#that show was a soap opera with mutants
brightlotusmoon · 2 years
Showing an old TMNT fan the 2012 series is always fun, because we get to the inevitable comments of "Sorry, what kind of sub?" and "Why are there human torsos growing out of that creature's multiple tongues? Is that a sardine or an anchovy? " and "Well, now I definitely remember Alien! The Thing! Freddy Kruger!" and "Do they just never talk about Mikey's ADHD and ESP?" and "Leo needs CBD like whoa" and "What do you mean that's Roseanne Barr? Holy shit, Gilbert Gottfried!" and "the ninja turtles sure are some good genders..." and "I will now be Shinigami for Halloween and I will have a Mikey plushie."
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 months
what if feige and the mcu were able to commit to following through on actual story-based storytelling ideas and they'd kept it so that a corrupted wanda were the villain of the next two avengers movies and they ended with a reverse m-day, with her bringing mutants into the mcu
what if they'd let elizabeth olsen and benedict cumberbatch slowly show their characters being driven crazy by the darkhold over the entireties of phases 4-5-6 instead of suddenly doing an about-face from the end of wandavision, the best thing they've made since catws
what if they didn't panic about spoilers so much that they ralph bohner'd us in the first place, instead allowing evan peters!pietro to be the first sign of the multiverse for a wanda searching forever for a way to bring her children back and seeding the idea of mutants
what if they made a fucking second shang-chi movie and tied his ten rings to the goddamn eternals via phastos and then to angelbaby kamala, which would have made eternals actually matter to the mcu and introduced an origin for superpowers besides Science and Infinity Stones and setting up for a dichotomy with Mutations
what if they had actually released their projects in phases 4-5 in the order the story intended, so the marvels came out BEFORE secret invasion, which would have made secret invasion make at least a modicum of sense (but still not really because HOW DO YOU DO SECRET INVASION WITHOUT ANY OF THE SUPERHEROES IN IT THAT'S THE POINT)
what if they didn't fridge maria hill
what if they could decide whether they want casual normies to be the audience of their extremely dense superhero lore or are okay with geeks being the audience for their lore-based extremely dense 90-year-old continuous franchise of facts and figures and soap opera level interconnectivity of relationships
what if steve's ending were good and made any sense at fucking goddamn all
"what if" indeed
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fabuloustrash05 · 8 months
10 Raphael Headcanons
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He REALLY wants to get a tattoo but his father and Leo always nagged at him never do it. If he did get one he’d either get the Hamato Clan symbol, a full tattoo sleeve, or Mona Lisa’s name tattoo on his arm. Once he’s an adult, he’ll most likely get a tattoo with Casey’s help.
To help with his temper tantrums as a kid, Splinter found an old drum set and put it together for Raphael. He told him anytime he feels angry he can beat on the drums. In the beginning it worked, but over time Raph actually started to learn how to play the drums and got good at it quick.
He LOVES watching Spanish soap operas. He watches them so often that he has become semi fluent in speaking Spanish. Often his brothers will walk in on him watching his soaps, screaming at the characters in Spanish for their dumb choices. Raph would even sometimes mumble something in Spanish when frustrated.
He also loves those old school black and white cowboy movies and TV shows.
Often Raph and Splinter would bond over their love of art and painting. The two would sometimes sit together in the dojo, not saying a single word to the other as they both paint something and eventually share it with the other, giving each other constructive criticism and tips on how to improve.
One of his favorite things to draw is Mona Lisa. She’s his muse and he likes to draw her whether she’s around or not. He has a bunch of sketchbooks full of drawings of just her. He mostly drew her a lot when he returned from his space adventures. Worried he’ll never see her again, Raph drew Mona everyday so he wouldn’t forget her. Even when she started living on Earth, Raph continues to draw her, with Mona sometime even modeling for him.
He snores when he sleeps. Like, REALLY loudly.
April and him are gossip buddies. They are secretly silently judging everyone and then later on they text each other to talk shit about it behind everyone’s back.
He's very skillful in sewing and knitting. Often as gifts for holidays or birthday, Raph will knit his brothers and friends hats or sweaters. He's made Mona a pink scarf and even made little hats for Spike and later Chompy
Raph deep down always wanted to have kids and become a father. This idea has been on the back of his mind since he was a kid taking care of Spike as if he was his own. He always dreamed of settling down and starting a big family of his own, but because he's seen as a "mutant freak" he quickly grew to accept the fact that no one would ever love him. That is until he met Mona Lisa.
Michelangelo Headcanons | Donatello Headcanons | Leonardo Headcanons
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Is Indie Donnie gonna have a romantic interest like Raph and Leo? Like Sydney or Irma (she was definitely into him) or that big blue alien girl (I can't remember her name, but I'm sure she was into him). I think there was another one, but I can't remember)
Lol I believe the blue alien woman is named “Jhanna” she’s from the 2003 show, episode 2 season 4 “The People’s Choice”
Nope, Donnie doesn’t really understand it. He’s okay with his brothers having girlfriends, as in he doesn’t think it’s weird or gross or anything, he just doesn’t really feel that way towards anyone he’s ever met.
He’s not opposed to the idea of romance, but he’s also not actively interested. He just kinda doesn’t care or see the point of it and would much rather spend his time building robots and weapons. The way he sees it, there aren’t any other mutant turtle-people in the universe so the purpose of re-creating is completely out of the question, so other than companionship which you can have just as easily from friendship, there is literally no reason to have romantic interest in someone.
Raph has tried to argue that romance is deeper than just a friendship, it’s a partnership that grows people together through the trials of life. Donnie just cringes and says that Raph’s been watching too many of Splinter’s Asian soap operas and goes back to soldering wires, lol.
Good question! :]
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lunarspiral1127 · 5 months
X-Men 97 episode 6 *SPOILERS*
Shi'ar Empire/Space
Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see them and get an update on Xavier in this episode cause I thought this was gonna be the full Lifedeath conclusion, so more focus on Storm. But, I think it's nice to see how he's doing.
This is the first time we see Deathbird AKA Lilandra's sister in the X-Men animated series, and I like her look.
Gladiator is such a stoic bad@$$. Ngl, after seeing him fight after so long, Superman popped into my head. I think it was the powerset he displayed.
Ronan and the Kree! I wasn't expecting to see them cause we never had the Kree mentioned or shown in the previous show, so this was a nice surprise. Aldo, it's so refreshing to see Ronan the Accuser in his more comic- accurate outfit. Cause, I've only recently seen him and the Kree in their MCU outfits, so seeing the classics was nice.
Noticed Vulcan during the beginning....kinda awkward cause he's Scott's other brother. Dunno if they'll do anything with that, but then again, they didn't do much with Havok in the previous show.
It's good to see Xavier healthy again, but why hasn't he checked up on the X-Men during that year? Why didn't he let them know that he's okay? Is it because of that black hole?
Didn't know Xavier was interested in being Lilandra's....pet....psychics be kinky.
Xavier talking about Magnus....oh god, when he finds out what happened to him....
