#that's why i have no gold left lmao
volvolts · 5 months
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robin variants
just rambling under here
honestly i nicknamed them all in my head so the males are the wanderer and the prince
the females starting from the top left and going clockwise is the adventurer, the doctor, the explorer, the farmer, the bureaucrat, and the lover
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Mutual on Twitter was talking about Daigo instinctively feeling the need to put the pieces of Mine's ruined life back together and make him feel at ease... Is That Not The Appeal Of AraSawa As Well... like they might not know the depth of what their lives were like before in full but surely there are some details safe to share and there's very little that wouldn't sound bleak... but it's also a MineDai But To The Left sort of moment because Mine has always felt he deserves basic human decency, even if he has to earn it, but that's never been the case for Jo... [SORRY I'LL GET TO PENDING RESPONSES I'VE JUST BEEN LOST IN THE SAUCE for better or worse it feels wrong not to write in every day at this point 😭😭😭]
i remember telling my twitter mutual that arasawa was minedai but with dads and the way a light bulb seemed to go off for her was just perfect LMAO
but on the real arasawa IS a lot like minedai when it comes to some themes, and moreover they still maintain their individuality (aside from the dad aspect LMAO) in the parties involved, ESPECIALLY mine and jo
it's weird to explain, but daigo, in a sense, was an 'end goal' for mine. maybe not in THAT way, but just having his comradery was a sample of the thing he'd been striving for his whole life. ergo, mine joins the yakuza specifically due to interest in daigo, and decides to stay and commit himself to it because of daigo- and as you said, mine understands his worth and wants his efforts to be reciprocated. the problem is that he's not exactly sociable..
inversely, arakawa was, on the contrary, an accident for jo: sure, he swore up in order to be closer to his son. but now By The Fate Of The Cruel Universe jo's found himself becoming attached to arakawa too, whether he wholly admits it or not. A Cruel Fate not only in that jo undoubtedly doesn't believe he'd be deserving of something special with arakawa, but that he also shouldn't pursue something special with arakawa considering their positions in the clan (also masato would probably throw a fit and he can't be upsetting his baby boy </3)
BUT THIS IS THE SIMILARITY OF DAIGO AND ARAKAWA RIGHT so often comparing mine and jo, i never touch on how the other two relate... but of course with them, daigo and arakawa try to become closer to mine and jo (evidently we see daigo have a little more success on account of rgg refusing to let arakawa and jo be in a room together for more than five minutes). its unfortunate that we don't get to hear much of arakawa's thoughts on jo, but if it's anything like daigo and his concern over mine (i.e. worrying that mine is only concerned with money/only sees value in himself through his wealth, wanting to be closer to him and get rid of the 'stiffness' between them) i imagine he harbors similar sentiment (and being a Bonafide Father instead of a proverbial one like daigo, i wouldn't be surprised if he could be more anxious/concerned over jo, especially considering the- albeit small- age gap absent in minedai).
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ambrosiagoldfish · 7 months
I've never sent a request before, but I'm fiending for more adam, like anything, anything at all
Benefit of the doubt
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Adam x 3rd Spouse! Reader
Viewer discretion is advised
Warnings: Angst(?), Not exactly fluff at the end but it gets better, typical Adam TW’s, reader low-key high-key has a complex about being loved, this is set way before the show, and Gn! Reader. (Also Y/n isn’t used, which also surprised me, the author, LMAO)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Request Box: Open
Word count: 1760
A/N: Hi! Thanks for the request! I haven’t had a chance to write something that was originally my own idea in a while, so this was very refreshing! I’ve had this idea since I’ve watched the show so I hope you enjoy it!
I’m entirely up for making a small series from this oneshot, but I would need to know y’all’s opinion on it! (So don’t feel scared to let me know if you want some more of this idea in my Request box/the replies on this post!!)
Also Adam may be slightly OOC but please just chalk it up to him not yet getting his ego’s dick sucked 24/7
Anyways, I hope you all enjoy, let me know if you do!
Proofread but of course could have left mistakes!
You’ve existed for almost all of human existence, Almost.
You were the 4th being to be created during the time of Eden. But unlike the other 3, you weren’t human. In fact, you technically never lived before. An honestly hopeless existence, yet it was so beautiful in every way. But for what purpose? Well…
You were created shortly after Eve ate the apple, before she and eventually Adam committed the first act of sin that caused evil to latch onto humanity like a leech.
The reason for your existence was simple. To be Adam’s new spouse, except for when after he died. From the very moment Eve bit the fruit of temptation, it was already decided she would hold no place in heaven. Adam was given mercy due to him not possessing any knowledge of the fruit Eve had shared with him, he trusted her wholeheartedly. Which is exactly why heaven gave him mercy… no, pity would be a better choice of words.
Upon your creation you learned immediately of the happenings before your existence. About Lilith and Eve, and about Lucifer
And so, after Adam and Eve were casted away from the Garden, they continued to live their lives, fostering the existence of mankind for the rest of time. And when they eventually died, Adam was given pity while Eve was thrown to the wayside, the vast unknown.
You thought it was finally your time to experience existence with the one you loved, the one you were made for. Of course you never would know life as he did but surely your life never-after life could be just as meaningful as his.
How excited you were, how completely enamored by the thought of it. But there was a problem with that, Adam had grown into a new person, he was meant to of course, he was human. But he had grown selfish, abhorrent… insecure.
You understood why, to be betrayed by not one but two of his wives for the same person. You couldn’t possibly imagine what he could be feeling. Before you were to meet your future husband, Sera informed you that he had asked for a mask, and once on, he has refused to take it off.
That didn’t bother you, it’s irrelevant to your love for him. You've only heard descriptions of his features. Short Brown hair, gold eyes, bushy eyebrows, some scruff on his chin. All in all, he sounded perfectly fine, ordinary even. But even then it’s his choice to wear the mask, so you’ll respect it.
Finally, the time he arrived in heaven, and when Sera finally introduced you, his new spouse, the one to whom would be by his side for the rest of forever.
He rejected you outright.
“What?” Your breath hitched as you stuttered over the word, the sharp inhale of your lungs through your mouth flicked through the air.
Sera looked just as shocked as you but she quickly regained her composure “What is the meaning of this Adam?”
“If you think I’m going to let my life get fucked over by another one of your “gifts” well, you’ve got another thing coming!” He crossed his arms and shook his head defyingly. “I’ve already learned my lesson with those last 2 bitches.”
“Adam I’m sorry that happened to you but I would never-“ almost like lightning his finger shot to your mouth, shushing you.
“Save it, Sweetcheeks, I really don’t care what you have to say, so just stay there and look pretty, k?” His hand fell and grabbed the sides of your face, squishing your cheeks together, his LED mask flashing a sharp smile.
You saddeningly looked down at the clouds below you.
“Adam!” Sera’s voice sounded through the air, still soft but firm, she continued, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Divine judgment allowed you to be the first human soul in heaven, so I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I expect you to give your new spouse that same grace.”
Slowly your eyes looked up at Sera with a soft smile. Adam only groaned “Ugh, Fine but don’t be fuxking annoying, capiche?” You nod your head quickly.
“Very good, glad we have it settled.” Sera gives a quick smile, “now, I have some business to take care of so I’ll leave you two alone to get to know one another” With that, Sera flew away leaving the both of you alone.
The silence was thick in the air, the only sound being the occasional wind breeze blowing past. The sunlight creeps in through the clouds painting an orange sky above you both. In every sense of the word, it was perfect.
It was almost funny. You had waited so long to finally meet him, your true love, the one you were made for. All the things you dreamed about, the laughs you’d have together, the warm embrace of the person who you loved. But now… you didn’t know what to say…
“I’m… happy to finally meet you.” Your voice is quiet, almost non-audible. “I’ve been waiting for you since… well, forever…”
He doesn’t respond. He seems to be transfixed on something below you both. You train your eyes on whatever he’s watching only to see the dark cavernous abyss below you. Finally he breaks his silence.
“The fuck is that?” He asked pointing down, a sound of genuine intrigue hidden behind his abrasive voice
“That’s hell?” You stated confused “where would-be sinners will go to be punished, didnt you k-“ you suddenly realized that perhaps Adam really didn’t know what hell was. It was only created relatively recently, after Eve and Him ate the apple, of course he wouldn’t know. “it’s also where Lucifer-“
“Don’t fucking say his name.” Adam spoke, his voice rough in his speech. LED mask putting a harsh frown on his face. “Let’s get one thing straight M”Kay babe, if you’re my “new spouse” that’s something you should remember.” The “new spouse” was said with a tone clearly meant to mock you.
“Ugh, It’s fine, just don’t do it again.” He groaned before a wicked smile crept onto his mask “Sooo, that means he’s going to be stuck with all the wasteful beings of existence, HA fuxkin’ hilarious. Guess that makes them the losers and us the Winners!”
His laugh filled the air, the sound was like music to your ears, sure maybe it wasn’t really what you’d hoped he’d fine funny, but you loved it all the same but eventually his laugh died down
Silence again… in admits of all of it you suddenly was sparked with a thought “oh!” Adam looked confused at the random exclamation. “I had almost forgotten… I brought you something, as a welcome gift or was it a nice to meet you gift? Both? Eh, it doesn’t matter but the point is-“ you suddenly snap your fingers.
Golden light began shining, the light seemed like liquid hot magma as it moved and molded slowly into a shape. Light seemed to be overlapping and churning into itself, forming your desired outcome. With one final snap of your fingers, the gleaming gold liquid took hold, and quickly hardened to a solid.
The object that had formed quickly fell down, landing in your arms with a light thud.
“I’m still learning this creation stuff, so I’m sorry if it’s not perfect but-“ you hold out the object in your arms as an invitation to grab it “I learned from Sera that you liked to play guitar when you were alive, so I thought you might like to have one here…”
Adam looked at the instrument in your hands. The base color was gold, the neck was pearly white with gold strings. To be honest it looked more like a harp then anything, like if a guitar and a harp had a baby.
Silence again. Did he not like it? Did he hate it? You go to pull it back to you and apologize when suddenly it’s ripped out from your hands.
“Holyshit, this is sick as Fuck!” Adam immediately started playing some rifts on the new guitar. The sound wasn’t what you were expecting but you guess Sera was right about his talent with the instrument. The whole time his mask had a wide and sharp smile as he mimicked guitar sounds with his voice, the occasional laugh leaving his mouth.
“I’m really glad you like it” you say, a sigh of relief leaving your body.
Adam looked at you, one you missed. He saw how relieved you were, how nice you were being. No person who supposedly loved him ever gifted him something, well, one other did. Someone he trusted and loved more than everyone, anyone. But look how that ended, with them being removed from the garden, away from an eternity of happiness until he died. All from someone giving him what he thought was nothing but love, a gift.
But he could see that this was different, you were different. When Eve gave him the apple, she didn’t explain what it was or why she wanted him to eat it, even when he asked her she didn’t explain. But with you, you had not only given him something you knew he liked but also expressed the reason behind it. Yes, you were different, even Adam could see it.
“Anyways, thanks for the axe, I guess…” Adam for the first time was stunned, but quickly he continued “What was the thing that Sera chick said about me and “divine judgment” or whatever the fuck? That she gave me the “benefit of the doubt…”
You were a bit confused but continued listening, “I guess I should at least try to give you a chance, since you got me this sick ass guitar an’ shit.” Your face lit up, you about began to speak before you were, once again, shushed “B-B-But-” his finger tapped your lips with each repeated syllable ”-only a chance. If you betray me like those last 2 bitches then you’re done, got it?”
To say you were overjoyed would be an understatement, a smile quickly plastered across your face as you quickly nodded your head
“Alright good, so uh, what do ya say about showing me the best places to get a bite to eat around here, I could really go for some ribs right about now.”
“ I’d… love to, thank you Adam”
“Yeah don’t mention it Sweetcheeks” Adam quickly wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you two began walking.
Maybe you will get your eternity of happiness.you can only pray you do.
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mtchee · 3 months
Silence is Silver, Your Voice is Gold - [Shouto Todoroki] SOULMATE SERIES | GN
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The piercing first words spoken by your soulmate leave you shattered, and your passion driven brother, Inasa, doesn't take kindly to it either. Resolving to ignore Todoroki (leaving him in blissful ignorance), your secret is outed in the conflict between Todoroki and your brother. When his eyes snap to you, your own gaze hardens, and you turn away. You thought you could get over your soulmate's rejection, accepting it wholeheartedly. So, why is he being so nice all of a sudden?
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, [name] is Inasa Yoarashi's twin, SPOILERS if you haven't watched BNHA like at all but nothing descriptive or major, i know i'm the one writing this but i'm also mad at shouto on behalf of [name] lmao, Inasa best brother, deku squad friend squad!!, redemption arc for shouto, he's actually very sweet, love of your life fr, tooth rotting fluff at the end
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
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"I'm not here to make friends."
Those were first words Shouto Todoroki said to you. Unfortunately, those were also the soul words written on the outside of your left thigh.
On your very first day at U.A, you'd barely even opened your mouth, having been about to utter a chirpy greeting to your blank faced classmate before he interrupted you.
Immediately your heart had dropped and you took a surprised step back. Though his face was impassive and his voice a monotone trail, the words and their implied meaning didn't bite any less.
Back off, I'm not interested--that's what he meant.
Thank god your uniform covered the glow of your soul words.
You'd stiffly bowed and quickly moved away, snatching a different seat on the otherside of the classroom before they were all taken.
In that single instant, you knew you would never get the happy ending you and your brother would always giggle about as kids. Even if you turned back around and spoke to him now, you knew he'd never come around. It was obvious he doesn't care.
It was evident he never would.
So why bother? It hurt enough now, and speaking up wouldn't change that outcome. So, you resolved to never speak to Shouto Todoroki.
Inasa was right, the Todoroki's were horrible.
You hadn't gotten in through recommendations, so you took the normal trials to get into U.A. It was no wonder Inasa was upset when he got home from the recommendation's test, Endeavour's son was just as stand-offish and cruel.
You thought your twin brother had been exaggerating, but you had always been more sensitive between the two of you.
No wonder he declined U.A...
And now you were stuck here, with a heartless soulmate and no brother to keep you company.
Is it too late to transfer?
You think your brother was more upset than you were when you later told him who your soulmate was. Inasa had teared up dramatically and collapsed to a knee in front of you, vowing to you that had he of known he would've taken you with him to Shiketsu instead like he should have in the first place.
You think you were still in shock though, since normally you would have burst into tears at the prospect of your soulmate rejecting you.
Subconsciously, you think you already accepted it too. He was a Todoroki after all. The son of the Number 2 Pro Hero Endeavour. If he knew, he wouldn't want you anyway.
Unlike your first day at U.A, before your first class where you had introduced yourself to most of your classmates and had been chittering away happily, you were quiet.
Luckily though, you befriended Ochaco Ururaka, Tsuyu Asui, Tenya Iida, and Izuku Midoriya, most of whom were more than happy to yap in your stead.
Todoroki had since lost any respect you held for him--even more so than from when your brother had first encountered him--but he still scared you too.
You didn't have the confidence that Inasa did to pull his nose up and scoff, rather, you tilted your head down and averted your eyes, nullifying your presence as much as possible.
To your misfortune, you had to verse Todoroki in 1v1 of the Sports Festival. You don't think he even remembered you, not that he said anything anyway. His eyes were as lifeless as his expression when he was looking at you, and you couldn't help but glare back.
Your quirk similarly manipulates the wind as your brother does, though while his quirk is Whirlwind, yours is Piercing Breeze. Whereas Inasa can manipulate and summon impossibly powerful gusts of wind, you can create and control short and sharp bursts of air that can cut through cliffs of stone.
The battle between you and Todoroki was a cruel one, where your quirk sliced through his protective walls of ice and littered him in various lacerations.
However, it was Todoroki who ended the fight victoriously after managing to forcefully kick you out of bounds after feinting an ice shield and propelling himself into the air as you did.
You had refused to look at him as Present Mic announced his victory over the speakers, keeping your head down as you trudged your way from the field, not bothering to see Recovery Girl before taking seat in the stands.
You ended up coming in third, but when you went home at the end of the day you cried in your brother's arms about the events. Inasa could only hold you tighter with pain filled eyes when you started to scratch at your soul words.
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Silently, you damned the world around you.
In any other circumstance, you would be absolutely petrified at your own morbid thoughts, but desperate times called for desperate cussing.
Not only had you and the rest of class 1-A faced one too many debacles so early on in your schooling, but each time without fail you were in someway, somehow, paired alongside Todoroki.
Group projects saw you put in an assignment with Todoroki and a couple others. Training saw you either fighting alongside or against the dual haired boy. And, possibly worst of all, Midoriya and the others took a liking to Todoroki's company (like, how!?) so now he'd started sitting with your lunch squad. Also, you have dorms now.
Eventually, you gave up trying to perk up and find your way around things, but you were just so tired now. And over it.
So you shut up.
With Todoroki in vicinity, you didn't say a word.
If you noticed him approaching, you would calmly turn yourself around and walk away.
You began excusing yourself from lunch and would grab something small from the vending machines before taking a long stroll around campus.
Your soul words had been itching painfully, so you started to keep a cooling patch on it to stop yourself from scabbing it anymore than you already have.
But every third or so day, you'd call your brother and cry about it.
About how much it hurt. About how irritating the micro scars were. About how the skin the words were etched on were ever so red and swollen and pulsing. You wanted to tear off the skin and be rid of it.
Inasa panicked at that one.
But you did nothing of the sort, you knew how low your pain threshold was anyway. That much was evident with your whining from a few scratches.
Tsu was the one who noticed you withdrawing the most, but you just brushed off the subject and changed it.
The Provisional Hero License Course was where it clicked for your closest friends. When they saw you reunite with your brother, they were surprised at how much... louder, he was than you.
But also at his uniquely polite mannerisms towards others his same age. Although, that part kind of made sense to them, seeing as your classmates had also witnessed that from you.
The first trial was fun, at least you thought so. Apparently, Inasa had talked you up to the point his own classmates (and hence, also your opponents) decided to leave you alone lest they face his nagging. You did have some trouble with a couple other schools, but you passed pretty early on.
It was at the final trial that it all went down hill.
You were successful in rescuing many of the false civilians in the debre, and you knowledge on their injuries and acting manner impressed many of them.
When Gang Orca and his croonies started attacking, you switched from rescue to defense as it was better suited for you quirk.
It just so happened that your brother and Todoroki also made that choice, however, clashed in their tactics.
"Inasa!" You'd called out after sending an onslaught of wind blades towards a line of crooks, "pick your fight elsewhere!"
But his eyes remained locked on Todoroki who was positioned opposite him from Gang Orca. A passionate anger fuels him on your behalf, and he couldn't pass up the opportunity to show up Endeavour's son and put him in his place for wronging his kin.
"What is your issue?" Todoroki finally called, frustrated at his continuously foiled efforts from his very much one sided feud.
"My issue," Inasa growled, sending a hurricane off to the side to gather up concrete and Gang Orca's accomplices, "is your issue with [name]!"
"What?" Todoroki frowned incredulously, not taking his attention off their main opponent.
"Inasa!" You snapped. He ignored you.
"We barely even talk."
Todoroki dodged a flying boulder.
"They're suffering because of you!" Inasa summoned another gust to throw Gang Orca off balance, but it's only intercepted by Todoroki's flame, "if you weren't so uptight and entitled--"
Your eyes widened, "Inasa--"
He let out a battle cry when his attack once again gets interrupted.
"--then maybe you'd have even a decent chance with a soulmate who aleady deserves WAY BETTER THAN YOU!"
Todoroki's attention wavered.
"--he doesn't know!"
Inasa's whirlwind stopped, and his heart dropped. Todoroki's gaze darted to your panicked form, eyes widening as he spied the inked skin on your left thigh from your torn costume.
He made eye contact with you, and everything seemed to stop.
Fear and shock painted your features, and both your lips and throat are dry from horror at the revelation your brother had dropped.
Todoroki's right wrist tingled pleasantly despite the terror filled words you uttered.
"...You weren't supposed to know."
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Inasa and Todoroki failed to pass in the end.
Along with a few others, but they were lucky to be offered remedial courses.
You weren't so lucky though.
Well, you passed. But it wasn't long before your soulmate situation became common knowledge. On one hand, unsuspecting classmates came up to you to congratulate you on bagging the grade's pretty boy.
