#that has Castiel as their favourite character
hippychick006 · 2 years
This is why they should not have been part of the main interviews. The cast should have been there and been given their moment to shine, its an embarrassment, only made worse by the fact Dean fangirls are posing as “journalists”.
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My favourite Spn headcanons!
Btw most of these are separate- im a chronic "70 thousand different AUs for like 3 characters" girlie
Hard of Hearing Dean due to the amount of guns he's been shooting since being a kid. This is why they use silent signals when staking out places, because Dean couldn't hear the whispers.
Following on from that point, that's why Sam knows some ASL, because Dean and Sam learned as kids when Sam noticed Dean was struggling to hear especially on his right ear, and every so often Dean would teach Sam a sign that didn't mean what it actually meant (eg fuck instead of thanks)
Transfem Sam: the allegory of demon blood and feeling inherently wrong and out of place in your own body, feeling evil for not being "normal", running away to get away from John's disappointment (at this point in time Dean didnt know he was a boy so he thought he had no sons but then;
Transmasc Dean: trying to prove to his dad that he's worth it by becoming him (and overly masculine to compensate) unhealthy binding at first but when John finds out he gets Dean something decent (only because Dean can't hunt or protect Sammy if his ribs are crushed)
Following on from those, they swap clothes all the time and because Dean is smaller the clothes are big, comfy and euphoria inducing, and with Sam theyre a little tighter and she likes how it fits. John doesn't comment on it usually but occasionally grimaces when they're painting their nails together
Angels actually grow up, so Chuck had to actually raise them, but once Michael and Lucifer were around 16/15 (in cosmic aeons ofc) he relegated those duties to them to raise Uriel & Gabriel, then the others including Cas. For special cases like Naomi, Chuck raised her himself
The angels' true forms have "cores" that represent some aspect of them. Michael has a something similar to a sun or star, Naomi has liquid mercury, Castiel has a stormy ocean, Anna has spores/leaf-like things
The angel siblings betted on which dinosaur would last the longest, then Chuck thought they were getting too sentimental and sent the asteroid down
Dean hates orange juice because they couldn't afford it as kids but tried to always get it because that was Sam's favourite (Dean likes apple juice more because it looks like whiskey)
Jo, Dean and Sam used to play together as little kids, then they forgot about each other as the years went by and it broke Ellen's heart to see the boys still hunting after all those years of not seeing them
As a kid, Dean wrote letters to Mary, and left them on the nightstand of whatever motel they were staying in. John reads them and cries so hard. He always keeps them in his jacket as a reminder of what he made his kids lose and when Dean asks where they went John tries not to cry and says "i posted them, she'll read them. Dont worry". The day Dean stopped writing letters was the day John hit Dean for the first time.
Dean is dyslexic, but still helped Sam do his homework as much as he could. Because Dean mainly taught Sam how to read and write, Sam sometimes gets stuff wrong until he learns the right way at school, then comes home and teaches Dean. Dean pretends to be grumpy but hes actually really proud & grateful
Sam has a favourite stuffed toy that he still keeps with him to this day. Its a really beat up dog with floppy ears that he's never washed because he's scared it will fall apart
Cas practices Dean's (and others) mannerisms while he isn't with them so he feels like hes scaring them less (Dean finds it adorable but sad that Cas feels like he has to)
Sapphic Dean and Cas
After they save the world and theyre ALL alive and happy, Jack de-ages to around 12 and goes to school, Cas becomes a grief counsellor, Sam becomes a teacher, Dean needs more time to adjust, but eventually he and Eileen go into social working with kids
Jody and Donna are together and adopted Claire Alex & Patience.
Dean asks Jody for advice on rearing Jack the 12-year-old but Donna is of more use in that situation as Jody didn't get to raise her son to that age and the girls were past that, and Donna was around for her niece growing up so she texts Dean advice all the time
Cas likes to draw, and he ends up drawing Dean a lot ("still beautiful, still Dean Winchester")
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purgaytorysupremacy · 2 months
oh nuts. a life experience has given me a new layer of perspective on Cas's homosexual declaration of love to Dean.
recently I had occasion to tell a person I had feelings for them knowing full well they didn't feel even a twinge of the same thing for me. while the whole thing was a decidedly unpleasant experience, I kept laughing at myself internally bc I didn't want to say "the happiness is just in saying it" like fucking Castiel over here. (we don't need to talk about it, it's fine.) (I am happier having said it and it's kind of bullshit, but I digress.)
because the thing is, the happiness isn't in just saying it, right? the happiness is in the having. I made a whole TikTok "proving" that the Empty didn't come for Cas when he confessed his love, but rather when he realized Dean loved him back. even for Cas, the happiness was in the having, not in the saying, however brief it was.
and I've always been one of those people who rolled their eyes at the whole concept. why would the happiness be in just being, in just saying it, if it's right there in front of you to have. and then it hit me like a tonne of bricks (as I was washing my kitchen counters).
Cas really didn't think he could have Dean.
at all. in any capacity. he really, truly, and honestly felt to the depths of himself that Dean did not have any twinge of similar feelings, that this really was a Hail Mary shot-in-the-dark. and I think me, personally, really didn't understand that about Cas. that his belief in his love being unrequited was that unshakable.
something else I've been pondering is how audiences have so much more empathy for fictional characters who share traits that IRL they find objectionable and unappealing. but the thing is about fictional characters is that we follow them around in their most private, vulnerable moments. we see Dean mourning Cas when he dies, literally killing himself because he can't live without him, but it's so easy to forget that we're the omniscient ones here.
