#thankfully I am able to get incredibly normal at all times
cherryplant · 1 year
I should have known it’s an Aries full moon
0 notes
thebestofoneshots · 1 month
Gilded Constellations | (wolfstar x reader)
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 8.3 K Warnings: none Prompt: It's time to set up a trap with the boys! It has to be fun, right? This IS a Wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. Proofread by lovely @aremuslupinsimp
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Chapter 60: Stone in Love
Wednesday 12th, 1977 - 12:34 AM
Lily didn’t take too long in the bathroom, and you went inside right after her. The girls had showered after arriving on the train, you, on the other hand, had only mildly gotten yourself looking decent before walking to Gringotts, and that was because you knew you had to look presentable. You suspected that after the entire mirror adventure, running around Hogsmeade like a crazy person, and making out with two boys at the same time, you urgently needed one yourself. 
You looked in the mirror, and thankfully, you didn’t look as bad as you assumed you would. You did have a parted lip that you hadn’t noticed before, and your wrist was still slightly sore, but you looked brighter than you had looked in the morning. The evident sadness from then was now coexisting with a newfound joy, the tinge of someone completely in love –and happy about it– evident in some of your features. The shine in your eyes, the curve of your lips, the dreaminess of your gaze. It was almost ridiculous how much a small talk had changed the way you felt, and looked. 
You took a deep breath and turned on the shower, basking in the way the warm water fell over your body, so soft and kind, so unlike the blazing fire, and the cold snow, that you almost wanted to fill the tub and stay there. You were still slightly sleepy, but the shower was enough to wake you up. 
By the time you stepped out of the shower, Mary had also fallen asleep, and Lily was sitting on her bed while reading a book. “You’re leaving now?” 
You nodded, and yawned, “Hopefully I’ll get some sleep after the preparations are ready.” 
“Good luck,” she said and yawned. 
“Sleep tight,” you replied with a smile, took James’ cloak and wrapped it around yourself, completely disappearing before her eyes. There was an air of child-like joy in Lily’s pupils as she saw you do it. She might have been immersed in the magical world for years, but every now and then, something caught her eye that reminded her of just how fascinating magic could be. People might have called the way she saw things a “muggle outlook” but Lily refused the idea of ever taking it all for granted. She loved being mesmerized by magic, and she never wanted to stop being fascinated by it. She smiled, looking at the door open and close by itself and then went back to her book. 
She was trying to find a toad-repelling charm. If there was anything completely unrefutable about Lily Evans, is just how much she wanted to be prepared for any situation that she might face. And with the little to no information you had given her, she wasn’t eager to find herself surrounded or –Godric forbid– vomiting toads without being able to stop it. She really hoped it wasn’t the latter, Barty had charmed Nox like that in first year after he said something about Evan. She had been in the infirmary checking on Remus and she had to leave the room before he woke up because she too, had gotten the urge to puke. What a terrible jinx that was.
Luckily for her, having the entire school puke toads, was not on your plans, you were only trying to infest it. You walked down the stairs making as little noise as possible. You thought of using a spell to silence your steps, but it was quite late –about 40 minutes later than your original meeting plan– and there seemed to be nobody around. You walked towards the boys’ dormitories and gently knocked on their door. 
“About fucking time,” Prongs whispered as he opened the door. Once it was closed, his voice went back to normal. “We were thinking you bailed on us!”
“He was, not me,” Remus said with a shrug. 
“Why did you take so long, anyway?” Peter asked.
“Oreos,” you retorted. “And girl talk.” 
“You talk about me with Lily?” Prongs said as he raised his eyebrow at you. 
“What? Do you think girl talk is always about boys?” 
“No?” He retorted, dragging that O a little too much. 
You scoffed, “We did not. I’m sorry to inform you, our agendas don’t always include complaining about our boyfriends.” 
“What are Oreos anyway?” Peter asked about at the same time that James murmured “Complaining about our boyfriends?” He had a frown on his face and looked terribly upset at the idea of Lily complaining about him. 
You didn’t even bother to hide the smirk that had appeared on your lips. “Oh, a very muggle thing,” you retorted. The boys didn’t need to know what an Oreo was, at least not until you bought them a pack, at which point they’d be too busy delighting in them to remember that you had been late for the prank because of some cookies. 
“A very muggle thing?” Remus asked, eyebrows raised, his tone clearly telling you he knew exactly what they were. Hope made an Oreo / triple chocolate cheesecake that was to diе for.
“Indeed, Moony,” you retorted as you shot him a look. “And talking about muggle things, I brought you something,” you said as you pulled out the Aero bar from your pocket. “Have you tried it?” 
“Don’t think I have,” he said as he looked at the chocolate. “Thanks, Luv.” 
“How come Moony always gets treats and I never do?” Sirius said with a small pout. 
“Somehow  I knew you would say that,” you said as you pulled out a tiny chocolate frog and placed it right in front of his mouth. “I got these at Muggle London, they don’t jump but they’re tasty. Open up.” 
“That’s what he said,” James said and got a short slap from Peter who looked mortified. Somehow he was the only one in the entire group who saw you more as a girl than as a Marauder. 
“Oi! What was that for?” James complained as he rubbed his arm. Meanwhile, Sirius had taken a bite out of his chocolate, you expected him to take it all in, but instead, he bit right in the middle, causing the filling to spill down his mouth and your hands. It was liquidy and it kind of looked like cough syrup. 
“Oh, I guess it was blueberry,” you said as you noted the purple colour drip from your hands. You took the other half of the frog and plopped it into your mouth, “It’s actually my favourite,” you added as you licked the back of your palm. They were small kitten lips, just trying to get the stickiness out of it so you could wipe them on your shirt but somehow that had caught the attention of the two boys. 
Perhaps they were too imaginative, or the kisses from a few hours ago had left them wanting more, but both boys had their mouths watering at the sight. James and Peter were still arguing in a hushed tone so neither of them noticed their gazes until you felt you were being stared at. “What?” you asked as you turned to Remus. “Got something on my face?” You eyed Sirius who was also starring. 
Perhaps if Peter and James weren’t there, Sirius would have retorted with “A kiss” and jumped on you, but instead, he cleared his throat. 
“Nothing. It looks like it was a good chocolate,” Remus said, somehow calmly.
“You think?” you asked as you pulled another one from your pocket and held it up to his mouth in the same way you had done with Sirius. He glanced over at Peter and James nervously, but their small discussion had turned into a relatively heated quarrel. He then eyed Sirius who nodded with a small shrug. 
Remus leaned towards your hand, taking the chocolate with his teeth without breaking it, his soft lips brushing against your fingers in some kind of way that made Sirius wish he could drag the two of you somewhere private and kiss your pretty lips until he ran out of breath.
“Good, yeah?” you asked as you saw him smile mischievously as he bit the chocolate. You didn’t understand the look he and Sirius had, but he did, and he did not miss the way Sirius was looking at the two of you. First your way and then his, he never thought he’d love being the centre of attention of Sirius’ piercing eyes as much as he did right then. 
“Delicious,” He replied with that same, devilish smirk. Sirius would have scoffed if he hadn’t been just as lured by him as if he had been with you. 
You smiled and turned to the two boys still deep in their discussion. “Okay, that’s enough, we’ve got a spell to teach you,” you said as you placed a thick book in the centre of the small circle you had ended up in. Quite similar to the one you’d been in back in your room with the girls. The book fell down on the wooden floor with a thud so loud it snapped Peter and James out of their quarrel. 
“What? I thought you were going to do it with Moony,” Peter said. 
“If the school didn’t have thousands of classrooms perhaps. We’re thinking we have to split into 2 teams. The team with three takes the bigger places, such as the great hall, the courtyard, the stairs, the astronomy tower,  and the longer halls, the team with two takes the other classrooms. Especially the ones with classes tomorrow, but also the empty ones in case the teachers think switching classrooms would be a solution.” 
“Classes will be cancelled, no matter what,” Sirius said with a smirk. 
“And is it complicated?” Peter asked with a frown. 
Remus tilted his head to the side, “Well…” 
“You’ll do great Wormy, I know!” You said with a thumbs up and opened the book. “What Remus and I designed was a variation on Arresto Momentum,” you explained. 
“The freezing time spell,” Remus continued. “More technical versions can freeze a person before they fall to their dеath, Quidditch coaches are all taught how to perform it–” 
“Simpler ones are used to freeze food in time so it does not go bad. Muggles need refrigerators and stuff for that,” you continued. “But the tricky thing with this one–” 
“Is that we needed to time set them, like a bоmb. And all of them at the same time.” 
Sirius was looking at the way the two of you quite literally finished each other's sentences completely in awe. While he had already been in love both with you and with Remus, the fact that he could kiss either of you mid-sentence was beyond thrilling. You were both insanely pretty, almost unfairly so. Sirius was sure you were saying something important by the way you both pointed at the book and flipped your wands in a very specific way, but he was so entranced by you that he hadn’t been listening at all.
“You got it?” You asked Peter, he was moving his wand up and down and then in a circle and saying a couple of spell words, albeit a little clumsy, he was saying the words right and making the correct movements. 
“Did I?” He asked as he loosened his grip on one of the decoy swamp-bombs (the ones that had no swamp but just a little water inside). The ball stayed in its place until James grabbed it and put it in his pocket. 
“James mate, that’s a–” Remus started, but you placed your hand on top of his and threw him a knowing look. A small eyebrow wiggle and a tiny little smirk. He shook his head in amusement but didn’t press further. 
“Yeah?” James asked. 
“A great swish and curl,” you said as you imitated the swish on his wand. “Also, I think Pete is ready too,” you smiled. “You just need to add a little more confidence with the wording,” you added as you turned to him. “It’s Arresto Momentum um debiat” you added. 
“Um debiat,” Peter repeated. 
“You got it, Puppy?” you asked, turning to Sirius, who only now seemed to be snapped out of his trance.  
“Uh, yeah…” he replied with a confident nod, only now turning to actually look at Peter and James moving their wands and practising the new spell. He leaned towards Prongs. “What were the words again?” he asked in a whisper.
“Oh, my Merlin!” James complained. “You’re keeping this twat with you,” he added as he turned to you. 
“Hm… I suppose I’ll have to take one for the team,” you said with a shrug and a smirk. 
“You love having me as your team, shut up,” Sirius retorted with a playful scoff. 
“Moony is going to be with us, yeah?” Peter asked. 
James threw a look at Remus and smirked himself, “Don’t think so, Worms. Vixen and Moony are taking the bigger places since they’re faster with the spell. We’ll take the classrooms.” 
“Oh well,” Wormy said with a sigh. “Should we hide the balls in the corners, in case someone notices them?” 
“We probably should, yeah,” Remus replied. “That way even if one of us fucks with the spell they’d have to find the rest of the swamp-bombs before they actually explode.” 
“Brilliant idea, Pete!” you said with a warm smile, Peter smiled confidently after that. He knew he wasn’t all that great with charms, but he got little pride from getting ideas that turned out for the best every now and then. Like the cuddles, he was still pretty shocked by how well it worked in the end.
Sirius threw you a look, not quite jealous but not quite happy about you praising Peter either. It’s not that he didn’t like Peter, but he was still kind of bothered about the PDA discussion they’d had earlier, even if he had been playing him just to get on his nerves, he wasn’t too happy about being told when he could and couldn’t kiss his girlfriend; unless it was you telling him, that is.
“Okay, then, we ready?” you asked. “Who's keeping the cloak?” 
“Well, if you disillusion me and Peter, you three should have it,” James said, thinking of how cosied up you’d get under the cloak. You had been there for him every time he tried to have Lily fall in love with him. He considered his duty as your best friend (since Remus was your boyfriend now) to ensure he provided you three with lots of quality time together. Besides he hadn’t seen Remus this happy in so long, he wanted that smile to grow bigger. He wanted all of your smiles to do so. “Besides, you'll be going to the red zones.” 
The red zones was a term employed by the boys to reference the areas with the most teachers and prefects around at night. Places like the library (which you would not touch because both you and Remus valued books too much to risk them being damaged by the toads), the great hall, and the grand staircase.
“Sounds like a plan,” you said with a smile and took out the wand, successfully making both boys almost completely invisible. “The swamp-bombs?” 
“Under the bed,” James said as Remus pulled a small bag that had been extension charmed, and then another one. “The blue bag has the most.”
Peter leaned over –at least you assumed it was Peter, if the faintest whisp of neatly tucked hair was anything to go by– and took the purple bag. The colour of the bag faded after his hand touched it, it was almost completely gone by the time he lifted it from the floor. 
