#the Snake
Exhausted MC Who Just Wants to Sleep
After finals, MC is stupid exhausted since little of the material they've learned is stuff you go over in the human realm and cramming was the only way they'd get a decent grade on their finals. But it's over now and they need sleep! MC just KNOWS someone's going to end up in their room at some point and wake them up, so whose bed do they flop into instead?
you walk into the doorway of the living room where everyone is gathered, looking exhausted, announce "i'm giong to sleep. if anyone even thinks about waking me up or doing anything that would wake me up, i will make them eat Solomon's cooking." before stalking off down the hall.
As you stumble towards your room you realize that you literally have no privacy in your own and room and with whats left of your brain power, you turn towards Lucifer's bedroom, no one ever bothers him or causes a scene in his room, garunteeing you silence for easy sleep.
Lucifer wants to tell you off, but the threat is real. even if you didn't look so dead tired he could tell by your tone you very well meant it.
Lucifer wonders for a moment if he should get you to eat and drink something, but he's seen your progressively worsening dark circles and hes positive that you won't stay awake long enough to get much down, so he resolves to bring you a treat and set it in your room later for you to awaken to.
its a few hours later when all of his own work is done. finals are over and with the last bit of work done, break had started.
Lucifer walks into his room to put the work down and out of the way for the time being, but freezes in his doorway.
you're laid on his bed, face down, one shoe off, the other half off, your bag dropped on the floor a few feet from his bed, and soft muffled snoring reaches his ear.
once Lucifer gets over his surprise, he smirks, but gently closes the door and keeps his eyes on you as he puts his work down before moving closer to you.
you're not even all the way on his bed, your legs are hanging off the side and your school uniform doesn't seem to be undone at all.
well aware that won't be comfortable, Lucifer carefully untucks and opens the other side of his blankets and sheet before tapping your forehead, placing a sleeping spell on you to keep you from waking so he can take your overcoat and sheos off, at the least, before placing you in his bed and tucking you in.
its takes you 12 hours to wake up, and he watches from a chair as you stumble to the bathroom, pausing at the sight of him for a moment with bleary eyes, before you drop back into his bed and are back asleep right away.
the next time you wake up Lucifer isn't there, but he's left you some danishes and a bottle of water. your'e still in his bed when he returns and by then its night again, so he crawls into bed with you and pulls you close as you both sleep.
you walk into the doorway of the living room where everyone is gathered, looking exhausted, announce "i'm giong to sleep. if anyone even thinks about waking me up or doing anything that would wake me up, i will make them eat Solomon's cooking." before stalking off down the hall.
As you stumble towards your room you realize that you literally have no privacy in your own and room and with what's left of your brain power, you keep going and head to Mammon's room. no one ever goes to Mammon's room, so it's probably the place you'll get the best sleep.
Mammon is terrified at the threat and goes stiff, watching as you stumble away. for once he thinks about it before opening your door when he gets annoyed about something and wants to spend time with you. and after thinking about it, his hand on your door handle, he decides to just not and stalks off to his own room, pouting the whole way.
when he gets to his room he walks right past his bed to the couch, flops on it, and the remote is in his hand before he registers the body in his bed.
he jolts up and looks over the couch at you, curled up in his bed and fast asleep, soft snoring coming from you.
cue Mammon going bright red, and just staring at you for a minute before he scrambles up and goes over to look at you as closely as he dares. you're on your side across his bed, looking so peaceful and it's just too damn cute! his heart can't take it!
Mammon wants to actually get you in his bed, but he's scared to move you and wake you up (he absolutely does NOT want to have to eat Solomon's cooking, no thank you), so instead he snags a few blankets and covers you with two of them before settling down on his couch to play on his phone and keep an eye on you. maybe he should order some food for you to eat when you wake up?
when do you inevitably wake up, Mammon shoots up from his couch and watches you, staying oddly quiet and silently offering you a half melted smoothie and a burrito. you stop and snag both from him, sitting on the couch with him and watching tv but not paying attention to it. once your food is gone you flop over onto his shoulder, asleep within a minute again after it.
