#at the worst time in SPN history
hippychick006 · 2 years
This is why they should not have been part of the main interviews. The cast should have been there and been given their moment to shine, its an embarrassment, only made worse by the fact Dean fangirls are posing as “journalists”.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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Supernatural S4E17 It's a Terrible Life (written by Sera Gamble)
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The Magicians S4E5 Escape from the Happy Place (written by Mike Moore)
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i just saw an ad for supernatural on my television. in the year of our lord 2024 . let them rest in fucking peace god pls im begging
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seeds-and-sins · 5 months
Light My Fire - Part Seven
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Pairing: Ben "Soldier Boy" x F!Reader
Rating: M (Crude Language, Curse Words, Sexism, descriptions of explicit sexual content)
Description: Phoenix faces a ghost.
Tagged: @tonixe @chernayawidow, @deans-spinster-witchs-favorites, @ophennie @virgoelf-blog, @my-obsession-spn, @capricxnt
Part Six
Your father died in the war.
1945. The Battle of Okinawa.
You were fifteen years old.
You don't remember much about him, but he was a good man. He promised to come home. When the soldiers came marching in, he wasn't with them. Your mother wasn't the same after that, but she didn't show it on the surface. She cried in the bathroom and whimpered into her pillow, but she never let anyone see her like that. You had admired her when you were younger.
But now?
You couldn't even recall what her face looked like. When you thought about her, which wasn't often, all you could think about were words: strong, independent, fierce, and hard-working. Your mother was a no nonsense kind of gal and that was how she raised you. She was a secretary for some big shot in St. Louis, a working woman that earned her own and fended for her own. If not for her, you wouldn't be here. You can imagine yourself aging, having married and had children ages ago. Maybe you'd be in a nursing home right now. Maybe you'd be in a grave.
But no.
Your mother refused to marry you off like all the other mothers of your time. She didn't believe that a woman belonged in the kitchen and she refused to allow you to think otherwise. She instilled in you a fury that remained even to today.
You both lost touch with one another when you were entered into the program. You were twenty-two years old, your mother had made the arrangements herself. You don't remember why she did, but frankly, it was so long ago you can't bring yourself to care. You never went out to find her. You were certain that she was dead by now. And of the things she left you with, 'I love you' wasn't one of them.
Don't trust anyone, she said.
And don't you dare fall in love. You'll just get yourself hurt. No one cares about you and no one ever will. Remember that.
You should have listened to her, but over time her words just became less and less valuable. You didn't take them seriously anymore. Not like you used to. You doubt she told you them under the assumption that you would live to be almost a hundred years old and look not a day over twenty-two. She couldn't possibly understand what it was like to be in your boots.
It was lonely.
Surely, that would be the exception. If you trusted someone along the way, that was okay. If you fell in love...
But no.
None of this was okay.
And you don't think your mother would approve of you attending the seventieth anniversary of the biggest hero fuck fest in history.
You were scowling in disgust as you made your way through the halls of the mansion. Tommy, Tessa, and the Deep had disappeared, but you weren't so concerned about it. If Tommy and Tessa were still alive, that meant that Ben wasn't here yet. But Ben was on his way and you needed to prepare yourself for the worst. The moaning, the exotic smells that permeated in the air, the sounds of skin slapping against skin, it wasn't making your situation any better.
You couldn't believe that the twins were still doing this. It was obvious by the look on your face that you had never been a big fan of Ben's annual Herogasm. He started it with some other heroes a long ways back and from that point forward he made it a habit to host the orgy in his penthouse every once a year. You had been invited on numerous occasions before Payback had even been formed. Back then, heroes were few and far between. You didn't have hundreds of them like there was now. The invites were little pamphlets with splashes of vibrant colors stamped down by a printing press, some poorly drawn pornographic comic scribbled on the front. They were sent out by whoever was Soldier Boy's assistant at the time. Knowing how Soldier Boy was after he met you in person, if the invites had been sent by him personally, he probably would have come and fetched you himself.
That was much like what happened after he met you. Being a member of his team didn't deter him from you in the slightest. Ben would invite you to Herogasm himself every year after Payback had been created. And every year that Ben approached you about the event, you gave a very firm and strong 'no'. Ben was so determined that he would try everything he could think of to get you to change your mind. As if him barreling through your penthouse door in the early morning wasn't already bad enough. He sent you sex toys, gave you intimate details on who was going to be there, attempted to bribe you with food and drinks and drugs.
It wasn't like you were a prude.
In your younger days, you would do anything to have a good time. You were reasonable and rule-abiding, but it was a known fact that you liked to party. And you were wild and fun and carefree. The world was your playground and you were so excited to learn and try new things. Heck, you weren't even that young then. But within the era arose a lot of great changes and great changes meant new things. Everyone was living life to the fullest and everyone was rocking and rolling, swinging, mixing drugs and drinks, learning about themselves. It was a new age. Gone were the ways of the old.
So, you weren't going to lie to yourself, part of you really did want to go to Herogasm. You couldn't count how many times you had nearly walked yourself all the way to Soldier Boy's penthouse. Be damned the reality of giving him the satisfaction, you just wanted to have fun. The rational and reasonable side of yourself would stop you. You would have to do a regroup on the top of a tower somewhere, pace back and forth as you thought up reasons as to why you shouldn't go.
Orgies were great and all, but there was nothing that beat the physical and carnal intimacy of being with someone in private.
Ben had tried to persuade you that way too: It'll just be you and I, how 'bout that? But there still was the problem of him being in a relationship. Take away the public aspect of it and there still was the fact that he was with Crimson. No matter how many passes Crimson gave him, you wouldn't be just some other girl, you wouldn't allow that. And you couldn't do that to Countess.
The idea of facing him in the workplace after that, you'd never be able to do that. You weren't sure how your teammates managed. Payback had fucked with each other in every which way, even outside of Heorgasm. Herogasm was supposed to be the fuck for free card: once a year, fuck whoever you want, however you want, no consequences. What happens in Herogasm stays in Herogasm, kind of bullshit. You would never be able to do that.
Your best bet was to stay away. And you did.
It was almost ironic that you would confront Ben, after all these years, at an event like this. You weaved through the corridors of the mansion, peeking into rooms and steering clear of naked bodies. You found a surprisingly secluded part of the home and took up a space there. You were fiddling with the edge of your cape, pacing back and forth as you waited.
"Okay. Deep Breathes." You told yourself, muttering reassurances that fell empty in your gut. "Everything will be fine. Everything will work out."
What would you even say to Ben? It wasn't his fault that he had been trapped by the Soviets all these years. If anything, it was yours. You blamed yourself for not saving him when you should have. Why did you wait to confront the team? Why didn't you just go get Ben? None of this would be happening if you did. Maybe you'd finally be retired.
Or maybe you just liked this too much...
You don't know how much time had passed, too lost in your thoughts. A sickeningly sweet smell filtered in, a cloud of smoke floating in the air. You inhaled deeply through your nose, nostrils flaring.
"Halothane?" The smell brought a sense of nostalgia. Criminals tried to use it on you a few times back in the day, assuming it would knock you out cold. Either some super kinky shit was going on or something was about to go down.
You followed the cloud of smoke, turning a corner to find it unfurling from a container that rested at your feet. Some sort of smoke grenade, you deduced. You stepped forward, trotting down a set of steps before coming upon two familiar faces. The two men were in conflict with one another, Butcher easily holding back the larger man with one hand.
"Well, if it isn't Billy fuckin' Butcher." They both paused, eyes landing on you. Butcher faced you, a small smirk lifting his lips.
"Phoenix, the fiery cunt, funny seeing you 'ere."
Billy had tried to kill you a few years ago. His team and him had been tasked with obliterating your entire career and even trying to find a way to obliterate you. They failed, of course. There was no doubt that they would. And you didn't blame them for trying to kill you, you were a loose cannon. Still were. You returned his smirk as you came down those last few steps.
