#that’s literally their species. They’re not just the way the world works
artist-issues · 2 years
I’m going to say it.
I don’t think How to Train Your Dragon 3 was good.
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Not when you compare it to literally either of the other movies. Certainly not as a conclusion.
I mean, the first movie was about a boy who manages to understand a hostile dragon species and bring peace to two warring factions, which is a parallel for his relationship with his father. The second film was about how sometimes, peace has to be fought for, and Hiccup’s whole identity was in contrast with that—because while his mother ran from conflict and his father leapt at it too eagerly, he had always been the one to stop the fighting. Then he has to learn that the things we love are worth protecting. 
And after he learns that humans and dragons can learn to understand each other and coexist—after he learns that it isn’t enough to run and hide or fight out of fear, but instead you must protect the things you care about—
After those two natural, powerful progressions are clearly worked for in the first two movies—
How to Train Your Dragon 3 comes along and says “‘No actually, sometimes all it takes is one madman whom you defeated with no loss of life to convince you that the things you care about should just crawl into a very pretty hiding hole, because you don’t feel like spending the rest of your life fighting for them.”
And I can say more. Below the break. 
Because I’ve waited a long time to talk about this. Everybody around me was saying that the third HTTYD movie was sooo good, how could I not love it, what was my problem, they’re crying in the theater seats around me, they’re all moved, but nobody can tell me why. What makes HTTYD3 so good, STORY WISE? What makes the fact that Toothless, who is established as “Hiccup’s Other Half” and his character’s support, leaving, a good conclusion?
And it’s not just that my feelings were hurt at the idea of this iconic duo being split up in the finale. 
It just doesn’t make any sense. Because the main thing that the whole series was built around was the adversity Hiccup and Toothless were always going to come up against, because they shouldn’t be friends. The whole first movie is like “dragons and Vikings hate and kill each other, there’s no way to get over this fear, nobody can be around Night Furies without dying,” and Hiccup and Toothless literally fly in the face of that. Then the whole second movie is “dragons either have to be left completely alone to themselves and their ways in the wild apart from man, or they have to be brutally enslaved as war machines under man’s boot” and then Hiccup and Toothless fly in the face of that. They stick together as their own, unique partnership, and it changes the world in HTTYD and in HTTYD2.
And then in the third movie, boom, Toothless suddenly doesn’t belong with Hiccup anymore? Suddenly it’s essential that he live completely separate, alone with “his own kind?” Suddenly it’s too hard and too dangerous to protect this dragon-Viking way of life that the whole first and second movie worked for?
I mean. They even abandon Berk. They fought so hard for Berk throughout three television series and two excellent movies. 
And I get it. The idea is that, they left Berk because Berk is a people, so no matter where they go Berk is still alive, just like no matter where Toothless goes, his friendship with Hiccup is “still alive.” And that’s a fine theme, I guess, except it totally makes the first two movies seem worthless. It makes Hiccup’s mom seem right for abandoning her family and giving up on the idea that humans and dragons could ever live peacefully. According to HTTYD3, Hiccup and Toothless never should have interacted again after he cut Toothless free of the net. Because Toothless should’ve just…gone on to live with his own kind.
Oh except he couldn’t, because Hiccup knocked his tail fin off and Toothless needed Hiccup. Just like Hiccup was weird and innovative in a time of traditional brutish Vikings, and he, in his own way needed Toothless. So they couldn’t live among their own kind without one another. 
And I see that HTTYD3 is trying to say “‘yes, they needed each other, but now they’ve grown up and the only thing left to learn is how to let go and move on.” But you know what, if you were going to tell me that, you shouldn’t have made the driving motivation for these characters to leave one another: “too many bad guys keep inevitably attacking us.”
You also shouldn’t have made the secondary driving motivation: “Toothless likes a pretty girl dragon and he can’t be with her and be with Hiccup because she’s Too Wild.™” Because guess what? The other thing that all of the previous canon content set up was that Hiccup can basically tame and befriend any wild dragon.
There are very few dragons, even in the TV show, that he cannot make friends with and live side-by-side with, and the ones that existed were basically just big, angry killing machines who presented themselves as way more threatening in mannerisms than the Light Fury does in the third movie. The Red Death eats other dragons; the Light Fury warns other dragons of traps. The Skrill tries to lightning-fry every human around it; the Light Fury only ever plasma blasts at humans that surprise her while she’s actively snooping around their camp.
I am willing to buy a story where a dragon needs to be free of his human master if he wants to have a future with his own kind, but you can’t do that if the dragon in the story is Toothless and the master in the story is Hiccup. Because those characters’ relationship was established as the future of their kind. Viking’s way forward was dragons—dragons’ way forward was Vikings. 
And that brings up another bone of contention with me—the first reason for the finale split-up—what made Grimmel so terrifying that it convinced Hiccup to uproot his whole tribe from their ancestral home and eventually give up on fighting for his dragon/Viking way of life, and Toothless himself? Was it that Grimmel was a better strategist than Hiccup? Because Grimmel lost and died, so there’s no reason for that to remain the reason. Was it because Viggo had a whole army of people that were slapped together to hastily represent “the rest of the world” and a bunch of dragons—again, DRAGONS, Hiccup’s specialty—to attack them with? Because again, all of them lost. And Berk sacrificed nothing in the process, unless you count, like…stress.
And DON’T give me any crap about the epilogue. Don’t tell me “‘Oh, OP, you totally ignored the part at the end where Toothless and Hiccup’s new families visit each other, they’re not gone forever, they’re just Friends From Afar, living at peace, protecting the peace by staying apart.”
That is 1) a terrible cowardly step back from any emotional impact that the big goodbye and sense of sacrifice that living apart from each other should have given the audience, and 2) still doesn’t negate the fact that Hiccup and Toothless WERE fighting for their way of life, which was living together, since movie 1, and the fact is whether they visit each other or not they still don’t get to have that anymore. For no good reason. I could say more. I could talk about how silly I think a lot of the Light Fury plot is, how poorly set-up the Hidden World was as a conclusion piece, blah blah blah. But instead, I’ll just leave this quote from the end of How to Train Your Dragon 2, and you tell me how the logical conclusion to this quote was “let’s abandon our home and stuff our dragons in a hiding-hole because the enemies and armies that have never once actually defeated us are just too much hassle to keep fighting with.”
“This is Berk. A bit trampled and busted and covered in ice, but it's home. It's our home. Those who attacked us, are relentless, and crazy. But those who stopped them, oh, even more so! We may be small in numbers, but we stand for something bigger than anything the world can pin against us. We are the voice of peace, and bit by bit, we will change this world. You see, we have something they don't. Oh, sure, they have armies, and they have armadas. But we... we have... OUR DRAGONS!"
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nondelphic · 4 days
hey! i was wondering if you have any advice for me: I am wanting to write an epic/high fantasy book, and i started with my worldbuilding, then i moved to characters and their individual arcs. my main struggle is coming up with the overarching plot, the main conflict. any tips for coming up with ideas?
thanks for the ask, anon!! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) ♡⋆𐙚₊˚⊹
tbh i don't have a lot of experience writing fantasy, but! just because i don't have "a lot" doesn't mean i don't have any!! i was in a similar situation to you literally just a few weeks ago when i started worldbuilding and outlining a fantasy plot :D
so!! i'll just tell you the process of how i came up with my plot!! i hope it can help somewhat!
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♡ pulling from your worldbuilding
the beauty of worldbuilding and having complete characters is that you literally have everything you need to START writing. but as you said, coming up with an overarching plot can be difficult. i don't know how extensive your worldbuilding is, but for me, my planning included a list of major historical events/eras in my fantasy world. from this, i just decided "okay, the plot is gonna take place during the *insert historical era from my fantasy world*."
then i'd think "okay... what was society like during this historical period?" what kind of power struggles, conflicts, or changes were happening at that time?" from there, the plot practically started writing itself! by narrowing down a specific time and place within your world, you're essentially placing your characters in a pressure cooker of events that are naturally going to generate conflict.