Cas never knew.
Dean's whole thing was pushing him away, keeping him at arm's length, making it seem like whatever heroic thing he does for Cas he'd do for anyone. he downplays how important it is for Dean to share the Deancave with him, to show him his favourite movies, share his favourite songs. he acts like the things Cas does for him don't mean that much to hide how much they do mean. he uses "we" whenever he even gets in the vicinity of expressing a feeling. "We were worried." "We're glad you're back." "We needed a win." "You're our brother." The audience knew the difference. We saw how he'd clench his jaw or swallow hard or make a face that said "God, I'm being such an idiot". Because we saw him in those little moments. We got to see the cracks in the mask.
but Cas never knew.
the self-hating angel of Thursday was never going to think it was all a way for Dean to protect himself. obviously, that's the delicious tragedy of it all, but what I think I realized at the end of all that is Cas confessing his love to a Dean who didn't love him back wouldn't have worked. Because the happiness really is in the having. If happiness was just in saying it, then The Empty would have come before Cas even finished getting the words out of his mouth.
so Cas's plan wouldn't have worked if Dean didn't love him back.
this is just me yapping on about my own nonsense, but I do think it's really interesting. there's contentment in "just saying it". there's freedom and relief and an unburdening. I think one can argue that it makes being happy in the being easier. there is certainly some joy in telling a person you think that highly of them. but true happiness?
true happiness is always going to only be in the having. Cas didn't understand the difference until he experienced it, and by then, it was too late.
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eisforeidolon · 2 months
Hellers on reddit
I never thought I had to write this but I feel this topic hasn't been properly discussed. Every time I watch supernatural, especially these last seasons, I get so frustrated by this issue and I don't know how people feel about this. Because, how I see it, there is a Cas that's trying to do anything in his hand to protect the Winchesters, making mistakes or not, but I don't feel that it's reciprocated by them, at least not always. And especially Dean.
Dean's behaviour towards Cas is an issue itself. He has a very complicated and deep relationship with Cas, or at least he is supposed to have. I feel like Dean can sometimes be such a jerk towards the angel for no reason, even though what he might have done is not a big deal. The problem is, every time Cas dies, Dean is absolutely devastated and feels like he has lost the love of his life (which is more than reasonable), but when he somehow comes back to life, Dean goes back to "normal" and his tough guy attitude towards Cas resumes. Look, I really like Dean, and I get that he has been through a lot throughout his life, but Sam has also been through hell (lol) and he happens to be much nicer and empathetic. What I'm trying to say is that Dean cannot be a jerk to Cas and then cry over his dead body, because, honestly, that's just toxic.
Take the example of Mary's death. Dean blamed Cas for that even though the three of them knew how dangerous Jack could become. And then basically he became passive aggressive with him because he couldn't forgive him for something he didn't do (why is Dean so grumpy in the last seasons tho?). Cas is one of my favourite characters, and I love his innocence and his unconditional love for Dean (and Sam), but I also love an angel who knows their worth and who can smite the hell out of everything. Badass Cas is amazing but I feel we gradually started losing that aspect as the seasons went by. And that's why I loved 15x03 because Cas finally confronted Dean and decided to "move on". And even though I liked what they did in 15x09, I sometimes felt that Dean didn't deserve Cas. He was always there for the brothers but it looks like they took him for granted, or that he was just being used, and it's really frustrating to watch.
This is one of the reasons why I believe there should be a reboot. There has to be an actual conclusion to these characters' relationship, be it platonic or romantic. I need Cas to be properly loved, not some bullshit subtle "we care about you, pal" kind of thing.
Yeesh. That's A Lot.
Like, Sam and Dean also have fans who are convinced their poor helpless blorbo has never done anything wrong ever and is just So Wronged by everyone and the narrative at every single turn? But I swear it's harder to find Castiel fans that aren't like that. Then again, it's hard to find Castiel fans anymore that aren't hellers, which I think is definitely linked.
We could talk yet again about what a load of utter fanon horseshit it is to describe Dean's affect when Castiel dies as "absolutely devastated like he lost the love of his life". For the pure absurd exaggeration of how they take one single canon shot of Dean looking sad and then write thousands upon thousands of words "interpreting" it and thereafter consider their fanfic of Dean sobbing in devastation for hours over Jimmy's empty corpse actual canon. For how sometimes it's just plain obviously not true (pie festival lol). For the fact when he is genuinely upset there's ALWAYS other more devastating shit going on they pretend to be blind to so they can pretend it's ALL about Cass (the Leviathan/Bobby's death, Mary being sucked into Apocaworld/dealing with Jack, Chuck going full evil, etc.). But instead, this time, let's stick with the theme of poor wronged Castiel, Dean is so MEEN *sob*.
It's not just that the angel is "making mistakes or not" it's that he is consistently time after time after time? Making the exact same fundamental mistake: going behind the Winchesters' backs to "protect them" by keeping vital information from them or outright fucking things up worse by trying to handle shit on his own. After which he generally either tries to run away or share out the responsibility of fixing it to them. Gee, I wonder why they aren't oozing with gratitude?