Man, even in space, mutants can't catch a break! Xavier gonna be emperor along with Lilandra, and these sunsofbeeches hate it cause he's Terran AND a mutant. Like, can the mutants EVER get anything nice?!
Xavier was willing to forgo his memories on Earth and of his friends and family. Just to be with Lilandra....god dammit, this show really is a soap opera.
Xavier educating the Shi'ar council, Deathbird, Gladiator, and even Lilandra on their system and why it's bad was pretty funny. Dude was going back to being a teacher. And, I thought he was succeeding until....
The vision. Now, he knows what happened to Genosha, and he gotta go back. Good, cause they need him more than ever. I just wish it didn't have to break him and Lilandra up. Like, can we have a good relationship that doesn't end in a breakup, death, or have way too much drama, please?!?!
GAMBIT!!! 😭 It still hurts! But, the vision could also be foreshadowing that he'll become Death of the Four Horsemen. And Magneto wasn't there, so does that mean he survived?!
Storm, Forge, and the Adversary
Storm called Forge "my love". She was mad at him earlier, but I guess despite the anger, she loves him too and understood that he tried to help her despite what he did.
The Adversary is spooky. I didn't get how they appeared, but from what the show says, the demon appears to feed on the self-loathing, so they sensed Forge AND Storm and came to them.
Storm's fear of tight spaces comes into play. The Adversary used her fear against her which almost worked. First time Forge was able to banish the demon, despite being poisoned, and the second time, Storm overcame her fears and doubts and got her powers back.
Oh yeah, MISTRESS OF THE ELEMENTS IS BACK!!! 🤩 She even got her iconic black outfit with the tiara! I'll miss her classic white outfit, though. And she got her long hair back! No offense to the mohawk.
Shoutout to @stormandforge for talking about how she got her powers back cause I was so confused and sleep-deprived. What makes the most sense was the machine Forge used worked. It's just that she had some kind of mental/psychological block going on with her powers and had to overcome it to reactivate them. Kinda like how Peter lost his powers in Spider-Man 2. As for how she got her outfit, well, Storm, in the very first episode in the previous show, used her lightning to change outfits. So, I chopped it off to that. Yeah, lightning doesn't work like that, but she looks beautiful! The hair was actually what I was most confused about cause she had a mohawk, and suddenly, her hair got long again? I thought some parts of her head was shaved. So how did her change? Same way as the outfit?
Forge is cured, so fingers crossed these two will be together and not end poorly and messy as it did in the comics. Please, I just need one good relationship in this freaking show that isn't gonna end in tragedy.
And she knows about Genosha. God, I really hope she doesn't get survivors guilt over this. But, we need her and Xavier more than ever with what's to come.
The rest
Y'know, it was one thing for Trask to be involved with the massacre, but Mr. Sinister? I wasn't expecting that. I thought it was the FoH or Apocalypse or maybe Nimrod. Either way, I'm mad now that I know who's responsible cause how dare them kill Gambit, Magneto, Leech and the others, and hurt Nightcrawler and Rogue! I really hope that they find a way to finish him off for good and make it hurt like hell!
NIGHTCRAWLER GOT TO BE PART OF THE INTRO!!! 🤩 Does that mean he's gonna be finally part of the X-Men? Will we ever get him using his swords? Cause they keep teasing that!
I just wish it wasn't at the expense of Magneto and Gambit's intros. Man, I was bracing myself, and they had to do that and the recap! UGH, IT STILL HURTS! 😭
The episodes have really alternated with multiple storylines in this show. The previous one usually focuses on one story at a time.
So, that's pretty much it. Good episode. One more episode left until even more trauma will be inflicted on us cause 8-10 are gonna be a doozy.
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bloodyshadow1 · 4 months
so x-men 97 ended a month or so ago, I just finished last week and wanted to compose my thoughts.
the Bad
the soap opera level nature of the show is back and I get why it's there, but damn I was sick of the relationship drama when I was a kid, now that I'm 30 and don't care about any of the pairings in the show it's even more annoying. Except Romy, I love them, but could have done without a second love triangle.
Roberto's character felt weird and should have either been cut or been more involved with the X-Men as the new guy. He only really interacts with Jubilee because they intended to make them a couple from the start. There were better ways without just making them a couple or projecting it so hard.
I think 2 episodes were bad, ep 4 and ep 6. I personally don't care for the Shia'r or Prof X. The Jubilee stuff was fine but felt like filler which isn't really needed for a 10 ep show. And I don't think Storm's story was done justice.
Storm was underused. She's my favorite character and had a story about being depowered and getting them back that I thought started strong but didn't live up to the hype. Then despite coming back she doesn't have much plot significance and is just a powerful member of the team. Maybe season 2 will change that and I'm jumping the gun, but it felt like a waste. '
Morph was cool and I'm happy they are nonbinary in this show despite the writers keeping it in the 90's timezone. Not a huge fan of their character still though, I thought they were more cool with their powers than interesting as a character. Hopefully that will change in season 2
Magneto's plan by the end made no sense to me by the end. I know he was angry and pushed too far once more, but killing 7 billion people, mutants included. Yeah he made an offer to the x-men, but there are still hundreds of mutants that survived Genosha and he's putting a target on their back and they will also die without power. and he has 3 people in an asteroid above earth, what is the plan for things to continue
Also Bastion's plan was good, but I don't agree with the whole, people's response to tragedy that they don't care about is apathy. it's a hard world, but people care far more than you might think. It felt poorly written, like the show wanted to make all humans monsters so that's what happened. If the plan was to destroy Genosha and then let Magneto do his thing to get people to hate mutants because of what he would do afterwards I would understand, but it wasn't.
The Good
Overall, the whole series is a good adaption of the 90's series, warts and all. The love triangle stuff is annoying, but part of the show so I accept it and even the dumb puns made me smile. But the fact that they aged it up worked amazing, they blended seamlessly to me.
The action and animation were perfect to me, crisp and clear and dynamic. It let the characters show off what they could do in ways the 90's show and their restrictions wouldn't allow them to.
I liked most of the characters, Storm is my favorite character, Scott is my second, and Kurt is in my top 5. I mention that Storm kind of shafted, but Scott and Kurt were allowed to shine.
Kurt and Rogue's relationship was great, I'm glad that the writers remembered they were adopted siblings, I wondered after ep 5 if they did, but I also think calling each other sister or brother in the ep would have been awkward. The way they interact in later eps was perfect to me.
I like that people kept tell Xavier to shut up because I don't like him as a character. He has done so much shit and is still considered a hero in the comics, it makes him at best a naive fool and at worse the real villain of X-Men.
I like that Cyclops was so much more than the block of wood a lot of the fandom and even some writers make him out to be. He's a complex character and it's good to see that not only a deep character like he's supposed to be, but a good hero and leader.
I also like how the Cable stuff was done. like it's rocky and quick because they only have 10 eps but it was nice to see since Cable never revealed himself as Scott's son in the original show.
