#that wasnt even the first time. they gave me hand me downs of the Previous Jewish Friend other times too
jewishfalin · 1 year
Im gonna complain again cuz if I don't who will. Anyways, my ex and ex friends were heinous fake allies and absolutely awful lmao. Very clear to me now that I was just the "good jew" replacement for their ex jewish friend and as soon as I started breaking from how awful they were treating me they all started comparing me to their perception of that other person. Who probably wasn't even that bad to begin with tbh they all probably pushed them to their limits too with all the antisemitism, lesbophobia, and unhealthy dynamics I dunno. Shit was fucked.
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iouinotes · 6 months
Beautiful Boy | Alex Walter
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pairing: Alex Walter x female!reader
show: My life with the Walter Boys
warnings: mostly fluff and love confessions, but a bit of implied sexual activities
word count: 4,6k
summary: You are completely in love with your best friend. When the chance is given, you decide to finally take it and show your love.
a/n: The story will mention a review from the past, where they play truth or dare. So, I was inspired to write that scenario: match made in heaven is here!
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He's everything I ever wished for. It´s silly, thinking about it, really. My ongoing crush for him since the first time I met him all these years ago.
It was during the first day after the winter holiday. It was dark outside, very cold and rainy weather. Well, unfortunately it did not look like that in the morning, so I instantly panicked after school, because I forgot to bring my jacket. Normally one of my friends picked me up after school and drove me home, but she was sick today and I heard about her being ill, last minute.
So now I´m standing in the hallway, debating if I should better start to go to the bus station (probably getting soaked) or if I just walk to the school library, hoping that the weather cools down. I was drowning in my own thoughts, when I first heard his voice.
"Are you okay?" The second my eyes landed on him, I was gone for good. Because the boy in front of me was utterly beautiful. Handsome round face, freckles, warm brown eyes and a shy smile. One look at him and I fell in love with his beauty. Little did I know, I would soon fall head over heals for his personality or the way his voice sounds when he is making fun of me, because I believe in love at first sight. How could I not, when I have met him?
He was very caring the first time we met. Even though I was embarrassed of my situation, he made me feel comfortable. When I told him about my difficulty, he instantly helped me out. He told me, that his brother also picked him up from school every day, so it wouldnt be a problem, if I came along. Not only this sweet gesture made me speechless, it was also the way he stripped out of his jacket and gave it to me without hesitation, when we went outside and he saw that I didnt bring a jacket.
"What? No, I can´t-" I tried to argue, but one blink of his lashes, one look at his eyes, was enough to keep me occupied. "My mom would kill me, if I didnt. It´s okay, I dont mind." He really was the sweetest. His jacket kept in fact, keep me warm. And it also smelled like him, thats what made me blush in the end. I didnt know, if he noticed me looking at him from time to time (but then again, he nowadays didnt noticed it either), but I could not contain myself.
He was a gentleman, shy and adorable. He was all I wished for in a guy. When his brother - who I idetified as the most popular guy of our school- Cole, came in sight, only then it clicked. The boy in front of me, with his nervous smile, was Alex Walter.
When the car parked and the headlights were visible in the rain, we quickly ran to the blue vehicle. His brother didnt talk much, so the car ride was mostly quiet, my eyes were out the window and my thoughts were on Alex previous gesture of holding the door open for me. He didnt intend for me to fall in love with him, but I couldnt think of anything else to do, better than exactly that.
"I didnt get your name?" was all he said, when the car stopped in front of my house. "Oh right, sorry. Im y/n." He smiled again at me and my heart wanted to jump out off my chest. I didnt really notice Cole in the front and his famous "Cole effect". I was all catched up, by the beautiful boy next to me.
"Alex" he shook my hand and it made me giggle. I saw his ears turning pink at my laughter, so I smiled at him, so he knew I wasnt making fun of him. He relaxed then, but much to my dislike the blonde brother spoke up, before I could say something else. "I dont have all day, so are you two done looking at each other or can you go now? I swear, I saw y´all nearly kiss." At that, I was the one who turned red. "Sorry, thanks for the ride and-" as I wanted to strip off the jacket, Alex stopped my movements. "Oh no, you can have it. I mean- it´s still raining outside, I-I dont want you to get sick." Maybe I was already at that exact moment, falling in love with him. I also think, that his words made my cheeks turn a shade of red, that wasnt even on a scala anymore, because it was so high.
"But when do I give it back to you?" The last thing I wanted to do, was crossing a line with the Walter brothers. And maybe I also hoped to see him again. "Tomorrow? I will be in the gaming room in third grade. If thats okay with you?" He spoke quickly, because Cole kept getting more annoyed. "No, its fine. Thank you, Alex." I kissed him on the cheek (dont know where that one came from) and before I could look back, I was already out of the car and running towards the house. When I opened the door and the warmth embraced me, I looked out of the window from my house. The car was already gone, but I remember smiling so bright, I almost could not contain the happy feeling that consumed me.
That was the first time, my diary heard of Alex Walter.
The next day, I searched through three gaming rooms before I finally found him, starring at his laptop. As soon as I tapped him gently on the shoulder, he turned around and looked at me suprised. When he asked me, if I had had any trouble finding him, I said "what no, it took five minutes", when in reality it took 20 minutes, but he sounded really sincere, so it didnt matter.
That was the start of our ever-lasting friendship. We became best friends quickly and are verly close ever since, he is my other half. We are always together, in the hallway, at lunch, we see each other at the weekends and we even got the price "the best of best friends" by our friendgroup. I mean it was funny and its nice, really. But it says everything. We are just friends.
It´s very funny actually, because he knows me better than anyone and I can´t keep one secret from him. He just knows, when something is up. But my biggest secret of all time, that was the part where he was clueless about.
My love for him.
He just doesnt notice and I tried to not show it, but everyone knows I like him. Well, expect for him. When I look at him too long, because I (again) got lost in his eyes or looked a second too long at his lips, while he talked, he thinks he has something on his face. When I compliment him, for literal anything, he thinks I make fun of him, so he doesn't take it seriously. And I tried almost everything, so he could finally notice. Maybe then he could make the first move.
I once talked about my ideal type, because it was a truth or dare on my birthday party and I literally described him - he didnt notice. I swoon on a daily basis over his beauty, his intelligence , his personality, his habits, his cute flaws like staying up all night to play a video game - he doesnt know. I tried to learn his favorite video game, I read the Lord of the Rings saga, I even watched baseball games with him, I do anything so he will notice, how much I care about him. But he just doesn't get it.
If I would know, he simply didnt like me that way, I could somehow cope with that. But then, there are moments, where I would catch him starring at me, where he seems to be the one wanting me. He watches romantic movies with me and lets me cry about it after, when I´m sad about the ending, Sometimes I even get to lay on his chest. He listens when I talk about my newest book obsession, he goes shopping with me, even though he hates it. He helps me studying and I can tell him anything, he´s always there for me.
So it could be, that maybe my feelings were not completely unrequited. But then again, why didnt he made a move by now? Nevertheless, it keeps me awake at night. Because I want nothing more than to kiss his soft lips, feel his skin against mine, to look at his eyes and study every single freckle from his neck to his forehead. I want to love him. In a way, he knows it.
These feelings, these thoughts are constantly in my head. Especially now, when I sit across him and simply look at his concentrated face. His eyebrows are drawn together, he´s currently biting on his bottom lip, his nose scrunched in a frown. The light of his room shows me every little detail of his face. In moments like this, on a friday evening, where we study together for a biology test, I wish he would know how I feel about him. Because it would make everything so much easier.
Its currently raining outside, a remember of our first encounter, the clouds are dark and I hear loud thunder since the last couple of minutes went by. "Do you think, it will get better? The weather clearly looks bad." I shift my gaze to look at him and when I catch him starring at me, my heart swells in my chest.
I want to break the distant between us and close the gap of our lips. Want to get to know every little detail of his body. But as he speaks up, I clear my head. "I dont know, Danny said something about a storm. I honestly didnt know, it would be that bad." He closes his textbook and stands up, looking out the window. ,,Should I go?" My question suprises him. "Now? I think if you take a step outside, you will get swept up by your feet. It´s not safe." He looks at me unwary. "I dont know, I always wanted to fly. Maybe thats a sign." I grin at him and he laughs quietly. "Yeah, of course. Let me ask my dad, what he thinks is for the best. Maybe he can get you an umbrella and you do your best Mary Poppins impression."
30 minutes later I find myself in a full-on Walter-family-disscussion. "But uncle! I dont get to have girls stay overnight. Thats unfair!" Lee is looking at George, unable to hide his jealousy. "When did a girl ever wanted to stay overnight with you?" Isaac asks from across the table. Lee just ignores him, an angry look in his eyes.
"Look, its nothing that I will allow forever. But right now, she cant go home, so she is welcomed to stay here." I smile at him, thankful that I´m not getting thrown out. "Also, she is like a thirteen family member. She´s practically living here." George added. One look at Alex and I wanted to know what he was thinking. Was I just like a sister to him? "Okay enough of that. Y/n, dear you are welcome to stay the night. We will figure it out. Nathan is staying with Skylar, so his bed is free." I´m glad, Katherine is here. I thank her and George and by the time, we ate dinner and Alex got me a toothbrush, so I could get ready for bed, it was late after 11.
As I make my way back to Alex's room after using the bathroom to change into my clothes, leaving me with shorts and a shirt, Cole is suddenly standing next to me. "Well, what a great opportunity for you." He grins at me. At his comment, I am visible confused. "What do you mean?" I look up to his smiling figure. "You have him all by yourself, of course. Your chance to finally do something. I can´t stand it anymore, you like him and he likes you. I always thought you were the clever one out of you two, so please put everyone out of this misery and kiss him, because he´s a complete idiot. It's long overdue for you two to get together."
His words leave me stunned. After he´s done talking, he makes his way silently back to his own room and I´m still standing in the hallway, trying to process his words. Kiss him. He likes you. Does Alex really likes me or is that some cruel joke for Cole? I hope not. Because my friends have told me several times, that they think, Alex likes me too. But I always thought, they were wrong.
My heart is heavily pounding as I make my way back to his room, taking a deep breath as I open the door. Alex is playing a video game, as always, but I see that he also changed into something more comfortable. It helps me calm down my nerves, when I see him doing something, he always does. I take a few steps towards his chair and his concentrated figure.
I mean, what was there in life, if I didnt take any risks? If he likes me back, it could be the answer to all my dreams and if not - well, the weather was still going pretty bad and could help me out of the awkward situation.
When I decided to test their he-likes-you-too-theory, I quickly came up with a plan. Okay, so I wasnt the best at flirting, that was for sure, but I could make a move. For starters, I wanted something, I often thought about.
As I stand behind him, I trace my fingers along his shoulders, hearing his surprised breath, that he quickly tries to hide. Well too bad, I heard it.
"Alex?" My voice is quiet.
"...yes?" I can see his muscles tense, while I keep touching his shoulders, going lower until I touch his arm. Something about what Cole said, about Alex liking me, gives me a certain confidence, that wasnt there before. Please dont let the King of hooking up be wrong.
"Could I borrow one of your hoodies? I´m freezing and only have my shirt." I try not to think about the possibility that he laughs in my face and says no. But then again, I know that Alex wouldnt do that. "I-uh, yeah. You can, um, grab one out of my closet." I smile to myself, when I see his eyes nervously scanning the display. He paused the game, even though he doesnt look at me while he talks.
"Thanks." As I turn towards his closet, I get the feeling that he´s secretly watching me choose a hoodie. When I get a hold on a dark green one, I immediately know its the one from when we first met. I take it and walk towards the other bed, getting a glimpse of his eyes, that continue to follow me. And then I do something, I thought I would never do in front of him. I change out of my top, the cold air hitting my skin and I hear him gasps.
When I change into his hoodie, a settling warmth embraces me. I smile to myself, a joy blooms in my chest, the feeling of wearing his clothes, makes me feel too good to be true. The shorts I´m wearing are the same ones as before and I think, that I kinda like the casual look. And maybe it looks fine, that could be a good way to get Alex attention. My shorts cover my thighs, but because his hoodie is bigger than what I normally wear, this way it looks like I only wear his hoodie.
When I turn around and fix my hair, he already started another game again. Okay, mission getting-some-sort-of-reaction, is starting to get interesting. "Soo, what do you think? Too big?" I wait for his reaction. When he slowly turns around, one hand holding up his headphones, I see him trying not to stare too hard. But since I see his eyes scanning my body, it´s impossible for him to pretend. I smile to myself.
"And?" I make a step in his direction, watching him swallow. His eyes wander to the floor and a nervous expression crosses his face. "I- I need to finish this game so-" he turns around so fast, I´m almost surprised his neck didnt broke. Shit. That wasnt part of the plan. I glance around the room, trying to come up with something, another way to keep his attention at me. I sit on his bed, near his computer and decide to watch him play. I hear the sound of the game playing in the background, while I continue to think of a way for him to notice me.
And even though I keep my hands to myself, I see him sqirming in his seat. I laugh quietly. "Everything okay?" it seems he isnt that concentrated anymore. "Yeah, uh, are you bored? You never watch me play." His head turns to look at me. "You could teach me some moves." I say, looking at him and then the game, that shows a spider attacking some creature. He raises his eyebrows at my words.
"You sure? I thought you didnt like video games." My eyes wander to his lap as I quickly come up with a plan. "Maybe I will like it, if you show me some tricks. And also, I like you and you´re really interested in gaming, so I thought I could make an effort." His cheeks are blushing, my eyes are starring at his clueless ones.
A smile tucks at his lips, but he tries to keep his cool. "I mean, I´m really good at this, so I could teach you one or two lessons. Where do you want to sit? I only have one gaming chair, but-" he glances around the room, trying to come up with something.
"Well, we could share?" I ask, my voice sounding sincere and not as much thrilled at the idea, to sit in his lap, even though I am freaking out in my thoughts. His eyes widen, when he realizes what I just said.
"You want to-" he doesn't finish his sentence, stuttering at the idea of me sitting on his lap. "If thats okay with you, of course? I think its the best solution, I mean I do want the full experience. So its fair." I see him nervously licking his lips. "Yeah, yeah. I get that. Okay, cool, how do you want to-" I smile at him and his nervous speech. "Just relax, I dont bite. You do know that, right?" I laugh when I see his ears turning pink.
"Right. So uh, come here, I guess?" He puts his arms on the armrests to give me good access and I feel myself getting nervous. God, I never got to be this close to him. I stand up, his eyes take my form in his sweater in, I see him starring at the naked skin. And when I see something shining in his hair, I act without a second thought.
"You have something in your hair, dummy." It's a little paper ball from Benny, probably from the previous dinner (fight), I lean myself down, facing him forward in his lap and cross my legs over his thighs. I don't notice what position we are in until I lean back to show him the piece of paper and suddenly, I'm just a few centimeters from his face. Shocked by the less to no space we have left between us, he doesn't speak and neither do I. We just look at each other.
"i-i got it." The words leave my mouth, the distance between our faces -god his lips look so soft- leaves me speechless. It takes him a moment, but when he answers he sounds just as out of breath as me.
Again, we sit in silence. Suddenly I loose my balance and I almost fall out of the chair, but his arms are quick to catch me. So now, he has his arms around my waist and my arms linger around his shoulders for support. If I would lean closer, I could kiss him.
The thought of kissing him, makes me sqirm and when he lays his hands onto my waist to still my movements, I feel dizzy. Because Im not just sitting on his legs. Indeed, I sit literally on his lap. So when I feel myself getting wet, because he makes me so touch starved, I completely loose my mind.
"Im sorry- i didnt mean to sit that way. I just-" his eyes are so fascinating, brown, green and warm. It feels like he´s looking at my soul. He´s watching my every move. I know I should probably get up, but its the first time, he is that close to me and I cant stop looking at him.
Without a thought in my head, I raise my hand and touch his cheek. I see his lips breaking apart, so he can draw a surprised breath. "You have so many freckles everywhere." My eyes wander around his face. His voice comes back to life for a second, but only to sign. "Too many, actually." I draw my eyebrows together.
"It suits you and it´s not too much. Thats a perfectly fine amount of freckles. Look-" I start to count them. Each and every one. Starting from his ears towards his cheeks, his nose, further down until I stop at his lips. "You have one right above the corner of your mouth." I mutter, my thumb brushes his lips for a second.
Caught, my eyes sneak back to search his gaze. But he just looks at me. My heart feels like it could break any second, if I dont open my mouth to say something.
"You are" I begin to say "so beautiful to me. Every freckle you have, the colour of your eyes, your hair, your lips, your voice, just you."
I cant hold back anymore.
"i-i love you, Alex. I really do. I thought it would just be a crush that would go away, when time goes on, but it hasnt. You´re in every piece of my heart, you hold it together. You are my joy, my laugh, my sadness, you were everything for me, the first second I got to know you. Because you are the best person in my life, my best friend, my other half, my partner in crime, I would bail you out of jail in a heartbeat. Without you, my heart wouldn't beat anymore anyway. Because you make it live. Every day, every time I see you. Maybe if I would have known better, I would have never agreed to take your jacket, the first time we met. If I would have known, how absolutely in love I would get with you, it would have scared me to death. But now? Now I know better than to be away from you, because I better live as your best friend than without having you in my life. Because now, being away from you would be my death."
In one second, I bail my heart out and before I know it, he takes my face in his hands and leans forward. He stops his movement right before our lips touch.
"I think you will be the death of me too, sweetheart."
And with that, he kisses me.
Slow at first, his lips touch mine, so very soft and gentle. I almost think I´m dreaming, because his lips do feel like a dream to me. His hands caress my back and I clutch to his shoulders, afraid the moment will end. His warm hands strive back to my cheeks, tilding my head in a way he can have more access.
And I let him, mainly because I´m too caught up with this emotion and also because I would let him do anything with me. My hands are in his dark hair, gently tugging at his strings, so I get to hear that little breathless sound he makes, that makes my heart flutter.
I sink in his warm embrace, moving my lips with the same rhythm as him, hearing my heartbeat in my ears. His right hand goes to the back of my neck and this action makes me weak in the knees. And he notices it. Gently he breaks apart, leaving me with the want to have more of him and when I open my eyes - I didnt know I closed them - he looks at me, like I´m the sun and he´s the moon, that was away for too long.
"God, you´re so beautiful." His voice is deep, I can hear him catch his breath. His words make my heart ache until I think it isnt able to comprehend his compliment. I feel his lips again, my eyes flutter at the contact. One hand around my hip, holding me steady and the other one, around my neck, making me unsteady.
"alex-" a moan wants to escape me, but I try to hold myself together. His lips leave my mouth and trail further down, finding a spot at the curve of my neck.
"god, yes. Say my name again." I´m pretty sure, I never wanted him more than now.
My hands linger in his hair, I feel his hot breath on my skin and clench my thighs together. He is making me feel all worked up. As his lips leave that spot, I whimper his name, but as soon as his mouth leaves my body, he reconnects with it.
Brushing my hair aside, he kisses me again for a second before he lets go of me. With that, im completely convinced he hates me, the way he´s making me suffer. I hear him quietly laugh, so I slowly open my eyes to watch his face.
