#that honestly i think is like. hm. it's okay but i just don't honestly prefer it
exhaslo · 3 days
Idk if you have any interest in writing for any characters that aren't Miguel, but would you ever consider writing for Gabriel O'Hara? Either normal or as Green Goblin?
In terms of the Spider-Verse, noooooot really? But if someone requests a certain character I will do my best to write it.
Now for other series, oho, I got a list of characters I would die writing for! But, that will be after my hiatus (cuz Bleach is coming back and GRIMMJOW SHALL RISE!!!)
Warning: None, just fluff
Another day of unrecognized heroism.
At least to Gabriel, that's how it felt. Every day was a constant reminder that his ex preferred his brother as Spider-Man. Every day was a constant reminder that Gabriel returned to a lonely apartment, only to feel better after saving the day in Cyberspace.
But he shouldn't or his mother would get worried about him being addicted again. Gabriel did not want to be 'saved' by Miguel again after the last time.
All Gabriel wanted to do was feel heroic too.
'Wow! Thanks a bunch for getting me out of that mess!'
Gabriel's eyes widen as he stared at you. You were in a cute, cybernetic form and your speech was almost robotic. Your style was unique and quite different than what he was used too in Cyberspace.
"You're welcome...You need to be more careful with those crooks," Gabriel warned you.
Gabriel was a hero in the Cyberspace known as Firelight. He usually messed with a group called Discord, which prayed on poor individuals in the online world.
"Thought I was, but shit happens. Just wanted to cause a little bit of trouble, hehe."
"Trouble is what I'm supposed to do. Why don't you log off, it isn't safe to stay on here for too long." Gabriel said with a soft sigh. You crossed your arms,
"And do what. There isn't much for me in the real world,"
Gabriel felt sympathy for you. He started to type something and sent it to you. Your messages popped up with a 'ding', causing you to look at what was sent.
"Whenever you want to talk or hang out. Just give me a shout. I don't mind." Gabriel said with a wide smile.
Gabriel didn't really think too much about the offer he gave you. He was always a kind soul, so the thought of helping someone was instinct. Gabriel was surprised when you actually messaged him to chat.
That was how everything started. Gabriel couldn't help but smile whenever you would message him or ask to hang out in Cyberspace. He couldn't help but use you as a distraction for himself as well.
Within time, Gabriel had started to like you. He couldn't wait for your messages. Your adventures in Cyberspace were sometimes just silly and fun.
"Hey, mind if I ask for your name? I know we really shouldn't in the Cyberspace....But I'd like to call you a friend."
"Hm, I'd like that too. How about this. Why don't we spare phone numbers, that way we can chat about more personal information like our names." Gabriel offered. You were hesitant at first, but agreed,
"Okay. Thanks, Firelight...for being my friend."
"Of course."
Gabriel felt like his head was over the moon and his heart had landed in the stars. The two of you had started to text instead of visiting the Cyberspace. Gabriel finally convinced you about the dangers of staying online, and you listened.
It wasn't hard for Gabriel to admit that he was in love. Miguel called him silly for falling for someone he hadn't physically met yet. But hell, it was 2099! No one knew anything about anyone.
Gabriel knew that you were nervous. It took weeks of texting before you started to open up about your life with him. Gabriel was just happy that you even shared anything at all.
It took some time, but Gabriel asked to meet you in person.
You hesitantly agreed.
Gabriel was waiting at a local coffee shop in downtown Nueva York. He found it more peaceful for you to meet him there since uptown was so snobby. Honestly, Gabriel had no idea how his brother, Miguel, does it.
Speaking of his brother, Gabriel couldn't help but notice the brute hovering over a nearby building as Spider-Man.
"And yet he says he doesn't care," Gabriel resisted a chuckle. Feeling his phone buzz, Gabriel checked his messages.
'I'm here, but just give me a minute. I'm really nervous...Can you stand or something so I know where you are? Or even who you are?'
Gabriel just smiled as he stood from his seat. He stood there for a few minutes before hearing you clear your throat behind him.
Gabriel slowly turned around to face you. Your voice was low and he could hear your nervousness. Turning to finally face you, Gabriel's eyes widen as he smiled brightly.
"You're more beautiful than I ever imagined."
Hehe, thought it would be cute to leave things off with the meeting. Leave the rest of the interaction up to your imagination! Haha
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is watching a show/reading a book/whatever, going to enjoy the fandom and finding out it is 95% shipping content. Look, shipping is alright most of the time, but if it’s just all shipping, you get a bit annoyed!
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
Twst Unveil Event Part 4
Philomela: Go change with these. *tosses some clothes to Silver, Floyd, Yuurin, Rook, and Sebek*
Sebek, Silver, and Floyd: *ended falling on their backs*
Floyd: *laughing*
Philomela: Whoops. I forgot that you were just teeny-tiny creatures.
Rook: *has grabbed onto Yuurin so he wouldn't fall because of the impact*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: The clothes weren't heavy.
Rook: *chuckles* Non. But it was the way she tossed them to us.
Yuurin: Oh.
Philomela: After you're done, Rook, Silver, Sebek, and Floyd, you'll be coming with me to discuss your preferred setup for the wrestling match.
Silver: Huh?
Sebek: Preferred setup?
Floyd: I heard from Jade that you've got some cool tech here~. Is it one of them~?
Philomela: YOU BET IT IS! *laughs*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: I'll be chatting with the others while you do that.
Epel: Damn... We're seeing those abs again, Yuurin!
Yuurin: Hm.
Malleus: However, it appears ordinary in comparison to the others.
Yuurin: In ancient times, wrestlers from the Kingdom of Heroes used to fight naked.
Yuurin: With these clothes, this is the closest thing to that.
Malleus and Epel: O-Oh...
Yuurin: Oh. And it's also to ensure no cheating would happen.
Jade: Though, isn't it unfair to you?
Yuurin: ?
Jade: What I mean is, are you not afraid that others will cheat?
Yuurin: Would they?
Malleus: Sebek and Silver won't ever do that.
Epel: Yeah! Rook-senpai too! He's all about playing fair!
Jade: ...
Jade: *chuckles* I guess Floyd will try.
Jade: If he feels like it.
Malleus and Epel: ...
Ruggie: They sure taking their sweet time, huh?
Jack: Yuurin, why do they get to discuss their preferred setup while you're here, talking with us?
Yuurin: I'm guessing that I'll be fighting all of them.
Yuurin: That is, if I keep on winning.
Ruggie: Hmm. So in short, it's to make things difficult for you.
Yuurin: *nods*
Jack: ...
Jack: By the way, Ruggie-senpai, I noticed you were not answering Leona-senpai's calls.
Ruggie: I'll just video call him when the match starts.
Jack: ...
Ruggie: Don't worry. I know what I'm putting myself into.
Yuurin: What do you mean by that, Ruggie-senpai?
Ruggie: Oh, it's nothing.
Philomela: Here are the rules: You've got 30 minutes to beat your opponent! You win if you knock them out, they admit defeat, or time runs out!
Philomela: Do you understand?
Yuurin and the others: Yes.
Philomela: Great! Now let this match begin!
Philomela: Yuurin and Sebek! I'll be sending you now to the designated place!
Floyd: Good luck, damselfish~ Don't lose to Crocodile, okay~?
Silver: Do your best, Sebek. And you too, Yuurin.
Sebek: Hmph!
Rook: Monsieur Tranquille! Monsieur Crocodile! I'll be cheering on you two!
Yuurin: *gives them a nod*
Sebek: *smirks* I'll make this easy for you, Yuurin.
Epel, Malleus, Jack, Jade, and Ruggie: ...
Philomela: Haha! Yes!
Epel: O-Oh, I get it. It's for the scenery.
Philomela: No. It isn't.
Epel: *horrified expression*
Jade: There are spikes beneath the cliff, so if you fall...
Philomela: Those are just decorations, but if you did fall, you'd meet the pavement.
Jack: That feels reassuring...
Epel: Don't force yourself, Jack...
Sebek: If you choose to give up now, I won't hold it against you. *smirking*
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *tilts her head in a relaxed manner*
Yuurin: Sebek, it seems you didn't think this through.
Sebek: Huh? What are you trying to say, human?
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *feints a punch*
Sebek: !!!
Sebek: What the— What's wrong with you?!
Yuurin: *feints another punch*
Sebek: !!!
Yuurin: ...
Sebek: ...
Yuurin: ...
Epel: I could feel Yuurin's urge to do a facepalm right now.
Jade: Honestly speaking, Sebek Zigvolt chose a great place.
Philomela: He could use it on his advantage.
Philomela: Only if he had understood its purpose.
Sebek: *has found the opportunity to apply a triangle choke on Yuurin*
Sebek: What can you say now, human?!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: Not bad.
Sebek: N-Not bad? NOT BAD?!!
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *straightens her posture, pushing her shoulders back to create space, then begins to lift Sebek off the ground*
Sebek: Huh? HUH?
Yuurin: *once her trapped arm is free and she secures a stable position, she begins to transition into an armbar submission hold*
Sebek: This is... not enough... to defeat me...
Yuurin: Then escape. *tightens her grip*
Sebek: AHH!!! YOU BASTARD!!!
Malleus: *ended up laughing*
Epel: No— Malleus-senpai— *wheezes*
Ruggie: Shishishi... This is so good. *while recording the match*
Jack: ...
Jack: One question. Is this being broadcasted right now?
Philomela: Why, yes. The whole Kingdom of Heroes and the other schools who joined us are watching.
Jade: Oh, look, Yuurin has let go of Sebek.
Jack: But he hasn't tapped out—
*Yuurin started to carry Sebek and walked to the edge of the cliff*
Jack and Ruggie: ...
Epel: He's not going to do what I think he would... Is he?
*Yuurin jumped off the edge of the cliff with Sebek.*
Jade: He did.
Sebek: *after he received treatment*
Yuurin: ...
Sebek: I will get back at you. Remember that.
Yuurin: ...
Yuurin: *starts tapping his back*
Yuurin: You need it.
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flolio · 3 months
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if you claimed to have hated aeri uchinaga, why did you find yourself attracted to the way she smiled, or her laugh? it had to be something in the air, there’s no way you had a crush on aeri uchinaga
﹟ GENRE — highschool!au, loser!yn x popular!aeri, aeri was lowk a hater at the start, enemies to lovers (?), mentions of ningselle, fear of losing people, intended lowercase, not proof read 😞
﹟ WORDCOUNT — 1.06k
i’m just gonna stay ‘till you tell me to leave
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you hated aeri uchinaga.
it’s not that she ever specifically did anything to you, because she didn’t.
you hated the way she would tuck her hair behind her ear before leaning down to talk to you, or the swarm of people that followed behind her as she told you to finish her work for her.
you hated everything about her, you hated her perfect smile, one that she loved to perceive. maybe it just hadn’t dawned on you yet, but you liked aeri uchinaga.
like really liked her, you often find yourself analysing her, sure it sounds odd but you did it to multiple people. you found yourself smiling at how she would slightly bite her lip each time she was stuck on a question, even if she forced you to finish it majority of the time.
you hated the way she would slightly wrap her arm around ning yizuho’s waist, even if you don't truly understand why. “y/n? are you even listening?” minjeong said, if you had told her you were thinking about aeri she would probably go into cardiac arrest.
minjeong hated aeri, it wasn’t the type of hate where you could walk it off, no. she would probably plan every way to ruin her life, if she could. “hm? yeah, sorry.” you muttered, trying to focus on whatever she was trying to have you do.
minjeong seemed to brush it off, you never really tried to talk to minjeong about your unknown feelings towards aeri, because if you were being honest she was your only friend.
as you went to rewrite something, a swarm of people walked into the room. another thing you hate about aeri was that everyone treated her like a queen, I mean it's just highschool seriously?
you watched as the girl you claimed to hate waved towards you, out of the corner of your eye you could see minjeong clenching her jaw.