Let's take the example of Mary's death, to start with. Yeah, they all know that Jack's gradually becoming dangerous. But only one of them knows that he is already at the point of killing a pet dangerous. It's stupid to pretend that's not an obvious, major escalation. But Castiel decides not to tell anybody it. That's a choice he makes, something he very much DID do. You know, kinda like how he wasn't really honest about how bad things were all through season 6 and his plans with Crowley. Kinda like how he decided instead of trying to go back and fix the mess he'd made of heaven, he decided to stay behind in Purgatory but lie to Dean about it. Nothing at all terrible came of those stupid-ass "protective" decisions, nope! No reason at all to be pissed off at his terminal inability to learn from his mistakes!
Which doesn't even get into how he was the one that let Sam out of the panic room, but berated the Winchesters for their part in setting Lucifer free without ever mentioning his own. Or how his first impulse after getting his memories back wasn't actually to heal Sam, whose wall/sanity he intentionally tore down in the first place as a distraction, but to run away. (There's a reason Cass stans/hellers frequently seem to be entirely amnesiac about just how Sam's wall broke.) Then there's how he decided he couldn't trust the Winchesters with the angel tablet. Don't forget that he could hear Claire constantly praying for help for years and did nothing. Or my personal favorite, how he went behind the Winchesters' backs to let Lucifer possess him and escape the Cage after all they went through to put the archangel there without a fucking single word of warning to his supposed friends that he's sooooo concerned with protecting! Then there's stealing the Colt and leaving them unprotected and unconscious outside the portal to Heaven. I'm not even going to touch all the whining he did in the final seasons about wanting to be a hero. I know there's more, but the point is, gee, what a faultless, helpful guy!
My overall point is not even that Castiel is The Worst. He's not the only character who makes stupid-ass decisions. I think there are, in some cases, understandable mitigating factors (YMMV)! However, given the amount of times he ran off on some whim of his own and went totally incommunicado or the Winchesters had to clean up a mess he made (or just made worse)? Framing his role in the show as if he was "always there for the brothers" (remember how when he said that the point was he was lying?) and was soooo uniquely underappreciated? Frankly, they showed plenty of appreciation for him by continuing to count him as family/a friend and ultimately forgiving him over and over. Rather than, you know, stabbing him through the neck like they would have literally anyone else who fucked them over so routinely as he did while supposedly trying to "help" and "protect" them.
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Sam Winchester and parallels to Christ
Despite religion and religious imagery being extremely prominent throughout the 2005 tv show Supernatural, one import figure in both Catholicism and Christianity is missing, Jesus Christ himself. I found this strange when I was watching the show and while I still do, I think that we as an audience can attribute a great many “Christ-like” traits to one of the main characters, Sam Winchester. He, just as Jesus did, must go though a great many periods of suffering in order to prove himself, with one of these periods even being referred to as a trial. However, unlike Christ, Sam is not able to attain holiness and absolution in the eyes of the Lord.
Religious symbolism is rife throughout most of Sam’s plot lines, with him often being cast as the pious believer as a character foil to Dean who is often cast as a very sinful person. This is shown when a town outlaws drinking, gambling and premarital sex in order to gain. God’s favour and Sam remarks that those things are “90%” of Dean’s personality. It’s also revealed that Sam prays every night and has done so since childhood. This connection of Sam to God s further strengthened when in season 15 Sam and God or in this case Chuck are rather literally tethered by the bullet that Sam shot him with. Another thing to note about this is that the “bullet” is made of Sam’s flesh and blood, further showing that despite Sam constantly praying and giving to God it ultimately only leads him to be harmed.
The God that exists in Supernatural is no longer the hallowed name that we all know, this version of God only takes, instead of giving like the merciful version of the Lord that children are told about who helps and cares for humanity. This God has existed for so long that he only knows boredom, and consequently created Dean and Sam to entertain him. Dean was always His favourite with Chuck intending for him to become the vessel of the archangel Micheal, a holy and noble job. Sam on the other hand, was created for only one purpose, and that was to become the vessel to Lucifer, Dean’s opposition. Sam was never created, or intended to be holy or even able to attain that title, even despite his longing to do so. He can pray and give himself to the Lord, but is unable to attain or regain purity.
Sam must, through the trials, combat evil by closing the gates of hell, in a way reminiscent of how Christ had to suffer the persecution, bearing off the cross and eventual crucifixion. Jesus was always aware of his fate, just as Sam was during the trials. They both understood that in order to better humanity, they would have to suffer and eventually die. The trials were Sam’s cross to bear, just as Jesus was only able to accept minimal help throughout his suffering. This help, for Sam comes in the form of Dean, who helps kill the hellhound and takes care of Sam, just as the bystander who carried Jesus’s cross for him for a time. They both were able to help share the load, even if it was only a temporary relief.
