#the banter they have when fighting one another is also Hysterical
teatitty · 10 months
Really cute that in the My Hero Justice 2 game, if you pair up Mic and Aizawa they're equally excited at being a duo and ask if they can have an office cat. Goofballs
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Really loved your Lyney hcs 😭🩷 you write him so well. I would love to see some more if that's ok! Like affection hcs? What types of affection he likes, what gets him all frustrated etc ( I think this guy is a blushing mess most of the time, good thing he has his hat to hide behind it lol) Once again I really loved your writing, have a nice day 🩷
Aaaa, thank you so much, that means everything to me! Lyney is my favorite character so I'd absolutely love to write more about him <3 I might have gotten a little carried away this time, too... and I didn't even go into the ways Lyney himself shows affection!
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character: Lyney
Warnings: None
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Receiving Affection - Lyney
One thing is for sure, my boy is 1000% a blushy mess. Lyney is the type of person who will flirt endlessly, but can't handle it when the affection is returned. He'll freeze up and you can just see the wheels in his mind grind to a halt as he struggles to comprehend what he's just heard. He starts stammering, trying desperately to respond with something equally smooth. And ohh, the blushing. The first time you flirt with him - or even just give him a sincere compliment - you'll notice a faint pink hue gracing his cheeks. But the longer it goes on, the deeper his blush will get, all the while he's trying valiantly to pretend he isn't phased in the slightest by your words.
It's so easy to fluster him. Like, almost too easy, especially early on in your relationship. Any little thing can get to him, from holding his hand to complimenting his magic, and he'll end up fighting the urge to grin like an idiot. Your very presence makes him so incredibly happy, and anything that makes him remember that you belong to him makes him want to scream and jump around in excitement. Even before you begin dating, giving him a certain smile or brushing against him is all it takes to have him blushing and forgetting his words.
It might seem a little out of character for a chronic sweet-talker like Lyney to be so easily reduced to a mess, but it isn't. Deep down, he never thought anyone would be attracted to him in such a way, so he's genuinely shocked by your attention. It makes him feel emotions he's never experienced, and it's far too easy for him to get overwhelmed. He's somewhat like a stereotypical teenage girl - he's a lovesick fool who overthinks everything and daydreams about you. He'll never shut up about you to anyone he speaks to, even when he thinks he's being subtle. He's not subtle in the slightest, just ask Lynette...
Lyney doesn't have a huge preference for how exactly you show affection - anything is more than fine with him. Sometimes he can be painfully oblivious, and you'll have to make your intentions clear to him, but most of the time he's quick to pick up on it. He's the type who will learn the ways that you show affection, so he's genuinely happy no matter what.
That said, the way he best feels affection is probably words of affirmation. He needs to hear how much he means to you, he needs to know he's doing things right and not screwing up. He responds very strongly to praise - he is a performer, after all! Make him feel loved, make him feel wanted and adored, and he'll melt every single time, your words echoing in his mind long after they've left your lips.
One of his favorite varieties of this, while not exactly words of affirmation, is definitely lively banter. Make dumb jokes, lightly tease him, things like that. He absolutely loves it when you get playful, and he always ends up grinning like a fool. If you can match his energy and feed off of one another, you'll both be laughing hysterically before long!
He's also incredibly weak for physical touch. I think Lyney is incredibly touchstarved. Sure, he's got Lynette by his side, but hugs from her are different. There's just something about your touches that makes him feel so incredibly loved, and he's addicted to the feeling. He's always seeking out those casual little touches, even if it's as simple as holding your hand or brushing up against you - he's the kind of person who always wants to be touching you in some way, so long as you're okay with it.
He's an absolute cuddle fiend, too. When you wrap your arms around him, it's almost like all of his stress and worries just melt away. If you share a bed, you'll often wake up to find him wrapped around your body like a koala, and you'll have to either wake him or pry his limbs off to move. His favorite position, however, is lying with his head on your chest. It lets him listen to your heartbeat, the world's most soothing sound, and if you'll play with his hair, ohh, he's in heaven. Even if he's wide awake and anxious when you lay with him like that, he'll be asleep within half an hour. He can't help it - he just feels so safe and loved in your arms.
And when you give him something?? He practically malfunctions. The mere thought of you spending time, effort, or Mora on him is just... unbelievable. Perhaps it's due to growing up the way he did, an orphaned child with absolutely nothing, or perhaps it's just who he is. He treasures everything he's given as a present, especially when the present comes from you. The first time you give him something truly special or handmade, he's utterly speechless and suddenly fighting back tears.
He loves spending quality time with you, too. He's just happy to be in your presence, no matter what you're doing. Parallel play works perfectly fine for him - you can both do your own things in a shared space. Taking walks together is definitely one of his favorite activities, and he genuinely just enjoys hanging out with you, no matter what the two of you are doing.
He can have a hard time accepting acts of service sometimes due to his stubborn determination to do everything himself. If you want to do something for his siblings, though, he'll be eternally grateful! Be patient with him. Soon, he'll start allowing you to help him, too, and eventually he'll even quietly ask for your assistance for small favors. He genuinely appreciates your help, truly, especially if you notice that he needs something and assist him with it.
Honestly anything you do with him makes him feel loved and appreciated, and he's never been happier than he is with you by his side. Give him lots of love and affection, he certainly needs it!
Writing Masterlist 🐝 Requests Open! Tag List 🐝 @mossmosis
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mythica0 · 1 year
🧁: Donnie (again - lol)
🍫: Mikey, Leo
Summary: Donnie needs to smile more! So, his sunshine brothers help him stop thinking and replace it with pure, bubbly laughter.
A/N: I really like the idea that Leo and Mikey just one day decide Donnie dosent smile enough and decide to fix that. :) This takes place post-movie. I don’t think there are army spoilers, but take this as your warning just in case
The Hamato brothers were sitting in the lair, hanging out.
It was just them today, as the humans were up on the surface doing human things. (I.e preparing Casey for school and life outside of apocalypse)
They were playing some games with eachother, laughing and generally having a good time. Almost all of them had smiles on their faces.
Almost. Donnie looked as stoic as ever. Staring into space as if lost in thought.
Leo rolled his eyes a little ‘he’s probably overthinking one thing or another’
Mikey also saw issue with this. Everything was fine, the day was bright! And yet here was his purple-clad brother, drawn-on brows furrowed and a slight frown plastered on.
After another round of games and some light hearted banter, Leo finally spoke up.
“Yo, DonTon, don’t you ever get tired of overthinking everything?”
This seemed to snap the Soft shell out of a trance .
“Huh? What are you talking abou-“
Mikey cut him off, “yeah! You need to smile more! Stop looking so grumpy!”
“What he said!” Leo agreed, before continuing
“you almost never smile, and when you do it’s usually at someone else’s expense. Can’t you be genuinely happy for once?”
Raph looked on with a slight find look. He knew where this was going. Best to leave them to it.
Donnie’s brow furrowed further at the words. ‘What the heck are they talking about? I mean yeah, it’s true I have a stoic appearance, but that dosent mean anything!’
His train of thoughts quickly spiraled into ‘buts-‘ and ‘what ifs?’
Leo sighed and internally rolled his eyes. ‘Classic Donnie overthink’ before he spoke .
“That’s it. No more thinking for you, mister.”
And he pulled Donnie down to the floor, subtly motioning for Mikey to join him.
The youngest turtle instantly complied, coming over and kneeling next to the twins.
“What- Nardo?” Donnie asked startled.
Leo then quickly began to scribble against Donnie’s sides and ribs, repeating his previous sentiment.
“You think too much! You need to stop thinking and just laugh and smile for a while!” (A/N: hehe Ryhmes!)
Mikey nodded and hummed in confirmation. He couldn’t agree more!
Soon enough, he joined in on the tickle-party. Tracing along his older brother’s plastron and shell.
It was then that Donnie really regretted leaving his Battle shell in his lab for the cleaning process. Even though it was only light tracing and scribbles, His shell was an absolute death spot.
He broke down into hysterical giggles, not fighting back and just going limp.
As the sunshine brothers had hoped, all thoughts left the Tech-wiz’s mind. They were all replaced with just one little thought circling over and over in his head.
‘That tickles so bad!’ Bubbly laughter poured out of him nonstop.
The smile the others had wanted to see was spread wide across Don’s face, eyes squeezed shut as he laughed.
He was actually having fun! Although he wouldn’t admit it, even to himself.
Not that he could anyway, with his brain being turned to mush.
He couldn’t even speak, all that came out of his mouth when he tried were frantic cackles.
After about a minute, when Donnie started wheezing, the two attackers took the sign to stop.
Leo brought him some water as Mikey rubbed away ghost tickles.
Donnie mean while, was still panting out little giggles, a wide, cheerful smile stuck to him.
“Well, look who we made into soap!” Leo called.
At the others confused glances, he finished his joke.
“Why else would he be all bubbly?”
———THE END————————————————
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adelaidedrubman · 1 year
been falling behind bad on these lately but @voidika and @roofgeese tagged me for a uquiz threefer, so what better chance to play catch up! sending tags to @florbelles @unholymilf @belorage @henbased @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @purplehairsecretlair @poetikat @harmonyowl @deputyash @schoute @confidentandgood @derelictheretic @inafieldofdaisies @strafethesesinners @strangefable @trench-rot @corvosattano @jackiesarch @bluemojave for any of these you haven’t done and wanna!
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which uniquely human interaction are you?
LATE NIGHTS AND HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER. desperately fighting air into your lungs you can make another joke or laugh louder. you are the fight. you are saying "life is good and bright and wonderful if only you let it be so" you are every hushed giggle in the back of classrooms. every inside joke. every bit of banter between friends. you are the essence of laughter.
what kind of touch do you possess?
STIMULATING TOUCH. you are an intense feeling that energizes others. you feel it throughout your body, oozing out of your fingertips. you're the bustling subway stations, the final goal that wins the game, and the tilting point of going down a rollercoaster. you're keep the group on their toes and always suggest new and exciting things to do. everyone loves the energy you bring and your eyes that seem to light up and brighten the room. you hate doing the same things everyday and completing monotonous chores. keeping moving and active is how you feel alive. after all, what's the point of living life if you cant enjoy it to its fullest?
what kind of a time loop are you stuck in?
MODERN ROM-COM. have you ever been in love? do you want to do it again? will they like you this time? what about next time? what will you change, what are you willing to give up? will you be the same at the end of it all? will they? maybe just try again. and again. and again. and again.
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which uniquely human interaction are you?
A ROOMBA NAMED TEVIN. every single tiny machine created has a name. you are the spirit that gave them the name. you are saying "we both live on the earth so you must also have an experience." you are every friendship with a plastic toy. every thank you to digital assistants. you are creating friendship wherever you can see it.
what kind of touch do you possess?
CREATIVE TOUCH. you are a gem. you pride yourself on creating and sometimes you feel it defining your personality. sometimes you can be a bit scattered and messy, but it just helps your brain think that way. you have your own aesthetic and you know its incredibly cool. you are most in your element when you are doing what you love. sometimes the process is SO frustrating but the proudness of a finished product is what keeps you going. you often compare yourself to others and are the harshest critic of your own work. you are immensely talented and you are inspire others. keep doing what you are doing, love.
what kind of a time loop are you stuck in?
SCI-FI HORROR. there is always something behind you, but you will never see it…have you seen it? you don't think you can remember now. maybe take another look, just a little glance. what’s one more time, right? just once more, once more, once more…
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titanoboaworks · 6 months
3 quiz results
Was tagged by @shizukana-yoru on my main account.
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late nights and hysterical laughter
desperately fighting air into your lungs you can make another joke or laugh louder. you are the fight. you are saying "life is good and bright and wonderful if only you let it be so" you are every hushed giggle in the back of classrooms. every inside joke. every bit of banter between friends. you are the essence of laughter
sensual touch
you are classy, glamourous, and eye-catching. the way you carry yourself leaves others speechless and wanting to know more. you take pride in your appearance and pay extra attention to details. you're probably very in tune with your emotions and body. you know what makes you feel good and you make it known. also, your love language is definitely physical touch. youre a hot bitch, dam
historical tragedy
you know how people say that when someone dies, it’s like their candle goes out? of course you know, you’ve been lost in the dark before. you’ve felt the wax drip onto your skin as the wick burns out, the smoke rising away from the puddle in your hands. maybe you can reshape it—put it back together. maybe you can light it again someday.
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compliments from a stranger:
every person has their own taste and every person's taste overlaps with someone else's. you are those overlaps. you are saying "i have made the world better just by existing in it for another day" you are every kind word that has been spoken into the world. you are smiles shared with strangers on the train. you are spreading good into the world
lingering touch:
you are home. you are the feeling of lasting peacefulness. it resonates in your bones and stabilizes your surroundings. you like routine and the familiarity of things. it brings you satisfaction to have a grounded life. you want to build something you're proud of and share the benefits with your loved ones. you are the glue of your friends and family and essential to the functioning of the group. others admire your responsibility and how they can rely on you for anything. you are amazing.
sci-fi horror:
there is always something behind you, but you will never see it…have you seen it? you don't think you can remember now. maybe take another look, just a little glance. what’s one more time, right? just once more, once more, once more…
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demon Brothers React to MC Getting Kidnapped by Lesser Demons.
Watch out for minor first half spoilers!!
Kicking himself because he has to find out through Mammon that the MC is missing and he didn’t notice their absence himself.
The second the alarm gets raised he gets into a state somewhere between coldly rational and extraordinarily furious. 
Definitely still level-headed enough to rally and organize his brothers for a search party but there's nothing but seething rage just rolling off of him the entire time. Probably-could-have-made-another-Satan type rage.
How well he keeps his composure will be based entirely on how long the MC is MIA. The first hour or so will be mostly put together but past that he'll start to slowly unravel as the panic takes hold.
At one point he even gets snippy with Diavolo over the phone and that's when you KNOW that he's reaching meltdown mode.
If he's the first to find the MC, his #1 priority is to get them away from whatever scum grabbed them and take them to the closest safe place he can find. He'd scoop them up so fast they won't even know where he came from, just whoosh! How'd I get on this roof??
Only once they're out of harm’s way will he circle back and deal with their kidnappers personally. You better be sure any damage done to his human will be reflected a thousandfold back onto their attackers. Probably coming back to the MC with some blood on him and is not going to care.
Relieved to have the MC back but restricts them from going out alone after a certain time now for their own good. If they need something that badly, they can come to him.
Also strings Mammon up by his toes that night for losing them in the first place.
"By the time Cerberus gets to you, I'll be sure you're only my table scraps…"
The first to notice that the MC was being oddly quiet (thank their father for his text spamming habit) then found their stuff scattered and abandoned at RAD.
Told Lucifer right away and, oh boy, he is a mess: talking a mile a minute, punctuating his sentences with expletives, on the verge of tears, whole nine yards.
He left his human alone for what?? Like five minutes, if even, to go to the library and get themselves kidnapped?! What kind of guardian is he?!?
Already searching the place top-to-bottom without being told where to go or what to do.
He actually ends up a strange inverse of Lucifer. While Lucifer will start panicking more over time, Mammon will start panicking less as his fear escalates to all out anger. Give it a few hours and he’s not even going to be able to keep his demon form under control anymore.
You know this boy is legging it across the entire Devildom himself waving around some kind of hand-drawn "Have You Seen This Human?" flyer looking for any leads at all.
If he were to find the MC first, his first action would probably be to plant his foot right in the face of whoever took them. Hard. Then repeat until their skull’s a caved-in mess on floor. No mercy this time, just pure protective rage.
Following the fight, you'd think he was just reunited with his lost puppy. Lots of crying, hugging, and blubbering out apologies even when the rest of his brothers show up.
Would pretty much be glued to the MC's hip for at least a week afterward and makes more of a point to hang off of them in public now. They're his human after all, can't have anyone else getting the idea of pulling a stunt like that again.
"MC!! What'd ya go runnin' off for?? We're goin' home after I take out this trash, got it!!"
Wouldn't really want to believe it at first because it just feels too unreal, like, the same thing happened to Henry in Episode 86 of TSL when he was kidnapped by enemies of the Lord of Fools and it was up to his true friend to track him down…
Suddenly remembers that Henry was also tortured while he was taken and that really sets in the panic.
Unsure of how to help at first because he knows he's just a useless shut-in but Belphie of all people is the one to remind him that he does have one big advantage over his brothers: a fucking navy.
In an act of surprising backbone, he more or less demands a full fleet of ships from Diavolo and (honestly to his shock) he gets exactly that to comb the Devil’s Sea while looking for MC. Lotan even helps out!
If he were to be the first to find the MC (presuming they are indeed on a boat or something cause 🤷‍♀️) those kidnappers really shouldn't have challenged the third strongest brother in his natural element, eh? Those who aren't automatically lashed in the face or flung overboard by his tail get hung by the leg over the edge of the ship for Lotan to pick off one by one.
Sails back to shore with MC booming with pride that he of all people finally got to be their hero! Will literally be so happy if MC ever brings it up again, doesn't matter how much time has passed.
Things would settle back to normal pretty quickly after that, but he now checks up on the MC a lot more often and will even leave his room for them if they need to go somewhere and don't want to go alone. Can't have this turning into a rerun, you know?
"You hurt my only friend… So drown."
One guess how the Avatar of Wrath took the news. It's not swimmingly.
Unless your definition of "swimmingly" is a murderous rampage of toppling furniture, breaking windows, and swearing to curse right about anything that moves, in which case aptly put. 
He gets stuck in an anger-induced tantrum for a bit before finally getting snapped back into coherent thought by Belphie and putting those mystery novels of his to good use. Smart boi takes second to Lucifer himself in the search, suggesting good locations for his brothers scout based on what clues they have to go on.
Of course, he's not content to just to call orders from the sidelines and is out searching himself like he's on the goddamn warpath. Doors? Who needs doors? If anything the hole I made in your wall is more efficient.
Should he be the first to find the MC he would coolly and methodically subdue any kidnapper he can get his hands on, release his human, and bring them home as soon as possible. They've been through quite enough today and don't need to see anything he's got planned for the bastards later.
But the second that Diavolo puts them in the castle dungeon, you best bet that Henry 1.0 is going to the LEAST of their worries. Who's ever wanted to play a life or death game of hide and seek with a giant snake and the incarnation of Wrath itself? First one caught gets the "quick" death! Any volunteers?
Might give the MC a mild scolding for going out when they shouldn't have but otherwise is just happy to see them back and safe. May act extra soft towards them for a couple days, just until the nerves of the situation finally wear off.
"Don't mistake this for mercy. I assure you, I don't know the meaning of the word."
Highkey freaking out, like, almost as hysterical as Mammon when he hears the news. 
Being the Avatar of Lust, he of course knows there's a whole lot of creeps out there in the world and he is utterly terrified that his poor MC has fallen victim to one at that moment.
For once, all thoughts of himself and his looks are out the window. What? It's past 2am and MC is still gone? I can stay up another hour! Dry shampoo and a washcloth counts as a shower, right? Who the fuck cares, where's MC?? Somebody find them already!!
Pools his contact list with Satan's and starts reaching out across the whole Devildom asking for people to be on the lookout and offer tips. Also begs Solomon to use his magic to help in the search (which he's more than happy to do anyway because he cares about the MC too)
If he were to find MC first it'd be one of those rare cases where he'd be seen really truly enraged. No cute banter, no playful flirting, just telling those worthless scum-vats exactly where they belong and exactly how he's going to put them there. Is it any surprise that he's also madsick with a whip?
Crazy relieved that MC is free, but now it's on them to help him clean up and get back to his prettiest self. I mean, he worried himself half to death while they were gone! All this dirt and sweat going to take three, no four, bathes to fully clean off!! Best hop to it~♡
"Touch them one more time and I'm going to set fire to whatever landfill trash like you crawls out of!!"
It can't be happening. It honestly can't be happening. First he loses Lilith and now MC?? He can't lose two. He. Can't. Lose. Two.
Pretty much the mantra going through his head as he tears the Devildom apart with his bare hands. 
It's 1000x worse than how he gets when he's hungry because at least then he might stop when he finally gets fed. Now it's either find MC or wait until he collapses from exhaustion and hope he doesn’t leave the whole realm a smoldering crater before he gets that far.
There's no reasoning with him either, the best the brothers can do is steer him in a direction and let him loose.
If he found MC first he probably wouldn't even realize it for a bit, he'd just keep attacking whatever or whoever is in front of him on his path of blind destruction. It'd take the MC literally flinging themselves at him or throwing their arms around him to snap him out of it but then it's back to sweetheart Beel.
Hugs ensue. Really tight hugs. Probably a few tears and apologies too (even if it’s not really his fault at all). 
Woe to anyone who tries going for the MC once he’s sure he has them because they WILL be broken then eaten. He’ll encourage his human not to look, but some things just have to be done.
Would absolutely carry MC back home and refuse to put them down until the others force him to. The floor may as well be lava planning on taking them away from him too.
Wouldn't care as much about personal vengeance as his brothers as long as MC is safe. He'll trust that his family will more than punish the kidnappers (though chances are he already took a chunk or two out of a few of them during his rampage anyway).
Protective instincts up by 100 after this, though Belphie usually steps in and eases him back a bit when he's about to get suffocating. MC never travels without a buddy now, ever. He just can't risk it.
"MC, I-I'm sorry… I just couldn’t lose you too…"
Keeps the coolest head of all the brothers on the outside, but there's a cold fury building up in those eyes.
Pretty much takes charge of whipping everyone back into gear with a combination stinging remarks and heavy duty guilt tripping. May not be the nicest method, but it's effective. 
"Asmo, grow a freaking spine and do something useful for a change! Mammon, this your fault to start with so you ought to be breaking your ass to find them! Satan, watching you is getting embarrassing, pull yourself together and think like you're good at it!"
