#that no. she did not eat the old Charlie. it’s just always been her and she’s been a leviathan and seriously did they not figure this out??
quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
thinking about leviathan!charlie again. the stynes corner her and she Fucking Eats Them
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eupheme · 1 month
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— a good, good neighbor
john hancock x f!sole survivor/reader
rated e - 2.8k
tags: friends-with-benefits vibes, mutual yearning & jealousy, mention of chem usage, references to threesome, horny!desperate!hancock, desk/office sex, semi-public sex, piv, blowjobs
prompts: “i want to fuck you so badly” + “i'm simply enjoying the view. it's not every day i get to fuck someone so pretty.”
“How did you imagine us?”
“Every way,” Hancock husks, “Keeping my cock warm while I work. Eating you on the desk or bending you over it.”
“Hell, I’ve even thought about the balcony. I’d take you right over the fuckin’ railing if you’d let me.”
(Or - when you come back from a mission, Hancock can’t wait to get his hands on you)
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Despite the bustle inside the Third Rail, it’s all just dull noise.
Hancock can’t say he’s heard a word Fahrenheit has said. It’s not his fault she had cornered him inside the entrance, right as he was on his way in.
Where he has a perfect view of the bar.
A perfect view of you, where you perch on one of the stools in front of Charlie. Looking like a dream, in your soft, faded clothes.
Not that he doesn’t like your vault suit. The way it fits like a glove around your hips and thighs, the swell of your tits.
He’s always been a fan.
But there’s something about this - how you look like you belong here, with him. It’s been a while since he’s felt his heart stir, but you really seemed to have woken it up.
His partner huffs, finally stepping to the side. Her own plans tonight, eyes already drifting over to the stage. A long-suffering sigh - a hand that pushes her undercut back, a scrunch of her nose.
“Remind me to let you two… debrief next time, before I talk to you.”
Hancock grins, only now coming back, “You got it, sister.”
He owes her one. Tomorrow he’ll sit down and really listen, but it’s been a long fuckin’ week and the chems he downed in his office are just now taking effect.
Tipping him towards being too high to be jealous that you’re talking to another ghoul - a sentiment that he’s only just becoming acquainted with.
That was never really his style, before now.
And just a tad too sober to suggest Deegan just join them, if your conversation doesn’t wrap up soon.
Really fuckin’ soon.
It’s as he sidles up to you that he notices just how good you truly look. Scrubbed clean from the wasteland, and he’s already imagining you in the Rexford, hands sliding over your wet curves in the shower.
Getting ready to come here, applying that pretty shade of red that darkens your lips - a treasure found on a recent favor you did for Daisy.
Something that had kept you away for days, his jaw gritting as you had left without him.
It’s the same shade as his coat - and that does something, too. A clenching in his guts, a wash of need as he imagines it marking up his cock. A pretty ring around the base, staining his skin.
Christ, he needed to get it together.
Your eyes brighten when you see him, “I was hoping you’d find me. Heard you were still working.”
He fits against you, leaning on the bar. A hand draping across your shoulder - eager to touch, as your head tips up to his.
“Never too busy for my favorite girl.”
The smile you give him, those pretty painted lips stretched wide, shoots straight to his cock. Uncomfortable, where it strains against the front of his trousers - and maybe, he just might be head-over-heels.
He needs to get out of here.
“You want to get out of here?” He asks - the back of your neck warm where his palm curves around it, thumb brushing over soft skin.
Feeling the low hum in your throat, as you answer.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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“I want to fuck you so badly.”
Hancock growls it in your ear, as he wrenches the door to the Old State House open. Bypassing your room at the Rexford, opting for something closer.
He always seemed to like you in his bed. Late nights turning into slow mornings, getting acquainted with the soft drag of fingers against skin. Comparing scars until you’ve learned each and every one.
You think he’d keep you there, if he could. If you both weren’t so prone to wandering.
The rough admission sends your pulse racing. Never expecting to miss someone like you did him. Never thinking you’d get a chance like this again.
But something about being with Hancock feels so easy. Something invisible that ties you to him, but that tether is never-ending. Both of you always finding your way back to each other, in a slow orbit.
Never knowing what it truly meant to know that someone had your back - until you were looking down the barrel of something you weren’t supposed to come back from, out in the wasteland.
Knowing he would be there, as soon as you called.
“Then fuck me,” You sigh against him, at the landing of the second-floor staircase. The railing pressing into your back as his tongue licks into your mouth.
Hands fisting in the collar of his frock as his hips roll against yours. Getting turned around in path back to his room.
Ending up across the hall, in his new office. The door still cracked open as you both stumble inside. A soft sound of surprise when you find yourself bumping up against a heavy wooden desk, instead of the couches you’ve come to know so well.
He’s already herding you to the other side, moving his chair out of the way. Hoisting you onto the edge, before stepping between spread thighs.
Mouthing at your jaw, hands slipping beneath your shirt.
“Wrong room,” You sigh, as your arms wrap around his shoulders.
“Right fuckin’ room.” His hips meet yours, rolling himself against your core, “Know how many times I’ve dreamed about having you in here?”
The thought of him thinking of you has your thighs tightening around his hips. A needy moan when his hand fondles a breast over the fabric of your bra, before it’s slipping beneath.
“How-” You start, and then squeak as his fingers pinch against the tight peak of your nipple, “How did you imagine us?”
His black eyes are hazy when he pulls back. A shine on his lips from where his tongue soothed a mark left against your neck.
“Every way,” Hancock husks, “Keeping my cock warm while I work. Eating you on the desk, or bending you over it.”
You whine at the thought - a jolt of pleasure arcing through you as his hips jerk against yours, grinding against your clothed core.
“Hell, I’ve even thought about the balcony. I’d take you right over the fuckin’ railing if you’d let me.”
God, it’s tempting. Heat flaring to life in your cheeks at the thought - knowing he would.
He’s opened the doors to a lot of new aspects of yourself, but there’s still a shred of your old-world modesty that clings to you.
But it still sends a liquid warmth pooling in your belly. He can feel the way your hands tighten their grip that you’re picturing it too.
The balcony is out of the question, but the rest…
Your palms push at his shoulders, and he allows you just enough room to get down. To flip around until your hips are flush with the edge of the wide desk.
“Why don’t you show me?” You coo, with a glance over your shoulder, “Mister Mayor.”
There’s a flash of teeth with his smile - words as sweet and smooth as honey, “Sweetheart, call me that again and I’ll show you anything you want.”
His hand is quick to press at the small of your back, bending you across his desk like he had imagined. Your hand slipping down to work at the button and zipper of your pants, where he’s already gripping at the fabric to tug your layers down.
Hancock’s hips press into your bare center. Nudging the hard, clothed curve of his cock against yours, fingers already smoothing over your skin. Gripping on before nails drag over the curve of your ass, then slipping between your thighs.
You stifle a moan when he touches you, all slick and swollen already. A day-long lingering anticipation of seeing him, keyed up by his own laid-bare desire.
“You miss me, doll?” Hancock husks, when he finds how wet you are. The tips teasing your clit as he frees himself.
Fingers petting at your folds. Slicking them up until he can smear your arousal against his cock - the rough skin shining in the windows of light that peek in from the city outside.
“Yes,” You whine - he always seems to pull things from you, when he has you like this. Making you soft, willing to lay yourself open if it means he keeps touching you, “Hancock, please-”
The word strings out - as he grasps at your hips, tugging you back just as he drives himself deep into you. This is what you needed - the aching stretch, the way your blood sings already.
Squirming when he stays still, slipping half-way while his hands keep you pinned against the desk.
“Don’t slow down now,” You huff, as you rock back into his touch.
Hancock’s own laugh is low and throaty - you gasp when you feel his fingers slip from your hip. Boldly tracing where you stretch around him, letting his thumb rub at your clit until he can feel you clench.
“Just enjoying the view.” He husks, “It’s not every day I get to fuck someone so pretty.”
His words shoot straight through you, settling in your heart. So much understood and even more left unsaid.
You’re used to the before, when there were neat labels and expectations. Left on uneven footing now, with how the world has changed.
Maybe even scared to bare yourself fully - to let yourself feel so deeply for another person again.
But surely this - this partnership, his words, him - must mean something.
“It could be.”
It slips from you with a sigh, too late to snatch back. Something fluttering in your belly, a heady mix of apprehension and pleasure as he growls - a sharp thrust that has him filling you again.
A shift of his fingers until he’s circling your clit, with just the right pressure that he knows you need. A shallow roll of his hips that starts slow, and steady.
“That right?” His voice is low, lilting up at the end.
You couldn’t really ask him to join you - but tonight, you could pretend. The time you had spent together on the road was some of your best moments in this aftermath.
But you respected his decision to stay, to work a little harder at this Mayor business. Even if it had left you unsure of where you stood with each other.
Even if you did miss him, want him by your side.
“Yeah,” You manage, “Keeping touching me like that and, yeah-”
You can hear the smile in his voice as he answers, “Sunshine, you’re gonna have a harder time getting me to stop.”
He makes good on his promise.
A hand catching under your thigh, hoisting your knee onto the desk top. Opening you up further - a stifled cry pulling from you when he nudges deeper, stroking a spot inside you that steals your breath.
The door is still ajar - the thought of your whines and the slick drive of his cock has your heart pounding.
You’re sure he’d love that too - the shout of his name as he makes you come, echoing to where the drifters sleep above, and where the Watch lingers. The sound of his hips knocking yours into the desk, the rhythmic creak of old wood.
It still lingers as a whimper - bitten back as the pleasure builds. He hasn’t forgotten in the time you’ve been apart, pounding into you again and again. His touch circling just as he bottoms out, a pressure in his own belly with each gasp he pulls from you.
“Fuck, John.” You keen - a number already seeming to tick down inside you, with each circuit of his fingertips, “I’m gonna come-”
“That’s my girl,” He coos - keeping the same rhythm, the same steady pound that threatens to break you, “Give it to me. Soak my fuckin’ cock, sweetheart.”
His girl.
It echos - your cry going silent, when as the pleasure washes over you. Leaving you trembling as you ride out the waves of pleasure, meeting the thrusts that grow lazy.
You needed this, needed it as much as he does. So much packed noise inside your brain going quiet the harder he fucked you, now blissfully silent.
“Look at you,” It’s muted, as your back arches - as you drip around his cock, “You feel so fucking good, not gonna last-”
Almost as if he gets off to this - making you come. Taking you apart, until each breath is a wrung-out gasp, your fingers curling into fists.
It leaves you thinking that if he’s staying here - if he’s been thinking about you, you’ll give him something to remember.
Another check off of his list.
“Hancock,” You breathe - eyes heavy and dazed as you glance over your shoulder.
Where he’s arced over you - grinding himself deep. His own gaze blown-wide with need as it tips to meet yours.
“Come in my mouth,” You beg, “Let me taste you.”
Eyes flicking to his chair, still pulled up next to the desk. He’s always been able to follow you, a rough sound in his throat when the catches what you mean.
“Fuck.” His hips stutter, before he’s slipping from you, “Yeah. Yeah, doll. Anything you want.”
You’re sinking to unsteady knees in front of him, as he drops down into the chair. Knees spread wide as your hands run up his thighs, to where his cock hangs heavy against the unzipped fabric.
Already missing him inside you. A rough groan when your hand wraps around, before you’re swallowing him down. Tasting yourself smeared across him, as your cheeks hollow, your fist pumps.
“So fuckin’ perfect, you know that?” Hancock hisses, the words coming out ragged. Hips bucking into the wet suction of your mouth.
No teasing this time, no kitten-licks. Just the familiar weight of him on your tongue, the jerk of your spit-slicked fist.
A ragged sound slipping from him when your eyes drag up to meet his. Peeks of reddened and rough skin along the way that make you want to take a bite as well.
Noticing how he’s marked up with you - faded shades of red stained on his lips and chin. Littered across on his cock, down to the base.
You think you like the look of it, something warm flickering in your belly - an echo of the pleasure he gave you before.
Wanting him to think about you every time he sits here, after you leave. The feeling of your mouth around him, how hard you made him come. Leaving your own mark on this room, as well.
He groans at the way you watch, the soft lap of your tongue. How you squeeze him bringing him closer - waiting for him to show you how much he needs you.
“Fuck. You’re gonna make me come, gorgeous.” It’s a rough warning, as his hand cradles your jaw. The bite of nails against your neck, as his hips buck.
The groan he makes is loud and low - shameless - as he comes. His cock throbbing in your mouth, each pulse leaking his spend as you swallow him down. Coaxing every drop from him, until you’ve taken it.
Keeping him in your mouth, after - your tongue sweeping lazily across his skin, until he goes soft. Easing off him then, letting your head rest against his thigh.
Hancock’s head still tips back, lost in that soft haze. The shallow rise and fall of his chest, a week’s worth of want spilled across your tongue.
“Was that like you imagined?”
There’s the tilt of his head as he grins, his thumb reaching to press against your lower lip - a low growl when you nip at it.
“Even fuckin’ better.”
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The room shifts in front of you - Hancock’s boot propped against the desk, sending the chair back and forth on a slow sway.
Your legs thrown over the armrest, where you sit in his lap. The sounds of Goodneighbor muted outside, as the lights spill across the floor in the dark room.
“Thought I’d stick around a couple days.” You tell him, “Skip out later this week, maybe.”
“You just got in.” He rasps, fingers tracing a pattern against your shoulder, “Got somethin’ going already?”
You hadn’t planned on it. Had been hoping to stick around Goodneighbor for a while. Spend some time with him, before heading out.
“Edward asked me to do a job for him,” You stifle a yawn, your head tilted against his, “Some girl he works for ran off, said she does that all the time.”
Duty always calls.
"Edward?" Hancock’s brow lifts.
His tongue clicks against his teeth, a soft pinch of his fingers against your skin, “Didn’t know you and Deegan were that chummy. Edward, huh?”
Your elbow sinks into his ribs, and he grins.
“Well, you don’t gotta wait on me,” He hums, already thinking ahead. “You wanna get this show on the road tomorrow?”
A small mark puckers your brow as you lean to face him, your gaze searching.
“I thought you stopped running.” It’s soft - a question, hidden in your words.
Hancock huffs, “Not running.”
His voice drops - a softness to his beetle-black eyes as he thumbs at your chin, drawing your mouth down to his.
“Just realized I’d rather be by your side.”
With his admission, the hungry press of his lips…
You think you fall just a little harder.
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loved the idea of a desperate/lovey Hancock paired with a sweetly oblivious “what are we” Sole, haha 💖 thanks for reading!! and for this perfect request!
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hypnos333 · 4 months
More than Anything
Lucifer x Adapted daughter! Reader
Synopsis: You were just a baby with weird shapes on your cheek and having no one Lucifer took you in while depressed until it got really bad so Charlie and Vaggie started taking care of you
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You played with your dolls as Charlie was playing with you. It’s been 1 years since the last time you saw your dad and yet you don’t know him. When you were first taken away you couldn’t eat anything at all until Charlie started to actually pay attention to you to the point where she knows every detail.
Charlie was happy to take you in as a sister but was disappointed at her dad for leaving such a young now two year old without a parental guidance. Charlie had her mom but who do you have?
She watched you sucking on you pacifier while characterizing the doll with innocence. It was no surprise that you were a hellborn because your cheeks gave it away. No human has the power that you have.
“Come little baby let go get you a warm bottle of milk and some lunch” Charlie exclaimed before picking you up as you clinged to her.
For a two year old you so small and adorable.
When Charlie reach the kitchen Husk was already in there grabbing an apple sauce before putting it in front of you. “Do you want me to feed her Charlie?” Husk mumbles as he gets a baby spoon to feed you in.
“Oh! Thank you Husk this helps so I can make her mil-“I always made her milk it’s in the microwave” Husk interrupt her that’s when the Microwave made a sound meaning it was done.
Husk airplane feed you the apple sauce as you played with his paws, he didn’t mind because he grown attached to you.
“Husk do you mind watching ___? I have to do business around the hotel” Charlie asked making Husk instantly agree. “Yeah I can definitely watch this kit” Husk said making Charlie tell him your schedule before kissing your forehead on the way out.
“Well it’s just you and me munchkin” He mumbles as you were sucking your bottle with the milk in it. He gently lift you up carrying you to the lobby.
He laid you down the couch, on your back as you continued to drinking the warm milk. As you fell asleep drinking the bottle. As you did Husk brought up a pacifier to your lips and automatically sucked on the pacifier.
Husk chuckles before making a pile of blankets so you don’t roll over and fall on the couch.
Hours later
Lucifer came in when Charlie called him, And when Lucifer saw his sleeping child being carried by Angel dust as rocked side by side so you can stay sleeping.
“C-Can I hold her?” He asked Charlie making her nod as she smiled uncontrollably. Angel dust gently put you in Lucifer’s arms making you squirm and slowly open your eyes.
“Hi Baby Angel, I’m your papa” Lucifer said gently and he rubbed your back. You looked at him tiredly and curiosity.
“Papa?” You mumbled
“Yeah I’m your papa” Lucifer chuckled with tears in his eyes as he put his forehead against yours as you giggle putting your hands on his cheeks as he does this. He can’t believe how much you grown as he cried in Joy finally getting to raise you properly Lucifer pulled charlie into a hug with you and him.
“I love you both more than anything” He whispered to you both.
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artyandink · 3 days
that’s my man (and my woman)
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Summary: Your kids are curious little buggers. Asking questions about everything and anything under the sun. So there comes the complications of when your kids ask you if you’ve fallen in love before. How will you explain everything? Time to put your imagination to use.
A/N - I’ve been putting out a lot of sexy fics recently. Why not some fluff?
Song Inspo: Style - Taylor Swift and Perfect - Ed Sheeran
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It took so long just to get two human beings to eat breakfast.
“Charlie, Sam, breakfast!” You called up the stairs, sighing after you did. Your hands were on your hips in true mom fashion, and disbelief and faux-regret was your adrenaline high this time as you wondered why exactly you had kids. That you loved to death despite their poor eating schedule. “Come on, I made pancakes.”
The thundering of little feet on the stairs told you that you had two incoming hurricanes.
Your seven year old boy, Sam, and your five year old girl, Charlie, appeared at the bottom of the stairs with broad smiles, crashing into you for a bear hug that knocked the wind out of your sails. You laughed as you hugged them back, giving a few pats of their head each. “Hey, there. Ready for breakfast?”
“Is there syrup?” Charlie asked eagerly, running and hopping into a high chair, grabbing her plate of pancakes and bringing it to her with a familiar lick of her lips and happy, twitchy grin. Sam had gotten his father’s hair, while Charlie had gotten yours. But the eyes were swapped around, and it was always a point of laughing. Not one child could be more like one or the other.
Arguably, both kids had their father’s dimples and smile. So yes, he could stake his claim.
“And whipped cream?” Sam added with a toothy grin.
You shook your head with a chuckle; such chatterboxes. You opened the fridge and a cabinet, getting out the maple syrup, whipped cream and strawberries. “Not too much, ok?” You passed the toppings to them, and with a chorused ‘yes, mom’, they proceeded to completely disregard your orders. It made you shake your head again, huffing out a breath when all sense of scolding them disappeared once you saw the golden morning light hitting their little heads as they squealed and laughed.
Kids. You loved them to bits.
“Mom,” Charlie asked through a bite of pancake and whipped cream that smeared over her mouth, “have you ever loved someone before?”
The question startled you slightly, but you grabbed a kitchen towel, cleaning her lips with a soft smile as she shied away with a shriek of delight, little bunches waving about wildly. “Course I have, sweetie. But only once.”
“Ooh, tell me, tell me!” She giggled, while Sam cringed a little, muttering a small ‘gross’ that got a sharp glare and pout from Charlie. Out of care for his little sister, he shut himself up.
You took a slow breath in to give yourself time to think, leaning on the counter and putting down the paper towel. “Well, it started a long time ago. When I was twenty six, all young.”
“That’s old.” Sam wrinkled his nose in confusion. You scoffed lightly, because it damn wasn’t, but he was just a kid.
“Behave, Samuel.” You ruffled his hair with a laugh. “We met at my old job. 4th October, 2006. He had his brother with him. Now, I thought he was trouble. He had a leather jacket and one of those really fancy, loud cars and he was very popular with girls.” You reached out to tickle Charlie’s side, which had her squeaking. “But he was likeable, and charming, so I wanted to bump into him more often.”
“Was he cool?” Sam perked up, suddenly very interested. “He sounds cool.”
You pinched his chin affectionately. “The coolest. But our job was very tiring. We went through a lot of big stuff, like I told you in your bedtime stories. There would be vampires and werewolves and fairies of all kinds, but he and I would always save the day. And if we didn’t, we’d save the next day.”
“You saved the world!” Charlie exclaimed, making an aeroplane with a pancake bite on her fork. The action sent a flutter of warmth and love through your chest. For your family. Something you thought you’d never have.
You nodded, guiding the bite to her mouth gently before your hyperactive child sent the fork flying. “That’s right, gumdrop. We saved the world.” It was like telling a story, of you and your prince. “I couldn’t help but love him. He’d call me sweetheart and hold me tight. He’d look at me with a wide smile on his face, just for me. And he told me I was the one he was looking for.”
“That’s corny.” Sam piped up, but he also had a wide, goofy, dimpled grin on his face. He leaned forward. “So, where is he now? Did you two leave each other?”
“Well, he-” The sound of the door opening and closing echoed through the house, followed by soft padding steps and heavier ones not so far behind.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” A familiar voice called, the deep one which always had your stomach doing flips. That you heard murmuring sweet nothings in your ear every damn day. “C’mon Miracle, stay still- attaboy. Such a good boy.”
“That would be your father.” You sighed, not in a disappointed way, but a lovesick teenager way because hearing the word ‘sweetheart’ from your husband’s mouth never got old.
