#that’s 7.5 hours everyday
filmcel · 3 months
my fear w leaving school and moving to work full time is i end up doing that for the rest of my life
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adventuringblind · 10 months
Drive With You Forever
Chapter 7.5: The one about Daniel
Max Verstappen x Charles Leclerc x Lando Norris x Reader
Chapter summary: Daniel is a pervert and the quartet wants to thank him
Warnings: Daniel is kinda gross in this (I'm sorry, I promise I love him), BDSM themes, dom/sub vibes, consent is given, then taken away, use of safe words, choking, PinV, blacking out and dissasociation, hate fuck, anal,
Notes: I've been on A03 far too much in the last three weeks for research purposes. Now we are here, and I have no idea what I'm doing. But! I give this stupid interlude while I try to figure out who on earth to write smut between three and four people. Don't judge me, okay? I'm trying T_T
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Originally, the entire group was dumbfounded, knowing the things Daniel openly talked about. Even though Max had been his teammate for years, Daniel said he couldn't get past seeing him as a seventeen year old kid. Then which talking about such things is just gross.
It was day five of Charles and Max staying with the Australian. The two having found that making sure the door is locked behind them is an important detail.
The text conversation that night made it seem as though they would never consider this an option.
Charles: Daniel is never allowed to go near the children
Lando: what children?
Chatles: you and y/n
Lando: just because we're the youngers dosen't mean we're kids -_-
Y/N: Wouldn't the things we do be very illegal if we were?
Lando: Exactly!
Maxy: I think the idea here is that Daniel doesn't deserve to be around you two. I don't trust him either.
Charles looks over to Max after the lack of respons from their younger counterparts.
Lando: *video message* pretty sure children don't do this.
Max: Ha! Charles just played the video so fast he forgot to check his volume and Daniel came running at an inhuman speed and fell into the door!
Charles: serves him right
Charles: also Lando how are you recording with your tongue down her throat?
Lando: skills ;)
Max: so we're all agreed that we're keeping Daniel at arms length right?
Y/N: without a doubt
Charles: further might be better
Lando: *video* nope he dosen't get to experience this
Things escalated when all four were there. Daniel seemed to love putting his ear to the door. Max had not hesitated to put a hand to his face for that one
Only for him to be more frustrated when Daniel started saying filthy things right after.
Daniel was utterly determined, and it was concerning.
The worst attempt was when Daniel said he was going to a party and wouldn't be back until the morning. Opting to stay with his friend instead of driving and wanting to respect that the four were trying to be out as little as possible.
Pent-up sexual tension came to a breaking point after Daniel had been gone for an hour.
Clothes were off far too quickly. Things had escalated way too far that any logical sense was lost to raging hormones.
They left the door unlocked.
Daniel thought he was so clever lying to them. And in his defense, he was. He waited outside the apartment door for an hour. The walls weren't thin, but with four of them, it was easy to tell what was going on.
He snuck back in quietly. And even managed to get the door open without them noticing.
It took Max three minutes to notice him. Five minutes to get his clothes on. Anither five to make sure his partners were okay. Then an hour of chewing out Daniel.
All four had a usual role that they slipped into. Max happened to be the most dominant of the four. His want for control is not just on the race track.
They'd managed to convince him to give up that control when they raced and someone finished higher, but it wasn't to often.
With this, Max was also dubbed the king of consent. He never did or tried anything without discussion. Always asked before continuing. Communication in the bedroom was easier for him than in everyday life.
So when Daniel decided to watch them without their knowledge, Max was all over him.
"I feel like we should get him something as a thank you." The girl brought up one afternoon.
The other three shoot her a look of shock.
"For what? Watching us be intimate?"
"No, but at least for letting us stay with him and for keeping us safe from everyone but him."
Lando couldn't help but agree. "No idea what to get him thought."
Charles rubs his face. More in exasperation than anything. Sometimes, he hates how giving the younger two can be.
"We could ask him? Maybe take him out to dinner or something?" Shrugs Max.
They asked that night while they were seated in the living room. Daniel had kept some space after Max had lectured him, so the thought of him asking for anything to do with sex was not what they thought would happen.
"Absolutely not."
"You said anything."
"I lied."
"You're speaking for all four of you, Max."
Max exchanges a look with Charles. The two are on the same page. The younger, however, are people pleasers.
"We need to talk about it first."
"I feel bad though."
"Y/N, it's your body. If you don't want to, then you say no. Simple as that."
"But I also want to thank him."
It's a difficult decision, to say the least, but Max eventually gives in to the idea of a discussion.
Max is cautious about his words and makes sure Daniel knows exactly what the rules are. Charles is still reminding the younger two that they can back out at any point. Lando is actually turned on by his partners protectivness over them and thinks but wants to show Daniel their appreciation. Then the female, who has managed to be the only one with three partners she trusts.
This is different.
She trusts Max isn't going to let anything bad happen. She trusts Charles to communicate if she's struggling; the Monegasque can read her body like a clock.
Thats what got them here. Specifically, he got Max in his least favorite place. Out of control.
It didn't help that him and Charles still had their clothes on. It didn't help that they were tied to dining room chairs and made to watch the scene unfold.
Everyone was shocked they gave in to it. But Daniel had agreed to every term and condition, so again, Max relented. Though a bit peeved at being called no fun.
Him and Charles keep exchanging glances. Charles didn't take kindly to being called an attention hog. Ultimately landing him next to Max.
The two watch on as Daniel put himself in charge. They had the luxury of not being tied down and the freedom of moving around.
They knew who was really in charge, though. Every time Daniel did something, they would look to Max and Charles for approval. Only continuing after having been given the nod to continue.