“y/nnie! have you finished my bio homework? it was due today..” she said trailing off fake pouting, another thing you hated. “yea, it’s done giselle.” aeri hated it when people called her by her real name, deeming that giselle was the only name that people were allowed to address her by, as if she was someone high and mighty.
she hummed in acknowledgment, taking the paper from your hands. she looked between you and minjeong, subtly eyeing her up and down. “ah, I guess I’ll see you later y/n-ah!” she said, not before winking at you. you hated her, and her stupid ways of being able to make you flustered so easily. she knew it too, she giggled as she waved while walking away.
now, minjeong wasn’t like you. she actually talked to people and went to parties, unlike you who stayed home and preferred to only talk to her.
so when she burst into your room demanding you go to a party with her it left you confused, but of course you wouldn’t say no to her out of fear she may never talk to you again. although you knew she wasn’t like that. “this is so exciting! okay stay right there I’ll go get you something!” she said, practically stumbling over her feet.
she ended up dressing you up in an all too tight black dress, with some accessories you didn’t quite know the names of. of course, minjeong picked you up with her best friend karina which also included her boyfriend.
you waved politely as you got into the car, you didn’t hate the guy honestly. in fact, at one point he ended up being your tutor when you got an insane amount of workload from aeri, which resulted in you almost failing a class. “aeri’s been on my ass about this damn party, can you believe her minjeong?” karina said, throwing her head back in agony, your heart dropped.
aeri was going to be there? who were you kidding? aeri was at practically every highschool party, no offence but if you couldn’t find aeri just go to the nearest party and she would probably be there dancing on yizuho.
another thing you hated, she was always touching ning yizuho, you were never able to shake the weird endless pit in your stomach whenever you saw aeri wrap her arms around ning, or trailing her hands up a little too high— “y/n? we’re here.” karina’s boyfriend said, tapping on you lightly, shaking you out of your thoughts.
you thanked him before stepping out of the car, if you’re being honest you never knew how you became friends with minjeong and not karina. minjeong and karina have been attached to the hip since middle school— or so you heard.
karina wasn’t a bad person, far from it actually. it was just her scary aura that levitated people the other way, although whenever you were with her and minjeong she never seemed scary.
when you entered the house the smell of alcohol invaded your senses, it reeked in there. you didn’t mind the smell of it, you grew up in a more secluded area where a lot of people reeked of alcohol and drugs so it didn’t phase you as much.
somehow as you went from the door to the living room, minjeong disappeared. as you made a mental note to ask her about it later you saw aeri. she was in a tight black dress similar to the one you wore but it had a leg split. your stomach churned as you saw her with her hands all over ning’s, swaying to the song. as you went to turn away your eyes locked.
you froze as you watched her eyes widen ever so slightly, deeming you’ve seen enough you turned away walking through the crowds of people.
you found yourself frantically searching for minjeong’s contact with shaky hands. you pressed it, it rang out, one, you prayed she would answer. two, nothing. three, you started getting worried at this point. four— and suddenly you’re being tugged into a dark room.
you screeched as the person put their hand around your mouth, turning on the lights with their free hand. once the lights were on and they let you go, you dreaded turning around. you already knew who it was, but you had still prayed it was minjeong— or maybe even karina.
“why are you here y/n..?” aeri asked as you turned around to face her, you didn’t directly look her in her eye.
it’s times like these where you notice the difference in height between you and her, she was only a few inches taller than you but in this scenario it made her seem so much taller than you.
you found yourself flushing under her intense stare, fumbling over your own words. what had gotten into you? suddenly the room felt hotter than it did a moment ago. “minjeong asked me to come and I—” you paused, unsure why you were explaining yourself to her in general.
sensing that you weren’t going to finish, she sighed. “you know you didn’t have to come if you didn’t want to, right? you can say no to her y/n.” this had shocked you, in a way she made it seem like she was being somewhat protective.
aeri could always read you like an open book, it made you feel like your whole story was something she was reading just for fun. “do you want to leave?” you froze, more than you already were.
everything in you was screaming not too and that minjeong was gonna be upset at you for leaving without telling her, but how could you deny the gorgeous girl who tilted her head slightly smiling at you? the party was too loud anyway.
you nodded, still avoiding eye contact. she smiled before tugging you out of the room and towards the exit— “where the hell is giselle!” you stopped abruptly, remembering that this wasn’t some crazy dream.
aeri looked back at you with an arched brow, tucking her hair behind her ear and leaning down to eye level so that she could hear you better. “you can’t leave, ning yizuho is waiting for you! you shouldn’t leave your.. girlfriend.” you mutter quietly, the word girlfriend coming out in a more condescending tone than u intended.
aeri furrowed her brows at you before laughing, she continued to tug you outside of the house. this confused you beyond belief, were you gonna get jumped by ning yizuho tomorrow? what if she decides to follow you home or—
“did you— did you really think ningning was my girlfriend?” she said breathlessly throughout her laughter. her laugh, she rarely laughed. you loved her laugh.
“well you’re always— I mean! you’re always you know.. all over her and—! why am I explaining this to you!” you said getting slightly frustrated at her laughing at your feelings, she noticed this quickly and tried to stop laughing.
she took ahold of your free hand and pulled you closer to her so that she could lean down. “I only like you, not ningning.” how could you be upset at the nickname she had given ‘ningning’ when you had aeri fucking uchinaga whispering in your ear that she liked you— more importantly she liked you?
the words hadn’t exactly registered in your head as she pulled away, you stared at her dumbly. “wait— you like me? like, like, like?” she giggled, nodding her head. how could this possibly be the same aeri uchinaga that you hated? no, you must’ve been dreaming.
she looked between you and the all too expensive car that was parked outside of the house, she looked at you once again.
leaning down and pecking your lips before dragging you off towards her car, how could you possibly hate her when her lips are so soft? you reminded yourself to add soft lips to another reason why you hated her.
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kyeomkuppie · 8 days
Pairing: Wonwoo x gn!reader
Genre: I honestly don't know but let's just say crack and a pinch of angst
Warnings: Wonwoo thinks reader is about to commit suicide
Synopsis: You were just trying to get a better look at the sky, but someone misunderstood and tried to save you.
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You valued your peace of mind and the best way (in your opinion) to clear your mind was to look at the stars. At the edge of a rooftop.
Yeah, not the smartest idea but who cares!
Technically, anyone was bound to see a random person standing at a rooftop, misunderstand the situation, then call for help. Something you didn't exactly take into account.
And bingo as you had guessed, not only did someone see you, someone was at the same rooftop thinking you were about to jump, and you being at the edge didn't exactly help either.
Out of nowhere, you felt yourself being pulled backwards. Your back was now against the chest of a random stranger, and to make matters worse, on top of him.
"Uh, excuse me?" You were baffled and you didn't really know how to explain without him thinking you were lying "Can you let me go, please?"
No answer.
Oh shit. Is he dead? I don't think I'm that heavy though. You were thinking of the endless possibilities of you being charged for involuntary manslaughter. Great.
You finally feel the person who you thought you murdered move. "Are you okay? Why did you pull me like that? You could've been hurt!" You turned around only to be left awestruck. At least he was handsome.
His eyebrows were furrowed and his breathing was heavy, yeah it isn't the time for flirting. "How could you treat your life like it's something to be toyed with! You can't simply choose to end it because things are getting rough." His tone was stern and angry— but wait.
What? Your mind short-circuited for second. He thought you were doing what!
"What about your loved ones and the people who would blame themselves for your death? At least think about all those variables before treating your life like-"
"Excuse me?! I was just standing like a normal person, looking at the damn sky. I wasn't toying with my life, I was enjoying it!" You were starting to get riled up as well, couldn't he at least wait to hear what you had to say about yourself— and wait, what does he even have to do with it?!
"You shouldn't lie about things like this! If you need help, say it."
There's was no convincing this man. "Listen here stranger, if I needed help I would in fact ask for it. But can't a person watch the fucking sky in peace." You huffed "Why are you even making a big deal out of it? It's not like we know each other."
You pushed his hands which were gripping you away. "At least try to understand, I mean it's not the smartest thing to do, to stand at the edge of a rooftop I mean, but I assure I wasn't trying to do anything you were thinking of."
You had an idea! Not the smartest either but good enough "Want to grab a meal?" If he didn't say yes, you'd bury yourself alive, but you wouldn't have to see him again. If he said yes, you'd resolve that misunderstanding and you could go your separate ways.
He suddenly realized that his body was so tense and his body was still on the ground.
You gulped as he proceeded to get up. His features became more clear. His face had a soft expression but his eyes were sharp, so was his jaw. Yeah, you were right, he was one handsome fellow.
He was weirded out by your spontaneous personality. One moment you were all angry, and the next you were asking him to grab dinner? Yeah, not normal.
"Fine. I'll pretend that I believe you, and we'll go grab dinner. But for the love of god go stargaze anywhere but at the edge. I had the ambulance ready." He scratched his neck.
"Okay Mr. Overdramatic." You laughed, it was a peculiar day, not the peaceful kind you usually preferred, but definitely a day to remember.
"Hm?" You tilted your head in confusion.
"If we're going out for a meal, you might as well know my name." He shrugged.
Yeah, he had split personalities, you were sure of it.
"[name]." You extended your hand "It was nice meeting you here— wait what were you doing up here?!" Your eyes widenened.
"I was stargazing."
"Yeah, no shit. I'll pretend that I believe you." You mimicked him from earlier.
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Inspired by that one scene in true beauty.
Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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lightvixxen · 2 months
A shy boy with a dom side
SOOO i have no excuse. this may be a little series, we'll see how this does.
Warnings: SMUT its nothing extreme so I don't feel there's any warnings. AFAB reader tho, + dom!spencer!! MDNI
summary: a Friday night taking a turn.
It was a Friday night, and you and Spencer had a few glasses of wine. And Now sat on your couch. You don’t remember how the conversation got to this point. 
“Whats…” You stop to think, swirling the glass in your hands before speaking again. “your biggest kink?” Spencer looks at you, then looks off to the side, obviously thinking about the question. 
“I’m not sure…bondage most likely,” Spencer tells you, shrugging before taking a sip of his wine. “But choking and, uh, slapping is up there too.” His face was red, and whether it was from the conversation or wine you couldn’t tell. 
“Huh, I was expecting you to say something a little more Vanilla honestly,” you say, setting your wine glass down on the coffee table in front of you. “Isn’t the bondage a little cliche though? I mean guy with handcuffs likes using them, the biggest stereotype in the book.” 
“Oh, I um.” He clears his throat, “I wasn’t talking about…handcuffs, I was talking about actual rope.” That made you raise your eyebrows. 
“So….are you the one being tied up or are you doing the tying.” You ask, your curiosity was officially peaked, you honestly had thought Spencer was going to say something like praise being his biggest kink. 
“Well considering I am a dominant, I do the tying up. I much prefer it anyway. It gives me a level of control they no longer have.” He said it so softly you almost missed it. “Anyway, back to you, what's your biggest…fantasy?” He asks, obviously trying to turn the attention away from himself. 
“Fantasy? Not kink?” You ask, a little stunned. 
“That's what I said.” 
“Well, it starts just like this…Though the person varies…” You start, trying to form this specific fantasy into words. Spencer nods along, watching how your face slowly turns red, and how you avoid eye contact. 
“And well they get up, maybe circle me for a second while we talk, of course, I’m oblivious to it. They slowly make their way behind me, and wrap their hand around my throat…and hands slowly wander…” 
You didn’t even notice he had gotten up. Before you feel the couch dip behind you and his breath on your neck. Spencer's hand slowly wraps around your throat, giving you enough time to stop him. 
“Like this?” his voice was low, it caused the hair on your neck to stand. You were almost frozen. 
“Do I have your permission to… continue?” You nod slowly, not trusting your voice at the moment. “Words sweetheart.” He demands, “I need verbal consent.” 
“Yes, you can continue.” You almost gasped when the hand not around your throat connected with your breast. His fingers expertly play with your hardening nipples through your tank top. 
“Good girl. Now, what else happens in this little fantasy of yours? Hm?” he asks, the grip he has on your throat expertly tightens, this isn’t the first time he’s done this. 
“T-they play with my breasts for a little…while also kissing down my shoulders and- oh my god.” A small moan leaves you, everything you describe Spencer does. His mouth is warm against your neck, unexpectedly he sucks a mark into your neck. 
“Keep going.” He tells you. 
“And then after a while their hands move down…” Again, he complies, his hand on your breasts moving downwards, messing with the elastic of your shorts. “They usually rub…me through my panties but-” before you could get another word out, Spencer's hand delved into your shorts.
“No panties? Surprising…knew a man was coming over and yet you go commando? Planning to flash me, my dear?” 
“N-no I just didn’t feel like it today.” your breath was shaky already. 
“Alright…Sorry sweetheart but since you can’t stick to your narrative we’re doing this my way. Okay?” he asks, his hand on your throat grabbing your chin, forcing you to look at him.  
You nod, luckily this time he didn’t need you to verbalize what you needed. Spencer's hands made direct contact with your clit. His fingers slowly traced circles against it. You gasp, your hips automatically bucking against his hand. 
