#that’s why charlie would be confused af lol
thattheater-kid · 7 months
Charlie: Where are you going?
Alastor: I’m going out with Rosie, Mimzy, and Niffty.
Charlie: Ooh, can I come?
Alastor: No, it’s girls night.
Charlie: ???????
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showtoonzfan · 7 months
So according to Charlie’s point of view, ever since Lucifer and Lilith split, he never called or hung out with her unless he needed a favor. He also didn’t even know where she was or what she was doing, so he hasn’t been in her life at all for years. Hell, Charlie even says she barley knew him af a young age. And yet he’s portrayed as a wimpy goofball, who desperately wants to reconnect with her the moment she calls, even celebrating the fact that she wanted to see him. So….why did he never see her before? The episode never explains that. They act as if he’s been wanting to reconnect with her for so long and was depressed due to it, yet according to what we’re told, he never put in the effort to actually go see her all these years, he didn’t even know about her life or the hotel project. It also threw me off on how he instantly agreed to help her run the hotel, he was so happy and eager so why didn’t he do that sooner?
And as expected, Lucifer isn’t called out on this. In fact, he sings about how much he cares about Charlie, how she’s the only thing worth protecting and he’ll adore her. Cool beans man, but if you cared about her that much, you had a funny way of showing it by doing nothing for 7 years. The only thing he’s “demonized” for is the fact that he has no hope for sinners, and no hope for Heaven agreeing to redeem them, but they just pull the “he was an uwu baby who’s dreams were crushed and he doesn’t want the same to happen to his daughter”- and then it’s all lazily patched up in the end. Like I see so many fans cry and say how much of a good dad Lucifer is, yet the dialogue leaves me to believe otherwise lol, like he ignored his daughter for years and only used her when it would benefit him. It’s just really confusing cause the Lucifer we meet doesn’t match up with the Lucifer they built up, the pilot is confirmed canon so he still technically called her a failure and if anything you’d think Charlie would have a closer relationship with her mother instead— like….I’m 100% convinced him being a bumbling softie and Lilith being the villain was a last minute decision.
And even then, when “More than Anything” started, it made me feel nothing cause the show forgot to build up on Lucifer and the relationship between his daughter ON screen as well as taking time to make their rekindling feel earned. Instead none of it is earned, and I’m getting tired of Viv excusing and wanting us to applaud her goofy dad characters for doing the bare minimum lol. (Cough, Stolas).
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sakura-chan-25 · 3 months
I can't comprehend shit when I'm sleepy af to the point I almost fall asleep NO MATTER where I am currently
So in my sleepy mind a few days ago in bed, I was like "well how would the brothers react?" And I actually remembered even though I didn't write it down! 🥳 so here it is haha
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Either he's confused why MC can't comprehend anything and can't even keep up a normal conversation but finds it adorable and humerous nonetheless
OR he's the exact same
I mean that guy's a zombie while doing his work on autopilot
Don't tell me he WON'T get so tired at some point that he can't even talk with someone
If he's awake enough though he'll probably just scoop them up and put them to bed
Would look dumbfounded at MC, probably ask them if they're high or something and then laugh his ass off like a true best friend
Or he gets straight up worried, depends on his mood
But he WILL get worried sooner or later
Obviously he's gonna put them to bed like the softie he is
What do you mean? He's not nuzzling into them, you're imagining things–
I'm sorry, he would freak out
He'd think MC got some rare disease or something first until they pratically fall asleep right where they are
Too flustered to pick them up and get them to bed
So he just throws a blanket over them, freaks out when it accidentally covers their head, adjusts the blanket while probably already blushing like a tomato and calls it a day
He would tease them so much
Tries to talk with them and chuckle at their ridiculous answers
Probably wants them to curl up in his lap like some small kitty
But he's got some decency, he's not gonna take advantage of MC
Unless they're like dating or something then he'll probably just swoop them into his lap
Otherwise he'll just tuck them into bed
In the most gentle way possible of course
Squeals and just swoons over them
Know that Hazbin Hotel scene with Charlie just swooning over Sir Pentious trying to ask out Cherry Bomb (or confess, I don't remember anymore) and then Vaggie shoves her away? Yeah, Asmo's like Charlie
He'll probably tell MC how cute they are being right now and how he just wants to cuddle them to death-
They'll get worried eventually and try to talk MC into going to bed
Will cuddle up to them and won't be ashamed to admit it
Cutest puppy eyes ever while trying to tell MC to get some rest
Probably with a full mouth, so that you can absolutely NOT understand what he's saying
Whatever food he has left in his hands will get shoved down his throat so he can walk over to MC, pick them up and put them to bed as if they were too incapable of doing so themselves (who knows, they actually might be)
Doesn't give a f-
No, really
Either he's sleeping, so he won't even realise
Or he's awake enough to be worried
He'll ask MC to join him wherever he's trying to sleep
And if they refuse, he'll just grab their wrist and pull them towards him until they're lying down
MC's probably out like a light and he'll just smile like the brat he is and cuddle close to them before going (back) to sleep himself
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A/n: Sometimes I'll take forever to come up with headcanons and other times I'll finish them in half an hour or less. Guess what, that only took half an hour lol. Hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night! :D
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bisluthq · 2 months
some people really go out of their way to interpret specific details about Matty as weird vague metaphors that don’t even really make sense about Joe. Like I’ve seen people say “you left your typewriter at my apartment” is a metaphor for Joe leaving his phone at her apartment, on which she saw the “tortured man club” group chat 💀💀💀 because they were so adamant that song would be about that lmao
… that’s a really insane thing to think lmao. Like beyond insane. Firstly, because no one forgets their phone places longterm like that’s really something you make a big effort to retrieve. You fucking personally go there and fetch it if you have to. People don’t just arbitrarily leave their phones places because we require our phones in order to function in society.
Secondly, and this is also what I said to the anon who was like “but why would she be finding Matty’s crap” (well she shouldn’t have been, that’s why it bugged her!! Obviously some of Joe’s crap is still around but the crap that’s still around is mutually owned crap that he didn’t want anymore?) it was THEIR apartment/house/etc so it’d be a really odd way to phrase it? You could say “the apartment” because it wouldn’t have been his anymore but it was, for a long time, his as well? And if she didn’t think of it that way then as I’ve said before that’s kinda lowkey financially abusive because just because you own something, if your partner lives there then at least while they’re living there it’s their place too?? And that *is* how she refers to home/s shared with Joe tbh from Lover onwards (which is like when they formally moved in together like they formally moved in together in about 2018 after Rep Tour was done) because she’s not THAT crazy. Cars are kinda like that too like if you’re living together then it’s generally speaking “the cars” or “our cars” regardless of which is which. Again, it’d be lowkey financially abusive to tell your partner of 6 years like “this stuff’s mine” for things like that? People have their personal stuff obviously (like phones and clothes and gadgets they like and items they’re attached to) but when you live together, big things like house/s and cars and fucking furniture are sorta mutually owned items regardless of who bought them? Even like personal grooming things are “ours” (in gay relationships much more so - my ex and I shared everything except lipsticks because we like different colors and foundation because we have very different skin tones, but even with hetty or hetty presenting relationships things get shared idk like generally the only things that are yours personally are things the other person has no use for at all or toothbrushes for hygiene purposes idkkkk).
Thirdly, none of the other details in the song line up with Joe unless as we’ve said before he’s got a tattoo on his dick which seems unlikely and is super into pot which also seems unlikely and thinks he’s Dylan Thomas which seems unlikely and really likes Charlie Puth and has strong opinions on musical success which seems unlikely and goes into self-sabotage mode which seems unlikely and shares personal information with Lucy Dacus which seems unlikely and is referred to as crazy which is just categorically untrue and did the middle finger ring to wedding ring finger thing which would be odd since she felt like she was dying on the altar waiting for him and she feels like she could decode him (which again she seems to think she couldn’t because he confused her). But you know who is tattooed af, obsessed with weed, loves Charlie Puth, considers himself a great artist, is friendly with Lucy and the rest of boygenius, and is legit NUTS? Matty Healy lol.