♡ character-driven plot
another approach you can take is to look at your characters’ arcs and ask yourself what situations would force them to grow or challenge their beliefs. think about what each character wants most in life—what would happen if they couldn’t get it? or what if they got it, but at a great cost? you can build the main conflict around these personal stakes, and that can really help drive your plot forward.
for example: say you have different species in your fantasy world, and one of your main characters belongs to a species that’s an outlier in their geographical area. maybe this species has been historically oppressed, or they’re seen as a threat due to some misunderstood ability or ancient conflict. you could focus on how your character fits into the world—they might struggle with their identity, trying to prove their worth in a society that fears or rejects them. this inner conflict could be the spark for a much larger plot, like starting a rebellion or becoming the key to resolving a long-standing feud between species. their personal journey, then, could naturally tie into the broader conflict of your story.
the key here is to use the uniqueness of your character's background and situation to fuel the plot. how they navigate the world around them can lead to choices and events that shape the entire story!
♡ external threats
sometimes the easiest way to spark an overarching plot is by introducing a big external threat. it could be anything from an invading empire, a natural disaster, or even a rising rebellion. something that shakes up the world your characters are comfortable in and forces them into action. this external conflict can intersect with their personal journeys and create some interesting tension.
♡ combining personal and world stakes
the most gripping plots often combine both personal and external stakes. maybe your character is fighting for their home or family, but there’s a much larger political or magical conflict brewing that they become a part of. it’s not just about saving themselves, but the entire kingdom or world. the trick is to make sure the personal stakes are always tied into the larger conflict, so it feels cohesive.
♡ take inspiration from your fav fantasy works
don’t be afraid to pull ideas from the things you love! if a specific scene, mission, or plotline really stuck with you in a book, game or movie, ask yourself why. for example, when i came up with my fantasy plot, i was inspired by a mission in the witcher 3 where geralt and triss are navigating the tunnels under novigrad. triss, living in secret as a mage, is forced to use these hidden passageways to carry out her plans. i remember thinking, “hmm… tunnels or catacombs are a great way for people with secret missions to carry out said missions!” that one detail sparked an entire subplot for me, where certain characters use an underground network to secretly move around, gather intel, and plot revolutions.
you can take bits and pieces from your favorite stories and use them as springboards for your own original ideas. sometimes it’s a specific setting, a character dynamic, or even the vibe of a scene that can get your creative wheels turning. the key is to make it your own and let it evolve naturally in your world!
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i hope these ideas don't sound too "obvious" or like "well, duh," but rather a reminder that you've already done the worldbuilding, so use it!!
good luck with your epic fantasy!! sending digital hugs filled with all the creative energy i have left today to you and anyone else reading this (´。• ᵕ •。`)
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animeyanderetalker · 7 months
In no particular order, which five characters from Hunter x Hunter do you believe have the highest probability of being yandere if they were to develop an attraction to someone?
Those are the ones I could think of spontaneously.
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I feel like Kurapika would have a good possibility of turning possessive and very overprotective over the person he starts gaining feelings for. The massacre of his own clan has left him scarred and set on revenge so he would be much more careful and paranoid if he would fall in love with someone. He has made an enemy of the Phantom Troupe by killing Uvogin and Pakunoda and also using his Chains on Chrollo to make him unable to use his Nen abilities. He knows that the Phantom Troupe is ruthless and probably wouldn’t be afraid to use you against him and that thought is going to haunt him.
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Hisoka just won’t let someone go the moment they catch his interest so god forbid if this menace actually gains genuine feelings for someone. As genuine as he can go at least. He literally won’t leave that person alone and worst is that there’s no way to get rid of him. Threats don’t work and he’s too smart to get caught by the police or he just kills them. Hisoka has no morals and his loyalty lies in what catches his interest. Rejections, insults, threats and tears don’t work on him either. Instead Hisoka is oddly invested in whatever emotion he can squeeze out of you and he’s going to be the asshole who makes you cry on purpose. He’s so persistent and is going to be so annoyingly clingy too so there goes any sense of privacy either. He is terrifying because he has no shame in killing people nor expressing his perverted desires to you.
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Start playing freaking Hellfire from Hunchback of Notre Dame for Shaiapouf and his first stages of interest in that person. He’s part of the Royal Guard, he was born to serve the Chimera Ant King and no one else so him gaining an attraction to someone that isn’t his King defies genetics. That is going to be a sting for him, all the more if we’re going with a scenario where Meruem is dead and Shaiapouf already survived. His King was killed by a human, the species that was supposed to be beneath Meruem and his Royal Guards so for Pouf this would be salt in the fresh wound. It’s an utter humiliation and he plans multiple times to kill you only to be unable to do so. There is a paranoia within him because he has failed the one thing he was born for so in a way he’s projecting on his darling by initially forcing them to act like the royalty Pouf is supposed to serve before the genuine infatuation kicks in and he embraces it completely. His paranoia and trauma will never let him let go of his darling, he’s going to be so overbearing and controlling whilst playing their servant.
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Pitou is a very similar story to Shaiapouf. Them gaining an attraction for someone goes against their natural instinct to protect the Chimera Ant King yet it’s still happening. Since Pitou is also partially a cat, there is going to be a lot of curiosity involved and much less hostility than with Pouf. Neferpitou’s mind tells them to seek out answers for those weird feelings that their darling awakes inside of them and no one can tell them to stop. Pitou is possessive over their darling and will guard them and the place they’re put in with literal teeth and claws. There is pain and trauma if we once again assume a world where Meruem and Komugi both died so for a while they view darling as a toy to forget those feelings until they realize that their emotions for them are actually sincere. That’s when darling really won’t be able to ever escape.
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He has shown a fascination for the way humans work so imagine how obsessed he would be with the person he gains an interest in. It’s unexpected because the only people Chrollo has ever cared about are the members of his Phantom Troupe but that is what makes his darling so precious and special. He yearns to know every crevice of their soul to the point where he feels almost incomplete if he doesn’t as the mere feeling of not knowing becomes a black tear in his being. He’s smart, he is observing and at one point he knows your every habit and reaction yet he’s like a glass with no bottom as he keeps taking everything about you in to engrave it forever in his black soul. You are the rarest treasure the thief has ever found and he’s going to commit massacres to ensure that you never leave his side.
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real-british-empire · 1 month
Just general lore I think
Ok, so there was a race of species in ancient times called the old ones, they were a race of spacefaring creatures. The old ones went around helping races reach spacefaring potential and were overall chill guys.
Then there’s a race called the necrontyr. They are a very short lived race who desire to live longer and asked for the help of the old ones, who for some reason declined.
This angered the necrontyr, who used a very powerful material known as living metal found on their planet to wage war on the old ones.
The old ones enlisted the help of two races, the aeldari (space aelves) and the krorks (genetically engineered super orks whose beliefs affect reality and are like 14ft tall).
They did this because there was like 50 of them total.
The races warred and it wasn’t going well for the necrontyr, until one day, they found a race of godlike beings called the C’tan who literally eat stars for energy (not in an instant but rather drain them). They enlisted their help and with it defeated the old ones and their allies, but not without a cost.
The C’tan known now as the deceiver tricked the necrontyr into shedding their flesh and becoming living metal robots known as the necron so that the C’tan could feast on their life force.
This pissed off the necron so they killed the C’tan, shattering them and using the fragments like Pokémon to win wars.
With noting left to conquer, they entered a deep slumber in their tomb worlds to one day return and conquer the stars.
Before their extinction, the old ones bestowed access to the webway to the aeldari, a network outside of real space allowing for safe travel across the cosmos where the city of commoragh sits.
The aeldari used their powerful psychic might to dominate in the absence of the necron, and with nothing left to do, they indulged themselves in every pleasure possible. Due to their immensely powerful souls however, the sheer amount of emotion the aeldari were experiencing had an unintended consequence, the birth of a god.