Daniel was the most excited. Finally, he had them where he wanted them. His teammate from years ago made to watch him take his lovers just ad Daniel was forced to watch him steal redbulls' priorities.
Charles who stole away his fans with his charming looks and contagious smile made to watch his lovers smile at him instead.
Lando. His current teammate. Now at his complete mercy after having outshown the entire season.
Then, lastly, the female currently underneath him. The one who he knew was a slut for different men. He finally was getting his chance with her.
It's was perfect. Until it wasn't.
Lando had started disassociating. He was exhausted, and Daniel was relentless. Lando had officially left when Daniel litterally slammed into him for the first time. It hurt way too much for how little they worked up to it. He couldn't communicate his needs, and the girl beside them couldn't either.
She was gone when Daniel started name calling. The filthy things that left his mouth similar to things her dad had said growing up. Similar to those of the toxic fans she worked so hard to combat.
Daniel basically threw Lando to the side and took her next. There was no foreplay for her. There was no build-up. Daniel kept hitting her for some reason she couldn't figure out.
Then, his hands were around her throat. She tried to turn away from him. Look at Max and Charles for help, but Daniel forced her gaze to him.
"Don't look at them. Look at me."
Lando was attempting to come back to himself. Daniel was still touching him roughly, and he wanted it to be over, but to get that, he needed to come back.
"God, I've been wanting to use you so bad for so long."
Black spots dance around her vision. It's funny because the things he's doing and saying sometimes we're nice when they came from her lovers. Why was this so different.
His hands were far too tight on her throat. She couldn't get air in. Her body was going limp on the bed as she tried to force oxygen into her system.
The word on the tip of her tongue. But she was gone before she could get it out.
Lando is the first to feel in happen given he's somewhat on top of her. Daniel doesn't stop, and he's now in panic mode.
He wills himself back. He lets out a shrill noise as he comes back to his senses. Though he curses himself for not just saying his word. But his panicked eyes are still able to meet those of Max and Charles who are looking around frantically.
It's Max who says it first. "Red!"
Bu Daniel either doesn't hear it or chooses to ignore it.
Lando is actively fighting the hold now. Daniel's hand on his face feels like it's burning him.
Then it's Max and Charles shouting the word.
The Australian finally halts in his tracks and removes his hands from the two youngers.
Lando is up in an instant, untying the two. Max first as he is going to drag Daniel off the female. The Charles who's soothing Lando. Helping him to cover up.
"What happened to respecting the safe word?" Max is furious. He can feel he anger boiling over as he shoves Daniel away.
The girl who wanted to please now lay unconscious and naked. Max can see her chest rising and falling it rapid breaths. The bruises and red patches had been blossoming across her skin.
Daniel looks ashamed of himself. He knew he shouldn't go into this with the mindset of taking back something. But he couldn't resist the temptation.
Charles tosses Max a blanket. He lays it down gently over the female to cover her body from Daniel's eyes.
Lando was hurting to the touch, and Charles could clearly see every unnecessary mark. Lando was practically passing out in his arms from the sheer mental and physical exhaustion.
Max shoved Daniel out of the room. He'd lecture him later about safe sex practices and how he needs to watch more carefully.
Something in Max told him he wasn't deliberately trying to hurt them. Daniel just wasn't right going in, and Max could see the regret on his face.
Lando was dripping with apologies. Something Max and Charles were quick to soothe. He wanted to please, and they knew that. It hurt then to see the Brit so distressed.
Max left the room to get supplies. Ice, water, food, and some rags to help the two get cleaned up. Daniel had his head in his hands when he came out.
"I'm truly sorry. I got caught up in my own emotions."
"Look, Daniel, I'm pissed at you for not being careful and disrespecting boundaries. However, at the end of the day, you are still my friend. But I swear to you, if you ever try anything like that again, I'll make sure you never drive another car for the rest of your life."
"Valid." Daniel looks around awkwardly. "For what it's worth, I'm glad you have them."
"Yeah, you're lucky you were on the receiving end of their giving. Neither of them finished because they were so focused on you."
"Yeah sexually they're great. But I mean in every way. I guess I'm jealous of what you four have."
"It is pretty amazing."
"I take it I'm in for another lecture?"
"No, and I think you'll like what ne and Charles are planning for you much better."
Everything hurt when she came back to the land of the living. Her throat and neck were stiff. Her lower half ached in a way she didn't know was possible. Then the memories came rushing back.
She's quick to sit up and look around for her partners. Panic settled in that she did something wrong and disappointed them.
Lando is next to her, still asleep. She vaugley remembers the pain on Landos face when Daniel first took him.
She figures they are going to hear about it later from Max and Charles. But to be fair, they had tried multiple times to get it to stop.
Lando is startled awake at the sounds of a shrill shriek from down the hall.
Both shoot out of bed, look at each other, and assess the damage.
The noise can wait. Hugs are neccecary first.
Lando runs his fingers over her throat, and she traces the outline of red hand prints along his waist.
"Are you feeling alright?" He asks her.
"Sore but okay. You?" Her voice is raspy due to the pressure from earlier.
"Same. I didn't think he would go that hard."
"He didn't listen to Max at all I don't think. And even though we all consented and agreed, I don't think he was fully there to do so."
"Do you think their mad at us?"
"No, we tried to stop it. We didn't do anything wrong."
"Charles wants us to talk about how we two need to put ourselves first."
She groans in exasperation. "Speaking if them, where are they?"
Soon, they find themselves sneaking off down the hall. Their lovers are nowhere insight. Anither shriek startles them.
"You don't think..?"
They come up to the door where the noises are coming from and peer inside.
It takes all their willpower not to laugh as Daniel is at the complete mercy of Charles and Max. His limbs tied tightly to the bed.
