with our weapons ready and a warrant in-hand, we go in full force and everything happens fast; we catch a few people but the main person made a run for it making us run, again, so Scola went after him and after handing off a perp, i follow behind him.
We run behind him, following him across the street, into an alley and through an abandoned building then out the back. The perp somehow pulls out a knife and with Scola being the closest, grips it with his life and leaps towards him. "Scola, watch out!!" i scream as he ducks his head to keep from colliding with the guys knife.
They fight for a few minutes back and forth, Scola trying his damnedest to pry the knife from his hand all while trying to not get cut in the process. The guy has Scola pressed against a car with knife in his right hand trying to push it towards Scola's face. "Drop the knife! This is my last warning, and I won't ask you again, so drop the knife. Now!"
He doesn't listen and so with permission, i move my weapon to his shoulder and fire, the bullet hitting his shoulder dead on, knocking him to the ground as his knife slides away from him. Scola grabs his cuffs and grabs the guy and pulls him up handcuffing him then handing him off. "good work, sergeant hart." he sets a hand on on my shoulder as i holster my gun. "thanks. you too. close call, but good work." he shyly smiles and walks over to the sidewalk to give a call to his boss on the case.
After tying up somethings and filling out paperwork, one by one fbi agents leave the office, leaving just me, scola, maggie, oa and tiffany. They talk about a few things between the four of them as i call my boss and tell him the good news. "yessir. we got him." "well done. i want the paperwork on my desk by monday morning." "yessir, you got it."
I smile as i see Stuart walk up to me. "perfect. have a good night." "you too." i hang up and turn my attention to Stuart. "hey babe. you good?" he nods his head. "yeah, i'm good. you?" "yeah im good. just let my boss know that we got the guy. he wants the paperwork by monday." he smiles as he grabs my hand and links them together. "let's go home."
We get in the vehicle — obvi with Stuart in the driver seat — and make our way home. But i decide to give him a little show; i slowly inch my hand up his thigh and settle it on his clothed member. I look up and see him swallow his saliva and grip the steering wheel a little harder.
I undo his button and slowly pull his zipper down. "caroline, babe, w-what are you d-doing?" "just relax. this is for you. for a job well done. for dealing with the whole knife situation in a good way. but for also not getting hurt. so keep your eyes on the road handsome." he chuckles and lets me continue.
I pull out his dick from its confines and rub my thumb across the tip as precum leaks from it. I lick the top of his dick as i drop my head to fit as much as i can in my mouth and start sucking, bobbing my head up and down.
my goal is to make him cum before we get home — we're 10 minutes away — so i suck and bob making sure to pay special attention to his balls and do everything i know to make him succumb to me.
"p-please, don't stop. feels, so so good." i smile as i suck like my life depends on it.
I speed up as i realize that we're approaching our road so i go harder and just as we're pulling in our drive, he spills in my mouth. I pull back and let go with a pop as i wipe my mouth clean with the back of hand. "shit. i didn't know you could do that." i laugh as i get out the car and head inside. "yeah, that's what happens when you turn me on." "wait, i turned you on? how?" i walk up to him and grab his tie and pull him to me. "how you handled the struggle with the knife. you didn't let him overcome you."
He smashes our lips together and turns us around to push me up against the door. We make out for a bit until he picks me up and takes us to the bedroom, shedding clothes behind us as we go.
Hands roam each others bodies and kisses are planted as we try to get close to each other as possible. Stuart grabs my hands and puts them atop the pillow and holds them down in place with his free hand.
After lining himself up with my entrance he thrusts inside me as curse words spill from our lips.
Hurried breaths and grunts can be beard throughout the room as our sex drive goes through the roof.
"fuck." he laughs as he kisses behind my ear then says, "thats it. let it all out. i wanna hear you. don't hold back. c'mon." i let out all my emotions as my orgasm gets closer.
A little bit later and he's spilling inside me, twitching and throbbing to calm down. Stuart had a vein that goes from the base of his dick to the tip and it tends to be prominent when we fuck. So normally he tends to take longer to relax and calm down after he nuts.
I cuddle up to him and drap my arm across his chest, feeling his heartbeat against my elbow. I fold my arm and draw circles on his chest as it rises and falls.
We fall asleep cuddled together and just let things be as neither wakes till the next day arrives and the sun peaks out, shining out through the sky.
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luveline · 2 years
could I request reader being sick with a sore throat and steve being worried and taking care of them? just sweet fluff.. thank you sm <3
worried steve 🥺 thank you for your request! :3 fluff + hugs (word count: 1k)
You're sitting on the counter in Steve's kitchen with a sore throat, watching him boil water in a pan over the burner.
"My mom drinks this weird herbal stuff when she gets sick. I think. It'll make you feel better," he'd promised confidently.
He's quiet now, pretending to watch the water when really he's looking at you out of the corner of his eye. You're too tired to ask him about it. 
"You're sure I can't make you something to eat?" he asks finally, breaking the silence. 
You don't think your boyfriend knows how to cook anything that isn't a TV dinner, and if he could you're too nauseous to think about it. 
"I'm sure," you say, throat dry as sandpaper,
The sound of your scraping voice has Steve wincing as he pours hot water into your mug, already prepped with a dainty metal strainer and herbal tea. 
"Crackers?" he suggests, slightly pleading. 
You shake your head, every word a knife to say. "They're too dry." 
Steve let's the tea steep before picking up the mug by its hot sides to offer you the handle. You take it from him, fretting over his burned fingertips as you bring the lip of the mug to your nose and sniff. It doesn't smell promising. 
"Don't wrinkle your nose at it, okay? Just drink it," Steve says. You think about the concerned pinch of his brows and forgive his attitude, taking a sip. 
"Oh," you say, giggling madly, enough to make your throat burn, "Steve, it's so bad." 
He looks genuinely heartbroken. "What? It can't be that bad. It can't be," he says from between your legs. 
You grimace. "Sorry, baby."
He shakes his head and eases the mug out of your hand more gently than necessary, taking a cautious, steaming mouthful. He swallows it, looking about as miserable as you feel. 
"It's awful," he mutters wryly, more to himself than you. "Hundred percent terrible." 
He puts the mug down by your side. His hands are warm as he spreads them over your thighs, frowning. "I can go get you something else." 
"Steve," you sigh, reaching out to play with the hair at the nape of his neck, curling it around your finger until he drifts towards you, dropping the crown of his head into your chest. 
"Sorry, babe," he says morosely. Then, too quick, he's out of your hands and making his way to the pantry. 
You miss his closeness instantly, voice ever scratchy as you call, "Steve?" Your voice breaks halfway through his name. "Steve?" 
He emerges from the pantry with a triumphant grin, excited as he slots himself between your legs again so fast it jostles you. In his hands, a honey bear. 
"Here," he says, turning the bear upside down and squeezing generously. He whips a spoon from the cutlery drawer and stirs the tea quickly before holding it up to your lips. You edge back just slightly and take it from him. 
"Well?" he asks as you drink, eyebrows raised expectantly, looking so hopeful it hurts your heart. 
You'd lie and drink the entire mug if you thought you could stomach it. "I feel really sick," you divert instead. 
His lips crumple. "That's not better?" he asks, taking it from you for his own sip. "Oh, no. God, it's fucking nasty. How do people drink this?" 
You laugh and it hurts. You hold your hand out, fingertips pushing into his chest. "Don't make me laugh," you beg. 
"I'm sorry," he says. 
"It's not your fault. Just sick." 
"I don't like knowing you're in pain," he says, scowling. 
You smile softly. "Would you prefer I not tell you?" you tease lightly. 
"No, definitely tell me," he says. His exasperation is obvious. You pat his shoulder. 
Steve toys with the string on your sweatpants, looking at your neck. You know he's looking through you, thinking about something. You stroke his hair from his face absent-minded, weaving silky strands between your fingers and then tucking them behind his ear methodically. When there's no hair left to tuck back you run your fingers down his face, touch light, following from the corner of one of his sweet brown eyes to the line of his jaw, scratching on the tiniest hints of stubble. 
He massages your upper arm in answer, an unconscious touch. 
You pause your ministrations to reach for the Teddy bear he's set aside, wiping your finger over the nozzle. You lick your fingertip clean and smile happily. Tea is completely unnecessary, you think. Thank god for bees. 
"That good?" Steve asks, raising his eyes to yours. 
You nod, feeling a little embarrassed. Steve doesn't care, evidently, picking up the discarded spoon and filling it's well with honey. 
He offers it to you. You take it and eat the spoonful gingerly, close to tears when it quells the dry, pinching pain in your throat. 
"It actually feels a bit better," you tell him, lips sticky. 
"Yeah?" he asks. His relief is palpable. 
"Yeah," you say. You hold out the spoon and Steve fills it until there's honey dripping over the side and onto your shirt. 
