#that’s scary. even if you’re not loved from where it began it’s TERRIFYING
ellecdc · 5 months
Hiyaa, I’m back again for another seer!reader😋
This one’s connected to the other seer!reader, I was thinking, what if mini padfoot inherits his mother’s abilities? Although he still can’t differentiate the line between his visions and dreams since he is really young. So what happened was he dreamt that a wolf was running after him and his baby sibling and he got so scared that he told his parents, then at the end they all figured out it was just a harmless dream?? Yes, angst with a happy ending please😚
Have a great day babes!🩷✨
mini-padfoot stoppppp I love them
poly!marauders x Seer!reader whose son inherits her gift of Sight
CW: hurt/comfort, fluff, Remus spiralling, continuation of this fic
If you had told Remus at any point in his life that he would one day be a doting stay-at-home-father of not one but two children, he would have called you barmy and maybe suggested you be admitted into the Janus Thickey ward at St. Mungo’s.
But alas, here he was, currently baking in his kitchen whilst his two children napped as he waited for his partners to return home from their various jobs.
And he loved it. 
As if perfect timing, Remus had just slid a sheet of biscuits into the oven and set a quick timer when he heard his oldest starting to cry. 
“I’m coming, cariad.” He called out as he wiped the flour off his jumper and pushed the door open to his son’s room, hoping to calm the crying before he managed to wake his younger sibling. 
“Da!” Leo sobbed, holding his little arms out to Remus. Remus quickly bent down and scooped the toddler up into his arms and began shushing him and bouncing back and forth.
“You’re okay, m’love. Da’s right here.” He murmured into his head of curly black hair. 
Though Remus knew toddlers and babies often cried as they woke up, Leo seemed to be particularly distressed after today’s nap. 
“Hey, hey cariad; what’s the problem, hm? What’s the matter?” Remus cooed as he pulled his son away from his body to examine his face. 
Remus’ heart lurched as he watched the little black-haired, grey-eyed bub rub at his eyes with pudgy fists; lip jutting out as he took in shuddering breaths.
“Saw bad.” He pouted miserably. 
Remus’ heart lurched once again for the poor mini-padfoot who was plagued with his mummy’s gift of Sight. 
“Did you have a bad dream?” Remus asked cautiously. 
After many discussions that Sirius, James, and Remus had with you, they decided it was best to have Leo describe any potential Sights as dreams until he was old enough to be able to cope with potentially unsettling Sights; there was no use in your child stressing over things he could not control or even properly understand yet.
“Yeah.” The boy cried again.
“What was the dream about, my love?”
“Bad wolf.”
Remus felt his blood run ice cold as he stared at his son in horror.
A Bad Wolf.
“What did the bad wolf do, cariad?”
Leo let out a pitiful sniffle as his big eyes stared up imploringly at his father. “He was chasing us, me and my baby sister. I had to carry her but she wouldn’t stop crying and the wolf kept chasing us. He was growling and drooly and just very scary.” He explained, the end of his sentence punctuated with another sob.
Remus’ body seemed to move in autopilot as he pulled the child back into his chest and began rocking him back and forth, murmuring soft encouragements of ‘your safe now’, ‘da’s got you’, and ‘there’s nothing to be afraid of’ even though Remus himself was terrified. 
It was him.
He was The Wolf. 
He was chasing them…hunting them; his own children.
He should have known; he should have known better.
He was a monster through and through and he had no right to endanger the lives of these two innocent babes.
He felt sick and twisted even holding Sirius’ doppelganger in his arms like he had any right to tell him it was all okay and he was safe now. As if he wasn’t currently cradled in the arms of the monster he so feared. 
Remus moved the child to the living room where he popped on a video of Winnie the Pooh or some other children’s cartoon on the muggle telly for him and handed him a small cup of apple slices.
He stood in the corner of the room - the closest he’d allow himself to Leo - chewing at his cuticles until James walked in the door.
“Daddy!” Leo shrieked excitedly as he abandoned the remaining apple slices in favour of launching himself at his father. 
“Hey lovebug!” James cheered back, swinging the toddler back and forth in his arms before putting him back down and letting him race back off to his shows.
“‘Lo Moons! How was- is…is everything okay?” James started, but paused as he noticed Remus’ tense body language. 
“Can you please watch them?” Remus whispered, referring to the one child sitting in front of the telly and the other still sound asleep within her bassinet. 
“Of course.” James started, sounding like he was ready to ask Remus what was going on, but Remus never gave him the chance.
Remus swiftly moved down the hall and closed himself into their bedroom where he let out his own sob that had been stuck in the back of his throat. 
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The house smelled heavenly, alerting you to the fact that Remus had been playing around in the kitchen again. You’d been coming home to some of the most delectable pastries and breads that Remus always found some fault in - they were too dense, too flaky, not risen enough etc etc - but they never failed to make your mouth water each and every time.
The pleased smile that had taken over your face as you entered your home quickly vanished when you entered the living room to a tension you weren’t accustomed to in your own home. 
Sirius was standing with the youngest of your two children cradled in his arms as he and James murmured solemnly back and forth, and your oldest watched cartoons completely unaware of any stress colouring the atmosphere around him. 
“Hey you guys.” You offered cautiously, causing Leo to jump up to greet you.
“Hi mummy!” He shrieked, causing your daughter to stir unhappily in his papa’s arms. 
“Where’s Da, pumpkin?” You asked him as he wiggled out of your grasp, clearly eager to return to his shows.
“In bed.” He responded simply, causing you to look at your husbands bemusedly. 
Sirius and James exchanged a glance as James moved over to you. “He’s in the bedroom. He seemed very upset when I got home and all he told me was ‘Leo Saw something’.”
You let out a sigh as you looked over at your son, feeling horribly guilty that he was plagued by the same ‘gift’ that you were. You could remember some of your earliest sights at perhaps only slightly older than he currently was, and how upsetting not only the Sights could be, but how upsetting it could be when they happened to come true.
But, you also knew that at his age, what Remus described as a Sight could easily have been a simple dream.
You made your way down the hallway towards your bedroom, pausing to knock gently twice before letting yourself in.
Remus was sitting hunched over on the edge of the bed with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands with his back facing you.
You aren’t sure when the last time you saw him look so dejected was, but it caused a horrible lump in your throat nonetheless. 
“Moony, love?” You called quietly, moving slowly around the bed in order to stand in front of him.
He never looked up at you, but a sob escaped him at your words.
“Baby.” You cooed as you knelt; placing your hands on either side of his knee and trying to rub circles with your thumbs in an attempt to get him to look at you. “What happened, my love?”
Through quiet sobs, you managed to catch “He’s scared of me. I’m going to kill him.” 
“Remus.” You said more seriously. “That’s impossible.”
“He saw the Wolf, Y/N.” Remus responded emphatically, pulling his hands away from his face to expose his reddened and swollen eyes and cheeks. “It…it was - I was chasing him, and he was carrying our sweet-” He cut himself off with a hiccup and tried to cover his face again, but you caught his hands and brought them to your cheeks instead. 
“He was trying to protect his little sister, and the Wolf was hunting them. I was hunting them.”
“No Remus.” You argued, but Remus screwed his eyes shut as if your refusal to believe him caused him physical pain.
“Remus Lupin, you listen to me; you would never allow anything to happen to those kids. You love them more than anything in this world; I’ve never been more certain of their safety than when they’re with you.”
Remus didn’t seem completely convinced as he shook his head in disagreement, though he didn’t bother arguing with you. 
“And even if that wasn’t true.” You began, drawing your syllables out to encourage him to return his eyes to yours, which he did. “You have three of us here who also would never allow anything to happen to them. If you don’t trust yourself, don’t you trust us?”
Remus let out a defeated sigh as he rested his forehead against yours; his hands still stationed where you were holding them against your jaw as his thumbs gently rubbed near your cheekbones. 
“Besides,” You added quietly, nudging his nose gently with your own. “I’m a much better Seer than Leo; if anything were to happen to my children - I’d be the first to know.” 
Remus let out a quiet snort at that, causing you to smile. 
“I’m sorry you’ve had a bad day, my love.” You soothed; pulling your head back to press a kiss to his nose only for him to hold your head there and press a gentle kiss to your lips in response.
“It wasn’t a bad day.” He countered. “It was quite good, before he woke up from his nap terrified.”
You let out a sympathetic hum of acknowledgement and pressed another kiss to his lips. “It could have very well been a dream, baby.”
Remus sighed as if he knew that, but just couldn’t help being worried. You understood his dilemma. 
Before either of you could respond, a cautious knock was rapped against the door as James and Sirius both poked their heads in.
“Hey, Moony.” James started, sounding all kinds of guilty.
“So, Leo told us about his dream he had this afternoon.” Sirius continued, grimacing slightly at the admission. 
“Yeah! And, uhm, funny thing…that…” James soldiered on. “It turns out-”
“Red Riding Hood!” Leo squealed as he shoved his head between Sirius and James’ legs.
“What?” Remus asked in bemusement. 
“Well, we had a playdate over with the Lovegood’s yesterday, right? And Xenophilius read this muggle nursery rhyme to them-”
“James…” You groaned, leaning your forehead down on Remus’ knee as he rubbed his thumbs through the baby hairs on the back of your neck.
“Why don’t you tell them what happened next in your dream, bubs. After the wolf was chasing you?” Sirius encouraged.
“Me and sissy got away from the wolf because Mama showed up with two knights and they fought the wolf! And the knights were Daddy and Da, and then we all went and rescued Papa from an evil witch who locked him in a tower!” Leo explained excitedly. 
“Leo,” Remus chided jovially. “You didn’t tell me any of this when you woke up.”
“I forgot!” Leo said with a shrug before he went racing back off down the hallway. 
“Cheeky bastard.” You sighed quietly causing Sirius to bark a laugh. 
“Sure is; he is his father’s son, afterall.”
“I’m so sorry, Rem.” James offered guiltily. “I was just so excited to learn muggle nursery rhymes and stories; I never even made the connection of the Wolf.”
Remus shook his head at his husband in faux contempt as he turned to lean his head against yours once again. “I’m gonna kill him.”
You hummed as if in thought. “No you won’t.”
“How can you be so sure?” He asked with a smirk.
You smirked right back. “Because, I would have Seen it.”
“Fair enough.” He whispered back. 
“Right. So, now that we’re all good.” Sirius began. “Can we have those biscuits you made yet? They smell bloody brilliant.
“You can.” Remus replied. “None for Prongs.”
This earned him a bark of laughter from Sirius and a horrified squawk from James.
“Ha ha. You’re in the doghouse.” Sirius taunted James, turning to flee quickly when James turned to glare daggers at him.
You knew James had caught up to him when you heard an inelegant shriek from Sirius and Leo squealing in laughter at his fathers’ antics.
“I love them so much.” You mused aloud.
Remus breathed out a laugh through his nose. “Me too.”
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cinnamo6 · 1 year
Friendship’s not in the field manual.
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Simon “Ghost” Riley x GN!reader
warning(s): angst, no comfort (yet..)
a/n: trying my hand at a new format. Not proofread/probably grammar mistakes
You’re convinced Ghost hates you. Downright despises you.
Sad? Yes. Exasperating? Most Definitely.
Hard to be at the top of your game when you’re convinced your own Lieutenant thrives off your suffering. You were the new bright eyed rookie hacker for 141. Picking up where they fell short in the technical field. And yet somehow Ghost had managed to make you feel incompetent on good days, and just plain miserable on the worst.
You’d long accepted that he’d never like you, but that didn’t mean it didn’t bother you. Every single attempt to be friends was shot down. At least he wasn’t lying when he said he had a cold heart. It was unbelievably frustrating and you were reaching your limit.
And did.
That day you felt like the world was truly against you. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Waking up feeling just plain awful was a great start for sure. Finally finding the strength to drag yourself to the kitchen only to somehow manage to spill coffee all over yourself and your belongings, tech included. The coffee was hot enough to leave a painful burn, and there was no doubt your laptop was completely destroyed. You tried not to cry on your way to the medbay, you felt pathetic limping to and from. The walk of shame indeed.
After cleaning up the rest of the mess and at least trying to salvage the rest of your belongings that fell victim, you decided a change of clothes would do some good. Your only priority now was to Avoid. Ghost.