His harshest criticisms get saved for Lucifer (big shock) but he only dishes them out when he sees his older brother really losing his grip or teetering on losing hope. If the “mighty firstborn” can’t keep it together then why should they even listen to him in the first place?
When he's not administering "motivation," he's keeping tabs on Beel's progression through the Devildom and trying to minimize the damage there. He's the only one that can get through to him long enough to change his course if necessary.
If he were to find the MC first, well, unlike Satan he doesn't have the forethought to save the torture for later. It's happening right here, right now, and you better bet that being the last born doesn't stop him from being a force to be reckoned with.
Waits with the MC for his brothers to catch up to them and deal with any stragglers. May cuddle with them and look like he's trying to take a nap in the meantime, but in truth he's still very alert, on edge, and ready to absolutely wreck shit if anything gets too close to them.
Though it doesn't look like his lazy ass goes through the same protective streak as his brothers, he's a lot quicker to try and convince the MC to stay home now. No out and about=less chance of getting nabbed. Plus he keeps his favorite pillow, win-win. 😏
"What about your worthless lives makes you think you deserve my mercy??"
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thisissirius · 3 years
for @gracieli and the ladies of the discord *chef’s kiss*
i’ve only known you to keep your word buck/eddie, buck, eddie, chris, hurt/comfort, a little frottage, buck being lonely and eddie seeing and helping
Buck barely has time to sit down and attempt to handle the silence in his apartment when a key jams into the lock of his front door and it swings open.
Eddie comes into the apartment, two bags in hand, and beer in the other. “Get the door?”
Buck stares.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry, I’ll get it.”
When Eddie’s shut the door, Buck finds his voice. “What are you doing here?”
“Bringing food,” Eddie says, and Buck hears the duh even if he doesn’t say it. “Not that I’m cooking it. You are.” He flashes a smile.
Buck snorts, moving past his confusion and grabbing for the beer. “Maybe I wanna watch you fail.”
Eddie shrugs. “It’s your apartment. Also possibly your funeral.”
Saluting Eddie with his bottle, he goes to the cutlery drawer and grabs a bottle opener. “Why are you really here?”
There’s a long, drawn out silence where Eddie just stares at him. Buck feels uncomfortable under the scrutiny in ways he hasn’t before. It seems like ever since they came back from Texas, Eddie’s been—Buck doesn’t know how to explain it.
“Chris is at a sleepover,” Eddie says eventually. He makes a face. “You know how I feel about that.”
Buck does. Eddie’s only ever antsy and weird when Chris isn’t around. “Such a drama king,” he says.
“Whatever. We cooking or what?”
“Fine,” Buck says with a sigh, hip checking Eddie out of the way, ducking away from the elbow Eddie aims at his side. “Don’t beat up the person who’s saving you from food poisoning, Diaz.”
Eddie narrows his eyes, but he starts emptying out the bags. Spaghetti. He’s so transparent but Buck hides his smile by taking a pull of beer. Buck’s spaghetti is Christopher’s favourite and Buck’s got no doubts Eddie’s brought enough ingredients for extra portions. Something like happiness blossoms in Buck’s chest and he covers it with a knowing smirk.
“Shut up,” Eddie grouses. “You try telling Chris we had spaghetti and didn’t save him any.”
“No thanks,” Buck says immediately. “I do not court death.”
It makes Eddie laugh, which is Buck’s aim, after all, and he grins his way through the meal prep. _______
Later, stomach full and the happiness a comfortable constant, Buck is stretched out on the couch, another bottle of beer resting against his hip, one arm tucked under his head. He is super conscious of one of his legs resting over Eddie’s lap, Eddie’s fingers circling his ankle.
“I don’t understand why they don’t just talk to each other.”
Eddie gives him a look. “It’s a movie, Buck.”
“So?” Buck watches as neither of the characters communicate. Again. “How hard is it to talk about your feelings?”
There’s a pointed silence.
“Whatever,” Buck grouses. “We have notable trauma, they don’t.”
“Noticeable trauma,” Eddie says, raising an eyebrow.
Buck kicks him with the leg that isn’t held hostage. “Be nice, Eddie, or you can go home.”
“You wouldn’t kick me out,” Eddie says with certainty.
Falling quiet, Buck turns back to the movie, but he’s not really watching it. Eddie’s not wrong. He wouldn’t kick Eddie out. Ever. Even in their worst moments, the only thing he wanted was for Eddie to come back, for them to be them again.
The movie finishes and Buck blinks. “Did I fall asleep?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says softly. He removes his hands from Buck’s ankle. Buck can still feel the phantom heat of his fingers. “Come on, time for bed.”
Buck frowns. “I was comfortable.”
“And we can be comfortable upstairs,” Eddie says, once again with the duh unspoken. “Up, Buckley, let’s go.”
Buck feels a little adrift as they walk up to his bedroom. Honestly, he’s been feeling that way most of the night and he doesn’t know how to make sense of what he’s feeling. Leaning against the balcony railing, he watches Eddie root through his drawers, grabbing sleep clothes. “Eddie—“
“Wash up,” Eddie tells him, tossing over the clothes.
Though the fight is on the tip of his tongue, Buck keeps it to himself. He realises he doesn’t want to argue and goes into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He stares at himself in the mirror. The silence that usually crowds him in the evenings he’s alone is absent and there’s comfort in Eddie being a yell away. He relaxes, washing up and getting changed.
When he comes out, Eddie moves past him, a hand brushing his hip and Buck shivers. The touch feels deliberate and Buck’s thrown back over the last couple of hours. Everything Eddie’s done is just what Buck needs. It overwhelms him and he sits on the edge of the bed, not sure what happens next. Will Eddie get blankets and go downstairs? Worse, will he want to share a bed? What if he wants to talk—
“Buck,” Eddie says gently, resting a hand on Buck’s shoulder making him jump. “Sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Buck says, smiling softly. “Sorry.”
Eddie’s hand squeezes before it falls to his side. “Get in the bed.”
“Are you—”
“Come on,” Eddie says, and it could easily be an order, but for the tone. Buck doesn’t like being pushed around and it shows that Eddie knows that; he’s careful, gentle, and Buck nods, climbing into bed.
Buck rolls over, watches Eddie as he shuts off the light and charges his phone. Buck panics for a moment, before seeing his own on the nightstand. His heart picks up a beat, twop, and he’s holding his breath. Maybe if he doesn’t move this won’t stop being a dream. It still feels like one when Eddie reaches out, fingers sliding through the hair that’s soft against Buck’s forehead. “Sleep, Buck.”
Buck doesn’t know if he can.
“You save me from my nightmares,” Eddie says, with a self-deprecating smile.
I’ll save you from yours.
Buck closes his eyes and breathes out.
Buck’s not quite sure what to make of it..
The next morning, Eddie burns breakfast (of course), abandons it (of course), and bundles himself and Buck in the truck to get breakfast—and to pick up Chris.
“Bucky!” Chris pokes his head into the car and grins.
Buck will never not love hanging out with Chris and he leans over the seat to give Chris a high five. “Sleepover okay?”
“Jamie’s got a hamster,” Chris starts.
“No,” Eddie says immediately, buckling his seatbelt.
Chris looks at Buck. Buck looks at Eddie.
“No,” Eddie says again.
Buck smiles at Chris and turns back around. They’ve got this.
Two very full shifts later and Buck is sitting in the locker room, staring at his duffle. He doesn’t know if he’s got the energy to pack the rest of his shit in there and move, let alone drive home. His body aches, bruises starting to blossom from the fall he’d taken on a previous call, and he hisses as he stands.
The prospect of going home alone, tending to his hurts and sleeping in that bed all alone—Buck’s breath hitches and he closes his eyes, forehead pressed to the lockers.
There’s a rap on the glass and Buck whirls around, ready to put up the front, make out he’s okay, and deflates when he sees Eddie. Neither of them says anything for a moment, and then Eddie’s moving into the room, wordlessly packing the rest of Buck’s stuff into his bag. Buck doesn’t know where he gets his energy from. “Eddie.”
“You look like you’re gonna fall over,” Eddie says, frowning.
“Sorry,” Buck starts.
“Why?” Eddie looks up at him, surprised.
Buck sits on the bench again, cradling his ribs. They’re not broken, says Hen and Chim both, but they still hurt like a bitch. “Give me a minute and I’ll be good to go. You should go ome to Chris.”
“That’s not happening,” Eddie says. “I mean alone,” he amends, interpreting Buck’s expression correctly. “You’re coming with me.”
“Don’t argue with me.” Eddie straightens up, Buck’s bag on one shoulder, his on the other. “You alright to move?”
Buck nods, gives himself a minute to breathe in and out slowly, then pushes himself to his feet. He winces when his ribs twinge. “You can drop me off, it’s fine.”
Eddie stops them, hand on Buck’s arm. His thumb is resting against Buck’s pulse point and Buck wonders, a touch hysterically, if he can feel it racing. “You’re coming home with me,” he says again, gentler this time. “You’re always allowed to ask me for help.”
Breath catching in his throat, Buck doesn’t know how to answer that. Eddie swipes his thumb once across the skin of Buck’s wrist then lets go.
“I’ll tell Chris not to jump on you,” Eddie tells him as they head out of the station. “He’s still banned from video games, so you’ll have to entertain him some other way.”
“It’s not like we haven’t had to before,” Buck says, falling into the banter with ease. “At least this time it’s a deserved punishment and not his dad being a technophobe.”
Eddie glares at him over the top of the truck. “Hildy was watching me! She sees it all!”
Buck laughs, wincing as he slides into the passenger set, but the pain is worth it. Eddie helps with the seatbelt, which would be humiliating if Buck wasn’t used to this. “Does Chris know I’m coming?”
“Nope,” Eddie says, putting the truck in reverse. “Carla would kill me for one. Secondly, I’d hate to ruin the surprise.”
Eddie’s smile is fond and Buck can’t help but match it, relaxing back against the seat. He can’t wait to walk through that door and let Chris fill all the spaces that have grown in him since the last time. It always feels like coming home. Buck closes his eyes, pushes down the feeling. Chris isn’t his and he should remember that.
“You still with me?”
Buck opens his eyes, head turning to look at Eddie. Eddie spares him a glance, then looks back at the road. “I’m not gonna be good company,” he tries again. If he brings Chris and Eddie down with his mood, he’ll never forgive himself.
“You think I was after the well?” Eddie huffs out a laugh. “Please, Buck, we’ll ply you with painkillers, Chris can talk your ear off about whatever it is you two get excited about, then we’ll go to sleep. It’s not that hard.”
“I could have done that at home.”
“Yes,” Eddie allows, Buck fascinated with how soft his touch when the steering wheel slides through his fingers. Why is everything about Eddie so gentle? “But I’d rather you be somewhere I can keep an eye on you.”
The words signal exasperation, but the tone is fond, the smile on Eddie’s face soft. Buck so often feels like a burden but Eddie’s acting like he isn’t. That this is something he wants to do, help Buck and make him—
“Hey,” Eddie says, sounding worried. “Are you crying?”
“No,” Buck bites out, swiping at his face with the hand not pressed to his ribs. “Please keep driving.”
Eddie does, thankfully, and Buck grits his teeth against the urge to keep crying. “I’m sorry.”
It’s Buck’s turn to be confused. “Why?”
“If you’re crying because someone wants to take care of you, I’ve been a shitty best friend.”
The words are still rattling around Buck’s head when it comes time for bed.
Chris is already tucked in, having dragged a story from both Buck and Eddie, and Eddie’s been putting stuff away in the kitchen, talking in low tones to Buck through the door. Buck’s been half paying attention, his mind still on the conversation in the car.
When Eddie steps back into the room, wiping his hands on the back of his jeans, he gives Buck a smile. “Ready for bed?”
“Yeah,” Buck says. “Toss some blankets, yeah?”
“As if,” Eddie says without hesitation. “No way are you taking the couch with those ribs.”
“Eddie,” Buck says. Eddie pauses at whatever he hears in Buck’s tone. Buck’s not sure how he sounds, barely knows how he feels. “What you said in the truck—”
There’s no judgement, no embarrassment. “Yeah?”
Buck opens his mouth, closes it. “You haven’t been a shitty best friend.”
“I have,” Eddie presses. Then, with a sigh, “sometimes.”
“So have I.” Buck groans as he rights himself, grateful when Eddie holds out a hand and takes most of his weight to help him stand. “I don’t know how to accept it. Someone taking care of me.”
Eddie nods. Buck doesn’t know how he always gets it, how he knows Buck so well when Buck barely knows what’s happening inside of his own head. Eddie’s hands are on his hips and he tugs a little, careful so that Buck doesn’t stumble, and drags him into a hug. Buck lets out a shaky breath, turns his face into Eddie’s neck. The angle would be awkward but for his stoop and he lets himself take the comfort Eddie’s offering.
“I know,” Eddie says quietly, a kiss ghosting over Buck’s temple. “You will.”
Over the following two days, Buck’s body mends and he’s able to move without wanting to punch himself in the face. He spends the time dicking around on his phone—having a photo off with Marjan about which one of them is more internet famous—and letting Chris talk him into playing almost his entire catalogue of video games.
Eddie’s a silent presence in the background. He disappears for work, leaving Carla in charge, and she spends most of the time feeding Buck, berating him for not looking after himself, and throwing him knowing looks. Buck doesn’t know what she’s getting at. When Eddie comes home, he manages to put together a good dinner (Buck finds the takeout containers in the trash), settle down with them in front of the TV and throw an arm over Buck’s shoulders, squeeze against him even when there’s space, and on the second night, when they’re an hour into the movie, Buck can feel Eddie’s fingers playing with his hair.
It startles him, but he does his best not to react. Relaxing back against Eddie’s arm, he catches the small quirk of a smile playing at Eddie’s mouth and complains about something in the movie. Chris interjects, Buck only tangentially paying attention, because Eddie’s fingers are scratching lightly at his scalp.
“Gross,” Eddie says, wrinkling his nose. Buck can agree; there’s way too much blood for a movie Chris can watch, but he doesn’t answer. He can feel himself relaxing further, embarrassed when he pushes into Eddie’s fingers. Thankfully, Eddie doesn’t seem to notice. Except then, on the next pass, he scratches a little lighter. The sensation has Buck shivering and he swallows down the noise in his throat.
Reaching over, he rests a hand on Eddie’s leg and squeezes. Eddie looks at him, picking up on Buck’s silent cues, and nods. He keeps his hand in Buck’s hair, but contends himself with running his fingers through it instead of scratching. Buck breathes out, shaky, but doesn’t tense up again.
“Work tomorrow,” Eddie says, his voice pitched low. Chris is still watching the movie, working his way through a packet of candy Buck’s surprised Eddie let him have.
Buck nods. “Can’t wait. I feel like I’ve put on five pounds in two days.”
“Now who’s dramatic.” Eddie shakes his head. “Not that you’re wrong; Carla’s cooking does have that effect. So good.”
“Anyone’s would be,” Buck says, smirking, “compared to yours.”
Eddie glares, but he huffs, looking back at the TV. “Rude.”
“Not wrong,” Buck says lightly, sing-song, watching Chris out of the corner of his eye. Either Chris is doing a very good job of pointedly ignoring them (something he’s practised at), or they’re managing to keep their tone low. When Eddie doesn’t reply, he pouts. “I’m injured.”
“You were,” Eddie corrects, but he’s smiling. “All the rope rescues for you tomorrow.”
Buck pauses. “You’re not going to fight me for them?”
Looking nonchalant, Eddie shrugs. “Consider it a gift to you.”
You’re my gift.
The words get trapped somewhere in Buck’s throat. He can’t stop staring at Eddie. It almost feels like a relief when the movie finishes, and Eddie starts making noises about sleeping. Again, Buck finds himself being tugged in the direction of Eddie’s bed, even when the couch will suffice, but it feels not unlike the tsunami; Buck drowning, being pulled in different directions, but this time Eddie’s there; a guide, an anchor, when Buck feels most adrift.
Days pass into weeks.
Buck’s in his truck, on the way back to his apartment, and he’s startled by the wrongness of it. He can’t remember the last time he spent the night in his own home. Turning into the parking lot, he sits behind the wheel, knuckles white as he grips it, staring at the window of his apartment.
Not that he wants to hang around Eddie like dead weight. He’d dashed out of the locker room, a yell over his shoulder that he was late to pick up Chris. Not that buck expects them to hang out after work or anything, but ever since—well, since Texas, Eddie’s not been far.
Angry at himself, he grabs his duffel from the back seat and heads into the apartment building, fighting the lead weight settling in his stomach. It’s his fucking home! Just because Eddie doesn’t mind him hanging out with him and Chris, Buck needs to get a grip. He’s not part of their family and he needs to stop. Maybe go out, find someone to—
His phone rings shrilly through his thoughts and he grabs it, answering it with a harsh, “What?”
A pause. “Where are you?”
“At my apartment,” Buck snaps. “You remember? That place I live.”
Eddie’s quiet on the other end of the phone and Buck grips the edge of the counter, closing his eyes, opening his mouth to apologise. Eddie talks first, his tone soft. “I remember.”
“I’m sorry,” Buck blurts out. He presses his hand to his eyes. “I think the shift must have got to me. “
“You sure you’re alright?”
No. Buck nods. “Yeah.”
A hum. Eddie’s voice is still quiet when he says, “alright. See you tomorrow.”
When the dial tone rings in his ear, Buck lets the phone slide out of his hands, hitting the counter and sliding away from him. Buck swallows once, twice, feels the burn of tears in his eyes. He doesn’t understand what’s happening. He doesn’t realise he’s slid down to the floor until he feels the cold beneath his butt, his head falling back to rest against the island. Time slides away from him and he breathes slowly, trying to focus on the here and now, even if it’s the last place he wants to be.
Buck’s breathing sounds too loud.
“Head up, Buck, come on.”
Eddie, Buck’s brain helpfully supplies. He blinks, stares up into Eddie’s face.
“There you are,” Eddie says, voice soft. “You with me?”
“Eddie?” Buck says, his voice scratchy.
Eddie nods, his arms on Buck’s. He tugs gently, helping Buck up off the floor. Buck lets himself be led, unsurprised when Eddie pushes him down onto the couch. There’s a glass of water on the coffee table, a blanket against the arm.
Buck stares, wonders if there’s an echo when he says, “Eddie,” again.
“I’m here,” Eddie says, and Buck’s sure this isn’t real, that he’s gone mad. “Not mad,” Eddie says, “just lonely.”
The word catches in Buck’s ribcage, feels like a knife. “I don’t like being alone.”
Eddie sits next to him on the couch, turning sideways, knee pressed to Buck’s thigh. “I know.”
“I hate it,” Buck continues, staring around the room, at the cold whiteness of everything. He’s tried to make it a home, put stuff up, kept some of the drawings Chris does for him, photos hung on the walls. It doesn’t feel like anything. Not the way Eddie’s does when he walks through the door. The smell, the sounds, the comfort of Chris laughing, of Eddie grousing about something.
Buck’s chest feels tight.
“Buck,” Eddie says, his tone hard. “Look at me.”
Buck does.
“That’s it.” Eddie’s tone shifts back into soft and he reaches over, pulls Buck closer to him. Buck tenses up but Eddie doesn’t let go. He keeps talking, the words washing over Buck like a balm. “You never ask for help. I know I don’t either. We’ve both got—what did you call it, notable trauma?”
It’s funny, but Buck doesn’t laugh. He starts to relax, hand fisting in Eddie’s shirt.
“You’re lonely,” Eddie says, not that Buck needs the reminder. “But you’re not alone.”
Buck clenches his eyes shut, letting out a shaky breath.
“You hear me?” Eddie says again, burying his face in Buck’s hair. They shift around a little until it’s comfortable, Buck pressed against Eddie, the two of them stretched out on Buck’s couch.
“Chris,” Buck says, panicked. If Eddie’s here then who’s got Chris?
“He’s with Hen and Karen.” Eddie’s fingers are on the back of Buck’s neck, grounding him. “He’s safe.”
Okay. Chris is safe. Buck’s not alone.
“Eddie,” he says, hating himself for this weakness but unable to keep from saying, “I don’t wanna be alone.”
Eddie sucks in a breath, lets it out. He sounds wrecked. “I know. You’re not, I promise.”
Buck shakes his head. “I am. When you go home. When everyone—I’m alone. Abby left and Ali and I’m alone.” The word spill out of him, water running over him, drowning him, holding him fast. “My parents left me alone. Maddie. You.” Eddie’s breath hitches. “Why doesn’t anyone stay?”
Arms tightening, Eddie drags him up, mouth pressed to his forehead, breath hot against Buck’s face. “Not anymore, you understand me?”
Buck wants to believe it. Eddie’s been here, all this time, taking care of Buck. Dr. Copeland says he can accept it for what it is; Eddie caring. Buck wants to, but he doesn’t know how.
“It’s okay,” Eddie says, watching him carefully.
“What is?”
“That you don’t believe me.” Eddie says it so matter of fact and though Buck wants to deny it, he can’t make himself say it. Eddie’s thumb rubs over his cheek. Is Buck crying again? “I’ll show you.”
Buck doesn’t know what that means. “How?”
“If you don’t wanna be alone,” Eddie starts, cuts himself off. There’s pink on his cheeks, determination in his expression. “My bed is cold without you.”
“Mine is too big,” Buck blurts out.
“Alright,” Eddie says, even though Buck doesn’t know what he’s agreeing to. He curls into Eddie, emotionally wrung out, not sure where they go from here. Have they solved anything? Buck’s still going to be in this cold apartment and Eddie might want him around sometimes, but all the time? Buck doesn’t know if Eddie likes him enough to—
Fingers scratch against his scalp.
Buck lets out a soft noise.
“I wasn’t sure,” Eddie says, words drifting softly into Buck’s ear where Eddie’s lips are pressed. “But you asked me to stop.”