James whispered something, and you didn’t even notice they were leaving until the door opened by itself and closed seconds later. “I really need to learn that silencing charm, James has truly mastered it.” 
“Bet it’d come in handy,” Sirius teased, and you reproachfully threw the cloak at him, understanding full well his implication. He took the cloak and the bag and stood from the floor. “All right, we don’t have all night, we better hurry this up,” he added as he extended his hand for you to take. You stood up and then did the same for Moony who, once he was up, took the cloak from Sirius. 
Remus extended it around himself and held it over his head, welcoming the two of you inside. You smiled and got in, Sirius followed with a smirk, standing almost unnecessarily close to the boy. Not that you were standing much farther. Both –per James’ prediction– had cosied up to the taller boy like you did when you were in your animagus form. 
Remus tensed at first, being brought back to before you were with him, to having to worry about being caught smelling Sirius’ hair or looking at the back of your neck. And then you pulled your hand behind your back and searched for his, taking it in yours and giving it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. He relaxed almost instantly, smiled and squeezed your hand softly in retort. Since you’d kept the cloak, Peter and Remus had gotten the map. That meant you’d have to be extra careful while walking around the school. 
If only we had two of those, you thought as you walked towards the door. Remus held his finger to his mouth, and for a few seconds, your breaths were the only thing either you or Remus could hear. “It’s empty, let’s go,” Remus said and Sirius opened the door. The three of you stepped out and in a matter of seconds were out of the door. 
The hall was empty, Remus was set to patrol that night, along with Frank Longbottom, the Gryffindor head boy whom you hadn’t met yet –at least officially, you’d seen him around– but was kind of close to the boys. And Remus had convinced him he’d take care of the prefect’s duties. According to Remus, Frank was trying to sway a girl named Alice (not the one you knew, a different one) and he was going to be working on writing her a letter all night.
“What do you even do when you patrol?” asked Sirius after he yawned, you instantly did the same. It was as if the sleep that you’d gotten after drinking the cookies was coming back to you, slightly stronger than before. 
“We literally just walk until the clock ticks midnight and then we come back to our rooms,” Remus said. “Frank talks a lot about spells, he’s a little clumsy like Peter, but he’s really clever regardless. When I’m with Lily we just discuss things like what we saw in class or the themes of our essays. Sometimes we just talk about muggle stuff,” he retorted. He was speaking low, not quite in a whisper, but enough for it to be muffled by the cloak. James had added a sound-blocking spell to it, it wasn’t strong, but it was enough to cover for words as soft as Remus’. 
“Where are we going first?” you asked, holding back another yawn. You knew Sirius would instantly tease you if he noticed you were sleepy, and while you didn’t hate his teasing, you didn’t want Remus to have the impression his new partners were childish. 
“Great Hall?” Sirius asked.
“We want them to go off in class, I was thinking we could have those set a little later, you know how Dumbledore loves taking the students to the Great Hall in a contingency.” 
“Imagine! They think it’s safe, and boom, toads!” Sirius added. 
“How do you even know about the contingency plans?” you asked with a frown. 
“We’ve caused a couple of them,” Sirius retorted with a smug smirk. “How does it feel to really be a troublemaker in the end?” 
“I sometimes feel it’s your madness rubbing off on me, you know?” You retorted and Sirius gasped. 
“Speak softer,” Remus chided when he heard a portrait yawn in the background. “I was thinking we could do the stairs first. Prefects are rarely there.”
“What about the portraits?” You asked, tilting your head. “They can be as bad as the Peeves when it comes to ratting someone out.”  
“Nah, they won’t bother you as long as you don’t wake them up, most of them just take the time to relax,” Remus responded with a shrug. “If anything happens I’ll just tell them I caught you sneaking and I’ll report you.” 
“Who would have thought it’d be so convenient to have the law in your pockets,” you said with a teasing smile and got a slight shove from Remus. “And we didn’t even have to bribe him!” 
“Oh, if I have to pull the Perfect card, you’re most definitely gonna have to make it up to me.”
You eyed Sirius, it was dark but the slight shine on his eyes was unmistakable, he was, like you, eager for something like that to happen. 
“Should we split to cover more ground?” you asked as you stared down at the massive staircase. 
“It would be the best…”  Remus said hesitantly. He clearly didn’t want you to pull away from him. 
“Promise I’ll be thinking of you,” you said, placing a short kiss on his cheek and disillusioning yourself. You exited the cloak with about 15 small balls hidden all over your pockets. You walked towards one end of the stairway and started to perform the spell over the small little balls. They looked almost kike gobstones, which was great since, even if they were visible, they wouldn’t be all that suspicious.
“Aren’t you going too?” Remus asked Sirius when the boy grabbed some of the balls from the bag and placed them in his pocket. 
“Thought I’d see you do it a couple of times to make sure I got the hang of it,” Sirius said as casually as he could. 
Remus groaned in return, “You so weren’t paying attention to either of us when we explained.” 
Sirius didn’t even try to deny it, “You both looked too pretty, I’m sorry.” He didn’t miss the blush that crept up on Remus’ neck when he said it. “So, pretty boy, care to teach me?” 
“Are you serious?” Remus dеadpanned. Regretting his words as they came out of his mouth. 
The other boy’s smile grew wider, “As a matter of fact, I–” 
“You have to flick your wand to the right, to the left, do a swish and then flick it again, towards 9 o’clock though. You got the words, yeah?” 
“Rude,” Sirius said with a small pout and followed Remus’ instructions seamlessly. Moony was almost jealous of how easy it was for Sirius to do it. You and he had taken so long to develop the spell for him to come and master it in seconds. 
“Like this?” 
“You’re just a show off,” Remus retorted as he pushed Sirius lightly, but the other boy just took the chance to hold on to Remus’ hand and pull him closer. Both still under the cloak. 
“Allow me to thank you, Professor Moony,” he said flirtatiously, planting a short kiss on the boy’s lips and slipping off the cloak with a disillusionment charm. 
Remus had to take some time to recover, blinking and staring at nowhere in particular, only being brought back by the moving of the stair underneath him. He was taken by surprise and lost his balance for a mere second before he remembered where he was and what he was meant to be doing. He tried not to think so much about the fact that he could literally walk up to you or Sirius and kiss you and how you would happily return the kiss, because if he did, then he might as well call the whole prank off and bring the two of you back to the room now that Peter and James weren’t around. 
By the time you were done with placing your swamp-bombs and turned to look for the boys, you realised just how hard it would be to find them now that everyone was using some kind of invisibility magic. You looked around for a while, trying to spot something that could reveal it, but it was almost useless, there was no way you’d spot either of them. You resorted to trying to use your other senses. 
You took in a deep breath, trying to channel Vixen’s sense of smell, but while you had gotten much better at transfigurations, and you had managed to do things like getting those fangs out and ripping your skin, you were not so good as to be able to just do that, not without turning into Vixen at least. You were just about to do that when you remembered that you didn’t have to solely rely on your senses, but that you could rely on theirs too.
“Remus,” you whispered. “Hey, Remus! Where are you? I’m done.” You blinked a few times, looking around to see if you spotted any sort of odd movement, and you thought you saw something move in the background when you felt a pair of hands grab you from behind and drag you inside the cloak.  You sucked in a breath, and his hand was over your mouth in a second. 
“Shhh,” he whispered to your ear soothingly. “It’s me, Little Witch.”
“Holy shit, Rem, why the hell from behind?” 
“I was there,” he replied with a shrug. “You seen Sirius?” 
“Thought I saw something move over there,” you said pointing at a stair that was moving on the other corner. Remus leaned closer to you, his head almost resting on your shoulder as he looked at the point you referred to. He was squinting his eyes in the direction of your finger, not realising how close he had gotten to you or perhaps he would have gotten as nervous as you were. 
But it was the good kind of nervous, the sort of heart-fluttering sensation that you got when you are close to the person that you like so much. While both Sirius and Remus had realised their feelings for each other and for you a while ago, you were just now noticing how much you liked Remus, and how many things about him you liked romantically. It was like being brought back to the Slug Party where you weren’t able to stop ogling him. 
He really was outstandingly pretty, so much that you wanted to kiss him. “You know Rem…” 
“Mhm?” he asked, tilting his head slightly as if trying to see better, while his eyes weren’t on you, he looked comfortable with the closeness. 
“Sirius and I have a bit of a tradition…” Now he turned to you, eyebrows knit. “It seems like whenever we’re on a stealth mission,” you added, turning your face to his as well, you were standing so close that your noses were pretty much brushing against each other. “Something comes over the two of us, and we end up doing the most outrageous thing.” 
“Like getting caught?” He teased. 
You scoffed, “Of course not! We’ve never gotten caught.” 
“What about that time at the Slytherin’s?” 
“He got caught, I didn’t!” You retorted, He raised an eyebrow as if to remind you that the only reason you hadn’t gotten caught was because he had been there to stop you. He had been tempted to kiss you then, perhaps as tempted as he was now. “But that’s not it.” 
“Well when the tension rises,” you leaned a little closer to him, “and the adrenaline is in the air–” Your mouth was centimetres away from his, “we tended to–” 
You didn’t even finish, Remus got the idea and he was more than eager to join your little tradition. He was the one to close the gap, your lips crashing against his in a rather urgent manner. As if he was trying to kiss you for every time he had wished he could and had to restrain himself. He tasted like chocolate and cherry wine (probably because of the filling of the chocolate frog he got earlier). 
Despite his urgency, it was you the one who bit his lower lip and pressed your tongue against his mouth. He was quick to part them and chase your tongue with his, there was something about the way he kissed you that made your knees weak, in the same way that Sirius’ kisses did. Like you wanted to melt into him, allow him to mould you to his body instead of moulding him to yours. But then there was the other part of you, the one that didn’t like losing control and fought back for it, your hand rushing to the back of his neck and pulling him down to you while allowing your hands to play with his hair. It was much shorter than Sirius’ but that didn’t mean you couldn’t pull on it just slightly. 
He moaned into the kiss when you did and it was hard for you to hold back the smile as you separated for air. You were about to go back to kiss him when you heard a door shut from the side. You pulled apart from and looked towards it, biting your cheek to swallow the gasp you would have instinctively made. 
“It’s Severus,” you whispered as you stared at the greasy-haired boy. He was walking with his head held high, his Prefect badge, perfectly polished adorning his chest. You rolled your eyes and turned to Remus again, his lips were rosy and he was also panting a little, you never thought he could look prettier and here he was, all kissed out and looking like a prince. “You find Sirius?” 
Remus turned to you with eyebrows raised. He was too busy finding your lips to look for Sirius. “We have to distract him,” you mouthed, not daring to speak any louder, despite the charms the cloak had, you couldn’t risk it. You were not going to get caught by Severus Snape, of all people. 
“How?” He asked. 
You smiled mischievously at that. “Insecti,” you whispered, effectively conjuring about 4 thick flies, directing them straight towards his hair. Remus looked at you with interest, while the flies buzzed about all around Severus. 
“Go away!” the Slytherin said as he frantically waved his hands over his head. Hitting one of them with the back of his hand but still being followed by the rest. “I said go away!” He said again, much more irritated. He was going up a flight of stairs, and you knew he wasn’t distracted enough to fall, regardless you were keeping a very close eye on him. Finally, he took out his wand, and the moment he did you pulled just the tip of yours from the cloak. 
You smiled, “Mucus ad nauseam,” you whispered this time. He sneezed. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he said as he took out a handkerchief to stop his runny nose. It was a simple spell that you found in one of those trick books the boys had to sneak out of the restricted section. “It must be the fucking flies,” he complained again.
Remus threw you a diverted look and you winked his way. Severus sneezed again, waking one of the portraits. “Shhhh,” the man said by placing his hand over his mouth. “Some of us are trying to sleep.” 
“It’s not like I can control them,” Severus muttered under his breath, and then sneezed again, this time a little louder. Just to piss him off. But he inadvertently woke up a couple more of the portraits.
They had already started whispering about, a lady in a horse shushing him while on another one, two men that had been playing chess started discussing his outrageous behaviour. “Who’s responsible for this squawking?” a man with an Auror uniform asked. Severus sneezed again. “Ah, it’s the Slytherin kid, of course, it’s the Slytherin kid,” Said Lady McDougal as she pointed at him.
Severus rolled his eyes, trying to hold his next sneeze while also hitting one of the flies with his hand. Remus turned to you, pulling out his own wand and pointing it towards him. “Sonorus,” he whispered.