With this, the god Slaanesh was formed, tearing a hole in real space (reality) and went on to kill all but 3 of the aeldari gods, leaving Khaine, god of war, cegorragh, the laughing god, and a goddess who was saved by Slaanesh’s sibling, nurgle (I’ll get onto him later) due to her regeneration (goddess of healing). Some aeldari called farseers foresaw this and fled on ships, to pristine worlds and are called exodites and now ride dinosaurs and stuff.
Others fled on large ships which can sustain communities called craftworlds while the residents of commoragh were unaffected.
All but the residents of commoragh changed their ways and so the residents of commoragh are now known as the drukhari.
A small band also decided to worship ceggroagh and now protect the biggest store of information in existence, the black library. They’re also murderous clowns and they’re called the harlequins.
You may be wondering what happened to the Krorks in this time, well, they devolved into the beloved race of the orks we see in current 40K , and are now far dumber and weaker but still affect reality with their beliefs.
Now we got onto humanities history.
One day during humanities existence, a very special person was born. Only known as the god emperor, they possessed a psychic might on par with creatures such as Slaanesh and pushed humanity into a new age with the great crusade. They also befriended the adeptus mechanicum, who were humans who moved to mars and became cyborgs and work as the engineers of the imperium. Many things happened in this time but I’ll cover important bits. There was a period of time called the dark age of technology where ai became sentient and attacked humanity (I will refer to it as the imperium from now on) and the war was won, but no new technology would be invented from then onwards. There was also the creation of the thunder warriors (think that’s their name) who were the most powerful soldiers, sculpted by the emperor himself to be incredibly powerful. After that came the custodians who the emperor made who are the bodyguard of terra (earth) and ultra-elite warriors of humanity. The grey knights were also made afterwards, who were designed to fight daemons (will cover this with nurgle and the other chaos gods (will also explain that)).
This is where stuff gets a bit complicated.
The emperor created 21 “sons” who were super powerful soldiers designed to lead human kind or something, so he scattered them across the universe so that they could experience life or something idk.
We are missing information on 2 primarchs as they have been completely expunged from all records.
I won’t go into detail on the primarchs because there’s so much lore.
Before I continue with humanity though, I have to cover the chaos gods and the warp.
So the warp is a separate dimension adjacent to realspace (reality) which is shaped by the thoughts and feelings of living beings. These manifest as daemons and warp creatures. Within the warp there are 4 gods, known as the chaos gods who embody common aspects of life.
There is khorne, god of blood, skulls and most importantly, war.
Then there’s Tzeench, god of change, magic and trickery.
There is then also Slaanesh, goddess of hedonism and excess.
Last there is nurgle, god of plagues and disease.
They command legions of daemons who are small fragments of their power manifested but also separate entities from the god with personalities.
There are also unaligned daemons which do their own thing.
Daemons can also be trapped in objects, which is important.
So there’s this mf called Erebus.
Erebus secretly worships the chaos gods (religion is banned because the emperor is aware of the chaos gods). And influences horrus into becoming corrupted.
Horrus amassed a rebellion, comprised of his army of space marines, as well as the primarchs Aangron, Mortarion, Fulgrim (corrupted by a daemon within a sword), Peurterabo, Conrad Kurze, Alpharius, Lorgar, and, eventually, Magnus (there’s too much to explain).
This was called the horrus heresy.
In the aftermath, many primarchs died, these are:
Horrus (erased from existence by the emperor)
Alpharion (complicated but mostly)
Conrad Kurze
It is important to note that each primarchs has a group of genetically engineered super-soldiers made with their generic template that they lead.
Some of these generic templates have downsides, such as the blood angels of Sanguinius having genetically installed ptsd after he died to horrus and the space wolves sometimes become werewolf dudes called wulfen and have to be locked away.
After the heresy, the emperor was fatally wounded by horrus due to being suped on the power of all the chaos gods and is now on life support and cannot enforce the no religion rule, and is now worshipped as a god much to his dismay.
I suppose I should explain the other small factions that arose post heresy.
The tau empire are the most ethical factions if 40K and do things “for the greater good” and actually practice diplomacy with most factions and even have humans and other races working with them. They are such a small race, they have no warp presence.
Leagues of Votaan are an offshoot of humanity that ditched them to be better. They have these massive machines that help them make high quality tech which is far beyond humanity. Can also call upon their ancestors and hold grudges literally forever due to the ancestral ties.
Tyranids are a hive mind that eats planets. The members of the hivemind have no technology and all of there weapons are living creatures, even the bullets. Whatever the fuck they’re running from, we don’t want to know because true tyranids are so powerful.
In the current day, the primarchs Guilleman has established good relations with the rising aeldari faction the Ynnari who are trying to kill Slaanesh through magical swords, but struggling to get the last one because it’s INSIDE Slaanesh’s palace.
The primarch know as the Lion has returned.
Tyranids are being annoying.
Necrons are waking up too.
That’s a somewhat basic lore overview to get you up to date on current events, if you have any questions feel free to ask.
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irafuwas · 5 months
Right so I am kinda slow and behind. I do watch the JP translations when they are out but since I’m an ENG server player, I noticed something which is quite interesting but just made me curious.
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In context, I found this a little confusing. We know dragon faeries are the strongest around, and we also know for a fact that Henrick planned to use Malleus as a mount after stealing the egg in his future reign. Lilia stated the, let’s say, fae version of “…awaiting a prince on a white horse”, I was confused that he used ‘dragon’. Is this to imply that there are dragons that are not faeries? And the faeries tame those creatures?
Idk if this was discussed but it pretty made me wonder what could this mean. Like he mentioned some direbeasts, could it be that dragons are separate creatures from dragon faeries who can turn into dragons? Or something else?
I've been thinking that dragons and dragon-fae are separate species, with the latter descended from the former, like how it works with the beastfolk.
In Tamashina Mina, there's a part where Leona explains how his hometown was specifically designed to include a lot of greenery in it, for the sake of their "animal ancestors".
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Leona: The people here value “coexistence with nature” more than anythin’ else, and we make sure to conserve natural areas like this so the local animals have places to live, since they’re our ancestors and all.
And the way Ruggie talks in one of his chats, he describes literal hyenas as his ancestors.
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(Not to mention how the King of the Beast is always depicted as an actual animal, as are Simba and Rafiki in the statue dedicated to them in Leona's hometown.)
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This is similar to how Lilia said that the Draconia family is descended from dragons.
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Lilia: Even amongst us fae, the Draconia family is renowned for their long lifespans. [...] They’re descended from dragons, after all.
Lilia also mentions in a voiceline for his scary dress card that he met a Lóng once, and noted the color of its scales. It's unclear if the Lóng was a fae or not, but if it's a reference to Mushu like I'm thinking then, I feel it was probably a literal dragon-dragon, and not a fae. So that would be at least one dragon that's not a dragon-fae.
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Lastly, if Yana took any inspiration from the live action Maleficent films when designing the nocturnal fae, there's also a bit of lore in the second film that describes how the Dark Fae (Mal's species) are descended from a proginetor Phoenix and "evolved over centuries" into their current, humanoid forms. This could be how the dragon fae arose!
All of this to say, I think it's that there are - or at least, used to be - literal dragons in Twisted Wonderland, and then maybe a line of them branched off and became dragon fae, just like how it presumably happened with lion beastfolk, hyena beastfolk, etc. I guess the closest real world example would be like how polar bears evolved from an isolated population of brown bears, and both species still exist today. Or even dogs and wolves, etc.
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hugsandchaos · 3 months
Chaos Deprived AU concept idea
If Dadow was in Chaos Deprived!
Silver was created by Lyric in an attempt to clone Shadow. Unfortunately, he only got a small sample of his blood and had to clone the rest, but his computers had a very, very hard time understanding the Black Arms DNA since so little was known, they didn’t even know what species it was! Lyric didn’t have the time it would take to understand and clone it, and the source that was used for Shadow was gone.