The last thing you needed today was his shit.
Normally you could take what he dished out, but today whatever he had in store would most definitely destroy you. Which is exactly why you froze you heard heavy foot steps approach you. You didn’t need to look to know exactly who it was.
“Sergeant.” His tone made you wince.
You’d missed the mandatory meeting. He was really gonna let you have it.
You held your breath in preparation, and stared down at the floor.
Just hold it together and break down later.
“What? Can’t even look at me? Fucking pathetic.”
Hold it together. Hold it together. Hold it togeth-
“Look at me.”
As long as you don’t look him in the eyes you’ll be fine. You can do this. You’ll get out of this in one piece.
“In the eyes, rookie.”
Christ if he wasn’t so damn scary.
You somehow worked up the nerve to finally look at him and met instant regret. His eyes held so much anger, and knowing it was directed at you was terrifying. This man must really, truly, hate you.
You couldn’t stop the tears as soon as they began. You missed the way his eyes widened, even if only by a little bit.
“Why do you hate me?” You sobbed. “I just don’t understand what I’ve done wrong.”
He saw your hands shake as you frantically wiped your eyes, in a hurry to get away from the room, from him.
“Love, I-“ he started, but you had already disappeared.
Oh he fucked up. Big time.
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Wonderland Au where reader falls into a rabbit hole and meets baki the red king of hearts who gets obsessed with reader who wants to go home. Reader escaped and meets Jack the white king of hearts for help to go home. Turns out reader isn’t to go home sooner. Bc of two obsessed boys lol.
YOU SHOULD WRITE A STORY because this is genius. If I start a one shot/ short stories series, I have a hard time finishing it. But I will make you a short story. With my own twist
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Yandere Baki Short Stories:
Down the Rabbit Hole
You didn’t think you’d end up in a situation such as this. All because you followed a cute black rabbit in a white waist coat down a hole. One where you were trapped between two kings. Stuck between two powerful men who could easily snap you in half like a twig in a game of tug-o-war. You had asked the white king for his help many months ago to be able to escape the hold the delusional Red king had on you. Right now you knelt before the giant white king who had snatched you away from the obsessive red king. His company was even more terrifying than the other...
You flinched when the white king held your jaw in his large hand, his brown eyes glowering down at you.
“You said you’d do anything once you receive my help to get away from the red king. So why do you not want to give me the payment in which I am owed?”
“But I just wanted to go home… I can’t go home if you want me to marry you, your highness-“ You flinched when he pulled your face towards him, his eyes boring into your very soul from the intensity of his gaze. You could feel tears gather in your eyes from how scared you were. Why did he have ti be so scary?
“I told you to call me Jack.” Jack soon pulled you into his lap, a squeak escaping your lips when you felt his arms cage you in. You could feel the hopelessness settling in from how tight his hold was on you. “And I did promise you I’d help you get home so this is your home now.”
“But I miss my family-“ You flinched when you felt his lips brush against your neck, your blood running cold when you felt his chest rumble with a chuckle.
“I’m your family now, darling.” Jack sighed as he inhaled your scent. “You came to me all teary eyed and lost just like a lamb all those months ago. How could I not want to sink my fangs in you?”
“You’re not really that clueless are you?” Jack pulled back with a smirk, his eyes widening at your tearful expression. “Why do you cry, darling? I’m keeping you safe.”
“Please let me go. Please-“ you cried even harder when he pressed his lips to yours. His large hands holding you in place as he began to devour you. The giant king pausing once he felt you trying to push him away. A displeased expression on his handsome face when he pulled away from you.
“This is your home. Your home is with me.” Jack stated as he repositioned you on his lap so that your back was laying on his chest. “I’m sure with time you will learn to love me, I can be patient.”
You could only shake as he pulled you close to his body. His lips tenderly kissing the junction between your neck and shoulder. You just didn’t understand when his interest in you began… you barely even spoke to him.
“Why do you want to marry me? I cannot contribute much to you.” You muttered firmly despite your entire body shaking like a leaf under his touch. “I’m not royalty… I have no title or power here.”
“You weren’t scared of me.” Jack whispered in your ear, his hot breath tickling your ear. “Despite his small and frail you are, your words were firm. Just like now. You’re shaking so much but you are able to firmly ask me for things. You don’t shy away from my gaze either.”
You sucked in a deep breath when you felt his hands grasp your hips and pulled them closer to his body.
“I think we’re compatible in just about every aspect-“
“Your majesty! The Red King has arrived with an army!” Jack quickly rose up and placed you on his throne chair. An annoyed expression now on his face.
“What could he possibly want?!”
“Brother! Release my lover at once!” The guard didn’t even have a chance to speak before he was beheaded. A fuming young king adorned in all red stood before Jack and you. Blood dripping from his blade, some of it smeared in his handsome face.
“Your lover?! Don’t make me laugh, brother. They are my lover!”
“Brother?” (Your name) whispered as it dawned on her that the two kings were related… they shared the same brown eyes and obsessive tendencies but everything else was completely different about them… they were so different from each other and yet the same.
“Don’t worry, my love. After this I won’t have a brother.” The red king exclaimed with a bright smile that shook you to your core. “You’ll be able to be by my side with no disturbances then.”
Jack’s eyes narrowed at your fearful expression, the blonde king glared at the smaller red haired male in anger.
“You’ve upset them now. Can’t you see how scared they are if you, Baki?”
“And you made them cry, Jack!” Baki hissed as he pointed his sword at Jack. “Now fight me for their hand!”
Jack sighed as he withdrew his own sword and pointed it at Baki. “May the stronger man win.”
The two clashed swords as you’d at petrified on the throne chair. Your body shaking as you nervously glanced around the room for any sign of escape. Your eyes widened when you spotted a familiar black rabbit wearing a tiny white waist coat. Their body bouncing up and down to try to get your attention.
You took once glance back at the fighting brothers before booting towards the rabbit. Baki being the first to spot you.
“Hey! Where are you going, my love! You have to wait until we’re done fighting before you can run into my arms!” Baki laughed as he continued to fight Jack who only glared at how delusional his brother was being.
“You idiot! They’re escaping!” Jack and Baku stopped fighting as they watched you chase after the little rabbit. “Guards! After them!”
You ran as fast as you could, making sure to follow the little black rabbit through the forest. The brush nicking your red dress here and there as you continued to chase them.
You felt tears run down your face when you heard loud foot steps chasing after you. You swore you could feel Jack and Baki right on your tail but you didn’t dare turn around. You knew they’d snatch you up in their arms the moment you did.
The little black rabbit lead you into a door. You quickly jumped through it, just barely missing Jack’s large hand from grabbing your arm.
“Don’t leave me! Don’t leave!” The rabbit slammed the wooden door shut with a loud slam as you fell to the forest floor in exhaustion.
You turned to the little rabbit, quickly taking them into your arms arms as you cried. You pressed kisses to their little head. The rabbit spun its body around and melted in your arms as you cried.
“Thank you… thank you.” You continued to sob as your gently held the rabbit unaware that you were no longer holding a rabbit. “You saved me.”
“Of course I did! It was my fault for losing sight if you.” You froze when you heard a masculine voice. A pair of muscular arms soon wrapped around you as you felt your body freeze. “It took forever for me to be able to find you again until those two started a war. Then I was finally able to slip under their noses to take you back.”
“What?” You nervously glanced around the forest only to realize you weren’t in a forest but in a cottage. “Who are you?”
“It’s me! Katsumi! Your husband, sweetie.” Katsumi chuckled as his rabbit ears flapped in excitement. “And you’re finally home now! Right where you’re supposed to be.”
You were going to be sick when you felt the muscular man hug you even tighter.
“You gave chase to me! In my culture, that means you accepted my proposal!” You froze when the rabbit man pressed a kiss to your cheek. “You’re going to love it here in my den! It’s impossible for anyone else to get in unless they’re a rabbit.”
You almost wished you would’ve just stayed with Jack or Baki
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the-guilty-writer · 2 years
Request from anon: you asked and i shall deliver, could you do Hotch x daughter!reader where she is having a hard time with her OCD
Aaron Hotchner x daughter!reader
Summary: Hotch notices a change in your behavior as you go through a rough period with your OCD. He makes sure you know he is there to help.
A/N: Thank you for the request! This is my first hotch!daughter and soft dad hotch was comforting to write. I hope I portrayed OCD in an accurate and sensitive manner. All feeback and constructive critisism is appreciated.
Also a huge thanks to my special consultant on this fic. You know who you are and thank you so much for all the support ❤
CW: reader has OCD (obsession around saftey and slight superstition), intrusive thoughts about harm, talks about OCD behaviors
There were always the little things that Hotch knew probably wouldn’t go away no matter how much therapy he put you through: sudden doubts that the front door was locked, unplugging everything in your bedroom before you left the house, how you HAD to tell him that you loved him before you went to bed, and how if he didn’t reciprocate the words you wouldn’t sleep that night.
Those things were manageable- there were smart locks that connected to an app on your phone so you could check the door was locked if the thought hit you in the middle of the day. The power strip in your room made it so it didn’t take much to unplug things. No matter where he was and what he was doing he always always texted you so you could sleep peacefully.
But sometimes the thoughts got more intrusive and intense. Sometimes they got scary.
You’d avoid the kitchen entirely because you were terrified you’d hurt someone if you got your hands on a knife, Hotch having to double up his gun safe and hide it so you could feel safe in the house, being unable to sit in the passenger seat of a car so there was no possible way you could grab the wheel. That was usually how he knew the thoughts were getting louder- when you wanted to sit in the back of the car with your brother rather than up front with him.
It was Sunday and Jack requested a trip to the park to play on the playground, so while he played on the monkeybars and slid down the slides you sat next to your dad on a bench nearby.
“Do you want to tell me about it?” Hotch asked gently.
You looked down, nervously fiddling with your hands. “I know it’s not rational but no matter how hard I try I can’t stop the thoughts from coming. And- I can’t trust myself not to act on them. I don’t think I would, but I can’t risk-” You choked on your words, holding back tears.
Your dad scooted closer to you on the bench. “You aren’t your thoughts.” He tucked your hair behind your ear. “You’d never hurt anyone on purpose, even if the chemicals in your brain make you think that you would.”
Your dad put a gentle arm around you and you leaned into the comfort of his embrace, closing your eyes and knowing deep down that he was right, but still having doubts on the surface.
“I-” Your breath caught in your throat as tears began to roll down your face. “I think I need more help-”
“Of course.” Hotch pressed a kiss to your forehead. “We can talk to your therapist about making a plan, change your medication, new management tools, whatever you need.”
You nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Your dad pulled you in closer, rubbing a gentle hand up and down your back. “It’s going to be alright. Jack’s alright. I’m alright. You’re going to be alright, too.”
You constatly experienced worry and doubt and fear, but in your father's arms, for the first time in a long time you believed that you would be alright.
The anxiety eased ever so slightly, your shoulders relaxing and your breathing becoming even. You could hear the sound of Jack's laughter and the steady rhythm of your dad's heart instead of the intrusive thoughts that normally raced through your head. You leaned into the minute of comfort while you had it and got a glimpse of how you would feel once you travled down the long and trecherous road of treatment ahead:
You would feel safe.
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skyward-floored · 26 days
Trick of the light (downfall iau)
Going back in time a bit, a quick thing about how Wind and Four actually ended up in the wrong universe.
“Don’t come any closer!”
Wind huffed in annoyance, glaring at the bad guy that was threateningly waving some kind of device around. They’d finally cornered Wizzro up here after a long chase-slash-fight, and now he’d hidden himself behind a forcefield and was grinning at them all like he wasn’t totally about to be stopped.
Four beside him rolled his eyes, and Wind heard their father let out a sigh as the villain cackled again.
“Wizzro, you’re surrounded, drop your shield and drop your weapon,” he said coolly.
“Never! I went through a lot of work to make this!” Wizzro hissed, then ran a loving hand over the device. “It’s ready now— all I have to do is use it, and nobody will be able to stop me!���
“Oh yeah? What’s it do?” Warriors drawled, and Time tilted his head at Wind and Four, making a few small hand gestures.
