#the 'tim can never find out about this' type of unhealthy behavior.
well now that we know the cult is back, imma need some heavy bernard angst from the comic. the panic attacks, relapses into unhealthy behavior, pushing people away, imma need all of it.
#'but you're okay now?'#'some days.'#make that no days now bear#i need it to start off innocuously too. like he puts off a date or two claiming that he has homework. he's clumsier now. like he doesn't#care what's in front of him. he walks into a pole once and ends up with a huge bruise on his shoulder. bernard presses on it for weeks.#and then comes the 'it's just once. I'm not gonna do it again.' behavior. the purposeful pain. the dig his nails into his wrists until#it stings. the bandages on the inside of his thighs kinda pain.#the 'tim can never find out about this' type of unhealthy behavior.#i need bernard to escalate until he wakes up aching one day and it's like he's gone back in time to the beginning of his cult days.#i need him to look himself in the mirror one morning and realize that even if could stop hurting himself he's not going to.#i need him to start loitering around the old cult building knowing that it's wrong to wish they were still active but wanting it anyway.#i need him to go on several benders. so sorry but i think he has a fake id and definitely buys alcohol.#oh my god... wait wait wait!#i need him to go out one night after assuring tim that he's gonna go straight home and get kidnapped by the cult again.#oh my god he wakes up on the altar again. mouth filled filled with wine and his hands tied down and he-#he relaxes. because he was chosen the first time and now he been chosen again. he's still good. thank god thank god he's still good.#and the first time they chose him he was bad. struggled too much begged too hard to be let go. but he's better now.#they chose him. again. he won't fight it this time. he'll be good this time.#this is just your friendly reminder that#cult conditioning takes at /least/ 5 years to wear off. usually more.#my man bernard is gonna be having a Lot of bad days#anyway#bernard dowd#dc#td:r#timbern#ig
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bitimdrake · 3 years
lots of thoughts on the types of abuse Bruce is most prone to during different eras and how that impacts his relationships with his kids
Because with Dick it was generally parentification. He was fairly emotionally open during the 'Dick as Robin' era, just not great with words, but in many ways he expected Dick to act as a competent adult and leaned on him as an emotional crutch in ways that were ultimately unhealthy for Dick.
This got cranked up to 11 with Tim, who saw it as his literal job to basically parent an overly violent and passively suicidal Bruce until someone better for the job could come along. Couple that with the mind games and the general inability to praise Tim, and you've got some solid foundations for a discussion about emotional abuse.
And of course his relationship with Cass is so complex because they're both so incredibly traumatized in vastly different ways but they, of all the Batfamily members, understand each other on a fundamental level...which then manifests in Bruce engaging in wildly unhealthy behavior to help Cass deal with her issues (which works, because he is right in that he knows how to speak the 'language' Cass speaks, but also forces both of them into situations where they hurt each other in ways that were completely avoidable if Bruce just acted like a normal person for once in his goddamn life)
and of course we could spend all day talking about Damian and how Bruce fucked up on multiple levels there
Ironically, Jason is probably the Batchild with the least canonical evidence of any kind of abuse at Bruce's hands pre-death (post-resurrection....different story; mostly physical abuse, justified by 'he's a villain/he kills now'). Except for like....the weird kidnapping origin story in Nightwing Year One, I guess, which most people tend to ignore.
yeah, yeah, so many thoughts, much to dig into.
There are ways that Bruce fails all of them--his consistent trend of keeping emotional distance rather than risk personal discomfort, his incredibly high standards and low tolerance for failure, his extremely shitty tendency to prioritize The Mission/Batman/his kids in their vigilante identities over being a parent/his kids as kids.
But he also has very specific relationships with each kid, and that’s one of the things that’s so interesting to me.
Personally I find it hard to really get a solid read on Bruce’s parenting of Dick in the early years, just because of all the time that’s passed and the retcons and crises, etc. Like anything I could declare about that feels less like interpreting an overall average portrayal, and more like picking one of many potentials, if that makes sense?
(The comment on eras is really true, because you can see the difference in prequel style comics. Bruce of the golden age is a completely different character than Bruce of the modern age, and his relationship with Robin!Dick is totally different in old 40s comics versus, say, Robin Year One, where Bruce’s modern day emotional distance and neglect is carried over into Dick’s early years with him. I definitely prioritize the modern era over pre-crisis, but it feels like shakier ground basing it off one miniseries and a few flashbacks instead of actually reading it play out in real time, yknow?)
Buuut by the time Dick is an adult (and, more importantly, we’ve reached post-crisis), a pattern definitely solidifies, and yep! There’s a reason I call Dick and Tim the emotional support children!! I don’t know if Bruce expects Dick to take care of him (I definitely don’t think he consciously does, but I’m dithering on subconsciously; he still benefits from it either way), but he absolutely expects Dick to maintain their relationship for him. It’s not like Bruce is constantly making emotional overtures with the other kids, and yet there’s this distinct sense with Dick specifically that Bruce knows he doesn’t have to put in any effort, never has to be the first to reach out, doesn’t have to try to express himself, because Dick will inevitably try to close the distance and patch it up for him.
(Second side note: however, I don’t really agree with the argument I periodically see ‘round these parts that Dick was constantly expected to take care of his younger siblings, because that is just Not a thing with Jason, Tim, or Cass. Even with Tim, who Dick was the closest to and regularly gave advice, I never really got the vibe that Bruce had set that expectation? It was just it’s own thing. Dick did take care of Damian--which started as a not-Bruce’s-fault necessity, but continued on with Bruce’s neglect after his return, so ig the part I really argue here is “constantly.”)
At the worst moments, Bruce expecting Dick to be the only one between them to manage emotions turns into Bruce not only making no effort to express himself, but making no effort to stop himself when he has something negative to express. Which. then leads into the physical abuse. Because sometimes being the emotional support includes being the punching bag :/
...did you expect me to write a novel because I didn’t expect me to write a novel, and we are only one kid in. Inserting a cut for the health of everyone’s dash.
Onto Jason, I agree! I’ve always thought Bruce was at his most parental when Jason was Robin. (There is another weird retcon note here in a few stories after Jason’s death/return portraying Bruce as never thinking of him as a son, regularly telling him so, and that he didn’t trust Jason, thought he was dangerous and awful, etc etc--but that is such a dumb retcon and will get ignored along with the NYO kidnapping.)
But then, obvs, you get to resurrected Jason. They have one (1) proper storyline together in Post-Crisis, and after UtRH interactions are sparse, but Bruce is by that point really pushing the “you are my greatest mistake, you are a terrible failure” thing....which is pretty much the only way he distinguishes between how he treats Jason and how he treats any other Gotham rogue. Jason avoids a lot of the emotional neglect by virtue of simply almost never interacting with Bruce ig? But, boy, he sure does get fought and injured in the pursuit of Justice because Bruce refuses to reach out emotionally or make any exception for his kid, but has no problem getting violent.
And then Tim! Okay. So I think one of the most interesting things about Bruce and Tim is that for the majority of their (post-crisis) relationship, Bruce is Not Tim’s Father. Capital letters, because that is a Point. Bruce has a whole thing about parents, and therefore (until Jack’s death) he never forgets Jack is Tim’s Real Father and has a weird amount of...I guess deference or respect, I’d call it for lack of a better word, for Tim’s relationship with His Real Father--at least, insomuch as that can be true when Bruce is also training Tim in crimefighting behind his back.
And that leads to this relationship that should be markedly different from the concurrent relationship Bruce has with His Actual Son Dick--and future relationships with Damian, and Tim and Cass, and Jason after his return--because for once, Bruce really is just Tim’s mentor and commanding officer as Batman, and not his parent or caretaker.
...but uh. It’s not that different. I mean, it’s different in that each relationship is a unique snowflake, but like. That’s kinda the pattern of how Bruce will treat all his kids from here on out.
BUT for Tim specifically, for most of their time knowing each other, Bruce doesn’t even have to feel like he should reach out emotionally, because, hey, he’s not Tim’s father! And so, while there are plenty of times Bruce leans more into the mentor/positive (or semi-positive) side of things, there are also plenty of moments where he hits his purest “there is only the mission and masks and soldiers” outlook with Tim, without any of that tricksy “family” stuff getting in the way.
The good news for Tim is that the Robin writer just after his adoption was clearly all about good dad Bruce and they get some sweet moments and a seeming change in their relationship as they work out how to be father and son! ...Until, you know, the next writer, where things are back to normal but now with legal connection.
I think the idea of tiny Tim Drake believing he can take care of adult Bruce Wayne’s emotional state, and Bruce reluctantly agreeing to this, is super interesting (and unhealthy), but tbh I...actually think we hear it referenced more than we see it happen. Bruce kinda relies on all his Robins to be the light in the darkness, but I can’t actually think of that many instances where he specifically elevates Tim to even more of a caretaker role.
What he DOES do all the time with Tim is the fucking mind games, and specifically trying to mold Tim into being just like him. Except instead of in the vein of Dick, who is a lot like Bruce in a Batman But Better™ way, Bruce has this terrible tendency to specifically try to make Tim take on? his worst traits?? Like, he actively wants Tim to be more paranoid and suspicious and constantly sussing out his friends and loved ones, and that is UNHEALTHY MY DUDE. Stop actively pushing your kid into that!!
(Side note number 3! That means it’s outright implied re this interactions with Tim that Bruce literally doesn’t think those flaws of his are flaws at all, and still actively believes his own paranoia and emotional repression are, like, admirably and positive qualities? This man so fucked up. For all the guilt Bruce possesses, you think he’d have more awareness of his actual flaws.)
Now Cass is also not Bruce’s daughter for most of Post-Crisis, but I think the really key distinction is that Cass doesn’t have another parent Bruce feels compelled to respect. (Cass has Babs as an almost mother, but, uh....Bruce does not kindasorta respect or maybevaguely defer to Babs about Cass the way he does with Jack and Tim.) So there’s none of that enforced distance, there’s just...the usual amount of distance. Because Bruce.
Bruce and Cass understanding each other is the double edged sword here. It’s the reason he so instantly trusts her with Batgirl, and it lets them click on certain things without needing explanation. But, wouldn’t you know it, it also gives Bruce another excuse to not explain himself and reach out less. And, worse imo, it makes him really expect her to be just like him.
Not in the Bruce and Tim “sometime in the future you will be me” way, but right now already. And that means when she isn’t like him, he just can’t or won’t acknowledge it. Find out Cass killed someone as a kid--he goes into straight up denial. Barbara keeps insisting she’s a teenage girl who needs a normal life--no, ridiculous, what are you talking about; she’s like Bruce, and Bruce only cares about Batman, so clearly all she needs is to be Batgirl, no other life or friends or hobbies or support system.
And then Damian. If I was going to try to pick an angle for Damian in the vein of your ask, distinct from the others (parentification for Dick, emotional abuse for Tim, physical for Jason, though obvs all bleed into each other), I would def go with neglect.
(The side note about Damian is that he may be the only character here to have gotten more development in the New 52 than pre-Flashpoint, so there’s a lot less to say about their relationship post-Crisis. I am currently reading Batman & Robin 2011 and it is giving me a lot of fascinating fodder that I will likely reread at some point, but I don’t think I’m ready to properly analyze it yet, so sticking to post-Crisis.)
Bruce’s treatment of Damian is...anger and ordering him around for the two storylines they interact, followed by Bruce dying, followed by complete neglect upon his return. Despite Damian being introduced as The Most Batman Son Of All, there’s like...not even a glimpse of a father/son relationship here. Bruce meets him, suspects he’s a plant from Talia, says he’s going to teach him to fight crime, screams at him for being a brat; later treats Damian 100% as a solider and sends him into battle; generally just seems to dislike him.
And then Bruce dies and Damian ends up with Dick--again, that part entirely not Bruce’s fault. But when he comes back, Bruce makes one attempt to work with Damian as Batman and Robin, declares it’s not going to work out, and then...goes to travel the world for Batman Inc and ditches him with Dick? Because obviously if they can’t work together in the field, there’s just no reason to interact with Damian at all, right. Surely no reason he’d want to spend time with [checks hand] his son who he barely knows.
With Damian it’s just... 40% Bruce thinks Damian is annoying and possibly evil, 60% Bruce thinks of Damian exclusively as a solider. And I am scraping my memory trying to come up with a single post-crisis moment he expresses any kind of parental love or concern or even interest in Damian outside of that. (He doesn’t want Damian to die ig? But Bruce doesn’t want anyone to die so uh. ...hey does bruce even like damian? i’m not sure he does)
anyway i’ve just written like 2k in one burst so you may have unleashed a monster. bruce’s relationships with his kids are fascinating!!! (and bad)
but yeah! There’s a fair amount of overlap, but they also each have a really distinct variation.
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG Info/bio: @/justjenw1n | 220k followers | Fashion | just a LUVer who owns a lovely blog that you’re more than welcome to check out here... astoldbyjenmarlowe.co.uk 🪞🛍🪄
22 (24) (25 in 2021) years of age
From London, England
Her family has French origins
Tends to visit once a year mainly with her family
For her 18th bday, her parents also sent her to Paris with her bf that she’s been dating since she was 14
they broke up since he wanted to stay in Paris to pursue his dreams and she felt like she needed to be back home...which she felt Paris was not
Extremely close to her parents, some may say a little TOO close...
See, I feel like jen comes from a family that spoils her where her parents did everything and took care of everything for her. She had the privilege and didn’t have to work too hard to get things she wanted so that made her a little bit different than a few of her friends, hell—even her bf
Didn’t have to work until she reached her twenties
She also didn’t have too many friends because her parents felt like her cousins and/or her sibs were really only allowed to hold that title
However her parents had some sort of a soft spot for her when they allowed her to date her bf at 14 since he came from a nice background...
And to have at least 1-2 best friends...
I can’t decide if I see her having 3 other sibs with her being the second eldest, or her being the eldest with a younger sister? I can also see her being a only child too? Idk y’all can decide
Because her family is a tight knit one, she values everything they say and do...which is canon/evident
She got her thigh tattoo in Paris and even thought about asking her parents permission but her bf talked her out of it
she later showed them that night while he was in the shower. Her mother openly disapproved saying it was, “unladylike or unclean” while her father was more lenient towards it 
Her mother even scheduled her for laser appointments but this was one of the things jen was sure of, she loved her tattoo and she didn’t want to erase it from her body which led to her mother not speaking to her for about a month—even tho they live in the same household
I feel like she looks more like her dad with her mom’s hair and smile
Got into fashion due to her maternal grandmother who seemed to live a extravagant life as a old time actress, she always had and owned the finest of things
Jen loved having sleepovers there, it felt like she had her own personal Liz Taylor inside of her nan...but better!
Definitely found inspiration through Liz Taylor, Kate Moss, Victoria Beckham, and Naomi Campbell
she had no clue what she wanted to do in life (she never had to think too hard about it until now, it’s true what they say about your twenties) and she made the choice not to continue thru with uni & I’m not going to make her out to be the stereotypical “dumb blonde” I think she did well in school—so she kinda just chilled after it was all over
Her first job at 20 was probably working in retail where she learned all about the bs you put up with but she loved clothes! That never changed
So she decided 6 months into her job that she was going to make a fashion blog
she made one separate from her tumblr but kept it under construction since she needed to brain storm what exactly this blog would entail
It didn’t take too long to her to figure it out by how she wanted the blog to look then discussing pieces from celebs/models then slowly discussing her own wardrobe + advice
She didn’t immediately gain success for it —altho she did have a good 1k people follow her thru her tumblr where she also provided the link to her separate blog... but she worked/works hard at it, hoping one day it’ll get her somewhere and that maybe she can get paid for it too?