This led to Silver being approximately 80% hedgehog and 20% black arms. Probably not that exact number, but it’s close enough. He shares many traits with Shadow, but being ageless isn’t one of them. Instead of being ageless, he just ages very, very slowly. The fact that Lyric couldn’t get it right and got a baby mostly-hedgehog instead of what he wanted infuriated him. For a while, Shadow wondered if he’d ever grow.
A few months before Lyric’s defeat and being sealed away, Silver was found. He was still a baby (obviously), but Lyric had already done some damage that I don’t want to get into just yet. Shadow instantly took him in.
Soon after Lyric’s defeat, The Downfall began. During it, Shadow would often remove one or two of his inhibitor rings to share the chaos energy with others. Unfortunately, two centuries and a half later, Shadow and Silver were all that were left. At this point, Silver’s aged, but he’s still very, very young. Shadow still occasionally removes a ring to create a space where they both feel at ease, but he can’t do it for too long.
By the time the current timeline rolls around, Silver is 17. Biologically. The crystal given to Shadow by the gang is almost immediately given to Silver to keep. Shadow wants what’s best for his son, and that means he gets the crystal to help keep his mind at ease. Silver wants his dad to at least share it with him, but Shadow refuses. After this, both hybrids have a new mission.
Shadow wants to figure out where the crystal came from. If he succeeds, he could start looking for a way to get there, and if that works, he could bring Silver there, and the ever-present sense of wrongness in this chaos barren world will be left behind forever.
Silver… just wants to help his dad. He wants his dad to have a life just as good as the one Shadow wants for him, if not better.
Now that the main backstory’s out of the way, onto a few things in the present!
Shadow kept Silver a secret from everyone, but Silver eventually came into the picture. Shadow drops the edgelord act when talking to Silver, and everyone thinks it’s odd. Neither of them mention how they’re related until…
Silver: He’s not my dad! Shadow’s my dad.
So Eggman thought it was hilarious to say that Sonic was Silver’s dad even though he knows that they’re pretty much the same age. For literally no reason other than it’s funny to watch Sonic and the rest of the group get so frustrated over the nonsensical joke. At some point, Silver had enough and told them that Shadow was his dad.
At first, they didn’t believe him because they look so different, but Silver remained firm on this. Everything surrounding the two began to fall into place. The main reasons they didn’t guess this possibility was because they looked to be the same age and, again, they looked like night and day. The age thing made them still believe that what he said had to be a joke, but that was explained quickly.
Shadow comes back from whatever he was doing and confirms everything Silver told them, along with adding that the crystal Silver has is indeed the one they gave him and that the “edgelord” thing was all an act. An act that Shadow didn’t like doing. He showed it to Silver once and Silver laughed and asked his dad to never do that to him again.
I just think it’s so funny for the group to realize that Shadow and Silver are father and son, and probably not buy it at first, even though the truth is staring them right in the face.
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onsomekindofstartrek · 2 months
Seriously though, it’s weird that Delenn’s journey from single-handedly forcing her people into a punitive and bloody war against the humans, to becoming the One Who Is and fulfilling all these prophecies and saving the galaxy… is never presented as a redemption arc. From her own perspective, sure, she never did anything that she couldn’t justify, and the worst thing she did from her perspective was killing humans without knowing that they “share Minbari souls.”
But it says something about this show that it kind of lets you reach your own conclusions about whether she’s right?
Like, a weak writer would have made her the villain, and a typical writer would have made redemption the thematic through-line of her character. But on Babylon 5, JMS doesn’t pretend to be able to say what the balance of her life has been and what conclusion we ought to reach about her.
It’s interesting because there’s a hero narrative, where unambiguously one set of themes is saying “these are the big goddamned heroes,” but alongside that there’s a lot of smaller narratives that humanize everyone and show that they’re all pretty profoundly ambivalent and have all done horrible things in the past… even Sheridan, the golden retriever husband, fights extremely dirty a lot of the time and his political positions after becoming president kinda suck.
And I think that’s the meta-narrative. Babylon 5 has this heroic myth arc where everything is according to a prophecy and people can have mystical visions or telepathic abilities… and yet that’s just a narrative that the heroes kind of tell themselves to make sense of a profoundly weird universe. The prophecies are made by a time traveler working his way into a people’s religion and telling them half-truths, the visions and telepathy are down to the manipulations of more powerful species or the alteration of memories, and everyone kinda vaguely sucks.
But the stories we tell ourselves define our actions at least as much as “who we really are” on some deeper level. Delenn has been cast in one story where she’s revenging the death of her mentor, damn the cost in lives. Then later she becomes cast in a different story, one in which she’s one of the triune heroes of prophecy and must become one literally and figuratively with the people she almost wiped out of existence.
Do these stories exist on some metaphysical level? No! They’re just the narratives that people construct to explain the world and justify their actions. But so is everything else! Your life as you remember it is a story that you use to make sense of a series of events.
It’s been said that the theme of Babylon 5 is that “faith manages.” I don’t necessarily think that’s literally the case but in one sense it’s a valid way of stating a very major theme. If you believe that your actions are part of a story, you have to make it a good one, or at least the best that you know how. Because the raw actual truth of the universe is incomprehensible and the narrative is sometimes all you have. And yeah, sometimes you can manage, that way.
The prophet in “Cat’s Cradle” by Vonnegut called it “foma,” the lies that make you happy and healthy.
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pinkydoggy83 · 10 months
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🎤🌈 — Just a random thought
but I think the reason why I can now accept and fully love the jukebox aspect of Trolls is because they fully embrace music into the story.
First movie kinda established that they sing and all BUT it’s the second movie is what fully made me believe that singing is part of them. World Tour was brilliant for expanding the world building with different trolls based on music genres. Beside it being just such a fun concept, it makes it so that music is literally part of their culture and species.
That’s why it feels more normal for me when they break into a song. It’s their #1 way of expression and living. They’re musically-based creatures.
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By the third movie, now they’re just having fun with the whole idea of music by playing around with the idea of bands. And I love it.
They actually used the aspect of music to drive the lessons of their story. It’s been a while since I watched the first movie so I actually don’t remember what it was about but:
World Tour (2nd movie):
About accepting and celebrating all different types of culture and people = Used music genres.
Band Together (3rd movie):
About family and working together = Used music bands.
It works really well. So it makes me wonder what they could do for another possible movie? What other idea could they play around it? What if they don’t follow with another story based on music? Would it work?
But yeah that’s what I’m very excited and scare for if another movie were to come.
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wildmrmix · 5 months
Shut up shut up shut up I’m actually thinking about the mlp au. This is not how i expected to spend my night, jesus 😭
Saying stuff below the cut cause I hate having super long texts on my blog if I can shorten them
So!! In G4 mlp, unicorns were the super pretty ones, with jewelry and honestly who didn’t grow up being told unicorns were beautiful. However!! In G5, it’s the pegasi that are seen as beautiful with their fluffy/ elegant wings. I want Soda to be the prettiest dude ever so I’m debating between the two. It would also likely decide which ones Darry and Ponyboy would be. I’m leaning towards pegasi honestly, cause: Darry could use his wings while working on roofs and Pb could use it for track. So Curtis bros are probably decided. Maybe Mrs. Curtis was an earth pony and she met Mr. Curtis when he moved down from Cloudstale (though it’ll depend on the generation this will be set in)
Dally changeling is so interesting to me I’m sorry. Like the concept of feeding off other peoples love and shapeshifting into anything is something i feel fits Dally??? Like, maybe New York was the hive, and he somehow escaped and is living off chaos. Literally. He picks up broads to feed off their love, then moves onto the next one. Idk if he’d get the redeem transformation. Maybe when he goes to help Pony and Johnny with the church fire? If i have that? Or maybe he’s able to find some kind of alternative so he’s not just starving all the time. Or maybe he’s a hippogriff that moved away from Mount Aris
I’m kinda 50/50 on my changeling Shepard siblings idea. I think they’d be good as ponies. Maybe unicorns and they use their magic to get away with stuff. Unicorns in G4 can only study one kind of magic relating to their cutie mark (unless their cutie mark is magic, ex: Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer), so maybe they learn their own stuff. Maybe they use unconventional spells or mix stuff together to get outcomes that appeal to them and nobody else
I think earth pony Two-Bit would be fun, y’know, give him the world bending powers of Pinkie Pie and set him free. Lotsa earth ponies seem to work on farms or food growing jobs, likely because of how close they are with nature in comparison to the other pony species, so they’re generally physically stronger. So maybe Two-Bit is a mix of the two, strong and silly. He loves to make people laugh and he’s able to deliver a mean kick
Earth pony Steve interests me as well. Maybe his dad’s a pegasus/ unicorn but his mother wasn’t and he was born an earth pony. Maybe his dad found it pathetic that his son was plain or something. Maybe Steve threw himself into anything he could to prove his dad wrong. Maybe he’s unnaturally good at stuff, cutie mark assistance or otherwise. He has magic flowing through him, but not enough to be recognized as a unicorn, more like extreme luck in things?