Mammon's gone completely stiff and has no idea what to do, but he wraps one arm around you and eventually texts Asmo for help once his face is no longer related to a tomato. his brother helps him move you both so you're laying down with your head on Mammon's chest. Asmo takes so many pictures that go on his Devilgram and the cuteness of post finals snuggles goes viral.
you walk into the doorway of the living room where everyone is gathered, looking exhausted, announce "i'm going to sleep. if anyone even thinks about waking me up or doing anything that would wake me up, I will make them eat Solomon's cooking." before stalking off down the hall.
As you stumble towards your room you realize that you literally have no privacy in your own and room and with whats left of your brain power, you double back and easily slip into Leviathan's room, dropping into his bathtub bed. It's dark, quiet, his fish tank is just really soothing, and Levi never lets his brothers in his room, he has protection on his door to keep them out for that reason. It's perfect.
Levi gulps at your dead zombie expression and absolutely terrifying threat if you're woken up and mentally swears he won't even go near your room until you come out to make sure he doesn't get caught up in the doling of the punishment if something happens. and obviously the best way to avoid you is to go to his room.
that turns out to be a FUCKING BUST because he walks in to find your foot hooked over the side of his bed and he Cant Avoid You if youre IN HIS BED!!
oh shit oh shit he's seen this in his anime and manga but what the hell is he supposed to do when it's real life?! Levi's panicking but he hears his brother's voices and before he can think it through, quickly closes his door to avoid them seeing him or seeing you in his room. he should- yeah, you're trying to sleep and if you'd come to his room, that means you think his room is the best place to sleep, so he needs to make sure it stays that way!
Levi's a man on a mission until he stops to realize what this means and once again panics, bright red, until he decides he needs to just focus and move around. it takes him half an hour to carefully edge close enough to remove your shoes and then he tries to grab your leg to tuck it into his bed, but you move when he's barely touched you.
Levi jolts back, heat beating fast and absolutely not moving or even breathing until you've curled into his bed and he's positive you're asleep again. thank fucking diavolo, that was clsoe! (it wasn't, you were dead to the world, but Levi was positive you'd been awake for a minute when he touched you).
with that over Levi lays a blanket over you and wonders what to do, he cna tgame becuase he gets heated and yells and he can't watch most of his anime's becuase he gets emotional and yells.
in the end he decides to open Mononoke Land on his handheld system since its a chill game and he won't have to worry about waking you up playing it.
when you wake up he goes as still a stone, waking up from where he's sleeping in his bean bag when you walk past him, until you stumble back out of his bathroom and flop bakc into his bed, gasping for breath when he hears you're asleep again. after that Levi deicded to have food and water out for you when you wake up. but his stuuf he hoards in his room you probably shouldn't eat yet, you should have something better for you?
He ends up texting Beel and then Lcuifer, questioning what he should have for you. Beel's suggestion is to have a lot of options for you to choose from, but Levi knows when he finally gets sleep after not getting much at all that he really doesn't want to have to pick from a bunch of stuff. thankfully Lucifer knows the answer better so he gets some cheese fries and sticks them in his mini fridge with some elextrolyte water to give you when you get up again.
when you do he reheats it and stumbles over his words, but you take the food and settle down next to him to watch anime. Levi is not paying attention to it, you're sitting too close for that. but then you're done eating and you've had your full of water and hhoooOOOLLYY SSHHIITTT you're asleep on his shoulder!!
Panic! doesn't move and just blankly stares at his tv for the next few hours, not daring to do anything that might wake you up.
you walk into the doorway of the living room where everyone is gathered, looking exhausted, announce "i'm giong to sleep. if anyone even thinks about waking me up or doing anything that would wake me up, i will make them eat Solomon's cooking." before stalking off down the hall.
As you stumble towards your room you realize that you literally have no privacy in your own and room and with whats left of your brain power, you turn away from your room and you barely have the energy to avoid Satan's books on the floor, but thankfully his bed is empty. the avatar of wrath is considerate and while normally you'd worry he'd cause a scene in a fit of anger, Satan would never with you and his brothers don't often venture towards his room if they're mad becuase it makes him mad, so it's pretty chill there.