"You look drunk on love. Are you alright?" He smiles at me, looking at me, like he didnt just turn my world up site down (and my panties wet, by the way).
"What?" I ask, catching my breath. His skin glows and as I watch every detail of his face (how could I not), I almost miss his next sentence. "I would have never thought that this was your idea of gaming." I feel his shoulders move, when he tries to keep himself from laughing.
I gently smile and roll my eyes. "You are just too handsome for me, to concentrate on anything other than you." His cheeks turn red and there´s a glimmer in his eyes, that makes me feel completed. "So that´s why you have bad grades in math, maybe I shouldnt be sitting next to you then." His joke makes me laugh.
"Well, maybe you can give me some private lessons, so I could improve." At that, he opens his mouth, but no words are said. "Too stunned to speak?" I lean forward, his eyes follow my lips. "You just never flirted with me, its distracting." He looks up.
I just shake my head. One of my hands sneaks around to linger at his cheek. "Oh, trust me. I have. You just never noticed." His eyebrows rise. "Thats a shame. But I guess I have now." He catches my lips.
Yes, he definitely did notice me now.
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burnedwriter · 1 year
what type of lover they are pt2.
A/n:i hope everyone is having a wonderfull day this is the part 2 of the previous fic,i changed it a bit bc somebody rported it yet again to be community label,and how do i know that?well said person send me an anonymous ask telling me that they did it,it might be the same person that has been harassing me by sending me hate asks but idk if they are the same,so i changed dottore with xiao,you can find the dottore version here
warnings:overstim,bondage,edging,bj,soft s*x,instructions,c*m swallowing, fingering,!afab reader
A/n:im not responsible for what people read,ageless blogs and under 18 do not interact.
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💧Ayato will spoil you,whatever you ask for it will be at you disposal.from expensive clothes to home decor,he can get anything you ask for.
💧he takes you to expensive restaurants for dates and buy you gifts,when he has free time to make up for neglecting you.
💧He told Ayaka to keep an eye on you when he was away for bussiness,and you ended up becoming best friends,Ayato is extremely happy to see you both having a great relationship with eachother.
💧showing you off to people with expensive clothing he has bought you,that hug your curves perfectly,he cant help but always place a hand around your waist to show to people who you are married to.
💧He is a fan of bondage,he will tie you hands behind your back just to see you beg for him to touch you.
💧His teasing continues to the bedroom activities too,he loves edging you,he wants to hear you whimper and whine as you get denied of your orgasm over and over again.Its music to his ears
💧finally giving you the sweet realise you were chasing after hours of edging you,what you didnt know was that this was not going to be the only orgasm that you would have for the night.
‘‘Ayato~please i cant do this anymore~’‘you beg desperetly feeling your body tired as you feel your what would be your 4th orgasm for the night
‘‘Oh come on darling,i know you have another one for me’‘he cooed ,his finger moving mercilesly in and out of you.
‘‘Ayato~,im close again~’‘you cried out,as your bosy started to tremble,feeling yourself close again.
Your body shaking as Ayato continued to finger fuck you,your walls squeezing his fingers,your mind going hazy as you reach your yet another climax.
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😠🍃the both of you met when you started working at the wangshu inn,the house keeprers warned you that there is an adeptus living with them,but what they didnt warn you about was how moody he would be.You didnt gave up though and everyday you would bring him his favourite food trying to befriend him
😠🍃At first he told you to stay away from him because of he karmic debt energy that is harmful to mortals but after awhile he grew fond of your company almost craving it.
😠🍃The moment that took your friendship into a relationship was during the latern rite festival,it was the moment were the two of you shared your first kiss at the balcony,while the xiao laterns flew in the background
😠🍃He not always there for you and hes always away most of the times fighting but he told you to call out his name and he will be there for you even if its in the heat of battle,he will protect you until the end.
😠🍃He has a low drive so he wasnt really interested in sex,you were the first one to discuss it with him.
😠🍃He is really bad at aftercare but if you want him to stay and lay down or cuddle with you,he will not questions asked.
😠🍃At first you would instruct him on what you liked and made you feel good since he had already told you that he has never done something like this and was afraid of hurting you.
‘‘Does this feel good?’‘he questioned rolling his hips onto yours looking at you waiting for an answer.
‘‘yes~keep going xiao’‘you reasured him your breathing becoming uneven and your cheeks flashed red,your mind going slowly blank from the pleasure.
He nodded in response his eyes never leaving your face as he picked up the pace of his hips into a faster one,he enjoyed seeing every little facial reaction that showed on your face by his actions
‘‘Ah~you are doing great xiao keep going~’‘you praised him as he pushed you closer and closer to your orgasm
‘‘xiao~i-i’m close~’‘you moaned,feeling your walls squeezing his cock and sclosely after reaching your release
xiao could feel a small smile that started to form at the corner of his mouth,feeling proud of himself that he was able to satisfy you.
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🔥The best out of everyone,hes loving and caring towards you at all times.Though grumpy at times,he cant help but melt at your presence.
🔥he invites you to the tavern to keep him company and help him with the customers,He loves seeing you happy interacting with everyone and how they are coming just to chat with you.
🔥late night horse backriding where the both of you get to clear your head after long hours at work,you two get to open up and chat about your problems without getting interupted.Thats when he confessed to you.
🔥He puts your pleasure over his,he doesnt care if he hasnt finished as long as you are satisfied,he is satisfied.
🔥He is always taking things slow and gentle,taking his time with you.Touching your body softly like its made out of glass that is about to break at the simplest touch.The only time hes is being rough with you is when he has had a bad day at the tavern but still he will ask you at the end if you are ok and bring you anything you need.
🔥So you decided to repay him back after taking such good care of you in the bedroom.Kneeling before him,your hands moved to his belt unbuckling it.
‘‘You dont have to do this,i will be fi...’‘He said
‘‘shhh....let me take care of you diluc’‘you cut him off and reasured him
Pulling out his cock,you wrapped your lips around the head before you started taking him slowly deeper in your mouth,as he hit the back of your throat,earning a few goans from the man above you.
‘‘fuck~ your mouth is so warm’‘you heard diluc grunting,holding his hips still so he doesnt make you gag.
Looking in eachothers eyes you saw the lust that formed in dilucs eyes.Starting to bop your head up and down into a steady pace.
‘‘Ah~ngh~’‘diluc let out low breathy moans at your actions.
Picking up your your speed into a faster one,one of your hands,moved to massage his balls,making him throw his head back from the pleasure
‘‘fuck~i’m close love’‘Diluc choked,feeling him pulse inside you mouth before realising,you removed his cock from your mouth,swallowing his orgasm.
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sunshowerwriting · 2 months
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vincent x david (redacted audio)
being moon bound during a summer solstice was never fun, but vincent was having an especially bad time. luckily for him, david was here to help.
vincent may be a tad out of character, so sorry in advance if he sounds a little weird!
requested by: @broke-art-girl
lowercase intended. not proofread.
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solstices were never easy. especially summer solstices when you were moon bound. david and vincent knew this all too well. they had both gone through many solstices before they started dating, and this wasnt even their first together. that didnt change how much they sucked though.
vincent was having an especially bad time. if you asked him today, he would absolutely say this was the worst hes felt in his entire (undead) life. he was hot, he had a headache, his whole body was achy, and worst of all he was so hungry that he thought he was going to die of starvation at any moment.
perhaps he was being a tad dramatic, but he certainly didnt feel good.
he thought he was alone in his home. he was simply going to suffer in his nice plush bed, withering away to nothing and perhaps quietly crying to himself until sleep overtook him. that wasnt the case however. in his moment of pain and discomfort vincent must have missed the door to his home opening and a familiar wolf entering.
vincents lack of awareness bit him in the back when his bedroom door opened, making the vampire jolt upright with all of the strength he could muster. even in his current state there is no way he was going to go down without a fight. luckily for him there was nothing to worry about and the “intruder” was a much more welcome guest than he initially thought.
“david?” vincent said quietly.
“jumpy much?”
david gave a strained smile, clearly dealing with his own issues this solstice. the smile was appreciated though and vincent slowly started to calm down from his previous state of panic.
“what are you doing here?” vincent asked.
david shrugged, kicking off his shoes and coming to sit next to vincent.
“thought we could both use the company on a day like this.”
at the response, vincent flopped back against his bed, looking anywhere but david. his previous discomfort was coming back quickly, but now with david here there was an added layer. dont get me wrong, vincent was happy for the company, misery loves company and all that. but his hunger was starting to overtake him, and even though his senes were not the best on the solstice david was starting to smell like quite the treat.
out of the corner of his eye, vincent saw david raise an eyebrow at him. vincent huffed and raised his own eyebrow at david.
“are you alright?” david asked as gently as he could muster.
vincent made a displeased noise. “as alright as i can be given the circumstances.”
“well obviously. but it seems like its more than that.”
vincent sighed. david was bound to know one way or the other. he might as well come clean now. his very tasty partner could possibly help even. one way or the other.
“the solstice is kicking my ass… and… i havent eaten in a while so-“
vincents words were cut off with a displeased noise from david.
“take a bite.”
he spoke quickly, adjusting his shirt so vincent could get a better angle of his neck.
“you dont have to do this, i know the solstice has gotta be kicking your ass too.”
“it wasnt a request.”
with a very brief pause for vincent to contemplate this decision, he say up and buried his face into the werewolf’s neck.
“thank you david.”
with his quiet mumble vincent sunk his fangs into the other mans neck. the taste of his blood was enough to make the vampire go mad and for once on this horrible day a feeling of comfort washed over him.
davids hands came to rest on vincents back comfortingly. weather it was for his or vincents comfort was unknown but they stayed like that, holding each other for much longer than was necessary for vincent to feed.
more than just getting a drink from his lover, the comfort of being in each others arms was enough to make this day just a bit better.
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bigearsbunbun · 10 months
1st day in 10th grade 8/29/2023
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I literally couldnt sleep that much the night before and ended up staying up until 3AM, though I'm kinda surprised that I slept a bit early than usual so I felt a bit relieved. But knowing that I had to set an alarm so I wont wake up at 10 or 12 AM I was hella depressed from just the thought of having to wake up exhausted af. I ended up waking up at 8AM I was EXHAUSTED I couldnt even move for the first 10 minutes and I just stared at the ceiling. I was having a manic episode the night before because I was so chill and so anxious at the same time I couldnt contain myself.
I later found out that the entrance ceremony starts at 1PM so I felt relieved knowing I dont have to rush.
Then the ceremony began. It was just like the other ceremony I attended last year.....though I was more down that time I couldnt even listen to a single word I was hearing from the people on stage, I was so out of it TT its weird because it felt like 9th grade was just yesterday.....time flies so fast:/.....Anyway when I got there, there was already many students lining up.... it was I think 20 minutes before the ceremony starts I saw some of my friends from my previous school year I'm soooo lucky to have some of my friends on the same class this year...I hope I can make some friends this year too or just at least get along with some of them:D
After an HOUR of standing at the ceremony it finally ended and we all headed to our new classrooms. I was enlightened to know that my classroom was in the first floor cause I have a bad stamina and bad experience from my old school... I was first very happy about it "ohh I get to be on the 3rd floor!!" then months later "I HATE THESE STAIRS" so 2ND,3RD,4TH FLOOR CLASSROOMS?? NUH UH🗣🗣..
So when I got to my new classroom I immediately continue reading one piece cause Im too introverted and shy to even talk to my new classmates, but I'm pretty sure when group activities and all that start happening we'll all talk and get along well:) (probably not everyone though)..ALSO I just realized how much I space out but its not that bad it just happens at times Im seriously not aware which is scary....I believe the term for it is called dissociation but mine is just mild though it happens from time to time I think mine is pretty normal...
When it was time to introduce ourselves my hands were COLD. And when it was my time to introduce myself I just talked fast and sat down, not realizing I didnt include my other hobbies such as reading manga or watching anime but oh well I did tell myself I wont trust people that easily this year and be more secretive about myself since I talk so much about myself when I'm comfortable enough to someone....
A few hours later it was snack break.... some of my friends from our friend group gathered... gosh I miss them so much:{ I dont know but I think I became a bit more quite than last year.... idk though maybe its just me. So then we all started talking about our new teachers... some of them had badluck and have a strict teacher and meanwhile me I was luckkyyy even though I dont really fit in with my new teacher's humor she was still pretty chill and understanding and I relieved about it... though I still hoped that I had the other teacher I wanted to be my 10th grade teacher:( hes pretty strict but hes a friendly guy and teaches well... I hope hes my math teacher this year PLSPLSPLS🤞CROSSING FINGERS
Then a few hours later it was already time to go home...I'm kinda happy that the first day of school wasnt as tiring as last year:D...I walked home.... it was nice since we got dismissed pretty early than the normal school days since its still the first day after all.....I was walking while listening to the songs I downloaded on my phone and look at the sky...it was still 4PM so it wasnt dark outside yet.... it felt nice walking home like that:>.... while walking home I remembered one of my friends eshy gave me her snack since she didnt want any and I couldnt buy snacks at the canteen because it was pretty crowded and looked like it was impossible to even cut in line....I'm pretty grateful to have her as a friend....though she should srsly look out for herself too....so in order to pay her back I stopped at a small store...it was run by an old couple....I used to walk by the store a lot since kindergarten and I rarely bought anything from that store....when I walked in the old man smiled....idk but something about it made me a bit happy since like oh....its been so long since I bought anything from the store and its been...probably years ....he looks different from before....everyone gets old and its a sad thing for me to even think about://....anyway after buying the snacks I then head home and took this picture while walking.....thanks for reading this long ahh journal about my day:DD I usually ramble things in my journal but I firgured I should use this account instead and use it as a digital journal since I rarely post anything on this app, Im also planning on doing this everyday so lets see if I actually do it this time:DD so bye for now MY HANDS HURT FROM TYPING ONG but anyway take care!!
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stxp1dcup1d · 2 years
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✿ (2)
proofread though theres most likely errors </3
It had been a few days since Jirou's encounter with you, making it a Tuesday. Class was over and it was time for lunch. Jirou walked out of class with the bakusquad plus Hagekure, which were currently arguing about a new horror movie that came out. The group watched the movie the night before excluding bakugo because of his lame ass curfew.
"That movie was so bad, the chick shouldve survived in the end." Denki said whining.
"And why's that?" Asked Jirou.
"Because its the rules! The girl always survives in the end, plus she's the main character!?"
"To be honest, her not surviving made the movie better." Sero could feel sweatdrops forming on his head. He thought the movie wasnt good in the slightest.
"It did not!" Hagekure said.
Everyone pitched in to the argument picking sides, besides bakugou who was yelling at the group to shut up. Jirou laughed at their antics as she watched a group across from the former group walking in the hallway. She squinted her eyes a bit to see the group better. She recognized them as class 1b students. Realizing that she watched the group hoping to see you. so focused she didnt even notice the group calling her name.
"-Jirou?" Her name being called brought her back to earth,
"Hey is there someone named (name) in class 1b?" Jirou asked staring at the group ahead of them,
"Yeah, theres (name) right there," Mina answered looking to the group.
There you were laughing with your friends as you started walking down the hallway. The group could hear you guys talking about foreign foods as you guys walked towards the cafeteria. You were grabbing onto a boy with short fluffy brown hair while facing to the blonde hair girl from earlier when Jirou first saw you. You suddenly turned your attention backward, feeling eyes on you from behind. your eyes fell on Jirou causing a small blush to form on her cheeks. You eyed her for a moment while the blonde girl was talking to you.
"But the others havent had California rolls yet Poni !" You said laughing as your attention moved back towards her.
"Yeah but still! Yknow what, were getting those for lunch then," The blonde girl named Pony said grabbing your hand and pulling you causing the group of friends around you to walk faster.
"That extra?"
"(Names) like the most popular person in our year, how do you not know who that is?" Hagekure yelled at bakugo
"They're all unimportant to me," he said
"Youre unbelievable Bakugou" Mina said sighing
"You think (names) dating anyone? Their super good looking" Denki asked ignoring bakugou's yelling
"Theyre probably dating that one guy, did you see how close they were?!"
"I mean hes super good looking also, i wouldn't be surprised,"
"You didn't even see his face, how do you know?" Kirishima asked
"Dang it, why are all the hot people all taken?" Denki whined out
"like you could even get their phone number"
Everyone laughed at that except Jirou which no one noticed was quieter than usual at the moment. All that was one her mind was the look you gave her as you walked past her. She couldnt tell what that look meant or whyd you stared at her but she did know that the blush was still on her face.
It was hours later and the bell could be heard letting everyone know that it was the end of the schoolday. Small groups were still lingering in the classroom, and Jirou was exhausted. She just wanted to go to her dorm and listen to music, except she couldnt do that at the moment because once she stepped out of the classroom by herself she spotted you standing agianst the wall with your arms crossed. Surprised, Jirou looked around the hallway to see if anyone was out in the hall also.
"I saw you." Gaining her attention you stood up straighter getting off from leaning on the wall.
Confusion could be seen on Jirou's face, but before she could open her mouth you spoke agian.
"-last weekend, I saw you."
"And you saw me too right? You saw me arguing with that flaky hair bitch," You sounded like you were talking to yourself the second sentence. Jirou could feel a nervous drop form as she nodded her head.
"Did you tell your friends?" You asked back on topic.
"Tell my friends what?"
"That i caused a scene in public in front of everyone."
"No?" She was confused as to where this conversation was leading to.
"Oh good," you sighed.
You jumped up and stepped closer to Jirou, causing the two of you closer than most strangers would be. "You cant tell them!"
"Wha- w-why cant i tell them?-" jirou could feel herself flustering up at your closeness,
"please keep it a secret!! I dont want anyone to know what I did!"
"Oh no, that i was doing readings"
Jirou froze confused, she wasnt expecting her afternoon to be spent like this. First she confirms that you do go to her school and that you're popular?
"So you like doing occult?"
"Something like that" you said laughing nervously.
"And why cant i tell?" She was still confused about that part, not as if she would tell anyway.
"Because no one's suppose to know outside of my friendgroup, i guess you could say its apart of my quirk and I cant just letting anyone know about my quirk now" you said putting a finger to your lips.
"But now you know so I guess i have to make you someone I know now" you winked at her.
"So, whats your name?"
"Jirou kyoka, and yours?"
"(Full name), i hope we can be good friends Jirou." You take her hands in yours wrapping your fingers around hers.
"And if its alright can i get your number too?" As you say this you pull out ur phone.
"Yeah sure.." not sure why you asked for that she pulled out her phone and the two of you exchanged contacts. It was ironic considering how Jirou and her friends were just bullying Denki about how he couldn't even get someone's number.
the sound of a phone snapping a picture brought her back into the present.
"Contact picture of course," you say smiling.
"Hey wait let me see-" the thought of a picture of jirou looking off track in thought embarrassed her.
"-Sorry gotta go !" You laughed running away from her before she could reach out for you.
Standing in the hallway Jirou sighed watching you run away replaying the interaction in her mind.