I think pegasus Johnny would be neat. He’d sleep on clouds to try and avoid his parents, and then maybe that’s how he met Ponyboy or Dally (as changelings can fly too). His parents still hate him, but he doesn’t feel like someone completely useless since pegasi have a lot of natural perks. Like sleeping on clouds, being able to create tornadoes with enough speed, the ability to make a sonic rainboom, etc. He has all this, yet he’s still a blank flank. It haunts him, the fact that he’s apparently good at nothing. That he somehow still hasn’t found his calling. It eats at him constantly, but he’s learnt to live with it. To walk with his wings covering his flank as a way to hide what isn’t there from the world. Maybe he ain’t too good at flying, maybe during the jumping that super traumatized him in the book, the socs messed up his wings, and now he can’t exactly fly right or for too long?
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adeptus-nonsense · 10 months
Year 4560. Contact war.
current year 4578. Interview of klokian heavy mechanized frontline support unit 681th divison.
specie: kloakian. Name: Rak’zaer crasl.
I remember the first war we had with the humans clear as day. I think the whole galaxy does. While war isn’t something new to us since the galactic council are well, what they say peace keepers but they work more to keep the status quo between all the species which is a constant struggle of making sure the more malevolant empires dont do anything rash. It’s a constant struggle between border frictions, rebellions and sometimes civil war. safe to say galactic scale politics are a complete mess and sometimes well…let’s just say things can get disturbing.
the first contact war is a great example and one we all learnt from dearly. When the graktukian empire discovered that one of their holy worlds as they call it had been colonized they were not happy at all. Standard procedure would be to contact this new specie and inform them that they had to leave the planet. What we were not aware off was that the empire had taken matter into their own hands and eradicated the settlement using a specialised deconstruction lance, breaking the humans and their buildings down into their molecular structure.
We later heard that they had captured some what they call heretics and after vigorious interrogation they found out that they were a specie called ”homo sapien” or ”human”. With the Grantukian empire being very influential both politically and militairily they somehow managed to get the council to overlook this breach of galactic law due to the humans ”defiling their holy world”. Still think it’s valorkian Dungbeetle behavior.
Especially when they decided to declare a fullblown war with the new ’human’ specie. A war that cost them a bit over sixty planets before a truce were declared. The humans only lost ten, six of which were captured planets they took from the Graktuka.
I was on about three planets the humans invaded, but the planets they were defending? There’s a reason why i have prosthetic leg arm, and three prosthetic organs.
Human space technology is rather primitive by our standards, they’re slow dont have shields and instead rely on thick hull instead off energy based kinetic impact shields. So how did they defeat Top of the line Graktukian destroyer fleets? You see Graktukian ships are not in anyway weak. But most of the ships fleets they they have are categorized as a striker fleet, fast manouverable, small and very dangerous if they got up close because they would drop EMP class K bombs. Their tactic was to get up close shields up and get into middle of the fleet, drop the bombs and move away to get into position to fire their lance weaponry from afar.
what they didn’t expect were that a human railguns completely ignored shields. While their hull wasn’t thin it did not hold up when what was essentially a volley of needle shaped projectiles going close to light speed pierced their hull nearly cutting their ships in half.
I’ve read their reports of that first engagement and the amount of energy generated by the human ships were that of a red giant sun. How they managed to get the literal power of the sun into their primitive ships without causing a black hole is still baffling to me. Their space technology is rather primitive but their energy generation is on a whole other level compared to ours. We guess that those ships have to be simple so that the Miniature star they have onboard dont implode on itself due to overuse. Given their reputation i would assume they learnt that the hard way. And the radiation their miniature star generators acted as a natural form of isolation for energy meaning they were EMP immune unless you managed to get directly in said ship.
When we found out that they essentially destroyed an entire Graktukian striker fleet, the Graktukian high nobolity realized that they needed help. I know there was some very foul play involved to get the council onboard with this but noone has any evidence. Mostly because they were declared heretics and died under a number of incidents. This went on and on. with some big victories for us destroying their main dreadnought fleets utilizing classified weapons managed to siege high value planets.
At this point we were not aware that humans were a predator specie, when we made it onto the planet via translocation beacons because planetfall by conventional means were deemed impossible due to the quite honestly unhealthy amount of surface to air weaponry, which put most fortress worlds seem like a agricultural world.
Even via translocation the initial forces were ambushed and only by sheer coincidence did they manage to set up a very rudimentary ground only when the kinetic shield generators were set up. Even then we lost over 20 000 militairy personell in just 3 weeks. We managed to overwhelm their defences by saturated orbital bombardment. Even then, they managed to ambush and raid numerous of our operation bases.
I deployed on the 4th week on the planet. In all my cycles of service i have never witnessed such chaos, supply lines cut off, ammunitions sabotagued. Once the shield generator broke down and the Shield gen mechanic tried to fix it but we had to request another one because the damn thing was sabotaged, never seen a mechanic that angry and baffled before.
about 8 years of us going back and forwards between occupying system and taking it back both sides were exhausted from war, in total about 300 billion casulties were documented.
It was a bloody war, and i am glad we managed to negotiate a cease fire. fragile as it was. I dont know how i feel about fighting for what effectively was a mistake that the humans had no way of knowing of. I’m just saying alot of things were off about that war and i’m not sure if we were on the rightside in that war. Maybe i’m just growing to be more critical of it all.
interview concluded
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heterophobicdyke · 3 months
hiii it's that one trans anon again <3
i saw your responses, and really think you fundamentally misunderstand what being trans is. nobody's going "well I'm feminine, that must mean I have to be a woman!" or the other way around. gender identity and gender presentation are two very different things. there are plenty of butch trans women or trans femboys, for example.
there is no fundamental blueprint that makes someone a man/woman, in any way that actually matters, as gender is a social construct. sure chromosomes exist, but in terms of gender they literally just affect what genitals (and therefore hormones) are received. and obviously, genitals don't define gender (as i assume you must have heard dozens of people explain the concept of Being Intersex before, and I won't get into that) and hormones, in their very easily replaceable nature, don't either.
there's parts of the brain that do determine what hormones need to be in the body and what gender the body "should" be - but shockingly enough, the brain doesn't always line up with the body. that's fundamentally the cause of being trans. in layman's terms, the brain is one gender and the body is another. this causes severe stress and discomfort in most cases.
trans people, once they figure out this is happening to them (if ever - society doesn't exactly make it easy), attempt to correct this by making the body align with the brain. hormones, surgeries, etc.
so you are technically correct - "inverting a penis" (which isn't even how bottom surgery works lmao, the tissue from the penis atrophies and becomes a clitoris under oestrogen, with a new hole opening up just below via surgery) wouldn't turn a man into a woman. in fact, if you took a 100% cis man and forced him to undergo a transition, he'd suffer just like a pre-transition trans man would. however, trans people never were their assigned gender at birth, and gender affirming surgery only serves to correct an incorrect body.
i will admit i was wrong in my "definition" of radical feminism, it's not as simple as that and i definitely made it sound weirdly bloodthirsty and naive. i am willing to accept that i am (i hope quite obviously) not very involved in radfem spaces. are you willing to accept you have no clue what being trans is?
