#that super mega audio is them
stolen-wolfbread · 2 years
(Free) Brazilian Portuguese Beginner Resource Masterlist
I've seen a lot of posts for European Portuguese, but none for Brazilian, so here we are! All resources are available for free (or at least have free trials.)
The items highlighted in yellow are what I, personally, use and recommend.
The items with asterisks are closer to intermediate level.
I will continue to update with new resources as I discover them. If you have any suggestions, comment or reblog!
101 Brazillian Portuguese Expressions
Brazilian Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese Grammar
FSI Brazilian Portuguese Fast 1 | 2 (+audio)
Learn Brazilian Portuguese - Word Power 101
Complete Brazilian Portuguese
IE Languages
Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar
Português para principiantes
( +more in the Mega Folder from @salvadorbonaparte)
List of Irregular Verbs
Top 100 Portuguese Phrases to Learn
Verbs in Brazilian Portuguese
Uncle Brazil
Brazilian Talk
Fernando - FWBP
Lennon Brito
Plain Portuguese
Portugués con Philipe Brazuca (For Spanish-speakers)
Speaking Brazilian Language School
Street Smart Brazil
Brazilian Films with English Subtitles
Easy Brazilian Portuguese: Basic Phrases
Easy Brazilian Portuguese: Learning From the Streets
Portuguese From Brazil
Super Easy Brazilian Portuguese
Brazilian Portuguese Podcast
Brazilian Talk
Carioca Connection
Fala Gringo*
Língua da Gente
Papo Vai
Read Books in Brazilian Portuguese With Me*
Speaking Brazilian Podcast
Tá Falado! (Compares Spanish and Portuguese languages)
Spotify Playlists
Brazilian Boogie
Brazilian Pop Mix
RADAR Brasil
Raízes Brasileiras
Top 50 - Brazil
Top Songs - Brazil
Web Apps/ Mobile Apps
Anki | Speaking Brazilian | 55 Sounds
Memrise | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Forvo (Pronunciation dictionary)
Priberam (Cites differences between European and Brazilian)*
Word Reference
Duolingo | Old Duolingo for Web | Old Duolingo APKs For Android
Language Drops
r/Portuguese | Discord Server
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skyeoak · 12 days
Tmagp 30 thoughts
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Vocal performances all slayed. 10/10
I think there’s a lot of good and bad in the finale! But overall, it feels underbaked. (Or overplotted/overplanned?)
I’ll save my finalized thoughts on the hilltop center to see if it’s developed in further seasons, because uh, hmm. Jonny said in the live drop that carousels of horrors were his favorite to write, but they sure are not realllyyyy my favorite to listen to. They’re kind of thematic scattershot. And yeah, one of my critiques about TMA is that I don’t love how we only rarely see how the fears combine and interact. Having multiple creepy things in a curiosity cabinet -com shopping center doesn’t really solve that problem for me.
The idea of a character turning a blind eye to an obviously creepy job is still interesting, especially in how it parallels the staff of the OIAR. But that’s kinda the start and end of my interest in the custodian? It feels like this story could have been shrunk to 1/3 length and had a better effect. I just feel like this should have been a midseason statement, and the finale could have focused on having some sort of action or tension. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting the finale to have a statement at all, to be structurally in line with early TMA. Maybe a full statement/story from Celia, giving the non-TMA audience some idea of why she thinks there’s nothing to go back to in her universe. Hell. Maybe she could just. Tell Sam, uncompelled. I would have loved to see her try to convince him to jump. Convince him that her new life matters more than his (perceived) failure of one. Instead… this is another episode where I feel like the double meaning titles weigh down what the statement could be. And it’s the season finale.
I wondered early on if the finale for this season would feel more like setup for future seasons, and yep. Yep it did. It just felt like there was this inherent tension between the stakes of the story, which are already at interdimensional travel, and the level of danger it feels like everyone is in. Not to mention how Celia just drops a list of alchemical balance things out of the blue. Magnus Protocol is in a tricky situation: they need to set up a new conflict and new characters, and at the same time, Magpod has already done mega-apocalypse hellscapes and so TMagP might feel the need to go bigger. (Imo I don’t think sequels always need to raise the stakes but I understand that’s industry standard). It’s also tackling alchemy, a notoriously complex subject that’s probably hard to explain to an audience in any way that feels natural. You can’t just throw murder worm lady and screaming main character in the finale and call it a day. There’s a lot going on, less time, and I don’t know if the characterization this season was consistent (/consistently good) enough to hold the full weight of it all.
OKAY, WHELMED THOUGHTS OVER, now for the good! Surprise surprise, it’s all the little character payoffs!
Gwen and Lena’s confrontation was EVERYTHING. Gwen is kicking anthills, and Lena is so content to let her stand in them while the ants crawl up her legs. I won’t lie though, I’m not sure if this plotline will be interesting to me. I think it depends on how fast the OIAR staff can get Gwen to actually be on their side.
Sam deciding to protect Celia by pushing the archivist into the void is SENSATIONAL CHARACTER PAYOFF. (This is my interpretation of the scene, audio was super unclear once again, and there was a line change from transcript to podcast that made this super ambiguous in the actual canon audio.) My poor guy has ZERO self esteem, and still wants to be a hero. He probably realized that if what Celia just told him was true, an archivist could actually kill her on the spot. My guess is that (tma spoilers) this balanced the rift not because Celia replaced her own missing soul (plenty of folks got sent through hilltop road in that same incident) but because an archivist+a person were pulled through to replace Jon and Martin. Truly excited to see where they end up, and if this archivist gets developed more as a character next season. Also the implications of interdimensional balance on what happened at the end of TMA are… interesting.
Oh Alice. Everything in this intricately balanced house of checking up on people and soothing them and deflecting tension with jokes is about to come crashing down. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.
And yes, this is a super lukewarm episode review but I do wanna say I liked this season a lot, and TMAGP is still a cut above a LOT of horror I have read/listened to this year. I’m hoping seasons 2 and 3 will either steer further into a direct TMA sequel, angle OR steer clear and become their own thing. TMAGP is stuck uncomfortably in the middle right now. Just be the good parts of her. But completely new.
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hypequeenves · 6 months
Enchantée, my loves! Welcome to the blog! <3
Just to let you know that this is a story based blog, with an alternative style of story telling. The plot is revealed mostly through the lens of different types of technology. From Sinstagram posts to security camera footage, this Hellaverse AU centres around my OC Vesper:
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Vesper is a popular popstar and sinner operating within the Pride Ring. She is soul contracted to Vox, and was designed around the idea of a 'hypeman' for the Vees. Her outfit is loosely based around a cheerleader, and her abilities are based off a Siren.
The story is told through a bunch of different mediums - mostly images, but I do have some audio files on here along with some music! I did not expect to be writing music for this, but here we are! So if you'd like to stick around, I'd scroll right to the bottom of the blog and explore the story!  SPOILERS BELOW - If you haven't looked through the posts thus far and don't want to be spoiled, come back after!
(I didn't just wanna write the plot point blank, so I wrote it like POV: Your at a movie night and your best friend is telling you the plot to the prequel movie so you have *context*)
We're diving into the wild world of Vanessa LaBlanc, this mega-popstar who goes by the stage name Vesper in the Pride Ring. But here's the kicker: her climb to stardom? It's only been about seven years! Insane, right?
So, her smash hit 'The Devil You Know' rockets to the top of 'Hell's Hottest Hits'. It's like her big breakout moment, and suddenly, everyone's got their eyes on her.
But here's where it gets interesting: turns out, she's been hanging out at the Hazbin Hotel, but not just for kicks. Nope, she's on this super-secret spy mission, keeping tabs on things. And her deal with Vox? Let's just say their whole working relationship is one big question mark.
Then there's this whole issue about her being under some soul contract with Vox, so it's not all rainbows and sunshine. But Charlie, being the sweetheart she is, rallies everyone to support Vesper at this major award ceremony, and guess what? She totally wins and takes home the prize!
