#thanks for the ask boo
tadaxii-i · 10 months
Hey u wanted to be asked abt the queerplatonic Bartylus sooo.....
1. How do Evan and James feel about it?
2. What does it imply?
3. Have they ever had benefits? (if u wanna answer)
4. Do their boyfriends have any boundaries? Like Reg and Barty can't do x
5. Have either of them ever had a crush on the other?
I am SO glad you asked (also, funny, everyone only asks about them. I don't mind)
1. So, imo, Bartylus only realized their alternate attraction for one another after falling in love. Barty is arospec so he struggled to feel the difference, meaning he thought he was in love with Evan and Regulus at the same time?? Complicated times for his poor heart. They did, however, figure out the drama, but they didn't really give each other labels. When they started dating Ev and James, they did warn of their bond and that it could get in the way of a "normal relationship". Evan, being their best friend, already knew and accepted it, but James had a bit of a hard time coming around. He did end up accepting that Barty was not too bad of a guy, so, as long as Reg and James had their alone time, he didn't mind. (Also James kinda really understands the appeal of Barty. He's hot, come on!) The boyfies really like seeing their lover happy, and it reassures them that, even if they had a falling out, Bartylus would still be there for one another. Friendship is so much more withstanding than romance, after all.
2. For Reg and Barty, their qpr doesn't really change how they used to approach their friendship before. They allow themselves to be touchy (hands around the waist, fingers under their shirts), intimate (showers together, sleeping in the same bed and cuddling), a bit romantic (they like kissing. It makes Regulus happy and Barty has a bit of an oral fixation, so having someone's lips on his makes it a good day). To Regulus, his approach to the whole relationship is completely similar to James. To an untrained eye, there is absolutely no difference between how he treats James and Barty. Barty, on the other hand...
3. Well, Barty and Evan fuck. Which is something he doesn't do with Regulus. Barty had tried, once, to initiate sex with Regulus, but it had made Reg way too uncomfortable, so it didn't happen. Rosekiller are very intense compared to Bartylus.
4. They do! James feels very conscious about not appearing as Regulus' lover. Regulus had to reassure him, of course, that it wasn't the same, even if it's not visible. Because it is different, you see? Barty is a friend. Kissing him feels like a friend - it's light, and funny, and they can do it and go back to gossiping. It doesn't mean anything at all. But when James and Regulus kiss, it means 'I want to spend my life with you and see you everywhere. I see you in the flowers in my garden and the ripples in the water, in the freckles of the sky and the roughness of the stone. I want, for every last moment of my life, to keep having you by my side for me to see how beautiful you are.' .Jegulus doesn't have sex, because Reg is sex neutral to negative and it makes him uncomfortable, but he can indulge James with some freaky action from time to time, which he's never do with Barty. Mostly, it's James asking Regulus to give him an appropriate amount of boyfriend time and going out together. It's the same way on Evan's part, since he usually third wheels for the two on their friend dates, and he likes to have some alone time to snog Barty in a dark alley, you know? Mostly, the boundaries they have are things Bartylus wouldn't be comfortable doing anyway. (Also Regulus is so obviously smitten for James it's not even funny)
5. Not really? They've always felt that way for one another. Sometimes people would joke that they were a couple and it would disgust them to no end. They've always been affectionate and they like it, that's all.
(ALSO @star4daisy YOU LITERALLY JUST FREAKED OUT ABOUT THIS so that's for you love)
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hi virginia <3 numbers 7, 9, and 52 for the ask game
Heyyyyy Alexis <3
7. What was your favorite thing as a kid?
Shit I can barely remember being a kid. I loved stuffed animals. Webkinz? Loved those guys. And I had a stuffed bear that I cuddled with (his name, coincidentally, was Cuddles) I guess I also just really liked Winnie the Pooh? Like Pooh Bear was my guy. Still is. Have you seen him? Adorable.
9. What’s your favorite love language?
I had to remind myself what these were. I guess I gotta go with quality time. I like physical touch more now that I did as a kid, but too much makes my skin hot, and I get so awkward about it that it makes me nervous. But quality time is nice. I like just sitting with people. We don’t have to do a thing, just hang.