"I wouldn't be smiling if I were you. Don't think ya'know what's about to happen." You paused, cocked your head to the side, your irises glowed red. All too fast, a gust of air slashed at your sides as you moved with a startling quickness. Your hand encompassed Butcher's throat and you pinned him to the wall. The wall crackled around the force of your combined strength and his weight. His colleague threw a fist at a nearby display case, the glass shattered onto the carpet floor, he withdrew a wooden baseball bat. The wooden bat splintered as it hit your back, falling into a mess of pieces. Butcher fought back with a grin, making a good effort, something you didn't miss. That grin of his faded when he realized he wasn't strong enough to pry your fingers away from his exposed throat.
"What have you been up to, you piece of shit? You've gotten abnormally strong since I last saw you." You showed your teeth, your hand as hot as a furnace, holding Butcher in place as if he were a mouse. "You couldn't have taken V, I don't take you to be that kind of guy." Your gaze wandered up and down with a sick curiosity as he continued to struggle, clawing at your hand with an iron grip. "Nooo..." You ponder with a pop of your lips. "You took something else. Ya'know you can't trust that shit, right?"
"Let him go!" His colleague stood back now, withdrawing a pistol. He fired six shots at you, the bullets hit your side and dropped to the floor in little dented beads. You plainly looked between the bullets and him.
"Really?" You spat, "Don't you guys know anything by now? For fucks sake, it's always the same shit with you people."
The explosion surprised you and you relinquished your grip on Butcher. The wall at your back exploded into a mess of rubble, a burst of heavy wind pushing back at you. Billy and his friend collapsed to the ground from the blast, while you stayed perfectly still against it. Your eyes narrowed in its direction. As the structure of the mansion around you wheezed and crumbled from the attack, you heard screams and cries for help follow. You made no move to save anyone. Butcher groaned as he shoved a wall off of him with ease. He smirked up at you.
"You're fucked." He laughed.
The walls were black with soot, plots of fire spanned out across the once pristine white. Your eyes vigorously looked around, you searched for the source. An explosion? Much like the one in Manhatten. John had told you that Soldier Boy had caused that. Stumbling from the sheet of smoke in the air, a figure appeared, down the same set of steps that you had come from, down the same corridor. They grew closer, Butcher stood to his full height, brushing off the layer of dust that had settled on him.
The figure halted when they came into view. His bright blue eyes squinted in your direction before a heated glare contorted his handsome features. Your heart stuttered in your chest, fists clenching at your sides. What were you going to say?
God-He looked just like the last time you saw him. Shiny and bright, a little rough around the edges, but just as strong. As if nothing had happened all those years ago, as if he was just coming back from a simple vacation, he was the spitting image of the man you remembered: the same suit, shield poised at his side, hair grown slightly thicker, no mask.
"Ben." He was going to kill you, wasn't he? You could see it in his eyes. His eyes lacked the fondness that haunted your dreams. When you wished you could be back at the beginning, before all this. Before Vought betrayed him, before Vought betrayed you. "Don't do this." You breathed, your eyes softened, the red in them was replaced by your natural eye color. You extended a hand. "Please."
"You haven't seen me for years and the first thing you do is beg." His voice. Even when he sounded threatening, you missed the deep, transatlantic accent that used to make you feel warm inside. You wished you had never rejected it. Fuck Countess. Fuck morals. You should have kissed him. You should have fucked him. You should have loved him. Seeing him here, none of that mattered anymore. Ben was alive. You were right. He was here. You wanted to run and hug him with all the strength you could muster. You wanted him to hug you back.
I'm better now. You would tell him.
You weren't sick anymore. Last time you saw him, he made you swear that you would be better by the time he got back.
Or maybe you were still sick.
Damaged. Deranged.
People could be sick in different ways.
Why would he want you?
Stop being dillusional.
You weren't the same person you were when you made that promise. When Ben promised to come back to you, he was Ben. Just Ben.
Your rational side returned: Ben wanted you dead now. He wasn't Ben anymore. He was the enemy.
More importantly, he wanted John dead. Who cares if Ben succeeded in killing you? You didn't care if you died. You welcomed it. But John? Fuck anyone who would dare hurt that man. You would fucking burn the world for John. He was like a son. He was your son. No one would fucking hurt him.
"I'm disappointed." Ben added, Butcher slowly walked to stand at his side. Butcher must have felt like he owned the world now. Butcher must have felt indestructible. With whatever substance was running through his veins, with Soldier Boy at his side, all of his dreams would come true: you would be killed and Homelander would be next. You wouldn't allow it.
"I don't know what else to say."
"I waited for you." Ben growled through clenched teeth. "Of all the people, I thought you would come for me."
"I tried." You replied quickly, almost pleading.
"You didn't try hard enough." His voice cracked with emotion as he spoke those last words, before his eyes flitted to something behind you. Someone. You looked over your shoulder: It was John, descending a staircase.
"William Butcher and Soldier Boy." He announced, halting beside you, shoulder to shoulder. "You were behind this. This whole thing. It really is all about me." Soldier Boy glanced back at Butcher, you saw a distant doubt at the edge of his gaze. "William, we made a deal. To fight to the death, you and me." Butcher's expression hardened, he was glaring at Homelander with a deep and sacred hatred in his bones. Heat rose in your fingertips, you were preparing yourself for a brutal battle. Homelander shot a beam of red in Butcher's direction and Butcher was thrown, hitting the wall behind him with a booming thud. Soldier Boy faced Homelander, a coolness washed over him and he stood at the ready. "You were my hero growing up." Homelander took a step toward Ben, "I watched all of your movies hundreds of times." Your breath caught as your gaze flicked between them, an intensity clung to the air. The corridor felt more tight and narrow than before. Fumes of smoke flowing from cracks in the walls, lingering after the explosion. "You were the only one that was nearly as strong as me." Those words came out soft, muttered off the tip of John's tongue. Homelander was wide eyed, someone seeing their childhood idol for the first time and maybe John was a bit disappointed.
"Buddy," Soldier Boy replied. "You think you're strong? You're wearing a cape." You grabbed Homelander's bicep. You could feel the tension vibrating in the muscle. You had a duty to stop this, right? You didn't want this. "You're just a cheap fuckin' knockoff."
"Shut up, Ben." You shot out through clenched teeth.
"And you?" Ben turned on you. "The Phoenix. Fire in the sky. You're the biggest fake of them all. The biggest fuckin' whore." Homelander's bicep slipped from your grasp and he flew at Soldier Boy with a roar. Soldier Boy collided with the wall, but he recouped fast and swung a fist across Homelander's cheek. You flew in to intervene, trying to rip the two apart. Soldier Boy shoved you and you stumbled back, Homelander's laser vision beamed at him. You were about to tear them apart again when a hand grabbed at your shoulder and ripped you backward.
It was Butcher. You blinked at him in shock, his fist collided with your cheek. It did nothing more than snap your head to the side, but you were still surprised. His eyes turned yellow and a beam was shot in Homelander's direction, shoving him back. John was momentarily stunned as his blue eyes lifted to Butcher.
"What did you do?" He snarled.
"Scorched Earth." Butcher replied, you returned by grabbing Butcher by his jacket and you yanked him away. Homelander directed his rage toward him, fists were flying, both of them dodging before making a hit. You turned your attention to Soldier Boy, he was rolling on the floor. You stomped to him, grabbed him by the collar of his chest plate and hauled him to his feet. He punched you. The hit drew blood, the boiling hot liquid ran from your nostril. Before you could collect yourself, Soldier Boy's hand was at your throat and he was choking you.
"I would have given you the fuckin' world." He hissed.
"They-" You choked out, "Got me-" Both of your hands wrapped around his wrist and you fought with all your strength. "Too." His grip loosened just a touch and his eyebrows furrowed at you in confusion. An arm looped around his neck and Homelander was drawing him into a chokehold. Butcher tackled Homelander from behind.
You held your throat, gasping for breath. You stumbled toward the three, reaching out for Butcher when you were shoved from behind. The shove wasn't enough to send you off balance, but you spun on your heel.
It was a naked man.
Starlight's boyfriend? He stared wide eyed at you, you stared wide eyed at him.