"Don't tell anyone about that," Steve says, faux serious as he wipes away the spill. 
"I wouldn't," you play along. 
You both smile, too happy, more than fond. Steve works his arms around your waist, pulling you close as he presses his face to your chest, head turned to your shoulder. You hug him back with one arm, smoothing the hair at the nape of his neck lovingly as you turn the spoon upside down in your mouth and clean it off. 
He rubs your back with a firm, grounding pressure. 
"Sorry you’re sick, babydoll," he says, sounding ridiculously sad. 
You giggle as you drop the spoon and cuddle him back, rubbing your face into his soft brown mop. "Not your fault, Stevie." 
"It might be. How do you know it's not mono?" 
"Did you have mono?" you ask sceptically, already knowing the answer. 
"Then no, you didn't give me mono," you say, wheezy as his arms tighten around you. "Idiot." 
"Whatever, nerd. Want another squeeze of honey?" 
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
HII!! I see your requests are open, i hope you wouldn’t mind me requesting this, i hope you know her lolol, but anyways I’ll get started anyways…
Can you do Vi, Caitlyn and Jinx with a S/O who has a Doja Cat personality and That the reader sings exactly like her?? I love doja cat a lot so you know…
thank you very much and I hope you have an amazing day :D
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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 - Vi, Jinx, Caitlyn, Sevika
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, sexual innuendos, alludes to sexual acts ( mostly Vi and Sevika but also in Caits at the end ), fluffy, angst if you look closely but barely any really
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - I'M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BABES!! I hope you enjoy!! Also I added Sevika at the end just for the hell of it, you don't have to read it at all it's most for myself because I liked the idea but I did the other 3 as well!! ily sm thank you and have an amazing week! <3
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☼ 𝐕𝐢 – Vi is... well she's Vi. She herself is very cocky and very Violet. You, are a great match. The amount of teasing and back and forth you both have is incredible, you can go on for hours just fucking with each other. Poking fun back and forth but it's all flirting and you both know it. And when you do flirt with each other, you flirt.
Now what she really loves is how you can call out a person whenever you think someone has gone too far or just pisses you off. You're quite bitchy to some, and loud but Vi doesn't care whatsoever. Sometimes you piss each other off though, I won't lie.
With your personalities you can crash at some points, both of you kind of go for the jugular when arguing because neither of you are afraid to say what's on your mind. Even if it's something incredibly hurtful that you don't realize. But, it usually works out after a long conversation or a long something else. You know you love each other, that's my point.
Finds you very funny as well. The way you both make fun of people you don't like is extraordinary, the back and forth insults are the best. Anyone in hearing range has to hold back their laughter.
But when it comes to your singing.. Vi can't get enough. Loves when you sing her to sleep, or perform at the speakeasies and bars in the area. When you're up on that stage, singing and in your element.Vi drools. Straight up... drools.
You've got her wrapped around your finger.
You're just so fucking perfect. Vi will never be able to get enough.
☼ 𝐉𝐢𝐧𝐱 – Thinking about it makes me smile. She loves you, and love the protectiveness you have. Being that you'll stand up for her at anytime and anywhere. Not afraid to speak your mind at all or clap back when you're in an argument. She giggles menacingly behind you. Jinx isn't the talk type, she mostly shoots and then never asks questions... she gets distracted easily and forgets.
You match the energy though, she rambles on and gets very excited. And if she's excited so are you, you both with get loud and talk enough to annoy Silco into digging his grave deeper. I'm not sorry.
You're Jinx's main hype-man let's be real. You often bring her out of the bad mindset with your energy and compliments. You're so confident and cheer her up so easily, you're also great at distracting her and making things fun once more.
Speaking of distraction, loves when you sing to her. Or watching you sing in The Last Drop. Sitting at the bar, slurping on her straw while your voice rings through the microphone and floods the place. Jinx has fallen asleep at the bar quite a few times.
When the voices get too bad and you can't make her smile and forget about them. You sing to her, it calms her down and even makes her sleepy. Jinx will sometimes just plop down in your lap and beg you to sing a song, any song she'll listen to.
It's mesmerizing and she can't get enough. You're like her Shimmer, and she's addicted.
☼ 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐲𝐧 – Caitlyn can speak her mind, we know that. She's strong and independent and you're all the same. Just louder. Confident and very flirty. You made her bright red the first time you met her, and usually she has the best pick up lines, you definitely won that one.
You're very ' I don't give a fuck if you hate me ' energy is what makes her love you even more. The way you flaunt and hold yourself makes her drool and Caitlyn is usually drooled over. Not that you don't. But you speak your mind, at the right and wrong times. Especially towards her shitty coworkers that think she doesn't deserve her job despite working her ass off.
You do not like them and you make it very known. Much to Caitlyn's want to shut you up sometimes, she loves you for it. Very much, because you know her inside out and you're very easily to talk to for her. Caitlyn's knows her status, and knows how she's perceived, but you see her for Cait.
Not for Caitlyn Kiramman The Councilors Daughter.
And when Caitlyn first met you, adn heard your singing voice she about dropped dead. It was her favorite sound then and her favorite sound now. Sometimes when she can't sleep and the tea isn't helping, you'll sing to her quietly. Even if it's an upbeat song, hearing your soothing voice is the best remedy to her sleeping or stress problems.
And hearing you perform when she can, especially all dressed up at a fancy event. Cait loves to say how she's dating the singer, even if her mother isn't very pleased with it.
Cassandra likes you, just not when you sneak into Caitlyn's room after a very good performance to give her daughter another one.
☼ 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐤𝐚 – You met her while singing at The Last Drop. The sultry gaze you gave her made sure you had a very long night after your song was over. And thus a relationship ensues.
You often sit with her while she plays poker, on her lap for everyone to see and you're a brat let's be real. You're catty and poke fun at the other players, you even get on Sevika's nerves once in a while which she makes sure to remind you of later. But the insults you throw out here and there and the flirty teasing you give the guys right before they lose practically everything.
Well it gets her grinning.
You are a power couple, she's quit but Sevika talks and teases. She's funny honestly, and you being the loud version of it, the much prouder talker, well you both are a force to reckoned with. You both are the couple everyone doesn't fuck with. And you're her soft spot, you're her little royal baby that comes and sits on her knee after you're done singing.
Speaking of singing, Sevika loves your voice. Hearing you up there will have you in bed for hours. But it's also something Sev finds comfort in, like a lot of comfort. Sev like all the others loves when you sing to her. Just for her. Whether it's while you're doing something or to her after a long and frustrating job.
She loves your voice. Singing and while making... other noises.
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
Hello 👋 how your doing fine😌 so I wondering how tokrev Bois (hanma and anyone else) would react if their s/o could metal scream, something like this
Thank you in advance ^-^
helloo!! metal screaming is v cool tf thank u sm for attaching them links too and ofc for requesting so hope u take of urself always mwahh!! (~ ̄³ ̄)~ (v sorry for the delay)
PAIRINGS: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Nahoya, & Hanma x gn! reader
GENRE: fluff, humor
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♡ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 has always loved listening to you sing but he was seriously unprepared for the upcoming talent you were about to show him. You were just in his room, not caring of whatever music comes from the radio but when a familiar song plays, you're just singing it timidly at first and Mikey just returns to munching on his snack but suddenly he heard a raspy, deep, and loud ass growl—he didn't even know what to call it but his head is snapping back and forth with wide eyes to wonder where that sound came from.
His mind kept replaying the scream that he just heard, it was definitely uttering words so who the hell could've done that? Was the radio too loud but why does it feel so close? Another scream came from you and this time he catches you red handed seeing how your mouth was wide open screaming the lyrics with that new found tone to your voice and he suddenly stops chewing, the taiyaki falling from his mouth as he stares at you wide eyed with his jaw to the floor and you're just staring at him like you didn't just knock the breath out of his lungs.
"..Y/N?" He weakly called out, still immensely startled. "Yeah, Mikey?"
"Do you need water uh, um anything?" He asks, pointing to your throat as you turned to him confused. "No, I'm good—it doesn't hurt."
"How..in the shitty Earth can you do that?" Mikey questions, cocking an eyebrow with hands to your upper arm, shaking you lightly. "Did someone possess you?" He added which made you laugh.
"It's just metal screaming, babe and no god—no one possessed me, Mikey." You laughed at his genuine shock.
"Wait, I can do that too?"
"Of course."
What comes out of him was purely a roar instead of a scream but it drives him to do better so he's closing his eyes and channeling your energy until he's got a the perfect yell, keeping touch of this deep voice but it cracks in the process which made you cackle, holding your stomach as he looks at you offended.
"Pft, okay, pro."