“Stupid ancient portraits, they should start minding their own fucking business,” he muttered again. Except this time, Remus’s charm had made his voice a lot louder. So loud that instead of a whisper to himself, as he intended, his voice resonated all over the Grand Staircase. He froze, looking around the portraits as he gulped. 
“Who are you calling ancient?” A very old man asked from the right wall. “I thought you’d be wiser since you’re a member of my house.” 
Severus was about to apologise, but he sneezed instead. “And he won’t stop making noise even after we asked him!” the portrait that had shushed him first added. 
Some portraits were looking at him with disapproving glances, others were muttering among themselves while, the most outspoken ones, were straight up telling him off. 
“Cannot believe the prerequisites for becoming a Perfect have stump so low that someone like you has gotten the honour,” a man with curly black hair added. “When I was the Headmaster of this fine institution you could only achieve such a position by being at the epitome of the student body. Only truly exemplary students…”
“Shut up Nigellus,” another portrait said. “Nobody liked you when you were Headmaster!” 
“He kind of reminds me of…” you muttered as you looked at the portrait of Nigellus, who had now engaged in a heated discussion with the portrait of a Quidditch player.
“Nigellus Black,” Remus said with a smile. “He’s nothing like our Sirius but he’s got those pretty eyes of his.” 
“Should have known…” you smiled as you turned to him. 
Severus sneezed again, successfully driving the attention –and anger– of the quarrelling portraits towards himself. 
“Well boy, what are you still doing here? Go lock yourself in your common room or something!” Nigellus said, you snickered, covering your mouth with your hands to avoid making a sound. 
Severus wiped his runny nose with his sleeve. “BIoody portraits!” He said as he rushed towards one of the halls, and away from the stairs. 
“BIoody portraits,” one of them mocked in a high-pitched tone as he passed by. It was the portrait of a younger boy, and he didn’t think twice before flicking his index and middle finger at him. 
“Let us sleep!” an old lady with a flower dress shouted from the very top. 
Severus cursed under his breath as he shut the door, loud enough to get cursed again by the rest of the portraits. “Slytherins,” Lady McDougal said with a sigh, “It had to be one of them.” 
Another lady agreed with her while some Slytherin wizards shook their heads in disapproval. Meanwhile, you and Remus couldn’t stop eyeing each other with a satisfied and diverted look. That’s when you saw green sparks coming from one of the doors. 
“Is that the Slytherin boy again?” One of the portraits asked. 
“Let’s go,” you said, knowing full well it had been Sirius and not a Slytherin. By the time you and Remus got close enough, you could distinguish his beautiful black curls through his disillusionment charm. Remus extended the cloak around him and suddenly the three of you were back in the little safe heaven James’ invisibility cloak provided. 
“That little act of yours was brilliant,” Sirius said with a smirk in a low tone. “Where next?” 
“The Great Hall,” Remus said. The three of you made your way towards it, stopping by the library before you got there. “We should probably lock it…” 
“Or they’ll try to give classes inside,” Sirius added. 
“A simple locking spell won’t be enough,” You said and took a deep breath. “What if we disappear it?” 
“What?” Remus asked with a frown. “How?” 
“We could hide it,” Sirius said with a nod. “Make it seem like it has disappeared even if it’s still there.” 
“Exactly, something close to a disillusionment charm, but for things.” 
“And then we could fill it up with something like escargot slime, nobody would want to get close to it.” 
“Snail,” you said before Remus even threw you a confused look. You had no idea why Sirius would remember the French word (which was far more complicated) than the English one but one time you had forgotten how to say spoon and went for cuchara instead.  You turned to Sirius, “Where would we even get snail slime, though?” 
“Don’t worry about that,” he said with a smile and turned to the massive library doors. He took in a deep breath and cast a disillusionment charm, followed by you and then Remus. The door had completely disappeared after the third spell. Sirius smiled and turned to the door. “Cochlea bitumine,” he said, suddenly there was a green, snot-like slime all over the floor and wall. You sighed, it didn’t stink, but the smell was rather potent. 
You took a swamp-bomb from Remus’ pockets and stared at it for a second, “I think they’ll rather enjoy this ambience,” you smiled and hid it inside the smile, while you avoided touching the viciousness of it altogether. Then you whispered the words of the spell. Sirius imitated you, and you ended up hiding about 6 of them just in the area. 
The great hall remained pretty empty at night, you had never been there, but the boys were familiar enough, apparently, the ghost didn’t really like being there when there wasn’t people, there were no portraits, and while the charms in the sky became a little fickle when there were people there after hours, it much easier, once you were inside.
The complicated part was getting in. Since that’s where the Prefects gathered before and after their patrol, it was much harder to get through the open halls that took you inside. Lucky for you, you had taken the cloak, which meant your life would be made easier. 
“Ready?” Sirius asked with a smile. You were standing just below the stairs, and peering up at the hall. There were three Hufflepuff prefects there. You recognized one of them as Alex Wood’s classmate, but you weren’t familiar with the rest. 
“We could try to distract them first?“ you said. 
“But then they would know someone’s out and about, and James and Peter would have people looking for them, they have no cloak.” 
“Then we become as stealthy as ninjas,” Sirius said with a confident nod. He’d been reading some Daredevil comics Andromeda had sent him and he had been fascinated by the idea of them. 
“I could turn into Vixen.” You shrugged, “they would never figure out I’m a student and not just a rogue fox.” 
“It’s not as believable as if Wormtail did it…” Remus replied as he shook his head. 
You were still discussing strategies when a ghost mounting a horse came in screaming through the side. “Someone has been in the classrooms,” he roared. You grabbed both boys’ hands and dragged them towards the great hall as the Hufflepuff scattered from the door and tried to talk to the very altered ghosts. 
“I guess they’ve been discovered,” Sirius whispered as you all arrived at the Great Hall. 
“Mhm,” you agreed. “We need to be more careful now.” 
“Perhaps not quite,” Remus said thoughtfully. “They’ll probably go talk to the portraits, and Severus was the one causing a mess, so they might pin the classroom incident on him too.” 
“Sir Pendragon would have said Potter and Pettigrew were there if he had spotted them. He’d take any chance to drag either of us down.” 
“Huh? Why?” you asked curiously. 
“Peter thought it would be funny to share a rumour about him in second year. He told everyone he didn’t lose his head on a joust, but that it had been eaten by a Wilddeoren,” Remus explained.
“They were a lot more common back in the day,” Sirius added. “Anyway, I think Sr. Nicholas found out it had been Peter and told Sir. Pendragon since he wanted to join the headless hunt. The man has hated all of us since then.” 
You laughed and shook your head. “You should make friends with the ghosts, not make them your enemies.” Sirius just shrugged, smiling and sending you one of those winks of his. He then pulled some orbs from his pocket and placed them on your hand. “Ready to cause mischief?” 
“Definitely,” you retorted with a smile, placing them in your pockets and then grabbing another handful. You disillusioned yourself before stepping out of the comfortable warmth of the cloak and walked to the back of the hall. You did hear the uneasy rumbling of the ceiling, as if it knew someone was around when they shouldn’t be, but you ignored it until you got all the way to the teacher’s table. You placed swamp-bombs underneath it, three by the windows and some on the closer gargoyles. Meanwhile, Sirius and Remus were making sure all the tables had swamp-bombs underneath them. And for good measure, they also hid a couple next to the floating candles.
Once you were done, you all reunited back in the same spot near the door, it was Remus –who still had the cloak– the one that dragged you inside as soon as he spotted you, or rather, smelled you, since he’d managed to do that way before the saw through your disillusionment charm. 
“Hey,” you said with a smile once he pulled you to him. 
“Hey,” he responded, like the idiot in love he was. You smiled, as you looked up at him, and he leaned in to press a short, quick kiss on your lips. “Sirius is on his last bomb.” 
“How do you know?” you whispered.
“I counted them,” he told you with a shrug. 
“No wonder he calls us nerds,” you said with an amused scoff. You were both pulling Sirius into the cloak mere minutes later. 
“Where to now?” He asked with a smile, Remus was tempted to press a kiss onto his lips as well but decided perhaps right at that instant it wouldn’t be proper. Not that either of the three cared too much about proper, but Remus still had more common sense than the two of you. 
“The tower,” you said as you yawned. 
“You tired?” Sirius teased. You blinked and shook your head in response. Not that you didn’t have perfect reasons to be tired, but the idea of falling asleep in the middle of a prank was so absurd to you, that being tired –no matter how sleepy you actually were– seemed preposterous. 
Sirius tightened his lips as he tried to hold back a smile, he had known this for a while, but when you were sleepy, you got into a cuddly mood, and when you were in a cuddly mood, he got to be as clingy as he wanted to be. He wondered if he’d be able to hug you and Remus at the same time later that night, without having to turn into Padfoot, and picture how amazing that might be. 
“You think they’re outside still?” You asked as you leaned your ear on the door. 
“They’re not,” Remus said confidently. “Even the portraits are asleep now.” 
“Good,” you said as you cast a silencing spell on the door and pushed it open. “Let’s go!”
The portraits at the Great Hall were also much calmer now, which is why you tried to be as quiet as possible as you climbed up the stairs that would lead you to the Astronomy Tower. “Looks like they’re already falling asleep,” Sirius said. “You think they’re still mad at Snape?” 
“They won’t get over being called ancient anytime soon,” Remus said with a smile. “And with how much they gossip, they might turn the rest of the portraits in the castle against him as well.” You let out a low giggle after that and covered your mouth almost in an instant. When you heard one of the portraits wake up the three of you threw a look at each other and rushed towards the tower as fast and stealthily as you could. 
Once you got to the stairs you looked up, it was a rather long stairwell, leading all the way to Professor Spellman’s territory. The divination classroom was dark and gloomy at night. There was a rather faint light coming from the window, but the classroom was only lit by a single black flamed candle. Spellman had talked about that in a previous class.
According to him, black flame candles were better than normal candles in divination spaces because they didn’t disturb the light from stars as much. 
“Lumos,” Sirius said and pulled out the tip of his wand from the cloak. “I don’t think there’s any ghost here now,” he whispered as he turned to you. 
“Prefects don’t come here often either. They do check the top of the observatory, but that’s just because some people use it to make out.” 
“Oh, really?” You said with a smirk, managing to shake off the sleepiness a bit more. 
“Don’t get any funny ideas,” Sirius told you and you pouted as you looked at him. 
“You’re the one with the funny ideas most of the time,” you retorted. Remus shook his head in amusement, took some of the swamp-bombs and handed them over to the two of you. 
“Focus, we can discuss those funny ideas once we’re done.” 
Sirius turned to you with an eyebrow raised and a smirk that you retorted with a raise of an eyebrow and a similarly satisfied smile. After the small exchange, the two of you went on your way to set up the classroom.  Once you were done, the three of you stepped out and went straight to the observatory. You split up again, this time not bothering to disillusion yourselves, and started placing some swamp-bombs all over the place. 
When you were done, you walked over to one of the small lookout spaces and leaned both of your arms on the railing, looking out towards the Black Lake. It was the same railing in which Evan had threatened you not so long ago. If someone had told you then that he would save your life months later you would have called them crazy. And here you were, in that same railing, thinking of how sudden the change had been. 
You took a deep breath, trying not to let thoughts of that night cloud over your happy ones, “What is it?” Remus asked as he approached you, leaning close enough that your shoulders bumped into each other. 
“Nothing,” you said almost in a whisper. He raised one of his eyebrows. “Everything,” you sighed and then yawned. “Godric! Why am I so damn sleepy,” you asked as you rested your head on his shoulder. “It isn’t even that late...” 
Remus turned to his watch, “It’s almost 2,” he said. 
You yawned again. “I didn’t even wake up that early,” you complained. Your eyes were closing on themselves, and Remus was tall, warm and so reassuring that your eyes almost refused to stay open. 
“But you had one hell of a day,” he retorted softly. 
You hummed in response. “That indeed,” you yawned. “But still, there’s something weird about it…” you said with a long sigh. Remus was thinking of an answer when he felt a little bit more of your weight reclining against him. He turned towards you only to notice your evened-out breath and completely relaxed expression.
“Little Witch?” he whispered, the lack of response confirmed his hypothesis, you had fallen asleep as you reclined into him. Remus smiled, looking at your slightly parted lips as you breathed in and out the chilly winter air. He wasn’t sure he had ever had the time to look at it from such an angle. 
Not that you hadn’t already used his shoulder as a headrest, but he had never felt comfortable just blatantly staring, in case someone else was watching, in case somebody noticed how irrevocably in love he was with you. But you knew it now, and Sirius knew it too, and you were both okay with it. So he stared, at your lashes, and your nose, and the curve of your lips, like he was seeing you for the first time, even if he had been dreaming with them for months now. 
