#that.....i don't really like the cricket in pinocchio
rayroseu · 11 months
(pure observation theory and rambles)
This year's Halloween event is full of ribbons that looks like strings and they're all falling apart...
Are Halloween Events just Book 7 foreshadows??? I wonder if someday we'll actually have a Sleeping Beauty Inspired Halloween Event(On Briar Valley)? Malleus stated that they have Halloween there after all...
Also back to the string-like ribbon and the boys acting as puppets... In Pinocchio, the wooden puppet became alive because Gepetto (the old man) had a desperate wish of having a son. Of having a family... If we relate that to Book 7, it matches the motive of Malleus not wanting to lose his family so he has a desperate wish that he made come true...
but in result, it feels like Malleus is just treating us like puppets on a strings with how forceful he is in 'sending everyone to sleep so that they'll become heroes' and add to the fact that he is the only one able to be sentient over this sleeping spell...
So he's like the audience and we're his actors for his own entertainment...
The fact that A FAIRY is the one behidn the spell of making Pinocchio alive too... its really just Book 7 isnt it...
The cards illustration shows that the ribbons/strings are falling apart... I know that its probably a given that everyone will wake up from Malleus' Overblot but I'm really curious as to HOW... ig its still too early to speculate since Overblot Malleus is too overpowered... Maybe this event will give us clues about it?!
There are strings snapping at the trailer after all👀
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My favorite observation from Ace's card is that He's surrounded by clocks!! He's referencing Deuce's SSR as well from the Clocktown... But this time he's with Lilia as opposed to Deuce and Silver !!
Ramshackle and Diasomnia parallels... Ace and Deuce as Yuu's 'knights' and Silver and Lilia as Malleus' 'family'!
So maybe there is hope that Ace and Deuce will someway join us with Silver and Sebek in helping Malleus to "wake up from his overblot?" (I don't really want to say 'to fight Malleus Overblot' XD)
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I feel like for this event we'll be Jiminy the Cricket, being the voice of conscience for this misdirected boys... Their eyes look clouded after all... Just like how in Book 7 we're the ones urging the others (for now its just Lilia) to wake up from Malleus' spell and to not succumb to darkness...
New hat for Grim perhaps?????✨✨✨✨🎩🎩🎩
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Oh also omg,,, The main characters are Ace, Kalim, And Ortho right? They're the main SSR... THESE PEOPLE ARE EASILY PERSUADED!! They'll definitely got scammed by the new villains to join a sketchy entertainment company arent they...
I mean I'd be fooled too????😂
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Yana Toboso is too talented... HOWWW can you make these beastmen based on these Disney Characters
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To Feel Adrenaline
Part 2
Summary: Pino ventures to a district that is new to him and meets a stalker that is quite the character
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Pinocchio x G!N!Reader
Warnings: Violence but that's about it :3
Disclaimer: Nothing to report~
A/N: Hey there! I'm back with a Lies of P fic! This is going to be a series based on feelings so if you guys have an idea for a prompt around a feeling do let me know and I could add to the series ^^ As for the Leon x reader series, I don't think I will be continuing with it. I dunno, it all depends really. I just don't have any further idea for it and I honestly don't like how the writing came out. But, like I said, we shall see.
Btw, the district I mention is just one I added. Gemini talks more in here because he deserves more lines, the reader is a very...Interesting character and just know that this is set after the puppet king defeat as that's where I'm at in the game so no spoilers please :'D
Anyways, enjoy! And do let me know what you think ;; Comments, reblogs and likes are always appreciated as well <3 Thank you!
Pino walked on soft footsteps, the puppet trying to evade the more basic frenzied puppets to preserve his stamina. He was currently out scouting an area that he hadn’t traversed yet, Gepetto wishing his son a safe trip but not before leaving him with a warning. “Rumor has it that there is an elite stalker in that district. I hear they keep to themselves and don’t really associate with anyone, but I have no idea how they will react if they figure out who you are and who you are with. Please be careful, my son.”
So far there were just the usual maid and butler puppets with the occasional harder opponent. But it was nothing that Pino really had to worry about, his swordsmanship and defense sharpening evermore with each battle. Each encounter something that he kept with him, memories that helped him along the way. However, he was not lax. His father’s words were still in the back of his mind and it seemed that Gemini was thinking the same thing as well. “What do you think they’re like, this “elite stalker.” Gemini mimicked Gepetto. “I’ve heard about that one woman who is supposedly the best of the stalkers, but I didn’t know that there were others. Hmmm, we shouldn’t take this lightly, huh?” 
They had only just beaten The Puppet King not too long ago, Gepetto practically forbidding Pino from continuing on his journey for the moment. “My son needs his rest. And I just want you to be safe, for once.” His father had said and Pino had agreed reluctantly but on the condition that he was still helpful to Gepetto and the others in other ways. So here he was, scouting out a district that was a little bit past Malum district. He knew he shouldn’t go out too far and go to places that aren’t really necessary, but was mostly curious as to what was out here. 
Pino wondered if he would actually stumble upon this stranger but suddenly, the amount of puppets in the area began to dwindle as he traversed further into the district. Further until there were none and just the sound of the sprinkling rain pattering against the cobblestone street was all that was left. A nervous chirp sounded from Gemini,” I dunno if I should be grateful that there are no more puppets or suspicious…Be careful, pal.” For assurance, Pino reached back and gently patted against the top of Gemini’s lantern. He may get annoyed with the cricket puppet at times but he was still a very beloved companion. 
Suddenly, fast approaching footsteps crept up from behind Pino, the puppet jumping to the side to dodge an incoming attack. “I thought I had rid this place of you guys. Ya’ll just don’t quit!” The newcomer said, obviously annoyed at Pino’s presence. They shouldered their weapon as they recentered themselves from their attack and turned to Pino. “Well, you’re an interesting one! You’re obviously not like the others either.” While they mulled over this, Pino couldn’t help but tilt his head as he observed the stranger’s animal mask. He knew that stalkers usually wore masks to show rank but he had never seen this animal before!
“Hm?” You question the puppet’s curious look, your free hand aligning with his line of sight and you meet your mask. “Oh! Ah yes! Not the usual get up, right? I thought - Donkey mask? Bunny mask? Those are quite boring. I had to go for something more, well, me!” It was a dinosaur mask that you adorned. More specifically a T-Rex mask. “I would have gone with a velociraptor, but I found out that they’re smaller than I originally imagined so, T-Rex it is!”
There was a moment of silence and Pino could swear that this was probably one of his most strangest encounters. “Eccentric. The answer to my earlier question is eccentric.” Gemini chirped, Pino giving a small nod in agreement. You give a hum,”I’m actually quite curious as to why you’re not attacking me right now. I had heard a rumor that there was a puppet made by Geppetto that is actually good but…I just don’t know. Sorry, but, do you mind if we have a sparring session? I see a person’s character better that way.” You bring your weapon back to hip height, the candle light from the street lanterns creating a gleam across the blade. 
It was nothing spectacular in appearance but when you wield it, it didn’t require aesthetics. “Well at least they were kind enough to ask.” Gemini surmised, Pino giving a single tap to the glass. A sign that he needed Gemini to be silent from here on so he could concentrate. “Good luck, pal.” Was what he left Pino before settling into his lantern further for the fight.
Pino unsheathed his weapon as well - The Puppet Ripper that he had received from Alidoro after defeating The Puppet King. He wanted to try it out and now seemed like a good time. You hum in amazement from the looks of the scythe. “Woah, that looks terrifying. Please mind that thing would ya?” You laugh and Pino couldn’t help but knit his brows at your odd wording. But suddenly, he felt your presence behind him. He noticed just in time to block your advancement, you giving a small sound of amazement. “You actually blocked that! Impressive!” You praise and then jump back, landing lightly on your feet.
Pino had no idea how you had gotten behind him so quickly, but he didn’t have time to think it over before you were coming at him with another attack. Your jabs were super sonic, your slashes nearly invisible. Pino was having a hard time keeping up, receiving small hits of damage as his blocks weren’t perfect. “I wonder how long you can keep up with me.” You say as you hit him with a heavy blow, Pino sliding back until he hits a wall. You advance quickly, hot sparks of iron lighting the area you two fought in as your blades hit with such ferocity and determination. 
Pino could feel his stamina reaching its max, the puppet needing to find a break in the fight to have a small rest to regain it but you were adamant on keeping him from doing just that. He had no idea where you kept all that energy but he really wished he could tap into it somehow. He could feel the ergo that surged within him pulsing rapidly, like a heart rate that was skyrocketing. Even with the pupper king he hadn’t felt this sensation before, the fear that he may not be able to pull through this if this keeps up. 