She definitely wasn't expecting today to be like this.
| © stxp1dcup1d no stealing work! I
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princesstokyomoon · 1 year
🥺 i am make a new post cus i dont wann make the other one too long but, omg ty for the tag @mellyoraa i am honoured <3
nickname: i think the main nickname i get online is "ari", cus theres Generally a toss up between if people prefer to call me that or "princess" and thats a full name not a nickname lol. i Occasonally get "princess tokyo" tho, thats deffo a nickname. i dont tend to share my birthname with folx, so i cant really share the variety of nicknames ive had based on That, but i DO also have "fizz"/"fizzy pop" from my mum, cus of random baby talk from my sister when we were smol.
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i dont tell people when my bday is, (not even my gf knows) and i Refuse to give Clues, sorry yall
height: around 5'4/5'5
last thing i googled: it was a local food place that me and my mum discovered existed the other week (but that had closed down during covid) that delivers roast dinners to your home. their website said they reopened today (or Technically yesterday by the time i post this lol), so i wanted to see what was up.
amount of sleep: hee hoo peanut, Varies, but i need a Minimum of 10 hours to feel Ok, so i Try to keep that as my average. somedays i get less, somedays i get a LOT more.
dream job: a performer. i love performing so damn much it hurts. its a part of my dna practically. but im shite at auditions, and i hate the industry, so even if i WASNT disabled in a way that makes that dream exceptionally hard for me, then its a dream thatll Probably forever go unfulfilled, and thats ok
wearing: harley quinn tshirt i bleached, and boxers uwu
media that summarises me: OOOO THIS IS A FUN QUESTION I HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THIS..... (sorry boys thisll probably get Long, this is kinda what i look for a Lot in media)
The "Life is Strange" games - particularly the first one - feel particularly relevant
Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
Wired Wrong, Hold Me, Lyin' Awake - Steam Powered Giraffe
oooo Actually i think "Infinity Train" is a good show for me too
What's Wrong With Me? - Julia Stone
i would be an Idiot to not mention "It's Such a Beautiful Day", that film is an Intrisic part of my psyche BECAUSE of how much it resonates with me
Everybody Hurts - R.E.M.
I'm not dead - Boyinaband
Unbreakable - Gilmore Girls
it also feels ridiculous to not include "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (ill take both the books and the netflix, but the movie can go FUCK ITSELF), that series has been a key point in my brain for as long as I can remember.
Superman, I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (and the New Lyrics version too) - Sandi Thom
the one who gave up, you wanted to look for help, i wanted to sit and wait to be rescued, action scene, when we met, hands, - flatsound (honestly Everything flatsound is a Vibe tho)
I Am My Own Disease - 4th Point
Am I?, F.R.E.A.K.S. - Victor and The Bully
Take Me Away - Avril Lavigne
SHIT, That Funny Feeling - Bo Burnham (and honestly the Whole of "Inside")
OOO THAT REMINDS ME absoLUTELY "The Midnight Gospel" that shit hits SO right
I Need Sleep - Balduin & Offbeat (and Offbeats general vibes too)
(if your noticing themes of being unwell, sad, and full of Longing, no youre not shhhh)
favourite songs: i Refuse to take as long answering this as i did the previous question gjdfhg
my current FAV fav song is Hotel California - Eagles but ill also give honourary mentions to
En ång av rosor - Darin
That's Not How The Story Goes (S3 version) - Netflix Unfortunate Events
Touch of Life - VA†EM Oliver
Countdown - Epithet Erased
instruments: i am currently TRYIN to learn guitar, and though i am WILDLY out of practice i am technically a trained singer, and really want to start practicing again at some point, cus i REALLY miss the huge range i used to have t-t
aesthetic: i.... am honestly not sure how to answer this? i vibe with so many aesthetics, and i dont think id Ever wanna tie myself down to One. as a teenager, i was sorta "all in" on steampunk, but even then i had interest in others. and now my brain is kinda a Clusterfuck lol
favourite author: i think i HAVE to go with either Lemony Snicket, or Shakespeare
random fun fact: i love dice, i own so so many dice at this point, i have Literally zero use of them, theyre just Pretty and i Want Them, i have spent a Stupid amount of money on dice, and i Physically have to restrain myself from lookin at them so so much because i would have No money, Only Dice, if i kept lookin
some favourite mutuals to tag: no pressure to play at all, but @nsfwitchy, @rouge-the-bat, @megalo-station, @aprilbrowines
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bbarican · 2 years
july 20, 2022; 10:30 am - life updates
good morning, tumblr! i have no idea why pero pag nasa bahay talaga ako, lagi akong inaantok; maybe its the weather too pero im badly fighting the urge to just stay in bed kasi medyo marami na yung mga nasa to do list ko so here i am just typing all of my thoughts down before working:
im officially the new business development manager for our company! but at the same time im still a designer so its really exciting for me to finally be able to delve into the business side of interior design in real life, hindi yung pinagaaralan ko lang siya
so far, ang priority kasi talaga ng boss ko is our project together so sabi naman niya kahit wag ko na muna asikasuhin masyado yung bizdev tasks ko
but on the other hand, nadiscuss naman na nung previous bizdev manager sakin yung tasks na need ko alalahanin para in the time na need ko na siya simulan, i know what to do, where to find the files, who to talk to, etc.
my first few bizdev tasks are: to help our hr associate with the townhall mtg my boss plans on having by monday next week and to remind our principal and senior designer about the pro bono design thats up for review and comments kasi we really need to get that started na since sobrang nadelay na siya since everyones so busy
parang meant to be sakin yung role ko as a bizdev manager kasi regardless of my position, talagang ako yung nilalapitan ng mga officemates ko when they have problems and chika hehe
as much as i wanna be in the office everyday, napaka gastos naman kasi with toll palang and gas kaya plano kong mag commute going to the office one time just to see if kaya naman mag p2p just to lessen my gas consumption
still waiting on the board exam results and yes sobrang tagal niya kasi nga may manual drafting kami for our exam and 400+ kaming nag take so imagine kung gano karami silang need icheck na physical na sheets; around next week labas ng results so im just really really really hoping i pass
seeing my bestfriends last weekend was the best thing ever kasi sobrang namiss ko talaga sila and it gave me the energy i was missing during my board exam review season since i couldnt really go out and talk to other people that much
pick up coffee is amazing and its so affordable? i was so hesitant on trying it kasi i felt like it wasnt being talked about enough so i dont have much to look forward to pero when my family and i tried it, we all loved everything we ordered so so much! come friday, mag order ulit ako pag nasa office ako
i plan on wearing like full make up for friday kasi i wanna feel and look extra pretty for myself + ang lala din kasi ng acne marks ko so i really wanna spend extra time in the morning just covering those up
august is just around the corner; a part of me is really excited kasi its my birthday soon and we have relatives coming home from the states but at the same time, nakakagulat na august na eh parang vivid pa sa isip ko nung chirstmas party namin last year parang last week lang nangyari yun
coffee doesnt even help anymore when it comes to waking myself up; coffee, for me, is literally just flavored water now
im still trying my best to not be mataray which i think im getting the hang of naman from time to time; it doesnt really help anyone kasi if i keep letting myself be mataray when an inconvenience suddenly is presented infront of me regardless kung ano man yun
miss ko na kuya ko pero sa march next year pa siya makakauwi
i really wanna go out with my family ulit this weekend; its literally one of my favorite things ever, just going out to eat with them and to window shop kahit na most of the time talagang umiinit ulo ng dad ko for god knows what, atelast magkakasama kami thats all i really care about
again, i love being comfy at home, pero shuta antok na antok talaga ako dito sa bahay and its not like i can bring my desktop anywhere
i cant wait for the holidays
so yeah, thats all for now! i really do think i should post more ulit and journal more kasi nga may times na if i dont, my brain feels like it could explode so ill try my best to incorporate journaling and blogging more ulit into my routine
happy hump day tumblr! i hope we all have a really productive day today!
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duckugou · 3 years
@ my worst (nsfw)
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Iwaizumi x fem!reader
cw: ANGST as hell, smut, bathroom sex, public sex, unprotected sex, biting, marking vaguely, toxic relationship, toxic friendship. just toxic all around, theyre like 24 lmao
!!come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in! Requests are open!!!!
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He finds solace in burying himself in someone new once things get too committed with his current fling.
You find solace in being used by the man you love the most.
"maybe im the best mistake you ever made. sounds so fuckin beautiful when you say my name."
Every friday night, he found himself clung to your side in your bed after he stumbled there from the club. You left the door unlocked for him, knowing what he would end up doing. Even if it killed you.
He smelled like a different girl whenever he laid with you. Some times it was cheap vanilla. Other times it was a more expensive floral. Either way, it was always subtly masked by the smell of his sweat.
You couldn't help but find yourself feeling at home due to the subtle scent of him. You allowed yourself to lay on his chest while he murmured that you were the best thing to ever happen to him.
During his sober hours, he was the sweetest. He never gave a second thought when it came to giving you the world. Coffee in the mornings, memes sent to your phone during work hours to cheer you up, and dinner at night. It was a dream. It was amazing bliss for both of you- until anyone brought it up.
"maybe im the worst, the worst you ever had. tell you youre beautiful then stab you in the back."
"Damn! Flowers, huh? You finally decide to lock her down or what, Iwa?" Oikawa asked, making the both of your heads whip around to him as everyone in the crew approached.
This sentence made both of you want to puke.
He wanted to puke because commitment scared him shitless. He didn't know how to be with just one person, even if you had his heart in full. He didn't want to disappoint you in the long run and hurt you more than everything hes done combined.
You wanted to puke because you knew what comes next. Every time someone brings it up to him- that you two should date and are basically a couple. He would distance himself more and more each time. 'here comes the hurt' you thought to yourself.
"No, what the fuck- why do you always ask that? What I cant be nice to my friend?" Iwaizumi asked, flustered and red.
"You never give me flowers!" Oikawa said, jokingly holding his heart in fake pain.
"Yeah because you fucking suck." He said, looking back to you and the flowers he bought from the lady on the street corner. "These- a lady was selling them and I felt bad, ok? Dont like- I'm not- It's not like that." He stuttered out, shattering your heart all over again.
"I know." You respond, defeated.
"Right. Well, I gotta go." He wiped his hands on his jeans, looking towards the exit.
"What? You just got here-" Oikawa began, getting interrupted.
"Yeah, forgot about a previous uh- responsibility. I'll see you all later." He brushed his friend off, walking out, not looking back at you.
You eyes would've filled with tears had this been one of the first times, but it wasnt. A sigh leaving your mouth, you sent a glare to Oikawa and shoved the flowers to his chest.
"Why do you always have to bring that shit up?" You ask harshly.
"You two obviously like each other- its so stupid."
"It's also none of your business." You sighed.
"dont try to call, do not disturb, i do not want to speak."
Walking back to his place, Iwaizumi knew his friends were right. Y/n was someone he should 'lock down'. Nobody has ever understood him the way she did. Nobody else takes time with him like her.
But that's the scariest part. If he was to commit to her, he multiplies the chance of her being crushed by him by 100. And he couldn't live with that.
So he decided to do what he did best. Push her away again.
"the more you try to fix me the more you make it worse."
Friday came along sooner than she thought it would. The days of the week passed by with no contact from Iwa. Y/n shouldn't be surprised. The longest he went was 2 and a half weeks and its only been 4 days. Sure he would hold out even longer this time, she began to think about how easy her life would be without him. Without loving him.
But it was too easy to love him when things were good. He was perfect for her- he just can't see it.
This pattern has made her numb. It hurts every single time she gets close to him again. She finds herself missing his scent on her sheets and realizes how awful the situation is- and will continue being- if she doesnt change something herself. She couldnt keep depending on him to crawl back to her apologizing- because what if he doesnt this time?
Getting up from the couch and brushing her stray tears away, Y/n decided to have a trial run of sorts. 'Lets see what life would be like without him for real' she thought to herself.
Sitting in front of her vanity, Y/n took in her disheveled appearance. This is what he reduced her to, and he didn't show any signs of caring or stopping the pattern.
Standing up and letting go of a deep breath she didn't know she was holding, Y/n walked to the bathroom to shower. Tonight would be the night things changed.
Walking into the club with her wallet and phone in hand, Y/n looked around, taking in her unfamiliar surroundings- fighting the urge to turn and run out.
Once she sat at the bar, Y/n felt a little more comfortable, letting her shoulders relax as she ordered a drink.
"I fucking love that dress!" A shrill voice sounded next to her as a pretty blonde turned in her seat to face Y/n.
"Oh- thank you! Your makeup is amazing!" Y/n returned the compliment, appreciating the shadow the stranger put on her eyelids.
"Thank you! I'm Lily!" The stranger said, instantly warming up to the nervous girl.
"Y/n, nice to meet you." Y/n introduced herself, taking a sip of her drink.
"What brings you here all alone?" Lily inquired, forgetting about the friends she came with and focusing on Y/n.
"Ah, heartbreak. Ya know." Y/n didn't want to dive into any details, giving the girl a short explanation.
"Oh god, I know that too well. Was it some guy?"
"Yeah- just some guy." Y/n sighed.
"Fuck men! Thats it- we aren't gonna sit here and be sad! Not on my watch! C'mon!" Lily stood up, grabbing Y/n's hand and strutting off to the dancefloor.
Taken back by the sudden warmth of the stranger in the best way, Y/n smiled. Tonight would be different.
"OH MY GOD THE PERFECT SONG!" Lily shouted over the music as none other than doja cat started playing over the speakers of the club. "DOIN TOO MUCH RELAX A BIT!" She began singing, taking Y/n's hands and putting them in the air, fingers interlocked.
"ACTIN LIKE THAT CUZ YOUR DADS A BITCH!" Y/n joined in, letting herself simply enjoy the night.
"MUST BE THE WAY THAT THE PLANETS IS!" Lily shouted, smiling.
"MUST BE YA FACE CUZ ITS NOT YA DICK!" The two girls sang in unison, laughing.
Across the club, Iwaizumi stood with a random tall red head, mind absolutely blank as he caught sight of his best friend dancing with a cute blonde.
Taken back, he felt all of the blood in his body rush to his head. Why the fuck was she here- in a club? With some random girl? In that dress? What is happening- what alternate universe is he in?
The way you danced around to this song made his heart ache. He hurt you again.
He stood and watched helplessly as you and your new friend were approached by 2 men. They seemed to introduce themselves to you, asking to dance. And you accepted.
Iwaizumi watched you dance with a glow around you, thinking about how happy you seemed without him. But it wasn't fair. What about him, right? I mean, he's not even having fun! This redhead is so-
"Boring." He finished his thought out loud to himself.
"Whats that?" The red head asked.
"I need another drink." He walked away, eyes held on your figure in that stupid dress.
Running directly into you, nudging you away from the tall man in front of you with his shoulder, Iwaizumi faked innocence.
"Oh shit- I'm so sorry- Y/n?" He asked as if he didn't know.
"Oh- hi Iwazumi." You replied, shaken from the impact of him both physically and emotionally.
"im not ready for you to forget me."
"What are you doing here?" He asked, not minding any listening ears near by.
"I'm just...trying to have fun." You explained, feeling drained by his presence.
"tell you you're beautiful then stab you in the back"
"Well, you look great." He offered, remembering how great you felt in his arms, not wanting you to bed in this random guys arms tonight instead. "Careful with this one," he said to the man. "Shes a lot to handle."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, taken back yet again.
"Oh you know. She can be a little much- especially in the bedroom!" He spoke to the man as if he asked, knowing he hadn't slept with you more than one time at Bokuto's birthday party during seven minutes in heaven. It turned into 30 minutes in bliss, which ended in him not speaking to you for a week.
"Excuse me?!" You shouted, shoving Iwa.
"Do you two have something-" The man started.
You both stood silent, staring at each other. Why would he say yes-
"Sorry buddy, you can have her tonight though." Iwa patted the man on the back, walking away.
"Uh, I'm not gonna get in the middle of all of that- sorry sweetheart." The man said, offering a sorry expression and walking away.
Anger bubbled up in your chest and your eyes found Iwazumi's figure walking to the bathrooms.
Storming into the men's bathroom, you looked around, only seeing Iwazumi. Locking the door, you were determined to hash this out once and for all.
"this is the end this is the end this is the end of me"
"Hey, this is the mens bathroom-" He began, interrupted by your hands on his chest, shoving him.
"What in the FUCK what that?! You don't get to not talk to me for days and then- GOD we only had sex ONE FUCKIN TIME IWA." You shouted.
"Dont care. Dont want you in some random assholes bed." He stood his ground, looking down at you- down your dress momentarily.
"Oh but it's okay for you to fuck anything on legs, yeah? You're such an asshole- you don't get to choose for me."
"I'm just helping you out, princess."
"HELPING ME OUT?! Helping me out. Well, you can help by figuring out what the fuck you want from me. I'm done being used by you. I'm done going days being ignored and I'm done pretending I dont lo-" You shouted through fresh tears.
"Dont." He interrupted, stepping closer to you.
"Dont what? Say I love you?" You challenged.
"You dont."
"Yes I fucking do Iwaizumi." You stood your ground, stepping closer to him, noticing the breath hitch in his chest.
"Fuck." He muttered, his hand finding the back of your neck and kissing you. Kissing you like you were oxygen and the world was running out. Kissing you like a starved man finding food in the desert. Kissing you like-
Like he loved you.
But he didn't right?
Pushing you against the sink, he put his hands on the back of your thighs, setting you on the counter.
"Y/n I- fuck. What are you doing? With me? Why me? You can do so much better- I'm the worst." He asked, foreheads touching.
"Hajime. I wish I knew why I'm so drawn to you. You're my best friend- you get me." You whispered.
"What if I hurt you?" He asked, pain in his chest.
"What if you don't?"
His mind raced with that thought, diving into fantasies of being together with you, kissing you whenever he wanted, sharing a bedroom, having kids maybe.
His mouth found yours again as he pulled your hips closer to him, his center in-between your spread legs.
You felt the straps of your dress being pulled down, revealing your braless chest.
"Shit, Y/n. So pretty. So perfect-" His lips landed on your right nipple, hand tweaking the left as you moaned. You threw your head back and felt your heart flutter.
"Haji-" You moaned out, needing him. He was what you needed. He always was.
"More." He said, pushing your dress up your legs and taking your soaked panties off. "Need you." He muttered out, lips attaching themselves to your neck, a finger diving into your entrance, causing you to scream out in pleasure. You hands searched for his hardening dick through his pants, finding it and rubbing it.
"Shit Iwa." Your moans egged him on, another finger burying itself inside you as he searched for the spot that would make you twitch.
And when he found it, you were putty in his hands.
"Haji!" You screamed, your hand gripping his dick through his pants and making him groan into your ear. "Please please please!" You begged him, needing to cum.
"Cum on my fingers, princess. Remind me what it feels like. C'mon baby." The feeling of his breath as he whispered names to you sent you over the edge. Cumming all over his hand, you moaned him name over and over.
Iwaizumi pulled his pants down, spitting in his hand and stroking his cock as you came down from your first high.