Fourthly, the GC is soooo random. Andrew Scott made it and used it to be a Gen X dude who like wished Paul and Joe good morning on it every day and then it died. This wasn’t some life changing thing. It was a GC made between three actors who knew each other and per the people in it, the only person who really used it was Andrew to send random crap in (very very Gen X behavior I’m ngl, that demographic in my experience is weirdly into group chats and uses them in very odd - to me as a millennial - ways. It’s like Boomers send individual messages with the most utterly rando crap lol like those “Have a Happy Day!” pics or Jewish boomer ladies love sending “Shabbat Shalom” pics every Friday and I don’t know where they find all this crap but anyway; Gen X isn’t as bad but they love their Group Chats and sending random crap into those idk so I 100000% believe that’s how that chat went and Joe and Paul were like “mkay thanks Andrew” because that’s what I do with Gen X skewing chats I’m in lol). The GC tells us nothing except Andrew is Gen X and Joe and Paul are not.
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transboysokka · 10 months
okay fuck it, twilight breaking dawn part 1 I guess
(for the first time ever)
ok fuck I’m really in it now here goes breaking dawn part 1 I guess
I HATE breaking up movies (especially book movies) into 2 parts like just bc Harry Potter did it for a 1000-page book doesn’t mean EVERYONE has to for money now…
Anyway starting strong w another corny quote from Bella
K Jacob couldn’t keep his shirt on gif one second
Bella and Alice girlfriends and comphet already yesss
Getting married SO young it makes so much sense now that I know the author is Mormon lol
Just bc this is normal where I grew up doesn’t mean I like it
Edward looks slightly less weird in this one I think
Omg what hasn’t he told her was he engaged before he turned into a vampire or something
Ohhhhhh juicy
Ok but he is waiting until the last possible moment to tell her this which DOES line up w the rest of his shady personality
Can’t believe this is the 4th movie and my opinion about him still hasn’t changed
So anyway does her dad know about any of this yet or
I’m SORRY I’m still HUNG UP ON getting married SO YOUNG like I know Tom of people who have done it but like these are children???
Tacky af of everyone to wear white to her wedding
Oh it’s a dream. Still. My point stands.
Are we gonna find out in this movie why she’s so special and vampire powers don’t work on her?
I’m starting to think her wild dreams mean something in the same way Alice sees stuff
Rosalie did her hair? Are we sure? Oh I see the back okay fair
I gotta know the budget of this wedding damn
Jessica is the GOAT of this whole series though she says everything exactly like it is
Anyway I just gotta say that I’m perpetually annoyed by the selfishness and stupidity of Bella wanting to throw her life away to be a vampire on purpose
Was that the author again
I hope this wedding scene isn’t too long I’ll be so bored
Oh you KNOW the 2011 fangirlies were losing their MINDS at this in theatres
More shitty soundtrack choices. Oh never mind this is the same song as the end of the first movie. Still sucks though
So are the werewolves and vampires like… good with each other now?
Does Jacobs dad have a problem with Charlie of something
Whoever this Irina is she needs to chill tf out
These speeches are sooo gd awkward. Very realistic
I do like how cool Edward is with Bella’s friendship with Jacob. Kind of ooc for him lol
I just KNOW Bella’s gonna talk to Edward like “ok I married you now make me a vampire” and he’s gonna be like “mmmm not yet”
Wtf why doesn’t he think they can have a honeymoon??
Is vampire dick like super dangerous for humans or something lol
They’re going to rio lol?? How fuckin random??
Wtf Carlisle just like. HAS Brazilian islands to give away??
Okay so they’re finally gonna fuck I guess but I HOPE I don’t have to see it, I CANNOT explain how much I am NOT invested in this straight couple…
I completely just dissociated for most of that but DID HE JUST BREAK THE BED LMFAO
Glad she’s having a good honeymoon but I’m bored af
Oh shit oh man lol he’s like “I bruised you I’m so sorry” but it’s apparently her kink what is going on???
Bro is she pregnant already lol
Wow it must grow like exponentially fast if something
I must be missing something bc I still don’t know why this is like a big deal?
Ohhhh what if they have to turn her so their creepy baby doesn’t kill her
Do they have a private jet or something wtf
Lol why would she call Rosalie of all people
What’s going onnnnn why’s Charlie at jacobs house???
I still don’t know if Charlie knows about the vampires??? I’m guess no??
Ok so Jacob thinks Bella is a vampire now?
Idk why this is all a bit confusing to me
I know he’s gonna see her and she’s gonna have the biggest baby bump
WHY is this a PROBLEM chill Jacob
Ok so is Bella carrying the vampire messiah or Antichrist or something
And now it’ll be hard to make her a vampire?? Bro I feel like I’ve skipped an entire movie
Edward is sooooo dramatic now if Bella dies he wants to die too??? CAN EVERYONE CALM DOWN??
And yeah what’s going on w bella and Rosalie
Teen mom Bella I’m so sorry ur going through this
So yeah doesn’t Jacob fall in love with this baby or something lol
Anyway this baby thing seems like something the valtori or whatever should be involved in
It grows so fast she’s probably gonna be giving birth next week
Jacob almost getting hit by a car lmao
Okayyyyy the werewolves are so extreme now too
This werewolf scene is soooo warrior cats coded (I know nothing about warrior cats maybe it isn’t)
Nice to see Jacob wearing so many more clothes this movie
I’ve had Seth for 5 minutes and I’d already die for him
The Cullens house is so…. Ugly…
We Stan Leah too
Werewolf civil war??
Leah deserves a gf I’m rooting for u girl
What a weird ass yahoo search for Edward
WAIT they name the baby renesmee right?? I’m JUST realizing it’s a combo of Edwards mom and Bella’s moms names that’s cool
I feel so bad Bella is gonna have this baby and Edward isn’t gonna want it at all
Did this book really need to be two movies bc the pacing of this one so far seems too slow
Also very fanficy
Does Charlie have a girlfriend now isn’t that random and sudden
So Edward says the baby is a human?? Then wtf is up with this wild ass pregnancy
Damn I really wish I could see anything in these dark scenes
That’s NOT how I thought renesmee was pronounced lol
Wtffffff did she just BREAK her BACK JESUS CHRIST
Lollll he was too happy about the baby and Bella just died lmfao
I’m way more okay with her being a vampire if she was gonna die anyway, not if she was gonna be a whiny ass baby about wanting to be special
But anyway yeah really not sure how she’s gonna come back from that one, or how they’ll explain it
Maybe the reason she’s still dead is bc Edwards compressions suck so bad
Stop just biting her everywhere eww
We really don’t need the like molecular animation of it all we get it
Idk why but I’m not completely trusting Rosalie with that baby
Do we know the baby is human btw
Why wouldn’t she have told her parents she was pregnant btw like she could have just pretended she had been for a while
Ohhhh jacobs gonna commit baby use but accidentally fall in love while doing it lmfao
Oh NOOOOOOOO that’s so fucked uppppppp they couldn’t have waited until she was like a little older at least?????
Oh NOW Edward calls for help lolol
Like she’s been dead a while stop being in denial
Is Edward bothered AT ALL that his enemy is in love with his infant daughter lololol
Ready for this bad CGI gauntness to go away though
Oh they really just added in some cgi airbrushing and PALENESS lol vampire skin
All three flashbacks are also unnecessary tbh
okay for some reason I knew about the shot of her opening her eyes all vampy as the very end of this movie
Yeah so that was partially very boring but mostly just a LOT of VERY INTERESTING developments
I still think splitting movies into two halves is very jarring and disorienting for plot and story reasons but at least for this one it KINDA works???