Your husband. Damn, you didn’t think you’d make it to that point. Not when Chuck was still a threat. Or even that rebar that Jack saved him from.
Your kids shrieked happily and practically flew off their high chairs, sprinting towards their dad, who was busy taking off his jacket in the hallway.
Dean Winchester. All 6’ 1” of flannel and denim, but this time with burden-free smiles and lit up looks.
When he saw his two munchkins, the jacket was off in a flash and he’d bent to one knee in order to absorb the impact of two koala hugs. “Aw, hey, squirt number one and two. Hope you didn’t give your mom much trouble.”
It felt so much better than the impact of a punch. Indescribably better.
“Dad!” The two giggled at the same time, accepting two kisses on the forehead each while being smothered by their dad’s strong arms. Warm and comforting and no longer instruments of destruction.
They’d always be somewhat like that, Dean thought in the back of his mind. The seed of doubt sowing in again.
Then Dean saw you in the hallway, and his brain forgot to work, doubts forgot to sow and crept into the dark corner it came from. You, his wife (he never got tired of the way that word rolled off his tongue), Mrs Winchester, standing there all pretty looking at him with those eyes of yours that always saw through his crap and often jackassery.
Dressed up in his undershirt, your sweats with the last few winks of sleep yet to go from your eyes, but still working yourself to the bone to make sure your kids had a good meal. A far cry of the days where he’d look up, see you covered in blood that wasn’t yours, adrenaline-pumped with that sexy fire in your eyes, machete in hand instead of that ring he bought around your finger.
He preferred this look on you. It meant you were safe.
Dean watched as you gave Miracle an idle scratch before ushering the kids into the kitchen, then walking up to him and wrapping those gorgeous arms around his neck, gorgeous eyes twinkling and your gorgeous lips stretched into a smile.
The whole nine yards, apple pie and picket fence of gorgeous and it was all his. All his personal heaven.
“Mrs Winchester.” He murmured, nudging your nose with his as his arms circled your waist, drawing you in and gripping your hips with both underlying possessiveness and a tender glow in those emerald eyes. Your soul soaring and low, warm vibrations in your body increasing until it was at the frequency of his. Syncing you both.
“Mr Winchester.” You giggled softly as you let your lips meet his once, pulling back. Then you couldn’t help yourself, letting them meet in holy matrimony again. And again. And again, over and over until you were both mentally and physically restraining yourselves due to your children being in the next room.
“We have to stop.” Dean chuckled, his hand tangling in your hair as the other inched down from its place on your hip, taking yet another hit of your honeyed lips.
“We do.” You whispered back, meeting his ministrations with the slow massage of your thumb against his scalp from where your fingers ran through his hair, your other hand on his chest.
Over his heart.
“Hard to when y’looking so pretty, darlin’, and you know it.” He huffed, nuzzling your nose before dipping to press a slow, hot kiss to your jugular. “Wearin’ my shirt too, hardens the bargain. And these sweats, god, you know what they do for your ass.” As if to punctuate his point (and sentence), he gave a quick, firm slap to it. “Ain’t makin’ it easy for me here, baby.”
“Dean!” You squeaked, giggling. “Our kids are in the kitchen.”
“Lil’ buggers. My sex drive’s arch nemesis.” He groaned against your neck, but listened anyway, taking his hand off your ass and cupping your cheeks, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead, then hairline. “C’mon.” You two made your way to the kitchen, where Miracle then padded over, rearing on his hind legs to paw at Dean’s jeans for attention. He obliged, bending down to ruffle Miracle’s golden coat.
“Hey, boy.” He whispered, fingers doing good work to give Miracle the love he was whining for. “I love you a lot, ok? But I’ve got a wife, a very sweet, very sexy…” Dean gave you a once over with a lick of his lip and a quick bite of the bottom one, “wife. And I wanna get her in bed today, so don’t ruin this one for me. All respect given. Alright?”
A small whimper of affirmation.
“Attaboy.” Dean gave Miracle a quick scratch behind the ear before straightening up.
“C’mon, mom, tell us what happened to the cool guy!” Sam insisted, which had Dean raising an eyebrow at you in question. Cool guy? Who, what, when, where, how, why?
“Yeah, the one that stole your heart and put rainbows in your eyes!” Charlie added, making a heart with her tiny hands.
Dean smirked, leaning against the counter by his hip. “Oh? Who stole your heart and put rainbows in your eyes, honey? Do tell.”
“First of all, I did not say that.” You chuckled, raising a finger.
“You don’t have to. It’s all here.” Charlie pointed to her own eyes with an intense stare at her finger and a cute pout. It almost had you melting. “But tell us!”
“Oh, fine.” You rolled your eyes playfully with a laugh, then took Dean’s hand and kissed the battle-scarred knuckle.
The gesture making Dean internally melt and externally making his eyes fill up with hearts and his lips twitch into a warm smile.
“I married him.” You said softly, your eyes mirroring the same look.
“Damn right.” He chuckled, leaning forward and meeting your lips in a sweet, slow kiss. Free from the stress of an Apocalypse or a battle. That tasted like coffee and toothpaste rather than beer or whiskey and had no rush. His hand cradling your cheek while yours gently cupped the back of his head. Breathing in his body wash that wasn’t low grade anymore. You still had the unlimited credit cards, so you had more time for things like these. The little things.
You became absorbed in everything Dean, the kiss not as passionate as when he’d dipped you and took your breath away in front of a crowd of hunters on your wedding day but still had the same meaning. The whispers of the vows you two had choked out through tears. He became absorbed in you, in the sweet taste of a croissant on your tongue and your floral scent dizzying and overwhelming his senses in a good way. It was you he was feeling. It felt like you, so real, so safe. It felt like home.
“Ewwww!” You were interrupted by Sam and Charlie, and you broke apart, foreheads pressing together with a soft laugh coming from the both of you.
His hand on your waist, yours carding through his hair. Comfort, assurance, something you both had been deprived of for fifteen straight years. You wouldn’t let being Mrs Winchester go. Not now, not ever.
Mrs Winchester. Never got old.
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peakyswritings · 9 months
Lullaby || Tommy Shelby x reader
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Summary: It’s been almost a year since (Y/n) has started to work as Charlie’s nanny. For the first time, she finds herself in the position of breaking one of her boss’ rules, but his reaction might not be what she was expecting.
Warnings: mentions of death, age-gap (it’s not specified, I imagine (Y/n) to be in her 20s).
A/N: this is a mix of two requests by anonymous. I changed them a little bit to make them fit another thing I was already planning to write. I hope you like it🤍 Also, I couldn’t restrain myself from using Once Upon a December from Anastasia as the lullaby (Y/n) sings.
Word count: 1.4K
Dividers credit
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“C’mon, Charlie.” (Y/n) whispered with a soft voice, gently rocking the three-year-old. “It’s late, you need to sleep.”
Despite all her efforts, the child seemed to have no intention of going back to sleep. His cries resounded in the silence of the night, desperate, probably caused by a nightmare. It wasn’t the first time he woke up in the middle of the night, and surely it wouldn’t be the last. It was quite a common occurrence, but there was nothing surprising about that. At such a young age, Charlie Shelby had already been through so much pain.
(Y/n) had been Charlie’s nanny for almost a year now. She had moved to Arrow House shortly after the late Mrs Shelby, Charlie’s mother, had died under tragic circumstances. As for her boss, Thomas Shelby, she rarely saw him. He didn’t spend much time at home, and when he did, he locked himself in his study until it was time to go out again. Everyone could see that the man was still grieving, that the guilt of his wife’s death was eating at him day by day. And Grace Shelby was everywhere in that house. In the portraits, in the photographs, in the very air the people who lived there breathed. It was as if her ghost was still lingering inside those walls, restless.
Truth was, some part of (Y/n) was glad she didn’t have to see Mr Shelby too often. His cold eyes gave her chills, and she always felt small under his expectant stare. It felt like he could read right through people. But she couldn’t complain, because despite his exterior harshness and his coolness, he was kind to her. She figured the reason why was that Charlie had become fond of her right away, just like she had become fond of him.
On the other side, Thomas Shelby piqued her curiosity. He was a peculiar man, she had never met someone who even remotely resembled him. She knew who he was, what his family did, and before meeting him she was expecting to find herself in front of someone entirely different. When after putting an ad in the papers she received his secretary’s call, she had considered refusing. But the pay was good, and she needed to get out of her house, to be independent, and the general terms of her contract were to good to be ignored. So she mustered up the courage and attended the interview, and to this day, she could say she made the right decision. Charlie was lovely, the staff was friendly, and she felt relatively safe in a house surrounded by men who protected it night and day.
(Y/n) sighed, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was three in the morning. She had been trying to get Charlie to sleep for over an hour, but nothing seemed to work. She had tried everything: she had cradled him, given him water, she had even taken him to take a breath of fresh air in the garden for a while. It was all useless. There was just one thing she hadn’t tried, she hadn’t dared try, for if her boss found out he would probably fire her for breaking his rules. It was the first thing people would do to help a child fall asleep, and yet it was not allowed at Arrow House. Because Mr Shelby didn’t allow singing. But she was running out of options, and her boss was still out.
Just one song. One lullaby wouldn’t hurt anyone.
She hesitated, sending a look at the door of Charlie’s bedroom, then she quietly started to chant the lullaby her grandmother used to sing to her when she was a child.
“Dancing bears
Painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December”
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Tommy closed the front door behind him, exhaling a deep breath. Another long day was over. However, not even the comfort of being home was enough to lift the weight pressing on his shoulders. Not anymore. It was always there, pushing down on him, waiting for him to bend, or to break. But he had to keep on marching, relentlessly, pretending that the burden wasn’t there.
He took off his coat and hanged it, trying to be as silent as possible in order not to wake the whole house up at that hour. As he walked further into the dark parlour, Charlie’s loud cries came to his ears. He was having troubles sleeping, again.
He made his way towards the stairway, squinting his eyes in the semi-darkness to see better, when something caught his attention. It was a voice, a soft, soothing voice singing a song upstairs.
Someone holds me safe and warm
Horses prance through a silver storm
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory
Tommy began walking up the stairs, step after step, drawn by the beautiful sound. He knew who that voice belonged to. (Y/n) was disobeying his orders, yet he couldn’t bring himself to be angry, far too fascinated. Soon Charlie’s cries faded, and the only thing that could be heard was her enchanting voice.
Far away
Long ago
Glowing dim as an ember
That hauntingly beautiful lullaby brought him back to over a year ago, when his late wife’s voice used to reverberate through the walls. Ever since her death, the silence had been haunting him, only broken by the echo she left behind.
Things my heart
Used to know
Things it yearns to remember
Tears welled up in Tommy’s eyes, but he was quick to push them back. He stopped at the entrance of is Charlie’s bedroom, watching as (Y/n) tenderly held the child in her arms, unaware of his presence. His son had finally fallen asleep, and the peaceful expression on his face reflected how safe he was feeling.
“And a song someone sings
Once upon a December”
She finished her song, and there was silence again. She placed Charlie back on the soft mattress and tucked him in, careful not to wake him up again. When she turned to leave the room, causing their eyes to meet, fear dawned on her young features. It was clear she wasn’t expecting to find him there. For a few seconds, neither of them did nor said anything. Then, as if remembering where she was, (Y/n) slowly exited the room, closing the door behind her. Her arm accidentally brushed against him in the process, the contact almost burning through his shirt. As they stood face to face in the hallway, she avoided his gaze, probably waiting for him to scold her, or fire her, or something worse. And a question popped into Tommy’s mind. Was she that scared of him?
(Y/n)’s heart was racing inside her chest as her boss’s unreadable gaze rested on her. She had never found herself in the position to fear him, nor had she ever had a reason to, but she had never broke any rule before, or crossed any line. And she had no idea how he would react to disobedience. The last thing she wanted was to get on the gangster’s bad side.
“It was a nice song.” His low voice pulled her out of her thoughts, making her gulp. Suddenly, she realised how close they were.
“Mr Shelby, I…” she stuttered, taking a step back. “I’m sorry.” She whispered, shifting her eyes on the ground, finding it way more comfortable to face him without having to look at his impassive expression. “It’s just… nothing was working, and…” she started to ramble, but the words got stuck in her throat. “It won’t happen again.”
Tommy didn’t say anything. He just looked at her, studying her, and his calmness made her even more nervous, for it made him unpredictable. Then something changed in his eyes. His features softened, and she could swear his lips curved into a small smile. “Go to sleep, (Y/n).”
She opened her mouth to say something, but closed it right away. He wasn’t angry? He wasn’t going to fire her? Was it an emotion, the one that had just broken through his ever-unfazed face? She blinked, trying to recollect herself, deciding that it would be better to listen to him before he changed his mind.
“Goodnight, Mr Shelby.” She politely said, before walking past him to go to her room.
“(Y/n).” He called her, making her stop in her tracks. She turned around, her nervousness coming back again as she waited for him to speak.
“You’re allowed to sing, if you want.”
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Tag list: @iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys @lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989 @call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe
Tommy Shelby tag list: @50svibes
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bebebelll · 8 months
Pretty girls and flowers | lando norris smau
pairing: lando norris x student!reader warning: cursing, unrealistic if lando did this in real life the girl would absolutely get doxxed
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yn_phd good morning by best pals! this month's episode will be out this tuesday. my lovely amazing talented so pretty best friend got two tickets to silverstone so if you're there come say hello👋! the podcast guest will be my old professor from freshman year so put down any questions you have about mary i of england! stay healthy and hydrated ❤️❤️
liked by bestie_n and 8 475
bestie_n omg dont praise me like that im blushing
username can you ask why henry 8 never made a marriage for mary?
username god i dont even like history that much but fuck are vlogs calming and sweet and pretty af
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scuderiaferrari it's been a lovely weekend with charles_leclerc and carlossaiz55! P4 and P7 💪 Here is the first taste of the silverstone photo dump!
liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 193 847 others
landonorris whos that?
carlossainz55 its me landonorris no the pretty one charles_leclerc me? landonorris ew no the PRETTY one charles_leclerc ew? i will drive you to the wall
username not charles threatening to send lando into the wall in the comments
username you just fucking know he'd do it too just ask max
username is lando trying to hook up with the girl in the photo?
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yn_phd i put on a little bow so i could be the prettiest girl at the bookstore ❤️today i wrote a page, went on a reading binge about chariot racing in ancient rome, had a breakdown and ate pasta.
liked by bestie_n, carlossainz55 and 11 264 others
username is this the girl @ landonorris
username lando the pretty girl is here
username cmon lando shoot your shot
username i mean he'll miss but its gonna be funny username no one trusts the rizz of this man with a shit beard
bestie_n who is lando? where have you people come from?
carlossainz55 i think this is the girl we were with
carlossainz55 she got lost around the track so we took a photo and got a staff member to help her. she was prettier in real life. good luck mr no rizz you need it username NOT CARLOS COMING FOR LANDO
username this is the girl? not really seeing it doesnt feel like landos type you know
landonorris haha okay people lets not do this haha its not that funny it is a bit embarrasing hah (my dms are open for pretty girls always)
alex_albon well youre talented in the car at least
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landonorris my dad scolded me for getting drunk on twitter so i went to eat their fridge empty. love being home
liked by carlossainz55, yn_phd and 385 749 others
username is he trying to look extra cute and soft to seduce the pretty girl?
username you just googled boyfriend material and tried your best huh
georgerussel63 i though youd chosen to go with the shirtless gym photos?
alex_albon you sent like fifteen different gym pics to the groupchat and then dont choose even one? fuck our help then i guess landonorris shut up shut up shut up
username i can see the pretty girl in the likes though 👀
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yn_phd me and the gang went to a lecture about lord byron's sex life on thursday. i had a pretty cute visitor this weekend and even our lord and king aragorn the cat liked him!!
liked by landonorris, bestie_n and 9 736 others
bestie_n it was a lecture about lord byron's reputation and fame and how it effected the romance genre?
yn_phd exactly!
username are we gonna get an episode about THE george gordon byron please say yes
yn_phd my best pal i will rant about the whole geneva squad
username did lando norris actually do it
username did landonorris attend the lecture too?
landonorris ive never been happier that i chose karting and skipped school
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yn_phd i have discovered hidden depths in myself. i can cry about essay structures and then drive bumper cars an hour later
liked by landonorris, alex_albon and 11 379 others
landonorris it was just karting babe they were not bumper cars
yn_phd but i crashed so much? landonorris you were great!! i was so proud!! 🧡
username okay but how does this relationship even work? if she doesnt know anything about racing?
yn_phd i tell him everything about the tudor dynasty and he explains to me how the drs works
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landonorris use date night to play uno and see whos more competitive (me, i won)
liked by yn_phd, alex_albon and 385 739 others
yn_phd the way i screamed after you gave me those cards
username lando really be gambling with a new relationship
alex_albon poor girl
georgerussell63 remember when we played uno and lando got a +4 card from all of us and he got a mental breakdown alex_albon yeahh we had to take 10min break cause he left for a drive around the block maxverstappen1 the neighbours made a noise complaint too
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yn_phd i got him flowers and later we both crash landed on the bowling alley floor
liked by landonorris, bestie_n and 13 847 others
alex_albon oh so this why you called me crying your tits off
maxverstappen1 he called you too?
landonorris pretty girl🧡🧡
yn_phd pretty guy❤️❤️
702 notes · View notes
knyontop · 20 days
Hello! Hope you're having a good day! And I was wondering if the creepypastas could react to your death but if you're a child pasta? Like say it's from a bullet wound since the enemy defended themselves? Take your time:)
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₊˚ ‿︵‿୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿ ˚₊
Creepypasta x Child!reader.
Tw: gore, depression and stuff, starving, self sabotage, and other stuff.
Ft: Jeff the killer, Sally, Ticci toby, Ben drowned, Nina the killer, and our beautiful, amazing, handsome, reader.
・He doesn’t know what to say, he only feels anger. Rage.
・The rage of Jeff the killer is something I hope my worst enemy never experiences😭
・He will not sleep until he finds whoever killed you, he will go to the depths of hell to find them.
・He cant even think straight when looking for them the only thing he wants to do is kill.
・he starts to isolate himself from everything and everyone, he will just sit in his room or just go out and kill.
・he killings are much more brutal from the anger.
・taking all his anger and emotion out on his victims.
・cry laughing while he carves em’ up.
・he thought he would be happy if you just randomly disappeared or something but I guess not. ☹️
・He lost his some what friend and sibling.
・He will drink, and drink, and maybe drink some more and drink while killing.
・This just makes him less of human then he already was. He cant do it, he just cant.
・He still refuses to say he cares about you btw. (We all know the truth)
・”Damit kid… you dumbass. Why did you have to die?”
・Life is all fun and games to him, playing pranks on people, killing people, torturing people, just the usual!
・This news just hits him like hes being drowned all over again. Hes panicking, feeling like he cant breathe, just losing it.
・Hes glitching all over the place, saying its not true, its not true. You cant be dead! NO YOU JUST CANT!
・Please come back.
・Please just come back.
・He doesn’t find video games fun anymore. He doesn’t annoy people like he used to. He gets more aggressive with his pranks.
・He like jeff takes his anger out on his victims, getting all his anger and frustration out.
・he just wants you back. Please. Come back. Come. Back. Now.
・Hes more glitchy and on edge now, you were like his dumb, little sibling.. but your gone now.
・He just doesn’t get why kids are always the ones who have to suffer, why did you have to die? Your just a kid. You shouldn’t have been dragged into this mess.
・”W-W-Why d-did you h-have to die… y-y-your just a k-k-kid im so sorry.”
・oh, oh this poor boy. Hes already lost his older sister, imagine what this is like.
・The worse part is he was there when it happened, and he couldn’t protect you. He couldn’t protect you. HE COULD NOT PROTECT. YOU.
・He will never forgive himself this is like Lara all over again. He cant do this anymore.
・He will eat less and less, just sit in bed. Having random outbursts in the middle of the day, just breaking down absolutely losing it. But who can blame him? Everyone missed you.
・Toby just wished he could have died instead of you, its not fair.
・Hes mad at you, hes mad at himself, hes mad at everyone. Hes now more violent then ever. Hes easy to anger, just everything.
・Hes over here lashingout at everyone, even sally!
・oh and you have no idea how this has affected sally. Omg. 😭
・oh this poor sweet baby :C
・She just cries, cries and cries and cries.
・You helped heed forget about all the bad, she had someone to care for and someone to care for her. But your gone now.. why?
・She just misses you so much, shes mad at the world for this. Shes mad at Slender and even Mr. Charlie!
・Sally is now more clingy then ever. She needs more attention and starts to get more “annoying” to everyone.
・visitsyour grave everyday to have tea partys with you, like old times yk? She cant go there without crying.
・She misses when you would brush her hair and tell her about your mission and how there head would go splat splat splat! The sound is so silly to her!
・Sally just wants you back! She wants her parents back, she wants everything back!
・Nina is no longer her sadistic silly self.
・She doesn’t have anyone to rant to anymore, she doesn’t have anyone to practice shots on, she doesn’t have anyone to try make up looks on! Her little sibling is gone again! Just like she lost her little brother.
・She didn’t trust herself with you, she thought she would hurt you like she hurt her little brother. But you just ended up hurting her…
・Nina just like toby starts to pass on food, she literally loves food tho! But she just cant anymore…
・”You were my best friend and now.. and now your gone.”
₊˚ ‿︵‿୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿ ˚₊
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passionateseadruid · 1 month
Snake King's bride 4
The announcement
Two weeks had past since you'd met Charlie and Renesmee and her wife (Nina) had started to work for you. Renesmee had become a maid to you. Waking you up, helping you pick out your outfit, and she and Nina would have breakfast with you the days Lucifer didn't make you breakfast.
