#that is a horrific arc
kissmefriendly · 1 year
Don’t listen to the voice that goes “This horror show will help you fall asleep, the narrator has such a nice voice” that’s the devil talking. You will be right about to drop off when the gruesome descriptions and sound design of burnt reanimated miners on a murder spree will have you sat bolt upright with the side light on
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rabb1ttrash · 2 months
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Fives, please... just let him do a routine inspection in peace..
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raebonnz · 7 months
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Chapter 119 predictions: Kou and Mitsuba kiss
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its-the-sa · 1 month
can you draw about human kaijus please and thanks
i'm sorry friend... I appreciate that you still like my old kaiju art, and I will probably return to the godzilla fandom someday, but today is not that day.
I'm very deep into a rain world hyperfixation right now, and to be honest, i'm actively trying NOT to let the 'godzilla' and 'rain world' beams cross in my brain too much. i havent even watched godzilla x kong: the new empire yet, because I already know it would just fuel my current brainrot. I'd end up making a whole new AU based on it. i'd write essays about all the thematic parallels. i'd write a thesis paper deciphering what mothra's symbol means in the language of the ancients. i'd redraw every stupid kongzilla meme that pops up on google images. i'd unlock a level of autism this world is not prepared to contain.
like please im already struggling with every fibre of my being not to redraw this fucking thing:
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im fihgting for my life
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
thinking about just how likely it is that Batman was the only person Harley told about having suicidal thoughts whilst in Arkham in Detective Comics #831
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"I was seriously considering hanging sheets from the light in my cell and doing the maximum checkout when I heard this voice..."
Detective Comics #831
and how he knew when she strapped that bomb to herself in Batman (2016) #100 that he had to go after her because she was going let herself die in an attempt to end Joker's rampage for good but that she refused to physically do it because he didn't want to her Kill him and he told her that so she's found a middle ground
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"We don't need to end it this way. He needs to be locked back up."
that she'd rather die than keep living with his presence in the world haunting her, haunting Them.
That if he did choose Joker, she wasn't going to disarm the bomb herself.
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"Honey. You're talking to the wrong girl if you think he's not dangerous locked up in Arkham. It's like I said. That's not good enough for me. Not anymore."
the way he yells for her as she leaves.
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"You're only going to get to one of us in time, Bats. Who's it going to be?"
the way the two men stare at each other in the way they have so many times before, in those moments when Joker stayed or prioritized their fight over her. the way he knew Joker loved the thrill of it all and thought it was funny, thought there was No way Batman would leave him and that this game had to end as according to the rules. And that Batman would do so, he would follow the rules and save him. The way he immediately assumed Batman would choose him, choose his life and choose to stay and disarm the bomb.
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And how Batman didn't do that. How Batman walked away from him, leaving him to die or escape or whatever, because He was choosing Harley and her safety and prioritizing her life over him.
The way he stared him in the eyes before choosing the woman Joker had always left to die over him. The way that it was always Him, it was never a question if he would choose Batman over her, but when faced with that type of scenario, Joker is the one that gets left behind to die.
The way she literally woke up in the hospital instead of them having a scene just outside after he removed it. because she didn't intend to live in one of the two options. the way the bomb probably did go off to some capacity because you don't just end up in the hospital knocked out for a week.
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Him saying that he's glad she's okay, after everything they've been through, this war and Everything else. and the way he didn't brush off her concern
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"I'm glad you're okay."
"Are you?"
"I had to bury my father again today. I did it with my family."
i just, i can't,,,,, i cant
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skunkes · 8 months
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2 moods
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miniagula · 7 months
they make me ILL and SICK IN THE HEAD
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muzsmoux · 20 days
TGCF is homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, AND misogynistic at the same time. (To Shi Qingxuan only. The black water arc is a hate crime.)