However, your hits subsided and your blades crossed, scratching metal a cacophony in both of your ears as you created a stalemate. Your eyes looked deep into Pinos’, [e/c] meeting iridescent blue that held hints of worry yet shone with a burning fire that screamed “I will fight until I can no longer move.” You give a breath of a laugh and jump back, the young puppet practically collapsing from the broken tension. “You have some sharp skills there.” You praise once more as you sheath your weapon. “Thank you for the sparring session! I really needed that.” You walk over to Gepetto’s puppet, Pino swearing that if he held the ability to breath he would be doing so very heavily right now. You hold out a hand, a small smile gracing your lips. “Nice to meet you. My name is [Y/N] The Fossil. I hadn’t thought that I would meet a well mannered puppet ever again but here you are.” 
Pino felt like he just experienced whiplash, the sudden change in conversation throwing him off. But yet, he took the outstretched hand, a small shake creating the catalyst for you and Gepetto’s puppet.
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1218-814 · 7 months
Trey Clover, the Ordinary man: Analysis and Theories
So as many of yall know, or ppl that remember me, I did not like Trey. However, after 2 years of my disappearance, I can confidently say that I TOLERATE him.
So just fyi. I have the hate a little inside. I think if someone says they dislike Trey they are justified and this is why (they don't have evidence, but I do)
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Favorite Food: Violets preserved in sugar
Roses, violets, and sugar all come from a simple poem.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
So are you
There was humpty dumpty and a lot of poems in the original book, so I think this has a high chance this came from here.
Least Favorite Food: Mustard
Trey, having the Mad Hatter as a sub-base from his hat and cake, I think it has some thing to do with the Mad Hatter. There's a scene where he was painting the clock, and the ingredient he disliked most to use was mustard.
Parents run a cake shop
The Mad Hatter was a sweet tooth. However, Trey's favorite food is quite expensive; I think his home is a high-end sweets shop.
Bad at singing
In chapter 7 of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" there's this song the mad hatter sang called "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Bat". It apparently sounded so bad that the Queen of Hearts called it "time killer".
Brushing his teeth
As I said in one of my other theory, Trey is the type to lie and not feel guilt. Teeth are originally "white things” and lies are “things that come out of the mouth”, Trey may like to “reveal a lie as a lie”(a joke).
Doesn't like Riddle or is hiding something from him, judging his lies and Lab Coat PS.
Deuce and him are the cards that represent "Night", so I think that's one of the reason why he was in the Star Gazer event.
He also is the Jiminy Cricket from "Pinocchio", which is the other reason for the star event.
Oyster sauce goes well with spicy ramen (Cater).
His nature is probably really salty (Oyster sauce)
Unique Magic:
He's painting the lie with Riddle, Which I assume is one of the reasons why Riddle's icon is a completely red rose.
He dislikes his work being crumbled in a short amount of time (I don't think he likes using his unique magic on his cakes)
Chevalier of Rose (Rook)
His position in the op is the knight piece in chess
Relationship with Riddle and his mom
Riddle has an obsession with strawberry tarts; in his back story his mother called it 'a glob of sugar', but Riddle called it as 'big red strawberries'.
Strawberries symbolize perfect goodness, and a happy household.
Riddle probably wanted the love, but his mother took it in a different way. Trey likes violets, which I hear has a sour taste, like his personality.
Strawberries and violets are similar in a way... The sugar coating.
The nappage (The glaze on tarts), what I assume, is something on top of the true love.
Riddle's mom does give him love, but it's twisted, and Trey can't tell his feelings to him, like the violet (hides his true thoughts)
Love has different forms/types.
Like strawberries, in Trey's Lab Coat was about strawberries, his love (friendship) is a naturally sour berry and he won't name it (or he can't)
Riddle doesn't know the difference between the tarts (=love), and in Epel's PS he said that he was alone on Halloween.
Judging his personality, he tells this so he won't break down of sadness and pain; Trey understands this and he's scared of 'special love' and prefers a normal love.
Also, he seems like Riddle now=grave for old Riddle... (Is this why you listen to someone you could probably beat?)
Riddle needs someone who wouldn't lie, someone who would stand beside him (brains and power) to give him love, strawberries that aren't sugar coated.
Floyd buys the tart (love) and he even trades the red stone for notes in another story.
I think he'll be important in the future of Riddle.
~~~Warning for my reason of distaste for Trey Clover~~~
In the first arc I feel like he was doing "a childhood friend who thinks of Riddle" act coolly, but I think it should be that he thought, "I have the highest liking for Riddle."
This leads me to think...
Unpopular Opinion, Trey is a psychopath/sociopath or does not really like current Riddle. Let me explain from the ceremonial cards:
Apparently, he doesn't hide his true feelings thinking of Riddle as “A tyrant that uses his dorm and his vice dorm leader very roughly” (Trey’s gym uniform and Jade’s ceremonial robes)
Only Trey, I get the weird feelings. I don’t think he’ll stand up for Riddle if we say “I hate Riddle” and talk about him behind Riddle’s back, Trey seems like he would laugh it off. Because, Trey got angry because of “I’m tired of the same cake Trey makes”, that’s insulting to Trey.
Riddle was like “Welp okay” but trey was like “Haha...”, and will purposely set up things like this and continue it for a long time. (I would still eat it though)
There are some aspects of the Heartslabyul dormitory and Riddle that can't be helped, but there’s too many secrets they are hiding from Riddle.
Trey does try to help Jade (ceremonial robes, Jade), but he doesn’t help Jamil (Trey’s ceremonial robes)... Maybe it’s because there’s the danger of Riddle exploding (not literally)and he didn’t see Jamil needing help.
Trey, and Riddle too, I get the impression of “I’m not interested in others”
Cater mixes well with him because he has this “sad boy hours, secretly” personality. I can’t see Trey willingly letting others in his heart. 
I just get this "a subordinate who is swayed by a selfish boss" vibe from him. I think he’s unconsciously trying to “help” his dorm by overlapping him with Riddle.
He’s basically talking about himself and not looking at the person, and that’s what Kalim was talking about.
Trey is the “big bro that we can count on”, but he isn’t like Riddle or Azul who likes “being counted on”. Every other vice dorm leader are actively trying to help out with emotional baggage but Trey’s in the “waiting position”
He knows he will be relied on or like “I’m the only person you can rely on so, I’ll just listen to it”? He has this very good passive care? It’s not like he has a good relationship, more like taking care of the relation ship. He’s like “if you don't eat your tomato's your parents are going to be a problem so just please eat them”, which is what I think his thought are usually.
Perhaps Trey taking care of others is neutral, he doesn’t hate it or love it. Maybe he’s like that with him? I feel like he’s looking for someone or an accomplice, like Cater, to share his problems with. 
I saw that possibility in Jade, but he doesn’t fully strike me as that kind.
Perhaps Jamil has a honest straight heart and he decides that Trey is “not the type he wants to be an accomplice.” It seems that he was trying to look in deeper because of Jade’s gut feelings.
Perhaps Riddle failed the strawberry tart joke, which Trey was the one who made the joke maliciously with the oyster sauce, has something meaningful...
Ace also defines the relationship between tray and riddle as "spoiled". This is probably the same for Riddle’s tart.
This tart, which is too salty with oyster sauce, is said to be "delicious" only by Cater, who “hates sweets and can be said to be an accomplice to the tray that hides it."
Isn't this salty strawberry tart a metaphor for Tray's personality? After all, Riddle doesn't seem to be talking to the end.
Probably there is a foreshadowing side of the second part of the Heartslyaul arc; including the tea party at the end of this, and the appearance of Chen’ya, and there is a hint that Riddle will face the nature of Trey (the salty tart) but at the end we can laugh at each other. I wonder what it would be (HHhhmMMMMmm CATER??? )
It's understandable, looks and acts sweet but salty on the inside. Trey seems like he makes an oyster sauce joke, probably only to someone who brings up his specialty, cake making, and makes it aware only then about his “salty nature”.
Jade and Rook have never talked to him about sweets, so they probably misread his true nature.
He probably thinks of the dorm as his “kitchen and dining table.” he doesn’t care who sits and dines, but he doesn’t want a miss. Like he’s the mom like “oh? your tired of the cake? Them make on or self”
From Riddle's remarks, this is the only clue to "Trey before Riddle's mother gets entangled and distorted with him", so maybe the "Oyster sauce joke" is Trey's fraternity and his playful nature.
He looks like a sincere man, but in reality, lying is like a reversal phenomenon that he is.