Nina was a tall succubus. She had cotton candy pink skin and hot pink hair, and her horns resembled a heart but they pointed outward. Nina wore a slick leather outfit with a bulletproof vest and forearm and shin pads. For a succubus Nina wasn't particularly curvy but she was very tall, 7 feet tall in fact. You didn't exactly make the best first impression with her because the first thing you said was "Dang where did the WNBA hide you?"
Other than the scowl she had on her face she was always cordial at breakfast. And she seemed to get along well enough with Pluto the head of Lucifer's security.
One morning you awoke in a pool of your own blood with a splitting pain in your abdomen.
"I'm dying." You mumbled.
"DARLING WHAT'S WRONG?" Lucifer bursts in with a puff of red smoke. He sees you on the bed dark red, almost black, on the sheets. He was in his normal outfit, minus the hat, jacket and cane.
"I'm so glad I used your old shirt as my pajama's last night." You mumbled and got up. "Did- Charlie is half angel."
"But then again Lilith was human wasn't she? Well you do know what a period is. Do you have anything to deal with this?"
"Oh your uh- I'll have someone clean up the sheets and blankets. How about I run a bath for you and make you some food?" 
"I'll go run a bath and if you decide to make me food you can have Renesmee or Styx deliver it."
"Nonsense! And let them see your body, especially before I get to? Unthinkable. Why are you so mean to me?"
"You're the one who caused this asshole.
"Well now we know when you're ovulating, next month I can take care of this problem for you~" You rush to the bathroom and lock the door. "Think about it! For nine months you would get to eat whatever you wanted and you wouldn't have to deal with a period~"
"Please just get me some pain meds and pads!"
Before you appeared a light pink bottle and a glass. Outside the door you hear a big thud and when you crack the door you see packets of every type of hygiene product you might need. Tampons, pad with and without wings, thin and thick. You name it it was in there.
"At least he's not asking me what size pussy I wear." You rolled your eyes.
(A/n: That's so Adam core, I miss him so much. ;-;)
You get out of the tub and wrap a towel around you and step into your room to change into some sweatpants and a zipper hoodie.
"You uh... you look comfy." You quickly turn around and see Lucifer standing in the doorway, pancakes in his hands. His cheeks were even more red then the clown circles he has.
"How long have you been standing there?"
"I-I didn't see anything! Really! You just look so comfy. I never got to see Lilith in anything that didn't show off her curves so seeing my bride to be in something that looks so soft is... different. A good different for sure! Can I... can I have a hug please? I just want to feel how soft it is."
He rolls his eyes. He walks over to a little mahogany table between the bed and the bathroom. Couches on either side. "You know, I don't get you. I've given you everything you could ask for and more. But you don't seem to care. You just sit around in the library or in your room all day. You're not trying to get to know me like you claim. And another thing, I know that you're not traditional. I may not know what your reason for telling these lies is but I know when you lie."
'That's right. One of his epithets is the father of lies.'
"Thank you for what you've done for me this morning. But I'd like to be left alone." 
"As you wish darling." He takes his leave. 
Nina and Renesmee walked in and you sat on one of the couches to eat the pancakes that Lucifer made for you. Renesmee cleaned up the room and you looked at her. "Hey do you need any help?"
"Miss please we go through this every day. I'm your maid, and I'm sure the king would prefer if you didn't lift a finger."
"I don't care what the king says. I don't want you to overwork yourself."
"I'm fine miss. I'm much more equipped to be a maid than my position in my old job. I'm quick and I like rolling around on the janitor cart."
"I still feel bad. I've never had a maid in my life. On top of that the king is okay with this unfair social system where Imps are looked down upon simply because of how they were born. I'm not going to participate in that just because it's how the way things are."
"Ahem!" Styx Calls from the doorway. "Sorry to interrupt but the king has sent some files over regarding the Halloween ball that will be held at the end of the month. He also sent a note. 'Sorry to drop this on you doll but Lilith was usually the one to handle planning the events we hosted. I've sent over everything we have regarding past years, please see to it by the end of the day and if you could select one of the couples costumes I've chosen for us to wear.' "
You took the files from them and looked through them. "Thank you Styx... here this is the costume I want." You hand a photo to them and start looking through the other files. You spend the rest of the day getting it ready, with the help of Renesmee and Nina of course. Ordering decoration, hiring a caterer, hiring temporary staff to help attendants, renting furniture, booking a band, and making a guest list.
"Do you guys think they'll play monster mash?" You ask the women.
"I don't know what that is, miss." Renesmee shook her head.
"Human music my love." Nina said monotonously.
"What do you think you two will wear?"
"Oh! uh..." Renesmee looked away bashfully.
"We're not coming." Nina said in the same tone.
"What? Why?" You asked disappointed.
"We get one night off we're not spending it at work." Nina glared at you.
"Okay, you don't have to come. I just thought it would be fun to have you two there." You dropped the issue.
At the end of the month you (unwillingly) got ready for the party. You put on a short red dress with a sweetheart neckline and an under bust corset, along with a small white waist apron. Several stylists crowd around you. Lucifer had cast an illusion on you earlier that day to transform you identically to how you looked the day you went to the mall with him. One of the stylists curled your hair, one worked on your nails, one worked on your make-up (applying bright red lipstick and such) and the last was supervising and communicating with Lucifer's stylists.
"No Sharron! I told you we cannot compromise on the ears. Madam Rouge personally made these designs, she's going to be there tonight, and if everything is not to her liking she is going to have a fit.
Well the king should have thought about that before he ordered it.
If he thinks it embarrassing maybe HE should have picked out the costume.
That's not my problem, Sharron. Madam Rogue isn't going to accept excuses, especially not "He was trying to make her more comfortable".
Like I JUST SAID Sharron. If the king thinks the faux fur ears are itchy he has to deal with it.
I don't care if he's the king Sharron! Fine if you're being a pussy I'll deal with it. Put him on the phone."
"I can deal with it ma'am."
"Would you? Thank you sweetheart, you're such a gem." She mutes the phone for a second. "Keep this between you and me, I prefer you over Lilith. That lazy bitch would NEVER have dealt with His Majesty when he's having one of his temper tantrums." You take the phone and un mute him as she keeps rambling. "He's worse than Vox and Val I swear. I don't care what Velvette says, that bitch is a liar, or she gives herself too much credit."
(A/n: Velvette and Vox! My BBGs❤️ Fuck Valentino! he's a piece of💩)
"Hi." You say into the unmuted receiver. "How are you?"
"Hi Darling! Everything is fine but the ears and gloves are kind of itchy. I'm glad that Rogue didn't insist on something weird for the tail like a-"
"Okay! Okay! That's enough. Look I know it might be uncomfortable but it's just for one night."
"I want a kiss for being good then."
"Fine. I'll see you in five'"
"Bye Darling~"
About an hour into the night you left Lucifer talking to some of his friends to go find some food. He wore all gray with wolf ears, claws, and a tail (attached to a belt; a tight leather one-piece with a faux fur collar; and some boots. You brought your red hood over your face to try to ward of lingering eyes trying to catch a peak at Lucifer's new bitch.
You looked back to the couple that he was talking to. An Imp almost his height with a green jester cap and a black and white stripped suit; paired with a tall demon with three faces dressed in a big ruffled red dress that had an open shirt in the front with pants.
You wandered around, looking at other people's costumes and trying to find the snack bar. That Madam Rouge lady had dressed up as Glenda from the wizard of Oz. There was a guy with a TV head who was dressed up like batman in the corner making out with a tall guy dressed up as the Joker. With a girl dressed up as Harley Quinn filming the whole thing.
You looked away and saw Charlie in a Green shirt with a big M on it and a matching tutu and bow and a girl next to her with gray skin and white hair dressed identically but in brown.
You wanted to make your way over to them but as soon as Charlie saw you she ran. You followed her to try and explain yourself. To try and see if she could get you out of Hell. 
"That's her Vaggie!"
"Hun calm down."
"Dad's breaking all the rules for a woman he just met!"
"We don't know that."
"Vaggie! She's human! Living human souls aren't allowed in either of the afterlife's. My mom had to be turned into the first Succubus to even survive in Hell. This is breaking so many conventions. If he makes a deal for a soul he has to devour the person's soul or kill them and drag them to hell. He has a living human with him!"
'He certainly wants to devour me but not in the way you think Charlie.' you think.
"Maybe it's a misunderstanding. You could ask him."
"How can I ask him about her after I blew up at him!? How could he take a girl so young to be his wife? Vaggie she's so young she could be my grand kid!"
"Yeah but you've been alive for thousands of years Charlie. I don't think normal rules apply here."
"I just... wish that she had more time to experience independence before being thrust into this."
"He seems happy." This Vaggie girl said.
"I suppose. And I want him to be happy. He deserves to be happy. And she did invite us. Maybe she wants this. Okay. I'll go apologize to dad and tell him he has my blessing.
'Abort mission! Abort Mission!' You turn and run. You run so far away from the ball room you realize you've found yourself at the guest bathrooms.
"Wow! Hello cutie~" you turn around and see a man dressed as a vampire. "May I just say I love the costume! You're Luci's girl huh? What made you two want to be little red ridding hood and the big bad wolf."
"I felt it fitting. Him being a predator and me being his victim."
"Okay that turned dark real quick. Sold your soul to him huh?"
"No. I was sacrificed, by someone I thought was my friend."
"Oof. That's tough."
"I want to get away from him so badly." You confess. "I'm tired of him love bombing me steady."
"Maybe I can help. The names Agamemnon! I'm an up and coming overlord of Hell You sell your soul to me and I'll make sure you never have to talk to him again." He holds out his hand.
"Deal." You take his hand without thinking about it for even a second.
He takes off your cape, draping it over his arm and wraps his coat around you.
He led you through the ballroom toward the exit, and just when you are at the desolate foyer you two are blinded by a bright flash and when the light fades you look to Agamemnon and see that he is no longer standing nest to you, a pile of dust in his place, covering your red cape. You look back and see a seething Lucifer. His horns popped out, a small flame burning in between them, a halo surrounding his horns. His eyes were red, and he has puffing out smoke from his huffs.
He walked up to you and ripped off the coat burning it to ashes in an instant. He pulled the red cape back on you and grabbed on your wrist. "How DARE you! You sold your soul to a filthy SINNER? I've tried to be good. I've tried to seduce you. I've let you have your space. I've spoiled you. I was willing to give you time to fall in love with me. And yet apparently it hasn't been good enough for you. You know what? No more! You will be my wife, you will have my children, and you will LOVE ME!!" He pulled you back to the ball room. "If you say anything in there to ANYONE I'll kill your entire fucking family." He burst in and pulled you up on stage with him. "Attention everyone!" He smiled and continued. "We have an exciting announcement for you all! My beautiful bride and I are getting married in six months!" Your blood ran cold. For trying to run away he cut your time to escape in half. He knows what you're trying to do, but he needs time to prepare a wedding. He just got back into Charlie's good graces so he can't rush a wedding and mess things up.
For the rest of the night You stood next to him, his arm gripping your waist in a death grip, getting congrats and passive aggressively asking for an invitation.
"Hi..." Charlie came up to you and her dad. "I know that we didn't start off on the wrong foot, I've apologized to dad but I'd like to apologize to you as well."
"No that's okay. I grew up on the evil stepmom trope. I wouldn't blame you if you tried to shoot me with a shotgun but accidentally shot your dad and tried to frame me. I get it."
"Have you never seen legally blonde?"
"Oh, sorry to spoil the ending then."
"Anyway, I'm happy to have you join the family." She pulled you in for a hug. You hugged back as to not piss off Lucifer any more than you already had.
After the party Lucifer carried you to his room. you protested profusely and he threw you onto the bed. He held you down and snapped his fingers as your costume swapped into that of one of your night gowns. Your costume laid forgotten on his bed floor. He threw off his clothes and stayed in his boxers. "Don't get this twisted. This is not fun sexy times. I'm boing to hold you here tonight to make sure you understand that YOU. ARE. MINE."
"okay..." You nodded obediently. He pulled the covers over you both and wrapped his arm around you. His chest to four back.
"Goodnight doll. I hope you have sweet dreams of me~"
You said nothing as you cried yourself to sleep.
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kurosstuff · 2 months
Feel free to ignore this if it's too confusing, I myself got a lil confused while writing this.
A'ight so.
✨siren!vaggie x human!fisherman!reader x siren!charlie✨
One of the two gets overly curious and gets caught in one of readers nets, maybe charlie (sounds like smth she would do) and reader finds her and vaggie trying to get her out. Reader pulls out her fish knife to cut the net but vaggie gets the wrong idea and tries to stubornly fight her on land with her bare hands while the reader is franticaly trying to explain that she just wants to help. Just some silly first meeting shenanigans.
Also Idk anything fishing. I went fishing once when I was a little kid also short fic♡♡
LIKE UH- Charlie being a siren which? Are cruel creatures the counterpart to mermaids who are innocent(in a human aspect) kind? Like she actually is? He'll y3ah.
Siren! Charlie x fisherman!reader x Siren!Vaggie: unexpected meeting
Being a fisherman is fun- you don't have to worry about other humans stealing from you. Not usually- nor interacting with them. Just can sit back on a your deck waiting for something to catch in your net.
But there's a huge downside. You'll have encounters with other monsters. Land or sea doesn't matter. But- the one you've always hoped to never encounter. The one you like all over fisherman were warned about.
As beautiful as they are- just like mermaids yet oh so different. Known for luring any human to crash or to get into the water. To eat. Hell apparently- they don't always need to eat. They hunt for sport.
They hunt humans for fun
Shivering at the thought, you hummed, having to be more cautious as you set a net out into the ocean humming softly. Apparently, more monsters have been spotted - blinking, you turned hearing your name be called seeing the grumpy old man go up to you huffing. "You be careful, ok, kid?" The man grumbled the as usual Beer in his hand, making you frown - raising an eyebrow, he grunted "you don't know do you?"
"Know what-"
"The fucking siren sightings" he cut you off growling glaring in the water "twos been spotted near the town. You gotta be careful. You know the rules with handling them, right?" Seeing you nod, he hummed, patting your shoulder "after you're done. Come to my bar. I'll get you a drink. On the house. Owe you one anyways-" without waiting, he walked off.
Sighing, you nodded, slowly moving to set out your net. Never was a fan of using the pole. Making sure it was ready, you cast it into the water moving to sit on the chair you brought along sighing.
Now. You wait.
It was uneventful. Hours you waited. Nothing- it usually didn't take this long to get a pull from any fish. It was always active. Now? It wasn't. Like the fishes weren't around.
It was weird.
You almost gave up abour to pull the net in calling it a day- wasn't unrare of getting nor good pulls. Just rare to get none.
Before a pull from the net making you grin, "YES!" You cheerer pulling the net in- needing to use more force "fuck big catch today huh-" taking so much longer to pull in then usual.
You wondered what fish you caught' or like your luck. What trash did you bring in
But the second you pulled the net our. You stared at the being in the net. "What the fuck" you choked out confused at what you were even looking at.
A siren.
A fucking siren is in your net.
"H-hi, my names Charlie-" the siren spoke speaking, but you didn't really hear her as you stared. Confused. "So uh.. can you.. let me go?"
"But.. your.. a siren. You'll know?" Gesturing to her claws making her look down yelping looking up at you like a kicked puppy. As if you just told her a horrifying thing
"I'd never hurt a human!" She stuttered out, shaking her hands,"not intentionally - accidentally yeah sure their like super fragile, but.. no- no- sorry i -" she rambled. Blinking, the more you watched, the more you sighed. She - wasn't actually that dangerous. Well. She is. All sirens are
But she was like- a puppy? A sea puppy,
She froze, looking up at you, confused, her rambling cut short "ok I'll get you free-... need to get my knife to cut you free. That's the only way ok?" Seeing her nod, you hummed, pulling out your large knife walking to her
A bubbling noise was heard as you cut the net freeing her- not seeing her panicked face. As she watched the water. "Hey, you ok -" you were cut off by a blur jumping out of the water snarling loudly with a deep hiss charging right at you
"VAGGIE! NO-" the one siren from the net screamed out as another jumped onto you cutting your arm making you kick her off scared- terrified.
Is this how you die? From helping a siren? To be killed by another?
How unlucky can you be?
Holding your cut arm from the grumpy snarling siren- apparently named Vaggie as Charlie? You think - rushed forward, smiling, acting as if she was a mermaid. But - she's a siren, right? "Oh! Yes! I am a siren! But uh.. don't worry, me and Vaggie won't hurt you well... not again!" Charlie laughed awkwardly, rubbing her neck making you flush in embarrassment.
You said that aloud.
Sighing, glancing at vaggie, kicking the knife you used to free the taller siren for from you praying. That wasn't a mistake the snarling slowed, calming down "no no- i- sorry I was just trying to get some food- I uh- didnt mean to trap you.. didn't know sirens like- came here?"
Charlie grinned, nodding excited "oh! Me and my girlfriend Vaggie-" gesturing to the grumpy siren who glared you down "were cutting through were to meet with some mermaids-!" Smiling happy ad you hummed
"Mermaids? Seriously. Ok- Charlie, right?" Seeing her nod in agreement, making you hum softly "the mermaids aren't here. Well not now. Their off doing some hunting and what not. But careful you two. People know your here and not everyone will be nice like I am to you two"
That caused Vaggie to be on edge more so then she was already while Charlie? Didn't look worried at all.
Which concerned you.
"Wait' Charlie- don't tell me are you still gonna continu-" you were cut off by Charlie jumping into the lake. Swimming off as Vaggie stared at you. Unreadable
"I'm sorry" she spoke for the first time Grunting it out as if she never- or hardly spoke or apologied "Charlie does this. Jumps into things without much thought" making you nod slowly trying to understand- before you could reply to her.
She was gone. Following Charlie.
Staring off watching them both disappear you sighed. "..that's it I quit" you grumbled turning to pack up
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ghostgorlsworld · 2 months
Johnny Boy (Part 7)
Werewolf! Johnny x reader
part one is here
Once upon a time, you would've done anything for John Mctavish. He had been your older brother's cool best friend, and you were always desperate for him to see you as more--until one fateful night that ends up with you pregnant and him...gone. Fast forward six years and you've made a good life for yourself with your daughter Emma, with Johnny none the wiser. Until he decides to knock on your door.
Notes--Johnny is showing his true colors so the story is definitely getting a little darker.
You woke up hungover and embarrassed. 
You were old enough to know better and a mother for Christ’s sake–by all means too old to be making idiotic decisions that could shake the life you had spent over half a decade building. You could hardly remember what had led up to Johnny doing…the thing that he did, but you were sure you didn’t exactly put up a fight.
Tommy walked Emma back to your house shortly after seven, dressed for work. He pulled the makings of breakfast from the fridge, grumbling some nonsense about two full-grown wolf-soldiers eating him out of house and home. You were trying very hard not to do your walk of shame, refusing to look at the chair or the leftover pizza in the fridge. Emma, of course, was none the wiser, curling up in your lap to nuzzle at your face. 
“Did you have fun?” You asked, inspecting her for signs staying up too late. 
Emma nodded, beginning a long play-by-play of the previous night’s events, including a humorous addition of her forcing Simon to teach her card games. “We had ice cream after dinner,” she said, whispering it so Tommy wouldn’t hear. “Uncle Tom told me not to tell you.” 
Emma couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. You laughed and tickled her sensitive feet.
You couldn’t believe you had been so weak to let Johnny back in again. You couldn’t trust him, no matter what he said about his reasons for disappearing, and adding sex to the equation could only make things even worse.
“Johnny was out late last night,” Tommy said casually, cracking an egg into a pan. “He left after Emma went to bed.”
You couldn’t help but glance at the chair, trying very hard not to remember Johnny’s voice, wrecked and commanding, or his hands, or his tongue-
“I had an early night,” you said. “Charlie called for a raincheck.”
“Mm,” Tom said. “Scrambled?” You nodded, not missing Emma’s curious look. She really was too smart for her own good. 
The weekend passed uneventfully–you avoided Johnny by packing up Emma and spending a day in the city, finishing up your Christmas shopping in the shiny shops and taking Emma ice skating in the square. He called you once, but you quickly put Emma on the phone, your stomach aching just at the thought of talking to him.
Emma picked out a pair of red and white striped socks and a box of legos as a gift for her father. She was pleased with her choices, and you tried your very best to smile when she displayed them to you.
Johnny wasn’t even going to be around for Christmas, and that was something you needed to discuss with him. Your little girl couldn’t survive off of no letters or calls–after all, it nearly killed you. 
Monday comes with the first real snowfall of the year. You dressed in warm layers, sweaters and soft scarves, Emma’s face pink under the winter jacket you had strapped her in. 
Charlie was sitting by your desk at work, two cups of coffee in hand and your favorite pastry in front of your chair. He smiled as you unwound the scarf from your neck, looking appropriately guilty and embarrassed. “I wanted to apologize,” he said, passing you the coffee. “I…it was a dick move. I had a few already and confused the days–I er, I tried to call you in the morning when I had come to my senses but you didn’t answer.”
Honestly, you had forgotten about it completely. You raised a brow at the man. “I took Emma to the city for Christmas shopping. We were busy.” Charlie nodded. “Yeah, of course, it’s the holidays. I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry, I feel like I’ve fucked things up.”
You searched around for anger, or even mild irritation, but it was gone, used up entirely by Johnny. “It’s alright, Charlie, thanks for the coffee.” Charlie smiled again, relieved. You took a seat at your desk and listened to him chatter about drama with Chris and Jan at the copying machine. 
You watched his hands. They were good hands–man hands, if you will, pale hair on his knuckles and a silver ring on his thumb. Johnny’s hands were wide and thick with dark hair, his nail beds always worn raw from the shift from stubby human nails to sharp claws. 
Why were you comparing? What was wrong with you?
Why couldn’t you just let sleeping dogs lie?