52. What’s your favorite book? God, just kill me. It’d be kinder than this question. I don’t know if I have a favorite. I love so many. Emma by Jane Austen is a classic for a reason. I love My Best Friend’s Exorcism by Grady Hendrix. Anything by Leigh Bardugo is amazing, but I adore the Alex Stern series specifically. I recently read The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill by Rowena Miller, and I really enjoyed it. And, like, Carmilla. Novella of all time, to me. I can’t even think of all the books I love, much less my favorite. This was hard :P
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The the 3 things ask!
Whats your go to comfort food or item? What was the last show you whole heartedly enjoyed? And if you could grant a single animal species the ability to talk, which one would you pick?
1. top ramen cooked in a very particular way
2. as in like most recently released? latest season of Lower Decks rocked my socks off.
3. squirrels because it would make how much they yell at everything that much more hilarious
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danifesting · 2 years
maxiel - zoo au 🦘🦓🦛🦒🦍🦎
(please interpret this however you wish - maybe one of them is a zookeeper and one of them a guest, maybe they're both zookeepers, maybe they meet at a zoo 👀 I know you'll come up with something amazing boo)
Daniel is standing outside the koala enclosure handing out stickers to little kids when the most striking man he's ever seen walks up to him holding the hand of a little boy who is a smaller, rounder version of himself. He's absolutely stunning, face all planes and sharp angles with full lips and the bluest eyes Daniel's ever seen.
"Go ahead," the beautiful man says to the little boy. "Ask for your sticker."
The little boy comes up to Daniel and instead of asking for a sticker says, "Can my uncle have your phone number? I overheard him telling my mummy how handsome you are."
The man flushes beat red. "Luka!" He exclaims and then says something in a language Daniel doesn't speak.
Daniel squats down and gives the boy a sticker. "You know what, your uncle can have my phone number if he wants it."
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anglerflsh · 2 months
everytime I mention the type of job I'd like to have (archivist) people tell me that literally no one on earth wants to do that which normally would be annoying but. you don't want to sort documents? to preserve things from the past? do you not like excel sheets and burocracies? my best friend burocracy?? sad
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camprell-art · 12 days
Does Dimentio like to bite king boo?
Asking for a friend
This is a joke btw
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Sorry for the lazy drawing I'm a little tired kasjhd The Daisy portrait took my soul
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solmesia · 9 months
pls Astarion and number 11 for the expressions meme? :) also, I'm in love with all your beautiful heartbreaking Astarion content, thank you for feeding us!!
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akanemnon · 11 months
A simple question, yet one that I don't think you've answered. Who is your favorite Undertale/Deltarune character?
I did answer that question plenty times before but I think this comic series I'm doing pretty much answers that question itself. But outside of the obvious answer...
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Yeah, definitely Susie.
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istadris · 1 month
Got another idea.
Pretty sure King Boo didn't even acknowledge the prisoners being lowered down to the lava pit during the wedding in the movie but what if he did? What if he had acknowledged Luigi whilst trapped in his cage and stuck around to see him survive when being so close to death and took an interest in him at that point? This would make their interaction in the first LM game a lot different.
King Boo didn't care for weddings.
Celebrations for mortal milestones felt ridiculous at best and offensive at worst for ghosts. Why would weddings, birthdays, coming of age, graduations matter when death and eternity inevitably came? Time claimed all in the end. To highlight its passage felt almost insulting. The only way ghosts found interest in such frivolity was by either repeating such events indefinitely in their loops of obsession, or by halting them forever, tricking time itself.
King Boo was of the latter category, when he deigned to bother with such nonsense. His collection of painting held many mortals stuck forever in their most terrifying or joyful moments. Works of art, all of them.
But the actual events...Umph. Not to mention the bright and joyful emotions displayed at such celebrations tasted mushy and soppy. Give him a good, crisp fright anytime.
Yet despite his distaste for them, he had bothered to show up to the Koopa King's wedding.
Firstly because Bowser, as loud and boisterous as he was, was still an useful ally, at least enough to stay on his good side.