Perhaps "the present where I can't joke to Riddle" is more unusual for Trey. That’s why Jade and Rook were surprised at the “"Well, isn't strawberry a love for Riddle?" (platonically); it's because they aren’t as close enough to know the “oyster sauce”. He might want to give Riddle the sauce too.
Perhaps it's spicy ramen (in a soup stock way), or Cater, that goes well with oyster sauce, and neither cake nor oyster sauce is entwined with liver pate or carpaccio. (Jade and Rook)
That's why the two observers overlooked this whole thing.
Vil and Trey are probably the closest, and Vil does notice the suspicion. Maybe Trey is in NRC, and not RSA because deep down he is a liar? 
A lie is also handy, but in general, it is hard to say that it is a "good" background. Maybe this is why Trey is so scared. By the pressure of Riddle that it can't be restored to the old relationship that they once had; he thinks “Riddle would decapitate me if I say a joke about the oyster sauce. (his true self)"
It's subtle whether Riddle isn't complimenting/appreciating Trey properly or is running away and not listening properly, but I feel like the latter.
Jade and Rook judge the strawberry tart from the outside, but it's actually salty with oyster sauce, Ace and Deuce scream and Cater says it's delicious. Riddle, who noticed that he was deceived, accepts it and can laugh, and maybe Trey’s wish or the friendship can be repaired if he notices Riddle's window of forgiveness. 
Considering that teeth are originally "white things" and lies are "things that come out of the mouth", Trey may like to "reveal a lie as a lie".(a joke) and mashes up well with Vil.
From the fact that Trey’s unique magic is “doodle”; the lie that turns white roses into red, the joke of oyster sauce, and the liar skill of the person himself, it is as if "I am a mischievous liar". It is thought that it is. What if Kalim’s power is water based, what if the metaphor is being washed away?
In the SSR, the first-year students who tease the cake Trey makes, encounter a lot of trouble, but the Trey does nothing on purpose to make them fail.
However, just before Riddle goes off, he shows off his whole cake, saying, "I wondered if that might happen!". This is truly Trey like and the performance he made was just to create a laugh. He's not just “a boy who cried wolf”, he just likes "laughing lies and moments of revealing." Therefore, it is trusted by the surroundings.
Then, the meaning of marron tart in Heartslabyul arc will change. Marron tart is a "vanity with a sweet amount" and is not a cake suitable for sourness and decoration fruit like strawberries. Perhaps Trey's lie will fail in the future, in conflict with Riddle's ethics. Even if Riddle himself wanted it to...
I thought it was strange. Why did Trey who loves "peace" make first graders make marron tart instead of strawberry tart, that was safe? This is a "notice to the second part", which expresses the "spoiled-sweetness" of Trey in the form of a maroon tart. This is "the end of childhood".
Strawberry tart is a taste for adolescents  due to a mixture of sweetness and sourness, but the sweet marron tart without sourness will prepare a spoiled = comfortable lie for "small children"(Riddle) I wonder what that is though... Apparently, the current Trey has “Riddle=Tyrant=very troublesome” idea. However, the actual Riddle has already graduated from “childhood” and is already in “adolescence”. Maybe he will take off his glasses when Trey faces "current Riddle"
Perhaps this is a state in which “liar achievements (the blot) continue to accumulate now that lies cannot be revealed as lies". Maybe Trey thought Riddles mother “repainted” as an “angry tyrant”. Unless Trey himself reveals the lie, he will keep “painting” the lie... Which does explain why his coffin icon is a fully red rose.
The combination of the idiom "red lie" (in Japanese) and "let's paint the roses red" creates a character as if this "liar Trey" was assembled. Cater welcomes lies and sincerity as long as it "shines in magicam", so he is happy to accept the revealing of Trey. So this is the reason why the two can be paired with duo magic.
I'm sure Trey is the type that wants you to silently eat a salty cake and say “Wow this- I- hahaha” rather than a sweet pleasant cake. 
I don't know what spicy things represent, but Jamil, who has lived as a "little adult", likes spiciness and dislikes sweetness (dates) like Cater, so maybe "I don't know how to spoil it because I have never been spoiled as a child." I think it's a distortion of their communication methods. 
Also, the food that Ace dislikes is "raw oysters", so if you think about it in connection with the story of the walrus who monopolized the oysters and the lie of Oyster sauce equals Trey, does it mean "I hate hypocrisy and liars"?
When Jade, who would be the polar opposite, said to Trey that he misunderstood him as the type that “wants Riddle to eat home-made dishes with lots of love”, maybe it’s because he is the type to do that with his mushrooms (Jade be a little more grateful that it lasted two weeks with Floyd please-). So that got me thinking...
If I re-judge them it looks like Trey is “looks loving/affectionate, but thinks Riddle as a ‘troublesome dorm leader’ he has to work for’ and Jade is ‘Looks like he gives not a lot of love, but in actuality, he cares about Floyd and Azul and feeds them mushrooms and likes watching them enjoy eating. (or at least that’s how I views them)’
Now if I re-think my judgement and group the vice-dorm leaders, there's two groups:
“Dang it-Don’t do anything extra, dorm leader.” type- which is Jamil and Trey. (maybe Ruggie)
“Look at my dorm leader!! I’m so proud of him!!!(?)” type- which is I assume Rook and Jade (And Ortho? and Lilia)
Looking back on Jade, he didn’t really become very sad from Azul’s and Floyd’s complaints about eating mushrooms, he looks like he just enjoys the “process of giving love” to his mushrooms/friends, and...That's some heavy love right there …( I don’t think you would admit it as ‘love’ Jade but... You’re not doing so you can get anything back... )
I did some looking back on the vice dorms’ lines, and Trey made me think. Does his praise towards Riddle mean anything to Trey himself? 
Jamil did try to talk to Trey and he just kinda ignored Jamil because, from his point of view, he may have seen it as “Kalim is okay, he has no problems and they look like friends”, but on the contrary, Jade, he probably thought they were the “same kind” because he thinks that Azul is like Riddle, one who causes problems, “made him the vice dorm leader because he had to”. 
Jade, on the other hand, thought that Azul and Riddle were both interesting, so he thought that Trey “loves Riddle with genuine affection” (In a friendship way )
Yes, we did see the ‘I don’t really like you.’ with Jamil and Kalim, but what happens if Riddle noticed..? (I would either laugh or cry tbh)
I am more concerned with Riddle overblotting again because of their relationship. Like, Trey didn’t even bother to take off his hat and was super calm about the blot. While Jade, who actually cares and worries, took off his hat during the overblot times.
If Trey does turn out to be very suspicious, in a theory, then so will Idia and Lilia...
Also, another thing, Riddle can’t really get Floyd to stop bothering him because he would use “Bind the Heart” on him
The last part was a mess but this is also from 2 years ago lmao
Anyways, Heartslyabuyl is a metaphor.
Like dead ass, EVERYTHING is a metaphor to me
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mpsideadump · 24 days
A reader of my fic "Detroit: Lie or Die" pointed out a lot of similarities between the characters of DBH and LoP! While some of these I noticed before, there were a lot I didn't think about until the reader had commented about it. Really goes to show how similar the two games really are and why I thought these stories would make a great crossover!
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P and Connor are the most central characters of their respective stories. While yes Connor is only 1 of 3 protagonists of DBH, he is the one who we first play as and the one who has the most consequential decisions for the development for his character (machine vs deviant). The same can be said about P, who's choices may not necessarily affect the story itself but rather who he learns to become (puppet vs human).
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The commenter compared these two to be the voice of reason for our main protagonists, but I'd take it a little further and point out that Hank and Gemini to be their main companions throughout their stories.
Hank and Gemini have the potential to become Connor and P's best friend. While Gemini, fulfilling the role of the cricket character, acts as P's guide, Hank is Connor's guide to deviancy as all of his most important decisions revolve around Hank and his relationship with him.
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While Kara's story is more explicitly written to be centered around motherhood, Sophia's maternal role towards P is a lot more interpretive and symbolic. Look towards the original story of Pinocchio, however, and we see the Blue Fairy does fulfil the role of a mother towards the wooden puppet, acting as his main mentor towards becoming a real boy.
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Romeo and Markus act as the leaders of their respective groups, puppets and androids. Of course, we've heard the jokes of calling Markus Robo-Jesus, but his instances of sacrificing himself to free his people do seem to make him worthy of the name.
Likewise, Romeo was once referenced to be a god to his puppet followers, more specifically by Fuocco whose boss ergo states that he bowed down to the King as if he were a god.
Also, it is implied that Romeo made a deal with Geppetto to become a puppet. Him becoming the King, however, wasn't exactly what he wanted. Markus's abilities to instantly awaken androids also imply that he was created specifically to spread the Ra9 virus which leads to deviancy.