Retail fucking sucks and people are horrible twats so when she was approaching 21 she deff quit with her parents still hammering...more so her dad on what she needs to do with her life but she found happiness in her blog and no one was going to take that away from her —not even her parents
‘What’s the use of working if it doesn’t make you happy?’ She thinks but again! she has the privilege of living under her parents roof and not having to pay bills so she didn’t have to worry too much rn she knows they’d never kick her out right?
she has two bunnies named “bugsy” and “Lola”—u know the reference right?
I feel like she values the flinstones & jetsons because it was something her dad loved watching as a kid and still does , probably has the dvds showcased in her room that she watches when she feels sad
Seems like a smiley person but when she’s sad? It kinda sucks to see cause she turns into a whole different person and she always seems happy with a smile so wide that turns her eyes squinty
If she disagrees with something, she’s 100% giving her opinion whether you like it or not? Wrong is wrong. But when the shoe is on the other foot? She hates being wrong LOL or doesn’t view herself being wrong. Doesn’t take accountability well...at all!
She’s also showed her ass by being a gossiper and fake as hell with Allegra about mc with the whole, “let’s pretend like we’re there for her” if you’re not fucking with somebody just say that or SHOW it sis cause that snakey shit will come back to bite you in the ass (I forgot about this lol as I’m replaying)
she’s all “mega resting bitch face” until she breaks out into a large smile
Libra sun? + Virgo moon? + Gemini rising?
I feel like she only knows what she wants when it comes to relationships but not with the rest of life?
Lol she was very determined with levi in the beginning, explored shit with jake, (I can’t remember if that was after you/mc showed a interest in him or not in that route? I’m doing a talia/Rohan route rn But that’s kinda foul if she’s smiling in ur face and then boom goes and does what she wants but hey that’s the game right? Fck that tho) and then stood by Tim after only some time?
She wasn’t feeling him in the beginning either cause he thought she was too posh for him and snakey which he’s right to some degree but she’s also right if she finds him too immature for her liking
To you jim? Ten? Stans— Idk what their ship name is but it probably wouldn’t have worked out in the long run either because I don’t see both of them wanting to change themselves completely to satisfy the other. (Tim tried) Sure if you’re showing unhealthy behaviors and are open to diminishing that for yourself then trying to work on your relationship then that’s great! But they already started from the jump not liking each other’s personalities/characteristics....
And hey! Ofc I know people grow to like things they might have disliked about you in the beginning but you can also find yourself not fully accepting it in a relationship and that doesn’t mean you didn’t try
+ it’s been hinted at that they’re not endgame & if you love yourself some Tim not platonically then this works in ur favor. if not? Then you can keep them endgame by all means! For me? That endgame shit is a no! For those that don’t gaf about either of them that’s fine too lmao
YES I feel like they were both hurt over the breakup and it probably happened right around the holidays or either a couple of months after Christmas/New Years 2019
Jen is probably the type to keep checking up on her ex, not necessarily talking to them but finding out who they’re with now
and if it’s Tim with mc she’s definitely gossiping about the shit with erikah and Allegra or making shady tweets or posts on IG for sure
“5 outfits to wear when you run into your ex” type posts on her blog looool
She hopes if she runs into Tim, she’s looking her best and she would 80% go up to him & mc/his new girl if not mc and be all huggy with him and holding conversation before she even thinks to acknowledge mc/new girl and when she does it’s a shady convo with fake smiles
Absolutely loves watching housewives so she was prepared for that moment if it ever does come
Her parents openly didn’t like Tim which made him feel like shit since it seemed like jen never defended him in front of them but again, she values her parents opinion and always wants their stamp of approval that’s just the way the girl is/ was brought up
She owes them everything but deep down knows that in her relationship with Tim she could have been a little more understanding of his needs like he was with her love for her parents...but she’ll never admit that
Doesn’t get over breakups as easily as it may seem like her exes do in her opinion.
It sure didn’t take long with Tim to date mc/new girl months after they broke up! Which was like a slap in the face
The ex bf she spent time w in Paris who looks like Matthew Noszka is now engaged, lives in AMERICA—& of all places??? California to be exact, and just released his debut album!! She knows which songs are probably about her, it’s a nice album she screamed about it for hours into her pillow and cried for what felt like weeks
Lost her voice over that breakdown too
Her mother even went as far as sending a nasty letter to this ex bf’s new address...since ya know? jen’s dad is a private investigator & all!!! but dad had no knowledge of this being done
She’s still fond of Levi and jake but not like in love with them? Like she thought/felt she was with Tim but she still considers them her mates
Maybe in 2021 she’ll be open to dating again and hopes erikah and Allegra will be her wingwomen when the time comes BUT she’s focusing on her blog rn and it’s the best it’s ever been!
She had the show to thank for that now that she has a manager and is getting paid for running her blog now! That’s right this girl is officially employed!
“At least one good thing came from the show ;) 🧽🥐🥂” type of tweets
There’s never not a moment where she’s not connecting her posts whether thru ig or Twitter to her blog: astoldbyjenmarlowe.co.uk!!!
Both erikah and Allegra talk a little shit about that together...WHEN they DO talk, the pair only really socialize when jen initiates it but if one pisses the other off?? they’re going to gossip about it with the other forsure
She doesn’t look that tall to me? Taller than erikah? 5’2-5’5 the 5 is pushing it for me? Maybe? lol I’m still deciding between her and Allegra far as height and I’m too lazy to go back and see what I put for her
Hates straightening her hair, that pin straight look is not cute to her. She loves having waves and body to her hair
Get her eyebrows micro bladed since she doesn’t have much hair up there to begin with
Adores French cuisine, always has since she was a little girl. Bisque used to be her fav back then and all that she would eat
Loves spring season especially pastel colors when it comes to her wardrobe
The type to say one thing and do the complete opposite
I feel like she probably has a little bit of lisp and it’s not really noticeable until she says some words, she’s insecure about it and thought it had something to do with the structure of her teeth and begged her parents to get them fixed but it literally had nothing to do with them
Yet she still got colorful braces in middle school even tho her teeth were pretty straight. She didn’t have to wear them for a whole year, thank goodness
Went to speech therapy to help
Has stacks of fashion magazines even from the early 90s all over her room: her night stand, her vanity, her closet, underneath her bed etc...
Adores the Hadid sisters, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, & Georgia May Jagger
Makes the best white chocolate chip (that’s right, white not just regular chocolate) banana bread but cooking/baking? Isn’t really her thing
Early riser
Loves yellow: yellow phone case, yellow laptop, yellow room, yellow tulips, yellow shades, etc...
Getting Prada shades was probably one of the best things that happened to her, s/o to her nan for granting her this wish
Words of affirmation is her love lanaguage, this girl is a talker and a bit of a thinker too I mean duh? She runs a blog
Likes bright colors on her toes but nude and clear polish on her hands?
Loves a good mascara but she also loves magnetic lashes but is trying her best to grow her lashes out rn! Thanks to erikah for sending her some good ol’ coconut oil!
Smokey eyes? Set her up
Gets a belly ring, and two more tatts one in between her boobs and the last on her ankle & that one she shed a tear over!
Maybe she’ll start changing her physical attributes more so than the way she carries her life at first? (Or ever) She’ll cut her hair below her collarbone to the top of her chest, and maybe she’ll try a light light LIGHT brunette (she loves being a natural blonde) with blonde highlights? Who knows
loves espadrilles and wedge sandals
Loves going wine tasting and visiting vineyards, if she’s vacationing? You can bet ur ass she’s looking for a vineyard to visit
Deff a lightweight
Here’s her unpopular opinions on s2: Thought Felix was a wannabe Tim and hates the fact that he follows her, thought graham was unattractive and said so to Allegra who snickered, thought marisol’s clothing choices were rather boring,
didn’t feel 100% bad for Hannah but disagrees with the way Gary and noah spoke about her + the way Gary tried to slide back over to Hannah on her comeback episode
but doesn’t feel like Lottie is wrong for choosing Gary after Hannah left
isn’t a fan of priya but is glad she’s doing fashion since jen strongly believes in if something isn’t making u happy then u need to let it go
Thinks Hope should have won and cannot tolerate Bobby. Feels he’s WORSE than Felix,
would be open to dating Ibrahim or Carl from that szn
has spoken to Harry from s3 due to his drunkenness and actually made a friend out of him? But low key wants to get to know seb? Take that info as u will 👀
Her anthem: Michelle — SUNRISE
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thattimdrakeguy · 4 years
It’s never good to be unhealthily obsessed, or unhealthily emotionally attached to something.
Especially when it turns you into a bully.
Weirdest and most agitating part of the fandom is those type of fans that act like they’re helping their fav run for office or some thing.
Not literaly speaking--
But they’ll find an obscure panel that‘s a little edgy just cuz of the era or that artist maybe, and act like it defines them. Sometimes just a character looking mad, cuz well, they’re mad, as people real life and fiction do, and they use to act like a character is bad and every thing else around them is wrong-- despite being an outlier-- cuz they don’t care.
Yet if their own fav did a bad thing, they’d be doing some mental gymnastics or just plain ignore it.
I mostly see this on  twitter, and it‘s insanely baffling that people just-- let it happen.
It‘s the kind of fandom stuff that numbs my mind. Like-- can we not just read some fiction without acting like every thing is a big deal? Damian tried to kill Tim once or twice, and I’ve never freaking cared. I used to even like Damian a lot, maybe that‘s why it never bothered me, but I just stopped liking him because I think he’s a really badly written character. Same with Steph.
But on mainly twitter, they read one bad comic, treat it like truth, and go delusional about some thing being inaccurate in it. they’ll even attack people over it and gaslight them, often in groups.
that is so unhealthy. In a social environment way, and just  as a person. that  should never be your natural response.
Only times I ever get annoyed at a bad action is when the writing ignores how bad it is to play dumb with it, or is maybe just bad written in-general. Damian’s early time I don’t really care that much, cause you’re supposed to know it‘s bad and nothing more usually, they show you why he’s like that and that‘s enough (although written horrendously inconsistently), while nowadays they’ll barely address it some times, let him get away with it, or remind you of his backstory so much it just feels like they’re really tryna make you feel bad you forget it. to another standard I don’t like Jason beating up Tim, because I just view that as out of character for him, and I honestly prefer anti-hero with an antagonistic relationship to the Bat-Fam Jason, because that‘s how he was built up in utrh, and New 52 just basically ignored the concept of character development being done well, and more or less had people forgive him even if it‘s incredibly unnatural.
Main reason why I don’t like Steph, isn’t because she does bad things, but because she at least roughly gets away with it when she really shouldn’t. She’ll get told off, maybe, but it never feels appropriate. Steph emotionally and briefly physically abuses Tim in an arc-- yet it‘s never really talked about. When she makes an apology to Tim, it‘s when she finds out his identity, and it‘s about only the concept of her wanting to know. Nothing actually about all the abusive behaviors she demonstrated. If anything it feels like she gets rewarded because she gets told Tim's identity and is suddenly, very randomly, unless something in another series, gets allowed access to the Batcave. (I’m also just not a fan of loud mouths that just back talk all the time.)
and that‘s just to explain my logic, because I feel like that‘d do better at explaining why this bizarre slander-esque crap over fictional characters confuses me so much. Because who actually cares a character did a bad thing as long as it‘s written well when you think about it?
the characters are the characters. they are here for our enjoyment. Sometimes characters do bad things, sometimes that’s all they do. It‘s all for the endgame of getting us something that we can hopefully get enjoyment out of (of course we don’t always enjoy something, but usually that‘s still the goal). I just don’t understand why people allow themselves to get so wrapped up in it, that they actually become unhealthy. Unhealthy to be around as well, cuz they tend to group and repeat the same crap. It can’t be healthy to be obsessed with a character that you’d do that .
How do people seem to despise so much of their own favs? Having to deny or deflect any bad behavior from a fictional character in even just a casual context that typically, as far as I’ve seen, not that harsh even to warrant it, feels so-- icky. It is fine to like a character that does bad things. to be so obsessed with a character that you  treat them like they’re nearly flawless as you gaslight other people and group bully them for not liking them-- its just a bit weird, it‘s insanely toxic. the characters are here for us to enjoy. If you don’t actually enjoy them so much that you ignore so much of them-- then why are they who you chose to like? 
that sudden almost unexplained unhealthily and emotional attachment I feel like is a really bad habit of fandoms. It‘s not behavior that should be encouraged, but more often than not they subtly have been. People wanna be accepted, and joining in on it and spreading so much random propaganda (on a freaking fictional character) is nauseating, but they feel apart of something so of course they do.
they’ll go out of their way to find a panel, often out of context  just to make a character they don’t like look bad, and shame people that like that character, at least in some fashion. While often taking panels that make their fav look good to share like it‘s a benign political campaign.
Why is that even a thing people do? It‘s so obsessive and toxic, as well as just making people feel miserable over getting gaslit so much.
Somehow managing to make enjoying something, go too far.
the group aspect is especially annoying, cuz they enjoy gaslighting and bullying people in a group, because it‘ll make em seem more right. I’ve heard about people leaving the fandom because of it. No longer able to enjoy what they did, because they keep being harassed over it. Once seen them even make fun of someone that called them a bully seemingly. Either showing they’re that  oblivious, or just that much of a jerk.
If you ever do any thing like that I really feel like you need to get out of the fandom, because it‘s never good to have your own instincts telling yourself to be nasty. Just come back at a better time when you’re better. It‘s fine to admit faults and get better. It‘s honestly a fine thing. We can’t improve ourselves otherwise.
I don’t feel like bizarre propaganda and libel on, may I repeat, fictional characters, is what a fandom’s suppose to be. It certainly at least shouldn’t be.
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jerdle-typology · 7 years
Enneagram 5
The Five in Profile
Healthy: Observe everything with extraordinary perceptiveness and insight. Are mentally alert, curious, have a searching intelligence: nothing escapes their notice. Display foresight and prediction abilities. Able to concentrate: become engrossed in what has caught their attention. / Attain skillful mastery of whatever interests them. Excited by knowledge: often become expert in some field. Innovative and inventive, producing extremely valuable, original works. Highly independent, idiosyncratic, and whimsical. At Their Best: Become visionaries, broadly comprehending the world while penetrating it profoundly. Open-minded, take things in whole, in their true context. Make pioneering discoveries and find entirely new ways of doing and perceiving things.
Average: Begin conceptualizing everything before acting—working things out in their minds: model building, preparing, practicing, gathering resources. Studious, acquiring technique. Become specialized and often “intellectual”: involvement in research, scholarship, and building theories. / Increasingly detached as they become involved with complicated ideas or imaginary worlds. Become preoccupied with their visions and interpretations rather than reality. Are fascinated by offbeat, esoteric subjects, even those involving dark and disturbing elements. Detached from the practical world, a “disembodied mind,” although high-strung and intense. / Begin to take an antagonistic stance toward anything which would interfere with their inner world and personal vision. Become provocative and abrasive, with intentionally extreme and radical views. Cynical and argumentative.