Thank god there’s only one of these left
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I LOVED your meta-analysis of Tony in endgame! Can you do the homecoming edition with tony's facial expressions and feelings? thank you! x
Of course, I’m sorry I took so long.
Well, Homecoming is my favorite irondad movie. Yes, it’s an irondad movie for me. We get to see the paternal side of Tony. It’s not a surprise for me or anyone that Tony can get paternal, you can tell he loves kids and gets along better with them than with most adults. He’s a natural on this.
Let’s start with the fact that Tony had a long emotional journey in Civil War, from getting nostalgic with clearing traumatic memories of his parents with technology, Charlie Spencer, his guilt over Ultron, the Accords, fighting with the Avengers to finding out the truth about said parents and getting betrayed in the process.
All of this.
And the first thing he decided to do after all of this?
Make sure Peter gets home.
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Now, the most important thing you should notice about Tony in here is his posture. Look how relaxed and happy he looks, look at the way he’s sitting. After recently getting betrayed by a close friend, this is how he behaves around Peter. This is enough for me to believe that he blindly trusts Peter and that scares him. Since the moment he met him this is the thing that impressed me the most about their relationship. How easy things come for Tony when it comes to Peter. Trust is the main one.
Of course, it’s not all unicorns because this is Tony Stark. He probably noticed how quickly he was to trust Peter and how he behaves around him so he uses his typical mechanisms of defense to fight this.
One of my friends pointed out for me that on many occasions Tony tries to avoid eye contact with Peter.
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Typical mechanism. Avoid eye contact, put on his glasses, mask on.
And that is not the only effort he made to put a distance between him and Peter, he uses the ‘’hands-off’’ mentor attitude and puts Happy like a wall between them. Look at his hand gestures, he’s trying to make this something casual. It’s his way of putting up a wall.
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Also, this is not how we open the door for someone else, ok?
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There were other ways to open the door for the kid.
And as soon as Peter is out of the car:
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After a while of not getting in contact with the kid, Peter; the danger magnet he is, gets himself in trouble and we discover that Tony receives alerts every time the suit's emergency parachute is activated or when it exceeds a certain altitude. We also discover Tony has a tracker on Peter’s suit and it’s not afraid to admit he put everything necessary in the suit. 
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At first, he doesn’t appear to be shaken up by the fact that Peter almost died a few minutes ago but this is because he’s trying to remain calm. In the Homecoming Novelization, they give us the reason why Tony is in that place:
“So where are you?” I asked, looking around suspiciously. I half expected to see a drone in the sky spying on me.“India,” came the response. “I thought I’d hit up a Hindu temple. Center myself. That sort of thing.” Wow, I thought. I guess when you have Stark money, you can do stuff like that. “Thank God this place has Wi-Fi or you would have drowned.”
He’s trying to center himself. After saying ‘’Please, forget about the flying vulture guy’’ and trying to make Peter understand he needs to stay on the ground for his own safety and Peter failing to understand this, this is his dad reaction:
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The angry-anxiety outburst. This man was having an anxiety attack throughout this scene. After not succeeding in getting a guarantee that Peter is going to be out of harm's way, he goes into fight-or-flight mode and releases this little explosion. When you’re on your way to an anxiety episode that is very close to turning into a panic attack your body starts interpreting your anxiousness as a signal that you’ll need to stand your ground or escape from what you believe is a danger. What it’s most interesting to me in this is his reaction after the outburst. He’s not only confused as to why is he so angry or so fatherly invested in this kid, but he’s also experiencing his mind going “blank” as the fear and worry take over.
Almost like he’s asking himself ‘’Why am I acting like this?’’ ‘’What the hell was that?’’
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And then saying: ‘’Sorry, teenager’’. Dad af.
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And then we fully get to see what he’s trying to stay calm from. THIS. Anxiety can trigger this reaction. I believe what Tony is experiencing here is some sort of mechanism of physiological tremor caused by anxiety. This is how awesome RDJ’s performance is. He understands his character so much he can make these little decisions and add more depth into the character.
After this, he tells Peter it’s not too early to start thinking about college, since he went when he was 15 so for Tony, it’s never too early and he knows Peter is a genius kid. He understands Peter and he even acknowledged this when he said this: ‘’Listen, I know school sucks. I know you want to save the world. But... you're not ready yet.’’ 
Then he calls Peter to tell him the FBI was about to ambush Toomes and his people but he also took the opportunity to congratulate Peter for his job on Washington. I love the sheepishly way he’s doing it, like this is new territory for him. 
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But Peter at the moment is not appreciating the compliments because he has other things in mind. This is the moment you realize both of them are on different grounds. What many people don’t realize is that Peter is not only seeking approval, he’s trying to find a way to ensure his stay in Tony’s life. Notice how he asks Happy what’s going to happen to him when he realizes Tony sold the tower (He can feel Tony slipping further away from him) or when he tells Ned that he’s never going to come back to school since Tony is moving the Avengers upstate and blindly believes that If he brings Toomes to justice Tony is going to offer a place for him (He takes drastic measures). 
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Meanwhile Tony is trying hard to be there for him but still at arm's length. He gets a little offended when Peter doesn’t appreciate that effort and brush that off like it’s nothing. You know the thing that actually warms my heart? When he remembers the little stuff about Peter’s life. While Peter is trying to win his place in Tony’s life, Tony already has Peter in his heart, whether he knows about this or not.
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Remember those conversations you have with your parents over the phone and they hear some weird background noise and they demand to know what’s going on? This is Tony in here. Also, the fact that he knew that Peter quit band six weeks ago. lol dad much?
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Then the famous ferry confrontation. This is exactly the moment Tony lets Peter know in a very direct way he cares and a lot. Since the moment Peter accuses him of not caring, he doesn’t take his eyes off of Peter. 
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He’s using anger as a way to let out the stress and worry he has over this kid. The little sniff, the way he continuously walks toward him, etc. He’s tired of being worried and explains to Peter that he’s the only one keeping faith in him because of how young he is and the more he explains, the more scared he gets. 
When things get to the point where he can’t stand it, ‘’it’s not working out’’ / = ‘’It’s not working out for me’’, he demands the suit back and dramatically says that this is something permanent. That this is a ‘’forever’’ decision. He believes that if he takes away the suit Peter is going to stop risking his life. And this decision probably hurts him more than it hurts Peter judging by the way he can’t even look at the kid when he asks for it. 
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He heartbrokenly explains to Peter that if he dies then he feels that is going to be on him. He feels responsible for Peter and it’s heartbreaking because this is coming from him. This is not some misplaced way to fix things or a way to repair some old wounds. This is not his responsibility, he can easily go to this kid’s aunt and tell her what’s going on so she can deal with it but instead, he realizes he got emotionally attached to this kid and therefore no matter if he’s in the suit or not, Tony is going to feel responsible. Because he cares. Because he has a soft spot for him. Because he already has a place in his heart.
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The way he grips his arm, another way to tell he’s on the verge of anxiety, again. And then he admits what’s been on his mind since meeting Peter: He wants him to be better than him. He already chose him. He wants him to be his better version. He recognizes Peter and him are similar in ways that scare him but he wants the flaws he sees in himself to disappear on Peter. He doesn’t want Peter to be like him. And he demonstrates this in the self-deprecating way he expresses it: 
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Then Peter goes and still risks his life with or without the suit and Tony gets Happy to drive Peter to Avengers upstate. The first thing Tony does? Apologize to Peter for taking the suit and at the same time, he lets him know he did something wrong therefore he had it coming. Something he probably never got directly from his father; an apology and proof that he actually cared. 
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He makes sure Peter knows he’s proud by fist-bumping his shoulder lol, side-hugging him and telling him he wants him on the team by showing him his new suit. 
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Can we talk about this for a moment? Is this Tony’s version of putting the kid’s accomplishments on the fridge? He was going to show this to a lot of reporters and people when Peter ‘’announced’’ he was going to be an official member of the Avengers. Can we also acknowledge the fact that Tony keeps track of Peter so much that he knows bloggers write about spider-man and this time he’s bringing the big guns by picking up 50 real reporters to the case? D-A-D.