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♡ 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 has always been aware of metal screaming because of the random songs that flood the motorcycle shop. He gave it a try a few times while he was fixing a bike but you came into view, just reading the engine book he had left on the table. He was just listening to the music anyway but when he opened his mouth to give it an attempt, another voice stepped in from behind him which makes him drop his tool at how exact and precise that was. His hair and his head has never whipped this fast sending his braid to fly to his eyes, swiftly hitting him as he continues to stare at you in bewilderment.
"THAT WAS YOU?" He asked loudly, a bit concerned and astonished to how you did that which led you to laugh. "Draken, I call that a skill."
The next thing you know Mikey hears multiple screams from the garage which made him lock himself in his room.
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♡ 𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 is the type to do crazy and spontaneous stuff so this was well suited for him to have a partner that holds the same trait as he has. Lucky enough, his mom wasn't home today so you had the chance to act like married fools while Baji plays his music that echoes through the damn house and you two were stuck to use brushes as microphones like the kids you were.
"Shit okay okay let me try this." He began to rev up his voice to ready himself so when he actually did it with no imperfection, you clap your hands to show your praise for him while he suddenly turns his 'mic' to you to signal how it was your turn so without hesitation, you took the brush screaming into it following the lyrics as Baji slumps his back and drops his head in utter amazement.
It takes him a good five seconds clear his head of what just happened until he's whipping his head around throwing it in circles as he screams with you, feeling energized at how you just mastered that in one go and he's holding your face after your celebratory moment.
"You fucking nailed that! Let's do it again on three baby!"
"On three Baji!"
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♡ 𝐍𝐀𝐇𝐎𝐘𝐀 loves being a mess whenever you two were left in his room alike Baji so you two were just chasing each other from time to time. He was also playing some booming music, not caring how he sang them or how Souya was desperately trying to focus on the manga he was reading. He's sometimes a pure ball of energy so it can often transfer onto you which leads you to have the best moments that just bloom from pure chaos.
Which leads you to be spontaneous and scream along to the song, going in perfect sync with deepness in your voice as you even bopped your head to it while Nahoya stops dancing for a while and he lets out a high pitched, "HA?" and Souya comes busting in the room looking for his brother, feeling like he was in danger at the new sound. Sure, his brother would often do that too but it did not sound like Nahoya.
Meanwhile, Smiley let's out a fired up shout before he's following you, joining you in your little world, banging his head as if he were the rockstar on the track so you it becomes a duet of cohesive screaming that then becomes to a competition.
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♡ 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐌𝐀 is a person who never runs out of ideas just to create some havoc so he drags you with him to an empty building, sat at the roof as the city sleeps but you two were just lovers plainly looking for something to do so he brought his radio with you yet it didn't seem to satisfy him.
"C'mon darling, let's wake them up." He said standing up with a smile as he began to yell his frustrations as a familiar song comes on making you follow the lead of it's metal scream, closing your eyes and powering your voice, amping it with it's huskiness and stability to maintain that pitch and your boyfriend stares at you with a huge smile, errupting in chuckles so he rushes to you letting out a hyena esque yell of his own before his arms wrapped around your waist, embracing you tightly while he continued to laugh.
"Holy shit, angel! When the fuck did you learn that?" He questions, holding either side of your face. "I don't know—I did it a lot before I met you as a joke but I might've developed it into a skill."
"Well, you're gonna have to teach me how. We're gonna have fun wrecking people's shit!"
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TOKYO REV : @strawberrieas @kwrg @raya-sano @kimrena-stuff @heavensbeloved @rosewood1999
OVERALL: @stesphy @itsmeaudrieee
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mattsunbae · 3 years
hi!! first, i just wanna say i love love love your writing sm :,)
i was wondering if i can request the hq boys reactions to their s/o doing the tiktok trend where they pretend that they broke something valuable/expensive as a prank? i’d appreciate if you could write it for atsumu, akaashi, suna, iwa, n kuroo!! thank you so much!! (i hope this request isn’t too hard ahh) <3
hi hiiii anon! you picked my faves ahhh😭 anyways, thank you so much for requesting. it actually really means a lot! also, don’t worry, this isn’t too hard for me ;)
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characters — atsumu miya, keiji akaashi, rintarō suna, hajime iwaizumi, tetsurō kuroo
warnings — none!
song —
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flinched as he heard the front door unlocking. he greeted you with a smile until he saw the worried look on your face, smile faltering quickly. "what happened, sweetheart?" "okay," you sighed, "you can't get mad tsum.." you took his rough hands in yours. "ya scarin' me now, honey. just tell me." he wearily smiled down at you who was successful hiding your smile. "i- i accidentally scratched your car.." you took a deep breath. atsumu let go of your hands to pinch the bridge of his nose with annoyance. "YA DID WHAT???" he asked, as if he didn't believe you. "it's a big scratch along the side." you looked away from him. you stepped out of the way as he practically ran out the door to examine the car. the panic on his face could be seen from miles away. he scanned his eyes along both sides of the car and quickly realized — there was no scratch. atsumu's eyes darted towards you as he ran full speed at you before swiping you off your feel like a sack of potatoes. he slammed you on the couch, straddling you. "i didn' find that amusing, sweetheart." he started before harshly tickling you. you let out a string of pained giggles as you murmured, "'m sorry tsum — ack! 'm sorry!" you laughed.
received a string of frantic calls from you, who was at home. he quickly answered the fourth call as he realized it was urgent. "what's going on, love?" his calming voice cut in through the receiver. "please don't get mad, kaashi." you frantically said. "tell me what's going on. you need me to come home?" he desperately asked, shuffling things on his desk. "i- um — i accidentally burned one of your books.." you trailed off as you waited for a reaction out of him. you heard him sigh heavily. "i'll be there soon." he gravely replied, hanging up right after. it was apparent akaashi was panicking as he stepped through the front door, smoke practically fuming out his ears. "where is it?" he asked in a passive aggressive manner. "in the office." you said, leading him to the scene. he hastily stepped in front of you, swinging the door open to see — his books intact. "y/n." he didn't turn to look at you, still staring at his books, placed in a neat pile on his desk. "kaashi." you giggled from behind him. "i'd be mad but i wanted to leave work." he chuckled lightly. "but don't think you're off the hook, love."
answered the phone i his drive home, already exhausted from work. "yeah?" his tired voice ringing through the receiver. "rinnie?" you called for him, panicking. "yeah, babe what's up? i'm on my way home." he yawned, one hand on the wheel. "um you can't get mad.." your voice trailed off. "just tell me what's going on." he spat, a hint annoyance seeping from his voice. "i- i spilled — uh i spilled pasta sauce on the bed, which uh — which just so happened to have your favorite shirt on it." you sighed, secretly laughing. you heard him sigh very heavily, "sit tight." he hung up immediately, pinching the bridge of his nose. suna hastily stepped through the door. not having attempted to find you, he scurried to your shared bedroom to find you, dozing off on the bed and his shirt — neatly hung up in the closet. he sighed heavily again before shaking you awake. "are you serious right now?" suna asked, a look of annoyance plastered on his face. "aww don't be mad rin." you teased. "shut up." he said before walking out of the room. “not funny.”
was seated on the couch downstairs, focusing on the movie playing on the tv until he heard a shriek from upstairs. his attention shifted to your shriek as he called out to you. "you okay?" iwaizumi asked, pausing the tv. "NOTHING UH — DON'T COME UP HERE!" you stumbled over your words, internally laughing. "are you hurt?!" iwaizumi asked, getting up off the couch. "NO! UH — DON'T COME UP HERE! I'M NAKED!" you called out to him downstairs. "i've seen you naked y/n.." he said, confused. "okay fine.." you mumbled. "i accidentally spilt black dye on your white shoes..." you murmured, waiting for a response, though it never came. iwaizumi groaned, his heavy footsteps ascending the stairs. “lemme see the damage.” he sighed, stepping into the bathroom. you immediately blocked the door, “it’s fine i can clean it, haji.” iwaizumi huffed in annoyance. “just lemme see it, doll.” you nodded, letting him pass through the door. he braced himself for the damage but there was none. his eyes widened as he saw his shoes, perfectly white, settled beside the tub. a small smile formed on his face, relief flowing over him like wave. “tch. i didn’t find that amusing in any way, meanie.” he stepped out of the bathroom, into the bedroom. “oh yeah? then why are you smiling hm?” you teased, poking his back. “it’s not funny. stop it.” he sighed.
strolled into the laundry room without a care — until you popped up off the floor in front of him. “uhhh what’s going on..?” he asked as you pushed him out of the laundry room. “nothing. i’ll do the laundry today!” you said, over enthusiastically. he paused to look at you. “what did you do, y/n?” kuroo asked as he cocked his head to the side with confusion. “okay fine........” you trailed off, twiddling with the rings on your fingers. kuroo nodded, enabling you to continue. “i put the clothes in the dryer for six hours and your clothes shrunk.” you sighed, laughing in your head. “you’ve gotta be kidding me. six hours??!” he asked in awe as he stepped back into the laundry room. “THEY WEREN’T DRYING!” you exclaimed, following him back into the room. tetsurō took a long, deep breath before opening the dryer door to see — his clothes at their normal size. he looked at you with an annoyed smirk. “i’m not gonna lie, you got me there, pretty.” “yeah i know. call me actress y/n.” you laughed. “i wouldn’t go that far.” kuroo chuckled, throwing light punches into your stomach. “OW TETSU!” you fell dramatically on the floor, hugging your stomach. “oh fu— are you okay?” he instantly panicked, dropping to his knees to tend to you. “so gullible.” you deadpanned, getting up off the floor. “NOT. FUNNY.” he yelled, tackling you.
