#that said im still not 100% sure on how to draw his hair and im not that happy with it here but i like the rest so its being posted
spinaroos-47 · 2 years
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She knows.
I know Luz wouldn’t tell the others about it without his permission but it still must be extremely anxiety inducing to have someone else know and maybe slip one day
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vryfmi · 3 months
talk shop tuesday (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ how did you get to your current iteration of how you draw skull? what do you feel is your "spin" on his appearance?
i tend to land on final designs very quickly, but they undergo a lot of tweaking here and there until they become more solid and consistent, and that takes a lot of time.
i think with skull i always wanted to portray mainly two things - he's a menace, but a fun one at that. there's not much to go of from descriptions in books, so i went with adapting skull's psychological portrait into visual one, mainly using shape language in the process.
the easy route would've been going with triangle and sharp edges as a base and calling it a day, but that's not how i picture skull (plus there would've been too many similarities with Lockwood). square felt more like it in a scenes of showing stubbornness and resilience of his character. pair it up with gaunt face, spiky hair and sharp edges, and character is a lot more showing. giving him a wider face also helps to show all kinds of grimaces that skull pulls (im 100% sure that skull was making faces even in live, ectoplasm only made it extra). skull, however, isn't all that bad and irredeemable, there's also a tragic side to him - being a servant, neglected at that, dying at such a young age (i picture around 17-18). from here i lean more on what was said about skull like having bony legs, ill-fitted trousers and being barefooted. i also chose to draw his shirt ill-fitted but a size or two bigger, which also serves to make skull's silhouette more squarish, but light, more ghost-like instead of grounding him too much. in the final design (that lineup) there isn't much variety in colour, but it's high in contrast, something something about contradictions and such. but skull's colour is dark green, i think it's unanimous.
my spin, i guess, is making skull as far removed from victorian era aristocracy as possible - giving him ill-fitted clothes, unkept hair, making him tan and freckled with gaunt face even in life. he's still a teen but his life conditions had taken a toll on him.
also have sketches from late 2021 and last week
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[id in alt text]
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maythearo · 1 year
Jamil Viper was found at the streets of Pernambuco, enjoying the Carnaval and dancing frevo! In a exclusive interview, he said his favorite food is acarajé and coxinha
Jokes aside, I really like the idea of Scarabia duo, Octatrio and Savannaclaw enjoying Brazil! And I really like that Malleus would use something similar to that Hawaiian shirt he bought in the Yasmina silk event (I really don't know what that shirts name, I just know its the same as the Genie in the end of Aladdin). And I also love thinking about Jamil using traditional São João outfit (mano, ele com uma camisa xadrez vermelha e preta... Oh homem lindo).
I want to claim Jamil as Brazilian, but I can't-
Do you have any HCs like that?
And omg you opened comissions!!!! I'm so happy, even if I don't have money for it, IM STILL VERY HAPPY FOR U FOR A REASON I CAN'T EXPLAIN, I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO SAY!
- The BR Jamil Simp Anon
First of all, you're so sweet, thank you 😫 and second ANON LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING YOU'RE MAKING MY BRAIN GO NUTS CAUSE I WANNA DRAW ALL OF THAT, AS A GOOD BRAZILIAN ARTIST WOULD! Also hello Jamil bbygirl what are you doing here in Brazil haha twirls hair twirls hair
Omg I'm thinking on the spot rn of some good br headcanons, and I completely agree with you, out of all the dorms, Scarabia, Octavinelle and Savanaclaw would definitely vibe the most in Brazil. Hold on lemme breath in before I shove all my hcs into this post hold on. Eng speaking mutuals and followers I will hold yall hostage to listen to my insane rambles ok here we go
First and foremost, I just know Ruggie is brazilian 100%, and I think we can all agree to that, he's our boy 🙌 he would absolutely drag Leona and Jack around, getting them to try a little bit of everything whenever they get the chance. The hyena boy would pile a bunch of stuff on Jack's arms saying "You HAVE to try this snack- wait have some caldo de cana too... OH you can't forget this piece of candy-" and last thing you know Jack is just buried under pounds of little treats and trinkets.
I personally visited very little States here, but at least around São Paulo and Rio, one of my favorite things to do is to browse those classic, super pretty handmade jewelry they sell on the beach, decorated with crystals and stones, and I just want to get them all even though I might not even use half of the stuff I buy. But anyways, Leona doing that. Leona getting tererê de cabelo to go with the braids. He's gonna spend so much money with clothes and accessories and he's gonna look stunning doing it.
Btw btw I'm obsessed with a store called Atame (@/voudeatame on ig) they have the most brazilian jewelry and clothes ever and the designs are gorge, I should draw Leona wearing something inspired by that someday 😭
Bro if there's anything we all learn in major tourist spots is that you gotta be smart with prices and everything, keep an eye out to not get scammed, unfortunately... But you know what, Octavinelle is just chill with that. You think anyone can scam AZUL? That's impossible. Anyone tries anything with the octatrio, the person is just gonna get scammed back. Jokes aside, I picture Floyd wearing the good ol havaianas, shorts, and maybe #those glasses wherever he goes, Jade might even go along with it every now and then, why not.
This randomly reminds me of Ace cause his casual outfits definitely exclusively consist of that + a random football team shirt. I couldn't care less about football but listen. Corinthians. Simply cause he's annoying and that would be very in character of him (É MEMES, NAO ME MATEM CORINTHIANOS)
Have you ever noticed how Trey looks like the twst version of Zé Carioca. Let that sink in.
Thinking about Malleus, don't you think he would love to visit historical towns and monuments? There's so much history in our architecture, he'd find most fascinating I'm sure.
I just know Jamil and Kalim would absolutely own the dance floor in carnaval, like. No dobts about that. Kalim specially, would love to participate in any bloquinhos de carnaval if he could. Sounds exhausting for me to even be amongst a single one, but okay Kalim, get it I guess 💃 Scarabia and Brazil we share vibes!!!!!
You mentioned the São João fit, and I also thought of Epel, that boy invented Festa Junina, fr. He throws biribinha/estalinhos everywhere to piss off Vil. Also Jamil oh homem perfeito c é doido, n é possível uma coisa dessas.
São João stalls under the management of Octavinelle and it's hell on earth
Sam would open a famous lojinha de 1,99 for sure, I will not elaborate. Oh also whenever I stumble upon frog shaped reco-reco I think of him, I think he would sell them idk idk
Ruggie will show Kalim those brown colored glass plate sets every grandma got in their houses, and tell him they are indestructible.
"Jamil, Jamil! Check this out! Ruggie says these plates NEVER break! Oh we need to have them in Scarabia, pleeaseee!"
"What do you mean they never break? No, Kalim don't-"
Kalim throws it to the floor, it immediately shatters in a million pieces. "I think it hit a weird angle, that must be it."
Idia = alanzoka
Me @ Jamil:
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bmodiwrites · 2 years
Please do this for Steddie!!! "you bought me a SWORD? OH MAN IM GONNA BE SO DANGEROUS". There is much potential for epicness.
I clapped my hands together when I saw this in my inbox! I didn't even know it was on this meme I reblogged, but I'm stoked to see it. Little known fact about me, I'm a black belt, so swords are near & dear to me. I even have a small little collection. Anyway... Here's Steve being the best ever -
Steve's hands were tight around the wheel, the knuckles of his fingers a little white from the grip. He'd been on edge and nervous for most of his shift. Something special took up space in his trunk, drawing Steve's attention no matter how hard he tried. It was his first time giving such a meaningful gift and he wanted it to be perfect.
To be clear -the story truly started when he and Eddie decided to move in together.
They'd been dating for a little more than a year when Eddie made the suggestion - it was almost casual in the way he first brought it to the table. Steve vividly remembered turning from the stove at his parents place with a smile on his face when Eddie called his name. He was breathy, saying "Steve" like he sometimes did in bed. It was impossible to worry about the eggs when Eddie's tone was tangible temptation.
Steve said "yeah, babe?" like he was annoyed by the interruption, even though a beaming smile overtook his face, giving his true feelings away. Eddie knew him well enough to return the look with a little smirk.
"I found an apartment I think we should take a look at." He said it with so much confidence and ease, like there was no sane option for Steve other than agreeing. While Steve was 100% on board with that sentiment, he was still ever so slightly taken aback. He allowed finishing up the eggs to take away his attention for a moment, long enough, at least, to collect himself. When he turned back to Eddie, Steve was resolute in his decision.
"Kind of you to do the legwork, Eds. I have Thursday off this week, want to go then?"
They went that Thursday to discover a nicely priced place that would do well for a first home together. It was a two bedroom spot that gave them the freedom to intently browse without a second look from the realtor. The balding old man didn't need to know that Steve and Eddie were quietly making plans for a game room as they walked around. Sharing a bedroom was nobody's business but their own.
Steve hated to admit how exhilarated he felt when he signed his name on the line next to Eddie's when the apartment first became their's. His head was already swimming with the bigness of sharing space with the person he hoped to spend the rest of his time with. Thinking about what it meant for them, as a couple, to share legal responsibility for something was just too much.
Except, it really wasn't. As they settled in and made the place their own, Steve started to like the intensity of commitment living together brought about. When plans were made, Steve didn't have to second guess that Eddie would be right there with him. Cooking dinner at night meant learning the in's and out's of Eddie's favorite foods and finding the best ways to keep the man out of the kitchen without hurting his feelings. Tangling their things together also came with the inevitable warping of lives and stories and hopes for the future.