They nodded, and began to slowly inch around to Wizzro’s other side while Warriors distracted him, Wind wishing Wild or Legend had come with them. It figures the two people we could use the most didn’t come.
“Well, it’s... very powerful,” Wizzro began to explain, twiddling with some switches, “so powerful that not even you will be able to stand up to me, Fierce Deity!”
“Ooh, scary,” Warriors grinned, casually crossing his arms. “You have no clue what it does, do you?”
“What? Yes! Of course I do!” Wizzro snapped, but they all saw the hesitation in his eyes. “I do!”
Time raised a disbelieving eyebrow.
“Oh shut up! I’ve combined several different designs to make an all-powerful weapon!” Wizzro yelled, and then held it up so they could all see it. “And the power that fuels it is not to be reckoned with!”
Wind saw a glimmer of light in the bottom of the gun-like device, bright enough that he couldn’t really tell what it was. Maybe some kind of stone? He didn’t recognize it though, and based on Warriors and Time’s frowns, they didn’t either.
He kept going alongside Four though. They were almost directly behind Wizzro now, and with his focus on Warriors and Time, Wind was confident he’d be able to use his winds to shut off the forcefield so he and Four could tackle him. He was a little uneasy about the weapon, but he could just blow it out of Wizzro’s hand if it came to it.
“And what exactly is this power that we should be so terrified of?” Time asked dryly, hiding his own unease. Wizzro only grinned, and twirled his weapon.
“That’s only for me to know about, I’m afraid. But you should be terrified.”
“Why exactly? If you don’t even know what it does, why should we be afraid?” Warriors asked, and Wizzro hummed, tapping a withered finger to his chin. Or at least what might have been a chin. His hood mostly hid his face.
“You know, that’s a good point,” Wizzro said casually. His grin grew. “What do you say we test it?”
And then before anyone could react, he whirled around and shot it through his shield directly at Wind and Four.
Pure light burst from the device, so bright that it seemed to blot out every sense that Wind had. He plainly heard his father’s panicked shout though, and Wind had just enough time to grab onto Four before the light intensified over them like a solid weight.
His breath left him, otherwise he would have screamed with the way it felt like every cell in his body lit up with energy. The world swirled around and the light felt like it was passing through him, pulling and tugging him away.
Wind held Four with everything he had, and the world went white.
The blinding light lasted several seconds, then abruptly faded, leaving Time, Warriors and Wizzro all blinking rapidly in an attempt to regain their vision.
And when it did, Wind and Four were nowhere to be seen.
Wizzro blinked, looking at his weapon, then at the place where Wind and Four had been, and then back at his weapon again.
“Hm. That wasn’t supposed to happen.”
Warriors decked him with a blast of ice to the chest.
Wind woke up to a distant call of his name, and someone frantically shaking his shoulders.
A groan escaped him, and he managed to drag his eyes open, though he immediately closed them again. The light felt like it was burning his eyeballs, and even though the shaking was kinda frantic, Wind didn’t move, trying to get the world to settle and the pain in his head to ease up.
“Wind! Come on, wake up!”
At the sound of his brother’s frantic voice, Wind finally peeled his eyes open, despite how much it hurt them. The light was a little less intense this time though, and he made out a blurry face in front of him, expression on the panicked side.
“Uh... Four?” Wind managed to groan, and Four nodded, looking relieved.
“Finally! I woke up like ten minutes ago, I wasn’t sure if you were ever going to. I had to drag you into an alleyway!” he said a little frantically, and Wind squinted at him.
“You dragged... wait, why?” he asked, sitting up with a grunt. Ow. “What... what happened?”
Four bit his lip, and looked behind him somewhere. “I... I don’t know. That light hit us, and we got thrown somewhere, I guess. But when I woke up people were staring at us, especially at our suits, and this one guy looked bad, so I tugged you away when he glanced away, and Wind, it looks really weird out there.”
“Really weird how?” Wind questioned, and Four anxiously rubbed his arm.
“Like... wrong.”
Wind frowned, and looked around the alleyway Four had dragged him into, not noticing anything too out of the ordinary. It was a little stinky, but there was nothing wrong.
Not until he saw a poster on the wall that made his stomach lurch.
Wind stood, wobbling for a moment then righting himself, and walked to the wall, staring at the poster. It was partially torn, but still almost entirely legible. The part that had caught his attention though, was the part that said DIRK LAKEWOOD, KEEPING US SAFE.
Four looked over his shoulder and choked, and Wind kept staring at the poster, Dark’s winning smile making him want to tear the poster up and run.
“Th... that’s Dark,” Four said shakily, and Wind’s mind flickered back to the disaster with Dark and the island, the robot and the fight, and... Four almost getting kidnapped. “How...”
“I don’t know,” Wind said quietly, and looked at Four. “But... I think that light did more then just zap us off the roof.”
Four paled a little and leaned against the wall, and Wind’s mind was running in overdrive, trying to figure out what this meant. Dark was dead, no doubt about that, but somehow he... wasn’t?
Rapid footsteps pounded nearby, and Wind and Four startled and ducked back a little, watching a figure charge into the alleyway and begin working his way up the wall. It was a super, outfit a dark red, hints of black and green interspersed, and Wind squinted, the colors familiar, yet... not.
Four suddenly gasped, and Wind realized it was Legend jumping over dumpsters and climbing up onto the roof. But last Wind checked, Legend was at home with a cold, and the Legend currently working his way upwards was all wrong, the colors of his suit too dark, his frame skinnier than it should be.
Wind caught a brief glimpse of his face, and his blood went cold, the face so obviously his brother’s and yet not at the same time that he had to sit down.
He and Four watched the strange Legend disappear onto a rooftop, and didn’t say anything for a few long seconds.
“I think you’re right,” Four finally whispered.
They exchanged frightened looks, and Wind glanced back at the poster one more time, Dark still grinning at them with an obnoxiously perfect smile.
What had they just gotten themselves into?
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everettswritings · 3 months
Got an idea for a cute story with a dash of angst if you want
How Shadow milk became the caregiver of regressor y/n....imagine if he had freed himself from the tree (or somehow freed himself again after the events of the story) and began roaming around, doing his usual antics! He eventually reaches y/n's home town/village/well...just home. He does his antics and y/n gets so stressed out, they regress and start crying like a baby.
For Shadow milk...why do I imagine...instant switch flip. From chaotic scary jester mode...to instant funny dad mode...also can imagine Shadow milk just realizing y/n is a regressor and goes '....ok, I'm a dad now. This is my baby now. All mine.' Just instant adoption...releases everyone else because now 1000000% focus is on baby now XD.
Just think the total sudden 180 would be funny lol...
BTW to explain...dash of angst that instantly gets resolved is y/n being terrified of Shadow milk lol...like seeing him all scary with evil laughter and so on scaring y/n so much.
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Whole fic time! I actually really love this idea so much, Shadow Milk accidentally adopting someone(especially Y/N) just sounds weirdly canon. (NSFW/Kink accounts DNI!)
Laughter echoed through the air of Beast-Yeast, the maniacal cackling was as loud as lightning and even more frightening than such. Somehow, some way, the Beast known as Shadow Milk Cookie had breached his prison and was now spreading horrific chaos across the land. Circus-y music was blaring loudly and the noises of various acts being performed by mind controlled cookies only added to the cacophony.
You were crouched down in the corner of your living room with your ears covered, paralyzed by fear and trying to fight off your littlespace. You naturally screamed when you heard and saw someone crashing into your home, and you couldn’t help but shake as those heterochromatic eyes locked onto you.
“Well, well, well! What do we have here?!” Laughed the jester causing this madness as he approached you, fully intending to pull you into this like everyone else. You couldn’t hold it back anymore and involuntarily went into littlespace, instantly bursting into scared tears… somehow it made the jester pause in his advance. A look of concern spread across his usually-grinning face as he saw your tears rolling down your cheeks. He felt a pang inside him; but a pang of what? Guilt? Regret? He couldn’t quite decipher it, as it was probably a mixture of many emotions- he couldn’t recall the last time he felt something other than anger or manic joy. He crouched down in an attempt to look less threatening, feeling another wave of this emotion crashing down as you looked over with misted eyes. The jester gave a weak smile, “Hey, lil’ one… It’s alright. You’re alright…” He reached out for you, but you shrunk away. He retracted his hand and paused to think of how to turn your frown upside down.
The Beast’s grin returned to their face as a lightbulb went off; a puppet show! A puppet show was the perfect idea! They pulled a couple puppets out of thin air, clearing their throat to do the appropriate voices, which caught your attention again. One puppet was a baker and the other was just an ordinary guy- where would this go? The baker puppet held up a cupcake with a sleepy face stitched into the felt: “Here you go!” The baker said “One dozin’ cupcake!”, the ordinary guy grumbled “I said one dozen cupcakes!”.
You couldn’t suppress your giggles. The bit was a little dumb, sure, but it was still funny! At least to a regressed you. Shadow Milk Cookie’s grin widened with genuine affection and he decided to keep going, he kept pulling out assorted puppets and performing silly skits with them in order to make you laugh. Eventually, you decided to finally approach the jester and threw your arms around him in a hug. Although Shadow Milk Cookie was a bit surprised, he couldn’t say no to seeing you smile or hugging you back.
“Thank you, you’ve been such a wonderful audience!” They laughed, giving your little head a pat and handing you a little kettle-corn to snack on. As you graciously munched on the sweet treat, they breathed a relieved sigh that you calmed down. Maybe that’s what the pang was- a paternal feeling. They pulled you onto their lap and ruffled your hair.
“I guess I’m a dad now, huh?” They grinned.
That’s all! Ahh! Loved this, loved this, LOVED THIS! Thank you for the request! Have a good one 🫶
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csuitebitches · 11 months
I really enjoy your blog and was wondering if you have advice on one of my biggest mental blocks. I'm 23 but struggle to feel like an adult and being independent deeply scares me even through I want to be "chasing my dreams". I've lived with my close knit family my whole life and still spend a lot of time with my parents. I'm almost going to move away(in the next year) and so I've began the process of getting a car/saving money, etc. But then I find myself subtly sabotaging these efforts because the idea of being alone/moving away also terrifies me. I really want to experience moving to a city and working and traveling and doing things I want and at this point I'm finding it draining being my parents "stay-at-home-daughter". But I also get anxiously sick when I try a push myself for more independence. I've put so much on hold going through school and then living in my home town w. parents and it's kind of scary to imagine dating (never prioritized men + parents didn't let me date in highschool= never had a bf or anything) or living alone even though I'd love to have the experience. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Basically I still feel like a 15 year old when it comes to my personal life and that feels a bit shameful.
I want to tell you that we all feel what you feel. You’ll only ever feel like an adult when you’ve exposed yourself to the outside world, regardless of whether you can handle it or not.
independence scares you because it’s unfamiliar territory. Often when we look at people who are independent and on their own two feet, they seem to have a sense of self identity, purpose and responsibilities to handle.
I’m always in favour of people moving out of their parents homes for a couple of years at least (the culture where I come from also emphasises on the whole family living together and there’s no move out at the age of 18 concept) because I see the pros and cons of both situations of living in/ out of your parents home.
No book, YouTube video, friends’ experiences will teach you about being an adult. You have to step out and experience it yourself.
Start doing exposure therapy. Basically, slowly, bit by bit, immerse yourself into the traditional adult experiences.
I’ll give you examples. Understand fully how your insurance works. Keep all your medical records in both a physical and a digital file.
Understand how your car functions as a product - which means guarantees, warranties, insurance, emergency numbers, mechanics nearby, etc.
Start tracking all your spending expenses, even if you’re using your parents money at the moment. The earlier you start this habit, the better. Create a monthly budget for yourself and stick to it.
Start doing your own laundry in the house and learn that not all clothes go in the washing machine, some go for dry cleaning etc.
Make it a goal to learn to cook at least 5 dishes properly before you leave. If your parents are good cooks, ask them to teach you or go to every introvert’s favourite site, YouTube.
Pretend that your room is a mini apartment and try to keep it clean at all times.
Start socialising more. Not just with known friends. Sign up for a random hobby class like a book club or a running club where you can meet more people. Yes it’ll be difficult, yes you’ll have moments of awkwardness but don’t give up after just one meeting - go and meet new people to get used to the idea of interacting with strangers.