Satan is amused at your threat, knowing he won't be the one to wake you up, but is concerned at how you look. he's seen how much you've been studying and hes proud all your study sessions seem to have gone well, but Satan decides he should do some research to see what else he can do to help you out when you wake up from the ordeal.
he doesn't expect to see you in his room, much less with your bag dropped among his books without care, all of your clothes still in place, not even your shoes off.
when he, relatively quickly, recovers from the surprise, Satan carefully closes his door, bright red. the fact that you're sleeping in his bed shoes that you both trust him not to wake you up but also that you feel his room is going to be the best place to sleep.
hes beyond flattered and is thankful that around you it's much easier to control his temper. Satan sets your bag aside once he's stopped smiling like a love-sick dumbass like Mammon before taking your shoes off and carefully moving you up. he shushes you when you grumble at being moved around, but he gets you down to your underwear, figuring that's how you'll sleep most comfortably, before tucking you into his perpetually unmade bed.
when you wake up teh first time its the middle of the night and SAtan's asleep too, book on his lap and slumped in his chair. you smile at him but youre quick to go back to sleep. (at this point if you're male, nothing changes. but if you're female, you take your bra off because who would wear that to bed? when Satan sees your bra on the floor when he wakes up, he bluescreens and stares at it for a good five minutes, brihgt red, until he regains his composure and sets it with the rest of your clothes.
when you wake up again you're quickly faced with a blushing Satan thrusting a long t-shirt in your face before huffing about food and water waiting for you. if you don't beat his ass for being a dick right when you've just woken up, you laugh about it and slip the shirt on before moving over so you can both sit on his bed and eat.
you fall asleep on his lap after the food and Satan takes a minute to relax after that, but once he does he find himself running his fingers through or over your hair, smiling at you happily for a bit before laying back to doze off for a bit himself.
you walk into the doorway of the living room where everyone is gathered, looking exhausted, announce "i'm going to sleep. if anyone even thinks about waking me up or doing anything that would wake me up, I will make them eat Solomon's cooking." before stalking off down the hall.
As you stumble towards your room you realize that you literally have no privacy in your own and room and with what's left of your brain power, you walk past it towards Asmo's room. he might be known for sneaking people into his room, but the demon is the Self Care King and if you need sleep, his bed is going to be the best option for great sleep. and even besides that, Asmo was never going to wake you up, so you're pretty sure you're safe from any annoying shenaniganery.
Asmo is horrified you would ever use Solomon's cooking as a punishment, but he has to admit that, based on his own and his brothers reactions to it, it's a very effective threat.
Asmo is very happy though, he's seen your complexion get worse and your eye bags get bigger since you've been forgoing sleep for studying and he hated it! but you ignored him every time he said otherwise, so no you're finally going to sleep, and once you wake up he's going to make sure you get the best spa day of your life!
with that though, Asmo jumps up and heads to his room to plan out what you'd do when you woke up-
oh my diavolo you're sleeping in his bed and it's so cute!!
Asmo's first reation is to snap picture after picture of you and post it to his devilgram, gushing about how you just came in to sleep after finals and he found you like this!
then, despite how much he wants to show more of you, he sets his phone aside on silent and finds himself just adiring your sleeping face for a few minutes. you've flopped face first onto his bed, face buried in his pillows, bag in the middle of his room and one shoe hanging onto your heel by a thread, the other half under his bed.
Asmo, once he's gotten his fill of watching you (for the time being), lights a candle with a sleeping potion in it and lets you breathe it in a bit to make sure you wont wake up as he strips you of your RAD uniform, slips you into some of your favorite pj's, and gets you into his bed properly for some rest.
Asmo leaves his room for a while after that, leaving to go shopping for some special things to use for your spa day when you wake up, deciding to also grab you some yummy treats and a drink on his way back. he convinces Levi to let him borrow his minifridge for your stuff and snuggles up to you that night for cuddles. he knows when you get up and uses his bathroom but opens the blankets again when you come back to let you crawl back into bed.
the next time you get up Asmo leads you to his chaise and gives you the warmed up pastries and drink, chatting quietly and gently with you, asking if you're still tired after that. you are so he gets you back to bed and chills until you're ready to be awake and take care of yourself with him.
you walk into the doorway of the living room where everyone is gathered, looking exhausted, announce "i'm giong to sleep. if anyone even thinks about waking me up or doing anything that would wake me up, i will make them eat Solomon's cooking." before stalking off down the hall.