Unhealthy: Become reclusive and isolated from reality, eccentric and nihilistic. Highly unstable and fearful of aggressions: they reject and repulse others and all social attachments. / Get obsessed with yet frightened by their threatening ideas, becoming horrified, delirious, and prey to gross distortions and phobias. / Seeking oblivion, they may commit suicide or have a psychotic break with reality. Deranged, explosively self-destructive, with schizophrenic overtones.
Key Motivations: Want to be capable and competent, to master a body of knowledge and skill, to explore reality, to remain undisturbed by others, to reduce their needs.
Examples: Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stanley Kubrick, Georgia O'Keeffe, Emily Dickinson, Simone Weil, Bill Gates, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacob Bronowski, James Joyce, Gary Larson, David Lynch, Stephen King, Tim Burton, Clive Barker, Laurie Anderson, Meredith Monk, John Cage, Glenn Gould, Charles Ives, Bobby Fischer, and Vincent van Gogh.
The connection between genius and madness has long been debated. These two states are really poles apart, the opposite ends of the personality spectrum. The genius is someone who fuses knowledge with insight into the nature of reality, someone who has the ability to see things with utter clarity and with awe-inspiring comprehension. What separates the genius from the madman is that the genius, in addition to extraordinary insights, has the ability to see them correctly, within their context. The genius perceives patterns which are actually present, whereas the madman imposes patterns, projecting erroneous perceptions onto every circumstance. The genius may sometimes seem to be out of touch with reality, but only because he or she operates at a more profound level. The madman, however, is truly out of touch with reality, having nothing but delusions to substitute for it.
The Five is the personality type which most exemplifies these extremes. In the Five, we see the genius and the madman, the innovator and intellectual, the mildly eccentric crackpot and the deeply disturbed delusional schizoid. To understand how these widely diverse states are part of the same personality type is to understand the Five.
In the Thinking Triad
Fives are members of the Thinking Triad. Their potential problem results from the fact that they emphasize thinking over doing, becoming intensely involved with their thoughts. Fives think so much that their mental world becomes all-engrossing, virtually to the exclusion of everything else. This is not to say that Fives do nothing at all, but that they are more at home in their minds, viewing the world from a detached vantage point, than they are in the world of action.
All three members of the Thinking Triad—Fives, Sixes, and Sevens—focus their attention on the world outside themselves. This may seem to contradict the statement that Fives are engrossed in their thoughts, but it actually does not. Fives focus their attention on the external world for a variety of reasons, one of the most important of which is that the material they think about comes through their sense perceptions—the accuracy of which they can never be completely sure of because they are not certain about what lies outside themselves. The only thing they know with certainty is their own thoughts. Hence, the focus of their attention is outward, on the environment, while identifying with their thoughts about the environment. The source of many of their problems is their need to find out how their perceptions of the world square with reality so that they can act in it—and do things with confidence.
Problems with Security and Anxiety
Like the other two members of the Thinking Triad, average Fives tend to have problems with insecurity because they fear that the environment is unpredictable and potentially threatening. Further, they feel powerless to defend themselves against the world’s many dangers: they believe they are not capable of functioning as well as others and so make it their number one priority to acquire the skills and knowledge they feel are necessary for them to be able to operate adequately in life.
Their Basic Fear, of being helpless and incapable, influences their behavior in significant ways. Fives believe that their personal resources and capacities are limited, so they respond to their anxiety by downscaling their activities and needs. The more anxious they feel, the more they minimize their needs. While this can be a sensible approach to problems at times, anxious Fives may reduce themselves to living in extremely primitive conditions in order to allay their fears of inadequacy. Naturally, given this orientation, Fives feel easily overwhelmed by others’ needs as well, and try to avoid situations in which others will expect more from them than they feel able to give. As their fears increase, Fives begin to “shrink away” from the world and from connections with others.
When Fives are healthy, they are able to observe reality as it is and are able to comprehend complex phenomena at a glance because they are participating in life and testing their perceptions. In their search for security, however, the perceptions of even average Fives tend to become skewed. Their thinking becomes more convoluted, elaborate, and increasingly fueled by anxiety. As they withdraw from the world, it only heightens their fears that they cannot cope with it. Eventually, even basic living requirements seem overwhelming and frightening. And if they become unhealthy, Fives are the type of persons who cut themselves off from most human contact. Once isolated, they develop their eccentric ideas to such absurd extremes that they become obsessed with completely distorted notions about themselves and reality. Ultimately, unhealthy Fives become utterly terrified and trapped by the threatening visions which they have created in their own minds.
Their problem with anxiety, one of the issues common to the personality types of the Thinking Triad, is related to their difficulty with perceiving reality objectively. They are afraid of allowing anyone or anything to influence them or their thoughts. Because they doubt their own ability to do, they fear that others’ agendas will overwhelm them or that people who are more powerful than they are will control or possess them. Ironically, however, even average Fives are not unwilling to be possessed by an idea, as long as the idea has originated with them. Nothing must be allowed to influence their thinking lest their developing sense of confidence be diminished, although by relying solely on their own ideas and perceptions, and without testing them in the real world, Fives can become profoundly out of touch with reality.
The upshot of this is that average to unhealthy Fives are uncertain whether or not their perceptions of the environment are valid. They do not know what is real and what is the product of their minds. They project their anxiety-ridden thoughts and their aggressive impulses into the environment, becoming fearful of the antagonistic forces which seem to be arrayed against them. They gradually become convinced that their peculiar and increasingly dark interpretation of reality is the way things really are. In the end, they become so terrorized that they cannot act even though they are consumed by anxiety.
The basis of their orientation to the world is thinking; personality type Five corresponds to Jung’s introverted thinking type.
Introverted thinking is primarily oriented by the subjective factor…. It does not lead from concrete experience back again to the object, but always to the subjective content. External facts are not the aim and origin of this thinking, though the introvert would often like to make his thinking appear so. It begins with the subject and leads back to the subject, far though it may range into the realm of actual reality…. Facts are collected as evidence for a theory, never for their own sake. (C. G. Jung, Psychological Types, 380.)
Although they correspond to Jung’s introverted thinking type, Fives are perhaps more precisely characterized as a subjective thinking type because the aim of their thought is not always introverted (that is, directed toward themselves); rather, it is directed often outward toward the environment, which Fives want to understand so that they can be safer in it. The impetus for their thinking comes, as Jung says, from “the subjective factor,” from their need to know about what lies outside themselves, as well as from their anxiety when they do not understand the environment. This is why thinking is the method Fives use both to fit into the world and, paradoxically, to defend themselves against it.
One of the results of the way Fives think is that even healthy Fives are not very deeply rooted in visceral experience. They are the type of people who get a great deal of intellectual mileage out of very little experience because they always find something of significance where others see little or nothing. This may lead to great discoveries. However, when they stop observing the world and focus their attention on their interpretations of it, Fives begin to lose touch with reality. Instead of keeping an open mind while they observe the world, they become too involved with their own thoughts and dreams. This leads them further away from the world of constructive action—the very arena in which their self-confidence needs to develop. They may spend a great deal of time playing around with ideas or visions of alternative realities which have almost no practical impact on their lives, leaving them more fearful about themselves and feeling more vulnerable to the predations of the world.
Parental Orientation
As a result of their formative experiences, these children became ambivalent to both parents. Fives, like Twos and Eights, were in search of a niche within the family system, a role that they could fulfill that would win them protection and nurturance. For whatever reasons, though, they perceived that there was no place for them to fit in—that nothing they could do was wanted or needed by their family. As a result, Fives withdrew from active participation in the family to search for something that they could “bring to the table.” Fives want to find something that they can do well enough to feel like an equal of others. Unlike other types, however, since Fives’ underlying fear is of being helpless and incapable, they generally look for areas of expertise that others have not already explored. In a sense, their agenda is to focus on the search for and mastery of subjects and skills, until they feel confident enough to “reenter” the world.
In the meantime, Fives strike a kind of unstated bargain with their parents which carries over into all of their subsequent relationships: “Don’t ask too much of me, and I won’t ask too much of you.” Fives feel that they need most of their limited time and energy to acquire the knowledge and skills that they believe will make them capable and competent. Thus, average Fives come to resent intrusions upon their space, their time, and certainly upon their persons. What to another type might feel like a comfortable distance can feel uncomfortable to an average Five. The reasons for this may relate to the Five’s feeling of not having a place in the family. They may have felt crowded out or figuratively or literally intruded on by their parents and their agendas. Their parents may have nurtured them erratically, or may have been emotionally disturbed or alcoholic or caught in a loveless marriage, and therefore not dependable sources of love and reassurance. The result is that these children become ambivalent not only toward both parents, but ambivalent toward the world.
Fives attempt to resolve their ambivalence by not identifying with anything other than their thoughts. They feel that their thoughts are “good” (that is, correct, and can be safely identified with), while outside reality is “bad” (and must therefore be vigilantly watched), so that it can be repulsed at a moment’s notice. In average to unhealthy Fives, the sense of being crowded may have resulted in their feeling unsafe in their bodies. They then become profoundly detached, indifferent to physical comfort, and extremely cerebral, as if the quality of their material existence was irrelevant to them. Fearful Fives are willing to jettison many comforts and even needs in order to protect the space and time they feel they need to pursue their interests—that is, those areas they are trying to master.
They continue to find their parents, the world, and other people fascinating and necessary, but Fives also feel that they must keep everything and everyone at a safe distance lest they be in clanger of being overwhelmed by some outside force. Thus, from the very way they think—their “cognitive style"—Fives set up a strict dualism between themselves and the world: they see everything as essentially split into two fundamental areas—the inner world and the outer world, subjects and objects, the known and the unknown, the dangerous and the safe, and so forth. This sharp split between themselves as subjects and the rest of the world as objects has tremendous ramifications throughout their entire lives.
Problems with Detachment and Phobia
When they are healthy, Fives do not have to detach themselves from the environment, because they feel secure and confident enough to fully participate in the world around them. Because they are interacting with the environment, their observations are accurate and balanced. But as they deteriorate down the Levels of Development toward unhealth, their perceptions become more intensely focused on what seems to be threatening and dangerous in the environment. As a result of their preoccupation with things they find fearful and dark, their mental world becomes filled with anxiety. Ironically, however, the more fearful Fives become, the more compelled they feel to investigate the very things that terrify them.
In the end, since they invariably focus on what is threatening, Fives turn their terrifying projections into their only reality, and in so doing, turn their minds against themselves, literally scaring themselves out of their minds. They become completely defenseless against the environment, which they find supremely dangerous because their minds have made it so. They become so phobic—and their sense of capability becomes so fragile—that it is extraordinarily difficult for them to function or turn to anyone for help. Yet, unless deteriorating Fives can reach out to someone, they have few ways of getting back in touch with reality.
If they live like this for long, their thought processes become so delusional and terrifying that they must separate themselves not just from the world but even from their own thoughts. Neurotic Fives become schizoid, unconsciously splitting themselves off from their teeming minds so that they can continue to live. Their reality has become hellish: dark, painful, and without hope. Recoiling in horror, they retreat into emptiness—and yet more horror.
Level 1: The Pioneering Visionary
At their healthiest, Fives have the paradoxical ability to penetrate reality profoundly while comprehending it broadly. They are able to take things in whole, perceiving patterns where others see nothing but confusion. They are able to synthesize existing knowledge, making connections between phenomena which no one previously knew were related, such as time and space, the structures of the DNA molecule, or the relationship between brain chemistry and behavior. If they are artistically inclined, they may develop entirely new art forms, or revolutionize the form they are working with in ways that have not been seen before. These innovations often become the new platform from which others will learn and create.
The healthiest Fives do not cling to their own ideas about how the world works. Instead, they encompass reality so profoundly that they are able to discover unanticipated truths they could not have arrived at by mere theorizing. They make discoveries precisely because they are willing not to know the answers, keeping an open mind while they observe reality.
Because they do not impose their thoughts on reality, very healthy Fives are able to discover the internal logic, the structure, and interrelated patterns of whatever they observe. As a result, they have clear thoughts into obscure matters, and are able to predict events, often far in advance of the ability of others to verify them. Fives operating at the peak of their gifts may seem to be prophets and visionaries, although the explanation is simpler. They possess foresight because they see the world with extraordinary clarity, like a weaver who knows the pattern of a tapestry before it is completed.
The result is that they transcend rational thought to reveal objective reality, and in so doing they move toward the ineffable, to a level of comprehension where words, theories, and symbols are left behind. They perceive the world in all its complexity and simplicity with a vision that seems to come from beyond themselves. They are closer to contemplatives than thinkers. This is the quality of the “quiet mind,” discussed in Buddhism and other spiritual traditions. When the mind becomes still and quiet it becomes like a mirror which accurately contains and reflects whatever it turns toward. Healthy Fives are not using their minds to defend against reality; rather they are allowing reality in, understanding that they are not separate from it.
Very healthy, gifted Fives so perfectly describe reality that their perceptions and discoveries seem simple, even obvious, as if anyone could have thought of them. But the genius’s insights are obvious only in hindsight. To have made the leap from the known to the unknown, and to describe the unknown so clearly and accurately that the discovery accords perfectly with what is already known, is a great achievement. Similarly, anyone can “create” a new form of artistic expression, but to do so in a way that is powerful for others changes the way that others perceive reality, is both rare and extraordinary.
Thus, very healthy Fives are intellectual pioneers who open up new domains of knowledge and creativity. An individual Five, if sufficiently gifted, may well be a genius of historic dimensions, able to make staggering intellectual breakthroughs for mankind. A genius of the highest caliber may understand the way the world works for the first time in history. Less gifted individuals may have a sense of the genius’s excitement when they first understand calculus or how to use a computer. Their understanding is new to them, and can be thrilling. Others can only imagine how exciting it must be for someone to discover something totally new—when the discovery is new not only to that individual, but to humanity.
Yet, at Level 1, the brilliance of very healthy Fives is entirely unselfconscious. What Fives themselves are most aware of is feeling at home and at peace in the world. Because they have transcended their fears of being incapable and helpless, they are also freed from their relentless pursuit of knowledge and skill. They no longer feel overwhelmed by other people or by challenges and are able to bring their hearts and minds together for the compassionate use of their knowledge and talents.
Level 2: The Perceptive Observer
Even though Fives are not always this healthy, they are still extraordinarily conscious of the world around them, its glories and horrors, incongruities and inexhaustible complexities. They are the most mentally alert of the personality types, curious about everything. Healthy Fives enjoy thinking for its own sake; possessing knowledge—knowing that they know something, and being able to turn it around in their minds, to play with ideas—is extremely pleasurable for them. Knowledge and understanding are exhilarating. They are fascinated by people, by nature, by life, by the mind itself.
Given sufficient intelligence, healthy Fives penetrate the superficial, getting to profound levels very quickly. Their insights can be brilliant because they have the uncanny ability to see into the heart of things, noticing the anomaly, the curious but heretofore unobserved fact or hidden element which provides a key for understanding the whole. Because they see the world with unfailing insight, they always have something interesting and worthwhile to say. The act of seeing is virtually a symbol of their entire psychological orientation. If something can be seen, that is, apprehended either by the senses or by the mind, Fives feel that it can be understood. Once something is understood, it can be mastered. Then Fives can act with the confidence they desire.