I love that the show wasn't just another version of the wolverine show. I like the character, but he's been over used and makes his appearances over saturated. He still had a presence in the show, but it doesn't make him the main character while shutting down other characters.
I will always love the family aspect of x-men, angry and fighting but loving all the same.
8 episodes of the show were great and I loved them, I would recommend it to anyone.
Ep 5 was the standout, and amazing. I loved how Gambit was portrayed as sympathetic and a good person with his relationship with Rogue and accepted that she wanted to be with Magneto. It was great to see him being allowed to be a badass as a swansong, even if I think he'll be death in season 2
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galacticrambler · 6 months
I’ll admit that there were multiple parts of the week’s episode of X-Men ’97 that I had to rewind to watch again. I couldn’t believe what I was watching in “Remember It”. This was an incredible episode of television.
I’m absolutely convinced that this was the best episode of Marvel animation that I’ve ever seen. It was absolutely tremendous and unexpected in so many ways. It was also, at least to me, incredibly violent for a Marvel cartoon?
There was so much going on in this episode. It was so dramatic. It was so chaotic. I loved it.
Cyclops/Scott and Jean are on shaky ground. It makes total sense that they would be, but Scott seemingly losing it in the interview with the reporter was wild. Then, Jean kissed Logan, and I about lost my mind. THEN, Jean caught Scott telepathically communicating with Madelyne Pryor.
Over on Genosha, they want Magneto to be their new ruler as they gear up to join the UN. And Rogue had to be his queen? But, what about Gambit and his feelings?
All of this set-up felt like the most dramatic soap opera ever. Cable shows up from the future and briefly speaks with Madelyne where she realizes that is Nathan, her and Scott’s son all grown up, and he disappears.
Then, the sky exploded.
The robot/Sentinel/Master Mold? mash-up always and starts slaughtering mutants. Magneto appears to perish protecting the Morlocks. Gambit finally sacrifices himself killing the Sentinel, dying in the process.
This episode was absolutely insane, and I don’t know how to react right now. So much craziness happened. This was great.
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ordinaryschmuck · 6 months
Quick Thoughts on the first two episodes of X-Men '97
Quick disclaimer: I wasn't a fan of the original series from the nineties. I watched all five seasons in preparation for this show and for reasons I can't explain, it just never grabbed me. When I hear people talk about how it's one of the best X-Men shows and even one of the best superhero animated shows out there, on top of Batman: The Animated Series or Spectacular Spider-Man, I was...not as into it as others were. But I was willing to keep an open mind about the revival. I like the X-Men as much as your average Marvel fan who's favorite superhero is Spider-Man could. Plus, my perspective offers a good question: Does this show offer anything of value if you're not a fan of the original series? And the answer is...Yeah, it absolutely frickin' does.
THIS was more along the lines of the show I was expecting when people talked about how great it is. A lot of what makes X-Men special is on top form here. The themes of prejudice, that anyone perceived as "other" can relate to, is on top display as the first villains we face in these two episodes are your average mutant hating humans who believe that humanity has it hard enough already without these mutants "whining" about their problems. Speaking of, the "crybabies" that humans hate share about how all they want is acceptance and the way they fear about the world judging them, their children, and the people they love. This is the bread and butter of every great X-Men story that helps makes it appealing to almost everyone. Yeah, it's cool to see mutants blow shit up as they fight aliens and robots and whatever, but if you claim the X-Men are now "too woke" because they made Morph non-binary, you haven't been paying close attention to what REALLY makes X-Men strong.
As for seeing these mutants blow shit up, you still get that in spades as the action in this show is TOP NOTCH. You got some goofy nonsense like Gambit powering up Wolverine's claws or Beast controlling a Sentinel from the inside, but also some really cool uses of everyone's powers and seeing them work as a team. I knew that the show was doing something right when they made CYCLOPS look cool. That is a very hard feat to accomplish as the first thought that comes to mind with any writer is that all Cyclops can do is shoot a laser beam. Yeah, that's what he does here too, but he's also punching and kicking people like a professional MMA fighter, using his blasts to amplify his attacks rather than being his ONLY attack. You love to see it and makes ME excited for what other kickass action we'll get in the future, because the animation is ALSO really good. It's stilted and choppy during scenes of dialogue, but it's dialogue. You don't NEED to have outstanding animation when all characters are doing is talking. The good stuff is saved for the fight scenes or for moments that just need to look a LOT more epic than they need to, and I appreciate that decision.
Another thing that's stronger is the "Soap Opera" aspect that I've heard people talk about with the original series. So many people claimed it was a soap opera for kids and...I'm going to be honest, I got that better with Gargoyles if anything else, but I feel like that aspect of the show is handled much better here. It's definitely NOT for kids, at least not for seven year olds like in the nineties. It's definitely more for OLDER kids as the series kept in mind that the target audience was going to be the adults who grew up watching this series instead of the new generation, and I feel like they're going to get a lot more than they wanted for a new series. You have Scott and Jean having a baby, Magneto leading the team, a certain person LEAVING the team, and a mind-shattering twist that leaves you wondering what could possibly come next. This show, at its best, leaves you with CHILLS during these big, dramatic moments of characters sharing their heart and souls with another or when something Earth-shattering is happening. Magneto's speech to the UN and a new anti-mutant villain was the most engaged I've been with a Marvel property since Across the Spider-Verse, holding my attention for every second to the point where I barely remembered to breath. When it was all over, I genuinely wanted there to be more.
So this revival is definitely good for someone like me who wasn't into the original series...but what about those who WERE fans? Honestly, I'm not sure how they'll feel. Almost everything seems like an improvement, but it's definitely NOT the same as the original. The animation's crisper and the writing lacks the nineties' camp for a more modern feel. It takes place almost a year after Charles Xaiver's "death," but the characters speak in a way that lacks that certain...way, you know? I like it, but will fans of the original accept it?
Plus, there are some new things that I'm not sure if X-Men fans in general are going to love. There's this weird...thing between Rogue and Magneto that feels icky and I REALLY hope they don't go there. And, without spoilers, there's this...THING that happens to Storm and it BETTER NOT be permanent. It makes sense for the story and you FEEL the weight of the drama that this moment brings, but she is too cool of a character that has this done to her. Couldn't they have done this to Morph instead? They were already screwed over in the original series, they can be screwed over again!
Overall, I'd say that X-Men '97, from these two episodes, is a good restart for this show. It brings back what fans of the original loved and improves upon it to make it more the show they idolized as kids. At least, that's my takeaway. I'm just glad to have some good X-Men content again outside of comics.