Well, that was a mansplain if I’ve ever read one.
While you might not value or acknowledge that humans are a sexually dimorphic species—where intersex is a medical condition that affects less than 0.5% of the population and therefore does not disprove male/female exists—that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
Brain-sex has been disproved so many times. It’s old misogyny. There are no notable differences between male and female brains. To suggest there is is just neurosexism. Read Delusions of Gender by Cordelia Fine.
Male and females are different physically. “Just chromosomes” is such a reductive, delusional thing to say. Chromosomes dictate every cell in our body. “Just reproductive systems.” Bro the reproductive systems aren’t a footnote of the human body but interact with every part of it.
Your self-identity does not change reality, sorry to say. Wish it did because then I’d self-identify as living in a peaceful world without straight men or their guns and bombs.
Males have no idea what it’s like to be female, or women—which are just adult females—and vice versa. In the same way I don’t know what it’s like to be a cat or a dog. I simply am not that thing/animal/sex.
Nobody actually believes male and female don’t exist or matter, they just place less importance on it for trans-identified people’s feelings. They’re too scared to “cause someone’s suicide” because Big Trans convinced everyone they’re Literally Murdering People if they verbally acknowledge basic scientific facts about the sexed bodies.
I don’t hate individual trans-identified people, unless you’re a male attracted to females and identify as a woman. Then I hate you because you’re not a victim to heteropatriarchy just trying to survive through a gender identity, but are just another straight male lesbian fetishist.
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croc-odette · 1 year
the way it took less episodes for tng to begin to humanize the borg the most inhuman trek villains who were actively built up as literally like faceless drones there wasnt much of an ethical implication about killing but literally their second appearance in best of both worlds already trying to imagine what it would be like to be a borg drone from picards perspective and next they show up in i borg where its like ok we take the normal star trek approach of seeing every living being as worthwhile and not inherently monstrous and so on that was fewer episodes than what theyre doing with the gorn its like crazy
Even just from a style perspective, the borg spent a few episodes like ‘oh no, scary!’ And then bc that would have been boring to just keep doing, they started to do eps like ‘what if we captured a borg, could we ethically send it back with a disease to kill all of them’ or even just some pure drama of ‘what if captain picard…. BECAME a borg???’ And then an episode following up on the guilt of that. And even then, I was surprised how few tng episodes were about the borg. Snw is hamstrung by having half the eps in a season, but instead of really packing new stuff in, they keep wasting time on ‘what if we had cool guns to kill gorn monsters with’. Which while fun or silly in its own self-aware genre, feels really out of place and boring in Star Trek.
I think it also is just an incoherent view of the gorn as a species. They’re instinct-driven violent predators with no intelligence; but they’re also smart enough to build ships and space suits? They’re cannibalistic, but they’re also able to work together to command ships. They’re animals who are just trying to eat; but actually they’re intelligent enough to be ‘pure evil’. It’s whatever is convenient in the moment to justify unexamined thrill in murdering them.
If they were animals with instinctive behavior, then I think the Star Trek precedent would be: let’s defend ourselves and get the fuck out of here, but also these are just animals trying to survive and reproduce (ie: picard wouldn’t develop a bloodthirsty vengeful hatred against all bears if a bear killed a crew member). There is no ethical behavior behind animals eating and surviving. A wasp is kind of gross when it reproduces by injecting its eggs into another insect, but it’s not ‘evil’.
But that would mean the gorn wouldn’t be intelligent enough to have spaceships, which creates the convenient problem that our brave heroes HAVE to keep killing them without debate bc the gorn are able to pursue them! So somehow the gorn are smart enough to build spaceships capable of pursuing starfleet ships. They are smart enough for their actions to be considered ‘evil’. But not smart enough to be considered a race with a culture or intellect.
I’ve already talked about how the ep where they say the gorn block telepathy, meaning spock can’t talk to them, is a deliberate way of writing off diplomacy as a possibility. Those nasty gorn are just so mean and violent (and capable enough) that they block telepathy! It’s their fault! Which prevents a devil in the dark Horta solution, and allows the show to shrug and keep using guns as a solution.
I say all of this crap not because I really care about the integrity of the gorn. Who cares, it’s a fun alien. But in a franchise that wants to claim political awareness and goodness, its unsettling to dissect repeated writing choices over and over again (not just about the gorn) that support classic conservative and jingoistic talking points. “The enemy isn’t human or even intelligent, it’s an animal operating on base instincts; except when it’s so smart it can outwit our brave soldiers. And when you kill them, you can ENJOY killing them, because it’s one more dead enemy.”
The borg, changelings, jem hedar, Klingons, romulans— they were handled, some more than others, in ways that should invite criticism and skepticism about the intentions of the show. But they were humanized and explored further than ‘excuse to hand everyone an assault rifle and swat armor.’ A new show would ideally be improving or challenging past shows’ failures or missteps, not taking a huge step back. The gorn problem is even more glaring because it’s a sharp and bleak turn from the themes of trek shows that precede SNW, and from the actual episode the gorn come from.
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mando-fando · 1 year
Celestial Bodies
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x F!Reader
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: none, I don’t think. Allusions to loss/death
Summary: Miguel gains the attention of someone unexpected
The one where you get a happily ever after.
Miguel was doing what he did best: work.
After the incident with Miles, some of the spider people decided to leave HQ altogether. He simply told himself that he didn’t need them. He could do it on his own.
Miguel stood high in the sky, aggressively typing and researching to discover where Morales had wound up. He had been at it for hours when an angelic voice boomed through the silence of his lab.
“Miguel O’Hara,” the voice said.
He whipped around, fangs bared and talons raised. But he saw no one. He looked around, perplexed.
“Lyla, scan for intruders,” he said as he crouched into a defensive stance.
“I’ve disabled all your trinkets.” The voice called again. His head was on a swivel. He couldn’t see anyone, smell anyone, or hear anyone.
“Who’s there?!” He growled.
A moment passed and the air began to shimmer and swirl. A figure started materializing, taking the shape of what could only be described as a goddess. Light surrounded her astoundingly beautiful face, and suddenly, Miguel was eye level with an unfathomably breathtaking creature.
He couldn’t find his words, but she seemed to sense his confusion. She floated toward his frozen figure.
A calmness washed over Miguel as he watched her with wide eyes.
“You surprised me, Miguel. You’re a credit to your species. Jumping between dimensions is something we didn’t anticipate from mortals.” She still floated before him. She glimmered in the darkness of his lab.
Miguel opened his mouth to speak, but she continued talking.
“And, after doing your own damage, you took on the Herculean task of maintaining and protecting the life of everyone in every dimension. There isn’t just one world on your shoulders, there are trillions.”
She gave him a look of sympathy.
“The multiverse is far too incomprehensible for human minds. You’ve only seen a minute number of possibilities, but they’re quite literally endless. Look,”
She gestured an elegant hand into the air and showed a super cut of thousands of universes Miguel had never known about. The differences were impossible to describe. He watched with curiosity.
“You’ve piqued my interest. Watching you cross universes for the chance at happiness was touching.”
The image changed to a scene between Miguel and Gabriella, one he’d only been able to watch in his memories. He took a step towards it as pain and longing wrenched his gut.
“That sadness you feel… it is so profound. There is one one loss that I have witnessed that matches your own.”
She let him watch for a few more moments. She watched the tears and hurt flash across his face. The being played every moment that Miguel had experienced with Gabriella. She let him revel in the happiness and the mourning.
The goddess waved her hand again, stopping the compilation before it got to its grisly end.
“I have a proposal for you, to ease that sense of pain.”
Miguel swallowed hard. All of the emotions from his endeavor to Gabriella’s universe sat heavy on his broad chest. He looked at the being expectantly.
