#that’s probably gonna last like 5 mins ugh
crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I hateeeee hate hate hate it when I write a one shot and finish it on a certain note bc I don’t plan on nor desire to expand it or write more…….and then someone……..comments a brilliant fucking idea that could turn into another part and it’s SO FUCKING good that I literally have to write another part or else I’ll die -_-
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gamesbyalbie · 3 months
The Cursed Journey
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"So, what are you working on?" Min-joon was at the stove. He wasn't using it—he was using the kettle—but I literally didn't have a counter in that apartment. What I had was a sheet of plywood laid across the stove's burners (I think that's what they're called, but that also seems a bit too on the nose).
I didn't cook—still don't—so the kettle lived on that plywood board along with a cup containing two sets of utensils, a pair of chopsticks, and one sharp knife. My mug and tea collection took up one shelf in my "kitchen", but the others had been repurposed for book storage.
I was sitting on my bed, leaning against a mountain of pillows and scribbling in a notebook. "Nothing good." I tried to erase a line so intensely that it ripped the page. "Ugh!" I tore it from the book, crumpled it into a ball, and threw it across the room.
"Dammit," I whispered, because—naturally—it missed the bin by at least half a meter.
Min-joon chuckled as he passed me a cup of tea. "Here."
"Thanks." I held the cup below my face, giving myself a mini steam facial and savoring the aroma. The tea was Earl Grey. Specifically, it was this kind with extra bergamot I could only find at a corner shop on Fifth. Min-joon had also used my favorite mug—but I don't think he knew that at the time. It was this lovely dark blue mug with the spines of Ursula K. Le Guin books wrapping around the body. I was shattered myself when it broke during my last move.
"Probably need to let it steep for a while." He advised, taking a seat on the foot of my bed. I noticed that he was stirring his drink with a fork.
"Why are you—"
"Both your spoons were dirty. Which—if I may add—is pretty pathetic. No self-respecting adult has less than three spoons."
"Fascinating." I murmur, face still hovering over my mug. "You assume I have self-respect."
He snorted. "Right. My bad." A smirk lanced across Min-joon's face. He gestured at me then vaguely at the rest of my studio. "I should probably judge this book by its cover."
"Asshole," I whispered affectionately. "So, what are you forking?"
Min-joon snickered. "Instant coffee."
I shivered. My face twisted into a visage of pure disgust. "I don't get how you stomach that stuff."
"It's good."
"It's vile."
"Well, if it's so gross why do you have it?"
"Because I knew you were coming." I responded and took a sip of my tea. "Mm." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "That's good." When I opened them again, Min-joon was staring at me. He hadn't moved and his coffee fork was still in his hand. He was just smiling. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
He tore his gaze away. "I've no idea what you're talking about." I rolled my eyes. "But, back to my question: what are you working on? 'Nothing good' is not an acceptable answer."
I sighed and set my mug on the window sill. "Fine." I went to toss him my notebook but he raised his index finger.
"Wait. Throwing is not our strong suit. Remember?" He pointed at the bin.
I rolled my eyes even harder but bent at the waist, placing the book in his outstretched hand. 
"Thank you very much. And what am I looking at? A toddler's first attempt at writing?"
I yanked the book out of his hand. "If you're gonna be a dick—"
"I'm kidding." He took it back. "Your chicken scratch is mostly legible."
"Thank you, I know." I fully reclined on the pillows and crossed my arms over my head. "Anyways, I was working on that Greek myth retelling—the queer, cyberpunk one—but I'm struggling with some of the smaller plot points. So, I'm trying to come up with something new but I can't come up with anything good! The only cool ideas I'm getting are stories that no one else will be interested in and everything else feels dull and derivative."
"Okay." He took a sip of his coffee while flipping through my notebook. "Where's the problem?"
"What?" I sat straight up, hands slapping against my comforter. "What do you mean? It should be pretty obvious. I just said—"
"What you just said is that you have some cool ideas. Great! Do you feel inspired to write them?"
"Yeah, but—"
"Do they excite you?"
"Then write them! I don't see a problem. Like, this—" He pointed to a hastily scrawled paragraph I'd almost ripped out yesterday. "This sounds really fucking cool."
"But it's... weird!"
"So? Weird is good! We're both weird. I write weird shit. And—if I may add—that's going pretty well."
"You are an exception."
"No, I am not. Not that it matters! People put too much emphasis on 'success', whatever that's supposed to mean." Min-joon sighed and tilted his head to the side. "Ody, why do you write?"
I deliberated for a moment, stripping away the dozens of reasons to find the core truth. "Because I love it."
"Then don't judge yourself based on what you assume others will think. Fuck everyone else. Write for you. Give yourself permission to love what you're doing and just do what you love."
"That's what you do?"
"It is now." He rubbed my hand with his thumb. "Ever since I quit. I mean, life gets in the way sometimes, but yeah. In general, I only do things I love."
"And what do I do when I hit another block?"
Min-joon shrugged. "There's no clear, universal answer to that. It differs for everyone, but I think people try to force themselves to write too much and beat themselves up unnecessarily. Only write when you feel like it. Take breaks. Try new things. Don't be afraid to stop, pivot, or start anew. I don't know." He trailed off. We were silent for a moment. 
"Okay." I finally mumbled. "Well, thank you for the private lecture."
He was taking another sip when I said that and I'm pretty sure some coffee went up his nose as he laughed. "You're very welcome."
"So," I smirked, glancing at the paragraph he'd pointed to. "To summarize: in your professional opinion, I should go ahead and write weird shit."
"Fuck yeah." He smiled. "As long as you like it, the weirder the better."
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End of Part 5 of ? • LAST PART • NEXT PART
More Cursed Journey • More by Albie • Image Source
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The amazing music video that inspired this:
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roadkillreverie · 8 months
“Bad Sex”
Hugzz texts me at midnight. “Are you up?” Of course I say yes right away! “Do you wanna talk, on the phone?” he asks. I was so excited. He calls me to tell me that he just had bad sex and wishes he would have seen me instead. “I’m not telling you this to make you jealous. Even though you’re probably loving that I just had bad sex.” I feel like haha, that’s what you get. I ask him why he didn’t come over in the first place. He said he felt bad just asking for sex because he just wanted to fuck and he knows I like him and he’d feel bad if he just left right afterwards. I asked him to come over right now. He said the moment was over and he wasn’t horny anymore. I told him that I’m always down to fuck him. He just has to ask. He said he wasn’t trying to cuddle because earlier that day, I had hoped he’d come over and just hang out, since everytime I ask him for sex, he says he’s too tired. I told him I’m not gonna ask him for sex because he always rejects me. So if he wants it, he should ask me. Plus, cuddling always leads to sex. Couldn’t he figure that out. Ugh.
“Why was the sex bad?” I ask.
“There was no chemistry. And I kinda went soft inside her and she asked what was wrong with me. That killed the mood and I was over it and left.”
He said that was another reason why he didn’t want to see me at first because we had such a good time the first time we fucked and he knew that he might not be able to replicate that.
I assured him that I didn’t care about that. I just wanted to see him and don’t even care about sex. I mean I do, but if he can’t keep it hard, it’s ok. I could sense he felt embarrassed. I asked if this happens a lot. He said yes. It’s not a surprise to me as I have dealt with this issue before with other guys.
“You just wanted to taste new pussy,” I said. “That’s why you didn’t reach out to me. I get it. I’ve had my slut phase too. How many girls have you been with since you saw me last?”
“Not a lot. Like two.”
“Two?! In like two weeks! That’s a new girl every week!”
“It’s not like that. They’re my regulars.”
“Your regulars? Can I be your regular?”
He chuckled. “I mean, sure.”
He said he had 4 regulars. One was even married but she still wanted to see him. And she knows what he likes. Idk why I didn’t inquire further. I’ve noticed that sometimes I don’t ask him questions that I later wish I had asked him.
“Well do any of your regulars pee on you?”
“No, I told you. You’re the only one. Nobody else is into it. Except the first girl who ever peed on me, but that was like 10 years ago.”
“How did you even know you like being peed on?”
“Well when it first happened, I was like wtf? Did this bitch just pee on me? Then I went home and I thought about it and it was actually pretty hot.”
We both laughed.
“You don’t know how many times I jacked off to you, thinking about when you peed on me.”
“Omg, I thought about you too, so many times. Speaking of which, I need to pee right now.”
“Damn, that’s hot. I’m getting turned on. Wait hold it for me. Don’t pee. I’m coming over.”
“Are you serious?” I asked, excitedly.
“Yes, is that ok? I’m getting an Uber now. What’s your address?”
I text him my address and he stays on the phone with me the whole time because I don’t believe that he’s coming over. By this time we’d been talking for about an hour and 40 mins and it was around 2:30am now.
“What are you doing?” He asked as he heard me fumbling.
“I’m setting the mood,” I said turning on a playlist I made for him. And grabbing the Captain Morgan and some shot glasses.
“You don’t gotta do all that.”
“How much longer?” I asked. “I gotta pee really bad.”
“5 mins.”
I placed the waterproof mat under my comforter and wiped my pussy with a wet wipe. I took a swig of some tequila to calm my nerves.
“I’m outside. I think. I’m not sure which is your house.”
I went out to get him. He was like two houses down. He makes his way over to me. “My crush!” I yelled with my arms out to hug him. He seems unbalanced and hugs me clumsily, trying to go in for a kiss. I kiss him awkwardly. I smelled alcohol on his breath. It was an awkward hug and kiss. He seemed off. Different than the first time. I examined him. He seemed unsteady and his face was flushed. “Oh no, honey, you are so drunk.” I say. “Your face is red.”
“I’m sorry,” he said in a way that makes him seem drunk, but also like a little kid.
I leaned in to smell his breath. “You smell of alcohol.”
“I’m not drunk,” he said. “I’ve hardly had anything. It’s just mouthwash.”
I grabbed his hand and led him into my bedroom. He took off his clothes except his underwear. I sat on the bed and he poured us two shots and fills them to the rim.
“Did you get this for me?” He asked about the Sailor Jerry bottle.
“I did.”
He smiled.
“Have you ever done this before? Like go from one girl to the next on the same night?”
He thought about it for a second and said yes.
“Of course you have,” I said rolling my eyes.
“Well you asked,” he smiled. “And I took a shower.”
“So this girl you met tonight, was she a regular?”
“No. She’s new. She just hit me up and said she wanted to fuck. Like you did the first time.”
“So you just fuck anyone who asks you to fuck? Are you even attracted to them? Are you attracted to me? What’s your type?”
“I don’t really have type. Well, I told you, I like big girls. And when I saw you, I was like-“
I cut him off. “I don’t like that word. Don’t call me that. Like I know I am. But why can’t it just be normal to be my size? And I told you, I’m always down to fuck. All you have to do is text me that you want to come over.”
“Ya but it sounded like you weren’t in the mood.”
“You can always get me in the mood.”
“True, but you said you wanted to just cuddle. And I was just trying to fuck.”
“I thought I made it clear to you from the beginning that I want you, always. All you have to do is text me, ok? Like don’t wait till I say I want to fuck because I’ve asked you so many times to come over and you always say you’re tired.”
“Well sometimes I am,” he smiled handing me my shot.
“Wait. What should we toast to?” I asked.
“To seeing you again. And for letting me come over,” he smiled.
“I like that.” I smiled.
We clinked our glasses and he drank the whole thing. I only drank half. He compared them and he said he wasn’t jealous that I was drinking tequila. I drank some water and I don’t remember how it started but I started leaking some of the water onto his stomach. “Ooh,” he smiled, clearly enjoying it.
He sat on the bed and I stood up. He pulled me towards him and started touching my pussy, making me pee a little. I grab his hands and examine them. I love his big hands and long thin fingers. I put them on either side of my face and squeeze my cheeks with them. I stare at him.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” he asked.
“Ya, that’s why I’m doing this,” I said leaning down to kiss him. I gently push him down onto the bed and start sucking his dick. “Can this dick be only mine?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said, drifting to sleep it seemed.
“Are you falling asleep?!”
“No,” he chuckled and slapped me gently.
“Did you just slap me?” I asked annoyed.
“Ya, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t slap me. I don’t like that.”
“Ok, I’m sorry.”
“I need to pee!” I exclaimed.
He pulled me up on top of him.
“Do you wanna pee on my face?” He asked.
I was so nervous, but I climbed on him and crouched over his face. I couldn’t pee, of course. I asked him to finger me. It didn’t work. He started licking my clit but that didn’t work either. He said he loved the way I tasted, but I was uncomfortable, so he suggested I get into the “69” position. He started fingering me and then licking my clit until I finally started peeing on him. He was moaning in pleasure and I heard him gurgling on my piss. I kept asking him if he was okay afraid of him suffocating. He assured me he was ok. I asked him if he wanted me to stop or keep going. He said keep going. He wanted more, more. After about an hour or two, he said he needed a break. I don’t know how much i pissed on him but it felt like a lot. I wiped his face off with a towel. His beanie fell off and I noticed his hair was thinning at the top. I kissed his forehead. He sank into the bed, sleepy and content. He got into a fetal position and looked cold, so I wrapped him in a blanket. I laid next to him and closed my eyes in bliss.
“Stick your tongue out,” he said. “Not too much, just a little.” He started sucking on my tongue.
“I noticed you like wet things,” I said. “Like pissing and sweating and licking.”
He chuckled and hugged me tight. “Mm, I missed you,” he said. “I missed you.” He said it twice.
I looked at him. “Really? U missed me?”
“Aw, I missed you too!” I smiled.
We held each other and dozed off to sleep. He snored so loud, I gently pushed into him to change his position.
I woke up to him spooning me. It was the greatest feeling ever.