Upon recognition of his place in all this, you wasted no time, fire balled in your fist and you threw a wave of heat at him. He squealed, patting himself down, left intact by your attack. Your attentions went back to the trio. You punched Soldier Boy in the gut. Butcher climbed off Homelander to grapple you by the shoulder and throw you.
Soon. In a mess of limbs and fire, it was Homelander and you versus Starlight's boyfriend, Butcher, and Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy and Butcher were far more trained in specific combos of attack, while Homelander just aimlessly tossed his brute strength in where he could hit them. All of them had one goal. It was like you didn't even exist. Any move against you was one to keep you away. The three of them held Homelander down to the ground, Ben's chest began to glow yellow.
What was that?! What was he doing?! You had never seen that before.
"No! Stop!" You screamed, steam rose from the corners of your eyes. You grabbed Ben by the shoulders and pulled with all your might. "PLEASE!"
Your efforts were just enough to give Homelander an opening and he escaped their hold, flying into the sky and through the roof. You fell back, hitting the wall.
It was still.
You licked your lips, eyes focused ahead on Soldier Boy's hunched form. Butcher flipped on his side and Starlight's boyfriend stood with a limp and a grunt. Soldier Boy stood, one leg at a time, he slowly faced you. His chest rose and fell with every ragged breath. You held against the wall as he closed in on you.
"I'm going to kill him..." He began, pulling loose tufts of his hair back with his fingers. "And I'm going to make you watch." You tilted your head away. "And then I'm going to kill you." Your vision just so happened to land on Butcher. He was grinning now, blood staining his teeth.
"This is not fair, Ben." You said weakly.
"Aww, are you gonna' cry?" He taunted, lacking any jest, all cold and callous. "Gosh, I don't remember you being such a pussy."
"I don't remember you being so cold."
"Well, that's what happens when the only person you ever fuckin' cared about leaves you to the wolves for four decades!" He shouted, spital ran off his sharp teeth.
"Fuck you, Ben. You don't even know anything. You don't know." You whimpered back, defeated. You couldn't even believe that was you talking. You lifted into the air and flew through the hole in the ceiling.
Ben's eyed followed you, head tilting back. His fists clenched at his sides.
"What did she mean?" He asked out loud, "They Got Me too. What does that mean?"
"Who fuckin' knows, mate. You can't trust a word she says." Butcher replied, eyes narrowing on Soldier Boy in question. Soldier Boy needed to think Phoenix was the enemy. Otherwise, they would never kill Homelander. "She's just tryin' to get into your head."
"That flying fuck and her, are they..."
"What do you think?" And that was the only seed Butcher needed to plant because Soldier Boy's answering grimace was enough. He was hurt and he was fuming and that was how Butcher needed him to stay. He needed Soldier Boy on his side.
"Guys, we gotta' go. Like, now." Hughie stated anxiously, Butcher nodded in agreement.
"Come on." Soldier Boy stood below the hole in the ceiling, his fists clenched at his sides, he gritted his teeth.
You were right there. Right in front of him. As beautiful as the first day he had met you...
And he should have killed you.
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dotthings · 2 months
More context for my posts: the invalidation and belittling about Destiel from bitter accounts in the Destiel lane didn't begin after 15.20. There's a history to this.
From S12 through most of S15, there were Destiel shippers who mocked and denigrated Destiel shippers who noticed the increasingly loud queer coding and noticed it pushing towards surface text. They mocked common lit crit methods the Destiel lane still uses today. They mocked Dean and Cas scenes that many shippers found meaningful. They mocked any Destiel shippers who took Destiel seriously as something the show was weaving as part of the canon. Fandom fights over what would be enough, what would count, for Destiel to be considered "canon," and that entailed an awful lot of invalidation and goalpost moving and "it's not canon unless they make out." Meanwhile the creatives at spn were using Hays code methods to tell the love story canonically. If you recognized that was happening, it didn't go over well with a good portion of the Destiel lane.
The lightbulb seems to have gone on for a whole lot more Destiel shippers than before about the role network censorship played, but there was a wave, immediately after 15.20, of Destiel shippers accusing Destiel shippers of being "conspiracy theorists" for being able to add 2 + 2 and get 4 and talking about the role the network interference played. (Only a few accounts still seem to be dragging that out, it does seem by now very few people in the Destiel lane are still playing denialism games about corporate queer censorship as a real thing done to Destiel.)
Old fandom history--the precursor to modern era Destiel lane problems along these lines was The Good Destiel Shipper era. Before "canon Destiel" was a serious talking point. But there was a time period of some Destiel shippers self-styling as "I'm not like those other Destiel shippers, I'm a good Destiel shipper, I know Destiel isn't canon and never will be and that the show is about the two brothers, so I'm going to stay in my place and not get uppity like those weirdos who talk about subtext." & admittedly, way back when, I fell a little into that trap myself. I've got some early posts (on LJ and maybe even on tumblr) where I kept making apologias for how I discussed Dean/Cas. It was years ago but no sense denying it. Thank goodness I got over that.
So. When I say sometimes the worst calls come from inside the house...
There are people who think they're advocating for representation and being supportive but instead are eating their own face, demeaning creatives who tell queer love stories within a restrictive industry, or demeaning fans who acknowledge queer coding. It's undermining the causes they claim to support and and it contributed to deepening the mood of invalidation and othering for other Destiel shippers.
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eisforeidolon · 26 days
You seem to have been in the fandom for quite some time and I was curious has the factions in the fandom always been at odds with each other in regards to the actors and the story of SPN? It just seems like the hellers are trying way to hard to take over this show and it irritates me that they insist on a story moving forward that looks drastically different from what we got from this series. I really hope if there is a continuation of some sort that both Jared and Jensen stick to this story being about these two brothers because I would hate to see that diminished by delusional fans with an agenda to just win and prove themselves right. Misha continues to frustrate me with his pandering and now Jensen is having to try and navigate "gotcha" questions to prove his character is actually bi. It just seems like some fans are not enjoying this show for what it was and now I am in the camp of hoping no reboot happens. Maybe J2 can do something else together. I would enjoy anything at this point to get away from Destiel and crazy shippers.
Someone else may be able to give a more thorough picture with detailed history, because I haven't been here the whole time, just since about season 8 or so. The general impression I've gotten from my own observations and previous discussions on the topic is that it was a cumulative thing, though.
A lot of people are squicked by incest and RPF, which is entirely fair. So there was a certain portion of the audience prior to season four that was desperately looking for something to ship that wasn't either of those things. Then Castiel came along and stuck around for more than just one or two episodes, and they were off. Obviously there was some shipwarring over that. No fandom over a certain size is actually very peaceful and there had already been some back and forth between Samgirls and Deangirls over who was The Worst or The Woobiest in the early seasons. But it started out as just typical shipping stuff at the beginning. You know, writing fanfic, making gifsets, talking up certain scenes, enjoying the shipper teases, coming up with wishful scenarios that could happen. Just shipping something that isn't canon which fandom has been doing basically forever.
Except somewhere along the line, some of those shippers started to take their own fan activity way too seriously. It wasn't just an interesting possibility to read that scene as intimate, the writers totally intended it as intimate, how could they not? That joke? Wasn't really a joke, it was the characters' hidden feelings trying to come out. All those things that could be very, uh, creatively associated with sexuality/a romantic relationship? Were secret signals for the Real Audience aware of the Real Story that had to stay hidden for now for Reasons, but would obviously be Endgame! No one they acknowledged the existence of cared about Sam & Dean & the family business anymore. Except maybe a couple lingering creepy wincest shippers, and ew, nobody likes them! It just kind of built on itself over time. It wasn't as intense when I joined the fandom as it was by the end, because each secret hint they convinced themselves was actually there, each lie and misleading hint Misha told them? Built on itself to where they convinced themselves they had a mountain of evidence rather than a house of cards that was all jokers scribbled on by a five year old.