“You this wet already? I’ve barely done anything…” you could hear the smirk in his voice, one of his fingers slowly tracing around your wet hole, before it sinks into you. A sinful squelch sound can be heard. 
Spencer sets a fast pace, he quickly finds that spongey spot inside you, and with terrifying precision targets it. He quickly brings you to the edge, your moans grow louder as each second passes. 
“Fuck-I’m close Spence-” you moan, grabbing his arm, you have no intention of stopping him, but it just feels too good. 
“You got it, cum for me, sweet girl.” He tells you, keeping the pace of his fingers. 
“Choke me again please!” you beg, Spencer chuckles but complies, his other hand tightening against your throat once again. With one squeeze you were coming undone. 
“Shit, shit I’m cumming.” you moan, your walls clenching around his fingers. Your legs clamp shut around his hand, he smiles behind you. His fingers continue to work against you until you wince in overstimulation. 
Your legs relax, spreading to let him retrieve his hand from the apex of your thighs. Spencer brings his hand up to his mouth, licking off his fingers. 
“For a germaphobe, you’re quite gross” You pant, head lolling back to look at the man behind you. He chuckles, walking into your kitchen to retrieve a damp cloth. 
“And for a profiler, you're not very observant.” He shoots back, walking towards your front, he kneels, gently removing your shorts to clean your thighs. 
“Well-” you’re retort was cut short when Spencer licked a stripe up your cunt, swirling his tongue around your already sensitive clit. 
“Careful how you talk to me. I have no restraints about fucking you over this couch.” He tells you, blowing against your clit before finally cleaning up your thighs. 
“Why not just do it now?” you ask, curious as to why he’s decided to stop here. 
“I don’t have any condoms, But I won’t hesitate to take you here and now if you even think a bratty retort.” He tells you simply. 
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wanderingelvis · 11 months
controversial elvis opinion: i honestly prefer elvis when he gained more weight to like baby elvis. i feel like hearing like 75!elvis comforting and holding you and calling you “yittle ‘un”. ahhhhh!!! the dream
i just wanna be his controversially young girlfriend who he dresses up like a doll!
the DREAM <3 I made Elvis have some darker, more controlling vibes here, I hope y'all like it!
🧚 Masterlist 🧚
Pairing: Controlling BDE!Elvis x Young Girlfriend!Reader
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Elvis is your whole life
No one has a hold over you quite like he does
You trust him absolutely, why wouldn't you? You don't know any better
And that's exactly why Elvis adores you
You're just a gullible young thing and even you'd admit that you can be a little dumb sometimes
But that's okay - because Elvis is there to think for you
You just need to sit by his side and look pretty
And you do a real good job of that, Elvis often reminds you
Honestly? Elvis has the final say in every aspect of your life
You look to him whenever anyone asks you anything, desperately seeking his guidance
From which of your pretty lil' skirts you're gonna wear or how much allowance money you can spend at the International Hotel, Elvis has the deciding say
Some might call it controlling but you like it, to you, it shows that Elvis cares about you and you haven't always had that before
So you just follow him around like a little lost puppy, with wide eyes and a lot of love in your heart for the big, old rock star that you call Daddy
Elvis also loves what a sensitive little thing you are
Even when you get a paper cut and tears will start forming
And you become a sniffling mess that is being pulled into his lap
Elvis will hold you, his big, strong arm tightly wrapping around your tummy to hold you in place as he coos at you
"S'okay, yittle 'un, Daddy's gotcha, ain't that right, brave girl?"
And you'll softly nod as he thumbs away your little tears from your rosy pink cheeks, letting out a small hiccup every now and then, making you bob up and down adorably in Elvis' lap
And that happens approximately three times a day
But you can't help being a crybaby, it's just in your nature
And Elvis doesn't mind, he loves being the one to comfort and hold you
He knows you get easily overwhelmed and overstimulated
In fact, he encourages it when it's just you two in his suite in the International Hotel, overlooking Vegas
He loves pushing you, his lil' doll, to your limits
And of course, he knows your limits better than you do
He always knows what's best for you
"S'too much, too big-"
You mewl through little cries of overstimulation and lust
"I know you can do it, baby, I know you can take it." Elvis will grunt, trying not to finish as soon as he sees your teary eyes roll back in pleasure when he fills up your tight walls
"Good girl, baby, doin' so good f'me."
He'll praise, as you let yourself go
All over him
And Elvis just know in those moments that he has something extra special in his life now that he has you
So of course, Elvis loves to show you off whenever he gets the chance
He'll make sure his pretty little dolly is always by his side
It's like you're on display for everyone to see, the King's prized possession
"Honey, give everyone a lil' twirl why don't ya? Show everyone how pretty my yittle 'un looks in yer new dress hm?"
Elvis will say midway through a rehearsal, through the microphone whilst he's stood on stage
Obviously, you'll do whatever you're told, and you give everyone a spin, looking up to the stage and keeping your eyes only on Elvis
And everyone will compliment you, making you blush and giggle
In those moments, Elvis will fall in love with you all over again
They make the controversial headlines all worth it
You're all his and he ain't ever lettin' you go
taglist: @prompted-wordsmith @vintagegirl2005 @imaginationlast @presleyenterprise @librafilms @ccab @wolywolymoley @rina3476 @billhaderstan420 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @elvispresleywife @ellie-24 @hollbunn @sassanoe @elvisflowerchild @18lkpeters @eliseinmemphis @fallinlovewithurlove @presleyhearted @elvisbf @slimerspengler @octobers-snow @meetmeatyourworst @reddie-freddie @domaniquessidehoe @mygreenlights @kxnnxy @that-hotdog @lana-4life @littleloveysworld @dandelionxbby @lollabear @s0phlabrunette @mumu-hellokitty @elvispresleyxoxo @sergeantelvis @mooodyblue @ashtag2887 @jaqueline19997 @kyliesgwagon @monster-is-awesome @livelovedilfs @neptuneismysister @woniipii @louisejoy86 @lokislittlepup @uselessbutinteresting
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deblklesb · 1 year
this page has me feral… what if reader and abby were sexting.. at a gathering with their friends aha
this turned out to be a full drabble omg wkdkekdk
[CW: modern!au, established relationship (hidden), mentions of sexual activity, descriptions of explicit photos, name calling, public sexting, exhibitionism kink (mention, not practice), (MDNI)]
Nora was chatting non-stop today, probably because of all the drinks she had. Her girlfriend was clingy and all over her, looking at her like she was the most beautiful person on the whole Earth. Manny, next to you, was chatting too, face blushed under the bear he didn't cut off despite his dad's pleads. And on the opposite side of the table, in front of you, was Abby.
The place was full of people, the music loud enough to be heard above all those voices, filling the restaurant along with the warm lights. It was a cozy ambient with air conditioner making the air estable, but sitting there you felt like burning under piercing blue eyes.
Abby wanted to kill you, you knew that by the way she was clenching her jaw and sipping her beer to disguise her gulping from time to time. Her beautiful features were blushing due to the alcohol or the content of the messages? You couldn't tell, although you would bet on the second one.
Well, she was the one who started it.
Abbs 💗: so... wanna hang out later?
You: aren't we hanging out now?
Abbs 💗: ykwim
You: i don't... could elaborate?
She looked at you briefly, squinting her eyes whilst you smirked under the hem of your drinking cup.
Abbs 💗: i was thinking about something more like just u and me
You: oh... like, fucking on your couch?
Abbs 💗: i didn't said that but sure, if that's what's on your mind
You: it wasn't on your mind too?
Abbs 💗: i also didn't said that
You: hm
You: what was on ur mind exactly?
Abbs 💗: honestly? you.
You: feeling sappy today, anderson?
When you realized, she was chocking with her beer and you were laughing, pretending it was because of the scene and not because of the whole scenario of her being shocked with your messages. She told with some detail about what she was thinking, but you went further. And further.
Abby wasn't the one to push too much by text, preferring to put stuff in action, whisper the words into your ear. She was the type to imply and accomplish. You, on the other hand, were a-okay about put into words all your needs.
You: yesterday i missed you sm, you were very mean leaving me alone :(
You: so i dressed one of your shirts and humpped my pillow and came thinking about your fingers stuffed in my pussy
She breathed deeply reading that, you saw her absolutely bewildered. You could already imagine how she was getting heated, worked up.
The image of you on her clothes humping a pillow was just too much for her. She hid the screen from Nora, not wanting to draw attention to it, trying to hide her body reactions.
Abbs 💗: you been so needy that you had to fucking hump a pillow?
Abbs 💗: couldn't you just used your fingers?
You: my fingers are not as big as yours
Abbs 💗: you're right. i get it, at this point your pussy is so accustomed to my fingers
Abbs 💗: i think we need to give you the fulfilment you deserve
You: here?
You looked up to her, seeing her chuckling alone and hiding behind the cup briefly.
Abbs 💗: i bet you would want that. being fucked in front of all this people
Abbs 💗: being bent on this table, bare, tilted ass exposed for me to smack it. pussy so wet for being watched as i fuck you like you want so bad, right?
Abbs 💗: i can just imagine how you would be dripping on my fingers as i feel you around them, such a good slut
This is probably the first time she gets so descriptive through text. And, Lord, you're enjoying. Crossed legs and warm face, you look at her just to notice one of her eyebrows tilted and a fucking smirk.
You: now this might have become a dream of mine, Abbs
Abbs 💗: now?
Abbs 💗: i bet this is a dream of yours for a long time
You: now that you've mentioned...
You: i have something i did while thinking about it
You: [photo]
Abby almost chocked again when the image loaded on her screen. It was a collage of four pictures of you. In the first one, you were kneeling on the bed, a sweatshirt rolled up above your chest so that you torso was practically bare and your hands were holding your tits. You pussy was exposed too, considering you were missing a pantie.
The second one had you with your back to the camera, a dildo under you, inside your pussy, and your ass was so beautiful Abby wanted to smack it, grab it, kiss it.
The third one had you laying on the bed, the clothing barely covering your ass because you devilishly pulled it up, but due to the position she couldn't see a lot.
Last, but not least, a picture of you seating on the bed, legs open, a hand supporting your torso's weight behind you and the other holding a wand. The sweatshirt now was more on frame... And it was Abby's college sweatshirt.
That sent a chill down her spine, she could feel a heat pooling in her panties.
Abbs 💗: meet me at my place
"Guys, I think I'll go already. Wanna rest a little bit more today", she said right after sending the text.
"Noooo, Abs! Stay more!", Nora cried.
"Another day we will hang out more, promise!", she laughed, accepting your friend's side hug.
After saying her goodbyes she left in a hurry, making you chuckle alone. You waited ten minutes before saying goodbye yourself, trying not to seem too hurried before getting out of the bar.
Abbs 💗: if you make me wait too long I won't let you come anytime soon
You: but I've been wanting to come in your fingers since yesterday, that's not fair
Abbs 💗: then hurry. if you do so, I'll reward my pretty slut with lots of kisses and orgasms
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kiradrabbles · 2 months
Tim wright x Afab reader NSFW alphabet? 👀
Tim wright how I love you… sorry this took a million billion years
Tim Wright x AFAB reader NSFW alphabet!
A = Aftercare In my humble option Tim is a master at aftercare!! Very gentle and careful, will pick you up in his arms and take a shower with you or order you food, whichever you prefer. If he’s been a little rough he’ll apologise and kiss any bruises better. also a cuddlebug :) if you’re sleepy I think after he’s cleaned up he’ll totally pull you close and rest his head on your chest and kiss you. He’s the best person to snuggle with I swear to god, who wouldn’t want a chubby hairy man to cuddle to sleep.
B = Body part (his favourite body part) ass man!!!! Sorry but Tim Wright is such an ass man to me. Will flip you over. will have you sit on his face. sit on his lap and his eyes will pop out and turn into love hearts like those cartoon characters, bro probably says awooga. I joke but if you do actually sit on his lap he’d be so awkward and pop a boner like. Immediately. Yeah, ass.
C = Cum I imagine he’s a cream pie man to be honest. It does something to him to have your cum leaking out of him like that, I think it also appeals to his breeding kink which we will discuss in detail later.
don’t get me wrong, he’s *not* opposed to cumming on you, and loves to see you covered in it, I just think seeing it leaking out of you (especially your pussy and ass, but also your mouth) does something to him he can’t explain.
D = Dirty secret hm.. I was wracking my brains on this one. I think he’d largely be pretty open with you on his desires. I’d imagine probably that he wouldn’t mind doing something a little… risky.