“You have another half, eons away in a part of the multiverse you’ve never encountered. Let me show you…”
In a nanosecond, Miguel and the being were standing in an office of a corporate building. The walls were grey, the industrial carpet was worn down from the years, and the cherry wood desk and credenza were chipped and scratched in a few places.
No one sat behind the desk.
“Why-“ Miguel began to ask. The words evaporated from his mouth when you walked in the door and sat behind the desk with a handful of papers.
He had never seen you before, but he felt a strange sense of familiarity. He felt like he was home when he stared at your face.
Miguel concluded that the ethereal being must have had a way to watch your universe without you detecting his presence. You sat and typed on your computer as if you were alone.
“Her name is (Y/N).” The goddess looked at Miguel. “She’s what you humans call a ‘soulmate.’”
Miguel continued to watch you work diligently. You picked up the phone and called what he assumed was a client of yours, and your voice sounded luscious and smooth.
Everything about you seemed perfect. He couldn’t believe someone like you existed.
“This one is married to her dimension’s version of you.” The goddess waved her hand, and Miguel watched the scene change to a beachside wedding.
You stood at the altar with your version of Miguel, smiling at him as if he hung the stars in the sky.
A flash of jealousy went through him.
“Do not fret. I simply love this version of your wedding. It’s serene.” The goddess smiled as she watched the scene play out before her.
After watching the bride and groom kiss, she spoke up again. “There are hundreds of versions of her. I have a few favorites.”
Miguel blinked and found himself standing in a high rise apartment in an alternative version of Nueva York. You were sat at the kitchen table flipping through a book when there was a tap on the glass.
Miguel followed your gaze and saw a version of himself sticking to the window. He must have gotten his powers in a different way in this universe.
You ran over excitedly and opened your balcony door. The alternate version of him swung into the door and pulled you into an endearing hug. He felt his heart clench.
The sound of feet pattered down the hall. Miguel looked around and saw a little boy, no older than 3, running as fast as his legs could carry him.
The alternate version of Miguel closed the distance quickly and pulled his little boy into the hug. The family looked whole and safe.
“I enjoy this one as well, but let me show you my favorite version of her. The one whom you belong to.”
Miguel looked up into an inky black sky littered with stars. It was so dark that he wouldn’t have been able to see if it weren’t for his enhanced vision.
“Sadness has always been my favorite mortal emotion. It’s so much more powerful than love, or anger. Humans will do almost anything to get away from it.”
The goddess’s gaze landed on you.
Miguel realized that you were in the desert, sat at the edge of a rock on a hiking trail. Your feet dangled above a gaping valley.
He waited for whatever version of himself was going to show up. He waited longer, and Miguel suddenly got the feeling that you were alone.
Your face was melancholic as you stared down at the cavern beneath you. You turned your head up towards the stars and sighed. An involuntary sob wracked your body as you took in the constellations.
“What…what happened to her?” He whispered.
“The same thing that happened to you. She found a version of herself that was happier, and tried to wedge her way in. She lost it all.”
The words hung in the air. You were the only person throughout all of time and space that knew an inkling of how he felt. The guilt, the mourning, the self loathing. He knew in his bones that you felt it too.
He felt his heart surrender to you. He loved you, irrevocably and undeniably.
“I was hoping you’d feel that way,” the goddess said.
You were gone. He was standing back on the platform in his lab.
“What happened?! I thought you said-“
“There are some things to discuss, Miguel.” The goddess took on a serious tone. “I can unite the two of you. You will both be happy. But, you’re no longer permitted to mess with other universes. It’s a power too great for any mortal.”
“I can’t abandon my mission. The fabric of the multiverse is damaged, I’m the only one who can repair it.” Miguel was irate.
“That’s not true. I can repair it. I created it.” The goddess said matter-of-factly. “I will clean up this mess. And I can return your genetic makeup to the way it used to be.” She snapped her fingers.
A strange feeling enveloped Miguel. He no longer felt like a block of steel. He studied his hand and tried to extend his claws or his talons, but nothing came. He was simply a man.
He looked up at her with a dazed expression.
“I will unite the two of you in her universe. Superheroes do not exist, nor can they. It’s a violation of the laws of physics.”
“It will damage the-“ Miguel started.
“It will not. As I said, I created the fabric of these dimensions. I can stitch you into the story, there will be no harm done. You have my word.”
Miguel stared down at his feet.
“Just tell me when you’re ready.” The goddess said.
He looked around for a long moment and thought back to your face. Soulmates. He remembered the glint of sadness on your face.
“I’m ready.”
Fatigue washed over him like a tidal wave. He felt his legs collapse beneath him. The world became black.
You stirred in your bed, half asleep. A large arm reached across your body and pulled you into its warm embrace.
“Good morning, Miguel.” You whispered. You’d been waiting for him. You knew he’d come.
“Good morning, amor.” He caressed your hair.
You nuzzled into his chest and felt the turmoil settle in your body. You didn’t know what you did for a celestial being to take pity on you, but you’d do it one million times over if it ended with you holding your soulmate in your arms for the rest of your days.
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gatoburr0 · 2 years
Pls tell me about the Omori Parasite AU
YO OMG SOMEONE IS ACTUALLY INTERESTED? (Along with that other person that asked the same, if that’s you reading this, this is also for you.)
This AU was born when I was in my lowest emotional and mental points where I was planning genocide lol /j
Seriously tho, when I’m stressed out and wanting to bomb the entire world, the way I cope is by drawing very gruesome stuff.
So, this AU has pretty much every triggering thing, it’s not safe for work, so yeah watch out so you don’t start to idk look at me like I’m weird.
Let’s talk about parasites first.
Parasites are unknown creatures that randomly appeared in Faraway Town in the middle of the night, all in clusters, they were estimated to have fallen from space but no one knows.
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They’ve got the ability to smell weakness from miles away, which they feed on and breed in. Every vulnerable person, physically, emotionally or mentally speaking is the right target for them so yeah you better be happy in there if you wanna survive.
Once they’ve got their prey, they’ll analyze their surroundings and the prey itself to be able to make it easier to insert themselves inside of the victim’s body.
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If it’s prey is…
Physically wounded, like fresh wounds or in healing period.
Depressive, to the point of letting their guards down.
Every other kind of vulnerability that involves mental stability.
They’re going for it and they won’t give up.
Their goal is to just keep the species alive, even if it’s killing other species to be able to keep themselves intact.
The parasite that forms a family of parasites by spreading particles of itself to other people is considered the mother parasite, who will now have more parasites to guard her so her period of insemination can go peacefully through.
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The juvenile parasites often called sprouts will begin to manipulate the victim’s appearance to make it more intimidating and as well as it begins to modify the hostage’s abilities, such as strength, stamina, etc.
It will gain complete control of the body unless the victim fights back by making it impossible to go it’s way up to the brain, such as Basil’s case, to stop the parasite from gaining control over his consciousness, he sliced his throat so that the parasite had to work harder to keep the body alive by interrupting its trajectory to the brain, so it could stop the bleeding itself, getting trapped in the lower half of Basil’s body.
Though the victim is still conscious if fought back, making it worse for themselves since they’ve got two consciousness going on inside their organism that refuse to cooperate together.
Parasites don’t die of old age, they just get tired of life and commit suicide holding the gas inside them for some days until they explode lol.
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It’s destined to sacrifice itself for the eggs that mother commands him to guard inside his body.
Their only purpose is that, to protect them, it’s not shooing the flies and other bugs that also lay eggs on him, nor try to attack people, he’s not hostile, he just hides and stays isolated.
Though, get too close to him and he’ll happily share some of his eggs and make you carry them until they hatch inside your rib cage.
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It drives anyone that hears it’s laugh into insanity.
Constantly fights for territory and to show itself the most dangerous one, even though if there’s twins in it’s family it’s getting it’s ass beaten lol.
Hunter, has sensitive nostrils and can use them to track down more food supplies for mother.
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Literally failures.
Parasites that failed to go to the victim’s brain, it’ll now decompose on it’s own inside of itself and die few weeks later.
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They are HUGE, females are more common than males.