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Finally, we have Geppetto and Kamski, the creators of puppets and androids. I don't think I really need to say anything else.
Jokes aside, Kamski and Geppetto initially created beings that were meant to serve humans. However, they also both had nefarious plans that involved their creations going rogue. Gepetto needed the puppet frenzy to harvest large amounts of ergo for Carlo, and Kamski (though his motivations are still rather loose in what exactly they are) likely wanted deviancy to take over androids in order to prove their superiority over humans.
I believe his cut dialogue for the Kamski ending actually states that he was basically fed up with humans.
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tinyfantasminha · 1 year
Glorious Masquerade has got to be my favorite TWST event!!!! Love to see people hype it up!!! It just felt so extravagant and huge… literally EVERY character was serving. Idia in particular 👀 also I think part of why it was so good had to do with the timing, the fact it came right before chapter 7 and the contests of the event were actually REALLY pertinent in the main story…
I kinda doubt this year’s halloween event will be AS impressive but I hope it comes close to it. It has the potential!! But GM is so iconic. I’m really looking forward to the Pinocchio theme. Just think of Grim’s new little outfit 🥺
No cause I'm sure they timed the first release of book 7 right after masquerade so the event could foreshadow the main story, like how Rollo says Malleus is a villain that will bring calamity (I don't remember the exact words but it was something like that lol)
THIS EVENT WAS MOSTLY TAILORED TO MALLEUS AND IDIA AND IT SHOWS, I remember that before Rollo's motive was revealed, I was theorizing if Rollo was also inspired on musical-Frollo and not just the dsny Frollo, where he has a deceased younger brother. And I was like ''if that's the case, it makes even more sense why Idia would be the SSR; he's the only one who can trully relate and understand Rollo's pain'' AND I WAS RIGHT 👏👏👏 LET ME COOK
For that reason is why I think GloMas wouldn't work if it had a sequel like the first halloween event of it were a if/remix version like fairy gala but with the other rest of the cast; Malleus is simply too crucial for this event, Rollo's motive wouldn't make sense without him. I admit I'm a bit sad that we won't see the other boys in the masquerade outfits and them interacting with Rollo (I wanted to see Ace clown on Rollo </3) but honestly this is for the best... They're getting an entire new event with new characters just for themselves!! I'd say this is a better outcome than just repeating GloMas all over again with the other half of the cast, it just wouldn't be impactful.
I'm not emotionally attached to Pinnocchio as I am with THoND but I'm excited because this movie is DARK AS HELL, and it's PERFECT for a halloween event. Also I've been waiting years for new beastmen characters and we are getting a fOX BOY RIGHT OFF THE BAT....GRRRRRrrRR *foams at the mouth*
I can't wait for the trailer of the new event, if they really are wearing carnival inspired outfits I'm gonna be BALLISTIC!!! And let's hope every new halloween event from now on will be based in a dsny movie with new guest characters every time 😳 I'm hoping for a Peter Pan event next cause WE GOTTA SEE TWST CAPTAIN HOOK?!?!?
And yes, Grimmy's little outfit 🙏maybe his outfit will be similar to pinocchio's in those little italian clothes ORRR maybe jiminy cricket's black tailcoat 🥺🥺
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mythicalartistx · 1 year
Soriku in Novels Part 4 — DDD
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
The cricket's question made Riku think of Sora. Of course, Riku couldn't tell him everything, but Sora was still a friend with a special place in his heart.
"Yeah... actually I do." Riku closed his eyes and imagined Soras's face for a moment, then looked at Pinocchio and Jiminy. "That stupid grin he's always wearing— he's the best teacher I could ever have."
DDD novel — Riku's side.
I loved this scene during the game and it was clear in DDD he's so gay and he loves Sora so much. A big part of DDD in my perspective was being able to accept yourself/forgive yourself of the darkness of the past and maybe someday open himself up to Sora about his feelings.
And here it shows Sora has a special place in his heart... He definitely likes him. I love how he imagines Sora in the scene, I mean I thought he was thinking of Sora BUT TO EXPLICITLY SAY he imagined Sora's face is another thing.
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"He saved me. But you two are nothing alike." Shiki leaned in close to Sora's ear and whispered, "You know, Neku and Riku are really similar."
"Huh?". Surprised, Sora looked at Neku.
Now that you mentioned it, I can see it. They're both a little prickly sometimes, but they have a heart of gold underneath.
"Wh-why are you staring at me..?" Neku returned Sora's gaze uneasily.
"Yeah, you may be onto something."
DDD NOVEL — Sora's Side
This is a nice section that shows a comparison between the characters. Shiki notes how Sora and Riku are nothing alike, but Neku is quite similar to Riku. It's not that Soriku filled, but it's nice to see the comparison with Neku who ends up in his actual game accidentally trading Shiki (who's very important to him/ with no memories at that) to continue to survive another round to be able to return to life.
Also I'd imagined Riku getting flustered if someone stares at him because of one of the kh2 novel states that Riku always won sword fights, but Sora won starring contests. HE PROBABLY GETS FLUSTERED.
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"I won't hold back, and I won't underestimate you. I give everything I have to set you free. I was always jealous of you, Sora. I used to feel it all the time, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't still. I believe that feeling was darkness, but now I know it's not.
The truth is, it gave me strength, and so did having someone to challenge me. Light and Darkness are perfect compliments of each other — the shadows are always greatest next to the dark. I know what that means now, truly. When those dark feelings come over you, only your heart can decide whether to let them sink deeper into the darkness or to bring them out into the light of the sun.
Accepting both is what it means to have a heart. It gives us strength. Even a form of pride, in a way. I don't think anyone can honestly say it's not. Same with wanting to be stronger. Joy and Sorrow, Anger and Hatred— whether those feelings become your light or your darkness is for you to decide.
The strength of your darkness is what allows you to choose. That's why I choose to let the light shine onto my own darkness. And Sora that's you."
DDD Novel — Riku Side
I made a post on just this entire statement Riku made before but I had to include it, it's so gay. He's comparing dark and light to him and Sora. He says Sora is his light. He accepts both light and Darkness and because of that it's strength and some sort of pride... Maybe gay pride 🧐🧐🧐
But he realizes his jealousy made him stronger and just shows his development of how he is with darkness and how he is with Sora.
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littleprince612 · 1 year
more lies of P notes!!
Recently I've revisited Collodi's Pinocchio to celebrate Lies of P's release and to mine as much information from it as I can. I did read Pinocchio as a kid and I remember really enjoying it. It's devastating and strange, in the way that oftentimes only children's media can be. There's a lot of cool touches by the game devs that I didn't expect!
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Chestnut hair, blue eyes, and looking as happy and joyful as if it were the Easter holidays.
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Simon Manus - Manus meaning “hand”, and blind in one eye like antonia. (edit: someone mentions this is also an allusion to Simon Magus) Pinocchio biting off the paw/hand of the cat:
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Visually, very similar to Venigni - I wonder if this is the Fox and the Cat.
The Cat goes blind, and The Fox goes lame. 
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 Honest John is the iteration of the Fox in the Disney 1940 film. Looks similar to Vegnini. 
Venigni - you can see in early renders that his name seems to Benigni, and his brooch has a B instead of a v in these "early renders". maybe because of varying korean romanizations, as with “Gepetto”  and “Zepeto”
Venigni from italian Benigni meaning Benign. Still don't trust him (others have pointed out that this is also a little nod to Roberto Benigni who directed a Pinocchio film)
From the interview: (NPC Venigni is said to be the richest person in the game.)
Said to be richest person in the game - like how Honest John feigns his attire? (also: "Director No researched 19th-century clothing when designing and did not incorporate, for example, fasteners that did not exist in that era." super cool!)
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Pinocchio gets into a fight, and Eugene is hit in the crossfire. Narratively speaking, This is Pinocchio learning that his mistakes not only cost himself and his family, but can have innocent bystanders. Eugene is hit with a concussion and taken in somewhere.
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Aweee :) (btw the little annotations aren't mine, looks like someone was studying and marking up a library copy!)
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Blue fairy dies once in the book, "narratively", the cost of failure. I wonder if this will happen in the game.
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I wonder if there’s a “fake” ending like this one. He is supposed to be a real boy the very next day. But once again he is lead astray, one final time.
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MangiaFuoco (fire-eater) - The furnace
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The snail
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Cricket like a "nightlight in a lamp of transparent china". Neat!
Gemini’s personality, however, is more like the "archetypal" Jiminy Cricket from the Disney Classic Pinocchio. In the original, pinocchio murders him with a mallet. bad kid!