Then he gets rejected lol. Something he probably expected it. There’s no denying he felt rejected but not because Peter doesn’t want to be part of the Avengers, the part he feels rejected from is the ‘’mentoring’’ part. He did mention that with a little mentoring, Peter could be a real asset. He wants to be that mentor and now he’s ready to be more close to him.
He even takes the mask off.
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But he still can’t keep eye contact with him, something he still does in Infinity War. Apparently, Peter’s big puppy eyes are lethal weapons for him. He can’t stand the admiration and gratitude coming from this kid’s gaze. He’s not used to this.
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This is what I love the most about Homecoming. Proud!dad Tony. AT the end of the day, he’s proud that Peter chose to do the right thing and stay on the ground. He knows Peter is going to be the best out of all of them and this is the most gratifying accomplishment for him. 
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Thank you for asking! I was going to make one from Peter’s POV, if you want it, please tell me! 
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professionalfixator · 5 years
There is one scene.
One moment in Season 3, that no matter how hard I think about it, I can never figure it out.
It is so confusing that it has left me stumped for a week. So, I'll try to dissect it here. Buckle in, it will be long.
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Season 3 Episode 3.
Maybe I'm dumb, but I can't figure it out. You know that user that has their 8 part series for Gilbert's feelings? I tried to do it for this one and got NOTHING.
So, a little context. Ruby and Moody have known each other for years.
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They've gone to school together for YEARS.
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Ruby has liked Gilbert for YEARS.
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In 1x03, Josie says that Ruby has liked Gilbert for 3 years, so by the time we see her in 3x01, she has liked Clownbert for 6 years! 6 YEARS. LIKING THE SAME GUY.
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But as we know, Gilbert likes Anne and never showed Ruby any attention whatsoever. Not even romantic attention, just...attention in general. FROM WHAT WE SAW IN THE SHOW, the only thing Gilbert ever did for Ruby was help her off the ground in 1x04 and that was just because he wanted to get Anne's attention. You can imagine how hurtful it must be for Ruby by Season 3, to have the guy you like pay you zero (0) attention for 6 years.
Now, let's look at Moody. He has a love interest of his own. In 2x05, when these poor children are forced to play Spin the Bottle, Moody got to kiss Diana. We don't know if Moody liked Diana during that scene or around that time, but judging by the look on his face when the bottle lands on him, we can assume he did. However, things are fairly normal between them in 2x10, when he says his iconic "my whole life is an accident" line. Diana is sitting with him and everything seems fine, no awkwardness.
But fast forward to 3x01, Moody obviously has a crush on Diana.
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He compliments her, but everytime he does so, he is met with this face:
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I mean, really. What is this face, Diana? This is the MOODSTER. but I digress.
So, he is met with a painful level of non-reciprocity. Sound familiar? Because this is basically what Ruby has been going through with Gilbert! Not EXACTLY, but quite similar. A crush that has been met continually with a blank stare and lots of awkwardness.
Now we're here. Season 3 Episode 3. Mary is dying, the world is burning, but right in the middle of it all... Moody and Ruby have a little moment.
And it doesn't make much sense. I think it boils down to each episode having so many characters and storylines, that you often have to bounce between them a lot and it gets confusing.
But! Be that as it may, the last time we saw Ruby and Moody was two episodes ago when they were flirting with their own people of interest. Ruby with Gilbert and Moody with Diana. (Keep in mind this is before she saw that he was a banjo strumming king!)
In this scene, Mary is ill and Gilbert yeets off to get the doctor. In the meantime, the newspaper kids are working on their latest issue. They hang up a fresh page and upon rewatching, I noticed, when Moody says "just like magic" he is gazing at Diana, and Charlie pats him on the back. So his feelings for Diana are still very much there, despite her non-reciprocity and overall coldness. (You can even hear Josie say a scolding, "Moody" in the background.) Diana pretends not to notice and reads the newspaper. "Farmers celebrate a new Gilbert" and everyone laughs. Ruby yells that she is preoccupied and wonders why Gilbert isn't there, then starts to cry when Anne tells him that he went to get the doctor. Moody looks sad and sympathetic, observing this scene. Anne claps back at Josie, at Ruby interrupts what could be a squabble by saying that Gilbert was so heroic.
Then we get the moment that confuses me. Moody gives Ruby his handkerchief and says, "Here, Ruby, for your poor eyes."
Apparently, after some Googling, handkerchiefs were the main mode of flirting during the 1800s when overt modes of expressing attraction were restricted. We see this in 3x06, when Diana gives Jerry one. But handkerchief love was usually reserved for women expressing love to men, not vice versa. So here, when Moody gives Ruby one, it is a little odd. His face is soft and sympathetic, albeit a little teasing, so it could just be brushed off as a friendly gesture, especially since we just saw signs of him still liking Diana. And as for the poor eyes line, there is probably no other meaning to this other than it being a teasing remark about Ruby crying all the time. (We could say it was a remark about her constantly crying over Gilby when he doesn't care about her, but I don't think so.)
Josie then whistles and asks Diana if she is taking notice of this. Moody glances at her and Diana looks uncomfortable. He looks surprised that Josie is pointing it out to Diana and when she does, he turns back to Ruby smiling like an idiot. He's pleased that his little gentlemanly act got noticed by Diana, or so he thinks.
Then Ruby says, after blowing her nose, "it's true, I am beautiful when I cry". I...am confused. Why would she say that? Is it...I just. No matter how hard a try, for all my analysis, I get stuck on that. Did Ruby interpreted the kerchief moment as a romantic gesture? Did Moody intend for it to be a romantic gesture? He looked surprised when Josie treated it as one, so I guess he didn't. Ruby must have interpreted it as romantic, though, so she chalked it up to it being her beautiful crying face. I don't think she even considers Moody an option by this point, even though he glowed up. We see Moody give her a second glance, though, so maybe he just noticed what she was talking about? He's looking at Ruby tenderly, which makes no sense since up until this point he's been making heart eyes at Diana. Did he realize in that moment that since Diana doesn't like him, Ruby could be an option???
Ruby then bundles up the tissue and goes to give it back to him??? Which is a weird thing to do because what would Moody do with a gross, snotty tissue? But ok. He rightfully tells her that she should keep it (because gross) but then adds, "if you like".
Ruby is confused and Moody continues to gaze at her!
So, in summary, WHAT THE HECK?! HOW DID WE GET HERE? How did we go from "wow diana is like magic" to "keep my kerchief, Ruby". Because apparently in that time period giving someone a kerchief was romantic af?
I don't know. I'm still confused. This didn't help. Congrats if you read this whole thing lol
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dragonshoard · 5 years
(Because the thread was getting too long i made a new one // I’m sorry for any typos ;( I’m super tired lol)
I agree with the fact that she is super stubborn. She’s set on not only creating an alternative for the extermination Hell goes through each year but also proving herself to her father and the people of Hell in general. It would definitely be something inherent to angel!Charlie because she aches for people to care about her and people to care about. 
She’s definitely developed her own sense of self after all these years, but the problem is that it’s based off of validity from people around her which IS NOT HEALTHYYY. It’s actually really sad. She’ll be her perky self and be immediately shut down by the people around her. She may be willing to brawl, but she’s just as likely to shut down. 
Long post is long so I’m putting it under read more
On the thing about apathy. I find it an interesting concept with this world. There is a certain level of Apathy to Hell but its the type where everything is super active and violent, just everyone is super blase about it. There’s the half of hell actively always looking for a fight/power and the other half that just sort of... exists in misery.
As an angel who not only needs people around them but also NEEDS a purpose, it’s an extremely toxic environment. With the system you’re describing... just ow. I can only imagine how many times Charlie has nearly faded and just what needed to be done to get her back. 