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scarlet--wiccan · 8 months
How do you think a potential first interaction between Monet and Wanda would go? The potential interactions of the soap opera levels of dysfunction Maximoff/Magnet family and the gothic horror of the St Croix family is a really interesting idea (if Marvel actually decides to keep Pietro/Monet together and not drop them). Monet mentions her father is missing in the recent Black Panther and that magic was involved. It seems like a potential Segway for her to interact with Wanda (outside of the fact she is dating Pietro)
Wanda also got a mention in the first issue of Ressurection of Magneto with Storm using the waiting room Wanda created to bring back Magneto. Do you think Wanda (and potentially her siblings) may be brought up again (in spirit)? It's interesting that Wanda and Magneto's presence is gonna be felt in each of their stories this year (not to mention Lorna is back and paying homage to Magneto) - given Marvel likes to milk this family (which are technically not a family anymore post retcon) is it just me or does it feel like there is a potential reunion on the horizon?
I would be shocked if Wanda, Pietro, and Lorna don't come up again in Resurrection. It is, first and foremost, a comic about Magneto and Storm embarking on a mythical journey through the afterlife. I don't expect anybody else to play a major role, and the number of people who will be able to physically show up is probably limited, but yeah, I'm sure Magneto will, like, talk about them.
Ewing is great at writing Magneto, but it's clear to me that he's not terribly interested in Max's relationships with Lorna and the twins-- and I think that's fine. Those relationships have already been thoroughly explored, and they've been at the center of a lot of drama and several major storylines over the years. To be honest, I kind of chafe at the fandom's insistence on making everything about The Magnet Family™, so I do find it refreshing that Ewing focuses more on other aspects of Magneto's character and history.
Anyways, having said all of that, it does seem strange that Wanda isn't an active character in the story considering she, you know, created the Waiting Room, and is, if nothing else, personally invested in Magneto's well-being. You would think that Storm would call Wanda first, and it feels kinda weird that this isn't even presented as an option. So, why didn't she? Well, because Resurrection is also a spiritual sequel to Ewing's run on Defenders and a finale to esoteric worldbuilding that he began back in the 2015 series Ultimates. And that's the other reason why I don't really expect Wanda or Pietro to show up-- Ewing is being forced to wrap up nearly a decade of storytelling in one miniseries. It's a challenge that has become unfortunately very common at Marvel, but I have faith that Ewing will pull it off more deftly than other writers have done.
I expect that Monet and Wanda will need time to warm up to each other. I just don't think their personalities will mesh very well, and I kinda feel like Monet might be one of those people who just doesn't have much patience for magic.
The most important question any time Wanda interacts with an X-Men character is usually how that person feels about the Decimation-- what were their experiences during or after M-Day, what kind of information have they been privy to, what kind of opinions have they voiced, etc. etc. Even now that Wanda's "redeemed," I think it's important to remember that a lot of mutants might still be holding onto trauma, fear, and misinformation. I don't really know, of the top of my head, how Monet should feel about it, and that's partially because I refuse to read a lot of late-2000s X-Men books on principle, especially X-Factor. :)
That said, if Monet works with Jamie and, I assume, is still friends with Rictor. So, if she heard about how Ric got his powers back, then I assume she's not a Wanda-hater.
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brawltogethernow · 2 years
Why hasn’t Deadpool never been an official member of the X-Men?
With affection: Probably because of his overpowering Deadpool stank!
In universe, almost nobody in the mutant hero community likes him, also he kills people. Out of it, everybody likes him too much. If you put Wade in a book with any amount of focus, well...congratulations! It's a Deadpool book now! He's a very loud personality dripping with distracting gimmicks that might as well be designed to force a writer's hand to make him the main character of the universe if he shows up for more than a cameo. On top of how whenever he's on page (or screen) he causes a major tone shift, his name sells like crazy, so an X-Men book with Deadpool recurring in it is just going to become Deadpool and the X-Men.
I do think he can work as a non-headlining member of a team, but a sprawling, unironic soap opera of one like the core X-Men would be...challenging. You'd have to spend so much energy getting him to not ruin the vibe making fun of the latest love triangle. And this brings to mind how other fourth wall breaking characters have functioned in team books. When She-Hulk was in the Avengers at the same time that her own title was a metatextual gagfest she full stop didn't get to, which worked fine because the fourth wall's never been her main thing. With Gwenpool, for whom it is, they filed her down to a nub to keep her from being storybreaking when she was a West Coast Avenger, and the meta gags that were left over still managed to be grating. Of course, everything else about that book except the art also sucked. Anyway.
While I generally think leaving the meta trait on the table with characters heavily associated with it is a coward's move, I do get it, because once you bring that in uhhh your whole story wants to be about it. Wade is basically quarantined in titles with his name on the cover to protect everyone's peace of mind. It's honestly fascinating what books he hasn't been in. Like not to make everything about Spider-Man, but Wade had a fifty issue (!!) team-up book with the guy, and I think he's been in one of Peter's books while Peter was there (so not Superior)...nnnnnnnever? This pattern repeats less dramatically with...a lot of characters. Like every character he's headlined a book alongside. Wade barely even gets to hang out with Cable, who before they had their team-up titles he was introduced as a supporting character for. That's insane. Unless you look at Wade and his lowest common denominator star power for two seconds and then it's like. Ah. Yeah.
Actually hang on I am going to bring this back to my powerful disappointment in WCA volume 3, as a metaphor-example. It's like. If there's no room in the structure of your book for an indestructible, potentially murderous jester character drawing attention to how it's all just a story, and you strip away those traits, you have to confront the traumatized little freak who was cowering under them. If you can't do that you are doing a bad job. But if you can holy shit. Lmao actually maybe Wade should be on the X-Men.
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andistarburst · 2 days
TMNT: AbstractedStar ( reunion arc.)
Chapter 2: Red
First chapter. Next
Word count: 1588 words
Raph slides down the latter into the sewers,landing and walking towards his home. He walked past the lab,past the faded graffiti on the walls,past the old and worn training room,the kitchen,and his room, making it towards the living room.
Splinter sat there,watching some soap opera. Raph walked in,stepping on a piece of paper,it crinkled loudly,alerting his dad of his existence.
" WHO'S THERE- oh,hey Red," Splinter yelled,Raph flinched, running towards the chair a second later.
" Hey,Dad!" Raph greeted,leaning against the back of the recliner," I just have a few questions,then I'll get out of your fur."
" What is it,Red?" Splinter asked.
" Do I have brothers?"
Splinter didn't respond,so Raph figured he should elaborate," I met this other turtle mutant today,he had a blue mask and his name was Leonardo," Raph explained,gesturing with his hands.
" He's alive?" Splinter muttered,pausing his tv.
" Well,unless I was seeing a ghost,yes."
" You remember them?"
" No,not really," Raph said," am I supposed too?"
" You are the oldest of your siblings, you all used to be so close," Splinter got out of his chair,walking towards a shelf,the do-not-touch shelf.
" So why don't I remember them?" Raph asked.
" Maybe your brain is blocking out what happened because of what happened," Splinter said,grabbing a thick but small book from the shelf.
" What happened?" Raph questioned.
" Well,I don't exactly know,but something happened where all four of you got kidnapped,and you were returned two months later,but Leonardo,and your other brothers, weren't," Splinter handed him the book,it was a colored a bright teal. Raph held it for a second,opening it.