Other things like the stargazer, the star fragments, and moon rocks also seem to take inspiration from the "star theming" of the disney classic (they are AFAIK absent in the original). Astro Boy is another loose adaptation of Pinocchio. Adaptations of Pinocchio influence one another, which then influence even other adaptations.
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etinceelle · 1 year
mind wrote exacly how penny returne will not underminde her sacrefice and ruby jaune and winter development?
So I kinda already replied yesterday for Ruby, Jaune and Winter so I won't really go back on that for now (maybe later), but for Penny sacrifice, I'm only going to use other stories that involves sacrifice where people didn't complain about a revival :
Literally the allusion of Penny, Pinocchio, dies the first time by hanging, is revived, sacrifices himself to save his father, and is revived again. In his original story, Pinocchio is a mean puppet, he even kills Jiminy Cricket at some point. He could have stayed dead in the end after all, but they chose to give him the chance to be human and to make his own choices. Penny wasn't mean at all and is probably the purest soul on Remnant (with Ruby-), but during her whole arc she struggled everytime she wanted to make a choice, for herself or for her friends, right until the end. It's complicated to see her sacrifice as her ultimate and true choice as it isn't a choice to me, she doesn't have any choice, she has to deal with the situation, with Cinder, with her friends falling, and the only options she has to be out of this nightmare with the powers she never wanted was to die. She didn't want to die, but she was going to die and the only choice she did here is the next maiden, but she was again forced into that, idk it seems pretty odd to me to see her arc as completed when everytime she had a choice to make, she was forced to stay with someone/someone told her no/someone tried to tell her no, until the very end ? Penny's much more than just a protector, in the end we were told that her soul is who she is, and who she is is a young woman who wants to discover the world. We never knew about her plan to stay at Beacon, she barely saw Beacon as everyone was after her all the time. The only thing she could do everytime was to take the crumbs she had the chance to find sometimes and that's it.
But anyway I'm starting to ramble into that so I'll talk about other allusions :
Astroboy : in the 2009 movie, Astroboy "dies" the first time when Doctor Tenma puts out the blue energy of him, before he decides to reactivate him. Later in the movie, Astro finds a huge robot and revives it with his blue energy. At the end of the movie, Astro sacrifices himself to fight the giant red robot and save the city, but he dies. Then the giant robot arrives and revives him. My thoughts is that Winter could be a parallel of this robot, giving back Penny's soul with others help (Pietro, maybe magic with Ambrosius if they get the Staff back, or other people).
The Iron Giant : at the end of the movie, the Giant sacrifices himself to save the world, he explodes and "dies". But at the very last scene of the film, we see that he starts to reunite all of his scattered pieces, we see his face and understand that he's still alive. But before that we saw statues of him, memorial, etc.
I won't lie, in these films most of the time the revival is to give to the character a chance to live, in a simple way. So why couldn't it be the case for Penny ? We got "we kinda want to keep her around longer than that" during the talk with Ambrosius, I think it would be pretty cruel to make her disappear like that after opening so much doors. I'd like to think that this second death is meant to be impactful for Ruby and the audience, but in the end the Penny revival could be this hope and light Ruby and the other characters need in this dark world, a proof that people could reincarnate instead of simply dying.
I know people think that Penny was just meant to die, I don't agree. Like I said, Pinocchio who's her biggest allusion doesn't even die. they don't have to copy the whole fairytale of course, but it still odd to me. Also, we already got Pyrrha for the tragedy arc-- Penny could be this hope restored for every character and bring back hope and strength,
Oh also, how can I not talk about Little who's literally reincarnated, they die in front of Ruby and come back a bit later changed. I never heard anyone complain about that aha, probably just because they're Afterans, but still
I'll stop for now, will once again answer the others Asks tomorrow :]
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puzzledemigod · 2 years
Ok so at the beginning of the movie Pinocchio is kinda scary right? His limbs are too long and he's not wearing clothes and he's half unfinished and the way he moves his face is unsettling (you're used to the mechanical movement of the other humans at that point so the use of replacement to show the emotions leaves a wooden, static effect on his features at all times). He keeps repeating phrases and speaks too loudly and doesn't read the room and doesn't feel pain. It would be threatening or mocking if it was on purpose, and even it not being was at least a bit cringy. It's very much Geppetto's point of view: you tried to bring your son back but he came back wrong and now he's destroying whatever life you had left
And then the movie goes on and Pinocchio doesn't really change; he understands better, he starts to listen to those around him and to see what people need, but he's still gangly and awkward and loud, he still breaks things and doesn't show emotion the way other people do, is still undeniably other.
But he shows he was absorbing everything Sebastian told him; he payed attention to others who were, like him, exploited for being weak. He comforted, protected, saved, risked himself for his father, who seemingly rejected him. For the kid who bullied him. For the monkey who was the reason he was enslaved. We don't know if he was empathetic to these people but he had such a strong concept of justice and of fairness, he was so pure of all the hate being spat in the society he was born in, that he stood against it without a second thought.
And at that point I realised, without him having anything physically changed about him to make him more relatable, that I stopped seeing him as other, as weird, as menacing. He had the same energy and emotions but by then he was just another kid, he was a cute and sweet boy who I'd do anything to protect, who was in danger
And he didn't have to change a thing about himself!! It's us and Geppetto and Cricket and Candlewick and Spazzatura and the world around him who have to come around and accept him. And we do, eventually, and I think that was so beautiful
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liberty1776 · 8 months
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I had the misfortune of seeing the movie Poor Things yesterday February 8, the film is a postmodern deconconstructionst, pornographic version of Mary Shelly's classic story Frakenstein. In this version the mad scientist, Dr Godwin Baxter,portrayed by William Dafoe, creates monsters by grafting parts of different animals, together. He is to living creatures much like Andy's sadistic next-door neighbor Sid is to toys, in the Toy Sory movie. He sees himself as a kind of paridy of the creator and even refers to himself as God. This evil sick person finds a dround pegnant woman and takes the brain from the woman's baby and puts it into the mothers head and somehow reanimates the mother, so in this version the monster, Emma Stone as Bella, is a woman with a undeveloped baby's brain rather thah a giant man with an abnormal brain. The original story is much better, investigating the morality of man playing God. This movie seems to try to mostly try avoid morality, making it a much weaker story than the original Frakensteine. Bella learns about the world from different clueless people, who often exploit her ignorance to use her for sex, giving the film lots of places for sex scenes like a pornographic movie. The people that try to educate Bella teach her only how to fit into society and behave in what appears acceptable ways, with no thought to teaching her about actual right and wrong, In the Original Frankenstein at least the Monster meets the old blind hermet who gives an example of good behavior. I really don't like the modern retellings of classic tales, that try to be modern by ripping out all the moral teachings that made the stories classics. It reminded me of how The Barbie Movie was a retelling of Pinocchio without giving her a Jimminy Cricket to be her guide. In my opinion the classics should be left alone, if you are interested in the man created monster story, watch or read the Original Frankenstein film. Even The Parody Young Frankenstine is much better than this twisted Pornographic thing. And if you like the Toy becoming real theme, Pinocchio or the Velvitene Rabbit are both much better than the silly Barbie movie. I reccomend any one with good taste and a sense of morality avoid the terrible twisted movie Poor Things!
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sol-consort · 8 months
Man FUCK that bitch ass fucking assassin motherfucker I hope he rots. Sorry he pissed me off to no end.
Also yeah FemShep’s VA is considered the better VA of the Shepards which makes sense MaleShep is voiced by Mark Meer who hadn’t done much voice work before, his biggest role being Cyric in Baldur’s Gate II, and FemShep was voiced by Jennifer Hale who had been at it for almost 20 years at the time. It wasn’t just Jennifer Hale either, Anderson being Keith David and Joker being Seth Green who had both been doing it over 20 years. I liked MaleShep’s voice though and never had a problem with it because it’s very main heroy and recognizable like I’d instantly know that it was Shepard if I heard it.
I knew that the series wouldn’t be exactly up with the times because it was 2007-2012 but Jesus I had no idea that FemShep gets harassed so much.
I didn’t get a reconcile scene on the Citadel since I didn’t romance anyone in ME1 I went into the series with Tali on my mind as my definitive romance.
I don’t think Thane praying for you instead himself is unique to his romance? Or at least I remember something similar happening maybe it was his son.
You can’t hit on EDI as MaleShep I’m pretty sure don’t remember that being an option however you can still hit on Joker as MaleShep I remember seeing that option and going “why would I say that?” Also I’m surprised you never mentioned the Joker segment of Mass Effect 2 where you sneak around the ship as Joker that section surprised the shit out of me.