The snow was gently falling outside, the lake shimmered with the reflection of the stars and the forest was as dark and alluring as ever. But not even the beautiful, shimmering stars in the sky were lovely enough to divert his attention from you. He was in a trance so deep that he didn’t even hear the steps from behind.
“Hey Moony did you–” 
“Shhhh,” Remus said softly, turning to Sirius as he rushed a finger over his mouth. “She’s fallen asleep.” 
Sirius frowned and tilted his head, you had never fallen asleep in the middle of a prank. “Don’t you think that’s weird?” Sirius whispered. 
“With the day she had?” Remus retorted. “It might just be the only thing she’s done that makes any sense.” 
Sirius shook his head with a smile, “It’s not the only thing,” he retorted, leaning in closer to Remus, and laying his head on the boy’s free shoulder. “She got us together, and we make sense together.” 
It was almost ironic, that when Remus finally managed to rip his gaze away from you, it was only to look at Sirius. Sirius with his confident smile and sparkling eyes, he would have sworn they were shinier than the stars and the shimmering reflection of the crescent moon in the black lake. The snow might have been falling like glitter in the water and dissolving into sparkly droplets of dew, but his eyes were lost on the endless grey of his best friend, his boyfriend. Remus smiled, “Yeah, we make sense together.”
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echo-stimmingrose · 9 months
Annabeth opened the door to cabin three slowly, trying to be as quiet as possible so that her sleeping boyfriend wouldn't wake up seeing as it was almost two o'clock in the morning. Her sleeping in his cabin had become normal for them after the war with Gaia. Percy had been nervous about breaking the rule of not having two campers be alone in a cabin together. Annabeth, however, did not care, practically daring Mr. D or Chiron to not allow them to sleep together after all they had been through.
Tonight, while she and Percy were trying to fall asleep a storm had started; a particularly strong one that made its way past the borders that normally kept harsh weather out. Because of this one of her siblings came to get her, asking if she could come help comfort her younger siblings who were scared of storms. Thankfully, after a while, the storm receded and she was able to get her siblings to fall asleep, allowing her to go back to cabin three.
As she walked in she, to her surprise, saw Percy sitting up in bed and what looked like someone else lying next to him. A wave of jealousy rose inside her, quickly making her angry. Calm down, she berated herself, Percy is not cheating on you, take a breath.
Percy looked up, having just then noticed her returning. He smiled at her, bringing a finger up to his lips, signaling her to be quiet. Now confused, she walked up to their bed, taking in the figure- or figures that lay there. She let out a soft laugh, mentally chiding herself again for jumping to conclusions. In her spot on the bed, Piper and Leo snored softly, curled up in each other's arms.
“They came a little bit after you left,” Percy explained quietly. “All the thunder was bringing back some bad memories.”
She smiled sadly, having not considered that. While they were on the Argo II storms pretty much always meant something bad was happening and they’d need to fight. Despite the somewhat sad circumstances, her heart swelled at them coming to Percy (and her) for comfort.
She was about to ask how she was supposed to get into bed when she noticed two other lumps buried beneath the blankets. She pointed at the smaller lump, curled up near Percy's legs, figuring that could only be one person, “Nico?” She asked in a whisper.
Percy let out a silent laugh, nodding, “Yeah, he didn’t even say anything when he came in. Just shadowed and crawled next to me.”
Annabeth chuckled, moving her attention to the larger lump sleeping at the end of the bed, “Who’s that?” She asked.
Percy smirked, gently lifting the blanket to reveal a blond-headed son of Jupiter snoring peacefully. As Percy lowered the blanket back down carefully, she couldn’t help but smile. She knew Jason was not used to going to anyone for comfort and was incredibly proud that he came to them. It may seem small to some people, but it was a huge step for Jason. And by the way that Percy was looking at him, he was proud as well.
“How am I supposed to get in here?” She asked, only somewhat seriously. She’d love to sleep in bed with her family but she would take one of the extra beds in the cabin if needed to allow the other demigods to rest. Percy had other plans, he scooted Leo closer to him and managed to lift Piper with incredible gentleness. She took that as her cue and got into bed, pushing her legs under one of the many blankets. After she got situated Percy set Piper back where she was, this time with her head and shoulders on Annabeth's lap.
Piper let out a satisfied hum, “Annie's home.” She whispered, half asleep. Annabeth couldn’t help but laugh, stroking the younger girl's hair.
She turned to Percy who was smiling, a soft glint in his eyes, one she hadn’t seen much of since Tartarus.
“When did we become parents?” She asked him, causing him to chuckle.
“I don’t think we had much of a choice, they adopted us.”
“Yeah, we did.” another half-asleep voice said, “You’re ours now.”
Percy grinned, pulling Leo closer as the younger boy let out a satisfied sigh.
It may not have been the most comfortable night in the crowded bed but Annabeth could not bring herself to care.
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gumi-writes · 2 months
anon with the 6 million diseases, thank you for the tien food.... harvest season, crops watered, abundance, truly!!!! did you ever mention how she was made by the senobium, or is that something you're reserving for until the full game comes out with more lore? also foxglove for them is really great, especially as they're linked with motherhood and female sexuality. to quote khaled hosseini; a man's heart is a wretched, wretched thing. it isn't like a mother's womb. it won't bleed. it won't stretch to make room for you. i suppose like a womb is more a weapon, as tien is. she bleeds - but in a way a wound weeps in festering silence. rotating them in my head like a kebab ❤️
ah, you're very welcome! i had a lot of fun writing it out, so if you got anything out of it that's just a huge bonus! 🥰 another under the cut but thankfully i didn't give you as long an essay this time around :P
and i don't think i mentioned it, no! it might change depending on the release of the final game, but for now, it was a case of her being given up to the senobium as a baby. tiên was born into an incredibly insular and tight-knit village that had a very specific set of rather superstitious beliefs, and when a plague swept the community and infected all the children, they did not take too well when she somehow managed to be the only survivor. what should have been a cause for celebration was instead to them an omen—how could this one child live if it weren't for some kind of demonic influence?
they ended up giving tiên's parents an ultimatum—either give her up or be excommunicated, and tiên's parents, being loyal to their home, decided to leave tiên with the senobium, who, being a religious institution, i gathered would have programs in place to "support" orphans... which of course is only a front for getting test subjects. the "batch" tiên was in was focused on one very specific objective—a possible new evolution of human that would fuse man and monster. so she was not the only one that had bits grafted onto her, but as the numbers dwindled, she became a sole survivor for the second time.
as you can imagine, it's pretty much the reason for her lack of social graces and the fact that she tends to take everyone at face value. in a sense, tiên is almost naive that way, but i kind of wanted to make it into a commentary on what it means to be able to remain naive in a world that punishes such a thing with betrayal or death, and it's that if you're able to retain that, it's a sign of strength because it means that nothing has manage to result in genuine consequences you've had to reflect on.
and i actually... did not know that about foxgloves, but it honestly makes me very happy to hear LOL. there was a lot of details about tiên that just came into being—i've said once before to someone else that she doesn't feel like a character i've created, but one i've excavated, so the fact that her flower has ties to things i am actively trying to deconstruct is a lot of fun to me.
also that quote is so good anon i'll have to look up the person behind it and keep it in her lore document! for a variety of reasons, but the most fun one is that her body won't let her bleed on it's own unless she concentrates to make it. it's harder for her to bleed than it is to not, or at least more effort. a womb as a weapon... and also as a catalyst for versatility... what will you create in it? what will it become?
she bleeds - but in a way a wound weeps in festering silence.
is just her existence described with such succinct beauty... because she is forever an open wound, but what hurts her is what gives her strength, and what gives her strength won't allow her to die.
either way, thank you again for giving me another message i will reread a normal amount of times. your own writing and the writing you've given me is so evocative as well. it's rather a delightful novelty that you're applying it to my oc hahaha.
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selfhelpforstudents · 2 years
Tips to fight depression
Disclaimer: These are small things that have helped me in the past when I was going through a lot. Thankfully, I am fully healed and love my life. But I know how incredibly hard this battle is - and I also know that it can get better! <3 If you are struggling with mental illnesses please contact a doctor. If you want to talk to someone else about your feelings, please join our self help group on Discord. We’ll be happy to welcome you.
The 5-4-3-2-1-method when awfully anxious. What are five things you can see right now? Are there four things you can touch? How do they feel? Name three things you can hear. Two things you can smell. And now...one positive thought in your mind.
Cry me a river. Let it all out. Cry for as long as you need. Think about the things that make you sad. Make them heard inside your head. And cry. This will release muscle tension and make you feel more relaxed...maybe even numb.
Escape this world and find yourself again in a fictional one. Read a book or watch a show or a movie. Make yourself feel as though you’re the main character. This will create distance between you and your hectic life and problems.
Move. Right now. Get up and move. Move your body. Go for a walk. Maybe even a run. Just get some movement into the moment. Please. Put on some music and dance as if no one is watching.
Do something good for someone else. This is what I’m doing by writing this. Helping people can help YOU. If you want to do this right now, maybe join our group chats and tell your story so more people will know that they are not alone. What I LOVE to do is buying homeless people food and clothes (socks are super important).
Go take a shower and brush your teeth. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. We’ve probably all been there. Not showering for a long time happens. Not brushing your teeth happens. We survive. And that takes up all of our energy. But right now I want you to take that shower and take care of your body. Please.
Accept that you are ill. Have compassion with yourself. I’ve always felt guilty and despised myself for being depressed and anxious. People tell you “Why can’t you be like everyone else? Why can’t you do this and that?”. I just wanted to be like everyone else. Happy. At least that’s what they all seem to be, right? I hated myself for not being able to feel anything anymore, for being messy, for not showering, not being “a normal person”. People judge and look down on you. Yes, I haven’t washed my hair in two weeks. What about it?!  But all that is not my fault. I am ill. I can’t live the lives healthy people live. But hey, that’s okay. God didn’t give me mental stability but he did give me intelligence, a wonderful heart and the most amazing boyfriend.
Last but not least: Let’s get to the peak. Do it yourself. Well yes, you can imagine what I mean. It really helps, researches have found. Having umm...you know...the best part in the end...will make you feel better. And everyone does it.
You are not alone in this. There are so many people who suffer. So many people who even take their own lives. But please stay with us. Please go and see a doctor. Talk to someone. Talk to me. You are not alone.
Love, Sophia
Feel free to follow my Instagram account for some study motivation <3 Instagram
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emchovy · 7 months
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Learned about the release of this book real late, (as in, this February, when I decided that I wanted to show my roommate Epithet for the first time) but thankfully that was just in time to preorder a copy of the hardcover release, which finally came.
Or well, it came yesterday, and I'm finished reading it now. It was AMAZING.
The writing style is pretty different from the stuff I normally read, but once I got in the groove, I felt like I didn't need the audiobook (which I'm definitely gonna get eventually) because I could basically hear all the characters in my head. Also, spoilers for the rest of my review. Pick up a copy. You won't regret it.
I say review. This is disconnected rambling. Also, seriously, spoilers for the whole book delivered in a random out-of-context way.
This book is definitely Molly's story more than anything, and beyond that it's a story between Molly and her sister Lorelei. Two kids with epithets, and opposite personalities. There's a really masterful job here of balancing realistic family drama with the fun, villain vs. hero hijinks.
I love a pathetic loser, and so I was immediately taken by Rick Shades, and his quest for friends, to the point I was getting bummed out when he kept getting rebuffed lololol. However, it was all earned in the end. The scene with him and Molly was <3. Also, I am glad he's gonna get a job. Of some sort.
Naven meeting Molly in the street and just agreeing to give her speech training is an incredibly cute concept.
I liked the Neo Trio a lot, but they're surprisingly not the new faves I expected them to be, though I did laugh pretty much every time at the running joke with Feenie and money.
Actually, my favorite new character was probably Lorelei. We love a girl who's making every wrong decision and also just doesn't leave the house anymore and wonders what's wrong. Also, the Martin + Lorelei relationship was also pretty intriguing. He's more supportive of Lorelei, she's got more of his traits, but Lorelei needs someone who'll help her manage better. Martin's vague support of her 'playing', as Molly puts it, is doing more harm than good. I wasn't exactly sure how to take the fact that Martin constructs Lorelei's ideas in the real world, also. Is he plagiarizing? I wouldn't read it that way, but he's also not collaborating with Lorelei, so they could build something together. A relationship that could go either collaborative or parasitic, depending.