When Steve looked at Eddie, which he got to do quite often in the hours they were at home together, he saw the future. He couldn't wait to witness the deepening of Eddie's laugh lines and the graying of his hair. They were young but Steve understood that time moved fast and he wanted it to pass him with Eddie by his side. Never mind the fact that Steve was more than certain Eddie felt the same way. He'd never been with someone who made their feelings known the way Eddie did. It was refreshing and reassuring and soothing to be sure of something that was just for him.
Which meant that Steve found it mandatory to put pressure on himself when it came to celebrating holidays and successes and birthdays with the person he so desperately wanted to make happy. Their first Christmas in the apartment was a grump fest of epic proportions until Steve burnt the turkey and they spent the night doing what they did best - laughing, getting high, listening to music, and making love. Steve knew in a relationship as easy as their's, that worrying about tangible shit was silly. Though, he did it anyway.
As Eddie's 22nd birthday approached, Steve felt the familiar tightness starting to well up in his chest. They went to a Metallica concert the year before, so he knew it was going to be tough to top such an evening. Even Steve, who wasn't their biggest fan, enjoyed the heck out of himself. It'd been a miracle he managed to nab the tickets when he did - expecting something like that to come along twice was just too much to ask.
Of course, Steve forgot that he was surrounded by nosy little geniuses. Now that the kids were a little further in their teens, all of their finer qualities were heightened. Meaning Dustin Henderson's penchant for sniffing out information was reaching top notch.
All of the kids, Ericka included, were gathered in the game cave where Eddie was finishing up one of his epic campaigns. While Steve didn't play, he liked to hang out on the couch and watch the proceedings. With the addition of Max and El to the campaigns, there was never a dull moment. Usually, Steve pretended to watch TV while he sneakily listened to Eddie's voice - the night Dustin caught him out, Steve was flipping through a Gaming Monthly magazine looking for ideas.
"There's nothing good coming out until at least May," Dustin said, pulling Steve away from his racing thoughts. Though he already knew that based on his research throughout the evening, Steve still quirked a brow, trying for confusion.
Dustin wasn't deterred by the look - the kid never was. "I've got something better for you to thumb through. I'll bring it next week." He nodded at Steve like his word made it so, then followed the rest of the crew out of the room and into the kitchen where Eddie was more than likely taking orders for grilled cheeses. Shaking his head, Steve got up from his spot on the couch and followed Dustin down the hall to help Eddie feed the crew.
As promised, Dustin pushed a beat up weapons guide into Steve's hands the next week, smiling widely. "There's a blacksmith I know that makes a few of those - I circled them for you."
Steve couldn't help the incredulous look on your face. "You know a blacksmith?" While it wouldn't be all that surprising that the party had a plethora of interesting people in their back pocket, Steve didn't have restraint enough not to ask.
Dustin's smile grew a little, his dark eyes sparkling. "When Lucas got his license, we got to go to the Renaissance Festival in Indianapolis. You meet all kinds of people there."
Before Steve could ask anymore, Eddie was calling order to the party, demanding Dustin's attention.
Despite the fact that Steve didn't want to admit it, Dustin's help was futile. Steve had a great time thumbing through Eddie's DnD notes and reference books when his boyfriend wasn't home, looking for commonly used weapons and preferences to aesthetics. Once Steve decided on the custom gift, he was ready to put in the effort to make it perfect.
Being so unfamiliar made the task a little more difficult than Steve expected, yet he enjoyed it all the same. Once the research portion of the endeavor was over, Steve spent a handful of Saturday mornings in the forge experiencing the process of moving metal.
The finished product was done a whole week before Eddie's birthday, which made getting to the day almost impossible. Steve was so excited by the work the surprisingly laid back weapon maker put together that not sharing was killing him.
Finally, Steve was minutes away from letting Eddie in on the secret and he couldn't wait. He left work earlier than usual in hopes of beating Eddie home from the garage. Steve didn't foresee much of a chance of inconspicuousness if his boyfriend was home. For once, luck was one his side and Eddie's van wasn't in its usual parking spot.
Steve was just able to get Eddie's gift in the door before Eddie got home. He banged through the place like the force of nature he was, throwing off his shoes and making his way into the kitchen. His long hair was still up in a low ponytail when Steve saw him. They shared a look, then Eddie grinned.
"What do you have there, pretty boy?" Eddie asked from behind his hair. He was chewing on a few strands, staring at Steve eagerly.
Steve nodded at the table - "why don't you find out for yourself?"
There was no hesitation; Eddie shifted from his spot at the doorframe until he was in Steve's space, then past him (though, not without a very thorough brush of their bodies). His still grease streaked fingers were nimble on the purple fabric that covered the scabbard of the Greatsword.
Steve watched with fascination as Eddie took in the dark leather covering a wood on the grip that would withstand actual battle (or so he'd been told, anyway). The sword was Damascus steel, swirling together to make a pattern that made the thick line of metal look even more regal. Eddie's eyes were all over the place, more than likely processing every one of the the details.
Eddie finally glanced at Steve with an open mouth before his excitement boiled over. "You bought me a sword? Oh man I'm gonna be so dangerous!" His voice was thick and rich like honey, the happiness in his words tangible.
They both marveled at the sword for a while longer, talking about details and specifics Eddie couldn't get enough of. Steve was happy to talk about the creation process he witnessed, absolutely anything to watch Eddie's eyes light up the way that they were. When there was nothing left to say on the matter, Steve leaned into Eddie's space, wrapping both arms around him. They shared a kiss, then Steve whispered "happy birthday, Eds," into the skin of Eddie's neck.
Strong hands on his cheeks had them eye to eye a moment later. "I love you, Steve." Eddie looked at him longingly, trying so desperately to portray just how much.
Grinning, because Steve already knew, he closed the space between them, whispering a low "I love you, too" before taking Eddie's lips again.
To say Eddie liked his present would've been an understatement. When the party came over for the next leg of the campaign following Eddie's birthday, each of them were told the tail of Eddie the Banished's Greatsword and the adventures he planned to take with it.
Steve made sure to corner Dustin in the kitchen later, elbowing him playfully in the side. He waited for the kid to look at him before smiling softly. "Thanks. For the help."
Dustin, ever the little shit, grinned triumphantly. "I know my dads well."
Prompts to Shake Things Up
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mistydeyes · 11 months
hii! i found you through the military personnel files post and saw the COD pairing thing on ur page so if its still open, i wanna request one, thanks! (feel free to ignore tho)
- she/her, INTP
im 5'8 with a warm, pale skintone, dark hair, short wolfcut (shoulder length) and a curvy ish body type, i play volleyball but am pretty lazy otherwise. usually im wearing streetwear (avg tomboy look LMAO) but i also sometimes switch it up for a more classy "businesswoman- esque" look or more feminine dressy stuff for occasions.
i draw, both digital and traditional, enjoy baking, looking up space facts, mythology stuff and videogames. i like making cutesy handmade gifts and trying out new things.
very socially awkward and shy but when i open up im chill overall but am that friend who does the most unhinged things (and i dont stfu) (childhood trauma gang). hope it wasnt tmi😭
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (a/n aww thanks for requesting! just wanted to say Kyle was 100% the biggest dork in the early 2000's and no one else can tell me otherwise)
How you met: Civilian At first, you and Kyle were online mutuals with a shared interest in games. He had seen your artwork before on the early days of DeviantArt and followed your artist journey to more modern platforms, including Instagram. What started at first as some comments and replies turned into daily calls and co-op video game playthroughs. Gazgar97 became you best internet friend and you planned to meet up at a gaming convention once you realized you both were growing up in the same area. When you arrived at the center, you were out of breath from rushing over. You looked around until you found someone around your age waiting at the designated meet up spot. "Kyle!" you called as you started to jog over and he turned to you with a wide smile. "Sorry I was late but it's so nice to actually meet in person," you said excitedly and he matched your enthusiasm. "Crazy we could both be here," he continued as you chatted and happily made your way to the entrance. Throughout the whole day, you both started to realize how well you two bantered with one another and how you were able to walk in such a comfortable silence. Maybe it was the way he cheered when he won at a silly little Mariocart competition but you began to wonder if this one time meet up would turn into something more.
A peek into your relationship: After kicking your boyfriend's ass in another round of Wii Sports, Kyle laid on the couch defeated. "That's 5-0, babe," you announced triumphantly as you put your head on his chest. "Whatever," he sarcastically said and placed a kiss on your temple. As you laid on his chest listening to his steady heart beat, you were at peace. "You know if we were a Greek myth we would be Atalanta and Hippomenes," you whispered after a few moments of silence. He chuckled and you could feel his chest rise before he responded. "I'm not sure I know that one," he said and you took this opportunity to tell him of one of the great love stories. "Well essentially Atalanta was known for her athleticism and there was a great footrace that no one could best her in. So the clever Hippomenes asked Aphrodite for three golden apples to distract her during the race. One by one, he strategically dropped the beautiful fruit and eventually beat her," you recounted and he looked at you, mystified. "So at the end of it, she accepted defeat and they became comrades in hunting rather than him making her upload traditional wife duties," you finished. He took a moment to think before replying. "I think we are but you have to let me win some games," he sighed before you laughed wildly and prepared for another match (that you would inevitably win).
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outcasting101 · 1 year
100 Mob Psycho x Jujutsu Kaisen
Im a big fan of both anime, I have an idea that I think make a good fanfic about Reigen Sensei isn't what he seem, a former of Jujutsu Sorcerer he carry that skill in world of Mob Psycho which explain his 'luck' surviving with his 'psychic', he may not have all the brain but he have the brawn. His not stupid, it just how he is, he long lost to care what other thinks
Reigen sensei isn't technically lying when he said he can't see ghost and ghoul. However he does have experince facing off a curse, same difference. He came from one a outcast clan - the moon of the three major Jujutsu Clan.