You can’t rush into feeling like an adult. It takes time. Exposure therapy is the best way to get into it. The more responsibility you can healthily shoulder, even if you fail at times, you’ll still start feeling more confident.
We weren’t born with the knowledge of car tire changing mechanics, insurance, cooking or tidying up. We had to learn them as we grew up. It’s perfectly alright to not know how to do something. The beauty of living in today’s world is that the answer to nearly every question is one google search away.
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cozzzynook · 2 months
A Soundwave from another dimension is transported to a dimension where the war is over. Soundwave is in a relationship with Hot Rod who's sparked.
Soundwave from Transformers prime seeing Soundwave and Rodimus from mtmte makes prime Soundwave feral.
That cryptic literally takes one look at Rodimus and wants him but mtmte Soundwave is not letting anyone have Rodimus not even himself from another timeline and they are so close to brawling like gladiators it was terrifying even to the cons aboard the ship.
Prime Soundwave only stopped when Rodimus stood between the two and put his back to him looking very scary and adorable as he glared at his soundwave who just knew not to test him while in emotive swing.
Its up to brainstorm and Perceptor to send Prime Soundwave back who with Rodimus permission, gently touches Rodimus’s tanks and has this sad aura about him.
Rodimus asks him to use glyphs to communicate and he learns Soundwave doesn’t have any of his cassettes and only Laserbeak is left. The little cassette flies and lands on Rodimus tanks chirping at him and he smiles rubbing their little wings and helm.
Rodimus adores Laserbeak and he smiles even rubbing the prime Soundwaves face plate and tells him he should give his four optics a break. Prime Soundwave is completely shocked by Rodimus knowing and Rodimus admits to him that his Soundwave has four optics too.
“You’re very similar, still different but pretty similar,” he laughed making his bitty pat his tanks and Prime Soundwaves servo.
For a moment he wishes to break his vow of silence for Rodimus but he does not because Mtmte Soundwave walks in and stands in the door looking angry and pops Prime soundwaves servo off his conjunxs tanks and holds Rodimus close to him.
“Lesser Soundwave: cease and desist. Rodimus: my conjunx. Will only share with sparkling.”
“Sound, its fine. I don’t think he wants me,” Rodimus doesn’t make a move to leave his Soundwaves hold but he does shift to get more comfortable.
Prime Soundwave doesn’t bother with saying Rodimus is wrong since he doesn’t want to deal with his other self but he is happy to be reminded of what he fought for. The right to this. Living. Enjoying his loved ones instead of fighting an endless war that he wishes to be over.
It makes Prime Soundwave think over the war his Megatron keeps going and he thinks over this Megatrons apologies, musings, his guilt and admittance of it not being about rights but power. He decides when home that he won’t be keeping the war going but focusing on rebuilding the decepticons and working towards building their home planet to be better. They have the technology and science to do it and Shockwave wishes for the same. He knows he can do it.
So when the portal is finished and he says goodbye to Rodimus making sure to piss off this version of himself he hugs Rodimus before transforming and leaving.
When he comes out the other side every con is waiting for him and he proceeds to get Megatron in a room alone and shows him the possibilities of the other world. Shows him what happened and shows him the personal tape his other self left for him.
He’s not sure what the other Megatron said to his version but whatever it was it worked.
A peace treaty was not drawn but the cons left planet Earth and returned home.
On the way they passed a floating small pod that was unidentified and within it was a red and yellow and mech who was heavily injured.
By the time they reached Cybertron and began rebuilding their home by cleaning up frames and debris as Shockwave worked on a way to bring life back, the strange bot onlined and Soundwave knew immediately who the mech was by his optics even if he had a different frame than his other self.
“Where am I?”
“Condition: injured. Location: cybertron,” he used glyphs to inform the mech of his situation and he noticed how weary he was at the sight of his decepticon badge but he didn’t make a move to attack or do anything else aside from ask his name.
“Designation: Soundwave.”
That made the mech startle and he rushed up which made Soundwave startle and try to push him down only for the mech to hold his servos and move them back a little and open his subspace.
He carefully cradled the small cassettecon that he long thought he lost.
“Hey, bitty wake up, your cassette carrier, he’s here,” the mech sounded so happy and Soundwave could barely grasp anything aside from having Laserbeak undock and land on the mech to chirp and nuzzle Ratbat awake who cooed before yawning and stretching tiny wings that hadn’t changed since their tragic separation.
The little bat sparkling looked up and cooed at the mech before sniffing and rushing towards Laserbeak and crying.
Soundwave took both cassettes in his arms and held them close.
Behind his mask he cried and outwardly his shoulders shook.
“I’m not a cassette carrier so..I couldn’t help them develop the way you could but I did keep them alive,” the mech stated looking sad.
“Casseette: returned. Soundwave: forever in your debt.”
“Oh! No! Its not trouble really! They’re a sparkling, I couldn’t just let them get hurt or offline.”
The mech smiled at the happy reunion and finally sat back on the med berth where he closed his subspace and rubbed over his spark chamber.
“Oh, sorry about that. I forgot to tell you. My name. It’s Hot rod.”
Soundwave for the first time in a long time, felt something shift and he retracted his lower face shield to reveal scarred dermas and fangs that were permanently revealed from the damage.
“Thank you, Hot rod.”
Soundwave watched as the mech’s spark sped up and his optics flashed.
‘He felt it too,’ Soundwave realizes.
The mechs soul caught in his throat and he couldn’t focus on anything but Soundwave, his voice and half of his face.
He knows the mech is a con but..
“Beautiful,” he struggled out as venting was impossible.
It warmed him in a way he never knew struggling to vent could and he decided then he didn’t want to leave the mech behind.
“You’re beautiful,” he gazed, hypnotized.
“As are you, Hot rod.”
Soundwave pictured Rodimus and his other part Hot rod who looked so similar and yet different and he understood why his other half was so protective.
He plans to do the same.
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fickle-tiction · 2 years
Like an Old Married Couple
  “Oh, you two are in for it when this is over.” Despite her words, Diana didn’t actually seem mad as she tested Clark’s grip around her wrists. She could wiggle a miniscule amount, and she knew from past experiences that in time she would be able to pull free. Then the two men hovering above her would regret every choice they made that morning.
“This wasn’t my idea. If anyone should die, it’s Clark.” Bruce was kneeling on the bed next to Diana, hands resting on his thighs for the time being. Clark was sitting on the tops of her thighs, effectively pinning her in place. For now.
“Doesn’t matter.” Diana was rotating her wrists in Clark’s hold as she spoke. Clark pressed them further into the mattress. “You’re helping him, therefore you will go down with him.”
Bruce knew retaliation was inevitable when he agreed to help Clark, so he just smirked at his girlfriend. “Well then, Princess, I see no reason to show you any mercy.”
“Whatever you do to me, I will do back in double.” 
There was a 50/50 chance that was true. Bruce didn’t love those odds. “Eh, you’re not that mean.”
“Can you two stop flirting and get to the tickling?” Clark actually sounded a little winded, which was concerning and also a little annoying if you were Bruce. He didn’t even break a sweat when Bruce was the one being held down. “I can’t actually hold her down forever.”
“See? It was all his idea. And now I think he’s feeling left out” Bruce turns to Clark with a mocking smirk on his face. “Are you feeling left out, Clarkie?”
“Keep it up and you’ll be in her spot next.” Bruce would never say it out loud, but just the thought of that had phantom tingles racing up and down his nerves.
“This is why you two never manage to get me. You bicker like an old married couple, and by the time you remember I’m here I’ve already gotten free.” Diana wrenched her left hand out of Clark’s grip with a triumphant laugh, but it was quickly caught by Bruce and slammed back onto the bed, where Clark resumed his hold.
“Do I need to hold her down for you?” 
“Just get to it.” Clark grunted, struggling to keep his hold on Diana’s wrists as she relentlessly tried to squirm out of his grip.
“Strongest man in the world, my ass.” Bruce muttered, just before his wiggling fingers descended on Diana’s triceps. 
“Bruce!” Diana shouted before quickly dissolving into delighted laughter. Diana always gave in immediately, happy to release her inhibitions and enjoy the game. It was very different to Bruce, who’s laughter had to be dragged out of him after a lot of grumbling and grunting, until he can’t hold it in any longer. Fortunately, he had no qualms about laughing as one of his partners is being taken apart.
“Yes?” He teased, tickling fingers migrating down into her exposed armpits. Diana’s eyes reflexively snapped shut as deep belly laughs were drawn out of her. “Now where is your favorite spot, again?” As though he could ever forget. “Was it here?” He began tapping at that awful spot between armpit and upper ribs. The spot that made all of them jolt and try to squirm away like their lives depended on it.
“You wi-hihihihi-ll regret th-hihihihi-is!” 
“Was it her neck?” Clark asked. Just because his hands were occupied with holding him down didn’t mean he couldn’t suggest spots for Bruce to try.
“It might have been.” Bruce traced his blunt fingernails over the delicate skin of Diana’s neck. She tossed her head side to side to try to dislodge the fingers as giggles began to pour out of her. He let up after a few seconds when her laughter started to sound frantic.
“Or was it her thighs?” Bruce’s smile was scary when it was being directed at you and you couldn’t move. 
“Ihihihi am going to ti-hihih-ickle your ears until they fall off.” How did she manage to sound so terrifying when she was still laughing and smiling?
“This was his idea!” Bruce insisted, jamming a finger into Clark’s unprotected ribs to emphasize his point.
Clark inhaled sharply, body twitching since he couldn’t bring an arm down to protect himself. “What are you talking about, B? You asked me to hold her down.”
“I did not!” Bruce should have known Clark would try to pin this on him to save himself from revenge. He should have seen it coming, but noooo. He had to go and trust that his boyfriend would have his back since he agreed to help him out in the first place. He was in a relationship with two traitors. 
“One of you is going down for this.” Diana sounded far too calm for someone who was shaking with laughter a minute ago. 
Bruce knew he had to act fast, or he was going to end up flat on his back. It was now or never. He locked eyes with Diana for a second before he attacked, burying his fingers into Clark’s open armpits and wiggling them furiously.
Clark went down like a sack of potatoes, collapsing onto Diana as his arms gave out. “You hahaha fucking tr-hahaha-traitor!” Clark cackled, arms clamped to his sides as Bruce’s hands roamed his body in search of every sensitive spot he could reach.
Bruce climbed on top of Clark’s back, knowing his added weight wouldn’t hurt Diana. “You were going to throw me under the bus.” Bruce pointed out as he wedged his hand between their bodies to tickle at Clark’s stomach.
Diana was using her now free hands to tweak Clark’s sides, and Bruce seized the opportunity to tickle her armpit with his other hand. “Wouldn’t want you feeling left out, down there.” 
Yeah, that might have been his fatal mistake.
Diana ceased her attack on Clark’s sides and leaned in to whisper something into his ear. Bruce froze, eyes wide with panic. Diana was smirking at him, and Clark was shifting beneath him.
“Wait.” Bruce started, pressing down harder on Clark, to no effect. “Let’s talk about this.” 
One second Bruce was laying on Clark’s back, Diana beneath the two of them; The next he was wrapped in Clark’s arms, his back to Clark’s chest, and Diana was straddling his waist. “Oh fuck.” Bruce breathed, a nervous smile already stretching across his face.
“We didn’t want you feeling left out.” Diana smirked. Bruce’s arms were free, and his hands were hovering in front of himself in anticipation.
“This was his ide-heeeeeeaaaaa.” Bruce’s words turned into a screech when Clark leaned forward to nose behind his ear midsentence. 
“That may be.” Diana was prodding random spots on his torso, delighted to watch him squirm away from any real good ones she managed to find. “But you betrayed him. And now you must pay.” 
“Ihihihi was helping you!” Bruce was trying, unsuccessfully, to fight his laughter as Diana gently dug into his abs.
“And I was helping you.” Clark spoke up, lips against Bruce’s neck sending ticklish vibrations into the skin. 
“Ihihihihi-it wasn’t my-hihihihihi idea!”