Also, I want Lorelei to get better (and I fully believe she will) but I really liked the end. She needs some time in the real world right now, to grapple with her actions. Neven's gentle support was good. Her and Molly need time apart, so that they can be able to be together again.
Gio and Molly remain duo of all time. Every interaction they have is cute and/or funny. Two characters I could probably enjoy watching/reading about doing basically any boring task you can think of and enjoy. Painting a fence, doing laundry, vacuuming, whatever.
Giovanni's complete blindness to romance was so fuckin' funny in this book. Him and Lorelei and him and Crusher were also distinctly different levels of complete obliviousness.
Also, Crusher and Molly, right at the end <3!! Pulling out the stool for her, her getting reassured by the fact she was nervous. Augh. So sweet. I've reread that scene like 4 times. I do hope we get Molly hanging out with more of The Boys. Crusher's coming across like a pretty gentle sweetie, but I'm very curious about how she'll integrate into the larger group.
All of that to say! Good book!! Would recommend! I'm extremely excited for Sweet Escape.
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wereh0gz · 1 year
Last wereboom post in a while probably I am. Running out of ideas and we're at the end of this au's story anyway
So Sonic's been captured, the villagers is essentially holding his friends hostage, and Eggman now basically has free reign over Hedgehog Village. He's sent his badniks to start taking over the place while everyone else was distracted with the hunt, so when they all get back, they'll be in for a big surprise (well, everyone except Tails, Amy, Knux, and Sticks of course)
The crew tries to fight and get Sonic back, but Metal Sonic swoops in and quickly overpowers them, trapping them into cages to make sure they can't intervene with the takeover
Meanwhile at Eggman's base, Sonic is thrown into a cage. Again. Not fun. And he's being taunted by Shadow. And is one more insult away from flying into a feral rage. Eggman plans to keep him prisoner and make him watch him take over of the village, then the island, and then the whole world. And he also wants to study Sonic's condition. He's never seen anything like it before (not in real life, that is) and is incredibly curious abt it. Shadow, meanwhile, wants to kick his teeth in, so while Eggman goes off to oversee the takeover, Sonic is left alone with Shadow
The two fight, of course. Shadow actually gets in his cage and tries to fight him, which ends as well as you'd expect for both of them. But it does give Sonic an opening to escape, and while he really wants to kick Shadow's ass, he's getting claustrophobic and wants to get Out. So he immediately brute-forces his way out, locking Shadow in the cage in process. He's running on animal instincts rn
Once he's outside tho, he runs into a problem- he's on an island and deathly afraid of water. Orbot and Cubot (oh yeah, they exist, sorry for forgetting abt them for this long lmao) helplessly try to stop him, but Sonic is easily able to intimidate them into taking him back to the main island
Once there, he hurries to free his friends and the village, taking down Metal Sonic and the other badniks keeping the village captive and stopping Eggman's takeover dead in its tracks. Though he's in a bit of a feral rampage, the villagers start to see that he's, at the very least, trying to help
As the fight dies down and Eggman is sent packing, the sun begins to rise, and Sonic transforms back into his normal self. He wants to run off and just be over with the day already, but the village is already celebrating and he gets caught up in it. He hazards to ask the mayor if they're gonna, uh, idk, kick him out of the village bc of the werehog thing or something, but thankfully no! He even apologizes on behalf of the village!
And he does Nothing else to compensate for the stress they just put him through. But that's to be expected at this point
And that's that! Nothing bad happens ever again (for real this time. At least nothing as bad as what just happened here). After that, Sonic decides to go back to living in his burrow full time. He needs to get away from everything for a while, until he adjusts to everyone knowing abt the werehog thing. Tails and the rest of his friends try to help him manage his condition as it slowly worsens, but having everyone know in a way makes things a little better? He has a bigger support system now which is very nice
Everything is back to normal, but it isn't at the same time, as it tends to be like when a big life-changing event happens. The end, for now :]
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stuiie · 3 months
hi! *Waves a bit shyly* I just wanted to say I've really been enjoying your fic, the color of you!! I found it while scrolling yesterday and started it at some point and was barely able to put it down, only pausing for things I had to do XD I ended up staying up late after some events and reading it and before I knew it it was 5 am, I could hear the birds chirping and I could barely keep my eyes open hehe. Made it through chapter fourteen though, huzzah!
You're writing is truly a joy to read and I really love how you've crafted the story! I honestly have ended up seeing myself reflected in Ducky in ways I wasn't expecting and it's made me ponder on some things heh (/positive). I appreciate the patience and effort you put into the slow burn!! I truly enjoy build up to relationships and the wait has been truly worth the reward as I'm arriving to the part where Ducky is actually entering into the relationship! I really appreciate the thought and kindness and heart you've put into some pretty hefty topics as the story progresses, and really enjoyed how you portrayed it narrative wise (my main thoughts especially being on her working through her lack of attraction towards the guy/men and her frustration over it, something I've also been dealing with lately ahah, so it was actually really nice to read someone uh. Also upset over a lack of 'normal' feelings so to speak, and over similar things (though thankfully a much kinder situation in my case). And the other being how you handled Nat confessing! It made a lot of sense for her to be morally distraught over her attraction to her, and I love the grace in which you wrote those emotions and experience!)
I've also enjoyed the ability to project a little neurodiversity onto y/n, whether or not that was intended! Its always quite nice to feel kindred in that way in regards to y/n's and honestly some of my favorite fics have that element to them. Anyways uh! Wonderful story so far! Can't wait to read more but also dreading catching up bc then I'll have to wait and be patient tehe (/silly). Thank you so much for sharing it!!
~ @anactualwolverine
Hi there sweet anactualwolverine,
Aaah, my teeth hurt from how incredibly sweet you are. Your words hit me right where I needed it the most, and knowing you enjoy the story so much fills me with such warmth. All I wanted was to create a healing fic, one for all of us who just want to feel that comfort and kindness. But I do hope you got some well-deserved rest after reading so many chapters; I'm impressed you powered through to chapter 14 😍.
It really does something to me when I get messages where you and others can see yourselves in Ducky, and I hope it brings you some comfort to know you aren't alone. Ducky is special to me, and I have to admit I wish she were real so I could hug her. I love writing Natasha and Wanda caring for her.
And yes, Ducky's journey to self-discovery and attraction was a delicate process and something I struggled with a lot when I was younger. I wanted to shed light on the inner thoughts and feelings that can go through your head during that journey. Again, it makes me so happy that you share your thoughts on this, how you've experienced it, and can relate. It warms my heart.
Oh, and it pleases me so much that you highlight Natasha's confession and the struggles she had with her feelings for Ducky. It's something I had hoped would come through in a good way. So thank you truly for sharing your thoughts on it.
I wish you the best week, and thank you again for taking the time to send me this absolutely lovely message.
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2boldlyqueer · 1 year
help a disabled queer fix their car this pride month (please!!)
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Me (left) and my cute cat Cosmo (right) for attention
I am trying to raise $1500 to fix the transmission on my car, as it's currently undriveable. I have been out of work since early February due to a drunk driver rear-ending me while he was going 60mph. My family is helping me as much as they can, but it's going to take months to scrape this kind of money together without help, and until then I'm totally dependent on others being available when I have doctor's appointments. I haven't been able to go to physical therapy as often as I'm supposed to because of it, and I'm in a lot more pain because of it. 
Paypal https://paypal.me/tastreg
CashApp https://cash.app/$tastreg
Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/TonyGo12 
GoFundMe https://gofund.me/df8d4896
(If I happen to get incredibly lucky and get more than my goal, that money will go towards getting a new pair of glasses, since mine have been broken and held together by glue for two years now! TT-TT)
If you can’t give, please consider reblogging this post.
Thank you for reading!I hope you have a lovely day <3
More detail below the cut if you want it:
The Car
The transmission on my car is failing, and I can't drive it without fear that it'll give out any moment. There have already been a few scary moments where I thought I was going to be stuck in the middle of the road. I was able to get to the mechanic and get a quote, I need $1500 to fix the issue. (And that was before a second issue popped up on the way home, so it’s possible it’ll be more.)
Where I live, it's impossible to get anywhere without a car, so I'm really stuck and relying on the kindness of others to get me to my doctor's appointments, since I also can't afford taxis, plus Uber/Lyft don't service around here. This has already caused issues, as I've had to cut back on my physical therapy appointments due to not being able to get to them, and I've been doing a lot worse since then.
My Health & Monetary Situation
I've been unable to work since early February, as I've been recovering from a major accident, where I was rear-ended by a drunk driver. The car I had then was completely totalled; thankfully his insurance paid out just enough to get another cheap, used car. I've been dealing with major pain and health issues since. Pain and spasms in my hips and legs make it difficult to stand, sit, or walk for any amount of time. Multiple vertebrae throughout my spine are out of place, which cause a ton of constant pain and unpredictably variable numbness that makes my arms and hands useless when it happens. 
My work prior to the accident involves a lot of lifting and carrying, as well as repairs that require full control of my hands, so I haven't been able to return to it. I've actually picked up a new job remotely tutoring due to monetary needs, but it doesn't offer much in the way of hours and is difficult with the on-and-off brain fog and fatigue I've been experiencing since the accident. I'm in the process of being assessed for post-concussive syndrome because of that and new difficulties with language & numbers (which are driving me up the wall, I love writing and now I have to really work at it. This thing took me multiple days to write out when normally it would've taken me about half an hour.)
My credit cards are all maxed out from my last health crisis in 2021 and my credit score is too low to get another credit card right now. I'm just barely scraping by on lost wages from insurance and help from my family. Unfortunately, they can't support me any more than they already are, as we’re all straddling the poverty line and live in areas with high costs of living. I do have a civil suit pending against the man who hit me, but I don't expect that to resolve for at least a few months.
Thank you so much if you took the time to read all that. I really hope you consider donating -- even a dollar will help! Whether you donate or not, please consider sharing, it would really help me out. I hope you have a wonderful day! <3 To reward you for reading all that, have another cat pic :3
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“You really look like shit,” Rey tells him as she plops into the booth across from him, moving linens and silverware aside to lean on the table. “You’ve worked every hour we’ve been open for the last five days. Please, go home. I don’t care about the overtime, I care about the fact that the bags under your eyes are scaring customers.” Hux shakes his head, not even looking up from the page in his thermodynamics text book he’s highlighting. “I’m two hundred dollars away from my tuition and the payment is due at midnight,” Hux tells her. ”If I don’t work this shift, I won’t graduate on time. So unless you have a pile of money hidden in this restaurant, you’ll have to drag me out kicking and screaming.” He doesn’t look up, but assumes Rey is drowning in the silence. “You look bad enough I’d almost pull it from my own wallet. Couldn’t you get an extension?” “The bursar waits for no man, woman, or stressed server,” Hux tells her drily, choosing not to share that he’s already at the end of his extension. With enough tears, the bursar will, in fact, wait for a man. He’d filled out three different forms and practically signed his firstborn child away for the extra seven days he had to get his shit together, all while trying to prepare for midterms. “If I have you some concealer, would you wear it?” she tries, and after a moments consideration and a sigh, he nods. “You’ll have to apply it, but if it gets you to leave me alone for the next hour until my shift starts, you can make me over after I clock in.” And then, thankfully, Rey leaves him be, lets him crawl back into the depths of his research and try to forget how little he’s got for groceries after his tuition is paid, and after that, his rent looms in the distance. If Hux weren’t working at a restaurant, he would surely have starved by now. As it was, French fries and strawberries weren’t the ideal diet for a grown man, but he makes due with what he’s got available for free. In theory, his shift starts in sixty minutes. If they stay slow after that, he may be able to keep studying during service and get his presentation finished what he gets home. Hopefully, he’ll be able to roll into bed at three in the morning and wake up at seven, giving him four precious hours of sleep before his eight AM class. Turning the page, Hux is so lost in the scratching of notes that the presence now sitting across the table form him is no more than an afterthought. Perhaps Rey, trying to make him over off company time, or another server who decided that desperation and sleep-deprivation provided excellent ambiance for rolling silverware. It’s not Hux’s favorite, but he truly doesn’t have the time to do anything about it. A plate slides across the table, just hitting the top of his text book, and Hux reaches blindly, grabbing a piece from it. Normally, it’s Phasma, trying to get a plant into his body via carrot medallions or blueberries. This time, it’s puff pastry wrapped around some sort of cheese, herb, and bacon mix. It’s more effort than she normally puts in to feeding him, so Hux takes the time to look up and thank her, only to find that Phasma is not sitting there, neatly cut finger nails tapping against the table. Instead, Solo is staring at him, a mix between blank and bored. “You don’t eat enough,” he says. “Low blood sugar leads to fainting, which is an incredible workplace hazard.”
fuck this is so funny to me but also now I want to make brie and herb roll ups this sounds good as hell
i don’t think bacon would actually suit the flavors though I’ll probably swap that out when I edit but for now it stays until I test it out. gonna have to buy my ass some parsley
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pbandjesse · 1 month
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Today was all over the place. I felt better (then I have) at times and others just as bad as I've been. It's incredibly frustrating.