I honestly can imagine him being the type of mf to let you give him a handy while he drives.
E = Experience I think he has some experience in a few things. Things getting freaky in the psych ward fr 🔥🔥
okay okay jokes aside, I honestly think he’s a virgin? He’s definitely made out with a few people before, and maybe even had a relationship with someone, but I don’t think he’s really gone too far with it. I like to think he’d wait for someone he felt he could really trust and who understood him before doing that. And his person is you :)
F = favourite position ass up! Honestly anything where he gets a good view of you, but I’d say his favourites would probably be you riding him cowgirl style or doggy (so, ass up).
just imagine him pressing your head down, grabbing your hair and fucking you hard from behind, grunting…
G = Goofy (whether or not they're serious during sex) I honestly think it depends on his mood!! Most days I don’t think he’d be especially silly, but I imagine if it got awkward or if he’s make a mistake he’d laugh it off with you, and I can definitely imagine him biting somewhere ticklish to tickle you, or kissing down your stomach to make you laugh.
now if it’s stressed angry sex? Bro is not being goofy, just pounding into you, hair messy, sweat running down his face. You’re how he takes it off after all.
H = Hair body hair!! Probably has arm hair, leg hair, stomach hair, the works. I imagine he has a happy trail too (I’m such a sucker for happy trails).
I do think he’d keep his pubic hair pretty trimmed since it’s hygienic and he wouldn’t want you to be disgusted by it or anything. Would clean shave if you specifically asked, but prefers to just keep it trimmed.
I = Intimacy like i said, total cuddlebug!!!! When you're not having sex he's cuddling you and giving you soft kisses, even just holding your hand. I think when he's not stressed he's very gently and intimate with the sex too, gently kisses up and down your body, gentle bites, muttering that you're pretty and perfect and that he's so lucky to have you, praise in between kisses (and thrusts).
J = Jerking off Honestly i don't think Tim would Jerk off too much. That's not to say he isn't horny a lot, he just.. tries to keep it in. Especially with the psych ward he wouldn't have had much privacy as a teen so he'd always be pretty paranoid about getting caught, so he wouldn't do it as often.
that being said, he probably increases it once he starts dating you, probably imaging you while he's at it. Bro probably wouldn't mind getting caught by you of all people....
K = Kink(s) Right! here it is folks, what you've all been waiting for...
face sitting. Theres something about it honestly. I imagine Tim as more of a soft top, but you sitting on his face? he can't get enough of it, will eat you out until you're screaming with you riding his face and enjoy every second, holding your thighs so tight it leaves fingerprint bruises. Probably have to safeword to get him to stop this man EATS. Will beg for you to break his neck sitting on it.
Similar to the above, also loves 69'ing. He gets your pretty ass on his face and he gets your lips around his cock? It's a win/win situation.
Sort of said it already, but just.. thighs and ass. Sit on his lap instead of his face? fine by him! will pop a boner and probably fuck you right there and then if you want him to. Any clothes that show that sort of area, anything tight, you'll have him tugging you into the bathroom by a hand.
Angry sex. If he's stressed out or mad (this happens a lot) honestly nothing helps him cool down more than banging your brains out and cuddling down with you afterwards. Of course if you aren't up for it, he won't, but..
To contrast, he also loves softer, lazy loving sex. Like early morning just woke up sex. Gentle kisses, running his hands up and down your body, fucking on your sides in bed, just.. comfortable stuff.
L = Location He likes being in bed or on the sofa the most, somewhere private and comfortable the two of you can get it on without accidentally hurting yourselves (or getting caught).
That being said desperate times call for desperate measures, and if he's really horny (or, really stressed) he will plow you in a bathroom or in the back of his car. Sorry, i don't make the rules (i do!).
M = Motivation (what turns him on) Honestly i'm sure a lot does but specifically i can imagine him getting super worked up when you dress up for him. ESPECIALLY things that show off your ass or chest. If you wear a pretty skirt or dress for him he would have to stop himself from lifting your skirt up and just shoving his face in.
N = No (boundaries) Cheating stuff, like NTR. whether it's you or him cheating, he still feels really... icky about it. He'd feel guilty if he fucked someone else (and honestly probably wouldn't in the first place, he really only feels that comfortable with you) and he'd get pretty upset if you fucked someone else, even if you'd discussed it before.
O = Oral Likes receiving and WILL fuck your throat and praise you through it with his hands in your hair, but remember what i said? this man EATS. i mean breakfast lunch and dinner bro will eat you out until you safeword. I'm talking leaving fingerbrint bruises on your ass from gripping so hard and hickeys on your thighs from biting up them. I imagine he's pretty good at it too, and especially loves it when you moan out his name or grab his hair. after all, what's better than a little encouragement.
P = Pace depends on how he's feeling!! Normally i already said this but he looves slow, sweet gentle sex that lasts an hour or more, just practically worshipping you and your body. Sweet kisses all up and down your stomach, thighs, legs, tits, everywhere until you're both giggling and kissing each other and he's finally in you or eating you out.
Now if he's stressed? ohh boy... bro will pound you into the mattress. the neighbours will know his name and your hips will probably have fingerprint bruises from when he's grabbed you so hard. Prepare to be sore (and have trouble walking).
Q = Quickies I mean... he'll take a quicky if you've gotten him all worked up at a party and he wants to get it out, but he wants time to be able to properly enjoy your body you know? That being said, he isn't opposed to one.
R = Risk He's okay with some risk!! in fact, he's even into it to a degree. remember that car thing i mentioned? yeah, he'd go crazy for something like that. Same sort of thing with giving him a handy in a movie theatre or something. would he suggest it himself? hell no. would he agree without hesitation if you asked? hell yes.
S = Stamina Honestly i feel like he has pretty high stamina, especially with how he spends a lot of it doing foreplay and eating you out, so the sex probably feels longer than the actual penetration part is. And if he's tired he can always eat you out until he's ready and rearing to go again. Get's him hard every time without fail.
T = Toys I think he isn't crazy on toys as he prefers being able to feel you himself and have the experience of his skin on yours and both of you together, getting all sweaty, but he won't say no if you suggest some? he might feel a little inadequate so i'd imagine you'd have to really reassure him that that wasn't what was going on.
Probably wouldn't mind if you had a vibrator for when he wasn't there, though.
U = Unfair (teasing) When he's not stressed, i think he'd try teasing you just a little, if only because he finds your reactions super cute. Might just stop eating you out right before you orgasm and make you ask nicely just to hear you beg. He'd probably give in and give you the best orgasm of your life after, though. Maybe even two or three.
V = Volume/Vocal I imagine he's not too vocal, but you will be able to tell if he's enjoying it.I imagine he grunts and groans like no tomorrow, and if he hits just the right angle or you hit just the right part of his cock with your tongue? he will whimper your name out and it will be the hottest thing you've ever heard i promise you that.
W = Wild Card (misc) His prominant southern accent makes for some fun times. I imagine he calls you names like "doll" or "darlin'", something like that. "darlin, you wore that just for me? How 'bout you come over here and i'll show you what i think of it~" (he eats you out)
X = X-Ray Grah!!! chubby tim wright supremacy!!! My dad bod king. I imagine under it he's actually pretty strong as troy confirmed that worked in construction while in collage, but he's still my chubby king. Just one who could pick you up and throw you onto the bed. Member wise? pretty average - large, though he isn't really sure what constitutes large. I'd say around 6.5-7 inches? perfect size if you ask me.
Y = Yearning (libido) Not always horny, especially if you're not around, but i imagine when you're around it's more likely that he's horny than not, if you catch my drift. Plus, it's very very easy to make him horny if you're in the mood and he isn't!
Z = Zzz I already said this but he loves to cuddle and fall asleep with you after sex :) Lay your head on his chest and snuggle him back and he's in a veritable heaven.
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mypoisonedvine · 2 years
okay so playing off of your last drabble, imagine eddie with a mommy kink tho. he'd be such a sub, and he'd love to be teased until he's crying and then to cum over and over because she's like "well you wanted to cum so so bad right??? So cum again, you can do it <3" aaah
"Let's play house again, Eddie," you giggled as you hopped onto his lap, straddling him as he sat up on his bed.
"Okay," he grinned, running his hands up your thighs, over your ass, to finally hold your waist.
"But I wanna do it a little different this time," you admitted, feeling a little shy now that he was looking at you like that. "I think i-it should be mommy's turn to make the rules."
He raised an eyebrow at you, but kept smiling. "Really? You're up for it?"
"Yeah," you smiled wide, "I've been thinking about this a lot, actually. You take such good care of me. I think I should take care of you-- but if I'm gonna do that, you have to listen to me, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am," he purred, and you pushed him down slowly by his shoulders until he laid down.
"Now just relax, daddy," you cooed, "I know you've been working hard all day... I'm gonna take all that stress away so you can relax."
You started opening his belt for him, biting your lip, and he watched you proudly. He was already mostly hard when you pulled his cock out, and you honestly preferred him not completely erect at this point so you actually had a chance to fit him in your mouth.
Even still... you couldn't even take him all the way to the base yet. Despite the frequency of your practice.
"Fuck," he sighed; he lifted his head up so he could watch closely as you wrapped your lips around him and bobbed your head, feeling him get harder against your tongue.
You sucked a little harder as you wrapped your hand around the base of his dick, stroking in time with the moving of your head. Occasionally, you curled your tongue to rub against the underside of his cock, and he groaned lowly.
"Shit," he chuckled breathlessly, "I like mommy's rules so far..."
You tried not to smile, knowing the easy part wasn't going to last much longer.
Once you'd set your pace and kept it for a while, you felt him start to flex in your mouth-- and that was when you pulled off, still stroking his cock excruciatingly slowly, smiling at him mischievously. "F-fuck, what'd you stop for?" he panted.
"Do you want me to keep going?" you asked, playing dumb. "Just ask, Eddie."
"Babe--" he groaned.
"No, not like that," you corrected instantly, and you knew he understood what you meant when his cheeks started to pinken up.
You smiled proudly and returned to your work, picking up the pace slightly. He moaned and leaned back in the bed again, reaching up to stroke your hair as you kept going.
"Oh, uh-- hm..." he cleared his throat, "please don't stop... mommy."
This time, when you felt his cock start flexing on your tongue again, you looked up at him for a moment and decided on a new plan of attack. You took your mouth off of him, but kept stroking his slick cock quickly with your hand in hopes that you could keep him here on the edge for a moment.
"It's really important to remember your manners," you informed him. "You did a really good job with 'please', but don't forget to say 'thank you' when I let you come, okay?"
He nodded quickly. "Y-yes," he agreed.
"Fuck," he hissed under his breath, "yes, mommy..."
You put your mouth on him again, knowing you were going to see this through until the end this time-- if not even further. It didn't take much for him to start moaning a little loader, holding your head with his hands, bucking his hips up into your throat.
"Ah, fuck," he grunted, "I-- god, that's it, you're so good, honey..."
Humming around him, you moved a little faster, and he gasped in a breath.
"O-oh, please don't stop, don't stop," he begged, "yeah, fuck-- I--"
But he never finished his warning, he was already coating your mouth with his come, thick and sticky and hitting the back of your throat in spurts. His cock pumped everything over your tongue as Eddie sighed and already began catching his breath.
"Thank you... mommy," he panted, and you were glad for his manners but you weren't quite done yet.
Slipping your mouth off of him, you kept your lips closed to make sure everything stayed inside, only to carefully purse your lips and let his spend start to drip down right back onto his cock. He seemed to blissed out to be confused, blankly watching you spit his come back out onto him-- so when you were ready, you flashed him a big smile and started with a wide lick up the underside of his cock to start cleaning it all up again. "Sh-shit!" Eddie whined, covering his face with his hands for a second as he took a deep breath in.
But those hands were gripping the sheets under him like a vice when you flicked your tongue delicately over his slit.
"Fuck, what are you doing to me?" he whimpered, and you loved the way that sounded-- like he was so overwhelmed by what you were doing but desperate for you to keep going.
"Just cleaning up this mess," you winked, licking up all the come off of his cock and mostly ignoring the way it made him hiss in breaths through his teeth and groan deep in his chest.
His poor, sensitive cock was bobbing against your grip, still weeping drips of what you would usually call precum but, in this instance, it was really more like postcum. Wow, your English teacher would love your use of Latin roots here, though he would presumably not appreciate the circumstances.