But after that, Vesper goes MIA, ghosting everyone's texts and calls. Finally, when she resurfaces, it's because she's been tied up shooting some ad campaign. Turns out, her and Vox had this major fallout over the ad's ethics.
And get this: the product of the ad? Love Potions! Vesper's kinda backed into a corner she doesn't think its right - but Vox makes her do it anyway! You can see the strain it puts on her and Vox's relationship. It's messy, to say the least.
Then there's this whole backstory between Vesper and Angel Dust, like they used to hate each other and Valentino admits to being the reason behind it. But now that she's staying at the Hotel, they seem to have made up! Val's flipping out, convinced Vesper's up to something, but Vox is tells Val to calm down, because 'it's not like before' that she's 'under contract now'.
Things really hit the fan when Vesper and Vox have this big blow up over some news article about her going public with staying at the Hazbin Hotel. But in the middle of all the drama, you can see there's this genuine care between them, buried beneath all the chaos.
And then there's the bombshell about Vesper's new album, 'Absolution', which Vox drops on her out of nowhere. She's not thrilled, especially when she finds out the album cover's shot in Val's flooded studio, and she has a deep-rooted fear of water.
Things get tense between Vesper and Angel, too. He's worried sick about her, but she's not having any of it. And then after the album shoot, her relationship with Vox starts unravelling big time.
And that's pretty much it thus far!
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katiekatdragon27 · 5 months
Guuuyyyyyyys? Can we all just agree that this is canon noowwwwwww?
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These two have been eating at my brain all night it’s chronic.
Every fandom I'm in has that one straight-passing ship that I make my personality for a couple weeks lol. This is that straight-passing ship for Rayman lol.
A buncha ideas and progress below cut:
Teensy Ray Thoughts:
Teensy Ray (who's name is probably Raymond I haven't decided yet) is the kind and soft-spoken leader of the Rayman Fan-Club. He is the go-to person for all things Rayman, and has basically turned his house into a makeshift shrine museum for the guy.
He DIYed his entire cosplay of Rayman. He cut up his cloak and altered it to look more like a "hoodie", even wrapping his arms with bandages to represent Rayman's "limbless-ness." The thing he struggled with most was the hair.
Speaking of the hair, the "implant" that Polokus talks about in Origins was actually a little bird creature he found one day. Its tail feathers stick up like Rayman's two hair strands and can whirl around in a haircopter style.
The creature is also a kind-of wing man for TR. It can read how he feels and will move its tail accordingly.
The reason why TR started the Rayman Fan-Club and dresses as him a ton was because way back in the day, he was directly saved by Rayman (like Rayman hauled his ass out of danger manually kinda saving). He feels like the club is the least he could do to repay his hero
Also he and Ray are pen-pals lol (but Rayman takes decades to respond)
Teensy Ray is a hopeless romantic. Any sort of romantic gesture, no matter how small, sweeps him off his feet.
He was originally Teensy Queen's "safe date." He was down for it, both because she was incredibly pretty and because she let him go on super long rambles about Rayman.
When she eventually fell for him, he fell for her almost instantly, and things have been going smoothly ever since lol.
The "How Did You Bag A Baddie?" audio.
Teensy Queen Thoughts:
Queen Teensy (honestly might name her Quincy lol) is the bad bitch teensy of the Glade. She has the heart of an adventurer, constantly running away from the boring royal duties to practice her magic and fighting skills.
She will run off, kick ass by halting a nightmare invasion of some rural town, then return just in time for her royal duties.
She loves fighting almost as much as she loves Rayman lol.
Queen had a mega crush on Rayman and was desperate to get with him. However, Rayman (the aroace king he is) took no interest in her whatsoever.
She decided to settle for TR as a sort of "substitute" for Rayman at first. She was constantly heckled by her family for never giving any man a chance, so she retaliated by grabbing the teensy who looked the most like Rayman and basically fake-dating him.
After a couple months or so of just being safe-date buddies, she started to gain actual feelings for TR, to which he reciprocated. She was in a lot of denial about it though for a while.
She be like "I don't date dorks!" then ends up with this mf.
Teensy Queen is Grand Romantic Gestures in teensy form. She will go out of her way to create large displays for the people she loves and cares about.
That's all I have rn. Expect more art of these guys cuz they're gonna be so everything to me for like two months lol.
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Thanks for indulging in my delusion lol. Have a lovely day :)
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secret-subject · 1 year
I'm super stoked to be involved in helping organize a GIANT hypnosis collab with aussie hypnokink audio creators Loops and Pling!
This will be as many hypnotists/hypnokink creators/kinky VA's as want to be involved. 60 seconds each and as many drops (or not) as you'd like in your timeslot combined into a giant supercut audio experience that will break the internet with it's size and scope.
Who would you like to see involved? Tag them so we can get as many people who love hypnosis like we do interested!
P.S: To do this you MUST have a minimum of a USB microphone. We are not able to use audio from anyone using headsets or phone mics at this time as to edit it all to sound consistant we need a certain audio quality. If you would like recs for cheap, beginner friendly USB mics you can ask me I'd be happy to help point people in the right direction!
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theinfernalsanctuary · 6 months
Let's talk about religious psychosis for a minute.
For those of you who don't know, religious psychosis is a mental condition that causes somebody to believe that their hallucinations (both audio and visual) and their ideas that are coming out of this manic state are actually the word of a God or some sort of Deity. This can be really dangerous in any religion, and it's incredibly common in both christianity and satanism because it's so hard to tell the difference between somebody who is experiencing religious psychosis and somebody who is actually had a religious experience.
This is why it's so important that people pay attention to what they are looking at online and who they are talking to online, you never know if the person behind the screen that is telling you all of this information is experiencing some form of religious psychosis. Many people who are experiencing some sort of religious psychosis also have delusions of grandeur. These people tend to place themselves into a higher seat of power, calling themselves a high priestess or a high priest, calling themselves a profit calling themselves the messiah, ect. They aren't doing it on purpose, it just so happens that this is what their hallucinations are telling them, it's not outright malicious. That's not to say that it cannot cause people to do some horrendous things. I mean, we've all heard the cliche of "God told me to" or the "devil told me to." This is where that comes from.
Unfortunately, someone who is actually suffering from religious psychosis will not be willing to seek help, nor will they respond well to being pushed into seeking help because they don't believe that what's happening is bad, they think that this is their god trying to reach out to them. It's really important not to push these people too far but also to not feed into these delusions.
I say it's hard to tell the difference between somebody who is experiencing religious psychosis and somebody who isn't, but there is one tell all, they tend to be much more grandiose about literally everything. Think the crazy mega churches in the southern United States, but then change it so that they DON'T know that everything that they're telling their congregation is bogus, imagine if they actually wanted to help and believe everything they say but still churned out more extremists the way they already do. This is one of the many ways that cults can start because not everything that they say is something super out there and obvious, and if the wrong person sees the right post and thinks that this person knows what they're talking about, there's a high potential that they'll start to overlook red flags. This won't necessarily cause others to experience religious psychosis, though it can happen, more often the people who are following the original person with religious psychosis are not experiencing any hallucinations themselves, but are brainwashed into the hope that if they follow what they're told that they will either be given special treatment in the afterlife or that they may start to experience what we know to be hallucinations themselves.
Please be very careful if you believe that you are dealing with someone who is experiencing religious psychosis, they are not trying to cause problems or harm, they are sick. I bring this up now because the solar eclipse is coming up and there are a bunch of people online right now talking about how it's going to be the rapture or how you'll be able to see the faces of angels/demons if you look up at the eclipse while you're in the path of totality (the strip of land that the sun passes over where the eclipse is the most complete.) None of that is true, please be safe when viewing the eclipse and when interacting with others on the internet.
Ave Satanas!