As you stumble towards your room you realize that you literally have no privacy in your own and room and with whats left of your brain power, you head farther down the hall and slip into the twins room, dropping onto Beel's bed, knowing their room is quiet and that Beel isn't going to bother you or be bothered by you sleeping on his bed. you've done it before so it's the most logical conclusion.
Beel's hurt and horrified you would ever make them eat Solomon's cooking, none of Luifer's punishments have ever been that cruel!
later, when he's gotten some food from the kitchen for a snack before dinner, he makes sure he tiptoes when he walks by your room. Beel's very proud of himself for making it past your room silently, pushing his door open and barely stopping it from slamming into the wall when it does, seeing you on his bed just in time.
why are you on his bed? is something wrong with your room and no one knows yet? Beel's very confused as he sets his food down as quietly as he can before closing the door. he doesn't want to wake you up, but Lucifer will yell at him if he eats his food outside of his bedroom. Beel eats slower than normal, taking care to be quiet, watching you the whole time until Belphie walks in and also freezes at the sight of you.
unlike Beel, Belphie grins. Beel wonders what belphie picked up on that he didn't, he knows he can be oblivious sometimes but doesn't quite understand yet why you're here instead of your room. you've slept in his bed before, obviously, but-
that's why. Belphie laughs softly at him. they've slept in your bed and know that it's quiet here, our brothers are going to bother them if they're sleeping here instead of their own room.
Beel lights up at the knowledge that you trust them, but more importantly, him. you find his bed safe and comfortable and even though Belphie's bed is right there and the avatar of sloth is the perfect person to snuggle and sleep with to get a good rest, you're in his bed.
he blushes at it and grins to himself, happy, finishing his food before he moves and carefully tugs your shoes off of you and nabs your coat so you can sleep better before heading down to dinner. Lucifer chews him out for eating the contents of the fridge right before dinner but Beel's not too bothered by it, your presence in his room sticking to the back of his mind through the meal.
when he gets back he tries to wait, since both you and belphie are asleep now, but he knows he wants to sleep in his bed, so he carefully nudges you over and crawls in behind you, pulling you into his arms so you won't roll out during the night and falls asleep, happpy at having your warmth.
and when you're awake, Beel wakes up the moment you move. its fine if you come right bakc to sleep, but if he can sense your hunger, you better believe this man is picking you up and carrying you to the kitchen, making you drink water (mostly on that half awake autopilot eveyone has) as he gets you both some food. No matter what time it is, Beel's set and ready to get the best food in the fridge he can find in you before you fall asleep again on his shoulder. it makes eating his own food hard, but Beel will manage just fine if it means you get the sleep you need.
you walk into the doorway of the living room where everyone is gathered, looking exhausted, announce "i'm giong to sleep. if anyone even thinks about waking me up or doing anything that would wake me up, i will make them eat Solomon's cooking." before stalking off down the hall.
As you stumble towards your room you realize that you literally have no privacy in your own and room and with whats left of your brain power, you head farther down the hall and slip into the twins room. after a moment of deliberation, you fall into Belphie's bed. not only does no one ever come into the twins room, when they do they're quiet about it. and if you're in Belphie's bed, it's pretty much guaranteed you'll have the best sleep of your life.
belphie was already asleep after being awake all day for finals, but he woke up to the sound of your voice. he only cauhgt part of it, but the message was loud and clear and a very good threat, if Lucifer doesn't use that against them he should get Satan to help him use it on Lucifer.
Belphie is back asleep once you've stopped talking, full well knowing he's not going to be the one to wake you up. that's fucking funny, the constantly sleeping avatar of sloth waking you up? its preposterous. annoying to avoid your room so it doesn't happen, but not impossible.
Belphie has his nap out in the living room until dinner, where he decides he's full when he almost falls asleep in his food and goes off to his bedroom.
only to find you in his bed.
. . . what, did you think that was going to stop him?