On the other, your friends knew better about it.
After all, Todoroki had been sitting with you guys for lunch and hanging out at many other points in time throughout the year.
You made the conscious effort to stay back from everyone when it was time to leave, spying your brother and some others from Shiketsu talking to Todoroki and your class.
You'd said bye to him earlier, though a bit gruffer than usual becuse of his mishap. You saw him bow lowly to everyone, speaking a few more words to your dual haired soulmate before you had to depart.
You sat beside Koda on the way back, knowing he wouldn't say much on the situation. You didn't miss the stressed and concerned glances he sent you though.
In the following days you dodged your friends like bullets--barely.
It didn't seem like Todoroki wanted to talk to you anyway, and it was easy enough to avoid him after school due to his remedial classes.
Inasa had apologised to you profusely afterwards, decidedly giving you part of his allowance to spend on your favourite drinks and snacks to earn redemption. You tried to give him the cold shoulder at first, but when his eyes had started watering you were quick to tear up with him and gave in.
You didn't bother approaching him on the subject of Todoroki again. You felt stressed enough that they shared their remedial class, and a bit guilty that one of the reasons for your brother's failure was because of your coulmate issue, though he didn't see it like that.
Since the hero licence course, your friends had been subtly poking at you to find out about your soulmate predicament.
Uraraka was intent on listening to your side of things, so she managed to squeeze out a few details from you. Iida was intent on you confronting Todoroki, which you sternly refuting facticiously that Todoroki didn't care anyway.
Midoriya was similar to Iida, though in a much more roundabout way. He wanted to listen like Uraraka did, but you also knew how much closer to Todoroki he was, so you kept your mouth shut with him.
At some points, Momo chatted with you between classes to piece things out on her own. It was unlike her to get involved, but you noticed while she didn't push you to talk to Todoroki, she made sure to address him in a positive light.
Tsu scared you the most.
She had cornered you (again) and made you fess up everything one night after everyone dispersed after dinner. You ended up bawling in front of your door from the stress of it all, and Tsuyu had panicked as she tried to calm you down. Talking to her lifted a weight off your chest, but it also made you relive all those repressed feelings of longing and anger and hurt. You cried yourself to sleep that night.
Damnit, Tsu.
The day that your brother finished his remedial classes, it all seemed to change.
Despite you teetering around the topic of your soulmate with Inasa, he suddenly seemed... invigorated?
Well, he normally is. But, it was different this time.
When he finally got his provisional hero licence, he called you and started yapping about the positively riveting tale of his harrows, before eventually cooling down to address the issue about Todoroki.
At first, your brows had furrowed in concern when Inasa talked light about his interactions with Endeavour's son, which eventually turned into praise about his skill and his ethic.
"Since his quirk worked so well with mine," Inasa had started, "there's no doubt that you two'd pair together perfectly!"
You almost hung up on his strange change in character.
Inasa had planted a seed. And your friends continued to nurture it.
The school festival was right around the corner, and gave everyone an excuse to hang out. At the suggestion of a performance, you'd bounded right up with Ashido to make up a dance, the two of you giggling and wiggling around in front of everyone in excitement.
When you caught sight of Todoroki watching you with a meticulously blank stare, you winced and shrunk back, looking back at Ashido with a lesser smile than moments before.
After most of the band had been decided (courtesy of Jirou), the topic of special effects took everyone's attention.
"Hold up, how's this for an idea!?" Ashido took the reigns once more.
"Uraraka makes Todoroki and Kirishima float! And then, Kirishima chops at Todoroki's ice and sends it flying! Then, Aoyama can be a mirror ball, and all the light twinkling off him and the ice will make it look like it's raining stardust!"
"You know," Momo intercepted, thumb and index finger beneath her chin, "[name]'s quirk would actually be perfect for that. Instead, Uraraka could make [name] and Todoroki float, that way, with the suble manipulation of [name]'s quirk, the movements would be much more fluid, and they could continue the dance routine in the air."
"Oh! That's a great idea!" Ashido beamed.
You felt a cold sweat break down the back of your neck.
"Indeed, that would be much more effective!" Iida stiffened, but blatantly ignored you when you spun around with a disbelieving glare.
That settled your schedule for the festival preparations. When the class wasn't practicing together for the dance, everyone was split into their groups for their assigned tasks.
You were positively sweating at the prospect of speaking with Todoroki--but you didn't want to let the others down.
It was the first time you would talked to him since the incident, and the second time actually talking to him altogether. You stuggled to meet his eyes first time around, his gaze intense with slow, cat like blinks.
You started the discussion, stictly about your parts in the performance, which he only ever added to when necessary, otherwise he was busy observing you.
It was only after scurrying away that you processed how amicable he and patient he was, simply waiting unperturbed as you gathered your thoughts and piping up gingerly when your ideas needed a nudge.
But you digress, it was strictly business.
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At least, it was for you.
For some reason, Todoroki took that initial conversation as an ice breaker of sorts, and immediately started seeking you out for things pertaining to more than just the school festival.
When you sat down at lunch the next day, he made a point of sitting right beside you with a bottle of one of your favourite sodas that the vending machine had ran out of when you checked. You couldn't help but pout at the sight of it before turning back to your food.
Your sad bottle of unopened water was then swiftly stolen from your tray right in front of you, and then quickly replaced by the carbonated drink you oh so desired.
You straightened in surprise, looking to your left only to see Todoroki slurping up his soba undisturbed.
You hazarded a look across the table and spot Uraraka and Midoriya still with wide eyes and Iida biting back a small knowing smile. You glance at Tsu beside you, and she blinks slowly with each eye individually.
Todoroki sat beside you at dinner too, but not before having taken your plate and filled it with parts of the meal that you liked most, ensuring you got first serve before sitting down.
A few seats across and down from you, you saw Momo cover her mouth with a light chuckle.
The dual quirk boy also volunteered to clean up with you, though that only really consisted of him shadowing you in the kitchen as you put away the clean dishes.
You worried at first. Not that you really thought he'd do anything to you, but after having avoided each other for so long it was... nerve wracking.
Since you were used to keeping your mouth shut around him, it was kind of hard to break that habit.
In class when you yapped to the others, you could spy him staring at you from your peripherals. If you went out of your way to seek someone out, he would watch you converse intently.
You only really talked to him again at the next rehearsal for the festival, but he sat with you once more at both lunch and dinner. You had an inkling that you had no choice in the matter.
He was quietly stubborn.
The cycle continued for the upcoming weeks, the school festival drawing closer and closer. He'd started initiating small talk with you during lunch, and he'd lean a bit closer to engage with you at dinner. Gradually, you started talking to him on your own--and really, he wasn't that bad.
To be fair though, having your soulmate reject you before they even knew you was hurtful.
But you did also carry the guilt of having not spoken up. Still, he obviously didn't want anything to do with you.
You figured he didn't care about the whole soulmate debacle, so you put that behind you and focused on making subtle amends for ignoring him.
Sure, the thought about the rejection still stung a bit, but what was there to do? Todoroki wasn't making a fuss, so neither would you.
Your soul words didn't itch as much anymore.
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It's now the day of the school festival, and you are buzzing with nerves. Sure, practicing the dance and details with your classmates was fun, but now, you actually had to put that plan in motion.
But you refuse to let it dampen your mood!
You gotta keep the energy up for everyone else! Though some of your friends were ecstatic, others such as Midoriya and Jirou look just about ready to keel over.
Todoroki hadn't really left you side all morning--you did drag him out to practice your moves one last time though, before your nerves got shot and you stiffened.
He kept up with you bouncing around and checking in on everyone, and helped you set up wherever you offered your assistance. When he noticed your energy already starting to deplete he turned around to retrieve a tangerine, a small packet of cookies, and a bottle of your favourite flavour of fruit infused water.
You couldn't stop your knee from jumping up and down anxiously, even when he firmly sat you down on a set of stairs outside the gymnasium.
You made sure to distract yourself by babbling about all the preparations so your stress wouldn't overwhelm you, Todoroki standing beside you peeling the tangerine as he listens.
"--the box nearly tipped, so the streamers would've gone everywhere, but Shoji caught it before it did, so it was fine. Also, the sign Denki made was spelled wrong, but Momo did something so it actually looks like it was meant to be that way--"
Todoroki crouches down in front of you, holding out a meticulously peeled tangerine slice that he feeds you when you open your mouth.
"--Mmf," You lick your lips, "thanks. Momo's super resourceful that way, which is cool. Iida's similar, I think, but he lacks the creative capacity she has."
He feeds you another piece.
"--Uraraka's getting nervous, I can tell. But Mina's been hyping her up, so I think she'll be okay. Also, have you seen Midoriya? He might've gone to the bathroom but it's been so long... oh, also, Ojiro needs help setting up the synthesizer since Jirou's busy with the mics. Then we need to do a sound check."
"Drink this."
Todoroki pops open the bottled drink, watching intently to make sure you get your fill. When you go to talk again he tips the bottle back up to your lips for another sip before nodding contently.
"Mm!" You perk up, more energised now, "I love that flavour."
A smile tugs at his lips, "I know."
"Thanks for helping me with that ladder by the way, I didn't see Hagakure when I was walking with it--no pun intended. I would've wacked her with it if you weren't there."
When you're done with the tangerine (rejecting his offer of the last few slices, which he then eats instead) he opens the packet of cookies.
He hands it to you absentmindedly when you make a quick grab for it, the processed sugar and chocolate bits being much more appetizing than fruit.
"Oh, I love this brand!"
Todoroki watches you fondly as you munch down two at a time, nodding off handedly at your statement.
As you continue your ramblings, your nerves gradually lessen--as does the amount of cookies. When he offers you the drink again he spots a smudge of chocolate on the lower corner of your lips and gently grips your chin with his hand to thumb at it.
He pays no heed to your sudden silence as he cleans your face, humming contently when the tiny mess is gone and leaning back casually.
You blink at him.
"What was that."
You frown, "That."
"Don't worry too much," Todoroki ignores you in favour of addressing your prior anxious babbling, "the performance will go fine. Everyone's worked really hard too. We'll do well."
He kisses you on the cheek.
You feel faint.
"What was that."
"What?" Todoroki blinks stupidly.
The change in his features is subtle, but he almost looks like he's pouting, "Did you not like it?"
Your face burns, and you frown at him, "Don't copy me. You need to answer my question."
"But you didn't answer mine?"
The sheer audacity of this man to tilt his head at you after a move like that.
"You... You kissed me!"
"You didn't like it." He comes to the conclusion with the look akin to a kicked puppy.
"I-I didn't say that!"
"What do you like then?" His face is carefully stilled as he watches you with round eyes, "what do soulmates normally do?"
"Stop that!"
His head bows, "You still didn't answer my question.."
"You've... soulmates!?" Your heart thrums in your chest, and a rush of feeling threatens to overwhelm you, "you want to be my soulmate?!"
His carefully placed mask breaks into surprise at your outburst.
"Of course I do," His eyes pierce into you like you've said something strange, "why wouldn't I?"
Your mouth drops in shock and disbelief, "B-Because! You said," your hand rests over the covered words encripted onto your thigh, "you're not here to make friends..."
"Oh," He has the decency to look ashamed, "sorry. I didn't know those were your words. Is that why you didn't want me to know?"
"Well, duh! I thought you rejected me!" You huff, taking an angry sip from your tasty water, "Inasa really didn't like you then, you know."
He breathes out a laugh, "I realise."
He watches you adoringly, and when you glance at him you're suddenly all too aware of his closeness. As your lips part from the rim of your bottled drink you're reminded of his chivalrous acts from the weeks prior.
You had thought he was being weird, but you also didn't really care to get to know him before then. Whereas he, on the other hand, did attempt polite conversation when he first started sitting with your group at lunch. He was also civil with you whenever you were paired together for anything.
You suddenly felt awful.
"What about now?" Todoroki's voice pulls you out of your pit of self-deprication, "what do you think? Do... would you like me to be your soulmate?"
When you look at him knelt before you, a subtle pink flush on his cheeks and an almost unnoticable nervous shake in his otherwise placid tone, you can't help but swell with happiness and relief.
You decide to pay him back with a kiss on his scarred cheek, and he takes in a sharp breath.
Your cheeks ache with how wide you smile at him, "More than anything."
As it turns out, you would get your happy ending after all.
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rimunagenius · 3 months
Only Angel — K.M
❝ words : 1.5k ❞
❝ warnings : RPF!! , suggestive , body worship , jealous!Kate , fwb theme ❞ (dk if i forgot anything, if i did lmk!)
❝ rimunagenius speaks : sorry this took a literal fortnite to complete LMAO (pls idek if this good :// )…anyways i have summer school bc o my fuck ass chem teacher soooo lowk might take a while to put other stuff out but i’ll try i promise!! ❞
| Women’s Basketball Masterlist |
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I saw this angel
I really saw an angel
Kate noticed you on the baseline at every single one of your home games. Your black and gold cheer uniform fitting you insanely perfect. Your short skirt and your form fitting top. You looked so pretty, so beautiful, so angelic, you were truly a distraction sometimes. The way you moved hypnotizing her whenever she wasn't focused on her team. 
Open up your eyes, shut your mouth and see
That I'm still the only one who's been in love with me
I'm just happy getting you stuck in between my teeth
And there's nothing I can do about it
It took about five months of dancing around the physical attraction you both had towards the other before making what was happening between you two something. You both had amazing futures set out for you, establishing yourselves in your sports. You were on track to become a professional cheerleader, NFL cheerteams already inviting you to camps. 
Kate was optimistic that she'd become a prospect in the upcoming draft. Deciding to continue to put all he focus into basketball. So why on earth were you both suddenly trying to pursue something that could be nuclear to your careers. 
Kate had been buried between your legs for the better part of an hour. "Oh my god, Kate. I love you." The initial shock in the declaration immediately set a new tone in the atmosphere that you two had spent months building up. 
Her lips paused the attack on you, eliciting a small sigh from your lips, now accepting the consequences of your own actions. "Im sorry, what?" There was no denying the cultivation of feelings you two began to nurse. There was no point in lying to herself that she didn't feel the same way. 
"Forget it, just please, don't stop." You squirmed under her gaze. Now growing increasingly uncomfortable with the look she seemed to be giving you, and now uncomfortable with the abrupt confession. 
"You know that I can't just drop basketball." She sighed, her forefingers pinching the bridge of her nose. The frustration that immediately began to build within your chest, at her action of dismissing your confession. 
"Alright, whatever. Forget about it, didn't mean it anyways." You sighed heavily, suggestively spreading your legs, signalling her to continue, foregoing any act of bashfullness and self preservation you had to give. 
"No, because we had this conversation. I need to focus on basketball right now. Not to sound rude but you're not in the picture yet. I'm pretty sure I'm not even in the picture for you're life right now." The short tone she took with you was something almost foreign. 
You didn't like the tone, rolling your eyes at her. Suddenly the small smirk you grew accustomed to in this scene, inching it's way onto her face. So over the awkwardness but totally enthralled by the way she manages to manipulate the situation to make  it seem less harsh than it really is, annoys you. She’s so good at making you forget about why you were mad at her when she has that look on her face. Chuckling softly, looking away to your left, you grabbed her blonde hair at the back of her head and shoved her head back down where you both were needing. 
The slight aggression and dominance you took elicited a gravel moan from the depths of her throat. The reverberation could be felt everywhere. You guys just couldn't help but feel the way you felt for each other. 
Broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door
I got splinters in my knuckles crawling across the floor
Couldn't you take home to mother in a skirt that short
But I think that's what I like about it
Kate didn't know what it was but the feeling brewing in her chest from the sight of you with another girl had her on a whole new level. You guys never put a label on what it was between the both of you. You guys just had a common ground.
Thats why she didn't know why she was pounding the living shit our of your door at two in the morning. Team outing at a local bar in Iowa City, invite extended to you from your mutual friends, turned into you leaving with another girl. She was your friend, deciding you were tired of your shoes, opting to go home and drink your own beer without people bothering you and asking if you two were single. Seemed like the most optimal solution. Until you realized that the pounding on your door signaled you forgot to tell Kate. 
Kate had felt the anger and anxiety build up in her the longer her fist repeatedly connected with the wooden door of your apartment. The dread of finding another girl in the apartment where she thought only you two seemed to find yourself in more often then not was unsettling. Mainly because she thought this was going somewhere but you just called it casual. She had you. 
"Jesus Christ, Kate. It's two in the morning, what the fuck are you doing?" You looked at her perplexed, the cold breeze hitting you from the hallway. You wrapped your arms around yourself, the crop top and the short sleep shorts you made yourself comfortable in now suddenly sounding like the worst idea. 
"Who did you leave with?" Is she fucking serious right now? You looked at her like she had suddenly grown two more heads. 
"Are you serious? That's why you came banging on my door at two in the fucking morning? Because you wanted to know who I left the bar with?" The animosity in your voice growing as she continued to keep the straight face she had since you opened the door, but moved on her feet in anticipation. 
"Yeah. Was she a friend or...?" You genuinely laughed at the way she was acting. Two nights ago you had confessed that you loved her accidentally, but truthfully, and all she could say was you weren't what she envisioned herself with in the future. Atleast not yet. So you both decided to continue doing what you have been for the last two months. 
"Like you care?" You scoffed, walking away from the door, letting her in. She closed the door behind her, kicking her shoes off, and hanging her jacket up on the hook next to yours. You walked through the whole apartment, knowing she’d follow. She did. You didn't say a single thing but just look at her while she saw no girl had been in your apartment. 
"She was my friend, Kate. She was in one of my classes and we came here for and she only stayed for like twenty minutes before she walked to her floor." You now stood in the middle of your room, a room Kate had been all too familiar with. 
"That's it?" Kate's brows raised, her body inching closer to yours. 
"Yes. I'm not easy you know." You rolled her eyes, unintentionally getting a rise out of Kate. For some reason she seemed to like when you had an attitude with her. "Don't even think about it, Kate." You looked at her, the knowing gaze her eyes held that your eyes were trained to remember. 
"Why not? You’re always easy for me." Her voice dropping and becoming faint as she slowly reached one hand to your waist. She knew you’d let her have her way. You always did. You were just equally as dirty and needy for Kate as she was for you. She couldn’t take you anywhere…she loved it. She got to have you in private any way she wanted.
"You're seriously asking that after you just stormed into my apartment thinking I was sleeping with another woman when that wasn't the deal we made. The lack of boundaries you seem to have." You sighed as her other hand connected with your waist, pulling you into her chest while her lips started their attack on your neck. 
"Mhm." She hummed softly, planting an open mouthed kiss right below your ear. 
"Kate, are you serious?" You were genuinely shocked that she just forewent her previous accusation against you, and suddenly thinks she'll get lucky tonight. It was slowly working, dammit.
"Why are you still talking, baby?" Her hands on your waist slipped underneath the hem of your crop top, her cold, ringclad fingers, slowly traveling the familiar path that brought her so much pleasure. Her eyes now looking into yours, she smiled before looking at your lips. 
Who were you to resist her when she looked this good? You probably should have but there was no going back after you connected your lips. It didn't take more than two seconds to have her slowly backing you up against the side of your bed, making you fall onto your back. 
You inched your way towards the headboard, you resting neatly on the pillows as you watched her discard her shirt. She got onto the bed, working her way from you bare legs, all the way up your stomach. The way she crawled slowly above you, ravishing you before she intended to tear you apart was so sultry and almost cinematic that you couldn't even breathe. 
Later on, the talk needed to be had. You both would have to unanimously decide to commit to one another. There was nothing casual about the way her lips traveled to every part of your body, with small chants of appraisal leaving her lips, ghosting your skin with goosebumps in their wake...nothing casual about it. 
"You're like an actual angel, baby. Can't get enough of you." Her lips barely articulated the words that she desperately needed to get off her chest, as they tried to kiss you everywhere all at once. You almost didn't catch it when she kissed up the apex of your thighs, mumbling 'mine' over and over again. 
In her eyes, you were literally an angel, needing to be worshipped.
She's an angel
My only angel
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felixitate · 4 months
can't resist | lyb (m.)