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this is now just a masterpost to my fics
comments and reblogs appreciated (and visits to ao3 too!) :)
ummm, yeah, have a nice time (it got long so it's under a cut now)
fear has nothing AO3 - neil panic and h/c, oneshot
poppy seed roll AO3 - twinyard bonding, oneshot
fear, joy, everything - pixie hollow-esque andreil, multichap, has BB amazing art!
The Sweetest Dream Would Never Do - andreil fluff, multichap, has RBB art!
Always Come Home (To You) - andreil, met as children, multichap
Mers and Naps - mer!neil, andreil fluff, oneshot, inspired by art
Sorrys and Strawberries - cat hybrid!neil, fluff, oneshot
Running towards - oneshot, neil on the run ficlet
The Lord's Cats - oneshot, plotless fluff, with cat hybrids! ichirou + perfect court (and aaron)
If You Run, I Will Follow - multichap, wolfblood au, andreil. has BB art!
black cat and his kittens ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, ch6, ch7, ch8, ch9, ch10 AO3 - vigilante everyone, dadzawa, multichap, incomplete
we're all hitchhiking in this car AO3 - dabihawks roadtrip au, oneshot
the fire triangle AO3 - bakusquad atla au, bnha, oneshot-
green friends and tired dads - oneshot, dadzawa, tsu&izu friendship
bonus unposted draft! - villain aizawa taking care of HIS kids
super cool ghost ice mega slide AO3 bonus unrelated snow LBM drawing - fun in the snow, danny cass and duke, oneshot
and you're always free to begin again ch2, ch3, ch4, ch5, AO3 - twin danny and damian, multichap, incomplete
of clones and time bullshittery - complete multichap, danny&tim clonery, co-authored with Bewitched_Forest
+Who are these people in your house?! -There's people in my house?! (on tumblr as well)- feral detective tim is baffled and excited by weird amity park, oneshot
Danny's Winter Holiday - oneshot, the batfam tries to make danny happy
The Danny Test - part one of a series (i hope), oneshot, jack and bruce are long lost twins
Ten Broken Ornaments - oneshot, LBM shenanigans
The Bat and the Parental Mad Scientists - oneshot, the fentons ask batman for help in getting back their children
Wing Ficlets - three short stories, one DC, one DPxDC, one DP
A New Pup - multichap, cute omegaverse with O!bruce and pup!danny. technically wip but it's plotless, so
Brothers In Pranks - co-written with art-lokiitama, wip, crack treated seriously, danny&damian shenanigans
Clark's Favourite Pod - one-shot, mer!au, batfam
kool aid AO3 - crack oneshot
Stars (Dream a Little Dream) - vivisection, oneshot, mega gore warning!! part of EI, so it has amazing art and audio (again, extra gore warning!)
Danny and the (mini)Phantoms - funny and creepy shenanigans, oneshot, part of EI so it has amazing art!
12 Marshmallows - humorous, one-shot how many marshmallows is too many?
The Dog at the Park - oneshot, protective cujo pov
Baby yetis need their naps - oneshot, baby yeti danny + frostdad fluff
cuddles? cuddles AO3 - dad!bucky and son!peter, oneshot
tags for browsing: my fics: fics i've written my art: art i've made fic rec whateverday: my fic recs fanwork, random fanstuff: includes both my fics and my art (if i remember to tag them as such), my fic recs, but also fanworks from others (for example if i reblog something) second one has non-fanwork fandom stuff. idk pal, sometimes i'm tired and forget to tag stuff
[link count 13/08/24: 72 (just for me to remember)]
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sibyl-of-space · 4 months
It's time for me to go to bed. And that means everybody gets a Procrastination Essay No One Asked For About Sonic Adventure 1 for the SEGA Dreamcast!
This game is one of my super mega ultra all-time favorites. Every single time I revisit it, I am so afraid that my love for it is entirely nostalgia goggles and it will lose its charm this time around, and every single time, I just have the time of my life because the game really is great. It is so fun. It does some very cool things. It is kind of stupid but it takes itself seriously, and that is very endearing and a million times more interesting than a game that's too afraid of being perceived as cringe to be sincere.
I love basically everything about it. I painted Big the Cat on my Dreamcast and even that is not enough to communicate my vast love for this game.
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MANY WORDS BELOW CUT. Visuals, audio, gameplay, I love all of it.
The game came out in 1998. It looks like a game that came out in 1998. But the world and character designs are fantastic and the world is so detailed. I could genuinely spend hours just moving around on the Egg Carrier overworld map appreciating all the gadgets and gizmos moving around that are purely 100% set dressing. It makes up for what it lacks in polygons with cool textures and fun trinkets everywhere. The animated CGs genuinely look amazing, and you can forgive the rest of it considering the game came out in 1998.
I also love the splash screens you get after finishing each route. They're so good.
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(It goes without saying that the game looks its best on a CRT. There are some really cool lighting effects CRTs just capture better.)
It obviously has an insanely good soundtrack of just nonstop banger after banger. It also has a very 1998 dub and the sound mixing and implementation are some of the worst you'll ever hear. Eggman has like 5 voice lines that are re-used in every scene he's in. But who can complain about that when they're listening to the likes of "Bad Taste Aquarium"? Literally nobody. Who cares. Every single song slaps.
"But Leo half the time the songs start and stop mid-cutscene because of how the game handles loading" who cares. I can forgive just about ANYTHING a game does in terms of audio implementation if it has a song as good as "Bad Taste Aquarium" in its soundtrack.
Setting aside the fact that the story is kind of stupid, I really think we need to appreciate the way it tells it. The way this game has you play through the same story from everyone's different perspective, and how the scenes that overlap actually play out differently depending on who you play as, is so big brain. You don't get the full picture of what's happening until you've played as everybody, and there is no "big group of heroes collectively take on the bad guy" until the very very end Super Sonic story... until then, it's just different people having wildly different journeys that overlap here and there and are all part of a single, bigger story.
That's just cool ass storytelling. Everyone loves to bitch about my good friend Big the Cat but the entire point is that this extremely chill guy who loves to fish and just wants to save his friend was caught up in this Adventure, and he was a small but vital part of it, and it affected him differently than it affected everybody else because he had a different reason for being involved. But that goes for everybody! Everyone's story has an arc with a start and a finish, and most of them don't come close to being involved in the whole thing. Even SONIC doesn't see everything (he doesn't have a Hot Shelter level at all). Knuckles's story ends on a really cool note, with him going "I may never know the full story of what happened here, but maybe it's better that way." Or something close to that.
I also just love the concept of benevolent protector water god goes apeshit at people, as well as the concept of a ghost from thousands of years ago trying to right ancient wrongs. Chaos and Tikal are great.
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The thing I love about Sonic Adventure is that every single character is really fun to play. This comes at the "cost" of what you might call "balance," in that half of the characters are broken as fuck and you can just disregard the very concept of platforming with most of them. I couldn't really care less about that because I just enjoy how fun it is to play as everyone.
Sonic Adventure 2 understandably put Tails in a mech because outside of it he is too damn broken. Sonic Adventure 1 lets you play as him anyway, and it rules.
The ONLY gripe I have about the gameplay is that Big the Cat does not have the means to harm robots (because he is too nice and chill to do that), but as a result he is unable to collect animals to give the chao. I cannot think of a single character in the Sonic the Hedgehog universe who would be better suited to raise chao than Big the Cat, but Big the Cat is unable to give them animals to power up. This is a tragedy.
Sonic Adventure is a masterpiece. Every time I play it I'm like "this is the greatest game that has ever been made." The parts of it that are clunky, awkward, kind of dumb, or very dated are still endearing because it tries to do so many things that you really just have to respect it. This is the kind of game that is fantastic whether you sit down and play it straight through from plot point to plot point or you spend three hours throwing that statue around Station Square into oncoming traffic.