I don't know exactly why it happened or what any more specific tipping points may have been, although it has been a more general trend for fanon ship shippers to get very demanding of TPTB as those people have become more accessible on SM. Still, I don't know of any faction that are still going nearly four years after their canon ended like hellers are. Is it the conventions? Is it that they were already talking revival as it ended? There are some interesting questions there, but I don't think anyone has really delved deep into all the specifics of the whys and wherefores.
Regardless, I really don't see any universe in which Jared and Jensen agree to a continuation that isn't about Sam & Dean, given everything they've ever said about those characters and their story. I can't even see any kind of additional attempt at a spin-off including D/C. It's just not a canon thing (according to anyone who hasn't been shown to have a hidden agenda). Even Castiel's final scene interpreted as romantic? Is just about Castiel's feelings, not the ship being a thing. Jensen may have decided it's not worth trying to talk people out of their wild interpretations, but that doesn't mean he's actually decided they actually know the show or his character better than he does.
On the other hand, I don't see any continuation that doesn't involve hellers eagerly convincing themselves they're getting secret signals through Dean's eye blinks up until the very last second that the ship will happen ANYMOMENTNOW! And then wailing in bafflement about how they could be so wrong and screaming about homophobia before self-soothing each other that surely it will be canon next time. Surely the Sam & Dean show has to stop being about Sam & Dean sooner or later. It's not like not having a revival is going to stop them, clearly.
I'm not actually against a revival, I'm more ambivalent, but I would actually rather see J2 together in something else given the choice. I don't really need more SPN, especially SPN of the same caliber as the last several seasons, and I think it would be really interesting to see what kind of dynamic they'd have together as entirely different characters.
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
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joel miller x reader
where the wild things are - wild men or monstrous infected creatures, the world is wild and ravaged by cordecyps but some are raised in it and flourish becoming a wild thing.
peter parker x reader
new life (discontinued)- you lived a normal life get up, go to school, head back home, and repeat. it was until your school had an interesting meeting with the one and only tony stark. will meeting him be the best moment of your life or the worst.
you're everything to me - hi! i absolutely love your writing omg!! i was wondering if you could do a 1 and 13 with peter parker and stark!reader, please? thanks 💜 (request)
the revengers - your dad goes out with the other avengers not knowing your band is performing there.
imagine staying up all night studying for a big exam but your boyfriend peter wants you to sleep
steve rogers x reader
sign of the beast (discontinued)- you wanted it to stop, you thought it was just a bad dream your brain created to mess with you. but how wrong you were, with this disease in you, can you get this beast out of you or let this darkness take over. (marvel x spn crossover)
avengers x reader
i am iron man - a final stand that would determine the fate of the universe
imagine finding out your dad is tony stark when you fix his equation during a speech
dean winchester x reader
sweetheart (discontinued)- going through her first year of college she meets her new history teacher, mr. winchester. the moment he locked eyes with her he was hooked. she was going to be his, no matter what consequences came with it.
heavy - when a hunt goes wrong will the reader be able to face her fear or end at the fail with a bad consequence.
sixteen going on seventeen - dean is way too overbearing with the reader. that causes things to be let out. (high school au)
am i interrupting? - you walk in on sam and eileen having some fun.
sam winchester x reader
hunter to queen - receiving a letter saying that changes her entire future. is she ready to leave her life as a hunter?
imagine playing with sam’s hair
imagine finding out you’re the heir to the throne
castiel x reader
no grace is going to cure this -when castiel finds out that the reader has depression he tries using his grace to heal her but realizes he can’t.
misc. x reader
i'm sorry (discontinued)- y/n winchester. the daughter of dean winchester always had trouble following her. when in the apocalypse world you meet the archangel michael that strikes a deal for this new vessel in front of him.
sign of the beast (discontinued)- you wanted it to stop, you thought it was just a bad dream your brain created to mess with you. but how wrong you were, with this disease in you, can you get this beast out of you or let this darkness take over. (marvel x spn crossover)
tell me i'm adored - when lucifer is able to take over hell after being out of the cage he takes the reader from her brothers and takes a possessive attraction for them.
best day ever - thinking it’s a normal day in school to have your world turn upside down.
imagine finding out you're michael’s vessel
imagine being the one to shoot god and are now having visions
imagine being chuck’s firstborn and him not having the strength to kill you so he makes you human
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dothwrites · 10 months
as far as season premieres go, this one is... okay? i thought we were getting zombie apocalypse and i got weird boring daytime ghosts. bloody mary is THEE scariest episode of spn but man, spn forgot how to make stuff scary somewhere along the way because the ghosts in this episode just look... like cosplayers who got lost
but that being said the PATHOS in this episode gives me some good fucking food. the way that cas is SO very careful with jack's body. like. that's his KID. and he had to watch him die. and he couldn't do anything. and it was his dad that killed him. and this is cas losing the very last bit of his faith. and cas smiting things will never cease to be amazing. but we're concentrating on the SAD here.
cas' "well i wouldn't starve" is SO VERY BITCHY. and he has every right to be at this point.
dean is doing an AWFUL lot of hindsight declarations. first he always knew that jack would go bad and then he always knew that chuck would go bad. he is very conveniently rewriting his own history and it is a very interesting choice for him to make.
cas lifts that giant slab of stone above his head and all i can do is have a dean winchester "SO STRONG" moment. (so STRONG!)
cas having to watch a demon parade around wearing the corpse of his kid is... he is literally going through one of the worst experiences of his life. and sam and dean are pretty much completely ignoring it and telling him to suck it up and get over it. and then he's ORDERED to give up his blood. cas is no longer "always happy to bleed for the winchesters" and you know what? HE'S RIGHT!
this is why the divorce arc is SO necessary (in my opinion). cas has reached a point where he has NO autonomy with the winchesters. dean, and to an extent sam, are treating him like a soldier--like how john treated them. they're giving him orders and expecting him to obey them. cas has lost EVERYTHING--his son, his family, his faith--and sam and dean don't acknowledge his loss or his pain. they expect him to get over it and do his job--follow their orders. and that is why it is so VITAL that cas leave.
cas' pain being so much that he can't even stand to be in the car with dean and belphagor... he is HURTING! he is in TRAUMA! (and i guess everyone else is too but cas is the only one who is visibly showing it, other than dean making a "whoopsie" statement in the crypt)
good to know that cas doesn't need to touch people to heal them. he just does that for dean because dean is ✨special✨. and when it comes time to fix sam cas is like "ew yucky" and makes sure to keep a good five inches between his hand and sam's body
these broad daylight ghosts are stupid
though cas being pissy because sam shot him is fun. see, that's why cas doesn't touch you when he heals you, sam. all i can think about in this scene watching cas run is misha running on his shitty old man hips and his brand new shiny titanium hips
and then belphagor mocking cas over dean's treatment over him... dean not being able to keep himself from coming to cas but immediately forcing himself away... AH IT'S SO PAINFUL. i love it.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
The Good Omens leak sucks. Mostly because it's real shitty for a creator to work real hard into trying to make something they think is good and wait for the public reaction and discord and lose it because some assholes. I personally don't care for the spoilers but I still think it's just shitty behavior and Amazon could have talked to the staff first. Now I'm not blaming anyone that interacts with it. Go wild. It just sucks it happened.
But the worst part is people just being super dark and negative about it (mostly the SPN fandom) like first of not to throw the birthday boy card but: it's my birthday and you're being meanies on my birthday! Now being serius: the show didn't even came up yet. Not only that but this isn't Neil Gaiman writes a queer characther for the first time and I think Sandman shows us he can do it. Not only that but he has been consistently an ally for years and yes he didn't always got it completly right but he improved and he actually listens to our comunity and just is it so bad to have some faith?
Yeah. It might actually be queerbaiting or just bad but we have no reason to think it will be. The main writer has a history with queer characthers, the characthers itself have queer reading and I'm sorry this isn't CW. So please let us have joy. What's the damage of it?
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thegeminisage · 1 year
For the ask meme: 13, 18, 25 for spn
HIII thank yooou
13. worst blorboficiation
oh i have spoken extensively about this but it's dean. it's literally dean winchester. if you follow that second link there's like 6 posts where anons chimed in and it's like a whole thing, this trend where we turn dean into a sober salad eating out pta dad. none of those words are in the bible. it's classism, it's gentrification, yes i'm being 100% serious, get it out of here!!!