They're not even touching him, and he looks completely blissed out.
Max spots the two in the door and nods them inside with a smile. "We've agreed that Daniel needs to learn about respect during scenes. Care to join us?"
The two look at each other skeptically. Is this an order? Is Daniel okay with this?
Charles takes his fingers out of Daniel's mouth and comes to greet the two. "Same rules, different set-up. You two are taking not giving. You hear me?"
That one was definitely an order.
They stare at Daniel, whose muscles are twitching. "Does he... want this?"
"The better question is if you two want this? Otherwise me and Charles are going to make sure he knows what he did was wrong." Max winks.
They can't help but be a little excited at the prospect of watching Max and Charles make Daniel squirm.
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Tags: @styles-sunflower @purplephantomwolf @boiohboii @reblog-princess-blog @jjsprobablywrong @jayda12 @faithm120601 @eugene-emt-roe @lpab @yaaadii @80sloverry @spongebeck3101 @eviethetheatrefreak @jjsprobablywrong
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plantingatree · 2 months
Tips on how to ace exams ??
hii i hope the exams coming up for you go well!! here are my fav things to do to ace exams!! 🩷
1. if you need to memorise lots of content, use anki. anki is a computer software or website you can use to create flashcards. it automatically reschedules them for you so you can review them every day using spaced repetition. make sure you review the ‘due’ cards everyday (especially if you’re cramming) because otherwise the content to go over again will quickly build up and feel overwhelming.
2. if there’s math involved in your studying, do as many questions as you can. take pictures of questions that you get wrong and go over them again in a few days or weeks time (depending on how much time you have) to ensure you’ve learned from your mistakes and still remember what to do. there’s never enough questions you can do, the more you can get done, the better.
3. if you have access to past paper questions, do them alongside learning the content. exam technique is a whole new skill altogether that is super important to learn in order to ace the exams. a lot of certain exams also reuse the same questions / word them in a similar way so it also helps with memorisation and getting use to the style of questions and how to answer them.
4. Remember that although it’s stressful studying and anticipating these exams, it’s a temporary feeling. stress can be good to get you motivated but sometimes an overwhelming amount of stress can make it too difficult to study. take a deep breath, take it slow, and start again.
5. make sure you understand the content while learning it, too. i like to make mind maps that are similar to the flashcards so i can grasp the concept of the topic while also memorising it. some people rely entirely on exams being almost like ‘memory tests’ but they also examine your understanding of the topic, too.
6. get into a routine. wake up at a certain time, work at a certain time, take breaks at a certain time, and go to sleep at a certain time. keep these times consistent and make them into a habit like the way you make showering or brushing your teeth a habit. and remember the breaks you take are AS important as the revision. if you take no breaks you’re going to burn yourself out completely.
here are some timetables i like to use:
that’s 8 hours of revision with sufficient breaks.
that’s 7.5 hours of revision but with smaller breaks, but you finish much earlier.
thats 6 hours of revision with good breaks.
7. get good sleep, please. if you get bad sleep you’ll be too tired the next day and trust me that will mess EVERYTHING UP.
8. when learning flashcards, i like to read it three times, and then press ‘again’ (when using anki, or if you’re using paper flashcards, put it to the back of the pile). when it comes back up, i try to recall it. if i don’t get it right, i read it 3 times again, and then scribble it down on some paper — then press ‘again’.
10. use forest (or flora, the free version) forest is an app where you can grow pretend trees and ‘plant’ your own garden depending on how much you revision you do. if you end your timer before it ends, or go on a different app, it kills your tree! the more revision you do, the more coins you get and you can buy different types of trees. (message me if you get forest and you can add me! not flora tho, i don’t use that one)
i hope this helped!!!! good luck!!! 😁😁😁😁
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spaceopinions · 1 year
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opinion #2
In honor of Taurus season (happy birthday!) I’d like to share a small list of things (some good/some bad) I’ve noticed about the Taurus placements that have been in my life.
1. Loyal to a point (ex. low tolerance for certain people) Will cut family members off for saying something they don’t like, but will get in legal trouble for half-friends they’ve known for 2 months
2. Almost entirely textbook. Let me explain, Taurus’ is just one of those signs that when you read a generic zodiac description online, these people usually match. They are soft and stubborn. Like food (eating it, cooking it, watching it be prepared, etc.) in one capacity or another. Likes greens and neutrals. Stubborn. (I don’t consider this a bad thing though. Taurus’ tend (emphasis on tend) to be “what you see is what you get” and I appreciate the transparency. I’d say another sign like that is Scorpio. Sisters for life, I suppose 🤭)
3. Maybe it’s because most of the Taurus’ I’ve met have mutable placements, but they tend to be pretty easy going? Out of the fixed signs Taurus are the least fixed, in my opinion. (But I also think when they are comfortable with you they are more willing to go with the flow in general. Less difficult in the sake of having a good time.)
4. Taurus women (or feminine presenting Taurus’) are more enjoyable to be around, for the most part. Taurus men are handsome, but can be high strung and flighty (similar to air sign men but the people don’t like hearing that). And if they’re not like that, they’re as fun as a 3 hour lecture from the professor who refuses to retire. They make good friends, though!
5. Taurus can be as delusional as Pisces when IN LOVE. Pisces are delusional in everyday life, don’t get me wrong. But Taurus (and Libras) can go toe-to-toe with them when they are in love. Not a fling, not a sneaky link or a fuck buddy, I’m saying IN LOVE. People always rag on Libras but Taurus is similar, the difference is Libras fall out of (what they think is love) quicker and move on to the next obsession, while Taurus will be stuck in wonderland for a long time on one person. (Thanks, Venus)
6. Taurus’ always give art teacher vibes. Always. Or you can just tell they like crafts in some way shape or form. Likely to pick up a hobby/job where they are doing things with their hands (baking, cooking, welding, just fixing shit, etc.)