“If you two could stop bickering long enough to tire me out, neither of you would be in this position.” Naturally, Diana used one hand to squeeze the spot above Bruce’s hip that drove him wild, while the other hand squeezed the muscle above Clark’s knee, drawing startled laughter out of him.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Clark laughed, unable to pull his leg away without hurting Bruce. He had no choice but to leave it where it was and take it. Naturally, the only course of action was to take it out on Bruce, so he attack his ribs with vigor. 
“Shihihihit!” Bruce laughed, squirming every which way on instinct. He was alternating between trying to capture someone, anyone’s, hands, and trying to fight back by tickling any spot he could reach.
This went on for another few minutes, during which Bruce received the brunt of the attacks since he was in the middle. When he couldn’t take anymore, he mustered up enough breathe to yell out “Truce! Tru-hahah-truce! Plehehehease!” 
It was the “please” that really did it. All hands withdrew, and Clark loosened his grip around Bruce’s middle. Instead of shooting to the other side of the bed, like they expected, Bruce slumped back against Clark, chest heaving as he caught his breath. Diana collapsed on the bed next to them, laughing, her arm slung loosely over both of their middles.
“I am never helping either of you again.” Bruce huffed, a tired smile still on his face.
“Neither am I.” Clark laughed, running his palms up and down Bruce’s stomach and chest to sooth what he knew were now  jittery nerves.
“It wasn’t my idea.” Bruce insisted.
“It wasn’t mine.”
“Yes. It was.”
“No. It wasn’t.”
Diana huffed, rolling her eyes fondly as her partners continued to bicker like an old married couple beside her.
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
“Giggle! Giggle!” Cyn said, watching her big brother zoom around the room. N paused his running in front of her and smiled.”Boof!” He said, doing a little stomp as if to emphasize it, which Cyn found to be very silly.”Giggle! Laugh! Laugh!” She cheered, throwing her head back and her arms up into the air. She began to lean too far back, but N caught her and pulled her back up.”Be caweful, li’l sis.” He said. Cyn reached up at his face and did the grabby hands motion.”Grabby. Hands.” She said. Not quite understanding what she wanted, N tilted his head to the side and reached for her so he could pick her up. Once she was in his arms, she wrapped her arms around him.”Hug.” She said. N smiled and his tail wagged.
In Cyn’s opinion, her big brother’s hugs could only be rivaled by Tessa’s. He’s not soft and squishy like her or other humans, but he’s definitely warmer. Plus, his hugs always give her and anyone who receives them a sense of protection. J’s hugs are also protective, but as stated before, N is always very warm, so he gets an extra few points for that. V’s hugs were always gentle and loving, and Cyn definitely enjoying receiving them.
Speaking of V, she was coming back soon to continue watching them even though N claimed that he had it covered. After a few seconds, Cyn looked up at N.”Can. I. Play. With. Dolls?” She asked. N let go of her and zoomed over to the toy bin full of dolls Tessa had for her and Cyn to play with. Instead of grabbing two or three, he picked up the whole bin and brought it over to Cyn for her to pick, his tail wagging the entire time as he felt very happy and proud of himself for making her happy. He even held it at an angle so that she could reach them better.“Thank. You. Big. Brother N!” Cyn said.
“You’we welcome! Boof!” He replied. Cyn reached forward and grabbed two dolls, muttering the word “grab” twice as she did. She moved to lay on her belly and N left to put the bin back.”Lay down. Play. Play.” Cyn said to herself. When N came back, he sat next to her and smiled.
After a few minutes of playing in her own little world and N constantly looking around the room, Cyn suddenly looked worried. She turned to look up at him.”You. Will. Protect me. From. Bad. People, right?” She asked. N didn’t understand where this suddenly came from, but he knew the answer.“Of couwse! Youw big bwodew N will always do his best to keep you safe and happy!” He replied, putting his hand up to his forehead to give her a playful little salute. Cyn felt better hearing that and smiled.“Smile, small. Giggle. Thank. You. You’re! The best! Big! Brother! Ever!” She said. N felt proud of himself hearing that and like zooming around in happiness, but remained seated by Cyn’s side.”Tank you!! Boof! Boof!” He said happily.
Outside the room, V was watching their interaction with Louisa, Tessa’s mother. Louisa put a hand over her heart and smiled.“Aww, he’s so sweet! Why didn’t you think me meeting him was a good idea?” Louisa asked. Suddenly, N shot up to his feet and changed his screen to show a stretched out X mark, which according to him, happened whenever he was ready to attack. He put himself between Cyn and Louisa and stood up at his full height, which was only a few inches shorter than Louisa. His tail raised up and was pointed at her threateningly as his mouth stretched out into a scary smile with sharp fangs. Louisa stared at him for a few seconds. Truth be told, she was quite intimidated by his response to hearing her. V grabbed her arm and pulled him out on N’s line of sight.“Cyn said he’s terrified of humans, but he’s okay with Tessa, so I think it’s just adults. Or any human bigger than him.” She said. Louisa nodded to show she understood.
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fanficshiddles · 2 years
Found You, One Shot
Thank you for the prompts, hope you both like it. Thought they went together quite well. Please more Alpha!Tom/Loki Omega!Reader, please if you are up to since you’re already writing one fix of it. Can it please be smut with knotting and breeding kink?
dreaming-on-clouds submitted: Hi! I freaking love your alpha stories so could you do a one shot where Loki is an alpha prince/viking who comes to conquer your village but finds out your his mate? I know it’s not pov but if you could use Emily as the name I’ll love you forever
Emily was terrified as their village was invaded by the Vikings. She hid in her home in a cupboard, curled up into a ball as small as she could get. She could hear screams and cries of war outside, she had no idea where her parents or brother had gone, she dreaded to think.
She just had to wait it out, wait until it was safe and over.
Unsure on how long had passed, things began to get quieter outside, but she still didn’t move. Though her heart started racing in fear as she heard the door of her home being broken, heavy footsteps entered and she covered her mouth and nose to try and stop herself from being heard from her heavy breathing of fear.
The Alpha Viking Prince, Loki, could smell her. Could smell her fear, and his inner instincts were calling to him to find her and rescue her… He wasn’t sure why this omega in particular was pulling at his instincts, considering there were plenty of omegas in the village with the same scent of fear. But this one… he had to find and have.
He paused in the small home, listening carefully. He heard the tiniest of whimpers from a cupboard nearby, and as he stepped closer to it, her smell got stronger and stronger.
Loki pulled the door open, and gazed down upon the tiny omega, cowering in fear.
When Emily was faced with the terrifying Alpha Viking, she had removed her hand from her face and after taking her first breath in, she was hit with his scent that completely engulfed her. And she found that she no longer felt as scared as she first had…
Her eyes widened, not in fear, as she looked up at him. Loki stared at her in surprise for a moment, but both of them could feel it…
He put his hand out towards her, she took a moment before putting her small hand into his. He pulled her up to her feet, then scooped her into his arms. She instantly buried her face into the crook of his neck, trembling in his arms as he carried her out of the house and onto the bloody streets, where people were still fighting.
She tried to block out the scary noises, just focusing on her Alpha’s scent. She was safe with him, she just knew it.
Loki snarled angrily at anyone who approached them, his own men or not. They backed off instantly, seeing the omega in his protective hold.
He carried her back to his horse, carefully mounting with her. He kept an arm around her while she sat sideways on the horse on front of him. She clung to him tightly, but he wasn’t going to let her fall, with a protective arm around her the entire ride back to his camp.
It wasn’t exactly where he had planned to take his omega whenever he found her, but his home was miles away as they were out taking over villages. So his camp would have to do for now, until he could get her home.
Not a word was said between the Alpha and omega until he carried her into his large tent. He had two of his men guard outside, making sure they wouldn’t be interrupted.
When he placed Emily down, she wasn’t sure what to do or say. She just stared at her Alpha in awe and uncertainty.
Loki stepped closer to her again and reached up, gently stroking her cheek with the back of his hand.
‘My omega.’ He said quietly.
Emily’s heart began racing as she closed her eyes when Loki stroked her hair, making her feel so safe. Considering how scared she was merely an hour ago. Thinking everything was over. But now, she had met her Alpha and was safe with him.
Loki moved in even closer to her, holding her chin as he leaned down and kissed her, taking her breath away. She melted completely into him as he kissed her, taking his time. He slipped an arm around her, pulling her in flush against his firm body.
‘I can’t believe I’ve finally found you.’ He growled over her lips, slowly backing her towards the bed.
She squeaked when they fell onto the bed, he began taking off her dress, noting the way she blushed and looked incredibly shy. But he could smell the beginning of her arousal for him. And when he got her naked, he took a moment to take in her beauty.
Licking his lips, he started kissing down her body, working his way between her thighs. She couldn’t stop whimpering and squirming as he started tasting between her thighs. His tongue lapped at her like she was his last meal, but he quickly learned what she liked best, focusing on her clit from the noises she made.
He brought his fingers in to play, slowly teasing around her folds before pressing a lone digit into her, finding her tight.
‘Have you waited for me, little omega?’ He hummed.
‘Y… Yes… Alpha.’ She whimpered.
‘Good girl.’ He growled.
His praise sent shivers through her, all an omega wanted was to please their Alpha. To hear those words, made her body sing in delight.
After making her cum on his tongue, Loki slowly began taking off his clothing. Lots of furs and leather. Emily was stunned at seeing his body, muscular and strong. She almost forgot how to breathe when Loki flipped her over onto her hands and knees.
He smoothed a hand up her spine, whispering sweet nothings into her ear to soothe her as he lined his cock up with her wet cunt. She was more than ready to take him, she was soaking wet.
‘You’re mine, my omega.’ Loki growled and bit hard on the back of her neck as he slowly, but firmly, thrust into her. Forcing her body to accommodate him.
She whimpered at the pain that mixed with the pleasure. But Loki brought more pleasure to her as he slid a hand underneath her, between her thighs. Briefly feeling where they joined, how spread open she was around him, and he began teasing her clit.
That allowed him to start thrusting into her, slowly at first, then building up faster and faster until she came hard all over his cock. The sounds of squelching as their bodies connected made him growl and snarl like a feral animal, he couldn’t get enough of her.
Her arms gave way and she would’ve fell down to the bed, but Loki kept her up.
‘I’m going to make sure I put a baby into you, my omega. You will carry my children, repeatedly. Like a good omega should.’ He said as he slid a hand over her stomach.
Then he could feel it. His knot was starting to tingle, to swell. So he stroked her clit again, making sure there was plenty of wetness as he pushed hard into her, his knot sliding in and swelling within her.
She let out a scream of pleasure as his knot throbbed hotly against her g spot, then he filled her up with his cum. Making her his completely. He grunted and bit on her neck again, leaving yet another mark on her body.
‘Mine.’ He snarled against her skin, still holding onto her skin with his teeth as he continued to fill her up with his cum.
‘My Alpha!’ She cried out beneath him.
She felt the feeling of being owned and of belonging swim through her veins with the pleasure. It was euphoric for her, like every single inch of her body was set alight.
Even once Loki’s cock stopped throbbing and spurting into her, his knot was still large and keeping them locked together. So he rolled them over onto their sides, into a more comfortable position. He gently stroked her body and kissed the top of her head.
‘You’re safe with me, little omega. You’re mine now, and I will always look after you and our young.’ He said as he slid his hand down to stroke her stomach softly.
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jiliansky-blog · 1 year
The god of dreams. Chapter 3
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader  
Rating: PG
Words: 2995
I was so excited to meet Morpheus again. I missed him already. And yes it didn’t work with the “no falling in love” plan. He didn’t look like anyone I knew. He seemed to come from my dreams. And how I suppose not to fall in love with him? I waited for him on the terrace. And he appeared looking as gorgeous as always. And he smirked, seeing me. “Coffee?” I asked. “No, thank you”, he smiled and sat in front of me. “I was kind of afraid that you won’t show up”, I admitted. “Why?” he frowned.
  “Because you’re like from dreams”, I replied and he looked at me with a question. «What? I mean you are the man of someone's dreams”. “In more than one way”, he nodded. “What?” I asked. “Nothing”, was the answer. “Are you ready for today’s excursions?” “Not quite, I was waiting for you to have breakfast”, I smiled. «With me”. “Oh?” he smiled. “You always know a good breakfast place”, I said. “Or a dinner. And I decided that I want to have breakfast with you”. “Only because I can show you a better place?” he smirked. “No”, I said. “Because I enjoy your company too much”. “Glad to hear it”, Morpheus smiled. “Then if you insist I will show you one place. How much time do we have?” “An hour or so”, I said. “I already prepare for the trip. So I don’t need to return here after breakfast”. “Smart thinking”, he said. “Then let’s go”.