"Need to be in you." He muttered, lining himself up, not waiting for you to be fully done riding out your orgasm.
Thrusting in, you both moaned out at the same time. Nothing has ever felt as good as his cock in you. The world was fuzzy as you became overstimulated from him fucking you so hard.
His right hand behind your head as he kissed and bit your neck all over, leaving marks. His left hand holding your hips down so he could rut into you properly.
"Mine." He growled against your neck, needing to mark you. "You're fucking mine. I'm yours- shit. I'm yours Y/n. Take me please. Yours yours yours." The words fell off of his lips, finally saying what he's wanted to all along. And he meant it.
"Mine! Fuck Haji- you're mine promi-ise!" You moaned out, feeling everything collide in your core.
"Gonna fuck you forever- only pussy I need. Only one I wa-ant. Fuck baby."
"Haji-i-i! Too-oo much- fuck!" You screamed out, second orgasm coming fast as his first approached.
"Hold it for me, princess. Wan' cum with you." He muttered, feeling your walls tighten and strangle his cock.
"Ca-ant!" You yelled, trying to hold back as he thrusted, his dick twitching inside of you, hips stuttering.
"Fucking hold it." He demanded, fingers gripping your hip harder with every second that passed and he felt himself get closer.
"Cum with me princess." He said, letting you both fall over the edge, you head resting in his shoulder as he continued to fuck him cum into you on the bathroom counter.
Heavy breaths filled the room as you came down from your highs. He lifted your chin from his shoulder, kissing you softly.
"You mean it, Haji?" You asked, overly sensitive and needing to be told everything you want to hear.
"'Course I do. 'S always been you princess." He felt his chest tighten as he realized what he's admitted to.
"could you love me at my worst?"
Pulling out, he helped you clean yourself off with toilet paper- joys of bathroom sex.
You both got dressed and you face the mirror, fixing your hair and makeup as best as you could.
You both walked out together, his hand in yours as you walked down the street to your apartment. That's why he ended up at yours all the time, after all. You were close. You made sense.
Changing into a big t-shirt, Iwaizumi stripping down to his boxers, you both cuddled in your bed, his own scent the only one on him besides your own perfume. His scent able to really seep into your sheets.
"demons are friends, angels are enemies."
You fell asleep with a smile.
He fell asleep with self destructive thoughts racing through his head. He's never been good at fighting those demons telling him he's not enough and doesn't deserve you.
You woke up and rolled over, expecting to see your Haji.
But the bed was empty. Every trace of him was gone besides the smell of him on your bed.
In that moment you knew- you were going to be stuck in this pattern with him forever. And you couldn't stop it.
And in 2 weeks when he calls you apologizing, you would let him crawl back into your bed.
Fresh tears streamed down your face as you rolled back over, holding your pillow tightly, crying yourself back to sleep.
"Could you love me at my worst?"
Iwaizumi walked into the apartment he shared with Oikawa, spotting the brunette sitting on the couch drinking his coffee.
"When are you gonna stop this shit with Y/n? You're hurting her." Oikawa asked lightly.
"It'll hurt more if I-"
"Youre a pussy, Hajime. Grow up." Oikawa spoke harshly, standing up and walking past him to his bedroom, ready to text you about how you deserve better, knowing you'd never let yourself let Iwaizumi go. No matter how badly you both hurt, this toxic cycle was permanent.
Stepping into the shower, Iwaizumi thought about last night and how you felt. In his arms, around his dick, everything.
He cried for 30 minutes in the shower before crawling into his bed, crying himself to sleep as well.
"Could you love me at my worst?"
The answer would always be yes, no matter how bad the worst gets.
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xtodorcki · 3 years
Oml I've had this request idea for so long so I was wondering how you'd do it. How about some headcanons/little scenarios of Levi, Erwin, and Hanji getting caught making out with their fem so by someone else in the scouts? 😏 This has been in my head so LONG soooo I feel like you would portray it well
“Caught,” Levi x Erwin x Hange Headcanons
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okay okaaaay cute idea🥺
Summary: getting caught making out with your s/o by another scout.
Warnings: implied smut with Erwin
He’s always been the type to be clingy and openly affectionate in private. He never really liked PDA or even being flirty with you in front of others. He liked to cherish you behind the closed doors and show you how much he loves you there.
It never bothered you, you were always professional when it came to your work so you agreed with him about not wanting to show too much of your relationship to the other Scouts.
One day Levi was more clingy than usual, he said it was only because he had a nightmare about losing you and it felt too real. The entire day when no one was looking, he would touch you in any way he could. Grabbing your hand, touching your lower back. He felt like he needed some slight touch of yours to be reminded you were still here.
Around the afternoon, he had forced you to stop your work and come to his office. It had bugged you but you couldn’t sit there and complain about Levi wanting to be around you for every second.
He was just a teddy bear, very hands on and loving so him having a dream about you no longer being here- it had crushed him in ways he couldn’t explain. He was deeply in love with you, he couldn’t handle losing you so the slight dream just fed into his insecurities and anxiety that he had to be around you.
As you stepped inside his office after knocking, his eyes lit up when he seen you and instantly stood up from his desk as you walked over. His arms embraced you in a tight hug, his lips kissing the side of your head and a sigh of relief slipped out of his mouth.
“Why did you call me here?” You mumbled, rubbing his back and he grunted under his breath, his eyes moving to look at you.
“Just missed you is all.” He barely said loud enough for you to hear, feeling embarassed for admitting that out loud. He felt dumb for bothering you and taking you away from your work to see him but he felt like he needed it desperately.
“Hm, because you missed me?” You teased, making him roll his eyes and his hands grabbed a hold of your cheeks firmly, staring into your eyes.
“Yes,” He quietly said, admiring you as his thumbs rubbed over your soft skin.
Time felt like it had frozen still just for a moment, his eyes burning into yours and another huff escaped his mouth as he tried to rid the insecurities he had replaying in his head.
You could tell how frustrated he really was, he hated to be deep into thought about everything- especially when it came to negative thoughts. You moved your hands to rest on his sides, gripping onto the material of his shirt and tugged him closer.
You wanted to take away his troubles, his thoughts and his anxiety. You wish you could easily take it from his hands and deal with it yourself, he deserved to be happy everyday.
As you felt his thumbs brush over your cheeks, you leaned up to press your lips on his. A gentle kiss but it definitely made him feel better, making all the stress slip off his shoulders and replaced with love and butterflies.
His hands stayed firmly on your cheeks, afraid of letting you go but also not wanting you to pull back from his lips. He just needed this a little longer. He had tilted his head, leaning more into your mouth as both of your lips moved in sync with one another.
Suddenly the door had opened up, Armin and Jean walking inside while calling for Levi before noticing the scene before them, making them freeze in the doorway and made the both of you break apart and glance back at the door.
All four of you stared at each other, the awkward tension and not really knowing what to say about what had just happened. Your relationship wasn’t a secret, no, but it wasn’t clear if everyone knew about it or not considering you two aren’t much of a pda type couple.
Armin and Jean’s eyes were wide, they had no clue about your relationship so walking in felt like they violated your privacy and saw something they weren’t supposed to see.
Levi grew frustrated, staring at the both of them and crossed his arms over his chest as he gave them a cold stare.
“You either speak on why you’re here or leave.” He simply said, causing the both of them to stumble on their words and Armin ended up just grabbing Jean and dragging him out of the office.
“We’re so sorry, we didn’t see anything. Ignore us.” Armin rushed out, grabbing the door and shut it, hearing them panic as they go down the hall,
“You scared the poor boys.” You glanced over at Levi, making him roll his eyes and meet your gaze.
“Maybe they should learn how to knock.”
Erwin is the type of person who likes to have everyone know you’re his but he’s also very professional in his work and making sure that his work and your relationship don’t intertwine and ruin one another.
He’s always kept his head screwed on and he always treated you more like a colleague while working and you always done the same to him. He cared a lot about his job, it was one of his favorite things along with you.
So, it didn’t bother you to have him focus on his work during the day and come home to cherish you ten times more. It was a good mixture to keep the relationship healthy and stable.
But one particular day, you found yourself a bit more needier and trying to go about your work as if nothing is wrong was bugging you. You couldn’t help but think of Erwin repeatedly, the other night replaying in your head of him touching you in all the right places.
It was really starting to annoy you, sure this has happened before but the other times it was easy to manage and ignore. This time it just was on the tip of your brain, repeating like a broken record and it was starting to make you go crazy as you keep catching yourself zoning out and daydreaming about it
You were stationed on the opposite side of the base, trying to concentrate on the plan for the expedition coming up and as you sat there trying to listen, it was getting more evident that you were dozing off into thought.
After a while there was a meeting that had to be held with most of the Scouts, mainly the higher ups, to discuss the next expedition but you were too lost in your train of thought to even realize what they were saying.
“Y/N.” Levi snapped his fingers in your face and your eyes shot up to meet his, the scary plain look on his face and you could automatically tell he was irritated.
Erwin had looked across the room, noticing you zoning out and he tried not to think too hard about it, you two were at work- not at home but he felt like there was something wrong, maybe you were upset or too in a depressing mood to work.
As the meeting went on, it had finished up and Erwin had asked for you to come to his office and at first you thought that he had caught on and it had actually excited you a bit but the both of your thoughts were far from similar.
Once you stepped inside, you turn to face him as he shut his door and you reached out to grab a hold of his hands. He had looked at you with concern and before he could ask you what’s going on, you had smashed your lips onto his.
He was a bit taken back but he couldn’t deny that he liked the sudden kiss from you and he wasn’t too phased since it was inside his office. Your hands had moved up to cup his cheeks and eventually sliding them back to tangle in his hair, both of your lips molded together.
Suddenly the door had creaked open and someone had grunted loud enough for the both of you to hear. Erwin had ripped away from you, both of your eyes moving to meet with Levi’s as he shot you both a disgusting look.
“Please, there’s a lock on the door for a reason.” He rolled his eyes, walking inside and slamming the papers on Erwin’s desk before returning to the door.
“My apologies.” Erwin spoke, making you hold back a laugh at how red his face was from embarrassment.
“Tch, save it. Just lock the fucking door.” Levi shut the door behind him and that’s when a laugh had slipped past your lips.
Erwin was completely flustered, his cheeks heated up and the look of fear knowing Levi had caught the both of you making out. You didn’t find it that much of a big deal, it was Erwin’s office after all- not his fault that Levi didn’t know how to knock.
“Whats so funny?” He raised his eyebrows in amusement at your small fit of giggles as you shook your head.
“It’s funny how flustered you are.”
“I’m not flustered.”
“Hun, your face is more red than a tomato.” You pointed out and he huffed out a breath, moving to sit down at his desk trying to rid of the thoughts of being walked in on.
“C’mon, it’s not that bad. We were just kissing.” You teased, leaning over his desk to place another kiss on his lips and he looked up at you, the small smile edging in his lips.
Erwin remained silent, his large hand reaching up and caressing one of your cheeks as his thumb brushed over you skin slowly. He released another breath, the sight of you instantly making his nerves calm down and the embarrassment slip away.
“Still humiliating.” He said sacrastically, a gentle chuckle leaving his lips and you rolled your eyes.
“Better get over that thought because I’m not finished with you yet.” You mumbled, grabbing a hold of his chin and he had looked at you surprised.
You couldn’t care less about Levi walking in, your main thoughts were still on your boyfriend and the previous thoughts you’ve been having all day and being seen making out wasnt going to stop you from getting what you wanted.
“Oh?” He simply said, collecting his thoughts and finally realizing what you had been talking about and it made him realize why you’ve been zoning out all day. It made sense.
“This time, lock the door.”
Now, Hange never cared what anyone thought whether it was about her or her work so she wasn’t ashamed or phased in the slightest when she got into a relationship and she sure wasn’t embarrassed to show it off and to show you off.
But you, on the other hand, were the opposite. You were really shy and awkward when it came to opening up and you were always flustered when it came to the Scouts teasing you about your relationship.
You weren’t embarrassed or ashamed to be with her, you were more than in love with her but you weren’t used to this sort of attention, you’ll admit that she’s actually your first relationship so you were still getting used to it.
You worked under her, being apart of her team and helping her with a lot of research studies she was obsessed with, that was the main reason why you two gotten so close.
As you stood inside her little lab, sitting on a stool and reading over papers while she mumbled to herself about some theory she was testing out. You glanced over at her when her mumbling got louder. Hange is always unaware when she starts talking to herself when working, you thought it was cute.
All of a sudden a loud excited scream left her lips, almost startling you and she jumped up.
“I figured it out!” She laughed more to herself, completely forgetting you were in the room as she grabbed her pen and began to scribble down on her journal.
“Figured what out?” You spoke, your eyes turning back to the paper before you and her eyes shot towards you.
“Something about Eren’s titan form.” She couldn’t hold back the excitement running through her veins as the adrenaline was pumping through, making her more hyper than ever.
She went over to where you were, her arms wrapping around you from behind and she glanced over your shoulder to see what you were reading before sliding it away from your vision.
You turned your head, raising a eyebrow all while the butterflies swarmed your stomach when her grip around you tightened, her lips planting a gentle kiss on your cheek, making your cheeks grow red.
“What?” You asked, noticing how concentrated she was on you and you were almost convinced you had something on your face.
“Nothing nothing, I’m just happy is all.” Her voice was low, making a small smile come across your lips.
Hange couldn’t help the overwhelming amount of love she had for you. She was deeply in love, more than she can explain out loud and it was never her intention to fall for one of her cadets or anyone in the Scouts period.
But the day you came in after the training corps, set on being under her team and wanting to work with her little experiments and loving her theories just as much as she did- she suddenly fell right into that deep hole with you.
She always thought that she would only be in love with her work and her job. She never seen herself with anyone before you only because everyone thought she was crazy for being so obsessive over the Titans and wanting to learn their way of thinking and behavior.
But you, pushed her in the right direction and always gave her good advice and made her feel more confident in her work, even though she was pretty confident before but having you was like a big bonus.
You could tell she had gotten lost in her train of thought again, she always zoned out and thought about you and it was always cute to see. Soon she had snapped out of her, her attention back onto you and she leaned down to press her lips on yours.
It was a soft kiss, definitely meaningful to the both of you. Your hand moved up to cup her cheek to keep her in place, tilting your head and leaning more into her. The small make out session was starting to get heated pretty fast but it ended abruptly when the door had opened, both of your eyes shooting over to the door to see Eren.
“Oh- I’m sorry, I didn’t- I wasn’t- I didn’t see anything.” He stuttered, quickly walking out and shutting the door behind him.
“Don’t worry about it, kid!” Hange shouted as Eren’s face turned bright red, quickly walking down the hallway and away from the room, trying to rid the scene he just witnessed.
She turned to look back at you, your face completely flustered and bright red again. The embarrassment lingered over your head like a rainy cloud and she couldn’t help but laugh at it.
“So humiliating.” You mumbled, shaking your head as you looked down to hide your face considering how hot your skin was.
She quickly grabbed your chin and tilted your head up to look at her, the small smirk on her face had made you almost melt beneath her fingertips. Her lips kissed your red cheek a few times, trying to hold back her laugh.
“Don’t be embarrassed, it’s his fault he barged in here.”
“I’m still embarrassed.”
“Don’t be!”
Anywhooooo, been a long few days. 🥺
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michaelsbigreddick · 2 years
red lights- matt murdock- pt.2
part 2 of “Red Lights- Matt Murdock” the the previous part here
you dont necessarily have to read that part to understand this one but it paints a better picture if you read both parts.
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It had been months since the incident with Matt. You'd seen each other through Foggy a handful of times. In the beginning he took it upon himself to try and gain your friendship, but soon after he gave up. After he had given up hope of you forgiving him, you either spent the time around each other not speaking, or as Foggy liked to put it “bickering like a married couple”.
The bar was in January, it's now July which happened to be Foggy's birthday month.
“I still don't get why you don't want the party at your place.” you say continuing with the decorating. You had agreed to host the party for him in your home as a joke. But eventually you ended up doing it anyways.
“Because then I'd have to explain my lack of sport trophies and butchering certificate.”
“There's nothing wrong with being a certified butcher. If the lawyer thing ends up failing you for some reason, you have that to fall back on at least.”
“It wouldn't be a problem if I wasnt sixteen when I got certified.”
You make fun of him for the fact that he illegally became certified to work with cured meat.
“Could you check the cake in the fridge? I need to frost it soon if it's going to be ready before karen comes to help.” he gets up from his computer and sets the cooled cake on your kitchen island.
“Why do you have to frost it before she gets here?” he asked, taking a dip into the chocolate frosting.
“Because my dear friend, there is such a thing called alcohol and I'm starting once she gets here.”
The lovely Karen who thought you had too much on your hands volunteered to help with the alcohol. There was a sense of highschool to the friend group you felt you were intruding on. In a way it was like that. Or you supposed you swooped in at the right time, the time they werent there for foggy, a time where none of them really knew what the group was going to look like after not working with each other anymore. But then things cooled down, and they saw each other again. And it was only a matter of if they would accept you into the group, it was also a matter if you played nice. That first night you tried. But you weren't the type to forgive and forget. There was something about Matt that didn't sit right with you, and it was only getting worse with time.
“Did you invite Marci or are you waiting till later tonight to call her?” you threw a party favor at him. He caught it but fumbled with it a bit before actually doing so.
“I did invite her, so be ready to pull out the karaoke machine.” his chin had a bit of frosting on it but you decided to not tell him. It was his birthday but that didn't mean you weren't going to cut him any slack.
“So um, on another note, but still on the topic of lovers,” he paused.
“how’d it go with Jack?” he seemed like he wasn't sure he was allowed to ask you. You weren't very keen on telling him about yourself. Even after nearly a year of knowing each other he didn't know nearly as much as he should. There's a timeline to these types of things. Foggy shared them all by the third time you had gotten wasted at his place. But he didn't know anything. Not where you were born, what your relationship with your family was like, where you grew up. But he knew what you let him, the superficial things, the color you were subconsciously obsessed with, your coffee order, you liked to bake, the things that weren't important to other people before you moved to New York. You supposed someday you'd tell him where you came from, but not anytime soon. He’d just have to be okay with that.
“Ahh, I knew you were gonna ask me.” you begin to frost the cake before he finishes the frosting.
“Well, he's not invited if that's what you wanted to know.”
“Agh! What happened this time?” you laugh.
“This time? You make it sound like this is a regular thing for me.”
“It is.”
“Oh shut up.”
“You know it's true. He's the fifth one this year.”
“What can I tell you? I'm trying to break last year's record.”
“You know you're like Matt in that way. Of Course you’re more alike than just in that aspect, you'd know that if you bothered to get to know him.’
“Oh please.” you roll your eyes at him.
“I'm serious. Both get around and are extreme pains in my ass.”
“I'm surprised anyone would want to sleep with him. I can barely stand to breathe in the same air.” you knew that was a lie. You've thought about punching him in his smug little face then kissing him after.
“You know maybe it's a good thing that you hate him so much. Makes sure he stays away from you. I'd rather have this than,” he shook his head with an exaggerated look of disgust. “God I don't even want to imagine the contrary.”