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Jonelias thought of the day is that Elias must come across as so stuffy and boring to those at the Institute - which, you know, very much helps hide his true nature - but as an avatar of the Eye and a man determined to avoid the End, Elias is someone whose entire being revolves around the interplay of knowledge and experiences. He's compelled to Know it all and his efforts to avoid death invite him to Experience it all too, a fascinating combination of passive observer and, by virtue of being a 200+ year-old in search of true immortality, an active participant too. This is a man whose longevity and thirst for knowledge invites an obsession with life that contradicts the 'Sits in his office doing nothing but spreadsheets all day' image he's learned to cultivate. (Though, to be clear, he does love the spreadsheets.) And I don't just mean "obsession with life" in the sense of him avoiding the finality of death, but actually loving the act of being alive.
I think a lot of what the fandom (rightly) jokes about in regards to his characterization is a reflection of that obsession. Elias has a relationship with Peter Lukas that goes far beyond the cold practicality of an alliance, hinting at a romance (if you steer towards a LonelyEyes reading), or just Elias' desire to still be able to place bets with someone while he's trying to end the world. Similarly, his powers ensure that he's never truly alone - if he dies, he takes the rest of the Archive with him - forever supplying him with a warped companionship that doesn't threaten him like he perceives he was threatened as Jonah Magnus, with his acquaintances working to complete their own rituals. In true Beholding style, he's got the heart of a fucked-up scientist who's endlessly curious about the world around him: 'Oooh what happens if I let my friend waste away in the Lonely?' He shows up at Jon's birthday party not just to secretly gloat and keep an eye on things (ha), but because he legitimately wants cake. Who wouldn't want cake? What's the point of living forever if you can't have cake?? Well, for an avatar the exquisite sweetness of fear is just as good, but my point stands. Beyond his fear of death, that enjoyment is at the heart of Elias' goal, with Jon describing his experience as the Pupil as a kind of agonized bliss and Elias confirming this by saying he was having the most wonderful dream. Morality aside, he likes interacting with the horror of the Entities, something we saw all the way back during the "[PLEASURED EXHALATION]" scene. Learning new things feels good. Experiencing news things is enjoyable. Learning and experiencing Bad Things is especially nice given his patron. Consistently, Elias' setbacks are met with interest, or a mild annoyance that then eventually settles into satisfaction because they are also new experiences for him and the Eye: going to jail, getting to psychologically torture Martin, having his own secrets exposed. There's a lot throughout the series to imply that Elias enjoys watching Jon become the Key, not just because it means he's succeeding in his goals, but because there's genuine interest and pride in seeing him "grow" by Elias' standards. The repetition of "our world," "our patron," etc. implies a connection; the intention to experience this new world with another, to enjoy it rather than simply exist in it for the mere sake of existence. Elias is a man whose entire essence boils down to, "I NEED TO KNOW ALL THE THINGS, EXPERIENCE EVERYTHING, AND LIVE FOREVER WHILE ACHIEVING THAT, TO UNDERSTAND IT ALL SO I CAN CONTROL IT ALL AND HAVE A DAMN GOOD TIME IN THE PROCESS, EVEN WHILE I SUCCUMB TO THE PRIMAL FEAR THAT DRIVES ME I WILL PARADOXICALLY EMBRACE IT, AND YEAH THAT'S LARGELY BECAUSE I SERVE THE LITERAL GOD OF JUDGY SURVEILLANCE BUT ALSO THAT'S JUST ME."