Sam is also referred to throughout the show as an abomination and unclean, by both himself and other characters, particularly in plot lines that are heavily rooted in religion. During the trials in season 8, Sam recalls a time when Dean was reading a book to him about the knights of king Arthur and their search for the holy grail and Sam says that despite wishing that he could go on a similar quest he knows that it’s impossible as he’s “unclean.” This further cements how despite being the most openly religious and pious character in the main cast of the show, apart from Castiel, he is not considered holy enough to serve the Lord. This is due mostly to what happened to him as a baby when he was fed demon blood by Azazel in order to groom him into becoming the antichrist and leader of the demon army. As I discussed in my last essay on Sam Winchester, this is a very obvious metaphor for CSA (child sexual assault), especially due to the line “so he could bleed in my mouth.” This quote in particular pinpoints this original “sin” as the catalyst for the subsequent events of Sam’s life.
The theme of purity and by extension, holiness is incredibly prominent in Sam’s character and plot lines, especially during the demon blood arc and subsequently any one that involved religious themes or ideals. Because of the fact that he’s “impure”, Sam is unable to reach “true holiness.” The closest that he ever came during the 15 season and 327 episode runtime of the show was during the trails in season 8. Not only do the trails bear a striking resemble to the trials that Jesus himself had to endure, specifically the 40 days in the desert, but they also help to “cleanse” him of his sins and wrong doing. Whether they were committed on him by others on done by his on hand seems to not matter to the God that exists in Supernatural as they all bear the same consequence. These perceived sins render Sam impure, unclean and unholy.
All of this is further highlighted during the season 15 reveal that Sam, Dean, Castiel and by extension all of the characters in the show are nothing but playthings for the all powerful God, or as he calls himself, Chuck. Sam Winchester is not special, not holy and not favoured by the Lord. He is but one of many, existing only through the lense of how entertaining he can be to his God. It’s revealed that he was created on a whim by a bored God who wanted something interesting. He, along with Dean and Cas, find out that they are one of the many versions of themselves that God or Chuck has created, and that they have only survived this long because they were interesting to him.
Another period of suffering that Sam goes through for the greater good of humanity is his time in the cage. During the season 5 finale, Sam Winchester, once again gives up his autonomy in order to save people. He allows Lucifer to use him as a vessel, Sam then overpower’s Lucifer and causes them to both fall into the cage the Lucifer was originally trapped in. Sam, in many ways does this as a repentance for his sins. In this case, it’s the sin of allowing himself to be manipulated and groomed into drinking demon blood and subsequently, freeing Lucifer from his cage. This action results in Sam being stuck in the cage with Lucifer, where it is heavily implied that he was not only tortured for thousands of years in every way imaginable, but also raped and sexually assaulted. When he is finally freed, it’s only his physical form, or body, leaving him soulless. While he does eventually regain his soul, he is so traumatised that he is hospitalised for a good amount of time. During this period, he is constantly experiencing flashbacks and hallucinations of Lucifer, in a manner that is heavily reminiscent of PTSD. However, like most heavy topics in the show, this is fairly quickly brushed over.
To conclude, Sam Winchester is one of the most pious and prayerful characters in the show, which is a stark contrast to his brother. However, he was never intended to be a holy man and was thus doomed from the start. Despite suffering plentifully, he is incapable of reaching sainthood or canonisation as he will never be holy, clean, or pure enough in the eyes of the angels or the Lord.
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crackers4jenn · 1 month
Fic Masterlist - Supernatural (Dean/Cas)
TITLE: down the road (WIP)
SUMMARY: Set immediately after the s7 finale, when Dean and Cas get sucked into Purgatory. They stick together to fight their way back out, running into some old friends along the way... and some old enemies. (Or, Brokeback Purgatory 1.0. Dean and Cas work through their issues in monsterland.)
TITLE: every inch of my life
SUMMARY: Post-season 15, in a version where Dean doesn't die and Cas is back from the Empty. Gabriel shows up with some mischief in mind, hurtling them through classic porn tropes.
TITLE: one more time (WIP)
SUMMARY: Set during the s15 divorce arc. What if Cas got captured by a djinn. What if he experienced his moment of ‘true happiness’ while caught in its dream, and it summoned the Empty. What if Dean saved Cas from the djinn, only to have a portal of black goo open up in front of them?
TITLE: lapse and fall again
SUMMARY: A post-finale fix-it fic where Dean doesn't die. Instead, he pulls Cas out of the Empty. Eventually, after the reunion, there's romance and a road trip, but not specifically in that order.
TITLE: like a tidal wave I'll make a mess
SUMMARY: 5 Times Dean and Cas Get Mistaken for a Couple (and 1 Time They Actually Are)
TITLE: and I will pull my whole heart up to the surface
SUMMARY: 15x20 fix-it fic. Heaven feels perfect, until suddenly it doesn't.
TITLE: here's a map, here's a shovel, here's my achilles heel
SUMMARY: Post-15x19. Turns out, Dean doesn't have to ask to get Cas back.
TITLE: sink
SUMMARY: "Where to?" A 9.06 coda.
TITLE: dry and blown like dust
SUMMARY: They worry first about angel doings and once-dormant plagues and monster illnesses from cursed objects around the bunker, but Sam WebMD's Cas' symptoms and diagnoses him with: the flu. Set in s9.
TITLE: Mr & Mr Winchester
SUMMARY: "No pet names, I popped the damn question, and you're the girl." (Or, Dean and Castiel: fake-married. Set in a hypothetical s9.)