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dumdumsun · 3 years
Of Starlight
A/N: And finally, chapter 20. Thank you to everyone who has taken time to read this story. I am so very proud of it, as it was the first thing I wrote after an 8-month hiatus. It's my baby and I am so sad it's coming to a close. Luckily, I'm balls-deep into the sequel, so there is so much more to come. I know I thanked them in my IANOWT fic, but I will do it here as well. Thank you sm to my editor and very close friend, @sapphicsyn, who is the reason I even kept doing this. You're the best, beloved! ⚠️For info about the sequel, see the end of the chapter⚠️ Happy reading, babes ❤️
Warnings: mentions of blood, guns and violence
Word Count: 4136
Chapter 20: Far From Over
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(Y/N) felt a hand squeeze her shoulder behind her, prompting her to turn around in her seat. Allison stood there, eyes slightly puffy and red, no doubt from crying. (Y/N)’s eyebrows knitted together in concern and she began to stand up, but Allison shook her head. The girl went to ask what was wrong, but The Rumor turned her head in search of the missing member of the family. When her eyes settled back on (Y/N), she noticed her digging her fingernails into the knuckles on her opposite hand. “Uh… he’ll be back…” She murmured. Her (e/c) eyes travelled up to her sister to find a look of sympathy painted on her face. She wanted nothing more than to bury her panic and paranoia into the depths of her soul, just to save her from the embarrassment of watching her siblings’ faces contort to those pitiful glances. She knew Five could take care of himself, but that didn’t stop her mind from coming up with hundreds of ‘what if’s.
Her eyes followed Allison as the woman slowly walked over to the chair where she left her black leather jacket, pulling it back on and zipping it closed. (Y/N)’s senses focused on the zipper, the buttons, the collar, just about anything on Allison’s jacket to distract herself. In the back of her mind, she could hear the sounds of pins being knocked down and the squealing cheers of the bowling party beside them. Unbeknownst to her, the three in front of her had been trying to get her attention. But she was too lost in her spiral to even focus on their voices. It had been Luther’s voice that broke her out of her trance. “Alright, where’s Five?”
Her head perked up at the mention of the boy, and Diego met her stare before answering Luther, “He left.”
“Oh, for the love of… Where’d he go?”
“Didn’t tell us,” Diego’s foot gently nudged his sister’s. “But he might’ve told his girlfriend.”
“He said he had to take care of something. I have no idea where he went.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“Well, we’re not waiting around for him,” Luther stopped when his “little” sister’s eyes widened. “Sorry, (Y/N), but the concert is in thirty minutes.”
She sighed and turned forward in her seat as Klaus strolled over to her with a bag of popcorn. She politely turned him down when he offered some. “Then what’s the plan?” She huffed.
“Well, I think that, uh…,” Luther’s short pause voiced his clear uncertainty. “We go to the Icarus Theater.”
“That’s a location, not a plan.” Diego pointed out. “What? Is that all you got? Look, you wanna be Number One, fine, but you’re gonna have to get us on the same page, because right now, we’re all over the place.”
“You’re right,” Luther admitted. “We need a plan.”
“Glad that’s established,” (Y/N) turned back to her siblings, her eyes widening at the sight behind them. “Shit! Get down!” She screamed. From the entrance of the bowling alley, men in what seemed to be gas masks, no doubt from the Commission, ran inside and began shooting up the building. Their targets were no secret. The Hargreeves all did as they were told as bullets rained throughout the bowling alley, the screams of the innocent bowlers clenching (Y/N)’s heart. Klaus pulled her under a counter with him and Allison before covering his ears. Luther and Diego were under the counter beside them.
“Who the hell are these guys?!” Diego shouted.
“Maybe they’re here for Kenny’s birthday!” Klaus widened his eyes. (Y/N) glared over at him.
“Pretty sure they’re not! I could be wrong, but I’m pretty damn sure they’re with the Commission!”
“Who?!” Diego frowned, the girl groaning at his forgetfulness.
“The people Five used to work for, Jesus Christ! We’re involved with him, so they’re here for us!”
Diego rolled his eyes at her before standing from his crouched position and launching his knife at one of the men. It lodged into his shoulder and he fell into the sound system behind him, triggering it to play Saturday Night by Bay City Rollers. With half of them momentarily distracted, Luther picked up the bowling balls stationed beside him and hurled them towards their opponents. With his heightened strength, they began dropping like flies. Diego was working beside his brother, using his knives to take out a few more. The Kraken turned to his sister with wide eyes. “(Y/N), use your clones!”
“It’s no use, they’ll die immediately!” She shot back. Beside her, Klaus turned and picked up a birthday cake that was on the counter. Cake in hand, he stood and threw it, successfully taking one of the men down. He brushed his hands together with a proud smile as he returned to his sisters’ side, the two having not noticed his act of heroism. Allison and (Y/N) had both been staring at the bowling lanes, thinking up the exact same plan. They quickly turned to each other to confirm that they were, in fact, thinking the same thing. “Guys! The lanes!” (Y/N) spoke for her sister.
“Let’s go!” Luther commanded, the five all standing together and charging towards the lanes, each occupying one. Bullets flew past (Y/N)’s feet and ears as she practically slid down her lane, her bowling shoes deeming useless for running. Once she reached the end of the lane, she forced the lower half of her body forward, landing on her rear and sliding into the pins, she and her siblings successfully escaping the attackers for the time being. Regrouping behind the lanes, they all ran towards the exit, Luther grabbing her by the hand and pulling her with him to catch up. He all but flung her out of the back door before him and exited right behind her, Klaus right on his heels as the last of the Hargreeves to leave.
The swelling music of the orchestra inside the auditorium echoed throughout the hall the five had just run into. Just as they were about to make their plan and head inside, Allison moved in front of Luther, holding up her notepad.
Diego and (Y/N) had been too caught up in their plan to notice everyone stopped behind them. They halted their stride and turned to their siblings. Luther stared at Allison with a look of regret. “Allison, I can’t let you do that, alright? She’s beyond reasoning.”
“You hear the music?” Diego cut in as Allison continued to argue. “It’s started.”
“Do you honestly think she's gonna listen?” Luther’s attention was focused on the woman in front of him, though. “After everything that’s happened?”
From behind him, Klaus sighed. “We don’t have time for this.”
“I agree, let’s go.” (Y/N) placed her hands on her hips. Luther’s eyes softened as he slowly nodded at Allison.
His acceptance took Allison aback, the woman glancing from Luther to (Y/N) in slight shock before turning around and heading into the auditorium. The four watched their sister go, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but think-
“You’re using her as a distraction, aren’t you?” Diego asked.
“It’ll be our best chance to incapacitate Vanya… She’ll thank us later.”
With that, Diego and (Y/N) hurried in front of their brothers, the latter faintly hearing Klaus being assigned as lookout. “Alright, here’s the plan,” Luther whispered once he caught up to them. “You two will take stage left and enter from the wings, I’ll take stage right. (Y/N), I need you to summon a clone to assist on my side.”
“On it.” She nodded before singing her tune, her clone appearing from her shadows on command. “Help Luther.” She turned the clone to said brother. Luther stared at the clone for a bit in unease before nodding.
“Good. Now, we’ll sneak in the wings and get close to the stage. On my go, we’ll run out and take her down. Is this all clear?”
“Well, it’s not the best plan-”
“But it’s the best we’ve got.” Diego and (Y/N) finished each other’s sentence. The four split up, the clone obediently following Luther, to their places in the wings. Once they were backstage, Diego stealthily crept towards the stage, (Y/N) right beside him, not having to crouch as low due to her height. On stage was the orchestra, Vanya the center of attention. She was dressed in a black suit, her brown waves of hair spilling over her shoulders. Her eyes, now glowing white, stayed trained on the music before her as she played her heart out on her violin. And even though she knew what her sister had caused, (Y/N) couldn’t help the pit of guilt in her stomach that formed at what she had to do.