So anyway, I keep thinking about how this characterization could intersect with S1-2 Jon: prickly, awkward, semi-isolated, desperate to be recognized by someone whose authority he believes in. AKA the boss who, at an unprecedented young age, rose to the top of the Institute they both work at, perceived by those around him as far less interesting than he actually is. Parallels, anyone? Imagine Jon getting to really talk to Elias, realizing how much he has to offer after 200 years of life (though of course he doesn't know that), and just constantly being blindsided by not just the knowledge, but the enthusiasm for everything he's learned and been through - the good and the horrifyingly awful that, despite himself, Jon is equally drawn to. Elias recognizes every quote Jon drops into a conversation and has another witty line to pair it with. He doesn't just indulge his nerdy rambles, but participates in them. He's refined in all the ways that Jon expects - books, opera, music, etc. - and also casually drops in references to acid trips and fucking orgies. Imagine an early series Jon who forms a strong bond with Elias outside of the web (ha x2) he's been weaving, becoming dependent on his friendship and just a little bit completely in love. Elias is inherently fascinating, but he's also just Some Guy, and the combination of that is just perfect for a necrotic Archivist who simultaneously wants to be guided by his 'betters' and prove that he's an equal. Why Elias would be interested in turn barely needs stating: Jon is literally Elias' everything, in a horrifyingly tragic and like, Gothic Romance sense? What would that kind of relationship have changed? It would have likely made Elias' job even easier, but what about Jon?
...I'm not saying that Jon's drive to protect humanity would have been warped into something tragically dangerous if he'd first come to see his intelligent, complex, shockingly kind (from his nonexistent self-esteem POV), secretly-an-eldritch-monster boss as the epitome of humanity... but I'm also not saying it couldn't have!
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pkmnirlevents · 1 month
How do you go about getting ideas for arcs? I’m struggling to figure out what I want to do with my character :(
Great question! This happens to be one of my absolute favorite parts of writing and pkmn irl itself. I've always been more of an ideas guy myself. I hope you don't mind but I decided to turn this into a bit of an overall tutorial for planning and writing arcs. Feel free to ask for any specifics because I could delve into my personal process for arc brainstorming, but I was admittedly writing this before getting ready for work and this post was getting kinda long haha
Knowing where to draw inspiration from can be a good place to start. It's wonderful to be inspired by music, a movie or tv show, a book, or even other people in the community and their writing. Ask yourself what elements of that thing draw you in. What do you like? What would you maybe do differently? I must mention though to be respectful of the work other blogs have put into their writing. Being inspired is a wonderful thing, lifting exact details or passages is not. If you're unsure, there's no harm is asking!
The most helpful thing I can tell you right off the bat is that you want to find out how to brainstorm. In schools they'll often try to teach you ways of brainstorming and outlining to structure your essay writing, if you're lucky they might even mention that there are multiple ways you can do this. The ones in school never worked for me personally, so for a long time I assumed brainstorming and outlining was a complete waste of my time and would launch straight into my writing drafts. But as I wanted to write more complex things and I wanted to indulge in more creative writing, I found myself getting stuck all the time. The truth is brainstorming is a helpful tool, but you have to know what type of brainstorming works best for you. Flowcharts, bullet points, stream of consciousness, word clouds, moodboards, drawings, whatever it is that gets your creative juices flowing. In my experience it works best to remember that not every one of these elements will make it into the final arc. You want to get your ideas down first and trim the excess later. I personally pay for a program (Milanote) that allows me to brainstorm in the methods that work best for me, but by no means do you have to pay for a program to do this. Pen and paper works just fine.
The next thing you wanna do is establish what you want your arc to do. Not every arc has to be a grand character development, but all arcs do something. No matter how small that something may be, something has to change as a result. Maybe your character meets a new person, obtains a new Pokemon, gets a new scar and a story to tell their friends, or maybe all they got was a t-shirt. If you already had a loose concept for your arc this can help you hone it. You can start asking yourself, "how does my character reach this point?" and work up to that. Map out what you think your character would do when dropped into a particular situation. This can also help you to establish the tone you want your arc to take. Is it silly and lighthearted or is it more serious and high stakes? Refer to the stakes tag post about proper tagging.
It can help to conceptualize your arc as a series of events rather than a single event. This allows you to understand how many posts you may need to split the arc up into, how much time the arc may take, or other hard to sort details.