Secondly because despite what Bowser claimed, it was obvious to all that his future bride hated his guts. A welcome change from the syrupy sentiments usually dripped from marriages.
Thirdly, and most importantly, because Koopas had the finest wedding tradition for their warriors : a ritual sacrifice of their prisonners of war. And of course, as their king, Bowser spared no expenses.
Dozens of captives to be slowly lowered in lava to be burned alive. All of them helplessly watching their doom unfold. Different heights for the cages so they could watch their companions of misfortune die one by one before their turn came.
The cocktail of abject terror and despair oozing from the sacrifice tasted perfect.
And on top of that, there were different toppings! Penguins, Kongs, Yoshis, even Koopas! With a Luma without a care about their death to spice it up!
And even a human! Now that was one unexpected surprise! King Boo had been dead for a long time and yet had not met many humans in all of his afterlife. But now Bowser was marrying one, while murdering in front of her the only members of her species she would probably ever meet!
Truly, Bowser was a Koopa of taste.
So now King Boo observed with attention as the cages were lowered, not caring in the slightest for whatever nonsensical vows would be exchanged. His attention was all on the captives. Which ones would scream the loudest? Which ones would go insane before death claimed them? Which ones would see their souls turn into Boos?
...Could humans turn into Boos? Oooh, that was an interesting question! Would it be stronger? Weaker? Would its sould fuse with another species before creating a Boo?
Now King Boo was truly captivated. To the point of ignoring completely the princess' little meltdown and ensuing brawl: when a Koopa spear traversed him, he only shrugged and floated away. If Bowser couldn't bring to heel his new bride, that was his business.
Instead he leisurely flew closer to the cages, noting with pleasure the human's was the lowest of all. He would be the first to die, followed closely by the Kong King. Oh, it made his teeth grow sharper from hunger. Just a little lower...
The cages stopped and King Boo scowled. Bowser couldn't have changed his mind, could he? Thankfully, it seemed the Koopa wasn't this weak; instead, the princess had frozen the pulley of the cages in a desperate attempt at saving their lives.
Cute. But it wouldn't be enough, King Boo noted with a nasty smile as he turned invisible and slipped through the cracks of the ice, slowly breaking it apart. Not all at once, so he could enjoy the panic off the princess when she noticed.
Uncaring of King Bob-omb exploding, King Boo watched in delight the cages lowering once again. Oh, the human's fear was the strongest, the loudest, and yet he was fighting the hardest, struggling in every way possible to delay the inevitable, even as the bottom of his cage melted away, then the lower bars, then the middle ones...
His terror tasted so good, so raw, so pure. King Boo, eyes darkening, tongue lolling out, saliva dripping between his fangs, only wished he had a frame to capture this moment, bottling the abject horror of the human and stretching it for eternity.
So close, so close...
And then the cages stopped.
And rose up.
And the human managed to get out of his cage and- and even start to climb up!
Was he denied?? Was he deprived of his food ?! Right when he was on the verge of bliss? He glowered at the Kong pulling on the lever, teeth grinding, ready to grab him and throw him in the lava.
But before he could make a move, a scream made him turn, along with a brief zest of hope crushed by complete panic.
He had slipped! That fool had slipped! Glee filled him as he watched the human plummet to his doom, screaming the whole way down. At least one of the prisonners would die, and it would be a pure flavour of a soul, untouched by any other. He was about to see a new kind of Boo! He would..
What happened next too him a moment to register. Something flew so fast by him he didn't have time to react, and it collided with the human. No, it snatched him! And took him away!
It stole his food! His delicacy! His Boo-to-be! How dare he! Furious, he followed after this -this thief!
Which turned out to be...another human? Wait, how many of them were they?! But it didn't matter, since now his delicious morsel of fright had turned into a mushy paste of hope and love and fuzzy feelings.
Urgh. Disgusting.
Such a waste.
He was tempted to rush the group and tear through the slush of happiness just out of spite. Better a spoiled meal than none. But looking around, it seemed that he had underestimated the princess and her allies. Bowser was frozen in ice, his troops knocked out or scattered, the wedding alley ruined.