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pairing ⇢ felix x reader
summary ⇢ felix really only entered the bathroom to retrieve his camera but you're even more tempting than he anticipated.
rating & word count ⇢ 2.3k | 18+ (minors gtfo)
genre/au ⇢ smut, fluff, idk what they are 🤭
warnings/content ⇢ teasing, cursing, petnames, groping, hair pulling, breast play, unprotected sex, creampie, mirror shenanigans, the camera and the rings are involved ig
theme song ⇢ the boy is mine - ariana grande
a/n: yeah the title speaks for itself on what i’m still going through rn lmao you see his hold on me? it's fucking insane like how dare he fr i have not recovered from those ig stories fawk and i don't think i'll ever be
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“take photos with me?”
you ask Felix fondly when he is about to open the door. it made him pause a bit, weighing how much time he had since you could take a while with this.
he’s not really in a hurry since the others are still getting their makeup done. good thing that he luckily went first so he’s got time to look for his special camera that he possibly misplaced earlier.
the other boys said no when Felix asked if they'd seen it but he's sure he left it somewhere so that only leaves you. he knew that you’d stay in the spare room to get ready and avoid suspicion from other gala goers so he wasn’t that surprised where he found it.
he entered the bathroom where he found you standing in front of the vanity while taking selfies from your phone. then you’re scrolling to look through the selcas you took so he kinda expected that you’d use his camera already but you haven't.
that's one of the reasons why you take the longest in the bathroom anyway, having the habit of taking pictures when the lighting's to your liking.
so why haven't you?
maybe you want him to take pictures of you instead which he'd happily do. smiling brightly at you, Felix nods as he closes the door. he really can't say no to you and he never has unless he had to. how could he even right now when your eyes sparkle at him like that?
there would be a final fitting later but he couldn’t resist your request.
a smile graces your lips when you see Felix approaching your form, standing behind you so you start taking pics of you both. your ivory-coloured bathrobe contrasts his so it’s a perfect combination. well, couple trends are usually matching but you like it this way. he matches your poses the way you instructed.
you feel Felix's right hand on your hip, holding you like he's done many times before. his other hand's still holding the camera that you've been focusing your attention on. you wanted to use it earlier but it would be better with Felix so you decided not to.
bringing your attention back to him, it's then you notice through the mirror how his eyes have been lingering around your sternum.
"hmm?" he answers, his gold-ringed hand absentmindedly squeezing your hip. you smile at how cute he is.
"look at the camera baby" a small chuckle leaves you when get flustered at being caught ogling you.
right the camera. what the hell is he thinking? you took a picture from your phone and Felix leaned in for a final pose. he thought that was it but you suddenly took his camera from his hand, placing it on the glass table beside the sink.
“we haven’t taken photos on your camera yet” you drawl, eyes looking so fascinated while looking at the camera.
“oh yeah, do you want it now?”
his hand reaches for the camera but you stop him, taking his hand instead in yours so he ends up putting his arm around you while you snap another picture.
you lean back and nuzzle Felix, allowing you to feel more of his body against yours. he freezes momentarily and the small gasp that escaped from him didn't miss your ears so you leaned back further, your ass brushing against something hard.
your plan’s been doing well it seems.
"y/n, fuck, don’t do this to me please"
he knows what you're on now, his breath increasing the more you grind back on him like you didn't hear what he just said.
"hmm?" you faux your concern, making it look like you're just trying to find a good position while still clutching your phone but of course, Felix knows better.
"not right now baby" he pleads again as his body betrays him. it didn't help that your bathrobe seems to be loosening more now too, allowing him to look at your perky nipples that are peeking from it.
you place your phone by the mirror while Felix's distracted by the sight of your boobs. you pondered if you wanna record or not but relented, sparing him with your cheeky antics this time.
pulling down his veiny hand that you're still holding, you cup your left breast with it and he squeezes out of instinct, causing you to moan shamelessly in return.
his other hand travels from your hip upwards after, pulling the robe sideways, revealing your other breast to his hungry eyes. you watch him lean in to kiss your neck from the mirror's reflection then remember that he’s got makeup on.
“lix your makeup..”
his lips were almost touching the skin when your reminder stopped him. he curses internally out of frustration because you're right. there might not be enough time later to redo his makeup so he really gotta be mindful of it.
you felt Felix straighten up, shaking his head a bit to focus. you were about to tease him but both his ringed hands are now on your bare tits, kneading and squeezing knowing how much you like the sensation of those cold rings against your warm skin.
"wish i could fuck you baby" he whispers needily, voice going deeper than it already is as he grinds his dick more against your covered ass.
"what's stopping you?" you whine, clearly so stimulated with all the stimulation from his touches and the sound of his voice.
well, nothing really is so Felix obliges and turns you around to face him. his beauty knocks your breath once again, his blonde hair in a new braid complimenting a lot with the structure of his ethereal face.
"you're so pretty you know.."
a shy smile breaks out on Felix's face at your remark, more so when your hand reaches out to tuck a few strands of his hair by his ear. you scan his face until you catch his eyes, immediately seeing the lust swimming in them with his pupils already dilating.
you prop your body by the sink and shrug off your bathrobe, causing Felix's eyes to widen as he scans your naked body.
“you’re much prettier love”
he wants to kiss you so bad, shower every part of your body with his lips but he can't. he's thinking if he should just face any scolding later since you can probably help him in the department.
you smile warmly at Felix, heart fluttering at his words but you've noticed how much he’s been holding back so you begin caressing his bare chest to return his attention to you.
teasing him crosses your mind cause you love seeing him flustered, looking so cute with the pink dusting over those lovely freckles that you cherish.
"should i mark you here lixie?" you start and the look on his face changes, a slight panic emerging in his eyes at your suggestion.
the gala’s an important event for him and his friends and even if you happen to leave a mark somewhere where it’s covered under his fit later, he can’t risk other people seeing it by accident and possibly getting the both of you in trouble.
“kidding baby” you left a tender kiss on his soft skin to ease him, reeling at his deep sigh of relief from it.
you can’t possibly do that to Felix no matter how much you want to. besides, you’d have more time after anyway so you’ll just make sure to make him feel better right now to make up for all the teasing that you've put him through.
your hands continue to roam around his toned chest, fingers brushing his nipples but you instead play with the pendant of his necklace. he hums deeply, pushing his body closer to yours so you won’t forget how hard he’s been.
poor baby.
he sighs in relief once you finally untie his navy blue bathrobe, the rest of his body naked body now exposed to your eyes. you know he's been dying to fuck you so your hands continue their journey from his chest down to his abs until they reach his swollen dick.
it’s leaking so much already and you want him in your mouth but you don’t have much time.
“help me love? it’s your fault anyways” he chuckles deeply but the laughter leaves him once you grabbed his thick cock, pumping it at once to spread his precum around.
“of course baby, i’d love to” you pepper Felix’s bare chest with light kisses, basking on his deep moans that are increasing in volume the faster you stroke his cock.
his hands hurriedly untie your bathrobe, parting your legs so he can finally fuck you. he's so close already and hasn't pleasured you much yet, something that he hates each time you have sex because of his lack of self-control.
after Felix tests your pussy with his thick finger, he positions his cock at your entrance and pushes in right away.
soft moans emit from you both once he fills you to the brim. you love the stretch of being full from Felix but you also know how it affects him a lot, his eyes shutting at how wet and warm you feel around him.
he didn't mean to roll his hips before making sure that you've adjusted to his cock but he just couldn't stop. you didn't try either, closing your legs around his waist instead, your hand holding onto his arms for balance.
"b-baby, i won't last long" he breathes out, struggling to contain himself as he continues to fuck you. he opens his eyes and now they’re fixed on your face, looking so tranced as he leans in again.
but before he gave in to kissing you, your hand was quick to pull his long hair.
"no baby.." you gasp out as you do which Felix responds to with a deep whine. he's already so immersed in fucking you, ringed hands gripping your waist so hard that you're not gonna be surprised if you find any bruises there later.
he groans in protest and you tut, though a sharp thrust coaxes a choked moan from you when Felix finds that soft spot and focuses his aim there. 
“don’t wanna..ruin..your makeup..” it's light really, too subtle that you doubt anyone would even notice if it’s smudged but you don't want the both of you to get scolded later.
you're still in your right mind to stay grounded but your brain's getting cloudier when Felix continues to hit it once your back starts arching.
"fuck i hate this" he groans in frustration that he can't even kiss you. at least he'd been doing a great job so far, you look so pretty moaning his name with your hands clawing at his arms because the pleasure's becoming too much.
but Felix knows that you're also determined to not keep him here any longer.
“later hmm? want you to cum right now okay?” he shakes his head so cutely, doe eyes staring at you that your resolve almost broke.
“you first” he whines and fastens his pace, focusing on getting himself together to make sure you cum before him. you're a lot better than him when it comes to self-control but he's trying, he's been trying so hard even with your constant clenching around his cock.
his hand leaves your back to rub your clit and it took a few circles before you unravel before him. he follows your suit not long after, filling you with so much cum. your legs pull his body closer and you hug him as you both ride out your high.
smiling against Felix's bare chest, your hands are nonstop caressing his body and he honestly finds it cute. he’s smiling down at you as he runs his hand through your back to calm you down.
after a few seconds, he grabs the wet wipes from the glass table to wipe his hand before taking his special camera to take a picture of you both. your naked body against his looks amazing from this angle, even more so when you turned back to the mirror with a sly grin while laying your head against his chest.
you're both still breathless when someone's suddenly banging against the door, breaking the silence between your and Felix's exchanged breaths.
he pulls out of you quickly, causing you to whine at the lost feeling. but you didn’t get to process much when he quickly handed you a few wet wipes so you could clean up and face whoever was behind the door.
"open the door you two" the voice belonging to Chan echoes and it's strangely calm so you and Felix exchange a panicked look before hastily putting your bathrobes back on.
the door opens and a very stressed-looking Chan is looking at you both in defeat. he’s dressed already so you even feel worse for keeping Felix too long.
“come on, let's redo his makeup”
he breaks the silence when no one's saying a word. he does kinda sound stressed but you've done your best to not smudge anything on Felix's face so everything should be fine.
"no need oppa, look at him, still so flawless” you confidently smile at him and Felix just shies away both from your lovely compliment and embarrassment at Chan scrutinizing him.
the latter looks skeptical until he surveys Felix’s face before sighing in relief to find that his little brother's face looks untouched, with Felix just looking like he’s sweating normally so he didn't have to explain anything to the makeup artist.
your fingers are tracing Felix's embroidered name on his bathrobe when Chan shifts his eyes on you. he gives you a pointed look and now Felix is the one smiling in mischief.
"we’ll see you later princess"
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e/n: this turned softer than i intended oml i just love him sm. i might also do another fic based on this met look of his, something of him being a fairie prince + the theme of the gala since the whole thing pissed me off sm lmao
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finn-writes-stuff · 6 months
Hello! Can you write for Gale, Astarion and Halsin's reaction to tav wearing the wavemothers robe? Nsfw please😳
An Intricate Jewel
Tales tell of a most wondrous fish, scales resplendent, an intricate jewel that shone beneath the sea. When it died, the Wavemother gifted its hide as a robe to her most devoted follower - and demanded she drown the sailors that killed her gem-bright fish. - Item Description
Halsin, Gale & Astarion x Reader
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
I haven't actually gotten to this robe in my own playthrough yet, but I've seen plenty of it online lmao. This one isn't fully nsfw but it's spicy. -Finn
"Oh. You look stunning, my heart."
He is openly admiring you any chance he gets. It is shameless because why would he be ashamed of looking at you? Of admiring all of nature's bounty before him.
He's handsy if you allow it, holding onto your hips where the slits of the dress show off your skin. Pressing kisses to the back of your neck just over the collar. Halsin always loves getting to see more of your skin, and this dress is certainly showing it off.
In general, he is a big believer in wearing whatever you want and enjoying it. He's hardly going to get jealous about others getting to admire you, so long as he's allowed to look as much as he pleases as well.
Even better, when you still have water clinging too you after being healed, dripping down your skin and making the dress cling even tighter.
You'll have him pressed up to your back to murmur in your ear about what he would like to do to you the moment you can both slip away.
And once you get the chance, he'll be between your thighs with the skirt pushed up around your hips. And you'll get to see just how long he can gold off before tearing the dress off of you completely.
"Oh! Yes, well, um, you look lovely! That sure does, well, show off your figure. Hmm. Yes."
This man is bright red and cannot look away from you. Yes, he can be blatant in his own flirting, but you make his brain shut down sometimes. And in this dress? Oh Gods
He is trying so incredibly hard to be a gentleman. He is NOT staring at your legs or the cut out in the back of the dress or how much it reveals of your chest or the way it clings to you as close as he wants to be. He is definitely not thinking about any of that. He missed his spell for unrelated reasons.
Show off in front of him, put yourself in his line of sight constantly. He will be going insane trying to stay polite and focused. And it's always a fun game to see if you can make him trail off in the middle of a monologue about magic.
Gale will spend an entire day suffering and watching you and trying not to say anything about it, but the moment the party breaks camp, he is dragging you into his tent to show you just how much he likes this dress on you.
You've left him so pent up after the whole day. He can't get enough of you, touching and grabbing and kissing you like you're the air he needs to survive.
The dress stays on until he's made sure you are both fully sated for the night. And he swears that if you wear it again he won't be so patient.
And if he's going to make a promise like that, he shouldn't be surprised when you wear it the next day.
"Ohoho, please do say you're all dressed up for me, love."
He thinks this is delightful and would do the same thing if he could find something flattering enough.
Trying to tease him with it? No, that's his game. He's teasing you by letting his hands just barely touch you, appearing behind you to whisper in your ear about how delectable you look. Then slipping away before you can say anything back.
If he's noticing anyone else paying you too much attention, he'll make fun of them for it, but he's also likely to stick closer to your side, his arm around your waist. Showing the world that you're his.
He's the least worked up about the dress, but he likes it when you still stay by his side regardless of how much attention it gets you. He's just as much yours as you are his, and he'll be more than willing to reward you for being such a sweet thing all day.
He wants to see the way the fabric presses into your skin when you arch your back and let him sink his teeth into your neck.
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dreamauri · 9 months
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♪ — 𝗝𝗨𝗦𝗧 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗘𝗬𝗘𝗦 lando norris  x  co-worker! fem! reader (fluff) “. . . your co-worker and former classmate has a public crush on you, and you try to play it off. but who are you kidding? it's lando.”
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( my master list | more of lando norris ) ( requests | taglist )
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yn.ln posted on their story
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liked by pieregasly charles_leclerc and 32.8k others ★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly charles_leclerc and 29.7k others yn.ln it's been a minute, lets recap.
landonorris Y/N WHAT ARE THESE??!! ↳ yn.ln my favourite parts of the year, duh
username this is GOLD! Lando's face in the third pic is a whole mood😆 ↳ yn.ln RIGHT?! that's his 'I just lost a bet' expression
landonorris when did you take that one in the hospital?? ↳ yn.ln you said and i quote "im looking very pretty right now. take a picture and hang it on my face." ↳ oscarpiastri i can see it ↳ yn.ln i can hear him saying "oscahh" in the corner ↳ landonorris . . . the block botton looks so good rn ↳ yn.ln do it i dare you. ↳ landonorris .... YOU DONT HAVE TO EMBARESS ME INFRONT OF THE INTERNET ↳ username 💀mom?
username lando pointing at the help me thingy pleas-
maxfewtrel send me the whole camera roll? ↳ yn.ln ya got it boss, that's 50 dollars ↳ landonorris ARE YOU MAKING MONEY OFF ME??
username THE LAST PICTURE!! WHY DIDN'T WE SEE THIS BEFORE??!! ↳ yn.ln sorry, i randomly found it in my camera roll, here it is now tho ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ landonorris she cant be blessed cause she's a demon ↳ yn.ln 😇yet you're standing at my door holding a board game. ↳ landonorris STOP OUTING ME ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ username god bless you y/n ↳ maxfewtrel LMAO
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
landonorris and yn.ln posted on their stories
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seen by pierregasly, oscarpiastri, and 76.9K others
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
yn.ln and landonorris posted on their stories
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seen by pierregasly, landonorris, and 67.9K others
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly maxverstapen1 and 29.7k others landonorris got our first date!
yn.ln not a date <3 ↳ landonorris i do not see👍 ↳ username please date him y/n ↳ username pleaseeeeeeeeeee ↳ username please y/nn ↳ yn.ln nahhh
maxfewtrell it's not a date if i was there ↳ landonorris YOU WEREN'T EVEN INVITED MATE ↳ yn.ln i invited him😛 ↳ landonorris traitorrrr ↳ yn.ln you love me ↳ landonorris i do. very much. ↳ yn.ln ew. my eyes are burning ↳ maxfewtrell 🙄some simp ↳ yn.ln lando no-rizz haha ↳ username y/n called lando ew?🥲 ↳ landonorris STOP BULLYING ME, I HAVE FEELINGS ↳ maxfewtrell says you, you destroyed mine flirting with y/n right in front of me ↳ yn.ln should we get him tickets to flirting lesson for Christmas ↳ landonorris 😔💔
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly maxverstapen1 and 26.9k others yn.ln rain!!
landonorris no photo credits 🤨?? excuse me?? ↳ yn.ln laando
oscarpiastri keep your head inside the car ↳ yn.ln buzz kill 😒 ↳ maxverstappen1 he's right though ↳ yn.ln wont happen again, sir🫡 ↳ landonorris go away max🫠
username waiting for lando's weird ass girl energy comments
landonorris slay queen👑👑💗💗🥰
landonorris the one and only 💋 ↳ username oh my god lando ↳ username SOMOMW SCRENSHOT BEFORE Y/N KILLS HIM ↳ yn.ln make me cringe one more time. i dare you.
landonorris showed them how its done😍😍😍 ↳ username MY EYES? ARE THEY FR?? ↳ username YESS ITS REAL!! ↳ username my heart, hes so cutee
landonorris ate and left no crumbs💅 ↳ yn.ln make me cringe one more time. i dare you. ↳ landonorris ouch, my good vibes sending 🥲 ↳ username woman gave him an ultimatum ↳ username Y/N NO PLEASEEE I BEGG
landonorris ... you're very pretty ...??? ↳ landonorris DONT BLOCK ME IM SORRY ↳ yn.ln that was good for once. i'll take it ↳ landonorris 😁
landonorris very pretty <3↳ username i will seriously stop believing in love if they dont grow old together
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly oscarpistri and 26.9k others landonorris turns out, she really likes compliments!
yn.ln no, i actually like your eyes more ↳ landonorris im dreaming ↳ yn.ln i'll take it back then ↳ landonorris NO!
click to see more comments
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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liked by pieregasly oscarpistri and 26.9k others yn.ln just the eyes
landonorris i feel appreciated ↳ yn.ln its a mr and ms norris genetics appreciation post ↳ landonorris i'll take it
username its official?
carlossianz55 i taught him the pick up lines ↳ yn.ln he needs more lessons please, im begging ↳ landonorris aw come on! i really tried this time!
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926 notes · View notes
ghost-1-y · 10 months
Trickster!Sanemi x Fem!Tricked Princess!Reader
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Content Warnings: MDNI, explicit sexual content, dubcon(?), unprotected sex, penetrative sex (f! receiving), oral sex (m! and f! receiving), fingering, handjob, Sanemi can clone himself, double penetration (therefore anal), HEAVY degradation, brat tamer!Sanemi x bratty!reader, Sanemi has an olfactophilia kink, masturbation (Sanemi), spanking as punishment, overstimulation as punishment, lots of dumbification, mentions of breeding/pregnancy, multiple creamp!es, Sanemi is mean in this, Sanemi points a knife to reader’s throat at some point (he doesn’t draw blood), mentions of food, mentions of dead animals, reader is a spoiled, bratty princess, brief mentions of homewrecking (not acted upon), mentions of a future arranged marriage, Sanemi plays “tricks” on reader, lmk if I missed anything!!
Word Count: ~15k
A/N: apologies for this taking literally forever for me to post, I went through a period of burnout and have been in classes these past two months. Also, apologies for this being so long, the plot got ahead of me and it ended up becoming my largest fic to date, but I do promise smut at the end (as you can probably tell by the content warnings lmao). Also please be nice I’m sorry if this fic is actually awful lol :')
Divider Credit: @/cafekitsune
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The sound of crystal heels against marbled stone were followed by head turns of maids and servants as you walked through the long corridor, bowing or curtseying as you passed, soft murmurs of your highness and my princess uttered in haste before returning to their duties.