“I didn’t know,” Buck says, shaky, groaning when Eddie’s nails scrape down the nape of his neck. He gets a hand between Eddie’s back and the couch, curls his fingers into the fabric of Eddie’s shirt. A henley. Yellow. Fuck, he looks so good.
Eddie whispers, “I know,” and adjusts his hips, slides further back and oh. Buck rocks his hips up, a little out of it because this is Eddie, and they’re on his couch, and he’s, he’s chasing— “That’s it.”
There’s a counterpoint; Eddie’s fingers in his hair, against his scalp, and his hips, the thick curve of his dick pressed to Buck’s.
“Eddie,” he manages to get out.
“You can have it,” Eddie grits out, dropping his free hand to Buck’s ass and dragging him up. Buck punches out a groan, body quivering as he his orgasm starts to build, pleasure pulsing at the base of his spine. Eddie’s breathing in his ear, there’s the rustle of fabric, and Buck can smell the fading scent of Eddie’s cologne.
“Please,” Buck bites out.
“Take it,” Eddie says, biting at the curve of Buck’s jaw. “You can have whatever want.”
Buck sobs out Eddie’s name as he grinds his hips down, lost in the sensations of Eddie’s hands, his voice, the pleasure cresting up and over, drowning out everything but Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.
“You with me?”
Buck hums, craking open an eye. They’re still on the couch, his pants feel gross, but Eddie’s stroking a hand down his back so Buck can deal.
“Yeah,” Buck says.
Eddie shifts a little, extricating himself enough to grab the water bottle. Buck makes a disgruntled noise, but can’t deny he’s thirsty. When Eddie’s satisfied he’s drunk enough, they settle back, Eddie’s hand drfiting through his hair. “Move in with me.”
Buck’s body tenses. “Eddie—”
“I’m asking,” Eddie says, and when Buck pulls back, he can see the apprehension on Eddie’s face. “Not telling. And no,” he adds, “it’s not pity.”
“I can get over it.”
Eddie doesn’t answer. He gestures for Buck to lie back down and after a momentary hesitation, Buck does, sinking against the lines of Eddie’s body. He’s lulled into comfort by the press of Eddie’s hands against his back and neck, the steady rhythm of Eddie’s chest rising and falling.
“Part of me thinks I’ll never be over Shannon,” Eddie says. Buck hardly dares breathe. “I’ve always thought I wasn’t good enough,” Eddie continues, burying his face in Buck’s hair. “And yet every time I look up, there you are. Still here.”
The words take a moment to resonate; Buck’s broken and splintered, but Eddie is too. Maybe their damaged parts match up, maybe they don’t. Somehow, they fit together anyway, and Eddie’s been here. He’s still here, Chris safe with friends because Buck needs him.
“I’ve never been a priority,” Buck rasps out.
“Yes you have,” Eddie says with a certainty that makes Buck wants to hold on and never let go. “You and Chris? You have to know you’re everything.”
Buck tightens his grip on Eddie. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
Eddie huffs a breath. “I know. Neither do I, sometimes, but I’m not letting you go, Buck.”
Gentle pressure on Buck’s chin tilts his head up and he stares into Eddie’s eyes and Buck’s breath catches in his throat at the expression on Eddie’s face. “You have every part of me that doesn’t belong to Chris.”
When Eddie kisses him, Buck lets himself fall.
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bratkook · 4 years
rough hands. (m) jjk
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pairing : tattooed!jungkook x tattooed!reader (slight fuckboy!jk)
word count : 12k, (i hate myself why cant i ever write anything shorter than 10k goodbye)
genre : (fr)enemies to lovers, smut, this is for @mygukandonly​ ty for the idea and for sharing my thirst for jungkook lmao also ps. if you read this/enjoy it pls reblog bc tumblrs tags are dead af tysm
warnings : overstimulation, dirty talk (its kinda sweet tho?), playful banter during sex, unprotected sex
summary : how is he meant to confess that he’d tear off his left arm for you if you asked when he can see the way you look at him in disgust when his nervous rambling leads to retelling the raunchy stories of girl’s past
The muffled sound of your roommate and his best friend laughing in the kitchen can be heard through your bedroom wall, a smile spreading across your face when you hear Hoseok’s telltale joyous laugh, no doubt in the middle of telling a story. 
You rake your fingers through your hair once more, fluffing it up and stepping back from the mirror to give yourself a once over, your hands tugging down on the tight dress you had on. The black shiny latex hugging your curves in all the right spots and you smirk as excitement fills you when you think of the dumb shit you and your best friend Rina were going to get into tonight.
In the kitchen Hoseok pours another shot for himself and Jungkook, the two of them energized at going out tonight as well, the video game demo they had been working on at work had gotten approved, being given the green light to move further into it so they would be celebrating tonight. The rest of his friends were set to arrive at your shared apartment for some pregame drinks before they left to their designated bar of choice.
“Y/N! Take a shot.” Hoseok shouts out when you step out of the hallway, his head peeking out by the breakfast bar to see you. He’s wearing a simple white tshirt, his colorful tattooed arms on full display as he holds out a shot glass for you to take. As you step closer to grasp it Jungkook’s eyes bulge out at what you’re wearing, he chooses to throw back his shot, letting the burn of tequila take his mind off how hot you looked. Jungkook has had it bad for you for so long, you and Jungkook have ran in the same circle since high school, not exactly friends but there was always a mutual friend linking you two together.
Jeon Jungkook has always been shameless, even at the young age of 16, when his hair was all bangs and the only thing on his mind was bands, shows, and girls. His debauchery only worsened in college when his muscles bulked up and he started experimenting with tattoos, there is nothing horny college girls love more than a man with long black hair and inked sleeves so of course he embraced it. 
The social circle you two shared slowly dwindled away after the first year of college as people dropped out, moved out of state or started a career while you finished your schooling. Because of that, you hadn’t really seen or heard much about Jungkook during your last year of college, not sure if he ever finished, dropped out or took a year off. It wasn’t until fate had you responding to a room mate needed ad that lead you to Jung Hoseok and in turn leading you right back to Jeon Jungkook, full circle.
And in that reunion it was made clear that he had stayed exactly the same, the same 16 year old mentality trapped inside a bulked out tattooed man, his new found goal being getting under your skin because he loved seeing you upset.
Your eyes meet Jungkook’s as you grab the shot glass, standing right beside Hoseok as he pours himself yet another shot. He just smirks at you, noticing your added height with the platform shoes you have on, “If you wear those shoes you can get on all the rides at Disney.”
He hides his smile behind the glass, seeing you roll your eyes as you throw back the shot, glaring at him once you swallow it, “Oh shut up, I’m normal sized, it’s not my fault you’re a fucking Titan.”
Hoseok laughs loudly at your comeback, his shoulders nudging Jungkook and seeing him fighting back a smile at your reaction, “Touché.”
The contents of the tequila bottle start to dry out so Hoseok pushes it away, opting for grabbing a cup to start making drinks to pace himself until his friends show up. You have the beginnings of a buzz warming you up, sliding out your phone to see that Rina texted you to come over, wanting to pregame as well before you went out together.
As you start texting her back your ears tune in to the story Jungkook had decided to start telling, reminiscing on the last time they had all gone out to that dive bar. His hands are animated as he tells Hoseok about the drunk girl he had his eyes on, the both of them ending up in the gross bathroom while she gave him a sloppy blowjob, stopping halfway through to puke all over the floor and how it had absolutely wounded his ego. Him and Hoseok are bent over in hysterics as you lock your phone and roll your eyes, like clockwork Jungkook had to start talking about his sexual escapades, “And that’s my cue to fuck off.”
You shove your phone into your tiny side bag as you start to walk away and Jungkook presses his lips together as he realizes once again he said something he shouldn’t have. Hoseok turns to look at you, “You sure you don’t wanna come out with us? It’ll be more fun than that fetish club you’re into.”
You laugh at him, acting as if he didn’t frequent that club as well, “Is Iseul joining you?”
He frowns at the mention of his girlfriend, getting a little sad that she would in fact not be joining him, “No, she’s got an early shift tomorrow so she cant.”
“Sorry but if she’s not there I’m not interested.” You tease with a shrug, throwing your arm up in a wave before leaving your apartment, the door slamming behind you.
Jungkook instantly sulks once you’re gone, mentally slapping himself for always managing to say stupid shit around you. He couldn’t help himself, the small crush he had spawned in high school when you were still the timid girl that wore band tees two sizes too big, and now that you had matured into this, all leather and stockings and tattoos that rivaled his, that crush had bloomed and with it came plenty of wet dreams and fantasies. 
He knew he stuck his foot in his mouth every time you two ended up in the same vicinity but his usual confident and cocky self became a nervous fucking wreck around you. His brain chose to either rile you up with mean jokes or let his mouth run on autopilot. Unfortunately the only two topics programmed in consisted of shit regarding his job as an audio engineer for video games or his raunchy one night stands. More often than not it was the latter, talking about vulgar things made you walk away, if he talked about technical shit that you didn’t know about, it left room for questions from you and more of a chance for him to embarrass himself.
He uncaps the tequila bottle again and tips it back, taking a swig from the bottle and accepting that he’d have to live with annoying you from afar.
Its not until you come home that night, absolutely hammered, while hes there that he gets the first glimpse that maybe his dreams aren’t so far fetched. He’s stood in the doorway between the kitchen and living room, the buzz of the night having left him a while ago, a bowl of cheerios in his hand that he’s currently shoveling into his mouth when you stumble in, tripping over the doors threshold as you giggle and attempt to shut it quietly as to not wake up Hoseok.
Jungkook smirks with a mouthful of cereal as you press your forehead against the door and double over in hushed laughter, no doubt remembering something stupid that happened earlier. “You okay?” He finally speaks up, scaring you, you whip around in shock and slam your back against the door, a small whimper of pain leaving you as you slide down until your butt meets the floor.
“Oh shit.” He sets his bowl down and goes over to make sure you’re okay, your body is slumped on the floor with your legs sprawled out and he forces himself to just stare at your face, a small frown on it now that you realize how drunk you are. But thanks to that, the usual dont touch me attitude you normally have is missing, letting Jungkook scoop you up by the arms. He swallows as his fingers go down to tug the hem of your dress since it had rode up from you sliding down, his fingers lingering slightly on your thigh.
Your head lolls over now that he’s holding you up and away from the wall, a small smile on your face as you stare at him, your finger coming up to gently prod at the bar he has in the center of his lip, seeing them curl up as well because fuck are you drunk.
Your eyes are having trouble focusing on him with the dim light and the two shots you took just as you left the bar finally settling into your system but you make him out just fine, the weird orange glow coming from the kitchen illuminating him enough for you to see him. “You’re really cute in this lighting.” You slur out.
Jungkook just blushes, not knowing how to respond to you because you complimenting him was not the norm. When your brain decides that your head is far too heavy to hold up it drops back, showing him the expanse of your neck and the beautiful peony you have at the side of it, just under your ear, leading up to the spot where your neck meets your collarbone and Jungkook can’t stop himself from thinking of sucking hickeys into the skin there, the purple splotches coloring the blackwork tattoo.
“Wow, you’re sloshed.” He hauls you up, the muscles on his body clearly not being for show as he carries you to your room. He flicks the light on and gently places you on your mattress, hearing you groan in protest but otherwise not moving. His hands start to unbuckle the straps to your shoes, cute leopard print platform heels with the words doll face adorning the toe strap and it was very much you.
They land on your hardwood floor with a loud thud but you don’t register it, your eyes staying shut as you shove your face into your sheets. He opts for leaving you in your dress, shoes were fine but clothing was uncharted territory so he just unfolds the fluffy throw blanket at the edge of your bed and drapes it over you. His hands turn you over until you’re on your side, a stack of pillows at your back so he knows you won’t run the risk of choking on your puke if the situation arises. When he knows you’re no longer at risk of dying he starts to get up, your hands coming to grasp his and it startles him to see your drunk eyes blinking at him softly.
Your lips are moving but he can’t make out what you’re saying so he inches closer, “Huh?”
When hes about a foot away your hands cup his cheeks and bring him in for a quick kiss, the scent of vodka filling his nose as he feels the softness of your lips, “Thank you Jungkookie.” The phrase slurs together in an almost incomprehensible sentence but he hears it as he pulls back, your eyes shutting and your hands dropping and laying limp beside you as you knock out.
Jungkook just stands at the edge of your bed, watching you sleep for a moment before he scurries out to the living room, forgetting about his cereal and collapsing onto the couch to crash, his hands rubbing his eyes almost as if he’s trying to wake himself up from the dream he swears hes in.
His night had been restless, he couldn’t even blame it on sleeping on a couch, he usually did that when he and Hoseok went out and he had to carry his best friend home. No his dreams had consisted of you and that damned latex dress, the small innocent kiss you gave him spurring him on, so he was thankful when he woke up and no longer had to be scared of you walking in on him saying some shit in his sleep.
Hes currently sprawled out on the couch, shirtless with his grey sweats on, one hand tucked behind his head as the other fiddled with his phone, scrolling through instagram and shamelessly rewatching your story for the millionth time. He just couldn’t stop replaying a video of you speaking into the camera, very drunk with a massive smile as you tried to get your friend who was in the background to face the camera, erupting into a laugh that made him smile along.
His finger presses down on his screen, pausing the video as his ears pick up the sound of a bedroom door opening, either Hoseok was up or you were. He wasn’t sure who he was hoping for but when he sees his friend walk out of his room with bedhead he wishes it was you.
Hoseok smacks his lips together a few times, his squinty eyes looking at Jungkook as he smiles, “How’d those jäger shots treat you?”
Jungkook laughs as he recalls Hoseok egging everyone on to take more of them, sitting up and ruffling his wavy hair, “I can still bounce back as quick as I did when I was 16.”
Hoseok just groans, his palm rubbing his forehead, “Wait until you hit 26.” He waddled into the kitchen and begins rummaging around, the sound of pills shaking in a container being a telltale sign that Hoseok desperately needed advil.
“Hungry?” He calls out and Jungkook hums in response, he was very hungry, he hadn’t wanted to get up and make himself food since last time he did he had mistakenly used up the last of your oat milk and you had been furious, tossing the empty carton at his head when you had tried to make yourself a bowl of cereal. “You cool with pancakes?”
“Dude you could give me a still frozen eggo waffle and I’d be grateful.”
Hoseok laughs loudly at his statement, pots and pans clanking together as he sets up and Jungkook winces, your bedroom shared a wall with the kitchen so it was only a matter of time until the noise woke you up.
It takes roughly 15 minutes of Hoseok chatting and the noise of the mixer to stir you from your sleep. Your mouth is dry and your eyes are pulsing from your headache when you fully awake, pushing yourself up from your bed you’re confused as to how you even got into it. The black dress you wore dug into your skin, the straps leaving deep imprints in your shoulders from the way you slept.
“What the hell.” You moan out, rolling your neck and staring down at the mountain of pillows that were laid out in a specific shape. Had Hoseok hauled your ass to bed last night?
The muffled sounds of chatter start back up, the smell of pancakes slipping under the crack in your door and you grin, hoping Hoseok had added chocolate chips into the mix.
Pancakes were a necessity right now, your stomach felt hollow and from past experiences if you waited too long to eat after drinking all night your hangover would last way longer, so you stand up, your sore feet aching as you shuffle to your drawers and pull out comfortable clothes.
When your door creaks open Jungkook stops talking, his fork staying impaled in the pancakes as the sound of your feet padding on the hardwood floor gets closer. Hes sat on the tall barstool facing the breakfast bar, Hoseok stood on the other side of it, both of them in the middle of eating when you finally show yourself.
Your eyes zero in on Jungkook and you frown, hes sitting shirtless, half of his back and side facing you, letting you see the swirls of black ink that cover the majority of his body. Your eyes follow the dragon that starts on his shoulder, tracing the head all the way down as its body curves and twists until the tail peaks away under the hem of his sweats, but you can’t drool over him, no matter how delicious he looked so you opt for being a brat.
“Don’t you have a home?”
Hoseok chokes on his laughter, seeing Jungkooks cheeks redden as he stares back at his plate. Did you not remember planting one on him last night? You were very drunk but c’mon, could the universe throw him a bone for once.
“Here, your stacks are over there, chocolate chips and all.” Hoseok flicks behind him, your gaze following and seeing the plate of pancakes with your name written all over it. The smile you have contrasts deeply with the look you had just given Jungkook, you were a sucker for chocolate chip pancakes.
You walk into the kitchen space and fix yourself up a plate, scooping out some of the leftover eggs in the pan and choosing to stand next to Hobi instead of sitting beside Jungkook. You’re both crammed on the small counter space beside the sink, the two of you had never gotten around to buying a dining table and always suffered the consequences so you always managed. 
You lift up the plate to your nose and inhale, sighing in appreciation, “Hoseok, Iseul is one lucky lady. Why hasn’t she put a ring on it yet?” You tease, setting the plate down and grabbing the syrup bottle to drown your pancakes in the sticky goodness.
Jungkook is blatantly staring at your plate in disgust, his eyes looking between his plate and your own, your pancakes covered in the thick syrup, the excess dripping off and pooling into your eggs.
“Jesus what.” You snap, setting the bottle down rather aggressively, sending him daggers as his face scrunches up at your food.
“Thats fucking disgusting.”
“You like your pancakes bone dry, I don’t fucking judge you so don’t judge me. We’ll see who’s laughing when you’re choking on your dry ass food.”
Hoseok just stands there as he eats his eggs, a stupid smirk on his face as you banter like children. It’s always entertaining for him, he wishes he could record every interaction because you and Jungkook were the same person, the same sick sense of humor and quick drags made for some interesting comebacks.
He can see Jungkook getting increasingly flustered as you both continue shooting insults at each other about breakfast food, the dreaded oat milk fiasco being brought up and when you point your fork at Jungkook threateningly thats when Hoseok steps in as referee. “Alright, alright children enough!”
He raises his arms up, silencing you both and forcing you to drop your makeshift weapon, “Jungkook, you know the oat milk scandal is a sensitive subject so minus 10 points for bringing it up.” Jungkook glares when you poke your tongue out at him, “And Y/N, Jungkooks right, you drowning your shit in syrup is disgusting so minus 15 points for that.” And now Jungkook is grinning at you mockingly, enjoying the shock on your face as you look at Hoseok, calling him a traitor and picking up your plate to go eat in your room since no one fucking appreciates me in this stupid house!
When your door slams shut Jungkook chuckles, his tongue prodding at his cheek as he shakes his head and resumes eating his breakfast. Hoseok holds his coffee cup next to his lip as he stares at his friend, “You two fight like a married couple.”
Jungkook’s reaction is immediate, scoffing and rolling his eyes, “She’s just annoying.”
Hoseok hums, nodding along like he believes Jungkook, “Ah, so are we both still pretending you don’t have it bad for her?”
That gets a real reaction from the younger boy, his eyes darting to the wall that you share with the kitchen before glaring back at his friend, “Dude!” He whines, his shoulders sagging, “Do you want her to hear you?” Hoseok just cackles, grabbing his dishes and placing them in the sink to start washing them. Jungkook just continues grumbling to himself, his fork clanking against the plate as he stabs his pancakes aggressively.
“Give yourself some credit Kook, she doesn’t hate you like you think she does.” Jungkook found that hard to believe, your morning greeting of accusing him of being homeless due to him always being at your place showed him how you really felt, but last night was the first time he had felt like maybe deep down you thought he was cute enough to kiss.
“Last night,” he starts off, setting his fork down, “she came home at like 4am totally wasted, I don’t even know how she managed to climb the stairs up to the front door. I carried her to bed and she uh, she kissed me.” He whispers the last part, his eyes glancing at the shared wall again, praying you were listening to music and not hearing this conversation.
Hoseok shuts off the faucet, whipping around with wide eyes, “Huh? Like coherently kissed you with tongue down your throat or like drunk peck kissed you?”
“The second one.”
The expression on Hoseoks face doesn’t comfort Jungkook, he’s pouting in sympathy, “I mean, she kisses Iseul with tongue and everything-”
“Okay but-wait what?” Jungkook stops himself from interrupting further, his interested piqued in hearing about you and Hoseok’s girlfriend making out. It was a regular occurrence, if you both got drunk enough the compliments began and before Hoseok knew it you and his girlfriend were swapping spit and then acting like nothing happened as you entered the dance floor.
His friend rolls his eyes at the look Jungkook throws at him, “Yeah, I think Iseul loves her more than me.”
“Okay well tell her to get in fucking line.” Jungkook jokes, “But no, she kissed me last night and considering she doesn’t like me within her bubble it has to mean something right?”
Hoseok pats his hands dry as he approaches the breakfast bar again, Jungkook looks unsure, his teeth nibbling on his lip piercing as he stares at him. The conversation had switched over drastically from Jungkook pretending he wouldn’t lay his body across a puddle of water for you to cross, now he looked like a nervous teenager that didn’t want to get rejected by his crush.
“I don’t know dude, you’re gonna have to say something to find out.”
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Hoseok knew more than he would ever tell Jungkook, you had openly confessed to wanting to climb him like a tree only if he wore a muzzle a few months back so Hoseok knew Jungkook had a chance at least. The only issue was he wasn’t sure just sleeping with you would be enough for his friend, the crush he had been harboring was too strong for a one night stand and he wasn’t convinced you’d want the same so Hoseok kept his mouth shut, letting you two figure it out.
He tried his best to make it so you two would be around each other, always inviting Jungkook over or inviting you out with them but Jungkook never did himself any favors, he needed you guys to hang out in a different environment that didn’t require loud music and other girls so when his girlfriend suggests taking a weekend trip to her family’s lake cabin he doesn’t think twice before inviting you to join.
The weather lately had been miserable, the highs skyrocketing into the 100s so you didn’t hesitate to say yes, on the condition that you could bring your best friend with you just in case the rest of Hoseoks friends were just as immature as Jungkook was.