Charlie claimed your attention once more, following you to the carts of books that needed shelves. “I was wondering…I know I’ve acted like a right bastard, but I was thinking I could make it up to you. How does dinner tomorrow sound? I’ll make the food and supply the wine, you just bring yourself.”
You wanted to say no. That meant that you would have to see if Julienne would keep Emma for a few more hours, not to mention your attraction to Charlie had taken a nose-dive when he ditched you the first time. If only your body held all men accountable–your issue with Johnny would be solved overnight.
That was the thing that made you consider it. Johnny. He was your kryptonite, your achilles heel, and you needed to burn his touch off your skin.
“Alright,” you said. “If I can get a sitter for the bear.” “Deal,” Charlie said, grinning. He kissed your cheek gently, mouth warm and chapped.
Johnny texted the next morning, asking if he could take you and Emma out to lunch on your break. He offered to drop her off at Juliene’s house as well, saving you the walk.
You needed to rip the bandaid off. He wasn’t going to stay away forever, and it didn’t matter he had eaten you out while you were very sad and very drunk, you couldn’t keep him away from Emma. 
“Em, do you want to see Johnny today?” You asked, hoping against hope she would shake her head.
Instead, your darling girl perked up, ears twitching as she nodded eagerly. The full moon was coming quickly, so her behavior was…off, her eyes growing brighter by the day. Johnny used to refuse to be around you on the week of the full moon. He disappeared from your house and would show back up a few days later, looking exhausted and on edge, twitching if you tried to touch him.
You sighed. 
Where should we meet you? 
Johnny’s reply was lightning quick. You still like Angelo’s?
Angelo’s was a sandwich shop you used to frequent with Johnny, you hadn’t been in ages. That’s fine.
Johnny texted back something enthusiastic and barely legible.
Julienne had agreed to watch Emma for a couple more hours without irritation, saying she could use the money for a fancy new garden gadget she had been eyeing. You planned on grabbing it for her for Christmas, a token of your appreciation for her help with Emma.
You were going to give Charlie one last chance, if this dinner didn’t pan out you would find some other patsy to take you out every other weekend. 
Johnny was going to be gone soon, after all, and Emma is unpredictable with these things. She could take it as easily as she took the death of her grandfather, or it could be…catastrophic. 
You eyed your phone, forcing yourself to do the hard thing that neither of you wanted to face. 
I was hoping you would talk to Emma about you leaving soon.
There. You said it. You tossed your phone on the bed and finished getting dressed, herding Emma to school before you forced yourself to look at his response.
Of course, hen, we’ll talk about it. 
Work went by quickly in your haze of anxiety. What would he say to Emma?
What would he say to you?
You didn’t expect him to be waiting at Emma’s school. He was leaning against his truck, all twinkly blue eyes and a sharp smile that reminded you that he left for you. Because he couldn’t control himself. 
Johnny was trying to be good. You see it now, you remembered the way he used to follow you home after school, walking close behind you like he thought someone was going to steal you away. He wouldn’t share food with anyone, not even Tom, but if you asked he would always tear whatever it was in half and put it on your plate. 
Johnny and Tom had been playing video games in the living room when you left for your first date. You were sixteen and he had just hit twenty one, and he had looked at poor Dan Hilton like he wanted to rip out his guts and serve them up with eggs.
You had chalked it up to brotherly feelings, or the simple fact that Johnny has never liked to share. 
To see it for what it was felt…odd. You had heard about wolves claiming human spouses, putting a bite on their throat like a wedding band and never, ever letting go.
“Hey,” you said tiredly. 
Johnny straightened–he wanted a hug, you could see it in the way his hands twitched. “I figured I would give the two of ye a ride, yeah? It’s fuckin’ freezin’ today.” “Alright,” you said, glancing at your phone. The bell should be ringing any minute, and Johnny’s attention would be on Emma and not you. His attention was dangerous, it made you stupid and reckless.
“I heard you’ve got a hot date tonight,” Johnny said, going straight for the jugular.  
You stiffened. “That’s none of your business.” “Ach, lass, you wound me.”
“Johnny, the other night…it was a mistake. I was drunk and lonely and you were there.” You didn’t think it was possible to hurt Johnny, but you did. It flashed across his eyes, his jaw tightening into a straight line. 
You felt your stomach twist–god you were handling this all wrong-
He took a step, tilting your chin up with the pad of his rough finger. He wanted you to look at him, to watch his pupils swallow up the bright blue of his eyes. “I’m not a good man, kitty. Hell, I’m not even a man, not really. I know I’ve hurt you, and I’ll repent every fuckin’ day for it, but if you let him touch you, I’ll gut him like a goddamn fish.” “How dare you-” you began, but Johnny gripped your chin then, pressing the tips of his claws into your skin lightly. “You want me,” Johnny said, his gaze hazy and wild as it dropped to your mouth. “Even now. I should bite you right here, make it real fucking simple for you.”
There it was–the wolf that he had hidden from you for so long, the killer wearing the skin of your brother’s best friend. You forced yourself to hold his stare, feeling the sharp prick of his claws on the delicate skin of your throat. 
“I want a proper husband, John,” you said softly. “I want a real father for my child, someone who will be there for the birthdays and graduations and holidays. I want someone to sleep beside me every night, someone that doesn’t make me do this alone.”
You knew you were driving a knife right between his ribs–you knew how badly this would hurt him. Johnny had spent his childhood not being right for his mother, not being human enough, gentle enough. 
His eyes were so bright and so lost. 
“I’ve been alone for six years, John. I don’t ever want Emma to know what that feels like.”
Johnny was silent, his breath coming fast and rough. “I’ll never let another man have you,” he rasped. “You’re mine. Both of you.” 
He pressed closer, nuzzling your jaw with a low growl. “I’ll be a good mate, hen, I suppose it’s only right that I prove myself before we have our next pup.”
“No!” You hissed, pushing him away. “Enough, Johnny. You’ll be gone soon and I’ll have to deal with the fallout as per fucking usual.”
Your words weren’t working–they were working him up instead, like Emma when she watched the neighbor’s squirrels chase each other in the trees. His heart thudded like a drum under your palm. 
“You’re making a scene, kitty,” he said slyly, tilting his head like he wanted nothing more than to give chase. “Now hush, we’ll talk about this later. Emma shouldn’t see Mum and Dad argue.” You opened your mouth to argue, so furious you could hardly think.  
“Mum?” Emma sang, bouncing out of the school. “Oh, Johnny!” She ran to him, the little traitor. Johnny smiled, his sharp edges softening as he swung her up into his arms. “Ach, my girl’s getting heavy,” he teased, nuzzling her face. She mimicked his movements, her smile bright and happy–they were scenting each other. 
You looked away. “C’mon you two,” you said, forcing your tone to lighten. “I only have an hour for lunch.”
You barely touch your food, your stomach twisting and turning in furious knots. A sandwich, your old favorite, sits in front of you, courtesy of Johnny.
The audacity of men. You were the one who had spent countless nights bouncing up and down the hallway with Emma in your arms, exhausted and sore, your breasts swollen and aching from her sharp teeth–yet, Johnny was quickly a new favorite. They were the same, after all, the same species, the same aggressive, needy temperament.
Johnny wiped a bit of mustard from Emma’s cheek, humming at her irritated whine. She was close to her shift, and her skin was sensitive. “Dinna fash, baby, it’s the moon,” he crooned, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head. “I woke up this morning w’my skin crawling.”
That was another bump in the road. Emma’s shifts had gotten harder and harder over the years, more anger, more pain, and the internet had barely any information about early childhood shifts. Jack hadn’t been concerned, saying Johnny had the same issues at that age–the only difference was that Johnny was a feral little thing that used to sneak out during the full moon and pick off the strays of London. Emma couldn’t bring herself to squash an ant, much less devour a cat or dog–but then Johnny hadn’t had much human influence, at least, not until you and Tommy. 
“Emma, tell your Ma that if she doesn’t eat, we’ll have to feed her ourselves,” Johnny said. He was smiling, but his eyes were sharp. 
Emma sniffed at your sandwich. “You didn’t have breakfast either, Mum,” she said accusingly. “You always tell me food is good for your brain.”
You cocked an eyebrow at her. “Maybe I’m not hungry.”
“Eat, kitty,” Johnny said, his tone rougher as if you were one of his soldiers. “You look dead on yer feet.” You took a bite, just to appease them. You could still feel the small, stinging cuts his claws had scraped on your jaw. 
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sixhours · 3 months
One Day at a Time - Chapter 2 - Implantation
Series Chapter Index | Read on AO3 | Complete
Rating: Explicit, 18+, here be smut Series tags: The Last of Us, The Last of Us (HBO), Joel Miller x f!OFC, Joel & Ellie, mostly follows canon, SMUT, gratuitous smut, dubious consent (drunk sex), unplanned pregnancy, fluff, references to past miscarriages, angst, hurt/comfort, romance, age gap (~21 years), childbirth, fluffy baby stuff, I've probably forgotten some so please let me know <3
And that should have been that.
Joel’s new life in Jackson was busy. Contracting projects always picked up this time of year. Patrols got more eventful as the last of the snow melted. There was work to do, and he had Ellie to consider.
Ellie, his fifteen-year-old ward, the second daughter he didn’t know he needed until she was forced on him in a desperate time. Things with Ellie were complicated for many reasons, all of which they were trying to ignore. She vacillated between treating him like a father and pretending he didn’t exist with not a lot of in-between. She’d recently moved out of his house and into the garage, and he hoped the extra space would improve their relationship, but it was too soon to tell.
Accidentally fucking his patrol partner in a drunken stupor was low on his list of concerns.
He put the whole ordeal in the back of his mind.
He saw Charlie around, of course. It was hard to miss her flash of silver-white hair during town meetings or meals at the caf. He might get a nod or a smirk in passing, and that was fine. He might have even felt a glancing flush of heat creep up his neck when she smiled at him, and that was fine, too.
But then…things got weird.
She’d see him coming down the street and cross to the other side. She ducked her head and avoided his eyes whenever they crossed paths during patrol prep. She suddenly wasn’t around in the usual hangout spots–the Bison, the caf. Then she missed three patrol shifts in a row. When he asked Tommy about it, he just shrugged and said she’d called out sick.
It shouldn’t have bothered him. They’d agreed to pin it on drunken stupidity and move on, but maybe she’d changed her mind. Maybe she regretted it. Maybe she hated him.
And maybe that shouldn’t have mattered, but it did.
He should have let it go.
He’s eating with Ellie in the caf when he sees Charlie come in, stamping the mud off her boots. She gets halfway to the serving counter and then stops mid-stride, faltering. She turns abruptly and catches him staring–her eyes lock on Joel’s for an uncomfortable length of time, long enough for Ellie to notice and turn around.
Then her eyes grow wide and she ducks her head and makes a beeline for the door, leaving the caf in a rush. The whole thing takes just a few seconds.
Ellie turns back to look at him. “Dude, you okay?”
He’s still watching the door, waiting to see if Charlie will come back, but she doesn’t. After a moment’s hesitation, he gets up.
“I’ll…be right back,” he says faintly, leaving his tray and his confused kid behind.
He catches up with her down the street, startling her with a hand on her shoulder. She wheels around, eyes wide and…tired, he thinks. Anxious. Like she’s just barely holding herself together.
“What?” she snaps.
He opens his mouth, realizing a moment too late that he doesn’t know what to say. He gapes like a fish for a few miserable seconds before he finally settles on the truth.
“You’re avoidin’ me.”
“I’m not,” she says, crossing her arms and setting her jaw.
“Then lemme walk you home.”
Her lips flatten into a thin line. “I’m not going home.”
“Then walk me home,” he says quickly. “M’up this way.”
She considers this, then rolls her eyes and continues up the road toward Rancher Street.
“I’m not avoiding you, Joel,” she huffs.
“Then what was that back at the caf?”
“I…wasn’t hungry.”
“I haven’t seen you around. Tommy said you were sick.”
“I’m fine.”
They continue in silence, Charlie tucked into herself with her head down, him trying to make his dumb, slow brain cooperate and figure out how to get her to open up. The walk is over too quickly. 
“This is me,” he says when they’re firmly planted in front of the house on Rancher Street. “Look, if I, uh, did somethin’–”
“You didn’t.”
“I just mean…we said–”
“I know what we said and that’s still the case,” she says, the words tumbling out in a rush. She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, agitated, almost…scared. “We said it wouldn’t be weird and it’s not, you’re just…making it that way.”
Her face screws up and she swallows hard; he can see the way her arms tighten around herself as she talks, pale fingers almost white with the ferocity of her grip.
His voice softens, unconsciously slipping into the tone he uses when Ellie’s having one of her nightmares. His hand twitches at his side, wanting to touch her, to console her, but he won’t.
“Charlie? What’s wrong?”
She closes her eyes and shakes her head slowly, then suddenly pushes past him, ducking off to the side of the house to vomit next to his garbage can. She heaves and spits and wipes her mouth with a soft fuck . 
He moves toward her, reaches out a hand to steady her, but her next words freeze him in place.
“I’m pregnant.”
For one endless moment, this information doesn’t register. The words don’t make sense, echoing in his head until they’re reduced to nonsense syllables.
“You’re–that’s not–”
Charlie’s arms are folded over her chest, staring numbly at a spot on the ground near Joel’s feet.
“I thought you were…I thought you…couldn’t…I don’t–”
“You thought I couldn’t?”
“You’re just…we’re…older,” he finishes lamely.
She cocks her head, considering him from under long lashes. “How old do you think I am, Joel?”
Oh hell no. That’s a trap if he ever heard one. “M’not gonna answer that.”
“I’m thirty-six.”
He feels his knees buckle. Christ, he’s old enough to be her fucking father. Sarah would be the same age if she’d lived–
He tries and fails miserably to make it look like his taking a seat on the porch steps is intentional.
Suddenly he’s twenty-two and having this exact conversation, parked in his parents’ beat-up station wagon in an empty lot in the middle of nowhere, Texas, the cute high school senior he’d met only a few months before riding shotgun with a plastic pee stick in her lap. His whole fucking life about to change, and now it’s happening again.
“Grayed early,” she says, absently touching her short silver locks, pulling him out of this painful reverie. “It’s hereditary.”
He swallows hard and grips the rough wood of the step under him, feels the prick of a splinter and doesn’t care. “You’re sure it’s mine?”
The acid look she gives him could melt steel.
“You’re the only person I’ve fucked in the last, oh, three years, so yeah. I’m pretty fucking sure.”
“Jesus Christ,” he moans softly, head swimming.
“It’s not like I asked for this, either,” she snaps.
A glimmer of bittersweet hope, then. Maybe she doesn’t want this. He sure as hell doesn’t want this. Maybe…
“What are you going to do about it?” he asks carefully, looking up at her from his spot on the steps.
This appears to give her pause, face suddenly pinched with something like grief.
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know?”
“It means I don’t fucking know. You followed me out here,” Charlie hisses. “I wasn’t even going to tell you, but then you fucking cornered me!”
He’s stunned into silence, stung by her venom. He knows what he’s supposed to say. He knows he should say it’s her choice, that he’ll support her no matter what. But fuck if he can make himself say the words.
He’s always been a terrible liar.
“Whatever,” Charlie says. “You don’t need to–you’re not obligated–don’t worry about it.”
He gapes. Don’t worry about it? How the hell is he not supposed to worry about this?
But she’s already turned on her heel and is marching away. He wants to get up and follow her but he can’t force his legs to hold him, so he stays, rooted in place by a panic that feels like deja vu.
He’s still sitting there when Ellie’s shadow falls over him, many minutes later.
“You look like you’ve seen a bloater,” she says dryly.
“I’m…fine, kid. M’fine,” he mumbles, wiping at his face.
“Thanks for ditching me for your girlfriend back there.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” he mutters. “Don’t you have homework or somethin’?”
“Ugh. Yeah, but I’d rather bug you,” she grins, plopping down on the step next to him. “Besides, it’s movie night. Maria says it’s one of those cheesy action ones you like. Figured you’d want to go.”
He looks at her then, and his eyes must give something away, because she cocks her head, worried. “Joel?”
Oh, god, and he has Ellie to think about now. Everything with her is so fragile, so tenuous, and he’s gone and thrown another wrench into the works. He turns his head so she doesn’t see the single, traitorous tear that’s threatening to escape.
“Yeah,” he croaks out. “Yeah, kid, let’s…go see a movie.”
He doesn’t taste the popcorn, doesn’t follow the plot, and doesn’t remember saying goodnight to Ellie when the movie is over. Then he goes to bed and lays on his back and stares at the ceiling until his alarm goes off several hours later.
The next morning, he’s prepping for patrol, lost in the same hazy fog of shock, when Charlie rides up beside him.
“What the hell are you doin’ here?” he bites out before he can stop himself.
“I’m on the schedule,” she says. “Why wouldn’t I be here?”
“It’s…you’re…” he swallows hard, looking around to make sure no one is listening. He hauls himself into the saddle and leans in. “You’re fuckin’ pregnant.”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“You can’t–”
“Your sister-in-law was out here until she was six months along, if I remember correctly.”
“Yeah, but–”
She glares at him. “But what?”
He groans in frustration, looking around. “Who’re you with?”
“Allan,” she nods to the curly-haired woman waiting by the gate with Tommy. “She’s new.”
“Fuck that,” Joel says. “She needs someone with more experience. Tommy can take her.”
It’s bullshit and he knows it. Charlie has been part of Jackson’s patrol roster longer than Joel, but before she can protest, he urges his horse to the gate to meet up with his brother.
“Tommy, we’re switching. I’m gonna go with Charlie. You take the new girl.”
Tommy studies him, glances back at Charlie, and raises an eyebrow. “If you say so, big brother.”
Joel scowls. “Don’t get ideas, s’not like that.”
“Didn’t say nothin’,” Tommy smirks. “Be safe.”
The gates creak open and the patrol team strides through, pairs breaking off to go their separate ways.
“What the fuck was that?” Charlie hisses when Tommy and his new partner are out of earshot.
“We should talk,” Joel mutters. “Figured this was better. Unless you wanted the whole fuckin’ town to know.”
“We don’t have anything to talk about.”
That earns her a look. “You’re carrying my fuckin’ kid. I think we can find somethin’ to talk about.”
“It’s not ‘your kid’ or my kid or anyone’s kid until it’s born, and that’s…that’s not…likely to happen.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Her lips twitch. “It means…I’ve been pregnant before. Multiple times. They don’t usually…take.”
He gapes. “Multiple…?”
“Oh, don’t fucking look at me like that,” she snaps. “It’s not what you’re thinking, not that it’s any of your damn business. I don’t make it a habit of getting knocked up. I had a life before Jackson.”
Heat crawls up his neck. He opens his mouth to apologize but nothing comes out. They ride in silence for several painfully awkward minutes.
“It’s fine,” Charlie says finally, staring straight ahead. “It’s something I’ve had a lot of time to come to terms with. Probably some hormone imbalance or whatever. I’ve never carried a pregnancy past nine weeks.”
He tries to count backward, to find that damp March day and the hazy hungover memory of their coupling.
“How many weeks has it been?”
“Eight and a half,” she says flatly. “Don’t worry, I’ll probably start cramping any day now.”
There’s a sadness in her voice that catches him off guard, tugs at his heart.
He’d only wanted to be a father in hindsight. He only knew he couldn’t live without his children when he’d held them in his arms, real and alive. He’d never had the chance to dream about what it would be like, only to have that dream cruelly stolen away.
They ride in a silence that Joel would normally prefer, but suddenly it’s stifling and heavy, almost suffocating.
“So, uh, Charlie…is that short for somethin’?”
She glances at him, bemused. “It’s Charlotte. I used to go by Lottie, but after the outbreak, I found it was…easier if people thought I was a guy. Short hair and all. The nickname stuck.”
“How’d you make it to Jackson?”
“I was part of a group that left Kansas City before the rebellion. Me and six others,” she shifts in the saddle. “One of them was a Firefly, had heard about Jackson through the grapevine and wanted to try to find it. We left in the winter, things got rough. I was the only one who made it. That was three years ago.”
“How, uh, long were you in Kansas City? Before that?”
She shoots him a look. “From day one.”
“So you were–”
“Fifteen. I was born and raised outside the city and was moved to FEDRA territory when the outbreak hit. I considered myself lucky at the time. Of course, we didn’t know how bad it would get.”
“You have family?”
“My folks and brother were killed. It’s just me.”
She shrugs. “Was a long time ago.”
They ride in silence.
“So what’s your tragic story?” she says dryly. “I’m guessing you found Jackson because you’re Tommy’s older brother. Where’d you come from?”
“That’s a pretty fuckin’ weird Boston accent,” she says, lightly mimicking his drawl.
“Originally from Texas,” he says, biting the inside of his cheek. “And there’s not much to tell. Shit hit the fan on my 36th birthday. Tommy and I got out.”
She whistles. “You’re older than you look.”
“M’not sure if that’s a compliment, but I’ll take it.”
“And Ellie? She’s your daughter?”
Your daughter. He still can’t hear the word without picturing Sarah first, a little betrayal.
“I’m the one they call when she’s gettin’ into trouble, yeah,” he mutters. “She, uh…she found me in Boston, we made the trip out here together. She’s a good kid. Seen a lot of shit.”
“Haven’t we all.”
A longer silence as they ride toward the outpost, interrupted only by birdsong and the regular thudding rhythm of the horses’ steps.
He clears his throat. “You’ll, uh, tell me if it doesn’t…take, right?”
She snorts. “I’ll let you know when you’re off the hook.”
“No,” he frowns. “I meant…you shouldn’t have to go through somethin’ like that alone.”
Her gaze in his peripheral vision lingers for a bit too long.
“Yeah,” she sighs. “I’ll tell you.”