Everything was as it should be: polished gold-framed paintings and chandeliers lit with gentle flames above, ornate silver door handles grasped by armored knights as entrances opened for you time and time again, strolling up rounded stairways and into the throne room – where your father, King Ubayashiki, and his wife, Lady Amane, sat.
The sun was orange through the glass panes that decorated the palace walls. Rainbows scattered across the palace floor, and fractals of light beamed at varying angles which made the golden thrones glimmer with radiance.
“My dear child,” your father smiled gently upon you, “I am glad to see you in good health.”
He was flanked by a line of his advisors on his left side, most of them old and feeble, except for one: a quiet ravenette with eyes which beheld endless pools of deep blue – Tomioka, you believed his name was. 
Tomioka was quite handsome, yet always expressed disinterest in the matters discussed at these sorts of meetings – today, he decided to forgo usual etiquette by holding his head up by one of his fists, eyes taking in the grandeur of the throne room rather than being focused on you – as the rest of the advisors were.
“Father,” you curtseyed – forcing your eyes to pry away from the young advisor, “I reciprocate your sentiment. I am glad to see you well.”
He chuckled, “Your words are much appreciated, but I’m afraid they are not true. I have come down with sickness, and our lovely doctor here–” he waved towards his left, referring to a rather beautiful woman with dark hair and violet eyes who sat further away from the line of advisors, “–Lady Kocho, is doing her absolute best to treat me, but, it has made me realize a few things, namely how very brief our lives are on this earth, and–”
“Father, with all due respect, what have you summoned me for?” you asked, impatience seeping into your tone.
The king sighed, “I need you to be married, my dear child.”
“What?” you exclaimed, “no– I don’t want to. You cannot and will not force me to do such a thing.”
Your father sighed, “that is why, my dear, that we are going to be holding a masquerade ball on the next full moon – which, I believe, is five days from now. We have also decided that, due to time and the uncertainty of my sickness, you will be wed on the very next day.”
“What the hell is a ball going to do? Do you believe I’ll just suddenly meet the love of my life while dancing with a masked stranger?”
“That is not the objective, my dear, I wish for you to get to know the princes from nearby nations, and I believe a masquerade ball is perfect to learn personalities without any bias. Whomever you get along with most, as well as whoever I believe will be most fit as a king, will be the one whom you marry.”
“Well, I wish you luck in making me attend, because I refuse to entertain this idea you’ve thought up. You haven’t even given me a reason as to why I should plan to be married.”
There was tension amongst the members of the advisory council, with even Tomioka paying closer attention to your rather loud grievances.
You could almost feel his azure eyes boring into your soul.
“My dear child, even though I am your father, you must remember that I am also your King, and you will do well to remember that,” he said quietly.
“So, what? Are you going to have me thrown into the dungeons if I don’t comply?” You crossed your arms as you glared down at him. “You can’t possibly be serious–”
“That is not what I wish for, my child, but you must be responsible to your kingdom and do what I ask of you. One day, I will no longer be here, and you will need to step up and take the throne once that happens. This is the first step towards that end.”
“I don’t care about being responsible to the kingdom! They must bow to me anyway, the reason for their subservience is none of my concern.”
If you weren’t consumed by your fit of rage, you might have noticed that to your right, for a fraction of a second, the hue of the handsome ravenette’s eyes turned from a deep blue to a stormy purple.
“My child, you must learn that people do not bow blindly to the throne. They bow out of respect for a leader that makes decisions which keep them in mind.”
“They should respect me regardless. I’m their princess. That should be enough for them.”
You did not wait for your father to continue his lecture, as you stormed out of the throne room and marched back toward your chambers.
Upon entering your bedroom, a fireplace had already been lit – its crackling flames providing just enough heat for one’s slumber during a mid-winter night.
You sat down on the edge of your rather large bed – a mattress as soft as clouds, and sheets of the finest silk which was woven with royalty in mind. You kicked off your heels, scattering them halfway across your cozy living space – not caring to put them away properly – the help was there for such chores, anyway.
Your lady-in-waiting – you believed her name was Kanroji – knocked upon the carefully carved wooden doors of your chambers, before entering upon your command. She gave you a soft smile and curtseyed before you.
“It’s a wonderful evening, my princess, I hope today treated you well,” she greeted, and you gave out a loud sigh before flopping onto the mattress, a pout visible on your face as Kanroji picked up your discarded heels from the floor and placed them in their proper spot. 
“Kanroji–” you elongated the last vowel of her name, “today was awful. Can you believe my dad possessed the gall to summon me today? And for what– to discuss marriage?” you groaned, “If I could, I would’ve wiped that everlasting smile off of his face for making me go through all of this!”
“My princess, that is no way to speak about your father, much less your king,” Kanroji lightly scolded you, causing you to roll your eyes. “I’m sure his reasons are sound. I understand if you find the idea rather, well, uprooting I should say, but–”
“–But nothing!” you exclaimed, exasperation evident in your tone. “I don’t want to be responsible for the people, especially if it’s at the expense of my own losses!”
“Princess, with all due respect, they are your people,” Kanroji reminded you, “being a princess doesn’t exempt you from responsibilities.”
Rolling your eyes once more, you grumbled out a “whatever,” and sat up on your bed to face your lady-in-waiting.
“I’m sure that it was at least nice to speak with your father, no? Considering how busy he is and all?” Kanroji asked with a smile.
“Not really,” you groaned, “but I did get to see that one cute advisor he has, so I guess it wasn’t all bad.”
“Are you referring to Lord Tomioka, my princess?”
“Who else? The rest of them are old as shit– you think I’d fall for Urokodaki? Or – god forbid – Kuwajima?”
“A princess must not use such foul language, your highness,” Kanroji chided, “although I must say that I never expected you to fall for those…older men.”
You sighed in annoyance, “technically, I can do whatever I want, Lady Kanroji.”
“Unfortunately, Lord Tomioka is already married to the royal doctor, Lady Kocho,” Kanroji ignored the tone of your voice, “perhaps it would be wise to listen to King Ubayashiki’s words and look for a potential suitor at the next royal ball?”
“I doubt he has that much love for her,” you muttered, “perhaps I could pull Lord Tomioka aside during the festivities and–”
“Your highness, with all due respect, you will do no such thing,” Kanroji admonished you.
“But I’m the princess, Lady Kanroji, surely he’d see that as an opportunity for upward mobility, no?”
Kanroji sighed, deciding not to push the topic further. She motioned for you to stand up so she could undress you. You turned your back to her as she started untying the strands of your outer bodice, before removing it and working on the following layers to place them into a soiled linen basket.
“My princess will wash her face before heading to bed, we don’t want any bad air to ruin your perfect skin,” Kanroji urged as she helped you into your night slip.
“You don’t need to treat me like I’m five, Lady Kanroji. I know how to take care of myself.”
Kanroji schooled her expression from that of a tight-lipped smile to one with gentle radiance.
“Of course, your highness.”
You headed to your bathroom, but, rather than washing your face by yourself, you merely sat down on a cushioned chair beside the door. Kanroji followed, obtaining a washcloth made of the softest cotton and dipping it in water which she had warmed prior to your arrival. She dabbed at your face, removing any excess dirt or sweat which built up throughout the day, before lathering some soap into the cloth and gently applying it to your face, before rinsing it away with more water.
After she patted your face dry with another towel, she handed you your toothbrush and paste, and, after you had finished, provided you with water and a spit cup so you could rinse out your mouth. 
“My princess seems to be all ready for bed now, let’s get you cozied up for the night.”
She led you back to your bedroom, and you buried yourself in warm blankets, choosing not to respond as she blew out one final candle and bid you a good night.
The following day, upon your wake, the birds outside of your window were surprisingly quiet. You’d quite often awake to the chirps of songbirds and hoots of mourning doves, which would rise you out of your restful sleep. 
You stood up from your bed, and walked over to your wardrobe, excited to see if the maids had fully cycled your favorite dress through the laundry – one which had been inspired by your own confidence, merely amplifying everything desirable about your figure. It exemplified your wealth, your status; it brought you up into the clouds of materialism as others looked up at you in pure awe.
However, upon opening your wardrobe, you were shocked to find yourself looking at the wooden backing of the closet rather than your endless amounts of clothing that usually hung from the racks – something that you had not laid eyes upon ever since you first received the piece of furniture.
“Kanroji!” you yelled for your assistant, who, despite being summoned, still had the courtesy to knock upon your door before entering.
“Is something wrong, my princess?” she asked delicately as always, yet her honeyed lips did nothing to calm you down.
“You did this, didn’t you?” you accused her as you waved your hands haphazardly towards the empty wardrobe, “why do I not have any clothing to wear?”
Kanroji looked at you in pure confusion, before walking over and gazing upon what you were talking about. She sighed, “I didn’t do this, your highness, perhaps one of the maids went to wash all of your clothing and forgot to return it?”
“Why would they think to wash clothing which hasn’t been worn!?” you argued, “what should I do, then, if I don’t have anything to wear?”
Kanroji pondered for a moment, before seemingly coming to a solution.
“Well, my princess, if you would be so kind to take into consideration this idea I have, I may have a solution–”
“Just spit it out!”
Kanroji sighed, trying not to be taken aback by your rude behavior, “I believe we have extra clothing which is usually reserved for the royal staff. I could go fetch one for you if–”
“So I am to wear a servant’s clothes? To dress myself as a peasant?”
“No, my princess, the royal staff uniforms are hardly clothing meant for a commoner, they are still made of fine quality fabric and are sewn by the best seamstresses in the kingdom.”
You rolled your eyes, “fine, but only because there’s no other choice. Bring me the peasants’ clothing.”
Kanroji turned on her heel and left your room to fetch the uniform, leaving you to walk around your room in silence. After pacing around for a few minutes, you went up to your window, where a songbird had made its nest and laid its eggs.
You had asked time and time again for the staff to remove the nest, as it was partially obstructing the view of your garden, yet they hadn’t gotten around to it, it seemed.
However, today, the nest was completely empty – not a bird nor egg in sight.
“Princess, I’ve gathered a uniform set in your size,” Kanroji said behind you, prompting you to turn your head.
“Give it here.”
She handed you the folded clothing, and you held it out in front of you, inspecting it with expressive disgust.
“How am I supposed to put this on? It’s too frilly and complicated.”
“Allow me, your highness,” Kanroji muttered, before taking the uniform and having you step into it, buttoning it up and smoothing out the skirt.
“You look beautiful as always, my princess,” she smiled at you.
“I’d hardly say that,” you grumbled, “take me to my gardens, won’t you? I need some fresh air after this whole–” you waved your hands trying to find the right word, “–mess.”
Kanroji nodded, “of course, your highness.”
She led you through the winding corridors of the castle, and, as much as you preferred being the one leading, today you were almost hiding yourself behind your assistant – not wishing for anyone to look down upon you for the clothing you wore.
Yet, after a while, you realized that no one spared a second glance toward you. Not a single maid, nor servant, bothered to bow or greet you as you walked by. Easily offended by their lack of etiquette, you caught up with your lady-in-waiting, Kanroji, and whispered harshly into her ear.
“Why are they not greeting me? Usually they bow upon seeing or hearing me walk by. I have never seen such insubordination in my entire life–”
“My princess, it may be due to your clothing. You are wearing quite an unusual outfit for a royal today, and they are quite busy with setting up the decorations and such for the ball. I plead with you to be patient with them, your highness.”
You huffed, but remained silent after hearing her reasoning, your shoulders hunched in annoyance as Kanroji led you outside.
Your garden was one of the more peaceful areas of the palace. It was strategically placed so that you could view it from your bedroom window, a hectare of greenery reserved just for yourself. It caught the rays of sun through the early morning to late evening, with a rather beautiful fountain built in the very center of it made of marble, sculpted with three tiers that had water flow down into a rounded reservoir. The reservoir itself had sculptures sitting on the edges of the fountain – with one of the notable figures being that of Icarus.
Along the border of the garden, white and purple hydrangeas bloomed in the late morning sun, which gave way to various other floral species. It was all proper and organized, each plant having a designated area for it to flourish in. Walking further into the garden, you held out your hand to trace your fingers along the petals of buttercups, a flower which had always been one of your favorites – its delicate appearance attracting you to it. 
You approached a small gazebo that found its place on the edge of the garden, a shaded area for you to use should you grow tired. Taking a seat, you exhaled slowly, recollecting yourself from the earlier mishap that was out of your control, almost entering a sort of meditative state. Your thoughts, however, wandered, and eventually led you to your fathers words of having you become married.
“Lady Kanroji?” you asked, and she smiled kindly at you – just as she always did. It was a rather comforting sight, to have someone so close that didn’t seem bothered by anything in the entire world.
“Yes, my princess?”
“Do you ever feel like…your life is out of your hands? Like you’re starting to lose control?” you asked, voice slightly uneasy as you turned your head away from her, deciding to rather admire flowers which neighbored the bench you sat on.
A bumblebee flew past you, its fat little body buzzing between flowers, working hard to pollinate each one.
“Well, yes, everyone does– but, what is making you feel this way, your highness?”
“I mean, look at this bee here– it probably thinks about nothing but how it needs to pollinate flowers and collect nectar for its hive – wherever that may be, right?”
“Of course, princess,”
The bee landed on a lone calendula, burying itself in pollen, before taking a quick moment to rest before flying off to another part of the garden.
“I wish my life was more like this bee. I wouldn’t have to worry about anything except the task in front of me.”
“Princess, is this about the clothes in your wardrobe being missing this morning?” Kanroji inquired.
You shook your head, “no, I’ve accepted that as a small mishap. I’m more worried about how my freedom might be taken away from me, with being married soon and all, especially to someone that I—”
“—that you know nothing about?” Kanroji finished for you.
You nodded, before eyeing a blooming foxglove plant, approaching it and plucking a single flower from its stem, twirling it in your hand as you admired its range of colors. 
“I just wish that, at least, my last few days of freedom before this ball will be alright.”
Kanroji tentatively, ever so diligently following your every step, took your hand in hers, “I am wishing only the best for you, my princess. I promise that your husband will be as kind and as loving as can be.”
You smiled at her, still holding the foxglove in your hands, “thank you, Lady Kanroji.”
“–and if he’s not, then I promise to make his life a living hell,” she grinned, causing a hearty laugh to emerge from your chest.
“That hopefully won’t be necessary, but I thank you nonetheless.”
You looked down towards the ground, noticing that an invasive species of yellow tansy has taken root in the soil all throughout the garden.
Groaning, you looked up towards Kanroji once more, “do we not have a gardener to get rid of these weeds?” you asked exasperatedly, and she chuckled.
“Your highness, with all due respect, didn’t you fire them last week because they pruned your rose bush in a way that wasn’t to your liking?”
Sighing, you responded, “you’re right, we’ll need a new one soon, perhaps one of the servants would care for a promotion?”
“We’ll see about that, my princess. As for now, though, how about we get you washed up from being outside, and then after I’m sure we can have the royal chef make you one of your favorite meals for dinner later? As a little treat for all the anguish from today, perhaps?”
You smiled, “that sounds wonderful.”
You sat in the great hall of the castle, sampling hors d'oeuvres and sipping on champagne, chatting idly with your assistant at your own private table, watching waiters and waitresses move about through all the different tables, serving appetizers and samples of foods to both guests and royals alike.
Music played in the background from an entourage of pianists and violinists, who were playing some piece from Beethoven that you couldn’t recall the name of.
Feeling refreshed, you called over the waiter for yet another glass of champagne, motioning him to fill up Kanroji’s glass as well.
“Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly–” Kanroji protested, to which you waved your hand in front of her.
“C’mon,” you grinned, “you work so hard. Just one glass? Please?”
She huffed in feigned annoyance, but relented as she let the waiter fill up her glass with the bubbly drink. 
“You seem much happier now that the maids found one of your spare dresses in the dried laundry, don’t you?” Kanroji grinned.
You nodded, “I feel more beautiful this way. I really disliked that maid uniform. I felt so…inferior.”
“Clothing does not make a princess, you know,” she reminded you simply as you took another bite of food, and Kanroji grimaced as you opened your filled mouth to talk.
“I know. ‘M a princess regardless o’ wha’ ‘m wearin’,” you mumbled before swallowing, “you don’t need to remind me.”
Kanroji sighed as you so easily missed the point she was trying to make, watching as you waved for the waiter to come by, ready to order your meal. 
“What should I have prepared for you this flashy evening, your highness?” he asked.
The man before you was tall and muscular, with white hair that fell down his shoulders and crimson eyes that reminded you of rubies. He took out a notepad to write down your orders when you realized his left hand proudly displayed three golden bands which were embedded with diamonds, each one on a separate finger. 
You could hardly believe he was just a mere waiter for the castle.
With his looks, you believed he could be doing much better.
“Would it be so bad if I said ‘you’?” you smiled lazily at him, causing him to chuckle at your statement.
“Unfortunately, my princess, I am a happily married man,” he said, pointing to the three rings, “although I wouldn’t be opposed to adding a fourth wife to the family.”
Your nose crinkled in disgust – not because he had multiple wives, no – but because you disliked the idea of having to share him with others.
What belonged to the princess should belong to her alone.
“I’ll pass,” you forced out, “I would, however, like to request the foie gras for my meal tonight, if you could you put that in for me — and, perhaps, a side of toasted baguette with caviar spread will do.” 
“Ah, my princess, as much as we are happy to make anything you desire, I must regretfully inform you that we do not have any foie gras for tonight.”
Your blood pressure started to rise. Putting on a fake smile, which was more akin to that of a grimace, you asked, “and what may be the reason for the kitchen being unprepared to take my order?”
“Your highness, I promise that it is not the kitchen’s fault. A strange occurrence, and a most un-flashy one, really – our local farmers have reported that every single one of their animals have escaped, and what’s more- they can’t be found anywhere within the borders of the kingdom.”
You thought back to the morning, when you made note of the usual songbirds outside of your window being absent.
“Do you not have any duck meat preserved?” you asked.
“No, your highness. We hunt the very same day that we prepare the meals so that they’re fresh. Which is why–”
“Which is why you’re supposedly unable to adhere to my request. I heard you the first time. No need to repeat yourself,” you huffed. “If you don’t have any meat, then what do you have?”
Just as the waiter was about to open his mouth, you held up your hand to stop him, “Never mind. Just get me a salad. Now leave us,” you glared at him, disdain heavy in your tone.
“Of course, princess.”
You rolled your eyes as he sauntered away, and Kanroji stared at you with a slight frown on her face.
“What is it?” you asked, taking her hand and holding it.
Kanroji tensed, but allowed her hand to stay rested on yours.
“It’s nothing, I promise,” she started, “I hope that you can be more patient with them, though, they are doing their best to serve you.”
You sighed, “whatever.”
You looked down at her hand, at which point a frown crossed your face.
“Lady Kanroji, since when did you have such an awful scar?”
Looking back up at her, she seemed slightly alarmed, taking her hand away from yours.
“What are you talking about, princess?” She looked down at her own hand, inspecting it as though she didn’t realize she had such a blemish.
“That scar– I don’t know why I only just noticed it, but–” you paused as she showed you her hand once more.
Her hand was flawless.
“You may have had too much to drink, princess, should I escort you back to your room?”
You looked at your assistant in utter confusion, “but–”
“I highly doubt it was anything more than a trick of the light,” she smiled reassuringly. “Let’s get you to your chambers now, alright princess?”
You awoke to the pounding of fists against your door, jolting up from your bed.
“Princess! Please open the door!” one of the royal guards shouted from outside your chambers.
Groggily, you walked up and opened it, to find the guard in what seemed to be a slightly confused panic.
“What’s going on?”
“You’ll have to come down to the royal gardens with me, princess, there’s something that was…er– left for you.”
In a huff, you followed his instructions, the guard following closely behind you, winding through corridors and staircases until you reached the outside, where a small crowd consisting mostly of royal staff could be seen huddling around something, exchanging whispers and gasps that were unintelligible.
“What in the hell did you raise me out of my bed for that needed my immediate attention?” you yelled back at the guard, who was only a few paces behind you, “forcing me to go outside while looking this indecent better have a good explanation.”
You pushed your way through the crowd, only to stop short as you gazed at what was before you: a dead cow, one that seemed to be entirely gutted, with its entrails scattered about around its body. 