And if he didn't fear mortal attacks or power-ups, disposing of them would be too much a hassle. At least that was his excuse to get away when Bowser launched the Bomber Bill, then as he watched from afar while the entire castle was sucked into the Warp Pipe.
Too bad.
Really, really too bad.
Such a fine buffet, all ruined, all spoiled.
He would need to find the other human again. Make sure to teach him the consequences of angering King Boo.
As for the green one...
His fear tasted so fine.
But maybe the other one would taste even better?
Or both together?
He would need to try.
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Are you having a good faggot Friday?
I did not get a notification for this! well this faggot Friday I had to go to the dentist and then get my brakes replaced, so it wasn't the funnest, but I did get to see the bestie in the evening. hadn't seen him in a couple weeks because he caught COVID :/ here some bored selfies from when I was waiting on my car though!
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 3 months
You know, I never end up sending you asks :0
Got any yv listener headcanons you wanna share? General or oc based or both, whatever suits your fancy uvu
𝕀𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟… 𝔹𝕠𝕠 𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟
Boo has a bio mom, an adoptive mom, and a surrogate dad (they all coparent together)
They had a tough time growing up since they couldn’t even pretend to be what everyone else wanted them to be
Went through a dozen and a half phases as a kid
Can’t like anything in a normal way
Loves to sing but only when they’re alone (until a few months into dating Alphonse)
If Boo ever walks by a cat without even trying to pet it, something is definitely wrong
Alphonse is Boo’s first relationship ever, and when they became official they called one of their parents and said “I don’t wanna call it early, it I think I just scored on the first try.”
Wasn’t a fan of the nickname ‘Boo’ until Alphonse started using it
Hopeless romantic 1000% and delights in flustering their bf
Once kissed the back of Al’s hand when he was flirting with them and the poor guy just malfunctioned for a sec
Boo often treats their life like a Disney film to make it through the day
They have a pair of thigh highs that they disguise as leggings by hiding the tops under their shorts
Alphonse damn near fainted when he learned the truth
They collect DVDs and vhs tapes 📼📀 has a whole shelf and sorting system
Mismatched earrings >>>
Would sometimes just talk to the ceiling as though they were talking to Alphonse’s mom or dad
After the events of bittersweet, Boo set up a small shrine for his parents and one of their late relatives (for solidarity) Alphonse cried when he saw it
thanks for asking :3 I hope you like these
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ectasymk · 6 months
Could you draw a Boo and a Dry Bones being friends, please?
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aheathen-conceivably · 2 months
you know, it's kind of painful to see Jo's internal struggle. But what about Gio? Does he feel this her tension or is he really happy with the way things are?
Hello again my dearest and thank you for your question! You know I haven’t forgotten about my favorite sad boy, and I’m glad to see you haven’t either. Time to grab a chair and get ready for today’s Ted Talk with a Heathen…
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Actually we gunna go under the cut cause yall I rambled to oblivion and beyond, who woulda guessed? 🤣
As it stands, Gio is very happy with the way things are. Except he’s only able to do this by more or less ignoring Jo’s feelings (because despite her best attempts to hide it, it’s still palpable to anyone who loves her), or writing it off as something else (which we see him do in the most recent post).
You see, Gio knows he’s at least partially responsible for Jo’s unhappiness. He knows he lied to her and more or less manipulated her to get what he wanted even if he’s able to tell himself part of it was for everyone’s safety/happiness. It’s something that he struggled with during the early part of the decade, but now that she’s seemingly adjusted and very purposefully trying to hide her true feelings, Gio has accepted his actions and embraced their new lives.
Because at least at this point in his life, Gio wants what he conceives to be the American Dream. He thinks it’s the key to happiness and success, and as we’ll see, is very deeply rooted in his own internal struggles and past. Part of this is embodied in his journey out West, the classic American idea that he can own land and “make it” simply through hard work and will. With over a year left on his loan maturation, Gio is happy with his position on his farm. Thanks to Zelda (which he’s very aware of and thankful to her), at least that aspect of his American dream has come true.