Nothing escapes healthy Fives unnoticed because they do not merely observe the world passively, they concentrate on it, noting how things go together to form patterns and have meaning. People and objects are perceived in detail, as if Fives were training a magnifying glass on the environment. Since their minds are so active and they find everything around them fascinating, healthy Fives are never bored. They like learning what they do not know and understanding what is not obvious. No matter how much they know, they always want to learn more, and since the world is, for all intents and purposes, infinite in its complexity, there is always more to know.
Healthy Fives are also able to perceive far more than others because they have the ability to sustain concentration; they are not easily distracted. They quickly become deeply involved in the object of their scrutiny so they can understand how it works—why something is as it is. Their intellectual curiosity leads them to expend considerable effort to find out more about those things which have caught their attention. They are incredibly hard workers who will patiently attack a problem until they solve it, or until it becomes clear that the problem is insoluble. They will labor in obscurity for many years because they are excited about what they are exploring or creating. Because healthy Fives are accustomed to pursuing their interests with little support or attention, they are not dissuaded by others’ indifference or lack of comprehension. The process of exploring, learning, and creating is more enjoyable to Fives than achieving a final goal. They take delight in questioning reality and tinkering with familiar forms until they become almost unrecognizable, especially in the arts. They are also very good conceptualizers, asking the right fundamental questions and defining the proper intellectual boundaries for the problems with which they are involved. They do not attempt to do the impossible, only to understand what they have not understood before.
Regardless of their actual intelligence, most Fives consider themselves “smart” and perceptive, and see these as defining characteristics. Many Fives are not intellectuals or scholars, but all focus their attention in the world of ideas, perceptions, and ways of looking at reality. They are constantly on the lookout for something that they have not noticed before, or a way of connecting disparate ideas or activities they have been exploring. Having a new insight into a question or creative problem they have been grappling with gives them a sense of confidence and goads them into deeper explorations.
Fives are aware that others may view them as “unusual.” This may be due to their intelligence, a highly developed sensory acuity, idiosyncratic behavior, or perhaps their penetrating gaze. Fives are not interested in being “different” like Fours are; instead, they view their status as outsiders with a shrugging acceptance. They tend to be unsentimental about life, and this lack of sentiment extends to their own circumstances as well. Fives can also appear to be unusual because they are willing to follow their curiosity and their perceptions wherever they lead. They are relatively unconcerned with social convention; rather, they want to be unencumbered by activities that take them away from what they are really interested in.
Healthy Fives want to feel competent and capable in the objective world, and yet, the very act of inquiring into things begins to shift them away from active participation and toward the role of an outside observer. Even at this stage, healthy Fives are subject to a certain amount of anxiety about the environment if they do not understand it. (And, of course, because they cannot understand it until they deal with it, they are caught in a conundrum.) Therefore, the habit of observation reflects not simply a dispassionate curiosity but a deep personal need.
Level 3: The Focused Innovator
Once Fives have identified themselves as intelligent and perceptive, they begin to fear that they might lose their perceptiveness or that what they are thinking may be inaccurate. So they begin to focus their energies intensely into those areas that they are most interested in with the goal of really mastering them. In this way, Fives hope to develop an ability or a body of knowledge which will ensure that they will have a place in the world. They are not interested in merely acquiring facts or skills, but in using what they have learned to go beyond what has previously been explored. They want to “push the envelope,” both because it is a greater test of their competency, and also because they want to create a niche for themselves which no one else could have come up with.
Sometimes the results of their explorations are ingenious inventions and technological marvels which yield highly practical results. At times, their tinkering may produce startling new discoveries or artistic works. At other times, few things may result from their original ideas, although in time, those ideas, too, may have practical applications. What is impractical in one era often becomes the underpinning of an entirely new branch of knowledge or technology in another, such as the physics which made television and radar possible, or a few scraps of ideas which later produce a novel or a movie.
Because they are looking for new areas to explore and master, healthy Fives are generally open-minded people. They are not attached to particular points of view, and are curious to learn what other people think about things. They believe that there is almost always something interesting to learn from another person’s perspective. They are also patient about explaining their own thoughts to others, even when their thoughts are complex or the other person is slow to understand. Healthy Fives want to communicate, and they want others to understand what they are saying.
Because Fives understand things so perceptively, their profound knowledge enables them to get to the heart of difficulties so that they can explain problems, and possible solutions, clearly to others. Healthy Fives like sharing their knowledge because they often learn more when they discuss their ideas with someone else. This is why healthy Fives make exciting teachers, colleagues, and friends. Their enthusiasm for ideas is infectious, and they enjoy fertilizing their own areas of expertise with those of other intellectuals, artists, and thinkers, or, really, with anyone who is as interesting, curious, and intelligent as they are.
As much as they like being among those who can understand and appreciate their insights, healthy Fives are nevertheless extremely independent. For the most part, innovating, learning, and creating are solitary adventures best embarked on alone. Because they never know where their projects and discoveries will lead, Fives value their independence very highly; they are willing to be as unorthodox as their inquiries require, pursuing their interests and discoveries regardless of the sanctions of others or of society. They are not afraid to challenge existing dogmas, if need be.
Their innovations can be revolutionary, overturning previous ways of thinking. Owing to the nature of their interests and the scope of their intellects, healthy Fives give us powerful ideas which can literally change the course of history. The worlds of art, dance, cinema, and music have many times been “scandalized” by the strange new creations of Fives—which later on become widely accepted standards of “how things are done.”
Healthy Fives are also in possession of a whimsical sense of humor. They are attuned to life’s many absurdities and ironies and enjoy sharing their wry observations with others. They have a way of distorting the picture of reality just enough to highlight some assumption or way of looking at life that has no logical underpinning. They are fascinated by strange, offbeat subjects and love tinkering with objects, images, and words. There is a taboo-breaking quality to the humor of even healthy Fives, because they are attracted to looking at subject matter that others would reject or turn away from. Their imaginations are powerful and they use them to visualize the solution to a problem or to create an alternative reality. For this reason, many artistic Fives become filmmakers, cartoonists, or authors of genre fiction (science fiction, horror, black humor). The aesthetic sense tends to run in two extremes: minimalist and spare on one end, and surreal and fantastic on the other. Most Fives who are involved in the arts are not interested in simple “human interest” stories or narratives. They want to direct their audience’s attention beyond their daily concerns toward truths which are more absolute—especially those that are hidden in the “ordinary world.”
In the process of mastering those areas which interest them, healthy Fives accumulate knowledge. People of this personality type develop expertise in various disciplines, whether in the arts (for example, abstract expressionist painting, electronic music, or Egyptian hieroglyphics), or in the sciences (how to build a computer or put a satellite into space). Healthy Fives are usually polymaths, possessors of knowledge in a wide range of subjects and expert in them all. Healthy Fives know what they are talking about and share their knowledge with others, enriching the whole of society with their learning. They are also relatively confident because they are actively doing things with their insights, and it is precisely because their insights are so on target that both healthy Fives and their ideas are especially valuable to the rest of society. Where would we be without the computers and antibiotics, the sophisticated communications media and the technological innovations of all sorts which make up the modern world?
Level 4: The Studious Expert
The essential difference between average Fives and healthy Fives is that average Fives begin to fear that they do not know enough to act or take their place in the world. They feel that they need to study more, to practice more, to acquire better technique or run further tests, to involve themselves even more deeply with their subject. (“The more you know, the more you know you don’t know.”) For whatever reason, they fear that they will not be able to put their concepts and ideas into action. Convinced that they are insufficiently prepared to put themselves on the line, they retreat into an area of their experience where they feel much more confident and in control—their minds. Every personality type deals from its strongest suit, and the intellect is what Fives are gifted with and what they favor in their development. Rather than innovating and exploring, however, average Fives begin conceptualizing and preparing. In a word, healthy Fives use knowledge, whereas average Fives are in pursuit of it.
Because Fives have become adept at playing with concepts and their imagination, they are more sure of themselves when they are “in their heads,” and from this Level down they begin to avoid more direct contact with the world. They can spend many hours conceptualizing a problem or an idea for a song, but hesitate to put their ideas out as real, concrete forms. Average Fives get stuck in “preparation mode,” endlessly studying, gathering more background information, and practicing. Or they may simply develop the idea for a book or an invention in their imagination and never actualize their projects in reality. “I need a little more time” is a repeating refrain from average Fives. They are not being reluctant for no reason, however: their hesitation belies their growing lack of faith in their ability to cope with the world.
Because they are beginning to experience themselves as somehow less prepared for life than other people, average Fives feel compelled to gather whatever information, skills, and resources they believe they will need to “build themselves up.” To this end, Fives begin to disengage from social activities and spend more and more of their time and energy acquiring these resources. Their homes become a reflection of their minds, storage areas for their collections of books, tapes, videos, CDs, gadgets, and so forth.
Average Fives are typically bookish. They haunt bookstores, libraries, and coffeehouses catering to intellectuals who discuss politics, films, and literature far into the night. They love scholarship, and are fascinated with the technical appurtenances by which they acquire knowledge. And while they will spend money to obtain whatever tools they need to pursue their intellectual interests, be they medieval manuscripts or computer equipment, average Fives are usually loath to spend money on themselves or their own comfort because they identify with their minds and their imaginations, not with their bodies.
In their pursuit of mastery, average Fives tend to become highly specialized in some field, delving into a body of knowledge not understood by most. (As specialists, they take pride and pleasure in their ability to say, in effect, “I know something that you don’t know.”) Some Fives may become specialists within an academic discipline—analyzing genetic structures, or the mathematics of snowflake formation, or the migration patterns of birds in the Amazon Delta. Others may specialize in less academic areas, becoming specialists in antiques, stamp collecting, comic books, or jazz. Their approach to collecting becomes a metaphor for their whole approach to life: gathering in more material and incorporating it into the body of what they believe they know or can do.
Their predilection for collecting can combine with their desire to specialize in surprising ways. Fives may have a complete video collection—organized by director, of course—of every major horror or science fiction film between 1950 and 1990. The completeness of the collection and the thorough knowledge of its contents becomes important. An average Five would feel superficial if he or she had only a few Beatles albums or only three Beethoven symphonies. They want to acquire the complete Beatles catalogue, including rare bootleg recordings, and have all nine Beethoven symphonies as recorded by various orchestras. To observe the chronological progression of the Beatles’ music or to compare and contrast the different recordings of Beethoven’s Third Symphony become enjoyable pursuits for Fives, and a certain degree of knowledge is gained by these activities, to be sure. But Fives might well wonder how profitably they are spending their time in these endeavors. They achieve at least a temporary feeling of competency by mastering these narrow areas of interest, but are beginning to avoid the kind of activities that might really help develop their confidence.
Average Fives have begun to identify more completely with their minds, and although this is not entirely problematic, it is not without consequences. As we have seen, healthy Fives are highly observant of the environment and attuned to the world around them, but because of their increasingly cerebral approach to life, average Fives begin to miss things. They focus intently upon certain details and may overlook other relevant information entirely. They tend to make a science of whatever they are interested in, whether history, linguistics, stereo equipment, jogging shoes, or the sociology of ape families. It is here that we see the beginning of their tendency to abstract from reality, concerning themselves with only those aspects of reality which capture their attention. They are by no means out of touch with reality in any unhealthy sense yet. They are, however, narrowing the focus of their perceptions so that they can pursue their interests in more depth.
Although they may not be aware of it, average Fives begin to approach most new experiences by trying to analyze them or to find their context in relation to what they already know. This is the shy person who tries to learn how to do a dance by watching people dancing and trying to analyze and memorize the different steps and movements. The easiest ways to learn to dance is to jump in and start moving, but average Fives fear to enter an activity until they have worked it all out in their minds. Usually, the dance is over by the time the Five is done “figuring it out.” This can be a cumbersome way of learning things, but it does have some positive aspects. Because their method of learning is so systematic, and because they are observing and memorizing every step of any process they engage in, many Fives can explain to others how they arrived at certain conclusions or achieved specific results. And at Level 4, Fives enjoy sharing their expertise with others. They can discourse enthusiastically and at length on the projects they have been pursuing. Unfortunately, average Fives may not be comfortable talking about much else. Their personal lives, their hopes, desires, and disappointments, and especially their feelings become private matters, and they are reluctant to share these parts of themselves with others. They prefer to discuss subjects of interest to them, and to arrive at deeper “truths” through intelligent conversation.
Level 5: The Intense Conceptualizer
As average Fives retreat into the apparent safety of their minds, they ironically begin to heighten their insecurities about their abilities. After all, they are putting less and less time into anything outside of their narrowing interests, and are less willing to try new activities. They shift into mental high-gear, using whatever internal and financial resources they have to gain a sense of confidence and strength that would allow them to move forward with their lives. Unfortunately, average Fives often misapply this energy, getting increasingly bogged down in what others would see as trivia and losing perspective on which activities will actually help them in their lives. They spend endless hours engaged in their projects, but are unable to come to closure, both because they are more uncertain of themselves and their ideas and because they are afraid to leave the security of their cerebral constructs.
As a result, Fives believe that they have no inner resources to spare. They fear that other people and their emotional needs will overwhelm them, or at the very least, sidetrack them from their projects. Fives believe that everything depends upon their acquiring a skill or ability that would give them a chance to survive in what they increasingly perceive as a world without pity or mercy. They may deeply want to connect with others, but feel that this is not possible until they can develop the sense of confidence and mastery they seek. Average Fives begin to view most of their social interactions as intrusions upon their time and space—time and space they believe they must devote to their quest for mastery. To defend themselves against these potential “intrusions,” they withdraw further into their own inner worlds by intensifying their mental focus and activity. If Fives began to create alternative realities in the healthier levels, they begin to inhabit them at Level 5. Average Fives do not want anyone or anything to distract them from whatever they believe they are gaining by exploring those realities.
Strangely, though, average Fives begin to distract themselves. If all of their energies were devoted to constructive projects, their behavior might be more comprehensible to others, but their growing insecurity causes them to spend much of their time engaged in any sort of activity which might provide some temporary sense of confidence and competence. In their minds, Fives can feel capable and fully in control of their situation, which begins to compensate for their fears about being powerless and incapable in the real world.
They plunge into complex intellectual puzzles and labyrinthine systems—elaborate, impenetrable mazes by which they can insulate themselves from the world while dealing with it intellectually. They get involved in highly detailed, complicated systems of thought, immersing themselves in obscure theories, whether these have to do with the abstruse regions of such traditional academic studies as astronomy, mathematics, or philosophy, or with esoteric topics such as the Kabbala, astrology, and the occult. They are endlessly fascinated with intellectual games (such as chess, computer simulation games, or Dungeons and Dragons), making areas of study into a kind of game, and games into an area of study. They often develop a strong affinity for genre fiction, especially science fiction and horror. Exploring the dark and fantastic realms of the imagination gives Fives the feeling of mastering something—even if it is only an image in their imaginations. Their interest in strange, disturbing subject matter is both a further search for “turf” unclaimed by others and a counterphobic reaction to their feelings of helplessness.