Of course it's not polished. It tries to do way too many cool ass things all at once to be polished. It is WAY too ambitious to be polished. That's what makes it so good. It's perfect exactly the way it is and the fact that people will play this incredible game and go "lol, 3D Sonic sucks" is a good reminder that gamers will bitch about anything and you should never care about what gamers have to say when making games.
Big the Cat has glow-in-the-dark eyes. Game of all time.
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houseofbrat · 6 months
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They should have never let Catherine take the blame for the photo altering. Even if she did alter it herself, it only adds to everyone’s suspicion. I think she felt the need to put a photo out quickly and it backfired. Why didn’t the RP cover for her photo blunder?
Right. Literally anything would’ve been better than her of all people personally taking the fall for this! William would’ve been better, a random, unnamed intern would’ve been better, one of the kids fucking with the computer lmao idk. Just such a strange strange tweet to send out.
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Someone should call KP and tell them we’re on mega thread #4 over here and we can’t have our mods getting sick from the “stress and fallout”, so just trot her out for a second or an audio message or even just a true statement sans doctored photos. And if she’s too unwell for that well gee maybe a smidge of transparency would gain them public support back . Nobody wants her medical info , just them to stop acting shady and disrespectful.  She can have her privacy and also stop the shiftiness and theatrics.  Unlike Reddit mods, the BRF gets paid. 
I think Kate is refusing to play ball. It's entirely possible she's had setbacks in her recovery or drew a line in the sand and said "I'm out until x/y/z date, so quit pushing," but this is a woman who's been in the public eye for 20 years. She knows how the media vultures and gossip mill operate. The speculation has now turned dark. We're getting everything from she's passed and they're covering it up, to she was injured in an 'incident.' Papers are running articles on William's rage issues. Kate could easily clear this up but she's choosing not to. It leads me to believe she's pissed at her husband and is enjoying watching him squirm. 
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Just found out my best friend has independently fallen down the rabbit hole—which just illustrates how out of control this has gotten.
we’re both thinking it’s just a series of ‘own goals’ but are seriously hoping Catherine makes an appearance at Easter. If not, I think KP will have to make yet another announcement, and given how inept they’ve been, it’ll probably just make things even worse.
I’m just hoping she’s chilling with her kiddos, and is either not paying attention to the whole debacle or is highly amused by the shenanigans.
I would think that she is making an appearance at Easter but then wonder why KP wanted it to be known that she isn’t confirmed the attend Trooping of the Colour? Which was stupid on their part tbh
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Princess Diana’s former private secretary on the matter from a CNN interview.
He’s kinda repetitious but still clear enough. He comes out critical of William for poor communications. Williams’s office created the vacuum of information which fueled the interest which fueled the out sized interest and the conspiracy theories.)
They definitely mishandled this situation. Supposedly Prince William just got a new private secretary. Hopefully they get a proper PR team again soon. While I’m not on team conspiracy theories and believe what has happened is exactly what we heard (Catherine had major surgery and is now recovering), they were way in over their heads in how they handled this.
Crazily, her secretary, Patrick Jephson, was my neighbor 8 years ago, super nice and very genuine guy. I definitely put stock in his POV.
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This has been extremely poorly managed by KP. They’ve done irreparable harm to their image. The pressure they are now under for the next step/stage/messaging is immense. This is a defining moment for the royal family. Charles is not well, to what extent is not known. Kate is MIA and now three very questionable ‘proof of life’ photos have been released. The state of Will and Kate’s marriage is under a serious spotlight. It’s an information black hole. VERY rocky overall.
Charles and Kate are unwell. That is all. Kate is obsessed with her looks and image and she doesn’t want to be pictured looking anything but perfect that’s all. She will be back once she is looking like her old self. I honestly don’t believe the marriage in trouble stuff. Kate will never leave William that too so close to becoming the Queen? No chance.
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Is it possible, in light of everything that has occurred so far, that Charles is letting Will have enough rope so Charles can use this PR disaster as his excuse to shutdown Kensington Palace office so everyone falls under his office at BP? Get rid of Will's staff and his vanity projects so he has to get on with the everyday drudgery that being a royal entails? It's not just film premieres and photo ops. It's hands on in the community at events with little or no fanfare. Service rather than PR grandstanding.
With no more competing offices, Charles can have his people oversee everything. That at least might get some consistency.
I kind of doubt it. William has the duchy money now. He can spend it however he wants.
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I believe the most significant thing is that - at the very beginning of this whole story- the surgery wasn’t planned at all… she had the agenda full of duties, included a trip to Italy…  The narrative from the Palace was inconsistent from the first day. 
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Reposting, because I think my comment got removed.
My takeaway from all the conspiracy theories floating around out there is that no matter what the truth is, look at what the main themes have become. Essentially, there are several theories about Will's behaviour and being a less than stellar husband. Also, the feeling that KP cannot be trusted. No matter what the truth is, the fact that these are the themes that have emerged is interesting.
William has based his entire reputation on being a nice protective family man. He doesn’t really have any other accomplishments or character traits that the public cares about. He put all his eggs were in the good dad/husband basket. Somehow, the Harry & Meghan crisis only bolstered that image. Now Stephen Colbert is doing bits about his alleged affairs, and all the normies know about his anger issues. Now personally, I’m the kind of person who thinks where there’s smoke, there’s fire. But even if there aren’t any flames here, Kategate has done some massive damage to Will’s reputation.
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KP PR team is giving toxic boymom energy. Anything to protect their precious son.
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Is anybody else getting annoyed at all the normies acting like Rose is William’s Camilla? I mean, maybe she is. Maybe they never even slept together. We don’t really know. But the assumption is getting on my nerves. Not every side chick is a Camilla!!
My mum calls my dads best friend (another straight male) his Camilla.
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I was filling in my husband about this mess, and his comment was that he thinks maybe the PR team WANTS this drama unfolding because it keeps the royals in the news. Like essentially, "all press is good press." What does this community think? I was inclined to think that as the figurehead of a political state and a future king, Charles and William really can't afford this type of bad press, especially about DV. Obviously, the royal family do bring in money and tourism for the country, and part of that has always been an uneasy relationship with paparazzi and gossip rags, but given that QE II is gone and there are a lot of people who find them irrelevant and an unfair state subsidy, I think this would be a terrible PR move. Thoughts? Could their PR team be milking this?
Their PR team are likely pulling their hair out. "All press is good press" applies to celebrities who need to keep their names front and center to remain celebrities. The Palaces never want bad press. I think the issue is that William is incredibly stubborn and won't listen to their advice.
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I've never been the type of girl to need closure when things come to an end, but if the season finale to this saga doesn’t answer every single question and include some bombshells I’d never even consider, I’m going to cry.
“She deserves her privacy, though!” Shut up, we’re all here for the same reason.
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I just find it hilarious that the most interesting thing Kate has ever done in her life is disappear.
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The whole ''she went shopping and we saw it, trust me bro'' thing is bad for them any way you look at it.
Either she wasn't really seen shopping and the story was completely fabricated with colaboration from the media, which would be pretty sinister and in line with everything else we've been getting lately, and at the least it would be a very North Korean-esque way of deceiving the public.
She actually did went shopping, was in ''public'' no matter how limited and controlled the public was, which means that she's physically capable + her face isn't bad or disfigured or whatever, as some people have suggested. Which portrays her as very irresponsible and weirdly uninterested in keeping up her image and popularity. Amidst all those very damaging rumors that could directly influence and traumatize even her children (forget about adults and public), she has time and will for shopping but not for a 10 second video, which is everything needed to dispell all the rumors once and for all?
All in all, terrible PR one way or another. The clusterfuck continues.
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Do they actually think it’s a good look that she went shopping on St Paddy’s Day? She’s involved with the Irish guards and cancelled her appearance at their annual event… so she can’t work but she can pop out to the shops with Willy? Sure, Jan. Just fuck the Irish guards then right?! I mean, not that I remotely believe she went shopping. But another terrible PR bungle. These KP PR people are fucking idiots and I don’t understand why they still have jobs when they’re so clearly incompetent.