Several photos of turtle children were taken,the dates being noted next to them. The tallest one looked like him,spiky and had a red bandana draped around his neck.
" I assumed that all of your brothers were dead,but it seems at least one of them lived,did he say about his whereabouts the past few years?"
" Uhhhh,I think he said he has been living with this goat guy, he's been calling this guy his dad," Raph explained,still flipping through the album.
' Draxum?!" Splinter gasped,horrified and angry," I can't believe that yokai-"
" What are yokai?" Raph interrupted, he'd been hearing this word all day,yet he doesn't know what it means.
" They are like mutants,except they were born like this," Splinter paused to explain.
" Oh,wait we weren't born like this?" Raph questioned.
" Anyways,it seems that Draxum has manipulated Leo into thinking that he's his actual dad,which isn't entirely wrong," Splinter brushed off Raph,whispering the last part so he couldn't hear.
Raph ignored the fact that Splinter brushed him off.
" So,what should I do?" Raph asked.
" I think you should talk to Leo,but it's fine if you can't," Splinter said," I think he has his own life now,he should do what makes him happy."
" That makes sense," Raph muttered.
" Alright, alright,now get out of my room,I need to finish my show!" Splinter pushed him out of the room,he could barely do it though so most of it was Raph walking away.
" Okay! Thanks Sensei!" Raph said, going to his own room. He threw himself on his bed,opening the photo album. Maybe this'll wrack his brain.
Raph scaled a roof. It was an alright day for the middle of fall. The sun was shining,making it warm,but the breeze kept it cool. The wind was strong enough to make Raph's mask tails keep getting in front of his eyes,having to move them away so he could see clearly.
He was looking for Leo,but he'd been out for a few hours by then. He couldn't find a sign of him,a part of him felt grateful for that.
Raph didn't get much from the photo album,besides learning the kid in purple and Leo are twins, their birthdays,and what Splinter used to look like. They also used too skateboard,it seems that Raph had taught them how too,according to the pictures titled that implied it.
Raph hasn't done skateboarding in years,since he was twelve . He remembers falling over a lot,and Splinter being very sad about other things,so Raph had too take care of himself when he was injured. Searching for the med kit,and trying too make sure it didn't run out too quickly,as he was a clumsy kid,and it took forever for Splinter to notice.
He paused on a roof,he could hear something.
There it is. He ran towards the area,throwing himself into the alleyway where it was coming from. He just barely dodged a glowing blue sword that almost hit his face,pinning his mask tails to the wall.
A human ran past what looked like a mutant,it looked up at him. Wait a second--
" You idiot!" Raph hissed.
" Who are yo- OH SHIT-" Leo yelled," hey Raph! Hah, almost impaled your face there!"
" Don't get any ideas," Raph yelled at his brother,who pulled the ōdachi out of the wall, unpinning Raph's bandana.
" Sorry,I didn't see you!"
" Are you blind!?"
" Dang,rude."
" Sorry," Raph muttered.
" Eh, it's fine,but you scared away the human,I need to get information," Leo said.
" What information?"
" Where's the nearest fast food place," Leo smiled like he was joking.
" Are you joking?" Raph asked. With all that noise it sounded like he was going to kidnap that human or something.
" Nah, actually I need to buy stuff for dinner tonight, I'm trying to get dad to try it," Leo put his ōdachi back into the holster on his back.
Raph just realized how short Leo is compared to him,he was probably around two feet shorter. Well,makes sense if he's the oldest,sometimes. April is shorter than him,yet she's older than him. So technically she's the oldest sibling. He considers her family.
" Whatcha doin here?" Leo questioned,leaning on his one of his ōdachis.
" Wanna come over to my place? You can meet the rat man," Raph asked.
" Yes! That'd be great!" Leo smiled,seeming stoked," which way?"
" Down," Raph instructed, already opening the sewer drain.
" Oh,okay!" Leo said,face screwing up in disgust.
They made it into the sewer,Raph and Leo walked towards the living room.
" Did you make this?"
" Huh?" Raph turned around,seeing Leo point at the fading graffiti on the wall.
" Did ya make this?" Leo asked again.
" I don't know who made it, it's just always been there, it's stained," Raph answered, trying to brush it off," c'mon, let's go."
" Wait- waittt-"
" What?!" Raph growled,stopping in his tracks.
" Did Mikey make this?" Leo smiled.
" I don't know,can't remember."
" Oh yeah,you forgot about us," Leo sighed angirly. Whatever.
" Come on!" Raph hissed,Leo followed,hesitantly. They walked into the living room.
" Hey,Dad! I have a surprise!" Raph smiled. He heard Leo behind him choke from the sudden happy attitude.
" What is it- Blue?!" Splinter looked back,spotting Leo.
" Heyyy,Rat man!" Leo greeted, Splinter ran over to him. They stared at each other for a second,a awkward moment until the silence was broken.
" You're a lot taller than the last time I saw you," Splinter joked.
" Uh,yeah," Leo said,Raph noted how awkward Leo sounded. Shit,he forgot that Leo thinks that their dad kidnapped him and his siblings years ago.
" May I-?" Splinter opened his arms hesitantly, seemingly for a hug.
Leo nodded, Splinter hugged him, Leo returned the hug,but was clearly a little upset. Raph separated them.
Leo slightly smiled,the rat and turtle staring at one another.
" Have you been happy? Are you doing alr-"
" Shush,we can talk later!" Leo smiled,Now that I know where you are-",pulled his sleeve up to reveal and blue gem coming out of a bracelet around his wrist," I guess I should return the favor."
He broke the gem,Raph stared at him in confusion.
" Draxum knows our location, it'll be a small family reunion!" Leo grinned widely, in bliss,Splinter looked terrified. He couldn't be that bad, he's just an goat. But then again,he did manipulate Leo and kidnapped his other brothers,so he should run.
" Dad,come on!" Raph grabbed Splinter's hand,they ran into the nearest tunnel. Raph has been here his entire life that he can remember,so he probably knows them better than Leo,maybe even Splinter.
" Hey,where are you guys going?" Leo ran after them.
Raph continued running,coming to a ladder out of the sewer. He climbed onto it,Splinter following.
He reached the top,putting out his hands too open the lid,but it was already open.
A sheep yokai's face was a few feet away,Raph yelped,his hands slipped. SHIT-
Splinter narrowly dodged out of the way of him,Leo yelled something. Raph was caught in someone's arms, supposedly Leo. Raph felt his head hit the concrete,wincing in pain.
Leo was yelling something,but Raph couldn't hear it over the sound of his own heartbeat. They are so loud and annoying. Raph's vision started getting darker,the people around him turning into dark silhouettes.
" Ra......you can rest," Leo said. But Raph doesn't need it,even if his grip on consciousness was definitely getting looser,and black was starting to shroud his vision.
" Just sleep, i'll get you somewhere safe."
Raph heard that clearly. He couldn't really fight too stay awake anymore,it was getting too hard. Raph closed his eyes, allowing him to drift into a heavy sleep he wasn't sure he would wake up from.