Like, Vaggie is a recent development (not even 10 years) and there hasn’t been anyone else around Charlie that would function as a support other than her parents, possibly. 
(I’m still shocked that Vaggie only died in 2014. She’s super young but comes off as acting like one of the oldest - I genuinely thought she had been childhood friends with Charlie lol)
I’d imagine that instead of fading away, it would be more like she falls into a coma (I need Disney references, she’s literally a Disney princess). And I’d like to think that its more like a self generative state because, again, been established that you can’t exactly die naturally in Hell (or Heaven, presumably). Longest she’s slept would probably me... probably a year? It’s been established that Lilith and Charlie have a close relationship, so I’m thinking that most of the time it’s Lilith bringing her back after the fact and supporting her. There was one time where her father showed he cared enough (the time she slept for a year - he was even nice enough to preen her feathers) but he went back to being mostly apathetic after that (jealousy is no good :/). 
Because even people with the strongest sense of self and will power will crash in that environment. Lilith would definitely be her number one supporter until Vaggie (and especially how now Lilith is very busy in canon time), but it wouldn’t be enough (especially when flocks typically have around 10-15 people). 
She’d fight for as long as she could. Towards the end of the “cycle” (about to go to sleep) it would be the hardest for her not to sing and her passive song would be the strongest and most violent/desperate (enough that even her Dad can vaguely hear it and typically starts preparing her room). At this point it would be the hardest to keep her angelic features in so she starts isolating herself, speeding up the process. Her song would come out stuttery (imagine the first song in the pilot - constantly singing that one but in between sobs) and she’d try to stay awake but would fall asleep each time. 
And when she wakes up her song would be bright, loud and optimistic, determined to break the circle (it never works).  
Alastor would have no clue that this happens so the first time she goes through it after meeting him, he is beyond curious. He knows little about angel biology, only bits and pieces he’s picked up over the years. He spends the two weeks she spends sleeping taking care of her and feeling out her (for once) peaceful song. 
(I do the same. Making myself sad should be a professional job lol)
Charlie displays steel and passion on her shoulders just as clearly as her insecurities. Alastor was drawn to her from first song, tbh. There was something about it that he found fascinating and when he actually met her she was far more interesting. To be frank though, I’d imagine that initially she reminds him of the type of people he would hunt when he was alive. Meeting her, it would kind of reinforce that because he doesn’t really see her thinking for herself. The more he would get to know her, the more he’d see that she is truly someone born of Hell and the more interesting she becomes to him. She’ll say some things that are so blatantly inhuman that it’ll just make him double take. 
She would be an itinerary of knowledge for horrible things (like how to kill, how to torture people, etc) but she doesn’t use or like any of it. It’s just a result of living with her family and in Hell as a general concept. I’m kind of imagining a young Charlie being forced to sit through executions and torture sessions either performed or ordered by her father (maybe even forced to do it herself). 
....ok i went on a tangent whoops. 
And YES SHE ASSOCIATES HELL AS HERS ALL HERS. This is canon. Actual canon. She doesn’t care about silly turf wars, doesn’t care about who is on whose side. They’re all hers. I remember reading in the wiki that she takes the approach of treating rehabilitating sinners like children. I think this would come in here. 
It would kill her to lose so many souls so constantly but, holy hell, she’s also getting just as many people daily so she’s constantly hearing new songs join the already mixed and jumbled song. It would be really distracting and sometimes interferes with her higher process thinking.
But you gotta admit the angel part of her would be super confused at all the killing because, technically, it’s her own kind that’s killing off her people. One half of her would be screaming “WHY WHY WHY DO THIS KIN WHY ARE YOU HURTING ME” while the other half is screaming for blood and respite. 
And yeah, being unable to do anything about it and no matter how much her Mom tries to calm her down and how thick the walls of her bunker are, it doesn’t stop her from hearing the screaming and sheer devastation. Coming out after the fact is draining and she spends at least a day or so crying and singing her heart out (her voice practically broken at this point from her own screaming). Her skin would be especially ill-fit but there’s no part of her angel half willing enough to show itself. It’s akin to feeling like you’re swimming in a sweater that’s three sizes too big. 
....she is totally a lion. She has the mane for it despite identifying as female xD
Tbh honest, when I first thought of angels in this universe and what not, I likened them to being a species in which you’re one or you’re not. So a hybridization like Charlie is not only rare, but unstable. Her demon and angel halves fight for dominance and, eventually, one half will win and there’s no going back from there. Omg CHARLIE BEING THE FIRST SURVIVING CHILD IS SO SAD. NOOOOO ;((((((
Charlie goes underground during the extermination for a good reason lol. As she gets older, her instincts would severely change. The older she gets (and the more powerful), the more prone she is to fighting back. By the time canon comes around, she has to be chained during the extermination and Lucifer or Lilith have to be there to make sure she doesn’t break out of the chains.
Charlie is aware of this and so she would be terrified af when her friends suggested they get together during the extermination for support. By this point, Charlie is starting to feel more stable and feels that she might actually be able to control herself better with her flock surrounding her. 
Alastor probably wouldn’t know about it until he shows up out of nowhere and sees them barricading the hotel and is like wtf are you all doing. He side eyes the chains that Charlie sneaks past her flock. He immediately decides that it would be a splendid and fun idea to join them. Vaggie tries to deny him, but Charlie is quick to agree, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn’t have to be chained. 
She sticks close to him when the clock hits midnight and the angels descend. The chains were a precautionary measure and in between Alastor and her flock, she thought that she wouldn’t have needed them but she was WRONG. 
Somehow, Charlie manages to hold herself back until an angel shows up at her door. A part of her is whimpering cousin-friend-family-brother-sister while another part of her knew what exactly this meant.and was screaming in the only way she knew how to tell the angel to GO AWAY. 
But yeah, they don’t and they get messed up and Charlie ends up revealing her eldritch form to her friends (other than Alastor who has already seen her in this form by this point).  Alastor would definitely draw her into a duet to bring her back to herself. 
During this Alastor would be so excited to see his angel kill an actual angel. Sadly (to him) they end up getting away. The feathers clenched in her hands were trophies of another kind. He wanted to pin and frame the wing in one of her clawed hands. 
But it’s still kind of a horrible moment too because the extermination is still happening and Charlie can still hear and feel her people dying. She’d be crying to tell him to make it stop and all he could really do is sing quietly to her, emphasizing his own song to try and mute some of the carnage. 
But if there’s anything Alastor can do, it’s talk and talk about everything but nothing. 
FUTURE LA MUERTE/XIBALBA AND ADAMS COUPLE VIBES AHHHHH. I support this so much. I see them in the future as a fairly antagonistic and competitive couple I don’t know why (so kind of like La Muerte and Xibabla xD). They love each other more than anything but, at the same time, they can only handle each other in contained doses. There would of course be the honeymoon period, but eventually when they settle, their personalities and morals combat each other quite a bit. Both of them are unyielding in their beliefs and unwillingness to change so it would cause some clashing. 
Can’t live with em, can’t live without em’.
They would be that couple that’s always singing and dancing though, from tango to intense and dramatic songs to slow ballroom. It would annoy everyone around them and Charlie would feel some embarrassment at first but, in the end, absolutely love it. 
Lol this was all very very great :DDDDD  I feel you. I feel like I’ve written a fic but its great xD
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maxrev · 7 years
Since I haven’t been able to write, so I’m answering these fanfic writer questions. I decided to go ahead and do them all because...why the hell not? I will try to answer from both fandoms I’m in - Fallout 4 and Mass Effect. 