TITLE: lights down low
SUMMARY: When Dean comes to, it's with a fuzzy, head-pounding disorientation. He's on his back, on the ground, that much he immediately knows, where there's an overgrown lawn cushioning what must've been one hell of a landing. (Or, my excuse to do a canon-compliant Dean/Cas rom-com.)
TITLE: the morning when it's clear
SUMMARY: Post-8.02 Purgatory fic. When it all goes to shit, and obviously it does, it feels like the world is splintering open. That's probably because it is.
TITLE: 99 problems (and a stitch ain't one) (WIP)
SUMMARY: Dean gets a job at a craft store to woo and date ladies, but his plans backfire because his boss is the v. annoying but v. dreamy Castiel, who might be the actual temptation.
TITLE: Wedding Guy
SUMMARY: Cas slips Dean his number at a wedding, and a friendship/relationship takes off from there.
TITLE: on higher grounds
SUMMARY: (based off a tumblr post) charity collector cas who has a spot outside dean’s favourite book store in town and who always looks so cold despite the huge scarf he wears so dean takes to bringing him hot chocolate every day and cas gets this little smile every time he sees dean coming down the street
TITLE: a way not steep
SUMMARY: Dean's twenty-six and his roommate's a guy who cries during E.T.
TITLE: like only a best friend could
SUMMARY: They're both 18 now and Cas is going off to college and Dean's. Well, Dean's probably headed for a fun future of 'would you like fries with that?' and sometimes it scares him so much he thinks about running away too. Like their dads.
TITLE: Filming Jesus
FANDOMS: Community, Supernatural
SUMMARY: God is not here, Dean. (Or, Jeff and Annie meet Dean and Castiel. Set during Community s3 and SPN s5.)
TITLE: 11 characters that never were the slayer
FANDOMS: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, The Office, Community, Glee, Parks & Rec, Gilmore Girls, etc etc.
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jaredsbf · 24 days
What is your favourite supernatural
Side character
Episode - A Very Supernatural Christmas. I love later seasons and some of their comedic episodes a lot (The French Mistake, Dog Dean Afternoon, etc) but I will always love the heartfelt ones the most. AVSC is the first major time I remember seeing little Dean and little Sam have their dynamic explored. AVSC also has comedy that still makes me laugh out loud and I can’t wait to rewatch it this holiday season. It’s just so cozy, and I love the message that no matter the circumstance, no matter where you are, you should appreciate the people around you and the people you can call family.
Brother - Sam. Samuel. Samantha. Sam. Love him so so so much. I feel like if I get into why he’s my favorite brother on a storytelling level, then we’ll be here all day! So, I’ll just say it’s because he’s hotter. That opening scene in Season 12 episode 2…
Demon - This is going to be a lame take but Ruby. She’s the only Demon to actually stick with me as a compelling character. I would say Crowley but he doesn’t really do anything anymore (at least not in the later seasons)
Angel - Another lame take, but I love Castiel. The fandom made me think he was going to be a submissive softy (which, in later seasons, he kind of is) but his entrance in season 4 is so good that it completely changed how I viewed his character. I can enjoy his fandom depiction more now but I wish we had more early seasons, scary Cas rep!
Side Character - PAMELAAAAAA. I love Pamela, I love her vibes. The scene in Season 4 when her eyes get burned out literally made Castiel one of my favorite characters so she deserves to be here for the pain she endured😭
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ohsc · 2 months
what colour would spn characters be?
dean would be red 100%, but like a darker closer to crimson kinda red. red is the colour that is the most attractive to the eye, attaining to dean’s sex appeal and the fact that he is most people’s favourite character. red is passionate and angry, and i feel like it definitely matches up for all of his violence (especially the moc arc, and bc of the red demon shirt). also red for blood, bc he will never escape the destiny and family in his blood
sam is blue. the opposite of red (him and dean are poised as opposites with the michael sword/lucifer’s vessel, big/little brother, good/bad, angel/demon relations, etc). blue represents sadness, and sam has definitely had his fair share of it all. he’s definitely a darker blue, so less purity and more darkness, bc sam never had the chance to be pure. blue also kinda represents nature (less than green) in the sense of water and the sky, which can relate to the fact that sam biologically never had a chance, it was in his biological nature. also because blue is one of my favourite colours <3
castiel is grey. white represents purity and innocence and heaven, and castiel strayed from the purity of heaven when he rebelled, which leaves him grey, tainted purity and innocence. the tainted grey can also be a result of the leviathan, metatron, the fall, casifer, etc — in one way or another, most of castiel gets tainted across the show.
crowley is purple. i know the first colours that come to mind are red or black, but purple represents royalty and wealth (because purple used to be the most expensive dye for fabric which meant it was only attainable by the higher classes). though the royalty sense is because he’s the king of hell, it also represents power, and crowley holds so much power throughout most of the show. also because purple is a mix of red and blue (arguably hell and earth) because he doesn’t spend to much time in hell, he prefers the earth, and he’s a mix of the two, also the conflicting sides of his demonism and his humanity. it can also represent how sam and dean weaved their way into his care.
jack is orange. he starts off as a yellow character, innocent and joyful and childish and happy, but yellow and red make orange (yellow representing his past innocence and red being his guilt and wrongdoings even if they weren’t his fault). the orange represents his tainted happiness and guilt.