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panlight · 6 months
Breaking Dawn has always read like a fanfiction to me. I'm aware this has probably to do with the fact, that Forever Dawn was written before New Moon and Eclipse, and SMeyer just rewrote some pieces of it.
But this made me think - most fans probably have an idea of how they would have liked the story of Bella and Edward to end and those endings might all be a little, or even very different. What would your perfect ending for the Saga look like? You can place it after any point of the story - just after the first book, in the middle of New Moon, around the end of Eclipse, wherever you want.
It really does have a lot of fanfic-y tropes. The big wedding. The over-the-top tropical honeymoon. This is an 18-year-old middle class girl getting married here. Sure the Cullens are rich but she's not an actual princess or something, this always felt hugely over the top to me in a fanfic-y way. And then the baby, of course. It does tick a lot of boxes of the sort of fanfic that imagines what happens after the book/movie/show where the main couple get married and have a kid.
For me, vampirism without consequences is just completely uninteresting. Bella getting to have her cake and eat it too not only undermines all the themes in the earlier books and makes Edward's brooding about being a vampire seem like unnecessary whining, it's also just boring.
So my ideal ending is an actual follow up to Eclipse. Bella and Edward follow through on their compromise plan: wedding, sex, and vampirism in that order. There's no baby; Bella is turned on Isle Esme and spends a few months there on a secluded island with no people (the groundskeepers are given time off FFS Edward can clean the house) eating wildlife and adjusting to vampirism.
But she actually has to like, adjust. It IS has hard as people told her it was. She can still do well at it, but with struggle. I mean, Carlisle never killed anyone either but he did it by banishing himself to the woods and starving to the point that he unthinkingly attacked some deer. I believe it was hard and he struggled and so his triumph feels earned. Bella can still control herself better than average but I wanna see her struggle with it, versus like, one tense afternoon with Charlie and then totally being fine around humans and going to see lawyers in a sexy outfit, no problem. That felt anticlimactic.
Also there should be some fallout with Jake, and she should probably have to cut ties with Charlie and Renee. She MADE this choice to become a vampire knowing she was giving these things up, so for Breaking Dawn to be like "Nevermind! Haha!" about it was deeply unsatisfying. It killed the conflict and tension for Jacob and Charlie to still be part of her life and accepting of the weirdness of it.
For me, the whole point was Bella was sacrificing a lot to be with Edward. That is where the romance and angst lies. Getting to be beautiful and immortal and rich and powerful AND with the person you love AND keep your father and best friend AND get a perfect baby who never cries and sleeps through the night AND conquer the bloodlust in like 2 seconds was just . . . boring. All the stuff I had been interested in seeing how it would resolve was resolved in just the easiest, least interesting way possible. A perfect example: the wedding. We're told that Renee is going to freak out about this early marriage and even THAT relatively unimportant conflict is just instantly resolved with "actually, Renee's totally on board!!!!" Snore!
So yeah. Bella is turned on the honeymoon. It's hard. She cuts off ties with Charlie; maybe she fakes her death, maybe she just disappears. Jacob refuses to talk to her, but Sam is like "whatever she made her choice we're not going to start a war over this." And in this way Bella is actually cut off from her human life and has to start over with the new family and new life she chose. We probably have to resolve the Volturi situation somehow; maybe a trip to Volterra to prove she's been turned and some conflict with the Volturi comes into play.
But ultimately I just want an epilogue where she comes back to Forks with Edward to check in on Charlie and Jacob from a distance. She watches Charlie with Sue (or someone else) playing with step-grandbabies, she sees Jacob, who has stopped phasing and is aging and married with kids of his own, and it's hard. It's sad to see them going on without her. And Edward looks at her like he's about to apologize for the 239470242th time for robbing her of a human life and she's like, "No, the life I have with you is worth it," because THAT's the vibe! That's where the romance is! Her being happy in BD means nothing because it was all so easy for her! Her being happy despite the downsides of vampirism is where the romance lies!
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n1ghtfurys · 2 months
Climbing frame
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You have four girls, almost five. The twins, Tiana and Beau, your middle baby, Aubrey and Charlie who's almost one.
This may be your worst pregnancy. It's been worse than the twins, and god they were hell. Your back hurts, your feet hurt and everything is making you emotional. König is on deployment, he's not meant to be back until your due date. Which is fine but you miss him and four girls is a lot.
You've decided to take them to the park mostly because you're tired and könig hasn't had the time to respond to any of your calls or messages.
The quiet is nice though, quiet is a loose term for this but it's still nice. Charlie is asleep on your lap, Beau is upside down on the monkey bars and Tiana is making flower crowns out of daisies with Aubrey. You look down at your bump, wishing König was here, wishing he could see how sweet his girls are, sit with you and just be generally near you. You know they all miss him, he hasn't been on a long mission like this one since the twins were born but apparently they couldn't spare him this time.
Tiana and Beau are old enough to understand why he's gone but it still goes over Aubrey's head so she asks about him often which is less than fun. You watch as Tiana places two small flower crowns over her little sister's space buns, she's a great older sister both twins were really. You watch Aubrey pick through the pile of daisies before running up to you with the biggest grin on her little face.
“Mummy, look!” you smile as she spins in attempts to show you the whole flower crowns her sister had made for her. Then she holds out one of the daisies from her pile and slides it behind your ear before giggling and running off again.
“Thanks bean.” You call after her and try not to cry over how cute your girls are. You hear her squeal as she tries to put a flower in Beau's hair, you can't help but smile as you watch Aubrey being chased around the playground. You look back down at Charlie, who's still fast asleep on your lap. You can't believe how lucky you are, four soon to be five perfect girls.
After Charlie you remember asking König if he was upset that he didn't get a boy, you remembered the same conversation after Aubrey too and both times he assured you of the exact opposite. He really does make a great dad, you know he's probably wishing he were back too.
You don't notice when your kids go quiet, not until one of them screams ‘daddy’ and all three barrel past you, even Charlie stirs at the commotion. You spin round to find Aubrey already wrapped around his leg and one twin in each arm.
You watch the love of your life juggle all three kids with the biggest grin on his face. He must have stopped by the house because he's not in his mask or tactical gear.
You fail to hide how you tear up as he walks, more waddles because of the girl still clinging to his legs. He puts both girls down next to him and leans down to kiss you, the action is accompanied by a chorus of ‘ews’ from the girls.
“Beans, why don't you go and grab some flowers for another crown hm? Take Charlie with you.”
He sits down next to you and you lean against him, watching Tiana and Beau walking with Charlie while Aubrey runs laps around them.
“I thought you weren't coming back yet.” you rub your hand back and forth over the arm he's wrapped around your waist.
“Finished early, wanted to surprise you schatz.” His accent is always thicker when he gets back from missions, Kortac usually means he speaks in German most of the time so whenever he gets back his voice tends to make your cheeks warm.
“How's number five doing?” He brushes his thumb over your bump as he speaks, you sigh. You want to tell him that number five is doing fine because she is but she has been a hellish pregnancy. You get morning sickness, at least you did for a good chunk of carrying. She makes you more tired and has a whole lot of opinions about what you eat, plus having to juggle four other kids has made everything hurt.
“She's doing okay but I'm tired, glad you're back.” He kisses the top of your head and watches as the twins walk Charlie back over, Aubrey's still running circles around them and Beau has a flower crown in her spare hand.
He kisses your head once more and then gets up to greet them. He sweeps Charlie up into his arms before kneeling down so Beau, who still has to get on her tiptoes to reach, could put the flower crown on his head.
While he's still on his knees Tiana whispers something to him and then all three girls scatter. You tilt your head in confusion but he just smiles and mouths ‘sea monster’ to you.
It's a game that Beau made up when she was five, they make a home island and then have to run around without getting caught.
You let yourself doze as you watch them, smiling as the squeals of joy when he flips Tiana upside down when he catches her, he even manages to include Charlie even if he has to put her down every time he catches one of them.
When König comes back he places Charlie in your lap, he's got one twin on each arm and Aubrey on his shoulders.
Once you get home and start dinner your house is filled with laughter from all four kids, and König occasionally.
“Beans!” You shout from the kitchen when you finish dinner but you get no reply so you follow the sound of your girls. Eventually you find them in the playroom; König has Aubrey swinging off of one arm, Charlie is giggling in one of his hands, Beau is hanging upside down from his shoulders while Tiana is wrapped around his leg.
You can't help but smile at the sight of him juggling four girls, they all have smiles plastered on their faces. Your girls are laughing and just generally being loud, and König is in his element. It makes you glad that you're carrying another, and that he'll be here now. At least for a while.
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nkirukaj · 2 months
The Radio Demon & the Billboard Doe (14)
Pairing: Alastor x Fem! OC
Warnings: Swearing; Sexual Activity
Genre: Angst/Fluff & SMUT (& Humor!)
Word Count: 8.1K
<Chapter 13
14. Look at Me
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Voe wakes up bright and early at around 10 AM (progress okay?), she enjoys the time she spends doing her makeup, so she decided to add some small earrings to her new ears. Her makeup was light and casual, but just enough to feel in control of herself. She pranced down the stairs with delight and spotted everyone in the parlor conversing and having a grand old time. She spots Angel in the crowd and skips up to him, hugging him from behind.
He’s shocked and caught off guard by this display of affection.
“What the hell- Oh hey,” he turns around inside of her embrace
She looks up at him with bright eyes “Hi,” she says happily
“Uh, did ya need something?”
She nods “I needed to say ‘thank you,’”
He blushes slightly “Oh, no problem. You doing okay?” She nods again “Yes,”
“Good,” he rubs the back of his neck and smiles at her
“You’re such a good friend,”
“I was just, helping out..” he sounds nervous but flattered
“Yeah, that’s why you’re a good friend”
He ponders “Yeah, I guess so,”
She hugs him tighter, placing her head on his torso, and smiling, he hugs her back, placing his head on top of her head.
“Awww you guys!” Charlie spots them hugging “That is so sweet!”
They pull back “Whatever,” Angel flips down his shades “I’m going to work,”
“As am I darling,” Voe fakes a British accent “So long!” as they head out the door
Voe has to walk twice as fast to keep up with Angel. “So I have something to tell you,”
“So..remember I was telling you about my rut?”
“And then you said I should try and fuck somebody?”
“Mhmmm,” he raises an eyebrow
She takes a deep breath before saying “I had sex with Lucifer,”
He raises his shades to look down at her “First off, not really surprised, but look at you!”
“Yeah yeah yeah, but that’s not it,”
“Well, what else?”
“Afterwards, I wasn’t really…I don’t know how to say it…but I guess satisfied?”
“He didn’t make you cum? OH shit!”
She shakes her head “No, he did. Multiple times, actually. But…you know how sometimes, you get hungry and then you eat something, and it’s good, but then when you’re done, you know that’s not the thing you wanted to eat?”
“I guess?”
“Yeah, it felt like that.”
“Maybe you wanted to fuck someone else?”
She nods “I thought so too. So I had sex with Velvette.”
His eyes widen “Uhuh…?”
“Still the same thing.”
He tilts his head “Well that’s good, cuz you wouldn’t want to be with her like that anyway.”
She looks around “Yeah, but I don’t know what to do.”
“Keep fucking everyone until you find the right one?”
She rolls her head back “Yeah, but that’s exhausting!”
He shrugs “I don’t know, but I gotta go. Good luck with your sex journey.”
She purses her lips “Be safe,” 
“You too, love,” he salutes her jokingly and walks through the doors to Val’s studio. Voe takes a breath, watching him leave before heading up to Velvette’s. 
Alastor sat in his room caressing his cheek. Her handprint was gone, but he could still feel the heat of the flame from her palm. Alastor hadn’t felt anything as invigorating as that slap. The conversation came back to mind, the intensity, the yelling, Voe being able to stand her ground against him…
Alastor was a truly refined man, but the months of October through December always tested his resolve. Whenever he was closest to losing control, it was during those months. He was constantly warm, his muscles tense, his breathing heavy, skin sensitive, and his heart rate faster than it had ever been when he was alive. His face burned as thoughts of carnal desires raced through his mind. He felt ashamed and somewhat disgusted with himself, he found himself to be above such things that drive other sinners wild, above their frivolous desires and weaknesses, but every year this time got to him. He usually sequestered himself around this time to make sure he can control himself. Nowadays he couldn’t do that, he was always needed and every time he left his room there was a chance to run into…her.
She’d been a thorn in his side since the very beginning, but her smell was addicting, and every moment spent in her presence was a moment to watch her in action, doing things. It was hard for him to explain, but he felt drawn to her, it was involuntary, magnetic, a compulsion to watch everything she did. Whether it be standing, walking, dancing, or just talking; while watching her he felt…happy? Maybe excited? Something about the movement of her waist and, pardon his French, derrière drove him up the wall with joy. Though nothing could compare to her lips; as he told her they were quite plump and soft-looking, perfectly round, and two contrasting but perfectly complimentary colors. They looked perfectly sculpted by an expert artist. When he watched her he felt like he had walked into a living art museum, and she was her own exhibit. She brought him joy. Simply put, she was beautiful, gorgeous, stunning. 
Engaging with her was frustrating, she was strong-willed and would never back down from him, her smugness and cockiness infuriating but exciting. Her behavior was interesting and her thoughts showed that she may be worthy of equal footing to him. He wanted to know more, wanted to get closer. Perhaps physical? Maybe a pat or a holding of her arm? Her waist?
Being around her made this time much harder. Adding to the physical reactions and the inappropriate thoughts, were thoughts of her. Daydreams or simple imaginations. And sometimes…the thoughts would mix. Thoughts of her helping him out and providing him with her…company. Then he would see her in person and it would be quite difficult to keep those thoughts from resurfacing. Like he said, every year around this time he would seclude himself, but being around her made him not want to. 
Entering Velvette’s studio she saw Velvette of course, looking through papers on a clipboard. Sitting in the corner of the space was Vox; stewing on his chair as he looked her up and down with contempt then made a show of looking away from her. She darts her eyes away from the man to focus on her boss.
“Ah! There you are! Good morning darling!” Velvette embraces her and kisses her on the lips. Voe nervously glances toward Vox in the corner, who only glares at her more and more angrily. “Just the doe I wanted to see. I have big plans for you, love!”
“Uh Velvette? What’s with flat screen over there?”
She glances back at Vox “Oh, him? He’s just here to help me with advertising,”
“Advertising what?” “Well, that’s the news! I’m planning a runway show. Starring you! And I want you to help me plan it!”
She widens her eyes “Really? Why?”
“Well, I based it off of you, so who better to help plan it? We’re going to recruit some more models that look a bit like you for this, but of course, there’s no beating a fucking original!” She grabs her by the shoulders, shaking her
Vox scoffs from the corner of the room “I could think of people,”
“Oh hush Vox! We’re done talking, you can leave now!”
Vox stands to his full height and exits the studio, glaring at Voe all the way out.
“Uh, what’s his problem?” She asks her boss
She shrugs “Ever since the interview, he thinks you’ve been lying to him about the Alastor stuff. I won’t let him hurt you but, watch your back.” She puts her hand on Voe’s shoulder 
“Yikes,” Voe pulls at her collar
“Anyway!” she claps “We have so much work to do.”
They discussed the clothing designs and the sizes that should be offered, and Velvette allowed Voe to pick the model candidates while caressing her thigh.
“You know you could stay here,” Velvette whispered in her ear “Since we have so much work to do, and we’ll be spending so much time together. I thought maybe you’d consider just staying here with me. We could have a whole new room made for you….” she draws circles on her thigh “Or you could sleep in my room with me,”
Voe clears her throat, smiling “Thank you, I will consider it.”
Velvette seems quite offended at the lack of a ‘yes’ “Whatever,” she rolls her eyes “Oh! By the way, Vox also wanted to know if you had any more information on the Red Beast?”
“Umm? He brought me home after the disaster at the club,” she offers
Vox immediately kicks down the door “HE WHAT?!”
“My DOOR! DAMMIT VOX!” she rubs her forehead “She’s saying that Alastor brought her home from the club.”
Vox grins “Oh did he?”
“Very interesting isn’t it?”
She drops her hands to her sides and purses her lips “Yeah, when I woke up I was in my bed. He said that he carried me and tucked me in. He even gave me a glass of water.”
Vox and Velvette grin at each other devilishly. “Really? Is there anything that he said in particular? Anything you two talked about?”
“Like what?”
“Anything at all?”
She puts her finger on her chin “We talked, but about a lot of stuff.”
“What did you talk about? Tell us everything.”
“Well, he mostly kept asking why I licked him-“
Vox laughed out loud “H-HA HA HA. I’m sorry, You licked him? Why-Never mind I don’t care. Anything else, my dear?” He’s suddenly looking down on her with happy eyes 
“Uh, yeah. I…kinda slapped him..”
“Really?” Velvette asked. Voe nods “And you’re still alive?”
She looks down at herself “Alive as I can be.”
“Someone’s going soft,” Velvette glances at a grinning Vox “Anymore?”
“I… asked why he wanted to do radio.”
“Really?” Vox leans down, grin getting wider “What did he tell you?”
Vel scoffs “Better not be anything sentimental and boring,”
“Uh, then you’re gonna be disappointed,”
She takes some time to recall “He said, it was because, on the radio, your looks don’t matter, as long as you have the voice.” She smiles to herself thinking of his poignant words
The air is silent before Velvette and Vox break out into manic laughter, Vox especially. 
Vox wipes a digital tear from his eye “I’m sorry, is that all?” he straightens his tie
Voe is unsure of what was so funny, but she guessed it wasn’t a joke for her to get “Uh, yes. That’s all,”
“Alright,” Vox says, standing tall “Velvette?”
“I know what to do,” she says, typing into her phone “Okay, you’re dismissed.” She waves Voe away, and the doe gets up and leaves. She heard their cackling through the closing door.
“So, everyone is probably wondering why today’s activity is at night, and that is because my dad,” Charlie gestures toward Lucifer “Is so busy during the day and he wanted to join the activity. So let’s give my dad a round of applause,” the resident’s clap for their King, Voe especially
“Amazing parenting,’ she jokingly says toward Lucifer, who is sitting next to her, with his hand on her thigh
Charlie seems slightly put off by it but continues on anyway “Tonight’s activity is simple. We’re just going to say how our days were, and our favorite parts. And we’re gonna go popcorn style, so whoever wants to go can just go!”
“I’ll go,” Angel pipes up from the other side of Voe
“Oh wow, Angel! That is amazing! Go ahead!”
“Woo Angel!” Voe cheers for her friend
“Well, the good news is that I finished work early, and my favorite part was that I scored some heroin.”
Charlie’s eyes are wide “Not exactly the kind of news I was looking for, but great job! Seriously, amazing!”
“Where’d you score heroin? Where’d you get it from?” Voe whispers to the spider
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
She nods “Yeah, that’s why I’m asking,” but he just ignores her
Lucifer clears his throat “I’d like to go next. My day was great because I got to spend it with my daughter and meet new incoming sinners. My favorite part was getting to know them and helping them find a place to stay,”
“Dad! That’s amazing!” The residents clap again
“He’s amazing! Best King I’ve ever seen,” Voe says smiling at him
“Who’s next?” Charlie asks
No one goes.
“C’mon! Don’t be shy!” She scans the crowd “Voe! Why don’t you go next?!”
“What the fuck?”
“Please?” She rolls her eyes “Um, I guess my day was cool. My boss wants me to help plan a runway show-“
“Aw, that’s amazing!”
Voe lightens up at the validation “And the clothing line is based on me and my body type,”
“Wow Voe! You’re really making a name for yourself in Pentagram City! I’m so proud of you!”
The residents clap for her
Angel scoffs “No one clapped for me,”
“Well, I’m just glad that I’m earning more of my boss’s favor, so I guess that’s my favorite part,”
“Yeah, much more,” Angel mumbles under his breath and Voe elbows him
“That’s all.” She smiles at Charlie
“Great job!”
Lucifer whispers in her ear “Great job Ducky, I should reward you later,”
She turns to him and they grin at each other, and she gives him a playful warning look.
Alastor stands a few feet behind the parlor couch where the two of them sit. He glares at their playful joy.
“Guys come on,” Vaggie pipes up “This is part of your redemption, just tell us how your day was. It could literally be one word.”
“I’d love to participate!” Alastor raises his cane
Charlie blinks “Really?”
“Yes of course! We’re all a community!” he shrugs “My day was quite splendid!”
“Okay?” Vaggie questioned, waiting for more
“You did say it could be one word,”
Vaggie’s lips form into a straight line “Okay, thank you Alastor. What an amazing example!” She says sarcastically
Lucifer, the pigeon, has a smug grin as he whispers something into Voe’s ear and she starts to giggle, hitting him playfully. Alastor’s rage grew every second he stared at the two of them, canoodling like they were close friends, or worse, something more.
“Hmm, discussing ways to fix that ‘depression’?”
The whole room grows silent.
“Wow,” Angel deadpans “Talk about douchebaggery,”
Even Husker is surprised at the level of assholery that came out of his boss’s mouth.
Voe turns around, giving Alastor a disgusted look “Alastor, mental health is not something to joke about. Depression is…serious.” She just looks disappointed in him. She turns and comforts Lucifer “I’m sorry Luci, I don’t even know why he would say that.” She kisses his forehead
Alastor looks around to see no comfort in anyone’s eyes “I have things to do,” he says before dissipating into the shadows
Voe wraps her arms around Lucifer’s shoulders
Later that night as Angel was walking back to his room, a familiar cloud of shadow appeared in front of him, they faded away to reveal Alastor, already looking annoyed at his presence. Angel does a double take, seeing no one else in the hallway.