18. it’s absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
just everything to do with sam really but more specifically how FUCKING COOL it is that he beat the devil. shit, i wish the WRITERS remembered. gadreel should have been shaking in his boots. i think it's so fun that sam is the only reverse-possessor in the history of the world and with his bodily autonomy issues we should have explored that further.
ALSO, meg. she's so fucking cool and the only thing anyone ever remembers is that she was hot for cas. that's YED's daughter...she has a legacy...the longest surviving woman at the time of her death...show some respect
25. common fandom complaint that you’re sick of hearing
you know at this moment in time i think literally all of the complaints are valid. they fucked us over. unless your complaint is "too much sam" "too much castiel" or "too much mary" in which case: die.
actually let me hone in on mary for a sec specifically...just say you hate women. she was so interesting and cool and they fucking UNFRIDGED HER and then killed her again bc fans wouldn't stop complaining. mary haters suck!!! i needed another 12 seasons of mary complexities alone. sorry she wasnt the uwu perfect mom sorry she didn't mother men who were LITERALLY OLDER THAN HER jesus christ
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icharchivist · 1 year
Is it bad to admit I *don't* know what Mishapocalypse is. Sounds like a cat problem.
it's not bad at all are you kidding me, congratz on somehow not knowing one of the most cursed thing here
see, at least with Dashcon i'm just, it's now such a part of internet culture i'm more surprised! but the Mishapocalypse was a hell we don't need to remember.
but you're with me today so i will tell you about it <3
and you're right about the cat problem in the sense that we were all unbearably hissing at each other?
this one should be shorter to explain, but, long story short, it started in the Supernatural fandom (and at the time, this fandom was pretty much dominating this website, with Doctor Who and Sherlock) where a picture of Misha Collins, one of the main actors (who you still see today as a meme as the gay angel who got sent into superhell), became a joke:
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A joke post started to spread on "how about on April 1st 2013, we all switch our icon to this picture of Misha"
April 1st 2013 happened.
A huge 90% of the website played on the joke putting on this picture as an icon.
But it didn't stop here. There was countless of edits of this face everywhere. Every single tags were spammed with edits of his face.
This type of bullshit:
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2013 was the worst of it, where it was genuinely inescapable. Every single post were edits of this picture and nothing else, the website was unusable.
But it was such an event that it had happened every year since, however, only limited to the spn fandom now.
But 2013? every fandom was on it.
Misha Collins himself took it well:
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Truly was one of those moment of unity that is living in the history books as "that day tumblr became unusable and the most annoying place to be"
Tumblr history for u.
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mittensmorgul · 2 years
The Winchesters 1.03, You’re Lost Little Girl
Rewatch notes, mostly for my own reference purposes. not entirely in chrono order of the episode, with many tangents and references to spn canon...
Poor little Twinkle Star, Carrie, having to grow up too quick and be a big girl. And her 12-year-old brother as her main caretaker (and as we’ll learn, Mary next door checking in on them when she can). At least she had the CB radio to talk to her momma while she was on the road. More than Sam and Dean ever got, from what we’ve seen.
(btw, love the anachronistic reference to Star Wars with the names Carrie and Ford, when Star Wars won’t come out for another five years...)
So her stuffed bunny Bernice is missing, and right when she wishes for it most, a weird sack appears on her floor, and she finds the bunny. But a truly horrific monster climbs out of the sack behind her and snatches her up.
So. This monster. Is it stealing these items to start with so that people will miss them, or is it truly opportunistically creating items (or otherwise magically manifesting them in response to people wishing for their lost items?), or does the mechanics of it even really matter? It’s got its whole creepy storage unit inside some sack pocket dimension. It reminds me of the Soul Eater from 11.16 in some ways, with its little pocket dimension where it pulls people’s souls to drain/feed on them until they disappear entirely. At least that part is a near identical concept, even if the mechanics are slightly different.
Dean’s narration is an attempt to murder me personally, about ending up lost without friends and family to help guide you. Like... Dean... baby... can I get you a hug...
FINALLY we learn what happened to Mary’s mom. Apparently Deanna has been out of touch, off on her own working with other hunters in... Minnesota... for at least a few months. And even that seems connected to the mysterious Maggie who died, whose death caused so many fractures for seemingly everyone they know. WHO IS MAGGIE?! WHAT HAPPENED THERE?! That feels... very important to the larger story of what’s going on here.
But I find it wild that Deanna has been completely out of touch with the family, almost like SHE IS MISSING TOO?!, and yet Mary is solely focused on finding Samuel. Which I think is something else to pay attention to. WHERE IS DEANNA?! If her other hunting friends haven’t seen her in several months either, I’m marking her down on the MISSING list, as well.
We have another incident of the SILENT TREATMENT. The whole gang does have a history of using it as a weapon, but heck. Mary wondering if Samuel is deliberately keeping her in the dark about his current hunt as a variation on the silent treatment, as a sort of punishment for their argument over her wanting to quit hunting. Lata tries to reframe it for Mary into something more positive, Mary considers it and dismisses it.
Lata suggests they go see a movie to take a break, john jumps at the offer, and mary’s like nah go see the omega man I got work to do. When I first watched, I wondered if there was an element of lata hoping John would go with her instead, but... I didn’t see it this time. I do think they would be cute together, though :’D
Ada is working through all her demon spell freewriting notes, and has a lead on maybe getting info about fixing the demon trap box. Obviously it can’t become a kill anything all the time device, so I still wonder if that thing has a cooldown period, or other limitations. Otherwise you don’t have a show, just feed every monster to the box and be done with it.
Carlos arrives with info about Mary’s missing neighbor, and she and John go to investigate while Mary makes Carlos go with Ada to track down the demon. Teamwork makes the dream work, etc. “Don’t go alone” is always good advice on this show, too.
Betty’s last name is Donelon. Missed that before. :”D John... is the absolute worst liar. We know he’s been dodging Betty since he got back, but you’d think he’d at least have thought up a better lie than “study group” and “community college” for what he’s been up to. I mean, even “dealing with family stuff” is a stronger lie than making up stuff that can be so easily disproven. Which makes me think about original canon, knowing the history of “the story became the story” and things John forced Dean to invent, or lies he demanded Dean convince Sam of for his own protection. Does John get to be a better liar with practice, or does he just pass off the creation of those stories to Dean to handle? John’s abject failure to lie smoothly here makes me think it’s the latter.
Betty is a good person, genuinely a good person, and she deserves better than his awful lies. But very much like Sam’s strategy later in life, John wants to keep her out of the Supernatural entirely, and will not tell her the truth about any of it. She better not end up dead because of that...
Ford tells Mary the truth of what he saw, things he didn’t tell the police, and Mary believes him (of course). She goes exploring in Carrie’s room with John, and he finds her CB. Mary has one too, but she used hers for different reasons-- on Samuel’s orders, listening for Hunter Code Words. I presume that’s the sort of scanning John used it for when Dean recalled him using one in 13.11. But Mary just liked listening to the truckers and imaging having “a normal life.” Like... long haul truckers was her exposure to “normal.” LOL at that, poor mary.
Mary, raised into hunting, never allowing HERSELF (though she blames her parents for it) to imagine a different life for herself outside of hunting, is only... sorta like Dean? We watched Dean HAVE a very different life from hunting, taking a year off at Sam’s dying wish, and then finally deciding that life wasn’t for him. Even in his supposed “living the dream” scenario of owning Rocky’s Bar, HE WAS STILL HUNTING. A big part of that recurring sequence was the fight scene. Like he could never be truly content completely out of the life either. “Settling down with someone, someone in the life” was the option we understood was Dean’s idea of happiness for a very long time. And I suspect Mary would be happy with that sort of balanced happiness in her life too, even if it becomes “I just want out, period.” I feel like she wants out from under Samuel’s rather authoritarian thumb more than she wants out of hunting, you know? Just like her friends expressed to her about her leadership style last week...