The thinking of average Fives becomes increasingly uncensored: they are willing to entertain any thought, no matter how horrible, unacceptable, or taboo it may seem to others. Fives are in pursuit of the truth, and if the truth is unpleasant or upsets existing conventions, so be it. In healthy Fives, this tendency is laudable and the source of many great discoveries. In average Fives, however, it starts to create problems. Because they are not participating as actively in the world, they are getting fewer “reality checks.” Consequently, their exploration of potentially unsettling subject matter begins to add fuel to their anxieties about the world and themselves.
Because of these fears, and because their imaginations are causing them to see ominous implications in almost everything, average Fives are typically fascinated with power. They feel that knowledge is power and that by possessing knowledge, they will be secure because they perceive more than others do—and hence, can protect themselves. They are attracted by areas of study which deal with some form of power, whether in nature, or in politics, or in human behavior. However, Fives are also ambivalent about power and suspicious of those who have power over them. They feel that whoever has power may use it against them, rendering them completely helpless, one of their deepest fears.
One way that average Fives maintain their independence and avoid the potential control of others is by becoming more secretive. They become increasingly unwilling to talk about their personal or emotional lives, fearing that to do so would give others power over them. Additionally, speaking about such things might well plunge them into a more direct experience of their own fears and vulnerability—a prospect that average Fives distinctly wish to avoid. In any event, Fives begin to control others’ access to them, not by overt deception but by offering little information about themselves; they can be terse, cryptic, or totally uncommunicative. They also control access by compartmentalizing their relationships and different aspects of their lives. A Five will tell one friend about his professional life, while another friend will learn of his fascination with insects. Still another will know about his romantic life, while another knows where the Five likes to go late at night. No one gets the complete picture, however, and as much as possible, average Fives will make sure that these different friends do not meet to “share notes.”
This state of affairs would be difficult to maintain if Fives had too many friends, but to keep their life simple and to allow more time for their private pursuits, at Level 5 they do with relationships what they do elsewhere in their lives, they begin to reduce their needs. Average Fives become more determined to continue their projects and want to avoid any involvements or dependencies that might hinder them. They begin to “cut back” on creature comforts, activities, and relationships. Anything that might compromise their independence and their freedom to continue with their interests becomes expendable. Fives at this point are so caught up in their mental world that even basic amenities and comforts become almost irrelevant to them. They can become extremely Spartan and minimal in their existence, requiring less of others so that others will require less of them. Average Fives will often take employment far beneath their capabilities because they want to avoid becoming entangled in the demands of a more challenging career. Ironically, they are avoiding living their lives so they can devote time to preparing to live their lives. They live for whatever pleasures and small victories they may derive from their cerebral preoccupations.
The problem is that average Fives have stopped observing the world with any consistency, and have instead focused their attention on their ideas and their imagination. This is a turning point in their development. Rather than investigate the objective world, average Fives at this stage become preoccupied with their own interpretations of it, mentally detaching themselves from the environment or even their own emotional experiences by becoming more intensely involved with their ideas. Healthy Fives are extraordinarily perceptive and aware of their environment. To the degree that Average Fives are absorbed in their own thoughts, they perceive very little of the world around them.
As Fives speculate and theorize, turning their ideas around in their minds, examining them from every angle, endlessly producing new interpretations, they lose the forest for the trees. With every new conjecture, they have no sense of certitude that their speculations are final: everything remains hanging in the air, in a cloud of possibilities. For example, the more they write, the more complex the exposition becomes, until it is virtually incomprehensible. As brilliant as they may be, average Fives do not easily publish their ideas because they cannot bring them to a conclusion.
Furthermore, all ideas seem equally plausible to Fives, since they can make a convincing case for almost anything they think of. Anything thinkable seems possible. Anything thinkable seems real. They are intellectually and emotionally capable of entertaining any new thought, even horrifying or outlandish ones, since speculating on new possibilities is virtually all they do. Their ideas, however, begin to have no direct connection with the outside world. (The problems of epistemology not only fascinate them, average Fives unwittingly live them out.) But establishing a relationship between their ideas and reality is no longer the primary function of the thinking of average Fives. Instead, speculation and imagination maintain the sense of self by keeping the mind active.
Moreover, for all the time they spend thinking, average Fives at this Level do not communicate to others clearly, because their thought processes are so complex and convoluted. They get into too much detail; their ideas become highly condensed. The stream of consciousness floods out in elaborate monologues, making it difficult for others to follow their train of thought. They go off on tangents, jumping from one point to another without indicating the intervening steps in their logic. A perceptive observation about Jackson Pollock’s painting technique may be followed by a disquisition on modern media and the hazards to biological systems of higher levels of chemicals in the environment. Their monologues may well be fascinating, and possibly breathtaking in the sweep of their intellectual range; however, their discourses may also be strange and tedious, because the mental exertion required to follow them is exhausting. Nor is it always clear that the trip will be worth the effort, although average Fives think that whatever they have to say is as interesting to others as it is to themselves.
They begin to function as disembodied minds because, as far as they are concerned, the body is merely the vehicle for the mind. At this Level, they do not pay much attention to their physical condition except when that gets in the way of their thinking. They become so deeply involved in projects that they forget to eat or sleep or change their clothes. They frequently look like the proverbial absent-minded professor, missing a button when putting on their shirts or forgetting to tie their shoes. No matter. To them such considerations are insignificant: the life of the mind, the excitement of pursuing their interests, is what counts.
Both for better and for worse, they are extremely high-strung, as if their nervous systems were tuned to a higher pitch than those of the other personality types. (Nines also become more cerebral and imaginative in the average Levels, but their affect is very different. Nines become placid and passive, while Fives become agitated and intense.) Fives seem to lack the ability to repress the unconscious impulses which erupt into their minds, fueling their intense involvement in their perceptions, their work, and their relations with others. They find it difficult to do things casually, and find close relationships with others particularly taxing.
The more detached average Fives are, the more ambivalent they are to just about everyone—they are attracted to people, yet suspicious about them. They want to figure out what makes other people tick, just as they analyze other objects of intellectual interest. (“What you just said was fascinating—you’re incredibly angry at men, aren’t you?”) Yet they usually try to avoid getting deeply involved with others because people are unpredictable and potentially demanding. Average Fives believe there must be a catch. They cannot imagine why anyone would be interested in them personally and fear that others may expect something from them which they will not be able to deliver. Further, emotional involvements arouse strong feelings which average Fives find difficult to control: the passions flood too easily into their minds. But because most Fives also have strong sexual impulses, they cannot avoid involvements altogether, as much as they would like to. Thus, though Fives find people and relationships endlessly fascinating, they remain wary.
It is therefore typical of average Fives either to be unmarried or to have stormy relationships with people. Intimacy with others gets so involved, so complex and exhausting, that they stop trying to make contact with others and become reclusive, ever more completely burying themselves in their work and ideas. Doing so only fuels their feelings of helplessness, though, and as Fives become more isolated they are increasingly prey to their own growing fears about themselves and the world. Their view of reality grows ever more bleak and doubtful. They have great difficulty accepting the idea of a benevolent universe, let alone a benevolent God. Moreover, the problem of evil is an enormous stumbling block: the horror and uncertainty of the world is so apparent to Fives that any God who allowed the world to be as it is must be sadistic, an evil God, a God they refuse to become involved with.
Level 6: The Provocative Cynic
In time, the complexities Fives create in their minds cause new and more troubling problems for them. Nothing is clear or certain; anxiety increases. They are more desperate than ever about whatever projects and ideas they are trying to develop and fear that other people will demand that they give up their pursuits before they are ready. They fear that they will be drawn “off course” by the intrusions of life and are determined to defend against whatever they perceive as a threat to their fragile niche. At Level 6, through their style of speech, their manner of dress, and the subjects that they involve themselves with, Fives are saying to the world, “Leave me alone!” If others could not get the message before, Fives become more aggressive in their efforts to scare people away.
On the surface, Fives at this Level may seem intellectually arrogant, but they are actually less certain of themselves. Even their most valued ideas and projects begin to seem futile to them, and they alternate between defending them aggressively and finding them worthless. They begin to take more extreme and unorthodox positions, as if they were trying to extract more confidence from ideas that are becoming meaningless for them. Fives may not be entirely convinced of the radical views they express, but express them they do, wielding them like cutting tools. Further, their own subconscious fears about their inability to cope with the environment are frequently erupting into their minds, and they live in growing terror of the world and others. They feel uncertain and uneasy about nearly everything, and it infuriates them that other people seem to be content or oblivious to the horrors which they notice. They therefore begin to undermine others’ certainty or contentment by “sharing” their provocative views. (“So you’re going to the beach? I was just reading the latest report on the ozone layer. Studies show that the chances of getting skin cancer have gone up by nearly one hundred percent.”) There is often an element of truth in what Fives express at this point, but their intention is no longer to arrive at the truth. It is to use their knowledge as a way of unsettling others. And because they have spent so much time gathering information, they can easily use it both to reinforce their conviction that the world is rotten and to subvert other people’s sense of security.
A certain extremism is as typical of their social style as it is of their intellectual viewpoint. In political or artistic matters, antagonistic Fives are usually radicals, populating the avant-garde. They love to take ideas to their furthest limits—for their shock value, to defy what has conventionally been thought or done, or to puncture and demolish popular opinions. (And even if they are not as correct as Fives think they are, their provocative ideas virtually force others to react to them, stirring up debate or even hostility.) As dyed-in-the-wool nonconformists and dissenters, they rebel against all social conventions, rules, and expectations, whether these involve feminism, politics, child rearing, sexual liberation, or all of them in some peculiar combination. They have an ax to grind. Understanding has been abandoned for polemics.
At Level 6, Fives use their entire lifestyle as a statement of their views and as a rebuke of the world. They may choose to live an extremely marginal existence to avoid “selling out.” At this Level, “selling out” may mean any kind of regular employment or even having a relationship. They may wear intentionally provocative clothing or groom themselves in nonconformist ways. Of course, social protest can be a vital and healthy impulse in any culture, and healthier Fives (as well as other types) may well use provocative language, art, or style of dress to make a point. But with lower average Fives, the point is that there is no point. Life is futile. People are stupid. My own life is meaningless. Although other types are certainly part of the picture, this attitude is common in many of the “alternative” cultures that have developed in the latter part of the twentieth century. Grunge, cyberpunk, heavy metal, and other youth subcultures embrace this ethos.
Ironically for those so given to complex thought, Fives at this Level have also become more reductionistic, oversimplifying reality and dismissing more positive, alternative explanations of things. For example, dismissing the flower, reductionistic Fives focus on the ooze from which it sprang, as if the brightest blossom were “nothing but” mud in some significantly altered state; painting is nothing but the desire to smear feces; God is nothing but a projection of the father into the cosmos; human beings are nothing but biological machines, and so forth. The result is that their ideas mix legitimate insights with extreme interpretations, while Fives themselves have no way of knowing which is which.
An irrational element—a kind of perverse resistance to reality—has begun to taint their thought processes. Fives at Level 6 are not crazy, even though their ideas may be strange and extremely unorthodox. Healthy originality, however, has deteriorated into quirky eccentricity; the genius has become little more than a crank. |They may assert that arcane secrets are hidden in numerical codes derived from the names of characters in their favorite TV show, or that all rational thought is meaningless.) Others may well have entertained outlandish ideas, but lower average Fives dwell on them, sometimes using all of their time and energy to “prove” them. Their extreme ideas are so much a part of their sense of self that Fives will defend their ideas at all costs, asserting them vigorously and attempting to demolish all counterarguments. Contentious and quarrelsome, they also worry about establishing their intellectual priority and protecting their ideas, threatening lawsuits if they think that someone has stolen one of their brilliant theories.
Even so, as radically extreme and reductionistic as many of their ideas are, average Fives are not necessarily completely off the mark. They are usually too intelligent not to have something interesting to say. The problem is knowing which of their ideas are valuable and which are not. This is because, at a deeper level, Fives are becoming cynical and hopeless about all of their ideas and projects. A profound pessimism is creeping into their thoughts, and they begin to see all viewpoints as equally irrelevant. They can argue any point because everything seems equally true or untrue, and therefore equally worthless. Fives at Level 6 may even enjoy arguing viewpoints which they find repugnant just to reaffirm their intelligence while simultaneously proving the futility of making any further efforts.
Fives at this stage give the appearance of being extremely involved in their projects, but a closer inspection usually reveals that they are spending much of their time in relatively inessential activities. They may need to put together a résumé, take care of bills, or complete a project for work, but will instead devote their efforts to reading a book on ants, creating a detailed computer database for their record collection, or studying strategies to improve their chess game. They put more and more of their time into activities which will do little to improve their situation, and which actually become harmful because they are distracting Fives from what they really need to do. They are so unsure of themselves that they feel completely unable to engage in many activities—especially those that might improve their quality of life—and keep gravitating to situations that give them the temporary feeling of having their lives “under control.” Average Fives may not be able to face a job interview or learn to drive a car, but they can conquer the world, survive a nuclear holocaust, or wield awesome occult powers in the world of their imaginations.
At this Level, Fives feel profoundly unsettled and anxious about their apparent helplessness in what seems to them a dark and hostile reality. They feel that it is extremely unlikely that they will ever find a place for themselves in the world, and in fact, their abrasive behavior is making this a real possibility. Fives desperately want to find something they can do that will make them feel more connected with the world, but their fear and anger cause them to retreat further and further from any contact with others. They are tormented by their tempers and by their teeming imaginations: insomnia is not uncommon. If they could reach out to others and acknowledge their own suffering, Fives could turn around their difficulties and reconstruct their lives. If they continue to turn away from the world, however, they may eventually cut off what few connections remain in their lives and plunge into a much more terrifying darkness.
Level 7: The Isolated Nihilist
The need to keep others at a safe distance to protect their frantic search for mastery sets the stage for Fives to become extremely antagonistic toward anyone who they believe threatens their world. Unfortunately, as they become more unhealthy, their self-doubt becomes so great that almost everything threatens them. It seems to them that the only way that they can be safe is to cut off their connections with others and “go it alone.” They feel hopelessly ill-adapted for life and are profoundly disgusted with the world. Unhealthy Fives are convinced that they are never going to find a place for themselves in society, and so they turn their back on it. They become extremely isolated and prey to growing eccentricity and nihilistic despair.
Their aggressions are aroused when people question their ideas—or worse, if their ideas are ridiculed or dismissed. To maintain what little remains of their self-confidence, which is thoroughly wedded to their ideas, unhealthy Fives go on the offensive: individuals must be discredited, their ideas shown to be worthless, their solutions to problems an illusion, their world a fool’s paradise. Thus, unhealthy Fives unwittingly provoke others into rejecting them, and then become cynical about the value of all relationships. But in so doing, they become profoundly cut off from others and extremely hopeless about the possibility of ever relating to anyone.
Indeed, their need to reject what others believe is so strong that they take pleasure in debunking whatever is positive in life, trying to prove the virtual impossibility of human relationships and the complete rottenness at the core of human nature. Unhealthy Fives take delight in deflating what they see as the bourgeois illusions by which others get through life so comfortably, and to which they have not fallen prey because of their greater intellectual honesty.