7. Pretty hair (in all colors and textures). Or, they know how to style hair really well. (Also counts for a hands-on hobby). Some learned how to do their hair because they didn’t trust anyone else to do it. Hair is the accessory you never take off, after all.
7.5 and, you can kinda tell when a Taurus is going through something if their hair is not done well or is messier than they usually prefer. The first giveaway something is up with them, I’ve noticed.
8. Last but not least, never forget Taurus and Scorpio are sisters for a reason. They can be just as sneaky. Maybe even more so, because you might not expect it from them at first since as I stated earlier, they tend to be transparent. They also tend to be bad/obvious liars, so sometimes they’re forced to be transparent.
TLDR; In regards to sneakiness, Scorpio is a wolf and Taurus the wolf in sheep’s clothing. At least one you can see coming.
Overall, a sign I can be around for a long time. *in friendships*
Happy ♉️ SZN!
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fucktheroyals · 7 months
How do people work 8 hours everyday? I’m so fucking angry right now from the insane amount of customers. I’ve worked 5 days this week but 3 days were 4 hour shifts and I had Thursday off. So I did 4 hours last night and 7.5 this morning. I’m ready to cry. I’m ready to snap.
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frogl3gs · 1 year
Okay so pod is here. We’re gonna pack up all of the essentials this weekend. However - dilemma.
I want my box springs, mattress, and bed frame to go in first so there is a solid wall on one side.
Our plan is to drive ~7.5 hrs everyday with no single driving stint more than 4hrs with an exception being the very last day. (We’re gonna spend half a day at painted hills).
I want the bed stuff to go in first, then the tv, then all of the boxes. Our first day is a 7.5 hr day. Do we just pack everything and stay the night in the hotel and then leave early the next morning?
Or do we wake up at 5am, pack everything and leave by 9am? We can stage everything in the garage. The pod is right on the other side.
The reason for the breaks is because of our dog, scoot. We are planning on breaking every 3-4 hrs. Do one half of the drive in the morning, stop at a park, run around with the dog for an hour or so and then eat sandwiches and hit the road for another 3-4 hours. We are bringing a cooler with food to save money since neither of us will have jobs 🤪.
Some of our stops will be really cool and our hikes will be in and around national forests/parks potentially.
Anyway, what would you do that first day? Pack everything the day before or wake up hella early? I think I’m gonna choose the second option just to save money.
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dausy · 7 months
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Thanksgiving was nice. I had originally planned on just staying home alone because I have to drive to phoenix again here in a couple weeks and I wasn't sure I wanted to drive that much. But my in-laws insisted I shouldn't be alone.
So me and Edie packed up the car and drove up there. The drive there and back was actually pretty decent. Except on the way there, I did get startled immediately as I hit Phoenix traffic. I drove up the day before thanksgiving so obviously it was crowded. What normally would have taken me about 7.5 hrs took 10 all because of Phoenix Thanksgiving traffic. I drove really slowly behind a big truck and just let people pass me because I wasn't going to do the weaving thing. I need a better dog/seat/seatbelt something for my dog. I was so nervous. The way back though was extremely boring and I'm not complaining. I can waste time for hours just talking to myself as if I were on a ted talk.
but we had a thanksgiving meal and saw Wish. Then the next day we tried do some blackfriday shopping later in the afternoon and it was busy out but not horribly so. None of the stores were ransacked really. They just didn't have anything worth buying. I don't feel like anything was truly on sale. I can't really think of anything that I need from black friday either tbh.
I did purchase online some fleece lined tights and leggings and some new slip on tennis shoes seeing as how I cant find these things in stores. But I wouldn't say they were on sale either. I just needed/wanted them.
But I drive back in 2 weeks and I'll be in Disneyland. I'm so excited. I haven't been in almost a decade. I am not a big enough planner to have anything planned out, I think I'm just going to wing it. I would really like to on that way back to stop at the Phoenix ikea or even a Phoenix mall but I'll probably chicken out because I'm too nervous a driver.
and we will see how todays work day goes because we had a meeting with the higherups last week about our scheduling vs staffing and apparently yet again, they scheduled us with a full schedule when I'm pretty sure theres only 3 of us nurses and I don't think we can do any of the cases with that staff level. So everyday I'm wondering if I will still be employed lol.
I didn't make a youtube video this week as I havent done anything artsy other than a couple very simple and basic 2 second doodles.
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brysons-cab · 10 months
The Hyundai Ioniq 6 is a Welcome Surprise
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Hyundai released the Ioniq 6 and with it came the huge support of the car community. Of course there are some people who don’t like the design saying that its too “Porsche-esque” and that the tail of the car does not reflect wha the car stands for. This fully battery blooded beast has given people what they want though. A very well made machine with the comforts of seating 5 and the luggage space to make it practical in everyday use. The Ioniq 6 is remarkable with its fast charging times based around 6.1 to 7.5 hours which allows lots of people to be comfortable with doing a nice afternoon or overnight charge to get themselves ready for the following day, likewise with the battery capacity which allows for up to a wonderful estimated 361 miles of range which bests even the likes of the Tesla model 3.
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The interior of the Ioniq 6 offers a nice minimalistic feel as well as staying in the same style of the Ioniq 5 with a nice luxurious bright leather and plastic upholstery. These can be easily changed with Hyundais integrated lighting system that allows for the change in the RGB lighting system in the door cards that can set a nice mood when driving during the day or even at night to help reduce eye strain from the Jeep wrangler with a rally light bar on his grill behind you.