Across the stage was Luther and the clone, in the same position as she and Diego. Luther’s eyes darted from Vanya, to his siblings, then back to Vanya. Readying himself, he and the clone ran out, (Y/N) and Diego following suit. Vanya wasted no time in rising from her seat, a rush of energy surrounding her before she swiped her bow through the air, that same energy sending the four back into the audience. (Y/N) landed on the ground, using her arms to prevent her head from smacking against it. The last thing she needed was to go unconscious. Frightened, the audience all fled out of the theater. In the sea of heels and dress shoes, (Y/N) spotted her clone, whose head had come into contact with the arm of one of the chairs. Blood trickled from its forehead and it lay motionless. She silently thanked the stars for her safe landing. Not a second later, she felt herself being lifted from the ground. Looking up, she saw it was Luther. Seeing that his sister was fine, his attention directed back to the stage.
Vanya had just used her powers to forcefully sit the orchestra back into their seats and continue with the song, the first chair standing at the front and furiously playing. Almost all of the audience had fled the auditorium when Vanya sent yet another rush of energy towards her siblings, but they dodged it before it could come into contact, the four ducking behind the seats. (Y/N) had been in a row by herself as she listened to her brothers and sister bicker about what to do next. She turned to see Allison using her hands to imitate the playing of a violin.
“No shit, Allison! Tell us something we don’t already know!” Diego sassed.
“No, idiot,” (Y/N) hissed as she risked a glance at her superpowered sister on stage. “She means the violin! It’s, like, the source somehow!” She watched her siblings peek out of their rows along with her.
“If we can take it from her and stop her from playing, we might have a shot!” Luther proposed. From the back, gunshots rang above the music, directed towards the siblings hiding behind the seats. (Y/N) cursed and hid herself further. The orchestra, no longer under Vanya’s spell, gathered their things and bolted off stage and out of the auditorium. Diego ducked further and looked towards (Y/N).
“What the hell happened to Klaus?! He’s supposed to be on lookout!”
“Yeah, you surprised?” Luther fired back.
“What’s with all the lollygagging?” Five’s voice rose above their own. At the sound, (Y/N) gasped and looked up to find him walking towards them, an open target for the gunmen. Her heart pounding violently, she stood and tackled Five into the row across the aisle from her previous spot, as Luther shouted for him to get down. Five let out an ‘oomph’ when she landed on top of him, squeezing him close. When she felt his hand on her back, she quickly backed off and pressed her back to the seats, her love doing the same.
“Thank god, you’re back.” She breathed and held his hand tightly.
“I had to get back to you.” He held their joined hands to his chest as he occasionally peeked over the seats.
“Hey, can you two make out later?” Diego fumed. “Five, you know these guys?”
“Yeah, I do.”
Five looked to his left, where he spotted more gunmen heading their way. “Well,” He wheezed, pulling (Y/N) by the waist and scooting back a bit to stay out of sight. “We’re screwed.”
From one of the exits, more gunmen filed in, but Diego took them down a second later with his knives. Across the auditorium, Klaus ran in, alerting his siblings of the incoming Cha-Cha, unaware of the threat right in front of him. “Klaus! Get down!” (Y/N) shouted, her brother quickly complying before the bullets could hit him. As the men crept closer to the young couple, Five let go of his love and blinked onto the back of the closest one, the man turning and accidentally shooting his own men. (Y/N) yelped when a bullet hit the chair she hid behind, causing her to fold into herself and cover her head.
A few seconds later, the sound of the gunshots was decreasing, replaced with yelling. She glanced up and was met with… Ben. He stood in front of Klaus, a hue of blue, and an adult just like them. Well, not exactly her. Nonetheless, the monster within him was released and grabbed hold of the gunmen, sending them to their doom. The siblings all stared in astonishment at the sight of their dead brother saving their asses. (Y/N) had always known Ben was there with Klaus, but actually seeing his face and watching him in action sent pride swelling in her heart and tears to the corners of her eyes. Five appeared behind her and helped her to stand, neither of their gazes leaving the sight before them. All of them had stood to their feet, not so much focused on the monster quite literally ripping the gunmen apart, but rather on Ben. “It’s him…” (Y/N) grinned as she felt Five place a hand on her shoulder.
Once the gunfire was silenced and the men were dead, both Ben and the monster disappeared, leaving Klaus a gasping mess. “Now who’s the lookout?” He breathed, quietly laughing at his awestruck siblings. Receiving no answer, he simply waved them off. (Y/N) turned her head to the stage to find Vanya, completely immersed in her music, her instrument fueling her power further as the white glow in her chest spread to her suit. Above them, the pillars and ceiling began to crack and cave in, the entire building shaking by now. The music roared in her ears as everyone gathered in a huddle, Diego joining from wherever he went.
“Oh, welcome back! Where were you?!” Luther immediately questioned.
“Honoring a memory,” He answered. “So, how do you wanna end this thing?!”
“We surround her! Alright? We come at her from all angles!”
“So it’s a suicide mission.” Klaus’s voice could barely be heard over the music.
“Yeah, but one of us could get through. It’s the only chance we’ve got.” Five looked at his brother.
“Are we all in? (Y/N)?” Luther turned to his sister, the girl nodding in answer. Receiving a nod from everyone else, he looked up at Allison, who shook her head as if it were obvious. Luther locked eyes with her as he directed Diego to stage left, and Klaus, Five and (Y/N) to the front while he took stage right. Everyone ran to their respective places. The team in the front hid behind the seats once again to keep out of Vanya’s line of vision. Five held (Y/N)’s hand in his before pulling her close, the two sharing a short kiss. It was all of the encouragement they needed, but also would’ve served as a goodbye just in case. They released each other and turned back to the stage.
Vanya looked to be the equivalent of a god. Her now white attire was complete with her same-colored violin and bow. She radiated energy all around her, the same energy that would be released upon the earth if not stopped.
“NOW!” Luther screamed. The five of them charged forwards, hopping on stage. As if she had planned for this, Vanya swiped her bow and sent yet another rush of energy forward. (Y/N) was the only one to dodge, the boys not so lucky. She stared up in horror at the sight of them suspended in air by what looked to be energy tentacles, connected by the glow in Vanya’s body. The girl’s head snapped to her sister, not wasting another second to lunge for her. Vanya caught sight quickly and reached her arm forward, her hand catching (Y/N)’s throat. She gasped and clawed at her wrist, eyes bulging.
Vanya’s piercing white stare bore into her sister's eyes, (Y/N) not sure exactly what emotion was behind it, but she could detect some sort of resentment. The girl choked around the hand squeezing her throat as tears fell down her cheeks. “Vanya,” She gasped. “I’m sorry… I’m s-s-so so-sorry… Ple-Please.”
But Vanya didn’t care for her apology. Instead, she threw her sister onto the stage, the back of her head colliding with the surface below her. She cried out in pain and tried to sit up, but Vanya swung her bow at her, the girl not reacting fast enough and being struck across the face. Terrified, she began scooting back. Vanya raised her bow again and struck (Y/N) over and over, not giving the girl even a moment to regain her strength. (Y/N) cried as her shaking limbs willed her to stand, her tears mixing in with the blood that leaked from her brand new wounds. “V-Vanya…” She whispered, turning to her sister. Before she could even register what happened, another blast of energy sent her flying back into the chairs of the orchestra. Her head smacked violently against one of the stands and that’s when she began to blink out of consciousness. Black spots clouded her vision before she let her eyelids droop closed.
“See? You’ve got it! Look at you!”
“I actually really like it!”
“This is now our official handshake, Vanya. Don’t teach it to anyone else.”
“(Y/N)! (Y/N), please wake up!” The girl felt a hand gently hitting her face. She hissed in pain when it came into contact with one of her fresh wounds. Creaking her eyes open, she was met with the most beautiful view. Five, while disheveled and worried out of his mind, hovered over her in all of his glory. She choked out a sob and reached up to his face, caressing his cheek in her hand. He sighed out and turned his face to kiss her palm. “I thought I lost you…”
“Can’t get rid of me that easy, bub.” She weakly grinned. Shaking his head, he carefully pulled her up to her feet, assisting her in walking to their siblings. They all perked up at the sight of (Y/N) and asked all at once if she was okay. She only nodded as her gaze glued itself to Vanya. She was unconscious in Allison’s arms, her clothes still white. She stiffened when her hand reached up and felt the cuts from Vanya’s bow.
“Is she okay?” Luther asked Allison once they brought their attention back to Vanya. Allison checked her pulse and whispered out a ‘yeah’. “She is? Yeah?” He nodded. With that confirmation, (Y/N) sighed out in relief and brought Five into a hug. He hugged back tightly, his hand reaching up to gently stroke the back of her head, careful of the wound.
“We did it. We saved the world.” Luther breathed. But the two teenagers weren’t focused on his words. They pulled apart just enough to bring each other into a loving kiss. Her hands ran through his hair as their lips moved in sync, tears spilling down her cheeks. There were too many close calls, too many ‘safe’s for her to not be clutching at the fabric of his jacket, for him to not be practically crushing her into him. Both were nearly killed just minutes ago, so there was no reason for them not to be desperate in their kiss. The rest would simply have to sit and be uncomfortable with it.