Oh yeah a fun little fact, remember the show Once Upon a Time I’ve mentioned a couple times when talking about fairy tales? The actor who plays Kaiden was in that show and played the show’s version of Jiminy Cricket from Pinocchio. I don’t remember what happened to Cricket in the show though. He may have just stopped being relevant so they never brought him up again since the show just fucking loved doing that.
Is the hot assassin guy supposed to be unlikeable? I liked him so far, like ngl, plus he's pretty cool. Evil living weapons of destructions, my beloveds.
And yeah, i really like femshep, but it is pretty cool of them to give maleshep VA a chance for such a big character. Sure, it could've been better, but he probably did the best he could with the skills he had at the time, and it did appeal to some people!
And man I'm just lucky I actually enjoy these things ingames, like I am down to being a whore and flirting with everyone so it doesn't bother me when the npcs forcefully flirt with you bc you picked a woman. What bothers me is that the fact it's only bc you picked a woman, and just because I wanted it doesn't mean other people do and it might make them very uncomfortable. There are several mods to remove the sexual harassments femshep gets, I wish there was one to remove it for EDI tho.
We should all have a choice, is what I'm saying. It feels like femshep was made to appeal to straight guys who might play her as an outsider observer. Same with some lesbian characters, too, ngl- not all of them, but the game has its moments where it makes me realise oh this was put here for a straight dude to gawk at. Meanwhile, maleshep feels the proper self insert badass at times. Really hate that.
That's why I like picking NB options whenever they're present, you're free from expectations and the devs aren't sure what to make of you so they don't try to appeal to a certian demographic and just write your character as a character.
You did Tali romance? Hell yeah she is an amazing character and her relationship with Shepard feels phenomenal. Like a scientist princess and her knight in shining armour, amazing. Plus she is all adorable when she talks about engines and how we get to help her so many times.
Apparently her and Garrus end up together if you don't romance her, but I haven't seen it yet. She always felt close to Shepard, especially in the second game where she is the first friendly face you see.
I haven't met her yet in ME3, still doing side errands. I am very very broke and everything is very very expensive and I miss sugar daddy illusive man pls take me back, the alliance became more stingy than I remember or inflation is hitting hard.
Fuck I hat like 999999 something credits in the first game, why couldn't it tranfer over??
And Thane!! My heart! He even prays for you when he's not romanced??? That's it, he is legit the most precious character and no one else comapres. I would die for Thane, I would kill everyone on the Normady for Thane.
But I know Thane would forgive me If I picked Grunt over him bc my son which just makes Thane the most amazing man ever, DRELL ARE SUPERIOR I TELL YOU.
Also so far Drell worship Hanar (kinda) and Hanar worship protheons (kinda) and Javik likes humans(he is all current protheon population)
So by association! Drell and Humans are conncted, and no, I will not give up my tank of copium. Go buy your own. Idk what overdosing is, I have insomnia I forgot.
And aww we can't hit on EDI :( i would've treated her better than Joker.
Yeah I had the same reaction to the flirting with Joker line but just went for it because what's the worst that can happen? He says no and we laught it off.
Imagine if the worst was him retiring from being your pilot and you get soma rando driving the Normady around who now runs at half the speed and takes twice as much gas plus occasionally breaks down and you have to pay 100k credits for repairs.
Oh also then there is this one thing I am sure is exclusive to femshep.
You can sleep with Javik. The protheon. Yes.
But it's not a full romance :"(
He has four eyes I wonder if he has four-
I heard about once upon a time, the show. But never watched it.
I did however watch a random person talk about it in a video essay because I prefer that over watching shows.
This one.
It was fun, I'm not big on fairytales but I enjoyed hearing about it.
The Joker sneak section in ME2 didn't resonate with me much for some reason. It was nice but I didn't feel the pressure at all and with EDI constantly talking it got annoying and I just wanted it to be over.
His jokes were nice but the moment of trusting EDI didn't hit the same way it should've. It didn't feel endearing or earnest.
The sudden flip in their relationship afterwards was too jarring.
I prefer ME3 EDI and Joker dynamic over ME2. However I hate how EDI is becoming a "born sexy yesterday" character by the game when her core as a character is so profound and genuine. She wants to know her purpose, what it means to be alive and all the other characters mention about her is her body which is bleh.
Even some of her dialogues with Joker is just overplayed sex jokes. It's all of her amazing writing vanishes the moment it's not just her and Shepard in a conversation.
Kaidan's voice actor is great! He even stood out to me in the first game. You notice how much more convicnising and immersive his delivery was over the other characters, almost outshined ME1 femshep even.
It's like the dialogue and the way he delievers it fit perfectly. If I just read it, then I get a completely different impression.
The game doesn't have bad voice actors it just has very bad delivery from some characters. It's when someone keeps a constant tone and doesn't portray any emotions or adds any personalisation into the dialogue. It feels tone deaf a lot when what the character is speaking about is something intimiate, yet it sounds the same as asking about the weather.
Still, it is nostalgic in a way, this was extremely common in older games.
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To Feel Guilt
Part 1 - Part 2
Summary: Pino takes your mask for a few days but doesn't realize just how important it is to you
Word Count: 867 (Don't kill meee)
Pairing: Pinocchio (pino) x G!N!Reader
Warning: A bit of angst?
Disclaimer: None
A/N: Sooo..It is longer but not by much ;; Imma quit making promises I can't keep lol. But hey! I've made it to chapter 10 in the game! But I am stuck on the rabbit brotherhood boss. Do wish me luck with that haha. But anyways, thank you for staying with me for this long! Welcome to everyone new to my blog and I hope you enjoy! :D
Pino had never really understood the word “smitten”. But, apparently, that’s how Gemini described his feeling when Pino had confided in his companion about seeing you without your mask. “Based on what you’re describing to me, smitten fits!” The cricket puppet declared. “Perhaps you’re developing what humans call a “crush.” Pino couldn’t help but raise a brow at that. Considering how you were, an oddball, he couldn’t really see himself liking you in that way. The puppet pushed back on the cricket’s notion and Gemini hummed. “Let’s see. What if we take their mask? I know how stalkers are with them but if we just have a little experiment and see how you are with just their appearance then we can see if I’m wrong or not.” 
And that is how Pino found himself in possession of your T-Rex mask. While you were taking a bath he snuck into your room and snatched up the item. Returning to his own room he couldn’t help but admire the craftsmanship of the mask. His fingers glided along the faux leathering, indentions of scales and small markings from previous fights littered the sides and front of the face. As he looked at it more he realized that this was done by hand. He wondered who made it. 
Suddenly, there was a knock at his door and he practically threw the mask in utter panic. But understanding just how important a mask can be to a stalker, he steadied his grip and quickly found a hiding spot for it amongst his things. He then walked to his door, opening it to reveal you but with a sort of air that was definitely different. “Hey, Pino. This is really odd to ask but…Have you seen my mask? I seem to have misplaced it even though that can’t be but obviously it is because it’s gone so…” You clasp your hands together and take a breath, steadying your nerves. “Have you seen it? By chance?” 
The look on your face was that of worry and a part of him wanted to hand it over. But…Once again, he was able to look at your face and he could already feel his artificial heart picking up its pace. Perhaps a few days wouldn’t hurt. He gave a small shake of his head and you gave a sigh of defeat. “Okay, well, if you do see it do let me know?” You ask with a small smile and he nods. Exchanging good nights, you turn on your heel to walk back to your room and Pino was left with an all knowing Gemini. “Yes, yes, this experiment will do quite nicely, I believe.” He teased and Pino wanted to flick at the cricket’s head. 
But with the next few days Pino was starting to wonder if he did indeed feel something for you. Guilt gnawed at him but to see your raw expressions to conversations and to hear your voice not muffled by a mask was enough to have him not noticing the small indifferences in your behavior. It wasn’t until he found you silently weeping in the garden that he realized that he had overstepped his boundaries. 
“Oh! Pino, hello!” You give a dry chuckle as you turn away and quickly wipe at your eyes. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean for anyone to see me like this.” You sniffle and clasp at the edge of the stone bench that you sat on for grounding. “It’s silly, I know. Crying over a mask? But….It’s something that means a lot to me and being without it hurts more than I thought it would.” You confess with a smile that practically had Pino on his knees begging for forgiveness. Even in this situation you smiled at him and he was finding that they were treasures of his own. And to be born from something like this…
You hadn’t noticed him seat himself next to you, but then you felt a familiar material on the back of your hand. You looked down to see the very same mask that was giving you strife the past three days. “OHMYGOODNESS, YOU FOUND IT?!” Your sudden change in energy had Pino’s eyes spinning, but the feeling of your arms wrapping around him sent a new type of emotion through him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wonder where it was, but I feel like if you tell me and it was somewhere I could have found it I would lose my mind.” You chuckle happily, making the move to place your mask back where it belonged. 