He came off a outcast ever since his birth, both of his parent were a star show for the family. A salvation in hope to be accepted back, but ever since his birth consider 'curse' itself, without hesitation both of his parent went away embracing the normally the best they could.
Reigen at least based on his childhood have always been trained, preparing for what he didnt know...til he was given a particular glases just to his liking. His first interaction was curse comes a shock he stumble falling on his butt, eye widened at the sight with fascination and weary. He never really sure his parent mission was real but here it is just through this glases.
He was ecstatic, who couldn't he can be a hero just like his admirable parent. Years after years training, he exceed every training - speed, agility, perception.
His childhood was estranged especially wearing the glasses despite his parent protest wanting their son to at least have childhood within ignorance of the horror surround humanity shadow. Being outcast was never as bad as he thought, sure kid was scared and times were called by their teacher due to his horrifying doodle. They misunderstood, Reigen did exactly what thye told how they individual see the world. Can't an artist draw?
Growing into his adolscent, the worst experince was seeing his father stumbling bloodied on his side of stomach, his mom in hand holding his shoulder rushing to get into the car to...hearing it right Jujutsu Kaisen.
Maybe it was adrenaline but his parent didnt protest, even look scared for him to be left alone. Reigen expeirnce with blood was natural but this was real - his father is dying. This enfueles his mission to become a Jujutsu Soccerer.
Sneaking off exploring, isolated meeting with a white heard dude, they could get along; and a blond hair who loves bread and money, Reigen can relate. He barge within principal office begged him to allow him enrolled in this amazing school. If he couldn't get within normal school, magic school, should be better, right?
Facing off that stupid green bear, he did it batter and bruises he still hold on...
"I get to see, something, something no one else can't see. Why should I unsee it, when it call seem to fun, so new"
"So your reason just to fill in your fantasy"
"I mean, is there any more reason I should know" Both hand on hips, with his eye serious toward the principle. His face scrowl slightly fire with determination.
"At least your honest" Sight the principle, standing up smiling proudly. "Welcome to Jujutsu Highschool, this isn't everyday to get person with no curse acceoted within this school. We can prepare you cursed weapon and glases-"
"No thanks, this is just fine" Clicking showed his steal thine glasses. Smiling proudly. "never go out without this"
"Your parent must raise you proudly of their heritage"
"haha you got it right Sensei, there is never a day without curse story on dinner plate. So where do I start"
"Heh, Welcome to hell kid, better get used to it". Voice have not change from his monotone introduction, weird way to joke.
"I was born ready"
He was successful, showing proudly of his steeled glasses up his eye, managing to the grumpy cat - Nanami butcher knife. Reigen chosen. He chosen knukle, both gold shine pride on the higest sun. Training was harsh but thanks to his parent, he was flying by the win.
That was until, a mission killed them, death was very common, every week, at least one...Reigen was fine, both side clunches but he was fine, he was completely.
87% before murder rave.
Reigen was smart, he knew protest and action was in vain. At least - at least he can at least see the autopsy of his parent and find whatever curse they were battling.
At night sky show the moon in blue express it deapest adolences more than anyone Reigen associated with. His friend was busy set off with month mission, he can;t blame them with thier curse they are sure to overthrow him. He wasn't jelous, he knew the limitation he have wihout curse technique, at least he have some good muscle.
Better muscle and magic he always say.
While sliding within the higher house listening intensly at the group of senior bickering and debating... His parent, a set up, they THEY!
The taste of death was vague, never he have thought he would have life within his finger tips. The were tough, more would come. Reigen
Working within the Cooler company was something else, as he suspected - booring. He really really rather die, and that saying something considering where is is form. Where the victim is better of straight to death door than whatever meticulous action curse are capable of interfering human natural life.
Starting og a medium with his carefree attitude he learn to facade. better to seem dumb to get issue off than stand out and be the target of everyone pressure. Well choosing this job was as not exactly fun, at least he got payed. it not like he's hurting everyone, no one wanted a explanation they wanted superticion. An ignorant mind cannot be open unless one's allow it so.
So why not play by their rule, that until he met Mob. A good kid, good for exploiting too. Can you blame him quick money mean quick treat for both of them. Reigen gotten quite the bond, could even say teen sitter.
He met claw, he beat the shit out of them. he wasn't stupid he can feel the power flow surround him, knwoing Mob power it didn't surprise him.
Evil again Evil, there he gamble his 'luck' and oblivious attitude to go within life until the day he die.
Plus, that red guy bought him a guy another cowoker to work with, with Mob he is sure adulthood woudl be one hell of a crisis. He rather to have Mob to have a smooth transistion.
Teen stage is hard going to adulthood is another problem to solve.
He was satisfied, satisfied with his profound business family. He was glad he could say be can die from it -
On the break he encounter Jujutsu messenger requesting him to enroll in hope his school, to exercise curse - a real curse. Why angrily, he shaken from anger and even fear.
Both his past brought up during his mission, ignoring the stranger and worry stare from his found family. he rather not have them within his conflicted life.
"Sensei, who was that man"
"Si-sir wouldn't you rather talk about it with us, you know...you can trust us"
"What are you hiding dimwhip"
Reigen staring at his desk, his head support both hardm intertwine on his forhead. He was sweating his eye in motion coping his overflowing anger. Focusing his head up with his busines smile, so welcoming, so fake - having them give him peace; a little bit nontheless.
"Ah nothing, have a breack you thre. Pay here consider this a bonus from your hard work"
The bucket head kid, eye shown hiddenw orry despite his monoton voice. "But sensei you told us, we have alot of clie-
"Ah Ah, not to worry. With my amazing psychic, you all will be only in my way. Pushing them three off. He there stand alone, sunken feeling surround a room that seem to stretch endlessly. Reigen was shaking no longer can hold it anymore, he rather have it all taken to those monster instead. Vision transition to the blood splatters, yells and anger surround him. Reigen thrown himself at the sit, sighing he should be preparing right now.
He was prepare to go to Tokyo, what else do you think he was investing all the money. He knew no matter how much he run...he can at least leave a final paycheck for them all to continue to inherit his buisiness. they can get of hang of it Reigen thought, smiling sadly, he leaves a note, he reather not have sobbing goodbye, or even nevermind.
Nothing woudl matter once he step into the other world. What he didnt take account is the ammount of care his messy family may or may not track him down determine to not let hims get away his life scot free without a proper explanation even adopt into the new world of the Jujutsu Kaisen.
Look like this useless Sensei would have his follower face the danger by his side. he can finnaly be derseving of standing them on the frontgate of humanity shadow.
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geekfanficwriter · 2 years
Hey I hope your going to have a good day!
I was wondering if you could ship me with someone from Stranger Things?
I am a female korean who is 4'11 (im not a child i swear just short) I have black shaggy medium length hair. It's kinda like a wolf cut but with a side part. I have pale skin and wear black circle glasses. I'm about 98 pounds and pretty small ahem chest area. Also a Pisces.

I'm a shy distant person and very awkward at first. But get to know me i can be sorta funny and goofy. Also a bit weird i try not being to annoying or bother some so thats why sometimes im distant. I tend to over think things and my relationships with people. I have major social anxiety and ADHD well im not that hyper anymore but still i space off, get distracted, forget alot of things, and cant sit still sometimes. i'm a feminist to the core! I have mommy issues and im very insecure about myself. Also my scars from things on my body. Im adopted from korea now with a german family. Im often a target for bullying and im pretty clumsy.  Can be oblivious and childish.
Some of the things i like to do is drawing and painting. I also play video games a lot (im sorta a nerd). I love listening to music you can always find me with earbuds in. My music taste is all over the place only thing i wont listen to is country. I mostly listen to vintage, indie, piano, metal, and rock. I play dnd still to this day i first did as a kid. I love reading comics or poetry. I love gardening well most of the time.
I can be such a hopeless romantic sometimes in my opinion daydreaming about my crush or people. I would be the type of partner to draw you stuff or make a playlist for you. I love cuddling, hugs, hand holding, and drawing on your hand if you let me. I always thinking of gifts to give my partner when i have one.
You didn’t specify a gender you wanted for your ship so I’m just going to assume you don’t mind either gender!
So I ship you with…
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Okay so first of all you mentioned that you play DnD so obviously you’d get on well with Eddie. I sort of him struggling to understand that a girl likes DnD and comic books (because it was the 80s) but he’s definitely open to idea and pretty quickly accepts you into the group. Of course, the more you showed your nerdy side to him, the more he would fall for you. It definitely wouldn’t take long for him to just be looking at you with heart eyes especially once he found out you also listened to metal music.
As someone with ADHD myself, I 100% read Eddie as also having ADHD and so I think once he saw you opening up and becoming more goofy and weird with him, he would definitely match that energy. I can imagine the two of you together would just constantly be bouncing off each other’s energies and encouraging the other to act more and more childish. I think he needs someone in his life who understands why he acts the way he does and doesn’t judge him.
I don’t think Eddie particularly cares about the height of his girlfriend but he would definitely be so sweet with a shorter girl. I could imagine him just constantly cuddling up to you and resting his head on top of yours. He would definitely tease you for your height but it would be in a sweet way. Just letting your know how much he loved how tiny you were next to him.
Once you opened up to Eddie about your bullying he would be very understanding and completely protective of you. He would make sure that no one ever said anything about you and god help them if they did cause he would absolutely reign hell over them. He understands that you’re your own person who can protect themselves but he absolutely just wouldn’t be able to help himself from protecting you (although he would totally apologise after if you were annoyed with him and beg you for forgiveness).
