#the americas i know
wearenotjustnumbers2 · 8 months
Yesterday marked the 100th day of genocide. Please, do not get used to this. Our people, killed, bombed, kidnapped, stripped, executed and starved is not normal. Our kids in pieces, their body parts collected in bags is not normal.
Israel has killed 23,700 human. More than 10,300 child. We'd need 177 school bus to carry the Palestinian children killed by Israel in gaza. 10,022 fatherless child. 8,352 motherless child. The wounded have their wounds rot and die waiting in front of the crossing. Maggots seen inside alive people's wounds. 5,500 pregnant woman will give birth in the upcoming weeks. 100 Days of Genocide. 100 Days of the world watching silently.
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lonelyroommp3 · 1 month
okay i have spent an embarrassing amount of my week cramming on sporcle until i could get 100% on this thing. now it's your turn but i'm only giving you one attempt because i don't play fair here 😈
take this quiz 🌍
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w0lp3rtinger · 3 months
"- I have a lot of problems with Biden. He is clearly the better of the two options, which I recognize is a very low bar. Being better than Trump cannot be the standard, because Donald Trump is the absence of a standard.
"But the truth is, even if Trump looses, that won't be the end of this. The people who cooked up Project 2025 will just move onto Project 2029 instead, because for them, this is so much more than just one election, or indeed, one candidate. Project 2025 is born from impulse as old as America. It's an impulse that says one class of Americans is entitled to lead, and the rest of us are lucky to be allowed to serve- that thinks there should be a limited government when it comes to rules they have to live by, but also a unitary executive to keep the rest of us in line. These are old, old ideas that have been shouted from podiums-... but have now been placed into a new handbook for an only too willing president to use on day one.
"And in a perfect world, I would love if we had an opposing party better able to articulate a strong defense of our country's ideals and that also consistently lived up to them. People are entitled to hope for more from the next four years than someone just not being Trump (and for at least two supreme court justices to die)-...
"And for anyone tempted to think, 'Well, we survived Trump's first term,' first, not everyone did, and it should hopefully be very clear by now a second Trump term really does promise to be far, far worse, because if Trump's first term was defined by chaos, his second could be defined by ruthless efficiency. That should be troubling to absolutely everyone because Project 2025 is a movement who's members joke about wanting a white homeland and insist women have to have more babies to uphold western society.-
"We need to be better than this."
-John Oliver, June 19th of 2024
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
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Imagine actually being so evil that you'd rather make sure your writers suffer financially instead of just paying them the pay they deserve. Hell truly has some seats reserved already, holy shit.
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rathockey · 1 year
im relearning all the countries in the world (i had a lot of free time at my old job and thats what i did with it alsdkfjalskdf) and man. there's so damn many of them.
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aquitainequeen · 1 year
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Thoughts from David Slack on 'AI' and copyright
(the voice theft in particular is really depressing)
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softer-ua · 1 year
So I’ve been joking for a while about how Inko manages to afford all of Izuku’s AM merch
But I decided to nerd out and look closer, and I’m pretty sure the only expensive piece Izuku owns is the poster he got from Sir
You might think his dorm looks absolutely stacked
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but that’s only because it’s a very small room and he brought every piece he owns
If you look in his old room it’s all the same posters
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so he’s owned it all for at least a few years, he’s been working up to this for god knows how many years, just to be the proud owner of 5 posters so basic even he would put tape on them
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All of his figures are less than 50$
One of which he’s had since he was a child
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And it doesn’t look like the other unidentified figures are anything special either(except maybe AM in his yellow suit)
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Izuku only has generic fanboy shit, like maybe one of the posters is a custom but I honestly I don’t think he owns a single special anything
The dead guy poster is 100% the coolest thing he has, no wonder he’s so reverent about it 💀
As for fits this is all we’ve really seen is
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So yeah Inko isn’t dropping stacks on merch, I’m pretty sure those sweaters were a 2 for 1 deal because they’re almost identical 💀
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Something about North Korea being naturally more mountainous then South Korea making only 17% of North Korea useable for agriculture. Something about America bombing North Korean farmland.
Something about the partition of Palestine resulting in most of the useable agricultural land being given to Israel. Something about the targeting of Gaza’s farmland in air strikes and the bulldozing of crop fields by Israel.
Something about the Palestine flag hanging in the hallway of my North Korean primary school.
I don’t want for Palestine what North Korea has, sanctioned into the ground and demonised by the entire “international community” but I see parallels in our presents and pasts, and it gives me hope.
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heydrangeas · 2 months
I am trying soooo hard not to be annoyed with american leftists. like we get it, you are ideologically perfect and won’t compromise with anyone or take any action or donate your time or money to any material cause—but at least you post the Exact Right Things and hate everyone!! Phew!
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vaxxman · 5 months
Could I request Medic having The Mom Grip on Scout’s shoulder after the speedy moron almost let a mercenary secret slip while they weee getting groceries?
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Three Europeans and two Americans walk into a grocery store in New Mexico.
I hope this is the right meme.
More silliness below.