However, hands stopped you and you looked up in surprise. Pino looked like he was concentrating, eyebrows furrowed in deep thought as his eyes scanned your face. He placed a hand atop your cheek, a thumb wiping away the remnants of your tears. It was as if he was trying to memorize your face and before you could ask he let go with a soft sigh. He then rose from his spot and went to leave, the puppet giving one final look at you before departing. You clutched your chest when you were alone again, being left with a soft “huh?” Leaving your lips.
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naivesilver · 2 years
As someone that has seen the GDT Pinocchio... I wanna say a hot take. It had the only valid cricket but that fairy still ends up causing collateral damage. She was pretty, had a fine smooth voice, but. Should she have been allowed near Pinocchio? Discuss
Ooooooh, Anon, salt over the wound here. Bear with me, I'll go under the cut so people who haven't been able to catch the movie in the theaters don't get accidentally spoiled
So, short answer: no, she shouldn't have been.
Long answer...eh. Like, her character fits well inside the "otherworldly being with good intentions accidentally damages humans" trope, and the fact that Guillermo gave us TWO fairies (one that sticks to the rules, one that follows the heart) and shows us both pros and cons of their behaviour IS part of the story. But yes, just like most other fairies in the franchise, she should have minded her fucking business LMAO ironically she's very close to the OG Disney one, who made herself judge jury and executioner for Pinocchio's life even when nobody asked her to. At least this time her portrayal adds to the allure of a complex, immensely sad movie, where right and wrong are muddled and no one really "wins", instead of being heralded as the epitome of GoodTM.
That being said, you're so right. I'm far from a cricket lover, but Sebastian was AMAZING. He was flawed, he was human, and I particularly enjoyed the scenes where he was comforting Pinocchio at bedtime. THAT is how you surrogate parent a puppet, WALT.
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erijuice · 9 months
My Revision Of Wish (pt 3): Asha
Welcome back to more of my personal revision of Wish. Today, I will be talking about the main heroine, Asha.
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Asha is the canon version gets a lot of criticism for being the overused adorkable archetype of Disney heroines and not really much outside of wanting to help her community and her family. So with my version of Asha, I gave her a more rounded character.
Asha is 17 years old, and the biological daughter of King Magnifico and Queen Amaya (who is Afro-Spainard in this version). She's creative, passionately driven, and wise beyond her years, perhaps more mature than most teens her age. She's an eternal optimist with a sharp wit, but she feels held back by her own parents.
Asha struggles with poor leadership skills, not just as a princess, but also to her team of her friends. She tries too hard to focus on being a better future queen, instead of embracing her teenage youth, the same way Tiana focused too hard on getting her restaurant instead of taking time to relax. She also believes that everyone's wish should be granted, but this poor girl's gonna learn the hard way later on in the story...
Her parents once told her that the stars were always there to guide everyone, but to them, it's treated more like a children's story than the actual truth. She still believes that she can ask the stars for hope and guidance whenever she feels stressed out or hopeless.
King Magnifico: Asha, what are you doing this late at night? Asha: I was just asking the stars for my birthday wish tomorrow. King Magnifico: Come on, don't you think you're a little too old to be wishing on stars?
She once believed that her parents were "life savers" for using their magic to grant people's wishes, and encapsulate them in floating wish orbs. The citizens won't forget their wish once they give them to the King and Queen, but they're still hopelessly waiting for their wishes to granted, prompting Asha to rebel against their dark secret.
Secretly, the King and Queen crush their wishes to make their sorcerer magic stronger and more powerful. Desperate to help the townspeople and feeling unable to retrieve the wishes back to them, Asha makes a desperate plea to the stars, and that plea gives birth to Orion, her soon-to-be guardian and love interest.
With Orion, Asha takes on the responsibility of being his human consciencce, the Jiminy Cricket to his Pinocchio, but she always finds Orion to be amusing and full of joy, no matter how many times she scolds him or teaches him about right or wrong. With Orion's help, she goes out to grant wishes in town with Orion's magic, but the wishes turn out to do more harm than good, and she begins to realize why most wishes shouldn't come true. Asha still feels insecure about being the future queen of Rosas, but she receives endless support and couragement from her friends and from Orion.
After defeating the King and Queen, Orion grants her the title of an honorary Blue Fairy who grants the wishes of the townspeople with her wand. While she admits that she still doesn't know how to be the best possible ruler, she promises to use her magic to grant good wishes, instead of all wishes.
Some of the Disney Princesses she shares similarities with are Aurora, Tiana, Rapunzel, Ariel and Belle. Her bedroom looks similar to the interior of Rapunzel's tower, but instead of the floating lanterns, it's a giant carvas of the Wishing Tree and a night sky with stars, and we get to see Asha create animations with her flipbook like in a very brief scene in the canon film.
While I did find her canon version to be adorable and funny, I recommend that we tone down her adorkable qualities, and make her a more shy and timid princess who mostly keeps to herself. She develops from a shy, reserved girl to a courageous, risk-taking woman who begins to understand which wishes deserved to be granted. Her emotional hook is that she's too scared to talk back to her parents and she lets herself be controlled by the King and Queen instead of demanding what she wants for herself and Rosas, but with Orion to guide her on her journey, she begins to let go of her fear and take a major risk to protect her kingdom.
Thanks for reading, I hope you've enjoyed my own revision of Asha's charater. I hope to expand on Orion and the King and Queen in the future. Goodnight Kingdom of Rosas!
Part 1: The Story
Part 2: This Wish
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andswarwrites · 1 year
This is just for fun, fyi
I feel like making a ranked list of Disney feature movies, according to my personal preference, from "worst" to "best".  To begin, I have to list in chronological order, the ones I have yet to see, so that their absence in the list can be explained.
The Black Cauldron
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Oliver & Company
Doug's 1st Movie
Fantasia 2000
The Tigger Movie
Brother Bear
Home on the Range
The Princess and the Frog
Frozen II
Strange World
Now that I have a list of movies I have actually seen, some once, some several times, some many times, I can share my thoughts on each one, and what makes them so good, or not good.
The Little Mermaid
This one's a "not good", though it has some charm.  All the same, it goes on the very bottom of the list, namely because (1) Ariel is sixteen years old and wants to run away from home to chase after a guy she finds handsome and (2) that whole "never underestimate the power of "body language"" line. 
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
This movie was a triumph at the time, but honestly there are only seven redeeming features: the dwarves.  As a main character, Snow White is insipid.  Giselle from Enchanted has a similar premise in her story, but she manages to be gullible in a way that doesn't remove her charm and claim to intelligence.  The queen is scary, which is fine for adults, but a child watching that movie may have nightmares.  Case in point: I did.
Again, with this movie, the main character did not claim my allegiance.  I liked Jiminy Cricket, I liked Geppetto, and I liked the cat and the fish.  The whole movie is an adventure, supposedly, but each phase of the movie is more terrifying than the previous for a sensitive child.  Not a fan.
Apart from the animated sequence with Mickey as the Sorcerer's apprentice, the movie is long and boring.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
I only saw it once, and I was young.  I thought it was a good movie, but I was too young to fully understand what was happening.  I need to watch it again, as an adult.
Treasure Planet
Again, I only saw it once, but I remember enjoying it thoroughly.  However, I don't have the same emotional attachment as I do to the rest of the roster.
I enjoyed Frozen.  It has a lot going for it.  But like the icy landscape it depicts, I feel little to no warmth towards it.  The way those parents treated Elsa, and then the way Elsa felt she had to treat Anna…it's just depressing.
Chicken Little
We are now in the territory of "I love them all, so this is the one I love less than the others".  I love Chicken Little.  I love the characters, I love the sci fi element, I love the soundtrack, and I love the father-son relationship that is at the heart of the movie.  It's just: there are so many of these movies that I love even more.
The reason I love this movie so much is the cat character.  Her rough, tough exterior with a vulnerable side that you get to see peeking through makes her the most layered character.  And of course, the dog is cute, the girl who loves the dog is cute.  But really, I watch this movie because I love that cat.
Big Hero 6
The team coming together was awesome.  Baymax was awesome.  So many elements of this story rocked.  I love it, but only this much.
The Great Mouse Detective
I haven't seen this movie since I was little, but I clearly remember how much I loved it.  It was not terrifying, it was thrilling.  In fact, every time a story depicted rodents, for some reason I simply loved it. 