The same guard walked up to you, tapping you on the shoulder before handing you a scroll, “this was laid beside the mauled animal,” he explained.
You unraveled it, only to read something that made you feel rather faint.
Here’s that meat you missed so dearly last night, princess.
You could almost laugh, if it weren’t for how absolutely no one could’ve heard about this conversation besides Lady Kanroji and the waiter himself.
Perhaps he notified the chef and one of the kitchen staff got upset? But that wouldn’t explain how they got the cow in the first place if all the animals are all–
You looked up at the guard, who’s purple eyes seemed to be glimmering in the light of the morning sun.
“What is it?”
The guard frowned – at what, you couldn’t possibly tell – before he shook his head and walked back toward the castle.
Just as you were about to question him, Lady Kanroji came running out from the palace doors and stopped before you.
“Oh, my princess! I’m so glad you’re alright!” she wailed, seemingly disturbed by the events of this morning.
“I’m fine, but I’ll need each and every one of the kitchen staff that was working last night to be interrogated.” 
Kanroji seemed confused, but nodded, deciding not to question your reasoning.
“In the meantime, your highness, would you like to visit your garden again? I know that it tends to calm you down quite a bit and right now you seem quite…frazzled.”
“Lady Kanroji, how quickly do flowers usually grow?”
“Your highness, at this point, I have no idea.”
She looked just as confused as you were – gazing upon your garden, which looked entirely different from what it looked like yesterday. Rather than hydrangeas and the occasional foxglove bush blooming, the entire garden had been infested with snapdragons.
“I was here just yesterday, was I not?” you asked rhetorically, and Kanroji nodded in affirmation.
“Yes, you were, my princess.”
You sighed, “I don’t understand – all I wanted was a few peaceful days before I am forced into an arranged marriage. Am I not allowed something as simple as that?”
“Many are not afforded things that may seem simple to others, my princess, perhaps this is how the universe so ordained these few days to unfold.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better about my circumstances, though.”
“Perhaps not, but we can always do our best to make the most of what we are dealt, even if the hand we are given is not the best.”
You listened to her as you looked around the garden, seeing how endless the lines of snapdragon flowers seemed to be, and, in a moment of firm resolve, you lifted up the bottom of your slip before setting your feet bare into the soil.
“What are you doing, your highness? You will dirty your clothing if you–”
“I’m making the most of the hand I’ve been dealt, Lady Kanroji,” you explained, before beginning to weed out the unwanted snapdragon flowers from their roots.
Kanroji smiled, before following suit and helping you in your task, ridding the garden of unwanted plants to restore it to its former glory.
It felt like hours since you first arrived to your garden, your night slip entirely dirtied, and your hands caked with soil. The sun beat down on both of you, causing sweat to drip down your face as you smeared it away with your dirtied hands.
A crow flew down and landed in the garden next to you, poking its beak at the bundle of snapdragons that you’d picked out of the soil, you waved at it in order to shoo it away – but to no avail.
“I thought that there were no fauna left in the kingdom,” you mused, and Kanroji giggled softly.
“Apparently this little one didn’t quite catch the memo,” she smiled, causing you to chuckle.
However, another crow flew down a few minutes later, and then another – until there was nearly a flock of crows that surrounded each of you. 
“Lady Kanroji–?” you asked, concern lacing your tone as you looked around, with what seemed to be every single crow staring directly at you, as though you were nothing but prey to them.
It started off with one crow – which flew toward you and started picking at your night slip with its beak. You tried shooing it off, but doing so only invited another crow, and another, and another to do the same.
“Stop! What– stop!” you screamed as the crows continued tearing at your slip, leaving holes and cuts all throughout the thin cloth. You knelt to the ground, curling yourself into a tight ball as the crows hovered closely above you.
Until finally, the torment ceased.
Standing up, you looked around to see them flying away, before looking back at your assistant who seemed absolutely horrified by what just occurred. 
“Your highness–”
“Don’t. Say. A word,” you seethed, tears starting to brim your eyes before you rushed back to your chambers, Kanroji following closely behind you.
Sanemi’s POV
A yell of frustration could be heard from your chambers, causing a silent snicker to pass through his lips. 
He couldn’t help that he loved messing with you: you were the perfect prey for someone like him. Someone in a place of authority who needed to be knocked down a few pegs; a bratty princess who wanted everything to go her way – regardless of if it hurt those around her or not. 
Not only that, but the noises you made were music to his ears – how you’d groan and grumble and scream – all because of him. 
He was the one who was causing you all this grief.
And he loved it.
Unfortunately, it seemed that missing clothes and cooking ingredients were just not enough to make you absolutely lose your sense of control. 
“Kanroji!” you yelled from your chambers, causing his ears to perk up. You always had your poor assistant help you out, he realized, it was only ever a matter of time before her name could be heard from your lips. 
It pissed him off, really, that assistant of yours – she would always be there to step in and help you, no matter how terrible your behavior was. 
However, it seemed today that your assistant was nowhere to be found, and so he had the privilege of reveling in your annoyed grumbles for that much longer.
After what seemed to be about half of an hour, your chamber doors finally opened.
He decided that your expression must’ve been priceless, so he took the shape of a female guard and walked down towards your chamber doors.
However, he couldn’t stop his mouth from falling agape upon seeing you.
Your dress – which he intentionally shrunk down a size, caused your tits to spill out from the top of it. Not only that, but your skirt only went down to your mid-thigh, and he could only imagine what a sight it would be if you bent over to pick something up. 
He was frozen – he hated you, hated authority. He despised how you thought that you were simply better than everyone else – that it was somehow your birthright to be above everyone else.
So, why was he awestruck by the sudden beauty that was before him?
You turned your head to him – or, the female guard that he was disguised as – and gave him a nasty glare.
“The hell are you looking at?” you asked.
If there were a higher power, Sanemi would’ve thanked them a hundred times over for the fact that his shapeshifting ability could hide the hardening bulge in his pants.
After a moment, he managed to find his voice – and thankfully he remembered to make it fit the character he was playing as.
“Apologies, princess, did you need help with anything?”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed before marching away from him, and he couldn’t help but smirk as your figure turned down another long corridor.
Out of all the people he’s fucked with, you were definitely his favorite.
“Shit, princess, got me so fuckin’ worked up over nothing, didn’t ya?” Sanemi muttered under his breath as he fisted his stiff cock, not even bothering to start slowly as he fucked his hand with each unrelenting stroke.
The precum seeped out from his tip, allowing his hand to glide even faster along his thick length; he was harsh with it, the muscles in his forearm nearly burning at the pace of his movements. 
Sanemi snuck into your room after you left – having now memorized your daily schedule, he didn’t need to worry about you catching him in the act. It would be at least an hour before you returned to your chambers, giving him plenty of time to cum before then.
He laid upon your bed – the mattress softer than anything he ever had the luxury of experiencing before – as he stroked himself to the thought of ruining you.
He wondered if the plush of your skin would be even softer.
Gods, how he would love to trace his roughened hands along your delicate body, squeezing your tits, groping your ass.
You could stand to have a bit of punishment too, he thought before envisioning how he’d have you on your hands and knees, smacking your ass until it was red and sore.
Or maybe humiliation would be better?
He groaned as he thrust up into his hand as he thought of all the ways he could ruin your status, humiliating you in front of hundreds – no, thousands – of your subjects.
Maybe he could take it a step further than he usually would this time – oh, how he’d love to ruin you until you were nothing more than a needy slut for his cock.
“Fuck–” he grunted, before turning his head to the side, where he eyed a pair of your discarded panties in the corner of your room.
“Fuckin’ brat never learns to clean up after herself,” he muttered, climbing out of your bed to go pick them up.
Lucky me, he thought, bringing your panties up to his nose and inhaling deeply, his knees nearly buckling.
Somehow, the head of his cock turned an even angrier shade of red after breathing in your scent, with his length getting so stiff that it almost hurt.
“Fuck– princess,” he groaned, “smell so fuckin’ good,” he added, walking back to your bed before inhaling more of your musk, hips bucking involuntarily into his hand – his cock getting impossibly harder as he fucked himself to the thought of you. 
“Gonna make me fuckin’ cum like this, you fuckin’ brat.” 
His abdomen tensed as his seed shot out from his reddened tip, spilling it all over his hand and lower stomach. He hissed as he continued to stroke himself through his orgasm before pulling his hand back and letting it fall against the mattress, panting heavily.
“Are you sure you don’t have any spare clothes that fit, my princess?”
Sanemi’s eyes shot open, hearing your assistant’s voice from outside the door.
“Yes, I checked every single one and they’re all too tight! I’ve had difficulty breathing all morning because of this stupid outfit!”
You shouldn’t be back yet, he thought, but then again he did disrupt your morning for the third time this week – perhaps he shouldn’t be surprised.
He shot up from your bed, quickly stripping it as well as gathering any dirty clothing you had lying around before transforming himself into a maid.
The door opened, and Sanemi had to hold back a grin when he saw how frustrated you were, his cock starting to harden once more upon seeing your face contorted into a pout.
“Why are you here?” you asked him, before your assistant put a gentle hand on your shoulder.
“Leave her be, my princess, she’s just doing her job.”
Sanemi nodded to her and took the linen that he had gathered out of your chambers, leaving you and your assistant alone for the time being.
By the time he was out of sight, he snapped his fingers – causing the linen to disappear completely.
It’s not like you’d care about missing some bedsheets for a while, right?
You awoke the next day to the smell of smoke.
You weren’t able to sleep much anyway — namely due to being limited to a simple blanket as you laid on your bare mattress — all because the maid who took your sheets didn’t bother to communicate with anyone else that your bed would need to be made before you retired for the night.
After dipping in and out of sleep, tossing and turning in your freezing room, the sun had finally started to rise, and, although you usually never awoke before it was at least halfway up in the sky, today your sense of grogginess was replaced by complete alarm.
Was the castle burning?
You ran to the doors of your chamber, your already too-tight night slip nearly causing you to trip as you reached for its handle.
You slowly opened the door, and the absence of flames relieved you.
Only thinking of yourself, you carefully made your way down staircases and through corridors – the smoke only becoming more intense the further down you went.
Perhaps a kitchen fire?
Yet, as you found your way to the castle entrance, you started to realize that the smoke had been coming from outside rather than in the castle.
Careful to not show your face through any windows – in order to protect yourself from being targeted by any potential enemies or rioters outside – you listened for voices and yelling to determine if the castle was under siege.
But, other than the distant crackling of flames, the night was silent.
Exhaling your fear, you gained enough courage to peek through one of the windows. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, you thought to go outside so you could locate the source of the smoke.
The castle door creaked open, and a plume of smoke entered through the doorway, resulting in a series of coughs which erupted from your throat. The grass you were on was dry as you walked further, the blades poking at the soles of your feet with each step.
You saw the orange glow of the flames in the distance, and, by the time you got close enough to see what was burning, your blood ran cold.
Your garden.
The entire area had been engulfed in flames – the plants reduced to cinders and ash. 
Tears ran down your cheeks as you watched the only place you felt true peace burn to the ground, the fire growing in size until reaching a crescendo of roaring crackles as it burned every remaining piece of your soul, unrelenting until the fire decided to quell itself, returning the borrowed flames to the sun as it rose above the horizon.
Until what remained was nothing but char and dirt.
You sat there for what felt like hours, sitting silently as your eyes reddened – from the smoke or from crying, one wouldn’t be able to tell.
“Your highness…” you heard a soft voice behind you, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to turn around.
The gentle, reassuring hand of your lady-in-waiting laid upon your shoulder once more – just as it had many times this past week. It was her way of consoling you, no matter how horrible things were.
“I’m so sorry,” was all she could offer, squeezing your shoulder as you gazed upon your garden – or what was left of it – in silence.
“Thank you, Mitsuri – but this isn’t your fault.”
Your friend sat down beside you, rubbing your back as you two watched the remaining embers flicker in and out of existence.
Until there was nothing else left for you to have.
Sanemi’s POV
Sanemi was smug – surely a fire would get your attention, would it not?
It was his last resort, but you had just been so awfully bratty and hostile to those around you.
He couldn’t just stand by the sidelines and let that happen, right?
The afternoon was eerily quiet, he hadn’t heard you yell for your assistant once today. Once you got back from your silly little playground, you locked yourself up in your room, not opening up for anyone.
So, that evening, he took on the form of that one maid again, and stole a skeleton key from one of the royal staff.
“Princess? May I come in?” He knocked on your door, and, after hearing no response, decided to unlock it, knocking once more as he entered.
You were sitting on your bed, staring into nothing, your hands lay silent in your lap.
“What do you want?” you nearly whispered, as though the room around you might shatter into pieces should you speak any louder.
“Er–” Sanemi quickly skimmed through your daily schedule – something he had memorized every detail of – in order to come up with some excuse for interrupting your time alone.
However, he did not have time to answer, as you stood up and held your arms out from your sides – your expression flat and emotionless as your eyes remained fixed on the ground before you.
“Apologies, that was a stupid question,” you continued, your tone almost dejected before looking up at the maid before you, “It’s time for my bath, isn’t that right?” 
“Yes– yes, princess, of course,” Sanemi stuttered.
You simply stared, before speaking up, “well? Are you going to undress me or not?”
Sanemi’s ears flushed a bright red, but did indeed walk behind you – not wishing to reveal himself as an imposter by acting strange – and started to lift up your night slip, the very one you hadn’t changed out of since last night.
You smelled of burning ash, which wasn’t much of a surprise to him – but he didn’t expect you to withstand the smoke for so long, just to stare at the flames that he created.
He removed your night slip, using all of his willpower to not stare down at you while you were indecent.
“Take me to my bath, please,” you requested silently, and, to much of his surprise, he obeyed without a second thought.
He took your hand, leading you to your bathroom, where he simultaneously filled up your tub with warm water with the slight wave of his hand – as though it had been prepared for you all along, as though he knew this would be what he was getting into as he entered your room – your home.
You sat down in the clear water, ash ebbing off of you in ripples as water gently sloshed around you. He reached for a nearby cloth, and lathered it in soap, before rubbing it up and down your back, bubbles forming with each swipe of the cloth. 
You remained oddly silent, letting him wash you as he pleased – of course, you didn’t know it was him. 
He doubted you’d let him be within ten feet of you if he wasn’t acting as someone else.
Yet, when he went to clean your shoulders, he placed his false, dainty hand upon your shoulder, and you sniffled.
You were crying.
“Princess?” he asked cautiously.
You brought your hands up to your face, hiding yourself from the maid that washed you.
“What is happening to me?” you sobbed silently, breaths shaky as you inhaled, “My last few days have been horrible, and today was just— my garden is gone.”
Normally, Sanemi would feel a spark of pride upon hearing that he got under his victim’s skin, but now, he felt nothing but pure guilt.
Had he gone too far?
“Perhaps I’ve been cursed,” you whispered, “all I wanted was to live my last few days before I'm married in peace. I’m to be wed to someone that I don’t know the first thing about, to be silent and obedient, adhering to my husband’s every wish.”
He remained silent, unsure of what to say – he had been the cause of your suffering, at least in the short-term. This marriage of yours seemed unavoidable, something you’d have to endure for god knows how long.
He turned your face by your chin, gently pressing the washcloth to your cheeks, wiping away soot and tears with a few simple strokes. 
“I don’t even know what I did wrong, it all feels so– so unjust,” you confessed.
Had Sanemi not had centuries upon centuries to learn keeping up facades, he would have given himself away right then and there. In a mere second, you managed to replace the guilt that festered within his heart with pure rage.
How blind were you?
He said nothing as he finished washing you up, being careful to not scrub harshly at your skin despite his anger and hatred, and then toweled you up by the time he had finished. 
“Good night, princess,” he uttered before leaving you to dry yourself, resolving to not take a single glance back as you looked at him – or, looked at the maid – in pure confusion and hurt.
“My princess,” Mitsuri whispered as she woke you up, “you slept for so long – it’s about time to get ready for the ball tonight.”
Your eyes shot open, anxiety spiking in your chest, “already?”
Mitsuri nodded, eyes softening in concern for you.
Mitsuri brought in a champagne colored dress which had been specially designed for you – taking all of your measurements into consideration, as well as a white mask with gold lining, and white feathers which were reminiscent of a swan. 
Mitsuri helped lace up the dress, which, unlike the rest of your outfits, thankfully fit quite well. She then placed the mask on your face, before taking your hand and gently leading you down to the great hall – where the festivities would soon begin.
Upon opening the doors, it became difficult to breathe, with people clustered together, voices clashing together as conversations carried through the hall. There was some dancing, yet those who were taking their chances on the ballroom floor seemed rather clumsy and uncoordinated in their steps, while those who were on the sidelines speaking with relatives and strangers alike sampled foods from trays that disappeared and reappeared along with the waiters that weaved haphazardly through the hall. 
You walked toward the front of the room, picking up your dress so as to not trip on the ornate staircase which led up to where your father – and King – waited for you.
“You look quite beautiful, my child, I hope you will be able to enjoy tonight’s celebrations,” he beamed, and you nodded in response.
“Are there any plans you have for me, father?”
“I do have a few princes I’d like for you to meet – namely those from the Agatsuma, Iguro, and Rengoku bloodlines. They all show promise – perhaps some more than others – of being benevolent rulers.”
As though prompted, a blonde man walked up the stairs toward you and your father, his hand shaky as he extended it toward you. Otherwise, there were no particular qualities of his that stood out to you. You looked at him expectantly, awaiting some sort of introduction.
“Y-your highness! May– may I please have your first dance of the night?” the man before you sputtered, and it took everything within you to properly school your expression so that your father wouldn’t scold you for poor behavior.
“May I know who I have the pleasure of dancing with?” you managed to ask the blonde, who seemed as though he would keel over and faint at just about any moment.
“Oh– I’m Zenitsu Agastuma, sorry–” he introduced himself, bowing before you.
Reluctantly, you curtseyed back, before placing your hand in his, grimacing at the clamminess of his skin. 
He placed his other hand on top of yours, “Thank you! I promise you won’t regret this!”
He took you down to the floor, muttering brief apologies to every person you two passed by. By the time you two the center of the great hall, he took one of your hands and placed it on his left shoulder blade, before taking his right hand in your left.
“Are you expecting me to lead?” you asked, and his face went bright red.
“If that’s alright with you, my lovely princess, and– if we could just do a simple box step, perhaps? I– I’m not too good with dancing,” he said sheepishly.
You sighed, deciding to take the lead in a box step, with him following each of your movements, until he tripped over your shoes.
“Sorry! Sorry!” he exclaimed, obviously nervous, his movements short and jittery with each subsequent step.
You sighed, but then he tripped over your feet again, and again, muttering out apology after apology each time.
By the time the song had finished, you’d had enough of him and walked him off of the dance floor.
“Wait– please! Give me another chance! I– I promise I’d be a good husband, please!” he babbled, tears flowing down past his mask and down his cheeks. You forced him off of you, shaking your hand so he’d let go.
You went to sit down next to your father, who seemed to be chuckling in amusement.
“Are you laughing at me, father?” you asked, your tone tense after what humiliation the blonde had caused you in front of your subjects.
“No, no– I promise I’m not,” he smiled, before summoning the next prince that he’d mentioned – a rather short man with black hair. Through his mask, you could see that his eyes were quite beautiful – being two separate colors.
Yet, his eyes were elsewhere, staring longingly at your friend, Mitsuri, rather than you.
“Erm– hello, may I ask for your name?” you asked the man.
“Hmm? I’m not interested,” he said curtly, “I decline the opportunity to dance with you, princess.”
Your mouth hung open, absolutely offended by the man before you.
“Are you absolutely sure, Prince Iguro?” your father questioned, and the prince nodded in affirmation.
“Yes, please honor my choice, your highness.”
Your father sighed, dismissing him and the prince quickly found his way to Mitsuri, who started blushing up a storm as soon as he started speaking with her.
At least one of us will have a chance at finding love tonight, you thought.
The last prince whom your father mentioned was summoned next, a young man who seemed rather jovial and filled with vigor, with hair that resembled that of flames themselves and eyes that were reminiscent of crackling embers.
“Your highness, would you be so kind and allow me to dance with you?” he smiled, a grin that was infectious as it caused you to return your own.
“Of course,” you happily responded.