“Holy shit, is this going where I think it’s going? Finally!” he puts his hands on Alastor’s shoulders “Well, I prefer missionary, but-“
“Get your hands off me,” Alastor speaks quietly and evenly, but with much anger behind it
“Okay, maybe it’s not.” Angel drops his hands
Alator stands his cane on the floor “Tell me what you know about Voe,”
Angel leans on one of his legs “What about her? There’s a lot to know,”
“What is happening between her and…Lucifer?” He grits his teeth just saying the King’s name “You agree they seemed awfully close during tonight’s activity, yes?”
Angel smirks “Why do you wanna know?”
“I just do.”
Angel’s amusement rises “Are you jealous Smiles? Is that why you said that tasteless joke back there?”
“I just believe that she can do better,”
“Like you?” he raises his brows
Alastor tilts his chin up “Looking at you, maybe there is a brain up there,” he taps Angel’s head with his cane
Angel swats the cane away “Look, you should really be asking her all this, why you coming to me?”
“Because I did. Now tell me what is going on between them.”
Angel leans against the wall “It’s not my information to tell-“
Niffty scurries up between the two men “Hi Angel, Hi sir! I heard you guys talking! Mommy and the Bad Boy have sexy times! I’ve heard them through the door! It sounded really dirty. I wanted to clean, but they wouldn’t let me in!”
“Oh,” Alastor responds in surprise “Thank you, sweetie,” he pats Niffty’s head “Have a good night Angel!” Alastor calls as he walks down the hall
The spider glances at Niffty “What?” she asks “I hear you in your room too!” she bounces excitedly
A/N: There’s smut a coming!
I think he really wanted some attention today. he told some tasteless joke about depression
After texting her boss Voe plugs in her phone, leaving it on the nightstand face down, turning her lamp off, and closing her eyes. If not to sleep then to at least relax herself into peaceful imaginations. 
After barely two seconds of having her eyes closed she felt a cool-ish breeze in her room in the direction that her back was facing, which was odd since her room was usually kept warm. She turns to face her bedroom door, seeing only darkness, with her ears twitching all the while. She picks up one of her pillows and throws it at the darkness, where it reaches a certain point, and then explodes into feathers. She lets out a sigh mixed with a grunt.
Alastor opens his crimson eyes and speaks “Hello, my doe”
She was annoyed but couldn’t help blushing at being referred to as his doe. Was he claiming her as his?
“What?” she repeats herself
He takes a step toward her bed “Well that isn’t a very polite way to speak to your…friend.” he says the word like it’s dripping from his teeth
“Yeah? Since when are you concerned with being polite?”
“Since right now, of course. Keep up.”
She rolls her eyes “What do you want?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I want you,”
Voe’s breath gets caught in her throat. There is no way he just said that to her. He must’ve meant it in a sick twisted way “Like for dinner? Or a snack?”
He chuckles, clearly amused “Speaking of snacks, I went to look for you in the kitchen and you weren’t there,”
“Obviously, because I’m up here,”
“Yes. Why?”
She crosses her arms “I wasn’t hungry tonight,”
“Yes, I suppose you’ve gotten full off of… apples,”
She raises her eyebrow “What?”
 “Truly, my doe I simply thought you had better taste and better manners than that,”
She stands off the bed and walks over to him “What do you mean exactly?”
“Just that it’s rude to vie for the affection of one man while entertaining another,”
Voe stares up at him in disbelief “Are you calling me a slut?”
Alastor sounds playful “No, of course not! I’m simply saying that I was unaware that you were starving this much for attention. If I had known, I would have obliged much sooner.” He looks at his nails
She squints “Say what you want to say to me Alastor,” her tone turns serious
“There’s something about you. I can’t behave normally when you’re near. I am thrown off kilter and my mind scrambles when you are present.” He turns his head downward “And I can feel it even when you’re not,”
Her eyes pierce into his “And?”
“I smell you everywhere.” He speaks through his teeth
Voe rubs her eyes and stares up at him “What?”
“You are deliciously suffocating.”
“Oh yeah? What do I smell like?”
“Hot, wet, sweet, and…sticky”
“Oh,” she blushes shifting the orientation of her legs
“I hear you’re getting hot and sweaty with Lucifer. I cannot believe that you would do that to yourself. That absolute turkey doesn’t deserve you.” He steps closer to her
“Really? And who does?” She questions somewhat mockingly 
He grabs her waist and presses her against the door “Me.” He says, sounding full of rage and lust
Voe looks up at him, feeling a tingle in her chest “Um, to be honest, I’m really turned on right now..? I’m not sure if you’re doing that on purpose or…”
“Do you actually think that I can just exist normally, with you walking around, acting and…looking like that?
“Like what?”
“All…like that,” he gestures to her face and body 
“Like what?!”
He squeezes her waist “Gorgeous,” he growls down at her 
Her neck flushes, but she bites back “What about you, huh? Am I supposed to just go about my day after you growl in my ear and get all up in my face? “ she waves her hands in her face “Your 7ft tall ass, looking down at me with those sexy piercing eyes, touching me with those long fingers…” she slows down her words “and sharp claws I want you to scratch me with.”
He forcefully shoves her up against her door, the pain rattles through her and ignites a fire in her core.
“Your curvaceous body, begging to be cupped and seized by my hands.”
“Those teeth I want you to sink into my skin,”
“Those lips I crave to feel on me,” his voice lowers in pitch and volume
“Those antlers I dream of holding onto,” 
“You smell amazing,” they both breathe out
Alastor reorients himself, takes a breath, and continues “I should like to make a deal with you.” 
“I will own my soul for the rest of my existence Alastor,” she spoke assuredly and somewhat flatly
“Not for your soul,” he approaches her, cupping her chin, the tips of his long, slender fingers almost reaching the bottom of her eyes. This forces her to turn her neck up to see him “I need something from you.” His voice lowered in pitch and sounded more intimate. 
She raises an eyebrow “You. Need something from me?” She sounded quite incredulous “What?” She crosses her arms, and he drops his hand, her head still angled upwards. 
“I am…in a bit of a rut.” She looks slightly confused. He gestures towards his slightly bigger antlers “A rut.” 
Her eyes widen as she processes the meaning of his words. “Mhmm..”
"I need your company to help me through it. In exchange, I will owe you a favor on your terms," he said.
She snorted. "My company?"
"Yes," he said, dragging the word out and straining his smile as his eyes betrayed annoyance at her lack of understanding. It took her a minute or so to comprehend the truth behind his request.
"Oh! My company! You want me to..." She widened her eyes and grinned slyly, clearly aware that she held the power in the situation despite Alastor's attempts to portray otherwise. She was a bit embarrassed to admit that she didn’t think the Radio Demon would be affected by mating season. "Why me?" she asked, putting her hands on her hips. Her smirk grew as she saw the impatience in his eyes and the way he tightened his fingers into a fist to avoid grabbing her immediately.
“You are just the least objectionable option within my vicinity, darling. Don’t think too much about it.” He went back to sounding as though he was performing in front of an audience.  
“Okay but, the ‘great’ Radio Demon never was one to settle for the ‘least objectionable’ option. No, Alastor has to have the best!” She leans into him “Am I the best?” She asks in a mocking tone. 
“Think what you want my dear. Besides, you are a doe. It just makes sense. Do we have a deal or not?”
“Okay…I will give you my company, but in addition to the favor,” she pauses, crossing her arms and placing a finger on her chin. “You have to let me touch you,”
“And after. Indefinitely.” She says, her tone confident and unwavering  “Do we have a deal?” She sticks her hand out to him. 
He squints at her, rolling his eyes, not exactly loving the terms, but considering that he was somewhat desperate and physically needed her at this point, he sighs, “Fine.” And takes her hand, the room lighting up with green as the deal is struck. 
They stand there in silence for a moment, each waiting for the other to do something.
“So how shall we proceed?” Alastor asks, his cheeks the same shade as his eyes
Voe’s eyes widen “Oh you want it now!” she exclaims, Alastor giving a curt nod in response. She looks up at him “Do you not know what to do?” she takes a step toward him
“Well… I’m not exactly sure how to get started.” He says playing with his fingers
“You were around in the 1920s there’s no way you don’t know what sex is.”
“I know,” he hissed at her “what it is. I just haven’t…indulged in that kind of activity.” He looks away from her, and his hands grip his cane as though he doesn’t know what to do with them
Voe’s mouth dropped open, “Are you a virgin?” Alastor doesn’t answer, but turns fully away from her “You’re a virgin!” She whispers with a grin “Hey, turn around” he does “I’m not judging, I’m just flattered that I’ll be your first.” She bats her eyelashes at him
“Don’t make it a bigger deal than it is my dear.” 
Voe’s eyes turn from doe to siren in an instant “Let me hold your cane.” She asserts. 
Initially, Alastor rejects this but is soothed by her humming as she wraps her fingers around the part of it in his hand, and removes it from him, examining it, and carefully placing it against a wall. 
“Sit please.” He obliges, unaware of why he’s even obeying her in the first place. She carefully removes his coat, hanging it on a hanger, humming all the while. When she returns she places her hands on his shoulders.
“You’re so…” she runs through all his qualities “confident. So ruthless, and so powerful.” She faces him towards the mirror “I’m truly honored that you came to me for assistance.” Her hand slinks around his throat, her other hand removing his monocle. Alastor is tense at the touch, but since she is gentle and caring with her fingers, he easily settles and becomes comfortable. 
“To be able to manifest anything, or destroy anyone that comes your way,” she bites her lip and sucks in some air “Never in my life did I meet a man that powerful,” her grip slightly tightens around his throat, while her other hand is sliding down his chest. “It’s so sexy..”
She circles back around to the front of the chair and places both hands on the armrests, standing above him. 
“Can I sit on your lap, Bambi?” She smirks 
Alastor reaches out and pulls her on top of him. “Ooh,” she cooed, placing her hands on his chest “I’m going to take these off okay?” She pinches his vest and shirt. 
“Proceed,” he watches her carefully as she unbuttons and removes the vest, draping it across the back of the chair. When she reaches for the shirt, he grabs her wrist “It seems unfair that you haven’t removed any of your clothing, doesn’t it my dear?” His brows furrowed 
She snickers and pulls her wrist free “Okay,” she smiles flirtatiously and pulls her shirt up over her head, leaving a bralette “Is that better?”
“Much,” his voice bordering on a growl
She makes quick work of the buttons and Alastor tenses before she removes the garment. 
“Everything all right?”
“Everything is…fine.” He looks away from her and she turns him back by his chin
“We can stop if you’re feeling uncomfortable, remember that” he nods once and watches her pull off his shirt to reveal a torso covered in scars. On his chest, his stomach, and even his neck. The largest one from Adam, going from his left shoulder diagonally to the top of his stomach. Voe marvels at them, tracing her hands and fingers over them, eyes wide and lips hanging apart. Her nails were trailing behind her fingertips, leaving a slightly pleasant sting behind. She gets lost in his scars before she looks back up at him, her lower lip between her teeth. 
“Would you like me to take off my bralette?” She whispers
She smiles as if he’s amusing “It’s a bralette” She chuckles
He holds onto her waist as if his life depended on it “Yes,” he stares at her chest intensely as she raises the fabric over her head, freeing her breasts from their caging. Alastor’s neck reddens slightly as his body grows warm, staring at her newly naked flesh. 
“Would you like to touch me here?” 
She grabs his wrists, placing each hand on a breast gently. He instinctually massages them, feeling her hard nipples against his palms. She shuts her eyes as she pulls her lips in, chest vibrating from her moans. He gets rougher with his touches and her moans get louder. His cock jumps in his pants, against her clothed cunt. The jump opens her eyes and she touches his chest. 
“Stop.” She breathes out “Or I’m gonna cum early” she laughs
She presses her body against his, hugging him, both of them topless. “How does this feel?”
“Fine, my dear” he responds, grateful she cares about his comfort level, but also growing impatient at the slow pace. She can feel his heart racing, and he can feel hers. 
“Do you want to remove your own pants?” She asks, still holding his body against hers. 
She removes herself allowing him to stand and remove his pants, unsheathing a thick and long beige-ish gray cock with a tuft of red pubic hair above it. 
Voe’s eyes are wide as can be and her eyebrows up to her hairline. 
Alastor starts to feel self-conscious and vulnerable as she stares, “What?” He snaps
Voe blinks “Where have you been hiding that?”
“Under my clothes?”
“Um no, there has to be some sorcery involved, because when you wear clothes you look flat as a board, now I find out you have a whole log between your legs!”
“I don’t know what to tell you, my dear,” he shrugs, his grin turning cocky
She grins “Oh now I’m super excited for this!” She claps, going to remove her pants when Alastor reaches out
“Wait,” And she does. “I would like to do it,”
She wears a wide grin “Okay,” her voice deep and melodic
Alastor bends over to pull her shorts down. 
“It’s easier with you on your knees,” her smirk never wavering. She lifts her leg, placing her foot on his shoulder to press him down into a kneeling position which he acquiesces to. Once on his knees he removes her pants and helps her step out of them. Once only her panties were left, he stared at the garment, placing her foot back on his shoulder to stuff his face into her clothed core, taking in the scent that had been taunting him for weeks.
“Ah!” She yelps at the suddenness of his actions. His nose unknowingly stimulates her erect clit “Oh! Mmmfuck…” she reflexively rolls her hips against his face, creating more friction and more drippage that he longs to sniff. “Oh my gosh, if you don’t stop I’m gonna cum on your face!” she whispers
He inhales her scent once more before removing the lace garment, seeing trimmed red pubic hair adorning her light brown vulva. He looks up at her from on his knees and she extends a hand to him which he takes and stands to his full height. 
“Oh my gosh, you do have a tail! And hooves!” She announced in shock and delight 
“Tell this to no one,” he states sternly. He clears his throat “Please,”
“It’s cute,” she touches his face “I love your body,” she speaks sincerely at a low volume. She boops his nose and it twitches in response. 
“You can’t love it as much as I love yours,” he drags his thumb down her plump lips. She catches the digit inside them, sucking on it to her heart’s content. His face turns a similar shade to his hair. For once he was speechless, the rest of his fingers under her chin. His cock twitches in the air, her eyes darting down to view it. With his thumb still between her teeth, she grins. She removes it from her mouth. 
“Wanna bet?”
“Honestly I am…frightened of taking that bet,”
Her grin turns evil “Smart man,” she winks
“So…what now?” He looks around 
She claps “If this is going to happen, you need to take off that radio filter. You’re talking to me, not a mic”
“Okay…” he says without it, squinting at her
“Ooh, that’s better,” she pushes him into a sitting position on her bed “Now, we need to discuss positions.”
“All right,”
“What position would you like to try?”
His face is full of confusion “My dear, I have no idea to what you are referring,”
She chuckles “How would you like our bodies to be while I give you my company?”
“I suppose I shall take the lead?”
“Of course, you will,” she turns her head “Just like a man too,” she jokes under her breath
“Hmm?” He tilts his head
“Nothing!” She claps again “Anyway! There are many positions where you can take the lead. Such as doggystyle/leapfrog, butterfly, lazy dog-“
“You have experience in..all of these?”
She grins “Yes,”
“What do you propose for a..novice like me?” He sounds annoyed and self-conscious at once, not being the one in control
She taps her chin “Hmm. Is there anything specific that you’d like to happen?”
He thinks “Well, I’d love to stare at your pretty face”
She nods “Alright perfect! We can do missionary!”
“Mhmm. One of the simplest and most common positions. You probably know of it, just not by its name. Great for a newbie like you!”
She climbs on the bed next to him, laying on her back. “Come.” She orders “You get on top of me,”
He crawls toward her, sliding into the space above her. He places his hands on either side of her, holding himself up while climbing on top. 
“Because you want to see my face?” she asks playfully, smiling up at him. “Do you think I’m pretty?” she teases. He doesn’t answer, so she runs her hand through his hair and scratches a spot behind his ear. His eyes widen and his ears stand up, but then relax, as does the rest of his face. His smile becomes less about dominance and more about joy. “Tell me I’m pretty,” she breathes out to him. Finally, he speaks, “You’re quite beautiful, darling.” before he sinks his teeth into the skin of her neck, drawing blood. He licks it up and she moans, liking the pain. 
The weight of him on top of her was comfortable and cold. A nice chill to offset her warmth. He was thin, but not enough to see his bones. She pulled him closer as he bit and licked on her skin, leaving marks all around her neck and collarbone. 
“You’re so cute without your monocle,” she giggles and tells him when he comes up from her neck, still running her hands through his hair, touching and caressing his ears, which were twitching in response. 
“Are you still hard?” She flutters her lashes
“Yes…” he’s looking down at her face, still flushing 
“Let’s be sure,” her eyes are lidded as she drags her tongue across her palm, reaches down and grips his cock, to which he makes a buck grunt. Her eyes light up “Ooh, Bambi likes,” as she starts pumping the shaft. 
Alastor is embarrassed by his animalistic instincts, but the pleasure is too overwhelming for him to care. He’s letting out elk bugle sounds as she pumps him faster and faster, his cock hardening in her hand.
Voe is impressed with herself “That’s better,” She rubs the tip of his dick against her wet folds, causing herself to whimper. She positions it right at the entrance of her cunt, him feeling her wetness leaking out, oh so ready for him. “When you’re ready, just thrust forward, okay?”
He enters her, following her advice. The wet warmth greets him like he is coming back home. His eyes flutter and roll back, Voe closes her eyes, processing the pleasure. 
“You still don’t like me?” She grins devilishly after seeing his reaction, bites her lip and moans. “Still don’t like my attitude?”
He ignores her taunting in favor of checking in with her. He could feel her all around him as he presses through her heat “Are you alright?” He grunts out
“Yes, I’m fine”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” she licks her teeth “Look who’s being gentlemanly.”
“I’m always gentlemanly.”
“Right. Is that in between being creepy and committing murders?” She smiles up at him. He flattens his brows and pushes himself deeper inside her at an agonizingly slow pace. She moans from the sensation, then groans from the pace. 
“Faster please,” she moans with her head back
He grips her thick thighs, his claws scratching against her soft flesh as he pushes himself deeper into her. She pulls his head down into her chest and bites his ear. Another bleat escapes his mouth “Look at me” she growls into the ear she had between her teeth, then lifts his head to leave kisses along his chin and throat.  Alastor grabs her wrists and pins them above her head, her face sprouting a smirk; as he thrusts into her forcefully. 
“Uh..yes. Keep doing that. Fuck…mmm…give it to me please,” She throws her head back exposing her neck. He grabs her chin and pulls her head back down.
“Look at me,” he purrs teasingly 
“I’d love to,” she pulls her arms free from him to wrap them around him and scratch into his back, noticing there were scars present there as well. She surveyed them quickly and decided that her mission was to add some more. She digs her sharp nails into his skin. 
The sensations build up inside them both. He fucks her hard as her eyes roll back into her head. Each thrust felt like it was digging inside, her sweet spot a punching bag for his cock. Once she opens them again, she is met with his face, oh so close and covered in sweat, his red hair sticking to his forehead. A close-lipped smile with closed eyes adorned his face as he was concentrating on doing a good job.
A good job at what exactly? Well, despite Alastor’s initial seeking her out for his own benefit, he’d developed an overwhelming need/desire, to please her. He hadn’t time to think about it, but he supposed he had a desire to maybe prove that he was worth something? That he could be of use to her in some capacity? She’d rejected his protection, as well as his guidance, so maybe she could keep him around for this?
What? No, that thought was dismissed from his head immediately. 
She pushes his hair back and meets her forehead with his, eyes open, drinking in the sight of her face, twisting and contorting with pleasure at every thrust and slap of her clit. She looks into his eyes, and he looks back into hers, visually devouring each other, each basking in the other’s scent, and lips so close they could almost taste each other. 
She snaked her hands through his hair once more, keeping him from being able to move his head or his eyes from her. His thrusts getting sloppier and less refined, both of their legs twitching, inching closer to their climax, him slightly losing control of himself while drowning in her eyes. 
“Don’t you dare stop,” She commands him, her lips brushing against his, while gripping a fistful of his hair. 
He grunts into her neck “I wasn’t planning to,” 
The sweat on their foreheads mixing, she looks him in his eyes “I need you to cum inside me Alastor.” She speaks with such authority, and unaware of why, he felt as though she was in charge. He, the great and feared Overlord, the Radio Demon, felt submissive to this doe that partially came out of nowhere, this common demon, this brat. He couldn’t help but follow the sound of her voice, and watch every movement of her face. The whines, the moans, the movement of her lips, the way her hair stuck to her forehead with sweat. Normally he was full of retorts, but now he had nothing to say. The feeling of the warm wetness inside her had stolen his words. 
“Alastor,” she whispered his name, snapping him back into focus “Cum inside me okay? Can you do that for me?” She spoke as though she was teaching him something and was making sure he was capable
“We can do that right?” She nods and he nods along with her “Yeah? Yeah, we can do that, right? Mhmm?” She bites her lip as her words turn into moans, and she throws back her head, exposing her neck. He takes the opportunity to drag his thick tongue across it, tasting her skin and the saltiness of her sweat. Her core twitches in response. She wraps her legs around his waist, pushing him in deeper, as they both feel their climax edging closer and closer. She lifts her head back up and pulls the buck closer to her body. “I am so fucking close right now.” 
Alastor starts instinctively turning his head to hide the red on his cheeks but she’s having none of that. She grabs his chin and turns it back to face her. “No, you wanted to see my face right? Now look at my face. You think I’m so pretty right? I’m so pretty? Look at my pretty face while you fill me up with your seed. Look at me while you fill me with your cum. Fuck!” She lets out a low hungry groan “Fuck! I need it! Please…please…please cum in me Alastor, please” she begs him softly, her eyes bright and wide. The cognitive dissonance between her innocent appearance and the filth coming out of her mouth was at this point too much for him to handle. 