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daisyvstheworld · 1 year
Day 6 - Jan 6 - Copenhagen
Again, I couldn’t really sleep. I was tired and tried to go to bed around 10:30/11pm but woke up at 12:25am and then again at 2:45am, 4:00am, and 5:15am.. I tossed and turned in between those times. Another guy checked into our room around like 2:30am so that woke me up too.
Finally I just gave in and scrolled my phone around 5:30am until my alarm went off at 6am. I think all of us were checking out or going somewhere so we were all up.
I dropped off my key card and walked a brisk 5 mins to the Arlanda Express station. I drank my orange, carrot, and ginger smoothie and settled into the 20 min train ride.
Got to the airport and security wasn’t bad but they made me squeeze liquids and lotions and makeup into this one ziplock bag. Ugh it was so arbitrary!!! Like mascara?? That’s not a liquid!!
The flight was quick - only a little over an hour and I sat aisle with no one in the middle seat. I slept the whole way.
We landed and it was instantly rainy and cold. People are so quick to get off planes here.. it’s interesting
I learned today that flying into Denmark from any European country doesn’t require a customs check, so we just walked right out. It was odd. I bought my ticket to the city and I had no idea if I did it right but the ticket lady on the train said it was fine! I really didn’t know until we got it Copenhagen central station
I put the rain cover on my bag and started trudging over. It sucked. Rain sucks. I much prefer snow.
I couldn’t check in yet so I put my stuff in a locker and proceeded to head out. I made it across the street before I realized it would be impossible to walk in that rain without getting drenched and uncomfortable so I walked back and looked up the metro route
It was only one stop so it was pretty easy. I got lost trying to find the market hut eventually did, got some porridge and ready my book.
I wanted to keep exploring so I went to go look for an umbrella. I found this cute IKEA mini like store that sold umbrellas so I got one. As soon as I stepped outside, it stopped raining for the day 😀
The city was sooo beautiful when the sun came out. I walked by stroget and to Christianborg palace and to Nyvgard for the colorful houses. It was ALL SO BEAUTIFUL!! Then I went to Fredericks Church which was just a church so I said hi to Jesus Christo jk he’s not real and left
Walked to Kaskellet, this Royal garden thing, saw the sun set which was gorgeous and took a pic of the mermaid thing
It was getting dark but I walked to Meyers Bageri got this chocolate filled croissant cinnamon roll lol nibbled and then continued to Det Rene Bakery which I didn’t get anything from but it was voted one of the best bakeries
From there, I walked to Baest and had to kill some time bc it didn’t open til 5pm, but I walked around some shops and then sat for the last 10 mins in front of the restaurant
This place was highly recommended and I normally don’t love pizza but this place was sooo worth it. I was a walk in and they sat me at the bar, I ordered a glass of glogg - this winter holiday drink consisting of wine, red vermouth, nuts and spices. It was STRONG lol I took my Pepcid (probably not early enough) and I was red. I also ordered the #1 pizza which was just tomato sauce, olive oil, basil, and baest moz(?). It smelled SOOO good and the ingredients were so fresh, it was incredible. I understand why there’s a wait and it was voted best pizza in Denmark. And #4 best in Europe outside of Italy!!
I ate and read my book, and took the leftovers home. I walked home and showered. I was pooped. I rested for a bit and then was gonna go read downstairs but I called Eric and then decided to go to the gym.
This guy let me in and then I learned that you have to pay 20DKK to use the gym for 2 hours. So I went to pay and came back and did a quick workout. It was honestly pretty nice!
I planned for tomorrow and then went to sleep.
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m4nakin · 2 years
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Just gonna do it all at once cause fuck it
1. 5’5 , 167 lbs 🤢 , chest 37 inches, waist 29 inches, hips 41 inches.
2. 5’5. Kinda wish I was shorter so I could manage to weigh less
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I like the waist to hip ratio, thigh gap & thin arms
4. Ugh I don’t wanna lose all my boobs or my hair
5. Definitely losing weight for me. When I “recovered” (aka just binged all the time) I gained soooo much weight. And now I hate looking in the mirror. I want to look in the mirror and not see my fat staring back
6. Yea unfortunately. I think I binged when I’m anxious or I just wanna feel something.
7. Yeah they know. No they don’t care.
8. Walking all day at work, walking my dog 2-4 times a day for 30-60 min, hot yoga 1-2x a week & aerial yoga 2x a week in the summer.
9. Yessss both when I was skinny and now the weight i am. So I decided to say fuck it and be skinny for me.
10. Being able to go out with people and not have to worry about how many cals I’m consuming.
11. Honestly my old account got deleted so I don’t have a fave atm
12. I eat almost anything except beets, pork, peanut butter & anything too calorie dense when I can help it.
13. I don’t care. As long as I lose
14. UGW is 115 lbs. I want to reach it by June 2023
15. I was vegan for 4 years and vegetarian for 9. Not anymore. It helped me lose weight at first but not in the long term.
16. Many years ago. But most recently last November.
17. Probably
18. Junk food. Always. Fast food, chocolate, chips etc. I see it and I immediately want it
19. Today lol
20. High res, whole foods, sugar detox
21. Usually a size 8
22. My lowest weight was 96 lbs. I was a minor so I was forced into recovery. Was let out at 115 lbs. and then I’ve slowly just kept gaining because of life and stress tbh
23. Not really. Except tumble and Pinterest th1n$p0
24. I don’t think anyone should be “pro” any type of ED.
25. No. I’ve tried but I have a very weak gag reflex and can’t make myself throw up easily
26. Eat small amounts, distance my mind (go
On my phone, talk to people etc)
27. Being around food is fine. I just eat small portions
28. Yes yes yes I want a thigh gap to look like a wandering baby deer
29. Beauty is truth and confidence
30. 1. I’m a Gemini/cancer cusp 2. I have 2 cats and a dog, 3. I live with my amazing partner. 4. I’m 26 years old. 5. I love Lofi. 6. I have chronic fatigue disorder. 7. I might have narcolepsy. 8. I started on ED tumblr in 2011 9. I used to be a druggie 10. Happy to be skinny again
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carpsurprise · 3 years
Can we get the bachelors/bachelorettes reacting to waking up and the farmer is cuddling them so tight they can't move? 🥺🥺
AAAA sorry this is a little late im back in a little block but i’m trying my best!!! hope this is ~satisfactory~ at least!! mwah mwah this req is so cute i wanted to write a little actual drabble for each but it was hard to think of different things for all 12 of them!!
-teddy bear!!! so he’s probably sleepy giggly about it, but super careful not to wake the farmer!! last thing he wants is for that moment to end and the farmer to start their day away from him… he gets all soft and lovey he knows he should get up and make breakfast but.. 5 more mins cant hurt..
-i think elliott probably prides himself on being there for the farmer at all times… but its so nice to be held. where he tries his best to be the knight in shining armor (and enjoys the feeling!!) its elating for him to know that the farmer trusts him to protect them unconsciously too
-harv would probably wake up in a sweat, esp if its during the summer!! but man… how could he possibly peel the farmer off when they’re finally sleeping so peacefully after nearly working themselves to the bone?
-bold of u to assume sam is also not bear hugging the farmer in his sleep but i think nothing would make him happier. i think sam would probably try to grab the farmer to get them even closer despite it not being 100% possible. sam’s never been one to give up on anything before though.
-he’s surprised and honored… quietly thanking himself for letting his guard and walls down enough for this to happen. he loves sleeping in and any morning the farmer does as well is a gift. waking up before the farmer and seeing them in such a delicate state… cloud nine
-disgruntled at first just bc i think he’s a grumpy riser!! but once he can’t go back to sleep and he’s just got his arm around the farmer!! hard to not cry!! he thinks back on how far he’s come… and how far him and the farmer have come… and for him to have this simple happiness… he’s gotta hope the farmer isnt gonna wake up and see him like that….
-i think she’s attached the farmer just as strongly… but she is NOT adverse to waking the farmer up for jokes!!! she is flattered the farmer is stuck to her like a starfish but she will poke and grab until the farmer is awake and disoriented!! she’s gonna test her limits and be giggling the whole time
-emily is also bear hugging the farmer back… but i think she’d be trying her best not to giggle/laugh!! even if the farmer is hugging her and their hand is placed over a delicate ticklish spot… it’d wake her up and make her have to contain herself almost immediately. physical touch is Her Thing!!
-haleys gonna pretend like its a burden AFTER the fact and pretend like it wasnt smth that made her blush in the moment. all the little what would you do without me’s and i was sweating my ass off you know’s are all in vain bc you can best bet she lied there staring at the ceiling just thinking about how flattered and in LOVE she was
-leah probably has a good internal clock, so the only way to get her to sleep in is by trapping her. she’ll never shrug the farmer off of her to get her day started, so a light hearted eye roll and squeezing the farmer to her closer would make her the happiest
-ugh let my girl little spoon!! like the farmer hugging onto her so tight so she wakes up and its the farmer hugging onto her iron grip and she’s got her fave stuffed animal she uses as smth to clutch when she sleeps (hc of mine hehe sorry)!!!! feels like heaven to her 
-i think that penny probably has frequent nightmares so!! if she wakes up in a shock and feels the farmer hugging her so tightly… the comfort… the grounding … it helps her immensely. also i feel like she’d be naturally p cold so!!! the warmness of it all…. chefs kiss
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meltwonu · 4 years
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| 🍒 CH-CH-CHERRY BOMB! 🍒 |     [CHAPTER 16]
pairing; dom!seungcheol x camgirl!reader
this chapter’s notes; camshow, dom!seungcheol, oral(fem receiving), a little overstimulation, some hair pulling, dirty talk, possessive!seungcheol makes an appearance, sex toys, seungcheol riskin’ it all in this one 😏😳 yall!!! only 4 more chapters after this 🥺 it’s so crazy, I don’t even remember when I started this series but omg, my longest one yet! 💕 thank you so much for the support on cherry bomb, as always!! I love yall 💕💕 also my god has it been a week 😭 gonna do an inbox roundup tomorrow!💕 But for now, enjoy ch16 and have a good, safe weekend!! 💕🍒 
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - x - x - x - x
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“Let me get this straight… She asked you if you considered her your girlfriend and you said what?”
Seungcheol grimaces for the third time, brows furrowed when Jeongguk blinks at him incredulously. “I’m sorry, I just---I need to hear it from your lips again, hyung.”
“Ugh, I said ‘sure’, okay!? I got nervous! That was a big fuckin’ question!” Seungcheol tugs at his own hair, groaning as he slams his head down onto the concession stand. “Don’t even get me started on the look she gave me after. I had to sleep next to her, you don’t know how horrible that was after my fuck up.”
Jeongguk pats Seungcheol’s hair; shaking his head as he gently tries to comfort his hyung.
“What did she say afterwards?”
“She just said ‘oh, okay’ and then she changed topics.” Seungcheol lifts his head from the countertop, hair mussed as he stares back at Jeongguk who shoots him a pitiful look.
“And that was it? The two of you went to bed?” Seungcheol nods, “We ate a little and she started talking about work so I thought everything was okay? But the more I think about it the more I’m thinking ‘oh, okay’ isn’t really okay? Listen, I haven’t been in a relationship in a while and the last thing I ever expected out of meeting her was for her to be my girlfriend!”
Jeongguk laughs in return, “I can tell. You’re fuckin’ rusty as hell, hyung.”
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“He said what?”
You groan as you pick up another plate. “He said ‘sure’ and then it got awkward. We ate dinner and then went to bed and this morning when he dropped me off, I felt like---weird? I was all shy all of a sudden, maybe even awkward.” Jun helps you clear off the table, taking a couple plates of his own before turning to face you.
“Like, ‘butterflies in my stomach’ kinda shy? Or, like, ‘that wasn’t really the answer I was looking for’ kinda awkward shy?”
Grimacing, you start to wipe down the table as Jun watches. “I’m not even sure. I mean… He didn’t say no, right? But I guess I was just expecting a little more than just ‘sure’. Nothing like, grandiose but… a little more than ‘sure’? It’s like he was replying to me asking if he wanted a piece of chocolate.”
Jun laughs, fingertips on his chin as he thinks of an appropriate response. “He might just be… awkward. I mean, what was the preface of this question? What conversation were you two having?”
Your lips press into a firm line, cheeks hot as Jun stares you down. “Okay… maybe you’re right. I didn’t really… work up to that question. I kinda just… asked it. I mean, you guys were asking about it in the comments too so I just thought--”
“Ah! There’s the problem though. I don’t think hyung was even in the chat at that point. So, just because all of us were talking about it doesn’t mean he knew, y’know? He might’ve just been caught off guard.”
“Ugh... fuck, you’re probably right.”
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You and Seungcheol don’t talk about it.
Even though you can feel the tenseness between the two of you during dinner and even when he drops you off and picks you up from work Friday afternoon. It’s all clipped conversations and shy, awkward smiles like the two of you had met for the first time, all over again.
It eventually comes to a head when you’re only an hour away from needing to start your cam show, Friday night, and you realize that you weren’t sure if Seungcheol was going to be part of it or not. “Hey, ‘Cheol?” You ask, voice small as you stare at the back of his head. The male turns from his place on the sofa, eyes wide as saucers at your shy voice.
“Are you, um, going to cam with me tonight or…? I mean, I can do it alone, I just--I wasn’t sure if you wanted to, tonight.” Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek; he really wanted to talk about it and he didn’t understand why this, out of all the things, was so difficult for him to talk about.