When the day comes you and your friend have to leave a few hours after the rest of the group does, having to wait for Rina to get off her short morning shift before you embark on the 2 hour drive. So walking into the cabin you’re met with some unfamiliar faces staring back at you from their place on the couch. You give a wave, spotting Iseul on a lounger, she smiles widely and hops up, bounding over to you and wrapping you in a hug.
“Yay, you made it!” She pulls back and greets Rina, standing beside you both and gesturing to the full room. “Guys this is Y/N and Rina.” They all wave back as she starts to introduce them in order, Jimin had red hair and a nose ring, Yoongi had grey hair and a rose tattoo on his hand, The last one to be introduced is Taehyung, brown hair and a wide smile, giving you and your friend a wave. Jungkook and Hoseok give you a wave as well, no introductions needed for them.
Due to your late arrival all the rooms have already been decided on, Jimin and Yoongi lucking out with securing the master suite but you and Rina had no complaints, grateful to have even been invited.
Now that introductions were out of the way and everyone was here Hoseok announces that hes gonna start up the grill outside to make some food. Everyone gets up to start assisting but you and Rina head back out to haul your bags in along with the alcohol and groceries you bought.
The weather is humid and gross, your skin tacky with sweat so you’re wearing the least amount of clothing you can. Already in a stringy gray bikini, a loose cut up tank top and the shortest shorts Jungkook has ever seen on you. Your tattoos on full display, the florals that cover your entire left arm, reaching your shoulder, he follows them up and over his eyes glued to the bold lines on your back that peek out when your shirt moves.
When you bend over to set down the box of drinks he stares at your ass, trailing down the soft skin of your thighs that were bare compared to the rest of your body. Tae elbows him harshly, “So thats Y/N I’m assuming?”
Jungkook grunts in response, swallowing when he sees you pull your hair up, exposing your neck and that tattoo he desperately wants to mark up, “You ever gonna make a move?”
“I don’t have the balls.”
Tae hums, “Great, well I do so see ya.” He slaps his arm and Jungkook thinks hes joking until Taehyung actually makes his way over to you, offering to help carry your bag to your room upstairs. The grateful smile you give him makes Jungkooks face twitch, you only ever smiled at him like that when you were wasted
Taehyung wasn’t actually going to hit on you, he wasn’t a cruel friend. He was just going to flirt harmlessly, give Jungkook a reason to fucking make a move. Rina is all giggles as she watches you follow Tae up the stairs, pointing towards the room you had been assigned.
As he walks in front of you, making friendly conversation you take the time to stare at him. It seems all of Jung Hoseoks friends were fucking god sent, Tae’s fluffy brown hair and kind eyes were easy to warm up to, his style more toned down than Jungkooks, only a few minimal tattoos scattered on his arms.
He sets your bag down on the bed and turns to you with his hands on his hips, “Thank you.” You mutter out, walking over to the window and shutting the blinds slightly to stop the sun from beating into the room and warming it up further.
“Yeah no problem, have you ever been here before?” He asks, making himself comfy on your bed.
“No, never. Super glad to finally have a friend who can say they have a lake house though.”
He agrees whole heartedly, the both of you making your way back out of the room and into the dining room to try to see what you could help out with.
It only takes less than a hour for everyone to gather around the table, munching on their hamburgers and hotdogs as you listen to Hoseok, Yoongi and Iseul talking about the summers they used to spend here during high school, all of them having grown up together.
“You two went to high school together also right?” Iseul speaks up when the laughter dies down, her fingers pointing between you and Jungkook. She smirks to herself when she sees the look on Jungkook’s face, swatting Hoseoks hand away from her side as he tries to pinch her for putting the two of you on the spot, he knows what shes up to.
“Oh, yeah we did.” You sigh, shaking your head as you think back to high school and all the cringeworthy things that happened. “Had a lot of mutual friends but uh, we didn’t have lake house summer hangouts like you guys did. The closest we got was backyard house shows during the summer that reeked of B.O.”
Jungkook lets out a laugh, nodding along as he remembers the shows your group would end up at. The group you had was a pretty huge on, all of the kids in your grade that liked the same music tended to bunch together and do things as a herd so even though you technically went to shows together it wasn’t one on one.
“Wait, do you remember that show the summer after high school where I dove off the stage–“
“Your dumbass always did that.”
He waves you off, determined to tell the story he sort of remembered, “I know, but this time all I remember was jumping off and then waking up with everyone huddled around me trying to call an ambulance.”
Your eyes widen as you recall the exact day he was talking about, it was a typical backyard show with too many underaged kids getting drunk off beer. Everything was set up like it normally was, a makeshift stage and amps against the brick wall with a small crowd huddled around it. The only difference was this house had a pool, an empty one, and although everyone had been cautioned to stay away, once people got hammered nothing mattered.
The crowd surrounding the stage was teetering close to the edge of the pool so you and your friend at the time chose to watch from the sidelines, and thats when a very drunk 17 year old Jungkook hopped onto the stage, wobbling onto the top of the drum kit and catapulting himself into the crowd. They had managed to catch him and started crowd surfing him back, right into the empty pool. Jungkook had been tossed into the deep end, head first and you had seen it all happen.
“There was so much fucking blood.” You shiver as you recall the group of you running into the pool to make sure he was alive. He had managed to bust his head open and as you saw him with blood dripping down his head you realized then that you really didn’t dislike him as much as you claimed you did because you really didn’t want him to die.
Jungkook throws his head back and laughs loudly, morbidly recalling how his friends had told him to go to the hospital in fear that he had a concussion or needed stitches and even though he said he was fine he was lowkey scared to sleep that night and not wake up the morning after.
Everyone laughs along, enjoying the way Jungkook turns a traumatic story into casual conversation. When Jimin asks what he did after he gained consciousness Jungkook just smirks as he drinks the last of his beer before shrugging, “I drank some more and got back into the crowd.”
You just cover your face in second hand embarrassment at the memory, a few laughs slipping out because yeah it had been slightly traumatic but also kinda funny.
“Have you changed much since high school?” You lift your head and see Taehyung had addressed his question to you and Jungkook chuckles under his breath, remembering your quiet demeanor.
It wasn’t until college that you came out of your shell, gaining confidence and experimenting with your fashion and hair colors, the tattoos covering your body increasing quickly. But Jungkook could say your personality has stayed the same, sure you were no longer timid, quick to bite back now but the personality he had found himself latching onto had stayed the same. Even when you two distanced yourselves he always thought of you, he liked to think it was fate that had you and him both knowing Hoseok.
“Definitely, for the better though.” Jungkook eyes his friend like a hawk, the small smirk on his face as he stares at you from across the table, making eye contact for a second before looking back at you. Jungkook sees the way you lean on the table, your cheeks tinting when you see the way he stares at you.
“I’d love to see photos, ya know, to compare.” The laugh you let out has Jungkook sulking. Taehyung was charming, all the girls flocking to him and usually Jungkook was the same but he turned into a jackass around you.
Hoseok sees his sulking friend and claps his hands to get everyones attention, “Alright I’m sure we’re all still sober enough to not fucking drown, lets go swim. I’m melting.”
Rina heads to the room to change since she was still in her work uniform so you wait for her on the back deck, resting on the porch rail and watching as they haul over fold out chairs and floaties to the water.
If you thought Hoseoks friends were hot fully clothed seeing them all taking their shirts off left you speechless, you stand with a wine cooler in your hand as one by one they start undressing. The only ones missing were Tae and Jungkook, both of them having been put on clean up duty.
“I wish this was a brazzers video and I was getting railed by all of them.” Your friend sighs as she pops up beside you and you just nod along, the two of you wiggling your eyebrows at each other.
“You coming?” Taehyung speaks up behind you, smiling to himself from having heard your friends statement and you two jump, your friend scattering away and saving herself from further embarrassment, she had her eyes set on Yoongi so thats who she was currently warming up to.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, taking in his shirtless body, his toned chest out in the sun like the golden god he was and then out comes Jungkook, his long black hair pushed off his face, fully shirtless in black swim trunks. As he stands next to Taehyung your mouth waters at the sight of both of them, Taehyung’s shoulders were wider than Jungkooks but the black and grey art work spanned across both of his arms and chest, leading to his back is definitely your type.
He catches you staring and smiles to himself, making a show of stretching his arm out to wrap around Taehyungs shoulders, shaking up his body, “Race you in?”
When he looks at you too you gulp down the last bit of your drink, setting down the bottle and slipping out of your clothes, not giving them a second glance as you scream out “Go!” and take off.
The dirt you run on slightly burns your feet and when you hear Jungkook and Taehyung catching up you scream, urging your legs to pick up the pace.
“Loser has to skinny dip!” Taehyung adds on to the rules, enjoying the annoyed look Jungkook sends his way, he knew what Taehyung was doing so he lurches forward until he’s right behind you.
You scream again when large tattooed arms wrap around you and haul you up and over their shoulder in a flash. You register that it’s Jungkook when you peak up and see Taehyung struggling to keep up, how Jungkook was able to carry you while also beating him had him baffled.
Jungkook would be damned if you had to strip in front of his friend so he feels no remorse, a smile stretching across his face when he hears you laughing, his hands are wrapped around your thighs just below your butt and he’s tempted to smack it but the cold water of the lake splashing onto his legs snaps him out of it.
“Fuck!” You screech as Jungkook enters the lake, the freezing water shocking you and he laughs again, sliding you off his shoulder to stand up on the lake bed.
“I didn’t expect it to be that cold.” He shivers next to you, dunking his head into the water before popping back up, his labret piercing glimmering in the sun.
Taehyung makes a show of splashing his way in, the water spraying everywhere and it has you shielding your face with a laugh, “Fucking cheater, is this your plan to see me naked Jungkookie?”
Jungkook smacks the water, the droplets spraying across Taehyungs face but he embraces it, laying back to float on the water with a smile, “No one said anything about getting naked until you spoke up, just say you wanna show off your monster cock and go.” He jokes, hearing Taehyung explode into laughter, choking slightly on the water as his head slips under from laughing.
You roll your eyes at the topic of dicks, “I don’t have a monster cock, unless you’re into that.” Taehyung teases you, trying to get further under Jungkook’s skin
“I could be.” You play along, it was now Jungkooks turn to roll his eyes, sinking further into the water until only his eyes were visible, could he drown himself here? He’s pretty sure you wouldn’t even notice if he didn’t come back up for air considering your eyes were glued to his friend. Jungkook was going to fucking strangle Hoseok for inviting him.
His eyes drift over to the right, seeing Hoseok, Iseul, Yoongi & Rina taking turns jumping off of it while Jimin floats on a flamingo floatie a few feet away. He starts to paddle his way over, not hearing any protest from you or his friend just reassures him that he made the right choice.
When Taehyung deems Jungkook is far enough he calls you closer, “Wanna know a secret?” That piques your interest, inching towards him with a curious face, “What if I told you I know someone who has a massive heart on for you.”
“Heart on?”
He laughs again, raking his hair off his face and nodding at you, “Yeah heart on, like a boner but for your heart.”
Note to self, yes all of Jung Hoseoks friends were just as immature as Jungkook was.
“I would tell you that I hope the person you say isn’t secretly married with kids.”
He floats onto his back again, his arms lazily paddling him to circle around you, “Oh no, our Jungkookie is definitely single.” He brings one hand up to cover his mouth, pretending to have slipped up.
“So what you’re saying is you don’t wanna fuck me?”
Your response is not one he expects but the way he bursts into laughter makes you smile, you had caught on to Taehyung’s antics, noting how he was friendly when you two were alone and only amped his flirting when Jungkook was present. You weren’t sure why he was using you to irritate Jungkook but if what he said was true it surprised you.
His loud laugh draws everyones attention and he rights himself up as to not choke on water again, “Like a brazzers video was it?” He teases, “He told me about your little smooch a few weeks ago.”
“Im sorry our little what?”
He wipes the water off his face, “Yeah, you came home drunk as fuck and he took you to bed and your predator ass planted one on him, with no consent. Shame on you.”
You splash water onto him, Jungkook sees it from his spot on the pier, a scowl on his face at seeing you acting playful with his friend, blissfully unaware that he was the topic of your discussion.
“Can you please grow a pair and tell her you love her.” Iseul moans out when she sees the look on the youngests face.
“Wait what?” Your friend asks and Jungkook turns around to give Iseul and Hoseok an exasperated look, “Seriously?”
Iseul just shrugs from her spot sat on the wood, not giving a damn about outing his crush in front of your friend and Hoseok just smiles, his foot planting on the center of Iseuls back and giving her a shove until she screams as she gets pushed into the water, beer bottle and all. He gives Jungkook a highfive until Iseul pops back up, her eyes full of rage as she holds up her ruined drink, “Jung Hoseok what the fuck!”
“Sorry babe, you kinda deserved it.”
Rina nudges Jungkook with her knee, her face making it very clear that Jungkook needs to fess up before she very loudly called you over. He sighs and hauls himself up until he’s standing and even though he’s towering over her Rinas face doesn’t soften, “Stop staring at me like that.” He grunts, “I just have a crush on her, its not like I confessed to something despicable.”
She crosses her hands over her chest as she stares at you and Taehyung still talking in the water and she can tell you’re not into him, you were both playful but she knew you very well, your flirting tactics not coming out to play with Taehyung but Jungkook doesn’t seem to notice this. She also knew that you’d secretly bend over for Jungkook if he ever asked but he didn’t have to know that right now, “Well you better say something cause it looks like your buddys making more progress in one day than you have the entire time you’ve known her.”
He groans in annoyance again, flicking water droplets at her face and deciding he was over this conversation, walking back to the cabin, not caring that he was dripping water everywhere.
You see him stalking away looking pissed off and Taehyung smirks, after coming to terms with the fact that you had in fact kissed Jeon Jungkook it only took a few more minutes of talking for you to also start confessing to not exactly being opposed to sleeping with him as well. Taehyung nudges your shoulder, “I swear to god if you don’t follow him I will be offended. No ones telling you to bang him, just talk because he swears you hate him.”
When you turn to glare at him he spits water at you until you’re relenting, “Fine, but if this is some sick prank I’ll shove my foot up your ass.”
“Ooh kinky.” He winks at you, laughing and beginning to paddle away when you turn and start wading out of the water. The sun beats on your back as you step out of the cold water, and you’re tempted to just go back and act like your conversation with Taehyung never happened but you’re curious now.
When you reach the back porch you hose yourself down, getting rid of any of the mud you trudged over before patting yourself dry with the towel you laid over the porch railing.
From the pier Iseul is pulling herself back up, announcing that she was about to go inside but Hoseok grabs her, all of them noticing you following Jungkook, “Fuck no, Y/N and Jungkook are the only ones in the house.”
She lets Hoseok keep his arms wrapped around her and smiles, crediting herself for being the one to push you two together and Hoseok groans, attempting to push her back into the water but she latches onto him, making them both tumble in with a splash.
You shut out their screams when you step into the house and close the sliding door, entering the kitchen and spotting Jungkook stood against the island, one of your wine coolers held against his lips. When he sees you staring at it he pulls it away quickly, “Shit, I’m sorry. I should’ve asked before grabbing one.” The last thing he needed was another oat milk fiasco.
You just shrug as you approach the island, resting your body against the granite across from him, “Nah, help yourself. Whats got your panties in a bunch?”
He sets the bottle down softly as he watches you, your hands clasped together, stretched out in front of you as you bent over the counter innocently. His teeth tug at the bar in the center of his lip, his inky strands covering his eyes but you can see his gaze peeking through, “Did I ever do anything to you for you to dislike me this much?”
You straighten up at his question, a frown tugging at your lips, you didn’t dislike him, you found him immature and he liked to push your buttons on purpose but you knew he was harmless. Obviously Jungkook didn’t know this considering Taehyung had just told you he thinks you hate him. “What, Jungkook I don’t dislike you?”
He scoffs, taking a swig of his drink with his brows raised, not believing you in the slightest, “Then why are you so mean to me when ever I’m around you.”
“Because you’re mean to me! You always say shit to get under my skin.”
Jungkook laughs at that, pushing his hair back and tossing the empty bottle into the paper bag set up on the counter, “Yeah because you’re easy to annoy.”
Your arms stretch out at his statement, “And so are you, you don’t see me moping like a baby. Besides I didn’t do anything to you out there so don’t try to pin your bad attitude on me today.”
He opens the fridge again, pulling out a water bottle instead before turning back around and staring at you, “Really, you didn’t do anything?”
You glare right back at him, walking around to meet him and snatch the water bottle out of his hands, call it even for him taking one of your wine coolers. “Please enlighten me on how I managed to ruin your day by not saying a word to you.”
Between you two running into the lake until he paddled away the only exchange you had was a curse word & Jungkook acknowledging the freezing water, where could you have possibly pissed him off.
He chooses on foregoing grabbing another water, his hands crossing over his chest, the muscles bulging out at the action but you force yourself to look away, “You objectifying my friend and talking about his monster cock isn’t you doing anything?”
You freeze from drinking the water, your cheeks ballooning out as you keep it in your mouth because what the fuck. Objectifying? You swallow the liquid, full on laughing now, theres no way he’s being serious. “You were the one that brought up his dick, are you dense?”
Okay, you had him there but he wasn’t going to admit defeat that easy, “Sure and you kept it going.”
You laugh louder at that, twisting the cap back onto the water bottle and tossing it at his chest lightly, smirking when you see him scramble to catch it, “The amount of times I’ve had to hear unwarranted stories about your dick in or around someone is fine but me joking with Taehyung is crossing a line?”
Jungkook presses his lips together, his mind repeating what everyone has been telling him all day. Tell her you jackass. “Yes because it fucking sucks hearing that shit from you.” He bites his tongue, stopping himself from blurting out the most important part, but his statement is enough to get you to believe what Taehyung had said earlier. Did Jungkook actually have a heart on for you?
“Why, are you jealous?”
“Yes.” He admits almost immediately, his response catching you both off guard, but the smirk on your face only gets bigger. Jungkook is wary of your reaction, not exactly fond of the way you look like you just caught your prey. When you reach out, your fingers gently touching his shoulders his wariness only deepens.
“Why would you be jealous about me wanting to fuck your friend?” Jungkook says nothing, your fingers continuing to trail up and down his shoulders softly and he likes the feeling of you touching him, wanting to lean into your touch but he’s not sure if you’re fucking with him or not. “Who knew all it would take was one kiss for Jeon Jungkook to get possessive.”
He blanches at your sentence, “Wait you remember?”
“Of course I do,” you lie, not wanting to tell him that Taehyung had been the one to remind you. You wanted to see how far you could push him until he admitted to something. The typical Jungkook you were used to was the one who went to bars and clubs and managed to score a handful of girls numbers before taking one home, the countless stories you’ve heard being proof of that. The Jungkook stood in front of you did not live up to the reputation you had seen.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I mean you were wasted so I just didn’t think you’d remember...” he trails off, unconsciously stepping back until hes pressed against the fridge.
“You wanna refresh my memory?” You’re half teasing him, half serious, enjoying seeing Jungkook looking like he’s about to explode.
He doesn’t get a chance to respond, the sound of the sliding door making you take a big step back before looking over. Jimin had his head peeking through the opening, a small grimace on his face as he realizes he interrupted something, “Sorry, we’re gonna go tubing if you guys wanna join.”
Jungkook hopes you say no because he can’t find the balls to speak up but you nod instead, turning to face Jungkook again, “Maybe later then.” Is all you say before turning around and following Jimin back out to the lake.
He watches you leave, bending over the island and groaning into the granite, where had that come from and why was he kinda into the way you spoke to him? Jungkook stands back up, taking a gulp of his water and following after you and Jimin.
Even when you’re all gathered on the boat, Rina being dragged in a giant circle tube beside Yoongi the both of them screaming, he can’t get your conversation out of him mind. His eyes focused in on seeing you laughing hysterically as you record your friend, a smile spreading across his face because your laugh is contagious.
When you hop onto the tube next, dragging Taehyung with you to further egg Jungkook on, Jimin slides over beside Jungkook and sighs, “Sorry about barging in earlier.” Jungkook just shakes his head, telling him not to worry about it, he didn’t mind it. Your words had spurred him on and all he wanted to do now was rip off that lifejacket you wore and take you in front of his friends but he knew no one would appreciate it.
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Later in the night everyone gathers inside and does their own thing, a few people playing board games while you retreat into your room, feeling sluggish from the water and sun so you sleep through the dinner everyone eats.
When you finally emerge from the room, your hair damp from your shower you find the living room dimly lit and empty, the clock above the stove letting you know it was 9 at night. There was two plates left out on the counter, wrapped in foil and you knew it was meant for you. As you near it you see the scrap of paper next to it, Iseul’s handwriting standing out.
Left on a hike to go stargazing, text us when its clear to come back.
You frown at the message, what did she mean by that?
Regardless you peel back the foil and smile at the food she had left for you, popping it into the microwave and picking yourself up to hop onto the counter as you wait.
When you slip your phone out and start to scroll through your socials the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs scares you, your eyes flicking up and seeing Jungkook trudging down, a baggy crew neck on him and his face looking flushed from the sun hitting it.
“You didn’t go on the hike?” You ask as he approaches you slowly, his face looks sleepy and you can tell he also took a nap from the way his eyes blink at you lazily.
“Hike?” He rasps out, his hand ruffling up his already messy hair, a small frown on his face from the foggy feeling he still had from just waking up.
“Yeah,” you hum, pulling out your plate and starting to eat it on the counter, “they left on a hike or something. Theres a plate there if you haven’t already eaten.”
He looks at where you’re pointing and he smiles when he sees it, his eyes also spotting the note left and skimming it. His friends were such instigators.