"You know mommy likes to keep everything very clean," you giggled, swallowing whatever you licked off of him while keeping eye contact as much as you could. It was Eddie who kept changing where he was looking, meeting your gaze for a while only to lay his head back again and put his hand on his forehead or something.
"God," he mumbled, "you're... Jesus."
"God, Jesus, what's next, are you gonna start talking about the Holy Spirit?" you joked, finally finishing your work and sitting up to look down at him with a grin.
"More like holy shit," he chuckled through his exhaustion, "you... I didn't know that you were gonna do that."
"Well, that would've ruined the surprise," you explained.
"I think you could've told me exactly what you were gonna do, and I still would've been surprised," he insisted. "That was..."
He trailed off, and you decided not to let him finish his thought because you knew it wasn't a matter of was-- you still weren't quite done with him yet. He seemed to realize that as well when you lifted your leg over his hips and straddled him. You hummed as you felt his cock-- still hard, amazingly-- press up against you through your panties under your skirt.
"Fuck, babe, what are you--?" he began, sitting up and holding your waist.
"I can't just let you come in my mouth, you know," you sighed. "Not when we're... trying."
Eddie's nostrils flared for a second, fingers digging into your hips, and you smiled. Did he think you'd be able to play pretend and not bring that up?
"I want another baby, Eddie," you sighed, sitting up enough to pull your panties aside and start guiding his cock to your opening.
"Babe, I can't--"
"Shh," you interrupted, "I think you can. I loved watching you come, but I wanna feel it. Just one more, please daddy? Just one more so I can be pregnant again..."
You were a little worried that the internal logic and continuity of this imaginary baby wouldn't quite hold up, until you saw his face, and realized that was the last thing on his mind. "I-- fuck," he sighed, looking at up you. "Okay... yeah, you can... yeah..."
Smiling, you started to sink down onto his cock slowly, watching his face twist in intense, overwhelming pleasure. You knew the feeling all too well.
"Fuck, fuck," he grunted.
"Mm, you feel so good," you hummed happily, reaching the base of him with a long exhale. "So deep... you can come, right? I need you to come inside me--"
"Yeah," he nodded quickly, resting his forehead on your shoulder, "yeah... I can come. It just might take me a while..."
You set your pace, as slow as you could force yourself to go just to try to be nice to him. Even still, he was moaning with each breath and holding onto your waist as tight as he could.
As he started to get a little louder, moving his hips with yours slightly, you smiled proudly.
"I can't wait," you cooed. "I can't wait to have all your cum inside of me-- I want everything, daddy."
You reached behind your back, under where he was inside you now, and delicately toyed with his balls; he groaned loudly, and you let your fingers give them a gentle squeeze.
"I want these empty," you told him. "You need to give me every drop, okay? You're gonna do it, right? You're gonna give me another baby?"
"Y-yes," he promised, nodding against you. "Yes, mommy, I'm gonna... oh, fuck..."
You bounced on him faster, rode him a little more wildly, and he winced.
"Fuck, please," he gasped, and you smiled.
"I know-- you're so close, right? And it hurts a little?"
You felt him nod again.
"We're so close, it's okay," you promised. "I know you're so close-- you can give me all your come, daddy, I know you can."
"Oh god oh god oh god," he whined, rocking up into you-- and you felt hot tears falling onto your thighs.
"Yes, yes, daddy, please come," you encouraged, "get me pregnant, please!"
And apparently it worked because you felt it a moment later: he pressed himself up into you, as deep as possible, and the heat of it started to fill you.
He breathed through his wide-open mouth, eventually letting go of you and collapsing back onto the bed. You laid down on top of him, kissing away the small tear on one of his temples. "You're okay, right?"
"Yeah, I-- fuck, yeah..." he smiled weakly. That was... intense."
"Now you know why I cry when you keep going after I come," you grinned.
"I mean, I wasn't really crying," he defended with a smirk, "it was more like my eyes were watering."
"Uh huh," you rolled your eyes.
"And it was just because I thought my dick was gonna fall off," he laughed, "which I assume is not why you cry when I'm fucking you, so..."
"Still," you insisted, "I was just trying to give you a taste of your own medicine. And hear you beg for mommy."
"Well, I hope you're satisfied," he breathed, "because I am entirely spent. In fact, I think I might already be dead. Jesus Christ."
"If you're dead, you might need to cool off on all the sacrilege, then," you snorted, "or you're never getting into heaven."
He smiled as you held you a little tighter, planting a kiss on your forehead. "Babe," he breathed, "I'm already here."
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desceros · 5 months
Re: ableism w/Symphony Donnie: Definitely some internalized ableism but I think that’s unfortunately due to not many people knowing what exactly neurodivergence looks like and how people with it processes things differently.
Like, honestly, my biggest gripe was the recording and even that, for the SPECIFIC context of this story and Donnie as a character, it makes sense. Does it make it right? No, but if Donnie never had to think about these things before, for him it’s the same as recording everything to protect his family. Just something he does.
Also, even though my heart broke with Reader’s at her realization, MULTIPLE times reader has said Donnie says what he means and even at the beginning with the “I like you” thing I was like, “Girl, I’m going to need you to define the relationship with him.”
And I think, with Leo, even when writer’s do write him as neurodivergent, what I’ve read always has him as the he better masker whether it’s explicitly said or not. Idk if Symphony Leo is neurodivergent or not but STILL, reader has picked up that he’s good with masking which usually comes off as charming or “easy breezy beautiful cover girl”.
Idk, maybe because I know a lot of people like Donnie irl but if anything I was more frustrated at the obvious miscommunication between both of them than him directly, because as reader said, she projected her feelings on to him when he’s been super direct with his intentions.
Basically, there are sometimes where I wish people would just realize that processing the same thing between two people doesn’t always look the same and that one isn’t necessarily bad.
well-said, anon-chan!
edit: this got SPOILER!! HEAVY!! for chap. 22 and also soooo long so i'm going to tuck it under a cut. but here's some meta on symphony to explore this a bit since it's something that's very important to me and also... pretty critical to the fic itself! i don't typically like explaining myself outside of the text and letting the fic itself speak but. hm. i suppose i shall let it slide for today!
as you all have hopefully noticed by now, as an author, i like to be. hm. more subtle with things. i prefer to tuck things away versus having things be blatant in the text. and this is kind of coming back to bite me a little with donnie and his neurodivergence, i suspect.
i've tried pretty hard to make it contextually obvious that donnie's autistic. i've all but used the word. the way he behaves and communicates is heavily autism-coded.
meanwhile, the story is from viola-chan's pov, and she's neurotypical-coded (well. as much as i, an adhd-riddled autistic cat in a trenchcoat can manage).
as a result, she doesn't... pick up on donnie's problems with communication. not right away. but here, in this chapter, we see where she finally figures out what their issue has been the entire time:
…Oh. Oh god.  He really doesn’t get it. You’d known, of course, that Donnie wasn’t great with people. That he doesn’t communicate well. He doesn’t pick up on cues, or use them himself. No wonder he’s always so frank in his language, you realize. No wonder he’s so comforted by the firm rigidities of science. No wonder he looked so lost. No wonder he was so perplexed.
then, she puts that into practice by being specific and precise with how she talks. and we see that she now knows how to communicate with him in a way that works for both of them. and it works for them:
God; it’s like—a breath of fresh air, you think, staring at him in a little bit of awe. It’s so easy to talk to him, now that you’re just… letting it all out. Being honest. Frank. Infuriating that you hadn’t done this earlier. Feeling your irritation deflate, you nod. “…Okay. You just—need an explanation. Clarification.” “Yes, please,” Donnie gushes, fretting a little.
it's going to take some work. she still takes things he says personally and extrapolates past them (the whole "leo being an important person" thing). but she immediately nips it in the bud and is like. no. we're not doing that anymore. so, going forward, her relationship with donnie is one that's built on learning how to develop this open communication.
of course, it's not perfect, because they're human. donnie twisting her arm into still talking to him by calling in the favor is shitty behavior. a desperate bid to keep someone close that, for some reason, he can't imagine being without. not cool. the recordings of them having sex were shitty behavior to us, people who Know Better. but when violist-chan said 'hey, that's not cool, don't do that' and donnie was given a reason why not to, he just says ok. he might not understand ("but i record everything"). but he acknowledges that there's a concern there, and he agrees to be more conscientious in the future (having a consent sheet).
now then, let's look at leo's behavior in comparison.
donnie's biggest fault was that he didn't know to check in and make sure they were on the same page with everything. leo's fault, on the other hand, is purposeful, manipulative, and cruel. his open admission that he's been manipulating her from the beginning. manipulating donnie. lying to her.
to me, this is much, much worse than what donnie did. even knowing that at some point he starts developing friendly feelings towards her—and some of their interactions were indeed genuine!—i'm with violist-chan here. i'm not going to be digging through every one trying to parse out which ones were real and which ones were him being a dickhead. they're all tainted by the stain of betrayal.
also. because it has come up in a different ask that i will be publishing probably tomorrow bc of spoiler reasons: someone said something to the effect of 'why didn't he just not say anything? he could have taken that to his grave. how selfish'. i will remind you of a conversation between violist-chan and leo that happened in the previous chapter:
“Most of all, he’s honest,” you keep going, tangling your fingers together, staring down at the way they knot at your waist. “If he says something, I can take it at face value. There’s no hidden meaning. Nothing deeper. If he says something feels good, I know it feels good. If he says he likes something, he likes it. If he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t like it. If he asks for something, I don’t need to ask if he’s sure. He asks, so he’s sure. It—It’s a breath of fresh air. If I want to know what he’s thinking, really thinking, all I have to do is ask. And...”  [...] Leo’s still as stone for a few moments longer, looking at you like he’s trying to decide if he wants to say something; but finally he relaxes and comes back to you himself. Reaching out, he flicks your forehead, causing you to wince and rub at it.
i think... leo maybe wouldn't have ever said anything about it. but then you said this. how donnie matters to you because he's honest. there's nothing deeper with him. it's all at face value. you never have to worry about what he's doing, what he's thinking. and that i think... really messed with leo. because he knows he hasn't been honest with you. you can't trust what he says at face value. you do have to worry about what he's doing. and for you to say that that's the main thing you love about donnie—it messed with him. so, even though he knew it would jeapordize the relationship with you, even knowing he wanted to put this off for as long as he could, even though, even though, he decides he has to tell you. he has to come clean.
so even though it feels like shitty, selfish behavior... it's actually him trying to do right by her for a change. to conform to what she looks for in a relationship (both romantic and platonic). it just... didn't go over so well, predictably. most people don't like hearing that not one, but two of their most precious relationships were built on a foundation of misunderstandings or lies.
side note. i do headcanon leo as having adhd that primarily manifests itself as an inattentive form. i don't suspect it has much to do with his behavior here... save perhaps for some possible rsd being triggered when violist-chan is like 'ok actually go fuck yourself i'm out of here.' i don't find it particularly relevant to the discussion of ableism, in this context.
so anyway. long post aside. it's... interesting to me. to see people saying 'actually fuck both donnie and leo equally!!! bleh bleh bleh!!!!' i don't know that it's. hm. active ableism. i'm certainly not accusing anyone of the sort. but it is, at the very least, indicative to me that there are a lot of people who don't read into the text as deeply as perhaps i would like on certain character traits, if i had a magic wand to wave.
....and also perhaps just ableism, haha.
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matchacowbee · 8 months
Don't be Scared!
oh yeah oh yeah i got another ddlc fic for u guys. i honestly just started this one today, i literally have 2 more that im writing LOLLL but idk i got inspired. i hope u guys like this one ><
This is in honor of spooky month ‼️
this is a tickle fic!! if thats not ur thing bye bye :3
all sfw!
Lee Natsuki 🌷Ler Sayori 🪴
The four girls were having a sleepover today!! Everyone was excited! well…mostly everyone. They were watching a scary movie tonight, and Natsuki was a little afraid. Horror was definitely not the genre she preferred to watch, and especially at night!? No way!!
“I made popcorn!” Monika says, as she plopped down on the couch next to Yuri.
“Ahh yayy!” Sayori’s face lit up, and immediately reached over to have some.
“Sayori we haven’t even started the movie yet!” Monika pulled away the bowl from Sayori’s grasp.
“Aww cmon! Just a little?”
Monika and Sayori continued their banter, as Natsuki sat quietly next to Sayori and the arm of the couch. She wasn’t really prepared for the movie they were about to watch. Suddenly, the lights shut off, and she let out a little gasp. Luckily it went unnoticed by the others.