“I--I don’t know. I just, I’m sorry, can I just... apologize first?” He groans as he gets up from the sofa and rounds it until he steps in front of where you sit atop the bed sheets. “It’s been so awkward and I know it’s because of me, so you don’t need to say anything. I just--I should’ve said more than ‘sure’, I was just nervous!” His cheeks burn red; wide eyes avoiding your own as you stare up at him. “I really want you to be my girlfriend, if I didn’t already make that clear. I was just thinking about how I never really expected you to like me that much, much less start a relationship with me, so the first thing that came out of my mouth was just… that. It was dumb, I should’ve said something else, but I think my brain was just mush by then.”
Your own cheeks feel hot at his confession; trying to hide the beaming smile that threatens to paint your features. “No--no, I should apologize a little too. I asked you that out of nowhere and made you panic. I should’ve worked it up better than that too.”
“I guess we’re both a little dumb, huh?” He laughs under his breath as he scratches the back of his head in embarrassment. “We can talk about everything else under the sun but that was just… harder to talk about in the moment.”
“Yeah, but we’re okay now, right? We’re an official c-couple?” You bite your lip, looking up at Seungcheol who seems to be staring off into the distance. A grin finds itself painted on his lips as he meets your shy eyes.
“That’s right, babygirl.”
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Seungcheol decides to let you do your cam show alone tonight; watching from the sofa as you get settled on the bed before nodding at him and starting your stream.
“Hey, everyone! Happy Friday!”
The comments and donations flood in as soon as you start and you already hit your donation minimum before you even open your mouth to speak again. It catches you off guard momentarily as your eyes go wide and your lips part in a shocked expression.
“Whoa, that was so fast! We already hit the donation minimum!”
sleepy_wonu has donated $75
sleepy_wonu: your channel has grown so much in the past few weeks im not surprised lol
universe_WZ: yea seriously, i remember when it took us like 30 mins before we hit minimum
artist8hao has donated $75
artist8hao: now theres ppl we’ve never even seen before in the comments lol
angelhan has donated $50
tangerine_kwan has donated $50
“Oh I know! Remember that one cam show where it took me, like, almost an hour to reach minimum? If it weren’t for ‘dom.cheol’ then, I don’t think that one would’ve taken off at all!” You giggle at the memory, eyes momentarily flitting to Seungcheol who smiles back at you.
kitty_junjun: speaking of? No loverboy tonight?
therealchan99: oh yeah i didnt even notice he was gone 😌
chwenon: lmfao
“Ah, he said he wanted to take a break tonight so it’s just me! Hope that’s okay with you guys?” You pout at the camera, fingertips roaming your lingerie clad body as you read off a few more comments. “I’m so used to his hands all over my skin though… He gets me to cum so easily, y’know?”
You pick up a dildo sitting next to you on the bed; bringing the silicone toy to your lips as you moan. “This is the biggest toy I have and it’s not anywhere near the size of his cock...” Wrapping your lips around the tip, you start sucking on the toy, imagining it was Seungcheol’s cock instead when it fills your mouth.
Your eyes flutter shut when you start grinding against the bedsheets underneath you and Seungcheol feels his throat going dry at the way you take more and more of the toy into your mouth until you’re gagging on it. Tears spring to your eyes when you feel your throat constricting around the silicone and you repeat this action a few more times before you’re pulling the toy from your mouth and sputtering to catch your breath.
gentleman_josh95: god youre so fucking pretty choking on cock
alphagyu97 has donated $50
alphagyu97: fuck i know
Setting the toy down, you immediately work to get your lingerie off; tossing it to the side before spreading your legs for the camera. “Mmh, I’m already so wet thinking about this toy filling me up…” You tease yourself with the toy, dragging the tip through your folds and collecting the wetness on it as you mewl.
xcaliburDK: but is it gonna be enough for you?
hoshi_tiger_xx: probably not, we all know the toys arent as good as the real thing lolol
You let out a whimper as you circle your clit with the tip of the toy. “I know… But I really want something inside my pussy…”
Seungcheol feels his cock throbbing in his sweats at the way your words only sound sweeter to his ears now that the two of you had cleared the air. He bites his lip, palming himself through the material as he watches you from his place on the sofa.
alphagyu97: is ur tight lil cunt ready to take it?
therealchan99: why dont u use your pretty fingers to get yourself ready hmm?
You nod shakily, setting the toy down again before bringing your middle and index fingers to your lips to wet them properly before snaking them down your body. “Ah, my fingers aren’t as big either…” Mumbling, you pinch and tease your clit, moaning out loudly before dragging them down and sinking them into your soaked entrance.
“Fuh--fuck, mmh!” Regretfully, your fingers aren’t as thick or long as Seungcheol’s but you curl and scissor the digits inside of you to prep yourself for the toy.
The sound of your moans and cries mix in with the pinging on your laptop from donations and comments and for once, Seungcheol realizes how weird it is to be on the other side and not with you. Admittedly, he’d gotten quite used to being on cam with you that it seemed awkward to just be doing nothing on the other side of the room.
“Oh, ngh, I--I want the toy n-now…” Mewling, you pull your soaking fingers from inside of your pussy; bringing them to your lips to clean them off of your wetness before grabbing the toy again. You run the silicone through your folds as you get it covered in your slick before positioning it at your entrance and slowly sinking it in.
It was definitely smaller than Seungcheol and didn’t have the same girth, but you still whine and whimper when it fills you up to the base of the toy. “Ngh, feels g-good…”
universe_WZ: i just kno that toy is noy as satisfying as the real thing huh princess?
xcaliburDK: right? Her pretty lil pussy is probably so used to being stretched by a big cock 
You thrust the toy into your pussy, soft cries spilling from your lips as you try to imagine it’s Seungcheol instead. In all honesty, you would’ve wanted him to film with you but you respected his decision to stay on the sidelines for tonight.
“Ah, it--it’s not the s-same… I--I need h-help…” You whine; shaky fingertips still working the dildo in and out of your soaking pussy. 
“P-please, ah… the toy’s not, mmh, enough to make m-me feel good...”
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In the time between you picking up the toy and you actually sliding into your wet cunt, Seungcheol internally argues with himself on what to do.
And it’s not until you start begging to the air for more that he mentally says ‘screw it’ and gets up from the sofa.
Your eyes are clamped shut as you try to chase the pleasure and soon you feel the bed dip; confused eyes peering back at Seungcheol who’s entire body, including his head, is in the camera’s shot. “W-wait, you---”
“Me, what? You asked for me, right?” He turns his head, eyes staring directly into the camera as he smirks.
“Hi. I’m her boyfriend. But I think the rest of you know that already, right?”
The comments go wild with Seungcheol’s sudden face reveal, even though you and him are already lost in each other as he grips the base of the dildo and starts pumping it inside of you, angling it as best as he can to graze against your g-spot.
xcaliburDK: i think i need to quit my job tomorrow
chwenon: ??? didnt u just start
angelhan: damn i knew this dude was gonna be hot as hell
kitty_junjun: whoa nice to see ur face
kitty_junjun: i take it u lovebirds made up
xcaliburDK: yea i did but i think ive embarrassed myself enough for one lifetime
xcaliburDK has donated $150
xcaliburDK: for my shame
Your entire body is aflame with Seungcheo’s confidence and you feel the pleasure building up even quicker now that he was here with you. “Ah, f-fuck…” Whining, you bite your lip to prevent yourself from calling out his name; something you were used to by now.
“What’s wrong, baby? Call my name. Let them know who makes you feel this fuckin’ good. Let them know who’s cock you always crave and who’s cock fills you up better than this toy ever fuckin’ could.”
“Fuck, S--Seungcheol!”
Your orgasm hits you out of left field; thighs clamping shut around his arm as he continues to fuck you with the dildo as you ride out your pleasure. He turns to face the camera yet again, winking at it cockily before he turns back to you. “That’s right, baby. Now I’m gonna eat your ‘lil cunt out and make you cum on my tongue while you let the entire world know who gets you this fuckin’ wet.”
He doesn’t give you a second to come down from your high before he’s nudging your thighs apart and sliding the dildo from inside of you. A shaky breath falls from your lips as he readjusts you on the bed; this time giving the camera a side view as you turn your head to face the camera.
The comments and donations continue to flood in, except now it seems like they’re going twice as fast.
xcaliburDK: kjdkjghsdkhg fuck
sleepy_wonu: well can i say at least hes not an old weirdo lol
sleepy_wonu: ❤️
chwenon: im like, pretty sure ive seen this dude come to the convenience store i work at
chwenon: bruh i met a celebrity and i didnt even know it
xcaliburDK: dont even get me started
Seungcheol pries your shaky legs apart before he eases himself down between them. “I want you to be as loud as fuckin’ possible. Understood?” He smiles at you warmly, but his words have a certain edge to them that has you nodding profusely.
He wastes no time; skilled tongue flicking at your swollen clit as you jolt and immediately tangle your hands into his hair. “Oh, god, Seungcheol I’m--I’m, ah, sensitive…” He smirks against your skin, noting the way you already start to grind against his tongue despite your words.
Resting your thighs against his shoulders, it allows him to eat you out easier as he flattens his tongue and drags it from your soaking entrance to your clit; alternating the pressure as you whine and whimper above him.
When he notices you trying to keep your noises in, he pulls away slightly, flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue before speaking.
“I thought I told you I wanted to hear you, baby? Don’t get shy on me now.” He smirks, watching as the goosebumps rise on your skin. “In fact, why don’t you tell your lovely viewers how good I make you feel, hmm? Or tell them about the time you made me finger you in the restroom at work ‘cause your ‘lil cunt couldn’t wait.”
xcaliburDK: THE RESTROOM? At woRK?
artist8hao: ah one of the originals huh
gentleman_josh95 has donated $75
gentleman_josh95: for backstory
tangerine_kwan has donated $75
tangerine_kwan: seconded!
You bite your lip when you catch the comments, shy eyes flitting from the screen to Seungcheol who resumes eating you out. Your thighs tremble and threaten to snap shut around his head; body already on the edge of another orgasm. 
“I--S--Seungcheol was at, ah, w-work… and I--I couldn’t wait so--so I made him finger m-me in his work’s restroom…” You whimper, hangs tugging on Seungcheo’s hair harshly when his tongue dips into your entrance. “Fuck, I--I couldn’t stop thinking about, ngh, his--his fingers afterwards e-either… They fit my p-pussy so well…”
A garbled moan floats through the air when Seungcheol’s lips envelope your clit, sucking it into his mouth as your cry out his name.
Your back bows off of the bed, fingertips locked tight into his hair. “Fuck, Seungcheol, please… please…” You grind against him, toes curling against his back when your sensitive body gives into the pleasure and your orgasm washes over you a second time.
Cries of his name are all you can manage when your body goes rigid; head fuzzy when he starts to dip his tongue into your pussy again. He smiles against you, calmly continuing to eat you out as your orgasm continues to wash over you.
kitty_junjun: is it just me or is it nicer to hear her actually calling someones name
artist8hao: honestly i was just thinking that too
artist8hao: its more organic idk  
alphagyu97: ~organic~ ok nerd lol
chwenon has donated $50
therealchan99 has donated $50
When the  overstimulation starts to bite, your soft cries of Seungcheol’s name turn into hurried, jumbled noises and only parts of his name as you squirm and tug on his hair.
“Ah, ‘Cheol it’s, ngh, too--too m-much…!” He drags his tongue against your clit a few more times, relishing in the way you still grind against him. “I c-can’t cum again…” You cry, teeth chattering when he gently laps at your folds and collects your wetness on his tongue.
Seungcheol repeats this a few more times; letting you tug and pull at his hair as he licks you clean.
“Ngh, Seungcheol…”
He finally pulls away, using a hand to pry your fingers from his hair as he smiles at your tired body. “Cute.” Mumbling, he eases your shaky legs from his shoulders before he sits up; lips covered in your wetness as he grins at the camera.
Seungcheol picks out a few comments as he chuckles under his breath; already wondering what work was going to be like on Monday when he had to meet Seokmin. 
universe_WZ: u look like a dude that could fuck someone up 
kitty_junjun: he probably would too
chwenon: come thru the convenience store bro, I'll hook u up 
xcaliburDK: should I quit? be honest
Your tired groans bring his attention back to you; eyes trained on the way your tired eyes threaten to snap shut. 
“Okay, I think I need to go take care of my girlfriend now. It was nice meeting you all, finally.” Seungcheol grins, taking care of your stream before thanking your viewers and ending the stream. 
He turns to you, a genuine and caring smile on his face when your hazy eyes look up at him. 
“Ready for a shower?”
“Ugh, carry me, boyfriend~”
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407 notes · View notes
tanzaniiite · 4 years
Can I request some hcs with oikawa, akaashi & kuroo where their fem s/o pranks them by breaking up w/ them?
w/ oikawa, akaashi & kuroo
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requests: OPEN
warnings: none!