He lingers behind you, torn between eating or doing something to you. You’re hunched over the counter, your legs rocking you against it as you happily much on some of the roasted potatoes. His eyes lingered on your legs, your skin still exposed in a loose pair of cotton shorts, a baggy tshirt hanging off your shoulder and letting him see the tattoo of a bee hovering over a sunflower.
You can feel him stood behind you and you freeze, looking over your shoulder at him with your brows raised, “Why are you standing like that?”
He shakes his head, relaxing the stiff way he stood and leaning against the counter instead, flicking his hair out of his face as you keep staring at him. “Just thinking about what you said earlier.”
You pop a piece of chicken in your mouth as you hum, “What did I say?” pretending to act confused, a smirk curling up on your lip when you see the deadpan look he give you as he pushes off the counter.
The nervous Jungkook from earlier is gone, the shock from you egging him on earlier had passed and it just solidified that he wanted to have you. “About me refreshing your memory of our little rendezvous.”
You laugh at his term, setting your fork down to fully turn to him, “Do you want me to kiss you again?”
He smirks at you, now standing a foot away from you, your back pressed against the counter as you craned your head up to stare at him, “Among other things.”
“Other things?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, his hand reaching out to cup under your chin gently, “I’d like to bend you over this counter and fuck you until you’re crying. If you’re into that.” He smiles at the small gasp you let out, your eyes gleaming with desire at his words. You had thought you had the one up on him earlier but his change was a welcomed one, you wanted to experience the Jungkook you had heard about, rough and cocky.
You rest back onto your elbows as you stare at him, letting his thumb rub under your lip, “Oh really? Are you all talk?”
Jungkook scoffs, dropping his hands to cage you between him and the counter, his head dropping down a bit until your noses nudged together. “No, I always deliver.”
You don’t get a chance to respond, his head tilting slightly until your lips are together, the cold bar of his piercing pressing against you. Jungkook feels you relax into the kiss, glad that you weren’t pushing him away like he always swore you would. When he tests the water, gently licking his way into your mouth you groan, your hands coming up to clutch onto his sweater to tug him closer until his leg is between yours.
Kissing Jungkook felt natural, maybe it was the pent of sexual frustration you two had apparently had with one another but you just wanted to get to it. You drop one hand to trail down his thigh, palming his growing erection through his sweats.
He groans, pulling back from the kiss to rest his forehead against your, his soft breaths hitting your face as you continue to stroke him. “Feel that?” He hums softly, “Just wanna fuck you.”
You laugh gently, kissing his neck and feeling him roll his hips into your grasp, “How are you supposed to make me cry when you’re this needy?” Your teeth nip his skin, his hips stuttering when you do.
Jungkook just chuckles, the sound continuing when he trails his own hand down until hes dipping into waistband of your shorts, his fingers coming into contact with the wet spot on your underwear, “Keep it up.” He warns, “I’ll remember that in a bit.”
Your hands tighten their hold on him when he pushes your underwear aside to touch you directly, his fingers teasing your skin softly until he’s rolling your clit in a tantalizing manner. When you drop your head back and glare at him he just smiles, “Who’s needy now?”
“Still not crying.” You bite back.
Jungkook looks at you with his brows raised, new set determination on his face as he nods, stepping back from you and hooking his fingers into the waistband of your shorts and underwear, tugging them down your legs in a flash.
The cool air inside hits your wet folds and you gasp, kicking your discarded clothing aside on the floor and letting him drop to his knees in front of you. His long hair falls in front of his eyes, his hands grasping the top of your thighs to slide your legs apart with a grin.
He can see you wanting to speak up so he beats you to the punch, his nose nudging into your clit as he teasingly dips his tongue in between your folds to lick a broad stripe up. You let out a shuddered laugh, your hands reaching down to tangle in his head when he spreads you open with his fingers and starts to eat you out like a man starved.
Your eyes shut, your head falling back at a particular hard suck he gives your clit, his tongue going back to circle around your entrance to lap up your wetness. He groans at the taste of you, your hands tugging at his hair when he falls into a rhythm that has you quivering.
He slips two fingers into you, the feeling of your walls clamping down on him making him moan in anticipation of how you would feel around his cock.
Just like Jungkook is in every aspect of his life, he’s shameless in the way he pleasures you, the sounds of him slurping against you in combination with his fingers thrusting into you has you hurdling towards the edge faster than you’d like to admit.
You rest your weight on your elbow behind you, feeling your legs start to tremble and Jungkook notices, his arm wrapping around your thigh to help stabilize you. He can’t even get himself to gloat at having you fall apart this quickly, instead he enjoys you rolling your hips into his face, tugging his hair hard, your inner walls spasming as you reach your climax.
“Oh fuck.” You moan out, squeezing your eyes shut as your whole body is lit up, Jungkooks tongue continuing to flick your clit as you cum, his fingers slowing down slightly as you come down.
He can hear you breathing harshly, your fingers gently raking through his hair while he gives your pussy one last kiss before hes standing back up. His mouth and chin are covered in your arousal, his hand tugs up his shirt to wipe at his face, peeling it off his body and tossing it carelessly onto the floor.
“You’re not crying but its a start.” He mumbles out, his eyes trailing over your face as you stare at him fucked out. His talk was true, the small tidbits you’ve heard of him being able to make girls cum in record time hadn’t been a lie to boost his ego.
You look between you both, seeing his cock tenting in his sweats and you smile as you reach your hand into them, wrapping around his heavy length. He sees how your eyes widen at his size, you can tell he’s big and you haven’t even properly seen it yet.
When you tug them off you marvel at his size, big dicks would forever be your weakness and of course he’d have one. “I really wanna suck your dick,” you start, a small smile creeping up on your face as you give his cock a small pump, “but I’m not trying to barf my dinner up on the floor. Can’t have two girls puking over your dick in your lifetime right?” You knew his dick would make you choke and if you hadn’t just eaten you wouldn’t care, but barfing was definitely not a kink of yours.
Jungkook rolls his eyes, a laugh escaping his lips, “You’re the worst.” He shuts his eyes as you both start to chuckle. Jungkook doesn’t care, he was trying to make you cry, he didn’t need to have his dick sucked to do that.
“Its not just my height thats Titan size huh.” He jokes, laughing harder when you release his dick and groan, your faux annoyance being shown when you let him slide your shirt off of you, his hands coming up to cup your exposed breasts.
“No, I am not calling your dick Titan sized.”
“Oh no?” He asks, stepping closer until his length is pressed between your folds, a slow thrust starting that has you groaning, “This Titan dick can make you feel real good though.” He can barely utter out the sentence until he’s laughing again, burying his head into your neck at how stupid he sounded.
“You’re insufferable, I swear if you have an attack on titan fantasy I am walking away.” He lets out a playful whine, his mouth latching onto that tattoo he always wanted to kiss, his tongue softly licking at the skin as he sucks it, pulling back and humming when he sees the purple splotch in between the petals of the peony.
“I’m not that big of a weeb, can still make you feel good tho.” He mutters giving your lips another kiss, feeling you smile against him, your hands pushing him back by the chest.
You turn around, bending over the counter and shaking your hips slightly, “Show me.”
He bites his lip, his eyes staring at the slick coating your pussy, trailing down your thighs and he feels his dick twitch, not needing to be told twice. Jungkook presses his length against you, rutting between your folds, the both of you sighing as he coats his dick in your wetness.
“Remember, I wanna see you crying.” Is all he says before he’s pushing into you, the tip of him slipping in and he marvels at the way you spread around his girth as he thrusts further into you, a small moan leaving you when he bottoms out.
You wanna tell him that you won’t be crying tonight but the way he fills you up has you seeing stars, his dick nudging all the right spots inside of you so all you can do is tighten your walls around him and gasp for him to move.
Jungkook grasps your hips, his thumb tracing the outline of your back tattoo as he pulls back and starts a slow pace, determined to find the rhythm that has you falling apart.
When your hands grip the counter in front of you, helplessly trying to find purchase, your fingers knock into your dinner plate and swipe it into the sink beside you but you don’t register the noise and Jungkook grins when he hears the loud moan coming from you when he dick hits the back wall of your cervix.
You’re still sensitive from your last orgasm, so the feel of his thick cock stretching you open has you keening, your hips rutting back to meet his thrusts that have grown in speed, “Who’s needy now huh?” He grunts out, loving the sound of your skin slapping together, “Trying to fuck yourself on my cock, maybe you should do all the work then.”
When his hips still you whimper, twisting your head around to see him giving you an evil smirk, “Go on.” He urges, guiding your hips with his hands to get your started.
A heavy sigh fills the air as your hands press firmly onto the counter to ground yourself as you start to rock back onto him, a slow start until your need to cum again takes over and you speed up your movements.
“Good girl.” He praises, his hand reaching forward to push your hair over your shoulder, his hand trailing down your spine until it reaches your ass, his hand palming your flesh as he groans when he locks into the view of his dick, seeing the way you’re creaming on it.
The sweetest moans reach his ears, he can feel the way your velvety walls tighten around him further, “Fuck Jungkook.” You moan out, you can feel the sweat building up on your skin from exertion and he takes sympathy on you, knowing you want to cum again.
He leans over a presses a kiss against your shoulder before he takes over again, resuming the brutal pace he was pounding you with earlier and you sigh in relief, fully slumping forward and letting him have his way with you.
“You feel so good Jungkookie.” You breathe out and he smiles as he lets his hand slip around to your front, his fingers finding your clit again and the contact has you moaning again. His rough hands helping you reach your peek again, “Oh my god, don’t stop.”
He doesn’t plan on it, loving the way you’re clamping down on him and mumbling nonsense into the cool granite, “Don’t worry, I got you.”
With a few more thrusts you’re falling apart, pressing your forehead against the counter and moaning his name out louder than you thought was possible. Your friends made a good call vacating the house because there was no way you’d be able to keep quiet.
“Thats it.” He coos, pulling his hand away from your clit without slowing down his pace. Your legs felt like jello, glad you had a place to rest on while he continued to jackhammer into you. The first signs of overstimulation started to prick into you, small whines leaving your lips and Jungkook takes notice.
He pulls out of you slowly, his hands grasping your hips to turn you around. Your body is pliable in his hands, letting him move you and haul you up onto the counter, your feet dangling off the edge and a hazy smile on your face.
He presses another kiss against you, letting your tongues tangle together as he grabs your arms and wraps them around his neck, coming back down to hook under your thighs as he slides back into you.
The way you groan into his mouth makes his cock throb, your soaking entrance letting him glide right into you, “Hurts.” You whine out softly when he starts to thrust, not sure if you’d be able to handle another orgasm but Jungkook shushes you softly with another kiss.
“You can do one more for me right baby?” He asks, sucking on your lower lip as he rocks into you slowly. His eyes are half lidded and you can feel how hard he is in you, your body still trembling slightly from your last orgasm but you nod anyways, letting him kiss his way down your face until he reaches your neck again, soft praises leaving his lips.
Your fingers tangle into his hair again as you slump against him, letting him hold you up. You trail along his tattoos, tracing the giant death moth spanned across his collarbone, the tip of the wing reaching the bottom of his neck.
He’s grunting softly against you, getting lost in the feeling of you, the added touches and kisses you plant on his skin igniting the fire inside him. His arms scoop you closer, his hands spreading against your lower back as he speeds up his thrusts, your legs still wrapped around his arms.
The way his dick curves inside you has you moaning again, the pleasure creeping back up and your head falls back as you feel the pressure building again. You’re not sure you could handle coming again but Jungkook seems determined to get you there, rolling into you, the feeling of his pelvis rubbing your clit is too much. Your hands cling onto his back, your fingers digging into the flames and dragon that occupied the space.
“Fuck I can feel you squeezing me.” He gasps out, “You can cum again sweetheart its okay.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, hearing him grunting into your ear, his voice dropping into a gravel as he nears his edge as well. You’re clinging onto him for your life, gasping loudly when you reach your third orgasm of the night, the force of it making your mind go blank.
You don’t tune into to the small shriek of his name, the growl he lets out when you tighten around him tighter than before, his hips rearing into yours in a sloppier way until he’s cumming, hips surging forward to bury himself deeper into you as his cock twitches.
You come back when he moans your name out, the feeling of his cum filling you up making you mewl against him. He thrusts shallowly a few more times before pulling out with a sigh, letting your legs fall limp over the edge.
His cum drips out of you, slipping through your folds and down your ass until it pools onto the counter beneath you and he smirks, his eyes coming up to look at you and his expression gets bigger when he sees the tear streaks on your cheeks. His hand cups them, his thumb sliding across your face and wiping them with a laugh, “I told you I’d make you cry.”
You don’t have it in you to be the usual brat you are with him, not after cumming this hard three times in a row so you just pout at him and lean forward to kiss him again, this time being more gentle and slow paced than the last.
“How was that?” He mumbles against your lips, letting you pull him in to you, wrapping your arms around his tiny waist as you nuzzle into his chest.
Jungkook feels you laughing against his skin, “How was that?” You mock as you give him a squeeze, “Let’s just say I’ll cry over your Titan cock any day.”
The both of you burst into laughter, Jungkook pressing a kiss onto the top of your head as you two just stay there. Jungkook and you had officially crossed the line from being bratty friends to sleeping with each other. Neither of you knew what it meant but it seemed like a conversation for tomorrow morning, right now you were content with just holding him.
So when your phone vibrates beside you you’re reluctant to pull away, so Jungkook compromises by reaching it for you and handing it over.
You see its a message from Iseul and you unlock it, your face heating up as you groan and show the message to Jungkook, his face turning just as red as he sees what she sent.
Iseul 10:15pm : Thank you for the show, I hope you two realize we have security cameras in the kitchen and living room you horn dogs.
The two of you peek over at the corner of the room giving a wave and smiling shyly at the blinking security camera staring back at you. Maybe she could send you the footage for keepsake.
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Bonjour! I gotta say, I love your work, especially when it comes to sedation whumps. I know you've gotten several lately, but I can request a friend/whumpee one where the whumpee is afraid of needles? Thank you so much!!!
Bonjour! *gets the song from Beauty and the Beast stuck in my head* Thank you for this ask! I’ve combined this ask with another one about fear of needles, with the addition that the whumpee freaks out when approached with a needle. I feel like I am just so completely spoiled rotten! Anyway, I hope you enjoy, because I certainly did! There are five segments and they range from fluff to angst!
(CW: Needles, hospitalization, more needles)
It was a standard inoculation, but Whumpee’s friend sat next to them without them even having to ask. Friend knew whumpee would be too embarrassed to do so. They didn’t make fun of Whumpee for being childish and they didn’t try to tell them “It’s just a shot.”
They felt Whumpee stiffen as a nurse entered the room. Though the nurse was personable, Whumpee remained tacit, only nodding or shaking their head when the nurse asked them questions. The nurse didn’t take offense.
“Yeah,” they said with a resigned but amiable sigh. “No one likes these.”
The nurse hitched up Whumpee’s sleeve and swabbed a spot on their upper arm. Whumpee’s breath hitched and they looked at Friend, who was ready with a warm, reassuring smile.
“Can you hold that there?” The nurse asked, nodding at the sleeve. Whumpee took a deep breath and did as they were asked.
When the nurse brought the needle into view, Friend saw the blood drain from Whumpee’s face and for a horrible moment, Friend thought Whumpee was going to be ill.
“Are you okay?” Friend asked as they leaned closer in what they hoped was a comforting gesture. The paper under them crinkled as they did. Whumpee swallowed, but didn’t answer. Worse yet, Whumpee was shaking.
“Could we get a sec?” Friend asked.
“Of course,” the nurse nodded in understanding, and stepped back.
“I’m right here, Whumpee,” Friend said as they slipped their hand into Whumpee’s. “I know this sucks. Just keep a hold of my hand and it’ll be over quick. I promise.”
It wasn’t a lie, but it felt like an eternity to Friend; they couldn’t imagine how it felt to Whumpee. The nurse gave fair warning before approaching and before administering the injection. Whumpee just gave a feeble nod before closing their eyes and burying their head in Friend’s shoulder. Friend made no complaint when Whumpee squeezed their hand so hard it hurt.
The nurse told them to take their time before they left the room. Slowly, Whumpee settled and they sat upright.
“Sorry,” they whispered.
“Nothing to be sorry for,” Friend said.
Whumpee hung their head, regardless.
“Come on,” Friend said as they leaned their head toward Whumpee and smiled as winningly as they could. “I’ll get you a lollipop.”
Whumpee rested their forehead against Friend’s and laughed. It was stilted and breathy, but it sounded sweet to Friend.
The table had been in the safe house since...well, nobody knew. But its sturdiness was never in question. Whumpee’s teammates put them on the table and gathered around; all of them knew what they were supposed to do. Medic was new to the team and they were especially thankful to have been assigned to such a cohesive unit.
“That’s gonna scar,” Whumpee groaned. They forced laughter from their lungs.
“Quit your bitching, you’ve had worse,” Friend told them as they placed a hand on one of Whumpee’s shoulders and smiled down at them. Whumpee let out another rough chuckle and looked up at their friend. Medic smiled to themself. They were grateful for the rapport Whumpee and Friend had.  
Medic sheared away Whumpee’s shirt and began to clean the wound. Friend and Whumpee kept up their banter until Medic approached with a suture kit. They apologized for not having anything to give Whumpee for the pain. Whumpee went still and fear worked its way into their features as they inched backward on the tabletop. Medic began to offer some reassuring words, but they stopped when they saw the seriousness that stole across Friend’s face.
“Hey, hey, hey. I know you don’t like needles, bud,” Friend said. “But we’ve got to get this done.”
Whumpee’s breath escalated and they looked pleadingly from Friend to Medic, then back to Friend. They shook their head no.
“You said it yourself, Friend,” Whumpee said as they tried to smile. It looked more like they were baring their teeth. “I’ve had worse.”
Medic could see Whumpee struggling to stay in control of themself, but they didn’t seem to be able to. They begged and shook, but they didn’t take their eyes off the implements in Medic’s hands. Friend looked equally helpless as they and the rest of the team were forced to keep them still.
“Shh,” Friend said. “Look at me, look at me. Just breathe.”
Whumpee had no choice but to listen to Friend and endure.
It seemed unfathomable to them that such a small piece of metal should cause so much anxiety in Whumpee; it certainly didn’t align with the impression they gave. Medic did their best to work quickly and confidently, though each time they pierced Whumpee’s flesh with the curved needle, Whumpee would flinch and let out a small, choked sound. Each time, the team -and Friend in particular -would look deeply saddened as they hushed Whumpee.
Friend was trying to make sure things didn’t go from bad to worse. They sat next to Whumpee on one of the day room’s couches, trying to calm their friend. Whumpee had been tacit and on edge all day, but now they were outright agitated and Friend didn’t know if they’d be able to help Whumpee the way Whumpee had helped them during their hospitalization.
“Do you want me to get someone for you?” Friend ventured.
Whumpee’s response was something like a snarl as they stood a little too quickly. That drew the staff’s attention.
Shit! Friend thought. They tried to assuage Whumpee, but their doctor came over. Friend eyed the orderlies who had also taken notice. Please just let them help you if you won’t let me.
The tension grew. The doctor offered Whumpee some pills, but that “calming” option seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. The anger in Whumpee’s voice sounded hollow, but the fear was almost tangible as it began to quaver. And then came the point of no return.
“Get away from me!”
Despite the fact one of the orderlies had admonished Friend to step away from Whumpee, they stayed put. Whumpee had confided their fear of needles to Friend and Friend knew that the potential of being forcibly sedated was riling Whumpee even more. Friend knew they had to do something to prevent the completion of some shitty self-fulfilling prophecy.
“They just want to help,” Friend reminded Whumpee quietly. They put a hand on Whumpee’s shoulder and
Pain exploded in Friend’s nose. It sent a shockwave through their skull, and blood spurted down over their lips and chin, and onto their white shirt. Their hands shot to their nose and they groaned. They felt arms leading them away from the impending fight and they allowed it. The only thing they were aware of beyond their pain was Whumpee’s growing panic.
Friend kept their head tilted back, but they kept their watering eyes and their dizzied focus on Whumpee. Friend couldn’t see the needle, but they knew the doctor must have been holding one. Whumpee backed up until the back of their legs bumped the couch. Whumpee ran forward. They were caught, then dragged backward and down.
Friend watched Whumpee buck and shout hysterically as the orderlies held them, and the doctor came closer with the sedative.
I’m sorry, Friend thought as Whumpee let out a hoarse, broken sound like a trapped animal.
Friend felt anger well within them when, after Whumpee’s struggle began to cease, they heard an orderly’s attempt at comfort.
“There, not so bad, huh?”
Friend’s shift ended and they made their way to Whumpee’s room. When they heard the commotion coming from that direction, they sped the rest of the way, but the shock of what they found halted them. Whumpee was bleeding from their hand, the evidence of which dappled the bed and floor. A streak of it also stood out on the wall. Whumpee stood, surrounded by three orderlies and a nurse, with their back flat against the wall. Friend followed Whumpee’s wide gaze to the hypodermic the nurse held in their hand as they and the orderlies advanced on them.
Mystery solved.
Whumpee had been scared to death of needles since they were kids.
”Whumpee?” Friend said. Whumpee looked at Friend, then immediately back to the people around them. Whumpee sank down and cowered. Friend felt a pang in their heart at the way Whumpee’s lower lip trembled and the way their breathing hitched. This had to stop. Now. Friend brushed past the orderlies and stood between them and Whumpee.
“Just back off a minute,” they asked their colleagues. They did their best to keep a protective growl out of their voice “Give them some space?”
They did as they were asked and Friend crouched so they were eye-level with Whumpee.
“Pulled out your IV, huh?”
Whumpee’s eyes flitted over the figures a short distance behind Friend before settling on them. They swallowed hard and nodded as they let their gaze drift down to the ground.