He took your hand, kissing your knuckles before leading you back to the center of the ballroom, placing a hand on your left shoulder and leading you into the dance.
“I hope that this evening has fared well for you so far, my dear princess,” he said, twirling you around.
It was comforting – he was comforting. He provided you with air where you felt you could not breathe.
“It is going much better now that I am here with you, dear prince,” you smiled, “may I ask for your name?”
“Kyojuro Rengoku,” he answered, before leaning you into a dip and bringing you back upright, guiding you into another step, and another.
He was incredibly smooth with his movements – all until a waiter accidentally bumped into him, spilling wine down the back of his suit.
“My prince! I’m so, so sorry–” the waiter apologized, trying to clean up his suit with a spare cloth.
Kyojuro simply laughed it off, “it’s quite alright, dear waiter,” before turning to you, whispering “I’ll go get changed, and then I’ll be back for you, alright, my dear princess?”
You felt a warmth creep up your cheeks before nodding, seeing him give you a quick wink before he was off.
Your observing of the kind prince was interrupted by a gentle touch to your shoulder. Thinking it was Mitsuri, you turned around with a smile on your face, which quickly faded into one of confusion upon seeing the person in front of you.
“Hello, princess, may I have your next dance?”
The man before you was about as tall as Kyojuro, with white hair that seemed untamable. A man who displayed scars in every place of exposed skin, his raven mask unable to fully conceal the ones on his face.
Perhaps he was a royal knight of some sort?
“And who are you, may I ask?” you inquired, and a small smirk stretched along his lips.
“Sanemi, dear princess, my name is Sanemi.”
He extended his hand, which you observed had a similar scar to the one you thought Mitsuri had just a few nights ago.
Hesitantly, you placed your hand in his – immediately noting the warmth and roughness of his skin – as though he’d spent years working with them. His grip was firm, but not harsh – indicating knowledge of his own strength. 
His right hand slid down to the small of your back, finding its purchase just above your hip – not daring to go lower. He led you into a similar waltz that Kyojuro placed you in, yet, this one somehow felt more…intimate.
“Sanemi,” you started, rolling his name along the tip of your tongue, “do you not possess a last name? Or are you perhaps a scoundrel with a tarnished reputation?” you teased, each step between the two of you smooth, almost calculated as he led you through the ballroom.
“Do you believe you have earned my last name, princess?” he whispered hotly, to which you felt heat prickle along your face. 
He chuckled, “apparently not. But–” he led you into a quick spin, before pulling you close once more, “if you get to know me well enough, perhaps I’d be so willing to indulge in your curiosity.”
“Get to know you? Is that supposed to be some sort of challenge?”
“If that is how you perceive it,” he responded vaguely.
Curious, you were – the man before you hauntingly beautiful, the smoothness of his voice and his mystery, combined with his confidence made it difficult to believe he wasn’t of royal blood..
He’d definitely be fit as a King, you thought.
“What, may I ask, is your occupation then, Sanemi?” you asked, wishing to glean more information from the masked man.
“I’ve done quite a few things in my life, and I’d say that I'm competent in all that I do, princess.”
“A jack of all trades is a master of none, you should know,” you challenged.
“Ah, but oftentimes better than a master of one,” he continued, leaning closely into you, his breath gracing your ear, “and trust me darling, I’m a master of all of my works.”
Your face heated up at his claim, thanking the fact that he’d led you into a spin, so you could somewhat hide your embarrassment.
“Is that so? Then I think you’d have to show me one day, Sanemi.”
“Who’s to say that I haven’t already?” he avowed, his violet eyes sparkling behind his mask with knowledge unknown to you.
“What do you mean?” you inquired, side-stepping before he leaned you into a dip, his eyes looking directly into yours as he leaned closely into you.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, dear princess, I promise you’ll find out soon enough.”
As he brought you back upright, he parted from you, before taking your hand and kissing your knuckles – just as the prince before him did.
With his other hand, seemingly from nowhere, he pulled out an orange lily, and placed it into the hand that he kissed.
“I found this growing on the outskirts of your garden just yesterday. Such a shame the beautiful thing burned down.”
Speechless, you took the lily from him.
“Your condolences are appreciated.” You brought the lily up to your nose to take in its scent, before smiling at him and curtseying. “Thank you for the flower, and the dance, Sanemi, I’ll do well to remember you.”
“Father, please, I implore you to tell me who you have decided upon,” you begged, having waited impatiently until a majority of guests had exited the palace and gone home. Maids and servants proceeded with cleaning up the hall quickly after most of the festivities died down, and by now, most tables had chairs overturned on top of them, and mops could be found in use scattered throughout the ballroom floor. 
“My dear child, I am not able to give you an answer as you so wish. My advisors and I will need to convene and discuss our thoughts on what marriage would prove best for our kingdom.”
“Well, if you’d let me, I’d hope that you’d keep in mind that prince from the Ren–”
“My dear, as much as I’d love to take into consideration your opinion, this is a matter of kingdom survival, and thus my advisor’s opinions will have much more weight than my own child’s.”
Your mouth fell slightly agape, “but, didn’t you promise that you’d take into consideration the prince I got along most kindly with?”
“I did, my dear, but I have decided to rescind that statement. After your rather childish tantrum you displayed in front of me and my advisors, I came to the realization that you are not mature enough to make decisions that take more than just yourself into consideration.”
“Child, indeed it is a most regrettable decision, but if I am to keep the kingdom’s interests in mind, then I will do what I believe is best.”
Tears of anger brimmed in your eyes as you once again stormed away from your father, exiting through the rather large doors at the end of the great hall and marching through them. You raced toward your chambers, where you wished to sob into your pillow until the morning came.
“Your father is right, you know,” a low voice spoke from one of the more darkened corridors as you passed by, causing you to stop dead in your tracks.
Looking around, you saw no one – you were alone, and yet, somewhere, someone was speaking to you.
Not only that, but they’d also listened in on the conversation you’d had with your father.
You peeked down one corridor, trying to make out a figure in the shadows, when you were suddenly pushed into the stone wall, a hand reaching around your mouth as a body held you in place.
“Don’t. Scream.”
A muffled cry came out of your throat, which prompted the assailant to point a cold, metal blade to your throat.
“The hell did I just fuckin’ tell you, sweetheart?”
Your breathing became rapid, panic ensuing as the knife trailed down your throat – just gentle enough so as to not draw any blood.
“Y’know, princess, I’ve been tryin’ to get you to see your wrongdoings this entire fuckin’ week,” the stranger started, “but you just don’t fuckin’ learn, do ya?”
Your eyes widened as you realized this person had been responsible for everything.
Including your garden.
In a fit of rage, you tried biting your assailant's hand, to which he simply moved it to constrict lightly around your throat.
“Oho–! Do we have a biter here, sweet thing? And to think that I always thought your bark was worse…”
“You bastard, let me go! I’ll have your fuckin’ head for this!”
“Oh sweetheart, you’ll definitely have my head, but not in the way you seem to think. Y’see, I’ve been tryin’ so fuckin’ hard to get you to understand how pretentious you are, how much of a snob you are, and, frankly, I’ve run out of ideas, princess.”
He turned your face towards him, making you realize it was the same person who’d danced with you at the ball – the man with the scars, the white, unruly hair, and his strikingly violet eyes.
“Sanemi?” you asked, even though in your heart you knew it was him.
Sanemi grinned, “ah, so you do have a brain up there in that pretty little head of yours,” he sneered at you, “then maybe this last little lesson I give you will be the one that finally sticks.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” you hissed, and Sanemi chuckled as you struggled against him.
“Oh, princess, have you not realized what I’m gonna do yet?” he cooed mockingly, “I’m gonna fuck the brattiness out of you, sweetheart.”
A small gasp left your lips at his assertion, yet, you couldn’t help the feeling of heat spreading both across your cheeks, as well as the kindling of flames within your lower stomach.
You were to be forcefully married, to live a life of servitude to your husband – who will be pronounced King once your father passes, to endure a loveless marriage – with tolerance of your significant other being the most you could possibly hope for. 
You could have a little fun before all that, couldn’t you?
Sanemi darkly chucked behind you, “I can smell your arousal, sweet thing, you really do want this, don’t ya?”
The man threw the knife to the ground before licking a stripe up your neck and leaving bites across the expanse of your skin, starting with your earlobe and working his way down to your shoulder, teeth sharp as they grazed along your body.
You shivered, embarrassment flooding your veins at how you reacted to his touch – you shouldn’t want this, you were a princess, a proper lady who knew that doing such acts before marriage was scandalous.
But, did you truly care about your marriage?
With each brush of his roughened hands against your skin, the consequences that threatened your wishes of this continuing faded further and further.
Sanemi worked his hands to the center of your back, his fingers deftly untying the lace of your dress – as though he had experience in such skills before this.
“Such a fuckin’ slut, wishing for me to take you before you’re married – what would your father think?” he asked mockingly as he pushed your dress down, revealing your breasts to him.
“Oh– that’s right, you don’t care much of what he– or anyone– thinks, do you?” he answered his own question, before leaning down and pursing his lips around one of your nipples, sucking harshly at your tits, earning a soft gasp from you as your face contorted at the sensation. His tongue laved against the softness of your skin, before biting down – making you let out a sharp hiss before bringing your hand up to his hair and tugging at it.
He looked up at you, hate and lust evident in his eyes as he pulled off of you with a lewd pop, and, just before you thought he would move on to the other tit and perform the same actions, he instead raised his hand and gave a sudden, hard slap to your breast.
“Ah–!” you gasped, evoking a laugh from him.
“Oh, do you like pain, brat?” he taunted, causing you to flush intensely across your cheeks as he landed another slap to your other tit, to which you let out another, shorter gasp from you.
“Answer the question, slut.”
Whimpering, you slowly nodded, and he grinned before roughly grabbing at your tits, rolling your nipples in between his fingers.
“Then get on your knees f’ me.”
You looked at him as though he were crazy, but, with one last slap to your tits, you quickly complied, lowering yourself to the ground.
“Isn’t this a sweet sight?” Sanemi chuckled, “a princess kneeling before someone else – how cute.”
Humiliation seeped into your veins as you looked down at the floor, unable to meet his eyes with  your own, until he forced your chin up, and– after a small wave of his hand, you felt someone else pushing you down onto all fours. Flinching at the contact, you quickly turned your head around to see another Sanemi staring back at you – fully naked and littered with scars.
“What–” you started, before the second Sanemi started to rip your dress off of you – ruining it beyond repair.
“Oh, are you surprised, princess?” the original Sanemi asked, “how did you think all of the shit that happened to you this past week came about?”
Before you could answer, a rough smack landed on your ass, the strength of it causing you to be pushed forward as you whined at the stinging pain that Sanemi’s hand left behind.
“That’s one, brat, I think you could stand to handle a bit more, can’t you?” the Sanemi in front of you decided before taking his cock out of his pants as the one behind you dealt a smack to your other asscheek. He started stroking his cock with his fist as his double continued his assault behind you.
“You’re so fuckin’ wet already,” muttered the one behind you, as you felt two fingers dip in between your folds – collecting your slick before landing another blow, “such a goddamn whore, aren’t ya? And all from being spanked? You’re fuckin’ filthy, princess.”
Tears were starting to escape your eyes – your ass starting to feel raw from the constant blows. The tears found their way down your cheeks before the Sanemi in front of you lifted your chin up with one hand, stroking his cock furiously with the other as he groaned at the sight in front of him.
“Fuck– I’ve wanted to ruin you all week, princess, make you nothing more than a whore for my cock – to turn you into a braindead fucktoy all for my pleasure.”
You whined at his confession, leaning forward a little in an attempt to catch his lips with yours before he pulled away from you, leaving you feeling unfulfilled before his clone landed a harsh slap to your pussy – causing you to yelp as the clone started to prod his fingers at your entrance.
“Please, more,” you begged.
“Hmmm, I don’t think you deserve more, princess,” Sanemi smirked, before closing the distance between you and his cock – the tip of which blushing a deep red as precum seeped out from it.
“Be a good girl for once and earn your pleasure.”
You hesitantly looked up at him, before reaching out your hand and delicately wrapping it around his thick cock. Sanemi hissed, not fully expecting how soft and plush your hand would feel when wrapped around him.
Starting out with some slow, gentle strokes, Sanemi started bucking slightly into your hand – not used to how languid and soft your movements were. You traced your thumb over his leaking slit, gathering his precum before moving back down his length.
The clone behind you finally pushed his fingers deeper into you, making you whine at the intrusion as he curled his fingers inside your wet heat, moving at about the same pace that you stroked the other one’s cock, repeatedly pressing into that one area that pulsed pleasure through your abdomen with each movement. You writhed in his hold, resulting in him using his other arm to keep your hips in place as he fucked you with his fingers.
“M-More,” you whimpered, closing your eyes at the sensation of his fingers inside of you, his tortuous pace and his hold on your hips forcing you to take only what he decided to give you – what he thought you deserved.
“Uh uh–” Sanemi tutted, grabbing your perfectly styled hair into his fist, pulling your head up toward him, “keep your eyes open, brat, you still gotta work on my cock, remember?”
You nodded, opening your eyes as you focused on stroking his cock, increasing the speed at which your hand glided along his length.
Sanemi’s fingers, too, picked up a faster pace, two of his clone’s thick digits pumping in and out of you, until the only sounds that could be heard were the slick of your hands working on each other and the soft grunts and moans coming from each of your throats.
Then, without warning, the clone decided to remove his fingers from your pussy. Whining, you tried pushing your hips back to receive more attention from him, only to let out a shaky moan when you felt his wet tongue travel along your slit.
“Fu–uh–ck” you shuddered as he lapped up your juices, his hands spreading along the meat of your ass, making you wince slightly from remnants of the earlier punishment you received.
“Shit, you taste so fuckin’ good,” the clone muttered as he licked a broad stripe up your cunt, “fuckin’ knew you would, princess, you always smelled so damn sweet.”
“H-Hah–?” you tried to conjure a response, which more so resembled that of a moan as it tumbled out between your lips.
“C’mon, don’t tell me I’ve fucked you stupid already, princess,” Sanemi chuckled, “just what do you think happened to all that clothing of yours? Especially your panties– god I couldn’t get enough of ‘em, your scent would linger for so damn long.”
An intense heat bloomed along your cheeks, realizing just exactly what he meant.
Sanemi’s clone groaned as he plunged his tongue into your heat, lapping up everything you gave him as he ate you out. You continued stroking the other’s thick length, bringing your lips to the tip of his cock, experimentally licking at his leaking slit. Sanemi’s grip on your hair tightened, encouraging you to keep going – to keep serving him.
You wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, a soft hum sending vibrations down his length as you reveled in the way his clone was sucking at your clit. Hollowing your cheeks, you started sucking at his bulbous head, using your tongue to lap up any precum that seeped out of his weeping slit. Sanemi pushed your head further down, impatient with you only giving attention to his reddened tip, which caused you to choke along his length as it entered the back of your throat, tears pooling around your eyes as your lips swollen lips took inch after inch of his thick cock.
“Fuck– that’s it, princess, just hold on a lil’ longer f’ me,” he grinned as he looked down at the mess you were quickly becoming, gagging around him like the good little slut you were, until he finally let you off of his cock, with you gasping for air.
Yet, his clone didn’t stop his assault on your cunt, switching between licking and sucking at your clit and feasting on the sweetness that came out of your wet heat. The original Sanemi put his hand underneath your chin once more, forcing you to look up at him as the tension in your stomach got tighter and tighter.
“God– so good,” you whined, relishing in how Sanemi’s tongue felt against your wet cunt, looking up at the one in front of you with the prettiest, watery eyes that he’d ever seen, eyes which begged him to let you cum.
Yet, just as the warmth in your stomach was about to spill over, the clone removed his mouth from your pussy, leaving you to clench around nothing as you whined and pouted at the one in front of you.
Both of them let out a light snicker, until the one holding your chin knelt down in front of you, grinning as he stared down at your pathetic form.
“Did you really think I’d let you cum so easily, little brat?” he inquired, the raspiness of his throat making his question all the more intimidating. You shook your head, knowing better than to argue or beg for what you wanted.
The Sanemi behind you gave a sharp slap to your pussy, causing you to yelp from how sensitive you were from the pleasure his tongue gave you only seconds before.
“Please– wan’ your cock, wan’ to cum around it,” you whined pathetically, trying to wiggle your hips as they were held in place by the clone behind you.
Sanemi’s eyes were wild as he smirked down at you, “Oh? You want my cock, princess? You want me to ruin you completely – make you a complete mess until you’re nothing but a hole for me to fill?”
You nodded quickly, eyes glossed over as he described what he could do to you. 
“Fine, just because you begged so sweetly for it – but you won’t be getting my cock, princess – not yet. You’ll have to make do with my double’s – think you can do that for me?”
“Yes– please, anything, plea–ah!”
Without warning, the clone behind you shoved himself balls deep inside of your hot cunt, breaking past the thin tissue near your opening and pushing deeper, until his tip nearly kissed your cervix.
Sanemi’s thrusts were rough, plunging into your heat fully with each strong push of his hips. His balls slapped against your clit, providing extra stimulation as he fucked himself into you, turning you into a whining, moaning mess.
The original Sanemi took in every expression and movement you made, relishing in how he was finally able to break you down into tiny little pieces. He grabbed his cock as his clone continued pumping into you, and started fisting himself at an equally fast pace.
“Look at yourself, princess, so fuckin’ pathetic, aren’t ya?” he grinned, “you’d always carry yourself like you were the most important person in the room – like no one else mattered but you, all because of your goddamn status.”
You whined in response, unable to verbalize anything as your mind softened with every single thrust of his cock; you were becoming malleable, your mind opening and wishing to be molded by him the more he fucked you.
“I reject all of that. You were never important – you’re nothing but a fuckin’ brat for me to tame, a slut who needs nothing but a cock to make her happy.”
He slapped your face with his cock, some of the release which seeped out from his tip managing to find itself on your cheeks before he began stroking himself at a furious pace once more. His other clone pounded himself into your cunt, the blunt head of it fucking that one spot inside of you which made your mind go blank.
He was right – you weren’t a princess, you weren’t someone with status or wealth or royal blood – you were nothing but a hole all this time for him to use and fill, a cumslut, a cocksleeve – all for the man in front of you.
How could you be so blind?
All you could do was moan, becoming more and more pathetic as his clone filled you with his cock, clenching around it and gripping his cock like a vice, your cunt sucking him back in every single time he pulled out.
But it wasn’t enough.
You needed – you craved the Sanemi in front of you. You needed him – not his clone, to take you, to truly beat you into submission like the dumb little brat you were.
“Please, please Sanemi– I need you,” you begged with the man in front of you, tears filling your eyes once more as you pleaded for him to fill you – to make you his.
The Sanemi in front of you said nothing before standing up to his full height as his clone removed his cock from you. The original Sanemi waved his hand yet again, this time allowing a cushioned mattress to appear in the small, dark corridor the two of you were in. 
The clone sat down on the mattress, before the original followed suit.
“Sit on my lap,” he demanded, and you obeyed immediately – thighs wrapping around his waist as he slipped his cock into you, to which your head fell to his shoulder as you let out what could only be described as a sigh of relief.
Sanemi gripped your hips, moving you up and down on his cock so you could get an understanding of what he wanted you to do, showing you exactly how he wanted you to bounce on his dick.
It wasn’t long before you grew enough confidence to perform the action by yourself, moving your hips up and down as you fucked yourself on his cock. Your arms found their way around his neck as you whimpered softly into his ear as you impaled yourself on him again and again – with no thoughts going through your mind other than the desire to make him feel good.
At some point, you noticed his clone behind you, a single digit nudging at the entrance of your asshole, pushing and prodding his finger gently so he could fully enter it inside of you. Heat prickled against your cheeks as you forced yourself to relax rather than tense at the unfamiliar contact – allowing the clone’s finger to work its way into your ass.
You continued to fuck yourself on Sanemi’s cock as one finger became two, opening you up further and further, before you felt a lubricant of some sort being conjured from the clone’s fingers, allowing him easier access to your hole as he continued fingering you.
“Relax f’ me, sweetheart,” the clone muttered as you whimpered in response, your movements slowing as you noticed his cock pressing against your ass – which had also been covered in lube – before slowly pushing into you.