But I was able to eat more today which I think helped. I didn't feel as much horrible pain, mainly I was just very tired and had a bad taste in my mouth. Like it's not amazing but it's not as scary.
I would throw up last night and it was all watermelon so when James came in the room when they heard me I was like don't freak out!!! Cause it scared me really bad at first but then I realized what was going on and I felt bad but once I cleaned up and took a shower and drank some water I felt the best I have for days.
So I was able to eat a half a pack of crackers and a bowl of cereal. Which tasted a little stale but I was just so happy to eat. And I was able to sleep a little easier.
I had some bizarre dreams. But I slept pretty well. I woke up this morning with sweetp being cute and cuddly. We both got scared by a DHL truck beeping and backing up down our entire street. And it was so loud it was like a fire alarm. And they did it twice!! So stupid. It is 830 on a Sunday morning! Crazy behavior.
James was biking and kayaking this morning but would be back around 9. And when they got back they made me a one egg omelet. Which was so little looking but was honestly perfect and didn't make me feel bad at all so I was really happy.
The egg gave me a little more energy. And we would lay around for a bit but eventually James convinced me to go out into the world.
We would go to Dunkin donuts and then Home Depot. But this would be a struggle for me.
Thankfully I wasn't as nauseous but I was just so tired. My body just ached and I was anxious about being out walking around. I sat on the couch for a minute and just felt. Outside of my body. But I pull it together and we headed out.
We would stop at Dunkin first and got donuts. Which was very good and thankfully continued to not hurt to eat. Which made me feel a lot more positive.
Walking around Home Depot was hard but wasn't terrible. We looked at paint chips. Picked a few to hang up in the house to see if we like them. And then went to the garden center.
We got dirt and rocks for the new tortoise enclosure. I still need to build a lid but I was excited to get started.
We headed home and it was very good timing because I started to fall apart. I desperately wanted to help build the garden bed but I just couldn't do it. James would work on it in the backyard and I would lay on the couch.
I would come outside to help spread the dirt and help decorate the space for Crabcake. We spread chia seeds all over and James would take cuttings from their plants to put in the dirt. I hope they take and we can have a beautiful little space.
James would put the backyard back together and I would lay back down. I requested Mac and cheese for lunch. We didn't have any but James would bike to the grocery store to get some. Because they are the best husband and I love them so much.
But eating would be incredibly tough. So I went very slow. And was able to eat some of my Mac and cheese and I am proud of myself for trying.
I thought maybe a shower would make me feel better. I washed my hair and tried to feel more normal. And it wasn't perfect but it did make me feel a little better.
I sat on the floor in our bedroom and ate crackers. James brought me a sprite and it was a risk but it was actually nice. I picked at my face which I should not do but I have little rashes on my upper lip again. Which sucks and is painful but I am trying hard to treat. I don't need another thing going wrong!!
I eventually would move to the bed to watch a show and fell asleep. I would sleep until around 5. I texted James to ask if we had veggie nuggets. Which we did.
So James would heat some up and the rest of my Mac and cheese. And I was excited about it but then I ate one nugget and had to lay down for a half hour. It just hit me wrong.
But once I had breathed through it I was able to eat the rest of my food and that was really exciting for me. I'm doing better??? I still feel exhausted but I have faith I'm going to be alright.
Me and James spent the rest of the evening hanging out in bed. They would bake cookies. And run to CVS for juice. But mainly we just hung out. I thankfully haven't felt to bad. Like it's still there, just an underlying nausea, but it's not painful. I'm just tired.
I'm going to go to camp tomorrow. James has offered to come and I might take them up on it. They haven't visited all summer so it would be nice. But I hate to take their day off away if they want to do something else. But I also love having them with me. So we will see.
I hope you all have a nice night. I hope you are taking care of yourself. Goodnight everyone.
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Day 24: Creative Prompt - Earth (Environmental Whump)
whumpee: peter sutherland
fandom: the night agent
here i am with another fic for this show lol. it's set in some made-up future where they both live in dc again. hope you enjoy!
It is a damp, chilly morning in Washington, DC, and Peter Sutherland is slightly miserable. 
It’s his own fault. He’s not sure if that makes it better or worse. He’d gone out for drinks after work with a couple of his new colleagues last night. Even though he doesn’t have work today, he’d kept himself well below his limits. 
Or so he’d thought. 
He’d woken up with a pounding headache and an unpleasant feeling in his stomach. 
He swallows a few ibuprofen and eats a bowl of dry cereal. The chill in the air seeps through his clothes, and he keeps his hands firmly wrapped around a steaming mug of coffee. 
He’s still tired after he’s done eating. He could technically stay inside and sleep all day, but he doesn’t want to. He has found himself in need of constant movement, lately. 
And so he puts his dishes in the sink and gets dressed for a jog. Nothing like the shock of cold air burning your lungs to wake you up. 
It’s colder than he’d thought outside. A fine mist hangs in the air, not quite heavy enough to count as drizzle. There aren’t many people out and about, which is fine by him. He slides his earbuds into his ears and sets off on his favorite route. 
It’s the one that passes by Rose’s house. It’s incredibly circuitous and absolutely no one in their right mind would choose to follow it. But nine times out of ten, when he runs by, she waves at him from the kitchen window. 
They’re taking things slow, for now. They’ve only been living in the same city again for two months. They both have new jobs to focus on. And they both want a real relationship.
Peter doesn’t mind taking things slow. He likes what they have now. Likes how normal it feels, how comfortable. How safe. They eat in little cafes, go for walks, watch movies and fall asleep on each other’s couches. They spend a healthy amount of time away from each other.
He worries about her when they’re apart anyway. So he jogs past her house sometimes. He knows she hacks the security cameras in his building’s lobby on occasion. They’re even. 
He’s just passed the halfway point when the mist becomes a drizzle and then a light rain. 
And then the sky opens up. 
Thunder rumbles in the distance, and the air temperature drops noticeably. Peter picks up the pace as the rain starts to soak through his clothes. 
He splashes through several streets of nothing but houses, breathing hard and sweating but beginning to shiver at the same time. 
By the time he reaches Rose’s street, he’s soaked to the bone and shivering so hard that it’s almost painful. He’s out of breath and his head still hurts. He hopes that she’s home, hopes she’s awake. Hopes she won’t be upset with him for coming over unannounced. He knows she hates being taken by surprise. 
But he really doesn’t want to run all the way home in this, isn’t even sure if he’d be able to. He could call an uber, he supposes, but he’d rather not. He’d rather be with her. 
He rings the bell, although he knows that if she’s awake, she’ll already be aware that he’s here. There are more cameras in and around her house than there are at a movie set.
The door opens, thankfully. Rose is still in her pajamas, with slippers on her feet. 
“What are you doing here?” she asks, even as she grabs his hand and pulls him inside. “It’s pouring.”
He shrugs. “It wasn’t when I left.”
“You’re shaking.”
“It’s cold.”
“Hold on just a sec.”
She disappears down the hallway. Peter wraps his arms around himself in a futile attempt to warm up. He really is freezing, even though Rose’s house is plenty warm. 
Rose returns with several towels heaped in her arms. “I’d offer to let you warm up in the shower, but…”
A clap of thunder overhead proves her point. Peter accepts the towels and dries himself off as best as he can. When he’s no longer actively dripping, he follows Rose to her bedroom, to the dresser drawer that contains various assorted items of his clothing, some left behind on purpose, some pilfered by Rose herself, some forgotten. 
He changes in the bathroom, which is warmer than the rest of the house. Even after drying off more thoroughly and getting dressed in dry, warm clothes, though, he’s still cold. 
Rose meets him in the living room, on the couch he’s fallen asleep on countless times. “You’re still shaking,” she remarks as he sinks down beside her. “You’re weirdly pale, too.”
Is he? He hadn’t noticed. Maybe it’s from the rain. 
Suddenly Rose’s hands are on his face, warm and soft.
“You’re really warm.”
“Doesn’t feel like it.”
“I think you might have a fever. How do you feel?”
Not great. He shrugs. “Been better. Been worse.”
She fixes him with a look. “Peter, I think you’re sick.”
He supposes that would explain the headache that still hasn’t quite dissipated. Not to mention the tiredness, the chill. 
He doesn’t want to be sick. He’s always hated it, hated feeling so miserable and alone.
But he’s not alone, not this time. 
“I’m not exactly the best nurse,” Rose says. “Um, do you need anything? Medicine, cough drops, stuff like that?”
“I really just want to sleep.” And I want you to stay. 
“Do you want the bed?”
He shakes his head. The couch is more than enough. And, to be honest, he isn’t sure if he’s got the energy to move. 
“Couch it is then.”
Rose gets up, and Peter tries not to be disappointed. He just lies back, curls into himself, and attempts to make his body stop shivering. 
She comes back after just a few seconds. She’s got blankets in her arms and she piles them onto him haphazardly. They’re all soft and warm and they smell like her. They’re wonderful.  
He wants to burrow beneath them and fall asleep, but Rose stops him. “Scoot over,” she instructs, still standing in front of him. 
He does as she says, awkwardly shuffling down the length of the couch. As soon as there’s enough space between his head and the couch’s arm, Rose sits down beside him. 
He knows what she’s offering. Something he hasn’t had since he was very young. Something that, until very recently, he never would have thought he’d be allowed again.
He moves closer to her, lets his head rest atop her leg. 
Her fingers thread themselves into his hair. Something warm and soft takes root in his chest. And the shivering finally starts to subside.
thanks for reading! i'm super tired and can't tell if i hate this or not lmao, but i hope you liked it. love u all!
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dari-ede · 2 years
Seven Times I Hated Kim Seokjin: Ch 2
CHAPTER 2: "라랄라랄라라 부르는 노래"
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Chapters : 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05(M) | 06(M) | 07
Pairing: Idol!Jin x Female Character
Rating: M (language and future sexual explicit scene)
Summary: Kim Seokjin really knows how to ruffle my feathers. I was happy with my mundane life. What gave him the right to disrupt that???
Status: Complete
After the destruction of my laptop yesterday, I spent the entire night going over my many backups and recreating everything I had prepared. Thankfully, because I was so neurotic, I had 90% of my presentation backed up in three different outlets. The other 10% I knew by heart due to the numerous times I had gone over them. It took most of the night to put it all together using my crappy old computer that I thankfully never threw away.
Jin was extremely apologetic. My anger towards him had been pretty evident; however, it didn't last long. Seeing the color drain from his face at knowing what happened to my laptop, I couldn't stay angry. Well, for too long. I was definitely short with him as I gathered everything up, insisting I needed to hurry home to salvage as much as I could.
Jin's face only turned horrified when he discovered I had a big presentation the next day. He followed me all the way to the front lobby, begging me to tell him how he could help. Even Taehyung had mentioned they had an IT team that might be able to help. However, he seemed to forget that it was after hours and most of their staff had left for the day.
I tried to ignore Jin's sad, puppy face. His emotions didn't matter at the moment—my career did. I informed him for the final time I didn't need his help and rushed home.
Once I was alone, I turned off my phone, knowing my cousin and sister weren't going to stop pestering me.
I managed to finish everything a little after midnight and took the next three hours further prepping. I usually left for work at 7 in the morning, so after a quick shower, I slept.
However, I missed my alarm and ended up waking up well after 9AM. My presentation was at 10:30AM. It took 30 minutes to get to work and I would need another 30 minutes to physically set everything up.
At lightning speed I got ready and triple checked I brought all the materials I needed.
I was so late, I rushed past security after swapping my keycard onto the keypad with a half-assed greeting. The guards I usually chatted with were calling out to me, but I couldn't stop. I felt so rude doing it, but I had to hurry and set up my presentation.
As I arrived at my area, my team and I kicked it into high gear. I very quickly gave out orders, seeing I was the manager for this presentation. I threw the stuff I didn't need onto my desk, only taking my computer and coffee with me.
Having no time to do my daily morning routine where I would sit down at my desk and get organized, my team hustled into the conference room.