Belphie just smirks, knowing you knew exactly what you were doing, wanting, and asking for by doing that, before crawling into bed with you. he breathes a sleeping spell over you so he can strip those pesky clothes off of you without worrying about you stirring.
similar to Asmo, he slips some pj's on you after stripping you down to your underwear. not your favorite pair, the pair he stole from you to keep in his room for times like this, because it was bound to happen (and he was right).
when you wake up he lets you go, knowing you're barely awake and will come right back to bed. he can feel it when your body starts stirring, needing food and water, so its easy to shoot Beel a text asking him to bring you some. Beel of course brings enough for an army, aka, the three of you, and Belphie keeps you in his bed while you eat, making you drink plenty of water beofre he lets you drop back to sleep like he knew you would.
when when youre rested enough that you actually want to get up? good luck, hes got a tight grip when hes asleep and Belphie's hard to wake up, he wont want to let go awake either, so you're gonna be stuck for a while.
Bonus Round
you walk into the doorway of the living room where everyone is gathered, looking exhausted, announce "i'm going to sleep. if anyone even thinks about waking me up or doing anything that would wake me up, i will make them eat Solomon's cooking." before stalking off down the hall.
you don't go to your room, thats going to quickly backfire since demons dont understand that you like any sort of privacy and just barge in and SOMEONE is going to forget your threat and walk in or fight outside your door. so where do you go? the quietest place in the whole house.
the attic.
its two hours before anyone tries to check on you and realize your not in your room. the demons then look in their rooms and all over the house, but you're seemingly nowhere to be found.
it ends up being Belphie, who's worried but exhausted, sneaking up to the attic to take a nap that finds you there.
you think he's going to tell the others about the spot and out both your sleeping place and his favorite napping spot? lol, that's funny. Belphie just smirks, happy he knows where you are and thus you're safe, so he curls around you to sleep too.
Lucifer finds you both 30 minutes later after Belphie disappears along with you, deadpanning and annoyed to find you two asleep in the attic. but at least you were ok, and Belphie should have at least texted everyone he found you, but he can punish his brother later, when you're not snorting in his arms.
then he'll either move you to his room or leave you here with a barrier up to keep his brothers from bothering you. it'll depend on how he feels once he drags Belphie out of the attic.
Hard Round
after your announcement, you don't even stay in the house of lamentation, belatedly realizing this house is nothing but chaos and you'll never get any sleep here without getting woken up.
bitch you're not even there, so when the brothers realize you're not in your room and then can't find you, they fucking panic.
Option 1 = Lucifer calls diavolo like 'we lost mc' and explains and Diavolo is just trying not to laugh because a few hours ago you walked into his bedroom as he was finishing getting dressed, completely ignored him, and faceplanted on his bed, falling asleep right away.
(diavolo is a busy man but he has more servants and attendatns than just barbatos, so when you finally wake up instead of getting to drop back to sleep, a pair of maids or butlers (depending on your gender) is already waiting and they brush your hair and get your dressed before nudging you along to Diavolo's ffice, where you stand inside the door blinking blearily, NOT ready to be awake yet and pissed about it. he realizes the mistake and within 5 minutes youre on his couch, head on a large pillow and a blanket draped over you.)
option 2 = Asmo panic calls Barbatos for help, almost in tears because they LOST MC! hes waiting for the demon to calm down to inform him that you were fine. you'd shown up at his door looking like you were about to pass out, groaned a greeting at him, and did in fact pass out on his bed.
(even though he's generally not supposed to, Barbaots peeks into the future a bit more than usual so he knows when you'll be awake and can have fresh food and water there when you do. if you let him he'll help you dress and feed you once you're a bit more awake, but if you want to sleep more after that he'll be ready and have chores doled out so he can lay down with you for a while.)
Stupid Easy Round
after your announcement, you don't even stay in the house of lamentation, blatedly realizing this house is nothing but chaos and you'll never get any sleep here without getting woken up.
bitch you're not even there, so when the brothers realize you're not in your room and then can't find you, they fucking panic.
if you pass out in Simeon's bed his snitch ass is going to call Lucifer before he even realises you're not in the HoL to let him know you're snoring away on his bed after walking in, dropping your bag, and zonking out the second your head hit his pillow after muttering something about not waking you up.