You choked on a moan as you felt him stretch you out more than you thought possible, having fully stopped your movements in order to focus on accommodating his massive length inside of you.
Realizing this, Sanemi readjusted himself so that he was laying on his back, heels digging into the mattress before continuing to fuck into you. His clone got up on his knees before entering himself back into your tight hole, entering you when the other Sanemi pulled out – constantly being filled by either one of them without end.
“Fuckk,” you groaned, mind addled with pleasure as the two Sanemis kept filling you with their cocks, unrelenting in their thrusts as they bullied themselves deeper and deeper into your holes. You felt that same pressure building up in your abdomen again, becoming tighter and tighter with each plunge of their cocks.
“Please, ‘m gonna– ‘m gonna,” you begged Sanemi once more as your tears started to flow freely down your cheeks, pleading with him to let you cum.
“No. You’re gonna fuckin’ hold it. You don’t get to cum until I tell you to,” he answered, making you whine yet again at how unfair he was being.
They started fucking you even harder, thrusts unrelenting as they took turns filling you up. It took everything within you to not cum – to obey Sanemi’s command, shutting your eyes tightly as you tried focusing on anything other than how good they were making you feel.
Both Sanemi and his clone’s thrusts started to become sloppier, rutting into you as they both started to reach their own ends.
“I’m gonna cum in this fuckin’ pussy,” Sanemi growled, his voice raspy as he fucked into you, his cock starting to twitch as he neared orgasm, “gonna cum in my pussy, isn’t that right, brat?”
You nodded, “Please! Need your cum Sanemi, please cum inside me–!”
With one final stroke, both him and his clone released deep inside of you – flooding both of your holes with their hot ropes of cum.
“Fuck! Too– too much! Gonna– ah!”
You couldn’t help it– the feeling of them filling you up felt too good. Despite desperately wishing to obey Sanemi’s order, you ended up orgasming all over their cocks, gushing around them as warm ropes filled you up, with both of them groaning as you clenched and pulsed around them.
“Fuck–! ‘M sorry! ‘M so sorry!” you whined loudly as you came, hips betraying you as you attempted to prolong your euphoria by grinding down onto them.
After coming down from your high, you were met with a stormy glare from the man in front of you. 
Your eyes widened, knowing you’d fucked up.
“I’m so sorry, Sanemi, I didn’t mean to, I–”
Sanemi grabbed your face, his thick fingers pressing into either of your cheeks.
“What did I fuckin’ tell you?” he asked simply, and a fresh set of tears brimmed at your eyes.
“Y-You told me not to cum,” you answered meekly.
“That’s right, brat,” he responded, waving his free hand to dismiss his clone – making his double disappear completely as he pulled out of your pussy. You whined at the lack of something filling you up, your poor cunt clenching around nothing once more as Sanemi moved away from you.
“On your back, now.”
You obeyed, flipping onto your back and spreading your legs for him without a second thought. You fought the urge to rub your clit – knowing it wasn’t your place to provide yourself pleasure anymore, as you watched him place his cock right in front of your entrance.
“Please, ‘m sorry,” you pleaded as you watched him glide it up and down your sopping pussy, gathering your slick on the tip of his cock. His lilac eyes met yours once more as he finally lined himself up at your entrance.
“If you want to cum so bad, fine. I’ll make you cum until you can’t even fuckin’ think anymore.”
He pushed his cock inside of you, flicking at your clit with his thumb as he dragged his length against your slick walls, brushing against that one spot which made you see stars.
“Please, nngh– need it,” you sobbed as he relentlessly fucked into you, before he took one of his hands and pressed it down on your lower stomach.
“Oh, don’t worry, you’ll fuckin’ get it, brat–” he panted, “feel me? Feel my cock pressing all the way into your stomach?”
You nodded, eyes rolling back as he refused to let up, your orgasm building on itself again until it finally reached its peak once more.
“Fuck–!” you screamed as he fucked you through your orgasm, not letting up even as you came down from your high, denying you any break from the pleasure that he was giving you.
It wasn’t long before the next orgasm as Sanemi rubbed your clit at a similar speed to his thrusts, causing you to gush again around his cock. He groaned as your cunt pulsed around him, milking him for all he had – yet he didn’t stop, rather, he pulled orgasm after orgasm out of you – denying his own release in order to fulfill his promise of overstimulating you.
At some point – you weren’t entirely sure when – Sanemi folded you in half, your legs reaching your shoulders as he slammed even deeper into your cunt, his cock brushing against your cervix with each stroke. Your mouth hung open, your voice emitting short, unrestrained moans as he continued his assault on your pussy – fully abusing it until it molded into the shape of his cock.
“Shit, you’re gonna make me cum, brat,” Sanemi grunted as his hips fell onto yours with every single stroke of his cock. You whimpered, wishing for nothing more than his cum to fill you up – to breed you like the whore you were. 
You responded with incoherent babbles, whining and moaning the more he rutted into your cunt, his thrusts getting sloppier as he approached his peak for a second time.
“Gonna fill you up, make you pregnant before you’re even– hah– even married,” he panted, a promise which made you clench around him even more, “you’d like that, wouldn’t you, brat?”
“Y-Yes!” you managed to voice as he slammed himself deep inside you one final time, grunting as he filled you up – triggering your own final orgasm, causing you to milk him dry as he painted your walls white.
Sanemi collapsed to the side of you as the two of you regained your breath, staying like that for a few minutes before either of you spoke.
“I wanted to apologize,” he said awkwardly, “for ruining your garden in the way that I did.”
In response to your silence, he continued, “I had gone too far, I took something that you held dear to your heart away from you. I’m sorry.”
“I think I need to apologize as well,” you finally said, “not just to you, but to the others as well.”
Sanemi turned on his side, holding himself up by his elbow as he looked down at you, a slight grin on his face.
“You mean to tell me that fucking you was the solution to your brattiness this whole time? Not the crows or the dead cow–”
“Shut up!” you laughed as you smacked him in the chest, only causing him to grin more from your reaction.
“Am I wrong, princess?” he jokingly inquired, to which you hid your face from him with the palms of your hands – until he pushed your arms away, looking down at you with a triumphant smile on his face.
“You’re so stupid,” you half-heartedly spit at him, to which he put a hand to his chest in mock pain.
“You wound me, princess.”
You shook your head, scoffing as he got up, making the mattress beneath you disappear with a final wave of his hand, causing you to fall slightly onto the cold floor of the dark corridor.
“Are you going somewhere?” you asked him.
“I’m not exactly fond of castles, sweetheart, I can’t stand the pretentious atmosphere they tend to have.”
“So you’re leaving?” you further questioned, a little upset with the idea of not seeing him again.
“I am, but, if you are going to miss me so terribly, I could always sweep in and take you away from this wretched place, but I doubt you’d so easily leave your status and wealth behind.”
You remained silent, knowing that it would be near impossible for you to forsake all of which you knew and had for a simple, spontaneous desire to say yes, you would.
Sanemi smiled, his eyes soft as he gazed upon you – what was once hatred now replaced with something rather unfamiliar before vanishing before your very eyes, leaving you to stare at the emptiness of the corridor that you were in – having become alone once again.
Sighing, you stood up, gathering yourself – realizing that your once torn dress had been somehow completely repaired – as though it were entirely new.
With a little bit of difficulty, you managed to put your dress back on before heading back to your chambers, the unease of being married the following day looming over your mind once again.
The chirping of birds could be heard from your window once more, and, out of pure curiosity, you decided to peek out from your window to gaze out upon what was left of your garden. Yet, instead of seeing nothing but scorched soil, you managed to spot the blooming of a new plant – one which had not previously grown in your garden at all.
Rain lilies.
Perhaps, you thought, I should go down there and nurture them myself.
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Taglist: @k-a-t-h-r-i-n-a, @wow-im-gay, @peanutpunchy, @love-me-satoru, @crazycatlddy, @pastelbluecloudy3, @dinosaur-crime-scene, @llearlert, @thisbicc, @gojoscumslut, @everyonesfinaldestination, @leehoonii-i, @roronoagem, @briefrebelfanalmond, @izuoyarmin, @ahashiraswife, @d1gitalbathh, @homo-homini-lupus-est-1701, @whatthefucksatan, @peachdues, @xxsabitoxx (If your name is crossed out, it means tumblr didn't allow me to tag you. Apologies for the inconvenience.)
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I hope y'all enjoyed :)
765 notes · View notes
layraket · 3 months
first of all we start with this beautiful shot
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god thats some cool architecture i have no words clapping
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Wind is so ready to kick that lizard's ass i love him
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this confirms the fact that theyre in the same place but in a different era (also i swear im convinced that this place takes place at least no far from Hyrule's era, the statue behind Legend and the corridors inside are almost the same as in Zelda1 and 2)
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that was the worst joke i have heard today good job rulie lots of kudos /lh
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the boys entering a place where they could find the most dangerous shit in all Hyrule, and then there's my girl who is having the best lunch ever
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when i first read this i almost spit all my water on my phone cuz. Wars my man these people are like. crazy with dungeon crawl. you can't say that and expect a normal reaction.
their expressions are gold no notes
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Sky looking concerned, and Wars with the most "i dont know what is everyones problem but alright" face i love him
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In a war there's no time to explore or search for things that can be useful, or even search for clues, less with the fact that youre leading an army. There was no puzzle, no mistery to solve or objects that needed to be obtained, just plain fight and confrontation, not leaving space for investigation or even a good rest in town
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They have a point, without exploring they wouldn't have the arsenal that they carry; powerful items that can kill a whole army of monsters, a gift left by the hero before them to help, shinies. All that is really useful when you want to save the whole kingdom
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lets not forget all the weapons that you can get on HW, there are some that are like, crazy powerful, and the materials get from the enemies are also really helpful
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guys i think youre the only crazy people who love to enter a random place full of monsters and maybe a demon lord or smth
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This reminds me of this short comic where Wild was almost grabbed by a wallmaster, do this takes place some time before this scene?? or just from another time?? I find possible the first option cuz Wild looks more wary the whole update, like if he already found out what will happends if he puts his guard down
Also the fact that the closest thing that he had as a dungeon were the Divine Beast and the shrines, which both of them lacked a lot of things that were usually in the clasic zelda's dungeons, like keys, mini bosses, special object and pots.
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Hyrule my guy you dont. have to scare him like that. i hate these things too but calm down.
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fucking gremlin /pos
taking this as an opportunity to talk about how Legend's behaviour has been seen changed in the past updates, he's more relaxed and playful, taking a moment to just have fun and prank the rest of the chain
this reminds me
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here is left clear that he's still young, maybe not even on his twenties, and now after that stressfull time with Twi being on the verge of death it makes sense that he feels the need of just, goof around to cope after all that
Yes he's the most experienced, yes is maybe the most powerful of them, but he's still a young boy who was dragged to all this, he deserves to have some fun
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happy guy :)
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and then we have Time, he looks like Not Having A Good Time™
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Messy hair Warriors <3
also i know we all put Sky as one of the adults, but cmon he's a little shit as much as the rest, thats why he finds funny Legend's joke
Wild my man you good? like im genuinely asking at this point, it is weird seeing him so serious
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god thats such a cool design of a skulltula, its so scary 10/10
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Wild has never seen in his life a spider of this size, so it makes sense him just, straight up getting surprised by that thing
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Sky being right-handed looks like a problem in this closed space, soon or later it would make some troubles
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Legend no offence but did you see the little accident they had right there. like. that really hurts if you ask me.
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Okay Time is really at his limit here, the past days has been hell for him with the stress of almost loosing the one that he might see as his son, and seeing all the boys just playing around is not helping. Theyre all heroes, they should take this danger seriously if they want to stop all danger.
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He wants to protect the ones that he cares for, even if he has to snap for it.
Here he might be planning to team up with Twi and Wind? The youngest seems to have gained his attention as his second successor. He will make anything it takes to not let all of them get hurt, and with everything he means it
Just wait when he learns that Legend is also his successor, automatically adopted
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anyways have confused warriors as the last one pls aprecciate him
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tumblr pls let me eat the art i beg you
art credits as always towards @linkeduniverse! always feeling blessed with all this fantastic work!
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officialdaydreamer00 · 10 months
Is idia my fated Hades? Can flowers of happiness learn to bloom in the land of death? Does he wither from missing me as I? Does distance make the heart grow fonder?
"The King of the Underworld and the Maiden of Springtime
Destined to cross paths, distance be its prime
Despairing indeed, but the Fates have yet to end
Their bond prevails, beyond death they shall meet again."
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pairing: idia shroud x reader
content: fluff, (kind of) use of clichés, idia being socially awkward, just a sprinkle of angst, greek mythology
the oracle speaks — i'm really proud of the prophecy i made!! ^-^ love how my first request is about idia lmao, so early event entry!!
May the Fates be kind to this soul.
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— a beat of silence.
that was all it took to wake you up-- since when had you dozed off?
blinking the sleep away, your thoughts got all jumbled up. what was that voice you heard in that short nap? and what did it mean by 'destined'?
quiet murmurs and whispers entered your ears, a blatant reminder of reality pulling you back to the land of living. right, you sighed, you were in a library. and in the presence of people.
your eyes swept through rows of bookshelves and immersive readers, before they stopped at a far corner of the library. there, you see a person, simply reading the time away. you couldn't see their face, as it was covered by the oversized hoodie they wore.
what you noticed, however, was the distinct glowing blue hair. like fire, you mused; pretty, and rather hard to miss.
the more you stared at the mysterious person, the stronger you felt a sense of familiarity. the warm feeling buried deep within your heart, resurfaced. a feeling you never knew you could experience until today.
have you met this person before? you couldn't have, right?
... a soft voice echoed, snapping you out of your stupor.
your eyes met gold hues, and that feeling came crashing down like tsunami waves.
he was tall, towering over you even, he had to hunch down to look at you. the hood was pulled down, revealing his ghostly pale face, and long fire-like blue hair cascading down his back. and his eyes, a molten gold so bright and eerie, yet so soft as he stared at you with an expression difficult to read. melancholic? wistful? you couldn't tell which.
again, his soft voice snapped you out of your thoughts. he was fidgeting with his hands as he quietly asked if you were okay, since you were spacing out. you blinked, oh right, you still had a job to do.
wordlessly, you checked through the books, fighting down a blush in embarrassment, all while sneaking little glances at him. in the few chances your eyes met, you looked away as if nothing happened, spare for the heat presented on your face. only after he left, did you let out a relieved sigh.
"what was that all about?" you murmured, your hand hovered over where your heart was. the strange feeling was real, you mused, but why did your heart feel so empty when he left?
you made it your mission to get to the bottom of this. perhaps you could find that boy again, if the fates were on your side.
his heart was hammering as he left the building. through the darkened glass panes, he could make out your figure standing there behind the desk. he found himself smiling at the sight of your thoughtful look. his soul longs for you, craving for you to be in his arms.
it seems like the fates have smiled at him once more, weaving his destiny to reunite with his beloved.
"I have found you at last. My Persephone."
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🏷️ @identity-theft-101 @twistwonderlanddevotee @krenenbaker @dove-da-birb @siren-serenity @cave-of-jade @xen-blank @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @lyle-my-beloved
remember to reblog if you like my works ^-^
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lilacgaby · 9 days
Barbarian!Katsuki x princess/prince!reader? (Omg I love your stuff)
(a/n: oops this accidentally became like kind of a tangled!au LMAO, i'll write another one and make it actual royals soon)
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katsuki was on yet another adventure, one to slay a dragon and add to his collection of teeth on his necklace.
he treked through the forests, fighting creatures left and right, using his magic and swordsmanship to slice everything in his way in pieces.
day and night he did this.. eventually ending up lost and being too prideful to admit it, even to himself, so he continued in the same direction. while he did not find the dragon's nest he set off for, he found an overgrown tower.
he scoffed at the sight, deciding he'd take refuge in it for the day while he gathered his bearings. he climbed up the vines that led up to the wide, opened window and walked in.
detailed on the walls were gorgeous paintings of every color, knitted blankets and decor scattered the room, and the skylight at the top tied it all together.
'wow, this is so beautiful.' he thought to himself, his tribal outfit standing out against the interior. he noticed a shadow behind him, the owner of this tower? as he turned behind to look-
he was slammed in the face by a frying pan.
he woke up, tied to a bed, his weapon out of reach and his hands to far to set off magic.
"tsk, what do you want from me? face me head on like a ma--"
he was cut off by the sight of you, wearing a causal dress, your eyes glimmering, skin popping thanks to the constrasting color of the dress. you wore expensive jewels he'd never seen before, and gold as if it was nothing. you were.. gorgeous.
you tilted his head upwards with the pan, staying a fair distance away from him. "what.. are you? i've never seen anyone like you." you questioned.
his demeanor changed, slightly mocking as he joked, "you treat all outsiders like this?"
"only ones that break into my home."
"...fair, however, why don't you tell me what you're doing out here all alone? princess."
you looked away as you said, "i.. i was banished from my castle. at least til i get my magic honed, my family are all magical so.. unless i become at least an average wizard i'll never be accepted back."
his eyes widened at this. banished? that was pretty harsh, especially since another alternative was just marrying you off early. "why didn't they just train you?"
"you never answered my questions first."
he looked annoyed, "i don't answer questions without being a free man, im a king and you'll treat me like one."
"you're a royal too?" she sshe rolled her eyes, moving to untie him. "well, king, don't hurt me or.. you'll get bad luck when you die."
he laughed, as she untied him. you were really pretty up close too, he almost wanted to grab your face so he could look you over closely.
almost. you stepped back, eyeing him suspiciously.
"anyways, mr king, you're a.. what do they call it?"
"barbarian right, and don't you guys like these?" out of seemingly nothing, you pulled out tooths, huge ones, varying in size and quality,
all from dragons.
"how did you get those? those are practically impossible to find and you have 8?"
"i have them lying around.. i'll give you them but.. i want something in return."
he sighed, "yeah whatever you want princess, i'll have to earn those anyways so.. give me your best shot."
"i want..
you to take me to your kingdom and teach me magic!"
he deadpanned. he really wanted those teeth so..
"fine, saddle up princess."
you squealed, hugging him and inadvertently making him flush. you jumped around and scrambled to go pack your bag. after you finished, he helped you down the tower. he basically carried the both of you down, you landing on his lap as you fell to the ground, making you laugh.
the journey was long, but it passed by quicker with her company. they laughed together, shared the same cot most nights. he held her during the harsh thunders of the rain and after they'd fought some disfigured looking creatures.
he'd taught you some of his magics as you journeyed along, you were even able to beat some small creatures now. every time you did, he'd celebrate immensely, and once,
you'd kissed him on the lips in excitement and impulse. and he'd kiss back.
he grew fond of you, and you of him.
it was about two months time to get back to the kingdom, you were holding his hand, him close to you as he pushed you behind him, guarding you.
as he presented you to his family and the elders in his language, only one word stood out to you like a sore thumb.
betrothed, is what he referred to you as.
your face lit up with a smile, as he finished up and brought you outside.
you took on the task of setting 7 of the tooth's onto his necklace,
and when he asked about the 8th?
"oh, that's for our wedding day of course."
he turned as red as the ruby on his necklace.
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cambion-companion · 2 years
“Just let me finish this and I swear ill go down on you until you cum at least three times.” (144) lets get down to bussines
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Part 2 of "Spray of Blood"
Word count: 2724
reader gets lost trying to run back to King's Landing and Aemond, still splattered in blood, has to find her and bring her back to safety.
haha this is a joint effort it seems! Also I have wanted to write reader sitting on Aemond's face so thank you for #86
28. i’m just getting comfy
74. “Do you want me to stay?”
86. “don’t be shy now, sit on my face.”
98. “if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs”
Aemond x wife!reader | smutty ending | 18+ only | fluff and a sprinkle of angst | Aemond isn't super happy lmao
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You were lost.
Cursing, you stopped in the middle of the empty street, turning on the spot, surveying your unfamiliar surroundings.
"Fuck me sideways." You muttered, taking a moment to rub your aching temples.
You had indulged in too much spiced wine at the festival, muddling your already questionable orienteering skills.
"If the lady insists." A hissing voice accompanied a slender man emerging from the shadows of a stone building.
He held no weapon, seeming to think you easy prey as he strode forward, already unbuckling his trousers.
You still held the stone you had picked up when Aemond had confronted the men in the market, and so you collected your frayed nerves, taking careful aim as Aemond had taught you.