“I just...I- they -they-”
“Woah, woah, woah, it’s okay, Whumpee,” Friend said. Their heart went out to Whumpee. They hated to see their friend’s face so flushed with embarrassment and agitation. “Another nightmare? The needle?”
Whumpee gave another nod and pulled in a shaky breath.
“I don’t want that,” they said. “I can be calm. I’m calm. Please.”
Whumpee looked up at Friend with tired eyes. The fear remained, but Whumpee was lucid.
“Okay,” Friend said. They gave Whumpee a soft smile and extended a hand. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
After staring at their hand for a moment, Whumpee accepted it.
Friend forced themself to look Whumpee in the eye when men on either side of Whumpee took them roughly by the arms. Whumpee didn’t struggle, didn’t flinch; they looked at Friend in a way that made their stomach twist in guilt.
“You know what they did to me,” Whumpee said. Their voice was barely above a whisper but a part of Friend wished they’d screamed at them.
“I didn’t know how else to help you,” Friend said as they dropped their gaze and hoped that on some level, Whumpee could understand. Friend didn’t dare hope for forgiveness. Because they did know. “I’m sorry.”
“We’ll take good care of them,” Whumper said as they entered the room.
Whumpee lunged forward, but the men holding them seemed prepared for the ferocity of the motion. Unfazed by Whumpee’s outburst, Whumper greeted them as though they were a long lost friend and Whumpee cursed and strained to get loose. It was more energy than Friend had seen them use in the past week.
“Don’t suppose you’re going to come with us willingly? Let us fix you?” Whumper asked as they looked appraisingly at Whumpee and produced a small black case.
“Go fuck yourself,” Whumpee spat.
Whumper shrugged and unzipped the case. They withdrew a loaded syringe and removed the cap before holding it up. Friend’s heart sank further when Whumpee’s eyes grew huge and their rage and defiance disappeared.
“What is that?” Whumpee asked. They tried to take a step backward, but was held in place.
“Something to make you a little more docile,” Whumper said as a grin bloomed on their face and they took another step forward.
Whumpee tried to pull back again, but to no avail.
“Oh, yeah. You’ve got a thing about needles, huh? Can’t say I blame you.”
Whumpee eyed the needle and began to slump in the grips of the men restraining them. Whumper stepped to within arm’s reach of Whumpee.
“Stop,” Whumpee breathed. “Just stop and I’ll...I’ll come with you.”
Whumper moved the syringe back and forth as though they were mulling over Whumpee’s words, but they clucked their tongue and shook their head.
“You have no idea how much your little stunt cost us. So you are coming back, but you’re going to be doped out of your mind. I’m not taking any chances.”  
Whumpee began to panic and Friend would have given anything to comfort them. They could only watch as Whumpee broke down and begged and weakly tried to squirm away. Fear and whatever ailment had been dogging them took their toll. Whumper’s men pinned Whumpee to the ground with ease
“Nononononono,” Whumpee chanted as they fought. “Please!”
Whumpee cried out when Whumper stuck the needle into them.
“I’m sorry, Whumpee,” Friend said as Whumpee’s eyes glazed over and their body went still. “I’m so sorry.”
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secretleeblogging · 4 years
Subtle Hints
Fandom: Haikyuu!
Pairing: KageHina
Words: 1,032
A/N: Hello!!! This is my squealing Santa fic for @skribblz !! I had so much fun writing this fic so I hope that you like it! Also, a massive thank you to @ticklygiggles for hosting this event this year! Enjoy!
Hinata started it off slow. He didn’t want Kageyama to notice it right away this time - usually he was very good at working out when he was up to something. Not this time, though. Hinata wanted to drag this out as long as possible.
There was no underlying reason as to why he started this. Deep down, he knew part of it was because he adored Kageyama’s laughter so, especially the kind that was quick and surprised and breathy. Even deeper down, past the point of the will to admit it, he wanted Kageyama to retaliate, but that wasn’t the active focus of his motivation.
The first time, he made it seem like an accident. A soft brush against his neck when playing with his hair while Kageyama worked, that resulted in goosepimples rising on the taller male’s skin, and a soft gasp to leave his lips. Hinata pretended not to notice, and, believing in it, Kageyama was relieved.
The second time, his approach was much more blatantly purposeful, but the intention behind it could have been interpreted in different ways. Hinata nudged Kageyama between the ribs, right on the spot that made him squeal, to get his attention. Kageyama did squeal, and Hinata’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Are you alright?” Hinata asked, feigning innocence, and his act continued to fool a now very flustered Kageyama, who merely nodded and mumbled something about making him jump.
The third time, Kageyama knew something was up. Hinata was poking his sides in passing, and Kageyama was starting to get a little frustrated. It was getting increasingly difficult for him to keep back his giggles now, and with each sly poke, it became all the more obvious that these passing pokes were intentional.
It wasn’t until Hinata finally crept up behind him and tasered his sides to make him jump that he snapped.
“Alright, what the hell is up with you today?” Asked a grumpy Kageyama. “I’m trying to work, and all you’re doing is- is- is tickling me!” He complained, though his voice wobbled a little as he said the word.
“I have been doing no such thing!” Proclaimed a rather offended looking Hinata, but there was that little twinkle of mischief in his eye that only Kageyama would recognise.
Kageyama noticed it, and his previously held grumpiness faded. “You want attention, don’t you?” He asked in a much softer tone that rather surprised Hinata.
“W-What are you-?”
“You only bother me when I’m working when you want my attention,” continued Tobio as he stood up from his chair and began to walk towards Hinata, who was now backing up onto their bed and shuffling into the corner. “So, what is it? Do you want kisses? Cuddles?”
Stunned at his detective work, Hinata stuttered. “U-uh-”
“Tickles?” Continued Tobio, and smirked at the way Hinata froze up and flushed.
“N-no!” Hinata exclaimed, blushing considerably now he had been caught totally in the act.
“Go on,” Kageyama said, “poke me again. I dare you.”
Now, as flustered as Hinata was, he was never one to back down from a challenge. So, without hesitation, he reached up to poke the other in the ribs, right on that same spot from before. But, barely before his finger had grazed even the fabric of his shirt, his wrist was caught and pinned above his own head. “That’s it!”
Given no time to protest, Shoyo was thrown into a fit of hysterical giggles as Kageyama clawed away at his ribs. “Nohohoho!!!! Plehehehehase- wahahait!” He begged, but to no avail.
“No. This is what you get for distracting me from my work, you little shit!” Kageyama responded, a playful tone laced within his words as his hand crawled higher until it was right under his arm. The shriek he got in response was enough to encourage him to continue.
“NonoNONO-! KAGEYAHAHAMAAAHA!!! PLEHEHASE!!!” Hinata began begging, but now the tickle monster within Tobio had been released, he knew there would be no mercy.
Kageyama’s finger circled, like a coin in a spiral wishing well, moving round and round, edging closer to that centre point before dipping in and beginning to dig right there. The amount of squirming the smaller boy was doing was making it hard for Kageyama to keep him pinned, and the screams of laughter were deafening. “PLEEAAAHEAHEASE!!!!!!! THE NEHEHEHEIGHBOURS-!!!!! THEHEHEHY’LL- AHAhAHAA-!!!!”
His pleas were interrupted by Kageyama blowing a loud raspberry right on the centre of his stomach. He hadn’t even noticed that, with all his squirming, his shirt had risen up to expose the soft flesh of his tummy. The timing seemed almost intentional.
“They’ll what? Think I’m killing you?” Responded Kageyama in that oh so snarky tone.
“-oh please. The worst they’ll do is file a noise complaint,” spoke Kageyama, sounding almost so sarcastic that it came across bored.
This back and forth banter continued for another five minutes until Hinata was red faced and breathless and had been reduced to mere silent laughter and snorts.Taking this as his cue to stop, Tobio finally backed off, releasing his arm from his hold and laying down beside him.
There was a brief moment of silence where Hinata caught his breath and Kageyama pulled the red-head closer.
“You know…” Kageyama begun, sounding a lot shyer now when he spoke, “it’s… really cute how much you like it..”
Flushing again, Hinata scowled. “I-I don’t like it!” He tried, but Tobio just raised a brow.
“Oh come on. How stupid do you think I am?” He said, trying to sound frustrated and failing. “I only pinned one of your arms and with the other you made no attempt to fight me back or even push me away. You never said stop, and you know for a fact that you brought this upon yourself.”
For a moment, he scoffed. “Tickling me while I work. Your hints aren’t exactly subtle, are they Hinata?”
At a loss for words, he just scowled. “Shut it!!! Y-you like it too!!” He claimed, and now Kageyama was the one blushing and stuttering.
“I do not-!”
More wrestling ensued, and the neighbours were stuck with a further half an hour of joy-filled laughter.
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yoonsshadow · 3 years
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⇰ summary ; There’s a storm coming. Literally. And some idiot is standing outside singing Christmas carols.
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⇰ pairing ; yoongi x fem!reader
⇰ genres ; strangers to friends to lovers[?], snowstorm!au, romance, fast burn [?]
⇰ themes ; fluff, a bit of crack
⇰ warnings ; talk of a natural disaster [blizzard], lots of banter, brief talk of male genitalia [balls lol], a bunch of sweetness
⇰ word count ; 1.8k
⇰ note ; Happy holidays everybody!! I hope that you all have a safe and happy day, no matter what you are celebrating. [Also this is largely unedited.] xx
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It doesn’t always snow on Christmas Eve. Sometimes, when the sky feels selfish, it will open its clouds and welcome through the sunlight, especially harsh against the previous snowfall that is melting on the ground. What was once a white wonderland, snowflakes clustered together in a fine powder, becomes a muddy expanse of grass, dampened by the flowing tears of the melted icicles.
The magic of Christmas, so often associated with the pure white sheen of snowfall, is gone within hours of a clear sky.
But not today.
Today, the sky is selfish in a very distinctly opposite way.
“Temperatures will be reaching a record-low tonight, and snowfall is expected to only get heavier. With the possibility of a blizzard on the way, citizens are urged to stay indoors tonight.”
“Aish.” Licking droplets of mulled wine from your lips, you sigh at the latest news update. Just yesterday, you had been complaining of the warmth in the air, expecting yet another disappointment out of Christmas Eve. The universe seems to have answered your pessimism with a natural disaster.
Thankfully, you are one of the many lucky ones with a roof over your head tonight. The townhouse is small by standard means, but it feels so big to you. Though it may be cosy, it holds everything that is important to you, every memory that you have collected over your life, every momentum that has ever brought you joy. It is an extension of yourself, of your innermost being, and now it even protects you from the howling wind that you can hear picking up outside.
As you sit in front of your roaring fireplace, wrapped in blankets and listening to the Michael Bublé christmas album play on your scratchy record player, you think that maybe this is serenity; this feeling of calm, of contentment, when chaos surrounds you.
A harsh knock at your front door breaks through the sound of the wind.
At first, you think that maybe it was a trick of the mind, or perhaps a branch hitting a window, but the rapid knock-knock-knock against the wood is far too deliberate to be a mistake. Plus, when it’s followed by several more⎯⎯less patient⎯⎯knocks, you know that someone is here. At your house. At ten o’clock at night, as a blizzard is brewing.
It takes a moment to detangle yourself from your comfortable cocoon of blankets, but you eventually shuffle to the door as quickly as your cold toes [the things just never seem to be warm] will allow. You’re expecting an emergency official telling you to evacuate, or a neighbour asking to borrow supplies.
You don’t expect a shivering, disgruntled man reluctantly singing ‘Oh Christmas Tree’.
“Your boughs so green in summertime...stay bravely green in wintertime...O tannenbaum, O Christmas Tree...How lovely are thy branches…”
“Are you seriously carolling right now?”
The man stops his ‘singing’ to glare at you, as if you’ve just interrupted the most important performance of his life. “Hey, either let me finish the song or let me move on. It’s fucking cold out here.”
“No, but like, why are you singing at all? Didn’t you see the news?” The chill of the wind is biting at you even through all of your layers, so you don’t know how he’s surviving right now.
The man sighs, the air fogging in front of his face. “Look, lady, I lost a bet, okay? I gotta sing these carols, and I’m not backing out just because it feels like my internal organs are shutting down. So, what’ll it be? I can take song requests, if you’re feeling spicy.”
It takes you barely a moment to make your decision. “Option C. Come here.”
And you all but drag him into your house.
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“Y’know, this could be considered kidnapping,” the stranger says as he slides out of his soaked jacket and toes off his boots. Despite his words, he doesn’t seem at all reluctant to be within your warm abode. “You could at least take me to dinner before inviting me in.’
His voice sounds harsh, mean even, but for some reason you aren’t intimidated by him. Maybe it’s the way his nose shines pink from the cold.
“Well,” you say, already gathering some towels for him, “it seems as though you haven’t watched the news in the last three hours. There’s a blizzard on the way, buddy, and you looked about halfway to frozen already. I thought that I would save the neighbours the trauma of digging your body out of the snow.”
“How considerate.”
“What’s your name, by the way? Since I’m extending my home and hospitality to you. I’m Y/N.”
“Yoongi. Also, you barely extended anything. More like forced. But, I’m a kind man, so I’ll let you believe that you’re being selfless. It is Christmas, after all.”
“And a merry Christmas to you too, mister Yoongi.”
“Ugh. Don’t call me mister.”
“Whatever. You should go take a shower to warm up, I should have some of my dad’s clothes for you to wear. I also have a shit-tonne of blankets and a big pot of mulled wine, so whenever you’re done just come downstairs and sit by the fire. And don’t steal anything. Or piss on the carpets.”
“Oddly specific, but okay. Thanks, generous kidnapper.”
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Yoongi takes nearly an hour before he re-emerges from upstairs, to the point where you wonder if he’s actually pissing in your carpets. He looks clean, though, and flushed with warmth. And absolutely adorable in the ugly, oversized Christmas sweater that you laid out for him.
“This is fucking horrendous.”
A snort escapes you at his blunt statement, watching as he sinks into an armchair opposite you. His hair is sticking out from where he’s hastily dried it. “Thank you. My dad is the reigning champion in his workplace ugly sweater competition. He takes immense pride in inducing nausea. Want some wine?”
When you pass him a mug, the liquid steaming and aromatic, he seems to pause, hesitation in the grip of his fingers. You give him the time he needs to arrange his words.
“I guess, um...thank you. For bringing me inside.” Yoongi isn’t meeting your eyes, but the tips of his ears are turning pink. “I was probably too stubborn to realise how bad it was and...I don’t know, it could’ve ended up really bad. So. Thanks.”
“Hey.” His eyes flicker up, briefly, but enough to see the bashfulness hiding behind all that sarcasm. “It’s seriously fine, but you’ve got to make a habit out of taking care of yourself. I’ve known you for two hours and even I can tell that you don’t take yourself very seriously. Hell, I could’ve been a serial killer, and you still just walked into my house.”
“I could’ve been a serial killer as well, hypocrite.”
“Killer Caroller does have a certain ring to it,” you admit. He’s deflecting, but you accept the divergence easily. “So, mister serial killer-”
“Don’t call me mister.”
“-Why don’t you tell me about yourself? There’s a chance that you’ll be here for a little while, so we may as well become acquainted.”
Taking a lingering sip from his mug, Yoongi keeps his eyes trained on the fire before him. “My name is Yoongi, I’m a Pisces, and I enjoy long walks on the beach.”
“I was born in Daegu.”
“Makes sense.”
“I’m a music producer.”
Yoongi rolls his eyes, though they hold more mirth than annoyance. “Oh, and what about you, miss charity? Tell me about yourself.”
Biting back a chuckle, you reposition yourself in the armchair to face him better. “Well, my name is Y/N, and I have never been to a beach.”
“That’s sad.”
“I take self-defense classes.”
“And I’m a social worker.”
“Very fitting.”
The quick banter between the two of you pulls a smile across your face before you can tamp it down, but it seems like Yoongi is fighting one of his own.
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Somehow, you have both converged to your larger couch, huddled together in a wine-drunk, giggly mess.
“No, I seriously would’ve won! But then he totally caught me off guard. I was sabotaged.”
Yoongi’s recounting of the story of how he lost his bet is nothing short of hysterical. “This Jeongguk guy sounds like a menace,” you say, throwing your legs over his lap. “I mean, who swings their balls in a friend’s face just to distract them? That’s just low.”
“Right?!” His voice is so loud, but your little bubble is barely disturbed. “And they were all hairy, too. I swear that I found a pube in my hoodie.”
This sets you off, for some reason, and your chest erupts in light giggles. Yoongi has only told you a few stories about his six male friends, and it has filled you with a kind of joy that you don’t remember ever feeling.
“It’s just...I bet that women aren’t this immature with each other. Am I right?”
You hum. “Sort of, but also not really. A friend of mine once stole my diva cup just because she was mad at me for using her hair brush. I tried to explain that it was an accident, but man was she pissed.”
Yoongi pauses. “What’s a diva cup?”
Blinking at the man that you’re draped across, you bring a hand up to pat his soft cheek. “Oh, honey,” you whisper, offering a small smile.
Slowly but suddenly, his hand comes up to cover yours, keeping it on his face. Your heart skips a beat, but you don’t notice.
“You’re really nice,” he says. His pupils are blown from drinking, and maybe from your faces being so close. Your cheeks are flushed for the same reasons. “And totally not a serial killer.”
“I’m still undecided about you,” you joke, breathing out a laugh. “But I do know that you’re pretty nice, too. And not as bad of a guest as I thought you might be.”
“Is it-” Yoongi cuts himself off, takes a slow breath as he closes his eyes. When he opens them again, he seems determined, if a little nervous. “Is it weird if I say that I enjoy spending time with you? And would, maybe, want to spend more time with you in the future?”
A lazy grin stretches your cheeks as you tuck yourself a little closer to him. It’s peculiar, maybe, that you’ve just met a man that you feel you’ve known your whole life. Curious, perhaps, that conversation with him feels more natural than with most people you know.
But weird?
No, you don’t think so.
“No. Not weird.” You lean forward a bit, shyly; wait for him to maybe do the same. “You do owe me the rest of a Christmas carol, after all.
He does lean forward, just a bit, and just as shy.
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shih-coulda-had-it · 3 years
37. NanaHiko, please
37. “Because I love you goddammit!”
Consider this my sourdough starter for a Nanahiko Die Hard AU. If it ever comes into a fully-realized oneshot spectacular, well. Maybe for Christmas. Anyways, this is, believe or not, a break-up scene.
Fighting with Sorahiko is never pretty.
To clarify, Nana doesn’t mean physical fighting. They’ve honed that particular aspect of their partnership to near-perfection (always room for improvement), and when Nana has extricated herself from a fight, sometimes she has enough time to watch Sorahiko work his brutally efficient magic on loose ends.
That kind of fighting is pretty from a professional point of view.
Anyway, what Nana means is—having an argument with Sorahiko. It’s not the first time they’ve engaged in a war of cold shoulders and barbed words, digging up old insults and humiliating stories, resolved to leave reconciliation to the other party.
Nana has always thought it boded well that it never took a mortal injury to get either her or Sorahiko to apologize. 
She is, however, very close to inflicting a mortal injury.
Sorahiko also looks close to committing partner-cide. They are spending a break from patrol by cooling their heels on a rooftop no employee bothers to spend a cigarette break at, and for the past ten minutes, have been politely exchanging words like, “Please do this,” and, “Fuck doing that.”
A full month has passed since Nana digested the whole conspiracy theory about a supervillain controlling Japan’s underground. En’s transferral of One for All had been traumatic for all parties involved, even if Sorahiko didn’t have to witness the horror that was the shoulder socket gushing blood and the half-buried body. Why? Because the first time Nana tested out her new Quirk, she had broken her notoriously hardy partner’s arm.
… It’s been a scary month all around.
“I’m not,” her partner grits out, “going to just quit being a pro-hero.”
“I didn’t say you should ditch the license,” Nana says reasonably.
“You might as well have!”
She rolls her eyes. “Splitting up for a solo career would probably mean better pay for you,” she reiterates. “Better pay, more taiyaki. You’d be a treat by yourself, Gran Torino. Any high-profile agency would want you on the payroll.”
“The salary isn’t the point,” Sorahiko snaps. 
“And you shouldn’t conflate your position as a pro-hero with your position at the Eyrie! Don’t let the agency limit your ambitions!”
“What ambitions?”
“You know,” says Nana, gesturing aimlessly. She’s trapped herself with that useless encouragement. Sorahiko is so thoroughly unambitious, he would let a pet rock win an election to Prime Minister. “Whatever made you get into heroics.”
He stares at her.
“Get out there,” she adds. “Chase your dreams.”
“You’re being stupid,” he says.
“Don’t start.”
Sorahiko starts. His mouth twists into a snarl, eyebrows drawing together under the mask, frustration creeping into his posture. He is madder than she’s ever seen him, and Nana once witnessed Sorahiko yell bloody murder at his landlord. The landlord had been reduced to tears, and furthermore, had reduced the rent for the entire complex.
Nana does not intend to yield.
“First you inherit a transferable strength Quirk that knocks you out of commission for a week,” he says, “then you get all weird about tanking hits you know I can take, and now you’re advising I leave the Eyrie by myself? For my own good?”
“Yes,” she says, already feeling miserable.
“Are you on some kind of power trip?”
His gloved hands curl into fists, mirroring Nana’s, or maybe she is mirroring him. Another side-effect of being friends for so long; she can’t imagine what kind of pro-hero she is without Gran Torino next to her. 
A pro-hero that won’t drag their best friend into the worst conspiracy theory to come true. 
“I won’t quit until you do,” Sorahiko swears. “Are we partners or not?”
“Partnerships dissolve.”
He flinches back for once. “You don’t mean that.”
“People sometimes grow in different ways. It doesn’t mean they’re abandoning their partner, it’s just… You don’t have any obligation to hold my hand for my entire career. If there’s a roadblock ahead, and you see it, you should be able to jump out of the car, right?” 