“You do not have to worry about me going anywhere near him or Matt junior.”
He grimaced at your little joke about Matt and went to clean his sticky hands. There was a knock on the door. You had a doorbell but people that knew you knocked. They knew you preferred it to the doorbell.
“That must be Karen.” you look at your hands, they had spots of frosting you didn't want to get on the door knob.
“I'll get it.” foggy said, jogging over.
“Hey guys!” Foggy greets opening the door. Guys. That meant Matt was here too. Early. You felt self conscious. You wanted to run to your room and hide. Or at least run your hand through your hair and comb down anything out of place. But you couldn't, you'd get frosting all over yourself. And your clothes, you were wearing the same thing from your workout. You didn't think to change. You were comfortable and already running late to decorate for Foggy's party.
“Hey.” Matt said walking into the kitchen.
“Uh hey.” you said flatly. You hoped he couldn't hear the slight shake to your voice. You knew he couldn't see you, but you still felt insecure.
“Foggy went down with Karen to help her with the rest of the drinks.” he did a little thing with his hands. It's like he couldn't figure out in which way he wanted to fidget, picking at his fingers or tapping on his leg. They were hesitated fidgets, like he didn't want to show you how uncomfortable you were making him.
“Oh.” You pick up the spreading tool again and finish frosting the cake.
“You can make yourself at home. Uh, in the living room, or on the balcony, I decorated that too.” he chuckles a bit.
“Oh, I guess that doesn't matter to you huh?” you feel dumb, you knew it was a innocent but you couldn’t help it.
“Yea,” he smiled. “Would it be alright if I sit here?” he signaled to the stool on the other side of the island. You shrugged before remembering he couldn't see you.
“Yea sure. Knock yourself out.” he sat down without a problem. You'd always wondered how he did things so easily. Sure he's had years to adapt. But he's only ever been to your house one other time and it was to pick something up for Foggy. A quick in and out type of thing.
“Chocolate?” He said taking you out of your thoughts.
“ Uh, yeah. Foggy didn't tell you what his cake was gonna be like?”
“It's more about what I didn't know about you. I didn’t think you'd be the one to bake someone a birthday cake.”
“Yeah well you don't really know much about me now do you?” he chuckled and then began to tap at the table. You began to grow irritated as you adorned the cake with assorted berries. You were scared you were going to apply too much pressure to them and squish them. By the look of your stained fingers, you were. Their juices stained your fingers like ink.
“Shit.” you muttered.
“If it's not too much of an intrusion, can I help? I can do more than just sit here and look pretty.” there was that cockiness in his voice that made you want his perfect little teeth out. You checked the clock and there was only an hour left till people were going to start arriving.
“Do you know the difference between berries?” he got out of his seat and washed his hands. You put each different berry in his hand. He felt them with such a delicacy, like they could be crushed with any sudden movement. As if he was scared to even bruise them. He didn't want to upset you.
You let him start off where you left off. There wasn't much of a science to the way you were decorating the cake. Chocolate frosting with a berry crescent. He should be able to pull that off.
You go get ready and by the time you're nearly done Karen and Foggy are back.
“Hey,” Karen says walking into your bathroom.
“What took you guys so long?” you kiss her on the cheek and go back to curling your hair. “
“Foggy dropped one of the bags and we had to go back to get some more.” She was applying lipgloss now. It was a shade you had given her. Made her lips look as pretty as they did the night you met, but in all lighting.
“Can you get the back of my head? I don't want it to look funky.” you hand her the curling wand and she starts.
“It's a real shame Matt can't see.”
“What? Well yea I suppose it is. Being blind must suck.”
“I meant you look nice.”
“Oh you're funny. You're real funny.”
“Y/n are you really going to stand here and tell me you're not doing this because he's here?”
“Karen he can't see. How would that, how would that even, wouldn't that mean I would just wear my best perfume?”
“So you have put thought into it then.” she accused.
“You're just as bad as Foggy.” She sets the last curl down and gives it a minute before raking her fingers through it.
“I mean it wouldn’t be the worst thing would it? Being with someone who isn't just all brawn?”
“I'm not sure I'm fit for anything,” you paused looking for the word. But maybe that was the end of your sentence. Maybe you weren't meant for anything, any type of relationship, maybe you weren't meant for anyone.
“Anything?” she asks, waiting for the rest of your sentence. You finish applying your lipstick.
“Anything right now. I'm busy. And happy with the relationships I have right now. The ones that matter, friendships.” you were being an ass and you knew it. She knew it and she was alright with it because you were that type of person. The more they pushed or asked, the more you would pull away.
The guests started getting there soon after. When you took a look at the cake for the first time you couldn't help but let the smile creep onto your face. It didn't look half bad. There was the crescent like you had instructed, and then there were two rogue blue berries on the other side only two inches away from each other. If you looked at them from a certain angle you could see a smiley face.
The group wasn't large, some people from your firm, a few of Foggy's friends from college, Karen's boss Ellison, who only stopped by for a plate of food and to drop off a gift. It was nice, but you couldn't help but feel like an outsider inside of your home. You let loose after Foggy cut the cake and blew the candles out. When they asked him what he wished for he said nothing, “I have all I need right here.”
It was cheesy but you knew he meant it. It was getting dark and as the more superficial friends left you figured you could move the group outside. Then when you were all drunk enough you'd bring them all inside for karaoke.
“I'm gonna go outside and turn on the lights. Then we can move out there.” Karen nodded her head.
“Do you need any help?”
“No, but could you do me a favor and take out the jello shots from the freezer so we can bring them out right now?”
You finished making yourself your margarita which you decided not to rim with salt but with sugar. The after taste wasn't so bad when you switched to wine.
Plugging in the lights you nearly topple over from getting up too fast but someone takes hold of you just in time.
“You okay?” it was Matt. Behind him on the table were the jello shots you asked Karen to bring to you.
“Uh karen wanted me to bring those to you.” he spinned what was left in his beer in circles.
“Oh. Thanks.” you walk over to the railing and lay against it, and look onto the city. You never got sick if the view. From here even the ambulance sirens looked pretty.
“Beautiful isn't it?” Matt said taking a place next to you.
“Would you mind describing it to me?” you didn't know why but the question felt intimate. It felt like he was asking to see the world through your eyes. He’d be able to get a look at you and how you thought. And a drunk mind is an honest one.
“I don't think I’d be able to do it much justice.”
“I'm sure you’ll do a great job” he smiled. you take a sip from your drink and grimace at the sugar. It felt too clumpy on your lips, felt more like a lip scrub than it did a thin lining. You took two fingers and cleaned all the remaining sugar off the rim flicking it onto the sidewalk beneath you.
“Well, it's very loud. It's loud in the way that the lights and people, their minds, they're never off. Every fluorescent light represents each person in New York. The colors, all the colors, they sit exactly where they have to. From here you can see the big picture. The one that's kind of overrated if you ask me. When people think of New York they think of big flashing lights. They think of the places and food, the shops, what they're known for. But none of that would've been possible with what you can't see from here. The picture that really matters is down there on the sidewalk. It's at the bus stop, in the gutters, at the park, in the taxis, underground waiting for the subway. People are what I should be describing to you. That's the real view, that's the real beauty of Hell's Kitchen.” you get a little sentimental and philosophical when you're drinking. You found it rather annoying when you were sober, but for now, you drank the rest of your drink in a single swig.
“That's actually exactly how I remember it being.’he smiled.
“That's nice.” you turn around and start walking back inside. As you open the door you hear one of your outside chairs fall over with a loud thud and glass shatter. When you turn around you see Matt on the floor dusting himself off. Beside him was the shattered green glass that used to resemble a beer bottle.
“Shit are you okay?” you crouched down to him and scanned him for any injuries. His hand was bleeding but besides that he seemed to be alright.
“Here let me see your hand,” he gave it to you. A thick gash that didn't want to stop bleeding. You took a towel off your little grill and applied it to your hand, applying pressure.
“Can you move your fingers for me?” he grinned, wiggling his fingers.
“I'll do anything you want if you ask nicely.”
“Jesus Christ you're insufferable.”
“Y/n you cant even cut him some slack when he's hurt?” foggy said coming from inside. He looked worried.
“I didn't do it. He fell or something.” you looked back at Matt who was facing the floor.
“I uh slipped on the confetti. I landed on the bottle.” Foggy sighed and came to help you get him up.
“I have a first aid kit in my bathroom.” you say it to Foggy more than Matt. “I'll clean him up really fast and then we’ll come back out…You go and get ready for karaoke.”
“Can do. But don't take too long, we will start without you.”
You lead Matt to the guest restroom and pull down the toilet lid for him to sit down on and he does, thanking you. You dig under the sink for your first aid kit. It was larger than people usually had in their homes. You practically had enough to keep someone stable for at least a day or two.
As you rummage through it for things you'll need, you place a few things you don't need in a stack to get them out of your way. Your staple gun falls off the growing pile and it bounces till it lies flat next to his foot. He reaches for it and feels it before handing it back to you with his good hand.
“What do you need a staple gun for?”
“Matt its really better if you don't ask any questions. But if you're going to, it's better if you didn't know.”
“Oh come on, not even a hint?” you take the stained cloth of his hand. The bleeding had thankfully stopped and it looked like he was just going to need stitches.
“It has to do with who I used to be when I moved to New York.” he nodded, moving his hand with him.
“Hold still. This is gonna hurt.” you say holding his hand above your sink, other hand holding a bottle of alcohol. When you spilled it onto his hand the most he did was take in a deep breath. A slight wince, but no noise, no groans, like it was routine for him. Another thing to not like about him. You patted him dry.
“I'm going to start stitching now.” you take the clamps and begin. He's holding his own hand steady.
“What did you do before you got here.”
“Please stop talking.”
“What do you need all that for?”
“Jesus Matt, why do you care?” you make a knot then begin again.
“I just, I like to know about the people I'm around. Is that unreasonable?”
“It is when you don't spend time with them unless you absolutely have to.”
“That's your side of it y/n. That's not what it's like for me.” you wanted to pretend like you didn't know what he was referring to. But you knew, and you were happy to know, you were happy to hear that he was interested in you. You were giddy even. It wasn't just the alcohol, your cheeks and hands grew warmer with this knowledge, and he could feel it.
“Honestly, I can't. I'm just not fit for anything um, I just, we can't. I can't.”
“Oh, Of Course.” he shook his head and kept his head low. You stayed like that for a few minutes listening to them begin karaoke outside without the machine.
“You know I did some stitching as a kid. They never came out this clean.”
“Just practice I guess…how old were you?”
“I'm sorry.”
“No uh don't be. My dad, he was a boxer.” you already knew that from extensive nights of internet stalking him. You weren't able to find much, to no one's surprise, but you did find out a lot about his dad.
“Before he passed I stitched him up a few times. The second time I did I had my first drink too. Said my hands were shaking too much the first time.” he laughed a small laugh and you joined him.
“Yea.. I never got to get as good as you did. Whatever you were before must have been interesting.”
“There's not much to it. I just had a lot of practice.”
You finished up there and you felt like you hated him a bit less. Maybe it was the orphan talk, you had a soft spot for the orphan storyline. They always became some sort of selfless hero that saved countless lives. You doubted that Matt did that as a blind pro bono lawyer, but who knew, maybe he'd surprise you one of these days.
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
The Gift of Panic Pt#2
First part
After a moment of silence, the villain finially spoke.
"The last birthday present I got..." they started in a quiet, almost whispered tone, "was a bomb..."
"What!?" the hero replied in shock.
"Someone I cared about... though it would be funny to open my present before me as a joke..." they took a deep breath, "they didn't..."
Their voice cracked before they trailed off, and the quickly wiped at their face, abruptly standing up, keeping their back to the hero.
"I don't even know..." the hero replied, trailing off as well. They didnt know what to say, how to respond, what to do. What could they?
"Its fine I just," the villain started, before taking a deep, recomposing breath, "Sorry, I've never told anyone about it,"
"No no, it's okay. God, I can't even imagine..."
"Its alright, I got my revenge in the end," the villain replied, turning back toward the hero.
"Really? How?"
The villain looked at them with a confused expression, before it shifted into an amused smirk, "For legal reasons, and because I don't want to prolong my time in here, I probably shouldn't tell you,"
The hero laughed, "fair point. For what it's worth, I'm glad you got justice, even if it probably isn't the kind of justice I'd agree with,"
"Really? You think I deserve justice?"
"Of course, I think everyone does," the hero said in confusion, as if that was obvious.
The villain huffed a half laugh, giving a small smile, "I need to remember who I'm talking to,"
Both their gazes fell back to the long discarded present on the floor.
"I can take it, if you'd like, but-"
"No no, it's okay, I... I cant believe the words 'I trust you' are coming out of my mouth but I at least trust you didnt gift me a bomb,"
"I don't know if I'm hurt or flattered,"
The villain laughed again, walking over to hesitantly pick up the gift. They turned back to face the hero, holding the box with both hands as they just stared at it.
"The question still remains..." they drawled, before looking up at the hero that was still sat on the bed, "Why would you get me a birthday present?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why would you get me a gift? Why would you do something like that? For me? I dont think I'm very... deserving of a gift. Especially from you. Unless whatever is in here is some form of mockery- I mean- I guess I shouldn't assume..."
Their eyes dimmed slightly, as if they realized the only thing that could be in the box was something mocking, a heros form of bragging that they had won.
"Okay now I'm definitely hurt,"
The villain looked back up at them.
"Your my friend, I realized your birthday was coming up, so I thought back on our previous conversations, and tried to get something I thought youd like," the hero replied, moving to sit it a more casual position, "There wasnt any more thought put into it then that,"
The villain was now staring at them with wide eyes.
They blinked, seemingly trying to process what they'd just heard.
"I... have questions..."
The hero smirked, tilting their head as a prompt to continue, amused at the normally silver tounged villain being thrown so off their game by something so simple.
"Friend?" The villain responded almost instantly.
"Oh I'm sorry, what would you call this? Marriage?"
"I'd call this me tolerating your visits, whenever you decide to drop by because you've nothing better to do,"
"Maybe at first, but I've seen the way you recently light up whenever I come in,"
"Then you've *recently* begun going blind. I'd suggest seeing an optometrist,"
The hero laughed, "also, for your information, I make time for these visits, I dont just swing by cuz 'I'm bored',"
The villain squinted at that, "You... make time... for me?"
"Yes, that's what friends do,"
"I am not your friend," the villain replied stubbornly.
"Oh yeah? When was the last time you let someone hug you? I have to have passed the friend mark by now,"
The villain blushed, realizing they *had* allowed the hero to hug them, and they couldnt remeber the last time anyone else had even tried, nevermind been *allowed*.
"this is a dysfunctional work relationship at best"
The hero snorted another laugh at that.
The villain glanced down at the box once more.
Finially they knelt down onto the floor, placing the box infront of them. The stared at it for a few seconds, hands shaking slightly as they hovered over it, before taking a deep breath and tearing the wrapping off.
It was a simple brown box with a lid.
The villain chuckled under their breath slightly at that.
"What?" The hero questioned, not seeing anything funny.
"No, sorry I just-, had a thought,"
The hero raised an eyebrow at them.
"I just thought how funny it would be if after all this it turned out to be empty, but that would be cruel, even for-"
Their sentence came to a halt as the lid came off and they saw what was inside.
Now their wasnt anything incredible inside, it wasnt like they had gotten a new iphone, but there was *many* things inside.
They looked up at the hero, mouth open slightly, not even attempting to hide their shock.
The hero just smiled.
Slowly, the villain began taking things out of the box. A book of puzzles, like crosswords and word searches, a small sketch book and a pack of markers to go with them. A small puzzle, showing the picture of a fox, which was the villains favourite animal. There was also a rubix cube that was already messed up, and a set of other small puzzles. At the bottom, there were two more boxes, one much bigger then the other.
The bigger box contained the Harry Potter book series. The second, contained a small device that looked like an airpod, along with earbuds.
It was fascinating for the hero to watch the villain open their gift. One would expect a villain to be clumsy, rushed, or aggressive, ripping into their present, but they were the opposite. They removed every item slowly, delicately, like it was a peice of glass that could break, examining it with the same gentleness before laying it down carefully beside them.
When they had opened the last item, they looked back up at the hero, completely flabbergasted, jaw on the floor and eyes wide.
The hero laughed quietly, "do you like it?"
"I..." the villain sat back onto their heels from where they were kneeling, looking over the items like they were unsure what to do now, "what..."
They blinked, gathering their thoughts, "how did you...? I mean what-"
They picked up the puzzle as they spoke.
"That's your favourite animal right? A fox? Now I wasnt sure what kind of fox but-"
"How?" The villain asked, almost breathlessly, looking back at the hero.
"How did I know that? You mentioned it, once. I was talking about being a cat or dog person, and you said youd always been a fox person, something about them being 'sly and underestimated, yet smart enough to know when to strike'" they recited, making quotations in the air.
The villains jaw hit the floor again.
"That was actually one of the first things you ever told me about yourself,"
"You bothered... to remeber that...?" they muttered under their breath.
"Yep. The rubix cube is because you bragged to me once you were good at puzzles and could do one, and I didn't believe you," the hero smirked, "still don't,"
The villain huffed a small laugh, before glancing over at the books.
"the puzzle book and sketch book are just something to do, I know markers arnt ideal, but obviously I wasnt allowed to give you any pencils or pens,"
The villain nodded in understanding.
"the books are because I was talking about game of thrones one day, and you said youd always preferred Harry Potter,"
The villain smiled, and shook their head at that, chuckling, "I've never actually read them, I just wanted to disagree with you," they joked.
They both laughed.
"What's this?" The villain asked, picking up the small device with the ear buds.
"Its a little mini portable radio. I didnt know what songs you liked, and obviously, I'm not allowed to give you anything with acsess to the internet, but at least now you can choose what station you want,"
The villain sat back again, looking over everything with the same stunned, almost lost expression.
"You... remebered all those little details... and here I thought I was doing a good job at not letting anything about myself slip..."
"Oh you have been, trying to figure out what to get you was near impossible, but I managed to remeber a couple little things youd mentioned,"
They picked up the rubix cube, playing with it aimlessly, "I... don't even know what to say..."
"Well, most people would say thankyou,"
The villain shook their head, "that dosent seem like enough. I... I cant even remeber the last time someone gave me a gift, nevermind one without strings attached, and esspecially nevermind one with actual thought put into it,"
"I get the feeling you need better friends," the hero joked, trying to keep the mood light.
"Yeah well, I guess I'm on the right track, I've already got one," they replied, but couldnt bring themselves to look at the hero while they did.
The hero in question was lit up like a christmas tree, heart swelling happily in their chest.
"I hate to cut this short, but don't have long today, I'm going to have to get going, I just wanted to make sure I got to swing by today," the hero said, looking at their watch.
"Oh! Yeah, of course, you -"
"Do not have 'more important' things to do, I simply have *other* things I need to do," the hero interrupted sternly, giving the villain, who blushed, a pointed look.
"yeah, that."