Sorry about the ending,I couldn't really figure out how to write it correctly.
But thank you for reading! Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter,but I decided that for now on I'll post a chapter every two weeks. Sometimes I may post one once a week,but it depends.
Anyways,have an amazing day and make sure to drink water!
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Uncanny Icon: Prologue
Kurt Wagner x Original Female Character (Adrian Grey)
Rating: M
In 1963, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby debuted their band of merry mutants, the X-Men! But what if there was a sixth gifted youngster? How would the story change? How would relationships form and dynamics diverge? Enter the Indelible Icon!
Beginning with Giant-Size X-Men #1, follow the story of Adrian Grey aka Icon, the youngest founding X-Men member. With an ability to read emotions, Adrian's story is one of love, loss, and overcoming obstacles, from dastardly villains to personal demons in classic X-Men, soap opera style. Along the way, see her find her closest friends amongst the newest recruits to the team and, perhaps, love with our favourite fuzzy blue elf!
Whether you're a fan of the Claremont run, a lover of Nightcrawler, or just need something to fill the X-Men '97 void, Adrian's story is sure to be... Iconic!
[I have the first three chapters up on AO3 but now that I've made this blog, I'll post the first three chapters to get you caught up over this weekend, and then will update every week with the AO3 page!]
Annandale-on-Hudson, New York…
She’s screaming again. Not her outside scream, not the scream that breaks through her vocal cords, coming out her mouth with noise and power. It’s the scream that only she can hear, the one in her mind, the one that no one else can hear. No one else can hear the noises, the fear, the joy, the rage, the pain, the pain, thepainthepainthepain…
‘Adrian Grey?’
Her eyes snap open. That wasn’t right. The only voice that was ever in her mind was Jean’s, and even then it was only when she was upset. But this? Cutting through the emotions, the clips and hushes and breaths… is a voice. Unfamiliar, masculine.
She needs to answer, she knows that people don’t like when she doesn’t speak with her mouth. Answers require mouth, mouth is body, body is real. Body means normal. Show everyone that you’re fine, that you’re normal, Mother says when they let her go outside, those days she feels safe enough to brave the storm of noises and feelings of the world.
She blinks her eyes, peering over her shoulder from the darkened corner of the room. From first glance, one could be tempted to say they were animal eyes, reflecting the light of the hall. But Adrian’s eyes aren’t reflecting, they’re glowing. They’re eyes that blink in the same golden shade as the shining energy that warps around her in shapes and forms she barely knows how to control.
The voice comes back, this time aloud, for her ears this time, not her mind.
‘Miss Grey, your parents have asked me to speak to you, because they believe I can help. Do you know where you are?’
Her hand touches the wall corner she’s cowered against. She nods, her head hitting the wall though she doesn’t seem to notice. Physical is real, physical is here. ‘My room.’
‘Good. And how old are you, Miss Grey?’
‘Twe-Thirteen,’ she corrects herself midway. It had been her birthday recently. Her parents bought her a cake and let her eat a slice in her room. It’s been years since she had a birthday party like Jean and Sara got every year. It’s not safe for you, sweetie, Father would say, patting her head when she asked, you wouldn’t enjoy it. They were scared for her. Scared of her? ‘I’m thirteen.’
‘Adrian, I would like to help you, if you would let me,’ the voice continues, getting closer. She hides her face again, the energy swirling around her solidifying, constructing a protective shield around her. No touch, no touch, notouchnotouchnotouch –  ‘Miss Grey, I will not harm you, I will not touch you without your explicit permission. You are a very special girl with powers that are causing you a great deal of pain. I believe that I will be able to help you control them.’
Slowly, she lifts her head, the energy beginning to fade. As her vision begins to take focus, her eyes return to their original brown shade, emphasising just how young she really is, how small, how scared.
The voice belongs to a man her parents’ age, if not a bit younger, bald with thick, expressive eyebrows. He moves forward in a wheelchair, leaning down to get closer to her level on the floor. He holds a hand to her. ‘Allow me to help you.’
The emotions flow easily now, as they always do when she meets someone’s eyes. The hope, the dream, the conviction. The wave of promise and safety.
‘Who are you?’
He smiles, his hand reaching out to her once more.
‘My name is Charles Xavier.’
[see the rest, along with fun facts about references and comic book lore over here at my AO3!!]
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grimecrow · 1 year
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This is Mark Sheppard also known as DJ. 
His mutant power is that he manifests different powers based on what type of music he is listening to. For example he can create shielding constructs when listening to classical music. He debuted in Marvel comics in 2004 and was dropped to silent background character pretty quickly. I won’t lie I do understand why in theory as he was made at a time where a bajillion mutants were created and none of them really got a chance. That and his power while very cool is very complicated to flush out when you are under deadlines.  Let me clarify though; just cause I understand doesn’t mean I like the idea. Mark then was then de-powered and killed after M day like so many. They even went out of their way to say; “This guy? No, no fuck this guy.” as he was one of the only characters in the specific incident that got to have dying words.  Then Krakoa happened and sudden DJ popped up a little here and there giving me hope but that hope was dashed. Having him show up momentarily in X-Factor and help with that Mojoworld thing but then disappear again? Hurt. Then DJ ended up working with Nightcrawler and getting tied up in all that Onslaught stuff as an ‘every mutant’ perspective of what was happening. Still not getting a ton of lines and stuff but I had hope! They even had him in a bunch of the pages of the story...mute again.  Every tiny scrap of this character they have given I have absolutely loved but I am tired of waiting for Marvel to do anything with him so...I’m adopting him. Mark Sheppard is now my son, saved from neglectful parents who could have had him shine.  I never thought I’d ever want to write Marvel fanfiction, or commission artists to draw anything Marvel but I will be doing my best to give the world Mark Sheppard content...though I need to finish my current projects before I start on it, plus there is a bunch of unrelated X-stuff I want to read to now to get a fuller understanding of the soap opera mess I’ll have to be diving into.
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livsoulsecrets · 2 years
Rating Brazilian characters in foreign media (updated)
Jenny Kord (Blue Beetle)
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Where do I start? Bruna Marquezine on her first Hollywood movie, playing a wonderful, brilliant important character in a DC movie. 10/10. I loved every second of Blue Beetle, I don’t care what anyone says, Jenny owns me. She spoke 3 words total in Portuguese and I was ready to give up my firstborn for her.
Iván Carvalho (Elite)
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The whole “I’m in love with this guy who’s fucking my dad while I’m fucking his sister” thing? That could be the plot of a Brazilian soap opera any day, so 8/10 just for the pure chaos of that. I know it’s messy af, but it’s refreshing to see Brazilians that are not trafficking drugs or being thugs, so I’ll gladly welcome the chaos.
Also, I love how the show included the conversations in Portuguese between him and his dad. It makes no sense for two characters who are fluent in a language not to speak it with each other when they are alone or emotional, especially if they’re family.