It will be under the cut because it’s long ;)
Fanfic writer questions 
favorite fic you wrote this year -  For Fallout 4: Ode to Eyebrows (fallout 4) - a collab with an amazing artist @marvilus73 about Danse’s eyebrows featuring her f!sole Charlie! For Mass Effect:  Think I’m going to have to go with the first one I wrote for the ME fandom - When Darkness Comes. I had no idea I could write angst before this game. It’s fshenko and I’m still ridiculously proud of it.
least favorite fic you wrote this year - Alliance Training for Kaidan appreciation week. It didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to and in fact, I think it was just too long and too detailed. 
favorite line/scene you wrote this year - line:  I actually have several I’m really proud of but we’ll go with these. Mass Effect AU - “Face it, I’m my own brand of badass and you’d be lost without it. Now turn around and I’ll help strangle you with that.” Scene was in Fallout 4:  It’s long, so I’ll link it here if anyone cares to actually read it. Starts with the sentence after the second line break, "Walking slowly and carefully..." ends with "Maybe we could begin again?" -- I love this scene because it’s really emotional for Alice, my f!sole, which is unusual for her. 
total number of words you wrote this year - Wow. A lot. I think I’ve been most prolific this year after finding myself immersed in the Mass Effect fandom. So, I will include anything written for A New Reality (Fallout 4) and anything Mass Effect, including NaNo.  Basically, not counting A New Reality (chapts 10 through current!) or the endless bits and pieces I have, over 50 thousand words. 
most popular fic this year - (By hits) Fallout 4: Confusion. A little drabble about Boone and Danse. Boone realizes that Danse is more to him than just a a fellow soldier to travel with, more than just a friend.
least popular fic this year - Mass Effect - How It All Began. Written for Shepard appreciation week. A brief glimpse at Riley’s beginnings. 
longest completed fic you wrote this year - Not counting my ongoing long-fic for Fallout 4, it would be Supergiant (3330), which was written for Shepard appreciation week. An mshenko fic about some emotional upheaval in John’s life concerning his scars. 
shortest completed fic you wrote this year - Mass Effect: Haunted (245). From a prompt list on tumblr. An mshenko/fshenko (neutral) drabble. 
longest wip of the year - Fallout 4: A New Reality (ongoing). About my f!sole Alice and her journey through the Commonwealth. A lot more involved than that but...yeah. 
shortest wip of the year - At the moment? Would probably be a Mass Effect wip -- Shore Leave part 2. An mshenko continuation of sorts to something I wrote for Kaidan appreciation week. 
fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year -  Mass Effect. Wow..this game blew me away. The interactions between the characters, the dialogue - serious, hilarious, snarky - all of it. The characters felt like family in a way I didn’t get from Fallout 4 (the only other game I’ve been completely immersed in). It gave me incredible creativity with my writing, getting me to write POVs and emotions I’d never written before. It’s been a wild ride and I’ve enjoyed every single minute!
favorite character to write about this year - Long answer, which you can find here!
favorite writing song/artist/album of this year - I think I’ll go with Breaking Benjamin because their music has been the most consistent influence with writing ME fanfic. 
a fic you didn’t expect to write - Anything Mass Effect? I didn’t expect to fall quite so hard into this black hole that literally took over my life. Then, we can go a little further and say anything mshenko. They also took over my life and honestly, I think I’ve done some of my best work writing about the boys and their ME romance. (I was going to elaborate as to why but we’d be here forever lol) I suppose I should list the one that really blew me away as a writer. That would be - A Wonderful Life (AO3 title - Black holes/Neutron stars for Shepard appreciation week). 
something you learned this year - It’s okay to lose momentum. It’s okay to step back and take a break. I don’t have to like it -- and believe me, I don’t and I’m really having a hard time with that -- but it is okay. 
fic(s) you completed this year - That’s a thing? Endless drabbles/one-shots...whatever you call them. 
fics you’ll continue next year - Pirate AU, MEBB fic (which may or may not be used for that), A New Reality 
current number of wips - 3 major ones, a lot of one-shots
any new fics to start next year - Not if I can help it! We’ll see what happens ;)
number of comments you haven’t read - Exactly zero. I read them all and do my best to respond. 
most memorable comment/review -  Damn. I honestly had quite a few that made me grin and/or laugh and it’s so hard to choose! Mass Effect: OH MY GOSSHHH IM DEAD D ECEASED this is so sweet omg !! and your writings absolutely lovely ! Fallout 4: MAX I FOUND YOUR SINS lol Deacon tho. Gotta hand it to him. He scores some devious pointage ;)“Blue, he wouldn’t know fun if it ran straight at him. He’d probably laser it to death.” Fucking yes lmao Verdict: cute af, would read again. you rock
events you participated in this year - NaNo...though that was a bomb lol, Mass Effect Flash Fanwork, Shepard appreciation week, Kaidan appreciation week, Sole Party 2.0 (Fallout), several different themed prompts for Mass Effect, Cactuarkitty’s Mass Effect Romance week. There might be more...it’s been a proliferative year for me as a writer, which may explain my burnout! 
fics you wanted to write but didn’t - Mass Effect: Pirate AU for ME, though I have started it. I was trying to finish it for NaNo and get it out before the end of the year. However, that didn’t quuuuite happen xD Fallout 4: Finish Boone’s story after the Institute maybe someday
favorite fic you read this year - Fallout 4:  Always By Your Side  Mass Effect:  There were 2 and I refuse to choose between them. Soldier’s Heart and Wish You Were Here.
a fic you read this year you would recommend everyone read - See above question. 
number of favorites/bookmarks you made this year - 6 between both fandoms (AO3).
favorite fanfic author of the year - There are way too many that I absolutely love and go back and reread what they write. I refuse to narrow it down or accidentally exclude anyone. 
longest fic you read this year - Mass Effect: (still reading) Zero Hour from @scottrydcrs​. To be honest, I’ve read quite a few long fics this year. I don’t remember them all but that is my current one that I’m thoroughly, enjoyably immersed in ;)
shortest fic you read this year - Mass Effect: Welcome to the Suck  xD from @nightmarestudio606​ 
favorite fandom to read fic from this year - Mass Effect. The fandom has been around for so long that I keep finding hidden gems every time I search back a little further in various tags. It’s like searching for treasure and always finding a bit of sparkle in places you wouldn’t expect it. I love it!  
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imsarabum · 8 years
Responses to {Part 20} I Won’t Stop You // Jeon Jungkook, Vampire!AU Asks~
Please ‘Keep Reading’ to find my response to your ask ^^ As always, I have copied and pasted all asks into this post in regards to last night’s chapter to avoid clogging up people’s dashboards and to avoid spoilers for those who may still wish to read the chapter. Thank you ^^ 
Anonymous said: About to go to sleep now! Can't wait to wake up tmr to your beautiful writing <3
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy it when you get a chance to read it :D
@hemhings said: Oh my goodness it's Tuesday today! I'm super excited for this update! Thank you for writing I Won't Stop You💕💕💕💕
Yay I’m happy that you’re super excited! I hope you enjoyed it if you read it :D
@kookies-hoe said: OMG I JUST REALISED IT IS IWSY DAYYYY!!! I can't wait 😫😫😫💕
YAY! I hope you liked it my dear :D
@clara-licht said: In my timezone you always post IWSY on Wednesday mornings, and by mornings I mean like 4 or 5 AM. I usually wake up early on Wednesday just to read it 😂
Ahhh damn timezones, I’m really sorry about that! I feel bad that you’re waking up so early to read it :( But it means so much to me that you’re enjoying it and want to read it when I post it ^^ Thank you so much dear! I hope you manage to get back to sleep afterwords!
Anonymous said: It's still a mystery to me how you actually could make me anticipate Tuesdays
I don’t know how I do that either but I’m so happy that I can do that for you^^ *hug*
Anonymous said: It's 7:21am where I am right now and I have to get ready for school in 10 min so I woke up and was like 'fuck iwsy doesn't come out for another *checks world clock* hOUR!!' Now I have to wait till after school to finish it 😭😭 fuck you time distance -Tall anon
Hey tall anon! Ahhh that’s okay though because it’s still gonna be here when you get out of school! I hope you enjoy it when you read it and then you can relax after school :D hehe
Anonymous said: I live for you Jungkook fanfic, it's not even a fanfic, it's art, bless
Wow okay I’m blushin’~~~ you’re too sweet to me, honestly. Thank you so much..