  I took his hand as usual and he led me through some street alleys and houses to the one unnoticeable place. But there were tables and delicious smells. “Looks nice”, I smiled. “Of course”, he went inside and very soon appeared with hot food. “I suppose this portion will feed me enough for all the day”, I smiled. “Good”, he smiled. “Thank you”, I smiled and I began my breakfast. Morpheus meanwhile brought coffee for me and wine for himself. He doesn’t mind drinking wine in the morning.
“So where are we going today?” he asked. “To Meteora”, I smiled. “Finally something interesting”, he said. “You are not a fan of beaches”, I admitted. “I don’t see the point in them”, Morpheus said. “I don’t use to just lay under the sun or swim. I don’t have time for this”. “And what do you do most of the time?” I asked. “Working”, he shrugged. “And what do you do in your free time?” I continued. “Reading, walking, thinking”, he said. “I like to catch people's culture”. “Sounds interesting”, I smiled. “And what about you?” Morpheus asked. “Reading, writing, watching movies”, replied. “Spending time with my friends. Traveling, as you see”.
“Talking and flirting with strangers”, Morpheus joked. “Absolutely”, I smiled. “Even though you are the only stranger I talk to. You are just too attractive to resist the desire to talk to”. “Is that so?” he smirked. “Yes”, I nodded. “Then I’m glad that I’m so irresistible”, he smirked. “Why do I have a feeling like I know you all my life?” I dare to ask. “You barely know me”, he sighed and his light mood was gone. “We should go or we will be late on your excursion”. “You don’t want me to know you better?” I asked on our way back. Й “I’m terrified that once you will get to know me, you can think that I’m…flawed and won’t want to see me anymore”, he confessed.
“We all are flawed”, I said. “I don’t think, that anything can scary me away from you. I don’t pry, but you can tell me anything”. “Thank you again for your kind words”, he smiled. “You shouldn’t thank me for that”, I said. “I mean it”. We came just in time for an excursion and this time we get on the bus instead of the boat. I refused to let go of his hand. “Morpheus”, I whispered. “Yes?” he replied. “I’m glad that you are here with me”, I said. His smile was bright and it made my heart skip a few more beats.
  Soon we will arrive in the mountains. I wasn’t fond of mountains and rock climbing, but it was a beautiful view. We went with a guide, but later Morpheus sneaked me to another cave. “What if they lose us?” I smiled.   “Then we will find our way again”, he said. “Do you trust me? “Yes”, I smiled. My parents and friends would say that I’m insane if they find out that I trust the unknown man. But they are not there. I do want to trust my intuition. Soon we find the grove. With water. It was a beautiful place. “You really know places”, I smiled. “I am”, he looked at me, smirking. “How?” I asked.
“I like to find something new”, he whispered.
This place was so private and sacred. And intimate. So I decided to give to my temptation. And I kissed him. He kissed me back, hugging me. His lips taste like desire, dreams, and everything I can ever want. “That would be a mistake”, he said huskily on my lips. “But such a sweet mistake”, I replied and kissed him again. He was so irresistible. And so desirable and attractive. “They can find us”, he smiled. “And so what?” I smirked. “I didn’t realize it arouses you”, he whispered. “You are the one who aroused me”, I said, gripping his shirt. “You need to take responsibility for this”. “Oh, I will”, he said and started to kiss my neck.
I was pinned to the rocky wall, but I didn’t complain. I felt desire in every part of my body. His hands were exploring every part of my body. And then he stopped. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “We shouldn’t do this”, he whispered. “We definitely shouldn’t”. “No, continue, please”, I said. “I want you”. “You don’t know me”, he said.
“So you keep saying”, I said. “But you are the one who hardly tells me anything about yourself. I do want to know you”. “It would be safe for you if you don’t”, he said. “I don’t want to make everything difficult. It will be difficult when you return home”. “I think, you’re worrying too much”, I admitted. “And you don’t worry at all”, he noticed. “Let me know you”, I whispered. “Let me know everything about you and let me kiss you and be with you just right now and right here”.
He smiled softly. And then he did kiss me.  This kiss was somehow sweet-bitter. I didn’t know what he was so afraid of, but I’m going to reassure him, that we can make it work. I was stroking his black messy hair while we were kissing. It was so soft and silky. Then I tugged his head a little bit and kissed his neck. I was rewarded with a deep moan. His skin was silky too. What a temptation to kiss all of him. “You are trying to allure me”, he whispered with a husky voice. “As I said, you are irresistible”, I whispered. I want to kiss him again, but I heard the voices. Soon other tourists found us out. I made a sigh of frustration. “I suppose, we need to head back”, he chuckled. “I just started”, I pouted. “We will have time for us”, he said. “Promise?” I asked. “Promise”, he smiled.
So we return to the group and explored more mountains, though I was now more interested in Morpheus than excursion. “What do you think about the picnic on the beach?” I asked. “Now you are the one with ideas”, he smiled. “Well, I was told that girls can ask boys on the date too”, I admitted. “ A date”, he said. “You think we are dating”. “We can pretend that we are dating, aren’t we? I asked, seeing that the man frowned. Like he doesn’t expect this conclusion. “We can”, he nodded in agreement. Perhaps, he thought that I can fall in love with him despite our agreement. I can’t blame him since I’m not sure that I can stick to it.
When we return to the cabin. I invite him in while changing my clothes to something more beach-type. And pick some food with mine. “That won’t do”, he admitted instantly. “What?” I asked. “A dress or food”. “You look…charming”, his eyes became dark with lust. “But there is not enough food for the picnic. So I guess I need to take this in my hands”. “You can show me a place and I will buy everything we need”, I replied, blushing. “You don’t mind a little help with planning, I hope”. “No”, he said. “I find it refreshing. Usually I do all the courting”. “I don’t call it “a courting”, but I would like to do something for you too”, I smiled.
 “You spent some much time with me. And find so many beautiful places for me. That I don’t know how to thank you”. “You shouldn’t”, he smiled. “You already had done enough”. “And what did I do?” I asked. “You were kind and comforting to me”, he said. “I enjoyed your company too much”. “It was easy”, I kissed his cheek. “Now let’s go”. “I don’t understand,” he said, while we were shopping. “What?” I looked at him. “How is it easy for you?” he asked.
“What easy for me?” I still don’t understand. “To be kind to me”, Morpheus sighed. “Most people said that I’m difficult to be with. That I’m too much to handle. And you make it work like it the easiest thing in the world”. What a messed up relationship he should have, I thought. That made him feel difficult and unlovable. That made him so insecure.
  “You are not too much”, I smiled. “You are handsome, charming, wit, and kind. You are a true gentleman also. And to talk to you is easy as breathing”. He blushed again. I can watch it the whole day. “Let’s begin our picnic and I can continue to spoil you with compliments”, I said and keep on going forward. “You said that you want to know me”, he said, when we were already sitting on the beach with our food. “Yes, I do”, I replied. “I still want to know you better”. “I can be cruel, cold, as others told”, Morpheus said. “I don’t understand other people. I am incapable of love”. “I know you for three days, but I don’t find you cruel or cold”, I said, making sandwiches. “I think the thing is that you don’t know for a long time”, he admitted. “And I don’t want to hurt or disappoint you”. “Okay, I suppose we will find out in the future”, I said. “What else?” “They call me arrogant and dull”, Morpheus added. “No, I don’t think you that you are arrogant and dull”, I smiled and kissed his cheek. “Do you want to know, how I see you?” “Yes”, he took an orange from our basket.
“I think you are an enchanted prince, whose heart was broken once upon a time”, I smirked. “You froze your heart then and traveled to find someone who can make it alive again”. “You love good stories”, he smiled. “Why should I freeze my own heart and then try to find someone to undo this?” “Maybe you just travel to ease the pain and you don’t know, that you are actually looking for a new love?” “Perhaps”, he smiled mysteriously. “Or maybe you are a god that trying to live a human life”, I said. I thought that he is going to laugh at this theory, but he isn’t. He looked at me like I just read his mind. “What?” I asked. “Don’t tell me I guessed right”. “I’m not a god”, he said. “Thank god”, I smiled. “Then you probably think that I told nonsense”.
“I am an anthropomorphic personification of concept”, he added. These words were dropped on me like a bomb. I looked at him, trying to understand what he just said. “You are what?” I asked. “I made of dreams and nightmares and I create and rule dreams and nightmares”, he explained. “I suppose, it’s too much. Perhaps, you don’t want to know more about me. Or to know me at all”. “It is a big piece of information and quite unbelievable”, I said. “But something makes me believe you and explains a lot. And no, I still do want to know you or about you. I was just surprised. Please, don’t leave”. “I won’t if you don’t want to”, he relaxed a bit. “How did you know? Was I so out of place? What gave me up?”
“I don’t know how this theory even appeared in my head”, I shrugged. “You are so mysterious. You came from nowhere and don’t tell anything about yourself. All your answers were very vague. And your clothes are so stylish but all black”. “Is that all?” he asked.
“No”. I smirked. “Also you are incredibly handsome”. “Oh?” he blushed again. “You know, you’re so shy for an arrogant god”, I smirked. “I’m sorry, for the anthropomorphic personification of dreams”. “And you are too calm for the person who met one”, he smiled. “Well, what should I do?” I asked. “Ask you to grant me wishes? Or…what?” His face became dark and shocked again. Like when I find out that he is not human. “Do you want to grant your wish?” he asked coldly.
“Morpheus, it was a joke”, I said. “I didn’t want to ask you anything besides your company. What happened?” “Nothing”, he made a deep breath in. “It just…some moments from the past”. “Let me guess”, I said. “Someone asked you to grant their wishes”. “Not just that”, he said. “But I don’t want to talk about it. My apologies. I didn’t mean to untrust you”. “I understand, trust is an easy thing to break”, I touched his hand. “Yes”, Morpheus nodded. “You don’t need to worry”, I smiled. “I meant it when I said that I don’t have anything of you besides your company”. “You allowed me to be just a mortal man, who courting the woman he likes”, he smiled. “How generous of you”. “Of course”, I handed him another orange. “Thank you for telling me”. “I think that I can trust you”, he smirked. “I hope I won’t regret it. I need to say that you also can know me as Dream of the Endless”.
“Dream of the Endless”, I repeated. “Do you have a family?” “Yes”, he nodded. “Siblings and parents”. “What is your relationship with them?” I asked. “Not well”, he confessed. “We have our…differences and disagreements. And they are…handful”. “I see”, I smiled. “Family can be difficult”. “What about your family?” he asked. “You can read it on my mind”, I smiled. “I want to hear it from you”, he smirked. “I tried not to read when it’s not necessary”.
“We don’t talk much”, I said. “We are not close. I’m sure you can understand it”. “Well, it explains why you are here alone”, he said. “I’m not anymore”, I smiled. “You are here”. “One of my friends said that companionship is very pleasant”, he admitted. “It can be important for someone”. “And for you?” I asked. “For me too”, he sighed. “Once my pride didn’t let me understand it. And when I was absolutely lonely for a very long time, I understood that I was wrong”. “I’m glad, that you are not alone anymore”. I smiled. “I’m glad too”, he smiled.
Soon enough we finished our picnic. Well, I did the most part of eating. Morpheus prefers oranges and other fruits. I reached and kissed him. His lips tasted very sweet. “I am fascinated by you”, he said. “Why?” I smiled. “You still want to be with me, as I’m just a human”, he said, embracing me. “You are as normal as a human right now”, I replied, touching his cheek with my lips. “I don’t see how the fact that you’re the god should change my feelings”. “You should be worried”, he smiled. “I’m not”, I said and kissed him. We spent almost all day on the beach. It was a beautiful day.