The villain stood up, standing awkwardly in the middle of all their gifts, watching the hero leave through the finger print locked cell door. They approached the switch to turn on the force field, when the villain stopped them.
"Oh, hey, wait!"
"What's up?" The hero asked.
Suddenly the villain tossed something through the bars with effortless perfect aim. The hero caught it, and this time it was their jaw that hit the floor.
It was a completed rubix cube.
They looked back at the villain in shock, who laughed, giving them a real, large, and although greatly amused, no less genuine smile. The first real, true smile they'd ever seen on the villain. They couldnt help but stare in awe for a moment.
"What..?" The villain asked after a moment.
The hero shook their head to snap them out of it, "sorry! It's just, that's the first time I think I've ever seen you actually smile,"
Instantly the smile vanished as the villain steeled their features, crossing their arms and shrugging, trying to ignore the blush on their face, "yeah well, that's cuz it dosent happen often, so,"
"I'm honored,"
"Shut up,"
The hero laughed, before looking at the cube in their hand again,"this is like, actually really impressive though, that was so fast!"
The villain shrugged again, "the 3 by 3 ones are easy, the 4 by 4 or 5 ones arnt that much more difficult, the 6 and 7 ones take me a while though, 8 is an actual challenge, and I dont think I've ever done above that before,"
The hero was still staring at them wide eyed.
The villain just chuckled and shrugged at them again, "I was an outcast kid, had alot of time on my hands. Anyway, get going,"
"Yeah, right," the hero replied, tossing the cube back before flicking on the force field. They began walking toward the door, before the villain spoke out to them one last time,
"By the way... thank you... really..."
The hero smiled, "your welcome," they replied, before disappearing out the door.
The next time they visited, they would make sure to bring a 9 by 9 rubix cube, and a fox calendar.
Third part
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angelicmichael · 3 years
Imminient Annihilation sounds so dope - Chapter Ten
Michael Langdon X Reader
Summary: Reader and Michael continue to work through their issues and finally start to warm up to each other even further. 
Words: 5.9k+ …oops
Warnings: just normal IA warnings (swear words, manipulation, unhealthy relationships, enemies to lovers, slowburn, etc) anddd maybeee a bit of fluff 👁
A/N: hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated this in a few months but hopefully this is satisfactory hehe. This chapter is kinda a turning point in the fic so I hope u guys like it!! Also I watched Jennifer’s Body as I finished this so.. do what u must w that information 😌 djdjd
Previous Chapter
Rain was never something you were accustomed too. Spending so much time in Los Angeles had made you partially spoiled when it came to the weather - which is why you knew immediately your day was going to be shit when you woke up to rain.
You tried to convince yourself that the emotions you were feeling weren’t complete disdain but rather just a pessimistic version of indifference.. or that’s what you hoped anyway.
You knew realistically that your day wasn’t already doomed before it even started; and that the rain was nothing more than a mere inconvenience.. However; you still felt justified in complaining, considering today was the day you were ripping the band-aide off and moving in to the apartment Michael had oh so graciously chosen to give you.
Your pessimistic mood surrounding the entire situation was inevitable, and that was something you didn’t even bother to resist or fight. It didn’t take long for your thoughts to quickly go south as you quickly packed. Hatred that seemingly came out of nowhere (but that you realistically knew was only temporarily dormant) wasted no time in blinding your judgement - making you feel a nearly nauseating amount of jealousy and anger for people who actually seemed to be fucking happy in their relationships and werent forced into.. whatever shitty living situation you knew you were bound to find yourself in.
An apartment with no strings attached was way too fucking simple, and you knew it was too good to be true. You knew you were basically walking into a trap, and for what reason were you doing that so willingly? Just so that maybe Michael could start to tolerate you? You resented yourself for even agreeing to this but you also understood you really had no other option.
However; personal feelings aside.. you still had a mission to accomplish. You still had to attempt to seduce Michael, and even though you were doing a shit job at that so far - you still had to try. You knew realistically it was only a matter of time before Cordelia would ask about the progress you've made, and you would have to tell her something.
You had to do this.
That's why you were (semi) blindly choosing to move in to a building you knew you absoluetly couldnt afford; and why you were sucking up your pride and choosing to become semi reliant on Michael.
No one from the coven knew, and for the time being you intended to keep it that way. After all, even though Mallory didnt exactly know that Michael gave you a whole ass fucking apartment - your sure she probably suspected that something important happened between you and Michael just from the short conversation you three harbored together. But for the time being, you didnt have to worry about that. You had bigger things that were on your mind.. like the actual apartment door itself that you currently stood in front of.
You held the keys limply in your hand, your bag slumped next to you as you procrastinated something as fucking simple as opening a door. How pathetic.
You continued to stall in the hallway regardless - thankful there was no one passing through to witness how ridiculous you looked. Your gaze fell south down to your keys which were cold in your hand. Dripping slowly with the subtle rainwater that managed to linger on them, along with the rest of your clothes.
Your skin stung from the cold that seemed stubborn to leave, and a nice change of clothes and a hot shower wouldnt be the absolute worst thing in the world..
You bit your lip in order to prevent letting the profanity from rolling off your tongue. Quickly getting a better grip on the keys (which only made you somehow colder) and numbly, hastily unlocking the door.
You pushed it open, letting the door hit the wall and taking a few steps inside before dropping your bag to the floor.. as well as your jaw.
No words could possibly convey how you felt as you noticed how the room was already illuminated with not only natural light from the already huge windows you could see.. but also with a warm, yellow artificial glow.
Was someone already here?
What the fuck?
The hatred and resentment you previously felt toward others earlier rapidly started to return - except this time it was targeted at one very specific person.
It didnt even register in your mind that the light could've been left on by accident or that people besides Michael actually existed that could be present in the room but.. you didnt care. Anger was the only emotion that was solely present in your body as you fully abandoned your bag by the door. Advancing forward; and only feeling more shock and disbelief with every step you took at the thought that he could very possibly be in (what was supposed to be) your space.
"Michael, I swear to God-"
"Y/n?” said a soft, feminine voice.
It was practically automatic how you froze. Just getting close enough to notice that it wasn’t Michael after all that was on your bed in your new studio apartment, but a woman sat on your bed instead.
For about two seconds, you were scared it was Madison but.. that was a stupid assumption within itself. The company you were with was from a far different nature than of which Madison was, even though at first glance the two woman might look or sound similar. There were so many qualities that distinguished Mallory from Madison. Brown, auburn hair.. dark eyeshadow.. and her classic black boots. It didn’t take long for your anger to fade away as you tried to not think about how logically this still didn’t make sense - walking closer to your bed anyway.
"How did you get in here? And since when did you ever break into peoples rooms?" You asked with a laugh.
Mallory echoed your laugh back, seemingly watching you and your behavior. As if she was expecting you to do something or to act a certain way.. like perhaps leave.
"I didnt break into your apartment but.. you should probably sit down." She spoke, before nodding off to her side. Nonverbally suggesting you to sit next to her.
You did as you were told. Noticing briefly before you sat down how nice the apartment actually was.. including the bed.
The walls, and most of everything in the apartment was a solid black. It looked sleek, and even though black paint made most rooms look small - the natural light helped keep things looking open which you appreciated. It was no surprise that the bed matched the dark theme too. The sheets were silky, black satin. You almost laughed at how comfortable the bed was once you sat next to Mallory, the entire situation was so ridiculous it nearly hurt for you to not laugh out loud. The two of you sat in the silence for a moment.. you were each incredibly anxious, that was more than apparent.
You looked up at Mallory, expecting her to speak first and explain herself since after all.. shes the one who broke into your apartment but she still remained quiet.. Stalling, you could only guess.
"So, why are you here? How did you even get in here? Is everything okay?" You asked, your words speedy and rushed.
Panic started to temporarily set in when you realized that something could be serisouly wrong with the coven, even though you knew how completly irrational it was to think that way with no evidence. What if witch hunters found them? What if someone preformed the seven wonders and it went wrong? What if the plan had suddenly changed with Michael?
Mallory seemed to pick on how anxious you suddenly were, putting a hand on your upper arm before making you meet her gaze. Her soft, hazel brown eyes immeadietly making your breathe slow. That was another reason you were so thankful for Mallory - the soothing, calming effect she seemed to have on everyone she met was something you never took for granted.. Espically now.
"Hey, nothing's wrong and nothing happened. I promise. I just wanted to see you and talk to you, and I figured we should catch up after Michael basically made me leave," Mallory explained.
You quickly nodded. Feeling guilt start to creep into your system once you remembered how Michael previously treated her.
"Yeah, youre right. I've been wanting to see you anyway and I'm sorry I didnt just call you last night or something.. and I know I cant control him but I'm still sorry for how Michael treated you. I shouldn't have brought you into that-"
"(Y/n), stop," Mallory said urgently. Shaking her head slightly in disagreement with your words. "Sure, Michael was acting like a dick but.. it's nothing I'm not exactly accustomed too. It was harmless," she ended her words with a smile. One that was meant to comfort you both at the epiphany her words brought.
You sat with her words for a moment. The realization suddenly hitting you like a truck-
"Wait.. what? Do you know Michael?"
Mallory fell completely silent. Looking at you almost in a.. guilty manner. Her gaze fell downwards before she looked up to meet yours once more, licking her lips anxiously before she uttered out a quiet reply.
"I wasnt going to tell you because I knew it would make you upset but.. Michael called me last night-"
"And you answered?" Your voice raised up a few octaves unwillingly. Threatening to break as you tried to process what you were hearing.
As much as you wanted to immeadietly jump to conclusions, you had to remind yourself that this was Mallory you were talking too. Your best friend, Mallory. You knew she would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.
You noticed Mallory was also starting to get tense. Her spine suddenly a bit too straight and her shoulders were rigid. It was nice to know you werent the only person in this situation who was feeling this way, although you would be lying if you were to say that you werent curious for why Mallory felt tense.
"At first, no but he kept calling so I figured it would cause no harm to see what he wanted so, I answered," Mallory said cautiously.
It was obvious she had more to say and as much as you wanted her to keep talking and fully explain herself - you were more than happy that you didnt have to cut her off again. It was too much. This was too much.
You pinched the bridge of your nose before loudly exhaling with a shallow growl. Not really caring that it probably was coming off like you were mad at Mallory when in reality, that wasn’t the case. Mallory wasn’t the problem; you were really just beyond fucking pissed at Michael.
But at this point.. that wasnt new news.
"I told him that we shouldnt be talking, but he insisted," Mallory continued with a shrug.
You tried to sit up straight again; trying to exhale some of the pure fucking anger that was currently coursing through your system. Your vision was spotted black when you opened your eyes - your gaze pointed upwards at the smooth, blank ceiling. Quickly wishing that you were anywhere else, or really anyone else at the moment.
What you wouldnt kill to swap bodies again.. but then again, who knows what the hell Michael was currently doing at the moment.. He couldnt be trusted.
That was more than obvious now.
You should've known that he would contact Mallory, but how he even got her number was beyond you.. Unless-
"How did he even get your number?" You asked. Your tone strikingly calm.
Mallory looked incredibly spooked when your head suddenly snapped over to look at her. As if she was worried you were angry at her still, and as much as you wanted to reassure her otherwise, you really didnt have the energy to do so anymore. Not at the moment anyway.
"You can't be mad when I tell you the answer, okay?" She said softly.
Your features immeadietly softened at her words. The rest of your body relaxed as well; your shoulders dropping and your jaw unclenching.
"Mallory, I could never be mad at you. You could never piss me off, i'm just.. frustrated at Michael. It's not at you, I swear," you said. Trying your best to make your words sound reassuring and genuine.
Mallorys reaction wasnt one that was verbal but immeadite nonetheless. Her arms suddenly shot out and wrapped themselves around you. Her body temporarily pressing into yours as your hands went to her back, before she quickly broke the hug.
"Promise?" Mallory prompted. Brown eyes looking diligently into yours.
"Yeah.. I promise. Just tell me what that idiot did,” you said halfheartedly.
"So.. I've had his number for a while. Not for too long but just since you two switched. But, we never really talked," Her voice stalled as she watched your reaction. Your mouth grew dry as you really tried to let it sink in that they've known eachother since- well for atleast a week. "But I knew immeadietly that it wasnt you.. that day. I'm sorry I lied, but Michael made me promise."
"Why didnt you just tell me?"
Mallory looked at you in a guilty manner. Her lips pursing shut as she looked solemnly at her shoes, avoiding eye contact. You knew exactly why she was being quiet - she didnt want to admit why she had lied but.. the answer was pretty obvious.
Even though Mallory was one of the strongest witches - almost stronger than Cordelia on some days, she still was scared of Michael and that was nothing worth holding a grudge over. After all he was still the antichrist, no matter how (mostly) harmless and idiotic he seemed to you now.
"Okay.. I guess that doesnt really matter," you admitted with a laugh. Figeting with your hands as you heard a shallow laugh omit also from Mallory, which made you smile. The shallow pit that resided in your stomach finally starting to let up. "But.. What did he call you about last night?"
Mallory hesitated again before giving you another subtle smile.
"It was mostly about you.. I know how you feel about him y/n, but its working. I promise you. Hes finally warming up to you. I just wish you could hear how he talks about you,” she spoke. Taking your hands into her soft, warm ones.
"I wish I believed that," You admitted.
"I wouldnt lie to you. Hes finally starting to warm up to you, plus it was obvious yesterday-"
"Yeah; It was obvious how strong he was coming onto you."
Mallory laughed again at your words. Shaking her head slightly in protest.
“Y/n you know that’s not true. The only reason why he was flirting with me was just to get to you.. I thought that was obvious.”
“It was obvious I just.. didn’t know that you knew that. I mean, Michael has Madison.. or he did so you think that would at least satisfy his flirting needs for a bit but.. Michael faking to be interested in you, that would mean he wanted a reaction out of me on purpose? Why would he-“
“You know why. You need to start cutting yourself slack and realize that maybee this rivalry is starting to be one sided.”
You pouted at her words at the realization that they actually held more truth in them than you were willing to admit. If Michael didn’t hate you anymore, if he was truly actually willing to be civil.. then why were you still so upset? Were you the one who was unintentionally causing problems now? Was it now you instead of Michael that was holding the relationship back?
How fucking stupid.
“I can’t trust him, Mallory. How can I when he and Madison literally tried to kill me. I can never forget that they did that to me.”
“I’m not asking you to forget what he did, y/n. I’m just saying that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to start having an open mind around him, and see where it gets you.”
You were struck silent, knowing that Mallory was completely right. If you wanted to have any hope at all of making things right with Michael (even though you really didn’t do anything wrong..) you would have to try a different approach because obviously; what you were doing now wasn’t working. Being snarky, and vaguely threatening him every chance you got was fun of course but- it wasn’t working. Even though Mallory was probably the sweetest person you knew, the fact your own best friend had to (very politely) make a intervention was.. not a good sign. Although, you knew Mallory was doing this for your best interest because if she didn’t say anything, then Cordelia certainly would.
And sadly, Mallory was actually right.
If you wanted things with Michael to advance any further; or to advance at all you needed to step things up but, you could always worry about that after Mallory left.
“So what, are you guys besties now or something?” You sneered.
“Shut up!” Mallory said with a laugh, playfully pushing you over a bit. “He’s barely even my acquaintance. The only reason he’s being nice to me is just to get to you, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I mean that’s the goal-“
“Do you think that’s the only reason?” You interrupted.
Your throat automatically tightened after you spoke, the threat of your words potentially being true coaxing you to silence. Your not sure why the thought of Michael using you made you upset.. it’s not as if you didn’t think he was doing it before but this time it was different. Perhaps it was because you finally thought Michael actually had some type of interest in you.. and to have that suddenly ripped away?
That would leave you beyond broken.. you knew that for certain.
Mallory looked at you solemnly, as if she was already resenting her words before she had to say them outloud.
“Look, I don’t exactly know Michaels intentions and I’m not going to pretend too.. I don’t really think anyone does at this point but I do know that regardless of your feelings, or even his feelings that.. you have to try.”
You let out a loud exhale.
“I mean you said it yourself.. Michaels so unpredictable, there’s no point in guessing how he feels so.. maybe I should just.. ask him?”
Realistically you didn’t know how good of a idea that was- but.. trying to remain realistic was something you gave up on days ago. Pretty much the same day you switched and that definitely wasn’t a coincidence by any means.
As soon as Mallorys mouth opened, you heard three loud knocks. Quick and rapid with no hesitation between them. The apartment nearly shook with the force of whoever happened to be at your door, and you certainly didn’t doubt that your neighbors heard the knocking as well.
Mallory looked at you in utter confusion, but stayed on the bed nonetheless with no sign of getting up. Naturally, you found yourself scooting closer to the end of the bed, knowing it was you who was going to have to get the door.. and that made you scared shitless. Not because you were necessarily scared to open the door but because you had a horribly bad feeling on who was on the other side.. There was only one person that you knew of that was aware of where you lived, and you knew it wasn’t matience or staff.
You knew standing up was the logical thing to do but you still stalled. Hands starting to painfully dig into the soft, expensive sheets that lie underneath you. You mouthed a silent, ‘what the fuck?’ to Mallory but your head snapped back at the door..
Three more knocks which were only louder and more persistent than the last.
“Coming!” You quickly called out.
It was pure anxiety that fueled your next actions. You quickly stood up from the bed, trying to walk hurriedly to the door as fast as you could and trying your damn best not to think.. Hoping Mallory also had a idea of who was at the door and also happened to get the fuck out of view.
You didn’t want a repeat of yesterday happening again today, and you knew you wouldn’t hesitate to slap Michael if he tried to flirt with her again. Even though, you knew you weren’t supposed to act like that anymore.. but why should you have manners if Michael refused them as well?
Opening the door swiftly and without a second thought; you stood breathless as you saw a familiar blonde standing in front of you.
You both stared at each other at first - each not daring to have the balls to say ‘hello’ or anything else for that matter.. You noticed how Michael first eyed you up, fully looking up and down your body (as well as peering behind you, hopefully not making eye contact with Mallory). You made a point to just look into Michaels eyes, refusing to do what he was doing.. whatever the fuck that truly was.
“How did you know I would be here?” You breathed.
“I knew it was just a matter of time before you’d come, but it also never hurt to charm the hotel staff a bit,” Michael responded swiftly without a second beat, almost as if he anticipated your words. His lips upturned slightly at the edges, in a way that nearly made your stomach sick.
“The hotel staff-?!”
“I have connections everywhere y/n, I thought you knew that,” he sneered.
He brushed past you as you continued to stand in shock. Your mouth slightly falling open as Michael took a few steps into your apartment - looking curiously around, almost as if he knew Mallory was here..
“I did.. I think that’s obvious,” you shot back hurriedly. “But thank you for the apartment again, Michael. I still feel weird taking it but it is nice I’ll admit,” you continued. Hoping to make him turn around to look back at you and hopefully not find Mallory.. Which worked. At least for a few seconds at least.
Michael made direct eye contact with you for a moment, almost as if he wanted to speak but was deliberately choosing not too. Instead he turned around, walking in deeper in the apartment.