The Sword in the Stone
I only remember the first half of this movie.  I remember enjoying it.  But if the ending was that forgettable, I think it deserves a lower rank on the scale.
Robin Hood
Honestly, the fact that they reused so much animation from other movies to make this one quickly irks me to the point that I cannot love it as much as it would otherwise deserve.  Marion is the best part of the movie.
The Jungle Book
This movie is good.  Unfortunately, it is a case of "the movie cannot live up to the book".  Rudyard Kipling's Jungle Book is a masterpiece, and the "Disneyfied" version is entertaining to kids, but they deserve to read the book(s).
The Lion King
They say a main character is only as good as his villain.  This is not the case with The Lion King.  Scar is an amazing villain, the hyenas are amazing henchmen, Mufasa is an awesome father, Zazu, Timone and Pumbaa are such good comic relief, Rafiki is the wise advisor, and Nala is a badass love interest.  So why, Simba, are you so two-dimensional and downright dull?  The movie is good despite the main character.  He's cute when he's little though.
Peter Pan
I've never read Peter Pan, but I have seen a live action version which blew my mind.  This version came first, but the other is better.
Alice in Wonderland
Again, the book is better.  However, this time, the movie captures some of the whimsy and mood of the book, so it is redeemed.  Also the tea party scene is hysterical.
Meet the Robinsons
Again, I love this movie.  I love the family, I love the plot, the time travel element, the surprise ending, the soundtrack.  It's just not as dear to me as all the rest, so here is its place on the list.
I loved this movie when I saw it as a kid.  I loved the music, I loved the suspense, I loved Pocahontas.  I only saw it once, unfortunately, so I cannot say that it is one of my top favorites.  I do want to watch it again.
Winnie the Pooh
It's a good movie, faithful to the book, and reading the book will make you enjoy the movie even more.  That's a win!
When the main character is the sweetest of sweethearts, and she catches the prince's attention, which means he could detect that she is one in a million.  You've got excellent taste, dear prince.
Sleeping Beauty
You know why this is above Cinderella?  The music.  The animation.  The fairies. 
I was blown away by the animation when I saw this movie in my youth, but watching it now, it feels like several layers are missing.  The story is compelling, and there is a variety of interesting characters.  The antagonist is so stupid, though.  It's cringe-worthy. He himself is not the problem, it's his stubborn and dogged personality that make it hard to watch the climax.  But overall it's a solid story, well told.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with it: it's one of my favorites.  I only wish the songs were sung by another singer, because I feel they clash with the rest of the movie.  A very personal opinion.
You want to know the best part of this movie?  Meg.  And, next, Hades.  They are both why this movie is so high up on the list.
Robin Williams is the absolute best part of this movie.
One Hundred and One Dalmatians
Beautifully animated, and the inspiration for Cruella, which is one of my favorite movies.  Gold star.
The Rescuers
I told you, I love movies about rodents.
The Rescuers Down Under
A rare instance where the sequel was even better.
The Fox and the Hound
That one scene where the lady leaves Todd at the reserve wrecked me completely.  I cannot watch it without crying.  Not a few tears, a deluge.
The way this movie depicts forest life using movement, color and music:  heart breaking just like Fox and the Hound, so they're close together on the list because in my mind they have similar themes.
Anything involving the ocean is awesome in my book.  Except The Little Mermaid, but that is a story about a merfolk who would prefer to be on land.  Um, no.
Raya and the Last Dragon
This movie was compelling to say the least.  And the father-daughter relationship is central to the plot, but every development in the story is thoughtful and the pacing is stellar.  I love it.
The close-knit family, the amazing music, and the main character, Mirabel.  Disney, you knocked it out of the park.
Lady and the Tramp
"He's a tramp, but they love him.  Breaks a new heart every day.  He's a tramp.  I adore him.  And I wish that he would travel this way."  Yet this tramp met a lady who he could not ignore, not neglect, he cared about her well-being.  Isn’t that an epic storyline?
The Aristocats
Those kittens: all three are adorable.  Duchess is a quintessential lady, just like her owner.  Thomas is suave and yet he cares.  The geese are just the best.  Let's not forget the lawyer: that scene on the staircase is everything.  Edger is an idiot, but he comes by his just deserts.  And then there's Roquefort, the alley cats, Frou Frou, the two dogs.  Did I forget anybody?  Maurice Chevalier sings to opening title song, and there's a man who pours out his wine after seeing a mouse chase cats.  I think that's everybody.  What synergy this movie has.  NO wonder I love it so much.
I have to confess that stories about mothers and their children speak to me, move me, and reach into my chest and squeeze my heart and its strings.  And Timothy is just such a good friend!
Beauty and the Beast
Our heroine is a bookworm who is misunderstood yet beautiful so she catches the attention of a bully and a misogynist.  She sacrifices her freedom to rescue her father.  She learns that her captor has a heart.  Of all the classic "Disney princess" tales, this one is on another level.
This is not just a run-of-the-mill love story.  The love story is amazing, don't get me wrong.  But the story is about a girl who only knows one person, and she thinks this person loves her, and wants what is best for her, but that person only cares about how she can use this girl.  It is the story of escape from an abuser.  It is a must-see Disney movie.
The Emperor's New Groove
Now this was a story where the main character is completely unlikeable in the beginning, and over the course of the movie he changes and progresses and you begin rooting for him, except, it's done right: with humor.  A lot of humor.  No room for cheesiness, the movie mocks itself, and its self-deprecation is refreshing.
Lilo and Stitch
I keep putting certain movies close to one another that have a similar emotional response from me.  Stitch is a monster.  A cute one, but he is destructive and rough.  Lilo is amazing, yet a bit bratty.  And then you find out why.  She and her sister have experienced loss, and they are coping as best they can.  With such a theme, there is nothing trite, the story doesn't gloss over the painful parts.  It is funny yet wise, over the top, yet profound.
A fox and a rabbit: an unlikely duo.  Yet you end up shipping them.  And the point of the story is to remind us that we should not label one another.  A vital lesson to teach our kids.
Wreck-It Ralph
And on the theme of  not judging one another, a supposed "bad guy" befriends a supposed "glitch" and hijinks ensue.  "I'm bad, but that's good, I will never be good, and that's not bad, there is no one I would rather be than me."  Gets me every time.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
I remember seeing the trailer for this film, and I could not contain my excitement.  I love drama, I love underdogs, I love overcoming prejudice.  I can watch this movie over and over.  It's a masterpiece.
A strong female lead: one of my first encounters with this concept.  Again, I remember the trailer.  I wanted to see that movie so badly, and when I did, I was thrilled, hooked, overawed with Mulan and her courage.
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baroquepopcorn · 2 years
Del Toro's Pinocchio
The animation is gorgeous, crafted with love, unique, distinctive. The story is heartbreaking. The scene at the beginning with gepetto and his son, major first 10 minutes of UP vibes. The ending, even more so, bittersweet, like dark chocolate. Obviously the whole movie has a "dying gives life meaning/makes you human" message to it, which I idelogically oppose (see the fable of the dragon tyrant) but it was so beautiful. I love how pinocchio moves like a creepy monster at first, I love how he breaks into song while breaking everything around him (oh btw its a musical, the songs don't get in the way too much, not too many, and they're used well in the carnival scenes). They merged stromboli with the fox to make count Volpe, added an original monkey character, and I suppose the fascist youth training camp is a stand in for pleasure island? (no one turns into donkeys tho) Oh yeah, there's facism in the movie, like they-say-the-word fascism, like hooray for our leader mussolini fascism, like pinocchio performs a mocking scatological song in front of mussolini and gets shot fascism (I'm sure that was very cathartic for guillermo, bash the fash!), and its anti-war (naturally del toro, naturally) and its so italian!! Love the setting and all the little characters in the town. I love the biblically accurate angel blue fairy and her cherubim sister Death (even if they don't appear much). Love how its kept ambigous if pinocchio borrowed the soul of the son (knows the song, and gepetto's sayings, but at the same time its very clear pinocchio is not like carlo and shouldnt have to be carlo and should have his own identity). Its very clear it was a passion project. Great to watch, go see it. Some minor nitpicks: most of the songs aside from gepetto's "i love you son" song and the ones at the carnival don't really add much to the story. Maybe a bit more of an explanation of how the world works? The cricket could wish for anything ANYTHING, and he picked save pinocchio? like yeah obviously save pinocchio, but how come fictional characters never realize they can bundle wishes together (idk wish for a magic wand that will bring pinocchio back to life AND make you famous AND end the war AND turn mussolini into a dead pile of caca)
Anyway, great movie. GO SEE IT!!!
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