Even if she wasn't capable of attending a quick video message expressing her good wishes for the Irish guards etc etc would have worked wonders in terms of restoring good feeling towards them from the public and simultaneously would have quieted the conspiracy theorists. I don't buy she wasn't well enough to do a simple 1 minute video but was perfectly happy with a trip to the shops and watching sports with the kids where she would have been seen and possibly photographed. My personal view is that the trip to the shop didn't happen. There's no way that there's not a SINGLE snap taken on a mobile phone that's made it's way to social media.
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I'm continually amazed at how badly the Waleses are botching all of this.
To be clear, I've been a royal watcher since they got engaged in 2010, and I'd definitely fall into more into the "fan" camp than not.
I've thought the conspiracy theories about all of this are nonsense. And even now after "Photogate", I STILL think they're nonsense and that what is happening is what they said - Catherine had serious surgery and needs time to recover.
But the artificially constructed Mother's Day photo is such a huge unforced error, made worse by Catherine then taking the fall for it.
Catherine's clearly not ready to show her actual face as it looks right now, and that's fine.
But then don't fake a picture! Post a quick video of William and the kids making breakfast in bed for Catherine for Mother's Day, or making cards or something. It'd still have the conspiracy theorists buzzing about why we're not seeing her, but it'd have been SO much better received by the general public than what they did.
She's absolutely entitled to her privacy, especially while she recovers. But the deal that the Royal Family has had with the press for decades now is that they get privacy most of the time in exchange for occasional, official, REAL pictures. It's clueless at best - and outright deceptive at worst - to do something like this and think no one will notice or care.
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With the farmer’s market story, I’m even more convinced that Kate’s story is a red herring and there is something else happening they don’t want people to notice or know about.
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This is still so odd. Either something is up (and I have no knowledge and make no inferences as to what or why) or a lot of people are profoundly bad at their jobs. Ok, the photoshop happens. Then they lie about it, even when they are trying to apologize for it. Why not put out a quick official and genuine photo of just her. If she isn't ready for camera's yet, put out a voice recorded statement saying, "I appreciate everyone's interest in my well being. Rest assured I am recovering well and I look forward to returning to my royal duties as soon as I am able". They could so easily kill all of this speculation and non-sense if things are as they say they are (she is taking car rides and shopping and up out and about). It would literally take 1 hour of her time at most, and instead KP's continued silence invites more speculation. You know what happens in physics why you make a vacuum? It gets filled. The same happens in the media/press. So again I say, either something is up (and I have no grounds with which to speculate what it might be) or this is the absolute worst PR advice and self-made crisis in recent memory.
Edit: Grammar
I joked about this in one of the earlier megathreads, but what if the *plot twist* in all of this is that Kate handles her own PR. I just remember when they got married how one of the little factoids that came out was that Kate did her own makeup for the wedding day. Like, royals! They're just like us!
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Can someone answer why Royal Rota media are publishing these pics if there is a deal that they don't publish unauthorized photographs or was this a planned pap walk LOL? Is there a thread somewhere talking about this. I was listening to the Times (UK) Radio on YouTube today and the Assistant Editor for the paper (Kate Mansey) was unfairly criticizing listeners as strange people who are conspiracy theorists and says there isn't a pact or agreement that the family has with the media...yeah right LOL (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIKUvQB2Z_M). Have these people read about the Royal Rota and the unprecedented-in-the-modern-era pacts the royal family has made with the British media.
If the British media are posting it its because they got the ok to do so.
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Their PR team needs to pick a lane. On one hand they're selling that Kate is healthy enough to be out and about twice in one weekend, walking around a farmer's market, watching her kids play sports, but on the other she's unwell to the point she had to fake a Mother's Day pic and pull out of an event in June? Which is it? Their messaging is all over the place. 
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I hope that if we all take away one thing from this whole ordeal its that no matter how bad at your job you might think you are, you're still probably doing better than the KP PR team over the last couple of weeks so give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done and don't be so harsh on yourself.
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what gets me and i know royal fans will call me a conspiracy theorist is that it's kinda obvious there's a story here. the impact or actual matter of it isn't what i'm questioning, but the motivation behind so many blunders. i am a writer/journalist and this entire story feels weirdly on edge of being something, anything.
like yes, let's presume kp was truthful from the beginning and she had abdominal surgery that took too long to recover from. great, but why throw her under the bus? or if all of this is a distraction, overplayed to the nines, what for? 
i am sure any tea is probably regular people tea to the max, like relationship dynamics, family stuff and whatnot. it's not like i believed she was killed and it was hidden, but usually when there's smoke there's fire and i'm curious about what fire, you know? 
i would love to be a fly on the wall and know what they disagree about, their relationship with staff and other royals. 
i find kate stylish and their wedding hype was charming, if a little gauche. i am against royals in general, not specifically them, but they could be great philanthropists if they wanted. 
the thing with Kate's personality (in public) is that it's nonexistent? i suppose that's the ideal, princess-like behavior that's expected from her. but i do wonder what happens behind the scenes with that. how curated it is x how many other blunders happened before.
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The story seems to be that Will and Kate are going to find it much, much harder to be the center of the slimmed down monarchy than they realized.  Though if it turned out that they’d never really thought about how that was going to work on practice, I would believe you.  There aren’t as many working royals so the attention is on them, whether they want it to be or not.  The disappearing and the stonewalling isn’t super unusual for Will and Kate, though not previously to this extent, but we’ll see if they make any changes moving forward.  Judging from how this debacle has dragged on, I am guessing they won’t.
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Well, I for one am very impressed by Kate's ability to emerge from her grueling 3 month surgical recovery looking like a radiant, bouncy 25 year old yoga instructor who doesn't have a care in the world.
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saiyanprincefiregod · 7 months
How I would reboot and reimagine MegaMan (Classic), MegaMan Zero, and MegaMan X pt. 1
Mega Man's story telling is horrible. It leaves way too many untold details about major plot points. I understand that it was done due to console limitations in some cases, but when there's current day ports of these where the info isn't anywhere to be seen, I really can't let that slide. For example, how many of you know about Elpizo's backstory, which is the whole reason why he acts the way he does? Or the fact that Mamoru is the son of the Yoka Inn owner, and Tamako's nephew, making them sisters? Or that the guardians died to shield Zero from Omega's explosion? Or even something as basic as knowing the base plot of Mega Man 3? Either your answer is "I do, because I listened to the audio dramas, bought every book, or read it on the wiki", or "What the fuck are you on about?". And not just that. Plot holes, dropped plot points, and just bad writing in general in some parts. Who remembers the Wily plot point in X2, X5 and X6? Great, now who remembers it being elaborated on and given a proper conclusion? Precisely. Every series suffers from this, no exception. Or how characters are killed of just because, like, for example, Red. Or how characters get dropped out of nowhere, like Dr. Cain, Dynamo, Douglas, etc.
So here's how I would reboot MegaMan, MegaMan Zero, and MegaMan X.
For Classic MegaMan, I would add more story and lore behind Dr Thomas Xavier Light, Dr. Albert W. Wily, ProtoMan/Blues Light, MegaMan/Rock "Rocky, Mega" Light, Sanitary/Roll Light, Bass, Dr. Cossack, Kalinka Cossack and Duo as well as add new characters Yuta Kobayoshi, Akane Kobayoshi and their parents Mr. and Mrs. Kobayoshi and I'll call them Hanasei Kobayoshi and Minato Kobayoshi via their story and lore, Yuta and Akane are best friends of Rock and Roll, Minato is a close friend of Dr. Thomas Xavier Light. Geo Stellar is also in this reboot but he goes by code name BlueStar and Sonia Strumm who goes by the name of Harp Note, Geo and Sonia are affiliated with Porto Man and they are best friends of Proto Man.
Now for the Chronological Story
Mega Man.
Mega Man 2.