(Simeon keeps an eye on you, but he still has things to do. he has luke bring you food and when Luke doesn't come back, he finds Luke weakling struggling in your grip to get out. Simeon's not going to take him away from you though, so despite Luke's whispered protests, Simeon only grabs the dishes and leaves him there. when he comes back Luke is cuddling you right back and is very much fast asleep. it's just too cute and he sends the picture to the group chat with everyone. its becomes Diavolo's favorite pictures (Barbatos too, he loves you and his adoptive angel son. but both of you together? perfect. Simeon feels the same way).
Hilarious as Shit Impossible Round
youre not dumb enough to leave the HoL in your condition!
but you also know actually getting sleep would be a whole ass miracle in this house
it take those idiots an hour to realize youre not in your bed and three more to look fucking everywhere for you and get a search party going.
lucifer goes down to get cerberus to try and track you, everyone thinking you somehow got kiddnapped
only to find you passed out on his dog who was happily guarding you while you slept, being more quiet and than Luccifer thought he was capable of.
many pictures are taken as Lucifer laments how embarrassing this is. It's literally his basement and despite how utterly ridiculous it is, none of them even checked it.
Several pictures are posted online. you go viral and within a day you also become a viral meme. the sheer audacity and 'dont give a fuck' energy it takes to take a nap on cerberus makes you more famous than being an exchange student ever could
and of course all of this happens before you wake up, so imagine your surprise to waking up internet famous.
well at least the memes are great, and the picture is pretty cute as well as being badass.
(the next time you go viral its also because you didnt sleep and there was an actual search party this time and Solomon is the dumbass genius bastard who thinks to check the palace catacombs and sure enough finds you asleep on Henry I)
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lilithgreye · 19 days
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—7— (the snake/coatl)
Aztec Astrology is an old form of astrology dating back to 600 BC. This type of astrology has 20 different signs rather than 12. It originates from an ancient tribe, the Aztecs, who were particularly fond of astronomy
Snake Dates: January 7/19/31, February 5/17, March 1/13/25, April 6/18/30, May 12/24, June 5/17/29, July 11/23, August 4/16/28, September 9/21, October 3/15/27, November 8/20, December 2/14/26
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Traits of the snake/coatl:
• Associated with Venus/morning-star
• They prefer to be alone most of the time
• Seductive and usually sexually attractive physically
• Best athletes out of all the aztec signs
• Confident if they’re at a higher vibration but cocky if at a lower vibration
• Goal oriented
• Extremely spiritual
• Intelligent
• Can become wealthy through connections
• Very loyal to the people they love but if they don’t care about you they shouldn’t be trusted
• Unpredictable
• Few understand them yet people will still think they do
• Few in their lives get to know them well
• Very secretive
• Sneaky
• Natural talent in business careers
• Usually have an unstable love life because they never know what they want
• May have anger issues/be merciless if you hurt them
• Possessive
• Manipulative/abuse of power
• Their eyes look snake-like
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lesickun · 4 days
A little observation.
Lucifer's totemic animal is a duck. He compares himself to this animal (which makes sense because we all know the story of the ugly duckling).
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Although Lucifer looks more like a snake (especially with his tongue).
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At the same time, Lilith is associated with an owl. This is due to the fact that the name of Lilith herself is translated in many languages as "night bird" (and the most famous night bird is the owl).
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At the same time, Lilith herself looks like a goat with her horns going back (I bet that Charlie inherited hooves from her mother).
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Charlie outwardly also has goat-like features in appearance. I wonder which animal is her totem animal? Maybe a duck too?
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soracities · 1 year
Deep down inside her in fact is an animal gnawing away with its pointed teeth, and she has it shut away in a little box; but already she can see its fang through the fragile wall. So she quickly puts the box inside a slightly larger one, but the animal keeps gnawing away and so she goes and fetches a carton and then a bigger one and then a bigger one still, and every time she has the same childish feeling of happiness and the same sensation of staring into an abyss when fear rubs up against her.
Stig Dagerman, The Snake (trans. Laurie Thompson)
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hauntedbystorytelling · 6 months
Tortola Valencia en La Serpiente
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Adolf Mas i Ginestà (1860-1936) ~ La serpiente. Tórtola Valencia, 1915 | src cdmae.cat View more on WordPress
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Adolf Mas i Ginestà ~ Tórtola Valencia en “La serpiente", 1915 | src cdmae.cat
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Tom "The Mongoose" McEwen and Don "The Snake" Prudhomme
1/35 scale die cast cars and full size cars.