@jynxy24 said: DID YOU SEE ABOUT JUNGKOOK RELEASING HIS FULL COVER OF WE DON'T TALK ANYMORE I'M SO HAPPY EVENTHOUGH THIS IS LATE LMAO  Charlie Puth even tweeted about it!! I cried, ARMYs really do a lot for BTS oml I'm so proud!! (Even if Charlie mispelled 'Jungkook' for 'Jungcook', atleast he acknowledged our golden maknae!!!) BCZ OF THIS, I was just reminded of you cuz' you wrote the best Jungkook series I've read so far! CHAPTER 20 IS COMING TOMORROW AHHHHHHHHHHH   Stay AWESOME as ALWAYS, Sara. Love ya!!
Yes I did! He sounds so beautiful, I love Jungkook’s whisper tone voice when he sings, it’s very emotional and sincere and I can really feel the emotion in his voice when he sings. And his pronunciation is perfect! And Jungcook LOL I saw all the memes of ‘Jungcook’ and it made me laugh so much (’: I hope you enjoyed the chapter my love! Thank you so much!!
@adoppelna14 said: Omg I thought my tumblr is betraying me cause there isn't the 20th chapter for I won't stop you yet but then I remembered that you wrote you gonna post it between 9 - 10pm and Germany is one hour later than the uk😂😭😭😭😭 ots already past 10 pm. I need to know what happens next though😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤
Ahh yes timezones can be so confusing! But yes! I update usually at 9.30pm UK time on the dot, but I always say between 9-10pm just in case some week I am unable to update at exactly 9.30pm haha :D I hope you enjoyed the chapter my love!!
@kpoperinthehoody123  said: Can't wait for vampire jungkook to come out @#%*£*+(%-££*''-;%;; Aiishhh I love your blog
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed it if you read it :D
Anonymous said: Wow. You are amazing. Your fanfic I won't stop you is the first that i read on tumblr, and the first that i loved. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you *bowing*. Stay hardworking but take rest too. Thank you again.
I’m not amazing, but I am so happy that you are enjoying the series ^^ Thank you so much for reading it and messaging me to tell me that you like it! *hugs*
@jungkookbangtaned said: Hey! I'm waiting for the update and I'm sooo eager to know what happens next!! Like I'm so curious!! One question: do we have to expect Y/N to get angry at Jungkook when she discovers he's a vampire? I love you and your story, you're amazing!  Kisses
There’s no point in asking me questions like that my love, I won’t ever answer questions that will spoil the story so I’m afraid you will just have to wait! :D I love you too and I hope you enjoyed the new chapter if you got a chance to read it :D
Anonymous said: I hate you. You get me all excited with an update and there's so much comfort it makes my heart melt, even when you consider the circumstances. But then you end the update before any sort of explanation is given and I'm left without closure, impatiently waiting for next week because you have me crawling back for more every time. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Aw I’m sorry you hate me, because I love you very much c: But! In saying that, there was (as always) more  lore that is important to the story in this chapter. Also, more background information on Jimin and Taehyung~ But I am glad that you will be back next week to read more! Thank you so much for reading it my dear, it means a lot to me ^^
*winks* ^^ Thank you so much for reading it and I love you too!! *hugs*
@mocking-butts said: I'm literally screaming at this chapter I need it to be next week oh my god~! Like I hope she stays I don't know what to do with Yoongi I'm oh lord and namjoon ahh!
Only 6 more days to go! c: hehe~ Thank you for reading the chapter sweets!!
Anonymous said: are you going to post i won't stop u pt. 20 today ?
I posted it last night, as always - 9.30pm UK time on the dot, as I have done so every week ^^
@kookies-hoe said: AGHHHHHHHH!!! Cliffhanger 😭 I WANT TO SEE THE REACTIONNNNN 😭 Can't wait for next week! Also, really Tae, pussy 😂 and Jimin is sooo cute I can't 😭😂💕 love your writing, have a good night!
Taehyung and his little pussy c: heh~ Thank you so much my love and I hope you have a wonderful day!
@adoppelna14 said: NOOOOO!!!! THAT'S SUCH A PAINFUL CLIFFHANGER!!!😭😭😭 WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!?😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Because, that’s the way the story goes! ^^ Thank you so much for reading it! :D
Anonymous said: Omg the things you do to my heart!! I'm probs gonna die before it gets to next Tuesday 😂❤️ plz keep writing, your work is beautiful xx
Please don’t die! I’d be very upset if you did that :( And of course I will keep writing! Thank you so much for reading the new chapter :D
YAY I’M SO HAPPY YOU LIKED IT and I hope you will like the next chapter too c: Thank you so much!
@audreymv said: This is about to get intense. Like Mom is about to reveal alot of things and Jungkook might just lose her. I hope everything goes good. SUCH SUSPENSION MATE. I AM NOT READY. As usual. How long do you think this story is going to be, Sara?? Really loving it
I think the next chapter will be a chapter that everyone will have to read carefully and closely as there will be a lot of information - and that’s all I can really say on it :P I get asked a lot how many chapters IWSY will be or how long it will be and I just don’t know! There is still a lot to happen, so it won’t be ending any time soon. If I had to guess...maybe 6-7 more chapters? But I honestly don’t know. I have NO idea lolol You guys will know as soon as I do! Thank you so much for reading it dear, I hope you’re having an awesome day!
@ohheyitsebonyrose said: SARAAAAA OMGGGG I CANT WAIT ANOTHER WEEK FOR IWSY. It's captured me so much and has hit me in the feels. You're an amazing writer!
Only 6 more days to go! I’m glad it has hit you in the feels ;D hehe, thank you so much!
Anonymous said: holy crap i almost forgot why tuesdays are so special and i'm very happy now, thank you
That makes me incredibly happy to hear, thank you so much for saying that :)
Anonymous said: You know what. I'm not gonna read this story anymore until it's fully finished (I'm lying). My heart can't take all these damn cliffhangers😭 and then having to wait a whole week. I'm crying. Pls why do you wish to hurt me so?
If you wish to not read the story until it is finished then that is completely fine and it’s your choice to make! Cliffhangers are an essential part to writing weekly for me. It’s my technique I guess, and it always has been. ^^ Thank you so much for reading it thus far and I really appreciate it!!
Anonymous said: I have this feeling I'm gonna be terrified to learn Jungkook is a vampire but the naive part of me hopes that everything will be fine. ALSO CAN'T WAIT FOR SERRENA TO EXPLAIN WHY I AM VAMPIRE CATNIP! VAMPNIP!!
Vampire catnip...oh my god I love you so much? AHHHH xD That’s amazing lolol! Thank you so much for reading it and making me smile with Vampnip hehe :D
@doubletroublesince1994 said: You know, I always read vertically, but when it comes to you, I can't help but read every single word, trying to enjoy the moment while it still lasts :')) Seriously man you're the only one who ever made me do that (apart from Freud's 5 lessons lol)
I think it’s important to really read what I write sometimes tho because you might miss important lore or information that is essential to the story! I get some questions sometimes and I think to myself like “did this person even read the chapter?” cos I clearly explained it during the chapter haha xD But I’m glad it can hold your attention like that! Thank you so much for reading it because it means so much to me :D
@mysr3 said: Saraa my heart break at the end TT JK character developed so much and Y/N is his everything. Y/N character also developed strong yet fragile. OMG I could feel the pain he was in when he begged for her love to remain the same no matter what happened. Also the parts where Jimin hugged her and his concern thought is touching. The pain in Taehyung thought where he afraid Y/N will hate him is so sad. Aww sweet Mugsy and little Jimin Taehyung moment is sweet. Well written, Thank you Sara ❤❤❤
I’m really happy that you’ve loved the character developments throughout, I really wanted to create a story with real depth and I’m glad it can be seen! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying this chapter cutie! It means a lot to me ^^ I hope you have a great day!