John’s the one who presses her to make a new list, of things she might like to do “when she quits hunting for good.” I don’t think he really understands... definitely not yet. He’s the one who was allowed to have other dreams as a kid (like Sam was...) and who’s just really learning about hunting now... about Saving People, etc.
Mary finds a bit of the sack, and we see inside, Carrie hidden beneath a mountain of stuffed animals, the monster closing in on her, and then backing off. Like it knows she’s there, and letting her be afraid for a while is part of its plans for her. Lata confirms this later, that it traps victims in a maze, then “plays with its food,” taunting them until it finally eats them.
Mary explains hex bags to John, and John explains to Ford that they’re for “luck,” rather than “to ward off malicious spirits” like mary told him. So he CAN lie effectively, but I guess only to kids? LOL.
Ford demands he be allowed to help find his sister, because he blames himself for losing her. Mary tells him he can help by staying safe, and Ford proves he’s not dumb, insisting the thing he saw take Carrie was real. Mary doesn’t even attempt to lie to him, just tells him what they know, but in 12-year-old kid terms. There’s shades of Dean attempting to tell a kid version of the truth to Jesse the Antichrist back in 5.06. 
On their stakeout, Ada is intently focused on a bonsai tree and some sort of spellcraft, trimming the tree like her life depended on it, Carlos is in raptures over Rockin Roxy and her pirate radio station. In his boredom, they both somehow missed the demon sneaking up on them. I still love Carlos’ holy water pistol :’D And it’s good to know this demon is powerful enough that he’s not really bothered by it. Ada wants to keep him trapped so they can chat before they report back to the others. And I’m thinking this is why she rolled her eyes when Mary insisted Carlos go with her. She was hoping to do this on the DL.
Mary and her suspicion about two Wayward Monsters in two weeks... obscure hag from Columbia, now obscure North Indian bag freak... and suddenly this feels like the plot to the first 2/3 of s6. Where ARE all these obscure monsters coming from. Kinda wondering if we’re gonna see a lamia or an okami next... Is this a side effect of the Akrida? Possibly connected to the weird pink energy she’s pulling from all the vanquished monsters? And her “siren” pirate radio persona of Rockin Roxy? Is that the beacon drawing the monsters in somehow?
We learn Lata’s parents are both dead, a long time ago. She contacts other people “back home” to ask what they might know about escaping and/or destroying the monster. So at least she’s got a lead.
And Ford is also listening to Rockin Roxy when the monster comes for him at Mary’s house. I sense a theme here... But poor Ford, nobody bothered to explain to him that even the porch is beyond the protective zone of the magic spells. He could’ve called Mary for help here, but there’s also a little Dean-esque guilt infusing this boy, and personal responsibility to save his little sister he was charged with protecting. The sack spits out his sister’s Twinkle Star barrette, Ford can’t resist picking it up, and he’s snatched too.
Mary and John arrive back with cheeseburgers (!). So they search the house to no avail. Betty arrives to check up on Ford, and she’s let her hair down. But she’s surprised to find John there, and he gets to prove just how bad a liar he is... Mary finds the open back door, and another scrap of sack. 
John in roundabout way basically tells Betty that it’s over between them. She’d been expecting to “talk” about their relationship when he got back, and John’s just... moved on, which kinda surprises Betty, but she handles it like a champ. She’s such a good person I need to reiterate nothing bad better happen to her.
Also, John’s jacket sleeves. He’s like Sam, needs to find a tall dude shop so he can get his wrists covered lolololol.
But that distraction was just long enough for Mary to make her choice to throw herself at the monster, too. She’s next door where John can’t stop her in time, calling him over the radio. She tells him her plan, and he begs her not to. It’s clear how attached he’s become to her, if not as a True Love situation, at least as a redemption symbol for himself. He’s hitched his wagon to her mission as a way to redeem his personal lost legacy too, but he can help her save HER father even when he was unable to save his own, as well. He has a LOT riding on her, not even counting the whole Destiny™ nonsense they get wrapped up in from SPN canon.
She pushes John to take care of business, to find a way to get her back out again, and she’ll handle the rest. There’s a lot of tangled emotion here. She’s pulling a Classic Dean Move, but she’s also latched on to John as Someone Who Finds Things™. And he DOES. But finding her SPECIFICALLY?! What better person to have gone on the insane revenge mission John takes upon himself after Mary’s death. He can’t find her anymore, but he’s driven to find the thing that killed her, right? This feels like the seeds of that mission.
John figures out where she is, runs next door and arrives just in time to catch the bag writhing on the floor. He has a mission, though. Mary will protect the kids until John can figure how to save them. But she’s got her Dad’s Indiana Jones hat, and runs off to protect at the sound of a scream.
(what’s with the weird jensen ackles face in the room mary wakes up, which looks a lot like a weird closet filled with dress up clothes... my “the bunker has a secret wardrobe room that Dean has fully stocked” headcanon rides again)
Back to Ada and Carlos, and the demon now trapped in a salt circle. She taunts the demon as she prepares a spell, and he taunts her back that she couldn’t pull it off, reminder that she was possessed by his “buddy” for a while and they apparently had chats about Ada... but Ada has the upper hand (the one about to bleed the one drop of blood and trap him in a bonsai tree forever). He breaks.
He doesn’t really know very much, escaped hell, made a deal with the Akrida who’s possessing a human, but there are too many of them to be stopped. And he doesn’t know anything else, so Ada traps him in the bonsai so he can’t go back to hell and tell the rest of the demons what they’re up to, and they’ll have him contained in case they need to ask him anything else. Smart, honestly.
John pleads with Lata. He wants to go after mary, into the sack. She tells him no. He tells her that Hunting, the life he’s just learning about now, is the first thing that’s ever made sense to him, and none of that works without Mary. Lata agrees to take one more shot, contacting a mystery person who might not even want to talk to her... what deep backstory lurks in there, Lata? She contacts the mystery person who DOES give her helpful info, but she ends the call with something like “Tell Mom I’m safe, that’s all she needs to know.” So is her mother NOT dead? Are her parents in hiding? Are they hunters, too? Is she referring to an adoptive mother and not her actual mom? WHO ARE YOU, LATA?!
Carrie and Ford run for their lives from the monster still in Torment His Food Mode, when Mary finds them and chops it to bits. They run for it when the monster reconstitutes, and hide in a storage room filled with zippo lighters-- such an important item for hunters everywhere!
They know how to defeat the thing, but the only way to save people inside the sack already is for them to willingly let go of their beloved item that’s holding them there. Which is nine kinds of awful thinking about 15.18, isn’t it?
John realizes he doesn’t even have to go into the sack to get this info to Mary, though. If the monster has a CB radio in its collection, she might hear him through that. She does. But the radio is in another cubicle filled with sound equipment. John tells them how to get out, and Mary thinks she’s in for an ordeal getting Carrie to give up her beloved bunny, but she’s already pulling it apart when Mary turns back to her. Ford follows suit, snapping the barrette in half. They zap out, leaving Mary to deal with letting go of Samuel’s hat.
Mary can’t get the hat to burn. The fire just curves around the brim, like it’s her will controling the flame. Like humans control our own destiny (hur hur hur). She isn’t willingly letting go of what the hat represents-- not just her missing father, but what comes next for her once she does find him. John frames at as her being willing to let go of hunting, and her identity as a hunter, but again, I think it’s a lot more complex than that. 
She’s committed to quitting hunting once she finds her dad, but also says, “Hunting is all I have.” And like.. that’s not even remotely true. She has her family, her friends, everything she’s learned, too. But it’s about her identity, the fact she doesn’t know who she is if she’s not hunting (which is something I don’t think she even figured out after her return in s12, either... but I think we’re gonna learn who she is right alongside her now).
John spent his entire life looking for his dad (going as far as enlisting in the marines to fight in Vietnam before coming home to find a lead from a mysterious vanishing stranger and a key that literally led him right to Mary...). And he WANTS to keep hunting, he’s identifying with it! Thinks it’s his future, even if Mary wants out! John tells her she doesn’t have to figure it all out right now, but just to be open to figuring it out. As the monster crawls under the door and closes in on Mary, she lets go. Almost like she’s surrendering CONTROL over her life just a little bit, and the hat burns.