Fortunately, it was just Yuri turning off the lights. “Are you guys ready?” She said. The others nodded and Yuri had then started the film.
Natsuki had a pit in her stomach. She snuggled under the blanket and shuffled closer to Sayori. Sayori gently smiled at Natsuki and wrapped an arm around her.
Throughout the night, jumpscares, blood, gore, and more scary things flashed on the screen. Yuri was very used to this kind of stuff, and she didn’t react much. Sayori would get frightened, but then laugh about the jumpscares. Monika kept talking through the movie and wasn’t scared at all. And Natsuki hid in Sayori’s shoulder for the majority of the time. The noises alone scared her, and so many thoughts of the scenes in the movie replayed over and over in her mind.
Soon enough the movie was over. And it was late in the night. The girls had gotten into their sleeping bags and were ready to go to sleep.
“*yawn* Well that was a good movie!” Monika said. “I’m exhausted.”
“It would’ve been a better movie if you didn’t talk the whole time Monika.” Yuri said with an annoyed tone.
“I’m sorry but did you see how dumb the protagonist was acting!? Why would she go in there alone?” Monika and Yuri continued their conversation, while Sayori looked around for a minute. “Hey guys, where’s Natsuki?” She asked.
“Hm, she might be in the bathroom still.” Yuri said.
“I’m going to go check on her, it’s been a while.” Sayori then got up and headed towards the bathroom.
The light under the bathroom door was on, so it was clear that Natsuki was still in there. Sayori stood at the front of the door. She knocked lightly. “Hey Natsuki, you okay in there?”
Some silence went by, until Sayori heard a quiet, “…yeah” She heard sniffles from inside the room. “H-hold on Natsuki, I’m coming in.”
Sayori gently opened the door.
Natsuki was sat on the floor in her pajamas, head buried into her knees. Sayori immediately went and sat next to the small girl.
“Oh no, are you okay Natsuki? What’s wrong?”
The other girl sniffed and wiped any remaining tears on her face. “I-I’m fine.. *sniff* I just got a little scared.”
Sayori pulled her into a tight hug. “Awh was it because of the movie? You must not be good with scary things like that..” Natsuki buried her head into Sayori’s shoulder and silently nodded her head.
Sayori felt bad for Natsuki. She was one of the toughest people she knew, but even she was scared of things too. Natsuki held on tight to Sayori, and hesitated to pull away from her. It was a little out of her character, she wasn’t one to give out physical affection like this. Sayori felt the shorter girl shake as the embrace continued. Poor thing, she needed something to distract her from thinking about the movie.
Suddenly Sayori had an idea.
“You know.. I get scared sometimes too. But I have to remind myself that it’s not real. To kinda get me out of that mindset, I pinch myself and I realize it’s just a silly movie. Then I can just laugh about it after.”
Sayori hesitated for a minute. “Do you want me to try something to make you feel better?”
Natsuki looked up at Sayori. “U-um I guess so, but what are you going to do?” Sayori smiled and sat upright next to Natsuki.
She then put her hands on Natsuki’s waist, and pinched her sides gently. “Well I’m gonna try my method on you of course!” Sayori said cheerfully, as she began to squish and “pinch” Natsukis sides and tummy.
The other girl let out a little squeak, as she didn’t expect this from Sayori. “Wah! h-hehey! Whahat are yohou doing!?” Natsuki said, while letting out little giggles.
Sayori continued to squish her, adding occasional little scribbles on the lower part of her stomach. “I gotta get all of those spooky thoughts out of your head!”
Natsuki let out girly laughter, as she squirmed from side to side. “Ehehe t-thahahat tihihickles!” Natsuki lost her balance, and landed on the soft bathroom mat, while Sayori gained more access to her tickle spots. She pulled up Natsukis tank top, and scribbled her fingers around her bellybutton. Natsuki let out a squeal and swatted at Sayori’s hands. “EeEhehe! Staha- stohop!!” Her eyes were shut and her cheeks turned pink.
“Heyy, don’t swat my hands, I’m trying to help youu!” Sayori moved her hands up to Natsukis upper ribs and began to trace them.
Natsukis laughter jumped an octave, and she tried to escape from the tickles. “Sahahayorii!! doho-dohon’t dohooo thahat!” Sayori stopped for a sec. “Don’t do what, Natsuki?”
“T-tickle me!” She replied.
“Well jeez Natsuki, if you wanted some tickles to cheer you up, you should’ve just said so!” Sayori then continued her tickle onslaught on the girl.
“Hm, where should I tickle you then? Here? Or here! Oooh you’re definitely ticklish here!” Sayori delivered pokes between every word, and then eventually settled on Natsuki’s lower belly again.
“N-nOhohOoo!! Thihihis ihisint eheheee- w-what I mehe-meant!”
Natsuki was getting really flustered at Sayori’s teasing, but also really tired. She eventually stopped trying to fight against Sayori’s hands, but continued giggling at the tickly sensations. She laid there with her hands glued to her chest to protect her ribs, and continued to squirm.
Sayori looked down at the other girl. Feeling much more relieved that she wasn’t crying anymore, Sayori decided that it was probably time to stop tickling her. Again, Natsuki was one of the toughest people she knew, but also one of the most ticklish people too. And GOD it was cute when she let people see her sensitive side.
Removing her hands from her stomach, Sayori then pulled the other girl up off the floor. Natsuki was visibly embarrassed and found it hard to make eye contact with Sayori.
“Well Natsuki, how do you feel now? Are you still scared?” Sayori asked.
“U-um no not really…” Natsuki said
“That means my method worked!“ Sayori exclaimed. Natsuki was a little bewildered. “Huh??”
“I gave you a pinch and you ended up laughing about it!” Sayori chimed happily.
“Wha- no! You tickled me! …But I do feel better now though.” Natsuki looked back up at Sayori. Seeing her friend smile at her gently, that alone made her feel good too. “Thanks Sayori.. you’re a great friend.”
Sayori smiled at the shorter girl. “No problem, now let’s go to sleep. And let me know if you feel scared again, I can help.”
The two walked back to the living room and got into their sleeping bags. Yuri and Monika already had fallen asleep. Sayori laid next to Natsuki, waiting for her to fall asleep first. As soon as she did, Sayori had then went to bed as well.
the end <3
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Title: It Scratches At The Inside.
CW: Small talk about undermining an authoritative government. One super tiny mention of stimming. WC: 3.9K
This occurs before One Step back Two To Steps to The Right and some time after Second Male Lead, Enter! Bard!reader Masterlist
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The guard had a stoic face but was obviously trying not to smile while you were there. You caught him failing a few times though, and you catch the mirth in his eyes when he opens up your jail cell and nods his head out.
"Your bail has been paid for. You're good to go bard."
"Alas my new friends! Parting is such sweet sorrow, but I must take my merry elsewhere." The rest of the people in your little cell groan, but also cheer you off, and you grin as you step out, give them a little bow.
You're allowed to collect your bag and your coat, and your lyre, and smile at the people there. No hard feelings, after all, you saw them smiling too when you were singing. You're no Barbatos but your voice is lovely.
"You're here much too often, you hear me?" The guard says, shuffling through his ring of keys.
"There's too many rules here to break sir. I'm honestly still trying to remember half of them." You chuckle as he gives you an eye.
"Well, that's the Monstadt in ya. Rulebreaker ya are. But I don't wanna see you back here for another three weeks at least, you hear me?" The door opens and you fly through before it's even halfway open. Kaveh is waiting for you.
"I'd be lucky to make it to two sir, but I'll try!" You think you hear him laugh before you turn the corner to the front desk, and Kaveh is not, in fact, actually waiting for you.
It's another man, dove gray hair with some teal undertones, tri-colored eyes and a bored, expectant look on his face when he turns to you. He looks haughty. And rich.
"Ah, there you are. Kaveh's little muse." With that, you know exactly who he is.
"Oh, you're his roommate, I presume?" You sweep into an elegant bow, and bow your head.
"And the one who bailed me out. Thank you very much. Though I assume you're here for a reason. Kaveh usually comes for me in these situations."
"Yes, nuisance that you are, but he was busy. Instead of having him panic over completing his work or getting to you, I decided to get you myself. Come now," he turns away, and starts walking out the building.
"There's better places we could be talking." Well, you're curious, and you currently have nowhere important to be. So, you follow him.
He walks briskly, and his super long legs pull him up ahead while you have to jog to keep up.
He just keeps walking, on and on. He doesn't make any conversation, and you're wondering whether this is really worth it, (why do you keep letting yourself be pulled off to suspicious places by handsome men) when he stops abruptly.
An alleyway, of course. Darkened and dampened with silence. You guess this will do.
Your hands fall to your knees, and you catch your breath. You're creaky from sitting in a cell for a couple days.
"Phew. Okay, what do you want from me?"
"Who says I want anything from you?"
"Please don't act like I'm dumb," you sigh, drawing yourself fully erect.
"There's a reason you bailed me out and brought me here, and you don't look the type to just do favors for people." A snap of your fingers.
"So, I'd prefer it if you'd just spit it out."
"Hm. You're right. I do want something from you. But I'm curious."
"You." You roll your eyes the second that leaves his mouth.
"Why, is it because of all the drama with the Sages and the General? It's really not that interesting."
"Half of Sumeru can contest to that."
"It's really not anything special. Just annoying really."
"As the Grand Scribe I don't have to attend every meeting," He derails the conversation, your cheek would sting from the whiplash.
"And my input is not received very well. I am meant to record, analyze and store information for the convenience of others."
"Okay…. Sounds tedious."
"It is. But it has its uses too." He leans closer.
"Because I'm allowed to sort the information, I'm also able to conduct my own personal research. But there are some things I can't find in the Akademia.
"That's where you will come in."
"Me? How?" And why? Does he automatically assume that you're just going to do his bidding? The arrogance.
"You're banned from multiple establishments and restaurants. Bars and taverns and a few official buildings. So when you work it's usually odd jobs like delivering goods or watching cargo, helping the sailors at Port Ormos. And it's usually later at night when the general public has gone to bed."
"...Have you been stalking me or something?" Now it's his turn to roll his eyes.
"Kaveh will talk the ear off of anything if he has something he's passionate about. He seems particularly interested in you and your…uniqueness."
"I am pretty amazing," you acquiesce, nodding along. "And Kaveh has lots of ideas he likes to bounce off of me. He wants to incorporate Monstadt architecture into some of his next projects soon."
"We'll see how well recieved that is." Before you could call him out on his mutterings a sharp sigh leaves his nose.
"You're deliberately getting us off track."
"Well. It seems like you're building up to a proposal and I'm not here for it. Just tell me what you want instead of the creepy ways you've been keeping note of me."
"Everyone knows what you've been up to. You're practically a celebrity."
"Whoop-de-do. What do you want."
"Whenever you make a fuss Sumeru tunes in, starved for entertainment as they are. The sages are incensed and General Mahamatra is distracted. I need you to keep doing that, but doing it consciously now."
"...Okay? That's it?" Just keep being your troublesome self?
"With the late jobs you pull you're also privy to gossip. Which could lead to good intel if you follow the right gossip. I'm too noticeable. Much more than you are. My proposal is that you continue as you are. Distract the Akademiya, distract Sumeru. Collect intel and deliver it to me when I ask."
You huff and plop yourself down on a crate, crossing a leg over your knee.
"If I do that though, it would put me under more suspicion. My crimes have been elevated from a Violation to a Class B Misdemeanor. I don't have the luxury to do any of that even if I truly wanted to." You shrug.
"I get that you just bailed me out so I could maybe do a job for you, but I'm not risking falling under the Sages hands for…." Yeah, wait, he didn't offer anything. "Yeah, for what?"
"I'll bail you out if you get caught, but only if it's by the local precinct. Any higher jurisdiction I'll also become a suspect. Any funds you need I'd also be willing to provide."
"...You just have money to spend, don't you?"
"Consider it charity." He looks you up and down and that bastard. Yeah, your clothes look wrinkled and a little threadbare, but that's a part of your charm. The ruffian bard, so to speak.
Even if pebbles keep getting inside the hole in your boot. You hadn't been able to fix it yet.
"Okay, you pay me and bail me out for gathering intel wherever you need me to, and distracting Sumeru too, that's the deal? So everything I've already been doing." You shrug.
"I assume you have no demands?"
"Hm. I want to discuss the intel I gather at your place."
"Absolutely not." He shoots you down immediately, but you're not discouraged.
"Why not?! Kaveh always tells me about your horrible art decor and I wanna see how bad it really is." You kick your feet, but he still shakes his head.