“Shimura. Shut up.”
“I really mean it,” Nana continues doggedly. “One for All attracts way more attention than we agreed we should aim for, so if we split paths now, you don’t have to suffer all the cameras tracking and recording your moveset. Did I say cameras? I meant henchmen of some evil bastard. You didn’t sign up for this.”
“Don’t tell me what I did or didn’t sign up for,” he hisses.
“Well, I have to guess,” she says, “considering I never saw your origin story, haha!”
His face goes a blotchy pink, starting with his ears. Sorahiko’s jaw visibly clenches. Nana, however, is one-hundred percent serious. Despite being friends with Sorahiko from primary school up till now (excusing the few years of junior high), Nana still has no idea what drives Sorahiko to be Gran Torino.
Reuniting in Class 1-A of U.A. High had felt a bit like fate. 
“You have to guess?” he grits out, sounding slightly incredulous.
“You’re a very private person. Ah, don’t tell me I’ve somehow forgot it.” Nana puts her hands at her hips, trying to drag this fight back into friendly banter. “Not for the applause. Not for the legacy, assuming the Commission ever gets their memorial site set up. Are you sure it wasn’t for the money?”
“C’mon,” she says coaxingly. “What’s the dream-goal, Gran Torino? Why heroics?”
“Don’t worry about harming my feelings! Oh! It’s for your namesake, huh? Ah, Sorahiko, you really gotta let that one go, I don’t think you’d have any fun driving around these streets. You’ll just scare all the pedestrians into throwing tomatoes at your precious baby—”
“Because I love you goddammit!” Sorahiko shouts, barking it loud enough to frighten some voyeuristic pigeons. 
“What,” Nana says. She has to process his words even though they ring in her ears. His confession is a curse. Typical Sorahiko, Nana thinks hysterically, except this is not typical at all. Torino Sorahiko, admitting to love? 
Torino Sorahiko, not being done yet, rails on. “Because you’re my best friend, and I like myself when I’m with you, so stop trying to cut me out of your life! If you—if you hate me, then just say it! Say I’m annoying! Clingy! Useless! Don’t just tell me to step out the front door and leave you behind!”
Oh, he’s properly mad now.
Thing is, Nana’s mad too.
“Don’t you use that against me,” she says, fury seeping in, because how dare he? Like confessing to loving her settles this argument, some deus ex-machina device that will defuse Nana’s very sincere attempt to prevent Sorahiko from being murdered. She can’t believe the nerve of her partner, trying to manipulate the part of her that’s a hopeless romantic. “Don’t lie.”
“Lie?” Sorahiko echoes, enraged. “You think—?”
“I think you would do a lot of things to win a fight,” Nana seethes.
“You’re impossible.”
She wants to punch his stupid face so badly, but Sorahiko’s hands are already scrabbling at his domino mask, ripping it off. After blinking several times to reorient his senses, he refocuses his glare at her.
“What part of that confession sounded fake?” he demands, crumpling the black silk-composite in one fist.
“The timing. The whole concept. Everything!”
“You don’t think I’m capable of it?”
“I didn’t say that,” Nana objects, but her immediate gut reaction had been to say, I’m not worthy of it. She has a name for Gran Torino’s behavior now—his loyalty, devotion, affection—he tied himself to her so long ago, and Nana never even knew she was holding a leash. How unfair to him, how stupid and shortsighted of her.
Sorahiko takes a step into Nana’s personal bubble. He persists. “Say you hate me.”
She can see where Sorahiko wants to take this.
“Do you hate me, Shimura?”
Nana bites her tongue from its reflexive denial; when she tries to lie, it sticks in her throat.
“Do you really want me to go?” Sorahiko asks, and without his mask, he looks vulnerable. Pale brown eyes catching the sunset, gleaming gold. How much of Sorahiko’s life has been deferring his dreams to follow hers? What has he given up that Nana’s never asked about? Does he have any commitments outside of heroics? 
“I think,” Nana finally forces out, “we need some time apart.”
One beat of silence. Two.
“You’re not joking.”
Sorahiko breathes, a steady and barely audible sound, and Nana finds herself mirroring it. She crosses her arms and looks to the horizon. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Sorahiko slowly uncrumpling his mask, smoothing out wrinkles with his forefinger and thumb. Methodical for a nervous tic.
“It’s not that you’ve done something wrong.”
“Spare me the bullshit,” he says. The bitter tone sends a chill through Nana’s heart, but she steels herself. “How long?”
“Long as we need,” she deflects.
“What’s the goal here?”
Nana glances at Gran Torino, notes the grim set of his expression, and restrains herself from poking at the down-turned twist to his frown. Instead, she says, “You said you like who you are when you’re with me. I don’t think you’ve ever really been without me, so… Figure yourself out, Gran Torino.”
“And Sky High?”
“We’ll shelve the idea for a later time,” says Nana weakly, as though running an agency together hasn’t been their—her?—dream since high school.
He grunts in acknowledgment.
Together, they survey the cityscape. They will finish the day’s patrol. Gran Torino will, for the first time, clock out early and storm home.
And Nana will quietly file her two-week notice.
There’s an international pro-hero exchange program being organized with the United States, and Nana intends to join. The probation period is a year; if Nana can make it through that, then she can apply to be a mentor to aspiring pro-heroes, all the while cultivating One for All on the side.
(She doesn’t mean to forget the confession. But then again, who knows if that’s really what Sorahiko felt for her?)
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oneletteredwondered · 4 years
Wanna fight? Gunna smooch about it? Coward?
Prinxiety make out fic
Happy birthday @just-call-me-the-intrusive-thot !
It’s nearly midnight when they start fighting. 
Virgil had been on the couch just messing on his phone for the past few hours, had actually passed out at one point, but woke up at such a time that allowed him no hope of actually going to bed proper. He remained lounging on the couch even after most of the others went to sleep or hibernate or whatever. All except Roman who looks a little worse for wear as he trudges over, most likely overworking himself again, and plops himself right on the open cushion next to Virgil.
A silent wave of his hand and a pad of paper and multicolored pens appear next to Roman as he begins to draw the night away, too many thoughts in his head to fall asleep. Virgil enjoys the silent company for what it is, both doing their own thing without the threat of having to do anything.
They remain like that for an hour or so, every so often glancing at each other just to see if they are still there or awake. Sometimes Virgil will show Roman a random meme that earns him an exhaled puff of laughter, but it’s during one of those random glances that Virgil catches sight of what Roman is drawing so diligently in his sketchbook.
“What are you doing?” He asks with a single raised eyebrow. Roman jumps and stares at him as if not remembering that Virgil could speak.
“Drawing of course!” Roman boasts, awkwardly angling his sketchbook away from Virgil’s prying eyes. Virgil levels him with a deadpan look and quick as can be lurches forward and pulls the book from Roman’s hand. Roman screeches and lunges after him but Virgil is lankier and manages to hold the book away from his grabby hands.
His eyes didn’t deceive him. Roman is drawing kissing. 
To be fair, the sketches are rather good, sloppy in their speed but it makes them feel more emotional in a way with how some of the figures curl around each other.
“Something on your mind Princey?” Virgil teases and relinquishes the book back to it’s proper owner. Roman lets out a very undignified huff and snatches his book to his chest.
“As if it’s any of your misery business,” Roman starts, pauses, and then wails, “But YES.”
Virgil snorts into his hand as Roman throws himself across the arm of the couch, hand to his forehead dramatically.
“It has been ages since my last kiss conquest and I am loathing the time,” He recites as if he practiced the line in the mirror, which Virgil would almost bet money on that he has. He rolls his eyes and kicks Roman lightly.
“I would hardly call it a conquest,” He says with a smirk. Roman mock glares at him and sets aside his sketchbook with another huff, then, like a mature adult, sticks his tongue out at Virgil. Virgil kicks him again just a little harder.
“Besides,” He says with an air of innocence that quickly turns sour. “You’re probably not even that good.” The reaction is instant, Roman’s jaw drops and he lets out an outright offended gasp.
“You need a nap!” Roman chides him and Virgil snickers behind his phone at the reaction. Roman looks positively bristled, arms crossed over his chest.
“I'm a good kisser,” Roman mumbles to himself but Virgil hears it all the same.
“Sure you are,” He taunts. Roman puffs up his cheeks.
“I’m better than you!” He shouts and points an accusatory finger at Virgil. Virgil sneers playfully and smacks the hand away, sitting up a little more from his lazy position. Maybe if they had this conversation years ago, Virgil would be worried about arguing with Roman about anything, but he can see the threat of a smile on Roman's face and knows it’s fine to banter back.
“You doubt me?” Roman asks him then, a hand to his chest to feign distress.
“Hell yeah I do!” Virgil says back right away to goad him. Roman gasps loudly. 
“Fiend! As if you're any better!”
“Better than you!” Virgil echoes Roman’s previous words.
“Is that a challenge!”
“Fucking bring it Princey I'll kick your ass at kissing."
“I will beat you with all of my love!” Roman says back and he's on the edge of bursting into laughter just as Virgil is.
“You wanna fight about it? Gunna smooch me? Coward?”
They've steadily been getting closer and closer to each other, inching bit by bit on the couch until their knees touch, and though he was literally just egging Roman on, the quick kiss catches Virgil entirely off guard. It’s firm, a press of lips just to be there, and Roman pulls back nearly just as quick, both of them wide eyed.
Roman looks just as stunned as if he also didn't expect for him to do that. In the sudden silence Virgil can feel his heart pound hard in his ears. They stare at each other and then Virgil lets out a hysterical giggle he'd be embarrassed to make if Roman didn't make the same noise.
“I uh,” Roman starts but he's smiling. Virgil can feel something wild and fizzy in his chest, sort of like anxiety but more excited.
“Got caught up in the moment?” Roman asks as a way of explanation, giving a sheepish smile. Virgil snorts and turns his head down to hide the bewildered expression on his face, that slowly slips away as he wonders if he should say something, and then if he's waited too long to say something, and then if it's now awkward because he hasn't. He looks over to Roman who is just smiling to himself like a loon, and Virgil talks without thinking.
“It wasn't that good,” He says teasingly with a small smirk and the spark in Roman’s eyes tells him that Roman doesn't take it badly.
“Oh really?” Roman says challengingly, angling back into Virgil's space. Virgil shrugs and leans closer to him, gripping his hoodie to hide his shaking hands.
“I mean, you could do better,” Virgil says, trying to go for casual even if his heart is beating like crazy. He bites the inside of his lip and wonders if he looks as hopeful as he feels. Roman smirks something wicked at him.
“In that case-” and Virgil freezes as Roman puts a hand on his shoulder to push him into the back of the couch so he sits right. He barely registers what's happening when a leg swings over both of his, and Roman is settling on his lap proper. One hand goes to his cheek that warms him to his toes and an arm is thrown over his shoulder to draw him in.
Virgil is a little more prepared for the kiss this time, able to see Roman grin at him before he closes the gap between them. He closes his eyes and allows Roman to press him into the cushion behind him. His hands go to rest on the top of Roman’s legs simply to keep balance, feeling the warmth of Roman through his pants. He lets out a soft sigh into the kiss.
Their lips move together, slowly at first, testing the waters of each other. Gentle and easy, letting the initial nervousness melt away as they get more used to each other. Virgil finds himself relaxing into the couch at the touch.
Then Roman lifts himself a tiny bit and the hand on Virgil's cheek angles his head up to be able to kiss him deeper, lips moving with more urgency. Virgil follows along, heart feeling like it may burst in his chest as he digs his hands harder into Roman's legs. A hand curls into his hair and tugs just enough to send a thrill down his spine.
Roman sighs into the kiss, perhaps a little whiny, and presses into him more and Virgil snaps his hands up to Roman’s back and drags him down to bring them flush together. They can’t very well get much closer but they’re still going to try with the way Roman’s arms circle over his shoulders. Virgil grips at his shirt in return, wanting more but not knowing where to start because he wants to start everywhere.
He lets out a small groan when Roman ventures to poke at his lips with his tongue, asking if that's a more they can do. Virgil would be a fool to deny him in this moment, so he kisses harder, widening his mouth just that little bit that Roman needs to press their tongues together, groaning again when Roman goes right to sucking on it.
Virgil keeps pace with him, licking into Roman’s mouth just as much as his hands wander up and down the Prince’s back, feeling him move and arc into the touch while Roman focuses on stealing his breath away. Hands hold his face to keep him close, not that Virgil would want to go anywhere else. 
He's buzzing inside, feeling like he can run miles with the amount of passion Roman is pouring into him, continuing to press him into the couch. His chest lurches when Roman moans softly and he grips Roman's shirt like a lifeline to keep them both grounded.
It’s then Virgil notices the slight back and forth of Roman’s hips on his lap, almost unconsciously. Virgil trails his hands lower to rest on his waist, feeling the motion, then grabs Roman and guides him into a full rock.
“Shit,” Roman breaks away to curse breathlessly, face red and looking down at Virgil in a daze. Virgil knows he’s not fairing much better despite any possible foundation he wore. He gives a lopsided smile that is returned before Roman leans in for another kiss.
He feels Roman move to push him down into the cushions, but adrenaline kicks in and Virgil shoves off the back, shooting up from his semi slouched position and meets Roman over half way to the kiss, clashing their lips together and pressing their chests flush. Roman lets out a squeak that spurs Virgil further. He angles Roman back, causing both of them to latch their arms around each other so Roman doesn't fall. Roman’s hands are burning on his back where they are splayed out, twisting the fabric of his hoodie, and he can feel Roman's thighs squeeze around his.
There's no more nerves as they kiss, no trepidation or caution. They kiss more openly, allowing tongues to push against each other. Virgil gets Roman to let out a low groan when he sucks on his tongue boldly, the noise once more sending a thrill down his spine. He pulls Roman impossibly closer and moves their kiss towards heady. Virgil feels so alive.
Roman responds eagerly, tugging at Virgil's hair happily and moving his hips back and forth with renewed purpose, finally managing to sit up a bit more so he's not in danger of toppling. He tilts Virgil's head to deepen the kiss and Virgil whimpers. 
They can barely keep still, hands moving all over wherever they can reach. It's almost a jarring pause when Virgil drags Roman’s bottom lip between his teeth and pulls back tantalizingly slow. He feels Roman shudder under his hands and nips just that much harder at his lip in response.
They are both panting, lips red with the amount of force they put behind their kisses. Virgil can feel his heart so hard against his ribs he wonders if Roman can feel it too.
Roman swallows hard and Virgil zeros in on the way his throat bobs at the motion.
“Well?” Roman asks breathlessly. Virgil blinks at him trying to get the daze out his head.
“Well what?” He says smartly. Roman smirks infuriatingly, which he shouldn't be able to pull off with his face as red as it is.
“Was that better? You gunna admit I'm a better kisser?” He teases. Virgil snorts and playfully tosses Roman, causing him to stumble off his lap and into the seat next to him.
“You wish,” He says and lets out a very dignified noise of his own when Roman takes the fall to his advantage, grabbing Virgil by his jacket to haul him over and on top of him. Virgil lands with a huff, hands braced on either side of Roman’s head, eyes wide and worried that he might've hurt Roman in his fall. Roman grins cheekily at him though so Virgil glares with no anger at him and slots their legs together comfortably. Once settled Roman fists his jacket to yank him into another burning kiss.
Virgil presses him into the cushions now, one hand going to trail Roman’s side, feeling the muscle there as Roman breathes heavily and arcs into the touch, his other hand remains by Roman's head to keep steady. He grunts when Roman bites his lip, potentially in revenge, and Roman uses the surprise to his advantage, slipping his tongue into Virgil's mouth and maneuvering in such a way that if Virgil was any less proud, would have made him melt, and it partially does, letting himself fall to his elbow by Roman's head.
Two can play that game and he puts a hand on Roman’s hip right where his thigh meets the juncture, and presses him down with a roll of his hips. In the harsh gasp Roman let's out, he curls them tighter, moving his lips more passionately.
Roman throws his head back to breathe but Virgil doesn't care much for it, dipping his head to latch onto Roman’s neck. He pulls skin between his teeth and sucks hard. Roman lets out a whine and writhes under him, gripping at his shoulders and jerking his hips up for friction. Virgil presses down to give it to him and laps at the skin he’s captured.
“Shit Virgil, shit,” Roman manages to say and Virgil smirks into his neck, a thrill going through him at the reaction, and moves up to kiss hard at Roman's pulse point. He groans as Roman pulls his hair and pops off when tugged harder. Roman looks properly disheveled with his eyes hooded and the look he gives fills Virgil with wanting.
They crash their lips together again, arms circling around each other to bring the other as tight as they can. Whatever focus they had before is gone as their mouths move with each other, lips working seamlessly and little flicks on tongue spurring them on for more. It’s Virgil this time who eventually tilts his head to be able to lick into Roman’s mouth more so, whining when Roman sucks at his tongue with no reservation.
They shift their legs as best they can, Virgil bracing himself on his knees as Roman lifts his free leg over Virgil’s back to squeeze him down. With his body partially supported on Roman, Virgil's hands begin to wander. Down Roman’s sides where he can reach, then low across his back feeling some of the heated exposed skin there from where Roman's shirt rid up in their shifting that causes Roman to sigh deeply, and lower still across his rear and his thighs. Virgil grips it tight and bites Roman’s lip.
They're both panting when they pull apart, hips rolling gently just to feel some kind of friction that Virgil can feel the tingles of all along his spine. He dips once he feels less light headed, going to the other side of Roman’s neck and kissing at the skin closer to his jaw, Roman lets his head fall to give him access, digging at his shoulders to keep him there.
Virgil licks at the skin, nipping softly, teasingly, then sucking the skin in and biting down to hold it. Roman once again arcs into him, throwing his arms over Virgil's back and using his leg as leverage to rub at Virgil’s body where he can’t reach. Then the leg caught between Virgil's lifts until it can't anymore, giving Virgil some pressure he didn't have before. He rocks forward and bites harder, Roman giving a small shout at the action.
Virgil releases the now marked skin and moves quickly to kiss him and swallow the noise down. Roman grips and tugs at his clothes harder now, more desperate, kissing more harshly. There’s an ache and their lips will be swollen after this and neither can find the will to care. Not with Virgil's hands on Roman’s stomach warm and firm and Roman’s legs keeping them wrapped up. The pull apart and Roman’s chest heaves with the amount of air he’s taking in.
“You good?” Virgil croaks out cause he has to make sure. He's answered with a bright grin and another kiss that steals his breath away. Roman slows the pace, making their kisses more languid than heated. Carefully Virgil shifts his legs out so he's not kneeling but more so laying on top of Roman with his full weight. 
He’s worried about being heavy but Roman lets out a content sound so he stays there, he slides his hands around to spread across Roman’s back, not gripping any more but keeping him close, the hands now in his hair are not tugging but holding him gently. Even with the pace change it still makes Vigil warm inside.
He moves his lips with Roman’s letting him take the lead of the kiss this time around, and sighing himself when Roman gently brushes their tongues together. The hands in his hair move down his spine to rest on his waist. When they part again, Virgil drops to smush his face into Roman's chest, feeling him breath against his cheek.
“So now how is it?” Roman asks once he's regained energy to talk but still a little winded. Virgil still has enough energy to be a little shit.
“Mmm, I don't know," He lazily lifts to his knees and elbows to smirk at the incredulous expression on Roman's face. "Come back Thursday to try again.” He says. Roman stares dumbly at him and looks at the clock on the wall with a glare.
“That's in seven minutes!” He whisper hisses. Virgil just shrugs from his awkward, but very comfy, position.
“Guess you'll have to wait,” He lets out an exaggerated sigh. Roman growls and throws his arms up.
“Screw Thursday!” He yells and swings his arms over Virgil to haul him back in for another kiss. And Virgil would kiss him back but he’s laughing too hard.
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fanfictin · 3 years
Liz flicks through the Clone Wars for interactions between favourite disaster dad/brother and anger child and also maybe his ‘snippy?’ padawan
“Anakin, where are you?” said in the most long-suffering voice as obiwan holos anakin and ahsoka in their ship not following orders
“I hope you know what you’re doing, anakin” “Well, if I don’t, I won’t be around to hear the I told you so” “That’s reassuring...”
Subtly has never been one of your strong points, Anakin.
Everything I know, I learned from you, Master.
(why does obiwan keep saluting every time he runs from grevious)
You know we have GUNS. You can shoot back ANY TIME. -Anakin
(anakin still calling obiwan Master gives me life)
(also disaster gang really do call each other by Snips and Skyguy, huh)
“Still here, Anakin? When was the last time you slept?” (FUCK yes,, my favourite trope) [...] “Since then, he vanished.” “Well, unlike you, maybe he’s getting some much-needed rest” (the SASS. the CARE.)
“Suicide is not the jedi way, Master” asgfgdhkslfhsdalafl out of context that’s hysterical
(anyway none of these episodes are connected i have no idea what the fuck is happening or just happened at any point)
FINALLY some hurt/comfort. the classic “I’ve got a bad feeling about this” and blackout. nice.
awwwww ahsoshka trying to cheer up anakin and anakin just “you can’t replace r2″ i mean he’s right
Ahsoka has a green saber!! bless. love that.
Rex IS calling Ahsoka ‘Sir’. love it.
“Where’s R2 when i need him” awww ani
okay Grevious’ bodyguards are WAY harder to kill than that,, do you know how many times i have done that level in lego starwars,, I--
“Besides, R2 is more than a droid. He’s a friend.” 0,.0
ObiWan and Anakin their typical -anakin from the ceiling- anakin: oh it’s you obiwan: This is how you thank me for rescuing you? and THEN-- How am I supposed to become a jedi master if I’m getting caught all the time At least you’re a master of getting caught HYSTERICAL
it’s just Them on a mission. much love. i’m crey. they work so well together. “Why do I even try” that’s the obi wan exasperated abt his padawan that i know and love. crey.
rock fall!! oh they’re fine. okay well the banter is pretty good and brief panic. 