Emilia Alo
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I have been obsessed with Gigi for years now and she’s very talented, so I of course love Emilia. It’s great to hear her saying Portuguese words during her dialogues and singing Brazilian songs. I do wish the show gave her more screen time though, so I’m giving this a 8/10
Also, it’s amazing to see a Brazilian character that’s bisexual and an artist in a mainstream Netflix show!
Marlon Sousa (Surviving Summer)
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I know nobody watches this show but it was a really good surprise, similar to Ivan’s case, it has dialogues in Portuguese between Marlon and his mom, which is always great to see! It even has a scene where the character briefly talks about how hard it was to adapt to a new country and language and how important surf was to him in that process, overall 8/10
Roberto da Costa/Sunspot (The new mutants)
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Burn it. Burn the whole thing down. Shamelessly white washing one of the few Brazilian superheroes (are we even surprised though, coming from Marvel?) was ridiculous. What the hell were they thinking, -100000/10
Vanessa (Taxi)
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Look, is this movie good, objectively speaking? No.
Was this character a robber and a criminal - very stereotypically so? Yes.
Was Gisele Bündchen drop dead gorgeous in this and my gay awakening? Also yes.
So I’ll give her 7/10 for this sole reason
Paolo Montes (Trials of Apollo)
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Look he is a very minor character with barely any lines and quite stereotypical features. That being said, he’s quite Brazilian in his refusal to say things in English, just speaking Portuguese nonstop and leaving the gringos to figure it out, which I love. Also the Brazilian kid having the worst luck and being Hebe’s son is quite funny. So I’ll give him 7/10
Eduardo Saverin (The social network)
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Okay. I get it. Andrew is great, the whole “smacking a keyboard down” scene is amazing. It’s a 2010 movie, made before representation was a hot topic.
All that being said, the character is based in a real person. Kid’s name is Eduardo. He was born in Brazil, even though he was raised in the states.
Rubs me the wrong way he’s not played by a actor with a similar background. However, Eduardo, just like Andrew, is of Jewish descent through his immigrant grandparents, which is very accurate. Win some, lose some, I guess. Give it a 5/10 I suppose?
Honorable mention:
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It’s a movie about blue macaws (Araras azuis in Portuguese), not a character in itself, so no ratings.
Even though it’s an USA-made movie, Rodrigo Santoro (all of our mothers’ crushes and a famous Brazilian actor) plays the main human character and the director is Brazilian. The songs are great, but English simply doesn’t do this movie justice.
This film in Portuguese marked my childhood, which is a testament to how great Brazilian dubbing is. Please listen to Hot Wings (Brazilian version).
Note: I know there were a few Brazilians in Shameless, never watched the shows but know they were drug dealers - which, yeah, not fun. I did see some scenes where Portuguese was being spoken though and it was quite funny.
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Fictober 19/31 -- “Do we have a deal?”
It is PHYSICALLY PAINING ME that every time I see this prompt, I remember back to 1992’s Aladdin where Jafar is disguised as another prisoner so he can use Aladdin to enter the cave of wonders.
But now I get to inflict the physical pain on you of Steve missing the end of a soap opera that started in his time by three years. It’s over 1K so look out for the cut!
It was eating away at him. Lottie hadn’t mentioned the paintings when she’d mentioned her ‘mutant’ name, what everyone had taken to calling her. She hadn’t mentioned any of her friends back home, really, except for Paisley, who she’d made a wedding dress for, and someone named Maryam. She’d never mentioned any artist friends.
Hadn’t mentioned a lot about her life back on the west coast, now that Steve thought about it. He wondered if that was a privacy thing, or if she didn’t feel comfortable telling them. It hurt, a little bit. They’d been hanging out in the common room a lot. He’d… sort of counted Lottie as one of the few friends he had in this century.
Well. Lottie had always been upfront and straightforward when asked about something. Steve took a deep breath and nodded to himself as he stepped off the elevator, sketchbook tucked under his arm.
Unfortunately, Thor was there, raising an eyebrow at him. “Why do you look like you’re about to go off into battle?”
“Fuck, do I really?” Steve asked, shoulders sagging.
“Relax your jaw,” Thor said, clapping him on the shoulder as he moved past him. “And don’t lean forward so much when you walk.”
“Oh my god,” Steve breathed as he realized Thor hadn’t been joking. “Is this why everyone jumps out of my way at SHIELD when I just want to come home after a mission?”
Thor turned in the elevator, raising an eyebrow at him. Luckily, he seemed amused. “Maybe if you didn’t do everything with the same amount of earnestness, you wouldn’t look like you were coming to punch Hitler in the face every time you made a decision to do something.”
“You haven’t gotten to the forties yet!” Steve shouted after him as the doors began to close, and Thor laughed. “Who showed you?! Was it Tony?!” He scowled when the doors closed all the way, swallowing up any answer Thor could have given him.
Steve continued scowling for a few seconds, just to feel better, before he returned his attention to the common room. Lottie was still where JARVIS had said she would be, curled up in the loveseat, giving painstaking attention to her sketchbook. He figured she must have been designing the next dress in her Avengers line. He’d seen the pictures for his, Tony’s, and Bruce’s in her cloud. He wondered if she’d been working on Thor’s, or if they’d just spent a while in each other’s company. Thor seemed to hate being alone, from what he noticed.
“Lottie,” Steve began, wondering how to phrase his question.
Lottie looked up at him, face breaking out into a smile. “Oh, hi, Steve! What’s up?”
“I have… questions for you,” Steve said, and then closed his eyes and sighed. God. He usually ignored the fact that Natasha teased him about being awkward. Times like this, though, he was glad she wasn’t around to see him really being awkward.
When he opened his eyes, he found Lottie had sat up straight on the loveseat, sketchbook set aside, fingers steepled together in front of her chest. He blinked.
“How about this? I give you… the information you want,” Lottie began. “In return, you give me… Irish stew for supper. Do we have a deal?”
“Huh?” Steve asked, squinting at her in confusion. “Lottie, if you want Irish stew for supper, you just have to tell me. I didn’t have plans anyway. JARVIS, order ingredients for Irish stew.”
Lottie blinked at him, apparently too stunned to speak immediately. Finally, though, she spluttered, “Oh my god Steve it’s a meme. You don’t have to make Irish stew if you don’t want to. I’ll answer any questions you have regardless.”
Steve stared at her for a moment, trying to parse what she’d said, then ultimately dismissed it as unimportant. He hadn’t had any idea what to make for dinner and it was his turn. He was glad for the suggestion, honestly. “I don’t know how to ask the questions without being weird.”
Lottie looked as if she wanted to carry on with her previous point, but he very deliberately circled the couch to sit down across from her. She stared at him for a moment, then rolled her eyes with a scoff. “Steve. Honestly. I haven’t punched Tony or Clint, and they don’t even try to be delicate with their questions. Just go ahead.”
Well, that was true, Steve had to concede. His questions weren’t even half as intrusive as Tony or Clint’s were, either. “When we were doing research on you. Before you told us to just ask you any questions,” he added with a wince when she scowled a little. “I… found some art. Paintings of a lioness, from areas around where you grew up.”