Mega Man World: Dr. Wily's Revenge
MegaMan 3.
MegaMan World 2
MegaMan Origins
MegaMan 4
MegaMan World 3
MegaMan: The Wily Wars
Mega Man 5
Super Adventure MegaMan
MegaMan World 4 [Geo and Sonia's first appearance
MegaMan World 5
MegaMan 6 [Yuta and Akane's first appearance]
MegaMan 7
Mega Man: The Power Battle
MegaMan 8
Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters 
MegaMan and Bass
MegaMan 9
MegaMan: Dr. Wily's Return
MegaMan 10
MegaMan Unlimited
MegaMan: Rock Force
MegaMan Eternal
MegaMan 11
MegaMan Eternal 2
MegaMan Revolution
I'll come up more Classic MegaMan Reboot but for now this part of Rebooting MegaMan, MegaMan Zero, and MegaMan X.
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blindrapture · 8 months
so I got Peter Gabriel's newest album, i/o. I was curious about it; I've never owned a Peter Gabriel solo album before. ("I loved him in early Genesis" would be an understatement. just, never got around to his solo work!) so this is my first. I like the man himself, I love his singing voice, I admire him as a public figure. and this album looked... rather interesting!
because, see, it's an album with three faces. there's 12 songs on three discs. each disc has all 12 songs, but each disc is mixed by a different person with a different approach to audio engineering. so there's a Bright Side Mix (mixed by Mark 'Spike' Stent, described as like a painter's approach to the album), a Dark Side Mix (mixed by Tchad Blake, described as like a sculptor's approach to the album), and an In-Side Mix (mixed by Hans-Martin Buff, a very fancy mix that makes you feel like the music is happening all around you). so. to listen to this album is, ultimately, to hear it three different times.
anyway, so, I've listened to the Bright Side to start with. I've listened to some of the songs multiple times, as some of them got my attention right away and I already love them. and I've begun a sort of... comparative listen to the Dark Side, so I'll be listening to the Bright Side songs again and then immediately following up with the Dark Side version.
I am willing to go to lengths to experience this because, uh, this album fucking rocks??? not.. not like rocks, it's definitely not a rock album, it is far closer to a pop album. with my limited experience listening to entire pop albums, I can only really compare this to a few things-- Coldplay, Radiohead's A Moon Shaped Pool, Madonna or Poe. it sounds very modern. it is probably something other people will be much less impressed with, though may also really like straight away! the songs are all at consistently slow tempos, with soundscapes of synths, bass guitars, varied percussion, and a full string orchestra that comes in at cinematic moments on each track. it's.. like, it's not the kind of music I normally listen to outside of if it's in a film or a video game, I definitely don't normally listen to entire albums of this. and it's taking me a lot of focus to really dig into and notice things, learn the songs. but it having multiple mixes encourages that!!!
and. like. there are really a lot of slow songs on here, there's one that's entirely voice, bass, and piano, and there are some songs that I would consider "bops" but this is not a bop album. but. it's also not what I'd expect from pop-- and wikipedia classifies it as "art pop"-- because the average song is like 5 minutes long, there are a lot of 6 minute songs, and there's even a song approaching 8 minutes. though there aren't exactly loads of lyrics either; this album spends a lot of time just letting the music groove and breathe!!! I'm... super impressed with that.
what else. uh.
naturally, I've been mega curious about that whole... "three versions of each song" deal. I didn't know what to expect from it. and I'm only two songs into the Dark Side Mix, but I do have a clearer idea now. the Dark Side so far strips back some of the more melodic side instruments, where they're otherwise busy and add onto the verses and stuff, and instead cranks up the drums and the bass. even in the vocals, the lower parts are far more pronounced. gives a very different flavour to the many moments of groove and atmosphere. I would not consider it inaccurate to draw comparisons with how Sonic 3 & Knuckles handles its Act 2 mixes in later levels, where the songs aren't immediately different but there is a definite shift in focus. (plus, comparing things to Sonic is in character for me.)
like. specifically. track 1, "Panopticom," isn't all that different between mixes, and I can kinda give or take each version. I think that song's drum part can drown out the riff, so the Bright Side holds its own by mixing the drums a bit softer, making the whole song sound like... 80s/90s synthpop of some sort. but track 2, "The Court...." hoo boy. first of all, that song grew on me very quickly. it has a flow to it, it has a mood to it, it is really fun. both mixes are, frankly, great. and the Bright Side Mix is superior in exactly one place-- the line "we know that justice is blind" at the end of the song just.. sounds better here, I really like how it sounds. but "The Court," Dark Side........ ohhhh man. that is where the true excitement to this album began for me, my excitement at how they're doing this multi-mix thing. Bright Side got me to like the song, know what to expect, and I really liked the song! but then Dark Side.... brings up the drum and the bass...... and lets the stranger deeper ambient sounds throughout the song be heard..... and brings the vocals in the choruses lower, makes them more like an ethereal dreamlike chant. it is so good. I fucking love "The Court." I love it. and it wasn't even my favorite of the Bright Side songs!!! and there's still 10 other Dark Side tracks I haven't even listened to yet!!!
(incidentally, my favorite on Bright Side was probably "Four Kinds of Horses," which has a baffling name but is shockingly good. but some of those really slow stripped-back songs are a close second, especially "So Much." that song is.. breathtaking.... but "And Still" is also stunning??? holy shit that flute.... that mood....)
so. so.
I dunno, maybe some of you like your art pop. go check out Peter Gabriel. the new album's legit.
I leave you with The Court, Dark Side. but I also gave some other song names up there, go check those out.
I do love pop sometimes....
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sheepytina · 9 months
I need to talk about these QuByte Classics releases on the Switch eShop
I've probably made it no secret that commercial emulation is something of a special interest of mine. My stance however is generally that commercial releases of classic games should offer something to justify its existence over free community efforts. Sometimes that's simply being on Switch, more usually I'd say it's enhancements and bonus material that really adds value. Something like the more recent Mega Man Legacy Collections or what Digital Eclipse is currently doing with their Gold Master series.
I played one of the QuByte Classics releases recently, specifically The Humans, and it embodies pretty much everything that could go wrong with jumping on the retro trend without really understanding retro games.
In short, it's probably the worst example of commercial emulation I've played in recent times.
(Please note: This isn't a proper review, just first impressions, as I only played it for a few minutes.)
For context, QuByte Interactive are an indie studio and publisher based in Brazil. They're one of the more prominent names in the budget digital game space. And they are a totally legit and respected company too, they just put out games of real inconsistent quality.
QuByte Classics is a collaboration with Piko Interactive, or at least so far it's been. So these releases are all of Piko's 8-bit and 16-bit catalogue, games like The Immortal and Jim Power, and cult classics like Zero Tolerance and Gourmet Warriors.
I picked The Humans since it's a game I have some familiarity with and the collection features Super NES, Game Boy and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive versions, allowing me to easily test all of those platforms at once. — The Humans, for those unaware, is a puzzle game in a similar vein to Lemmings though presented as more of a puzzle platformer, where the goal is to help the first humans survive and thrive by completing each challenge while keeping as many of your humans alive as possible.
This is less a review about the specific game however, and more about the quality of this series of releases as whole.
These releases don't tend to offer any bonus material either. Zero Tolerance does include a prototype game, but the rest of these releases are just one or two games, or multiple versions of one game, and that's it. Not even a digital owners manual.
Speaking personally, the value proposition here is already somewhat lacking for us since my partner and I already have a lot of these games in other forms, be it as Piko's Steam releases, the original cartridges (in the case of the The Humans) or brand new cartridge releases.
Whether it's enough to just simply be a way to play the games on your preferred system of choice, I'd say no. It's plainly evident that QuByte Interactive has simply jumped on the retro trend and haven't really given these games the attention they deserve.
Here's a few issues I noticed:
There's plenty of scaling options but none of them work quite right, nor do they account for the lower resolution Switch handheld screen; it seems to just target 1080p displays, so no matter what you choose, the visual presentation is pretty poor. You either get blur or you get shimmering.