Now of course the secondary part of the “classic” American dream is that Gio wants a family. As discussed here, Gio is fine with not having children. Mostly for that reason, their current living situation works very well for him. Gio is gregarious and social, fond of having friends always nearby. He’s living with his best friends and niece, all of whom he loves spending time with and satiates the need to be surrounded by family (since he may have issues with his own 👀).
But beyond that, Gio wants a wife. He wants what he’s been told is the core and central unit to living a fulfilling life and making all his dreams come true. He is also still naive enough to think that it will solve many of he and Jo’s problems, because he’s absolutely convinced that life can be improved by the virtue of certain choices alone. And as Jo astutely realizes in the last post:
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Gio has seemingly gotten what he’s always wanted: his own land, a family, and the wife that eluded him so many times before. He’s buried his guilt from what he did to get it, and his life is more or less stable. He thinks he has little to worry about, other than maybe the loan in a year or two, continuing to provide for his found family, and emotionally supporting Josephine so long as it doesn’t pop the bubble that he’s finally gotten what he wanted.
His American dream has seemingly come true. Only he’s sacrificed the women he loves to get it, and he hasn’t realized it yet.
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drunk-on-dk · 1 year
im here.. again. i heard you were asking 4 thoughts on mr boo so here i go >:3
have i expressed how badly i want to ride this man? no? well i am now. i just KNOW that while riding kwannie you’d get the blessing of the neediest, sloppiest, longest kisses :((( and you can’t even tell who’s feeling better in terms of pleasure bcuz of how freaking LOUD hes groaning and whimpering, he’d just be so overwhelmed with the feeling of your tight n greedy lil’ whole swallowing whole — AND NOT JUST THAT! the way that his bangs would stick on his forehead w/ sweat >< and him being so troubled as to whether he should rest his hands on your ass or jst grip your hips AHHH. mr boo is killing me sobs
please this is so true, you are hitting the bullseye with this one... i've been plagued with kwan hard thots so here we go... (pls enjoy and thank u for sharing your hard thots, lmk if you you like this lee <3)
pairing: boo seungkwan x fem!reader
genre: literally just smut (minors don't u dare read or interact or else i will cry and block u)
w/c: ~1.1k words (i'm trying to drabble, it's hard)
c/w: unprotected sex; riding; whiney kwan; groping; he's an ass man in this ig; messy and passionate love making i guess lol; idk pls let me know if there is anything else this is nothing crazy
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Seungkwan couldn't tell if he was love drunk or pussy drunk anymore. You had him wrapped around your little finger, just like how you were wrapped so tightly around his cock.
Seungkwan hadn't seen you for weeks now, his work travel and schedule had taken up most of his time and he sparingly saw you over sporadic late night, 10-minute video calls. Your sweet texts throughout the days weren't enough to satiate his neediness, nor were the dirty images that you'd send at the worst of times, which usually required Seungkwan to take care of himself at the oddest hours of the day. Now that he was home, he needed you to take care of him.
Which you sure did, quick to prioritize it if anything, you had welcomed Seungkwan home by pulling him into a deep kiss that led straight to your bed that had lacked his scent for a little too long.
He could barely get a word in, whining profusely against your lips as you clumsily guided him to the bed, his grabby hands running wildly over your curves as if he almost forgot each little dip and crevice. Rest assured - he didn't forget a thing - you were just as perfect and warm as he remembered.
There was no need for foreplay, not when you both had missed each other this much, nor when he kissed you with such desire that it made everything in you turn to jello. You both were quick to undress between heated kisses, pushing him down on the plush mattress that pulled a whine so wanton from him that you couldn't restrain yourself from straddling his hips and caging him against the bed.
It was perfect just like this, sat atop him like a noble on their throne and swollen, messy lips chasing each other. You couldn't get enough of him, not when he sounded so pathetic with each nibble of his bottom lip, being sure to drink in his sounds as your kisses deepened and deepened.
It could have been hours for all you know just losing yourself in his kisses and little noises. However, you knew Seungkwan was growing needier by the second, the hard length jutting between your thighs proving more than enough, and his hands once wonderous hands now finding home on your hips, only digging into your plush skin even harsher with each desperate mewl of his.