The monster crawls out of the sack in reality, Lata shoves it, John kills it, and Carrie stomps it with “STUPID MONSTER.”
The kids are reunited with their mom, Betty is back to close the case, with her hair back up again. She returns an engagement ring he’d given her a long time ago, when they were too young. They won’t get a happy ending together, but she wants to be friends. She cares about John. PROTECT HER.
Mary tries to thank John for helping her, but he won’t hear it. “You did the hard part.” Mary says she’s taking a break, at least for a night, and then... punches John in the shoulder like a good pal and goes off to the movies alone. To see The Omega Man (which Dean referenced in 2.09 Croatoan). She’s a dime short at the ticket window, and a man behind her offers to cover it. For a second, I thought it was John, but it’s just Random Guy Who Likes Seeing Movies Alone, and offers to see this one “alone, together.” So Mary has a weird date with Not-John.
Meanwhile, John is back at Monster Clubhouse having a drink with Lata, and he’s being just as supportive of her as he was of Mary. <3 Lata reminds him of the two rare monsters in a row, that it must be connected. When Carlos and Ada return and tell them yes, through the Akrida, who’s impersonating a human woman and is powerful enough to terrify demons.
Who is she? We cut to Rockin Roxy, guaranteed to bring the rarest hellraisers from near and far... lolol anvils much? The spooky sound? Percy Sledge.
John starts to burn the monster bag, but walks away before it’s done and an akrida comes in and takes it. Mary leaves the theater with her new friend and there are SO many lens flares. So many.
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I do not claim to be good at screenshots.
We see Ada angrily pulling a bit off her bonsai demon while Carlos watches from the other room, concerned. Lata looks at the old timey phone, like she’s upset about something.
And we see the Akrida buglet deliver the bag to Roxy, who pulls another flask worth of shiny red/pink energy from it, like she did from last week’s monster. I think she’s luring the monsters to Lawrence, using the Monster Club to take care of them for her, and then harvesting their energy for her own purposes. But what are her purposes? Building a weapon, integrating herself into this world, other magical purposes? To be determined...
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 137
The Hungry Earth/Hello, Cruel World
“The Hungry Earth”
Plot Description: It’s 2020, and the most ambitious drilling project in history has reached deeper beneath the Earth’s crust than man has ever gone before - but now the ground itself is fighting back
Hey…guess this is kind of the weird thing about setting your story juuuuuuuuust a little bit in the future. Like. SURE, we would never know if Lady Cassandra was really there for the end of Earth, but plenty of us were here for 2020 and it was not like this
Man. I’m really starting to feel like I’m being tricked into watching spn twice. Maybe I should be putting the would I survive question here since we’re mostly dealing with the main characters’ interpersonal relationships in spn these days. They’re not really out hunting like they used to. Anyway, some guy got swallowed up by the ground
And now the Doctor has brought them to somewhere in England instead of Rio. Aw, it’s actually quite cute that future Amy and Rory would come to see them from a distance
What a convenient way to separate them. Surely this won’t play into the plot at all. Oh look it’s the other half of the plot come to get Rory to investigate
Amy did kind of give up really quickly. I mean, I have no idea how hard she was being pulled underground but dang
It’s kind of funny to hear this kid quote Sherlock Holmes as this is I think roughly the time Sherlock also started.
I like it better when the scientists follow the Doctor’s lead (I’m sure he does too), but it is kind of funny to see these two negate everything he says
Oh good. Now we know that there are also beings drilling up
These angles are doing Karen Gilan dirty…
Interesting that the beings drilling up are automatically a threat. Not even a second thought about it
If I ever redo this or put out a revised calendar to do this, all Doctor Who two parters will be on the same day. They don’t really know how to split episodes
The Doctor did get really careless with this kid’s life, but also why are these beings (I can’t remember what they’re called) not going for a more direct route to him??
These reptilian people really are quite beautiful
Mmmmm, human curiosity getting this whole place in trouble again, I see. The drilling they’ve been doing has been perceived as an attack
Ugh. Scared people are the worst. I know they’re gonna fuck up what the Doctor is trying to do
Ooooo, the underground civilization looks really cool
“Hello, Cruel World”
Plot Description: While Castiel struggles with the burdens of his absolute power, the broken psychological wall in Sam’s mind leaves him unable to discern what’s real
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: we’re picking up right where we left off, so unless we’re talking about having a bunch of leviathan in me or being choked by lucifer in a hallucination, I’m good.
Well that can’t be good. The leviathan look like they’ve just been released into the water supply. Cool cool cool
The trench coat just washing up to the shore. And Dean takes it. He’s really broken up about it 😭😭😭
Dean taking care of Sam while still trying to remain cool and distant 🥺
Let Bobby take care of you, Deannnn!!!
Oh. Sure. A high school swim team just got fuckin mauled
I was hoping nothing was too wrong with Jody, good to see it was just an appendectomy
Who’s the leviathans’ boss????
Oh poor Jody. The actual doctor told her to take it easy tonight, but the one who got hijacked by the leviathan isn’t making that easy
Girl, you are not well (Jody)
Boy, you are not well (Sam)
Oh no. We’re leaving Sam all on his own??
Cool cool cool. We’re replacing medical personnel with leviathan 😎👍👍 Nothing wrong with that
That’s excellent timing, Dean, coming back right after Bobby left so Sam’s not alone for too long. How long til this blows up?
I miss Castiel…things haven’t been the same since he walked into that river and disappeared
Ouch, Dean. Telling Sam he’ll never be okay is a little harsh……oh. Oh no. That….wasn’t Dean. FUCK. FUUUCK. It was the hallucination of Lucifer pretending to be Dean. No, Sam, don’t.
I don’t like the implication that the only thing that can get rid of the hallucinations is continued physical harm
Did…Bobby’s house just get burned down?? Well, damn.
You know a monster is gonna be tough to take down when not even a shotgun shot to the head will take it down
Man, tomorrow’s gonna be like…part four of this? We just keep picking up right after the other one left off? Hey…since it’s almost midnight. What if I did watch it once it turns over?
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really struggling to process what happened @ torcon with misha. i don't want to invalidate the emotions or experience for the fan, but at the same time looking at it objectively (and being well versed in misha-isms) i can see how the whole thing was probably one big, truly unfortunate miscommunication where misha matched the energy he was being given in a way the fan wasn't expecting. he should be accountable for the hurt feelings, but i don't think he should be vilified for what happened. (1/2)
i guess my struggle comes from people genuinely calling him homophobic or saying that he's been using destiel+destiel fans for all these years. rationally i know he's been so supportive and appreciate and kind, but emotionally it hurts to see people take all that past history and seemingly throw it away over one bad experience with a fan because i'm certain he's a good guy who just should've approached the situation differently at the time. (sorry for the negativity) (2/2)
i'm sorry anon, but i genuinely don't know what incident you're referring to? idk if i'm just not following enough active spn accounts (or if i only follow ones that don't participate in this kind of wank) or what, but i legit haven't heard a single word about what you're describing.
that said, i agree with you that we need to look at a person's big picture and not write off years of support and kindness because somebody had an awkward or poorly worded encounter. i don't know what he said, but i'm sure he didn't mean any harm, and i think it's pretty silly to accuse him of "using" destiel fans when he was basically the only person on the show supporting us for nearly a decade.
i try not to parasocialize too much, but misha truly seems like a sweet guy, and i'm not going to change my opinion on him because he had a bad day and said something the wrong way. i really hate this trend of jumping to the worst possible conclusions about a person who seems to genuinely try their best.
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tenebrius-excellium · 3 years
Oh, bless you for not knowing haha
November 5th 2020 was one of the most absurd days in internet history, and frankly, in overall history.