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ofc you can! tysm for the request!! 💗
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he’s always getting pranked on by his team bc.. it’s oikawa. he makes it too easy
mattsun and makki definitely put this idea in your head
and you were too weak to refuse 😔👊🏽
so bc mattsun & makki wanted to see their captain’s despair, and film it for their own enjoyment, they begged you to do it after practice
and that you did
you waited until the gym was basically done being cleaned when you approached your boyfriend
his eyes literally sparkled when you tapped him
“heyy baby, what’s up?”
damn he’s rly making you rethink your life decisions rn
but then you see the disaster duo giving you a thumbs up while mopping the floor
so you suck it up and take a deep breath
“i need to talk to you”
“uh oh, that doesn’t sound good. everything okay?”
you nod slightly and rub the back of your neck
“um, i think we should break up…”
oikawa is just smiling at you bc he refuses to believe you just said what you said
at this point the gym is dead silent, if a pin dropped y’all would hear it
his teammates are just looking between the two of you, confused but intrigued asf
this dude just laughs slightly, “haha funny joke babe you got me”
when you don’t laugh along, he furrows his eyebrows
“wait, are you serious?”
you have cover your mouth with your hand to stop yourself from laughing
oikawa looks so distraught and heartbroken
you shouldn’t laugh but you do
your shoulders are shaking while your dying with laughter, “i-i’m sorry tooru, it was prank”
he blinks before crossing his arms and pouting like the drama queen he is
“that’s not funny, y/n”
“it kinda is–”
“no it’s not!”
you stop laughing when you see how upset he actually is, “i’m sorry baby, i really am”
he’s still pouting
so you hug and kiss him
“i’ll make it up to you, i promise~” you say, as you trace his collarbone
oikawa gets out of his funk real quick let me tell you 👀
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i feel akaashi doesn’t do pranks
like yeah bokuto has tried to prank him a few dozen times but he’s always failed
he’s just able to see through the bullshit
but i feel when it comes to you
he doesn’t expect that behavior from you
he’s just whipped for you 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
aii so let me set the scene for you
you’re probably over at his house studying or something
you guys are on his bed, he’s at the foot of it while you’re by the headboard
and granted this is probably not the best time to prank him..
but you’re boRED
so you nudge him with your foot and he hums a response not looking at you
“hey um i kinda wanna have a serious conversation”
akaashi looks up from his textbook and gives you all his undivided attention
“okay, what’s wrong love?”
he looks at you with such love and admiration, you’re already regretting this
“i– um.. well”
then he holds your knee and squeezes it gently
“it’s okay y/n, you can tell me”
ugh why is he so perfect
oop my bias is slipping out
“..i think we should break up”
you say it so softly you’re almost afraid he didn’t hear you
oh but he heard you. loud and clear.
you’re abt to repeat what you said until you see the look on his face
he looks so sad omggg
“i respect your decision, if that’s what you want.. but may i ask why? did i do something wrong?”
ngl you feel like a total asshole rn
you’re on the verge of tears like damn you rly played yourself
you just crawl over to him and hug him tightly
“it was prank keiji, i’m sorry”
akaashi returns your hug even tho he’s a bit confused
“so you don’t want to break up?”
“no, never in a million years. it was a stupid prank”
you feel him kiss your forehead gingerly
“…it was kind of stupid, why’d you think it would be funny?”
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kuroo can respect a good prank when it’s executed well
and when he’s not the target
you decide to do this prank as revenge for him eating your leftovers the last time he spent the night
yes, you‘re being petty and overdramatic but whatever
he shouldn’t have ate your food
n e ways, you probably do it during class bc he can’t get you when there’s a teacher right there
since y’all sit right next to each other, you rip a piece of your notebook and write a lil note
‘hey. i have to tell you something’
kuroo smirks when he reads the note, probably thinking you’re gonna tell him how horny you are bc he’s a horn dog
so he writes back, ‘sure, what is it princess?’
you look at him and he’s wiggling his eyebrows, you snort which earns you a glare from your teacher
but you remember the task at hand and resume with your prank, ‘i… think we should break up.’
he reads the note and you can physically see his whole demeanor change. his eyebrows are furrowed and a frown is pulled on his lips
kuroo looks more mad than sad and you immediately regret doing this
he just puts the note in his notebook and pays attention to the teacher
like he doesn’t spare you a single glance for the rest of class
in the last 5 mins of class he writes on your note and hands it back to you before starting to pack up
you open the note and gasp slightly
‘that’s crazy, i was thinking the same thing’
my dude really said uno reverse card
now your staring at him with the most dumbfounded look, that’s not how this was suppose to go! wtf does he mean by that?!
when class is over, you quickly grab his sleeve, “testu i was joking! i don’t want to break up with you, it was just a prank i swear!”
kuroo looks back at you with a raised eyebrow, “oh yeah? i was joking too”
confused x1000, “what?”
he then proceeds to explain that you got him in the first half and he was genuinely upset but when he saw you looking like a lost puppy in his peripheral vision he figured it was some type of joke
“testu! that’s wasn’t funny, i got scared..”
he smirked and kissed your temple, “yeah, it doesn’t feel good does it?”
cue you hitting his chest while he laughs at your embarrassment
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tanzaniiite © 2020 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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2K notes · View notes
leossmoonn · 3 years
chemistry part nine
part eight | part ten | masterlist
zuko x fem!reader
avatar: the last airbender
includes - you, zuko, suki, katara, toph, sokka, and aang
special appearances by - iroh and azula
“hey, y/n!” 
you looked up, smiling immediately once seeing zuko walking towards you. you gave him a small wave, not wanting to make lots of noise in the library. zuko walked over towards you and took a seat next to you.
“hi,” you smiled. “you didn’t have to come over here and uh, you know, do an un-scheduled tutoring session.”
“no, no it’s okay. plus, this is more like a, um, study date,” zuko said, putting more stress on the last word.
your eyes went a little wide, but your smile got bigger. “right, yeah, that’s cool.”
zuko smiled with you. “yeah... so uh, what’re you working on?”
“just some good ‘ol chem,” you said. 
“oh, nice. what else have you done?” he asked. 
“well, i did an hour of psych. two hours of AP lit and english, like 45 mins of history- history is easy, and now i’m doing chem. after them i’m gonna do math,” you explained. 
“wow, sounds like you’re set for almost everything,” zuko said. 
“yeah,” you sighed. “i’ve been here for like, 5 hours. i can not wait until christmas break!” you exclaimed. 
“me, neither. so, what are you working on for chem?” zuko asked. 
“just reviewing. i actually understand all this stuff, thanks to you,” you chuckled.
“it’s not a problem. i’m glad you understand more. makes me look like a good teacher,” zuko said. 
“trust me, you are,” you chuckled. 
“i brought some stuff for me to work on, too. i have this essay outline to do,” zuko said, pulling out his laptop. “oh, and i brought snacks.”
your eyes widened and you turned to him. “snacks? oh, my god. you are THE BEST. ugh, i love you.”
zuko went silent immediately. you looked at him with confusion, but soon realized that what you said was what made him quiet. you both started blushing profusely, avoiding eye contact with each other. you even went as far as to scoot your chair away from him a little. 
zuko had to bite back a smile after repeating your words in his head. he went to get the couple bags of chips and candy bars he brought and putting them onto the table. 
you both reached for a bag of Lays, both of you pulling your hands away. 
“sorry, go ahead,” you mumbled, grabbing a Snickers bar. 
“oh, are you sure?” zuko asked. 
“yeah,” you nodded, not wanting to look at him, knowing your face would just end up more red than it already was. 
“alright,” he said. 
you hummed, getting back to studying. you two studied in silence for about an hour before you let out a long, distressed sigh. 
“what’s wrong?” zuko asked. 
“i’m just really tired and hungry for real food. god, it’s already like, 6,” you groaned, putting your hand in your hair, pulling slightly.
“are you good at math?” zuko asked.
you looked at him for the first time since he got here. you had actually missed looking at him. he was so easy on the eyes.
“yeah, actually. why?” you asked. 
“well, why don’t we get dinner and go back to your place. you can rest for the day, then start back up tomorrow.” zuko suggested. 
you smiled and nodded, “yes! oh, that is a great idea!”
“great!” zuko smiled. “where do you want to go?” 
“um well, i don’t want fast food. maybe like, the middle ring?” you asked. 
“yeah, that sounds good,” zuko said. 
“awesome! well uh, i kind of walked here, so do you mind if you drive us?” you asked. 
“no problem,” zuko said. 
“great, thanks,” you said. you both packed your stuff, going out of the library and to zuko’s car. you set your things in the backseat, going to the passenger’s. you sat down, buckling yourself in.
“so, you walked here?” zuko asked, pulling out of the parking lot. 
“yeah. i like to go on walks in the mornings, when i can. the library is about a mile away from my apartment, so i take advantage of it a lot,” you answered. 
“nice. sounds fun. i like working out, too,” zuko said. 
“it is. i like the fresh air, especially with the crisp air that the morning brings. i wouldn’t call it working out, though,” you shrugged. 
“what would you call it then?” zuko looked at you, brows raised. 
“um... a relaxing time alone?” you giggled. “i guess it is working out.”
zuko smiled at your laugh, the sound making his heart flutter. 
“so, you said you like working out, too. what do you do?” you asked. your eyes couldn’t help but travel from his face to his bicep. he had a fair amount of muscle there, which led you to believe he worked out a lot, and to that he also probably had abs. it gave you butterflies just by thinking about it.
“uh, i go to the gym. run, lift weights, all that good stuff. i did track and basketball in high school, so i try to keep up the work and stuff,” zuko said.
“wow, you’re a real athlete, huh?’ you teased.
“kind of, i guess,” zuko blushed. 
you smiled shyly as you notice zuko’s cheeks glowing pink. he parked the car and you two got out of the car.
“table for two please,” zuko said to the waiter who came up to you after you entered the restaurant. 
the waiter nodded, leading you to your seats. you sat down, grabbing a menu that was on the table. 
“do you guys want to get started with drinks?” the waiter asked. 
“sure. i’ll take some tea, please,” you ordered. 
“alright. and for you, sir?” 
“i’ll take some tea, too,” zuko said. “alright, i’ll be back with your drinks,” the waiter said and walked off. 
“what are you thinking of getting?” zuko asked. 
“um, i was thinking some bean-curd puffs for an appetizer that we could share, and some dao bao dumplings and, oh! some egg custard tarts. ugh, they are so good!” you exclaimed. (a/n - no but fr egg custard tarts are *chef’s kiss* a delight)
zuko smiled at your enthusiasm. “i love egg custard tarts, too.”
“you have the best taste. so, what are you getting?” you asked. 
“um, i want some of noodle soup and unfried dough,” zuko said. 
“hm, yum. do you want to share the bean-curd puffs?” you asked. 
“yeah, sure,” zuko nodded. 
your waiter came back, setting your tea down. 
“do you guys know what you want?” he asked. 
“yep,” zuko nodded. “i’ll take the noodle soup and unfried dough, please.”
the waiter nodded and looked to you. “and for the pretty lady.”
zuko’s eyes widened as the waiter took your order. you didn’t notice, but zuko was glaring at the waiter, clenching his jaw. he didn’t like the thought of other guys calling you pretty. 
“alright, well, i’ll get your food out soon,” the waiter smiled at you. 
you smiled back and the waiter walked away. zuko glared at the waiter’s retreating figure. you did notice this time, smiling a little. 
your voice made zuko look away from the waiter, and to you. 
“why were you glaring at the waiter?” you asked. 
“oh. no reason,” zuko shrugged, looking down at his tea. 
you smiled, “you sure? you looked a little, uh, jealous.” you sipped your tea.
“i’m not jealous,” zuko muttered. 
“you sure?” you giggled. 
zuko looked at you, the tips of his ears going pink. “i... yeah, maybe i’m a little jealous,” he admitted. he sipped his tea to try and hide his embarrassment. 
“why?” you genuinely asked. 
“oh um... he called you pretty,” zuko shrugged. 
you smirked. “what do you mean? other guys can’t call me pretty?”
zuko’s eyes widened. “no! i, uh... well-”
“i’m kidding, zuko,” you chuckled. 
“oh,” zuko laughed a little. “well um, yes you are pretty, but...”
your eyes widened a little. you were taken quite aback. you opened your mouth to say something, but your throat went dry and your mind went blank. 
“what?” zuko asked. now it was his turn to tease. 
you swallowed hard, taking a sip of your tea. “i just um... you think i am?” you looked right at him, with big, innocent eyes. 
zuko looked back into your eyes, nodding slowly. “yeah, i do.”
your lips upturned into a smile quickly, grinning from ear-to-ear. you looked down shyly at the table, your eyes flicking up to zuko’s. 
zuko could’t help but admire you as you looked up at him through your lashes. you really were pretty. he thought you were the prettiest girl he’d ever seen, actually. 
“thank you,” you said, shifting in your seat. 
“you’re welcome,” he said, giving you a big smile.
the waiter came back with a huge tray of food. 
you did a little happy dance and clapped a little. zuko chuckled at your response, thinking it was cute. 
“enjoy your food. make sure to check your napkin,” the waiter winked at you. 
you furrowed your brows, lifting up the napkin that the waiter gave you. your eyes widened and you awkwardly chuckled. 
it read: My name is Hao. Here’s my number: ***-***-****
“i have a boyfriend,” you said, handing hao the napkin. 
“oh, who?” hao asked. 
you put your hand on zuko’s, who was gripping the table hard. you could see his knuckles turning white. you hoped your touch would relax him.
“this is my boyfriend, zuko,” you smiled. 
zuko’s hand relaxed instantly at your touch, to you delight, but also your words. he looked at you, slightly confused. you looked at him, silently begging him to play along. zuko got the hint and interlocked your fingers, smiling at hao. 
“yeah, i am. i’d appreciate it if you didn’t hit on my girlfriend,” zuko said sternly, smiling politely at hao. 
your heart fluttered as he called you his girlfriend. even though this was just for right now, you hoped that your relationship would eventually take a romantic turn. 
hao looked between you and zuko, taking the napkin from your hands. “sorry. enjoy your food.”
“thanks,” you smiled. once hao left, you turned to zuko, smiling. 
“thank you,” you said to zuko. 
“of course. that was smart.saying we were dating,” zuko said. 
“i know, i’m a fast-thinker,” you chuckled.
your eyes wandered to your hands, which were still interlocked. you pulled your hand away, but zuko grabbed your hand and pulled it back gently. 
your eyes snapped up to his, asking for an answer. 
“i just um... your hands fit with mine nicely,” zuko caught awkwardly. 
you grinned, “yeah, i agree.”
you two ate in silence, your hands staying interlocked the whole time. a different waiter gave you your bill, to which you pulled back your hand, taking out your wallet. 