As usual, there is a half-truth operating here. While others may well be living too comfortably for their own good, while some people may be self-deceptive, while some families and some relationships may be tainted by hypocrisy, jealousy, and struggles for power, it does not necessarily follow that cynicism is the best response. Unhealthy Fives throw out the baby with the bath water: faith, hope, love, kindness, friendship—all are extraordinarily difficult for them to believe in because of their fear of involvement with others. Attachment to others is too threatening at this stage, so unhealthy Fives must justify their isolation by becoming nihilistic and cynical about all relationships, indeed, about the value of humanity itself.
Just as an intense stream of water from a fire hose can hold back a crowd, the intensity of their minds, overheated by their erupting aggressive impulses, repels everything that might influence them. They “burn their bridges behind them,” ending friendships, quitting jobs, and emptying out all but the barest of necessities in their lives. (“To hell with everything!”) It is as if unhealthy Fives were attempting to purge themselves of everything but their most basic life-support systems so that they will not be dependent, and therefore potentially overwhelmed by anyone or anything. This process may be taken to extreme degrees. Unhealthy Fives may end up living out of a car, or squatting in a condemned building so that they will not be part of “the system.” They neglect themselves physically, paying no attention to their appearance, eating poorly, and going unwashed. Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse are quite common at this stage, and the rebellious side of Fives has no hesitation about using illicit drugs. Their experimental nature may also lead them into trying new “designer drugs” or substances known to be dangerous, such as heroin. Drugs are harmful for any type, but for Fives they can be particularly debilitating. Unhealthy Fives are already having great difficulty facing even the basic maintenance of their lives, and their connection with reality is extremely tenuous. Drugs further erode their confidence and drive them further into isolation, thus accelerating their deterioration.
At this Level, unhealthy Fives believe they must maintain their isolation so that they will not be influenced by anyone. While usually not violent, they may rant and rave, write long diatribes and denunciations, or suddenly withdraw into a glowering, hateful silence. Since most people are repulsed by this kind of behavior, the isolation of Fives rapidly deepens, which is exactly what unhealthy Fives want. Yet, for that reason, they are vulnerable to ever worsening distortions in their thought processes. They are no longer getting “reality checks” from others, no longer comparing their perceptions to reality, and what few forays into the environment they do have are tainted with their growing terror. All of their experiences become confirmations of their helplessness and of the utter meaninglessness of life. Unhealthy Fives feel besieged by even minor problems and view all interactions with others as invasions upon their fragile space. Aggressions—and fear—continue to escalate.
Some of the personality types are able to conceal the degree of their distress in the unhealthy Levels, but Fives are clearly and unmistakably unstable. Others can see their disintegration and are both saddened and horrified, but unhealthy Fives’ aggressive defense of their isolation makes interventions difficult. Even the hint that they may “need help” may trigger their fears of helplessness and incompetency and drive them deeper into pathology. Unhealthy Fives also retain their ability to reason to some degree, and can cleverly argue away any positive input, dismissing any possibility that their dark and corrosive view of life may be in error. They have no expectations of themselves or others and retreat into a reality as bleak in its actuality as it is in its outlook.
Because unhealthy Fives are terrified of the world and of their own inability to cope with it, they stew in a destructive mixture of dark, twisted fantasies, feelings of contempt for others, and honor at the emptiness of their lives. They want to act, to do something that would discharge the relentlessness of their teeming minds, but they feel crippled by fear and have no belief in themselves or others. Consequently the intense force of their irrational thoughts keeps building without relief. They are filled with rage at a world which they believe has rejected them, but feeling powerless to do anything about it, they avoid all contact with others, let alone reach out for help. It is as if they cannot stop cutting themselves off at the knees. Unhealthy Fives may still be brilliant or talented, but their nihilism destroys any chance of their doing anything constructive with their abilities, and thus building up their confidence. Instead, they tear down everything in their lives, devaluing and rejecting all their attachments to the world. Yet, unhealthy Fives are worse than merely isolated; they are filled with aggressions and impulses which cannot be discharged, because they do not want to get into violent conflicts with others. Unhealthy Fives are thus trapped in a terrible dilemma: they are obsessed by their aggressions yet unable to act on them because they fear the consequences. They want to accomplish something in the world, but their bleak, cynical attitude does not allow them to engage in any activities that might improve their situation. The result is that they do nothing, and the intensity of their own minds begins to devour them.
Level 8: The Terrified “Alien”
As unhealthy Fives retreat further and further into their isolation, their belief in their ability to cope with the world disintegrates. Further, their lack of contact with other people allows their fearful thoughts to run rampant without being checked. They begin to feel that the world is closing in on them, and that it will show them no mercy. At this stage, Fives have reduced their activities and their living conditions to the point where there is nowhere left to retreat. They may be living in a single room and almost never venture forth from it, or literally hiding out in the basement of a friend’s or relative’s house. The only place left to go is deeper into their own minds, but because their minds are the true source of their terrors, this becomes their ultimate undoing.
At Level 8, Fives have tremendous difficulty distinguishing between the sensory impressions generated by the environment and those which have their origin in their fearful thoughts. Thus, unhealthy Fives see all of reality as an implacable, devouring force. The world appears to them like a delirious fever dream—an insane landscape, like something out of a Hieronymus Bosch painting. Almost nothing in the environment is a source of comfort or reassurance. The more Fives look at the world through their distorted perceptions, the more horrified and hopeless they become.
As their fears spread and grow in intensity, they encompass and distort more of reality until doing anything becomes impossible, because everything is charged with terrifying implications. Thus, neurotic Fives may begin to be incapacitated by phobias. Inanimate objects take on a sinister appearance—the ceiling is about to collapse on them, their armchair may swallow them up, the television is giving them brain cancer. They may also experience hallucinations—hearing voices or having grossly distorted visual perceptions. They begin to experience their bodies as alien, perceiving their physical selves as turning against them just as the environment has seemed to turn against them. Neurotic Fives cannot rest or sleep or distract themselves, because they must be vigilant—and because they cannot turn off their minds. As a result, they become physically exhausted, which only compounds their problems.
Even average Fives can have trouble sleeping, but unhealthy Fives literally cannot sleep. They are afraid of being more vulnerable to malevolent forces while they sleep and are also afraid of their dreams, which can be intensely violent and disturbing. They may increase their drug or alcohol use as a way of shutting down their minds, but this only adds to their exhaustion. Sleeplessness heightens the intensity of their thoughts, leading to hallucinations. The childhood monsters in the closet become real for them. Their fear and insomnia wear them down physically, leaving them emotionally volatile and physically fragile.
What begins to frighten neurotic Fives even more is that their thoughts seem to have a life of their own. Their thoughts are uncontrollable, scaring them when they do not want to be scared. Their minds race wildly and they become terrified by fears from which they cannot possibly escape, since, after all, their fears originate in themselves. Like Dr. Frankenstein, they are in danger of being destroyed by processes to which they themselves have given life.
Their healthy ability to find connections and to draw conclusions from disparate facts now works against them. Mental connections go haywire; they relate things which have no basis in fact, yet neurotic Fives are absolutely convinced that they are related. The behavior of birds becomes indicative of political trends. The number of raisins in a bowl of cereal portends the number of months to global cataclysm. Unhealthy Fives see existence as pointless and horrifying, yet constantly assign sinister meanings to trivial daily phenomena.
Unhealthy Fives are unable to stop the destructive force of their distorted thinking because they have cut themselves off from almost all of the constructive outlets for their tremendous mental energies. Their minds have become like a light bulb with more electricity coursing through its filament than it is designed to handle—five hundred watts through a one-hundred-watt bulb. Their thoughts blaze with a terrifying intensity which is rapidly burning them up. They cannot stop their horrific thoughts and fantasies and are almost completely incapable of doing anything positive for themselves. Worse, they resist all help from others, fearing that they will become even more powerless by accepting assistance. Getting help would also be the final confirmation of their own uselessness, their own inability to cope. They are likely to avoid or flee anyone reaching out to them.
Unhealthy Fives would like to destroy everything, so detestable has the world become in their eyes. Their rage, fear, and aggressions have become all-consuming and overwhelming, yet Fives are still unable to act or to discharge their destructive impulses and feelings. Their actions become erratic and irrational, even frightening, but they are still only minor responses to the eruptions of chaos in their psyches.
Life becomes unbearable: they seem to see too much, as if their eyelids had been removed. But the truth is that their minds are devouring them. The world becomes filled with terrors because their minds are filled with terrors. No part of their mind offers any solace or comfort.
Level 9: The Imploding Schizoid
To exert what little control remains over their growing terror and despair, neurotic Fives attempt to use the same defenses they have used all along—detachment and compartmentalization—but at this stage of pathology, these methods are ineffective at holding their fears at bay. They become increasingly schizoid, splitting off from terrifying parts of their psyches and identifying with whatever remaining ideas or fantasies offer some sense of power over their disintegration. But the relentless force of their fear keeps breaking through, leaving Fives feeling that they have no safe space left, even in their minds.
Ultimately, neurotic Fives come to believe that they can no longer defend themselves from hostile forces in the world or from the terrors in their own minds. In fact, most Fives at this Level cannot distinguish between these two realms: they have collapsed into one continuous experience of pain and horror. At this point, Fives want everything to stop. They want cessation, to end all experience in oblivion. There are two main ways that they are likely do this.
The first and most obvious of these is suicide. Like unhealthy Fours, neurotic Fives are likely to take their own lives, although for somewhat different reasons. Fours destroy themselves out of self-hatred and to silently accuse those who they feel have let them down. Fives tend to commit suicide because they see life as meaningless and horrifying. There is simply no point in continuing to exist. (Of course Fives with a Four-wing and Fours with a Five-wing will display some combination of these motivations.) All that unhealthy Fives perceive in themselves and the world fills them with terror and nausea. They conclude that the only way to stop their horrible experiences is to stop all experience. Like Hamlet, the prospect of “not being” becomes a “consummation devoutly to be wished.”
If they do not commit suicide, unhealthy Fives “solve” the problem of how to control their minds, especially the overwhelming anxiety produced by their consuming phobias, by unconsciously splitting consciousness into two parts. Neurotic Fives retreat into that part of themselves which seems safe, regressing into an autistic-like state which resembles psychosis.
At this final Level, Fives may defend themselves from reality by unconsciously cutting themselves off from every connection with it. To put this another way, unhealthy Fives are so terrorized by their thoughts that they must get rid of them somehow. They do so by identifying with the emptiness that remains within themselves when they detach from their remaining identifications. In effect, they detach themselves from themselves, like parents who, to stop being tormented by the memories of a dead child, throw away everything that reminds them of the child. The result is that neurotic Fives live in a totally empty house—the self which has been purged of everything that reminds them of their terrifying and painful attachments to the world.
Thus, neurotic Fives deteriorate into a state of inner emptiness and, if they continue to live this way, in all probability into a form of schizophrenia. *
All their former intellectual intensity and capacity for involvement is gone. Fives at this stage are utterly isolated from their environment, from other people, and from their inner life—from their ability to think, to feel, and to do.
Unhealthy Fives have finally succeeded in putting distance between themselves and the environment, although at the price of completely removing themselves from it through suicide or a schizoid break. The irony is, however, that Fives retreat from reality to gain the time and space to build their confidence and ability to deal with life, but they ultimately destroy their own confidence and talents, even their own life, through their fear and isolation. Those Fives who do not take their own lives may end up living a life of helplessness, dependency, or incarceration—the very situation they most feared—as a result of severe psychotic breaks with reality. In a final effort to escape from the horrors around them, Fives attempt to remove themselves from the environment. But what they have removed themselves from is not actually reality, but the projection of their anxieties about reality. They have succeeded only in removing themselves from their thoughts and feelings. Once neurotic Fives have done this, they become unable to cry out to anyone from the void they have created within themselves. All is emptiness within the abyss of the purged self.
The Direction of Disintegration: The Five Goes to Seven
Starting at Level 4, Fives under stress will begin to exhibit many of the qualities of average to unhealthy Sevens. Average Fives tend to retreat from connection with others and from activities in the world which they fear they will be unable to accomplish. Thus they become increasingly narrow in their focus and concerns. The move to Seven can be seen as an unconscious reaction to this shrinking of the Five’s world, albeit in the scattered, hyperactive discharge of anxiety found in the average to unhealthy Seven.
At Level 4, Fives are focusing their energies in studying, practicing, and preparing. They do not feel confident to enter the arena of life and believe that further developing their knowledge and skills will give them the protection they need to survive. Along with this, however, comes a desire for variety and a restlessness of mind characteristic of type Seven. Also like Sevens, Fives at this Level are constantly acquiring information, building their collections of music, books, and videos, or whatever else captures their interest. They move from one topic to another, looking for the subject that will satisfy them, for the project they can really get involved with. But in this state of restlessness, none of their pursuits are entirely satisfactory to them.
At Level 5, Fives have become even more preoccupied and involved with their projects and ideas. They are beginning to isolate themselves socially and to become more focused on their thoughts than on the world around them. Fives begin to be starved for stimulation, and under stress may begin to involve themselves with a wide variety of experiences which do not relate directly to their central projects or motivations. They distract themselves with video games, movies, and science fiction and horror novels. They love to let their minds free-associate, and can enjoy moments of silliness and offbeat humor which often surprise the people around them. Fives under stress may also develop a taste for nightlife, exploring restaurants, bars, and nightclubs—often as voyeurs. They will usually be secretive about this, however, and few of their friends will be aware of this aspect of their lives. As their anxiety escalates, so does their desire for distraction and stimulation.
At Level 6, Fives are becoming more fearful, and despair of ever finding a niche for themselves. They become threatened by most interactions with others and can be antagonistic and provocative in defense of their intellectual or creative “turf.” They get into high gear in their avoidance of anxiety, and can be insensitive and aggressive in their pursuit of whatever they want at the time. The jaded, calloused qualities of the Seven only reinforce the Five’s growing cynicism, making them impatient with people and extremely hardened in their view of the world. Some may find them wild and exciting at this level, but most people are put off by their intense, bristling energy. Further, Fives under stress will not hesitate to use drugs or alcohol to quell their anxieties. They will pursue whatever offers them relief from their pain and fears, even if their escape is costly and short-lived.
At Level 7, unhealthy Fives are extremely isolated, cut off from contact with others and the world, and consequently have no constructive outlets for their inner intensity. When they go to Seven, they discharge this energy in a variety of escapist behaviors, which only makes them more dissipated and incapable. Unhealthy Fives lurch from an isolated, fearful state to one of wild activity. Their minds are beginning to run out of control, and when they can no longer contain their fear, this enormous mental turbulence gets acted out in impulsive and often irresponsible ways. They lunge into mindless activity, by which they succeed only in getting themselves into worse trouble and more serious conflicts with the environment. They are irrational, have extremely poor judgment, and make poor choices about which actions to take. When others question their self-destructive escapism, their responses can be abusive and infantile.
At Level 8, Fives are full of terrors and cannot distinguish the horrific images that erupt from their unconscious from reality. Under increased stress, their behavior becomes manic and reckless. Moving to Seven now, deteriorated Fives go totally out of control. Some of the terrible things they have feared may actually happen as a result of their erratic and irresponsible behavior. And as fearful as Fives have become, they are often heedless and unaware of real dangers. For example, they may be killed—not because they are devoured by their furniture or exposed to death rays from their television, but because, not watching where they are going, they get run over by a truck. Out-of-control Fives are reckless and accident-prone: they may be poisoned, not by the KGB but because they mistakenly ate something they should not have. Neurotic Fives need to reestablish contact with reality (particularly the positive aspects of it), although at this Level they are completely incapable of doing so. They act impulsively, erratically, and hysterically, like a manic-depressive Seven, becoming increasingly unstable and unpredictable.