Playlists! Eddie would 100% make you mixtapes of all the songs that reminded him of you. Every time he got a new album he would listen through it for songs he could play to show you how much he loved you. Not only would he make you playlists but he would also write you songs. He would regularly rush you through to his room and grab his acoustic guitar, playing these songs that he had written about you and then looking at you with those big brown eyes to see if you liked it.
I think Eddie would struggle with accepting gifts as it’s not something he was used to but he would slowly get used to it, especially if your love language was gift giving and he knew it made you happy. He would definitely prefer small gifts, like his favourite chocolate bar or food you’d made yourself. Although if you gave him flowers, especially ones grown in your own garden he would probably cry and hug you.
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trouble-in-space · 2 years
Hi! I'd like a stranger things & the outsiders ship pls!
zodiac is cancer I prefer men (no one under 19 pls) I like many different types of music like rock/pop/indie/alt! my hobbies are cooking drawing writing and playing d&d listening to music and reading fantasy books and tarot cards! I like magic n I like collecting random weird stuff from time to time like useful junk or rocks/gems or even flowers about my appearance Im an arab girl so I have black almond shaped eyes I have bushy eyebrows and I got curly black short hair with bangs I have a small cut scar on my upper lip and have two beauty mark on both my cheeks I have slightly higher cheek bones and have wide full lips I'm short n have a big chest I got hip dips I wear sharp eyeliner and dark eyeshadow i wear lots of jewelry n earrings and piercings (like nose rings) my sense of fashion changes a lot so one day I'm a rock punk chick and other I look like a hippie or a witch and sometimes I look preppy If I feel like it! I also wear dark traditional dark henna and have tattoos constellation on my arm n back with a crescent moon on my nape
Some personal stuff! I have ADHD and on the spectrum! so i talk a lot and fidget I need people to be upfront with me cuz I won't get it until you say it I'm sensitive to sound and touch and I'm an emotional person I'm told that I'm super smart and sassy Im also very kind and understanding but ruthless and cold when I'm angry I think I'm funny but I have a strange n dark sense of humor also I ramble a lot about my interests so I infodump a lot but I get insecure about it and stay quiet so I won't annoy anyone or say something I'm not supposed to say... Im not good with people but I'm good with art and writing so I use that to relate or empress people I don't mind being alone I like my own company but I wish I can speak without feeling scared that I might say or do something inappropriate or weird or cutting someone off it's exhausting to not fidget or fiddle my hands or move around and I don't always look people in the eye not out of disrespect but i get distracted a lot but sometimes I can still hear the person even if I don't look at them! Im lazy and sleep a lot but if it's something I care about I get passionate and excited and make weird happy sounds! and jump a lot!
here are some characters I kin to help u understand me more!
(Wanda maximoff/Bruce banner /will byers/jinx from arcane/entrapta from shera/Phoebe buffay/princess bubblegum/Anne Shirley/ Klaus from the umbrella academy) I hope this helps! thank you!
Hi love! I love your style btw!<3
Stranger Things:
I’m getting Steve Harrington vibes! (i’m pretty sure he’s like 19-20?) He would love you’re personal style and the duality of it. He’d ask you to teach him how to cook, it would quickly become his favorite thing to do with you. If he’s out somewhere and sees like interesting jewelry or something else that reminds him of you. he’s 100% buying it for you. Steve’s best friends with Robin so he’s used to rambling and infodumping, he always enjoys listening especially when it’s you. He understands and respects your insecurities and shyness(referring to when you said your not good with people) and he’ll help you work through them but only if you’re comfortable with that!
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The Outsiders:
Darry! He’d just adore you! The Curtis house will be covered with your artwork. You’ll often catch him staring at your henna and tattoos, he just finds them so beautiful. He’s always upfront with you because communication is key to him. Sometimes he might be a little to forward/mean about things but he’ll always come to his senses and comfort you. He’s a quieter person compared to the rest of them so he’ll make sure the boys quiet down some when you’re around. His favorite thing in the world is to see you get excited about something you’re passionate about!
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I hope you like these!!<33
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altrice · 9 months
hi! your art is so cool and I really love the texture of your art as well!
I was wondering, since you said you take requests for art, what do you think of anshiho in tats? I lovee thinking about how they would grow up, maybe get some little meaningful tats, maybe some sleeves! I feel like an would be one of those behind the ear tattoo kinda gals and shiho would definitely cover her arms, but I’m curious to hear (and maybe see?) your interpretation!!
Much love to you!!
im in the middle of a tbhk style anshiho rn so ill probably draw that tomorrow maybe? but i can tell you my thought on it now for sure🌟
i think an would actually have quite a few, probably just because she'd be used to seeing a lot of people with tattoos/piercings/etc. from living on vivid street (theoretically, as people in japan dont really have a lot of tattoos) but i think she wouldnt be the type to be totally covered... she'd have lots of little stars in various places ,keeping with her theme of the earrings and clips and hair, and maybe a few larger ones in less painful areas if theyre very cool or meaningful. i feel like she'd maybe even try a stick and poke? and i do like the behind the ear, thats super cute. as for piercings (you didnt mention them but im telling you anyways) she wouldnt have any mouth/tongue ones bc of her singing but would MAYBE get a nose? idk if she's that kinda gal. but definitely quite a few ear piercings. i usually draw her with an industrial and double lobes on one side and double helix and double lobes on the other. also maybe a belly button...?
shiho would probably have a lot lolz. they'd 100% have a leo/need tattoo if the au took place where they were still in it, and maybe even if they weren't. i think they'd probably have a few meaningful tattoos (like one for an, shizuku, bass, etc.) but would also be the type to just. get new ones if they were exceptionally bored. they aren't really the type to worry about appearances so they wouldn't mind having visible ones, and would have some kind of sleeve, something on their waist or hip, and maybe some leg ones... ill think more about it when im drawing it but. yeah. piercing wise- i LOVE LOVE drawing them with snakebites and an eyebrow piercing. also some ear piercings, maybe very small gauges? im not a huge gauge guy tho. uhh thats all i have tbh ill draw this soon 🙏thank you so much again
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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formulawonu · 3 years
flutters / mick schumacher
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(not my gif! creds to owner <3)
warning: kissing, getting a little touchy,, and just being flustered idk
summary: *requested by @gpiggy98​ <3* mick has just finished an intense race and you’re the only person he really wants to be around at the moment since you’re his best friend. you’ve secretly liked him for a while now and offer/give him a massage to cool down after the race and you can’t help but get flustered at the intimacy of the moment.
a/n: honestly. what would i give to have mick as my best friend. what would i give to basically have mick in my life. FOR REAL. ugh mick schumacher supremacy. anw i didnt know how to end this one properly so idk if im 100% satisfied but it was fun writing hsjakdhasd but enjoy anyway x (i’m always open to requests btw!!!!)
It’s the end of the Hungarian Grand Prix and you feel like you can finally breathe properly after a couple of hours. You’d think you’d have gotten used to going through race weekends by now but you always seem to find your breath caught in your throat and worrying over the safety of your best friend. Mick had finished in p12 - his current best finish throughout the season - and you were extremely proud of him. Despite how well he did defending from other cars on the field in the car he has, you can tell from the way his brows furrow together after removing his helmet that he’s far from satisfied. Watching him go through the procedure after each race required by the FIA from the garage, you decide to make your way back to the hospitality in order to not get into anyone’s way. You figured that you would just talk to Mick when he was free and tell him proud you are of him. What you were not expecting was Mick to show up at the hospitality earlier than you had expected, his body language clearly still tense, and motioning you with just his head to follow him up to his assigned driver’s room. He doesn’t really stop to wait for you or anything because he knows you understand that he doesn’t want to be around a lot of people right now. It leaves you feeling pleased that you’re still the one he wants to talk to. Perks of being his best friend.
“Hey, you.” You say as you enter Mick’s room, shutting the door behind you. You stand there for a while, leaning against the door as you take in Mick sitting down on the couch, his eyes shut with his head thrown back. His hair is all messy from wearing his helmet but it looks good anyway. You knew this wasn’t the right time to be thinking it, but you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t acknowledge how Mick made looking stressed extremely attractive. Sexy, even. Mick pops open one eye as he lazily looks at you. “I’m so frustrated.” He mumbles. He then pats the space beside him, telling you to come sit beside him. You make your way to the couch and plop down beside him, trying not to mind the way your heart beats faster as the distance between you both has marginally decreased. Immediately after and without warning, Mick drops his head on your lap. You want to blame the lack of AC for the sudden rise of temperature in the room you’re both in, but you know that the heat is really just rising in your cheeks as you imagine how close Mick is to your body. “I’m so tired.” He continues, shutting his eyes again. You can’t stop the way your heart is rapidly beating inside of your chest and you wouldn’t be surprised if Mick could actually hear it. The vibrations that come from Mick’s voice run through your whole body, leaving you to slightly shift your thighs closer together. You bring your hands to run through his hair, hoping to distract yourself from your own thoughts by giving him a small massage. Mick hums in response. You rub small circles into his temples, picturing him doing the same thing to you in another area of your body. You have to stop yourself there. You seriously cannot be thinking about this while you’re trying to distract yourself from the fact that Mick, your best friend, is all hot and sweaty. Well, there’s always points for trying. 
You don’t realize you’ve stopped the small massage you were giving him until you feel Mick’s hand grip your knee. “Why’d you stop? That felt so good.” The heat rushes to your cheeks and you can feel Mick’s eyes on your face. You can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes because you’re flustered at how dirty your thoughts had gotten because of a few words Mick had muttered in passing. The fact that his hand was still on your knee also did not help your case. It was something you had come to terms with a while ago: you deeply liked your best friend - that was why you were acting like this around him. You had tried your best to ignore the fuzzy feelings that came up every time you thought of him or the way your stomach would drop whenever he was around. You tried to deny and cover it up by saying you just really appreciated him as a person, but you eventually gave in and realized it was pointless to fight your feelings. It didn’t matter anyway. Mick was still your best friend, regardless of whatever feelings you had for him. 