“here, oh-” zuko cut himself off, seeing you with your credit card out, him doing the same. 
“oh, um. split the bill?” you asked. 
“no, no, let me pay. i was the one who suggested going out,” zuko said. 
“i... no i insist. it was a lot of food, let me pay, too,” you said. 
“no, i insist,” zuko said. 
you looked at him, smiling and putting away your card. “alright. well, next time we go out, i’ll pay.”
zuko nodded and smiled, “deal.” he handed the waiter his credit card. the waiter scanned his card and had him sign the bill, then you two were good to go. 
you two left and went to his car. you checked the time. it was 8:30. 
“do you um... do you want to go to my place and hang out a little? or are you tired?” you asked. 
“i can hang out. if you want me too,” zuko said. 
you smiled, “yeah, sure. we can watch a movie or something.”
zuko nodded, “alright. let’s go to your place, then.”
“great,” you said. 
as zuko drove you to your apartment, you put your hand on his, which was resting on the gear gift. zuko smiled widely, liking how close you to have become. zuko arrived at your apartment. you two went inside, both stunned to see the rest of your friends. 
“hey, guys,” you said shyly.
they all looked up at you two with big smiles. 
“so, are you two dating yet?” sokka asked. 
your eyes widened. “sokka, shut up!”
“why don’t we give them some alone time, alright?” suki asked, standing up from the couch. 
“yeah, good idea,” katara smiled. 
katara and suki led their boyfriends to their rooms, leaving the living room to you and zuko. 
“um,” you laughed nervously. “make yourself at home.”
zuko nodded and took off his shoes. he went on the love seat that suki and sokka usually sat on. you went over and grabbed the remote, then sitting next to zuko. 
“what’re you in the mood for?” you asked, turning on the tv. 
“um, anything,” zuko shrugged. 
“alright. wanna watch Dumbo?” you asked. “sure,” zuko smiled. 
“can you get a blanket? i’m cold,” you said. zuko nodded, reaching over to the big couch and grabbing a blanket. he draped it over you two, cuddling up with you. 
you started the movie, putting your head on his shoulder and pressing yourself more against him. zuko silently put him arm around you, settling his hand on your thigh. your heart raced and your body started to get warm and sweat. you’d never been this close to him, but you couldn’t deny, you loved the close contact. 
halfway into the movie, you two had managed to fall asleep. you both were positioned to where you were basically in his lap, curled against his chest, and zuko had his arms around you, holding you close and his head resting on yours. 
luckily, katara and aang went outside her room to get some food, when they both noticed you. katara and aang squealed quietly. aang took out his phone quickly, taking a picture, while katara took out her phone and went onto twitter.
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note - hehe i love to get you guys waiting :) hope you guys read and enjoy this as new parts are added! if you wanna be on the taglist, message me and/or reply to this post :))
taglist - @sorrythatspussynal @theblueslytherin @charlenasaxen @akiris @the-paintedlady @thatarthistorynerd @freckled-and-daydreaming @fi-chanwrites​
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surveillance-0011 · 3 years
The Basement Plays Smash Bros
Isaac: He’s like 5 so he’s not too good but the others usually go easy on him. Probably plays as Pikachu or Pokemon Trainer, maybe Ness. Plays for fun and w/ items on.
Magdalene: Plays as one of the princesses or one of the cute characters like Jigglypuff. Just here to have a good time. Decent but Smash would never be her first choice of games to play. She also keeps the peace when things get heated.
Eve: Plays to not hurt Isaac’s feelings by refusing. Intentionally loses or fucks around except for one time Azazel was like “I bet you’d suck even if you tried” and she beat him like 3 times in a row. Idk who’d she choose... Maybe Meta Knight or the blue or black Kirby skin?? Samus?? Bayonetta??
Cain: Chooses the “cool” characters a lot. Maybe Cloud? But also would play as Mario and Greninja. Maybe Hero. Spams attacks at first but eventually kind of gets good. He and Isaac usually fight on the same team. Will pick up any item.
Samson: Chooses either one of the Belmonts or Street Fighter characters, maybe Bowser or Ganondorf. Or Terry?? Maybe Lucario. Probably the best at the game, out of the kids at least. Isaac and Cain ask him for help with story mode. Doesn’t like playing with items on. Lowkey has a hard time remembering which Smash ball is the real one.
Eden: Tries out every character. They like Corin, Mewtwo and Pit a lot. Sometimes they’ll just choose random for shits and giggles.
Judas: Not really into it and at first his reaction is like “ugh why are you BABIES playing a BABY GAME it’s like some brutish fighting game but with a bunch of KIDDY characters. Waste of time” but Samson is like “man stfu how about you play around and see for yourself”. He doesn’t admit it but he finds it,,, kinda fun. Plays as Robin.
Lazarus: It’s not his cup of tea and he’s kinda bad but he can have a good time w/ it. It’s not about winning it’s just good to do something with the other kids that’s NOT gonna get them all killed. Plays as Pit or Yoshi, maybe Dr. Mario.
Azazel: Annoying little shit. Like he’s a decent player but his attitude is just... ugh. Salt for days, unironically tells you to get good, spammy and edgeguardy. Plays as Joker or Ridley or both. He does like Dark Pit too tho. Has probably given Isaac a controller that was unplugged/uncharged/off/set as a cpu at least once.
Lilith: Has only played once or twice. Plays as Rosalina or Olimar. Kind of bad at it but she has a good time.
Bethany: Plays as Zelda, maybe Min Min. Skilled at the game, wins a lot. Turns off most items except for the pokeballs and assist trophies, as well as the Smash ball.
Keeper: Plays as Wario, kind of holding out for Waluigi. Not the best at the game. Pretty chill.
Wrath: Melee fanboy, probably. Rage quits if he loses too much in a row. Mains a “high tier” character (bold of you to assume I know who is high tier). Thinks that “It’s just a game” is a weak mindset.
Greed: Plays as King K. Rool, initially for the jokes but it is not a joke anymore.
Siren: Purple inkling or Bayonetta. Decent at the game and v chill. 
Min Min: Plays as Min Min. 
Hornfel: Plays as Fox or Joker half the time. The other time he uses a Sans or Shaggy mii. He’s alright.
Loki: Casual gamer but pretty good at competitive play. Plays as Banjo, maybe?  Or Mario.
Dark One: He’s amazing. Or, at least, amazing at being annoying. His playstyle is the way it is solely so he can Ruin Your Day In Particular. Probably has an Expensive Gamer Setup. Tells you to get good. Plays as Pichu and Pikachu.
Adversary: Video games aren’t usually his thing but Smash is one of those things that’s just fun even if you aren’t super into that stuff. He’s pretty good at it, having learned a lot from observing. He plays as Wolf.
Mom: Probably thinks Smash is the spawn of the devil.
Pestilence: Isn’t too interested in playing and even if he was the controller he uses would have to be sanitized like a million times afterwards. Instead opts to watch like half of it and comment needlessly. “War, you should probably use one of your smash attacks.” “THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN DOING DIPSHIT” “No, I mean the one with the ball” “FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME THERE’S NO SMASH BALL WE PLAY WITHOUT IT”
War: It’s a good thing that he’s not super into video games bc if he was he’d be even worse to deal with. Like Wrath he can get pretty pissy and he gets VERY heated but he doesn’t really throw tantrums over it like Wrath does. Also he’s aware that he’s not super good at the game. His play style is pretty annoying and kinda spammy (whether he does it on purpose or not is debatable, but he probably is). Dislikes playing with items on. Mains one of the sword characters (probably one of the Links).
Death: He’s not really into video games but he catches on to how things work quick and gets pretty good for a casual player. Mains Donkey Kong, for whatever reason. You’d think he’d choose a more “serious” character but nope. The Monkey is his character of choice.
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
SunaOsa fanfic recs: valentines edition~~
SunaOsa is one of my all time favorite ships and this past month, there has been/was an exchange going on between writers (here is the link) and artists (separately) and because I don’t have a life (or maybe it’s just that SunaOsa is my life LOL), I’m here to tell you some of my favorite fics from the pile :D However, as much as I love a ship, sometimes fluff is too asajndajnd so mind you there will probably be a lot of good fics missing just cause I couldn’t get myself to read more fluff (or angst) LOL (IM SORRY but sometimes I also just can’t motivate myself to read a fic no matter how good it looks OOPS).
As always, please check warning and tags before reading any of these fics, and take care of yourselves!!!!
In no particular order (jk the order is last updated haha) tho my favorites will have *** next to them :)
***glass stained black by unrequitedangst (E) 31k // Mafia AU’s are some of my favorite kinds of fics, and this one did not disappoint! The character development of Osamu is really legit and despite being mafia, it’s not that heavy or angst of a fic (but you should still definitely read tags and warnings first). It’s an Osamu heavy fic, and if you’re into reading him being stupid, go right ahead LOL.
redux by catalysis (T) 2.3k // ngl I hate break-up fics with a passion truely (when you can’t handle fluff or angst what to do) but I liked the concept for this one hehe (so I made myself suffer LOL). It was short, but cute !!! and the unspoken words really hit me in the FEELS (so what I’m dramatic fight me LOL).
Impropriety by DeathBelle (T) 5.7k // royalty~ I love the banter between them in this fic and we DO stan respectful Osamu yes we do <33333 The relationships between not only SunaOsa but SunaAtsu (because even though it isn’t really SunaAtsu best friend agenda, I can delude myself into think it is okay :/) are done so well and so nice he’s mean Osamu is best Osamu.
***what are you waiting for? by Slumber (T) 3.7k // MIGHT BE MY FAV FIC FROM THIS EXCHANGE!!! It made me cackle and I love how they learn new things about each other!!!! Like the development is so good and Suna is really doing the MOST!! Also, I love recursive endings AHHHHHH!
agape by sketchedsmiles (T) 11.7k // soulmates, then they were SOULMATES! (ik that’s not how it goes but pls just humor me LOL) This fic really depicted Osamu’s insecurities/internal turmoil/overthinking really well and the realization he has vs Suna’s AHJAFKASFJ. I love confident Suna.
fireside by tartaglia (starkartifices) (T) 3.6k // we do love the subtle flirt flirt don’t we hehe ;) It’s short, it’s fluff, and it’s funny - what more could you ask for? Also whats a vigilante fic if there isn’t at least one pun about being a vigilante LOL.
Over and Over Again by tookumade (G) 6.4k // I would like to order one reassuring, reliable Miya Osamu for myself please and thank you :((( The way the relationship is so GOOD like both Suna and Osamu pick each other up and they know the other has their back ajfhkajdfl. I would purchase all the onigiri with the deal Suna was proposing ;) Onigirintarou.
from here to eternity by TheGlovedArtist (T) 6.6k // I for one am a big fan of mythology and stuff (heroes of olympus but like IDR any of the plot LOL) so of course I read this fic. The snark appearances of Sakusa and Komori gave me LIFE and the difference in descriptions from Astumu and Kita cracked me up. This is another respectful Osamu fic (yes I love these) and in this one it was a ‘I save you as much as you save me’ type beat LOL. Gotta love rings.
***Subtle Inarizaki Dating by sifuhotman (T) 15.2k // THIS ONE. Even if you don’t read the whole thing, I beg of you, please, I AM ON MY KNEES, read the SID for Astumu. It is worth the loss of all your brain calls I guarantee it. It made me giggle so freakin much. Suna might be an A-Hole but he’s OUR A-Hole <3
Forever Begins with 8 Seconds by subtlehues (T) 3.9k // FLUFF hehe, I love their dynamic in this one it’s very good and cute and everything great! Also, I am all for the head cannon that Suna cannot cook, yes pls. Also SUPERPOWERS whooooooooh.
***try again, and again, and again by rosegoldwriting (T) 2.6k // SOULMATES! If you ever wanted a specific soulmate AU! for SunaOsa look no further, it probably comes out LOL. I love this concept of them just being like ‘WTF’ everyday, it gives me life. Also, count how many soulmate AU’s you recognized because I just thought about it and I think it’d be fun LOL. (I went back and I think 11 but I’m not sure LOL)
let us burn by SilverMoonT (G) 13.5k // I am always up for a nice vampire Osamu and witch Suna (which believe it or not, is my second one because I read the other one by this writer LOL) This one is more Suna POV and it really goes into his fears and desires, and I like the way Osamu pushes him to live more freely.
***reasons to microwave an elixir by spiritscript (T) 8.2k // THIS ONE. UGH I love, and it’s funny and cute and it EVEN HAS CRIME (kinda not really but yes)! I love the quiet moments they have and the PET AHHHHHHH! We love medic Osamu :DDDDD But also the betrayal and the sparring (and the irony at the end LOL) AJSKJNFK.
we fall between by stringendos (T) 14.7k // honestly the entire time I was just screaming at my computer, begging for them to hurry up and realize, but alas this is a ~slow burn~ for a reason and the tag ‘exes who act like theyre married’ really is the reason I read it and I do not regret LOL. Also bless Matsuda and stan her.
All the Time in the World by minie_ai (M) 8.8k // we love immortality! Denial! And Suna mentally filing away blackmail against people (namely Astumu) LOL. Running away from your problems is always the answer (I am saying this is a not sarcastic manner because I too, run away from my problems LOL) but ramen is ALWAYS a good answer. We love ourselves some emotional constipation LOL.
***none but you by broikawa (T) 7.2k // everything is a competition always LOL, not that I’m complainin but still LOL EVERYTHING. I really love this one because I love the progression and cock-block SakuAtsu hehe. I love them being synchronized idiots <3
it all comes back to you, (my home) by iritaescents (T) 4.5k // FOREVER, WE STAN FOREVER. Anyway, LOL this was is very very cute and fluff and not slow burn, it fast burn LOL. It’s a cute fic to read and it even has our favorite, now say it with me SOULMATES LOL.