Your mouth immediately dropped open - your feet carried yourself forward as you started to feel a bit numb with shock- not knowing even in the slightest how you were going to handle the situation if Mallory didn’t fucking move.
Sure enough..
“You always manage to linger.. don’t you?” Michael spoke.
It took only a couple steps for you to fully realize he wasn’t speaking to you. You only saw his backside as you approached them. Quickly meeting Mallorys gaze as you came into view.. Her brown eyes darker than ever as she peered up at you.
This time it is nearly impossible to distinguish whether she looked in agony from Michaels appearance or yours; since you apparently interrupted them. Her gaze quickly returned back to meet Michaels before you could think anything of it.
“I’m not here to see you, Michael.” Mallory announced. Her tone harsher than what you were expecting what apparent friends would use.. Were they even really friends?
Mallory suddenly stood up while Michael was still standing a few feet in front of her. Making eye contact with Michael for a split second before almost ducking around him before she stood in front of you.. leaving Michael speechless behind her. She quickly hugged you, her arms only embracing you for a split second before leaving. It was obvious she was in a hurry to leave now but.. you weren’t sure exactly why.
“I should get going, you and Michael have a lot to talk about,” she subtly smiled before turning to leave.. not letting you reply or have any sort of reaction to her words.
You stood solemnly as you heard Mallory’s footsteps gradually go farther away, before hearing the door open and close. You watched Michaels back as he refused to turn around.
“How was your nice chat with Mallory?”
“Why are you asking? Am I not allowed to see her or something?” You bit back. Your words possibly twice as venomous as his were.
Michael hastily turned around, looking at you with utter disbelief. His blue eyes looking into yours, as if he was suddenly surprised by your tone and how you were acting - as if his behavior didn’t proceeded yours.
“You need to relax,” he snapped. He approached you until he was right in front of you. “I wasn’t asking because I’m trying to control you, I know that’s what your thinking,” His words fell soft until they were nearly inaudible. “I just wanted to ask what she talked to you about.”
“About us?” You prompted.
“Well what else would she be talking to you about,” he snickered. His words spoken as more of a statement than a question. His laughter quickly dwindled off after he saw how rigid your frame suddenly looked. “Kidding. For the most part.. she said she was going to talk to you, and I figured I should actually speak to you this time rather than her.”
“Are you.. actually trying to trust me, Michael Langdon?” You teased. A smile, as well as laughter escaped from your lips at the mere thought.
Even though the thought was amusing on its own, you still didn’t completely trust him. Even now when he had Mallorys trust (for the most part), you still didn’t doubt that he had a ulterior motive.
Michael finally stepped back, hesitantly breaking eye contact before inaudibly beckoning you to follow him.
“I’m trying, just like how I told you I would,” He hauntingly reminded you.
You followed him silently to the long leather couch that sat by the overly expansive windows. Sitting down next to him in a way that felt almost too casual.. but being casual around Michael and not borderline fearing for your life was something you would have to adjust too.
You noticed how he instantly slipped his shoes off; drawing up his feet on the couch.. his arms and as well the rest of him contained. Away from you.
“So if your trying.. now,” you suggested uncertainly. “Then.. tell me why you came here to talk suddenly again? I mean why not just go through Mallory again like you’ve doing previously?”
“(Y/n), please. Take me seriously and just trust me for once,” His words came out quick and stern as he spoke them. “I was being serious yesterday, as well as all the other times when I told you I wanted to start.. putting effort in and trying.”
You stared at Michael utterly dumbfounded.. Feeling a bit hopeless that you actually felt almost.. touched by his words. That’s if he was actually being serious, anyway.
“What does trying mean to you?” You asked carefully. Your mind naturally went back to Madison.. were they even broken up yet? Was that even something that Michael was willing to do for you, and how was that something you could just ask? “What about-“
“Madison’s fine. She’s fine.. with everything,” he replied hesitantly.
You simply ignored the fact that he seemed to pick up what you were talking about almost immeadietly.. focusing on rather the latter part of the sentence.. that she was okay with everything?
“So she knows? That you’re here?”
“Yeah. She knows but that’s besides the point. Madison isn’t a part of the equation anymore, I don’t want to talk about her,” He spoke as if his words were final and not to be argued with, but his tone wasn’t angry. He was just done.. and you were too.
You wish that wasn’t the case though. Cutting Madison off didn’t sit right with you in the slightest, and it would definitely have to be something that would have to be mended later. That was a given.
Madison and Michaels relationship was far too close for them to suddenly split and remain like that forever - it was temporary, but so is everything really. That shouldn’t phase you but - it still managed too.
“Okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ you started.
“It’s fine. I knew you would ask.. She’s the reason why I’m here actually,” His eyes broke contact and averted down to his hands. “I don’t mean that as in I’m not here to see you but, it was something she said that brought me here.” He continued, his voice almost growing soft now at just the mention of his ex girlfriend.. and now, you felt like you actually were starting to understand his point of view. Not fully but, it was clear that Michael was trying to be more open with you, and this time he wasn’t ‘fake’ drunk.
It took nearly everything in you to not immeadietly retort but just like the night where you were at the party; you tried to fully hear him out since this was apparently one of the few times he was being civil.
“So Madison gave you advice and you actually took it?” You said while laughing softly. Trying to lighten the mood since Michael seemed to be brooding.
Michael didn’t laugh back but instead his gaze flickered up to meet yours for a moment. The corners of his mouth upturning in a shallow smile that only lasted for a few seconds.
“I did because it made sense.” He said, his tone still remaining serious. You noticed how careful he was being with his words.. something that was typical for Michael to do but this time it seemed a bit too deliberate. You wanted to ask what exactly Madison even told him to do but.. that felt wrong. “It was also the right thing to do.. Being close to you is something I should’ve done a while ago, probably immeadietly-“
“But what’s in the past; stays in the past. And since your so adamant about being close to me.. we can always try now,” you cut in.
Michael continued to sit a good distance away from you; you thought it was ironic how he could talk about wanting to get close with you but wouldn’t dare to move any closer. That thought made your pride a little bit too happy.
Right before he could open his mouth to say something; his phone rang. The sound suddenly earsplitting and blaring but Michael didn’t bother to flinch. Instead he stood up and answered his phone.. making sure to nearly trek across the apartment before he said anything into the phone.
You stretched and casually examined him as he talked, you had a feeling who it was on the line..
After how tense things were with Mallory - you knew they probably weren’t going to be on friendly terms anytime soon.. especially in front of you. And judging by how.. oddly relaxed he seemed (yet timid when he caught your gaze and realized you were staring), it had to be one person.
You were about to sink back into the couch and try your best to not speculate what they were talking about, but before you could fully turn - you realized Michael was sauntering towards you.. clearly still on the phone.
Oh fuck.
Before you could ask what was wrong, the look he gave you alone ushered you to silence.
He quickly held the phone away from his ear. A quick glance at the screen confirmed that the call was still active.
“You said you forgive Madison.. right?” He spoke lowly. His words barely audible, more so mouthing the words than actually speaking them.
You looked at him with a expression you’re sure looked as if you were furious but you were really just completely confused. You wanted to ask but.. there was no time if she was on the phone, but knowing what you were about to get yourself into would also be nice to know.
His eyes had since lost the sharpness that had nearly cut you earlier, instead swarming with urgency and a bit of panic.. It had to be Madison. The only person that could ever have that effect on Michael was Madison.
You simply nodded in response. Not trusting yourself to speak quietly outloud but you also didn’t exactly trust your response because it wasn’t exactly truthful, but Michael seemed to be level headed.. for now.
Michael immeadietly turned and held the phone back up to his ear, this time staying in closer proximity and within ear shot. Putting on his shoes as he continued to hold the conversation he was having.
So when are you coming?
Great, see you then. . . Bye.”
If you didn’t just hear the words that you thought you had heard.. you knew under normal circumstances your heart would’ve ached when you realized how Michael hesitated before he said goodbye, most likely catching himself before he said ‘I love you’. Instead though, you felt a gruesome wave of nausea suddenly rise through you.. urging you to shakily stand up and speak without thinking.
“She’s coming to see you?”
Michael barely gave you a second glance as he turned around and started to head for the front door of the apartment.
“Yes. You’ll be seeing her too, don’t worry.” He spoke before he quickly let the door shut behind him.
You continued to stand, utterly speechless.
Part of you wanted to run after him and the other part merely wanted to scream in anger that he had already made fucking plans but instead you felt numb. Numb and calm.
You returned to your bag and unpacked, trying your best to not let your emotions consume you like they previously had too many times.. until you finally broke down and called Mallory.
Taglist: @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakescoven @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @king-with-no-crovvn @melodylangdon @littledemondani @langdons-pinkyring @celestialrequiem @sojournmichael @mindlesschicca
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 5
a/n: we ltr going at 5 parts and i have another part written out and im just drowning in love with these seijoh asks
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
anon request:
Can i ask for cute moments between manager and the boys outside of school, like how she and kyoutani probably bump into each to go feed strays etc??
yes anon!!!!!! these moments made me so soft™
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these are the cute little moments and get ready to die of the cuteness
be warned, this isnt a straight plot or no main focus but just bits and pieces of fluff 
keeping up with seijoh episode 3467328937
as mentioned before, they dont really get to hang out a lot w you outside of practice 
youre either too busy taking care of your schoolwork, catsitting for the aizawa’s, or having you time since youve been busy w the boys all week
but there are times where you do have available time to go hang out with the boys
and they know about your schedule so they try to make memories either during practice or after practice
fortunately, kyo lives at the same street as the aizawa’s so he walks you to their house when you have a job 
but sometimes when you are just walking home, you both stop by the convenience store first and find some cat food cans and dog food cans and water 
it was a complete accident when you both found each other standing at the same aisle, holding the same things, with the same intentions, for the same animals
the alleyway where you first met is basically your second home bc thats where your babies live
since you cant exactly take in 5 dogs and 6 cats in your house, you and kyo are taking care of them in that alleyway where you feed them and build them a little shelter with blankets and stuff
this will be explained more in the next manager!seijoh part
after practice, particularly after a really productive one, the guys like to go to the ramen shop near the school to treat themselves after their hardwork
by now, the old lady who owns the shop knows their order by heart and has it ready when you all enter
yall get settled in but you go over to yahaba and snap his wooden chopsticks for him bc he never snaps them properly and ends up breaking them
you gather as much napkins as you can and place them beside kindaichi bc he makes such a mess while he eats and you have stand-by wipes for him
you make a special request to add tofu into iwa’s ramen bc the mans loves tofu so much and he still doesnt understand how the lady seems to know this despite him never telling her
your seat is usually next to mattsun bc he doesnt eat all the side dishes up like the others and you can eat some of it too
kyo sit across you and demands you eat at least 2 bowls bc you never seem to eat enough and he gets secretly concerned so he aggressively cares for you
‘kyo-san,,,, im full though’
he ‘glares’ at you
‘what you mean youre full. you didnt even finish the bowl. eat the rest and have another or youre not leaving this table’
pls what
fun fact, oikawa actually has two pairs of glasses and he gave you one in case he forgets to wear his main one and leaves it at home
so he gets to school and he just realizes he forgot his glasses and his contacts were still being shipped so he freaks out and texts you about it
but you always have the case safely tucked in your bag so you wander up to the third year floor and knock on his class door
iwa, who is in the same class as him, glares at the students who stare at you and nudges oikawa who was looking out the window
‘oi, your glasses’
his head snapped to the side and sees your smiling face and the familiar brown box being held out to him
his face scrunches and he launches up his seat and takes you in his arms
‘oikawa-san, please let me go’
you mumbled, embarrassed at his behavior in front of the whole class
once iwa has you safely on the ground, you excuse yourself and go back to class
the class still stared at the door you passed through and iwa had to bark at them to go back to their business
youre like the seijoh and younger version of goddess kiyoko
before kyo got back to the team, you usually walked home by yourself but makki actually accompanies you when he doesnt have errands to run
‘makki-san, i heard theres a sale going on for puffs’
you would mention as you walked and you would look to see his eyes light up and walk faster towards the bakery
‘cmon, y/n-chan. makki-senpai is treating you today!’
he turns into a child, a contrast to his chaotic energy in school, and he runs over to the glass where indeed, there was a sale going on for his puffs
while he was staring at what flavor he wanted, youd go to the cashier and give her your card
‘when that guy with the light brown hair with the blue and white jacket comes up to pay for his cream puffs, charge it to my card, please. whatever you do, dont take his and use mine immediately, please. ill come by later and pick it back up’
the old cashier lady felt true hope and happiness for humanity at your actions and it increased when she saw the shocked look on the boy’s face when she immediately swiped the card when he finished ordering
‘what? i havent paid-’
‘the young lady that came with you already did, young lad. shes a keeper’
he turned red
‘ahaha, no, shes our team manager’
once he finished paying and went outside, he took out his phone and dialed your number to call you
you smiled from the aisle in the convenience store down the street bc you were expecting him to call you
‘hewwo, makki-san’
he shut his eyes at how cute you sounded
‘y/n-chan, senpai wanted to treat you today!’
he whined but you bit your lip, leaving the store after purchasing a drink with the remaining cash you had
‘hmm, but i did too. you just werent too fast, senpaiiii~’
you teased and he let out a breathy laugh
‘next time i’ll be faster! mark my words!’
‘then im looking forward to it, senpai~!’
did anyone notice that he is the first one she called senpai?
to our baby yahaba
we know how he literally tried to go after yachi in that one episode so you know how flirty he is
but youve made it clear that you reject his advances and he pouts and finally accepts it so he stops it, instead actually just caring for you
ya know how he cares for the others and cheers them on?
he does the same to you
our babie notices that you are so busy taking care of the others that you forget to take care of yourself
like that time they lost to shiratorizawa, you made bentos for them all week to cheer them up
but he saw you not even eating and realizes that you were busy making the food that they like, each different to accomodate to their taste, that you had no time to make your own
he went down to your class and noticed you missing and he asks kindaichi and kunimi and they said that you said you wanted to get fresh air
since he pays attention to you, he knows you like to go to the roof to breathe
he ventures up the stairs and when he opens the door, he notices you just staring up at the sky, sitting down on the floor
‘being in an empty place like the roof doesnt compare to how lonely Pluto must feel to be outcasted in the solar system’
your comment catches him off-guard but he regains composure and makes his way to you before sitting down next to your form
‘hmm, oikawa-senpai talked to me about space one time. he mentioned the vast possibilities that stays hidden in the shadows’
you and him turn your head at the same time and share a gentle smile
‘but its up to us to find those secrets and abilities’
you finished
he nodded and went back to look at the clouds that looked like they were slowly moving but it was really the earth turning
‘i want to be a sports instructor. i want to be able to help others,,, i want to help them find those abilities and perfect them so they could fully love playing’
a chuckle escaped you and you tightened your arms around your knees, following his gaze to the blob of white that was painted on to the blue canvas
‘let other people be your universe, baba-senpai. dont let them be like Pluto. take time to find out who they are so they dont feel so lonely, okay?’
yall im tearing up right now though
as mentioned at the first part of this series, you go to the gym very early to set up for morning practice
sometimes, the four third years arrive at the same time but sometimes, only iwa comes
you noticed him put his bag down and help you with the nets before pushing the cart to finish the task for the morning
‘thank you, iwa-san!’
you thanked and he ruffled your hair
‘can you actually help me with my workout?’
you nodded and you knew his routine by now
as he got in position for a push up, you gently sat down on his back so he could start pushing up
you sat cross-legged and you counted every push up and held a timer so he could beat his previous record of 100 push ups in under 5 minutes
once he hit 100, he collapsed on the floor and you stopped the timer at 4 minutes and 48 seconds
‘good job, iwa-san! new record!’
you cheered and he grumbled on the floor
you gently turned him over so he could lay on his back
he closed his eyes from the bright light of the gym and he raised his arms as his hands made a grabbing motion
‘hug. i want hug’
he whined and you fake gasped at this
‘iwa-san, i didnt know you could be so whiny’
in my series, its canon that iwa is actually a whiny little babie despite that tough exterior and hes much more whinier than oikawa
you laughed before surrending, mumbling ‘yes, yes’
this wasnt the first time this happened since he asked you to do this before bc hes a touch starved babie and as a manager, you must give your team love
you climbed on him and laid your head on his chest while he mumbles happily with his arms going around you
‘just five minutes’
you offered and he said ‘mhm’
well, you both fell asleep and were woken up by scandalized and jealous yells from oikawa
to our baby libero watari
watari is actually the only player who has been to your house before
you made an off-handed comment of making bentos for the team again and he offered to come and help you make them
so here he was, standing in your kitchen, as you were cooking with him
you were chopping up vegetables and he was waiting for the eggs to boil so he was just stirring it slightly
‘wata-san, can you give me a bowl from the cabinet above you?’
he nodded and gave it to you so you could place the chopped carrots and onions in it
once the timer was done, he scooped out the eggs and placed them into an ice bowl so he could peel them later
you knew his favorite food was boiled eggs so you wanted to boil some so he could snack on them
‘can you peel one and see if theyre perfectly cooked, wata-san?’
his fingers skillfully rolled the egg on the table before peeling it effortlessly
he hummed as he chewed on the food
you asked and he turned to you, cheeks still full but he raised a thumbs up
you grinned and went back to chopping the scallions
‘actually, i didnt need any eggs for the dishes. i wanted you to snack on your favorites as i cook. its like payment for keeping me company’
his eyes shone and he hurriedly went to hug you tightly
‘i really appreciate everything youve done for us, for me. but i just want you to keep smiling okay? i know we’re a handful and we can get out of hand sometimes but you always keep us together. you must be stressed and there must be times you get angry with us and must’ve cried because of us but i hope you’ll still stay with us even through all that’
lmao kindaichi’s made me laugh
so basically, we all know his famous haircut, right
but what if that was actually just a style hes had since he was young but he has naturally down hair?
the stuff he puts in it like this brand of gel is just so tough and sturdy that two washes of hair is the only thing that can get rid of it
even during practice when hes sweating the atlantic ocean, it somehow stays up
he puts gel on it and stuff after he showers to make it stick up and BOOM turnip head
but one morning, he,,,, wasnt turnip head
the boy woke up late and he didnt have time to perfect the sticking up so he went to school with his hair down and everything
you were already there since morning practice has started and kunimi told you that kindaichi texted him he would be late so you were just patiently waiting by the door for your classmate
but some guy just walked in
your eyes widened and you pulled their arm
‘um, this is for seijoh volley-’
then the words died in your mouth
you stuttered and he placed his hands on his face to hide away
‘dont look y/n-chan!’
his shout attracted the others and then silence before the laughing and howling started
makki was on the floor, punching it as he laughed
kindaichi turned red and he was about to run out but you held on to him
‘i can fix it for you, yuu-kun. come with me?’
he nodded immediately and hurried away towards the back where the sun was just starting to rise
you rummaged through your gym bag and found the specific gel brand he uses 
kindaichi was SHOOK bc why the hell did you have it?
you noticed his shocked and confused look
‘i knew this would happen. we’ve facetimed before, remember? just in case this would happen, i brought backup’
his eyes glistened with tears of gratitude but you waved it away and started attempting to fix his hair
tbh you dont know why he did this hairstyle because his hair was really soft and nice and he still looked attractive either way
moving on to kunimi babie
lets face it, he probably doesnt sleep at all at night and he suffers from insomnia
and when he cant sleep, he bothers his friends
but he doesnt bother you though
which makes you sad bc you thought you made it clear that he could come to you if he was in need of something
you only found out after kindaichi accidentally blurted out during morning practice of how tired he is bc kunimi wouldnt stop talking to him at 2 in the morning
‘aki,,, you could’ve called me’
you gently said and kunimi scrunched his nose at how sad you sounded
‘you need your sleep, y/n’
‘but i want you to sleep too’
‘kindaichi’s been my contact since i was like 5 so-’
‘so you dont need me?’
your eyes watered and kunimi jumped, frantically fussing over you
‘okay, okay, y/n, okay. ill call you’
then as if they were never there, you cheered up and bounced happily
‘i’m expecting it, aki-kun!’
but at 1:43 in the morning, his finger hovered over the call button on your contact since he really didnt want to bother you
but he could already hear your whines in the morning
he cursed when he heard your groggy voice
‘sorry y/n, ill hang up-’
you sat up, forcing to wake up
you mumbled and he made a sound of agreement
‘not tired?’
you asked
‘no. well, like im tired but i cant sleep, yknow?’
you laid on your bed with your cheeks puffed out, trying to think how to put him to sleep
‘we can just talk, aki’
‘about what?’