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maliciousmagpie · 3 months
Not to be sappy on main but it’s genuinely really nice seeing people having so much love for Supernatural on this site.
Like, I know it’s terribly written, and omg some of the bullshit it pulls but that’s part of its charm, it’s pulled so much goddamn bullshit that I can’t even predict it anymore, which, idk the pattern recognition in my autism loves to predict everything (and it’s right a good chunk of the time too) so the fact it’s managed to break it is damn impressive in my book.
And the characters omg the characters, they’re so messy and so dramatic and they’re all so sad and I love them and it’s so nice to see other people also love them and see similar or even new things in characters I also love!
Idk, it’s just something I feel is missing from my main socials (that being instagram) and unfortunately none of my friends have watched Supernatural (Yet. It’s going to happen.) so I’m sort of missing that connection I suppose. It’s been a real long time for me since I was really this into something, arguably I haven’t been this into a piece of media since FNAF 1 came out, since that was what pushed me to start drawing and making ocs in the first place and now here I am planning a whole 7 season comic (I’m incapable of taking things slowly) just because of this damn show and because of how much I genuinely love Dean and Castiel and because I wanted so much more for them.
It’s unfortunate I feel a bit cringe unironically saying Supernatural is one of my favourite shows now, but it is! What started as just picking a long ass show I had some morbid curiosity about because of one of the characters getting sent to superhell for being gay where I couldn’t even remember the characters name but somehow remember he was played by Misha Collins has now basically become a cornerstone of my journey as an artist and the thing that pushed me to finally start seriously pursuing writing!
Saying all this I haven’t actually finished the show yet, I’m currently on S12 and no doubt I will continue to be angry at the absolute shenanigans this show will pull, but honestly if I’ve stuck around for 12 already, what’s another three?
And when the writers do something I really hate? Well I have my lovely ocs who are totally not based on Dean and Cas and are definitely not just so I can live in the delusion that in some universe destiel is real.
Tldr: I am cringe but I am free, I unironically love destiel and I love looking at posts related to it specifically on tumblr, good shit.
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pissthena · 2 months
Crowley is not a demon
My favourite headcanon is that Crowley isn't a demon, as mentioned in my character post. So I'll expand it a bit and explain more! (Feel free to correct me or add on!) @bending-sickle, a tag just for you <3 I hope it explains it in a way that makes sense haha
I really love the idea of Crowley not being a demon. Is it because I love my favourite characters being special and cool? Yes. But there's a bit more to it, since I always thought he was too odd as a demon. Too much didn't add up. Crowley hates Hell, Demons and everything near that, hate's being there kind of hates talking about it. He almost made Hell less Hell. We are all aware of this and it doesn't necessarily mean he's not a demon, but I like to also bring it into consideration. Reasons he could be something else: -He survives everything, the little cockroach. He even faked being burnt up by Castiel and I have no clue how they visually accomplished that, but it might just have been angel powers. -His smoke is red as the only demon where it isn't black. Even Knights of Hell have black smoke, he's a special baby. -He has more compassion than any other demon (yet he's still not a good guy. Morally dark grey lol). I know the human blood did it to him, but even before that, I think he had just a bit in it. -He can possess animals. I may be wrong, but I believe he's the only one we ever see do that. I think if demons could generally do it, they'd use it to spy way more. But demons are dumb. Which brings me to: -He's not stupid. Not all demons are idiots, but man, most of them are by far. I think Crowley is the smartest (which is why he took over Hell). This is a weak argument, but I like it along with the rest. -When he possessed Linda Tran he used his own voice in her body. Which made me realize two things: 1. I don't think we've seen other demons do so, but I'm very unsure about that. We might have. 2. The voice we hear Crowley use must be Fergus' voice and not his vessels. Unless he can somehow carry over his vessel's voice to another vessel. -Mark Sheppard also had this theory, but apparently people disregard it after we saw his demon eyes. I HAVEN'T LET IT GO. ME AND MARK ARE RIGHT.
Now, what might Crowley be if not a demon? I have no fucking clue. Someone who's real good at mythology might have some cool ideas, but I'm at a loss. The closest I had was a Kitsune, as they're known for sometimes taking form as humans and tricking people. They think highly of themselves and are very powerful. But we do have Kitsunes in the show (I hate how dirty they did them...) and a lot doesn't really fit. So please, if anyone has ideas!
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julesthequirky · 1 year
Misha and Characters
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Brat: Series; In order to adjust her behaviour and attitude, Y/N is sent to John’s and whilst she’s there, John’s sons, Sam and Dean take a liking to her.
Call Me Master: Oneshot; A helping hand turns into an ownership of a lifetime. PWP. (Castiel x Reader)
No Alpha of Mine: A/B/O Series; Reader denies the connection with her Alpha. (Castiel x Reader)
The Last Omega: A/B/O Oneshot; Reader is an Omega on the run from a ruthless leader. (Castiel x Reader
The Big Empty: Angst oneshot; Reader enters The Big Empty to save her favourite angel (Castiel x Reader
Grace: Fluff, light angst, oneshot; Castiel home alone with a baby. (Castiel x Reader)
Murphy's Law: Drabble, high angst; Things turn bad during a hunt. (Castiel x Reader)
Right Alpha, Wrong World: A/B/O oneshot; Running back to the rift the Omega reader has an uncanny meeting in the forest. (Castiel x Reader)
Suptober 2019: Short episodic drabbles including Castiel and reader in a will they, won't they? relationship. No smut, no angst (maybe). 