"It's like you're trying to garner attention."
"I've been on the downlow lately, no ones going around looking for me. The General should also still be on an excursion for the better half of this week, so I'm led to believe." You snort.
"But I don't. These things take weeks but he's been running himself ragged lately. He'll probably be back in a day or two."
"We'll see if that holds weight. I don't suppose you know anything about the General's recent work ethic though, do you?"
"Constantly annoyed by my continued tomfoolery, I suppose. Anyways!" You snap up to your tip toes and grin.
"How about a down payment? I got plenty of info already, so why not?"
"I'll pay you after I get the intel."
"You seem like the type of guy to scam a person and do it smooth too. Payment first."
"I'm not giving you mora so you can run off like a little imp."
"Don't call me an imp again. I guess it's a good thing then that I don't want your money!" You put your hands in your pockets and rock back in your heels with your fake cheer. He raises an eyebrow.
"You obviously need it."
"Well duh, of course I do. But I prefer to work for my own." If there's one thing your parents taught you, it's that money honestly isn't worth a thing unless you earn it honestly.
And none of this seems honest or even good, actually. You make such bad judgements calls. At least you have a conscience.
"I'm sure you have a plethora of hidden funds you're just waiting to drain that won't show on your bank records, but I'm not taking it. I can manage." He looks disbelieving, and you're sure he thinks you're joking, or that you'll change your mind soon. Tempting as that offer was, you're not taking it, its way too sketchy. He just looks like hes yo to something, which, technically he is. But your parents taught you better!
"So what do you want then?"
"Hm…" you put a hand to your chin like you don't already know.
"A place to crash once or twice a week. That's all. Paying rent to an inn is getting expensive, and the beds arent even good." For emphasis you stretch your arms above your head, cracking a few joints.
"...Let me guess. Specifically at–"
"Specifically at your place, yeah." Yeah, you really wanna see this place. Youre going to. Kaveh has been so adamant about you never meeting his roommate or going to their shared space, and you're already working on breaking his second wish.
"Tell me, does the General or the sages believe I'd be hiding at the house of one of their officials? No. Even if they end up suspecting you they won't suspect our correlation."
"There's actually a chance they might," he counters. "With the fact that you're acquainted with my roommate."
"And not many people know you two are roommates. We just need to make sure that Kaveh doesn't figure out our relationship."
If he figured out this meeting happened he would yell and holler up to Celestia. Everyone under the sun would know, so you can't let him know. Absolutely not.
"You two have a sorta strange relationship so I'm sure that you didn't tell him that you were gonna bail me out. I'll tell him it was an anonymous person who bailed me out, perhaps a secret admirer." You flutter your lashes, but he seems unresponsive. What a statue.
"And when could we arrange this?"
"How about when I'm giving you my intel? It would be pretty late at night you know so people won't see me sneaking in through the back door or something. And if they do they'll just think I'm your lover or sonething."
He seems to think for a moment, and, really, wow, you've never seen eyes like his before. You've seen people with two different colored eyes, but no one with three colors per eye. It's really pretty actually.
Finally he nods, begrudgingly.
"Fine. It's a deal. Doesn't cost much on my end anyways."
"Well this is invaluable to me, so thank you!" the fake cheer in your voice doesn't go unnoticed, and he reaches a handout for a handshake. You take it (Holy Celestia his hand is huge what the fuck? His fingers way go past your wrist) and shake it firmly. You were a knight, you're sure you have a good handshake, but you suspect that's not the reason why he looks at his hand when you pull away. Bitch.
"Is there anything you'd like to know right now?" You ask, professional mode.
"Have you heard anything about the knowledge capsules?"
"The illegal production of them or the ones being stolen and sold from the Akademiya?" You're pretty sure you see his eyes light up something, not sinister, but calculating. You smile, bold, and gesture towards the alleyway.
"Lead the way Grand Scribe. I'll talk along the way."
"It's funny how you impose a no overnight guest rule but lift it for me."
"Kaveh's guests are usually just as drunk and rowdy as he is. So that rule only applies to him."
"And I'm never not drunk or rowdy?"
"You are, just not as often. And you have more tact. I make the rules here anyways, so I decide when and when not to impose them."
"Some people would call you a hypocrite."
"I don't care." You chuckle, and go back to toweling your hair.
Ready access to a shower is something you'll never take for granted again. Communal showers and baths got the job done, but leisurely soaking under the water was such a wondrous feeling you had nearly forgotten. One thing that you missed from inazuma- their baths and saunas, pure heaven.
Amazing smelling soaps and shampoos and lotions was another, things too tedious to carry around while traveling. Now your hair has gotten less frazzled and your skin has never been better in the handful of weeks Al Haitham has 'employed' you.
You had raised an eyebrow at Al Haitham, when you noticed all the new bottles after the first few times you crashed at his place, late at night, right after delivering intel.
"...Why don't you let me use the guest room and bathroom?"
"I'm not having you leave any evidence behind. That's why you've been using mine."
"I get that…but um. What is all of this?" You gesture at the bottles. They're all scents he would never use; vanilla, lavender, cinnamon, jasmine and saffron musk and the like. Soaps that smell like fruits and creamy lotions and sweet body scrubs.
He stood quiet for a few minutes, but answered you.
"....I unfortunately have a conscience, so if you won't accept money I have to imburse you some other way." He didn't even look up from the papers he was looking over, this convo a distraction.
"They seemed like things you would enjoy. So the toiletries are for you. Use them." And he waved a hand at you, dismissive.
You didn't know how to respond, so you just grinned and took an extra long bath.
Now, you delight in how soft and clean you are, and tottle over to where Al haitham sits on the couch, book in hand. You plop down next to him.
"Whaddya reading?"
"Something light."
"Yeah, whaddya reading?"
"The Cultural and Generational study of Linguistics as a philosophy as Opposed to a Social Mechanic. Just some light reading."
"Oh yeah, you Haravat peeps are big into languages and stuff. Do you know how to speak any other languages?"
"The Sage for Haravat has to be fluent in at least twenty languages to qualify."
"Archons be damned. What about you?"
"I can speak some." You tap his arm to try and get him a bit more into the conversation.
"Okay, then indulge me! Say something in another language."
"Eres molesto." You frown, and answer back in the same tongue.
"En realidad soy bastante inteligente."
"Sure you are." You sigh.
"I'm not the one who let my studies fall to the wayside to join a group of Knights only to drop out whilst being in a position of power to travel the world as a bard." He says, and yeah, that stung a little. Fucker.
"School just wasn't for me. I learn better with hands-on experience, going at my own pace."
"That's what all the dropouts say."
"I kept up my education in other ways, alright?! I've traveled and seen more than you ever have."
"That's true. You have seen and experienced things I have yet to." He says. He doesn't add anything, and the room falls back into silence.
You can hear the crickets outside. Soon, you'll be able to hear the odd owl or two, hooting away at the night. A half muffled conversation you hear, whispers from the open window.
"But, I'm still smarter than you." Silence and peace, broken. You grab one of the couch pillows and try to smack him. He stops it with a hand though.
"Oh shut up! You act like that makes you so much better than me."
"Who's the one with the most mora between us?"
"Mora isn't worth a damn thing except the value people put on it."
"Which is quite a lot, so my question still stands." You huff and snatch back the pillow, clutching it to your chest.
"Don't you get tired of the nomad life?" He asks you suddenly, seriously.
"Wouldn't you like to actually settle down somewhere, have some stability?"
"Well, with my record it probably won't be in Sumeru." You laugh, trying to make light of the way Al haitham is looking at you, the way he looked away from his book the first time that night.
"But I have no plans for anything right now. That might seem aimless but I find it freeing. I could go anywhere, I could do nearly anything. The only thing I have to follow is my own compass and everything else will align."
"That sounds like you expect the world to just adhere to you and follow your whims."
"Of course I don't expect that. But fortune favors the bold, and I'm tired of being meek. I fell into conformity and enjoyed the monotone nature of it all before, because I was scared of change." You stare off into space, lost in your thoughts of what was.
"I had to put myself out there to know this, but I'd rather be scared of what's coming rather than what could be, you know? It's easy to get dragged into a lifestyle and think that it's the best you can get, but I crave a thrill. I'm young, so I'm going to be a little crazy, a little reckless. It's the right of youth after all."
"Hm." That's his only reply. You don't look up from where you're holding the pillow, staring down at your feet, still kinda wrinkly from soaking for too long.
"That mindset was for when we were teenagers. That doesn't apply as you get older."
"Says who? Society? As long as I'm able to, and as long as I want to, I'm to travel and sing and dance. It makes me feel good. I feel alive. Even if I'm condemned for it I won't stop."
"Really? If you keep annoying the Sages they might just have to double down on you," he says, like discussing the weather.
"And the General Mahamtra Cyno. For some reason you're able to hold him at bay, but for how long? Will you continue, should they get more aggressive?"
"Of course. I have to."
"You have to?"
"Yeah. Even if I can't do it here, I'll find some place where I can." You nod, somber.
"I have to. It's like….it's just inside of me and I have to let it out."
"Like stimming?"
"Almost! But…more. Just more. It just demands to be heard," you poke at your collarbone, lost in contemplation.
"It just…scratches at the inside of me."
"....Well, that's the Monstadt in you." He sighs again, exasperated, and you're sure he is, but you're sure he's starting to get used to your company too.
You kinda just…spilled your guts a little, didn't you? How embarrassing. But when you look up, Al haitham has his eyes on his book again.
"How about you go to sleep already? You have a job tomorrow."
"Well, the couch I've been allowed to occupy has been taken over already so I'm afraid not."
"I caught you sleeping standing up once, I'm sure half a couch can suffice."
"No, get off."
"No. My couch. My room."
"That you let me sleep in. Turn off the light, too."
"No. I'm reading. I'm not going to do either."
"Well fine then!" And just like that you plop your head into his lap.
He moves his book out the way and blinks down at you, actually looking a little astonished.
"What the fuck do you think your doing?" You snort.
"Oh wow, you cursed. Oh uh, I'm going to sleep?"
"With your head in my lap?"
"Yeah, do you work out by any chance? Of course you do look at your biceps, but this," you tap his thigh. "Is not a very comfy pillow. You're not very soft."
"Then get off." You shut your eyes and immediately pretend to be sleeping already, even if you can't help the twitching at the corner of your mouth.
"What was that? I'm sleeptalking and can't hear you over the fact that I'm very deep in my REM cycle now." You fake snore just to sell it and you swear you could feel him roll his eyes.
But he doesn't move you, and you're actually dog tired, and soon, you're fast asleep.
His leg goes numb in half an hour, but he still doesn't yet move.
You're really snoring now, and he's sure there'd be droll if you had laid your head to the side. But your mouth is slightly parted, and even breaths leave your nose. You really fell asleep in his lap.
And for some reason he let you.
You're touchy, and nosy, but useful. You keep eyes off him when he needs to gather intel on his own, whatever you can't get him. You don't ask for much and do your community time when you're caught and sentenced. You enjoy it actually. Giving back and whatnot.
Kaveh continually gushes on about you, but should he offer the slightest bit of interest he suddenly turns snarky and possessive. Like a desert fox not wanting to share, he says that he wouldn't want to poison you with his everything.
He has to laugh a little. If only he knew.
Perhaps he could help you out. He's really cheating you with how much intel you bring in, and while he normally wouldn't feel anything, something about you pokes at his conscience.
He's sure he could help you acquire some sort of position that would allow you to continue your...hobbies. Probably at the Zubayr theater. And what about your vision?
You've been trying to hide it but he's caught a glimpse of its fiery red hue a couple of times. It would serve you well, whether gathering intel or defending yourself from troublemakers. You've had a couple scruffles and loose calls that could be avoided.
The only problem is the fact you need a high ranking signature. And you can't ask, no one would be willing to sign for you.
Except for him, perhaps. But were you worth the suspicion?
You'd undoubtedly be able to do more with your vision. You'd be much more useful. If he gets you a position at the theater you'd be more willing to do work for him. It would reap him many rewards. He should start treating you more like a business partner than an employee. Then it's decided.
He'd also have you start taking your payment already. Multiple small withdrawals from the bank would look less suspicious then one large one, and he's tired of you forcing yourself to some strict moral code. Baths and a place to crash are basic rights, not payment. If you're working for him you'll get payed, end of chapter.
Speaking of chapters, he'll move once he finishes this one. Once you were asleep you wouldn't wake until your body was sufficiently rested, a horrible quirk of yours, so he could move without you stirring.