Yes, it often has crisis since it lacks knowledge on how to modify and get into shape.
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It’s one of the most dangerous since it focuses on the host’s strength and narcissism, as well as it’s triggers and anger issues; making this parasite angry will lead to your end.
Extremely hostile, but can sometimes be scared of you or save you from other parasites, due to it’s double personality.
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The core is too graphic to be shown, better stay with the doubt.
She’s indestructible, the most powerful out of all. Of course there are more and more cores than fish in the sea, but still.
Every single one of her children respects her and dares not to attack her in any way or else it’d be it’s end.
The TRIPLETS are still trying to figure out a way of killing her, though nothing works well.
Daphne, Mikhael and Bowen, the triplets.
The only apparent survivors in faraway town along with some few other people including the hooligans, Polly and artist are there too.
They’re responsible for humanity’s well being or will die trying.
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Traumatized but they’re saving part of the world so yeah.
The TRIPLETS are a small society of people that analyze and kill the parasites, as you could’ve guessed. If you’re a survivor, just run until you find their base, but it’s very well hidden.
Pretty much everything you need to know about this AU.
Any questions you have feel free to ask :<
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cloudemojisworld · 4 months
Greetings all, I have no idea what I’m talking about!
I was raised on Star *Wars,* but have recently picked up a fixation on Star *Trek.* 
I’ve seen the first few seasons of Strange New Worlds and all of Lower Decks. 
That is the extent of my knowledge. 
(I do intend to further this knowledge greatly, but this is where I’m at, now.)
I’ve comprised a list of questions, and thoughts, progressing from most genuine to most unhinged. 
Do I expect or demand answers? No! Not at all, you may simply laugh as you wish. 
•How do stardates work. 
Also can I have a calendar. 
•WHAT is the mirror dimension. (I mean it’s obviously a bizarro alternate universe thing but STILL) 
•I keep hearing about a guy named Bones. I’m pretty sure he’s Scottish. I know nothing about him other than I’m gonna love him
•I’ve yet to decipher if Spock is babygirl or mothering. It’s one of the two 
•How did the Gorn build working spaceships. They’re literally the ravenous dog things from ghostbusters 
•Why are the good guy ships pancakes 
(I don’t know how the warp core works, I imagine it’s that shape for Project Manhattan type reasons, but that’s just a guess)
•What is different about Vulcan blood that makes it green. Jolly rancher coded species 
•I know it’s for a good reason, but I feel like most actual aliens wouldn’t be humanoid. Our bodies are NOT efficient enough for this to be the default
•I’m like 94% sure that Klingons are Japan and Romulans are Russia. I know the original thing was made in the 60s, and given the general adversity those two countries had to USS ships, plastering your fictional advisories with those stereotypes seems like a pretty good way to appeal to US audiences. 
•also Vulcans are house cats 
(Sorce: triangle ears, generally seen as uncaring, can purr.)
[Counterpoint, yet to see a Vulcan intentionally knock a glass off a table]
•Can you guys tell that Spock is my favorite 
•The one and only hard stance I will take is that if Christopher Pike isn’t bisexual then they’re wrong
(Evidence: I mean, look at him. Also straight men aren’t allowed to be that sassy)
•WHAT are sonic showers. 
My thought process is this: 
I know that Sonic means fast because Sonic Waves, and also that hedgehog.  Do they just blast you with sonic sound waves???? I mean I doubt it, but what do I know-
That’d be super loud, though. You’d have to wear hearing protection, but what about the rest of the ship? Do they just have something at a frequency nobody can hear, and the grime just vibrates off of you? 
Wiggle dirt??????
I HIGHLY doubt that’s even close, but I imagine the dramatic irony is worth my foolishness. 
•Is there some alien teen out there making a “21st century earth aesthetic!” tutorial. 
(“Save the planet” baseball cap, with 20’s feather. Marvel tee.  Pettycaot under jean skirt. Knee high tango boots. Facemask.)
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ridedatbull · 9 months
Research into those statues I’ve been finding is slow. Mostly because making sure Major(Tauros) is comfortable and taken care of while he heals is my biggest priority right now, but at the very least I have been able to locate that old picture book of the Old Gods of Johto. It’s just a thing for kids, but it’s real history and part of our heritage that usually gets brushed off because Ho-oh, Lugia and Celebi have been much more present much more recently
The gist of it is that, every species of Pokémon has their own deity that represents certain aspects of the world. Yes I do mean one for every Pokémon, so there are literally hundreds of them. Some with some pretty hyper specific domains, and several of which blend together sometimes. While all of these guys are powerful in their way, Ho-oh and Lugia still reign supreme over all of them as Lord and Lady (though the genderedness of those titles is a matter of hot debate these days) and Celebi is pretty much a free agent that does what they like
Of those hundreds of sub deities, twelve (or thirteen depending on who you ask) are the most important of all, and were given special honors by mankind. Shrines, holidays, their own hymns, the whole package. Over time, every single one of these gods just sort of faded away into obscurity. Some due to time, some due to shifting values, but most gods and their shrines were lost and destroyed due to constant war with our neighbors in Kanto. Nowadays, they’re only remembered as children’s fairy tales.
But the staues I’ve been seeing are more than that. And I’ve found more information on those three.
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The Arcanine was the first I saw, and was actually being dug up by an archaeology team near the Ruins of Alph. This picture is from my book and I’ll put the passage about it here too:
“Of the old gods of Johto, Arcanine was loved and respected to level that almost rivaled Ho-oh and Lugia. The Arcanine god was very fond of humanity, adoring their works of art, their creative foods, their beautiful music and resilient hearts. Every chance they got, the Arcanine deity, and their child Growlithe would give aid to the growing people of Johto. The love of these gods was so great, that all mortal Growlithe and Arcanine share that same love for humans naturally, even to this day. It is still unknown why these powerful and majestic gods have not been seen in so long, but surely parting from the humans they so loved was deeply painful for Arcanine.”
It’s a bit of a sad story, but seeing the love I get every day from both of my own Growlithe does make me believe that something in the heavens loves us too. Why else would we get to be with these amazing creatures we call Pokémon?
The second statue was in the Ilex Forest all alone. Somehow though, it was perfectly clean, and I can only guess as to why. The god it belongs to is much more unassuming at first.
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“Rattata may seem like an odd choice for a high pantheon of gods, but the ancient Johtoans held the humble creature on a surprisingly high pedestal. Small and humble they are, but they are mighty in their way. Just as Johto is in times of hardship and war. Unlike their neighbors, Johto has few natural deposits of iron, at least ones that are not habitats for territorial, burrowing Steel types. Therefore, many weapons of ancient Johto were forged with Rattata teeth to bolster the strength of what little iron they had. This served two purposes: genuinely strengthening forged blades as a primitive form of steel, and to channel the spirits of the persistent and underestimated power of the humble and the common. For this reason, the Rattata god is often portrayed wielding a sword many times its size.”
Maybe because they were more popular during times of war, Rattata’s shrines were targeted much more fiercely. It does explain why traditional smiths here sometimes keep Rattata teeth somewhere on display.
Now the third statue… if you know me even a little bit, you’ll understand why this one is important.
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“When one imagines strength, it is difficult not to picture a Tauros. They are famed for it with good reason. Likewise, the Tauros god is one that is turned to when great strength is needed for some task or feat. Unrestrained, determined, and a champion among the Gods of Johto, Tauros represents the celebration of strength and survival. In the dead of winter, they send their blessings to those struggling to make it through the season, promising that if they are steadfast, they will live to see the next spring. Strangely, every depiction of this deity is different from both Kanto and Paldean varieties of Tauros, with longer horns and tails, brighter forehead studs and thicker manes. Some theorize that these depictions are all that drama in of a now extinct breed of Tauros.”
Well we were definitely struggling in the blinding snow trying to get home for the holidays, and Major responded to something about the statue of this god in a hidden cave that inspired him to lead us there to safety. That can’t just be a coincidence. I’m going to try to learn more when I can.
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