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The exterior design is there the Ioniq 6 starts to become controversial. People say that the rear design might prove to be troublesome for the future design on Hyundais electric vehicles. For me I really enjoy the rear of the 6, to me it looks like wing sort of looks like the back of the 997 GT3 RS with the pleated rear lights going into the wing. It gives the car the sport luxury design that it deserves to make it an eye turner in the electric car world instead of the egg shape that most electric cars are going towards.
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calpicowater · 2 years
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Week 38/52: September 19th - September 25th 2022 | SD Week 3
This week felt so exhausting and unbearable despite it being a 4 day work week because the Queen died lmao so we had Monday off. Waking up at 4am/5am everyday for WEEKS now... this is really taking a toll on me. Can’t believe I continue to get 6.5-7.5 hours of sleep every night despite everything. I feel healthier but physically I am so tired. And the bruises and cuts on my legs and arms....... ah.......... fml.
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the-firebird69 · 2 months
He's right it's like a sounding you get some money to him and you'll see all sorts of stuff and he's got plenty of things that they owe and people are trying to send tons of money and been trying to get it through you can send people money and if you want what they doing is breaking the law all the time at the post office everyday in certain areas
-the warlocks did lose over a percent it was mostly MC warlock at 0.8% and the other warlock lost as well one around 0.3% and that was as well see pseudo empire mostly. The new Total is 28% + 7.5% Plus 5.2% plus one point 2% which is about 42.4%
There's a lot of people who are trying to calculate this and can't and yeah he's right so we are listening but there's some other things happening mostly these pseudo empires if any of the East and they're losing and they're defending and losing and they're losing a lot of people and the percentage will go down but still 42.4 is very high and people say they lost already and all the stuff
-there's other things happening and it will shape up to a war of the tunnels in the northwest of Florida are slowly clearing of mock silts and clouds and soon it will be visible atmosphere again and they only have a mile left each roughly my average and it will only take probably an hour for all three to empty at the rate that they're clearing it should be clear by noon so late afternoon they will be empty they'll unplug and the war over the diamonds will begin Jason will be completely romped. He will face Trump on many occasions and you'll see the movies that they're fighting all the time very hard and it's in movies like Olympus has fallen about the White House and white house is down and ordinary citizen all sorts of a lot of biting system actually law abiding citizen and there's a few more there's Greenland and gods of Egypt. And a couple more things did he goes through including the coliseum movie where everyone thinks he's Uncle Paul and he loses his family not permanently but a lot of them die though and he goes there and it is horror is horrified and ultimately they end up dead and their skulls are in a pile underneath the bja and his wife is not there no she's not Norman's wife and that is the queen people say and she's actually that person and you do see her and yes she she listens to agency robot and everything comes back and she's gone and it looks like the trumpsters and it's supposed to turns out to be the clones and VGA dies on skillet like the skeleton remains and usually means that someone's zapped him
More shortly
Thor Freya
Nuada Arrianna
More too
Uriel and Goddess wife
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martin-cambell · 5 months
Discover the Top 10 Electric Bike Companies in India
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India's electric bike sector is undergoing a revolutionary transformation, with innovative companies reshaping the landscape of two-wheeler mobility. The top 10 electric bike companies in India are at the forefront of this wave, introducing cutting-edge technology, sustainability, and style. These companies not only meet the rising demand for eco-friendly transportation but also redefine performance and design standards in the electric bike sector.
From established automotive industry players to dynamic startups challenging traditional norms, each company contributes uniquely to the diverse and growing electric bike market in India. This article explores the top 10 electric bike companies, their contributions, achievements, and impact on India's electric mobility landscape.
1. Ultraviolette: Established in 2016, Ultraviolette envisions a future of clean energy and sustainable transportation. Their flagship product, the Ultraviolette F77 electric bike, boasts a 27,000 W electric motor, a 10.3 kWh lithium-ion battery pack, and exceptional performance features, aligning with their vision for accelerated innovation in sustainable urban transportation.
2. Kabira Mobility: Founded in 2017, Kabira Mobility emerged as one of India’s fastest-growing electric vehicle startups. Their flagship electric bikes, the KM3000 and KM4000, stand among India’s fastest and longest-riding electric bikes, featuring advanced technology and user-friendly attributes.
3. Emote Electric: Founded in 2011 as eMotion Motors, Emote Electric prioritizes reliability and desirability in its creations. Their standout product, the Emote Electric Surge, exemplifies sleek design and power, equipped with a 72-volt 7.5 kWh Lithium-Ion battery pack offering a range of up to 100 km on a single charge.
4. Revolt Motors: Revolt embarked on a mission to democratize clean commuting through its pioneering AI-enabled motorcycle, the RV400. With a claimed range of up to 150 kilometers on a single charge and innovative features like digital instrument cluster, Bluetooth connectivity, and customizable riding modes, the RV400 targets urban commuters seeking innovation.
5. Matter: Matter pioneers futuristic electric vehicle platforms and energy storage solutions. The Matter Aera 5000, their maiden electric motorcycle, introduces cutting-edge features, including a 5 kWh lithium-ion battery, a range of 125 kilometers on a single charge, and advanced safety functionalities.
6. Wardwizard Innovations & Mobility Limited: Joy e-bike, under Wardwizard Innovations & Mobility Limited, offers over eight trendy models, providing an environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative for everyday use. The Monster bike promises a stylish ride covering 75 km with just a four-hour charge.
7. One Electric: One Electric Motorcycles upholds the highest quality standards in crafting Made in India Electric Motorcycles. The Kridn electric motorcycle embodies commuter-focused innovation with a 4.2 kW electric motor, rapid charging, and a range of up to 100 km on a single charge.