“Oh. Sorry.” You mutter, still refusing to look at him as you try to will the heat in your cheeks to disappear. You knew not to make eye contact with Mick because those damn eyes knew you almost better than you knew yourself so meeting them would just spell out disaster for you. He would figure out something was off immediately. You begin moving your hands again through Mick’s hair, kneading in a new pattern. Your eyes land on the hand still resting on your knee. You focus on it as you continue to massage Mick when suddenly it begins to draw circles of its own nearer your inner thigh. Your breath hitches in your throat and you accidentally tug at Mick’s hair because of your unguarded reaction to his hand. You quickly look at his face to see if he’s felt that (though surely he has) and you find yourself looking into a pair of amused eyes. There’s a hint of playfulness in them as he’s probably made the connection that you are... well... currently going through it. “You okay, there?” He whispers, raising an eyebrow at you. You try to play it off, as you usually do. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I-” His hand moves higher up and you involuntarily pause. “-be.” You swallow and desperately try to focus on anything else but the hand that is now closer to you than you had ever imagined it to be. How white the wall is, how cool Mick’s helmet is, how comfortable the couch is. Mick suddenly shifts his position and the hand on your thigh disappears. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in. The place where Mick’s hand once was now feels incredibly bare. Mick is still moving around until he’s positioned himself to be facing you, still lying down, with his head propped up by his hand. The arm propping his head up is over your legs - suddenly, you feel like you’ve fallen into a dangerous trap. 
“Hey there.” He whispers, smiling at you with those damn eyes filled with amusement. Like he knows. “Hi?” His free hand moves to trace lines up and down your arm. Goosebumps immediately come and you shiver. He smiles even wider, noting the way your body has unintentionally reacted to his touch. “Are you cold?” He continues to run a finger up and down your arm, mindlessly drawing his own patterns. His eyes never leaving yours. You know you should be answering him now, replying with anything really, but his hand has made its way back down and is now drawing circles on the part of your thigh he’s resting on. “Am- Am I what?” You ask, not remembering what he’s just said a few seconds ago. Your eyes move to glance at Mick’s hand then back to his face. Mick then fully sits up, this time lifting your legs to rest over his lap. “Something’s bothering you.” He says, gently turning your chin to have you face him. Your eyes land on his lips before you meet his eyes. “Not at all. I am just peachy.” He chuckles as you inwardly cringe, knowing full well that you didn’t sound convincing at all. What were you supposed to do when his other hand was now drawing those same distracting circles this time on your side. You had never been this close with Mick. You weren’t supposed to be this close to Mick. His eyes drop to your lips. “Can I try something to get whatever it is off your mind?” He whispers. You nod before you can think about what he’s just offered, too taken by how Mick’s face seems to be inching ever so closely to yours by the second. Your eyes flutter shut when you feel the touch of another pair of lips on yours. It starts out slow, almost shy, as if he’s checking to make sure you’re okay with what’s happening. But then you pull him closer to you, slightly parting your lips to invite him in. Your hands make their way around his neck and tugging at the ends of his hair. The pace has suddenly shifted and Mick has lifted you on top of him, letting you straddle him as he now moves his hands up and down the sides of your body. 
There was no way this was actually happening. All you wanted to do a couple of moments ago was tell Mick how proud you were of him. You push your body closer to his, trying to eliminate the almost nonexistent space between the two of you. Mick moans in your mouth, his hands gripping your waist tighter. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you for so long.” He says in between kisses. He’s trailing kisses down your jaw then your neck. “Me too. You have no idea.” You breathe into his ear. You’re about to kiss him again when suddenly you hear a knock at the door. You both pause, looking at each other wide-eyed. 
“Mick, it’s Guenther. We need to debrief quickly. Won’t take long, I swear.” You slowly move off of Mick, trying not to make noise. You were sure no one thought you guys were doing anything weird anyway but you didn’t want to be caught looking like it. Mick is still sitting next to you, both of you trying not to laugh. It’s almost like he doesn’t want Guenther to think he’s in the room. “Mick,” You hear knocks coming from the other side of the door. “The earlier we start, the quicker you can get back. Hi to Y/N, who is in there too.” You both burst out laughing, the jig obviously up. Mick finally gets up, chuckling and accepting he has to go and start debriefing. 
“I’ll see you when I get back. Still need to get that thing off of your mind.” He says, winking at you as he steps out of the room. 
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atlabeth · 3 years
hold onto me (im a little unsteady) - sokka x reader
i was listening to the song when i came up w this so feel free to listen to that if you want
summary: a late night with sokka reminds you that even on the worst days, you always have someone in your corner.
a/n: lmao this is 100% self indulgent i have no excuses. my parents are getting divorced and almost every time they're together they argue and so this is just a comfort fic after it happened again tonight bc GD i wish i had a sokka. this one goes out to all my divorce babies or people with parents that never stop arguing. you are very loved<3
wc: 1.7k, this got away from me lol
warning(s): mentions of parents arguing n shit, like the tiniest mentions of implying sex and problems with consent (in general, not with them), but this is all fluff
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hey. i know you’re probably asleep right now but could you come over?
It was far too late at night when you sent the text. A question asked on a whim, an offer that would most likely go ignored due to the boy on the other end being asleep.
But goddammit, you really didn’t care. Even if he didn’t respond, just hitting ‘send’ made you feel slightly better. You had already taken refuge in one of the sweatshirts he had left at your house (read: one that you had stolen and refused to give back) and as your eyes fell on the glow of the digital clock on your bedside table, you were once again reminded of how stupid this was.
But you heard the telltale buzz of a notification and all but lunged for your phone, an uncontrollable smile tugging on your lips. You didn’t know why you ever doubted him.
sokka💙: you know i never sleep babe
sokka💙: a curse of my genius
sokka💙: im omw
you’re the best thank you love<3
A pair of fuzzy socks and a refilled water bottle later, you heard the sound of something hitting your window. Though you tensed up at first, a roll of your eyes was all it took before you remembered just who you had invited over. Another smile took over as you pushed yourself off of your bed, pushing the curtains aside in time to see another pebble hit the pane.
A physical effort took place to stifle the laugh as you pushed your window up, and you leaned against the sill on your elbows to get a better look at your ridiculous boyfriend.
“Throwing rocks at my window? I think I’m stuck in a bad romcom.”
He grinned and let the remaining pebbles fall to the ground. “It’s what’s to be expected from your Prince Charming, right? Besides, I’m assuming that your parents wouldn’t just let me walk through the front door at this hour.”
You felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Just the sight of Sokka was always enough to make you feel better, and tonight was no exception. The vice on your heart was already starting to loosen. “Right as usual. Think you’ll catch me if I jump?”
He laughed and made a show of looking up and down the distance and then at his arms. “I’d like to say so, but I think we’d have better luck if I climb up.”
“You sure you can do that, big guy?” you asked with a teasing grin. He rolled his eyes with the same sentiment.
“Of course I can. I just thank nature that there’s a tree so close to your window. It’s saved me from a lot of embarrassing falls.”
You chuckled and backed away from the window, the slight chill from the night air beginning to get to you. “I’ll leave you to it while I get things ready.”
Truth be told, your room was a total mess at the moment. You knew Sokka wouldn’t care, especially not now, but it put you slightly more at ease to have something in your life that you could control. You were in the middle of shoving some previously strewn-about clothes into your closet when you heard the click of your window closing. When you turned around, you were met with your boyfriend’s smiling face.
“You’re so pretty,” you murmured as you walked over to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you kissed him lightly on the lips, unable to stop the blossoming smile nor the warmth that the action gave you. “Thank you for being here.”
“Of course.” The softness of his words were in stark contrast to the joking bravado from only minutes earlier, and as you stepped away from his embrace and pushed yourself onto your bed, he joined you on the other side. “And not that I’m not happy to be here, but I just wanna know. What’s going on?”
You sighed, letting one leg hang off the bed as you tucked the other in. It was a testament to Sokka’s power how quickly he had gotten you to forget about the new mess of the night. “The usual showing of fuckall and fuckup. I’m more impressed by how they never run out of things to scream at each other about.”
Your bad joke didn’t get a laugh out of him, which you were secretly glad for. Instead, he snaked an arm around your back and tugged you closer, a contented sigh falling from your lips as you nestled your head into the space between his shoulder and his head. “I’m sorry,” he murmured. “You know it’s not your fault, right?”
The phrase had gone in one ear and out the other more times than you could count from your parents, but each time Sokka said it, the words held a different weight. You knew it wasn’t your fault in the first place, but guilt didn’t care all that much for logic. You knew he meant it though, and once more the vice loosened.
“I know. But it still helps to hear it.” You glanced up at him, reaching a hand up to twist a loose strand of his hair around your finger. “You should wear your hair down more often,” you mused. “It makes you look like a prince.”
He chuckled, amusement glinting through his ocean eyes. “I did say I was your Prince Charming, didn’t I?”
You smiled, slowly uncurling his hair from your finger. “Yeah.”
“That means I’ll always be there for you. Especially to save my royal from their evil stepparents.”
Another laugh bubbled in your chest at that, and you leaned closer into him. “Thank you. The more I visit your place, the more I want your family to be mine. Hakoda is like, the nicest man I’ve ever met, and your mom? She actually makes me want to cry with how sweet she is. I think I know where you get it from.”