“My doe,” she looks at him “Guess who’s coming for you,” she raises a brow in confusion, as he grins. With one last thrust, he emptied inside her and her core clenched around him, twitching and holding him hostage, just in case he even thought about removing himself. All this while Voe stared directly into his crimson eyes, their foreheads connected. She then shuts her eyes, letting out a powerful satisfied scream, and grabs his lower lip with her teeth. 
He could feel their combined fluids leaking out into the towel she had placed down and they stayed there in that position staring at each other until the dripping stopped. Alastor was stunned, he had no idea what to do next, this was new territory, him feeling this way. Voe could see it too. She grins wildly at him and rubs her nose against his, which he reflexively reciprocates, his tail gently swishing back and forth. 
“You’re hot when you’re quiet. But you can get off me now.“ though her words were slightly aggressive, her tone was sickly sweet “Unless you wanna keep going, but you look like you’re tuckered out Bambi.” She spoke the last word with a teasing tone, snapping him back to his senses, seeing reality now. He removes himself from her, the air feeling cool compared to her warm insides. 
Alastor turns his head toward her “I assume based on your reactions that my performance was satisfactory, yes?”
Voe breathes heavily “What?”
“Was my performance satisfactory?”
“You want to know if you did a good job?”
Voe starts giggling as she turns onto her stomach, putting her face into her pillow
Alastor seems slightly offended “I don’t exactly see what’s funny,”
“No one’s ever asked me to rate them before,”
“Just…give me a number off the top of your head,”
“Uh, I guess 7/10?”
“A high 7! Almost 8!” She giggles
“Well that’s just unacceptable,” he rolls onto his back “I need a 10/10,” he smirks looking at the ceiling 
“You can try,” she draws circles in the bed with her nail
“I intend to,”
They lay in silence for a few beats, until Voe breaks it.
“Why don’t you sleep? Actually, never mind, you don’t need to answer that. I already know.”
“Oh please, you know nothing.”
“Yeah? You don’t sleep because it’s a vulnerable state to be in and you hate to appear vulnerable. You can’t stand the idea that somebody, anybody might take advantage of your vulnerable position and be able to…I don’t know, defeat you? Sound about right?” She asks turning to lie on her stomach
Alastor’s eyes remain wide open, as he he finally made speechless. The two stare at each other until Alastor says “I will confirm nothing, but if that were correct, I’d wonder how you managed to come to that conclusion.”
Voe snorts “I told you, my dad is a psychiatrist. It’s a skill. I was taught by an expert. So while you can read others, at least those easy to read, I can read you.” She rests her head on her hand
“Tell me something Vera,” he turns to her. She raises her brows in acknowledgment “Why do you not like to eat in front of others?”
She blushes, her eyes looking away “Um.. well I-“ she looks up at Alastor, who gives her his full attention “Sometimes I feel fat,” she mumbles 
“What’s that?”
“You know how I’m like, bigger in terms of my body? Well, sometimes I feel fat and disgusting. Like when I eat in front of people,”
“Are you joking?” He deadpans 
Her eyes dart around “No I’m not joking. Not that being fat is bad for anyone else, I just think it’s bad for me, if that makes any sense.”
“I suppose I understand,” he thought of himself, not in regards to weight, of course, he was quite slender. No, in regards to his ethnicity. He never desired to disrespect his wonderful mother, but throughout his life and even his death, he found it hard to admit to his Blackness. That somehow, made him less than others. But similar to Voe’s ideals, the Blackness in others- case in point, her- was not only acceptable but beautiful. 
She reaches out to touch his body, tracing scars on his chest, when she gets to the big one, he flinches in pain and she says
“That scar,” she points to his chest “You got that from Adam?” It’s a question, but the tone implies that it’s a statement
Alastor doesn’t respond, only staring at her with shame in his eyes, while his smile remained
“I know I wasn’t there when that happened, but I don’t think you’re any less strong,”
“I would like to stop talking about this,”
She stares at him “Okay,”
There is no sound in the room for a few moments. Voe just stares at Alastor as he examines his own chest and the scar on it. He pulls the cover over himself after a few minutes of looking at it. He blinks before saying “I do want to apologize for my…joke earlier. It was very tactless of me.”
“Yes, it was.”
Alastor clears his throat “I’d like to make something clear,” Voe turns to look at him, leaning on her arm “This will be happening again,” he says staring up, lying on his back
Voe turns his face to her “Rude, this is an intimate activity. If you want it again, you need to ask, and you can at least look at me.”
He sits up, clearing his throat again “May I have your company once more?”
She sits up as well “Once?” she smirks
He looks away sheepishly “Many more times,”
She turns his face again, making sure they are making eye contact, at least for a moment “Yes, you may.”
A/N: Ahhh!!! Thank you guys for coming this far with me into my fanfic! This chapter is really special to me because the last giant chunk is one of the first things that I wrote for this story and I am so excited that you all finally get to read it. Let me know what you guys think in the comments down below ⬇️
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Chapter 15>
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
I Did It Myself | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - written for @evita-shelby ‘s follower celebration
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) has to take matters into her own hands after she gets taken by Luca Changretta.
Warnings: language, violence (typical to series), weapons, character death
Word Count: 3272
A/N: this was so very fun to write ... I tried my hand at writing a character in the tune of your lovely OC, Eva, although I still think that Eva is still more badass. Congrats on your amazing milestone @evita-shelby !! Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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(Y/N) had had enough. It had been weeks now and the Shelby family was still stuck in Small Heath. The war with the Changretta family was still raging on, and it seemed as if it had no clear end in sight. Even though Tommy had managed to kill three of his men, Luca himself was still alive, which meant danger was still imminent. This also meant that (Y/N) still had to be sequestered in her old Watery Lane home. And she hated it.
Tommy insisted that she only leave the premises to either go to see Linda, Polly, or Ada, who were occupying other houses on Watery Lane. It wasn't safe for her to leave the confines of that street...he reminded her of that daily.
But going from doing so much at Arrow House to doing practically nothing in Small Heath was incredibly hard for her to adapt to. She often looked forward to when it was time to cook meals, which was surprising because she hated cooking. There was nothing else to do, though.
Today, however, (Y/N) had something planned. Instead of sitting inside and watching the world go by through a window, she was going to go out and enjoy herself. What would she do? She didn't quite know yet. But what she did know was she wanted to get as far away from Watery Lane as possible while still being within the Small Heath protection limits. Tommy left early in the morning. He was spending most of his time over at Charlie's yard; planning with his brothers and the other men, or working on perfecting his gin recipe...which was still a little too sweet for (Y/N)'s liking.
She waited until mid-day to go out on her own, after making sure that she looked presentable, of course. This was the first time in weeks that she had a reason to wear something other than a house dress, and she surely was going to make the most of it.
The Lane was quiet; people were either off at work or content inside their house. This benefitted (Y/N), because it meant that she didn't have anyone who would be going to her husband with the intent of telling on her. Everything seemed to be going to plan.
The first place she went was to a café that sat just two streets over. She got herself some tea and some pastries, happy to be eating something other than her own bland cooking. After sitting and enjoying herself there, she continued on down a few more streets until she made it to her favorite consignment store in the city. Dolly's as it was called, was run by an elderly woman who, you guessed it, went by the name Dolly. She was always very friendly and happy to see her repeat customers. She and (Y/N) had developed a sturdy relationship over all of the times that the younger woman had visited the shop.
"(Y/N)!" Dolly cheered as (Y/N) walked through the door.
"How are you, Ms. Dolly?" (Y/N) asked with a wide smile, happy to see some familiar faces after being alone for so long, "it's been a while, hasn't it?"
"It most certainly has," the other woman agreed with her, "I've been getting by. How have you been?" she then flipped the question back onto (Y/N), who had finally reached the counter.
"Oh, I've been fine," (Y/N) answered, letting out a slight sigh. "Things have been a bit hectic since Tommy's been dealing with a...a problem with the company, but we've been alright," she then disclosed, unsure of how much detail to go into.
Dolly's facial expression told her that she already knew more than what was just said to her. "Oh, yes...I've heard," she responded in a voice that clearly showed her shock of the situation, "those Shelby boys'll figure it out though...they always do," she finished her statement with some assuring words, which made (Y/N) smile. It was evident that the whole of Small Heath was still rallying behind the Shelby family, and that alone made (Y/N) feel proud.
"Here's hoping," (Y/N) said, nodding her head slightly before Dolly allowed her to go and peruse the wares that had been on display.
After finding two small jewelry pieces that she liked, (Y/N) made her way back over to the register. "Find anything special?" Dolly asked as the younger woman sat the items down on the counter.
"Just these two little things," (Y/N) responded as she pulled the correct amount of billnotes out of her purse, "I think they'll fit well with several of the dresses I have back at home."
"They're lovely pieces. You have such magnificent taste, (Y/N)," Dolly praised her, her kind words making (Y/N) smile slightly.
"Thank you, Dolly," the younger woman smiled before she pulled two more notes out of her purse and slipped them over to her. "For being a familiar face," she said, sending the older lady a wink.
"Thank you, darling," Dolly smiled widely, "take care now," she said her goodbye as (Y/N) turned and made her way back to the door of the shop.
She made her way back onto the street, deciding that she would walk even further from home and maybe sit on a bench at the park for a while. It was a beautiful day out...she was going to make the most of it.
She'd only gotten about a block down the road when someone called out to her: "it's rather brave of you to be out walking alone considering everything that's going on, Mrs. Shelby." It was a man, and his voice was coming from the passenger's side of the car that had slowed down next to her.
"I'm doing fine, thank you," she responded, barely glancing in their direction as she continued walking. She hoped that her disinterest in having a conversation would make them keep driving...although she couldn't quite shake her suspicions behind their reaching out. He spoke in an unfamiliar accent.
"Let us drive you home. Get you some place safe again," the guy called again as he continued to coast down the road alongside her.
"I said I'm fine," (Y/N) repeated her previous answer, stressing her words a bit more now.
"I don't think you picked up on it...this isn't up for your choice," he continued on, his voice dropping slightly.
"I said I'm ok," (Y/N) continued on with her insisting, stopping so that she could finally look at the man.
"Get in the fucking car," another man's voice came out of nowhere beside her, and the slightest glance in his direction made (Y/N) realize that he was holding a gun.
“Do you know who you’re messing with?” she asked, still standing her ground.
The men were persistent though. “We know exactly who you are, and that’s why you’re coming with us. So get in the fucking car,” the one standing beside her said as he then grabbed her arm and began walking her to the car’s rear door. She should have screamed...she knew she should have, but nothing would come out. So she gave in to their demands and got into the car. She’d have to fool them if she wanted to get herself out of this situation.
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Some time later, the car pulled into the back lot of a hotel building. (Y/N) wondered how they were able to make it this far without being detected, but still managed to keep up her act. If things were going to go the way she was hoping, she’d have to make these men think that she was helpless and like putty in their hands.
Soon enough, she was sitting in a chair in an otherwise empty room. There was nothing physically holding her to the chair; the two men who brought her there were standing on either side of her. Her plan was definitely going as she’d hoped it to.
Not after long, the man, who up until this point she’d only heard about, entered the room. Luca Changretta. He was donning a rather nicely tailored three piece suit, and he had a cocky smirk on his face. Surely he felt like he had the upper hand in this whole feud now.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” he asked as he came closer to where (Y/N) was sitting. “(Y/N) Shelby...what a pleasure it is to meet you. I see you haven’t been following your husband’s orders of staying off the streets,” he continued, tutting at her wrong doings.
“My husband isn’t in charge of what I do in my own time,” she snapped back at him, feeling annoyed at the fact that she was expected to do as Tommy said and not bat an eyelash.
“Oh, he’s not...but what you’ve decided to do with your own time is now going to kill him,” Luca stated, his words making (Y/N)’s eyes widen slightly. He only laughed at the reaction he’d caused. “You thought that we took you to kill you? No, sweetheart...we want to end this thing once and for all, and you’re going to be the one that brings him to us.”
(Y/N) felt her stomach drop at his words, and at once, the severity of the situation kicked in. She hadn’t thought of this possibility...that Luca would use her as bait to bring Tommy in, and she kicked herself for that. “You can’t possibly fool him like that,” she tried to defy him, hoping that her true emotions wouldn’t show.
“We’re surely going to try,” Luca was still grinning.
The door to the room opened before anything else could be said. “Mr. Changretta, Mr. Solomons is on the phone for you,” the man announced, making Luca finally look away from (Y/N).
“I’ll be right in for it,” Luca answered the man, who then left the room, before he turned back to (Y/N) and the help he had standing on either side of her. “Watch her, huh? This call shouldn’t take long,” he addressed the men before looking at the woman, “and you, think of what you’ll say to your husband...it’ll be the last time you speak to him.”
With that, Luca left the room. (Y/N) glanced up at the guards before she stared straight ahead at the door of the room. She couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling bubbling up in her stomach. There was a way out of this...she knew that much. But what it was wasn’t so clear to her yet. Yet.
Like Luca had said, it wasn’t long before he returned to the room. The cocky smirk was still apparent on his face as he came to a stop in front of (Y/N). “Our second option still needs some convincing, but we may not need it thanks to this darling right here,” he told his men before looking down at (Y/N), “have you decided what you’ll be saying?” he asked her then, his one eyebrow quirked.
“I have,” she kept her response short, nodding her head as she swallowed thickly.
“Good,” Luca nodded before snapping his fingers at the man on the left, “bring in the phone,” he ordered. The man nodded, leaving the room before hurrying back in with the phone in his hands, its chord trailing behind him. It only took a few seconds before Luca was talking with the receiver up to his ear. “Mr. Shelby...thank you for answering my call. I have someone here that wants to talk to you,” he said, his grin growing as he handed the receiver over to (Y/N). ‘Speak’ he mouthed to her.
“Hi...hi, Tommy,” she said, hating how shaky her voice was. At least it helped play into her charade.
“(Y/N)?” Tommy sounded extremely confused, “(Y/N), why are you with Luca Changretta?”
“His men found me. They brought me to where he’s staying. I’ll tell you where it is in a moment, but you need to come get me,” she said, speaking slowly as a way to try and keep her nerves down.
“I’ll come get you. Yeah, I’ll get you and then I’ll put a bullet in that fucker’s brains for thinking he could lay a hand on me wife,” Tommy responded with anger in his voice. She didn’t need to see him to tell how worked up he was getting. She took a deep breath to keep herself calm.
“Just come get me, ok?”
“I will. What’s the address, (Y/N)?” Tommy almost immediately insisted.
“It’s the one on Drinker Street,” she answered, not being too specific. Before Tommy was able to comment on that, she continued: “don’t forget to put the tea on before you leave...I might want some when I come home.”
Tommy froze after hearing her words. That was their sentence. The code they made up for ‘stay in place and I’ll get myself out of this’ so many years ago. Her tone was serious, so he knew he had to believe her. He had to stay back and hope that she’d be able to get herself out of this. “Ok,” he said as he exhaled a breath, “I’ll put the tea on and then I’ll come get you,” he played along just in case the lines were bugged. He knew that (Y/N) would understand what he was saying though. He wouldn’t be leaving his spot until he heard from her again.
“Ok. I love you, Tommy,” she added to make the situation more believable before the phone line went dead and the conversation ended. “He’s on his way,” she told Luca in a monotone voice, her words making his grin grow.
“Perfect,” he said, snapping his fingers at one of the guards before waving for the man to follow him out of the room. The man obliged, leaving (Y/N) in the room with the other guard.
“You realize you’ve just sent your husband to the slaughter,” the guard spoke up once the door shut, a similar cocky grin on his face.
“I do, and I’d like you to not mention it again,” she snapped, taking a deep breath then to try and control her emotions. She was going to need to be calm and collected if she wanted this plan she’d thought up to go as planned. A long period of silence went by before (Y/N) cleared her throat and spoke up again: “could you please give me my purse at least. My throat’s dry and I need a lozenge,” she made her ask believable by clearing her throat again.
The man let out a huff but pushed himself off of the wall and made his way to the table that stood on the other side of the room. (Y/N) watched him carefully, grinning internally at the fact that her plan was going off without a hitch. Dumb man, she thought to herself as the guard grabbed the purse and brought it to her. “Here you go,” he said, extending it to her.
She accepted it and made it seem as though she was rummaging through it for a few moments. Then, in one swift motion, she grabbed the knife that she always kept in the bag’s bottom. She then stood up and took a few steps towards the man who was still retreating back to his original spot. She wrapped her one arm around him to stop his movements before swinging the other arm around so that she’d be able to plunge the knife into his chest. The man yelped, but (Y/N) quickly silenced him, pushing him against the wall and bringing her hand up to cover his mouth before she began repeatedly plunging the knife into his chest. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, repeating the motion a few more times for good measure before leaving the weapon stuck in his chest for good. The man’s eyes widened and dulled as she then stepped back from him, allowing him to slump lifelessly to the ground.
After taking a deep breath to contain herself, she wiped the splattered blood off of her face and then quietly walked towards the door. Opening it ever so slowly, she then peeked her head out to see that the larger room of the suite was indeed empty. She shook her head and grinned, realizing that her plan had worked out perfectly. There surely wasn’t an inkling in their minds that she could manage to escape. So she quickly managed to make her way down the side fire escape, moving as quietly as possible to get down to the ground from the third floor.
The sun was starting to set at this point, which made it easier for (Y/N) to slip into the alleyways that she knew like the back of her hand. Soon enough, she was making her way back onto Watery Lane.
She knocked on the door of her and Tommy’s home gently and waited for someone to come to it. A good bit of time had passed since she made the call to her husband, so she hoped that he’d returned to the house for the night.
Her hopes were answered moments later when the door swung open to reveal a very worried looking Tommy. “(Y/N),” he breathed, exhaling a sigh of relief as his eyes swept over his wife; who was covered in splattered blood. “You’re back...you’re ok,” he said, then taking her arms into his hands so that he could bring her in closer to him. “Are you ok?” he flipped the second part of his original statement into a question.
“I’m fine,” (Y/N) answered, a dejected look in her eyes. She had had a long day and was more than ready for a warm bath and sleep.
“What about Luca? What about the men? Did you inflict any casualties?” he asked, his eyes still slightly frantic.
“I killed the man that was guarding me. There was no one else left in the hotel room when I left,” she explained to him, internally hating to he was now putting her through a questioning session.
“I’ll have men watching over you now...now that Luca’s realized that his plan didn’t go the way he wanted,” he assured her, but (Y/N) shook her head.
“No, Tommy. I don’t need men. I’m fine by myself, because I did all of that myself. There’s nothing your men can do that I can’t,” she told him, putting her foot down on the situation before she was finally able to begin walking to the stairs in the house. Before she was on the second floor, she stopped, “oh...Alfie Solomons called Luca while I was there. They’re concocting some sort of plan,” she informed him as she twisted back to look at him.
“No,” was all he said in response, a look of disbelief on his face. There was no way that Alfie would go behind his back again...not after what happened to him and his son.
“Yes,” (Y/N) insisted, nodding for an additional effect. “Believe me, or not...I don’t care at the moment. I’m going to go take a bath, see that Charlie is sleeping, and go to bed. I’ve had enough of everything for today,” she said, letting out a long sigh before she turned around again and continued up the steps to go and do just that.
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Tagged: @alreadybroken-ts @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @easilyobessedbutflighty @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @sunsetmourners @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick
603 notes · View notes
notyour-valentine · 2 years
The Boy in the Window 6 ~ Tommy Shelby x Reader (Series)
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Chapter Summary: Talk of strike, Charlie's questions and a scare push (Y/N) further than she would have liked.
Notes: Well, well, well, welcome back! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments on the precious parts and your continued interest. We are about at the halfway point, so let's find out how New Year's Eve has changed Tommy and (Y/N)'s relationship- I hope you enjoy! I do not consent to my work being translated, copied or posted elsewhere on this platform or any other.
Here, you can find my [Masterlist] and the [Series Masterlist]
Warning: Canon conforming mention of violence. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Expect spoilers for Peaky Blinders Season 1-4.
Wordcount: 4766
Part 6
On New Year's Eve, a wall had come down. She hadn't heard the crash, nor had she felt the earth rumble, but in the light of the fading debris, it was hard to deny. It wasn't each and every wall they had built around themselves, not even close, but it was a wall that no longer existed. 
And (Y/N) Hale found that she was no longer afraid of Tommy Shelby. 
She no longer flinched when she saw his figure in the window or heard the way he knocked on the back door. She was still nervous around him, but it was a different kind of nervous. It still made her stomach flutter, but it no longer made her feel sick to her stomach and while her skin tingled, it didn't itch with the anxiety to remove herself from his reach. Not now, not when she knew just how gentle his touch could be. 
He sensed it too, that change, and seemed to prefer it infinitely to what they had before, because he came around. Not just occasionally, but more frequently, so frequently in fact that she now always set the table for him too, just in case.
Unless it was lunch, he was there more often than he wasn't. Sometimes he came earlier, whenever time would allow and then he'd sit and watch Charlie. Or sometimes he would come and join her in the kitchen. 
And so she found herself one afternoon sitting at her kitchen desk, cutting up carrots right next to Tommy Shelby himself, who was making sure the potato water didn’t boil over, leaning against the counter with a cigarette between his lips, listening to the distant chatter of children playing in the living room. 
She soon realised that, even now, there were several different versions of Tommy Shelby, and one in particular only showed his face when the children were in bed, when the fire filled the living room with warmth and when she seemed to be the last living soul in Small Heath who had not been claimed by slumber. 
He seemed younger then, and more vulnerable than she would have thought possible. Perhaps, by now, his body remembered, even if his mind did not. 
Sometimes he would talk, mostly of old times before the war, and sometimes, though a lot rarer, even about what was happening now. Some nights he would just stare into the fireplace, and she would watch him- the sharpness of his jaw, the thick outline of his lips, those bright eyes with that bottomless darkness in them, but also light too, which he kept locked away from the world. 