“Maybe you want to stay inside?” I suggested. “No, I don’t think it’s a good idea”, he smiled and kissed me. “I have work to do. And if I stay, I don’t think I will be able to leave you anytime soon”. “But will you stay another time?” “Perhaps”, he smiled. “Always so mysterious”, I whispered and kissed him again. “You like it about me”, he kissed me back. “I do, and I don’t want to let you go”, I said. “I am going to return tomorrow”, he smiled. “Goodnight, Melory”. “Good night”, I smiled and watched him disappear into the night.
Morpheus I didn’t plan to tell her about myself. But there was something about her that makes me want to confess. Not everything though. She was shocked and confused and still wanted only me and nothing from me. And it melted me. “I think she likes you, boss”, Matthew said. “I noticed it, Matthew”, he said. “I don’t think it’s irrelevant”. “But you like her too”, he continued. “You even told her about yourself. You don’t do it very often. Perhaps, she can help you”. “I don’t think so”, I sighed. “Why not?” he asked. “She is definitely sincere”. “It won’t last long”, I said. “And relationships with mortals don’t end well. I don’t want her to suffer”. “You are already much better than you think about yourself, boss”, the raven admitted. “But I think that you can at least try”. “How she can help me?” I asked. “She doesn’t know anything about my circumstances. And she has her own problems. “Just try”, he said, “You’ll never know if you don’t try, boss”. “Very well,  I will try”, I sighed.
@shadowqueen1318  @mypsychoticlove  @justathirstyhoe​  @ladymoztaza
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dearg-d · 1 year
Dear G-d,
I am very angry at fpffeo right now. You know—and I’m sure you do know given the fact that you’re omniscient—it really chaps my ass to have to believe I had to endure everything I had to endure in order to be where I am today. I’m not even very pleased about where I am today—as you know. I’m also really irritated by everyone who thinks I’m standing in my own way. I’m also irritated by the fact that you’re omniscient, but I’m still required to write down how I feel and what I think in order to sort through it myself as well as demonstrate for others what I can do and what they can also do as well. Why are we built like this?
I know I’m good at thinking about how I think because of my early practice of writing my thoughts down. It’s so funny and interesting how it began, how it begins. Journaling begins, when you’re a little girl at least, by just narrating your day, your actions. Then, you go on to narrate the factual parts of your day and provide a running commentary of how you feel and think about what you did.
The most fruitful and satisfying writing I’ve ever done in my life—as you know since you are omniscient—is my angry writing. I loved cursing at my “enemies” on paper. One of the kids you blessed me with gave me a strongly worded letter detailing how angry I made them when I pushed them out of the bathroom and didn’t let them brush their teeth with me. I really miss my kids. Is having them taken away from me part of Your plan for me? If it isn’t, I hope the people who brought it about are appropriately punished. I kind of resent how I’m just not vengeful enough to take it upon myself to punish people who I would find gratifying to watch suffer. I don’t want to just stew in my angry feelings, however. I’ve found myself stewing quite a bit recently, which is why I thought I would write to you.
I kind of hate everyone except my own children at the moment. I really don’t wanna get a job or earn money. I know it’ll be fine, but I’m still angry. I don’t know why I’m still angry. I figure if I keep writing, I’ll figure it out.
I hate that I can’t shake off the feeling my existence—everyone’s existence—was supposed to be easier than this. Well, according to Judeo-Christian scripture, it was. I’m Catholic, though, so the creation story is symbolic.
At this moment, I want to be a hermit. I don’t want to ever get married again, and I really don’t wanna do much of anything.
My period is super irregular atm and I’m staring to grow facial hair. Maybe this will lead to my fulfilling my dream of seducing a gay man. I know I should finish writing my screenplay or other writing projects.
I stole today. I don’t like stealing. A part of me feels as though I should continue doing it. I also read about prophets/prophetesses. I felt better when I started reading Numbers 22. I was reading it on the Sefaria app, and I briefly considered that maybe I felt better because I was looking at Hebrew:
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Lord help me. I do not want to damn anyone You do not want me to damn. I also don’t want the power to damn anyone to be honest, especially given how angry and flippant and temperamental I can be. I mean, You know all of this about me. I assume that what I have read is true, and I will be able to do exactly what You will when You will it. I know I’m not supposed to worry.
As You know, I had a very scary dream that turned lucid the other day. It was so scary, I was scared silent. Given all the little revelations I’ve been given, I understand it now, I think. I understand what I think I’m supposed to do. May I be able to do it when You will it to be done.
I don’t know why I feel so confused. Probably because I’m not well-rested. You and I both know it’s so difficult to follow my own arrow with all the messaging we get from various sources.
That was a really terrifying dream. I have never had a dream so terrifying, but that’s literally what I think every time I have a scary dream when it’s fresh. Thanks for all the great films!
Also, thanks for the feeling of contentment over if things don’t go the way I initially imagined/wanted. I get so scared experiencing so much desire. The respite from those feelings is so nice.
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luvfae · 2 years
Hi lovely first of love you writing ! I was thinking for the my favourite Henderson series prehaps romance prompts 6 and 8 and NSFW 23 where y/n admits she loves Eddie and he’s trying to convince her dating him isn’t as scary as she thinks ❤️
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fandom: stranger things
parings: eddie x f henderson reader
warnings: swearing, smut, choking, unprotected sex, light fingering
6: “let me take you on a date, just one, and i’ll change your mind.”
8: “say the word and i’m yours.”
23: “is this what you wanted? you’re such a slut.”
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“I’m so in love with you even the thought of losing you makes me sick,” you admitted.
Eddie stared down at you, shock in his eyes and once you realised what you had said you wanted to shrink into a hole and die.
“You love me?” Eddie asked.
“Yes,” you said, voice just above a whisper. You looked away from him. His fingers hooked under your chin, forcing you to look at him again. “But i’m terrified,” you gulped. “Terrified of everything that comes with loving you in public.”
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” Eddie replied.
“Eddie…” you said, your hands wrapping around his wrists.
“Y/N, I don’t want us to only exist in the dark of your room anymore,” Eddie said. “I want to hold your hand while i’m walking you to class, want to introduce you to all my friends as my girlfriend, I want to kiss you in front of everybody and make sure everyone knows that you’re mine and i’m yours,” he said. “These people, they don’t matter. In five years time none of them will even be around… What really matters is you and me, because i’m gunna be by your side for life.”
You stared up at him, tears streaming down your cheeks at his sweet word.
“Let me take you on a date, just one, and i’ll change your mind,” Eddie said. “I’ll show you what it’s like to be together in public and then you can make up your mind.”
“Okay, deal,” you said. He wiped the tears that were accumulating on your cheeks and connected his lips with yours.
“Oh,” he pulled away, grinning at you. “I love you too, by the way.” You smiled hard, hands wrapping around his neck.
“You guys!”
Your head snapped in the direction of the door to see Dustin, Lucas and Mike standing there, watching the both of you.
“How long have you three been standing there?” Eddie asked, his cheeks heating up.
“Long enough to hear you say I love you,” Dustin grinned.
“Shut up,” Eddie said, looking away from Dustin.
Eddie took you out on a proper date, he drove the both of you to a nearby diner to eat. You were nervous, nervous that someone from school would show up.
“Just calm down,” Eddie said, placing his hand on top of yours. “I mean, you’re making me feel like shit here,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Are you really that ashamed of me?”
“I’m not ashamed of you,” you replied, your eyes landing on his. “You just don’t know these peoples like I do… my friends, I mean. I’ll be kicked off the cheer squad like instantly and lose any hopes of a scholarship.”
“That damn scholarship… fuck your scholarship, stay here in Hawkins with me,” Eddie said. “I’ll do everything to give you the life you deserve.”
“Eddie…” you muttered, shaking your head. He smirked at you, holding your hand tighter.
“I’ll support you either way. Although, i’d hate to see you leave… maybe i’ll just come along with you,” he suggested. You smiled at his comment.
All your nerves began to fade away as the night went on. You didn’t care anymore if someone caught you with him. Everything he had said earlier was right, at the end of the day it’d just be you and him. All of your so called friends were not in this for the long run, once high school was over they’d probably forget about you.
“God, I love you,” Eddie said as the night wrapped up, the pair of you walked back to his van hand in hand.
“I love you too,” you said, shyly. The words felt foreign on your tongue. They had only been reserved for family before this moment. “Eddie,” you said, stopping your movements, holding both of his hands. He hummed, a concerned look on his face, wondering why you had stopped. “Say the word and i’m yours,” you said.
His face softened, a grin creeping onto his lips. “Do you wanna be my girlfriend? Officially?” He asked.
You reached up, pressing your lips against his before replying, “yes.”
You made out with him practically all the way back to his van and you could hardly keeps your hands off of him as he drove you back to his house. His uncle was away for the weekend, which meant the pair of you would get some alone time.
Eddie had never taken you back to his place before, everything the pair of you had done had always been at your house.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” Eddie said, holding your hand as he pushed the front door open. You walked in front of him, glancing around. “Sorry about the mess, my uncle’s always working and I spend most of my time at your house, as you know,” he said.
You smiled, turning around and hugging him. “Show me your room,” you said.
You followed Eddie to his bedroom, watching him as he began to give you a mini tour of everything he had. You closed his bedroom door and Eddie glanced over his shoulder at you.
“Get on the bed,” you ordered. Eddie raised his eyebrows at you, a smirk making its way on his face. “I wanna ride you,” you said, pushing your hands against his chest, backing him into his bed.
“You didn’t have to close the door,” Eddie chuckled, knees bucking once he hit the edge of his bed, falling back onto the mattress. “It’s just us here.”
“Dramatic effect,” you shrugged, glancing around his mattress, face screwing up at the stains. “What the hell are these stains from?”
“What do you think, Henderson?” He asked, pulling you on top of him, pressing his lips against yours.
You pulled your face away from his. “From you being a man whore,” you replied.
“Says the one who’s about to contribute to the stains on my mattress,” Eddie smirked, watching you as you pulled your cheer dress off. His hands were instantly on your body, unclasping your bra and tossing it to the ground. “For what it’s worth, you’re the best i’ve had.”
“I know,” you replied, bending down and kissing him hard.
You didn’t waste much time undressing him and taking your own panties off. You reached between your bodies, aligning his cock with your entrance before sinking down onto him, your pussy suffocating his dick.
Eddie groaned, his hands flying to your waist, fingers digging into your skin as you began to rock back and forth.
“Eddie,” you whined, looking down at him. Your hips moving faster as you already felt that knot in your stomach from the new angle. You had never been on top before. “I’m gunna cum,” you whispered.
“It’s okay, baby,” he replied. Staring up at you as you came undone, your pussy soaking his cock as you came on top of him. Eddie’s hands kept your jolting hips steady against him, your head falling back, sweat beads on your forehead.
You looked back down at him, hips moving at a fast and steady pace once you had came down from your orgasm. You attempted to reach for his hand, moaning hard, nearly collapsing onto him at how good it felt, your hands steadying yourself on his chest.
You breathed hard, reaching for his hand again, bringing it to your throat. “P-Please,” you begged.
He chuckled, firmly wrapping his fingers around your throat. “Is this what you wanted? You’re such a slut,” Eddie said, is grip tightening as you moaned.
“I love you,” you said, voice raspy from the choking.
“I love you too,” he replied.
You began to bounce up and down on him, wanting to feel more. Needing to feel more. More. More. More.
“Jesus- Fuck- Shit, don’t fucking stop,” Eddie said, his grip loosening from around your throat. You gasped loudly, your legs shaking hard as his dick slid against that spongy spot. You had cramps in your thighs, panting hard, movements growing sloppy. “Aww, are you tired baby?” Eddie cooed, condescendingly, both of this hands falling to your waist. “Here, let me help. You rest up,” he said as he began to snap his hips into you.
You moaned loudly, falling forward, your head resting in the crook of his neck. Your tongue shot out, sucking dark marks into his skin as you whimpered and whined against him.
Eddie’s arms snaked around your back, still fucking his dick into you at a fast pace.
“You marking me up?” He groaned, tilting his head so you had better access. “Branding me?”
“Want everyone to know who you belong too,” you muttered, your lips moving to his, you shoved your tongue inside of his mouth, kissing him passionately. “Especially that bitch Sarah,” you said once you pulled away. “Bet she couldn’t make you feel this good, hmm?”
Eddie chuckled at your words. “No way, princess,” he breathed. You hummed in response, your core tightening once again, your orgasm hitting you unexpectedly.