Their moment only lasted for about half a minute more, for Klaus’s uncertain voice grabbed their attention, “Uh… guys? You see that big moon rock coming towards us?” He asked. The two pulled apart and looked up at the opening created when Vanya blasted the glass out of the ceiling. There was, in fact, a fiery hunk of a moon rock barreling towards them.
“That’s not good.” Luther whispered.
“So this is it, huh? So much for… saving the world…”
“If only Sir Reginald could see us right now, huh?” Diego muttered. “The Umbrella Academy. A total failure.”
Michael… Jada… Those two names were all that swarmed (Y/N)’s thoughts as she tuned out everything around her. I have time. I-I can get to Mom’s and be with them. I can take Five, he can blink us there! We’ll all be together-
“This doesn’t have to be the end.” Five turned back to his siblings.
“What do you mean?” She joined his side.
“I think I have a way outta here. But you gotta trust me on this.”
Immediately, everyone refused and turned away, but (Y/N) was not so dismissive. “I don’t know about you idiots, but I’m not exactly looking forward to being vaporized by a moon rock! You know I trust you, Five.” She gripped his hand in hers. He could have kissed her again if only it’d been appropriate.
“What’s your idea, then?” Diego turned back to them.
“We use my ability to time travel. But this time, I’ll take you with me.”
“You can do that?”
“I don’t know. I’ve never tried it before. Well, I… not with a real person, at least.”
“What’s the worst that can happen?” Diego looked to everyone. (Y/N) snapped her fingers to get his attention before motioning between her and Five. Everyone seemed to get the answer and shrugged. “Oh, what the hell? I’m in.”
“Yeah, whatever. I’m in.”
“Me, too. Allison?”
The woman’s nod was answer enough. Luther looked towards Klaus. “What about Ben?” He asked. Klaus turned back from the empty space he was talking to.
“Great, yeah, he’s in.”
Five nodded and walked him and (Y/N) closer to Allison. “Okay, great. Luther, grab Vanya.” He commanded. Luther rushed over and picked up his sister in his arms.
“Wait, should we be taking her?” He asked as they all formed a circle. “I mean, if she’s the cause of the apocalypse. Isn’t that like taking the bomb with us?”
“The apocalypse will always happen and Vanya will always be the cause… unless we take her with us and fix her.”
With that, everyone grabbed hands, (Y/N) in between Diego and Five. They all stared skyward as Five summoned a portal. His face scrunched up in concentration as the same electricity crackled and a blue light shone above them. As the portal grew, Five let out a yell. The crackling increased as Luther shouted out how it was working.
“Hold on! This could get messy!” Five shouted. (Y/N) looked around and almost gasped at the sight of all of her siblings now in their thirteen-year-old bodies. Even Vanya. Though none seemed to notice, too focused on Five’s portal. His hold on her hand tightened just before they were teleported away.
(Y/N) couldn’t tell how long she’d been floating around, but to her it felt like seconds. Seconds before she felt the grips on her hands disappear. She felt the force that teleported her drop her from its grasp, sending her falling from the sky. Her back crashed against some sort of surface she didn’t have time to detect, for she bounced off of it and landed on the ground. Groaning in pain, she lifted herself to her feet and glanced up at the sky.
“Five! Allison!” She called out before the portal above her closed. From her peripheral, she saw some sort of flash, but she was focused on not spiraling into a panic attack. Turning all around, she noticed she was in a dark alleyway, and what she bounced off of was a dumpster. She gingerly rubbed her lower back before turning to the opening, her face dropping at the sight before her.
When the hell am I?
Taglist: @unfortu-nate-ly @43sparrows @sapphicsyn @m00n-sh @starcurrent @alexander-hamilhoe @youcandalekmyballs @wonderlandfandomkingdom @yrdadjstcallsmekatya @narikyuwu @sm0kingcrack @a-t-h-r-e-e-n-a @moatsnow @bubblegumflamingos @starstormsmelody @rev-enviadhell @meowiemari @magicalgothpandamaker @simping-4-fictional-men @hehehehannahthings @harrystylescherrie @rhain3 @himikaphoo @zerocanonlywriteshit @xxeiraxx
⚠️Anyone in the taglist will automatically be added to the sequel taglist. If you do NOT wanna be apart of it, lmk and I will remove you⚠️
Chapter one of the sequel, "And Dusk", will be out soon.
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julies-butterflies · 3 years
hello hello sorry for the very random ultra specific ask but! i am trying to find a fic! a bobby fic!
what i remember:
-there's a line about bobby's worst opinion being that even in death they found another way to leave him behind or sm
-he's telling this to someone possibly/probably rose & ray
-it was angsty
what i don't remember:
-literally everything else
super sorry to bother you and also you might see this exact ask go to a couple of your author mutuals but i've been desperately searching for this fic (listen, yesterday i went through my ao3 history but nooooo) so uh. hope you have a wonderful day!
also while i remember!!! your fics are the actual best!!!! PLEASE they all make me cackle a lot but also cry and also make me "awww" bc they're so cute!!! special mention to that one bear alex fic and also to the hot chocolate fic (you know how i mentioned drugs? those might actually be better for you.) i send screenshots of the funny moments to my friends i save them in my favourites i just!! love!! your fics!!
also can i quickly say!! dude, your metaphors & similes are the BEST. case in point: "realisation hits alex like a rabid quirrel to the face."
hi, hi hi!! unfortunately, i have no idea which fic you're talking about, but thank you for taking me on a journey with these asks ahkhdshjdkjd. and for saying such kind things about my fics?? like, omg, it's so cool that you're sharing little moments with your friends, i'm really glad you enjoy my fics that much!! thank you for being so sweet, babe! <3
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jaehyunsuh · 5 years
nct 127 reaction to: being interested in idol!reader
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please go to the ask box to send your requests or questions♡ you can interact as much as you want !
author's note: i tried to make this as a mix for a reaction and scenario so i hope it's okay, i'm sorry if it isn't that good
you just debuted and going into your 3rd debut stage, you are excited because you are meeting idols you have always admired and they have been all so nice. Today nct 127 is doing promotions as well, while taeil is in the living room he notices this really pretty girl, dressed in cute clothes while all she does is drink water. He is surprised because he was never seen here before. "hey, who is that new girl? Is she a backup dancer? She looks really well dressed for a backup dance." He tells haechan trying that no one listens to him. "hyung really? She is a new idol, she just debuted 2 days ago. Why? Do you like her?" He asks playfully while teasing his older member. "i don't know, I was just asking." Taeil says trying not to show his noticeable interest in you.
he just keeps staring and looking away when your about to look. You go on stage to practice and he is mesmerized by your beautiful voice, he even searches for you while you are on stage. After you are both done rehearsing taeil and some of the members go to some of the rooms looking for the staff, they enter one of the rooms and decide to sit in the couches there, for his surpsrise he finds you are there staring at yor phone. "I'm so sorry, i didn't notice you. Hello I'm y/n, nice to meet you." You say trying to be polite, the 127 members tell you not worry and say hi back to you while sitting.
you decide to put your headphones on and listen to some music, since taeil is focused on you by mistake he looks at your phone. "Wow, i really like that song." He says on accident realizing he was looking at your phone. "I'm sorry, i wasn't looking at your phone, it just was in my front view." He says panicking. "It's okay, i appreciate your good taste anyway." You say laughing. "Do you want to listen too?" You tell him while offering him one of your earphones. "Oh, yes, thank you." He says shy yet happy. He starts talking about how much you both like this artist, his music, lyrics and singing. He becomes really talkative and comfortable with those kind of topics. You exchange numbers and agree to recommend music to each other.
being one of the most popular and few english idols out there, you are offered to mc-ing a new youtube channel with nct's johnny. You were really excited with whole idea, for the first episode it was just going to be johnny and you answering some fans questions but for the next episodes you were going to interview more idols.
johnny enters the studio where you are recording, you are already sitting and waiting excited to start the show. Johnny is mesmerized by your beauty and the sweet way you talk to everyone in the room. "Hi, my name is johnny, I'm a really big fan of you. I'm glad we can work together." He says smiling confidently. "Oh, hi I'm y/n, thank you. I'm excited to work with you too." You began the show and answer the fans questions comfortably, even tho this was the first time you met each other you were always laughing and joking with each other.
you are finished recording and picking your stuff to leave, when johnny grabs your wrist. "Hey i want to show you something." You follow him in agreement. You both end up in the rooftop of the building. It was dark already and you could see the beautiful lights of the city of Seoul. "Wow this is beautiful, how did you knew about this." You say smiling while looking at the beautiful landscape. "I've worked here before recording some stuff and i found out about it once." He says smiling.