He grinned and bumped your leg with his own. “You know you’re welcome over there any time. But maybe you shouldn’t — I think my mom might actually adopt you with how much she loves you. That… that would be really weird.”
His joy was infectious as you planted another kiss on his cheek, something that earned you a, as you liked to call it, dazzling Signature Sokka Smile. “I’ll make sure she holds off on the adoption papers for now.”
“I’d like that.”
And though the happiness you felt at the moment was almost overwhelming, that was just what caused that tiny sliver of doubt to come in. When people invited their partners over at three in the morning, it usually wasn’t to sit on the bed and talk about their problems. It was… it was for more, and you didn’t want that right now. And because you were an expert at it, you decided to put your foot in your mouth and start talking.
“I— I’m sorry that I called you over here so late, for no reason. I know you probably expected something else than me ranting, but…” you sighed, drawing your knees closer to your chest as you brought your other hand to Sokka’s resting on your shoulder. “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea.”
He sighed at that, but you knew it wasn’t one of disappointment. “You know I’m here for you. I don’t care if you just want to sit in silence for the next five hours while we stare at the wall, or if you want to watch sappy rom coms until your eyes bleed. I’m more than okay with staying like this. I didn’t come over here because I expected anything from you — I came over here because you needed me, and so I’m here.” Sokka smiled, an image you didn’t think would ever stop making you melt, and intertwined your hand with his. “This is perfect. You’re perfect.”
You were so stunned at the brazen declaration that your voice got stuck in your throat for a moment, holding back tears. (Happy tears. They were never anything other than happy tears with Sokka.) It hit you then that you didn’t really know what it was like having someone get close to you without an ulterior motive.
“Thank you,” you murmured after a moment of comfortable silence. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You knew he was smiling, even without having to look up at him. You could hear it in his voice, feel it in the kiss he pressed to your hairline.
A comfortable silence hung in the air for a long time until you broke it. “You know… my dad kinda ran off to a motel for the night after this whole thing, and my mom leaves early in the morning. If you were serious about those rom coms…” You allowed the unsaid question of staying the night to fester so Sokka knew he could say no if he wanted to, but he didn’t even hesitate.
“Of course I was serious. I mean, I’ve gotta get the ideas for our future wedding from somewhere.”
You laughed, a sentiment that had occurred more times in the ten minutes he had been here than the past week, and picked the remote for your little box TV off of your bedside table. You clicked through various movies until you found one Sokka liked, and then you cuddled deeper into his side to prepare for the ride you had ahead of you.
Thirty minutes into 27 Dresses, he had fallen asleep, arm still around you and one of his legs slightly intertwined with one of your own. But it’s not like you minded — the familiar weight of Sokka in your bed had caused all your worries to melt away, if only for the night.
You didn’t expect him to last past the first movie, but you were sure you would at least get through until Katherine Heigl got the man. But there was an overwhelming feeling of safety permeating the air with Sokka’s arms around you, and you ended up knocked out before she could even get through all twenty seven dresses.
It wasn’t lost on you how fortunate you were — he didn’t expect anything like that from you, he just wanted you to be safe. He was there for you. You would never understand how you had gotten so lucky with your boyfriend, but you would never stop being grateful for him.
this is the most self indulgent thing ive ever written and i am NOT sorry
perm tags: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin @maruchan77
atla tags: @marianne1806 @brown-eyed-thang @akiris
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jimlingss · 3 years
(sorry my tumblr app glitched so im not sure if this was sent twice) taking a chance for the requests! how about a seokjin or namjoon arranged marriage au with this: “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” 🎄 happy holidays!!
↳ Playground Promises
1.9k || 100% Light Fluff || Kim Seokjin
The bell rings.
Moments later, children are sprinting from the doors and flooding the playground. You watch in fondness as some climb the monkey bars while others sit and dig into the sandbox. All of them were forging their first friendships they’ll remember forever and you were their witness.
This is one of your favourite times of day. You enjoy seeing the kids have their fun, listening to their laughter and giggles, watching their games of tag to play pretend. But today, your enjoyment is interrupted by a certain male teacher that comes to stand behind you.
Tall. Dark. And handsome. His broad shoulders carry the weight of the third-grade class and practically the entire elementary school. But you’d never admit that out loud.
“It’s a bit chilly out today. You should’ve brought your coat with you.”
You hum.
Every staff member, married and single, swoons over Kim Seokjin. It’s hard not to. But if others knew what your relationship was with him, you’re sure you’d never hear the end of it. The kids would make a big fuss and so would all the staff and faculty, and you’d rather avoid that.
“I didn’t know you were on playground duty today.”
“I switched with Sana,” he says and leans over to smile. “Thought you could use some company.”
You scoff. “She’s perfectly fine company.”
The corner of his plump lip pulls. “If you want to talk about the mathletes program. And I’m pretty sure you don’t.”
Before you can respond, a boy approaches the two of you with pink cheeks and wind-swept hair. “Mr. Kim, can I go to the bathroom?” the third-grader asks in the midst of catching his breath and the older man nods.
“Go ahead. But don’t run in the hallway, Lucas.” 
Said boy grins and dashes off.
Seokjin turns to you and lowers his voice. “My mom’s been asking about the kids.”
Your brows furrow. “Why? They’re a good bunch.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I don’t mean your class’ kids, I mean our kids.”
You blink owlishly. “There are no our kids.”
“That’s the problem.”
You sigh and roll your eyes. “Wasn’t getting married enough for them?”
Seokjin shrugs with a faint, mischievous smile. “They want to go out for brunch with your parents this Sunday. Are you free?”
“When am I not free?” you retort lightly, but slip your phone out of your pocket to check your calendar anyhow. Seokjin glances over to your screen and once you finish, you slip it back into your pocket. “I have some marking to do, but I’ll probably finish by then.”
“Okay.” The pair of you turn back to continue monitoring the children playing and you’re glad to revel in the silence that’s been created between you. But after a beat, Kim Seokjin pipes up again. You don’t know why you’re surprised. He’s quite the talkative guy. “Hey, Y/N.”
You look over and he meets your eye.
He asks, “Am I your lock screen?”
Your face heats. If you were once cold, now you were warm from head to toe. “You weren’t supposed to see that,” you mumble. It was just a picture from the other day and you wanted to change things up on your phone. You had nothing else to use. It was convenient. That’s it.
Your entire relationship with him is built on convenience. At least...on his side it is.
Still, Seokjin grins and fortunately, he doesn’t tease.
You rush to change the subject. “A-Anyway, yeah, Sunday works for me. But we should probably talk about this after work.”
“Why? No one’s around.” His smile is spread from ear to ear and he leans in, whispering, “Are you that scared of people finding out we’re married?”
Immediately, you whip your head in all directions. Luckily, there’s no kid or nosy faculty member. You turn back to him, glaring. “I already said, I like to keep my private life under wraps.”
“I remember. But if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were embarrassed of me.”
You scoff and a murmur unintentionally spills out of you, “That’s impossible.”
You don’t notice Seokjin’s smile.
It’s been three months since you got married. It was a summer wedding. More importantly, it was an arranged marriage. And not because you were both wealthy and needed to be wedded to get the inheritance under some arbitrary contract rule or because it was your grandmother’s dying wish. No. You live a much more mundane, normal life than the dramas, movies and books.
It was your mom who threw a fuss. She was scared you’d be alone and unmarried, an old maid like your aunt — you didn’t say it, she just heavily implied it. But following her practically senile meltdown, you agreed. Partly to appease her worries and partly just out of curiosity.
You always wanted to get married. And deep down, you always wanted your own kids. But at the rate you were going, you had a feeling you wouldn’t be able to meet someone on your own.
What you didn’t expect on that blind date was for the other person to be Kim Seokjin, third grade teacher. Down the hall from you at the school. Someone across the room every lunchtime. Your dads were apparently long time colleagues, but Jin was still as equally shocked as you were during that first meeting. Yet, he easily agreed to getting married when you brought it up. Even when it was only after two months of occasionally seeing one another outside of your workplaces.
You still don’t know why he said yes.
“Ms. L/N!”
You’re torn out of your trance by a little girl at your knees. 
She pouts. “Jennie won’t let me play on the slide!”
“Did you ask her to share?”
Before any more can be said, she drags you over and Seokjin trails after you. There’s another girl with brown braided hair climbing on the slide, and she swivels her head over as the two of you approach, eyes the size of saucers. 
“Are you taking turns, Jennie?” you ask her, and she vigorously nods.
“I am!”
“Well, you’ve been on it for a while. How about Lisa takes a turn next.”
“Okay,” she draws out and gets off of the slide before turning to her friend. “Here you go.”
It’s always little problems you have to solve — from sharing to knee scrapes and monkey bar accidents. Sometimes it’s difficult for the children to compromise, difficult for them to apologize and difficult for you to find a good solution. But you undoubtedly wish your own issues were this simple.
While you’re stuck in your thoughts, you miss Jin watching you fondly. 
“You’re good with kids,” he says as you move out of the way of running children and walk back to the perimeter.
“I wouldn’t be doing this job if I wasn’t. But I deal with older kids much better.” There’s a reason you teach fifth graders and not any lower than that. Seokjin knows it too.
“Remember when we had to supervise that kindergarten class together?”
You shudder. “It was a nightmare.”
“You weren’t that bad,” he tries to say but then laughs. You feign a glare, and he adds on, “Okay. I’m sorry, but I still mean it. It’s not as terrible as you thought. You’d make a good mom.” 
At that, your glare vanishes in favour of furrowing brows. You really shouldn’t, but you can’t help it when curiosity pries — so you break your own rule against discussing private matters at work. 