You sat up straight, moaning loudly as you came for the second time. Eddie groaned at the feeling of your pussy spasming against his hard cock.
“Good girl,” he cooed, hands on your cheeks. You sobbed, feeling a little overstimulated but still determined to make him cum, which is why you took back over, your hips rocking against him again.
It didn’t take long for Eddie to feel that all too familiar feeling of his orgasm on the way.
“I’m about to cum,” Eddie said, preparing for you to pull away and finish him off with your mouth or hands like you usually did. Instead you stayed put, still riding him. “Y/N, seriously, i’m gunna cum.”
“I want you to cum inside of me, Eddie,” you said. “Want you to fill me up.”
Eddie groaned, that’s all it took to push him over the edge. Hot ropes of his cum shooting deep within your walls. You rode out his high, both of your movements getting sloppy before you pulled away, collapsing beside him.
Eddie rolled over, staring down at your heat. His cum spilling out of your pussy. With two fingers he reached over, dragging them through his seed before stuffing the leakage back inside of you, making you moan at the feeling.
“Can’t have any waste now can we sweetheart?” Eddie asked, kissing your forehead.
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© luvfae 2022
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
Hey babes !!! I love your page so much ! So I had a thought for “Honey,there is no right way”
I am a sucker for a broody man that’s soft for you and Bucky I’m this series is the embodiment of that ! So Bucky is invited to a wedding and wants you to accompany him . You look stunning and he doesn’t fail to constantly remind you . He is so sweet with you . Keeping you close all night , caressing you and stoking your hair and cheeks , whispering sweet nothing in your ear and you thrive on it ! He looks at you like you hang the stars in the sky , the way you animatedly narrate the story you’re telling him . He has heart eyes . But to everyone else … he’s stoic , scary even . And everyone admires in awe how you have the terrifying mobster looking like a lost puppy 🥺
Thank you so much! This is so soft I love it 🥺 and I have a scene in the upcoming chapters where something close to this happens ;)
honey, there is no right way
* Feel free to send drabbles, requests or asks about this series!
“Bucky, people are watching.” You say as Bucky presses his nose to your neck. The entire wedding he’s been behaving as if you are some kind of magnet and he’s unable to separate himself from you.
“You’re looking so beautiful, doll. People are gonna watch.” His eyes are hooded as he looks into your eyes as if you’re the only thing he ever wants to look at.
“Wow. Bucky, how do you even come up with that?.” You knew one day you were gonna melt under Bucky’s words and his gaze. There is this perpetual smile pasted on your smile as he keeps on complimenting you.
“You look so pretty when you get all flustered when I compliment you. So I gotta do it again and again so that this smile never wears off your face.” His flesh fingers are tangled in your hair as he plays with it.
“Oh Bucky.” You can actually feel everyone’s eyes on you two. It’s like people are looking at you more than the actual wedding going on. And this has been going on right since you came, Bucky’s hand has been constantly on your hip, holding you close and reassuring you.
The wedding was grand and it looked literally out a movie. “The wedding’s so beautiful Bucky. But this somehow reminds me of Wanda’s wedding. God, it was absolutely chaotic. We were running late and somehow everyone was just going missing at the worst times and we…”
“Hello Mr. Barnes.” You stopped midway as some guy interrupted you. Bucky was looking at you with sweet adoration when you were speaking but the instant that dude cut you, the look in his eyes was pure terrifying.
“Yes.” He replied with his sophisticated voice with an underlying tone of annoyance. The guy began sweating visibly, “Umm, I’m Vincent, the groom’s brother. I just came by to ask if you were comfortable.”
It wasn’t new, everyone at the wedding was paying special attention to Bucky as everyone wanted to boast about their so called contact with the mobster. But this poor soul just came at a very misfortunate time.
“If I was uncomfortable, trust me, you’d know it by now.” Bucky replied without any warmth. You could clearly see that the guy was scared shitless by now. “The wedding is wonderful and we are having a great time.”
The guy visibly calmed down at your gentle response. After a small smile and goodbye, he left. “Bucky, you scared that guy for no reason.” You said chuckling.
“He should’ve thought before interrupting you. Anyway, I was wondering how everyone was going missing at Wanda’s wedding.” You stared at him with owlish eyes as he said it. “What?” Bucky asked when you didn’t respond.
“You are actually listening to me? I thought all this time I was just rambling like an idiot.” Bucky was once again back with his puppy eyes. “Of course I listen to you. And you’re not rambling, I’m actually invested in your stories.”
“Okay, so actually everyone was just sneaking away to get drunk. And by the ending of the wedding, half of the people were high as kites. She really has a very interesting family.”
Bucky was laughing and you could bet your ass everyone was still staring at you two. After all, it was an exquisite site to see. His eyes were closed and his lips were spread wide to show his pearly teeth. And you couldn’t help but think that you were the luckiest person to be able to call him yours.
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yanderemommabean · 3 years
what about tatsu and miku taking shy female s/o first time? 👀
“Atta girl” Tatsu praises, holding your legs apart so Miku could easily slide between them. Your breasts where being teased and massaged by his other hand, possessively being groped as he left wet, hungry kisses up your neck. “Miku here is gonna make you feel so good. Mmm and I’m gonna help, making sure you know just how good you are for us”.
Miku gently squeezes your thigh, making sure you met her eyes. She wants to jump in, be messy and wet and animal like, but she knows you’re self conscious, terrified and close to tears. It’s a scary thing for lovers to share, and she wants you to know you’re safe!
How could you not be? Both are capable of murder if the need arises.
“Tell us to stop and we will. We just want you to feel the love we have for all of you! Relax, pretty baby, you’re going to enjoy this”.
Her voice was so sweet, so reassuring. You nod your head and moan into a wet, tongue filled kiss that Tatsu gave you to distract you for a moment. You press your chest up to feel the warmth of his hands, urging him to continue the stimulation to your breasts while Miku teased kisses up your mound and slowly parted your outer lips.
“So wet for us already~ oh Tachan, she’s being such a good girl. So needy and begging for more and we haven’t even started” she teased, slowly dragging her fingers up your entrance to your clit, teasing the hood as you mewled and keened. “Oh don’t be evil now, Miku. We can tease Her all we want after we break her in”.
God that tone is usually used for situations Tatsu exaggerates, making the boring and mundane seem hardcore and serious. This time though, the heat in his eyes told you he was serious, that he planned to break you in the most blissful way. It made you shiver in anticipation, wanting to be a good little wife and take what both were giving you, but that deep fear still seated itself in your core. What if you messed up? What if you ruin the mood? What if they don’t enjoy it as much as they said?
Miku sensed your worry, and wasted no time getting those thoughts out of your head. Her mouth slowly worked over your drenched pussy, tongue flicking up against your clit while her lips sucked and kissed feverishly. She alternated between delving her tongue into your clenching hole to letting it circle around your twitching clit, her hands having to hold your hips down to keep you from accidentally bucking her away.
It was cute, and maybe later they can talk about using rope for more than just keeping you safe at home. For now she’ll allow you to find your own rhythm with a bit of guidance, all the other stuff can wait. They have all night after all! And all of their life’s after this as well! There’s no rush to finding out how dirty their good girl can be.
“Fuck- how’s she taste baby? Fucking delicious I bet” Tatsu bites out, his cock leaking and pulsing against his stomach as he slid his own fingers against your needy hole. “Kiss me, share it with me” he begged, and Miku happily obliged, swapping her tongue with Tatsus as he began fingering you open with his index and middle finger.
You whined, utterly embarrassed at how they were so debauched and lewd, but Tachan took it as a sign you were hurt. “Ngh- need me to slow down? ‘M sorry baby, I broke protocol- “ he was about to go on another rant, but Miku hushed him and helped to guide his hand with her own.
She set the pace, kissing you gently while Tatsus fingers worked you open, coating his digits in your slick as your core tightens and begs to reach that peak. Miku could tell you were close, an evil smirk gracing her kiss swollen lips. “Faster, Tatsu. Make her cum”.
That’s all he needed to hear. His strong arm wrapped around you and held you still as he fingered you roughly, scissoring the digits inside of you and nudging against every delicious spot that made you tense up and see stars. Tatsu bit into your shoulder, growling something you couldn’t make out as you grind down against his fingers, climaxing with a broken warble.
You’re allowed a few seconds to breathe, both partners simply indulging in a make out session as they allowed your brain to come back from its liquified form. The ex-mafia man slides his fingers out of you, hungrily sucking on them while Miku adjusted the both of you, placing the large, throbbing member of Tatsu at your glistening hole.
“Deep breaths baby, he’s pretty big. You’ll feel so full, you’ll probably cum a few more times” she giggled, sliding to sit beside you and share a few kisses to reassure you. All you could do was nod, reaching up to play with her breasts as Tatsu slowly slid his massive dick into your virgin walls. Miku sucked on your tongue and teased your nipples as you grimaced and winced, the slight pain heightening your anxiety and causing you to tighten up involuntarily.
“Easy baby, you’re doing so good. Always so good for us” Tachan reassured, using his hands to soothe you as he rubbed and massaged up your sides, slowly seating himself inside of you as you sat on his lap.
You take a minute to adjust, feeling him throb and twitch inside of you, but both are so patient and sweet that they don’t mind the wait. They want you to enjoy this! Waiting is no problem! And if you need to stop, they’d do so in less than a second, no questions asked.
“Y-you can move” you meekly whisper, groaning and lolling your head back as he grinds against every sweet spot inside of you, making you clench and whimper in bliss as he rocked into you and helped you to bounce up and down.
“That’s it-fuck! Fuck yes baby, you feel so good! So tight and soft- “ he growled, his thighs tightening and straining as he tried to keep a gentle pace. Miku was panting and moaning beside you as she encouraged her husband, fingering herself as she watched you be fucked by his massive tool. “Yes, yes! Oh god yes Tachan make her cum! Make her cum so fucking hard baby!”
You nearly yelp as Tatsu looses his patience at Mikus lewd and pornographic moans, his cock slamming into you deliciously as his balls slapped against your ass. He held your hips tightly as he just went to town, praising you and telling you to cum.
“Shit! Yeah, yeah baby make a mess! Make a mess on my cock for us! Mmm fuck yes yes! Cum for us baby, cum! I know your close, fuck I can feel you clenching!” He grunted, his thrusts becoming more sloppy as he was close to climaxing himself.
Miku aggressively fingered herself as she watched, bucking her hips against her hand as she practically drooled and chased her pleasure, wanting to watch you climax and cover Tatsus cock in your juices. She whined and groaned as she climaxed, hating she didn’t get to finish with the both of you, but loving she still got to watch you come undone.
Tatsu kissed you roughly as you finally came again, your thighs shaking so hard you thought you might’ve gotten a cramp. It was so good! So blissful and addicting, you never wanted it to stop! It was making your brain turn back into mush as Tatsu chased his own orgasm, using your worn out body as his own fucktoy and releasing inside of you moments after.
The aftershocks made your thighs clench and tremble, overstimulation was both amazing and excruciating with every little twitch your muscles made. Tatsu softly wipes your hair from your face, avoiding looking down in fear he might get hard again and want to “clean up the mess he made”.
Oh that sounds so fucking good. Eat you out while Miku tells him how dirty his is? Fuck he could do that forever! But he needs to go slow, so he has to reel in that carnal side for now.
“You alright sugar bear?” Tatsu questioned, Miku and him looking you over and sandwiching your body between them. You just tiredly nod, not sure how to speak after something so exhilarating, deciding to just kiss their lips as confirmation that they hadn’t accidentally gave you brain damage.
Maybe. You aren’t so sure.
“I’m so happy we got to do this with you. You make us so happy baby girl, we always want to show you exactly how much we appreciate you” Miku spoke warmly, playing with your hair absentmindedly. “We’ll clean up in a bit baby, just relax and bask in the afterglow, alright?”.
You just nod numbly, your eyes closing as you lean into Tatsus chest, taking a deep breath to try and reset yourself.
If this is them being patient and gentle, you wonder how feral they can become. Looks like you’ll get to find out sooner than you thought!
(-Mommabean, sorry for typos! Tell me what you think! Is my smut improving? Lemme know!)
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