Anakin, when I tell you to run, Run. Master! You’re alive! And where is your lightsaber? It got knocked out of my hand. By a rock? Yeah. By a rock. You know what would be helpful? A little light. Certainly. -obiwans lightsaber doesn’t work- Silly thing. It was working just a minute ago. You don’t suppose it was hit... by a rock, do you? -obiwan dramatically points a finger and is abt to give his padawan a piece of his mind-
Anaking running away while Obwan is chill,, perfect. ObiWan helps at just the right time. they use the force together to put it down. PERFEDCT.
They get poison gassed and ahsoka rescues them and they just say it was fine I LOVE IT OH MY GOSH DISASTER TRIO
oh my gosh they knew the drinks were poisoned or whatever and switched them and they look so SMUG abt it--
okay write it down, 1-11 absolute favourite 
okay never mind, they were drugged and wake up together caught. typical.
obiwan holding anger anakin back from yelling at count dooku. amazing.
“Do control your protege’s insolence so I can concentrate” “Anakin.” “WHAT” “Control your insolence. The count is concentrating” THE SASS
oh my gosh a very unusual trio. Dooku just like “I would kill you both rn if i didn’t have to drag your bodies” not bc they’re his enemies but bc of the banter and sass
getting electrocuted then immediately breaking each others bonds and fighting back. yes.
heck yes. anakin saving everyone and getting hurt himself? ahsoka going back for him? fuck yes. my shit.
so anakin does get hurt. badly. and WHY did i not find this on tumblr?? also,, ahsoka calling him anakin when he’s unconscious? fuck yes.
“I’ve certainly perfected the art of demolishing ships and getting my master killed” oh ahsoka you did so well dear one. she loves her master so much.
Rex does call ahsoka ‘kid’. i love.
the weak person just abt waking up and trying to get up bc danger and the one watching over him being worried and defending him? another favourite trope.
ooooo a straight up continuation. nice. anakin “you’re still too injured to move” oh the drama
an injury CONTINUING to impeded a character afterwards?? whoa. anakin rlly is the chosen one.
oooo stealth mission, this is exactly how i play a stealth thing like this!
snow time. pls let anakin complain abt the snow. someone get cold. pls. that’s all i ask. but either way, it’s anakin and obiwan mission time together again!
summary: that guy was dumb and i’m glad he died
anakin smashing several windows to get to obiwan in another tower. yes.
“How did YOU get over here” “I improvised”
“You seem a bit on edge” [...] “So yes, I’m a bit on edge!! Why aren’t you?” “I’m better at hiding it.” eyyyy
disaster gang stop a virus and they’re all fine. ..good for them.. i gues.. just kidding, i love them
obiwan trying to calm anakin down abt padme and ahsoka but also knowing that anakin is rlly worried
“You just destroyed 17 defenseless battle driods without suffering a scratch” “18 actually”
“It was a trap Snips. It wasn’t your fault.” “Take heart, little one. That’s the reality of command” oh anakin you’re almost a good master
anakin gave his lightsaber to padme as a joke and now he’s trying to fight eithout it lol
he got shocked out and caught lol and padme is like hm can i show affection for an unconscious jedi without ppl thihnking hes my husband
“Please Ani. Wake up” wakes up like okay anyway let’s leave
okay it’s gone midnight and i have work and uni interview tomorrow,, that’s s1
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rainbowwing251 · 3 years
Got some headcanons for Link(not young or toon)and Zelda?
I know I shouldn’t assume anything, but I’m going to guess that you are asking for headcanons for BOTW Link and ALTTP/ALBW Zelda (The Zelda in Ultimate is a combination of her design from ALTTP and ALBW. I didn’t know that until I did research on her for these headcanons). If you wanted headcanons for a different incarnation of Link or Zelda, let me know.
This may be outrageous, but I haven’t played BOTW. I haven’t played ALTTP or ALBW either, but I’ve thought about playing the former on my Switch.
Be warned, there may be spoilers for Breath of the Wild and A Link Between Worlds. If you haven’t beaten these games, you might not want to read these headcanons.
Link’s history with tickling is a bit... strange. He didn’t mind it when he was a kid (he actually kind of liked it, but he didn’t want to admit to it), but as he grew up and fought in the Second Great Calamity, he grew distant from it. He still got tickled from time to time by Zelda the other Champions (especially Mipha and Revali), but he would display discomfort every time they tickled him. He also stopped tickling others, which was especially saddening for Mipha, since he used to get into tickle fights with her.
Upon awakening in the Shrine of Resurrection 100 years later, Link was unable to recall these events. He had forgotten what tickling was, and even if he somehow knew of it, he had lost everyone who had ever tickled him in the past, with the exception of Zelda. Therefore, he couldn’t ask anyone that he knew in the past to tickle him again and see if he was still ticklish after a whole century.
Luckily, Link managed to gain two new lers as he explored the ruins of Hyrule: Sidon and Yunobo. Thanks to these two (along with Zelda), he rediscovers tickling, and he ends up liking it a bit more than he did 100 years ago. He even regained a few memories of the Champions ganging up on him after he got gained up on by Sidon, Yunobo, and Zelda enough times.
Eventually, he gained the courage to fight back and tickle those three. He can’t tickle Yunobo or Sidon for too long, since they are capable of fighting back against him, but he can tickle Zelda for a while before she gets revenge.
Long story short, Link was a lee-leaning switch until the Second Great Calamity, when he stopped enjoying it all together. When he reawakened 100 years later, he was neutral towards tickling at first, but he eventually became a true switch.
I think that all of the incarnations of Link are ticklish, but they are not on the same level of ticklishness as one another (they are also not on the same part of the lee-ler spectrum as one another). For BOTW Link, I think that he would be the second most ticklish incarnation. Toon Link takes the number one spot.
His worst spots are his ears, his knees, his sides, and his ribs. When they were alive, each of the Champions would target one of these specific spots. Revali targeted his ears, Daruk targeted his knees, Urbosa targeted his ribs, and Mipha targeted his sides. Zelda doesn’t target a specific spot when she tickles Link, but she tends to target his worst spots if she can’t get a laugh out of him for whatever reason.
He’ll fight back against you while you are tickling him, but this is only due to his defensive instincts. In reality, he doesn’t want you to stop tickling him (unless he doesn’t know you, which in that case, he will try to stop you). Every time he gets tickled, he’s reminded of just how touch-starved he actually is (though he doesn’t know why he is so touch-starved to begin with), and he ends up lying there on the ground, accepting his fate. He doesn’t understand the reasoning behind this, but tickling brings him joy, a feeling that he hasn’t felt since he last got gang tickled by the Champions (though he doesn’t remember this).
Tickling is one of the few things that can get him to say something to you. However, if you are expecting him to talk his head off while he is laughing his head off, you’re out of luck. He won’t say much of anything while you are tickling him, not because he’s laughing too hard, but because of his decision to remain silent (or at least, as silent as he can be). The only time that he will say anything that is more than one or two words in length is if he needs a break from the tickling.
Despite how happy he gets when someone tickles him, Link will occasionally feel sad once it’s all over. Why is that? Well, the sadness isn’t being caused by his desire to be tickled a little bit more (though that can be the case on some occasions). It’s an even sadder reason, and I briefly mentioned it towards the beginning of this post. Tickling can cause him to recall the long lost memories he had of the Champions and how they would tickle him silly every time they got a break from fighting the Calamity. If this happens to him, you shouldn’t try to tickle him more. He will get mad at you if you do that.
I’ve likely made this obvious, but in case you want to know who Link’s lers are in his world, they are Zelda, Daruk, Revali, Mipha, and Urbosa. Since the last four were killed in the Great Calamity, he only had Zelda when he reawakened at the Shrine of Resurrection. As he traveled across the ruins of Hyrule, he would eventually get two new lers in the form of Sidon and Yunobo.
In Smash Bros., he is the target of Zelda, Sheik, Young Link, Toon Link, Pit, and on some occasions, Dark Pit.
He may not show it in his face, but the amount of joy that Link feels when he is the ler is about the same as the amount of joy that he gets from being the lee.
When the Champions were still alive, he would tickle Mipha and Zelda as many times as he could prior to the Second Great Calamity. He was afraid of going after Urbosa and Revali, thinking that they would get pissed at him for trying to touch them without their consent. He was also afraid of going after Daruk, but only because he would tickle him back, and it would be 10x worse than all of the tickling that Link had done to him.
As the battle against Calamity Ganon raged on, he slowly forgot about tickling. Therefore, he had forgotten all of the techniques that could reduce his lee to a giggling mess. 100 years later, he had lost all of his memories, and he couldn’t remember what tickling even was anymore.
Upon learning about it again, he would eventually become curious enough to try and tickle someone. At first, he was rather confused about the whole idea, and he accidentally hurt Zelda when he tried to tickle her for the first time. However, as time went on, he got more experience with being a ler, and his skills became comparable to Mipha’s skills (Mipha was an expert tickler prior to the Second Great Calamity).
Before the Second Great Calamity (and during the early days of the battle), Link would tease those who became victims of his tickle attacks, especially Zelda and Mipha. Unfortunately, he stopped doing this as the Second Great Calamity got worse.
100 years later, and he still doesn’t tease his lees, unless they have formed a deep bond with him, and even then, there is a 99% chance that he won’t tease them. If you are lucky (or unlucky) enough to hear his teases, you will hear playful bantering. If you are trying to fight him back, or if you just had the tables turned on you, then the chances of him teasing you like this will go up.
As I mentioned before, Link’s main lees are Zelda and Mipha (when she was still alive). He’s also targeted Sidon a couple of times, but he doesn’t go after him often. Sidon always gets revenge on him, and just like Daruk 100 years ago, his tickling is 10x worse for Link than it was for him.
In Smash, his main targets are Zelda, Young Link, Toon Link, Pit, Dark Pit, and Shulk. If he’s feeling brave enough, he might go after Cloud as well (though Cloud will get revenge on him every time he tickles him).
That took a lot of time to do, but the Link headcanons are finally done! Now it’s time for Zelda!
Since the Zelda in Smash has a design that is based on two of her incarnations, I’m don’t know if she would have gone through the events of ALTTP, ALBW, or both. I don’t know how the Zelda timeline works, but I’m going to assume that ALTTP Zelda and ALBW Zelda are two different Zeldas. Considering who voices her in Smash (Ayumi Fujimura, who voiced the Zelda that appears in ALBW), I’m going to say that this Zelda has been though the events of ALBW, but not the events of ALTTP. This will be important later. Do note that this incarnation of Zelda is not the same incarnation as the one that appears in ALBW.
Just like Link, each incarnation of Zelda has a different level of ticklishness, and they all fall on a different portion of the lee-ler spectrum. For this incarnation of Zelda, she is a lee-leaning switch, and she would be the third most ticklish incarnation. ALBW Zelda would be number one, and Tetra would be number two (though she doesn’t like it when people tickle her).
She’s a bit of a squirmer when she’s being tickled, but she doesn’t fight back 99% of time. She loves to be tickled!
Her love for tickling might be a result of loneliness. She rules Hyrule all by herself, and other than Link, Impa, and the guards at Hyrule Castle, she’s barely in the presence of another person (she’s too embarassed to discuss this with anyone in her world). Therefore, she is somewhat touch-starved, much like BOTW Link is.
Her laugh is straight up heart-melting. It is super light (likely due to shyness), is 90% giggles, and might include a squeal if you get her worst spots.
Speaking of her worst spots, her worst spots are the back of her ears, her hips, and her stomach. Tickling her on her stomach may result in her falling to her knees and folding over herself while she slowly falls into hysterics. Make sure that there isn’t anything in front of her, because she might end up falling onto it. If you go for the back of her ears, she won’t fall into uncontrollable laughter, but she will fall into a fit of giggles.
Her greatest weakness is raspberries. She will squeal if you blow a raspberry on the back of her ears or her stomach.
If you are going to tickle her, she might not like it if you hold her down. She was stuck in a painting for quite some time before Link could free her, so she feels a little nervous about being held down by anyone, even if they are just trying to tickle her. If you want to hold her down, you should ask her if she would be okay with it.
The only ler she has in her world is her version of Link. In Smash, she gets a ton of new lers: Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Palutena, and BOTW Link.
Remember how I said that Zelda will not fight back 99% of the time? Well, you better hope that luck is on your side. If that 1% chance ever happens, you will learn just how devastating Zelda can be as a ler.
Her divine wisdom grants her the ability to identify a person’s weaknesses with an ungodly amount of precision, and she will use that information to her advantage. If she discovers a weakness, she will quickly exploit it. Once she is done, she will not forget about it for a very long time.
She does have a preferred method of tickling, and it is light tickling. She loves to use this against ALBW Link and BOTW Link, since they are both weak to light tickles on or behind their ears. She’ll also trace random patterns onto her lee’s skin.
To make matters worse for her lees, she will laugh along with them while she wreaks them with tickles. It doesn’t matter how contagious your laughter is, she will start laughing along with you a few seconds after you start laughing.
She is a very teasy ler, and she will use nearly every type of teasing, switching between them at random points in time (unless you show a sign of weakness towards a specific type of teasing, which in that case, she will stick with that form of teasing).
She even has the audacity to put on an innocent smile while she tickles someone. She’ll act as if what she’s doing is being done on accident, and her smile will not fade away until she is finished (or until you turn the tables on her).
Much like the list of lers from her world, Zelda’s only lee from her world is ALBW Link. In Smash, she’s targets nearly everyone, but her main lees are BOTW Link, all of the younger fighters in Smash, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, and Palutena (does this count as a tickle fight between gods, given how Zelda is a mortal incarnation of Hylia?).
God, this headcanon list was hard to do (especially the part with BOTW Link), but it’s now done!
Why did this take so long? Well, procrastination sucks. It really sucks. Don’t be like me (if you can help it).
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graysonsdarlings · 4 years
ice cream cake
notes: this is my first time writing for dick! sorry if he’s a little (or a lot) ooc. i adore him so much, so i thought i’d start writing for him. as always, feedback is appreciated!
word count: 1.7k
warnings: none
An agonizingly long mission had taken up the majority of the day. Everyone was exhausted out of their minds and had decided to call it a day as soon as they made it back. But you were still up, foot tapping the tile of the dimly lit kitchen with a small ice cream cake in front of you. A pack of candles, which were purchased before you realized they’d make the cake melt even quicker than it was already, had been lazily tossed on the counter beside it. You had snuck away from the others after the mission, running to the first store that was still open this late, purchasing one of the only cakes they had left.
Your arms laid crossed on the cool counter as a sigh left your lips. “Happy birthday to the loneliest Young Justice member,” you muttered, spoon going in to cut the confection.
“What are you doing up so late?” asked a low voice, making your head snap to the direction it came from.
“Dick?” you breathed as your eyes made out his form, trying to regain control of your quickening heartbeat. It was always hard to keep steady whenever Dick was around. One look from him made butterflies fill your stomach. Even when he always wore those stupid sunglasses, you still could feel his gaze. You gave him a once over. “I could ask you the same.”
You had been an admirer of Robin since his early days of staking out on rooftops with Batman, and began to develop a slight crush on the Boy Wonder after the two of you became a part of Young Justice. His constant flirting and banter with you didn’t help the small ache in your heart you’d get from seeing him. You always wrote off his passes at you because he was like that with almost everyone he met. It was all a part of his charm as the son of billionaire Bruce Wayne. But Dick’s blue eyes pulled you in like ocean waves. It didn’t take much for you to lose your footing and get pulled from shore.
“It’s your birthday?” he questioned, ignoring what you had said. Dick frowned when you nodded. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well we were kind of trying not to die, y’know?” you shrugged. “Not something you just bring up while you’re dodging punches. Hey Robin, I know we’re in a life or death situation right now, but hey! It’s my birthday! Yeah, a little distracting, don’t you think?” You purse your lips, looking down at the cake. “And I'm not really one for parties, especially if the attention is on me. Everyone was tired anyway, and they deserve some rest. As do you.”
“Well, you shouldn’t be spending your birthday alone,” he said, walking over to you.
“I didn’t. I was with you all.”
“Fighting criminals,” he deadpanned. “Doesn’t sound like the best thing to do on your birthday to me.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now help me eat this cake before it melts.”
He smiled, gratefully accepting the spoon you offered. The both of you quickly regretted digging in so fast, because before you knew it, your head and teeth began to ache like hell. Being superheroes and all, you and Dick have endured much worse pain, but pain was still pain.
You groaned, keeping the ice cream on your tongue to let it melt. “Shit- brain freeze.”
Dick winced as he finished his piece. You looked at each other and began giggling hysterically. Simultaneously sharing a brain freeze wasn’t all that funny, but a chorus of laughter began filling the room anyway. The two of you quickly forgot the others were still very much asleep, all too wrapped up in each other’s company. Your fit of giggles soon died down and you hoped you hadn’t woken anyone up. Most of them were heavy sleepers anyway.
“Maybe we shouldn’t eat so much at once?”
“Good idea.”
You soon fell into easy conversation and moved over the couch. The ice cream cake was eagerly devoured, in a normal fashion this time to prevent any further aches. The silverware had been long forgotten on the table as you traded childhood memories, hopes and desires, and basked in the presence of one another. There was something about Dick that made you feel safe. Nothing but him seemed to matter and all of your worries vanished in an instant when he’d flash you that smile of his, blindingly bright and oozing with charm.
It was so easy to fall for Dick Grayson.
There was a glimmer of hope that would fill you sometimes. A small wish that maybe he felt the same way about you. You noticed how his gaze would linger on you for that tiny moment longer, or when he’d smile at you lopsidedly in a way that was different from anyone else. The way that he was gazing at you now made your stomach swirl. He had pushed his sunglasses to the top of his head. His face was slightly flushed and his eyes were tired, but the warmth you felt from them was all the same. Dick wore a boyish grin. The distance between you was small, smaller than you recalled it being. You don’t remember moving closer to him. Or did he get closer to you?
A small smile tugged the corner of your lips. They were slightly chapped from when you licked the excess ice cream off of them earlier in the night. The room was silent, but there was something peaceful about the silence. Eventually, the exhaustion caught up with you. A soft yawn left your lips as your head gently laid on Dick’s shoulder. The soft material of his t-shirt coaxing you to sleep.
“Happy belated birthday, angel,” Dick whispered to your sleeping form, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple.
The sunlight shined brightly on your face, forcing you awake. You rolled over to escape its beams, pulling the covers closer to your body when a thought hit you. You don’t remember falling asleep on your bed. How did you get there? Your eyes shot open, a muffled groan escaping your lips as you realized that Dick must’ve carried you. You kept your face hidden in your pillow, praying to God you didn’t say anything in your sleep. Who knows what came out of your mouth, drowsy and most importantly, unfiltered.
A few minutes went by before you slumped up reluctantly, realizing you wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep. You rubbed your tired eyes and slowly pushed the warm blanket off of you. The cool air nipped at your skin, making you shiver. You scurried over to your dresser to grab a sweatshirt, and quickly pulled it over your head. You glanced at the clock before gazing at your reflection, taking in your eyebags and dull skin. You sighed, rubbing your face and began to brush out the knots in your hair.
The groaning of your stomach made you realize how hungry you were and you slipped out of your room to make breakfast. You were in need of caffeine as well. You didn’t run into anyone as you quietly walked to the kitchen. You figured everyone was still asleep. That or they had gone out early. But when you made it into the kitchen, you found someone.
“Good morning,” chirped Dick. “Made some breakfast. You want some?”
“Cereal?” you questioned, eyeing the bright green box of Apple Jacks in his hand. “Since when does that qualify as ‘Making breakfast’?”
“Oh shush,” he said sheepishly, running his fingers through his dark hair.
You walked over to the refrigerator to grab eggs, but it was empty. You sighed, hoping that someone will remember to get them if you don’t. After grabbing a bowl and spoon from a cabinet, you took your seat on a stool. You grabbed the box of cereal and poured it in along with your milk. “So...”
“Did we go to my room last night?”
“Oh.” Dick laughed, his cheeks beginning to turn rosy when remembering the way you unconsciously wrapped yourself around him. “No, I carried you to your room after you fell asleep. I didn’t want to leave you on the couch.”
“Thanks,” you said, chewing another spoonful of cereal. “Also… I didn't get to thank you for last night. I'm glad that it was you I got to spend my birthday with.”
Dick placed his hand over his heart for dramatic flare. “I’m honored.”
You snorted. “Shut up, you dork. I’m trying to have a nice moment with you.”
He simply smiled and gazed at you with an emotion you could only describe as adoration. “I’m glad that it was me who you got to spend your birthday with.” He paused, taking a deep breath. “I have a present for you.”
“Really? You didn’t have to.”
“Just close your eyes.”
“That’s a bit ominous, I’m not sure if I want to-“
“Okay, okay.”
You closed your eyes in anticipation, wondering what he could’ve gotten you only a mere eight hours after learning it was your birthday. You felt Dick get closer to you until you could feel the warmth of his breath. His nose brushed against yours and his lips hovered over your own. You could almost hear the gears in his head grind before finally deciding to close the distance between you. Dick’s lips are chapped, but they’re still soft like you thought they’d be. You’d be a liar if you said you’ve never imagined kissing him before.
He pulled away and you instantly missed the feeling of his touch. Your eyes fluttered open, dazed from the action. There was doubt in your mind. You still weren’t sure if that had really happened. Maybe you would wake up again and realize that it was all in your head. But you were still here with Dick looking at you with love.
“I have to admit,” you whispered breathlessly, “that was the best birthday gift I’ve ever received. Can I have another? Maybe a really early one for next year?”
He laughed. “How about you can have as many as you like whenever you want?”
“Deal,” you said, eagerly pressing your lips against his.
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