Because I was so neurotic and I had prepared so much, I managed to get through the presentation splendidly. My boss' proud face informed me my team had done a great job. It was a wonderful feeling that I honestly forgot the horrific event that had occurred the day before.
Around noon, I finally headed to my cubicle with a sandwich in hand. Normally, I had lunch at the café with my coworkers, but I needed to get through emails I missed this morning.
As I set down my food, something caught my eye. It was a white box with a bow and note attached to it.
Confused by this, I took hold of the envelope and opened it to read the message inside:
"For the 1,000,000th time, I am incredibly sorry for my stupidity yesterday. I will personally apologize to your boss for anything you may have lost in that computer. Please, allow me the opportunity to make it up to you. Here is a replacement for the one I destroyed. To reach me, you know who to ask. Once again, I'm incredibly sorry."
There was no signature on the card, but there didn't need to be; I knew who it was from.
I set down the card and opened the box. Inside was the latest model of a computer I really wanted. The destroyed laptop was not by any means old or of bad quality. But it definitely wasn't the best out there. I struggled a few times with it, but never to the point that it never got the job done. However, that didn't mean it was my first choice. I always wanted a higher quality computer, but couldn't afford it.
This sweet gesture of Jin really tugged at my heartstrings.
Setting aside the new laptop, I went to check on my emails. As much as I wanted to explore my new toy, I needed to keep in mind I was at work. Tomorrow was Friday, so I had all weekend to play.
I was so engulfed with work that I completely missed the many messages coming from my cousin. It wasn't until after I clocked out and got to the front lobby that I noticed.
One of the security said my name just as I clicked 'Call' on my cousin's name.
"There was someone looking for you, miss!" the security called out as I continued to walk.
I didn't hear him clearly because right at that moment, my cousin answered the call. "I'm sorry, sir! It's been quite the day! I'll talk to you tomorrow!" I made a mental note to bring him breakfast tomorrow morning to make up for my rude behavior today. I gave a quick bow and rushed out.
"What happened?" I asked my cousin.
"Is there a way you're able to come to my work?" she sounded so rushed.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, worried.
"I really need help taking some stuff home and I'm here until late. Are you free?"
There was an internal struggle. Going to my cousin's work meant that there was a probability of bumping into Jin. And I just didn't know if I was mentally prepared for that. I hadn't acted very well after the incident yesterday. It had been an honest mistake and I handled it poorly. Then there was the fact that he had bought me a new computer. It was morethan compensated for my destroyed one.
However, I knew I had to suck it up. My cousin needed help and I needed to brush aside whatever feelings I had. "Yeah," I answered my cousin. "I can be there in 30 minutes."
"Ok. I might be held back a little while longer, but I'll see if you can hang out in the café for a bit while you wait for me."
I hung up on my cousin and headed to her.
I ended up needing to wait for my cousin for over an hour. I didn't mind; I had my new toy to keep me entertained.
Right as the program I used for work finished installing, I took notice of the message my cousin had sent me a few minutes ago. She gave me directions on how to get to her.
Gathering my things, I made my way to where she was. Once getting to her floor, I informed her I arrived.
COUSIN: Go to the very last room at the end of the hall.
Getting to the last room, I opened the door. Upon entering, I found an empty room—save the desk and chairs and a tall, handsome guy.
Right at the center of the room, Jin immediately bowed at my presence, greeting me in the politest form.
I was a goddamn sucker for manners, so my knees almost buckled. I brushed aside the stupid butterflies in my stomach and greeted him back in the same form.
He stood straight up, the perfect posture only accenting his beautiful features. His chin looked more chiseled, his shoulders looked sharper, his Adam's apple was more prominent, and his height was lengthened. How the hell did he look so masculine as well as beautiful? What the actual fuck???
His gorgeous looks only made me feel a bit insecure about myself. I was glad I looked more presentable than yesterday. Because of my presentation at work, I actually looked good-looking. I would even say "pretty" since I had a good amount of makeup on.
The gorgeous man began to speak, "How did the presentation go?" His voice was a little shaky and his face was a bit off-colored.
Giving a small smile, I gave a confident answer, "Very well. Couldn't have gone better."
"Really?" he asked, his face softening.
I nodded, my smile widening. "My boss wants to meet with me tomorrow. I'm confident I'll be getting that promotion."
His lips gave a wide smile, making his cheeks rise, and his eyes became endearing slits. I could still see plenty of his brown eyes as they twinkled at me. "It makes me happy hearing that. I also want to thank you for coming. Sorry, I had you wait over an hour, but I just finished with work. And I apologize for using your cousin to get you here."
Now it made sense. He and my cousin had planned for this. I had to admit that I wasn't upset with my cousin at all. Being in the presence of such a creature, I couldn't be angry.
"I asked your cousin if she could convince you to get here. I would have preferred to come to you, but I didn't have access to your department. I tried. When I arrived, I noticed that there was security and the only way to enter was through using a key card—which I don't have. And security, obviously, wouldn't let me in without one."
"You went to my work?" I asked, taken aback.
"Did you not get the laptop?" he asked, looking just as lost as I felt.
"I did, but I figured you mailed it there."
He shook his head. "Oh, I tried to mail it to you but I couldn't overnight it and I didn't have your physical floor or cubicle number. The only way to get it to you was to hand-deliver it to you at work. I waited in the lobby for thirty minutes, but you didn't come. So, I decided to chance it and gave it to security. They said they would give it to a coworker so they could place it at your desk. I don't think he recognized me—he was older—and informed me he knew you and would make sure it got to your desk. I had an early meeting, so I couldn't stay long."
The security man who had been trying to get my attention first thing in the morning and right as I left the front lobby immediately came to mind. He was the one I had been rude to all day. Knowing he had been involved in getting Jin's gift to me only made me want to get breakfast for him for an entire month.
"I received it and I thank you very much for it," I said, giving him another bow of gratitude. Then, I swallowed my pride and apologized for my rude behavior.
"Oh, you were not rude at all," Jin said instantly, walking a little closer to me. "You had every right to be upset."
"Maybe, but that doesn't excuse the looks I know I must have given you. My sister and cousin have made comments about I can have an icy look when I get upset," I said, keeping my head down in shame.
There was a light chuckle that came out of him. "It definitely sent a chill down my spine when you looked at me like that, but I couldn't help but see how cute it was."
I looked up, finding his brown, sparkling eyes, and frowned. "Cute?"
There was a light blush on his cheeks as our eyes met. He looked down, appearing slightly shy. "You were definitely scary, but, yes, definitely cute."
I didn't know how to respond, being taken aback.
I wasn't clueless. It was pretty evident through his actions that Jin had taken a liking to me. What was so confusing was why that was. Don't get me wrong, I didn't suffer from low-self esteem. I knew my worth. I knew I was pretty awesome. My personality and skills more than made up for my physical appearance. However, I had never had a guy that looked like him be interested in me. It was certainly throwing me off.
Jin let out a shaky breath. "I was wondering if you would allow me to make it up to you."
"Well, you more than have," I said. "That computer is of higher quality and higher priced than my last one."
He looked to be struggling with something. "I was hoping of doing a little more than that...."
My heart began to quicken because I think I knew where this was going. God, I hope I was wrong.
"Maybe taking you to dinner?" he gave me one of his soft smiles.
Shit. There was no way I could do this. Going out on a date with a damn Ken doll would surely affect my self-esteem. There was no way I was doing that to myself. "There's really no need," I insisted. "The computer, again, is more than enough. Thank you."
There was a shift in Jin's demeanor. He stood a little straighter and one of his eyes half closed in a flirty type of way. His damn lip even lifted up to half a smirk as he took a few more steps to me; we were now only about a foot away from each other.
I wanted nothing more than to take several steps back to create a wider gap between us. My damn feet were stuck like glue, though. Even my breath was caught in my chest again. Fuck, I was screwed.
"How about a dinner as a congratulations for the new position at your job?" he asked, his voice low and buttery.
"I haven't been given it yet. Maybe I won't." My voice was incredibly shaky, it was embarrassing.
Judging by how his smile was widening, he was enjoying my physical reaction. I had a strong feeling he was going to use it to his advantage. "Well, if you don't then I would like to take you out to dinner as another apology. The computer was to replace your old one. If you don't get the promotion, then that's my fault. I need to righten my mistakes. The least I can do if you don't get that position is take you on several, long dates to make up for it."
"So, if I get it then it'll only be one date?" I asked with hope. I was positive about getting the promotion and I think my brain could handle one date.
He let out a scoff that sounded sexy as fuck. "No, if you get the promotion, then we need several, long dinners to celebrate."
He was getting closer, his face still was at a respectable distance, but his entire essence was wrapping around mine. Shit, shit, shit!
"Hyung, there you are," came a voice from behind us.
It was like someone had shaken me awake. My body turned around to find a young, tall, and cute-looking guy standing by the door.
He was way too young, but I bet plenty who were about a decade younger than me would find him completely appealing. He probably had plenty of young girls at his feet.
His eyes met mine and he gave a sweet smile. He gave me a polite greeting. "Hello. My name is Jungkook."
I gave a greeting back and introduced myself.
Jungkook's round eyes turned to Jin. "We gotta go. Vans are waiting."
Jin nodded. "Right." He turned to me, his smile returning. "Do you want me to send a car to your home or work?" he asked, confidently.
"You really don't have to," I said, hoping I was still able to get out of it.
"But I want to," he said with finality. "So, your place or work?"
I didn't know what to answer with. My head was screaming at me to reject him, but my damn mouth wasn't listening.
"That's alright. I'll send you a car to your home. That way you have time to get ready." He took out his phone and did something in it. Quickly after, he put his phone away. "Be ready at 8. Nothing fancy. We can keep it casual." With a half-smile and a wink, he turned away and walked to the door, where Jungkook was.
Jungkook looked incredibly entertained, a wide smile on him and a small giggle coming out of him. "Is this her?" I'm not sure if he realized his volume.
Jin waved at him, signaling him to shut up as he pushed him out of the room.
Jungkook let out another giggle and left with Jin.
After a long moment of not moving, my body finally reacted. I took out my phone, more than ready to call my cousin to yell at her.
However, as soon as I looked at my phone, I noticed a message from an unknown contact that I received just a moment ago.
UNKNOWN: Save my number. I'll message you when the car is waiting for you outside your place.
How in the hell?!
I rushed to the door and looked down the hall. Jin and Jungkook were several doors down, talking and laughing amongst themselves.
"How did you get my number?" I called out, flabbergasted as I held onto my cell phone. There was no way my cousin would have given it to him...right?? Did she also give him my home address?!
But he didn't look back. He continued to walk with confidence.
Jungkook turned to me, took a look at my phone, and let out a laugh. He gave Jin a pat on the shoulder. "Smooth."
Even from where I was standing, I could tell Jin had a wide smile on his face.
I wasn't the type to get swooned so easily. And I had never said yes to a date with a guy I didn't even know. But somehow, this World Wide Handsome fellow was pulling me in and even this kid, Jungkook, could see it.
And I hated him.
Hated him for his charms.
Chapters : 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05(M) | 06(M) | 07
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darckcarnival · 9 months
“Hey,” The blonde drawls, fidgeting lazily with a pen, rolling it atop the surface of the vampire’s desk. Glancing up, he grins, a shit eating, cheeky smile before he continues. “So . . . I was wondering — for vampires, don’t they have that whole thing with not being able to cross running water?”
Leon goes silent for a moment, lips twitching as he braces.
“. . . How do baths work exactly?”
Darck had been chilling at one of her safe houses in the city, taking some time to simply have a breather, as well as a few meetings and paper work. As a result it allowed friends of the more normal variety to drop by for a coffee, a visit, some sort of showing of just living. Being normal, for once.
At least, as normal as could get for Darck and any one of her friends.
It's what had the woman sitting at her temporary work desk in the small office room next to the kitchen, reviewing a bit of information sent her way from contacts in DC. Those with eyes on whats usually hidden or secret, or ears to hear things spoken behind closed doors or hushed whispers. After all, someone like her had to be aware of these things, to keep herself and her people safe... as well as know where to be, or try and help, from behind the scenes. So much easier this way than it had been years ago, just flying by the seat of her pants! And working off the fly.
So there Darck sat on one side, reading a paper while Leon, whom had come to visit, sat on the other side. Coffee cups still warm and half full, conversations having been had and jokes shared. Just... Enjoyable company.
But, just as Darck was lifting her mug to take a drink, Leon spoke again. Earning a soft 'Hm?' With his question of water. Eyes flicking over the typed words on the page in her other hand- Only for that gaze to snap up and stare at Leon with a confused and surprised look. Sputtering on her coffee and coughing. Paper shoved aside and coffee mug clacked down on the wood top.