There's a CRT filter that doesn't line up with the pixel grid of the games. It's also just incredibly ugly looking.
This is the big one: The performance of the various emulation engines are downright terrible, with often with highly noticeable screen tearing.
The Super NES emulation is particularly shocking. The SNES games have constant skipping and slowdown when running on Switch. It runs a bit better on other platforms but it doesn't get around all the rest of the issues.
Game Boy was also not well presented, with screen tearing and some of the typical audio accuracy issues that Game Boy emulation can have.
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive weirdly seemed to fare a lot better in that nothing in particular stood out to me. (I'd be curious to run that one through MDFourier if I had the equipment to do it.)
NES I haven't tried yet as that's not represented in the release I tried out.
The whole package is made in Unity, which I've gone on record as saying isn't bad in of itself and it can be done right, but from precedent it feels like that approach goes wrong more often than not.
I should also note that SNES and NES are presented with the wrong aspect ratio, showing as square pixels with seemingly no aspect-corrected 4:3 option.
(Technically Mega Drive shouldn't have square pixels either, with the NTSC 320-wide mode having slightly skinny pixels, but it's generally less noticeable when it's wrong.)
I haven't put input lag to the test so I have nothing to say on that front, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's also not great.
In summary, with these kind of critical issues bringing the experience down, I wouldn't say any of these QuByte classics are worth it, not even on sale. Not unless you really love the games on offer or want them on your Nintendo Switch system that badly. Or on Xbox One or PS4. But the downsides, particularly the performance on Nintendo Switch, are really not acceptable at all.
So I know it isn't entirely fair for me to say this about something I only played for a couple of minutes. If I were making this blog post into a video or something I'd do my due diligence to properly test these things. And I would play more than just The Humans, which due to its slow pace might not show these issues as obviously in a video.
However I think I'd like to actually use it to illustrate a more broad point about how to do these modern retro re-releases right, instead of simply bashing QuByte Interactive without anything constructive to say.
What I would have done differently is a story of its own. Maybe that warrants its own blog post another time.
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synthetic-sonata · 1 year
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i just consumed so much sparklecare content and made an au of my oc pink . say hi to razzle (b) dazzle(d)! he is now everyone elses problem.
more info under da cut
he's very similar to uni in some ways, and that isn't intentional i've had pink for a WHILE. they would b good friends tho. i gave him mega-sads instead of ultra mega-sads ( normalest sentence ) just to differentiate. Bc i do not want ppl to call him a clone of uni they are very much diff people just with the same sort of outward flavor.
speaking of which he probably has more afflictions i just didnt know how to sparklecare-ify having ADHD and probable BPD. nor did i rlly want to make terms for it. likely has a physical affliction as well before coming to the hospital i just didn't know what to give him
he has two prosthetics! one prosthetic arm, one leg. yes, this obviously means those two limbs were removed from him somehow. most people assume and theorize the staff at sparklecare did this during a surgery, but... pink gets very dodgy about this topic and never answers it in a clear way.
due to him being very sociable and easy to get along with he's friends with most patients . sort of like a Hospital Celebrity. he's known and he's cool and he's chill so ppl like him.
also i'm not sure if it matters but the bro and scatterbrained art is pulled from the official website, which is prob obvious
his favorite holidays are palentines day and kissmas and its obvious. loves anything associated with love and that whole aesthetic.
either has the default rainbow armband or the ITP band ( he's usually pretty compliant .. mostly out of fear. he does and will join or help escape attempts sometimes tho )
sleeps a lot. possibly narcolepsy possibly just not that ( like. napping a lot or depression naps or naps bc hes dissociating and or understimulated. )
more traits that fit him that i couldn't fit in da sheet:
he's often found doodling idly or singing and making music in his spare time. he's expressed a desire to become an idol or an actor in his future. ( referencing how canon pink/razz is an idol robot lol )
honestly this one is a give or take but it's a trait he eventually has. he definitely flirts with people often and casually. whether or not he actually sleeps around is a give or take though because i can see it either way, but, probably. he has an Allure to him. and he's. hypersexual so i mean yea.
this one isn't super bad, but he hypes himself up a lot and compliments himself casually. it's mostly to make him feel better about himself... but he does sometimes put other people down in order to put him up. it's always jokingly, at least... mostly, but it can become a problem later down the line. it doesn't feel good to be called lesser to someone!
he's probably edited videos and audio a lot. and is or wanted to be a streamer/youtuber.
outgoing and affectionate are sort of hand in hand for pink. although, he has a very high social battery.... somehow, and is always around people or talking to him. he's also pretty impulsive.
sometimes overly so. he'll even be affectionate or call people nicknames who he really should be at odds with - this includes staff. he's incredibly chill with most of the staff, or at least seems to be... giving them all nicknames and talking with them as if they were casual friends ( they aren't ). or it's to annoy them. it's not really clear with razz, ever.
presumably, this is a bad way of coping with how shitty people treat him by acting as if they're his friends - or something.
sensitive ( if you told razzy you hated him or smth he'd take it super personally but he'd come off as not offended but he'd think about it way too much. surprisingly he doesn't do this with like threats. he's numb to threats almost entirely )
conflict avoidant ( mostly explained in chill but they prob should be separate things there just wasnt enough space lol )
soda/sweets junkie
he casually swears a lot and says a lot of sex jokes or things like that. Very casually, once again.
his response to anything traumatic is usually just being really zoned out and dissociative after - due to this people think he doesn't really have a proper response to trauma. he does! people just don't think the zoning out counts as one! he has others, but he tries to hide any other trauma response for when he's alone.
fear of hospitals/medical stuff/etc
surprisingly, this didn't happen after being admitted to sparklecare, but it very much didn't help. goes hand in hand with claustrophobia and a lot of other fears he won't admit to. he's gotten numb over time. it still messes with him badly, but that mostly shows in the form of him dissociating... or in rare cases, having a panic attack. he only really shows emotion when he's in very very bad mental health or alone. at the very least he has people to talk to - if he didn't, he'd likely have completely broken by now.
thats a lot of things and i could probably find more to describe him but yea. He should prob also be more saturated n simplified but ehhhhhh. My oc my funny my silly he gets to slightly bend rules cuz he isnt in the comic its fiiine.
( plus its kinda symbolic of how many people in universe would see pink as surprisingly mentally well-adjusted and fine considering the situation he's in, which reflects in him not being 100% saturated. but he is. it just doesn't show outwardly )
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ahiddenpath · 5 months
One of my closest friends is far wiser than me, but I am wise enough to know when I should listen, even when what she tells me is difficult to hear. Especially when it's difficult to hear, maybe.
I'm going to share what she told me today with you, if you're interested.
I'm burnt out. Mega ultra super duper burnt out. I told my friend that I spent today, Saturday, one of my few and precious days off, in a haze of nothingness. I slept for 9.5 hr last night and somehow woke up, drank a coffee, and went back to sleep for another 1.5 hr?!?!?! I proceeded to do some light cleaning, followed by dicking around on the internet (aka nothing). At some point, realizing that this is depressive behavior, I contacted my friend for advice and explained what was going on.
We talked about burn out. I have diagnosed anxiety, and the same friend (who is autistic) has gently broached to me that I am also likely autistic. I have not been tested yet- there's part of me that is loathe to admit having another thing going on (I joked to my friend that I'm out of condition/status slots, but I don't think she was impressed, lmao!). So far, I'm trying not to worry about the possible autism, but instead put my energy towards managing my stimulation issues. My stimulation threshold is very low, and I especially struggle with audio stimulation, to the point where I can lose the ability to interpret sound under some conditions (I hear it just fine, but I can't process it). I've been carrying my loop earplugs everywhere.