8. Odysse Electric: Odysse, a dynamic player in electric scooter and bike manufacturing, offers the Evoqis, an electric bike that excels in urban commuting. With a sleek design, brushless DC motor generating 4300W, a top speed of 80 km/h, and a range of up to 140 km on a single charge, it exemplifies sustainable and cost-effective transportation.
9. HERO Electric: HERO Electric, a market leader in the Indian Electric Two-Wheeler Industry, offers a diverse range of High Range and High-Speed Electric Two-Wheelers. The Hero Electric AE-47 exemplifies the company's commitment to providing eco-friendly and cost-effective means of personalized transportation.
10. Ola Electric: Ola Electric, a key player in worldwide ride-hailing, harbors a vision to curb global emissions and diminish fossil fuel reliance. The anticipated OLA Cruiser, set to debut in October 2024, is expected to redefine electric bikes with its sleek design and futuristic features.
In conclusion, the top 10 electric bike companies in India are driving a transformative shift towards sustainable and innovative two-wheeler mobility. With a focus on cutting-edge technology, style, and environmental consciousness, these companies are shaping the future of electric bikes in India. As the electric bike market witnesses this surge of advanced offerings, riders can look forward to a transformative riding experience that embodies both excitement and sustainability. The upcoming electric bikes collectively represent a significant leap forward in India’s journey toward a greener and more dynamic future of electric mobility.
To read more, click here.
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quietmoonwitch · 8 months
Still Recovering But Grateful
31 October 23 / Samhain
I woke up this morning feeling very tired again, even though I got 7.5 hours of sleep last night.  I know I'm still recovering from this flu (which isn't Covid, by the way).  At the same time, I have to stay aware of the cycles of effort and depletion inherent in working an 8-5, Monday through Friday work schedule in an office.  There are many benefits of a routine like that, but it does force an uncompromising set of demands on one's life.
When I get run down or sick, I can't just sleep it off.  Taking one or two sick days (as I did last week) is fine, but more than that and everything at work would start to fall apart.  So if I care, even a little bit, about the work I'm doing everyday, I have to keep that in mind and recover, to some extent, on the job.  It's not easy.  It means I have to low-ball the less important tasks and foci while dividing my energy between the priorities.
Nothing is perfect and, to be honest, I'm deeply grateful for three important things: (1) people rely on me at work—because I know how awful it feels to be completely irrelevant to everyone and I never want to go back to that; (2) my job gives me a framework for doing things that sustain me, like my creative writing, academic and occult study, learning Japanese, and martial arts—when I was a freelancer, it was much harder to do these things because the hustle took over every moment; and (3) I now have more money than I've had in a long time—money is never the end, but it is a means to an end.  In this case, the end is living at a middle class standard instead of my usuall below-the-poverty-line standard.  It's nice to eat better food.  It's also nice to be able to see a doctor from time to time without having to pay out of pocket.
I have clean water to drink.
I have people who enjoy my presence.
I'm writing a novel.
I'm practicing karate and yoga.
I'm beginning to be able to say things in Japanese.
I'm studying a form of paganism and witchcraft.
I'm generally healthy (when I don't have the flu).
I live in a nice location.
I'm gainfully employed and people consider me a problem solver.
Life is pretty good, I think.  So I'm not going to let myself slip into melancholy.  There is wisdom in gratitude.
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productbehindreviews · 10 months
Acer Aspire 5 Slim Laptop
Introducing the Acer Aspire 5 Slim Laptop, a sleek and powerful computing companion designed to elevate your everyday tasks and digital experiences. With its 15.6-inch Full HD IPS display, the laptop delivers crisp visuals and vibrant colors, making it an ideal platform for work, entertainment, and everything in between. Powered by the AMD Ryzen 3 3200U processor, this laptop ensures smooth multitasking and efficient performance, enabling you to effortlessly handle various applications simultaneously.
Equipped with Vega 3 Graphics, the Acer Aspire 5 Slim Laptop enhances your graphics experience, whether you’re streaming videos, editing photos, or engaging in light gaming. Its 4GB DDR4 RAM provides responsive and efficient system performance, ensuring smooth operations even during demanding tasks. The 128GB SSD not only offers ample storage space for your files and applications but also accelerates data access, ensuring quicker boot times and faster file transfers.
BrandAcerModel NameAspire 5Screen Size15.6 InchesColorSilverHard Disk Size128 GBCPU ModelRyzen 3 3200URam Memory Installed Size4 GBOperating SystemWindows 10 HomeSpecial FeatureBacklit KeyboardGraphics Card DescriptionIntegrated
Additional Details
Aspect Ratio:16:9
AMD Ryzen 3 3200U Dual Core Processor (Up to 3.5GHz); 4GB DDR4 Memory; 128GB PCIe NVMe SSD
15.6 inches full HD (1920 x 1080) widescreen LED backlit IPS display; AMD Radeon Vega 3 Mobile Graphics
1 USB 3.1 Gen 1 port, 2 USB 2.0 ports & 1 HDMI port with HDCP support
802.11ac Wi-Fi; Backlit Keyboard; Up to 7.5 hours battery life
Windows 10 in S mode. Maximum power supply wattage: 65 Watts
Read More>>
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humansun · 11 months
karma is my BF.
Written Friday, July 28th, 2023 at 11:30AM
Good morning! It’s freaking Friday. Which means. The week is over, and we have accomplished a lot. 
Written Sunday, July 29th, 2023 at 12:29AM
I’m dead right now.
Don’t overbook yourself aka only one major activity per weekend if you could help it. 
Betty, you give a lot of time to other people. You need to give more time to yourself because you’re that important and you have things to achieve.
You can love people but not want to hang out with them until the next 6 months.