Can't help falling in bed with you by tirralirra (T) 6.7k // here we see a 5 + 1 with points for the title (I think it’s very funny LOL my humor is bad ;)) Not that it really needs extra points because it’s a great fic in itself LOL but I really liked the title so I felt the need to share this with you all (OOPS). This was so cute, and the + 1 is HILARIOUS.
It’s no longer up :(((((( -> love's consequences by xginpuff (T) 6.5k // WARNINGS AND TAGS been a while since we had an angsty fic in this list (LOL the way I just tried to avoid all of them hehe). I read the tags but ngl I was still surprised later LOL maybe I’m just dumb, but anyway IK it starts out a bit confusing, but after you read more, you’ll get into it!
***sunagashi by bastigod (T) 9.8k // if there’s anything I like more than mythology, it’s folklore LOL. I love this fic and the plot is written so artfully AHDSAJN. Also the scene with the Ume-chan and her comment (so snarky I love). Also they way I went through so much trouble trying to figure out the kanji LOL (SPOILER it’s miyarin hehe)
catch me (while i'm still runnin') by lunarins (T) 4.3k // first and foremost, may we have a moment of silence for Komori and his eyebrows..... Continuing, this fic was so good because I love a good heist hehe. Their slight of hand abilities really doing the most LOL, and the ending OMG. I love the way the writer added in how they appeared to others during the heist, it really made it so good! Ugh to have a painting class and almost die LOL.
***if we get this right by Slumber (G) 5k // OLD FRIEND plsplspls I love this fic and I love how Osamu slowly relearns who he knew Suna as AHHH. The ending, again UGH, I really loved it and their banter with one another.
The Study of Suna Rintarou by DeathBelle (T) 6.1k // PLEASE the way Osamu kept getting offended omg. But also the effort Suna puts into getting to know Osamu, I was in ~love~. Read to me Osamu, READ TO ME. But also the Osamu is an oblivious MF agenda is alive and well within this fic hehe.
Take a Hint by pancake_surprise (G) 2.3k // ok so I had just read a tumbr post about the one bed thing and then I saw this fic. It was like the stars aligned okay? I was like, ig I HAVE to read it now hehe. But seriously read it, it’s cute and like everything else, of course there’s a challenge to be made LOL.
Heatwave by pancake_surprise (G) 2.1k // the way they were dating without knowing they were dating man. The tag ‘Didn't Know They Were Dating‘ more accurate than the ‘first dates’ one LOL jk but actually tho am I kidding? It’s the first official one IG. LOL anyway, we do love the doin of the defining of relationships. Yup.
If you made it all the way down here, CONGRATS LOL. Like I said, I didn’t read all of them (sadly) and these were the ones i did read LOL. I might add more depending on whether I can motivate myself into reading fics I know will be good LOL so we’ll see heh. Honestly, I thought I was gonna get word counted, but YAY we finished (for now hehe). Also sorry for any possible typos (is this no beta we die like men?) I’m running on 90 min of sleep so my engrish be strugglin LOL. Be safe and wear masks :)
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 13 + 14.11.20 lbs
i’m just gonna skim through this one, coz i don’t wanna dwell on the death and maatam and all.
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hahahahahahahahaha riddhima is screaming at god for letting this happen and kabir is like “bhagwaan ko beech mein kyun laa rahi ho, mujhe bhi toh credit do!” i truly love this crazyass fucker.
riddhima continuing to scream at god about vansh jissne “KOI KABHI BURA KAAM NAHI KIYA HAI” ?!?!?!!?!?!?!? sis what the fuck???? first of all, none of us over the age of like...... 7, are truly sinless. and THIS MAN PARALYZED AND THREATENED TO KILL YOU MULTIPLE TIMES, FFS.
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now she trying to throw herself off the cliff and for some reason i cannot understand, kabir is holding her back????? literally why, my bro????? let her die, saaari musibatein khatam. ugh, you still have some kinda residual feelings for her from your not-that-kameena days, don’t you?
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asalkdjaldkjsaldkjsalkdjl riddhima ke andar OG prerna ka bhoot chadh gaya, she hitting kabir with danda the way Mother India did dhulaayi of yudi in the disco (still one of the most iconic scenes of tellywood for me, istg)
dude, idk if it’s just ego waale possesive issues or he still has feelings for her, but kabir def wants riddhima to be “his girl”. even after danda beating he’s trying to help her as she stumbles around in sadma.
anyway she sauntered off rubbing that stupid muffler of vansh’s on her face. SIS YOU GONNA BREAK OUT IF YOU RUB SUCH GANDA KAPDA ON YOUR FACE.
5 min of flashbacks of vansh. fwding.
family (dadi, chanchal, and all the rest of the riff-raff) has come back home and ghar is all dark.
weird how angre is also with them. i woulda thought he’d be on whatever tasks vansh set him on, instead of doing mandir yatras with these assholes.
mummy has decided to break news in most non-tactful way ever. wearing all white and has set up photu with haar already.
yeah, requisite screaming and crying blah blah. nahi dekhna.
i’m only here for ishani and angre’s reactions. bechaare look genuinely devastated. i mean dadi does too, but bohut hi zyaaaada overdramatic and i’m getting uncomfortable.
riddhima has returned.
to her surprise everyone already knows. zara dimaag lagao behen, how they even found out before you reached??? (ok no i understand you’re numb from trauma rn and can’t think of all this, but i hope your idiot brain thinks of it later.)
holy shit she’s actually saying, “tu toh uski dhaal thi, uske liye tuney goli khaayi thi, iss baar kaise chook gayi????” MAN, FAMILIES OF DESI BOYS REALLY BE FUCKIN WILDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WITH THEIR EXPECTATIONS FROM BAHUS. one time she took a bullet for him wasn’t enough????? you want her to actually fucking die before something happens to him. god forgive me but i really wanna slap this dadi rn.
mummy cooking up some fucking ridiculousssssss story about gunde in the house and how vansh was chasing them and gaadi khaayi mein gir gayi and god knows whatttt
ok she’s saying siya got the call about it and she was running down the stairs while in shock and now whoopsie daisy, she’s in critical condition (probably in a coma or some shit.)
aryan looks sad at the siya news. thank god this mummy ka niyana has basic consideration for someone else other than himself and his mother.
mummy ka rona dhona drama fwding.
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ishani is now yelling at angre. which..... kinda deserved. you’re his safety person dude.
ok too much crying. fwding.
riddhima asking mummy why you lie to family about how he died. mummy like how tf i tell them police dragged him out and he died in an encounter for trying to escape. it’s better for them to not know the truth. which.............. ok fair, but coming from this shadyassss woman......
god this mummy ka ainvayi praising vansh waala scene is going on too long. fwding.
riddhima back to room. some more flashbacks. OUFF. FWDING.
obligatory kamre ka tod-phod scene. FWDING!!!!!!!!!!
fell asleep crying and holding one of his coats.
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dadi slapping ishani for doing what any one of us would do, honestly, so.... whatever. fuck off dadi.
ishani telling 100% truth ki jabse this useless b has entered my bhai’s life, his problems have been never ending, i’m fucking sureeeeeeeeee she’s the reason he’s dead. the only voice of reason in this show, truly.
dadi all WOH EK HAADSAAAA THAAAA, NOONE CAN CONTROLLLL THOSEEEE, oh yeah, not the sentiment that you were expressing to riddhima when she walked in, you stupid old bat. whatever, i’m fwding this scene.
kabir and mishra have entered house. coz they are awwal no. ke sadists. need to get off on watching this family cry and suffer.
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angre bhi staring daggers at kabir. chal hatt, i know for sure you’re behind saving vansh and stashing him somewhere to crawl out whenever it’s the right time. 
body nahi mili blah blah blah
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lol this one’s face clearly says milegi bhi kaise, main tum logon ki tarah nikamma nahi hoon. i have 16% success rate. it’s low but it’s more than y’all 0%.
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lmaoooooo oh DOW DIGGY DIGGY DOW DIGGY DOW DOW, i love you sooooooooo much.
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yup. appropriate response. to just generally all the men in your life.
lmao riddhima like you arrested vansh ONLY COZ I LOVEDDDDDDD HIMMMMMMMMMMMM. lol the amount of self delusion. sis, his feelings for vansh were faaaaaaar more powerful and intense than anything he ever felt for your dumb ass.
kabir saying there’s nothing left for you here, why don’t you come back to me and lmao............... he tried.
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 “riddhima nahi. riddhima vansh raisinghania.” 
ok whatever you say, sis. i’m just grateful to god this manhoos episode is finally over.
redo of last scene.
lmao kabir is like I HATED VANSH WAAAAAAAAAAAAY BEFORE YOUR DUMB ASS FELL FOR HIM. YEAH I DON’T LIKE THAT YOU PICKED HIM OVER ME, BUT I’M NOT SO BAD THAT I’D TAKE REVENGE FROM HIM FOR THAT. yeah, dude. he just wanted his money; not youuuuuu. like..... chillll. kahaan se aata hai logon ko itnaaaaa confidence khud pe???
kabir saying i had proof vansh killed ragini, i found his watch there next to the body. she’s like i had it, i took it to repair it, and ragini died in front of me. vansh wasn’t anywhere near there.
lmao she’s back to shoving him around. what an annoying bitch she is. 
kabir like did you SEE who shot ragini? no????????? then it could very well have been vansh, right????? plus i got that footage from 3 years ago.
kabir saying someone from inside the house probably saved it and sent it. and that vansh made all this happen by taking mishra’s gunnnn and forcing them to take the sunsaaaan paaath and he tried to runnn and blah blah blah.
again he’s asking her to come be with him and she’s like gtfo i don’t wanna see your cuteass face anymore, you’re dead to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok she didn’t say the cute bit, i did. i think y’all already knew that. but how to resist??? he sho cute!!!!!! 
mishra like this b kuch zyaada nahi bol gayi???? 
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“dil par jo chot lagti hai, woh nazar nahi aati, but ghaav bohut gehra hota hai. yeh dard maine bhi mehsoos kiya tha, jab riddhima mujhe chod ke chali gayi thi vansh ke paas.” heinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn? now he suddenly is/was truly in love with her again???? bhai, tu decide karle, ki if she’s just a pawn to you or something more. ainvayi jhool raha hai idhar udhar.
mishra like, ok whatever, but where vansh’s body tho???
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clearly not him. the head shape alllllll different.
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again, no wedding ring. dead body is not vansh.
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“bhagwaan jaane kahaan chali gayi uski laash.” lmao i really loled the way he delivered the line. i really love him the mostttttttttt.
kabir you are honestly suchhhhhhhhhhhhhh an idiot, if you think not getting his body is a good thing. DON’T YOU KNOW HIM AT ALL??????? AT ALLLLLLLL????? NO BODY MEANS HE’S STILL OUT THERE, BIDING HIS TIME TO FUCKING COME GET YOUUUUUU.
he’s like good, vansh didn’t even get antim sanskaaaar. who knew kabir was sooooo religious??????
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vansh so efficient and independent ki khud ka kriyakaram kar raha hai. aatmanirbhar ho toh aise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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not before he maarofied his own pocket tho.
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“bohut jald iss VR mansion ke aage KR mansion ka signboard hoga.” hein???????? the R in there is for RAISINGHANIA. why the hell would you add one random surname to your name??????
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helllllllllllllllllllllllo hunny. NOW YOU’VE MADE THIS SHOW FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY WORTH WATCHING. bas thodaaaa saa tharakkkkk ka maska i need to make my tellywood viewing experience sooooooo much easier. AUR WOH MUJHE AAAAAAJ SE MIL GAYAAAAAAAAAAA.
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ok 13 days later.
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bitch looks better after going through life-altering trauma than i do on my most stable mental health days.
talking to portrait about how the misery is unending, etc. etc.
kabir still calling her. WHY??????? dude just take the L and move the fuck on.
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lmaooooooo mummy is like 13 din rone ki acting kar karke aankhon ki band baj gayiiiiii. 
standard mwahahahahaha we succedded bufoonery from too complacent evil ppl. dumb dumb dumbbbbb!
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but let’s admire this evil cutie bean.
riddhima’s mangalsutra which she justttttt set down on that bureau missing. she in a panic.
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ofc these two are behind it.
ishani wants the truth about that dayyyyyyy and aryan jumping in about how riddhima never loved vansh and just always doubted him and blah blah.
my question is since when aryan loves vansh bhaiiiiiii so much huh???????
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anyway. this happens. and those two are left plotting some more about getting the truth out.
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VIHAAAAAAAAAAAN is the new name.
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seeeeee????? i knew his ass had some lucrative skill in the current economy. he some tech bro types.
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unf, boy got cake. that ass just needed shirali to stay tf away from it.
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also askdjalskjdlsakdjlaskjdlkj they turned ragini’s container waala room into his hacker man cave. what a wonderfully multipurpose room!
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honestly, i’m just soooooooooo relieved i can just watch this show for eyecandy now. kaleje ko suchhhhhhhh thandak, yougaizzzzz.
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banda khud vansh ke net worth (5000 cr.) ko dekh kar hairaan pareshaan. yeah, this much wealth accumulation is fucking immoral, asshole. you vansh did deserve to get thrown off a fucking cliff.
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show laaaaaaaaaakh convince karne ki koshish karle ki yeh koi aur hai, my bullshit meter says it’s vansh vansh and no one else but vansh.
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unrealistic af, someone PRINTING photos out in this day and age. what kinda tech person are you???????
lmao he’s checking out each photo for each family member and the commentssssssss.....