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tanakhsexyman · 1 year
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spshade · 29 days
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“Say, what do you think about a pet snake?”
Ash glowered at their roommate. Just woken up, not even had coffee, and the first thing they heard was a question about a snake. They took a moment to process the question, making sure Robin didn’t mince words.
“Robin…” Ash could barely speak, half awake, head throbbing. “Why would you ask me that?”
“They bring good luck!” Robin skipped further into the kitchen area, eyes bright and excited. “Who knows? Maybe one could even help you with–”their smile faltered“–you know… Olivia.”
Ash scrunched their nose as they poured coffee. “A snake won’t help with that, and I’m not letting a walking death trap into our place just based off your… beliefs, or whatever.”
“Aw, come on, Ashy!” Robin’s smile perked back up. “Some good luck would do us some good!”
“I’m not having this conversation with you.” Ash practically chugged the coffee; they didn’t have the energy to deal with Robin’s nonsense so early in the morning. “If you get a pet snake, I’m kicking you out.”
Robin snickered. “What? And pay $1000 a month all by yourself?”
Their cup empty and in the sink, Ash sauntered to their room without so much as a scoff.
Ash stared at their cell phone in silence. They lost track of how many minutes ticked by.
Call her. She doesn’t want to talk to you. Call her. She hates you. This internal argument continued for several seconds before Ash dropped their head in their hands. They would have cried, punched something, or simply screamed at the ceiling, had the door not opened and shut with an enthusiastic slam.
“Lookie what I got!” Robin stood in the doorway, shoulders rolled back, chin held high, and a caged snake in their arms.
Face blue, stomach flipped inside out, Ash leapt out of their chair and slammed their back against the wall. “Robin, what the hell?!”
Their roommate skipped towards the kitchen, humming an off-key merry toon. “His name is Virdy, and he’s our new best friend!”
“No – No, don’t put it on the kitchen counter…” Too late. Ash held their head, the warnings of a migraine at their door. “Robin, what the hell were you thinking?”
Robin rubbed the back of their head with a nervous giggle. “You aren’t really gonna kick me out, are you?”
“I’m… seriously tempted right now.”
“Come on, Ash, I’m telling ya! This little guy is going to change our lives!”
Ash’s fists clenched as a red hue enveloped their scrunched face. The urge to hit something or yell bloody murder bubbled inside, yet they couldn’t quite release it. They turned to their roommate, ready to launch a series of arguments as to why keeping the snake would be the worst mistake of both their lives, when a firm hand planted on their shoulder.
“Please.” Robin’s expression dropped to a pleading stare. Their voice, devoid of its usual jovialness and energy, seemed to drain Ash of their seeping anger. “I know you’ve been struggling, so please, accept just a little good luck.”
Ash sighed. “You know I’m not superstitious, Robin; that thing’s just an animal – it won’t be bringing us anything, aside from a pet bill.”
Robin snickered. “Unless Mrs. Landlord doesn’t find out.”
“Anyway”–Robin’s tone dropped once more–“he will. Believe me.”
Ash wanted to argue back, but looking into their friend’s serious eyes, they found scarce enough energy to do so. “Alright. But, if it bites me – no strike system – it’s out.”
Robin threw their fists in the air. “Alright!” They hopped to Virdy, who didn’t seem to take much interest in them. “Hear that, little guy? You’re gonna be staying with us!”
Ash sighed.
Ash woke up in a cold sweat, their body thrusted into a sitting position. They held their head and moaned. They laid back down, but found their heart racing whenever they closed their eyes. They scanned the area – despite it being too dark to see their own hand – as they found their breath.
Ash mumbled slurred-together swears through clenched teeth; they wouldn’t be falling back asleep anytime soon. Defeated, Ash slid out of bed.
They dragged their feet into the kitchen, nothing but water on the brain. They stepped in front of the fridge without a care, forgetting a caged snake sat next to them. They didn’t remember until they closed the fridge door and saw the snake slithering in its cage. They jumped at the sight of the creature, and shivered as he stuck his tongue out.