These things ramp up when you start to incorporate more people into your arcs. Planning with your fellow writers is extremely important and that requires a lot of communication. Some writers prefer to do what we call pre-writing, which is typically you and the other writers get together and write out the posts in advance. This gives people the chance to look over each other's writing and make edits before the posts go live. Planning discords are useful for keeping things organized, but google docs or other collaborative writing programs can work just as well if those better suit your needs. Organize who is posting what and generally at what time, especially if the post involves other people's characters.
Remember all of this is for fun! These are not hard rules you need to follow. You should not force yourself to write things you do not like for the sake of others or for an imagined audience. Write what you want to write.
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
There is just something about Cole’s section of the six virtues of spinjitzu shorts. His virtue is balance. He learns how to find peace when overwhelmed, after years of running away, disassociating, feeling too exposed, feeling invisible and feeling like he had the weight of his team, his parents, the world on his soldiers.
He finally learnt how to balance that weight.
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I've said this before and I'll say it again: give me the clones mourning their brothers
Tear my heart out and stamp on it, I don't care. I will deal with the consequences.
Just let me see it.
I need to go through the emotional torment of seeing those men mourn their lost brothers and not because I want to feel that pain but because I need to see them let those emotions out.
Give me Fives falling to his knees sobbing after the Citadel. Give me Echo finding out about Fives and blaming himself. Give me Fox dealing with the consequences of killing Fives. Give me Boil discovering what happened to Waxer on Umbara. Give me Rex finally breaking down from the unrelenting weight of his men's deaths.
Give me that.
Seeing clones never being brought up after their death bugs me, as does seeing none of the others act like anything has happened to them (minus the odd mention here or there).
I get it. They were made to be expendable. But I know that they can't have gone that entire time without it just becoming too much.
It will hurt so fucking bad but I need to see the clones mourning their brothers.
Edit: Just corrected some typos :)
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lavenderjewels · 1 year
sukuna vs gojo is good and all, a classic final shonen battle. however. patiently waiting for kenjaku to appear back in the story with a giant centipede buddy made up of thousands of human souls. i don’t fucking know
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braisedhoney · 11 months
[Booting Message…]
[Booting Successful.]
Is this thing working?
Finally! Hello again Captain.
Crewmember #2486 Reporting!
Apologies for the absence, had to stop Nova from eating the intercom…
{Distant blobbing noises}
Get off-!
Sorry, they’re a bit energetic.
Speaking of which, Doc managed to get them off me. That was nice.
(I also owe #0505 lunch for helping me, but that comes later.)
Though they continue to follow me around… oh dear.
I’m afraid I have to ask for permission to keep them on board according to Rule 50999. Again, apologies.
It is nice to see so many other people enjoying the ship… though I have to admit the impromptu show of “Space Suits” scared me a tad.
Also, someone added a new log to the database… suppose that explains the more Eldridch aspects of it all.
(Why wouldn’t a ship be alive if it’s a literal extension of the captain?)
Either way, wishing you well!
Crewmate #2486 (ft. Nova)
#2486! it's great to hear from you (and nova?) again, it's been a while since your last check in.
glad to hear the doc could sort that out for you. also, consider your permission granted. it's the least we can do for you after all the trouble you went through just because of a few pranks, even if it seems like it worked out in the end.
it really has been amazing to see how many people have hopped aboard the ship lately, even if i do have a lot of reports i really should get to catching up on now—including this one! sorry for the long wait ;;
hope you and nova are doing well and settling in again!
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so-bitya · 5 months
ok but seeing doll coming back to life and snake possibly getting reanimated too... I don't think we realized how horrifying this is in context. that means even if you died, you can be brought back to life without your will. it's not the end of your plot line. legit, so many problems ciel "solved" was just killing people willy nilly, without considering other options because he didn't want to think about it, but now he's gonna have to think about it! because it doesnt matter anymore if you kill someone, or you get killed, some freak will build you back from ground up. you can't find relief in death anymore.
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