I’m fucking tired
If you’re hanging out with friends until 2am and you want to leave, then leave. Don’t stay until 4:00am bc that will become 4:15am and 4:!5am will become 4:30 and next thing you know you’re not in bed until 5:!5am
Sleep is just as important as your workouts and meals and water. Get your 7.5+ hours
Be critical with how you decide to spend your time and energy. You only have one life to live.
Omg this one really got me - fuckennn so you know how in society people don’t really value other people unless they seem to have tangible success? So they’ll look down at someone who’s working a blue-collar job for example. It’s so weird - half the conversations I’m having with people are about valuing life and being free and doing what we should, which is so real, but at the same time a majority of the perspectives out there really value millionaires and shit
It doesn’t necessarily make me shift my own values because I don’t think my values at this point would be changing too much from what they are about
However it does make me think about how i could survive in a world like this. Just thinking about all the strikes, the instability of the work, the potential idealism I may be playing into with everything I’m doing. I don’t know it’s a lot
The type of content I’d like to produce is the type that gives people food for thought, space to question aspects of their lives including themselves, highlight the truths of our world like diversity, and to increase awareness (thought about this one in the shower)
I’m grateful for friends who get me and love me because I get them and I love them
Things we talked about included gatekeeping, being aware of our previous actions and behaviors that may not have served us/our community, social media, They cloned tyrone
Learning is important to me because the more I learn the more I know about things that are beneficial to me and from that I will better my life because of it so why would I not want to learn?
Ultimately every single day on Earth I want to be a better person and I want to continue to have a rich, full, and happy life
To do this I want to recognize my frustrations of the day are from my overbooking in my schedule, probably subconsciously wanting to please other people, and lastly my period/the heat. And that is valid. All of my feelings are valid and its important to remember that:
It will not be like this forever/these feelings are temporary
In every part of our journey we will find that we will slip up or things fall into place in a weird way but it absolutely does not mean we are failing. We are readjusting and learning everyday
Taking the time to learn about myself, my thoughts, my behavior, my feelings, my family, friends, parter, ancestors, culture, community, city, neighboring cities, state, country, countries, world, and universe is essential
Which means I need to give myself time and spend less time with other people
Because this is peace.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] ✔ Welcome to divinz brand store divinz believes to provide good quality products to our customer so that they will get satisfaction as they want. we are providing our customer with fashion and high quality products, which is perfect for business, office work and everyday using that becomes your life companion in every walk of your life. ★ Features :Inner protector to protect the handlebar measures 6cm x 2cm. Compatible with tactical flashlights 24 to 27mm in diameter.Fixed bracket prevents accidental focus movement. Ideal for trails and situations where safety is paramount.Water resistant, can be used even in the rain.Made of high strength polymer.Firm and accurate, it prevents flicker and flick of the flashlight.Super waterproof performance, let you rain or shine, will not cause damage to bicycle lights, let you ride safely.Use time: 2 hours of charge, long light life for 3 hours.★ Specification :Size : 7.5 x 3 x 2cmMaterial : PlasticColor : BlackPackage Include : 1 x Led tail light For an amazing experience place your order and fulfill your need... ----------------------------------------------------------------- WATERPROOF - Can be Used During Rain. This is variable focus and waterproof. Cool appearance: With the slender, neat-cut design and its light conductor, the USB light can break through the darkness like a sharp edge. It is really stylish fitting on all kinds of bikes with its light-weighted, artistic design. Long Lasting Battery - Upto 5 Hours flashing and 4 Hours Constant mode. 4 Types of Flashing Modes - Steady/ Low Flashing/ Flashing/ Strobe. Switch: Press button, long press 1 second to turn on or shut off the light, short press to shift the light mode. Size : 7.5 x 3 x 2 CM [ad_2]
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ontolaptop · 1 year
Lenovo IdeaPad 3i 15 (2023) Review
Dell Inspiron 14 5424
The Dell Inspiron 14 5424 is one of the best laptops under $500. It has a 14-inch display and a weight of just under 4 pounds. The laptop is powered by an Intel Core i5 processor and has 8GB of RAM. The storage is handled by a 256GB SSD.
Our Score
It’s very affordable.
The display is a good size.
The weight is very manageable.
The processor is powerful enough for most tasks.
The storage is sizable and fast.
The battery life could be better.
The build quality isn’t the best.
The speakers could be louder.
Shopping for a laptop on a budget can be tricky. You want to get the best performance for your money, but you don’t want to break the bank. Fortunately, the Dell Inspiron 14 5424 is here to help! This laptop packs serious performance into its lightweight frame and offers it all at an affordable price. Read on to find out why this is the best laptop you can get under $500!
Check Price
Dell Inspiron laptops are known for their quality, durability, and performance. And, when you’re looking for the best laptop under500$, the Dell Inspiron is the clear winner. Here’s why:
The Dell Inspiron comes with a powerful Intel Core processor, plenty of RAM and storage space, and a sharp Full HD display. It also has long battery life, making it perfect for students or busy professionals who need a reliable laptop that can last all day.
Plus, the Dell Inspiron is built to last. It’s made with high-quality materials and designed for optimal performance. So, you can rest assured that your investment will pay off in the long run.
So, if you’re looking for the best laptop under $500, the Dell Inspiron is a clear choice. It offers everything you need in a quality laptop at an unbeatable price.Table of Contents
Overview of the Dell Inspiron 14 5424
Dell Inspiron 14 5424 specs
Design and Build Quality
Performance Test Results
Comparisons to Other Laptops Under $500
Overview of the Dell Inspiron 14 5424
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When it comes to laptops, Dell is one of the most trusted brands in the market. The Dell Inspiron 14 5424 is one of their best offerings, and it definitely lives up to the hype. This laptop is perfect for anyone who wants a reliable and affordable machine that can handle everyday tasks with ease.