“Do you want my kids?”
Seokjin is wide-eyed and he turns to you. “Why not? We’re married.”
“But? Do you not want kids?” 
“No! I definitely want them,” you declare, almost a bit too boldly. He nods and you explain, “It’s just...I don’t know if you’re serious.”
Seokjin blinks. “I’m being perfectly serious.”
“I mean I don’t know if we’re serious.” You add, “Enough to have kids.”
“What’s more serious than being married?” Jin has a genuinely inquisitive and amused expression, head quirked to the side. 
You inhale a sharp breath and his gaze coaxes you to go on, so you do. “It’s just that you agreed so quickly to be married to me. It doesn’t….feel real. I don’t know if you wanted to marry me, if you did it on a whim, if this is some kind of joke—”
He frowns. “This isn’t a joke, Y/N. I wanted to marry you.”
Your mouth hangs open. Your eyes are rounded.
“Mrs. L/N!” You’re interrupted by your fifth-grader, Park Jimin. He sprints to you, huffing and puffing, before leaning his hands onto his knees to catch his breath. “Have you seen Taehyung?! We’re playing tag!”
“No, I haven’t.”
Jin suddenly points to the left. “He went that way.”
Jimin books it.
Silence fills the spaces between you and Seokjin again, but it isn’t like normal. It’s filled with unanswered questions and the suspenseful cliffhanger of an unfinished conversation. The laughter of kids on the playground and field resound around you, but for the first time, you don’t listen to it. 
It fades into the background as you turn to Seokjin, wanting to know more. “What did you just say?”
The man smiles softly. “You have to know.”
“I don’t,” you assert. “So tell me.”
“I’ve always liked you.”
You blink and he continues, “Since you substituted for the art teacher and I saw you squirt red paint all over yourself. It’s something I couldn’t forget. Plus, the way you draw those stick people.” Seokjin laughs heartily and you’re trapped in your spot, unsure of how to react or what to say. He reads your expression and softens. “Did you really think I would rush into a marriage if I didn’t have feelings for you?”
“I…” Your mouth is agape. “I don’t know. Why did we never talk about this?”
Seokjin shrugs. “You never asked and I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable if you didn’t feel the same way. I knew you married me for convenience.”
“That’s not true,” you retort within a beat. This whole time, you thought he married you for convenience sake. But it wasn’t entirely like that for you.
Seokjin’s eyes are big and you swallow down your embarrassment. “Isn’t it obvious every single breathing person loves you? It’s hard not to.”
Slowly but surely, a grin spreads into Seokjin’s puffy cheeks and he’s smiling from ear to ear again. “Well, you’re very good at hiding it then.”
Suddenly, the bell rings.
All the children reluctantly climb off the equipment, some dusting their hands while others grabbing their friends, and they rush into their lineups. There’s a few stranglers lugging their legs while groaning. But busy in their small playground worlds, no one turns around to notice you leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to Seokjin’s mouth. It’s shy and brief, like the first peck exchanged between two for the first time. And you pull away just as fast, lips left tingling.
“We can continue this later, Mr. Kim.”
You stride off while Seokjin’s left smiling. After a breathless moment, he chases after you like children who have just made promises of their first love on the playground.
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darthwheezely · 3 years
for your 100 celebration (congrats btw❤❤) 🌅 as harry potter characters?? and could i ask for a 🍑 with first time with fred maybe 😳😳🥺 thank you!!! love youuuu so much and you deserve this so so much :')))
Jess, you own my ovaries, dude, of course
@slytherinsunrise as captain daddy Freddie bombastic Weasley (owo love you mami)
@gcdric as George “I sleepkick” Weasley
@vogueweasley as Ginny Weasley
@theweasleyslut as Ron Weasley
@pansydaisy as Lily Potter
@lumosandnoxwriting as Harry Potter
@oh-for-merlins-sake as Fleur Delacour because mI GENTEEEEEEEEEEEEE ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS
First time with Freddie - I may definitely have gone overboard and done a one shot whoops that’s whatcha get Im a whore for this oops again
Fred had spent the last indefinite minutes with his body pressing yours against the door. When he touched you, he held you like you were a porcelain doll, afraid to break you if he pulled you too hard or hurt you too soon. His lips pressed slow and plush open kisses down your neck and inching towards the strenuous texture of your collarbone, drawing goosebumps and soft breaths from you wherever his head dipped. He moaned against you, as you threaded your fingers through his fiery hair and yanking quickly. He pulled his head back up and kissed you briefly.
“Y/N, angel, are you sure? We don’t have to you know that right, you know I could kiss you to oblivion-“
“I know I just...” you slid one of your hands to one of his belt loops and pulled him, his torso almost falling onto you as he braced himself with his arm by your head. You bit your lip and teased his earlobe
“...I need you now, Freddie my love.” And that did it, he pushed his mouth onto you, you opening it just enough to let his tongue slide inside and he pulled back just inches enough to say “jump.” You did so, and wrapped your legs onto his waist as he carried you to the bed.
He looked up at you for consent and started to pull down your stockings and removing your shoes, kissing up your legs and sucking on your inner thighs. You moaned, pulling his hair and feeling a reactive groan against your skin. “Patience, darling...I want to take my time with you.” He continues to nibble at your skin as he gets to your core, sliding your panties to the side and slipping his index finger into your heat. You arch your back and he smiles at you thinking god, she is gorgeous how did I get to be with this goddess of a woman before me- and soon he’s slipping another finger inside you causing you to moan lewdly , the wet sounds and your throaty moans filling the room.
“Is this okay, Y/N, babygirl?”
“Yes, Freddie it’s so...you’re so good” he perks up kissing your clothed clit causing a small whimper as he looks at you for confirmation. “Freddie please just take them off?”
“Take what off, angel” he stroked your folds.
“Everything, fuck, take it all off.” He laughed softly at that, crawling on top of your body and pulling you up to him by your tie, bunching it in his fist, but cradling your head with his left hand. “Tell me if I’m getting to rough with you love, hmm?” You gulped and nodded, and Fred tried to kiss everything that moved. He pulled away leaving you with a small whine as he began to unbutton your shirt and kissing every section of skin where your breasts heaved and moved under his touch. You arched your back into his iron hands and he started to bite feverishly, like it were his last time alive. His hand pressed to your back nimbly unclapsed your bra and he whispered a harsh “godric, you are fucking glorious” and immediately began to bite and pull at the top of your breasts, taking a hard nipple into his mouth while he flicked and ghosted over the other one.
Your body heaved under his embrace and while you released high pitched whines of his name, you started to buck up onto him too. He moaned against your skin and got rougher with your breasts for another moment before trailing down to your core. He pulled off your skirt and, while looking at you, pulled the waistband of your panties with his mouth, discarding them across the room. He pulled your legs closer to him, kneading at the bottoms of your thighs.
“Fuck, you are...so” he pressed a kiss to one thigh. “So” to your other thigh, looked into your eyes, and began to suck on your clit “beautiful.” “Freddie, please” you writhed and moaned, his mouth attached to you murmuring sweet nothings against you, the vibrations only slicking your heat further. He finally slid his tongue in and wrapped around you, causing a tight tug to his head, eliciting a deep harsh moan from him that got sent straight up your core. You moaned his name again and begged. “What does my angel want? Use your words, Y/N”
“Freddie, please” you whined again, and he nodded, smiling he sent a finger back in you and began to thrust at a fast pace. “Love, you are so perfect wrapped around me. Come for me, Y/N, be as loud as you want, angel.” And you came undone around him, your body sent into heavenly release as you unraveled the way you needed to. You whined as he slid his finger away, but bit back a moan as he sucked it clean.
“Are you sure you want to keep going? We can stop. I promise, love I just want to make sure you’re happy.” He but his lip looking at you softly, taking in your angelic body laying on his bed ready to take his cock. You sat up on the bed, and once again pulled him towards you - but you grabbed something else instead and only barely did you ghost him that his hips started to combust.
“Y/N, love-“
“Freddie, I need you inside me right now.” You slid your hand to his clothed bulge and rested your chin on top of his v line. “Pleeeaaase?” He smiled softly shakinf his head. He held your hair and grabbed the hand that had began to pal him softly and kissed each knuckle and your palm. “You make the rules, gorgeous.” He chuckled as he placed a kiss to the top of your head. “Lean back for me, my love, okay? Relax and let me do all the work. You deserve a perfect time and I...I want to know you’re happy and okay.” You had fully leaned back as he talked to you and you mouthed at him “I love you” prompting him to speed up the removal of his clothes, his hardened cock hitting his stomach and drawing your attention there. Sensing your nervousness, he pounced on you giving you playful kisses all over your face and making you laugh, but as soon as he saw your breasts bouncing prettily in front of him he pressed a serious and deep kiss to you as he positioned himself at your entrance.
“Ready, angel?” he clasped one of your hands in his and tilted your head upwards with his chin, giving you a soft kiss. He waited until you nodded and then slid deliciously into you. You hissed at the feeling of being filled, and Fred stilled and gave you gentle kisses to your shoulders and neck, praising you and your body until you felt ready for him to move. You had felt him start to throb inside you to which you said “Freddie, please”
He pulled halfway out, and then sheathed himself back in, your body arching into him again, his hand finding your lower back to brace his angle. His rhythm was slow, and deep, but passionate at one time. He was obsessed with the way your body was rhythmically pressing up into him as he dipped further and further into you, the only sounds filling the room being your soft moans and his hoarse groans into your skin.
“Is this feeling good, gorgeous?”