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rudra chacha and chanchal chachi: “kaafi expressive faces! koshish bhi kare chupaane ki toh bhi chupaa nahi paa rahe ke lomdiii hain yeh ghar ke.”
aslkdjaslkdjlsakjdlskjdlksj i already like him better than old vansh.
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aryan: “doosron ke bharose jeene waala.”
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ishani: “raisinghania hone ka bohut ghamand hai, magar bechaari ki shaadi angre se ho gayi.”
how he know that if he not vansh????? angre not even in this set of pics.
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siya: “kehte hain jo chal nahi sakte, unka wifi network bohut strong hota hai..... kab, kahaan, kya pakad le, koi nahi jaanta.”
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“aur yeh hai....... RIDDHIMAAAAA....... iss parivaar ka most special aur khoobsoorat member.”
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“moh aur maaya...... dono ka mel [...]”
yup, i definitely like this cheeky and cheesy persona better than the murder-threatening-paralyzing shit we had to put up with earlier. happy days, you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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iwantitiwriteit · 4 years
Slow Burn: Act I - Part 3
The Secret Session
Pairing: Chris Evans x Famous!Reader
Summary: There’s a secret audience member at your acoustic show.
Warnings: Profanity
Notes: Before you dive in, get in the zone with the moodboard + music specially curated to go with this part! Full of acoustic jams by a couple of my favorite artists. Read the previous part here.
The calm before the storm. That’s what the time before a performance is like for you. You politely demand minimal talking of anyone in the room, unable to help getting lost in thought before a show, often reflecting on the last couple years. Today is no different.
Honey, your song is on the radio!
Oh ‘cos you’re ‘famous’ now, you think you’re hot shit?
It’s not like you don’t have the money.
5 weeks at number 1 and counting!
I can’t believe how naive you’re being.
I can’t believe how jealous you’re being.
And the award goes to…
You won!
I thought you’d be happy for me.
I can’t do this anymore...
“So… that hangover of yours must be serious.” 
You bring your eyesight from its fixed spot on the floor in front of you to look at Jimi. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you’re so lost in your thoughts, you didn’t hear me say ‘pancakes’.”
You whip your head around like a madwoman. “Pancakes?! Where?”
“Down girl. There are none. You fiend.”
“Then why mention it? Getting my hopes up like that…”
“‘Cos they’d go reeeealllly good with this obviously expensive, gourmet coffee someone named ‘CE’ sent you.”
“What?” You rush over to Jimi’s side and take the note from her hand.
“Mmhmm... cryptic ass note too. But I’m gonna guess not to you.” 
Roses are red, coffee is brown. Boston’s known for tea parties, and I for putting my foot in my mouth. Forgive me? -CE 
‘Brown’ and ‘mouth’? What a way with words, this guy. He really went through the trouble, though…
“Wanna tell me what you got up to last night? As your manager, I should know.” Jimi tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at you. 
You cringed at the thought of recounting last night’s events. “Not really.” Throwing the note over your shoulder, you began inspecting the extravagant bouquet. “And I’m not hungover by the way. Just feeling— ugh, you know how I get before shows.”
“Nuh uh, sis. Now I’m pulling best friend rank. Hungover or not, you crept ya ass back into the hotel room close to 3 am KNOWING you had a show the next day, get sent coffee and flowers with cheesy apology notes by obviously rich randos, and on TOP OF IT ALL, are about to be away from me for what? 3 months?”
“4 months,” you reluctantly corrected her.
“4 MONTHS! And you REALLY THINK you’re not about to tell me what the hell happened last night? What do you think this is— Pretty Little Liars? Bitch, spill.” Jimi’s right…  manager AND best friend. She deserves the tea… Why’d I give her this much power?
“Well…” Jimi takes a seat as you pace around, beginning to tell her about meeting Chris the night before.
“Chris Evans, Chris Evans? Like Chris motherfucking Evans?”
“Girl, yes!” you confirm.
You tell her about your stupid, potentially offensive joke.
“Ooooff. I’m not surprised, though, that’s on brand for you.”
“Ugh, I know— hey!”
You tell her how Anthony and Scott were obviously trying to set you up, and how Anthony was not helping the awkwardness you already established.
“Why, though??”
“Your guess is as good as mine.”
You tell her how things eventually turned around, you and Chris caught a little vibe, and that you were so sure he was flirting with you. How genuine he seemed, and how dreamy his eyes were, and—
“Wait a min—”
“Let me finish!”
Finally, you told her how you’d accidentally read Anthony’s text chain with Chris, and saw what Chris really thought of you.
“Well, damn.”
“I’m saying!” You breathe out exasperatedly as you sit down in front Jimi, leaning your head on her knee.“It's not that I thought we’d ride off into the sunset together or anything, but I just thought I’d read him as genuine. I don’t know… with all that’s happened the last few months, my judgment could really use a win.”
“Oh honey, I know. But what did I tell you? You—”
“We’re ready for you!” Saved by the stage manager.
“Looks like your stern talking to is gonna have to wait until after the meet and greet.”
“Immediately after. Have fun out there hun. Snatch some wigs!”
You didn’t see it, but last night Chris saw you enter the party. His breath hitched at the sight of you, dressed in all white, hair like a kinky-curly halo around your head. An actual angel. Somewhat dressed down from the other ladies in the party, but clearly confident and comfortable in your own skin, made you stand out to him. His mesmerization was interrupted by voices calling out in the distance. It was a couple of the younger actor boys, and he watched you chat with them.
Chris looked away when his phone dinged indicating he received a text. It was from Mackie, asking if he was ok. Can I catch a break? He exchanged texts, but wanted to return his gaze so badly to the sneakered beauty that caught his eye. When he looked up, you were gone, and he panicked a little. He finally found you outside on the rooftop patio, dancing provocatively… with Scott?
Chris made his way over to you, Scott, and Mackie. He admired the way you talked expressively about who-knows-what, but your animated faces amused him. When he got to you all, introductions were made; you’re an actress, soon making your film debut alongside his brother and friend. He tries to make small talk with you, but somehow finds himself being joked on for his own film debut, and he’s slightly returned to his sullen mood. I’m not in the mood for this. It’s always too good to be true, huh?
Alone with you at the bar, though, something happens, you change his mind— or rather confirm and further his initial intrigue. The two of you talk, laugh, and dance with each other for the better part of the evening, often catching yourselves gazing smittenly at the beautiful stranger opposite of you. He thinks that you're funny, smart, and confidently awkward. Chris appreciates your realness and was never more glad he came out despite his previously funky mood.
Unfourtunately, there was another change, a sour one. You’d seen Chris’ blind judgments of you. FuuuuUUUUUUcccckkk. He’d sent those texts before he’d even met you, ignorant to you being the musician that his brother and friend were trying to set him up with— they’d done a good job of making sure of that after he expressed his disinterest. But you didn’t know that, and believed that what he texted was truly what he thought of you after enjoying each other’s company all night.
Chris was embarrassed to say the least. He went to the bathroom to hide his shame. I finally, FINALLY hit it off with someone, and possibly blew it because I just HAD to choose this ONE time to be colorful in my word choice. I gotta make this right.
 As quickly as he could, he’d gotten together a demonstration of remorse: a beautiful bouquet of roses and some gourmet coffee, a call back to the quips you shared last night, sent to your green room. He wasn’t sure what to say on the note, but remembering how much of a jokester you are, he went the cheesy, comical route, and prayed it went over well. Chris could’ve left it at that, but no, my curiosity had to get the best of me. 
Just like you hadn’t seen him watching you last night, you hadn’t seen him watching you today. Today, however, he’s not the only one watching you. This isn’t qualified as stalking, is it? God, I hope not. Appropriately anxious and tucked in the furthest corner of the small, but packed venue, clad in a baseball cap, hoodie, and sunglasses, Chris heavily reconsidered his spur of the moment decision of coming to see your acoustic performance. Any chance of leaving was now gone as the lights dimmed and the presenter came on stage.
“In the last 2 years following the release of her debut album, today’s artist has taken music by storm! She’s had a #1 song in the country for 10 consecutive weeks— graced the covers of Rolling Stone and Vogue— top-billed major music festivals like Lollapalooza and Coachella. She’s even cleaned up at the Grammys this year and then gave the most talked about performance.”  Damn… do I really live under a rock? “iHeartRadio, give a warm welcome to…” 
Applause erupted as you joined your band on stage, taking your spot behind the microphone. You greeted the crowd with a shy smile and introduced the first song. “This… is ‘Stroke’.” The crowd erupts again around Chris, all in on what’s in store, leaving him the only one in the room unsure of what to expect.
Chris is mesmerized by your voice and amused by your quirky dance moves. But he feels conflicted, knowing that similar moves were done with him last night on the dance floor. When you danced together, it had felt like the two of you were in your own little world, but seeing you onstage sharing some of that with an entire audience made him feel a little… insignificant.
Your lyrics are smart, raw and moving and the instrumentation is captivating even in its stripped back state. Chris doesn’t think he’s ever heard music like yours before. He’s surprised by the subtly aggressive and sexual nature of it, considering how awkward and goofy and cute you were with him. However, he loves watching your outright confidence, your assertiveness, in action on stage. Wow, she’s fucking amazing!
“... thank y’all! Um… this next one is a cover of a song I’m sure you know and love.” The guitarist starts the iconic riff of Aaliyah’s ‘Are You That Somebody?’. Chris is taken back to hearing this song at many parties in his younger years where he mindlessly *and drunkenly* danced to the upbeat production. But hearing you sing it today, a little slower and a lot more vulnerable, the lyrics hit him differently.
“Oh boy, see I’m trusting you with my heart, my soul
I probably shouldn’t let you but if I
If I let you know
You can’t tell nobody, I’m talkin’ ‘bout nobody
I hope you’re responsible
Boy I gotta watch my back, 'Cause I’m not just anybody”
He’s reminded of your comments last night.
“Don’t you ever feel like you can’t tell people’s intentions? Like, you can’t tell if someone wants to be around you for you or… for what they think they’ll get in return. It’s just easier to stay in your own, comfortable bubble sometimes. I don’t know…”
She probably thinks I was trying to take advantage of her. God, I’m so stupid sometimes!
At the end of the set, there’s a round of deserving applause and cheers for you, and you beam at the crowd, thanking them. Chris can’t help but feel strangely proud of you; he barely knows you, but can tell you love what you do and give your all to it. He admires that.
When the lights come up and the presenter joins you on stage, Chris takes that opportunity to slip out early so as not to be caught in the rush of everyone leaving, risking him getting recognized. He gets his phone out to let his driver know he’s coming down and to meet him around the corner, hoping this will keep them from tipping off paparazzi. He then opens his music app to download all your music. It’s official: I’m a fan.
“Alright everybody, if you have tickets for the meet and greet… “ the presenter gives announcements as you leave the stage. Being the attentive performer you are, you noticed a tall, enigmatic audience member leave early. Normally you would’ve gently called them out, but something stopped you. A familiarity of the figure, the stature, the walk.
Your breath catches in your throat at the thought of who it could be. You start towards the green room to prepare for the meet and greet, although your swirling thoughts cause you to make little to no strides in that direction. What if it is Chris? Why would he come today? Was he really sorry? Or was he just bored and looking for a good laugh?
Adrenaline rushes you and you head in the direction of where the figure had gone. You scan the room and spot them, stomp up behind them, ready to have some words.
“Hey! HEY!” You reach and yank their hoodie off, “WHAT’D YOU THINK OF THE show…” your voice trails off at the sight of a toupee hanging in the pulled down hood, and the figure turns around. Shit. 
“¡¿Qué mierda estás haciendo?!” The Spanish speaking stranger is loud, bald, and clearly pissed.
“Lo siento,” you offer with a sheepish smile and shrug, then turn on your heels and scurry off, slightly embarrassed by the scene you’d caused.
“What the hell was that?” Jimi asked with wide eyes. “Not what I meant when I said ‘snatch some wigs’!” 
“I thought that was Chris…”
“You thought an extremely famous, A-list actor, who barely flirted with you last night, and clearly doesn’t think very highly of you, risked pestering paps and mobbing fans to go out of his way to come to your set today?”
“Well, when you put it like that…”
“And if it was? What were you gonna do?”
“I… didn’t think that far.”
“You didn’t think at all. Listen, I get that you’re hurt—“
“I’m not hurt! Ok… That’s not me. I don’t get hurt.”
Jimi sighs, softening her eyes and speaks at you with tough love and concern. “Whatever it is you’re feeling, you can’t let him or any other industry guy get in your head like this. Your career’s finally taking off like you wanted, and your personal life is less in shambles than it was a while ago. If you want everything to continue going in the right direction, you gotta get focused! You’ve got a movie role to slay! And many more amazing opportunities waiting for you after that because you made it all happen. I want you to remember that this next chapter is about focusing on what’s right for you, professionally and personally. Do NOT bring in the bullshit from the last chapter.”
It’s your turn to sigh. “But, I—“
“Aht-aht! No excuses. Are we clear?” You simply nod because there’s not much you can say. All you can do is mentally make a promise to yourself to not let any guy get you besides yourself, that you will be willing and ready for great things to happen to you. Jimi’s right… again! Dammit, I hate when she’s right.
Part 4
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 2 Recap: It’s Group B Time, let’s meet them! (Commentary & Guesses)
Hello my fellow Masked Singer fanatics! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana (nice to virtually meet you btw), recap every single episode of The Masked Singer. Here we are again with season 5, but this time another group, Group B, which consist of Black Swan 🖤🦢, Piglet 🐷, Chameleon 🦎, Grandpa Monster 👹 👴, and Phoenix 🦜.