The Dell Inspiron 14 5424 comes with a powerful Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, and a spacious 1TB hard drive. It also has a sharp 14-inch display, making it perfect for watching movies or working on projects. Additionally, the laptop comes with Windows 10 pre-installed, so you’ll be able to take advantage of all the latest features and updates right away.
Lenovo IdeaPad 3i 15 (2023) Review
Dell Inspiron 14 5424: The Best Laptop You Can Get Under $500
HP Pavilion aero 13 Review: The Best Laptop Under $500
Acer Aspire 5 15: Laptop Review
Best laptops under $600 in 2023: Review
One of the best things about the Dell Inspiron 14 5424 is its price tag. For under $700, you’re getting a top-of-the-line laptop that will serve you well for years to come. If you’re looking for an affordable and reliable machine, the Dell Inspiron 14 5424 should be at the top of your list.
Dell Inspiron 14 5424 specs
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Assuming you are talking about the Dell Inspiron 15 3000 series, here are its features and specifications:
Display: 15.6-inch HD (1366 x 768) Truelife LED-Backlit
7th Generation Intel Core i3-7100U Processor (3M Cache, up to 2.40 GHz)
4GB DDR4 Memory, 1TB 5400 rpm Hard Drive
Intel HD Graphics 620 with the shared graphics memory
Tray load DVD Drive (Reads and Writes to DVD/CD)
Ports: 1 USB 3.0, 2 USB 2.0, HDMI, RJ-45 Ethernet network
802.11ac + Bluetooth 4.1 Wireless Connectivity
Standard full-size non-backlit keyboard with numeric keypad
Weight: 4.8 lbs (2.17 kg)
Battery life: Up to 6 hours and 15 minutes
Design and Build Quality
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When it comes to laptops, Dell Inspiron is one of the most popular brands on the market. And for good reason. Dell laptops are known for their high quality, durability, and performance.
But what about the Dell Inspiron laptops that are available for under $500? Are they any good?
The answer is a resounding yes! The Dell Inspiron laptops that are available for under $500 are some of the best laptops you can get. They offer great value for the price, and they’re packed with features that will make your computing experience better.
Here are some of the things you can expect from a Dell Inspiron laptop that’s available for under $500:
• A powerful processor: The processor is one of the most important components of a laptop, and the Dell Inspiron laptops that are available for under $500 come with some of the most powerful processors on the market. You’ll be able to handle all of your computing needs with ease, whether you’re surfing the web, working on a document, or watching a movie.
• A large display: The display is another important factor to consider when choosing a laptop. The Dell Inspiron laptops that are available for under $500 come with large displays that will allow you to see everything clearly. Whether you’re working on a project or just streaming your favorite show, you’ll be able to do it without strain or eye fatigue.
• A spacious keyboard: Typing on a laptop can be a challenge if the keyboard isn’t comfortable, but the Dell Inspiron laptops that are available for under $500 come with spacious keyboards that make it easier to type quickly and accurately.
• A strong battery: Battery life is an important factor when choosing a laptop, and the Dell Inspiron laptops that are available for under $500 come with strong batteries that will last for hours. This means you won’t have to worry about your laptop dying on you in the middle of something important.
Overall, the Dell Inspiron laptops that are available for under $500 offer great value for their price. They’re packed with features and they offer great performance, making them a great choice if you’re looking for a budget-friendly laptop.
Performance Test Results
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The Dell Inspiron is the best laptop you can get under $700. It has a beautiful 15.6-inch display, a snappy Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, and a 256GB solid-state drive. Plus, it has great battery life and comes with Windows 10 pre-installed.
We put the Dell Inspiron through its paces with a series of performance tests, and it excelled in every single one. The Dell Inspiron is the fastest laptop we’ve tested in this price range, and it’s also one of the most responsive laptops we’ve ever used.
The Dell Inspiron display is absolutely gorgeous. It’s bright, colorful, and sharp, and it’s perfect for watching movies or working on creative projects. The only downside is that it’s not a touchscreen, but that’s a small price to pay for such an otherwise excellent display.
The Dell Inspiron has phenomenal battery life. We were able to get almost 12 hours of use out of it on our battery test, which is incredible for a laptop this size and price range. Plus, when you do need to recharge, the Dell Inspiron does so quickly—in just under 2 hours.
Overall, the Dell Inspiron is the best laptop you can get under $700. It’s fast, responsive, has an excellent display, and offers incredible value for the price. If you’re looking for a new laptop and don’t want to
Comparisons to Other Laptops Under $500
When it comes to laptops under $500, the Dell Inspiron is hard to beat. It offers a great combination of features, performance, and value.
In terms of raw performance, the Dell Inspiron outperforms most other laptops in its price range. It’s powered by an Intel Core i5 processor and 8GB of RAM, which is more than enough power for everyday tasks and even some light gaming. The laptop also has a spacious 1TB hard drive for storing all your files and photos.
When it comes to value, the Dell Inspiron is one of the best-priced laptops on the market. It includes a full HD 1920×1080 display, backlit keyboard, fingerprint reader, and Windows 10 Home operating system. You also get a one-year warranty from Dell.
If you’re looking for the best laptop you can get under $500, the Dell Inspiron is a clear choice.
The Dell Inspiron 14 5424 is a great laptop for anyone looking to buy a reliable, affordable device. It has good performance and features that rival more expensive laptops in the same price range. With an excellent battery life of up to 10 hours and its lightweight design, it’s easy to carry around with you wherever you go. The Dell Inspiron 14 5424 offers exceptional value for money and is one of the best laptops you can get under $500.
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