Owned By Sin: Smut, Mini-series: Whilst occupying Castiel’s vessel, Lucifer plays on a weakness of yours. They don’t call him the original tempter for nothing… (Casifer x Reader)
Part One. Part Two
Last Christmas: One shot, very violent and gory; Reader is unaware of her friend's true identity as Christmas becomes closer. (Casmodeus x Reader)
Lead Me Into Temptation: Smut, Series; Reader has a crush on her neighbour. (Misha x Reader)
Daddy's Brat: BDSM- hardcore smut, series; Misha and reader have a DDLG relationship.
Homewrecker: High angst, series; Reader makes a mistake, is cast out and disowned and sleeping rough. (Misha x Reader)
Forget Me Not: Mini-series: Reader wakes up after hitting her head, as her character on Supernatural. (Misha x Reader)
Part One. Part Two. Part Three.
Crazy In Love: Angst, drama, series; Reader is charged with the abduction of Misha but the case doesn’t seem to be all that black and white.
All Her Stars Broken and Stripes Worn Through, It's the Red, White and Whiskey Blues: EXTREME ANGST, series; Reader had a mental breakdown and quickly became estranged from her husband, Misha. Every day is a fight when there’s no reason to live any more.
The Alpha's Intent: A/B/O oneshot; PWP in the den. With sweaty Misha.
Kisses Have Consequences: Angst, series; A heated kiss between friends is shared causing the beginning of all their problems. (Misha x Reader)
Classroom Humiliation: Explicit oneshot; Reader gets humiliated in class. (Misha x Reader)
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cas-is-my-weakness · 6 months
Queer Castiel is not open to interpretation
Seeing the poll about dean being bi getting so much attention and interest from you all. I thought why not do a Queer Cas poll. It is canon that cas is indifferent to all sexual orientation but him being an angel doesn't mean cas cannot be queer that is a wildly atrocious comment I have seen in this fandom. This is also unrelated directly to destiel although cas had the strongest relationship with dean in the show, but cas is queer regardless of whether dean reciprocates or not in canon. That is another discussion. Anyway this is the positive queer space and it is good to discuss about representation.
If you have any other moments in your mind other than those in the options please comment below I would like to know more about it. So vote for fun.
**Note please scroll past and dni if you think cas is not queer because sorry to tell you, you might be homophobe to deny literal canon queer main character.
These are my other polls -
Dean is bi poll
Dean's interests
Castiel's interests
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morningstarwrites · 4 months
So basically Supernatural has Lucifer & company as well and I always thought it would be hilarious to see the HH Lucy beating the shit out of SPN Lucifer, that guy is so annoying… he needs to be humbled. But yea basically I came out with this idea where the Winchester brothers from SPN(season 5) try to summon the devil, to kill him, but they ended up summoning Lucy and Al in one of their make out session!!! In SPN the brothers don’t like the supernatural, they really despise it, so when Lucy called himself the devil, they might have tried to exersoxisize him, which caused Al to start throwing tentacles at them, almost chocking the humans. Luckily Lucy stopped him in time.
-Come Al it wasn’t that bad. You are overreacting Honey.
-Oh I am overracting??? I seem to remember a certain someone burning to crisp a sinner who touched my tail last day.
-What! That’s different!
-How is that any different?! What?! do u think I am weak and can’t take care of myself?
-Ahhh I did not say that!
Lucy whined exasperated.
After a bit of coaxing from Lucy, obviously, they went back to talk with the Winchester and decided to help the brothers out to beat the devil, which Al took with gusto eheh
-Can’t we just go home?
-Come one Al! You can beat up the other me! You don’t want to miss a chance like this do you?
-Umm that’s actually sound splendid.
-ehehe so
-it’s a deal then
Also since they are in the human world they will need to use disguises, so Lucy takes the opportunity to use one of Asmo crystals on Al, to see his human form.
-So How do I look?
-…I want to fuck you right here
-Umm let never be said that romance is dead~
SPN is one of my favourite tv show, and i absolutely recommend it. I just wanted to put this idea up there cause I haven’t see anyone do any crossover with those two, and I think that there is a lot of potential.(also I can’t write) Like the fact that there was a demon in the show called Alastor, and he had tortured one of the brothers for years in hell, so I can only imagine the trauma to have another demon with the same name living in their home, or the fact that one of the characters is a fallen angel(Castiel) like Lucy, and the devil could definitely give him some advice and stuff. Also not so surprising but heaven is shitty in both show lol
Ohhh!! I see!
I'll just leave this here and maybe someone else would be interested in tackling a crossover for you! I've definitely heard about the show, I've just never seen it haha
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ulfie-by-osmosis · 8 months
One of my favourite aspects of castiel's character is that in his entire arc, he never has it in himself to be gentle. He goes from apathetic to irritated to confused to secretive to defensive (even in s7 I would argue that he is naive, but not gentle) to depressed to hopelessly in love, and none of that mellows his temper.
Castiel is fierce and turbulent, violent and reckless and sharp, sassy, commanding, reassuring - never mild, even in his best moments. And that is why I think he's the only character that could have "ripped up the narrative" to the extent that he did: too much heart to afford to be placid.