Anonymous said: SARA. AGAIN????? YOURE PROLONGING THE INEVITABLE! I NEED TO KNOW WHAT Y/N IS ALREADY OMG 😂 nah nah but in all seriousness, great work as always~ this should seriously be made into a book. Or a movie. Hot damn. Idk how you can write so well T.T I'm so jelly!  - 7:45 Anon
What?! c: Did you expect him to just bring her home and be like ‘yo bitch I’m a vampire and my cousin slaughtered your parents’ ? hehe xD Thank you very much for liking the chapter, and I hope you’ll enjoy the next one too. And I’m sorry for the frustration it’s causing you but...that’s just the way the cookie crumbles! (or Kookie, whatever you wish :P)
Anonymous said: OH MAI GAWD!!!! The FEELS in IWSY part 2!!! (y/n) don't leave Jungkook! omo Sara you're such a good writer I can't even anymore! I'm both scared and excited for the next part because I think I might know what happens but at the same time, I hope what i think will happen won't happen. Just wondering, have you heard Jungkook's full cover of 'We don't talk anymore'? Anyways ily and you're one of my favorite writers!
Yay for giving you all the emotions and feels c: eheh thank you so much for reading it my love! And YES I DID! His voice is so beautiful and he did such an amazing job, I’m sure all ARMY is so proud of him for doing so well ^^ I love you too and thank you so much for thinking that about me :) It really makes me smile more than words can describe!
I’ll take that as a compliment ;D hehe, thank you so much for reading it this week!! ^^
@jynxy24 said: I SWEAR TO GOD I SCREAMED WHEN IWSY CAME OMG SHIT JIMIN AND TAEHYUNG'S WORDS AT THE END THOUGH WHY YOU GOTTA MAKE ME SO EMOTIONAL WITH THEM WORDS AAAAARRGHHH   Okay, rants over lmaooo The chapter was great, Sara!! You did another amaaaaazing job at blowing me away :3 As always, stay awesome and wonderful at writing. Love ya, Sara!!
*BLUSHES* you’re always too kind and wonderful to me Jynxy ^^ Thank you so much for your words that never fail to make me smile! I hope you’re having an awesome day and taking care of yourself c: I love you too!!
Anonymous said: LIKE WHY CANT EVERYDAY BE TUESDAY? I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. GAHHHHHHHHHH IM SO ANXIOUS!! Mom I'm not okay with your sorcery. Like what if Y/N leaves bae?? What if Yoongi snatches Y/N by her edges? WHY IS THIS VMIN FEELS PUNCHING ME IN NY THROAT WITH THE FULFFY GOODNESS. This story gives me heart palpitations cuz it just shakes me up.  I'm so confused BUT Love will prevail and min motha freakin yoongi better back off Jungkookies girl or I'm coming to throw hands. I love you 💜~ LilKookie Anon
I wish I could make every day Tuesday for you!! Do you really think she’ll leave Kookie?! WILL YOONGI KIDNAP HER?! hmmm so many questions but mean author will not answer them! :3 heheh~~ Thank you for reading the story and enjoying it, it makes me so happy! I love you too my lilkookie anon c: I hope your day is going great!
@coppertopging said: You are killing me with these cliffhangers, Sara. Killing... me... slowly... *clutches chest dramatically*
Don’t lie, you’re secretly a masochist and you love pain. Am I wrong? *wink* Hope you’re having a wonderful day beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: Istg every single time a chapter ends I'll have a little rage quit (your cliffhangers kill me) and my parents are like 'wtf is wrong with this child?' But iTS WORTH IT. Chapter 20 was... absolutely amazing. You have such a talent for writing and I hope to write at your level one day. -Tall anon
LMAO ‘wtf is wrong with this child’ your parents are gonna throw hands at me if you don’t stop that xD lolol thank you so much! And I’m sure you write beautifully, so please don’t ever doubt yourself or anything like that! I still have so many things I need to improve on, so I’m not on any level or the likes haha ^^ Thank you so much Tall anon! Have a great day!
@wonderful39530 said: Y are you doing this to me? Everytime you put out the new chapter of I Won't Stop You I'm thinking this would be the chapter that she would at least give me a hint as to what makes her so special, then it gets snatched!! Uhh I feel like Jackson everytime they play what he considers cringe worthy. Y must u torture me so good like this?!! Stop it, no keep going, no stop, no keep going...ahhhh!!!!!!! So same time next week?! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
You’re just going to have to learn how to be patient my dearrrrrr! c: I think you secretly enjoy the pain. If I just gave you everything in one go, it wouldn’t be any fun now, would it? ;D hehe~ YES SAME TIME NEXT WEEK AS ALWAYS OF COURSE C: Thank you for reading it my love :)
Anonymous said: I lovee youuuuuuuuu💞💞💞 you're a great authorrrr😍 Love your JK fanfic thoooo (i wont stop u) u hve never dissapoint me in every chapter 😭 Waiting for a week is like waiting a month ☹️👉🏻👈🏻 Work hard author-nim !! Love from Malaysia 🤞🏻<my hearteu
I love you too! I’m so happy that you love the series and thank you for reading it :D Yay for never disappointing you c: That makes me feel really really happy :D Only 6 more days to wait so it’s not so bad eh? ^^ and wow hello anon from Malaysia! I’m always so curious as to where the people who read my fanfic are from c: Have a great day!
@deboracorrea25 said: OMG!! Do you want to kill me from curiosity? I dying to know what she is and what will be her reaction. You're such an amazing writer, and I'm so anxious. Hope that this week passes very fast. Thank you for writing this marvelous story.
Well, my intention was never to kill anyone. Maybe just seriously injure? c: huehue^^ Gah, thank you so much for saying such sweet and lovely things to me.You’ve no idea how much you made me smile :) You’re welcome and thank YOU for reading it every week my love.
@noceurash said: I forgot yesterday was Tuesday so when I looked and saw the next part of I won't stop you I was so excited omg. Your chapters just keep getting more interesting omg. Ily!!! <3
Thank you so much for seeing it and remembering it was Tuesday! ehe~ I’m glad that it keeps getting more interesting for you and I’m so happy that you’re enjoying what I post ^^ I love you too and I hope you have an awesome day!
@koreaisanaddiction said: SARAAAAAA!!!! I WANNA KNOW HER REACTIONS!!!
Then...I guess...you’ll have to...wait...for next week. *winks* muhaha~ *hides*
@theninjachan said: I personally think that at this point of the story, the reader is already smart enough to think critically and objectively about the problem that's ahead of her and Jungkook's family. I really do hope they stay together. I think it's natural for her to feel betrayed but I think she's going to think past that. Love really is the strongest force out there huh. Great job on Chapter 20! Your chapters come out 5AM in the morning in my timezone! I don't really mind though.
Words cannot describe how much I smiled when I read your message. Thank you for thinking like this, and that’s all I’ll say :) And yes! People have this mentality that hate is so powerful - and it is, of course. But love is MORE powerful in my opinion. And we all need a lil bit more love in our world I think ^^ Oh my god, 5am x.x I’m sorry that I comes out so early in the morning for you, I wish timezones didn’t exist agh! Thank you so much for reading it, and thank you so much for sending me this message. Have a wonderful day beautiful ^^
Anonymous said: Can your jungkook fan fic end up with a hapoy ending because I hate sad and unhappy endings pls I really love this fan fic I don't want it to go to waste
I’m sure you didn’t mean for your comment to sound harsh or rude, but by you saying that if it were to have a sad ending that my entire series would ‘go to waste’ is a little bit of an insult. I won’t be mentioning whether it will have a happy or sad ending; as I have said many, many, many times before, I never give spoilers or the likes. However, I appreciate that you like the series and that you are enjoying it, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for saying so. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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