You were sure he'd leave marks from his fingers alone, his nails were dug so deeply into the muscle of your ass in an attempt to coerce some movement of your hips. The feeling alone had coaxed a loud moan from you, finally breaking your lips from his to sharply inhale from the shock of arousal that ran through your core.
Seungkwan was so lost in his own lusty haze that he wasn't even sure what to feel, the sound of your own cry pulling another loud moan from him when you finally grind your dripping cunt against his painfully hard cock.
Seungkwan really doesn't know what to do with himself when you finally line up your core with the tip of his shaft, sinking down onto him and making him question how your tiny, little hole takes him so perfectly.
He's dizzy from the warmth of your pussy, hands no longer finding purchase on your ass as they continue to run up the front of your body, splaying out against your torso until he runs over the mounds of your breasts, only to run back down to your hips.
He surely doesn't know what to do with himself when you slowly lift your hips, tight walls tugging so perfectly at his cock and beckoning another whiney cry from his lips that has your jaw falling slack at how beautiful he sounds. It's enough to make your walls flutter, only driving Seungkwan closer to insanity when you drop back down on his length.
You can tell he's at a loss, his hands gripping the bed sheets and no longer on you. He misses your pout because he's so lost in the feeling of how perfectly you're riding him, you're so wet, so perfect, so tight - and oh god, you're placing his hand back on your hips and now he can't stop himself from guiding you to roll against him a bit faster, harder now. Each delicious grind of your hips into his has you sucking him in deeper, making your moans just as loud as his when you feel your clit rub even harsher against his pelvic bone.
You're not sure if his breathing is steady at this point, his fingers are now gripping your ass so tight it has you collapsing into him. You're craving to be as close to him as possible as he begins to buck his hips up into yours, working you closer and closer to your demise.
Seungkwan has worked himself up so much at this point, his whines become incoherent babbles as you press into him, brushing his matted bangs out of his face before molding your lips against his once again. The bittersweet taste of mint and coffee that forever stains Seungkwan's lips is enough to push you closer to the edge, especially when he kisses you with such desire that you almost forget to keep riding him.
The feeling of your hot bodies pressed against one another has you clamping around him, only adding to his fervor as he continues to meet each rolls of your hips. Originally, you thought you were greedy, but the way Seungkwan bucks into you has you questioning who needed each other more.
The tidal wave of ecstasy is about to crash at any moment, you're both long gone at this point, but you know each others bodies all too well. Even though Seungkwan has been in a drunken, dreamlike state the entire time, he can tell by the way your hips circle with more fervor and the way your thighs shiver that you are falling apart.
You're only breaking the kiss so you can moan loudly against his lips, sweaty foreheads pressed against each other as your walls convulse uncontrollably around his brooding length, tip nuzzled deep inside you as the hot rubber band of arousal inside of you finally snaps. Seungkwan follows suit, groaning as you pull him into another kiss and releasing his hot, sticky load inside of you.
It's messy and it's desperate, but there was no time to waste when you finally had Seungkwan back in your grasp, especially when he's this needy for you.
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camprell-art · 3 days
To answer my previous ask I’m like 5’5
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I tried my best to draw the most gender neutral character, I accept criticism :)
It's been so long since I've drawn King Boo with his normal clothes, it takes so much time, that's why I don't do it often, and he keeps getting bigger too because I'm still learning how to draw him decently kjagd
Anyways, I hope you liked it :3
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psychicbergara · 1 year
HI im back with a bingo update Update!!! ryan complimenting shane's looks was in the www bloopers when he called the horse pretty THEN LOOKED AT SHANE AND SAID YOURE PRETTY TOO MAN. HE IS INSANE (and correct)!!!!!!!!
hi my love!!! and omg YES how did i miss that dlfgkj RYANS SO INSANE and so so right like shane is so pretty!! augh i really really love their trend of casual compliments lately its SO CUTE AND SWEET
here's the clip :D
and here's our updated bingo card:
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i think they're doing that thing again where they cross out half the board without getting bingo :/ i hate them (affectionate)
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