You threw the shard of brick, it struck true with a dull thud to the man's head. He went down like a sack of flour, hitting the damp cobblestones with a dull thud.
Shaking, you hurried on your way, in the direction you hoped the Red Keep was in. At least you were still walking uphill, that seemed to be a good sign.
After a few minutes of meandering, warm yellow light fell upon your face, a tavern in front of you that appeared cozy and welcoming. As you entered, you noticed a few other patrons, but the dining area and counter was mostly empty. A squat looking man was stacking dishware behind the bar counter as you took a seat.
He gave you a cursory glance with a raised eyebrow, you shifted to hide the fine fabric of your dress beneath the cloak you still wore. You pulled back your hood, wanting to be recognizable if Aemond passed the window searching for you.
"What can I get you?" The bartender asked in a gruff baritone, seeming not to care what brought you to his establishment so long as you had gold.
"Do you have hot tea? Or something non-alcoholic?" You asked. "I just came from the fire festival and had a bit too much to drink there."
"Ah I see!" The man smiled, his ruddy cheeks reflecting the candlelight. "Yes, I can get you some green tea brewed up. Does wonders for a hangover."
"Thank you."
Minutes passed, turning to hours as you sat at the uncomfortable wooden table. You drank several mugs of steaming earthy tea, enjoying the way it warmed your body from the inside out.
"Are ye waiting for someone?" The bartender looked at you quizzically, clearly wondering why you were remaining for so long. All the other patrons had left for their homes by now.
"Yes, my husband."
"You're lost?"
You shifted uneasily in your seat, casting him a wary glance.
He raised his hands, a towel draped over his shoulder. "I mean you no harm miss, but if you'd like directions, I can give them." He glanced outside at the dark streets. "Though perhaps it best if you wait here, it's not safe for anyone to be wandering about right now."
"Where am I?"
He chuckled looked at you with a fatherly smile. "Outskirts of Flea Bottom."
You groaned.
"Not where you intended to be I expect. Not wearing a dress like that."
You shifted your cloak to cover yourself better.
"You have nothing to fear from me." The keeper reiterated. "I'll not cast you out till your husband comes to fetch you."
"Thank you." You lay your head upon your hands, staring glassy eyed out the window, praying to all the gods Aemond would find you.
You had fallen into a doze, jolted awake by the sound of the inn door slamming open and the exclamation of the barkeep still behind his counter.
Aemond, glorious with his shining hair and piercing violet eye, strode into the tavern, his gaze locked onto you.
"My-my prince! What an unexpected..." The tavern keeper trailed off as he watched Aemond walking purposefully toward you.
You rose from your seat, throwing your arms around Aemond's neck as he pulled you against him, his hands at your back, stroking soothingly as he kissed your ear.
You tried your best not to sob. "Aemond, I got lost."
"You're the wife of Aemond Targaryen?"
The two of you broke apart to turn to the front of the room, where the keeper was bowing low.
"He helped keep me safe." You interlocked your fingers with Aemond's.
Your husband stepped up to the rough wood counter, depositing a bag of clinking coins onto its surface. "You have my gratitude."
The man continued to bow, averting his gaze. Aemond made a soft "hmm" in the back of his throat, guiding you out of the warm room into the cool night air.
You didn't get far before he pulled you to a stop, his taut face illuminated silver in the moonlight. "I've been searching for you for hours, Y/N."
He held up a hand to stop you from speaking. "You were not in our rooms. So, I returned to the square as quickly as I could, asking anyone still outside if they had seen you."
You looked down at your feet guiltily as Aemond continued.
"Imagine my surprise when I find a man collapsed upon the ground, a stone beside him and a lump on his forehead."
"He...had ill intentions." You whispered, still studying your shoes.
"Hmm. A shame I left him alive then." Aemond's fingers hooked under your chin, pulling your face to look up at him. "However, that is how I found you sitting in that tavern."
You slowly moved forward, tentatively wrapping your arms around Aemond's waist. You could tell how worn and anxious he was, specks of blood still upon his tunic from the men he'd dispatched earlier that evening.
"Aemond, I'm sorry for getting lost. I...was panicking and a little drunk." You smiled weakly as his face softened, his lilac eye roving your features as you rubbed small circles to the small of his back.
"I had intended this to be a relaxing evening of fun." Aemond said, giving a short laugh of derision. He cupped your face in his hands. You noticed they shook slightly. "I was beside myself with worry, Y/N." He brushed his soft lips to yours gently. "This is not a place for a woman to wander alone."
"You have me safe now, Aemond."
"And safe is where I will keep you."
He kissed you firmly, slanting his mouth over yours, his fingers tangling in your hair as you made a soft noise against him. In the tension of his body against your own you felt how worked up he was from the events of the night, the intensity with which he kissed you promised bruised lips in the morning.
“If we weren’t in public right now I'd have my head between your legs."
"Aemond." You whispered, shocked, as you checked over your shoulder for anyone listening. The streets were luckily empty, though several windows were wide open.
"Come." The prince grasped your hand firmly in his and began leading you in the correct direction of the Red Keep.
You breathed a sigh of relief at the welcome sight of your chambers, lit with the orange glow of a blazing fire in the hearth that you immediately crossed to stand before, warming your hands.
Your large, clawed bathtub sat full of steaming water in the middle of the room.
Aemond came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"I had the servants draw a bath for your return, we are fortunate it seems to still be hot."
You felt him beginning to loosen the ties of your dress. "Do you want me to stay?" He asked, nuzzling into your neck. "I'd understand if you need to be alone. It has been a...difficult evening."
"Please stay, Aemond. I need you with me, especially right now."
He kissed your neck and resumed undoing your dress. You smiled to yourself at his evident eagerness to see you laid bare before him.
The fabric of your dress and undergarments pooled around your feet, you leaned into Aemond's warm touch as he fondled the curves of your ass and hips with one hand, his other reaching around to stroke at your breasts.
You turned to him, allowing his gaze to roam your firelit body. "You are still covered in blood, my lord husband." Your wandering fingers began undoing the clasps of his own clothing, shedding each garment with tender care until he was as naked as you, his thick member already standing at attention.
You smiled coyly at him, allowing him to support your balance as you stepped into the hot water of the bath. You sank down into the silken water, scooting forward enough for Aemond to take his place behind you.
You pressed your back against him, your hands running along his legs as they caged your body, his arms wrapping around your torso.
"I'm just getting comfy." You murmured, leaning back so that your head rested against Aemond's chest, looking up at his adoring gaze.
He had removed his eyepatch, the sapphire gemstone glittering dazzlingly by the reflection of firelight against the water that now lapped against the edges of the wooden tub.
The two of you rested like this together, rubbing each other down with soap and wash cloths. You took your time cleansing Aemond's skin, feeling the knots in his tense muscles and kneading them loose, his eye fluttered shut at your loving attentions.
Only when the water had cooled and the two of you began to shiver, did you exit the bath, helping each other towel down until you were relatively dry. Aemond grabbed your waist, pulling you in for another scorching kiss, one of many he'd bestowed upon you that night.
"Lay on the bed for me."
You obeyed, perhaps misinterpreting his meaning as you wrapped yourself in your nightrobe before getting comfortable in bed. You watched Aemond from your cocoon of blankets as he busied himself trying to get the stains out of his tunic and undershirt.
"Aemond..." You called quietly, trying to entice him over with the lilt of your voice.
"The blood has set into the fabric long enough, Y/N. Give me a moment to try and lift it."
"Aemond." You wiggled beneath the covers, seeking to draw his gaze.
“Just let me finish this and I swear I'll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
"If you don't come over here now, I'm going to start touching myself."
You knew just what to threaten.
With a growl, Aemond threw down his ruined shirt upon the sofa, striding to the bed and throwing the blankets off your body. "Take that off." His dilated eye took in your tantalizing curves wrapped up in your fluffy nightrobe.
"I'm cold."
"Do not tease me anymore this eve." Aemond crawled over your prone form, dragging his teeth along your bottom lip. "You heard me. Take. It. Off."
You undid the tie around your waist, shifting the fabric off, exposing yourself once more to your husband's eager touch. His fingers rolled your pebbling nipples, tugging at your flesh, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips as you arched into him.
"Already so wet for me." Aemond murmured against your lips, his hand cupping your sex, feeling between your slick folds.
You gasped at the feeling of him exploring you. In a fluid motion, you rolled your entwined bodies over, shifting to sit on his torso, looking down at Aemond's face, his curved lips parted in surprise.
"I want to be on top." You could barely speak, so entranced you were at the sight of him laid beneath you, his silver hair spread out atop the pillows. "Let me do this, please."
You rocked your hips, feeling his hard arousal beneath you as you stroked your vulva along Aemond's shaft. His eyelid fluttered at the sensation, his hands rising to grip your hips as you lost yourself in the feeling of him.
"Don’t be shy now, sit on my face.”
Your mouth parted, Aemond tugged you a little forward by his grip on your hips. "Are-are you sure I won't suffocate you?"
Aemond laughed. "If you do, I couldn't think of a better way to go."
Heat pooled in your belly as you scooted forward, bracing your hands against the bedframe as you hovered on your knees over Aemond's face. "You're sure?"
Aemond rose just enough to tease your entrance with his nose, nuzzling against your swollen clit. You gasped, lowered yourself rather gracelessly onto his angular face.
You quivered, feeling Aemond's tongue working against you as you rocked gently against him. His chin, his nose all pressed against your most sensitive parts. The wet sound of him lapping up your essence filled the darkened room.
"Oh Aemond." You gripped the bedframe tighter, making sure to not actually suffocate your husband with your cunt no matter how he tried to pull you more against his searching mouth, his fingers pressing deep against the flesh of your thighs.
He grunted, the vibration of his voice causing you to clench around the tip of his tongue as he fucked it into you. His nose continued pressing and rubbing against your clit, Aemond moving his whole face with your movements as you began to grind down on him, losing your self control.
His name spilled from your panting mouth, your climax rushing over you like waves upon the sea cliffs. Aemond drank you down eagerly, his tongue lapping you up as though you tasted of the finest wine. You rode out your orgasm on his face, your legs shaking as you lifted yourself off him, collapsing to the mattress as your husband rolled over you once more. His hair was a mess, his lips and chin soaked from your juices. You bit your bottom lip at the lewd sight, his eye tracking the movement.
Aemond kissed you, more gently than you had anticipated, his tongue searching your mouth, allowing you to taste your own release as he lined his cock to your entrance. You gripped the back of his head, gasping against him as he sunk slowly into you. Aemond's breath filled your lungs as his cock stretched you out deliciously, filling you until he was fully seated within your still quivering walls.
Aemond broke your kiss, pulling away enough to watch your face as he began rutting into you. His gentleness gave way to a rougher, more desperate pace, his cock brushing your cervix with every punishing stroke. You clung to him, your legs rising instinctively to allow him deeper access.
"Y/N." Aemond breathed your name like a prayer, his chest still flush against your own as he nibbled the shell of your ear. "I can feel you tightening around me." You cried out as he increased his pace still more, fucking you deep into the mattress. "I need you to come. Show me you're mine." His cock twitched inside you. "Mine alone to claim."
"I am yours, Aemond." You felt your second orgasm of the night begin to rush through your body, your spasming quim already beginning to milk his member. "Forever yours."
Your name, so sweet on Aemond's tongue, filled the night air, mingling with your wordless moans of ecstasy as your husband spilled his hot seed within your clenching cunt. He pushed himself as deep into you as he could, remaining rooted there until you had both come down from the high of your climax.
Your legs were shaking in earnest now, Aemond reluctantly pulled away, his cum spilling out of you onto the now ruined bedsheets. Exhausted, satiated, and heedless of the mess you'd made, Aemond pulled you against him, encasing you in his arms. He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you made a pillow of his chest, his legs still tangled with your own.
Sleep took you quickly, a lock of Aemond's silken hair wrapped around your forefinger as you had a habit of doing when seeking comfort.
Aemond lay awake for a long while after you had drifted off, his mind still alive with the fear and rage that had consumed him mere hours before. Bedding you had taken the edge off, however the many gruesome possibilities of what could have happened remained unbidden and unwelcome.
He held you tighter against his lithe body, feeling the reassuring rise and fall of your chest on his, the light snores emitting from your slack mouth. Eventually exhaustion overtook Aemond, his eye falling closed, his lips still pressed to your head even in sleep.
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dumbseee · 1 year
Request if your requests are open
Singer!Reader x (driver of your choice)
After their break up she seems fine, takes a 3-day break up off social media but otherwise she's the same as before, so people keep judging her for not being sad enough :(. cuz the driver seems sad and isn't doing well in races but she doesn't show anything and they attack her etc.(not a BIG hate campaign but ppl just make assumptions abt it)
Thanks in advance
Then BOOM she releases "hits different" (by taylor swift) and the fans connect the dots between her relationship and the song
happy face.
charles leclerc x singer!reader.
fc: madison beer.
note: thanks for the request! i really like your idea i hope you don’t mind that i used charles as the driver!
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liked by selenagomez, kaiagerber, kyliejenner and 2 891 009 others.
y/n: mother is back.
fan2: she broke up with charles after three years together and took just three days off social media? that girl is so weird…
fan3: right? while charles is miserable and all sad
fan4: omg y’all are so ANNOYING let my girl enjoy her single life
theweeknd: 🔥
fan5: even if she decided to come back after one minute, that’s her choice
fan6: y’all just love to hate on pretty girls
fan7: charles saw the gold digger in her and left lmao
fan8: gold digger where? homegirl was a billionaire before she was even born LMAO
fan9: don’t come for my girl
fan10: charles’s fans back at it again
fan11: at least she’ll be free from the vultures
fan12: i never liked her tbh
fan13: how can she party and smile like that after a break up?
fan14: i feel so bad for charles…
fan15: charles deserves so much more
view all comments.
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liked by arianagrande, zendaya, zayn and 3 910 009 others.
y/n: ‘hits different’ is now out :) ps: reminder to be kind to people.
comments have been disabled.
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liked by hunterschaffer, arthur_leclerc, carla.brocker and 4 819 009 others.
y/n: thanks you so much for the love ‘hits different’ received! it is my most vulnerable piece of work and putting it out there was hard, but i knew i had to. break ups are never easy, no matter how happy someone can be on the outside, they may be battling their hardest battles inside. but i’ll get better, like they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
fan1: i’m crying while reading this because it hits so hard, i’m in the middle of a break up and it hurt so bad, thank you y/n.
liked by y/n.
fan2: with one song she managed to put the whole world on pause
fan3: this woman’s lyrics are INSANE they never miss
fan4: she wrote it with her heart it hits so hard
fan5: the way the internet bullied her because she wasn’t « sad enough » is insane to me like wtf??
fan6: you never know what someone is going through behind closed doors, let’s be nicer to each other guys
fan7: i’m sorry but these people are just dumb, she stayed with that guy for YEARS ofc she’s going to be sad
fan8: nah but she clearly confirmed that charles is the one who ended the relationship, so why isn’t he receiving hate?
fan9: i feel so bad for her
fan10: QUEEN
taylorswift: genius!
view all comments.
taglist: @ferrariloverr
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emmebearpaw · 1 month
The archons but they aren't quite human. i mean. obviously they aren't. But really. I think we should let them get their uncanny on just a little bit. Or a lotta bit. Venti chooses to walk on the ground. They recognize it helps with the whole looking human thing but like, I don't think Barbatos used legs to move. Venti walks silently. Venti can seemingly get into any room. No one has ever seen them do it but they can just appear. The air around them is fresher. Like it sort of just feels nice to be in a room with it. Also, doesn't need eyes to see. Like, very clearly can seemingly navigate with his eyes closed (uses the air currents). Hair is often blowing in a breeze, even when there isn't one. Zhongli tries to tamp it down but Morax's feet never left the ground. His dragon form didn't fly either. The ground simply would move and bend to be beneath his feet at all times. I don't have as many for him but something about him feels like he should have a low rumble. Incredible at judging weights of things by eye. Like you can hold up some cheese you are about to grate for a recipe and he will tell you that you don't have enough. Also can navigate with eyes closed (just feels through the ground). Eyes glitter gold. He's getting better at hiding it but he blinks one eye at a time.
Ei + The Shogun who doesn't touch the ground when she walks. Hovering just above it. Like a bolt of lightning frozen in time. People's hair stands on end when she approaches. Is so full of static electricity. It doesn't bother her but yeah touching her can shock you.The Shogun doesn't blink but no one noticed that because Ei barely blinks either. Why would she blink? After act 2 of her quest you notice she does actually touch the ground sometimes. She blinks more too.
Nahida's not always planted in the ground but she usually is. Grass and vines and plants coiling their way around her as she stands, but usually easily retreating again when she begins moving. She might be barefoot but the power of the plants protects her from being defeated by a sharp rock. She can also easily ascend by climbing on plants like a step ladder. Yes she does manage to grow plants even if she is indoors or on tile. She actually gets tired if she stops doing it for too long. That's her fucking mycelial network. I think she should start photosynthesizing.
Furina. Furina also seems odd, why you ask? During her 500 years as the archon she learned a bunch of stage tricks to fake archon weirdness. She seems to leave water behind with every step she takes (she has water pouches hidden in her heels that release a little water with each step. Yes she does have to refill them... often). She once demonstrated she can walk on water (faked that lmao). She is genuinely blind in her darker eye though (focalors is also blind in one eye. it's also her darker eye, but i imagine their heterochromia is flipped so they are blind on different sides). This has led to her being genuinely better at navigating by other senses, including her innate ability to figure out where water is. She mostly read it as "ability to know someone is nearby" but it turns out that she could only determine when a Fontanian was nearby due to the fact they were oceanids. She was very weirded out when she stopped being able to do that. Neuvillette doesn't blink much (his eyes literally don't get dry unless he is dehydrated). He can determine where water was sourced from by taste alone (this might not be because he's a dragon. this might just be him). He can also determine when someone is coming (humans are still mostly water). It's literally canon his emotions influence the weather. Fontaine is already humid but god he can single-handedly increase the humidity of a room. anyways i think im out for now lmao
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ceilidho · 10 months
no but can u imagine like you get the pink fluffy handcuffs as a gag gift from a friend's bachelorette party and like you keep it around as a joke - good memories, good times, you've got a photo of her holding a male stripper's tits on facebook, w/e
but Johnny sees the handcuffs and his mind goes fucking blank. he immediately makes assumptions - a fucking lot of assumptions - about where they come from. you mus tbe a freak, just like him. clearly, you're just as into him. you're flirting with him by having them out where he can find them (nevermind that they were in a drawer by your bedside)
and so he sees them and he just snaps like -
His pupils dilate fast, black swallowing clear blue, and tension floods into his frame. For a second, you're convinced he's going to hurt you, because the look in his eyes is predatory, all threatening intent and intensity, but then he holds them out, head tilting to the left, lips quirked into a smile that's more teeth than it ought to be.
He takes a step forwards. Two. You stutter out something about the party, about your friend, it's a gag gift, Johnny- but any noise that's not your cunt being fucked into is noise he simply does not want to hear.
It takes two steps for him to close the distance. A third for him to cuff you, strong arms hoisting you up despite your protests, manhandling you like you're made of fucking air. The sixth has him depositing you on your bed, and he stands above you, cockhead leaking so much it's staining the front of his jeans. He's panting - breath ragged, pupils blown wide out, and when he moves, it's with the intensity of a man starved, pulling down your pants and your panties brutally hard, tearing them and burning your skin as they get pushed to your knees. He fucking coos at your pussy, kisses it like he's embracing a lover, working you to orgasm after orgasm until you've melted into the bed, utterly spent, and only then does he rut into you. Over. And. Over. Again. He doesn't stop until he's collapsed on top of you, rambling about weddings and babies and how much his family will like ye, lass.
YOjgijrgey you know you can just reply to my posts and ill reblog them right fdkjdkfjbdks this is so good???? why are you guys too shy to have blogs this is GOLD!!!!!!! i have cultivated such an amazing group of likeminded freaks because this is truly right up my alley
also my brain rebooted at the idea of Johnny thinking that something perfectly innocent (forgetting to put stuff lying around your room away, a simple text message, whatever) is actually you secretly flirting with him. he is well and truly out of his mind lmao. uuugHHH THIS IS SO GOOD!!!
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