‘anything. just,,, talk to me. i want to know your favorite color, your favorite food, everything about you’
:( morning calls really hit different
last one is our mattsun babie
so like, mattsun is a TREE
im like 5′3 and hes like 6′2 so we a whole dwarf next to him
you are always dwarfed whenever you stand next to him and this little shite takes advantage of that and puts his elbow on top of your head
he likes to poke fun at you but you just pout bc you know hes all fun and games
‘hows the weather down there’
‘so mean, mattsun-san’
but his height did give him a special memory with you though
you were both left in the gym to clean up bc everyone had something to do like oiks had to go home bc takeru got sick and iwa also got sick and you just volunteered to clean up and mattsun stayed behind
you were sweeping the floor and you unconsciously started humming as you swept and started swaying a little
mattsun heard you as he pushed the carts and watched as you just swayed and twirled around and he found himself smiling at you
you noticed him stop in front of you and he bowed down, holding out a hand
‘may i take this dance, m’lady’
you laughed
‘what? whats going on?’
he softly held your hand and pulled you to him
‘you were dancing and i wanted to join you’
you nodded and looked up at him, eyes half-lidded
‘stand on my feet, chibi-chan. i can lead while you sing’
it was a random song you heard from the radio earlier but you complied while he moved with your feet on his
you giggled when he would lean down to softly kiss your forehead and shriek when he would unexpectedly dip you down
either way, at 8:34 PM, you and mattsun danced under the gym lights with no witness except you and him
ughh i really want seijoh now
you and the team share individual memories that are more special than the ones with the others bc its where you could actually be upfront with each other
its just a shame that there are 4 third years in the team that would eventually graduate and go their own separate ways after high school, leaving behind their underclassmen
they could just hope that those memories and special moments would remind them of who you were and how special you were to them since at the prime of their youth, you were their first true love
a/n: ngl i didnt expect to finish this so quick but im just in a really soft mood right now and this is to makeup for the fact that my update schedule could start becoming erratic due to my school so i hope you enjoyed this blurb!! and depending on my asks, there could only be one last part to this series unless someone requests for another specific scenario with the manager!!
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7thqueen · 3 years
Children Back in Time
Bellatrix laid on the hard ground, unable to move. The piercing wounds she received from Greyback's claws continued to bleed through her dress. She laid on her front, her eyes open and aware but her body not able to move.
She could hear explosions and muttered spells. She moved her eyes to look around. She was on the stairs leading to the bridge and from where she laid down she can see the billowing robes of the person she used to call master.
He had his back turned around them, fighting someone Bellatrix can't see in her position.
She wants to kill him.
She wants to take her eyes back.
She wants her revenge.
She wants to avenge a future she saw that is yet to happen.
She wants to move.
She blinked her eyes, clearing the daze in her mind. Her hands twitched, she couldn't feel her wand in them.
She kept trying to have control over her body. "Episkey" she muttered the spell weakly. The gaping wound in her stomach didn't close one bit but instead only the scratches in her arms closed.
She's weak and drained. Fighting Greyback, Dolohov and two more members of the Dark Lord's circle was hard in her situation. She couldve defeated them if it weren't for the curse.
Bellatrix gritted her teeth as she muttered a numbing spell over her body. She sighed when she felt the pain fade to a dull pulse in her skin. She pushed herself up, she cant find her wand,not that she needs it that much anyway.
She stands up using the wall as support, ignoring the way her leg buckled, it was probably weak and strained but it wasnt felt because of the spell she casted on her body.
She stood at full height, she looked around. People were crowded some distance away from her. She looked at the dark lord's direction and she stopped rigid at what she saw.
Narcissa was on the ground, holding a limp body of Andromeda blood on her mouth, lying on her folded leg was an unconscious Draco. At least Bellatrix thought he was unconscious.
A few distance from them was a lying body of the boy who lived. Narcissa was crying and Bellatrix felt an incredible amount of anger come though her at the sight.
She had never seen Narcissa look so broken.
And now she she did.
Andy was getting closer to deaths door.
Draco probably tried fighting back but still lost.
And the boy was already lying face down like she did earlier.
She could see the dark lord point his wand at them. And in instant Bellatrix Moved.
She didn't think about what to do. Her speed was a blur as she appeared behind Narcissa. Putting her hand in the air she casted the strongest shield she can muster before the green color of Voldemort's spell she reached them.
"Bella!" Narcissa cried out, looking behind her shoulder. "It's okay" Bellatrix comforted through her teeth, her attention and focus bleeding through her shield.
"I'll defeat him" she gritted her teeth when she felt the center of her body churn painfully. Her shield was standing strong but her magic is almost drained.
"He's too strong Bella and your magic is wavering" Narcissa reminded Bellatrix of her predicament as she stepped forward in front of her sister.
She casted the same spell again and again while Voldemort stood in front of her, amusement painted on his pale face.
" And here I thought you died already Bella" Voldemort sneered at her but Bella didnt listen as she tried to shrink the distance between them.
They rounded each other, Bellatrix not putting her shield down. Her wounds bleeding faster, wetting her black dress a darker shade.
She felt blood come up her throat. Internal Bleeding, she surmised but didn't give ground with her shield.
They slowly rounded each other. She could see Voldemort also having a bit pf a hard time with the prolonged spell.
They have both been weakened by their previous fights. She focused all her attention to her shield, waiting for a moment for the spell to weaken before lunging to attack.
She could see the people of Hogwarts hover the end of the bridge, watching with stricken face, wondering who would win. Bellatrix likes to think it's her because she would still be better than Voldemort.
Her magic was rapidly draining now, her wound opening and bleeding. She even swallowed the blood that threatened to come out her mouth, it wasnt wise to show your state to your enemy. It can be easily used against you.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, there were cracks of apparation. Before Voldemort and her can even look, the largest and biggest 'Bombarda Maxima' exploded at her face.
It was Vela's spell, mixed with Delphi's lightning and Rigel's enchantment. It was deadly amd she would've been blown by the spell if it werent for the another spell of protego that layered her own.
"Bellatrix" her eyes widened comically at the voice. Her body gave out as she crumpled to the floor, either from her spell or the voice, the dark witch wasnt sure.
"..Muddy.." Bellatrix muttered the name weakly after puking the blood out her system.
".. your here.." Bellatrix closed her eyes when Hermione gave her a short hug.
"I'm sorry for being so late" Hermione looked sincerely guilty as she wrapped Bellatrix's hand on her shoulder as support.
"..mom!" The combined voices of her children, Delphi, Vela and Rigel echoed in Bellatrix's ears.
"Were okay!" Rigel shouted over the distance. He had Draco by the neck, while Delphi quickly went to Andromedo, probably to heal While Vela was helping Narcissa stand up, and Bellatrix finally noticed the bloodied legs of her sister.
"Quickly! Get out of here!" Hermione shouted back. She saw clear hesitation on her children's eyes.
It was Bellatrix this time and they quickly apparated away. Obeying through gritted teeth and anxious eyes.
She felt an explosion sound again and both of them turned again. The spell they casted to Voldemort was still exploding, buzzing with deadly fire, lightning and enchantment Rigel provided in the spell.
"Drink this" Bellatrix blindedly drank the potion, and suddenly she was aware that her numbing spell has faded. She could've fallen to the ground again if it weren't for Hermione's support.
She felt her wounds heal and start to close up but her magic was still drained.
"Harry's still here" Hermione stated when she nearly stumbled upon the battered body of her friend. Bellatrix didn't say anything, focusing on the painful stitching of her wound.
"Take him away" Bellatrix said when the pain faded a bit. "But what about you?! I can't just leave you here alone!" Hermione glanced between the two but Bellatrix gave her a hard look.
"You're not going to leave me here alone right?" Bellatrix chuckled at her.
"Of course not!"
"That's why you should take him away, I trust you to come back"
"What if-"
" I can still hold my ground until you come back. Its not like your gonna leave for a minute" Bellatrix tried to play lightly. Taking the boy away would just be added to the list of people who won't die today.
"Give me the wand" she ordered before Hermione could say anything else. "Go, the sooner you leave, the faster you can come"
She gave Hermione a hard kiss before the crack of apparition popped in front of her.
She gripped the foreign wand in her hand. It was too thin.
She pointed it to the exploding spell Voldemort was trapped in. "Bombarda"
Nothing happened. She spat on the ground in frustration. The wand won't listen to her. She could see the trap was getting weaker, Voldemort can break it anytime now.
Absolute. Magical. Control
She chanted in her head. She had to make the wand bend to her will no matter what happens.
She closed her eyes to help her focus. She tuned out the sound of explosion, the air, the tumbling rubbles and rhe thunder happening above her head and even when there were suddenly multiple sounds of apparition that happened behind her. She didnt react.
In whatever that's left of her magic, she channeled it through the wand in her hand.
Listen to me, just this once. Just until this fight. Just until he's defeated. She pleaded but the wand isnt reacting yet.
Listen here you piece of stick. Bend to my will or I will break you! Were at war and your not in the position to fucking choose! Your boy lost and I am the only one who can use you right now! I wont lose a future that I desperately wanted just because you wont listen!..
Bellatrix pushed a surge of magic through the stick before feeling it connect with her magic.
She opened her eyes to see four backs against her. " I knew you wouldn't listen" she stated, walking to level with Hermione.
"Family comes first mom"
Vela muttered with a smile.
When the exploding spell finally broke, Hermione instantly reached for bellatrix's hand. Threading them together.
She could instantly feel her magic dance with Bellatrix. The familiar sensation giving her comfort that they are doing this together.
The way their magic seemed to amplify each other was the only thing they can use against Voldemort. Bellatrix looked down at her and Hermione smiled.
"We'll distract him until you can prepare the spell" Delphi muttered before the three of them disappeared in light speed ad appearing at the spell they casted earlier.
"Be careful" Hermione called out in the air, aware that the Three would hear it.
"Can we still cast it?" Hermione held Bellatrix by the waist. She could feel the blood wetting her hand. She stopped the tears that was stinging her eyes, it wasnt time to be showing weaknesses.
"We have to. But I have barely enough magic" Bellatrix leaned at the younger brunnette, caressing hairs away from a dirty face. Her eyes were worried and anxious and Bellatrix's situation is not making it better.
"We can use mine" Hermione answered. "We havent tried it yet but we have to do it. If its not enough, we can ask the kids"
Bellatrix grinned at the way Hermione said 'her kids'. Her heart warming up at the fact that she has a family now and that they were all fighting to have a better future.
"Okay" she agreed. She took out her own dagger while Hermione took out her wand. They boh began carving.
Hermione kept wincing at the pain, she would've applied a numbing spell but they have to conserve every drop of magic they have.
Bellatrix was an instant in carving in her wrist. The curse of her dagger would help in the spell. The elven runes bled in her wrist but she kept carving. She would carve everything she can in her own wrist in order to minimize the runes Hermione would apply.
Bellatrix already filled the front of her wrist with the bloodied runes. She flipped jer wrist and then dug her dagger.
"One more line" she comforted Hermione when she was finished and when that final line bled into the skin, it glowed. Hermione looked at the dark witch in the eye, praying silently that it will work. She held Bellatrix by the cheek and the dark witch let their foreheads meet.
They chanted.
Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens... All the stars, far and wide... Show me thy appearance... With such shine. Oh Tetrabiblos...
Voldemort’s eyes widened at the incantation and when he realized it was a sealing curse he panicked. 
Noticing the flustered look, Delphi conjured a spear with her magic before throwing it at the man’s position. It traveled through the air, Vela casted her own magic on the black spear, wrapping in the spear in glowing flames while Rigel poured his magic into it, enlarging the black material of magic until the tip of the magic was already as tall as them.
The spear raced through the air while Vela and Rigel combined hands to cast their own Incarcerous at Voldemort’s feet. The spear hit straight to the dark man’s chest but it didnt kill him. Instead, the magical spear pinned Voldemort to the wall of the bridge. The sound of scream that came from the man’s throat was music to Bellatrix’s ears but she didnt let it get her out of her focus. 
I am the ruler of the stars... Aspect become complete... Open thy malevolent gate. Oh 88 Stars of the heaven...
A swirl of white and gold magic mixed at Hermione and Bellatrix’s feet before expanding into the floor in what Hermione could recognize as a magic circle. The white and gold kept getting bigger and bigger as they kept chanting. Hermione could already feel the draining of her magic but she kept going.
Delphi crumbled to the floor on her kneess in an effort to keep the spear in Voldemort’s body. The spear was a hard to keep up, it was a spell meant to disappear as soon as it hits its target but she’s keeping it right there, to bind Voldemort to the wall, despite the screams and spells he flung out of his wand towards her direction. 
Vela and Rigel had the perfect teamwork in exchanging between offense and defense, keeping up their own magic with Delphi was hard but they had it easier than their eldest. Vela sent out another flaming spell that managed to almost break the bridge at the power. Rigel casted a shield, strong enough to stand the heat and fire that almost enveloped them and their parents.
Spirit to Body...
Hermione looked around them before meeting Bellatrix’s eyes, they were focused and hard but when they contacted, they softened before they focused again.
Body to Mine...
Bellatrix pulled her closer.
As I chant...
Bellatrix focused on her magic, leaking it into her words as she chanted the spell.
Undo the Bind,
Bellatrix moved to change their position. She wrapped her right on Hermione’s waist while the other left threaded with Hermione. Hermione thinks the position looks a lot like a tango position but she didn’t say anything. They pointed their threaded finger at the binded Voldemort. 
What Now Holds..
My soul to me..
Vela, Rigel and Delphi moved away when the shine of the spell was starting to become blinding. 
With this spell
Now set it free!
This was just draft guys hahaha. Pardon the lack of details and proper conveying of whats happening
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romangodfreyswifee · 3 years
What about “Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen.” with JPM (with reader saying it to him) because I know that man cannot cook for shit! thanks xx
- this is a little canon because imma make the bar a bit like a kitchen as well lol
-this is my first time writing a prompt and i dont really know how to incorporate dialogue very well-
- im still answering i just need time to think of some ideas- this one took me 2 hours or so so i hope you like it <3
In the decades that the ghost James Patrick March had been haunting the Cortez he had grown used to being used by various women, often getting affiliated with them and left heartbroken by all so when you came around and showed him that there was somebody who could see past his money and material possessions it wasnt hard for him to quickly fall in love with you.
You loved him as well even after finding out that he was a ghost.  The fact that James was a ghost never bothered you, after all growing up in the environment you did in the murder house, befriending a kind but quiet ghost like Violet did take away any shock value from him revealing this to you when he finally proposed.
You moved out of the murder house long ago and found your way to the cortez only planning to stay for a 2 week trip now somehow a few months later being wedded to a 150 year old ghost in the golden great front hall of the hotel cortez.
James being your husband didnt make you expect anything more from him other than his loyalty and love because being the independent woman you are you didnt depend on him for anything, finding comfort in it and giving you a sense of control over all aspects of your life.  Although being extremely proud of you this heightened his insecurities from his previous relationships, feeling like he was no use to you past his money even if he knew you just loved him for who he was not what he had he worried you would leave him unless he could be responsible for at least a small aspect of your life and he was determined to do even the most insignificant of things for you in order to prove this to you.
You awoke to the sun shone directly into your eyes and rolled over to an empty bed (not something you usually roll over to) wondering where your husband had wandered off to you quickly dressed yourself and made your way downstairs
As you reached the bottom of the stairs the smell of smoke gradually got stronger and stronger as the well as the cloud fumes. A loud boom coming from the direction of the bar-kitchen made you jump. More smoke billowed out of there and you wasted no time quickly running to see what the commotion was all about, covering your mouth and coughing from the smoke that had made its into you nostrils and lungs practically strangling you. As you ushered away the heavy smoke shrouding the area away with a few waves of your hand, things started coming into view and you were met by your husband with his head resting in the crook of his arm as he violently coughed into it. He was covered with streaks of soot and what looked like batter all over his face. He gave a nervous laugh that was followed by another cough as he turned around and met your confused and frightened face.
“Goodmorning, my love” he said rather sheepishly
“James, what in fucks name are you up to?” you asked albeit harshly
“I thought it would be nice to switch things up a little dear, and make you a nice breakfast for a change”
Your hard expression faltered as you heard him say that and a smile started to creep up on your face “James” throwing back your head and chuckling slightly “you know you dont cook- just-” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose “Darling I love you and all, but please step out of the kitchen” as you gestured for him to make way so you can step into the kitchen. He moved aside as you pushed past him and started cleaning.
“Im really sorry Y/N, I didnt mean for this to happen its just-” he stood silent for a moment trying to find the perfect words to say “I cant help but feel like there isnt much I can do for you and this was the only thing I could think of and I-” his hands dropping to his sides as he finished.
You dropped the soot covered rag you were holding with a loud plop and turned around to meet his saddened expression. You cupped his face in your hands a lowered his face down to yours. “What do you mean there isnt much you do for me?” you asked with a mix of confusion and worriedness “What or who would lead you to believe something as stupid as that my love?”
He let out a hefty sigh and continued. “Nothing and nobody but myself” he admitted. “Sometimes I just feel like I am not good enough for you. Youre so perfect and I love you so much Y/N, the thought of you leaving scares me greatly, but i fear you may some days because I feel like im not enough for you-”
“darling” you said cutting his rambling short. “There is nobody more perfect for me than you, you are enough for me and youll never have to worry about me leaving you. “Ill be here, always.” You finished off bringing his forehead to rest against yours.
Your lips met as he reached in for a kiss which you reciprocated. You smiled against his lips as you pulled away. “Now lets clean up this mess”
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