At Level 9, Fives are consumed with terror and are desperate to escape the horrors they perceive around them. Similarly, they cannot find anything in themselves which inspires confidence or gives them any sense that they will be able to cope with the rest of their lives. Fearing that they have reached some sort of horrible dead end, they may compulsively do permanent harm to themselves or someone else. Even if they do not kill themselves, their reckless activities may well have severely damaged their health and limited their ability to pursue any further activities. Like unhealthy Sevens, they are debilitated, burned-out, and paralyzed with fear. As anxiety reaches an ever new pitch, they may do something irrevocable, such as impulsively killing someone or committing suicide.
The Direction of Integration: The Five Goes to Eight
Fives typically do not feel that they know enough to act: there is always more to know. They will always feel insecure until they have mastered the real world and are not simply masters of their own minds. From a psychoanalytic point of view, their egos are typically too weak for the ids—their aggressions and other impulses tend to overpower their minds.
This no longer happens to healthy, integrating Fives because they have incorporated their perceptions of the world into themselves by identifying with them instead of merely observing them. They no longer identify just with their thoughts, but also with the objects of their thoughts. Thus, integrating Fives have overcome their fear of the environment and are learning to trust it. Hence their self-confidence grows, after the manner of healthy Eights.
When they go to Eight, Fives also realize that, as little as they think they know, it is still more than almost anyone else. They also realize that they do not have to know absolutely everything before they can act. They will learn more as they do more; they will be able to solve new problems as they arise. They understand that they will know what they need to know when they need to know it. Their confidence will come not from some collection of skills or some vast body of information that they have memorized, but from a real connection with their presence in the world. They then experience themselves not as separate from the world, not as a helpless speck, but as a powerful, integral part of it.
Integrating Fives act from a realization of their own genuine mastery. While they do not know everything, they know enough to lead others with confidence. The correctness of their ideas has been so well confirmed by reality that they no longer fear acting. They acquire the courage it takes to put their ideas, and consequently themselves, on the line. Thus, integrating Fives realize that they are able to contribute something worthwhile to others. As a result, their thoughts are finally given expression in action and possibly in leadership. Integrating Fives show others how to do what only they know how to do. And, as we have seen, the practical value of their ideas may be incalculable.
The Five with a Four-Wing: “The Iconoclast”
The traits of the Five and those of the Four reinforce each other in many ways. Both Five and Four are withdrawn types: they turn to the inner world of their imagination to defend their egos and to reinforce their sense of self. They both feel that something essential in themselves must be found before they can live their lives completely. Fives lack the confidence to act, and Fours lack a strong, stable sense of identity. Thus, Fives with a Four-wing have difficulty connecting with others and staying grounded. People of this subtype are more emotional and introverted than Fives with a Six-wing, although paradoxically, they tend to be more sociable than the other subtype. As a result of their Four component, they are also more interested in the personal and intrapsychic. The two types also have some significant differences in their approach. Fives are cerebral, holding experience at arm’s length, while Fours internalize everything to intensify their feelings. Despite these differences—or because of them—these two personality types make one of the richest subtypes, combining possibilities for outstanding artistic as well as intellectual achievement. Noteworthy examples of this subtype include Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenburg, Friedrich Nietzsche, Georgia O'Keeffe, John Cage, John Lennon, k. d. lang, Laurie Anderson, James Joyce, Emily Dickinson, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Buster Keaton, Gary Larson, Stephen King, Tim Burton, Clive Barker, Franz Kafka, Umberto Eco, Jean-Paul Sartre, Oriana Fallaci, Glenn Gould, Peter Serkin, Hannah Arendt, Kurt Cobain, and Vincent van Gogh.
In healthy people of this subtype, we find the union of intuition and knowledge, sensitivity and insight, aesthetic appreciation and intellectual endowments. Fives with a Four-wing are likely to be involved in the arts as writers, directors, designers, musicians, composers, choreographers, and so forth. This subtype has been somewhat overlooked in many descriptions of Fives because they do not fit the stereotype of the academic/scientific Five (the Five with a Six-wing). This subtype is more synthetic in its thinking, pulling things together and seeking out new ways of looking at things. Also, Fives with a Four-wing tend to utilize their imaginations more than the analytic, systematic parts of the mind which are more the domain of the other subtype. If they are involved in science, Fives with a Four-wing are drawn to those areas in which there is less emphasis on experimentation and data collection than on intuition and comprehensive vision. This subtype is particularly aware of—and on the lookout for—the beauty in a mathematical formula, for example. For this subtype, beauty is one of the indications of truth, because the order which beauty represents is a confirmation of the objective lightness of an idea. One of the foremost strengths of healthy Fives with a Four-wing lies precisely in their intuition, since intuition helps them uncover areas of knowledge where their conscious thoughts have not yet ventured. The Fourwing adds a desire to find a unique, personal vision to the curiosity and perceptiveness of the Five, and the result is a propensity to “tinker” with familiar forms until they become something almost unrecognizable. In talented Fives with a Four-wing this can lead to startling innovations in their chosen fields of endeavor.
In Average Fives with a Four-wing, the Four-wing adds emotional depth, but causes difficulties in sustaining efforts and in working with others. Fives with a Four-wing are more independent than Fives with a Six-wing and resist having structures and deadlines imposed on them. There can be an off-putting detachment from the environment, both because they are involved in their thoughts and because they are introverted and emotionally self-absorbed. Analytic powers may be used to keep people at arm’s length rather than to understand them more deeply. Emotionally delicate, people of this subtype can be moody and hypersensitive to criticism, particularly regarding the value of their work or ideas, since this impinges directly upon self-esteem. Both component types tend to withdraw from people and be reclusive. They can be highly creative and imaginative, envisioning alternate realities in great detail, but can get lost in their own cerebral landscapes. The Four-wing gives a propensity to fantasizing, but with the Five with the Four-wing, the subject matter tends toward the surreal and fantastic rather than the romantic. Individuals of this subtype can become highly impractical, spending most of their time reading, playing intellectual games, or specializing in trivia. There is often an attraction to dark, forbidden subject matter or to any way of self-expression which would disturb or upset others. Some Fives with a Four-wing become fascinated with the macabre and the horrific. As they become more impractical and fearful about their possibilities in life, one typical solution is to find emotional solace in various forms of self-indulgence—in alcohol, drugs, or sexual escapades.
Unhealthy persons of this subtype may fall prey to debilitating depressions yet be disturbed by aggressive impulses. Envy of others mixes with contempt for them; the desire to isolate the self from the world mixes with regret that it must be so. Intellectual conflicts make their emotional lives seem hopeless, while their emotional conflicts make intellectual work difficult to sustain. Moreover, if this subtype becomes neurotic, it is one of the most alienated of all of the personality types: profoundly hopeless, nihilistic, self-inhibiting, isolated from others, and full of self-hatred. Unhealthy Fives with a Four-wing retreat into a very bleak, minimal existence, attempting to cut off from all needs. The self-rejection and despair of the Four combines with the cynical nihilism of the Five to create a worldview that is relentlessly negative and terrifying. Social isolation, addiction, and chronic depression are common. Suicide is a real possibility.
The Five with a Six-Wing: “The Problem Solver”
This subtype is the one that has been most often associated with Fives—the intellectual who is interested in science, technology, acquiring facts and details. Fives with a Six-wing are the “analysts” and “cataloguers” of their environments; they are problem solvers and excel at dissecting the components of a problem or thing to discover how it works. The traits of the Five and those of the Six-wing combine to produce one of the most “difficult” of the personality types to contact intimately or to sustain a relationship with. Both components, the Five and the Six, are in the Thinking Triad, and Fives with a Six-wing are perhaps the most intellectual of all the subtypes. They also tend to be more disengaged from their feelings than Fives with a Four-wing. Persons of this subtype have problems trusting others, both because they are essentially Fives and because the Six-wing reinforces anxiety, making any kind of risk taking in relationships difficult. However, the coping mechanisms of the Five and Six are somewhat at odds, creating an inner tension between the two components. Fives find security by withdrawing from others while Sixes find security by working cooperatively with others. Hence, their interpersonal relations are erratic, and in general are not an important part of their lives. Noteworthy examples of this subtype include Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Sigmund Freud, Simone Weil, Jacob Bronowski, Charles Darwin, Edward O. Wilson, Karl Marx, James Watson, Ursula K. LeGuin, Alfred Hitchcock, Doris Lessing, Cynthia Ozick, Bobby Fischer, B. F. Skinner, Isaac Asimov, Howard Hughes, Ezra Pound, and Theodore Kaczynski.
Healthy people of this subtype are more extroverted and focused on the external world than Fives with a Four-wing. They are not particularly introspective, preferring to observe and understand the world around them. Healthy Fives with a Six-wing observe the world with extraordinary clarity, combining the Five’s drive for mastery with the Six’s quest for certainty. The result is a gift for drawing meaningful conclusions from disparate facts, and an ability to make predictions based on those conclusions. They are often drawn to technical subjects, engineering, science, and philosophy, as well as inventing and repair work. The Six-wing gives this subtype a greater ability to cooperate with others and to bring a disciplined, persistent approach to their endeavors. There is more aptitude for and interest in the practical matters of life, and with sufficient talent, Fives with a Six-wing can combine their innovation with business savvy, sometimes with very lucrative results. Their attention is more often directed at objects than at people, although they identify strongly with key people in their lives. They may feel things deeply, but are extremely restrained in their emotional expression. In them we find an intellectual playfulness, a good sense of humor, as well as other attractive, lovable qualities. If others have been tested and permitted to come closer, they discover that people of this subtype have a deep capacity for friendship and commitment. There is also an endearing element in their desire to be accepted by others, and even if they are sometimes socially clumsy, others cannot help but be touched by their eagerness to reach out to people.
However, average persons of this subtype generally have problems with relationships. The Six-wing provides good organizational abilities and an endearing personal quality, but also adds to the Five’s anxiety and fearfulness. They do not seem to know what to do with their feelings, much less how to express them directly. Hence we find an insensitivity to their own feelings and emotional needs, as well as to the feelings and emotional needs of others. They have little awareness about how they communicate themselves to others. (They are the classic intellectual nerd, the socially inept oddball.) Average Fives with a Six-wing can become extremely preoccupied, theoretical, and absent-minded. They are totally wrapped up with intellectual pursuits and live completely in their minds, immersing themselves in their work to the exclusion of everything else. When interpersonal conflicts arise, average Fives with a Six-wing avoid resolving problems by burying themselves even more deeply in their intellectual work, and by employing passive-aggressive techniques, putting off people and problems rather than dealing with them directly. They can be rebellious and argumentative for no apparent reason, although something may have touched off unconscious emotional associations. Fives with a Six-wing tend to cling more tenaciously to their views and theories (reductionism) and to antagonize people who disagree with them, whereas Fives with a Four-wing tend to reject all meaning (nihilism) and to disturb the certainty of people who seem secure.
Unhealthy people of this subtype tend to be suspicious of people and to have counterphobic, contentious, and volatile reactions to others. They are extremely fearful of intimacy of any sort and can be highly unstable, with paranoid tendencies. Unconsciously seeking rescue, they also fearfully reject and antagonize their supporters. The isolation and mental distortion we see in unhealthy Fives are reinforced by the Six-wing’s paranoia, inferiority feelings, and conviction of being persecuted. Neurotic Fives with a Six-wing ultimately become extremely phobic, projecting dangers everywhere while retreating from all social interaction. They may lash out at imagined enemies, sometimes with lethal results. Psychotic breaks and madness are possible.
Taking an overall view of the Five, we can see that there has been a struggle between various pairs of polar opposites: between thinking and doing, between a fascination with the world and a fear of the world, between identification with others and rejection of them, between love and hate. This process of attraction to and repulsion from the environment as a whole began with their ambivalence toward their parents. But unfortunately, what happens is that Fives gradually become so obsessed with defending themselves from potential threats from the environment—that is, from whatever they see as harmful and dangerous—that they also exclude the good. Eventually, there is nothing in the world with which Fives can identify, nothing true or valuable in which they can believe. The final result is total nihilism: there is nothing left to which they can attach themselves.
Like every other personality type which becomes gripped in the downward spiral of neurosis, Fives bring about the very thing they most fear: that they are helpless, useless, and incompetent. The irony is that they have become helpless and incompetent because they have rejected attachment to everything. And by intensifying their involvement with their mental processes, instead of finding security or power, Fives have brought about their own insecurity and powerlessness.
It is a tragic end. If there is something perverse and dark—even demonic—about Fives, it is that to protect themselves they have relentlessly repulsed the world and other human beings. What then is left? Only a fascination with—and a terrifying attraction to—the darkness.
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cloakedsparrow · 7 years
DC Headcanon/Ficlet: The Timmy Text Flowchart (AKA Tim is naturally suspicious and terrible at flirting).
As Tim started taking on more and more duties at Wayne Enterprise, it became somewhat common for a coworker to ask him to join them for lunch to talk business. Tim was usually fine with this; he got food and got work done so he considered it a two-birds-one-stone scenario. However, sometimes his co-workers behaved oddly during these work lunches. They wouldn’t seem that interested in talking about the work they were supposed to be discussing, instead opting to ask Tim personal questions or volunteer personal information unprompted.
Tim was immediately suspicious on these occasions (He was a Robin after all). Was this person a corporate spy? Did they hold a grudge against Bruce for some reason? Were they trying to get close to one of his siblings? Did they suspect that Bruce was Batman?
He would always react calmly, continuing to steer the discussion towards business, and casually send a text to one of his siblings, offering a polite apology for the interruption. 
The text would be to ask for a background check on the individual. Wayne Enterprises conducted thorough background checks of their employees, but the Batcomputer could always find more information.
Less than half of the time, the person actually was a corporate spy, or someone with a grudge against Bruce, Dick or Jason who thought they could subtly mine the youngest Wayne for information. A few times, the person was just very friendly and genuinely concerned that Tim was too young and worked too hard. They thought eating a good meal and sitting still for an hour without worrying about work would be good for him (Alfred pointed out that he was inclined to agree with these people).
There was one occasion where the person was trying to find out what had become of an artifact Tim’s biological father had in his possessed before his death. The man had been with his father on when he procured it, where it was believed worthless, but the artifact was actually incredibly valuable.
Once the person seemed to be stalker targeting the Wayne family, once the person was dating a reporter and trying to get inside information for her, and once a man appeared to be a sugar daddy in search of a sugar baby (why he thought Tim would fit that position, they never figured out).
Dick realized that six out of ten times this happened, the person was just flirting with Tim (usually with increasing obviousness) and, for all his genius and detective skills, Tim just saw it as suspicious behavior. In reaction to this, he made up an honest to goodness flowchart for him, Jason and Cassandra to follow when they received these texts. They called it ‘The Timmy Text Chart’.