“God, you’re so good Freddie, you fill me up so well” he moaned and grabbed one leg to hitch onto his hips, causing you to jerk up in pleasure as he started to course faster into you. “Like that, angel? You want more?” “Please, Freddie, give it to me good” that was all it took for him to hike your other leg up prompting a loud whine from you, skin slapping faster as he was finding ways to bring you another high, the mattress feeling a hundred feet deep as his body was delectably pushing itself into yours, sinking himself ever further in you. He felt you clench around him and threw his head back briefly in pleasure.
“Come for me, my love”
“Yes, baby, I’m right here, I’m ready for you” and with that your body sent a shockwave of heat seemingly everywhere as you again came unraveled around him, and Fred felt himself losing control as well, his thrusts and bottoming out becoming sloppy and less dutiful.
“Freddie, come inside me”
“Love, are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m so sure just please Freddie I’m gonna come again please, baby” and the feeling of your hands in his hair yanking forward and the way your legs tensed around him and the ay you begged him, had him instantly release into you, hips slowly rolling to help him ride out his high. Kissing you deeply he pulled out of you, but he rolled onto his side still holding you, he pulled one of your legs on top of his and held you close.
“Was i- was that-“ before he could say anything else, you kissed him slowly and lovingly, feeling him sigh into your mouth.
“It was, yes.” He smiled softly. “Y/N, I love you. Like this, not like thsi I just...I love you.” He cupped your cheek and rubbed it with his thumb.
“And Freddie, my love, I love you.”
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boiledhotdogwater · 2 years
Hi hi! My name is Loli and I’d like to request a matchup for aot if that’s ok! :)
Im 5’5, my pronouns are they/them but I’m afab and very feminine in case that helps you. I don’t have a gender preference. Idk my mbti or anything so I hope it’s ok for me to just describe my personality. I’ve been told I’m very nurturing/motherly. I’m very blunt. I don’t like mincing words or sparing feelings when I think something needs to be said. I’m really quiet and introverted but I talk a lot when im with someone im really comfortable with. I try to be optimistic about most things in life, I think im good at staying positive. Im very hyperactive, like always moving and can never sit still. I’m really organized, I can not stand a mess. I really really hate when people mess with my hair. I have two snakes that are totally the light of my life! I like doing “housewife” things. Like I enjoy cooking for my partner and cleaning up before they get home. Cooking and trying new recipes is one of my favorite things ever! I’m Korean so that’s usually the food I make. I also love love baking and having my partner try everything I make and also having my partner make food with me! I’m very easily excitable. I go from 0-100 in the blink of an eye when I get excited. I love a good book anything smutty I really like fantasy. Here’s a picrew of what I look like for reference. I hope that was enough! Take your time :)
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A/N: tbh if you have any recipe recs (preferably easy ones cause I’m so lazy) lmk cause I love trying new food
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For Attack on Titan I match you with…
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Mikasa Ackerman!
- Personality wise, you both seem to be quite similar which is what draws mikasa to you. She loves the calm and quiet conversation that you bring to the table (in comparison to the rambunctious group that is the other cadets)
- The two of you are very blunt, and you don’t have to worry about hurting each other’s feelings since you both understand that what is being said is said with no negative intentions (if that makes sense?? Wasn’t sure how to word that)
- Mikasa would absolutely love to spend time with you cooking, and you spend several date nights at home creating/trying out new recipes
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Some random headcannons
(I ship erasermic so some of these relate to that)
I guess this also needs a warning: some more mature things if you squint hard enough
Also the ships in this are: erasermic, kiribaku, tododeku, and a tiny tiny bit of momojiro (sorry if I forgot one)
~ Mic is actually kinda sad and breaks down alot when hes alone because of the stress he goes through, aizawa is the only one he will break down infront of ~ ~ Aizawa secretly loves giving mic piggyback rides. Change. My. Mind. ~ ~ Bakugo is nicest and softest when he is sleepy, and more open with his feelings when he is tired (especially to kiri, I ship them too😭✋) ~ ~ When sero cooks or cleans he will put on spanish music and dance to it. ~ ~ Dabi is kinky™️ ~ ~ Dabi will tease e v e r y o n e ~ ~ Dabi makes up stories of how he got burnt, like: Twice: so- uh how did all this go down * gesturing to scars * Dabi: oh, while sneezing Twice: but how does tha- Dabi: *sneezes and uses his fire* Twice: oH- ~ ~ When 1-a all become pro heroes, deku will wear everyone's merch ~
~ When bakugo is working out, when he does push ups he will get kirishima to lay on him for "additional weight" (we see you bakugo👀👀) ~ ~ Shoto can make snowflakes with his quirk. I. Rest. My. Case. ~ ~ shoto likes dancing in the rain or snow, well not dance just like being with deku ~ ~ Shoto will make little things out of ice and give them to deku (all might figures👀👀) ~ ~ Occasionally in the dorms everyone in 1-a has a movie night ~ ~ Ojiros tail wags when hes happy ~ ~ This is cannon because I've seen the official art, but I hc that bakugo likes animals and animals love him cause he smells like caramel and his hands are warm ~ ~ One word for aoyama. S e l f i e s ~
~ Shoto didnt know how to ride a bike so when they all moved into the dorms 1-a taught him ~ ~ When bakugo walks into the dorms common area he says stuff like "it smells like bitch in here" and "ughhh if I stay in here to long the bitchyness might affect me" ~ ~ All the girls in 1-a: sleepovers™️ but every time mineta will try to get in lmao. It. Never. Works. ~ ~ Shotos birthday present to everyone is endeavors credit card number😂he will also go clothes shopping with all the girls just because he can use endeavors credit card ~ ~ Tokoyami is actually really good at drawing and loves writing poetry ~ ~ Bakugo is the oldest in 1-a which is cannon. I feel like he would be the type to brag that he's the oldest and would use it as an excuse to do what he wants ~ ~ The dekusquad and bakusquad have groupchats ~ ~ Bakusquad play video games together and eat pizza together all the time ~ ~ The dekusquad gc consists of iida talking about homework, positive memes, and todoroki not understanding anything happening on there ~ ~ Jirou has a music playlist for every situation. Every. Situation. ~ ~ The best jeanist said bakugo couldn't learn how to style hair so katsuki "I am the best at everything" bakugo learnt how to do hair and now all the girls and kirishima go to him and make him do their hair ~ ~ Kirishima needs his hair dyed red when his roots start showing, so bakugo dyes it for him ~ ~ 1-a loves playing games like truth and dare and never have I ever when they cant sleep or are just bored ~ ~ Bakugo sleeps at 8. pm which is cannon, but still wants to be the best at whatever they are doing, so he still goes if they are playing or watching something but always. Always. Falls asleep, and he falls asleep on kiri. ~ ~ Aizawa is actually really flexible and can jump around and move literally like a cat. ~ ~ Mic: finger guns™️ and I can imagine this Mic: *does finger guns at aizawa* Aizawa: pull the trigger. ~ ~ Everyone goes into bakugos room for advice. Like jirou would go in there at 3am and just be like : yo so I'm lesbian and momo is lesbian and she said she likes me but I'm not sure if she likes me.
And even though bakugo will literally shout at them for being in his room at 3am they will still get advice😂~ ~ Kirishima is named after a mountain. Bakugos favourite activity is mountain climbing. Its cannon and ik it is I just thought I'd say that ~ ~ Shinso definitely uses his voice changer for memes. He would say things like "I'm katsuki bakugo and I'm a little bitch" with bakugos voice and "im aizawa and Im in love with a cockatoo" with aizawas voice. ~ ~ When denki is nervous random sparks of electricity come from his hands. ~ ~ If denki doesnt know how to do something he will search it up on wiki how. Change. My. Fucking. Mind. ~ ~ Shiggy genuinly doesnt know what moisturizer is ~ ~ Mic is amazing at playing any instrument ~ ~ Mic knows sign language and is fluent in alot of languages ~ ~ After toga stabs someone she mumbles things like "ughhh what a mood" "damn that one snatched my weave" and "we stan a queen" and once held up the knife like a beauty guru ~ ~ The girls constantly try to get uraraka to float m*neta into the sun ~ (yes I censored his name💀💀) ~ Tokoyami has good music taste ~ ~ The bakusquad (kaminari) tries to teach all might vine references ~ ~ Shoto l o v e s conspiracy videos ~ ~ Ojiro can purr ~ ~ Mina shares her clothes with everyone ~ ~ Shoto likes to watch the sun rise ~ ~ Omgggg I love this one. Aizawa listens to Mics radioshow when he grades papers and when he cant he will hum the music to himself ~ ~ Kaminari is memes™️ ~ ~ When mic says todorokis name he says it like the target vine (next competitor is- T T T T T T T T T TODOROKI SHOTOOOOOO *makes air horn noises*) ~ ~ The UA staff have prank wars (especially mic and literally anyone. Once poured pink cat shaped glitter on aizawa and it was 100% worth it) ~ Mic can harmonize with himself. Periodt. ~ ~ Tetsutetsu and shinso spend so much time at the 1-a dorms that one time bakugo cooked food for them too. ~
~ On that note, bakugo is obviously an amazing cook and when hes cooking for himself he will "accidentally make too much so you extras can have it" ~ ~ Shoto is literally turtlenecks™️ ~ ~ Mic literally has the worst sleep schedule like how is this man alive???? ~ ~ At night iida will run around the dorms saying goodnight to everyone and checking that they are all still in the dorms because he feels it’s his responsibility to look after everyone ~ ~ Shigirakis favourite thing to do is to just stand in the rain. He finds the rain soothing and calming to him because it’s one of the only things that he can’t destroy so it gives him peace of mind that he still human and isn’t the completely destructive monster everyone claims him to be. ~
Hope you liked them✌✌
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