He'd let you stay where you are for a bit longer.
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Translation Notes:
Eres molesto: You're annoying.
Cabron: Bastard
Perra: Bitch
Berra: Donkey/ Jackass
Tonta: Ditzy
Pendejo: Stupid/Dumbass
En realidad soy bastante intelligente: In reality im quite intelligent/ I'm actually quite intelligent. (He's being snarky/joking here.)
Taglist: @jjkclub @jaguarthecat @swivy123 @seajellyx @ash-in-lavender
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elsfairy · 1 year
love the sevika kinks, but what about something small she enjoys that you do? or in general?
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───── PLAYING WITH HER HAIR. Ofc at the start of your relationship she's going to be hesitant about you touching her, even her hair. But, personally, I think when she is comfortable then getting her hair played with is something that eases her. Working insane hours would make her go insane, so just to come home to find you curled up on the couch? that woman is sluggishly stumbling over to you with a tired smile. She doesn't have to say much, it's how she sits on the floor in front of you, sighing that gives it away. Just having your fingers running through her hair? god, she adores it. "I think you're starting to like it when I play with your hair, Vika" Of course she does, you relax her.
───── FOREHEAD KISSES. Doesn't matter if she's half asleep or wide awake, she is letting you kiss her forehead. Okay but, I think she would prefer them when she's waking up or still sleepy, to feel your lips just pressing small kisses onto her skin??? Something that makes her just lean back into your arms, wanting to fall back asleep because they are perfect. It was the small things you did with her and for her, that made her melt even harder for you. She was also just obsessed with you kissing her, every chance you could get. "Feels good, making me more tired though"
───── BACK RUBS/SCRATCHES. More or less when she's gotten home late from work. You have a tendency to stay awake just to make sure she gets back safe, and that nothing is wrong and you worried about her a lot so. Honestly, sometimes she can't be bothered to shower the second she steps foot into the bedroom so half the time, she's slumping onto the empty side of your shared bed, huffing into your shoulder. She didn't have to tell you what she wanted, you figured it out every time by the way she curled into your side, shoving her face into your neck. Sevika liked that your nails were longer, but obviously wouldn't tell you the reason why until the first time you lightly trailed your fingers up and down her spin. She would quietly giggle or hum. She loved the way you would rub her back after such a long, and stressful day. Or just the way you drew random patterns on her skin. Just loved the way your hands felt on her. "You're falling asleep, this relaxing you that much hm?"
───── HAND HOLDING. Believe it or not, but she basked in being able to hold your hand. That woman could be so angry, or just in a sour mood but if you grabbed her hand, gripping tightly then everything reason as to why she was mad,would slip away. She would relax, and become putty at your touch (literally). When you would brush your thumb over her knuckles? or when you press your lips to them when you are deep in thought? she's a fucking goner. She loves that shit. After a while into your relationship, of course. She wouldn't instantly let you be that affectionate. It took her a little longer to adjust, but she was happy in the end. "Your hands are huge, but that's okay. I love them, and you"
───── BACK HUGS. She adored this the most. Whenever she was doing something important, and you would sneak up behind her before wrapping your arms around her waist, she blushed. She blushed at whatever you did to her, or with her but this always got her melting. Holding onto your arms with her own hands, chuckling at your rambled words that was muffled by her shirt. It made her feel warmer than she already was. If she could have you wrapped around her body all day, she fucking would. She loved having you so close to her, keeping her safe. "You're so warm, don't think you can go to work today, sorry Vika"
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js589 · 5 months
Another Locklyle minific! @practicallyasleep was joking to me that Lockwood kept wearing progressively tighter shirts in an effort to get Lucy to notice him.
Unfortunately for him, all Lucy's willing to admit she's noticed is that he looks uncomfortable.
"Hey Hol..." Lucy winced. She really should have thought this through better, but now that she'd started, there was no other choice but to continue.
"Hmm?" Holly looked up from her salad. "What is it, Lucy?"
"I—" Lucy looked around and shut the door to the basement before starting again. "I want to know if we're—if Lockwood's okay. Financially, I mean."
Holly blinked once and pushed her plate aside. "I mean, I don't have access to his money, but the company accounts are perfectly adequate, and since this is Lockwood we're talking of, he probably has someone managing his own money." She sighed, then, more to herself murmured, "God, I hope he does. I mean, he has to, right? Right." She mustered her usual smile, though her brow furrowed a little bit. "Why exactly do you want to know? And why not ask him?"
God, how was she supposed to explain this without it sounding like something it wasn't? Lucy could already feel her cheeks going warm, and she knew it would be showing. "It's just... He looks uncomfortable. His shirts, I mean. I know he prefers things on the tight side for whatever reason, but I saw his sleeves rolled down the other day and they're too short, and the top button barely fastens and the rest of them, um..." She couldn't even finish the sentence. The only word she could think to use was "straining" and she was certain Holly would have something to say about that interpretation.
Holly's smile went enigmatic. "Well, I wouldn't be surprised if he's not quite done getting taller yet. If you'd like, I can suggest he get some new shirts. You know, professionalism and all that. Wouldn't want people to be unable to focus—"
"Thank you, Holly!" Lucy blurted. She turned and bolted.
Not a minute later, Lockwood popped up from the basement. "Is Lucy okay?"
Whatever else—Holly knew damn well what, of course—was going on with Lucy, Lockwood really was looking a touch less put together than normal, Holly realized. "She... might benefit from an afternoon off," she said judiciously. "She's got a lot on her mind."
"And I suppose she's sworn you to secrecy?" Lockwood drawled. Clearly, he thought this was some kind of girl thing.
She can't even admit it to herself. Holly sighed. Then again, he can't admit it to her, either. "If Lucy wants to explain it to you, then that's her choice. But you know how she is; she tends to prefer someone else being forthcoming first."
Lockwood seemed unsure whether to be annoyed at the (scant!) implication that Lucy might not trust him as much as she trusted Holly, or if he should take Holly's hint under advisement. "Hm." He started rolling his sleeves down to button them. They wouldn't quite reach. She could see Lockwood's cheeks going pink as he struggled.
"I was going to actually ask for the afternoon off myself," Holly lied. "Maybe see if tea would cheer Lucy up. Would you like us to get some shirts for you? It seems you've perhaps had a growth spurt."
(He absolutely hadn't, but Holly was going to offer him a gracious out.)
"Ah, no, I'll... Honestly, I think an afternoon off for all of us sounds good. I'll... tend to... my own shopping. Thanks for pointing that out." Lockwood chewed on his lower lip. Holly truly didn't know whether he or Lucy was worse. "Hol, you haven't already invited Lucy out, have you?"
Holly shook her head.
Lockwood cleared his throat. "I think I'll go do my shopping and then, if it wouldn't put you out, I think maybe I'll take Lucy to tea? Unless you think she—she wouldn't like that."
Holly wanted to scream. "You know, I think she'd like that very much."
Lockwood nodded his appreciation and gave her a small smile. "I'll do that then. Thanks, Holly."
Holly was barely keeping her smile in place. "I hope you—" get it together and tell her how you feel for God's sake "—have a good afternoon together."
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pekodayz · 8 months
aini and oso whatever thing i made at 3am (rubbing my temples and sobbing)
this was just me typing on my phone straight thru, no looking back so it's gonna sound not profresh duhhh . ok don't whateves dont look at me i like odd platonic odd relationships
I feel like aini looks at oso as someone she holds near and dear to her. Yeah she doesn’t wanna pursue a relationship with him but the feeling of being around him makes her feel a bit better about herself, way better even. She has always seen her peers get some sort of love and affection as in like flirtatious comments being thrown at them and such. But aini has never..been asked out or even approached at the idea. She brushed it off as petty human nonsense. but deep down, she’s hurting a bit. She doesn’t care for relationships, but the mere thought of not being wanted or just even the slightest bit of fascination…makes her question herself. Am I deem-able? I shouldn’t care for this…but, I really wish someone would at least tell me how they feel about me. Yes she’s annoying and obnoxious, but she does that to cover up her true feelings….the feelings that shape her to be like this. Though I did say “true feelings”, Aini’s out-spoken part of her is real, I mean she’s not faking it. She doesn’t have a preferred liking to a gender, honestly she’s ace. She’s just starved of a specific type of attention. While she does get called cute by others, she just wants to have some sort of feeling of “huh, wow…we treat each other like absolute animals, but they care about me…” (we know who she’s referring to, right) Okay well aini does get the love and attention from molly and Usiuii. But yknow, that’s bff stuff, ofc ! They love each other so so so much!!! Aini has seen the compliments get thrown at her other 2 friends. She wonders in a way like hm…am I having internal conflict? No, that’s ridiculous…feeble minded words. It’s confusing for aini because she feels guilt for thinking like this. The human race is nothing but…she stops herself there…this chuni brain gets put on hold as she begins to question her own self. I wish I was held by someone..just for a mere moment would be nice. Disgusting, an arm around me…stupid. Aini doesn’t want to be clingy to her dearest friends, so she just does her little tsun act and just shove them off like ough get away from ME. Though she has her weak moments and hopes that they’ll notice (they do) and react accordingly.
Aini gets the cartoonish jealously when she sees others get that stupid human affection…then she pouts about it for a while. Gross…she thinks. Ok now for when she does have her moments with O. She sees him as a rival of some sorts..though she knows she has the one-up. (A job, surprisingly better personality…) Though, I suppose their bickering and arguing does end up with them just sitting there. Why are we yelling so much…couldn’t we just get to know each other more? No? Aini ponders that thought a little, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try and get to know him more. He does look like he cares. They’re both hard to read as to the weird repress thing aini does and oso’s not-showing-what the hell-is wrong with him mentality.
She..cares about him, idiotic disgusting low-life of a human..someone she cares for. Unbelievable. People like him should be ignored. But that would be a tad bit rude now wouldnt it. (Look they’ve been hanging out for a while now) The company that aini has dealt with..more so just going to up him or him going up to her, starting something between them. That strengthened whatever kind of friendship this is between them.
Aini wonders if oso cares about her too. (Though she hasnt shown and prob will extremely seldomly show those emotions as well) He does ofc, but for someone as annoying as her, and for someone as idiotic as him…he’s not gonna admit that either. I dunno. Aini would never beat the living shit out of Usiuii and molly even though molly has to put aini and Usiuii in their places from time to time. (aini and usiuii also fight..but not to extreme lengths, just aggressive playful <3) So seeing osomatsu and how he is towards her makes things a lot more reasonable as to beat the shit out of him (and vice versa for him) Aini doesn’t see a relationship in her future, but having a platonic whatever-this-is with osomatsu would be nice. umm marriage scares her and the thought of a relationship is crazy too. Bound for eternity (is what she thinks) is frightening. Even tho he’s osomatsu, she wouldn’t mind dealing with him forever. Like she would prob be super happy knowing someone is more annoying than her, telling him that out loud is the norm. but her true feelings would just make her embarrassed to admit.
Gagging at these thoughts but aini puts a little too much thought in herself, seeing how she’s like super boisterous and loud when she wants to be. It gets to the point where she overthinks the stupid things and ends up riled up, but ends up calming down. Okay gagging fr fr but as much as she wants to avoid something like this, aini really wants someone to just like uhhhhhh yknow .hold her. A pathetic sub-human man. Platonic cuddling exists, yeah????? Like they both get super embarrassed but yknow it’s nice to have someone there..
I stated this a long time ago (i gotta find it and rb it) but aini has a thing where she just gets incredibly clingy when she gets sleepy. I suppose after her and oso have their stupid dumb arguments, they’re like walking together. Aini glancing over at him multiple times and he’s just yknow .yeah.. So they gradually step closer and closer to each other, and oso let’s her cling onto his arm or smth (ew ) cuddling up on him and shit. DISGUSTING 😭 they’re both sweating, blushing and freaking out btw. bc like that’s so foreign for the both of them..idkkkk smth as intimate as this (i am aware that cuddling isn’t like sex but yeah it still sets off the same vibe to me LEVA EME ALONE) is so woaughhhh.. hey it’s 331 am.
Ok ok I need to rb like the stuff abt aini bc this is just her inner dwellings. (SHES STILL CHUNI ONE TOOTH POUTY GUN OKAYY) Someone she only opens up to a select few. Unfortunately, osomatsu is one of them. She knows he wouldn’t tell anyone ..so I suppose ITS FINE. like yeah he’s fucking oughhh but he would share such vulnerable moments between them like wtf..
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