So, let’s begin with the first eliminated contestant of Group B:
The first eliminated contestant was:
Phoenix 🦜
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Commentary: Ok, so this wasn’t surprising whatsoever, she sang Tik Tok by Kesha and you can obviously tell that she isn’t a singer at all. Like idk how else to explain it to you guys, but I guess she was talk singing... kind of like Wendy/the lips last season... so it was kind of easy the moment she opened her mouth to start singing to recognize immediately who it was...
Having said that, she was revealed to be (as I knew, this one wasn’t hard)...
Caitlyn Jenner
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Hehe I knew it! Again, like Wendy Williams aka the lips, this was way too obvious. She already walked around Hollywood Blvd with the Don’t Talk to me hoodie on so I knew she was going to be on the show but the min I saw Phoenix, the clues, and the moment she opened her mouth, I was so certain it was Caitlyn. No, I am not a big Kardashian/Jenner fan tbh but I used to watch the show way back when.... like in 2016? I am not sure, but I recognized her voice immediately.
Now onto my guesses for the remaining 4:
1. Black Swan 🦢🖤
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Commentary: So she sang Barracuda by Heart and damn, she got a strong voice! It’s a really amazing voice, even though the song choice wasn’t my favorite, because it didn’t suit her voice completely and showcase her range, but she was badass (can I say that? Whatever, this is my show, I’ll say it, it’s not THAT bad of a word) tbh. In certain parts, she was like screaming a lot and I was like um maybe this isn’t her best song choice but her voice is amazing! She gives me Seahorse mixed with Flamingo vibes, I love her!
I think she is singer extraordinaire:
Jojo (not Siwa but we have another Jojo on our hands)
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Reasoning/Clues: there are so many clues that match but her voice is the main thing that clicked for me that it was her, but let’s look at those clues so you can get the picture:
Wanted Poster with RV highlighted= she appeared in the movie RV with Robin Williams
She talks about being trapped and someone else’s prey and then getting out of it= she was trapped in her record label & there was controversy surrounding it and she had to sue her label for not releasing her music
A 5 on a watch= she toured with 5th harmony and has released 5 albums
Cluedledoo (Rooster) clue= she covered a monster= she covered one of T-Pain aka the Monster from season 1’s songs
2. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: He was my favorite of the night with his rendition of Speechless by Dan + Shay! You guys know if you have seen my recaps in season 3 (or even last week with Robopine) that I have a soft spot for a guy who has a super silky voice, like either boy band type or R&B smooth af kinda vibe (i.e. Fox in season 2, Turtle in season 3, Robopine in season 5).... or should I say any guy who can falsetto and Piglet is giving me those boy band smooth vibes, I love it so much! His voice is soooo familiar I am so sure about this one by the way.
My guess and I am so sure of this is:
Nick Lachey
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Reasoning/Clues: This one I recognized immediately, the voice was really easy to figure out, but these clues also are pretty convincing (oh and he was on Ken’s show, I Can See Your Voice, so it’s not surprising that he would be on this show):
The clue package had a dating show vibe = reminiscent of Love is Blind, the Netflix dating show he hosts with his wife Vanessa
The world saw his heart break= he had a very public relationship with his ex-wife Jessica Simpson and they even had a reality show together called Newlyweds
Cluedle-doo clue: “knows how to stay cool even in the heat”= referring to his past aka his boy band 98 degrees (get it? Because that’s the heat and they are cool because they are a boy band... well played Masked Singer well played... I wanna meet whoever makes these clues because they are great with puns and they seem super clever)
3. Chameleon 🦎
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Commentary: Chameleon surprised me I am not gonna lie. I thought he was going to be another athlete like Whatchamacallit last season or White Tiger from season 3 because he was so tall but nope he surprised me with his rendition of Ride with Me by Nelly. He seems like a legit rapper and I liked him a lot than I thought I would honestly so this guess isn’t totally out of left field.
My guess is that this is...
Wiz Khalifa
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Reasoning/Clues: so yeah, the voice and the height kinda gave it away to me (Wiz is 6 foot 4 inches and his body type matches the chameleon), but also yeah clues I have to give you guys some logic bombs instead of being like eh that voice and height BOOM WIZ KHALIFA... yeah no it doesn’t work like that, so here are the logic bombs hehe:
Dice with 2 and 3 on it= he did a song with Miley Cyrus called 23
007 clue= he has a song called (yes this is real, look it up) James Bong (omg I am trying not to laugh while typing this but whatttt?! Google really is a gem omg 😳😂) and he played James Bond in the music video
His love of technology & “put tech in technicolor”= apparently, the guy is a huge tech geek and has said it in a lot of interviews (wow humans are so complex and cool, I would have never thought that this man is a tech savvy guy... but the more you know I guess <P.S. I Googled half of these things... like idk this off the top of my head duh, I usually go by voice with my guesses and then I google the clues>)
4. Grandpa Monster
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Commentary: He sang Mambo No. 5 and yeah it’s a basic choice for a song, but I liked it. He is not my favorite by any means and now that I listen to it again, I can only hear this person and I am not a fan of him like whatsoever (even tho I gotta acknowledge he has changed and I have *I KNOW... I HATE ME TOO* agreed with stuff he has said in his podcast un ironically.... yeah I am so sorry, I hate myself for saying this too... anyways let’s just get to the person I mean
I have a sneaking suspicion that it is (unfortunately):
Logan Paul
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Reasoning/Clues: Yup, um... I really hope I am wrong but honestly ever since someone said it in the YouTube comments section of his performance, I can’t un hear it and I am shook honestly (at least it’s not his brother... I mean we can get worse, and he has respected the pandemic and not been a prick like his *cough* brother *cough*... just saying.. oh and if you don’t know what I am talking about or who this is, he’s a YouTuber who got into some um controversy because he filmed a dead body in 2018 so there’s that... oh and his brother has done a billion worse things than him, but you can Google that one if you are interested in finding out more because it’s too much for me to talk about and we are not even talking about Jake (that’s the brother))... Anyways, sorry, I ramble, but ugh the clues seem convincing and it irks me that it is because I am not a fan of neither of these guys and I don’t want them in the show but whatever I guess he’s the lesser of 2 evils:
He was a troublemaking fool as a youngster= yeah probably regarding that suicide forest video a couple of years ago (that ok, lemme give him credit, he has apologized for it and has kind of proven himself... yuck I hate saying that, I am NOT defending him I swear)
Acting out for all eyes on me= he used to be very well known for pranks on his channel back in the day (before the incident) and he did some stupid stuff for clout lemme tell ya (I never liked these guys, like ever, I thought they were weird.... not my demographic I guess, I wasn’t 12 nor a boy)
6 in Xs and Os like football plays = he did play football 🏈 in high school, he was so good that and actually attributes playing football for long term brain damage he has that makes him as the Wikipedia article says it (I am legit gonna quote what it says because I thought it was fascinating) “affects his ability to have empathy and a human connection with others.” (Mind you, he himself claimed this according to this article)
“Acting out”= he has acted in a few things before and starred in The Thinning
Web with the shooting star= he is a web star, get it? YouTube... web star... hehe again these clue writers are *chef’s kiss*
Cluedle-doo clue: he has trained for battle= now his new thing is boxing and he has trained for actual fights before, his first one being against British YouTuber KSI which he lost... oh and I almost forgot, how can I forget this cute little detail.... he is set to fight Floyd Mayweather this summer apparently... OH AND DID I MENTION HE IS MAKING 5 MILLION DOLLARS FROM THIS DEAL?! He’s winning either way with this fight like damn... but that wasn’t part of it, I just thought it was trippy... again I say, Google is a gem, u find some interesting reads
Ok so that’s it (what a great note to end on lol)! I hope you guys enjoy! Sorry for it being so long and taking so much time to do.. it’s been a crazy last couple of days! I will try to get the next one this upcoming weekend so I’ll see you guys then. (Ohhh btw I now live tweet the show on my Twitter- @photolover82 so if you want to follow me on there and live tweet with me, that can be fun!) Bye guys and don’t forget to like, comment, and do all the social media-y things, you know the drill!
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that-bajan-kid · 5 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 254 SPOILERS
(I'm on vacation and completely forgot today was Friday)
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Oh so we're going through their backstory again? Neat. Look at them. Ugh, I'm sad now.
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Aizawa Shouta, Shirakumo Oboro and Yamada Hizashi a.k.a The Three Stooges of Class A. That's it guys. That's what I'm going to call them from now.
So what you're saying is they basically resurrected him from the dead. Because AFO wasn't OP as hell before.
All for One, can you just suffer a stroke and die already. You're making everyone's life more difficult just by breathing, you asthma riddled voldermort looking potato head piece of shit. So ugly even your own face ditched you.
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So Kurugiri might still retain some of Shirikumo's traits. Like, for example, the fact that Kurugiri is all about that team work. Shirakumo wanted to open an agency with his two boyfriends bestfriends.
Aizawa is allowing himself to feel hope just a little, but he's still very sceptical.
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I take back what I said last chapter. Yamada is in full denial while Aizawa is just calmly talking about what is no doubt some very painfull memories.
Of course the moment Yamada dismisses the idea of Kurogiri being Shirakumo Kurugiri says something that proves otherwise.
Is he using his quirk so Kurugiri won't try to escape or is it to try and jog his memories?
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Kurugiri can't just leave his feral traumatised stray brat behind just like Shirakumo couldn't leave the stray cat behind. THIS IS WHY Y'ALL NEED TO READ VIGELANTES. That cat is so important to this plot.
Also Yamada seems kinda surprised at how composed Aizawa is right now. Like 5 mins ago he was ready to strangle anyone who looked at him funny.
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Wow. Shirakumo just went straight for that given name privilege, huh.
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He's wobbling. That's good, right? It means he's reacting to Aizawa's words.
My respect for Aizawa somehow got even higher?? I didn't even know that was possible.
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He wanted them to experience death like he did so they wouldn't take heroics lightly. I like how Nezu is just like "Sure fam. Do whatever you want.".
I kinda figured the reason Aizawa was so hard on his students was because he didn't want them to die like Shirakumo. Probably the reason why he was against the first years doing their work studies so early too.
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My poor babies. He wants his friend back so bad.
If Kurugiri doesn't have a positive reaction to this next chapter I'm gonna be so pissed.
Until next time.
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mini-moongi · 4 years
Notification [REVAMPED] || 4
Genre: Fluff, comedy, slow burn-ish
Summary: Alert!AU, School!AU; A mysterious app appeared on your phone and you can’t get rid of it?? It texts you people’s thoughts. One day, you accidentally send the star basketball player, Min Yoongi, to the nurse’s office.
Chapters: 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 coming soon!
series masterlist
────── ☽. ✧₊∘ ──────
“My eyes,” Jin cries,” I’ve got to bleach these suckers.” He backs away from the closet when he sees the two of you intertwined. Fingers in hair and lips grazing the neck were enough for the old man to retreat. “I’m too fucking old for this; Namjoon’s in charge of Yoongi now.” 
A ”Good luck explaining that to his parents.” was huffed out by the eldest.
You watch as he leaves your line of sight, and as soon as he did so, you leave Taehyung’s embrace. It’s tense and awkward, but you try not to dwell to much on it. You can face the consequences later, but you need to escape first. “I uh,” Taehyung clears his throat,” I didn’t think that’d actually work.”
“It’s almost 7, Taehyung.” You call over your shoulder, already in a rush to leave this god-forsaken place. “We’ve got to go home now if we want to get any work done.” Taehyung follows after you, watching your every move. The buzz in your pocket was persistent, but to be completely honest, you were too scared to check. Who knows what went on in Taehyung’s mind after you almost assaulted him.
The fresh cool air greeted you when you step outside. The building anxiety and desire to escape was satiated, and all that was left was relief. It didn’t last long though when you hear a rustle in the front yard bushes. “...what was that?”
Taehyung shrugs, but he steps in front of you and walks towards the noise. The grass crunched underneath his feet; each step more cautious than the last. Quickly, he grabbed a handful of its branches and moved it aside only to reveal a boy crouched behind it. “....Jungkook?”
“Oh my god you almost gave me a heart attack!!” Jungkook whisper yelled at him. “You’re gonna get me killed!” He gestures to the fact that you’re both staring at him in the open. 
You sigh,” Jin left a couple of minutes ago.”
“Yeah,” Taehyung chuckles,” You should probably call your mom or something.” He helps Jungkook out of the bushes. The younger boy is still cautious, looking around every two seconds.
Various notebooks were scattered on your desk, pencil shavings in every crevice you could imagine. The sun has gone all the way down by now, and hours of working has gone by. Taehyung smiles softly seeing your figure slumped on the desk; You fell asleep. 
He gets up from the side of your bed, the frame creaking as he does so. He drapes a spare throw blanket over your shoulders,” I guess we’ll call it a night?” He chuckles to himself as he murmurs to the open air. He starts to back up and pack his things when a light from your phone flashes. 
There laying next to you was your phone lit up with a notification from an app called ECHO. Taehyung knows it’s not a good idea to snoop through your belongings, but the familiar sentence caught his eye.
ECHO: 52 new messages!
[11:11pm] y/n looks peaceful. It’d be bad to bother her right now, but damn, if only I could kiss her.
He’s astonished and freaked out at the same time. He was just thinking that?? Taehyung paces around the room, forgetting the previous thing he was doing. It buzzes again.
[11:15pm] okay so the love of my life is a mind reader?? Oh my god, I don’t know if that’s really fucking cool or really fucking scary.
[11:16pm] wait does that mean y/n knows everything I’ve ever thought about her?
[11:17pm] But she’s--- I still--- ugh... just be glad that I like you, idiot.
He sinks back down on your bed. All of his worrying had exhausted him, and before he knows it, he’s sunken into the dark abyss.
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