"And why did you decided to take me here, we just met." You say facing him. "I don't know, you are a really nice and pretty girl so i felt like we could come here and talk, get to know each other better." He says flirty getting close to you. "Okay, great. So this is were you take all the 'nice and pretty girls', now i feel special?" You say say smiling while being sarcastic. "Look babe, i haven't been interested in someone for a long time, don't worry I'm not a player, but i needed a way to spend some time alone just the two of us." He says being direct and getting closer. You smile knowing you want to go out with this guy as soon as possible. "Don't you think we are going a little bit fast?" You say taking a step closer to him. "If you are okay with this I'm okay with it too. So are you gonna let me take you on a date tomorrow." He says staring right into your eyes putting a piece of your hair behind your ear. "Okay, pick me up at 6." You say flirty biting your bottom lip and leaving just making him wanting you even more.
you are excited that even tho you just started your idol career you are already having your own radio show, you are able to express yourself, interview some idols and also share music that you like.
today you are having taeyong from nct to come to you show since he has his solo debut. Taeyong enters the studio and when looks at you he immediately blushes and becomes shy, he greets you being polite and nice and you give him a comforting smile. You start the show by asking him some questions about how he feels about his solo album, the writing and producing process, the concept and what inspires him. You chat comfortably and even laugh a lot, everyone is surprised that taeyong is being so open even tho he just met you. Taeyong couldn't stop smiling since the beginning of the interview because you totally got his heart.
the show ends and you greet all of the staff while taeyong does too. You get out of the recording room and go to the rest area, in there taeyong approaches to you. "Hi." He says giving a cute smile. You say hi back smiling too. "I wanted to tell you that you were amazing at the show and i really enjoyed it." He tells you while he keeps smiling. "Thank you, i had fun too in this interview." You tell him. "Uhm, i wanted to know... do you come up with this questions or the staff gives them to you." He asks while being curious. "Oh, i make them myself. Sometimes i write them down or i just come with them on the spot, it depends on the artist and on how the interview is going." You say smiling. "Since you seemed so happy taking about your music it was really easy and comfortable to make this interview."
Hearing you say all of that completely caught taeyong's heart, it was like he had heart eyes forming, he was nervous and didn't even knew how to react. "Well if you don't mind, i really liked talking to you, maybe we can talk just the two us, without the public listening and grab some coffee after you are free?" He says nervous yet with a sweet smile. "Yes !! I would to listen more about you and get to know you better to." You say playfully. At this point taeyong was over the moon, really happy and proud of himself.
there is a new football (soccer for some of you) variety show you are being part of. This is the first time you are part of the official cast for a variety program, you just have been as a guest but never as part of the cast. There some many talented and popular mc's, actors and idols as part of your team so you are really excited to learn from them.
yuta arrives to the football camp were the show is being recorded, he feels happy that he can connect something so special to him with his idol side as well. He gets dressed in his sports clothes and stretches since this shows involves some physical activity. He is introduced to the rest of the cast and he greets everyone with his big and bright smile, he reaches into you and goes surprised since he has never met you before, also there is only two girls in the cast but the other one is a well known actress so he feels curious about you.
He tries not to stare so much at you but he finds your excitement and energy really adorable. You start recording and you are divided in duos, by luck yuta was your partner and you were excited since he was experienced with it. "Oh no, I'm doomed." He says playfully while laughing. You pout and make puppy eyes making him feel a little bit bad about his joke. "Hey i was just kidding, i will help you to be good." He says in a low voice really close to your face, which makes you blush but you nod your hair in agreement.
you are supposed to do basic stuff, like passing the ball to your partner, kicking it through some cones and then doing some penalties. You were doing pretty bad what made you feel bad and embarrased for yuta since he was your partner. You are taking a break and he approaches to you. "Y/n, you are doing really well don't worry". He says giving a warming smile. "I'm terrible and you know it, but i appreciate your effort in making me feel better." You tell him while looking at the floor.
"I mean it, if we don't win this time we will do it next time. Listen, you are an idol not a freaking football player, you just have to have fun." He says calmly with a comforting vibe. "Not everyone is good in many areas as i am". He says playful with a big smile in his face. "Thank you, that didn't made feel even useless in football." You say laughing. "Well, if you don't mind we can go and practice on the weekend, i know a good place where there's no many people so you don't hurt anyone while kicking the ball." He says while laughing and you punch his arm. "But no really we can go there and maybe eat something later." He says now with a serious face and flirty vibe. "Okay it sounds nice, i will accept your help then." You tell him smiling as well. Yuta felt weird since his normal self is really competitive and would have been slightly annoyed by you, but you captivated him as soon as he saw you, so him helping you was a great opportunity to approach to you.
you are really excited because sm entertainment has sent you TVXQ tickets. You debuted just a year ago and you are excited that you are already being included in such cool things, even if it's just going to a concert. You were curious thinking about what idols were going to be there since so many idols end up going to their concerts.
doyoung enters the arena and his manager leads him to his seat, as the other invited artists he is sitting in vip seats. He goes closer to his designated seat at it's surprised but finding out he is sitting next to a girl he doesn't know. "Hi, excuse me, I'm doyoung from nct, nice to meet you." He says while shaking tour head slightly bowing to you. "I hope it's olay if i seat next to you, are you okay with that?" He says giving a shy smile looking nervous. "Oh, it's totally okay, i actually didn't wanted to seat by myself so I'm glad you are my partner." You say giving a big smile which warmed his heart.
the concert starts and doyoung stares at you, you have been singing and moving your lightstick since the concert started, reacting happily at every single stage, song and even the effects. He was glad he was with someone who was so genuine and not hiding her expressions at all, since some idols don't even react being at a concert. You react and laugh, sharing your thoughts with doyoung while he just nods his head laughing and smiling at you. He couldn't believe how nice you were. He wished this concert lasts forever.
The last song was performed and the duo waves saying goodbye to the fans. You are waiting for people to leave so you can leave as well. "Uhm, i know this might be unexpected but i have two tickets that the company gave for exo's concert. Since you enjoyed this so much i was wondering if you would like to go?" He says with a shy smile. "Oh my god yes! I love them so much, you are so nice, thank you." You tell him excited. "But the thing is that you have to go with me again." He says firm with a confident smile. "I would love too, i like seeing you smile while i was saying nonsense stuff, it was so sweet. You say while feeling touched. "Oh no no, i love hearing you talk, that's why i want to see you again." He says giving a warm smile. "Okay, see you next week then." You say to him while winking and leaving with your manager. After you left doyoung gasped letting out all the nervousness you made him feel while he smiles at himself.
since he is experienced with idols being around him all the time, talking to him and trying to get his attention, it was new to him to find out about this new idol y/n, she just debuted but has been training for years and it's already so professional and talented. He saw you for the first time at a little event where other idols were, he saw your mv and heard your album before and thought you were stunning and talented, but didn't had the opportunity to approach to you.
then he turns on tv and he watches your debut stage, he is shooked by the you dance, how stable you are and your mesmerizing stage presence. He knew that he definitely had to meet you.
there was a festival were nct 127 and you were both performing, as soon as he arrives the arena you cross paths with you, the staff introduces you to the 127 members and obviously, to jaehyun. His vibe is different and kinda intimidating, it just leaves you intrigued. You are left alone and he starts chatting with you comfortably, he asks about music taste, debut and whose friends you have in common, during the whole conversation he has really nice and friendly trying to hide his flirty side. He asks for your number and tells you to hang out when you have time.
suddenly your new friend bambam invites you to a little party at his house so you can meet new people and make friends, since you are new you accept. And there he was, jung jaehyun at the end of the living room. He immediately goes to you and starts talking, now he is being more teasing and flirty that before, he is being really straightforward and you can't deny you like that.
"So tell me more about you, how has the whole idol life been for you? Is it all new?" He asks curious. "Yes, everything it's so different. Everyone is always watching my steps, expecting something from me, fake people try to be my friends and famous guys thinking i want to date all of them." You say annoyed. "I totally understand, everyone is always expecting me to have the 'prince charming' image and sometimes is exhausting having to behave certain way, also it makes some girls expect me to fall for them and be really romantic." He says open up to you, which surprises you since, for what you know, he doesn't open up easily. "But right now I'm interested in just one girl that I've met for a while now. She seems to be down to earth, i feel like she is gonna accept the real me." He says taking sip of his drink and staring at you playfully. "Oh really?" You say teasing as well.