Ash scoffed and rolled their eyes. “Robin’s living on borrowed time…”
They inched closer to the snake. His eyes, large and black, reflected Ash’s image like a mirror. His gaze seemed to hypnotize Ash, drawing them closer and closer, until they could see their reflection.
They saw a young adult, no older than eighteen, step towards their parents with the news of them being nonbinary, aromantic, and asexual. The young adult, met with screams of grief and hatred and regret, soon found themself on the streets.
The young adult, without a place to stay, took out a loan and enrolled in college as an art major. They loved drawing and painting their whole life, after all. Four years of life dedicated to restless days, sleepless nights at work, and four summers spent on their classmate Robin’s couch, lead the art major to crippling debt, and few job opportunities.
Every weekend for five years, the young adult received calls from their sister, Olivia, curious to know how life handled them since their premature departure. The young adult held a deep rage towards Olivia that, after one agonizing nightshift, they poured out.
They asked Olivia why she said nothing when their parents yelled at them – why she stood by, and let her sibling be tossed to the streets. Olivia argued that, at sixteen, she couldn’t do anything; her words meant nothing to their parents. The young adult, high off of the violent anger they kept hidden for so long, called her a selfish coward. They ended the call without another word, ending their last conversation with Olivia.
Ash collapsed in front of the snake, sobbing into their hands. Sometimes, they wished they could be born once more – to start a new life with their current knowledge, and avoid the mistakes which lead them down this path.
They peered at Virdy. The snake slithered along his cage’s plastic walls, creating circles around what looked like a thin cleaning wipe. His skin.
Ash swallowed. “It must be nice,” they commented, “to be able to shed your skin. Leave your old self behind.”
Virdy turned to them. A voice, hoarse and weary, slid into Ash’s head. Would you like me to show you how?
Robin groaned at the sound of their alarm. After a brief moment arguing with the inner desire to sleep in, they sat up. They made their way into the kitchen, and grew still at the sight before them.
Ash stood in front of Virdy, holding a loose piece of sheer fabric. The fabric resembled a piece of the night sky – a pure black, speckled with white. Ash cocked their head to the snake, eyes soft and cloaked with fresh tears.
“Thank you,” Ash whispered. They opened a trash lid and tossed the fabric inside.
“A… Ash, what was…”
A hug interrupted them. Robin found themself at a loss for words – they tried and failed to remember the last time Ash hugged them.
Ash stood back. “You know–”They flashed a wide smile, while their tears fell freely“–I never thanked you for letting me sleep on your couch.” A laugh. “Sorry about that. And, thank you.”
Robin, avoiding eye contact, chuckled in response. “I mean, you did help me with my homework more than I deserved.” They stared at Ash’s forehead. “Are… are you alright?”
“I’m more than alright.” Ash gestured to Virdy. “You were right; Virdy did bring good luck.”
Ash skipped past the snake to their room, and picked up their cell phone.
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zanypaintertriumph · 1 year
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A lost Sasuke. The moon and the snake.
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thebluesthour · 1 year
What's happened? she asks the blue infinity; but there's no one there to answer. Only emptiness.
Stig Dagerman, The Snake (trans. Laurie Thompson)
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spilladabalia · 10 months
Sinead O'Connor with Shane McGowan & The Popes - Haunted
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Awww thankyou!!! Now I shall show the guys!
*proceeds to jammie jam into the sewers*
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Me: dudes check it out! A snakey!!!!!
Mikey: OMIGOSH!!! An actual snake?!!!
Me: Oh just a really awesome friend of mine!
Donnie: who is this friend?
Me: Oh just @meowph-132
Me: Yes way!
Raph: it looks cool....but does it bite?
Me: idk
THANKYOU SO MUCH @meowph-132 for this lil' snake! Me and the dudes will treasure it for ever!
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cheesecake-karaoke · 4 months
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soracities · 2 years
So hot, so dizzy, so much blood in one place.
Stig Dagerman, The Snake (trans. Laurie Thompson)
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iclout · 1 year
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shadow-von-vamp · 9 months
I think it's VERY funny that so many animals show up randomly at your house
it’s very funny to me too it’s happened my whole life so i never really thought about how silly it was until i realized just how many random animal stories i have lmao
i’ve got that disney princess thing going on where random animals like to come hang out with me :)
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