(By the way, the earplugs are lowkey lifechanging and I'm highkey mad about it. The anxiety wasn't enough?!?!! I've got other shit going on?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I COULD HAVE BEEN MANAGING WHATEVER THE HELL AUDIO CONDITION I HAVE MY WHOLE LIFE WITH A PAIR OF EARPLUGS!?!?!?! God damn it! Etc, etc.)
So, I was talking about how stressful my biotech job is, but also pointing out that I do work a 40 hour week. Lots of people work a lot more than that. I should be managing. Right? My friend said, "Darling, everyone has a certain number of spoons. You have anxiety and possibly autism. That means you are minus spoons compared to someone without those, and there are people with fewer spoons than you, too. Now. Walk me through how you felt when your coworker assigned you work and asked for updates on that work before you even received the proteins to work on."
So, I told her how I felt. Panicked. How can I do the work without the proteins to work on? Angry! HOW CAN I DO THE WORK WITHOUT THE PROTEINS TO WORK ON! Stress, stress, stress. And you know what my friend said?
"I guarantee you that most of your colleagues would roll their eyes, give a cursory email response, and calmly go about their work day. You spent too many spoons on your panic, when you're already using a lot of spoons to do the work. And now, you're trying to spend MORE of your limited spoons fretting that you're less than for having fewer spoons than a neurotypical person/a person without mood disorders. The work itself only costs so many spoons. It's your reactions that cost more, and lead you to burnout."
Thanks, friend. Great talk. Love you, too.
Except that I actually do hear her and love her, and appreciate the hell out of her for telling me this. She moved the conversation along after this, probably because she hates doing therapy for people, and I know I got this much because she loves me so much. And also, she probably needs her spoons for other shit. She's got autism, man. It's not easy.
So anyway, I'm going to try to accept that I only have so many spoons, and also that I can't afford to waste them on feeling less than, and on my coworker's shenanigans. I'll try my best, but. It sure isn't easy, is it?
I would like to purchase some spoons, please, lmao!!!
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riflebrass · 9 months
Ya know, in retrospect the Vault Experiments that Bethesda added to Fallout was pretty fucking dumb. It was fascinating to see stuff like audio equipment used for mind control or a vault overrun by dangerous vegetation but big picture using the vaults to experiment on people was pretty dumb. The Vaults were meant to shelter people when the world as we know it comes to an end.
Not the most opportune of times to find out whether or not normies can be turned into super soldiers by listening to subliminal messages in their sleep. What good does that info do? Pretty much all these experiments ended with the test subjects dead which didn't do Vault Tech much good.
Take Rage for example. Vaults were created to shelter humanity before an asteroid destroyed the world as we know it. A particularly ambitious general saw the opportunity and packed a few vaults with men who were loyal to him and scheduled them to open early so he could recreate the world in his image. Granted that's a military figure the head of a mega-corporation could have done a lot better for themselves than just experimenting on the customers with no real use for the data gathered. There's nobody to sell the information to and Vault-Tech didn't even bother to build any kind of empire that could use the info.
Plus there's the insane fan theory that Vault-Tech actually kicked off the great war to start the experiments.
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jax-and-winstrate · 9 months
//Jax is going to the Blueberry Academy! This is the PERFECT time to post his team, their levels, abilities, and moves! There's a lot of stuff, so I'll put it under a read more thing
Some Pokemon that Jax has don't have their levels, abilities, and moves because I can't make them in Showdown
Starter Pokemon: Skipper the Swampert, level 65, ability is Damp, can mega evolve. he knows: Liquidation, Earthquake, Rock Slide, and Power-Up Punch
Gift Pokemon (or second starter): Sparky the Jolteon, level 64, ability is Volt Absorb. he knows: Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball, Stored Power, and Calm Mind
Caught in the wild in Paldea: Oro the Gholdengo (with Gimmighoul buddy), level 64, ability is Good as Gold. it knows: Make It Rain, Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, and Nasty Plot
Escaped from shiny mill: Queso the part shiny Cinderace (picture below), level 63, ability is Libero. she knows: Pyro Ball, High Jump Kick, Acrobatics, and Bulk Up
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Caught in the wild in Paldea: Lydia the Tinkaton, level 62, ability is Own Tempo. she knows: Gigaton Hammer, Play Rough, Fake Out, and Swords Dance
Gift Pokemon: Leona and Laura the Tinkatons (Fairy/Grass)
Caught in Area Zero: Pillow the Slither Wing, level 65, ability is Protosynthesis. he knows: Leech Life, Close Combat, Acrobatics, and Bulk Up
Gift Pokemon: Chi-Yu, level 60, ability is Beads of Ruin. it knows: Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Ruination, and Nasty Plot
Caught in the wild in Hisui: Blissey, level 64, ability is Serene Grace. she knows: Tri Attack, Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Calm Mind
Caught in the wild in a past paradox world(?): Blanket the paradox Zoroark/Hiding Illusion (Dark/Ghost)
Soulbound: Coffee the Cofagrigus, level 62, his ability is Mummy. he knows: Shadow Ball, Body Press, Dark Pulse, and Calm Mind
Caught after getting possessed: Peanut Butter the Nihilego, level 63, its ability is Beast Boost. it knows: Power Gem, Sludge Bomb, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes
Escaped from shiny mill: Hattie the Hatterene, level 63, her ability is Magic Bounce. she knows: Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Giga Drain, and Calm Mind
Caught in an abandoned building: Remy the Raticate, level 63, his ability is Guts. he knows: Facade, Crunch, Zen Headbutt, and Swords Dance
Caught... somewhere: Audio the Audino, level 62, his ability is Regenerator, can not mega evolve yet. he knows: Hyper Voice, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, and Calm Mind
Caught in space-time distortion: Sneezie the Hisuian Sneasel, level 38, his ability is Inner Focus. he knows: Poison Jab, Close Combat, Shadow Claw, and Hone Claws
Soulbound after pmd adventure: Eevee (or Jeevee), level 70, his ability is Adaptability. he knows: Extreme Evoblast (80 special, 10 pp, always does super effective damage), Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, and Double Team
Hatched from gift egg: Shiver the Froslass, level 52, her ability is Snow Cloak. she knows: Ice Beam, Hex, Psychic, and Will-O-Wisp
Hatched from gift egg: Sapphire the Latios, level 53, his ability is Levitate, can't mega evolve yet. he knows: Luster Purge, Dragon Pulse, Surf, and Calm Mind
Hatched from gift egg: Fwoofy the Cosmog, level 32, its ability is Unaware. it knows: Teleport and Splash
Hatched from gift egg: Torchic, level 10, its ability is Speed Boost. it knows: Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Scratch, and Growl
Hatched from gift egg: Torchic (Fairy)
Hatched from gift egg: Lavarus (fakemon Salen legendary)
Hatched(?) from gift egg(?): Knight the paradox Ralts/Iron Bowl (Fairy/Fighting)
Gift Pokemon: Shiny Midnight Lycanroc, level 59, her ability is Keen Eye. she knows: Rock Slide, Brick Break, Shadow Claw, and Bulk Up
Caught in the wild in a different world(?): HP Forme Deoxys
Caught in the wild in Hoenn: Giant Muk, level 58, her ability is Stench. she knows: Poison Jab, Ice Punch, Lunge, and Toxic Spikes
Caught in the wild in Kanto: Goopster the Ditto, level 48, its ability is Limber. it knows: Transform
Caught in the wild in Kanto: Floofster the 'M
Caught in the wild in Hoenn: Hokey Pokey the h POKé, can mega evolve
Gift Pokemon: Miku the Shiny Meloetta, level 50, her ability is Serene Grace. she knows: Relic Song, Psychic, Drain Punch, and Return
Hatched from gift egg: Albino Mew, level 3, its ability is Synchronize. it knows: Pound and Reflect Type
First AI then coded into a Porygon and evolved: Winstrate the Porygon2 (picture below), level 64, its ability is Download. it knows: Tri Attack, Thunderbolt, Signal Beam, and Substitute
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