Of course, it wasn't always like this. Many evenings, he was away too late for her to be awake for his return even if she had wanted to. Some times he'd run in and out with nothing but a few words.
But overall, the greatest beneficiary from that wall coming down was Charlie, whose little face lit up every time he saw his father sitting at the kitchen table or gracing the sofa. 
Even Emma had gotten used to him, and maybe even grew to like this curiosity of a man because he took his time to answer all her questions, which were many and more. 
Today, they were all sitting down for dinner, the four of them, her across from Tommy and the children across from each other.
It was too early for Tommy to eat, but (Y/N) had always eaten with Emma so she ate with them now, while he sat on his chair next to the window, a cigarette between his lips and the rolled up newspaper next to his empty plate.
(Y/N) had already seen Emma throw glances at it several times before she finally reached over and picked it up with a frown. 
Putting it down in front of her, she braced her hands on the table and glared at it in the way some wartime minister would study battle plans. 
"What's this when it's finished?", (Y/N) wanted to know after a while. 
Slowly Emma took her finger and began to trace one of the larger letters. 
"That's an S.", She announced a triumphant grin on her face.  
"How do you know?", Charlie wanted to know, leaning closer at once.
"Because it looks like a snake. See. Sssssnake is S."
She traced it once more.
"Here, look.", Tommy said, taking off his golden signet ring and handing it to his son. 
"Another S."
"S.", Charlie repeated, his fingers brushing over the engraving. 
"Why do you have an S on your ring, Dad?", He asked as he twisted it between his fingers. 
"For Shelby."
"But Sh doesn't sound like s!", Emma argued at once. 
"If you take an S and add a h it's sh.", He explained as he took the ring back from Charlie. 
“Not S-eitsch?” 
“No, Sh.”
Emma huffed in disapproval, but it didn’t last long. 
"Is that sh too?", She asked and pointed at the headline of the newspaper. 
"No, that's a t.", He said. "S-t-rike."
"Strike.", She repeated, diligently analysing the dark marks, while mumbling under her breath. 
"S t."
"What strike? Like a lightning strike?", She asked, settling back down on her chair and picking up her fork.
"No. It's a worker's strike.", (Y/N) said and then looked to the household expert on these matters, not knowing how to explain it to the children. 
With a sigh, he leaned back. 
"Imagine you're the captain of the boat."
"A boat of pirates?", Charlie asked.
His father nodded. 
"That way you are the boss. And you decide how much everyone gets from the treasure. But you're not alone on the boat. You've got the other pirates who help with the oars and the sail because it takes more than one man to sail one, yes?"
Both children nodded. 
"Now imagine you're out at sea and one day all the other pirates aren't working the oars or raising the sail. They're just sitting on deck and doing nothing."
"Why would they do that?", Emma asked. 
"Because they want more money and because they think that the Captain can't sail the ship without them. So they tell him that they will only keep sailing the ship if he gives them three more gold coins each. And because the captain can't sail the ship alone, they think he has to agree."
"Or they'll throw him overboard.", Emma laughed. 
Tommy Shelby choked on his drink, coughing violently as his eyes turned teary- staring at Emma with a mixture of shock and disbelief.  
(Y/N) couldn't help the snort of amusement. She quickly raised her napkin up and covered her mouth to hide her grin, but the fabric did nothing to stop the sound of her giggle, even though she tried anything in her power to hide it in a cough of her own before biting down on the inside of her lip.
From across the kitchen table, he shook his head slowly. And yet there was a hint of a smile on his lips. 
"Unbelievable.", He muttered, drawing out the words. "Not only the factory workers and me family, now you're up against me too, eh?"
(Y/N) felt her cheeks burn but not in a bad way, not only at least.
"You started it.", She reminded him, still unable to stop her grin. 
"What's so funny?", Charlie demanded to know, looking from her to his father and back. 
"(Y/N)'s being naughty.", Tommy told his son, clicking his tongue as if he was scolding her. “Tsk tsk tsk.”
Charlie's wide-eyed surprise was met by Emma's breathless delight. 
"Mummy!", She exclaimed, finding it even more hilarious when she couldn't hide the heat that rose to her head. 
"Mummy, he said you were naughty!" 
"I don't know what he's talking about.", She insisted. "After all, he brought up the boat comparison."
She quickly took a sip of water to have something to do with her face except just feeling it burn with a flush.
"Did I now?", He wanted to know, leaning back. 
"Of course.", She argued. 
"What would you have said?"
It was a challenge, she knew and so she turned to the children. 
"You know, when people want to make things better for them and others, it's always best if they work together. Then, they can come up with a good plan and other people are more likely to listen to them. So when people aren't happy with something they have to do, they go together in a group to tell the person doing it to them that they will go on strike until they change things and because a group is always stronger than just one person, it works."
"Sometimes.", Tommy muttered. 
It was another challenge, she knew, but not one voiced at her. 
In a way, Jessie Eden had chosen the worst time for her activity, with all the Shelbys here, on edge and with a lot of time on their hands. 
She could only hope there wouldn't be any actual throwing overboard happening. 
"I'm going on strike.", Emma announced after having thought on it for a while. "and Charlie to."
"I am?", Charlie asked, as surprised as the adults were. But Emma nodded with the age-old certainty of a priest and the righteousness of a revolutionary. 
"We're going on strike. We're no longer eating our vegetables until we get chocolate pudding every night."
Charlie decided to assess her reaction before either joining in or voicing his protest, glancing at her suspiciously. But it was Tommy that spoke. 
"That's not how it works, Emma.", He said. "Out of all of us here, your Mum's the only one that can go on strike."
"Why?", She demanded to know. 
"Well,", Tommy said, leaning back in his chair. "Imagine one morning your Mum decided just to stay in bed. She won't wake you up. She won't warm your clothes in front of the oven and she won't help you get dressed. You won't get your warm milk and who will make you breakfast? And lunch? Or dinner? Who'll buy all the food and make sure your home is nice and clean?"
(Y/N) bit the inside of her lip as she stared down at her plate. 
"No food, no warm milk, no cuddles, no hugs, no songs."
"Not even good night songs?", Charlie asked, his jaw dropping. 
Tommy nodded. 
"So you better be good, or your Mum might decide to strike.", He told Emma, who frowned. 
Then her face lit up with a wide smile and she pushed her chair back. 
In a split second she had climbed into her lap, both legs dangling on either side of hers as she smothered herself into (Y/N)'s chest who barely had time to put her fork down.
"But she's not going to go on strike.", She announced as one arm snaked up to caress the side of her face. 
"You sure about that?", Tommy asked. 
She nodded eagerly. "Cause she's my Mummy. And she loves me. And she won't ever stop being my Mummy. So she'll always give me all the hugs and all the kisses I want!"
To prove her point she pulled (Y/N)'s face down to kiss her and get a kiss of her own. 
"Right you are, Love.", She said, stroking over the top of her head. 
Then she sat her down onto her two feet again. 
"Now no more talk of striking while you still have some vegetables to eat."
She rolled her eyes, but (Y/N) noticed that she ate them all and without protest.
She was also particularly good and easy during bedtime, unlike Charlie, who slouched and lingered. 
“Come on, Charlie, time for bed.”, she called from Emma’s room. 
When he didn’t come, she went to search for him. 
She found him sitting on the first steps of the stairs, already in his pyjamas. 
“Did you say good night to your Dad?”, she asked. 
He didn’t respond, his head leaning against the bannister.
“Charlie?”, she asked suspiciously, dropping Emma’s and his dirty clothes in the basket before she turned to him.
“What’s wrong?”
She crouched down next to him and stroked the side of his face. 
Without looking at her, he shook his head. 
“Charlie?”, she asked again, feeling his forehead to make sure he had the temperature. But there was nothing. 
“Is it true what Emma said…at dinner?”, he asked softly, leaning his head against the bannister. “That you won’t ever stop being her mummy because you love her? That’s why you do all the things you do…”
“Yes.”, she confirmed, as she sat down on the step next to him. 
“My mum doesn’t do these things.”, he whispered. “She can’t 'cause she’s dead. So she can’t love me.”
(Y/N) felt her heart drop.
And for a moment she felt lost - as if she had been pulled underwater, ripped downstream by a currant stronger than the power in her arms and legs. And she had nothing left to hold on to.
But she knew what he wanted. He was reaching out into the emptiness and the only thing he could possibly hold onto was her, so she had to make sure he could. And that she was steadfast enough to provide the comfort he sought. 
So she took a deep breath to gather herself before answering.
“Just because your mum is in heaven, does not mean she doesn’t love you anymore.”
He only huffed, clearly not believing her.
“You know, Emma’s dad is in heaven too.”, she told him, using that storyteller voice of hers she knew he liked. “He’s all the way in heaven and he still loves her from up there.”
She took her sigh of relief too soon, as Charlie’s head snapped around to look at her. 
“But Dad doesn’t think God’s real. And if God’s not real he can’t take people up to heaven and so my mum’s not there!”, he insisted. 
This is so far above my weight class, (Y/N) thought, but she was in the ring now, and so it was too late for her to chicken out. 
For his sake more than her own. He was still too young to lose faith. 
She smoothed the skirts of her dress down and patted her knees. 
At once, had scrambled onto her lap, burying his head in the crook of her neck as his hands coiled into the fabric of her dress, a tell-tale sign of a desperate need for security. 
She leaned her head against his and allowed her arms to wrap around him, gently rocking him. 
“Darling,”, she began slowly, “I don’t think your Dad doesn’t believe God is real. I just think that maybe your Dad doesn’t like him very much.”
That was a lie. 
She was rather certain that Tommy Shelby didn’t believe in God at all, but it was a lie, she hoped, she’d be forgiven for. It wasn’t a lie to hurt after all, but one to cause comfort. 
“Why not?”, Charlie whispered, his lips brushing against her skin. 
Because he had seen war. He had seen death and slaughter without mercy. Because if there was a God he was either not all powerful, or not all knowing or he simply did not care enough to save them. But those questions were difficult, and not hers to answer. It was easier to just believe. Even if it was the cowardly thing to do.
Of course she could not say that to Charlie so instead she stroked the back of his head. 
“Because God could have been kinder to your father.”
Him and many others. 
“Does God mind that Dad doesn’t like him?”, Charlie wanted to know, his fingers stroking down her sides, along the pattern in the fabric. 
She smiled softly as she held him tighter. 
“Do you remember that in church we sometimes call God Father?”, she asked. 
He nodded. 
“That’s because he is. In a way, God’s a Dad.”, she said. “He loves you and everyone else, even if you are angry at him, or even if he is a bit angry at you. Even if you’re hurting, frightened or upset.”
Leaning her chin on the top of his head she allowed herself to close her eyes. 
Her interpretation of faith wouldn’t fly with the church, but who were those men in long robes to have more authority to speak on God than she did? She doubted they even knew any more about God than she did, spending their days looking into those Bible texts all day long. Didn’t the Bible say to appreciate and protect his work in the real world, and not just in holy places? (Y/N) was fairly sure she knew a lot more about the real world than they ever would. 
And so she felt no guilt, as she continued. 
“Even if you don’t believe in him. He will still love you and take care of you. Cause that’s what Dads do.”
“And mums.”, Charlie added, looking up at her. 
“And mums.”
He tightened his grip on her and gave her a squeeze as if he feared she could slip away. She let him, and she held him until he was ready to let go, before taking him up to Emma’s room. By now, there were two children’s beds here - both new and both brought in by Tommy a few nights ago so that they no longer had to share.
She read and she sang and then she kissed them good night and tucked them in. 
It was no longer a surprise to find Tommy Shelby awaiting her with expecting eyes, leaning back on her sofa, whisky in hand. 
She offered him a small smile, but he only stared. 
"Do you believe that?", He asked. 
"What you told Charlie."
"Oh.", She whispered as her blood ran cold. "I…I didn't know you heard. I'm sorry."
It wasn't her place to speak on these things to another person’s child but at the same time, Charlie had asked. And she had to tell him something. 
"Do you believe what you said?", He asked once more. 
A slight frown appeared on her forehead. 
"I think so.", She admitted. 
He took another sip of whisky and shook his head. 
"Why? Your father wasn't much better than mine and I like him a lot more now that he's dead."
She blinked quickly- up until now she had not known what happened to Arthur Shelby Senior. But she could not claim to mourn him, even if he had never been cruel to her. Only her judgement was not the one that mattered. His was. 
"That's why I said Dad and not father.", She said. "And man can be a father. But not all can or get to be a dad."
Her eyes drifted over to the picture on the mantelpiece and the man it showed. She saw him more in Emma than she saw him in that brass frame.  
"Which one am I, eh?", He asked, his voice rougher and lower than she was used to. And his eyes shone. 
"Which one do you want to be?", She asked, using the same soft tone she had used with Charlie only a little while earlier. 
He snorted and shook his head, his hair falling in his face. 
"As if that's all it takes."
His snarl was cruel, and it didn't pass her by without cutting her. But at the same time, she knew he was only lashing out to hide his own pain, and in this case fear. 
"I think it's a big part. The most important part, really. Because if you don't want it, you won't get through the sleepless nights, the messes, the frustration, the fights and the exhaustion."
Tommy stared at her for a moment, as if weighing her words against the entirety of the world. Whatever judgement he came to, he kept from her. Instead, he slowly held out his hand. 
She took it and let him pull her onto the sofa next to her, but to her surprise he did not let go of it, but chose to hold on. 
"You're so soft.", He remarked after a few silent minutes had passed. 
"Soft as in stupid?", She asked. He couldn't mean her hand. They were far from soft, with callouses and needle work scars. 
"No.", He said. "Soft like soft."
That told her little more. 
"How can you still be so soft in a place like this?"
Now she understood his meaning and she sighed. 
It was true, hard places breed hard people and Small Heath had its fair share of those. Perhaps she was stupid, or at least more stupid than most, more naive, maybe even weaker. But at the same time she was far from the only one in this part of the city who was like she was, at least to people they know. To outsiders, it was a different story.
Still, he wanted an answer. 
"Emma I think.", She admitted. "Children have such a unique way of seeing the world, as if everything is good, or at least supposed to be good."
"But it's not, is it?", He asked. "Not even fucking close."
"That doesn't mean we get to stop trying.", She said, sharper than she had intended. 
It made his head snap around and his eyes widened the same way Charlie's did when she had to scold him. 
So she softened her tone, before she voiced something that had left a bitter taste in her mouth long before tonight.
"You should talk to him.", she said cautiously.
"I talk to Charlie."
She picked pieces of dust off of the fabric of her dress instead of meeting his eyes.
"About his mother, I mean."
He pulled his hand away as if he had burned himself and shifted in his seat. Despite the crackling fire, the temperature seemed to have dropped at an instance.
"I don't want to talk about her.", he snarled through clenched teeth.
"And you don't have to.", (Y/N) agreed, "Not to me and not to your siblings or your aunt, not to anyone really, except Charlie."
When she looked at him again, she was met with a face turned to stone, harsher than she had seen in a long time.
"He has a right to know her, and you owe it to her to make sure she's more to her son than a picture on the wall. He doesn't remember her and he won't know her, not unless you talk to him."
Thomas Shelby exhaled the way a bull would exhale before charging, every muscle in his back so tense she thought they might burst.
But then, to her surprise, he dropped his head into his hands and sighed, hiding his face from view.
“Mummy?”, Emma asked. “Can we go to the church green today?”
“I see no reason against it. Tommy?”
He raised his hands, resigning himself to her judgement. 
Before he had time to lower them, a gunshot cut through the early morning air. 
Emma flinched so hard, she dropped the cup of milk. It shattered into a thousand pieces and spilled milk all over her nightgown and the floor. 
She wasn’t the only one who flinched. 
For a split second they were frozen as (Y/N) desperately stared at Tommy for guidance, for help, for anything.
“Upstairs.”, he ordered as he leapt to his feet. “Down and away from the windows. Don’t let anyone in!”
With that he ran off. 
“What’s happening?”, Charlie asked, sensing his father’s distress. 
“A car’s got problems.”, she lied, lifting Emma up so that she wouldn’t cut her feet on the shards, and taking Charlie by the arm. 
“Come on, you heard your father!”, she insisted sharply. "Go- go."
She ushered them up the stairs as quickly as she could and into Emma's bedroom. Out of all the places in her house, this was the one she considered the safest. 
She drew the curtains and sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall. 
"Come here, both of you!", She snapped. Both children came without argument, huddling into her. 
They knew that this wasn't normal, that something had happened which frightened them- and if the adults were frightened, children weren't far behind. 
Now, in the silence, she could do nothing more than to hold the children tight as the fear set in- but it wasn't just fear. It was icy cold terror. It found its way under her skin, through her veins and into the depth of her heart, freezing all of her until even breathing became a chore. 
Oh God- oh God please. 
She didn't even know what to pray for, or what not to pray for. 
What if someone came in? What would she do then? What could she even do? She had no gun- and she couldn't fight. 
But if someone entered, she couldn't just stay up here and wait to be found with the children. Or rather, have the children be found with her. 
She'd have to leave them, have to go down and lie and bargain and do whatever needed to be done. 
And only hope they would leave her alive and the children unnoticed. 
Yes, she could get through that, through anything. She would have to and so she would. 
There simply was no other option. 
"Mummy?", Emma finally asked, "Mummy, it's not a car, is it?"
It snapped her out of her almost trance-like focus. 
Her eyes were wide and filled with unshed tears. 
Oh my darling girl. 
She stroked over her head and kissed her temple, hoping the way only desperate people could hope that this wouldn't be the last time. 
"Sometimes cars have problems.", She told her. "And they make bad noises and if one doesn't take care of them properly, they become very dangerous and could even explode into a thousand little pieces."
"And Dad's gone to take care of it?", Charlie asked. 
She nodded, pulling him in tighter too. 
They waited for what seemed like half an eternity, until Emma's stomach began to rumble, but she knew not to ask for breakfast. She probably could tell by the devilish focus (Y/N) had on the door and the way she listened for everything, for anything. 
When she heard the movement in front of the door, she felt like she was falling. 
"Stay here.", She told them. "Don't make a sound, and don't come. No matter what happens."
No matter what you might hear. 
The children closed the gap her absence left at once, Mrs Tatters and Duffie between them. 
When she reached the top of the stairs, she could hear the key being turned on the lock- leaving time for another silent prayer. 
It opened slowly, and the person that had done it took the time to close it from the inside and lock it thoroughly. 
Even though his silhouette was painfully recognisable she waited until she could see him in full light to be sure. 
"Oh thank God.", She whispered, clutching the bannister as she no longer trusted her legs alone to hold her. 
"Just me.", Tommy Shelby said, staring up at her. "Just me. It's alright. It was just Arthur shooting a fucking bottle."
In that moment, she could have laughed. 
In that moment, she could have cried. 
But first she had to calm the children. 
"Dad, Dad, did you fix the car?", Charlie asked. 
"The car?", He asked, until he caught on. 
"Yeah. All fine, my boy. All as it should be."
"Does that mean we get breakfast now?", Emma asked. 
"Yeah- think so.", Tommy told her. 
(Y/N) felt foreign in her own body as she descended the steps carefully. 
Once she stood in the kitchen door she noticed the white puddle on the floor and the shards. 
She had forgotten all about it. 
But the children were hungry, so she hurried to make a few sandwiches and told them that they could eat in the living room. 
That excited the both of them and gave her time to clean up. 
Kneeling on the floor with a bit of old newspaper in one hand, she tried to collect the shards with the other. But as she reached for the pieces, they blurred in front of her, becoming one with the white milk, slipping from her grasp. 
“Oh bloody hell!”, she hissed under her breath, cursing herself for her foolishness, for her shaky hands, for the fact that she couldn’t just focus on the simple task ahead of her. 
"(Y/N)?”, a distant voice asked as she tried once more. 
“Hey, hey, hey- slow down!”
There was a sharpness in his tone that made her stop and look up to him as her eyes began to burn.
“Oh (Y/N).”, he sighed, as he knelt down in front of her. His hands reached out and clasped hers, and only then did she realise how violently they shook. 
“I’m sorry.”, she whispered. “I’m sorry. I’m just being foolish.”
She wiped her forehead with her sleeve, as she took a shaking breath. 
“It’s alright,”, he assured her. “It’s alright, eh? C'mere. C’mere!”
A large hand found the back of her head and pulled her in - and she let him. 
His arms wrapped around her as she closed her eyes and buried her face in his white shirt. 
He smelled of cigarettes and the scent of his shaving cream, of earth and of smoke from an open fire. And maybe it was that similarity, which brought tears to her eyes.
“I didn’t know what to do.”, she whispered. “I wouldn’t have been able to do anything. Nothing at all. If they came, I could have done nothing.”
“But they didn’t come.”, he told her, stroking the back of her neck. “They didn’t and they won’t.”
You don’t know that. 
You can’t know that. 
John is dead. 
Mr. Gray is in the hospital. 
And you can’t know that they won’t come. 
“It was just Arthur being foolish - just fucking Arthur.”, he told her, swaying slightly with her in his arms.
She forced her eyes shut and leaned into him, into the warmth of his body and the strength of his arms.
“You’re safe. The children are safe. It’s alright. I promise, it’s alright.”
He told her again and again until she allowed herself to believe it. 
“What’s wrong?”, she heard Charlie's voice. 
(Y/N)  pulled herself away from Tommy’s embrace and saw his son standing in the doorway, his now empty plate in hand. 
But she didn’t know what to say to him.
“(Y/N)'s not feeling well.”, he told him. “So you’ll take her and make sure she sits down in the living room and I’ll make some tea, eh?”
“You don’t have t-”, she tried, but he shook his head. 
Diligently, Charlie stepped forward, taking her hand in his, stroking over it with the other. 
"Come now.", He told her, eager to fulfill the task set before him by his father. 
End of Part 6
Here you can find Part 7
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