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idealuk · 4 months
Hi! I don't know if I am your Cas fan anon or you had others 🫣 but I was mostly offended that anyone would compare Tommy with Castiel
I guess I am wondering if Tommy is such an amazing character (to merit comparision with Cas) where were the fans who advocate for him now after chim begins and prior his underdeveloped relationship with buck
Tommy rose to popularity after he got to kiss fan favourite buck because as a standalone character he doesn't stand out that much whereas thee Castiel, Angel of the Lord, multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent had a short appearance at the of the first episode of spn s4 and so many people fell in love with him that he stayed and changed the face of spn forever (and it was part because the character was so interesting and part misha collins and his acting choices, 2 things that even right now tommy lacks)
So sorry for this rant and thanks for reading!!!
You are the one and only.😉
I want to thank you for prompting me to elabourate on that post.
Castiel, like Mickey, Robert/Aaron, and Eddie, had an intriguing quality to him from the start, whereas Tommy just doesn't (and that's honestly not a slight against Lou). He isn't being written with one. His characterization is just what's in the script. It's literally paper thin and that is how Lou is being directed. Misha as Castiel and Ryan Guzman as Eddie had to be intriguing from the start for the roles that they were playing, Ryan Hawley and Danny as Robert and Aaron had to be intriguing from the start because of the type of show they were on, and Noel Fisher as Mickey Milkovich was so undeniable that Gallavich shippers became the bane of John Wells's existence making him rehire Noel multiple times until we got our happy ending. Though, like John, Eric underestimated how much people would find Castiel truly intriguing (so, yes, kudos to Misha). Lou has said that he's been told to not veer from the script in any way (he can't even call Buck Buck).
Tim is being very clear and decisive.
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deancasbigbang · 1 year
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Title: Willow
Author: thatpeculiarone
Artist: 7hunnyybunnyy7
Rating: Mature
Pairings: Sam/Jess, Ellen/Bill, Mary/John, Chuck/Becky
Length: 65000
Warnings: Minor Character Death, Talks of Grief and Loss, Talks of Alcoholism, Internalised Homophobia, Mentions of Conversion Therapy
Tags: Alternative Universe - Modern Setting, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Reunion, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending
Posting Date: October 6, 2023
Summary: Castiel Novak had known Dean Winchester his entire life. Growing up together, the two friend's worlds revolved around one another, each of them looking forward to their annual summer get togethers at the Winchester's farm and winery, located in the rolling hills of Napa, California. However, it only takes one night for seventeen years of friendship to all come crashing down. When Castiel confesses his feelings for Dean, his friend's rancorous reaction sends him packing. Castiel leaves, and stays away for ten years. When Dean’s father John falls ill, Castiel begrudgingly visits the farm again for the first time in a decade. Castiel is nervous to relive that night. He is nervous to be back at a place that holds so many memories. He is nervous to see Dean for the first time in so long. While he grapples with his anger and hurt, he also has to grapple with the fact that the feelings he holds for Dean may still be there after all this time.
Excerpt: Castiel Novak had known Dean Winchester his entire life. Their parents had been friends for years before either of them were even conceived; a friendship that only grew once they came into the equation. He had been coming to the Winchester’s farm since he was still in diapers – in fact – he had pictures of him only wearing diapers on the farm. And in those pictures, Dean was always by his side, sporting his own, accompanied by a cheeky baby grin. They had been inseparable since the moment they met, growing from boisterous toddlers to rambunctious children. They’d run through the vineyards under the golden glow of the sun -- rosy cheeked as they chased each other through field after field, until one sent the other tumbling down. On rainy days, they’d trench back to the house with mud-soaked boots, sending their mothers into a frenzy as they shoved them into the bathtub, not letting them out until they scrubbed every bit of dirt off their bodies.  Even when they grew into teenagers, a time when everything was awkward and uncomfortable, they still seemed to fit together. Castiel looked forward to summers more than anything, wanting to escape the demands of high school and the pressure of attempting to be accepted by his peers, in order to see the one person who knew him better than anyone. The person who knew about his dislike for prime numbers, and would listen to him spout the guttural language of Enochian without even batting an eye.  To everyone else, Castiel didn’t seem to fit the mold. But to Dean, Castiel was just… Cas.  He had been expecting that summer to be the same as the last sixteen.  Yet instead, he’d watched his best friend turn into a nasty, arrogant asshole who had been ignoring his existence for weeks. A cool, callous person who was nothing like the friend he’d known his entire life. And finally, after days upon days of enduring it all, Castiel had had enough.  He knew where to find Dean. Despite being without a flashlight under the pitch black sky, his muscle memory led him through the rows of ripening vines all the way down to the creek. He could hear the quiet trickling of the water amongst the loud sounds of crickets. There, even in the darkness, he could see the silhouette of Dean, standing under the large willow tree on the edge of the property. It was Dean’s favourite spot on the entire farm, a fact Castiel had known about him since they were children. Soon, it had become more of their spot, where they spent most of their time during the summers.  As he approached, he heard Dean huff. “Figured you wouldn’t be sleeping,” he grumbled. “Did you think that maybe I snuck out to be alone?”
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