This comic is the antithesis of the "wtf is a kilometre" joke.
The faces they make when they can't quite identify the type of brown bread in the bread aisle.
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You don't know how [insert nationality here] you are until you go overseas and things are different.
Spy obviously has no problems with pretending to know how much a gallon of milk is, he just peeks into his conversion chart notes, pretending it's his shopping list.
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I want to think Heavy is completely fine with having to readjust to a new unit system, he just eyeballs most practical things anyways by holding them up and mumbling about how they approximately weigh like a chicken or his kettle bell etc. He's always been living in practical ignorant bliss.
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Medic has a peer reviewed meltdown the first time he realises there's no uniformity in "a cup of ____" because every object has different densities. He's diligent about memorising the conversion rates for ounces, pounds, the most common things etc., and recovers ok. He goes through the same stages of grief rage when he finds out about distances and lengths.
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Just remember four inches are 10.16 cm and pray no one asks you to specify anything bigger than inches.
Everyone does a mental victory lap when they manage to guess how much Celsius the weather is because they keep forgetting it's Celsius*5/9+32=Fahrenheit, Engineer reminds them patiently.
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The true victories are the correct temperature guesses we've made along the way.
One time, a friend asked me if I actually knew how much a tablespoon of flour was in gramms to convince me that metric users also make use of volume based units without thinking about them. But little did she know a heaped spoonful of 405 flour is about 15g and a level tablespoon is 10g.
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They claim Oolong just tastes better when it's boiled to 80°C exactly with a Bunsen burner.
You only asked for one scene but somehow I came up with a bunch of other things. This post was drawn across 2 months so the artstyle is all over the place. Thanks for your ask!
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elliesgaymachete · 11 months
All the articles talking about how the marvels had the lowest box office opening of any marvel movie conveniently forget to mention that it’s the ONLY marvel movie to come out in the midst of an actors strike and didn’t get any of the press that all the other movies would have gotten 🙃
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fireandiceland · 2 months
✨ Hetalia characters as famous paintings ✨
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Italy: Sandro Botticelli, La nascita di Venere (The Birth of Venus)
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America: Grant Wood, American Gothic
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Germany: Albrecht Dürer, Selbstbildnis im Pelzrock; Feldhase (Self-Portrait in Fur-Collared Robe; Young Hare)
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England: Thomas Gainsborough, The Blue Boy
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France: Claude Monet, La Femme à l'ombrelle — Madame Monet et son fils (Woman With A Parasol - Madame Monet And Her Son)
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Japan: Hishikawa Moronobu, 見返り美人図 (Beauty Looking Back)
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Russia: Ivan Kramskoi, Неизвестная (Portrait of an Unknown Woman)
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China: Unknown, 百人物像 冊 絹本 (One hundred portraits of Peking opera characters) (special thanks @maibluemen for helping me with this one!)
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wingedcorgi · 1 year
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channelling my inner 2014 tumblrina is going well
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lefthandarm-man · 3 months
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posting my favorite steve things to celebrate!
day 5: happy birthday to our smiley boy ❤🤍💙
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teaboot · 1 year
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I don't know if you're American or not but in my experience as a person who is not American, American events and media are so incredibly loud and visible that they tend to leech into everything.
Like I'm Canadian born and raised and can name more American presidents than I can Canadian Prime Ministers. I have Canadian friends from Canada who can accurately describe themselves as Liberals but are still sorta foggy on NDP policies. Do you know what day Canada Day is? It's July 1st. Do you know what's on my dashboard on July 1st? Early posts about July 4th.
And if you're an American reading this: Or, hell, anyone else reading this: We all know George Washington was the first American President. Do you know who the first Prime Minister of Canada was? Can you name two British political parties? What are two countries that have Monarchies, not Democracies? What was the most recent political scandal you can think of that took place outside the US? What's your favourite TV show that takes place anywhere outside of America? What are your top three favourite non-american musicians? If English is your first language, how many foreign countries can you go to where you don't speak the language, but don't have to worry about it?
I said "International America Day" as a joke, but there is a very real phenomenon in countries outside of the US where the general population becomes Americanized through the prevalent American media.
We know American current events, we know American scandals, we know about American cops and American movies and American accents and American fast food chains. We have serious opinions on the American legal system and we talk about American law and American policy and American celebrities, and many of us don't know Jack Shit about what's going on where we live.
I'm Canadian. I've heard all about 'building the wall' and ICE and Jan 6th, the intentional government distribution of narcotics in Black communities and the use of Marijuana Illegalization to persecute Black and Mexican people under the Nixon administration.
Do you know what Canada did to Chinese immigrants to build the Canadian railroad? What about the Sterilization Act? Residential Schools? Do you know what a Status Card is? Does it, or does it not cost money to ride in an ambulance? Can people with breasts legally walk around topless? What's the legal drinking age? What are our biggest cities? Who was our least-popular PM? What are our allied nations? Where does the Canadian military get deployed?
"International America Day" was a goof. But Jesus, it's a little bit serious
*edit: yeah I wrote June instead of Jan my bad
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aberrantcreature · 1 month
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