It stared with the usual questions. Age and gender of the person who asked him to lunch. How did they present the lunch suggestion? Was the person known to be in a committed relationship? How close was the person sitting to Tim? What position were they sitting in? Do they keep touching him? If so, where, how and how often? Are they smiling a lot? What type of smile? Are the personal questions geared toward the Wayne family, the Drake family or Tim specifically?
In the event that the person is likely flirting, there is a second flowchart with follow up questions. Depending on the answers, responses can be to remind Tim that he is a kind, intelligent, successful and good looking young man and that some people are just going to be attracted to him without ulterior motives. This can end with advice to let the person down firmly but gently or that no action is needed because either the person will realize he’s not interested and move on, or they’ll grow frustrated with his obliviousness and ask him out directly. Tim can handle it from there.
There are also code phrases for if the person is showing an unhealthy interest in Tim (Jason says hello), the person is likely interested in him for an inappropriate reason (Jason wants you to call him), the person is too old to be flirting with Tim (Don’t forget to call Aunt Harriet -oddly, Jason insisted this one be added) or when something just seems wrong in the scenario (Alfred wants you to pick up pizza for tonight). Once the information is received, Tim can handle it from there.
There have been a few occasions where whichever sibling Tim got a hold of felt the need to intervene, either by removing Tim from the ‘work lunch’ by calling with an excuse or physically showing up to ‘bump into’ their brother. The latter has led to some funny scenarios.
Cassandra joining Tim and his co-worker and glaring at the older WE employee the whole time (they never spoke to Tim outside of work again). Dick practically giving the shovel talk at the table (the WE employee quit the next day). Cassandra simply grabbing Tim’s arm as she walked by and pulling him along with her, pointing to the WE employee and saying ‘no’ as if they were a dog when they attempted to react. Dick picking Tim up for a ‘forgotten’ family event and making sure to use the term ‘baby brother’ thrice in front of the WE employee addition to calling Tim ‘Timmy’ and hugging him in a way that emphasized his petite frame. Dick was once too far away and actually sent Kon-El to join Tim and the WE employee; rumors about “Tim’s scary boyfriend” persisted among the WE employees despite Tim’s attempts to correct them (he eventually gave up).
One time Jason suddenly showed up in full Red Hood gear -in the middle of the day at a public restaurant- and pointed to Tim while telling the man sitting across from him to ‘stay the fuck away from the minor or I’ll shoot you in the knee’ before grabbing Tim by the collar and hauling him off. Tim had to hack several databases to prevent it from being treated as a kidnapping and called Lucius the next day to ask him to fire the man for violation of contract. No arrest was made either way and no one knows what to make of the entire situation. It still bothers Bruce that he has no idea what that was about, but he doesn’t let it show (much). Dick, Cassandra and Alfred are just glad for the show of brotherhood from Jason and Tim. They trust the two of them to handle whatever it was.
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timclymer · 5 years
Obesity: Silently Fuels Complicated and High-Risk Diseases
Many people have huge concerns regarding obesity, particularly a cosmetic or lifestyle, but, really – the actual concern should have to be the health problems it makes an individual prone to. In a nutshell – being obese means you are most likely to have complicated health problems. Therefore, take obesity as a very serious health concern, otherwise your life would be at stake.
Fat is usually not bad as long as it remains in healthy proportions, but once it crosses that barrier and surpasses abnormally high and unhealthy proportions and makes your body really heavy – that should be considered as the cause for concern. In other words abnormally high and unhealthy proportion of body fat, which is usually considered as overweight or obese condition – in real terms, is immensely harmful and if left unchecked creates havoc inside your body by silently fueling several very complicated and high-risk health conditions. Therefore, obesity is nothing but a complex disorder associated with several complex issues.
Facts and Figures about Overweight
Obesity is one of the leading risks for global deaths. According to WHO, around 3.4 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. WHO’s global estimates reports around 2 billion adults as obese. Overall estimates projects that more than 10% of the global adult population is obese.
What causes Obesity and Overweight?
The prime factor of obesity is energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories spent; in other words, eating too many calories and not spending much (not getting enough physical activity). If you take the prevailing scenario across the globe, you can find an increased intake of energy-dense foods that are high in fat, and then lack of physical activity as a result of increasing sedentary nature of work. In addition to this, body weight can be the result of environment, culture, socio-economic status, genes, behavior as well.
Diseases and Drugs
Sometimes medical conditions and drugs may lead to obesity. The drugs like antidepressants and steroids may make an individual gain weight. The health conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome and Cushing’s disease may also cause obesity.
Health Risks Associated with Obesity
If you know the complicated risks that obesity carries, you would never allow yourself to grow fat. If you are obese, remember the following risks are always associated with obese people:
By increasing the risk of esophageal, uterus, breast, colon, kidney, pancreas, gallbladder, thyroid and other types of cancers, obesity endangers your life.
Obesity makes you prone to high blood pressure (Hypertension), diabetes, coronary artery disease and other chronic diseases.
The other health problems that are associated with obesity include liver & gallbladder disease, respiratory problems & sleep Apnea, high cholesterol levels & high levels of triglycerides, Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility), Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its underlying bone within a joint)
How to Prevent Obesity?
To prevent obesity, your purpose should be to maintain ideal weight or else, if you are obese, then you should diligently follow the following steps, which are equally beneficial for maintaining ideal weight and reducing weight.
��� Avoid fat-rich and sugar-rich foods – Eat foods that are low in fats – Avoid stress, boredom and frustration – Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink – Avoid a sedentary lifestyle by increasing your activity level – Increase physical activity and avoid sedentary lifestyle – Perform aerobic exercise – Don’t use lifts, escalator, rather use stairs – Know the differences between bad fats and good fats and also bad carbohydrates. Minimize consumption of fast food and snack foods.
A doctor is the best source to tell you whether illnesses, medications, or psychological factors are contributing to weight gain or making weight loss hard. Always talk to your health care provider before starting any exercise program for weight loss.
Are you aware of the Hidden ingredient that you consume frequently, but unaware of the fact that it fuels Obesity, Let us find out what it is:
This ingredient is the prominent cause of ultra-modern obesity epidemic and manufacturers have begun to use it instead of other old-fashioned sweetening agent because it is sweeter than the old-fashioned sweetener, has longer shelf life, it is cheaper, it contains 14% more sweetening power and mixes well with other foods as well. The hidden ingredient is High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). It contains excess fructose, which is metabolically disruptive, not good for your liver. It behaves more like fat in the body rather than sugar and gradually fuels obesity.
It has become the major sweetener in jams, ketchup, salad dressings, processed foods, ice-creams, jellies, bread.
Source by DR Anuradha Reddy
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/obesity-silently-fuels-complicated-and-high-risk-diseases/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/188358188665 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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yme777-blog · 6 years
Mental exhaustion
Found out a lot today and was able to finally not be so critical of myself to realize his expectations are total and complete BS and unrealistic. Straight delusional. We all have lies we tell ourselves, bit this is past any of that. He loves to self diagnose medical problems and he thinks he's narcissistic. Think for once he's spot on, all of the symptoms fit him to a T. He has just been going in circles since he got here, just spinning his wheels but never with them in the ground so he never moves forward anywhere. I have spent years with bf's that didn't work or didn't even try to constantly talked about doing something. He's continuing to pay his stupid manipulative games that I'm just not going to let work. I've already been ready to throw in the towel the day I realized he had no respect for me. He wants to constantly disregard a request of mine because he feels it's "irrational therefore irrelevant" and yet he's the one that brought up this entire thing, asking why I did that to him one morning. He's no where near as smart as he thinks he is, I see right past his BS and I'm not going to tolerate it. I think it's messed up beyond repair, I just have to survive the overly dramatic thing of him moving out. Turns out he is exactly the same type of person as John, Tim, Glen, and the other shorter long term relationships that we're unhealthy. Like he just thinks he's so awesome and yet has low self esteem. He is a contradiction. He wants a mother to be there and give him unconditional love and constant attention. That is not the kind of relationship I am looking for. I'm looking for someone I can talk to that isn't judgemental or dismissive of my thoughts and feelings, I noticed a lot that Isaac didn't seem to stop and think about how certain things would make me feel, or he doesn't really think of me or something I may want. I am not dependent on him, he isn't bringing anything to the table. At all. His breath always smells awful, his picks his asshole then picks his nose and actually believes it's a positive trait that he's willing to admit he does that. Can't really deny that behavior when I see it happen ten times a day. I have my own gross quirks, I constantly pluck at these thick painful "whiskers" near my chin. They're such thick hairs there thick pubes thick and they hurt when they grow in. I've not changed or washed my bras for awhile before, I've done my fair of gross stuff and have dated guys with some gross habits but nothing like this. He never showers, I somehow reverted back to not showering too which isn't good. He never brushes his teeths, he is very messy I used to have to pick up after him a lot more than I do now but the point is I still am. It's not very even sided either, case in point the day he decided to clean while I was working he only picked up his stuff...after stupidly thanking him because at first glance it looked cleaner. But after realizing his childish mind game I had to spend the next hour cleaning y room while he sat there staring at the television. At one point to he brought out 3 cans and two water bottles, instead of grabbing more he went right back to that television, then offered help to me when I was literally one minute from being done. Had to do that right after work when my feet were killing me. By his logic I didn't "have to" do it then I could've waited. Not registering in his brain that was extremely messed up what he did, he did that because he says I never recognize what he does...yet that's what i did i thanked him for cleaning before realizing he only cleaned up his stuff . He is just too far gone, beyond any reasoning. He just believes the world is the deceitful fucked up place...that's not how I want to live. I want someone that can trust me not gaslight me and leave out important details about themselves until I'm already 3 or 4 months in a relationship with that person . I'm sick of feeling like this it's just not worth it, Isaac might think he's just this great human being but no...he really isn't. He's awesome as a friend, but that's it wish i never would've pursued this at all. I really expected him to have made a deal by now, he just wants to take take take take but not to give. He wants me to drive him to fucking Akron for a real estate thing I already know won't lead to more deals, just a very slight percentage compared to not going at all to get a deal by going to this. He needs to get his shit together I can't take him seriously anymore, I don't believe anything he tells me anymore. Instead of letting me go he seems focused on keeping me so we can continue to play this stupid game. Well I'm not playing anymore, I wish him the best of luck. I genuinely wish he finds happiness he deserves it, he's had a lot of messed up stuff done to him by his own family however unrealistic expectations will just crush any chance of being happy.
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timclymer · 5 years
Fat Loss Nutrition – Start Losing Weight By Using These 8 Simple Nutrition Tips
There’s a lot of confusion about how and what to eat in this country. That is not surprising if you consider that a search for nutrition books on Amazon.com turns up with over 50,000 books! Are there really 50,000 ways to eat? Possibly, but my opinion is that effective nutrition programs tend to have more similarities than differences.
Let’s set the differences and get back to the basics. Here’s a list of basic nutritional tips that will help you to start losing weight and improving your health:
1. Drink More Water
Start out your day with drinking a glass or two of water when you first wake up, then drink water through your day. How much water should you be drinking? Expert opinions vary on this but I personally use half my body weight in ounces of water as a guideline. I weigh 194 lbs so I should be drinking around 97 ounces of water a day. Try to only have water or green tea if you feel you have a lot of weight to lose.
2. Eat Balanced Meals
There’s a lot of different expert opinions on this including the Zone diet, Atkin’s, Pritikin, Metabolic Typing, the government’s food pyramid, etc. I like to keep things simple. Have some meat (lean beef, chicken, fish, or eggs), have some starch (brown rice, quinoa, etc.) and some vegetables (spinach, chard, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, etc.). Research into nutrition is beginning to show that we are all individuals and that our metabolism is affected by our genetic and lifestyle. There is no definitive answer on what to eat short of getting genetic testing and having it adjusted for your lifestyle. Nutritional Genomics is the future of diet prescription but getting in all the above mentioned foods will put you on the right track.
3. Eat Breakfast
I run across so many people that start their day with coffee or coffee and a bagel then finish of the day with a huge meal before they go to bed. This is the exact opposite of what they should be doing. When you wake up in the morning, your blood sugar is low from going without food during sleep. Make sure you start off your day with a breakfast following the guidelines that I listed above about eating balanced meals. You’re not hungry in the morning? No problem, just eat whatever you can and gradually increase the amount until you’re eating a full breakfast. After a while of doing this, you will find that your body craves a meal when you first wake up. You should also find your energy levels and mood get better as you start giving your body what it needs at the beginning of the day.
4. Eat Several Small Meals Through the Day
Not only should you be eating a balanced breakfast, but you should be eating 3-5 meals / snacks per a day. These meals and snacks should be eaten every 3-4 hours. How many should you have? This is a complex question that should be addressed with a professional. A more general answer would be: eat if you’re hungry. Some people have metabolic or psychological issues that cause them to be hungry even when they have ateen recently. Most likely you’re not one of these people so do not starve yourself. Eat when you’re hungry.
5. Minimize Processed Food.
I really want to say never eat processed food, but let’s face it: some of this stuff tastes good and many of us will never completely eliminate it from our diet. That’s alright but keep in mind that the more you eat, the harder it will be for you to keep the weight off and improve your health .. How do you identify processed food? Just simply read the label. Forget about what the marketing on the package says, the nutritional information on the label will give you the best information about the product. Ingredient labels have to list certain things and meet government standards.
Ingredients are listed from the largest component to small component. For example, if the ingredient list has: water, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar and orange juice, you know that the product is really made up of water, high-fructose corn syrup, and sugar; there’s probably not much juice in it. Also, if you read the label and the product has words that you can not pronounce or sound like agents of chemical warfare, there’s a good chance it’s processed food. Keep your intake of these products to a absolute minimum.
6. Eat or Prepare Your Meals at Home
This may be time inconvenient, especially if you do not consider yourself a decent cook, but I believe preparing your own food is a necessary key to getting your eating regimen in the right direction. Many restaurants and fast food places keep costs down by buying the cheapest ingredients they can find. Also bear in mind that most restaurant food is prepared to taste good, not necessarily to help you with your nutrition goals. Tasting good to some chefs requires adding things that you might not if you were cooking your own food. You do not know how to cook? That’s ok, just learn a few basic concepts to get the job done. Cooking scrambled eggs and making salads are a great way to start.
7. Follow the 90/10 Rule
Everyone is busy and we all give in to tasty temptations. Do not stress too much over it and do not place unreasonable expectations on yourself either. Instead try to follow good eating principles 90% of the time. Even if 90% is too much of a behavior change for you, try 60/40. Sometimes you can increase the percentage but start with something that is reasonable for you. Just make sure your healthy eating outweighs the unhealthy and you’ll be on the right track.
8. Listen to Your Body
Our bodies are so complex and there are a lot of systems in place to give you feedback on how what you eat is affecting you. For example you might eat too much ice cream. It may taste pretty good when it’s going down, but the stomach ache or sluggishness you feel afterwards is your body’s way giving you feedback on your eating habits. Your body is an amazing machine so make sure you listen to it!
Source by Ted Ryce
from Home Solutions Forev https://homesolutionsforev.com/fat-loss-nutrition-start-losing-weight-by-using-these-8-simple-nutrition-tips/ via Home Solutions on WordPress from Home Solutions FOREV https://homesolutionsforev.tumblr.com/post/186511955465 via Tim Clymer on Wordpress
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