#that is just so gay lmaoooo
unhinged-nymph · 1 year
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So not only are they taking turns manhandling this pink dildo but they also can't help but stare intensely at the monitor and watch each other as they do it.
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hayaku14 · 5 months
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even heiji is like, "what in the gay is going on" LMAO
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emblazons · 1 year
SO. Just in case anyone thought the production team was not that serious about their details / subtext—here’s some proof that the intro lead up to “Mike is in the closet” I was talking about the other day is in fact intentional, down to the tiniest set changes + positioning they make to make subtextual points.
Let me explain.
In the scene where we see the camera pan to where Mike is making out with El / taking her hands off her, we see this image of him (with the little block letters) on El’s dresser, in conjunction with the lines “just a little more time could open closing doors…” blatantly referring to the fact that they’re setting up Mike being in the closet.
They’ve even added his name at the bottom so you know for a fact it’s him in the image / who the subtext applies to, leaving not even a bit of space for another conclusion.
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—in S03E03, however, we see the exact same image on El’s nightstand (sans the block letters) because it’s just meant to show her passive affection for Mike—same as her little shrine we see in S4. The picture is (obviously) not the point of the shot…but it’s clearly the same picture (if you look at the space around the frame).
I even went in on my full screen TV for a close up lmao
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From this alone, we can conclude a few things:
1: they literally rearranged props in El’s room to get that shot of Mike’s picture to be there—with the addition of his name to make sure no one was confused who it was.
2: this pic was intentionally placed to be a part of a line of a shot, which also included a rainbow + Mike’s name on the wall, a picture drawn by Will, and a mask…which is honestly only slightly less heavy-handed subtext than that gd one way sign in S4.
3: they had the lyrics “just a little more time could open closing doors” edited to match the timing of this image being shown to the audience…as Mike’s first shot of the season…before he takes his girlfriend’s hands off him making out to start singing.
—I just. Like. Sure you can misinterpret stuff, but. I don’t know how people hold so tightly to “production error trutherism” when swap details to make points like this clearly exist if you’re paying close enough attention.
Also…yeah. They really did rearrange details in El’s room to put subtext about Mike being gay in his first scene, and it’s killing me because…lmaooo production stays doing the MOST
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drlqra · 11 months
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dazai but he's wearing my outfits :D
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krookodyke · 11 months
if you cannot handle mean dykes then DON’T WATCH EMMA SELIGMAN MOVIES FUCKHEAD.
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astraldrake · 10 months
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going back through my art files (gotta find stuff to show my family members) and i truly did not realize how many sketches i've done for this one specific au/crossover thingy
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ninelivesastrology · 3 months
Y'all gonna hate me for this one, but you can't call it a homoerotic friendship if that woman was never into you. It's called lust, limerence and delusion.
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sugared-violets · 8 months
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local femme goes to the library + antique store incident, 3 killed 14 injured
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blazingblorbos · 1 month
gods above so help me
tell me why I came across a PTN clip of Shalom and heard Suzie Yeung's voice and almost folded so hard I would've lost function in my legs
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twistedappletree · 4 months
being in your cringey “mean girl” phase as an adult applies to gay men too, y’all ain’t cute 🤷‍♀️
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amberofember · 2 months
crushing on a woman vs a man is so funny bc w a man it’s like oh he’s hot and smart i kinda like him but meanwhile with women it’s like wow she is the most beautiful person i have ever seen she must have fallen from heaven and suddenly ur writing poetry and comparing her to pretty things and wondering what you must have done to be so blessed to even breathe the same air as her.
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hiisheart · 3 months
( ok so i have a little energy tn after deciding to stay in but!! i'm here!! and maybe i'll rb some memes if i find some good stuff 👀👀 )
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echthr0s · 11 months
oh my god how could I have forgotten the gay angel and demon
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elliesbelle · 1 year
i think it’s a little fucked up that i’ve had multiple, MULTIPLE friends confess they previously had a crush on me/used to be in love with me way after they got over their feelings, like… WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THAT INFORMATION
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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I can’t decide which video game I think would be Dylan’s favorite: Fran Bow, Little Misfortune or Sally Face
Also I have no idea what Millie’s is but Sarah is astronomically bad at party games like Jackbox, Among Us, etc. and doesn’t have enough friends to play them for herself but she watches a YouTuber who does both beauty/vlog and let’s play videos, and is always in her servers when she hosts them in streams. She almost always loses.
And Brooke, I think Brooke’s favorite most people would expect to be something basic or girly, something like The Sims 4 with a bunch of basic ass cutesy TikTok custom content downloaded, but it’s actually Phasmophobia. See, Brooke does have TS4 and the pets expansion pack, but she rarely plays just because she’s so bad at the game and all of her custom builds as opposed to being fancy ~aesthetic~ rich people houses look like this
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As someone who has The Sims 4 purely for mods and one certain mod that I will not be saying but iykyk- so I could ship my old not so subtle but not exactly self insert OC in a poly ship with two different forms of my first fictional crush, one of which isn't even exactly "canon" but I gave them an important role in a really old AU, I felt the being so bad at the game that all of your builds look like that-
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