So the world is trembling over the US election right. The votes are being counted, everyone is on edge and even over here in Europe, people are holding their breath because whoever wins this election could change the earth as we know it. Around that time, the third wave of Covid hits (I think), and sends us all back into lockdown.
Then, on Nov 5 specifically, there's this moment where Nevada's votes could make all the difference (that's why sometimes, Nevada pops up in the shitposts too). And Nevada is slooooow. The results aren't coming in, and everyone is constantly checking for updates. Also apparently, Georgia and Pennsylvania are turning blue (democratic) for the first time in ages (or ever? don't know, I'm not that familiar with US history) but anyway, it's unprecedented.
On the same day, the romantic relationship of Dean Winchester and Castiel (Destiel), two characters of the show Supernatural, becomes canon after 15 seasons...but in a really weird way that is dissatisfying to most of the fandom (I think. Not in that fandom either). Now the fandom in itself is huge though, one of the biggest fandoms on Tumblr ever, and there's this sort of massive Spn renaissance happening that just consists of...complete disbelief lol.
On top of that, rumors of Putin's resignation arise, being widely spread through the Supernatural fandom's Destiel shitposts. This, again, could change world history if true.
And at this point, everyone's just going crazy-town banana pants.
Because of the sheer absurdity.
Because one person summed it up in the following sentence that went viral and honestly explains best what the heck happened on that day:
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It's a meme consisting of at least 5 other events to explain the 5th of November feeling. The peak comedy being that this is the first sentence of "My Immortal", the worst fanfiction ever written, implying that November 5 2020 reads exactly like that.
It's a cultural treasure, that's what this is.
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naruhearts · 4 years
I’m done keeping my composure.
Sorry, this will be a LOADED post! (And I’ll be repeating the points others have made)
for real, to everyone being nasty and telling heartbroken fans that “Dean was always supposed to die get a grip you’re just butthurt etcetera etcetera—” F you royally.
How dare you police the brutal feelings that’s been embroiling us since the Finale That Must Not Be Named aired. 
The show you think you all watched, the show you all believe was the same SPN from Season 1-4, changed at some point. Kripke wrote his original vision, put it to screen, saw it through in S5 as he intended, and closed the door on that era.
In 2008, Supernatural was adopted and inherited. As you know, there was a supreme paradigm shift post-Kripke era. The show FLOURISHED (we won’t talk about Gamble thanks). It evolved, transformed, grew beyond trauma-induced self-worthlessness and toxic masculinity and endless death and hegemonic social ideals and conservatism and repressive anti-revolutionary ideas. Castiel, the iconic favourite and beloved staple of the series portrayed by Misha Collins, was introduced in Season 4 as the core lead character, and he ushered in a brand new era of Christian mythos that SPN took advantage of. Longevity SKYROCKETED. Audiences were INTERESTED. SPN amassed an incredibly groundbreaking fanbase infused by non-nuclear principles. A massive subversive wave began, fighting the Status Quo of the times since 2008. It’s precisely why such an abysmal ending to a show of extensive Freud-Jungian metanarratively meta META complex stature and social POWER will render us totally and unbearably broken for years to come.
Point is, DEAN WINCHESTER NO LONGER WANTED TO DIE. HE WANTED TO LIVE. HE WANTED TO SIT ON THE BEACH, PLUNGE HIS TOES IN THE SAND, AND SIP UMBRELLA DRINKS WITH HIS BROTHER AND HIS BEST FRIEND. He said this in Season 13. And then, a season later, he told the ghost of his long-deceased father — the source of his deep-running trauma and the figure of self-reductive authoritarianism permeating his arc since Season 1 — after being questioned why he didn’t pursue the Nuclear Fam, that he already has his own: his brother Sam, his adopted child Jack, and Cas.
Dean’s best friend Cas. Oh god, Cas, who made his inevitably permanent mark on Dean’s soul beyond allyship. Castiel, renamed to Cas, God’s -iel removed by Dean. Dean, the human spark that lit the fire of pre-existing autonomy in the inherently rebellious angel who was, this entire time, the catalyst for free will in God The Writer’s puppet show. Their friendship set on goddamn fire. I can also write paragraph upon paragraph about my love for Cas while devastated tears stream down my face, but I digress—
Cas’ romantic love for Dean pushed our main Heart of SPN to love himself. Love is free will. Free will is also love. Of note, Cas’ love confession in 15x18 was supposed to offset something so vastly important and fundamental...to maybe (read: most likely) pull the trigger on SELF-TRUTHS in conjunction with free will. And The Great Anticipated Follow-Up to the episode penned by the passionate Berens should have included (read: seemed like it was going to be) Dean, closeted trauma survivor in love with his best friend, being given the opportunity to do it right: to SPEAK HIS TRUTH, and then that very singular opportunity was STOLEN so grossly. After poring over it for days, I refuse to believe we made their years-long story up out of thin air, spun it out of fantastical-delusional dream cotton candy, because we DIDN’T. IT WAS REAL.
As I said in another post: “I’ve just been feeling physically ill for the past >40 something hours with the terrible knowledge that 19/20 undid years of vital progression towards healthy interdependence, autonomy, and a positive endgame, where Sam, Dean and Cas close the ring of found family in final empowering self-fulfillment...where Dean, no longer repressed and set free, is able to use his words and speak his truth as a queercoded trauma survivor, henceforth confirming and self-affirming his own bisexuality since S1 by reciprocating — by telling Cas that he always loved him, too, loved him endlessly, which would have altogether divested Supernatural of its cult status and catapulted it into global worldwide significance as the longest running sci-fi genre show in American broadcasting history that actually dared to defy and, by proxy, empower LGBTQ2IA+ everywhere who found profound personal meaning in Destiel through VALIDATION,” — found themselves mirrored in Dean and Cas’ respective character journeys individually and as each other’s queer love interests.
Heck, how could anyone think Sam Winchester had a well-deserved characteristic ending? He didn’t. Dean’s brother was shafted so badly. He stopped hunting when seasons ago, he had canonically accepted that he no longer wanted an apple pie life. He simply...turned the lights off in a resoundingly empty bunker and left — abandoning his dead brother’s room — never to return (he did return later to get the Impala, family photos etc, I mean this symbolically)...as if — dare I say it — Supernatural itself eerily told us, in the negative-spaced pitch blackness, that the organic show and the wonderfully complex, matured characters we’ve grown to love weren’t going to survive or be revisited...that it was all going to perish, and that they no longer gave a single shit about their own show, which, to me, is the worst cardinal sin, because how dare they throw Team Free Will, an immovable and indomitable and passionate found family they built from the ground up, a found family CHOCK FULL TO THE BRIM OF LOVE AND LIFE RAGING AGAINST THE AUTHORITARIAN MACHINE IN ORDER TO ACHIEVE FREE WILL, under the bus no matter who is to blame. Growth was stomped on.
Then Sam married a faceless wife who wasn’t his textually established (and deaf) love interest Eileen, named his son Dean Jr., and grew old miserably, still mourning the passing of his older brother, shaken and sombre. Back to square one. IT WAS ALL ANTITHETICAL, even OUTSIDE a shipping context, and I ripped my hair out at this point in sheer disbelief.
This 15x20 ending would have fit somewhere between S4-7. Now? IT DOESN’T FIT. IT’S A JAGGED PUZZLE PIECE THAT DOESN’T BELONG ANYWHERE. IT’S THE FOREBODING UNKNOWN STRANGER IN ITS OWN LAND, BOTH LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY. This kind of ending was basically an illogical, unsound cluster of metastasized cells that, to me, ruined the viability of previous seasons to sustain bold praise and respect and dignity and rewatches and classic nostalgia in such insidious ways.
Dean Humanity Winchester and Cas, after everything they’ve been through, were silenced and lost in death, ripped apart from each other, unable to love each other the way they deserved, because of disappointing, vile incompetency and homophobia. The greatest love story ever told, again obliterated in less than 60 hollow minutes.
You know what this tells your audience, CW SPN? Death without self-growth is the way to go, and no one is allowed to forge their own path to freedom.
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I don’t think I’ll ever stop grieving.
We all deserve answers.
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