"Tell me more about her." You say while smiling. "Well, she is beautiful, kind, friendly and she never ever! Cares about what anyone says. She is so real and smart, i can't wait to take her out. Oh also! She is really really hot." He says giving a flirty and teasing smile. "Wow, she seems like a really nice girl, i hope you get her." You say playing along with him. "So do you wanna go out to take dinner tomorrow? I will take care of you, i promise." He asks without hesitation whispering at your ear which makes your body become weak. "Yes, i would love to." You answer rally close to his lips, teasing him as well.
in the last few months lots of clothing brands have been offering you modeling contracts to promote them, that has made magazines gain a lot of interest in you as well.
winwin has been really into modeling lately, brands and magazines from korean and china all want to have him in their team. A really big and important project came to him which made him really excited, it was a photoshoot with vogue korea! At the meeting he was told they were doing this with the purpose of promoting a clothing brand but also making a really aesthetically beautiful photoshoot, he is also told that that in this project he will be collaborating with a female idol who is getting popular in the modeling business as well. He was excited with the whole idea and curious to know who his partner was.
the day of the photoshoot finally comes, he enters the makeup and hair room and sees a really cute girl getting done while talking excited and smiling to the staff members, he immediately smiles feeling moved by the girl's excitement. He sits next to her and wonders if she if his partner for the photoshoot. He is getting done and constantly looking at the mirror to see the pretty girl sitting next him. He feels shy and nervous about her and doesn't even knows why.
the staff enters the room and introduces the two of you. You give winwin and kind and warming smile, he feels captivated by you and is curious to get to know you better. You both put your outfits on and are called to finally start the photoshoot. The concept and scenario were really artistic, romantic and beautiful, you felt like you were in a movie. You are told what type of poses and vibes you should do and you proceed to follow the instructions. "I need you two to come closer, like if you were in love. Winwin hold y/n's hip in a romantic way." The photographer says. Winwin proceeds to hold your hip asking you for permission. "It's okay." You tell him with a warm smile.
you have already been two hours taking pictures, making poses, changing clothes, makeup and scenarios and now you are finally done. During the whole photoshoot you both started to create a close bond between the two of you, feeling even more and more comfortable with each other. You head to the makeup and hair room one more time to finally take you makeup off and hange into comfy clothes. You are both wearing a jean and t-shirt looking at your phones, the stylists and makeup artists left the room so it was just the two of you there.
"Hey, i really liked working with you today, you are really talented." Winwin says with a kind smile. "I really liked working with you too! You are really talented as well and you also made feel really comfortable. Thank you for that." You say giving him a smile back. "I know this might sound straightforward and daring but... do you want to have dinner tonight? I had a lot of fun with you and i want to know you better." He says shy. "I would love too, to be honest you have been my favorite coworker so far." You smile. "So wait...is this a date?" You say shy. "If you want it to be one, i would like it." He says now with a flirty vibe. "Okay, let's go on a date then". You say while biting your bottom lip.
jungwoo has been a fan y/n since debut, he really likes your style, music, concept, dancing and everything that has to do with you. He is always wishing you go to the same events, have the same friends, go to the same hair shop or promote at the same time but none of those things came true.
you are having your first mini tour starting in seoul, since it was announced jungwoo was really excited about and he was expecting not to have any schedule so he could go. Finally he tells some of the members and they agree to go with him. He entered the arena and was so smiley and happy, the members found his excitement really adorable and the proceed to go to their seats.
the concert starts and you began to perform. "Hello Seoul, i hope you have fun tonight, please take of me. I will make sure you have a good time tonight." You say waving and smiling to the public. During the show you would have small talks and even do some aegyo to the public, all of these things just make jungwoo's love grow for you. Since nct are idols they get special seats so in the middle of the show the cameras film them so you can see the idols that came to your concert. "Hi, we have mark, johnny, haechan and jungwoo from nct here tonight." You say smiling while the nct members smile and wave to the camera as well. "Did you have fun? Have you like the show so far". You ask them, and they make thumbs up and smiling affirming. "Thank you a lot for coming, maybe you should go backstage later so i can get to know you since a big fan." The camera focus haechan who is nodding his head really hard making you and the public laugh. When you said that jungwoo's heart was about to get out of his chest, he know couldn't wait until the show was over.
the concert ends and you quickly change your clothes so you can receive you guests. Nct walks the hallway and find you standing giving them a warm welcome with a big smile. "Hi, nice to meet you all I'm y/n." You say smiling and bowing at them. They all introduce each other and shake hands with you, after jungwoo had to shake your hand he was speechless, he was all red, smiley and shy, the cutest boy ever.
You talk for a while and you all notice that jungwoo hasn't been really talkative. "Hey, actually i wanted to tell you something. My friend here is a big fan of yours, he actually invited us to come with him since he was really excited." Haechan says while hugging jungwoo. "Oh wow, really? That's such a honor!" You say smiling and patting jungwoo's shoulder. "Uhm, y-yes, I've like your music since debut, it really suits my style." Jungwoo says nervous. The members slowly leave the two of you alone so you can talk comfortably which, at the beginning makes jungwoo nervous but he manages to gain confidence since you are really nice and immersed in the conversation.
"Well, as you know I'm a big fan of yours, I've wanted to meet you before but we never had the opportunity to meet you. "Since we have become comfortable with each other would like to be my friend? I mean we can hang out and eat with the members too so you don't feel weird". He says doubtful but with a sweet smile. "Yes, i really would like to be friends. It's okay we can eat something just two to of use, I'm okay with it." You say smiling.
it's been already 4 months since your debut and you can't wait to have your 1st comeback !! Your company told you that for this 1st mini album the wanted to include some collabs, a vocal one and a rap one. You were really excited with this idea, even tho you didn't knew who the collabs were going to be with. You wrote and co-wrote a lot of songs for this album so you were curious if one of the collaborators were going to be into writing their own parts for their songs, you love writing so someone adding their own lyrics and feelings to your songs was just amazing for you.
mark has been said he is collaborating with idol y/n who is in the making of her new album, he is also said that y/n said he could write his own lyrics for his rap and verses and eve tho he didn't know her yet he was really excited and thankful with that idea.
he enters your company and leads into the studio. Your managers introduce you to each other and then they just leave you with your writer and producer. Since he entered the studio he noticed youe excitment for making music, how involved you were in it and how you wanted to know about everything. You talk a lot about music which makes him feel like he is talking to one of his best friends.
"this is the song we are doing together." You tell him showing a piece of paper. "I know you already listened to the demo but i wanted to know if there's something i should change. I'm a big fan of your work so i would like to have your opinion." His eyes became brighter and he flashed the biggest smile, he was happy you were reaching into him for help and also complimenting him. He reads the lyrics while nodding his head, he just marks a few verses and proposes you lines that could go better. "You really did a great job with this one, you are a good writer." He says while smiling. Then he begins to play the song on his guitar while singing the whole song, you join as well and he smiles and becomes shy but keeps singing.
After that you have a good time jamming with his guitar and talking about the same interests. He finally records his part of the song, you were really happy and pleased with it. "Wow, you are so amazing. Only your rap is better than my whole song." You tell him while laughing. "Oh no no, thank you but your song is amazing, I'm glad i can be part of it." He says while giving you a warm smile. "I was thinking if you would like to go to the han river with me? It's a nice place to play the guitar and we can also sing and see if we come up with any lyrics." He says looking a little but nervous buy adorable. "Yes, i totally want to see if we can come with another collab soon." You tell him grabbing you bag so you can go to the han river.
as a rookie idol you are invited to do a collab stage with some idols who are close to your age and that includes nct's haechan. As soon as the news are told to haechan he becomes really hype and excited about it, he has liked you since the beginning and he really likes you.
you enter the practice room at sm entertaiment which is were you are rehearsing for your collab stage. As soon as you walk into the room haechan becomes flustered and nervous, he was wondering what was happening to him since he isn't like that, he is always confident and cheerful with everyone, why were you making him so nervous?
"hello, I'm sorry I'm the last one to arrive." You say really embarrased because you arrived a little bit later. "It's okay, the choreographer hasn't come yet so we are fine." Han jisung says, who is also part of the collab stage. After everyone being weird and in silence the choreographer comes and the practice begin. "Haechan, y/n, you are having a dance break together at min 5:20 so you better work together, you need to practice together as much as you can. You both stare shyly at each other and nod to the choreographer. He teaches you the dance break amd haechan and you have to be on synch and really close also.
the rehearsal is finished and haechan finally gains to courage to approach to you properly. "Hi, i think i haven't introduced myself." He says smiling. "Im haechan, i really like you and your music." You smile back at him. "Hi, I'm y/n, I'm glad you like me. I'm happy that we get to do this together." You say being shy. "Yes, i think we should practice. Do you want to come over tomorrow so just the two of us can practice our part? " He says with a kind smile. "Yes, i will come, thanks for the invitation." You tell him while smiling. "Also you seem really nice. Do you mind if i treat you dinner afterwards? He says confident with a flirty look. "Okay, i will really like that." You say smiling at him while leaving the practice room. After you leave he smiles at himself knowing that he succeed.
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