“Yeah?” Lottie asked, raising her eyebrows. Then she seemed to understand the question hidden in his statements. “Yeah, those are me.”
He’d thought so. He wondered if it would be gloating to admit it. He decided it would be better to do that with the rest of the team instead. “I can’t find any information on the artist,” he finally said. “Social media, galleries, even a name. It’s just a website with paintings of you as a lioness around your town.”
“Yeah, he took them off his main website after I was stabbed,” Lottie answered. “Not because he was ashamed or anything, though. At the time, my family was so private about me that the press went for my friends and neighbors next. He didn’t want to answer any questions about me so he took them off his website, then asked if he could put them back up. I said I’d prefer if he didn’t, and he asked if he could put them on a private website then, and I said that was fine. The anonymity would protect both of us. I’ll send you a link to his socials,” she added cheerfully. “You’re such a good artist, he’ll be honored you want to see his work.”
“Yeah,” Steve answered, hoping he didn’t sound squeaky. He could admit the work had been beautiful, but mostly he’d wanted to be nosy. Well. No one had to know that. “What’s his name?”
Lottie blinked at him, surprised, then let out a startled laugh. “Oh! I’m sorry. His name is Daniel. Daniel Winston. We went all through school together.” She grabbed her phone, tapping at it. “Here, I’ll send you his Instagram. He has links to his professional pages on there.” She did one final-sounding tap, and his own phone buzzed in his pocket. She waved hers at him with a smile. “He’s moved on from lions in orchards and on the steps of city hall, thankfully. He made me feel beautiful at the time, but I’m glad he’s moved to something new.”
Steve’s smile froze on his face. She hadn’t mentioned the painting of her standing on her school or standing on top of a house. And the dates on those had been recent. Like, months recent. And all of them signed off with well-wishes for Lottie. He opened his mouth a little. Should he tell her? Or—maybe he shouldn’t? They were still on Daniel’s private website, apparently, and Steve had only really found it by mistake. He wasn’t even sure he could recreate how he’d gotten to it.
“…Steve?” Lottie asked after a moment, brows furrowing together in concern.
Steve sucked in a breath. He still didn’t know what to do. “You never really talk about your friends,” he finally said. It would give him time to talk it over with someone else, get advice on how to broach the subject without blundering into it like a stampeding elephant. “I just… it must be hard. To be away from them.”
“Oh,” Lottie said, surprised. “Well. We message each other a lot. Or, well, as often as we can. They’re getting married, and having kids, and working. But we still talk a lot. I’d just gotten back from Paisley’s wedding a couple weeks before you guys knocked on my door. It’s not like I never see them. Hell, the other day, Natasha walked in on me arguing with my friend Maryam over whether Supernatural is a soap opera or a telenovela.”
“I understand those words separately,” Steve began, then frowned. “Soap operas? You mean like Guiding Light? On the radio?”
Lottie’s mouth dropped open into a surprised ‘o,’ eyes wide, before her lips spread into a wide smile again. “Oh my god. Steve. Okay but you know it ended, right?”
“Of course it did,” Steve said, confused.
“In two-thousand-nine,” Lottie finished.
Steve didn’t realize how stunned he was until he heard the thump of his sketchbook hitting the ground after sliding from his lax grip. “Two-thousand-nine?!” he finally spluttered, and Lottie began to laugh. “That’s seventy-two years!”
“Steve,” Lottie choked out.
“DID NED AND MARY AT LEAST GET A HAPPY ENDING?!” Steve exclaimed, frantic, as Lottie rolled off the couch, clutching her stomach.
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cherrysnax · 1 year
hope people chill out soon, your take was immaculate and actually the reason I followed you initially bc i am an adult who likes cartoons and little kid shows but also doesn't get in internet fights about them and thinks adults who do are... wild, for lack of a better term..
but!!! now I wanna know about your comic (???maybe its a comic not sure) that you've mentioned, I couldn't find a tag to search but do you mind sharing about it? tysm either way have a good one
hi nonnie!! first of all ty for the well wishes and compliments! i'm sure once all the jokes and the offense die down, people will be relatively normal again... i hope.. lets get into the meat of the ask under the cut
EDIT: this got long so if u just want the basic gist, go to the very end!
soooo my girlfriend @pokemonleague and i decided back in...2018? to make spidersonas due to our love of comics and the movie into the spiderverse, but since we're nerds that totally span out of control. it went from a fan rp with several spider-man themed characters to a completely original concept with new characters, our own setting, power system-- the works. it is about superheroes, so it might not be your thing. okay so first backstory stuff
it used to be called the phillyverse and if u go into the tag u might find some old art, but its all extremely outdated (and bad. im not the bessst artist). after some delegation we decided to start making it a comic (we spent YEARS debating it) and named the project around last year. its uh called Show Your Spine!
I'm the worst at describing things but we have like 3 whole seasons entirely plotted out so I can pull somethin like a pitch together: while the vigilantism is a core aspect, with the main overarching plot being a group of unlikely heroes, old and new banding together to stop their city from being overrun by the mob, supervillains, and other threats. it's really about finding love and community in a city at war and finding the strength to protect and nourish it. all the while unlearning all the shit the last generations have taught us, to stop us from perpetuating the cycle of hate... while also beating the shit outta some baddies
in short its abt cringe-fail women doing cringe-fail things lmaoo. its a like a superhero-action-soap opera taking place in the retro-futuristic city of Chesire Grove, new jersey.
in this world, there's people with powers called Augments, who are just like you and me but due to changes in their DNA due were born with the ability to manifest different abilities (think mutants or metahumans). the tension between augments and humans is a little.. high right now, but allegedly better than they've ever been before. It's a newish era of human-augment relations, for better or worse.
we have an ensemble cast, and we intend on taking the main characters from the ages of 16 to eventually 25. the characters are aging in real-time.
OKAY PLOT TIME: The first few arcs focus on a delinquent teenage girl, Leo, trying to find a cure for one of her best friends who has fallen ill after trying a new drug, by all means necessary. during her quest for it, she meets the elusive newer vigilante Spitfire, who had saved her once before. Despite a rocky start, the two start a mentor-mentee type thing, in hope that the other can help them find what they're looking for. For Leo, she's looking for info on the man who made the drug that's been killing people, desperate to make him reverse engineer it. For Spitfire, they're looking for Chesire Grove's longest-running protector: Nightingale, who has suddenly gone missing. Spitfire's a bit new in town but lucky for them, the kid knows the city like the back of their hand.
At the same time, a sheltered augment teen's life is changing, as her overly protective father has finally realized that keeping her inside wasn't protecting her at all. freshly enrolled in a school for STEM students, Bobbi (also known by his nickname Retro) has to learn how to navigate the world for the first time and solve the full mystery of her past, all while her powers are on the fritz.
there's so much to this world, and we're so excited to share it with everyone!! i tried to be pretty vague cause of spoilers, and like i said, bad with words
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