Should have known better, the woman releasing an exasperated laugh. He always asked random shit like that when it came to old school lore about Vampires. Last time was coffins, and before that gravity and wall walking. And here they were even worse. Leaving the brunette huffing a wheezed laugh as she caught her breath.
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A shake of her head as she recovered with a sharp inhale. "Okay mister smart guy, oh my god... Okay, okayokay. For one, a bath is not running water! Hahaha, and yes, I take baths. Well, mostly showers... Actually yeah just showers. And that IS running water! The whole running water thing only truly affects certain breeds of vampire, incredibly rare. And I am thankfully not that kind."
"What, you saying I need a shower? Mister smelling of gun powder and coffee half the time~?"
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ultramagicalternate · 10 months
Shadow + Haze
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Relevant Posts: Shadow, ANTIMagic Haze
Master Post
Hey, remember when I uploaded that lore post about ANTIMagic Haze and said he can merge with people? You don't? Well go read it then. This is an example of Haze fusing with some strong/crazy enough to not only maintain control, but also influence the form they take. In my case, I'm the latter...
Here is the context for the impending the lore: UMAE - ULTRAMagic Shadow...Again (New stuff added) + ULTRAMagic Alternate Lore 8 - ANTIMagic Haze
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    ANTIMagic Haze is a tricky entity to keep track of. Given his bizarre existence, he easily escapes containment. The Liger Brigade's attempt ended when Haze possessed one of the guards guarding his containment cell. Thankfully, Haze would be drawn to Will/ULTRAMagic Shadow (a special agent of the Liger Brigade). The two would form a friendship that would lead to Haze sticking around Will. This was a relief for the brigade and M.A.I.G. as now they could keep an eye on Haze. Then Dr. Reynard Woodall (lead scientist of M.A.I.G.) put forth an unsettling idea: If Haze exists, then what's stopping other entities like him from existing? They got lucky with Haze because he made himself easy to detect. His ilk would be even harder to find than typical ANTIMagic Mages.
    Will seems to be amongst a type of people that are able to influence Haze when symbiosis is formed. In Will's case, it may be due to his autism. That's not to downplay his personality. Will and Haze's form seems to be influenced by media from Will's childhood. In particular the media appears to be western superhero comics, western action cartoons, and Japanese anime. Haze's aberrant magic also appears to be altered, but still aligns with what his magic is supposed to be. Will can control the red material, altering its shape and properties to whatever he needs. Another ability is Soul Fire. This ghastly, red flame is incredibly corrosive and capable of damaging even a soul through prolonged contact.
    It has been an interesting time ever since Will and Haze became friends. On one hand, The Liger Brigade and M.A.I.G. have learned a lot about Haze. On the other hand, Will neglects his magic in favor of Haze. The latter is definitely concerning members of the ULTRAMagic Guild. Will and Haze have a normal relationship, one you would expect amongst friends. The two enjoy working with each other and appear to get along well. Of course, this does lead to Will overestimating his shared abilities and getting into trouble. Haze can only do so much. Fortunately his Devil partners (Faustus, Mira, and Cliff) have been working with the two so that Will can at least use his necromancy while merged with Haze.
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Further Reading: Chaos Form, Megalo-Haze, Haze and Chaos, Out and About
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This is actually the second design I came up with for Shadow and Haze. I started work on the first design... but then I had to help out around the house and I ended up shelving the design because I wasn't satisfied. This second design turned out way better and stuck with this one. I also want to clarify that while this is symbiote influenced, Haze is not a "symbiote." He's more complicated than that.
I also wanted to do something in the vein of Echanis Enicha's art over on Twitter/X. Their art is really cool... That's all I got. It's cool. I like it. No, I am not writing an essay on why.
Will I draw this more? OBVIOUSLY. I had an idea for wings made from the red material that Will uses to fly and it just feels so cool in my head.
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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2 | The Plea
Pairing: Naoto Tachibana x Fem!Reader
Shameless Masterlist
You groan in frustration as you sit cuffed to the table all alone in the middle of the night. "Naoto," you call out, knowing that he's probably watching you from the good side of the one-sided window. "When am I gonna get my phone call you promised me?"
A minute later, you hear the door unlock and he stands in the doorway expressionless. "So?" you call out to him. "Do I still get my rights in here?"
"There's a phone against the wall," he replies as if you aren't stuck to the table in front of you.
"Does that mean you'll let me use it?" you scoff in response.
Thankfully, Naoto calls in another officer. He asks them to release you and allow you to make your one phone call while he steps away. He then eyes you once more before walking out, leaving you to your business.
The second you get to the phone, you quickly dial your mother's phone number without hesitation. Normally, she wouldn't be the first one you'd call. You already know just how disappointed she'll be. But, since she's friends with Naoto's mother, what other choice do you have? If Naoto doesn't release you and drop the charges then you'll most likely be spending a long time in jail.
"Hello?" you soon after hear your mother's voice coming through the line.
"Mom!" you say a bit too enthusiastically before informing her about your situation, making sure to casually slip in that Naoto is the one in charge of your case.
Once you allow your mom a moment to speak, you can hear her voice tremble with anger and concern as she responds, "I can't believe you've gotten yourself into this mess! What the hell were you thinking?" Her words sting as she continues to shout at you, her frustration pouring through the phone line.
"Mom, I know it's bad, but I don't know what to do. Please just try to help me," you plead, desperation creeping into your voice.
There's a brief silence on the other end of the line before your mother sighs heavily. "Fine, I'll see what I can do. But I am incredibly disappointed in you," she says, her tone filled with both anger and disappointment.
After your call finishes, the officer seats you back in your uncomfortable metal chair where you stay for hours in silence, your thoughts swirling with uncertainty.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
After leaving the room where Y/N is begin detained, I walk back to my office and begin filling out the paperwork attached to her case. I'm able to finish the coffee sitting on my desk before there's a knock on my door.
"Come in," I call out, my eyes suddenly widening when I see one of my coworkers standing beside my mother.
"Naoto Tachibana!" she begins to scold me, my coworker watching in amusement as she stomps toward me. Quickly I stand up and give a feeble attempt to greet her. "Don't give me that nonsense!" she then stops me. "I want you to give me one good reason why you've got poor Y/N detained!"
In my head, I curse Y/N. I should have known her one phone call would lead to an outcome like this. But before I say anything more, I shoot a look at my coworker, telling him to get out.
"I can give you more than one reason," I then scoff as I begin to explain everything to her. "I caught Y/N trying to steal the Cullinan Diamond. Then she started making remarks saying that I was trying to touch her inappropriately when I was just doing my goddamn job!"
"Oh, Naoto," my mother shakes her head as she sits down across from my desk. "Don't you remember going to sweet Y/N's birthday parties? Remember when her father would show up and she'd be beaming with joy? She was such a good little girl."
"Yeah, and then afterward her dad would get so drunk he'd start swinging his fist in both Y/N and her mother's face?" I roll my eyes. "I don't remember one time she actually had a birthday that didn't leave her emotionally scarred."
"Ahh, so you do remember. Why don't we go pay her a visit together now, hm?" my mother smiles sweetly. How am I supposed to say no to her? She's always been so damn pushy.
"She's not supposed to have visitors right now..." I tell her, but I know that won't stop her from insisting.
"So?" she hums. "Naoto, you're the one handling this case. I'm sure you can make an exception for me."
"Fine," I sigh, shaking my head. "You get five minutes with her."
"Oh, Naoto..."
"Ten," I grumble, not even bothering to look at her sickeningly delightful face.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
Y/N'S P.O.V.
After what seems like ages since your one phone call, Naoto returns to the room where you're being detained. However, this time he is accompanied by his mother, which brings a big smile to your face. It's all going right as planned.
Naoto's face turns slightly red as he and his mother enter the room. Mrs. Tachibana wastes no time and rushes towards you, enveloping you in a tight hug. "Oh, my dear, what have you gotten yourself into?" she exclaims, her voice filled with concern.
You can't help but feel a mix of emotions- grateful for her presence but also ashamed of the situation. In your youth, she was like a second mother to you. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Tachibana. I didn't mean for things to turn out like this," you murmur.
"What criminal wants to get caught," you can hear Naoto grumble from the doorway, but you ignore him for now.
Mrs. Tachibana pulls away slightly, looking you in the eyes. "Naoto, let this poor girl go! And what's with the damn sandwich? It's out of her reach." She then gasps and stands up to face him. "You're torturing the girl, aren't you?!" she declares, her voice fierce as she glares at her son.
"What?! How do you even torture something with a sand-" he begins, his eyes darting between you and his mother. "I can't just release her, Mom," he then changes the conversation, his voice tinged with frustration. "There are procedures I have to follow."
"Hmph," the older woman pouts as her face contorts in anger. "Naoto, how care you allow the bureaucracy blind you to the humanity right in front of you. Show her some mercy," she pleads, her voice pleading and filled with emotion.
"M-Mrs. Tachibana," you hesitate purposefully, "how come my mom didn't come with you?"
"Oh honey," she shakes her head as if you don't already know what your mom was doing. She was a sex worker, and proud of it, but she and you both knew that your dad was not so approving. Not that it should matter anyway after over two decades of divorce. Yet he always manages to weasel his way back in just to tell you both off every once in a while. "She is very busy, that's all."
"That's okay, I understand," you then sigh, looking over at Naoto now.
"Mom, I... I can't," he tells her, his expression only softening for a moment before he quickly shakes his head. However, you can hear a hint of regret in his voice.
With tears welling up in your eyes, you continue to gaze at him. "Please, Naoto, consider it. Look beyond what happened today. We were friends, weren't we? I promise I'll keep myself out of trouble," you implore, knowing that trouble is only the consequence of getting caught.
Naoto remains silent for a moment, conflicted. Finally, he speaks with a heavy tone. "I'm sorry, but your time is up, Mom. We should go."
Mrs. Tachibana pulls away from you and steps towards her son, anger etched on her face. "At least give her a few minutes to eat the damn food," she demands.
You feel a wave of relief as Naoto reluctantly agrees. Without wasting a second, you practically inhale your sandwich, your hunger overpowering any sense of manners or restraint.
Mrs. Tachibana offers a soothing touch to your back as you eat, her warm presence providing a bit of comfort. "Take your time, dear. You've been through so much," she says with genuine concern.
As you finish the sandwich, Mrs. Tachibana leans in and whispers, "Stay strong, my dear. I know you're going through a difficult time, but you have the strength to get through this."
Tears well up in your eyes as you nod, grateful that she came all the way here just to help you out. "Thank you," you say, as she pulls back and gives you the sweetest smile you've ever seen.
"I'll do everything I can to help," she assures you, her eyes filled with compassion. "And I'll talk to your mother, too. We'll get through this together."
Before she leaves, she turns to Naoto, her anger now softened by sadness. "Naoto, you were always a good kid, but sometimes you let your sense of duty cloud your judgment," she tells him, her words carrying reprimand and understanding.
Naoto looks down, unable to meet his mother's gaze. "I understand, but I have a job to do, and I can't let personal feelings get in the way," he admits, his voice conflicted.
"I understand, but remember that we can still be compassionate and just," she reminds him gently, her hand resting on Naoto's shoulder.
After a moment of silence, Naoto nods, his resolve visibly shaken. "I'll do my best," he says, looking back at you with a hint of remorse in his eyes.
Mrs. Tachibana smiles softly at him. "That's all I ask. Now, let's give her some time to rest," she suggests, leading Naoto out of the room.
Alone again, you let out a sigh, feeling completely drained. You close your eyes, hoping that your mother's efforts, along with Mrs. Tachibana's plea, will make a difference. Time then passes, and the exhaustion catches up with you. You drift into a restless sleep, thoughts and emotions swirling in your dreams.
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
The next time I walk back into the interrogation room where I last left Y/N, I find her asleep. I let out a sigh as I approach the table, just now realizing that I had forgotten to cuff her back to the table. I'm a bit surprised, honestly, 'cause I thought she'd make a break for it, but I guess part of her isn't so terrible after all... maybe.
"I can't believe you're still here," I say softly, despite that she's fast asleep. "I'll go easy on you, Y/N, but that doesn't mean I'm letting you go. This is my job, and I have to follow through. This is just... for old time's sake," I murmur, choking up slightly as I remember the friend I haven't talked to in close to a decade. I then turn and leave the room after cuffing only one of her hands to the table.
Shameless Masterlist
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